I have write a new patch for nautilus 3.4.2 (Ubuntu 12.04). This patch had the Up button and a toogle button for the location bar. The shortcut L is replaced by F12 and work in toggle mode Instructions: Make a new directory to work in, then download the nautilus source code and dependencies: Code: mkdir nautilus-mod cd nautilus-mod apt-get source nautilus sudo apt-get build-dep nautilus Then go to the nautilus source directory: cd nautilus-3.4.2 and move the nautilus-toolbar-patch.txt file to the source directory Code: mv [location of patch] . Patch the source code: Code: patch -p1 < nautilus-toolbar-patch.txt If the patch is successful, build nautilus Code: ./configure --prefix=/usr make Kill any running nautilus process, then install system-wide: Code: sudo killall -KILL nautilus sudo make install nautilus -q If you want nautilus back to its original state, do "sudo make uninstall" and reinstall nautilus with this command: Code: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus