Some of you may have seen that the intention is for the Ubuntu Forums Tips and Tutorial section of the forums to be integrated into the community wiki.
The wiki is great thing and provides people with great opportunity to share their knowledge. The wiki's are written using the moin moin markdown language. This is easy to use but can sometimes be frustrating. Many people are comfortable with the way forum posts are formatted and perhaps not willing to look at doing the same work in a wiki format.
The Ubuntu Forum Council,
The Ubuntu Documentation Team
and others are working on a new concept for this.
This is how it works.
1) You make a tutorial on the forum.
2) You, or anyone, can then take the link and move it over to
3) This is where it sits until are program comes along (once a day) and reads these URL's
4) The program then converts your forum Post into Moin Moin Markdown.
5) It get's sent using the title of your post to a wiki of the same name.
6) People that have question's about this can ask about it here on the forums.
This is all just a concept and we would love to hear back from every one.
We would like to know if there is anything else that could be added to the program to make it easier to use.
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- Programming languages:
- bash,sh,awk,perl,html,moin moin markdown
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