RemoteCP Panel Upgrade Guide ---------------------------- Only follow this instructions if a SERIES 1 panel was installed before! STEP 0: Get RemoteCP Panel 2.x ------------------------------ Get the latest version of RemoteCP Panel 2.x You can get the latest version from You can choose to get the source code OR the PHP-based installer. DO NOT execute the downloaded dump.sql file! STEP 1: Lock RemoteCP --------------------- Create an .htaccess file with the contents 'Deny from all' (without quotes) Get your IP-address (e.g. with Add a line to your .htaccess file with the contents 'Allow from ' (without quotes) followed by your IP-address Everyone except you now is locked out of RemoteCP Panel, now you can upgrade it. STEP 2: Upgrade your files -------------------------- Remove all the files in the RemoteCP installation folder. If you changed anything, make sure to back it up. Execute the installer or extract the archive (See STEP 1 of the readme) STEP 3: Upgrade your database ----------------------------- IMPORTANT: Make a back-up of your database before you continue! If anything goes wrong your database may be in an inconsistent state. Download the upgrade pack from Upload the upgrade pack to your webserver and enter the URL to the upgrade pack. The database upgrade will execute and selfdestruct. STEP 4: Unlock RemoteCP ----------------------- Delete the .htaccess file you made before or remove the lines you added.