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1.0.3 release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Added support to nih-dbus-tool for passing file descriptors over D-Bus


 * Support for passing file descriptors over D-Bus added to
   nih-dbus-tool. Due to code limitations, to avoid leaking the
   file descriptor in case of error it must be the last input
   argument to any method being implemented and within your
   function you are responsible for closing it on error.

File Description Downloads
download icon libnih-1.0.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) libnih 1.0.3 62,267
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 62,267

1.0.2 release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Correct a couple of issues with the m4 macros.


        * AC_COPYRIGHT wrapper renamed to NIH_COPYRIGHT. (Bug: #519278)

        * Serial added to libnih.m4 to stop aclocal overwriting a local
          copy with an older installed copy.

        * NIH_WITH_LOCAL_LIBNIH macro added that can be used by external
          sources to add a --with-local-libnih configure argument.

File Description Downloads
download icon libnih-1.0.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) libnih 1.0.2 18,902
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18,902

1.0.1 release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Correct a couple of symbol issues with 1.0.0 that prevented Upstart using an external libnih, and prevented use on a glibc without __abort_msg


 * Add missing __nih_* symbols to the linker version script,
   otherwise software using TEST_ALLOC_FAIL cannot be compiled (like

 * The glibc __abort_msg symbol is now only linked as a weak
   reference, if your C library does not have the symbol, libnih
   will still work.

File Description Downloads
download icon libnih-1.0.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) libnih 1.0.1 676
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 676

1.0.0 release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

First upstream release.

File Description Downloads
download icon libnih-1.0.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) libnih 1.0.0 310
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 310