Registered by Savvas Radevic

Using this application, you can create APT-related CDs with your all-around favourite packages. The program downloads a list of packages from a file and then you can use the created .iso image offline for redistribution. It can also strip packages that are already preinstalled in a distribution.

In order to use this script you need: devscripts genisoimage apt-ftparchive
And of course: lsb_release dpkg apt aptitude sed find

How does it work? It keeps a "local" apt database of .deb packages in $HOME/.chdist/ folder. When the package downloading is done, it checks and strips packages that were preinstalled in a distribution. Finally, it creates the iso image, ready for burning or redistribution.

Want to include a package? Make sure it's famous and redistributable (or add it in the packages_custom variable and use it on your own).

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Savvas Radevic
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