Registered by Kurt Miebach

An addon for OpenERP to manage deferred customer payments.

Scenario No 1:

A customer hast to pay a purchase order. This module should make it possible to set up due date(s) for the customer to pay in a single or in several payments.

Scenario No 2:

This is an extension of No 1. The system should calculate a rate plan. For instance after entering a monthly amount the system will calculate a payment plan and also add an estimated interest sum and also additional cost (commission,fees) if desired. A written contract should be printed. The various parameters can still be changed, as long as the contract is not confirmed. After confirmation of the contract, the payments should become due in the system on the scheduled days and payment should also be handled. The interest should then be calculated as the payments from the client come in. At the end the final payment should be calculated and be printed out in a "final payment notice" for the client.


Open payment: 1050 EUR
User selects monthly payment of 400 EUR

The system adds lets say 50 EUR for interest, fees and commission and creates a plan with due dates for the 1100 EUR:

1.jan: 400 EUR
1.feb: 400 EUR
1.mar: 300 EUR

The calculation of interest is simplified in this example and will in reality be more complex, this will be refined later.

Project information

Kurt Miebach
Kurt Miebach
GNU Affero GPL v3

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