Percona XtraBackup moved to 2.3.2

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Percona XtraBackup moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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54 Sergei Glushchenko, 6 Tomislav Plavcic
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60 Fix Released

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New Features
Percona XtraBackup 2.3 command line syntax has been changed to follow command-line-option guidelines.

Bugs fixed
xbcloud contained password in the processlist which would allow an unprivileged user privileged access to the swift service, and more likely the entire openstack deploy for which keystone is providing the identity service. Bug fixed #1447610.

Percona XtraBackup 2.3 didn’t set wait_timeout session variable in order to prevent server to kill the connection while it is copying data files. Bug fixed #1495367.

xbcloud would fail to create a container with error: curl_easy_perform() failed: Failed sending data to the peer. Bug fixed #1500508.

In some cases streaming backup could be corrupted due to a broken pipe error, particularly if error occurred when xtrabackup copied set of tiny files (*.frm or similar), but xtrabackup would not notice it and complete successfully. Bug fixed #1452387.

xtrabackup 2.3 now adds timestamps to the STDERR output. Bug fixed #1454692.

Stream decryption would fail if the encryption options were in my.cnf configuration file because they were ignored by innobackupex. Bug fixed #1190335.

Fixed broken out-of-source tree builds in 2.3 trunk. Bug fixed #1457016.

Percona XtraBackup now supports --datadir as a command line option. Bug fixed #1042887.

0 blueprints and 60 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1399471 #1399471 XtraBackup 2.2.x crash on prepare when backing up MySQL/Percona Server 5.5.x 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1399471 #1399471 XtraBackup 2.2.x crash on prepare when backing up MySQL/Percona Server 5.5.x 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1415191 #1415191 apply log crashes - signal 11 (ib_warn_row_too_big) 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1415191 #1415191 apply log crashes - signal 11 (ib_warn_row_too_big) 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1425269 #1425269 Long-lasting backup of active databases fails with "Combined size of log files must be < 512 GB" 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1425269 #1425269 Long-lasting backup of active databases fails with "Combined size of log files must be < 512 GB" 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1460138 #1460138 xtrabackup segfaults during --prepare of certain FTS pages 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1460138 #1460138 xtrabackup segfaults during --prepare of certain FTS pages 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1461129 #1461129 Target sql_embedded should depend on GenDigestServerSource 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1461129 #1461129 Target sql_embedded should depend on GenDigestServerSource 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1464608 #1464608 Failing assertion: byte_offset % OS_MIN_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0, lsn_offset = 18446744073709551615 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1464608 #1464608 Failing assertion: byte_offset % OS_MIN_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0, lsn_offset = 18446744073709551615 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1467574 #1467574 xtrabackup should initialize current_thd 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1467574 #1467574 xtrabackup should initialize current_thd 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1495367 #1495367 xtrabackup 2.3 does not set wait_timeout session variable 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1495367 #1495367 xtrabackup 2.3 does not set wait_timeout session variable 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1497912 #1497912 Too weak condition (no < scanned_no) in log copying thread 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1497912 #1497912 Too weak condition (no < scanned_no) in log copying thread 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1500508 #1500508 xbcloud fails to create container with "error: curl_easy_perform() failed: Failed sending data to the peer" 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1500508 #1500508 xbcloud fails to create container with "error: curl_easy_perform() failed: Failed sending data to the peer" 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1505017 #1505017 False positive error "The log was not applied to the intended LSN" 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1505017 #1505017 False positive error "The log was not applied to the intended LSN" 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1242309 #1242309 xtrabackup_logfile not compressed in XtraBackup 2.1+ 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1242309 #1242309 xtrabackup_logfile not compressed in XtraBackup 2.1+ 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1368846 #1368846 xtrabackup Assertion failure with Apply log process 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1368846 #1368846 xtrabackup Assertion failure with Apply log process 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1436790 #1436790 xtrabackup should not allow to apply incremental backup on top of the backup prepared without --apply-log-only 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1436790 #1436790 xtrabackup should not allow to apply incremental backup on top of the backup prepared without --apply-log-only 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1444541 #1444541 XtraBackup 2.2.10 does not work with MariaDB 10 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1444541 #1444541 XtraBackup 2.2.10 does not work with MariaDB 10 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1449834 #1449834 innobackupex does not record binlog file and pos when GTID is enabled 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1449834 #1449834 innobackupex does not record binlog file and pos when GTID is enabled 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1452387 #1452387 xtrabackup never verifies return code of ds_close 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1452387 #1452387 xtrabackup never verifies return code of ds_close 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1454692 #1454692 xtrabackup 2.3 should add timestamps to stderr output 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1454692 #1454692 xtrabackup 2.3 should add timestamps to stderr output 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1466446 #1466446 "FLUSH TABLE" is written to the binary log 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1466446 #1466446 "FLUSH TABLE" is written to the binary log 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1466888 #1466888 RPM compilation still requires bzr 4 Medium Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1466888 #1466888 RPM compilation still requires bzr 4 Medium Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1467424 #1467424 RPM compilation with XB_VERSION_EXTRA creates a strange RPM version 4 Medium Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1467424 #1467424 RPM compilation with XB_VERSION_EXTRA creates a strange RPM version 4 Medium Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1470847 #1470847 Percona Xtrabackup: Starting LSN is bigger than ending LSN 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1470847 #1470847 Percona Xtrabackup: Starting LSN is bigger than ending LSN 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1475487 #1475487 xtrabackup handling of space id conflicts 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1475487 #1475487 xtrabackup handling of space id conflicts 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1493015 #1493015 Sporadic bug 1410339 failures in Jenkins 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1493015 #1493015 Sporadic bug 1410339 failures in Jenkins 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1505865 #1505865 Incremental backups do not work with MariaDB below 10.1.6 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1505865 #1505865 Incremental backups do not work with MariaDB below 10.1.6 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1190335 #1190335 Stream decryption fails with options in my.cnf 5 Low Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1190335 #1190335 Stream decryption fails with options in my.cnf 5 Low Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1394174 #1394174 Empty "revision id" in PXB binaries 5 Low Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1394174 #1394174 Empty "revision id" in PXB binaries 5 Low Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1457016 #1457016 Out of the source tree builds are broken in 2.3 trunk 5 Low Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1457016 #1457016 Out of the source tree builds are broken in 2.3 trunk 5 Low Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1042887 #1042887 innobackupex should understand --datadir option 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1042887 #1042887 innobackupex should understand --datadir option 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1454815 #1454815 xtrabackup prints warnings for tables, not included into partial backup 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1454815 #1454815 xtrabackup prints warnings for tables, not included into partial backup 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
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