Plone 4.3

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Eric Steele
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Total downloads: 27,969

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View the full changelog

ccessControl: 3.0.2 → 3.0.6

DateTime: 3.0 → 3.0.3

zc.buildout: 1.6.3 → 1.7.1

distribute: 0.6.27 → 0.6.28

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.4 → 4.2.10

- Recipe would fail if eggs are stored in readonly cache. Don't copy
  permissions from the egg.
- Add trove classifiers to note Python version compatibility.
- Pass python flags to Zope interpreter as well. This prevents the debug
  command from exiting directly.
- Load PYTHONSTARTUP if defined when running the debug command.
- Use interpreter script instead of setting PYTHONPATH. Fixes Windows
  "the environment variable is longer than 32767 bytes" error.
- Make the zope.conf http-server optional by setting http-address to
  an empty string. Useful for configurations used under an external
  server such as a WSGI deployment.
- Added event and access log rotation capability.

plone.recipe.zeoserver: 1.2.2 → 1.2.4

- Adding ability to control output script name for repozo. Use the
  repozo-script-name option to change the script name.
- Adding ability to control output script name for zeopack. Use the
  zeopack-script-name option to change the script name.
- Fix zeopack connection handling. The previous fix to abort after a failed
  connection attempt only worked by chance and caused zeopack to exit before
  the packing finished. Now failed connections are correctly detected and
  zeopack waits until the packing is finished.

PIL: 1.1.6 → 1.1.7

experimental.cssselect: 0.1 → 0.3

lxml: 2.3.4 → 2.3.6

mailinglogger: 3.4.1 → 3.7

repoze.xmliter: 0.4 → 0.5

- Add __len__ to serializer to help WSGI servers.
- Serializer should iter the entire string in one go.

simplejson: 2.1.6 → 2.5.2

Plone: 4.3a1 → 4.3

- Release Plone 4.3
- Release Plone 4.3b2
- Release Plone 4.3b1
- Release Plone 4.3a2

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.1.8 → 2.1.12

- Fix missing references on copy of (old-style) Collection path
  criterion and relatedItems on stock content using the schema
  flag keepReferencesOnCopy. Refs:
- Fix deprecated import from Archetypes: use atapi instead of public
- change string ownership to creators as it makes more sense
- Make sure ATTopic.queryCatalog cannot be published. This fixes
- Silence false security warning during startup complaining about
- Notify modified when an image is transformed
  through transform image tab.
  This updates modification date and refresh Etag.
- add @@download view for IFileContent
- Implement ISyndicatable for folder and topic in 4.3

Products.Archetypes: 1.8.3 → 1.8.7

- Ignore missing file and blob uploads during content_type validation
- Before validating the field, make sure you actually have the field
  objects for the type
- Fix issue #7556 ( by adding
  validation of uploaded blobs by checking the allowable_content_types
  attribute of a field
- Provide fix for issue #9774 (
  change import target and update order params in install_uidcatalog
  from setuphandlers has different order params
- Provide sane defaults for minute_step, which is an integer
  everywhere else.
- Fix when using archetypes.schemaextender. the keyword widget call to
  field.getAccessor return None, so to let integrator do sth we
  need to said index name is equal to field name.
- Don't fail if contenttype can not be acquired (eg PFG)
- Translate selection values in base_view, fix #7627 (
- Add missing security declarations on the UIDResolver class.
- Sanitize input to go_back script. This fixes
- Disallow downloading files via the at_download script if the user does not
  have the field's read_permission. This addresses a security vulnerability
  discussed at
- Add minute_step to CalendarWidget so we can define another minute step than
  hardcoded 5 for now
- If form tabbing is allowed, make sure we can still track the current fieldset
  if form submission returns to the edit form.
- Fix inline validation for items in the portal_factory.
- Change used event to update metadata during copy&paste fixes #13326 and makes
  1.8.5 compatible with LinguaPlone again.
- Add support for non-KSS-based inline validation.
- Fixed some problems with IntDisplayList.
- Update object creation date on paste; closes .
- Import getBrain from Products.ZSQLMethods and declare dependency for Zope
  trunk compatibility.
- Always add alt to image when shown in file widget

Products.CMFDiffTool: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- Merge Rafael Oliveira's (@rafaelbco) Dexterity support from

Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI: 4.0.3 → 4.0.4

- Add cmf.ModifyViewTemplate zcml permission for "Modify view template"

Products.CMFEditions: 2.2.5 → 2.2.8

- Fix modifier check that made AT assumptions about Dexterity
- Remove hard dependency on Archetypes.
- put back the history legend for compare/diff versions, fixes #9371
- Site administrators do revisioning
- Update IPossibleSite import to zope.component.

Products.CMFFormController: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3

- Use obj.__parent__ instead of obj getParentNode() for Zope trunk
- Don't use list as default parameter value.

Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 1.5.7 → 1.5.9

- Fixed handling of "update security" option.
- Fixed updating Role Mappings only in current folder.
- Added 'CMFPlacefulWorkflow: Manage workflow policies' permission.
  ManageWorkflowPolicies is no longer 'Manage portal', it's now assigned to
  'CMFPlacefulWorkflow: Manage workflow policies'.
- Fixed add workflow policy template (via ZMI).
- Fixed descriptions under for sections
  "For this folder" and "Below this folder".
- Added "update security" as an option field on local configuration management
  form, as in most cases updating catalog role mappings can be a very long
  operation and is better to be made as a separate upgrade step.

Products.CMFPlone: 4.3a1 → 4.3

- Fix attribute values in selector expressions of mark_special_links.js.
- Add indexer for location so metadata is included in catalog
- Fix rss 2.0 not providing actual link
- Prevent js inline validation call to /at_validate_field for .blurrable
  inputs that do not have AT field data validation attributes. This
  avoids cluttering the error logs with useless at_validate_field
  errors for fields that just happen to have .blurrable class.
- Test for #7627 (
- removing plone_ecmascript/ since its not working and
  since its not being ran by out test suite.
- Call searchUsers with the 'name' argument instead of 'login'.
  'name' is the officially supported way according to the PAS interface.
- Changes to dependencies when creating a new site (plone-final) to fix
- Generate valid atom feeds
- Fix quoted atom.xml feed syndication content type to "html".
- Add various security fixes based on PloneHotfix20121106.
- Fix RegistrationTool testPasswordValidity method. See
- Fix form_tabbing.js so it stays on the same fieldset when an Archetypes
  edit form is submitted and returns to itself.
- Use the 'OFS.ObjectManager.bad_id' pattern in 'PloneTool.BAD_CHARS'.
  This allows names containing '@' to pass 'check_id'.
- Pass minute_step to date_components_support_view.result(). See
- Improve error handling on paste action. If it is a real error, the
  error gets shown and logged.
- Fix sitemap rendering. No longer uses from
  the plone_deprecated skin, but a browser view template with much
  simplified logic.
- Revealed hidden features for sorting folders (#11317).
- Don't swallow exceptins on object_paste and folder_paste (#9365).
- Use prefixed ids for popup overlays
- Fix compatible hide fieldset legend for IE6/7/8 in form_tabbing.js
- Add an animated indicator of AJAX loading via Javascript.
  It is now called #ajax-spinner and is no longer added in main_template.
- Remove Plone's dependency on KSS. is now an optional add-on.
  Functionality that used to be provided using KSS has been reimplemented.
  [esteele, vangheem, cah190, davisagli]
- Do not block right-side portlets in Members folder on site creation.
  This fixes
- Fix prefs_install_product_readme so files with non-ascii characters are
  rendered. This fixes
- Fix StringIO module security so it can still be imported from restricted
  code in Zope 2.13.17+.
- Filter out non existing types in getUserFriendlyTypes.
  This avoids an error on the search form when a no longer existing
  portal_type is still in the catalog.
- Declare Plone's dependency on Pillow.
- Merge syndication plip 12908
- Add body class depth registry field
- Check if an item is locked before attempting to delete. Refs #11188
- We can safely move the MAX_TITLE to 50 and even move up MAX_DESCRIPTION 150 refs #11321
- Remove inline styles, they do nothing, add class so someone can style it when they like refs #12438
- Show forget password when entering wrong credentials refs #12463
- Remove h3 to make consistent html refs #11344
- Fix 'Add New' on Users/Groups Overviews shows overlay when clicking anywhere in form #12201
- Fix events_listing #12477
- Fix form_tabbing, to stay on current tab on submitting form

Products.contentmigration: 2.0.3 → 2.1.4

- Default to position 0 if folder position is not assigned.
  [kroman0, pbauer]
- Modify UIDMigrator so that it also works for items which
  provides IMutableUUID.
- When Joe is the Creator of an object and Jane is the Owner, make
  sure Joe stays the Creator after migrating.
- Migrate marker interfaces.
- Migrate extension fields too (archetypes.schemaextender).
- Use obj.__parent__ instead of obj getParentNode() for Zope trunk
- Add support for a limit option for the catalog based walkers, so it only
  tries to load up to limit items at a time, defaulting to no limit.
- Catch attribute errors during brain.getObject and log them instead of
  breaking the upgrade.

Products.ExtendedPathIndex: 3.0 → 3.1

- The behavior is inconsistent, because as long as the input path length is
  shorter or equal to the longest indexed path, there is no requirement that
  the entire path is indexed already.
- Fixed depth limited searches, when the path index wasn't the first index
  in the query plan. Thx to Peter Mathis for reporting the problem.

Products.GenericSetup: 1.7.2 → 1.7.3

- Profiles are sorted on Upgrade form.
- Use clickable labels with checkboxes on import, export and upgrade forms
  to improve usability.

Products.Marshall: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2

- Unicode export text is not supported since GS 1.7.0.

Products.MimetypesRegistry: 2.0.3 → 2.0.4

- Nothing changed yet.

Products.PasswordResetTool: 2.0.9 → 2.0.13

- Fix exception when use_email_as_login is on and the user enters
  an invalid login on pwreset_form.
- Fixed typo in capitalization of sentence start.
- Fixed undefined django_crypto.
- Use system random when available. This is part of the fix for
- show login name instead of user id.
  Normally this is the same, but this is not necessarily true when
  using the email address as login name.

Products.PloneLanguageTool: 3.2.5 → 3.2.7

- Registered ILanguageTool interface to LanguageTool
  by CMFCore.utils.registerToolInterface
- Do not try to get content language for resources that are not
  content. Fixes

Products.PlonePAS: 4.1a2 → 4.1.1

- Fix a bug in setSecurityProfile where the login name was passed
  instead of the user id.
- Added empty updateUser and updateEveryLoginName methods in
  ZODBMutablePropertyProvider to fulfill the new standards of the
- Fix assignRoleToPrincipal to work with new Products.PluggableAuthService 1.10.0.
- Fix saving, getting and deleting the user portrait for non-standard
  user ids like 'bob-jones' or '<email address hidden>'.
- Fix the test for the current password if the user id differs from
  the login name.

Products.PloneTestCase: 0.9.15 → 0.9.16

- fix broken imports, have conditionnaly loaded

Products.PluggableAuthService: 1.9 → 1.10

- Allow specifying a policy for transforming / normalizing login names
  for all plugins in a PAS:

  Added login_transform string property to PAS.

  Added applyTransform method to PAS, which looks for a method on PAS
  with the name specified in the login_transform property.

  Added two possible transforms to PAS: lower and upper.

  Changed the methods of PAS to call applyTransform wherever needed.

  Added the existing updateUser method of ZODBUserManager to the
  IUserEnumerationPlugin interface.

  Added a new updateEveryLoginName method to ZODBUserManager and the
  IUserEnumerationPlugin interface.

  Added three methods to PAS and IPluggableAuthService:
  updateLoginName, updateOwnLoginName, updateAllLoginNames.
  These methods call updateUser or updateEveryLoginName on every
  IUserEnumerationPlugin. Since these are later additions to the plugin
  interface, we log a warning when a plugin does not have these methods
  (for example the mutable_properties plugin of PlonePAS) but will
  not fail. When no plugin is able to update a user, this will raise an
  exception: we do not want to quietly let this pass when for example a
  login name is already taken by another user.

  Changing the login_transform property in the ZMI will call
  PAS.updateAllLoginNames, unless login_transform is the same or
  has become an empty string.

  The new login_transform property is empty by default. In that case,
  the behavior of PAS is the same as previously. The various
  applyTransform calls will have a (presumably very small)
  performance impact.
- Launchpad #1079204: Added CSRF protection for the ZODBUserManager,
  ZODBGroupManager, ZODBRoleManger, and DynamicGroupsPlugin plugins.

Products.PortalTransforms: 2.0.7 → 2.1.2

- Adjust safe_html transform to block various XSS vulnerabilities. This fixes
- Do not try to handle invalid tags : we take for granted that html coming out
  of converters do not hold any of embed, script, object or applet tags.
- Avoid throwing exceptions on js attrs and invalid tags in word_to_html
- Handle charrefs & entityrefs in data and attributes equaly (unchanged)
  if converting to safe_html

Products.ResourceRegistries: 2.2.2 → 2.2.7

- Fixed some spurious test failures for Expires being off by
  minus one second.
- Raise width of resource-id input fields in ZMI from 30 to 80, so that browser
  resource ids can be shown as whole.
- Fixed spurious test failures for Expires being off by one second.
- Detect when CSS configuration will cause them to be marked as alternate
  by browsers and warn the user.
- Add some space between up/down and remove links in ZMI
- Don't break if the site doesn't have a portal_kss registry.

Products.TinyMCE: 1.3b4 → 1.3.3

- Added some missing german translations.
- If the fieldTextFormat dropdown does not exist, tinymce failed to start.
  This was obviously a regression, now fixed.
- use correct base url for temporary portal_factory objects.
  This fixes add image to new item
- Use jQuery bind instead of on to support version 1.4.4
  (which is included in Plone 4.2)
- Remove "Fancy grid listing" and "Fancy vertical listing" table
  styles since they don't hardly do anything and no one knows
  what they should actually look like.
- update danish translations
- Fix for ajax view on content-anchors for dexterity content types
- Fixes 'text format' selection. now it activates/deactivates tinymce depending
  on dropdown value (active only when 'text/html' item is selected)
- Fixed selection of an item in the home folder.
- Removed use of base_properties from css.dtml files.
- Convert setting to JSON in jsonConfiguration-view not in utility
- Allow text other than headings to be used as anchors in the link plugin.
- Removing elements in importhandler is now possible. This closes ticket
- Use consistent method to calculate anchor ids, to allow for markup in
- Added support for images with external URL
- Support passing a maxlength attribute to tinymce_wysiwyg_support.
- textarea for tiles is differently configurated then rest of tinymce instances
- works with or without plone.init.js (from
- works when initialized inside bootstrap moda
- Fixed UnboundLocalError if the context of the editor is neither IFolderish nor Archetypes
- Fixed inclusion of external CSS resources.
- Fixed bundeling of editor with and without JS debug mode
- moved tiny_mce_gzip.js to file rather than having it in a long string
  in the compressor Python module
- Allow arabic numbers in anchor names
- If the context isn't IFolderish, then the parent really should be,
  since it's got the context in it.
- Check if the context is IFolderish even when checkCreationFlag isn't
  available, i.e. when it's a Dexterity content type
- Simplify how TinyMCE's javascript is included. It is now always served
  at the portal root for improved cacheability. This also fixes some
  regressions where TinyMCE was not getting initialized for some fields.
- Take context into account so breadcrumbs work e.g. for internal links and
  images [huubbouma]
- Don't break when running portal_setup > import on non-English sites having international
  characters in TinyMCE settings [miohtama]
- Fix the case where on the migrated site customplugins setting can be None, causing
  jsonConfiguration view to raise an exception [miohtama]
- Added support for Archetypes widget specific configuration overrides [miohtama]
- Determine whether to include WYSIWYG-support based on a check
  on the form widgets, in the case of z3c.form. Previously, we
  would have a special case for a Dexterity-based context, looking
  up form fields based on the FTI. This should be unnecessary
  because the parent (i.e. the form) already has its widgets set
  up and this is a much more robust check.
- PEP8 and pyflakes cleanup of
- Prevent acquisition in setDescription.
- Fix accidental reset of variable in

Products.i18ntestcase: 1.2 → 1.3

- Allow laquo and raquo HTML entities in translations.

archetypes.querywidget: 1.0.3 → 1.0.8

- Hide the test_fixture profile from @@plone-addsite view.
- Bugfix: Handle vocabularies with integers as values,
  see [frapell]
- Fixed link path reference of querywidget.js for the qunit tests
- Improved multiselection widget readability by sorting its returned values
- Fixed overly long selection lists by displaying scrollbars for multiselection
- Fixed conditional initialization of querywidget,
  see [kroman0]
- fixed raw get returns persistent
  querystring on .get(context, raw=True)
- Added initially missing RelativePathWidget widget macro
- call the "@@querybuilder_html_results" view on collection context

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.4.12 → 2.4.17

- 2.4.15 broke non-multi reference selection. Added code to discriminate
  between multi and single widget id. Fixes
- Add an option of searching for related items by path.
- Make new added references sortable with already existing ones
  while editing a content. Fixes
- Use HTML5 placeholder attribute on search box. Replaces deprecated
  inputLabel class.
- Use normalizeString to create class names for an item's portal type
  and review state. Fixes
- don't let search fail on broken catalog
- Restored a "view" link on linkable items (as with Plone 3):
  It will open a preview of the element in a popup window.
- Fixed referenced elements sort order on widget view.
- Take search_index into account while used in popup search form.

archetypes.schemaextender: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2

- 2.1.2 (2013-01-13)

collective.testcaselayer: 1.5 → 1.6

- Don't break if the portal has no portal_kss tool.

collective.z3cform.datetimewidget: 1.2 → 1.2.3

- Removed hard-coded styling for calendar popup icon. Leave this to the dateinput.css
  from, which was being applied anyway.
- Fixes potential round trip traceback when converting the date(time)
  values to a date(time) object. Happens if integrated with
- Make sure DOM is ready before activating the dateinput jQuery plugin.
  This was causing Internet Explorer 7 to fail.

diazo: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3

- Support selectors matching multiple elements for merge attributes, e.g.
  <merge attributes="class" css:theme="body" css:content="#one, #two"/>
- Also evaluate merged-condition. This means a rule tag will turn red
  when a condition on an outer rules tag doesn't match.
- use boolean(), not count() for if-content. Otherwise we
  generate expressions like "count(nodeset and other_nodeset)",
  which aren't valid.
- Output contents of error log as part of debugging output
- Debugging output.
- Don't close the response unless Diazo is transforming it.
- fix error caused by empty style tag e.g. <style/>
  [djay] 1.5.2 → 1.5.8

- Use obj.Schema() instead of obj.schema in the migration process.
- Only set the instance id from the name of an uploaded file
  if the file field is primary.
- Fix BLOB migration when LinguaPlone is installed.
  Also for ATFile.

  CAUTION: when the fix was discussed with witsch,
  he pointed to the fact that the files would be
  entirely loaded in memory during migration.
  This could potentially eat too much memory.
- Don't fail on obscure chars in filename
- Added adapter for data wrapped in xmlrpclib.Binary
  [aclark, garbas]
- Fix BLOB migration when LinguaPlone is installed.
- Create a transaction savepoint after setting a blob's value in order to
  make it available at its temporary path (within the same transaction).
- Update mutator to take care of filename in keyword args.
- Check for unicode filename first in index_html.
  [vangheem] 1.1.1 → 1.1.3

- Provide message for newbies to suggest importing
  pre-defined caching rule set.
- Add other feed types to plone.content.feed purge policy
- Fix bug where resource registries etag is calculated incorrectly if a registry
  is missing.
- Fix bug 12038. If transformIterable
  iterates on the 'result' iterable, it must return a new one.
  [ebrehault] 1.0.4 → 1.0.9

- Provide /RSS view for collection so we at least have an option
  for syndication before 4.3
- fix album view if item does not have images
- Check if item isPrincipiaFolderish instead of the hardcoded portal_type
  Folder when searching for images
- Fix thumbnail_view so it works with any portal_atct image types not just
  with Image and News Items
- properly show dates on tabular view, fixes #12907
- Avoid site error on thumbnail view if some scale generation have failed.
- Avoid site error on summary view if some scale generation have failed.
- Provide a synContentValues method for compatibility with syndication
  in Plone <= 4.2.
- Added a validator 'isInt' to field limit for the purpose avoid a exception
- Fix the limit of number of items to show in batch results
  see [hersonrodrigues]
- Implement ISyndicatable for 4.3
- Add an alias folder_summary_view pointing to summary_view. This allows
  existing installs to display results for news/aggregator and
  events/aggregator see [ericof]
- Fix summary_view so shows thumbnails for contents with the image field,
  see [ericof]
- Fix thumbnail_view so it works when Images or News Items are listed,
  see [ericof] 2.0.11 → 2.1.1

- Load folder_contents.js from the portal root instead of the context.
- In the folder_contents view, assume a folderish context and set the base tag
  with a trailing slash. Fixes
- show a warning message on the folder contents view when
  the default page is also a folder, that in order to add items
  to the default page's folder, they'll need to visit it's
  folder_contents view. also addresses
- on the folder_contents view, show the add menu for the
  context object always. This fixes the issue when the
  default view of a folder is also a folder and you
  can not add items to it. fixes
- Remove KSS dependency from AJAX table views.
- In use sequence_length to get batch size.
- Adjust TAL to work after the TAL engine became a bit stricter
  about only allowing path expressions within string expressions.
- Remove hard dependency on ATContentTypes.
- Clarify which item is the default view for the folder in the folder
  contents view.
- Use plone.batching for all batches (PLIP #12235)
  [tom_gross] 1.0.1 → 1.0.4

- 1.0.4 (2013-01-01)
- Whoever heard I liked batching was wrong. The Catalog results are
  already batched, so don't batch them again.
- Nothing changed yet. 2.0.6 → 2.0.8

- 2.0.8 (2013-03-05)
- add prefix to id tag for display menu dropdown items, fixes #11927 and #10894
  [maartenkling] 2.1.9 → 3.0.1

- Use single quotes instead of double to avoid breaking translation
- Fix multi assignment of rules
- Improve management pages user interface :
  - Improve and ajaxify rules table. Avoids scrolling and page reloads.
  - Improve rules table filter (multiple selection, more readable).
  - Improve content rules forms usability.

  <string>:32: (ERROR/3) Unexpected indentation.

  We are redirected to edit form after a rule has been added.

  <string>:33: (WARNING/2) Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

  Add form and Edit form are now consistent.

  Notify user by many ways when a rule is not assigned anywhere yet.

  We can assign a rule on whole site by a simple button.

  Ajaxify conditions and actions reordering and removing.

  Focus on elements after adding an action or a condition.

  Improve rule edit pages breadcrumbs.

  Added tests.

  <string>:40: (WARNING/2) Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

  [vsomogyi, thomasdesvenain, vangheem
  contribution wimbou,
  made @ploneconf2012 sprint]
- Remove KSS dependency.
- Unified the site setup html structure
  [TH-code] 2.3.1 → 2.3.4

- Call searchUsers with the 'name' argument instead of 'login'.
  'name' is the officially supported way according to the PAS interface.
- Fix description of 'email as login' security setting. It said
  existing users could go to the personalize information page and save
  it to start using their email as login, but that no longer works and
  is too hard to fix. We now only recommend using the
  migrate-to-emaillogin page as manager.
- Only show the inline editing setting if is present.
- Fix as site administrator modify users in controlpanel
  when a user in the list is in administrator group, refs #12307
- When browsing users and groups, clear searchstring when adding
  or removing. Also do not show search results then.
- When browsing users and groups, clear searchstring when selecting
  show all.
- Add error class to portalMessage when portalMessage contains error
- Fix 'Redirect immediately to link target' setting doesn't stick #12892
- Change title and description for permitted styles so its correct
- Fix @@usergroup-groupmembership "Show All users" batching broken
- Fixed issue with email_from_name set as string instead of unicode
  This fixes
- Fixed issue with non-ascii Workflow titles breaking types
  control panel.
  [ericof] 2.0.1 → 2.0.7

- Fix bug in determining whether to show the allowed contained type
- Let the behavior INameFromFileName also set the title from the filename
  if the type has such a field and it is left empty.
- Updated french translations.
- Add missing translation strings.
- Updated pt_BR translation [ericof]
- Add zh_TW translation [TsungWei Hu]
- Add support for constraining container allowed content types using
  the "Restrictions" form in the add menu. Merged from Patrick
  Gerken's (@do3cc) work in
- When a new type is added, redirect to the fields tab as the next view.
- Don't show the short name as a field on the type overview page.
- Remove the 'Container' checkbox when adding a new type, and default
  to creating a container.
- Tweaks to type control panel based on user testing.
- Set default language for a new content item based on the language of
  its container.
- Fixed i18n of "Contents" in folder default view.
- Added Ukrainian translations
- Nothing changed yet.
- Added French translations
- The behavior controlpanel now correctly invalidates any modified FTIs.
- I18n improved by adding many missing strings
- better graphical integration in the control panel
- Allow discussion behavior added.
  [timo] 2.2 → 2.2.5

- Update pt_BR translation [ericof]
- Do not raise an error when no workflow is assigned to the comment type.
- Add a conversation property public_commentators that only lists
  commentators of comments that are public.
  The commentators indexer indexes this field now.
  The behavior of the conversation property commentators is
- The last comment date now only returns the date of the newest
  published comment.
- Check for 'checked' attribute in a way that work also for jQuery 1.7
- Better fix for #13037 by removing submit event trigger altogether
- Added Romanian translation
- Updated Ukrainian translation
- add anonymous_email_enabled settings to really let integrator activate
  the email field on comment add form when anonymous.
- first check if captcha is installed before we open browsers zcml
  files that depend on these packages, fixes #12118 and #12774
- Make conversation view not break when comment-id cannot be converted to long.
  Fixes #13327
- fix insufficient privileges when trying to view
  the RSS feed of a comment collection
- removed inline border=0 and move it to css
- For migrations of comments without a valid old_status, apply the 'published'
- Re-apply eleddy's "Revert modification date since this is fixed in
  p.a.caching now." as her commit was lost later on due to some git magic.
- Remove submitting the controlpanel form again after removing disabled tags
  fixes #13037 and #12357
- Remove inline styles, fixes #12399
- add fallback border color for i8, fixes #11324
- Replace discussionitem_icon.gif with png version.
- Fix catalog updates for IObjectMovedEvent
- Fix non-functioning user_notification feature
  [izak] 1.0.3 → 1.0.5

- Only set up the folder content type if Archetypes is present.
- Depend on Products.CMFPlone instead of Plone.
  [elro] 2.1.2 → 2.2.2

- Fixed TypeError in DateComponents.resault()
- Finish removing KSS-based inline editing support.
- Switch to a non-KSS-based implementation of inline validation.
  [davisagli] 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- 2.0.2 (2013-01-13) 1.0.6 → 1.0.7

- Avoid hard dependency on ATContentTypes.
  [davisagli] 2.1.7 → 2.1.10

- Fixed error on checking in the working copy of an object linked in it's
  parent rich text field, see:
- Nothing changed yet.
- Unmark both the baseline and the working copy on checkin so that dexterity
  content is properly unmarked.
  [cewing] 1.5 → 1.5.5

- Set z-index for dateinput calendar popup so that it will display in
  an overlay context.
- Pass the pbo object as third parameter to the redirect callback. This
  provides the same flexibility for redirect that was added for noform in
- Now execute inline scripts in ajax overlay.
- Give the pbo object as second parameter for noform callback. You can access
  everything from it, for example the overlay trigger pbo.source.
- Give the disconnected "el" jQuery object (the div created with the html
  response) instead of "this" (the request object) to the noform and redirect
  callbacks. This fixes the noformerrorshow callback from popupforms.js in the
  Products.CMFPlone package.
- Adapt to use Plone popup calendar icon and
  compatible styles.
- Change jqt_checkout_build to not pick up dateinput.css from jQuery.
  This should be Plone-specific.
- Call ploneTabInit when a form is reloaded with errors.
- Dont be so strong with regexp in overlayhelpers.js
- Revert to always adding the overlay at the bottom of the document body.
- Make sure the "Close this box" link has a hiddenStructure class so it
  won't show up for most users.
  [davisagli] 2.3.1 → 2.3.4

- handle missing feed type so it doesn't throw an error
- handle absense of ACTUAL_URL on request.
- Also show history on the folder contents view
- Changed the behaviour of the title viewlet for items in the portal_factory.
- Fix an edge case where getNavigationRootObject could loop infinitely.
- Add 'subsection' prefix to the all sections below to avoid classnames
  that start with digits, which is not permitted by the CSS standard.
- Display publication date only if Effective date is set, regardless of object
  state. Tickets: and
- Add Language='all' as a keyword argument to avoid LinguaPlone deleting it when
  it patches the catalog
- Use context object's url to create the cache key instead of the portal_url.
- Avoid extra space at the end of icon alt attributes.
- Merge plip #12905 to provide more body classes
- adding user roles to body class, eg: userrole-anonymous, ...
- Use normalized template name for body class since dots are not a good idea in classes
  [daftdog] 1.4.6 → 1.5.1

- unicode links should not raise errors. Fixes
- Dexterity: use zope.lifecycleevent instead of
  interfaces for Plone 4.3 support.
- Avoid a bug during link integrity check when a source or target of the
  reference has been already removed during the deletion process.
  This can happen during large delete processes.
- Monkey patch the Zope HTTPResponse status_code to include a mapping for
  linkintegritynotificationexception, to return a 200 code.
- Fix a remove confirmation view bug.
  Displays the portal type title rather than the portal type name.
  This change also broke some tests that were checking for the name
  rather than the title, but I just fixed those.
- Added support for Dexterity content types. Link integrity
  support for Dexterity requires the
  behavior to be enabled so that the Dexterity item can be used
  with Archetypes references.
- Fixes UnicodeDecodeError on extractLinks
  This closes
  [ericof] 4.0.15 → 4.3

- This version is not compatible with Plone version inferior to 4.3.
- Updated Romanian translation
- Updated translations.
- Updated translations.
- Updated Romanian translation for ATContenttypes
- Updated Finnish translations.
- Updated translations.
- Added 3 new messages for CMFPlacefulWorkflow, and 2 fuzzies
- Be aware that this release removes 2 translated messages for navigation and
  collection portlets because the English changed. The translation is only
  compatible with Plone 4.2.2. 2.3.1 → 2.4.3

- Fixed redirection after changing a portlet.
- Fixed portal_calendar single type "links" in the calendar template.
- Make it possible to delete broken portlet assignment.
- Make sure a portlet name is not a unicode string. This prevents problems when
  trying to use a portlet name in joined strings.
- Navigation portlet: Add "section-XXX" class for the top node, useful for
  background colors/images.
- Don't break if a feed does not have an "rel=alternate type=html" link. It is
  possible for a valid Atom feed to omit a <link rel="alternate" type="html"
  href=""/> element which is available through the feedparser
  object as a attribute. If the feed does not have this element then
  the RSS portlet will throw an AttributeError which will propagate to the page
  preventing the original page from rendering. This changeset adds support for
  such feeds.
- Add ability to render only single portlet code with view.
  Code basically copied from
- Remove kss
- Allow for the root content item icon in the navigation portlet to be
  displayed with CSS or an img tag.
- Fix inheritance hierarchy of IPortletForm to reflect usage in z3cformhelper.
- Tweak z3c.form add/edit forms to disable edit bar and columns.
- Portlets are now registered for IDefaultPortletManager by default to allow
  for easier creation of custom portlet managers with restricted portlets.
- Fix ManagePortletsViewlet to work with KSS.
- Fix ManagePortletsViewlet to work with Plone 4+.
- Fix 'This portlet display a'.
- reverted change: refactory nested tal:conditions in, merged into one tal:condition in ul tag.
- add contenttype class to the a tag, like navigation
- Don't break TinyMCE on editing parent-portlets (fixes
- Inside Review portlet display footer link only to Reviewers.
  Closes ticket
- Use type instead of makeClass for Zope 4 compatibility.
- Add safety check for portletHeader links [davilima6] 1.2 → 1.2.2

- Acquisition-wrap value dictionary such that widgets get a useful
- Allow XML comments in registry.xml
- allow using purge=false in dict.value_type == list registry
- Unified the control panel html structure.
- Fix jquery selectors
- handle control panel prefixes for fields that do not
  have interfaces better.
  [vangheem] 1.0.5 → 1.1.3

- Readded fix made by eleddy in 1.0.4 wrongfully removed from 1.1.x
- Restored compatibility with IE <= 8 for search.js broke in previous egg
- Fixed incompatibilities of search.js up to and including jQuery 1.9 while
  maintaining compatibility with jQuery all the way to 1.4.4
- Optimized search.js logic by caching jQuery selectors and removing some
  uncessesary dom manipulations
- Fix to make search.js work with jQuery >=1.8.
- Fixed translation problem with the @@updated_search responses.
- fix search results when having done a seach and switching out some
  items and doing the same search again, refs #12880
  [maartenkling, robgietema]
- only fill query when there is at least one type selected
- Fixed Google Chrome and Safari search compatibility problem
  [Manabu TERADA]
- Fix attribute error when portal_syndication can not be found.
- JavaScript now correctly obeys navigation root for searches, obtained via
  meta tag set in
  [seanupton] 4.2 → 4.2.2

- Add [robot] extras for requiring dependnecies for Robot Framework
  tests with Selenium2Library
- Install PythonScripts as zope product
- Allow testing with non standard port. Allows running multiple test suites
  in parallel.
- Documentation updates.
  [moo] 1.2.1 → 1.2.2

- Add support for collective.ckeditor.
  [tschorr] 1.1a2 → 1.1

- Fixed i18n issues.
- Make the template theme do what it claims to do: copy styles as
  well as scripts.
- Change the label and description for the example theme to supply useful
- Upgrades from 1.0 get the combined "Theming" control panel that was added in
- Ensure host blacklist utilises SERVER_URL to correctly determine hostname
  for sites hosted as sub-folders at any depth.
- Add test about / integration when
  using GZIP compression for anonymous
  (see ticket 12038). [ebrehault]
- Add diazo.debug option, route all error_log output through
  this so debugging can be displayed
- Make example Bootstrap-based theme use the HTML5 DOCTYPE.
- Demote ZMI patch log message to debug level.
- Upgrade to ACE 1.0 via plone.resourceeditor
- Put quotes around jQuery attribute selector values to appease
  jQuery 1.7.2.
  [danjacka] 1.3a1 → 1.3.1

- Fix upgrade-step upgradeSyndication for Dexterity
- Add basic upgrade infrastructure for the Plone 4.4 series.
- Do not import Products.kupu. Fixes
- Run plonetheme.sunburst 1.4 upgrade.
- Add upgrade step for
- Make sure the syndication upgrade step unregisters the old tool
  as a utility.
- Add upgrade for version 4.3b1 to make sure TinyMCE is upgraded.
- In the UID index migration, if there are items whose key is None,
  skip them instead of complaining about there being multiple items.
- Add upgrade step to remove KSS.
  [vangheem, davisagli]
- Remove old upgrades that depended on KSS being present.
- Make sure registry settings for syndication and ResourceRegisties bundles
  are set up for Plone 4.3.
  [vangheem, davisagli]
- Make upgrade steps only run when is
  installed (i.e. not for a plain Products.CMFPlone site.)
  [elro] 2.0.2 → 2.0.3

- Hiding viewlets for skinname="*" was not working properly.
  [garbas, WouterVH]
- Add as dependency to get the list of existing skins.
- Add
  [WouterVH] 2.1.7 → 2.1.10

- UsersVocabulary should search on fullname .
- adding users vocabulary (lazy loading of users) also supports searching over
- Make KeywordsVocabulary work with unicode and non-unicode vocabularies.
- Fix exceptions with workflow states/transitions titles when their titles
  contained encoded characters [ericof]
- Fix exception with workflow vocabulary when workflow titles contained UTF-8 encoded
  characters [miohtama]
- Add syndication feed types vocabulary
  [vangheem] 2.0.7 → 2.1.2

- Call searchUsers with the 'name' argument instead of 'login'.
  'name' is the officially supported way according to the PAS interface.
- Extensibility improvement on sharing view so developers can easily
  override this view and change what groups are always displayed (STICKY).
- Use HTML5 placeholder attribute on Sharing tab search box. Replaces
  deprecated inputLabel class.
- Remove kss. JS integration is in Products.CMFPlone.
- Refactor: we can easily customize the sharing view
  so that add/remove inherit field is removed.
- Search on email address within the Sharing view.
  [davidjb] 0.6.1 → 0.7.2

- Add a macro and slot to the @@ploneform-render-widget templates
  so it's possible to override the widget rendering without
  changing the markup surrounding it.
- Restored support for contents without acquisition chain
- Overrode ObjectSubForm for IObject field in order to provide get_closest_content
  method. Now it is possible to guess the closest content from a Multiwidget subform.
- Added utils.closest_content from plone.formwidget.contenttree.utils
- Primarily use form name for 'kssattr-formname' form attribute.
- Rename the 'fieldset.current' hidden input to 'fieldset' for consistency
  with Archetypes.
- Support inline validation without depending on KSS.
- Fix a case where the widget broke if its form's content was a dict.

plone.batching: 1.0a1 → 1.0b1

- Nothing changed yet.

plone.behavior: 1.0.1 → 1.0.2

- Remove dependence of tests on

plone.browserlayer: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2

- Add support for calling many times remove in export (ie:even when no corresponding layer is registred, remove option should not throw exception).

plone.cachepurging: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4

- Fixed purge paths for virtual hosting scenarios using virtual path components.

plone.contentrules: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- Field descriptions on add form are consistent with the ones in edit form.
- Add

plone.dexterity: 2.0 → 2.1.2

- Merged Rafael Oliveira's (@rafaelbco) @content-core views from
- No longer add title and description fields to new FTIs by default.
  [davisagli, cedricmessiant]
- When pasting into a dexterity container check the FTI for the the pasted
  object to see if it is allowed in the new container.
- Fixed schema caching. Previously, a non-persistent counter would be
  used as part of the cache key, and changes made to this counter in
  one process would obviously not propagate to other processes.

  Instead, the cache key now includes the schema and subtypes which
  are both retrieved from a FTI-specific volatile cache that uses the
  modification time as its cache key.
- Added Finnish translations.
- Overrride allowedContentTypes and invokeFactory from PortalFolder
  to mimic the behavior of Archetypes based folders. This allows the
  registration of IConstrainTypes adapters to actually have the
  expected effect.
- The default attribute accessor now also looks through subtypes
  (behaviors) to find a field default.
- Added support in the FTI to look up behaviors by utility name when
  getting additional schemata (i.e. fields provided by behaviors).

  This functionality makes it possible to create a behavior where the
  interface is dynamically generated.
- Return early for attributes that begin with two underscores.
- Make it possible to define a SchemaPolicy for the FTI
  [Frédéric Péters]

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 1.0.2 → 1.0.5

- Nothing changed yet.
- added french translation
- added danish translation
- Use download_url for display templates also
- Fix the download view for widgets whose form has a custom getContent method.

plone.i18n: 2.0.2 → 2.0.6

- Fixed does not correctly handle client HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE is
  language/country combination.
- Revert 97645c76f5e0cf14e525f702c66fe0c4de8cb0fc.
- Add Latvian flag to language list
- Removed unknown cctld entry for um.
- Added new cctld entries for: asia, kp, ss and xxx.
- Added new country codes and flags for: bl, bq, cw, mf, ss and sx.
- Clarify and test availability of reserved country codes an and cs.
- Clarify and test availability of deprecated language codes mo and sh.
- Removed invalid me language code added in 2007. me is only a country code.
- Correct language code for Javanese from jw to jv.
- Added missing ISO-639-1 language codes: ae, ak, an, bm, ce, ch, cr, cu, cv,
  dv, ee, ff, ho, ht, hz, ig, ii, io, kg, ki, kj, kr, kv, lg, lu, mh, nb, ng,
  nv, ny, oj, os, pi, sc, vk.
- URLNormalizer should remove all ignored characters before making any
- Added three new countries and its corresponding flags. Also updated
  the internet top level domains list. Added countries are Kosovo,
  Montenegro and Serbia.
- Fixed tests not to fail when a new country, language or domain is added.

plone.indexer: 1.0 → 1.0.2

- Changed the @indexer decorator to maintain the information about the wrapped
  function (__doc__, __module__, __name__, etc).
- Relicense under modified BSD license; per Plone Foundation board
  approval on 2012-05-31.
- Add

plone.intelligenttext: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- Allows an easy way to extend the converter through subclassing.
  One might want to override the regexps, or modify the HTML that one of
  the replace* methods produces.
- Add

plone.keyring: 2.0 → 2.0.1

- Use system random when available. This is part of the fix for
- Add

plone.locking: 2.0.3 → 2.0.4

- Do not download the file when we click on "unlock" in the context of a file.

plone.namedfile: 2.0 → 2.0.1

- Add direction parameter support in scaling (was ignored in tag and scale
  Now calling tag function with parameter direction='down' crops the image.
  direction='thumbnail' by default so default behaviour remains the same.

plone.openid: 2.0 → 2.0.1

- Fixed to store timestamp as part of nonce. This fixes
- Add

plone.outputfilters: 1.6 → 1.9

- If we have an image description it should go into the alt text of the img
- Fix packaging issue.
- When resolving images, only look upward for the full image if the
  image that was traversed is not a content item (i.e. is a scale).
  [davisagli, datakurre]
- Also convert "resolveUid/" links (big 'U') that FCKeditor used to create.
- Also escape double quotes, fixes #13219

plone.portlet.collection: 2.1.1 → 2.1.4

- Support for Dexterity-based collections added. Use 'title_or_id' instead of
  the AT-specific 'pretty_title_or_id'.
- Remove deprecated getIcon() method from collection portlet view.
- Fix for #12274 - missing icons for some contenttypes.
- Fix 'This portlet display a'.

plone.portlet.static: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- Check if instance is str before turning to unicode as Portal_tranform itself
  can return unicode
- Portlet title no longer required. If the title is empty, the css class
  "titleless" is added to the header.
  [rnix, thet]
- Adding constraint to validate white spaces
- Add
- Add metadata.xml to profile.

plone.portlets: 2.1 → 2.2

- Added an adapter and IBlockingPortletManager marker interface which portlet
  managers can provide to block parent contextual portlets by default.
- Delegate to ILocalPortletAssignmentManager for category blacklist retrieval.
  This allows a custom adapter to override the default blacklist settings per
  portlet manager.

plone.protect: 2.0 → 2.0.2

- Use constant time comparison to verify the authenticator. This is part of the
  fix for
- Add
- Add ability to customize the token created.

plone.registry: 1.0 → 1.0.1

- 1.0.1 (2013-01-13)

plone.resource: 1.0.1 → 1.0.2

- Nothing changed yet.

plone.resourceeditor: 1.0b1 → 1.0b4

- Fixed a bug with saving files containing non-ASCII characters.
- Fix right click menu bug
- Upgrade to latest version of ACE
- Upgrade to version 1.0 of the ACE editor

plone.rfc822: 1.0 → 1.0.1

- 1.0.1 (2013-01-01)

plone.scale: 1.2.2 → 1.3.1

plone.schemaeditor: 1.2.1 → 1.3.2

- Added pt_BR translation
- Quote attribute value in xtags attribute style jquery selector used
  in prepOverlay for field settings. Absence of quote was causing a js error
  on clicking "Settings in schema editor.
- Use a set of choice fields for the "multiple choice" field option in the UI,
  instead of a list of choice fields. The latter is orderable and is a less
  common use case (plus we need a better widget for it).
- Make it possible for schema contexts to restrict the fields that can be added
  by defining an allowedFields property.
- Add more specific events for when a field is added or removed.
- I18n improved by adding many missing strings

plone.session: 3.5 → 3.5.3

- Revert accidental change to default encoding for validateTicket.
- Use constant time comparison when validating tickets. This is part of the fix
- Handle encoded strings for userids.
- Add
- Fix for Python 2.4 under 64bit Mac OS generating incorrect mod_auth_tkt

plone.subrequest: 1.6.6 → 1.6.7

- Ensure correct handling of bare virtual hosting urls.

plone.supermodel: 1.1.2 → 1.2.1

- Allow XML comments in field definitions.
- Nothing changed yet.

plone.testing: 4.0.4 → 4.0.8

- Factor test request creation out of addRequestContainer into makeTestRequest.
- Fix quoting of urls by the testbrowser.
- Update to include content in src directory.
- Fixed an issue where a query string would be unquoted twice; once
  while setting up the HTTP request and once in the handler (the

plone.transformchain: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3

- There was a problem with the charset regular expression, it expected one
  space, and only one, between mimetype and charset. So a valid values like
  "text/html;charset=utf-8" didn't match and default_encoding was returned.
  We fixed it by allowing any number of spaces (including zero).

plonetheme.classic: 1.2.2 → 1.3.1

- Nothing changed yet.
- Reinstate positioning for magnifying glass image on search results
  Search button.
- Fix sitemap display by making styles more specific than #content ul.
- Add selector for AT required field icon, as done in Sunburst 1.2.4.
- Remove comments referencing an old plone_tableless skin layer.
- Use the new user.png instead of user.gif.

plonetheme.sunburst: 1.2.7 → 1.4.1

- fix navigation items having more height than bar in chrome
- fix green line showing under current select for green bar items in chrome
- change line height of listing table class to only apply to folder contents
  listing where it's affected instead of it applying to styles globally.
  fixes #13420
- More cleanup. Move following remaining portlet styles out of public.css:
  - Dashboard styles to member.css,
  - Portlet management styles to controlpanel.css,
  - Other portlet styles to portlet.css.
- Move documentation from .txt to .rst files for ReST syntax highlighting.
- Move workflow color definition for state "published" to public.css. The
  "published" color definition is propably something to be excluded with
  public.css in custom designs to avoid coloring of all normally visible links.
- Seperate css rules based on @group hints to dedicated, already existing files
  and leave only Sunburst design-specific styles in public.css. This way, your
  own theme can depend on Sunburst but exclude the public.css file, which leads
  to way less style overrides while still having a Plone-like user interface
  (edit-bars, tables, forms, etc). Fixes pull-requests #1 and #2. Upgrade step
  included (upgrade_step_2_3).
  [thet, TH-code]
- Apply .portalMessage styling to reST admonitions
- style reset on th for table.plain and IE9, fixes #11589
- more specific Sunburst CSS on content-core dd, fixes #11840
- Style #ajax-spinner rather than inserting #kss-spinner in main_template.
- Style fixes for new style of portlet manager buttons.

wicked: 1.1.9 → 1.1.10

- Fix minor white space test failures in combination with chameleon.

z3c.form: 2.8.2 → 3.0a3

- Updated pt_BR translation.
- Fixed a bug where file input value was interpeted as UTF-8.
- The 3.0.0a1 release was missing some files (e.g. locales) due to an
- Removed several parts to be installed by default, since some packages are
  not ported yet.
- Added support for Python 3.3.
- Replaced deprecated zope.interface.implements usage with equivalent
  zope.interface.implementer decorator.
- Dropped support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.
- Make sure the call to the method that returns the default value
  is made with a field which has its context bound.
- The updateWidgets method has learned an argument
  prefix which allows setting the prefix of the field widgets

  This allows updating the common widgets prefix before the individual
  widgets are updated, useful for situations where neither a form, nor
  a widgets prefix is desired.
- Capitalize the messages 'no value' and 'select a value'. This change
  has been applied also to the existing translations (where applicable).
- TextLinesConverter: do not ignore newlines at the end of the inputted
  string, thus do not eat blank items
- TextLinesConverter: toFieldValue, convert conversion exceptions to
  FormatterValidationError, for cases like got a string instead of int
- Missing terms in vocabularies: this was a pain until now.
  Now it's possible to have the same (missing) value unchanged on the object
  with an EditForm after save as it was before editing.
  That brings some changes with it:

  MAJOR: unchanged values/fields do not get validated anymore
  (unless they are empty or are FileUploads)

  A temporary SimpleTerm gets created for the missing value
  Title is by default "Missing: ${value}". See MissingTermsMixin.
- Split configure.zcml
- SequenceWidget DISPLAY_MODE: silently ignore missing tokens,
  because INPUT_MODE and HIDDEN_MODE does that too

zope.schema: 4.2 → 4.2.2

five.grok: 1.3.1 → 1.3.2

five.intid: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3
------------------------- 1.6.1 → 1.6.2

mocker: 1.1 → 1.1.1
------------------- 0.4.2 → 0.5
-------------------------------------------- 1.1 → 1.2.1

plone.formwidget.autocomplete: 1.2.3 → 1.2.4

- Switch the default parser to use the title as the value, so that titles
  are used to autocomplete what's in the text input box.
- Add a custom parse function that defaults to an identical function to the
  default one.

plone.formwidget.contenttree: 1.0.5 → 1.0.6

- Tweak CSS to use outline instead of border.
- Avoid theming ajax response.
- Ensure context is a content item of some sort.
- Import getSite from zope.component to avoid dependency on
- Import ViewPageTemplateFile from zope.browserpage to avoid dependency on
- Added french translation.
- Trigger change handler when used with datagrid
- Use an ajax fetch for the initial call
- Fix url in display templates, so that it uses absolute urls.
- pep8
- Fix term title genration to use the brain id if there is not brain title
- Added Italian translation.
- Added Finnish (fi) translation.
- By default filter out nodes that are not selectable and not folderish.
  This can be overridden on the widget by setting show_all_nodes to True.
- Added Dutch translation.

z3c.objpath: 1.0 → 1.1

z3c.relationfield: 0.6.1 → 0.6.2

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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