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0.9 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - Added INISection::GetNameSTL, a C++ string equivalent of INISection::GetName.

 - Added a custom assert macro that emits a MiniINI error with a message.

 - Rewrote tutorials to make them more readable and informative. Added links
   to API docs to the tutorials.

 - Rewrote the API documentation to make it more readable.

 - Regression testing code was completely rewritten with a more maintainable

 - Removed most of benchmarking functionality from library code and moved it to
   the benchmark program which was completely rewritten. Removed the (now
   redunant) iteration benchmark.

 - Added extra benchmarking functionality, which can be enabled on compile time
   by defining macro MINIINI_BENCH_EXTRA. This allows high precision measurement
   of run time, time spent on file I/O, allocation and file processing. This
   functionality is Linux-only, but not required for MiniINI to work. The
   benchmark program can use this functionality with the --extra option.

 - Added specific benchmark cases for very small INI files that fit to the L1
   cache and one case with an extremely large INI file.

 - All testing and benchmarking scripts were rewritten in Python 3.1 .

 - Rewrote from scratch for more detailed statistics. Also, it's
   not dependent on MiniINI anymore - it can be used to measure other programs.
   The --no-summary option was removed, and the default number of runs to
   measure run time was doubled to minimize errors.

 - Rewrote to buffer contents of generated file and write them out in
   one call - this improves speed.

 - Removed, and added new scripts and that allow comparison of
   more than two benchmarks.

 - Rewrote from scratch, adding support for MINIINI_BENCH_EXTRA and
   comparing more than two benchmark runs at once. Interface of was
   also rewritten. Tests to run (like callgrind, memcheck etc.) are now set
   through the command line instead of benchmark case INI files.

 - Added, a script that can compare multiple MiniINI
   packages. Mostly useful for version benchmarks.

 - Added, a commit script that looks for errors and prevents a commit
   if any errors are found. It also writes out code statistics of commits to a
   new file, code-stats.txt .

 - Moved static INIFile methods to a new file, inifileutil.h .

 - Allocator code was refactored.

 - Refactored logging, warning and error functionality.


 - Fixed a bug that disabled empty file warning completely.

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.9-doc.tar.lz (md5) Documentation only package in tar.lz format 353
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.9-doc.tar.gz (md5) Documentation only package in tar.gz format 389
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Documentation only package in zip format 739
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.9.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 555
last downloaded 9 days ago
download icon miniini-0.9.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 1,275
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon (md5) Source package in zip format 1,755
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe 487
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 5,553

0.8 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - Added support for iteration over INISections in an INIFile and tags in an
   INISection. Also added a tutorial on iteration.

 - Replaced strtof with a custom ParseFloat function. This leads to about 34%
   speedup when reading floats. However, this also removes support scientific
   notation. Also, only the '.' character can be used as decimal separator now,
   it doesn't depend on locale anymore.

 - Replaced strtol with a custom ParseInt function. This leads to about 7%
   speedup when reading integers and about 23% speedup when reading arrays.
   However, this also removes support for hexadecimal and octal integers. Only
   decimal integers are supported now. There is also no support for thousand
   separator characters (although, since they're ignored, spaces can be used for

 - Integer overflows (reading too large or too small integers from INI) are not
   treated as errors anymore, a warning is emitted now and the closest possible
   integer is read (i.e. minimum or maximum integer depending on the overflowing

 - Added an article on MiniINI data storage to documentation.

 - Moved static INISection methods to new file inisectionutil.h .


 - Fixed a bug in test file generation for multi value tag benchmarks.

 - Fixed a bug in the benchmark app that caused a segfault when called with no
   command line arguments.

 - Fixed a bug where MiniINI would emit a warning when the default section was
   empty (i.e. when there were no tags before the first section in an INI file).

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.8-doc.tar.lz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.lz format 44
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.8-doc.tar.gz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.gz format 45
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Documenation only package in zip format 81
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.8.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 63
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.8.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 82
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Source package in zip format 114
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe 81
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
Total downloads: 510

0.7.2 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - To use MiniINI without STL support, macro MINIINI_NO_STL now must be used
   instead of INI_NO_STL. Modified tutorial accordingly.


 - Fixed a memory leak in INISection::ArraySize()

 - Fixed conflicts with windows.h and renamed most macros.

 - Fixed a bug in documentation.

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.7.2-doc.tar.lz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.lz format 38
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.7.2-doc.tar.gz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.gz format 27
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.7.2.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 69
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon miniini-0.7.2.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 44
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe 74
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
Total downloads: 252

0.7.1 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - Removed the broken INISection operator [].

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.7.1-doc.tar.lz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.lz format 43
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.7.1-doc.tar.gz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.gz format 53
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon miniini-0.7.1.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 121
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.7.1.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 88
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe 79
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 384

0.7 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - Tags with multiple values now supported, can be read with the new
   ReadMultiXXX family of INISection methods. ',' is parsed as a separator
   between multiple values. If ReadXXX methods are called on a multi-value tag,
   the first value is read.

 - Added an array lookup operator to INISection for fast access to string

 - Wrote a set of tutorials describing all features of MiniINI.

 - Removed the STL version of INISection::ArraySize since it was redunant.

 - Better warnings

 - Various improvements in the API documentation

 - Modified internal format of ini tag storage to allow for multi value tags.

 - Refactored parsing of arrays of data.

 - Regression tester program now returns -1 if any test fails.

 - Moved to txt2tags instead of asciidoc for tutorials and README.


 - Fixed an allocator bug that caused a segfault when allocating a new block.

 - Many minor bugfixes.

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.7-doc.tar.lz (md5) Documentation only package in tar.lz format 39
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon miniini-0.7-doc.tar.gz (md5) Documenation only package in tar.gz format 28
last downloaded 46 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.7.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 118
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.7.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 36
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe 69
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 290

0.6 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - The name=value separator is now configurable (stays '=' by default) using
   the INISetSeparator() function. This also resulted in about 2% slowdown.

 - All tags before the first header are now loaded to the "[DEFAULT]" section
   (actual section name includes the '[' and ']' to make sure that it won't
   conflict with any sections in any ini file.

 - Array reallocation was refactored, resulting in cleaner code and negligible

 - Added a test for reading very long tags to tester.

 - INISetComment() and INISetSeparator() now both refuse characters already used
   in INI files (such as '[') and return success/failure bool.

 - Makefile now uses $DESTDIR to specify where to install.

 - Ascii docs are now generated as xhtml instead of html4.

 - Style of API docs was modified.


 - Fixed the bug in INIFile::LoadBuffer() that would delete the passed buffer.

 - Many minor bugfixes.

File Description Downloads
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe (is actually asciidoc source, so there are some strange characters) 83
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.6.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 115
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon miniini-0.6.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 63
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 261

0.5 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - Refactored ini file reading.

 - Refactored array reading.

 - INIFile::LoadBuffer() no longer alters contents of passed buffer.

 - Optimized some code, resulting in about 15% speedup on average, 25% speedup
   for array reading.


 - Fixed a bug in that caused problems with array reading benchmarks.

 - Fixed a few small bugs.

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.5.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 40
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.5.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 46
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe (is actually asciidoc source, so there are some strange characters) 49
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 135

0.4 release from the trunk series released

Release information


 - Implemented sorting of INISection and INIFile data along with binary search
   resulting in about 20% speedup on average, and much faster reading of large

 - Bools are now parsed as true if a value starts by t,T,y,Y or 1 and false if
   it starts by f,F,n,N or 0.
   In the past, bools were parsed as true if value was "true", "yes" or "1" and
   false if it is "false", "no" or "0".

 - Added INISection and INIFile methods taking STL strings and vectors as
   arguments. STL support can be disabled by "make no-stl" combined with
   a definition of macro INI_NO_STL before including MiniINI header.

 - Added support for loading INIFiles from user provided buffer instead from
   file directly. This allows the user to load files e.g. from archives.

 - Logging is now disabled by default. User must provide a callback using
   INILogCallback to enable logging (logging still works only in debug build)

 - Empty ini sections or files are not ignored anymore, although they issue a
   warning if found. (if logging callback is provided)

 - Improved benchmark and regression tester and updated them according to new

 - Improved benchmarking scripts: it is now possible to provide an inifile
   defining benchmarks and inputs to use, merge data from these benchmarks
   and compare such merged data from multiple runs.


 - Fixed the logging macro bug that made compilation impossible.

 - Fixed various bugs in API documentation.

 - Fixed a bug in example where <iostream> was not included even though it was

 - Fixed a few small bugs.

File Description Downloads
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe (is actually asciidoc source, so there are some strange characters) 44
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.4.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 66
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.4.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 44
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 154

0.3 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 - Added custom memory allocator resulting in about 15% speedup and about 45%
   decrease of memory usage.

 - Added benchmarking code and multiple scripts related to benchmarking.
   This is mainly usable for debugging/development and isn't very well
   documented. These scripts require python and valgrind to work.

 - Added asserts to the code to check for obvious errors in code.

 - Fixed a few small bugs.

File Description Downloads
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe (is actually asciidoc source, so there are some strange characters) 53
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon miniini-0.3.tar.lz (md5) Installable source package in tar.lz format 116
last downloaded 7 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.3.tar.gz (md5) Installable source package in tar.gz format 69
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 238

0.2 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the first MiniINI release to the public. The library is quite usable if you only need basic INI functionality and don't need to write files. API is completely documented and there is a sterp by step tutorial with example in the package.

File Description Downloads
download icon miniini-0.2.tar.lz (md5) Installable source package in tar.lz format 39
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.2.tar.gz (md5) Installable source package in tar.gz format 83
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe (is actually asciidoc source, so there are some strange characters) 59
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
Total downloads: 181