Snappy 15.04.2

Second stable release for the 15.04.

Milestone information

Ricardo Salveti
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1 John Lenton, 2 Michael Terry, 1 Michael Vogt, 3 Oliver Grawert, 3 Ricardo Salveti, 7 Sergio Schvezov
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Invalid, 17 Fix Released

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Release notes 

It took a bit longer than planned but we're finally able to announce our second stable update for Snappy Ubuntu Core (image 4 at 15.04/stable). The main issue we had this time was with u-boot and fatwrite (, so we had to rework our boot logic for BeagleBone Black before pushing the release out (Oliver will send an update with the gory details).

Special attention for BeagleBone Black users: since we can't yet update the bootloader during our snappy update process (planned in our backlog), we recommend you to do a clean flash with the latest image, since it incorporates a new u-boot and also a new way to set/save the environment variables used by Snappy. If you are using the previous stable version, the bad side effect is that rollback might eventually fail (as a result of a file system corruption issue).

Also, since we require our own boot loader in order to be fully compatible with Snappy, it's recommended to remove the bootloader that is available in the eMMC partition, by running the following command on a running system:
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 count=1024

You could as well just force it to boot via sd card by pressing the user button before powering up the device (in case you don't want to erase the default bootloader).

Now to the release highlights:
 - Proper fix for the spurious "permission denied" errors after updates (apparmor)
 - rootdelay also used when mounting the writable partition
 - Rollback using the correct kernel binary when the last update provided a kernel update
 - Snappy update downloads non-namespaced package when fork is installed
 - Tracking origins for frameworks and oem packages after installing them
 - Able to pre-install frameworks with ubuntu-device-flash
 - libc6:i386 available by default at the amd64 image
 - gdbserver available by default as part of core
 - Updated kernel (3.19.0-23-generic)

The stable images were also updated ( to reflect the latest image available in the stable channel (you can also find them at

If you find any issue please make sure to use to report them, including the device and image revision you're currently using.

For more details about the bugs fixed for this milestone, please check

We hope you enjoy the new release!

The snappy core team.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 18 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1472317 #1472317 cloud-init requires ability to mount iso9660 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1460152 #1460152 apparmor cache not updated when apparmor.d rules change (breaks 15.04/stable -> 15.04/edge updates) 2 Critical Michael Vogt  10 Fix Released
1465842 #1465842 mounting of writable paths should respect rootdelay=X 2 Critical Ricardo Salveti  10 Fix Released
1472422 #1472422 /var/lib/waagent is not a writable path for 15.04 2 Critical Ricardo Salveti  10 Fix Released
1474125 #1474125 Image got in a broken state after update -> rollback -> update (wrong kernel) 2 Critical Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1474126 #1474126 failed to rollback from 15.04 alpha #4 to #3 2 Critical Oliver Grawert  10 Fix Released
1450169 #1450169 snappy update downloads non-namespaced package when fork is installed 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1459749 #1459749 Origins for frameworks and oem packages are lost after install 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1465879 #1465879 docker framework does not install via ubuntu-device-flash 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1471893 #1471893 /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d should be a writable path 3 High Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1473014 #1473014 waagent related systemd-fstab-generator error 3 High Ricardo Salveti  10 Fix Released
1444049 #1444049 Shipping libc6:i386 in the amd64 images would be useful 1 Undecided Oliver Grawert  10 Fix Released
1456340 #1456340 Add gdbserver to snappy image 1 Undecided Oliver Grawert  10 Fix Released
1461070 #1461070 Running set active without sudo gives lower level error than it should 1 Undecided Michael Terry  10 Fix Released
1461262 #1461262 snappy oauth quoting incorrect 1 Undecided John Lenton  10 Fix Released
1461917 #1461917 snappy app services should auto restart 1 Undecided Michael Terry  10 Fix Released
1464054 #1464054 Fails to create a snappy image when using --install 1 Undecided Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1468446 #1468446 Error when missing a seccomp entry is confusing 1 Undecided Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
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