queXML 1.5.0 - Changes since 1.4.1 queXMLPDF: New Feature: Added import/export of queXMLPDF style settings via XML queXMLPDF: Text alignment fix where down arrow present queXMLPDF: Added more setters/getters queXMLPDF: Fixed issue with "other" boxes being too close to the down pointing arrow queMXLPDF: Allow font sizes to be specified as floating point values queXML 1.4.1 - Changes since 1.4.0 queXMLPDF: New Feature: Corner boxes can be generated for page alignment queXMLPDF: New Feature: Added setters and getters for background and section colours queXMLPDF: New Feature: Add orientation and page format to index page queXML 1.4.0 - Changes since 1.3.12 Schema: Allow for contingentQuestions to be specified on subQuestions (for matrix "Other") Schema: Added "split" attribute to question tag for splitting multiple responses Schema: Added format to contingentQuestion attribute queXMLPDF: Make sure font size for response items is fixed (in subQuestions so far) and add more space if it would overflow queXMLPDF: Allow for the specifying of sectionHeight queXMLPDF: Added feature of setting matrix fixed questions as separate to allow for looped display of matrix style questions queXMLPDF: Allow for hiding of the question title queXMLPDF: Don't add a newline for sectionInfo unless there is more than one line queXMLPDF: Added paginiation improvements and bug fixes from downstream (LimeSurvey) thank you mfaber! queXMLPDF: Added split over page functions to vertical response boxes queXMLPDF: Added "split" attribute to "fixed" tag to allow for overriding defaults in queXMLPDF queXMLPDF: Added allowSplittingResponses - multiple responses in the same question can be split over multiple pages queXMLPDF: Allow for splitting multiple text items and multiple vas items queXMLPDF: lp:1245331 Note explaining item is over multiple pages queXMLPDF: Added minSplittingSingleChoiceVertical queXMLPDF: Fixes lp:1260155 conditional splitting with new question splitting option queXML 1.3.12 - Changes since 1.3.11 queXMLPDF: Add setters and getters for font size and style queXMLPDF: Add the quexmltools conversion page as index.php if loading on a server queXML 1.3.11 - Changes since 1.3.10 queXMLPDF: Added free response types "codabar" and "i25" to be able to pre-draw filled barcodes a questions (using the defaultValue attribute) queXMLPDF: Pre-print responses in PDF based on defaultValue attribute Schema: Added defaultValue attribute to responses queXML 1.3.10 - Changes since 1.3.9 queXMLPDF: Create a new box group for each line of text items with identical variable names. Will display better in queXF. queXMLPDF: New feature: Column display (set $columns to a value greater than 1) queXMLPDF: Allow for singleChoiceHorizontal arrays (with subquestions) to be split over multiple pages / columns queXMLPDF: Updated font sizes to match default widths a bit better queXMLPDF: Added test of word length for response labels so they won't get "broken" over a line without being shrunk first queXMLPDF: Removed singleResponseAreaWidth as it was only referred once and should be the same as for vertical area width queXMLPDF: Made output colours|colors greyscale|grayscale queXMLPDF: Long text boxes now automatically draw to available width queXML 1.3.9 - Changes since 1.3.8 queXMLPDF: Limit help text to the right spot queXMLPDF: Added a white border around question directive before elements queXMLPDF: Added a new line before question specifiers queXMLPDF: Added a skipTo registry - so question titles can be bolded where there is a skip to them queXMLPDF: Centered single response better queXMLPDF: Updated to work better with Matrix questions on A4 paper queXMLPDF: Fix for bug reported upstream here: http://bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=5824 queXMLPDF: Allow for a section with no question to work queXML 1.3.8 - Changes since 1.3.7 queXML Schema: Made id attribute for root element required and added documentation on it queXMLPDF: Made border 14mm instead of 15mm to fit a bit more on to page ($cornerBorder) queXMLPDF: Replaced singleResponseHorizontalAreaHeight with singleResponseHorizontalHeight and only applied to subquestions with horizontal single response (these types display with a better gap now) queXMLPDF: Functionify the drawInfo procedure and make sure to move to new page if info doesn't fit queXML 1.3.7 - Changes since 1.3.6 queXMLPDF: Enforce idLength and pageLength (not just pad for them) queXMLPDF: Fixed typo in style for VAS font (from Limesurvey commit 11300) queXML 1.3.6 - Changes since 1.3.5 queXMLPDF: Calculation of barcode position is now a distance from the right hand margin (instead of a fixed position in MM) queXMLPDF: Calculation of number of text boxes per line is now a funciton of the box width and page width (instead of fixed in code) Updated and added documentation to queXF banding XML Schema queXML 1.3.5 - Changse since 1.3.4 queXMLPDF: Fixed bug in creation of banding files for longtext elements queXML 1.3.4 - Changse since 1.3.3 quexml.xsd: Updated schema to include missing optional id attribute for questionnaire element queXML 1.3.3 - Changes since 1.3.2 queXMLPDF: Banding XML will include number only fields where set to integer, number or numeric (Thank you Laith for reporting this) queXMLPDF: Fixed issue where page breaks occuring at the wrong spot (Limesurvey Bug: http://bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=4998) queXMLPDF: Added support for questionnaireInfo position=before element queXMLPDF: Added check to avoid notice printing to_limesurvey.xslt (queXML to Limesurvey stylesheet): Added template to make sure only text is displayed queXML 1.3.2 - Changes since 1.3.1 Fixed display of dashed lines in text areas that were not printing correctly queXML 1.3.1 - Changes since 1.3.0 Replaced drawing using HTML tables with TCPDF Multicell to allow for aligning text vertically Updated background colour to be lighter and inline with queXML FO Added the word "Section" to the start of a section Added a : character after the item name Added support for questionnaireInfo after element Fixed skipTo bug where overriding white question line Fixed CSS bug (weight not style for font bold) Horizontal box function respects box widths Cleaned up CSS Added section info during to appear in the section title part Added directive after to appear as help text after the question Added line colour specifier that only seems to effect TCPDF v5.8.034 Fixed missing references to $this->lineColour Removed notice generating errors Removed current() where not necessary Fix for displaying questions of type longtext