Registered by Brad Taylor

Strongwind is a GUI test automation framework inspired by dogtail. Strongwind is object-oriented and extensible. You can use Strongwind to build object-oriented representations of your applications ("application wrappers"), then reuse the application wrappers to quickly develop many test scripts. Strongwind scripts generate a human-readable log that contains the action, expected result and a screen shot of each step. Most simple actions are logged automatically.

Strongwind is written in Python and uses the pyatspi library to manipulate and query the state of applications. Strongwind automatically classifies widgets by their ATK role and provides implementations for common actions on regular widgets — for example, selecting an item in a menu or asserting that a window has closed — but you can extend Strongwind's implementations or add your own implementations for custom widgets to handle alternate behaviors or custom widgets in your applications.


    * Automatically classifies widgets by their ATK role
    * Understands common widgets, code is provided to perform common actions
    * Automatic human-readable logging of test procedures
    * Watchdog terminates test scripts if they hang
    * Application wrapper approach scales to large applications

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