Network Administration Visualized 4.3.2

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Network Administration Visualized
Morten Brekkevold
Release registered:
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13 John-Magne Bredal, 11 Morten Brekkevold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
24 Fix Released

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download icon nav-4.3.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) NAV 4.3.2 source code tarball 30
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 30

Release notes 

 Network Administration Visualized release notes

Please report bugs at . To browse
existing bug reports, go to .

If you are upgrading from versions of NAV older than 3.7, please refer to the
release notes of the in-between versions before reading any further.

Known problems

The recommended SNMP library for use with ipdevpoll is `pynetsnmp`. If you
choose to go with the original TwistedSNMP, the latest version (0.3.13)
contains a bug that manifests in table retrieval operations. Timeouts and
retries aren't handled properly, and this may cause slow or otherwise busy
devices to be bombarded with requests from NAV. The `contrib/patches`
directory contains a patch for TwistedSNMP that solves this problem. The
patch has been submitted upstream, but not yet accepted into a new release.

NAV 4.3

To see the overview of scheduled features and reported bugs on the 4.3 series
of NAV, please go to .

Dependency changes

There are none (unless you are a developer, then you should upgrade to the
latest version of pylint).

Data model changes (chassis, serial numbers, virtual devices, etc.)

The 4.3 release changes NAV's data model in a fundamental way. Previously, NAV
would equate an IP device (a Netbox) with a piece of physical hardware, a
chassis, possibly with a retrievable serial number. This has become a rather
antiquated view in modern computer networking, where multiple virtual
components can be built from a single hardware unit, or a virtual device can
be built by stacking multiple hardware units.

The old data model would require each IP Device to have a unique serial
number, and also for any module in any IP Device to have a unique serial
number among all modules in all IP Devices.

NAV no longer has these restrictions. The hierarchy of physical entities
within an IP Device are collected from the ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalTable, if
available, and all stored in the NAV database. NAV would previously only use
parts of this information.

A SNMP-less IP Device will no longer have a corresponding (physical) Device
entry, while a multi-chassis stack (like a Cisco VSS) will have all its
chassis registered in the database.

A set of Cisco VDCs defined within the same hardware unit will all present
themselves as physically identical to the hardware unit. Previously, this
would work poorly with NAV, because if its uniqueness requirement on serial

Next, we aim to write support for collecting this type of hardware information
from Juniper devices, which, as of this writing, only support proprietary MIBs
to provide this information.

Bulk import format change

Because of the changed data model, the serial number column in the IP Device
(Netbox) bulk import/dump format has been removed. If you have old dump files
that you want to bulk import into NAV 4.3's SeedDB, you must remove the serial
number field from these files first.

The new chassisState family of alerts

NAV 4.3 introduces the ``chassisState`` event type, with ``chassisDown`` and
``chassisUp`` alerts. These can be subscribed to in Alert Profiles.

In a scenario where an IP Device is a stack of multiple physical chassis, NAV
will produce ``chassisState`` events if a previously known chassis disappears
or reappears in the stack. A chassis that is removed from a stack on purpose
must be manually deleted from NAV, just as purposefully removed modules have
always needed to be.

The eventengine will further suppress ``moduleDown`` alerts for modules that
reside within a chassis that has an active ``chassisDown`` alert. Previously,
a Cisco VSS that broke down would cause NAV to report a slew of ``moduleDown``
alerts, one for each of the modules in the lost chassis.

Deleting out of service modules and chassis

When you physically remove a module to take it out of service, NAV will
produce a ``moduleDown`` alert. To remove the module from NAV's inventory, you
would previously need to go to the Device History tool and remove it from the
"Delete module" tab.

In NAV 4.3, deleting modules and (now) chassis, and their corresponding alerts
is directly available as one of the bulk actions on the status page.

Link, module and chassis status verification

As part of the ipdevpoll ``inventory`` job, the ``modules`` and ``entity``
plugins (which both collect inventory and performs status check against known
inventory) only run every 6 hours. This is not often enough to provide a
continuous status verification (and updated alerts).

In response to this, the 5-minute interval ipdevpoll ``linkcheck`` job has
been renamed to the more generic ``statuscheck``, and the ``modules`` and
``entity`` plugins now additionally run as part of this job.


View the full changelog

Version 4.3.2
(released 19 Nov 2015)


  * LP#1487436 (arnold rejects ip-addresses that ends with the number 0)
  * LP#1488003 (Alert Profiles UI does not enable multi-value select for the
                "IN" filter operator)
  * LP#1488010 (link to ipdevinfo if applicable for subjects without absolute
  * LP#1488441 (room map widget does not load map)
  * LP#1488774 (Arnold documentation should be updated and moved from wiki to
  * LP#1489843 (javascript require-libs timeout)
  * LP#1492246 (Topology of disabled interfaces may linger in some cases)
  * LP#1494190 (clicking on a shared time period in alert profiles selects all)
  * LP#1494232 (hovering a shared time period in alert profiles highlights all)
  * LP#1494233 (When exporting switch port information from a room view as CSV,
                the output contains extra spaces and newlines in the first
  * LP#1494279 (Inconsistent Servicemon checker names)
  * LP#1496396 (Service checker descriptions and service checker argument
                descriptions are not displayed to the user in SeedDB)
  * LP#1496780 (Threshold alerts are not very descriptive on the status page)
  * LP#1497970 (Add SEMI-MIB to retrieve serial number for HP 1810 switch)
  * LP#1498323 (Traps from WeatherGoose devices no longer work after rebranding
                from IT Watchdogs to Geist)
  * LP#1499343 (The wiki page describing background processes in NAV should be
                moved to Sphinx docs)
  * LP#1500423 (ipdevpoll: Transaction managed block ended with pending
  * LP#1500425 (Inventory and statuscheck jobs of ipdevpoll still can fail after
                an OS upgrade)
  * LP#1505524 (Retrieve software version for HP 1810 switch)
  * LP#1505945 (Add API endpoint for VLAN information)
  * LP#1507467 (Temperature sensor gauges as widgets)
  * LP#1513046 (LLDP neighbors with "funny" names may cause ipdevinfo
                NoReverseMatch crash)
  * LP#1516956 (Services should be considered on maintenance when their parent
                IP Device is on maintenance)
  * LP#1516972 (Maintenance status is not visible in service matrix and service

0 blueprints and 24 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1488003 #1488003 Alert Profiles UI does not enable multi-value select for the "IN" filter operator 3 High John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1494233 #1494233 When exporting switch port information from a room view as CSV, the output contains extra spaces and newlines in the first column 3 High John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1487436 #1487436 arnold rejects ip-addresses that ends with the number 0 4 Medium John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1492246 #1492246 Topology of disabled interfaces may linger in some cases 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1494279 #1494279 Inconsistent Servicemon checker names 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1496396 #1496396 Service checker descriptions and service checker argument descriptions are not displayed to the user in SeedDB 4 Medium John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1496780 #1496780 Threshold alerts are not very descriptive on the status page 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1498323 #1498323 Traps from WeatherGoose devices no longer work after rebranding from IT Watchdogs to Geist 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1500423 #1500423 ipdevpoll: Transaction managed block ended with pending COMMIT/ROLLBACK 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1500425 #1500425 Inventory and statuscheck jobs of ipdevpoll still can fail after an OS upgrade 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1505945 #1505945 Add API endpoint for VLAN information 4 Medium John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1513046 #1513046 LLDP neighbors with "funny" names may cause ipdevinfo NoReverseMatch crash 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1516956 #1516956 Services should be considered on maintenance when their parent IP Device is on maintenance 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1516972 #1516972 Maintenance status is not visible in service matrix and service lists 4 Medium Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1488441 #1488441 room map widget does not load map 5 Low John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1499343 #1499343 The wiki page describing background processes in NAV should be moved to Sphinx docs 5 Low John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1497970 #1497970 Add SEMI-MIB to retrieve serial number for HP 1810 switch 6 Wishlist Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1505524 #1505524 Retrieve software version for HP 1810 switch 6 Wishlist Morten Brekkevold  10 Fix Released
1488010 #1488010 link to ipdevinfo if applicable for subjects without absolute url 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1488774 #1488774 Arnold documentation should be updated and moved from wiki to Sphinx 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1489843 #1489843 javascript require-libs timeout 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1494190 #1494190 clicking on a shared time period in alert profiles selects all 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1494232 #1494232 hovering a shared time period in alert profiles highlights all 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
1507467 #1507467 Temperature sensor gauges as widgets 1 Undecided John-Magne Bredal  10 Fix Released
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