Registered by Jacky Alciné

Taylor's designed to converse with you (using your voice, keyboard, and/or head gestures) to make using a computer feel as if you're talking to another individual.

Think of it as your computer coming to life. It's the future now.

Taylor is an open source project in an attempt to re-create the full capabilities of the artificial intelligent home computer, Jarvis, property of the fictional Tony Stark from the DC comic, Iron Man.

It'll integrate itself into the operating system, being able to emulate a virtual keyboard via key strokes dictated by the user, control the cursor with your eyes, any other pre-configured part of the body, or another device and simplify certain tasks such as notifications, capturing events from libnotify, poll and queue statistical data via libzeigieist-dataproviders and etc.

Taylor's going to bring about a wave of innovation.

Project information

GNU GPL v3, GNU LGPL v3, Open Software Licence v 3.0, Public Domain

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a0.1 series is the current focus of development.

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