GNU Mailman 2.1.19rc1

2.2 Branch Backports (released in conjunction with 2.1.19rc1)

  The following New Features and Bug Fixes have been in an "unofficial,
  never to be released" Mailman 2.2 branch for several years. Until now,
  they were never implemented on the official 2.1 branch because of their
  i18n impacts. Given that there have been a number of i18n impacting
  changes due to DMARC mitigations in the last few releases, it has been
  decided to backport these as well.

  All of these changes have been running in production on several lists
  for years without problems other than untranslated strings, so they should
  be reasonably "bug free".

  New Features

    - There is a new list attribute 'subscribe_auto_approval' which is a list
      of email addresses and regular expressions matching email addresses
      whose subscriptions are exempt from admin approval. (LP: #266609)

    - Confirmed member change of address is logged in the 'subscribe' log,
      and if admin_notify_mchanges is true, a notice is sent to the list
      owner using a new adminaddrchgack.txt template.

    - Added an 'automate' option to bin/newlist to send the notice to the
      admin without the prompt.

    - The processing of Topics regular expressions has changed. Previously the
      Topics regexp was compiled in verbose mode but not documented as such
      which caused some confusion. Also, the documentation indicated that
      topic keywords could be entered one per line, but these entries were not
      handled properly. Topics regexps are now compiled in non-verbose mode
      and multi-line entries are 'ored'. Existing Topics regexps will be
      converted when the list is updated so they will continue to work.

    - Added real name display to the web roster. (LP: #266754)

2.1.19rc1 (29-Jan-2015)

  New Features

    - There is a new list attribute dmarc_wrapped_message_text and a
      DEFAULT_DMARC_WRAPPED_MESSAGE_TEXT setting to set the default for new
      lists. This text is added to a message which is wrapped because of
      dmarc_moderation_action in a separate text/plain part that precedes the
      message/rfc822 part containing the original message. It can be used to
      provide an explanation of why the message was wrapped or similar info.

    - There is a new list attribute equivalent_domains and a
      DEFAULT_EQUIVALENT_DOMAINS setting to set the default for new lists which
      in turn defaults to the empty string. This provides a way to specify one
      or more groups of domains, e.g.,,,, which are
      considered equivalent for validating list membership for posting and
      moderation purposes.

    - There is a new WEB_HEAD_ADD setting to specify text to be added to the
      <HEAD> section of Mailman's internally generated web pages. This doesn't
      apply to pages built from templates, but in those cases, custom templates
      can be created. (LP: #1409396)

    - There is a new DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_OR_INVITE setting. Set this to Yes
      to make the default selection on the admin Mass Subscriptions page
      Invite rather than Subscribe. (LP: #1404511)

    - There is a new list attribute in the Bounce processing section.
      bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment if set to Yes will cause
      Mailman to notify the list owner on every bounce that increments a
      list member's score but doesn't result in a probe or disable. There
      is a new configuration setting setting
      for new lists. This in turn defaults to No. (LP: #1382150)

  Changed behavior

    - Mailman's log files, request.pck files and heldmsg-* files are no
      longer created world readable to protect against access by untrusted
      local users. Note that permissions on existing log files won't be
      changed so if you are concerned about this and don't rotate logs or
      have a logrotate process that creates new log files instead of letting
      Mailman create them, you will need to address that. (LP: #1327404)

  Other changes

    - The Python Powered logo image has been replaced in the misc/ directory
      in the source distribution. Depending on how you've installed these
      images, you may need to copy PythonPowered.png from the misc/ directory
      in the source or from the $prefix/icons/ installed directory to another
      location for your web server. (LP: #1408575)


    - The Romanian message catalog has been updated. (LP: #1415489)

    - The Russian templates have been updated by Danil Smirnov. (LP: #1403462)

    - The Japanese translation has been updated by SATOH Fumiyasu.
      (LP: #1402989)

    - A minor change in the French translation of a listinfo subscribe form
      message has been made. (LP: #1331194)

Milestone information

GNU Mailman
Mark Sapiro
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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30 Mark Sapiro
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
30 Fix Released

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Total downloads: 146

Release notes 

2.2 Branch Backports (released in conjunction with 2.1.19rc1)

  The following New Features and Bug Fixes have been in an "unofficial,
  never to be released" Mailman 2.2 branch for several years. Until now,
  they were never implemented on the official 2.1 branch because of their
  i18n impacts. Given that there have been a number of i18n impacting
  changes due to DMARC mitigations in the last few releases, it has been
  decided to backport these as well.

  All of these changes have been running in production on several lists
  for years without problems other than untranslated strings, so they should
  be reasonably "bug free".

  New Features

    - There is a new list attribute 'subscribe_auto_approval' which is a list
      of email addresses and regular expressions matching email addresses
      whose subscriptions are exempt from admin approval. (LP: #266609)

    - Confirmed member change of address is logged in the 'subscribe' log,
      and if admin_notify_mchanges is true, a notice is sent to the list
      owner using a new adminaddrchgack.txt template.

    - Added an 'automate' option to bin/newlist to send the notice to the
      admin without the prompt.

    - The processing of Topics regular expressions has changed. Previously the
      Topics regexp was compiled in verbose mode but not documented as such
      which caused some confusion. Also, the documentation indicated that
      topic keywords could be entered one per line, but these entries were not
      handled properly. Topics regexps are now compiled in non-verbose mode
      and multi-line entries are 'ored'. Existing Topics regexps will be
      converted when the list is updated so they will continue to work.

    - Added real name display to the web roster. (LP: #266754)

2.1.19rc1 (29-Jan-2015)

  New Features

    - There is a new list attribute dmarc_wrapped_message_text and a
      DEFAULT_DMARC_WRAPPED_MESSAGE_TEXT setting to set the default for new
      lists. This text is added to a message which is wrapped because of
      dmarc_moderation_action in a separate text/plain part that precedes the
      message/rfc822 part containing the original message. It can be used to
      provide an explanation of why the message was wrapped or similar info.

    - There is a new list attribute equivalent_domains and a
      DEFAULT_EQUIVALENT_DOMAINS setting to set the default for new lists which
      in turn defaults to the empty string. This provides a way to specify one
      or more groups of domains, e.g.,,,, which are
      considered equivalent for validating list membership for posting and
      moderation purposes.

    - There is a new WEB_HEAD_ADD setting to specify text to be added to the
      <HEAD> section of Mailman's internally generated web pages. This doesn't
      apply to pages built from templates, but in those cases, custom templates
      can be created. (LP: #1409396)

    - There is a new DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_OR_INVITE setting. Set this to Yes
      to make the default selection on the admin Mass Subscriptions page
      Invite rather than Subscribe. (LP: #1404511)

    - There is a new list attribute in the Bounce processing section.
      bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment if set to Yes will cause
      Mailman to notify the list owner on every bounce that increments a
      list member's score but doesn't result in a probe or disable. There
      is a new configuration setting setting
      for new lists. This in turn defaults to No. (LP: #1382150)

  Changed behavior

    - Mailman's log files, request.pck files and heldmsg-* files are no
      longer created world readable to protect against access by untrusted
      local users. Note that permissions on existing log files won't be
      changed so if you are concerned about this and don't rotate logs or
      have a logrotate process that creates new log files instead of letting
      Mailman create them, you will need to address that. (LP: #1327404)

  Other changes

    - The Python Powered logo image has been replaced in the misc/ directory
      in the source distribution. Depending on how you've installed these
      images, you may need to copy PythonPowered.png from the misc/ directory
      in the source or from the $prefix/icons/ installed directory to another
      location for your web server. (LP: #1408575)


    - The Romanian message catalog has been updated. (LP: #1415489)

    - The Russian templates have been updated by Danil Smirnov. (LP: #1403462)

    - The Japanese translation has been updated by SATOH Fumiyasu.
      (LP: #1402989)

    - A minor change in the French translation of a listinfo subscribe form
      message has been made. (LP: #1331194)


View the full changelog

2.2 Branch Backports (released in conjunction with 2.1.19rc1)

  The following New Features and Bug Fixes have been in an "unofficial,
  never to be released" Mailman 2.2 branch for several years. Until now,
  they were never implemented on the official 2.1 branch because of their
  i18n impacts. Given that there have been a number of i18n impacting
  changes due to DMARC mitigations in the last few releases, it has been
  decided to backport these as well.

  All of these changes have been running in production on several lists
  for years without problems other than untranslated strings, so they should
  be reasonably "bug free".

  New Features

    - There is a new list attribute 'subscribe_auto_approval' which is a list
      of email addresses and regular expressions matching email addresses
      whose subscriptions are exempt from admin approval. (LP: #266609)

    - Confirmed member change of address is logged in the 'subscribe' log,
      and if admin_notify_mchanges is true, a notice is sent to the list
      owner using a new adminaddrchgack.txt template.

    - Added an 'automate' option to bin/newlist to send the notice to the
      admin without the prompt.

    - The processing of Topics regular expressions has changed. Previously the
      Topics regexp was compiled in verbose mode but not documented as such
      which caused some confusion. Also, the documentation indicated that
      topic keywords could be entered one per line, but these entries were not
      handled properly. Topics regexps are now compiled in non-verbose mode
      and multi-line entries are 'ored'. Existing Topics regexps will be
      converted when the list is updated so they will continue to work.

    - Added real name display to the web roster. (LP: #266754)

  Bug fixes and other patches

    - Changed the response to an invalid confirmation to be more generic.
      Not all confirmations are subscription requests.

    - Changed the default nonmember_rejection_notice to be more user friendly.
      (LP: #418728)

    - Added "If you are a list member" qualification to some messages from the
      options login page. (LP: #266442)

    - Changed the 'Approve' wording in the admindbdetails.html template to
      'Accept/Approve' for better agreement with the button labels.

    - Added '(by thread)' to the previous and next message links in the
      archive to emphasize that even if you got to the message from a
      subject, date or author index, previous and next are still by thread.

2.1.19rc1 (29-Jan-2015)

  New Features

    - There is a new list attribute dmarc_wrapped_message_text and a
      DEFAULT_DMARC_WRAPPED_MESSAGE_TEXT setting to set the default for new
      lists. This text is added to a message which is wrapped because of
      dmarc_moderation_action in a separate text/plain part that precedes the
      message/rfc822 part containing the original message. It can be used to
      provide an explanation of why the message was wrapped or similar info.

    - There is a new list attribute equivalent_domains and a
      DEFAULT_EQUIVALENT_DOMAINS setting to set the default for new lists which
      in turn defaults to the empty string. This provides a way to specify one
      or more groups of domains, e.g.,,,, which are
      considered equivalent for validating list membership for posting and
      moderation purposes.

    - There is a new WEB_HEAD_ADD setting to specify text to be added to the
      <HEAD> section of Mailman's internally generated web pages. This doesn't
      apply to pages built from templates, but in those cases, custom templates
      can be created. (LP: #1409396)

    - There is a new DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_OR_INVITE setting. Set this to Yes
      to make the default selection on the admin Mass Subscriptions page
      Invite rather than Subscribe. (LP: #1404511)

    - There is a new list attribute in the Bounce processing section.
      bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment if set to Yes will cause
      Mailman to notify the list owner on every bounce that increments a
      list member's score but doesn't result in a probe or disable. There
      is a new configuration setting setting
      for new lists. This in turn defaults to No. (LP: #1382150)

  Changed behavior

    - Mailman's log files, request.pck files and heldmsg-* files are no
      longer created world readable to protect against access by untrusted
      local users. Note that permissions on existing log files won't be
      changed so if you are concerned about this and don't rotate logs or
      have a logrotate process that creates new log files instead of letting
      Mailman create them, you will need to address that. (LP: #1327404)

  Other changes

    - The Python Powered logo image has been replaced in the misc/ directory
      in the source distribution. Depending on how you've installed these
      images, you may need to copy PythonPowered.png from the misc/ directory
      in the source or from the $prefix/icons/ installed directory to another
      location for your web server. (LP: #1408575)


    - The Romanian message catalog has been updated. (LP: #1415489)

    - The Russian templates have been updated by Danil Smirnov. (LP: #1403462)

    - The Japanese translation has been updated by SATOH Fumiyasu.
      (LP: #1402989)

    - A minor change in the French translation of a listinfo subscribe form
      message has been made. (LP: #1331194)

  Bug fixes and other patches

    - Fixed a bug in bin/rmlist that would throw an exception or just fail to
      remove held message files for a list with regexp special characters in
      its name. (LP:#1414864)

    - When applying DMARC mitigations, CookHeaders now adds the original From:
      to Cc: rather than Reply-To: in some cases to make MUA 'reply' and
      'reply all' more consistent with the non-DMARC cases. (LP: #1407098)

    - The Subject: of the list welcome message wasn't always in the user's
      preferred language. Fixed. (LP: #1400988)

    - Accept email command in Subject: prefixed with Re: or similar with no
      intervening space. (LP: #1400200)

    - Fixed a UnicodeDecodeError that could occur in the web admin interface
      if 'text' valued attributes have unicode values. (LP: #1397170)

    - We now catch the NotAMemberError exception thrown if an authenticated
      unsubscribe is submitted from the user options page for a nonmember.
      (LP: #1390653)

    - Fixed an archiving bug that would cause messages with 'Subject: Re:'
      only to be indexed in the archives without a link to the message.
      (LP: #1388614)

    - The vette log entry for a message discarded by a handler now includes
      the list name and the name of the handler. (LP: #558096)

    - The options CGI now rejects all but HTTP GET and POST requests.
      (LP: #1372199)

    - A list's poster password will now be accepted on an Urgent: header.
      (LP: #1371678)

    - Fixed a bug which caused a setting of 2 for REMOVE_DKIM_HEADERS to be
      ignored. (LP: #1363278)

    - Renamed messages/sr/ to (LP: #1360616)

    - Moved the dmarc_moderation_action checks from the Moderate handler to
      the SpamDetect handler so that the Reject and Discard actions will be
      done before the message might be held by header_filter_rules, and the
      Wrap Message and Munge From actions will be done on messages held by
      header_filter_rules if the message is approved. (LP: #1334450)

    - <label> tags have been added around most check boxes and radio buttons
      and their text labels in the admin and admindb web GUI so they can be
      (de)selected by clicking the text. (LP: #266391)

    - If checking DNS for dmarc_moderation_action and DNS lookup is not
      available, log it. (LP: #1324541)

    - Handle missing From: header addresses for DMARC mitigation actions.
      (LP: #1318025)

0 blueprints and 30 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1324541 #1324541 If the dnspython package is not available and dmarc_moderation_action is not accept, nothing is logged. 3 High Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1334450 #1334450 If a message is held for header_filter_rules and subsequently approved, dmarc_moderation_action is bypassed. 3 High Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1327404 #1327404 Mailman's log files are world readable 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1363278 #1363278 REMOVE_DKIM_HEADERS value 2 not reacted to 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1372199 #1372199 in emails, unsubscribe links should not react to HTTP HEAD requests 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1388614 #1388614 archive problem when an email got not subject 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1400200 #1400200 Confirmations with Subject: Re:confirm ... aren't recognized. 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1400988 #1400988 The Subject: of the list welcome message isn't always in the users preferred language. 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1402989 #1402989 Mailman 2.1.18-1+ Japanese translation update 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1403462 #1403462 listaddr and listadmin variables have not properly substituted in invite.txt template 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1407098 #1407098 When munging From and Reply-To, add original author To Cc instead of Reply-To 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1414864 #1414864 If a list name contains regexp special characters, bin/rmlist can fail in various ways 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1415489 #1415489 translation doesn't work for the confim subscribing interface's main block 4 Medium Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
266391 #266391 difficult to use radio and check boxes in admin interface 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
266442 #266442 UNsubscribe NON-subscribers?! 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
266609 #266609 Auto Approval of subscriptions for certain domains 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
418728 #418728 bounce notification does not include reason 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
558096 #558096 more verbose "discarded" message in vette log 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
558122 #558122 Include FullName in roster views 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1318025 #1318025 The DMARC mitigatation actions do not include a Reply-To: header in rare cases. 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1331194 #1331194 French translation on main Mailman page 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1360616 #1360616 mailman: case-sensitivity issue in tarball for 2.18.1-1 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1371678 #1371678 The list poster password should be accepted in an Urgent: header. 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1379813 #1379813 Documentation error 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1390653 #1390653 If a user is unsubscribed after retrieving her options page and before submitting an unsub, an uncaught exception is thrown 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1397170 #1397170 admin CGI throws UnicodeDecodeError when certain list text attrubutes are unicodes 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1404511 #1404511 No way to change default setting to mass-invite instead of mass-subscribe in admin interface 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1408575 #1408575 Python Powered logo is an old versiom 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1409396 #1409396 It is difficult to add css or other info to Mailman's generated pages. 5 Low Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
1382150 #1382150 feature request: add option for list owner to receive copies of all bounce mail 6 Wishlist Mark Sapiro  10 Fix Released
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