SOFA Statistics 1.5.4

Better SQL Server support; more bugs fixes and improvements

Support more versions of MS SQL Server by switching to pyodbc library
Standardise multiline checkboxes
Cope with different versions of openpyxl without forcing Linux users to pin the version (which may not be in their distro)
Fix width of main form help text in Windows
Fix chart display bug in Windows by forcing IE11 emulation (vs IE7)
Fix spreadsheet export bug - use column letter rather than name
Fix bug when exporting CSV with label columns
Fix sorting in Data List reports
Fix bug where renaming a project left the original intact
Fix bug preventing decimal point settings being honoured in Summary report tables and Data List reports

Downloads ************************************************

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

To install and make this work on Windows the user has to be an administrator. Once the software is installed then the user can be demoted back down to a non-admin account and the software works with no problems.

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

* currently no 1.5 series releases for Mac but that may change depending on community support

* source code ############################################

Help can be found at

Milestone information

SOFA Statistics
Grant Paton-Simpson
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

Download RDF metadata


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
No users assigned to blueprints and bugs.
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

Download files for this release

File Description Downloads

Release notes 

Better SQL Server support; more bugs fixes and improvements

Support more versions of MS SQL Server by switching to pyodbc library
Standardise multiline checkboxes
Cope with different versions of openpyxl without forcing Linux users to pin the version (which may not be in their distro)
Fix width of main form help text in Windows
Fix chart display bug in Windows by forcing IE11 emulation (vs IE7)
Fix spreadsheet export bug - use column letter rather than name
Fix bug when exporting CSV with label columns
Fix sorting in Data List reports
Fix bug where renaming a project left the original intact
Fix bug preventing decimal point settings being honoured in Summary report tables and Data List reports

Downloads ************************************************

* zipped exe for Windows #################################

To install and make this work on Windows the user has to be an administrator. Once the software is installed then the user can be demoted back down to a non-admin account and the software works with no problems.

* deb for Ubuntu and Linux Mint ##########################

* currently no 1.5 series releases for Mac but that may change depending on community support

* source code ############################################

Help can be found at


View the full changelog

Better SQL Server support; more bugs fixes and improvements

Support more versions of MS SQL Server by switching to pyodbc library
Standardise multiline checkboxes
Cope with different versions of openpyxl without forcing Linux users to pin the version (which may not be in their distro)
Fix width of main form help text in Windows
Fix chart display bug in Windows by forcing IE11 emulation (vs IE7)
Fix spreadsheet export bug - use column letter rather than name
Fix bug when exporting CSV with label columns
Fix sorting in Data List reports
Fix bug where renaming a project left the original intact
Fix bug preventing decimal point settings being honoured in Summary report tables and Data List reports

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

This milestone contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.