MadGraph5_aMC@NLO 2.6.x "weights, weights and weights"

- introduce bias for NLO+PS sample
- re-writting of the reweighting module
- allow to define external library
- allowing mass reweighting

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Code name:
weights, weights and weights
Olivier Mattelaer
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Release notes 

2.6.5 (03/02/19)
      OM: Fix some speed issue with the generated gridpack --speed issue introduced in 2.6.1--
      OM: Fix a bug in the computation of systematics when running with Python 2.6.
      OM: import model PATH, where PATH does not exists yet, will now connect to the online db
          if the model_name is present in the online db, then the model will be installed in the specified path.
      MZ: Applgrid+aMCFast was broken for some processes (since 2.6.0), due to wrong
          information written into initial_states_map.dat. This has been fixed now
      OM: change in the gridpack. It automatically runs the (if configure in the run_card)
      OM: Fix a MLM crash occuring for p p > go go (0,1,2 j)
      OM: Fix issue for BSM model with additional colored particle where the default dynamical scale choice
          was crashing

2.6.4 (09/11/18)
      OM: add specific treatement for small width (at LO only and not for loop-induced)
          if the width is smaller than 1e-6 times the mass, a fake width (at that value) is used for the
          numerical evaluation of the matrix-element. S-channel resonances are re-scaled according to
          narrow-width approximation to return the correct total cross-section (the distribution of events
          will on the other hand follow the new width).
          The parameter '1e-6' can be changed by adding to (LO) run_card the parameter: "small_width_treatment"
      OM: add a new command "install looptools" to trigger the question that is automatically trigger
          the first time a loop computation is needed.
      RF: Fixed a bug when using TopDrawer plots for f(N)LO runs, where the combination of the plots could lead
          to completely wrong histograms/distributions in case of high-precision runs.
      OM: Fix some MLM crash for some processes (in particular BSM processes with W').
      OM: Fix a bug in the reweighting due to the new lhe format (the one avoiding some issue with py8)
      OM: Fix a behavior for negative mass, the width was set to negative in the param_card automatically
          making the Parton-shower (and other code) to crash since this does not follow the convention.
      OM: Change compiler flag to support Mojave. (22/06/18)
      OM: Fix a bug in auto-width when mass are below QCD scale.
      OM: Fix a bug for g b initial state where the mass in the lhe file was not always correctly assigned
          Note that the momentum was fine (i.e. in the file P^2 was not equal to the mention M but to the correct one)
      OM: Improvment for madspin in the mode spinmode=none
      OM: Fix a bug in MadSpin which was making MadSpin to work only in debug mode

2.6.3 (15/06/18)
      OM: When importing model, we now run one additional layer of optimisation:
           - if a vertex as two identical coupling for the same color structure then the associated lorentz
             structure are merged in a single one and the vertex is modified accordingly
      OM: When restricting a model, we also run one additional layer of optimisation
           - Opposite sign coupling are now identified and merged into a single one
           - if a vertex as two identical coupling (up to the sign) for the same color structure
             then the associated lorentz structure are merged in a single one and the
             vertex is modified accordingly
      VH+OM: changing the ALOHA naming scheme for combine routine when the function name starts to be too long.
      OM: adding a hidden parameter to the run_card (python_seed) to allow to control the randon number
          generated within python and be able to have full reproducibility of the events
      OM: Fixing some issue with the default dynamical scale choice for
            - non minimal QED sample
            - heft model when multiple radiation coming from the higgs decay/scattering
          This can also impact MLM since it use the same definition for the dynamical scale
      OM: Fix some issue for DIS scattering where the shat was wrongly defined for low energy scattering.
          Low energy scattering are not adviced since they break the factorization theorem.
          In particular the z-boost of the events are quite ill defined in that scenario.
      OM: changing the format of the param_card for NLO model to match expectation from the latest PY8
      OM: Update of MadSpin to allow special input file for the case of spinmode=none.
          With that very simple mode of decay, you can now decay hepmc file or wrongly formatted leshouches event
          (in that mode we do not have spin correlation and width effect)
      PT: in montecarlocounter.f: improved colour-flow treatment in the case gluons are twice colour-connected to each other
          new gfunction(w) to get smoothly to 0 as w -> 1. (for NLO+PS run)
      OM: Fix some issue for the new QED model (including one in the handling of complex mass scheme of such model)
      OM: Fixing an issue of the param_card out of sync when running compute-widths
      OM: Adding Qnumbers block for ghost (the latest version of py8 was crashing due to their absence)

2.6.2 (27/04/18)
      Heavy ion pdf / pdf in general:
      OM: Support for rescaling PDF to ion PDF (assuming independent hadron), this is well suited for Lead-Lead collision, p-Lead collision and fix-target
      OM: Support in for ion pdf. Possiblity to rescale only one beam (usefull to change only on PDF for fix target experiment)
      OM: Removing internal support for old type of PDF (only supported internal pdf are now cteq6 and nnpdf23)

      User Interface
      OM: introduce "update to_full" command to display all the hidden parameter.
      OM: introduce "update ion_pdf" and "update beam_pol" to add related section in the run_card.
          the polarization of the beam is set as hidden parameter instead as default parameter
      OM: improve handling of (some) run_card parameter:
            - add comment that can be displayed via "help NAME"
            - add autocompletion for some parameter
            - add direct rejection of parameter edition if not in some allowed list/range
      Bug fixes:
      OM: Fix issue with madspin introduced in 2.6.1 (failing to generate correct diagram for NLO process)
      OM: fix crash in 1>N reweighting
      RF+MZ: Fixed a problem with (f)NLO(+PS) runs in case the Born has identical QCD-charged
             particles. Cross sections were typically correct, but some distributions might
             have shown an asymmetry.
      OM: Change in LO maching for HEFT (or any model with hgg vertex) in the way to flag jet that should
          not take part in the matching/merging procedure.
      OM: Fixed a bug for loop induced in gridpack mode
      RF: Fixed a bug for ApplGrid: in rare cases the ApplGrid tables were filled twice for the same event
      OM: Fixed a bug for fixed target experiment when the energy of the beam was set to 0.
      RF: Fixed an issue where too many files were opened for fNLO runs in rare cases
      OM: Fix issue on Madevent html output where some link where broken
      OM: Fix issue for the display lorentz function (was also presenting security issue for online use)
      OM: Fix issue for spin 3/2 (one in presence of fermion flow violation and one for custom propagator)
      OM: add the value of all the widths in Auto-width in the scan summary file
      OM: For 1>N, if the user set fixed_run_scale to True, then the scale is choose accordingly
          and not following the mass of the inital state anymore
      RF: For the HwU histograms, if no gnuplot installation is found, write the gnuplot scripts in v5
          format (instead of the very old v4 format).
      OM: Change the default LO output directory structure. Now by default the lepton and neutrino are split
          in two different directory. This avoids to face problem with the assymetric cut on lepton/neutrino
      OM: loop-filter commands are now working for loop-induced processes
      OM: New method avoiding that two process are running inside the same output directory.
          This is implemented only for Gridpack and LO run so far.
          The new method should be more robust in case of crash (i.e. not wrongly trigger as before)
      OM: For LO scan, if a crash (or ctrl-c) occurs during the scan, the original param_card is now

2.6.1 (12/12/17)
      RF+MZ: It is now possible to add LO matrix elements (with [LOonly])
             to Fx-Fx merged samples. Thanks to Josh Bendavid for testing.
      OM: Re-factoring the code asking which program to use (both at LO and NLO)
          - design modular, designed for PLUGIN interactions
          - the length of the question auto adapts to the size of the shell
      OM: Allowing to have the gridpack stored on a readonly filesystem
      OM: Fix a bug in matching/merging forbiding the pdf reweighting for some processes (since 2.4.0)
      OM: Creation of online database with the name of known UFO model. If a use try to import a model
          which does not exits locally, the code will automatically check that database and download the
          associate model if it exists. You can contact us if you are the author of one model which is not
          on our database.
          The list of all available model is available by typing "display model_list"
      OM: Model with __arxiv__ attribute will display "please cite XXXX.XXXXX when using this model" when
          loaded for the first time.
      OM: A fail of importing a UFO model does not try anymore to import v4 model
      OM: Many model present in models directory have been removed, however they can still be imported
          since they are available via automatic-download
      OM: Refactoring of the gridpack functionality with an infinite loop to reach the requested number of events
      OM+RF: Adding new class of cut at LO/NLO defined via the pdg of the particle
      VH: Support for the latest version of MA5
      MZ: Adding support for lhapdf v6.2
      OM: Fixing various bug in the spinmode=onshell mode of MadSpin
      OM: Fix a bug for model with 4 fermion in presence of restrict_card
      OM: Fix aloha bug in presence of complex form-factor.
      OM: improve auto-detection and handling of slha1/slha2 input file when expecting slha2.

     New Functionalities:
      RF+OM: Added the possibility to also have a bias-function for event generation at (f)NLO(+PS)
      OM: Improve Re-WEIGHTING module
          1) creation of a single library by hyppothesis.
          2) library for new hyppothesis can be specify via the new
             options: change tree_path and change virt_path
          3) allows to re-weight with different mass in the final states (LO only)
             This forces to rewrite a new lhe file, not adding weight inside the file
             (via the command: change output 2.0)
          4) allows to run the systematics on the newly generated file (for new output file)
             (via the command change systematics True)
          5) Fix some Nan issue for NLO reweighting in presence of colinear emission
          6) various bug fixing, speed improvement,...
      OM: Add new option to SYSTEMATICS program:
           --remove_weights, --keep_weights, --start_id
           See "help systematics for more details."
      OM: Allow to specify param_card, run_card,... directly via an html link.

      Bug Fixing:
      OM: Update condor class to support CERN type of cluster (thanks Daria Satco)
      OM: Fixing a bug leading to a crash in pythia8 due to one event wrongly written when splitting the
          events for the parralelization of pythia8
      OM: Fixing an issue, leading to NAN for some of the channel of integration for complicated processes.
      OM: Fix a bug in gripack@NLO which forbids to run it when the gridpack was generated with 0 events.
      RF: Fixed bug #1694548 (problem with NLO for QCD-charged heavy vector bosons).
      RF: Another fix (adding on a fix in 2.5.5) related to FxFx merging in case there are
      RF: Fixed bug #1706072 related to wrong path with NLO gridpack mode
          diagrams with 1->3 decays.
      RF: Fixed a bug (found by SF) that gave a seriously biased resonance mass when using MadSpin for decaying a 2->1 process.
      PT: Fix in montecarlocounter.f. Previously, for NLO+PS it was reading some subleading-colour information, now all
          information passed to the MC counterterms is correctly leading colour.
      OM: Fix systematics computation for lepton collider
      OM+VH: Remove the proposition to install pjfry by default, due to many installation problem. The user can still force to
          install it, if he wants to.
      OM: Fix a problem of madspin when recomputing width for model loaded with --modelname option
      OM: Fix events writing for DIS (thanks to Sho Iwamoto)
      OM: Fix a problem of output files written .lhe.gz, even if not zipped (python2.6 only)
      OM: Fixing some issue related to the customised propagator options of UFO model

      Code Re-factorisation:
      RF: Refactor of the HwU.f fortran code. Gives more flexibility and potentially lower
          memory requirements.
      RF: Refactor of the (NLO) code related to extra weights (for PDF/scale uncertainties).
      OM: Increase modularity of the code for the support of plugin (maddm and MPI@LO)
          - Now we support the HPC plugin allowing to generate LO-gridpack on MPI machine
          - Plugin can now use the "launch" keyword


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