P1tr is an IRC bot featuring a powerful plugin architecture. It is written in Python (using the python-
If you are interested in joining the project please visit our IRC channel (irc://irc.
* Python 2.5 or later
* Twisted (Words)
Some of its features are: multiple user levels, factoids, channel administration commands (which only work if the bot has ops), identification with NickServ, voting plugin, Launchpad plugin (shows bug information), karma, memos and much more.
Project information
- Maintainer:
- P1tr Developers
- Driver:
- P1tr Developers
- Licence:
- Simplified BSD Licence
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #821178: lpbugannounce attribute error
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Bug #322746: crashes when network connection gets lost
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Bug #229196: Wishlist: Votations should be channel independent
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Bug #227930: p1tr fails when 'wtf' executable is not in path
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Bug #216885: Strange KeyErrors when connecting to a server != Freenode
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Warn plugin
Registered -
Sympathy Rating
Registered -
Better topic modification possibilities
Registered -
Display system- and bot information
Registered -
P1tr on Google AppEngine