Registered by Po-Hsu Lin

T-Cell, the component issue lookup tool that helps you to find known bugs on your Ubuntu.

 If you want to know if there is any known bug to you system without running extensive tests on it, this is the right tool for you.

T-Cell will check your PCI and USB devices (few PNP devices as well), lookup for known issues.
The goal is to allow users to be aware of potential bugs they might encounter while testing with a Live-USB, especially with users using pre-installed image. To prevent some "not working after re-install" tragedies.

Please note that since it just acts like T-Cell (memory-T, of course :D), if a bug is never reported or collected before, it will know nothing about it.
So if you have a launchpad bug report to a specific component, welcome to update it.

The principle for updating the datebase is:
* Report on stock image only, we don't consider upgrades now, which could make things become more complicated.

The basic workflow is:
1. Install stock Ubuntu image, let's say 14.04
2. Found some device not working, search it on launchpad or open a bug.
3. Update the database, once it's affecting multiple user, it will be merged.

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Po-Hsu Lin
Po-Hsu Lin

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