Mathomatic 15.3.5

Milestone information

George Gesslein II
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last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 15

Release notes 

C code cleanup for efficiency and beauty was done. Mathematical expressions from other free CAS programs like Maxima and Axiom can now be parsed. Plotting and shell command line usage has improved. User and developer documentation has improved.


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A C code cleanup for efficiency was done, and code comments were added and improved.

11/16/10 - Allow %i, %e, and %pi to be parsed. These are the universal constants
           i, e, and pi in Maxima and Axiom. % is still the modulus operator.

11/17/10 - Allow ranges on the plot command line. Also labelled X and Y axis.
           Also allow plotting of multiple, comma separated, expressions at once.

11/23/10 - Beautified all of the makefiles.

11/27/10 - Fixed -e option to work correctly, and to not need additional options.
           The startup messages are now not displayed with this option, so it can be
           properly used for quick command-line calculations. Should be followed by
           "--" so that expressions can start with a minus sign (-). Please make the
           following bash alias to easily use this feature: alias e="mathomatic -e --"

11/28/10 - Added Python script "misc/mp". Conveniently evaluates any numeric expression
           from the shell command line like Mathomatic using the above -e option, but
           this uses the external Python library mpmath, which allows special functions.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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