MadAnalysis 5 v1.1.6

- Many bug fixes (special thanks to Adam Alloul and Jose Ruiz).
 - Simplified LHE output added, LHCO writer at the beta level.
 - Clustering and b, c and tau (mis)ident. improved.
 - zlib updated to the most recent version.
 - New version of the expert mode.
 - Adding the photons in the reco mode.
 - New structure for the working directory.
 - Adding alpha_T in the observable lists.
 - Screen output improved.
 - Event weights included in the HEPmc reader.

Milestone information

MadAnalysis 5
Benjamin Fuks
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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download icon MadAnalysis5_v1.1.6.tar.gz (md5) MadAnalysis 5 v1.1.6 108
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Total downloads: 108

Release notes 

- Many bug fixes (special thanks to Adam Alloul and Jose Ruiz).
 - Simplified LHE output added, LHCO writer at the beta level.
 - Clustering and b, c and tau (mis)ident. improved.
 - zlib updated to the most recent version.
 - New version of the expert mode.
 - Adding the photons in the reco mode.
 - New structure for the working directory.
 - Adding alpha_T in the observable lists.
 - Screen output improved.
 - Event weights included in the HEPmc reader.
                                    - Screen output improved.
                                    - Event weights included in the HEPmc reader.


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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