python-manilaclient mitaka-3 "M3"
Milestone information
- Project:
- python-manilaclient
- Series:
- mitaka
- Version:
- mitaka-3
- Code name:
- M3
- Released:
- Registrant:
- Ben Swartzlander
- Release registered:
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- No users assigned to blueprints and bugs.
- Blueprints:
- 1 Needs Code Review
- Bugs:
- No bugs are targeted to this milestone.
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Release notes
This release does not have release notes.
This release does not have a changelog.
1 blueprint and 0 bugs targeted
Blueprint | Priority | Assignee | Delivery | |
Data Service New Migration API methods | Data Service New Migration API methods | 3 Medium | 9 Needs Code Review |