/** * PHPDevShell is a RAD Framework aimed at developing administrative applications. * * @package PHPDevShell * @link http://www.phpdevshell.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 Jason Schoeman, All rights reserved. * @license GNU/LGPL, see readme/licensed_under_lgpl or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html * @author Jason Schoeman, Contact: titan [at] phpdevshell [dot] org. * * Copyright notice: See readme/notice * By using PHPDevShell you agree to notice and license, if you dont agree to this notice/license you are not allowed to use PHPDevShell. */ Thank you for downloading and trying PHPDevShell! To develop your own plugins please see http://phpdevshell.org/plugin_development Requirements; ------------- You need the following on your Apache server for PHPDevShell to work correctly. PHP: Greater then PHP 5.2.x is minimum from PHPDevShell V 2.5.1. PHPDevShell was developed on MySQL 5.0.x, I believe older versions above MySQL 4.1 should work fine. Apache: PHPDevShell was developed on Apache 2.x, 1.x should work fine though. Please note, documentation is not up to date, this will be done before final V3 release. Installation of PHPDevShell is extremely easy; ---------------------------------------------- (Installing PHPDevShell means that you agreed to the terms of the GNU/LGPL license.) 1. Extract the downloaded compressed file of the PHPDevShell package. 2. Create a Mysql database (Character set : UTF-8 Unicode and Collation : utf8_general_ci) note the database name, username and password. 3. Rename /config/single-site.config.php.RENAME to /config/single-site.config.php and change the settings. 4. Upload the complete PHPDevShell directory to your web server including your modified setup files. 5. Make the whole "write" and sub folders writable (if default else make custom folders writable). 6. Browse to the http://localhost/other/service.php (directory where you uploaded PHPDevShell), a Database install script will appear, complete this as the final installation step. 7. Follow instructions on database install script that loads when you open PHPDevShell in your browser... [Optional Cronjobs] ------------------- Create cronjob to run [http://[install location]/index.php?m=742061208 every 10 minutes or lower (if automated file execution is required). [Optional Cache, Gzip, Friendly URLs] ------------------------------------- If your server support mod_rewrite and mod_expires you can rename rename.htaccess to .htaccess to gain cache, gzip performance and friendly urls. PS: Remember to switch friendly urls on in the gui to make it work. [Optional Multiple Domains] --------------------------- For multiple domains working from the same directory with different databases for each package, modify multi-host.config.php.UNUSED and add configuration domains and files as required. *************************** For more detailed instructions see our documentation. Enjoy all our hard work! :)