Registered by Al Stone

Collect and/or develop workloads that reflect how Ubuntu Server is being used so that we can determine if servers are getting better at handling increased workloads.

Collect and/or develop workloads that reflect how Ubuntu Server is being used so that we can determine if servers are getting better at handling increased workloads. For example, create a test to (a) see if a LAMP stack can be installed and that basic functionality works, then (b) subject that same LAMP stack to large numbers of queries, and then (c) measure what happens.

Note that this is not the same as benchmarking; yes, the metrics collected could be used that way, but this project is not concerned with the actual values collected so much as creating the tools to generate and collect the values. Others may use and interpret the collected metrics values however they wish. However, by the same token, we do want to make sure that the workloads used reflect how Ubuntu Server is actually used in production environments.

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Server Workload Testing Team
Not yet selected

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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shell, python

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