Registered by Julian Lam

An organizational web interface providing student and administrative access with server-side authentication, inventory tracking, contract registration, permissions, and more. Designed to digitally manage the office where musical instruments are temporarily signed out. Originally written for McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario.

The McMaster University Cage Management System is an organizational web application encompassing all aspects of the musical instrument cage. In addition to making the life of the cage manager simpler and more efficient, the system (if allowed to be publically accessed) allows students to manage their withdrawals and contracts at home.

Given that the job of an "instrument manager" involves simultaneously dealing with unique inventory (model and serial numbers), and lending of physical assets exceeding many thousands of dollars, redundancy and repetition of information is a given without a centralised system, which breeds inefficiency and mistakes. MacCMS attempts to deal with this problem by centralising all information in a singular database, and eliminating as much redundancy as possible.

Code is hosted entirely on Launchpad - feel free to grab a copy and start hacking away!

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Julian Lam
Julian Lam

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.7

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  • MacCMS 0.7 Released! on 2010-03-30
    I am proud to announce that the final commits to version 0.7 of MacCMS have c...
  • Codebase import to Launchpad on 2010-03-16
    The entire SVN codebase for MacCMS has been imported from to Lau...