@if "%1" equ "/?" goto usage @if "%1" equ "/help" goto usage @if "%1" equ "help" goto usage @set target=Build @set branch=trunk @set conf=Release @if [%1] neq [] set target=%1 @if [%2] neq [] set branch=%2 @if [%3] neq [] set conf=%3 :start @echo Starting OAH build: @echo Target: %target% @echo Branch: %branch% @echo Configuration: %conf% @echo. @echo Output: %OAH_BUILD_OUTPUT% @echo Pkg-Config: %PKG_CONFIG_PATH% @echo. @pause :: Add @call :msbuild [sln name] for each library @call :msbuild glib || @goto:eof @call :msbuild pixman || @goto:eof @call :msbuild zlib z || @goto:eof @call :msbuild libxml2 || @goto:eof @call :msbuild liboil || @goto:eof @call :msbuild libjpeg || @goto:eof @call :msbuild atk || @goto:eof @call :msbuild cairo Cairo cairo || @goto:eof @call :msbuild pango || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gtk+ || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gstreamer GStreamer || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-base-libs || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-base-gst || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-good-gst || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-good-sys || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-bad-gst || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-bad-sys || @goto:eof @call :msbuild gstreamer\gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-bad-sys-dshow || @goto:eof @call :msbuild clutter\clutter Clutter || @goto:eof @call :msbuild clutter\clutter-cairo clutter-cairo || @goto:eof @call :msbuild clutter\clutter-gtk clutter-gtk || @goto:eof @call :msbuild clutter\clutter-gst clutter-gst || @goto:eof @goto:eof :msbuild @if [%2] equ [] (set sln=%1) else (set sln=%2) @if [%3] equ [] (set sub=.) else (set sub=%3) @if not exist %1\%branch%\NUL set branch=trunk @if /I "%target%" equ "cleanall" ( call :clean %1\%branch%\%sub% ) else ( msbuild "%1\%branch%\%sub%\win32\oah\%sln%.sln" /t:%target% /p:Configuration=%conf% %4 || exit /B 1 ) @goto:eof :clean rm -rf %1\win32\wix\Win32 rm -rf %1\win32\oah\Win32 @goto:eof :usage @echo off echo %0 [target[ branch[ config]]] echo. echo target target to build. Build, Clean, Rebuild, CleanAll. default = Build echo branch branches to build. default = trunk echo config configuration to build. Debug, Release. default = Release