Registered by Lizard

The PupilCutter Project aims to create a easy and as fast as possible to use Image Cutting program. Time consuming progresses, like opening Pictures file by file are abolished, in favor for batch-loading whole directories.

PupilCutter was initially Created for the Yearbook of your School. Its name derives from that fact. Additionally, we are now able to use it for our galleries of sport- and cultural events. It is easy to customize, so it'll fit your purpose as well. Do not hesitate to ask me for a slightly modified version.

Currently work is being done to increase the customization offered by XML files and to allow an easier selection of images to cut. I expect to finish that until Summer 2011, slightly after my "Abitur".

Using py2exe you can easily PupilCutter use without the need of a python installation. I believe PupilCutter is platform independent, I had been developing it on Linux for some time. (description last changed: 1. February 2011)

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, XML

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