OpenShot Video Library | libopenshot 0.1.6

Milestone information

OpenShot Video Library | libopenshot
Jonathan Thomas
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File Description Downloads
download icon libopenshot-0.1.6.tar.gz (md5) libopenshot Source Code 50
last downloaded 4 days ago
download icon libopenshot-audio-0.1.4.tar.gz (md5) libopenshot-audio Source Code 27
last downloaded 4 days ago
Total downloads: 77

Release notes 

-New release! Bumping version to 0.1.6
-Fixing Timeline::SetJSON to use a lock, and reopen the reader if already open. This fixes an issue when trying to open another project while the current project is being accessed (i.e. during playback).
-Adding additional lock on ClearAllCache method, to prevent crash
-Fixing a data type issues with max()
-Big improvement with handling invalid video and audio timestamps, defaulting to more sane values (when huge crazy timestamps are detected). Also fixing a bug when disabling video/audio tracks on FrameMappers. Also adding additional bail-out code when stuck searching for a video/audio packet that probably doesn't exist. Added improved "checked" handling, and once 1 frame is detected as invalid, clean out any other invalid ones as well.
-Fixing unicode path issues when loading a Profile() class. Broke when using unicode home directory on Windows.


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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