Ryan Macnish
A simple task list manager but with extra features designed for developers, programmers and teams.
The idea for this project came about when i was looking for a good task manager for my GNOME desktop, one thing i noticed is that almost all of them have the same set of features. Pytask is my view of how a good simple task manager should work and also a learning project.
PPA: https:/
The current stable release is: 10.12.3
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #701766: No module named quickly.widgets.couch_grid
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Bug #694897: Translator credits string is not handled by Launchpad
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Bug #691993: If you add a task while filters are on, it is hard to view the task you just added
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Bug #686171: Pytask killed by Date Column python error
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Bug #684622: Task Manager - Todo Manager
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Docky Applet
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Task Scheduling
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Support For Notify OSD
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Integration With Launchpad