Qalculate! Plasma Applet 0.7

The new release fixes some issues when multiple instances of the plugin are used. Support for selecting the default currency has been added and the input handling should be a lot better now.

Milestone information

Qalculate! Plasma Applet
Peter J. Mello
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download icon plasma-applet-qalculate-0.7.tar.gz (md5) Source code tagged release tarball 6
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 6

Release notes 

This release improves the input history selection significantly by showing the list of history entries instead of just cycling through them in the input text field.


View the full changelog

* Replace "approx." with ~ sign
* Make result selectable
* Better input focus handling
* Font size adjustments for long results
* Fix issues with multiple instances of the applet
* Make default currency selectable (requires libqalculate v3.3 or later)
* Add Croation translation from Vladimir Mikulic

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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