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perlSGML is a collection of Perl programs and libraries for processing SGML or XML document type definitions and document instances.

The command-line programs included in the perlSGML distribution are dtd2html, dtddiff, dtdtree, dtdview, and stripsgml.

dtd2html generates a suite of linked HTML documents listing the components and features of each element in an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD).

dtddiff shows differences between two DTDs.

dtdtree shows the hierarchy tree (in ASCII) of SGML elements in a DTD.

dtdview is an interactive program for studying an SGML DTD.

stripsgml strips SGML markup from a file, and also attempts to translate entity references to standard ASCII characters.

The included Perl 4 libraries are and, providing a DTD parser and a simple document instance parser.

The included Perl 5 modules are:

SGML::DTD, an SGML DTD parser.

SGML::EntMan, a simple SGML entity manager, used resolve external entities into Perl filehandles.

SGML::FSI, that handles Formal System Indentifiers.

SGML::ISO8859, that contains routines for handling ISO 8859 character data for SGML related processing.

SGML::Parser is a simple SGML instance parser; it cannot parse document type declarations.

SGML::SOCat is an SGML Open Catalog. SGML::SOCat is designed to be used by an entity manager (like SGML::EntMan) for resolving external entities.

SGML::StripParser strips SGML tags from document instances and translates entity references for special characters and character references to ASCII or another character set.

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