Registered by Ralph Green

Take your mp3 or ogg podcasts and make them smaller. Often, they are much smaller and still they sound fine. This is done by transcoding to a codec that is designed for voice(i.e., speex). ID3 tags are copied to the spx file.

I wanted to keep a lot of the podcasts I listen to, but they were taking up too much space. So, I developed this Python script to do the hard part. You call it and pass a parameter of an mp3 or ogg file of the downloaded podcast. In the simplest usage, that is all you need to do. You have to delete the original mp3 or ogg file yourself. That is because in my normaal workflow, I frequently use audacity to touch up the podcast before listening. This is mostly aboutamplyfying the level on some quiet podcasts from the BBC. But, I sometimes edit out sections of a podcast, if they contained offensive material. This editing out of sections is done after the first listening when I identify what I want to keep. Then, I just rerun the Python, still passing the name of the original mp3 or ogg file.. If it see that the wav file is there, it only does the final step of making the spx file.

There are several improvements I have planned.
 1.Add a flag to go ahead and delete the wav and original file.
 2. Better handling of non-ascii characters in the ID3 tags. Everything other than the British currency symbol I have run across in the last year is handled, but in a way which some people won't find ideal.
 3 Allow multiple files on the command line and process them all. Right now, it only does the first file.
 4 Verify PEP8 compliance and make it more clear

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Ralph Green
Ralph Green
GNU Affero GPL v3

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