Registered by Alexander Sack

Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) provides a platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions. The API is used in the Mozilla client, many of Netscape/AOL/iPlanet's and other software offerings.

NSPR provides platform independence for non-GUI operating system facilities. These facilities include threads, thread synchronization, normal file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic memory management (malloc and free) and shared library linking. A good portion of the library's purpose, and perhaps the primary purpose in the Gromit environment, is to provide the underpinnings of the Java VM, more or less mapping the sys layer that Sun defines for the porting of the Java VM to various platforms. NSPR does go beyond that requirement in some areas and since it is also the platform independent layer for most of the servers produced by Netscape.

It is expected and preferred that existing code be restructured and perhaps even rewritten in order to use the NSPR API. It is not a goal to provide a platform for the porting into Netscape of externally developed code.

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Alexander Sack
Mozilla Team
Mozilla Public Licence

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