Network Administration Visualized 4.1.1

Milestone information

Network Administration Visualized
Morten Brekkevold
Release registered:
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9 Morten Brekkevold
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9 Fix Released

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download icon nav-4.1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) NAV 4.1.1 source tarball 217
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 217

Release notes 

 Network Administration Visualized release notes

Please report bugs at . To browse
existing bug reports, go to .

If you are upgrading from versions of NAV older than 3.7, please refer to the
release notes of the in-between versions before reading any further.

Known problems

The recommended SNMP library for use with ipdevpoll is `pynetsnmp`. If you
choose to go with the original TwistedSNMP, the latest version (0.3.13)
contains a bug that manifests in table retrieval operations. Timeouts and
retries aren't handled properly, and this may cause slow or otherwise busy
devices to be bombarded with requests from NAV. The `contrib/patches`
directory contains a patch for TwistedSNMP that solves this problem. The
patch has been submitted upstream, but not yet accepted into a new release.

NAV 4.1

To see the overview of scheduled features and reported bugs on the 4.1 series
of NAV, please go to .

Dependency changes

New dependencies:

- The Python module :mod:`django-filter` >= 0.5.3
- The Python module :mod:`django-hstore` >= 0.2.4
- The PostgreSQL extension ``hstore`` - may or may not be part of your default
  PostgreSQL server installation.

Schema changes and hstore

PostgreSQL's hstore extension has been utilized to implement the new
flexible attribute feature for organization and room records.

The hstore extension has been distributed with PostgreSQL since version 9, but
will on some Linux distros be shipped in a separate package from the
PostgreSQL server package. In Debian, for example, the ``postgresql-contrib``
package must be installed to enable the extension.

The :command:`navsyncdb` command will automatically install the hstore
extension into the NAV database if missing, but the installation requires
superuser access to the database. Normally, this is only required when
initializing the database from scratch, using the :option:`-c` option.
Typically, if NAV and PostgreSQL are on the same server, :command:`navsyncdb`
is invoked as the ``postgres`` user to achieve this (otherwise, use the
:envvar:`PGHOST`, :envvar:`PGUSER`, :envvar:`PGPASSWORD` environment variables
to connect remotely as the ``postgres`` user)::

  sudo -u postgres navsyncdb


NAV 4.1 implements the first version of the Watchdog system, which is
responsible for monitoring NAV's internal affairs. This new tool can be used
to detect problems with NAV's data collection, among other things. Its primary
status matrix is also available as a widget that can be added to your front

A future planned feature is generating NAV alerts based on problems detected
by the watchdog system.


NAV 4.0 shipped with some experimental, undocumented API calls. These have
been deprecated, and new API endpoints have been written for NAV 4.1.

Although the API is still in flux, it can be used to retrieve various data
from a NAV installation. See further documentation at . We know a lot of
people are eager to integrate with NAV to utilize its data in their own
solutions, so any feedback you may have regarding the API is much appreciated
by the developers.


View the full changelog

Version 4.1.1
(released 14 Aug 2014)


  * LP#1052804 (NoReverseMatch error on multiple pages when adding IPv6 host
                with no DNS name)
  * LP#1316599 (NoReverseMatch exception when trying to load netmap)
  * LP#1333170 (Disused prefixes aren't properly deleted from the database)
  * LP#1338548 (Searching for an apparently "invalid" hostname crashes
  * LP#1339575 (Room and organization data keys cannot be added using SQL
                without first checking for NULL values)
  * LP#1340193 (NAV gets confused when re-using VLAN tags for multiple broadcast
  * LP#1340576 (Virtual status of router addresses cycles back and forth,
                causing net type to swing back and forth between lan and link)
  * LP#1355693 (Interface names not present in linkState alert messages)
  * LP#1355923 ( -t room crash)

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