Registered by W. Prins

A Python module and stand alone utility to retrieve live and historical stock quote data from Yahoo! as well as historical FX closing quote data from Oanda. Original version (0.7) on which this project is based by Rimon Barr.

2016-07-31: Moved to github:

This project is a fork of the pyQ project by Rimon Barr. The original version of source is version 0.7 and was taken from here: The original page also contains further examples of use etc so please refer there for more information.

This version is updated to run with newer versions of Python (2.x) and is improved as follows:
- Mostly PyLint, PyChecker, pep8 compliant
- Fixed ctrl-c/break handling issues when querying large number of tickers
- Fixed "live" and historical quote handling for tickers like ^DJI that Yahoo no longer provide download quotes for.
- Removed dependencies on all deprecated Python modules and constructs (e.g. backticks -> repr(), string module removed, calls to map() replaced by list comprehensions etc.)
- Replaced time module with datetime as some tickers (e.g. ^DJI) use dates well before the start of the Unix time epoch.
- Added better debugging handling/support (introduced "debug_print()")
- Refactored command line argument handling
- Added command line option -r:n/--retryfailed=n to allow external control of cache behaviour.
- Modified default date handling: Specifying 0 for the end date results in it being set to todays date.
- Will download a "provisional" record for today based on current "live" quote if todays date is requested and not yet available from the Yahoo history. (Helps when Yahoo is slow at getting their historical db updated.)

Possible future work:
- Add a command line option to specify the cache DB location and/or name. (But see the next point.)
- Replace the current cache implementation with something better. (SQLite?)
- Add a GUI. It might be useful to add an optional GUI to the app to query and work with the symbols in the cache.

Contributions/suggestions welcome, please contact me via Launchpad if interested.

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W. Prins
W. Prins

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