News and announcements

Ouga Cécé released

Written for oprj by Étienne Deparis on 2010-08-07

Available at the top right corner. More details comming.

Ouga Icare released

Written for oprj by Étienne Deparis on 2010-04-13

The first public version of ouga is now downloadable

Updated . Read more

0.2 release planned

Written for oprj by Étienne Deparis on 2010-03-12

Because we must have deadline in any project to get motivation on it, I put an aribtrary deadline on the 23rd april. We need now to release the 0.2 version to get more visibility while working on real devel cycle.

This release will be the first stable release of the oprj project and come with a stable api in order to let third party developers create additional module without fear of viewing major incompatibilites between two commits. At the time of this release, I will create a third branch simply called "trunk" where new features will be added to the core of the project. The actual trunk will be called "0.2" branch a we will use it for bugs corrections and compatible module proposals.

Migration from svn to bzr

Written for oprj by Étienne Deparis on 2009-10-24

I was fed up by the svn hosting on codingteam so I've migrated all the repository on lauchpad.
At this time this is just for the code repository, but asap you will find there all the necessary to translate Ouga in your language.

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