News and announcements

OAH --> HSBuild

Written for OAH Build by Haakon Sporsheim on 2010-02-17

OAH is now officially replaced by HSBuild. See

HSBuild is ready for VS2010 and will work with existing toolchains (read: vs2005 and vs2008)
First and current release of HSBuild is sort of a technology preview. I would love to get your feedback on how it is working vs how OAH did work. And how it integrates in to your existing build system.

OAH Build 0.3 Released

Written for OAH Build by Haakon Sporsheim on 2009-03-30

* Required environment variables changed.
* Support for spaces and unicode characters in input and/or output paths.
* Experimental Vala compiler support.
* Added some new modules.
* Updated all installers.

* ATK [1.24.0]
* Cairo [1.8.6]
* Clutter [0.8.4]
  * -cairo [0.8.2]
  * -gst [0.8.0]
* GLib [2.20.0]
* GStreamer [0.10.22]
  * -base [0.10.22]
  * -good [0.10.14]
  * -bad [0.10.10]
* GTK+ [2.15.0]
* liboil [0.3.15]
* libxml2 [2.7.3]
* Pango [1.22.4]
* Pixman [0.13.2]
* ZLib [1.2.3]

Updated .

OAH Build 0.1 Released

Written for OAH Build by Haakon Sporsheim on 2008-12-25

OAH Build 0.1 is now released. Se 0.1 milestone for more info.

GLib 2.19.2 for OAH build is also released.
You should first install OAHBuild-0.1.msi then oah-glib-2.19.2dev.msi.

On Vista you need to turn off UAC or run msiexec with elevated privileges manually.
 - Open a command prompt by 'run as Administrator'
 - msiexec /i OAHBuild-0.1.msi
 - msiexec /i oah-glib-2.19.2dev.msi

Updated .

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