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1.0.1e-1 release from the 1.0.1e series released

Release information
Release notes:

OpenSSL 1.0.1e with CMake build system

This release features a source code release (Windows line endings!) and also pre-built binaries. The pre-built binaries are built with the mingw-w64 project's GCC 4.8.1 SJLJ toolchain. All code is plain C so there should be no real compatibility issues with other compilers - the library depends on the msvcrt.dll C-Runtime

File Description Downloads
download icon openssl-cmake-1.0.1e-win32.tar.gz (md5) OpenSSL-CMake 1.0.1e Win32 630
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon (md5) OpenSSL-CMake 1.0.1e Win32 1,247
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon openssl-cmake-1.0.1e-src.tar.gz (md5) OpenSSL-CMake 1.0.1e Source 42,732
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 44,609