diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/ABOUT-NLS gnupg2-2.0.28/ABOUT-NLS --- gnupg2-2.0.26/ABOUT-NLS 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/ABOUT-NLS 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,35 +18,7 @@ available translations. They tell how people wanting to contribute and work on translations can contact the appropriate team. - When reporting bugs in the `intl/' directory or bugs which may be -related to internationalization, you should tell about the version of -`gettext' which is used. The information can be found in the -`intl/VERSION' file, in internationalized packages. - -1.1 Quick configuration advice -============================== - -If you want to exploit the full power of internationalization, you -should configure it using - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - -to force usage of internationalizing routines provided within this -package, despite the existence of internationalizing capabilities in the -operating system where this package is being installed. So far, only -the `gettext' implementation in the GNU C library version 2 provides as -many features (such as locale alias, message inheritance, automatic -charset conversion or plural form handling) as the implementation here. -It is also not possible to offer this additional functionality on top -of a `catgets' implementation. Future versions of GNU `gettext' will -very likely convey even more functionality. So it might be a good idea -to change to GNU `gettext' as soon as possible. - - So you need _not_ provide this option if you are using GNU libc 2 or -you have installed a recent copy of the GNU gettext package with the -included `libintl'. - -1.2 INSTALL Matters +1.1 INSTALL Matters =================== Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the programs @@ -56,36 +28,19 @@ By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of messages. It will automatically detect whether the system already -provides the GNU `gettext' functions. If not, the included GNU -`gettext' library will be used. This library is wholly contained -within this package, usually in the `intl/' subdirectory, so prior -installation of the GNU `gettext' package is _not_ required. -Installers may use special options at configuration time for changing -the default behaviour. The commands: +provides the GNU `gettext' functions. Installers may use special +options at configuration time for changing the default behaviour. The +command: - ./configure --with-included-gettext ./configure --disable-nls -will, respectively, bypass any pre-existing `gettext' to use the -internationalizing routines provided within this package, or else, -_totally_ disable translation of messages. +will _totally_ disable translation of messages. When you already have GNU `gettext' installed on your system and run configure without an option for your new package, `configure' will -probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl.a' file and -will decide to use this. This might not be desirable. You should use -the more recent version of the GNU `gettext' library. I.e. if the file -`intl/VERSION' shows that the library which comes with this package is -more recent, you should use - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - -to prevent auto-detection. - - The configuration process will not test for the `catgets' function -and therefore it will not be used. The reason is that even an -emulation of `gettext' on top of `catgets' could not provide all the -extensions of the GNU `gettext' library. +probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl' library +and will decide to use it. If not, you may have to to use the +`--with-libintl-prefix' option to tell `configure' where to look for it. Internationalized packages usually have many `po/LL.po' files, where LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language. Unless @@ -96,7 +51,7 @@ `LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter codes, stating which languages are allowed. -1.3 Using This Package +1.2 Using This Package ====================== As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you @@ -148,7 +103,7 @@ to `de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and `pt' to `pt_PT' (Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context. -1.4 Translating Teams +1.3 Translating Teams ===================== For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested @@ -177,859 +132,1118 @@ the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skills are praised more than programming skills, here. -1.5 Available Packages +1.4 Available Packages ====================== Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following -matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of November -2007. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages +matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of June +2010. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a translation percentage of at least 50%. - Ready PO files af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - +----------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | () | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | | - aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | | - bison | [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] [] | - console-tools | [] [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | | - cpplib | [] [] [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] () [] [] | - findutils | [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gip | [] | - gliv | [] [] | - glunarclock | [] | - gmult | [] [] | - gnubiff | () | - gnucash | [] [] () () [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | | - gpe-clock | [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] | - gpe-contacts | | - gpe-edit | [] | - gpe-filemanager | | - gpe-go | [] | - gpe-login | [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] | - gpsdrive | | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] | - gretl | () | - gsasl | | - gss | | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gtick | () | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | [] | - jtag | | - jwhois | | - kbd | [] [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | () | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] | - libgphoto2 | [] [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] | - libgsasl | | - libiconv | [] [] | - libidn | [] [] [] | - lifelines | [] () | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | [] | - make | [] [] | - man-db | [] [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | | - radius | [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | | - skencil | [] () | - solfege | | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - tin | () () | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +----------------------------------------------------+ - af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - 6 0 2 1 8 26 2 40 48 2 56 88 15 1 15 18 - - es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it + Ready PO files af am an ar as ast az be be@latin bg bn_IN bs ca +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | [] [] [] () | + a2ps | [] [] | aegis | | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | [] [] | - aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | [] [] | - bibshelf | [] [] [] | - binutils | [] [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | [] [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | [] [] | - gawk | [] [] [] [] () | - gcal | [] [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | () | - glunarclock | [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () () | - gnucash | () () () | - gnuedu | [] | - gnulib | [] [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | | - gpe-aerial | [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] () | - gsasl | [] [] | - gss | [] [] | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] | - gtick | [] [] [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | [] [] | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] | - keytouch | [] [] [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] | - latrine | [] [] | - ld | [] [] [] [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] | - libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | () | - lilypond | [] [] [] | - lingoteach | [] [] [] | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] [] [] | - parted | [] [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - skencil | [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] [] | - sp | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - tin | [] () | - tuxpaint | [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | [] [] | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it - 85 22 14 2 48 101 61 12 2 8 2 6 53 29 1 52 - - ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] | - a2ps | () [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | [] | - aspell | [] [] | - bash | [] | + ant-phone | | + anubis | | + aspell | [] [] | + bash | | bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | + bibshelf | [] | binutils | | - bison | [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | + bison | | + bison-runtime | [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] | + bombono-dvd | | + buzztard | | cflow | | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] | - cpio | [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] | + clisp | | + coreutils | [] [] | + cpio | | + cppi | | + cpplib | [] | + cryptsetup | | + dfarc | | + dialog | [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] | + dink | | doodle | | - e2fsprogs | [] | - enscript | [] | - fetchmail | [] [] | - findutils | [] | - findutils_stable | [] | - flex | [] [] | - fslint | | + e2fsprogs | [] | + enscript | [] | + exif | | + fetchmail | [] | + findutils | [] | + flex | [] | + freedink | | gas | | - gawk | [] [] | - gcal | | + gawk | [] [] | + gcal | [] | gcc | | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gip | [] [] | - gliv | [] | - glunarclock | [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] | + gip | [] | + gjay | | + gliv | [] | + glunarclock | [] [] | gnubiff | | - gnucash | () () () | + gnucash | [] | gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] | + gnulib | | gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] | - gpe-beam | [] | - gpe-calendar | [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] | - gprof | [] | - gpsdrive | [] | - gramadoir | () | - grep | [] [] | - gretl | | - gsasl | [] | + gnutls | | + gold | | + gpe-aerial | | + gpe-beam | | + gpe-bluetooth | | + gpe-calendar | | + gpe-clock | [] | + gpe-conf | | + gpe-contacts | | + gpe-edit | | + gpe-filemanager | | + gpe-go | | + gpe-login | | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] | + gpe-package | | + gpe-sketchbook | | + gpe-su | [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] | + gpe-today | [] | + gpe-todo | | + gphoto2 | | + gprof | [] | + gpsdrive | | + gramadoir | | + grep | | + grub | [] [] | + gsasl | | gss | | - gst-plugins-bad | [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] | - gstreamer | [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] | + gtick | | + gtkam | [] | + gtkorphan | [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] | + gutenprint | | + hello | [] | + help2man | | hylafax | | - idutils | [] | - indent | [] [] | - iso_15924 | [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | () () | - jtag | | - jwhois | [] | - kbd | [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | | - latrine | [] | - ld | | - leafpad | [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] | - libexif | | + idutils | | + indent | [] [] | + iso_15924 | | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | | + iso_4217 | | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | | + jwhois | | + kbd | | + keytouch | [] | + keytouch-editor | | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | + klavaro | [] | + latrine | | + ld | [] | + leafpad | [] [] | + libc | [] [] | + libexif | () | libextractor | | - libgpewidget | [] | + libgnutls | | + libgpewidget | | libgpg-error | | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] | - libgsasl | [] | - libiconv | [] | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | [] | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | [] | + libgphoto2 | | + libgphoto2_port | | + libgsasl | | + libiconv | [] | + libidn | | + lifelines | | + liferea | [] [] | + lilypond | | + linkdr | [] | + lordsawar | | lprng | | - lynx | [] [] | - m4 | [] [] | + lynx | [] | + m4 | | mailfromd | | mailutils | | - make | [] [] [] | + make | | man-db | | - minicom | [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] [] | + man-db-manpages | | + minicom | | + mkisofs | | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] | + opcodes | | + parted | | + pies | | + popt | | + psmisc | | + pspp | [] | pwdutils | | - qof | | - radius | | - recode | [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | [] | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] | + radius | [] | + recode | [] [] | + rosegarden | | + rpm | | + rush | | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] | shishi | | skencil | | - solfege | () () | + solfege | | + solfege-manual | | soundtracker | | - sp | () | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] | + sp | | + sysstat | | + tar | [] | + texinfo | | tin | | - tuxpaint | () [] [] | unicode-han-tra... | | unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] | + vice | | + vmm | | vorbis-tools | | - wastesedge | [] | - wdiff | [] [] | - wget | [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn - 51 2 25 3 2 0 6 0 2 2 20 0 11 1 103 6 - - or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | () [] [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () () | - ant-phone | [] [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | () | - aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] [] | - dialog | [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] [] [] | - fslint | [] | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () [] | - gnucash | () [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | [] | - gnutls | [] [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] | - gsasl | [] [] [] | - gss | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] [] [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] [] | - libextractor | [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] [] [] | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] | - libidn | [] [] () | - lifelines | [] [] | - lilypond | | - lingoteach | [] | - lprng | [] | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | [] | - mailutils | [] [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] [] [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] | - parted | [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | [] [] | - qof | [] [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - skencil | [] [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] [] | - tin | () | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | wastesedge | | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | + wdiff | | + wget | [] [] | + wyslij-po | | + xchat | [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] | +--------------------------------------------------+ - or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - 0 5 77 31 53 4 58 72 3 45 46 9 45 122 3 + af am an ar as ast az be be@latin bg bn_IN bs ca + 6 0 1 2 3 19 1 10 3 28 3 1 38 + + crh cs da de el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa + +-------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + aegis | [] [] [] | + ant-phone | [] () | + anubis | [] [] | + aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] [] | + bfd | [] | + bibshelf | [] [] [] | + binutils | [] | + bison | [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | [] | + buzztard | [] [] [] | + cflow | [] [] | + clisp | [] [] [] [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] | + cpio | | + cppi | | + cpplib | [] [] [] | + cryptsetup | [] | + dfarc | [] [] [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dink | [] [] [] | + doodle | [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] | + exif | () [] [] | + fetchmail | [] [] () [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] | + freedink | [] [] [] | + gas | [] | + gawk | [] [] [] | + gcal | [] | + gcc | [] [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] | + gjay | [] | + gliv | [] [] [] | + glunarclock | [] [] | + gnubiff | () | + gnucash | [] () () () () | + gnuedu | [] [] | + gnulib | [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | [] | + gnutls | [] [] | + gold | [] | + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] () [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] [] | + grep | [] | + grub | [] [] | + gsasl | [] | + gss | | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] () [] | + gtkam | [] [] () [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] [] [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] [] [] | + hello | [] [] [] [] | + help2man | [] | + hylafax | [] [] | + idutils | [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] () [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] () | + iso_3166_2 | () | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] () [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] () [] [] | + iso_639_3 | [] | + jwhois | [] | + kbd | [] [] [] [] [] | + keytouch | [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | + klavaro | [] [] [] [] | + latrine | [] () | + ld | [] [] | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] [] | + libexif | [] [] () | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] () | + libgphoto2_port | [] () [] | + libgsasl | | + libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] [] | + lifelines | [] () | + liferea | [] [] [] [] [] | + lilypond | [] [] [] | + linkdr | [] [] [] | + lordsawar | [] | + lprng | | + lynx | [] [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | [] | + make | [] [] [] | + man-db | | + man-db-manpages | | + minicom | [] [] [] [] | + mkisofs | | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] | + parted | [] [] | + pies | | + popt | [] [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] [] | + pspp | [] | + pwdutils | [] | + radius | [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rosegarden | () () () | + rpm | [] [] [] | + rush | | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] | + shishi | | + skencil | [] () [] | + solfege | [] [] [] | + solfege-manual | [] [] | + soundtracker | [] [] [] | + sp | [] | + sysstat | [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] | + tin | [] [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | + vice | () () | + vmm | [] | + vorbis-tools | [] [] | + wastesedge | [] | + wdiff | [] [] | + wget | [] [] [] | + wyslij-po | | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + +-------------------------------------------------+ + crh cs da de el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa + 5 64 105 117 18 1 8 0 28 89 18 19 0 + + fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu hy id is it ja ka kn + +----------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] [] [] | + aegis | [] [] | + ant-phone | [] [] | + anubis | [] [] [] [] | + aspell | [] [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] [] [] | + bfd | [] [] [] | + bibshelf | [] [] [] [] [] | + binutils | [] [] [] | + bison | [] [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | [] | + buzztard | [] | + cflow | [] [] [] | + clisp | [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + cpio | [] [] [] [] | + cppi | [] [] | + cpplib | [] [] [] | + cryptsetup | [] [] [] | + dfarc | [] [] [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dink | [] | + doodle | [] [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] [] | + exif | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + fetchmail | [] [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] [] | + freedink | [] [] [] | + gas | [] [] | + gawk | [] [] [] [] () [] | + gcal | [] | + gcc | [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gjay | [] | + gliv | [] () | + glunarclock | [] [] [] [] | + gnubiff | () [] () | + gnucash | () () () () () [] | + gnuedu | [] [] | + gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | [] | + gnutls | [] [] | + gold | [] [] | + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] [] | + grep | [] [] | + grub | [] [] [] [] | + gsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | + gss | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] [] [] [] | + hello | [] [] [] | + help2man | [] [] | + hylafax | [] | + idutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] () [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | () [] [] [] | + iso_4217 | [] () [] [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | () [] [] | + jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | + kbd | [] [] | + keytouch | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] [] [] [] | + klavaro | [] [] | + latrine | [] [] [] | + ld | [] [] [] [] | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] () | + libc | [] [] [] [] [] | + libexif | [] | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | + libgsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] [] [] | + lifelines | () | + liferea | [] [] [] [] | + lilypond | [] [] | + linkdr | [] [] [] [] [] | + lordsawar | | + lprng | [] | + lynx | [] [] [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | [] [] | + make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + man-db | [] [] | + man-db-manpages | [] | + minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | + mkisofs | [] [] [] [] | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] [] [] | + parted | [] [] [] [] | + pies | | + popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] [] | + pspp | | + pwdutils | [] [] | + radius | [] [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rosegarden | () () () () () | + rpm | [] [] | + rush | | + sarg | [] | + screem | [] [] | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + shishi | [] | + skencil | [] | + solfege | [] [] [] [] | + solfege-manual | [] [] | + soundtracker | [] [] | + sp | [] () | + sysstat | [] [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] [] | + tin | [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + vice | () () () | + vmm | [] | + vorbis-tools | [] | + wastesedge | () () | + wdiff | [] | + wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + wyslij-po | [] [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] [] | + +----------------------------------------------------+ + fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu hy id is it ja ka kn + 105 121 53 20 4 8 3 5 53 2 120 5 84 67 0 4 + + ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb nds ne + +-----------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] | + aegis | | + ant-phone | | + anubis | [] [] | + aspell | [] | + bash | | + bfd | | + bibshelf | [] [] | + binutils | | + bison | [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | | + buzztard | | + cflow | | + clisp | | + coreutils | [] | + cpio | | + cppi | | + cpplib | | + cryptsetup | | + dfarc | [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] [] | + dink | | + doodle | | + e2fsprogs | | + enscript | | + exif | [] | + fetchmail | | + findutils | | + flex | | + freedink | [] | + gas | | + gawk | | + gcal | | + gcc | | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] | + gettext-tools | [] | + gip | [] [] | + gjay | | + gliv | | + glunarclock | [] | + gnubiff | | + gnucash | () () () () | + gnuedu | | + gnulib | | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | | + gnutls | [] | + gold | | + gpe-aerial | [] | + gpe-beam | [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] | + gphoto2 | | + gprof | [] | + gpsdrive | | + gramadoir | | + grep | | + grub | | + gsasl | | + gss | | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | | + gtick | | + gtkam | [] | + gtkorphan | [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | | + hello | [] [] [] | + help2man | | + hylafax | | + idutils | | + indent | | + iso_15924 | [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | | + iso_4217 | [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] | + iso_639_3 | [] | + jwhois | [] | + kbd | | + keytouch | [] | + keytouch-editor | [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | + klavaro | [] | + latrine | [] | + ld | | + leafpad | [] [] [] | + libc | [] | + libexif | | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] | + libgpg-error | | + libgphoto2 | | + libgphoto2_port | | + libgsasl | | + libiconv | | + libidn | | + lifelines | | + liferea | | + lilypond | | + linkdr | | + lordsawar | | + lprng | | + lynx | | + m4 | | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | | + make | [] | + man-db | | + man-db-manpages | | + minicom | [] | + mkisofs | | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] | + opcodes | | + parted | | + pies | | + popt | [] [] [] | + psmisc | | + pspp | | + pwdutils | | + radius | | + recode | | + rosegarden | | + rpm | | + rush | | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] | + sed | | + sharutils | | + shishi | | + skencil | | + solfege | [] | + solfege-manual | | + soundtracker | | + sp | | + sysstat | [] | + tar | [] | + texinfo | [] | + tin | | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | | + vice | | + vmm | | + vorbis-tools | | + wastesedge | | + wdiff | | + wget | [] | + wyslij-po | | + xchat | [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | + +-----------------------------------------------+ + ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb nds ne + 20 5 10 1 13 48 4 2 2 4 24 10 20 3 1 + + nl nn or pa pl ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr + +---------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + aegis | [] [] [] | + ant-phone | [] [] | + anubis | [] [] [] | + aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] | + bfd | [] | + bibshelf | [] [] | + binutils | [] [] | + bison | [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | [] () | + buzztard | [] [] | + cflow | [] | + clisp | [] [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + cpio | [] [] [] | + cppi | [] | + cpplib | [] | + cryptsetup | [] | + dfarc | [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] | + dico | [] | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dink | () | + doodle | [] [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | + exif | [] [] [] () [] | + fetchmail | [] [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] [] [] [] | + freedink | [] [] | + gas | | + gawk | [] [] [] [] | + gcal | | + gcc | [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] [] | + gjay | | + gliv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] | + gnubiff | [] () | + gnucash | [] () () () | + gnuedu | [] | + gnulib | [] [] [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | | + gnutls | [] [] | + gold | | + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] | + grep | [] [] [] [] | + grub | [] [] [] | + gsasl | [] [] [] [] | + gss | [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] [] [] | + gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] [] | + hello | [] [] [] [] | + help2man | [] [] | + hylafax | [] | + idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | [] [] [] | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | [] [] | + jwhois | [] [] [] [] | + kbd | [] [] [] | + keytouch | [] [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] [] | + klavaro | [] [] | + latrine | [] [] | + ld | | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] [] | + libexif | [] [] () [] | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] [] | + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] [] [] | + libgsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] | + lifelines | [] [] | + liferea | [] [] [] [] [] () () [] | + lilypond | [] | + linkdr | [] [] [] | + lordsawar | | + lprng | [] | + lynx | [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | [] | + mailutils | [] | + make | [] [] [] [] | + man-db | [] [] [] | + man-db-manpages | [] [] [] | + minicom | [] [] [] [] | + mkisofs | [] [] [] | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] | + parted | [] [] [] [] | + pies | [] | + popt | [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] [] | + pspp | [] [] | + pwdutils | [] | + radius | [] [] [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rosegarden | () () | + rpm | [] [] [] | + rush | [] [] | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] | + shishi | [] | + skencil | [] [] | + solfege | [] [] [] [] | + solfege-manual | [] [] [] | + soundtracker | [] | + sp | | + sysstat | [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] [] | + tin | [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] | + vice | [] | + vmm | [] | + vorbis-tools | [] [] | + wastesedge | [] | + wdiff | [] [] | + wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + wyslij-po | [] [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | + +---------------------------------------------------+ + nl nn or pa pl ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr + 135 10 4 7 105 1 29 62 47 91 3 54 46 9 37 - tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu + sv sw ta te tg th tr uk vi wa zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW +---------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] | 19 - a2ps | [] [] [] | 19 - aegis | [] | 1 - ant-phone | [] [] | 6 - anubis | [] [] [] | 11 - ap-utils | () [] | 4 - aspell | [] [] [] | 16 - bash | [] | 6 - bfd | | 2 - bibshelf | [] | 7 - binutils | [] [] [] [] | 9 - bison | [] [] [] [] | 20 - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] | 18 - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - cflow | [] [] | 5 - clisp | | 9 - console-tools | [] [] | 5 - coreutils | [] [] [] | 18 - cpio | [] [] [] [] | 11 - cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] | 12 - cryptonit | [] | 6 - dialog | [] [] [] | 9 - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - doodle | [] | 6 - e2fsprogs | [] [] | 10 - enscript | [] [] [] | 16 - fetchmail | [] [] | 12 - findutils | [] [] [] | 11 - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | 18 - flex | [] [] | 15 - fslint | [] | 2 - gas | [] | 3 - gawk | [] [] [] | 16 - gcal | [] | 5 - gcc | [] [] [] | 7 - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 - gip | [] [] | 13 - gliv | [] [] | 11 - glunarclock | [] [] [] | 15 - gmult | [] [] [] [] | 16 - gnubiff | [] | 2 - gnucash | () [] | 5 - gnuedu | [] | 2 - gnulib | [] | 10 - gnunet | | 0 - gnunet-gtk | [] [] | 3 - gnutls | | 4 - gpe-aerial | [] [] | 14 - gpe-beam | [] [] | 14 - gpe-calendar | [] [] | 7 - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-conf | [] [] [] | 16 - gpe-contacts | [] [] | 10 - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] | 22 - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | 7 - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] | 19 - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-package | [] | 6 - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | 16 - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | 18 - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-todo | [] [] | 8 - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gprof | [] [] | 13 - gpsdrive | [] | 5 - gramadoir | [] | 7 - grep | [] | 12 - gretl | | 6 - gsasl | [] [] [] | 9 - gss | [] | 7 - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | 13 - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | 11 - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | 13 - gstreamer | [] [] [] | 18 - gtick | [] [] | 7 - gtkam | [] | 16 - gtkorphan | [] | 7 - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 - gutenprint | | 4 - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 38 - herrie | [] [] | 8 - hylafax | | 0 - idutils | [] [] | 15 - indent | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - iso_15924 | [] [] | 4 - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 54 - iso_3166_2 | [] [] | 4 - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] | 26 - jpilot | [] [] [] [] | 7 - jtag | [] | 3 - jwhois | [] [] [] | 13 - kbd | [] [] [] | 13 - keytouch | [] | 8 - keytouch-editor | [] | 5 - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | 5 - latrine | [] [] | 5 - ld | [] [] [] [] | 10 - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - libc | [] [] [] | 19 - libexif | [] | 5 - libextractor | [] | 5 - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 20 - libgpg-error | [] | 6 - libgphoto2 | [] [] | 9 - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | 11 - libgsasl | [] | 8 - libiconv | [] [] | 11 - libidn | [] [] | 11 - lifelines | | 4 - lilypond | [] | 6 - lingoteach | [] | 6 - lprng | [] | 2 - lynx | [] [] [] | 15 - m4 | [] [] [] | 18 - mailfromd | [] [] | 3 - mailutils | [] [] | 8 - make | [] [] [] | 20 - man-db | [] | 9 - minicom | [] | 14 - nano | [] [] [] | 20 - opcodes | [] [] | 10 - parted | [] [] [] | 11 - pilot-qof | [] | 1 - popt | [] [] [] [] | 18 - psmisc | [] [] | 10 - pwdutils | [] | 3 - qof | [] | 4 - radius | [] [] | 7 - recode | [] [] [] | 25 - rpm | [] [] [] [] | 13 - screem | [] | 2 - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | 26 - sed | [] [] [] [] | 23 - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] | 29 - sharutils | [] [] [] | 23 - shishi | [] | 3 - skencil | [] | 7 - solfege | [] | 3 - soundtracker | [] [] | 9 - sp | [] | 3 - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 38 - tar | [] [] [] | 17 - texinfo | [] [] [] | 15 - tin | | 1 - tuxpaint | [] [] [] | 19 + a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + aegis | [] | 9 + ant-phone | [] [] [] [] | 9 + anubis | [] [] [] [] | 15 + aspell | [] [] [] | 20 + bash | [] [] [] | 12 + bfd | [] | 6 + bibshelf | [] [] [] | 16 + binutils | [] [] | 8 + bison | [] [] | 12 + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 37 + bombono-dvd | [] | 4 + buzztard | [] | 7 + cflow | [] [] [] | 9 + clisp | | 10 + coreutils | [] [] [] [] | 22 + cpio | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 13 + cppi | [] [] | 5 + cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 14 + cryptsetup | [] [] | 7 + dfarc | [] | 9 + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + dico | [] | 2 + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + dink | | 4 + doodle | [] [] | 7 + e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | 11 + enscript | [] [] [] [] | 17 + exif | [] [] [] | 16 + fetchmail | [] [] [] | 17 + findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 + flex | [] [] [] [] | 15 + freedink | [] | 10 + gas | [] | 4 + gawk | [] [] [] [] | 18 + gcal | [] [] | 5 + gcc | [] [] [] | 7 + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 34 + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 22 + gip | [] [] [] [] | 22 + gjay | [] | 3 + gliv | [] [] [] | 14 + glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] | 19 + gnubiff | [] [] | 4 + gnucash | () [] () [] () | 10 + gnuedu | [] [] | 7 + gnulib | [] [] [] [] | 16 + gnunet | [] | 1 + gnunet-gtk | [] [] [] | 5 + gnutls | [] [] [] | 10 + gold | [] | 4 + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] | 18 + gpe-beam | [] [] [] | 19 + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] [] | 13 + gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | 12 + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] | 20 + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] | 17 + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | 12 + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] [] | 16 + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gpe-login | [] [] [] | 11 + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gpe-package | [] [] [] | 13 + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] | 20 + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | 17 + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 + gprof | [] [] [] | 15 + gpsdrive | [] [] [] | 11 + gramadoir | [] [] [] | 11 + grep | [] [] [] | 10 + grub | [] [] [] | 14 + gsasl | [] [] [] [] | 14 + gss | [] [] [] | 11 + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | 26 + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] | 24 + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | 22 + gtick | [] [] [] | 13 + gtkam | [] [] [] | 20 + gtkorphan | [] [] [] | 14 + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 45 + gutenprint | [] | 10 + hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 21 + help2man | [] [] | 7 + hylafax | [] | 5 + idutils | [] [] [] [] | 17 + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + iso_15924 | () [] () [] [] | 16 + iso_3166 | [] [] () [] [] () [] [] [] () | 53 + iso_3166_2 | () [] () [] | 9 + iso_4217 | [] () [] [] () [] [] | 26 + iso_639 | [] [] [] () [] () [] [] [] [] | 38 + iso_639_3 | [] () | 8 + jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 + kbd | [] [] [] [] [] | 15 + keytouch | [] [] [] | 16 + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] | 14 + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] [] | 14 + klavaro | [] | 11 + latrine | [] [] [] | 10 + ld | [] [] [] [] | 11 + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 33 + libc | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 + libexif | [] () | 7 + libextractor | [] | 1 + libgnutls | [] [] [] | 9 + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 14 + libgpg-error | [] [] [] | 9 + libgphoto2 | [] [] | 8 + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] [] | 14 + libgsasl | [] [] [] | 13 + libiconv | [] [] [] [] | 21 + libidn | () [] [] | 11 + lifelines | [] | 4 + liferea | [] [] [] | 21 + lilypond | [] | 7 + linkdr | [] [] [] [] [] | 17 + lordsawar | | 1 + lprng | [] | 3 + lynx | [] [] [] [] | 17 + m4 | [] [] [] [] | 19 + mailfromd | [] [] | 3 + mailutils | [] | 5 + make | [] [] [] [] | 21 + man-db | [] [] [] | 8 + man-db-manpages | | 4 + minicom | [] [] | 16 + mkisofs | [] [] | 9 + myserver | | 0 + nano | [] [] [] [] | 21 + opcodes | [] [] [] | 11 + parted | [] [] [] [] [] | 15 + pies | [] [] | 3 + popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + psmisc | [] [] | 11 + pspp | | 4 + pwdutils | [] [] | 6 + radius | [] [] | 9 + recode | [] [] [] [] | 28 + rosegarden | () | 0 + rpm | [] [] [] | 11 + rush | [] [] | 4 + sarg | | 1 + screem | [] | 3 + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + sed | [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 22 + shishi | [] | 3 + skencil | [] [] | 7 + solfege | [] [] [] [] | 16 + solfege-manual | [] | 8 + soundtracker | [] [] [] | 9 + sp | [] | 3 + sysstat | [] [] | 15 + tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 23 + texinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | 17 + tin | | 4 unicode-han-tra... | | 0 unicode-transla... | | 2 - util-linux | [] [] [] | 20 - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] | 20 - vorbis-tools | [] [] | 4 - wastesedge | | 1 - wdiff | [] [] | 23 - wget | [] [] [] | 20 - xchat | [] [] [] [] | 29 - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | 14 - xpad | [] [] [] | 15 + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | 20 + vice | () () | 1 + vmm | [] | 4 + vorbis-tools | [] | 6 + wastesedge | | 2 + wdiff | [] [] | 7 + wget | [] [] [] [] [] | 26 + wyslij-po | [] [] | 8 + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 36 + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 63 + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | 22 +---------------------------------------------------+ - 76 teams tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu - 163 domains 0 3 1 74 51 0 143 21 1 57 7 45 0 2036 + 85 teams sv sw ta te tg th tr uk vi wa zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW + 178 domains 119 1 3 3 0 10 65 51 155 17 98 7 41 2618 Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are @@ -1042,12 +1256,12 @@ lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a distribution. - If November 2007 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy -of this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most -up-to-date matrix with full percentage details can be found at + If June 2010 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of +this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most up-to-date +matrix with full percentage details can be found at `http://translationproject.org/extra/matrix.html'. -1.6 Using `gettext' in new packages +1.5 Using `gettext' in new packages =================================== If you are writing a freely available program and want to diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/aclocal.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/aclocal.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/aclocal.m4 2014-08-12 18:29:31.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/aclocal.m4 2015-06-02 08:37:24.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ -# generated automatically by aclocal 1.11.6 -*- Autoconf -*- +# generated automatically by aclocal 1.14.1 -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, -# 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, -# Inc. # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -12,16 +11,17 @@ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [m4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])m4_defun([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS($@)])]) m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [m4_copy([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION], [AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION])])dnl m4_if(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]), [2.69],, [m4_warning([this file was generated for autoconf 2.69. You have another version of autoconf. It may work, but is not guaranteed to. If you have problems, you may need to regenerate the build system entirely. -To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically `autoreconf'.])]) +To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically 'autoreconf'.])]) -# intlmacosx.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.18) -dnl Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# intlmacosx.m4 serial 5 (gettext-0.18.2) +dnl Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -35,35 +35,40 @@ dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. dnl They are *not* in the public domain. -dnl Checks for special options needed on MacOS X. +dnl Checks for special options needed on Mac OS X. dnl Defines INTL_MACOSX_LIBS. AC_DEFUN([gt_INTL_MACOSX], [ - dnl Check for API introduced in MacOS X 10.2. + dnl Check for API introduced in Mac OS X 10.2. AC_CACHE_CHECK([for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue], [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue], [gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], - [CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(NULL, NULL)], + AC_LINK_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[#include ]], + [[CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(NULL, NULL)]])], [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=yes], [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=no]) LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE], [1], - [Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in the CoreFoundation framework.]) + [Define to 1 if you have the Mac OS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in the CoreFoundation framework.]) fi - dnl Check for API introduced in MacOS X 10.3. + dnl Check for API introduced in Mac OS X 10.3. AC_CACHE_CHECK([for CFLocaleCopyCurrent], [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent], [gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [CFLocaleCopyCurrent();], + AC_LINK_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[#include ]], + [[CFLocaleCopyCurrent();]])], [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=yes], [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=no]) LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) if test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT], [1], - [Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the CoreFoundation framework.]) + [Define to 1 if you have the Mac OS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the CoreFoundation framework.]) fi INTL_MACOSX_LIBS= if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes || test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then @@ -72,8 +77,8 @@ AC_SUBST([INTL_MACOSX_LIBS]) ]) -# longlong.m4 serial 14 -dnl Copyright (C) 1999-2007, 2009-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# longlong.m4 serial 17 +dnl Copyright (C) 1999-2007, 2009-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -81,8 +86,8 @@ dnl From Paul Eggert. # Define HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT if 'long long int' works. -# This fixes a bug in Autoconf 2.61, but can be removed once we -# assume 2.62 everywhere. +# This fixes a bug in Autoconf 2.61, and can be faster +# than what's in Autoconf 2.62 through 2.68. # Note: If the type 'long long int' exists but is only 32 bits large # (as on some very old compilers), HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT will not be @@ -90,44 +95,48 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG_INT], [ + AC_REQUIRE([AC_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for long long int], [ac_cv_type_long_long_int], - [AC_LINK_IFELSE( - [_AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG_SNIPPET], - [dnl This catches a bug in Tandem NonStop Kernel (OSS) cc -O circa 2004. - dnl If cross compiling, assume the bug isn't important, since - dnl nobody cross compiles for this platform as far as we know. - AC_RUN_IFELSE( - [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( - [[@%:@include - @%:@ifndef LLONG_MAX - @%:@ define HALF \ - (1LL << (sizeof (long long int) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) - @%:@ define LLONG_MAX (HALF - 1 + HALF) - @%:@endif]], - [[long long int n = 1; - int i; - for (i = 0; ; i++) - { - long long int m = n << i; - if (m >> i != n) - return 1; - if (LLONG_MAX / 2 < m) - break; - } - return 0;]])], - [ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes], - [ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no], - [ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes])], - [ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no])]) + [ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes + if test "x${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99-no}" = xno; then + ac_cv_type_long_long_int=$ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int + if test $ac_cv_type_long_long_int = yes; then + dnl Catch a bug in Tandem NonStop Kernel (OSS) cc -O circa 2004. + dnl If cross compiling, assume the bug is not important, since + dnl nobody cross compiles for this platform as far as we know. + AC_RUN_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[@%:@include + @%:@ifndef LLONG_MAX + @%:@ define HALF \ + (1LL << (sizeof (long long int) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) + @%:@ define LLONG_MAX (HALF - 1 + HALF) + @%:@endif]], + [[long long int n = 1; + int i; + for (i = 0; ; i++) + { + long long int m = n << i; + if (m >> i != n) + return 1; + if (LLONG_MAX / 2 < m) + break; + } + return 0;]])], + [], + [ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no], + [:]) + fi + fi]) if test $ac_cv_type_long_long_int = yes; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT], [1], - [Define to 1 if the system has the type `long long int'.]) + [Define to 1 if the system has the type 'long long int'.]) fi ]) # Define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT if 'unsigned long long int' works. -# This fixes a bug in Autoconf 2.61, but can be removed once we -# assume 2.62 everywhere. +# This fixes a bug in Autoconf 2.61, and can be faster +# than what's in Autoconf 2.62 through 2.68. # Note: If the type 'unsigned long long int' exists but is only 32 bits # large (as on some very old compilers), AC_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT @@ -138,13 +147,16 @@ [ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for unsigned long long int], [ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int], - [AC_LINK_IFELSE( - [_AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG_SNIPPET], - [ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=yes], - [ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=no])]) + [ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=yes + if test "x${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99-no}" = xno; then + AC_LINK_IFELSE( + [_AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG_SNIPPET], + [], + [ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=no]) + fi]) if test $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int = yes; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT], [1], - [Define to 1 if the system has the type `unsigned long long int'.]) + [Define to 1 if the system has the type 'unsigned long long int'.]) fi ]) @@ -179,25 +191,22 @@ | (ullmax / ull) | (ullmax % ull));]]) ]) -# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 1 - # AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION(VERSION) # ---------------------------- # Automake X.Y traces this macro to ensure aclocal.m4 has been # generated from the m4 files accompanying Automake X.Y. # (This private macro should not be called outside this file.) AC_DEFUN([AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], -[am__api_version='1.11' +[am__api_version='1.14' dnl Some users find AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and mistake it for a way to dnl require some minimum version. Point them to the right macro. -m4_if([$1], [1.11.6], [], +m4_if([$1], [1.14.1], [], [AC_FATAL([Do not call $0, use AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([$1]).])])dnl ]) @@ -213,24 +222,22 @@ # Call AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION so they can be traced. # This function is AC_REQUIREd by AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], -[AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION([1.11.6])dnl +[AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION([1.14.1])dnl m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [m4_copy([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION], [AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION])])dnl _AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]))]) # AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 1 - # For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets -# $ac_aux_dir to `$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to -# `$srcdir', `$srcdir/..', or `$srcdir/../..'. +# $ac_aux_dir to '$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to +# '$srcdir', '$srcdir/..', or '$srcdir/../..'. # # Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a # tool from the auxiliary directory. The problem is that $srcdir (and @@ -249,7 +256,7 @@ # # The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir # are both prefixed by $srcdir. In an in-source build this is usually -# harmless because $srcdir is `.', but things will broke when you +# harmless because $srcdir is '.', but things will broke when you # start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir. # # So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing, @@ -267,30 +274,26 @@ # configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration. AC_DEFUN([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND], -[dnl Rely on autoconf to set up CDPATH properly. -AC_PREREQ([2.50])dnl -# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path -am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR_DEFAULT])dnl +# Expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path. +am_aux_dir=`cd "$ac_aux_dir" && pwd` ]) # AM_CONDITIONAL -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 9 - # AM_CONDITIONAL(NAME, SHELL-CONDITION) # ------------------------------------- # Define a conditional. AC_DEFUN([AM_CONDITIONAL], -[AC_PREREQ(2.52)dnl - ifelse([$1], [TRUE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])], - [$1], [FALSE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])])dnl +[AC_PREREQ([2.52])dnl + m4_if([$1], [TRUE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])], + [$1], [FALSE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])])dnl AC_SUBST([$1_TRUE])dnl AC_SUBST([$1_FALSE])dnl _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([$1_TRUE])dnl @@ -309,16 +312,14 @@ Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.]]) fi])]) -# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, -# 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 12 -# There are a few dirty hacks below to avoid letting `AC_PROG_CC' be +# There are a few dirty hacks below to avoid letting 'AC_PROG_CC' be # written in clear, in which case automake, when reading aclocal.m4, # will think it sees a *use*, and therefore will trigger all it's # C support machinery. Also note that it means that autoscan, seeing @@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ # _AM_DEPENDENCIES(NAME) # ---------------------- # See how the compiler implements dependency checking. -# NAME is "CC", "CXX", "GCJ", or "OBJC". +# NAME is "CC", "CXX", "OBJC", "OBJCXX", "UPC", or "GJC". # We try a few techniques and use that to set a single cache variable. # # We don't AC_REQUIRE the corresponding AC_PROG_CC since the latter was @@ -341,12 +342,13 @@ AC_REQUIRE([AM_MAKE_INCLUDE])dnl AC_REQUIRE([AM_DEP_TRACK])dnl -ifelse([$1], CC, [depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list=], - [$1], CXX, [depcc="$CXX" am_compiler_list=], - [$1], OBJC, [depcc="$OBJC" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], - [$1], UPC, [depcc="$UPC" am_compiler_list=], - [$1], GCJ, [depcc="$GCJ" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], - [depcc="$$1" am_compiler_list=]) +m4_if([$1], [CC], [depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], [CXX], [depcc="$CXX" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], [OBJC], [depcc="$OBJC" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [$1], [OBJCXX], [depcc="$OBJCXX" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [$1], [UPC], [depcc="$UPC" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], [GCJ], [depcc="$GCJ" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [depcc="$$1" am_compiler_list=]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([dependency style of $depcc], [am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type], @@ -354,8 +356,8 @@ # We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up - # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output - # in D'. + # making a dummy file named 'D' -- because '-MD' means "put the output + # in D". rm -rf conftest.dir mkdir conftest.dir # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're @@ -395,16 +397,16 @@ : > sub/conftest.c for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c - # Using `: > sub/conftst$i.h' creates only sub/conftst1.h with - # Solaris 8's {/usr,}/bin/sh. - touch sub/conftst$i.h + # Using ": > sub/conftst$i.h" creates only sub/conftst1.h with + # Solaris 10 /bin/sh. + echo '/* dummy */' > sub/conftst$i.h done echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf - # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" + # We check with '-c' and '-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" # mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly - # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel - # versions had trouble with output in subdirs + # handle '-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel + # versions had trouble with output in subdirs. am__obj=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} am__minus_obj="-o $am__obj" case $depmode in @@ -413,8 +415,8 @@ test "$am__universal" = false || continue ;; nosideeffect) - # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll - # only be used when explicitly requested + # After this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll + # only be used when explicitly requested. if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then continue else @@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ fi ;; msvc7 | msvc7msys | msvisualcpp | msvcmsys) - # This compiler won't grok `-c -o', but also, the minuso test has + # This compiler won't grok '-c -o', but also, the minuso test has # not run yet. These depmodes are late enough in the game, and # so weak that their functioning should not be impacted. am__obj=conftest.${OBJEXT-o} @@ -470,7 +472,7 @@ # AM_SET_DEPDIR # ------------- # Choose a directory name for dependency files. -# This macro is AC_REQUIREd in _AM_DEPENDENCIES +# This macro is AC_REQUIREd in _AM_DEPENDENCIES. AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_DEPDIR], [AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT])dnl AC_SUBST([DEPDIR], ["${am__leading_dot}deps"])dnl @@ -480,9 +482,13 @@ # AM_DEP_TRACK # ------------ AC_DEFUN([AM_DEP_TRACK], -[AC_ARG_ENABLE(dependency-tracking, -[ --disable-dependency-tracking speeds up one-time build - --enable-dependency-tracking do not reject slow dependency extractors]) +[AC_ARG_ENABLE([dependency-tracking], [dnl +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--enable-dependency-tracking], + [do not reject slow dependency extractors]) +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--disable-dependency-tracking], + [speeds up one-time build])]) if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then am_depcomp="$ac_aux_dir/depcomp" AMDEPBACKSLASH='\' @@ -497,20 +503,18 @@ # Generate code to set up dependency tracking. -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -#serial 5 # _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS # ------------------------------ AC_DEFUN([_AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], [{ - # Autoconf 2.62 quotes --file arguments for eval, but not when files + # Older Autoconf quotes --file arguments for eval, but not when files # are listed without --file. Let's play safe and only enable the eval # if we detect the quoting. case $CONFIG_FILES in @@ -523,7 +527,7 @@ # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file. mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'` # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not. - # We used to match only the files named `Makefile.in', but + # We used to match only the files named 'Makefile.in', but # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content. # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process # each Makefile.in and add a new line on top of each file to say so. @@ -535,21 +539,19 @@ continue fi # Extract the definition of DEPDIR, am__include, and am__quote - # from the Makefile without running `make'. + # from the Makefile without running 'make'. DEPDIR=`sed -n 's/^DEPDIR = //p' < "$mf"` test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue am__include=`sed -n 's/^am__include = //p' < "$mf"` - test -z "am__include" && continue + test -z "$am__include" && continue am__quote=`sed -n 's/^am__quote = //p' < "$mf"` - # When using ansi2knr, U may be empty or an underscore; expand it - U=`sed -n 's/^U = //p' < "$mf"` # Find all dependency output files, they are included files with # $(DEPDIR) in their names. We invoke sed twice because it is the # simplest approach to changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the # expansion. for file in `sed -n " s/^$am__include $am__quote\(.*(DEPDIR).*\)$am__quote"'$/\1/p' <"$mf" | \ - sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g' -e 's/\$U/'"$U"'/g'`; do + sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g'`; do # Make sure the directory exists. test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue fdir=`AS_DIRNAME(["$file"])` @@ -567,7 +569,7 @@ # This macro should only be invoked once -- use via AC_REQUIRE. # # This code is only required when automatic dependency tracking -# is enabled. FIXME. This creates each `.P' file that we will +# is enabled. FIXME. This creates each '.P' file that we will # need in order to bootstrap the dependency handling code. AC_DEFUN([AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], [AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([depfiles], @@ -575,32 +577,23 @@ [AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir"]) ]) -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -# serial 8 - -# AM_CONFIG_HEADER is obsolete. It has been replaced by AC_CONFIG_HEADERS. -AU_DEFUN([AM_CONFIG_HEADER], [AC_CONFIG_HEADERS($@)]) - # Do all the work for Automake. -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, -# 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 16 - # This macro actually does too much. Some checks are only needed if # your package does certain things. But this isn't really a big deal. +dnl Redefine AC_PROG_CC to automatically invoke _AM_PROG_CC_C_O. +m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], +m4_defn([AC_PROG_CC]) +[_AM_PROG_CC_C_O +]) + # AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(PACKAGE, VERSION, [NO-DEFINE]) # AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([OPTIONS]) # ----------------------------------------------- @@ -613,7 +606,7 @@ # arguments mandatory, and then we can depend on a new Autoconf # release and drop the old call support. AC_DEFUN([AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE], -[AC_PREREQ([2.62])dnl +[AC_PREREQ([2.65])dnl dnl Autoconf wants to disallow AM_ names. We explicitly allow dnl the ones we care about. m4_pattern_allow([^AM_[A-Z]+FLAGS$])dnl @@ -642,31 +635,40 @@ # Define the identity of the package. dnl Distinguish between old-style and new-style calls. m4_ifval([$2], -[m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl +[AC_DIAGNOSE([obsolete], + [$0: two- and three-arguments forms are deprecated.]) +m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], [$1])dnl AC_SUBST([VERSION], [$2])], [_AM_SET_OPTIONS([$1])dnl dnl Diagnose old-style AC_INIT with new-style AM_AUTOMAKE_INIT. -m4_if(m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_NAME], 1)m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_VERSION], 1), 11,, +m4_if( + m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_NAME], [ok]):m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_VERSION], [ok]), + [ok:ok],, [m4_fatal([AC_INIT should be called with package and version arguments])])dnl AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], ['AC_PACKAGE_TARNAME'])dnl AC_SUBST([VERSION], ['AC_PACKAGE_VERSION'])])dnl _AM_IF_OPTION([no-define],, -[AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of package]) - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version number of package])])dnl +[AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([PACKAGE], ["$PACKAGE"], [Name of package]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([VERSION], ["$VERSION"], [Version number of package])])dnl # Some tools Automake needs. AC_REQUIRE([AM_SANITY_CHECK])dnl AC_REQUIRE([AC_ARG_PROGRAM])dnl -AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal-${am__api_version}) -AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf) -AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake-${am__api_version}) -AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOHEADER, autoheader) -AM_MISSING_PROG(MAKEINFO, makeinfo) +AM_MISSING_PROG([ACLOCAL], [aclocal-${am__api_version}]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOCONF], [autoconf]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOMAKE], [automake-${am__api_version}]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOHEADER], [autoheader]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([MAKEINFO], [makeinfo]) AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP])dnl -AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl +# For better backward compatibility. To be removed once Automake 1.9.x +# dies out for good. For more background, see: +# +# +AC_SUBST([mkdir_p], ['$(MKDIR_P)']) # We need awk for the "check" target. The system "awk" is bad on # some platforms. AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_AWK])dnl @@ -677,34 +679,79 @@ [_AM_PROG_TAR([v7])])]) _AM_IF_OPTION([no-dependencies],, [AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CC], - [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC)], - [define([AC_PROG_CC], - defn([AC_PROG_CC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC)])])dnl + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CC])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_CC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CC])])])dnl AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CXX], - [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CXX)], - [define([AC_PROG_CXX], - defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CXX)])])dnl + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CXX])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_CXX], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CXX])])])dnl AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_OBJC], - [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(OBJC)], - [define([AC_PROG_OBJC], - defn([AC_PROG_OBJC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(OBJC)])])dnl + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJC])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_OBJC], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_OBJC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJC])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_OBJCXX], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJCXX])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_OBJCXX], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_OBJCXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJCXX])])])dnl ]) -_AM_IF_OPTION([silent-rules], [AC_REQUIRE([AM_SILENT_RULES])])dnl -dnl The `parallel-tests' driver may need to know about EXEEXT, so add the -dnl `am__EXEEXT' conditional if _AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT was seen. This macro -dnl is hooked onto _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT early, see below. +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SILENT_RULES])dnl +dnl The testsuite driver may need to know about EXEEXT, so add the +dnl 'am__EXEEXT' conditional if _AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT was seen. This +dnl macro is hooked onto _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT early, see below. AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE(dnl [m4_provide_if([_AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT], [AM_CONDITIONAL([am__EXEEXT], [test -n "$EXEEXT"])])])dnl + +# POSIX will say in a future version that running "rm -f" with no argument +# is OK; and we want to be able to make that assumption in our Makefile +# recipes. So use an aggressive probe to check that the usage we want is +# actually supported "in the wild" to an acceptable degree. +# See automake bug#10828. +# To make any issue more visible, cause the running configure to be aborted +# by default if the 'rm' program in use doesn't match our expectations; the +# user can still override this though. +if rm -f && rm -fr && rm -rf; then : OK; else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Oops! + +Your 'rm' program seems unable to run without file operands specified +on the command line, even when the '-f' option is present. This is contrary +to the behaviour of most rm programs out there, and not conforming with +the upcoming POSIX standard: + +Please tell bug-automake@gnu.org about your system, including the value +of your $PATH and any error possibly output before this message. This +can help us improve future automake versions. + +END + if test x"$ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM" = x"yes"; then + echo 'Configuration will proceed anyway, since you have set the' >&2 + echo 'ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM variable to "yes"' >&2 + echo >&2 + else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Aborting the configuration process, to ensure you take notice of the issue. + +You can download and install GNU coreutils to get an 'rm' implementation +that behaves properly: . + +If you want to complete the configuration process using your problematic +'rm' anyway, export the environment variable ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM +to "yes", and re-run configure. + +END + AC_MSG_ERROR([Your 'rm' program is bad, sorry.]) + fi +fi ]) -dnl Hook into `_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT' early to learn its expansion. Do not +dnl Hook into '_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT' early to learn its expansion. Do not dnl add the conditional right here, as _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT may be further dnl mangled by Autoconf and run in a shell conditional statement. m4_define([_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT], m4_defn([_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT])[m4_provide([_AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT])]) - # When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file. # This file resides in the same directory as the config header # that is generated. The stamp files are numbered to have different names. @@ -726,15 +773,12 @@ done echo "timestamp for $_am_arg" >`AS_DIRNAME(["$_am_arg"])`/stamp-h[]$_am_stamp_count]) -# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, -# Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 1 - # AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH # ------------------ # Define $install_sh. @@ -748,16 +792,14 @@ install_sh="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/install-sh" esac fi -AC_SUBST(install_sh)]) +AC_SUBST([install_sh])]) -# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 2 - # Check whether the underlying file-system supports filenames # with a leading dot. For instance MS-DOS doesn't. AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT], @@ -774,20 +816,17 @@ # Add --enable-maintainer-mode option to configure. -*- Autoconf -*- # From Jim Meyering -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, -# 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 5 - # AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([DEFAULT-MODE]) # ---------------------------------- # Control maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles. -# Default is to disable them, unless `enable' is passed literally. -# For symmetry, `disable' may be passed as well. Anyway, the user +# Default is to disable them, unless 'enable' is passed literally. +# For symmetry, 'disable' may be passed as well. Anyway, the user # can override the default with the --enable/--disable switch. AC_DEFUN([AM_MAINTAINER_MODE], [m4_case(m4_default([$1], [disable]), @@ -798,10 +837,11 @@ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles]) dnl maintainer-mode's default is 'disable' unless 'enable' is passed AC_ARG_ENABLE([maintainer-mode], -[ --][am_maintainer_other][-maintainer-mode am_maintainer_other make rules and dependencies not useful - (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer], - [USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=$enableval], - [USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=]m4_if(am_maintainer_other, [enable], [no], [yes])) + [AS_HELP_STRING([--]am_maintainer_other[-maintainer-mode], + am_maintainer_other[ make rules and dependencies not useful + (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer])], + [USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=$enableval], + [USE_MAINTAINER_MODE=]m4_if(am_maintainer_other, [enable], [no], [yes])) AC_MSG_RESULT([$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE]) AM_CONDITIONAL([MAINTAINER_MODE], [test $USE_MAINTAINER_MODE = yes]) MAINT=$MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE @@ -809,18 +849,14 @@ ] ) -AU_DEFUN([jm_MAINTAINER_MODE], [AM_MAINTAINER_MODE]) - # Check to see how 'make' treats includes. -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 4 - # AM_MAKE_INCLUDE() # ----------------- # Check to see how make treats includes. @@ -838,7 +874,7 @@ _am_result=none # First try GNU make style include. echo "include confinc" > confmf -# Ignore all kinds of additional output from `make'. +# Ignore all kinds of additional output from 'make'. case `$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null` in #( *the\ am__doit\ target*) am__include=include @@ -863,52 +899,14 @@ rm -f confinc confmf ]) -# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -# serial 6 - -# AM_PROG_CC_C_O -# -------------- -# Like AC_PROG_CC_C_O, but changed for automake. -AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_CC_C_O], -[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC_C_O])dnl -AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl -AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([compile])dnl -# FIXME: we rely on the cache variable name because -# there is no other way. -set dummy $CC -am_cc=`echo $[2] | sed ['s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g;s/^[0-9]/_/']` -eval am_t=\$ac_cv_prog_cc_${am_cc}_c_o -if test "$am_t" != yes; then - # Losing compiler, so override with the script. - # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. - # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. - # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, - # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" - CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" -fi -dnl Make sure AC_PROG_CC is never called again, or it will override our -dnl setting of CC. -m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], - [m4_fatal([AC_PROG_CC cannot be called after AM_PROG_CC_C_O])]) -]) - # Fake the existence of programs that GNU maintainers use. -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 6 - # AM_MISSING_PROG(NAME, PROGRAM) # ------------------------------ AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_PROG], @@ -916,11 +914,10 @@ $1=${$1-"${am_missing_run}$2"} AC_SUBST($1)]) - # AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN # ------------------ -# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it supports --run. -# If it does, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing. +# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it is modern enough. +# If it is, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing. AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN], [AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([missing])dnl @@ -933,54 +930,51 @@ esac fi # Use eval to expand $SHELL -if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then - am_missing_run="$MISSING --run " +if eval "$MISSING --is-lightweight"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING " else am_missing_run= - AC_MSG_WARN([`missing' script is too old or missing]) + AC_MSG_WARN(['missing' script is too old or missing]) fi ]) -# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011 Free Software Foundation, -# Inc. +# -*- Autoconf -*- +# Obsolete and "removed" macros, that must however still report explicit +# error messages when used, to smooth transition. +# +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 1 - -# AM_PROG_MKDIR_P -# --------------- -# Check for `mkdir -p'. -AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P], -[AC_PREREQ([2.60])dnl -AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl -dnl Automake 1.8 to 1.9.6 used to define mkdir_p. We now use MKDIR_P, -dnl while keeping a definition of mkdir_p for backward compatibility. -dnl @MKDIR_P@ is magic: AC_OUTPUT adjusts its value for each Makefile. -dnl However we cannot define mkdir_p as $(MKDIR_P) for the sake of -dnl Makefile.ins that do not define MKDIR_P, so we do our own -dnl adjustment using top_builddir (which is defined more often than -dnl MKDIR_P). -AC_SUBST([mkdir_p], ["$MKDIR_P"])dnl -case $mkdir_p in - [[\\/$]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) ;; - */*) mkdir_p="\$(top_builddir)/$mkdir_p" ;; -esac -]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_CONFIG_HEADER], +[AC_DIAGNOSE([obsolete], +['$0': this macro is obsolete. +You should use the 'AC][_CONFIG_HEADERS' macro instead.])dnl +AC_CONFIG_HEADERS($@)]) + +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_CC_STDC], +[AC_PROG_CC +am_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc +AC_DIAGNOSE([obsolete], +['$0': this macro is obsolete. +You should simply use the 'AC][_PROG_CC' macro instead. +Also, your code should no longer depend upon 'am_cv_prog_cc_stdc', +but upon 'ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc'.])]) + +AC_DEFUN([AM_C_PROTOTYPES], + [AC_FATAL([automatic de-ANSI-fication support has been removed])]) +AU_DEFUN([fp_C_PROTOTYPES], [AM_C_PROTOTYPES]) # Helper functions for option handling. -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 5 - # _AM_MANGLE_OPTION(NAME) # ----------------------- AC_DEFUN([_AM_MANGLE_OPTION], @@ -990,7 +984,7 @@ # -------------------- # Set option NAME. Presently that only means defining a flag for this option. AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTION], -[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), 1)]) +[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [1])]) # _AM_SET_OPTIONS(OPTIONS) # ------------------------ @@ -1004,24 +998,82 @@ AC_DEFUN([_AM_IF_OPTION], [m4_ifset(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [$2], [$3])]) -# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. -*- Autoconf -*- +# Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# _AM_PROG_CC_C_O +# --------------- +# Like AC_PROG_CC_C_O, but changed for automake. We rewrite AC_PROG_CC +# to automatically call this. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_PROG_CC_C_O], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([compile])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH([C])dnl +AC_CACHE_CHECK( + [whether $CC understands -c and -o together], + [am_cv_prog_cc_c_o], + [AC_LANG_CONFTEST([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([])]) + # Make sure it works both with $CC and with simple cc. + # Following AC_PROG_CC_C_O, we do the test twice because some + # compilers refuse to overwrite an existing .o file with -o, + # though they will create one. + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=yes + for am_i in 1 2; do + if AM_RUN_LOG([$CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext]) \ + && test -f conftest2.$ac_objext; then + : OK + else + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=no + break + fi + done + rm -f core conftest* + unset am_i]) +if test "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" != yes; then + # Losing compiler, so override with the script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, + # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" + CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" +fi +AC_LANG_POP([C])]) + +# For backward compatibility. +AC_DEFUN_ONCE([AM_PROG_CC_C_O], [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 5 +# AM_RUN_LOG(COMMAND) +# ------------------- +# Run COMMAND, save the exit status in ac_status, and log it. +# (This has been adapted from Autoconf's _AC_RUN_LOG macro.) +AC_DEFUN([AM_RUN_LOG], +[{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $1" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ($1) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + (exit $ac_status); }]) + +# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. # AM_SANITY_CHECK # --------------- AC_DEFUN([AM_SANITY_CHECK], [AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane]) -# Just in case -sleep 1 -echo timestamp > conftest.file # Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory # name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. am_lf=' @@ -1032,32 +1084,40 @@ esac case $srcdir in *[[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]]*) - AC_MSG_ERROR([unsafe srcdir value: `$srcdir']);; + AC_MSG_ERROR([unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir']);; esac -# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's # arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a # symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks # (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing # directory). if ( - set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` - if test "$[*]" = "X"; then - # -L didn't work. - set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` - fi - rm -f conftest.file - if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ - && test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then - - # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen - # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a - # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually - # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". - AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken -alias in your environment]) - fi - + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$[*]" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment]) + fi + if test "$[2]" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done test "$[2]" = conftest.file ) then @@ -1067,46 +1127,118 @@ AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files! Check your system clock]) fi -AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE( + [AC_MSG_CHECKING([that generated files are newer than configure]) + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT([done])]) +rm -f conftest.file +]) -# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 1 +# AM_SILENT_RULES([DEFAULT]) +# -------------------------- +# Enable less verbose build rules; with the default set to DEFAULT +# ("yes" being less verbose, "no" or empty being verbose). +AC_DEFUN([AM_SILENT_RULES], +[AC_ARG_ENABLE([silent-rules], [dnl +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--enable-silent-rules], + [less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1")]) +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--disable-silent-rules], + [verbose build output (undo: "make V=0")])dnl +]) +case $enable_silent_rules in @%:@ ((( + yes) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=0;; + no) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; + *) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=m4_if([$1], [yes], [0], [1]);; +esac +dnl +dnl A few 'make' implementations (e.g., NonStop OS and NextStep) +dnl do not support nested variable expansions. +dnl See automake bug#9928 and bug#10237. +am_make=${MAKE-make} +AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $am_make supports nested variables], + [am_cv_make_support_nested_variables], + [if AS_ECHO([['TRUE=$(BAR$(V)) +BAR0=false +BAR1=true +V=1 +am__doit: + @$(TRUE) +.PHONY: am__doit']]) | $am_make -f - >/dev/null 2>&1; then + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes +else + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=no +fi]) +if test $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables = yes; then + dnl Using '$V' instead of '$(V)' breaks IRIX make. + AM_V='$(V)' + AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' +else + AM_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY + AM_DEFAULT_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +fi +AC_SUBST([AM_V])dnl +AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_V])dnl +AC_SUBST([AM_DEFAULT_V])dnl +AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_DEFAULT_V])dnl +AC_SUBST([AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY])dnl +AM_BACKSLASH='\' +AC_SUBST([AM_BACKSLASH])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_BACKSLASH])dnl +]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. # AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP # --------------------- -# One issue with vendor `install' (even GNU) is that you can't +# One issue with vendor 'install' (even GNU) is that you can't # specify the program used to strip binaries. This is especially # annoying in cross-compiling environments, where the build's strip # is unlikely to handle the host's binaries. # Fortunately install-sh will honor a STRIPPROG variable, so we -# always use install-sh in `make install-strip', and initialize +# always use install-sh in "make install-strip", and initialize # STRIPPROG with the value of the STRIP variable (set by the user). AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP], [AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl -# Installed binaries are usually stripped using `strip' when the user -# run `make install-strip'. However `strip' might not be the right +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using 'strip' when the user +# run "make install-strip". However 'strip' might not be the right # tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake -# will honor the `STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. -dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be `maybe'. +# will honor the 'STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be 'maybe'. if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP], [strip], :) fi INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\$(install_sh) -c -s" AC_SUBST([INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM])]) -# Copyright (C) 2006, 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 3 - # _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE(VARIABLE) # --------------------------- # Prevent Automake from outputting VARIABLE = @VARIABLE@ in Makefile.in. @@ -1120,18 +1252,16 @@ # Check how to create a tarball. -*- Autoconf -*- -# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# serial 2 - # _AM_PROG_TAR(FORMAT) # -------------------- # Check how to create a tarball in format FORMAT. -# FORMAT should be one of `v7', `ustar', or `pax'. +# FORMAT should be one of 'v7', 'ustar', or 'pax'. # # Substitute a variable $(am__tar) that is a command # writing to stdout a FORMAT-tarball containing the directory @@ -1141,76 +1271,114 @@ # Substitute a variable $(am__untar) that extract such # a tarball read from stdin. # $(am__untar) < result.tar +# AC_DEFUN([_AM_PROG_TAR], [# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. Yes, it's still used # in the wild :-( We should find a proper way to deprecate it ... AC_SUBST([AMTAR], ['$${TAR-tar}']) -m4_if([$1], [v7], - [am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'], - [m4_case([$1], [ustar],, [pax],, - [m4_fatal([Unknown tar format])]) -AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to create a $1 tar archive]) -# Loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. + +# We'll loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. _am_tools='gnutar m4_if([$1], [ustar], [plaintar]) pax cpio none' -_am_tools=${am_cv_prog_tar_$1-$_am_tools} -# Do not fold the above two line into one, because Tru64 sh and -# Solaris sh will not grok spaces in the rhs of `-'. -for _am_tool in $_am_tools -do - case $_am_tool in - gnutar) - for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar; - do - AM_RUN_LOG([$_am_tar --version]) && break - done - am__tar="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$$tardir"' - am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$tardir"' - am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -" - ;; - plaintar) - # Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create - # ustar tarball either. - (tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue - am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"' - am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"' - am__untar='tar xf -' - ;; - pax) - am__tar='pax -L -x $1 -w "$$tardir"' - am__tar_='pax -L -x $1 -w "$tardir"' - am__untar='pax -r' - ;; - cpio) - am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' - am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' - am__untar='cpio -i -H $1 -d' - ;; - none) - am__tar=false - am__tar_=false - am__untar=false - ;; - esac - # If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar - # and am__untar set. - test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_$1}" && break +m4_if([$1], [v7], + [am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'], - # tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works - rm -rf conftest.dir - mkdir conftest.dir - echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file - AM_RUN_LOG([tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar]) + [m4_case([$1], + [ustar], + [# The POSIX 1988 'ustar' format is defined with fixed-size fields. + # There is notably a 21 bits limit for the UID and the GID. In fact, + # the 'pax' utility can hang on bigger UID/GID (see automake bug#8343 + # and bug#13588). + am_max_uid=2097151 # 2^21 - 1 + am_max_gid=$am_max_uid + # The $UID and $GID variables are not portable, so we need to resort + # to the POSIX-mandated id(1) utility. Errors in the 'id' calls + # below are definitely unexpected, so allow the users to see them + # (that is, avoid stderr redirection). + am_uid=`id -u || echo unknown` + am_gid=`id -g || echo unknown` + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether UID '$am_uid' is supported by ustar format]) + if test $am_uid -le $am_max_uid; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + _am_tools=none + fi + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether GID '$am_gid' is supported by ustar format]) + if test $am_gid -le $am_max_gid; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + _am_tools=none + fi], + + [pax], + [], + + [m4_fatal([Unknown tar format])]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to create a $1 tar archive]) + + # Go ahead even if we have the value already cached. We do so because we + # need to set the values for the 'am__tar' and 'am__untar' variables. + _am_tools=${am_cv_prog_tar_$1-$_am_tools} + + for _am_tool in $_am_tools; do + case $_am_tool in + gnutar) + for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar; do + AM_RUN_LOG([$_am_tar --version]) && break + done + am__tar="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$$tardir"' + am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$tardir"' + am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -" + ;; + plaintar) + # Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create + # ustar tarball either. + (tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue + am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"' + am__untar='tar xf -' + ;; + pax) + am__tar='pax -L -x $1 -w "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='pax -L -x $1 -w "$tardir"' + am__untar='pax -r' + ;; + cpio) + am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__untar='cpio -i -H $1 -d' + ;; + none) + am__tar=false + am__tar_=false + am__untar=false + ;; + esac + + # If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar + # and am__untar set. + test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_$1}" && break + + # tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works. + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file + AM_RUN_LOG([tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar]) + rm -rf conftest.dir + if test -s conftest.tar; then + AM_RUN_LOG([$am__untar /dev/null 2>&1 && break + fi + done rm -rf conftest.dir - if test -s conftest.tar; then - AM_RUN_LOG([$am__untar /dev/null 2>&1 && break - fi -done -rm -rf conftest.dir -AC_CACHE_VAL([am_cv_prog_tar_$1], [am_cv_prog_tar_$1=$_am_tool]) -AC_MSG_RESULT([$am_cv_prog_tar_$1])]) + AC_CACHE_VAL([am_cv_prog_tar_$1], [am_cv_prog_tar_$1=$_am_tool]) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$am_cv_prog_tar_$1])]) + AC_SUBST([am__tar]) AC_SUBST([am__untar]) ]) # _AM_PROG_TAR diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/agent.h gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/agent.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/agent.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/agent.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ int ignore_cache_for_signing; int allow_mark_trusted; int allow_preset_passphrase; + + /* Allow the use of an external password cache. If this option is + enabled (which is the default) we send an option to Pinentry + to allow it to enable such a cache. */ + int allow_external_cache; + int keep_tty; /* Don't switch the TTY (for pinentry) on request */ int keep_display; /* Don't switch the DISPLAY (for pinentry) on request */ int ssh_support; /* Enable ssh-agent emulation. */ @@ -273,16 +279,20 @@ int agent_askpin (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_text, const char *prompt_text, const char *inital_errtext, - struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo); + struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo, + const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode); int agent_get_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, char **retpass, const char *desc, const char *prompt, - const char *errtext, int with_qualitybar); + const char *errtext, int with_qualitybar, + const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode); int agent_get_confirmation (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok, const char *notokay, int with_cancel); int agent_show_message (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn); int agent_popup_message_start (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn); void agent_popup_message_stop (ctrl_t ctrl); +int agent_clear_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, + const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode); /*-- cache.c --*/ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/call-pinentry.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/call-pinentry.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/call-pinentry.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/call-pinentry.c 2015-06-02 08:33:03.000000000 +0000 @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ disconnect that pinentry - we do this after the unlock so that a stalled pinentry does not block other threads. Fixme: We should have a timeout in Assuan for the disconnect operation. */ -static int +static int unlock_pinentry (int rc) { assuan_context_t ctx = entry_ctx; @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ { int iterator = 0; const char *name, *assname, *value; - + gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM); while ((name = session_env_list_stdenvnames (&iterator, &assname))) @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ ones which do have an assuan name but are conveyed using environment variables, update the environment of the forked process. */ - if (!assname + if (!assname || !strcmp (name, "XAUTHORITY") || !strcmp (name, "PINENTRY_USER_DATA")) { @@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ entry_owner = ctrl; if (entry_ctx) - return 0; + return 0; if (opt.verbose) log_info ("starting a new PIN Entry\n"); -#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM +#ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); #endif @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ } else argv[1] = NULL; - + i=0; if (!opt.running_detached) { @@ -346,12 +346,13 @@ if (DBG_ASSUAN) log_debug ("connection to PIN entry established\n"); - rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, opt.no_grab? "OPTION no-grab":"OPTION grab", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc) return unlock_pinentry (rc); + value = session_env_getenv (ctrl->session_env, "GPG_TTY"); if (value) { @@ -399,10 +400,26 @@ return unlock_pinentry (rc); } + if (opt.allow_external_cache) + { + /* Indicate to the pinentry that it may read from an external cache. + + It is essential that the pinentry respect this. If the + cached password is not up to date and retry == 1, then, using + a version of GPG Agent that doesn't support this, won't issue + another pin request and the user won't get a chance to + correct the password. */ + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "OPTION allow-external-password-cache", + NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION) + return unlock_pinentry (rc); + } + + { /* Provide a few default strings for use by the pinentries. This may help a pinentry to avoid implementing localization code. */ - static struct { const char *key, *value; } tbl[] = { + static struct { const char *key, *value; int mode; } tbl[] = { /* TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for @@ -410,7 +427,14 @@ the second vertical bar. */ { "ok", N_("|pinentry-label|_OK") }, { "cancel", N_("|pinentry-label|_Cancel") }, + { "yes", N_("|pinentry-label|_Yes") }, + { "no", N_("|pinentry-label|_No") }, { "prompt", N_("|pinentry-label|PIN:") }, + { "pwmngr", N_("|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager") }, + { "cf-visi",N_("Do you really want to make your " + "passphrase visible on the screen?") }, + { "tt-visi",N_("|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible") }, + { "tt-hide",N_("|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase") }, { NULL, NULL} }; char *optstr; @@ -430,7 +454,7 @@ } } - + /* Tell the pinentry the name of a file it shall touch after having messed with the tty. This is optional and only supported by newer pinentries and thus we do no error checking. */ @@ -442,7 +466,7 @@ if (tmpstr) { char *optstr; - + if (asprintf (&optstr, "OPTION touch-file=%s", tmpstr ) < 0 ) ; else @@ -458,7 +482,7 @@ it will send the pid back and we will use an inquire to notify our client. The client may answer the inquiry either with END or with CAN to cancel the pinentry. */ - rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETINFO pid", + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETINFO pid", getinfo_pid_cb, &pinentry_pid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc) @@ -544,7 +568,7 @@ for (; *s && *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++) ; return !*s; -} +} /* Return a new malloced string by unescaping the string S. Escaping @@ -563,7 +587,7 @@ while (*s && !spacep (s)) { if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2]) - { + { s++; *d = xtoi_2 (s); if (!*d) @@ -579,7 +603,7 @@ else *d++ = *s++; } - *d = 0; + *d = 0; return buffer; } @@ -621,7 +645,7 @@ line += 7; while (*line == ' ') line++; - + pin = unescape_passphrase_string (line); if (!pin) rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); @@ -653,7 +677,7 @@ char line[ASSUAN_LINELENGTH]; char *tmpstr, *tmpstr2; const char *tooltip; - + /* TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label for the quality bar. */ tmpstr = try_percent_escape (_("Quality:"), "\t\r\n\f\v"); @@ -666,7 +690,7 @@ ; /* Ignore Unknown Command from old Pinentry versions. */ else if (rc) return rc; - + tmpstr2 = gnupg_get_help_string ("pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip", 0); if (tmpstr2) tooltip = tmpstr2; @@ -700,15 +724,36 @@ } +enum + { + PINENTRY_STATUS_PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE = 1 << 9 + }; + +/* Check the button_info line for a close action. Also check for the + PIN_REPEATED flag. */ +static gpg_error_t +pinentry_status_cb (void *opaque, const char *line) +{ + unsigned int *flag = opaque; + + if (strcmp (line, "PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE") == 0) + { + *flag |= PINENTRY_STATUS_PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE; + } + + return 0; +} /* Call the Entry and ask for the PIN. We do check for a valid PIN number here and repeat it as long as we have invalid formed - numbers. */ + numbers. KEYINFO and CACHEMODE are used to tell pinentry something + about the key. */ int agent_askpin (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc_text, const char *prompt_text, const char *initial_errtext, - struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo) + struct pin_entry_info_s *pininfo, + const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode) { int rc; char line[ASSUAN_LINELENGTH]; @@ -716,6 +761,7 @@ const char *errtext = NULL; int is_pin = 0; int saveflag; + unsigned int pinentry_status; if (opt.batch) return 0; /* fixme: we should return BAD PIN */ @@ -738,6 +784,25 @@ if (rc) return rc; + /* If we have a KEYINFO string and are normal, user, or ssh cache + mode, we tell that the Pinentry so it may use it for own caching + purposes. Most pinentries won't have this implemented and thus + we do not error out in this case. */ + if (keyinfo && (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL + || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER + || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH)) + snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETKEYINFO %c/%s", + cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER? 'u' : + cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH? 's' : 'n', + keyinfo); + else + snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETKEYINFO --clear"); + + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, + NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD) + return unlock_pinentry (rc); + snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETDESC %s", desc_text); line[DIM(line)-1] = 0; rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); @@ -762,7 +827,7 @@ } if (initial_errtext) - { + { snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETERROR %s", initial_errtext); line[DIM(line)-1] = 0; rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, @@ -779,7 +844,7 @@ parm.buffer = (unsigned char*)pininfo->pin; if (errtext) - { + { /* TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. */ @@ -792,11 +857,13 @@ return unlock_pinentry (rc); errtext = NULL; } - + saveflag = assuan_get_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL); assuan_begin_confidential (entry_ctx); + pinentry_status = 0; rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "GETPIN", getpin_cb, &parm, - inq_quality, entry_ctx, NULL, NULL); + inq_quality, entry_ctx, + pinentry_status_cb, &pinentry_status); assuan_set_flag (entry_ctx, ASSUAN_CONFIDENTIAL, saveflag); /* Most pinentries out in the wild return the old Assuan error code for canceled which gets translated to an assuan Cancel error and @@ -840,6 +907,11 @@ if (!errtext) return unlock_pinentry (0); /* okay, got a PIN or passphrase */ + + if ((pinentry_status & PINENTRY_STATUS_PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE)) + /* The password was read from the cache. Don't count this + against the retry count. */ + pininfo->failed_tries --; } return unlock_pinentry (gpg_error (pininfo->min_digits? GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN @@ -849,11 +921,12 @@ /* Ask for the passphrase using the supplied arguments. The returned - passphrase needs to be freed by the caller. */ -int + passphrase needs to be freed by the caller. */ +int agent_get_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, char **retpass, const char *desc, const char *prompt, - const char *errtext, int with_qualitybar) + const char *errtext, int with_qualitybar, + const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode) { int rc; @@ -863,7 +936,7 @@ *retpass = NULL; if (opt.batch) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE); rc = start_pinentry (ctrl); if (rc) @@ -873,6 +946,26 @@ prompt = desc && strstr (desc, "PIN")? "PIN": _("Passphrase"); + /* If we have a KEYINFO string and are normal, user, or ssh cache + mode, we tell that the Pinentry so it may use it for own caching + purposes. Most pinentries won't have this implemented and thus + we do not error out in this case. */ + if (keyinfo && (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL + || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER + || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH)) + snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETKEYINFO %c/%s", + cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER? 'u' : + cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH? 's' : 'n', + keyinfo); + else + snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETKEYINFO --clear"); + + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, + NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (rc && gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_ASS_UNKNOWN_CMD) + return unlock_pinentry (rc); + + if (desc) snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "SETDESC %s", desc); else @@ -936,9 +1029,9 @@ displayed to allow the user to easily return a GPG_ERR_CANCELED. if the Pinentry does not support this, the user can still cancel by closing the Pinentry window. */ -int +int agent_get_confirmation (ctrl_t ctrl, - const char *desc, const char *ok, + const char *desc, const char *ok, const char *notok, int with_cancel) { int rc; @@ -1012,7 +1105,7 @@ text OK_BTN (which may be NULL to use the default of "OK") and waut for the user to hit this button. The return value is not relevant. */ -int +int agent_show_message (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn) { int rc; @@ -1046,7 +1139,7 @@ if (rc) return unlock_pinentry (rc); } - + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "CONFIRM --one-button", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc && gpg_err_source (rc) && gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_ASS_CANCELED) @@ -1066,7 +1159,7 @@ allow the use of old Pinentries. Those old Pinentries will then show an additional Cancel button but that is mostly a visual annoyance. */ - assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "CONFIRM --one-button", + assuan_transact (entry_ctx, "CONFIRM --one-button", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); popup_finished = 1; return NULL; @@ -1079,7 +1172,7 @@ as the message is not anymore required because the message is system modal and all other attempts to use the pinentry will fail (after a timeout). */ -int +int agent_popup_message_start (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *desc, const char *ok_btn) { int rc; @@ -1140,7 +1233,7 @@ if (!popup_tid || !entry_ctx) { log_debug ("agent_popup_message_stop called with no active popup\n"); - return; + return; } pid = assuan_get_pid (entry_ctx); @@ -1155,7 +1248,7 @@ && pid != 0) { HANDLE process = (HANDLE) pid; - + /* Arbitrary error code. */ TerminateProcess (process, 1); } @@ -1185,3 +1278,28 @@ } +int +agent_clear_passphrase (ctrl_t ctrl, + const char *keyinfo, cache_mode_t cache_mode) +{ + int rc; + char line[ASSUAN_LINELENGTH]; + + if (! (keyinfo && (cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_NORMAL + || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER + || cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH))) + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); + + rc = start_pinentry (ctrl); + if (rc) + return rc; + + snprintf (line, DIM(line)-1, "CLEARPASSPHRASE %c/%s", + cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_USER? 'u' : + cache_mode == CACHE_MODE_SSH? 's' : 'n', + keyinfo); + rc = assuan_transact (entry_ctx, line, + NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + return unlock_pinentry (rc); +} diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/command.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/command.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/command.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/command.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ if (!strcmp (desc, "X")) desc = NULL; - pw = cacheid ? agent_get_cache (cacheid, CACHE_MODE_NORMAL, &cache_marker) + pw = cacheid ? agent_get_cache (cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER, &cache_marker) : NULL; if (pw) { @@ -1269,8 +1269,8 @@ next_try: rc = agent_get_passphrase (ctrl, &response, desc, prompt, - repeat_errtext? repeat_errtext:errtext, - opt_qualbar); + repeat_errtext? repeat_errtext:errtext, + opt_qualbar, cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER); xfree (repeat_errtext); repeat_errtext = NULL; if (!rc) @@ -1287,7 +1287,8 @@ char *response2; rc = agent_get_passphrase (ctrl, &response2, desc2, prompt, - errtext, 0); + errtext, 0, + cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER); if (rc) break; if (strcmp (response2, response)) @@ -1329,6 +1330,7 @@ static gpg_error_t cmd_clear_passphrase (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { + ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); char *cacheid = NULL; char *p; @@ -1343,6 +1345,9 @@ return set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "invalid length of cacheID"); agent_put_cache (cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER, NULL, 0); + + agent_clear_passphrase (ctrl, cacheid, CACHE_MODE_USER); + return 0; } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/command-ssh.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/command-ssh.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/command-ssh.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/command-ssh.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ /* We need to make sure that HEXGRIP is all uppercase. The easiest way to do this and also check its length is by copying to a second buffer. */ - for (i=0, s=hexgrip; i < 40; s++, i++) + for (i=0, s=hexgrip; i < 40 && *s; s++, i++) uphexgrip[i] = *s >= 'a'? (*s & 0xdf): *s; uphexgrip[i] = 0; if (i != 40) @@ -2881,7 +2881,7 @@ pi2->check_cb_arg = pi->pin; next_try: - err = agent_askpin (ctrl, description, NULL, initial_errtext, pi); + err = agent_askpin (ctrl, description, NULL, initial_errtext, pi, NULL, 0); initial_errtext = NULL; if (err) goto out; @@ -2889,7 +2889,7 @@ /* Unless the passphrase is empty, ask to confirm it. */ if (pi->pin && *pi->pin) { - err = agent_askpin (ctrl, description2, NULL, NULL, pi2); + err = agent_askpin (ctrl, description2, NULL, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0); if (err == -1) { /* The re-entered one did not match and the user did not hit cancel. */ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/divert-scd.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/divert-scd.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/divert-scd.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/divert-scd.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ if (any_flags) { - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, info, prompt, again_text, pi); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, info, prompt, again_text, pi, NULL, 0); again_text = NULL; if (!rc && newpin) { @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ is_puk? _("Repeat this PUK"): _("Repeat this PIN")), - prompt, NULL, pi2); + prompt, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0); if (!rc && strcmp (pi->pin, pi2->pin)) { again_text = (resetcode? @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ info? info:"", info? "')":"") < 0) desc = NULL; - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, desc?desc:info, prompt, NULL, pi); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, desc?desc:info, prompt, NULL, pi, NULL, 0); xfree (desc); } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/findkey.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/findkey.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/findkey.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/findkey.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ arg.change_required = 0; pi->check_cb_arg = &arg; - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, desc_text, NULL, NULL, pi); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, desc_text, NULL, NULL, pi, hexgrip, cache_mode); if (!rc) { assert (arg.unprotected_key); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/genkey.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/genkey.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/genkey.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/genkey.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ pi2->check_cb_arg = pi->pin; next_try: - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text1, NULL, initial_errtext, pi); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text1, NULL, initial_errtext, pi, NULL, 0); initial_errtext = NULL; if (!rc) { @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ } if (pi->pin && *pi->pin) { - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text2, NULL, NULL, pi2); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text2, NULL, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0); if (rc == -1) { /* The re-entered one did not match and the user did not hit cancel. */ @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ pi2->check_cb_arg = pi->pin; next_try: - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text1, NULL, initial_errtext, pi); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text1, NULL, initial_errtext, pi, NULL, 0); initial_errtext = NULL; if (!rc) { @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ /* Unless the passphrase is empty, ask to confirm it. */ if (pi->pin && *pi->pin) { - rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text2, NULL, NULL, pi2); + rc = agent_askpin (ctrl, text2, NULL, NULL, pi2, NULL, 0); if (rc == -1) { /* The re-entered one did not match and the user did not hit cancel. */ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/gpg-agent.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/gpg-agent.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/gpg-agent.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/gpg-agent.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ oAllowMarkTrusted, oNoAllowMarkTrusted, oAllowPresetPassphrase, + oNoAllowExternalCache, oKeepTTY, oKeepDISPLAY, oSSHSupport, @@ -198,6 +199,8 @@ "@" #endif }, + { oNoAllowExternalCache, "no-allow-external-cache", 0, + N_("disallow the use of an external password cache") }, { oWriteEnvFile, "write-env-file", 2|8, N_("|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE")}, {0} @@ -509,6 +512,7 @@ opt.ignore_cache_for_signing = 0; opt.allow_mark_trusted = 1; opt.disable_scdaemon = 0; + opt.allow_external_cache = 1; return 1; } @@ -571,6 +575,9 @@ case oAllowPresetPassphrase: opt.allow_preset_passphrase = 1; break; + case oNoAllowExternalCache: opt.allow_external_cache = 0; + break; + default: return 0; /* not handled */ } @@ -969,6 +976,8 @@ GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME); printf ("no-allow-mark-trusted:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME); + printf ("no-allow-external-cache:%lu:\n", + GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME); printf ("disable-scdaemon:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME); #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:32.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:27.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -51,23 +50,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -90,8 +117,9 @@ libexec_PROGRAMS = gpg-protect-tool$(EXEEXT) \ gpg-preset-passphrase$(EXEEXT) noinst_PROGRAMS = $(am__EXEEXT_1) -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -180,14 +208,38 @@ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) t_protect_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_2) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f +AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_@AM_V@) +am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_lt_0 = --silent +am__v_lt_1 = COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(gpg_agent_SOURCES) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_SOURCES) \ $(gpg_protect_tool_SOURCES) $(t_protect_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(gpg_agent_SOURCES) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_SOURCES) \ @@ -197,10 +249,47 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -208,6 +297,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -257,6 +347,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -327,6 +419,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -335,6 +428,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -503,10 +597,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -527,7 +622,8 @@ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files @@ -543,10 +639,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -567,7 +664,8 @@ @list='$(libexec_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)" && rm -f $$files @@ -577,18 +675,22 @@ clean-noinstPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(noinst_PROGRAMS) + gpg-agent$(EXEEXT): $(gpg_agent_OBJECTS) $(gpg_agent_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg_agent_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg-agent$(EXEEXT) - $(gpg_agent_LINK) $(gpg_agent_OBJECTS) $(gpg_agent_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(gpg_agent_LINK) $(gpg_agent_OBJECTS) $(gpg_agent_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg-preset-passphrase$(EXEEXT): $(gpg_preset_passphrase_OBJECTS) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg_preset_passphrase_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg-preset-passphrase$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_OBJECTS) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_OBJECTS) $(gpg_preset_passphrase_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg-protect-tool$(EXEEXT): $(gpg_protect_tool_OBJECTS) $(gpg_protect_tool_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg_protect_tool_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg-protect-tool$(EXEEXT) - $(gpg_protect_tool_LINK) $(gpg_protect_tool_OBJECTS) $(gpg_protect_tool_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(gpg_protect_tool_LINK) $(gpg_protect_tool_OBJECTS) $(gpg_protect_tool_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-protect$(EXEEXT): $(t_protect_OBJECTS) $(t_protect_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_protect_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-protect$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_protect_OBJECTS) $(t_protect_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_protect_OBJECTS) $(t_protect_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -619,291 +721,280 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/t-protect.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o: gpg-agent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o `test -f 'gpg-agent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-agent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpg-agent.c' object='gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o `test -f 'gpg-agent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-agent.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpg-agent.c' object='gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o `test -f 'gpg-agent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-agent.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.o `test -f 'gpg-agent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-agent.c gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj: gpg-agent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj `if test -f 'gpg-agent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-agent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-agent.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpg-agent.c' object='gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj `if test -f 'gpg-agent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-agent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-agent.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-gpg-agent.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpg-agent.c' object='gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj `if test -f 'gpg-agent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-agent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-agent.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-gpg-agent.obj `if test -f 'gpg-agent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-agent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-agent.c'; fi` gpg_agent-command.o: command.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command.o `test -f 'command.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='command.c' object='gpg_agent-command.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command.o `test -f 'command.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='command.c' object='gpg_agent-command.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command.o `test -f 'command.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command.o `test -f 'command.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command.c gpg_agent-command.obj: command.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command.obj `if test -f 'command.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='command.c' object='gpg_agent-command.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command.obj `if test -f 'command.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='command.c' object='gpg_agent-command.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command.obj `if test -f 'command.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command.obj `if test -f 'command.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command.c'; fi` gpg_agent-command-ssh.o: command-ssh.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command-ssh.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.o `test -f 'command-ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command-ssh.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='command-ssh.c' object='gpg_agent-command-ssh.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command-ssh.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.o `test -f 'command-ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command-ssh.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='command-ssh.c' object='gpg_agent-command-ssh.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.o `test -f 'command-ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command-ssh.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.o `test -f 'command-ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`command-ssh.c gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj: command-ssh.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj `if test -f 'command-ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command-ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command-ssh.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='command-ssh.c' object='gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj `if test -f 'command-ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command-ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command-ssh.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-command-ssh.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='command-ssh.c' object='gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj `if test -f 'command-ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command-ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command-ssh.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-command-ssh.obj `if test -f 'command-ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'command-ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/command-ssh.c'; fi` gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o: call-pinentry.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o `test -f 'call-pinentry.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-pinentry.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='call-pinentry.c' object='gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o `test -f 'call-pinentry.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-pinentry.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='call-pinentry.c' object='gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o `test -f 'call-pinentry.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-pinentry.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.o `test -f 'call-pinentry.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-pinentry.c gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj: call-pinentry.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj `if test -f 'call-pinentry.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-pinentry.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-pinentry.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='call-pinentry.c' object='gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj `if test -f 'call-pinentry.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-pinentry.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-pinentry.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-pinentry.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='call-pinentry.c' object='gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj `if test -f 'call-pinentry.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-pinentry.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-pinentry.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-pinentry.obj `if test -f 'call-pinentry.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-pinentry.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-pinentry.c'; fi` gpg_agent-cache.o: cache.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-cache.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-cache.o `test -f 'cache.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`cache.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='cache.c' object='gpg_agent-cache.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-cache.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-cache.o `test -f 'cache.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`cache.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='cache.c' object='gpg_agent-cache.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-cache.o `test -f 'cache.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`cache.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-cache.o `test -f 'cache.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`cache.c gpg_agent-cache.obj: cache.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-cache.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-cache.obj `if test -f 'cache.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'cache.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/cache.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='cache.c' object='gpg_agent-cache.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-cache.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-cache.obj `if test -f 'cache.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'cache.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/cache.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-cache.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='cache.c' object='gpg_agent-cache.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-cache.obj `if test -f 'cache.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'cache.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/cache.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-cache.obj `if test -f 'cache.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'cache.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/cache.c'; fi` gpg_agent-trans.o: trans.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trans.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trans.o `test -f 'trans.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trans.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='trans.c' object='gpg_agent-trans.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trans.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trans.o `test -f 'trans.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trans.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='trans.c' object='gpg_agent-trans.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trans.o `test -f 'trans.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trans.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trans.o `test -f 'trans.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trans.c gpg_agent-trans.obj: trans.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trans.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trans.obj `if test -f 'trans.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trans.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trans.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='trans.c' object='gpg_agent-trans.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trans.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trans.obj `if test -f 'trans.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trans.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trans.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trans.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='trans.c' object='gpg_agent-trans.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trans.obj `if test -f 'trans.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trans.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trans.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trans.obj `if test -f 'trans.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trans.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trans.c'; fi` gpg_agent-findkey.o: findkey.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-findkey.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.o `test -f 'findkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`findkey.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='findkey.c' object='gpg_agent-findkey.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-findkey.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.o `test -f 'findkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`findkey.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='findkey.c' object='gpg_agent-findkey.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.o `test -f 'findkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`findkey.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.o `test -f 'findkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`findkey.c gpg_agent-findkey.obj: findkey.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-findkey.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.obj `if test -f 'findkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'findkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/findkey.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='findkey.c' object='gpg_agent-findkey.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-findkey.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.obj `if test -f 'findkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'findkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/findkey.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-findkey.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='findkey.c' object='gpg_agent-findkey.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.obj `if test -f 'findkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'findkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/findkey.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-findkey.obj `if test -f 'findkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'findkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/findkey.c'; fi` gpg_agent-pksign.o: pksign.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pksign.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.o `test -f 'pksign.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pksign.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pksign.c' object='gpg_agent-pksign.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pksign.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.o `test -f 'pksign.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pksign.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pksign.c' object='gpg_agent-pksign.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.o `test -f 'pksign.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pksign.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.o `test -f 'pksign.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pksign.c gpg_agent-pksign.obj: pksign.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pksign.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.obj `if test -f 'pksign.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pksign.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pksign.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pksign.c' object='gpg_agent-pksign.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pksign.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.obj `if test -f 'pksign.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pksign.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pksign.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pksign.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pksign.c' object='gpg_agent-pksign.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.obj `if test -f 'pksign.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pksign.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pksign.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pksign.obj `if test -f 'pksign.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pksign.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pksign.c'; fi` gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o: pkdecrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o `test -f 'pkdecrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pkdecrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pkdecrypt.c' object='gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o `test -f 'pkdecrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pkdecrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pkdecrypt.c' object='gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o `test -f 'pkdecrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pkdecrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.o `test -f 'pkdecrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pkdecrypt.c gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj: pkdecrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj `if test -f 'pkdecrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pkdecrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pkdecrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pkdecrypt.c' object='gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj `if test -f 'pkdecrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pkdecrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pkdecrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pkdecrypt.c' object='gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj `if test -f 'pkdecrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pkdecrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pkdecrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-pkdecrypt.obj `if test -f 'pkdecrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pkdecrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pkdecrypt.c'; fi` gpg_agent-genkey.o: genkey.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-genkey.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.o `test -f 'genkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`genkey.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='genkey.c' object='gpg_agent-genkey.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-genkey.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.o `test -f 'genkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`genkey.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='genkey.c' object='gpg_agent-genkey.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.o `test -f 'genkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`genkey.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.o `test -f 'genkey.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`genkey.c gpg_agent-genkey.obj: genkey.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-genkey.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.obj `if test -f 'genkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'genkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/genkey.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='genkey.c' object='gpg_agent-genkey.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-genkey.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.obj `if test -f 'genkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'genkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/genkey.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-genkey.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='genkey.c' object='gpg_agent-genkey.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.obj `if test -f 'genkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'genkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/genkey.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-genkey.obj `if test -f 'genkey.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'genkey.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/genkey.c'; fi` gpg_agent-protect.o: protect.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-protect.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='protect.c' object='gpg_agent-protect.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-protect.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='protect.c' object='gpg_agent-protect.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c gpg_agent-protect.obj: protect.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-protect.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='protect.c' object='gpg_agent-protect.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-protect.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-protect.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='protect.c' object='gpg_agent-protect.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` gpg_agent-trustlist.o: trustlist.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trustlist.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.o `test -f 'trustlist.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trustlist.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='trustlist.c' object='gpg_agent-trustlist.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trustlist.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.o `test -f 'trustlist.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trustlist.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='trustlist.c' object='gpg_agent-trustlist.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.o `test -f 'trustlist.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trustlist.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.o `test -f 'trustlist.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`trustlist.c gpg_agent-trustlist.obj: trustlist.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trustlist.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.obj `if test -f 'trustlist.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trustlist.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trustlist.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='trustlist.c' object='gpg_agent-trustlist.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-trustlist.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.obj `if test -f 'trustlist.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trustlist.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trustlist.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-trustlist.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='trustlist.c' object='gpg_agent-trustlist.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.obj `if test -f 'trustlist.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trustlist.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trustlist.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-trustlist.obj `if test -f 'trustlist.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'trustlist.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/trustlist.c'; fi` gpg_agent-divert-scd.o: divert-scd.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-divert-scd.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.o `test -f 'divert-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`divert-scd.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='divert-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-divert-scd.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-divert-scd.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.o `test -f 'divert-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`divert-scd.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='divert-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-divert-scd.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.o `test -f 'divert-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`divert-scd.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.o `test -f 'divert-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`divert-scd.c gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj: divert-scd.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj `if test -f 'divert-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'divert-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/divert-scd.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='divert-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj `if test -f 'divert-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'divert-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/divert-scd.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-divert-scd.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='divert-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj `if test -f 'divert-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'divert-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/divert-scd.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-divert-scd.obj `if test -f 'divert-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'divert-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/divert-scd.c'; fi` gpg_agent-call-scd.o: call-scd.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-scd.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.o `test -f 'call-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-scd.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='call-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-call-scd.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-scd.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.o `test -f 'call-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-scd.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='call-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-call-scd.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.o `test -f 'call-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-scd.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.o `test -f 'call-scd.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`call-scd.c gpg_agent-call-scd.obj: call-scd.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-scd.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.obj `if test -f 'call-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-scd.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='call-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-call-scd.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-call-scd.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.obj `if test -f 'call-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-scd.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-call-scd.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='call-scd.c' object='gpg_agent-call-scd.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.obj `if test -f 'call-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-scd.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-call-scd.obj `if test -f 'call-scd.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'call-scd.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/call-scd.c'; fi` gpg_agent-learncard.o: learncard.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-learncard.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.o `test -f 'learncard.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`learncard.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='learncard.c' object='gpg_agent-learncard.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-learncard.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.o `test -f 'learncard.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`learncard.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='learncard.c' object='gpg_agent-learncard.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.o `test -f 'learncard.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`learncard.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.o `test -f 'learncard.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`learncard.c gpg_agent-learncard.obj: learncard.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-learncard.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.obj `if test -f 'learncard.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'learncard.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/learncard.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='learncard.c' object='gpg_agent-learncard.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_agent-learncard.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.obj `if test -f 'learncard.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'learncard.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/learncard.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_agent-learncard.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='learncard.c' object='gpg_agent-learncard.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.obj `if test -f 'learncard.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'learncard.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/learncard.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_agent_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_agent-learncard.obj `if test -f 'learncard.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'learncard.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/learncard.c'; fi` gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o: protect-tool.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o `test -f 'protect-tool.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect-tool.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='protect-tool.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o `test -f 'protect-tool.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect-tool.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='protect-tool.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o `test -f 'protect-tool.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect-tool.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.o `test -f 'protect-tool.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect-tool.c gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj: protect-tool.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj `if test -f 'protect-tool.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect-tool.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect-tool.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='protect-tool.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj `if test -f 'protect-tool.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect-tool.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect-tool.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='protect-tool.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj `if test -f 'protect-tool.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect-tool.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect-tool.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect-tool.obj `if test -f 'protect-tool.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect-tool.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect-tool.c'; fi` gpg_protect_tool-protect.o: protect.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='protect.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='protect.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.o `test -f 'protect.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`protect.c gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj: protect.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='protect.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-protect.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='protect.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-protect.obj `if test -f 'protect.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'protect.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/protect.c'; fi` gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o: minip12.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o `test -f 'minip12.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`minip12.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='minip12.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o `test -f 'minip12.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`minip12.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='minip12.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o `test -f 'minip12.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`minip12.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.o `test -f 'minip12.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`minip12.c gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj: minip12.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj `if test -f 'minip12.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'minip12.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/minip12.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='minip12.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj `if test -f 'minip12.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'minip12.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/minip12.c'; fi` - -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj `if test -f 'minip12.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'minip12.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/minip12.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_protect_tool-minip12.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='minip12.c' object='gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_protect_tool_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_protect_tool-minip12.obj `if test -f 'minip12.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'minip12.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/minip12.c'; fi` + +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -915,15 +1006,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -932,6 +1019,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -946,7 +1048,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -1169,20 +1271,20 @@ .MAKE: check-am install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic clean-libexecPROGRAMS \ - clean-noinstPROGRAMS ctags distclean distclean-compile \ - distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ - html-am info info-am install install-am install-binPROGRAMS \ - install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ - install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ - install-info install-info-am install-libexecPROGRAMS \ - install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps \ - install-ps-am install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \ - installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ - mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am \ - ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS \ - uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS + clean-noinstPROGRAMS cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ + dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ + install-binPROGRAMS install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ + install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ + install-html-am install-info install-info-am \ + install-libexecPROGRAMS install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ + mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall \ + uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/minip12.c gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/minip12.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/agent/minip12.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/agent/minip12.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -2182,6 +2182,7 @@ " requested charset `%s': %s\n", charset, strerror (errno)); gcry_free (pwbuf); + pwbuf = NULL; goto failure; } @@ -2196,6 +2197,7 @@ " requested charset `%s': %s\n", charset, strerror (errno)); gcry_free (pwbuf); + pwbuf = NULL; jnlib_iconv_close (cd); goto failure; } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/AUTHORS gnupg2-2.0.28/AUTHORS --- gnupg2-2.0.26/AUTHORS 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/AUTHORS 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ Security related bug reports: License: GPLv3+ +GnuPG is free software. See the files COPYING for copying conditions. +License copyright years may be listed using range notation, e.g., +2000-2013, indicating that every year in the range, inclusive, is a +copyrightable year that would otherwise be listed individually. + Authors with a FSF copyright assignment ======================================= diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/ChangeLog gnupg2-2.0.28/ChangeLog --- gnupg2-2.0.26/ChangeLog 2014-08-12 18:30:23.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/ChangeLog 2015-06-02 12:35:24.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,431 @@ +2015-06-02 Werner Koch + + Release 2.0.28. + + agent: Make --allow-external-password-cache work. + * agent/call-pinentry.c (start_pinentry): Remove first instance of + sending the option. + + agent: Add strings for use by future Pinentry versions. + * agent/call-pinentry.c (start_pinentry): Add more strings. + +2015-05-20 Werner Koch + + agent: Cleanup caching code for command GET_PASSPHRASE. + * agent/command.c (cmd_get_passphrase): Read from the user cache. + +2015-05-19 Neal H. Walfield + + agent: Backport changes from 2.1 to support an external password manager. + * agent/agent.h (agent_askpin): Add arguments keyinfo and cache_mode. + Update callers. + (agent_get_passphrase): Likewise. + (agent_clear_passphrase): New function. + (opt): Add field allow_external_cache. + * agent/call-pinentry.c (start_pinentry): Send "OPTION + allow-external-password-cache" to the pinentry. + (PINENTRY_STATUS_PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE): New constant. + (pinentry_status_cb): New function. + (agent_askpin): Add arguments keyinfo and cache_mode. If KEYINFO and + CACHE_MODE describe a cachable key, then send SETKEYINFO to the + pinentry. Pass PINENTRY_STATUS_CB to the "GETPIN" invocation. If the + passphrase was incorrect and PINENTRY_STATUS_PASSWORD_FROM_CACHE is + set, decrement PININFO->FAILED_TRIES. + (agent_get_passphrase): Add arguments keyinfo and cache_mode. If + KEYINFO and CACHE_MODE describe a cachable key, then send SETKEYINFO + to the pinentry. + (agent_clear_passphrase): New function. + * agent/call-pinentry.c (start_pinentry): Act upon new var, + allow_external_cache. + * agent/command.c (cmd_clear_passphrase): Call agent_clear_passphrase. + * agent/gpg-agent.c (oNoAllowExternalCache): New. + (opts): Add option --no-allow-external-cache. + (parse_rereadable_options): Set this option. + +2015-05-19 NIIBE Yutaka + + g10: detects public key encryption packet error properly. + g10/mainproc.c (proc_pubkey_enc): Only allow relevant algorithms for + encryption. + + g10: Improve handling of no corresponding public key. + * g10/getkey.c (get_seckey): Return G10ERR_NO_PUBKEY when it's not + exact match. + +2015-05-11 Werner Koch + + gpg-connect-agent: Fix quoting of internal percent+ function. + * tools/gpg-connect-agent.c (get_var_ext) + + scd: PC/SC reader selection by partial string match. + * scd/apdu.c (open_pcsc_reader_direct): Partial string match. + * scd/pcsc-wrapper.c (handle_open): Likewise. + +2015-04-30 NIIBE Yutaka + + g10: fix cmp_public_key and cmp_secret_keys. + * g10/free-packet.c (cmp_public_keys, cmp_secret_keys): Compare opaque + data at the first entry of the array when it's unknown algo. + * configure.ac (NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION): Require 1.5.0. + +2015-04-16 Werner Koch + + gpg: Emit status line NEWSIG before signature verification starts. + * g10/mainproc.c (check_sig_and_print): Emit STATUS_NEWSIG. + +2015-04-15 NIIBE Yutaka + + scd: better handling of extended APDU. + * scd/apdu.c (send_le): Bug fix for not append Z when lc<0&&le<0. + * scd/app-common.h (struct app_ctx_s): Use bit fields for flags. + * scd/ccid-driver.c (CCID_MAX_BUF): New. Only for OpenPGPcard. + (struct ccid_driver_s): New field of max_ccid_msglen. + Remove ifsd field. + (parse_ccid_descriptor): Initialize max_ccid_msglen. + (ccid_transceive_apdu_level): Implement sending extended APDU in + chain of CCID message. + +2015-04-15 Werner Koch + + gpgparsemail: Fix last commit (3f2bdac) + * tools/rfc822parse.c (parse_field): Replace break by goto. + + gpgparsemail: Fix case of zero length continuation lines. + * tools/rfc822parse.c (parse_field): Loop after continuation line. + + agent: Fix length test in sshcontrol parser. + * agent/command-ssh.c (ssh_search_control_file): Check S before + upcasing it. + + scd: Fix possible NULL deref in apdu.c. + * scd/apdu.c (control_pcsc_direct): Take care of BUFLEN being NULL. + (control_pcsc_wrapped): Ditto. + +2015-04-15 NIIBE Yutaka + + po: Update Japanese translation. + +2015-04-05 Werner Koch + + gpg: Fix DoS while parsing mangled secret key packets. + * g10/parse-packet.c (parse_key): Check PKTLEN before calling mpi_read + et al. + +2015-03-25 Werner Koch + + sm: Change default algos to SHA256 (CSR) and AES128 (bulk encryption). + * sm/certreqgen.c (create_request): Change default hash algo. + * sm/gpgsm.c (main): Change default bulk cipher algo. + +2015-03-17 Andre Heinecke + + gpgtar: Fix extracting files with !(size % 512) + * tools/gpgtar-extract.c (extract_regular): Handle size multiples + of RECORDSIZE. + +2015-03-11 Werner Koch + + common: Check option arguments for a valid range. + * common/argparse.h (ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG): New. + * common/argparse.c: Include limits h and errno.h. + (initialize): Add error strings for new error constant. + (set_opt_arg): Add range checking. + + gpg: New command --list-gcrypt-config. + * g10/gpg.c (aListGcryptConfig): New. + (main): Implement command. + +2015-02-26 Werner Koch + + gpg: Remove left-over debug message. + * g10/armor.c (check_input): Remove log_debug. + +2015-02-18 Werner Koch + + Release 2.0.27. + + gpg: Remove an unused variable. + * g10/import.c (import): Remove need_armor. + + po: Update German translation. + +2015-02-18 Daniel Kahn Gillmor + + curl-shim: clean up varargs. + * keyserver/curl-shim.c (curl_easy_setopt) : ensure that va_end is + called. + +2015-02-18 Werner Koch + + gpg: Print better diagnostics for keyserver operations. + * g10/armor.c (parse_key_failed_line): New. + (check_input): Watch out for gpgkeys_ error lines. + * g10/filter.h (armor_filter_context_t): Add field key_failed_code. + * g10/import.c (import): Add arg r_gpgkeys_err. + (import_keys_internal): Ditto. + (import_keys_stream): Ditto. + * g10/keyserver.c (keyserver_errstr): New. + (keyserver_spawn): Detect "KEY " lines while sending. Get gpgkeys_err + while receiving keys. + (keyserver_work): Add kludge for better error messages. + +2015-02-13 Werner Koch + + keyserver: Show log prefix when not build with cURL. + * keyserver/ksutil.c (init_ks_options) [!HAVE_LIBCURL]: Set logging + prefix. + +2015-02-12 Werner Koch + + Use inline functions to convert buffer data to scalars. + * include/host2net.h (buf16_to_ulong, buf16_to_uint): New. + (buf16_to_ushort, buf16_to_u16): New. + (buf32_to_size_t, buf32_to_ulong, buf32_to_uint, buf32_to_u32): New. + + gpg: Prevent an invalid memory read using a garbled keyring. + * g10/keyring.c (keyring_get_keyblock): Whitelist allowed packet + types. + + gpg: Fix a NULL-deref in export due to invalid packet lengths. + * g10/build-packet.c (write_fake_data): Take care of a NULL stored as + opaque MPI. + + gpg: Fix a NULL-deref due to empty ring trust packets. + * g10/parse-packet.c (parse_trust): Always allocate a packet. + +2015-02-12 Joshua Rogers + + kbx: Fix resource leak. + * kbx/keybox-update.c (blob_filecopy): Fix resource leak. On error + return, 'fp' and 'newfp' was never closed. + +2015-02-12 Werner Koch + + gpg: Limit the size of key packets to a sensible value. + * g10/parse-packet.c (MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH): New. + (MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH): New. + (MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH): New. + (MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH): New. + (parse_key): Limit the size of a key packet to 256k. + (parse_user_id): Use macro for the packet size limit. + (parse_attribute): Ditto. + (parse_comment): Ditto. + + Avoid double-close in unusual dotlock situations. + * jnlib/dotlock.c (create_dotlock): Avoid double close due to EINTR. + +2015-01-28 Werner Koch + + gpg: Allow predefined names as answer to the keygen.algo prompt. + * g10/keygen.c (ask_algo): Add list of strings. + +2015-01-26 Werner Koch + + gpg: Print a warning if the subkey expiration may not be what you want. + * g10/keyedit.c (subkey_expire_warning): New. + keyedit_menu): Call it when needed. + + build: Update to gettext 0.19.3. + + build: Require automake 1.14. + * Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): Move to ... + * configure.ac (AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE): here. Add option serial-tests. + * kbx/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Remove. Include ../am/cmacros. + +2015-01-26 Jedi Lin + + po: Yet another update for Chinese (traditional) + +2015-01-25 Joshua Rogers + + Remove incorrect expression leading to errors. + * scd/ccid-driver.c (send_escape_cmd): Fix setting of 'rc'. + +2015-01-23 Werner Koch + + gpgconf: Fix validity check for UINT32 values. + * tools/gpgconf-comp.c (option_check_validity): Enable check for + UINT32. + +2015-01-13 Joshua Rogers + + tools: Free variable before return. + * tools/gpgconf-comp.c: Free 'dest_filename' before it is returned + upon error. + +2015-01-13 Daniel Kahn Gillmor + + sm: Avoid double-free on iconv failure. + * sm/minip12.c: (p12_build) if jnlib_iconv_open fails, avoid + double-free of pwbuf. + + scd: Avoid double-free on error condition in scd. + * scd/command.c (cmd_readkey): avoid double-free of cert + + avoid future chance of using uninitialized memory. + * common/iobuf.c: (iobuf_open): initialize len + + gpgkey2ssh: clean up varargs. + * tools/gpgkey2ssh.c (key_to_blob) : ensure that va_end is called. + +2015-01-13 Werner Koch + + doc: Fix memory leak in yat2m. + * doc/yat2m.c (write_th): Free NAME. + + gpgsm: Return NULL on fail. + * sm/gpgsm.c (parse_keyserver_line): Set SERVER to NULL. + + gpg: Fix possible read of unallocated memory. + * g10/parse-packet.c (can_handle_critical): Check content length + before calling can_handle_critical_notation. + +2015-01-09 Werner Koch + + scd: Fix possibly inhibited checkpin of the admin pin. + * scd/app-openpgp.c (do_check_pin): Do not check a byte of a released + buffer. + +2015-01-08 Joshua Rogers + + scd: fix get_public_key for OpenPGPcard v1.0. + * scd/app-openpgp.c (get_public_key): correctly close 'fp' upon use. + +2014-12-12 NIIBE Yutaka + + gpg: release DEK soon after its use. + * g10/keygen.c (generate_subkeypair): Release DEK soon. + +2014-11-26 David Prévot + + po: Update French translation. + + po: Update Danish translation. + +2014-11-26 Yuri Chornoivan + + po: Update Ukrainian translation. + +2014-11-26 Jedi Lin + + po: Update Chinese (traditional) translation. + +2014-11-26 Ineiev + + po: Update Russian translation. + +2014-11-26 Frans Spiesschaert + + po: New Dutch translation. + * po/LINGUAS: Add nl.po. + +2014-11-24 Werner Koch + + gpg: Fix use of uninit.value in listing sig subpkts. + * g10/parse-packet.c (dump_sig_subpkt): Print regex subpacket + sanitized. + + gpg: Fix off-by-one read in the attribute subpacket parser. + * g10/parse-packet.c (parse_attribute_subpkts): Check that the + attribute packet is large enough for the subpacket type. + + gpg: Fix a NULL-deref for invalid input data. + * g10/mainproc.c (proc_encrypted): Take care of canceled passpharse + entry. + +2014-11-14 Werner Koch + + gpg: Make the use of "--verify FILE" for detached sigs harder. + * g10/openfile.c (open_sigfile): Factor some code out to ... + (get_matching_datafile): new function. + * g10/plaintext.c (hash_datafiles): Do not try to find matching file + in batch mode. + * g10/mainproc.c (check_sig_and_print): Print a warning if a possibly + matching data file is not used by a standard signatures. + +2014-11-12 Werner Koch + + gpg: Add import option "keep-ownertrust". + * g10/options.h (IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST): New. + * g10/import.c (parse_import_options): Add "keep-ownertrust". + (import_one): Act upon new option. + +2014-10-11 Werner Koch + + gpg: Show v3 key fingerprints as all zero. + * g10/keyid.c (fingerprint_from_pk): Show v3 fingerprints as all zero. + + gpg: Avoid using cached MD5 signature status. + * g10/sig-check.c (check_key_signature2): Avoid using a cached MD5 + signature status. + * g10/keyring.c (keyring_get_keyblock): Ditto. + (write_keyblock): Ditto. + + * g10/sig-check.c (do_check): Move reject warning to ... + * g10/misc.c (print_md5_rejected_note): new. + +2014-10-03 Daniel Kahn Gillmor + + gpg: Add build and runtime support for larger RSA keys. + * configure.ac: Added --enable-large-secmem option. + * g10/options.h: Add opt.flags.large_rsa. + * g10/gpg.c: Contingent on configure option: adjust secmem size, + add gpg --enable-large-rsa, bound to opt.flags.large_rsa. + * g10/keygen.c: Adjust max RSA size based on opt.flags.large_rsa + * doc/gpg.texi: Document --enable-large-rsa. + +2014-10-02 Werner Koch + + build: Update m4 scripts. + * m4/gpg-error.m4: Update from Libgpg-error git master. + * m4/libgcrypt.m4: Update from Libgcrypt git master. + * configure.ac: Declare SYSROOT a precious variable. Add extra error + message for library configuration mismatches. + +2014-10-02 Daniel Kahn Gillmor + + gpg: --compress-sigs and --compress-keys are not no-ops in 2.0. + * g10/gpg.c: Cleanup argument parsing. + + gpg: Avoid duplicate declaration of {no-,}sk-comments noops. + * g10/gpg.c: Cleanup argument parsing. + +2014-09-27 Werner Koch + + gpg: Default to SHA-256 for all signature types on RSA keys. + * g10/main.h (DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO): Use SHA256 in --gnupg and SHA1 in + strict RFC or PGP modes. + * g10/sign.c (make_keysig_packet): Use DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO also for + RSA key signatures. + +2014-09-26 Werner Koch + + gpg: Add shortcut for setting key capabilities. + * g10/keygen.c (ask_key_flags): Add shortcut '='. + * doc/help.txt (gpg.keygen.flags): New. + +2014-09-25 Daniel Kahn Gillmor + + gpg: Warn about (but don't fail) on scdaemon options in gpg.conf. + * g10/gpg.c: Add config options that should belong in scdaemon.conf + * g10/main.h, g10/misc.c (obsolete_scdaemon_option): New. + +2014-09-03 Kristian Fiskerstrand + + gpg: Need to init the trustdb for import. + * g10/trustdb.c (clear_ownertrusts): Init trustdb. + +2014-08-26 Werner Koch + + build: Print an error message if zlib is not installed. + * configure.ac (missing_zlib): New. + + gpg: Allow for positional parameters in the passphrase prompt. + * g10/passphrase.c (passphrase_get): Replace sprintf by xasprintf. + 2014-08-12 Werner Koch Release 2.0.26. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/common/iobuf.c gnupg2-2.0.28/common/iobuf.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/common/iobuf.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/common/iobuf.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ #include "util.h" #include "sysutils.h" +#include "../include/host2net.h" #include "iobuf.h" /*-- Begin configurable part. --*/ @@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ } else if (c == 255) { - a->size = iobuf_get (chain) << 24; + a->size = (size_t)iobuf_get (chain) << 24; a->size |= iobuf_get (chain) << 16; a->size |= iobuf_get (chain) << 8; if ((c = iobuf_get (chain)) == -1) @@ -1303,7 +1304,7 @@ iobuf_t a; fp_or_fd_t fp; file_filter_ctx_t *fcx; - size_t len; + size_t len = 0; int print_only = 0; int fd; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/common/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/common/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/common/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/common/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -53,23 +52,51 @@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -90,8 +117,9 @@ host_triplet = @host@ noinst_PROGRAMS = $(am__EXEEXT_1) $(am__EXEEXT_2) TESTS = $(am__EXEEXT_1) -DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(srcdir)/w32info-rc.h.in $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(srcdir)/w32info-rc.h.in $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp README @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -141,6 +169,10 @@ CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = LIBRARIES = $(noinst_LIBRARIES) ARFLAGS = cru +AM_V_AR = $(am__v_AR_@AM_V@) +am__v_AR_ = $(am__v_AR_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_AR_0 = @echo " AR " $@; +am__v_AR_1 = libcommon_a_AR = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libcommon_a_LIBADD = am__libcommon_a_SOURCES_DIST = common-defs.h util.h i18n.c i18n.h \ @@ -273,14 +305,38 @@ t_sysutils_SOURCES = t-sysutils.c t_sysutils_OBJECTS = t-sysutils.$(OBJEXT) t_sysutils_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_2) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f +AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_@AM_V@) +am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_lt_0 = --silent +am__v_lt_1 = COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(libcommon_a_SOURCES) $(libcommonpth_a_SOURCES) \ $(libgpgrl_a_SOURCES) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_SOURCES) t-b64.c \ t-convert.c t-exechelp.c t-gettime.c t-helpfile.c t-percent.c \ @@ -295,10 +351,47 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -306,6 +399,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -355,6 +449,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -425,6 +521,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -433,6 +530,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -633,55 +731,69 @@ clean-noinstLIBRARIES: -test -z "$(noinst_LIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LIBRARIES) + libcommon.a: $(libcommon_a_OBJECTS) $(libcommon_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libcommon_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libcommon.a - $(libcommon_a_AR) libcommon.a $(libcommon_a_OBJECTS) $(libcommon_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libcommon.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libcommon.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libcommon_a_AR) libcommon.a $(libcommon_a_OBJECTS) $(libcommon_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libcommon.a + libcommonpth.a: $(libcommonpth_a_OBJECTS) $(libcommonpth_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libcommonpth_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libcommonpth.a - $(libcommonpth_a_AR) libcommonpth.a $(libcommonpth_a_OBJECTS) $(libcommonpth_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libcommonpth.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libcommonpth.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libcommonpth_a_AR) libcommonpth.a $(libcommonpth_a_OBJECTS) $(libcommonpth_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libcommonpth.a + libgpgrl.a: $(libgpgrl_a_OBJECTS) $(libgpgrl_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libgpgrl_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libgpgrl.a - $(libgpgrl_a_AR) libgpgrl.a $(libgpgrl_a_OBJECTS) $(libgpgrl_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libgpgrl.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libgpgrl.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libgpgrl_a_AR) libgpgrl.a $(libgpgrl_a_OBJECTS) $(libgpgrl_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libgpgrl.a + libsimple-pwquery.a: $(libsimple_pwquery_a_OBJECTS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libsimple_pwquery_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libsimple-pwquery.a - $(libsimple_pwquery_a_AR) libsimple-pwquery.a $(libsimple_pwquery_a_OBJECTS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libsimple-pwquery.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libsimple-pwquery.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libsimple_pwquery_a_AR) libsimple-pwquery.a $(libsimple_pwquery_a_OBJECTS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libsimple-pwquery.a clean-noinstPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(noinst_PROGRAMS) + t-b64$(EXEEXT): $(t_b64_OBJECTS) $(t_b64_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_b64_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-b64$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_b64_OBJECTS) $(t_b64_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_b64_OBJECTS) $(t_b64_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-convert$(EXEEXT): $(t_convert_OBJECTS) $(t_convert_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_convert_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-convert$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_convert_OBJECTS) $(t_convert_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_convert_OBJECTS) $(t_convert_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-exechelp$(EXEEXT): $(t_exechelp_OBJECTS) $(t_exechelp_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_exechelp_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-exechelp$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_exechelp_OBJECTS) $(t_exechelp_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_exechelp_OBJECTS) $(t_exechelp_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-gettime$(EXEEXT): $(t_gettime_OBJECTS) $(t_gettime_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_gettime_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-gettime$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_gettime_OBJECTS) $(t_gettime_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_gettime_OBJECTS) $(t_gettime_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-helpfile$(EXEEXT): $(t_helpfile_OBJECTS) $(t_helpfile_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_helpfile_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-helpfile$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_helpfile_OBJECTS) $(t_helpfile_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_helpfile_OBJECTS) $(t_helpfile_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-percent$(EXEEXT): $(t_percent_OBJECTS) $(t_percent_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_percent_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-percent$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_percent_OBJECTS) $(t_percent_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_percent_OBJECTS) $(t_percent_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-session-env$(EXEEXT): $(t_session_env_OBJECTS) $(t_session_env_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_session_env_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-session-env$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_session_env_OBJECTS) $(t_session_env_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_session_env_OBJECTS) $(t_session_env_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-sexputil$(EXEEXT): $(t_sexputil_OBJECTS) $(t_sexputil_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_sexputil_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-sexputil$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_sexputil_OBJECTS) $(t_sexputil_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_sexputil_OBJECTS) $(t_sexputil_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-ssh-utils$(EXEEXT): $(t_ssh_utils_OBJECTS) $(t_ssh_utils_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_ssh_utils_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-ssh-utils$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_ssh_utils_OBJECTS) $(t_ssh_utils_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_ssh_utils_OBJECTS) $(t_ssh_utils_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-sysutils$(EXEEXT): $(t_sysutils_OBJECTS) $(t_sysutils_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_sysutils_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-sysutils$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_sysutils_OBJECTS) $(t_sysutils_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_sysutils_OBJECTS) $(t_sysutils_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -773,1033 +885,1022 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/t-sysutils.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` libcommon_a-i18n.o: i18n.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-i18n.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='i18n.c' object='libcommon_a-i18n.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-i18n.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='i18n.c' object='libcommon_a-i18n.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c libcommon_a-i18n.obj: i18n.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-i18n.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='i18n.c' object='libcommon_a-i18n.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-i18n.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-i18n.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='i18n.c' object='libcommon_a-i18n.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` libcommon_a-status.o: status.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-status.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='status.c' object='libcommon_a-status.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-status.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='status.c' object='libcommon_a-status.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c libcommon_a-status.obj: status.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-status.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='status.c' object='libcommon_a-status.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-status.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-status.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='status.c' object='libcommon_a-status.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` libcommon_a-tlv.o: tlv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-tlv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='tlv.c' object='libcommon_a-tlv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-tlv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='tlv.c' object='libcommon_a-tlv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c libcommon_a-tlv.obj: tlv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-tlv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='tlv.c' object='libcommon_a-tlv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-tlv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-tlv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='tlv.c' object='libcommon_a-tlv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` libcommon_a-init.o: init.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-init.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='init.c' object='libcommon_a-init.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-init.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='init.c' object='libcommon_a-init.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c libcommon_a-init.obj: init.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-init.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='init.c' object='libcommon_a-init.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-init.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-init.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='init.c' object='libcommon_a-init.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` libcommon_a-sexputil.o: sexputil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sexputil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sexputil.c' object='libcommon_a-sexputil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sexputil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sexputil.c' object='libcommon_a-sexputil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c libcommon_a-sexputil.obj: sexputil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sexputil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sexputil.c' object='libcommon_a-sexputil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sexputil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sexputil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sexputil.c' object='libcommon_a-sexputil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` libcommon_a-sysutils.o: sysutils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sysutils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sysutils.c' object='libcommon_a-sysutils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sysutils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sysutils.c' object='libcommon_a-sysutils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c libcommon_a-sysutils.obj: sysutils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sysutils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sysutils.c' object='libcommon_a-sysutils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-sysutils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-sysutils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sysutils.c' object='libcommon_a-sysutils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` libcommon_a-homedir.o: homedir.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-homedir.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='homedir.c' object='libcommon_a-homedir.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-homedir.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='homedir.c' object='libcommon_a-homedir.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c libcommon_a-homedir.obj: homedir.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-homedir.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='homedir.c' object='libcommon_a-homedir.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-homedir.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-homedir.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='homedir.c' object='libcommon_a-homedir.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` libcommon_a-gettime.o: gettime.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-gettime.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gettime.c' object='libcommon_a-gettime.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-gettime.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gettime.c' object='libcommon_a-gettime.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c libcommon_a-gettime.obj: gettime.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-gettime.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gettime.c' object='libcommon_a-gettime.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-gettime.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-gettime.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gettime.c' object='libcommon_a-gettime.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` libcommon_a-yesno.o: yesno.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-yesno.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='yesno.c' object='libcommon_a-yesno.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-yesno.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='yesno.c' object='libcommon_a-yesno.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c libcommon_a-yesno.obj: yesno.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-yesno.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='yesno.c' object='libcommon_a-yesno.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-yesno.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-yesno.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='yesno.c' object='libcommon_a-yesno.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` libcommon_a-b64enc.o: b64enc.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64enc.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64enc.c' object='libcommon_a-b64enc.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64enc.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64enc.c' object='libcommon_a-b64enc.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c libcommon_a-b64enc.obj: b64enc.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64enc.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64enc.c' object='libcommon_a-b64enc.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64enc.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64enc.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64enc.c' object='libcommon_a-b64enc.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` libcommon_a-b64dec.o: b64dec.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64dec.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64dec.c' object='libcommon_a-b64dec.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64dec.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64dec.c' object='libcommon_a-b64dec.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c libcommon_a-b64dec.obj: b64dec.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64dec.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64dec.c' object='libcommon_a-b64dec.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-b64dec.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-b64dec.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64dec.c' object='libcommon_a-b64dec.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` libcommon_a-zb32.o: zb32.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-zb32.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='zb32.c' object='libcommon_a-zb32.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-zb32.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='zb32.c' object='libcommon_a-zb32.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c libcommon_a-zb32.obj: zb32.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-zb32.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='zb32.c' object='libcommon_a-zb32.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-zb32.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-zb32.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='zb32.c' object='libcommon_a-zb32.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` libcommon_a-convert.o: convert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-convert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='convert.c' object='libcommon_a-convert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-convert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='convert.c' object='libcommon_a-convert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c libcommon_a-convert.obj: convert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-convert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='convert.c' object='libcommon_a-convert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-convert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-convert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='convert.c' object='libcommon_a-convert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` libcommon_a-percent.o: percent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-percent.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='percent.c' object='libcommon_a-percent.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-percent.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='percent.c' object='libcommon_a-percent.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c libcommon_a-percent.obj: percent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-percent.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='percent.c' object='libcommon_a-percent.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-percent.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-percent.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='percent.c' object='libcommon_a-percent.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o: miscellaneous.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj: miscellaneous.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-miscellaneous.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` libcommon_a-xasprintf.o: xasprintf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xasprintf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommon_a-xasprintf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xasprintf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommon_a-xasprintf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj: xasprintf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xasprintf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` libcommon_a-xreadline.o: xreadline.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xreadline.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xreadline.c' object='libcommon_a-xreadline.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xreadline.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xreadline.c' object='libcommon_a-xreadline.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c libcommon_a-xreadline.obj: xreadline.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xreadline.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xreadline.c' object='libcommon_a-xreadline.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-xreadline.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-xreadline.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xreadline.c' object='libcommon_a-xreadline.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` libcommon_a-membuf.o: membuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-membuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='membuf.c' object='libcommon_a-membuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-membuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='membuf.c' object='libcommon_a-membuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c libcommon_a-membuf.obj: membuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-membuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='membuf.c' object='libcommon_a-membuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-membuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-membuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='membuf.c' object='libcommon_a-membuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` libcommon_a-iobuf.o: iobuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-iobuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='iobuf.c' object='libcommon_a-iobuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-iobuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='iobuf.c' object='libcommon_a-iobuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c libcommon_a-iobuf.obj: iobuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-iobuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='iobuf.c' object='libcommon_a-iobuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-iobuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-iobuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='iobuf.c' object='libcommon_a-iobuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` libcommon_a-ttyio.o: ttyio.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ttyio.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ttyio.c' object='libcommon_a-ttyio.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ttyio.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ttyio.c' object='libcommon_a-ttyio.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c libcommon_a-ttyio.obj: ttyio.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ttyio.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ttyio.c' object='libcommon_a-ttyio.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ttyio.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ttyio.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ttyio.c' object='libcommon_a-ttyio.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` libcommon_a-asshelp.o: asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-asshelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='asshelp.c' object='libcommon_a-asshelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-asshelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='asshelp.c' object='libcommon_a-asshelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c libcommon_a-asshelp.obj: asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-asshelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='asshelp.c' object='libcommon_a-asshelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-asshelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-asshelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='asshelp.c' object='libcommon_a-asshelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` libcommon_a-exechelp.o: exechelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-exechelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='exechelp.c' object='libcommon_a-exechelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-exechelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='exechelp.c' object='libcommon_a-exechelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c libcommon_a-exechelp.obj: exechelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-exechelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='exechelp.c' object='libcommon_a-exechelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-exechelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-exechelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='exechelp.c' object='libcommon_a-exechelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` libcommon_a-signal.o: signal.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-signal.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='signal.c' object='libcommon_a-signal.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-signal.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='signal.c' object='libcommon_a-signal.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c libcommon_a-signal.obj: signal.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-signal.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='signal.c' object='libcommon_a-signal.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-signal.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-signal.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='signal.c' object='libcommon_a-signal.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` libcommon_a-estream.o: estream.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream.c' object='libcommon_a-estream.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream.c' object='libcommon_a-estream.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c libcommon_a-estream.obj: estream.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream.c' object='libcommon_a-estream.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream.c' object='libcommon_a-estream.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` libcommon_a-estream-printf.o: estream-printf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream-printf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommon_a-estream-printf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream-printf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommon_a-estream-printf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj: estream-printf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-estream-printf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` libcommon_a-audit.o: audit.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-audit.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='audit.c' object='libcommon_a-audit.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-audit.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='audit.c' object='libcommon_a-audit.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c libcommon_a-audit.obj: audit.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-audit.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='audit.c' object='libcommon_a-audit.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-audit.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-audit.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='audit.c' object='libcommon_a-audit.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` libcommon_a-dns-cert.o: dns-cert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-dns-cert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommon_a-dns-cert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-dns-cert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommon_a-dns-cert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj: dns-cert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-dns-cert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` libcommon_a-pka.o: pka.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-pka.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pka.c' object='libcommon_a-pka.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-pka.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pka.c' object='libcommon_a-pka.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c libcommon_a-pka.obj: pka.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-pka.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pka.c' object='libcommon_a-pka.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-pka.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-pka.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pka.c' object='libcommon_a-pka.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` libcommon_a-http.o: http.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-http.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='http.c' object='libcommon_a-http.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-http.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='http.c' object='libcommon_a-http.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c libcommon_a-http.obj: http.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-http.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='http.c' object='libcommon_a-http.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-http.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-http.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='http.c' object='libcommon_a-http.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` libcommon_a-localename.o: localename.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-localename.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='localename.c' object='libcommon_a-localename.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-localename.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='localename.c' object='libcommon_a-localename.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c libcommon_a-localename.obj: localename.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-localename.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='localename.c' object='libcommon_a-localename.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-localename.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-localename.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='localename.c' object='libcommon_a-localename.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` libcommon_a-session-env.o: session-env.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-session-env.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='session-env.c' object='libcommon_a-session-env.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-session-env.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='session-env.c' object='libcommon_a-session-env.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c libcommon_a-session-env.obj: session-env.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-session-env.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='session-env.c' object='libcommon_a-session-env.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-session-env.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-session-env.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='session-env.c' object='libcommon_a-session-env.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o: ssh-utils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj: ssh-utils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-ssh-utils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` libcommon_a-helpfile.o: helpfile.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-helpfile.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='helpfile.c' object='libcommon_a-helpfile.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-helpfile.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='helpfile.c' object='libcommon_a-helpfile.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c libcommon_a-helpfile.obj: helpfile.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-helpfile.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='helpfile.c' object='libcommon_a-helpfile.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-helpfile.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-helpfile.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='helpfile.c' object='libcommon_a-helpfile.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o: get-passphrase.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o `test -f 'get-passphrase.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`get-passphrase.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='get-passphrase.c' object='libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o `test -f 'get-passphrase.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`get-passphrase.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='get-passphrase.c' object='libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o `test -f 'get-passphrase.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`get-passphrase.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.o `test -f 'get-passphrase.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`get-passphrase.c libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj: get-passphrase.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj `if test -f 'get-passphrase.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'get-passphrase.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/get-passphrase.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='get-passphrase.c' object='libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj `if test -f 'get-passphrase.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'get-passphrase.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/get-passphrase.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-get-passphrase.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='get-passphrase.c' object='libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj `if test -f 'get-passphrase.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'get-passphrase.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/get-passphrase.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-get-passphrase.obj `if test -f 'get-passphrase.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'get-passphrase.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/get-passphrase.c'; fi` libcommon_a-srv.o: srv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-srv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='srv.c' object='libcommon_a-srv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-srv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='srv.c' object='libcommon_a-srv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c libcommon_a-srv.obj: srv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-srv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='srv.c' object='libcommon_a-srv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommon_a-srv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommon_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommon_a-srv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='srv.c' object='libcommon_a-srv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommon_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommon_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-i18n.o: i18n.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-i18n.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='i18n.c' object='libcommonpth_a-i18n.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-i18n.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='i18n.c' object='libcommonpth_a-i18n.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.o `test -f 'i18n.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`i18n.c libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj: i18n.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='i18n.c' object='libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-i18n.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='i18n.c' object='libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-i18n.obj `if test -f 'i18n.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'i18n.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/i18n.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-status.o: status.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-status.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='status.c' object='libcommonpth_a-status.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-status.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='status.c' object='libcommonpth_a-status.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.o `test -f 'status.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`status.c libcommonpth_a-status.obj: status.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-status.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='status.c' object='libcommonpth_a-status.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-status.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-status.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='status.c' object='libcommonpth_a-status.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-status.obj `if test -f 'status.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'status.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/status.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-tlv.o: tlv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-tlv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='tlv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-tlv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-tlv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='tlv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-tlv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.o `test -f 'tlv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tlv.c libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj: tlv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='tlv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-tlv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='tlv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-tlv.obj `if test -f 'tlv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tlv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tlv.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-init.o: init.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-init.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='init.c' object='libcommonpth_a-init.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-init.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='init.c' object='libcommonpth_a-init.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.o `test -f 'init.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`init.c libcommonpth_a-init.obj: init.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-init.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='init.c' object='libcommonpth_a-init.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-init.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-init.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='init.c' object='libcommonpth_a-init.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-init.obj `if test -f 'init.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'init.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/init.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o: sexputil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sexputil.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sexputil.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.o `test -f 'sexputil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sexputil.c libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj: sexputil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sexputil.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sexputil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sexputil.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sexputil.obj `if test -f 'sexputil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sexputil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sexputil.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o: sysutils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sysutils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sysutils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.o `test -f 'sysutils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`sysutils.c libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj: sysutils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='sysutils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-sysutils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='sysutils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-sysutils.obj `if test -f 'sysutils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'sysutils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/sysutils.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-homedir.o: homedir.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-homedir.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='homedir.c' object='libcommonpth_a-homedir.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-homedir.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='homedir.c' object='libcommonpth_a-homedir.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.o `test -f 'homedir.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`homedir.c libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj: homedir.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='homedir.c' object='libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-homedir.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='homedir.c' object='libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-homedir.obj `if test -f 'homedir.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'homedir.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/homedir.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-gettime.o: gettime.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-gettime.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gettime.c' object='libcommonpth_a-gettime.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-gettime.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gettime.c' object='libcommonpth_a-gettime.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.o `test -f 'gettime.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gettime.c libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj: gettime.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gettime.c' object='libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-gettime.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gettime.c' object='libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-gettime.obj `if test -f 'gettime.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gettime.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gettime.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-yesno.o: yesno.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-yesno.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='yesno.c' object='libcommonpth_a-yesno.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-yesno.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='yesno.c' object='libcommonpth_a-yesno.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.o `test -f 'yesno.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`yesno.c libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj: yesno.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='yesno.c' object='libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-yesno.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='yesno.c' object='libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-yesno.obj `if test -f 'yesno.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'yesno.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/yesno.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o: b64enc.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64enc.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64enc.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.o `test -f 'b64enc.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64enc.c libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj: b64enc.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64enc.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64enc.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64enc.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64enc.obj `if test -f 'b64enc.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64enc.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64enc.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o: b64dec.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64dec.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64dec.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.o `test -f 'b64dec.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`b64dec.c libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj: b64dec.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='b64dec.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-b64dec.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='b64dec.c' object='libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-b64dec.obj `if test -f 'b64dec.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'b64dec.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/b64dec.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-zb32.o: zb32.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-zb32.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='zb32.c' object='libcommonpth_a-zb32.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-zb32.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='zb32.c' object='libcommonpth_a-zb32.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.o `test -f 'zb32.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zb32.c libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj: zb32.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='zb32.c' object='libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-zb32.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='zb32.c' object='libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-zb32.obj `if test -f 'zb32.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'zb32.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/zb32.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-convert.o: convert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-convert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='convert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-convert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-convert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='convert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-convert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.o `test -f 'convert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`convert.c libcommonpth_a-convert.obj: convert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-convert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='convert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-convert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-convert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-convert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='convert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-convert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-convert.obj `if test -f 'convert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'convert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/convert.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-percent.o: percent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-percent.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='percent.c' object='libcommonpth_a-percent.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-percent.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='percent.c' object='libcommonpth_a-percent.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.o `test -f 'percent.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`percent.c libcommonpth_a-percent.obj: percent.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-percent.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='percent.c' object='libcommonpth_a-percent.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-percent.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-percent.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='percent.c' object='libcommonpth_a-percent.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-percent.obj `if test -f 'percent.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'percent.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/percent.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o: miscellaneous.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.o `test -f 'miscellaneous.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`miscellaneous.c libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj: miscellaneous.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='miscellaneous.c' object='libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-miscellaneous.obj `if test -f 'miscellaneous.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'miscellaneous.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/miscellaneous.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o: xasprintf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.o `test -f 'xasprintf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xasprintf.c libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj: xasprintf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xasprintf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xasprintf.obj `if test -f 'xasprintf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xasprintf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xasprintf.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o: xreadline.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xreadline.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xreadline.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.o `test -f 'xreadline.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`xreadline.c libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj: xreadline.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='xreadline.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-xreadline.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='xreadline.c' object='libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-xreadline.obj `if test -f 'xreadline.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'xreadline.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/xreadline.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-membuf.o: membuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-membuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='membuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-membuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-membuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='membuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-membuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.o `test -f 'membuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`membuf.c libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj: membuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='membuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-membuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='membuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-membuf.obj `if test -f 'membuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'membuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/membuf.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o: iobuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='iobuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='iobuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.o `test -f 'iobuf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`iobuf.c libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj: iobuf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='iobuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-iobuf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='iobuf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-iobuf.obj `if test -f 'iobuf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'iobuf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/iobuf.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o: ttyio.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ttyio.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ttyio.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.o `test -f 'ttyio.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ttyio.c libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj: ttyio.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ttyio.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ttyio.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ttyio.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ttyio.obj `if test -f 'ttyio.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ttyio.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ttyio.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o: asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='asshelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='asshelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj: asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='asshelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-asshelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='asshelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o: exechelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='exechelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='exechelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.o `test -f 'exechelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`exechelp.c libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj: exechelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='exechelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-exechelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='exechelp.c' object='libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-exechelp.obj `if test -f 'exechelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'exechelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/exechelp.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-signal.o: signal.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-signal.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='signal.c' object='libcommonpth_a-signal.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-signal.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='signal.c' object='libcommonpth_a-signal.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.o `test -f 'signal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`signal.c libcommonpth_a-signal.obj: signal.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-signal.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='signal.c' object='libcommonpth_a-signal.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-signal.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-signal.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='signal.c' object='libcommonpth_a-signal.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-signal.obj `if test -f 'signal.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'signal.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/signal.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-estream.o: estream.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.o `test -f 'estream.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream.c libcommonpth_a-estream.obj: estream.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream.obj `if test -f 'estream.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o: estream-printf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.o `test -f 'estream-printf.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`estream-printf.c libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj: estream-printf.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='estream-printf.c' object='libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-estream-printf.obj `if test -f 'estream-printf.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'estream-printf.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/estream-printf.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-audit.o: audit.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-audit.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='audit.c' object='libcommonpth_a-audit.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-audit.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='audit.c' object='libcommonpth_a-audit.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.o `test -f 'audit.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`audit.c libcommonpth_a-audit.obj: audit.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-audit.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='audit.c' object='libcommonpth_a-audit.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-audit.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-audit.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='audit.c' object='libcommonpth_a-audit.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-audit.obj `if test -f 'audit.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'audit.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/audit.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o: dns-cert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.o `test -f 'dns-cert.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`dns-cert.c libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj: dns-cert.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='dns-cert.c' object='libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-dns-cert.obj `if test -f 'dns-cert.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'dns-cert.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/dns-cert.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-pka.o: pka.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-pka.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pka.c' object='libcommonpth_a-pka.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-pka.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pka.c' object='libcommonpth_a-pka.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.o `test -f 'pka.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pka.c libcommonpth_a-pka.obj: pka.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-pka.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pka.c' object='libcommonpth_a-pka.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-pka.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-pka.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pka.c' object='libcommonpth_a-pka.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-pka.obj `if test -f 'pka.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pka.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pka.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-http.o: http.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-http.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='http.c' object='libcommonpth_a-http.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-http.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='http.c' object='libcommonpth_a-http.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.o `test -f 'http.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`http.c libcommonpth_a-http.obj: http.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-http.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='http.c' object='libcommonpth_a-http.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-http.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-http.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='http.c' object='libcommonpth_a-http.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-http.obj `if test -f 'http.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'http.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/http.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-localename.o: localename.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-localename.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='localename.c' object='libcommonpth_a-localename.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-localename.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='localename.c' object='libcommonpth_a-localename.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.o `test -f 'localename.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`localename.c libcommonpth_a-localename.obj: localename.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-localename.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='localename.c' object='libcommonpth_a-localename.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-localename.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-localename.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='localename.c' object='libcommonpth_a-localename.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-localename.obj `if test -f 'localename.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'localename.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/localename.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-session-env.o: session-env.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-session-env.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='session-env.c' object='libcommonpth_a-session-env.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-session-env.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='session-env.c' object='libcommonpth_a-session-env.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.o `test -f 'session-env.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`session-env.c libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj: session-env.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='session-env.c' object='libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-session-env.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='session-env.c' object='libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-session-env.obj `if test -f 'session-env.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'session-env.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/session-env.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o: ssh-utils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.o `test -f 'ssh-utils.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ssh-utils.c libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj: ssh-utils.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ssh-utils.c' object='libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-ssh-utils.obj `if test -f 'ssh-utils.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ssh-utils.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ssh-utils.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o: helpfile.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='helpfile.c' object='libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='helpfile.c' object='libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.o `test -f 'helpfile.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`helpfile.c libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj: helpfile.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='helpfile.c' object='libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-helpfile.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='helpfile.c' object='libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-helpfile.obj `if test -f 'helpfile.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'helpfile.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/helpfile.c'; fi` libcommonpth_a-srv.o: srv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-srv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='srv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-srv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-srv.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='srv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-srv.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.o `test -f 'srv.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`srv.c libcommonpth_a-srv.obj: srv.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-srv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='srv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-srv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcommonpth_a-srv.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libcommonpth_a-srv.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='srv.c' object='libcommonpth_a-srv.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcommonpth_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcommonpth_a-srv.obj `if test -f 'srv.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'srv.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/srv.c'; fi` libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o: simple-pwquery.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o `test -f 'simple-pwquery.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`simple-pwquery.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='simple-pwquery.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o `test -f 'simple-pwquery.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`simple-pwquery.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='simple-pwquery.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o `test -f 'simple-pwquery.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`simple-pwquery.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.o `test -f 'simple-pwquery.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`simple-pwquery.c libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj: simple-pwquery.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj `if test -f 'simple-pwquery.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'simple-pwquery.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/simple-pwquery.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='simple-pwquery.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj `if test -f 'simple-pwquery.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'simple-pwquery.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/simple-pwquery.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='simple-pwquery.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj `if test -f 'simple-pwquery.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'simple-pwquery.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/simple-pwquery.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-simple-pwquery.obj `if test -f 'simple-pwquery.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'simple-pwquery.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/simple-pwquery.c'; fi` libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o: asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='asshelp.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='asshelp.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.o `test -f 'asshelp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`asshelp.c libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj: asshelp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='asshelp.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` - -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='asshelp.c' object='libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libsimple_pwquery_a_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libsimple_pwquery_a-asshelp.obj `if test -f 'asshelp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'asshelp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/asshelp.c'; fi` + +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -1811,15 +1912,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -1828,6 +1925,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -1842,7 +1954,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -2066,18 +2178,19 @@ .MAKE: all check check-am install install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ - clean-generic clean-noinstLIBRARIES clean-noinstPROGRAMS ctags \ - distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags \ - distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ - install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ - tags uninstall uninstall-am +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ + clean-generic clean-noinstLIBRARIES clean-noinstPROGRAMS \ + cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean distclean-compile \ + distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ + mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall \ + uninstall-am @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/config.h.in gnupg2-2.0.28/config.h.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/config.h.in 2014-08-12 18:30:16.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/config.h.in 2015-06-02 08:37:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ /* Defined if the bz2 compression library is available */ #undef HAVE_BZIP2 -/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the +/* Define to 1 if you have the Mac OS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the CoreFoundation framework. */ #undef HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT -/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in +/* Define to 1 if you have the Mac OS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in the CoreFoundation framework. */ #undef HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ /* Define to 1 if the system has the type `long double'. */ #undef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE -/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `long long int'. */ +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type 'long long int'. */ #undef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT /* Define to 1 if you have the `memicmp' function. */ @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ /* Define to 1 if you have the `unsetenv' function. */ #undef HAVE_UNSETENV -/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `unsigned long long int'. */ +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type 'unsigned long long int'. */ #undef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT /* Define to 1 if you have the `usb_create_match' function. */ @@ -568,9 +568,6 @@ /* Define to disable all external program execution */ #undef NO_EXEC -/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */ -#undef NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O - /* Name of this package */ #undef PACKAGE @@ -608,6 +605,9 @@ /* Define as the return type of signal handlers (`int' or `void'). */ #undef RETSIGTYPE +/* Size of secure memory buffer */ +#undef SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE + /* defines the filename of the shred program */ #undef SHRED diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/configure gnupg2-2.0.28/configure --- gnupg2-2.0.26/configure 2014-08-12 18:29:34.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/configure 2015-06-02 12:34:29.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #! /bin/sh # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles. -# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for gnupg 2.0.26. +# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for gnupg 2.0.28. # # Report bugs to . # @@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ # Identity of this package. PACKAGE_NAME='gnupg' PACKAGE_TARNAME='gnupg' -PACKAGE_VERSION='2.0.26' -PACKAGE_STRING='gnupg 2.0.26' +PACKAGE_VERSION='2.0.28' +PACKAGE_STRING='gnupg 2.0.28' PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='http://bugs.gnupg.org' PACKAGE_URL='' @@ -709,6 +709,7 @@ MSGFMT GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION USE_NLS +SED LTLIBICONV LIBICONV GPGKEYS_MAILTO @@ -742,6 +743,8 @@ LIBGCRYPT_LIBS LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS GPG_ERROR_LIBS GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS GPG_ERROR_CONFIG @@ -765,6 +768,7 @@ AR RANLIB LN_S +SYSROOT MAINT MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE @@ -812,6 +816,10 @@ build_vendor build_cpu build +AM_BACKSLASH +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +AM_DEFAULT_V +AM_V am__untar am__tar AMTAR @@ -876,6 +884,7 @@ ac_subst_files='' ac_user_opts=' enable_option_checking +enable_silent_rules enable_dependency_tracking enable_gpg enable_gpgsm @@ -892,6 +901,7 @@ with_protect_tool_pgm enable_agent_only enable_selinux_support +enable_large_secmem enable_bzip2 enable_exec enable_photo_viewers @@ -945,6 +955,7 @@ LIBS CPPFLAGS CPP +SYSROOT CC_FOR_BUILD' @@ -1486,7 +1497,7 @@ # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. cat <<_ACEOF -\`configure' configures gnupg 2.0.26 to adapt to many kinds of systems. +\`configure' configures gnupg 2.0.28 to adapt to many kinds of systems. Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]... @@ -1556,7 +1567,7 @@ if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then case $ac_init_help in - short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of gnupg 2.0.26:";; + short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of gnupg 2.0.28:";; esac cat <<\_ACEOF @@ -1564,8 +1575,12 @@ --disable-option-checking ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no) --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes] - --disable-dependency-tracking speeds up one-time build - --enable-dependency-tracking do not reject slow dependency extractors + --enable-silent-rules less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1") + --disable-silent-rules verbose build output (undo: "make V=0") + --enable-dependency-tracking + do not reject slow dependency extractors + --disable-dependency-tracking + speeds up one-time build --disable-gpg do not build the gpg program --disable-gpgsm do not build the gpgsm program --disable-agent do not build the agent program @@ -1577,6 +1592,7 @@ --enable-agent-only build only the gpg-agent --enable-selinux-support enable SELinux support + --enable-large-secmem allocate extra secure memory --disable-bzip2 disable the BZIP2 compression algorithm --disable-exec disable all external program execution --disable-photo-viewers disable photo ID viewers @@ -1590,8 +1606,9 @@ disable the exec-path option for keyserver helpers --enable-key-cache=SIZE Set key cache to SIZE (default 4096) --disable-ccid-driver disable the internal CCID driver - --enable-maintainer-mode enable make rules and dependencies not useful - (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer + --enable-maintainer-mode + enable make rules and dependencies not useful (and + sometimes confusing) to the casual installer --disable-largefile omit support for large files --enable-standard-socket use a standard socket for the agent by default @@ -1630,7 +1647,7 @@ --with-ldap=DIR look for the LDAP library in DIR --with-libcurl=DIR look for the curl library in DIR --with-mailprog=NAME use "NAME -t" for mail transport - --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld default=no + --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no] --with-libiconv-prefix[=DIR] search for libiconv in DIR/include and DIR/lib --without-libiconv-prefix don't search for libiconv in includedir and libdir --with-libintl-prefix[=DIR] search for libintl in DIR/include and DIR/lib @@ -1649,6 +1666,7 @@ CPPFLAGS (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I if you have headers in a nonstandard directory CPP C preprocessor + SYSROOT locate config scripts also below that directory CC_FOR_BUILD build system C compiler @@ -1718,7 +1736,7 @@ test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status if $ac_init_version; then cat <<\_ACEOF -gnupg configure 2.0.26 +gnupg configure 2.0.28 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -2370,7 +2388,7 @@ This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. -It was created by gnupg $as_me 2.0.26, which was +It was created by gnupg $as_me 2.0.28, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was $ $0 $@ @@ -2728,7 +2746,7 @@ NEED_GPG_ERROR_VERSION=1.11 NEED_LIBGCRYPT_API=1 -NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION=1.4.0 +NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION=1.5.0 NEED_LIBASSUAN_API=2 NEED_LIBASSUAN_VERSION=2.0.0 @@ -2773,7 +2791,7 @@ ac_config_headers="$ac_config_headers config.h" -am__api_version='1.11' +am__api_version='1.14' # Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster), # so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or @@ -2870,9 +2888,6 @@ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether build environment is sane" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking whether build environment is sane... " >&6; } -# Just in case -sleep 1 -echo timestamp > conftest.file # Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory # name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. am_lf=' @@ -2883,32 +2898,40 @@ esac case $srcdir in *[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]*) - as_fn_error $? "unsafe srcdir value: \`$srcdir'" "$LINENO" 5;; + as_fn_error $? "unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir'" "$LINENO" 5;; esac -# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's # arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a # symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks # (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing # directory). if ( - set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` - if test "$*" = "X"; then - # -L didn't work. - set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` - fi - rm -f conftest.file - if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ - && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then - - # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen - # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a - # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually - # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". - as_fn_error $? "ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken -alias in your environment" "$LINENO" 5 - fi + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$*" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + as_fn_error $? "ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + if test "$2" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done test "$2" = conftest.file ) then @@ -2920,6 +2943,16 @@ fi { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 $as_echo "yes" >&6; } +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi + +rm -f conftest.file + test "$program_prefix" != NONE && program_transform_name="s&^&$program_prefix&;$program_transform_name" # Use a double $ so make ignores it. @@ -2930,8 +2963,8 @@ ac_script='s/[\\$]/&&/g;s/;s,x,x,$//' program_transform_name=`$as_echo "$program_transform_name" | sed "$ac_script"` -# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path -am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` +# Expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path. +am_aux_dir=`cd "$ac_aux_dir" && pwd` if test x"${MISSING+set}" != xset; then case $am_aux_dir in @@ -2942,12 +2975,12 @@ esac fi # Use eval to expand $SHELL -if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then - am_missing_run="$MISSING --run " +if eval "$MISSING --is-lightweight"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING " else am_missing_run= - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: \`missing' script is too old or missing" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: \`missing' script is too old or missing" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing" >&2;} fi if test x"${install_sh}" != xset; then @@ -2959,10 +2992,10 @@ esac fi -# Installed binaries are usually stripped using `strip' when the user -# run `make install-strip'. However `strip' might not be the right +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using 'strip' when the user +# run "make install-strip". However 'strip' might not be the right # tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake -# will honor the `STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +# will honor the 'STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}strip", so it can be a program name with args. @@ -3101,12 +3134,6 @@ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MKDIR_P" >&5 $as_echo "$MKDIR_P" >&6; } -mkdir_p="$MKDIR_P" -case $mkdir_p in - [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]*) ;; - */*) mkdir_p="\$(top_builddir)/$mkdir_p" ;; -esac - for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk do # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. @@ -3189,6 +3216,45 @@ fi rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null +# Check whether --enable-silent-rules was given. +if test "${enable_silent_rules+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_silent_rules; +fi + +case $enable_silent_rules in # ((( + yes) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=0;; + no) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; + *) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; +esac +am_make=${MAKE-make} +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $am_make supports nested variables" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $am_make supports nested variables... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_make_support_nested_variables+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if $as_echo 'TRUE=$(BAR$(V)) +BAR0=false +BAR1=true +V=1 +am__doit: + @$(TRUE) +.PHONY: am__doit' | $am_make -f - >/dev/null 2>&1; then + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes +else + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=no +fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_make_support_nested_variables" >&6; } +if test $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables = yes; then + AM_V='$(V)' + AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' +else + AM_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY + AM_DEFAULT_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +fi +AM_BACKSLASH='\' + if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`"; then # Use -I$(srcdir) only when $(srcdir) != ., so that make's output # is not polluted with repeated "-I." @@ -3210,8 +3276,8 @@ # Define the identity of the package. - PACKAGE=$PACKAGE - VERSION=$VERSION + PACKAGE='gnupg' + VERSION='2.0.28' cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF @@ -3239,18 +3305,71 @@ MAKEINFO=${MAKEINFO-"${am_missing_run}makeinfo"} +# For better backward compatibility. To be removed once Automake 1.9.x +# dies out for good. For more background, see: +# +# +mkdir_p='$(MKDIR_P)' + # We need awk for the "check" target. The system "awk" is bad on # some platforms. # Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. Yes, it's still used # in the wild :-( We should find a proper way to deprecate it ... AMTAR='$${TAR-tar}' + +# We'll loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. +_am_tools='gnutar pax cpio none' + am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -' + +# POSIX will say in a future version that running "rm -f" with no argument +# is OK; and we want to be able to make that assumption in our Makefile +# recipes. So use an aggressive probe to check that the usage we want is +# actually supported "in the wild" to an acceptable degree. +# See automake bug#10828. +# To make any issue more visible, cause the running configure to be aborted +# by default if the 'rm' program in use doesn't match our expectations; the +# user can still override this though. +if rm -f && rm -fr && rm -rf; then : OK; else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Oops! + +Your 'rm' program seems unable to run without file operands specified +on the command line, even when the '-f' option is present. This is contrary +to the behaviour of most rm programs out there, and not conforming with +the upcoming POSIX standard: + +Please tell bug-automake@gnu.org about your system, including the value +of your $PATH and any error possibly output before this message. This +can help us improve future automake versions. + +END + if test x"$ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM" = x"yes"; then + echo 'Configuration will proceed anyway, since you have set the' >&2 + echo 'ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM variable to "yes"' >&2 + echo >&2 + else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Aborting the configuration process, to ensure you take notice of the issue. + +You can download and install GNU coreutils to get an 'rm' implementation +that behaves properly: . + +If you want to complete the configuration process using your problematic +'rm' anyway, export the environment variable ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM +to "yes", and re-run configure. + +END + as_fn_error $? "Your 'rm' program is bad, sorry." "$LINENO" 5 + fi +fi + # Make sure we can run config.sub. $SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 || as_fn_error $? "cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" "$LINENO" 5 @@ -3365,7 +3484,7 @@ _am_result=none # First try GNU make style include. echo "include confinc" > confmf -# Ignore all kinds of additional output from `make'. +# Ignore all kinds of additional output from 'make'. case `$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null` in #( *the\ am__doit\ target*) am__include=include @@ -4198,6 +4317,65 @@ ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC understands -c and -o together" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $CC understands -c and -o together... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_prog_cc_c_o+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main () +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF + # Make sure it works both with $CC and with simple cc. + # Following AC_PROG_CC_C_O, we do the test twice because some + # compilers refuse to overwrite an existing .o file with -o, + # though they will create one. + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=yes + for am_i in 1 2; do + if { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext" >&5 + ($CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext) >&5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } \ + && test -f conftest2.$ac_objext; then + : OK + else + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=no + break + fi + done + rm -f core conftest* + unset am_i +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" >&6; } +if test "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" != yes; then + # Losing compiler, so override with the script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, + # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" + CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" +fi +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list= { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking dependency style of $depcc" >&5 @@ -4209,8 +4387,8 @@ # We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up - # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output - # in D'. + # making a dummy file named 'D' -- because '-MD' means "put the output + # in D". rm -rf conftest.dir mkdir conftest.dir # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're @@ -4245,16 +4423,16 @@ : > sub/conftest.c for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c - # Using `: > sub/conftst$i.h' creates only sub/conftst1.h with - # Solaris 8's {/usr,}/bin/sh. - touch sub/conftst$i.h + # Using ": > sub/conftst$i.h" creates only sub/conftst1.h with + # Solaris 10 /bin/sh. + echo '/* dummy */' > sub/conftst$i.h done echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf - # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" + # We check with '-c' and '-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" # mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly - # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel - # versions had trouble with output in subdirs + # handle '-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel + # versions had trouble with output in subdirs. am__obj=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} am__minus_obj="-o $am__obj" case $depmode in @@ -4263,8 +4441,8 @@ test "$am__universal" = false || continue ;; nosideeffect) - # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll - # only be used when explicitly requested + # After this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll + # only be used when explicitly requested. if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then continue else @@ -4272,7 +4450,7 @@ fi ;; msvc7 | msvc7msys | msvisualcpp | msvcmsys) - # This compiler won't grok `-c -o', but also, the minuso test has + # This compiler won't grok '-c -o', but also, the minuso test has # not run yet. These depmodes are late enough in the game, and # so weak that their functioning should not be impacted. am__obj=conftest.${OBJEXT-o} @@ -4801,6 +4979,7 @@ disable_keyserver_path=no use_ccid_driver=yes use_standard_socket=no +large_secmem=no build_gpg=yes @@ -5115,6 +5294,30 @@ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $selinux_support" >&5 $as_echo "$selinux_support" >&6; } + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to allocate extra secure memory" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether to allocate extra secure memory... " >&6; } +# Check whether --enable-large-secmem was given. +if test "${enable_large_secmem+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_large_secmem; large_secmem=$enableval +else + large_secmem=no +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $large_secmem" >&5 +$as_echo "$large_secmem" >&6; } +if test "$large_secmem" = yes ; then + SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE=65536 +else + SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE=32768 +fi + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE $SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE +_ACEOF + + + # Allow disabling of bzib2 support. # It is defined only after we confirm the library is available later { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable the BZIP2 compression algorithm" >&5 @@ -5382,6 +5585,7 @@ + # Checks for programs. { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for programs" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: checking for programs" >&6;} @@ -5418,9 +5622,6 @@ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether build environment is sane" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking whether build environment is sane... " >&6; } -# Just in case -sleep 1 -echo timestamp > conftest.file # Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory # name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. am_lf=' @@ -5431,32 +5632,40 @@ esac case $srcdir in *[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]*) - as_fn_error $? "unsafe srcdir value: \`$srcdir'" "$LINENO" 5;; + as_fn_error $? "unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir'" "$LINENO" 5;; esac -# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's # arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a # symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks # (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing # directory). if ( - set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` - if test "$*" = "X"; then - # -L didn't work. - set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` - fi - rm -f conftest.file - if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ - && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then - - # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen - # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a - # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually - # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". - as_fn_error $? "ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken -alias in your environment" "$LINENO" 5 - fi + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$*" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + as_fn_error $? "ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + if test "$2" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done test "$2" = conftest.file ) then @@ -5468,6 +5677,16 @@ fi { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 $as_echo "yes" >&6; } +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi + +rm -f conftest.file + missing_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` ACLOCAL=${ACLOCAL-"${am_missing_run}aclocal"} @@ -6065,6 +6284,65 @@ ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC understands -c and -o together" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $CC understands -c and -o together... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_prog_cc_c_o+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main () +{ + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF + # Make sure it works both with $CC and with simple cc. + # Following AC_PROG_CC_C_O, we do the test twice because some + # compilers refuse to overwrite an existing .o file with -o, + # though they will create one. + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=yes + for am_i in 1 2; do + if { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext" >&5 + ($CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext) >&5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } \ + && test -f conftest2.$ac_objext; then + : OK + else + am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=no + break + fi + done + rm -f core conftest* + unset am_i +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" >&6; } +if test "$am_cv_prog_cc_c_o" != yes; then + # Losing compiler, so override with the script. + # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. + # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. + # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, + # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" + CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" +fi +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list= { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking dependency style of $depcc" >&5 @@ -6076,8 +6354,8 @@ # We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up - # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output - # in D'. + # making a dummy file named 'D' -- because '-MD' means "put the output + # in D". rm -rf conftest.dir mkdir conftest.dir # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're @@ -6112,16 +6390,16 @@ : > sub/conftest.c for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c - # Using `: > sub/conftst$i.h' creates only sub/conftst1.h with - # Solaris 8's {/usr,}/bin/sh. - touch sub/conftst$i.h + # Using ": > sub/conftst$i.h" creates only sub/conftst1.h with + # Solaris 10 /bin/sh. + echo '/* dummy */' > sub/conftst$i.h done echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf - # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" + # We check with '-c' and '-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" # mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly - # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel - # versions had trouble with output in subdirs + # handle '-M -o', and we need to detect this. Also, some Intel + # versions had trouble with output in subdirs. am__obj=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} am__minus_obj="-o $am__obj" case $depmode in @@ -6130,8 +6408,8 @@ test "$am__universal" = false || continue ;; nosideeffect) - # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll - # only be used when explicitly requested + # After this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll + # only be used when explicitly requested. if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then continue else @@ -6139,7 +6417,7 @@ fi ;; msvc7 | msvc7msys | msvisualcpp | msvcmsys) - # This compiler won't grok `-c -o', but also, the minuso test has + # This compiler won't grok '-c -o', but also, the minuso test has # not run yet. These depmodes are late enough in the game, and # so weak that their functioning should not be impacted. am__obj=conftest.${OBJEXT-o} @@ -6330,131 +6608,6 @@ ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu -if test "x$CC" != xcc; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC and cc understand -c and -o together" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking whether $CC and cc understand -c and -o together... " >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether cc understands -c and -o together" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking whether cc understands -c and -o together... " >&6; } -fi -set dummy $CC; ac_cc=`$as_echo "$2" | - sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g;s/^[0-9]/_/'` -if eval \${ac_cv_prog_cc_${ac_cc}_c_o+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - -int -main () -{ - - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -# Make sure it works both with $CC and with simple cc. -# We do the test twice because some compilers refuse to overwrite an -# existing .o file with -o, though they will create one. -ac_try='$CC -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext >&5' -rm -f conftest2.* -if { { case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; } && - test -f conftest2.$ac_objext && { { case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; }; -then - eval ac_cv_prog_cc_${ac_cc}_c_o=yes - if test "x$CC" != xcc; then - # Test first that cc exists at all. - if { ac_try='cc -c conftest.$ac_ext >&5' - { { case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; }; }; then - ac_try='cc -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest2.$ac_objext >&5' - rm -f conftest2.* - if { { case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; } && - test -f conftest2.$ac_objext && { { case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; }; - then - # cc works too. - : - else - # cc exists but doesn't like -o. - eval ac_cv_prog_cc_${ac_cc}_c_o=no - fi - fi - fi -else - eval ac_cv_prog_cc_${ac_cc}_c_o=no -fi -rm -f core conftest* - -fi -if eval test \$ac_cv_prog_cc_${ac_cc}_c_o = yes; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 -$as_echo "yes" >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } - -$as_echo "#define NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O 1" >>confdefs.h - -fi - -# FIXME: we rely on the cache variable name because -# there is no other way. -set dummy $CC -am_cc=`echo $2 | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g;s/^[0-9]/_/'` -eval am_t=\$ac_cv_prog_cc_${am_cc}_c_o -if test "$am_t" != yes; then - # Losing compiler, so override with the script. - # FIXME: It is wrong to rewrite CC. - # But if we don't then we get into trouble of one sort or another. - # A longer-term fix would be to have automake use am__CC in this case, - # and then we could set am__CC="\$(top_srcdir)/compile \$(CC)" - CC="$am_aux_dir/compile $CC" -fi - if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" = "xno" ; then as_fn_error $? "No C-89 compiler found" "$LINENO" 5 @@ -6858,7 +7011,7 @@ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807, since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */ -#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 62) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 62)) +#define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31)) int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721 && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1) ? 1 : -1]; @@ -6904,7 +7057,7 @@ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807, since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */ -#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 62) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 62)) +#define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31)) int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721 && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1) ? 1 : -1]; @@ -6928,7 +7081,7 @@ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807, since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */ -#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 62) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 62)) +#define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31)) int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721 && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1) ? 1 : -1]; @@ -6973,7 +7126,7 @@ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807, since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */ -#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 62) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 62)) +#define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31)) int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721 && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1) ? 1 : -1]; @@ -6997,7 +7150,7 @@ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807, since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */ -#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 62) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 62)) +#define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t) 1 << 31) << 31)) int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721 && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1) ? 1 : -1]; @@ -7351,15 +7504,28 @@ fi - if test x$gpg_error_config_prefix != x ; then - if test x${GPG_ERROR_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then - GPG_ERROR_CONFIG=$gpg_error_config_prefix/bin/gpg-error-config + if test x"${GPG_ERROR_CONFIG}" = x ; then + if test x"${gpg_error_config_prefix}" != x ; then + GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="${gpg_error_config_prefix}/bin/gpg-error-config" + else + case "${SYSROOT}" in + /*) + if test -x "${SYSROOT}/bin/gpg-error-config" ; then + GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="${SYSROOT}/bin/gpg-error-config" + fi + ;; + '') + ;; + *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Ignoring \$SYSROOT as it is not an absolute path." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: Ignoring \$SYSROOT as it is not an absolute path." >&2;} + ;; + esac fi fi - if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then - # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gpg-error-config", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gpg-error-config; ac_word=$2 + # Extract the first word of "gpg-error-config", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy gpg-error-config; ac_word=$2 { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } if ${ac_cv_path_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG+:} false; then : @@ -7385,6 +7551,7 @@ done IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$ac_cv_path_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG" && ac_cv_path_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="no" ;; esac fi @@ -7398,63 +7565,6 @@ fi -fi -if test -z "$ac_cv_path_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG"; then - ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG=$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG - # Extract the first word of "gpg-error-config", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy gpg-error-config; ac_word=$2 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_path_ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - case $ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) - ac_cv_path_ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="$ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR -for as_dir in $PATH -do - IFS=$as_save_IFS - test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - ac_cv_path_ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 - break 2 - fi -done - done -IFS=$as_save_IFS - - ;; -esac -fi -ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG=$ac_cv_path_ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG -if test -n "$ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG" >&5 -$as_echo "$ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG" >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } -fi - - if test "x$ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG" = x; then - GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="no" - else - case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in -yes:) -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} -ac_tool_warned=yes ;; -esac - GPG_ERROR_CONFIG=$ac_pt_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG - fi -else - GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="$ac_cv_path_GPG_ERROR_CONFIG" -fi - min_gpg_error_version="$NEED_GPG_ERROR_VERSION" { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GPG Error - version >= $min_gpg_error_version" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for GPG Error - version >= $min_gpg_error_version... " >&6; } @@ -7483,6 +7593,8 @@ if test $ok = yes; then GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --cflags` GPG_ERROR_LIBS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --libs` + GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --mt --cflags 2>/dev/null` + GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --mt --libs 2>/dev/null` { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes ($gpg_error_config_version)" >&5 $as_echo "yes ($gpg_error_config_version)" >&6; } have_gpg_error=yes @@ -7495,7 +7607,7 @@ *** built for $gpg_error_config_host and thus may not match the *** used host $host. *** You may want to use the configure option --with-gpg-error-prefix -*** to specify a matching config script. +*** to specify a matching config script or use \$SYSROOT. ***" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: *** @@ -7503,13 +7615,16 @@ *** built for $gpg_error_config_host and thus may not match the *** used host $host. *** You may want to use the configure option --with-gpg-error-prefix -*** to specify a matching config script. +*** to specify a matching config script or use \$SYSROOT. ***" >&2;} + gpg_config_script_warn="$gpg_config_script_warn libgpg-error" fi fi else GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS="" GPG_ERROR_LIBS="" + GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS="" + GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS="" { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 $as_echo "no" >&6; } have_gpg_error=no @@ -7519,6 +7634,8 @@ + + # # Libgcrypt is our generic crypto library # @@ -7531,15 +7648,28 @@ libgcrypt_config_prefix="" fi - if test x$libgcrypt_config_prefix != x ; then - if test x${LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then - LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=$libgcrypt_config_prefix/bin/libgcrypt-config + if test x"${LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG}" = x ; then + if test x"${libgcrypt_config_prefix}" != x ; then + LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="${libgcrypt_config_prefix}/bin/libgcrypt-config" + else + case "${SYSROOT}" in + /*) + if test -x "${SYSROOT}/bin/libgcrypt-config" ; then + LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="${SYSROOT}/bin/libgcrypt-config" + fi + ;; + '') + ;; + *) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Ignoring \$SYSROOT as it is not an absolute path." >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: Ignoring \$SYSROOT as it is not an absolute path." >&2;} + ;; + esac fi fi - if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then - # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}libgcrypt-config", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}libgcrypt-config; ac_word=$2 + # Extract the first word of "libgcrypt-config", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy libgcrypt-config; ac_word=$2 { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } if ${ac_cv_path_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG+:} false; then : @@ -7565,6 +7695,7 @@ done IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$ac_cv_path_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG" && ac_cv_path_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="no" ;; esac fi @@ -7578,63 +7709,6 @@ fi -fi -if test -z "$ac_cv_path_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG"; then - ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=$LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG - # Extract the first word of "libgcrypt-config", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy libgcrypt-config; ac_word=$2 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_path_ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - case $ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) - ac_cv_path_ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="$ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR -for as_dir in $PATH -do - IFS=$as_save_IFS - test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - ac_cv_path_ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 - break 2 - fi -done - done -IFS=$as_save_IFS - - ;; -esac -fi -ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=$ac_cv_path_ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG -if test -n "$ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG" >&5 -$as_echo "$ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG" >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } -fi - - if test "x$ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG" = x; then - LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="no" - else - case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in -yes:) -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} -ac_tool_warned=yes ;; -esac - LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=$ac_pt_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG - fi -else - LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="$ac_cv_path_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG" -fi - tmp="$NEED_LIBGCRYPT_API:$NEED_LIBGCRYPT_VERSION" if echo "$tmp" | grep ':' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then req_libgcrypt_api=`echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\1/'` @@ -7716,7 +7790,7 @@ *** built for $libgcrypt_config_host and thus may not match the *** used host $host. *** You may want to use the configure option --with-libgcrypt-prefix -*** to specify a matching config script. +*** to specify a matching config script or use \$SYSROOT. ***" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: *** @@ -7724,8 +7798,9 @@ *** built for $libgcrypt_config_host and thus may not match the *** used host $host. *** You may want to use the configure option --with-libgcrypt-prefix -*** to specify a matching config script. +*** to specify a matching config script or use \$SYSROOT. ***" >&2;} + gpg_config_script_warn="$gpg_config_script_warn libgcrypt" fi fi else @@ -9848,6 +9923,7 @@ prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + # Check whether --with-gnu-ld was given. if test "${with_gnu_ld+set}" = set; then : withval=$with_gnu_ld; test "$withval" = no || with_gnu_ld=yes @@ -9858,21 +9934,21 @@ # Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. # The user is always right. if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } fi + ac_prog=ld if test "$GCC" = yes; then # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ld used by GCC" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for ld used by GCC... " >&6; } + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ld used by $CC" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ld used by $CC... " >&6; } case $host in *-*-mingw*) # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw @@ -9882,12 +9958,12 @@ esac case $ac_prog in # Accept absolute paths. - [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./' - # Canonicalize the path of ld - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` - while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + # Canonicalize the pathname of ld + ac_prog=`echo "$ac_prog"| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while echo "$ac_prog" | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` done test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" ;; @@ -9911,23 +9987,26 @@ $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 else if test -z "$LD"; then - IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" + acl_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$acl_save_ifs" test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then acl_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, - # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. + # but apparently some variants of GNU ld only accept -v. # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. - case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null` in + case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 &6 else - # I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. + # I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU lds only accept -v. case `$LD -v 2>&1 &5 @@ -9990,28 +10071,75 @@ if test "${enable_rpath+set}" = set; then : enableval=$enable_rpath; : else - enable_rpath=yes + enable_rpath=yes +fi + + + + + acl_libdirstem=lib + acl_libdirstem2= + case "$host_os" in + solaris*) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for 64-bit host" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for 64-bit host... " >&6; } +if ${gl_cv_solaris_64bit+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#ifdef _LP64 +sixtyfour bits +#endif + +_ACEOF +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | + $EGREP "sixtyfour bits" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + gl_cv_solaris_64bit=yes +else + gl_cv_solaris_64bit=no fi +rm -f conftest* - - acl_libdirstem=lib - searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` - if test -n "$searchpath"; then - acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" - for searchdir in $searchpath; do - if test -d "$searchdir"; then - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - esac ;; +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gl_cv_solaris_64bit" >&5 +$as_echo "$gl_cv_solaris_64bit" >&6; } + if test $gl_cv_solaris_64bit = yes; then + acl_libdirstem=lib/64 + case "$host_cpu" in + sparc*) acl_libdirstem2=lib/sparcv9 ;; + i*86 | x86_64) acl_libdirstem2=lib/amd64 ;; esac fi - done - IFS="$acl_save_IFS" - fi + ;; + *) + searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` + if test -n "$searchpath"; then + acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" + for searchdir in $searchpath; do + if test -d "$searchdir"; then + case "$searchdir" in + */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; + */../ | */.. ) + # Better ignore directories of this form. They are misleading. + ;; + *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` + case "$searchdir" in + */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; + esac ;; + esac + fi + done + IFS="$acl_save_IFS" + fi + ;; + esac + test -n "$acl_libdirstem2" || acl_libdirstem2="$acl_libdirstem" + + + @@ -10057,6 +10185,10 @@ else additional_includedir="$withval/include" additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" + if test "$acl_libdirstem2" != "$acl_libdirstem" \ + && ! test -d "$withval/$acl_libdirstem"; then + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem2" + fi fi fi @@ -10066,6 +10198,7 @@ LTLIBICONV= INCICONV= LIBICONV_PREFIX= + HAVE_LIBICONV= rpathdirs= ltrpathdirs= names_already_handled= @@ -10083,7 +10216,7 @@ done if test -z "$already_handled"; then names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` + uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____|'` eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" if test -n "$value"; then if test "$value" = yes; then @@ -10208,7 +10341,9 @@ if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "$enable_rpath" = no \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" else haveit= @@ -10275,7 +10410,16 @@ case "$found_dir" in */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` - LIBICONV_PREFIX="$basedir" + if test "$name" = 'iconv'; then + LIBICONV_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + */$acl_libdirstem2 | */$acl_libdirstem2/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem2/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = 'iconv'; then + LIBICONV_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi additional_includedir="$basedir/include" ;; esac @@ -10324,9 +10468,11 @@ case "$dep" in -L*) additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem2"; then if test -n "$GCC"; then case $host_os in linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; @@ -10458,6 +10604,11 @@ + + + + + am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" for element in $INCICONV; do @@ -10719,7 +10870,7 @@ #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif -#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) +#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__cplusplus) size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); #else size_t iconv(); @@ -10768,6 +10919,75 @@ # { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for gettext" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: checking for gettext" >&6;} +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a sed that does not truncate output" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a sed that does not truncate output... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_SED+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_script=s/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb/ + for ac_i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do + ac_script="$ac_script$as_nl$ac_script" + done + echo "$ac_script" 2>/dev/null | sed 99q >conftest.sed + { ac_script=; unset ac_script;} + if test -z "$SED"; then + ac_path_SED_found=false + # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in sed gsed; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + ac_path_SED="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_SED" || continue +# Check for GNU ac_path_SED and select it if it is found. + # Check for GNU $ac_path_SED +case `"$ac_path_SED" --version 2>&1` in +*GNU*) + ac_cv_path_SED="$ac_path_SED" ac_path_SED_found=:;; +*) + ac_count=0 + $as_echo_n 0123456789 >"conftest.in" + while : + do + cat "conftest.in" "conftest.in" >"conftest.tmp" + mv "conftest.tmp" "conftest.in" + cp "conftest.in" "conftest.nl" + $as_echo '' >> "conftest.nl" + "$ac_path_SED" -f conftest.sed < "conftest.nl" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break + diff "conftest.out" "conftest.nl" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break + as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val + if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_SED_max-0}; then + # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one + ac_cv_path_SED="$ac_path_SED" + ac_path_SED_max=$ac_count + fi + # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough + test $ac_count -gt 10 && break + done + rm -f conftest.in conftest.tmp conftest.nl conftest.out;; +esac + + $ac_path_SED_found && break 3 + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_SED"; then + as_fn_error $? "no acceptable sed could be found in \$PATH" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +else + ac_cv_path_SED=$SED +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_SED" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_SED" >&6; } + SED="$ac_cv_path_SED" + rm -f conftest.sed + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether NLS is requested" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking whether NLS is requested... " >&6; } @@ -10784,7 +11004,7 @@ - GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION=0.17 + GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION=0.19 @@ -10792,15 +11012,14 @@ # Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. # The user is always right. if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } fi # Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, @@ -10915,15 +11134,14 @@ # Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. # The user is always right. if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } fi # Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, @@ -10993,15 +11211,14 @@ # Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. # The user is always right. if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } fi # Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, @@ -11093,6 +11310,7 @@ + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... " >&6; } if ${gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue+:} false; then : @@ -11210,15 +11428,19 @@ else cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ + #include $gt_revision_test_code extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; extern int *_nl_domain_bindings; + int main () { + bindtextdomain ("", ""); return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings + ; return 0; } @@ -11491,6 +11713,9 @@ + + + use_additional=yes acl_save_prefix="$prefix" @@ -11527,6 +11752,10 @@ else additional_includedir="$withval/include" additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" + if test "$acl_libdirstem2" != "$acl_libdirstem" \ + && ! test -d "$withval/$acl_libdirstem"; then + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem2" + fi fi fi @@ -11536,6 +11765,7 @@ LTLIBINTL= INCINTL= LIBINTL_PREFIX= + HAVE_LIBINTL= rpathdirs= ltrpathdirs= names_already_handled= @@ -11553,7 +11783,7 @@ done if test -z "$already_handled"; then names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` + uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____|'` eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" if test -n "$value"; then if test "$value" = yes; then @@ -11678,7 +11908,9 @@ if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "$enable_rpath" = no \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" else haveit= @@ -11745,7 +11977,16 @@ case "$found_dir" in */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` - LIBINTL_PREFIX="$basedir" + if test "$name" = 'intl'; then + LIBINTL_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + */$acl_libdirstem2 | */$acl_libdirstem2/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem2/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = 'intl'; then + LIBINTL_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi additional_includedir="$basedir/include" ;; esac @@ -11794,9 +12035,11 @@ case "$dep" in -L*) additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem2"; then if test -n "$GCC"; then case $host_os in linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; @@ -11922,6 +12165,11 @@ done fi + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU gettext in libintl" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for GNU gettext in libintl... " >&6; } if eval \${$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl+:} false; then : @@ -11933,6 +12181,7 @@ LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ + #include $gt_revision_test_code extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; @@ -11941,11 +12190,14 @@ "C" #endif const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); + int main () { + bindtextdomain ("", ""); return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("") + ; return 0; } @@ -11961,6 +12213,7 @@ LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ + #include $gt_revision_test_code extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; @@ -11969,19 +12222,22 @@ "C" #endif const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); + int main () { + bindtextdomain ("", ""); return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("") + ; return 0; } _ACEOF if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" + LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" fi rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ @@ -14004,12 +14260,14 @@ - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for long long int" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for long long int... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_type_long_long_int+:} false; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for unsigned long long int" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for unsigned long long int... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int+:} false; then : $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext + ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=yes + if test "x${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99-no}" = xno; then + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ /* For now, do not test the preprocessor; as of 2007 there are too many @@ -14042,37 +14300,64 @@ _ACEOF if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + +else + ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int" >&6; } + if test $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT 1" >>confdefs.h + + fi + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for long long int" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for long long int... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_type_long_long_int+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes + if test "x${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99-no}" = xno; then + ac_cv_type_long_long_int=$ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int + if test $ac_cv_type_long_long_int = yes; then + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + : else cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ #include - #ifndef LLONG_MAX - # define HALF \ - (1LL << (sizeof (long long int) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) - # define LLONG_MAX (HALF - 1 + HALF) - #endif + #ifndef LLONG_MAX + # define HALF \ + (1LL << (sizeof (long long int) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) + # define LLONG_MAX (HALF - 1 + HALF) + #endif int main () { long long int n = 1; - int i; - for (i = 0; ; i++) - { - long long int m = n << i; - if (m >> i != n) - return 1; - if (LLONG_MAX / 2 < m) - break; - } - return 0; + int i; + for (i = 0; ; i++) + { + long long int m = n << i; + if (m >> i != n) + return 1; + if (LLONG_MAX / 2 < m) + break; + } + return 0; ; return 0; } _ACEOF if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : - ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes + else ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no fi @@ -14080,11 +14365,8 @@ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext fi -else - ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + fi + fi fi { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_long_long_int" >&5 $as_echo "$ac_cv_type_long_long_int" >&6; } @@ -14182,60 +14464,6 @@ - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for unsigned long long int" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for unsigned long long int... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - - /* For now, do not test the preprocessor; as of 2007 there are too many - implementations with broken preprocessors. Perhaps this can - be revisited in 2012. In the meantime, code should not expect - #if to work with literals wider than 32 bits. */ - /* Test literals. */ - long long int ll = 9223372036854775807ll; - long long int nll = -9223372036854775807LL; - unsigned long long int ull = 18446744073709551615ULL; - /* Test constant expressions. */ - typedef int a[((-9223372036854775807LL < 0 && 0 < 9223372036854775807ll) - ? 1 : -1)]; - typedef int b[(18446744073709551615ULL <= (unsigned long long int) -1 - ? 1 : -1)]; - int i = 63; -int -main () -{ -/* Test availability of runtime routines for shift and division. */ - long long int llmax = 9223372036854775807ll; - unsigned long long int ullmax = 18446744073709551615ull; - return ((ll << 63) | (ll >> 63) | (ll < i) | (ll > i) - | (llmax / ll) | (llmax % ll) - | (ull << 63) | (ull >> 63) | (ull << i) | (ull >> i) - | (ullmax / ull) | (ullmax % ull)); - ; - return 0; -} - -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=yes -else - ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int" >&5 -$as_echo "$ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int" >&6; } - if test $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int = yes; then - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT 1" >>confdefs.h - - fi - - @@ -15320,6 +15548,7 @@ # when compiling a conftest (due to the "-lz" from LIBS). # Note that we combine zlib and bzlib2 in ZLIBS. # +missing_zlib=yes _cppflags="${CPPFLAGS}" _ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" @@ -15373,7 +15602,10 @@ { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_z_deflateInit2_" >&5 $as_echo "$ac_cv_lib_z_deflateInit2_" >&6; } if test "x$ac_cv_lib_z_deflateInit2_" = xyes; then : - ZLIBS="-lz" + + ZLIBS="-lz" + missing_zlib=no + else CPPFLAGS=${_cppflags} LDFLAGS=${_ldflags} fi @@ -15807,75 +16039,47 @@ done + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for long long int" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for long long int... " >&6; } if ${ac_cv_type_long_long_int+:} false; then : $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - - /* For now, do not test the preprocessor; as of 2007 there are too many - implementations with broken preprocessors. Perhaps this can - be revisited in 2012. In the meantime, code should not expect - #if to work with literals wider than 32 bits. */ - /* Test literals. */ - long long int ll = 9223372036854775807ll; - long long int nll = -9223372036854775807LL; - unsigned long long int ull = 18446744073709551615ULL; - /* Test constant expressions. */ - typedef int a[((-9223372036854775807LL < 0 && 0 < 9223372036854775807ll) - ? 1 : -1)]; - typedef int b[(18446744073709551615ULL <= (unsigned long long int) -1 - ? 1 : -1)]; - int i = 63; -int -main () -{ -/* Test availability of runtime routines for shift and division. */ - long long int llmax = 9223372036854775807ll; - unsigned long long int ullmax = 18446744073709551615ull; - return ((ll << 63) | (ll >> 63) | (ll < i) | (ll > i) - | (llmax / ll) | (llmax % ll) - | (ull << 63) | (ull >> 63) | (ull << i) | (ull >> i) - | (ullmax / ull) | (ullmax % ull)); - ; - return 0; -} - -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes + if test "x${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99-no}" = xno; then + ac_cv_type_long_long_int=$ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int + if test $ac_cv_type_long_long_int = yes; then + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + : else cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ #include - #ifndef LLONG_MAX - # define HALF \ - (1LL << (sizeof (long long int) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) - # define LLONG_MAX (HALF - 1 + HALF) - #endif + #ifndef LLONG_MAX + # define HALF \ + (1LL << (sizeof (long long int) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) + # define LLONG_MAX (HALF - 1 + HALF) + #endif int main () { long long int n = 1; - int i; - for (i = 0; ; i++) - { - long long int m = n << i; - if (m >> i != n) - return 1; - if (LLONG_MAX / 2 < m) - break; - } - return 0; + int i; + for (i = 0; ; i++) + { + long long int m = n << i; + if (m >> i != n) + return 1; + if (LLONG_MAX / 2 < m) + break; + } + return 0; ; return 0; } _ACEOF if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : - ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes + else ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no fi @@ -15883,11 +16087,8 @@ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext fi -else - ac_cv_type_long_long_int=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + fi + fi fi { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_long_long_int" >&5 $as_echo "$ac_cv_type_long_long_int" >&6; } @@ -16222,7 +16423,7 @@ # # Provide information about the build. # -BUILD_REVISION="5b2dcdd" +BUILD_REVISION="58126e8" cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF @@ -16231,7 +16432,7 @@ BUILD_FILEVERSION=`echo "$VERSION" | sed 's/\([0-9.]*\).*/\1./;s/\./,/g'` -BUILD_FILEVERSION="${BUILD_FILEVERSION}23341" +BUILD_FILEVERSION="${BUILD_FILEVERSION}22546" BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M+0000 2>/dev/null || date` @@ -16344,6 +16545,23 @@ ***" >&6;} die=yes fi +if test "$missing_zlib" = "yes"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: +*** +*** The zlib compression library is required. +*** Please install a suitable development package +*** (e.g. Debian package zlib1g-dev) or download +*** it from http://zlib.net and build yourself. +***" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: +*** +*** The zlib compression library is required. +*** Please install a suitable development package +*** (e.g. Debian package zlib1g-dev) or download +*** it from http://zlib.net and build yourself. +***" >&6;} + die=yes +fi if test "$missing_iconv" = "yes"; then { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: *** @@ -16464,7 +16682,6 @@ ac_libobjs= ac_ltlibobjs= -U= for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed. ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//' @@ -16479,6 +16696,14 @@ LTLIBOBJS=$ac_ltlibobjs +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking that generated files are newer than configure" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking that generated files are newer than configure... " >&6; } + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: done" >&5 +$as_echo "done" >&6; } if test -n "$EXEEXT"; then am__EXEEXT_TRUE= am__EXEEXT_FALSE='#' @@ -16519,6 +16744,14 @@ as_fn_error $? "conditional \"MAINTAINER_MODE\" was never defined. Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5 fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking that generated files are newer than configure" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking that generated files are newer than configure... " >&6; } + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: done" >&5 +$as_echo "done" >&6; } if test -z "${am__fastdepCC_TRUE}" && test -z "${am__fastdepCC_FALSE}"; then as_fn_error $? "conditional \"am__fastdepCC\" was never defined. Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5 @@ -17000,7 +17233,7 @@ # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their # values after options handling. ac_log=" -This file was extended by gnupg $as_me 2.0.26, which was +This file was extended by gnupg $as_me 2.0.28, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES @@ -17066,7 +17299,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" ac_cs_version="\\ -gnupg config.status 2.0.26 +gnupg config.status 2.0.28 configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69, with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\" @@ -17823,7 +18056,7 @@ case $ac_file$ac_mode in "depfiles":C) test x"$AMDEP_TRUE" != x"" || { - # Autoconf 2.62 quotes --file arguments for eval, but not when files + # Older Autoconf quotes --file arguments for eval, but not when files # are listed without --file. Let's play safe and only enable the eval # if we detect the quoting. case $CONFIG_FILES in @@ -17836,7 +18069,7 @@ # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file. mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'` # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not. - # We used to match only the files named `Makefile.in', but + # We used to match only the files named 'Makefile.in', but # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content. # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process # each Makefile.in and add a new line on top of each file to say so. @@ -17870,21 +18103,19 @@ continue fi # Extract the definition of DEPDIR, am__include, and am__quote - # from the Makefile without running `make'. + # from the Makefile without running 'make'. DEPDIR=`sed -n 's/^DEPDIR = //p' < "$mf"` test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue am__include=`sed -n 's/^am__include = //p' < "$mf"` - test -z "am__include" && continue + test -z "$am__include" && continue am__quote=`sed -n 's/^am__quote = //p' < "$mf"` - # When using ansi2knr, U may be empty or an underscore; expand it - U=`sed -n 's/^U = //p' < "$mf"` # Find all dependency output files, they are included files with # $(DEPDIR) in their names. We invoke sed twice because it is the # simplest approach to changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the # expansion. for file in `sed -n " s/^$am__include $am__quote\(.*(DEPDIR).*\)$am__quote"'$/\1/p' <"$mf" | \ - sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g' -e 's/\$U/'"$U"'/g'`; do + sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g'`; do # Make sure the directory exists. test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue fdir=`$as_dirname -- "$file" || @@ -17927,7 +18158,7 @@ case "$ac_file" in */Makefile.in) # Adjust a relative srcdir. ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" + ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'` ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. @@ -17943,7 +18174,8 @@ if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in"; then rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" - cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" + gt_tab=`printf '\t'` + cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ${gt_tab}]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" POMAKEFILEDEPS="POTFILES.in" # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration @@ -17954,12 +18186,12 @@ test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" fi ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" else # The set of available languages was given in configure.in. - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' fi # Compute POFILES @@ -18073,7 +18305,7 @@ echo " GnuPG v${VERSION} has been configured as follows: - Revision: 5b2dcdd (23341) + Revision: 58126e8 (22546) Platform: $PRINTABLE_OS_NAME ($host) OpenPGP: $build_gpg @@ -18095,3 +18327,12 @@ gpg-check-pattern will not be build. " fi +if test "x${gpg_config_script_warn}" != x; then +cat < Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:18:38 +0100 + +gnupg2 (2.0.28-3) unstable; urgency=medium + + * pass DBUS_SESION_BUS_ADDRESS to the agent for gnome3. + + -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor Sat, 04 Jul 2015 14:21:41 -0400 + +gnupg2 (2.0.28-2) unstable; urgency=medium + + * d/clean: drop stamp-po to rebuild l10n (Closes: #788989) + + -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor Tue, 30 Jun 2015 17:17:11 -0400 + +gnupg2 (2.0.28-1) unstable; urgency=medium + + * new upstream release + * really address excess dependencies on headless server (thanks Raphaël + Halimi for noticing) (Closes: #753163) + + -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor Tue, 02 Jun 2015 12:16:57 -0400 + +gnupg2 (2.0.27-2) unstable; urgency=medium + + * import upstream fix to avoid replicating unknown subkey + packets. (Closes: #787045) (Thanks, NIIBE Yutaka) + + -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor Thu, 28 May 2015 00:55:51 -0400 + +gnupg2 (2.0.27-1) unstable; urgency=medium + + * New upstream release. + * Provide a simple way for users to avoid gpg-agent hijacking, + working around: #760102 (Closes: #753163) + + -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor Fri, 08 May 2015 18:15:15 -0400 + +gnupg2 (2.0.26-6ubuntu3) wily; urgency=medium * debian/gpg-agent.user-session.upstart: Fix grep line for ssh-agent to not fail pre-start if it doesn't match, due to `set -e'. @@ -932,7 +981,7 @@ id not found". Closes: #229549 -- James Troup Fri, 20 Feb 2004 16:38:12 +0000 - + gnupg (1.2.4-2) unstable; urgency=low * mpi/hppa1.1/udiv-qrnnd.S: patch from LaMont Jones diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/clean gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/clean --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/clean 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/clean 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ po/*.gmo +po/stamp-po diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/control gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/control --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/control 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/control 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Uploaders: Eric Dorland , Daniel Kahn Gillmor Standards-Version: 3.9.6 -Build-Depends: automake1.11, +Build-Depends: automake, autopoint, debhelper (>= 9), dh-autoreconf, @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ libassuan-dev (>= 2.0), libbz2-dev, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, - libgcrypt20-dev (>= 1.4.0), + libgcrypt20-dev (>= 1.5.0), libgpg-error-dev (>= 1.11), libksba-dev (>= 1.0.7), libldap2-dev, @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Package: gnupg-agent Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign -Depends: pinentry-gtk2 | pinentry-curses | pinentry, +Depends: pinentry-curses | pinentry, ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: gnupg2 | gpgsm | gnupg diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/copyright gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/copyright --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/copyright 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/copyright 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -20,13 +20,6 @@ Files: autogen.sh Copyright: 2003, g10 Code GmbH License: permissive - This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives - unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without - modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - . - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Files: common/estream.c common/estream.h @@ -47,14 +40,6 @@ tools/no-libgcrypt.c Copyright: 1998-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc License: permissive - This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives - unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without - modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - . - This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even - the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR - PURPOSE. Files: common/localename.c include/_regex.h @@ -112,6 +97,16 @@ 1998 The Internet Society License: RFC-Reference +License: permissive + This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives + unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without + modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + . + This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even + the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR + PURPOSE. + License: RFC-Reference doc/OpenPGP merely cites and references IETF Draft draft-ietf-openpgp-formats-07.txt. This is believed to be fair use; @@ -208,29 +203,7 @@ License version 2.1 can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1'. -License: GPL-3+ or BSD-3-clause - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - . - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - . - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, see . - . - ALTERNATIVELY, this file may be distributed under the terms of the - following license, in which case the provisions of this license are - required INSTEAD OF the GNU General Public License. If you wish to - allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the - GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your - version of this file under the terms of the following license, - indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license - below. - . +License: BSD-3-clause Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: @@ -255,59 +228,3 @@ STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - . - On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public - License version 3 can be found in the file - `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'. - -License: GPL-2+ or BSD-3-clause - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, - or (at your option) any later version. - . - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - General Public License for more details. - . - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, see . - . - ALTERNATIVELY, this program may be distributed under the terms of the - following license, in which case the provisions of this license are - required INSTEAD OF the GNU General Public License. If you wish to - allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the - GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your - version of this file under the terms of the following license, - indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license - below. - . - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - are met: - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety, - including the disclaimer of warranties. - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote - products derived from this software without specific prior - written permission. - . - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED - WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES - OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE - DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, - INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES - (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR - SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) - HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, - STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) - ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED - OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - . - On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public - License version 2 can be found in the file - `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gbp.conf gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gbp.conf --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gbp.conf 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gbp.conf 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ [DEFAULT] pristine-tar = True +upstream-vcs-tag = gnupg-%(version)s diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent 2015-07-04 18:17:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Author: Daniel Kahn Gillmor + +# This is a simple program to turn of gpg-agent emulation by +# gnome-keyring in debian jessie. + +# see https://bugs.debian.org/760102 + +USER_AUTO_DIR=~/.config/autostart +USER_AUTO_FILE="${USER_AUTO_DIR}/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop" +SYSTEM_AUTO_FILE=/etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop + +if [ "$1" ]; then + echo "$0 : disable GNOME keyring's gpg-agent emulation" + echo "" + echo " Invoke this program without arguments to tell" + echo " GNOME keyring to not try to act as gpg-agent." + echo "" + echo " see also: https://bugs.debian.org/760102" + exit 1 +fi + + +if dpkg --get-selections | grep -qx 'pinentry-gtk2[[:space:]]*install'; then + echo "You probably want to install the pinentry-gtk2 package." +fi + + +if [ -e "$USER_AUTO_FILE" ]; then + if grep -qFx Hidden=true "$USER_AUTO_FILE"; then + echo "GNOME Keyring's gpg-agent emulation is already disabled." + echo "You may need to restart your GNOME session." + else + echo 'Hidden=true' >> "$USER_AUTO_FILE" + echo "Added 'Hidden=true' to '$USER_AUTO_FILE'." + echo "You probably need to restart your GNOME session." + fi +elif [ -e "$SYSTEM_AUTO_FILE" ]; then + mkdir -p "$USER_AUTO_DIR" + cp "$SYSTEM_AUTO_FILE" "$USER_AUTO_FILE" + echo 'Hidden=true' >> "$USER_AUTO_FILE" + echo "Disabled GNOME Keyring's gpg-agent emulation." + echo "You probably need to restart your GNOME session." +else + echo "Could not find '$SYSTEM_AUTO_FILE'." + echo "Maybe GNOME keyring daemon isn't present on your system?" + exit 1 +fi + diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent.1 gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent.1 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent.1 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent.1 2015-07-04 18:17:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +.TH GNOME-KEYRING-UNHIJACK-GPG-AGENT "1" "May 2015" "gnupg" "User Commands" + +.SH NAME + +gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent - Disable GNOME Keyring's gpg-agent emulation + +.SH SYNOPSIS + +.B gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent + +.SH DESCRIPTION + +This script disables GNOME Keyring's gpg-agent emulation for the +current user. GNOME Keyring's gpg-agent emulation is known to cause +problems when interacting with some versions of gpg. + +This script disables the agent emulation by adding Hidden=true to a +user-specific copy of the GNOME Keyring gpg-agent emulation startup +file. + +.SH FILES + +.TP +~/.config/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop +Per-user gnome-keyring config file to enable gpg-agent emulation. +.TP +/etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop +System-wide gnome-keyring config file to enable gpg-agent emulation. + +.SH AUTHOR + +Written by Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the Debian +project. This helper program is an interim measure to work around +compatibility issues between GNOME and GnuPG, and we do not expect to +keep it around forever. + +.SH SEE ALSO + +.BR gpg\-agent (1), +.BR gpg2 (1), +.BR https://bugs.debian.org/760102 diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnupg-agent.install gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnupg-agent.install --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnupg-agent.install 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnupg-agent.install 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/gpg-connect-agent.1 debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/gpg-preset-passphrase.1 debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/symcryptrun.1 +debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent usr/bin diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnupg-agent.manpages gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnupg-agent.manpages --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/gnupg-agent.manpages 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/gnupg-agent.manpages 2015-07-04 18:17:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +debian/gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent.1 diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0001-gnupg2-rename.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0001-gnupg2-rename.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0001-gnupg2-rename.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0001-gnupg2-rename.patch 2015-07-04 18:21:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +From: Debian GnuPG Maintainers +Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 16:55:58 -0400 +Subject: gnupg2-rename + +=================================================================== +--- + configure.ac | 4 ++-- + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac +index c93e762..c55bf8a 100644 +--- a/configure.ac ++++ b/configure.ac +@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ m4_define([mym4_betastring], + m4_define([mym4_isgit],m4_if(mym4_betastring,[],[no],[yes])) + m4_define([mym4_full_version],[mym4_version[]mym4_betastring]) + +-AC_INIT([gnupg],[mym4_full_version], [http://bugs.gnupg.org]) ++AC_INIT([gnupg2],[mym4_full_version], [http://bugs.gnupg.org]) + + NEED_GPG_ERROR_VERSION=1.11 + +@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ NEED_KSBA_VERSION=1.0.7 + + development_version=mym4_isgit + PACKAGE=$PACKAGE_NAME +-PACKAGE_GT=${PACKAGE_NAME}2 ++PACKAGE_GT=${PACKAGE_NAME} + VERSION=$PACKAGE_VERSION + + AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(scripts) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0002-fix_760273.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0002-fix_760273.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0002-fix_760273.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0002-fix_760273.patch 2015-07-04 18:21:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +From: Debian GnuPG Maintainers +Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 16:55:58 -0400 +Subject: fix_760273 + +commit 9c999c74389736a5bc0cbdb5a803632d8fb463dd +Author: Daniel Kahn Gillmor +Date: Tue Sep 2 09:42:15 2014 -0400 + + Typo fix for gpg.texi + + Originally reported by Jakub Wilk in https://bugs.debian.org/760273 +--- + doc/gnupg.info-1 | 2 +- + doc/gpg.texi | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/doc/gnupg.info-1 b/doc/gnupg.info-1 +index 3530b3d..f06d5a7 100644 +--- a/doc/gnupg.info-1 ++++ b/doc/gnupg.info-1 +@@ -3985,7 +3985,7 @@ Expire-Date: ISO-DATE|(NUMBER[d|w|m|y]) + intervals, GnuPG uses an absolute value internally and thus the + last year we can represent is 2105. + +-Ceation-Date: ISO-DATE ++Creation-Date: ISO-DATE + Set the creation date of the key as stored in the key information + and which is also part of the fingerprint calculation. Either a + date like "1986-04-26" or a full timestamp like "19860426T042640" +diff --git a/doc/gpg.texi b/doc/gpg.texi +index 06e772e..d8c3962 100644 +--- a/doc/gpg.texi ++++ b/doc/gpg.texi +@@ -3473,7 +3473,7 @@ sense. Although OpenPGP works with time intervals, GnuPG uses an + absolute value internally and thus the last year we can represent is + 2105. + +-@item Ceation-Date: @var{iso-date} ++@item Creation-Date: @var{iso-date} + Set the creation date of the key as stored in the key information and + which is also part of the fingerprint calculation. Either a date like + "1986-04-26" or a full timestamp like "19860426T042640" may be used. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0002-gpg-Allow-for-positional-parameters-in-the-passphras.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0002-gpg-Allow-for-positional-parameters-in-the-passphras.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0002-gpg-Allow-for-positional-parameters-in-the-passphras.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0002-gpg-Allow-for-positional-parameters-in-the-passphras.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -From c45b9819e8f4b35681c91ffb67abdc38dcc32a2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:16:04 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 02/31] gpg: Allow for positional parameters in the passphrase - prompt. - -* g10/passphrase.c (passphrase_get): Replace sprintf by xasprintf. --- - -Without that at least the French translation does not always work -because it requires positional parameters. Windows for example does -not support them as they are not defined by C99 but by POSIX. ---- - g10/passphrase.c | 35 ++++++++++++----------------------- - 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/passphrase.c b/g10/passphrase.c -index 9752718..54caf72 100644 ---- a/g10/passphrase.c -+++ b/g10/passphrase.c -@@ -341,38 +341,27 @@ passphrase_get ( u32 *keyid, int mode, const char *cacheid, int repeat, - if ( !algo_name ) - algo_name = "?"; - --#define KEYIDSTRING _(" (main key ID %s)") -- -- maink = xmalloc ( strlen (KEYIDSTRING) + keystrlen() + 20 ); -- if( keyid[2] && keyid[3] && keyid[0] != keyid[2] -+ if (keyid[2] && keyid[3] -+ && keyid[0] != keyid[2] - && keyid[1] != keyid[3] ) -- sprintf( maink, KEYIDSTRING, keystr(&keyid[2]) ); -+ maink = xasprintf (_(" (main key ID %s)"), keystr (&keyid[2])); - else -- *maink = 0; -+ maink = xstrdup (""); - - uid = get_user_id ( keyid, &uidlen ); - timestr = strtimestamp (pk->timestamp); - --#undef KEYIDSTRING -- --#define PROMPTSTRING _("Please enter the passphrase to unlock the" \ -- " secret key for the OpenPGP certificate:\n" \ -- "\"%.*s\"\n" \ -- "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" \ -- "created %s%s.\n" ) -- -- atext = xmalloc ( 100 + strlen (PROMPTSTRING) -- + uidlen + 15 + strlen(algo_name) + keystrlen() -- + strlen (timestr) + strlen (maink) ); -- sprintf (atext, PROMPTSTRING, -- (int)uidlen, uid, -- nbits_from_pk (pk), algo_name, keystr(&keyid[0]), timestr, -- maink ); -+ atext = xasprintf (_("Please enter the passphrase to unlock the" -+ " secret key for the OpenPGP certificate:\n" -+ "\"%.*s\"\n" -+ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" -+ "created %s%s.\n"), -+ (int)uidlen, uid, -+ nbits_from_pk (pk), algo_name, keystr(&keyid[0]), -+ timestr, maink); - xfree (uid); - xfree (maink); - --#undef PROMPTSTRING -- - { - size_t dummy; - fingerprint_from_pk( pk, fpr, &dummy ); --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0003-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI-.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0003-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI-.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0003-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI-.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0003-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI-.patch 2015-07-04 18:21:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor +Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:12:22 -0500 +Subject: gpg: Fix segv due to NULL value stored as opaque MPI (BRANCH 2.0) + +* g10/build-packet.c (do_secret_key): Check for NULL return from +gcry_mpi_get_opaque. +* g10/keyid.c (hash_public_key): Ditto. +-- + +This is a backport of 76c8122adfed0f0f443cce7bda702ba2b39661b3 from +master to the STABLE-BRANCH-2-0 + +On the STABLE-BRANCH-2-0, we may also want to patch g10/seckey-cert.c, +but that has not been done in this patch. + +This fix extends commmit 0835d2f44ef62eab51fce6a927908f544e01cf8f. + + gpg2 --export --no-default-keyring --keyring TESTDATA + +With TESTDATA being below after unpacking. + +-----BEGIN PGP ARMORED FILE----- + +mBMEhdkMmS8BcX8F//8F5voEhQAQmBMEnAAAZwAAo4D/f/8EhQAAAIAEnP8EhQAQ +iBMEnP8AAAAABf8jIID///8EhQYQmBMEnIUAEIgTBKT/AAAAAAUAACCA/f//BIUA +EJgTBJx/AP8ABPPzBJx/AP8ABPPz +=2yE0 +-----END PGP ARMORED FILE----- + +Reported-by: Jodie Cunningham +Signed-off-by: Daniel Kahn Gillmor +--- + g10/build-packet.c | 6 ++++-- + g10/keyid.c | 16 ++++++++++------ + 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/g10/build-packet.c b/g10/build-packet.c +index e986987..5cc03cf 100644 +--- a/g10/build-packet.c ++++ b/g10/build-packet.c +@@ -398,7 +398,8 @@ do_secret_key( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_secret_key *sk ) + + assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[npkey], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)); + p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (sk->skey[npkey], &ndatabits ); +- iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8 ); ++ if (p) ++ iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8 ); + } + else if ( sk->is_protected ) + { +@@ -410,7 +411,8 @@ do_secret_key( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_secret_key *sk ) + + assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)); + p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (sk->skey[i], &ndatabits); +- iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8); ++ if (p) ++ iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8); + } + write_16(a, sk->csum ); + } +diff --git a/g10/keyid.c b/g10/keyid.c +index 6af0f48..ef6ee1c 100644 +--- a/g10/keyid.c ++++ b/g10/keyid.c +@@ -115,14 +115,18 @@ hash_public_key( gcry_md_hd_t md, PKT_public_key *pk ) + if(npkey==0 && pk->pkey[0] + && gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[0], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)) + { +- gcry_md_write (md, pp[0], nn[0]); ++ if (pp[0]) ++ gcry_md_write (md, pp[0], nn[0]); + } + else +- for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ ) +- { +- gcry_md_write ( md, pp[i], nn[i] ); +- xfree(pp[i]); +- } ++ { ++ for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ ) ++ { ++ if (pp[i]) ++ gcry_md_write ( md, pp[i], nn[i] ); ++ xfree(pp[i]); ++ } ++ } + } + + static gcry_md_hd_t diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0004-add-gnome-keyring-gpg-agent-hijack-warning.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0004-add-gnome-keyring-gpg-agent-hijack-warning.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0004-add-gnome-keyring-gpg-agent-hijack-warning.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0004-add-gnome-keyring-gpg-agent-hijack-warning.patch 2015-07-04 18:21:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor +Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 17:01:12 -0400 +Subject: add gnome-keyring gpg-agent hijack warning + +When gpg2 notices that gpg-agent is hijacked by gnome-keyring, and +complains about it, the user currently gets no pointers for how to fix +the problem. + +Suggest a way to solve the problem. + +This is a dissatisfying conclusion to https://bugs.debian.org/760102 +--- + g10/call-agent.c | 3 +++ + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/g10/call-agent.c b/g10/call-agent.c +index 5669e04..6a74a8d 100644 +--- a/g10/call-agent.c ++++ b/g10/call-agent.c +@@ -170,8 +170,11 @@ check_hijacking (assuan_context_t ctx) + const char warn2[] = + "GnuPG will not work properly - please configure that " + "tool to not interfere with the GnuPG system!"; ++ const char warn3[] = ++ "You may want to run gnome-keyring-unhijack-gpg-agent"; + log_info ("WARNING: %s\n", warn1); + log_info ("WARNING: %s\n", warn2); ++ log_info ("WARNING: %s\n", warn3); + /* (GPG_ERR_SOURCRE_GPG, GPG_ERR_NO_AGENT) */ + write_status_text (STATUS_ERROR, "check_hijacking 33554509"); + xfree (string); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0004-gpg-Need-to-init-the-trustdb-for-import.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0004-gpg-Need-to-init-the-trustdb-for-import.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0004-gpg-Need-to-init-the-trustdb-for-import.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0004-gpg-Need-to-init-the-trustdb-for-import.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -From 07006c9916ea194ce6047d252421c08489068c4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Kristian Fiskerstrand -Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 11:13:34 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 04/31] gpg: Need to init the trustdb for import. - -* g10/trustdb.c (clear_ownertrusts): Init trustdb. - --- - -This was fixed in 1.4 branch in commit -23191d7851eae2217ecdac6484349849a24fd94a but was not applied to the -2.0 branch that exhibits the same problem. This is actually a hack -to fix a bug introduced with commit 2528178. - -GnuPG-bug-id: 1622 ---- - g10/trustdb.c | 2 ++ - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/g10/trustdb.c b/g10/trustdb.c -index f96701a..7bfef25 100644 ---- a/g10/trustdb.c -+++ b/g10/trustdb.c -@@ -923,6 +923,8 @@ clear_ownertrusts (PKT_public_key *pk) - TRUSTREC rec; - int rc; - -+ init_trustdb(); -+ - if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS) - return 0; - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Consider-that-gcry_mpi_get_opaque-may-return-NUL.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Consider-that-gcry_mpi_get_opaque-may-return-NUL.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Consider-that-gcry_mpi_get_opaque-may-return-NUL.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Consider-that-gcry_mpi_get_opaque-may-return-NUL.patch 2015-07-04 18:21:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +From: Werner Koch +Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 17:41:30 +0200 +Subject: gpg: Consider that gcry_mpi_get_opaque may return NULL. + +* g10/seckey-cert.c (do_check): Handle a NULL opaque MPI. +-- + +This patch extends b2d9d10 for secret keys. The problem is that we +changed the semantics so that opaque MPIs may be NULL with a bit +length. This patch is not required in GnuPG 2 because we do not use +secret keys there. + +Signed-off-by: Werner Koch +--- + g10/seckey-cert.c | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ + 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/g10/seckey-cert.c b/g10/seckey-cert.c +index 9995aa4..ad2f52d 100644 +--- a/g10/seckey-cert.c ++++ b/g10/seckey-cert.c +@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode, + int *canceled ) + { + gpg_error_t err; +- byte *buffer; + u16 csum=0; + int i, res; + size_t nbytes; +@@ -116,10 +115,13 @@ do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode, + p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque ( sk->skey[i], &ndatabits ); + ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8; + +- if ( ndata > 1 ) ++ if ( ndata > 1 && p ) + csumc = p[ndata-2] << 8 | p[ndata-1]; + data = xmalloc_secure ( ndata ); +- gcry_cipher_decrypt ( cipher_hd, data, ndata, p, ndata ); ++ if (p) ++ gcry_cipher_decrypt ( cipher_hd, data, ndata, p, ndata ); ++ else ++ memset (data, 0, ndata); + gcry_mpi_release (sk->skey[i]); sk->skey[i] = NULL ; + + p = data; +@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode, + attack */ + sk->csum = 0; + csum = 1; +- if( ndata < 20 ) ++ if( ndata < 20 ) + log_error("not enough bytes for SHA-1 checksum\n"); + else { + gcry_md_hd_t h; +@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode, + gcry_md_write (h, data, ndata - 20); + gcry_md_final (h); + if (!memcmp (gcry_md_read (h, DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1), +- data + ndata - 20, 20) ) ++ data + ndata - 20, 20) ) + { + /* Digest does match. We have to keep the old + style checksum in sk->csum, so that the +@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode, + This test gets used when we are adding new + keys. */ + sk->csum = csum = checksum (data, ndata-20); +- } ++ } + gcry_md_close (h); + } + } +@@ -197,21 +199,28 @@ do_check( PKT_secret_key *sk, const char *tryagain_text, int mode, + + assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)); + p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (sk->skey[i], &ndatabits); +- ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8; +- assert (ndata >= 2); +- assert (ndata == ((p[0] << 8 | p[1]) + 7)/8 + 2); +- buffer = xmalloc_secure (ndata); +- gcry_cipher_sync (cipher_hd); +- buffer[0] = p[0]; +- buffer[1] = p[1]; +- gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd, buffer+2, ndata-2, +- p+2, ndata-2); +- csum += checksum (buffer, ndata); +- gcry_mpi_release (sk->skey[i]); +- +- err = gcry_mpi_scan( &sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, +- buffer, ndata, &ndata ); +- xfree (buffer); ++ if (!p) ++ err = -1; ++ else ++ { ++ byte *buffer; ++ ++ ndata = (ndatabits+7)/8; ++ assert (ndata >= 2); ++ assert (ndata == ((p[0] << 8 | p[1]) + 7)/8 + 2); ++ buffer = xmalloc_secure (ndata); ++ gcry_cipher_sync (cipher_hd); ++ buffer[0] = p[0]; ++ buffer[1] = p[1]; ++ gcry_cipher_decrypt (cipher_hd, buffer+2, ndata-2, ++ p+2, ndata-2); ++ csum += checksum (buffer, ndata); ++ gcry_mpi_release (sk->skey[i]); ++ ++ err = gcry_mpi_scan( &sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FMT_PGP, ++ buffer, ndata, &ndata ); ++ xfree (buffer); ++ } + if (err) + { + /* Checksum was okay, but not correctly +@@ -346,11 +355,11 @@ protect_secret_key( PKT_secret_key *sk, DEK *dek ) + + if ( openpgp_cipher_test_algo ( sk->protect.algo ) ) { + /* Unsupport protection algorithm. */ +- rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CIPHER_ALGO); ++ rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CIPHER_ALGO); + } + else { + print_cipher_algo_note( sk->protect.algo ); +- ++ + if ( openpgp_cipher_open (&cipher_hd, sk->protect.algo, + GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CFB, + (GCRY_CIPHER_SECURE +@@ -399,10 +408,10 @@ protect_secret_key( PKT_secret_key *sk, DEK *dek ) + p += narr[j]; + xfree(bufarr[j]); + } +- ++ + if (opt.simple_sk_checksum) { + log_info (_("generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum" +- " for secret key protection\n")); ++ " for secret key protection\n")); + csum = checksum( data, ndata-2); + sk->csum = csum; + *p++ = csum >> 8; +@@ -458,7 +467,7 @@ protect_secret_key( PKT_secret_key *sk, DEK *dek ) + gcry_cipher_encrypt (cipher_hd, data+2, nbytes, + buffer, nbytes); + xfree( buffer ); +- ++ + gcry_mpi_release (sk->skey[i]); + sk->skey[i] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, + data, (nbytes+2)*8 ); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0005-gpg-Warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -From c76117f8b0165fe5cec5e7f234f55f5a4cd7f0ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:45:37 -0400 -Subject: [PATCH 05/31] gpg: Warn about (but don't fail) on scdaemon options in - gpg.conf. - -* g10/gpg.c: Add config options that should belong in scdaemon.conf -* g10/main.h, g10/misc.c (obsolete_scdaemon_option): New. - --- - -In gpg2, the following options are only relevant for scdaemon: - - reader-port - ctapi-driver - pcsc-driver - disable-ccid - -but in gpg1, they are options for gpg itself. - -Some users of gpg1 might have these options in their -~/.gnupg/gpg.conf, which causes gpg2 to fail hard if it reads that -config file. - -gpg2 should not fail hard, though giving a warning (and suggesting a -move to scdaemon.conf) seems OK. - -This patch does *not* reintroduce any documentation for these options -in gpg.texi, even to indicate that they are "dummy" options, since -scdaemon.texi contains the appropriate documentation. - -Debian-bug-id: 762844 - -Program names factored out from obsolete_scdaemon_option to make -reuse without new translations easier. -wk - -This is a backport of commit 371c2b14b0347209efd23b4e54e1981a12d7aeab -with parts of 20c6da50d4f6264d26d113d7de606971f719a0ca but without those -which would change existing translated strings. -wk ---- - g10/gpg.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- - g10/main.h | 2 ++ - g10/misc.c | 14 ++++++++++++++ - 3 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/gpg.c b/g10/gpg.c -index 1a8e6e7..12d4295 100644 ---- a/g10/gpg.c -+++ b/g10/gpg.c -@@ -358,6 +358,10 @@ enum cmd_and_opt_values - oKeyidFormat, - oExitOnStatusWriteError, - oLimitCardInsertTries, -+ oReaderPort, -+ octapiDriver, -+ opcscDriver, -+ oDisableCCID, - oRequireCrossCert, - oNoRequireCrossCert, - oAutoKeyLocate, -@@ -506,10 +510,6 @@ static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = { - ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oInteractive, "interactive", N_("prompt before overwriting")), - -- ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseAgent, "use-agent", "@"), -- ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseAgent, "no-use-agent", "@"), -- ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgAgentInfo, "gpg-agent-info", "@"), -- - ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerYes, "yes", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerNo, "no", "@"), -@@ -761,6 +761,21 @@ static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = { - ARGPARSE_s_s (oAutoKeyLocate, "auto-key-locate", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyLocate, "no-auto-key-locate", "@"), - -+ /* Dummy options with warnings. */ -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseAgent, "use-agent", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseAgent, "no-use-agent", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgAgentInfo, "gpg-agent-info", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_s (oReaderPort, "reader-port", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_s (octapiDriver, "ctapi-driver", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_s (opcscDriver, "pcsc-driver", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCCID, "disable-ccid", "@"), -+ -+ /* Dummy options. */ -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-keys", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-sigs", "@"), -+ - ARGPARSE_end () - }; - -@@ -2239,6 +2254,19 @@ main (int argc, char **argv) - obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "--gpg-agent-info"); - break; - -+ case oReaderPort: -+ obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "reader-port"); -+ break; -+ case octapiDriver: -+ obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "ctapi-driver"); -+ break; -+ case opcscDriver: -+ obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "pcsc-driver"); -+ break; -+ case oDisableCCID: -+ obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "disable-ccid"); -+ break; -+ - case oAnswerYes: opt.answer_yes = 1; break; - case oAnswerNo: opt.answer_no = 1; break; - case oKeyring: append_to_strlist( &nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break; -diff --git a/g10/main.h b/g10/main.h -index 9904820..226898d 100644 ---- a/g10/main.h -+++ b/g10/main.h -@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ void deprecated_warning(const char *configname,unsigned int configlineno, - void deprecated_command (const char *name); - void obsolete_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno, - const char *name); -+void obsolete_scdaemon_option (const char *configname, -+ unsigned int configlineno, const char *name); - - int string_to_cipher_algo (const char *string); - int string_to_digest_algo (const char *string); -diff --git a/g10/misc.c b/g10/misc.c -index 43ea0d2..ef03776 100644 ---- a/g10/misc.c -+++ b/g10/misc.c -@@ -851,6 +851,20 @@ obsolete_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno, - } - - -+void -+obsolete_scdaemon_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno, -+ const char *name) -+{ -+ if (configname) -+ log_info (_("%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file" -+ " - it only has effect in %s\n"), -+ configname, configlineno, name, "--", "scdaemon.conf"); -+ else -+ log_info (_("WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option" -+ " - it has no effect except on %s\n"), "--", name, "scdaemon"); -+} -+ -+ - /* - * Wrapper around gcry_cipher_map_name to provide a fallback using the - * "Sn" syntax as used by the preference strings. --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0005-Update-POT-file.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0005-Update-POT-file.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0005-Update-POT-file.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0005-Update-POT-file.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,1141 +0,0 @@ -From: =?utf-8?q?David_Pr=C3=A9vot?= -Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:24:45 -0400 -Subject: Update POT file - -The 0001-warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in-gpg.patch -patch adds two new strings. ---- - po/gnupg2.pot | 405 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- - 1 file changed, 208 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/gnupg2.pot b/po/gnupg2.pot -index f4136a4..610da27 100644 ---- a/po/gnupg2.pot -+++ b/po/gnupg2.pot -@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ - #, fuzzy - msgid "" - msgstr "" --"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" -+"Project-Id-Version: gnupg2 2.0.26\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" - "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" - "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -465,18 +465,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -607,14 +607,14 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" - " " - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -1876,163 +1876,163 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "" - -@@ -2058,560 +2058,560 @@ msgid "" - " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - -@@ -3835,12 +3835,12 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "" - -@@ -3895,7 +3895,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "" - -@@ -5133,26 +5133,37 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6230,7 +6241,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6245,45 +6256,45 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0006-Pass-DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS-for-gnome3.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0006-Pass-DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS-for-gnome3.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0006-Pass-DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS-for-gnome3.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0006-Pass-DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS-for-gnome3.patch 2015-07-04 18:21:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor +Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:41:29 -0400 +Subject: Pass DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS for gnome3 + +* common/session-env.c (stdenvnames): Add DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS. +-- + +pinentry-gnome3 talks to the gcr prompter via dbus. Without this +environment variable, it can't find the correct session to talk to. +--- + common/session-env.c | 2 ++ + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/common/session-env.c b/common/session-env.c +index 10f5dfe..2dddc8f 100644 +--- a/common/session-env.c ++++ b/common/session-env.c +@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ static struct + modules (eg "@im=SCIM"). */ + { "GTK_IM_MODULE" }, /* Used by gtk to select gtk input + modules (eg "scim-bridge"). */ ++ { "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" },/* Used by GNOME3 to talk to gcr over ++ dbus */ + { "QT_IM_MODULE" }, /* Used by Qt to select qt input + modules (eg "xim"). */ + { "PINENTRY_USER_DATA", "pinentry-user-data"} diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0006-Update-PO-files.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0006-Update-PO-files.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0006-Update-PO-files.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0006-Update-PO-files.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,36047 +0,0 @@ -From: =?utf-8?q?David_Pr=C3=A9vot?= -Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:26:18 -0400 -Subject: Update PO files - -The 0001-warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in-gpg.patch -patch adds two new strings, many strings lines also changed, thus the -noise in the comments. ---- - po/be.po | 407 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/ca.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/cs.po | 406 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/da.po | 408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/de.po | 403 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ - po/el.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/en@boldquot.po | 415 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/en@quot.po | 403 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ - po/eo.po | 409 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/es.po | 434 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- - po/et.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/fi.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/fr.po | 409 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/gl.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/hu.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/id.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/it.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/ja.po | 405 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ - po/nb.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/pl.po | 407 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/pt.po | 409 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/pt_BR.po | 409 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/ro.po | 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- - po/ru.po | 427 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- - po/sk.po | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/sv.po | 429 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- - po/tr.po | 427 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- - po/uk.po | 408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - po/zh_CN.po | 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- - po/zh_TW.po | 409 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- - 30 files changed, 6218 insertions(+), 6130 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/be.po b/po/be.po -index 9922128..7f06bbb 100644 ---- a/po/be.po -+++ b/po/be.po -@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.2\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-30 16:35+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Ales Nyakhaychyk \n" - "Language-Team: Belarusian \n" -@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ msgstr "дрÑнны пароль" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -488,18 +488,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Загады:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ msgstr "ÐерÑчаіÑны загад (паÑпрабуйце \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць \"%s\"\n" -@@ -1963,168 +1963,168 @@ msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "зрабіць адчÑплены подпіÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[файл]|зрабіць чыÑÑ‚Ñ‹ Ñ‚ÑкÑтавы подпіÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "зрабіць адчÑплены подпіÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "зашыфраваць даньні" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "шыфраваньне толькі ÑымÑтрычнымі шыфрамі" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "разшыфраваць даньні (дапомна)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "праверыць подпіÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "праверыць подпіÑÑ‹ ключа" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "паказаць ключы й адбіткі пальцаў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "паказаць ÑакрÑÑ‚Ð½Ñ‹Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "Ñтварыць новую пару ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку грамадÑкіх ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ толькі мÑÑцова" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "падпіÑаць ці Ñ€Ñдагаваць ключ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "дрÑнны пароль" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "ÑкÑпарт ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "ÑкÑпартаваць ключы на паÑлужнік ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "імпартаваць ключы з паÑлужніка ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "абнавіць уÑе ключы з паÑлужніка ключоў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "імпартаваць/аб'Ñднаць ключы" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|ІМЯ| зашыфраваць Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð°Ð¹ аÑобы" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "не рабіць ніÑкіх зьменаў" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "пытацца перад перазапіÑам" - -@@ -2160,16 +2160,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [назвы] паказаць ключы\n" - " --fingerprint [назвы] паказаць адбіткі пальцаў\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "ВыкарыÑтаньне: gpg [выбары] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐºÑ–)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2179,7 +2175,7 @@ msgstr "" - "sign, check, encrypt ці decrypt\n" - "Дапомнае дзеÑньне залежыць ад уваходных даньнÑÑž\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2187,552 +2183,552 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Ðльгарытмы, ÑÐºÑ–Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð´Ñ‚Ñ€Ñ‹Ð¼Ð»Ñ–Ð²Ð°ÑŽÑ†Ñ†Ð°:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "ВыкарыÑтаньне: gpg [выбары] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "неÑумÑÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ñ‹\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "невÑÐ´Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑÑ€ÑÑ‹Ñ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s не дазвалÑецца разам з %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ðµ ÑÑнÑу разам з %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñƒ stdout\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð³Ñ–\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ðµ ÑÑнÑу разам з %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [загады]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[назва_файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - -@@ -3983,12 +3979,12 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "" - -@@ -4043,7 +4039,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "" - -@@ -5300,26 +5296,37 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "невÑÐ´Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑÑ€ÑÑ‹Ñ" -@@ -6413,7 +6420,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6428,45 +6435,45 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po -index 6d48b94..359d403 100644 ---- a/po/ca.po -+++ b/po/ca.po -@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.0\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-04 02:04+0100\n" - "Last-Translator: Jordi Mallach \n" - "Language-Team: Catalan \n" -@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "la contrasenya és errònia" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "l'algoritme de protecció %d%s no està suportat\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear «%s»: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - - # Un dels dos és en la llista d'opcions amb --help. Urgh. jm --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -477,7 +477,6 @@ msgstr "error en la creació de la contrasenya: %s\n" - # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "no és suportat" - -@@ -486,7 +485,6 @@ msgstr "no és suportat" - # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "no és suportat" - -@@ -498,7 +496,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -516,7 +514,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -528,18 +526,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTA: no existeix el fitxer d'opcions predeterminades «%s»\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "fitxer d'opcions «%s»: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "s'estan llegint opcions de «%s»\n" -@@ -674,7 +672,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -683,7 +681,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Ordres:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1756,7 +1754,7 @@ msgstr "L'ordre no és vàlida (proveu «help»)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output no funciona per a aquesta ordre\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»\n" -@@ -2086,174 +2084,174 @@ msgstr "s'usarà la clau secundària %08lX en lloc de la primària %08lX\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "clau %08lX: clau secreta sense clau pública - es descarta\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "|[fitxer]|crea una signatura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[fitxer]|crea una signatura en text clar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "crea una signatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "xifra dades" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "xifra només amb xifratge simètric" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "desxifra dades (predeterminat)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verifica una signatura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "llista claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "llista claus i signatures" - - # «de les claus» o «de la clau»? ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "comprova les signatures de la claus" - - # «dactilars» o «digitals»? ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "llista claus i empremtes digitals" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "llista claus secretes" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "genera un nou parell de claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "genera un certificat de revocació" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "elimina claus de l'anell públic" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "elimina claus de l'anell secret" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "signa una clau" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "signa una clau localment" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "signa o edita una clau" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exporta claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exporta claus a un servidor de claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importa claus d'un servidor de claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "cerca claus en un servidor de claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "actualitza totes les claus des d'un servidor de claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importa/fon claus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "actualitza la base de dades de confiança" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [fitxers]|imprimeix resums de missatges" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "crea eixida amb armadura ascii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NOM|xifra per a NOM" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "usa aquest id per a signar o desxifrar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|nivell de compressió N (0 no comprimeix)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "usa el mode de text canònic" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FITXER|carrega el mòdul d'extensió especificat" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "no fa cap canvi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "pregunta abans de sobreescriure" - -@@ -2292,16 +2290,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [noms] mostra claus\n" - " --fingerprint [noms] mostra empremtes digitals\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Forma d'ús: gpg [opcions] [fitxers] (-h per a veure l'ajuda)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2316,7 +2310,7 @@ msgstr "" - # Precissament acabem de parlar d'«implementat a la llista del GNOME - # i s'ha dit que és erroni, igual que «suportat» :) Les alternatives - # encara no m'agraden massa... jm --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2324,571 +2318,571 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmes suportats:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Clau pública: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Xifratge: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Dispersió: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compressió: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "forma d'ús: gpg [opcions] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "les ordres entren en conflicte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no s'ha trobat cap signe = a la definició de grup «%s»\n" - - # Indi. ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari és insegur en %s «%s»\n" - - # Indi. ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari és insegur en %s «%s»\n" - - # Indi. ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari és insegur en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari del directori envoltant és insegur en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari del directori envoltant és insegur en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari del directori envoltant és insegur en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos del directori envoltant són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos del directori envoltant són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos del directori envoltant són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "s'ha creat el nou fitxer d'opcions «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "No hi ha cap signatura corresponent en l'anell secret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "mostra en quin anell de claus està una clau llistada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "No hi ha cap signatura corresponent en l'anell secret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTA: es descarta el fitxer d'opcions predeterminades antic «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTA: %s no és per a ús normal!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament la URI del servidor de claus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcions d'importanció no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcions d'importanció no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "no s'ha pogut fixar l'exec-path a %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: el programa podria crear un fitxer core!\n" - - # FIXME: preferència? jm - # Ho discutírem en la llista, segur. Deu ser als arxius. ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: %s té preferència sobre %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s no és permés amb %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s no té sentit amb %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" - - # clares -> en clar? ivb --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "només podeu fer signatures separades o en clar en el mode --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "no podeu signar i xifrar al mateix temps en el mode --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "heu d'utilitzar fitxers (i no un conducte) mentre treballeu amb --pgp2 " - "habilitat.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "xifrar un missatge en mode --pgp2 requereix el xifratge IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algorisme de xifratge triat no és vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algorisme de resum seleccionat no és vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algorisme de xifratge triat no és vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algorisme de resum de certificació seleccionat no és vàlid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed ha de ser major que 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed ha de ser major que 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth ha d'estar en el rang 1 a 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "default-check-level és invàlid; ha de ser 0, 1, 2 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "default-check-level és invàlid; ha de ser 0, 1, 2 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTA: el mode S2K simple (0) no és gens recomanable\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "el mode S2K és invàlid; ha de ser 0, 1 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "les preferències per defecte són invàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "les preferències personals de xifrat són invàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "les preferències personals de digest són invàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "les preferències personals de compressió són invàlides\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s encara no funciona amb %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no podeu usar l'algorisme de xifratge «%s» mentre esteu en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no podeu usar l'algorisme de resum %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no podeu usar l'algorisme de compressió %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "no s'ha pogut inicialitzar la base de dades de confiança: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "AVÃS: s'han donat destinataris (-r) sense usar xifratge de clau pública\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ha fallat el desxifratge: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no podeu usar %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no podeu usar %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [ordres]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "l'enviament al servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "la recepció des del servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "l'exportació de la clau ha fallat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ha fallat la cerca al servidor de claus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ha fallat el refresc des del servidor de claus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "no s'ha pogut llevar l'armadura: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear l'armadura: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "l'algoritme de dispersió és invàlid «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nom_del_fitxer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Endavant, escriviu el missatge...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la URL de política de certificació donada no és vàlida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" -@@ -4254,13 +4248,13 @@ msgstr "" - "correcta a no ser que torneu a executar el programa.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[revocada]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4326,7 +4320,7 @@ msgstr "S'han esborrat %d signatures.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "No s'hi ha eliminat res.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "invàlida" - -@@ -5669,10 +5663,21 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" - -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" -+ - # Gènere? Nombre? Passat, futur? ivb - # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is - # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "No comprimit" - -@@ -5680,22 +5685,22 @@ msgstr "No comprimit" - # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is - # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "No comprimit" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "aquest missatge pot no ser usable per %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "s'estan llegint opcions de «%s»\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "el destinatari predeterminat és desconegut «%s»\n" -@@ -6462,7 +6467,6 @@ msgstr "NOTA: aquesta clau ha estat revocada!" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" - -@@ -6894,7 +6898,7 @@ msgstr "" - "no és necessària una comprovació de la base de dades de confiança\n" - "\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "la pròxima comprovació de la base de dades de confiança serà el %s\n" -@@ -6913,46 +6917,46 @@ msgstr "" - "no és necessària una comprovació de la base de dades de confiança\n" - "\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "no s'ha trobat la clau pública %08lX: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "si us plau, feu un --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "s'està comprovant la base de dades de confiança\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "s'han processat %d claus (s'han netejat %d comptes de validesa)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "no s'han trobat claus amb confiança absoluta\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - "no s'ha trobat la clau pública de la clau amb confiança absoluta %08lX\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "registre de confiança %lu, tipus %d: no s'ha pogut escriure: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po -index 25daab1..e9ccece 100644 ---- a/po/cs.po -+++ b/po/cs.po -@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg2 2.0.21\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-01 11:14+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Petr Pisar \n" - "Language-Team: Czech \n" -@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgstr "Heslo" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "SSH klíÄe delší než %d bitů nejsou podporovány\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ msgstr "nemohu vytvoÅ™it „%s“: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ msgstr "běžet v režimu démona (na pozadí)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "běžet v režimu serveru (na popÅ™edí)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ msgstr "|SOUBOR|zapsat nastavení prostÅ™edí též do SOUBORU" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaxe: gpg-agent [VOLBY] [PŘÃKAZ [ARGUMENTY]]\n" - "Správa tajných klíÄů pro GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "zadána neplatná úroveň ladÄ›ní „%s“\n" -@@ -519,18 +519,18 @@ msgstr "zadána neplatná úroveň ladÄ›ní „%s“\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s je příliÅ¡ stará (potÅ™ebuji %s, mám %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "POZNÃMKA: neexistuje implicitní soubor s možnostmi „%s“\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "soubor s možnostmi „%s“: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ätu možnosti z „%s“\n" -@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaxe: gpg-preset-passphrase [VOLBY] KEYGRIP\n" - "Správa doÄasné pamÄ›ti pro hesla\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Příkazy:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ msgstr "Neplatný příkaz (zkuste „help“)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output pro tento příkaz není platný\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "nelze otevřít „%s“\n" -@@ -1970,163 +1970,163 @@ msgstr "používám podklÃ­Ä %s místo primárního klíÄe %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: tajný klÃ­Ä bez klíÄe veÅ™ejného – pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "vytvoÅ™it podpis" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "vytvoÅ™it podpis v Äitelném dokumentu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "vytvoÅ™it podpis oddÄ›lený od dokumentu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "Å¡ifrovat data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "Å¡ifrování pouze se symetrickou Å¡ifrou" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "deÅ¡ifrovat data (implicitnÄ›)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verifikovat podpis" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů a podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "vypsat a zkontrolovat podpisy klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů a otisků" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "vypsat seznam tajných klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "vytvoÅ™it nový pár klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "vytvoÅ™it revokaÄní certifikát" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "odstranit klÃ­Ä ze souboru veÅ™ejných klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "odstranit klÃ­Ä ze souboru tajných klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "podepsat klíÄ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "podepsat klÃ­Ä lokálnÄ›" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "podepsat nebo modifikovat klíÄ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "zmÄ›nit heslo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportovat klíÄe" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportovat klíÄe na server klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importovat klíÄe ze serveru klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "vyhledat klíÄe na serveru klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "aktualizovat vÅ¡echny klíÄe ze serveru klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importovat/slouÄit klíÄe" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "vytisknout stav karty" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "zmÄ›nit data na kartÄ›" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "zmÄ›nit PIN karty" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "aktualizovat databázi důvÄ›ry" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "vypsat hash zprávy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "pracovat v režimu serveru" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "vytvoÅ™ výstup zakódovaný pomocí ASCII" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|ID_UŽIVATELE|Å¡ifrovat pro ID_UŽIVATELE" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|ID_UŽIVATELE|použít toto ID_UŽIVATELE pro podepsání nebo deÅ¡ifrování" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|nastavit úroveň komprese na N (0 – žádná)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "použít kanonický textový mód" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|SOUBOR|zapsat výstup do SOUBORU" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "neprovádÄ›t žádné zmÄ›ny" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "vyžádat potvrzení pÅ™ed pÅ™epsáním" - -@@ -2160,11 +2160,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [jména] vypsat klíÄe\n" - " --fingerprint [jména] vypsat otisky\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Použití: gpg [možnosti] [soubory] (-h pro pomoc)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2174,7 +2174,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Podepisuje, ověřuje, Å¡ifruje nebo deÅ¡ifruje.\n" - "Výchozí operace závisí na vstupních datech.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2182,78 +2182,78 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Podporované algoritmy:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "VeÅ™ejný klíÄ: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Å ifra: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Komprese: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "užití: gpg [možnosti]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "konfliktní příkazy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no = podpis nalezen v definici skupiny „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví domovského adresáře není nastaveno bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví konfiguraÄního souboru není nastaveno bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví rozÅ¡iÅ™ujícího modulu není nastaveno bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva pro domovský adresáře nejsou bezpeÄná „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva pro konfiguraÄní soubor nejsou bezpeÄná „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva rozÅ¡iÅ™ujícímu modulu nejsou bezpeÄná „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví adresáře s domovským adresářem není nastaveno " - "nebezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2261,21 +2261,21 @@ msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví adresáře s konfiguraÄním souborem není nastaveno " - "nebezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví adresáře s rozÅ¡iÅ™ujícím modulem není nastaveno " - "nebezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva k adresáři s domovským adresářem nejsou nastavena " - "bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2283,7 +2283,7 @@ msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva k adresáři s konfiguraÄním souborem nejsou " - "nastavena bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -2291,459 +2291,459 @@ msgstr "" - "nastavena bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" - - # c-format --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "neznámá konfiguraÄní položka „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "zobrazovat ID fotografií bÄ›hem výpisu klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "ukazovat URL politik bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "ukazovat vÅ¡echny poznámky bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "ukazovat poznámky IETF standardu bÄ›hem vypisování podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "ukazovat uživatelské poznámky bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "ukazovat URL upÅ™ednostňovaného serveru klíÄů pÅ™i výpisu podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "ukazovat platnost ID uživatelů pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "ukazovat odvolané a proÅ¡lé ID uživatelů pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "ukazovat odvolané a proÅ¡lé podklíÄe pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "ukazovat název souboru s klíÄi pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "ukazovat data expirace bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "POZNÃMKA: starý implicitní soubor s možnostmi „%s“ ignorován\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt je příliÅ¡ stará (potÅ™ebuji %s, mám %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "POZNÃMKA: %s není pro normální použití!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "„%s“ není platná doba expirace podpisu\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "„%s“ není platná znaková sada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "nelze zpracovat URL serveru klíÄů\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro server klíÄů\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parametr pro server klíÄů\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro import\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parametr pro import\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parametr pro export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro výpis\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parametr pro výpis\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "zobrazovat ID fotografií pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat URL politik pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat vÅ¡echny poznámky pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat poznámky IETF standardu pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat uživatelské poznámky pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat URL upÅ™ednostňovaného serveru klíÄů pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat platnost ID uživatele pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat odvolané a proÅ¡lé ID uživatelů pÅ™i ověřování podpisů" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "ukazovat jen primární ID uživatele pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "ověřovat podpisy s daty PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "vyzvednout důvÄ›ru podpisů s platnými daty PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro ověření\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parametr pro ověření\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "nelze nastavit exec-path na %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný seznam auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "neplatný seznam auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: program může vytvoÅ™it soubor core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: %s pÅ™epíše %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "Není dovoleno používat %s s %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s nedává s %s smysl!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "nelze spustit s nebezpeÄnou pamÄ›tí vzhledem k %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "v módu --pgp2 můžete vytvářet pouze oddÄ›lené podpisy nebo podpisy Äitelné " - "jako text\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "v módu --pgp2 nelze souÄasnÄ› Å¡ifrovat a podepisovat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "v módu --pgp2 musíte použít soubor (ne rouru).\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "Å¡ifrování zpráv v módu --pgp2 vyžaduje algoritmus IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný Å¡ifrovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný kompresní algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "položka completes-needed musí být vÄ›tší než 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "položka marginals-needed musí být vÄ›tší než 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "položka max-cert-depth musí být v rozmezí od 1 do 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - "neplatná implicitní úroveň certifikace (default-cert-level); musí být 0, 1, " - "2 nebo 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - "neplatná minimální úroveň certifikace (min-cert-level); musí být 0, 1, 2 " - "nebo 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "POZNÃMKA: jednoduchý mód S2K (0) je důraznÄ› nedoporuÄován\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "neplatný mód S2K; musí být 0, 1 nebo 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné implicitní pÅ™edvolby\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné uživatelské pÅ™edvolby pro Å¡ifrování\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné uživatelské pÅ™edvolby pro hashování\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné uživatelské pÅ™edvolby pro komprimaci\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s dosud není funkÄní s %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "použití Å¡ifrovacího algoritmu „%s“ v módu %s dovoleno\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "použití hashovacího algoritmu „%s“ v módu %s dovoleno\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "použití komprimaÄního algoritmu „%s“ v módu %s dovoleno\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "nemohu inicializovat databázi důvÄ›ry: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVÃNÃ: specifikován adresát (-r) bez použití Å¡ifrování s veÅ™ejným klíÄem\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "symetrické Å¡ifrování „%s“ se nepovedlo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --encrypt s příkazem --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --encrypt v módu %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --sign --encrypt s příkazem --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --sign --encrypt v módu %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id uživatele" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id uživatele" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id uživatele [příkazy]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "odeslání na keyserver se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "získání dat z serveru klíÄů se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "export klíÄe se nepodaÅ™il: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "hledání na serveru klíÄů se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "obnovení dat na serveru klíÄů se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "dekódování z ASCII formátu selhalo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "kódování do ASCII formátu selhalo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "neplatný hashovací algoritmus „%s“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[jméno souboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "ZaÄnÄ›te psát svou zprávu ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "zadané URL pro certifikaÄní politiku je neplatné\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "zadané URL pro podepisovací politiku je neplatné\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "zadané URL preferovaného serveru klíÄů je neplatné\n" - -@@ -2938,7 +2938,6 @@ msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: chybí identifikátor uživatele\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "pÅ™eskoÄen „%s“: %s\n" - -@@ -3070,7 +3069,6 @@ msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ beze zmÄ›n\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "tajný klÃ­Ä â€ž%s“ nenalezen: %s\n" - -@@ -4015,12 +4013,12 @@ msgstr "" - "být nutnÄ› správné, dokud znova nespustíte program.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revokován" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "platnost skonÄila" - -@@ -4079,7 +4077,7 @@ msgstr "Smazáno %d podpisů.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nic nebylo smazáno.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "neplatný" - -@@ -5377,26 +5375,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: zastaralý parametr „%s“ – neúÄinkuje\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: „%s“ je zastaralý parametr – neúÄinkuje\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: zastaralý parametr „%s“ – neúÄinkuje\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: „%s“ je zastaralý parametr – neúÄinkuje\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Nezkomprimováno" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "nezkomprimováno|nic" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "tato zpráva nemusí být s %s použitelná\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "nejednoznaÄné volby „%s“\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "neznámá volba „%s“\n" -@@ -6120,7 +6129,6 @@ msgstr "POZNÃMKA: podpisový klÃ­Ä %s byl odvolán\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "podpis %s, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" - -@@ -6537,7 +6545,7 @@ msgstr "absolutní" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "není nutné kontrolovat databázi důvÄ›ry\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "další kontrola databáze důvÄ›ry v %s\n" -@@ -6552,39 +6560,39 @@ msgstr "není nutné kontrolovat databázi důvÄ›ry s modelem „%s“\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "není nutné aktualizovat databázi důvÄ›ry s modelem „%s“\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä %s nebyl nalezen: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "prosím proveÄte --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "kontroluji databázi důvÄ›ry\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "zpracováno %d klíÄů (%d validit vymazáno)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "žádný absolutnÄ› důvÄ›ryhodný klÃ­Ä nebyl nalezen\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä k absolutnÄ› důvÄ›ryhodnému klíÄi %s nebyl nalezen\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "požadováno %d ÄásteÄné důvÄ›ry a %d úplné důvÄ›ry, model %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6592,7 +6600,7 @@ msgstr "" - "hloubka: %d platných: %3d podepsaných: %3d důvÄ›ra: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " - "%df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nelze aktualizovat záznam v databázi důvÄ›ry: chyba pÅ™i zápisu: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po -index 23af05d..1b02a57 100644 ---- a/po/da.po -+++ b/po/da.po -@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-01 20:27+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Joe Hansen \n" - "Language-Team: Danish \n" -@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ msgstr "Adgangsfrase" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "ssh-nøgler større end %d bit er ikke understøttet\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "kan ikke oprette »%s«: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "kør i dæmontilstand (baggrunden)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "kør i servertilstand (forgrunden)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -449,7 +449,6 @@ msgstr "brug ikke PIN-mellemlageret nÃ¥r der underskrives" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "tillad klienter at markere nøgler som »trusted« (troværdige)" - -@@ -459,7 +458,6 @@ msgstr "tillad forhÃ¥ndsindstilling af adgangsfrase" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "aktiver ssh-agent-emulering" - -@@ -475,7 +473,7 @@ msgstr "|FIL|skriv ogsÃ¥ miljøindstillinger til FIL" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -493,7 +491,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaks: gpg-agent [tilvalg] [kommando [parametre]]\n" - "Hemmelig nøglehÃ¥ndtering for GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "ugyldigt fejlsøgningsniveau »%s« angivet\n" -@@ -505,18 +503,18 @@ msgstr "ugyldigt fejlsøgningsniveau »%s« angivet\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s er for gammel (kræver %s, har %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "BEMÆRK: Ingen standardfil for tilvalg »%s«\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "tilvalgsfil »%s«: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "læser tilvalg fra »%s«\n" -@@ -649,7 +647,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaks: gpg-preset-passphrase [tilvalg] KEYGRIP\n" - "Adgangskode for mellemlagervedligeholdelse\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -658,7 +656,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Kommandoer:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1654,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr "Ugyldig kommando (prøv »help«)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output virker ikke for denne kommando\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "kan ikke Ã¥bne »%s«\n" -@@ -1960,163 +1958,163 @@ msgstr "bruger undernøgle %s i stedet for primær nøgle %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "nøgle %s: hemmelig nøgle uden offentlig nøgle - udeladt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "opret en underskrift" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "opret en underskrift i klartekst" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "opret en separat underskrift" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "krypter data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "krypter kun med symmetrisk chiffer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "afkrypter data (standard)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "godkend en underskrift" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "vis nøgler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "vis nøgler og underskrifter" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "vis og kontroller nøgleunderskrifter" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "vis nøgler og fingeraftryk" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "vis hemmelige nøgler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "opret et nyt nøglepar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "opret et tilbagekaldscertifikat" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "fjern nøgler fra den offentlige nøglering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "fjern nøgler fra den hemmelige nøglering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "underskriv en nøgle" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "underskriv en nøgle lokalt" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "underskriv eller rediger en nøgle" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "ændr en adgangsfrase" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "eksporter nøgler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "eksporter nøgler til en nøgletjener" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importer nøgler fra en nøgleserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "søg efter nøgler pÃ¥ en nøgleserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "opdater alle nøgler fra en nøgleserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importer/sammenføj nøgler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "udskriv kortstatus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "ændr data pÃ¥ et kort" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "ændr et korts PIN" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "opdater troværdighedsdatabasen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "vis beskedsammendrag" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "kør i servertilstand" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "opret ascii-pansrede uddata" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|krypter for BRUGER-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|USER-ID|brug BRUGER-ID til at underskrive eller afkryptere" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|sæt komprimeringsniveauet til N (0 deaktiverer)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "brug kanonisk teksttilstand" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|skriv resultat til FIL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "lav ingen ændringer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "spørg før overskrivning" - -@@ -2152,12 +2150,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [navne] vis nøgler\n" - " --fingerprint [navne] vis fingeraftryk\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Brug: gpg [flag] [filer] (-h for hjælp)" - - # Skal alt dette oversættes eller er det tilvalgene? --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2167,7 +2165,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sign, check, encrypt eller decrypt\n" - "standardhandling afhænger af inddata\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2175,549 +2173,549 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Understøttede algoritmer:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Pubkey: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Chiffer: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Komprimering: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "brug: gpg [tilvalg] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "kommandoer er i konflikt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "ingen = tegn fundet i gruppedefinition »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikker ejerskab af hjemmemappe »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikker ejerskab pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikker ejerskab pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre rettigheder pÃ¥ hjemmemappe »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre rettigheder pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre rettigheder pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mappeejerskab pÃ¥ hjemmemappe »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mappeejerskab pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mappeejerskab pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre indelukkede mapperettigheder pÃ¥ hjemmemappe »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: Usikre indelukkede mapperettigheder pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mapperettigheder pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "ukendt konfigurationspunkt »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "vis billed-id'er under nøglevisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "vil politikadresser under underskriftvisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "vis alle notationer under underskriftvisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "vis IETF-standardnotationer under underskriftvisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "vis brugerangivne notationer under underskriftvisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "vis foretrukne nøgleserveradresser under underskriftvisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "vis bruger-id-validitet under nøglevisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "vis tilbagekaldte og udløbne bruger-id'er i nøglevisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "vis tilbagekaldte og udløbne undernøgler i nøglevisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "vis nøgleringsnavnet i nøglevisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "vis udløbsdatoer under underskriftvisninger" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "BEMÆRK: Gammel standardfil for tilvalg »%s« blev ignoreret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt er for gammel (kræver %s, har %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "BEMÆRK: %s er ikke til normal brug!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "»%s« er ikke et gyldigt underskriftudløb\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "»%s« er ikke et gyldigt tegnsæt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "kunne ikke fortolke nøgleserveradresse\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige indstillinger for nøgleserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige indstillinger for nøgleserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige importindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige importindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige eksportindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige eksportindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige listeindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige listeindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "vis billed-id'er under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "vis politikadresser under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "vis alle notationer under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "vis IETF-standardnotationer under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "vis brugerangivne notationer under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "vis foretrukne nøgleserveradresser under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "vis bruger-id-validitet under underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "vis tilbagekaldte og udløbne bruger-id'er i underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "vis kun den primære bruger-id i underskriftverificering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "valider underskrifter med PKA-data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "hæv troværdigheden for underskrifter med gyldige PKA-data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige verificeringsindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige verificeringsindstillinger\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "kunne ikke angive kørselssti til %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldig liste for auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "ugyldig liste for auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: program kan oprette en kernefil!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: %s overskriver %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ikke tilladt med %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s er meningsløs sammen med %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "vil ikke køre med usikker hukommelse pÃ¥ grund af %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "du kan kun lave frakoblede eller rydde underskrifter i tilstanden --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke underskrive og kryptere pÃ¥ samme tid i tilstanden --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "du skal bruge filer (og ikke en datakanal) nÃ¥r du arbejder med --pgp2 " - "aktiveret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "kryptering af en besked i tilstanden --pgp2 kræver IDEA-chifret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt chifferalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt sammendragsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt komprimeringsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt algoritme for certifikationssammendrag er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed skal være større end 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed skal være større end 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth skal være i intervallet fra 1 til 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ugyldigt default-cert-level; skal være 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ugyldigt min-cert-level; skal være 1, 2 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "BEMÆRK: simpel S2K-tilstand (0) frarÃ¥des pÃ¥ det skarpeste\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "ugyldig S2K-tilstand; skal være 0, 1 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldige standardpræferencer\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldige præferencer for personlig chiffer\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldige præferencer for personlig sammendrag\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldige præferencer for personlig komprimering\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s virker endnu ikke med %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du mÃ¥ ikke bruge chifferalgoritmen »%s« i tilstanden %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du mÃ¥ ikke bruge sammendragsalgoritmen »%s« i tilstanden %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du mÃ¥ ikke bruge komprimeringsalgoritmen »%s« i tilstanden %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "kunne ikke initialisere TrustDB: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: modtagere (-r) angivet uden brug af offentlig nøglekryptering\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "symmetrisk kryptering af »%s« mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --encrypt i tilstanden %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --sign --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --sign --encrypt i tilstanden %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key bruger-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key bruger-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key bruger-id [kommandoer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nøgleserver send mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nøgleserver modtag mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nøgleeksport mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nøgleserver søg mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nøgleserver opdater mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "fjernelse af panser mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "pÃ¥klædning af panser mislykkedes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "ugyldig hash-algoritme »%s«\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "GÃ¥ til sagen og skriv meddelelsen ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angivne adresse for certifikatpolitik er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angivne adresse for underskriftpolitik er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angivne adresse for foretrukken nøgleserver er ugyldig\n" - -@@ -2913,7 +2911,6 @@ msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen bruger-id\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "udelod »%s«: %s\n" - -@@ -3043,7 +3040,6 @@ msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« ikke ændret\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "hemmelig nøgle »%s« blev ikke fundet: %s\n" - -@@ -4000,12 +3996,12 @@ msgstr "" - "korrekt med mindre du genstarter programmet.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "tilbagekaldt" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "udløbet" - -@@ -4065,7 +4061,7 @@ msgstr "Slettede %d underskrifter.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Intet slettet.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "ugyldig" - -@@ -5363,26 +5359,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: forældet indstilling »%s« - den har ingen effekt\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: forældet indstilling »%s« - den har ingen effekt\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Ukomprimeret" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "ukomprimeret|ingen" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "denne besked kan nok ikke bruges af %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "tvetydigt tilvalg »%s«\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ukendt tilvalg »%s«\n" -@@ -6115,7 +6122,6 @@ msgstr "BEMÆRK: underskriftnøgle %s er blevet tilbagekaldt\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s underskrift, sammendragsalgoritme %s\n" - -@@ -6529,7 +6535,7 @@ msgstr "ultimativ" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "intet behov for kontrol af trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "næste kontrol af trustdb sker den %s\n" -@@ -6545,39 +6551,39 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "" - "intet behov for en opdatering af trustdb med troværdighedsmodellen »%s«\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "offentlig nøgle %s blev ikke fundet: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "udfør venligst en --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "kontrollerer trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d nøgler behandlet (%d validiteter ryddet)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "ingen ultimativ troværdige nøgler fundet\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "offentlig nøgle for ultimativ troværdig nøgle %s blev ikke fundet\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d marginaler krævet, %d færdiggjorte krævet, %s troværdighedsmodel\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6585,7 +6591,7 @@ msgstr "" - "dybde: %d gyldig: %3d underskrevet: %3d troværdighed: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " - "%df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "kan ikke opdatere trustdb-versionspost: skrivning mislykkedes: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po -index cab9f3f..0673399 100644 ---- a/po/de.po -+++ b/po/de.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.18\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-24 11:13+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Werner Koch \n" - "Language-Team: German \n" -@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ msgstr "Passphrase" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "SSH Schlüssel von mehr als %d Bits werden nicht unterstützt\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ msgstr "'%s' kann nicht erzeugt werden: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr "Im Daemon Modus ausführen" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "Im Server Modus ausführen" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ msgstr "|DATEI|Schreibe die Umgebungsvariablen auf DATEI" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-agent [Optionen] [Befehl [Argumente]]\n" - "Verwaltung von geheimen Schlüsseln für GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "ungültige Debugebene `%s' angegeben\n" -@@ -504,18 +504,18 @@ msgstr "ungültige Debugebene `%s' angegeben\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "Die Bibliothek %s ist nicht aktuell (benötige %s, habe %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Hinweis: Keine voreingestellte Optionendatei '%s' vorhanden\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "Optionendatei '%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "Optionen werden aus '%s' gelesen\n" -@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [Optionen] KEYGRIP\n" - "Kennwortpuffer-Pflege\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Befehle:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1665,7 +1665,7 @@ msgstr "Ungültiger Befehl (versuchen Sie's mal mit \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output funktioniert nicht bei diesem Befehl\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "'%s' kann nicht geöffnet werden\n" -@@ -1984,163 +1984,163 @@ msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "" - "Schlüssel %s: geheimer Schlüssel ohne öffentlichen Schlüssel - übersprungen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "Eine Signatur erzeugen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "Eine Klartextsignatur erzeugen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "Eine abgetrennte Signatur erzeugen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "Daten verschlüsseln" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "Daten symmetrisch verschlüsseln" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "Daten entschlüsseln (Voreinstellung)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "Signatur prüfen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "Liste der Schlüssel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "Liste der Schlüssel und ihrer Signaturen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "Signaturen der Schlüssel auflisten und prüfen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "Liste der Schlüssel und ihrer \"Fingerabdrücke\"" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "Liste der geheimen Schlüssel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "Ein neues Schlüsselpaar erzeugen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "Ein Schlüsselwiderruf-Zertifikat erzeugen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "Schlüssel aus dem öff. Schlüsselbund entfernen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "Schlüssel aus dem geh. Schlüsselbund entfernen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "Schlüssel signieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "Schlüssel nur für diesen Rechner signieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "Signieren oder bearbeiten eines Schlüssels" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "Die Passphrase ändern" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "Schlüssel exportieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "Schlüssel zu einem Schlü.server exportieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "Schlüssel von einem Schlü.server importieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "Schlüssel auf einem Schlü.server suchen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "alle Schlüssel per Schlü.server aktualisieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "Schlüssel importieren/kombinieren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "den Karten-Status ausgeben" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "Daten auf einer Karte ändern" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "PIN einer Karte ändern" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "Ändern der \"Trust\"-Datenbank" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "Hashwerte für die Dateien ausgeben" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "Im Server Modus ausführen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "Ausgabe mit ASCII-Hülle versehen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|Verschlüsseln für USER-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|USER-ID|Mit USER-ID signieren bzw. entschlüsseln" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|Kompressionsstufe auf N setzen (0=keine)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "Textmodus benutzen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|DATEI|Ausgabe auf DATEI schreiben" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "Keine wirklichen Änderungen durchführen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "vor Ãœberschreiben nachfragen" - -@@ -2177,11 +2177,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [Namen] Schlüssel anzeigen\n" - " --fingerprint [Namen] \"Fingerabdrücke\" anzeigen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Aufruf: gpg [Optionen] [Dateien] (-h für Hilfe)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Signieren, prüfen, verschlüsseln, entschlüsseln.\n" - "Die voreingestellte Operation ist abhängig von den Eingabedaten\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2199,73 +2199,73 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Unterstützte Verfahren:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Öff. Schlüssel: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Verschlü.: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Komprimierung: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "Aufruf: gpg [Optionen] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "Widersprüchliche Befehle\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "Kein '='-Zeichen in der Gruppendefinition gefunden `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des Home-Verzeichnis `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis der Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis auf die Erweiterung `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des Home-Verzeichnis `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte der Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte auf die Erweiterung `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des umgebenden Verzeichnisses für Home-" - "Verzeichnis `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2273,20 +2273,20 @@ msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des umgebenden Verzeichnisses der " - "Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des umgebenden Verzeichnisses `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des umgebenden Verzeichnisses des Home-" - "Verzeichnisses `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2294,477 +2294,477 @@ msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des umgebenden Verzeichnisses der " - "Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des umgebenden Verzeichnisses auf " - "Erweiterung `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "Unbekanntes Konfigurationselement `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "Anzeigen der Foto-ID in den Schlüssellisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "Zeige Richtlinien-URL während des listens der Signaturen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Alle Notationen mit den Signaturen anlisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Zeige IETF-Standard" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Zeige Benutzer-Notationen während des listens der Signaturen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "Der bevorzugten Schlüsselserver mit den Signaturen anlisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "Zeige Gültigkeit der User-ID in den Schlüssellisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "Zeige widerrufene und verfallene User-ID in den Schlüssellisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "Zeige widerrufene und verfallene Unterschlüssel in den Schlüssellisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "Anzeigen des Schlüsselbundes, in dem ein Schlüssel drin ist" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Das Ablaufdatum mit den Signaturen anlisten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "Hinweis: Alte voreingestellte Optionendatei '%s' wurde ignoriert\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - "Die Bibliothek \"libgcrypt\" ist zu alt (benötigt wird %s, vorhanden ist " - "%s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "Hinweis: %s ist nicht für den üblichen Gebrauch gedacht!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "`%s' ist kein gültiges Signaturablaufdatum\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "`%s' ist kein gültiger Zeichensatz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "Schlüsselserver-URL konnte nicht analysiert werden\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Schlüsselserver-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "Ungültige Schlüsselserver-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Import-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "Ungültige Import-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Export-Option.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "Ungültige Export-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Listen-Option.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "Ungültige Listen-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "Foto-ID während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "Richtlinien-URLs während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "Alle Notationen während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "Standard-Notationen während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "Benutzer-Notationen während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "Die URL für den bevorzugten Schlüsselserver während der Signaturprüfung " - "anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "Die Gültigkeit der User-ID während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "Zeige widerrufene und verfallene User-IDs während der Signaturprüfung" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "Zeige nur die Haupt-User-ID während der Signaturprüfung" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "Prüfe Signaturgültigkeit mittels PKA-Daten" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "Werte das Vertrauen zu Signaturen durch gültige PKA-Daten auf" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Ãœberprüfungs-Option.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "Ungültige Ãœberprüfungs-Option\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "Der Ausführungspfad konnte nicht auf %s gesetzt werden.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige \"auto-key-locate\"-Liste\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "ungültige \"auto-key-locate\"-Liste\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: Programm könnte eine core-dump-Datei schreiben!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: %s ersetzt %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s kann nicht zusammen mit %s verwendet werden!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s zusammen mit %s ist nicht sinnvoll!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "Startet nicht mit unsicherem Speicher, wegen Option %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Im --pgp2-Modus können Sie nur abgetrennte oder Klartextsignaturen machen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Im --pgp2-Modus können Sie nicht gleichzeitig signieren und verschlüsseln\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "Im --pgp2-Modus müssen Sie Dateien benutzen und können keine Pipes " - "verwenden.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - "Verschlüsseln einer Botschaft benötigt im --pgp2-Modus die IDEA-" - "Verschlüsselung\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "Das ausgewählte Verschlüsselungsverfahren ist ungültig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "Das ausgewählte Hashverfahren ist ungültig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "Das ausgewählte Komprimierungsverfahren ist ungültig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "Das ausgewählte Hashverfahren ist ungültig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed müssen größer als 0 sein\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed müssen größer als 1 sein\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth muß im Bereich 1 bis 255 liegen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ungültiger \"default-cert-level\"; Wert muß 0, 1, 2 oder 3 sein\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ungültiger \"min-cert-level\"; Wert muß 0, 1, 2 oder 3 sein\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "Hinweis: Vom \"simple S2K\"-Modus (0) ist strikt abzuraten\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "ungültiger \"simple S2K\"-Modus; Wert muß 0, 1 oder 3 sein\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "ungültige Standard-Voreinstellungen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "ungültige private Verschlüsselungsvoreinstellungen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "ungültige private Hashvoreinstellungen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "ungültige private Komprimierungsvoreinstellungen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s arbeitet noch nicht mit %s zusammen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Die Benutzung des Verschlüsselungsverfahren %s ist im %s-Modus nicht " - "erlaubt.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Die Benutzung der Hashmethode %s ist im %s-Modus nicht erlaubt.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Die Benutzung des Komprimierverfahren %s ist im %s-Modus nicht erlaubt.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "Die Trust-DB kann nicht initialisiert werden: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNUNG: Empfänger (-r) angegeben ohne Verwendung von Public-Key-Verfahren\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Symmetrische Entschlüsselung von `%s' fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - "--symmetric --encrypt kann nicht zusammen mit --s2k-mode 0 verwendet werden\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Im %s-Modus kann --symmetric --encrypt nicht verwendet werden.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - "--symmetric --sign --encrypt kann nicht zusammen mit --s2k-mode 0 verwendet " - "werden\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Im %s-Modus kann --symmetric --sign --encrypt nicht verwendet werden.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key User-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key User-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key User-ID [Befehle]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd User-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Senden an Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Empfangen vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Schlüsselexport fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Suche auf dem Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Refresh vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Entfernen der ASCII-Hülle ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Anbringen der ASCII-Hülle ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ungültiges Hashverfahren '%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[Dateiname]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Auf geht's - Botschaft eintippen ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "Die angegebene Zertifikat-Richtlinien-URL ist ungültig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "Die angegebene Signatur-Richtlinien-URL ist ungültig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "Die angegebene URL des bevorzugten Schlüsselserver ist ungültig\n" - -@@ -4061,12 +4061,12 @@ msgstr "" - "Schlüsselgültigkeit nicht notwendigerweise korrekt ist.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "widerrufen" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "verfallen" - -@@ -4127,7 +4127,7 @@ msgstr "%d Beglaubigungen entfernt.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nichts entfernt.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "ungültig" - -@@ -5444,26 +5444,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: Die Option \"%s\" is veraltet - sie hat keine Wirkung\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat keine Wirkung.\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: Die Option \"%s\" is veraltet - sie hat keine Wirkung\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat keine Wirkung.\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "nicht komprimiert" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "unkomprimiert|kein|keine" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "Diese Botschaft könnte für %s unbrauchbar sein\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "Mehrdeutige Option '%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "Unbekannte Option '%s'\n" -@@ -6637,7 +6648,7 @@ msgstr "uneingeschränkt" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "\"Trust-DB\"-Ãœberprüfung nicht nötig\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "nächste \"Trust-DB\"-Pflichtüberprüfung am %s\n" -@@ -6652,41 +6663,41 @@ msgstr "\"Trust-DB\"-Ãœberprüfung ist beim `%s'-Vertrauensmodell nicht nötig\n - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "\"Trust-DB\"-Änderung ist beim `%s'-Vertrauensmodell nicht nötig\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "Öffentlicher Schlüssel %s nicht gefunden: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "Bitte ein --check-trustdb durchführen\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "\"Trust-DB\" wird überprüft\n" - - # translated by wk --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d Schlüssel verarbeitet (%d Validity Zähler gelöscht)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "keine uneingeschränkt vertrauenswürdigen Schlüssel gefunden\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - "öff. Schlüssel des uneingeschränkt vertrautem Schlüssel %s nicht gefunden\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d marginal-needed, %d complete-needed, %s Vertrauensmodell\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6694,7 +6705,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Tiefe: %d gültig: %3d signiert: %3d Vertrauen: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, " - "%du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po -index 6ffd890..382a7a2 100644 ---- a/po/el.po -+++ b/po/el.po -@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-1.1.92\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-27 12:00+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Dokianakis Theofanis \n" - "Language-Team: Greek \n" -@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ msgstr " - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "äåí õðïóôçñßæåôáé ï áëãüñéèìïò ðñïóôáóßáò %d%s\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr " - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -451,13 +451,11 @@ msgstr " - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "äåí õðïóôçñßæåôáé" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "äåí õðïóôçñßæåôáé" - -@@ -469,7 +467,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -487,7 +485,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -499,18 +497,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ìç ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï áñ÷åßï åðéëïãþí `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "áñ÷åßï åðéëïãþí `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "áíÜãíùóç åðéëïãþí áðü `%s'\n" -@@ -645,7 +643,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -654,7 +652,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@ÅíôïëÝò:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1704,7 +1702,7 @@ msgstr " - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output äåí ëåéôïõñãåß ãéá áõôÞ ôçí åíôïëÞ\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò ôïõ `%s'\n" -@@ -2030,172 +2028,172 @@ msgstr " - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß ÷ùñßò äçìüóéï - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá ìéáò ìç ðñïóáñôçìÝíçò õðïãñáöÞò" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[áñ÷åßï]|äçìéïõñãßá ìéáò ìç êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíçò õðïãñáöÞò" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá ìéáò ìç ðñïóáñôçìÝíçò õðïãñáöÞò" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "êñõðôïãñÜöçóç äåäïìÝíùí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìå ÷ñÞóç ìüíï óõììåôñéêþí áëãïñßèìùí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç äåäïìÝíùí (ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "åðáëÞèåõóç ìéáò õðïãñáöÞò" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò êëåéäéþí êáé õðïãñáöþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "Ýëåã÷ïò õðïãñáöÞò êëåéäéïý" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò êëåéäéþí êáé áðïôõðùìÜôùí (fingerprints)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò ìõóôéêþí êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá åíüò íÝïõ æåýãïõò êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá åíüò ðéóôïðïéçôéêïý áíÜêëçóçò" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "áöáßñåóç ôùí êëåéäéþí áðü ôç äçìüóéá êëåéäïèÞêç" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "áöáßñåóç ôùí êëåéäéþí áðü ôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ åíüò êëåéäéïý" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ åíüò êëåéäéïý ôïðéêÜ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ Þ åðåîåñãáóßá åíüò êëåéäéïý" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "åîáãùãÞ êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "åîáãùãÞ êëåéäéþí óå Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "åéóáãùãÞ êëåéäéþí áðü Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç êëåéäéþí óå Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "áíáíÝùóç üëùí ôùí êëåéäéþí áðü Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "åéóáãùãÞ/óõã÷þíåõóç êëåéäéþí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "áíáíÝùóç ôçò âÜóçò äåäïìÝíùí åìðéóôïóýíçò" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|áëãüñ [áñ÷åßá]| áðåéêüíéóç ðåñéëÞøåùí ôùí ìçíõìÜôùí" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá ascii èùñáêéóìÝíçò åîüäïõ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|ÏÍÏÌÁ|êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ãéá ÏÍÏÌÁ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "÷ñÞóç áõôÞò ôçò ôáõôüôçôáò (user id) ãéá õðïãñáöÞ Þ áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|êáèïñéóìüò åðéðÝäïõ óõìðßåóçò N (0 áðåíåñãïðïéåß)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "÷ñÞóç êáíïíéêÞò êáôÜóôáóçò êåéìÝíïõ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ|öüñôùìá ôïõ áñèñþìáôïò åðÝêôáóçò ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "íá ìç ãßíåé êáììßá áëëáãÞ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "åñþôçóç ðñéí ôçí åðéêÜëõøç" - -@@ -2231,16 +2229,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [ïíüìáôá] áðåéêüíéóç êëåéäéþí\n" - " --fingerprint [ïíüìáôá] áðåéêüíéóç áðïôõðùìÜôùí (fingerprints)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "×ñÞóç: gpg [åðéëïãÝò] [áñ÷åßá] (-h ãéá âïÞèåéá)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2250,7 +2244,7 @@ msgstr "" - "õðïãñáöÞ, Ýëåã÷ïò, êñõðôïãñÜöçóç Þ áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç\n" - "ç ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíç ëåéôïõñãßá åîáñôÜôáé áðü ôá äåäïìÝíá åéóüäïõ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2258,573 +2252,573 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Õðïóôçñéæüìåíïé áëãüñéèìïé:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "ÄçìïóÊëåéäß:" - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Êñõðôáëãüñéèìïò: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Óõìðßåóç: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "÷ñÞóç: gpg [åðéëïãÝò] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "óõãêñïõüìåíåò åíôïëÝò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "äåí âñÝèçêå ôï óýìâïëï = óôïí ïñéóìü ôçò ïìÜäáò \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßá óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßá óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßá óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßáåóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßáåóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßáåóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò åóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò åóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò åóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "Üãíùóôï áíôéêåßìåíï ñõèìßóåùò \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Äåí âñÝèçêå áíôßóôïé÷ç õðïãñáöÞ óôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò óôçí ïðïßá áíáöÝñåôå ôï êëåéäß" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Äåí âñÝèçêå áíôßóôïé÷ç õðïãñáöÞ óôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: áãíïÞèçêå ôï ðáëéü áñ÷åßï ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíùí åðéëïãþí `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ôï %s äåí åßíáé ãéá êáíïíéêÞ ÷ñÞóç!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "áäõíáìßá åðåîåñãáóßáò ôïõ URI ôïõ äéáêïìéóç êëåéäéþí\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "áäõíáìßá ïñéóìïý ôïõ exec-path óå %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï ðñüãñáììá ßóùò äçìéïõñãÞóåé áñ÷åßï core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï %s ðáñáêÜìðôåé ôï %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí åðéôñÝðåôáé ìå ôï %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "ôï %s äåí Ý÷åé êáììßá Ýííïéá ìáæß ìå ôï %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "ìðïñåßôå íá êÜíåôå áðïêïììÝíåò Þ êáèáñÝò õðïãñáöÝò ìüíï óå --pgp2 êáôÜóôáóç\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "äåí ìðïñåßôå íá õðïãñÜöåôå êáé íá êñõðôïãñáöåßôå ôáõôü÷ñïíá óå --pgp2 " - "êáôÜóôáóç\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "ìüíï áñ÷åßá åðéôñÝðïíôáé (êáé ü÷é pipes) êáôá ôçí êáôáóôáóç --pgp2.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - "ç êñõðôïãñÜöçóç åíüò ìçíýìáôïò óå --pgp2 êáôÜóôáóç áðáéôåß ôïí áëãïñ. IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò ãéá ðéóôïðïßçóç\n" - "äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ìåãáëýôåñá áðü 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ìåãáëýôåñá áðü 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ìåôáîý 1 êáé 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï default-cert-level· ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé 0, 1, 2, Þ 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï min-cert-level· ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé 0, 1, 2, Þ 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ç áðëÞ S2K êáôÜóôáóç (0) ðñÝðåé íá áðïöåýãåôáé\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç êáôÜóôáóç S2K; ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé 0, 1 Þ 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò ðñïóùðéêïý êñõðôáëãüñéèìïõ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò ðñïóùðéêïý áëãüñéèìïõ ðåñßëçøçò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò ðñïóùðéêïý áëãüñéèìïõ óõìðßåóçò\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "ôï %s áêüìá äå ëåéôïõñãåß ìáæß ìå ôï %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ êñõðôáëãüñéèìïõ \"%s\" óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ ðåñßëçøçò \"%s\" óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ óõìðßåóçò \"%s\" óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "áðïôõ÷ßá áñ÷éêïðïßçóçò ôçò TrustDB: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: äþèçêáí ðáñáëÞðôåò (-r) ÷þñéò ÷ñÞóç êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò\n" - "äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ %s óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ %s óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [åíôïëÝò]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver áðïóôïëÞ áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver ëÞøç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "åîáãùãÞ êëåéäéïý áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver áíáæÞôçóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver áíáíÝùóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "áðïèùñÜêéóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "èùñÜêéóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñïò áëãüñéèìïò hash `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Ìðïñåßôå ôþñá íá åéóáãÜãåôå ôï ìÞíõìá óáò ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò ðéóôïðïéçôéêïý ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" -@@ -4168,13 +4162,13 @@ msgstr "" - "åêôüò êáé åÜí åðáíáêêéíÞóåôå ôï ðñüãñáììá.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[áíáêëçìÝíï]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4234,7 +4228,7 @@ msgstr " - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Ôßðïôá äåí äéáãñÜöôçêå.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç èùñÜêéóç" -@@ -5572,27 +5566,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Áóõìðßåóôï" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Áóõìðßåóôï" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "áõôü ôï ìÞíõìá ßóùò äåí ìðïñåß íá ÷ñçóéìïðïéçèåß áðü %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "áíÜãíùóç åðéëïãþí áðü `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "Üãíùóôïò ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíïò ðáñáëÞðôçò `%s'\n" -@@ -6345,7 +6350,6 @@ msgstr " - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" - -@@ -6768,7 +6772,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "äåí õðÜñ÷åé áíÜãêç ãéá Ýëåã÷ï ôçò trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "åðüìåíïò Ýëåã÷ïò ôçò trustdb èá ãßíåé óôéò %s\n" -@@ -6783,46 +6787,46 @@ msgstr " - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "äåí õðÜñ÷åé áíÜãêç ãéá Ýëåã÷ï ôçò trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "ôï äçìüóéï êëåéäß %08lX äåí âñÝèçêå: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "ðáñáêáëþ êÜíôå Ýíá --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "Ýëåã÷ïò ôçò trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d êëåéäéÜ åðåîåñãÜóôçêáí (%d ìåôñÞóåéò åããõñüôçôáò ðÝñáóáí)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "äå âñÝèçêáí áðüëõôá åìðéóôåýóéìá êëåéäéÜ\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - "äå âñÝèçêå ôï äçìüóéï êëåéäß ôïõ áðüëõôá åìðéóôåýóéìïõ êëåéäéïý %08lX\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "åããñáöÞ trust %lu, ôýðïò %d: write áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/en@boldquot.po b/po/en@boldquot.po -index 0a191f9..1ed1cf8 100644 ---- a/po/en@boldquot.po -+++ b/po/en@boldquot.po -@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" - "Language-Team: none\n" -@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "Passphrase" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ msgstr "can't create ‘%s’: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ msgstr "run in daemon mode (background)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "run in server mode (foreground)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ msgstr "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "invalid debug-level ‘%s’ given\n" -@@ -514,18 +514,18 @@ msgstr "invalid debug-level ‘%s’ given\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTE: no default option file ‘%s’\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "option file ‘%s’: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "reading options from ‘%s’\n" -@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Commands:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ msgstr "Invalid command (try “helpâ€)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "can't open ‘%s’\n" -@@ -1960,163 +1960,163 @@ msgstr "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "make a signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "make a clear text signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "make a detached signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "encrypt data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "decrypt data (default)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verify a signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "list keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "list keys and signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "list and check key signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "list keys and fingerprints" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "list secret keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "generate a new key pair" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "generate a revocation certificate" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "remove keys from the public keyring" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "remove keys from the secret keyring" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "sign a key" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "sign a key locally" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "sign or edit a key" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "change a passphrase" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "export keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "export keys to a key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "import keys from a key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "search for keys on a key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "update all keys from a keyserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "import/merge keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "print the card status" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "change data on a card" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "change a card's PIN" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "update the trust database" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "print message digests" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "run in server mode" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "create ascii armored output" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "use canonical text mode" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|write output to FILE" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "do not make any changes" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "prompt before overwriting" - -@@ -2152,11 +2152,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [names] show keys\n" - " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2174,551 +2174,551 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Pubkey: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cipher: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compression: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "usage: gpg [options] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "conflicting commands\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no = sign found in group definition ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file ‘%s" --"[0m’\n" -+"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file ‘" -+"%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file ‘%s" --"[0m’\n" -+"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file ‘" -+"%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "unknown configuration item ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "display photo IDs during key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "show policy URLs during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "show all notations during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "show user ID validity during key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "show the keyring name in key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "show expiration dates during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTE: old default options file ‘%s’ ignored\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid signature expiration\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid character set\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "invalid keyserver options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "invalid import options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "invalid export options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "invalid list options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "display photo IDs during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "show policy URLs during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "show all notations during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "show user ID validity during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "validate signatures with PKA data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "invalid verify options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid default preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you may not use cipher algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you may not use digest algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you may not use compression algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "symmetric encryption of ‘%s’ failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "key export failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "invalid hash algorithm ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - -@@ -3442,8 +3442,8 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " - "belongs\n" --"to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter “0" --"[0mâ€.\n" -+"to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter " -+"“0â€.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:920 - #, c-format -@@ -3981,12 +3981,12 @@ msgstr "" - "unless you restart the program.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revoked" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expired" - -@@ -4046,7 +4046,7 @@ msgstr "Deleted %d signatures.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nothing deleted.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "invalid" - -@@ -5332,26 +5332,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: obsolete option “%s†- it has no effect\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: obsolete option “%s†- it has no effect\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Uncompressed" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "uncompressed|none" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ambiguous option ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "unknown option ‘%s’\n" -@@ -6469,7 +6480,7 @@ msgstr "ultimate" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "no need for a trustdb check\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "next trustdb check due at %s\n" -@@ -6484,46 +6495,46 @@ msgstr "no need for a trustdb check with ‘%s’ trust model\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "no need for a trustdb update with ‘%s’ trust model\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "public key %s not found: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "checking the trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/en@quot.po b/po/en@quot.po -index 8614b66..4d071a5 100644 ---- a/po/en@quot.po -+++ b/po/en@quot.po -@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" - "Language-Team: none\n" -@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "Passphrase" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr "can't create ‘%s’: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgstr "run in daemon mode (background)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "run in server mode (foreground)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ msgstr "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "invalid debug-level ‘%s’ given\n" -@@ -511,18 +511,18 @@ msgstr "invalid debug-level ‘%s’ given\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTE: no default option file ‘%s’\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "option file ‘%s’: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "reading options from ‘%s’\n" -@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Commands:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ msgstr "Invalid command (try “helpâ€)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "can't open ‘%s’\n" -@@ -1956,163 +1956,163 @@ msgstr "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "make a signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "make a clear text signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "make a detached signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "encrypt data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "decrypt data (default)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verify a signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "list keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "list keys and signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "list and check key signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "list keys and fingerprints" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "list secret keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "generate a new key pair" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "generate a revocation certificate" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "remove keys from the public keyring" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "remove keys from the secret keyring" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "sign a key" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "sign a key locally" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "sign or edit a key" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "change a passphrase" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "export keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "export keys to a key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "import keys from a key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "search for keys on a key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "update all keys from a keyserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "import/merge keys" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "print the card status" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "change data on a card" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "change a card's PIN" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "update the trust database" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "print message digests" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "run in server mode" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "create ascii armored output" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "use canonical text mode" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|write output to FILE" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "do not make any changes" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "prompt before overwriting" - -@@ -2148,11 +2148,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [names] show keys\n" - " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2170,546 +2170,546 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Pubkey: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cipher: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compression: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "usage: gpg [options] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "conflicting commands\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no = sign found in group definition ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "unknown configuration item ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "display photo IDs during key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "show policy URLs during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "show all notations during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "show user ID validity during key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "show the keyring name in key listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "show expiration dates during signature listings" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTE: old default options file ‘%s’ ignored\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid signature expiration\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid character set\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "invalid keyserver options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "invalid import options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "invalid export options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "invalid list options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "display photo IDs during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "show policy URLs during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "show all notations during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "show user ID validity during signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "validate signatures with PKA data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "invalid verify options\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid default preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you may not use cipher algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you may not use digest algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you may not use compression algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "symmetric encryption of ‘%s’ failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "key export failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "invalid hash algorithm ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[filename]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - -@@ -3970,12 +3970,12 @@ msgstr "" - "unless you restart the program.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revoked" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expired" - -@@ -4035,7 +4035,7 @@ msgstr "Deleted %d signatures.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nothing deleted.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "invalid" - -@@ -5321,26 +5321,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: obsolete option “%s†- it has no effect\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: obsolete option “%s†- it has no effect\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Uncompressed" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "uncompressed|none" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ambiguous option ‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "unknown option ‘%s’\n" -@@ -6458,7 +6469,7 @@ msgstr "ultimate" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "no need for a trustdb check\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "next trustdb check due at %s\n" -@@ -6473,46 +6484,46 @@ msgstr "no need for a trustdb check with ‘%s’ trust model\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "no need for a trustdb update with ‘%s’ trust model\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "public key %s not found: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "checking the trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/eo.po b/po/eo.po -index 8998917..28d111e 100644 ---- a/po/eo.po -+++ b/po/eo.po -@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.0.6d\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-04-14 14:33+0100\n" - "Last-Translator: Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS \n" - "Language-Team: Esperanto \n" -@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ msgstr "malbona pasfrazo" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "protekto-metodo %d%s ne estas realigita\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr "ne povas krei '%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -451,13 +451,11 @@ msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "ne realigita" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "ne realigita" - -@@ -469,7 +467,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -487,7 +485,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -499,18 +497,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTO: mankas implicita opcio-dosiero '%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "opcio-dosiero '%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "legas opciojn el '%s'\n" -@@ -645,7 +643,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -654,7 +652,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Komandoj:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1711,7 +1709,7 @@ msgstr "Nevalida komando (provu per \"helpo\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output ne funkcias por æi tiu komando\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "ne povas malfermi '%s'\n" -@@ -2018,172 +2016,172 @@ msgstr "uzas flankan - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: sekreta þlosilo sen publika þlosilo - ignorita\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "fari apartan subskribon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[dosiero]|fari klartekstan subskribon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "fari apartan subskribon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "æifri datenojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "æifri nur kun simetria æifro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "malæifri datenojn (implicita elekto)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "kontroli subskribon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "listigi þlosilojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "listigi þlosilojn kaj subskribojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "kontroli þlosilsubskribojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "listigi þlosilojn kaj fingroþpurojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "listigi sekretajn þlosilojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "krei novan þlosilparon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "krei revokatestilon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "forigi þlosilojn de la publika þlosilaro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "forigi þlosilojn de la sekreta þlosilaro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "subskribi þlosilon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "subskribi þlosilon loke" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "subskribi aý redakti þlosilon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "eksporti þlosilojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "eksporti þlosilojn al þlosilservilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importi þlosilojn de þlosilservilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "seræi þlosilojn æe þlosilservilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "aktualigi æiujn þlosilojn de þlosilservilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importi/kunfandi þlosilojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "aktualigi la fido-datenaron" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|metodo [dosieroj]|presi mesaøo-kompendiojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "krei eligon en askia kiraso" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NOMO|æifri por NOMO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "uzi æi tiun uzantidentigilon por subskribi aý malæifri" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|difini densig-nivelon N (0=nenia)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "uzi tekstan reøimon" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|DOSIERO|legi aldonan bibliotekon DOSIERO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "fari neniajn þanøojn" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "" - -@@ -2219,16 +2217,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nomoj] montri þlosilojn\n" - " --fingerprint [nomoj] montri fingroþpurojn\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uzado: gpg [opcioj] [dosieroj] (-h por helpo)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2238,7 +2232,7 @@ msgstr "" - "subskribi, kontroli, æifri aý malæifri\n" - "implicita operacio dependas de la enigataj datenoj\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2246,570 +2240,570 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Realigitaj metodoj:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - #, fuzzy - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Komento: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "uzado: gpg [opcioj] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "malkongruaj komandoj\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: nova opcio-dosiero kreita\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Mankas responda subskribo en sekreta þlosilaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "montri, en kiu þlosilaro estas listigita þlosilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Mankas responda subskribo en sekreta þlosilaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTO: mankas implicita opcio-dosiero '%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTO: %s ne estas por normala uzado!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "ne povis analizi URI de þlosilservilo\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "nevalida kiraso" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "nevalida kiraso" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: programo povas krei core-dosieron!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: %s nuligas %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ne eblas kun %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ne havas sencon kun %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "eblas fari nur apartajn kaj klartekstajn subskribojn kun --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "ne eblas samtempe subskribi kaj æifri kun --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "necesas uzi dosierojn (kaj ne tubon) kun --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "æifri mesaøon kun --pgp2 postulas la æifron IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "elektita æifrad-metodo ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "elektita kompendi-metodo ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "elektita æifrad-metodo ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "elektita kompendi-metodo ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed devas esti pli granda ol 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed devas esti pli granda ol 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth devas esti inter 1 kaj 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "nevalida default-check-level; devas esti 0, 1, 2 aý 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "nevalida default-check-level; devas esti 0, 1, 2 aý 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTO: simpla S2K-reøimo (0) estas forte malrekomendata\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "nevalida S2K-reøimo; devas esti 0, 1 aý 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s ne havas sencon kun %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "malsukcesis doni komencajn valorojn al fido-datenaro: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "malæifrado malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key uzantidentigilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key uzantidentigilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key uzantidentigilo [komandoj]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key uzantidentigilo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "listigo de sekretaj þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "get_dir_record: search_record malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "listigo de sekretaj þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "elkirasigo malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "enkirasigo malsukcesis: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "nevalida kompendi-metodo '%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[dosiero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Ektajpu vian mesaøon ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por atestado ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" -@@ -4152,13 +4146,13 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "rev" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "eksval" -@@ -4217,7 +4211,7 @@ msgstr "Forvi - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nenio estis forviþita.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "nevalida" - -@@ -5547,28 +5541,39 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - #, fuzzy - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "ne traktita" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "ne traktita" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "æi tiu mesaøo povas ne esti uzebla de PGP 2.x\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "legas opciojn el '%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "nekonata implicita ricevonto '%s'\n" -@@ -6719,7 +6724,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "kontrolo de fido-datenaro ne estas bezonata\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "sekva kontrolo de fido-datenaro je %s\n" -@@ -6734,46 +6739,46 @@ msgstr "kontrolo de fido-datenaro ne estas bezonata\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "kontrolo de fido-datenaro ne estas bezonata\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "publika þlosilo %08lX ne trovita: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "kontrolas la fido-datenaron\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - #, fuzzy - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "publika þlosilo de absolute fidata þlosilo %08lX ne trovita\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "publika þlosilo de absolute fidata þlosilo %08lX ne trovita\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "fido-datenaro %lu, speco %d: skribo malsukcesis: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po -index ad3821c..3d1ca80 100644 ---- a/po/es.po -+++ b/po/es.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.9\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 09:47+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Jaime Suárez \n" - "Language-Team: Spanish \n" -@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ msgstr "Frase contrase - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "no pueden usarse claves ssh de más de %d bits\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede crear %s: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%0A %c" - msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" - msgstr "Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña para la clave ssh%0A %c" - -@@ -210,9 +209,6 @@ msgstr "Por favor vuelva a introducir frase contrase - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "" --#| "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s" --#| "%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" - msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " - "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" -@@ -254,7 +250,6 @@ msgstr "C - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's keypad for input." - msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." - msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AUse el teclado del lector como entrada." - -@@ -368,7 +363,6 @@ msgstr "S - - #: agent/genkey.c:308 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Ato protect your new key" - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" - msgstr "Por favor introduzca frase contraseña para%0Aproteger su nueva clave" - -@@ -393,7 +387,7 @@ msgstr "ejecutar en modo demonio (segundo plano)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "ejecutar en modo servidor (primer plano)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -463,7 +457,6 @@ msgstr "no usar el cach - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "permitir que los clientes marquen claves como \"fiables\"" - -@@ -473,13 +466,11 @@ msgstr "permitir preestablecer frase contrase - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "permitir emulación de ssh-agent" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "no disponible" - -@@ -491,7 +482,7 @@ msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir variables de entorno tambi - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -509,7 +500,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpg-agent [opciones] [orden [argumentos]]\n" - "Manejo de claves privadas por GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "el nivel de depuración `%s` no es válido\n" -@@ -521,18 +512,18 @@ msgstr "el nivel de depuraci - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s es demasiado antiguo (necesita %s, tiene %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTA: no existe el fichero de opciones predefinido `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "fichero de opciones `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "leyendo opciones desde `%s'\n" -@@ -670,7 +661,7 @@ msgstr "" - # Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se - # puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? - # ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -679,7 +670,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Órdenes:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1683,7 +1674,7 @@ msgstr "Orden inv - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output no funciona con esta orden\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "no se puede abrir `%s'\n" -@@ -1989,163 +1980,163 @@ msgstr "usando subclave %s en vez de clave primaria %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta sin clave pública - omitida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "crea una firma" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "crea una firma en texto claro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "crea una firma separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "cifra datos" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "cifra sólo con un cifrado simétrico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "descifra datos (predefinido)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verifica una firma" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "lista claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "lista claves y firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "lista y comprueba firmas de las claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "lista claves y huellas dactilares" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "lista claves secretas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "genera un nuevo par de claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "genera un certificado de revocación" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "elimina claves del anillo público" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "elimina claves del anillo privado" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "firma la clave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "firma la clave localmente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "firma o modifica una clave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "cambia una frase contraseña" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exporta claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exporta claves a un servidor de claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importa claves desde un servidor de claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "busca claves en un servidor de claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "actualiza todas las claves desde un servidor de claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importa/fusiona claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "escribir estado de la tarjeta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "cambiar datos en la tarjeta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "cambiar el PIN de la tarjeta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "actualiza la base de datos de confianza" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "imprime resúmenes de mensaje" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "ejecutar en modo servidor" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "crea una salida ascii con armadura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|cifra para ID-USUARIO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|usa este identificador para firmar o descifrar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|nivel de compresión N (0 desactiva)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "usa modo de texto canónico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FICHERO|volcar salida en FICHERO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "no hace ningún cambio" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "preguntar antes de sobreescribir" - -@@ -2185,16 +2176,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nombres] muestra las claves\n" - " --fingerprint [nombres] muestra las huellas dactilares\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpg [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2204,7 +2191,7 @@ msgstr "" - "firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra\n" - "la operación por defecto depende de los datos de entrada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2212,71 +2199,71 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmos disponibles:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Clave pública: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cifrado: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Resumen: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compresión: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "uso: gpg [opciones] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "órdenes incompatibles\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no se encontró el signo = en la definición de grupo `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio personal `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura de la extensión `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio personal `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros de la extensión `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2284,18 +2271,18 @@ msgstr "" - "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" - "configuración `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2303,442 +2290,442 @@ msgstr "" - "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" - "configuración `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "artículo de configuración desconocido `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "mostrar foto IDs al listar claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "mostrar URLS de política al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "mostrar todas las notaciones al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "mostrar notaciones personalizadas al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "mostrar URL del servidor de claves preferido al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "mostrar validez de la ID de usuario al listar claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "mostar IDs de usuario revocados y caducados al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "mostrar subclaves revocadas y expiradas al listar claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "mostrar nombre de los anillos de claves al listar claves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "mostrar fechas de caducidad al listar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTA: se ignora el antiguo fichero de opciones predefinidas `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt demasiado antigua (necesito %s, tengo %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s no es para uso normal!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "`%s' no es una fecha de caducidad válida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "`%s' no es un juego de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "no se puede interpretar la URL del servidor de claves\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de importación inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opciones de importación inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de exportación inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opciones de exportación inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: lista de opciones inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "lista de opciones inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar foto IDs al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar URLs de política al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar todas las notaciones al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar notaciones personalizadas al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar URLs del servidor de claves preferido al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar validez del ID de usuario al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar IDs de usuario revocados y caducados al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "mostrar solo ID primario de usuario al verificar firmas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "validar firmas con datos PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "aumentar confianza en las firmas con datos válidos PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de verificación inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opciones de verificación inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "imposible establecer camino de ejecutables %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el programa podría volcar un fichero core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "AVISO: %s sustituye a %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "¡%s no permitido con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "¡%s no tiene sentido con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "no se ejecutará en memoria insegura por %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "sólo puede hacer firmas separadas o en claro en modo --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "no puede firmar y cifrar a la vez en modo --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "debe usar ficheros (no tuberías) si trabaja con --pgp2 activo.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "cifrar un mensaje en modo --pgp2 requiere el algoritmo IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "el algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado es inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión seleccionado es inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "el algoritmo de certificación por resumen elegido es inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed debe ser mayor que 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed debe ser mayor que 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth debe estar en el rango de 1 a 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "default-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "min-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTA: el modo S2K simple (0) no es nada recomendable\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K incorrecto; debe ser 0, 1 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias por defecto inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias personales de cifrado inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias personales de algoritmo de resumen inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias personales de compresión inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s aún no funciona con %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no puede usar el cifrado `%s' en modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no puede usar el resumen `%s' en modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no puede usar la compresión `%s' en modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "inicialización de la base de datos de confianza fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "AVISO: se indicaron receptores (-r) sin clave pública de cifrado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "el cifrado simétrico de `%s' falló: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "no puede usar --symetric --encrypt con --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no puede usar --symetric --encrypt en modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "no puede usar --symetric --sign --encrypt con --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "no puede usar --symmetric --sign --encrypt en modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [nombre_fichero]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id-usuario" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id-usuario" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id-usuario [órdenes]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "envío al servidor de claves fallido: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "recepción del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "exportación de clave fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "búsqueda del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "renovación al servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "eliminación de armadura fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "creación de armadura fallida: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritmo de distribución inválido `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nombre_fichero]" - -@@ -2746,19 +2733,19 @@ msgstr "[nombre_fichero]" - # En español no se deja espacio antes de los puntos suspensivos - # (Real Academia dixit) :) - # Tomo nota :-). Este comentario déjalo siempre. --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Adelante, teclee su mensaje...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL de política de certificado inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL de política inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "la URL del servidor de claves preferido no es válida\n" - -@@ -2955,7 +2942,6 @@ msgstr "clave %s: sin identificador de usuario\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "omitido \"%s\": %s\n" - -@@ -3085,7 +3071,6 @@ msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" sin cambios\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "clave secreta \"%s\" no encontrada: %s\n" - -@@ -4029,12 +4014,12 @@ msgstr "" - "correcta a menos de que reinicie el programa.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revocada" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "caducada" - -@@ -4093,7 +4078,7 @@ msgstr "%d firmas borradas\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "No se borró nada\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "inválida" - -@@ -5393,26 +5378,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: opci - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: opción obsoleta \"%s\" - no tiene efecto\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Sin comprimir" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "sin_comprimir|ninguno" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "este mensaje podría no ser utilizable por %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "opción ambigua `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "opción desconocida `%s'\n" -@@ -6145,7 +6141,6 @@ msgstr "NOTA: la clave de firmado %s ha sido revocada\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "firma %s, algoritmo de resumen %s\n" - -@@ -6555,7 +6550,7 @@ msgstr "absoluta" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "siguiente comprobación de base de datos de confianza el: %s\n" -@@ -6574,41 +6569,41 @@ msgstr "" - "no es necesario comprobar la base de datos de confianza\n" - "con el modelo `%s'\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "clave pública %s no encontrada: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "por favor haga un --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "comprobando base de datos de confianza\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d claves procesadas (%d validaciones superadas)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "no se encuentran claves absolutamente fiables\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "clave pública de la clave absolutamente fiable %s no encontrada\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - "%d dudosa(s) necesarias, %d completa(s) necesarias,\n" - "modelo de confianza %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6616,7 +6611,7 @@ msgstr "" - "nivel: %d validez: %3d firmada: %3d confianza: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, " - "%du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6781,9 +6776,6 @@ msgstr "Uso: kbxutil [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" --#| "list, export, import Keybox data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -@@ -6971,13 +6963,11 @@ msgstr "|N|Nuevo PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" - msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" - msgstr "|A|Por favor introduzca PIN de Administrador" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" - msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN" - -@@ -7063,7 +7053,6 @@ msgstr "no se puede acceder a %s - - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad" - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" - msgstr "||Por favor inntroduzca su PIN en el teclado del lector" - -@@ -7108,7 +7097,6 @@ msgstr "|N|desconectar la tarjeta despu - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "do not use a reader's keypad" - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" - msgstr "no usa el teclado del lector" - -@@ -7466,25 +7454,21 @@ msgstr "error obteniendo informaci - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for certification\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" - msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para certificar\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firma en respuesta OCSP\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for encryption\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" - msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para cifrar\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" - msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firmar\n" - -@@ -7838,10 +7822,6 @@ msgstr "Uso: gpgsm [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po -index e163a34..36f0725 100644 ---- a/po/et.po -+++ b/po/et.po -@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.2\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-17 11:04+0300\n" - "Last-Translator: Toomas Soome \n" - "Language-Team: Estonian \n" -@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ msgstr "halb parool" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "kaitse algoritm %d%s ei ole toetatud\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "`%s' ei - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -448,13 +448,11 @@ msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "ei ole toetatud" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "ei ole toetatud" - -@@ -466,7 +464,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -496,18 +494,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "MÄRKUS: vaikimisi võtmete fail `%s' puudub\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "võtmete fail `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "loen võtmeid failist `%s'\n" -@@ -642,7 +640,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -651,7 +649,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Käsud:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1700,7 +1698,7 @@ msgstr "Vigane k - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "võti --output ei tööta selle käsuga\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu avada\n" -@@ -2019,172 +2017,172 @@ msgstr "kasutan sekundaarset v - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "võti %08lX: salajane võti avaliku võtmeta - jätsin vahele\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "loo eraldiseisev allkiri" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[fail]|loo avateksti allkiri" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "loo eraldiseisev allkiri" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "krüpteeri andmed" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "krüpteerimine kasutades ainult sümmeetrilist ¨ifrit" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "dekrüpteeri andmed (vaikimisi)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "kontrolli allkirja" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "näita võtmeid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "näita võtmeid ja allkirju" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "kontrolli võtmete allkirju" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "näita võtmeid ja sõrmejälgi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "näita salajasi võtmeid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "genereeri uus võtmepaar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "genereeri tühistamise sertifikaat" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "eemalda võtmed avalike võtmete hoidlast" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "eemalda võtmed salajaste võtmete hoidlast" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "allkirjasta võti" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "allkirjasta võti lokaalselt" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "allkirjasta või toimeta võtit" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "muuda parooli" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "ekspordi võtmed" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "ekspordi võtmed võtmeserverisse" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "impordi võtmed võtmeserverist" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "otsi võtmeid võtmeserverist" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "uuenda võtmeid võtmeserverist" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "impordi/mesti võtmed" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "uuenda usalduse andmebaasi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [failid]|trüki teatelühendid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "loo ascii pakendis väljund" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NIMI|krüpti NIMEle" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "kasuta seda kasutaja IDd" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|määra pakkimise tase N (0 blokeerib)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "kasuta kanoonilist tekstimoodi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FAIL|lae laiendusmoodul FAIL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "ära tee mingeid muutusi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "küsi enne ülekirjutamist" - -@@ -2220,16 +2218,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nimed] näita võtmeid\n" - " --fingerprint [nimed] näita sõrmejälgi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Kasuta: gpg [võtmed] [failid] (-h näitab abiinfot)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2239,7 +2233,7 @@ msgstr "" - "allkirjasta, kontrolli, krüpti ja dekrüpti\n" - "vaikimisi operatsioon sõltub sisendandmetest\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2247,562 +2241,562 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Toetatud algoritmid:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Avalik võti: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "¦iffer: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Räsi: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Pakkimine: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "kasuta: gpg [võtmed] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "vastuolulised käsud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "grupi definitsioonis \"%s\" puudub sümbol =\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline omanik %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline omanik %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline omanik %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvalised õigused %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvalised õigused %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvalised õigused %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline kataloogi omanik %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline kataloogi omanik %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline kataloogi omanik %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Hoiatus: ebaturvalised kataloogi õigused %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Hoiatus: ebaturvalised kataloogi õigused %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Hoiatus: ebaturvalised kataloogi õigused %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "tundmatu seade \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Vastavat allkirja salajaste võtmete hoidlas pole\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "näita millisesse võtmehoidlasse näidatud võti kuulub" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Vastavat allkirja salajaste võtmete hoidlas pole\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "MÄRKUS: ignoreerin vana vaikimisi võtmete faili `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "MÄRKUS: %s ei ole tavapäraseks kasutamiseks!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "ei saa parsida võtmeserveri URI\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: vigased impordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: vigased impordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "exec-path väärtuseks ei õnnestu seada %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: programm võib salvestada oma mälupildi!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: %s määrab üle %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ja %s ei ole koos lubatud!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ja %s ei oma koos mõtet!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "--pgp2 moodis saate luua ainult eraldiseisvaid või avateksti allkirju\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "--pgp2 moodis ei saa korraga allkirjastada ja krüpteerida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "--pgp2 moodis peate kasutama faile (ja mitte toru).\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "teate krüpteerimine --pgp2 moodis nõuab IDEA ¨iffrit\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valitud ¨ifri algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valitud lühendi algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valitud ¨ifri algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valitud sertifikaadi lühendi algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed peab olema suurem, kui 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed peab olema suurem, kui 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth peab olema vahemikus 1 kuni 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "vigane vaikimisi-sert-tase; peab olema 0, 1, 2 või 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "vigane min-sert-tase; peab olema 1, 2 või 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "MÄRKUS: lihtne S2K mood (0) ei soovitata kasutada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "vigane S2K mood; peab olema 0, 1 või 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "vigased vaikimisi eelistused\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "vigased isikliku ¨ifri eelistused\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "vigased isikliku lühendi eelistused\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "vigased isikliku pakkimise eelistused\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s ei tööta veel koos %s-ga\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "¨ifri algoritm \"%s\" ei ole moodis %s lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "sõnumilühendi algoritm \"%s\" ei ole moodis %s lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "pakkimise algoritm \"%s\" ei ole moodis %s lubatud\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "TrustDB initsialiseerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "HOIATUS: määrati saajad (-r) aga ei kasutata avaliku võtme krüptograafiat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "lahtikrüpteerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%s ei ole moodis %s lubatud.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%s ei ole moodis %s lubatud.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key kasutaja-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key kasutaja-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key kasutaja-id [käsud]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key kasutaja-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "võtmeserverile saatmine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "võtmeserverilt lugemine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "võtme eksport ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "võtmeserveri otsing ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "võtmeserveri uuendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "lahtipakendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "pakendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "vigane räsialgoritm `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[failinimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Kirjutage nüüd oma teade ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "antud sertifikaadi poliisi URL on vigane\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" -@@ -4134,13 +4128,13 @@ msgstr "" - "näidatud võtme kehtivus olla tingimata korrektne.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[tühistatud] " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4200,7 +4194,7 @@ msgstr "Kustutatud %d allkirja.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Midagi ei kustutatud.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "vigane pakend" -@@ -5513,27 +5507,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Pakkimata" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Pakkimata" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "see teade ei pruugi olla programmiga %s kasutatav\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "loen võtmeid failist `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "tundmatu vaikimisi saaja `%s'\n" -@@ -6270,7 +6275,6 @@ msgstr "M - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" - -@@ -6688,7 +6692,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "trustdb kontrolliks puudub vajadus\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "trustdb järgmine kontroll %s\n" -@@ -6703,45 +6707,45 @@ msgstr "trustdb kontrolliks puudub vajadus\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "trustdb kontrolliks puudub vajadus\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "ei leia avalikku võtit %08lX: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "palun tehke --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "kontrollin trustdb faili\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d võtit töödeldud (%d kehtivust puhastatud)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "absoluutselt usaldatavaid võtmeid pole\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "puudub absoluutselt usaldatava võtme %08lX avalik võti\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "usalduse kirje %lu, tüüp %d: kirjutamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po -index 3a4ece7..2cdbde1 100644 ---- a/po/fi.po -+++ b/po/fi.po -@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.2\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-16 22:40+0300\n" - "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen \n" - "Language-Team: Finnish \n" -@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ msgstr "väärä salasana" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "suojausalgoritmi %d%s ei ole käytettävissä\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi luoda: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -464,13 +464,11 @@ msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "ei tuettu" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "ei tuettu" - -@@ -482,7 +480,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -501,7 +499,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -513,18 +511,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "HUOM: Ei oletusasetustiedostoa \"%s\"\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "asetustiedosto \"%s\": %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "luetaan asetukset tiedostosta \"%s\"\n" -@@ -659,7 +657,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -668,7 +666,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Komennot:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1719,7 +1717,7 @@ msgstr "Komento ei kelpaa (kirjoita \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output ei toimi yhdessä tämän komennon kanssa\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi avata\n" -@@ -2038,172 +2036,172 @@ msgstr "" - "avain %08lX: salaisella avaimella ei ole vastaavaa \n" - "julkista avainta - ohitetaan\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "tee erillinen allekirjoitus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[tiedosto]|tee selkokielinen allekirjoitus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "tee erillinen allekirjoitus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "salaa tiedot" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "salaa vain symmetrisellä salaimella" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "avaa tiedot (oletus)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "tarkista allekirjoitus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "näytä avaimet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "näytä avaimet allekirjoituksineen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "tarkista avainten allekirjoitukset" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "näytä avaimet sormenjälkineen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "näytä salaiset avaimet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "luo uusi avainpari" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "luo mitätöintivarmenne" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "poista avaimet julkisten avainten renkaasta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "poista avaimet salaisten avainten renkaasta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "allekirjoita avain" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "allekirjoita avain paikallisesti" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "allekirjoita tai muokkaa avainta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "muuta salasanaa" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "vie avaimia" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "vie avaimia palvelimelle" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "nouda avaimia avainpalvelimelta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "etsi avaimia avainpalvelimelta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "päivitä kaikki avaimet avainpalvelimelta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "nouda/liitä avaimia" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "päivitä luottamustietokanta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [tiedostot]|tulosta viestien tiivisteet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "tuota ascii-koodattu tuloste" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NIMI|salaa vastaanottajalle NIMI" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "käytä tätä käyttäjätunnusta allekirjoittamiseen ja avaamiseen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|aseta pakkausaste N (0 poistaa käytöstä)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "käytä tekstimuotoa" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|TIEDOSTO|lataa laajennusmoduuli TIEDOSTO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "älä tee muutoksia" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "kysy ennen ylikirjoittamista" - -@@ -2239,16 +2237,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nimet] näytä avaimet\n" - " --fingerprint [nimet] näytä sormenjäljet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Käyttö: gpg [valitsimet] [tiedostot] (-h näyttää ohjeen)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2258,7 +2252,7 @@ msgstr "" - "allekirjoita, tarkista, salaa tai avaa\n" - "oletustoiminto riippuu syötteestä\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2266,563 +2260,563 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Tuetut algoritmit:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "JulkAvain: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Salaus: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Tiiviste: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Pakkaus: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "käyttö: gpg [valitsimet] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "ristiriitainen komento\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "=-merkkiä ei löytynyt ryhmämäärityksessä \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: omistussuhde kohteessa %s \"%s\" ei ole turvallinen\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: omistussuhde kohteessa %s \"%s\" ei ole turvallinen\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: omistussuhde kohteessa %s \"%s\" ei ole turvallinen\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: oikeudet kohteessa %s \"%s\" eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: oikeudet kohteessa %s \"%s\" eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: oikeudet kohteessa %s \"%s\" eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: %s \"%s\" hakemiston oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: %s \"%s\" hakemiston oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: %s \"%s\" hakemiston oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: Hakemiston %s \"%s\" oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: Hakemiston %s \"%s\" oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: Hakemiston %s \"%s\" oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "tuntematon asetus \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Salaisesta avainrenkaasta ei löydy vastaavaa allekirjoitusta\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "näytä mihin avainrenkaaseen tulostettu avain kuuluu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Salaisesta avainrenkaasta ei löydy vastaavaa allekirjoitusta\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "HUOM: Vanhat oletusarvoiset asetukset löytyvät tiedostosta \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "HUOM: %s ei ole normaaliin käyttöön!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "avainpalvelimen URI:iä ei voi jäsentää\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "exec-polkua kohteeseen %s ei voi asettaa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: ohjelma voi luoda core-tiedoston!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: %s korvaa %s:n\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ja %s eivät ole sallittuja yhdessä!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ja %s yhdessä on järjetöntä!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "erillisen allekirjoituksen voi luoda vain --pgp2-tilassa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "--pgp2-tilassa ei voi allekirjoittaa ja salata samanaikaisesti\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "sinun tulee käyttää tiedostoja (eikä putkitusta) kun --pgp2 on käytössä.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "viestin salaaaminen --pgp2-tilassa vaatii IDEA-salaimen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valittu salausalgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valittu tiivistealgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valittu salausalgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valittu varmenteen tiivistealgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed täytyy olla suurempi kuin 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed täytyy olla suurempi kuin 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth tulee olla välillä 1-255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "default-cert-level ei kelpaa; täytyy olla 0, 1, 2 tai 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "min-cert-level ei kelpaa; täytyy olla 1, 2 tai 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "" - "HUOM: yksinkertaista S2K-tilaa (0) ei todellakaan suositella käytettäväksi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "virheellinen S2K-tila; täytyy olla 0, 1 tai 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "virheelliset oletusarvoiset valinnat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "virheelliset henkilökohtaisen salaimen valinnat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "virheelliset henkilökohtaiset tiivisteen valinnat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "virheelliset henkilökohtaiset pakkausvalinnat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s ja %s eivät vielä toimi yhdessä\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "salausalgoritmia \"%s\" ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "tiivistealgoritmia \"%s\" ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "pakkausalgoritmia \"%s\" ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "TrustDB:n alustaminen ei onnistu: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROITUS: vastaanottajia (-r) annettu käyttämättä julkisen avaimen salausta\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "avaus epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "valitsinta %s ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--allekirjoita [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "valitsinta %s ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key käyttäjätunnus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key käyttäjätunnus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key käyttäjätunnus [komennot]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key käyttäjätunnus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "avainpalvelimelle lähettäminen epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "avainpalvelimelta vastaanotto epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "avaimen vienti epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "avainpalvelimelta etsiminen epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "avainpalvelimen päivitys epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ascii-koodauksen purku epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ascii-koodaaminen epäonnistui: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "virheellinen tiivistealgoritmi \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[tiedostonimi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Kirjoita viestisi...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "annettu varmennekäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" -@@ -4160,13 +4154,13 @@ msgstr "" - "ajan tasalla jollet käynnistä ohjelmaa uudelleen\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[mitätöity] " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4226,7 +4220,7 @@ msgstr "%d allekirjoitusta poistettu.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Mitään ei poistettu.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "virheellinen ascii-koodaus" -@@ -5558,27 +5552,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "pakkaamaton" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "pakkaamaton" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "%s ei kenties voi käsitellä tätä viestiä\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "luetaan asetukset tiedostosta \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "tuntematon oletusvastaanottaja \"%s\"\n" -@@ -6328,7 +6333,6 @@ msgstr "HUOM: avain on mitätöity!" - # Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" - -@@ -6752,7 +6756,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "trustdb:n tarkistusta ei tarvita\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "seuraava trustdb tarkistus %s\n" -@@ -6767,45 +6771,45 @@ msgstr "trustdb:n tarkistusta ei tarvita\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "trustdb:n tarkistusta ei tarvita\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "julkista avainta %08lX ei löydy: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "tee --check-trustdb, kiitos\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "tarkistetaan trustdb:tä\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d avainta käsitelty (%d kelpoisuuslaskuria tyhjätty)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "ehdottomasti luotettavia avaimia ei löytynyt\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "ehdottomasti luotettu julkinen avain %08lX ei löytynyt\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "luottamustietue %lu, tyyppi %d: kirjoittaminen epäonnistui: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po -index ed95a49..5762832 100644 ---- a/po/fr.po -+++ b/po/fr.po -@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.19\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 09:34+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: David Prévot \n" - "Language-Team: French \n" -@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ msgstr "Phrase de passe" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "les clefs SSH plus grandes que %d bits ne sont pas prises en charge\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr "impossible de créer « %s » : %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "exécuter en mode démon (arrière-plan)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "exécuter en mode serveur (premier plan)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -447,7 +447,6 @@ msgstr "ne pas utiliser le cache de code pour signer" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "permettre de marquer la confiance des clefs" - -@@ -457,13 +456,11 @@ msgstr "permettre de préconfigurer la phrase de passe" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "activer l'émulation de ssh-agent" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "non pris en charge" - -@@ -476,7 +473,7 @@ msgstr "|FICHIER|écrire aussi les réglages d'env. dans FICHIER" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -496,7 +493,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaxe : gpg-agent [options] [commande [arguments]]\n" - "Gestionnaire de clefs secrètes pour GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "niveau de débogage « %s » incorrect\n" -@@ -508,18 +505,18 @@ msgstr "niveau de débogage « %s » incorrect\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s est trop ancien (nécessaire : %s, utilisé : %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Remarque : pas de fichier d'options par défaut « %s »\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "fichier d'options « %s » : %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "lecture des options de « %s »\n" -@@ -656,7 +653,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaxe : gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" - "Maintenance du cache des mots de passe\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -665,7 +662,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Commandes :\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1673,7 +1670,7 @@ msgstr "Commande incorrecte (essayez « help »)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output n'est pas compatible avec cette commande\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir « %s »\n" -@@ -1993,163 +1990,163 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète sans clef publique — ignorée\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "faire une signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "faire une signature en texte clair" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "faire une signature détachée" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "chiffrer les données" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "chiffrement symétrique seulement" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "déchiffrer les données (défaut)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "vérifier une signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "afficher les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "afficher les clefs et les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "afficher et vérifier les signatures de clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "afficher les clefs et les empreintes" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "afficher les clefs secrètes" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "générer une nouvelle paire de clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "générer un certificat de révocation" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "supprimer les clefs du porte-clefs public" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "supprimer les clefs du porte-clefs secret" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "signer une clef" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "signer une clef localement" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "signer ou éditer une clef" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "modifier une phrase de passe" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exporter les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exporter les clefs vers un serveur de clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importer les clefs d'un serveur de clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "chercher les clefs avec un serveur de clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "mettre à jour les clefs depuis un serveur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importer ou fusionner les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "afficher l'état de la carte" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "modifier les données d'une carte" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "modifier le code personnel d'une carte" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "mettre la base de confiance à jour" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "indiquer les fonctions de hachage" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "exécuter en mode serveur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "créer une sortie ASCII avec armure" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|chiffrer pour l'IDENTITÉ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|utiliser l'IDENTITÉ pour signer ou déchiffrer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|niveau de compression N (0 désactive)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "utiliser le mode texte canonique" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FICHIER|Écrire la sortie dans le FICHIER" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "ne rien modifier" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "demander avant d'écraser un fichier" - -@@ -2186,11 +2183,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [noms] montrer les clefs\n" - " --fingerprint [noms] montrer les empreintes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Utilisation : gpg [options] [fichiers] (-h pour l'aide)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2200,7 +2197,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Signer, vérifier, chiffrer ou déchiffrer\n" - "L'opération par défaut dépend des données entrées\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2208,85 +2205,85 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algorithmes pris en charge :\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Clef publique : " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Chiffrement : " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hachage : " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compression : " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "utilisation : gpg [options] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "commandes en conflit\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "aucun signe = trouvé dans la définition du groupe « %s »\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire personnel « %s »\n" - " n'est pas sûr\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : le propriétaire du fichier de configuration « %s »\n" - " n'est pas sûr\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : le propriétaire de l'extension « %s »\n" - " n'est pas sûr\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : les droits du répertoire personnel « %s »\n" - " ne sont pas sûrs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : les droits du fichier de configuration « %s »\n" - " ne sont pas sûrs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : les droits de l'extension « %s »\n" - " ne sont pas sûrs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire contenant le répertoire personnel\n" - " « %s » n'est pas sûr\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2294,21 +2291,21 @@ msgstr "" - "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire contenant le fichier de\n" - " configuration « %s » n'est pas sûr\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire contenant l'extension\n" - " « %s » n'est pas sûr\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : les droits du répertoire contenant le répertoire personnel\n" - " « %s » ne sont pas sûrs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2316,471 +2313,471 @@ msgstr "" - "Attention : les droits du répertoire contenant le fichier de configuration\n" - " « %s » ne sont pas sûrs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : les droits du répertoire contenant l'extension\n" - " « %s » ne sont pas sûrs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "élément de configuration « %s » inconnu\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "montrer les photos d'identité en affichant les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "montrer les URL de politique en affichant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "montrer toutes les notations en affichant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "utiliser les notations aux normes IETF en affichant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - "utiliser les notations fournies par l'utilisateur en affichant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - "montrer les URL des serveurs de clefs favoris en affichant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "indiquer la validité de l'identité en affichant les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "montrer les identités révoquées et expirées en affichant les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "indiquer les sous-clefs révoquées et expirées en affichant les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "montrer le nom du porte-clefs en affichant les clefs" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "montrer les dates d'expiration en affichant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "Remarque : l'ancien fichier d'options par défaut « %s » a été ignoré\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt est trop ancienne (nécessaire : %s, utilisé : %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "Remarque : %s n'est pas pour une utilisation normale.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une date d'expiration de signature valable\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un jeu de caractères valable\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'URL du serveur de clefs\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s : %d : les options du serveur de clefs sont incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "les options du serveur de clefs sont incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s : %d : options d'importation incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "options d'importation incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s : %d : options d'exportation incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "options d'exportation incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s : %d : options de liste incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "options de liste incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "montrer les photos d'identité en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "montrer les URL de politique en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "montrer toutes les notations en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "utiliser les notations aux normes IETF en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "utiliser les notations fournies par l'utilisateur en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "montrer les URL des serveurs de clefs favoris en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "indiquer la validité de l'identité en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - "montrer les identités révoquées et expirées en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "ne montrer que l'identité principale en vérifiant les signatures" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "valider les signatures avec les données PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "augmenter la confiance des signatures avec des données PKA valables" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s : %d : options de vérification incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "options de vérification incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "impossible de configurer le chemin d'exécution à %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s : %d : liste de recherche automatique de clef incorrecte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "liste de recherche automatique de clef incorrecte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "Attention : le programme pourrait créer un fichier « core ».\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "Attention : %s remplace %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s n'est pas permis avec %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s n'a aucun sens avec %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "ne sera pas exécuté avec une mémoire non sécurisée à cause de %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "une signature détachée ou en texte clair n'est possible qu'en mode --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "signer et chiffrer en même temps n'est possible qu'en mode --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "des fichiers (et pas un tube) doivent être utilisés lorsque --pgp2\n" - "est activé.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - "chiffrer un message en mode --pgp2 nécessite l'algorithme de chiffrement " - "IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algorithme de chiffrement sélectionné est incorrect\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "la fonction de hachage sélectionnée est incorrecte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algorithme de compression sélectionné est incorrect\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "la fonction de hachage de certification sélectionnée est incorrecte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "« completes-needed » doit être supérieur à 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "« marginals-needed » doit être supérieur à 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "« max-cert-depth » doit être compris entre 1 et 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "« default-cert-level » incorrect ; doit être 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "« min-cert-level » incorrect ; doit être , 1, 2 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "Remarque : le mode S2K simple (0) est fortement déconseillé\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "mode S2K incorrect ; doit être 0, 1 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "préférences par défaut incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "préférences personnelles de chiffrement incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "préférences personnelles de hachage incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "préférences personnelles de compression incorrectes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s ne fonctionne pas encore avec %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser l'algorithme de chiffrement « %s » en mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser l'algorithme de hachage « %s » en mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser l'algorithme de compression « %s » en mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "impossible d'initialiser la base de confiance : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "Attention : les destinataires (-r) indiqués n'utilisent pas\n" - " de clef publique pour le chiffrement\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec du chiffrement symétrique de « %s » : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --encrypt avec --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --encrypt en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --sign --encrypt avec --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --sign --encrypt en mode %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key identité" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key identité" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key identité [commandes]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec d'envoi vers le serveur de clefs : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec de réception depuis le serveur de clefs : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec d'exportation de la clef : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec de recherche au sein du serveur de clefs : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec de rafraîchissement par le serveur de clefs : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec de déconstruction d'une armure : %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "échec de construction d'une armure : %s \n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algorithme de hachage « %s » incorrect\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[fichier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Vous pouvez taper votre message…\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'URL de politique de certification donnée est incorrecte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'URL de politique de signature donnée est incorrecte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'URL du serveur de clefs favori qui a été donnée est incorrecte\n" - -@@ -2976,7 +2973,6 @@ msgstr "clef %s : pas d'identité\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "« %s » a été ignorée : %s\n" - -@@ -3106,7 +3102,6 @@ msgstr "clef %s : « %s » n'est pas modifiée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "clef secrète « %s » introuvable : %s\n" - -@@ -4070,12 +4065,12 @@ msgstr "" - "forcément correcte avant d'avoir relancé le programme.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "révoquée" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expirée" - -@@ -4136,7 +4131,7 @@ msgstr "%d signatures supprimées\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Rien n'a été supprimé.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "incorrecte" - -@@ -5473,26 +5468,37 @@ msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Non compressé" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "non compressé|non|sans" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "ce message ne sera pas utilisable par %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "option « %s » ambiguë\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "option « %s » inconnue\n" -@@ -6244,7 +6250,6 @@ msgstr "Remarque : la clef de signature %s a été révoquée\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "signature %s, algorithme de hachage %s\n" - -@@ -6668,7 +6673,7 @@ msgstr "ultime" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "inutile de vérifier la base de confiance\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "la prochaine vérification de la base de confiance aura lieu le %s\n" -@@ -6687,41 +6692,41 @@ msgstr "" - "inutile de mettre à jour la base de confiance avec le modèle de\n" - " confiance « %s »\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "clef publique %s introuvable : %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "veuillez faire un --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "vérification de la base de confiance\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d clefs traitées (%d comptes de validité réinitialisés)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "aucune clef de confiance ultime n'a été trouvée\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "la clef publique de la clef de confiance ultime %s est introuvable\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - "%d marginale(s) nécessaire(s), %d complète(s) nécessaire(s),\n" - " modèle de confiance %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6729,7 +6734,7 @@ msgstr "" - "profondeur : %d valables : %3d signées : %3d\n" - " confiance : %d i., %d n.d., %d j., %d m., %d t., %d u.\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po -index 596e1fd..60d738d 100644 ---- a/po/gl.po -+++ b/po/gl.po -@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.4\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-12-04 11:39+0100\n" - "Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio \n" - "Language-Team: Galician \n" -@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ msgstr "contrasinal err - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de protección %d%s non está soportado\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "non se pode crear `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -451,13 +451,11 @@ msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "non está soportado" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "non está soportado" - -@@ -469,7 +467,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -501,18 +499,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTA: non existe o ficheiro de opcións por defecto `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "ficheiro de opcións `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "lendo as opcións de `%s'\n" -@@ -647,7 +645,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -656,7 +654,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Comandos:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1710,7 +1708,7 @@ msgstr "Comando incorrecto (tente \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output non traballa con este comando\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "non se puido abrir `%s'\n" -@@ -2031,172 +2029,172 @@ msgstr "empr - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sen chave pública - omitida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "facer unha sinatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[ficheiro]|facer unha sinatura en texto claro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "facer unha sinatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "cifrar datos" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "cifrar só con cifrado simétrico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "descifrar datos (por defecto)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verificar unha sinatura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves e sinaturas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "verifica-las sinaturas das chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves e pegadas dactilares" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves secretas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "xerar un novo par de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "xerar un certificado de revocación" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "borrar chaves do chaveiro público" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "borrar chaves do chaveiro secreto" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "asinar unha chave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "asinar unha chave localmente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "asinar ou editar unha chave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportar chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportar chaves a un servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importar chaves dun servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "buscar chaves nun servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "actualizar tódalas chaves dun servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importar/mesturar chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "actualiza-la base de datos de confianza" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [ficheiros]|visualizar resumos de mensaxes" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "crear saída con armadura en ascii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NOME|cifrar para NOME" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "empregar este id de usuario para asinar ou descifrar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|axusta-lo nivel de compresión a N (0 desactiva)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "usar modo de texto canónico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carga-lo módulo de extensión FICHEIRO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "non facer ningún cambio" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "avisar antes de sobrescribir" - -@@ -2232,16 +2230,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nomes] amosa-las chaves\n" - " --fingerprint [nomes] amosa-las pegadas dactilares\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpg [opcións] [ficheiros] (-h para ve-la axuda)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2251,7 +2245,7 @@ msgstr "" - "asinar, verificar, cifrar ou descifrar\n" - "a operación por defecto depende dos datos de entrada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2259,565 +2253,565 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmos soportados:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Pública: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cifra: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compresión: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "uso: gpg [opcións] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "comandos conflictivos\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "non se atopou un signo = na definición do grupo \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedade insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedade insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedade insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedade do directorio contedor insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedade do directorio contedor insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: propiedade do directorio contedor insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos do directorio contedor inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos do directorio contedor inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permisos do directorio contedor inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr " creouse un novo ficheiro de configuración `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Non hai unha sinatura correspondiente no chaveiro secreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "amosar en que chaveiro está unha chave listada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Non hai unha sinatura correspondiente no chaveiro secreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTA: ignórase o antigo ficheiro de opcións por defecto `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s non é para uso normal!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "non se puido analisa-lo URI do servidor de chaves\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de importación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de importación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "non se puido estabrecer exec-path a %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "AVISO: ¡o programa pode crear un ficheiro 'core'!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "AVISO: %s fai que se ignore %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "¡%s non se admite con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "¡%s non ten sentido empregándoo con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "só pode crear sinaturas separadas ou en claro no modo --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "non pode asinar e cifrar ao mesmo tempo no modo --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "debe empregar ficheiros (e non canalizacións) ao traballar con --pgp2 " - "activado.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "para cifrar unha mensaxe en modo --pgp2 precísase da cifra IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de resumo seleccionado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de resumo de certificación seleccionado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed debe ser superior a 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed debe ser superior a 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth debe valer entre 1 e 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "nivel de comprobación por defecto non válido; debe ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "nivel de comprobación por defecto non válido; debe ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTA: desaconséllase encarecidamente o modo S2K simple (0)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K non válido; debe ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias por defecto non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias de cifrado personais non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias de resumo personais non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "preferencias de compresión personais non válidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "¡%s aínda non traballa con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non se pode empregar o algoritmo de cifrado \"%s\" no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non se pode empregar o algoritmo de resumo \"%s\" no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non se pode empregar o algoritmo de compresión \"%s\" no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "non se puido inicializa-la base de datos de confianzas: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "AVISO: deronse destinatarios (-r) sen empregar cifrado de chave pública\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "o descifrado fallou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non se pode empregar %s no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non se pode empregar %s no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id-de-usuario" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id-de-usuario" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id-de-usuario [comandos]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key id-de-usuario" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "o envío ao servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "a recepción do servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "a exportación da chave fallou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "a busca no servidor de chaves fallou fallou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "a actualización no servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "non se puido quita-la armadura: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "non se puido poñe-la armadura: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritmo de hash non válido `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Escriba a súa mensaxe ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "o URL de normativa de certificación dado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" -@@ -4166,13 +4160,13 @@ msgstr "" - "correcta a menos que reinicie o programa.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[revocada] " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4234,7 +4228,7 @@ msgstr "Borradas %d sinaturas.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Non se borrou nada.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "armadura non válida" -@@ -5566,27 +5560,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Sen comprimir" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Sen comprimir" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "esta mensaxe pode non ser utilizable por %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "lendo as opcións de `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "destinatario por defecto `%s' descoñecido\n" -@@ -6334,7 +6339,6 @@ msgstr "NOTA: a chave est - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" - -@@ -6755,7 +6759,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "non se precisa comproba-la base de datos de confianza\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "hase comproba-la base de datos de confianza o %s\n" -@@ -6770,45 +6774,45 @@ msgstr "non se precisa comproba-la base de datos de confianza\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "non se precisa comproba-la base de datos de confianza\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "non se atopou a chave pública %08lX: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "por favor, execute con --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "comprobando a base de datos de confianza\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "procesáronse %d chaves (marcáronse %d contas de validez)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "non se atoparon chaves de confianza absoluta\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "non se atopou a chave pública da clave de confianza absoluta %08lX\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "rexistro de confianza %lu, tipo %d: fallou a escritura: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po -index eefb82c..dd87655 100644 ---- a/po/hu.po -+++ b/po/hu.po -@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.5\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-19 21:53+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Nagy Ferenc László \n" - "Language-Team: Hungarian \n" -@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ msgstr "rossz jelsz - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "%d%s védõ algoritmus nem támogatott.\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "Nem tudom l - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -448,13 +448,11 @@ msgstr "Hiba a jelsz - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "nem támogatott" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "nem támogatott" - -@@ -466,7 +464,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -496,18 +494,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: Nincs alapértelmezett opciós fájl (%s).\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "\"%s\" opciós fájl: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "Az opciókat a \"%s\" állományból olvasom.\n" -@@ -642,7 +640,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -651,7 +649,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Parancsok:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1700,7 +1698,7 @@ msgstr " - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "Az --output opció nem mûködik ehhez a parancshoz.\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni %s-t!\n" -@@ -2016,172 +2014,172 @@ msgstr "A %08lX m - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "%08lX kulcs: titkos kulcs nyilvános kulcs nélkül - kihagytam.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "különálló aláírás készítése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[fájl]|olvasható szöveg aláírása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "különálló aláírás készítése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "adat titkosítása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "titkosítás csak szimmetrikus rejtjelezõvel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "adat visszafejtése (alapértelmezés)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "aláírás ellenõrzése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "kulcsok listázása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "kulcsok és aláírások listázása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "kulcsaláírások ellenõrzése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "kulcsok és ujjlenyomatok listázása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "titkos kulcsok listázása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "új kulcspár létrehozása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "visszavonási igazolás készítése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "kulcsok eltávolítása a nyilvánoskulcs-karikáról" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "kulcsok eltávolítása a titkoskulcs-karikáról" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "kulcs aláírása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "kulcs aláírása helyileg" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "kulcs aláírása vagy szerkesztése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "kulcsok exportálása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "kulcsok exportálása kulcsszerverre" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "kulcsok importálása kulcsszerverrõl" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "kulcsok keresése kulcsszerveren" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "minden kulcs frissítése kulcsszerverrõl" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "kulcsok importálása/összefûzése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "bizalmi adatbázis frissítése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [fájlok]|üzenet kivonatának kiírása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "ascii páncélozott kimenet létrehozása" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NÉV|titkosítás NÉV részére" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "felh. azonosító aláíráshoz és visszafejtéshez" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|tömörítési szint beállítása N-re (0: tiltás)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "kanonikus szöveges mód használata" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|fájl|bõvítõ modul betöltése" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "ne csináljon semmi változtatást" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "felülírás elõtt rákérdezés" - -@@ -2217,16 +2215,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nevek] kulcsok kiíratása\n" - " --fingerprint [nevek] ujjlenyomatok kiíratása\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Használat: gpg [opciók] [fájlok] (-h a súgóhoz)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2236,7 +2230,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Aláírás, ellenõrzés, titkosítás vagy visszafejtés.\n" - "Az alapértelmezett mûvelet a bemeneti adattól függ.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2244,563 +2238,563 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Támogatott algoritmusok:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Nyilvános kulcsú (pubkey): " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Rejtjelezõ (cipher): " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Kivonatoló (hash): " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Tömörítõ (compression): " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "Használat: gpg [opciók] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "Egymásnak ellentmondó parancsok!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "Nem találtam = jelet a \"%s\" csoportdefinícióban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: Nem biztonságos tulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: Nem biztonságos tulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: Nem biztonságos tulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos engedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos engedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos engedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtártulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtártulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtártulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtárengedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtárengedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtárengedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "\"%s\": ismeretlen konfigurációs elem.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Nincs megfelelõ aláírás a titkoskulcs-karikán.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "mutatja a kilistázott kulcs kulcskarikáját is" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Nincs megfelelõ aláírás a titkoskulcs-karikán.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: Figyelmen kívül hagytam a régi opciókat (%s).\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: %s nem normál használatra van!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a kulcsszerver URI-ja!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "Nem tudom a végrehajtási elérési utat %s értékre állítani!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: A program core állományt hozhat létre!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: %s hatástalanítja %s-t!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s és %s nem használható együtt!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s értelmetlen %s mellett!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "Csak különálló és olvashatószöveg-aláírást készíthet --pgp2 módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "Nem írhat alá és titkosíthat egyszerre --pgp2 módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "Csak állományokat (pipe-ot nem) használhat --pgp2 módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "Üzenet titkosítása --pgp2 módban IDEA rejtjelezõt igényel!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "A kiválasztott rejtjelezõ algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "A kiválasztott kivonatoló algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "A kiválasztott rejtjelezõ algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "Az igazoláshoz kiválasztott kivonatoló algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed nagyobb kell legyen 0-nál!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed nagyobb kell legyen 1-nél!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth 1 és 255 közé kell essen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen default-cert-level; 0, 1, 2 vagy 3 lehet.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen min-cert-level; 0, 1, 2 vagy 3 lehet.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: Egyszerû S2K mód (0) erõsen ellenjavallt!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen S2K mód; 0, 1 vagy 3 lehet.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen alapértelmezett preferenciák!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen személyes rejtjelezõ-preferenciák!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen személyes kivonatolópreferenciák!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen személyes tömörítõpreferenciák!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s és %s egyelõre nem használható együtt!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja \"%s\" rejtjelezõ algoritmust %s módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja \"%s\" kivonatoló algoritmust %s módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja \"%s\" tömörítõ algoritmust %s módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "Bizalmi adatbázis (%s) inicializálása sikertelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "FIGYELEM: Címzett megadva (-r), de nincs nyilvános kulcsú titkosítás!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Visszafejtés sikertelen: %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja %s-t %s módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja %s-t %s módban!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key felh-azonosító" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key felh-azonosító" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key felh-azonosító [parancsok]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key felh-azonosító" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Küldés a kulcsszerverre sikertelen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Vétel a kulcsszerverrõl sikertelen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Kulcsexportálás sikertelen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Keresés a kulcsszerveren sikertelen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Frissítés a kulcsszerverrõl sikertelen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Páncél eltávolítása nem sikerült: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Páncélozás nem sikerült: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "Érvénytelen kivonatoló algoritmus: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[fájlnév]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Kezdheti gépelni az üzenetet...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "A megadott igazolási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" -@@ -4134,13 +4128,13 @@ msgstr "" - "feltétlenül helyes, amíg újra nem indítja a programot!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[visszavont] " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4201,7 +4195,7 @@ msgstr "T - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nem töröltem semmit.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "érvénytelen páncél" -@@ -5531,27 +5525,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "tömörítetlen" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "tömörítetlen" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "Lehet, hogy ez az üzenet használhatatlan a %s számára!\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "Az opciókat a \"%s\" állományból olvasom.\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ismeretlen alapértelmezett címzett: \"%s\"\n" -@@ -6295,7 +6300,6 @@ msgstr "MEGJEGYZ - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" - -@@ -6720,7 +6724,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "Nincs szükség a bizalmi adatbázis ellenõrzésére.\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "A bizalmi adatbázis következõ ellenõrzése: %s.\n" -@@ -6735,45 +6739,45 @@ msgstr "Nincs sz - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "Nincs szükség a bizalmi adatbázis ellenõrzésére.\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "A(z) %08lX nyilvános kulcsot nem találom: %s.\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "Kérem, hajtson végre egy --check-trustdb parancsot!\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "Ellenõrzöm a bizalmi adatbázist.\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d kulcsot feldolgoztam (%d érvényességszámlálót töröltem)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "Nem találtam alapvetõen megbízható kulcsot.\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "Nem találom az alapvetõen megbízható %08lX kulcs nyilvános kulcsát!\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "%lu bizalmi rekord, %d típus: írás sikertelen: %s.\n" -diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po -index 2471607..90613f8 100644 ---- a/po/id.po -+++ b/po/id.po -@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-id\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-17 16:32+0700\n" - "Last-Translator: Tedi Heriyanto \n" - "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" -@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ msgstr "passphrase yang buruk" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "algoritma proteksi %d%s tidak didukung\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr "tidak dapat membuat %s: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -453,13 +453,11 @@ msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "tidak didukung" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "tidak didukung" - -@@ -471,7 +469,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -501,18 +499,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "CATATAN: tidak ada file pilihan baku `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "file pilihan `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "membaca pilihan dari `%s'\n" -@@ -647,7 +645,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -656,7 +654,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Perintah:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1706,7 +1704,7 @@ msgstr "Perintah tidak valid (coba \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output tidak berfungsi untuk perintah ini\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "tidak dapat membuka `%s'\n" -@@ -2021,172 +2019,172 @@ msgstr "menggunakan kunci sekunder %08lX bukannya kunci primer %08lX\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci rahasia tanpa kunci publik - dilewati\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "buat detached signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[file]|buat signature teks" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "buat detached signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "enkripsi data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "enkripsi hanya dengan symmetric cipher" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "dekripsi data (default)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verifikasi signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "tampilkan kunci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "tampilkan kunci dan signature" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "periksa signature kunci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "tampilkan kunci dan fingerprint" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "tampilkan kunci rahasia" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "buat sepasang kunci baru" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "buat sertifikat revokasi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "hapus kunci dari keyring publik" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "hapus kunci dari keyring pribadi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "tandai kunci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "tandai kunci secara lokal" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "tandai atau edit kunci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "ubah passphrase" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "ekspor kunci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "ekspor kunci ke key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "impor kunci dari key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "cari kunci di key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "update semua kunci dari keyserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "impor/gabung kunci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "perbarui database trust" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [file]|cetak digest pesan" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "ciptakan output ascii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NAMA|enkripsi untuk NAMA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "gunakan id-user ini untuk menandai/dekripsi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|set tingkat kompresi N (0 tidak ada)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "gunakan mode teks kanonikal" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|muat modul ekstensi FILE" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "jangan buat perubahan" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "tanya sebelum menimpa" - -@@ -2222,16 +2220,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nama] tampilkan kunci\n" - " --fingerprint [nama] tampilkan fingerprint\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Pemakaian: gpg [pilihan] [file] (-h untuk bantuan)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2241,7 +2235,7 @@ msgstr "" - "tandai, cek, enkripsi atau dekripsi\n" - "operasi baku tergantung pada data input\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2249,571 +2243,571 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritma yang didukung:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Pubkey: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cipher: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Kompresi: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "pemakaian: gpg [pilihan] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "perintah saling konflik\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "tanda = tidak ditemukan dalam definisi grup \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: permisi tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: permisi tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: permisi tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: permisi direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: permisi direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Peringatan: permisi direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "Item Konfigurasi tidak dikenal \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Tidak ada signature koresponden di ring rahasia\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "tampilkan keyring tempat kunci yang dipilih berada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Tidak ada signature koresponden di ring rahasia\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "CATATAN: file pilihan baku lama `%s' diabaikan\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "CATATAN: %s tidak untuk pemakaian normal!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "tidak dapat memparsing URI keyserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opsi impor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opsi impor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "tidak dapat menset path exec ke %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "PERINGATAN: program mungkin membuat file core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "PERINGATAN: %s menimpa %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s tidak dibolehkan dengan %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s tidak masuk akal dengan %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "anda hanya dapat membuat signature detached atau clear saat dalam mode --" - "pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "anda tidak dapat menandai dan mengenkripsi pada saat bersamaan dalam mode --" - "pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "anda harus menggunakan file (dan bukan pipe) saat bekerja dengan opsi --" - "pgpg2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "mengenkripsi pesan dalam mode --pgp2 membutuhkan cipher IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritma cipher yang dipilih tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritma digest yang dipilih tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritma cipher yang dipilih tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritma sertifikasi digest yang dipilih tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed harus lebih dari 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed harus lebih dari 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth harus di antara 1 hingga 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "level cert default tidak valid; harus 0, 1, 2, atau 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "level cert min tidak valid; harus 0, 1, 2, atau 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "CATATAN: mode S2K sederhana (0) tidak dianjurkan\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "mode S2K yang tidak valid; harus 0, 1 atau 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "preferensi baku tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "preferensi cipher personal tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "preferensi digest personal tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "preferensi kompresi personal tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s belum dapat dipakai dengan %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "anda tidak boleh menggunakan algoritma cipher \"%s\" saat dalam mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "anda tidak boleh menggunakan algoritma digest \"%s\" saat dalam mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "anda tidak boleh menggunakan algoritma kompresi \"%s\" saat dalam mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "gagal inisialisasi TrustDB: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "Peringatan: penerima yang disebutkan (-r) tanpa menggunakan enkripsi public " - "key \n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "dekripsi gagal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "anda tidak boleh menggunakan %s saat dalam mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "anda tidak boleh menggunakan %s saat dalam mode %s.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id-user" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id-user" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id-user [perintah]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key id-user" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Pengiriman keyserver gagal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Penerimaan keyserver gagal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ekspor kunci gagal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Pencarian keyserver gagal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Refresh keyserver gagal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "gagal dearmoring: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "gagal enarmoring: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritma hash tidak valid `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[namafile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Teruskan dan ketikkan pesan anda ....\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL sertifikasi kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" -@@ -4148,13 +4142,13 @@ msgstr "" - "kecuali anda memulai kembali program.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[revoked] " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4215,7 +4209,7 @@ msgstr "Menghapus %d signature.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Tidak ada yang dihapus.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "armor tidak valid" -@@ -5535,27 +5529,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Tidak dikompresi" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Tidak dikompresi" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "pesan ini mungkin tidak dapat digunakan oleh %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "membaca pilihan dari `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "penerima baku tidak dikenal `%s'\n" -@@ -6295,7 +6300,6 @@ msgstr "CATATAN: kunci telah dibatalkan" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" - -@@ -6717,7 +6721,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "tidak perlu memeriksa trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "pemeriksaan trustdb berikutnya pada %s\n" -@@ -6732,45 +6736,45 @@ msgstr "tidak perlu memeriksa trustdb\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "tidak perlu memeriksa trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "kunci publik %08lX tidak ditemukan: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "lakukanlah --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "memeriksa trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d kunci diproses (%d hitungan validitas dihapus)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "tidak ditemukan kunci yang benar-benar terpercaya\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "kunci publik yang sangat terpercaya %08lX tidak ditemukan\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "trust record %lu, tipe %d: gagal menulis: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po -index a014696..b7819a5 100644 ---- a/po/it.po -+++ b/po/it.po -@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.1.92\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-26 12:02+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Marco d'Itri \n" - "Language-Team: Italian \n" -@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ msgstr "passphrase errata" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "l'algoritmo di protezione %d%s non è gestito\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "impossibile creare `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -448,13 +448,11 @@ msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "non gestito" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "non gestito" - -@@ -466,7 +464,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -496,18 +494,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTA: manca il file `%s' con le opzioni predefinite\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "file con le opzioni `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "lettura delle opzioni da `%s'\n" -@@ -642,7 +640,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -651,7 +649,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Comandi:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1702,7 +1700,7 @@ msgstr "Comando non valido (prova \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output non funziona con questo comando\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "impossibile aprire `%s'\n" -@@ -2027,172 +2025,172 @@ msgstr "uso la chiave secondaria %08lX invece della chiave primaria %08lX\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave segreta senza chiave pubblica - saltata\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "fai una firma separata" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[file]|fai una firma mantenendo il testo in chiaro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "fai una firma separata" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "cifra dati" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "cifra solo con un cifrario simmetrico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "decifra dati (predefinito)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verifica una firma" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "elenca le chiavi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "elenca le chiavi e le firme" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "controlla le firme delle chiavi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "elenca le chiavi e le impronte digitali" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "elenca le chiavi segrete" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "genera una nuova coppia di chiavi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "genera un certificato di revoca" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "rimuove le chiavi dal portachiavi pubblico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "rimuove le chiavi dal portachiavi privato" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "firma una chiave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "firma una chiave localmente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "firma o modifica una chiave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "cambia la passphrase" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "esporta delle chiavi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "esporta le chiavi a un key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importa le chiavi da un key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "cerca delle chiavi su un key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "aggiorna tutte le chiavi da un key server" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importa/aggiungi delle chiavi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "aggiorna il database della fiducia" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [files]|stampa tutti i message digests" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "crea un output ascii con armatura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NOME|cifra per NOME" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "usa questo user-id per firmare o decifrare" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|imposta il livello di compressione (0 disab.)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "usa il modo testo canonico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|carica il modulo di estensione FILE" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "non fa cambiamenti" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "chiede prima di sovrascrivere" - -@@ -2228,16 +2226,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nomi] mostra le chiavi\n" - " --fingerprint [nomi] mostra le impronte digitali\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpg [opzioni] [files] (-h per l'aiuto)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2247,7 +2241,7 @@ msgstr "" - "firma, controlla, cifra o decifra\n" - "l'operazione predefinita dipende dai dati di input\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2255,566 +2249,566 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmi gestiti:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "A chiave pubblica: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cifrari: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compressione: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "uso: gpg [opzioni] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "comandi in conflitto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "non è stato trovato il segno = nella definizione del gruppo \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "elemento della configurazione sconosciuto \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Manca la firma corrispondente nel portachiavi segreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "mostra in quali portachiavi sono contenute le chiavi elencate" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Manca la firma corrispondente nel portachiavi segreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "" - "NOTA: il vecchio file `%s' con le opzioni predefinite è stato ignorato\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTA: %s normalmente non deve essere usato!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "impossibile fare il parsing dell'URI del keyserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di importazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di importazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "impossibile impostare exec-path a %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il programma potrebbe creare un file core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: %s ha la precedenza su %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "Non è permesso usare %s con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "Non ha senso usare %s con %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "nella modalità --pgp2 puoi fare solo firme in chiaro o separate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "nella modalità --pgp2 non puoi firmare e cifrare contemporaneamente\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "devi usare dei file (e non una pipe) quando lavori con --pgp2 attivo.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - "nella modalità --pgp2 è richiesto il cifrario IDEA per cifrare un messaggio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algoritmo di cifratura selezionato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algoritmo di digest selezionato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algoritmo di cifratura selezionato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'algoritmo di digest selezionato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed deve essere maggiore di 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed deve essere maggiore di 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth deve essere tra 1 e 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "default-cert-level non valido; deve essere 0, 1, 2 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "min-cert-level non valido; deve essere 1, 2 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTA: l'uso del modo S2K semplice (0) è fortemente scoraggiato\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K non valido; deve essere 0, 1 o 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "preferenze predefinite non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "preferenze personali del cifrario non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "preferenze personali del digest non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "preferenze personali di compressione non valide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s non funziona ancora con %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non è possibile usare l'algoritmo di cifratura \"%s\" in modalità %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non è possibile usare l'algoritmo di digest \"%s\" in modalità %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "non è possibile usare l'algoritmo di compressione \"%s\" in modalità %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "inizializzazione del trustdb fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "ATTENZIONE: sono stati indicati dei destinatari (-r) senza usare la\n" - "crittografia a chiave pubblica\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "decifratura fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non è possibile usare %s in modalità %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "non è possibile usare %s in modalità %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [comandi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "invio al keyserver fallito: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ricezione dal keyserver fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "esportazione della chiave fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ricerca nel keyserver fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "aggiornamento del keyserver fallito: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "rimozione dell'armatura fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "creazione dell'armatura fallita: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritmo di hash non valido `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nomefile]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Vai avanti e scrivi il messaggio...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'URL della politica di certificazione indicato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" -@@ -4151,13 +4145,13 @@ msgstr "" - "finchè non eseguirai di nuovo il programma.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[revocata]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4219,7 +4213,7 @@ msgstr "Cancellate %d firme.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Non è stato cancellato nulla.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "armatura non valida" -@@ -5552,27 +5546,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Non compresso" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Non compresso" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "questo messaggio può non essere utilizzabile da %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "lettura delle opzioni da `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "destinatario predefinito `%s' sconosciuto\n" -@@ -6329,7 +6334,6 @@ msgstr "NOTA: la chiave - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" - -@@ -6758,7 +6762,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "non è necessario un controllo del trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "il prossimo controllo del trustdb sarà fatto il %s\n" -@@ -6773,45 +6777,45 @@ msgstr "non - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "non è necessario un controllo del trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "chiave pubblica %08lX non trovata: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "per favore usa --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "controllo il trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d chiavi processate (%d conteggi di validità azzerati)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "non è stata trovata alcuna chiave definitivamente affidabile\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "chiave pubblica definitivamente affidabile %08lX non trovata\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "trust record %lu, req type %d: write fallita: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po -index 72a4f91..e67b89a 100644 ---- a/po/ja.po -+++ b/po/ja.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.25\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-08 10:06+0900\n" - "Last-Translator: NIIBE Yutaka \n" - "Language-Team: Japanese \n" -@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ msgstr "パスフレーズ" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "sshéµã§%dビットより大ãã„ã‚‚ã®ã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ msgstr "「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ msgstr "デーモン・モードã§å®Ÿè¡Œ (ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚°ãƒ©ã‚¦ãƒ³ãƒ‰)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "サーãƒãƒ»ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§å®Ÿè¡Œ (フォアグラウンド)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ msgstr "|FILE|FILEã«ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã®è¨­å®šã‚‚書ã出ã™" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ msgstr "" - "å½¢å¼: gpg-agent [オプション] [コマンド [引数]]\n" - "GnuPGã®ç§˜å¯†éµã®ç®¡ç†\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "無効ãªdebug-level「%sã€ãŒä¸Žãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -@@ -485,18 +485,18 @@ msgstr "無効ãªdebug-level「%sã€ãŒä¸Žãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s ãŒå¤ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (%s ãŒå¿…è¦ã€ç¾åœ¨ %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "*注æ„*: デフォルトã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション・ファイル「%sã€ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "オプション・ファイル「%sã€: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã‚ªãƒ—ションを読ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ msgstr "" - "å½¢å¼: gpg-preset-passphrase [オプション] KEYGRIP\n" - "パスワードキャッシュã®ç®¡ç†\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@コマンド:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ msgstr "無効ãªã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ (\"help\"ã‚’å‚ç…§)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã§--outputã¯æ©Ÿèƒ½ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "「%sã€ãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -@@ -1928,163 +1928,163 @@ msgstr "副éµ%s(主éµ%sã§ã¯ãªã)を用ã„ã¾ã™\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "éµ%s: 公開éµã®ãªã„秘密éµã§ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "ç½²åを作æˆ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "クリア・テクスト署åを作æˆ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "分離署åを作æˆ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "データを暗å·åŒ–" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "æš—å·åŒ–ã«ã¯å…±é€šéµæš—å·æ–¹å¼ã®ã¿ã‚’使用" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’å¾©å· (デフォルト)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "ç½²åを検証" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "éµã¨ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "éµç½²åã®æ¤œæŸ»ã¨ä¸€è¦§" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "éµã¨ãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ¼ãƒ»ãƒ—リントã®ä¸€è¦§" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "秘密éµã®ä¸€è¦§" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„éµå¯¾ã‚’生æˆ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "失効証明書を生æˆ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "公開éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’削除" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "秘密éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’削除" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "éµã«ç½²å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "éµã¸å†…部的ã«ç½²å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "éµã¸ã®ç½²åや編集" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "パスフレーズã®å¤‰æ›´" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "éµã‚’エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã«éµã‚’エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®éµã‚’検索ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’全部更新ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "éµã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ/マージ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "カード・ステイタスを表示" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "カードã®ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’変更" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "カードã®PINを変更" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "信用データベースを更新" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "メッセージ・ダイジェストを表示" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "サーãƒãƒ»ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§å®Ÿè¡Œ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "ASCIIå½¢å¼ã®å¤–装を作æˆ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|USER-ID用ã«æš—å·åŒ–" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|USER-ID|ç½²åや復å·ã«ã“ã®USER-IDを使用" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|圧縮レベルをNã«è¨­å®š (0ã¯éžåœ§ç¸®)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "正準テキスト・モードを使用" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|出力をFILEã«æ›¸ã出ã™" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "無変更" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "上書ãå‰ã«ç¢ºèª" - -@@ -2120,11 +2120,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [åå‰] éµã‚’表示\n" - " --fingerprint [åå‰] フィンガー・プリントを表示\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "使ã„æ–¹: gpg [オプション] [ファイル] (ヘルプ㯠-h)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2134,7 +2134,7 @@ msgstr "" - "ç½²åã€æ¤œæŸ»ã€æš—å·åŒ–や復å·\n" - "デフォルトã®æ“作ã¯ã€å…¥åŠ›ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã«ä¾å­˜\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2142,71 +2142,71 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„るアルゴリズム:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "公開éµ: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "æš—å·æ–¹å¼: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "圧縮: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "使ã„æ–¹: gpg [オプション] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "対立ã™ã‚‹ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "=記å·ãŒã€ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ—定義「%sã€å†…ã«è¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„所有者\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„所有者\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„所有者\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„許å¯\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„許å¯\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„許å¯\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæ‰€æœ‰è€…\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2214,17 +2214,17 @@ msgstr "" - "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæ‰€æœ‰" - "者\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæ‰€æœ‰è€…\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªè¨±å¯\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2232,458 +2232,458 @@ msgstr "" - "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªè¨±" - "å¯\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªè¨±å¯\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚£ã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³é …目「%sã€\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒãƒªã‚·URLを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ã™ã¹ã¦ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«IETF標準注釈を表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«å„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã£ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸå‰¯éµã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã£ãŸå‰¯éµã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã®åå‰ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé™ã®æ—¥ä»˜ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "" - "*注æ„*: 以å‰ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã ã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ション・ファイル「%sã€ã¯ã€ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt ã¯å¤ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (å¿…è¦ %s, ç¾åœ¨ %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "*注æ„*: 普通%sã¯ä½¿ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªç½²å表ç¾ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªæ–‡å­—集åˆã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®URLを解æžä¸èƒ½\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "無効ãªéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "無効ãªã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "無効ãªã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªä¸€è¦§ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "無効ãªä¸€è¦§ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒãƒªã‚·URLを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ã™ã¹ã¦ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«IETF標準注釈を表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«å„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã£ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ä¸»ãªãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã ã‘をを表示ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "PKAデータã§ç½²åを検証ã™ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "有効ãªPKAデータã§ç½²åã®ä¿¡ç”¨åº¦ã‚’上昇ã•ã›ã‚‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªæ¤œè¨¼ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "無効ãªæ¤œè¨¼ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "exec-pathã‚’%sã«è¨­å®šä¸èƒ½\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無効㪠auto-key-locate リストã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "無効㪠auto-key-locate リストã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "*警告*: プログラムã®ã‚³ã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒã§ãã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "*警告*: %sã¯%sより優先\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%sã¯%sã¨ã¨ã‚‚ã«ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%sã¯%sã¨ã¨ã‚‚ã«ä½¿ã£ã¦ã‚‚ç„¡æ„味ã§ã™!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "%s ã®ãŸã‚ã€ã‚»ã‚­ãƒ¥ã‚¢ã§ãªã„メモリã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯åˆ†é›¢ç½²åã‹ã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²åã ã‘ã—ã‹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯ç½²åã¨æš—å·åŒ–ã‚’åŒæ™‚ã«ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "--pgp2を指定ã—ãŸã‚‰ã€(パイプã§ãªã) ファイルを指定ã›ã­ã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "--pgp2モードã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸æš—å·åŒ–ã§ã¯ã€IDEAæš—å·æ–¹å¼ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸæš—å·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸåœ§ç¸®ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸè¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-neededã¯æ­£ã®å€¤ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-neededã¯1より大ããªå€¤ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depthã¯1ã‹ã‚‰255ã®ç¯„囲ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "無効ãªdefault-cert-level。0ã‹1ã‹2ã‹3ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "無効ãªmin-cert-level。0ã‹1ã‹2ã‹3ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "*注æ„*: å˜ç´”ãªS2Kモード(0)ã®ä½¿ç”¨ã«ã¯å¼·ãå対ã—ã¾ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "無効ãªS2Kモード。0ã‹1ã‹3ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "無効ãªãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "無効ãªå€‹äººç”¨æš—å·æ–¹å¼ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "無効ãªå€‹äººç”¨ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "無効ãªå€‹äººç”¨åœ§ç¸®ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%sã¯%sã§ã¯ã¾ã æ©Ÿèƒ½ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "æš—å·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã€Œ%sã€ã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "ダイジェスト・アルゴリズム「%sã€ã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "圧縮アルゴリズム「%sã€ã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "信用データベースã®åˆæœŸåŒ–ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "*警告*: 公開éµæš—å·ã‚’使ã‚ãšã«ã€å—å–人 (-r) を指定ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "「%sã€ã®å…±é€šéµæš—å·ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "--symmetric --encryptã‚’--s2k-mode 0ã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "--symmetric --encryptã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encryptã‚’--s2k-mode 0ã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encryptã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key ユーザid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key ユーザid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key ユーザid [コマンド]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd <ユーザid>" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã¸ã®é€ä¿¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‹ã‚‰ã®å—ä¿¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "éµã®ã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®æ¤œç´¢ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®å›žå¾©ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "外装除去ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "外装ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "無効ãªãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã€Œ%sã€ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[ファイルå]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "開始ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚メッセージを打ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "ã‚ãŸãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸè¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸ãƒãƒªã‚·URLã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "ã‚ãŸãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸç½²åãƒãƒªã‚·URLã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "指定ã•ã‚ŒãŸå„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" - -@@ -3939,12 +3939,12 @@ msgstr "" - "ã¨ã„ã†ã“ã¨ã‚’念頭ã«ãŠã„ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "失効" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œ" - -@@ -4004,7 +4004,7 @@ msgstr "%d個ã®ç½²åを削除ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "何も削除ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "無効" - -@@ -5291,26 +5291,39 @@ msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "" - "*警告*: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%s:%u: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"*警告*: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "無圧縮" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "無圧縮|ãªã—" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯ã€%sã§ã¯ä½¿ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ã‚ã„ã¾ã„ãªã‚ªãƒ—ション「%sã€\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション「%sã€\n" -@@ -6423,7 +6436,7 @@ msgstr "究極" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "信用データベースã®æ¤œæŸ»ã¯ã€ä¸è¦ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "次回ã®ä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹æ¤œæŸ»ã¯ã€%sã§ã™\n" -@@ -6438,45 +6451,45 @@ msgstr "信用モデル「%sã€ã§ä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã®æ¤œæŸ»ã¯ã€ä¸è¦ - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "信用モデル「%sã€ã§ä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã®æ›´æ–°ã¯ã€ä¸è¦ã§ã™\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "公開éµ%sãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "--check-trustdbを実行ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "信用データベースã®æ¤œæŸ»\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d本ã®éµã‚’å‡¦ç† (ã†ã¡%d本ã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§æ•°ã‚’クリア)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "絶対的ã«ä¿¡ç”¨ã™ã‚‹éµãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "絶対的ã«ä¿¡ç”¨ã™ã‚‹éµ%sã®å…¬é–‹éµãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "「ã¾ãã¾ãã®ä¿¡ç”¨ã€%dã€ã€Œå…¨é¢çš„信用ã€%dã€%s信用モデル\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "æ·±ã•: %d 有効性: %3d ç½²å: %3d 信用: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po -index d9ae3cc..6aa8caf 100644 ---- a/po/nb.po -+++ b/po/nb.po -@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.3\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-13 20:31+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Trond Endrestøl \n" - "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål \n" -@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ msgstr "ugyldig passfrase" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ msgstr "kan ikke opprette - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -504,18 +504,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "MERK: ingen standard valgfil «%s»\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "valgfil «%s»: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "leser valg fra «%s»\n" -@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Kommandoer:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ msgstr "Ugyldig kommando (pr - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output virker ikke for denne kommandoen\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "kan ikke åpne «%s»\n" -@@ -1975,171 +1975,171 @@ msgstr "bruker undern - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "nøkkel %s: hemmelig nøkkel uten offentlig nøkkel - hoppet over\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "|[fil]|lage en signatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[fil]|lage en klartekstsignatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "lage en adskilt signatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "kryptere data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "kryptering med bare symmetrisk cipher" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "dekryptere data (standard)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "bekrefte en signatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "liste nøkler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "liste nøkler og signaturer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "vise og sjekke nøkkelsignaturer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "liste nøkler og fingeravtrykk" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "liste hemmelige nøkler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "generere et nytt nøkkelpar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "generere et opphevingssertifikat" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "fjerne nøkler fra det offentlige nøkkelknippet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "fjerne nøkler fra det hemmelige nøkkelknippet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "signere en nøkkel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "signere en nøkkel lokalt" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "signere eller redigere en nøkkel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "endre passfrasen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "eksportere nøkler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "eksportere nøkler til en nøkkelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importere nøkler fra en nøkkelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "søke etter nøkler på en nøkkelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "oppdatere alle nøklene fra en nøkkelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importere/flette nøkler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "vis kortets status" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "endre data på et kort" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "endre PIN på et kort" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "oppdatere tillitsdatabasen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [filer]|skrive meldingsdigester" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "lage ASCII-beskyttet output" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NAVN|kryptere for NAVN" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "bruke denne brukeriden for signering eller dekryptering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|sette kompresjonsnivå til N (0 slår av kompresjon)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "bruk kanonisk tekstmodus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "leser valg fra «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "ikke gjør noen endringer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "spør før overskriving" - -@@ -2175,16 +2175,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [navn] vise nøkler\n" - " --fingerprint [navn] vise fingeravtrykk\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Bruksmåte: gpg [valg] [filer] (-h for hjelp)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2194,7 +2190,7 @@ msgstr "" - "signere, sjekke, kryptere eller dekryptere\n" - "standard operasjon avhenger av inputdata\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2202,73 +2198,73 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Støttede algoritmer:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Offentlig nøkkel: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cipher: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Kompresjon: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "bruksmåte: gpg [valg] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "motstridende kommandoer\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "fant ingen «=»-tegn i gruppedefinisjonen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på hjemmekatalogen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på konfigurasjonsfilen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på utvidelsen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på hjemmekatalogen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på konfigurasjonsfilen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på utvidelsen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på katalogene på nivåene over hjemmekatalogen " - "«%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2276,20 +2272,20 @@ msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på katalogene på nivåene over konfigurasjonsfilen " - "«%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på katalogene på nivåene over utvidelsen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på katalogene på nivåene over hjemmekatalogen " - "«%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2297,461 +2293,461 @@ msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på katalogene på nivåene over " - "konfigurasjonsfilen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på katalogene på nivåene over utvidelsen «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "ukjent konfigurasjonspunkt «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "vise navnet til nøkkelknippene i nøkkellister" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "MERK: den gamle valgfila «%s» ble ignorert\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "MERK: %s er ikke for vanlig bruk!\n" - - # Tenk litt på denne du, Trond. --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "«%s» er ikke en gyldig signaturutgåelse\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "«%s» er ikke et gyldig tegnsett\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "kunne ikke parse nøkkelserverens URL\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige valg for nøkkelserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige valg for nøkkelserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige importvalg\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige importvalg\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige eksportvalg\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige eksportvalg\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige listevalg\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige listevalg\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige valg for bekreftelse\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "ugyldige valg for bekreftelse\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "kunne ikke sette exec-path til %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldig auto-key-locate-liste\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: programmet kan opprette en corefil!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: %s overstyrere %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s er ikke tillatt sammen med %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s er ikke fornuftig med %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "du kan bare lage adskilte eller klare signaturer i --pgp2-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke signere og kryptere samtidig i --pgp2-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "du må bruke filer (og ikke en pipe) når --pgp2 er påslått\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "kryptering en melding i --pgp2-modus krever IDEA-algoritmen\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt krypteringsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valg digestalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt kompresjonsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "valgt sertifikasjondigestalgoritme er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed må være større enn 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-neede må være større enn 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth må være i intervallet fra 1 til 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ugyldig default-cert-level; må være 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ugyldig min-cert-level; må være 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "MERK: enkel S2K-modus (0) er sterkt frarådet\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "ugyldig S2K-modus; må være 0, 1 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldig standard preferanser\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldig personlig cipherpreferanser\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldig personlig digestpreferanser\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "ugyldig personlig kompresjonspreferanser\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s virker ikke ennå med %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruke cipheralgoritmen «%s» i %s-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruke digestalgoritmen «%s» i %s-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruke kompresjonsalgoritmen «%s» i %s-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "klarte ikke å initialisere tillitsdatabasen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "ADVARSEL: mottakere (-r) angitt uten å bruke offentlig nøkkelkryptering\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "symmetrisk kryptering av «%s» mislyktes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruke --symmtric --encrypt i %s-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan ikke bruke --symmetric --sign --encrypt i %s-modus\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key brukerid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key brukerid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key brukerid [kommandoer]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key brukerid" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "sending til nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "mottak fra nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nøkkeleksport mislyktes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "søk på nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "refresh på nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "ugyldig hashalgoritme «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[filnavn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Sett i gang og tast inn meldingen din ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angitte URLen for sertifikasjonspolicyen er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angitte URLen for signaturpolicy er ugyldig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angitte URLen for den foretrukkede nøkkelserveren er ugyldig\n" - -@@ -2945,7 +2941,6 @@ msgstr "n - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "hoppet over «%s»: %s\n" - -@@ -3075,7 +3070,6 @@ msgstr "n - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "hemmelig nøkkel «%s» ble ikke funnet: %s\n" - -@@ -3998,12 +3992,12 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "opphevet" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "utgått" - -@@ -4058,7 +4052,7 @@ msgstr "Slettet %d signaturer.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Ingen ble slettet.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "ugyldig" - -@@ -5354,26 +5348,37 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "flertydig valg «%s»\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ukjent valg «%s»\n" -@@ -6087,7 +6092,6 @@ msgstr "NOTIS: signaturn - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s signatur, digestalgoritme %s\n" - -@@ -6484,7 +6488,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6499,45 +6503,45 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "fant ikke offentlig nøkkel %s: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po -index f31d674..b600095 100644 ---- a/po/pl.po -+++ b/po/pl.po -@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.20\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-12 17:25+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Jakub Bogusz \n" - "Language-Team: Polish \n" -@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ msgstr "Has - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "klucze ssh wiêksze ni¿ %d bitów nie s± obs³ugiwane\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "nie mo - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ msgstr "uruchomienie w trybie demona (w tle)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "uruchomienie w trybie serwera (pierwszoplanowo)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ msgstr "nie u - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "zezwolenie klientom na oznaczanie kluczy jako \"zaufanych\"" - -@@ -466,7 +465,7 @@ msgstr "|PLIK|zapis ustawie - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -484,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sk³adnia: gpg-agent [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" - "Zarz±dzanie kluczem tajnym dla GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "podano b³êdny poziom diagnostyki ,,%s''\n" -@@ -496,18 +495,18 @@ msgstr "podano b - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "biblioteka %s jest zbyt stara (potrzebna %s, zainstalowana %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "UWAGA: brak domy¶lnego pliku opcji ,,%s''\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "plik opcji ,,%s'': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "odczyt opcji z ,,%s''\n" -@@ -641,7 +640,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sk³adnia: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA\n" - "Utrzymuwanie pamiêci hase³\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -650,7 +649,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Polecenia:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1641,7 +1640,7 @@ msgstr "Niepoprawne polecenie (spr - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "opcja --output nie dzia³a z tym poleceniem\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s''\n" -@@ -1947,165 +1946,165 @@ msgstr "u - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny bez klucza jawnego - pominiêty\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu pod dokumentem" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu oddzielonego od dokumentu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "szyfrowanie danych" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "szyfrowanie tylko szyfrem symetrycznym" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "odszyfrowywanie danych (domy¶lne)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "sprawdzenie podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "lista kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "lista kluczy i podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "wypisanie i sprawdzenie podpisów kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "lista kluczy i ich odcisków" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "lista kluczy prywatnych" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "generacja nowej pary kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "tworzenie certyfikatu uniewa¿nienia klucza" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "usuniêcie klucza ze zbioru kluczy publicznych" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "usuniêcie klucza ze zbioru kluczy prywatnych" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu na kluczu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "z³o¿enie prywatnego podpisu na kluczu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "podpisanie lub modyfikacja klucza" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "zmiana has³a" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "eksport kluczy do pliku" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "eksport kluczy do serwera kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "import kluczy z serwera kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "szukanie kluczy na serwerze" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "od¶wie¿enie wszystkich kluczy z serwera" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "import/do³±czenie kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "wy¶wietlenie stanu karty" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "zmiana danych na karcie" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "zmiana PIN-u karty" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "uaktualnienie bazy zaufania" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "wypisanie skrótów wiadomo¶ci" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "uruchomienie w trybie serwera" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "opakowanie ASCII pliku wynikowego" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|U¯YTKOWNIK|szyfrowanie dla odbiorcy o tym identyfikatorze" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - "|U¯YTKOWNIK|u¿ycie tego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do podpisania lub " - "odszyfrowania" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|ustawienie poziomu kompresji N (0 - bez)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "kanoniczny format tekstowy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|PLIK|zapis wyj¶cia do PLIKU" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "pozostawienie bez zmian" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "pytanie przed nadpisaniem plików" - -@@ -2143,11 +2142,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nazwy] pokazanie klucze\n" - " --fingerprint [nazwy] pokazanie odcisków kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2157,7 +2156,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie\n" - "Domy¶lnie wykonywana operacja zale¿y od danych wej¶ciowych\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2165,76 +2164,76 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Obs³ugiwane algorytmy:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Asymetryczne: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Symetryczne: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Skrótów: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Kompresji: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "wywo³anie: gpg [opcje]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "sprzeczne polecenia\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "w definicji grupy ,,%s'' brak znaku ,,=''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego katalog " - "domowy ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2242,21 +2241,21 @@ msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego plik " - "konfiguracyjny ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego " - "rozszerzenie ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego katalog " - "domowy ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2264,469 +2263,469 @@ msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego plik " - "konfiguracyjny ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego " - "rozszerzenie ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "nieznana opcja konfiguracyjna ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "wy¶wietlenie ID zdjêæ przy wypisywaniu kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji u¿ytkownika przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - "pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie poprawno¶ci ID u¿ytkownika przy wypisywaniu kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - "pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych ID u¿ytkownika na listach kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych podkluczy na listach kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie nazwy zbioru kluczy na listach kluczy" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "pokazywanie dat wyga¶niêcia przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "UWAGA: stary domy¶lny plik opcji ,,%s'' zosta³ zignorowany\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - "biblioteka libgcrypt jest zbyt stara (potrzebna %s, zainstalowana %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "UWAGA: %s nie jest do normalnego u¿ytku!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym czasem wyga¶niêcia podpisu\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawn± nazw± zestawu znaków\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "niezrozumia³y URL serwera kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje serwera kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "niepoprawne opcje serwera kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje wczytania kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "niepoprawne opcje wczytania kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d niepoprawne opcje eksportu kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "niepoprawne opcje eksportu kluczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje wypisywania\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "niepoprawne opcje wypisywania\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "wy¶wietlanie ID zdjêæ przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "pokazywanie poprawno¶ci ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - "pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu " - "podpisów" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "pokazywanie tylko g³ównego ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "sprawdzanie podpisów z danymi PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "zwiêkszenie zaufania podpisów z poprawnymi danymi PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje sprawdzania\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "niepoprawne opcje sprawdzania\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "nie mo¿na ustawiæ ¶cie¿ki programów wykonywalnych na %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawna lista auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "Niepoprawna lista auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: program mo¿e stworzyæ plik zrzutu pamiêci!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: %s powoduje obej¶cie %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "Nie wolno u¿ywaæ %s z %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s nie ma sensu w po³±czeniu z %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "nie zadzia³a z niebezpieczn± pamiêci± z powodu %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na sk³adaæ tylko podpisy oddzielne lub do³±czone do " - "tekstu\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 nie mo¿na jednocze¶nie szyfrowaæ i podpisywaæ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 trzeba u¿ywaæ plików a nie potoków.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "szyfrowanie wiadomo¶ci w trybie --pgp2 wymaga modu³u szyfru IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "wybrany algorytm szyfruj±cy jest niepoprawny\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów wiadomo¶ci jest niepoprawny\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "wybrany algorytm kompresji jest niepoprawny\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów po¶wiadczeñ jest niepoprawny\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "warto¶æ completes-needed musi byæ wiêksza od 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "warto¶æ marginals-needed musi byæ wiêksza od 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "warto¶æ max-cert-depth musi mie¶ciæ siê w zakresie od 1 do 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - "niew³a¶ciwy domy¶lny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - "niew³a¶ciwy minimalny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "UWAGA: prosty tryb S2K (0) jest stanowczo odradzany\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "niepoprawny tryb S2K; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1 lub 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe domy¶lne ustawienia\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia szyfrów\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia skrótów\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia algorytmów kompresji\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s jeszcze nie dzia³a z %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "szyfr ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpny w trybie %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "skrót ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpny w trybie %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "kompresja ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpna w trybie %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "inicjowanie Bazy Zaufania nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: podano adresatów (-r) w dzia³aniu które ich nie dotyczy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "szyfrowanie symetryczne ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --encrypt w trybie %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --sign --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --sign --encrypt w trybie %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [plik]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key nazwa u¿ytkownika" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key nazwa u¿ytkownika" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key nazwa u¿ytkownika [polecenia]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "wysy³ka do serwera kluczy nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "odbiór z serwera kluczy nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "eksport kluczy nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "szukanie w serwerze kluczy nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "od¶wie¿enie kluczy z serwera nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "zdjêcie opakowania ASCII nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "opakowywanie ASCII nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy algorytm skrótu ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nazwa pliku]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Wpisz tutaj swoj± wiadomo¶æ ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "podany URL regulaminu po¶wiadczania jest niepoprawny\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "podany URL regulaminu podpisów jest niepoprawny\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "podany preferowany URL serwera kluczy jest niepoprawny\n" - -@@ -2921,7 +2920,6 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora u - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': %s\n" - -@@ -3051,7 +3049,6 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' bez zmian\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" - -@@ -4018,12 +4015,12 @@ msgstr "" - "dopóki program nie zostanie uruchomiony ponownie.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "uniewa¿niony" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "wygas³" - -@@ -4083,7 +4080,7 @@ msgstr "%d podpis - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nic nie zosta³o usuniête.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "niepoprawny" - -@@ -5397,26 +5394,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: przestarza - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj± - nie ma efektu\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: przestarza³a opcja ,,%s'' - nie ma efektu\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj± - nie ma efektu\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Nieskompresowany" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "nieskompresowany|brak" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "ta wiadomo¶æ mo¿e nie daæ siê odczytaæ za pomoc± %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "niejednoznaczna opcja ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "nieznana opcja ,,%s''\n" -@@ -6150,7 +6158,6 @@ msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisuj - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" - -@@ -6564,7 +6571,7 @@ msgstr "absolutne" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy jest niepotrzebne\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "nastêpne sprawdzanie bazy odbêdzie siê %s\n" -@@ -6579,39 +6586,39 @@ msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy jest niepotrzebne przy modelu zaufania ,,%s''\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "aktualizacja bazy jest niepotrzebna przy modelu zaufania ,,%s''\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "klucz publiczny %s nie odnaleziony: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "nale¿y uruchomiæ gpg z opcj± ,,--check-trustdb''\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy zaufania\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "przetworzono %d kluczy (rozwi±zano %d przeliczeñ zaufania)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "brak absolutnie zaufanych kluczy\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "klucz publiczny absolutnie zaufanego klucza %s nie odnaleziony\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "potrzeba %d marginalnych, %d pe³nych, model zaufania %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6619,7 +6626,7 @@ msgstr "" - "poziom: %d poprawnych: %3d podpisanych: %3d zaufanie: %d-,%dq,%dn,%dm,%df," - "%du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po -index 2ad7715..e75ca5c 100644 ---- a/po/pt.po -+++ b/po/pt.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-09-13 18:26+0100\n" - "Last-Translator: Pedro Morais \n" - "Language-Team: pt \n" -@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ msgstr "frase secreta incorrecta" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "algoritmo de protecção %d%s não é suportado\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ msgstr "imposs - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -452,13 +452,11 @@ msgstr "erro na cria - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "não suportado" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "não suportado" - -@@ -470,7 +468,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -488,7 +486,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -500,18 +498,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTA: ficheiro de opções por omissão `%s' inexistente\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "ficheiro de opções `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "a ler opções de `%s'\n" -@@ -646,7 +644,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -655,7 +653,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Comandos:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1706,7 +1704,7 @@ msgstr "Comando inv - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output não funciona para este comando\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "impossível abrir `%s'\n" -@@ -2020,176 +2018,176 @@ msgstr "usando chave secund - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[ficheiro]|fazer uma assinatura em texto puro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "cifrar dados" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "cifrar apenas com cifra simétrica" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "decifrar dados (acção por omissão)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verificar uma assinatura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "listar as chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "listar as chaves e as assinaturas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "verificar as assinaturas das chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "listar as chaves e as impressões digitais" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "listar as chaves secretas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "gerar um certificado de revogação" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "remover chaves do porta-chaves público" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "remover chaves do porta-chaves secreto" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "assinar uma chave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "assinar uma chave localmente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "assinar ou editar uma chave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "muda a frase secreta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportar chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importar chaves de um servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "procurar chaves num servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "actualizar todas as chaves a partir de um servidor de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importar/fundir chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "actualizar a base de dados de confiança" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [ficheiros]|imprimir \"digests\" de mensagens" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "criar saída com armadura ascii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NOME|cifrar para NOME" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - "usar este identificador de utilizador para\n" - "assinar ou decifrar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "" - "|N|estabelecer nível de compressão N\n" - "(0 desactiva)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "usar modo de texto canônico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carregar módulo de extensão FICHEIRO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "não fazer alterações" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "perguntar antes de sobrepôr" - -@@ -2225,16 +2223,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nomes] mostrar chaves\n" - " --fingerprint [nomes] mostrar impressões digitais\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [ficheiros] (-h para ajuda)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2244,7 +2238,7 @@ msgstr "" - "assina, verifica, cifra ou decifra\n" - "a operação por omissão depende dos dados de entrada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2252,564 +2246,564 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmos suportados:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Chave pública: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cifra: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Dispersão: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compressão: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "uso: gpg [opções] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "comandos em conflito\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "nenhum sinal = encontrada na definição de grupo \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "criado um novo ficheiro de configuração `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no porta-chaves secreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "mostrar em que porta-chave a chave está" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no porta-chaves secreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTA: o ficheiro antigo de opções por omissão `%s' foi ignorado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTA: %s não é para uso normal!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "não consegui processar a URI do servidor de chaves\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opções de importação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opções de importação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "não foi possível alterar o exec-path para %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "AVISO: O programa pode criar um ficheiro core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "AVISO: %s sobrepõe %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s não é permitido com %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "só pode fazer assinaturas separadas ou em texto puro no modo --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "não pode assinar e cifrar ao mesmo tempo no modo --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "deve utilizar ficheiros (e não um 'pipe') quando trabalho no modo --pgp2.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "cifrar uma mensagem no modo --pgp2 necessita da cifra IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de cifragem selecionado é inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" selecionado é inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de cifragem selecionado é inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" de certificação selecionado é inválido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed deve ser maior que 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed deve ser maior que 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth deve estar na entre 1 e 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "nível de verificação por omissão inválido: deve ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "nível de verificação por omissão inválido: deve ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTA: o modo S2K simples (0) não é recomendável\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "preferências por omissão inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "preferências pessoais de cifra inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "preferências pessoais de 'digest' inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "preferências pessoais de compressão inválidas\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "falha ao inicializar a base de dados de confiança: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "AVISO: destinatários (-r) dados sem utilizar uma cifra de chave pública\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "decifragem falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizador" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id-utilizador" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id-utilizador [comandos]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizador" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "actualização da chave secreta falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "retirada de armadura falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "criação de armadura falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritmo de dispersão inválido `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nome_do_ficheiro]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Digite a sua mensagem ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "a URL de política de certificação dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" -@@ -4148,13 +4142,13 @@ msgstr "" - "correcta a não ser que reinicie o programa.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revkey" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4213,7 +4207,7 @@ msgstr "%d assinaturas removidas.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nada removido.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "armadura inválida" -@@ -5542,28 +5536,39 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - #, fuzzy - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "não processado" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "não processado" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "esta mensagem poderá não ser utilizável pelo %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "a ler opções de `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "destinatário por omissão desconhecido `%s'\n" -@@ -6720,7 +6725,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "não é necessária uma verificação da base de dados de confiança\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "proxima verificação da base de dados de confiança a %s\n" -@@ -6735,48 +6740,48 @@ msgstr "n - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "não é necessária uma verificação da base de dados de confiança\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "chave pública %08lX não encontrada: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "a verificar a base de dados de confiança\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - #, fuzzy - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "" - "chave pública da chave absolutamente de confiança %08lX não encontrada\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "" - "chave pública da chave absolutamente de confiança %08lX não encontrada\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "registo de confiança %lu, tipo %d: escrita falhou: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po -index 2c1980d..68bafc5 100644 ---- a/po/pt_BR.po -+++ b/po/pt_BR.po -@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.0\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-16 11:35+0200\n" - "Last-Translator:\n" - "Language-Team: ?\n" -@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ msgstr "frase secreta incorreta" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "algoritmo de proteção %d não é suportado\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ msgstr "imposs - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -457,14 +457,12 @@ msgstr "erro na cria - # suportado ??? - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "não suportado" - - # suportado ??? - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "não suportado" - -@@ -476,7 +474,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -494,7 +492,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -506,18 +504,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTA: arquivo de opções padrão `%s' inexistente\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "arquivo de opções `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "lendo opções de `%s'\n" -@@ -650,7 +648,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -659,7 +657,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Comandos:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1717,7 +1715,7 @@ msgstr "Comando inv - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "impossível abrir `%s'\n" -@@ -2027,182 +2025,182 @@ msgstr "usando chave secund - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[arquivo]|fazer uma assinatura em texto puro" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "criptografar dados" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "" - "criptografar apenas com criptografia\n" - "simétrica" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "descriptografar dados (padrão)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verificar uma assinatura" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "listar as chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "listar as chaves e as assinaturas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "verificar as assinaturas das chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "listar as chaves e as impressões digitais" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "listar as chaves secretas" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "gerar um certificado de revogação" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - #, fuzzy - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "remover a chave do chaveiro público" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - #, fuzzy - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "remover a chave do chaveiro secreto" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "assinar uma chave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "assinar uma chave localmente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "assinar ou editar uma chave" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "muda a frase secreta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportar chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importar chaves de um servidor" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - #, fuzzy - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - #, fuzzy - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "importar chaves de um servidor" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importar/fundir chaves" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "atualizar o banco de dados de confiabilidade" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "imprime todos os \"digests\" de mensagens" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "criar saída com armadura ascii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NOME|criptografar para NOME" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - "usar este identificador de usuário para\n" - "assinar ou descriptografar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "" - "|N|estabelecer nível de compressão N\n" - "(0 desabilita)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "usar modo de texto canônico" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|ARQUIVO|carregar módulo de extensão ARQUIVO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "não fazer alterações" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "" - -@@ -2236,16 +2234,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nomes] mostrar chaves\n" - " --fingerprint [nomes] mostrar impressões digitais\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [arquivos] (-h para ajuda)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2255,7 +2249,7 @@ msgstr "" - "assina, verifica, criptografa ou descriptografa\n" - "a operação padrão depende dos dados de entrada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2263,574 +2257,574 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmos suportados:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - #, fuzzy - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Comentário: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "uso: gpg [opções] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "comandos conflitantes\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no chaveiro secreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "alterna entre listagem de chave secreta e pública" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no chaveiro secreto\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTA: arquivo de opções padrão `%s' inexistente\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTA: %s não é para uso normal!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "chaveiro inválido" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "armadura inválida" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "chaveiro inválido" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "armadura inválida" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "chaveiro inválido" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "AVISO: O programa pode criar um arquivo core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s não é permitido com %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de criptografia selecionado não é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" selecionado não é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de criptografia selecionado não é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" selecionado não é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed deve ser maior que 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed deve ser maior que 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth deve estar na entre 1 e 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTA: o modo S2K simples (0) não é recomendável\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "lista preferências" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "lista preferências" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "lista preferências" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "lista preferências" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "o algoritmo de criptografia selecionado não é válido\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "falha ao inicializar o banco de dados de confiabilidade: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "descriptografia falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id-usuário" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id-usuário" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id-usuário [comandos]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key id-usuário" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "enumeração de chaves secretas falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "get_dir_record: search_record falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "enumeração de chaves secretas falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "retirada de armadura falhou: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "criação de armadura falhou: %s\n" - - # "hash" poderia ser "espalhamento", mas não fica claro --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritmo de hash inválido `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nome_do_arquivo]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Vá em frente e digite sua mensagem ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" -@@ -4153,13 +4147,13 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revkey" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4216,7 +4210,7 @@ msgstr "%d assinaturas removidas.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nada removido.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "armadura inválida" -@@ -5553,28 +5547,39 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - #, fuzzy - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "não processado(s)" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "não processado(s)" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "lendo opções de `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "destinatário padrão desconhecido `%s'\n" -@@ -6729,7 +6734,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "%s: não é um banco de dados de confiabilidade\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "inserção de registro de confiança falhou: %s\n" -@@ -6744,47 +6749,47 @@ msgstr "%s: n - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "%s: não é um banco de dados de confiabilidade\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "chave pública não encontrada" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - #, fuzzy - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "muda os valores de confiança" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - #, fuzzy - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "Certificados que levam a uma chave confiada plenamente:\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "Certificados que levam a uma chave confiada plenamente:\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "registro de confiança %lu, tipo %d: escrita falhou: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po -index a61e146..41dc9c9 100644 ---- a/po/ro.po -+++ b/po/ro.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.2rc1\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-31 22:00-0500\n" - "Last-Translator: Laurentiu Buzdugan \n" - "Language-Team: Romanian \n" -@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr "fraz - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "algoritm rezumat %d nu este suportat\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ msgstr "nu pot crea `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -462,13 +462,11 @@ msgstr "eroare la crearea frazei-parol - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "nu este suportat(ã)" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "nu este suportat(ã)" - -@@ -480,7 +478,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -498,7 +496,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -510,18 +508,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "NOTÃ: nici un fiºier opþiuni implicit `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "fiºier opþiuni `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "citesc opþiuni din `%s'\n" -@@ -656,7 +654,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -665,7 +663,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Comenzi:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1690,7 +1688,7 @@ msgstr "Comand - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output nu merge pentru aceastã comandã\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "nu pot deschide `%s'\n" -@@ -2002,171 +2000,171 @@ msgstr "folosim subcheia %s - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "cheia %s: cheie secretã fãrã cheie publicã - sãritã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "|[fiºier]|creazã o semnãturã" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[fiºier]|creazã o semnãturã text în clar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "creazã o semnãturã detaºatã" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "cifreazã datele" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "cifreazã numai cu cifru simetric" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "decripteazã datele (implicit)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verificã o semnãturã" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "enumerã chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "enumerã chei ºi semnãturi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "enumerã ºi verificã semnãturile cheii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "enumerã chei ºi amprente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "enumerã chei secrete" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "genereazã o nouã perechi de chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "genereazã un certificat de revocare" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "ºterge chei de pe inelul de chei public" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "ºterge chei de pe inelul de chei secret" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "semneazã o cheie" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "semneazã o cheie local" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "semneazã sau editeazã o cheie" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "schimbã fraza-parolã" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportã chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportã chei pentru un server de chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importã chei de la un server de chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "cautã pentru chei pe un server de chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "actualizeazã toate cheile de la un server de chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importã/combinã chei" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "afiºeazã starea cardului" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "schimbã data de pe card" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "schimbã PIN-ul unui card" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "actualizeazã baza de date de încredere" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [fiºiere]|afiºeazã rezumate mesaje" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "creazã ieºire în armurã ascii" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|NUME|cifrare pentru NUME" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "foloseºte acest id-utilizator pentru a semna sau decripta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|seteazã nivel de compresie N (0 deactiveazã)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "foloseºte modul text canonic" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FIªIER|încarcã modulul extensie FIªIER" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "nu face nici o schimbare" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "întreabã înainte de a suprascrie" - -@@ -2202,16 +2200,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [nume] aratã chei\n" - " --fingerprint [nume] aratã amprente\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Folosire: gpg [opþiuni] [fiºiere] (-h pentru ajutor)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2221,7 +2215,7 @@ msgstr "" - "sign, check, encrypt sau decrypt\n" - "operaþiunea implicitã depinde de datele de intrare\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2229,77 +2223,77 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmuri suportate:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Pubkey: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Cifru: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Compresie: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "folosire: gpg [opþiuni] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "comenzi în conflict\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "nu am gãsit nici un semn = în definiþia grupului `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: proprietate nesigurã (unsafe) pentru directorul home `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: proprietate nesigurã (unsafe) pentru fiºier configurare `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVERTISMENT: proprietate nesigurã (unsafe) pentru extensia `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru directorul home `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru fiºier configurare `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru extensia `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: proprietate director incluziuni nesigur (unsafe) pentru " - "directorul home `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2307,21 +2301,21 @@ msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: proprietate director incluziuni nesigur (unsafe) pentru fiºier " - "configurare `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: proprietate director incluziuni nesigur (unsafe) pentru " - "extensia `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni director incluziuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru " - "directorul home `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2329,476 +2323,476 @@ msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni director incluziuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru fiºier " - "configurare `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni director incluziuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru " - "extensia `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "articol configurare necunoscut `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "Nici o semnãturã corespunzãtoare în inelul secret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "URL-ul serverului de chei preferat furnizat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "aratã cãruia dintre inelele de chei îi aparþine o cheie enumeratã" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "Nici o semnãturã corespunzãtoare în inelul secret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "NOTÃ: fisier opþiuni implicite vechi `%s' ignorat\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "NOTÃ: %s nu este pentru o folosire normalã!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "`%s' nu este un set de carectere valid\n" - - # --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "nu am putut interpreta URL-ul serverului de chei\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni server de chei invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "opþiuni server de chei invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni import invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "opþiuni import invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni export invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "opþiuni export invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "URL-ul serverului de chei preferat furnizat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni verificare invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "opþiuni verificare invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "nu pot seta cale-execuþie ca %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni verificare invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "AVERTISMENT: programul ar putea crea un fiºier core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "AVERTISMENT: %s înlocuieºte %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s nu este permis cu %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s nu are sens cu %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "nu va rula cu memorie neprotejatã (insecure) pentru cã %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "puteþi crea doar semnãturi detaºate sau în clar câtã vreme sunteþi în modul " - "--pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "nu puteþi semna ºi cifra în acelaºi timp câtã vreme sunteþi în modul --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "trebuie sã folosiþi fiºiere (ºi nu un pipe) când lucraþi cu modul --pgp2 " - "activat.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "cifrarea unui mesaj în modul --pgp2 necesitã un cifru IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritm cifrare selectat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritm rezumat selectat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritm compresie selectat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "algoritm rezumat certificare selectat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed trebuie sã fie mai mare decât 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed trebuie sã fie mai mare decât 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth trebuie sã fie în intervalul de la 1 la 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "default-cert-level invalid; trebuie sã fie 0, 1, 2 sau 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "min-cert-level invalid; trebuie sã fie 0, 1, 2 sau 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "NOTÃ: modul S2K simplu (0) este contraindicat cu insistenþã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "mod S2K invalid; trebuie sã fie 0, 1 sau 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "preferinþe implicite invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "preferinþe cifrare personale invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "preferinþe rezumat personale invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "preferinþe compresie personale invalide\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s nu merge încã cu %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi algoritmul de cifrare `%s' câtã vreme în modul %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi algorimul de rezumat `%s' câtã vreme în modul %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi algoritmul de compresie `%s' câtã vreme în modul %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "am eºuat sã iniþializez TrustDB:%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "AVERTISMENT: destinatari (-r) furnizaþi fãrã a folosi cifrare cu cheie " - "publicã\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "cifrarea simetricã a lui `%s' a eºuat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --encrypt cu --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --encrypt câtã vreme în modul %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --sign --encrypt cu --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --sign --encrypt câtã vreme în modul %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizator" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id-utilizator" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id-utilizator [comenzi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizator" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "trimitere server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "recepþie server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "export cheie eºuat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "cãutare server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "actualizare server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "eliminarea armurii a eºuat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "punerea armurii a eºuat: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "algoritm hash invalid `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nume_fiºier]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Daþi-i drumul ºi scrieþi mesajul ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL-ul politicii de certificare furnizat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL-ul politicii de semnãturi furnizat este invalid\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "URL-ul serverului de chei preferat furnizat este invalid\n" - -@@ -2998,7 +2992,6 @@ msgstr "cheia %s: nici un ID utilizator\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "sãritã \"%s\": %s\n" - -@@ -3128,7 +3121,6 @@ msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" nu a fost schimbat - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "cheia secretã \"%s\" nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" - -@@ -4087,12 +4079,12 @@ msgstr "" - - # - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "revocatã" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expiratã" - -@@ -4152,7 +4144,7 @@ msgstr "Am - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Nu am ºters nimic.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "invalid(ã)" - -@@ -5455,27 +5447,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Necompresat" - - # - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "necompresat|niciunul" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "acest mesaj s-ar putea sã nu poatã fi folosit de %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "opþiune ambiguã `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "opþiune necunoscutã `%s'\n" -@@ -6215,7 +6218,6 @@ msgstr "NOT - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "semnãturã %s, algoritm rezumat %s\n" - -@@ -6625,7 +6627,7 @@ msgstr "suprem - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "nu e nevoie de o verificare trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "urmãtoarea verificare trustdb programatã pe %s\n" -@@ -6640,47 +6642,47 @@ msgstr "nu e nevoie de o verificare trustdb cu modelul de - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "nu e nevoie de o actualizare trustdb cu modelul de încredere `%s'\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "cheia publicã %s nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "vã rugãm faceþi un --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "verific trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d chei procesate (%d numãrãtori valide anulate)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "nu am gãsit nici o cheie cu încredere supremã\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "cheia publicã a cheii cu încredere supremã %s nu a fost gãsitã\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - "%d marginal(e) necesare, %d complet(e) necesare, model de încredere %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - "adânc: %d valid: %3d semnat: %3d încredere: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po -index a234223..8b0e5e8 100644 ---- a/po/ru.po -+++ b/po/ru.po -@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: GnuPG 2.0.10\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-21 00:40+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Maxim Britov \n" - "Language-Team: Russian \n" -@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ msgstr "Фраза-пароль" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "не поддерживаютÑÑ ssh ключи превышающие %d бит\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr "не могу Ñоздать `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -351,7 +351,6 @@ msgstr "Да, защита мне не нужна" - - #: agent/genkey.c:308 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Ato protect your new key" - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" - msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль%0AÐ´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового ключа" - -@@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ msgstr "запуÑк в режиме демона (background)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера (foreground)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -446,7 +445,6 @@ msgstr "не иÑпользовать кеш PIN при подпиÑывании - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "позволить клиентам помечать ключи как \"доверÑемые\"" - -@@ -456,7 +454,6 @@ msgstr "разрешить предуÑтановленную фразу-пар - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "разрешить ÑмулÑцию ssh-агента" - -@@ -472,7 +469,7 @@ msgstr "|FILE|Ñохранить ÑоÑтоÑние Ð¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ в Ñ„ - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -490,7 +487,7 @@ msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-agent [параметры] [команда [аргументы]]\n" - "Управление закрытыми ключами Ð´Ð»Ñ GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "запрошен недупуÑтимый уровень отладки `%s'\n" -@@ -502,18 +499,18 @@ msgstr "запрошен недупуÑтимый уровень отладки - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s Ñлишком уÑтарело (требуетÑÑ %s, имеетÑÑ %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: файл конфигурации `%s' не обнаружен\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "файл конфигурации `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "параметры конфигурации из файла `%s'\n" -@@ -647,7 +644,7 @@ msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] KEYGRIP\n" - "Кеширование паролей\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -656,7 +653,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Команды:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1654,7 +1651,7 @@ msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (ÑпиÑок команд: \"h - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output не работает Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ команды\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "не могу открыть `%s'\n" -@@ -1956,163 +1953,163 @@ msgstr "иÑпользую подклключ %s вмеÑто главного - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ без открытого ключа - пропущен\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "Ñоздать подпиÑÑŒ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "Ñоздать прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "Ñоздать отделенную подпиÑÑŒ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "зашифровать данные" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "зашифровать только Ñимметричным шифром" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "раÑшифровать данные (по умолчанию)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "проверить подпиÑÑŒ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и подпиÑи" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "вывеÑти и проверить подпиÑи" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей c отпечатками" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок Ñекретных ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "Ñоздать новую пару ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "Ñоздать Ñертификат отзыва" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "удалить ключи из таблицы открытых ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "удалить ключи из таблицы закрытых ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "подпиÑать ключ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "подпиÑать ключ локально" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "подпиÑать или редактировать ключ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "Ñменить фразу-пароль" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи на Ñервер ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "импортировать ключи Ñ Ñервера ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "иÑкать ключи на Ñервере ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "обновить вÑе ключи Ñ Ñервера ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "импортировать/объединить ключи" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "показать ÑоÑтоÑние карты" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "изменить данные на карте" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "Ñменить PIN карты" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "обновить таблицу доверий" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "вывеÑти Ñ…Ñши файлов" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "вывод в ASCII формате" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ USER-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ раÑшифрованиÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|уÑтановить уровень ÑÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ N (0 без ÑжатиÑ)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "иÑпользовать каноничеÑкий текÑтовый режим" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из FILE" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "не делать никаких изменений" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "ÑпроÑить перед перезапиÑью" - -@@ -2148,16 +2145,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [имена] показать ключи\n" - " --fingerprint [имена] показать отпечатки\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2167,7 +2160,7 @@ msgstr "" - "ПодпиÑи и их проверка, зашифрование и раÑшифрование.\n" - "ДейÑтвие по умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2175,92 +2168,92 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "ПоддерживаютÑÑ Ñледующие алгоритмы:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr " Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr " Ñимметричные шифры: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr " Ñ…Ñш-функции: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr " алгоритмы ÑжатиÑ: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "иÑпользование: gpg [параметры] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "неÑовмеÑтимые команды\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "отÑутÑтвует знак = в определении группы `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец домашнего каталога `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла конфигурации `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у домашнего каталога `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у файла конфигурации `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у файла Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего домашний каталог `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего файл конфигурации `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего модуль раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталога Ñодержащего домашний каталог " - "`%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2268,465 +2261,465 @@ msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталога Ñодержащего файл " - "конфигурации `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталогу Ñодержащего файл Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ " - "раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр в файле конфигурации `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "отображать Фото ID при раÑпечатке ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "показывать ÑÑылку на политики при раÑпечатке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "показывать вÑе Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "показывать Ñтандартные IETF Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - "показывать добавленные пользователем Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "показывать предпочитаемый Ñервер ключей при раÑпечатке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "показывать дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ Used ID при раÑпечатке ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "показывать отозванные и проÑроченные User ID при раÑпечатке ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "показывать отозванные и проÑроченные ключи при раÑпечатке ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "печатать Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ† ключей при раÑпечатке ключей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "печатать даты иÑÑ‚ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñтарый файл конфигурации по умолчанию `%s' проигнорирован\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libcrypt Ñлишком Ñтарой верÑии (требуетÑÑ %s, обнаружено %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: %s не предназначен Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ‹Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ применениÑ!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "`%s' недопуÑтимый Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "`%s' недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "не могу проанализировать URL Ñервера ключей\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры импорта\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры импорта\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры ÑкÑпорта\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры ÑкÑпорта\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок параметров\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок параметров\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "отображать Фото ID при проверке подпиÑи" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "печатать ÑÑылку на политики при проверке подпиÑи" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "печатать вÑе Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² процеÑÑе проверки подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "печатать Ñтандартные IETF Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² процеÑÑе проверки подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "печатать добавленные пользователем Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ проверке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "печатать предпочитаемые Ñерверы ключей при проверке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "печатать дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ UserID при проверке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "печатать отозванные и проÑроченные User ID при проверке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "печатать только главный User ID при проверке подпиÑей" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры проверки \n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры проверки\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "не могу определить путь запуÑка Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно Ñоздание файла дампа памÑти программы!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: %s замеÑтит %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s не допуÑкаетÑÑ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñ %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s не имеет ÑмыÑла ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "не будет работать Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ±ÐµÐ·Ð¾Ð¿Ð°Ñной памÑтью из-за %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "можно Ñделать только отделенную или прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ в режиме --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾ подпиÑать и зашифровать в режиме --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "Следует иÑпользовать файлы (а не каналы (pipe)) в режиме --pgp2.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² режиме --pgp2 требуетÑÑ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "выбран неверный алгоритм шифрованиÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "выбрана Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "выбран неверный алгоритм ÑжатиÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "выбрана Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed должен быть больше 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed должен быть больше 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth должен быть в диапазоне от 1 до 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимый default-cert-level; должен быть 0, 1, 2 или 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимый min-cert-level; должен быть 0, 1, 2 или 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: проÑтой режим S2K (0) Ñтрого не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимый режим S2K; должно быть 0, 1 или 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð°\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функции\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼Ð¾Ð² ÑжатиÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s пока не работает ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать шифрование `%s' в режиме %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñ…Ñш-функцию `%s' в режиме %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñжатие `%s' в режиме %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñбой инициализации таблицы доверий: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: получатели (-r) заданы без иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ " - "ключом\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñимметричное шифрование `%s' не удалоÑÑŒ: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --encrypt ÑовмеÑтно Ñ --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать --symmetric --encrypt в режиме %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt ÑовмеÑтно Ñ --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt в режиме %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [файл]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [команды]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñбой при отправке на Ñервер ключей: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñбой при получении Ñ Ñервера ключей: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñбой при ÑкÑпорте ключа: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñбой при поиÑке на Ñервере ключей: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении Ñ Ñервера ключей: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· ASCII формата: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² ASCII формат: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[имÑфайла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Ðабирайте Ваше Ñообщение ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "заданный URL политики Ñертификации неверен\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "заданный URL политики подпиÑи неверен\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "заданный URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей неправилен\n" - -@@ -2926,7 +2919,6 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: не имеет User ID\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "пропущено \"%s\": %s\n" - -@@ -3056,7 +3048,6 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" не изменен\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "Ñекретный ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" - -@@ -3995,12 +3986,12 @@ msgstr "" - "пока программа не будет перезапущена.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "отозван" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "проÑрочен Ñ" - -@@ -4059,7 +4050,7 @@ msgstr "Удалено %d подпиÑи.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Ðичего не удалено.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "недопуÑтимый" - -@@ -5351,26 +5342,37 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "без ÑжатиÑ" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "данное Ñообщение может быть не пригодно Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "двуÑмыÑленный параметр `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр `%s'\n" -@@ -6100,7 +6102,6 @@ msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключ %s подпиÑи - отозван\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s подпиÑÑŒ, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - -@@ -6508,7 +6509,7 @@ msgstr "абÑолютно" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "нет необходимоÑти в проверке таблицы доверий\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "Ñрок Ñледующей проверки таблицы доверий %s\n" -@@ -6523,40 +6524,40 @@ msgstr "нет необходимоÑти проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу до - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "нет необходимоÑти обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий при '%s' модели доверий\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "открытый ключ %s не найден: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "выполните --check-trustdb, пожалуйÑта\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "проверка таблицы доверий\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d ключей обработано (%d дейÑтвующих запиÑей очищено)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "не найдено абÑолютно доверÑемых ключей\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "открытый ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð±Ñолютно доверÑемого ключа %s не найден\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - "%d ограниченных необходимо, %d выполненных необходимо, %s модель довериÑ\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6564,7 +6565,7 @@ msgstr "" - "глубина: %d корректных: %3d подпиÑанных: %3d довериÑ: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " - "%df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6728,9 +6729,6 @@ msgstr "ИÑпользование: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы] (- - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" --#| "list, export, import Keybox data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -@@ -6922,7 +6920,6 @@ msgstr "||Введите PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" - msgstr "||Введите PIN" - -@@ -7009,7 +7006,6 @@ msgstr "нет доÑтупа %s - неработоÑпоÑÐ¾Ð±Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ð° - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" - msgstr "||Введите PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ%%0A[подпиÑей: %lu]" - -@@ -7054,7 +7050,6 @@ msgstr "|N|отÑоединить карту по иÑтечении N Ñеку - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "do not use a reader's keypad" - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" - msgstr "не иÑпользовать клавиатуру ÑчитывателÑ" - -@@ -7413,25 +7408,21 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ применимо - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for certification\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" - msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑываниÑ\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for encryption\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" - msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" - msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑываниÑ\n" - -@@ -7781,10 +7772,6 @@ msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы] (-h - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po -index 6eec58e..907adcb 100644 ---- a/po/sk.po -+++ b/po/sk.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.5\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-20 15:52+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Michal Majer \n" - "Language-Team: Slovak \n" -@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ msgstr "nespr - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "ochranný algoritmus %d%s nie je podporováný\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ msgstr "nem - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -451,13 +451,11 @@ msgstr "chyba pri vytv - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "nepodporované" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "nepodporované" - -@@ -469,7 +467,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -501,18 +499,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "POZNÁMKA: neexistuje implicitný súbor s mo¾nos»ami `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "súbor s mo¾nos»ami `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "èítam mo¾nosti z `%s'\n" -@@ -647,7 +645,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -656,7 +654,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Príkazy:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1706,7 +1704,7 @@ msgstr "Neplatn - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output pre tento príkaz nefunguje\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "nemo¾no otvori» `%s'\n" -@@ -2023,176 +2021,176 @@ msgstr "pou - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "kµúè %08lX: tajný kµúè bez verejného kµúèa - preskoèené\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "vytvori» podpis oddelený od dokumentu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[súbor]|vytvori» podpis v èitateµnom dokumente" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "vytvori» podpis oddelený od dokumentu" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "¹ifrova» dáta" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "¹ifrovanie len so symetrickou ¹ifrou" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "de¹ifrova» dáta (implicitne)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "verifikova» podpis" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov a podpisov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - #, fuzzy - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "skontrolova» podpisy kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov a fingerprintov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "vypísa» zoznam tajných kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "vytvori» nový pár kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "vytvori» revokaèný certifikát" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "odstráni» kµúè zo súboru verejných kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "odstráni» kµúè zo súboru tajných kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "podpísa» kµúè" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "podpísa» kµúè lokálne" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "podpísa» alebo modifikova» kµúè" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "zmeni» heslo" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportova» kµúèe" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportova» kµúèe na server kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importova» kµúèe zo servera kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "vyhµada» kµúèe na serveri kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "aktualizova» v¹etky kµúèe zo servera kµúèov" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importova»/zlúèi» kµúèe" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "aktualizova» databázu dôvery" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|algo [súbory]|vypí¹ hash" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "vytvor výstup zakódovaný pomocou ASCII" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|MENO|¹ifrova» pre MENO" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - "pou¾i» toto id u¾ívateµa na podpísanie\n" - " alebo de¹ifrovanie" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "" - "|N|nastavi» úroveò komprimácie N (0 - ¾iadna\n" - " komprimácia)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "pou¾i» kánonický textový mód" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|SÚBOR|nahra» roz¹irujúci modul SÚBOR" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "nevykona» ¾iadne zmeny" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "vy¾iada» potvrdenie pred prepísaním" - -@@ -2229,16 +2227,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [mená] vypísa» kµúèe\n" - " --fingerprint [mená] vypísa» fingerprinty\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Pou¾itie: gpg [mo¾nosti] [súbory] (-h pre pomoc)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2248,7 +2242,7 @@ msgstr "" - "podpísa», overi», ¹ifrova» alebo de¹ifrova»\n" - "implicitné operácie závisia od vstupných dát\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2256,570 +2250,570 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Podporované algoritmy:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Verejné kµúèe: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "©ifry: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Kompresia: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "pou¾itie: gpg [mo¾nosti] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "konfliktné príkazy\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no = podpis nájdený v definícii skupiny \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo pre %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo pre %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo pre %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva pre %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva pre %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva pre %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo adresára %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo adresára %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo adresára %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva adresára %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva adresára %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva adresára %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "neznáma polo¾ka konfigurácie \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "V súbore tajných kµúèov chýba zodpovedajúci podpis\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "uká¾ v ktorom súbore kµúèov je vypísaný kµúè" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "V súbore tajných kµúèov chýba zodpovedajúci podpis\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "POZNÁMKA: starý implicitný súbor s mo¾nos»ami `%s ignorovaný'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "POZNÁMKA: %s nie je pre normálne pou¾itie!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - #, fuzzy - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "nemo¾no pou¾i» URI servera kµúèov - chyba analýzy URI\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre import\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre import\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "nemo¾no nastavi» exec-path na %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: program mô¾e vytvori» súbor core!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "VAROVANIE: %s prepí¹e %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "Nie je dovolené pou¾íva» %s s %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s nedáva s %s zmysel!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "v móde --pgp2 mô¾ete vytvára» len oddelené podpisy alebo podpisy èitateµné " - "ako text\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "v móde --pgp2 nemo¾no súèasne ¹ifrova» a podpisova»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "v móde --pgp2 musíte pou¾i» súbor (nie rúru).\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "¹ifrovanie správ v móde --pgp2 vy¾aduje algoritmus IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný ¹ifrovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - #, fuzzy - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný ¹ifrovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "polo¾ka completes-needed musí by» väè¹ia ako 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "polo¾ka marginals-needed musí by» väè¹ia ako 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - #, fuzzy - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "polo¾ka max-cert-depth musí by» v rozmedzí od 1 do 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "neplatná implicitná úroveò certifikácie; musí by» 0, 1, 2 alebo 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "neplatná minimálna úroveò certifikácie; musí by» 0, 1, 2 alebo 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "POZNÁMKA: jednoduchý mód S2K (0) je dôrazne nedoporuèovaný\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "neplatný mód S2K; musí by» 0, 1 alebo 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné defaultné predvoµby\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné u¾ívateµské predvoµby pre ¹ifrovanie\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné u¾ívateµské predvoµby pre hashovanie\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "neplatné u¾ívateµské predvoµby pre kompresiu\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s e¹te nepracuje s %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nemô¾ete pou¾i» ¹ifrovací algoritmus \"%s\" v móde %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nemô¾ete pou¾i» hashovací algoritmus \"%s\" v móde %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "nemô¾ete pou¾i» kompresný algoritmus \"%s\" v móde %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "nemô¾em inicializova» databázu dôvery: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "VAROVANIE: daný adresát (-r) bez pou¾itia ¹ifrovania s verejným kµúèom\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "de¹ifrovanie zlyhalo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "pou¾itie %s nie je v móde %s dovolené\n" - "\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "pou¾itie %s nie je v móde %s dovolené\n" - "\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key id u¾ívateµa" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key id u¾ívateµa" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key id u¾ívateµa [príkazy]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key id u¾ívateµa" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nepodarilo posla» kµúè na server: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nepodarilo sa prija» kµúè zo servera: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nepodaril sa export kµúèa: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "nepodarilo sa nájs» server: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "aktualizácia servera zlyhala: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "dekódovanie z ASCII formátu zlyhalo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "kódovanie do ASCII formátu zlyhalo: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "neplatný hashovací algoritmus `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[meno súboru]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Zaènite písa» svoju správu ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "zadané URL pre certifikaènú politiku je neplatné\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - #, fuzzy - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" -@@ -4160,13 +4154,13 @@ msgstr "" - "by» správne, pokiaµ znovu nespustíte program.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - #, fuzzy - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "[revokované]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - #, fuzzy - msgid "expired" - msgstr "expire" -@@ -4226,7 +4220,7 @@ msgstr "Zmazan - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Niè nebolo zmaznané.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - #, fuzzy - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "neplatný spôsob reprezentácie v ASCII" -@@ -5550,27 +5544,38 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Nekomprimované" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - #, fuzzy - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Nekomprimované" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "táto správa nemusí pou¾iteµná s %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "èítam mo¾nosti z `%s'\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "neznámy implicitný adresát `%s'\n" -@@ -6311,7 +6316,6 @@ msgstr "POZN - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" - -@@ -6736,7 +6740,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "nie je nutné kontrolova» databázu dôvery\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "dal¹ia kontrola databázy dôvery %s\n" -@@ -6751,45 +6755,45 @@ msgstr "nie je nutn - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "nie je nutné kontrolova» databázu dôvery\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "verejný kµúè %08lX nebol nájdený: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "prosím vykonajte --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "kontrolujem databázu dôvery\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d kµúèov spracovaných (%d poètov platnosti vymazaných)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "neboli nájdené ¾iadne absolútne dôveryhodné kµúèe\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "verejný kµúè k absolútne dôveryhodnému kµúèu %08lX nebol nájdený\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, fuzzy, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "záznam dôvery %lu, typ %d: zápis zlyhal: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po -index beec96a..24c1458 100644 ---- a/po/sv.po -+++ b/po/sv.po -@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg trunk\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-12 14:53+0100\n" - "Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander \n" - "Language-Team: Swedish \n" -@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ msgstr "Lösenfras" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "ssh-nycklar större än %d bitar stöds inte\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ msgstr "kan inte skapa \"%s\": %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ msgstr "Nollställ kod" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's keypad for input." - msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." - msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AAnvänd läsarens knappsats för inmatning." - -@@ -366,7 +365,6 @@ msgstr "Ja, skydd behövs inte" - # fel kapitalisering i originalet? - #: agent/genkey.c:308 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Ato protect your new key" - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" - msgstr "Ange lösenfrasen för%0Aför att skydda din nya nyckel" - -@@ -392,7 +390,7 @@ msgstr "kör i demonläge (bakgrund)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "kör i serverläge (förgrund)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -463,7 +461,6 @@ msgstr "använd inte mellanlagring av PIN-kod vid signering" - # Antar att värdet inte ska översättas. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "tillÃ¥t klienter att markera nycklar som \"trusted\"" - -@@ -473,7 +470,6 @@ msgstr "tillÃ¥t förinställning av lösenfras" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "aktivera ssh-agent-emulering" - -@@ -489,7 +485,7 @@ msgstr "|FIL|skriv även miljöinställningar till FIL" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -509,7 +505,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-agent [flaggor] [kommando [argument]]\n" - "Hantering av hemliga nycklar för GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "ogiltig debug-level \"%s\" angiven\n" -@@ -521,18 +517,18 @@ msgstr "ogiltig debug-level \"%s\" angiven\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s är för gammal (behöver %s, har %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "OBS: inställningsfilen \"%s\" saknas\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "inställningsfil \"%s\": %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "läser inställningar frÃ¥n \"%s\"\n" -@@ -668,7 +664,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [flaggor] NYCKELHASH\n" - "UnderhÃ¥ll av lösenordscache\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -678,7 +674,7 @@ msgstr "" - " " - - # Här bruksanvisning för kommandoraden. Resultatet har jag översatt med "inställningar", eftersom flaggorna även kan förekomma i en inställningsfil. --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1685,7 +1681,7 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output kan inte användas för detta kommando\n" - - # se förra kommentaren --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "kan inte öppna \"%s\"\n" -@@ -1993,164 +1989,164 @@ msgstr "använder undernyckeln %s istället för primära nyckeln %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "nyckel %s: hemlig nyckel utan publik nyckel - hoppades över\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "skapa en signatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "skapa en klartextsignatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "skapa signatur i en separat fil" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "kryptera data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "kryptering endast med symmetriskt chiffer" - - # gnupg dekrypterar data om inget kommando anges dvs. kommandot "decrypt" behöver inte användas. --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "dekryptera data (standard)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "validera en signatur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "lista nycklar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "lista nycklar och signaturer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "lista och kontrollera nyckelsignaturer" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "lista nycklar och fingeravtryck" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "lista hemliga nycklar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "generera ett nytt nyckelpar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "generera ett spärrcertifikat" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "ta bort nycklar frÃ¥n den publika nyckelringen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "ta bort nycklar frÃ¥n den hemliga nyckelringen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "signera en nyckel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "signera en nyckel lokalt" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "signera eller redigera en nyckel" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "ändra en lösenfras" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "exportera nycklar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "exportera nycklar till en nyckelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "importera nycklar frÃ¥n en nyckelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "sök efter nycklar hos en nyckelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "uppdatera alla nycklar nycklar frÃ¥n en nyckelserver" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "importera/slÃ¥ samman nycklar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "skriv ut kortstatus" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "ändra data pÃ¥ ett kort" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "ändra PIN-kod för ett kort" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "uppdatera tillitsdatabasen" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "skriv ut kontrollsummor" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "kör i serverläge" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "skapa utdata med ett ascii-skal" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|ANVÄNDAR-ID|kryptera för ANVÄNDAR-ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|ANVÄNDAR-ID|använd ANVÄNDAR-ID för att signera eller dekryptera" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|ställ in komprimeringsnivÃ¥n till N (0 för att inaktivera)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "använd \"ursprunglig text\"-läget" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FIL|skriv utdata till FIL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "gör inga ändringar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "frÃ¥ga innan överskrivning" - -@@ -2188,17 +2184,13 @@ msgstr "" - "--list-keys [namn] visa nycklar\n" - "--fingerprint [namn] visa fingeravtryck\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Användning: gpg [flaggor] [filer] (-h för hjälp)" - - # Om inget kommando anges (decrypt/encrypt etc) väljs Ã¥tgärd efter indata. --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2208,7 +2200,7 @@ msgstr "" - "signera, kontrollera, kryptera eller dekryptera\n" - "standardÃ¥tgärden beror pÃ¥ inmatningsdata\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2216,74 +2208,74 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Algoritmer som stöds:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Publik nyckel: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Chiffer: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Kontrollsumma: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Komprimering: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "användning: gpg [flaggor] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "motstridiga kommandon\n" - - # Vad betyder detta? --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "no = signatur hittad i gruppdefinitionen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ konfigurationsfilen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ tillägget \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ konfigurationsfilen \"%s\"\n" - - # Extension är vad? FIXME --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ tillägget \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2291,19 +2283,19 @@ msgstr "" - "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för konfigurationsfilen " - "\"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för tillägget \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2311,474 +2303,474 @@ msgstr "" - "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för konfigurationsfilen " - "\"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för tillägget \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "okänd konfigurationspost \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "visa foto-id under nyckellistning" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "visa policy-url:er under signaturlistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "visa alla notationer under signaturlistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "visa IETF-standardnotationer under signaturlistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "visa användarangivna notationer under signaturlistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "visa url:er till föredragna nyckelservrar under signaturlistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "visa giltighet för användaridentitet vid nyckellistningar " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "visa spärrade och utgÃ¥ngna användaridentiteter i nyckellistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "visa spärrade och utgÃ¥ngna undernycklar i nyckellistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "visa nyckelringens namn i nyckellistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "visa utgÃ¥ngsdatum under signaturlistningar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "OBS: den gamla inställningsfilen \"%s\" används inte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt är för gammalt (behöver %s, har %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "OBS: %s är inte för normal användning!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "\"%s\" är inte ett giltigt utgÃ¥ngsdatum för en signatur\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "\"%s\" är ingen giltig teckentabell\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "kunde inte tolka url till nyckelserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga flaggor för nyckelserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "ogiltiga flaggor för nyckelserver\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga importeringsflaggor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "ogiltiga importflaggor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga exportflaggor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "ogiltiga exportinställningar\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga listflaggor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "ogiltiga listflaggor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "visa foto-id under signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "visa policy-url:er under signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "visa alla notationer under signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "visa IETF-standardnotationer under signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "visa användarangivna notationer under signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "visa url:er till föredragna nyckelserver under signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "visa giltighet för användaridentitet vid signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "visa spärrade och utgÃ¥ngna användaridentiteter i signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "visa endast primär användaridentitet i signaturvalidering" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "validera signaturer med PKA-data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "öka tillit pÃ¥ signaturer med giltigt PKA-data" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga flaggor för validering\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "ogiltiga flaggor för validering\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "kunde inte ställa in exec-path till %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltig auto-key-locate-lista\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "ogiltig auto-key-locate-lista\n" - - # Programmet skapar en avbildning (image) av minnet för att lättare kunna spÃ¥ra fel. --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "VARNING: programmet kan komma att skapa en minnesavbild!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "VARNING: %s gäller istället för %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s är inte tillÃ¥ten tillsammans med %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "det är ingen poäng att använda %s tillsammans med %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "kommer inte att köra med osäkert minne pÃ¥ grund av %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" - "du kan bara göra signaturer i en separat fil eller klartextsignaturer\n" - "i --pgp2-läge\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "du kan inte signera och kryptera samtidigt i --pgp2-läge\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "du mÃ¥ste använda filer (och inte rör) i --pgp2-läge\n" - - # IDEA-algoritmen är patenterat i flera länder och finns därför inte med i GnuPG som standard. --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "kryptering av meddelanden i --pgp2-läge kräver IDEA-chiffret\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "den valda chifferalgoritmen är ogiltig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vald sammandragsalgoritm är ogiltig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vald komprimeringsalgoritm är ogiltig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "vald algoritm för certifieringssammandrag är felaktig\n" - - # antalet betrodda signaturer som behövs (1-3) för att du ska lita pÃ¥ en nyckel du inte själv verifierat. --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "variabeln \"completes-needed\" mÃ¥ste ha ett värde som är större än 0\n" - - # antalet delvis betrodda signaturer som behövs (1-3) för att du ska lita pÃ¥ en nyckel du inte själv verifierat. --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "variabeln \"marginals-needed\" mÃ¥ste vara större än 1\n" - - # Hur djupt GnuPG ska leta i Web-of-trust. --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth mÃ¥ste vara inom intervallet frÃ¥n 1 till 255\n" - - # Det är nivÃ¥n för hurväl du har kontrollerat att nyckeln tillhör innehavaren. --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" - "ogiltigt standardvärde för certifieringsnivÃ¥n; mÃ¥ste vara 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" - - # Det är nivÃ¥n för hurväl du har kontrollerat att nyckeln tillhör innehavaren. --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "ogiltigt minimivärde för certifieringsnivÃ¥n; mÃ¥ste vara 1, 2 eller 3\n" - - # S2K har med krypteringen av hemliga nyckeln att göra --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "OBS: enkelt S2K-läge (0) rekommenderas inte\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "ogiltigt S2K-läge; mÃ¥ste vara 0, 1 eller 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "ogiltiga standardinställningar\n" - - # Du kan ange de algoritmer du föredrar i prioritetsordning. DÃ¥ avgör inte enbart standard (symmetrisk kryptering) eller mottagarens preferenser (kryptering till öppen nyckel). --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "ogiltig inställning av personligt chiffer\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "ogiltig inställning av föredragna kontrollsummealgoritmer\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "ogiltig inställning av föredragna kompressionsalgoritmer\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s fungerar ännu inte med %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du fÃ¥r inte använda chifferalgoritmen \"%s\" när du är i %s-läget\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "du fÃ¥r inte använda sammandragsalgoritmen \"%s\" när du är i %s-läget\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "du fÃ¥r inte använda komprimeringsalgoritmen \"%s\" när du är i %s-läget\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "misslyckades med att initialisera tillitsdatabasen: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "VARNING: mottagare (-r) angivna utan att använda publik nyckel-kryptering\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "symmetrisk kryptering av \"%s\" misslyckades: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "du kan inte använda --symmetric --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "du kan inte använda --symmetric --encrypt i %s-läget\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "du kan inte använda --symmetric --sign --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "du kan inte använda --symmetric --sign --encrypt när du är i %s-läget\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key användaridentitet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key användaridentitet" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key användaridentitet [kommandon]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd " - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "sändning till nyckelservern misslyckades: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "hämtning frÃ¥n nyckelservern misslyckades: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "export av nyckeln misslyckades: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "sökning pÃ¥ nyckelservern misslyckades: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "uppdatering av nyckeln frÃ¥n en nyckelserver misslyckades: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "misslyckades med att ta bort ASCII-skalet: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "misslyckades med att skapa ASCII-skal: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "ogiltig kontrollsummealgoritm \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[filnamn]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Skriv ditt meddelande här ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angivna URL som beskriver certifieringsspolicy är ogiltig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angivna URL som beskriver signaturpolicy är ogiltig\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "den angivna föredragna nyckelserver-url:n är ogiltig\n" - -@@ -2978,7 +2970,6 @@ msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen användaridentitet\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "hoppade över \"%s\": %s\n" - -@@ -3111,7 +3102,6 @@ msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" inte ändrad\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "hemliga nyckeln \"%s\" hittades inte: %s\n" - -@@ -4072,12 +4062,12 @@ msgstr "" - "sÃ¥vida inte du startar om programmet.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "spärrad" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "utgÃ¥nget" - -@@ -4138,7 +4128,7 @@ msgstr "Raderade %d signaturer.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Ingenting raderat.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "ogiltigt" - -@@ -5462,26 +5452,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: förÃ¥ldrad flagga \"%s\" - den har ingen effekt\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "VARNING: \"%s\" är en förÃ¥ldrad flagga - den har ingen effekt\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: förÃ¥ldrad flagga \"%s\" - den har ingen effekt\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "VARNING: \"%s\" är en förÃ¥ldrad flagga - den har ingen effekt\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Okomprimerad" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "okomprimerad|ingen" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "detta meddelande kanske inte kan användas av %s\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "tvetydlig flagga \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "okänd flagga \"%s\"\n" -@@ -6233,7 +6234,6 @@ msgstr "OBSERVERA: signaturnyckeln %s har spärrats\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s signatur, sammandragsalgoritm %s\n" - -@@ -6662,7 +6662,7 @@ msgstr "förbehÃ¥llslös" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "det behövs ingen kontroll av tillitsdatabasen\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "nästa kontroll av tillitsdatabasen kommer att äga rum %s\n" -@@ -6679,48 +6679,48 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "" - "det behövs ingen uppdatering av tillitsdatabasen med tillitsmodellen \"%s\"\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "publika nyckeln %s hittades inte: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "gör en kontroll av tillitsdatabasen --check-trustdb\n" - - # originalet borde ha ett value --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "kontrollerar tillitsdatabasen\n" - - # Vad är detta!? --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d nycklar behandlade (%d validity counts rensade)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "hittade inga nycklar med förbehÃ¥llslöst förtroende\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "publik nyckel för förbehÃ¥llslöst betrodda nyckeln %s hittades inte\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d marginal(er) behövs, %d fullständig(a) behövs, tillitsmodell %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - "djup: %d giltig: %3d signerad: %3d tillit: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6885,9 +6885,6 @@ msgstr "Användning: kbxutil [flaggor] [filer] (-h för hjälp)" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" --#| "list, export, import Keybox data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -@@ -7075,13 +7072,11 @@ msgstr "|N|Ny PIN-kod" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" - msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" - msgstr "|A|Ange administratörens PIN-kod" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" - msgstr "||Ange PIN-koden" - -@@ -7168,7 +7163,6 @@ msgstr "kan inte komma Ã¥t %s - ogiltigt OpenPGP-kort?\n" - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad" - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" - msgstr "||Knappa in din PIN-kod pÃ¥ läsarens knappsats" - -@@ -7213,7 +7207,6 @@ msgstr "|N|koppla frÃ¥n kortet efter N sekunder inaktivitet" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "do not use a reader's keypad" - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" - msgstr "använd inte läsarens knappsats" - -@@ -7572,25 +7565,21 @@ msgstr "fel vid hämtning av nyckelanvändningsinformation: %s\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for certification\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" - msgstr "certifikatet skulle inte använts för certifiering\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgstr "certifikatet skulle inte använts för signering av OCSP-svar\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for encryption\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" - msgstr "certifikatet skulle inte använts för kryptering\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" - msgstr "certifikatet skulle inte använts för signering\n" - -@@ -7942,10 +7931,6 @@ msgstr "Användning: gpgsm [flaggor] [filer] (-h för hjälp)" - # Om inget kommando anges (decrypt/encrypt etc) väljs Ã¥tgärd efter indata. - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po -index c840cd8..ddaffae 100644 ---- a/po/tr.po -+++ b/po/tr.po -@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.10rc1\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-14 23:25+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner \n" - "Language-Team: Turkish\n" -@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ msgstr "Anahtar Parolası" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "%d bitlikten daha büyük SSH anahtarları desteklenmiyor\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" oluÅŸturulamıyor: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -343,7 +343,6 @@ msgstr "Evet, korumak gereksiz" - - #: agent/genkey.c:308 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Ato protect your new key" - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" - msgstr "Yeni anahtarınızı korumak için Lütfen%0AAnahtar Parolanızı giriniz" - -@@ -368,7 +367,7 @@ msgstr "artalan süreci olarak çalışır" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "sunucu olarak (önalanda) çalışır" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -438,7 +437,6 @@ msgstr "imzalarken PIN arabelleÄŸi kullanılmaz" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "istemcilerin anahtarları \"güvenilir\" olarak imlemesine izin verilir" - -@@ -448,7 +446,6 @@ msgstr "anahtar parolasının önceden atanmasına izin verilir" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "ssh-agent öykünümü etkinleÅŸir" - -@@ -464,7 +461,7 @@ msgstr "|DOSYA|ortam ayarlarını ayrıca DOSYAya da yazar" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - #, fuzzy -@@ -483,7 +480,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sözdizimi: gpg-agent [seçenekler] [komut [arg ...]]\n" - "GnuPG için gizli anahtar yönetimi\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "belirtilen hata seviyesi `%s' geçersiz\n" -@@ -495,18 +492,18 @@ msgstr "belirtilen hata seviyesi `%s' geçersiz\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s çok eski (gereken %s, sizinki %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: \"%s\" öntanımlı seçenek dosyası yok\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "seçenek dosyası \"%s\": %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "\"%s\"den seçenekler okunuyor\n" -@@ -640,7 +637,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Sözdizimi: gpg-preset-passphrase [seçenekler] ANHMAÅžASI\n" - "Parola arabelleÄŸi bakımcısı\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -649,7 +646,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Komutlar:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1650,7 +1647,7 @@ msgstr "Komut geçersiz (\"help\" komutunu deneyin)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output seçeneÄŸi bu komutla çalışmaz\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "`%s' açılamadı\n" -@@ -1957,165 +1954,165 @@ msgstr "yardımcı anahtar %s, asıl anahtar %s yerine kullanılıyor\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "anahtar %s: genel anahtarsız gizli anahtar - atlandı\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "bir imza yapar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "açıkça okunabilen bir imza yapar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "bağımsız bir imza yapar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "veriyi ÅŸifreler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "sadece simetrik ÅŸifre ile ÅŸifreler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "veri ÅŸifresini açar (öntanımlı)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "bir imzayı doÄŸrular" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "anahtarları listeler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "anahtarları ve imzaları listeler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "anahtar imzalarını listeler ve sınar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "anahtarları ve parmak izlerini listeler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "gizli anahtarları listeler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "yeni bir anahtar çifti üretir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "bir yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası üretir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "anahtarları genel anahtar zincirinden siler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "anahtarları gizli anahtar zincirinden siler" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "bir anahtarı imzalar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "bir anahtarı yerel olarak imzalar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "bir anahtarı düzenler ve imzalar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "anahtar parolası deÄŸiÅŸtirir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "anahtarları gönderir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "anahtarları bir anahtar sunucusuna gönderir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "anahtarları bir anahtar sunucusundan indirir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "bir anahtar sunucusunda anahtarları arar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "anahtarları bir anahtar sunucusundan günceller" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "anahtarları indirir/katıştırır" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "kart durumunu basar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "kart üzerindeki veriyi deÄŸiÅŸtirir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "bir kartın PIN'ini deÄŸiÅŸtirir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "güvence veritabanını günceller" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "ileti özetlerini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "sunucu kipinde çalışır" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "ascii zırhlı çıktı oluÅŸturur" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ için ÅŸifreleme yapar" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - "|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ|imzalamak ya da ÅŸifre çözmek için KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ " - "kullanılır" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|sıkıştırma seviyesi N olarak ayarlanır (0 iptal eder)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "kurallı metin kipini kullanır" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|DOSYA|çıktı DOSYAya yazılır" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "hiçbir deÄŸiÅŸiklik yapmaz" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "üzerine yazmadan önce sorar" - -@@ -2151,16 +2148,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [isimler] anahtarları listeler\n" - " --fingerprint [isimler] parmak izlerini gösterir\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Kullanımı: gpg [seçenekler] [dosyalar] (yardım için -h)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2170,7 +2163,7 @@ msgstr "" - "imzalama, kontrol, ÅŸifreleme veya çözme\n" - "öntanımlı iÅŸlem girilen veriye bağımlıdır\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2178,554 +2171,554 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Desteklenen algoritmalar:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "GenAnah: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Åžifre: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Hash: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "Sıkıştırma: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "kullanımı: gpg [seçenekler] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "çeliÅŸen komutlar\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "grup tanımı '%s' içinde = iÅŸareti yok\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' evdizininde güvensiz iyelik\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasında güvensiz iyelik\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisinde güvensiz iyelik\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: UYARI: '%s' evdizininde güvensiz izinler\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasında güvensiz izinler\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisinde güvensiz izinler\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' evdizinindeki ilgili dizinin iyeliÄŸi güvensiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasını içeren dizinin iyeliÄŸi güvensiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisini içeren dizinin iyeliÄŸi güvensiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' evdizinindeki ilgili dizinin izinleri güvensiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasını içeren dizinin izinleri güvensiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisini içeren dizinin izinleri güvensiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "yapılandırma öğesi '%s' bilinmiyor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "anahtarların listelenmesi sırasında foto kimliklerini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında poliçe URLleri gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında tüm simgelemi gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında IETF standart simgelemlerini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında kullanıcı kanaklı simgelemleri gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" - "imza listelemesi sırasında tercih edilen anahtar sunucusu adresi gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "anahtar listelemesi sırasında kullanıcı kimliÄŸi geçerliliÄŸini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - "anahtar listelerinde yürürlükten kaldırılmış ve zamanaşımına uÄŸramış " - "kullanıcı kimlikleri gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "" - "anahtar listelerinde yürürlükten kaldırılmış ve zamanaşımına uÄŸramış " - "yardımcı anahtarlar gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "anahtar zinciri ismini anahtar listelerinde gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında zamanaşımı tarihleri gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: eski öntanımlı seçenekler dosyası `%s' yoksayıldı\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt çok eski (%s lazım, sizinki %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: %s normal kullanım için deÄŸil!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir imza zamanaşımı deÄŸil\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir karakter kümesi deÄŸil\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "anahtar sunucusunun adresi çözümlenemedi\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: anahtar sunucusu seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "anahtar sunucusu seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: geçersiz içselleÅŸtirme seçenekleri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "içselleÅŸtirme seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d geçersiz dışsallaÅŸtırma seçenekleri\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "dışsallaÅŸtırma seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: liste seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "liste seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında foto kimliklerini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında poliçe adreslerini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında tüm simgelemi gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında IETF standart simgelemlerini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında kullanıcı kaynaklı simgelemleri gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında tercih edilen anahtar sunucusu adresleri " - "gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında kullanıcı kimliÄŸi geçerliliÄŸini gösterir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - "imza doÄŸrulamasında yürürlükten kaldırılan ve zamanaşımına uÄŸrayan kullanıcı " - "kimlikleri gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "imza doÄŸrulamasında sadece birincil kullanıcı kimlik gösterilir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "imzaları PKA verisi ile doÄŸrular" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "imzaların güvenilirliÄŸini geçerli PKA verisi ile yükseltir" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d doÄŸrulama seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "doÄŸrulama seçenekleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "çalıştırılabilirlerin patikası %s yapılamıyor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: özdevinimli anahtar konumlama listesi geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "özdevinimli anahtar konumlama listesi geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "UYARI: program bir \"core\" dosyası oluÅŸturabilir!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "UYARI: %s %s'i aşıyor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ile %s birlikte kullanılmaz!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s, %s ile etkisiz olur!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "%s olmasından dolayı güvensiz bellekle çalıştırılmayacak\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "--pgp2 kipindeyken sadece ayrık veya sade imzalar yapabilirsiniz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "--pgp2 kipinde aynı anda hem imzalama hem de ÅŸifreleme yapamazsınız\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "--pgp2 ile çalışırken veri yolu yerine dosyaları kullanmalısınız.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "--pgp2 kipinde ileti ÅŸifrelemesi IDEA ÅŸifresi gerektirir\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "seçilen ÅŸifre algoritması geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "seçilen özet algoritması geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "seçilen ÅŸifre algoritması geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "seçilen sertifikalama özet algoritması geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "\"completes-needed\" 0 dan büyük olmalı\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "\"marginals-needed\" 1 den büyük olmalı\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "\"max-cert-depth\" 1 ile 255 arasında olmalı\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "öntanımlı sertifika seviyesi geçersiz; 0, 1, 2, ya da 3 olabilir\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "asgari sertifika seviyesi geçersiz; 1, 2, ya da 3 olabilir\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: basit S2K kipi (0) kesinlikle tavsiye edilmez\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "S2K kipi geçersiz; 0, 1 veya 3 olmalı\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "öntanımlı tercihler geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "kiÅŸisel ÅŸifre tercihleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "kiÅŸisel özet tercihleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "kiÅŸisel sıkıştırma tercihleri geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s, %s ile henüz çalışmıyor\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%2$s kipindeyken '%1$s' ÅŸifreleme algoritması kullanılamaz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%2$s kipindeyken '%1$s' özet algoritması kullanılamaz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%2$s kipindeyken '%1$s' sıkıştırma algoritması kullanılamaz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "\"TrustDB\" güvence veritabanı baÅŸlangıç aÅŸamasında baÅŸarısız: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "UYARI: alıcılar (-r) genel anahtar ÅŸifrelemesi kullanılmadan belirtilmiÅŸ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "`%s' için simetrik ÅŸifreleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "--s2k-mode 0 ile --symmetric --encrypt kullanamazsınız\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%s kipindeyken --symmetric --encrypt kullanamazsınız\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "--s2k-mode 0 ile --symmetric --sign --encrypt kullanamazsınız\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "%s kipindeyken --symmetric --sign --encrypt kullanamazsınız.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [DOSYA]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi [komutlar]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "anahtar sunucusuna gönderim baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "anahtar sunucusundan alım baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "anahtar ihracı baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "anahtar sunucusunda arama baÅŸarısız: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "anahtar sunucusunda tazeleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "zırhın kaldırılması baÅŸarısız: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "zırhlama baÅŸarısız: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "`%s' çittirim algoritması geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[dosyaismi]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Ä°letinizi yazın ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "belirtilen sertifika güvence adresi geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "belirtilen imza güvence adresi geçersiz\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "belirtilen anahtar sunucusu adresi geçersiz\n" - -@@ -2925,7 +2918,6 @@ msgstr "anahtar %s: kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "\"%s\" atlandı: %s\n" - -@@ -3055,7 +3047,6 @@ msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" deÄŸiÅŸmedi\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "gizli anahtar \"%s\" yok: %s\n" - -@@ -4037,12 +4028,12 @@ msgstr "" - "doÄŸrulukta olmayacağını lütfen gözönüne alınız.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "yürürlükten kaldırıldı" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "zamanaşımına uÄŸradı" - -@@ -4102,7 +4093,7 @@ msgstr "%d imza silindi.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Hiçbir ÅŸey silinmedi.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "geçersiz" - -@@ -5419,26 +5410,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: eskimiÅŸ seçenek \"%s\" - artık etkisiz\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "UYARI: \"%s\" seçeneÄŸi eskidi - artık etkisiz\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: eskimiÅŸ seçenek \"%s\" - artık etkisiz\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "UYARI: \"%s\" seçeneÄŸi eskidi - artık etkisiz\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "Sıkıştırılmamış" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "Sıkıştırılmamış|yok" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "bu ileti %s tarafından kullanılamayabilir\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "`%s' seçeneÄŸi belirsiz\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "`%s' seçeneÄŸi bilinmiyor\n" -@@ -6175,7 +6177,6 @@ msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: imza anahtarı %s yürürlükten kaldırılmıştı\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s imzası, %s özet algoritması\n" - -@@ -6590,7 +6591,7 @@ msgstr "son derece" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "bir güvence veritabanı denetimi gereksiz\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "sonraki güvence veritabanı denetimi %s de\n" -@@ -6605,39 +6606,39 @@ msgstr "`%s' güvence modelli güvence veritabanı sınaması için gereksiz\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "`%s' güvence modelli güvence veritabanı güncellemesi için gereksiz\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "genel anahtar %s yok: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "lütfen bir --check-trustdb yapın\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "güvence veritabanı denetleniyor\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "%d anahtar iÅŸlendi (%d doÄŸrulama temizlendi)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "son derece güvenli bir anahtar yok\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "son derece güvenli %s için genel anahtar yok\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d şöyle böyle gerekli, %d tamamen gerekli, %s güvence modeli\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6645,7 +6646,7 @@ msgstr "" - "derinlik: %d geçerli: %3d imzalı: %3d güvenilir: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, " - "%du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -6809,9 +6810,6 @@ msgstr "Kullanımı: kbxutil [seçenekler] [dosyalar] (yardım için -h)" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" --#| "list, export, import Keybox data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -@@ -7007,7 +7005,6 @@ msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" - msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz" - -@@ -7093,7 +7090,6 @@ msgstr "%s eriÅŸilebilir deÄŸil - OpenPGP kartı geçersiz olabilir mi?\n" - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad" - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" - msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'inizi okuyucunun tuÅŸtakımından giriniz" - -@@ -7138,7 +7134,6 @@ msgstr "|N|N saniyelik durgunluktan sonra kartı ayırır" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "do not use a reader's keypad" - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" - msgstr "bir okuyucu tuÅŸtakımı kullanılmaz" - -@@ -7499,25 +7494,21 @@ msgstr "anahtar kullanım bilgisi alınırken hata: %s\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for certification\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" - msgstr "sertifika onaylama için kullanılmamalıydı\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" - msgstr "sertifika, OCSP yanıtının imzalanması için kullanılmamalıydı\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for encryption\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" - msgstr "sertifika ÅŸifreleme için kullanılmamalıydı\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" - msgstr "sertifika imzalama için kullanılmamalıydı\n" - -@@ -7870,10 +7861,6 @@ msgstr "Kullanımı: gpgsm [seçenekler] [dosyalar] (yardım için -h)" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po -index 8763d56..24c6a8b 100644 ---- a/po/uk.po -+++ b/po/uk.po -@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg2\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-27 14:41+0300\n" - "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan \n" - "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" -@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "" - "підтримки ключів ssh, що ÑкладаютьÑÑ Ð· понад %d бітів, не передбачено\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñтворити «%s»: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ msgstr "запуÑтити у режимі фонової Ñлужби (фоно - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "запуÑтити у режимі Ñервера (оÑновному)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -448,7 +448,6 @@ msgstr "не викориÑтовувати кеш пін-кодів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ– - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "дозволити клієнтам позначати ключі Ñк надійні" - -@@ -458,7 +457,6 @@ msgstr "дозволити попереднє вÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾ - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "увімкнути емулÑцію ssh-агента" - -@@ -474,7 +472,7 @@ msgstr "запиÑати параметри Ñередовища Ñ– до фай - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -492,7 +490,7 @@ msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-agent [параметри] [команда [аргументи]]\n" - "ÐšÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸ ключами у GnuPG\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "вказано некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ€Ñ–Ð²Ð½Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð°Ð³Ð½Ð¾Ñтики «%s»\n" -@@ -504,18 +502,18 @@ msgstr "вказано некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ€Ñ–Ð²Ð½Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð°Ð³ - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s Ñ” занадто заÑтарілою (потрібно %s, маємо %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: не виÑвлено файла типових параметрів «%s»\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "файл параметрів «%s»: %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "прочитати параметри з «%s»\n" -@@ -651,7 +649,7 @@ msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметри] KEYGRIP\n" - "ÐšÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐµÑˆÐµÐ¼ паролів\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -660,7 +658,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@Команди:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1661,7 +1659,7 @@ msgstr "Ðекоректна команда (ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼ - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output не працює з цією командою\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ «%s»\n" -@@ -1976,165 +1974,165 @@ msgstr "викориÑтовуємо підключ %s заміÑÑ‚ÑŒ оÑнов - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "ключ %s: закритий ключ без відкритого ключа — пропущено\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "Ñтворити підпиÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "Ñтворити текÑтовий підпиÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "Ñтворити від’єднаний підпиÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "зашифрувати дані" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "шифрувати лише за допомогою Ñиметричного шифру" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "розшифрувати дані (типова діÑ)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "перевірити підпиÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів Ñ– підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок Ñ– перевірити підпиÑи ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів Ñ– відбитків" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок закритих ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "Ñтворити пару ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "Ñтворити Ñертифікат відкликаннÑ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "вилучити ключі з відкритого Ñховища ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "вилучити ключів з закритого Ñховища ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "підпиÑати ключ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "підпиÑати ключ локально" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "підпиÑати або редагувати ключ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "змінити пароль" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "екÑпортувати ключі" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "екÑпортувати ключі на Ñервер ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "імпортувати ключі з Ñервера ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "шукати ключі на Ñервері ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "оновити вÑÑ– ключів з Ñервера ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "імпортувати/об’єднати ключі" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "показати дані про Ñтан картки" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "змінити дані на картці" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "змінити пінкод картки" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "оновити базу даних довіри" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "показати контрольні Ñуми повідомлень" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "запуÑтити у режимі Ñервера" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "Ñтворити дані у форматі ASCII" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифрувати Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ідентифікатора" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" - "|USER-ID|викориÑтовувати Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñів або Ñ€Ð¾Ð·ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð¹ " - "ідентифікатор" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|вÑтановити рівень ÑтиÑÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ (0 — вимкнути)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "викориÑтовувати канонічний текÑтовий режим" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|FILE|запиÑати дані до вказаного файла" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "не вноÑити змін" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "запитувати перед перезапиÑом" - -@@ -2172,11 +2170,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [назви] показати ключі\n" - " --fingerprint [назви] показати відбитки\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "ВикориÑтаннÑ: gpg [параметри] [файли] (-h — довідка)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2186,7 +2184,7 @@ msgstr "" - "ПідпиÑуваннÑ, перевірка підпиÑів, ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð°Ð±Ð¾ розшифруваннÑ\n" - "Типова Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ðµ від вхідних даних\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2194,75 +2192,75 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "Підтримувані алгоритми:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "Відкритий ключ: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "Шифр: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "Хеш: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "СтиÑненнÑ: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "викориÑтаннÑ: gpg [параметри] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "неÑуміÑні команди\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "у визначенні групи «%s» немає знаку «=»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника домашнього каталогу «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника у файлі налаштувань «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника додатка «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до домашнього каталогу «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до файла налаштувань «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до додатка «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника підлеглого каталогу домашнього каталогу «%s» не Ñ” " - "безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2270,21 +2268,21 @@ msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника у підлеглому каталозі, визначеному файлом " - "налаштувань «%s», не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника підлеглого каталогу у додатку «%s» не Ñ” " - "безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до підлеглого каталогу домашнього каталогу " - "«%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -@@ -2292,483 +2290,483 @@ msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до підлеглого каталогу, визначеного файлом " - "налаштувань «%s», не Ñ” безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до підлеглого каталогу у додатку «%s» не Ñ” " - "безпечним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "невідомий пункт налаштувань «%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "показувати фотоідентифікатори у ÑпиÑках ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "показувати адреÑи правил у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "показувати вÑÑ– примітки у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "показувати Ñтандартні примітки IETF у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "показувати примітки кориÑтувача у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "показувати адреÑи оÑновних Ñерверів ключів у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "показувати чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів у ÑпиÑках ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" - "показувати відкликані та заÑтарілі ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів у ÑпиÑках " - "ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "показувати відкликані та заÑтарілі підключі у ÑпиÑках ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "показувати назву Ñховища ключів у ÑпиÑках ключів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "показувати дати Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроків дії у ÑпиÑку підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: заÑтарілий файл типових параметрів «%s» проігноровано\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt занадто Ñтара (потрібна — %s, маємо %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: %s не призначено Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‡Ð°Ð¹Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ викориÑтаннÑ!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "«%s» не Ñ” коректним запиÑом Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії підпиÑу\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "«%s» не Ñ” коректним набором Ñимволів\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ адреÑу Ñервера ключів\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри Ñервера ключів\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "некоректні параметри Ñервера ключів\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри імпортуваннÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "некоректні параметри імпортуваннÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри екÑпортуваннÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "некоректні параметри екÑпортуваннÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри побудови ÑпиÑку\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "некоректні параметри побудови ÑпиÑку\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "показувати фотоідентифікатори під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "показувати адреÑи правил під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "показувати вÑÑ– примітки під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "показувати Ñтандартні примітки IETF під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "показувати вказані кориÑтувачем примітки під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "показувати адреÑи оÑновних Ñерверів ключів у ÑпиÑках перевірки підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "" - "показувати чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ ідентифікаторів кориÑтувача під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" - "показувати відкликані та заÑтарілі ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів у ÑпиÑках " - "перевірки підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "" - "показувати лише оÑновний ідентифікатор кориÑтувача під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "перевірити підпиÑи за допомогою даних PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "піднÑти рівень довіри до підпиÑів з коректними даними PKA" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри перевірки\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "некоректні параметри перевірки\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñтановити шлÑÑ… Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑку у Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: некоректний ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "некоректний ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: можливе ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð¼Ð¿Ñƒ пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ– програми!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: %s перевизначає %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s не можна викориÑтовувати разом з %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s Ñ” зайвим, Ñкщо викориÑтано %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "не буде запущено з помилками у захиÑÑ‚Ñ– пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ– через %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "від’єднані та текÑтові підпиÑи можна Ñтворювати лише у режимі --pgp2\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "у режимі --pgp2 не можна одночаÑно підпиÑувати Ñ– зашифровувати дані\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "" - "вам Ñлід викориÑтовувати файли (не канали даних) під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¸ з увімкненим " - "--pgp2.\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "" - "ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½ÑŒ у режимі --pgp2 потребує викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ñƒ IDEA\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "вибраний алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ” некоректним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "вибраний алгоритм побудови контрольних Ñум Ñ” некоректним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "вибраний алгоритм ÑтиÑÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ” некоректним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "" - "вибраний алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¸Ñ… Ñум Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертифікації Ñ” некоректним\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ completes-needed має бути більшим за 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ marginals-needed має перевищувати 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ max-cert-depth має перебувати у діапазоні від 1 до 255\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ default-cert-level; має бути 0, 1, 2 або 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ min-cert-level; має бути 1, 2 або 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "" - "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: наполегливо не рекомендуємо вам кориÑтуватиÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñтим режимом " - "S2K (0)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "некоректний режим S2K; мало бути вказано 0, 1 або 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "некоректні типові параметри\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "некоректні оÑобиÑÑ‚Ñ– параметри шифруваннÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "некоректні оÑобиÑÑ‚Ñ– параметри контрольної Ñуми\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "некоректні оÑобиÑÑ‚Ñ– параметри ÑтиÑканнÑ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s ще не може працювати разом з %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "не можна викориÑтовувати алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» у режимі %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "не можна викориÑтовувати алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¸Ñ… Ñум «%s» у режимі " - "%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "не можна викориÑтовувати алгоритм ÑтиÑÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» у режимі %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñ–Ð½Ñ–Ñ†Ñ–Ð°Ð»Ñ–Ð·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸ базу даних надійноÑÑ‚Ñ– (TrustDB): %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "" - "УВÐГÐ: отримувачів (-r) вказано без викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¼ " - "ключем\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ñиметричного ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --encrypt у режимі --s2k-" - "mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --encrypt у режимі %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "" - "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --sign --encrypt у режимі --" - "s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "" - "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --sign --encrypt у режимі " - "%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key user-id [команди]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd <ідентифікатор-кориÑтувача>" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð´ÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… на Ñервер ключів: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… з Ñервера ключів: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби екÑÐ¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка пошуку на Ñервері ключів: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· Ñервера ключів: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· формату ASCII: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "помилка Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñƒ формат ASCII: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "некоректний алгоритм Ñ…ÐµÑˆÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[назва файла]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Почніть вводити ваше повідомленнÑ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "вказана адреÑа правил Ñертифікації Ñ” некоректною\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "вказана адреÑа правил підпиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ” некоректною\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "вказана адреÑа оÑновного Ñервера ключів Ñ” некоректною\n" - -@@ -2965,7 +2963,6 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: немає ідентифікатор кориÑтувач - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "пропущено «%s»: %s\n" - -@@ -3095,7 +3092,6 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» не змінено\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "закритий ключ «%s» не знайдено: %s\n" - -@@ -4053,12 +4049,12 @@ msgstr "" - "до перезапуÑку програми.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "відкликано" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "збіг Ñтрок дії" - -@@ -4120,7 +4116,7 @@ msgstr "Вилучено %d підпиÑів.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "Ðічого не вилучено.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "некоректний" - -@@ -5436,26 +5432,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: заÑтарілий параметр «%s» — він не пр - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: заÑтарілий параметр «%s» — він не працюватиме\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "ÐеÑтиÑнений" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "uncompressed|немає" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‰Ð¾Ð´Ð¾ %s може бути неможливим\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "неоднозначний параметр «%s»\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "невідомий параметр «%s»\n" -@@ -6189,7 +6196,6 @@ msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: ключ підпиÑу %s було відклик - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s підпиÑ, алгоритм контрольної Ñуми %s\n" - -@@ -6607,7 +6613,7 @@ msgstr "безмежна" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "потреби у перевірці trustdb немає\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "наÑтупну перевірку trustdb призначено на %s\n" -@@ -6622,39 +6628,39 @@ msgstr "потреби у перевірці trustdb на оÑнові моде - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "потреби у оновленні trustdb на оÑнові моделі довіри «%s» немає\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "відкритий ключ %s не знайдено: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "будь лаÑка, ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð¼ --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "перевірка trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "Оброблено %d ключів (очищено %d значень чинноÑÑ‚Ñ–)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "не знайдено ключів з необмеженою довірою\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "не знайдено відкритий ключ ключа з необмеженою довірою %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "потрібно %d обмежених, потрібно %d повних, модель довіри %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -@@ -6662,7 +6668,7 @@ msgstr "" - "глибина: %d чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %3d підпиÑано: %3d надійніÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " - "%df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑÑ–Ñ— trustdb: помилка запиÑу: %s\n" -diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po -index d1d7a67..36340e6 100644 ---- a/po/zh_CN.po -+++ b/po/zh_CN.po -@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.4\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-09 10:03+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Meng Jie \n" - "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) \n" -@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr "错误的密ç " - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "ä¸æ”¯æŒä¿æŠ¤æ•£åˆ— %d\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ msgstr "无法建立‘%s’:%s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -460,13 +460,11 @@ msgstr "生æˆå¯†ç çš„时候å‘生错误:%s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "未被支æŒ" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "未被支æŒ" - -@@ -478,7 +476,7 @@ msgstr "" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -497,7 +495,7 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -509,18 +507,18 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "注æ„:没有默认é…置文件‘%s’\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "é…置文件‘%s’:%s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "从‘%s’读å–选项\n" -@@ -655,7 +653,7 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -664,7 +662,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@指令:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1681,7 +1679,7 @@ msgstr "无效的指令(å°è¯•â€œhelpâ€)\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output 在这个命令中ä¸èµ·ä½œç”¨\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "无法打开‘%s’\n" -@@ -1977,171 +1975,171 @@ msgstr "使用å­é’¥ %s 而éžä¸»é’¥ %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "密钥 %s:无相应公钥的ç§é’¥â€•â€•å·²è·³è¿‡\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "|[文件å]|生æˆä¸€ä»½ç­¾å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - #, fuzzy - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "|[文件å]|生æˆä¸€ä»½æ˜Žæ–‡ç­¾å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "生æˆä¸€ä»½åˆ†ç¦»çš„ç­¾å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "加密数æ®" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "仅使用对称加密" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "解密数æ®(默认)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "列出密钥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "列出密钥和签å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "列出并检查密钥签å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "列出密钥和指纹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "列出ç§é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "生æˆä¸€å‰¯æ–°çš„密钥对" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "生æˆä¸€ä»½åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "从公钥钥匙环里删除密钥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "从ç§é’¥é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯é‡Œåˆ é™¤å¯†é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "为æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æ·»åŠ ç­¾å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "为æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æ·»åŠ æœ¬åœ°ç­¾å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "编辑æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æˆ–为其添加签å" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - #, fuzzy - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "更改密ç " - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "导出密钥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "把密钥导出到æŸä¸ªå…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Š" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šå¯¼å…¥å¯†é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "在公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šæœå¯»å¯†é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æ›´æ–°æ‰€æœ‰çš„本地密钥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "导入/åˆå¹¶å¯†é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "打å°å¡çŠ¶æ€" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "更改å¡ä¸Šçš„æ•°æ®" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "更改å¡çš„ PIN" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "更新信任度数æ®åº“" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - #, fuzzy - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "|算法 [文件]|使用指定的散列算法打å°æŠ¥æ–‡æ•£åˆ—值" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "è¾“å‡ºç» ASCII å°è£…" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|æŸç”²|为收件者“æŸç”²â€åŠ å¯†" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "使用这个用户标识æ¥ç­¾å或解密" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|设定压缩等级为 N (0 表示ä¸åŽ‹ç¼©)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "使用标准的文本模å¼" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - #, fuzzy - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "从‘%s’读å–选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "ä¸åšä»»ä½•æ”¹å˜" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "覆盖å‰å…ˆè¯¢é—®" - -@@ -2177,16 +2175,12 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [æŸç”²] 显示密钥\n" - " --fingerprint [æŸç”²] 显示指纹\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "用法: gpg [选项] [文件] (用 -h 求助)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "" --#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" --#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" --#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2196,7 +2190,7 @@ msgstr "" - "ç­¾åã€æ£€æŸ¥ã€åŠ å¯†æˆ–解密\n" - "默认的æ“作ä¾è¾“入数æ®è€Œå®š\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2204,545 +2198,545 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "支æŒçš„算法:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "公钥:" - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "对称加密:" - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "散列:" - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "压缩:" - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "用法:gpg [选项] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "冲çªçš„指令\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "在‘%s’组定义里找ä¸åˆ°ç­‰å·(=)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’的关闭目录所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’的关闭目录所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’的关闭目录所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’的关闭目录æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’的关闭目录æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’的关闭目录æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "未知的é…置项‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "列出密钥时显示用户标识" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "列出签å时显示策略 URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "列出签å时显示 IETF 标准注记" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "列出签å时显示 IETF 标准注记" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "列出签å时显示用户æ供的注记" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "列出密钥时显示首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "列出密钥时显示用户标识的有效性" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "列出密钥时显示已åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的用户标识" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "列出密钥时显示已åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的å­é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "列出密钥时显示钥匙环的å称" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "列出签å时显示过期日期" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "注æ„:旧å¼çš„默认é…置文件‘%s’已被忽略\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "注æ„:一般情况下ä¸ä¼šç”¨åˆ° %sï¼\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "‘%s’ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæœ‰æ•ˆçš„ç­¾å过期日期\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "‘%s’ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæœ‰æ•ˆçš„字符集\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "无法解æžå…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d:无效的公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨é€‰é¡¹\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "无效的公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨é€‰é¡¹\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d:无效的导入选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "无效的导入选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d:无效的导出选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "无效的导出选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d:无效的列表选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "无效的列表选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示照片标识" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示策略 URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示所有注记" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示 IETF 标准注记" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示用户æ供的注记" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示用户标识的有效性" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯å¯†é’¥æ—¶æ˜¾ç¤ºå·²åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的å­é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - #, fuzzy - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "验è¯å¯†é’¥æ—¶æ˜¾ç¤ºå·²åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的å­é’¥" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "使用 PKA æ•°æ®éªŒè¯ç­¾å的有效性" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "æå‡å¸¦æœ‰æœ‰æ•ˆ PKA æ•°æ®çš„ç­¾å的信任度" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d:无效的校验选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "无效的校验选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "无法把è¿è¡Œè·¯å¾„è®¾æˆ %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d:无效的 auto-key-locate 清å•\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "无效的 auto-key-locate 清å•\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "警告:程åºå¯èƒ½ä¼šåˆ›å»ºæ ¸å¿ƒå†…存转储ï¼\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "警告:%s 会使得 %s 失效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ä¸å¯ä¸Ž %s 并用\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s 与 %s 并用无æ„义ï¼\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "ä¸ä¼šåœ¨å†…å­˜ä¸å®‰å…¨çš„情况下è¿è¡Œï¼ŒåŽŸå› æ˜¯ %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "您åªæœ‰åœ¨ --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹æ‰èƒ½åšåˆ†ç¦»å¼æˆ–明文签å\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "您在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹æ—¶ï¼Œä¸èƒ½åŒæ—¶ç­¾å和加密\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "å¯ç”¨ --pgp2 时您应该åªä½¿ç”¨æ–‡ä»¶ï¼Œè€Œéžç®¡é“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹åŠ å¯†æŠ¥æ–‡éœ€è¦ IDEA 算法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所选的对称加密算法无效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所选的散列算法无效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所选的压缩算法无效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所选的è¯ä¹¦æ•£åˆ—算法无效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "需è¦çš„完全å¯ä¿¡ç­¾å数一定è¦å¤§äºŽ 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "需è¦çš„勉强å¯ä¿¡ç­¾å数一定è¦å¤§äºŽ 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "最大验è¯æ·±åº¦ä¸€å®šè¦ä»‹äºŽ 1 å’Œ 255 之间\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "无效的默认验è¯çº§åˆ«ï¼›ä¸€å®šè¦æ˜¯ 0,1,2 或 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "无效的最å°éªŒè¯çº§åˆ«ï¼›ä¸€å®šè¦æ˜¯ 1,2 或 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "注æ„:强烈ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨ç®€å•çš„ S2K 模å¼(0)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "无效的 S2K 模å¼ï¼›å¿…须是 0,1 或 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "无效的默认首选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "无效的个人对称加密算法首选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "无效的个人散列算法首选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "无效的个人压缩算法首选项\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s å°šä¸èƒ½å’Œ %s 并用\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨â€˜%s’对称加密算法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨â€˜%s’散列算法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨â€˜%s’压缩算法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "åˆå§‹åŒ–信任度数æ®åº“失败:%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "警告:给定了收件人(-r)但并未使用公钥加密\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "对称加密‘%s’失败:%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "使用 --symmetric --encrypt æ—¶ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric -encrypt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "使用 --symmetric --sign --encrypt æ—¶ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ --s2k-mode 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric --sign -encrypt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key 用户标识" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key 用户标识" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key 用户标识 [指令]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - #, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--sign-key 用户标识" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "上传至公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æŽ¥æ”¶å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "导出密钥失败:%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "æœå¯»å…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æ›´æ–°å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "解开 ASCII å°è£…失败:%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "进行 ASCII å°è£…失败:%s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "无效的‘%s’散列算法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[文件å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "请开始键入您的报文……\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "给定的的验è¯ç­–ç•¥ URL 无效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "给定的签åç­–ç•¥ URL 无效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "给定的首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL 无效\n" - -@@ -2936,7 +2930,6 @@ msgstr "密钥 %s:没有用户标识\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "“%sâ€å·²è·³è¿‡ï¼š%s\n" - -@@ -3066,7 +3059,6 @@ msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€æœªæ”¹å˜\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°ç§é’¥â€œ%sâ€ï¼š%s\n" - -@@ -3995,12 +3987,12 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "请注æ„,在您é‡å¯ç¨‹åºä¹‹å‰ï¼Œæ˜¾ç¤ºçš„密钥有效性未必正确,\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "å·²åŠé”€" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "已过期" - -@@ -4058,7 +4050,7 @@ msgstr "å·²ç»åˆ é™¤äº† %d 个签å。\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "没有东西被删除。\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "无效" - -@@ -5340,26 +5332,37 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "ä¸åŽ‹ç¼©" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "未压缩|æ— " - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "%s 也许ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨è¿™ä¸ªæŠ¥æ–‡\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "有歧义的选项‘%s’\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "未知的选项 '%s'\n" -@@ -6064,7 +6067,6 @@ msgstr "注æ„:密钥已被åŠé”€" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s ç­¾å,散列算法 %s\n" - -@@ -6462,7 +6464,7 @@ msgstr "ç»å¯¹" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "ä¸éœ€è¦æ£€æŸ¥ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "下次信任度数æ®åº“检查将于 %s 进行\n" -@@ -6477,46 +6479,46 @@ msgstr "使用‘%s’信任模型时ä¸éœ€è¦æ£€æŸ¥ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "使用‘%s’信任模型时ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é’¥ %s:%s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "请执行一次 --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "正在检查信任度数æ®åº“\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "å·²ç»å¤„ç†äº† %d 把密钥(共计已解决了 %d 份的有效性)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "没有找到任何ç»å¯¹ä¿¡ä»»çš„密钥\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "ç»å¯¹ä¿¡ä»»çš„密钥 %s 的公钥未被找到\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "éœ€è¦ %d 份勉强信任和 %d 份完全信任,%s 信任模型\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "" - "深度:%d 有效性:%3d 已签å:%3d 信任度:%d-,%dq,%dn,%dm,%df,%du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "无法更新信任度数æ®åº“版本记录:写入失败:%s\n" -diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po -index 76fdb68..13a47cb 100644 ---- a/po/zh_TW.po -+++ b/po/zh_TW.po -@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.17-git56b2bc2\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" --"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" - "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 19:34+0800\n" - "Last-Translator: Jedi Lin \n" - "Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) \n" -@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ msgstr "密語" - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" - msgstr "未支æ´å¤§æ–¼ %d ä½å…ƒçš„ ssh 金鑰\n" - --#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 - #: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ msgstr "無法建立 `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 --#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 - #: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 - #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 - #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ msgstr "以æœå‹™æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ (背景)" - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" - msgstr "以伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ (å‰æ™¯)" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" -@@ -427,7 +427,6 @@ msgstr "簽署時ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨å€‹äººè­˜åˆ¥ç¢¼ (PIN) å¿«å–" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "å…許用戶端將金鑰標記為 \"已信任\"" - -@@ -437,13 +436,11 @@ msgstr "å…許é å…ˆè¨­å®šå¯†èªž" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" - msgid "enable ssh support" - msgstr "啟用 ssh-agent 模擬" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - #, fuzzy --#| msgid "not supported" - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "未支æ´" - -@@ -455,7 +452,7 @@ msgstr "|檔案|將環境設定也寫至「檔案ã€" - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the - #. reporting address without breaking the translations. - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 --#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -@@ -473,7 +470,7 @@ msgstr "" - "語法: gpg-agent [é¸é …] [指令 [引數]]\n" - "GnuPG ç§é‘°ç®¡ç†\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" - msgstr "給定的除錯等級 `%s' 無效\n" -@@ -485,18 +482,18 @@ msgstr "給定的除錯等級 `%s' 無效\n" - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "%s 太舊了 (éœ€è¦ %s, 但是祇有 %s)\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" - msgstr "請注æ„: 沒有é è¨­é¸é …檔 `%s'\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "é¸é …檔 `%s': %s\n" - --#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" - msgstr "從 `%s' 讀å–é¸é …中\n" -@@ -629,7 +626,7 @@ msgstr "" - "語法: gpg-preset-passphrase [é¸é …] 金鑰鑰柄\n" - "密碼快å–維護\n" - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" -@@ -638,7 +635,7 @@ msgstr "" - "@指令:\n" - " " - --#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 - msgid "" -@@ -1619,7 +1616,7 @@ msgstr "無效的指令 (試試看 \"help\")\n" - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" - msgstr "--output 在這個指令中沒有作用\n" - --#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" - msgstr "無法開啟 `%s'\n" -@@ -1914,163 +1911,163 @@ msgstr "使用å­é‘° %s 來替æ›ä¸»é‘° %s\n" - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - msgstr "金鑰 %s: 祇有ç§é‘°è€Œæ²’有公鑰 - 已跳éŽ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" - msgstr "建立簽章" - --#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" - msgstr "建立明文簽章" - --#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" - msgstr "建立分離å¼ç°½ç« " - --#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" - msgstr "加密資料" - --#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" - msgstr "僅使用å°ç¨±å¼ç·¨å¯†æ³•ä¾†åŠ å¯†" - --#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" - msgstr "資料解密 (é è¨­)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" - msgstr "驗證簽章" - --#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 - msgid "list keys" - msgstr "列出金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" - msgstr "列出金鑰和簽章" - --#: g10/gpg.c:394 -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" - msgstr "列出並檢查金鑰簽章" - --#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" - msgstr "列出金鑰和指紋" - --#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" - msgstr "列出ç§é‘°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" - msgstr "產生新的金鑰å°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" - msgstr "產生撤銷憑證" - --#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" - msgstr "從公鑰鑰匙圈裡移除金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" - msgstr "從ç§é‘°é‘°åŒ™åœˆè£¡ç§»é™¤é‡‘é‘°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:403 -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" - msgstr "簽署金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:404 -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" - msgstr "僅在本機簽署金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" - msgstr "簽署或編輯金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" - msgstr "更改密語" - --#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" - msgstr "匯出金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 - msgid "export keys to a key server" - msgstr "把金鑰匯出至金鑰伺æœå™¨" - --#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 - msgid "import keys from a key server" - msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨åŒ¯å…¥é‡‘é‘°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 - msgid "search for keys on a key server" - msgstr "在金鑰伺æœå™¨ä¸Šæœå°‹é‡‘é‘°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:415 -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" - msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨æ›´æ–°æ‰€æœ‰çš„金鑰" - --#: g10/gpg.c:420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" - msgstr "匯入/åˆä½µé‡‘é‘°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:423 -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" - msgstr "列å°å¡ç‰‡ç‹€æ…‹" - --#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" - msgstr "變更å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šçš„資料" - --#: g10/gpg.c:425 -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 - msgid "change a card's PIN" - msgstr "變更å¡ç‰‡çš„個人識別碼 (PIN)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:434 -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" - msgstr "更新信任資料庫" - --#: g10/gpg.c:441 -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" - msgstr "å°å‡ºè¨Šæ¯æ‘˜è¦" - --#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" - msgstr "以伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ" - --#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" - msgstr "建立以 ASCII å°è£éŽçš„輸出" - --#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" - msgstr "|使用者-ID|以「使用者-IDã€ä½œç‚ºåŠ å¯†å°è±¡" - --#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "|使用者-ID|拿「使用者-IDã€ä¾†ç°½ç½²æˆ–解密" - --#: g10/gpg.c:467 -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" - msgstr "|N|設定壓縮等級為 N (0 表示ä¸å£“縮)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:473 -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" - msgstr "使用標準的文字模å¼" - --#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" - msgstr "|檔案|將輸出寫入至「檔案ã€" - --#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" - msgstr "ä¸è¦åšä»»ä½•æ”¹è®Š" - --#: g10/gpg.c:507 -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" - msgstr "覆寫å‰å…ˆè©¢å•" - -@@ -2106,11 +2103,11 @@ msgstr "" - " --list-keys [åå­—] 顯示金鑰\n" - " --fingerprint [åå­—] 顯示指紋\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:842 -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "用法: gpg [é¸é …] [檔案] (或用 -h 求助)" - --#: g10/gpg.c:845 -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -@@ -2120,7 +2117,7 @@ msgstr "" - "簽署, 檢查, 加密或解密\n" - "é è¨­çš„æ“作會ä¾è¼¸å…¥è³‡æ–™è€Œå®š\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" - "\n" - "Supported algorithms:\n" -@@ -2128,543 +2125,543 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - "已支æ´çš„演算法:\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:859 -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " - msgstr "公鑰: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " - msgstr "編密法: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:873 -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " - msgstr "雜湊: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " - msgstr "壓縮: " - --#: g10/gpg.c:949 -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " - msgstr "用法: gpg [é¸é …] " - --#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" - msgstr "指令彼此矛盾\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1181 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" - msgstr "在群組定義 `%s' 裡找ä¸åˆ° = 記號\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1378 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' 的所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' 的所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1384 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' 的所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' 的權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' 的權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1396 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' 的權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1408 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1420 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1600 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" - msgstr "未知的組態項目 `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1704 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" - msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示照片 ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1706 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "列出簽章時顯示原則 URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1708 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" - msgstr "列出簽章時顯示所有的註記" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1710 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" - msgstr "列出簽章時顯示 IETF 標準註記" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1714 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" - msgstr "列出簽章時顯示使用者æ供的註記" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1716 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "列出簽章時顯示å好的金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1718 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" - msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示使用者 ID 有效性" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1720 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示已撤銷或éŽæœŸçš„使用者 ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1722 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" - msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示已撤銷或éŽæœŸçš„å­é‘°" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1724 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" - msgstr "在金鑰清單中顯示鑰匙圈å稱" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1726 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" - msgstr "列出簽章時顯示有效期é™" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1860 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" - msgstr "請注æ„: 已忽略舊有的é è¨­é¸é …檔 `%s'\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:1953 -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" - msgstr "libgcrypt 太舊了 (éœ€è¦ %s, 但是祇有 %s)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" - msgstr "請注æ„: 一般情æ³ä¸‹ä¸æœƒç”¨åˆ° %s!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" - msgstr "`%s' ä¸æ˜¯å€‹æœ‰æ•ˆçš„簽章使用期é™\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2633 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" - msgstr "`%s' ä¸æ˜¯å€‹æœ‰æ•ˆçš„字元集\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" - msgstr "無法剖æžé‡‘鑰伺æœå™¨ URL\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2668 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的金鑰伺æœå™¨é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2671 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "無效的金鑰伺æœå™¨é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2678 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的匯入é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2681 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" - msgstr "無效的匯入é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2688 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的匯出é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2691 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" - msgstr "無效的匯出é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2698 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的清單é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2701 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" - msgstr "無效的清單é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2709 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示照片 ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2711 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示原則 URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示所有的註記" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2715 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示 IETF 標準註記" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2719 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示使用者æ供的註記" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2721 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示å好的金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示使用者 ID 有效性" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2725 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示已撤銷或éŽæœŸçš„使用者 ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2727 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" - msgstr "驗證簽章時祇顯示主è¦çš„使用者 ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2729 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" - msgstr "以 PKA 資料驗證簽章" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" - msgstr "æ高å°æŒæœ‰æœ‰æ•ˆ PKA 資料之簽章的信任" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2738 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的驗證é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "無效的驗證é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2748 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "ç„¡æ³•æŠŠåŸ·è¡Œæª”è·¯å¾‘è¨­æˆ %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2934 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的自動金鑰定å€æ¸…å–®\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:2937 -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" - msgstr "無效的自動金鑰定å€æ¸…å–®\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" - msgstr "警告: 程å¼å¯èƒ½æœƒå‚¾å°å‡ºæ ¸å¿ƒæª”!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3043 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" - msgstr "警告: %s 會推翻 %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3052 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s ä¸å…許跟 %s 併用!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3055 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" - msgstr "%s è·Ÿ %s 放在一起沒有æ„義!\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3070 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" - msgstr "因為 %s 而ä¸æœƒåœ¨ä¸å®‰å…¨çš„記憶體中執行\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "你祇有在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹çº”能åšå‡ºåˆ†é›¢å¼æˆ–明文簽章\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3090 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "你在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹æ™‚, ä¸èƒ½åŒæ™‚簽署和加密\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3096 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" - msgstr "啟用 --pgp2 時你祇應該使用檔案, 而éžç®¡é“\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3109 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" - msgstr "在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹åŠ å¯†è¨Šæ¯éœ€è¦ IDEA 編密法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所é¸çš„編密演算法無效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所é¸çš„摘è¦æ¼”算法無效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3189 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所é¸çš„壓縮演算法無效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3195 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" - msgstr "所é¸çš„憑證摘è¦æ¼”算法無效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3210 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" - msgstr "completes-needed 一定è¦å¤§æ–¼ 0\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3212 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" - msgstr "marginals-needed 一定è¦å¤§æ–¼ 1\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3214 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" - msgstr "max-cert-depth 一定è¦ä»‹æ–¼ 1 å’Œ 255 之間\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3216 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "無效的 default-cert-level; 一定è¦æ˜¯ 0, 1, 2 或 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3218 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "無效的 min-cert-level; 一定è¦æ˜¯ 1, 2 或 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3221 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" - msgstr "請注æ„: 強烈ä¸å»ºè­°ä½¿ç”¨å–®ç´”çš„ S2K æ¨¡å¼ (0)\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3225 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" - msgstr "無效的 S2K 模å¼; 一定è¦æ˜¯ 0, 1 或 3\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" - msgstr "無效的é è¨­å好\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" - msgstr "無效的個人編密法å好\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" - msgstr "無效的個人摘è¦å好\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3244 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" - msgstr "無效的個人壓縮å好\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3277 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" - msgstr "%s 還沒辦法跟 %s 一起é‹ä½œ\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3324 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸è©²å°‡ `%s' 編密演算法用於 %s 模å¼ä¸­\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3329 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸è©²å°‡ `%s' 摘è¦æ¼”算法用於 %s 模å¼ä¸­\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3334 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸è©²å°‡ `%s' 壓縮演算法用於 %s 模å¼ä¸­\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3429 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" - msgstr "信任資料庫啟始失敗: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3440 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" - msgstr "警告: 給定的收件者 (-r) 未使用公鑰加密\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3461 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" - msgstr "--store [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3468 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 - msgid "--symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3470 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" - msgstr "`%s' å°ç¨±å¼åŠ å¯†å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3480 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--encrypt [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3493 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 - msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3495 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ --s2k-mode 0 中使用 --symmetric --encrypt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3498 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸­ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric --encrypt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3516 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" - msgstr "--sign [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3529 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 - msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --encrypt [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3544 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 - msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3546 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ --s2k-mode 0 中使用 --symmetric --sign --encrypt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3549 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" - msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸­ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric --sign --encrypt\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3569 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" - msgstr "--sign --symmetric [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3578 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 - msgid "--clearsign [filename]" - msgstr "--clearsign [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3603 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 - msgid "--decrypt [filename]" - msgstr "--decrypt [檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3611 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" - msgstr "--sign-key 使用者ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3615 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" - msgstr "--lsign-key 使用者ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3636 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" - msgstr "--edit-key 使用者ID [指令]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " - msgstr "--passwd 使用者ID" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3739 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" - msgstr "é€è‡³é‡‘鑰伺æœå™¨å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3741 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" - msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨æŽ¥æ”¶å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3743 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" - msgstr "金鑰匯出失敗: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3754 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" - msgstr "用金鑰伺æœå™¨æœå°‹å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3764 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" - msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨æ›´æ–°å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3815 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "解開å°è£å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3823 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" - msgstr "進行å°è£å¤±æ•—: %s\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:3913 -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" - msgstr "無效的 `%s' 雜湊演算法\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4028 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[檔å]" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4032 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "è«‹é–‹å§‹è¼¸å…¥ä½ çš„è¨Šæ¯ ...\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4346 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "給定的的憑證原則 URL 無效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4348 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "給定的簽章原則 URL 無效\n" - --#: g10/gpg.c:4381 -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" - msgstr "給定的å好金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL 無效\n" - -@@ -2856,7 +2853,6 @@ msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有使用者 ID\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "å·²è·³éŽ \"%s\": %s\n" - -@@ -2986,7 +2982,6 @@ msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 未改變\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°ç§é‘° \"%s\": %s\n" - -@@ -3922,12 +3917,12 @@ msgstr "" - "除éžä½ é‡æ–°åŸ·è¡Œç¨‹å¼.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" - msgstr "已撤銷" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 --#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" - msgstr "å·²éŽæœŸ" - -@@ -3986,7 +3981,7 @@ msgstr "已經刪除了 %d 份簽章.\n" - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" - msgstr "沒有刪除任何æ±è¥¿.\n" - --#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" - msgstr "無效" - -@@ -5266,26 +5261,37 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: 廢棄的 \"%s\" é¸é … - 沒有任何影響\n" - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "警告: \"%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - 沒有效果\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:910 -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: 廢棄的 \"%s\" é¸é … - 沒有任何影響\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, fuzzy, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "警告: \"%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - 沒有效果\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" - msgstr "未壓縮" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. --#: g10/misc.c:935 -+#: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" - msgstr "uncompressed|none|未壓縮|ç„¡" - --#: g10/misc.c:1062 -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" - msgstr "這個訊æ¯å° %s 來說無法使用\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1237 -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" - msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žç¢ºçš„ `%s' é¸é …\n" - --#: g10/misc.c:1262 -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" - msgstr "未知的 `%s' é¸é …\n" -@@ -5996,7 +6002,6 @@ msgstr "請注æ„: 簽署金鑰 %s 已撤銷\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 - #, fuzzy, c-format --#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - msgstr "%s 簽章, 摘è¦æ¼”算法 %s\n" - -@@ -6393,7 +6398,7 @@ msgstr "徹底" - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" - msgstr "ä¸éœ€è¦æª¢æŸ¥ä¿¡ä»»è³‡æ–™åº«\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" - msgstr "下次信任資料庫檢查將於 %s 進行\n" -@@ -6408,45 +6413,45 @@ msgstr "在 `%s' 信任模型中並ä¸éœ€è¦æª¢æŸ¥ä¿¡ä»»è³‡æ–™åº«\n" - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "在 `%s' 信任模型中並ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»è³‡æ–™åº«\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" - msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é‘° %s: %s\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" - msgstr "è«‹åšä¸€æ¬¡ --check-trustdb\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" - msgstr "正在檢查信任資料庫\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" - msgstr "已經處ç†äº† %d 把金鑰 (共計已解決了 %d 份有效性)\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" - msgstr "沒有找到任何徹底信任的金鑰\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" - msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¾¹åº•ä¿¡ä»»é‡‘é‘° %s 的公鑰\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "%d å€‹å‹‰å¼·ä¿¡ä»»ä»¥åŠ %d 個完全信任是 %s 信任模型的最å°éœ€æ±‚\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - msgstr "深度: %d 有效: %3d 已簽署: %3d ä¿¡ä»»: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" - --#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "無法更新信任資料庫版本記錄: 寫入失敗: %s\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0007-doc-Update-the-file-OpenPGP.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0007-doc-Update-the-file-OpenPGP.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0007-doc-Update-the-file-OpenPGP.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0007-doc-Update-the-file-OpenPGP.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -From ba2b8c20ee68f7ee3e7a58f7c3449d94004131d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 11:17:07 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 07/31] doc: Update the file OpenPGP - --- - -It should actually be completey reworked but for now I added just a -few notes. ---- - doc/OpenPGP | 21 ++++++++++----------- - 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/doc/OpenPGP b/doc/OpenPGP -index a511ad7..96223d7 100644 ---- a/doc/OpenPGP -+++ b/doc/OpenPGP -@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ - GnuPG and OpenPGP - ================= - -- See RFC2440 for a description of OpenPGP. We have an annotated version -- of this RFC online: http://www.gnupg.org/rfc2440.html -- -+ See RFC-4880 for a description of OpenPGP. These notes are older -+ than RFC-4880 and refer to the predecessor of the specs (RFC-2440). - - - Compatibility Notes -@@ -12,7 +11,9 @@ - - * (9.2) states that IDEA SHOULD be implemented. This is not done - due to patent problems. -- -+ UPDATE: Since version 1.4.13 (or GnuPG 2.x with Libgcrypt 1.6) -+ IDEA support has been added to allow decryption of old -+ PGP-2 encrypted material. - - All MAY features are implemented with this exception: - -@@ -28,17 +29,17 @@ - A special format of partial packet length exists for v3 packets - which can be considered to be in compliance with RFC1991; this - format is only created if a special option is active. -+ UPDATE: This support has been removed with version 1.3.6. - - GnuPG uses a S2K mode of 101 for GNU extensions to the secret key - protection algorithms. This number is not defined in OpenPGP, but -- given the fact that this number is in a range which used at many -- other places in OpenPGP for private/experimenat algorithm identifiers, -- this should be not a so bad choice. The 3 bytes "GNU" are used -- to identify this as a GNU extension - see the file DETAILS for a -+ given that this number is in a range which is used at many other -+ places in OpenPGP for private/experimental algorithm identifiers, -+ this should be not a too bad choice. The 3 bytes "GNU" are used to -+ identify this as a GNU extension - see the file DETAILS for a - definition of the used data formats. - - -- - Some Notes on OpenPGP / PGP Compatibility: - ========================================== - -@@ -104,5 +105,3 @@ - - The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be - revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. -- -- --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0007-Update-French-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0007-Update-French-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0007-Update-French-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0007-Update-French-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,1089 +0,0 @@ -From: =?utf-8?q?David_Pr=C3=A9vot?= -Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:36:16 -0400 -Subject: Update French translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=4e03e2757521ddc39d627712937227b84bf72275 -Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/769574 ---- - po/fr.po | 308 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- - 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po -index 5762832..0fbc1eb 100644 ---- a/po/fr.po -+++ b/po/fr.po -@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ - # GnuPG French translation --# Copyright (C) 1998-2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -+# Copyright (C) 1998-2009, 2012, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - # - # Gaël Quéri , 1998-2009. --# David Prévot , 2012. -+# David Prévot , 2012, 2014. - msgid "" - msgstr "" --"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.19\n" -+"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.26\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 09:34+0200\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-01 19:43-0400\n" - "Last-Translator: David Prévot \n" - "Language-Team: French \n" - "Language: fr\n" -@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr "" - "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" - "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n" - "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" --"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n" -+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 - #, c-format -@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " - "session" - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer votre code personnel, pour pouvoir débloquer la clef secrète " -+"Veuillez entrer votre code personnel, afin de débloquer la clef secrète " - "pendant cette session" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 -@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " - "this session" - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer votre phrase de passe, pour pouvoir débloquer la clef " --"secrète pendant cette session" -+"Veuillez entrer votre phrase secrète, afin de débloquer la clef secrète " -+"pendant cette session" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in - #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the -@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ msgstr "Code personnel trop long" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 - msgid "Passphrase too long" --msgstr "Phrase de passe trop longue" -+msgstr "Phrase secrète trop longue" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 - msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" -@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ msgstr "Mauvais code personnel" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 - msgid "Bad Passphrase" --msgstr "Mauvaise phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Mauvaise phrase secrète" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 - msgid "Passphrase" --msgstr "Phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Phrase secrète" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 - #, c-format -@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ msgstr "Refuser" - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 - #, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" --msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour la clef SSH%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -+msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour la clef SSH%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 - msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" --msgstr "Veuillez répéter cette phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Veuillez répéter cette phrase secrète" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 - #, c-format -@@ -199,13 +199,13 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " - "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer une phrase de passe pour protéger la clef secrète%%0A %s" -+"Veuillez entrer une phrase secrète pour protéger la clef secrète%%0A %s" - "%%0A %s%%0Areçue dans l'espace de stockage de clefs de gpg-agent" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 - msgid "does not match - try again" --msgstr "ne correspond pas — veuillez réessayer" -+msgstr "ne correspond pas — veuillez réessayer" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 - #, c-format -@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ msgstr "erreur d'écriture du fichier temporaire : %s\n" - - #: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 - msgid "Enter new passphrase" --msgstr "Entrez la nouvelle phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Entrez la nouvelle phrase secrète" - - #: agent/genkey.c:167 - msgid "Take this one anyway" -@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " - "at least %u characters long." - msgstr[0] "" --"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " --"phrase de passe devrait être longue d'au moins %u caractère." -+"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " -+"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u caractère." - msgstr[1] "" --"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " --"phrase de passe devrait être longue d'au moins %u caractères." -+"Avertissement : une phrase secrète sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " -+"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u caractères." - - #: agent/genkey.c:214 - #, c-format -@@ -313,12 +313,11 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " - "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." - msgstr[0] "" --"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " --"phrase de passe devrait contenir au moins%%0A%u chiffre ou caractère spécial." -+"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " -+"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u chiffre%%0Aou caractère spécial." - msgstr[1] "" --"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " --"phrase de passe devrait contenir au moins%%0A%u chiffres ou caractères " --"spéciaux." -+"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " -+"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u chiffres%%0Aou caractères spéciaux." - - #: agent/genkey.c:237 - #, c-format -@@ -326,16 +325,16 @@ msgid "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " - "a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." - msgstr "" --"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " --"phrase de passe ne devrait ni être un mot commun,%%0Ani correspondre à un " --"certain schéma." -+"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " -+"secrète ne devrait ni être un mot commun,%%0Ani correspondre à un certain " -+"schéma." - - #: agent/genkey.c:253 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." - msgstr "" --"Aucune phrase de passe n'a été entrée.%0AUne phrase de passe vide n'est pas " -+"Aucune phrase secrète n'a été entrée.%0AUne phrase secrète vide n'est pas " - "autorisée." - - #: agent/genkey.c:255 -@@ -344,7 +343,7 @@ msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " - "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." - msgstr "" --"Aucune phrase de passe n'a été entrée — c'est souvent une mauvaise idée." -+"Aucune phrase secrète n'a été entrée — c'est souvent une mauvaise idée." - "%0AVeuillez confirmer que vous ne voulez aucune protection pour la clef." - - #: agent/genkey.c:264 -@@ -354,11 +353,11 @@ msgstr "Oui, aucune protection n'est nécessaire" - #: agent/genkey.c:308 - #, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" --msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe%0Apour protéger la nouvelle clef" -+msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète%0Apour protéger la nouvelle clef" - - #: agent/genkey.c:431 - msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" --msgstr "Veuillez entrer la nouvelle phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Veuillez entrer la nouvelle phrase secrète" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 -@@ -446,23 +445,20 @@ msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" - msgstr "ne pas utiliser le cache de code pour signer" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" --msgstr "permettre de marquer la confiance des clefs" -+msgstr "ne pas marquer les clefs comme de confiance" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" --msgstr "permettre de préconfigurer la phrase de passe" -+msgstr "permettre de préconfigurer la phrase secrète" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "activer l'émulation de ssh-agent" -+msgstr "activer la prise en charge de SSH" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable putty support" --msgstr "non pris en charge" -+msgstr "activer la prise en charge de putty" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -@@ -617,7 +613,7 @@ msgstr "gestionnaire SSH 0x%lx pour le descripteur %d terminé\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 - #, c-format - msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" --msgstr "échec de pth_select : %s — attente 1 s\n" -+msgstr "échec de pth_select : %s — attente 1 s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 - #, c-format -@@ -688,19 +684,19 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour déprotéger l'objet PKCS#12." -+msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour déprotéger l'objet PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour protéger le nouvel objet PKCS#12." -+"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour protéger le nouvel objet PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 - msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " - "system." - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour protéger l'objet importé dans le " -+"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour protéger l'objet importé dans le " - "système GnuPG." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 -@@ -708,12 +704,12 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" - "needed to complete this operation." - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe ou le code personnel\n" -+"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète ou le code personnel\n" - "nécessaires pour terminer cette opération." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 - msgid "Passphrase:" --msgstr "Phrase de passe :" -+msgstr "Phrase secrète :" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 - msgid "cancelled\n" -@@ -722,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr "annulé\n" - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 - #, c-format - msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "erreur de demande de la phrase de passe : %s\n" -+msgstr "erreur de demande de la phrase secrète : %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 - #, c-format -@@ -820,7 +816,7 @@ msgstr "Faux" - #, c-format - msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." - msgstr "" --"Remarque : cette phrase de passe n'a jamais été modifiée.%0AVeuillez la " -+"Remarque : cette phrase secrète n'a jamais été modifiée.%0AVeuillez la " - "modifier maintenant." - - #: agent/findkey.c:173 -@@ -829,12 +825,12 @@ msgid "" - "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " - "it now." - msgstr "" --"Cette phrase de passe n'a pas été modifiée%%0Adepuis le %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. " -+"Cette phrase secrète n'a pas été modifiée%%0Adepuis le %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. " - "Veuillez la modifier maintenant." - - #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 - msgid "Change passphrase" --msgstr "Modifier la phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Modifier la phrase secrète" - - #: agent/findkey.c:195 - msgid "I'll change it later" -@@ -999,7 +995,7 @@ msgstr "%d secondes d'attente pour permettre à l'agent d'arriver\n" - #: common/asshelp.c:426 - msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" - msgstr "" --"impossible de se connecter à l'agent — essai avec la solution de repli\n" -+"impossible de se connecter à l'agent — essai avec la solution de repli\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars - #. verbatim. It will not be printed. -@@ -1149,7 +1145,7 @@ msgstr "aucune liste de révocations trouvée pour le certificat" - - #: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 - msgid "the available CRL is too old" --msgstr "la liste de révocations de certificats est trop vieille" -+msgstr "la liste de révocations de certificat est trop vieille" - - #: common/audit.c:1119 - msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" -@@ -1424,7 +1420,7 @@ msgstr "Préférences de langue : " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1014 - msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" --msgstr "Erreur : longueur incorrecte de la chaîne de préférences.\n" -+msgstr "Erreur : taille incorrecte de la chaîne de préférences.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1023 - msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" -@@ -1701,7 +1697,7 @@ msgstr "Faut-il supprimer cette clef du porte-clefs ? (o/N) " - - #: g10/delkey.c:153 - msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " --msgstr "C'est une clef secrète — faut-il vraiment la supprimer ? (o/N) " -+msgstr "C'est une clef secrète — faut-il vraiment la supprimer ? (o/N) " - - #: g10/delkey.c:163 - #, c-format -@@ -1725,7 +1721,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "erreur de création de la phrase de passe : %s\n" -+msgstr "erreur de création de la phrase secrète : %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:232 - msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" -@@ -1892,7 +1888,7 @@ msgstr "exporter les clefs de révocation marquées comme « sensibles »" - - #: g10/export.c:67 - msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" --msgstr "supprimer la phrase de passe des sous-clefs exportées" -+msgstr "supprimer la phrase secrète des sous-clefs exportées" - - #: g10/export.c:69 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" -@@ -1913,17 +1909,17 @@ msgstr "il est interdit d'exporter les clefs secrètes\n" - #: g10/export.c:367 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: not protected - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : non protégée — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : non protégée — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/export.c:375 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : clef de type PGP 2.x — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : clef de type PGP 2.x — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/export.c:386 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : matériel de clef sur la carte — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : matériel de clef sur la carte — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/export.c:537 - msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" -@@ -1946,7 +1942,7 @@ msgstr "Attention : rien n'a été exporté\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:152 - msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" --msgstr "trop d'entrées dans le cache de clefs publiques — désactivé\n" -+msgstr "trop d'entrées dans le cache de clefs publiques — désactivé\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:175 - msgid "[User ID not found]" -@@ -1976,7 +1972,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 - #, c-format - msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" --msgstr "pas de sous-clef secrète pour la sous-clef publique %s — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "pas de sous-clef secrète pour la sous-clef publique %s — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2765 - #, c-format -@@ -1988,7 +1984,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/getkey.c:2812 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète sans clef publique — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète sans clef publique — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" -@@ -2068,7 +2064,7 @@ msgstr "signer ou éditer une clef" - - #: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" --msgstr "modifier une phrase de passe" -+msgstr "modifier une phrase secrète" - - #: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" -@@ -2124,11 +2120,11 @@ msgstr "créer une sortie ASCII avec armure" - - #: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" --msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|chiffrer pour l'IDENTITÉ" -+msgstr "|IDENTITÉ| chiffrer pour l'IDENTITÉ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" --msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|utiliser l'IDENTITÉ pour signer ou déchiffrer" -+msgstr "|IDENTITÉ| utiliser l'IDENTITÉ pour signer ou déchiffrer" - - #: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -@@ -2140,7 +2136,7 @@ msgstr "utiliser le mode texte canonique" - - #: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" --msgstr "|FICHIER|Écrire la sortie dans le FICHIER" -+msgstr "|FICHIER|écrire la sortie dans le FICHIER" - - #: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" -@@ -2972,13 +2968,13 @@ msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" - msgstr "clef %s : pas d'identité\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "« %s » a été ignorée : %s\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "rejetée par le filtre d’importation" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format -@@ -3007,7 +3003,7 @@ msgstr "clef %s : clef publique introuvable : %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:873 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : nouvelle clef — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : nouvelle clef — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:882 - #, c-format -@@ -3101,9 +3097,9 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "clef %s : « %s » n'est pas modifiée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "clef secrète « %s » introuvable : %s\n" -+msgstr "clef secrète %s : %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 - msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -3112,7 +3108,7 @@ msgstr "impossible d'importer des clefs secrètes\n" - #: g10/import.c:1237 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète avec chiffrement %d incorrect — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète avec chiffrement %d incorrect — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 - #, c-format -@@ -3138,13 +3134,13 @@ msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète introuvable : %s\n" - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" - msgstr "" --"clef %s : pas de clef publique — impossible d'appliquer le certificat\n" -+"clef %s : pas de clef publique — impossible d'appliquer le certificat\n" - " de révocation\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1392 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" --msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — rejeté\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — rejeté\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1424 - #, c-format -@@ -3219,32 +3215,32 @@ msgstr "clef %s : sous-clef ignorée\n" - #: g10/import.c:1719 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : signature non exportable (classe 0x%02X) — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : signature non exportable (classe 0x%02X) — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1729 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation au mauvais endroit — ignoré\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation au mauvais endroit — ignoré\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1746 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — ignoré\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — ignoré\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1760 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : signature de sous-clef au mauvais endroit — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : signature de sous-clef au mauvais endroit — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1768 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : classe de signature inattendue (0x%02X) — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : classe de signature inattendue (0x%02X) — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1897 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" --msgstr "clef %s : identités en double détectées — fusionnées\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : identités en double détectées — fusionnées\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1959 - #, c-format -@@ -3591,8 +3587,8 @@ msgstr "échec de la signature : %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:1131 - msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" - msgstr "" --"La clef ne possède que des éléments partiels ou stockés sur carte —\n" --"pas de phrase de passe à modifier.\n" -+"La clef ne possède que des éléments partiels ou stockés sur carte\n" -+"— pas de phrase secrète à modifier.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 - msgid "This key is not protected.\n" -@@ -3621,20 +3617,20 @@ msgid "" - "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Entrez la nouvelle phrase de passe pour cette clef secrète.\n" -+"Entrez la nouvelle phrase secrète pour cette clef secrète.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 - msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" - msgstr "" --"la phrase de passe n'a pas été correctement répétée ; veuillez réessayer" -+"la phrase secrète n'a pas été correctement répétée ; veuillez réessayer" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1212 - msgid "" - "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase de passe — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise* " -+"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase secrète — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise* " - "idée.\n" - "\n" - -@@ -3764,7 +3760,7 @@ msgstr "définir une notation pour les identités sélectionnées" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1457 - msgid "change the passphrase" --msgstr "modifier la phrase de passe" -+msgstr "modifier la phrase secrète" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1461 - msgid "change the ownertrust" -@@ -4533,7 +4529,7 @@ msgstr " (%d) RSA (indiquez vous-même les capacités)\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:1819 - #, c-format - msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" --msgstr "les clefs %s peuvent faire entre %u et %u bits de longueur.\n" -+msgstr "les clefs %s peuvent faire une taille comprise entre %u et %u bits.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1827 - #, c-format -@@ -4750,7 +4746,7 @@ msgid "" - "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Une phrase de passe est nécessaire pour protéger votre clef secrète.\n" -+"Une phrase secrète est nécessaire pour protéger votre clef secrète.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2284 -@@ -4758,8 +4754,8 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " - "encryption key." - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer une phrase de passe pour protéger la sauvegarde hors carte " --"de la nouvelle clef de chiffrement." -+"Veuillez entrer une phrase secrète pour protéger la sauvegarde hors carte de " -+"la nouvelle clef de chiffrement." - - #: g10/keygen.c:2300 - #, c-format -@@ -4773,8 +4769,8 @@ msgid "" - "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase de passe — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise*\n" --"idée. C'est possible quand même. Vous pouvez modifier la phrase de passe\n" -+"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase secrète — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise*\n" -+"idée. C'est possible quand même. Vous pouvez modifier la phrase secrète\n" - "à tout moment en utilisant ce programme avec l'option « --edit-key ».\n" - "\n" - -@@ -5187,7 +5183,7 @@ msgstr "clef de session chiffrée %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:305 - #, c-format - msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" --msgstr "phrase de passe générée avec l'algorithme de hachage %d inconnu\n" -+msgstr "phrase secrète générée avec l'algorithme de hachage %d inconnu\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:371 - #, c-format -@@ -5223,11 +5219,11 @@ msgstr "échec du déchiffrement par clef publique : %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:506 - #, c-format - msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" --msgstr "chiffré avec %lu phrases de passe\n" -+msgstr "chiffré avec %lu phrases secrètes\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:508 - msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" --msgstr "chiffré avec 1 phrase de passe\n" -+msgstr "chiffré avec 1 phrase secrète\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 - #, c-format -@@ -5256,7 +5252,7 @@ msgstr "Attention : le message chiffré a été manipulé.\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:597 - #, c-format - msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" --msgstr "phrase de passe effacée mise en cache avec l'identifiant : %s\n" -+msgstr "phrase secrète effacée mise en cache avec l'identifiant : %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:602 - #, c-format -@@ -5278,7 +5274,7 @@ msgstr "Attention : plusieurs textes en clair ont été vus\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:866 - msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" --msgstr "révocation autonome — utilisez « gpg --import » pour l'appliquer\n" -+msgstr "révocation autonome — utilisez « gpg --import » pour l'appliquer\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 - msgid "no signature found\n" -@@ -5456,28 +5452,32 @@ msgstr "veuillez plutôt utiliser « %s%s »\n" - #: g10/misc.c:836 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" --msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une commande déconseillée — ne l'utilisez pas\n" -+msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une commande déconseillée — ne l'utilisez pas\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:846 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -+msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:849 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -+msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%s : %u : « %s%s » est obsolète dans ce fichier — n’est prise en compte que " -+"dans %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Attention : « %s%s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte à part " -+"dans %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -5576,7 +5576,7 @@ msgid "" - "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" - "created %s%s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " -+"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " - "le\n" - "certificat OpenPGP :\n" - "« %2$.*1$s »\n" -@@ -5585,7 +5585,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:384 - msgid "Enter passphrase\n" --msgstr "Entrez la phrase de passe\n" -+msgstr "Entrez la phrase secrète\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:412 - msgid "cancelled by user\n" -@@ -5597,7 +5597,7 @@ msgid "" - "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" - "user: \"%s\"\n" - msgstr "" --"Une phrase de passe est nécessaire pour déverrouiller la clef secrète de\n" -+"Une phrase secrète est nécessaire pour déverrouiller la clef secrète de\n" - "l'utilisateur : « %s »\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:600 -@@ -6152,7 +6152,7 @@ msgstr "le hachage de protection %d n'est pas pris en charge\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 - msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" --msgstr "Phrase de passe incorrecte ; veuillez réessayer" -+msgstr "Phrase secrète incorrecte ; veuillez réessayer" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 - #, c-format -@@ -6162,7 +6162,7 @@ msgstr "%s…\n" - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 - msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" - msgstr "" --"Attention : clef faible détectée — modifiez encore la phrase de passe.\n" -+"Attention : clef faible détectée — modifiez encore la phrase secrète.\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 - msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" -@@ -6172,7 +6172,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 - msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" --msgstr "clef faible générée — nouvel essai\n" -+msgstr "clef faible générée — nouvel essai\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:65 - #, c-format -@@ -6183,7 +6183,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 - msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" --msgstr "DSA nécessite que la longueur du hachage soit un multiple de 8 bits\n" -+msgstr "DSA nécessite que la taille du hachage soit un multiple de 8 bits\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:240 - #, c-format -@@ -6249,9 +6249,9 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" - msgstr "Remarque : la clef de signature %s a été révoquée\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "signature %s, algorithme de hachage %s\n" -+msgstr "Remarque : les signatures utilisant l’algorithme %s sont rejetées\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format -@@ -6340,7 +6340,7 @@ msgstr "le chiffrement %s sera utilisé\n" - #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 - msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" - msgstr "" --"la clef n'est pas marquée comme non sécurisée — elle ne peut pas être\n" -+"la clef n'est pas marquée comme non sécurisée — elle ne peut pas être\n" - "utilisée avec le soi-disant générateur de nombres aléatoires.\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:174 -@@ -6570,7 +6570,7 @@ msgstr "la clef %s apparaît plusieurs fois dans la base de confiance\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:306 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" --msgstr "clef %s : pas de clef publique pour la clef de confiance — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "clef %s : pas de clef publique pour la clef de confiance — ignorée\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:316 - #, c-format -@@ -7018,7 +7018,7 @@ msgstr "utilisation du code personnel par défaut en tant que %s\n" - msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" - msgstr "" - "impossible d'utiliser le code personnel par défaut en tant que %s :\n" --"%s — désactivation de la prochaine utilisation par défaut\n" -+"%s — désactivation de la prochaine utilisation par défaut\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 - #, c-format -@@ -7033,7 +7033,7 @@ msgstr "||Veuillez entrer le code personnel" - #, c-format - msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" - msgstr "" --"le code personnel pour CHV%d est trop court ; la longueur minimale\n" -+"le code personnel pour CHV%d est trop court ; la taille minimale\n" - "est %d\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -@@ -7082,7 +7082,7 @@ msgstr "||Veuillez entrer le code de réinitialisation pour la carte" - #, c-format - msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" - msgstr "" --"Le code de réinitialisation est trop court ; la longueur minimale\n" -+"Le code de réinitialisation est trop court ; la taille minimale\n" - "est %d\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but -@@ -7192,7 +7192,7 @@ msgstr "" - #, c-format - msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" - msgstr "" --"impossible d'accéder à %s — la carte OpenPGP n'est peut-être pas valable\n" -+"impossible d'accéder à %s — la carte OpenPGP n'est peut-être pas valable\n" - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" -@@ -7248,7 +7248,7 @@ msgstr "refus d'utiliser les commandes d'administration de la carte" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 - msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "utiliser une entrée de taille variable pour le pavé numérique" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 - msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -7291,7 +7291,7 @@ msgstr "échec de transfert de la demande %s au client\n" - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" --msgstr "pas d'instance de dirmngr en cours d'exécution — démarrage de « %s »\n" -+msgstr "pas d'instance de dirmngr en cours d'exécution — démarrage de « %s »\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 - msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" -@@ -7305,7 +7305,7 @@ msgstr "le protocole dirmngr version %d n'est pas pris en charge\n" - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 - msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" - msgstr "" --"impossible de se connecter au dirmngr — essai avec la solution de repli\n" -+"impossible de se connecter au dirmngr — essai avec la solution de repli\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:196 - #, c-format -@@ -7391,7 +7391,7 @@ msgstr "veuillez vous assurer que le « dirmngr » est correctement installé\ - #: sm/certchain.c:1009 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" --msgstr "échec de vérification de la liste de révocations de certificats : %s" -+msgstr "échec de vérification de la liste de révocations de certificat : %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 - #, c-format -@@ -7480,7 +7480,7 @@ msgstr "marquage de confiance interactif désactivé pour cette session\n" - #: sm/certchain.c:1285 - msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" - msgstr "" --"Attention : date de création de la signature inconnue — date supposée " -+"Attention : date de création de la signature inconnue — date supposée " - "actuelle" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1349 -@@ -7516,7 +7516,7 @@ msgstr "certificat avec une mauvaise signature" - msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" - msgstr "" - "un autre certificat d'autorité de certification pouvant correspondre a été " --"trouvé — nouvel essai" -+"trouvé — nouvel essai" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1660 - #, c-format -@@ -7567,19 +7567,19 @@ msgstr "aucun" - - #: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 - msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" --msgstr "[Erreur — encodage incorrecte]" -+msgstr "[Erreur — encodage incorrecte]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 - msgid "[Error - out of core]" --msgstr "[Erreur — hors limite]" -+msgstr "[Erreur — hors limite]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 - msgid "[Error - No name]" --msgstr "[Erreur — pas de nom]" -+msgstr "[Erreur — pas de nom]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 - msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" --msgstr "[Erreur — DN incorrect]" -+msgstr "[Erreur — DN incorrect]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:948 - #, c-format -@@ -7590,7 +7590,7 @@ msgid "" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "created %s, expires %s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " -+"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " - "le\n" - "certificat X.509 :\n" - "« %s »\n" -@@ -7600,7 +7600,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: sm/certlist.c:122 - msgid "no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n" - msgstr "" --"aucune utilisation de clef indiquée — toutes les utilisations sont " -+"aucune utilisation de clef indiquée — toutes les utilisations sont " - "supposées\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 -@@ -7642,7 +7642,7 @@ msgstr "ligne %d : algorithme incorrect\n" - #: sm/certreqgen.c:487 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" --msgstr "ligne %d : longueur %u de clef incorrecte (%d à %d possible)\n" -+msgstr "ligne %d : taille %u de clef incorrecte (%d à %d possible)\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 - #, c-format -@@ -7685,7 +7685,7 @@ msgid "" - "you just created once more.\n" - msgstr "" - "Pour terminer cette demande de certificat, veuillez entrer encore une fois " --"la phrase de passe pour la clef que vous venez de créer.\n" -+"la phrase secrète pour la clef que vous venez de créer.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 - #, c-format -@@ -7954,7 +7954,7 @@ msgstr "|FICHIER|ajouter le trousseau à la liste de trousseaux" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" --msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|utiliser IDENTITÉ comme clef secr. par défaut" -+msgstr "|IDENTITÉ| utiliser IDENTITÉ comme clef secr. par défaut" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 - msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" -@@ -8044,7 +8044,7 @@ msgstr "erreur de stockage du certificat\n" - - #: sm/import.c:238 - msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" --msgstr "échec des vérifications de base du certificat — non importé\n" -+msgstr "échec des vérifications de base du certificat — non importé\n" - - #: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 - #, c-format -@@ -8102,12 +8102,12 @@ msgstr "erreur de stockage des options : %s\n" - - #: sm/keylist.c:642 - msgid "Error - " --msgstr "Erreur — " -+msgstr "Erreur — " - - #: sm/misc.c:55 - msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" - msgstr "" --"GPG_TTY n'a pas été définie — utilisation de défauts peut-être défectueux\n" -+"GPG_TTY n'a pas été définie — utilisation de défauts peut-être défectueux\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:105 - #, c-format -@@ -8267,7 +8267,7 @@ msgstr "échec de réception de ligne : %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 - msgid "line too long - skipped\n" --msgstr "ligne trop longue — ignorée\n" -+msgstr "ligne trop longue — ignorée\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 - msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" -@@ -8323,39 +8323,43 @@ msgstr "|N|oublier les clefs SSH après N secondes" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 - msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|durée max. cache de code pers. : N secondes" -+msgstr "|N|définir la durée maximale du cache de code personnel à N secondes" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 - msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|durée max. du cache de clef SSH : N secondes" -+msgstr "|N|définir la durée maximale du cache de clef SSH à N secondes" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 - msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" --msgstr "Options d'application d'une politique de phrase de passe" -+msgstr "Options d'application d'une politique de phrase secrète" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 - msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" --msgstr "pas de contournement de politique de phrase de passe" -+msgstr "pas de contournement de politique de phrase secrète" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 - msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" --msgstr "|N|définir longueur minimale des nouvelles phrases de passe à N" -+msgstr "|N|définir la taille minimale des nouvelles phrases secrètes à N" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 - msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" --msgstr "|N|au moins N caractères non alphab. pour nouv. phrase de passe" -+msgstr "" -+"|N|nécessiter au moins N caractères non alphabétiques pour les nouvelles " -+"phrases secrètes" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 - msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" --msgstr "|FICHIER|vérifier nouv. phrase de passe par rapport motifs du FICHIER" -+msgstr "" -+"|FICHIER|vérifier la nouvelle phrase secrète par rapport aux motifs du " -+"FICHIER" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 - msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" --msgstr "|N|la phrase de passe expire après N jours" -+msgstr "|N|la phrase secrète expire après N jours" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 - msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" --msgstr "ne pas autoriser réutilisation d'anciennes phrase de passe" -+msgstr "ne pas autoriser la réutilisation d'anciennes phrases secrètes" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -@@ -8383,7 +8387,7 @@ msgstr "permettre les recherches PKA (requêtes DNS)" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 - msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" --msgstr "|MÉCANISMES|utiliser MÉCANISMES pour localiser les clefs" -+msgstr "|MÉCANISMES|utiliser les MÉCANISMES pour localiser les clefs" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 - msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" -@@ -8391,11 +8395,11 @@ msgstr "désactiver tous les accès au dirmngr" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 - msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" --msgstr "|NOM|utiliser encodage NOM pour phr. passe PKCS#12" -+msgstr "|NOM|utiliser l’encodage NOM pour les phrases secrète PKCS#12" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 - msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" --msgstr "ne pas vérifier listes révoc. de cert. racines" -+msgstr "ne pas vérifier les listes de révocations de certificat racine" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 - msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" -@@ -8633,7 +8637,7 @@ msgstr "échec de select : %s\n" - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 - #, c-format - msgid "read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "échec de read : %s\n" -+msgstr "échec de lecture : %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 - #, c-format -@@ -8684,7 +8688,7 @@ msgid "" - "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" - msgstr "" - "Syntaxe : gpg-check-pattern [options] ficmotif\n" --"Vérifier une phrase de passe donnée sur l'entrée standard par rapport à " -+"Vérifier une phrase secrète donnée sur l'entrée standard par rapport à " - "ficmotif\n" - - #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0008-gpg-Default-to-SHA-256-for-all-signature-types-on-RS.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0008-gpg-Default-to-SHA-256-for-all-signature-types-on-RS.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0008-gpg-Default-to-SHA-256-for-all-signature-types-on-RS.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0008-gpg-Default-to-SHA-256-for-all-signature-types-on-RS.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -From 36179da032fa43d82042b3d31ed175d17b8e9bc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:21:02 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 08/31] gpg: Default to SHA-256 for all signature types on RSA - keys. - -* g10/main.h (DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO): Use SHA256 in --gnupg and SHA1 in -strict RFC or PGP modes. -* g10/sign.c (make_keysig_packet): Use DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO also for -RSA key signatures. --- - -(Backported from commit d33246700578cddd1cb8ed8164cfbba50aba4ef3) ---- - g10/main.h | 2 +- - g10/sign.c | 2 +- - 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/main.h b/g10/main.h -index 226898d..4cf2cc7 100644 ---- a/g10/main.h -+++ b/g10/main.h -@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ - issues of speed and size come into play here. */ - - #define DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5 --#define DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1 -+#define DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO ((GNUPG)? DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256:DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1) - #define DEFAULT_COMPRESS_ALGO COMPRESS_ALGO_ZIP - #define DEFAULT_S2K_DIGEST_ALGO DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1 - -diff --git a/g10/sign.c b/g10/sign.c -index 0de3321..e7e79cc 100644 ---- a/g10/sign.c -+++ b/g10/sign.c -@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ make_keysig_packet( PKT_signature **ret_sig, PKT_public_key *pk, - else if(sk->pubkey_algo==PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA) - digest_algo = match_dsa_hash (gcry_mpi_get_nbits (sk->skey[1])/8); - else -- digest_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1; -+ digest_algo = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO; - } - - if ( gcry_md_open (&md, digest_algo, 0 ) ) --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0008-Update-Ukrainian-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0008-Update-Ukrainian-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0008-Update-Ukrainian-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0008-Update-Ukrainian-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ -From: Yuri Chornoivan -Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:56:35 -0400 -Subject: Update Ukrainian translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=e8c3fa77486d162bc63592e87680a82c9810ba48 ---- - po/uk.po | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ - 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po -index 24c6a8b..5b55d5e 100644 ---- a/po/uk.po -+++ b/po/uk.po -@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ - # Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - # This file is distributed under the same license as the GnuPG package. - # --# Yuri Chornoivan , 2011, 2013. -+# Yuri Chornoivan , 2011, 2013, 2014. - msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg2\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-27 14:41+0300\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-15 19:07+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan \n" - "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" - "Language: uk\n" -@@ -447,22 +447,20 @@ msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" - msgstr "не викориÑтовувати кеш пін-кодів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑуваннÑ" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" --msgstr "дозволити клієнтам позначати ключі Ñк надійні" -+msgstr "заборонити клієнтам позначати ключі Ñк надійні" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" - msgstr "дозволити попереднє вÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "увімкнути емулÑцію ssh-агента" -+msgstr "увімкнути підтримку ssh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - msgid "enable putty support" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "увімкнути підтримку putty" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -@@ -2849,32 +2847,32 @@ msgstr "Загалом оброблено: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:305 - #, c-format - msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" --msgstr " пропущено нових ключів: %lu\n" -+msgstr "пропущено нових ключів: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:308 - #, c-format - msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" --msgstr " без ід. кориÑтувача: %lu\n" -+msgstr " без ід. кориÑтувача: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 - #, c-format - msgid " imported: %lu" --msgstr " імпортовано: %lu" -+msgstr " імпортовано: %lu" - - #: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 - #, c-format - msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" --msgstr " без змін: %lu\n" -+msgstr " без змін: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:318 - #, c-format - msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" --msgstr " нових ід. кориÑтувачів: %lu\n" -+msgstr "нових ід. кориÑтувачів: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:320 - #, c-format - msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" --msgstr " нових підключів: %lu\n" -+msgstr " нових підключів: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:322 - #, c-format -@@ -2884,17 +2882,17 @@ msgstr " нових підпиÑів: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:324 - #, c-format - msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" --msgstr " відкликань нових ключів: %lu\n" -+msgstr "відкликань нових ключів: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 - #, c-format - msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" --msgstr " прочитано закритих ключів: %lu\n" -+msgstr "прочитано закритих ключів: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 - #, c-format - msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" --msgstr " імпортовано закр. ключів: %lu\n" -+msgstr "імпортовано закр. ключів: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 - #, c-format -@@ -2904,7 +2902,7 @@ msgstr " закр. ключів без змін: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 - #, c-format - msgid " not imported: %lu\n" --msgstr " не імпортовано: %lu\n" -+msgstr " не імпортовано: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:334 - #, c-format -@@ -2914,7 +2912,7 @@ msgstr " вилучених підпиÑів: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:336 - #, c-format - msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" --msgstr " вилучених ід. кориÑÑ‚.: %lu\n" -+msgstr " вилучених ід. кориÑÑ‚.: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:638 - #, c-format -@@ -2962,13 +2960,13 @@ msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" - msgstr "ключ %s: немає ідентифікатор кориÑтувача\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "пропущено «%s»: %s\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "відкинуто фільтром імпортуваннÑ" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format -@@ -3091,9 +3089,9 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» не змінено\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "закритий ключ «%s» не знайдено: %s\n" -+msgstr "закритий ключ %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 - msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -4863,7 +4861,7 @@ msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: резервну копію ключа на кар - - #: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 - msgid "never " --msgstr "ніколи " -+msgstr "ніколи " - - #: g10/keylist.c:273 - msgid "Critical signature policy: " -@@ -4895,17 +4893,17 @@ msgstr "ОÑновний відбиток ключа:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1524 - msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" --msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" -+msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" - - #. TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes to that the - #. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID - #: g10/keylist.c:1531 - msgid " Primary key fingerprint:" --msgstr " Відбиток оÑновного ключа:" -+msgstr "Відбиток оÑновного ключа:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1533 - msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" --msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" -+msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1537 g10/keylist.c:1541 - msgid " Key fingerprint =" -@@ -4913,7 +4911,7 @@ msgstr " Відбиток ключа =" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1608 - msgid " Card serial no. =" --msgstr " Серійний номер картки =" -+msgstr "Серійний номер картки =" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1297 - #, c-format -@@ -5433,15 +5431,16 @@ msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: заÑтарілий параметр «%s» — він не працюватиме\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: «%s%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим у цьому файлі — він працює лише у %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме\n" -+msgstr "" -+"УВÐГÐ: «%s%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме, окрім Ñк на %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -6195,9 +6194,9 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" - msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: ключ підпиÑу %s було відкликано\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "%s підпиÑ, алгоритм контрольної Ñуми %s\n" -+msgstr "ЗауваженнÑ: підпиÑи за допомогою алгоритму %s відкинуто\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format -@@ -7031,11 +7030,11 @@ msgstr "|N|Ðовий пінкод" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 - msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" --msgstr "|A|Вкажіть новий адмініÑтративний пінкод" -+msgstr "||Вкажіть адмініÑтративний пінкод та новий адмініÑтративний пінкод" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" --msgstr "||Вкажіть новий пінкод" -+msgstr "||Вкажіть пінкод та новий пінкод" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 - msgid "error reading application data\n" -@@ -7170,7 +7169,7 @@ msgstr "заборонити викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´ з адмін - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 - msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" --msgstr "викориÑтовувати Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»Ð°Ð²Ñ–Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ€Ð½Ð¾Ñ— панелі змінну довжину введених даних" -+msgstr "викориÑтовувати змінну довжину вхідних даних Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ñ‡Ð°" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 - msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -8603,6 +8602,12 @@ msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-check-pattern [параметри] файл_шаблонів\n" - "Перевірити пароль, вказаний у stdin, за допомогою файла_шаблонів\n" - -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "не ÑпорожнÑти дані щодо довіри влаÑнику під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ñ” від’єднаним; перевірку файла «%s» не виконано!\n" -+ - #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" - #~ msgstr "вам варто Ñпочатку запуÑтити gpg-agent\n" - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0009-gpg-Avoid-duplicate-declaration-of-no-sk-comments-no.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0009-gpg-Avoid-duplicate-declaration-of-no-sk-comments-no.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0009-gpg-Avoid-duplicate-declaration-of-no-sk-comments-no.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0009-gpg-Avoid-duplicate-declaration-of-no-sk-comments-no.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -From 3e14da863a668fb0ec1a075722bd0f7b47ae4c1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 17:49:52 -0400 -Subject: [PATCH 09/31] gpg: Avoid duplicate declaration of {no-,}sk-comments - noops. - -* g10/gpg.c: Cleanup argument parsing. - --- - -With c76117f8b0165fe5cec5e7f234f55f5a4cd7f0ab, the GnuPG 2.0.x branch -accidentally introduced a second (identical) argument parser for both ---sk-comments, and for --no-sk-comments. - -This caused short versions (e.g. omitting the trailing "s", as gpgme -does) of either command to fail with: - - gpg: option "--sk-comment" is ambiguous ---- - g10/gpg.c | 3 --- - 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/gpg.c b/g10/gpg.c -index 12d4295..eefd4ae 100644 ---- a/g10/gpg.c -+++ b/g10/gpg.c -@@ -538,9 +538,6 @@ static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = { - ARGPARSE_s_i (oAttributeFD, "attribute-fd", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_s (oAttributeFile, "attribute-file", "@"), - -- ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"), -- ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"), -- - ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompletesNeeded, "completes-needed", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_i (oMarginalsNeeded, "marginals-needed", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_i (oMaxCertDepth, "max-cert-depth", "@" ), --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0009-Update-German-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0009-Update-German-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0009-Update-German-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0009-Update-German-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -From: Werner Koch -Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:16:24 -0400 -Subject: Update German translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=b15d5d42adf31c0797797ebe19c471ab6f52c668 ---- - po/de.po | 11 +++++++---- - 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po -index 0673399..ef41f05 100644 ---- a/po/de.po -+++ b/po/de.po -@@ -5445,15 +5445,18 @@ msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat keine Wirkung.\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: Die Option \"%s\" is veraltet - sie hat keine Wirkung\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%s:%u: Die Option \"%s%s\" is veraltet - sie hat eine Wirkung nur in %s.\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat keine Wirkung.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WARNUNG: \"%s%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat eine Wirkung nur\n" -+"in %s.\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0010-gpg-compress-sigs-and-compress-keys-are-not-no-ops-i.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0010-gpg-compress-sigs-and-compress-keys-are-not-no-ops-i.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0010-gpg-compress-sigs-and-compress-keys-are-not-no-ops-i.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0010-gpg-compress-sigs-and-compress-keys-are-not-no-ops-i.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -From dcb5fa8747e8fc9f35285f168ee3ae8e6d422293 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 17:49:53 -0400 -Subject: [PATCH 10/31] gpg: --compress-sigs and --compress-keys are not no-ops - in 2.0 - -* g10/gpg.c: Cleanup argument parsing. - --- - -c76117f8b0165fe5cec5e7f234f55f5a4cd7f0ab mistakenly marked -compress-sigs and compress-keys as no-ops on the 2.0.x branch. - -These options still have an effect on the 2.0.x branch, and the -duplicate declaration also causes the gpg argument parser to fail when -shortened versions of the option are present, like: - - gpg: option "--compress-k" is ambiguous ---- - g10/gpg.c | 2 -- - 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/gpg.c b/g10/gpg.c -index eefd4ae..a995796 100644 ---- a/g10/gpg.c -+++ b/g10/gpg.c -@@ -770,8 +770,6 @@ static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = { - /* Dummy options. */ - ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"), -- ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-keys", "@"), -- ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-sigs", "@"), - - ARGPARSE_end () - }; --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0010-Update-Danish-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0010-Update-Danish-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0010-Update-Danish-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0010-Update-Danish-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -From: Joe Dalton -Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:08:15 -0400 -Subject: Update Danish translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=798721f596b69c86d0831447d979b89d4e85b622 ---- - po/da.po | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- - 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po -index 1b02a57..49ca011 100644 ---- a/po/da.po -+++ b/po/da.po -@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ - # Dansk oversættelse af: / Danish translation of: GnuPG --# Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -+# Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - # Birger Langkjer, , 2000. - # Kenneth Christiansen, kenneth@ripen.dk, 2000. --# Joe Hansen, , 2012. -+# Joe Hansen, , 2012, 2014. - # - # deadlock -> baglÃ¥s - # ownertrust -> ejertroværdighed (pÃ¥lidelighed, tillid) -+# pinpad -> numerisk tastatur - # record -> post - # trust -> troværdig (pÃ¥lidelig, tillid) - # trustlist -> troværdig liste (betroet liste) --# 2012-06-05 -+# - msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-01 20:27+0200\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-16 20:27+0200\n" - "Last-Translator: Joe Hansen \n" - "Language-Team: Danish \n" - "Language: da\n" -@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ msgid "" - "allow this?" - msgstr "" - "En ssh-proces anmodte om brugen af nøgle%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0AØnsker du at " --"tillade dette" -+"tillade dette?" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 - msgid "Allow" -@@ -448,22 +449,20 @@ msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" - msgstr "brug ikke PIN-mellemlageret nÃ¥r der underskrives" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" --msgstr "tillad klienter at markere nøgler som »trusted« (troværdige)" -+msgstr "tillad ikke at klienter markerer nøgler som »trusted« (troværdige)" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" - msgstr "tillad forhÃ¥ndsindstilling af adgangsfrase" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "aktiver ssh-agent-emulering" -+msgstr "aktiver ssh-understøttelse" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - msgid "enable putty support" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "aktiver putty-understøttelse" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -@@ -2910,13 +2909,13 @@ msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" - msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen bruger-id\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "udelod »%s«: %s\n" -+msgstr "nøgle %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "afvist af importfilter" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format -@@ -3039,9 +3038,9 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« ikke ændret\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "hemmelig nøgle »%s« blev ikke fundet: %s\n" -+msgstr "hemmelig nøgle %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 - msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -5360,15 +5359,16 @@ msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: forældet indstilling »%s« - den har ingen effekt\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: »%s%s« er forældet i denne fil - den har kun effekt i %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ADVARSEL: »%s%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt pÃ¥ %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -6121,9 +6121,9 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" - msgstr "BEMÆRK: underskriftnøgle %s er blevet tilbagekaldt\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "%s underskrift, sammendragsalgoritme %s\n" -+msgstr "Bemærk: underskrifter der bruger %s-algoritmen videresendes\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format -@@ -7084,7 +7084,7 @@ msgstr "nægt brugen af kommandoer for administratorkort" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 - msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "brug variabellængdeinddata for numerisk tastatur" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 - msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -8504,6 +8504,14 @@ msgstr "" - "Syntaks: gpg-check-pattern [tilvalg] mønsterfil\n" - "Kontroller en adgangsfrase angivet pÃ¥ stdin mod mønsterfilen\n" - -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "ryd ikke ejerskabsværdierne under import" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "ADVARSEL: Ikke en frakoblet underskrift; filen »%s« blev IKKE " -+#~ "verificeret!\n" -+ - #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" - #~ msgstr "du kan eventuelt starte gpg-agenten først\n" - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0011-Update-Japanese-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0011-Update-Japanese-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0011-Update-Japanese-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0011-Update-Japanese-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,242 +0,0 @@ -From: NIIBE Yutaka -Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:13:52 -0400 -Subject: Update Japanese translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=a1c861ed380548ccd2819d3f6506ebbad9246561 ---- - po/ja.po | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ - 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po -index e67b89a..fb13d2d 100644 ---- a/po/ja.po -+++ b/po/ja.po -@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ - # - msgid "" - msgstr "" --"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.25\n" -+"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-08 10:06+0900\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-18 11:04+0900\n" - "Last-Translator: NIIBE Yutaka \n" - "Language-Team: Japanese \n" - "Language: ja\n" -@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ msgstr "ソケットã®ãƒŠãƒ³ã‚¹å–得エラー\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 - #, c-format - msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "「%sã€ã§ã‚½ã‚±ãƒƒãƒˆã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -+msgstr "ソケットã®ã€Œ%sã€ã¸ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 - #, c-format -@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ msgstr "「%sã€ã®ä¸æ­£ãªãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ¼ãƒ—リント (è¡Œ %d)\n" - #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "「%sã€ã®ç„¡åŠ¹ãªãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°(è¡Œ %d)\n" -+msgstr "「%sã€ã®ç„¡åŠ¹ãªéµãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°(è¡Œ %d)\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 - #, c-format -@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ msgstr "%luãƒã‚¤ãƒˆã®ç¢ºä¿ã«ãŠã„ã¦ãƒ¡ãƒ¢ãƒªãŒè¶³ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“" - - #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 - msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" --msgstr "gpg-agentãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 実行を開始ã—ã¾ã™\n" -+msgstr "gpg-agentãŒå‹•ã„ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 開始ã—ã¾ã™\n" - - #: common/asshelp.c:349 - #, c-format -@@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/exec.c:419 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "「%sã€ã‚’実行ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -+msgstr "プログラム「%sã€ã‚’実行ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:422 - #, c-format -@@ -1938,7 +1938,7 @@ msgstr "クリア・テクスト署åを作æˆ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" --msgstr "分離署åを作æˆ" -+msgstr "分é£ç½²åを作æˆ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" -@@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ msgstr "" - "\n" - " -se -r Bob [ファイル] ユーザBobã¸ç½²åã¨æš—å·åŒ–\n" - " --clearsign [ファイル] クリア・テクスト署åを作æˆ\n" --" --detach-sign [ファイル] 分離署åを作æˆ\n" -+" --detach-sign [ファイル] 分é£ç½²åを作æˆ\n" - " --list-keys [åå‰] éµã‚’表示\n" - " --fingerprint [åå‰] フィンガー・プリントを表示\n" - -@@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ msgstr "*注æ„*: 普通%sã¯ä½¿ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" --msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªç½²å表ç¾ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªç½²å期é™ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format -@@ -2445,7 +2445,7 @@ msgstr "%s ã®ãŸã‚ã€ã‚»ã‚­ãƒ¥ã‚¢ã§ãªã„メモリã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯åˆ†é›¢ç½²åã‹ã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²åã ã‘ã—ã‹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯åˆ†é£ç½²åã‹ã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²åã ã‘ã—ã‹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -@@ -3188,7 +3188,7 @@ msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã®ä½œæˆã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" - #: g10/keydb.c:188 - #, c-format - msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" --msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ãŒã§ãã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -+msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 - #, c-format -@@ -5196,7 +5196,7 @@ msgstr "ç½²åを検査ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 - msgid "not a detached signature\n" --msgstr "分離署åã§ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+msgstr "分é£ç½²åã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2106 - msgid "" -@@ -5292,17 +5292,19 @@ msgstr "" - "*警告*: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" - msgstr "" --"%s:%u: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+"%s:%u: \"%s%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - %sã«ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›" -+"ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" - msgstr "" --"*警告*: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+"*警告*: \"%s%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - %s以外ã«ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Š" -+"ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -5331,7 +5333,7 @@ msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション「%sã€\n" - #: g10/openfile.c:89 - #, c-format - msgid "File `%s' exists. " --msgstr "ファイル「%sã€ã¯æ—¢ã«å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" -+msgstr "ファイル「%sã€ã¯å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" - - #: g10/openfile.c:93 - msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " -@@ -5358,7 +5360,7 @@ msgstr "ç½²åã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãŒã€Œ%sã€ã«ã‚ã‚‹ã¨æƒ³å®šã—ã¾ã™\n" - #: g10/openfile.c:395 - #, c-format - msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" --msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ãŒã§ãã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -+msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:397 - #, c-format -@@ -5760,7 +5762,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:480 - msgid "Detached signature.\n" --msgstr "分離署å。\n" -+msgstr "分é£ç½²å。\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:487 - msgid "Please enter name of data file: " -@@ -5941,7 +5943,7 @@ msgstr "秘密部分ãŒå¾—られã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 - #, c-format - msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" --msgstr "ä¿è­·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ %d%sã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -+msgstr "ä¿è­·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ %d%sã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 - #, c-format -@@ -5986,7 +5988,7 @@ msgstr "DSAéµ %sã¯å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„(%uビット)ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’用ã„ã¾ã™\n" - #: g10/seskey.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" --msgstr "DSAéµ %s ã¯%u ビットã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã‚ˆã‚Šå¤§ãã„ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’å¿…è¦ã¨ã—ã¾ã™\n" -+msgstr "DSAéµ %s ã¯%u ビット以上ã®ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’å¿…è¦ã¨ã—ã¾ã™\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:80 - msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" -@@ -6084,7 +6086,7 @@ msgstr "%s/%sç½²å。署å者:\"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:761 - msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯ã€PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®éµã§åˆ†é›¢ç½²åã§ãã‚‹ã ã‘ã§ã™\n" -+msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯ã€PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®éµã§åˆ†é£ç½²åã§ãã‚‹ã ã‘ã§ã™\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:837 - #, c-format -@@ -6600,12 +6602,12 @@ msgstr "iconv_openã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 - #, c-format - msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã€Œ%sã€ã¸ã®å¤‰æ›ã«å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -+msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã€Œ%sã€ã¸ã®å¤‰æ›ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "一時ファイル「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -+msgstr "一時ファイル「%sã€ã®ä½œæˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 - #, c-format -@@ -6633,7 +6635,7 @@ msgstr "(デッドロック?) " - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 - #, c-format - msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" --msgstr "lock 「%s〠ã¯ä½œæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -+msgstr "lock 「%s〠ã¯ä½œæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“ã§ã—ãŸ: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 - #, c-format -@@ -7018,7 +7020,7 @@ msgstr "プロキシ%sã®ã‚¯ãƒ©ã‚¤ã‚¢ãƒ³ãƒˆã¸ã®å•ã„åˆã‚ã›ãŒå¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" --msgstr "dirmngrãŒå‹•ã„ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 開始ã—ã¾ã™ã€Œ%sã€\n" -+msgstr "DirmngrãŒå‹•ã„ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 開始ã—ã¾ã™ã€Œ%sã€\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 - msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" -@@ -8394,8 +8396,10 @@ msgstr "" - "å½¢å¼: gpg-check-pattern [オプション] パターンファイル\n" - "パターンファイルã«å¯¾ã—ã¦æ¨™æº–入力ã®ãƒ‘スフレーズを確èªã™ã‚‹\n" - --#~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" --#~ msgstr "ã¾ãš gpg-agent を開始ã—ãŸã„ã§ã—ょã†\n" -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã®éš›ã€æ‰€æœ‰è€…信用ã®å€¤ã‚’クリアã—ãªã„" - --#~ msgid "error loading `%s': %s\n" --#~ msgstr "「%sã€ã®èª­è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "*警告*: 分é£ç½²åã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ファイル「%sã€ã¯æ¤œè¨¼ã•ã‚Œã¦*ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ã§ã—ãŸ" -+#~ "*!\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0012-gpg-Add-build-and-runtime-support-for-larger-RSA-key.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0012-gpg-Add-build-and-runtime-support-for-larger-RSA-key.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0012-gpg-Add-build-and-runtime-support-for-larger-RSA-key.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0012-gpg-Add-build-and-runtime-support-for-larger-RSA-key.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ -From f952fe8c6ddf13ecca14ca72a27d1f8da6adc901 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 13:59:34 -0400 -Subject: [PATCH 12/31] gpg: Add build and runtime support for larger RSA keys - -* configure.ac: Added --enable-large-secmem option. -* g10/options.h: Add opt.flags.large_rsa. -* g10/gpg.c: Contingent on configure option: adjust secmem size, -add gpg --enable-large-rsa, bound to opt.flags.large_rsa. -* g10/keygen.c: Adjust max RSA size based on opt.flags.large_rsa -* doc/gpg.texi: Document --enable-large-rsa. - --- - -This is a cherry-pick of 534e2876acc05f9f8d9b54c18511fe768d77dfb5 from -STABLE-BRANCH-1-4 against STABLE-BRANCH-2-0 - -Some older implementations built and used RSA keys up to 16Kib, but -the larger secret keys now fail when used by more recent GnuPG, due to -secure memory limitations. - -Building with ./configure --enable-large-secmem will make gpg -capable of working with those secret keys, as well as permitting the -use of a new gpg option --enable-large-rsa, which let gpg generate RSA -keys up to 8Kib when used with --batch --gen-key. - -Debian-bug-id: 739424 - -Minor edits by wk. - -GnuPG-bug-id: 1732 ---- - configure.ac | 17 +++++++++++++++++ - doc/gpg.texi | 9 +++++++++ - g10/gpg.c | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++- - g10/keygen.c | 5 +++-- - g10/options.h | 1 + - 5 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac -index 7137e3f..3f83bdc 100644 ---- a/configure.ac -+++ b/configure.ac -@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ use_exec=yes - disable_keyserver_path=no - use_ccid_driver=yes - use_standard_socket=no -+large_secmem=no - - GNUPG_BUILD_PROGRAM(gpg, yes) - GNUPG_BUILD_PROGRAM(gpgsm, yes) -@@ -174,6 +175,22 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(selinux-support, - selinux_support=$enableval, selinux_support=no) - AC_MSG_RESULT($selinux_support) - -+ -+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to allocate extra secure memory]) -+AC_ARG_ENABLE(large-secmem, -+ AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-large-secmem], -+ [allocate extra secure memory]), -+ large_secmem=$enableval, large_secmem=no) -+AC_MSG_RESULT($large_secmem) -+if test "$large_secmem" = yes ; then -+ SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE=65536 -+else -+ SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE=32768 -+fi -+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE,$SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE, -+ [Size of secure memory buffer]) -+ -+ - # Allow disabling of bzib2 support. - # It is defined only after we confirm the library is available later - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the BZIP2 compression algorithm]) -diff --git a/doc/gpg.texi b/doc/gpg.texi -index d66259e..b2c956e 100644 ---- a/doc/gpg.texi -+++ b/doc/gpg.texi -@@ -1192,6 +1192,15 @@ the opposite meaning. The options are: - validation. This option is only meaningful if pka-lookups is set. - @end table - -+@item --enable-large-rsa -+@itemx --disable-large-rsa -+@opindex enable-large-rsa -+@opindex disable-large-rsa -+With --gen-key and --batch, enable the creation of larger RSA secret -+keys than is generally recommended (up to 8192 bits). These large -+keys are more expensive to use, and their signatures and -+certifications are also larger. -+ - @item --enable-dsa2 - @itemx --disable-dsa2 - @opindex enable-dsa2 -diff --git a/g10/gpg.c b/g10/gpg.c -index a995796..576b88e 100644 ---- a/g10/gpg.c -+++ b/g10/gpg.c -@@ -367,6 +367,8 @@ enum cmd_and_opt_values - oAutoKeyLocate, - oNoAutoKeyLocate, - oAllowMultisigVerification, -+ oEnableLargeRSA, -+ oDisableLargeRSA, - oEnableDSA2, - oDisableDSA2, - oAllowMultipleMessages, -@@ -736,6 +738,8 @@ static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = { - - ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMultisigVerification, - "allow-multisig-verification", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableLargeRSA, "enable-large-rsa", "@"), -+ ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableLargeRSA, "disable-large-rsa", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableDSA2, "enable-dsa2", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDSA2, "disable-dsa2", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMultipleMessages, "allow-multiple-messages", "@"), -@@ -2069,7 +2073,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv) - #endif - - /* Initialize the secure memory. */ -- if (!gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 32768, 0)) -+ if (!gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE, 0)) - got_secmem = 1; - #if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID) - /* There should be no way to get to this spot while still carrying -@@ -2964,6 +2968,22 @@ main (int argc, char **argv) - release_akl(); - break; - -+ case oEnableLargeRSA: -+#if SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 -+ opt.flags.large_rsa=1; -+#else -+ if (configname) -+ log_info("%s:%d: WARNING: gpg not built with large secure " -+ "memory buffer. Ignoring enable-large-rsa\n", -+ configname,configlineno); -+ else -+ log_info("WARNING: gpg not built with large secure " -+ "memory buffer. Ignoring --enable-large-rsa\n"); -+#endif /* SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 */ -+ break; -+ case oDisableLargeRSA: opt.flags.large_rsa=0; -+ break; -+ - case oEnableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=1; break; - case oDisableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=0; break; - -diff --git a/g10/keygen.c b/g10/keygen.c -index 5841ad8..17fde7f 100644 ---- a/g10/keygen.c -+++ b/g10/keygen.c -@@ -1431,6 +1431,7 @@ gen_rsa (int algo, unsigned nbits, KBNODE pub_root, KBNODE sec_root, DEK *dek, - PKT_secret_key *sk; - PKT_public_key *pk; - gcry_sexp_t s_parms, s_key; -+ const unsigned maxsize = (opt.flags.large_rsa ? 8192 : 4096); - - assert (is_RSA(algo)); - -@@ -1442,9 +1443,9 @@ gen_rsa (int algo, unsigned nbits, KBNODE pub_root, KBNODE sec_root, DEK *dek, - nbits = 2048; - log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits ); - } -- else if (nbits > 4096) -+ else if (nbits > maxsize) - { -- nbits = 4096; -+ nbits = maxsize; - log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits ); - } - -diff --git a/g10/options.h b/g10/options.h -index 1a13841..e9c540d 100644 ---- a/g10/options.h -+++ b/g10/options.h -@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ struct - unsigned int dsa2:1; - unsigned int allow_multiple_messages:1; - unsigned int allow_weak_digest_algos:1; -+ unsigned int large_rsa:1; - } flags; - - /* Linked list of ways to find a key if the key isn't on the local --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0012-Update-Chinese-traditional-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0012-Update-Chinese-traditional-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0012-Update-Chinese-traditional-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0012-Update-Chinese-traditional-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@ -From: Jedi Lin -Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:13:35 -0400 -Subject: Update Chinese (traditional) translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=445eabf8f78ec349ba90b38a969b056afb901b11 ---- - po/zh_TW.po | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ - 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po -index 13a47cb..d905229 100644 ---- a/po/zh_TW.po -+++ b/po/zh_TW.po -@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ - # - msgid "" - msgstr "" --"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.17-git56b2bc2\n" -+"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.27\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 19:34+0800\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-21 23:15+0800\n" - "Last-Translator: Jedi Lin \n" - "Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) \n" - "Language: zh_TW\n" - "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" - "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" - "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" --"X-Poedit-Basepath: gnupg-2.0.17-git56b2bc2/\n" -+"X-Poedit-Basepath: gnupg-2.0.27/\n" - "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" --"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n" -+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 - #, c-format -@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "csh 樣å¼çš„指令輸出" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 - msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|從「檔案ã€ä¸­è®€å–é¸é …" -+msgstr "|檔案|從指定檔案中讀å–é¸é …" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 - msgid "do not detach from the console" -@@ -426,27 +426,24 @@ msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" - msgstr "簽署時ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨å€‹äººè­˜åˆ¥ç¢¼ (PIN) å¿«å–" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" --msgstr "å…許用戶端將金鑰標記為 \"已信任\"" -+msgstr "ä¸å…許用戶端將金鑰標記為 \"已信任\"" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" - msgstr "å…許é å…ˆè¨­å®šå¯†èªž" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "啟用 ssh-agent 模擬" -+msgstr "啟用 ssh 支æ´" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable putty support" --msgstr "未支æ´" -+msgstr "啟用 putty 支æ´" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|將環境設定也寫至「檔案ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案|將環境設定也寫至指定檔案" - - #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the -@@ -2045,11 +2042,11 @@ msgstr "建立以 ASCII å°è£éŽçš„輸出" - - #: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" --msgstr "|使用者-ID|以「使用者-IDã€ä½œç‚ºåŠ å¯†å°è±¡" -+msgstr "|使用者-ID|以指定使用者 ID 作為加密å°è±¡" - - #: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" --msgstr "|使用者-ID|拿「使用者-IDã€ä¾†ç°½ç½²æˆ–解密" -+msgstr "|使用者-ID|拿指定使用者 ID 來簽署或解密" - - #: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -@@ -2061,7 +2058,7 @@ msgstr "使用標準的文字模å¼" - - #: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|將輸出寫入至「檔案ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案|將輸出寫入至指定檔案" - - #: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" -@@ -2667,7 +2664,7 @@ msgstr "給定的å好金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL 無效\n" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:74 - msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|從鑰匙圈「檔案ã€è£¡å–用金鑰" -+msgstr "|檔案|從指定鑰匙圈檔案裡å–用金鑰" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:76 - msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" -@@ -2675,7 +2672,7 @@ msgstr "僅把時間戳å°çŸ›ç›¾è¦–為警告" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 - msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" --msgstr "|檔案æè¿°|把狀態資訊寫入此「檔案æè¿°ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案æè¿°|把狀態資訊寫入此指定檔案æè¿°" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:117 - msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" -@@ -2852,13 +2849,13 @@ msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" - msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有使用者 ID\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "å·²è·³éŽ \"%s\": %s\n" -+msgstr "金鑰 %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "已由匯入éŽæ¿¾å™¨é§å›ž" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format -@@ -2981,9 +2978,9 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 未改變\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°ç§é‘° \"%s\": %s\n" -+msgstr "ç§é‘° %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 - msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -5262,15 +5259,15 @@ msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" - msgstr "警告: \"%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - 沒有效果\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: 廢棄的 \"%s\" é¸é … - 沒有任何影響\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" 在此檔案中已廢棄 - åƒ…å° %s 造æˆå½±éŸ¿\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "警告: \"%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - 沒有效果\n" -+msgstr "警告: \"%s%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - é™¤äº†å° %s 之外沒有效果\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -6001,9 +5998,9 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" - msgstr "請注æ„: 簽署金鑰 %s 已撤銷\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "%s 簽章, 摘è¦æ¼”算法 %s\n" -+msgstr "注æ„: 採用 %s 演算法的簽章已é§å›ž\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format -@@ -6895,11 +6892,11 @@ msgstr "以多é‡ä¼ºæœå™¨æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ (å‰æ™¯)" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:119 sm/gpgsm.c:316 - msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" --msgstr "|等級|設定除錯等級為「等級ã€" -+msgstr "|等級|設定除錯等級為指定等級" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 - msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|將日誌寫入至「檔案ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案|將日誌寫入至指定檔案" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:128 - msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" -@@ -6907,11 +6904,11 @@ msgstr "|N|從 N 埠連線至讀å¡æ©Ÿ" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:130 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" --msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€åšç‚º ct-API 驅動程å¼" -+msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱åšç‚º ct-API 驅動程å¼" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:132 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" --msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€åšç‚º PC/SC 驅動程å¼" -+msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱åšç‚º PC/SC 驅動程å¼" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:135 - msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" -@@ -7003,7 +7000,7 @@ msgstr "shell" - #: sm/certchain.c:258 - #, c-format - msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" --msgstr "未支æ´é—œéµæ†‘證延伸 %s" -+msgstr "未支æ´é—œéµæ†‘è­‰æ“´å……æ¬„ä½ %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:297 - msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" -@@ -7573,7 +7570,7 @@ msgstr "|N|è¦åŒ…å«çš„憑證數é‡" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 - msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|從「檔案ã€ä¸­å–得原則資訊" -+msgstr "|檔案|從指定檔案中å–得原則資訊" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 - msgid "do not check certificate policies" -@@ -7589,11 +7586,11 @@ msgstr "完全ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨çµ‚端機" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:285 - msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³ã€Œæª”案ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³æŒ‡å®šæª”案" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 - msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|將稽核日誌寫入至「檔案ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案|將稽核日誌寫入至指定檔案" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 - msgid "batch mode: never ask" -@@ -7609,11 +7606,11 @@ msgstr "å‡è¨­å¤§éƒ¨åˆ†çš„å•é¡Œéƒ½å›žç­”å¦" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 - msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" --msgstr "|檔案|將此金鑰鑰匙圈加到金鑰鑰匙圈清單「檔案ã€ä¸­" -+msgstr "|檔案|將此金鑰鑰匙圈加到金鑰鑰匙圈清單指定檔案中" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" --msgstr "|使用者-ID|使用「使用者-IDã€åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" -+msgstr "|使用者-ID|使用指定使用者 ID åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 - msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" -@@ -7621,11 +7618,11 @@ msgstr "|SPEC|使用此金鑰伺æœå™¨ä¾†æŸ¥æ‰¾é‡‘é‘°" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:329 - msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" --msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€ç·¨å¯†æ¼”算法" -+msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱的編密演算法" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:331 - msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" --msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€è¨Šæ¯æ‘˜è¦æ¼”算法" -+msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱的訊æ¯æ‘˜è¦æ¼”算法" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:522 - msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" -@@ -7869,7 +7866,7 @@ msgstr "å°å·²æ”¶åˆ°çš„資料列解碼" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 - msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" --msgstr "|å稱|連線至 Assuan socket「å稱ã€" -+msgstr "|å稱|連線至指定å稱的 Assuan socket" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 - msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" -@@ -7881,7 +7878,7 @@ msgstr "ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨å»¶ä¼¸é€£ç·šæ¨¡å¼" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 - msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" --msgstr "|檔案|啟動時執行「檔案ã€ä¸­çš„指令" -+msgstr "|檔案|啟動時執行指定檔案中的指令" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 - msgid "run /subst on startup" -@@ -7960,7 +7957,7 @@ msgstr "å°é™¤éŒ¯æœ‰å¹«åŠ©çš„é¸é …" - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 - msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³ã€Œæª”案ã€" -+msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³æŒ‡å®šæª”案" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 - msgid "Options controlling the security" -@@ -7996,7 +7993,7 @@ msgstr "|N|新密語至少è¦æœ‰ N 個éžå­—æ¯çš„字符" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 - msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" --msgstr "|檔案|用「檔案ã€ä¸­çš„樣å¼ä¾†æª¢æŸ¥æ–°å¯†èªž" -+msgstr "|檔案|用指定檔案中的樣å¼ä¾†æª¢æŸ¥æ–°å¯†èªž" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 - msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -@@ -8008,11 +8005,11 @@ msgstr "ä¸å…許é‡è¤‡ä½¿ç”¨èˆŠå¯†èªž" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" --msgstr "|åå­—|使用「åå­—ã€åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" -+msgstr "|åå­—|使用指定åå­—åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 - msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" --msgstr "|åå­—|也加密給使用者 ID「åå­—ã€" -+msgstr "|åå­—|也加密給指定å字的使用者 ID" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 - msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -@@ -8040,7 +8037,7 @@ msgstr "åœç”¨æ‰€æœ‰çš„ dirmngr å­˜å–" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 - msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" --msgstr "|å稱|將「å稱ã€ç·¨ç¢¼ç”¨æ–¼ PKCS#12 密語" -+msgstr "|å稱|將指定å稱編碼用於 PKCS#12 密語" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 - msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -@@ -8335,6 +8332,12 @@ msgstr "" - "語法: gpg-check-pattern [é¸é …] 樣å¼æª”案\n" - "用樣å¼æª”案來檢查由標準輸入給定的密語\n" - -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "匯入éŽç¨‹ä¸­ä¸è¦æ¸…除主觀信任值" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "警告: 並éžåˆ†é›¢ç°½ç« ; '%s' 檔案 *沒有* 通éŽé©—è­‰!\n" -+ - #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" - #~ msgstr "ä½ å¯èƒ½æœƒå…ˆæƒ³å•Ÿå‹• gpg-agent\n" - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0013-gpg-Avoid-using-cached-MD5-signature-status.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0013-gpg-Avoid-using-cached-MD5-signature-status.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0013-gpg-Avoid-using-cached-MD5-signature-status.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0013-gpg-Avoid-using-cached-MD5-signature-status.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -From 9112fed78b33faae32d21ab581721758ae2e95f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:41:51 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 13/31] gpg: Avoid using cached MD5 signature status. - -* g10/sig-check.c (check_key_signature2): Avoid using a cached MD5 -signature status. -* g10/keyring.c (keyring_get_keyblock): Ditto. -(write_keyblock): Ditto. - -* g10/sig-check.c (do_check): Move reject warning to ... -* g10/misc.c (print_md5_rejected_note): new. --- - -Modified by dkg (2015-01-04) to avoid needless whitespace transformations. - ---- - g10/keyring.c | 14 ++++++++++++-- - g10/main.h | 7 ++++--- - g10/misc.c | 16 ++++++++++++++++ - g10/sig-check.c | 17 +++++------------ - 4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/keyring.c b/g10/keyring.c -index 7482724..837df5e 100644 ---- a/g10/keyring.c -+++ b/g10/keyring.c -@@ -434,12 +434,19 @@ keyring_get_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb) - && (pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 1) ) { - /* This is a ring trust packet with a checked signature - * status cache following directly a signature paket. -- * Set the cache status into that signature packet. */ -+ * Set the cache status into that signature packet. -+ * -+ * We do not use cached signatures made with MD5 to -+ * avoid using a cached status created with an older -+ * version of gpg. */ - PKT_signature *sig = lastnode->pkt->pkt.signature; -- -- sig->flags.checked = 1; -- sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); -+ -+ if (sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) -+ { -+ sig->flags.checked = 1; -+ sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); -+ } - } - /* Reset LASTNODE, so that we set the cache status only from - * the ring trust packet immediately following a signature. */ - lastnode = NULL; -@@ -490,9 +497,12 @@ keyring_get_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb) - && lastnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE - && (pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 1) ) { - PKT_signature *sig = lastnode->pkt->pkt.signature; -- sig->flags.checked = 1; -- sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); -+ if (sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) -+ { -+ sig->flags.checked = 1; -+ sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); -+ } - } - *ret_kb = keyblock; - } - free_packet (pkt); -@@ -1354,7 +1364,7 @@ write_keyblock (IOBUF fp, KBNODE keyblock) - PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature; - unsigned int cacheval = 0; - -- if (sig->flags.checked) -+ if (sig->flags.checked && sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) - { - cacheval |= 1; - if (sig->flags.valid) -diff --git a/g10/main.h b/g10/main.h -index 9904820..2ac3854 100644 ---- a/g10/main.h -+++ b/g10/main.h -@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ extern int g10_errors_seen; - #else - void g10_exit(int rc); - #endif --void print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ); --void print_cipher_algo_note( int algo ); --void print_digest_algo_note( int algo ); - - /*-- armor.c --*/ - char *make_radix64_string( const byte *data, size_t len ); -@@ -82,6 +79,10 @@ u16 checksum( byte *p, unsigned n ); - u16 checksum_mpi( gcry_mpi_t a ); - u32 buffer_to_u32( const byte *buffer ); - const byte *get_session_marker( size_t *rlen ); -+void print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ); -+void print_cipher_algo_note( int algo ); -+void print_digest_algo_note( int algo ); -+void print_md5_rejected_note (void); - int map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry (int algo); - #define openpgp_cipher_open(_a,_b,_c,_d) gcry_cipher_open((_a),map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry((_b)),(_c),(_d)) - #define openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen(_a) gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen(map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry((_a))) -diff --git a/g10/misc.c b/g10/misc.c -index 43ea0d2..1ca9580 100644 ---- a/g10/misc.c -+++ b/g10/misc.c -@@ -340,6 +340,22 @@ print_digest_algo_note( int algo ) - } - - -+void -+print_md5_rejected_note (void) -+{ -+ static int shown; -+ -+ if (!shown) -+ { -+ fflush (stdout); -+ log_info -+ (_("Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n"), -+ "MD5"); -+ shown = 1; -+ } -+} -+ -+ - /* Map OpenPGP algo numbers to those used by Libgcrypt. We need to do - this for algorithms we implemented in Libgcrypt after they become - part of OpenPGP. */ -diff --git a/g10/sig-check.c b/g10/sig-check.c -index ed4fa89..2999693 100644 ---- a/g10/sig-check.c -+++ b/g10/sig-check.c -@@ -272,16 +272,7 @@ do_check( PKT_public_key *pk, PKT_signature *sig, gcry_md_hd_t digest, - if (sig->digest_algo == GCRY_MD_MD5 - && !opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos) - { -- static int shown; -- -- if (!shown) -- { -- log_info -- (_("Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n"), -- "MD5"); -- shown = 1; -- } -- -+ print_md5_rejected_note (); - return GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO; - } - -@@ -549,9 +540,11 @@ check_key_signature2( KBNODE root, KBNODE node, PKT_public_key *check_pk, - /* Check whether we have cached the result of a previous signature - check. Note that we may no longer have the pubkey or hash - needed to verify a sig, but can still use the cached value. A -- cache refresh detects and clears these cases. */ -+ cache refresh detects and clears these cases. -+ For safety reasons we ignore cache entries from MD5 signatures. */ - if ( !opt.no_sig_cache ) { -- if (sig->flags.checked) { /*cached status available*/ -+ if (sig->flags.checked && sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) { -+ /*cached status available*/ - if( is_selfsig ) { - u32 keyid[2]; - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0013-Update-Russian-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0013-Update-Russian-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0013-Update-Russian-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0013-Update-Russian-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7687 +0,0 @@ -From: Ineiev -Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:35:31 -0400 -Subject: Update Russian translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=d084ae8f5302cd4fdcb658179602742847fb468a ---- - po/ru.po | 2526 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- - 1 file changed, 1264 insertions(+), 1262 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po -index 8b0e5e8..cd7039c 100644 ---- a/po/ru.po -+++ b/po/ru.po -@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ - # !-- no such user (2011-01-11) - # Thanks Pawel I. Shajdo . - # Thanks Cmecb for the inspiration. -+# Ineiev , 2014 - # - # Designated-Translator: none --# - msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: GnuPG 2.0.10\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-21 00:40+0200\n" --"Last-Translator: Maxim Britov \n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-18 17:16+0000\n" -+"Last-Translator: Ineiev \n" - "Language-Team: Russian \n" - "Language: ru\n" - "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при блокировке Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° PIN: %s\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in - #. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter -@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ msgstr "" - #. the second vertical bar. - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 - msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 - msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|Отмена (_C)" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 - msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label - #. for the quality bar. -@@ -59,20 +59,23 @@ msgstr "СтойкоÑÑ‚ÑŒ:" - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 - msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" - msgstr "" --"СтойкоÑÑ‚ÑŒ введенного выше текÑта. Можете прокоÑультироватьÑÑ Ñƒ Вашего " --"админиÑтратора о критериÑÑ… оценки ÑтойкоÑти." -+"СтойкоÑÑ‚ÑŒ введенного выше текÑта. ПроконÑультируйтеÑÑŒ у админиÑтратора о " -+"критериÑÑ… оценки ÑтойкоÑти." - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 - msgid "" - "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " - "session" --msgstr "Введите PIN-код Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу" -+msgstr "" -+"Введите PIN, чтобы Ñделать закрытый ключ доÑтупным на протÑжении Ñтого ÑеанÑа" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 - msgid "" - "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " - "this session" --msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу" -+msgstr "" -+"Введите фразу-пароль, чтобы Ñделать закрытый ключ доÑтупным на протÑжении " -+"Ñтого ÑеанÑа" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in - #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the -@@ -84,23 +87,23 @@ msgstr "SETERROR %s (попытка %d из %d)" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 - msgid "PIN too long" --msgstr "PIN Ñлишком длинен" -+msgstr "Слишком длинный PIN" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 - msgid "Passphrase too long" --msgstr "фраза-пароль Ñлишком длиннаÑ" -+msgstr "Слишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð°-пароль" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 - msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в PIN-коде" -+msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в PIN" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 - msgid "PIN too short" --msgstr "PIN-код Ñлишком короткий" -+msgstr "Слишком короткий PIN" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 - msgid "Bad PIN" --msgstr "плохой PIN" -+msgstr "Ðеверный PIN" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 - msgid "Bad Passphrase" -@@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ msgstr "Фраза-пароль" - #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" --msgstr "не поддерживаютÑÑ ssh ключи превышающие %d бит\n" -+msgstr "ключи ssh длиннее %d бит не поддерживаютÑÑ\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -@@ -148,17 +151,17 @@ msgstr "обнаружена карта, Ñерийный номер: %s\n" - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2119 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°ÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ keyID по умолчанию карты: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñновного аутентификационного ID ключа карты: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 - #, c-format - msgid "no suitable card key found: %s\n" --msgstr "в карте не обнаружен пригодный ключ: %s\n" -+msgstr "в карте не найдено подходÑщего ключа: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 - #, c-format - msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при затенении ключа: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 - #, c-format -@@ -171,32 +174,34 @@ msgid "" - "An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " - "allow this?" - msgstr "" -+"ПроцеÑÑ ssh запроÑил доÑтуп к ключу%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0AÐ’Ñ‹ хотите Ñто " -+"позволить?" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 - msgid "Allow" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Позволить" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 - msgid "Deny" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Отказать" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" --msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ ssh ключа%0A %c" -+msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 - msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" - msgstr "Повторно введите фразу-пароль:" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " - "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" - msgstr "" --"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ принÑтого закрытого ключа%%0A %s%%0Aвнутри " --"хранилища ключей gpg-agent" -+"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ полученного закрытого ключа%%0A %s%%0A %s" -+"%%0Aвнутри хранилища ключей агента gpg" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 -@@ -210,39 +215,38 @@ msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾ÐºÐ° из Ñокета: %s\n" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 - msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñтавьте карту Ñ Ñерийным номером" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 - msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Удалите текущую карту и вÑтавьте карту Ñ Ñерийным номером" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:200 - msgid "Admin PIN" --msgstr "ÐдминиÑтративный PID" -+msgstr "ÐдминиÑтративный PIN" - - #. TRANSLATORS: A PUK is the Personal Unblocking Code - #. used to unblock a PIN. - #: agent/divert-scd.c:205 - msgid "PUK" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Код разблокировки PIN (PUK)" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:212 - msgid "Reset Code" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Код ÑброÑа" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 - #, c-format - msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." --msgstr "" -+msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AВводите на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ." - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:287 - msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" --msgstr "Повторить Reset Code" -+msgstr "Повторите код ÑброÑа" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:289 --#, fuzzy - msgid "Repeat this PUK" --msgstr "Повторите ввод PIN" -+msgstr "Повторите ввод PUK" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:290 - msgid "Repeat this PIN" -@@ -250,16 +254,15 @@ msgstr "Повторите ввод PIN" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:295 - msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "Reset Code не повторен корректно; попробуйте еще раз" -+msgstr "Код ÑброÑа повторен неверно; попробуйте еще раз" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:297 --#, fuzzy - msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "повторный PIN не Ñовпал; попробуйте еще раз" -+msgstr "PUK повторен неверно; попробуйте еще раз" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:298 - msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "повторный PIN не Ñовпал; попробуйте еще раз" -+msgstr "PIN повторен неверно; попробуйте еще раз" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:310 - #, c-format -@@ -283,7 +286,7 @@ msgstr "Введите новую фразу-пароль" - - #: agent/genkey.c:167 - msgid "Take this one anyway" --msgstr "ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ как еÑÑ‚ÑŒ" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñе равно принÑÑ‚ÑŒ" - - #: agent/genkey.c:193 - #, c-format -@@ -294,13 +297,13 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " - "at least %u characters long." - msgstr[0] "" --"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AДлина фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° " -+"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " - "Ñодержать не менее %u знака." - msgstr[1] "" --"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AДлина фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° " -+"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " - "Ñодержать не менее %u знаков." - msgstr[2] "" --"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AДлина фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° " -+"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " - "Ñодержать не менее %u знаков." - - #: agent/genkey.c:214 -@@ -313,13 +316,13 @@ msgid_plural "" - "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." - msgstr[0] "" - "Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " --"Ñодержать не менее %u Ñимвола, либо %%0AÑпециальный Ñимвол." -+"Ñодержать по меньшей мере %u цифру или %%0AÑпециальный Ñимвол." - msgstr[1] "" - "Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " --"Ñодержать не менее %u Ñимвола, либо %%0AÑпециальных Ñимвола." -+"Ñодержать не менее %u цифр или%%0AÑпециальных Ñимволов." - msgstr[2] "" - "Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " --"Ñодержать не менее %u Ñимволов, либо %%0AÑпециальный Ñимволов." -+"Ñодержать не менее %u цифр или%%0AÑпециальных Ñимволов." - - #: agent/genkey.c:237 - #, c-format -@@ -342,15 +345,15 @@ msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " - "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." - msgstr "" --"Ð’Ñ‹ не ввели фразу-пароль - Ñто веÑьма неудачное решение!%0A Подтвердите, что " --"Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно не хотите защитить Ваш ключ." -+"Ð’Ñ‹ не ввели фразу-пароль - Ñто, как правило, Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹Ñль!%0A Подтвердите, " -+"что Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно не хотите защитить Ñвой ключ." - - #: agent/genkey.c:264 - msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" --msgstr "Да, защита мне не нужна" -+msgstr "Да, защита не нужна" - - #: agent/genkey.c:308 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" - msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль%0AÐ´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового ключа" - -@@ -369,11 +372,11 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 - msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" --msgstr "запуÑк в режиме демона (background)" -+msgstr "запуÑк в режиме демона (фоновый режим)" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 - msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" --msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера (foreground)" -+msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера (нефоновый режим)" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 -@@ -384,20 +387,20 @@ msgstr "подробно" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 - msgid "be somewhat more quiet" --msgstr "уменьшить количеÑтво выводимой информации" -+msgstr "Ñократить подробноÑти" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 - msgid "sh-style command output" --msgstr "вывод результатов в sh-Ñтиле" -+msgstr "вывод команды в Ñтиле sh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 - msgid "csh-style command output" --msgstr "вывод результатов в csh-Ñтиле" -+msgstr "вывод команды в Ñтиле csh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 - msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из файла FILE" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 - msgid "do not detach from the console" -@@ -405,7 +408,7 @@ msgstr "не отÑоединÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚ конÑоли" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 - msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" --msgstr "не перехватывать ÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹ÑˆÐ¸ и клавиатуры" -+msgstr "не захватывать клавиатуру и мышь" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 - msgid "use a log file for the server" -@@ -417,11 +420,11 @@ msgstr "Ñтандартное раÑположение Ñокета" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 - msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" --msgstr "|PGM|иÑпользовать PGM как PIN-Entry" -+msgstr "|PGM|иÑпользовать программу PGM Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° паролей" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 - msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" --msgstr "|PGM| иÑпользовать PGM как SCdaemon" -+msgstr "|PGM| иÑпользовать программу PGM как SCdaemon" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 - msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" -@@ -429,41 +432,39 @@ msgstr "не иÑпользовать SCdaemon" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 - msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" --msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены TTY" -+msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены терминала" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 - msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" --msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены X диÑплеÑ" -+msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены диÑÐ¿Ð»ÐµÑ XWindow" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 - msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" --msgstr "|N|кеш PIN проÑрочен поÑле N Ñекунд" -+msgstr "|N|ÑбраÑывать запомненный PIN через N Ñекунд" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 - msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" --msgstr "не иÑпользовать кеш PIN при подпиÑывании" -+msgstr "не иÑпользовать запомненный PIN при подпиÑывании" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" --msgstr "позволить клиентам помечать ключи как \"доверÑемые\"" -+msgstr "не позволÑÑ‚ÑŒ клиентам помечать ключи как \"доверенные\"" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" --msgstr "разрешить предуÑтановленную фразу-пароль" -+msgstr "разрешить предуÑтанавливать фразу-пароль" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "разрешить ÑмулÑцию ssh-агента" -+msgstr "включить поддержку ssh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - msgid "enable putty support" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "включить поддержку putty" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|Ñохранить ÑоÑтоÑние Ð¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ в файл" -+msgstr "|FILE|Ñохранить ÑоÑтоÑние Ñреды также в файл FILE" - - #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the -@@ -473,11 +474,11 @@ msgstr "|FILE|Ñохранить ÑоÑтоÑние Ð¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ в Ñ„ - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" --msgstr "О найденных ошибка Ñообщайте <@EMAIL@>.\n" -+msgstr "О найденных ошибках Ñообщайте по адреÑу <@EMAIL@>.\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 - msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpg-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 - msgid "" -@@ -490,30 +491,30 @@ msgstr "" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" --msgstr "запрошен недупуÑтимый уровень отладки `%s'\n" -+msgstr "запрошен недопуÑтимый уровень отладки `%s'\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 - #, c-format - msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" --msgstr "%s Ñлишком уÑтарело (требуетÑÑ %s, имеетÑÑ %s)\n" -+msgstr "Слишком ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑÐ¸Ñ %s (нужно %s, еÑÑ‚ÑŒ %s)\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: файл конфигурации `%s' не обнаружен\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: оÑновной файл параметров `%s' не обнаружен\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 - #, c-format - msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "файл конфигурации `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "файл параметров `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 - #, c-format - msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" --msgstr "параметры конфигурации из файла `%s'\n" -+msgstr "чтение параметров из `%s'\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 - #: g10/plaintext.c:162 -@@ -540,25 +541,25 @@ msgstr "не могу Ñоздать Ñокет: %s\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 - #, c-format - msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" --msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñокета `%s' Ñлишком длинное\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком дленное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñокета `%s'\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 - msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" --msgstr "gpg-agent уже запущен - еще один, новый, запущен не будет\n" -+msgstr "агент gpg уже запущен - еще один, новый, запущен не будет\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 - msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ кода Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñокета\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 - #, c-format - msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñокета Ñ `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñокета Ñ `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 - #, c-format - msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой listen(): %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 - #, c-format -@@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ msgstr "Ñоздан каталог `%s'\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 - #, c-format - msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой stat() Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 - #, c-format -@@ -584,32 +585,32 @@ msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать `%s' как домашни - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ кода из файлового деÑкриптора %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 - #, c-format - msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "обработчик 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d запущен\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 - #, c-format - msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "обработчик 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d завершилÑÑ\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "обработчик ssh 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d запущен\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "обработчик ssh 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d завершилÑÑ\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 - #, c-format - msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой pth_select: %s - жду 1 Ñекунду\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 - #, c-format -@@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ msgstr "%s %s: оÑтановлен\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 - msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" --msgstr "нет gpg-agent доÑтупого Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ ÑеÑÑии\n" -+msgstr "в Ñтом ÑеанÑе агент gpg не работает\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 -@@ -629,20 +630,20 @@ msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ GPG_AGE - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 - #, c-format - msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "протокол gpg-agent верÑии %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "протокол агента gpg верÑии %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" - - #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 - msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" - msgstr "" --"ИÑпользование: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] KEYGRIP (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" -+"Вызов: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] КОД_КЛЮЧР(-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" - - #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:104 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" --"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] KEYGRIP\n" --"Кеширование паролей\n" -+"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] КОД_КЛЮЧÐ\n" -+"Работа Ñ Ð±ÑƒÑ„ÐµÑ€Ð¾Ð¼ паролей\n" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 -@@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:167 - msgid "Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg-protect-tool [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpg-protect-tool [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:169 - msgid "" -@@ -675,15 +676,15 @@ msgid "" - "Secret key maintenance tool\n" - msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-protect-tool [параметры] [аргументы]\n" --"ИнÑтрумент Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ ключами\n" -+"СредÑтво работы Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ ключами\n" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к PKCS#12 объекту." -+msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñ Ð¾Ð±ÑŠÐµÐºÑ‚Ð° PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового PKCS#12 объекта." -+msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового объекта PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 - msgid "" -@@ -696,8 +697,8 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" - "needed to complete this operation." - msgstr "" --"Введите фразу-пароль или PIN\n" --"необходимые Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ операции." -+"Введите фразу-пароль или PIN,\n" -+"необходимые Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ операции." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 - msgid "Passphrase:" -@@ -725,12 +726,12 @@ msgstr "файл `%s', Ñтрока %d: %s\n" - #: agent/trustlist.c:171 agent/trustlist.c:179 - #, c-format - msgid "statement \"%s\" ignored in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "выражение \"%s\" в `%s' игнорируетÑÑ, Ñтрока %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:185 - #, c-format - msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" --msgstr "ÑиÑтемный ÑпиÑок доверий `%s' не доÑтупен\n" -+msgstr "ÑиÑтемный ÑпиÑок Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ `%s' не доÑтупен\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:229 - #, c-format -@@ -740,7 +741,7 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый отпечаток в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" - #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимый признак ключа в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 - #, c-format -@@ -749,7 +750,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s', Ñтрока %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 - msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑка доверÑемых корневых Ñертификатов\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑка доверенных корневых Ñертификатов\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry - #. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by -@@ -765,8 +766,8 @@ msgid "" - "Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " - "certificates?" - msgstr "" --"ДейÑтвительно абÑолютно доверÑÑ‚ÑŒ%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aкорректно подпиÑанным " --"Ñертификатам пользователÑ?" -+"ДейÑтвительно абÑолютно верить, что%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aправильно Ñертифицирует " -+"Ñертификаты пользователÑ?" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 - msgid "Yes" -@@ -790,8 +791,7 @@ msgid "" - "Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " - "fingerprint:%%0A %s" - msgstr "" --"Проверьте, что Ñертификат идентифицированный как:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aимеет " --"отпечаток:%%0A %s" -+"Проверьте, что отпечаток Ñертификата%%0A \"%s\"%%0AÑовпадает Ñ%%0A %s" - - #. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended - #. to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The -@@ -802,13 +802,13 @@ msgstr "Подтверждаю" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:668 - msgid "Wrong" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ðеверно" - - #: agent/findkey.c:157 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." - msgstr "" --"Замечание: Фразу-пароль ни разу не ÑменÑли.%0AПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее ÑейчаÑ." -+"Замечание: Фразу-пароль никогда не менÑли.%0AПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее ÑейчаÑ." - - #: agent/findkey.c:173 - #, c-format -@@ -816,12 +816,11 @@ msgid "" - "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " - "it now." - msgstr "" --"Фраза пароль не ÑменÑлаÑÑŒ%%0AÑ %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. ПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее " --"ÑейчаÑ." -+"Фраза-пароль не менÑлаÑÑŒ%%0AÑ %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. ПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее ÑейчаÑ." - - #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 - msgid "Change passphrase" --msgstr "Cменить фразу-пароль" -+msgstr "Сменить фразу-пароль" - - #: agent/findkey.c:195 - msgid "I'll change it later" -@@ -831,22 +830,22 @@ msgstr "Сменю позже" - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ошибка при Ñоздании канала конвейера: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 - #, c-format - msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "отказ при вызове fdopen на чтение: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 - #, c-format - msgid "error forking process: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ошибка при дублировании процеÑÑа: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:811 common/exechelp.c:864 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при ожидании Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ†ÐµÑÑа %d: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:819 - #, c-format -@@ -861,7 +860,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s': ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %d\n" - #: common/exechelp.c:870 - #, c-format - msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" --msgstr "ошибка запуÑка `%s': позможно не уÑтановлен\n" -+msgstr "ошибка запуÑка `%s': возможно, не уÑтановлен\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:885 - #, c-format -@@ -871,7 +870,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s': прервано\n" - #: common/http.c:1682 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating socket: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ошибка при Ñоздании Ñокета: %s\n" - - #: common/http.c:1733 - msgid "host not found" -@@ -879,7 +878,7 @@ msgstr "хоÑÑ‚ не найден" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 - msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" --msgstr "gpg-agent недоÑтупен в данной ÑеÑÑии\n" -+msgstr "в данном ÑеанÑе агент gpg недоÑтупен\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 - #, c-format -@@ -888,11 +887,11 @@ msgstr "не могу подключитьÑÑ Ðº `%s': %s\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 - msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" --msgstr "проблема ÑвÑзи Ñ gpg-agent\n" -+msgstr "проблема ÑвÑзи Ñ Ð°Ð³ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼ gpg\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 - msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" --msgstr "проблема Ð·Ð°Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð² gpg-agent\n" -+msgstr "проблема Ð·Ð°Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð² агента gpg\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:579 common/simple-pwquery.c:675 - msgid "canceled by user\n" -@@ -905,7 +904,7 @@ msgstr "проблема Ñ Ð°Ð³ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼\n" - #: common/sysutils.c:111 - #, c-format - msgid "can't disable core dumps: %s\n" --msgstr "не могу отключить Ñоздание файла дампа образа памÑти: %s\n" -+msgstr "не могу отключить Ñоздание файла копии образа памÑти: %s\n" - - #: common/sysutils.c:206 - #, c-format -@@ -920,7 +919,7 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа %s - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 - msgid "yes" --msgstr "да|Да|yes|Yes" -+msgstr "да|yes" - - #: common/yesno.c:36 common/yesno.c:77 - msgid "yY" -@@ -929,7 +928,7 @@ msgstr "yY" - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:38 common/yesno.c:74 - msgid "no" --msgstr "нет|Ðет|no|No" -+msgstr "нет|no" - - #: common/yesno.c:39 common/yesno.c:78 - msgid "nN" -@@ -938,34 +937,34 @@ msgstr "nN" - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:76 - msgid "quit" --msgstr "quit" -+msgstr "выход|quit" - - #: common/yesno.c:79 - msgid "qQ" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "qQ" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:113 - msgid "okay|okay" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "готово|okay" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:115 - msgid "cancel|cancel" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "отбой|cancel" - - #: common/yesno.c:116 - msgid "oO" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "oO" - - #: common/yesno.c:117 - msgid "cC" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "cC" - - #: common/miscellaneous.c:77 - #, c-format - msgid "out of core in secure memory while allocating %lu bytes" --msgstr "выход за безопаÑный предел памÑти при раÑпределении %lu байтов" -+msgstr "выход за предел безопаÑной памÑти при раÑпределении %lu байтов" - - #: common/miscellaneous.c:80 - #, c-format -@@ -974,64 +973,58 @@ msgstr "выход за границы при раÑпределении %lu б - - #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 - msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" --msgstr "нет работающих gpg-agent - запуÑкаем\n" -+msgstr "агент gpg не работает - запуÑкаем\n" - - #: common/asshelp.c:349 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting %d seconds for the agent to come up\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "даю агенту %d Ñекунд на подключение\n" - - #: common/asshelp.c:426 - msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" --msgstr "невозможно подключитьÑÑ Ðº агенту - пробуем откатитьÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´\n" -+msgstr "невозможно подключитьÑÑ Ðº агенту - пробую более надежный вариант\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars - #. verbatim. It will not be printed. - #: common/audit.c:474 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Good" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ð’Ñе хорошие" - - #: common/audit.c:477 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Bad" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ð’Ñе плохие" - - #: common/audit.c:479 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Not supported" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðе поддерживаютÑÑ" - - #: common/audit.c:481 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|audit-log-result|No certificate" --msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðет Ñертификата" - - #: common/audit.c:483 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|audit-log-result|Not enabled" --msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Отключены" - - #: common/audit.c:485 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Error" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ошибка" - - #: common/audit.c:487 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|audit-log-result|Not used" --msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðе иÑпользуютÑÑ" - - #: common/audit.c:489 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|audit-log-result|Okay" --msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ð’ порÑдке" - - #: common/audit.c:491 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|audit-log-result|Skipped" --msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|ИгнорируетÑÑ" - - #: common/audit.c:493 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" --msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðекоторые" - - #: common/audit.c:726 - msgid "Certificate chain available" -@@ -1043,7 +1036,7 @@ msgstr "отÑутÑтвует корневой Ñертификат" - - #: common/audit.c:759 - msgid "Data encryption succeeded" --msgstr "Данные зашифрованы" -+msgstr "Данные уÑпешно зашифрованы" - - #: common/audit.c:764 common/audit.c:830 common/audit.c:906 common/audit.c:997 - msgid "Data available" -@@ -1051,7 +1044,7 @@ msgstr "Данные доÑтупны" - - #: common/audit.c:767 - msgid "Session key created" --msgstr "СеÑÑионный ключ Ñоздан" -+msgstr "СеанÑовый ключ Ñоздан" - - #: common/audit.c:772 common/audit.c:912 common/audit.c:919 - #, c-format -@@ -1061,11 +1054,11 @@ msgstr "алгоритм: %s" - #: common/audit.c:774 common/audit.c:776 common/audit.c:921 common/audit.c:923 - #, c-format - msgid "unsupported algorithm: %s" --msgstr "неподдерживаемый алгоритм: %s" -+msgstr "алгоритм (не поддерживаетÑÑ): %s" - - #: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 - msgid "seems to be not encrypted" --msgstr "похоже на не зашифрованное" -+msgstr "кажетÑÑ, не зашифровано" - - #: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 - msgid "Number of recipients" -@@ -1078,31 +1071,30 @@ msgstr "Получатель %d" - - #: common/audit.c:825 - msgid "Data signing succeeded" --msgstr "Данные подпиÑаны" -+msgstr "Данные уÑпешно подпиÑаны" - - #: common/audit.c:839 common/audit.c:1033 common/audit.c:1060 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "data hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ: %s" -+msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ…: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:862 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Signer %d" - msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ %d" - - #: common/audit.c:866 common/audit.c:1065 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "attr hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ: %s" -+msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð±ÑƒÑ‚Ð¾Ð²: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:901 - msgid "Data decryption succeeded" --msgstr "Данные раÑшифрованы" -+msgstr "Данные уÑпешно раÑшифрованы" - - #: common/audit.c:910 --#, fuzzy - msgid "Encryption algorithm supported" --msgstr "метод защиты %d%s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ðлгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÑ‚ÑÑ" - - #: common/audit.c:993 - msgid "Data verification succeeded" -@@ -1113,14 +1105,13 @@ msgid "Signature available" - msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ доÑтупна" - - #: common/audit.c:1024 --#, fuzzy - msgid "Parsing data succeeded" --msgstr "Разбор подпиÑи завершен" -+msgstr "Разбор данных завершен" - - #: common/audit.c:1036 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ: %s" -+msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ…: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:1051 - #, c-format -@@ -1129,7 +1120,7 @@ msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ %d" - - #: common/audit.c:1079 - msgid "Certificate chain valid" --msgstr "Цепочка ÑÐµÑ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительна" -+msgstr "Цепочка Ñертификатов дейÑтвительна" - - #: common/audit.c:1090 - msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" -@@ -1137,15 +1128,15 @@ msgstr "Корневой Ñертификат доÑтоверен" - - #: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 - msgid "no CRL found for certificate" --msgstr "не найдена CRL Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификата" -+msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификата не найден ÑпиÑок отозванных Ñертификатов" - - #: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 - msgid "the available CRL is too old" --msgstr "доÑÑ‚Ð¿ÑƒÐ½Ð°Ñ CRL Ñлишком Ñтара" -+msgstr "доÑтупный ÑпиÑок отозванных Ñертификатов Ñлишком Ñтар" - - #: common/audit.c:1119 - msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" --msgstr "проверка CRL/OCSP Ñертификата" -+msgstr "проверка ÑпиÑка отозванных Ñертификатов/OCSP Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификата" - - #: common/audit.c:1139 - msgid "Included certificates" -@@ -1161,11 +1152,11 @@ msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ" - - #: common/audit.c:1261 - msgid "Gpg-Agent usable" --msgstr "Gpg-Agent доÑтупен" -+msgstr "Ðгент Gpg годен" - - #: common/audit.c:1271 - msgid "Dirmngr usable" --msgstr "Dirmgr доÑтупен" -+msgstr "Dirmgr годен" - - #: common/audit.c:1307 - #, c-format -@@ -1178,36 +1169,36 @@ msgstr "игнорируем дефектную Ñтроку" - - #: common/gettime.c:503 - msgid "[none]" --msgstr "[нет]" -+msgstr "[отÑутÑтвует]" - - #: g10/armor.c:379 - #, c-format - msgid "armor: %s\n" --msgstr "формат ASCII: %s\n" -+msgstr "текÑтовый формат: %s\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:418 - msgid "invalid armor header: " --msgstr "неправильный заголовок ASCII: " -+msgstr "неправильный текÑтовый заголовок: " - - #: g10/armor.c:429 - msgid "armor header: " --msgstr "заголовок ASCII: " -+msgstr "текÑтовый заголовок: " - - #: g10/armor.c:442 - msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" --msgstr "неправильный заголовок прозрачной подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "неправильный заголовок текÑтовой подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:455 - msgid "unknown armor header: " --msgstr "недопуÑтимый заголовок ASCII: " -+msgstr "неизвеÑтный текÑтовый заголовок: " - - #: g10/armor.c:508 - msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" --msgstr "вложенные прозрачные подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "вложенные текÑтовые подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:643 - msgid "unexpected armor: " --msgstr "неожидаемый формат ASCII:" -+msgstr "неожиданный текÑтовый формат: " - - #: g10/armor.c:655 - msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " -@@ -1216,24 +1207,24 @@ msgstr "неправильный отÑтуп из минуÑов: " - #: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" --msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñимвол radix64 %02X пропущен\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñимвол radix64 %02X (игнорируетÑÑ)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:853 - msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" --msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (нет CRC)\n" -+msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (нет контрольной Ñуммы)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:887 - msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" --msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (в CRC)\n" -+msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (в контрольной Ñумме)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:895 - msgid "malformed CRC\n" --msgstr "поврежденный CRC\n" -+msgstr "Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñумма\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 - #, c-format - msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" --msgstr "ошибка CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" -+msgstr "ошибка контрольной Ñуммы; %06lX - %06lX\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:919 - msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" -@@ -1250,42 +1241,43 @@ msgstr "не найдено данных формата OpenPGP.\n" - #: g10/armor.c:1253 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "неправильный ASCII формат: Ñтрока длиннее %d Ñимволов\n" -+msgstr "неправильный текÑтовый формат: Ñтрока длиннее %d Ñимволов\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:1257 - msgid "" - "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" - msgstr "" --"Ñимволы quoted printable в кодировке ASCII - вероÑтно иÑпользовалÑÑ Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð¾Ð¹ " --"MTA\n" -+"Ñимвол quoted printable в текÑтовом формате - иÑпорчено почтовой " -+"программой?\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:976 - msgid "" - "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " - "an '='\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодеражать только печатные Ñимволы и пробелы, и '=' на " --"конце\n" -+"Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать только печатные Ñимволы или пробелы и " -+"заканчиватьÑÑ Ð·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼ '='\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:988 - msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" --msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑкого Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать Ñимвол '@'\n" -+msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать Ñимвол '@'\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:994 - msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" --msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать не более одного Ñимвола '@'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно Ñодержать более одного Ñимвола '@'\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1012 - msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" --msgstr "значение Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно Ñодержать управлÑющих Ñимволов\n" -+msgstr "в значении Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно быть управлÑющих Ñимволов\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 - msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружено недопуÑтимое примечание\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: найдена недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð° запиÑи примечаниÑ\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 - msgid "not human readable" --msgstr "не читаемое человеком" -+msgstr "не Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ‡ÐµÐ»Ð¾Ð²ÐµÐºÐ¾Ð¼" - - #: g10/card-util.c:85 g10/card-util.c:375 - #, c-format -@@ -1295,7 +1287,7 @@ msgstr "Карта OpenPGP недоÑтупна: %s\n" - #: g10/card-util.c:90 - #, c-format - msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" --msgstr "Обнаружена карта OpenPGP номер %s \n" -+msgstr "Обнаружена карта OpenPGP номер %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 - #: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 -@@ -1304,18 +1296,18 @@ msgstr "невозможно Ñделать Ñто в пакетном режи - - #: g10/card-util.c:106 - msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" --msgstr "Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° допуÑтима только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚ верÑии 2\n" -+msgstr "Эта команда доÑтупна только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚ верÑии 2.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 - msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" --msgstr "Reset Code не задан или недоÑтупен\n" -+msgstr "Код ÑброÑа (больше) не доÑтупен\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 - #: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 - #: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 - msgid "Your selection? " --msgstr "Ваш выбор (?-подробнее)? " -+msgstr "Ваш выбор? " - - #: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 - msgid "[not set]" -@@ -1331,15 +1323,15 @@ msgstr "женÑкий" - - #: g10/card-util.c:514 - msgid "unspecified" --msgstr "не задан" -+msgstr "не указан" - - #: g10/card-util.c:541 - msgid "not forced" --msgstr "отключен" -+msgstr "не принудителен" - - #: g10/card-util.c:541 - msgid "forced" --msgstr "включен" -+msgstr "принудителен" - - #: g10/card-util.c:632 - msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" -@@ -1347,7 +1339,7 @@ msgstr "Ошибка: ДопуÑтим только чиÑтый ASCII.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:634 - msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" --msgstr "Ошибка: ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñимвол \"<\".\n" -+msgstr "Ошибка: ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñимвол \"<\"\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:636 - msgid "Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n" -@@ -1355,16 +1347,16 @@ msgstr "Ошибка: Двойные пробелы недопуÑтимы.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:653 - msgid "Cardholder's surname: " --msgstr "Ð¤Ð°Ð¼Ð¸Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты:" -+msgstr "Ð¤Ð°Ð¼Ð¸Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:655 - msgid "Cardholder's given name: " --msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты:" -+msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:673 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Ошибка: Скомбинированное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñлишком длинное (предел %d Ñимволов).\n" -+msgstr "Ошибка: Слишком длинное полное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:694 - msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " -@@ -1373,12 +1365,12 @@ msgstr "URL Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа: " - #: g10/card-util.c:702 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Ошибка: URL Ñлишком длинный (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" -+msgstr "Ошибка: Ñлишком длинный URL (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 - #, c-format - msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка раÑÐ¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼Ñти: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ð²Ñ‹Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтаточной памÑти: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 - #, c-format -@@ -1386,9 +1378,9 @@ msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" - msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:840 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "error writing `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка запиÑи в `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка запиÑи `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:867 - msgid "Login data (account name): " -@@ -1397,20 +1389,21 @@ msgstr "Ð£Ñ‡ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (имÑ):" - #: g10/card-util.c:877 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Ошибка: Данные учетной запиÑи Ñлишком длинные (предел %d Ñимволов).\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Ошибка: Слишком длинные данные учетной запиÑи (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:913 - msgid "Private DO data: " --msgstr "Секретные DO данные:" -+msgstr "Секретные данные DO:" - - #: g10/card-util.c:923 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Ошибка: Секретные DO данные Ñлишком длинные (предел %d Ñимволов).\n" -+msgstr "Ошибка: Слишком много Ñекретных данных DO (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1006 - msgid "Language preferences: " --msgstr "Предпочитаемый Ñзык: " -+msgstr "Предпочтительный Ñзык: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1014 - msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" -@@ -1422,7 +1415,7 @@ msgstr "Ошибка: недопуÑтимые Ñимволы в Ñтроке п - - #: g10/card-util.c:1045 - msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " --msgstr "Пол ((M)МужÑкой, (F)ЖенÑкий или пробел): " -+msgstr "Пол ((M) мужÑкой, (F) женÑкий или пробел): " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1059 - msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" -@@ -1430,7 +1423,7 @@ msgstr "Ошибка: недопуÑтимый ответ.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1081 - msgid "CA fingerprint: " --msgstr "отпечаток CA: " -+msgstr "отпечаток центра Ñертификации: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1104 - msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" -@@ -1460,21 +1453,24 @@ msgid "" - " If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" - " documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" - msgstr "" -+"ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ðет никакой гарантии, что карта поддерживает запрошенный размер.\n" -+" ЕÑли Ñоздать ключ не удаÑÑ‚ÑÑ, ÑверьтеÑÑŒ Ñ Ð´Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ†Ð¸ÐµÐ¹\n" -+" на карту и выÑÑните, какие размеры допуÑтимы.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1296 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " --msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " -+msgstr "Какой Вам нужен размер ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1298 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " --msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " -+msgstr "Какой Вам нужен размер ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1299 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " --msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " -+msgstr "Какой Вам нужен размер ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°ÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 -@@ -1490,21 +1486,20 @@ msgstr "размер ключей %s должен быть в пределах % - #: g10/card-util.c:1323 - #, c-format - msgid "The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of %u bits\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Теперь карта будет перенаÑтроена на генерацию ключа длиной %u бит\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1343 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñокета Ñ `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ€Ð° ключа %d до %u бит: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1365 - msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " --msgstr "Сделать резервную копию ключа ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð½Ðµ карты? (Y/n)" -+msgstr "Сделать архивную копию ключа ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð½Ðµ карты? (Y/n)" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1379 --#, fuzzy - msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" --msgstr "Ñекретный ключ уже Ñохранен в карте\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключи уже хранÑÑ‚ÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте!\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1382 - msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " -@@ -1517,9 +1512,9 @@ msgid "" - " PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" - "You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" - msgstr "" --"Учтите, что заводÑкие уÑтановки PIN кодов\n" --" PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" --"Следует изменить их иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñƒ --change-pin\n" -+"Обратите внимание: заводÑкие уÑтановки PIN\n" -+" PIN = `%s' Ðдмин. PIN = `%s'\n" -+"Вам Ñледует изменить их командой --change-pin\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1450 - msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" -@@ -1544,7 +1539,7 @@ msgstr "Ðеправильный выбор.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1557 - msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" --msgstr "Выберите, где Ñохранить ключ:\n" -+msgstr "Выберите, где хранить ключ:\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1601 - msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" -@@ -1552,16 +1547,16 @@ msgstr "неизвеÑтный алгоритм защиты ключа\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1606 - msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" --msgstr "Ñекретные чаÑти ключа недоÑтупны\n" -+msgstr "закрытые чаÑти ключа недоÑтупны\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1611 - msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" --msgstr "Ñекретный ключ уже Ñохранен в карте\n" -+msgstr "закрытый ключ уже хранитÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1624 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой запиÑи ключа: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка запиÑи ключа на карту: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 - msgid "quit this menu" -@@ -1569,7 +1564,7 @@ msgstr "выйти из Ñтого меню" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1685 - msgid "show admin commands" --msgstr "показать управлÑющие команды" -+msgstr "показать админиÑтративные команды" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 - msgid "show this help" -@@ -1593,7 +1588,7 @@ msgstr "запроÑить ключ, указанный по заданному - - #: g10/card-util.c:1694 - msgid "change the login name" --msgstr "изменить учетное имÑ" -+msgstr "изменить Ð¸Ð¼Ñ ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ запиÑи" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1695 - msgid "change the language preferences" -@@ -1601,19 +1596,19 @@ msgstr "изменить Ñзыковые предпочтениÑ" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1696 - msgid "change card holder's sex" --msgstr "изменение пола владельца карты" -+msgstr "изменить пол владельца карты" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1697 - msgid "change a CA fingerprint" --msgstr "Ñменить отпечаток CA" -+msgstr "Ñменить отпечаток центра Ñертификации" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1698 - msgid "toggle the signature force PIN flag" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "переключить флаг `подпиÑÑŒ требует PIN'" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1699 - msgid "generate new keys" --msgstr "Ñгенерировать новые ключи" -+msgstr "Ñоздать новые ключи" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1700 - msgid "menu to change or unblock the PIN" -@@ -1625,11 +1620,11 @@ msgstr "проверить PIN и показать вÑе данные" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1702 - msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" --msgstr "разблокировать PIN иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ Reset Code" -+msgstr "разблокировать PIN Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ кода ÑброÑа" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1824 - msgid "gpg/card> " --msgstr "" -+msgstr "gpg/card> " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1865 - msgid "Admin-only command\n" -@@ -1645,11 +1640,11 @@ msgstr "Команды админиÑÑ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ разрешен - - #: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 - msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (ÑпиÑок команд: \"help\")\n" -+msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (ÑпиÑок команд: \"help\")\n" - - #: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" --msgstr "--output не работает Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ команды\n" -+msgstr "--output Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ команды не работает\n" - - #: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format -@@ -1670,7 +1665,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ° ключей: %s\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:127 g10/delkey.c:134 - msgid "(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n" --msgstr "(еÑли только ключ не задан отпечатком)\n" -+msgstr "(еÑли только Ð’Ñ‹ не задали ключ отпечатком)\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:133 - msgid "can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n" -@@ -1678,11 +1673,11 @@ msgstr "не могу выполнить в пакетном режиме без - - #: g10/delkey.c:145 - msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " --msgstr "Удалить данный ключ из таблицы ключей? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Удалить данный ключ из таблицы? (y/N)" - - #: g10/delkey.c:153 - msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " --msgstr "Это Ñекретный ключ! - дейÑтвительно удалить? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Это закрытый ключ! - вÑе равно удалить? (y/N)" - - #: g10/delkey.c:163 - #, c-format -@@ -1691,32 +1686,30 @@ msgstr "Ñбой при удалении блока ключа: %s\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:173 - msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" --msgstr "Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ доверии владельцу очищена\n" -+msgstr "Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ доверии владельцу Ñтерта\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:204 - #, c-format - msgid "there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n" --msgstr "имеетÑÑ Ñекретный ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа \"%s\"!\n" -+msgstr "имеетÑÑ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¹ ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа \"%s\"!\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:206 - msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" --msgstr "" --"Ñначала воÑпользуйтеÑÑŒ \"--delete-secret-keys\" Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ " --"ключа.\n" -+msgstr "Ñначала удалите его командой \"--delete-secret-keys\".\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ñ‹-паролÑ: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка при Ñоздании паролÑ: %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:232 - msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" --msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать Ñимметричный пакет ESK в S2K режиме\n" -+msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать Ñимметричный пакет ESK в режиме S2K\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:246 - #, c-format - msgid "using cipher %s\n" --msgstr "иÑпользутÑÑ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "иÑпользуетÑÑ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 - #, c-format -@@ -1726,45 +1719,51 @@ msgstr "`%s' уже Ñжат\n" - #: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: `%s' пуÑтой файл\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: файл `%s' пуÑÑ‚\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:485 - msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "в режиме --pgp2 ключ RSA Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶ÐµÐ½ быть не более 2048 бит\n" -+msgstr "" -+"в режиме --pgp2 ключ RSA Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶ÐµÐ½ быть не более 2048 бит\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:510 - #, c-format - msgid "reading from `%s'\n" --msgstr "читаю из `%s'\n" -+msgstr "чтение из `%s'\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:541 - msgid "" - "unable to use the IDEA cipher for all of the keys you are encrypting to.\n" --msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать шифр IDEA Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñех ключей.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"не могу иÑпользовать шифр IDEA Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñех ключей, которыми Ð’Ñ‹ шифруете.\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:559 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользование шифра %s (%d) противоречит предпочтениÑм получателÑ\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользование Ñимметричного шифра %s (%d) противоречит\n" -+" предпочтениÑм получателÑ\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " - "preferences\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ñжатие алгоритмом %s (%d) нарушает Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ñжатие алгоритмом %s (%d) противоречит предпочтениÑм получателÑ\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:751 - #, c-format - msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" --msgstr "иÑпользование шифра %s (%d) противоречит предпочтениÑм получателÑ\n" -+msgstr "" -+"иÑпользование Ñимметричного шифра %s (%d) противоречит предпочтениÑм " -+"получателÑ\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use %s while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать %s в режиме %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать %s в режиме %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:848 - #, c-format -@@ -1774,7 +1773,7 @@ msgstr "%s/%s зашифровано длÑ: \"%s\"\n" - #: g10/encr-data.c:93 g10/mainproc.c:297 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encrypted data\n" --msgstr "Данные зашифрованы алгоритмом %s\n" -+msgstr "данные зашифрованы алгоритмом %s\n" - - #: g10/encr-data.c:96 g10/mainproc.c:301 - #, c-format -@@ -1798,7 +1797,9 @@ msgstr "удаленный запуÑк программы не поддержи - #: g10/exec.c:311 - msgid "" - "external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions\n" --msgstr "вызов внешних программ отключен из-за небезопаÑных прав доÑтупа\n" -+msgstr "" -+"вызов внешних программ отключен из-за небезопаÑных прав доÑтупа к файлу " -+"наÑтроек\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:341 - msgid "this platform requires temporary files when calling external programs\n" -@@ -1809,12 +1810,12 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/exec.c:419 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "не могу запуÑтить программу `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "не могу выполнить программу `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:422 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "не могу запуÑтить оболочку `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "не могу выполнить оболочку `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:513 - #, c-format -@@ -1827,7 +1828,7 @@ msgstr "ненормальное завершение внешней прогр - - #: g10/exec.c:539 - msgid "unable to execute external program\n" --msgstr "не могу запуÑтить внешнюю программу\n" -+msgstr "не могу выполнить внешнюю программу\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:556 - #, c-format -@@ -1846,35 +1847,35 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу удалить временный кат - - #: g10/export.c:61 - msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" --msgstr "ÑкÑпорт подпиÑей, помеченных как локальные" -+msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать подпиÑи, помеченные как `только локальные'" - - #: g10/export.c:63 - msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" --msgstr "ÑкÑпорт атрибутов UserID (обычно PhotoID)" -+msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать атрибутные ID (обычно фотоидентификаторы)" - - #: g10/export.c:65 - msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" --msgstr "ÑкÑпорт отзывающих ключей помеченных \"sensitive\"" -+msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи отзыва, помеченные как `оÑобо важные'" - - #: g10/export.c:67 - msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" --msgstr "удаление фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð· ÑкÑпортируемых подключей" -+msgstr "удалить пароль из выбранных подключей" - - #: g10/export.c:69 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" --msgstr "удаление неиÑпользуемых чаÑтей из ключа при ÑкÑпорте" -+msgstr "удалить при ÑкÑпорте непригодные чаÑти ключа" - - #: g10/export.c:71 - msgid "remove as much as possible from key during export" --msgstr "удалить макÑимум возможного из ключа при ÑкÑпортировании" -+msgstr "удалить как можно больше из ключа при ÑкÑпорте" - - #: g10/export.c:73 - msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи в формате на оÑнове S-выражений" - - #: g10/export.c:338 - msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" --msgstr "ÑкÑпорт Ñекретных ключей не разрешен\n" -+msgstr "ÑкÑпорт закрытых ключей не разрешен\n" - - #: g10/export.c:367 - #, c-format -@@ -1884,16 +1885,16 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: не защищен - пропущен\n" - #: g10/export.c:375 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: ÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð»Ñ PGP 2.x - пропущен\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: ключ типа PGP 2.x - пропущен\n" - - #: g10/export.c:386 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: ключ находитÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте - пропущен\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: материал ключа на карте - пропущен\n" - - #: g10/export.c:537 - msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" --msgstr "ÑкÑпорт незащищенного подключа\n" -+msgstr "перехожу к ÑкÑпорту незащищенного подключа\n" - - #: g10/export.c:560 - #, c-format -@@ -1903,7 +1904,7 @@ msgstr "Ñбой ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s\n" - #: g10/export.c:584 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ñекретный ключ %s не имеет проÑтой контрольной Ñуммы SK\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: у закрытого ключа %s нет проÑтой контрольной Ñуммы SK\n" - - #: g10/export.c:633 - msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" -@@ -1911,16 +1912,16 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: нечего ÑкÑпортировать\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:152 - msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" --msgstr "Ñлишком много входов в pk кÑше - отключено\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком много Ñлементов в буфере pk - отключено\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:175 - msgid "[User ID not found]" --msgstr "[User ID не найден]" -+msgstr "[ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ðµ найден]" - - #: g10/getkey.c:1113 - #, c-format - msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" --msgstr "автоматичеÑки полученный `%s' via %s\n" -+msgstr "автоматичеÑки получили `%s' через %s\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:1118 - #, c-format -@@ -1935,23 +1936,22 @@ msgstr "Ðет отпечатка" - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" - msgstr "" --"Дефектный ключ %s признан пригодным ÑоглаÑно параметра --allow-non-" --"selfsigned-uid\n" -+"Параметр --allow-non-selfsigned-uid Ñделал дефектный ключ %s пригодным\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 - #, c-format - msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" --msgstr "нет Ñекретного подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ подключа %s - игнорируем\n" -+msgstr "нет закрытого подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ подключа %s - игнорирую\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2765 - #, c-format - msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" --msgstr "иÑпользую подклключ %s вмеÑто главного ключа %s\n" -+msgstr "иÑпользую подключ %s вмеÑто главного ключа %s\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2812 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ без открытого ключа - пропущен\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: закрытый ключ без открытого ключа - пропущен\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" -@@ -1959,7 +1959,7 @@ msgstr "Ñоздать подпиÑÑŒ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" --msgstr "Ñоздать прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ" -+msgstr "Ñоздать текÑтовую подпиÑÑŒ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" -@@ -1987,19 +1987,19 @@ msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" --msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и подпиÑи" -+msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и подпиÑей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" --msgstr "вывеÑти и проверить подпиÑи" -+msgstr "вывеÑти и проверить подпиÑи ключей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" --msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей c отпечатками" -+msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и их отпечатков" - - #: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" --msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок Ñекретных ключей" -+msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок закрытых ключей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 - msgid "generate a new key pair" -@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ msgstr "Ñменить PIN карты" - - #: g10/gpg.c:438 - msgid "update the trust database" --msgstr "обновить таблицу доверий" -+msgstr "обновить таблицу довериÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" -@@ -2083,19 +2083,19 @@ msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера" - - #: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 - msgid "create ascii armored output" --msgstr "вывод в ASCII формате" -+msgstr "вывод в текÑтовом формате ASCII" - - #: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" --msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ USER-ID" -+msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ USER-ID" - - #: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" --msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ раÑшифрованиÑ" -+msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать ключ USER-ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи и раÑшифровки" - - #: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" --msgstr "|N|уÑтановить уровень ÑÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ N (0 без ÑжатиÑ)" -+msgstr "|N|уÑтановить уровень ÑÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ N (0 - без ÑжатиÑ)" - - #: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" -@@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@ msgstr "иÑпользовать каноничеÑкий текÑтовый Ñ€ - - #: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|выводить данные в файл FILE" - - #: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" -@@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ msgid "" - "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" - msgstr "" - "@\n" --"(См. документацию Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ полного Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ и параметрами)\n" -+"(Полный ÑпиÑок команд и параметров Ñм. в документации)\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 - msgid "" -@@ -2140,25 +2140,24 @@ msgstr "" - "Примеры:\n" - "\n" - " -se -r Bob [файл] подпиÑать и зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Bob\n" --" --clearsign [файл] Ñоздать прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ\n" -+" --clearsign [файл] Ñоздать текÑтовую подпиÑÑŒ\n" - " --detach-sign [файл] Ñоздать отделенную подпиÑÑŒ\n" - " --list-keys [имена] показать ключи\n" - " --fingerprint [имена] показать отпечатки\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpg [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: g10/gpg.c:854 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg [параметры] [файлы]\n" --"ПодпиÑи и их проверка, зашифрование и раÑшифрование.\n" --"ДейÑтвие по умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных.\n" -+"ПодпиÑи и их проверка, шифрование и дешифровка\n" -+"ДейÑтвие по умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" -@@ -2170,23 +2169,23 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " --msgstr " Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: " -+msgstr "С открытым ключом: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " --msgstr " Ñимметричные шифры: " -+msgstr "Симметричные шифры: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " --msgstr " Ñ…Ñш-функции: " -+msgstr "Ð¥Ñш-функции: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " --msgstr " алгоритмы ÑжатиÑ: " -+msgstr "Ðлгоритмы ÑжатиÑ: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " --msgstr "иÑпользование: gpg [параметры] " -+msgstr "вызов: gpg [параметры] " - - #: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" -@@ -2205,7 +2204,7 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец домашн - #: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла конфигурации `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла наÑтроек `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format -@@ -2215,30 +2214,30 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла - #: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у домашнего каталога `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к домашнему каталогу `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у файла конфигурации `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к файлу наÑтроек `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у файла Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к файлу Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего домашний каталог `%s'\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога, Ñодержащего домашний каталог `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего файл конфигурации `%s'\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога, Ñодержащего файл наÑтроек `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format -@@ -2250,108 +2249,109 @@ msgstr "" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталога Ñодержащего домашний каталог " --"`%s'\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к каталогу,\n" -+" Ñодержащему домашний каталог `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталога Ñодержащего файл " --"конфигурации `%s'\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к каталогу,\n" -+" Ñодержащему файл наÑтроек `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталогу Ñодержащего файл Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ " -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к каталогу Ñодержащему файл Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ " - "раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" --msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр в файле конфигурации `%s'\n" -+msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр в файле наÑтроек `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" --msgstr "отображать Фото ID при раÑпечатке ключей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей фотоидентификаторы" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" --msgstr "показывать ÑÑылку на политики при раÑпечатке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей URL правил" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" --msgstr "показывать вÑе Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей вÑе примечаниÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" --msgstr "показывать Ñтандартные IETF Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñтандарта IETF" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" --msgstr "" --"показывать добавленные пользователем Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей пользовательÑкие примечаниÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" --msgstr "показывать предпочитаемый Ñервер ключей при раÑпечатке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей URL предпочтительных Ñерверов ключей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" --msgstr "показывать дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ Used ID при раÑпечатке ключей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" --msgstr "показывать отозванные и проÑроченные User ID при раÑпечатке ключей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей отозванные и проÑроченные ID пользователей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" --msgstr "показывать отозванные и проÑроченные ключи при раÑпечатке ключей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей отозванные и проÑроченные подключи" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" --msgstr "печатать Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ† ключей при раÑпечатке ключей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей название таблицы ключей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" --msgstr "печатать даты иÑÑ‚ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей Ñроки дейÑтвиÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñтарый файл конфигурации по умолчанию `%s' проигнорирован\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñтарый оÑновной файл параметров `%s' проигнорирован\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format - msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" --msgstr "libcrypt Ñлишком Ñтарой верÑии (требуетÑÑ %s, обнаружено %s)\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑÐ¸Ñ libcrypt (нужно %s, еÑÑ‚ÑŒ %s)\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: %s не предназначен Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ‹Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ применениÑ!\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: %s не предназначен Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ применениÑ!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" --msgstr "`%s' недопуÑтимый Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" -+msgstr "`%s' - не допуÑтимый Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" --msgstr "`%s' недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов\n" -+msgstr "`%s' - не допуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" --msgstr "не могу проанализировать URL Ñервера ключей\n" -+msgstr "не могу интерпретировать URL Ñервера ключей\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" -@@ -2377,61 +2377,64 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры ÑкÑпорта\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок параметров\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры ÑпиÑка\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" --msgstr "недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок параметров\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры ÑпиÑка\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" --msgstr "отображать Фото ID при проверке подпиÑи" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑи фотоидентификаторы" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" --msgstr "печатать ÑÑылку на политики при проверке подпиÑи" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑи URL правил" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" --msgstr "печатать вÑе Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² процеÑÑе проверки подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей вÑе примечаниÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" --msgstr "печатать Ñтандартные IETF Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² процеÑÑе проверки подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñтандарта IETF" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" --msgstr "печатать добавленные пользователем Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ проверке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей пользовательÑкие примечаниÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" --msgstr "печатать предпочитаемые Ñерверы ключей при проверке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей URL предпочтительных Ñерверов ключей" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" --msgstr "печатать дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ UserID при проверке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" --msgstr "печатать отозванные и проÑроченные User ID при проверке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "" -+"показать при проверке подпиÑей отозванные и проÑроченные ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" --msgstr "печатать только главный User ID при проверке подпиÑей" -+msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей только главный ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "проверить подпиÑи по данным PKA" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "поднÑÑ‚ÑŒ доверие подпиÑей Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительными данными PKA" - -+# test it - #: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры проверки \n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры проверки\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" - msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры проверки\n" -@@ -2441,6 +2444,7 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры проверки\n" - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" - msgstr "не могу определить путь запуÑка Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -@@ -2452,22 +2456,22 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно Ñоздание файла дампа памÑти программы!\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно Ñоздание файла образа памÑти!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: %s замеÑтит %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: %s отменÑет %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" --msgstr "%s не допуÑкаетÑÑ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñ %s!\n" -+msgstr "%s Ñ %s недопуÑтимо!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" --msgstr "%s не имеет ÑмыÑла ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s!\n" -+msgstr "%s Ñ %s не имеет ÑмыÑла!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format -@@ -2477,35 +2481,36 @@ msgstr "не будет работать Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ±ÐµÐ·Ð¾Ð¿Ð°Ñной памÑÑ‚ - #: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" --"можно Ñделать только отделенную или прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ в режиме --pgp2\n" -+"в режиме --pgp2 можно Ñделать только отделенную или текÑтовую подпиÑÑŒ\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾ подпиÑать и зашифровать в режиме --pgp2\n" -+msgstr "в режиме --pgp2 Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾ подпиÑать и зашифровать\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" --msgstr "Следует иÑпользовать файлы (а не каналы (pipe)) в режиме --pgp2.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"в режиме --pgp2 нужно иÑпользовать файлы (а не конвейер командной Ñтроки).\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" --msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² режиме --pgp2 требуетÑÑ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ IDEA\n" -+msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² режиме --pgp2 требуетÑÑ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ IDEA\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "выбран неверный алгоритм шифрованиÑ\n" -+msgstr "выбран недопуÑтимый алгоритм шифрованиÑ\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "выбрана Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ\n" -+msgstr "выбрана недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "выбран неверный алгоритм ÑжатиÑ\n" -+msgstr "выбран недопуÑтимый алгоритм ÑжатиÑ\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "выбрана Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" -+msgstr "выбрана недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" -@@ -2529,7 +2534,7 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый min-cert-level; должен быть 0, 1, 2 - - #: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: проÑтой режим S2K (0) Ñтрого не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: проÑтой режим S2K (0) Ñтрого противопоказан\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" -@@ -2554,7 +2559,7 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные предпочтени - #: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" --msgstr "%s пока не работает ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "%s пока не работает ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format -@@ -2574,7 +2579,7 @@ msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñжатие `%s' в режиме - #: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой инициализации таблицы доверий: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой инициализации таблицы довериÑ: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" -@@ -2593,7 +2598,7 @@ msgstr "--symmetric [файл]" - #: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñимметричное шифрование `%s' не удалоÑÑŒ: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой Ñимметричного ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" -@@ -2610,7 +2615,7 @@ msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --encrypt ÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¼ÐµÑ - #: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать --symmetric --encrypt в режиме %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --encrypt в режиме %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" -@@ -2632,7 +2637,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt в режиме %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt в режиме %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" -@@ -2648,20 +2653,19 @@ msgstr "--decrypt [файл]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" --msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -+msgstr "--sign-key " - - #: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" --msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -+msgstr "--lsign-key " - - #: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" --msgstr "--edit-key user-id [команды]" -+msgstr "--edit-key [команды]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3674 --#, fuzzy - msgid "--passwd " --msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -+msgstr "--passwd " - - #: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format -@@ -2691,12 +2695,12 @@ msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении Ñ Ñервера ключей: %s\ - #: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· ASCII формата: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· текÑтового формата: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² ASCII формат: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² текÑтовый формат: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format -@@ -2705,52 +2709,51 @@ msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" --msgstr "[имÑфайла]" -+msgstr "[файл]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" --msgstr "Ðабирайте Ваше Ñообщение ...\n" -+msgstr "Пишите Ñообщение ...\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "заданный URL политики Ñертификации неверен\n" -+msgstr "заданный URL правил Ñертификации неверен\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "заданный URL политики подпиÑи неверен\n" -+msgstr "заданный URL правил подпиÑи неверен\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "заданный URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей неправилен\n" -+msgstr "заданный URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей неверен\n" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:74 - msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключи из FILE ÑвÑзок ключей" -+msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключи из файла ÑвÑзок ключей FILE" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:76 - msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" --msgstr "при неÑоответÑтвии отметки времени - только предупреждением" -+msgstr "при неÑоответÑтвии метки времени - только предупреждение" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 - msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" --msgstr "|FD|выводить инфромацию в файл Ñ Ð´ÐµÑкриптором FD" -+msgstr "|FD|выводить информацию в файл Ñ Ð´ÐµÑкриптором FD" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:117 - msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользовать: gpgv [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpgv [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:119 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n" - "Check signatures against known trusted keys\n" - msgstr "" --"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg [параметры] [файлы]\n" --"Проверка подпиÑей Ñделанных доверÑемыми ключами\n" -+"СинтакÑиÑ: gpgv [параметры] [файлы]\n" -+"Проверка подпиÑей по доверенным ключам\n" - - #: g10/helptext.c:72 - msgid "No help available" --msgstr "Ðет доÑтупной Ñправки" -+msgstr "Справки нет" - - #: g10/helptext.c:82 - #, c-format -@@ -2759,38 +2762,37 @@ msgstr "Ðет Ñправки Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s'" - - #: g10/import.c:97 - msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" --msgstr "импорт подпиÑи помеченной как локальнаÑ" -+msgstr "импортировать подпиÑи, обозначенные как `только локальные'" - - #: g10/import.c:99 - msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "уÑтранить при импорте Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ Ñервера ключей pks" - - #: g10/import.c:101 - msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" --msgstr "не обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий поÑле импорта" -+msgstr "не обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñле импорта" - - #: g10/import.c:103 - msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" --msgstr "Ñоздать открытый ключ при импорте Ñекретного ключа" -+msgstr "Ñоздать открытый ключ при импорте закрытого ключа" - - #: g10/import.c:105 - msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" --msgstr "принимать только Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑŽÑ‰Ð¸Ñ…ÑÑ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹" -+msgstr "проводить только Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑущеÑтвующих ключей" - - #: g10/import.c:107 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" --msgstr "удалÑÑ‚ÑŒ неиÑпользуемые чаÑти из ключа поÑле импорта" -+msgstr "удалить поÑле импорта непригодные чаÑти ключа" - - #: g10/import.c:109 - msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" --msgstr "удалÑÑ‚ÑŒ вÑÑ‘ что возможно из ключа поÑле импорта" -+msgstr "удалить поÑле импорта из ключа как можно больше" - - #: g10/import.c:277 - #, c-format - msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" - msgstr "пропущен блок типа %d\n" - --# test it - #: g10/import.c:286 - #, c-format - msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" -@@ -2809,7 +2811,7 @@ msgstr " пропущено новых ключей: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:308 - #, c-format - msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" --msgstr " без User ID: %lu\n" -+msgstr " без ID пользователÑ: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 - #, c-format -@@ -2824,7 +2826,7 @@ msgstr " неизмененных: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:318 - #, c-format - msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" --msgstr " новых User ID: %lu\n" -+msgstr " новых ID пользователÑ: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:320 - #, c-format -@@ -2844,32 +2846,32 @@ msgstr " новых отзывов ключей: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 - #, c-format - msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" --msgstr " прочитано Ñекретных ключей: %lu\n" -+msgstr " прочитано закрытых ключей: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 - #, c-format - msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" --msgstr "импортировано Ñекретных ключей: %lu\n" -+msgstr "импортировано закрытых ключей: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 - #, c-format - msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" --msgstr " неизмененных Ñекретных ключей: %lu\n" -+msgstr " неизмененных закрытых ключей: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 - #, c-format - msgid " not imported: %lu\n" --msgstr " не импортировано: %lu\n" -+msgstr " не импортировано: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:334 - #, c-format - msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" --msgstr " подпиÑей очищено: %lu\n" -+msgstr " очищено подпиÑей: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:336 - #, c-format - msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" --msgstr " очищено User ID: %lu\n" -+msgstr " очищено ID пользователей: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:638 - #, c-format -@@ -2878,7 +2880,7 @@ msgid "" - "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" - msgstr "" - "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s Ñодержит Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ñтупных\n" --"алгоритмов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User IDs:\n" -+"алгоритмов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñледующих ID пользователей:\n" - - #: g10/import.c:679 - #, c-format -@@ -2888,7 +2890,7 @@ msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает шифр %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:694 - #, c-format - msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает хеш-функцию %s\n" -+msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает Ñ…Ñш-функцию %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:706 - #, c-format -@@ -2897,34 +2899,34 @@ msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает Ñжатие %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:719 - msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" --msgstr "крайне желательно, чтобы Ð’Ñ‹ обновили Ваши Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸\n" -+msgstr "крайне желательно, чтобы Ð’Ñ‹ обновили Ñвои Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸\n" - - #: g10/import.c:721 - msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" - msgstr "" --"раÑпроÑтраните данный ключ, чтобы избежать потенциальных проблем " --"неÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼Ð¾Ð²\n" -+"раÑпроÑтранили Ñтот ключ, чтобы избежать потенциальных проблем неÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ " -+"алгоритмов\n" - - #: g10/import.c:745 - #, c-format - msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" - msgstr "" --"можете обновить ÑпиÑок предпочтений иÑпользуÑ: gpg --edit-key %s updpref " --"save\n" -+"Ð’Ñ‹ можете обновить ÑпиÑок предпочтений командой\n" -+" gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" - - #: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: не имеет User ID\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: нет ID пользователÑ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "пропущено \"%s\": %s\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "иÑключен фильтром импорта" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format -@@ -2934,12 +2936,12 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: PKS повреждение подключа иÑправл - #: g10/import.c:849 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ неÑамоподпиÑанный User ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ без Ñамозаверенного ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/import.c:855 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: нет дейÑтвительных User ID\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: нет дейÑтвительных ID пользователÑ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:857 - msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -@@ -2974,12 +2976,12 @@ msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы ключей `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:910 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: открытый ключ \"%s\" импортирован\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: импортирован открытый ключ \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/import.c:934 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: не Ñовпадает Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸ÐµÐ¹ хранимой у наÑ\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: не Ñовпадает Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑˆÐµÐ¹ копией\n" - - #: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 - #, c-format -@@ -2994,12 +2996,12 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: не могу прочитать оригинальный - #: g10/import.c:1001 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" 1 новый User ID\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" 1 новый ID пользователÑ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1004 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d новых User ID\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d новых ID пользователÑ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1007 - #, c-format -@@ -3029,17 +3031,17 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d подпиÑÑŒ очищена\n" - #: g10/import.c:1022 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d очищеных подпиÑей\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d подпиÑей очищено\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1025 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d User ID очищен\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‰ÐµÐ½\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1028 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d очищенных User ID\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¾\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1052 - #, c-format -@@ -3047,38 +3049,38 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" не изменен\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñекретный ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" -+msgstr "закрытый ключ %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 - msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" --msgstr "импортирование Ñекретного ключа не позволено\n" -+msgstr "импорт закрытого ключа не позволен\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1237 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑтимым шифром %d - пропущен\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: закрытый ключ Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑтимым шифром %d - пропущен\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 - #, c-format - msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" --msgstr "нет оÑновной таблицы Ñекретных ключей: %s\n" -+msgstr "нет оÑновной таблицы закрытых ключей: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ импортирован\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: импортирован закрытый ключ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1307 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: уже еÑÑ‚ÑŒ в таблице Ñекретных ключей\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: уже еÑÑ‚ÑŒ в таблице закрытых ключей\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1317 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: не найден Ñекретный ключ: %s\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: не найден закрытый ключ: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1349 - #, c-format -@@ -3098,33 +3100,34 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" Ñертификат отзыва импортиро - #: g10/import.c:1500 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: нет User ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: нет ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1517 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" - msgstr "" --"ключ %s: неподдерживаемый алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом у User ID \"%s\"\n" -+"ключ %s: алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом у ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" не " -+"поддерживаетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1519 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ на User ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ на ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: неподдерживаемый алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1537 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: direct key signature добавлена\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1551 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1564 - #, c-format -@@ -3146,15 +3149,16 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°ÑŽÑ‰ÐµÐ³Ð¾ кл - msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" - msgstr "ключ %s: неправильный отзыв подключа\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/import.c:1630 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: удалена многожеÑтвенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ подключей отзыва\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: удален многократный отзыв подключей\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1671 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: пропущен User ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: пропущен ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1692 - #, c-format -@@ -3164,7 +3168,7 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: пропущен подключ\n" - #: g10/import.c:1719 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: не ÑкÑÐ¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (клаÑÑ 0x%02X) - пропущена\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: неÑкÑÐ¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (клаÑÑ 0x%02X) - пропущена\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1729 - #, c-format -@@ -3184,22 +3188,22 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: подпиÑÑŒ подключа в неправильном - #: g10/import.c:1768 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: неизвеÑтный клаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи (0x%02X) - пропущена\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: неожиданный клаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи (0x%02X) - пропущена\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1897 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: обнаружено дублирование User ID - объединены\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: обнаружено дублирование ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ - объединены\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1959 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s возможно отозван: запрашиваю ключ отзыва %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s, возможно, отозван: запрашиваю ключ отзыва %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1973 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s возможно отозван: ключ отзыва %s не получен.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s, возможно, отозван: ключ отзыва %s не получен.\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2032 - #, c-format -@@ -3209,19 +3213,20 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" добавлен Ñертификат отзыва\n - #: g10/import.c:2066 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: direct key signature добавлена\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: добавлена прÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2467 - msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" --msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДÐЮ: S/N ключа не ÑоответÑтвует S/N ключа на карте\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñерийный номер ключа не ÑоответÑтвует номеру ключа на карте\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2475 - msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" --msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДÐЮ: главный ключ готов и Ñохранен в карте\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: главный ключ готов и Ñохранен в карте\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2477 - msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" --msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДÐЮ: вторичный ключ готов и Ñохранен в карте\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: вторичный ключ готов и Ñохранен в карте\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:182 - #, c-format -@@ -3236,12 +3241,12 @@ msgstr "Ñоздана таблица ключей `%s'\n" - #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 - #, c-format - msgid "keyblock resource `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "иÑточник блока ключей `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:749 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой переÑтройки кÑша таблицы ключей: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой переÑтройки буфера таблицы ключей: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:265 - msgid "[revocation]" -@@ -3280,12 +3285,12 @@ msgstr "%d подпиÑей не проверено из-за ошибок\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:356 - msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" --msgstr "обнаружен 1 User ID без дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "обнаружен 1 ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:358 - #, c-format - msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" --msgstr "обнаружено %d User ID без дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "обнаружено %d ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 - msgid "" -@@ -3294,10 +3299,9 @@ msgid "" - "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " - "etc.)\n" - msgstr "" --"Укажите наÑколько Ð’Ñ‹ доверÑете данному пользователю в\n" --"вопроÑах проверки доÑтоверноÑти ключей других пользователей.\n" --"ПроверÑет паÑпорт, ÑверÑет отпечатки ключей и Ñ‚.п.?\n" --"\n" -+"Укажите, наÑколько Ð’Ñ‹ доверÑете данному пользователю в вопроÑах проверки\n" -+"доÑтоверноÑти ключей других пользователей (проверÑет паÑпорт,\n" -+"ÑверÑет отпечатки ключей из разных иÑточников и Ñ‚.п.)\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 - #, c-format -@@ -3315,10 +3319,11 @@ msgid "" - "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" - "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" - msgstr "" --"Введите глубину доверий Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ подпиÑи.\n" --"Глубина Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ²Ñ‹ÑˆÐ°ÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ 1 позволит подпиÑываемому ключу делать\n" --"доверенные подпиÑи от Вашего лица.\n" -+"Введите глубину Ñтой подпиÑи довериÑ. Глубина, Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ°Ñ 1,\n" -+"позволÑет ключу, который Ð’Ñ‹ подпиÑываете, делать подпиÑи довериÑ\n" -+"от Вашего имени.\n" - -+# check it - #: g10/keyedit.c:454 - msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" - msgstr "" -@@ -3328,12 +3333,12 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/keyedit.c:598 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." --msgstr "User ID \"%s\" отозван." -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" отозван." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 - #: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите подпиÑать? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ вÑе равно хотите его подпиÑать? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 - #: g10/keyedit.c:1795 -@@ -3343,21 +3348,21 @@ msgstr " Ðе могу подпиÑать.\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:626 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." --msgstr "User ID \"%s\" проÑрочен." -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" иÑтек." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:654 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." --msgstr "User ID \"%s\" без ÑамоподпиÑи." -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" не Ñамозаверен." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:682 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " --msgstr "User ID \"%s\" подпиÑываем." -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" можно подпиÑать." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:684 - msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно подпиÑать? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ПодпиÑать его? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:706 - #, c-format -@@ -3365,12 +3370,12 @@ msgid "" - "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" - "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" - msgstr "" --"СамоподпиÑÑŒ у \"%s\"\n" --"Ñто подпиÑÑŒ PGP 2.x -ÑтилÑ.\n" -+"СамоподпиÑÑŒ у \"%s\" -\n" -+"Ñто подпиÑÑŒ типа PGP 2.x.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:715 - msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " --msgstr "Хотите Ñделать Ñто ÑамоподпиÑью OpenPGP? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ хотите преобразовать ее в ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ OpenPGP? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:729 - #, c-format -@@ -3383,7 +3388,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:733 - msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " --msgstr "Хотите Ñделать новую подпиÑÑŒ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‹ проÑроченной? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ хотите Ñделать новую подпиÑÑŒ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‹ проÑроченной? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:754 - #, c-format -@@ -3396,7 +3401,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:758 - msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " --msgstr "Хотите Ñделать Ñто полноÑтью ÑкÑпортируемой подпиÑью? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ хотите преобразовать ее в полноÑтью ÑкÑпортируемую подпиÑÑŒ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:779 - #, c-format -@@ -3410,7 +3415,7 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" уже подпиÑан ключом %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:787 - msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите Ñнова подпиÑать Ñто? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ вÑе равно хотите Ñнова подпиÑать его? (y/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:809 - #, c-format -@@ -3424,17 +3429,19 @@ msgstr "Данный ключ проÑрочен!" - #: g10/keyedit.c:842 - #, c-format - msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" --msgstr "Срок дейÑтвительноÑти данного ключа иÑтекает %s.\n" -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа иÑтекает %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:848 - msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " --msgstr "Хотите чтобы Ваша подпиÑÑŒ была дейÑтвительна до того же времени?(Y/n) " -+msgstr "" -+"Ð’Ñ‹ хотите, чтобы Ваша подпиÑÑŒ была дейÑтвительна до того же времени? (Y/n) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:888 - msgid "" - "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " - "mode.\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ñделать OpenPGP подпиÑÑŒ на PGP 2.x ключе в режиме --pgp2.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Ð’Ñ‹ не можете Ñделать подпиÑÑŒ OpenPGP на ключе PGP 2.x в режиме --pgp2.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:890 - msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -@@ -3446,9 +3453,8 @@ msgid "" - "belongs\n" - "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" - msgstr "" --"Как хорошо проверено то, что ключ дейÑтвительно принадлежит человеку,\n" --"чье Ð¸Ð¼Ñ ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¾ в User ID ключа?\n" --" ЕÑли не уверены как ответить, введите \"0\".\n" -+"ÐаÑколько хорошо Ð’Ñ‹ проверили, что ключ дейÑтвительно принадлежит\n" -+"указанному выше человеку? ЕÑли Ð’Ñ‹ не знаете, что ответить, введите \"0\".\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:920 - #, c-format -@@ -3458,21 +3464,21 @@ msgstr " (0) Ðе буду отвечать.%s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:922 - #, c-format - msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" --msgstr " (1) Я не проверÑл ÑовÑем.%s\n" -+msgstr " (1) Ðикакой проверки не было.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:924 - #, c-format - msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" --msgstr " (2) Я проверил чаÑтично.%s\n" -+msgstr " (2) Была чаÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐºÐ°.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:926 - #, c-format - msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" --msgstr " (3) Я проверил очень тщательно.%s\n" -+msgstr " (3) Проверка была очень тщательной.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:932 - msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " --msgstr "Ваше решение? (введите '?' Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸)" -+msgstr "Ваш выбор? (введите '?' Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸): " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:956 - #, c-format -@@ -3480,8 +3486,8 @@ msgid "" - "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" - "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" - msgstr "" --"Уверены в том, что хотите подпиÑать Ñтот ключ\n" --"Ñвоим ключом: \"%s\" (%s)\n" -+"Уверены ли Ð’Ñ‹, что хотите подпиÑать Ñтот ключ\n" -+"Ñвоим ключом \"%s\" (%s)?\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:963 - msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" -@@ -3489,31 +3495,31 @@ msgstr "Это будет ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:969 - msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как не ÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как неÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:977 - msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как не отзываемаÑ.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как неотзываемаÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:987 - msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" --msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как не ÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" -+msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как неÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:994 - msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" --msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как не отзываемаÑ.\n" -+msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как неотзываемаÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1001 - msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" --msgstr "Я ÑовÑем не проверÑл Ñтот ключ.\n" -+msgstr "Этот ключ мной никак не проверÑлÑÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1006 - msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" --msgstr "Я проверил Ñтот ключ только чаÑтично.\n" -+msgstr "Мной проведена поверхноÑÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐºÐ° Ñтого ключа.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1011 - msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" --msgstr "Я очень тщательно проверил Ñтот ключ.\n" -+msgstr "Этот ключ проверен мной очень тщательно.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1021 - msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " -@@ -3528,6 +3534,7 @@ msgstr "не удалоÑÑŒ подпиÑать: %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:1131 - msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" - msgstr "" -+"Ð’ ключе только заготовка или Ñлементы Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹ - нет Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 - msgid "This key is not protected.\n" -@@ -3535,11 +3542,11 @@ msgstr "Данный ключ не защищен.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 - msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" --msgstr "Ð¡ÐµÐºÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ главного ключа отÑутÑтвует.\n" -+msgstr "Закрытые чаÑти главного ключа отÑутÑтвуют.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 - msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" --msgstr "Ð¡ÐµÐºÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ главного ключа Ñохранена на карте.\n" -+msgstr "Закрытые чаÑти главного ключа Ñохранены на карте.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 - msgid "Key is protected.\n" -@@ -3555,28 +3562,28 @@ msgid "" - "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Введите новую фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñекретного ключа.\n" -+"Введите новую фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ закрытого ключа.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 - msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "повторный ввод фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð½ÐµÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ñ€ÐµÐºÑ‚ÐµÐ½; попробуйте еще раз" -+msgstr "фраза-пароль повторена неверно; попробуйте еще раз" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1212 - msgid "" - "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Ðе хотите задать фразу-пароль? Это очень *ПЛОХÐЯ* идеÑ!\n" -+"Хотите обойтиÑÑŒ без фразы-паролÑ? Скорее вÑего, Ñто ПЛОХÐЯ мыÑль!\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1215 - msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите Ñделать Ñто? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ вÑе равно хотите Ñтого? (y/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1298 - msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" --msgstr "перемещение подпиÑи ключа в правильное меÑто\n" -+msgstr "перемещение подпиÑи ключа в нужное меÑто\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1384 - msgid "save and quit" -@@ -3588,11 +3595,11 @@ msgstr "показать отпечаток ключа" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1388 - msgid "list key and user IDs" --msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и User ID" -+msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1390 - msgid "select user ID N" --msgstr "выбрать User ID N" -+msgstr "выбрать ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ N" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1391 - msgid "select subkey N" -@@ -3604,31 +3611,31 @@ msgstr "проверка подпиÑей" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1397 - msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" --msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные User ID [* опиÑание Ñоотв. команд Ñм. ниже]" -+msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ [* опиÑание команд Ñм. ниже]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1402 - msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" --msgstr "локально подпиÑать выбранные User ID" -+msgstr "локально подпиÑать выбранные ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1404 - msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" --msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные User ID - trust подпиÑью" -+msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñью довериÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1406 - msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" --msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные User ID без возможноÑти отзыва" -+msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· возможноÑти отзыва" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1410 - msgid "add a user ID" --msgstr "добавить User ID" -+msgstr "добавить ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1412 - msgid "add a photo ID" --msgstr "добавить фото ID" -+msgstr "добавить фотоидентификатор" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1414 - msgid "delete selected user IDs" --msgstr "удалить выбранные User ID" -+msgstr "удалить выбранные ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1419 - msgid "add a subkey" -@@ -3644,7 +3651,7 @@ msgstr "перемеÑтить ключ на карту" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1427 - msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" --msgstr "перемеÑтить резервную копию на Ñмарткарту" -+msgstr "перемеÑтить архивный ключ на карту" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1431 - msgid "delete selected subkeys" -@@ -3656,15 +3663,15 @@ msgstr "добавить ключ отзыва" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1435 - msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" --msgstr "удалить подпиÑи у выбранных User ID" -+msgstr "удалить подпиÑи у выбранных ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1437 - msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" --msgstr "Ñменить Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти ключа или выбранных подключей" -+msgstr "Ñменить Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° или выбранных подключей" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1439 - msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" --msgstr "пометить выбранный User ID как главный" -+msgstr "пометить выбранный ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ðº главный" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1441 - msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" -@@ -3680,19 +3687,20 @@ msgstr "ÑпиÑок предпочтений (подробный)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1448 - msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" --msgstr "уÑтановить ÑпиÑок предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID" -+msgstr "уÑтановить ÑпиÑок предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1453 - msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" --msgstr "уÑтановить URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID" -+msgstr "" -+"уÑтановить URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1455 - msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" --msgstr "уÑтановить примечание Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID" -+msgstr "уÑтановить примечание Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1457 - msgid "change the passphrase" --msgstr "Ñменить фразу-пароль" -+msgstr "Ñменить пароль" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1461 - msgid "change the ownertrust" -@@ -3700,15 +3708,15 @@ msgstr "изменить уровень Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ñƒ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1463 - msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" --msgstr "отозвать подпиÑи у выбранных User ID" -+msgstr "отозвать подпиÑи у выбранных ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1465 - msgid "revoke selected user IDs" --msgstr "отзыв выбранных User ID" -+msgstr "отозвать выбранные ID пользователÑ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1470 - msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" --msgstr "отзыв ключа или выбранных подключей" -+msgstr "отозвать ключ или выбранные подключи" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1471 - msgid "enable key" -@@ -3720,28 +3728,29 @@ msgstr "отключить ключ" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1473 - msgid "show selected photo IDs" --msgstr "показать выбранные фото ID" -+msgstr "показать выбранные фотоидентификаторы" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1475 - msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" --msgstr "Ñжать неиÑпользуемые User ID и удалить неиÑпользуемые подпиÑи Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°" -+msgstr "" -+"Ñжать непригодные ID пользователей и удалить непригодные подпиÑи из ключа" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1477 - msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" --msgstr "Ñжать неиÑпользуемые User ID и удалить вÑе подпиÑи Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°" -+msgstr "Ñжать непригодные ID пользователей и удалить вÑе подпиÑи из ключа" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1605 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñекретного блока ключа \"%s\": %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ блока ключа \"%s\": %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1623 - msgid "Secret key is available.\n" --msgstr "Секретный ключ доÑтупен.\n" -+msgstr "Закрытый ключ доÑтупен.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1706 - msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" --msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½ Ñекретный ключ.\n" -+msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½ закрытый ключ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1714 - msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" -@@ -3754,10 +3763,9 @@ msgid "" - " a `t' for trust signatures (tsign), an `nr' for non-revocable signatures\n" - " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" - msgstr "" --"* Команда `sign' может быть дополнена префикÑом: `l' - локально подпиÑать " --"lsign),\n" --" `t' - trust подпиÑÑŒ (tsign), `nr' - без возможноÑти отзыва\n" --" (nrsign) или любым их Ñочетанием (ltsign, tnrsign и Ñ‚.д.).\n" -+"* Команда `sign' может иметь Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÑ„Ð¸ÐºÑ `l' (локальные подпиÑи, lsign),\n" -+" `t' (подпиÑи довериÑ, tsign), `nr' (неотзываемые, \n" -+" nrsign) или любое их Ñочетание (ltsign, tnrsign и Ñ‚.д.).\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1783 - msgid "Key is revoked." -@@ -3765,37 +3773,37 @@ msgstr "Ключ отозван." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1802 - msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите подпиÑать ВСЕ User ID? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно подпиÑать вÑе ID пользователÑ? (y/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1809 - msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" --msgstr "Совет: Выберите User ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑаниÑ\n" -+msgstr "ПодÑказка: Выберите ID пользователей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1818 - #, c-format - msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" --msgstr "ÐеизвеÑтный тип подпиÑи `%s'\n" -+msgstr "неизвеÑтный тип подпиÑи `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1841 - #, c-format - msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" --msgstr "Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° не допуÑтима в режиме %s.\n" -+msgstr "Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° недопуÑтима в режиме %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 - msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" --msgstr "Следует выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один User ID.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ должны выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ID пользователÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1865 - msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ поÑледний User ID!\n" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ не можете удалить поÑледний ID пользователÑ!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1867 - msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить ВСЕ выбранные User IDs? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить вÑе выбранные ID пользователей? (y/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1868 - msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить данный User ID? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить Ñтот ID пользователÑ? (y/N)" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about - #. moving the key and not about removing it. -@@ -3805,11 +3813,11 @@ msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить главный ключ? (y/N) - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1933 - msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" --msgstr "Следует выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ должны выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1961 - msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" --msgstr "Команда ожидает аргумент: Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°\n" -+msgstr "Команде нужен аргумент-Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1975 - #, c-format -@@ -3819,45 +3827,45 @@ msgstr "Ðе могу открыть `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:1992 - #, c-format - msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "Ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ·ÐµÑ€Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа Ñ `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "Ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа из `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2016 - msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" --msgstr "Следует выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ должны выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2019 - msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить выбранные ключи? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите удалить выбранные ключи? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2020 - msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить данный ключ? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите удалить данный ключ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2055 - msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать ВСЕ выбранные User ID? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать вÑе выбранные ID пользователей? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2056 - msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать данный User ID? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать данный ID пользователÑ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2074 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите отозвать ключ целиком? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать ключ целиком? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2085 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите отозвать выбранные подключи? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать выбранные подключи? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2087 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите отозвать данный подключ? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать данный подключ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2137 - msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" - msgstr "" --"Доверие владельцу не может быть наÑтроено Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ñтавленной пользователем " --"таблицы доверий\n" -+"ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ñваивать Ñтепень довериÑ, когда таблица Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð° " -+"пользователем\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2179 - msgid "Set preference list to:\n" -@@ -3865,19 +3873,20 @@ msgstr "УÑтановить Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²:\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2185 - msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно обновить Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID? (y/N)" -+msgstr "" -+"ДейÑтвительно обновить Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователей? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2187 - msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно обновить предпочтениÑ? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно обновить предпочтениÑ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2257 - msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " --msgstr "Сохранить изменениÑ? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Сохранить изменениÑ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2260 - msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " --msgstr "Выйти без ÑохранениÑ? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Выйти без ÑохранениÑ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2270 - #, c-format -@@ -3887,11 +3896,11 @@ msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении: %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 - #, c-format - msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой при обновлений Ñекретного ключа: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении закрытого ключа: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2284 - msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" --msgstr "Ключ не изменÑлÑÑ - обновление не нужно.\n" -+msgstr "ключ не изменÑлÑÑ - обновление не нужно.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2450 - msgid "Digest: " -@@ -3899,15 +3908,16 @@ msgstr "Ð¥Ñш-функции: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2501 - msgid "Features: " --msgstr "Опции: " -+msgstr "ХарактериÑтики: " - -+# check it - #: g10/keyedit.c:2512 - msgid "Keyserver no-modify" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ðе изменÑÑ‚ÑŒ на Ñервере" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 - msgid "Preferred keyserver: " --msgstr "Предпочитаемый Ñервер ключей: " -+msgstr "Предпочтительный Ñервер ключей: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 - msgid "Notations: " -@@ -3915,21 +3925,21 @@ msgstr "ПримечаниÑ: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2757 - msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" --msgstr "Ðе может быть предпочтений в PGP 2.x-Ñтиле User ID.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¿Ð° PGP 2.x не может быть предпочтений.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2814 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" --msgstr "Данный ключ был отозван %s - %s ключом %s\n" -+msgstr "Следующий ключ был отозван %s пользователем %s ключом %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2836 - #, c-format - msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" --msgstr "Данный ключ может быть отозван %s ключом %s " -+msgstr "Данный ключ может быть отозван пользователем %s ключом %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2842 - msgid "(sensitive)" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "(оÑобо важный)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 - #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 -@@ -3952,12 +3962,12 @@ msgstr "проÑрочен Ñ: %s" - #: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 - #, c-format - msgid "expires: %s" --msgstr "годен до: %s" -+msgstr "Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ñтекает: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2867 - #, c-format - msgid "usage: %s" --msgstr "применÑемоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" -+msgstr "применимоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2882 - #, c-format -@@ -3975,15 +3985,15 @@ msgstr "Данный ключ отключен" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 - msgid "card-no: " --msgstr "" -+msgstr "номер карты: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2945 - msgid "" - "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" - "unless you restart the program.\n" - msgstr "" --"Учтите, что показанные Ñтепени доÑтоверноÑти могут быть неверными,\n" --"пока программа не будет перезапущена.\n" -+"Учтите, что Ð¿Ð¾ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ¹ÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключа может быть неверной,\n" -+"пока Ð’Ñ‹ не перезапуÑтите программу.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 - #: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -@@ -3993,15 +4003,17 @@ msgstr "отозван" - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 - #: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" --msgstr "проÑрочен Ñ" -+msgstr "проÑрочен" - -+# check it - #: g10/keyedit.c:3076 - msgid "" - "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" - " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: нет User ID помеченного как главный. Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° может\n" --" воÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ð¼ user ID, иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ ÐµÐ³Ð¾ как главный.\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: нет ID пользователÑ, помеченного как главный. Эта команда может\n" -+" привеÑти к тому, что главным Ñтанет ÑчитатьÑÑ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¾Ð¹ ID " -+"пользователÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3137 - msgid "" -@@ -4009,8 +4021,8 @@ msgid "" - "versions\n" - " of PGP to reject this key.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ PGP2. Добавление фото ID может в некоторых верÑиÑÑ…\n" --" PGP вызвать выбраковку ключа.\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ PGP2. Добавление фотоидентификатора может в некоторых\n" -+" верÑиÑÑ… PGP вызвать отбраковку ключа.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " -@@ -4018,7 +4030,7 @@ msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите добавить Ñто? (y/N) - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3148 - msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÑÑ‚ÑŒ фото ID в ключ PGP2-типа.\n" -+msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ фотоидентификатор в ключ типа PGP2.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3288 - msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" -@@ -4044,7 +4056,7 @@ msgstr "Удалена %d подпиÑÑŒ.\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:3323 - #, c-format - msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" --msgstr "Удалено %d подпиÑи.\n" -+msgstr "Удалено %d подпиÑей.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3326 - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" -@@ -4057,27 +4069,27 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый" - #: g10/keyedit.c:3361 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" --msgstr "User ID \"%s\": Ñжат: %s\n" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" Ñжат: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3368 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" --msgstr "User ID \"%s\": %d подпиÑÑŒ удалена\n" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\": %d подпиÑÑŒ удалена\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3369 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" --msgstr "User ID \"%s\": %d удалено подпиÑей\n" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\": %d подпиÑей удалено\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3377 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" --msgstr "User ID \"%s\": уже минимизирован\n" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" уже минимизирован\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3378 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" --msgstr "User ID \"%s\": уже очищен\n" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" уже очищен\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3472 - msgid "" -@@ -4085,24 +4097,24 @@ msgid "" - "cause\n" - " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ PGP 2.x. Добавление назначенного отзывающим ключа\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ типа PGP 2.x. Добавление оÑобого отзывающего ключа\n" - " может в некоторых верÑиÑÑ… PGP вызвать выбраковку ключа.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3483 - msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÑÑ‚ÑŒ назначенный отзывающим ключ в PGP 2.x ключ.\n" -+msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ оÑобый отзывающий ключ в ключ типа PGP 2.x.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3503 - msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " --msgstr "Укажите User ID ключа, назначенного отзывающим: " -+msgstr "Укажите ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°, назначенного отзывающим: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3528 - msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" --msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ ключ PGP 2.x отзывающим\n" -+msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ отзывающим ключ типа PGP 2.x\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3543 - msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" --msgstr "ключ не может быть назначен отзывающим Ñам ÑебÑ\n" -+msgstr "ключ не может быть назначен отзывающим Ñамого ÑебÑ\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3565 - msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" -@@ -4110,86 +4122,87 @@ msgstr "Ñтот ключ уже назначен отзывающим\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3584 - msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: назначение ключа отзывающим невозможно будет отменить!\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: назначение ключа отзывающим невозможно отменить!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3590 - msgid "" - "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " --msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите назначить данный ключ отзывающим? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите назначить данный ключ отзывающим? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3651 - msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" --msgstr "Снимите выделение Ñ Ñекретного ключа.\n" -+msgstr "Снимите выделение Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ… ключей.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3657 - msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" --msgstr "Выделите не менее одного подключа.\n" -+msgstr "Выделите не более одного подключа.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3661 - msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" --msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти подключа.\n" -+msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3664 - msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" --msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" -+msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3710 - msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" --msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ v3 ключа\n" -+msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° v3\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3726 - msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" --msgstr "Ðет ÑоответÑтвующей подпиÑи в ÑвÑзке Ñекретных\n" -+msgstr "Ðет ÑоответÑтвующей подпиÑи в таблице закрытых ключей\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3804 - #, c-format - msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" --msgstr "подпиÑываемый подключ %s уже имеет перекреÑтную Ñертификацию\n" -+msgstr "подпиÑывающий подключ %s уже перекреÑтно заверен\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3810 - #, c-format - msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" --msgstr "подключ %s не подпиÑывающий и не нуждаетÑÑ Ð² перекреÑтной подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "подключ %s не Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей, он не нуждаетÑÑ Ð² перекреÑтном заверении\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3973 - msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" --msgstr "Выберите только один User ID.\n" -+msgstr "Выберите только один ID пользователÑ.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 - #, c-format - msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "пропуÑк v3 ÑамоподпиÑи на User ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "пропуÑк ÑамоподпиÑи v3 на ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4183 - msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " --msgstr "Введите URL предпочтаемого Ñервера ключей: " -+msgstr "Введите URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4263 - msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите заменить его? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите заменить его? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4264 - msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить его? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите удалить его? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4326 - msgid "Enter the notation: " --msgstr "Введите примечание:" -+msgstr "Введите примечание: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4475 - msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " --msgstr "Обработать? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Продолжить? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4547 - #, c-format - msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" --msgstr "Ðет User ID Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" -+msgstr "Ðет ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4608 - #, c-format - msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" --msgstr "Ðет User ID Ñ Ñ…ÐµÑˆÐµÐ¼ %s\n" -+msgstr "Ðет ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ Ñ…Ñшем %s\n" - -+# c-format - #: g10/keyedit.c:4643 - #, c-format - msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" -@@ -4198,21 +4211,21 @@ msgstr "Ðет подключа Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:4778 - #, c-format - msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "User ID: \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "ID пользователÑ: \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 - #, c-format - msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" --msgstr "подпиÑано Вашим ключом %s от %s%s%s\n" -+msgstr "подпиÑано Вашим ключом %s %s%s%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 - msgid " (non-exportable)" --msgstr " (не ÑкÑпортируемаÑ)" -+msgstr " (неÑкÑпортируемаÑ)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4787 - #, c-format - msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" --msgstr "Срок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи закончилÑÑ %s.\n" -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи иÑтек %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4791 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " -@@ -4224,21 +4237,21 @@ msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ п - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4846 - msgid "Not signed by you.\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Вами не подпиÑано.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4852 - #, c-format - msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" --msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ подпиÑали данные User ID на ключе %s:\n" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ подпиÑали Ñти ID пользователей на ключе %s:\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4878 - msgid " (non-revocable)" --msgstr " (не отзываемаÑ)" -+msgstr " (неотзываемаÑ)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4885 - #, c-format - msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" --msgstr "отзыв Вашим ключом %s от %s\n" -+msgstr "отозвано Вашим ключом %s %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4907 - msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" -@@ -4250,32 +4263,32 @@ msgstr "ДейÑтвительно Ñоздать Ñертификат отзы - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4957 - msgid "no secret key\n" --msgstr "нет Ñекретного ключа\n" -+msgstr "нет закрытого ключа\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5027 - #, c-format - msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" --msgstr "User ID \"%s\" уже отозван\n" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" уже отозван\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5044 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: User ID подпиÑÑŒ датирована %d Ñекундами в будущем\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð° %d Ñекундами в будущем\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5108 - #, c-format - msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" --msgstr "Ключ %s уже отозван\n" -+msgstr "Ключ %s уже отозван.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5170 - #, c-format - msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" --msgstr "Подключ %s уже отозван\n" -+msgstr "Подключ %s уже отозван.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5265 - #, c-format - msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" --msgstr "Показ %s фото ID размера %ld Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s (uid %d)\n" -+msgstr "Показ фотоидентификатора %s размера %ld Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s (uid %d)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:272 - #, c-format -@@ -4284,7 +4297,7 @@ msgstr "предпочтение `%s' дублируетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:279 - msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" --msgstr "Ñлишком много предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð°\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком много шифровых предпочтений\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:281 - msgid "too many digest preferences\n" -@@ -4297,19 +4310,19 @@ msgstr "Ñлишком много предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ð¾Ð´Ð¾Ð² - #: g10/keygen.c:423 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" --msgstr "недопуÑтимое вхождение `%s' в Ñтроке предпочтений\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñлемент `%s' в Ñтроке предпочтений\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:907 - msgid "writing direct signature\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "запиÑÑŒ прÑмой подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:949 - msgid "writing self signature\n" --msgstr "ÑохранÑем ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ\n" -+msgstr "запиÑÑŒ ÑамоподпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1006 - msgid "writing key binding signature\n" --msgstr "ÑохранÑем объединÑющую подпиÑÑŒ\n" -+msgstr "запиÑÑŒ объединÑющей подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 - #: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 -@@ -4327,8 +4340,8 @@ msgstr "размер ключа приведен к %u битам\n" - msgid "" - "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: некоторые реализации OpenPGP не Ñмогут обработать DSA ключи Ñ " --"такой длиной хеш-функции\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: некоторые реализации OpenPGP не Ñмогут обработать ключи DSA Ñ " -+"такой длиной Ñ…Ñш-функции\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1565 - msgid "Sign" -@@ -4344,7 +4357,7 @@ msgstr "Зашифровать" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1574 - msgid "Authenticate" --msgstr "Ðтентифицировать" -+msgstr "Ðутентифицировать" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the - #. translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The -@@ -4358,7 +4371,7 @@ msgstr "Ðтентифицировать" - #. - #: g10/keygen.c:1592 - msgid "SsEeAaQq" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "11223300" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1615 - #, c-format -@@ -4391,17 +4404,17 @@ msgstr " (%c) Завершено\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 - msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" --msgstr "Выберите требуемый тип ключа:\n" -+msgstr "Выберите тип ключа:\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1696 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" --msgstr " (%d) DSA и ElGamal (по умолчанию)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA и RSA (по умолчанию)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1698 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" --msgstr " (%d) DSA и ElGamal (по умолчанию)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) DSA и Elgamal\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1700 - #, c-format -@@ -4416,7 +4429,7 @@ msgstr " (%d) RSA (только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи)\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:1705 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" --msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1706 - #, c-format -@@ -4439,19 +4452,19 @@ msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" - msgstr "ключи %s могут иметь длину от %u до %u бит.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1827 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " --msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " -+msgstr "Какой размер подключа необходим? (%u) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " --msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " -+msgstr "Какой размер ключа Вам необходим? (%u) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 - #, c-format - msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" --msgstr "Запрашиваемый размер ключа %u бит\n" -+msgstr "Запрошенный размер ключа - %u бит\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1932 - msgid "" -@@ -4463,11 +4476,11 @@ msgid "" - " y = key expires in n years\n" - msgstr "" - "Выберите Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°.\n" --" 0 = без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" --" = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n дней\n" --" w = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n недель\n" --" m = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n меÑÑцев\n" --" y = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n лет\n" -+" 0 = без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвиÑ\n" -+" = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ - n дней\n" -+" w = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ - n недель\n" -+" m = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ - n меÑÑцев\n" -+" y = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ - n лет\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1943 - msgid "" -@@ -4479,20 +4492,20 @@ msgid "" - " y = signature expires in n years\n" - msgstr "" - "Выберите Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи.\n" --" 0 = подпиÑÑŒ без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" --" = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n дней\n" --" w = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n недель\n" --" m = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n меÑÑцев\n" --" y = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n лет\n" -+" 0 = подпиÑÑŒ без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвиÑ\n" -+" = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n дней\n" -+" w = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n недель\n" -+" m = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n меÑÑцев\n" -+" y = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n лет\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1966 - msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " --msgstr "Ключ дейÑтвителен до? (0) " -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°? (0) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1971 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " --msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до? (%s) " -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи? (%s) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 - msgid "invalid value\n" -@@ -4500,11 +4513,11 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимое значение\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1997 - msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" --msgstr "Ключ не имеет Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° не ограничен\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1998 - msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" --msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ не имеет Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" -+msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи не ограничен\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2003 - #, c-format -@@ -4514,15 +4527,15 @@ msgstr "Ключ дейÑтвителен до: %s\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:2004 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" --msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до: %s\n" -+msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2008 - msgid "" - "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" - "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ваша ÑиÑтема не может корректно отображать даты поÑле 2038.\n" --"Однако, даты не превышающие 2106 будут обработаны корректно.\n" -+"Ваша ÑиÑтема не может отображать даты поÑле 2038 года.\n" -+"Однако даты до 2106 года будут обрабатываютÑÑ Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð¾.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2021 - msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " -@@ -4535,7 +4548,7 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"GnuPG необходимо ÑоÑтавить UserID в качеÑтве идентификатора ключа.\n" -+"GnuPG необходимо ÑоÑтавить ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² качеÑтве идентификатора ключа.\n" - "\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used -@@ -4552,8 +4565,9 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ Вашего ключа необходим User ID\n" --"Программа ÑоздаÑÑ‚ его из Вашего имени, ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ адреÑа e-mail в виде:\n" -+"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ Вашего ключа необходим ID пользователÑ. Программа ÑоздаÑÑ‚ " -+"его\n" -+"из Вашего имени, ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ адреÑа Ñлектронной почты в виде:\n" - " \"Baba Yaga (pensioner) \"\n" - "\n" - -@@ -4563,7 +4577,7 @@ msgstr "Ваше наÑтоÑщее имÑ: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2113 - msgid "Invalid character in name\n" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в Имени\n" -+msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в имени\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2115 - msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" -@@ -4575,11 +4589,11 @@ msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно быть короче 5 Ñимволов\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2125 - msgid "Email address: " --msgstr "Email-адреÑ: " -+msgstr "ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2131 - msgid "Not a valid email address\n" --msgstr "Ðеправильный e-mail адреÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ðеправильный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2139 - msgid "Comment: " -@@ -4592,7 +4606,7 @@ msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в комментарии\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:2167 - #, c-format - msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" --msgstr "ИÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов: `%s'.\n" -+msgstr "ИÑпользуетÑÑ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов: `%s'.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2173 - #, c-format -@@ -4601,17 +4615,18 @@ msgid "" - " \"%s\"\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’Ñ‹ выбрали Ñледующий User ID:\n" -+"Ð’Ñ‹ выбрали Ñледующий ID пользователÑ:\n" - " \"%s\"\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2178 - msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" --msgstr "Ðе вÑтавлÑйте email-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð² Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ комментарий\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Ðе вÑтавлÑйте Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты в Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ комментарий\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2193 - msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Такой ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтом ключе уже еÑÑ‚ÑŒ!\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in - #. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching -@@ -4626,16 +4641,15 @@ msgstr "" - #. - #: g10/keygen.c:2209 - msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2219 - msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " --msgstr "Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)email-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (Q)Выход? " -+msgstr "Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (Q)Выход? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2220 - msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " --msgstr "" --"Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)email-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (O)ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ/(Q)Выход? " -+msgstr "Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (O)ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ/(Q)Выход? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2239 - msgid "Please correct the error first\n" -@@ -4646,15 +4660,15 @@ msgid "" - "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñекретного ключа необходима фраза-пароль.\n" -+"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ закрытого ключа необходима фраза-пароль.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2284 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " - "encryption key." --msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ импортированных в GnuPG объектов." -+msgstr "" -+"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ архивной копии нового ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ." - - #: g10/keygen.c:2300 - #, c-format -@@ -4668,9 +4682,9 @@ msgid "" - "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Вам не нужна фраза-пароль? Это ОЧЕÐЬ ПЛОХÐЯ мыÑль!\n" --"Работа будет продолжена. Фразу-пароль можно Ñменит в любое времÑ,\n" --"запуÑтив данную программу Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ð¼ \"--edit-key\".\n" -+"Хотите обойтиÑÑŒ без фразы-паролÑ? Скорее вÑего, Ñто ПЛОХÐЯ мыÑль!\n" -+"Работа будет продолжена. Ð’Ñ‹ можете Ñменить фразу-пароль в любое времÑ,\n" -+"запуÑтив данную программу Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð¼ \"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2330 -@@ -4680,11 +4694,11 @@ msgid "" - "disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" - "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ðеобходимо Ñгенерировать много Ñлучайных чиÑел. Желательно, что бы Ð’Ñ‹\n" --"выполнÑли некоторые другие активные дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ (печать на клавиатуре, Ð´Ð²Ð¸Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ " --"мышью,\n" -+"Ðеобходимо получить много Ñлучайных чиÑел. Желательно, чтобы Ð’Ñ‹\n" -+"выполнÑли некоторые другие дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ (печать на клавиатуре, Ð´Ð²Ð¸Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹ÑˆÐ¸,\n" - "Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ðº диÑкам) в процеÑÑе генерации; Ñто даÑÑ‚ генератору\n" --"Ñлучайных чиÑел возможноÑÑ‚ÑŒ получить лучшую Ñнтропию.\n" -+"Ñлучайных чиÑел больше возможноÑтей получить доÑтаточное количеÑтво " -+"Ñнтропии.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 - msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" -@@ -4698,12 +4712,12 @@ msgstr "Ñохранение открытого ключа в `%s'\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 - #, c-format - msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" --msgstr "Ñохранение заглушки Ñекретного ключа в `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ñохранение заглушки закрытого ключа в `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 - #, c-format - msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" --msgstr "Ñохранение Ñекретного ключа в `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ñохранение закрытого ключа в `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3606 - #, c-format -@@ -4723,7 +4737,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы открытых ключей ` - #: g10/keygen.c:3641 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы Ñекретных ключей `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы закрытых ключей `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3669 - msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" -@@ -4734,7 +4748,7 @@ msgid "" - "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" - "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" - msgstr "" --"Учтите, данный ключ не может иÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ. Можно\n" -+"Учтите, что данный ключ не может иÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ. Ð’Ñ‹ можете\n" - "воÑпользоватьÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾Ð¹ \"--edit-key\" и Ñоздать подключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтих целей.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 -@@ -4747,14 +4761,16 @@ msgstr "Сбой при Ñоздании ключа: %s\n" - msgid "" - "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"ключ был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñами)\n" -+"ключ Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунду в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " -+"чаÑами)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"ключ был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñами)\n" -+"ключ Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " -+"чаÑами)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 - msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" -@@ -4762,7 +4778,7 @@ msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñоздание подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ðµ - - #: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 - msgid "Really create? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно Ñоздать? (y/N)" -+msgstr "ДейÑтвительно Ñоздать? (y/N) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:4124 - #, c-format -@@ -4772,12 +4788,12 @@ msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° на карту: %s\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:4173 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "не могу Ñоздать резервную копию, файл `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "не могу Ñоздать архивную копию, файл `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:4199 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° карты Ñохранена в `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° на карте Ñохранена в `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 - msgid "never " -@@ -4785,23 +4801,24 @@ msgstr "никогда " - - #: g10/keylist.c:273 - msgid "Critical signature policy: " --msgstr "Критичные правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи: " -+msgstr "КритичеÑкие правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:275 - msgid "Signature policy: " --msgstr "Политика подпиÑи: " -+msgstr "Правила подпиÑи: " - -+# check it - #: g10/keylist.c:314 - msgid "Critical preferred keyserver: " --msgstr "Критично предпочитаемые Ñерверы ключей:" -+msgstr "КритичеÑкий предпочтительный Ñервер ключей: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:367 - msgid "Critical signature notation: " --msgstr "Критичное примечание к подпиÑи: " -+msgstr "КритичеÑкое примечание к подпиÑи: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:369 - msgid "Signature notation: " --msgstr "Примечание к подпиÑи" -+msgstr "Примечание к подпиÑи: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:479 - msgid "Keyring" -@@ -4809,11 +4826,11 @@ msgstr "Таблица ключей" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1522 - msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" --msgstr " Отпечаток главного ключа:" -+msgstr "Отпечаток главного ключа:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1524 - msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" --msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" -+msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" - - #. TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes to that the - #. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID -@@ -4823,20 +4840,20 @@ msgstr " Отпечаток главного ключа:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1533 - msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" --msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" -+msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1537 g10/keylist.c:1541 - msgid " Key fingerprint =" --msgstr "Отпечаток ключа =" -+msgstr " Отпечаток ключа =" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1608 - msgid " Card serial no. =" --msgstr "" -+msgstr " Ñерийный номер карты =" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1297 - #, c-format - msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "при переименовании `%s' в `%s' произошел Ñбой: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при переименовании `%s' в `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1326 - msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" -@@ -4845,31 +4862,31 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: СущеÑтвуют 2 файла Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ„Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½ - #: g10/keyring.c:1327 - #, c-format - msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" --msgstr "%s оÑталоÑÑŒ без изменений\n" -+msgstr "%s - без изменений\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1328 - #, c-format - msgid "%s is the new one\n" --msgstr "%s новых\n" -+msgstr "%s - новый\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1329 - msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" --msgstr "ИÑправьте Ñту прореху безопаÑноÑти\n" -+msgstr "ИÑправьте Ñту возможную прореху безопаÑноÑти\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1430 - #, c-format - msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" --msgstr "кеширую ÑвÑзки ключей `%s'\n" -+msgstr "буферирование таблицы ключей `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1489 - #, c-format - msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" --msgstr "%lu ключей закешировано за Ñто Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ (%lu подпиÑей)\n" -+msgstr "пока в буфер помещено %lu ключей (%lu подпиÑей)\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1501 - #, c-format - msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" --msgstr "%lu ключей закешированно (%lu подпиÑей)\n" -+msgstr "%lu ключей помещено в буфер (%lu подпиÑей)\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1573 - #, c-format -@@ -4878,15 +4895,15 @@ msgstr "%s: таблица ключей Ñоздана\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:74 - msgid "include revoked keys in search results" --msgstr "включать отозванные ключи в резутатах поиÑка" -+msgstr "включить в результаты поиÑка отозванные ключи" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:75 - msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" --msgstr "Ð²ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¸ при поиÑке по Key ID" -+msgstr "иÑкать по ID ключа, Ð²ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¸" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:77 - msgid "use temporary files to pass data to keyserver helpers" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "передавать данные в Ñервер Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ временных файлов" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:79 - msgid "do not delete temporary files after using them" -@@ -4898,11 +4915,11 @@ msgstr "автоматичеÑки получать ключи при прове - - #: g10/keyserver.c:85 - msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" --msgstr "введите URL предпочтаемого Ñервера ключей: " -+msgstr "учитывать набор URL предпочтительных Ñерверов ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтого ключа" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:87 - msgid "honor the PKA record set on a key when retrieving keys" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "учитывать набор запиÑей PKA при получении ключей" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:153 - #, c-format -@@ -4912,16 +4929,17 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:551 - msgid "disabled" --msgstr "disable" -+msgstr "отключен" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:754 - msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " --msgstr "Введите чиÑло(а), N) Следующий или Q) Выход> " -+msgstr "Введите чиÑла, N) Следующее или Q) Выход> " - -+# test it - #: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" --msgstr "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимый протокол Ñервера ключей (ожидаетÑÑ %d, получено %d)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:939 - #, c-format -@@ -4945,17 +4963,17 @@ msgstr "получение ключа %s Ñ %s\n" - #: g10/keyserver.c:1293 - #, c-format - msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" --msgstr "поиÑк по именам %s на Ñервере %s\n" -+msgstr "поиÑк имен на %s Ñервере %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1296 - #, c-format - msgid "searching for names from %s\n" --msgstr "поиÑк по именам на %s\n" -+msgstr "поиÑк имен на %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1449 - #, c-format - msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" --msgstr "отправлÑÑŽ ключ %s на %s Ñервер %s\n" -+msgstr "отправка ключа %s на %s Ñервер %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1453 - #, c-format -@@ -4972,9 +4990,10 @@ msgstr "поиÑк \"%s\" на %s Ñервере %s\n" - msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" - msgstr "поиÑк \"%s\" на %s\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 - msgid "no keyserver action!\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "неизвеÑтное дейÑтвие Ñервера!\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1554 - #, c-format -@@ -4991,7 +5010,7 @@ msgstr "не заданы Ñерверы ключей (иÑпользуйте -- - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1640 - msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" --msgstr "Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñборка не поддерживает внешние вызовы Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей.\n" -+msgstr "Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñборка не поддерживает внешние вызовы Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1652 - #, c-format -@@ -5014,7 +5033,7 @@ msgstr "превышено Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñервера ключе - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1677 - msgid "keyserver internal error\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ñервера ключей\n" -+msgstr "внутреннÑÑ Ð¾ÑˆÐ¸Ð±ÐºÐ° Ñервера ключей\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1686 - #, c-format -@@ -5044,12 +5063,12 @@ msgstr "обновление %d ключей из %s\n" - #: g10/keyserver.c:2089 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно загрузить ÑÑылку %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно получить URI %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2095 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно проанализировать ÑÑылку %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно интерпретировать URI %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:242 - #, c-format -@@ -5059,12 +5078,12 @@ msgstr "Ñтранный размер зашифрованного ÑеанÑо - #: g10/mainproc.c:295 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encrypted session key\n" --msgstr "ÑеанÑовый ключ зашифрован %s\n" -+msgstr "ÑеанÑовый ключ зашифрован по %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:305 - #, c-format - msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" --msgstr "фраза-пароль Ñоздана Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ хеш-фкнкцией %d\n" -+msgstr "пароль Ñоздан Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ Ñ…Ñш-функцией %d\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:371 - #, c-format -@@ -5073,7 +5092,7 @@ msgstr "открытый ключ %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:434 - msgid "public key encrypted data: good DEK\n" --msgstr "данные зашифрованы открытым ключом: правильный DEK\n" -+msgstr "данные зашифрованы открытым ключом: хороший DEK\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:467 - #, c-format -@@ -5093,26 +5112,26 @@ msgstr "зашифровано ключом %s Ñ ID %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:490 - #, c-format - msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой раÑшифровки Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:506 - #, c-format - msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" --msgstr "зашифровано Ñ %lu фразами-паролÑми\n" -+msgstr "зашифровано %lu фразами-паролÑми\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:508 - msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" --msgstr "зашифровано Ñ 1 фразой-паролем\n" -+msgstr "зашифровано одной фразой-паролем\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" --msgstr "принÑтие %s зашифрованных данных\n" -+msgstr "предполагаютÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ, зашифрованные по %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:548 - #, c-format - msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" --msgstr "шифр IDEA недоÑтупен, попробуйте иÑпользовать взамен %s\n" -+msgstr "шифр IDEA недоÑтупен, попробую вмеÑто него %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:582 - msgid "decryption okay\n" -@@ -5129,29 +5148,29 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: зашифрованное Ñообщение было - #: g10/mainproc.c:597 - #, c-format - msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "в буфере Ñброшена фраза-пароль Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:602 - #, c-format - msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой раÑшифрованиÑ: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой раÑшифровки: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:623 - msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: отправитель требует \"только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñмотра Вами\"\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: отправитель запроÑил \"только между нами\"\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:625 - #, c-format - msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" --msgstr "оригинальное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°='%.*s'\n" -+msgstr "первоначальное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°='%.*s'\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:713 - msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: наблюдаетÑÑ Ð½ÐµÑколько текÑтов\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:866 - msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" --msgstr "ÑамоÑтоÑтельный Ñертификат отзыва: \"gpg --import\" Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ\n" -+msgstr "отдельный Ñертификат отзыва: задейÑтвуетÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾Ð¹ \"gpg --import\"\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 - msgid "no signature found\n" -@@ -5163,7 +5182,7 @@ msgstr "проверка подпиÑи подавлена\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1595 - msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" --msgstr "не могу обработать Ñти множеÑтвенные подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "не могу обработать Ñти неоднозначные данные подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1606 - #, c-format -@@ -5182,12 +5201,12 @@ msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана %s ключом %s Ñ ID %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1631 - msgid "Key available at: " --msgstr "Ключ доÑтупен на:" -+msgstr "Ключ доÑтупен на: " - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 - #, c-format - msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" --msgstr "ПЛОХÐЯ подпиÑÑŒ от \"%s\"" -+msgstr "ПЛОХÐЯ подпиÑÑŒ от \"%s\"" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 - #, c-format -@@ -5206,7 +5225,7 @@ msgstr "[Ñомнительно]" - #: g10/mainproc.c:1851 - #, c-format - msgid " aka \"%s\"" --msgstr " aka \"%s\"" -+msgstr " или \"%s\"" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1949 - #, c-format -@@ -5221,19 +5240,19 @@ msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:1957 - #, c-format - msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "%s подпиÑÑŒ, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ в %s форме, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1958 - msgid "binary" --msgstr "двоичный" -+msgstr "двоичной" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1959 - msgid "textmode" --msgstr "текÑтовый" -+msgstr "текÑтовой" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 - msgid "unknown" --msgstr "неизвеÑтно" -+msgstr "неизвеÑтной" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1979 - #, c-format -@@ -5248,7 +5267,7 @@ msgstr "не Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ\n" - msgid "" - "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружено множеÑтво подпиÑей. Только Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´ÐµÑ‚ проверена.\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружено неÑколько подпиÑей. Проверена будет только перваÑ.\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2114 - #, c-format -@@ -5257,33 +5276,32 @@ msgstr "ÑамоÑтоÑÑ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ клаÑÑа 0x%02x\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2179 - msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" --msgstr "Ñтарый (PGP 2.x) Ñтиль подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ Ñтарого типа (PGP 2.x)\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2189 - msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "обнаружен недопуÑтимый корневой пакет в proc_tree()\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 - #, c-format - msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой fstat `%s' в функции %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:181 - #, c-format - msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой fstat(%d) в функции %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:299 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑпериментальный алгоритм %s ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ " --"ключом\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑпериментальный алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ " -+"ключом %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:305 - msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" --msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ключи Elgamal Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ+Ñжатие более не поддерживаютÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ключи Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи+ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Elgamal не рекомендуютÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:318 - #, c-format -@@ -5295,12 +5313,12 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/misc.c:333 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑÐ¿ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ…ÐµÑˆ-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑÐ¿ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:338 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: хеш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s ÑчитаетÑÑ ÑƒÑтаревшей\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:548 - msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" -@@ -5309,17 +5327,17 @@ msgstr "модуль поддержки шифра IDEA не обнаружен\ - #: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 - #, c-format - msgid "please see %s for more information\n" --msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð¹ информации Ñм. %s\n" -+msgstr "за подробноÑÑ‚Ñми обращайтеÑÑŒ к %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:823 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: не Ñ€ÐµÐºÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ñ†Ð¸Ñ \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: параметр \"%s\" не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:827 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" не Ñ€ÐµÐºÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ñ†Ð¸Ñ\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр \"%s\" не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:829 - #, c-format -@@ -5330,47 +5348,47 @@ msgstr "иÑпользуйте \"%s%s\" взамен\n" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: команда \"%s\" ÑвлÑетÑÑ ÑƒÑтаревшей - не Ñледует применÑÑ‚ÑŒ ее\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: команда \"%s\" не рекомендуетÑÑ Ðº употреблению - не применÑйте ее\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:846 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "%s:%u: уÑтаревший параметр \"%s\" - игнорируетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:849 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр \"%s\" уÑтарел - он игнорируетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" в Ñтом файле уÑтарело - оно дейÑтвует только в %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр \"%s%s\" уÑтарел - он дейÑтвует только Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" --msgstr "без ÑжатиÑ" -+msgstr "Без ÑжатиÑ" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: g10/misc.c:949 - msgid "uncompressed|none" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "без ÑжатиÑ|без|none" - - #: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" --msgstr "данное Ñообщение может быть не пригодно Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "данное Ñообщение может быть непригодно Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" --msgstr "двуÑмыÑленный параметр `%s'\n" -+msgstr "неоднозначный параметр `%s'\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format -@@ -5384,7 +5402,7 @@ msgstr "Файл `%s' ÑущеÑтвует. " - - #: g10/openfile.c:93 - msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " --msgstr "ПерезапиÑать (y/N)? " -+msgstr "ЗапиÑать поверх? (y/N) " - - #: g10/openfile.c:126 - #, c-format -@@ -5397,12 +5415,12 @@ msgstr "Введите новое Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" - - #: g10/openfile.c:195 - msgid "writing to stdout\n" --msgstr "Вывод в stdout\n" -+msgstr "вывод в stdout\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:316 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" --msgstr "принÑтие подпиÑанных данных в `%s'\n" -+msgstr "предполагаетÑÑ, что подпиÑанные данные находÑÑ‚ÑÑ Ð² `%s'\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:395 - #, c-format -@@ -5412,7 +5430,7 @@ msgstr "Ñоздан новый файл наÑтроек `%s'\n" - #: g10/openfile.c:397 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметры в `%s' еще не активны при Ñтом запуÑке\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметры в `%s' при Ñтом запуÑке еще не дейÑтвуют\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:213 - #, c-format -@@ -5422,13 +5440,13 @@ msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚ - #: g10/parse-packet.c:834 - msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: потенциально небезопаÑный ÑеанÑовый ключ, зашифрованный " --"Ñимметричным шифром\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: потенциально небезопаÑный ÑеанÑовый ключ,\n" -+" зашифрованный Ñимметричным шифром\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 - #, c-format - msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" --msgstr "подпакет типа %d имеет выÑтавленный критичеÑкий бит\n" -+msgstr "в подпакете типа %d уÑтановлен критичеÑкий бит\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 - #, c-format -@@ -5438,7 +5456,7 @@ msgstr "проблема Ñ Ð°Ð³ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼: %s\n" - #: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 - #, c-format - msgid " (main key ID %s)" --msgstr " (главный ключ ID %s)" -+msgstr " (ID главного ключа %s)" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:358 - #, c-format -@@ -5449,14 +5467,14 @@ msgid "" - "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" - "created %s%s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к Ñекретному ключу OpenPGP Ñертификата:\n" -+"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу OpenPGP Ñертификата:\n" - "\"%.*s\"\n" - "%u-бит %s ключ, ID %s,\n" - "Ñоздан %s%s.\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:384 - msgid "Enter passphrase\n" --msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль\n" -+msgstr "Введите пароль\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:412 - msgid "cancelled by user\n" -@@ -5467,13 +5485,12 @@ msgstr "прервано пользователем\n" - msgid "" - "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" - "user: \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "" --"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к Ñекретному ключу пользователÑ: \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "Ðеобходим пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу пользователÑ: \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:600 - #, c-format - msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" --msgstr "%u-бит %s ключ, ID %s, Ñоздан %s" -+msgstr "%u-битный ключ %s, ID %s, Ñоздан %s" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:609 - #, c-format -@@ -5489,19 +5506,19 @@ msgid "" - "Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Выберите изображение Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¸ÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² качеÑтве Вашего Фото ID.\n" --"Изображение должно быть в формате JPEG. Помните, что оно будет хранитьÑÑ\n" --"Ñ Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ð¼ открытым ключом и увеличит его размер, Ñ‚.е. не Ñледует брать очень\n" --"большое изображение. Рекомендуемый размер около 240x288.\n" -+"Выберите изображение Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐµÐ³Ð¾ фотоидентификатора. Это должен быть файл " -+"JPEG.\n" -+"Помните, что изображение будет хранитьÑÑ Ð² Вашем открытом ключе и увеличит\n" -+"его размер! РекомендуетÑÑ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ€ около 240x288.\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:99 - msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " --msgstr "Введите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ JPEG файла Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¤Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾ ID: " -+msgstr "Введите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ JPEG файла Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð°: " - - #: g10/photoid.c:120 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to open JPEG file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "Ðе могу открыть JPEG файл `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "Ðе могу открыть файл JPEG `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:131 - #, c-format -@@ -5510,32 +5527,32 @@ msgstr "Этот JPEG очень велик (%d байт)!\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:133 - msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " --msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите иÑпользовать его? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите иÑпользовать его? (y/N) " - - #: g10/photoid.c:149 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a JPEG file\n" --msgstr "`%s' - не JPEG файл\n" -+msgstr "`%s' - не файл JPEG\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:168 - msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " --msgstr "Данное фото правильное (y/N/q)? " -+msgstr "Это Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ñ„Ð¸Ñ? (y/N/q) " - - #: g10/photoid.c:377 - msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" --msgstr "не могу отобразить Фото ID!\n" -+msgstr "не могу отобразить фотоидентификатор!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 - msgid "No reason specified" --msgstr "Без ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‡Ð¸Ð½Ñ‹" -+msgstr "Причина не указана" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 - msgid "Key is superseded" --msgstr "Ключ заменён другим" -+msgstr "Ключ заменен другим" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:64 g10/revoke.c:622 - msgid "Key has been compromised" --msgstr "Ключ был Ñкомпрометирован" -+msgstr "Ключ был раÑкрыт" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 - msgid "Key is no longer used" -@@ -5543,7 +5560,7 @@ msgstr "Ключ больше не иÑпользуетÑÑ" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 - msgid "User ID is no longer valid" --msgstr "User ID больше не дейÑтвителен" -+msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐµ не дейÑтвителен" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:72 - msgid "reason for revocation: " -@@ -5551,7 +5568,7 @@ msgstr "причина отзыва: " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:89 - msgid "revocation comment: " --msgstr "прокомментируйте отзыв: " -+msgstr "поÑÑнение к отзыву: " - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and - #. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which -@@ -5565,7 +5582,7 @@ msgstr "прокомментируйте отзыв: " - #. - #: g10/pkclist.c:204 - msgid "iImMqQsS" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "iImMqQsS" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:212 - msgid "No trust value assigned to:\n" -@@ -5574,14 +5591,14 @@ msgstr "Ðе задано значение Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ:\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:245 - #, c-format - msgid " aka \"%s\"\n" --msgstr " aka \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr " или \"%s\"\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/pkclist.c:255 - msgid "" - "How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" - msgstr "" --"Какова уверенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ в принадлежноÑти данного ключа лицу указанному в User ID " --"ключа?\n" -+"ÐаÑколько Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что данный ключ принадлежит названному пользователю?\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:270 - #, c-format -@@ -5591,7 +5608,7 @@ msgstr " %d = Ðе знаю или не буду отвечать\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:272 - #, c-format - msgid " %d = I do NOT trust\n" --msgstr " %d = Ðе доверÑÑŽ\n" -+msgstr " %d = ÐЕ доверÑÑŽ\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:278 - #, c-format -@@ -5621,35 +5638,36 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:298 g10/revoke.c:650 - msgid "Your decision? " --msgstr "Ваше решение (?-подробнее)? " -+msgstr "Ваше решение? " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:319 - msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " --msgstr "" --"ДейÑтвительно хотите уÑтановить ÐБСОЛЮТÐОЕ доверие к владельцу данного " --"ключа? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите Ñделать Ñтот ключ абÑолютно доверенным? (y/N) " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:333 - msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" --msgstr "Сертификаты, приводÑщие к абÑолютно доверÑемому ключу:\n" -+msgstr "Сертификаты, ведущие к абÑолютно доверенному ключу:\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/pkclist.c:418 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" - msgstr "" --"%s: Ðет ÑвидетельÑтв принадлежноÑти данного ключа лицу указанному в User ID " --"ключа\n" -+"%s: Ðет ÑвидетельÑтв того, что данный ключ принадлежит названному " -+"пользователю\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/pkclist.c:423 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" - msgstr "" --"%s: Мало ÑвидетельÑтв принадлежноÑти данного ключа лицу указанному в User ID " --"ключа\n" -+"%s: Мало ÑвидетельÑтв того, что данный ключ принадлежит названному " -+"пользователю\n" - -+# test it - #: g10/pkclist.c:429 - msgid "This key probably belongs to the named user\n" --msgstr "Этот ключ вероÑтно принадлежит названному владельцу\n" -+msgstr "Этот ключ, вероÑтно, принадлежит названному владельцу\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:434 - msgid "This key belongs to us\n" -@@ -5661,25 +5679,25 @@ msgid "" - "in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n" - "you may answer the next question with yes.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ðет уверенноÑти принадлежноÑти ключа человеку указанному\n" --"в User ID ключа. ЕÑли ТОЧÐО знаете, что делаете,\n" -+"Ðет уверенноÑти в том, что ключ принадлежит человеку, указанному\n" -+"в ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°. ЕÑли Ð’Ñ‹ ТОЧÐО знаете, что делаете,\n" - "можете ответить на Ñледующий Ð²Ð¾Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ ÑƒÑ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð´Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:479 - msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " --msgstr "Ð’ÑÑ‘ равно иÑпользовать данный ключ? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñе равно иÑпользовать данный ключ? (y/N) " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:513 - msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ИÑпользование недоверÑемого ключа!\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ИÑпользование недоверенного ключа!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:520 - msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно данный ключ отозван (ключ отзыва отÑутÑтвует)\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно, данный ключ отозван (ключ отзыва отÑутÑтвует)\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:529 - msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Данный ключ отозван ключом назначенным отзывающим!\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Данный ключ отозван ключом, назначенным отзывающим!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:532 - msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" -@@ -5700,20 +5718,20 @@ msgstr "Замечание: Данный ключ отключен.\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:564 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Проверенный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Замечание: Проверенный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего - `%s'\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:571 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего `%s' не ÑоответÑтвует формату DNS\n" -+msgstr "Замечание: ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего `%s' не ÑоответÑтвует данным DNS\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:583 - msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "уровень Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÑƒÑтановлен в ПОЛÐЫЙ по дейÑтвительным данным PKA\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:591 - msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "уровень Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÑƒÑтановлен в ÐИКОГДРиз-за непригодных данных PKA\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:602 - msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" -@@ -5726,7 +5744,7 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Данный ключ не заверен довере - #: g10/pkclist.c:615 - msgid "" - " There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" --msgstr " Ðет указаний на то, что подпиÑÑŒ принадлежит владельцу.\n" -+msgstr " Ðет указаний на то, что подпиÑÑŒ принадлежит владельцу.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:623 - msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" -@@ -5734,13 +5752,13 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ÐЕТ ДОВЕРИЯ данному ключу!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:624 - msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" --msgstr " Возможно, что подпиÑÑŒ ПОДДЕЛÐÐÐ.\n" -+msgstr " Возможно, что подпиÑÑŒ ПОДДЕЛÐÐÐ.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:632 - msgid "" - "WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Этот ключ не заверен доÑтаточным количеÑтвом доверÑемых подпиÑей!\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Этот ключ не заверен доÑтаточным количеÑтвом доверенных подпиÑей!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:634 - msgid " It is not certain that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" -@@ -5754,11 +5772,11 @@ msgstr "%s: пропущено: %s\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" --msgstr "%s: пропущено: открытый ключ уже имеетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "%s: пропущено: открытый ключ уже ÑущеÑтвует\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:901 - msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" --msgstr "Ðе задан User ID. (можете иÑпользовать \"-r\")\n" -+msgstr "Ðе задан ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ (можно иÑпользовать \"-r\").\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:925 - msgid "Current recipients:\n" -@@ -5770,11 +5788,11 @@ msgid "" - "Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Введите User ID. ПуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ: " -+"Введите ID пользователÑ. ПуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ: " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:976 - msgid "No such user ID.\n" --msgstr "Ðет такого User ID.\n" -+msgstr "Ðет такого ID пользователÑ.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 - msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" -@@ -5800,12 +5818,12 @@ msgstr "%s: пропущено: открытый ключ отключен\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1175 - msgid "no valid addressees\n" --msgstr "нет дейÑтвительных адреÑов\n" -+msgstr "нет пригодных адреÑов\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1513 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: key %s has no %s feature\n" --msgstr "Замечание: ключ %s не умеет %s\n" -+msgstr "Замечание: у ключа %s нет функции %s\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1538 - #, c-format -@@ -5830,7 +5848,7 @@ msgstr "читаю stdin ...\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:557 - msgid "no signed data\n" --msgstr "не подпиÑанные данные\n" -+msgstr "нет подпиÑанных данных\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:573 - #, c-format -@@ -5845,11 +5863,11 @@ msgstr "не могу открыть подпиÑанные данные fd=%d: - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n" --msgstr "анонимный получатель; пробую Ñекретный ключ %s ...\n" -+msgstr "анонимный получатель; пробую закрытый ключ %s ...\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 - msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" --msgstr "отлично, мы анонимный получатель.\n" -+msgstr "отлично, мы - анонимный получатель.\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 - msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" -@@ -5869,7 +5887,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñекретный ключ %s проÑрочен Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: закрытый ключ %s проÑрочен Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 - msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" -@@ -5879,33 +5897,34 @@ msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключ был отозван" - #: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 - #, c-format - msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой build_packet: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:145 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s has no user IDs\n" --msgstr "ключ %s не имеет User ID\n" -+msgstr "у ключа %s нет ID пользователÑ\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:306 - msgid "To be revoked by:\n" - msgstr "Будет отозван:\n" - -+# check it - #: g10/revoke.c:310 - msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" --msgstr "(Это - sensitive ключ отзыва)\n" -+msgstr "(Это оÑобо важный ключ отзыва)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:314 - msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N) " - - #: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 - msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" --msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° иÑпользован ASCII формат.\n" -+msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° иÑпользован текÑтовый формат ASCII.\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 - #, c-format - msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой make_keysig_packet: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:405 - msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" -@@ -5919,20 +5938,20 @@ msgstr "ключи отзыва Ð´Ð»Ñ \"%s\" не найдены\n" - #: g10/revoke.c:470 - #, c-format - msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñекретный ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" -+msgstr "закрытый ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:497 - #, c-format - msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" --msgstr "нет ÑоотвеÑтвующего открытого ключа: %s\n" -+msgstr "нет ÑоответÑтвующего открытого ключа: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:508 - msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" --msgstr "открытый ключ не ÑоотвеÑтвует Ñекретному!\n" -+msgstr "открытый ключ не ÑоответÑтвует закрытому!\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:515 - msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N) " - - #: g10/revoke.c:532 - msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" -@@ -5954,12 +5973,12 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Сертификат отзыва Ñоздан.\n" - "\n" --"ПомеÑтите его в Ñкрытое меÑто; еÑли поÑторонний получит доÑтуп\n" -+"ПомеÑтите его в надежное меÑто; еÑли поÑторонний получит доÑтуп\n" - "к данному Ñертификату, он может иÑпользовать его, чтобы Ñделать\n" - "Ваш ключ непригодным к иÑпользованию. Можно раÑпечатать данный\n" --"Ñертификат и ÑпрÑтать подальше, на Ñлучай еÑли Ваш оÑновной\n" -+"Ñертификат и ÑпрÑтать подальше на Ñлучай, еÑли Ваш оÑновной\n" - "ноÑитель будет поврежден, но будьте оÑторожны: ÑиÑтема печати\n" --"может Ñохранить данные и Ñделать их доÑтупными Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ñ…!\n" -+"Вашей машины может Ñохранить данные и Ñделать их доÑтупными Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ñ…!\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:633 - msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" -@@ -5972,7 +5991,7 @@ msgstr "Отмена" - #: g10/revoke.c:645 - #, c-format - msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" --msgstr "(Возможно Ð’Ñ‹ хотите выбрать здеÑÑŒ %d)\n" -+msgstr "(Возможно, Ð’Ñ‹ хотите здеÑÑŒ выбрать %d)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:686 - msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" -@@ -5993,17 +6012,17 @@ msgstr "Ð’Ñе правильно? (y/N) " - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 - msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" --msgstr "ÑÐµÐºÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключ не доÑтупна\n" -+msgstr "Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключа недоÑтупна\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 - #, c-format - msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" --msgstr "метод защиты %d%s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "алгоритм защиты %d%s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 - #, c-format - msgid "protection digest %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "метод защиты %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ñ…Ñш защиты %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 - msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" -@@ -6016,7 +6035,7 @@ msgstr "%s ...\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 - msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружен Ñлабый ключ - Ñмените фразу-пароль еще раз.\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Обнаружен Ñлабый ключ - Ñмените фразу-пароль еще раз.\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 - msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" -@@ -6035,17 +6054,17 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 - msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" --msgstr "DSA тебует размер хеша кратного 8 битам\n" -+msgstr "DSA требует длины Ñ…Ñша, кратной 8 битам\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:240 - #, c-format - msgid "DSA key %s uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" --msgstr "ключ DSA %s иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u бит) хеш\n" -+msgstr "Ключ DSA %s иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u-битный) Ñ…Ñш\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" --msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° DSA %s требуетÑÑ Ñ…ÐµÑˆ не менее %u бит\n" -+msgstr "Ключ DSA %s требует %u-битного или более длинного Ñ…Ñша\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:80 - msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" -@@ -6054,32 +6073,29 @@ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: конфликт Ñ…Ñшей подпиÑей в Ñоо - #: g10/sig-check.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" --msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑываемый подключ %s не имеет перекреÑтной Ñертификации\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑывающий подключ %s не был перекреÑтно заверен\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:117 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" --msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑываемый подключ %s имеет недоÑтоверную перекреÑтную " --"Ñертификацию\n" -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑывающий подключ %s неправильно перекреÑтно заверен\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:211 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" --msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд моложе подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд новее подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:212 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" --msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд моложе подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд новее подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:223 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key %s was created %lu second in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"ключ %s был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ " -+"ключ %s Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунду в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " - "чаÑами)\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:225 -@@ -6087,33 +6103,34 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "" - "key %s was created %lu seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"ключ %s был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ " -+"ключ %s Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " - "чаÑами)\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:239 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: signature key %s expired %s\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: подпиÑавший ключ %s - проÑрочен %s\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего ключа %s иÑтек %s\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключ %s подпиÑи - отозван\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей %s отозван\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "%s подпиÑÑŒ, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "Замечание: подпиÑи Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функцией %s игнорируютÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" --msgstr "принÑта Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа %s Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ¸Ð·Ð²ÐµÑтным критичеÑким битом\n" -+msgstr "" -+"предполагаетÑÑ Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа %s из-за неизвеÑтного критичеÑкого бита\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:607 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° отзывающей подпиÑи\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°ÑŽÑ‰ÐµÐ¹ подпиÑи подключа\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:634 - #, c-format -@@ -6124,14 +6141,15 @@ msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи ÑвÑзи п - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% запиÑÑŒ (длинный). ИÑпользую неразвернутым.\n" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% в примечании (Ñлишком длинное).\n" -+" ИÑпользую неразвернутым.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:115 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% url правил (длинный). ИÑпользую " -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% в URL правил (Ñлишком длинный). ИÑпользую " - "неразвернутым.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:138 -@@ -6140,7 +6158,7 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " - "unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно развернуть %% URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей " -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно развернуть %% в URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей " - "(Ñлишком длинно). ИÑпользую неразвернутым.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:311 -@@ -6155,7 +6173,8 @@ msgstr "%s/%s подпиÑÑŒ от: \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:761 - msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "только Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ доÑтупна Ñ PGP 2.x ключом в режиме --pgp2\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ключом типа PGP 2.x в режиме --pgp2 можно делать только отделенные подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:837 - #, c-format -@@ -6171,17 +6190,19 @@ msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ:" - - #: g10/sign.c:1079 - msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "только Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ñ€Ð°Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ доÑтупна Ñ PGP 2.x ключом в режиме --pgp2\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ключом типа PGP 2.x в режиме --pgp2 можно делать только текÑтовые подпиÑи\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:1263 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" --msgstr "будет иÑпользовано %s шифрование\n" -+msgstr "будет иÑпользовано шифрование по %s\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 - msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" - msgstr "" --"ключ не помечен как ненадежный - не могу иÑпользовать его Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ¶Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ RNG!\n" -+"ключ не помечен как небезопаÑный - не могу иÑпользовать его Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ¸Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ " -+"генератором Ñлучайных чиÑел!\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:174 - #, c-format -@@ -6195,12 +6216,12 @@ msgstr "пропущено \"%s\": %s\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:190 - msgid "skipped: secret key already present\n" --msgstr "пропущено: Ñекретный ключ уже имеетÑÑ\n" -+msgstr "пропущено: закрытый ключ уже имеетÑÑ\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:208 - msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" - msgstr "" --"Ñто Ñозданный PGP ElGamal ключ, не обеÑпечивающий безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ подпиÑи!" -+"Ñто ключ Elgamal, Ñозданный PGP, он не обеÑпечивает безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ подпиÑи!" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 - #, c-format -@@ -6223,7 +6244,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка в `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 - msgid "line too long" --msgstr "Ñтрока Ñлишком длиннаÑ" -+msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:169 - msgid "colon missing" -@@ -6250,21 +6271,21 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "таблица довериÑ: Ñбой Ñинхронизации: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "таблица довериÑ, запиÑÑŒ %lu: Ñбой lseek: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:135 g10/tdbio.c:1467 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "таблица довериÑ, запиÑÑŒ %lu: Ñбой запиÑи (n=%d): %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:245 - msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" --msgstr "trustdb Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ñлишком длиннаÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ°Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ñ‹ довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:502 - #, c-format -@@ -6294,21 +6315,21 @@ msgstr "%s: Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи о верÑии: %s" - #: g10/tdbio.c:573 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: invalid trustdb created\n" --msgstr "%s: Ñоздана недейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° доверий\n" -+msgstr "%s: Ñоздана Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:576 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: trustdb created\n" --msgstr "%s: Ñоздана таблица доверий\n" -+msgstr "%s: Ñоздана таблица довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:619 - msgid "NOTE: trustdb not writable\n" --msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: таблица доверий доÑтупна только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: таблица Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ñтупна Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:627 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: invalid trustdb\n" --msgstr "%s: недейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° доверий\n" -+msgstr "%s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:659 - #, c-format -@@ -6334,17 +6355,17 @@ msgstr "%s: ошибка ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи о верÑии: %s\n - #: g10/tdbio.c:1185 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "таблица довериÑ: Ñбой lseek: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1194 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "таблица довериÑ: Ñбой Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ (n=%d): %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1215 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: not a trustdb file\n" --msgstr "%s: не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð¼ таблицы доверий\n" -+msgstr "%s: не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð¼ таблицы довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1234 - #, c-format -@@ -6377,9 +6398,8 @@ msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" - msgstr "%s: Ñбой Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1516 --#, fuzzy - msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" --msgstr "%s: Ñоздана таблица доверий\n" -+msgstr "Ошибка: таблица Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð°\n" - - #: g10/textfilter.c:147 - #, c-format -@@ -6389,7 +6409,7 @@ msgstr "не могу обработать Ñтроки текÑта длинн - #: g10/textfilter.c:247 - #, c-format - msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "Ð²Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока превышает %d Ñимволов\n" -+msgstr "Ñтрока ввода длиннее %d Ñимволов\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:222 - #, c-format -@@ -6399,22 +6419,22 @@ msgstr "`%s' не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ð´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑтимым длинным ID клю - #: g10/trustdb.c:253 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: accepted as trusted key\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ как доверÑемый ключ\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ как доверенный ключ\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:291 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" --msgstr "ключ %s вÑтречаетÑÑ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ одного раза в таблице доверий\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s вÑтречаетÑÑ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ одного раза в таблице довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:306 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" --msgstr "ключ %s: нет открытого ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñемого ключа - пропущен\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s: нет открытого ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа - пропущен\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:316 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n" --msgstr "ключ %s помечен как абÑолютно доверÑемый.\n" -+msgstr "ключ %s помечен как абÑолютно доверенный.\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:340 - #, c-format -@@ -6428,22 +6448,24 @@ msgstr "запиÑÑŒ о доверии %lu не запрашиваемого Ñ‚ - - #: g10/trustdb.c:419 - msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Можно попытатьÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÑоздать таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°Ð¼Ð¸:\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:428 - msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ЕÑли Ñто не выйдет, обратитеÑÑŒ к руководÑтву пользователÑ\n" - -+# check it - #: g10/trustdb.c:463 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - assuming %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" --"не могу иÑпользовать неизвеÑтную модель (%d) - иÑпользую %s модель доверий\n" -+"не могу иÑпользовать неизвеÑтную модель (%d) - иÑпользую модель Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - -+# check it - #: g10/trustdb.c:469 - #, c-format - msgid "using %s trust model\n" --msgstr "иÑпользую %s модель доверий\n" -+msgstr "иÑпользую модель Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in - #. trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to -@@ -6455,39 +6477,39 @@ msgstr "иÑпользую %s модель доверий\n" - #. uid are both NULL, or neither are NULL. - #: g10/trustdb.c:521 - msgid "10 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "12 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:523 - msgid "[ revoked]" --msgstr "[ отозван]" -+msgstr "[ отозвано]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:525 g10/trustdb.c:530 - msgid "[ expired]" --msgstr "[проÑрочн]" -+msgstr "[проÑрочено]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:529 - msgid "[ unknown]" --msgstr "[неизвÑтн]" -+msgstr "[неизвеÑтно]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:531 - msgid "[ undef ]" --msgstr "[неопредл]" -+msgstr "[ неопредел]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:532 - msgid "[marginal]" --msgstr "[ограничн]" -+msgstr "[ ограничен]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:533 - msgid "[ full ]" --msgstr "[ полное ]" -+msgstr "[ полное ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:534 - msgid "[ultimate]" --msgstr "[абÑолютн]" -+msgstr "[абÑолютное]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:549 - msgid "undefined" --msgstr "неопределено" -+msgstr "неопределенное" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:550 - msgid "never" -@@ -6495,7 +6517,7 @@ msgstr "никогда" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:551 - msgid "marginal" --msgstr "ограниченно" -+msgstr "ограниченное" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:552 - msgid "full" -@@ -6503,26 +6525,26 @@ msgstr "полное" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:553 - msgid "ultimate" --msgstr "абÑолютно" -+msgstr "абÑолютное" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:593 - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" --msgstr "нет необходимоÑти в проверке таблицы доверий\n" -+msgstr "проверка таблицы Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ нужна\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" --msgstr "Ñрок Ñледующей проверки таблицы доверий %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñрок Ñледующей проверки таблицы Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:608 - #, c-format - msgid "no need for a trustdb check with `%s' trust model\n" --msgstr "нет необходимоÑти проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий при `%s' модели доверий\n" -+msgstr "проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ модели Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ `%s' не нужно\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:623 - #, c-format - msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" --msgstr "нет необходимоÑти обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий при '%s' модели доверий\n" -+msgstr "обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ модели Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ `%s' не нужно\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format -@@ -6535,27 +6557,28 @@ msgstr "выполните --check-trustdb, пожалуйÑта\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" --msgstr "проверка таблицы доверий\n" -+msgstr "проверка таблицы довериÑ\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" --msgstr "%d ключей обработано (%d дейÑтвующих запиÑей очищено)\n" -+msgstr "%d ключей обработано (%d Ñчетчиков пригодноÑти очищено)\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" --msgstr "не найдено абÑолютно доверÑемых ключей\n" -+msgstr "не найдено абÑолютно доверенных ключей\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" --msgstr "открытый ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð±Ñолютно доверÑемого ключа %s не найден\n" -+msgstr "открытый ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð±Ñолютно доверенного ключа %s не найден\n" - -+# check it - #: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" --"%d ограниченных необходимо, %d выполненных необходимо, %s модель довериÑ\n" -+"%d ограниченных необходимо, %d выполненных необходимо, модель Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format -@@ -6569,7 +6592,7 @@ msgstr "" - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" --"невозможно обновить запиÑÑŒ о верÑии таблицы доверий: ошибка запиÑи: %s\n" -+"невозможно обновить запиÑÑŒ о верÑии таблицы довериÑ: ошибка запиÑи: %s\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:118 - msgid "" -@@ -6579,12 +6602,12 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Ðе могу проверить подпиÑÑŒ.\n" - "Файл подпиÑи (.sig или .asc) должен быть\n" --"первым из файлов в командной Ñтроке.\n" -+"указан в командной Ñтроке первым.\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:205 - #, c-format - msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" --msgstr "Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока %u Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ пропущен LF\n" -+msgstr "Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока %u Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ пропущен перевод Ñтроки\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:253 - #, c-format -@@ -6613,11 +6636,11 @@ msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:204 - msgid "invalid alias definition" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимое определение Ñинонима" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:206 - msgid "out of core" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "нехватка выделенной памÑти" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:208 - msgid "invalid option" -@@ -6626,31 +6649,31 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый параметр" - #: jnlib/argparse.c:216 - #, c-format - msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "не хватает аргумента Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:218 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" --msgstr "параметр \"%.50s\" не ожидает аргумента\n" -+msgstr "у параметра \"%.50s\" не должно быть аргумента\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:221 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:223 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" --msgstr "параметр \"%.50s\" не понÑÑ‚\n" -+msgstr "параметр \"%.50s\" неоднозначен\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:225 - #, c-format - msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" --msgstr "команда \"%.50s\" не понÑта\n" -+msgstr "команда \"%.50s\" неоднозначна\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:227 - msgid "out of core\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "нехватка выделенной памÑти\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:229 - #, c-format -@@ -6660,7 +6683,7 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый параметр \"%.50s\"\n" - #: jnlib/logging.c:647 - #, c-format - msgid "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n" --msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ нашли ошибку ... (%s:%d)\n" -+msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ нашли ошибку в программе ... (%s:%d)\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 - #, c-format -@@ -6670,7 +6693,7 @@ msgstr "преобразование из `%s' в `%s' недоÑтупно\n" - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 - #, c-format - msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой в iconv_open: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 - #, c-format -@@ -6690,56 +6713,55 @@ msgstr "ошибка запиÑи в `%s': %s\n" - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 - #, c-format - msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "удалÑÑŽ залипшую блокировку (Ñозданную %d)\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 - msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" --msgstr "" -+msgstr " - вероÑтно, процеÑÑ Ð¼ÐµÑ€Ñ‚Ð² - Ñнимаю блокировку" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "жду ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ¸ (заблокировано %d%s) %s...\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 - msgid "(deadlock?) " --msgstr "" -+msgstr "(Ð¼ÐµÑ€Ñ‚Ð²Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ‡ÐºÐ°?) " - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 - #, c-format - msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "блокировка `%s' не Ñоздана: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ожидаю ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ¸ %s...\n" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 - msgid "set debugging flags" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "уÑтановить отладочные флаги" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 - msgid "enable full debugging" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "полноÑтью включить отладку" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 - msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" - msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы]\n" --"проÑморт, ÑкÑпорт, импорт данных Keybox\n" -+"ПроÑмотр, ÑкÑпорт, импорт данных щита Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" --msgstr "Модули RSA пропущены или не имеют размер %d бит\n" -+msgstr "Модули RSA пропущены, или их размер не равен %d бит\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 - #, c-format -@@ -6751,51 +6773,51 @@ msgstr "отÑутÑтвует Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ñ ÑкÑпонента RSA или - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 - #, c-format - msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ð¤ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÐ¸ PIN возвратила ошибку: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:834 - msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" --msgstr "NullPIN вÑÑ‘ еще не изменен\n" -+msgstr "пуÑтой PIN до Ñих пор не изменен\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1092 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." --msgstr "|A|Введите Admin PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ" -+msgstr "|A|Введите новый PIN Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1093 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." --msgstr "|A|Введите Admin PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ" -+msgstr "|A|Введите PIN Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1099 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." --msgstr "||Введите Reset Code к карте" -+msgstr "|NP|Введите новый код разблокировки PIN (PUK) Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1101 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." --msgstr "||Введите Reset Code к карте" -+msgstr "|P|Введите код разблокировки PIN (PUK) Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1109 - msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|N|Введите новый PIN ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… подпиÑей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1111 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." --msgstr "" -+msgstr "||Введите PIN ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… подпиÑей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1119 - msgid "" - "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " - "qualified signatures." - msgstr "" -+"|NP|Введите новый код разблокировки PIN (PUK) ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ " -+"квалифицированных подпиÑей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1121 - msgid "" - "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " - "qualified signatures." - msgstr "" -+"|P|Введите код разблокировки PIN (PUK) ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… " -+"подпиÑей." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 - #, c-format -@@ -6805,17 +6827,17 @@ msgstr "ошибка при получении нового PIN: %s\n" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¿ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐºÐ°: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при Ñохранении отпечатка: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‹ ÑозданиÑ: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при Ñохранении даты ÑозданиÑ: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 - #, c-format - msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при чтении ключа: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 - msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" -@@ -6832,12 +6854,14 @@ msgstr "в ответе отÑутÑтвует Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ñ ÑкÑпонен - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 - #, c-format - msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "оÑновной PIN применÑетÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ðº %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" - msgstr "" -+"не удалоÑÑŒ применить оÑновной PIN как %s: %s - далее применÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ\n" -+"как оÑновной не будет\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 - #, c-format -@@ -6857,7 +6881,7 @@ msgstr "PIN Ð´Ð»Ñ CHV%d Ñлишком короток, Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 - #, c-format - msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" --msgstr "при проверке CHV%d Ñбой: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при проверке CHV%d: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 - msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" -@@ -6870,20 +6894,19 @@ msgstr "карта заблокирована!\n" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 - #, c-format - msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" --msgstr "оÑталоÑÑŒ %d попыток ввода админиÑтративного PIN до блокировки карты\n" -+msgstr "" -+"оÑталоÑÑŒ %d попыток ввода админиÑтративного PIN перед блокировкой карты\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at - #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" --msgstr "" --"|A|Введите Admin PID на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ%%0A[оÑталоÑÑŒ попыток: %d]" -+msgstr "|A|Введите админиÑтративный PIN%%0A[оÑталоÑÑŒ попыток: %d]" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 --#, fuzzy - msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" --msgstr "||Введите PIN" -+msgstr "|A|Введите админиÑтративный PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 - msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" -@@ -6891,19 +6914,19 @@ msgstr "доÑтуп к командам ÑƒÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ наÑтро - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 - msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" --msgstr "||Введите Reset Code к карте" -+msgstr "||Введите код ÑброÑа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 - #, c-format - msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" --msgstr "Reset Code Ñлишком короток, Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð° %d\n" -+msgstr "Код ÑброÑа Ñлишком короток; Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð° %d\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but - #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere - #. to get some infos on the string. - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 - msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" --msgstr "|RN| Ðовый Reset Code" -+msgstr "|RN|Ðовый код ÑброÑа" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 - msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" -@@ -6914,14 +6937,12 @@ msgid "|N|New PIN" - msgstr "|N|Ðовый PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" --msgstr "||Введите PIN" -+msgstr "|A|Введите админиÑтративный PIN и новый админиÑтративный PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" --msgstr "||Введите PIN" -+msgstr "||Введите PIN и новый PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 - msgid "error reading application data\n" -@@ -6944,18 +6965,17 @@ msgid "generating new key\n" - msgstr "Ð³ÐµÐ½ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 --#, fuzzy - msgid "writing new key\n" --msgstr "Ð³ÐµÐ½ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" -+msgstr "запиÑÑŒ нового ключа\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 - msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" --msgstr "пропущен штамп ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑозданиÑ\n" -+msgstr "пропущена метка времени ÑозданиÑ\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" --msgstr "ПроÑтое чиÑло RSA %s пропущено или не имеет размер %d бит\n" -+msgstr "ПроÑтое чиÑло RSA %s пропущено или его размер не равен %d бит\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 - #, c-format -@@ -6973,25 +6993,25 @@ msgstr "Ñбой при генерации ключа\n" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 - #, c-format - msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" --msgstr "ключ Ñгенерирован (%d Ñекунд)\n" -+msgstr "Ñоздание ключа завершено (%d Ñекунд)\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 - msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" --msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñтруктура OpenPGP карты (DO 0x93)\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñтруктура карты OpenPGP (DO 0x93)\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 - msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "отпечаток на карте не Ñовпадает Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 - #, c-format - msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "карта не поддерживает функцию Ñ…ÐµÑˆÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -+msgstr "карта не поддерживает Ñ…Ñш-функцию %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 - #, c-format - msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" --msgstr "подпиÑей Ñоздано: %lu\n" -+msgstr "Ñоздано подпиÑей: %lu\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 - msgid "" -@@ -7005,66 +7025,63 @@ msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" - msgstr "нет доÑтупа %s - неработоÑпоÑÐ¾Ð±Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ð° OpenPGP?\n" - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" --msgstr "||Введите PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ%%0A[подпиÑей: %lu]" -+msgstr "||Введите PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but - #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere - #. to get some infos on the string. - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:529 - msgid "|N|Initial New PIN" --msgstr "|N|Ðовый PIN" -+msgstr "|N|Первоначальный новый PIN" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:109 - msgid "run in multi server mode (foreground)" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "работать в многоÑерверном режиме (нефоновый режим)" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:119 sm/gpgsm.c:316 - msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" --msgstr "|LEVEL|уÑтановить уровень отладки в LEVEL" -+msgstr "|LEVEL|уÑтановить уровень отладки, равный LEVEL" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 - msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал в FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал в файл FILE" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:128 - msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" --msgstr "|N|подключатьÑÑ Ðº Ñчитывателю на порт N" -+msgstr "|N|подключатьÑÑ Ðº Ñчитывателю на порту N" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:130 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как драйвер ct-API" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:132 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как драйвер PC/SC" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:135 - msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" --msgstr "не иÑпользовать вÑтроенный CCID драйвер" -+msgstr "не иÑпользовать внутренний драйвер CCID" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:141 - msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" --msgstr "|N|отÑоединить карту по иÑтечении N Ñекунд неактивноÑти" -+msgstr "|N|отключить карту поÑле N Ñекунд неактивноÑти" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 --#, fuzzy - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" - msgstr "не иÑпользовать клавиатуру ÑчитывателÑ" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:149 --#, fuzzy - msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" --msgstr "позволить иÑпользовать управлÑющие команды" -+msgstr "не позволÑÑ‚ÑŒ иÑпользовать админиÑтративные команды карты" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 - msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "иÑпользовать входные данные переменой длины Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ€Ñ‹ ÑчитывателÑ" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 - msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: scdaemon [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: scdaemon [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:271 - msgid "" -@@ -7097,12 +7114,12 @@ msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñимвол radix64 %02X пропущен\n" - #: sm/call-agent.c:137 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при транÑлÑции запроÑа %s клиенту\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" --msgstr "нет запущеного dirmngr - запуÑк `%s'\n" -+msgstr "dirmngr не выполнÑетÑÑ - запуÑк `%s'\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 - msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" -@@ -7115,33 +7132,33 @@ msgstr "протокол dirmngr верÑии %d не Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÑ‚Ñ - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 - msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" --msgstr "не могу подÑоединитьÑÑ Ðº dirmngr - пытаемÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´\n" -+msgstr "не могу подключитьÑÑ Ðº dirmngr - пробую более надежный вариант\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:196 - #, c-format - msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñхема проверки, Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñертификатом: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 - msgid "chain" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "цепь" - - #: sm/certchain.c:198 sm/certchain.c:1884 - msgid "shell" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "оболочка" - - #: sm/certchain.c:258 - #, c-format - msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" --msgstr "критичное дополнение Ñертификата %s не поддерживаетÑÑ" -+msgstr "критичное раÑширение Ñертификата %s не поддерживаетÑÑ" - - #: sm/certchain.c:297 - msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" --msgstr "издатель Ñертификата не помечен как CA" -+msgstr "издатель Ñертификата не помечен как центр Ñертификации" - - #: sm/certchain.c:335 - msgid "critical marked policy without configured policies" --msgstr "Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ политика без наÑтроенных политик" -+msgstr "незаданные правила помечены как критичные" - - #: sm/certchain.c:345 - #, c-format -@@ -7150,40 +7167,40 @@ msgstr "не могу открыть `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 - msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" --msgstr "замечание: не критичные политики Ñертификана не позволÑÑŽÑ‚ÑÑ" -+msgstr "замечание: некритичные правила Ñертификата недопуÑтимы" - - #: sm/certchain.c:357 sm/certchain.c:386 - msgid "certificate policy not allowed" --msgstr "политика Ñертификата не дозволена" -+msgstr "правила Ñертификата недопуÑтимы" - - #: sm/certchain.c:527 - msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "внешний поиÑк издателÑ\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:546 - #, c-format - msgid "number of issuers matching: %d\n" --msgstr "чиÑло Ñовпавших издателей: %d\n" -+msgstr "чиÑло ÑоответÑтвующих издателей: %d\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:590 - msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "поиÑк Ð¸Ð·Ð´Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² буфере Dirmngr\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:614 - #, c-format - msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" --msgstr "чиÑло ÑоотвеÑтвий Ñертификатов: %d\n" -+msgstr "чиÑло ÑоответÑтвующих Ñертификатов: %d\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:616 - #, c-format - msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ключ не найден в буфере dirmngr: %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 - #: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 - #: sm/sign.c:335 sm/verify.c:113 - msgid "failed to allocate keyDB handle\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при выделении памÑти под указатель на базу данных\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:981 - msgid "certificate has been revoked" -@@ -7200,24 +7217,24 @@ msgstr "проверьте, что \"dirmngr\" уÑтановлен коррек - #: sm/certchain.c:1009 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" --msgstr "Ñбой проверки CRL: %s" -+msgstr "Ñбой проверки ÑпиÑка отозванных Ñертификатов: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 - #, c-format - msgid "certificate with invalid validity: %s" --msgstr "Ñертификат недоÑтоверный: %s" -+msgstr "Ñертификат Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительной дейÑтвительноÑтью: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 - msgid "certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "Ñертификат еще не доÑтоверен" -+msgstr "Ñертификат еще не дейÑтвителен" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 - msgid "root certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "корневой Ñертификат еще не доÑтоверен" -+msgstr "корневой Ñертификат еще не дейÑтвителен" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 - msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат еще не доÑтоверен" -+msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат еще не дейÑтвителен" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1068 - msgid "certificate has expired" -@@ -7238,35 +7255,35 @@ msgstr "Ñертификат не имеет требуемых атрибуто - - #: sm/certchain.c:1121 - msgid "certificate with invalid validity" --msgstr "Ñертификат недоÑтоверен" -+msgstr "Ñертификат Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительной дейÑтвительноÑтью" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1158 - msgid "signature not created during lifetime of certificate" --msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана вне времени дейÑтвительноÑти Ñертификата" -+msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана вне времени дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ñертификата" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1160 - msgid "certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" --msgstr "Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑтвительноÑти издателÑ" -+msgstr "Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð´Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1161 - msgid "intermediate certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" --msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑтвительноÑти издателÑ" -+msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð´Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1165 - msgid " ( signature created at " --msgstr " ( подпиÑей Ñоздано " -+msgstr " ( подпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1166 - msgid " (certificate created at " --msgstr " (Ñертификатов Ñоздано " -+msgstr " ( Ñертификат Ñоздан " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1169 - msgid " (certificate valid from " --msgstr " (Ñертификат доÑтоверен Ñ " -+msgstr " (Ñертификат дейÑтвителен Ñ " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1170 - msgid " ( issuer valid from " --msgstr " ( издатель доÑтоверен Ñ " -+msgstr " ( издатель дейÑтвителен Ñ " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1200 - #, c-format -@@ -7275,41 +7292,42 @@ msgstr "отпечаток=%s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1209 - msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" --msgstr "корневой Ñертификат теперь помечен доверÑемым\n" -+msgstr "корневой Ñертификат теперь помечен как доверенный\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1222 - msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" --msgstr "в gpg-agent Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ñделать Ñертификат доверÑемым интерактивно\n" -+msgstr "в агенте gpg Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ‚ÐµÑ€Ð°ÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð¾ Ñделать Ñертификат доверенным\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1228 - msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" - msgstr "" --"Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ ÑеÑÑии запрещено делать Ñертификат доверÑемым интерактивно\n" -+"Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑеанÑа запрещено интерактивно делать Ñертификат доверенным\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1285 - msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" - msgstr "" -+"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи неизвеÑтно - предполагаетÑÑ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð¸Ð¹ момент" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1349 - msgid "no issuer found in certificate" --msgstr "не найден издатель в Ñертификате" -+msgstr "в Ñертификате не найден издатель" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1422 - msgid "self-signed certificate has a BAD signature" --msgstr "ÑамоподпиÑанный\tÑертификат имеет ПЛОХУЮ подпиÑÑŒ" -+msgstr "у Ñамозаверенного Ñертификата ПЛОХÐЯ подпиÑÑŒ" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1491 - msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" --msgstr "корневой Ñертификат не помечен доверÑемым" -+msgstr "корневой Ñертификат не помечен как доверенный" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1504 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Ñбой проверки ÑпиÑка доверий: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой проверки ÑпиÑка довериÑ: %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 - msgid "certificate chain too long\n" --msgstr "цепочка Ñертификации Ñлишком длиннаÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ†ÐµÐ¿Ð¾Ñ‡ÐºÐ° Ñертификатов\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1545 - msgid "issuer certificate not found" -@@ -7321,47 +7339,48 @@ msgstr "Ñертификат имеет ПЛОХУЮ подпиÑÑŒ" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1609 - msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" --msgstr "найдено еще одно ÑоответÑтвие CA Ñертификата - Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿Ñ‹Ñ‚ÐºÐ¸" -+msgstr "" -+"найден еще один возможный Ñертификат центра Ñертификации - Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿Ñ‹Ñ‚ÐºÐ°" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1660 - #, c-format - msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" --msgstr "цепочка Ñертификации длиннее дозволенной CA (%d)" -+msgstr "цепочка Ñертификатов длиннее допуÑкаемой центром Ñертификации (%d)" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 - msgid "certificate is good\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "хороший Ñертификат\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1701 - msgid "intermediate certificate is good\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "хороший промежуточный Ñертификат\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1702 - msgid "root certificate is good\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "хороший корневой Ñертификат\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1873 - msgid "switching to chain model" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "переключение на цепную Ñхему" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1882 - #, c-format - msgid "validation model used: %s" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "иÑпользуетÑÑ Ñхема проверки: %s" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:97 - #, c-format - msgid "%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" --msgstr "%s ключ иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u бит) хеш\n" -+msgstr "%s ключ иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u бит) Ñ…Ñш\n" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:107 - #, c-format - msgid "a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "%u-битный Ñ…Ñш недопуÑтим Ð´Ð»Ñ %u-битного ключа %s\n" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:244 sm/verify.c:201 - msgid "(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n" --msgstr "(Ñто MD2 алгоритм)\n" -+msgstr "(Ñто алгоритм MD2)\n" - - #: sm/certdump.c:60 sm/certdump.c:143 - msgid "none" -@@ -7373,7 +7392,7 @@ msgstr "[Ошибка - недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ°]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 - msgid "[Error - out of core]" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "[Ошибка - нехватка выделенной памÑти]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 - msgid "[Error - No name]" -@@ -7392,7 +7411,7 @@ msgid "" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "created %s, expires %s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к Ñекретному ключу к X.509 Ñертификату:\"%s" -+"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу к Ñертификату X.509:\"%s" - "\"\n" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "Ñоздан %s, иÑтекает %s.\n" -@@ -7407,32 +7426,28 @@ msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" - msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ применимоÑти ключа: %s\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" --msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" -+msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" --msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑываниÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ‚Ð° OCSP\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" --msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" -+msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" --msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑываниÑ\n" -+msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:167 - msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" --msgstr "Ñертификат не применим Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" -+msgstr "Ñертификат не пригоден Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:168 - msgid "certificate is not usable for signing\n" --msgstr "Ñертификат не применим Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" -+msgstr "Ñертификат не пригоден Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:474 - #, c-format -@@ -7447,22 +7462,22 @@ msgstr "Ñтрока %d: недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð° ключа %u (до - #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: no subject name given\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñтрока %d: не задано Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:514 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñтрока %d: недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑ‚ÐºÐ° имени Ñубъекта `%.*s'\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:517 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñтрока %d: недопуÑтимое Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта `%s' в позиции %d\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:534 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: not a valid email address\n" --msgstr "Ñтрока %d: нет допуÑтимого e-mail адреÑа\n" -+msgstr "Ñтрока %d: нет допуÑтимого адреÑа Ñлектронной почты\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:546 - #, c-format -@@ -7472,18 +7487,20 @@ msgstr "Ñтрока %d: ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° `%s' из к - #: sm/certreqgen.c:558 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "Ñтрока %d: ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ keygrip ключа `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñтрока %d: ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð° ключа `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:574 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" --msgstr "Ñтрока %d: cбой ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s <%s>\n" -+msgstr "Ñтрока %d: Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s <%s>\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:806 - msgid "" - "To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " - "you just created once more.\n" - msgstr "" -+"Чтобы завершить Ñоздание Ñтого запроÑа Ñертификата, введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ " -+"ключа, который вы только что Ñоздали, еще раз.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 - #, c-format -@@ -7501,33 +7518,30 @@ msgid " (%d) Existing key from card\n" - msgstr " (%d) ИмеющийÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте ключ\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:202 --#, fuzzy - msgid "Enter the keygrip: " --msgstr "Введите примечание:" -+msgstr "Введите код ключа:" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 - msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый код ключа (ожидаетÑÑ 40 шеÑтнадцатеричных цифр)\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 --#, fuzzy - msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" --msgstr "Ðет подключа Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" -+msgstr "Ðет ключа Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¸Ð¼ кодом\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:230 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:239 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "error reading the card: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñвободной запиÑи: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Serial number of the card: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñерийного номера карты: %s\n" -+msgstr "Серийный номер карты: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 --#, fuzzy - msgid "Available keys:\n" --msgstr "отключить ключ" -+msgstr "ДоÑтупные ключи:\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:276 - #, c-format -@@ -7551,16 +7565,16 @@ msgstr " (%d) шифрование\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:303 - msgid "Enter the X.509 subject name: " --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Введите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта X.509: " - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:307 - msgid "No subject name given\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ðе задано Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑ‚ÐºÐ° имени Ñубъекта `%.*s'\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the - #. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please -@@ -7570,56 +7584,55 @@ msgstr "" - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимое Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта `%s'\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 - msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "33" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:334 - msgid "Enter email addresses" --msgstr "Введите Email-адреÑ: " -+msgstr "Введите адреÑа Ñлектронной почты" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:335 - msgid " (end with an empty line):\n" --msgstr "(пуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ):\n" -+msgstr "(завершите пуÑтой Ñтрокой):\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:339 - msgid "Enter DNS names" --msgstr "Введите DNS имÑ" -+msgstr "Введите имена DNS" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:340 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:345 - msgid " (optional; end with an empty line):\n" --msgstr " (опционаьно; пуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ):\n" -+msgstr " (необÑзательно; завершите пуÑтой Ñтрокой):\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:344 - msgid "Enter URIs" --msgstr "Введите URIs" -+msgstr "Введите URI" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 - msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" --msgstr "Параметры необходимые Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñа на Ñертификацию:\n" -+msgstr "Параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñа Ñертификата:\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 - msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" --msgstr "" --"СоздаетÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñертификацию. Это может занÑÑ‚ÑŒ немного времени...\n" -+msgstr "СоздаетÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñертификата. Это может занÑÑ‚ÑŒ немного времени...\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 - msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" --msgstr "Готово. Данный Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¿ÐµÑ€ÑŒ Ñледует передать на подпиÑÑŒ в CA.\n" -+msgstr "Готово. Данный Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¿ÐµÑ€ÑŒ Ñледует передать в центр Ñертификации.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 - msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "проблема реÑурÑов: нехватка выделенной памÑти\n" - - #: sm/decrypt.c:330 - msgid "(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n" --msgstr "(Ñто RC2 алгоритм)\n" -+msgstr "(Ñто алгоритм RC2)\n" - - #: sm/decrypt.c:332 - msgid "(this does not seem to be an encrypted message)\n" --msgstr "(Ñто не похоже не зашифрованное Ñообщение)\n" -+msgstr "(Ñто не похоже на зашифрованное Ñообщение)\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:51 sm/delete.c:112 - #, c-format -@@ -7629,12 +7642,12 @@ msgstr "Ñертификат `%s' не найден: %s\n" - #: sm/delete.c:122 sm/keydb.c:1574 sm/keydb.c:1676 - #, c-format - msgid "error locking keybox: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка блокировки keybox: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка блокировки щита Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸: %s\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:143 - #, c-format - msgid "duplicated certificate `%s' deleted\n" --msgstr "дупликат Ñертификата `%s' удален\n" -+msgstr "продублированный Ñертификат `%s' удален\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:145 - #, c-format -@@ -7644,7 +7657,7 @@ msgstr "Ñертификат `%s' удален\n" - #: sm/delete.c:175 - #, c-format - msgid "deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n" --msgstr "удаление Ñертификата \"%s\" неудачно: %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñбой при удалении Ñертификата \"%s\": %s\n" - - #: sm/encrypt.c:321 - msgid "no valid recipients given\n" -@@ -7656,7 +7669,7 @@ msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок внешних ключей" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:199 - msgid "list certificate chain" --msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок правил Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок цепочек Ñертификатов" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:206 - msgid "import certificates" -@@ -7680,19 +7693,19 @@ msgstr "вызываем gpg-protect-tool" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:230 - msgid "create base-64 encoded output" --msgstr "вывод в BASE64" -+msgstr "вывод в base-64" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:235 - msgid "assume input is in PEM format" --msgstr "предполагаем получение в формате PEM" -+msgstr "предполагаю, что входные данные в формате PEM" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:237 - msgid "assume input is in base-64 format" --msgstr "предполагаем получение в формате BASE64" -+msgstr "предполагаю, что входные данные в формате base-64" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:239 - msgid "assume input is in binary format" --msgstr "предполагаем получение в двоичном формате" -+msgstr "предполагаю, что входные данные в двоичном формате" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:244 - msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" -@@ -7700,11 +7713,11 @@ msgstr "иÑпользуем ÑиÑтемный dirmngr, еÑли доÑтупе - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:247 - msgid "never consult a CRL" --msgstr "не ÑверÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñ CRL" -+msgstr "не ÑверÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñо ÑпиÑком отозванных Ñертификатов" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:257 - msgid "check validity using OCSP" --msgstr "проверка дейÑтвительноÑти иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ OCSP" -+msgstr "проверка дейÑтвительноÑти Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ OCSP" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:262 - msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" -@@ -7712,15 +7725,15 @@ msgstr "|N|чиÑло включаемых Ñертификатов" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 - msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ информацию о политиках из FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ информацию о правилах из файла FILE" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 - msgid "do not check certificate policies" --msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ политики Ñертификата" -+msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ правила Ñертификата" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:272 - msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" --msgstr "запроÑить пропущенных издаталей Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "запроÑить недоÑтающих издателей Ñертификатов" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:283 - msgid "don't use the terminal at all" -@@ -7728,23 +7741,23 @@ msgstr "не иÑпользовать терминал ÑовÑем" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:285 - msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в файле FILE" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 - msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал аудита в FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал аудита в файле FILE" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 - msgid "batch mode: never ask" --msgstr "пакетный режим: ничего не запрашивать" -+msgstr "пакетный режим: ничего не Ñпрашивать" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:294 - msgid "assume yes on most questions" --msgstr "предполагать Да на большинÑтво вопроÑов" -+msgstr "принÑÑ‚ÑŒ `да' как ответ на большинÑтво вопроÑов" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:295 - msgid "assume no on most questions" --msgstr "предполагать Ðет на большинÑтво вопроÑов" -+msgstr "принÑÑ‚ÑŒ `нет' как ответ на большинÑтво вопроÑов" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 - msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" -@@ -7752,11 +7765,11 @@ msgstr "|FILE|добавить таблицу ключей в ÑпиÑок та - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" --msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID как Ñекретный ключ по умолчанию" -+msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID как оÑновной закрытый ключ" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 - msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" --msgstr "|SPEC|иÑпользовать данный Ñервер ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñка ключей" -+msgstr "|SPEC|иÑкать ключи на данном Ñервере ключей" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:329 - msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" -@@ -7764,74 +7777,73 @@ msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ NAM - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:331 - msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" --msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать хеш-функцию NAME" -+msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать Ñ…Ñш-функцию NAME" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:522 - msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы]\n" --"подпиÑать и проверить, зашифровать или раÑшифровать иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ S/MIME " --"протокол\n" --"Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных\n" -+"ПодпиÑать, проверить, зашифровать или раÑшифровать, иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾ÐºÐ¾Ð» S/" -+"MIME\n" -+"ÐžÐ¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:617 - msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " --msgstr "иÑпользование: gpgsm [параметры] " -+msgstr "вызов: gpgsm [параметры] " - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:739 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "Замечание: не могу зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: не могу зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:750 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "неизвеÑÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñхема проверки `%s'\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:801 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: no hostname given\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "%s:%u: не задан хоÑÑ‚\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:820 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "%s:%u: задан пароль, но не задан пользователь\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:841 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: не обрабатываем Ñту Ñтроку\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: пропуÑкаю Ñту Ñтроку\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 - msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "не удалоÑÑŒ определить Ñервер ключей\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 - msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " --msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: выполнÑемÑÑ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÐ»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ ÑиÑтемным временем: " -+msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: работаем Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ¸Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ ÑиÑтемным временем: " - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 - #, c-format - msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "импорт общих Ñертификатов `%s'\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 - #, c-format - msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "невозможно подпиÑать иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "невозможно подпиÑать Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 - msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (неÑвной команды нет)\n" - - #: sm/import.c:111 - #, c-format -@@ -7854,7 +7866,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñохраненных флагов: %s\ - #: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 - #, c-format - msgid "error importing certificate: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка Ð¸Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñертификата: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка импорта Ñертификата: %s\n" - - #: sm/import.c:684 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1346 - #, c-format -@@ -7864,12 +7876,12 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð°: %s\n" - #: sm/keydb.c:216 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating keybox `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ keybox `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ð° Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:223 - #, c-format - msgid "keybox `%s' created\n" --msgstr "Ñоздан keybox `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Ñоздан щит Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ `%s'\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1489 sm/keydb.c:1557 - msgid "failed to get the fingerprint\n" -@@ -7878,12 +7890,12 @@ msgstr "Ñбой Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¿ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐºÐ°\n" - #: sm/keydb.c:1517 - #, c-format - msgid "problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "проблема поиÑка ÑущеÑтвующего Ñертификата: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1525 - #, c-format - msgid "error finding writable keyDB: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ошибка при поиÑке базы данных ключей: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1533 - #, c-format -@@ -7893,7 +7905,7 @@ msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñертификата: %s\n" - #: sm/keydb.c:1585 - #, c-format - msgid "problem re-searching certificate: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "проблема повторного поиÑка Ñертификата: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 - #, c-format -@@ -7907,17 +7919,18 @@ msgstr "Ошибка - " - #: sm/misc.c:55 - msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" - msgstr "" --"GPG_TTY не уÑтановлено - возможно иÑпользование подделанного умолчаниÑ\n" -+"GPG_TTY не задан - пользуюÑÑŒ уÑтановками по умолчанию (возможно, " -+"неÑуразными)\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "неверное Ñформатированный отпечаток в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимый формат отпечатка в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:123 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "недопуÑтиÑый код Ñтраны в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" -+msgstr "недопуÑтимый код Ñтраны в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:202 - #, c-format -@@ -7929,14 +7942,20 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - "%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" - msgstr "" -+"Ð’Ñ‹ делаете подпиÑÑŒ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ Ñвоего Ñертификата:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"Будет Ñоздана ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ, по закону Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ " -+"ÑобÑтвенноручной подпиÑи.\n" -+"\n" -+"%s%sÐ’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите Ñтого?" - - #: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 - msgid "" - "Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " - "signatures.\n" - msgstr "" --"Учтите, что Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ программы официально не одобрено Ñоздание и проверка " --"подобных подпиÑей.\n" -+"Учтите, что Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ программы Ñоздание и проверка подобных подпиÑей " -+"официально не одобрены.\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:278 - #, c-format -@@ -7945,25 +7964,28 @@ msgid "" - "\"%s\"\n" - "Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" - msgstr "" -+"Ð’Ñ‹ делаете подпиÑÑŒ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ Ñвоего Ñертификата:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"Обратите внимание, что Ñтот Ñертификат ÐЕ Ñоздает квалифицированных подпиÑей!" - - #: sm/sign.c:449 - #, c-format - msgid "hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported; using %s\n" --msgstr "хеш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %d (%s) Ð´Ð»Ñ %d не поддерживаетÑÑ; иÑпользую %s\n" -+msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %d (%s) Ð´Ð»Ñ %d не поддерживаетÑÑ; иÑпользую %s\n" - - #: sm/sign.c:463 - #, c-format - msgid "hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи %d: %s (%s)\n" - - #: sm/sign.c:513 - #, c-format - msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при проверке квалифицированной подпиÑи: %s\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:449 - msgid "Signature made " --msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñделана" -+msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñделана " - - #: sm/verify.c:453 - msgid "[date not given]" -@@ -7972,62 +7994,62 @@ msgstr "[дата не указана]" - #: sm/verify.c:454 - #, c-format - msgid " using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n" --msgstr "Ñ Ð¸Ñпользованием Ñертификата ID 0x%08lX\n" -+msgstr "Ñ Ð¸Ñпользованием Ñертификата Ñ ID 0x%08lX\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:473 - msgid "" - "invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" - msgstr "" --"недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ: атрибут дайджеÑта ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑоответÑтвует " -+"недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ: атрибут Ñ…Ñш-функции ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑоответÑтвует " - "вычиÑленному\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:594 - msgid "Good signature from" --msgstr "ДейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ от" -+msgstr "Ð¥Ð¾Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐ°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ от" - - #: sm/verify.c:595 - msgid " aka" --msgstr " aka" -+msgstr " или" - - #: sm/verify.c:613 - msgid "This is a qualified signature\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Это ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:70 tools/gpgconf.c:81 tools/symcryptrun.c:167 - msgid "quiet" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "менее подробно" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:71 - msgid "print data out hex encoded" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "выводить данные в шеÑтнадцатеричном виде" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:72 - msgid "decode received data lines" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "декодировать полученные Ñтроки данных" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 - msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|NAME|подключитьÑÑ Ðº Ñокету Assuan NAME" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 - msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "запуÑтить Ñервер Assuan, заданный в командной Ñтроке" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 - msgid "do not use extended connect mode" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "не пользоватьÑÑ Ñ€Ð°Ñширенным режимом подключениÑ" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 - msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" --msgstr "|FILE|выполнить команды из FILE при запуÑке" -+msgstr "|FILE|выполнить при запуÑке команды из файла FILE" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 - msgid "run /subst on startup" --msgstr "выполнить /substr при запуÑке" -+msgstr "выполнить при запуÑке подÑтановку subst" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:184 - msgid "Usage: gpg-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg-connect-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpg-connect-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:187 - msgid "" -@@ -8035,17 +8057,17 @@ msgid "" - "Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" - msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-connect-agent: [параметры]\n" --"СвÑзываетÑÑ Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ агентом и отcылает команды\n" -+"СвÑзываетÑÑ Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ агентом и поÑылает команды\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" --msgstr "параметр \"%s\" требует программы и опциональных аргументов\n" -+msgstr "параметр \"%s\" требует программы и необÑзательных аргументов\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "параметр \"%s\" игнорирован по причине \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "параметр \"%s\" игнорируетÑÑ; причина - \"%s\"\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 - #, c-format -@@ -8054,11 +8076,11 @@ msgstr "Ñбой Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñтроки: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 - msgid "line too long - skipped\n" --msgstr "Ñтрока Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ - пропущено\n" -+msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока - пропущена\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 - msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñтрока Ñокращена из-за ÑодержащегоÑÑ Ð½ÑƒÐ»ÐµÐ²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñимвола\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 - #, c-format -@@ -8073,7 +8095,7 @@ msgstr "Ñбой отправки Ñтроки: %s\n" - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 - #, c-format - msgid "error sending %s command: %s\n" --msgstr "ошибка отправки %s команды: %s\n" -+msgstr "ошибка отправки команды %s: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 - #, c-format -@@ -8083,46 +8105,46 @@ msgstr "ошибка отправки Ñтандартных параметро - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 - msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" --msgstr "Параметры контролирующие вывод диагноÑтики" -+msgstr "Параметры, контролирующие вывод диагноÑтики" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 - msgid "Options controlling the configuration" --msgstr "Параметры контролирующие конфигурацию" -+msgstr "Параметры, контролирующие наÑтройки" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 - msgid "Options useful for debugging" --msgstr "Параметры полезные Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐºÐ¸" -+msgstr "Параметры, полезные Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐºÐ¸" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 - msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" --msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в FILE" -+msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в файле FILE" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 - msgid "Options controlling the security" --msgstr "Параметры контролирующие безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ" -+msgstr "Параметры, контролирующие безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:522 - msgid "|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds" --msgstr "|N|Ñчитать ключ SSH иÑтекшим по иÑтечении N Ñекунд" -+msgstr "|N|забывать ключи SSH по иÑтечении N Ñекунд" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 - msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок кешированного PIN N Ñекунд" -+msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ PIN N Ñекунд" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 - msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ SSH ключа N Ñекунд" -+msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° SSH N Ñекунд" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 - msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Параметры, обеÑпечивающие правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·-паролей" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 - msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "не позволÑÑ‚ÑŒ обходить правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·-паролей" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 - msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -@@ -8130,7 +8152,7 @@ msgstr "|N|уÑтановить минимальную длину фразы-п - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 - msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" --msgstr "|n|требовать не менее N не алфавитных Ñимволов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð¹ фразы-паролÑ" -+msgstr "|n|требовать не менее N неалфавитных Ñимволов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð¹ фразы-паролÑ" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 - msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -@@ -8138,7 +8160,7 @@ msgstr "|FILE|проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ новую фразу-пароль по фай - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 - msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" --msgstr "|N|Ñрок жизни фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ N дней" -+msgstr "|N|Ñчитать фразу-пароль уÑтаревшей через N дней" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 - msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -@@ -8146,19 +8168,19 @@ msgstr "не разрешать повторное иÑпользование Ñ - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" --msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как Ñекретный ключ по умолчанию" -+msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как оÑновной закрытый ключ" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 - msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" --msgstr "|NAME|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ User ID: NAME" -+msgstr "|NAME|зашифровывать также Ð´Ð»Ñ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ NAME" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 - msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "|SPEC|уÑтановить Ñинонимы Ñлектронной почты" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 - msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" --msgstr "ÐšÐ¾Ð½Ñ„Ð¸Ð³ÑƒÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ñерверов ключей" -+msgstr "ÐаÑтройки Ñерверов ключей" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 - msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" -@@ -8166,11 +8188,13 @@ msgstr "|URL|иÑпользовать Ñевер ключей по URL" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 - msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "разрешить поиÑк по PKA (запроÑÑ‹ DNS)" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 - msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" - msgstr "" -+"|MECHANISMS|иÑпользовать механизмы MECHANISMS Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñка ключей по адреÑу " -+"Ñлектронной почты" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 - msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" -@@ -8178,35 +8202,35 @@ msgstr "полноÑтью запретить доÑтуп к dirmngr" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 - msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" --msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать кодировку NAME Ð´Ð»Ñ PKCS#12 фраз-паролей" -+msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать кодировку NAME Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·-паролей PKCS#12" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 - msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" --msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ CRLd Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð½ÐµÐ²Ñ‹Ñ… Ñертификатов" -+msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑпиÑки отозванных Ñертификатов Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð½ÐµÐ²Ñ‹Ñ… Ñертификатов" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 - msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" --msgstr "Параметры контрролирующие формат вывода" -+msgstr "Параметры, управлÑющие форматом вывода" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 - msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Параметры, управлÑющие интерактивноÑтью и принудительными дейÑтвиÑми" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 - msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" --msgstr "ÐаÑтройки HTTP Ñерверов" -+msgstr "ÐаÑтройки Ñерверов HTTP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 - msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" --msgstr "иÑпользовать ÑиÑтемные наÑтройки HTTP проки" -+msgstr "иÑпользовать ÑиÑтемные наÑтройки промежуточного Ñервера HTTP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 - msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" --msgstr "ÐаÑтройки LDAP Ñерверов" -+msgstr "ÐаÑтройки Ñерверов LDAP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 - msgid "LDAP server list" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "СпиÑок Ñерверов LDAP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 - msgid "Configuration for OCSP" -@@ -8215,11 +8239,11 @@ msgstr "ÐаÑтройки OCSP" - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 - #, c-format - msgid "External verification of component %s failed" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "ВнешнÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐºÐ° компонента %s не прошла" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 - msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Обратите внимание, что Ñпецификации групп игнорируютÑÑ\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:62 - msgid "list all components" -@@ -8227,7 +8251,7 @@ msgstr "вывод ÑпиÑка вÑех компонентов" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:63 - msgid "check all programs" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "проверить вÑе программы" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:64 - msgid "|COMPONENT|list options" -@@ -8243,19 +8267,19 @@ msgstr "|COMPONENT|проверить параметры" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:68 - msgid "apply global default values" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "применить глобальные Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:70 - msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "получить каталоги наÑтроек Ð´Ð»Ñ gpgconf" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:72 - msgid "list global configuration file" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "указать глобальный файл наÑтроек" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:74 - msgid "check global configuration file" --msgstr "проверить глобальный файл конфигурации" -+msgstr "проверить глобальный файл наÑтроек" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:79 - msgid "use as output file" -@@ -8267,7 +8291,7 @@ msgstr "применить Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð¾ Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð¸Ñполнени - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:105 - msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpgconf [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: gpgconf [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:108 - msgid "" -@@ -8275,11 +8299,11 @@ msgid "" - "Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" - msgstr "" - "СинтакÑиÑ: gpgconf [параметры]\n" --"УправлÑет параметрами конфигурации инÑÑ‚Ñ€ÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ GnuPG\n" -+"УправлÑет параметрами наÑтроек инÑÑ‚Ñ€ÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ GnuPG\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 - msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " --msgstr "иÑпользование: gpgconf [параметры] " -+msgstr "вызов: gpgconf [параметры] " - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:216 - msgid "Need one component argument" -@@ -8305,7 +8329,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:156 - msgid "decryption modus" --msgstr "режим раÑшифрованиÑ" -+msgstr "режим раÑшифровываниÑ" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:157 - msgid "encryption modus" -@@ -8313,23 +8337,23 @@ msgstr "режим зашифровываниÑ" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:161 - msgid "tool class (confucius)" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "клаÑÑ ÑредÑтва (confucius)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:162 - msgid "program filename" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð° программы" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:164 - msgid "secret key file (required)" --msgstr "файл Ñекретного ключа (требуетÑÑ)" -+msgstr "файл закрытого ключа (обÑзателен)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 - msgid "input file name (default stdin)" --msgstr "ввод имени файла (stdin по умолчанию)" -+msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ файла (по умолчанию stdin)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 - msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "ИÑпользование: symcryptrun [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -+msgstr "Вызов: symcryptrun [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:212 - msgid "" -@@ -8337,9 +8361,9 @@ msgid "" - "[options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n" - "Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n" - msgstr "" --"СинтакÑиÑ: symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM --keyfile KEYFILE " --"[параметры...] COMMAND [файл-иÑточник]\n" --"Вызывает проÑтой инÑтрумент шифрованиÑ\n" -+"СинтакÑиÑ: symcryptrun --class КЛÐСС --program ПРОГРÐММР--keyfile " -+"ФÐЙЛ_КЛЮЧР[параметры...] КОМÐÐДР[входной файл]\n" -+"Вызывает проÑтое ÑредÑтво шифрованиÑ\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 - #, c-format -@@ -8359,7 +8383,7 @@ msgstr "невозможно Ñоздание временного катало - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:354 tools/symcryptrun.c:371 - #, c-format - msgid "could not open %s for writing: %s\n" --msgstr "невозможно открытие %s на запиÑÑŒ: %s\n" -+msgstr "невозможно открыть %s на запиÑÑŒ: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:382 - #, c-format -@@ -8390,47 +8414,47 @@ msgstr "не задан параметр --keyfile\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 - msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "невозможно выделить памÑÑ‚ÑŒ под вектор аргументов\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 - #, c-format - msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при Ñоздании канала конвейера: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 - #, c-format - msgid "could not create pty: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при Ñоздании пÑевдотерминала: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:552 - #, c-format - msgid "could not fork: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при дублировании процеÑÑа: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:580 - #, c-format - msgid "execv failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой execv: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:609 - #, c-format - msgid "select failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой select: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 - #, c-format - msgid "read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой чтениÑ: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 - #, c-format - msgid "pty read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· пÑевдотерминала: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:730 - #, c-format - msgid "waitpid failed: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой waitpid: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:744 - #, c-format -@@ -8440,12 +8464,12 @@ msgstr "потомок завершилÑÑ, ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ %i\n" - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:799 - #, c-format - msgid "cannot allocate infile string: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при выделении памÑти под Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ файла: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:812 - #, c-format - msgid "cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Ñбой при выделении памÑти под Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ файла: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:986 - #, c-format -@@ -8464,40 +8488,18 @@ msgstr "клаÑÑ %s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:145 - msgid "Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n" - msgstr "" --"ИÑпользование: gpg-check-pattern [параметры] patternfile (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" -+"Вызов: gpg-check-pattern [параметры] файл_образцов (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" - - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:148 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n" - "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" - msgstr "" -+"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-check-pattern [параметры] файл_образцов\n" -+"Проверить фразу-пароль, поÑтупающую из stdin, по файлу образцов\n" - --#~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" --#~ msgstr "возможно Ñледует запуÑтить gpg-agent Ñперва\n" -- --#~ msgid "error loading `%s': %s\n" --#~ msgstr "ошибка загрузки `%s': %s\n" -- --#~ msgid "Command> " --#~ msgstr "Команда> " -- --#~ msgid "the trustdb is corrupted; please run \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" --#~ msgstr "таблица доверий повреждена; запуÑтите \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" -- --#~ msgid "Please report bugs to <" --#~ msgstr "О найденных ошибках Ñообщайте <" -- --#~ msgid "Please report bugs to " --#~ msgstr "О найденных ошибка Ñообщайте " -- --#~ msgid "DSA keypair will have %u bits.\n" --#~ msgstr "Пара ключей DSA будет иметь длину %u бит.\n" -- --#~ msgid "this command has not yet been implemented\n" --#~ msgstr "Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñ‹ вÑÑ‘ еще не реализована\n" -- --#~ msgid "Repeat passphrase\n" --#~ msgstr "Повторите ввод фразы-паролÑ\n" -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "не ÑбраÑывать уровни Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð°Ð¼ поÑле импорта" - --#~ msgid "|A|Admin PIN" --#~ msgstr "|A|ÐдминиÑтративный PID" -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ; файл `%s' ÐЕ был проверен!\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0014-gpg-Show-v3-key-fingerprints-as-all-zero.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0014-gpg-Show-v3-key-fingerprints-as-all-zero.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0014-gpg-Show-v3-key-fingerprints-as-all-zero.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0014-gpg-Show-v3-key-fingerprints-as-all-zero.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -From eb756e2510bfcae3339e0907a7e4cacdea59b175 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:44:13 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 14/31] gpg: Show v3 key fingerprints as all zero. - -* g10/keyid.c (fingerprint_from_pk): Show v3 fingerprints as all zero. --- - -MD5 is considered broken for a long time now. To make it easier for -users to notice that a listing shows a v3 key, the fingerprint is now -displayed as 16 zero bytes unless --allow-weak-digest-algos is active. - -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch ---- - g10/keyid.c | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/g10/keyid.c b/g10/keyid.c -index d7a877b..10eadef 100644 ---- a/g10/keyid.c -+++ b/g10/keyid.c -@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ fingerprint_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk, byte *array, size_t *ret_len ) - - if ( pk->version < 4 ) - { -- if ( is_RSA(pk->pubkey_algo) ) -+ if ( is_RSA(pk->pubkey_algo) && opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos) - { - /* RSA in version 3 packets is special. */ - gcry_md_hd_t md; --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0014-Update-Polish-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0014-Update-Polish-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0014-Update-Polish-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0014-Update-Polish-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8893 +0,0 @@ -From: Jakub Bogusz -Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:02:29 -0400 -Subject: Update Polish translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=d53d46b99c66d05b051bd07e8741e989e1463aad ---- - po/pl.po | 2941 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- - 1 file changed, 1470 insertions(+), 1471 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po -index b600095..01ae011 100644 ---- a/po/pl.po -+++ b/po/pl.po -@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ - # Gnu Privacy Guard. --# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -+# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, - # 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - # Janusz A. Urbanowicz , 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003-2004 --# Jakub Bogusz , 2003-2013. -+# Jakub Bogusz , 2003-2014. - # - msgid "" - msgstr "" --"Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.20\n" -+"Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.24\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-12 17:25+0200\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-21 20:42+0100\n" - "Last-Translator: Jakub Bogusz \n" - "Language-Team: Polish \n" - "Language: pl\n" - "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" --"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" -+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" - "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" - "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " - "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" -@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê uzyskaæ blokady pinentry: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ uzyskać blokady pinentry: %s\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in - #. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter -@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" - #. for the quality bar. - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 - msgid "Quality:" --msgstr "Jako¶æ:" -+msgstr "Jakość:" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This string is a tooltip, shown by pinentry when - #. hovering over the quality bar. Please use an appropriate -@@ -56,21 +56,21 @@ msgstr "Jako - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 - msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" - msgstr "" --"Jako¶æ wpisanego wy¿ej tekstu.\n" --"Kryteria jako¶ci mo¿na uzyskaæ od administratora." -+"Jakość wpisanego wyżej tekstu.\n" -+"Kryteria jakoÅ›ci można uzyskać od administratora." - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 - msgid "" - "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " - "session" --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ swój PIN, ¿eby odblokowaæ klucz tajny dla tej sesji" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić swój PIN, żeby odblokować klucz tajny dla tej sesji" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 - msgid "" - "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " - "this session" - msgstr "" --"Proszê wprowadziæ swoje has³o, ¿eby odblokowaæ klucz tajny dla tej sesji" -+"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić swoje hasÅ‚o, żeby odblokować klucz tajny dla tej sesji" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in - #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the -@@ -78,23 +78,23 @@ msgstr "" - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 - #, c-format - msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" --msgstr "SETERROR %s (próba %d z %d)" -+msgstr "SETERROR %s (próba %d z %d)" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 - msgid "PIN too long" --msgstr "PIN zbyt d³ugi" -+msgstr "PIN zbyt dÅ‚ugi" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 - msgid "Passphrase too long" --msgstr "Has³o zbyt d³ugie" -+msgstr "HasÅ‚o zbyt dÅ‚ugie" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 - msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" --msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy znak w PIN-ie" -+msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak w PIN-ie" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 - msgid "PIN too short" --msgstr "PIN zbyt krótki" -+msgstr "PIN zbyt krótki" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 - msgid "Bad PIN" -@@ -102,16 +102,16 @@ msgstr "Niepoprawny PIN" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 - msgid "Bad Passphrase" --msgstr "Niepoprawne has³o" -+msgstr "Niepoprawne hasÅ‚o" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 - msgid "Passphrase" --msgstr "Has³o" -+msgstr "HasÅ‚o" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" --msgstr "klucze ssh wiêksze ni¿ %d bitów nie s± obs³ugiwane\n" -+msgstr "klucze ssh wiÄ™ksze niż %d bitów nie sÄ… obsÅ‚ugiwane\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr "klucze ssh wi - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można utworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -@@ -131,37 +131,37 @@ msgstr "nie mo - #: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można otworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2110 agent/command-ssh.c:2128 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting serial number of card: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d pobierania numeru seryjnego karty: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania numeru seryjnego karty: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2114 - #, c-format - msgid "detected card with S/N: %s\n" --msgstr "wykryto kartê o numerze seryjnym: %s\n" -+msgstr "wykryto kartÄ™ o numerze seryjnym: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2119 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d pobierania domy¶lnego keyID uwierzytelnienia karty: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania domyÅ›lnego keyID uwierzytelnienia karty: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 - #, c-format - msgid "no suitable card key found: %s\n" --msgstr "nie znaleziono pasuj±cego klucza karty: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie znaleziono pasujÄ…cego klucza karty: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 - #, c-format - msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" --msgstr "zaciemnienie klucza nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zaciemnienie klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing key: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu klucza: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu klucza: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2498 - #, c-format -@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ msgid "" - "An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " - "allow this?" - msgstr "" --"Proces ssh zarz±da³ u¿ycia klucza%%0a %s%%0A (%s)%%0ACzy zezwoliæ na to?" -+"Proces ssh zarzÄ…daÅ‚ użycia klucza%%0a %s%%0A (%s)%%0ACzy zezwolić na to?" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 - msgid "Allow" -@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ msgstr "Odmowa" - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 - #, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o dla klucza ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o dla klucza ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 - msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" --msgstr "Proszê ponownie wprowadziæ to has³o" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ ponownie wprowadzić to hasÅ‚o" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 - #, c-format -@@ -194,26 +194,26 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " - "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" - msgstr "" --"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia odebranego klucza tajnego%%0A %s" -+"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia odebranego klucza tajnego%%0A %s" - "%%0A %s%%0Aw miejscu przechowywania kluczy gpg-agenta" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 - msgid "does not match - try again" --msgstr "nie pasuj± - proszê spróbowaæ jeszcze raz" -+msgstr "nie pasujÄ… - proszÄ™ spróbować jeszcze raz" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to create stream from socket: %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ strumienia z gniazda: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć strumienia z gniazda: %s\n" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 - msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" --msgstr "Proszê w³o¿yæ kartê z numerem seryjnym" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wÅ‚ożyć kartÄ™ z numerem seryjnym" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 - msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" --msgstr "Proszê wyj±æ obecn± kartê i w³o¿yæ kartê z numerem seryjnym" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wyjąć obecnÄ… kartÄ™ i wÅ‚ożyć kartÄ™ z numerem seryjnym" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:200 - msgid "Admin PIN" -@@ -227,56 +227,56 @@ msgstr "PUK" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:212 - msgid "Reset Code" --msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy" -+msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 - #, c-format - msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." --msgstr "%s%%0A%%0ADo wpisywania nale¿y u¿yæ klawiatury czytnika." -+msgstr "%s%%0A%%0ADo wpisywania należy użyć klawiatury czytnika." - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:287 - msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" --msgstr "Powtórz ten kod resetuj±cy" -+msgstr "Powtórz ten kod resetujÄ…cy" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:289 - msgid "Repeat this PUK" --msgstr "Powtórz ten PUK" -+msgstr "Powtórz ten PUK" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:290 - msgid "Repeat this PIN" --msgstr "Powtórz ten PIN" -+msgstr "Powtórz ten PIN" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:295 - msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" -+msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:297 - msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "PUK nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" -+msgstr "PUK nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:298 - msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "PIN nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" -+msgstr "PIN nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:310 - #, c-format - msgid "Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card" --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ PIN%s%s%s aby odblokowaæ kartê" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN%s%s%s aby odblokować kartÄ™" - - #: agent/genkey.c:108 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:384 sm/export.c:638 sm/export.c:654 - #: sm/import.c:667 sm/import.c:692 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating temporary file: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d tworzenia pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" - - #: agent/genkey.c:115 sm/export.c:645 sm/import.c:675 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing to temporary file: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu do pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu do pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" - - #: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 - msgid "Enter new passphrase" --msgstr "Wprowad¼ nowe has³o" -+msgstr "Wprowadź nowe hasÅ‚o" - - #: agent/genkey.c:167 - msgid "Take this one anyway" -@@ -291,14 +291,14 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " - "at least %u characters long." - msgstr[0] "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " --"przynajmniej %u znak d³ugo¶ci." -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " -+"przynajmniej %u znak dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci." - msgstr[1] "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " --"przynajmniej %u znaki d³ugo¶ci." -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " -+"przynajmniej %u znaki dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci." - msgstr[2] "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " --"przynajmniej %u znaków d³ugo¶ci." -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " -+"przynajmniej %u znaków dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci." - - #: agent/genkey.c:214 - #, c-format -@@ -309,14 +309,14 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " - "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." - msgstr[0] "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " --"przynajmniej %u cyfrê lub%%0Aznak specjalny." -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " -+"przynajmniej %u cyfrÄ™ lub%%0Aznak specjalny." - msgstr[1] "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " - "przynajmniej %u cyfry lub%%0Aznaki specjalne." - msgstr[2] "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " --"przynajmniej %u cyfr lub%%0Aznaków specjalnych." -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " -+"przynajmniej %u cyfr lub%%0Aznaków specjalnych." - - #: agent/genkey.c:237 - #, c-format -@@ -324,14 +324,14 @@ msgid "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " - "a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." - msgstr "" --"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o nie mo¿e byæ " --"znanym s³owem ani pasowaæ%%0Ado okre¶lonego wzorca." -+"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o nie może być " -+"znanym sÅ‚owem ani pasować%%0Ado okreÅ›lonego wzorca." - - #: agent/genkey.c:253 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." --msgstr "Nie wprowadzono has³a!%0APuste has³o nie jest dozwolone." -+msgstr "Nie wprowadzono hasÅ‚a!%0APuste hasÅ‚o nie jest dozwolone." - - #: agent/genkey.c:255 - #, c-format -@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " - "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." - msgstr "" --"Nie wprowadzono has³a - to jest ogólnie z³y pomys³!%0AProszê potwierdziæ, ¿e " --"naprawdê ma nie byæ ¿adnej ochrony tego klucza." -+"Nie wprowadzono hasÅ‚a - to jest ogólnie zÅ‚y pomysÅ‚!%0AProszÄ™ potwierdzić, że " -+"naprawdÄ™ ma nie być żadnej ochrony tego klucza." - - #: agent/genkey.c:264 - msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" -@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ msgstr "Tak, ochrona nie jest potrzebna" - #: agent/genkey.c:308 - #, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do%0Azabezpieczenia swojego nowego klucza" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do%0Azabezpieczenia swojego nowego klucza" - - #: agent/genkey.c:431 - msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ nowe has³o" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowe hasÅ‚o" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 -@@ -381,15 +381,15 @@ msgstr "z dodatkowymi informacjami" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 - msgid "be somewhat more quiet" --msgstr "mniej komunikatów" -+msgstr "mniej komunikatów" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 - msgid "sh-style command output" --msgstr "wyj¶cie poleceñ w stylu sh" -+msgstr "wyjÅ›cie poleceÅ„ w stylu sh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 - msgid "csh-style command output" --msgstr "wyj¶cie poleceñ w stylu csh" -+msgstr "wyjÅ›cie poleceÅ„ w stylu csh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 -@@ -406,60 +406,59 @@ msgstr "nie przechwytywanie klawiatury i myszy" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 - msgid "use a log file for the server" --msgstr "u¿ycie pliku loga dla serwera" -+msgstr "użycie pliku loga dla serwera" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 - msgid "use a standard location for the socket" --msgstr "u¿ycie standardowego po³o¿enia gniazda" -+msgstr "użycie standardowego poÅ‚ożenia gniazda" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 - msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" --msgstr "|PGM|u¿ycie PGM jako programu do wprowadzania PIN-u" -+msgstr "|PGM|użycie PGM jako programu do wprowadzania PIN-u" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 - msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" --msgstr "|PGM|u¿ycie PGM jako programu SCdaemon" -+msgstr "|PGM|użycie PGM jako programu SCdaemon" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 - msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" --msgstr "nie u¿ywanie SCdaemona" -+msgstr "nie używanie SCdaemona" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 - msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" --msgstr "ignorowanie ¿±dañ zmiany TTY" -+msgstr "ignorowanie żądaÅ„ zmiany TTY" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 - msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" --msgstr "ignorowanie ¿±dañ zmiany ekranu X" -+msgstr "ignorowanie żądaÅ„ zmiany ekranu X" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 - msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" --msgstr "|N|przedawnienie pamiêtanych PIN-ów po N sekundach" -+msgstr "|N|przedawnienie pamiÄ™tanych PIN-ów po N sekundach" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 - msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" --msgstr "nie u¿ywanie pamiêci PIN-ów przy podpisywaniu" -+msgstr "nie używanie pamiÄ™ci PIN-ów przy podpisywaniu" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" --msgstr "zezwolenie klientom na oznaczanie kluczy jako \"zaufanych\"" -+msgstr "brak zezwolenia dla klientów na oznaczanie kluczy jako ,,zaufanych''" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" --msgstr "zezwolenie na predefiniowane has³o" -+msgstr "zezwolenie na predefiniowane hasÅ‚o" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie obsÅ‚ugi ssh" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 - msgid "enable putty support" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie obsÅ‚ugi putty" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|zapis ustawieñ ¶rodowiska tak¿e do PLIKU" -+msgstr "|PLIK|zapis ustawieÅ„ Å›rodowiska także do PLIKU" - - #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the -@@ -469,24 +468,24 @@ msgstr "|PLIK|zapis ustawie - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" --msgstr "B³êdy prosimy zg³aszaæ na adres <@EMAIL@>.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä™dy prosimy zgÅ‚aszać na adres <@EMAIL@>.\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 - msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" - "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpg-agent [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" --"Zarz±dzanie kluczem tajnym dla GnuPG\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-agent [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" -+"ZarzÄ…dzanie kluczem tajnym dla GnuPG\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" --msgstr "podano b³êdny poziom diagnostyki ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "podano bÅ‚Ä™dny poziom diagnostyki ,,%s''\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 -@@ -498,7 +497,7 @@ msgstr "biblioteka %s jest zbyt stara (potrzebna %s, zainstalowana %s)\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: brak domy¶lnego pliku opcji ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: brak domyÅ›lnego pliku opcji ,,%s''\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 - #: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 -@@ -515,51 +514,51 @@ msgstr "odczyt opcji z ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/plaintext.c:162 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d tworzenia ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 - #: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ katalogu ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można utworzyć katalogu ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 - msgid "name of socket too long\n" --msgstr "nazwa gniazda zbyt d³uga\n" -+msgstr "nazwa gniazda zbyt dÅ‚uga\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ gniazda: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można utworzyć gniazda: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 - #, c-format - msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" --msgstr "nazwa gniazda `%s' zbyt d³uga\n" -+msgstr "nazwa gniazda `%s' zbyt dÅ‚uga\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 - msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" --msgstr "gpg-agent ju¿ dzia³a - nie uruchamianie nowego\n" -+msgstr "gpg-agent już dziaÅ‚a - nie uruchamianie nowego\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 - msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas pobierania nonce z gniazda\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas pobierania nonce z gniazda\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 - #, c-format - msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas przypisywania gniazda do ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas przypisywania gniazda do ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 - #, c-format - msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" --msgstr "listen() nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "listen() nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 - #, c-format - msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" --msgstr "nas³uchiwanie na gnie¼dzie ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nasÅ‚uchiwanie na gnieździe ,,%s''\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 - #: sm/keydb.c:106 -@@ -570,42 +569,42 @@ msgstr "katalog ,,%s'' utworzony\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 - #, c-format - msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "stat() nie powiod³o siê dla ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "stat() nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ dla ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 - #, c-format - msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ ,,%s'' jako katalogu domowego\n" -+msgstr "nie można użyć ,,%s'' jako katalogu domowego\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu nonce z fd %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu nonce z fd %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 - #, c-format - msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" --msgstr "obs³uga 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚uga 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 - #, c-format - msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" --msgstr "obs³uga 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoñczona\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚uga 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoÅ„czona\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" --msgstr "obs³uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" --msgstr "obs³uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoñczona\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoÅ„czona\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 - #, c-format - msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" --msgstr "pth_select nie powiod³o siê: %s - czekanie 1s\n" -+msgstr "pth_select nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s - czekanie 1s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 - #, c-format -@@ -614,31 +613,31 @@ msgstr "%s %s zatrzymany\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 - msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" --msgstr "brak dzia³aj±cego gpg-agenta w tej sesji\n" -+msgstr "brak dziaÅ‚ajÄ…cego gpg-agenta w tej sesji\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 - msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" --msgstr "z³y format zmiennej ¶rodowiskowej GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -+msgstr "zÅ‚y format zmiennej Å›rodowiskowej GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 - #, c-format - msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "wersja %d protoko³u agenta nie jest obs³ugiwana\n" -+msgstr "wersja %d protokoÅ‚u agenta nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana\n" - - #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 - msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" - msgstr "" --"Wywo³anie: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA (-h podaje pomoc)\n" -+"WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA (-h podaje pomoc)\n" - - #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:104 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA\n" --"Utrzymuwanie pamiêci hase³\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA\n" -+"Utrzymuwanie pamiÄ™ci haseÅ‚\n" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 -@@ -663,42 +662,42 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:167 - msgid "Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)\n" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)\n" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:169 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-protect-tool [options] [args]\n" - "Secret key maintenance tool\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] [argumenty]\n" --"Narzêdzie do utrzymywania kluczy tajnych\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] [argumenty]\n" -+"NarzÄ™dzie do utrzymywania kluczy tajnych\n" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do odbezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do odbezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 - msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " - "system." - msgstr "" --"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia wa¿nego obiektu w systemie GnuPG." -+"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia ważnego obiektu w systemie GnuPG." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 - msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" - "needed to complete this operation." - msgstr "" --"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o lub PIN\n" --"Potrzebny do zakoñczenia tej operacji." -+"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o lub PIN\n" -+"Potrzebny do zakoÅ„czenia tej operacji." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 - msgid "Passphrase:" --msgstr "Has³o:" -+msgstr "HasÅ‚o:" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 - msgid "cancelled\n" -@@ -707,12 +706,12 @@ msgstr "anulowano\n" - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 - #, c-format - msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas pytania o has³o: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas pytania o hasÅ‚o: %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 - #, c-format - msgid "error opening `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas otwierania ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas otwierania ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:151 common/helpfile.c:63 common/helpfile.c:79 - #, c-format -@@ -727,26 +726,26 @@ msgstr "instrukcja \"%s\" zignorowana w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" - #: agent/trustlist.c:185 - #, c-format - msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" --msgstr "systemowa lista zaufania ,,%s'' niedostêpna\n" -+msgstr "systemowa lista zaufania ,,%s'' niedostÄ™pna\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:229 - #, c-format - msgid "bad fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "b³êdny odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dny odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "nieprawid³owa flaga klucza w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" -+msgstr "nieprawidÅ‚owa flaga klucza w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading `%s', line %d: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu ,,%s'', w linii %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu ,,%s'', w linii %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 - msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu listy zaufanych certyfikatów g³ównych\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu listy zaufanych certyfikatów głównych\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry - #. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by -@@ -762,8 +761,8 @@ msgid "" - "Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " - "certificates?" - msgstr "" --"Czy absolutnie ufasz, ¿e%%0A ,,%s''%%0Apoprawnie po¶wiadcza certyfikaty " --"u¿ytkowników?" -+"Czy absolutnie ufasz, że%%0A ,,%s''%%0Apoprawnie poÅ›wiadcza certyfikaty " -+"użytkowników?" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 - msgid "Yes" -@@ -787,7 +786,7 @@ msgid "" - "Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " - "fingerprint:%%0A %s" - msgstr "" --"Proszê sprawdziæ, ¿e certyfikat zidentyfikowany jako:%%0a ,,%s''%%0Ama " -+"ProszÄ™ sprawdzić, że certyfikat zidentyfikowany jako:%%0a ,,%s''%%0Ama " - "odcisk:%%0A %s" - - #. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended -@@ -799,12 +798,12 @@ msgstr "Akceptuj" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:668 - msgid "Wrong" --msgstr "Odrzuæ" -+msgstr "Odrzuć" - - #: agent/findkey.c:157 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." --msgstr "Uwaga: To has³o nie by³o nigdy zmieniane.%0AProszê zmieniæ je teraz." -+msgstr "Uwaga: To hasÅ‚o nie byÅ‚o nigdy zmieniane.%0AProszÄ™ zmienić je teraz." - - #: agent/findkey.c:173 - #, c-format -@@ -812,61 +811,61 @@ msgid "" - "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " - "it now." - msgstr "" --"To has³o nie zosta³o zmienione%%0Aod %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Proszê zmieniæ je teraz." -+"To hasÅ‚o nie zostaÅ‚o zmienione%%0Aod %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. ProszÄ™ zmienić je teraz." - - #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 - msgid "Change passphrase" --msgstr "Zmiana has³a" -+msgstr "Zmiana hasÅ‚a" - - #: agent/findkey.c:195 - msgid "I'll change it later" --msgstr "Zmieniê je pó¼niej" -+msgstr "ZmieniÄ™ je później" - - #: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d tworzenia potoku: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia potoku: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 - #, c-format - msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na wykonaæ fdopen do odczytu na potoku: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można wykonać fdopen do odczytu na potoku: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 - #, c-format - msgid "error forking process: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas tworzenia procesu: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas tworzenia procesu: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:811 common/exechelp.c:864 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n" --msgstr "oczekiwanie na zakoñczenie procesu %d nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "oczekiwanie na zakoÅ„czenie procesu %d nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:819 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu kodu zakoñczenia procesu %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu kodu zakoÅ„czenia procesu %d: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:825 common/exechelp.c:877 - #, c-format - msgid "error running `%s': exit status %d\n" --msgstr "b³±d uruchamiania ,,%s'': kod wyj¶cia %d\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d uruchamiania ,,%s'': kod wyjÅ›cia %d\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:870 - #, c-format - msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" --msgstr "b³±d uruchamiania ,,%s'': prawdopodobnie nie zainstalowany\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d uruchamiania ,,%s'': prawdopodobnie nie zainstalowany\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:885 - #, c-format - msgid "error running `%s': terminated\n" --msgstr "b³±d uruchamiania ,,%s'': zakoñczono\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d uruchamiania ,,%s'': zakoÅ„czono\n" - - #: common/http.c:1682 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating socket: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d tworzenia gniazda: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia gniazda: %s\n" - - #: common/http.c:1733 - msgid "host not found" -@@ -874,16 +873,16 @@ msgstr "nie znaleziono hosta" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 - msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" --msgstr "gpg-agent nie jest dostêpny w tej sesji\n" -+msgstr "gpg-agent nie jest dostÄ™pny w tej sesji\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 - #, c-format - msgid "can't connect to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na siê po³±czyæ z ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można siÄ™ poÅ‚Ä…czyć z ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 - msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" --msgstr "problem z komunikacj± z gpg-agentem\n" -+msgstr "problem z komunikacjÄ… z gpg-agentem\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 - msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" -@@ -891,7 +890,7 @@ msgstr "problem z ustawieniem opcji gpg-agenta\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:579 common/simple-pwquery.c:675 - msgid "canceled by user\n" --msgstr "anulowano przez u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "anulowano przez użytkownika\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:594 common/simple-pwquery.c:681 - msgid "problem with the agent\n" -@@ -900,17 +899,17 @@ msgstr "problem z agentem\n" - #: common/sysutils.c:111 - #, c-format - msgid "can't disable core dumps: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na wy³±czyæ zrzutów pamiêci: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można wyÅ‚Ä…czyć zrzutów pamiÄ™ci: %s\n" - - #: common/sysutils.c:206 - #, c-format - msgid "Warning: unsafe ownership on %s \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do %s ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do %s ,,%s''\n" - - #: common/sysutils.c:238 - #, c-format - msgid "Warning: unsafe permissions on %s \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do %s ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do %s ,,%s''\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 -@@ -933,7 +932,7 @@ msgstr "nN" - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:76 - msgid "quit" --msgstr "wyj¶cie" -+msgstr "wyjÅ›cie" - - #: common/yesno.c:79 - msgid "qQ" -@@ -960,16 +959,16 @@ msgstr "aA" - #: common/miscellaneous.c:77 - #, c-format - msgid "out of core in secure memory while allocating %lu bytes" --msgstr "brak miejsca w bezpiecznej pamiêci podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" -+msgstr "brak miejsca w bezpiecznej pamiÄ™ci podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" - - #: common/miscellaneous.c:80 - #, c-format - msgid "out of core while allocating %lu bytes" --msgstr "brak miejsca podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" -+msgstr "brak miejsca podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" - - #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 - msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" --msgstr "gpg-agent nie dzia³a - uruchamianie\n" -+msgstr "gpg-agent nie dziaÅ‚a - uruchamianie\n" - - #: common/asshelp.c:349 - #, c-format -@@ -978,7 +977,7 @@ msgstr "oczekiwanie (%d s) na uruchomienie agenta\n" - - #: common/asshelp.c:426 - msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na po³±czyæ siê z agentem - próba fallbacku\n" -+msgstr "nie można poÅ‚Ä…czyć siÄ™ z agentem - próba fallbacku\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars - #. verbatim. It will not be printed. -@@ -988,11 +987,11 @@ msgstr "|audit-log-result|Dobry" - - #: common/audit.c:477 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Bad" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Z³y" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|ZÅ‚y" - - #: common/audit.c:479 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Not supported" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nieobs³ugiwany" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|NieobsÅ‚ugiwany" - - #: common/audit.c:481 - msgid "|audit-log-result|No certificate" -@@ -1000,15 +999,15 @@ msgstr "|audit-log-result|Brak certyfikatu" - - #: common/audit.c:483 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Not enabled" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie w³±czony" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie wÅ‚Ä…czony" - - #: common/audit.c:485 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Error" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|B³±d" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|BÅ‚Ä…d" - - #: common/audit.c:487 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Not used" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie u¿ywany" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie używany" - - #: common/audit.c:489 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Okay" -@@ -1016,27 +1015,27 @@ msgstr "|audit-log-result|OK" - - #: common/audit.c:491 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Skipped" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Pominiêto" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|PominiÄ™to" - - #: common/audit.c:493 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Czê¶ciowo" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Częściowo" - - #: common/audit.c:726 - msgid "Certificate chain available" --msgstr "£añcuch certyfikatów dostêpny" -+msgstr "ÅaÅ„cuch certyfikatów dostÄ™pny" - - #: common/audit.c:733 - msgid "root certificate missing" --msgstr "brak certyfikatu g³ównego" -+msgstr "brak certyfikatu głównego" - - #: common/audit.c:759 - msgid "Data encryption succeeded" --msgstr "Szyfrowanie danych zakoñczone" -+msgstr "Szyfrowanie danych zakoÅ„czone" - - #: common/audit.c:764 common/audit.c:830 common/audit.c:906 common/audit.c:997 - msgid "Data available" --msgstr "Dane dostêpne" -+msgstr "Dane dostÄ™pne" - - #: common/audit.c:767 - msgid "Session key created" -@@ -1050,15 +1049,15 @@ msgstr "algorytm: %s" - #: common/audit.c:774 common/audit.c:776 common/audit.c:921 common/audit.c:923 - #, c-format - msgid "unsupported algorithm: %s" --msgstr "nieobs³ugiwany algorytm: %s" -+msgstr "nieobsÅ‚ugiwany algorytm: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 - msgid "seems to be not encrypted" --msgstr "nie wygl±da na zaszyfrowan± wiadomo¶æ" -+msgstr "nie wyglÄ…da na zaszyfrowanÄ… wiadomość" - - #: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 - msgid "Number of recipients" --msgstr "Liczba odbiorców" -+msgstr "Liczba odbiorców" - - #: common/audit.c:792 common/audit.c:956 - #, c-format -@@ -1067,47 +1066,47 @@ msgstr "Odbiorca %d" - - #: common/audit.c:825 - msgid "Data signing succeeded" --msgstr "Podpisywanie danych zakoñczone" -+msgstr "Podpisywanie danych zakoÅ„czone" - - #: common/audit.c:839 common/audit.c:1033 common/audit.c:1060 - #, c-format - msgid "data hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "algorytm skrótu danych: %s" -+msgstr "algorytm skrótu danych: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:862 - #, c-format - msgid "Signer %d" --msgstr "Podpisuj±cy %d" -+msgstr "PodpisujÄ…cy %d" - - #: common/audit.c:866 common/audit.c:1065 - #, c-format - msgid "attr hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "algorytm skrótu atrybutów: %s" -+msgstr "algorytm skrótu atrybutów: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:901 - msgid "Data decryption succeeded" --msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie danych zakoñczone" -+msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie danych zakoÅ„czone" - - #: common/audit.c:910 - msgid "Encryption algorithm supported" --msgstr "Algorytm szyfrowania obs³ugiwany" -+msgstr "Algorytm szyfrowania obsÅ‚ugiwany" - - #: common/audit.c:993 - msgid "Data verification succeeded" --msgstr "Weryfikacja danych zakoñczona" -+msgstr "Weryfikacja danych zakoÅ„czona" - - #: common/audit.c:1002 - msgid "Signature available" --msgstr "Podpis dostêpny" -+msgstr "Podpis dostÄ™pny" - - #: common/audit.c:1024 - msgid "Parsing data succeeded" --msgstr "Analiza danych zakoñczona" -+msgstr "Analiza danych zakoÅ„czona" - - #: common/audit.c:1036 - #, c-format - msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy algorytm skrótu danych: %s" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy algorytm skrótu danych: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:1051 - #, c-format -@@ -1116,11 +1115,11 @@ msgstr "Podpis %d" - - #: common/audit.c:1079 - msgid "Certificate chain valid" --msgstr "£añcuch certyfikatów poprawny" -+msgstr "ÅaÅ„cuch certyfikatów poprawny" - - #: common/audit.c:1090 - msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" --msgstr "Certyfikat g³ówny jest zaufany" -+msgstr "Certyfikat główny jest zaufany" - - #: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 - msgid "no CRL found for certificate" -@@ -1128,19 +1127,19 @@ msgstr "nie znaleziono CRL dla certyfikatu" - - #: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 - msgid "the available CRL is too old" --msgstr "dostêpny CRL jest zbyt stary" -+msgstr "dostÄ™pny CRL jest zbyt stary" - - #: common/audit.c:1119 - msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" --msgstr "weryfikacja CRL/OCSP certyfikatów" -+msgstr "weryfikacja CRL/OCSP certyfikatów" - - #: common/audit.c:1139 - msgid "Included certificates" --msgstr "Do³±czone certyfikaty" -+msgstr "DoÅ‚Ä…czone certyfikaty" - - #: common/audit.c:1194 - msgid "No audit log entries." --msgstr "Brak wpisów w logu." -+msgstr "Brak wpisów w logu." - - #: common/audit.c:1243 - msgid "Unknown operation" -@@ -1161,7 +1160,7 @@ msgstr "Brak pomocy dla ,,%s''." - - #: common/helpfile.c:80 - msgid "ignoring garbage line" --msgstr "zignorowano b³êdn± liniê" -+msgstr "zignorowano bÅ‚Ä™dnÄ… liniÄ™" - - #: common/gettime.c:503 - msgid "[none]" -@@ -1174,23 +1173,23 @@ msgstr "opakowanie: %s\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:418 - msgid "invalid armor header: " --msgstr "niepoprawny nag³ówek opakowania: " -+msgstr "niepoprawny nagłówek opakowania: " - - #: g10/armor.c:429 - msgid "armor header: " --msgstr "nag³ówek opakowania: " -+msgstr "nagłówek opakowania: " - - #: g10/armor.c:442 - msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy nag³ówek dokumentu z podpisem na koñcu\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy nagłówek dokumentu z podpisem na koÅ„cu\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:455 - msgid "unknown armor header: " --msgstr "nieznany nag³ówek opakowania: " -+msgstr "nieznany nagłówek opakowania: " - - #: g10/armor.c:508 - msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" --msgstr "zagnie¿d¿one podpisy na koñcu dokumentu\n" -+msgstr "zagnieżdżone podpisy na koÅ„cu dokumentu\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:643 - msgid "unexpected armor: " -@@ -1203,7 +1202,7 @@ msgstr "niepoprawne oznaczenie linii minusami: " - #: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy znak formatu radix64 ,,%02X'' zosta³ pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak formatu radix64 ,,%02X'' zostaÅ‚ pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:853 - msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" -@@ -1215,20 +1214,20 @@ msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (w CRC)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:895 - msgid "malformed CRC\n" --msgstr "b³±d formatu CRC\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d formatu CRC\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 - #, c-format - msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" --msgstr "B³±d sumy CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d sumy CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:919 - msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" --msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (w linii koñcz±cej)\n" -+msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (w linii koÅ„czÄ…cej)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:923 - msgid "error in trailer line\n" --msgstr "b³±d w linii koñcz±cej\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d w linii koÅ„czÄ…cej\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:1248 - msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" -@@ -1237,72 +1236,72 @@ msgstr "nie odnaleziono poprawnych danych w formacie OpenPGP.\n" - #: g10/armor.c:1253 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "b³±d opakowania: linia d³u¿sza ni¿ %d znaków\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d opakowania: linia dÅ‚uższa niż %d znaków\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:1257 - msgid "" - "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" - msgstr "" - "znak kodowania quoted-printable w opakowaniu ASCII - prawdopodobnie\n" --"przek³amanie wprowadzone przez serwer pocztowy\n" -+"przekÅ‚amanie wprowadzone przez serwer pocztowy\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:976 - msgid "" - "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " - "an '='\n" - msgstr "" --"nazwa adnotacji musi zawieraæ tylko znaki drukowalne lub spacje i koñczyæ " --"siê znakiem ,,=''\n" -+"nazwa adnotacji musi zawierać tylko znaki drukowalne lub spacje i koÅ„czyć " -+"siÄ™ znakiem ,,=''\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:988 - msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" --msgstr "nazwa adnotacji u¿ytkownika musi zawieraæ znak ,,@''\n" -+msgstr "nazwa adnotacji użytkownika musi zawierać znak ,,@''\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:994 - msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" --msgstr "nazwa adnotacjinie mo¿e zawieraæ wiêcej ni¿ jednego znaku ,,@''\n" -+msgstr "nazwa adnotacjinie może zawierać wiÄ™cej niż jednego znaku ,,@''\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1012 - msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" --msgstr "warto¶æ adnotacji nie mo¿e zawieraæ ¿adnych znaków steruj±cych\n" -+msgstr "wartość adnotacji nie może zawierać żadnych znaków sterujÄ…cych\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 - msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: napotkano b³êdne dane adnotacji\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: napotkano bÅ‚Ä™dne dane adnotacji\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 - msgid "not human readable" --msgstr "nieczytelne dla cz³owieka" -+msgstr "nieczytelne dla czÅ‚owieka" - - #: g10/card-util.c:85 g10/card-util.c:375 - #, c-format - msgid "OpenPGP card not available: %s\n" --msgstr "Karta OpenPGP niedostêpna: %s\n" -+msgstr "Karta OpenPGP niedostÄ™pna: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:90 - #, c-format - msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" --msgstr "Wykryto kartê OpenPGP nr %s\n" -+msgstr "Wykryto kartÄ™ OpenPGP nr %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 - #: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 - msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" --msgstr "nie dzia³a w trybie wsadowym\n" -+msgstr "nie dziaÅ‚a w trybie wsadowym\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:106 - msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" --msgstr "To polecenie jest dostêpne tylko dla kart w wersji 2\n" -+msgstr "To polecenie jest dostÄ™pne tylko dla kart w wersji 2\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 - msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" --msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy nie jest (ju¿ lub w ogóle) dostêpny\n" -+msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy nie jest (już lub w ogóle) dostÄ™pny\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 - #: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 - #: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 - msgid "Your selection? " --msgstr "Twój wybór? " -+msgstr "Twój wybór? " - - #: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 - msgid "[not set]" -@@ -1310,7 +1309,7 @@ msgstr "[nie ustawiono]" - - #: g10/card-util.c:513 - msgid "male" --msgstr "mê¿czyzna" -+msgstr "mężczyzna" - - #: g10/card-util.c:514 - msgid "female" -@@ -1330,15 +1329,15 @@ msgstr "wymuszono" - - #: g10/card-util.c:632 - msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: aktualnie dopuszczalne jest tylko czyste ASCII.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: aktualnie dopuszczalne jest tylko czyste ASCII.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:634 - msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: znak ,,<'' nie mo¿e byæ u¿yty.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: znak ,,<'' nie może być użyty.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:636 - msgid "Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: podwójne spacje nie s± dopuszczalne.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: podwójne spacje nie sÄ… dopuszczalne.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:653 - msgid "Cardholder's surname: " -@@ -1346,12 +1345,12 @@ msgstr "Nazwisko posiadacza karty: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:655 - msgid "Cardholder's given name: " --msgstr "Imiê posiadacza karty: " -+msgstr "ImiÄ™ posiadacza karty: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:673 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "B³±d: pe³ne personalia zbyt d³ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: peÅ‚ne personalia zbyt dÅ‚ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:694 - msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " -@@ -1360,22 +1359,22 @@ msgstr "URL do odczytania klucza publicznego: " - #: g10/card-util.c:702 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "B³±d: URL zbyt d³ugi (limit to %d znaków).\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: URL zbyt dÅ‚ugi (limit to %d znaków).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 - #, c-format - msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d przydzielania wystarczaj±cej ilo¶ci pamiêci: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d przydzielania wystarczajÄ…cej iloÅ›ci pamiÄ™ci: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:840 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:867 - msgid "Login data (account name): " -@@ -1384,7 +1383,7 @@ msgstr "Dane logowania (nazwa konta): " - #: g10/card-util.c:877 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "B³±d: dane logowania zbyt d³ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: dane logowania zbyt dÅ‚ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:913 - msgid "Private DO data: " -@@ -1393,27 +1392,27 @@ msgstr "Prywatne dane DO: " - #: g10/card-util.c:923 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "B³±d: prywatne DO zbyt d³ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: prywatne DO zbyt dÅ‚ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1006 - msgid "Language preferences: " --msgstr "Preferowane jêzyki: " -+msgstr "Preferowane jÄ™zyki: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1014 - msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwa d³ugo¶æ tekstu preferencji.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa dÅ‚ugość tekstu preferencji.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1023 - msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwe znaki w tek¶cie preferencji.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe znaki w tekÅ›cie preferencji.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1045 - msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " --msgstr "P³eæ (M - mê¿czyzna, F - kobieta lub spacja): " -+msgstr "PÅ‚eć (M - mężczyzna, F - kobieta lub spacja): " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1059 - msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwa odpowied¼.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa odpowiedź.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1081 - msgid "CA fingerprint: " -@@ -1421,7 +1420,7 @@ msgstr "Odcisk CA:" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1104 - msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwie sformatowany odcisk.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwie sformatowany odcisk.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1154 - #, c-format -@@ -1435,11 +1434,11 @@ msgstr "to nie jest karta OpenPGP" - #: g10/card-util.c:1168 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting current key info: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu aktualnych informacji o kluczu: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu aktualnych informacji o kluczu: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1255 - msgid "Replace existing key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Zast±piæ istniej±cy klucz? (t/N) " -+msgstr "ZastÄ…pić istniejÄ…cy klucz? (t/N) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1271 - msgid "" -@@ -1447,35 +1446,35 @@ msgid "" - " If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" - " documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" - msgstr "" --"UWAGA: Nie ma gwarancji, ¿e karta obs³uguje ¿±dany rozmiar.\n" --" Je¶li tworzenie klucza nie powiedzie siê, proszê sprawdziæ\n" --" dokumentacjê karty, aby poznaæ dozwolone rozmiary.\n" -+"UWAGA: Nie ma gwarancji, że karta obsÅ‚uguje żądany rozmiar.\n" -+" JeÅ›li tworzenie klucza nie powiedzie siÄ™, proszÄ™ sprawdzić\n" -+" dokumentacjÄ™ karty, aby poznać dozwolone rozmiary.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1296 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " --msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz do podpisywania wygenerowaæ? (%u) " -+msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz do podpisywania wygenerować? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1298 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " --msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz do szyfrowania wygenerowaæ? (%u) " -+msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz do szyfrowania wygenerować? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1299 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " --msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz do uwierzytelniania wygenerowaæ? (%u) " -+msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz do uwierzytelniania wygenerować? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 - #, c-format - msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" --msgstr "zaokr±glono do %u bitów\n" -+msgstr "zaokrÄ…glono do %u bitów\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 - #, c-format - msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" --msgstr "Rozmiary kluczy %s musz± byæ z przedzia³u %u-%u\n" -+msgstr "Rozmiary kluczy %s muszÄ… być z przedziaÅ‚u %u-%u\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1323 - #, c-format -@@ -1485,19 +1484,19 @@ msgstr "Karta zostanie przekonfigurowana do tworzenia klucza %u-bitowego\n" - #: g10/card-util.c:1343 - #, c-format - msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas zmiany rozmiaru klucza %d na %u bitów: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas zmiany rozmiaru klucza %d na %u bitów: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1365 - msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " --msgstr "Stworzyæ poza kart± kopiê zapasow± klucza szyfruj±cego? (T/n) " -+msgstr "Stworzyć poza kartÄ… kopiÄ™ zapasowÄ… klucza szyfrujÄ…cego? (T/n) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1379 - msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: klucze s± ju¿ zapisane na karcie!\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: klucze sÄ… już zapisane na karcie!\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1382 - msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " --msgstr "Zast±piæ istniej±ce klucze? (t/N) " -+msgstr "ZastÄ…pić istniejÄ…ce klucze? (t/N) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1394 - #, c-format -@@ -1506,17 +1505,17 @@ msgid "" - " PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" - "You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" - msgstr "" --"Fabryczne ustawienia PIN-ów to\n" -+"Fabryczne ustawienia PIN-ów to\n" - " PIN = ,,%s'' PIN administracyjny = ,,%s''\n" --"Nale¿y je zmieniæ przy u¿yciu polecenia --change-pin\n" -+"Należy je zmienić przy użyciu polecenia --change-pin\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1450 - msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" --msgstr "Proszê wybraæ rodzaj klucza do wygenerowania:\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać rodzaj klucza do wygenerowania:\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1452 g10/card-util.c:1560 - msgid " (1) Signature key\n" --msgstr " (1) Klucz do podpisów\n" -+msgstr " (1) Klucz do podpisów\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1453 g10/card-util.c:1562 - msgid " (2) Encryption key\n" -@@ -1529,11 +1528,11 @@ msgstr " (3) Klucz do uwierzytelniania\n" - #: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 - #: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 - msgid "Invalid selection.\n" --msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy wybór.\n" -+msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy wybór.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1557 - msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" --msgstr "Proszê wybraæ gdzie zapisaæ klucz:\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać gdzie zapisać klucz:\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1601 - msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" -@@ -1541,24 +1540,24 @@ msgstr "nieznany algorytm ochrony klucza\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1606 - msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" --msgstr "czê¶ci tajne klucza s± niedostêpne\n" -+msgstr "części tajne klucza sÄ… niedostÄ™pne\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1611 - msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" --msgstr "klucz prywatny jest ju¿ zapisany na karcie\n" -+msgstr "klucz prywatny jest już zapisany na karcie\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1624 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu klucza na karcie: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu klucza na karcie: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 - msgid "quit this menu" --msgstr "wyj¶cie z tego menu" -+msgstr "wyjÅ›cie z tego menu" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1685 - msgid "show admin commands" --msgstr "pokazanie poleceñ administratora" -+msgstr "pokazanie poleceÅ„ administratora" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 - msgid "show this help" -@@ -1566,7 +1565,7 @@ msgstr "ten tekst pomocy" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1688 - msgid "list all available data" --msgstr "wypisanie wszystkich dostêpnych danych" -+msgstr "wypisanie wszystkich dostÄ™pnych danych" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1691 - msgid "change card holder's name" -@@ -1578,7 +1577,7 @@ msgstr "zmiana URL-a do odczytu klucza" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1693 - msgid "fetch the key specified in the card URL" --msgstr "pobranie klucza okre¶lonego w URL-u karty" -+msgstr "pobranie klucza okreÅ›lonego w URL-u karty" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1694 - msgid "change the login name" -@@ -1586,11 +1585,11 @@ msgstr "zmiana nazwy logowania" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1695 - msgid "change the language preferences" --msgstr "zmiana preferowanych jêzyków" -+msgstr "zmiana preferowanych jÄ™zyków" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1696 - msgid "change card holder's sex" --msgstr "zmiana p³ci posiadacza karty" -+msgstr "zmiana pÅ‚ci posiadacza karty" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1697 - msgid "change a CA fingerprint" -@@ -1614,7 +1613,7 @@ msgstr "sprawdzenie PIN-u i wypisanie wszystkich danych" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1702 - msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" --msgstr "odblokowanie PIN-u przy u¿yciu kodu resetuj±cego" -+msgstr "odblokowanie PIN-u przy użyciu kodu resetujÄ…cego" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1824 - msgid "gpg/card> " -@@ -1626,61 +1625,61 @@ msgstr "Polecenie tylko dla administratora\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1896 - msgid "Admin commands are allowed\n" --msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora s± dozwolone\n" -+msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora sÄ… dozwolone\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1898 - msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" --msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora nie s± dozwolone\n" -+msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora nie sÄ… dozwolone\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 - msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" --msgstr "Niepoprawne polecenie (spróbuj ,,help'')\n" -+msgstr "Niepoprawne polecenie (spróbuj ,,help'')\n" - - #: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" --msgstr "opcja --output nie dzia³a z tym poleceniem\n" -+msgstr "opcja --output nie dziaÅ‚a z tym poleceniem\n" - - #: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open `%s'\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nie można otworzyć ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 - #: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 - #, c-format - msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" --msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" -+msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony: %s\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 - #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu bloku kluczy: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu bloku kluczy: %s\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:127 g10/delkey.c:134 - msgid "(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n" --msgstr "(chyba, ¿e klucz zostaje wybrany przez podanie odcisku)\n" -+msgstr "(chyba, że klucz zostaje wybrany przez podanie odcisku)\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:133 - msgid "can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n" --msgstr "bez opcji ,,--yes'' nie dzia³a w trybie wsadowym\n" -+msgstr "bez opcji ,,--yes'' nie dziaÅ‚a w trybie wsadowym\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:145 - msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " --msgstr "Usun±æ ten klucz ze zbioru? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Usunąć ten klucz ze zbioru? (t/N) " - - #: g10/delkey.c:153 - msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " --msgstr "To jest klucz tajny! - czy na pewno go usun±æ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "To jest klucz tajny! - czy na pewno go usunąć? (t/N) " - - #: g10/delkey.c:163 - #, c-format - msgid "deleting keyblock failed: %s\n" --msgstr "usuniêcie bloku klucza nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie bloku klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:173 - msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" --msgstr "informacja o zaufaniu dla w³a¶ciciela klucza zosta³a wymazana\n" -+msgstr "informacja o zaufaniu dla wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela klucza zostaÅ‚a wymazana\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:204 - #, c-format -@@ -1689,17 +1688,17 @@ msgstr "dla klucza publicznego ,,%s'' istnieje klucz prywatny!\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:206 - msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" --msgstr "aby go usun±æ nale¿y najpierw u¿yæ opcji \"--delete-secret-key\".\n" -+msgstr "aby go usunąć należy najpierw użyć opcji \"--delete-secret-key\".\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas tworzenia has³a: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas tworzenia hasÅ‚a: %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:232 - msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" - msgstr "" --"ustawiony tryb S2K nie pozwala u¿yæ pakietu ESK dla szyfru symetrycznego\n" -+"ustawiony tryb S2K nie pozwala użyć pakietu ESK dla szyfru symetrycznego\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:246 - #, c-format -@@ -1709,17 +1708,17 @@ msgstr "szyfrem %s\n" - #: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' already compressed\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' ju¿ jest skompresowany\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' już jest skompresowany\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: plik ,,%s'' jest pusty\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: plik ,,%s'' jest pusty\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:485 - msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" --"w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na szyfrowaæ dla kluczy RSA krótszych od 2048 bitów\n" -+"w trybie --pgp2 można szyfrować dla kluczy RSA krótszych od 2048 bitów\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:510 - #, c-format -@@ -1730,14 +1729,14 @@ msgstr "odczyt z ,,%s''\n" - msgid "" - "unable to use the IDEA cipher for all of the keys you are encrypting to.\n" - msgstr "" --"nie mo¿na u¿yæ szyfru IDEA z wszystkimi kluczami dla których szyfrujesz.\n" -+"nie można użyć szyfru IDEA z wszystkimi kluczami dla których szyfrujesz.\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:559 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wymuszone u¿ycie szyfru %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wymuszone użycie szyfru %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami " - "adresata\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 -@@ -1746,18 +1745,18 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " - "preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wymuszone u¿ycie kompresji %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wymuszone użycie kompresji %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami " - "adresata\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:751 - #, c-format - msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" --msgstr "wymuszone u¿ycie szyfru %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami adresata\n" -+msgstr "wymuszone użycie szyfru %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami adresata\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use %s while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "%s nie jest dostêpne w trybie %s\n" -+msgstr "%s nie jest dostÄ™pne w trybie %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:848 - #, c-format -@@ -1767,7 +1766,7 @@ msgstr "%s/%s zaszyfrowany dla: ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/encr-data.c:93 g10/mainproc.c:297 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encrypted data\n" --msgstr "dane zaszyfrowano za pomoc± %s\n" -+msgstr "dane zaszyfrowano za pomocÄ… %s\n" - - #: g10/encr-data.c:96 g10/mainproc.c:301 - #, c-format -@@ -1778,93 +1777,93 @@ msgstr "dane zaszyfrowano nieznanym algorytmem numer %d\n" - msgid "" - "WARNING: message was encrypted with a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wiadomo¶æ by³a szyfrowana kluczem s³abym szyfru symetrycznego.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wiadomość byÅ‚a szyfrowana kluczem sÅ‚abym szyfru symetrycznego.\n" - - #: g10/encr-data.c:171 - msgid "problem handling encrypted packet\n" --msgstr "problem podczas obróbki pakietu szyfrowego\n" -+msgstr "problem podczas obróbki pakietu szyfrowego\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:60 - msgid "no remote program execution supported\n" --msgstr "odwo³ania do zewnêtrznych programów s± wy³±czone\n" -+msgstr "odwoÅ‚ania do zewnÄ™trznych programów sÄ… wyÅ‚Ä…czone\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:311 - msgid "" - "external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions\n" - msgstr "" --"nieszczelne uprawnienia ustawieñ - wo³anie zewnêtrznych programów wy³±czone\n" -+"nieszczelne uprawnienia ustawieÅ„ - woÅ‚anie zewnÄ™trznych programów wyÅ‚Ä…czone\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:341 - msgid "this platform requires temporary files when calling external programs\n" - msgstr "" --"platforma wymaga u¿ycia plików tymczasowych do wo³ania zewnêtrznych " --"programów\n" -+"platforma wymaga użycia plików tymczasowych do woÅ‚ania zewnÄ™trznych " -+"programów\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:419 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na uruchomiæ programu ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można uruchomić programu ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:422 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na uruchomiæ pow³oki ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można uruchomić powÅ‚oki ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:513 - #, c-format - msgid "system error while calling external program: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d systemu podczas wo³ania programu zewnêtrznego: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d systemu podczas woÅ‚ania programu zewnÄ™trznego: %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:524 g10/exec.c:591 - msgid "unnatural exit of external program\n" --msgstr "nienaturalne zakoñczenie pracy zewnêtrznego programu\n" -+msgstr "nienaturalne zakoÅ„czenie pracy zewnÄ™trznego programu\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:539 - msgid "unable to execute external program\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na uruchomiæ zewnêtrznego programu\n" -+msgstr "nie można uruchomić zewnÄ™trznego programu\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:556 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to read external program response: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na odczytaæ odpowiedzi programu zewnêtrznego: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można odczytać odpowiedzi programu zewnÄ™trznego: %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:602 g10/exec.c:609 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na skasowaæ pliku tymczasowego (%s) ,,%s'': %s.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można skasować pliku tymczasowego (%s) ,,%s'': %s.\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:614 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to remove temp directory `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na skasowaæ tymczasowego katalogu ,,%s'': %s.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można skasować tymczasowego katalogu ,,%s'': %s.\n" - - #: g10/export.c:61 - msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" --msgstr "eksport podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" -+msgstr "eksport podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" - - #: g10/export.c:63 - msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" --msgstr "eksport atrybutów ID u¿ytkownika (ogólnie ID zdjêæ)" -+msgstr "eksport atrybutów ID użytkownika (ogólnie ID zdjęć)" - - #: g10/export.c:65 - msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" --msgstr "eksport kluczy uniewa¿niaj±cych oznaczonych jako ,,poufne''" -+msgstr "eksport kluczy unieważniajÄ…cych oznaczonych jako ,,poufne''" - - #: g10/export.c:67 - msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" --msgstr "usuniêcie has³a z wyeksportowanych podkluczy" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie hasÅ‚a z wyeksportowanych podkluczy" - - #: g10/export.c:69 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" --msgstr "usuniêcie bezu¿ytecznych czê¶ci z klucza przy eksporcie" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie bezużytecznych części z klucza przy eksporcie" - - #: g10/export.c:71 - msgid "remove as much as possible from key during export" --msgstr "usuniêcie jak najwiêkszej czê¶ci klucza przy eksporcie" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie jak najwiÄ™kszej części klucza przy eksporcie" - - #: g10/export.c:73 - msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" --msgstr "eksport kluczy w formacie opartym na S-wyra¿eniach" -+msgstr "eksport kluczy w formacie opartym na S-wyrażeniach" - - #: g10/export.c:338 - msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -1873,43 +1872,43 @@ msgstr "eksport kluczy tajnych nie jest dozwolony\n" - #: g10/export.c:367 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: not protected - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: nie jest chroniony - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: nie jest chroniony - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/export.c:375 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: klucz PGP 2.x - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: klucz PGP 2.x - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/export.c:386 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: zawarto¶æ klucza na karcie - pominiêto\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: zawartość klucza na karcie - pominiÄ™to\n" - - #: g10/export.c:537 - msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" --msgstr "ma byæ wyeksportowany niezabezpieczony podklucz\n" -+msgstr "ma być wyeksportowany niezabezpieczony podklucz\n" - - #: g10/export.c:560 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to unprotect the subkey: %s\n" --msgstr "nie powiod³o siê odbezpieczanie podklucza: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ odbezpieczanie podklucza: %s\n" - - #: g10/export.c:584 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz prywatny %s nie ma prostej sumy kontrolnej SK.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz prywatny %s nie ma prostej sumy kontrolnej SK.\n" - - #: g10/export.c:633 - msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nic nie zosta³o wyeksportowane!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nic nie zostaÅ‚o wyeksportowane!\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:152 - msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" --msgstr "zbyt wiele wpisów w buforze kluczy publicznych - wy³±czony\n" -+msgstr "zbyt wiele wpisów w buforze kluczy publicznych - wyÅ‚Ä…czony\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:175 - msgid "[User ID not found]" --msgstr "[brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika]" -+msgstr "[brak identyfikatora użytkownika]" - - #: g10/getkey.c:1113 - #, c-format -@@ -1919,7 +1918,7 @@ msgstr "automatycznie pobrano `%s' poprzez %s\n" - #: g10/getkey.c:1118 - #, c-format - msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odtwarzania ,,%s'' poprzez %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odtwarzania ,,%s'' poprzez %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:1120 - msgid "No fingerprint" -@@ -1929,34 +1928,34 @@ msgstr "Brak odcisku" - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" - msgstr "" --"Opcja --allow-non-selfsigned-uid wymusi³a uznanie za poprawny klucza %s.\n" -+"Opcja --allow-non-selfsigned-uid wymusiÅ‚a uznanie za poprawny klucza %s.\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 - #, c-format - msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" --msgstr "brak prywatnego odpowiednika podklucza publicznego %s - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "brak prywatnego odpowiednika podklucza publicznego %s - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2765 - #, c-format - msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" --msgstr "u¿ywany jest podklucz %s zamiast klucza g³ównego %s\n" -+msgstr "używany jest podklucz %s zamiast klucza głównego %s\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2812 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny bez klucza jawnego - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny bez klucza jawnego - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" --msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu" -+msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu" - - #: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 - msgid "make a clear text signature" --msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu pod dokumentem" -+msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu pod dokumentem" - - #: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 - msgid "make a detached signature" --msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu oddzielonego od dokumentu" -+msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu oddzielonego od dokumentu" - - #: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 - msgid "encrypt data" -@@ -1968,7 +1967,7 @@ msgstr "szyfrowanie tylko szyfrem symetrycznym" - - #: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" --msgstr "odszyfrowywanie danych (domy¶lne)" -+msgstr "odszyfrowywanie danych (domyÅ›lne)" - - #: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 - msgid "verify a signature" -@@ -1980,15 +1979,15 @@ msgstr "lista kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:397 - msgid "list keys and signatures" --msgstr "lista kluczy i podpisów" -+msgstr "lista kluczy i podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:398 - msgid "list and check key signatures" --msgstr "wypisanie i sprawdzenie podpisów kluczy" -+msgstr "wypisanie i sprawdzenie podpisów kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 - msgid "list keys and fingerprints" --msgstr "lista kluczy i ich odcisków" -+msgstr "lista kluczy i ich odcisków" - - #: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 - msgid "list secret keys" -@@ -2000,23 +1999,23 @@ msgstr "generacja nowej pary kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" --msgstr "tworzenie certyfikatu uniewa¿nienia klucza" -+msgstr "tworzenie certyfikatu unieważnienia klucza" - - #: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" --msgstr "usuniêcie klucza ze zbioru kluczy publicznych" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie klucza ze zbioru kluczy publicznych" - - #: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" --msgstr "usuniêcie klucza ze zbioru kluczy prywatnych" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie klucza ze zbioru kluczy prywatnych" - - #: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" --msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu na kluczu" -+msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu na kluczu" - - #: g10/gpg.c:408 - msgid "sign a key locally" --msgstr "z³o¿enie prywatnego podpisu na kluczu" -+msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie prywatnego podpisu na kluczu" - - #: g10/gpg.c:409 - msgid "sign or edit a key" -@@ -2024,7 +2023,7 @@ msgstr "podpisanie lub modyfikacja klucza" - - #: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" --msgstr "zmiana has³a" -+msgstr "zmiana hasÅ‚a" - - #: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" -@@ -2044,15 +2043,15 @@ msgstr "szukanie kluczy na serwerze" - - #: g10/gpg.c:419 - msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" --msgstr "od¶wie¿enie wszystkich kluczy z serwera" -+msgstr "odÅ›wieżenie wszystkich kluczy z serwera" - - #: g10/gpg.c:424 - msgid "import/merge keys" --msgstr "import/do³±czenie kluczy" -+msgstr "import/doÅ‚Ä…czenie kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:427 - msgid "print the card status" --msgstr "wy¶wietlenie stanu karty" -+msgstr "wyÅ›wietlenie stanu karty" - - #: g10/gpg.c:428 - msgid "change data on a card" -@@ -2068,7 +2067,7 @@ msgstr "uaktualnienie bazy zaufania" - - #: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" --msgstr "wypisanie skrótów wiadomo¶ci" -+msgstr "wypisanie skrótów wiadomoÅ›ci" - - #: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" -@@ -2080,12 +2079,12 @@ msgstr "opakowanie ASCII pliku wynikowego" - - #: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 - msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" --msgstr "|U¯YTKOWNIK|szyfrowanie dla odbiorcy o tym identyfikatorze" -+msgstr "|UÅ»YTKOWNIK|szyfrowanie dla odbiorcy o tym identyfikatorze" - - #: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" - msgstr "" --"|U¯YTKOWNIK|u¿ycie tego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do podpisania lub " -+"|UÅ»YTKOWNIK|użycie tego identyfikatora użytkownika do podpisania lub " - "odszyfrowania" - - #: g10/gpg.c:471 -@@ -2098,7 +2097,7 @@ msgstr "kanoniczny format tekstowy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|zapis wyj¶cia do PLIKU" -+msgstr "|PLIK|zapis wyjÅ›cia do PLIKU" - - #: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" -@@ -2106,11 +2105,11 @@ msgstr "pozostawienie bez zmian" - - #: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" --msgstr "pytanie przed nadpisaniem plików" -+msgstr "pytanie przed nadpisaniem plików" - - #: g10/gpg.c:559 - msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" --msgstr "¶cis³e zachowanie OpenPGP" -+msgstr "Å›cisÅ‚e zachowanie OpenPGP" - - #: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 - msgid "" -@@ -2118,7 +2117,7 @@ msgid "" - "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" - msgstr "" - "@\n" --"(Pe³n± listê poleceñ i opcji mo¿na znale¼æ w podrêczniku systemowym.)\n" -+"(PeÅ‚nÄ… listÄ™ poleceÅ„ i opcji można znaleźć w podrÄ™czniku systemowym.)\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 - msgid "" -@@ -2132,19 +2131,19 @@ msgid "" - " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" - msgstr "" - "@\n" --"Przyk³ady:\n" -+"PrzykÅ‚ady:\n" - "\n" - " -se -r Bob [plik] podpisanie i zaszyfrowanie kluczem Boba\n" --" --clearsign [plik] podpisanie z pozostawieniem czytelno¶ci " -+" --clearsign [plik] podpisanie z pozostawieniem czytelnoÅ›ci " - "dokumentu\n" - " --detach-sign [plik] podpisanie z umieszczeniem podpisu w osobnym " - "pliku\n" - " --list-keys [nazwy] pokazanie klucze\n" --" --fingerprint [nazwy] pokazanie odcisków kluczy\n" -+" --fingerprint [nazwy] pokazanie odcisków kluczy\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:851 - msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: g10/gpg.c:854 - msgid "" -@@ -2152,9 +2151,9 @@ msgid "" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpg [opcje] [pliki]\n" --"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie\n" --"Domy¶lnie wykonywana operacja zale¿y od danych wej¶ciowych\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg [opcje] [pliki]\n" -+"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie\n" -+"DomyÅ›lnie wykonywana operacja zależy od danych wejÅ›ciowych\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" -@@ -2162,7 +2161,7 @@ msgid "" - "Supported algorithms:\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Obs³ugiwane algorytmy:\n" -+"ObsÅ‚ugiwane algorytmy:\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " -@@ -2174,7 +2173,7 @@ msgstr "Symetryczne: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:882 - msgid "Hash: " --msgstr "Skrótów: " -+msgstr "Skrótów: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " -@@ -2182,7 +2181,7 @@ msgstr "Kompresji: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " --msgstr "wywo³anie: gpg [opcje]" -+msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie: gpg [opcje]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" -@@ -2197,40 +2196,40 @@ msgstr "w definicji grupy ,,%s'' brak znaku ,,=''\n" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego katalog " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego katalog " - "domowy ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1414 -@@ -2238,21 +2237,21 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego plik " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego plik " - "konfiguracyjny ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego " - "rozszerzenie ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego katalog " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego katalog " - "domowy ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1426 -@@ -2260,14 +2259,14 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego plik " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego plik " - "konfiguracyjny ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego " - "rozszerzenie ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1609 -@@ -2277,41 +2276,41 @@ msgstr "nieznana opcja konfiguracyjna ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" --msgstr "wy¶wietlenie ID zdjêæ przy wypisywaniu kluczy" -+msgstr "wyÅ›wietlenie ID zdjęć przy wypisywaniu kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji u¿ytkownika przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji użytkownika przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1725 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" - msgstr "" --"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -+"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1727 - msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie poprawno¶ci ID u¿ytkownika przy wypisywaniu kluczy" -+msgstr "pokazywanie poprawnoÅ›ci ID użytkownika przy wypisywaniu kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1729 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" - msgstr "" --"pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych ID u¿ytkownika na listach kluczy" -+"pokazywanie unieważnionych i wygasÅ‚ych ID użytkownika na listach kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1731 - msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych podkluczy na listach kluczy" -+msgstr "pokazywanie unieważnionych i wygasÅ‚ych podkluczy na listach kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" -@@ -2319,12 +2318,12 @@ msgstr "pokazywanie nazwy zbioru kluczy na listach kluczy" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" --msgstr "pokazywanie dat wyga¶niêcia przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie dat wygaÅ›niÄ™cia przy wypisywaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1869 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: stary domy¶lny plik opcji ,,%s'' zosta³ zignorowany\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: stary domyÅ›lny plik opcji ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ zignorowany\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1962 - #, c-format -@@ -2335,21 +2334,21 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: %s nie jest do normalnego u¿ytku!\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: %s nie jest do normalnego użytku!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym czasem wyga¶niêcia podpisu\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym czasem wygaÅ›niÄ™cia podpisu\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawn± nazw± zestawu znaków\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnÄ… nazwÄ… zestawu znaków\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" --msgstr "niezrozumia³y URL serwera kluczy\n" -+msgstr "niezrozumiaÅ‚y URL serwera kluczy\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format -@@ -2389,50 +2388,50 @@ msgstr "niepoprawne opcje wypisywania\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" --msgstr "wy¶wietlanie ID zdjêæ przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "wyÅ›wietlanie ID zdjęć przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" --msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" --msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" --msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" --msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2743 - msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" - msgstr "" --"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2745 - msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" --msgstr "pokazywanie poprawno¶ci ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "pokazywanie poprawnoÅ›ci ID użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2747 - msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" - msgstr "" --"pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu " --"podpisów" -+"pokazywanie unieważnionych i wygasÅ‚ych ID użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu " -+"podpisów" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2749 - msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" --msgstr "pokazywanie tylko g³ównego ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisu" -+msgstr "pokazywanie tylko głównego ID użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisu" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2751 - msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" --msgstr "sprawdzanie podpisów z danymi PKA" -+msgstr "sprawdzanie podpisów z danymi PKA" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" --msgstr "zwiêkszenie zaufania podpisów z poprawnymi danymi PKA" -+msgstr "zwiÄ™kszenie zaufania podpisów z poprawnymi danymi PKA" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format -@@ -2446,7 +2445,7 @@ msgstr "niepoprawne opcje sprawdzania\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na ustawiæ ¶cie¿ki programów wykonywalnych na %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można ustawić Å›cieżki programów wykonywalnych na %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format -@@ -2459,53 +2458,53 @@ msgstr "Niepoprawna lista auto-key-locate\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: program mo¿e stworzyæ plik zrzutu pamiêci!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: program może stworzyć plik zrzutu pamiÄ™ci!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: %s powoduje obej¶cie %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: %s powoduje obejÅ›cie %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" --msgstr "Nie wolno u¿ywaæ %s z %s!\n" -+msgstr "Nie wolno używać %s z %s!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" --msgstr "%s nie ma sensu w po³±czeniu z %s!\n" -+msgstr "%s nie ma sensu w poÅ‚Ä…czeniu z %s!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" --msgstr "nie zadzia³a z niebezpieczn± pamiêci± z powodu %s\n" -+msgstr "nie zadziaÅ‚a z niebezpiecznÄ… pamiÄ™ciÄ… z powodu %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" --"w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na sk³adaæ tylko podpisy oddzielne lub do³±czone do " -+"w trybie --pgp2 można skÅ‚adać tylko podpisy oddzielne lub doÅ‚Ä…czone do " - "tekstu\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 nie mo¿na jednocze¶nie szyfrowaæ i podpisywaæ\n" -+msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 nie można jednoczeÅ›nie szyfrować i podpisywać\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" --msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 trzeba u¿ywaæ plików a nie potoków.\n" -+msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 trzeba używać plików a nie potoków.\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" --msgstr "szyfrowanie wiadomo¶ci w trybie --pgp2 wymaga modu³u szyfru IDEA\n" -+msgstr "szyfrowanie wiadomoÅ›ci w trybie --pgp2 wymaga moduÅ‚u szyfru IDEA\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "wybrany algorytm szyfruj±cy jest niepoprawny\n" -+msgstr "wybrany algorytm szyfrujÄ…cy jest niepoprawny\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów wiadomo¶ci jest niepoprawny\n" -+msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów wiadomoÅ›ci jest niepoprawny\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" -@@ -2513,29 +2512,29 @@ msgstr "wybrany algorytm kompresji jest niepoprawny\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów po¶wiadczeñ jest niepoprawny\n" -+msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów poÅ›wiadczeÅ„ jest niepoprawny\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" --msgstr "warto¶æ completes-needed musi byæ wiêksza od 0\n" -+msgstr "wartość completes-needed musi być wiÄ™ksza od 0\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3234 - msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" --msgstr "warto¶æ marginals-needed musi byæ wiêksza od 1\n" -+msgstr "wartość marginals-needed musi być wiÄ™ksza od 1\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3236 - msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" --msgstr "warto¶æ max-cert-depth musi mie¶ciæ siê w zakresie od 1 do 255\n" -+msgstr "wartość max-cert-depth musi mieÅ›cić siÄ™ w zakresie od 1 do 255\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" --"niew³a¶ciwy domy¶lny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" -+"niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy domyÅ›lny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieć wartość 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" - msgstr "" --"niew³a¶ciwy minimalny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" -+"niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy minimalny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieć wartość 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" -@@ -2543,52 +2542,52 @@ msgstr "UWAGA: prosty tryb S2K (0) jest stanowczo odradzany\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3247 - msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" --msgstr "niepoprawny tryb S2K; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1 lub 3\n" -+msgstr "niepoprawny tryb S2K; musi mieć wartość 0, 1 lub 3\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe domy¶lne ustawienia\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe domyÅ›lne ustawienia\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia szyfrów\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe ustawienia szyfrów\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia skrótów\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe ustawienia skrótów\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia algorytmów kompresji\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe ustawienia algorytmów kompresji\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" --msgstr "%s jeszcze nie dzia³a z %s!\n" -+msgstr "%s jeszcze nie dziaÅ‚a z %s!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "szyfr ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpny w trybie %s\n" -+msgstr "szyfr ,,%s'' nie jest dostÄ™pny w trybie %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3351 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "skrót ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpny w trybie %s\n" -+msgstr "skrót ,,%s'' nie jest dostÄ™pny w trybie %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "kompresja ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpna w trybie %s\n" -+msgstr "kompresja ,,%s'' nie jest dostÄ™pna w trybie %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" --msgstr "inicjowanie Bazy Zaufania nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "inicjowanie Bazy Zaufania nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: podano adresatów (-r) w dzia³aniu które ich nie dotyczy\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podano adresatów (-r) w dziaÅ‚aniu które ich nie dotyczy\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" -@@ -2601,7 +2600,7 @@ msgstr "--symmetric [plik]" - #: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "szyfrowanie symetryczne ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "szyfrowanie symetryczne ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" -@@ -2613,12 +2612,12 @@ msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [plik]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3517 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" -+msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3520 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --encrypt w trybie %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --encrypt w trybie %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3538 - msgid "--sign [filename]" -@@ -2634,12 +2633,12 @@ msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [plik]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3568 - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --sign --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" -+msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --sign --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3571 - #, c-format - msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --sign --encrypt w trybie %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --sign --encrypt w trybie %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3591 - msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" -@@ -2655,59 +2654,59 @@ msgstr "--decrypt [plik]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3633 - msgid "--sign-key user-id" --msgstr "--sign-key nazwa u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "--sign-key nazwa użytkownika" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3637 - msgid "--lsign-key user-id" --msgstr "--lsign-key nazwa u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "--lsign-key nazwa użytkownika" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" --msgstr "--edit-key nazwa u¿ytkownika [polecenia]" -+msgstr "--edit-key nazwa użytkownika [polecenia]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " --msgstr "--passwd " -+msgstr "--passwd " - - #: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" --msgstr "wysy³ka do serwera kluczy nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "wysyÅ‚ka do serwera kluczy nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" --msgstr "odbiór z serwera kluczy nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "odbiór z serwera kluczy nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" --msgstr "eksport kluczy nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "eksport kluczy nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" --msgstr "szukanie w serwerze kluczy nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "szukanie w serwerze kluczy nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" --msgstr "od¶wie¿enie kluczy z serwera nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "odÅ›wieżenie kluczy z serwera nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" --msgstr "zdjêcie opakowania ASCII nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zdjÄ™cie opakowania ASCII nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" --msgstr "opakowywanie ASCII nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "opakowywanie ASCII nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy algorytm skrótu ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy algorytm skrótu ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" -@@ -2715,15 +2714,15 @@ msgstr "[nazwa pliku]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" --msgstr "Wpisz tutaj swoj± wiadomo¶æ ...\n" -+msgstr "Wpisz tutaj swojÄ… wiadomość ...\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "podany URL regulaminu po¶wiadczania jest niepoprawny\n" -+msgstr "podany URL regulaminu poÅ›wiadczania jest niepoprawny\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "podany URL regulaminu podpisów jest niepoprawny\n" -+msgstr "podany URL regulaminu podpisów jest niepoprawny\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" -@@ -2735,7 +2734,7 @@ msgstr "|PLIK|pobieranie kluczy ze zbioru PLIK" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:76 - msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" --msgstr "nie traktowaæ konfliktu datowników jako b³êdu" -+msgstr "nie traktować konfliktu datowników jako bÅ‚Ä™du" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 - msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" -@@ -2743,19 +2742,19 @@ msgstr "|FD|pisanie opisu stanu do deskryptora FD" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:117 - msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpgv [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpgv [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:119 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n" - "Check signatures against known trusted keys\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpgv [opcje] [pliki]\n" --"Sprawdzanie podpisów ze znanych zaufanych kluczy\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpgv [opcje] [pliki]\n" -+"Sprawdzanie podpisów ze znanych zaufanych kluczy\n" - - #: g10/helptext.c:72 - msgid "No help available" --msgstr "Pomoc niedostêpna" -+msgstr "Pomoc niedostÄ™pna" - - #: g10/helptext.c:82 - #, c-format -@@ -2764,11 +2763,11 @@ msgstr "Brak pomocy o ,,%s''" - - #: g10/import.c:97 - msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" --msgstr "import podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" -+msgstr "import podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" - - #: g10/import.c:99 - msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" --msgstr "naprawienie uszkodzeñ z serwera pks przy imporcie" -+msgstr "naprawienie uszkodzeÅ„ z serwera pks przy imporcie" - - #: g10/import.c:101 - msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" -@@ -2780,20 +2779,20 @@ msgstr "tworzenie kluczy publicznych przy imporcie kluczy tajnych" - - #: g10/import.c:105 - msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" --msgstr "przyjmowanie tylko uaktualnieñ istniej±cych kluczy" -+msgstr "przyjmowanie tylko uaktualnieÅ„ istniejÄ…cych kluczy" - - #: g10/import.c:107 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" --msgstr "usuwanie bezu¿ytecznych czê¶ci kluczy po imporcie" -+msgstr "usuwanie bezużytecznych części kluczy po imporcie" - - #: g10/import.c:109 - msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" --msgstr "usuwanie jak najwiêkszej czê¶ci kluczy po imporcie" -+msgstr "usuwanie jak najwiÄ™kszej części kluczy po imporcie" - - #: g10/import.c:277 - #, c-format - msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" --msgstr "blok typu %d zostaje pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "blok typu %d zostaje pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/import.c:286 - #, c-format -@@ -2803,12 +2802,12 @@ msgstr "%lu kluczy przetworzonych do tej chwili\n" - #: g10/import.c:303 - #, c-format - msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" --msgstr "Ogó³em przetworzonych kluczy: %lu\n" -+msgstr "Ogółem przetworzonych kluczy: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:305 - #, c-format - msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" --msgstr " pominiêtych nowych kluczy: %lu\n" -+msgstr " pominiÄ™tych nowych kluczy: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:308 - #, c-format -@@ -2818,7 +2817,7 @@ msgstr " bez identyfikatora: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 - #, c-format - msgid " imported: %lu" --msgstr " do³±czono do zbioru: %lu" -+msgstr " doÅ‚Ä…czono do zbioru: %lu" - - #: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 - #, c-format -@@ -2828,7 +2827,7 @@ msgstr " bez zmian: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:318 - #, c-format - msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" --msgstr " nowych identyfikatorów: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nowych identyfikatorów: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:320 - #, c-format -@@ -2838,12 +2837,12 @@ msgstr " nowych podkluczy: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:322 - #, c-format - msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" --msgstr " nowych podpisów: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nowych podpisów: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:324 - #, c-format - msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" --msgstr " nowych uniewa¿nieñ kluczy: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nowych unieważnieÅ„ kluczy: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 - #, c-format -@@ -2863,17 +2862,17 @@ msgstr " tajnych kluczy bez zmian: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 - #, c-format - msgid " not imported: %lu\n" --msgstr " nie w³±czono do zbioru: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nie wÅ‚Ä…czono do zbioru: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:334 - #, c-format - msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" --msgstr " podpisów wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" -+msgstr " podpisów wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:336 - #, c-format - msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" --msgstr "ID u¿ytkownika wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" -+msgstr "ID użytkownika wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:638 - #, c-format -@@ -2881,8 +2880,8 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" - "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz %s zawiera preferencje dla niedostêpnych\n" --"algorytmów dla tych ID u¿ytkownika:\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz %s zawiera preferencje dla niedostÄ™pnych\n" -+"algorytmów dla tych ID użytkownika:\n" - - #: g10/import.c:679 - #, c-format -@@ -2892,7 +2891,7 @@ msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany szyfr %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:694 - #, c-format - msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany algorytm skrótu %s\n" -+msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany algorytm skrótu %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:706 - #, c-format -@@ -2901,50 +2900,50 @@ msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany algorytm kompresji %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:719 - msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" --msgstr "zdecydowanie sugerowane jest uaktualnienie ustawieñ i ponowne\n" -+msgstr "zdecydowanie sugerowane jest uaktualnienie ustawieÅ„ i ponowne\n" - - #: g10/import.c:721 - msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" --msgstr "rozes³anie tego klucza w celu unikniêcia niezgodno¶ci algorytmów\n" -+msgstr "rozesÅ‚anie tego klucza w celu unikniÄ™cia niezgodnoÅ›ci algorytmów\n" - - #: g10/import.c:745 - #, c-format - msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" - msgstr "" --"mo¿na uaktualniæ swoje ustawienia poprzez: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -+"można uaktualnić swoje ustawienia poprzez: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" - - #: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "odrzucony przez filtr importu" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz uszkodzony przez serwer zosta³ naprawiony\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz uszkodzony przez serwer zostaÅ‚ naprawiony\n" - - #: g10/import.c:849 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: przyjêto identyfikator nie podpisany nim samym ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: przyjÄ™to identyfikator nie podpisany nim samym ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/import.c:855 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak poprawnych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak poprawnych identyfikatorów użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/import.c:857 - msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" --msgstr "to mo¿e byæ spowodowane brakiem podpisu klucza nim samym\n" -+msgstr "to może być spowodowane brakiem podpisu klucza nim samym\n" - - #: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 - #, c-format -@@ -2954,7 +2953,7 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego: %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:873 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: nowy klucz - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: nowy klucz - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/import.c:882 - #, c-format -@@ -2970,7 +2969,7 @@ msgstr "zapis do ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu zbioru kluczy ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu zbioru kluczy ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:910 - #, c-format -@@ -2980,7 +2979,7 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: klucz publiczny ,,%s'' wczytano do zbioru\n" - #: g10/import.c:934 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: nie zgadza siê z lokaln± kopi±\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: nie zgadza siÄ™ z lokalnÄ… kopiÄ…\n" - - #: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 - #, c-format -@@ -2990,17 +2989,17 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: brak oryginalnego bloku klucza; %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: nie mo¿na odczytaæ oryginalnego bloku klucza: %s\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: nie można odczytać oryginalnego bloku klucza: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1001 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy identyfikator u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy identyfikator użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1004 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych identyfikatorów użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1007 - #, c-format -@@ -3010,7 +3009,7 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy podpis\n" - #: g10/import.c:1010 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych podpisów\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych podpisów\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1013 - #, c-format -@@ -3030,17 +3029,17 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d podpis wyczyszczony\n" - #: g10/import.c:1022 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1025 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikator u¿ytkownika wyczyszczony\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikator użytkownika wyczyszczony\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1028 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika wyczyszczonych\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikatorów użytkownika wyczyszczonych\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1052 - #, c-format -@@ -3048,9 +3047,9 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' bez zmian\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" --msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" -+msgstr "klucz prywatny %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 - msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -3059,12 +3058,12 @@ msgstr "wczytywanie kluczy tajnych nie jest dozwolone\n" - #: g10/import.c:1237 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny z b³êdnym szyfrem %d - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny z bÅ‚Ä™dnym szyfrem %d - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 - #, c-format - msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" --msgstr "brak domy¶lnego zbioru kluczy tajnych: %s\n" -+msgstr "brak domyÅ›lnego zbioru kluczy tajnych: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1276 - #, c-format -@@ -3074,7 +3073,7 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny wczytany do zbioru\n" - #: g10/import.c:1307 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ten klucz tajny ju¿ znajduje siê w zbiorze\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ten klucz tajny już znajduje siÄ™ w zbiorze\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1317 - #, c-format -@@ -3085,28 +3084,28 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza tajnego: %s\n" - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego którego dotyczy wczytany certyfikat\n" --" uniewa¿nienia\n" -+"klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego którego dotyczy wczytany certyfikat\n" -+" unieważnienia\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1392 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawny certyfikat uniewa¿nienia: %s - odrzucony\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawny certyfikat unieważnienia: %s - odrzucony\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1424 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' certyfikat uniewa¿nienia zosta³ ju¿ wczytany\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' certyfikat unieważnienia zostaÅ‚ już wczytany\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1500 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do podpisu\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora użytkownika do podpisu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1517 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: algorytm asymetryczny dla id ,,%s'' nie jest obs³ugiwany\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: algorytm asymetryczny dla id ,,%s'' nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1519 - #, c-format -@@ -3116,116 +3115,116 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawny podpis na identyfikatorze ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: nieobs³ugiwany algorytm asymetryczny\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: nieobsÅ‚ugiwany algorytm asymetryczny\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1537 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: nieprawid³owy bezpo¶redni podpis\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: nieprawidÅ‚owy bezpoÅ›redni podpis\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1551 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza do dowi±zania\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza do dowiÄ…zania\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1564 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne dowi±zanie podklucza\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne dowiÄ…zanie podklucza\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1580 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: usuniêto wielokrotne dowi±zanie podklucza\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: usuniÄ™to wielokrotne dowiÄ…zanie podklucza\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1602 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza, którego dotyczy uniewa¿nienie\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza, którego dotyczy unieważnienie\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1615 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne uniewa¿nienie podklucza\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne unieważnienie podklucza\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1630 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: usuniêto wielokrotne uniewa¿nienie podklucza\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: usuniÄ™to wielokrotne unieważnienie podklucza\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1671 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1692 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1719 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: podpis nieeksportowalny (klasy 0x%02X) - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: podpis nieeksportowalny (klasy 0x%02X) - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1729 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz %s: pominiêto certyfikat uniewa¿nienia umieszczony\n" --" w niew³a¶ciwym miejscu\n" -+"klucz %s: pominiÄ™to certyfikat unieważnienia umieszczony\n" -+" w niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwym miejscu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1746 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto - niepoprawny certyfikat uniewa¿nienia: %s\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to - niepoprawny certyfikat unieważnienia: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1760 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto - podpis na podkluczu w niew³a¶ciwym miejscu\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to - podpis na podkluczu w niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwym miejscu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1768 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto - nieoczekiwana klasa podpisu (0x%02X)\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to - nieoczekiwana klasa podpisu (0x%02X)\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1897 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" --msgstr "key %s: do³±czono powtórzony identyfikator u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "key %s: doÅ‚Ä…czono powtórzony identyfikator użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1959 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz %s móg³ zostaæ uniewa¿niony:\n" --" zapytanie o uniewa¿niaj±cy klucz %s w serwerze kluczy\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz %s mógÅ‚ zostać unieważniony:\n" -+" zapytanie o unieważniajÄ…cy klucz %s w serwerze kluczy\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1973 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz %s móg³ zostaæ uniewa¿niony:\n" --" brak uniewa¿niaj±cego klucza %s.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz %s mógÅ‚ zostać unieważniony:\n" -+" brak unieważniajÄ…cego klucza %s.\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2032 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' dodany certyfikat uniewa¿nienia\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' dodany certyfikat unieważnienia\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2066 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: dodano bezpo¶redni podpis\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: dodano bezpoÅ›redni podpis\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2467 - msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: numer seryjny klucza nie zgadza siê z numerem karty\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: numer seryjny klucza nie zgadza siÄ™ z numerem karty\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2475 - msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: klucz g³ówny jest aktywny i zapisany na karcie\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: klucz główny jest aktywny i zapisany na karcie\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2477 - msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" -@@ -3234,26 +3233,26 @@ msgstr "UWAGA: klucz dodatkowy jest aktywny i zapisany na karcie\n" - #: g10/keydb.c:182 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d tworzenia zbioru kluczy `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia zbioru kluczy `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:188 - #, c-format - msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" --msgstr "zbiór kluczy ,,%s'' zosta³ utworzony\n" -+msgstr "zbiór kluczy ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ utworzony\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 - #, c-format - msgid "keyblock resource `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "zasób bloku klucza `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "zasób bloku klucza `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:749 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" --msgstr "nie powiod³a siê odbudowa bufora bazy: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™ odbudowa bufora bazy: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:265 - msgid "[revocation]" --msgstr "[uniewa¿nienie]" -+msgstr "[unieważnienie]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:266 - msgid "[self-signature]" -@@ -3266,35 +3265,35 @@ msgstr "1 niepoprawny podpis\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 - #, c-format - msgid "%d bad signatures\n" --msgstr "%d niepoprawnych podpisów\n" -+msgstr "%d niepoprawnych podpisów\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 - msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" --msgstr "1 podpis nie zosta³ sprawdzony z powodu braku klucza\n" -+msgstr "1 podpis nie zostaÅ‚ sprawdzony z powodu braku klucza\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 - #, c-format - msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" --msgstr "%d podpisów nie zosta³o sprawdzonych z powodu braku kluczy\n" -+msgstr "%d podpisów nie zostaÅ‚o sprawdzonych z powodu braku kluczy\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 - msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" --msgstr "1 podpis nie zosta³ sprawdzony z powodu b³êdu\n" -+msgstr "1 podpis nie zostaÅ‚ sprawdzony z powodu bÅ‚Ä™du\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 - #, c-format - msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" --msgstr "%d podpisów nie sprawdzonych z powodu b³êdów\n" -+msgstr "%d podpisów nie sprawdzonych z powodu bÅ‚Ä™dów\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:356 - msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" --msgstr "wykryto 1 identyfikator u¿ytkownika niepodpisany tym samym kluczem\n" -+msgstr "wykryto 1 identyfikator użytkownika niepodpisany tym samym kluczem\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:358 - #, c-format - msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" - msgstr "" --"wykryto %d identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika niepodpisanych tym samym kluczem\n" -+"wykryto %d identyfikatorów użytkownika niepodpisanych tym samym kluczem\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 - msgid "" -@@ -3303,9 +3302,9 @@ msgid "" - "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " - "etc.)\n" - msgstr "" --"Zastanów siê jak bardzo ufasz temu u¿ytkownikowi w kwestii sprawdzania\n" --"to¿samo¶ci innych u¿ytkowników (czy sprawdzi on odciski kluczy pobrane\n" --"z ró¿nych ¼róde³, dokumenty potwierdzaj±ce to¿samo¶æ, itd.).\n" -+"Zastanów siÄ™ jak bardzo ufasz temu użytkownikowi w kwestii sprawdzania\n" -+"tożsamoÅ›ci innych użytkowników (czy sprawdzi on odciski kluczy pobrane\n" -+"z różnych źródeÅ‚, dokumenty potwierdzajÄ…ce tożsamość, itd.).\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 - #, c-format -@@ -3315,7 +3314,7 @@ msgstr " %d = mam ograniczone zaufanie\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 - #, c-format - msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" --msgstr " %d = mam pe³ne zaufanie\n" -+msgstr " %d = mam peÅ‚ne zaufanie\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:438 - msgid "" -@@ -3323,33 +3322,33 @@ msgid "" - "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" - "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" - msgstr "" --"Proszê wpisaæ poziom tego podpisu zaufania.\n" --"Poziom wy¿szy ni¿ 1 umo¿liwia u¿ywanie podpisywanego w³a¶nie klucza\n" --"do wykonywania zaufanych podpisów w twoim imieniu.\n" -+"ProszÄ™ wpisać poziom tego podpisu zaufania.\n" -+"Poziom wyższy niż 1 umożliwia używanie podpisywanego wÅ‚aÅ›nie klucza\n" -+"do wykonywania zaufanych podpisów w twoim imieniu.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:454 - msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" --msgstr "Proszê wpisaæ domenê ograniczaj±c± ten podpis lub Enter dla ¿adnej.\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wpisać domenÄ™ ograniczajÄ…cÄ… ten podpis lub Enter dla żadnej.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:598 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' zosta³ uniewa¿niony." -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ unieważniony." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 - #: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz podpisaæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz podpisać? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 - #: g10/keyedit.c:1795 - msgid " Unable to sign.\n" --msgstr " Nie da siê z³o¿yæ podpisu.\n" -+msgstr " Nie da siÄ™ zÅ‚ożyć podpisu.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:626 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' przekroczy³ swój termin wa¿no¶ci." -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' przekroczyÅ‚ swój termin ważnoÅ›ci." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:654 - #, c-format -@@ -3359,11 +3358,11 @@ msgstr "Identyfikator ,,%s'' nie jest podpisany swoim kluczem." - #: g10/keyedit.c:682 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' jest podpisywalny. " -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' jest podpisywalny. " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:684 - msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Podpisaæ go? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Podpisać go? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:706 - #, c-format -@@ -3372,11 +3371,11 @@ msgid "" - "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" - msgstr "" - "Podpis klucza nim samym na ,,%s''\n" --"jest podpisem z³o¿onym przez PGP 2.x.\n" -+"jest podpisem zÅ‚ożonym przez PGP 2.x.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:715 - msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy chcesz zamieniæ go na podpis OpenPGP? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy chcesz zamienić go na podpis OpenPGP? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:729 - #, c-format -@@ -3384,12 +3383,12 @@ msgid "" - "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" - "has expired.\n" - msgstr "" --"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" --"przekroczy³ datê wa¿no¶ci.\n" -+"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" -+"przekroczyÅ‚ datÄ™ ważnoÅ›ci.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:733 - msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy chcesz zast±piæ przeterminowany podpis nowym? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy chcesz zastÄ…pić przeterminowany podpis nowym? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:754 - #, c-format -@@ -3397,27 +3396,27 @@ msgid "" - "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" - "is a local signature.\n" - msgstr "" --"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" -+"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" - "jest podpisem prywatnym (lokalnym).\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:758 - msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " - msgstr "" --"Czy chcesz zamieniæ go na pe³ny, publiczny, eksportowalny podpis? (t/N) " -+"Czy chcesz zamienić go na peÅ‚ny, publiczny, eksportowalny podpis? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:779 - #, c-format - msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' jest ju¿ lokalnie podpisany kluczem %s\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' jest już lokalnie podpisany kluczem %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:782 - #, c-format - msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' jest ju¿ podpisany kluczem %s\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' jest już podpisany kluczem %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:787 - msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to podpisaæ jeszcze raz? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to podpisać jeszcze raz? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:809 - #, c-format -@@ -3426,28 +3425,28 @@ msgstr "Nie ma nic do podpisania kluczem %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:824 - msgid "This key has expired!" --msgstr "Data wa¿no¶ci tego klucza up³ynê³a!" -+msgstr "Data ważnoÅ›ci tego klucza upÅ‚ynęła!" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:842 - #, c-format - msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" --msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ tego klucza wygasa %s.\n" -+msgstr "Ważność tego klucza wygasa %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:848 - msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " - msgstr "" --"Czy chcesz ¿eby wa¿no¶æ Twojego podpisu wygasa³a w tej samej chwili? (T/n) " -+"Czy chcesz żeby ważność Twojego podpisu wygasaÅ‚a w tej samej chwili? (T/n) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:888 - msgid "" - "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " - "mode.\n" - msgstr "" --"W trybie --pgp2 nie mo¿na podpisywaæ kluczy PGP 2.x podpisami OpenPGP.\n" -+"W trybie --pgp2 nie można podpisywać kluczy PGP 2.x podpisami OpenPGP.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:890 - msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" --msgstr "To uczyni ten klucz nieu¿ytecznym dla PGP 2.x.\n" -+msgstr "To uczyni ten klucz nieużytecznym dla PGP 2.x.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:915 - msgid "" -@@ -3455,8 +3454,8 @@ msgid "" - "belongs\n" - "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" - msgstr "" --"Jak dok³adnie zosta³a przez Ciebie sprawdzona to¿samo¶æ tej osoby?\n" --"Je¶li nie wiesz co odpowiedzieæ, podaj ,,0''.\n" -+"Jak dokÅ‚adnie zostaÅ‚a przez Ciebie sprawdzona tożsamość tej osoby?\n" -+"JeÅ›li nie wiesz co odpowiedzieć, podaj ,,0''.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:920 - #, c-format -@@ -3466,21 +3465,21 @@ msgstr " (0) Nie odpowiem na to pytanie. %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:922 - #, c-format - msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" --msgstr " (1) W ogóle nie.%s\n" -+msgstr " (1) W ogóle nie.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:924 - #, c-format - msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" --msgstr " (2) Pobie¿nie.%s\n" -+msgstr " (2) Pobieżnie.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:926 - #, c-format - msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" --msgstr " (3) Bardzo dok³adnie.%s\n" -+msgstr " (3) Bardzo dokÅ‚adnie.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:932 - msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " --msgstr "Twój wybór (,,?'' podaje wiêcej informacji): " -+msgstr "Twój wybór (,,?'' podaje wiÄ™cej informacji): " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:956 - #, c-format -@@ -3488,24 +3487,24 @@ msgid "" - "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" - "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" - msgstr "" --"Czy jeste¶ naprawdê pewien, ¿e chcesz podpisaæ ten klucz\n" -+"Czy jesteÅ› naprawdÄ™ pewien, że chcesz podpisać ten klucz\n" - "swoim kluczem ,,%s'' (%s)\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:963 - msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" --msgstr "To bêdzie podpis klucza nim samym.\n" -+msgstr "To bÄ™dzie podpis klucza nim samym.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:969 - msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako prywatny " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako prywatny " - "(nieeksportowalny).\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:977 - msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegaj±cy " --"uniewa¿nieniu.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegajÄ…cy " -+"unieważnieniu.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:987 - msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" -@@ -3513,34 +3512,34 @@ msgstr "Podpis zostanie oznaczony jako prywatny (nieeksportowalny).\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:994 - msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" --msgstr "Podpis zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegaj±cy uniewa¿nieniu.\n" -+msgstr "Podpis zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegajÄ…cy unieważnieniu.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1001 - msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" --msgstr "To¿samo¶æ u¿ytkownika nie zosta³a w ogóle sprawdzona.\n" -+msgstr "Tożsamość użytkownika nie zostaÅ‚a w ogóle sprawdzona.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1006 - msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" --msgstr "To¿samo¶æ u¿ytkownika zosta³a sprawdzona pobie¿nie.\n" -+msgstr "Tożsamość użytkownika zostaÅ‚a sprawdzona pobieżnie.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1011 - msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" --msgstr "To¿samo¶æ u¿ytkownika zosta³a dok³adnie sprawdzona.\n" -+msgstr "Tożsamość użytkownika zostaÅ‚a dokÅ‚adnie sprawdzona.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1021 - msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisaæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisać? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 - #: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 - #, c-format - msgid "signing failed: %s\n" --msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1131 - msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" - msgstr "" --"Klucz ma tylko za¶lepkê albo elementy na karcie - nie ma has³a do zmiany.\n" -+"Klucz ma tylko zaÅ›lepkÄ™ albo elementy na karcie - nie ma hasÅ‚a do zmiany.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 - msgid "This key is not protected.\n" -@@ -3548,11 +3547,11 @@ msgstr "Ten klucz nie jest chroniony.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 - msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" --msgstr "Czê¶æ tajna g³ównego klucza jest niedostêpna.\n" -+msgstr "Część tajna głównego klucza jest niedostÄ™pna.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 - msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" --msgstr "Czê¶æ tajna g³ównego klucza jest zapisana na karcie.\n" -+msgstr "Część tajna głównego klucza jest zapisana na karcie.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 - msgid "Key is protected.\n" -@@ -3561,39 +3560,39 @@ msgstr "Klucz jest chroniony.\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:1186 - #, c-format - msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" --msgstr "Tego klucza nie mo¿na modyfikowaæ: %s.\n" -+msgstr "Tego klucza nie można modyfikować: %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1192 - msgid "" - "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Wprowad¼ nowe d³ugie, skomplikowane has³o dla tego klucza tajnego.\n" -+"Wprowadź nowe dÅ‚ugie, skomplikowane hasÅ‚o dla tego klucza tajnego.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 - msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "has³o nie zosta³o poprawnie powtórzone; jeszcze jedna próba" -+msgstr "hasÅ‚o nie zostaÅ‚o poprawnie powtórzone; jeszcze jedna próba" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1212 - msgid "" - "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Nie chcesz has³a - to *z³y* pomys³!\n" -+"Nie chcesz hasÅ‚a - to *zÅ‚y* pomysÅ‚!\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1215 - msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to zrobiæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to zrobić? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1298 - msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" --msgstr "przenoszê podpis klucza na w³a¶ciwe miejsce\n" -+msgstr "przenoszÄ™ podpis klucza na wÅ‚aÅ›ciwe miejsce\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1384 - msgid "save and quit" --msgstr "zapis zmian i wyj¶cie" -+msgstr "zapis zmian i wyjÅ›cie" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1387 - msgid "show key fingerprint" -@@ -3601,53 +3600,53 @@ msgstr "okazanie odcisku klucza" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1388 - msgid "list key and user IDs" --msgstr "lista kluczy i identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "lista kluczy i identyfikatorów użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1390 - msgid "select user ID N" --msgstr "wybór identyfikatora u¿ytkownika N" -+msgstr "wybór identyfikatora użytkownika N" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1391 - msgid "select subkey N" --msgstr "wybór podklucza N" -+msgstr "wybór podklucza N" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1392 - msgid "check signatures" --msgstr "sprawdzenie podpisów" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie podpisów" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1397 - msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" - msgstr "" --"z³o¿enie podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach u¿ytkownika [* poni¿ej " --"powi±zane polecenia]" -+"zÅ‚ożenie podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach użytkownika [* poniżej " -+"powiÄ…zane polecenia]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1402 - msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" - msgstr "" --"z³o¿enie prywatnego (lokalnego) podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach " --"u¿ytkownika" -+"zÅ‚ożenie prywatnego (lokalnego) podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach " -+"użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1404 - msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" --msgstr "podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika sygnatur± zaufania" -+msgstr "podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika sygnaturÄ… zaufania" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1406 - msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" - msgstr "" --"podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika sygnatur± nie podlegaj±c± " --"uniewa¿nieniu" -+"podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika sygnaturÄ… nie podlegajÄ…cÄ… " -+"unieważnieniu" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1410 - msgid "add a user ID" --msgstr "dodanie nowego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do klucza" -+msgstr "dodanie nowego identyfikatora użytkownika do klucza" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1412 - msgid "add a photo ID" --msgstr "dodanie zdjêcia u¿ytkownika do klucza" -+msgstr "dodanie zdjÄ™cia użytkownika do klucza" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1414 - msgid "delete selected user IDs" --msgstr "usuniêcie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika z klucza" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika z klucza" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1419 - msgid "add a subkey" -@@ -3659,35 +3658,35 @@ msgstr "dodanie klucza do karty procesorowej" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1425 - msgid "move a key to a smartcard" --msgstr "przeniesienie klucza na kartê procesorow±" -+msgstr "przeniesienie klucza na kartÄ™ procesorowÄ…" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1427 - msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" --msgstr "przeniesienie klucza zapasowego na kartê procesorow±" -+msgstr "przeniesienie klucza zapasowego na kartÄ™ procesorowÄ…" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1431 - msgid "delete selected subkeys" --msgstr "usuniêcie wybranych podkluczy" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie wybranych podkluczy" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1433 - msgid "add a revocation key" --msgstr "dodanie klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego" -+msgstr "dodanie klucza unieważniajÄ…cego" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1435 - msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" --msgstr "usuniêcie podpisów z wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie podpisów z wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1437 - msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" --msgstr "zmiana daty wyga¶niêcia dla klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" -+msgstr "zmiana daty wygaÅ›niÄ™cia dla klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1439 - msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" --msgstr "oznaczenie wybranego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika jako g³ównego" -+msgstr "oznaczenie wybranego identyfikatora użytkownika jako głównego" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1441 - msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" --msgstr "prze³±czenie pomiêdzy listami kluczy tajnych i publicznych" -+msgstr "przeÅ‚Ä…czenie pomiÄ™dzy listami kluczy tajnych i publicznych" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1444 - msgid "list preferences (expert)" -@@ -3695,74 +3694,74 @@ msgstr "ustawienia (zaawansowane)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1446 - msgid "list preferences (verbose)" --msgstr "rozbudowana lista ustawieñ" -+msgstr "rozbudowana lista ustawieÅ„" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1448 - msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" --msgstr "ustawienie listy preferencji dla wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "ustawienie listy preferencji dla wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1453 - msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" - msgstr "" --"ustawienie URL-a preferowanego serwera kluczy dla wybranych identyfikatorów " --"u¿ytkownika" -+"ustawienie URL-a preferowanego serwera kluczy dla wybranych identyfikatorów " -+"użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1455 - msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" --msgstr "ustawienie adnotacji dla wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "ustawienie adnotacji dla wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1457 - msgid "change the passphrase" --msgstr "zmiana has³a klucza" -+msgstr "zmiana hasÅ‚a klucza" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1461 - msgid "change the ownertrust" --msgstr "zmiana zaufania w³a¶ciciela" -+msgstr "zmiana zaufania wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1463 - msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" --msgstr "uniewa¿nienie podpisów na wybranych identyfikatorach u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "unieważnienie podpisów na wybranych identyfikatorach użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1465 - msgid "revoke selected user IDs" --msgstr "uniewa¿nienie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" -+msgstr "unieważnienie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1470 - msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" --msgstr "uniewa¿nienie klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" -+msgstr "unieważnienie klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1471 - msgid "enable key" --msgstr "w³±czenie klucza do u¿ycia" -+msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie klucza do użycia" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1472 - msgid "disable key" --msgstr "wy³±czenie klucza z u¿ycia" -+msgstr "wyÅ‚Ä…czenie klucza z użycia" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1473 - msgid "show selected photo IDs" --msgstr "okazanie wybranych identyfikatorów - zdjêæ" -+msgstr "okazanie wybranych identyfikatorów - zdjęć" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1475 - msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" - msgstr "" --"zagêszczanie bezu¿ytecznych ID u¿ytkowników i usuwanie bezu¿ytecznych " --"podpisów z kluczy" -+"zagÄ™szczanie bezużytecznych ID użytkowników i usuwanie bezużytecznych " -+"podpisów z kluczy" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1477 - msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" - msgstr "" --"zagêszczanie bezu¿ytecznych ID u¿ytkowników i usuwanie wszystkich podpisów z " -+"zagÄ™szczanie bezużytecznych ID użytkowników i usuwanie wszystkich podpisów z " - "kluczy" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1605 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu bloku klucza tajnego ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu bloku klucza tajnego ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1623 - msgid "Secret key is available.\n" --msgstr "Dostêpny jest klucz tajny.\n" -+msgstr "DostÄ™pny jest klucz tajny.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1706 - msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" -@@ -3770,7 +3769,7 @@ msgstr "Do wykonania tej operacji potrzebny jest klucz tajny.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1714 - msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" --msgstr "Najpierw trzeba u¿yæ polecenia \"prze³\".\n" -+msgstr "Najpierw trzeba użyć polecenia \"przeÅ‚\".\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1733 - msgid "" -@@ -3779,23 +3778,23 @@ msgid "" - " a `t' for trust signatures (tsign), an `nr' for non-revocable signatures\n" - " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" - msgstr "" --"* Polecenie `sign' mo¿na poprzedziæ ,,l'' dla lokalnych sygnatur (lsign),\n" -+"* Polecenie `sign' można poprzedzić ,,l'' dla lokalnych sygnatur (lsign),\n" - " ,,t'' dla sygnatur zaufania (tsign) albo ,,nr'' dla sygnatur nie\n" --" podlegaj±cych uniewa¿nieniu (nrsign), albo dowoln± ich kombinacj± " -+" podlegajÄ…cych unieważnieniu (nrsign), albo dowolnÄ… ich kombinacjÄ… " - "(ltsign,\n" - " tnrsign itd.).\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1783 - msgid "Key is revoked." --msgstr "Klucz uniewa¿niony." -+msgstr "Klucz unieważniony." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1802 - msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisaæ wszystkie identyfikatory u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisać wszystkie identyfikatory użytkownika? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1809 - msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" --msgstr "Podpowied¼: wybierz identyfikatory u¿ytkownika do podpisania.\n" -+msgstr "Podpowiedź: wybierz identyfikatory użytkownika do podpisania.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1818 - #, c-format -@@ -3805,126 +3804,126 @@ msgstr "Nieznany rodzaj podpisu ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:1841 - #, c-format - msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" --msgstr "To polecenie nie jest dostêpne w trybie %s.\n" -+msgstr "To polecenie nie jest dostÄ™pne w trybie %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 - msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" --msgstr "Musisz wybraæ co najmniej jeden identyfikator u¿ytkownika.\n" -+msgstr "Musisz wybrać co najmniej jeden identyfikator użytkownika.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1865 - msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" --msgstr "Nie mo¿esz usun±æ ostatniego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika!\n" -+msgstr "Nie możesz usunąć ostatniego identyfikatora użytkownika!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1867 - msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " - msgstr "" --"Czy na pewno usun±æ wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " -+"Czy na pewno usunąć wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory użytkownika? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1868 - msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno usun±æ ten identyfikator u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno usunąć ten identyfikator użytkownika? (t/N) " - - #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about - #. moving the key and not about removing it. - #: g10/keyedit.c:1921 - msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno przenie¶æ g³ówny klucz (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno przenieść główny klucz (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1933 - msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" --msgstr "Musisz wybraæ dok³adnie jeden klucz.\n" -+msgstr "Musisz wybrać dokÅ‚adnie jeden klucz.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1961 - msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" --msgstr "Polecenie oczekuje argumentu bêd±cego nazw± pliku\n" -+msgstr "Polecenie oczekuje argumentu bÄ™dÄ…cego nazwÄ… pliku\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1975 - #, c-format - msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "Nie można otworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1992 - #, c-format - msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "B³±d podczas odczytu klucza zapasowego z `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu klucza zapasowego z `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2016 - msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" --msgstr "Musisz wybraæ co najmniej jeden klucz.\n" -+msgstr "Musisz wybrać co najmniej jeden klucz.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2019 - msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usun±æ wybrane klucze? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane klucze? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2020 - msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usun±æ ten klucz? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten klucz? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2055 - msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " - msgstr "" --"Czy na pewno uniewa¿niæ wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " -+"Czy na pewno unieważnić wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory użytkownika? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2056 - msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno uniewa¿niæ ten identyfikator u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno unieważnić ten identyfikator użytkownika? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2074 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ ca³y klucz? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić caÅ‚y klucz? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2085 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ wybrane podklucze? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić wybrane podklucze? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2087 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ ten podklucz? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić ten podklucz? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2137 - msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" - msgstr "" --"Zaufanie u¿ytkownika nie mo¿e byæ ustawione podczas u¿ywania bazy zaufania\n" --"dostarczonej przez u¿ytkownika\n" -+"Zaufanie użytkownika nie może być ustawione podczas używania bazy zaufania\n" -+"dostarczonej przez użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2179 - msgid "Set preference list to:\n" --msgstr "Ustawienie listy ustawieñ na:\n" -+msgstr "Ustawienie listy ustawieÅ„ na:\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2185 - msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " - msgstr "" --"Czy na pewno uaktualniæ ustawienia dla wybranych identyfikatorów? (t/N) " -+"Czy na pewno uaktualnić ustawienia dla wybranych identyfikatorów? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2187 - msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno uaktualniæ ustawienia? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno uaktualnić ustawienia? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2257 - msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " --msgstr "Zapisaæ zmiany? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Zapisać zmiany? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2260 - msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " --msgstr "Wyj¶æ bez zapisania zmian? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Wyjść bez zapisania zmian? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2270 - #, c-format - msgid "update failed: %s\n" --msgstr "zapis zmian nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zapis zmian nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 - #, c-format - msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" --msgstr "zapis zmian na kluczu prywatnym nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zapis zmian na kluczu prywatnym nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2284 - msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" --msgstr "Klucz nie zosta³ zmieniony wiêc zapis zmian nie jest konieczny.\n" -+msgstr "Klucz nie zostaÅ‚ zmieniony wiÄ™c zapis zmian nie jest konieczny.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2450 - msgid "Digest: " --msgstr "Skrót: " -+msgstr "Skrót: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2501 - msgid "Features: " -@@ -3944,17 +3943,17 @@ msgstr "Adnotacje: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2757 - msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" --msgstr "Klucze PGP 2.x nie zawieraj± opisu ustawieñ.\n" -+msgstr "Klucze PGP 2.x nie zawierajÄ… opisu ustawieÅ„.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2814 - #, c-format - msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" --msgstr "Ten klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony %s przez klucz u¿ytkownika %s %s\n" -+msgstr "Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony %s przez klucz użytkownika %s %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2836 - #, c-format - msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" --msgstr "Klucz mo¿e zostaæ uniewa¿niony przez klucz %s u¿ytkownika %s" -+msgstr "Klucz może zostać unieważniony przez klucz %s użytkownika %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2842 - msgid "(sensitive)" -@@ -3969,12 +3968,12 @@ msgstr "utworzono: %s" - #: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 - #, c-format - msgid "revoked: %s" --msgstr "uniewa¿niono: %s" -+msgstr "unieważniono: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 - #, c-format - msgid "expired: %s" --msgstr "wygas³: %s" -+msgstr "wygasÅ‚: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 - #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -@@ -3986,7 +3985,7 @@ msgstr "wygasa: %s" - #: g10/keyedit.c:2867 - #, c-format - msgid "usage: %s" --msgstr "u¿ycie: %s" -+msgstr "użycie: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2882 - #, c-format -@@ -3996,11 +3995,11 @@ msgstr "zaufanie: %s" - #: g10/keyedit.c:2886 - #, c-format - msgid "validity: %s" --msgstr "poprawno¶æ: %s" -+msgstr "poprawność: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2893 - msgid "This key has been disabled" --msgstr "Ten klucz zosta³ wy³±czony z u¿ytku" -+msgstr "Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użytku" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 - msgid "card-no: " -@@ -4011,27 +4010,27 @@ msgid "" - "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" - "unless you restart the program.\n" - msgstr "" --"Pokazana warto¶æ wiarygodno¶ci klucza mo¿e byæ niepoprawna,\n" --"dopóki program nie zostanie uruchomiony ponownie.\n" -+"Pokazana wartość wiarygodnoÅ›ci klucza może być niepoprawna,\n" -+"dopóki program nie zostanie uruchomiony ponownie.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 - #: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 - msgid "revoked" --msgstr "uniewa¿niony" -+msgstr "unieważniony" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 - #: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 - msgid "expired" --msgstr "wygas³" -+msgstr "wygasÅ‚" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3076 - msgid "" - "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" - " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: ¿aden identyfikator u¿ytkownika nie zosta³ oznaczony explicite\n" --" jako g³ówny. Wykonanie tego polecenie mo¿e wiêc spowodowaæ\n" --" wy¶wietlanie innego identyfikatora jako domy¶lnego g³ównego.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: żaden identyfikator użytkownika nie zostaÅ‚ oznaczony explicite\n" -+" jako główny. Wykonanie tego polecenie może wiÄ™c spowodować\n" -+" wyÅ›wietlanie innego identyfikatora jako domyÅ›lnego głównego.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3137 - msgid "" -@@ -4039,46 +4038,46 @@ msgid "" - "versions\n" - " of PGP to reject this key.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2. Dodanie zdjêcia spowoduje, ¿e\n" --" niektóre wersje przestan± go rozumieæ.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2. Dodanie zdjÄ™cia spowoduje, że\n" -+" niektóre wersje przestanÄ… go rozumieć.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz je dodaæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz je dodać? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3148 - msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" --msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie mo¿na dodaæ zdjêcia.\n" -+msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie można dodać zdjÄ™cia.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3288 - msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" --msgstr "Usun±æ ten poprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " -+msgstr "Usunąć ten poprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3298 - msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" --msgstr "Usun±æ ten niepoprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " -+msgstr "Usunąć ten niepoprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3302 - msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" --msgstr "Usun±æ ten nieznany podpis? (t/N/w) " -+msgstr "Usunąć ten nieznany podpis? (t/N/w) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3308 - msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" --msgstr "Na pewno usun±æ ten podpis klucza nim samym? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Na pewno usunąć ten podpis klucza nim samym? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3322 - #, c-format - msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" --msgstr "%d podpis usuniêty.\n" -+msgstr "%d podpis usuniÄ™ty.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3323 - #, c-format - msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" --msgstr "%d podpisów usuniêtych.\n" -+msgstr "%d podpisów usuniÄ™tych.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3326 - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" --msgstr "Nic nie zosta³o usuniête.\n" -+msgstr "Nic nie zostaÅ‚o usuniÄ™te.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" -@@ -4087,27 +4086,27 @@ msgstr "niepoprawny" - #: g10/keyedit.c:3361 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' upakowany: %s\n" -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' upakowany: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3368 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpis wyczyszczony\n" -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpis wyczyszczony\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3369 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3377 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': ju¿ zmniejszony.\n" -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': już zmniejszony.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3378 - #, c-format - msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" --msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': ju¿ czysty.\n" -+msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': już czysty.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3472 - msgid "" -@@ -4115,83 +4114,83 @@ msgid "" - "cause\n" - " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2.x. Wyznaczenie mu klucza\n" --" uniewa¿niaj±cego spowoduje, ¿e niektóre wersje PGP przestan±\n" --" go rozumieæ.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2.x. Wyznaczenie mu klucza\n" -+" unieważniajÄ…cego spowoduje, że niektóre wersje PGP przestanÄ…\n" -+" go rozumieć.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3483 - msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" --msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie mo¿na wyznaczyæ klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego.\n" -+msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie można wyznaczyć klucza unieważniajÄ…cego.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3503 - msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " --msgstr "Podaj identyfikator klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego: " -+msgstr "Podaj identyfikator klucza unieważniajÄ…cego: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3528 - msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" --msgstr "klucza PGP 2.x nie mo¿na wyznaczyæ jako uniewa¿niaj±cego\n" -+msgstr "klucza PGP 2.x nie można wyznaczyć jako unieważniajÄ…cego\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3543 - msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na wyznaczyæ klucza do uniewa¿niania jego samego\n" -+msgstr "nie można wyznaczyć klucza do unieważniania jego samego\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3565 - msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" --msgstr "ten klucz zosta³ ju¿ uznany kluczem uniewa¿niaj±cym\n" -+msgstr "ten klucz zostaÅ‚ już uznany kluczem unieważniajÄ…cym\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3584 - msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na cofn±æ wyznaczenia klucza jako uniewa¿niaj±cego!\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można cofnąć wyznaczenia klucza jako unieważniajÄ…cego!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3590 - msgid "" - "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz wyznaczyæ ten klucz jako uniewa¿niaj±cy? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz wyznaczyć ten klucz jako unieważniajÄ…cy? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3651 - msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" --msgstr "Proszê usun±æ znacznik wyboru z kluczy prywatnych.\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ usunąć znacznik wyboru z kluczy prywatnych.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3657 - msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" --msgstr "Proszê wybraæ najwy¿ej jeden podklucz.\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać najwyżej jeden podklucz.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3661 - msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" --msgstr "Zmiana daty wa¿no¶ci podklucza.\n" -+msgstr "Zmiana daty ważnoÅ›ci podklucza.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3664 - msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" --msgstr "Zmiana daty wa¿no¶ci g³ównego klucza.\n" -+msgstr "Zmiana daty ważnoÅ›ci głównego klucza.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3710 - msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" --msgstr "Nie mo¿na zmieniæ daty wa¿no¶ci klucza w wersji 3.\n" -+msgstr "Nie można zmienić daty ważnoÅ›ci klucza w wersji 3.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3726 - msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" --msgstr "Brak odpowiadaj±cego podpisu w zbiorze kluczy prywatnych\n" -+msgstr "Brak odpowiadajÄ…cego podpisu w zbiorze kluczy prywatnych\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3804 - #, c-format - msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" --msgstr "podklucz podpisuj±cy %s jest ju¿ skro¶nie podpisany\n" -+msgstr "podklucz podpisujÄ…cy %s jest już skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3810 - #, c-format - msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" - msgstr "" --"podklucz %s nie jest podpisuj±cy, wiêc nie musi byæ skro¶nie podpisany\n" -+"podklucz %s nie jest podpisujÄ…cy, wiÄ™c nie musi być skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3973 - msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" --msgstr "Proszê wybraæ dok³adnie jeden identyfikator u¿ytkownika.\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać dokÅ‚adnie jeden identyfikator użytkownika.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 - #, c-format - msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "podpis w wersji 3 na identyfikatorze ,,%s'' zostaje pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "podpis w wersji 3 na identyfikatorze ,,%s'' zostaje pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4183 - msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " -@@ -4199,11 +4198,11 @@ msgstr "Podaj preferowany URL serwera kluczy: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4263 - msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go zast±piæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go zastÄ…pić? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4264 - msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go usun±æ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go usunąć? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4326 - msgid "Enter the notation: " -@@ -4211,17 +4210,17 @@ msgstr "Adnotacje: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4475 - msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " --msgstr "Kontynuowaæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Kontynuować? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4547 - #, c-format - msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" --msgstr "Brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika o numerze %d.\n" -+msgstr "Brak identyfikatora użytkownika o numerze %d.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4608 - #, c-format - msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" --msgstr "Brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika o skrócie %s\n" -+msgstr "Brak identyfikatora użytkownika o skrócie %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4643 - #, c-format -@@ -4231,7 +4230,7 @@ msgstr "Brak podklucza o numerze %d.\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:4778 - #, c-format - msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "identyfikator u¿ytkownika: ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "identyfikator użytkownika: ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 - #, c-format -@@ -4245,15 +4244,15 @@ msgstr " (podpis nieeksportowalny) " - #: g10/keyedit.c:4787 - #, c-format - msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" --msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ tego klucza wygas³a %s.\n" -+msgstr "Ważność tego klucza wygasÅ‚a %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4791 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz go uniewa¿niæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz go unieważnić? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4795 - msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " --msgstr "Stworzyæ certyfikat uniewa¿nienia tego podpisu? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Stworzyć certyfikat unieważnienia tego podpisu? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4846 - msgid "Not signed by you.\n" -@@ -4262,24 +4261,24 @@ msgstr "Nie podpisane przez ciebie.\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:4852 - #, c-format - msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" --msgstr "Te identyfikatory na kluczu %s s± podpisane przez Ciebie:\n" -+msgstr "Te identyfikatory na kluczu %s sÄ… podpisane przez Ciebie:\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4878 - msgid " (non-revocable)" --msgstr " (podpis nieuniewa¿nialny) " -+msgstr " (podpis nieunieważnialny) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4885 - #, c-format - msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" --msgstr "uniewa¿niony przez twój klucz %s w %s\n" -+msgstr "unieważniony przez twój klucz %s w %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4907 - msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ te podpisy:\n" -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić te podpisy:\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4927 - msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " --msgstr "Na pewno utworzyæ certyfikaty uniewa¿nienia ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Na pewno utworzyć certyfikaty unieważnienia ? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4957 - msgid "no secret key\n" -@@ -4288,57 +4287,57 @@ msgstr "brak klucza tajnego\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:5027 - #, c-format - msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" --msgstr "identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' zosta³ ju¿ uniewa¿niony\n" -+msgstr "identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ już unieważniony\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5044 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: identyfikator u¿ytkownika podpisany za %d sekund (w " --"przysz³o¶ci)\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: identyfikator użytkownika podpisany za %d sekund (w " -+"przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci)\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5108 - #, c-format - msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" --msgstr "Klucz %s jest ju¿ uniewa¿niony.\n" -+msgstr "Klucz %s jest już unieważniony.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5170 - #, c-format - msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" --msgstr "Podklucz %s jest ju¿ uniewa¿niony.\n" -+msgstr "Podklucz %s jest już unieważniony.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5265 - #, c-format - msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" - msgstr "" --"Wy¶wietlanie zdjêcia w formacie %s o rozmiarze %ld bajtów dla klucza %s (id " -+"WyÅ›wietlanie zdjÄ™cia w formacie %s o rozmiarze %ld bajtów dla klucza %s (id " - "%d).\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:272 - #, c-format - msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" --msgstr "ustawienie ,,%s'' powtarza siê\n" -+msgstr "ustawienie ,,%s'' powtarza siÄ™\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:279 - msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" --msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieñ szyfru\n" -+msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieÅ„ szyfru\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:281 - msgid "too many digest preferences\n" --msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieñ funkcji skrótu\n" -+msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieÅ„ funkcji skrótu\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:283 - msgid "too many compression preferences\n" --msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieñ kompresji\n" -+msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieÅ„ kompresji\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:423 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy element `%s' w tek¶cie ustawieñ\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy element `%s' w tekÅ›cie ustawieÅ„\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:907 - msgid "writing direct signature\n" --msgstr "zapis podpisu bezpo¶redniego\n" -+msgstr "zapis podpisu bezpoÅ›redniego\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:949 - msgid "writing self signature\n" -@@ -4346,26 +4345,26 @@ msgstr "zapis podpisu klucza nim samym\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1006 - msgid "writing key binding signature\n" --msgstr "zapis podpisu wi±¿±cego klucz\n" -+msgstr "zapis podpisu wiążącego klucz\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 - #: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 - #, c-format - msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwa d³ugo¶æ klucza; wykorzystano %u bitów\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa dÅ‚ugość klucza; wykorzystano %u bitów\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 - #: g10/keygen.c:3283 - #, c-format - msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" --msgstr "rozmiar klucza zaokr±glony w górê do %u bitów\n" -+msgstr "rozmiar klucza zaokrÄ…glony w górÄ™ do %u bitów\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1337 - msgid "" - "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niektóre programy OpenPGP nie potrafi± obs³u¿yæ klucza RSA o " --"tej d³ugo¶ci skrótu\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niektóre programy OpenPGP nie potrafiÄ… obsÅ‚użyć klucza RSA o " -+"tej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci skrótu\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1565 - msgid "Sign" -@@ -4400,7 +4399,7 @@ msgstr "PpSsUuZz" - #: g10/keygen.c:1615 - #, c-format - msgid "Possible actions for a %s key: " --msgstr "Mo¿liwe akcje dla klucza %s: " -+msgstr "Możliwe akcje dla klucza %s: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1619 - msgid "Current allowed actions: " -@@ -4409,31 +4408,31 @@ msgstr "Aktualnie dopuszczalne akcje: " - #: g10/keygen.c:1624 - #, c-format - msgid " (%c) Toggle the sign capability\n" --msgstr " (%c) Prze³±czenie mo¿liwo¶ci podpisywania\n" -+msgstr " (%c) PrzeÅ‚Ä…czenie możliwoÅ›ci podpisywania\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1627 - #, c-format - msgid " (%c) Toggle the encrypt capability\n" --msgstr " (%c) Prze³±czenie mo¿liwo¶ci szyfrowania\n" -+msgstr " (%c) PrzeÅ‚Ä…czenie możliwoÅ›ci szyfrowania\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1630 - #, c-format - msgid " (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n" --msgstr " (%c) Prze³±czenie mo¿liwo¶ci uwierzytelniania\n" -+msgstr " (%c) PrzeÅ‚Ä…czenie możliwoÅ›ci uwierzytelniania\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1633 - #, c-format - msgid " (%c) Finished\n" --msgstr " (%c) Zakoñczenie\n" -+msgstr " (%c) ZakoÅ„czenie\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 - msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" --msgstr "Proszê wybraæ rodzaj klucza:\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać rodzaj klucza:\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1696 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" --msgstr " (%d) RSA i RSA (domy¶lne)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA i RSA (domyÅ›lne)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1698 - #, c-format -@@ -4463,32 +4462,32 @@ msgstr " (%d) RSA (tylko do szyfrowania)\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:1710 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" --msgstr " (%d) DSA (mo¿liwo¶ci do ustawienia)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) DSA (możliwoÅ›ci do ustawienia)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1711 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" --msgstr " (%d) RSA (mo¿liwo¶ci do ustawienia)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA (możliwoÅ›ci do ustawienia)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1819 - #, c-format - msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" --msgstr "Klucze %s bêd± mia³y od %u do %u bitów d³ugo¶ci.\n" -+msgstr "Klucze %s bÄ™dÄ… miaÅ‚y od %u do %u bitów dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1827 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " --msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci podklucz wygenerowaæ? (%u) " -+msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci podklucz wygenerować? (%u) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " --msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz wygenerowaæ? (%u) " -+msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz wygenerować? (%u) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 - #, c-format - msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" --msgstr "¯±dana d³ugo¶æ klucza to %u bitów.\n" -+msgstr "Żądana dÅ‚ugość klucza to %u bitów.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1932 - msgid "" -@@ -4499,12 +4498,12 @@ msgid "" - " m = key expires in n months\n" - " y = key expires in n years\n" - msgstr "" --"Okres wa¿no¶ci klucza.\n" --" 0 = klucz nie ma okre¶lonego terminu wa¿no¶ci\n" --" = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n dni\n" --" w = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n tygodni\n" --" m = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n miesiêcy\n" --" y = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n lat\n" -+"Okres ważnoÅ›ci klucza.\n" -+" 0 = klucz nie ma okreÅ›lonego terminu ważnoÅ›ci\n" -+" = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n dni\n" -+" w = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n tygodni\n" -+" m = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n miesiÄ™cy\n" -+" y = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n lat\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1943 - msgid "" -@@ -4515,55 +4514,55 @@ msgid "" - " m = signature expires in n months\n" - " y = signature expires in n years\n" - msgstr "" --"Okres wa¿no¶ci podpisu.\n" --" 0 = klucz nie ma okre¶lonego terminu wa¿no¶ci\n" --" = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n dni\n" --" w = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n tygodni\n" --" m = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n miesiêcy\n" --" y = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n lat\n" -+"Okres ważnoÅ›ci podpisu.\n" -+" 0 = klucz nie ma okreÅ›lonego terminu ważnoÅ›ci\n" -+" = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n dni\n" -+" w = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n tygodni\n" -+" m = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n miesiÄ™cy\n" -+" y = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n lat\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1966 - msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " --msgstr "Okres wa¿no¶ci klucza? (0) " -+msgstr "Okres ważnoÅ›ci klucza? (0) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1971 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " --msgstr "Okres wa¿no¶ci podpisu? (%s) " -+msgstr "Okres ważnoÅ›ci podpisu? (%s) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 - msgid "invalid value\n" --msgstr "niepoprawna warto¶æ\n" -+msgstr "niepoprawna wartość\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1997 - msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" --msgstr "Klucz nie wyga¶nie w ogóle\n" -+msgstr "Klucz nie wygaÅ›nie w ogóle\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1998 - msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" --msgstr "Podpis nie wyga¶nie w ogóle\n" -+msgstr "Podpis nie wygaÅ›nie w ogóle\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2003 - #, c-format - msgid "Key expires at %s\n" --msgstr "Klucz traci wa¿no¶æ %s\n" -+msgstr "Klucz traci ważność %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2004 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" --msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ podpisu wygasa %s\n" -+msgstr "Ważność podpisu wygasa %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2008 - msgid "" - "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" - "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" - msgstr "" --"Twój system nie potrafi pokazaæ daty po roku 2038.\n" --"Niemniej daty do roku 2106 bêd± poprawnie obs³ugiwane.\n" -+"Twój system nie potrafi pokazać daty po roku 2038.\n" -+"Niemniej daty do roku 2106 bÄ™dÄ… poprawnie obsÅ‚ugiwane.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2021 - msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy wszystko siê zgadza (t/N)? " -+msgstr "Czy wszystko siÄ™ zgadza (t/N)? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2071 - msgid "" -@@ -4572,7 +4571,7 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"GnuPG musi utworzyæ identyfikator u¿ytkownika do identyfikacji klucza.\n" -+"GnuPG musi utworzyć identyfikator użytkownika do identyfikacji klucza.\n" - "\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used -@@ -4589,27 +4588,27 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Musisz podaæ identyfikator u¿ytkownika aby mo¿na by³o rozpoznaæ twój klucz;\n" --"program z³o¿y go z twojego imienia i nazwiska, komentarza i adresu poczty\n" --"elektronicznej. Bêdzie on mia³, na przyk³ad, tak± postaæ:\n" --" \"Tadeusz ¯eleñski (Boy) \"\n" -+"Musisz podać identyfikator użytkownika aby można byÅ‚o rozpoznać twój klucz;\n" -+"program zÅ‚oży go z twojego imienia i nazwiska, komentarza i adresu poczty\n" -+"elektronicznej. BÄ™dzie on miaÅ‚, na przykÅ‚ad, takÄ… postać:\n" -+" \"Tadeusz Å»eleÅ„ski (Boy) \"\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2105 - msgid "Real name: " --msgstr "Imiê i nazwisko: " -+msgstr "ImiÄ™ i nazwisko: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2113 - msgid "Invalid character in name\n" --msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy znak w imieniu lub nazwisku\n" -+msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak w imieniu lub nazwisku\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2115 - msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" --msgstr "Imiê lub nazwisko nie mo¿e zaczynaæ siê od cyfry\n" -+msgstr "ImiÄ™ lub nazwisko nie może zaczynać siÄ™ od cyfry\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2117 - msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" --msgstr "Imiê i nazwisko musz± mieæ co najmniej 5 znaków d³ugo¶ci.\n" -+msgstr "ImiÄ™ i nazwisko muszÄ… mieć co najmniej 5 znaków dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2125 - msgid "Email address: " -@@ -4625,12 +4624,12 @@ msgstr "Komentarz: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2145 - msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" --msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy znak w komentarzu\n" -+msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak w komentarzu\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2167 - #, c-format - msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" --msgstr "U¿ywasz zestawu znaków %s.\n" -+msgstr "Używasz zestawu znaków %s.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2173 - #, c-format -@@ -4639,19 +4638,19 @@ msgid "" - " \"%s\"\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Twój identyfikator u¿ytkownika bêdzie wygl±da³ tak:\n" -+"Twój identyfikator użytkownika bÄ™dzie wyglÄ…daÅ‚ tak:\n" - " \"%s\"\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2178 - msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" - msgstr "" --"Nie nale¿y umieszczaæ adresu poczty elektronicznej w polu nazwiska czy\n" -+"Nie należy umieszczać adresu poczty elektronicznej w polu nazwiska czy\n" - "komentarza.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2193 - msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" --msgstr "Taki identyfikator u¿ytkownika ju¿ istnieje na tym kluczu!\n" -+msgstr "Taki identyfikator użytkownika już istnieje na tym kluczu!\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in - #. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching -@@ -4670,24 +4669,24 @@ msgstr "IiKkEeDdWw" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2219 - msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " --msgstr "Zmieniæ (I)miê/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, czy (W)yj¶æ? " -+msgstr "Zmienić (I)miÄ™/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, czy (W)yjść? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2220 - msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " - msgstr "" --"Zmieniæ (I)miê/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, przej¶æ (D)alej,\n" --"czy (W)yj¶æ z programu? " -+"Zmienić (I)miÄ™/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, przejść (D)alej,\n" -+"czy (W)yjść z programu? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2239 - msgid "Please correct the error first\n" --msgstr "Najpierw trzeba poprawiæ ten b³±d\n" -+msgstr "Najpierw trzeba poprawić ten bÅ‚Ä…d\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2281 - msgid "" - "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Musisz podaæ d³ugie, skomplikowane has³o aby ochroniæ swój klucz tajny.\n" -+"Musisz podać dÅ‚ugie, skomplikowane hasÅ‚o aby ochronić swój klucz tajny.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2284 -@@ -4695,8 +4694,8 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " - "encryption key." - msgstr "" --"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia kopii zapasowej poza kart± nowego " --"klucza szyfruj±cego." -+"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia kopii zapasowej poza kartÄ… nowego " -+"klucza szyfrujÄ…cego." - - #: g10/keygen.c:2300 - #, c-format -@@ -4710,8 +4709,8 @@ msgid "" - "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Nie chcesz podaæ has³a - to *z³y* pomys³!\n" --"W ka¿dej chwili mo¿esz ustawiæ has³o u¿ywaj±c tego programu i opcji\n" -+"Nie chcesz podać hasÅ‚a - to *zÅ‚y* pomysÅ‚!\n" -+"W każdej chwili możesz ustawić hasÅ‚o używajÄ…c tego programu i opcji\n" - "\"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - -@@ -4722,33 +4721,33 @@ msgid "" - "disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" - "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" - msgstr "" --"Musimy wygenerowaæ du¿o losowych bajtów. Dobrym pomys³em aby pomóc " -+"Musimy wygenerować dużo losowych bajtów. Dobrym pomysÅ‚em aby pomóc " - "komputerowi\n" - "podczas generowania liczb pierwszych jest wykonywanie w tym czasie innych\n" --"dzia³añ (pisanie na klawiaturze, poruszanie myszk±, odwo³anie siê do " --"dysków);\n" --"dziêki temu generator liczb losowych ma mo¿liwo¶æ zebrania odpowiedniej " --"ilo¶ci\n" -+"dziaÅ‚aÅ„ (pisanie na klawiaturze, poruszanie myszkÄ…, odwoÅ‚anie siÄ™ do " -+"dysków);\n" -+"dziÄ™ki temu generator liczb losowych ma możliwość zebrania odpowiedniej " -+"iloÅ›ci\n" - "entropii.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 - msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" --msgstr "Procedura generacji klucza zosta³a anulowana.\n" -+msgstr "Procedura generacji klucza zostaÅ‚a anulowana.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 - #, c-format - msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" --msgstr "zapisujê klucz publiczny w ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "zapisujÄ™ klucz publiczny w ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 - #, c-format - msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" --msgstr "zapisujê za¶lepkê klucza tajnego w ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "zapisujÄ™ zaÅ›lepkÄ™ klucza tajnego w ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 - #, c-format - msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" --msgstr "zapisujê klucz tajny w ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "zapisujÄ™ klucz tajny w ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3606 - #, c-format -@@ -4763,45 +4762,45 @@ msgstr "brak zapisywalnego zbioru kluczy tajnych: %s\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:3633 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy publicznych ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy publicznych ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3641 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy tajnych ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy tajnych ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3669 - msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" --msgstr "klucz publiczny i prywatny (tajny) zosta³y utworzone i podpisane.\n" -+msgstr "klucz publiczny i prywatny (tajny) zostaÅ‚y utworzone i podpisane.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3680 - msgid "" - "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" - "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" - msgstr "" --"Ten klucz nie mo¿e byæ wykorzystany do szyfrowania. Komend± \"--edit-key\"\n" --"mo¿na dodaæ do niego podklucz szyfruj±cy.\n" -+"Ten klucz nie może być wykorzystany do szyfrowania. KomendÄ… \"--edit-key\"\n" -+"można dodać do niego podklucz szyfrujÄ…cy.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 - #, c-format - msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Generacja klucza nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "Generacja klucza nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz zosta³ stworzony %lu sekundê w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" --"czasoprzestrzeni, lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" -+"klucz zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekundÄ™ w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" -+"czasoprzestrzeni, lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz zosta³ stworzony %lu sekund w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" --"czasoprzestrzeni, lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" -+"klucz zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekund w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" -+"czasoprzestrzeni, lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 - msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" -@@ -4810,17 +4809,17 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 - msgid "Really create? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno utworzyæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno utworzyć? (t/N) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:4124 - #, c-format - msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" --msgstr "zapis klucza na karcie nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zapis klucza na karcie nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:4173 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ pliku kopii zapasowej ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można utworzyć pliku kopii zapasowej ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:4199 - #, c-format -@@ -4853,11 +4852,11 @@ msgstr "Adnotacje podpisu: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:479 - msgid "Keyring" --msgstr "Zbiór kluczy" -+msgstr "Zbiór kluczy" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1522 - msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" --msgstr "Odcisk klucza g³ównego:" -+msgstr "Odcisk klucza głównego:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1524 - msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -@@ -4867,7 +4866,7 @@ msgstr " Odcisk podklucza:" - #. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID - #: g10/keylist.c:1531 - msgid " Primary key fingerprint:" --msgstr " Odcisk klucza g³ównego:" -+msgstr " Odcisk klucza głównego:" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1533 - msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -@@ -4884,25 +4883,25 @@ msgstr " Nr seryjny karty =" - #: g10/keyring.c:1297 - #, c-format - msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "zmiana nazwy ,,%s'' na ,,%s'' nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "zmiana nazwy ,,%s'' na ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1326 - msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Istniej± dwa pliki z poufnymi informacjami.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: IstniejÄ… dwa pliki z poufnymi informacjami.\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1327 - #, c-format - msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" --msgstr "%s pozosta³ bez zmian\n" -+msgstr "%s pozostaÅ‚ bez zmian\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1328 - #, c-format - msgid "%s is the new one\n" --msgstr "%s zosta³ utworzony\n" -+msgstr "%s zostaÅ‚ utworzony\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1329 - msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" --msgstr "Proszê usun±æ to naruszenie zasad bezpieczeñstwa\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ usunąć to naruszenie zasad bezpieczeÅ„stwa\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1430 - #, c-format -@@ -4912,39 +4911,39 @@ msgstr "buforowanie zbioru kluczy ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/keyring.c:1489 - #, c-format - msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" --msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano do tej pory (%lu podpisów)\n" -+msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano do tej pory (%lu podpisów)\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1501 - #, c-format - msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" --msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano (%lu podpisów)\n" -+msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano (%lu podpisów)\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1573 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: keyring created\n" --msgstr "%s: zbiór kluczy utworzony\n" -+msgstr "%s: zbiór kluczy utworzony\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:74 - msgid "include revoked keys in search results" --msgstr "w³±czenie uniewa¿nionych kluczy do wyników wyszukiwania" -+msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie unieważnionych kluczy do wyników wyszukiwania" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:75 - msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" --msgstr "w³±czenie podkluczy przy poszukiwaniu po ID klucza" -+msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie podkluczy przy poszukiwaniu po ID klucza" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:77 - msgid "use temporary files to pass data to keyserver helpers" - msgstr "" --"u¿ycie plików tymczasowych do przekazywania danych do modu³ów obs³ugi " -+"użycie plików tymczasowych do przekazywania danych do modułów obsÅ‚ugi " - "serwera kluczy" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:79 - msgid "do not delete temporary files after using them" --msgstr "nie usuwanie plików tymczasowych po u¿yciu ich" -+msgstr "nie usuwanie plików tymczasowych po użyciu ich" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:83 - msgid "automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures" --msgstr "automatyczne pobieranie kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -+msgstr "automatyczne pobieranie kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:85 - msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" -@@ -4958,30 +4957,30 @@ msgstr "honorowanie rekordu PKA ustawionego w kluczu przy pobieraniu kluczy" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: opcja serwera kluczy ,,%s'' nie jest u¿ywana na tej " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: opcja serwera kluczy ,,%s'' nie jest używana na tej " - "platformie.\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:551 - msgid "disabled" --msgstr "wy³±czony" -+msgstr "wyÅ‚Ä…czony" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:754 - msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " --msgstr "Wprowad¼ numer(y), N)astêpny lub Q)uit > " -+msgstr "Wprowadź numer(y), N)astÄ™pny lub Q)uit > " - - #: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" --msgstr "niepoprawny protokó³ serwera kluczy (nasz %d != modu³ obs³ugi %d)\n" -+msgstr "niepoprawny protokół serwera kluczy (nasz %d != moduÅ‚ obsÅ‚ugi %d)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:939 - #, c-format - msgid "key \"%s\" not found on keyserver\n" --msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" -+msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:941 - msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" --msgstr "klucz nie zosta³ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" -+msgstr "klucz nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1265 - #, c-format -@@ -5006,12 +5005,12 @@ msgstr "poszukiwanie nazw z %s\n" - #: g10/keyserver.c:1449 - #, c-format - msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" --msgstr "wysy³anie klucza %s na serwer %s %s\n" -+msgstr "wysyÅ‚anie klucza %s na serwer %s %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1453 - #, c-format - msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" --msgstr "wysy³anie klucza %s na %s\n" -+msgstr "wysyÅ‚anie klucza %s na %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1496 - #, c-format -@@ -5030,79 +5029,79 @@ msgstr "brak akcji serwera kluczy!\n" - #: g10/keyserver.c:1554 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: modu³ obs³ugi serwera kluczy z innej wersji GnuPG (%s)\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: moduÅ‚ obsÅ‚ugi serwera kluczy z innej wersji GnuPG (%s)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1563 - msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" --msgstr "serwer kluczy nie wys³a³ VERSION\n" -+msgstr "serwer kluczy nie wysÅ‚aÅ‚ VERSION\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 - msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" --msgstr "brak znanyk serwerów kluczy (u¿yj opcji --keyserver)\n" -+msgstr "brak znanyk serwerów kluczy (użyj opcji --keyserver)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1640 - msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" - msgstr "" --"zewnêtrzne wywo³ania serwera kluczy nie s± obs³ugiwane w tej kompilacji\n" -+"zewnÄ™trzne wywoÅ‚ania serwera kluczy nie sÄ… obsÅ‚ugiwane w tej kompilacji\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1652 - #, c-format - msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" --msgstr "brak modu³u obs³ugi dla schematu serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "brak moduÅ‚u obsÅ‚ugi dla schematu serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1657 - #, c-format - msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"akcja ,,%s'' nie jest obs³ugiwana przez schemat serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" -+"akcja ,,%s'' nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana przez schemat serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1665 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" --msgstr "%s nie obs³uguje modu³u obs³ugi w wersji %d\n" -+msgstr "%s nie obsÅ‚uguje moduÅ‚u obsÅ‚ugi w wersji %d\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1672 - msgid "keyserver timed out\n" --msgstr "zbyt d³ugi czas oczekiwania na serwer kluczy\n" -+msgstr "zbyt dÅ‚ugi czas oczekiwania na serwer kluczy\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1677 - msgid "keyserver internal error\n" --msgstr "b³±d wewnêtrzny serwera kluczy\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d wewnÄ™trzny serwera kluczy\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1686 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d komunikacji z serwerem kluczy: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d komunikacji z serwerem kluczy: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 - #, c-format - msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest identyfikatorem klucza - pominiêto\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest identyfikatorem klucza - pominiÄ™to\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2009 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na od¶wie¿yæ klucza %s przez %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można odÅ›wieżyć klucza %s przez %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2031 - #, c-format - msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" --msgstr "od¶wie¿anie 1 klucza z %s\n" -+msgstr "odÅ›wieżanie 1 klucza z %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2033 - #, c-format - msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" --msgstr "od¶wie¿anie %d kluczy z %s\n" -+msgstr "odÅ›wieżanie %d kluczy z %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2089 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na pobraæ URI %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można pobrać URI %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2095 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na przeanalizowaæ URI %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można przeanalizować URI %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:242 - #, c-format -@@ -5117,7 +5116,7 @@ msgstr "klucz sesyjny zaszyfrowany %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:305 - #, c-format - msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" --msgstr "has³o wygenerowane nieznanym algorytmem skrótu %d\n" -+msgstr "hasÅ‚o wygenerowane nieznanym algorytmem skrótu %d\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:371 - #, c-format -@@ -5147,26 +5146,26 @@ msgstr "zaszyfrowano kluczem %s o identyfikatorze %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:490 - #, c-format - msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odszyfrowywania kluczem publicznym: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odszyfrowywania kluczem publicznym: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:506 - #, c-format - msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" --msgstr "zaszyfrowane za pomoc± %lu hase³\n" -+msgstr "zaszyfrowane za pomocÄ… %lu haseÅ‚\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:508 - msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" --msgstr "zaszyfrowane jednym has³em\n" -+msgstr "zaszyfrowane jednym hasÅ‚em\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" --msgstr "przyjmuj±c ¿e dane zosta³y zaszyfrowane za pomoc± %s\n" -+msgstr "przyjmujÄ…c że dane zostaÅ‚y zaszyfrowane za pomocÄ… %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:548 - #, c-format - msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" --msgstr "szyfr IDEA nie jest dostêpny, próba u¿ycia %s zamiast niego\n" -+msgstr "szyfr IDEA nie jest dostÄ™pny, próba użycia %s zamiast niego\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:582 - msgid "decryption okay\n" -@@ -5174,25 +5173,25 @@ msgstr "odszyfrowanie poprawne\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:586 - msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: wiadomo¶æ nie by³a zabezpieczona przed manipulacj±\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wiadomość nie byÅ‚a zabezpieczona przed manipulacjÄ…\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:589 - msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: zaszyfrowana wiadomo¶æ by³a manipulowana!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: zaszyfrowana wiadomość byÅ‚a manipulowana!\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:597 - #, c-format - msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" --msgstr "wyczyszczono has³o zapamiêtane z ID: %s\n" -+msgstr "wyczyszczono hasÅ‚o zapamiÄ™tane z ID: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:602 - #, c-format - msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odszyfrowywania: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odszyfrowywania: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:623 - msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: nadawca zaznaczy³ ¿e wiadomo¶æ nie powinna byæ zapisywana\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: nadawca zaznaczyÅ‚ że wiadomość nie powinna być zapisywana\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:625 - #, c-format -@@ -5201,12 +5200,12 @@ msgstr "pierwotna nazwa pliku='%.*s'\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:713 - msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: widziano wiele czystych tekstów\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: widziano wiele czystych tekstów\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:866 - msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" - msgstr "" --"osobny certyfikat uniewa¿nienia - u¿yj ,,gpg --import'' aby go wczytaæ\n" -+"osobny certyfikat unieważnienia - użyj ,,gpg --import'' aby go wczytać\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 - msgid "no signature found\n" -@@ -5214,11 +5213,11 @@ msgstr "nie znaleziono podpisu\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1486 - msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" --msgstr "wymuszono pominiêcie sprawdzenia podpisu\n" -+msgstr "wymuszono pominiÄ™cie sprawdzenia podpisu\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1595 - msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na obs³u¿yæ tych wieloznacznych danych podpisu\n" -+msgstr "nie można obsÅ‚użyć tych wieloznacznych danych podpisu\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1606 - #, c-format -@@ -5228,7 +5227,7 @@ msgstr "Podpisano w %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:1607 - #, c-format - msgid " using %s key %s\n" --msgstr " przy u¿yciu klucza %s %s\n" -+msgstr " przy użyciu klucza %s %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1611 - #, c-format -@@ -5237,22 +5236,22 @@ msgstr "Podpisano w %s kluczem %s o numerze %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1631 - msgid "Key available at: " --msgstr "Klucz dostêpny w: " -+msgstr "Klucz dostÄ™pny w: " - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 - #, c-format - msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" --msgstr "NIEPOPRAWNY podpis z³o¿ony przez ,,%s''" -+msgstr "NIEPOPRAWNY podpis zÅ‚ożony przez ,,%s''" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 - #, c-format - msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" --msgstr "Przeterminowany podpis z³o¿ony przez ,,%s''" -+msgstr "Przeterminowany podpis zÅ‚ożony przez ,,%s''" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 - #, c-format - msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" --msgstr "Poprawny podpis z³o¿ony przez ,,%s''" -+msgstr "Poprawny podpis zÅ‚ożony przez ,,%s''" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1818 - msgid "[uncertain]" -@@ -5266,17 +5265,17 @@ msgstr " alias ,,%s''" - #: g10/mainproc.c:1949 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature expired %s\n" --msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ podpisu wygas³a %s.\n" -+msgstr "Ważność podpisu wygasÅ‚a %s.\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1954 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature expires %s\n" --msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ podpisu wygasa %s.\n" -+msgstr "Ważność podpisu wygasa %s.\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1957 - #, c-format - msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" -+msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1958 - msgid "binary" -@@ -5293,7 +5292,7 @@ msgstr "nieznany" - #: g10/mainproc.c:1979 - #, c-format - msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" --msgstr "Nie mo¿na sprawdziæ podpisu: %s\n" -+msgstr "Nie można sprawdzić podpisu: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 - msgid "not a detached signature\n" -@@ -5303,7 +5302,7 @@ msgstr "nie jest oddzielonym podpisem.\n" - msgid "" - "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wielokrotne podpisy. Tylko pierwszy zostanie sprawdzony.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wielokrotne podpisy. Tylko pierwszy zostanie sprawdzony.\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2114 - #, c-format -@@ -5321,89 +5320,91 @@ msgstr "wykryto niepoprawny pakiet pierwotny w proc_tree()\n" - #: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 - #, c-format - msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" --msgstr "fstat na ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê w %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fstat na ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ w %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:181 - #, c-format - msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" --msgstr "fstat(%d) nie powiod³o siê w %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fstat(%d) nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ w %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:299 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu klucza publicznego %s\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: użycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu klucza publicznego %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:305 - msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucze do podpisywania i szyfrowania Elgamala s± odradzane\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucze do podpisywania i szyfrowania Elgamala sÄ… odradzane\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:318 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ycie eksperymentalnego szyfru %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: użycie eksperymentalnego szyfru %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:333 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu skrótu %s\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: użycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu skrótu %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:338 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: algorytm skrótu %s jest odradzany\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: algorytm skrótu %s jest odradzany\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:548 - msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" --msgstr "modu³ szyfru IDEA nie jest dostêpny\n" -+msgstr "moduÅ‚ szyfru IDEA nie jest dostÄ™pny\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 - #, c-format - msgid "please see %s for more information\n" --msgstr "obja¶nienie mo¿na przeczytaæ tutaj: %s\n" -+msgstr "objaÅ›nienie można przeczytać tutaj: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:823 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "%s:%d jest przestarza³± opcj± ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ… ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:827 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj±.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ….\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:829 - #, c-format - msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" --msgstr "w jej miejsce nale¿y u¿yæ ,,%s%s''\n" -+msgstr "w jej miejsce należy użyć ,,%s%s''\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:836 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³ym poleceniem - nie nale¿y go u¿ywaæ\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚ym poleceniem - nie należy go używać\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:846 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: przestarza³a opcja ,,%s'' - nie ma efektu\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: przestarzaÅ‚a opcja ,,%s'' - nie ma efektu\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:849 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj± - nie ma efektu\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ… - nie ma efektu\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: przestarza³a opcja ,,%s'' - nie ma efektu\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: ,,%s%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚e w tym pliku - efektywne tylko w %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj± - nie ma efektu\n" -+msgstr "" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ… - nie ma efektu z wyjÄ…tkiem " -+"%s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -5417,7 +5418,7 @@ msgstr "nieskompresowany|brak" - #: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" --msgstr "ta wiadomo¶æ mo¿e nie daæ siê odczytaæ za pomoc± %s\n" -+msgstr "ta wiadomość może nie dać siÄ™ odczytać za pomocÄ… %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format -@@ -5432,16 +5433,16 @@ msgstr "nieznana opcja ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/openfile.c:89 - #, c-format - msgid "File `%s' exists. " --msgstr "Plik ,,%s'' ju¿ istnieje. " -+msgstr "Plik ,,%s'' już istnieje. " - - #: g10/openfile.c:93 - msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " --msgstr "Nadpisaæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Nadpisać? (t/N) " - - #: g10/openfile.c:126 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: unknown suffix\n" --msgstr "%s: nieznana koñcówka nazwy\n" -+msgstr "%s: nieznana koÅ„cówka nazwy\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:150 - msgid "Enter new filename" -@@ -5449,32 +5450,32 @@ msgstr "Nazwa pliku" - - #: g10/openfile.c:195 - msgid "writing to stdout\n" --msgstr "zapisywanie na wyj¶cie standardowe\n" -+msgstr "zapisywanie na wyjÅ›cie standardowe\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:316 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" --msgstr "przyjêto obecno¶æ podpisanych danych w '%s'\n" -+msgstr "przyjÄ™to obecność podpisanych danych w ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:395 - #, c-format - msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" --msgstr "nowy plik ustawieñ ,,%s'' zosta³ utworzony\n" -+msgstr "nowy plik ustawieÅ„ ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ utworzony\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:397 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: opcje w ,,%s'' nie s± jeszcze uwzglêdnione.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: opcje w ,,%s'' nie sÄ… jeszcze uwzglÄ™dnione.\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:213 - #, c-format - msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na obs³u¿yæ tego algorytmu klucza publicznego: %d\n" -+msgstr "nie można obsÅ‚użyć tego algorytmu klucza publicznego: %d\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:834 - msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: symetrycznie zaszyfrowany klucz sesyjny mo¿e nie byæ " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: symetrycznie zaszyfrowany klucz sesyjny może nie być " - "bezpieczny\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 -@@ -5490,7 +5491,7 @@ msgstr "problem z agentem: %s\n" - #: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 - #, c-format - msgid " (main key ID %s)" --msgstr " (ID g³ównego klucza %s)" -+msgstr " (ID głównego klucza %s)" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:358 - #, c-format -@@ -5501,18 +5502,18 @@ msgid "" - "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" - "created %s%s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Musisz podaæ has³o, aby odbezpieczyæ klucz tajny certyfikatu OpenPGP:\n" -+"Musisz podać hasÅ‚o, aby odbezpieczyć klucz tajny certyfikatu OpenPGP:\n" - ",,%.*s''.\n" --"Klucz o d³ugo¶ci %u bitów, typ %s, ID %s,\n" -+"Klucz o dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci %u bitów, typ %s, ID %s,\n" - "stworzony %s%s.\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:384 - msgid "Enter passphrase\n" --msgstr "Has³o\n" -+msgstr "HasÅ‚o\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:412 - msgid "cancelled by user\n" --msgstr "anulowano przez u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "anulowano przez użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:592 - #, c-format -@@ -5520,18 +5521,18 @@ msgid "" - "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" - "user: \"%s\"\n" - msgstr "" --"Musisz podaæ has³o aby odbezpieczyæ klucz prywatny u¿ytkownika:\n" -+"Musisz podać hasÅ‚o aby odbezpieczyć klucz prywatny użytkownika:\n" - ",,%s''\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:600 - #, c-format - msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" --msgstr "d³ugo¶æ %u bitów, typ %s, numer %s, stworzony %s" -+msgstr "dÅ‚ugość %u bitów, typ %s, numer %s, stworzony %s" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:609 - #, c-format - msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" --msgstr " (podklucz dla g³ównego klucza o ID %s)" -+msgstr " (podklucz dla głównego klucza o ID %s)" - - #: g10/photoid.c:77 - msgid "" -@@ -5542,28 +5543,28 @@ msgid "" - "Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Wybierz zdjêcie które chcesz do³±czyæ do swojego klucza jako identyfikator.\n" --"Musi to byæ plik w formacie JPEG. Zostanie on zapisany w Twoim kluczu\n" --"publicznym. Je¶li bêdzie du¿y, powiêkszy to tak¿e rozmiar Twojego klucza!\n" --"Dobry rozmiar to oko³o 240 na 288 pikseli.\n" -+"Wybierz zdjÄ™cie które chcesz doÅ‚Ä…czyć do swojego klucza jako identyfikator.\n" -+"Musi to być plik w formacie JPEG. Zostanie on zapisany w Twoim kluczu\n" -+"publicznym. JeÅ›li bÄ™dzie duży, powiÄ™kszy to także rozmiar Twojego klucza!\n" -+"Dobry rozmiar to okoÅ‚o 240 na 288 pikseli.\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:99 - msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " --msgstr "Nazwa pliku ze zdjêciem w formacie JPEG: " -+msgstr "Nazwa pliku ze zdjÄ™ciem w formacie JPEG: " - - #: g10/photoid.c:120 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to open JPEG file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ pliku JPEG ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku JPEG ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:131 - #, c-format - msgid "This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n" --msgstr "Ten JPEG jest naprawdê du¿y (%d bajtów)!\n" -+msgstr "Ten JPEG jest naprawdÄ™ duży (%d bajtów)!\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:133 - msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go u¿yæ? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go użyć? (t/N) " - - #: g10/photoid.c:149 - #, c-format -@@ -5572,11 +5573,11 @@ msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest plikiem JPEG\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:168 - msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " --msgstr "Czy zdjêcie jest w porz±dku? (t/N/w) " -+msgstr "Czy zdjÄ™cie jest w porzÄ…dku? (t/N/w) " - - #: g10/photoid.c:377 - msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na wy¶wietliæ zdjêcia!\n" -+msgstr "nie można wyÅ›wietlić zdjÄ™cia!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 - msgid "No reason specified" -@@ -5584,27 +5585,27 @@ msgstr "nie podano przyczyny" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 - msgid "Key is superseded" --msgstr "klucz zosta³ zast±piony" -+msgstr "klucz zostaÅ‚ zastÄ…piony" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:64 g10/revoke.c:622 - msgid "Key has been compromised" --msgstr "klucz zosta³ skompromitowany" -+msgstr "klucz zostaÅ‚ skompromitowany" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 - msgid "Key is no longer used" --msgstr "klucz nie jest ju¿ u¿ywany" -+msgstr "klucz nie jest już używany" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 - msgid "User ID is no longer valid" --msgstr "identyfikator u¿ytkownika przesta³ byæ poprawny" -+msgstr "identyfikator użytkownika przestaÅ‚ być poprawny" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:72 - msgid "reason for revocation: " --msgstr "powód uniewa¿nienia: " -+msgstr "powód unieważnienia: " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:89 - msgid "revocation comment: " --msgstr "komentarz do uniewa¿nienia: " -+msgstr "komentarz do unieważnienia: " - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and - #. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which -@@ -5622,7 +5623,7 @@ msgstr "iImMwWpP" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:212 - msgid "No trust value assigned to:\n" --msgstr "Brak warto¶ci zaufania dla:\n" -+msgstr "Brak wartoÅ›ci zaufania dla:\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:245 - #, c-format -@@ -5632,7 +5633,7 @@ msgstr " alias ,,%s''\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:255 - msgid "" - "How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" --msgstr "Jak bardzo ufasz, ¿e ten klucz naprawdê nale¿y do tej osoby?\n" -+msgstr "Jak bardzo ufasz, że ten klucz naprawdÄ™ należy do tej osoby?\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:270 - #, c-format -@@ -5651,15 +5652,15 @@ msgstr " %d = ufam absolutnie\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:284 - msgid " m = back to the main menu\n" --msgstr " m = powrót do g³ównego menu\n" -+msgstr " m = powrót do głównego menu\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:287 - msgid " s = skip this key\n" --msgstr " p = pominiêcie tego klucza\n" -+msgstr " p = pominiÄ™cie tego klucza\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:288 - msgid " q = quit\n" --msgstr " w = wyj¶cie\n" -+msgstr " w = wyjÅ›cie\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:292 - #, c-format -@@ -5676,29 +5677,29 @@ msgstr "Twoja decyzja? " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:319 - msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " --msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz przypisaæ absolutne zaufanie temu kluczowi? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz przypisać absolutne zaufanie temu kluczowi? (t/N) " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:333 - msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" --msgstr "Certyfikaty prowadz±ce do ostatecznie zaufanego klucza:\n" -+msgstr "Certyfikaty prowadzÄ…ce do ostatecznie zaufanego klucza:\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:418 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" --msgstr "%s: Nie ma ¿adnej pewno¶ci, czy ten klucz nale¿y do tej osoby\n" -+msgstr "%s: Nie ma żadnej pewnoÅ›ci, czy ten klucz należy do tej osoby\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:423 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" --msgstr "%s: Nie ma ca³kowitej pewno¶ci, czy ten klucz nale¿y do tej osoby\n" -+msgstr "%s: Nie ma caÅ‚kowitej pewnoÅ›ci, czy ten klucz należy do tej osoby\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:429 - msgid "This key probably belongs to the named user\n" --msgstr "Ten klucz prawdopodobnie nale¿y do tej osoby\n" -+msgstr "Ten klucz prawdopodobnie należy do tej osoby\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:434 - msgid "This key belongs to us\n" --msgstr "Ten klucz nale¿y do nas\n" -+msgstr "Ten klucz należy do nas\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:460 - msgid "" -@@ -5706,111 +5707,111 @@ msgid "" - "in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n" - "you may answer the next question with yes.\n" - msgstr "" --"NIE MA pewno¶ci, czy klucz nale¿y do osoby wymienionej w identyfikatorze.\n" --"Je¶li nie masz co do tego ¿adnych w±tpliwo¶ci i *naprawdê* wiesz co robisz,\n" --"mo¿esz odpowiedzieæ ,,tak'' na nastêpne pytanie.\n" -+"NIE MA pewnoÅ›ci, czy klucz należy do osoby wymienionej w identyfikatorze.\n" -+"JeÅ›li nie masz co do tego żadnych wÄ…tpliwoÅ›ci i *naprawdÄ™* wiesz co robisz,\n" -+"możesz odpowiedzieć ,,tak'' na nastÄ™pne pytanie.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:479 - msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " --msgstr "U¿yæ tego klucza pomimo to? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Użyć tego klucza pomimo to? (t/N) " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:513 - msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ywany jest klucz nie obdarzony zaufaniem!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: używany jest klucz nie obdarzony zaufaniem!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:520 - msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: ten klucz móg³ zostaæ uniewa¿niony\n" --" (brak klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego aby to sprawdziæ)\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ten klucz mógÅ‚ zostać unieważniony\n" -+" (brak klucza unieważniajÄ…cego aby to sprawdzić)\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:529 - msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony kluczem uniewa¿niaj±cym!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony kluczem unieważniajÄ…cym!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:532 - msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony przez w³a¶ciciela!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony przez wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:533 - msgid " This could mean that the signature is forged.\n" --msgstr " To mo¿e oznaczaæ, ¿e podpis jest fa³szerstwem.\n" -+msgstr " To może oznaczać, że podpis jest faÅ‚szerstwem.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:539 - msgid "WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten podklucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony przez w³a¶ciciela!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten podklucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony przez wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:544 - msgid "Note: This key has been disabled.\n" --msgstr "Uwaga: Ten klucz zosta³ wy³±czony z u¿ytku.\n" -+msgstr "Uwaga: Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użytku.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:564 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" --msgstr "Uwaga: Sprawdzony adres pospisuj±cego to `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Uwaga: Sprawdzony adres pospisujÄ…cego to `%s'\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:571 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" --msgstr "Uwaga: Adres podpisuj±cego `%s' nie pasuje do wpisu DNS\n" -+msgstr "Uwaga: Adres podpisujÄ…cego `%s' nie pasuje do wpisu DNS\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:583 - msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" - msgstr "" --"poziom zaufania poprawiony na PE£NY ze wzglêdu na poprawne informacje PKA\n" -+"poziom zaufania poprawiony na PEÅNY ze wzglÄ™du na poprawne informacje PKA\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:591 - msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" - msgstr "" --"poziom zaufania poprawiony na ¯ADEN ze wzglêdu na b³êdne informacje PKA\n" -+"poziom zaufania poprawiony na Å»ADEN ze wzglÄ™du na bÅ‚Ä™dne informacje PKA\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:602 - msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" --msgstr "Uwaga: Data wa¿no¶ci tego klucza up³ynê³a!\n" -+msgstr "Uwaga: Data ważnoÅ›ci tego klucza upÅ‚ynęła!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:613 - msgid "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten klucz nie jest po¶wiadczony zaufanym podpisem!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten klucz nie jest poÅ›wiadczony zaufanym podpisem!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:615 - msgid "" - " There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" - msgstr "" --" Nie ma pewno¶ci co do to¿samo¶ci osoby która z³o¿y³a podpis.\n" -+" Nie ma pewnoÅ›ci co do tożsamoÅ›ci osoby która zÅ‚ożyÅ‚a podpis.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:623 - msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: NIE UFAMY temu kluczowi!\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: NIE UFAMY temu kluczowi!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:624 - msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" --msgstr " Ten podpis prawdopodobnie jest FA£SZYWY.\n" -+msgstr " Ten podpis prawdopodobnie jest FAÅSZYWY.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:632 - msgid "" - "WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: Tego klucza nie po¶wiadczaj± wystarczaj±co zaufane podpisy!\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Tego klucza nie poÅ›wiadczajÄ… wystarczajÄ…co zaufane podpisy!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:634 - msgid " It is not certain that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" - msgstr "" --" Nie ma pewno¶ci co do to¿samo¶ci osoby która z³o¿y³a ten " -+" Nie ma pewnoÅ›ci co do tożsamoÅ›ci osoby która zÅ‚ożyÅ‚a ten " - "podpis.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:833 g10/pkclist.c:880 g10/pkclist.c:1092 g10/pkclist.c:1167 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: skipped: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: pominiêty: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: pominiÄ™ty: %s\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" --msgstr "%s: pominiêty: zosta³ ju¿ wybrany w innej opcji\n" -+msgstr "%s: pominiÄ™ty: zostaÅ‚ już wybrany w innej opcji\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:901 - msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" --msgstr "Nie zosta³ podany identyfikator u¿ytkownika (np. za pomoc± ,,-r'')\n" -+msgstr "Nie zostaÅ‚ podany identyfikator użytkownika (np. za pomocÄ… ,,-r'')\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:925 - msgid "Current recipients:\n" -@@ -5822,37 +5823,37 @@ msgid "" - "Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Identyfikator u¿ytkownika (pusta linia oznacza koniec): " -+"Identyfikator użytkownika (pusta linia oznacza koniec): " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:976 - msgid "No such user ID.\n" --msgstr "Brak takiego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika.\n" -+msgstr "Brak takiego identyfikatora użytkownika.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 - msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" --msgstr "pominiêty: klucz publiczny ju¿ jest domy¶lnym adresatem\n" -+msgstr "pominiÄ™ty: klucz publiczny już jest domyÅ›lnym adresatem\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1006 - msgid "Public key is disabled.\n" --msgstr "Klucz publiczny wy³±czony z u¿ycia.\n" -+msgstr "Klucz publiczny wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użycia.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1015 - msgid "skipped: public key already set\n" --msgstr "pominiêty: zosta³ ju¿ wybrany w innej opcji\n" -+msgstr "pominiÄ™ty: zostaÅ‚ już wybrany w innej opcji\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1050 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown default recipient \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "nieznany domy¶lny adresat ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nieznany domyÅ›lny adresat ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1112 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n" --msgstr "%s: pominiêty: klucz publiczny wy³±czony z u¿ytku\n" -+msgstr "%s: pominiÄ™ty: klucz publiczny wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użytku\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1175 - msgid "no valid addressees\n" --msgstr "brak poprawnych adresatów\n" -+msgstr "brak poprawnych adresatów\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1513 - #, c-format -@@ -5867,7 +5868,7 @@ msgstr "Uwaga: klucz %s nie ma preferencji dla %s\n" - #: g10/plaintext.c:95 - msgid "data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n" - msgstr "" --"dane nie zosta³y zapisane; aby to zrobiæ, nale¿y u¿yæ opcji \"--output\"\n" -+"dane nie zostaÅ‚y zapisane; aby to zrobić, należy użyć opcji \"--output\"\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:480 - msgid "Detached signature.\n" -@@ -5879,7 +5880,7 @@ msgstr "Nazwa pliku danych: " - - #: g10/plaintext.c:519 - msgid "reading stdin ...\n" --msgstr "czytam strumieñ standardowego wej¶cia\n" -+msgstr "czytam strumieÅ„ standardowego wejÅ›cia\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:557 - msgid "no signed data\n" -@@ -5888,12 +5889,12 @@ msgstr "brak podpisanych danych\n" - #: g10/plaintext.c:573 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ podpisanego pliku ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nie można otworzyć podpisanego pliku ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:607 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ podpisanych danych z fd=%d: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można otworzyć podpisanych danych z fd=%d: %s\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 - #, c-format -@@ -5902,53 +5903,53 @@ msgstr "adresat anonimowy; sprawdzanie klucza tajnego %s...\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 - msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" --msgstr "OK, to my jeste¶my adresatem anonimowym.\n" -+msgstr "OK, to my jesteÅ›my adresatem anonimowym.\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 - msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" --msgstr "stary, nieobs³ugiwany algorytm szyfrowania klucza sesyjnego\n" -+msgstr "stary, nieobsÅ‚ugiwany algorytm szyfrowania klucza sesyjnego\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:246 - #, c-format - msgid "cipher algorithm %d%s is unknown or disabled\n" --msgstr "algorytm szyfruj±cy %d%s jest nieznany lub zosta³ wy³±czony\n" -+msgstr "algorytm szyfrujÄ…cy %d%s jest nieznany lub zostaÅ‚ wyÅ‚Ä…czony\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:284 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: cipher algorithm %s not found in recipient preferences\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: brak algorytmu szyfruj±cego %s w ustawieniach odbiorcy\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: brak algorytmu szyfrujÄ…cego %s w ustawieniach odbiorcy\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: wa¿no¶æ klucza tajnego %s wygas³a %s\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: ważność klucza tajnego %s wygasÅ‚a %s\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 - msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" --msgstr "UWAGA: klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony" -+msgstr "UWAGA: klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony" - - #: g10/revoke.c:102 g10/revoke.c:116 g10/revoke.c:128 g10/revoke.c:174 - #: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 - #, c-format - msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" --msgstr "wywo³anie funkcji build_packet nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie funkcji build_packet nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:145 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s has no user IDs\n" --msgstr "klucz %s nie ma identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s nie ma identyfikatorów użytkownika\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:306 - msgid "To be revoked by:\n" --msgstr "Zostanie uniewa¿niony przez:\n" -+msgstr "Zostanie unieważniony przez:\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:310 - msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" --msgstr "(to jest czu³y klucz uniewa¿niaj±cy)\n" -+msgstr "(to jest czuÅ‚y klucz unieważniajÄ…cy)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:314 - msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Stworzyæ certyfikat uniewa¿nienia tego klucza? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Stworzyć certyfikat unieważnienia tego klucza? (t/N) " - - #: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 - msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" -@@ -5957,26 +5958,26 @@ msgstr "wymuszono opakowanie ASCII wyniku.\n" - #: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 - #, c-format - msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" --msgstr "wywo³anie funkcji make_keysig_packet nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie funkcji make_keysig_packet nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:405 - msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" --msgstr "Certyfikat uniewa¿nienia zosta³ utworzony.\n" -+msgstr "Certyfikat unieważnienia zostaÅ‚ utworzony.\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:411 - #, c-format - msgid "no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "brak kluczy uniewa¿niaj±cych dla ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "brak kluczy unieważniajÄ…cych dla ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:470 - #, c-format - msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" --msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" -+msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:497 - #, c-format - msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" --msgstr "brak odpowiadaj±cego klucza publicznego: %s\n" -+msgstr "brak odpowiadajÄ…cego klucza publicznego: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:508 - msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" -@@ -5984,7 +5985,7 @@ msgstr "klucz publiczny nie pasuje do klucza prywatnego!\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:515 - msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "Stworzyæ certyfikat uniewa¿nienia tego klucza? (t/N) " -+msgstr "Stworzyć certyfikat unieważnienia tego klucza? (t/N) " - - #: g10/revoke.c:532 - msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" -@@ -6004,23 +6005,23 @@ msgid "" - "your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n" - "your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n" - msgstr "" --"Certyfikat uniewa¿nienia zosta³ utworzony.\n" -+"Certyfikat unieważnienia zostaÅ‚ utworzony.\n" - "\n" --"Nale¿y przenie¶æ go na no¶nik który mo¿na bezpiecznie ukryæ; je¶li ¼li " -+"Należy przenieść go na noÅ›nik który można bezpiecznie ukryć; jeÅ›li źli " - "ludzie\n" --"dostan± ten certyfikat w swoje rêce, mog± u¿yæ go do uczynienia klucza\n" --"nieu¿ytecznym.\n" -+"dostanÄ… ten certyfikat w swoje rÄ™ce, mogÄ… użyć go do uczynienia klucza\n" -+"nieużytecznym.\n" - "\n" --"Niez³ym pomys³em jest wydrukowanie certyfikatu uniewa¿nienia i schowanie\n" --"wydruku w bezpiecznym miejscu, na wypadek gdyby no¶nik z certyfikatem sta³ " --"siê\n" --"nieczytelny. Ale nale¿y zachowaæ ostro¿no¶æ, systemy drukowania ró¿nych\n" --"komputerów mog± zachowaæ tre¶æ wydruku i udostêpniæ j± osobom " --"nieupowa¿nionym.\n" -+"NiezÅ‚ym pomysÅ‚em jest wydrukowanie certyfikatu unieważnienia i schowanie\n" -+"wydruku w bezpiecznym miejscu, na wypadek gdyby noÅ›nik z certyfikatem staÅ‚ " -+"siÄ™\n" -+"nieczytelny. Ale należy zachować ostrożność, systemy drukowania różnych\n" -+"komputerów mogÄ… zachować treść wydruku i udostÄ™pnić jÄ… osobom " -+"nieupoważnionym.\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:633 - msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" --msgstr "Proszê wybraæ powód uniewa¿nienia:\n" -+msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać powód unieważnienia:\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:643 - msgid "Cancel" -@@ -6029,16 +6030,16 @@ msgstr "Anuluj" - #: g10/revoke.c:645 - #, c-format - msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" --msgstr "(Prawdopodobnie chcesz tu wybraæ %d)\n" -+msgstr "(Prawdopodobnie chcesz tu wybrać %d)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:686 - msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" --msgstr "Wprowad¼ opis (nieobowi±zkowy) i zakoñcz go pust± lini±:\n" -+msgstr "Wprowadź opis (nieobowiÄ…zkowy) i zakoÅ„cz go pustÄ… liniÄ…:\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:714 - #, c-format - msgid "Reason for revocation: %s\n" --msgstr "Powód uniewa¿nienia: %s\n" -+msgstr "Powód unieważnienia: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:716 - msgid "(No description given)\n" -@@ -6050,21 +6051,21 @@ msgstr "Informacje poprawne? (t/N) " - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 - msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" --msgstr "tajne czê¶ci klucza s± niedostêpne\n" -+msgstr "tajne części klucza sÄ… niedostÄ™pne\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 - #, c-format - msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" --msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d%s nie jest obs³ugiwany\n" -+msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d%s nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 - #, c-format - msgid "protection digest %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d nie jest obs³ugiwany\n" -+msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 - msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" --msgstr "Niepoprawne has³o; proszê spróbowaæ ponownie" -+msgstr "Niepoprawne hasÅ‚o; proszÄ™ spróbować ponownie" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 - #, c-format -@@ -6073,125 +6074,125 @@ msgstr "%s ...\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 - msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Wykryto s³aby klucz - nale¿y ponownie zmieniæ has³o.\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Wykryto sÅ‚aby klucz - należy ponownie zmienić hasÅ‚o.\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 - msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" - msgstr "" --"tworzenie przestarza³ej 16-bitowej sumy kontrolnej dla ochrony klucza\n" -+"tworzenie przestarzaÅ‚ej 16-bitowej sumy kontrolnej dla ochrony klucza\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 - msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" --msgstr "wygenerowano s³aby klucz - operacja zostaje powtórzona\n" -+msgstr "wygenerowano sÅ‚aby klucz - operacja zostaje powtórzona\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:65 - #, c-format - msgid "cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; tried %d times!\n" - msgstr "" --"brak mo¿liwo¶ci generacji dobrego klucza dla szyfru symetrycznego;\n" --"operacja by³a powtarzana %d razy!\n" -+"brak możliwoÅ›ci generacji dobrego klucza dla szyfru symetrycznego;\n" -+"operacja byÅ‚a powtarzana %d razy!\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 - msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" --msgstr "DSA wymaga d³ugo¶ci skrótu bêd±cego wielokrotno¶ci± 8 bitów\n" -+msgstr "DSA wymaga dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci skrótu bÄ™dÄ…cego wielokrotnoÅ›ciÄ… 8 bitów\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:240 - #, c-format - msgid "DSA key %s uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" --msgstr "Klucz DSA %s u¿ywa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" -+msgstr "Klucz DSA %s używa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" --msgstr "Klucz DSA %s wymaga %u-bitowego lub wiêkszego skrótu\n" -+msgstr "Klucz DSA %s wymaga %u-bitowego lub wiÄ™kszego skrótu\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:80 - msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: konflikt skrótów podpisów w wiadomo¶ci\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: konflikt skrótów podpisów w wiadomoÅ›ci\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: podklucz podpisuj±cy %s nie jest skro¶nie podpisany\n" -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podklucz podpisujÄ…cy %s nie jest skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:117 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: podklucz podpisuj±cy %s jest niepoprawnie skro¶nie podpisany\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podklucz podpisujÄ…cy %s jest niepoprawnie skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:211 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" --msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekundê m³odszy od podpisu\n" -+msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekundÄ™ mÅ‚odszy od podpisu\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:212 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" --msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekund(y) m³odszy od podpisu\n" -+msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekund(y) mÅ‚odszy od podpisu\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:223 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key %s was created %lu second in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz %s zosta³ stworzony %lu sekundê w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" --"czasoprzestrzeni lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" -+"klucz %s zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekundÄ™ w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" -+"czasoprzestrzeni lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:225 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key %s was created %lu seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz %s zosta³ stworzony %lu sekund w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" --"czasoprzestrzeni lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" -+"klucz %s zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekund w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" -+"czasoprzestrzeni lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:239 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: signature key %s expired %s\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisuj±cy %s przekroczy³ datê wa¿no¶ci %s\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisujÄ…cy %s przekroczyÅ‚ datÄ™ ważnoÅ›ci %s\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisuj±cy %s zosta³ uniewa¿niony\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisujÄ…cy %s zostaÅ‚ unieważniony\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" -+msgstr "Uwaga: podpisy wykonane algorytmem %s sÄ… odrzucane\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" - msgstr "" --"uznano za z³y podpis utworzony kluczem %s z powodu nieznanego bitu " -+"uznano za zÅ‚y podpis utworzony kluczem %s z powodu nieznanego bitu " - "krytycznego\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:607 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dla podpisu uniewa¿nienia podklucza\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dla podpisu unieważnienia podklucza\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:634 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dowi±zywanego podpisem\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dowiÄ…zywanego podpisem\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:89 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na rozwin±æ %% w URL adnotacji (jest zbyt d³ugi).\n" --" U¿yty zostanie nie rozwiniêty.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można rozwinąć %% w URL adnotacji (jest zbyt dÅ‚ugi).\n" -+" Użyty zostanie nie rozwiniÄ™ty.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:115 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na rozwin±æ znaczników %% w URL regulaminu\n" --" (jest zbyt d³ugi). U¿yty zostanie nie rozwiniêty.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można rozwinąć znaczników %% w URL regulaminu\n" -+" (jest zbyt dÅ‚ugi). Użyty zostanie nie rozwiniÄ™ty.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:138 - #, c-format -@@ -6199,31 +6200,31 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " - "unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na rozwin±æ znaczników %% w URL-u preferowanego\n" --" serwera kluczy (jest zbyt d³ugi). U¿yty zostanie nie rozwiniêty.\n" -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można rozwinąć znaczników %% w URL-u preferowanego\n" -+" serwera kluczy (jest zbyt dÅ‚ugi). Użyty zostanie nie rozwiniÄ™ty.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:311 - #, c-format - msgid "checking created signature failed: %s\n" --msgstr "sprawdzenie z³o¿onego podpisu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie zÅ‚ożonego podpisu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:320 - #, c-format - msgid "%s/%s signature from: \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "podpis %s/%s z³o¿ony przez: ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "podpis %s/%s zÅ‚ożony przez: ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:761 - msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" --"kluczami PGP 2 w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na podpisywaæ tylko do oddzielonych " --"podpisów\n" -+"kluczami PGP 2 w trybie --pgp2 można podpisywać tylko do oddzielonych " -+"podpisów\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:837 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wymuszone u¿ycie skrótu %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami " -+"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wymuszone użycie skrótu %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami " - "adresata\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:964 -@@ -6232,43 +6233,43 @@ msgstr "podpis:" - - #: g10/sign.c:1079 - msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na podpisywaæ tylko za pomoc± kluczy z wersji 2.x\n" -+msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 można podpisywać tylko za pomocÄ… kluczy z wersji 2.x\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:1263 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" --msgstr "zostanie u¿yty szyfr %s\n" -+msgstr "zostanie użyty szyfr %s\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 - msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" - msgstr "" --"klucz nie jest oznaczony jako niepewny - nie mo¿na go u¿yæ z atrap±\n" -+"klucz nie jest oznaczony jako niepewny - nie można go użyć z atrapÄ…\n" - "generatora liczb losowych!\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:174 - #, c-format - msgid "skipped \"%s\": duplicated\n" --msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': duplikat\n" -+msgstr "pominiÄ™ty ,,%s'': duplikat\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:182 g10/skclist.c:195 g10/skclist.c:207 - #, c-format - msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" --msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "pominiÄ™ty ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:190 - msgid "skipped: secret key already present\n" --msgstr "pominiêty: klucz prywatny jest ju¿ wpisany\n" -+msgstr "pominiÄ™ty: klucz prywatny jest już wpisany\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:208 - msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" - msgstr "" --"klucz algorytmu Elgamala wygenerowany przez PGP nie zapewniaj±cy " --"bezpiecznych podpisów!" -+"klucz algorytmu Elgamala wygenerowany przez PGP nie zapewniajÄ…cy " -+"bezpiecznych podpisów!" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 - #, c-format - msgid "trust record %lu, type %d: write failed: %s\n" --msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: zapis nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: zapis nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:106 - #, c-format -@@ -6276,17 +6277,17 @@ msgid "" - "# List of assigned trustvalues, created %s\n" - "# (Use \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" to restore them)\n" - msgstr "" --"# Lista przypisanych warto¶ci zaufania, stworzona %s\n" --"# (u¿yj \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" aby j± przywróciæ)\n" -+"# Lista przypisanych wartoÅ›ci zaufania, stworzona %s\n" -+"# (użyj \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" aby jÄ… przywrócić)\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 g10/tdbdump.c:169 g10/tdbdump.c:174 g10/tdbdump.c:179 - #, c-format - msgid "error in `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d w ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d w ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 - msgid "line too long" --msgstr "linia zbyt d³uga" -+msgstr "linia zbyt dÅ‚uga" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:169 - msgid "colon missing" -@@ -6294,45 +6295,45 @@ msgstr "brak dwukropka" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:175 - msgid "invalid fingerprint" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy odcisk" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy odcisk" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:180 - msgid "ownertrust value missing" --msgstr "brak warto¶ci zaufania w³a¶ciciela" -+msgstr "brak wartoÅ›ci zaufania wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:216 - #, c-format - msgid "error finding trust record in `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas szukania zapisu warto¶ci zaufania w ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas szukania zapisu wartoÅ›ci zaufania w ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:220 - #, c-format - msgid "read error in `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu w ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu w ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" --msgstr "baza zaufania: synchronizacja nie powiod³a siê %s\n" -+msgstr "baza zaufania: synchronizacja nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™ %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n" --msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: funkcja lseek() nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: funkcja lseek() nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:135 g10/tdbio.c:1467 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n" --msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: zapis nie powiód³ siê (n=%d): %s\n" -+msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: zapis nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ (n=%d): %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:245 - msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" --msgstr "zbyt du¿e zlecenie dla bazy zaufania\n" -+msgstr "zbyt duże zlecenie dla bazy zaufania\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:502 - #, c-format - msgid "can't access `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na dostaæ siê do ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można dostać siÄ™ do ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:531 - #, c-format -@@ -6342,17 +6343,17 @@ msgstr "%s: katalog nie istnieje!\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:541 g10/tdbio.c:564 g10/tdbio.c:605 sm/keydb.c:344 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create lock for `%s'\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ blokady dla ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nie można utworzyć blokady dla ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:543 g10/tdbio.c:608 - #, c-format - msgid "can't lock `%s'\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na zablokowaæ ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nie można zablokować ,,%s''\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:569 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to create version record: %s" --msgstr "%s: stworzenie zapisu o wersji nie powiod³o siê: %s" -+msgstr "%s: stworzenie zapisu o wersji nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:573 - #, c-format -@@ -6366,7 +6367,7 @@ msgstr "%s: baza zaufania utworzona\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:619 - msgid "NOTE: trustdb not writable\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: nie mo¿na zapisywaæ bazy zaufania\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: nie można zapisywać bazy zaufania\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:627 - #, c-format -@@ -6376,33 +6377,33 @@ msgstr "%s: niepoprawny plik bazy zaufania\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:659 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: tworzenie tablicy skrótów nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: tworzenie tablicy skrótów nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:667 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error updating version record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: b³±d przy uaktualnianiu numeru wersji: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d przy uaktualnianiu numeru wersji: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:684 g10/tdbio.c:705 g10/tdbio.c:721 g10/tdbio.c:735 - #: g10/tdbio.c:765 g10/tdbio.c:1392 g10/tdbio.c:1419 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error reading version record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: b³±d odczytu numeru wersji: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu numeru wersji: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:744 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error writing version record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: b³±d zapisu numeru wersji: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu numeru wersji: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1185 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n" --msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja lseek() zawiod³a: %s\n" -+msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja lseek() zawiodÅ‚a: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1194 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" --msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja read() (n=%d) zawiod³a: %s\n" -+msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja read() (n=%d) zawiodÅ‚a: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1215 - #, c-format -@@ -6417,46 +6418,46 @@ msgstr "%s: wpis wersji z numerem %lu\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:1239 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: invalid file version %d\n" --msgstr "%s: niew³a¶ciwa wersja pliku %d\n" -+msgstr "%s: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa wersja pliku %d\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1425 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error reading free record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: b³±d odczytu pustego wpisu: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu pustego wpisu: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1433 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error writing dir record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: b³±d zapisu wpisu katalogowego: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu wpisu katalogowego: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1443 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to zero a record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: zerowanie rekordu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: zerowanie rekordu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1473 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: dopisanie rekordu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: dopisanie rekordu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1516 - msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" --msgstr "B³±d: uszkodzona baza zaufania.\n" -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: uszkodzona baza zaufania.\n" - - #: g10/textfilter.c:147 - #, c-format - msgid "can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na obs³u¿yæ linii tekstu d³u¿szej ni¿ %d znaków\n" -+msgstr "nie można obsÅ‚użyć linii tekstu dÅ‚uższej niż %d znaków\n" - - #: g10/textfilter.c:247 - #, c-format - msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "linia d³u¿sza ni¿ %d znaków\n" -+msgstr "linia dÅ‚uższa niż %d znaków\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:222 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid long keyID\n" --msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym d³ugim numerem klucza\n" -+msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym dÅ‚ugim numerem klucza\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:253 - #, c-format -@@ -6466,46 +6467,46 @@ msgstr "klucz %s: zaakceptowany jako klucz zaufany\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:291 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" --msgstr "klucz %s jest wpisany wiêcej ni¿ raz w bazie zaufania\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s jest wpisany wiÄ™cej niż raz w bazie zaufania\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:306 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" --msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego dla zaufanego klucza - pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego dla zaufanego klucza - pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:316 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n" --msgstr "klucz %s zosta³ oznaczony jako obdarzony absolutnym zaufaniem.\n" -+msgstr "klucz %s zostaÅ‚ oznaczony jako obdarzony absolutnym zaufaniem.\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:340 - #, c-format - msgid "trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: odczyt nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: odczyt nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:346 - #, c-format - msgid "trust record %lu is not of requested type %d\n" --msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu jest typu innego ni¿ poszukiwany %d\n" -+msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu jest typu innego niż poszukiwany %d\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:419 - msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" --msgstr "Mo¿na próbowaæ odtworzyæ bazê zaufania przy u¿yciu poleceñ:\n" -+msgstr "Można próbować odtworzyć bazÄ™ zaufania przy użyciu poleceÅ„:\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:428 - msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" --msgstr "Je¶li to nie dzia³a, nale¿y poradziæ siê instrukcji\n" -+msgstr "JeÅ›li to nie dziaÅ‚a, należy poradzić siÄ™ instrukcji\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:463 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - assuming %s trust model\n" - msgstr "" --"nie mo¿na u¿yæ nieznanego modelu zaufania (%d) - przyjêto model zaufania %s\n" -+"nie można użyć nieznanego modelu zaufania (%d) - przyjÄ™to model zaufania %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:469 - #, c-format - msgid "using %s trust model\n" --msgstr "u¿ycie modelu zaufania %s\n" -+msgstr "użycie modelu zaufania %s\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in - #. trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to -@@ -6521,7 +6522,7 @@ msgstr "17" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:523 - msgid "[ revoked]" --msgstr "[ uniewa¿niony ]" -+msgstr "[ unieważniony ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:525 g10/trustdb.c:530 - msgid "[ expired]" -@@ -6533,7 +6534,7 @@ msgstr "[ nieznane ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:531 - msgid "[ undef ]" --msgstr "[ nieokre¶lone ]" -+msgstr "[ nieokreÅ›lone ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:532 - msgid "[marginal]" -@@ -6541,7 +6542,7 @@ msgstr "[ marginalne ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:533 - msgid "[ full ]" --msgstr "[ pe³ne ]" -+msgstr "[ peÅ‚ne ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:534 - msgid "[ultimate]" -@@ -6549,7 +6550,7 @@ msgstr "[ absolutne ]" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:549 - msgid "undefined" --msgstr "nieokre¶lone" -+msgstr "nieokreÅ›lone" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:550 - msgid "never" -@@ -6561,7 +6562,7 @@ msgstr "marginalne" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:552 - msgid "full" --msgstr "pe³ne" -+msgstr "peÅ‚ne" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:553 - msgid "ultimate" -@@ -6574,7 +6575,7 @@ msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy jest niepotrzebne\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" --msgstr "nastêpne sprawdzanie bazy odbêdzie siê %s\n" -+msgstr "nastÄ™pne sprawdzanie bazy odbÄ™dzie siÄ™ %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:608 - #, c-format -@@ -6593,7 +6594,7 @@ msgstr "klucz publiczny %s nie odnaleziony: %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" --msgstr "nale¿y uruchomiæ gpg z opcj± ,,--check-trustdb''\n" -+msgstr "należy uruchomić gpg z opcjÄ… ,,--check-trustdb''\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" -@@ -6602,7 +6603,7 @@ msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy zaufania\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:2266 - #, c-format - msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" --msgstr "przetworzono %d kluczy (rozwi±zano %d przeliczeñ zaufania)\n" -+msgstr "przetworzono %d kluczy (rozwiÄ…zano %d przeliczeÅ„ zaufania)\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2331 - msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" -@@ -6616,7 +6617,7 @@ msgstr "klucz publiczny absolutnie zaufanego klucza %s nie odnaleziony\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format - msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" --msgstr "potrzeba %d marginalnych, %d pe³nych, model zaufania %s\n" -+msgstr "potrzeba %d marginalnych, %d peÅ‚nych, model zaufania %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2454 - #, c-format -@@ -6630,7 +6631,7 @@ msgstr "" - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" --"nie mo¿na uaktualniæ rekordu wersji bazy zaufania: zapis nie powiód³ siê: " -+"nie można uaktualnić rekordu wersji bazy zaufania: zapis nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: " - "%s\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:118 -@@ -6639,19 +6640,19 @@ msgid "" - "Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)\n" - "should be the first file given on the command line.\n" - msgstr "" --"nie mo¿na sprawdziæ podpisu.\n" --"Nale¿y pamiêtaæ o podawaniu pliku podpisu (.sig lub .asc) jako pierwszego\n" --"argumentu linii poleceñ.\n" -+"nie można sprawdzić podpisu.\n" -+"Należy pamiÄ™tać o podawaniu pliku podpisu (.sig lub .asc) jako pierwszego\n" -+"argumentu linii poleceÅ„.\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:205 - #, c-format - msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" --msgstr "linia wej¶cia %u zbyt d³uga lub brak znaku LF\n" -+msgstr "linia wejÅ›cia %u zbyt dÅ‚uga lub brak znaku LF\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:253 - #, c-format - msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ fd %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można otworzyć fd %d: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:194 - msgid "argument not expected" -@@ -6659,11 +6660,11 @@ msgstr "nieoczekiwany argument" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:196 - msgid "read error" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:198 - msgid "keyword too long" --msgstr "s³owo kluczowe zbyt d³ugie" -+msgstr "sÅ‚owo kluczowe zbyt dÅ‚ugie" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:200 - msgid "missing argument" -@@ -6671,19 +6672,19 @@ msgstr "brak argumentu" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:202 - msgid "invalid command" --msgstr "b³êdne polecenie" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dne polecenie" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:204 - msgid "invalid alias definition" --msgstr "b³êdna definicja aliasu" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dna definicja aliasu" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:206 - msgid "out of core" --msgstr "brak pamiêci" -+msgstr "brak pamiÄ™ci" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:208 - msgid "invalid option" --msgstr "b³êdna opcja" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dna opcja" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:216 - #, c-format -@@ -6693,12 +6694,12 @@ msgstr "brak argumentu dla opcji ,,%.50s''\n" - #: jnlib/argparse.c:218 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" --msgstr "opcja ,,%.50s'' nie mo¿e mieæ argumentów\n" -+msgstr "opcja ,,%.50s'' nie może mieć argumentów\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:221 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "b³êdne polecenie ,,%.50s''\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dne polecenie ,,%.50s''\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:223 - #, c-format -@@ -6712,42 +6713,42 @@ msgstr "polecenie ,,%.50s'' jest niejednoznaczne\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:227 - msgid "out of core\n" --msgstr "brak pamiêci\n" -+msgstr "brak pamiÄ™ci\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:229 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "b³êdna opcja ,,%.50s''\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dna opcja ,,%.50s''\n" - - #: jnlib/logging.c:647 - #, c-format - msgid "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n" --msgstr "znalaz³e¶(a¶) b³±d w programie ... (%s:%d)\n" -+msgstr "znalazÅ‚eÅ›(aÅ›) bÅ‚Ä…d w programie ... (%s:%d)\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 - #, c-format - msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' not available\n" --msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' niedostêpna\n" -+msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' niedostÄ™pna\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 - #, c-format - msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" --msgstr "iconv_open nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "iconv_open nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 - #, c-format - msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ pliku tymczasowego ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć pliku tymczasowego ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu do ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu do ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 - #, c-format -@@ -6761,7 +6762,7 @@ msgstr " - prawdopodobnie martwy - usuwanie blokady" - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" --msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadê (trzyman± przez %d%s) %s...\n" -+msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadÄ™ (trzymanÄ… przez %d%s) %s...\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 - msgid "(deadlock?) " -@@ -6770,12 +6771,12 @@ msgstr "(zakleszczenie?) " - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 - #, c-format - msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" --msgstr "blokada ,,%s'' nie za³o¿ona: %s\n" -+msgstr "blokada ,,%s'' nie zaÅ‚ożona: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 - #, c-format - msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" --msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadê %s...\n" -+msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadÄ™ %s...\n" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 - msgid "set debugging flags" -@@ -6783,193 +6784,193 @@ msgstr "ustawienie flag diagnostycznych" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 - msgid "enable full debugging" --msgstr "w³±czenie pe³nej diagnostyki" -+msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie peÅ‚nej diagnostyki" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 - msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki]\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki]\n" - "Wypisywanie, eksport, import danych Keybox\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" --msgstr "reszta RSA brakuj±ca lub o rozmiarze innym ni¿ %d bity\n" -+msgstr "reszta RSA brakujÄ…ca lub o rozmiarze innym niż %d bity\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" --msgstr "publiczny wyk³adnik RSA brakuj±cy lub wiêkszy ni¿ %d bity\n" -+msgstr "publiczny wykÅ‚adnik RSA brakujÄ…cy lub wiÄ™kszy niż %d bity\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 - #, c-format - msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" --msgstr "Zapytanie zwrotne o PIN zwróci³o b³±d: %s\n" -+msgstr "Zapytanie zwrotne o PIN zwróciÅ‚o bÅ‚Ä…d: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:834 - msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" --msgstr "NullPIN nie zosta³ jeszcze zmieniony\n" -+msgstr "NullPIN nie zostaÅ‚ jeszcze zmieniony\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1092 - msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." --msgstr "|N|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy PIN dla zwyk³ych kluczy." -+msgstr "|N|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy PIN dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1093 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." --msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN dla zwyk³ych kluczy." -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1099 - msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." - msgstr "" --"|NP|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy kod oblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla zwyk³ych kluczy." -+"|NP|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy kod oblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1101 - msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." --msgstr "|P|Proszê wprowadziæ kod odblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla zwyk³ych kluczy." -+msgstr "|P|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić kod odblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1109 - msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." - msgstr "" --"|N|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów " -+"|N|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów " - "kwalifikowanych." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1111 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." - msgstr "" --"||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." -+"||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1119 - msgid "" - "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " - "qualified signatures." - msgstr "" --"|NP|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy kod odblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do " --"tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." -+"|NP|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy kod odblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do " -+"tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1121 - msgid "" - "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " - "qualified signatures." - msgstr "" --"|P|Proszê wprowadziæ kod odblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do tworzenia " --"podpisów kwalifikowanych." -+"|P|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić kod odblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do tworzenia " -+"podpisów kwalifikowanych." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu nowego PIN-u: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu nowego PIN-u: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" --msgstr "nie powiód³ siê zapis odcisku: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ zapis odcisku: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" --msgstr "nie powiód³ siê zapis daty utworzenia: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ zapis daty utworzenia: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 - #, c-format - msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" --msgstr "odczyt klucza publicznego nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "odczyt klucza publicznego nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 - msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" --msgstr "odpowied¼ nie zawiera danych klucza publicznego\n" -+msgstr "odpowiedź nie zawiera danych klucza publicznego\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 - msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" --msgstr "odpowied¼ nie zawiera wspó³czynnika RSA\n" -+msgstr "odpowiedź nie zawiera współczynnika RSA\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 - msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" --msgstr "odpowied¼ nie zawiera publicznego wyk³adnika RSA\n" -+msgstr "odpowiedź nie zawiera publicznego wykÅ‚adnika RSA\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 - #, c-format - msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" --msgstr "u¿ycie domy¶lnego PIN-u jako %s\n" -+msgstr "użycie domyÅ›lnego PIN-u jako %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" - msgstr "" --"nie uda³o siê u¿yæ domy¶lnego PIN-u jako %s: %s - wy³±czenie dalszego " --"domy¶lnego u¿ycia\n" -+"nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ użyć domyÅ›lnego PIN-u jako %s: %s - wyÅ‚Ä…czenie dalszego " -+"domyÅ›lnego użycia\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 - #, c-format - msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" --msgstr "||Proszê wpisaæ PIN%%0A[podpisów wykonanych: %lu]" -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wpisać PIN%%0A[podpisów wykonanych: %lu]" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN" --msgstr "||Proszê wpisaæ PIN" -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wpisać PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 - #, c-format - msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" --msgstr "PIN dla CHV%d jest zbyt krótki; minimalna d³ugo¶æ to %d\n" -+msgstr "PIN dla CHV%d jest zbyt krótki; minimalna dÅ‚ugość to %d\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 - #, c-format - msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" --msgstr "weryfikacja CHV%d nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "weryfikacja CHV%d nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 - msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu stanu CHV z karty\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu stanu CHV z karty\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 - msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" --msgstr "karta zosta³a trwale zablokowana!\n" -+msgstr "karta zostaÅ‚a trwale zablokowana!\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 - #, c-format - msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" - msgstr "" --"Zosta³o %d prób PIN-u administracyjnego do trwa³ego zablokowania karty\n" -+"ZostaÅ‚o %d prób PIN-u administracyjnego do trwaÅ‚ego zablokowania karty\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at - #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 - #, c-format - msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" --msgstr "|A|Proszê wprowadziæ PIN administracyjny%%0A[pozosta³o prób: %d]" -+msgstr "|A|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN administracyjny%%0A[pozostaÅ‚o prób: %d]" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 - msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" --msgstr "|A|Proszê wprowadziæ PIN administracyjny" -+msgstr "|A|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN administracyjny" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 - msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" --msgstr "dostêp do poleceñ administratora nie zosta³ skonfigurowany\n" -+msgstr "dostÄ™p do poleceÅ„ administratora nie zostaÅ‚ skonfigurowany\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 - msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" --msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ kod resetuj±cy dla karty" -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić kod resetujÄ…cy dla karty" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 - #, c-format - msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" --msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy zbyt krótki; minimalna d³ugo¶æ to %d\n" -+msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy zbyt krótki; minimalna dÅ‚ugość to %d\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but - #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere - #. to get some infos on the string. - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 - msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" --msgstr "|RN|Nowy kod resetuj±cy" -+msgstr "|RN|Nowy kod resetujÄ…cy" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 - msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" -@@ -6981,27 +6982,27 @@ msgstr "|N|Nowy PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 - msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" --msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN administracyjny i nowy PIN administracyjny" -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN administracyjny i nowy PIN administracyjny" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" --msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN i nowy PIN" -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN i nowy PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 - msgid "error reading application data\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu danych aplikacji\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu danych aplikacji\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 - msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu odcisku DO\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu odcisku DO\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 - msgid "key already exists\n" --msgstr "klucz ju¿ istnieje\n" -+msgstr "klucz już istnieje\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 - msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" --msgstr "istniej±cy klucz zostanie zast±piony\n" -+msgstr "istniejÄ…cy klucz zostanie zastÄ…piony\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 - msgid "generating new key\n" -@@ -7018,25 +7019,25 @@ msgstr "brak datownika utworzenia\n" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" --msgstr "liczba pierwsza %s RSA brakuj±ca lub o rozmiarze innym ni¿ %d bitów\n" -+msgstr "liczba pierwsza %s RSA brakujÄ…ca lub o rozmiarze innym niż %d bitów\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" --msgstr "nie powiód³ siê zapis klucza: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ zapis klucza: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 - msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" --msgstr "proszê czekaæ na wygenerowanie klucza...\n" -+msgstr "proszÄ™ czekać na wygenerowanie klucza...\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 - msgid "generating key failed\n" --msgstr "generowanie klucza nie powiod³o siê\n" -+msgstr "generowanie klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 - #, c-format - msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" --msgstr "generowanie klucza zakoñczone (%d sekund)\n" -+msgstr "generowanie klucza zakoÅ„czone (%d sekund)\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 - msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" -@@ -7044,17 +7045,17 @@ msgstr "niepoprawna struktura karty OpenPGP (DO 0x93)\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 - msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" --msgstr "odcisk na karcie nie zgadza siê z ¿±danym\n" -+msgstr "odcisk na karcie nie zgadza siÄ™ z żądanym\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 - #, c-format - msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "karta nie obs³uguje algorytmu skrótu %s\n" -+msgstr "karta nie obsÅ‚uguje algorytmu skrótu %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 - #, c-format - msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" --msgstr "dotychczas stworzono podpisów: %lu\n" -+msgstr "dotychczas stworzono podpisów: %lu\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 - msgid "" -@@ -7066,18 +7067,18 @@ msgstr "" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 - #, c-format - msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na dostaæ siê do %s - niepoprawna karta OpenPGP?\n" -+msgstr "nie można dostać siÄ™ do %s - niepoprawna karta OpenPGP?\n" - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" --msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN na klawiaturze czytnika" -+msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN na klawiaturze czytnika" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but - #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere - #. to get some infos on the string. - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:529 - msgid "|N|Initial New PIN" --msgstr "|N|Pocz±tkowy nowy PIN" -+msgstr "|N|PoczÄ…tkowy nowy PIN" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:109 - msgid "run in multi server mode (foreground)" -@@ -7089,111 +7090,111 @@ msgstr "|POZIOM|ustawienie POZIOMU diagnostyki" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 - msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów do PLIKu" -+msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów do PLIKu" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:128 - msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" --msgstr "|N|po³±czenie z czytnikiem na porcie N" -+msgstr "|N|poÅ‚Ä…czenie z czytnikiem na porcie N" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:130 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" --msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie NAZWY jako sterownika ct-API" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie NAZWY jako sterownika ct-API" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:132 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" --msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie NAZWY jako sterownika PC/SC" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie NAZWY jako sterownika PC/SC" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:135 - msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" --msgstr "nie u¿ywanie wewnêtrznego sterownika CCID" -+msgstr "nie używanie wewnÄ™trznego sterownika CCID" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:141 - msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" --msgstr "|N|od³±czenie karty po N sekundach nieaktywno¶ci" -+msgstr "|N|odÅ‚Ä…czenie karty po N sekundach nieaktywnoÅ›ci" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" --msgstr "nie u¿ywanie klawiatury czytnika" -+msgstr "nie używanie klawiatury czytnika" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:149 - msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" --msgstr "zabronienie u¿ywania poleceñ karty administratora" -+msgstr "zabronienie używania poleceÅ„ karty administratora" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 - msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" --msgstr "u¿ycie wej¶cia z klawiatury czytnika o zmiennej d³ugo¶ci" -+msgstr "użycie wejÅ›cia z klawiatury czytnika o zmiennej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 - msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: scdaemon [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: scdaemon [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:271 - msgid "" - "Syntax: scdaemon [options] [command [args]]\n" - "Smartcard daemon for GnuPG\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: scdaemon [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: scdaemon [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" - "Demon kart procesorowych dla GnuPG\n" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:786 - msgid "please use the option `--daemon' to run the program in the background\n" --msgstr "proszê u¿yæ opcji ,,--daemon'' do uruchomienia programu w tle\n" -+msgstr "proszÄ™ użyć opcji ,,--daemon'' do uruchomienia programu w tle\n" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:1140 - #, c-format - msgid "handler for fd %d started\n" --msgstr "obs³uga fd %d uruchomiona\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚uga fd %d uruchomiona\n" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:1152 - #, c-format - msgid "handler for fd %d terminated\n" --msgstr "obs³uga fd %d zakoñczona\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚uga fd %d zakoÅ„czona\n" - - #: sm/base64.c:325 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy znak formatu radix64 %02x zosta³ pominiêty\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak formatu radix64 %02x zostaÅ‚ pominiÄ™ty\n" - - #: sm/call-agent.c:137 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê przekazaæ zapytania %s do klienta\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ przekazać zapytania %s do klienta\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" --msgstr "dirmngr nie dzia³a - uruchamianie ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "dirmngr nie dziaÅ‚a - uruchamianie ,,%s''\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 - msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" --msgstr "z³y format zmiennej ¶rodowiskowej DIRMNGR_INFO\n" -+msgstr "zÅ‚y format zmiennej Å›rodowiskowej DIRMNGR_INFO\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:297 - #, c-format - msgid "dirmngr protocol version %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "wersja %d protoko³u dirmngr nie jest obs³ugiwana\n" -+msgstr "wersja %d protokoÅ‚u dirmngr nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 - msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na po³±czyæ siê z dirmngr - próba fallbacku\n" -+msgstr "nie można poÅ‚Ä…czyć siÄ™ z dirmngr - próba fallbacku\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:196 - #, c-format - msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" --msgstr "model poprawno¶ci ¿±dany przez certyfikat: %s" -+msgstr "model poprawnoÅ›ci żądany przez certyfikat: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 - msgid "chain" --msgstr "³añcuchowy" -+msgstr "Å‚aÅ„cuchowy" - - #: sm/certchain.c:198 sm/certchain.c:1884 - msgid "shell" --msgstr "pow³okowy" -+msgstr "powÅ‚okowy" - - #: sm/certchain.c:258 - #, c-format - msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" --msgstr "krytyczne rozszerzenie certyfikatu %s nie jest obs³ugiwane" -+msgstr "krytyczne rozszerzenie certyfikatu %s nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwane" - - #: sm/certchain.c:297 - msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" -@@ -7206,7 +7207,7 @@ msgstr "polityka oznaczona jako krytyczna bez skonfigurowanych polityk" - #: sm/certchain.c:345 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to open `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê otworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ otworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 - msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" -@@ -7218,37 +7219,37 @@ msgstr "polityka certyfikatu niedozwolona" - - #: sm/certchain.c:527 - msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" --msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy na zewn±trz\n" -+msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy na zewnÄ…trz\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:546 - #, c-format - msgid "number of issuers matching: %d\n" --msgstr "liczba pasuj±cych wystawców: %d\n" -+msgstr "liczba pasujÄ…cych wystawców: %d\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:590 - msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" --msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy w pamiêci podrêcznej Dirmngr\n" -+msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy w pamiÄ™ci podrÄ™cznej Dirmngr\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:614 - #, c-format - msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" --msgstr "liczba pasuj±cych certyfikatów: %d\n" -+msgstr "liczba pasujÄ…cych certyfikatów: %d\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:616 - #, c-format - msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" --"wyszukiwanie klucza tylko w pamiêci podrêcznej dirmngr nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+"wyszukiwanie klucza tylko w pamiÄ™ci podrÄ™cznej dirmngr nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 - #: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 - #: sm/sign.c:335 sm/verify.c:113 - msgid "failed to allocate keyDB handle\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê przydzieliæ uchwytu keyDB\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ przydzielić uchwytu keyDB\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:981 - msgid "certificate has been revoked" --msgstr "certyfikat zosta³ uniewa¿niony" -+msgstr "certyfikat zostaÅ‚ unieważniony" - - #: sm/certchain.c:996 - msgid "the status of the certificate is unknown" -@@ -7256,62 +7257,62 @@ msgstr "status certyfikatu jest nieznany" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1003 - msgid "please make sure that the \"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n" --msgstr "proszê upewniæ siê, ¿e ,,dirmngr'' jest poprawnie zainstalowany\n" -+msgstr "proszÄ™ upewnić siÄ™, że ,,dirmngr'' jest poprawnie zainstalowany\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1009 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" --msgstr "sprawdzenie CRL nie powiod³o siê: %s" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie CRL nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 - #, c-format - msgid "certificate with invalid validity: %s" --msgstr "certyfikat o niewa¿nej wa¿no¶ci: %s" -+msgstr "certyfikat o nieważnej ważnoÅ›ci: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 - msgid "certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "certyfikat jeszcze nie jest wa¿ny" -+msgstr "certyfikat jeszcze nie jest ważny" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 - msgid "root certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "certyfikat g³ówny jeszcze nie jest wa¿ny" -+msgstr "certyfikat główny jeszcze nie jest ważny" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 - msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "certyfikat po¶redni jeszcze nie jest wa¿ny" -+msgstr "certyfikat poÅ›redni jeszcze nie jest ważny" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1068 - msgid "certificate has expired" --msgstr "certyfikat wygas³" -+msgstr "certyfikat wygasÅ‚" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1069 - msgid "root certificate has expired" --msgstr "certyfikat g³ówny wygas³" -+msgstr "certyfikat główny wygasÅ‚" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1070 - msgid "intermediate certificate has expired" --msgstr "certyfikat po¶redni wygas³" -+msgstr "certyfikat poÅ›redni wygasÅ‚" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1112 - #, c-format - msgid "required certificate attributes missing: %s%s%s" --msgstr "brak wymaganych atrybutów certyfikatu: %s%s%s" -+msgstr "brak wymaganych atrybutów certyfikatu: %s%s%s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1121 - msgid "certificate with invalid validity" --msgstr "certyfikat o niewa¿nej wa¿no¶ci" -+msgstr "certyfikat o nieważnej ważnoÅ›ci" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1158 - msgid "signature not created during lifetime of certificate" --msgstr "podpis nie utworzony w czasie ¿ycia certyfikatu" -+msgstr "podpis nie utworzony w czasie życia certyfikatu" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1160 - msgid "certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" --msgstr "certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie ¿ycia wystawcy" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie życia wystawcy" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1161 - msgid "intermediate certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" --msgstr "po¶redni certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie ¿ycia wystawcy" -+msgstr "poÅ›redni certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie życia wystawcy" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1165 - msgid " ( signature created at " -@@ -7323,11 +7324,11 @@ msgstr " (certyfikat utworzony " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1169 - msgid " (certificate valid from " --msgstr " (certyfikat wa¿ny od " -+msgstr " (certyfikat ważny od " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1170 - msgid " ( issuer valid from " --msgstr " ( wystawca wa¿ny od " -+msgstr " ( wystawca ważny od " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1200 - #, c-format -@@ -7336,19 +7337,19 @@ msgstr "odcisk=%s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1209 - msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" --msgstr "g³ówny certyfikat nie zosta³ oznaczony jako zaufany\n" -+msgstr "główny certyfikat nie zostaÅ‚ oznaczony jako zaufany\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1222 - msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" --msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania nie w³±czone w gpg-agencie\n" -+msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania nie wÅ‚Ä…czone w gpg-agencie\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1228 - msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" --msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania wy³±czone dla tej sesji\n" -+msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania wyÅ‚Ä…czone dla tej sesji\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1285 - msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" --msgstr "UWAGA: czas utworzenia podpisu nie jest znany - przyjêto czas bie¿±cy" -+msgstr "UWAGA: czas utworzenia podpisu nie jest znany - przyjÄ™to czas bieżący" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1349 - msgid "no issuer found in certificate" -@@ -7356,20 +7357,20 @@ msgstr "nie znaleziono wystawcy w certyfikacie" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1422 - msgid "self-signed certificate has a BAD signature" --msgstr "w³asnorêcznie podpisany certyfikat ma Z£Y podpis" -+msgstr "wÅ‚asnorÄ™cznie podpisany certyfikat ma ZÅY podpis" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1491 - msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" --msgstr "g³ówny certyfikat nie jest oznaczony jako zaufany" -+msgstr "główny certyfikat nie jest oznaczony jako zaufany" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1504 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" --msgstr "sprawdzenie listy zaufania nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie listy zaufania nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 - msgid "certificate chain too long\n" --msgstr "³añcuch certyfikatów zbyt d³ugi\n" -+msgstr "Å‚aÅ„cuch certyfikatów zbyt dÅ‚ugi\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1545 - msgid "issuer certificate not found" -@@ -7377,16 +7378,16 @@ msgstr "nie znaleziono wystawcy certyfikatu" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1578 - msgid "certificate has a BAD signature" --msgstr "certyfikat ma Z£Y podpis" -+msgstr "certyfikat ma ZÅY podpis" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1609 - msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" --msgstr "znaleziono inny byæ mo¿e pasuj±cy certyfikat CA - ponawianie próby" -+msgstr "znaleziono inny być może pasujÄ…cy certyfikat CA - ponawianie próby" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1660 - #, c-format - msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" --msgstr "³añcuch certyfikatów d³u¿szy ni¿ zezwala CA (%d)" -+msgstr "Å‚aÅ„cuch certyfikatów dÅ‚uższy niż zezwala CA (%d)" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 - msgid "certificate is good\n" -@@ -7394,30 +7395,30 @@ msgstr "certyfikat jest dobry\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1701 - msgid "intermediate certificate is good\n" --msgstr "certyfikat po¶redni jest dobry\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat poÅ›redni jest dobry\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1702 - msgid "root certificate is good\n" --msgstr "certyfikat g³ówny jest dobry\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat główny jest dobry\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1873 - msgid "switching to chain model" --msgstr "prze³±czanie do modelu ³añcuchowego" -+msgstr "przeÅ‚Ä…czanie do modelu Å‚aÅ„cuchowego" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1882 - #, c-format - msgid "validation model used: %s" --msgstr "u¿yty model poprawno¶ci: %s" -+msgstr "użyty model poprawnoÅ›ci: %s" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:97 - #, c-format - msgid "%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" --msgstr "Klucz %s u¿ywa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" -+msgstr "Klucz %s używa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:107 - #, c-format - msgid "a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n" --msgstr "skrót %u-bitowy nie jest poprawny dla %u-bitowego klucza %s\n" -+msgstr "skrót %u-bitowy nie jest poprawny dla %u-bitowego klucza %s\n" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:244 sm/verify.c:201 - msgid "(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n" -@@ -7429,19 +7430,19 @@ msgstr "brak" - - #: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 - msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" --msgstr "[B³±d - niew³a¶ciwe kodowanie]" -+msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe kodowanie]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 - msgid "[Error - out of core]" --msgstr "[B³±d - brak pamiêci]" -+msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - brak pamiÄ™ci]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 - msgid "[Error - No name]" --msgstr "[B³±d - Brak nazwy]" -+msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - Brak nazwy]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 - msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" --msgstr "[B³±d - niew³a¶ciwe DN]" -+msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe DN]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:948 - #, c-format -@@ -7452,7 +7453,7 @@ msgid "" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "created %s, expires %s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o aby odbezpieczyæ klucz tajny certyfikatu X.509:\n" -+"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o aby odbezpieczyć klucz tajny certyfikatu X.509:\n" - ",,%s''\n" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "stworzony %s, wygasa %s.\n" -@@ -7460,46 +7461,46 @@ msgstr "" - #: sm/certlist.c:122 - msgid "no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n" - msgstr "" --"nie okre¶lono sposobu wykorzystania klucza - przyjêto wszystkie sposoby\n" -+"nie okreÅ›lono sposobu wykorzystania klucza - przyjÄ™to wszystkie sposoby\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas pobierania informacji o wykorzystaniu klucza: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas pobierania informacji o wykorzystaniu klucza: %s\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" --msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do po¶wiadczania\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do poÅ›wiadczania\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" --msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do podpisywania odpowiedzi OCSP\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do podpisywania odpowiedzi OCSP\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" --msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do szyfrowania\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do szyfrowania\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" --msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do podpisywania\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do podpisywania\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:167 - msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" --msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siê do szyfrowania\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siÄ™ do szyfrowania\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:168 - msgid "certificate is not usable for signing\n" --msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siê do podpisywania\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siÄ™ do podpisywania\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:474 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid algorithm\n" --msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwy algorytm\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy algorytm\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:487 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" --msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwa d³ugo¶æ klucza %u (poprawne s± od %d do %d)\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa dÅ‚ugość klucza %u (poprawne sÄ… od %d do %d)\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 - #, c-format -@@ -7509,12 +7510,12 @@ msgstr "linia %d: nie podano nazwy przedmiotu\n" - #: sm/certreqgen.c:514 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" --msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:517 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" --msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s'' na pozycji %d\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s'' na pozycji %d\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:534 - #, c-format -@@ -7524,24 +7525,24 @@ msgstr "linia %d: niepoprawny adres e-mail\n" - #: sm/certreqgen.c:546 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: error reading key `%s' from card: %s\n" --msgstr "linia %d: b³±d odczytu klucza ,,%s'' z karty: %s\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu klucza ,,%s'' z karty: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:558 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "linia %d: b³±d pobierania klucza z uchwytu ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania klucza z uchwytu ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:574 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" --msgstr "linia %d: generowanie klucza nie powiod³o siê: %s <%s>\n" -+msgstr "linia %d: generowanie klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s <%s>\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:806 - msgid "" - "To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " - "you just created once more.\n" - msgstr "" --"Aby zakoñczyæ to ¿±danie certyfikatu proszê wprowadziæ jeszcze raz has³o dla " -+"Aby zakoÅ„czyć to żądanie certyfikatu proszÄ™ wprowadzić jeszcze raz hasÅ‚o dla " - "utworzonego klucza.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 -@@ -7552,12 +7553,12 @@ msgstr " (%d) RSA\n" - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:159 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) Existing key\n" --msgstr " (%d) Istniej±cy klucz\n" -+msgstr " (%d) IstniejÄ…cy klucz\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:160 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) Existing key from card\n" --msgstr " (%d) Istniej±cy klucz z karty\n" -+msgstr " (%d) IstniejÄ…cy klucz z karty\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:202 - msgid "Enter the keygrip: " -@@ -7565,7 +7566,7 @@ msgstr "Uchwyt klucza: " - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 - msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" --msgstr "Nieprawid³owy uchwyt klucza (oczekiwano 40 cyfr szesnastkowych)\n" -+msgstr "NieprawidÅ‚owy uchwyt klucza (oczekiwano 40 cyfr szesnastkowych)\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 - msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" -@@ -7574,7 +7575,7 @@ msgstr "Brak klucza o tym uchwycie\n" - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:230 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:239 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading the card: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu karty: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu karty: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 - #, c-format -@@ -7583,12 +7584,12 @@ msgstr "Numer seryjny karty: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 - msgid "Available keys:\n" --msgstr "Dostêpne klucze:\n" -+msgstr "DostÄ™pne klucze:\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:276 - #, c-format - msgid "Possible actions for a %s key:\n" --msgstr "Mo¿liwe akcje dla klucza %s:\n" -+msgstr "Możliwe akcje dla klucza %s:\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:277 - #, c-format -@@ -7616,7 +7617,7 @@ msgstr "Nie podano nazwy przedmiotu\n" - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" --msgstr "Nieprawid³owa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" -+msgstr "NieprawidÅ‚owa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the - #. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please -@@ -7626,7 +7627,7 @@ msgstr "Nieprawid - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" --msgstr "Nieprawid³owa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "NieprawidÅ‚owa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s''\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 - msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" -@@ -7654,20 +7655,20 @@ msgstr "URI" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 - msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" --msgstr "Parametry, które bêd± u¿yte przy ¿±daniu certyfikatu:\n" -+msgstr "Parametry, które bÄ™dÄ… użyte przy żądaniu certyfikatu:\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 - msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" --msgstr "Tworzenie ¿±dania certyfikatu. Mo¿e to chwilê potrwaæ...\n" -+msgstr "Tworzenie żądania certyfikatu. Może to chwilÄ™ potrwać...\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 - msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" - msgstr "" --"Gotowe. Teraz nale¿y wys³aæ to ¿±danie do w³asnego centrum certyfikacji.\n" -+"Gotowe. Teraz należy wysÅ‚ać to żądanie do wÅ‚asnego centrum certyfikacji.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 - msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" --msgstr "problem z zasobami: brak pamiêci\n" -+msgstr "problem z zasobami: brak pamiÄ™ci\n" - - #: sm/decrypt.c:330 - msgid "(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n" -@@ -7675,7 +7676,7 @@ msgstr "(to jest algorytm RC2)\n" - - #: sm/decrypt.c:332 - msgid "(this does not seem to be an encrypted message)\n" --msgstr "(to nie wygl±da na zaszyfrowan± wiadomo¶æ)\n" -+msgstr "(to nie wyglÄ…da na zaszyfrowanÄ… wiadomość)\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:51 sm/delete.c:112 - #, c-format -@@ -7685,42 +7686,42 @@ msgstr "nie znaleziono certyfikatu ,,%s'': %s\n" - #: sm/delete.c:122 sm/keydb.c:1574 sm/keydb.c:1676 - #, c-format - msgid "error locking keybox: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d blokowania keyboksa: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d blokowania keyboksa: %s\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:143 - #, c-format - msgid "duplicated certificate `%s' deleted\n" --msgstr "powtórzony certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniêty\n" -+msgstr "powtórzony certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniÄ™ty\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:145 - #, c-format - msgid "certificate `%s' deleted\n" --msgstr "certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniêty\n" -+msgstr "certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniÄ™ty\n" - - #: sm/delete.c:175 - #, c-format - msgid "deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n" --msgstr "usuniêcie certyfikatu ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "usuniÄ™cie certyfikatu ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: sm/encrypt.c:321 - msgid "no valid recipients given\n" --msgstr "nie podano poprawnych adresatów\n" -+msgstr "nie podano poprawnych adresatów\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:197 - msgid "list external keys" --msgstr "wypisanie kluczy zewnêtrznych" -+msgstr "wypisanie kluczy zewnÄ™trznych" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:199 - msgid "list certificate chain" --msgstr "wypisanie ³añcucha certyfikatów" -+msgstr "wypisanie Å‚aÅ„cucha certyfikatów" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:206 - msgid "import certificates" --msgstr "import certyfikatów" -+msgstr "import certyfikatów" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:207 - msgid "export certificates" --msgstr "eksport certyfikatów" -+msgstr "eksport certyfikatów" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:209 - msgid "register a smartcard" -@@ -7732,39 +7733,39 @@ msgstr "przekazanie polecenia do dirmngr" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:214 - msgid "invoke gpg-protect-tool" --msgstr "wywo³anie gpg-protect-tool" -+msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie gpg-protect-tool" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:230 - msgid "create base-64 encoded output" --msgstr "tworzenie wyj¶cia zakodowanego base-64" -+msgstr "tworzenie wyjÅ›cia zakodowanego base-64" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:235 - msgid "assume input is in PEM format" --msgstr "przyjêcie wej¶cia w formacie PEM" -+msgstr "przyjÄ™cie wejÅ›cia w formacie PEM" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:237 - msgid "assume input is in base-64 format" --msgstr "przyjêcie wej¶cia w formacie base-64" -+msgstr "przyjÄ™cie wejÅ›cia w formacie base-64" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:239 - msgid "assume input is in binary format" --msgstr "przyjêcie wej¶cia w formacie binarnym" -+msgstr "przyjÄ™cie wejÅ›cia w formacie binarnym" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:244 - msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" --msgstr "u¿ycie systemowego dirmngr je¶li jest dostêpny" -+msgstr "użycie systemowego dirmngr jeÅ›li jest dostÄ™pny" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:247 - msgid "never consult a CRL" --msgstr "pominiêcie CRL" -+msgstr "pominiÄ™cie CRL" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:257 - msgid "check validity using OCSP" --msgstr "sprawdzenie poprawno¶ci przy u¿yciu OCSP" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie poprawnoÅ›ci przy użyciu OCSP" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:262 - msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" --msgstr "|N|liczba certyfikatów do do³±czenia" -+msgstr "|N|liczba certyfikatów do doÅ‚Ä…czenia" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 - msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" -@@ -7772,59 +7773,59 @@ msgstr "|PLIK|pobranie informacji o polityce z PLIKU" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 - msgid "do not check certificate policies" --msgstr "nie sprawdzanie polityk certyfikatów" -+msgstr "nie sprawdzanie polityk certyfikatów" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:272 - msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" --msgstr "pobranie brakuj±cych certyfikatów wystawców" -+msgstr "pobranie brakujÄ…cych certyfikatów wystawców" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:283 - msgid "don't use the terminal at all" --msgstr "nie u¿ywanie w ogóle terminala" -+msgstr "nie używanie w ogóle terminala" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:285 - msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKU" -+msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKU" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 - msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów audytowych do PLIKU" -+msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów audytowych do PLIKU" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 - msgid "batch mode: never ask" --msgstr "tryb wsadowy: bez ¿adnych pytañ" -+msgstr "tryb wsadowy: bez żadnych pytaÅ„" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:294 - msgid "assume yes on most questions" --msgstr "przyjêcie odpowiedzi ,,tak'' na wiêkszo¶æ pytañ" -+msgstr "przyjÄ™cie odpowiedzi ,,tak'' na wiÄ™kszość pytaÅ„" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:295 - msgid "assume no on most questions" --msgstr "przyjêcie odpowiedzi ,,nie'' na wiêkszo¶æ pytañ" -+msgstr "przyjÄ™cie odpowiedzi ,,nie'' na wiÄ™kszość pytaÅ„" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 - msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" --msgstr "|PLIK|dodanie tego zbioru kluczy do listy zbiorów kluczy" -+msgstr "|PLIK|dodanie tego zbioru kluczy do listy zbiorów kluczy" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" --msgstr "|U¯YTKOWNIK|u¿ycie tego identyfikatora jako domy¶lnego klucza tajnego" -+msgstr "|UÅ»YTKOWNIK|użycie tego identyfikatora jako domyÅ›lnego klucza tajnego" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 - msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" --msgstr "|SPEC|u¿ycie tego serwera do wyszukiwania kluczy" -+msgstr "|SPEC|użycie tego serwera do wyszukiwania kluczy" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:329 - msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" --msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie tego algorytmu szyfrowania NAZWA" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie tego algorytmu szyfrowania NAZWA" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:331 - msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" --msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie tego algorytmu skrótu wiadomo¶ci" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie tego algorytmu skrótu wiadomoÅ›ci" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:522 - msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 - msgid "" -@@ -7832,24 +7833,24 @@ msgid "" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki]\n" --"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie z u¿yciem " -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki]\n" -+"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie z użyciem " - "S/MIME\n" --"Domy¶lnie wykonywana operacja zale¿y od danych wej¶ciowych\n" -+"DomyÅ›lnie wykonywana operacja zależy od danych wejÅ›ciowych\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:617 - msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " --msgstr "wywo³anie: gpgsm [opcje]" -+msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie: gpgsm [opcje]" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:739 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "UWAGA: nie mo¿na zaszyfrowaæ do ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "UWAGA: nie można zaszyfrować do ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:750 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" --msgstr "nieznany model poprawno¶ci ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "nieznany model poprawnoÅ›ci ,,%s''\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:801 - #, c-format -@@ -7859,68 +7860,68 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: nie podano nazwy hosta\n" - #: sm/gpgsm.c:820 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: podano has³o bez u¿ytkownika\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: podano hasÅ‚o bez użytkownika\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:841 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: linia pominiêta\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: linia pominiÄ™ta\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 - msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" --msgstr "niezrozumia³y adres serwera kluczy\n" -+msgstr "niezrozumiaÅ‚y adres serwera kluczy\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 - msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " --msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: dzia³anie z fa³szywym czasem systemowym: " -+msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: dziaÅ‚anie z faÅ‚szywym czasem systemowym: " - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 - #, c-format - msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" --msgstr "import wspólnych certyfikatów ,,%s''\n" -+msgstr "import wspólnych certyfikatów ,,%s''\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 - #, c-format - msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na podpisaæ z u¿yciem ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można podpisać z użyciem ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 - msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" --msgstr "b³êdne polecenie (nie ma polecenia domy¶lnego)\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dne polecenie (nie ma polecenia domyÅ›lnego)\n" - - #: sm/import.c:111 - #, c-format - msgid "total number processed: %lu\n" --msgstr "ca³kowita liczba przetworzonych: %lu\n" -+msgstr "caÅ‚kowita liczba przetworzonych: %lu\n" - - #: sm/import.c:230 - msgid "error storing certificate\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisywania certyfikatu\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisywania certyfikatu\n" - - #: sm/import.c:238 - msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" - msgstr "" --"podstawowe sprawdzenia certyikatu nie powiod³y siê - nie zaimportowany\n" -+"podstawowe sprawdzenia certyikatu nie powiodÅ‚y siÄ™ - nie zaimportowany\n" - - #: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting stored flags: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d pobierania zapisanych flag: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania zapisanych flag: %s\n" - - #: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 - #, c-format - msgid "error importing certificate: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d importu certyfikatu: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d importu certyfikatu: %s\n" - - #: sm/import.c:684 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading input: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu wej¶cia: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu wejÅ›cia: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:216 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating keybox `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d tworzenia keyboksa ,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia keyboksa ,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:223 - #, c-format -@@ -7929,22 +7930,22 @@ msgstr "keybox ,,%s'' utworzony\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1489 sm/keydb.c:1557 - msgid "failed to get the fingerprint\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê pobraæ odcisku\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ pobrać odcisku\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1517 - #, c-format - msgid "problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n" --msgstr "problem odszukaniem istniej±cego certyfikatu: %s\n" -+msgstr "problem odszukaniem istniejÄ…cego certyfikatu: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1525 - #, c-format - msgid "error finding writable keyDB: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d podczas szukania zapisywalnego keyDB: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas szukania zapisywalnego keyDB: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1533 - #, c-format - msgid "error storing certificate: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisywania certyfikatu: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisywania certyfikatu: %s\n" - - #: sm/keydb.c:1585 - #, c-format -@@ -7954,26 +7955,26 @@ msgstr "problem z ponownym odszukaniem certyfikatu: %s\n" - #: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 - #, c-format - msgid "error storing flags: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisywania flag: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisywania flag: %s\n" - - #: sm/keylist.c:642 - msgid "Error - " --msgstr "B³±d - " -+msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d - " - - #: sm/misc.c:55 - msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" - msgstr "" --"GPG_TTY nie zosta³o ustawione - u¿ycie byæ mo¿e nieprawid³owego domy¶lnego\n" -+"GPG_TTY nie zostaÅ‚o ustawione - użycie być może nieprawidÅ‚owego domyÅ›lnego\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwie sformatowany odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwie sformatowany odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:123 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy kod kraju w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" -+msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy kod kraju w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:202 - #, c-format -@@ -7985,19 +7986,19 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - "%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" - msgstr "" --"Ta operacja z³o¿y podpis przy u¿yciu certyfikatu:\n" -+"Ta operacja zÅ‚oży podpis przy użyciu certyfikatu:\n" - ",,%s''\n" --"Utworzy to kwalifikowany podpis równowa¿ny prawnie podpisowi odrêcznemu.\n" -+"Utworzy to kwalifikowany podpis równoważny prawnie podpisowi odrÄ™cznemu.\n" - "\n" --"%s%sNa pewno chcesz to zrobiæ?" -+"%s%sNa pewno chcesz to zrobić?" - - #: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 - msgid "" - "Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " - "signatures.\n" - msgstr "" --"Nale¿y zauwa¿yæ, ¿e to oprogramowaie nie jest oficjalnie zatwierdzone do " --"tworzenia i sprawdzania takich podpisów.\n" -+"Należy zauważyć, że to oprogramowaie nie jest oficjalnie zatwierdzone do " -+"tworzenia i sprawdzania takich podpisów.\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:278 - #, c-format -@@ -8006,26 +8007,26 @@ msgid "" - "\"%s\"\n" - "Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" - msgstr "" --"Ta operacja z³o¿y podpis przy u¿yciu certyfikatu:\n" -+"Ta operacja zÅ‚oży podpis przy użyciu certyfikatu:\n" - ",,%s''\n" --"Nale¿y zauwa¿yæ, ¿e ten certyfikat NIE utworzy kwalifikowanego podpisu!" -+"Należy zauważyć, że ten certyfikat NIE utworzy kwalifikowanego podpisu!" - - #: sm/sign.c:449 - #, c-format - msgid "hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported; using %s\n" - msgstr "" --"algorytm skrótu %d (%s) dla podpisuj±cego %d nie jest obs³ugiwany; u¿ycie " -+"algorytm skrótu %d (%s) dla podpisujÄ…cego %d nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany; użycie " - "%s\n" - - #: sm/sign.c:463 - #, c-format - msgid "hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n" --msgstr "algorytm skrótu u¿yty dla podpisuj±cego %d: %s (%s)\n" -+msgstr "algorytm skrótu użyty dla podpisujÄ…cego %d: %s (%s)\n" - - #: sm/sign.c:513 - #, c-format - msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" --msgstr "sprawdzenie certyfikatu kwalifikowanego nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie certyfikatu kwalifikowanego nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:449 - msgid "Signature made " -@@ -8038,16 +8039,16 @@ msgstr "[nie podano daty]" - #: sm/verify.c:454 - #, c-format - msgid " using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n" --msgstr " przy u¿yciu certyfikatu o ID 0x%08lX\n" -+msgstr " przy użyciu certyfikatu o ID 0x%08lX\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:473 - msgid "" - "invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" --msgstr "b³êdny podpis: atrybut skrótu wiadomo¶ci nie zgadza siê z obliczonym\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dny podpis: atrybut skrótu wiadomoÅ›ci nie zgadza siÄ™ z obliczonym\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:594 - msgid "Good signature from" --msgstr "Poprawny podpis z³o¿ony przez" -+msgstr "Poprawny podpis zÅ‚ożony przez" - - #: sm/verify.c:595 - msgid " aka" -@@ -8071,19 +8072,19 @@ msgstr "dekodowanie otrzymanych linii danych" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 - msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" --msgstr "|NAZWA|po³±czenie z gniazdem Assuan o tej nazwie" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|poÅ‚Ä…czenie z gniazdem Assuan o tej nazwie" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 - msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" --msgstr "uruchomienie serwera Assuan podanego z linii poleceñ" -+msgstr "uruchomienie serwera Assuan podanego z linii poleceÅ„" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 - msgid "do not use extended connect mode" --msgstr "nie u¿ywanie rozszerzonego trybu po³±czenia" -+msgstr "nie używanie rozszerzonego trybu poÅ‚Ä…czenia" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 - msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" --msgstr "|PLIK|uruchomienie poleceñ z PLIKU przy starcie" -+msgstr "|PLIK|uruchomienie poleceÅ„ z PLIKU przy starcie" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 - msgid "run /subst on startup" -@@ -8091,20 +8092,20 @@ msgstr "uruchomienie /subst przy starcie" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:184 - msgid "Usage: gpg-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-connect-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-connect-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:187 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-connect-agent [options]\n" - "Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpg-connect-agent [opcje]\n" --"Po³±czenie z dzia³aj±cym agentem i wysy³anie poleceñ\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-connect-agent [opcje]\n" -+"PoÅ‚Ä…czenie z dziaÅ‚ajÄ…cym agentem i wysyÅ‚anie poleceÅ„\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" --msgstr "opcja ,,%s'' wymaga programu i opcjonalnych argumentów\n" -+msgstr "opcja ,,%s'' wymaga programu i opcjonalnych argumentów\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 - #, c-format -@@ -8114,15 +8115,15 @@ msgstr "opcja ,,%s'' zignorowana z powodu ,,%s''\n" - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 - #, c-format - msgid "receiving line failed: %s\n" --msgstr "odbieranie linii nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "odbieranie linii nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 - msgid "line too long - skipped\n" --msgstr "linia zbyt d³uga - pominiêta\n" -+msgstr "linia zbyt dÅ‚uga - pominiÄ™ta\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 - msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" --msgstr "linia skrócona z powodu osadzonego znaku Nul\n" -+msgstr "linia skrócona z powodu osadzonego znaku Nul\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 - #, c-format -@@ -8132,27 +8133,27 @@ msgstr "nieznane polecenie ,,%s''\n" - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1761 - #, c-format - msgid "sending line failed: %s\n" --msgstr "wysy³anie linii nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "wysyÅ‚anie linii nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 - #, c-format - msgid "error sending %s command: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d wysy³ania polecenia %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d wysyÅ‚ania polecenia %s: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 - #, c-format - msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d wysy³ania standardowych opcji: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d wysyÅ‚ania standardowych opcji: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 - msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" --msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce wyj¶ciem diagnostycznym" -+msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce wyjÅ›ciem diagnostycznym" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 - msgid "Options controlling the configuration" --msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce konfiguracj±" -+msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce konfiguracjÄ…" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 -@@ -8162,11 +8163,11 @@ msgstr "Opcje przydatne do diagnostyki" - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 - msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKu" -+msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKu" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 - msgid "Options controlling the security" --msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce bezpieczeñstwem" -+msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce bezpieczeÅ„stwem" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:522 - msgid "|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds" -@@ -8175,105 +8176,105 @@ msgstr "|N|przedawnienie kluczy SSH po N sekundach" - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 - msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" - msgstr "" --"|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu ¿ycia pamiêci podrêcznej PIN-ów na N sekund" -+"|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu życia pamiÄ™ci podrÄ™cznej PIN-ów na N sekund" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 - msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu ¿ycia kluczy SSH na N sekund" -+msgstr "|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu życia kluczy SSH na N sekund" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 - msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" --msgstr "Opcje wymuszaj±ce politykê hase³" -+msgstr "Opcje wymuszajÄ…ce politykÄ™ haseÅ‚" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 - msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" --msgstr "nie zezwalanie na pominiêcie polityki hase³" -+msgstr "nie zezwalanie na pominiÄ™cie polityki haseÅ‚" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 - msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" --msgstr "|N|ustawienie minimalnej d³ugo¶ci nowych hase³ na N" -+msgstr "|N|ustawienie minimalnej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci nowych haseÅ‚ na N" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 - msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" --msgstr "|N|wymaganie przynajmniej N znaków niealfanumerycznych w nowym ha¶le" -+msgstr "|N|wymaganie przynajmniej N znaków niealfanumerycznych w nowym haÅ›le" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 - msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" --msgstr "|PLIK|sprawdzanie nowych hase³ pod k±tem wzorców z PLIKU" -+msgstr "|PLIK|sprawdzanie nowych haseÅ‚ pod kÄ…tem wzorców z PLIKU" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 - msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" --msgstr "|N|przedawnianie hase³ po N dniach" -+msgstr "|N|przedawnianie haseÅ‚ po N dniach" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 - msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" --msgstr "nie zezwalanie na ponowne u¿ycie starych hase³" -+msgstr "nie zezwalanie na ponowne użycie starych haseÅ‚" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" --msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie NAZWY jako domy¶lnego klucza tajnego" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie NAZWY jako domyÅ›lnego klucza tajnego" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 - msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" --msgstr "|NAZWA|szyfrowanie tak¿e dla odbiorcy NAZWA" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|szyfrowanie także dla odbiorcy NAZWA" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 - msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" --msgstr "|SPEC|okre¶l adres email" -+msgstr "|SPEC|okreÅ›l adres email" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 - msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" --msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów kluczy" -+msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów kluczy" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 - msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" --msgstr "|URL|u¿ywaj serwera kluczy URL" -+msgstr "|URL|używaj serwera kluczy URL" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 - msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" --msgstr "zezwolenie na wyszukiwania PKA (¿±dania DNS)" -+msgstr "zezwolenie na wyszukiwania PKA (żądania DNS)" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 - msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" - msgstr "" - "|MECHANIZMY|wykorzystaj MECHANIZMY do wyszukiwania kluczy na podstawie " --"adresów e-mail" -+"adresów e-mail" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 - msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" --msgstr "zablokuj dostêp do dirmngr" -+msgstr "zablokuj dostÄ™p do dirmngr" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 - msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" --msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie kodowania NAZWA dla hase³ PKCS#12" -+msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie kodowania NAZWA dla haseÅ‚ PKCS#12" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 - msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" --msgstr "nie sprawdzanie CRL dla g³ównych certyfikatów" -+msgstr "nie sprawdzanie CRL dla głównych certyfikatów" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 - msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" --msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce formatem wyj¶cia" -+msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce formatem wyjÅ›cia" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 - msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" --msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce interaktywno¶ci± i wymuszaniem" -+msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce interaktywnoÅ›ciÄ… i wymuszaniem" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 - msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" --msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów HTTP" -+msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów HTTP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 - msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" --msgstr "u¿ycie systemowego ustawienia proxy HTTP" -+msgstr "użycie systemowego ustawienia proxy HTTP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 - msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" --msgstr "Konfiguracja u¿ywanych serwerów LDAP" -+msgstr "Konfiguracja używanych serwerów LDAP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 - msgid "LDAP server list" --msgstr "lista serwerów LDAP" -+msgstr "lista serwerów LDAP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 - msgid "Configuration for OCSP" -@@ -8282,19 +8283,19 @@ msgstr "Konfiguracja dla OCSP" - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 - #, c-format - msgid "External verification of component %s failed" --msgstr "Zewnêtrzna weryfikacja komponentu %s nie powiod³a siê" -+msgstr "ZewnÄ™trzna weryfikacja komponentu %s nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 - msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" --msgstr "Uwaga, okre¶lenia grup s± ignorowane\n" -+msgstr "Uwaga, okreÅ›lenia grup sÄ… ignorowane\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:62 - msgid "list all components" --msgstr "lista wszystkich komponentów" -+msgstr "lista wszystkich komponentów" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:63 - msgid "check all programs" --msgstr "sprawdzenie wszystkich programów" -+msgstr "sprawdzenie wszystkich programów" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:64 - msgid "|COMPONENT|list options" -@@ -8310,7 +8311,7 @@ msgstr "|KOMPONENT|zaznaczenie opcji" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:68 - msgid "apply global default values" --msgstr "zastosowanie globalnych warto¶ci domy¶lnych" -+msgstr "zastosowanie globalnych wartoÅ›ci domyÅ›lnych" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:70 - msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" -@@ -8318,7 +8319,7 @@ msgstr "katalogi konfiguracyjne programu gpgconf" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:72 - msgid "list global configuration file" --msgstr "wy¶wietl globalny plik konfiguracyjny" -+msgstr "wyÅ›wietl globalny plik konfiguracyjny" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:74 - msgid "check global configuration file" -@@ -8326,27 +8327,27 @@ msgstr "sprawdzenie globalnego pliku konfiguracyjnego" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:79 - msgid "use as output file" --msgstr "plik wyj¶ciowy" -+msgstr "plik wyjÅ›ciowy" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:83 - msgid "activate changes at runtime, if possible" --msgstr "uaktywnienie zmian w czasie dzia³ania o ile to mo¿liwe" -+msgstr "uaktywnienie zmian w czasie dziaÅ‚ania o ile to możliwe" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:105 - msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpgconf [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpgconf [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:108 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgconf [options]\n" - "Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpgconf [opcje]\n" --"Zarz±dzanie opcjami konfiguracji dla narzêdzi z systemu GnuPG\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpgconf [opcje]\n" -+"ZarzÄ…dzanie opcjami konfiguracji dla narzÄ™dzi z systemu GnuPG\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 - msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " --msgstr "wywo³anie: gpgconf [opcje]" -+msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie: gpgconf [opcje]" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:216 - msgid "Need one component argument" -@@ -8380,7 +8381,7 @@ msgstr "tryb szyfrowania" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:161 - msgid "tool class (confucius)" --msgstr "klasa narzêdzia (confucius)" -+msgstr "klasa narzÄ™dzia (confucius)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:162 - msgid "program filename" -@@ -8392,11 +8393,11 @@ msgstr "plik klucza tajnego (wymagany)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 - msgid "input file name (default stdin)" --msgstr "nazwa pliku wej¶ciowego (domy¶lnie standardowe wej¶cie)" -+msgstr "nazwa pliku wejÅ›ciowego (domyÅ›lnie standardowe wejÅ›cie)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 - msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: symcryptrun [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: symcryptrun [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:212 - msgid "" -@@ -8404,9 +8405,9 @@ msgid "" - "[options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n" - "Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: symcryptrun --class KLASA --program PROGRAM --keyfile PLIK_KLUCZA " --"[opcje...] POLECENIE [plik-we¶ciowy]\n" --"Wywo³anie prostego narzêdzia do szyfrowania symetrycznego\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: symcryptrun --class KLASA --program PROGRAM --keyfile PLIK_KLUCZA " -+"[opcje...] POLECENIE [plik-weÅ›ciowy]\n" -+"WywoÅ‚anie prostego narzÄ™dzia do szyfrowania symetrycznego\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 - #, c-format -@@ -8416,32 +8417,32 @@ msgstr "%s na %s przerwany ze stanem %i\n" - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:288 - #, c-format - msgid "%s on %s failed with status %i\n" --msgstr "%s na %s nie powiód³ siê ze stanem %i\n" -+msgstr "%s na %s nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ ze stanem %i\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:314 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create temporary directory `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ katalogu tymczasowego,,%s'': %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można utworzyć katalogu tymczasowego,,%s'': %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:354 tools/symcryptrun.c:371 - #, c-format - msgid "could not open %s for writing: %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê otworzyæ %s do zapisu: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ otworzyć %s do zapisu: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:382 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing to %s: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zapisu do %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu do %s: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:389 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading from %s: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d odczytu z %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu z %s: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:396 tools/symcryptrun.c:403 - #, c-format - msgid "error closing %s: %s\n" --msgstr "b³±d zamykania %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zamykania %s: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:488 - msgid "no --program option provided\n" -@@ -8449,7 +8450,7 @@ msgstr "nie podano opcji --program\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:494 - msgid "only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n" --msgstr "obs³ugiwane s± tylko --decrypt i --encrypt\n" -+msgstr "obsÅ‚ugiwane sÄ… tylko --decrypt i --encrypt\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:500 - msgid "no --keyfile option provided\n" -@@ -8457,67 +8458,67 @@ msgstr "nie podano opcji --keyfile\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 - msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na przydzieliæ wektora args\n" -+msgstr "nie można przydzielić wektora args\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 - #, c-format - msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ potoku: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć potoku: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 - #, c-format - msgid "could not create pty: %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ pty: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć pty: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:552 - #, c-format - msgid "could not fork: %s\n" --msgstr "nie uda³o siê wykonaæ fork: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ wykonać fork: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:580 - #, c-format - msgid "execv failed: %s\n" --msgstr "execv nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "execv nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:609 - #, c-format - msgid "select failed: %s\n" --msgstr "select nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "select nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 - #, c-format - msgid "read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "odczyt nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "odczyt nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 - #, c-format - msgid "pty read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "odczyt pty nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "odczyt pty nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:730 - #, c-format - msgid "waitpid failed: %s\n" --msgstr "waitpid nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" -+msgstr "waitpid nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:744 - #, c-format - msgid "child aborted with status %i\n" --msgstr "potomek zosta³ przerwany ze stanem %i\n" -+msgstr "potomek zostaÅ‚ przerwany ze stanem %i\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:799 - #, c-format - msgid "cannot allocate infile string: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na przydzieliæ ³añcucha pliku wej¶ciowego: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można przydzielić Å‚aÅ„cucha pliku wejÅ›ciowego: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:812 - #, c-format - msgid "cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n" --msgstr "nie mo¿na przydzieliæ ³añcucha pliku wyj¶ciowego: %s\n" -+msgstr "nie można przydzielić Å‚aÅ„cucha pliku wyjÅ›ciowego: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:986 - #, c-format - msgid "either %s or %s must be given\n" --msgstr "musi byæ podane %s lub %s\n" -+msgstr "musi być podane %s lub %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:1013 - msgid "no class provided\n" -@@ -8526,25 +8527,23 @@ msgstr "nie podano klasy\n" - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:1022 - #, c-format - msgid "class %s is not supported\n" --msgstr "klasa %s nie jest obs³ugiwana\n" -+msgstr "klasa %s nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana\n" - - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:145 - msgid "Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n" --msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców (-h podaje pomoc)\n" -+msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców (-h podaje pomoc)\n" - - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:148 - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n" - "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" - msgstr "" --"Sk³adnia: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców\n" --"Sprawdzanie has³a ze standardowego wej¶cia wzglêdem pliku wzorców\n" -- --#~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" --#~ msgstr "mo¿na najpierw uruchomiæ najpierw gpg-agenta\n" -+"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców\n" -+"Sprawdzanie hasÅ‚a ze standardowego wejÅ›cia wzglÄ™dem pliku wzorców\n" - --#~ msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" --#~ msgstr "w³±czenie emulacji ssh-agenta" -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "bez czyszczenia wartoÅ›ci zaufania wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela przy imporcie" - --#~ msgid "error loading `%s': %s\n" --#~ msgstr "b³±d odczytu ,,%s'': %s\n" -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "UWAGA: to nie jest podpis oddzielony; plik ,,%s'' NIE zostaÅ‚ sprawdzony!\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0015-gpg-Add-import-option-keep-ownertrust.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0015-gpg-Add-import-option-keep-ownertrust.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0015-gpg-Add-import-option-keep-ownertrust.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0015-gpg-Add-import-option-keep-ownertrust.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -From da95d0d37841b34e2f3d7047f14ab4d98a7c0c56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 09:56:40 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 15/31] gpg: Add import option "keep-ownertrust". - -* g10/options.h (IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST): New. -* g10/import.c (parse_import_options): Add "keep-ownertrust". -(import_one): Act upon new option. --- - -This option is in particular useful to convert from a pubring.gpg to -the new pubring.kbx in GnuPG 2.1 or vice versa: - -gpg1 --export | gpg2 --import-options keep-ownertrust --import - -(cherry-picked from commit ffc2307843ce6c4ac3c8d99ba8c70ffa1ae28e39) ---- - doc/gpg.texi | 9 +++++++++ - g10/import.c | 15 +++++++++++++-- - g10/options.h | 1 + - 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/doc/gpg.texi b/doc/gpg.texi -index b2c956e..0689cb5 100644 ---- a/doc/gpg.texi -+++ b/doc/gpg.texi -@@ -2039,6 +2039,15 @@ opposite meaning. The options are: - generally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being used. - Defaults to no. - -+ @item import-keep-ownertrust -+ Normally possible still existing ownertrust values of a key are -+ cleared if a key is imported. This is in general desirable so that -+ a formerly deleted key does not automatically gain an ownertrust -+ values merely due to import. On the other hand it is sometimes -+ necessary to re-import a trusted set of keys again but keeping -+ already assigned ownertrust values. This can be achived by using -+ this option. -+ - @item repair-pks-subkey-bug - During import, attempt to repair the damage caused by the PKS keyserver - bug (pre version 0.9.6) that mangles keys with multiple subkeys. Note -diff --git a/g10/import.c b/g10/import.c -index 1bf4090..8e509dd 100644 ---- a/g10/import.c -+++ b/g10/import.c -@@ -95,18 +95,28 @@ parse_import_options(char *str,unsigned int *options,int noisy) - { - {"import-local-sigs",IMPORT_LOCAL_SIGS,NULL, - N_("import signatures that are marked as local-only")}, -+ - {"repair-pks-subkey-bug",IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG,NULL, - N_("repair damage from the pks keyserver during import")}, -+ -+ {"keep-ownertrust", IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST, NULL, -+ N_("do not clear the ownertrust values during import")}, -+ - {"fast-import",IMPORT_FAST,NULL, - N_("do not update the trustdb after import")}, -+ - {"convert-sk-to-pk",IMPORT_SK2PK,NULL, - N_("create a public key when importing a secret key")}, -+ - {"merge-only",IMPORT_MERGE_ONLY,NULL, - N_("only accept updates to existing keys")}, -+ - {"import-clean",IMPORT_CLEAN,NULL, - N_("remove unusable parts from key after import")}, -+ - {"import-minimal",IMPORT_MINIMAL|IMPORT_CLEAN,NULL, - N_("remove as much as possible from key after import")}, -+ - /* Aliases for backward compatibility */ - {"allow-local-sigs",IMPORT_LOCAL_SIGS,NULL,NULL}, - {"repair-hkp-subkey-bug",IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG,NULL,NULL}, -@@ -890,12 +900,13 @@ import_one( const char *fname, KBNODE keyblock, struct stats_s *stats, - if (rc) - log_error (_("error writing keyring `%s': %s\n"), - keydb_get_resource_name (hd), g10_errstr(rc)); -- else -+ else if (!(opt.import_options & IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST)) - { - /* This should not be possible since we delete the - ownertrust when a key is deleted, but it can happen if - the keyring and trustdb are out of sync. It can also -- be made to happen with the trusted-key command. */ -+ be made to happen with the trusted-key command and by -+ importing and locally exported key. */ - - clear_ownertrusts (pk); - if(non_self) -diff --git a/g10/options.h b/g10/options.h -index e9c540d..9b12b77 100644 ---- a/g10/options.h -+++ b/g10/options.h -@@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ EXTERN_UNLESS_MAIN_MODULE int memory_stat_debug_mode; - #define IMPORT_MINIMAL (1<<5) - #define IMPORT_CLEAN (1<<6) - #define IMPORT_NO_SECKEY (1<<7) -+#define IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST (1<<8) - - #define EXPORT_LOCAL_SIGS (1<<0) - #define EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES (1<<1) --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0015-Update-Spanish-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0015-Update-Spanish-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0015-Update-Spanish-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0015-Update-Spanish-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7912 +0,0 @@ -From: Manuel "Venturi" Porras Peralta -Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 15:31:29 -0400 -Subject: Update Spanish translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=48085fe881ea593ac30eaac150378ea6510ffe4e http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=a0459db92329ff178fb8ae3fe804917abd3a7be1 -Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/770727 ---- - po/es.po | 2501 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- - 1 file changed, 1253 insertions(+), 1248 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po -index 3d1ca80..571d863 100644 ---- a/po/es.po -+++ b/po/es.po -@@ -1,28 +1,32 @@ --# Mensajes en español para GnuPG. -+# Mensajes en español para GnuPG. - # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - # Urko Lusa , 1998, 1999. - # I've tried to mantain the terminology used by Armando Ramos - # in his PGP 2.3.6i translation. - # I also got inspiration from it.po by Marco d'Itri -+# Manuel "Venturi" Porras Peralta , 2014. - # - msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.9\n" - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" - "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" --"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 09:47+0200\n" --"Last-Translator: Jaime Suárez \n" --"Language-Team: Spanish \n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-20 11:43+0100\n" -+"Last-Translator: Manuel \"Venturi\" Porras Peralta \n" -+"Language-Team: Español; Castellano \n" - "Language: es\n" - "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" --"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" -+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" - "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" - "plural: Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -+"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" --msgstr "no pude conseguir el bloqueo de entrada de pin: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo al conseguir el bloqueo de entrada de pin: %s\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in - #. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter -@@ -31,15 +35,15 @@ msgstr "no pude conseguir el bloqueo de entrada de pin: %s\n" - #. the second vertical bar. - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 - msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" --msgstr "|entrada de pin-etiqueta|_OK" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 - msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" --msgstr "|entrada de pin-etiqueta|_Cancelar" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Cancelar" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 - msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" --msgstr "|entrada de pin-etiqueta|PIN:" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label - #. for the quality bar. -@@ -55,22 +59,22 @@ msgstr "Calidad:" - #. will be used. - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 - msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" --msgstr "barra de calidad, entrada de pin" -+msgstr "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 - msgid "" - "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " - "session" - msgstr "" --"Por favor introduzca su PIN para desbloquear la clave secreta de esta sesión" -+"Introduzca su PIN para desbloquear la clave secreta durante esta sesión" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 - msgid "" - "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " - "this session" - msgstr "" --"Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta " --"de esta sesión" -+"Introduzca la contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta durante esta " -+"sesión" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in - #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the -@@ -86,11 +90,11 @@ msgstr "PIN demasiado largo" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 - msgid "Passphrase too long" --msgstr "Frase contraseña demasiado larga" -+msgstr "Contraseña demasiado larga" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 - msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" --msgstr "Caracteres inválidos en el PIN" -+msgstr "Caracteres inválidos en el PIN" - - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 - msgid "PIN too short" -@@ -100,36 +104,36 @@ msgstr "PIN demasiado corto" - msgid "Bad PIN" - msgstr "PIN incorrecto" - --# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? --# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña -+# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? -+# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña - # y una "frase de paso" no. Soy consciente de que se - # traduce igual password y passphrase pero el contexto --# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. --# No sé, no sé. --# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? --# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) -+# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. -+# No sé, no sé. -+# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? -+# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) - # - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 - msgid "Bad Passphrase" --msgstr "Frase contraseña errónea" -+msgstr "Contraseña errónea" - --# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? --# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña -+# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? -+# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña - # y una "frase de paso" no. Soy consciente de que se - # traduce igual password y passphrase pero el contexto --# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. --# No sé, no sé. --# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? --# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) -+# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. -+# No sé, no sé. -+# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? -+# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) - # - #: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 - msgid "Passphrase" --msgstr "Frase contraseña" -+msgstr "Contraseña" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 - #, c-format - msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" --msgstr "no pueden usarse claves ssh de más de %d bits\n" -+msgstr "no pueden usarse claves ssh de más de %d bits\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 - #: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ msgstr "no pueden usarse claves ssh de m - #: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 - #, c-format - msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "no se puede crear %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "no se puede crear `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 - #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede abrir `%s': %s\n" - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2110 agent/command-ssh.c:2128 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting serial number of card: %s\n" --msgstr "error obteniendo el número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" -+msgstr "error obteniendo el número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2114 - #, c-format -@@ -165,8 +169,8 @@ msgstr "detectada tarjeta con S/N: %s\n" - #, c-format - msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" - msgstr "" --"error obteniendo ID de la clave por defecto para autenticaren la tarjeta: " --"%s\n" -+"error obteniendo identificador de la clave de autenticación predeterminado " -+"de la tarjeta: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 - #, c-format -@@ -176,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "no se encuentra una clave de tarjeta adecuada: %s\n" - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 - #, c-format - msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" --msgstr "el sombreado de la clave falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "el cifrado de la clave falló: %s\n" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 - #, c-format -@@ -189,37 +193,39 @@ msgid "" - "An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " - "allow this?" - msgstr "" -+"Un proceso ssh solicitó utilizar la clave%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0A¿Desea " -+"permitirlo?" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 - msgid "Allow" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "Permitir" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 - msgid "Deny" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "No permitir" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" --msgstr "Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña para la clave ssh%0A %c" -+msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para la clave ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 - msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" --msgstr "Por favor vuelva a introducir frase contraseña" -+msgstr "Vuelva a introducir contraseña" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " - "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" - msgstr "" --"Por favor introduzca una frase contraseña para proteger la clave " --"secretarecibida%%0A %s%%0Aen el almacen de claves del agente gpg" -+"Introduzca una contraseña para proteger la clave secreta recibida%%0A %s" -+"%%0A %s%%0Aen el almacén de claves del agente gpg" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 - msgid "does not match - try again" --msgstr "no coincide - reinténtelo" -+msgstr "no coincide - inténtelo de nuevo" - - #: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 - #, c-format -@@ -228,11 +234,11 @@ msgstr "fallo al crear un flujo desde el socket: %s\n" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 - msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" --msgstr "Por favor inserte la tarjeta con número de serie" -+msgstr "Inserte la tarjeta con número de serie" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 - msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" --msgstr "Por favor retire tarjeta actual e inserte la que tiene número de serie" -+msgstr "Retire tarjeta actual e inserte la que tiene número de serie" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:200 - msgid "Admin PIN" -@@ -246,16 +252,16 @@ msgstr "PUK" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:212 - msgid "Reset Code" --msgstr "Código de Reinicio" -+msgstr "Código de Reinicio" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." - msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AUse el teclado del lector como entrada." - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:287 - msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" --msgstr "Repita este Código de Reinicio" -+msgstr "Repita este Código de Reinicio" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:289 - msgid "Repeat this PUK" -@@ -267,20 +273,20 @@ msgstr "Repita este PIN" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:295 - msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "Código de Reinicio repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" -+msgstr "Código de Reinicio repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:297 - msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "PUK repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" -+msgstr "PUK repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:298 - msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "PIN repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" -+msgstr "PIN repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" - - #: agent/divert-scd.c:310 - #, c-format - msgid "Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card" --msgstr "Por favor introduzca el PIN%s%s%s para desbloquear la tarjeta" -+msgstr "Introduzca el PIN%s%s%s para desbloquear la tarjeta" - - #: agent/genkey.c:108 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:384 sm/export.c:638 sm/export.c:654 - #: sm/import.c:667 sm/import.c:692 -@@ -295,7 +301,7 @@ msgstr "error escribiendo en el fichero temporal: %s\n" - - #: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 - msgid "Enter new passphrase" --msgstr "Introduzca nueva frase contraseña" -+msgstr "Introduzca nueva contraseña" - - #: agent/genkey.c:167 - msgid "Take this one anyway" -@@ -310,11 +316,11 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " - "at least %u characters long." - msgstr[0] "" --"Aviso: ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frase contraseña " --"debe tener al menos %u carácter." -+"Aviso: ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna contraseña debe tener " -+"al menos %u carácter." - msgstr[1] "" --"Aviso: ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frase contraseña " --"debe tener al menos %u caracteres." -+"Aviso: ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna contraseña debe tener " -+"al menos %u caracteres." - - #: agent/genkey.c:214 - #, c-format -@@ -325,11 +331,11 @@ msgid_plural "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " - "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." - msgstr[0] "" --"Aviso: Ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña " --"debe tener al menos %u digito o%%0Acarácter especial." -+"Aviso: Ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña debe " -+"tener al menos %u digito o%%0Acarácter especial." - msgstr[1] "" --"Aviso: Ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña " --"debe tener al menos %u digitos o%%0Acaracteres especiales." -+"Aviso: Ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña debe " -+"tener al menos %u digitos o%%0Acaracteres especiales." - - #: agent/genkey.c:237 - #, c-format -@@ -337,16 +343,16 @@ msgid "" - "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " - "a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." - msgstr "" --"Aviso: ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frase contraseña " --"no puede ser un término conocido%%0Ao ajustarse a cierto patrón." -+"Aviso: ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna contraseña no puede " -+"ser un término conocido%%0Ao ajustarse a cierto patrón." - - #: agent/genkey.c:253 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." - msgstr "" --"¡No ha introducido una frase contraseña!%0AnNo se permiten frases contraseña " --"en blanco." -+"¡No ha introducido una contraseña!%0AnNo se permiten frases contraseña en " -+"blanco." - - #: agent/genkey.c:255 - #, c-format -@@ -354,21 +360,21 @@ msgid "" - "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " - "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." - msgstr "" --"No ha introducido una frase contraseña -¡esto es en general una mala idea!" --"%0Apor favor confirme que no quiere ninguna protección para su clave." -+"No ha introducido una contraseña -¡esto suele ser una mala idea!%0AConfirme " -+"que no desea ninguna protección para su clave." - - #: agent/genkey.c:264 - msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" --msgstr "Sí, no se necesita protección" -+msgstr "Sí, no se necesita protección" - - #: agent/genkey.c:308 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" --msgstr "Por favor introduzca frase contraseña para%0Aproteger su nueva clave" -+msgstr "Introduzca contraseña para%0Aproteger su nueva clave" - - #: agent/genkey.c:431 - msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" --msgstr "Por favor escriba la nueva frase contraseña" -+msgstr "Escriba la nueva contraseña" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 - #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 -@@ -391,12 +397,12 @@ msgstr "ejecutar en modo servidor (primer plano)" - #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 - msgid "verbose" --msgstr "prolijo" -+msgstr "detallado" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 - #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 - msgid "be somewhat more quiet" --msgstr "algo más discreto" -+msgstr "algo más discreto" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 - msgid "sh-style command output" -@@ -417,7 +423,7 @@ msgstr "no independizarse de la consola" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 - msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" --msgstr "no acaparar teclado y ratón" -+msgstr "no acaparar teclado y ratón" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 - msgid "use a log file for the server" -@@ -425,7 +431,7 @@ msgstr "usar un fichero log para el servidor" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 - msgid "use a standard location for the socket" --msgstr "usar una localización estándar para el socket" -+msgstr "usar una localización estándar para el socket" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 - msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" -@@ -449,34 +455,31 @@ msgstr "ignorar peticiones de cambiar el display X" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 - msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" --msgstr "|N|los PINs en la caché expiran en N segundos" -+msgstr "|N|los PINs en la caché expiran en N segundos" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 - msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" --msgstr "no usar el caché de PINs al firmar" -+msgstr "no usar el caché de PINs al firmar" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 --#, fuzzy - msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" - msgstr "permitir que los clientes marquen claves como \"fiables\"" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 - msgid "allow presetting passphrase" --msgstr "permitir preestablecer frase contraseña" -+msgstr "permitir preestablecer contraseña" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable ssh support" --msgstr "permitir emulación de ssh-agent" -+msgstr "permitir emulación de ssh-agent" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 --#, fuzzy - msgid "enable putty support" - msgstr "no disponible" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 - msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" --msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir variables de entorno también en FICHERO" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir variables de entorno también en FICHERO" - - #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug - #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the -@@ -486,7 +489,7 @@ msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir variables de entorno tambi - #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 - msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" --msgstr "Por favor, informe de posibles \"bugs\" a <@EMAIL@>.\n" -+msgstr "Informe de posibles fallos del programa a <@EMAIL@>.\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 - msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -503,7 +506,7 @@ msgstr "" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" --msgstr "el nivel de depuración `%s` no es válido\n" -+msgstr "el nivel de depuración `%s` no es válido\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 -@@ -557,11 +560,11 @@ msgstr "el nombre de socket `%s' es demasiado largo\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 - msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" --msgstr "ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro\n" -+msgstr "ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 - msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" --msgstr "error obteniendo valor único para el socket\n" -+msgstr "error obteniendo valor único para el socket\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 - #, c-format -@@ -571,7 +574,7 @@ msgstr "error enlazando el socket con `%s': %s\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 - #, c-format - msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" --msgstr "listen() falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "listen() falló: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 - #, c-format -@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ msgstr "directorio `%s' creado\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 - #, c-format - msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "stat() falló para `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "stat() falló para `%s': %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 - #, c-format -@@ -597,7 +600,7 @@ msgstr "no puede usar `%s' como directorio personal\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" --msgstr "error leyendo valor único en el descriptor %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "error leyendo valor único en el descriptor %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 - #, c-format -@@ -622,7 +625,7 @@ msgstr "manejador ssh 0x%lx para el descriptor %d finalizado\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 - #, c-format - msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" --msgstr "pth_select falló: %s - espero 1s\n" -+msgstr "pth_select falló: %s - espero 1s\n" - - # msgstr "clave %08lX: %d nuevas subclaves\n" - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 -@@ -632,7 +635,7 @@ msgstr "%s %s detenido\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 - msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" --msgstr "no hay un agente gpg ejecutándose en esta sesión\n" -+msgstr "no hay un agente gpg ejecutándose en esta sesión\n" - - #: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 -@@ -643,7 +646,7 @@ msgstr "variable de entorno GPG_AGENT_INFO malformada\n" - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 - #, c-format - msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "el programa no permite usar el protocolo agente gpg versión %d\n" -+msgstr "el programa no permite usar el protocolo agente gpg versión %d\n" - - #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 - msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" -@@ -655,19 +658,19 @@ msgid "" - "Password cache maintenance\n" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpg-preset-passphrase [opciones] KEYGRIP\n" --"Mantenimiento de la caché de contraseñas\n" -+"Mantenimiento de la caché de contraseñas\n" - --# Órdenes, please... --# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se --# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? --# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) -+# Órdenes, please... -+# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se -+# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? -+# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) - #: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 - #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 - msgid "" - "@Commands:\n" - " " - msgstr "" --"@Órdenes:\n" -+"@Órdenes:\n" - " " - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -@@ -696,39 +699,38 @@ msgstr "" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña para desproteger el objeto PKCS#12." -+msgstr "Introduzca contraseña para desproteger el objeto PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 - msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." --msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña para proteger el nuevo objeto PKCS#12." -+msgstr "Introduzca contraseña para proteger el nuevo objeto PKCS#12." - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 - msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " - "system." --msgstr "" --"Introduzca la frase contraseña para proteger el objeto importado en GnuPG" -+msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para proteger el objeto importado en GnuPG" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 - msgid "" - "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" - "needed to complete this operation." - msgstr "" --"Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña o PIN\n" --"necesarios para completar esta operación." -+"Introduzca la contraseña o PIN\n" -+"necesarios para completar esta operación." - --# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? --# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña -+# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? -+# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña - # y una "frase de paso" no. Soy consciente de que se - # traduce igual password y passphrase pero el contexto --# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. --# No sé, no sé. --# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? --# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) -+# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. -+# No sé, no sé. -+# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? -+# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) - # - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 - msgid "Passphrase:" --msgstr "Frase contraseña:" -+msgstr "contraseña:" - - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 - msgid "cancelled\n" -@@ -737,7 +739,7 @@ msgstr "cancelado\n" - #: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 - #, c-format - msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "error pidiendo la frase contraseña: %s\n" -+msgstr "error pidiendo la contraseña: %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 - #, c-format -@@ -747,36 +749,36 @@ msgstr "error abriendo `%s': %s\n" - #: agent/trustlist.c:151 common/helpfile.c:63 common/helpfile.c:79 - #, c-format - msgid "file `%s', line %d: %s\n" --msgstr "fichero `%s', línea %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "fichero `%s', línea %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:171 agent/trustlist.c:179 - #, c-format - msgid "statement \"%s\" ignored in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "declaración \"%s\" ignorada en `%s', línea %d\n" -+msgstr "declaración \"%s\" ignorada en `%s', línea %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:185 - #, c-format - msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" --msgstr "la lista de confianza `%s' del sistema no está disponible\n" -+msgstr "la lista de confianza `%s' del sistema no está disponible\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:229 - #, c-format - msgid "bad fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "huella digital incorrecta en `%s', línea %d\n" -+msgstr "huella digital incorrecta en `%s', línea %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "opción de clave inválida en `%s', línea %d\n" -+msgstr "opción de clave inválida en `%s', línea %d\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 - #, c-format - msgid "error reading `%s', line %d: %s\n" --msgstr "error leyendo `%s', línea %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "error leyendo `%s', línea %d: %s\n" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 - msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" --msgstr "error leyendo la lista de certificados raíz fiables\n" -+msgstr "error leyendo la lista de certificados raíz fiables\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry - #. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by -@@ -792,12 +794,12 @@ msgid "" - "Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " - "certificates?" - msgstr "" --"¿Confía absolutamente en%%0A \"%s\"%%0A para certificar correctamentelos " -+"¿Confía absolutamente en%%0A \"%s\"%%0A para certificar correctamentelos " - "certificados de otros usuarios?" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 - msgid "Yes" --msgstr "Sí" -+msgstr "Sí" - - #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:469 - msgid "No" -@@ -817,8 +819,8 @@ msgid "" - "Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " - "fingerprint:%%0A %s" - msgstr "" --"Por favor verifique que el certificado identificado como:%%0A \"%s" --"\"%%0Atiene la huella digital:%%0A %s" -+"Verifique que el certificado identificado como:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Atiene la " -+"huella digital:%%0A %s" - - #. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended - #. to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The -@@ -834,8 +836,7 @@ msgstr "Incorrecto" - #: agent/findkey.c:157 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." --msgstr "" --"Nota: Esta frase contraseña nunca ha sido cambiada.%0APor favor hágalo ahora." -+msgstr "Nota: Esta contraseña nunca ha sido cambiada.%0AHágalo ahora." - - #: agent/findkey.c:173 - #, c-format -@@ -843,27 +844,26 @@ msgid "" - "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " - "it now." - msgstr "" --"Esta frase contraseña no se ha cambiado%%0Adesde %.4s-%.2s-%.2s.Por favor " --"cámbiela ahora." -+"Esta contraseña no se ha cambiado%%0Adesde %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Cámbiela ahora." - - #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 - msgid "Change passphrase" --msgstr "Cambia la frase contraseña" -+msgstr "Cambia la contraseña" - - #: agent/findkey.c:195 - msgid "I'll change it later" --msgstr "La cambiaré más tarde" -+msgstr "La cambiaré más tarde" - - #: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" --msgstr "error creando tubería: %s\n" -+msgstr "error creando tubería: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 - #, c-format - msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" --msgstr "no puede abrirse tubería para leer: %s\n" -+msgstr "no puede abrirse tubería para leer: %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 - #, c-format -@@ -878,17 +878,17 @@ msgstr "fallo esperando que el proceso %d terminara: %s\n" - #: common/exechelp.c:819 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n" --msgstr "error obteniendo código de finalización del proceso: %d %s\n" -+msgstr "error obteniendo código de finalización del proceso: %d %s\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:825 common/exechelp.c:877 - #, c-format - msgid "error running `%s': exit status %d\n" --msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': código de finalización %d\n" -+msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': código de finalización %d\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:870 - #, c-format - msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" --msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': probablemente no está instalado\n" -+msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': probablemente no está instalado\n" - - #: common/exechelp.c:885 - #, c-format -@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ msgstr "host no encontrado" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 - msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" --msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" -+msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 - #, c-format -@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede conectar con `%s': %s\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 - msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" --msgstr "problema de comunicación con el agente gpg\n" -+msgstr "problema de comunicación con el agente gpg\n" - - #: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 - msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" -@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Aviso: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" - #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. - #: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 - msgid "yes" --msgstr "sí|si" -+msgstr "sí|si" - - #: common/yesno.c:36 common/yesno.c:77 - msgid "yY" -@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ msgstr "error de memoria reservando %lu bytes" - - #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 - msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" --msgstr "no hay gpg-agent en ejecución - inicando uno\n" -+msgstr "no hay gpg-agent en ejecución - inicando uno\n" - - #: common/asshelp.c:349 - #, c-format -@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ msgstr "|audit-log-result|Omitido" - - #: common/audit.c:493 - msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" --msgstr "|audit-log-result|Algún" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Algún" - - #: common/audit.c:726 - msgid "Certificate chain available" -@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ msgstr "Cadena de certificados disponible" - - #: common/audit.c:733 - msgid "root certificate missing" --msgstr "falta el certificado raíz" -+msgstr "falta el certificado raíz" - - #: common/audit.c:759 - msgid "Data encryption succeeded" -@@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ msgstr "Hay datos disponibles" - - #: common/audit.c:767 - msgid "Session key created" --msgstr "Creada clave de sesión" -+msgstr "Creada clave de sesión" - - #: common/audit.c:772 common/audit.c:912 common/audit.c:919 - #, c-format -@@ -1086,11 +1086,11 @@ msgstr "algoritmo no disponible: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 - msgid "seems to be not encrypted" --msgstr "no parece que esté cifrado" -+msgstr "no parece que esté cifrado" - - #: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 - msgid "Number of recipients" --msgstr "Número de destinatarios" -+msgstr "Número de destinatarios" - - #: common/audit.c:792 common/audit.c:956 - #, c-format -@@ -1134,12 +1134,12 @@ msgstr "Firma disponible" - - #: common/audit.c:1024 - msgid "Parsing data succeeded" --msgstr "Interpretación de datos correcta" -+msgstr "Interpretación de datos correcta" - - #: common/audit.c:1036 - #, c-format - msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" --msgstr "algoritmo de resumen de datos erróneo: %s" -+msgstr "algoritmo de resumen de datos erróneo: %s" - - #: common/audit.c:1051 - #, c-format -@@ -1148,11 +1148,11 @@ msgstr "Firma %d" - - #: common/audit.c:1079 - msgid "Certificate chain valid" --msgstr "Cadena de certificados válida" -+msgstr "Cadena de certificados válida" - - #: common/audit.c:1090 - msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" --msgstr "Certificado raíz fiable" -+msgstr "Certificado raíz fiable" - - #: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 - msgid "no CRL found for certificate" -@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ msgstr "el CRL disponible es demasiado antiguo" - - #: common/audit.c:1119 - msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" --msgstr "Comprobación CRL/OCSP de certificados" -+msgstr "Comprobación CRL/OCSP de certificados" - - #: common/audit.c:1139 - msgid "Included certificates" -@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ msgstr "No auditar entradas de los logs" - - #: common/audit.c:1243 - msgid "Unknown operation" --msgstr "Operación desconocida" -+msgstr "Operación desconocida" - - #: common/audit.c:1261 - msgid "Gpg-Agent usable" -@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ayuda disponible para `%s'." - - #: common/helpfile.c:80 - msgid "ignoring garbage line" --msgstr "ignorando línea con basura" -+msgstr "ignorando línea con basura" - - #: common/gettime.c:503 - msgid "[none]" -@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ msgstr "armadura: %s\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:418 - msgid "invalid armor header: " --msgstr "cabecera de armadura inválida: " -+msgstr "cabecera de armadura inválida: " - - #: g10/armor.c:429 - msgid "armor header: " -@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ msgstr "cabecera de armadura: " - - #: g10/armor.c:442 - msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" --msgstr "cabecera de firma clara inválida\n" -+msgstr "cabecera de firma clara inválida\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:455 - msgid "unknown armor header: " -@@ -1230,29 +1230,29 @@ msgstr "armadura inesperada: " - - #: g10/armor.c:655 - msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " --msgstr "Línea con guiones inválida: " -+msgstr "Línea con guiones inválida: " - - #: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" --msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02X omitido\n" -+msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02X omitido\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:853 - msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" --msgstr "Fin de fichero prematuro (falta suma de comprobación)\n" -+msgstr "Fin de fichero prematuro (falta suma de comprobación)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:887 - msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" --msgstr "Fin de suma de comprobación prematuro\n" -+msgstr "Fin de suma de comprobación prematuro\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:895 - msgid "malformed CRC\n" --msgstr "Suma de comprobación mal creada\n" -+msgstr "Suma de comprobación mal creada\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 - #, c-format - msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" --msgstr "Error en suma de comprobación: %06lX - %06lX\n" -+msgstr "Error en suma de comprobación: %06lX - %06lX\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:919 - msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" -@@ -1260,22 +1260,22 @@ msgstr "fin de fichero prematuro (en el cierre)\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:923 - msgid "error in trailer line\n" --msgstr "error en la línea de cierre\n" -+msgstr "error en la línea de cierre\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:1248 - msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" --msgstr "no se han encontrados datos OpenPGP válidos\n" -+msgstr "no se han encontrados datos OpenPGP válidos\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:1253 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "armadura incorrecta: línea más larga de %d caracteres\n" -+msgstr "armadura incorrecta: línea más larga de %d caracteres\n" - - #: g10/armor.c:1257 - msgid "" - "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" - msgstr "" --"caracter \"quoted printable\" en la armadura - probablemente se usó\n" -+"caracter \"quoted printable\" en la armadura - probablemente se usó\n" - "un MTA defectuoso\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:976 -@@ -1283,24 +1283,24 @@ msgid "" - "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " - "an '='\n" - msgstr "" --"un nombre de notación debe tener sólo caracteres imprimibles o espacios, y " -+"un nombre de notación debe tener sólo caracteres imprimibles o espacios, y " - "acabar con un '='\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:988 - msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" --msgstr "un nombre de notación de usuario debe contener el caracter '@'\n" -+msgstr "un nombre de notación de usuario debe contener el caracter '@'\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:994 - msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" --msgstr "un nombre de notación no debe contener más de un caracter '@'\n" -+msgstr "un nombre de notación no debe contener más de un caracter '@'\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1012 - msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" --msgstr "un valor de notación no debe usar ningún caracter de control\n" -+msgstr "un valor de notación no debe usar ningún caracter de control\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 - msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: encontrados datos de notación inválidos\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: encontrados datos de notación inválidos\n" - - #: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 - msgid "not human readable" -@@ -1323,18 +1323,18 @@ msgstr "imposible hacer esto en modo de proceso por lotes\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:106 - msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" --msgstr "Esta orden solo está disponible en tarjetas versión 2\n" -+msgstr "Esta orden solo está disponible en tarjetas versión 2\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 - msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" --msgstr "No hay Código de Reinicio o ya no está disponible\n" -+msgstr "No hay Código de Reinicio o ya no está disponible\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 - #: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 - #: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 - msgid "Your selection? " --msgstr "Su elección: " -+msgstr "Su elección: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 - msgid "[not set]" -@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ msgstr "forzado" - - #: g10/card-util.c:632 - msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" --msgstr "Error: sólo se permite ASCII sin formato actualmente.\n" -+msgstr "Error: sólo se permite ASCII sin formato actualmente.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:634 - msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" -@@ -1383,16 +1383,16 @@ msgstr "Nombre del titular de la tarjeta: " - #: g10/card-util.c:673 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Error: nombre combinado demasiado largo (máximo %d caracteres).\n" -+msgstr "Error: nombre combinado demasiado largo (máximo %d caracteres).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:694 - msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " --msgstr "URL de donde recuperar la clave pública: " -+msgstr "URL de donde recuperar la clave pública: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:702 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Error: URL demasiado larga (el máximo son %d caracteres).\n" -+msgstr "Error: URL demasiado larga (el máximo son %d caracteres).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 - #, c-format -@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ msgstr "Datos de login (nombre de la cuenta): " - #: g10/card-util.c:877 - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" --msgstr "Error: el login es demasiado largo (límite de %d caracteres).\n" -+msgstr "Error: el login es demasiado largo (límite de %d caracteres).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:913 - msgid "Private DO data: " -@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr "Datos privados: " - #, c-format - msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" - msgstr "" --"Error: los datos privados son demasiado largos (límite de %d caracteres).\n" -+"Error: los datos privados son demasiado largos (límite de %d caracteres).\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1006 - msgid "Language preferences: " -@@ -1434,11 +1434,11 @@ msgstr "Preferencias de idioma: " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1014 - msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" --msgstr "Error: longitud de la cadena de preferencias inválida.\n" -+msgstr "Error: longitud de la cadena de preferencias inválida.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1023 - msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" --msgstr "Error: caracteres inválidos en cadena de preferencias.\n" -+msgstr "Error: caracteres inválidos en cadena de preferencias.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1045 - msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " -@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ msgstr "Sexo ((H)ombre, (M)mujer o espacio): " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1059 - msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" --msgstr "Error: respuesta no válida.\n" -+msgstr "Error: respuesta no válida.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1081 - msgid "CA fingerprint: " -@@ -1454,12 +1454,12 @@ msgstr "Huella dactilar CA:" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1104 - msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" --msgstr "Error: formato inválido de huella dactilar.\n" -+msgstr "Error: formato inválido de huella dactilar.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1154 - #, c-format - msgid "key operation not possible: %s\n" --msgstr "la operación con la clave no es posible: %s\n" -+msgstr "la operación con la clave no es posible: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1155 - msgid "not an OpenPGP card" -@@ -1468,11 +1468,11 @@ msgstr "no es una tarjeta OpenPGP" - #: g10/card-util.c:1168 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting current key info: %s\n" --msgstr "error obteniendo la información actual de la clave: %s\n" -+msgstr "error obteniendo la información actual de la clave: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1255 - msgid "Replace existing key? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Reemplazar la clave existente? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Reemplazar la clave existente? (s/N) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1271 - msgid "" -@@ -1480,24 +1480,24 @@ msgid "" - " If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" - " documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" - msgstr "" --"NOTA: No hay garantía de que la tarjeta permita el uso del tamaño\n" --" requerido. Si la generación de clave fracasa, por favor compruebe\n" --" la documentación de su tarjeta para ver los tamaños posibles.\n" -+"NOTA: No hay garantía de que la tarjeta permita el uso del tamaño\n" -+" requerido. Si la generación de clave fracasa, compruebe\n" -+" la documentación de su tarjeta para ver los tamaños posibles.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1296 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " --msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Firmado? (%u) " -+msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Firmado? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1298 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " --msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Cifrado? (%u) " -+msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Cifrado? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1299 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " --msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Autenticación? (%u) " -+msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Autenticación? (%u) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 -@@ -1508,30 +1508,30 @@ msgstr "redondeados a %u bits\n" - #: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 - #, c-format - msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" --msgstr "los tamaños de claves %s deben estar en el rango %u-%u\n" -+msgstr "los tamaños de claves %s deben estar en el rango %u-%u\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1323 - #, c-format - msgid "The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of %u bits\n" --msgstr "Ahora la tarjeta se reconfigurará para generar una clave de %u bits\n" -+msgstr "Ahora la tarjeta se reconfigurará para generar una clave de %u bits\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1343 - #, c-format - msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" --msgstr "error cambiando el tamaño de la clave %d a %u bits: %s\n" -+msgstr "error cambiando el tamaño de la clave %d a %u bits: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1365 - msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " - msgstr "" --"¿Hacer copia de seguridad externa a la tarjeta de clave de cifrado? (S/n)" -+"¿Hacer copia de seguridad externa a la tarjeta de clave de cifrado? (S/n)" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1379 - msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" --msgstr "NOTA: ¡claves ya almacenadas en la tarjeta!\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: ¡claves ya almacenadas en la tarjeta!\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1382 - msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Reemplazar las claves existentes? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Reemplazar las claves existentes? (s/N) " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1394 - #, c-format -@@ -1540,13 +1540,13 @@ msgid "" - " PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" - "You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor observe que los valores de fábrica del PIN son\n" -+"Observe que los valores de fábrica del PIN son\n" - " PIN = `%s' PIN Administrador = `%s'\n" --"Debería cambiarlos usando la orden --change-pin\n" -+"Debería cambiarlos usando la orden --change-pin\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1450 - msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" --msgstr "Por favor seleccione tipo de clave que generar:\n" -+msgstr "Seleccione tipo de clave que generar:\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1452 g10/card-util.c:1560 - msgid " (1) Signature key\n" -@@ -1558,24 +1558,24 @@ msgstr " (2) Clave de cifrado\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1454 g10/card-util.c:1564 - msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" --msgstr " (3) Clave de autentificación\n" -+msgstr " (3) Clave de autentificación\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 - #: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 - msgid "Invalid selection.\n" --msgstr "Elección inválida.\n" -+msgstr "Elección inválida.\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1557 - msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" --msgstr "Por favor elija donde guardar la clave:\n" -+msgstr "Elija donde guardar la clave:\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1601 - msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" --msgstr "algoritmo de protección de clave desconocido\n" -+msgstr "algoritmo de protección de clave desconocido\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1606 - msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" --msgstr "las partes secretas de la clave no están disponibles\n" -+msgstr "las partes secretas de la clave no están disponibles\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1611 - msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" -@@ -1588,11 +1588,11 @@ msgstr "error escribiendo clave en la tarjeta: %s\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 - msgid "quit this menu" --msgstr "sale de este menú" -+msgstr "sale de este menú" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1685 - msgid "show admin commands" --msgstr "ver órdenes de administrador" -+msgstr "ver órdenes de administrador" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 - msgid "show this help" -@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ msgstr "cambiar huella dactilar de una CA" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1698 - msgid "toggle the signature force PIN flag" --msgstr "cambiar estado de la opción forzar firma del PIN" -+msgstr "cambiar estado de la opción forzar firma del PIN" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1699 - msgid "generate new keys" -@@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ msgstr "generar nuevas claves" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1700 - msgid "menu to change or unblock the PIN" --msgstr "menú para cambiar o desbloquear el PIN" -+msgstr "menú para cambiar o desbloquear el PIN" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1701 - msgid "verify the PIN and list all data" -@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ msgstr "verificar PIN y listar todos los datos" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1702 - msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" --msgstr "desbloquear PIN usando Código de Reinicio" -+msgstr "desbloquear PIN usando Código de Reinicio" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1824 - msgid "gpg/card> " -@@ -1656,19 +1656,19 @@ msgstr "gpg/tarjeta> " - - #: g10/card-util.c:1865 - msgid "Admin-only command\n" --msgstr "Órdenes sólo de administrador\n" -+msgstr "Órdenes sólo de administrador\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1896 - msgid "Admin commands are allowed\n" --msgstr "Se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" -+msgstr "Se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1898 - msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" --msgstr "No se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" -+msgstr "No se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" - - #: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 - msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" --msgstr "Orden inválida (pruebe \"help\")\n" -+msgstr "Orden inválida (pruebe \"help\")\n" - - #: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 - msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" -@@ -1701,38 +1701,38 @@ msgstr "imposible hacer esto en modo de proceso por lotes sin \"--yes\"\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:145 - msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Eliminar esta clave del anillo? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Desea eliminar esta clave del almacén? (s/N) " - - #: g10/delkey.c:153 - msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " --msgstr "¡Es una clave secreta! ¿Eliminar realmente? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¡Es una clave secreta! ¿Eliminar realmente? (s/N) " - - #: g10/delkey.c:163 - #, c-format - msgid "deleting keyblock failed: %s\n" --msgstr "borrado de bloque de anillo de claves fallido: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo al eliminar el bloque de almacén de claves: %s\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:173 - msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" --msgstr "borrada información de propietarios\n" -+msgstr "borrada información de propietarios\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:204 - #, c-format - msgid "there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n" --msgstr "¡hay una clave secreta para esta clave pública! \"%s\"!\n" -+msgstr "¡hay una clave secreta para esta clave pública! \"%s\"!\n" - - #: g10/delkey.c:206 - msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" --msgstr "use antes la opción \"--delete-secret-key\" para borrarla.\n" -+msgstr "use antes la opción \"--delete-secret-key\" para borrarla.\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" --msgstr "error creando frase contraseña: %s\n" -+msgstr "error creando contraseña: %s\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:232 - msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" --msgstr "no puede usar un paquete simétrico ESK debido al modo S2K\n" -+msgstr "no puede usar un paquete simétrico ESK debido al modo S2K\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:246 - #, c-format -@@ -1742,12 +1742,12 @@ msgstr "usando cifrado %s\n" - #: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' already compressed\n" --msgstr "`%s' ya está comprimido\n" -+msgstr "`%s' ya está comprimido\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN `%s' es un fichero vacío\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN `%s' es un fichero vacío\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:485 - msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" -@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" - "del destinatario\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 -@@ -1778,14 +1778,14 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " - "preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: forzar el algoritmo de compresión %s (%d) va en contra\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: forzar el algoritmo de compresión %s (%d) va en contra\n" - "de las preferencias del receptor\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:751 - #, c-format - msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" -+"forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" - "del destinatario\n" - - #: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 -@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ msgstr "cifrado con algoritmo desconocido %d\n" - msgid "" - "WARNING: message was encrypted with a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n" - msgstr "" --"ATENCIÓN: mensaje cifrado con una clave débil en el cifrado simétrico.\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: mensaje cifrado con una clave débil en el cifrado simétrico.\n" - - #: g10/encr-data.c:171 - msgid "problem handling encrypted packet\n" -@@ -1843,7 +1843,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede ejecutar el programa `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/exec.c:422 - #, c-format - msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "no se puede ejecutar el intérprete de órdenes `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "no se puede ejecutar el intérprete de órdenes `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:513 - #, c-format -@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@ msgstr "error del sistema llamando al programa externo: %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:524 g10/exec.c:591 - msgid "unnatural exit of external program\n" --msgstr "el programa externo finalizó anormalmente\n" -+msgstr "el programa externo finalizó anormalmente\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:539 - msgid "unable to execute external program\n" -@@ -1866,28 +1866,28 @@ msgstr "no se puede leer la respuesta del programa externo: %s\n" - #: g10/exec.c:602 g10/exec.c:609 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: no se puede borrar fichero temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se puede borrar fichero temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/exec.c:614 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to remove temp directory `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: no se puede borrar el fichero temporal `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se puede borrar el fichero temporal `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/export.c:61 - msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" --msgstr "exportar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" -+msgstr "exportar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" - - #: g10/export.c:63 - msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" --msgstr "exportar el atributo ID de usuario (generalmente fotográfico)" -+msgstr "exportar el atributo ID de usuario (generalmente fotográfico)" - - #: g10/export.c:65 - msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" --msgstr "exportar claves de revocación marcadas como \"confidenciales\"" -+msgstr "exportar claves de revocación marcadas como \"confidenciales\"" - - #: g10/export.c:67 - msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" --msgstr "borrar frase contraseña de las subclaves exportadas" -+msgstr "borrar contraseña de las subclaves exportadas" - - #: g10/export.c:69 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" -@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ msgstr "borrar tanto como sea posible de la clave al exportar" - - #: g10/export.c:73 - msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" --msgstr "exportar claves en formato basado en una expresión S" -+msgstr "exportar claves en formato basado en una expresión S" - - #: g10/export.c:338 - msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" -@@ -1932,11 +1932,12 @@ msgstr "fallo al desproteger la subclave: %s\n" - #: g10/export.c:584 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" --msgstr "AVISO: la clave secreta %s no tiene suma de comprobación simple SK\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ATENCIÓN: la clave secreta %s no tiene suma de comprobación simple SK\n" - - #: g10/export.c:633 - msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se ha exportado nada\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se ha exportado nada\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:152 - msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -@@ -1949,12 +1950,12 @@ msgstr "[ID de usuario no encontrado]" - #: g10/getkey.c:1113 - #, c-format - msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" --msgstr "recuperado automáticamente `%s' vía %s\n" -+msgstr "recuperado automáticamente `%s' vía %s\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:1118 - #, c-format - msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" --msgstr "error recuperando `%s' vía %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "error recuperando `%s' vía %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:1120 - msgid "No fingerprint" -@@ -1963,12 +1964,12 @@ msgstr "No hay huella dactilar" - #: g10/getkey.c:1936 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" --msgstr "Clave %s inválida hecha válida mediante --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -+msgstr "Clave %s inválida hecha válida mediante --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 - #, c-format - msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" --msgstr "no hay subclave secreta para la subclave pública %s - ignorada\n" -+msgstr "no hay subclave secreta para la subclave pública %s - ignorada\n" - - #: g10/getkey.c:2765 - #, c-format -@@ -1978,7 +1979,7 @@ msgstr "usando subclave %s en vez de clave primaria %s\n" - #: g10/getkey.c:2812 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" --msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta sin clave pública - omitida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta sin clave pública - omitida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 - msgid "make a signature" -@@ -1998,7 +1999,7 @@ msgstr "cifra datos" - - #: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 - msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" --msgstr "cifra sólo con un cifrado simétrico" -+msgstr "cifra sólo con un cifrado simétrico" - - #: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 - msgid "decrypt data (default)" -@@ -2034,15 +2035,15 @@ msgstr "genera un nuevo par de claves" - - #: g10/gpg.c:402 - msgid "generate a revocation certificate" --msgstr "genera un certificado de revocación" -+msgstr "genera un certificado de revocación" - - #: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 - msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" --msgstr "elimina claves del anillo público" -+msgstr "elimina claves del almacén público" - - #: g10/gpg.c:406 - msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" --msgstr "elimina claves del anillo privado" -+msgstr "elimina claves del almacén privado" - - #: g10/gpg.c:407 - msgid "sign a key" -@@ -2058,7 +2059,7 @@ msgstr "firma o modifica una clave" - - #: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 - msgid "change a passphrase" --msgstr "cambia una frase contraseña" -+msgstr "cambia una contraseña" - - #: g10/gpg.c:413 - msgid "export keys" -@@ -2102,7 +2103,7 @@ msgstr "actualiza la base de datos de confianza" - - #: g10/gpg.c:445 - msgid "print message digests" --msgstr "imprime resúmenes de mensaje" -+msgstr "imprime resúmenes de mensaje" - - #: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 - msgid "run in server mode" -@@ -2122,11 +2123,11 @@ msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|usa este identificador para firmar o descifrar" - - #: g10/gpg.c:471 - msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" --msgstr "|N|nivel de compresión N (0 desactiva)" -+msgstr "|N|nivel de compresión N (0 desactiva)" - - #: g10/gpg.c:477 - msgid "use canonical text mode" --msgstr "usa modo de texto canónico" -+msgstr "usa modo de texto canónico" - - #: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 - msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" -@@ -2134,7 +2135,7 @@ msgstr "|FICHERO|volcar salida en FICHERO" - - #: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 - msgid "do not make any changes" --msgstr "no hace ningún cambio" -+msgstr "no hacer ningún cambio" - - #: g10/gpg.c:511 - msgid "prompt before overwriting" -@@ -2144,17 +2145,17 @@ msgstr "preguntar antes de sobreescribir" - msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" - msgstr "usar estilo OpenPGP estricto" - --# ordenes -> órdenes --# página man -> página de manual --# Vale. ¿del manual mejor? --# Hmm, no sé, en man-db se usa "de". La verdad es que no lo he pensado. -+# ordenes -> órdenes -+# página man -> página de manual -+# Vale. ¿del manual mejor? -+# Hmm, no sé, en man-db se usa "de". La verdad es que no lo he pensado. - #: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 - msgid "" - "@\n" - "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" - msgstr "" - "@\n" --"(Véase en la página del manual la lista completo de órdenes y opciones)\n" -+"(Revise la lista completa de órdenes y opciones en las páginas de manual)\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 - msgid "" -@@ -2181,15 +2182,14 @@ msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpg [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" - - #: g10/gpg.c:854 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" - "Default operation depends on the input data\n" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpg [opciones] [ficheros]\n" --"firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra\n" --"la operación por defecto depende de los datos de entrada\n" -+"Firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra\n" -+"La operación predeterminada depende de los datos de entrada\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 - msgid "" -@@ -2201,7 +2201,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/gpg.c:868 - msgid "Pubkey: " --msgstr "Clave pública: " -+msgstr "Clave pública: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 - msgid "Cipher: " -@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ msgstr "Resumen: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 - msgid "Compression: " --msgstr "Compresión: " -+msgstr "Compresión: " - - #: g10/gpg.c:958 - msgid "usage: gpg [options] " -@@ -2221,85 +2221,85 @@ msgstr "uso: gpg [opciones] " - - #: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 - msgid "conflicting commands\n" --msgstr "órdenes incompatibles\n" -+msgstr "órdenes incompatibles\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1190 - #, c-format - msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" --msgstr "no se encontró el signo = en la definición de grupo `%s'\n" -+msgstr "no se encontró el signo = en la definición de grupo `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1387 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio personal `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio personal `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1390 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1393 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura de la extensión `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura de la extensión `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1399 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio personal `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio personal `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1402 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1405 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros de la extensión `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros de la extensión `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1411 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1414 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" --"configuración `%s'\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" -+"configuración `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1417 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1423 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" --msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1426 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" --"configuración `%s'\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" -+"configuración `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1429 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1609 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" --msgstr "artículo de configuración desconocido `%s'\n" -+msgstr "artículo de configuración desconocido `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1713 - msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" -@@ -2307,7 +2307,7 @@ msgstr "mostrar foto IDs al listar claves" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1715 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" --msgstr "mostrar URLS de política al listar firmas" -+msgstr "mostrar URLS de política al listar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1717 - msgid "show all notations during signature listings" -@@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ msgstr "mostrar todas las notaciones al listar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1719 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" --msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al listar firmas" -+msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al listar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1723 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" -@@ -2339,7 +2339,7 @@ msgstr "mostrar subclaves revocadas y expiradas al listar claves" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1733 - msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" --msgstr "mostrar nombre de los anillos de claves al listar claves" -+msgstr "mostrar nombre de los almacenes de claves al listar claves" - - #: g10/gpg.c:1735 - msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" -@@ -2358,17 +2358,17 @@ msgstr "libgcrypt demasiado antigua (necesito %s, tengo %s)\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" --msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s no es para uso normal!\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s no es para uso normal!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" --msgstr "`%s' no es una fecha de caducidad válida\n" -+msgstr "`%s' no es una fecha de caducidad válida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2655 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" --msgstr "`%s' no es un juego de caracteres válido\n" -+msgstr "`%s' no es un juego de caracteres válido\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 - msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" -@@ -2377,38 +2377,38 @@ msgstr "no se puede interpretar la URL del servidor de claves\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:2690 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2693 - msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" --msgstr "opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" -+msgstr "opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2700 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de importación inválidas\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de importación inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2703 - msgid "invalid import options\n" --msgstr "opciones de importación inválidas\n" -+msgstr "opciones de importación inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2710 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de exportación inválidas\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de exportación inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2713 - msgid "invalid export options\n" --msgstr "opciones de exportación inválidas\n" -+msgstr "opciones de exportación inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2720 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: lista de opciones inválida\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: lista de opciones inválida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2723 - msgid "invalid list options\n" --msgstr "lista de opciones inválida\n" -+msgstr "lista de opciones inválida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2731 - msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" -@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ msgstr "mostrar foto IDs al verificar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2733 - msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" --msgstr "mostrar URLs de política al verificar firmas" -+msgstr "mostrar URLs de política al verificar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2735 - msgid "show all notations during signature verification" -@@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ msgstr "mostrar todas las notaciones al verificar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2737 - msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" --msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al verificar firmas" -+msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al verificar firmas" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2741 - msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" -@@ -2452,16 +2452,16 @@ msgstr "validar firmas con datos PKA" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2753 - msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" --msgstr "aumentar confianza en las firmas con datos válidos PKA" -+msgstr "aumentar confianza en las firmas con datos válidos PKA" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2760 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de verificación inválidas\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de verificación inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2763 - msgid "invalid verify options\n" --msgstr "opciones de verificación inválidas\n" -+msgstr "opciones de verificación inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2770 - #, c-format -@@ -2471,39 +2471,39 @@ msgstr "imposible establecer camino de ejecutables %s\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:2956 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:2959 - msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" --msgstr "lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" -+msgstr "lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 - msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el programa podría volcar un fichero core!\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el programa podría volcar un fichero core!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3065 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: %s sustituye a %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: %s sustituye a %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3074 - #, c-format - msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" --msgstr "¡%s no permitido con %s!\n" -+msgstr "¡%s no permitido con %s!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3077 - #, c-format - msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" --msgstr "¡%s no tiene sentido con %s!\n" -+msgstr "¡%s no tiene sentido con %s!\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3092 - #, c-format - msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" --msgstr "no se ejecutará en memoria insegura por %s\n" -+msgstr "no se ejecutará en memoria insegura por %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3106 - msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "sólo puede hacer firmas separadas o en claro en modo --pgp2\n" -+msgstr "sólo puede hacer firmas separadas o en claro en modo --pgp2\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3112 - msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -@@ -2511,7 +2511,7 @@ msgstr "no puede firmar y cifrar a la vez en modo --pgp2\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3118 - msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" --msgstr "debe usar ficheros (no tuberías) si trabaja con --pgp2 activo.\n" -+msgstr "debe usar ficheros (no tuberías) si trabaja con --pgp2 activo.\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3131 - msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" -@@ -2519,19 +2519,19 @@ msgstr "cifrar un mensaje en modo --pgp2 requiere el algoritmo IDEA\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 - msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "el algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado es inválido\n" -+msgstr "el algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado es inválido\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 - msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no inválido\n" -+msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no inválido\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3211 - msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión seleccionado es inválido\n" -+msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión seleccionado es inválido\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3217 - msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" --msgstr "el algoritmo de certificación por resumen elegido es inválido\n" -+msgstr "el algoritmo de certificación por resumen elegido es inválido\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3232 - msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" -@@ -2547,11 +2547,11 @@ msgstr "max-cert-depth debe estar en el rango de 1 a 255\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3238 - msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" --msgstr "default-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" -+msgstr "default-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3240 - msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" --msgstr "min-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" -+msgstr "min-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3243 - msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" -@@ -2563,24 +2563,24 @@ msgstr "modo S2K incorrecto; debe ser 0, 1 o 3\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3254 - msgid "invalid default preferences\n" --msgstr "preferencias por defecto inválidas\n" -+msgstr "preferencias predeterminadas inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3258 - msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" --msgstr "preferencias personales de cifrado inválidas\n" -+msgstr "preferencias personales de cifrado inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3262 - msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" --msgstr "preferencias personales de algoritmo de resumen inválidas\n" -+msgstr "preferencias personales de algoritmo de resumen inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3266 - msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" --msgstr "preferencias personales de compresión inválidas\n" -+msgstr "preferencias personales de compresión inválidas\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3299 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" --msgstr "%s aún no funciona con %s\n" -+msgstr "%s aún no funciona con %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3346 - #, c-format -@@ -2595,16 +2595,16 @@ msgstr "no puede usar el resumen `%s' en modo %s\n" - #: g10/gpg.c:3356 - #, c-format - msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" --msgstr "no puede usar la compresión `%s' en modo %s\n" -+msgstr "no puede usar la compresión `%s' en modo %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3451 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" --msgstr "inicialización de la base de datos de confianza fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "inicialización de la base de datos de confianza fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3462 - msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" --msgstr "AVISO: se indicaron receptores (-r) sin clave pública de cifrado\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: se indicaron receptores (-r) sin clave pública de cifrado\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3483 - msgid "--store [filename]" -@@ -2617,7 +2617,7 @@ msgstr "--symmetric [nombre_fichero]" - #: g10/gpg.c:3492 - #, c-format - msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "el cifrado simétrico de `%s' falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "el cifrado simétrico de `%s' falló: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3502 - msgid "--encrypt [filename]" -@@ -2679,7 +2679,7 @@ msgstr "--lsign-key id-usuario" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3658 - msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" --msgstr "--edit-key id-usuario [órdenes]" -+msgstr "--edit-key id-usuario [órdenes]" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3674 - msgid "--passwd " -@@ -2688,78 +2688,78 @@ msgstr "--passwd " - #: g10/gpg.c:3761 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" --msgstr "envío al servidor de claves fallido: %s\n" -+msgstr "envío al servidor de claves fallido: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3763 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" --msgstr "recepción del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "recepción del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3765 - #, c-format - msgid "key export failed: %s\n" --msgstr "exportación de clave fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "exportación de clave fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3776 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" --msgstr "búsqueda del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "búsqueda del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3786 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" --msgstr "renovación al servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "renovación al servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3837 - #, c-format - msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" --msgstr "eliminación de armadura fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "eliminación de armadura fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3845 - #, c-format - msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" --msgstr "creación de armadura fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "creación de armadura fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:3935 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" --msgstr "algoritmo de distribución inválido `%s'\n" -+msgstr "algoritmo de distribución inválido `%s'\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4050 - msgid "[filename]" - msgstr "[nombre_fichero]" - - # Falta un espacio. --# En español no se deja espacio antes de los puntos suspensivos -+# En español no se deja espacio antes de los puntos suspensivos - # (Real Academia dixit) :) --# Tomo nota :-). Este comentario déjalo siempre. -+# Tomo nota :-). Este comentario déjalo siempre. - #: g10/gpg.c:4054 - msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" - msgstr "Adelante, teclee su mensaje...\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4368 - msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "URL de política de certificado inválida\n" -+msgstr "URL de política de certificado inválida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4370 - msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "URL de política inválida\n" -+msgstr "URL de política inválida\n" - - #: g10/gpg.c:4403 - msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" --msgstr "la URL del servidor de claves preferido no es válida\n" -+msgstr "la URL del servidor de claves preferido no es válida\n" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:74 - msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" --msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar las claves del anillo FILE" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar las claves del almacén FILE" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:76 - msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" --msgstr "hacer que los conflictos de fecha-hora sean sólo un aviso" -+msgstr "hacer que los conflictos de fecha-hora sean sólo un aviso" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 - msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" --msgstr "|DF|escribe información de estado en este descriptor de fichero" -+msgstr "|DF|escribe información de estado en este descriptor de fichero" - - #: g10/gpgv.c:117 - msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" -@@ -2784,27 +2784,27 @@ msgstr "No hay ayuda disponible para `%s'" - - #: g10/import.c:97 - msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" --msgstr "importar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" -+msgstr "importar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" - - #: g10/import.c:99 - msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" --msgstr "reparar daño del servidor de claves públicas al importar" -+msgstr "reparar daño del servidor de claves públicas al importar" - - #: g10/import.c:101 - msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" --msgstr "no actualiza la base de datos de confianza después de importar" -+msgstr "no actualiza la base de datos de confianza después de importar" - - #: g10/import.c:103 - msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" --msgstr "crear una clave pública al importar una clave secreta" -+msgstr "crear una clave pública al importar una clave secreta" - - #: g10/import.c:105 - msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" --msgstr "sólo aceptar actualizaciones de claves ya existentes" -+msgstr "sólo aceptar actualizaciones de claves ya existentes" - - #: g10/import.c:107 - msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" --msgstr "borrar partes inútiles de la clave después de importar" -+msgstr "borrar partes inútiles de la clave después de importar" - - #: g10/import.c:109 - msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" -@@ -2868,7 +2868,7 @@ msgstr " nuevas revocaciones de claves: %lu\n" - #: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 - #, c-format - msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" --msgstr " claves secretas leídas: %lu\n" -+msgstr " claves secretas leídas: %lu\n" - - #: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 - #, c-format -@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" - "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: la clave %s contiene preferencias para algoritmos\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: la clave %s contiene preferencias para algoritmos\n" - "no disponibles en estos IDs de usuario:\n" - - #: g10/import.c:679 -@@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@ msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de resumen preferido %s\n" - #: g10/import.c:706 - #, c-format - msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" --msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de compresión preferido %s\n" -+msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de compresión preferido %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:719 - msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" -@@ -2941,18 +2941,18 @@ msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" - msgstr "clave %s: sin identificador de usuario\n" - - #: g10/import.c:804 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "omitido \"%s\": %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 - msgid "rejected by import filter" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "rechazado por el filtro de importación" - - #: g10/import.c:834 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" --msgstr "clave %s: reparada la subclave PKS corrompida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: se ha reparado la corrupción en la subclave PKS\n" - - #: g10/import.c:849 - #, c-format -@@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ msgstr "clave %s: aceptado ID de usuario sin autofirma \"%s\"\n" - #: g10/import.c:855 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" --msgstr "clave %s: sin identificadores de usuario válidos\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: sin identificadores de usuario válidos\n" - - #: g10/import.c:857 - msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -@@ -2971,7 +2971,7 @@ msgstr "esto puede ser debido a la ausencia de autofirma\n" - #: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" --msgstr "clave %s: clave pública no encontrada: %s\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: clave pública no encontrada: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:873 - #, c-format -@@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@ msgstr "clave %s: clave nueva - omitida\n" - #: g10/import.c:882 - #, c-format - msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" --msgstr "anillo de claves no escribible encontrado: %s\n" -+msgstr "almacén de claves no modificable encontrado: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 - #, c-format -@@ -2992,12 +2992,12 @@ msgstr "escribiendo en `%s'\n" - #: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "error escribiendo anillo `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "error escribiendo almacén `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:910 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" --msgstr "clave %s: clave pública \"%s\" importada\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: clave pública \"%s\" importada\n" - - #: g10/import.c:934 - #, c-format -@@ -3070,7 +3070,7 @@ msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" - msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" sin cambios\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1205 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" - msgstr "clave secreta \"%s\" no encontrada: %s\n" - -@@ -3081,12 +3081,12 @@ msgstr "no se permite importar claves secretas\n" - #: g10/import.c:1237 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" --msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta con cifrado inválido %d - omitida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta con cifrado inválido %d - omitida\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 - #, c-format - msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" --msgstr "no hay anillo secreto de claves por defecto: %s\n" -+msgstr "no hay almacén secreto de claves predeterminado: %s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1276 - #, c-format -@@ -3096,7 +3096,7 @@ msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta importada\n" - #: g10/import.c:1307 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" --msgstr "clave %s: ya estaba en el anillo secreto\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: ya estaba en el almacén secreto\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1317 - #, c-format -@@ -3107,18 +3107,18 @@ msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta no encontrada: %s\n" - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" - msgstr "" --"clave %s: falta la clave pública - imposible emplear el\n" --"certificado de revocación\n" -+"clave %s: falta la clave pública - imposible emplear el\n" -+"certificado de revocación\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1392 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" --msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación inválido: %s - rechazado\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación inválido: %s - rechazado\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1424 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" --msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación importado\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación importado\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1500 - #, c-format -@@ -3128,22 +3128,22 @@ msgstr "clave %s: no hay identificador de usuario para la firma\n" - #: g10/import.c:1517 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible para ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible para ID \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1519 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "clave %s: autofirma inválida para el id \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: autofirma inválida para el id \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" --msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1537 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" --msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave inválida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave inválida\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1551 - #, c-format -@@ -3153,27 +3153,27 @@ msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave que unir a la clave\n" - #: g10/import.c:1564 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" --msgstr "clave %s: unión de subclave inválida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: unión de subclave inválida\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1580 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" --msgstr "clave %s: borrado enlace de subclaves múltiples\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: borrado enlace de subclaves múltiples\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1602 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" --msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la revocación de clave\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la revocación de clave\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1615 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" --msgstr "clave %s: revocación de subclave inválida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: revocación de subclave inválida\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1630 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" --msgstr "clave %s: borrada revocación de subclave múltiple\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: borrada revocación de subclave múltiple\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1671 - #, c-format -@@ -3193,12 +3193,12 @@ msgstr "clave %s: firma no exportable (clase 0x%02x) - omitida\n" - #: g10/import.c:1729 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" --msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación en lugar equivocado - omitido\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación en lugar equivocado - omitido\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1746 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" --msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación no valido: %s - omitido\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación no valido: %s - omitido\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1760 - #, c-format -@@ -3219,23 +3219,24 @@ msgstr "clave %s: detectado usuario duplicado - fusionada\n" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: la clave %s puede estar revocada: recuperando clave de revocación %s\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: la clave %s puede estar revocada: recuperando clave de revocación " -+"%s\n" - - #: g10/import.c:1973 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: la clave %s puede estar revocada: falta clave de revocación %s.\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: la clave %s puede estar revocada: falta clave de revocación %s.\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2032 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" --msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación añadido\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación añadido\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2066 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" --msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave añadida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave añadida\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2467 - msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" -@@ -3243,21 +3244,21 @@ msgstr "NOTA: un S/N de la clave no coincide con la de la tarjeta\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2475 - msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" --msgstr "NOTA: clave primaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: clave primaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" - - #: g10/import.c:2477 - msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" --msgstr "NOTA: clave secundaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: clave secundaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:182 - #, c-format - msgid "error creating keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "error escribiendo anillo `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "error escribiendo almacén `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:188 - #, c-format - msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" --msgstr "anillo `%s' creado\n" -+msgstr "almacén `%s' creado\n" - - #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 - #, c-format -@@ -3267,11 +3268,11 @@ msgstr "recurso de bloque de claves: `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/keydb.c:749 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" --msgstr "fallo reconstruyendo caché del anillo de claves: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo reconstruyendo caché del almacén de claves: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:265 - msgid "[revocation]" --msgstr "[revocación]" -+msgstr "[revocación]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:266 - msgid "[self-signature]" -@@ -3306,12 +3307,12 @@ msgstr "%d firmas no comprobadas por errores\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:356 - msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" --msgstr "Detectado 1 identificador de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" -+msgstr "Detectado 1 identificador de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:358 - #, c-format - msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" --msgstr "Detectados %d identificadores de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" -+msgstr "Detectados %d identificadores de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 - msgid "" -@@ -3320,7 +3321,7 @@ msgid "" - "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " - "etc.)\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor, decida su nivel de confianza en que este usuario\n" -+"Decida su nivel de confianza en que este usuario\n" - "verifique correctamente las claves de otros usuarios (mirando\n" - "pasaportes, comprobando huellas dactilares en diferentes fuentes...)\n" - "\n" -@@ -3328,12 +3329,12 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 - #, c-format - msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" --msgstr " %d = Confío un poco\n" -+msgstr " %d = Confío un poco\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 - #, c-format - msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" --msgstr " %d = Confío totalmente\n" -+msgstr " %d = Confío totalmente\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:438 - msgid "" -@@ -3341,8 +3342,8 @@ msgid "" - "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" - "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor, introduzca el nivel de esta firma de confianza.\n" --"Un nivel mayor que 1 permite que la clave que está firmando pueda\n" -+"Introduzca el nivel de esta firma de confianza.\n" -+"Un nivel mayor que 1 permite que la clave que está firmando pueda\n" - "hacer firmas de confianza en su nombre.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:454 -@@ -3357,7 +3358,7 @@ msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" revocado." - #: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 - #: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Seguro que todavía quiere firmarlo? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Seguro que todavía quiere firmarlo? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 - #: g10/keyedit.c:1795 -@@ -3381,7 +3382,7 @@ msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" puede firmarse." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:684 - msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Firmarlo? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Firmarlo? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:706 - #, c-format -@@ -3407,7 +3408,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:733 - msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Quiere producir una nueva firma que reemplace a la expirada? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Quiere producir una nueva firma que reemplace a la expirada? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:754 - #, c-format -@@ -3434,7 +3435,7 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" ya estaba firmada por la clave %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:787 - msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Quiere firmarlo aún así? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Quiere firmarlo aún así? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:809 - #, c-format -@@ -3443,16 +3444,16 @@ msgstr "Nada que firmar con la clave %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:824 - msgid "This key has expired!" --msgstr "¡Esta clave ha caducado!" -+msgstr "¡Esta clave ha caducado!" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:842 - #, c-format - msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" --msgstr "Esta clave expirará el %s.\n" -+msgstr "Esta clave expirará el %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:848 - msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " --msgstr "¿Quiere que su firma caduque al mismo tiempo? (S/n) " -+msgstr "¿Quiere que su firma caduque al mismo tiempo? (S/n) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:888 - msgid "" -@@ -3464,7 +3465,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:890 - msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" --msgstr "Esto inutilizaría la clave en PGP 2.x.\n" -+msgstr "Esto inutilizaría la clave en PGP 2.x.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:915 - msgid "" -@@ -3472,7 +3473,7 @@ msgid "" - "belongs\n" - "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" - msgstr "" --"¿Cómo de cuidadosamente ha verificado que la clave que está a punto de\n" -+"¿Cómo de cuidadosamente ha verificado que la clave que está a punto de\n" - "firmar pertenece realmente a la persona arriba nombrada? Si no sabe que\n" - "contestar, introduzca \"0\".\n" - -@@ -3489,7 +3490,7 @@ msgstr " (1) No lo he comprobado en absoluto.%s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:924 - #, c-format - msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" --msgstr " (2) He hecho una comprobación informal.%s\n" -+msgstr " (2) He hecho una comprobación informal.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:926 - #, c-format -@@ -3498,7 +3499,7 @@ msgstr " (3) Lo he comprobado meticulosamente.%s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:932 - msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " --msgstr "¿Su elección? (escriba '?' si desea más información): " -+msgstr "¿Su elección? (escriba '?' si desea más información): " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:956 - #, c-format -@@ -3506,28 +3507,28 @@ msgid "" - "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" - "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" - msgstr "" --"¿Está realmente seguro de querer firmar esta clave\n" -+"¿Está realmente seguro de querer firmar esta clave\n" - "con su clave: \"%s\" (%s)?\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:963 - msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" --msgstr "Esto será una autofirma.\n" -+msgstr "Esto será una autofirma.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:969 - msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" --msgstr "ATENCION: la firma no se marcará como no exportable.\n" -+msgstr "ATENCION: la firma no se marcará como no exportable.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:977 - msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" --msgstr "AVISO: la firma no se marcará como no revocable.\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la firma no se marcará como no revocable.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:987 - msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" --msgstr "La firma se marcará como no exportable.\n" -+msgstr "La firma se marcará como no exportable.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:994 - msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" --msgstr "La firma se marcará como no revocable.\n" -+msgstr "La firma se marcará como no revocable.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1001 - msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" -@@ -3543,7 +3544,7 @@ msgstr "He comprobado esta clave meticulosamente.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1021 - msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 - #: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 -@@ -3554,16 +3555,16 @@ msgstr "firma fallida: %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:1131 - msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" - msgstr "" --"La clave tiene sólo un apuntador u objetos de clave en la propia tarjeta\n" --"- no hay frase contraseña que cambiar.\n" -+"La clave tiene sólo un apuntador u objetos de clave en la propia tarjeta\n" -+"- no hay contraseña que cambiar.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 - msgid "This key is not protected.\n" --msgstr "Esta clave no está protegida.\n" -+msgstr "Esta clave no está protegida.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 - msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" --msgstr "Las partes secretas de la clave primaria no están disponibles.\n" -+msgstr "Las partes secretas de la clave primaria no están disponibles.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 - msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" -@@ -3571,7 +3572,7 @@ msgstr "Las partes secretas de la clave primaria se guardan en la tarjeta.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 - msgid "Key is protected.\n" --msgstr "La clave está protegida.\n" -+msgstr "La clave está protegida.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1186 - #, c-format -@@ -3583,24 +3584,24 @@ msgid "" - "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Introduzca la nueva frase contraseña para esta clave secreta.\n" -+"Introduzca la nueva contraseña para esta clave secreta.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 - msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" --msgstr "frase contraseña repetida incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" -+msgstr "contraseña repetida incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1212 - msgid "" - "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"No ha especificado frase contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" -+"No ha especificado contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1215 - msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Realmente quiere hacer esto? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Realmente quiere hacer esto? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1298 - msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" -@@ -3632,7 +3633,7 @@ msgstr "comprueba firmas" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1397 - msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" --msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionadas [* ver debajo órdenes relacionadas]" -+msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionadas [* ver debajo órdenes relacionadas]" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1402 - msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" -@@ -3648,11 +3649,11 @@ msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionados con firma no revocable" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1410 - msgid "add a user ID" --msgstr "añadir un identificador de usuario" -+msgstr "añadir un identificador de usuario" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1412 - msgid "add a photo ID" --msgstr "añadir un ID fotográfico" -+msgstr "añadir un ID fotográfico" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1414 - msgid "delete selected user IDs" -@@ -3660,11 +3661,11 @@ msgstr "borrar identificadores de usuario seleccionados" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1419 - msgid "add a subkey" --msgstr "añadir una subclave" -+msgstr "añadir una subclave" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1423 - msgid "add a key to a smartcard" --msgstr "añadir clave a tarjeta" -+msgstr "añadir clave a tarjeta" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1425 - msgid "move a key to a smartcard" -@@ -3680,7 +3681,7 @@ msgstr "borrar clave secundaria" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1433 - msgid "add a revocation key" --msgstr "añadir una clave de revocación" -+msgstr "añadir una clave de revocación" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1435 - msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" -@@ -3696,7 +3697,7 @@ msgstr "marcar ID de usuario seleccionado como primario" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1441 - msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" --msgstr "cambiar entre lista de claves secretas y públicas" -+msgstr "cambiar entre lista de claves secretas y públicas" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1444 - msgid "list preferences (expert)" -@@ -3716,11 +3717,11 @@ msgstr "establecer URL del servidor de claves preferido por los IDs elegidos" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1455 - msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" --msgstr "establecer notación para los IDs de usuario seleccionados" -+msgstr "establecer notación para los IDs de usuario seleccionados" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1457 - msgid "change the passphrase" --msgstr "cambia la frase contraseña" -+msgstr "cambia la contraseña" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1461 - msgid "change the ownertrust" -@@ -3773,7 +3774,7 @@ msgstr "Se necesita la clave secreta para hacer esto.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1714 - msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" --msgstr "Por favor use la orden \"cambia\" primero.\n" -+msgstr "Utilice primero la orden \"cambia\".\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1733 - msgid "" -@@ -3784,15 +3785,15 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "* La orden `sign' (firmar) puede estar precedida por una 'l' para firmas\n" - "locales (lsign), una 't' para firmas fiables (tsign), `nr' para firmas no\n" --"revocables (nrsign) o cualquier combinación de ellas (ltsign, tnrsign, etc)\n" -+"revocables (nrsign) o cualquier combinación de ellas (ltsign, tnrsign, etc)\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1783 - msgid "Key is revoked." --msgstr "La clave está revocada." -+msgstr "La clave está revocada." - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1802 - msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Firmar realmente todos los IDs de usuario? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Firmar realmente todos los IDs de usuario? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1809 - msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" -@@ -3814,21 +3815,21 @@ msgstr "Debe seleccionar por lo menos un identificador de usuario.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1865 - msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" --msgstr "¡No puede borrar el último identificador de usuario!\n" -+msgstr "¡No puede borrar el último identificador de usuario!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1867 - msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Borrar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Borrar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1868 - msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Borrar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Borrar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " - - #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about - #. moving the key and not about removing it. - #: g10/keyedit.c:1921 - msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Realmente cambiar de sitio la clave primaria? (s/N)" -+msgstr "¿Realmente cambiar de sitio la clave primaria? (s/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:1933 - msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" -@@ -3854,36 +3855,36 @@ msgstr "Debe seleccionar por lo menos una clave.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2019 - msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar las claves seleccionadas? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar las claves seleccionadas? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2020 - msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar esta clave? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar esta clave? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2055 - msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Revocar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Revocar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2056 - msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Revocar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Revocar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2074 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar la clave completa? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar la clave completa? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2085 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar las subclaves seleccionadas? (s/N)" -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar las subclaves seleccionadas? (s/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2087 - msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar esta subclave? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar esta subclave? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2137 - msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" - msgstr "" --"La confianza del propietario no puede establecerse si se está usando\n" -+"La confianza del propietario no puede establecerse si se está usando\n" - "una base de datos de confianza propocionada por el usuario\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2179 -@@ -3893,33 +3894,33 @@ msgstr "Establecer lista de preferencias a:\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:2185 - msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " - msgstr "" --"¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias para los ID seleccionados? (s/N) " -+"¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias para los ID seleccionados? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2187 - msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2257 - msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Grabar cambios? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Grabar cambios? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2260 - msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Salir sin grabar? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Salir sin grabar? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2270 - #, c-format - msgid "update failed: %s\n" --msgstr "actualización fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "actualización fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 - #, c-format - msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" --msgstr "actualización de la clave secreta fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "actualización de la clave secreta fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2284 - msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" --msgstr "Clave sin cambios, no se necesita actualización.\n" -+msgstr "Clave sin cambios, no se necesita actualización.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2450 - msgid "Digest: " -@@ -3927,7 +3928,7 @@ msgstr "Resumen: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2501 - msgid "Features: " --msgstr "Características: " -+msgstr "Características: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2512 - msgid "Keyserver no-modify" -@@ -3973,7 +3974,7 @@ msgstr "revocada: %s" - #: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 - #, c-format - msgid "expired: %s" --msgstr "caducó: %s" -+msgstr "caducó: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 - #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -@@ -3999,7 +4000,7 @@ msgstr "validez: %s" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2893 - msgid "This key has been disabled" --msgstr "Esta clave está deshabilitada" -+msgstr "Esta clave está deshabilitada" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 - msgid "card-no: " -@@ -4010,7 +4011,7 @@ msgid "" - "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" - "unless you restart the program.\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor, advierta que la validez de clave mostrada no es necesariamente\n" -+"Advierta que la validez de clave mostrada no es necesariamente\n" - "correcta a menos de que reinicie el programa.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -@@ -4028,8 +4029,10 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" - " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: ningún ID de usuario está marcado como principal. Esta orden puede\n" --" causar que se tome como principal por defecto otro ID de usuario.\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: ningún ID de usuario está marcado como principal. Esta orden " -+"puede\n" -+" causar que se tome como identificador principal otro identificador de " -+"usuario distinto.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3137 - msgid "" -@@ -4037,32 +4040,32 @@ msgid "" - "versions\n" - " of PGP to reject this key.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: esta es una clave de tipo PGP2. Añadir un ID fotográfico puede\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: esta es una clave de tipo PGP2. Añadir un ID fotográfico puede\n" - "hacer que algunas versiones de PGP rechacen esta clave.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Está seguro de querer añadirla? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Está seguro de querer añadirla? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3148 - msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" --msgstr "No puede añadir un ID fotográfico a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" -+msgstr "No puede añadir un ID fotográfico a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3288 - msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" --msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma correcta? (s/N/q)" -+msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma correcta? (s/N/q)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3298 - msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" --msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma inválida? (s/N/q)" -+msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma inválida? (s/N/q)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3302 - msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" --msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma desconocida? (s/N/q)" -+msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma desconocida? (s/N/q)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3308 - msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" --msgstr "¿Borrar realmente esta autofirma? (s/N)" -+msgstr "¿Borrar realmente esta autofirma? (s/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3322 - #, c-format -@@ -4076,11 +4079,11 @@ msgstr "%d firmas borradas\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3326 - msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" --msgstr "No se borró nada\n" -+msgstr "No se borró nada\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 - msgid "invalid" --msgstr "inválida" -+msgstr "inválida" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3361 - #, c-format -@@ -4113,12 +4116,12 @@ msgid "" - "cause\n" - " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: esta es una clave tipo PGP2. Añadir un revocador designado puede\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: esta es una clave tipo PGP2. Añadir un revocador designado puede\n" - " hacer que algunas versiones de PGP rechacen esta clave.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3483 - msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" --msgstr "No puede añadir un revocador designado a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" -+msgstr "No puede añadir un revocador designado a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3503 - msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " -@@ -4139,21 +4142,21 @@ msgstr "esta clave ya ha sido designada como revocadora\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:3584 - msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" - msgstr "" --"¡AVISO: no podrá deshacer la elección de clave como revocador designado!\n" -+"¡ATENCIÓN: no podrá deshacer la elección de clave como revocador designado!\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3590 - msgid "" - "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " - msgstr "" --"¿Está seguro de querer elegir esta clave como revocador designado? (s/N) " -+"¿Está seguro de querer elegir esta clave como revocador designado? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3651 - msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" --msgstr "Por favor, quite las selecciones de las claves secretas.\n" -+msgstr "Quite las selecciones de las claves secretas.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3657 - msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" --msgstr "Por favor, seleccione como máximo una clave secundaria.\n" -+msgstr "Seleccione como máximo una clave secundaria.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3661 - msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" -@@ -4169,21 +4172,21 @@ msgstr "No puede cambiar la fecha de caducidad de una clave v3\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3726 - msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" --msgstr "No existe la firma correspondiente en el anillo secreto\n" -+msgstr "No existe la firma correspondiente en el almacén secreto\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3804 - #, c-format - msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" --msgstr "la subclave de firmado %s ya está certificada en cruz\n" -+msgstr "la subclave de firmado %s ya está certificada en cruz\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3810 - #, c-format - msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" --msgstr "la subclave %s no firma y así no necesita ser certificada en cruz\n" -+msgstr "la subclave %s no firma y así no necesita ser certificada en cruz\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:3973 - msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" --msgstr "Por favor seleccione exactamente un identificador de usuario.\n" -+msgstr "Seleccione exactamente un identificador de usuario.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 - #, c-format -@@ -4196,24 +4199,24 @@ msgstr "Introduzca la URL de su servidor de claves preferido: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4263 - msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere reemplazarlo? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere reemplazarlo? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4264 - msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere borrarlo? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere borrarlo? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4326 - msgid "Enter the notation: " --msgstr "Introduzca la notación: " -+msgstr "Introduzca la notación: " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4475 - msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Continuar? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Continuar? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4547 - #, c-format - msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" --msgstr "No hay ningún identificador de usuario con el índice %d\n" -+msgstr "No hay ningún identificador de usuario con el índice %d\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4608 - #, c-format -@@ -4223,7 +4226,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ID de usuario con hash %s\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:4643 - #, c-format - msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" --msgstr "No existe una subclave con índice %d\n" -+msgstr "No existe una subclave con índice %d\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4778 - #, c-format -@@ -4242,19 +4245,19 @@ msgstr " (no exportable)" - #: g10/keyedit.c:4787 - #, c-format - msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" --msgstr "Esta firma caducó el %s.\n" -+msgstr "Esta firma caducó el %s.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4791 - msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocarla? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocarla? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4795 - msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" -+msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4846 - msgid "Not signed by you.\n" --msgstr "No está firmado por usted.\n" -+msgstr "No está firmado por usted.\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4852 - #, c-format -@@ -4276,7 +4279,7 @@ msgstr "Va a revocar las siguientes firmas:\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4927 - msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Crear los certificados de revocación realmente? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Crear los certificados de revocación realmente? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keyedit.c:4957 - msgid "no secret key\n" -@@ -4290,7 +4293,7 @@ msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" ya ha sido revocado\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:5044 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" --msgstr "AVISO: un ID de usuario tiene fecha %d segundos en el futuro\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: un ID de usuario tiene fecha %d segundos en el futuro\n" - - #: g10/keyedit.c:5108 - #, c-format -@@ -4305,7 +4308,7 @@ msgstr "La subclave %s ya ha sido revocada.\n" - #: g10/keyedit.c:5265 - #, c-format - msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" --msgstr "Mostrando ID fotográfico %s de tamaño %ld para la clave %s (uid %d)\n" -+msgstr "Mostrando ID fotográfico %s de tamaño %ld para la clave %s (uid %d)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:272 - #, c-format -@@ -4322,12 +4325,12 @@ msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de resumen\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:283 - msgid "too many compression preferences\n" --msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de compresión\n" -+msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de compresión\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:423 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" --msgstr "caracter inválido `%s' en cadena de preferencias\n" -+msgstr "caracter inválido `%s' en cadena de preferencias\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:907 - msgid "writing direct signature\n" -@@ -4339,26 +4342,26 @@ msgstr "escribiendo autofirma\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1006 - msgid "writing key binding signature\n" --msgstr "escribiendo la firma de comprobación de clave\n" -+msgstr "escribiendo la firma de comprobación de clave\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 - #: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 - #, c-format - msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" --msgstr "tamaño de clave incorrecto; se usarán %u bits\n" -+msgstr "tamaño de clave incorrecto; se usarán %u bits\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 - #: g10/keygen.c:3283 - #, c-format - msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" --msgstr "tamaño de clave redondeado a %u bits\n" -+msgstr "tamaño de clave redondeado a %u bits\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1337 - msgid "" - "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: ciertos programas OpenPGP no usan claves DSAcon resúmenes de este " --"tamaño\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: ciertos programas OpenPGP no usan claves DSAcon resúmenes de este " -+"tamaño\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1565 - msgid "Sign" -@@ -4374,7 +4377,7 @@ msgstr "Cifrado" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1574 - msgid "Authenticate" --msgstr "Autentificación" -+msgstr "Autentificación" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the - #. translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The -@@ -4412,7 +4415,7 @@ msgstr " (%c) Conmutar la capacidad de cifrado\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:1630 - #, c-format - msgid " (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n" --msgstr " (%c) Conmutar la capacidad de autenticación\n" -+msgstr " (%c) Conmutar la capacidad de autenticación\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1633 - #, c-format -@@ -4421,12 +4424,12 @@ msgstr " (%c) Acabado\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 - msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" --msgstr "Por favor seleccione tipo de clave deseado:\n" -+msgstr "Seleccione tipo de clave deseado:\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1696 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" --msgstr " (%d) RSA y RSA (por defecto)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA y RSA (predeterminada)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1698 - #, c-format -@@ -4436,22 +4439,22 @@ msgstr " (%d) DSA y ElGamal\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:1700 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" --msgstr " (%d) DSA (sólo firmar)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) DSA (sólo firmar)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1701 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" --msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo firmar)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo firmar)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1705 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" --msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (sólo cifrar)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (sólo cifrar)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1706 - #, c-format - msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" --msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo cifrar)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo cifrar)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1710 - #, c-format -@@ -4471,17 +4474,17 @@ msgstr "las claves %s pueden tener entre %u y %u bits de longitud.\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:1827 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " --msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la subclave? (%u) " -+msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la subclave? (%u) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 - #, c-format - msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " --msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave? (%u) " -+msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave? (%u) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 - #, c-format - msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" --msgstr "El tamaño requerido es de %u bits\n" -+msgstr "El tamaño requerido es de %u bits\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1932 - msgid "" -@@ -4492,12 +4495,12 @@ msgid "" - " m = key expires in n months\n" - " y = key expires in n years\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor, especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" -+"Especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" - " 0 = la clave nunca caduca\n" --" = la clave caduca en n días\n" -+" = la clave caduca en n días\n" - " w = la clave caduca en n semanas\n" - " m = la clave caduca en n meses\n" --" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" -+" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1943 - msgid "" -@@ -4508,25 +4511,25 @@ msgid "" - " m = signature expires in n months\n" - " y = signature expires in n years\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor, especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" -+"Especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" - " 0 = la clave nunca caduca\n" --" = la clave caduca en n días\n" -+" = la clave caduca en n días\n" - " w = la clave caduca en n semanas\n" - " m = la clave caduca en n meses\n" --" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" -+" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1966 - msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " --msgstr "¿Validez de la clave (0)? " -+msgstr "¿Validez de la clave (0)? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1971 - #, c-format - msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " --msgstr "Clave válida ¿durante? (%s) " -+msgstr "Clave válida ¿durante? (%s) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 - msgid "invalid value\n" --msgstr "valor inválido\n" -+msgstr "valor inválido\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:1997 - msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" -@@ -4551,12 +4554,12 @@ msgid "" - "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" - "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" - msgstr "" --"Su sistema no puede mostrar fechas más allá del 2038.\n" --"Sin embargo funcionará correctamente hasta el 2106.\n" -+"Su sistema no puede mostrar fechas más allá del 2038.\n" -+"Sin embargo funcionará correctamente hasta el 2106.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2021 - msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/n) " -+msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/n) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2071 - msgid "" -@@ -4583,8 +4586,8 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "\n" - "Necesita un identificador de usuario para identificar su clave. El programa\n" --"construye el identificador a partir del Nombre Real, Comentario y Dirección\n" --"de Correo Electrónico de esta forma:\n" -+"construye el identificador a partir del Nombre Real, Comentario y Dirección\n" -+"de Correo Electrónico de esta forma:\n" - " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" - "\n" - -@@ -4594,11 +4597,11 @@ msgstr "Nombre y apellidos: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2113 - msgid "Invalid character in name\n" --msgstr "Caracter inválido en el nombre\n" -+msgstr "Caracter inválido en el nombre\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2115 - msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" --msgstr "El nombre no puede empezar con un número\n" -+msgstr "El nombre no puede empezar con un número\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2117 - msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" -@@ -4606,11 +4609,11 @@ msgstr "El nombre debe tener al menos 5 caracteres\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2125 - msgid "Email address: " --msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " -+msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2131 - msgid "Not a valid email address\n" --msgstr "Dirección inválida\n" -+msgstr "Dirección inválida\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2139 - msgid "Comment: " -@@ -4618,12 +4621,12 @@ msgstr "Comentario: " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2145 - msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" --msgstr "Caracter inválido en el comentario\n" -+msgstr "Caracter inválido en el comentario\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2167 - #, c-format - msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" --msgstr "Está usando el juego de caracteres `%s'.\n" -+msgstr "Está usando el juego de caracteres `%s'.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2173 - #, c-format -@@ -4639,12 +4642,12 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/keygen.c:2178 - msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor no ponga la dirección de correo-e en el nombre real o en el " -+"No ponga la dirección de correo electrónico en el nombre real o en el " - "comentario\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2193 - msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" --msgstr "¡Ese ID de usuario ya existe en esta clave!\n" -+msgstr "¡Ese ID de usuario ya existe en esta clave!\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in - #. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching -@@ -4663,22 +4666,22 @@ msgstr "NnCcDdVvSs" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2219 - msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " --msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (S)alir? " -+msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (S)alir? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2220 - msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " --msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (V)ale/(S)alir? " -+msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (V)ale/(S)alir? " - - #: g10/keygen.c:2239 - msgid "Please correct the error first\n" --msgstr "Por favor corrija primero el error.\n" -+msgstr "Corrija primero el error.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2281 - msgid "" - "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"Necesita una frase contraseña para proteger su clave secreta.\n" -+"Necesita una contraseña para proteger su clave secreta.\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2284 -@@ -4686,8 +4689,8 @@ msgid "" - "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " - "encryption key." - msgstr "" --"Introduzca la frase contraseña para proteger la copia de seguridadde la " --"clave externamente a la tarjeta." -+"Introduzca la contraseña para proteger la copia de seguridadde la clave " -+"externamente a la tarjeta." - - #: g10/keygen.c:2300 - #, c-format -@@ -4701,9 +4704,9 @@ msgid "" - "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"No ha especificado contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" --"Si más tarde quiere añadir una, puede hacerlo usando este programa con\n" --"la opción \"--edit-key\".\n" -+"No ha especificado contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" -+"Si más tarde quiere añadir una, puede hacerlo usando este programa con\n" -+"la opción \"--edit-key\".\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:2330 -@@ -4714,19 +4717,19 @@ msgid "" - "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" - msgstr "" - "Es necesario generar muchos bytes aleatorios. Es una buena idea realizar\n" --"alguna otra tarea (trabajar en otra ventana/consola, mover el ratón, usar\n" --"la red y los discos) durante la generación de números primos. Esto da al\n" --"generador de números aleatorios mayor oportunidad de recoger suficiente\n" --"entropía.\n" -+"alguna otra tarea (trabajar en otra ventana/consola, mover el ratón, usar\n" -+"la red y los discos) durante la generación de números primos. Esto da al\n" -+"generador de números aleatorios mayor oportunidad de recoger suficiente\n" -+"entropía.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 - msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" --msgstr "Creación de claves cancelada.\n" -+msgstr "Creación de claves cancelada.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 - #, c-format - msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" --msgstr "escribiendo clave pública en `%s'\n" -+msgstr "escribiendo clave pública en `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 - #, c-format -@@ -4741,26 +4744,26 @@ msgstr "escribiendo clave privada en `%s'\n" - #: g10/keygen.c:3606 - #, c-format - msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" --msgstr "anillo público de claves no escribible encontrado: %s\n" -+msgstr "almacén público de claves no modificable encontrado: %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3613 - #, c-format - msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" --msgstr "anillo privado de claves no escribible encontrado: %s\n" -+msgstr "almacén privado de claves no modificable encontrado: %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3633 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "error escribiendo anillo público `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "error escribiendo almacén público `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3641 - #, c-format - msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "error escribiendo anillo privado `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "error escribiendo almacén privado `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3669 - msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" --msgstr "claves pública y secreta creadas y firmadas.\n" -+msgstr "claves pública y secreta creadas y firmadas.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3680 - msgid "" -@@ -4768,19 +4771,19 @@ msgid "" - "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" - msgstr "" - "Tenga en cuenta que esta clave no puede ser usada para cifrar. Puede usar\n" --"la orden \"--edit-key\" para crear una subclave con este propósito.\n" -+"la orden \"--edit-key\" para crear una subclave con este propósito.\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 - #, c-format - msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" --msgstr "Creación de la clave fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "Creación de la clave fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" -+"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" - "problemas con el reloj)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 -@@ -4788,16 +4791,16 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "" - "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" - msgstr "" --"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" -+"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" - "problemas con el reloj)\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 - msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" --msgstr "NOTA: crear subclaves para claves V3 no sigue el estándar OpenPGP\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: crear subclaves para claves V3 no sigue el estándar OpenPGP\n" - - #: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 - msgid "Really create? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Crear de verdad? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Crear de verdad? (s/N) " - - #: g10/keygen.c:4124 - #, c-format -@@ -4820,27 +4823,27 @@ msgstr "nunca " - - #: g10/keylist.c:273 - msgid "Critical signature policy: " --msgstr "Política de firmas críticas: " -+msgstr "Política de firmas críticas: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:275 - msgid "Signature policy: " --msgstr "Política de firmas: " -+msgstr "Política de firmas: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:314 - msgid "Critical preferred keyserver: " --msgstr "Servidor de claves crítico preferido: " -+msgstr "Servidor de claves crítico preferido: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:367 - msgid "Critical signature notation: " --msgstr "Notación de firmas críticas: " -+msgstr "Notación de firmas críticas: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:369 - msgid "Signature notation: " --msgstr "Notación de firma: " -+msgstr "Notación de firma: " - - #: g10/keylist.c:479 - msgid "Keyring" --msgstr "Anillo de claves" -+msgstr "Almacén de claves" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1522 - msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" -@@ -4866,7 +4869,7 @@ msgstr " Huella de clave =" - - #: g10/keylist.c:1608 - msgid " Card serial no. =" --msgstr " Número de serie de la tarjeta =" -+msgstr " Número de serie de la tarjeta =" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1297 - #, c-format -@@ -4875,7 +4878,7 @@ msgstr "renombrando `%s' en `%s' fallo: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1326 - msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: existen 2 ficheros con información confidencial.\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: existen 2 ficheros con información confidencial.\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1327 - #, c-format -@@ -4889,12 +4892,12 @@ msgstr "%s es el nuevo\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1329 - msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" --msgstr "Por favor arregle este posible fallo de seguridad\n" -+msgstr "Arregle este posible fallo de seguridad\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1430 - #, c-format - msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" --msgstr "memorizando anillo `%s'\n" -+msgstr "memorizando almacén `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keyring.c:1489 - #, c-format -@@ -4909,11 +4912,11 @@ msgstr "%lu claves memorizadas (%lu firmas)\n" - #: g10/keyring.c:1573 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: keyring created\n" --msgstr "%s: anillo creado\n" -+msgstr "%s: almacén creado\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:74 - msgid "include revoked keys in search results" --msgstr "incluir claves revocadas en resultados de la búsqueda" -+msgstr "incluir claves revocadas en resultados de la búsqueda" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:75 - msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" -@@ -4931,7 +4934,7 @@ msgstr "no borrar ficheros temporales tras usarlos" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:83 - msgid "automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures" --msgstr "recuperar automáticamente claves al verificar firmas" -+msgstr "recuperar automáticamente claves al verificar firmas" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:85 - msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" -@@ -4945,7 +4948,7 @@ msgstr "usar el registro PKA presente en una clave al recuperar claves" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: las opciones de servidor de claves `%s' no se usan en esta " -+"ATENCIÓN: las opciones de servidor de claves `%s' no se usan en esta " - "plataforma\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:551 -@@ -4954,12 +4957,12 @@ msgstr "deshabilitado" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:754 - msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " --msgstr "Introduzca número(s), O)tro, o F)in >" -+msgstr "Introduzca número(s), O)tro, o F)in >" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" --msgstr "protocolo del servidor de claves inválido (us %d!=handler %d)\n" -+msgstr "protocolo del servidor de claves inválido (us %d!=handler %d)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:939 - #, c-format -@@ -5012,27 +5015,28 @@ msgstr "buscando \"%s\" de %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 - msgid "no keyserver action!\n" --msgstr "¡no se solicita ninguna acción al servidor de claves!\n" -+msgstr "¡no se solicita ninguna acción al servidor de claves!\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1554 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: el manejo de claves procede de una versión diferente de GnuPG (%s)\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: el manejo de claves procede de una versión diferente de GnuPG " -+"(%s)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1563 - msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" --msgstr "el servidor de claves no envió VERSION\n" -+msgstr "el servidor de claves no envió VERSION\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 - msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" --msgstr "no hay servidores de claves conocidos (use opción --keyserver)\n" -+msgstr "no hay servidores de claves conocidos (use opción --keyserver)\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1640 - msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" - msgstr "" - "no se pueden realizar llamadas a un servidor externo de claves tal y\n" --"como está compilado el programa\n" -+"como está compilado el programa\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1652 - #, c-format -@@ -5043,12 +5047,12 @@ msgstr "no hay un manejador para ese esquema de servidor de claves `%s'\n" - #, c-format - msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" - msgstr "" --"la acción `%s' no es posible con este esquema de servidor de claves `%s'\n" -+"la acción `%s' no es posible con este esquema de servidor de claves `%s'\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1665 - #, c-format - msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" --msgstr "%s no permite usar la versión %d del manejador\n" -+msgstr "%s no permite usar la versión %d del manejador\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1672 - msgid "keyserver timed out\n" -@@ -5061,17 +5065,17 @@ msgstr "error interno del servidor de claves\n" - #: g10/keyserver.c:1686 - #, c-format - msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" --msgstr "error de comunicación con el servidor de claves: %s\n" -+msgstr "error de comunicación con el servidor de claves: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 - #, c-format - msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" --msgstr "\"%s\" no es un identificador de clave válido: omitido\n" -+msgstr "\"%s\" no es un identificador de clave válido: omitido\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2009 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: no se puede renovar la clave %s a traves de %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se puede renovar la clave %s a traves de %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2031 - #, c-format -@@ -5086,36 +5090,36 @@ msgstr "renovando %d claves desde %s\n" - #: g10/keyserver.c:2089 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: imposible recuperar URI %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: imposible recuperar URI %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/keyserver.c:2095 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: imposible interpretar URI %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: imposible interpretar URI %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:242 - #, c-format - msgid "weird size for an encrypted session key (%d)\n" --msgstr "tamaño anormal para una clave de sesión cifrada (%d)\n" -+msgstr "tamaño anormal para una clave de sesión cifrada (%d)\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:295 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encrypted session key\n" --msgstr "%s clave de sesión cifrada\n" -+msgstr "%s clave de sesión cifrada\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:305 - #, c-format - msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" --msgstr "frase contraseña generada con algoritmo de resumen desconocido %d\n" -+msgstr "contraseña generada con algoritmo de resumen desconocido %d\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:371 - #, c-format - msgid "public key is %s\n" --msgstr "la clave pública es %s\n" -+msgstr "la clave pública es %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:434 - msgid "public key encrypted data: good DEK\n" --msgstr "datos cifrados con la clave pública: DEK correcta\n" -+msgstr "datos cifrados con la clave pública: DEK correcta\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:467 - #, c-format -@@ -5135,16 +5139,16 @@ msgstr "cifrado con clave %s, ID %s\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:490 - #, c-format - msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" --msgstr "descifrado de la clave pública fallido: %s\n" -+msgstr "descifrado de la clave pública fallido: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:506 - #, c-format - msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" --msgstr "cifrado con %lu frases contraseña\n" -+msgstr "cifrado con %lu frases contraseña\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:508 - msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" --msgstr "cifrado con 1 frase contraseña\n" -+msgstr "cifrado con 1 contraseña\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 - #, c-format -@@ -5163,16 +5167,16 @@ msgstr "descifrado correcto\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:586 - msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la intgridad del mensaje no está protegida\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la intgridad del mensaje no está protegida\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:589 - msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el mensaje cifrado ha sido manipulado!\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el mensaje cifrado ha sido manipulado!\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:597 - #, c-format - msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" --msgstr "borrada frase de paso en caché con ID: %s\n" -+msgstr "borrada frase de paso en caché con ID: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:602 - #, c-format -@@ -5181,7 +5185,7 @@ msgstr "descifrado fallido: %s\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:623 - msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" --msgstr "NOTA: el remitente solicitó \"sólo-para-tus-ojos\"\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: el remitente solicitó \"sólo-para-tus-ojos\"\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:625 - #, c-format -@@ -5190,19 +5194,19 @@ msgstr "nombre fichero original='%.*s'\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:713 - msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" --msgstr "AVISO: se observan varios textos en claro\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: se observan varios textos en claro\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:866 - msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" --msgstr "revocación independiente - use \"gpg --import\" para aplicarla\n" -+msgstr "revocación independiente - use \"gpg --import\" para aplicarla\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 - msgid "no signature found\n" --msgstr "no se encontró firma\n" -+msgstr "no se encontró firma\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1486 - msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" --msgstr "suprimida la verificación de la firma\n" -+msgstr "suprimida la verificación de la firma\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:1595 - msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" -@@ -5290,7 +5294,7 @@ msgstr "no es una firma separada\n" - #: g10/mainproc.c:2106 - msgid "" - "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" --msgstr "AVISO: detectadas múltiples firmas. Sólo la primera se comprueba.\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: detectadas múltiples firmas. Sólo la primera se comprueba.\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2114 - #, c-format -@@ -5303,91 +5307,92 @@ msgstr "firma al viejo estilo (PGP 2.x)\n" - - #: g10/mainproc.c:2189 - msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" --msgstr "paquete raíz inválido detectado en proc_tree()\n" -+msgstr "paquete raíz inválido detectado en proc_tree()\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 - #, c-format - msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" --msgstr "fstat de `%s' falló en %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fstat de `%s' falló en %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:181 - #, c-format - msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" --msgstr "fstat(%d) falló en %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fstat(%d) falló en %s: %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:299 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: usando un algoritmo de clave pública experimental %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: usando un algoritmo de clave pública experimental %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:305 - msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" --msgstr "AVISO: las firmas Elgamal para firmar y cifrar están obsoletas\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: las firmas Elgamal para firmar y cifrar están obsoletas\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:318 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: usando algoritmo de cifrado experimental %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: usando algoritmo de cifrado experimental %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:333 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" --msgstr "AVISO: usando algoritmo de resumen experimental %s\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: usando algoritmo de resumen experimental %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:338 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" --msgstr "AVISO: el algoritmo de resumen %s está obsoleto\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: el algoritmo de resumen %s está obsoleto\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:548 - msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" --msgstr "el plugin para el cifrado IDEA no está presente\n" -+msgstr "el plugin para el cifrado IDEA no está presente\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 - #, c-format - msgid "please see %s for more information\n" --msgstr "por favor vea %s para más información\n" -+msgstr "vea %s para más información\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:823 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "%s:%d: opción obsoleta \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: opción obsoleta \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:827 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:829 - #, c-format - msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" --msgstr "por favor use \"%s%s\" en su lugar\n" -+msgstr "use \"%s%s\" en su lugar\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:836 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una orden obsoleta - no la use\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una orden obsoleta - no la use\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:846 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: opción obsoleta \"%s\" - no tiene efecto\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: opción obsoleta \"%s\" - no tiene efecto\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:849 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:859 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: opción obsoleta \"%s\" - no tiene efecto\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" está obsoleta en este fichero - solo afecta en %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:863 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ATENCIÓN: \"%s%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto excepto en %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:924 - msgid "Uncompressed" -@@ -5401,17 +5406,17 @@ msgstr "sin_comprimir|ninguno" - #: g10/misc.c:1076 - #, c-format - msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" --msgstr "este mensaje podría no ser utilizable por %s\n" -+msgstr "este mensaje podría no ser utilizable por %s\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:1251 - #, c-format - msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" --msgstr "opción ambigua `%s'\n" -+msgstr "opción ambigua `%s'\n" - - #: g10/misc.c:1276 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" --msgstr "opción desconocida `%s'\n" -+msgstr "opción desconocida `%s'\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:89 - #, c-format -@@ -5420,7 +5425,7 @@ msgstr "El fichero `%s' ya existe. " - - #: g10/openfile.c:93 - msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Sobreescribir? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Sobreescribir? (s/N) " - - #: g10/openfile.c:126 - #, c-format -@@ -5443,27 +5448,28 @@ msgstr "asumiendo que hay datos firmados en `%s'\n" - #: g10/openfile.c:395 - #, c-format - msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" --msgstr "creado un nuevo fichero de configuración `%s'\n" -+msgstr "creado un nuevo fichero de configuración `%s'\n" - - #: g10/openfile.c:397 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" --msgstr "AVISO: las opciones en `%s' no están aún activas en esta ejecución\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ATENCIÓN: las opciones en `%s' no están aún activas en esta ejecución\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:213 - #, c-format - msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" --msgstr "no puedo manejar el algoritmo de clave pública %d\n" -+msgstr "no puedo manejar el algoritmo de clave pública %d\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:834 - msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: clave de sesión cifrada simétricamente potencialmente insegura\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: clave de sesión cifrada simétricamente potencialmente insegura\n" - - #: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 - #, c-format - msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" --msgstr "el subpaquete de tipo %d tiene el bit crítico activado\n" -+msgstr "el subpaquete de tipo %d tiene el bit crítico activado\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 - #, c-format -@@ -5484,15 +5490,15 @@ msgid "" - "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" - "created %s%s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Introduzca frase contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta del " --"certificado OpenPGP:\n" -+"Introduzca contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta del certificado " -+"OpenPGP:\n" - "\"%.*s\"\n" - "con %u bits clave %s, ID %s,\n" - "creada el %s%s.\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:384 - msgid "Enter passphrase\n" --msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña\n" -+msgstr "Introduzca contraseña\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:412 - msgid "cancelled by user\n" -@@ -5504,7 +5510,7 @@ msgid "" - "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" - "user: \"%s\"\n" - msgstr "" --"Necesita una frase contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta\n" -+"Necesita una contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta\n" - "del usuario: \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/passphrase.c:600 -@@ -5526,14 +5532,14 @@ msgid "" - "Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Escoja una imagen para usar en su ID fotográfico. La imagen debe ser un\n" --"fichero JPEG. Recuerde que la imágen se almacena en su clave pública.\n" --"Si usa una foto muy grande, ¡su clave será también muy grande!\n" --"Una imagen cercana a 240x288 tiene un tamaño adecuado.\n" -+"Escoja una imagen para usar en su ID fotográfico. La imagen debe ser un\n" -+"fichero JPEG. Recuerde que la imágen se almacena en su clave pública.\n" -+"Si usa una foto muy grande, ¡su clave será también muy grande!\n" -+"Una imagen cercana a 240x288 tiene un tamaño adecuado.\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:99 - msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " --msgstr "Introduzca nombre del fichero JPEG para ID fotográfico: " -+msgstr "Introduzca nombre del fichero JPEG para ID fotográfico: " - - #: g10/photoid.c:120 - #, c-format -@@ -5543,11 +5549,11 @@ msgstr "Imposible abrir fichero JPEG `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/photoid.c:131 - #, c-format - msgid "This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n" --msgstr "¡Este JPEG es realmente grande (%d bytes)!\n" -+msgstr "¡Este JPEG es realmente grande (%d bytes)!\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:133 - msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere usarlo? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere usarlo? (s/N) " - - #: g10/photoid.c:149 - #, c-format -@@ -5556,15 +5562,15 @@ msgstr "`%s' no es un fichero JPEG\n" - - #: g10/photoid.c:168 - msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " --msgstr "¿Es correcta la foto? (s/n) " -+msgstr "¿Es correcta la foto? (s/n) " - - #: g10/photoid.c:377 - msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" --msgstr "¡no puedo mostrar ID fotográfico!\n" -+msgstr "¡no puedo mostrar ID fotográfico!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 - msgid "No reason specified" --msgstr "No se dio ninguna razón" -+msgstr "No se dio ninguna razón" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 - msgid "Key is superseded" -@@ -5576,19 +5582,19 @@ msgstr "La clave ha sido comprometida" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 - msgid "Key is no longer used" --msgstr "La clave ya no está en uso" -+msgstr "La clave ya no está en uso" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 - msgid "User ID is no longer valid" --msgstr "El identificador de usuario ya no es válido" -+msgstr "El identificador de usuario ya no es válido" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:72 - msgid "reason for revocation: " --msgstr "razón para la revocación: " -+msgstr "razón para la revocación: " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:89 - msgid "revocation comment: " --msgstr "comentario a la revocación: " -+msgstr "comentario a la revocación: " - - #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and - #. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which -@@ -5617,13 +5623,13 @@ msgstr " alias \"%s\"\n" - msgid "" - "How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" - msgstr "" --"¿Qué seguridad tiene de que esta clave pertenece realmente al usuario\n" -+"¿Qué seguridad tiene de que esta clave pertenece realmente al usuario\n" - "que se nombra?\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:270 - #, c-format - msgid " %d = I don't know or won't say\n" --msgstr " %d = No lo sé o prefiero no decirlo\n" -+msgstr " %d = No lo sé o prefiero no decirlo\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:272 - #, c-format -@@ -5633,11 +5639,11 @@ msgstr " %d = NO tengo confianza\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:278 - #, c-format - msgid " %d = I trust ultimately\n" --msgstr " %d = confío absolutamente\n" -+msgstr " %d = confío absolutamente\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:284 - msgid " m = back to the main menu\n" --msgstr " m = volver al menú principal\n" -+msgstr " m = volver al menú principal\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:287 - msgid " s = skip this key\n" -@@ -5653,16 +5659,16 @@ msgid "" - "The minimum trust level for this key is: %s\n" - "\n" - msgstr "" --"El mínimo nivel de confianza para esta clave es: %s\n" -+"El mínimo nivel de confianza para esta clave es: %s\n" - "\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:298 g10/revoke.c:650 - msgid "Your decision? " --msgstr "¿Su decisión? " -+msgstr "¿Su decisión? " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:319 - msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿De verdad quiere asignar absoluta confianza a esta clave? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿De verdad quiere asignar absoluta confianza a esta clave? (s/N) " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:333 - msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" -@@ -5697,69 +5703,69 @@ msgid "" - "you may answer the next question with yes.\n" - msgstr "" - "No es seguro que la clave pertenezca a la persona que se nombra en el\n" --"identificador de usuario. Si *realmente* sabe lo que está haciendo,\n" --"puede contestar sí a la siguiente pregunta.\n" -+"identificador de usuario. Si *realmente* sabe lo que está haciendo,\n" -+"puede contestar sí a la siguiente pregunta.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:479 - msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Usar esta clave de todas formas? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Usar esta clave de todas formas? (s/N) " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:513 - msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Usando una clave no fiable!\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Usando una clave no fiable!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:520 - msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" --msgstr "AVISO: la clave puede estar revocada (falta clave de revocación)\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la clave puede estar revocada (falta clave de revocación)\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:529 - msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" - msgstr "" --"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por la persona designada\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por la persona designada\n" - "como revocador!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:532 - msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:533 - msgid " This could mean that the signature is forged.\n" --msgstr " Esto puede significar que la firma está falsificada.\n" -+msgstr " Esto puede significar que la firma está falsificada.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:539 - msgid "WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:544 - msgid "Note: This key has been disabled.\n" --msgstr "Nota: Esta clave está deshabilitada.\n" -+msgstr "Nota: Esta clave está deshabilitada.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:564 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" --msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante verificado es `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante verificado es `%s'\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:571 - #, c-format - msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" --msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante `%s' no coincide con la entrada DNS\n" -+msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante `%s' no coincide con la entrada DNS\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:583 - msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" --msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a TOTAL (información PKA válida)\n" -+msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a TOTAL (información PKA válida)\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:591 - msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" --msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a NUNCA (información PKA inválida)\n" -+msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a NUNCA (información PKA inválida)\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:602 - msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" --msgstr "Nota: ¡Esta clave ha caducado!\n" -+msgstr "Nota: ¡Esta clave ha caducado!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:613 - msgid "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n" - msgstr "" --"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada por una firma de confianza!\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada por una firma de confianza!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:615 - msgid "" -@@ -5768,17 +5774,17 @@ msgstr " No hay indicios de que la firma pertenezca al propietario.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:623 - msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" --msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:624 - msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" --msgstr " La firma es probablemente una FALSIFICACIÓN.\n" -+msgstr " La firma es probablemente una FALSIFICACIÓN.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:632 - msgid "" - "WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" - msgstr "" --"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada con firmas de suficiente " -+"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada con firmas de suficiente " - "confianza!\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:634 -@@ -5793,7 +5799,7 @@ msgstr "%s: omitido: %s\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" --msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública ya presente\n" -+msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública ya presente\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:901 - msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" -@@ -5809,7 +5815,7 @@ msgid "" - "Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " - msgstr "" - "\n" --"Introduzca ID de usuario. Acabe con una línea vacía: " -+"Introduzca ID de usuario. Acabe con una línea vacía: " - - #: g10/pkclist.c:976 - msgid "No such user ID.\n" -@@ -5817,15 +5823,15 @@ msgstr "ID de usuario inexistente.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 - msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" --msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada como destinataria por defecto\n" -+msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada como destinataria predeterminada\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1006 - msgid "Public key is disabled.\n" --msgstr "Clave pública deshabilitada.\n" -+msgstr "Clave pública deshabilitada.\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1015 - msgid "skipped: public key already set\n" --msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya establecida\n" -+msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya establecida\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1050 - #, c-format -@@ -5835,11 +5841,11 @@ msgstr "desconocido el destinatario predefinido \"%s\"\n" - #: g10/pkclist.c:1112 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n" --msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública deshabilitada\n" -+msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública deshabilitada\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1175 - msgid "no valid addressees\n" --msgstr "no hay direcciones válidas\n" -+msgstr "no hay direcciones válidas\n" - - #: g10/pkclist.c:1513 - #, c-format -@@ -5853,7 +5859,7 @@ msgstr "Nota: clave %s no tiene preferencias para %s\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:95 - msgid "data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n" --msgstr "datos no grabados; use la opción \"--output\" para grabarlos\n" -+msgstr "datos no grabados; use la opción \"--output\" para grabarlos\n" - - #: g10/plaintext.c:480 - msgid "Detached signature.\n" -@@ -5884,15 +5890,15 @@ msgstr "imposible abrir datos firmados fd=%d: %s\n" - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n" --msgstr "destinatario anónimo; probando clave secreta %s ...\n" -+msgstr "destinatario anónimo; probando clave secreta %s ...\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 - msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" --msgstr "de acuerdo, somos el destinatario anónimo.\n" -+msgstr "de acuerdo, somos el destinatario anónimo.\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 - msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" --msgstr "la antigua codificación de la DEK no puede usarse\n" -+msgstr "la antigua codificación de la DEK no puede usarse\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:246 - #, c-format -@@ -5907,7 +5913,7 @@ msgstr "NOTA: el cifrado %s no aparece en las preferencias del receptor\n" - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" --msgstr "NOTA: clave secreta %s caducó el %s\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: clave secreta %s caducó el %s\n" - - #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 - msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" -@@ -5917,7 +5923,7 @@ msgstr "NOTA: la clave ha sido revocada" - #: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 - #, c-format - msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" --msgstr "construcción del paquete fallida: %s\n" -+msgstr "construcción del paquete fallida: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:145 - #, c-format -@@ -5926,15 +5932,15 @@ msgstr "clave %s: sin identificador de usuario\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:306 - msgid "To be revoked by:\n" --msgstr "Será revocado por:\n" -+msgstr "Será revocado por:\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:310 - msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" --msgstr "(Este es una clave de revocación confidencial)\n" -+msgstr "(Este es una clave de revocación confidencial)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:314 - msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" -+msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" - - #: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 - msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" -@@ -5943,16 +5949,16 @@ msgstr "se fuerza salida con armadura ASCII.\n" - #: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 - #, c-format - msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" --msgstr "make_keysig_packet falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "make_keysig_packet falló: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:405 - msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" --msgstr "Certificado de revocación creado.\n" -+msgstr "Certificado de revocación creado.\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:411 - #, c-format - msgid "no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "no se encuetran claves de revocación para \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "no se encuetran claves de revocación para \"%s\"\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:470 - #, c-format -@@ -5962,23 +5968,23 @@ msgstr "clave secreta \"%s\" no encontrada: %s\n" - #: g10/revoke.c:497 - #, c-format - msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" --msgstr "no existe la clave pública correspondiente: %s\n" -+msgstr "no existe la clave pública correspondiente: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:508 - msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" --msgstr "¡la clave pública y la privada no se corresponden!\n" -+msgstr "¡la clave pública y la privada no se corresponden!\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:515 - msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N) " - - #: g10/revoke.c:532 - msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" --msgstr "algoritmo de protección desconocido\n" -+msgstr "algoritmo de protección desconocido\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:540 - msgid "NOTE: This key is not protected!\n" --msgstr "NOTA: ¡Esta clave no está protegida!\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: ¡Esta clave no está protegida!\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:591 - msgid "" -@@ -5990,18 +5996,18 @@ msgid "" - "your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n" - "your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n" - msgstr "" --"Certificado de revocación creado.\n" -+"Certificado de revocación creado.\n" - "\n" --"Por favor consérvelo en un medio que pueda esconder; si alguien consigue\n" -+"Consérvelo en un medio que pueda esconder; si alguien consigue\n" - "acceso a este certificado puede usarlo para inutilizar su clave.\n" - "Es inteligente imprimir este certificado y guardarlo en otro lugar, por\n" --"si acaso su medio resulta imposible de leer. Pero precaución: ¡el sistema\n" --"de impresión de su máquina podría almacenar los datos y hacerlos accesibles\n" -+"si acaso su medio resulta imposible de leer. Pero precaución: ¡el sistema\n" -+"de impresión de su máquina podría almacenar los datos y hacerlos accesibles\n" - "a otras personas!\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:633 - msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" --msgstr "Por favor elija una razón para la revocación:\n" -+msgstr "Elija una razón para la revocación:\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:643 - msgid "Cancel" -@@ -6010,33 +6016,33 @@ msgstr "Cancelar" - #: g10/revoke.c:645 - #, c-format - msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" --msgstr "(Probablemente quería seleccionar %d aquí)\n" -+msgstr "(Probablemente quería seleccionar %d aquí)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:686 - msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" --msgstr "Introduzca una descripción opcional; acábela con una línea vacía:\n" -+msgstr "Introduzca una descripción opcional; acábela con una línea vacía:\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:714 - #, c-format - msgid "Reason for revocation: %s\n" --msgstr "Razón para la revocación: %s\n" -+msgstr "Razón para la revocación: %s\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:716 - msgid "(No description given)\n" --msgstr "(No se dió descripción)\n" -+msgstr "(No se dió descripción)\n" - - #: g10/revoke.c:721 - msgid "Is this okay? (y/N) " --msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/N) " -+msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/N) " - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 - msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" --msgstr "las partes de la clave privada no están disponibles\n" -+msgstr "las partes de la clave privada no están disponibles\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 - #, c-format - msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" --msgstr "el algoritmo de protección %d%s no puede ser utilizado\n" -+msgstr "el algoritmo de protección %d%s no puede ser utilizado\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 - #, c-format -@@ -6045,7 +6051,7 @@ msgstr "el resumen protector %d no puede ser utilizado\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 - msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" --msgstr "Frase contraseña incorrecta; inténtelo de nuevo." -+msgstr "contraseña incorrecta; inténtelo de nuevo." - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 - #, c-format -@@ -6054,29 +6060,28 @@ msgstr "%s ... \n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 - msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" --msgstr "" --"ATENCIÓN: detectada clave débil - por favor cambie la frase contraseña.\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: detectada clave débil - cambie la contraseña.\n" - - #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 - msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" - msgstr "" --"generando la suma de comprobación de 16 bits (obsoleta) para \n" -+"generando la suma de comprobación de 16 bits (obsoleta) para \n" - "proteger la clave secreta.\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 - msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" --msgstr "creada clave débil - reintentando\n" -+msgstr "creada clave débil - reintentando\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:65 - #, c-format - msgid "cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; tried %d times!\n" - msgstr "" --"¡imposible evitar clave débil para cifrado simétrico después de %d " -+"¡imposible evitar clave débil para cifrado simétrico después de %d " - "intentos!\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 - msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" --msgstr "DSA necesita un resumen cuya longitud sea múltiplo de 8 bits\n" -+msgstr "DSA necesita un resumen cuya longitud sea múltiplo de 8 bits\n" - - #: g10/seskey.c:240 - #, c-format -@@ -6090,28 +6095,28 @@ msgstr "la clave DSA %s requiere un resumen de %u bits al menos\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:80 - msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" --msgstr "AVISO: conflicto con el resumen de la firma del mensaje\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: conflicto con el resumen de la firma del mensaje\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" --msgstr "AVISO: la subclave de firmado %s no tiene certificado cruzado\n" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la subclave de firmado %s no tiene certificado cruzado\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:117 - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: la subclave de cifrado %s tiene un certificado cruzado inválido\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: la subclave de cifrado %s tiene un certificado cruzado inválido\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:211 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" --msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" -+msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:212 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" --msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" -+msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:223 - #, c-format -@@ -6140,20 +6145,20 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" - msgstr "NOTA: la clave de firmado %s ha sido revocada\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:280 --#, fuzzy, c-format -+#, c-format - msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" --msgstr "firma %s, algoritmo de resumen %s\n" -+msgstr "Nota: se rechazarán las firmas que usen el algoritmo %s\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:341 - #, c-format - msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" - msgstr "" --"asumiendo firma incorrecta de la clave %s por un bit crítico desconocido\n" -+"asumiendo firma incorrecta de la clave %s por un bit crítico desconocido\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:607 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" --msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la firma de revocación de subclave\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la firma de revocación de subclave\n" - - #: g10/sig-check.c:634 - #, c-format -@@ -6164,14 +6169,15 @@ msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para firma de subclave de enlace\n" - #, c-format - msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política . Se usa sin expandir.\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política . Se usa sin " -+"expandir.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:115 - #, c-format - msgid "" - "WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política (demasiado larga).\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política (demasiado larga).\n" - "Se usa sin expandir.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:138 -@@ -6180,13 +6186,13 @@ msgid "" - "WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " - "unexpanded.\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: no puedo expandir el %% de la URL del servidor de claves\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: no puedo expandir el %% de la URL del servidor de claves\n" - "preferido. Se usa sin expandir.\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:311 - #, c-format - msgid "checking created signature failed: %s\n" --msgstr "la comprobación de la firma creada falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "la comprobación de la firma creada falló: %s\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:320 - #, c-format -@@ -6196,7 +6202,7 @@ msgstr "%s/%s firma de: \"%s\"\n" - #: g10/sign.c:761 - msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" - msgstr "" --"sólo puede hacer firmas separadas con claves tipo PGP 2.x estando enmodo --" -+"sólo puede hacer firmas separadas con claves tipo PGP 2.x estando enmodo --" - "pgp2\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:837 -@@ -6204,7 +6210,7 @@ msgstr "" - msgid "" - "WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" - msgstr "" --"AVISO: forzar el algoritmo de resumen %s (%d) va en contra de las\n" -+"ATENCIÓN: forzar el algoritmo de resumen %s (%d) va en contra de las\n" - "preferencias del destinatario\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:964 -@@ -6213,12 +6219,12 @@ msgstr "firmando:" - - #: g10/sign.c:1079 - msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" --msgstr "sólo puede firmar en claro con claves PGP 2.x estando en modo --pgp2\n" -+msgstr "sólo puede firmar en claro con claves PGP 2.x estando en modo --pgp2\n" - - #: g10/sign.c:1263 - #, c-format - msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" --msgstr "se usará un cifrado %s\n" -+msgstr "se usará un cifrado %s\n" - - #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 - msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" -@@ -6241,7 +6247,7 @@ msgstr "omitido: clave secreta ya presente\n" - #: g10/skclist.c:208 - msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" - msgstr "" --"¡esta es una clave ElGamal generada por PGP que NO es segura para firmar!" -+"¡esta es una clave ElGamal generada por PGP que NO es segura para firmar!" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 - #, c-format -@@ -6264,7 +6270,7 @@ msgstr "error en `%s': %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 - msgid "line too long" --msgstr "línea demasiado larga" -+msgstr "línea demasiado larga" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:169 - msgid "colon missing" -@@ -6272,7 +6278,7 @@ msgstr "falta una coma" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:175 - msgid "invalid fingerprint" --msgstr "huella dactilar no válida" -+msgstr "huella dactilar no válida" - - #: g10/tdbdump.c:180 - msgid "ownertrust value missing" -@@ -6291,7 +6297,7 @@ msgstr "error de lectura `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 - #, c-format - msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" --msgstr "base de datos de confianza: fallo sincronización: %s\n" -+msgstr "base de datos de confianza: fallo sincronización: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 - #, c-format -@@ -6306,7 +6312,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:245 - msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" --msgstr "transacción en la base de datos de confianza demasiado grande\n" -+msgstr "transacción en la base de datos de confianza demasiado grande\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:502 - #, c-format -@@ -6316,7 +6322,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede acceder a `%s': %s\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:531 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: directory does not exist!\n" --msgstr "%s: ¡el directorio no existe!\n" -+msgstr "%s: ¡el directorio no existe!\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:541 g10/tdbio.c:564 g10/tdbio.c:605 sm/keydb.c:344 - #, c-format -@@ -6331,12 +6337,12 @@ msgstr "no se puede bloquear `%s'\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:569 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to create version record: %s" --msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación del registro de versión: %s" -+msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación del registro de versión: %s" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:573 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: invalid trustdb created\n" --msgstr "%s: se ha creado base de datos de confianza inválida\n" -+msgstr "%s: se ha creado base de datos de confianza inválida\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:576 - #, c-format -@@ -6350,28 +6356,28 @@ msgstr "NOTA: no se puede escribir base de datos de confianza\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:627 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: invalid trustdb\n" --msgstr "%s: base de datos de confianza inválida\n" -+msgstr "%s: base de datos de confianza inválida\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:659 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación de la tabla hash: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación de la tabla hash: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:667 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error updating version record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: error actualizando el registro de versión: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: error actualizando el registro de versión: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:684 g10/tdbio.c:705 g10/tdbio.c:721 g10/tdbio.c:735 - #: g10/tdbio.c:765 g10/tdbio.c:1392 g10/tdbio.c:1419 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error reading version record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: error leyendo registro de versión: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: error leyendo registro de versión: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:744 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: error writing version record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: error escribiendo registro de versión: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: error escribiendo registro de versión: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1185 - #, c-format -@@ -6391,12 +6397,12 @@ msgstr "%s: no es una base de datos de confianza\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:1234 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: version record with recnum %lu\n" --msgstr "%s: registro de versión con número de registro %lu\n" -+msgstr "%s: registro de versión con número de registro %lu\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1239 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: invalid file version %d\n" --msgstr "%s: versión del fichero %d inválida\n" -+msgstr "%s: versión del fichero %d inválida\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1425 - #, c-format -@@ -6416,7 +6422,7 @@ msgstr "%s: fallo en poner a cero un registro: %s\n" - #: g10/tdbio.c:1473 - #, c-format - msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" --msgstr "%s: fallo al añadir un registro: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fallo al añadir un registro: %s\n" - - #: g10/tdbio.c:1516 - msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" -@@ -6425,17 +6431,17 @@ msgstr "Error: base de datos de confianza corrupta.\n" - #: g10/textfilter.c:147 - #, c-format - msgid "can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "no se pueden manejar líneas de texto de más de %d caracteres\n" -+msgstr "no se pueden manejar líneas de texto de más de %d caracteres\n" - - #: g10/textfilter.c:247 - #, c-format - msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" --msgstr "línea de longitud superior a %d caracteres\n" -+msgstr "línea de longitud superior a %d caracteres\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:222 - #, c-format - msgid "`%s' is not a valid long keyID\n" --msgstr "'%s' no es un identificador largo de clave válido\n" -+msgstr "'%s' no es un identificador largo de clave válido\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:253 - #, c-format -@@ -6445,12 +6451,12 @@ msgstr "clave %s: aceptada como clave fiable\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:291 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" --msgstr "la clave %s aparece más de una vez en la base de datos de confianza\n" -+msgstr "la clave %s aparece más de una vez en la base de datos de confianza\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:306 - #, c-format - msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" --msgstr "clave %s: clave fiable sin clave pública - omitida\n" -+msgstr "clave %s: clave fiable sin clave pública - omitida\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:316 - #, c-format -@@ -6460,7 +6466,7 @@ msgstr "clave %s marcada como de confianza absoluta\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:340 - #, c-format - msgid "trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n" --msgstr "registro de confianza %lu, petición tipo %d: fallo lectura: %s\n" -+msgstr "registro de confianza %lu, petición tipo %d: fallo lectura: %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:346 - #, c-format -@@ -6470,11 +6476,11 @@ msgstr "registro de confianza %lu no es del tipo requerido %d\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:419 - msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" - msgstr "" --"Puede intentar recrear la base de datos de confianza usando las órdenes:\n" -+"Puede intentar recrear la base de datos de confianza usando las órdenes:\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:428 - msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" --msgstr "Si eso no funciona, por favor consulte el manual\n" -+msgstr "Si eso no funciona, consulte el manual\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:463 - #, c-format -@@ -6548,18 +6554,18 @@ msgstr "absoluta" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:593 - msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" --msgstr "no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" -+msgstr "no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 - #, c-format - msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" --msgstr "siguiente comprobación de base de datos de confianza el: %s\n" -+msgstr "siguiente comprobación de base de datos de confianza el: %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:608 - #, c-format - msgid "no need for a trustdb check with `%s' trust model\n" - msgstr "" --"no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" -+"no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" - "con el modelo de confianza `%s'\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:623 -@@ -6572,11 +6578,11 @@ msgstr "" - #: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 - #, c-format - msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" --msgstr "clave pública %s no encontrada: %s\n" -+msgstr "clave pública %s no encontrada: %s\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:1081 - msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" --msgstr "por favor haga un --check-trustdb\n" -+msgstr "haga un --check-trustdb\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:1085 - msgid "checking the trustdb\n" -@@ -6594,7 +6600,7 @@ msgstr "no se encuentran claves absolutamente fiables\n" - #: g10/trustdb.c:2345 - #, c-format - msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" --msgstr "clave pública de la clave absolutamente fiable %s no encontrada\n" -+msgstr "clave pública de la clave absolutamente fiable %s no encontrada\n" - - #: g10/trustdb.c:2368 - #, c-format -@@ -6615,7 +6621,7 @@ msgstr "" - #, c-format - msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" - msgstr "" --"no se puede actualizar el registro de la versión de la base de datos\n" -+"no se puede actualizar el registro de la versión de la base de datos\n" - "de confianza: fallo de escritura: %s\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:118 -@@ -6625,13 +6631,13 @@ msgid "" - "should be the first file given on the command line.\n" - msgstr "" - "la firma no se pudo verificar.\n" --"Por favor recuerde que el fichero de firma (.sig o .asc)\n" --"debería ser el primero que se da en la línea de órdenes.\n" -+"Recuerde que el fichero de firma (.sig o .asc)\n" -+"debería ser el primero que se da en la línea de órdenes.\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:205 - #, c-format - msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" --msgstr "la línea %u es demasiado larga o no tiene avance de línea (LF)\n" -+msgstr "la línea %u es demasiado larga o no tiene avance de línea (LF)\n" - - #: g10/verify.c:253 - #, c-format -@@ -6640,7 +6646,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede abrir fd %d: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:194 - msgid "argument not expected" --msgstr "parámetro inesperado" -+msgstr "parámetro inesperado" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:196 - msgid "read error" -@@ -6652,15 +6658,15 @@ msgstr "palabra clave demasiado larga" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:200 - msgid "missing argument" --msgstr "falta el parámetro" -+msgstr "falta el parámetro" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:202 - msgid "invalid command" --msgstr "orden inválida" -+msgstr "orden inválida" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:204 - msgid "invalid alias definition" --msgstr "definición de alias inválida" -+msgstr "definición de alias inválida" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:206 - msgid "out of core" -@@ -6668,27 +6674,27 @@ msgstr "memoria desbordada" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:208 - msgid "invalid option" --msgstr "opción inválida" -+msgstr "opción inválida" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:216 - #, c-format - msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "falta parámetro para la opción \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "falta parámetro para la opción \"%.50s\"\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:218 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" --msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" no necesita parámetros\n" -+msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" no necesita parámetros\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:221 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "orden inválida \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "orden inválida \"%.50s\"\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:223 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" --msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" es ambigua\n" -+msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" es ambigua\n" - - #: jnlib/argparse.c:225 - #, c-format -@@ -6702,7 +6708,7 @@ msgstr "memoria desbordada\n" - #: jnlib/argparse.c:229 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" --msgstr "opción inválida \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "opción inválida \"%.50s\"\n" - - #: jnlib/logging.c:647 - #, c-format -@@ -6712,17 +6718,17 @@ msgstr "ha encontrado un error... (%s:%d)\n" - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 - #, c-format - msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' not available\n" --msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' no está disponible\n" -+msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' no está disponible\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 - #, c-format - msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" --msgstr "iconv_open falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "iconv_open falló: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 - #, c-format - msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" --msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' falló: %s\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 - #, c-format -@@ -6750,7 +6756,7 @@ msgstr "esperando al bloqueo (que mantiene %d%s) %s...\n" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 - msgid "(deadlock?) " --msgstr "(¿bloqueo mutuo?)" -+msgstr "(¿bloqueo mutuo?)" - - #: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 - #, c-format -@@ -6764,18 +6770,17 @@ msgstr "esperando al bloqueo %s...\n" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 - msgid "set debugging flags" --msgstr "establece los parámetros de depuración" -+msgstr "establece los parámetros de depuración" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 - msgid "enable full debugging" --msgstr "habilita depuración completa" -+msgstr "habilita depuración completa" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 - msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: kbxutil [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" - - #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" - "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -@@ -6786,19 +6791,19 @@ msgstr "" - #: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" --msgstr "falta el módulo RSA o no es de %d bits\n" -+msgstr "falta el módulo RSA o no es de %d bits\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 - #, c-format - msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" --msgstr "falta el exponente público RSA o es mayor de %d bits\n" -+msgstr "falta el exponente público RSA o es mayor de %d bits\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 - #, c-format - msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" --msgstr "la función de manejo del PIN devolvió un error: %s\n" -+msgstr "la función de manejo del PIN devolvió un error: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:834 - msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" -@@ -6806,20 +6811,19 @@ msgstr "el PIN-Nulo no ha sido cambiado\n" - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1092 - msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." --msgstr "|N|Por favor introduzca un nuevo PIN para las claves estándar." -+msgstr "|N|Introduzca un nuevo PIN para las claves estándar." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1093 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." --msgstr "||Por favor, introduzca PIN para claves estándar." -+msgstr "||Introduzca PIN para claves estándar." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1099 - msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." --msgstr "|NP|Introduzca nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." -+msgstr "|NP|Introduzca nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1101 - msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." --msgstr "" --"|P|Por favor introduzca PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." -+msgstr "|P|Introduzca PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1109 - msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." -@@ -6834,16 +6838,16 @@ msgid "" - "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " - "qualified signatures." - msgstr "" --"|NP|Por favor introduzca un nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave " --"que crea firmas cualificadas." -+"|NP|Introduzca un nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave que crea " -+"firmas cualificadas." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1121 - msgid "" - "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " - "qualified signatures." - msgstr "" --"|NP|Por favor introduzca el PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave que crea " --"firmas cualificadas." -+"|NP|Introduzca el PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave que crea firmas " -+"cualificadas." - - #: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 - #, c-format -@@ -6858,54 +6862,55 @@ msgstr "fallo al almacenar la huella digital: %s\n" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" --msgstr "fallo guardando la fecha de creación: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo guardando la fecha de creación: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 - #, c-format - msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" --msgstr "fallo leyendo clave pública: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo leyendo clave pública: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 - msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" --msgstr "la respuesta no incluye la clave pública\n" -+msgstr "la respuesta no incluye la clave pública\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 - msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" --msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el módulo RSA\n" -+msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el módulo RSA\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 - msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" --msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el exponente público RSA\n" -+msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el exponente público RSA\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 - #, c-format - msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" --msgstr "usando PIN por defecto %s\n" -+msgstr "usando %s como PIN predeterminado\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" --msgstr "fallo al usar el PIN por defecto %s: %s - en adelante deshabilitado\n" -+msgstr "" -+"fallo al usar %s como PIN predeterminado: %s - en adelante desactivado\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 - #, c-format - msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" --msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN%%0A[firmas hechas: %lu]" -+msgstr "||Introduzca PIN%%0A[firmas hechas: %lu]" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 - msgid "||Please enter the PIN" --msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN" -+msgstr "||Introduzca PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 - #, c-format - msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" --msgstr "El PIN para CHV%d es demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" -+msgstr "El PIN para CHV%d es demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 - #, c-format - msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" --msgstr "la verificación CHV%d falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "la verificación CHV%d falló: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 - msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" -@@ -6913,7 +6918,7 @@ msgstr "error recuperando el estatus CHV de la tarjeta\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 - msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" --msgstr "¡la tarjeta está bloqueada permanentemente!\n" -+msgstr "¡la tarjeta está bloqueada permanentemente!\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 - #, c-format -@@ -6931,27 +6936,27 @@ msgstr "|A|Introduzca PIN de Administrador%%0A[intentos restantes: %d]" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 - msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" --msgstr "|A|Por favor introduzca PIN de Administrador" -+msgstr "|A|Introduzca PIN de Administrador" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 - msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" --msgstr "el acceso a órdenes de administrador no está configurado\n" -+msgstr "el acceso a órdenes de administrador no está configurado\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 - msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" --msgstr "||Por favor introduzca Código de Reinicio de la tarjeta" -+msgstr "||Introduzca Código de Reinicio de la tarjeta" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 - #, c-format - msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" --msgstr "Código de Reinicio demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" -+msgstr "Código de Reinicio demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but - #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere - #. to get some infos on the string. - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 - msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" --msgstr "|CR|Nuevo Código de Reinicio" -+msgstr "|CR|Nuevo Código de Reinicio" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 - msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" -@@ -6962,18 +6967,16 @@ msgid "|N|New PIN" - msgstr "|N|Nuevo PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" --msgstr "|A|Por favor introduzca PIN de Administrador" -+msgstr "|A|Introduzca PIN de Administrador" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" --msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN" -+msgstr "||Introduzca PIN" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 - msgid "error reading application data\n" --msgstr "error leyendo datos de la aplicación\n" -+msgstr "error leyendo datos de la aplicación\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 - msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" -@@ -6985,7 +6988,7 @@ msgstr "la clave ya existe\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 - msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" --msgstr "la clave existente será reemplazada\n" -+msgstr "la clave existente será reemplazada\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 - msgid "generating new key\n" -@@ -6997,7 +7000,7 @@ msgstr "escribiendo clave nueva\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 - msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" --msgstr "falta fecha de creación\n" -+msgstr "falta fecha de creación\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 - #, c-format -@@ -7011,20 +7014,20 @@ msgstr "fallo al almacenar la clave: %s\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 - msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" --msgstr "por favor, espere mientras se genera la clave ...\n" -+msgstr "espere mientras se genera la clave ...\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 - msgid "generating key failed\n" --msgstr "la generación de la clave falló\n" -+msgstr "la generación de la clave falló\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 - #, c-format - msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" --msgstr "generación de clave completada (%d segundos)\n" -+msgstr "generación de clave completada (%d segundos)\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 - msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" --msgstr "estructura de la tarjeta OpenPGP inválida (DO 0x93)\n" -+msgstr "estructura de la tarjeta OpenPGP inválida (DO 0x93)\n" - - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 - msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" -@@ -7049,12 +7052,11 @@ msgstr "" - #: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 - #, c-format - msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" --msgstr "no se puede acceder a %s - ¿tarjeta OpenPGP inválida?\n" -+msgstr "no se puede acceder a %s - ¿tarjeta OpenPGP inválida?\n" - - #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 --#, fuzzy - msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" --msgstr "||Por favor inntroduzca su PIN en el teclado del lector" -+msgstr "||Inntroduzca su PIN en el teclado del lector" - - #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but - #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere -@@ -7093,20 +7095,19 @@ msgstr "no usa el driverd del CCID interno" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:141 - msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" --msgstr "|N|desconectar la tarjeta después de N segundos de inactividad" -+msgstr "|N|desconectar la tarjeta después de N segundos de inactividad" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 --#, fuzzy - msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" --msgstr "no usa el teclado del lector" -+msgstr "no usar el teclado del lector" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:149 - msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" --msgstr "denegar órdenes de administración de la tarjeta" -+msgstr "rechazar el uso de órdenes de administración de la tarjeta" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 - msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" --msgstr "" -+msgstr "usar longitud variable para la entrada del teclado" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 - msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -7122,7 +7123,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:786 - msgid "please use the option `--daemon' to run the program in the background\n" --msgstr "use la opción `--daemon' para ejectuar el programa en segundo plano\n" -+msgstr "use la opción `--daemon' para ejectuar el programa en segundo plano\n" - - #: scd/scdaemon.c:1140 - #, c-format -@@ -7137,17 +7138,17 @@ msgstr "manejador del descriptor %d terminado\n" - #: sm/base64.c:325 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n" --msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02x omitido\n" -+msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02x omitido\n" - - #: sm/call-agent.c:137 - #, c-format - msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" --msgstr "fallo al hacer la petición proxy %s al cliente\n" -+msgstr "fallo al hacer la petición proxy %s al cliente\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 - #, c-format - msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" --msgstr "no hay dirmngr en ejecución - iniciando `%s'\n" -+msgstr "no hay dirmngr en ejecución - iniciando `%s'\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 - msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" -@@ -7156,7 +7157,7 @@ msgstr "variable de entorno DIRMNGR_INFO malformada\n" - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:297 - #, c-format - msgid "dirmngr protocol version %d is not supported\n" --msgstr "la versión del protocolo dirmngr %d no puede usarse\n" -+msgstr "la versión del protocolo dirmngr %d no puede usarse\n" - - #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 - msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" -@@ -7165,7 +7166,7 @@ msgstr "no puedo conectar con el dirmngr - intentando retirada\n" - #: sm/certchain.c:196 - #, c-format - msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" --msgstr "el certificado: %s requiere un modelo de validación" -+msgstr "el certificado: %s requiere un modelo de validación" - - #: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 - msgid "chain" -@@ -7178,15 +7179,15 @@ msgstr "shell" - #: sm/certchain.c:258 - #, c-format - msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" --msgstr "la extensión crítica de certificado %s no puede usarse" -+msgstr "la extensión crítica de certificado %s no puede usarse" - - #: sm/certchain.c:297 - msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" --msgstr "el certificado del emisor no está marcado como CA" -+msgstr "el certificado del emisor no está marcado como CA" - - #: sm/certchain.c:335 - msgid "critical marked policy without configured policies" --msgstr "política marcada como crítica sin políticas configuradas" -+msgstr "política marcada como crítica sin políticas configuradas" - - #: sm/certchain.c:345 - #, c-format -@@ -7195,15 +7196,15 @@ msgstr "fallo abriendo `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 - msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" --msgstr "nota: no se permiten políticas no críticas de certificados" -+msgstr "nota: no se permiten políticas no críticas de certificados" - - #: sm/certchain.c:357 sm/certchain.c:386 - msgid "certificate policy not allowed" --msgstr "no se permite política de certificado" -+msgstr "no se permite política de certificado" - - #: sm/certchain.c:527 - msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" --msgstr "buscando al emisor en una localización externa\n" -+msgstr "buscando al emisor en una localización externa\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:546 - #, c-format -@@ -7212,17 +7213,17 @@ msgstr "numero de emisores coincidentes: %d\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:590 - msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" --msgstr "buscando emisor en el caché de Dirmngr\n" -+msgstr "buscando emisor en el caché de Dirmngr\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:614 - #, c-format - msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" --msgstr "número de certificados coincidentes: %d\n" -+msgstr "número de certificados coincidentes: %d\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:616 - #, c-format - msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" --msgstr "fallo buscando la clave sólo caché de dirmngr: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo buscando la clave sólo caché de dirmngr: %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 - #: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 -@@ -7240,12 +7241,12 @@ msgstr "el estado del certificado es desconocido" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1003 - msgid "please make sure that the \"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n" --msgstr "por favor asegúrese de que \"dirmngr\" está bien instalado\n" -+msgstr "asegúrese de que \"dirmngr\" está bien instalado\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1009 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" --msgstr "la comprobación de CRL falló: %s" -+msgstr "la comprobación de CRL falló: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 - #, c-format -@@ -7254,15 +7255,15 @@ msgstr "validez del certificado incorrecta: %s" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 - msgid "certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "el certificado aún no es válido" -+msgstr "el certificado aún no es válido" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 - msgid "root certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "el certificado raíz no es válido aún" -+msgstr "el certificado raíz no es válido aún" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 - msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" --msgstr "el certificado intermedio aún no es válido" -+msgstr "el certificado intermedio aún no es válido" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1068 - msgid "certificate has expired" -@@ -7270,7 +7271,7 @@ msgstr "certificado caducado" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1069 - msgid "root certificate has expired" --msgstr "el certificado raíz ha caducado" -+msgstr "el certificado raíz ha caducado" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1070 - msgid "intermediate certificate has expired" -@@ -7308,11 +7309,11 @@ msgstr " (certificado creado en " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1169 - msgid " (certificate valid from " --msgstr " (certificado válido desde " -+msgstr " (certificado válido desde " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1170 - msgid " ( issuer valid from " --msgstr " ( emisor válido desde " -+msgstr " ( emisor válido desde " - - #: sm/certchain.c:1200 - #, c-format -@@ -7321,19 +7322,20 @@ msgstr "huella dactilar=%s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1209 - msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" --msgstr "certificado raíz marcado ahora como fiable\n" -+msgstr "certificado raíz marcado ahora como fiable\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1222 - msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" --msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fiable no está activado en gpg-agent\n" -+msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fiable no está activado en gpg-agent\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1228 - msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" --msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fíable desactivado en esta sesión\n" -+msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fíable desactivado en esta sesión\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1285 - msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" --msgstr "AVISO: fecha de creación de firma desconocida - asumo momento actual" -+msgstr "" -+"ATENCIÓN: fecha de creación de firma desconocida - asumo momento actual" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1349 - msgid "no issuer found in certificate" -@@ -7345,12 +7347,12 @@ msgstr "certificado auto firmado con firma INCORRECTA" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1491 - msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" --msgstr "el certificado raíz no está marcado como fiable" -+msgstr "el certificado raíz no está marcado como fiable" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1504 - #, c-format - msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" --msgstr "la comprobación de la lista de confianza falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "la comprobación de la lista de confianza falló: %s\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 - msgid "certificate chain too long\n" -@@ -7371,7 +7373,7 @@ msgstr "encontrado otro posible certificado de CA coincidente - reintentando" - #: sm/certchain.c:1660 - #, c-format - msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" --msgstr "cadena de certificados más larga de lo que permite la CA (%d)" -+msgstr "cadena de certificados más larga de lo que permite la CA (%d)" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 - msgid "certificate is good\n" -@@ -7383,7 +7385,7 @@ msgstr "certificado intermedio correcto\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1702 - msgid "root certificate is good\n" --msgstr "certificado raíz correcto\n" -+msgstr "certificado raíz correcto\n" - - #: sm/certchain.c:1873 - msgid "switching to chain model" -@@ -7392,7 +7394,7 @@ msgstr "cambiando al modelo en cadena" - #: sm/certchain.c:1882 - #, c-format - msgid "validation model used: %s" --msgstr "modelo de validación usado: %s" -+msgstr "modelo de validación usado: %s" - - #: sm/certcheck.c:97 - #, c-format -@@ -7414,7 +7416,7 @@ msgstr "ninguno" - - #: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 - msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" --msgstr "[Error - codificación inválida]" -+msgstr "[Error - codificación inválida]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 - msgid "[Error - out of core]" -@@ -7426,7 +7428,7 @@ msgstr "[Error - Sin nombre]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 - msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" --msgstr "[Error - DN inválido]" -+msgstr "[Error - DN inválido]" - - #: sm/certdump.c:948 - #, c-format -@@ -7437,8 +7439,8 @@ msgid "" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "created %s, expires %s.\n" - msgstr "" --"Por favor introduzca la frase de paso para desbloquear la clave secretadel " --"certificado X.509\n" -+"Introduzca la frase de paso para desbloquear la clave secretadel certificado " -+"X.509\n" - "\"%s\"\n" - "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" - "created %s, expires %s.\n" -@@ -7450,27 +7452,23 @@ msgstr "no se especifica uso de la clave - asumiendo todos los usos\n" - #: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" --msgstr "error obteniendo información sobre uso de la clave: %s\n" -+msgstr "error obteniendo información sobre uso de la clave: %s\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:142 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" --msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para certificar\n" -+msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para certificar\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:154 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" --msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firma en respuesta OCSP\n" -+msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firma en respuesta OCSP\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:165 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" --msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para cifrar\n" -+msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para cifrar\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:166 --#, fuzzy - msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" --msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firmar\n" -+msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firmar\n" - - #: sm/certlist.c:167 - msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" -@@ -7483,55 +7481,55 @@ msgstr "el certificado no es utilizable para firmar\n" - #: sm/certreqgen.c:474 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid algorithm\n" --msgstr "línea %d: algoritmo inválido\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: algoritmo inválido\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:487 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" --msgstr "línea %d: longitud de clave inválida %u (válidas de %d a %d)\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: longitud de clave inválida %u (válidas de %d a %d)\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: no subject name given\n" --msgstr "línea %d: falta nombre de entidad\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: falta nombre de entidad\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:514 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" --msgstr "línea %d: etiqueta con nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: etiqueta con nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:517 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" --msgstr "línea %d: nombre de entidad inválida `%s' posición %d\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: nombre de entidad inválida `%s' posición %d\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:534 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: not a valid email address\n" --msgstr "línea %d: no es una dirección de email válida\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: no es una dirección de email válida\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:546 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: error reading key `%s' from card: %s\n" --msgstr "línea %d: error leyendo clave `%s' de la tarjeta: %s\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: error leyendo clave `%s' de la tarjeta: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:558 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "línea %d: error obteniendo clave con keygrip `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: error obteniendo clave con keygrip `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:574 - #, c-format - msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" --msgstr "línea %d: generación de clave fallida: %s <%s>\n" -+msgstr "línea %d: generación de clave fallida: %s <%s>\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen.c:806 - msgid "" - "To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " - "you just created once more.\n" - msgstr "" --"Para completar este certificado introduzca por favor la frase contraseñapara " --"la clave que acaba de crear una vez más.\n" -+"Para completar este certificado introduzca la contraseñapara la clave que " -+"acaba de crear una vez más.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 - #, c-format -@@ -7554,7 +7552,7 @@ msgstr "Introduzca keygrip: " - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 - msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" --msgstr "No es un keygrip válido (se esperaban 40 dígitos hex)\n" -+msgstr "No es un keygrip válido (se esperaban 40 dígitos hex)\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 - msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" -@@ -7568,7 +7566,7 @@ msgstr "error leyendo la tarjeta: %s\n" - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 - #, c-format - msgid "Serial number of the card: %s\n" --msgstr "Número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" -+msgstr "Número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 - msgid "Available keys:\n" -@@ -7600,12 +7598,12 @@ msgstr "Introduzca nombre de entidad para X.509" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:307 - msgid "No subject name given\n" --msgstr "No se dió nombre de entidad\n" -+msgstr "No se dió nombre de entidad\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" --msgstr "Etiqueta de nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" -+msgstr "Etiqueta de nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" - - #. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the - #. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please -@@ -7615,7 +7613,7 @@ msgstr "Etiqueta de nombre de entidad inv - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 - #, c-format - msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" --msgstr "Nombre de entidad inválido `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Nombre de entidad inválido `%s'\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 - msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" -@@ -7623,11 +7621,11 @@ msgstr "28 visto por el traductor hasta la comilla inclusive" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:334 - msgid "Enter email addresses" --msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " -+msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:335 - msgid " (end with an empty line):\n" --msgstr " (termine con una línea en blanco):\n" -+msgstr " (termine con una línea en blanco):\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:339 - msgid "Enter DNS names" -@@ -7635,7 +7633,7 @@ msgstr "Introduzca nombres de DNS" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:340 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:345 - msgid " (optional; end with an empty line):\n" --msgstr " (opcional; acabe con una línea en blanco):\n" -+msgstr " (opcional; acabe con una línea en blanco):\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:344 - msgid "Enter URIs" -@@ -7643,15 +7641,15 @@ msgstr "Introduzca URIs" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 - msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" --msgstr "Parámetros que se usarán para pedir certificados:\n" -+msgstr "Parámetros que se usarán para pedir certificados:\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 - msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" --msgstr "Creando una petición de certificado. Puede llevar un rato ...\n" -+msgstr "Creando una petición de certificado. Puede llevar un rato ...\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 - msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" --msgstr "Acabado. Debería mandar esta petición a su CA.\n" -+msgstr "Acabado. Debería mandar esta petición a su CA.\n" - - #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 - msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" -@@ -7692,7 +7690,7 @@ msgstr "borrado del certificado \"%s\" fallido: %s\n" - - #: sm/encrypt.c:321 - msgid "no valid recipients given\n" --msgstr "no se dieron receptores válidos\n" -+msgstr "no se dieron receptores válidos\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:197 - msgid "list external keys" -@@ -7740,7 +7738,7 @@ msgstr "asumir entrada en formato binario" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:244 - msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" --msgstr "usar el dirmngr del sistema si está disponible" -+msgstr "usar el dirmngr del sistema si está disponible" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:247 - msgid "never consult a CRL" -@@ -7752,15 +7750,15 @@ msgstr "comprabar validez usando OCSP" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:262 - msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" --msgstr "|N|número de certificados que incluir" -+msgstr "|N|número de certificados que incluir" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 - msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" --msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar política de información de FICHERO" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar política de información de FICHERO" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 - msgid "do not check certificate policies" --msgstr "no comprobar políticas de certificados" -+msgstr "no comprobar políticas de certificados" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:272 - msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" -@@ -7776,21 +7774,21 @@ msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir un log en modo servidor en FICHERO" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 - msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" --msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir inform de auditoría a FICHERO" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir inform de auditoría a FICHERO" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 - msgid "batch mode: never ask" - msgstr "proceso por lotes: nunca preguntar" - - # assume -> suponer, no asumir --# No estoy seguro. El diccionario Collins en la acepción b) de asumir -+# No estoy seguro. El diccionario Collins en la acepción b) de asumir - # dice "b) (suponer) to assume, suppose..." --# Además una de las acepciones de asumir es "aceptar algo" y suponer --# viene a ser asumir una idea como propia. Suponer "sí" en casi todas las -+# Además una de las acepciones de asumir es "aceptar algo" y suponer -+# viene a ser asumir una idea como propia. Suponer "sí" en casi todas las - # preguntas no me acaba de gustar. - #: sm/gpgsm.c:294 - msgid "assume yes on most questions" --msgstr "asume \"sí\" en casi todas las preguntas" -+msgstr "asume \"sí\" en casi todas las preguntas" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:295 - msgid "assume no on most questions" -@@ -7798,11 +7796,11 @@ msgstr "asume \"no\" en casi todas las preguntas" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 - msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" --msgstr "|FICHERO|añade este anillo a la lista de anillos" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|añade este almacén a la lista de almacenes" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 - msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" --msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|usa ID-USUARIO como clave secreta por defecto" -+msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|utiliza ID-USUARIO como clave secreta predeterminada" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 - msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" -@@ -7821,7 +7819,6 @@ msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" - msgstr "Uso: gpgsm [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 --#, fuzzy - msgid "" - "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" - "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -@@ -7829,7 +7826,7 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpgsm [opciones] [ficheros]\n" - "firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra usando protocolo S/MIME\n" --"la operación por defecto depende de los datos de entrada\n" -+"la operación predeterminada depende de los datos de entrada\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:617 - msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " -@@ -7838,12 +7835,12 @@ msgstr "uso: gpgsm [opciones] " - #: sm/gpgsm.c:739 - #, c-format - msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" --msgstr "NOTA: no se podrá cifrar a `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "NOTA: no se podrá cifrar a `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:750 - #, c-format - msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" --msgstr "modelo de validación desconocido `%s'\n" -+msgstr "modelo de validación desconocido `%s'\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:801 - #, c-format -@@ -7853,12 +7850,12 @@ msgstr "%s:%u: falta el nombre del host\n" - #: sm/gpgsm.c:820 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: se dio contraseña sin usuario\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: se dio contraseña sin usuario\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:841 - #, c-format - msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" --msgstr "%s:%u: omitir esta línea\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: omitir esta línea\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 - msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" -@@ -7866,7 +7863,7 @@ msgstr "no se puede interpretar el servidor de claves\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 - msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " --msgstr "AVISO: ejecutándose con hora del sistema falsificada" -+msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ejecutándose con hora del sistema falsificada" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 - #, c-format -@@ -7880,7 +7877,7 @@ msgstr "no puedo firmar usando `%s': %s\n" - - #: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 - msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" --msgstr "orden inválida (no hay orden implícita)\n" -+msgstr "orden inválida (no hay orden implícita)\n" - - #: sm/import.c:111 - #, c-format -@@ -7893,12 +7890,12 @@ msgstr "error almacenando certificado\n" - - #: sm/import.c:238 - msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" --msgstr "fallaron comprobaciones básicas sobre el certificado - no importado\n" -+msgstr "fallaron comprobaciones básicas sobre el certificado - no importado\n" - - #: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 - #, c-format - msgid "error getting stored flags: %s\n" --msgstr "error obteniendo parámetros almacenados: %s\n" -+msgstr "error obteniendo parámetros almacenados: %s\n" - - #: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 - #, c-format -@@ -7947,7 +7944,7 @@ msgstr "problema re-buscando el certificado: %s\n" - #: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 - #, c-format - msgid "error storing flags: %s\n" --msgstr "error almacenando parámetros: %s\n" -+msgstr "error almacenando parámetros: %s\n" - - #: sm/keylist.c:642 - msgid "Error - " -@@ -7955,17 +7952,19 @@ msgstr "Error - " - - #: sm/misc.c:55 - msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" --msgstr "GPG_TTY no tiene valor - usando valor por defecto quizá absurdo\n" -+msgstr "" -+"«GPG_TTY» no tiene valor - utilizar el valor predeterminado puede ser " -+"absurdo\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:105 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "formato inválido de huella dactilar en `%s', línea %d\n" -+msgstr "formato inválido de huella dactilar en `%s', línea %d\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:123 - #, c-format - msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" --msgstr "código de país inválido en `%s', línea %d\n" -+msgstr "código de país inválido en `%s', línea %d\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:202 - #, c-format -@@ -7977,18 +7976,18 @@ msgid "" - "\n" - "%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" - msgstr "" --"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" -+"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" - "\"%s\"\n" --"Esto creará una firma válida ante la ley e igual a una firma manuscrita\n" -+"Esto creará una firma válida ante la ley e igual a una firma manuscrita\n" - "\n" --"%s%sEstá realmente seguro de querer hacer esto?" -+"%s%sEstá realmente seguro de querer hacer esto?" - - #: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 - msgid "" - "Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " - "signatures.\n" - msgstr "" --"Observe que este programa no está oficialmente aprobado para crear " -+"Observe que este programa no está oficialmente aprobado para crear " - "overificar tales firmas.\n" - - #: sm/qualified.c:278 -@@ -7998,9 +7997,9 @@ msgid "" - "\"%s\"\n" - "Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" - msgstr "" --"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" -+"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" - "\"%s\"\n" --"¡Observe que este certificado NO creará una firma cualificada!" -+"¡Observe que este certificado NO creará una firma cualificada!" - - #: sm/sign.c:449 - #, c-format -@@ -8015,7 +8014,7 @@ msgstr "algoritmo de hash usado para el firmante %d: %s (%s)\n" - #: sm/sign.c:513 - #, c-format - msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" --msgstr "la comprobación de la firma cualificada falló: %s\n" -+msgstr "la comprobación de la firma cualificada falló: %s\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:449 - msgid "Signature made " -@@ -8033,7 +8032,7 @@ msgstr "usando el certificado ID 0x%08lX\n" - #: sm/verify.c:473 - msgid "" - "invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" --msgstr "firma inválida: el resumen del mensaje no coincide con el calculado\n" -+msgstr "firma inválida: el resumen del mensaje no coincide con el calculado\n" - - #: sm/verify.c:594 - msgid "Good signature from" -@@ -8057,7 +8056,7 @@ msgstr "escribir datos de salida en hexadecimal" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:72 - msgid "decode received data lines" --msgstr "decodificar líneas de datos recibidos" -+msgstr "decodificar líneas de datos recibidos" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 - msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" -@@ -8065,15 +8064,15 @@ msgstr "|NOMBRE|conectar al socket Assuan NOMBRE" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 - msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" --msgstr "ejecutar el servidor Assuan indicando en línea de órdenes" -+msgstr "ejecutar el servidor Assuan indicando en línea de órdenes" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 - msgid "do not use extended connect mode" --msgstr "no usar el modo de conexión extendido" -+msgstr "no usar el modo de conexión extendido" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 - msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" --msgstr "|FICHERO|ejecuta órdenes de FICHERO al empezar" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|ejecuta órdenes de FICHERO al empezar" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 - msgid "run /subst on startup" -@@ -8089,30 +8088,30 @@ msgid "" - "Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpg-connect-agent [opciones]\n" --"Conectar a un agente que se está ejecutando y mandar órdenes\n" -+"Conectar a un agente que se está ejecutando y mandar órdenes\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" --msgstr "la opción \"%s\" necesita un programa y parámetros opcionales\n" -+msgstr "la opción \"%s\" necesita un programa y parámetros opcionales\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 - #, c-format - msgid "option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n" --msgstr "la opción \"%s\" se ignora por \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "la opción \"%s\" se ignora por \"%s\"\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 - #, c-format - msgid "receiving line failed: %s\n" --msgstr "fallo recibiendo la línea: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo recibiendo la línea: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 - msgid "line too long - skipped\n" --msgstr "línea demasiado larga -omitida\n" -+msgstr "línea demasiado larga -omitida\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 - msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" --msgstr "línea acortada por culpa del caracter Nul incluído\n" -+msgstr "línea acortada por culpa del caracter Nul incluído\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 - #, c-format -@@ -8122,7 +8121,7 @@ msgstr "orden desconocida `%s'\n" - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1761 - #, c-format - msgid "sending line failed: %s\n" --msgstr "fallo mandando la línea: %s\n" -+msgstr "fallo mandando la línea: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 - #, c-format -@@ -8132,22 +8131,22 @@ msgstr "error enviando orden %s: %s\n" - #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 - #, c-format - msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" --msgstr "error enviando opciones estándar: %s\n" -+msgstr "error enviando opciones estándar: %s\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 - msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" --msgstr "Opciones que controlan la salida de diagnósticos" -+msgstr "Opciones que controlan la salida de diagnósticos" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 - msgid "Options controlling the configuration" --msgstr "Opciones que controlan la configuración" -+msgstr "Opciones que controlan la configuración" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 - msgid "Options useful for debugging" --msgstr "Opciones útiles para el depurado" -+msgstr "Opciones útiles para el depurado" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 -@@ -8164,47 +8163,47 @@ msgstr "|N|las claves SSH caducan en N segundos" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 - msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima del caché de PIN en N segundos" -+msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima del caché de PIN en N segundos" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 - msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" --msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima de la clave SSH en N segundos" -+msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima de la clave SSH en N segundos" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 - msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" --msgstr "Opciones que fuerzan una política de frases contraseña" -+msgstr "Opciones que fuerzan una política de frases contraseña" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 - msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" --msgstr "no permitir evitar la política de frases contraseña" -+msgstr "no permitir evitar la política de frases contraseña" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 - msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" --msgstr "|N|establecer longitud mínima para nuevas frases contraseña en N" -+msgstr "|N|establecer longitud mínima para nuevas frases contraseña en N" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 - msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" --msgstr "|N|pedir al menos N caracteres no alfabéticos para nuevas contraseñas" -+msgstr "|N|pedir al menos N caracteres no alfabéticos para nuevas contraseñas" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 - msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" --msgstr "|FICHERO|comprobar nuevas frases contraseña con el patrón en FICHERO" -+msgstr "|FICHERO|comprobar nuevas frases contraseña con el patrón en FICHERO" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 - msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" --msgstr "|N|frase contraseña caduca tras N días" -+msgstr "|N|contraseña caduca tras N días" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 - msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" --msgstr "no permite reusar antiguas frases contraseña" -+msgstr "no permite reusar antiguas frases contraseña" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 - msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" --msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa NOMBRE como clave secreta por defecto" -+msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa NOMBRE como clave secreta predeterminada" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 - msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" --msgstr "|NOMBRE|cifra para el ususario NOMBRE también" -+msgstr "|NOMBRE|cifra para el ususario NOMBRE también" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 - msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -@@ -8212,7 +8211,7 @@ msgstr "|ESPEC|establecer alias de email" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 - msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" --msgstr "Configuración para servidores de claves" -+msgstr "Configuración para servidores de claves" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 - msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" -@@ -8220,7 +8219,7 @@ msgstr "|URL|usar servidor de claves en URL" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 - msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" --msgstr "permitir búsquedas PKA (peticiones DNS)" -+msgstr "permitir búsquedas PKA (peticiones DNS)" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 - msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" -@@ -8232,11 +8231,11 @@ msgstr "prohibir todo acceso al dirmngr" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 - msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" --msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa la codificación NOMBRE para frases contraseña PKCS#12" -+msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa la codificación NOMBRE para frases contraseña PKCS#12" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 - msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" --msgstr "no comprobar CRLs para certificados raíz" -+msgstr "no comprobar CRLs para certificados raíz" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 - msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" -@@ -8244,19 +8243,19 @@ msgstr "Opciones que controlan el formato de la salida" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 - msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" --msgstr "Opciones que controlan la interactividad y obligación" -+msgstr "Opciones que controlan la interactividad y obligación" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 - msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" --msgstr "Configuración de servidores HTTP" -+msgstr "Configuración de servidores HTTP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 - msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" --msgstr "usar configuración del proxy HTTP del sistema" -+msgstr "usar configuración del proxy HTTP del sistema" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 - msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" --msgstr "Configuración de servidores LDAP que se usará" -+msgstr "Configuración de servidores LDAP que se usará" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 - msgid "LDAP server list" -@@ -8264,16 +8263,16 @@ msgstr "lista de servidores LDAP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 - msgid "Configuration for OCSP" --msgstr "Configuración de OCSP" -+msgstr "Configuración de OCSP" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 - #, c-format - msgid "External verification of component %s failed" --msgstr "Verificación externa del componente %s fallida" -+msgstr "Verificación externa del componente %s fallida" - - #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 - msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" --msgstr "Note que las especificación de grupo se ignoran\n" -+msgstr "Note que las especificación de grupo se ignoran\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:62 - msgid "list all components" -@@ -8297,19 +8296,19 @@ msgstr "|COMPONENTE|comprobar opciones" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:68 - msgid "apply global default values" --msgstr "aplicar valores globales por defecto" -+msgstr "aplicar valores globales predeterminados" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:70 - msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" --msgstr "obtener directorios de configuración para gpgconf" -+msgstr "obtener directorios de configuración para gpgconf" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:72 - msgid "list global configuration file" --msgstr "listar fichero de configuración global" -+msgstr "listar fichero de configuración global" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:74 - msgid "check global configuration file" --msgstr "comprobar fichero global de configuración" -+msgstr "comprobar fichero global de configuración" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:79 - msgid "use as output file" -@@ -8317,7 +8316,7 @@ msgstr "usa como fichero de salida" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:83 - msgid "activate changes at runtime, if possible" --msgstr "activar cambios en tiempo de ejecución, si es posible" -+msgstr "activar cambios en tiempo de ejecución, si es posible" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:105 - msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -8329,7 +8328,7 @@ msgid "" - "Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpgconf [opciones]\n" --"Administrar opciones de configuración de las herramientas GnuPG\n" -+"Administrar opciones de configuración de las herramientas GnuPG\n" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 - msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " -@@ -8345,12 +8344,12 @@ msgstr "Componente no encontrado" - - #: tools/gpgconf.c:284 - msgid "No argument allowed" --msgstr "No se permiten parámetros" -+msgstr "No se permiten parámetros" - --# Órdenes, please... --# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se --# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? --# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) -+# Órdenes, please... -+# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se -+# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? -+# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:154 - msgid "" - "@\n" -@@ -8358,7 +8357,7 @@ msgid "" - " " - msgstr "" - "@\n" --"Órdenes:\n" -+"Órdenes:\n" - " " - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:156 -@@ -8383,7 +8382,7 @@ msgstr "fichero de clave secreta (requerido)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 - msgid "input file name (default stdin)" --msgstr "nombre del fichero de entrada (por defecto stdin)" -+msgstr "nombre del fichero de entrada (predeterminado stdin)" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 - msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" -@@ -8397,17 +8396,17 @@ msgid "" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: symcryptrun --class CLASE --program PROGRAMA --keyfile FICHERO " - "[opciones...] ORDEN [fichero entrada]\n" --"Invocar una herramienta simple de cifrado simétrico\n" -+"Invocar una herramienta simple de cifrado simétrico\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 - #, c-format - msgid "%s on %s aborted with status %i\n" --msgstr "%s en %s abortó con estado %i\n" -+msgstr "%s en %s abortó con estado %i\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:288 - #, c-format - msgid "%s on %s failed with status %i\n" --msgstr "%s en %s falló con estado %i\n" -+msgstr "%s en %s falló con estado %i\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:314 - #, c-format -@@ -8436,24 +8435,24 @@ msgstr "error cerrando %s: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:488 - msgid "no --program option provided\n" --msgstr "falta la opción --program\n" -+msgstr "falta la opción --program\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:494 - msgid "only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n" --msgstr "sólo pueden usarse --decrypt y --encrypt\n" -+msgstr "sólo pueden usarse --decrypt y --encrypt\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:500 - msgid "no --keyfile option provided\n" --msgstr "falta la opción --keyfile\n" -+msgstr "falta la opción --keyfile\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 - msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" --msgstr "no puedo reservar espacio para el vector de parámetros\n" -+msgstr "no puedo reservar espacio para el vector de parámetros\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 - #, c-format - msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" --msgstr "no se pudo crear la tubería: %s\n" -+msgstr "no se pudo crear la tubería: %s\n" - - #: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 - #, c-format -@@ -8530,8 +8529,14 @@ msgid "" - "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" - msgstr "" - "Sintaxis: gpg-check-pattern [opciones] fichero_de_patrones\n" --"Compara frase contraseña dada en entrada estándar con un fichero de " --"patrones\n" -+"Compara contraseña dada en entrada estándar con un fichero de patrones\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "no actualiza la base de datos de confianza después de importar" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "ATENCIÓN: ¡no es una firma separada, no se verificó el fichero «%s»!\n" - - #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" - #~ msgstr "puede que quiera ejecutar gpg-agent antes\n" -@@ -8547,7 +8552,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #~ msgid "the trustdb is corrupted; please run \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "La base de datos de confianza está dañada. Por favor, ejecute\n" -+#~ "La base de datos de confianza está dañada. Por favor, ejecute\n" - #~ "\"gpg --fix-trust-db\".\n" - - #~ msgid "Please report bugs to .\n" -@@ -8557,13 +8562,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "Por favor, informe de \"bugs\" a " - - #~ msgid "DSA keypair will have %u bits.\n" --#~ msgstr "El par de claves DSA tendrá %u bits.\n" -+#~ msgstr "El par de claves DSA tendrá %u bits.\n" - - #~ msgid "this command has not yet been implemented\n" --#~ msgstr "esta orden no está aún implementada\n" -+#~ msgstr "esta orden no está aún implementada\n" - - #~ msgid "Repeat passphrase\n" --#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña\n" -+#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña\n" - - #~ msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" - #~ msgstr "" -@@ -8579,7 +8584,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "Bibliotecas utilizadas:" - - #~ msgid "|algo [files]|print message digests" --#~ msgstr "|algo [ficheros]|imprime resúmenes de mensaje" -+#~ msgstr "|algo [ficheros]|imprime resúmenes de mensaje" - - #~ msgid "generate PGP 2.x compatible messages" - #~ msgstr "generar mensajes compatibles con PGP 2.x" -@@ -8603,19 +8608,19 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "siempre usa un MDC para cifrar" - - #~ msgid "add this secret keyring to the list" --#~ msgstr "añade este anillo secreto a la lista" -+#~ msgstr "añade este anillo secreto a la lista" - - #~ msgid "|NAME|set terminal charset to NAME" - #~ msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa el juego de caracteres NOMBRE" - - #~ msgid "|FILE|load extension module FILE" --#~ msgstr "|FICHERO|carga módulo de extensiones FICHERO" -+#~ msgstr "|FICHERO|carga módulo de extensiones FICHERO" - - #~ msgid "|N|use compress algorithm N" --#~ msgstr "|N|usa el algoritmo de compresión N" -+#~ msgstr "|N|usa el algoritmo de compresión N" - - #~ msgid "remove key from the public keyring" --#~ msgstr "elimina clave del anillo público" -+#~ msgstr "elimina clave del anillo público" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported\n" -@@ -8623,11 +8628,11 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "nothing\n" - #~ "to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Está en su mano asignar un valor aquí. Dicho valor nunca será exportado " -+#~ "Está en su mano asignar un valor aquí. Dicho valor nunca será exportado " - #~ "a\n" - #~ "terceros. Es necesario para implementar la red de confianza, no tiene " - #~ "nada\n" --#~ "que ver con la red de certificados (implícitamente creada)." -+#~ "que ver con la red de certificados (implícitamente creada)." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are\n" -@@ -8635,15 +8640,15 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "access to the secret key. Answer \"yes\" to set this key to\n" - #~ "ultimately trusted\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Para construir la Red-de-Confianza, GnuPG necesita saber qué claves\n" -+#~ "Para construir la Red-de-Confianza, GnuPG necesita saber qué claves\n" - #~ "tienen confianza absoluta - normalmente son las claves para las que " - #~ "usted\n" --#~ "puede acceder a la clave secreta. Conteste \"sí\" para hacer que esta\n" -+#~ "puede acceder a la clave secreta. Conteste \"sí\" para hacer que esta\n" - #~ "clave se considere como de total confianza\n" - - #~ msgid "If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer \"yes\"." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Si quiere usar esta clave no fiable de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." -+#~ "Si quiere usar esta clave no fiable de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message." -@@ -8663,10 +8668,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "Seleccione el algoritmo que usar.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "DSA (alias DSS) es el Algoritmo de Firma Digital y sólo se usa para " -+#~ "DSA (alias DSS) es el Algoritmo de Firma Digital y sólo se usa para " - #~ "firmas.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "Elgamal es un algoritmo sólo para cifrar.\n" -+#~ "Elgamal es un algoritmo sólo para cifrar.\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ "RSA sirve tanto para firmar como para cifrar.\n" - #~ "\n" -@@ -8679,14 +8684,14 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "Please consult your security expert first." - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "En general no es una buena idea usar la misma clave para firmar y\n" --#~ "cifrar. Este algoritmo debéria usarse solo en ciertos contextos.\n" -+#~ "cifrar. Este algoritmo debéria usarse solo en ciertos contextos.\n" - #~ "Por favor consulte primero a un experto en seguridad." - - #~ msgid "Enter the size of the key" - #~ msgstr "Introduzca la longitud de la clave" - - #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" or \"no\"" --#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" o \"no\"" -+#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" o \"no\"" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.\n" -@@ -8695,17 +8700,17 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "the given value as an interval." - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "Introduzca el valor requerido conforme se muestra.\n" --#~ "Es posible introducir una fecha ISO (AAAA-MM-DD), pero no se obtendrá " -+#~ "Es posible introducir una fecha ISO (AAAA-MM-DD), pero no se obtendrá " - #~ "una\n" --#~ "buena respuesta a los errores; el sistema intentará interpretar el valor\n" -+#~ "buena respuesta a los errores; el sistema intentará interpretar el valor\n" - #~ "introducido como un intervalo." - - #~ msgid "Enter the name of the key holder" --#~ msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del dueño de la clave" -+#~ msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del dueño de la clave" - - #~ msgid "please enter an optional but highly suggested email address" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico (opcional pero muy\n" -+#~ "Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico (opcional pero muy\n" - #~ "recomendable)" - - #~ msgid "Please enter an optional comment" -@@ -8720,13 +8725,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "N para cambiar el nombre.\n" - #~ "C para cambiar el comentario.\n" --#~ "E para cambiar la dirección.\n" --#~ "O para continuar con la generación de clave.\n" --#~ "S para interrumpir la generación de clave." -+#~ "E para cambiar la dirección.\n" -+#~ "O para continuar con la generación de clave.\n" -+#~ "S para interrumpir la generación de clave." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Answer \"yes\" (or just \"y\") if it is okay to generate the sub key." --#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" (o sólo \"s\") para generar la subclave." -+#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" (o sólo \"s\") para generar la subclave." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key\n" -@@ -8771,36 +8776,36 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "\n" - #~ "If you don't know what the right answer is, answer \"0\"." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Cuando firme un ID de usuario en una clave, debería verificar que la " -+#~ "Cuando firme un ID de usuario en una clave, debería verificar que la " - #~ "clave\n" --#~ "pertenece a la persona que se nombra en el ID de usuario. Es útil para\n" --#~ "otros saber cómo de cuidadosamente lo ha verificado.\n" -+#~ "pertenece a la persona que se nombra en el ID de usuario. Es útil para\n" -+#~ "otros saber cómo de cuidadosamente lo ha verificado.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "\"0\" significa que no hace ninguna declaración concreta sobre como ha\n" -+#~ "\"0\" significa que no hace ninguna declaración concreta sobre como ha\n" - #~ " comprobado la validez de la clave.\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ "\"1\" significa que cree que la clave pertenece a la persona que declara\n" --#~ " poseerla pero no pudo o no verificó la clave en absoluto. Esto es " --#~ "útil\n" --#~ " para una verificación en persona cuando firmas la clave de un " -+#~ " poseerla pero no pudo o no verificó la clave en absoluto. Esto es " -+#~ "útil\n" -+#~ " para una verificación en persona cuando firmas la clave de un " - #~ "usuario\n" --#~ " pseudoanónimo.\n" -+#~ " pseudoanónimo.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "\"2\" significa que hizo una comprobación informal de la clave. Por " -+#~ "\"2\" significa que hizo una comprobación informal de la clave. Por " - #~ "ejemplo\n" --#~ " podría querer decir que comprobó la huella dactilar de la clave y\n" --#~ " comprobó el ID de usuario en la clave con un ID fotográfico.\n" -+#~ " podría querer decir que comprobó la huella dactilar de la clave y\n" -+#~ " comprobó el ID de usuario en la clave con un ID fotográfico.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "\"3\" significa que hizo una comprobación exhaustiva de la clave. Por\n" -+#~ "\"3\" significa que hizo una comprobación exhaustiva de la clave. Por\n" - #~ " ejemplo verificando la huella dactilar de la clave con el " - #~ "propietario\n" --#~ " de la clave, y que comprobó, mediante un documento difícil de " -+#~ " de la clave, y que comprobó, mediante un documento difícil de " - #~ "falsificar\n" --#~ " con ID fotográfico (como un pasaporte) que el nombre del poseedor " -+#~ " con ID fotográfico (como un pasaporte) que el nombre del poseedor " - #~ "de la\n" - #~ " clave coincide con el ID de usuario en la clave y finalmente que " --#~ "verificó\n" --#~ " (intercambiando email) que la dirección de email de la clave " -+#~ "verificó\n" -+#~ " (intercambiando email) que la dirección de email de la clave " - #~ "pertenece\n" - #~ " al poseedor de la clave.\n" - #~ "\n" -@@ -8809,30 +8814,30 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "\"\n" - #~ "para usted cuando firma las claves de otros.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "Si no sabe qué contestar, conteste \"0\"." -+#~ "Si no sabe qué contestar, conteste \"0\"." - - #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs" --#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere firmar TODOS los IDs de usuario" -+#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere firmar TODOS los IDs de usuario" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Answer \"yes\" if you really want to delete this user ID.\n" - #~ "All certificates are then also lost!" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Responda \"sí\" si realmente quiere borrar este ID de usuario.\n" --#~ "¡También se perderán todos los certificados!" -+#~ "Responda \"sí\" si realmente quiere borrar este ID de usuario.\n" -+#~ "¡También se perderán todos los certificados!" - - #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to delete the subkey" --#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere borrar esta subclave" -+#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere borrar esta subclave" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want\n" - #~ "to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a\n" - #~ "trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Esta es una firma válida de esta clave. Normalmente no será deseable\n" -+#~ "Esta es una firma válida de esta clave. Normalmente no será deseable\n" - #~ "borrar esta firma ya que puede ser importante para establecer una " --#~ "conexión\n" --#~ "de confianza con la clave o con otra clave certificada por ésta." -+#~ "conexión\n" -+#~ "de confianza con la clave o con otra clave certificada por ésta." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "This signature can't be checked because you don't have the\n" -@@ -8841,14 +8846,14 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "a trust connection through another already certified key." - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "Esta firma no puede ser comprobada porque no tiene Vd. la clave\n" --#~ "correspondiente. Debería posponer su borrado hasta conocer qué clave\n" --#~ "se usó, ya que dicha clave podría establecer una conexión de confianza\n" --#~ "a través de otra clave certificada." -+#~ "correspondiente. Debería posponer su borrado hasta conocer qué clave\n" -+#~ "se usó, ya que dicha clave podría establecer una conexión de confianza\n" -+#~ "a través de otra clave certificada." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from\n" - #~ "your keyring." --#~ msgstr "Esta firma no es válida. Tiene sentido borrarla de su anillo." -+#~ msgstr "Esta firma no es válida. Tiene sentido borrarla de su anillo." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is\n" -@@ -8858,31 +8863,31 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "a second one is available." - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "Esta es una firma que une el ID de usuario a la clave. No suele ser una\n" --#~ "buena idea borrar dichas firmas. De hecho, GnuPG podría no ser capaz de\n" --#~ "volver a usar esta clave. Así que bórrela tan sólo si esta autofirma no\n" --#~ "es válida por alguna razón y hay otra disponible." -+#~ "buena idea borrar dichas firmas. De hecho, GnuPG podría no ser capaz de\n" -+#~ "volver a usar esta clave. Así que bórrela tan sólo si esta autofirma no\n" -+#~ "es válida por alguna razón y hay otra disponible." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)\n" - #~ "to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected\n" - #~ "self-signatures will be advanced by one second.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Cambiar las preferencias de todos los IDs de usuario (o sólo los \n" -+#~ "Cambiar las preferencias de todos los IDs de usuario (o sólo los \n" - #~ "seleccionados) a la lista actual de preferencias. El sello de tiempo\n" --#~ "de todas las autofirmas afectadas se avanzará en un segundo.\n" -+#~ "de todas las autofirmas afectadas se avanzará en un segundo.\n" - - #~ msgid "Please enter the passhrase; this is a secret sentence \n" --#~ msgstr "Por favor introduzca la contraseña: una frase secreta \n" -+#~ msgstr "Por favor introduzca la contraseña: una frase secreta \n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in." --#~ msgstr "Repita la última frase contraseña para asegurarse de lo que tecleó." -+#~ msgstr "Repita la última frase contraseña para asegurarse de lo que tecleó." - - #~ msgid "Give the name of the file to which the signature applies" - #~ msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del fichero al que corresponde la firma" - - #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to overwrite the file" --#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" para sobreescribir el fichero" -+#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" para sobreescribir el fichero" - - # Sugerencia: ENTER -> INTRO. - # Aceptada. -@@ -8890,9 +8895,9 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default\n" - #~ "file (which is shown in brackets) will be used." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Introduzca un nuevo nombre de fichero. Si pulsa INTRO se usará el " -+#~ "Introduzca un nuevo nombre de fichero. Si pulsa INTRO se usará el " - #~ "fichero\n" --#~ "por omisión (mostrado entre corchetes)." -+#~ "por omisión (mostrado entre corchetes)." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the\n" -@@ -8908,42 +8913,42 @@ msgstr "" - #~ " Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;\n" - #~ " this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Debería especificar un motivo para la certificación. Dependiendo del\n" --#~ "contexto puede elegir una opción de esta lista:\n" -+#~ "Debería especificar un motivo para la certificación. Dependiendo del\n" -+#~ "contexto puede elegir una opción de esta lista:\n" - #~ " \"La clave ha sido comprometida\"\n" - #~ " Use esto si tiene razones para pensar que personas no autorizadas\n" - #~ " tuvieron acceso a su clave secreta.\n" - #~ " \"La clave ha sido sustituida\"\n" --#~ " Use esto si ha reemplazado la clave por otra más nueva.\n" --#~ " \"La clave ya no está en uso\"\n" -+#~ " Use esto si ha reemplazado la clave por otra más nueva.\n" -+#~ " \"La clave ya no está en uso\"\n" - #~ " Use esto si ha dejado de usar esta clave.\n" --#~ " \"La identificación de usuario ya no es válida\"\n" --#~ " Use esto para señalar que la identificación de usuario no debería\n" -+#~ " \"La identificación de usuario ya no es válida\"\n" -+#~ " Use esto para señalar que la identificación de usuario no debería\n" - #~ " seguir siendo usada; esto se utiliza normalmente para marcar una\n" --#~ " dirección de correo-e como inválida.\n" -+#~ " dirección de correo-e como inválida.\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this\n" - #~ "revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.\n" - #~ "An empty line ends the text.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Si lo desea puede introducir un texto explicando por qué emite\n" --#~ "este certificado de revocación. Por favor, que el texto sea breve.\n" --#~ "Una línea vacía pone fin al texto.\n" -+#~ "Si lo desea puede introducir un texto explicando por qué emite\n" -+#~ "este certificado de revocación. Por favor, que el texto sea breve.\n" -+#~ "Una línea vacía pone fin al texto.\n" - - #~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" --#~ msgstr "no uede poner datos de notación en claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" -+#~ msgstr "no uede poner datos de notación en claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" - - #~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) key signatures\n" - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "no se puede elegir una clave tipo PGP 2.x como revocador designado\n" - - #~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" --#~ msgstr "no puede poner URL de política en firmas v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" -+#~ msgstr "no puede poner URL de política en firmas v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" - - #~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 key (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "no puede poner URL de política en firmas de claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" -+#~ "no puede poner URL de política en firmas de claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "shelll" -@@ -8952,18 +8957,18 @@ msgstr "" - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "" - #~ "please see http://www.gnupg.org/download/iconv.html for more information\n" --#~ msgstr "por favor, vea http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html para más información\n" -+#~ msgstr "por favor, vea http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html para más información\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "key generation is not available from the commandline\n" --#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" -+#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "please use the script \"%s\" to generate a new key\n" - #~ msgstr "Por favor seleccione tipo de clave que generar:\n" - - #~ msgid "cipher extension `%s' not loaded due to unsafe permissions\n" --#~ msgstr "no se carga el cifrado de ampliación `%s' por permisos inseguros\n" -+#~ msgstr "no se carga el cifrado de ampliación `%s' por permisos inseguros\n" - - #~ msgid "DSA requires the use of a 160 bit hash algorithm\n" - #~ msgstr "DSA necesita un algoritmo de hash de 160 bits.\n" -@@ -8976,13 +8981,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "problema con el agente - inhabilitando el uso del agente\n" - - #~ msgid "can't query passphrase in batch mode\n" --#~ msgstr "imposible pedir frase contraseña en modo de proceso por lotes\n" -+#~ msgstr "imposible pedir frase contraseña en modo de proceso por lotes\n" - - #~ msgid "Enter passphrase: " --#~ msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña: " -+#~ msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña: " - - #~ msgid "Repeat passphrase: " --#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña: " -+#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña: " - - #~ msgid "-k[v][v][v][c] [user-id] [keyring]" - #~ msgstr "-k[v][v][v][c] [id-usuario] [anillo]" -@@ -8994,29 +8999,29 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "no se puede generar un primo con menos de %d bits\n" - - #~ msgid "no entropy gathering module detected\n" --#~ msgstr "no se ha detectado módulo acumulador de entropía\n" -+#~ msgstr "no se ha detectado módulo acumulador de entropía\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "can't lock `%s': %s\n" - #~ msgstr "no se puede bloquear `%s'\n" - - #~ msgid "can't stat `%s': %s\n" --#~ msgstr "no se puede obtener información de `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "no se puede obtener información de `%s': %s\n" - - # ignore no es ignorar, es no tener en cuenta, ignorar es not to know. - # Sugerencia: descartar. --# Sugerencia a la sugerencia: ¿qué tal omitido? (pasar en silencio una -+# Sugerencia a la sugerencia: ¿qué tal omitido? (pasar en silencio una - # cosa; excluirla de lo que se habla o escribe) dice el diccionario. --# Bien. También se puede poner "descartado". -+# Bien. También se puede poner "descartado". - #~ msgid "`%s' is not a regular file - ignored\n" - #~ msgstr "`%s` no es un fichero regular - descartado\n" - - #~ msgid "note: random_seed file is empty\n" --#~ msgstr "nota: el fichero de semillas aleatorias está vacío\n" -+#~ msgstr "nota: el fichero de semillas aleatorias está vacío\n" - - #~ msgid "WARNING: invalid size of random_seed file - not used\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "ATENCIÓN: tamaño incorrecto del fichero de semillas aleatorias - no se " -+#~ "ATENCIÓN: tamaño incorrecto del fichero de semillas aleatorias - no se " - #~ "usa\n" - - #~ msgid "can't read `%s': %s\n" -@@ -9032,7 +9037,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "no se puede cerrar `%s': %s\n" - - #~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure random number generator!!\n" --#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡usando un generador de números aleatorios inseguro!\n" -+#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡usando un generador de números aleatorios inseguro!\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "The random number generator is only a kludge to let\n" -@@ -9041,10 +9046,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "DON'T USE ANY DATA GENERATED BY THIS PROGRAM!!\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "El generador de números aleatorios es sólo un apaño\n" --#~ "para poder compilar. ¡No es en absoluto un generador seguro!\n" -+#~ "El generador de números aleatorios es sólo un apaño\n" -+#~ "para poder compilar. ¡No es en absoluto un generador seguro!\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "¡NO USE DATOS GENERADOS POR ESTE PROGRAMA!\n" -+#~ "¡NO USE DATOS GENERADOS POR ESTE PROGRAMA!\n" - #~ "\n" - - #~ msgid "" -@@ -9052,9 +9057,9 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "keep you from getting bored, because it will improve the quality\n" - #~ "of the entropy.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Por favor espere, se está reuniendo entropía. Haga alguna otra cosa con\n" -+#~ "Por favor espere, se está reuniendo entropía. Haga alguna otra cosa con\n" - #~ "el ordenador mientras tanto si eso hace que no se aburra, porque eso\n" --#~ "mejorará la calidad de la entropía.\n" -+#~ "mejorará la calidad de la entropía.\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "\n" -@@ -9062,9 +9067,9 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need %d more bytes)\n" - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "\n" --#~ "No hay suficientes bytes aleatorios disponibles. Por favor, haga algún\n" --#~ "otro trabajo para que el sistema pueda recolectar más entropía\n" --#~ "(se necesitan %d bytes más).\n" -+#~ "No hay suficientes bytes aleatorios disponibles. Por favor, haga algún\n" -+#~ "otro trabajo para que el sistema pueda recolectar más entropía\n" -+#~ "(se necesitan %d bytes más).\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "card reader not available\n" -@@ -9074,7 +9079,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "Inserte la tarjeta y pulse Intro o escriba 'c' para cancelar: " - - #~ msgid "Hit return when ready or enter 'c' to cancel: " --#~ msgstr "Pulse Intro cuando esté listo" -+#~ msgstr "Pulse Intro cuando esté listo" - - #~ msgid "Enter New Admin PIN: " - #~ msgstr "Introduzca nuevo PIN de administrador: " -@@ -9087,7 +9092,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "NOTE: %s is not available in this version\n" --#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" -+#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid " algorithms on these user IDs:\n" -@@ -9100,13 +9105,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "Formato desconocido" - - #~ msgid "unknown pubkey algorithm" --#~ msgstr "Algoritmo de clave pública desconocido" -+#~ msgstr "Algoritmo de clave pública desconocido" - - #~ msgid "unknown digest algorithm" - #~ msgstr "Algoritmo desconocido de resumen de mensaje" - - #~ msgid "bad public key" --#~ msgstr "Clave pública incorrecta" -+#~ msgstr "Clave pública incorrecta" - - #~ msgid "bad secret key" - #~ msgstr "Clave secreta incorrecta" -@@ -9115,29 +9120,29 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "Firma incorrecta" - - #~ msgid "checksum error" --#~ msgstr "Error en la suma de comprobación" -+#~ msgstr "Error en la suma de comprobación" - - #~ msgid "unknown cipher algorithm" - #~ msgstr "Algoritmo de cifrado desconocido" - --# ¿y llavero? -+# ¿y llavero? - # Hombre... las claves son parecidas a las llaves pero no lo mismo - # toda la literatura en castellano usa "anillos de claves" si un --# programa nos habla del llavero ¿no puedo abrir el llavero? nos -+# programa nos habla del llavero ¿no puedo abrir el llavero? nos - # miraremos en el bolsillo bastante desconcertados. No creo que se - # trate de establecer una nomenclatura propia. --# A lo mejor toda esa literatura está producida por gente que no sabía --# cómo se dice llavero en inglés... --# Si los ingleses dicen llavero en su idioma ¿por qué no vamos a poder -+# A lo mejor toda esa literatura está producida por gente que no sabía -+# cómo se dice llavero en inglés... -+# Si los ingleses dicen llavero en su idioma ¿por qué no vamos a poder - # nosotros decir lo mismo en el nuestro? - #~ msgid "can't open the keyring" - #~ msgstr "No se puede abrir el anillo de claves" - - #~ msgid "invalid packet" --#~ msgstr "paquete inválido" -+#~ msgstr "paquete inválido" - - #~ msgid "invalid armor" --#~ msgstr "armadura inválida" -+#~ msgstr "armadura inválida" - - #~ msgid "no such user id" - #~ msgstr "no existe el ID de usuario" -@@ -9155,7 +9160,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "error de escritura" - - #~ msgid "unknown compress algorithm" --#~ msgstr "algoritmo de compresión desconocido" -+#~ msgstr "algoritmo de compresión desconocido" - - #~ msgid "file open error" - #~ msgstr "error al abrir fichero" -@@ -9164,10 +9169,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "error al crear fichero" - - #~ msgid "invalid passphrase" --#~ msgstr "frase contraseña incorrecta" -+#~ msgstr "frase contraseña incorrecta" - - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" --#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no implementado" -+#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no implementado" - - #~ msgid "unimplemented cipher algorithm" - #~ msgstr "algoritmo de cifrado no implementado" -@@ -9179,10 +9184,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "error en la base de datos de confianza" - - #~ msgid "resource limit" --#~ msgstr "límite de recurso" -+#~ msgstr "límite de recurso" - - #~ msgid "invalid keyring" --#~ msgstr "anillo inválido" -+#~ msgstr "anillo inválido" - - #~ msgid "bad certificate" - #~ msgstr "certificado incorrecto" -@@ -9204,19 +9209,19 @@ msgstr "" - - # o tal vez "en el sello..." - # Creo que es mejor "con el sello de fecha", no es un conflicto --# del sello en si mismo sino en relación con el mensaje. -+# del sello en si mismo sino en relación con el mensaje. - # Ok. - #~ msgid "timestamp conflict" - #~ msgstr "conflicto con el sello de fecha" - - #~ msgid "unusable pubkey algorithm" --#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no utilizable" -+#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no utilizable" - - #~ msgid "file exists" - #~ msgstr "el fichero existe" - - #~ msgid "weak key" --#~ msgstr "clave débil" -+#~ msgstr "clave débil" - - #~ msgid "bad URI" - #~ msgstr "URI incorrecto" -@@ -9231,7 +9236,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "no procesado" - - #~ msgid "unusable public key" --#~ msgstr "clave pública inutilizable" -+#~ msgstr "clave pública inutilizable" - - #~ msgid "unusable secret key" - #~ msgstr "clave secreta inutilizable" -@@ -9253,16 +9258,16 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "ATENCION: " - - # bicho :-) --# ¿Error simplemente? --# Uf, preferiría bug, si leo "error" voy a pensar en otra cosa distinta... -+# ¿Error simplemente? -+# Uf, preferiría bug, si leo "error" voy a pensar en otra cosa distinta... - #~ msgid "... this is a bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" - #~ msgstr "... esto es un bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" - - #~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure memory!\n" --#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡se está usando memoria insegura!\n" -+#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡se está usando memoria insegura!\n" - - #~ msgid "operation is not possible without initialized secure memory\n" --#~ msgstr "operación imposible sin memoria segura inicializada\n" -+#~ msgstr "operación imposible sin memoria segura inicializada\n" - - #~ msgid "(you may have used the wrong program for this task)\n" - #~ msgstr "" -@@ -9271,8 +9276,8 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgid "" - #~ "please see http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html for more information\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "por favor vea http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html para más " --#~ "información\n" -+#~ "por favor vea http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html para más " -+#~ "información\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "all export-clean-* options from above" -@@ -9283,7 +9288,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "lee opciones del fichero" - - #~ msgid "expired: %s)" --#~ msgstr "caducó: %s)" -+#~ msgstr "caducó: %s)" - - #~ msgid "key %s: expired signature from key %s - skipped\n" - #~ msgstr "clave %s: firma caducada con la clave %s - omitida\n" -@@ -9297,7 +9302,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "No hay clave secreta para tal usuario\n" - - #~ msgid "length of RSA modulus is not %d\n" --#~ msgstr "la longitud del módulo RSA no es %d\n" -+#~ msgstr "la longitud del módulo RSA no es %d\n" - - #~ msgid "length of an RSA prime is not %d\n" - #~ msgstr "la longitud del primo RSA no es %d\n" -@@ -9315,22 +9320,22 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "no puedo conseguir el FD de escritura para el agente\n" - - #~ msgid "invalid response from agent\n" --#~ msgstr "respuesta del agente inválida\n" -+#~ msgstr "respuesta del agente inválida\n" - - #~ msgid "digest algorithm `%s' is read-only in this release\n" --#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" -+#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "WARNING: digest `%s' is not part of OpenPGP. Use at your own risk!\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "AVISO: el resumen `%s' no es parte de OpenPGP. ¡Úselo bajo su " -+#~ "AVISO: el resumen `%s' no es parte de OpenPGP. ¡Úselo bajo su " - #~ "responsabilidad!\n" - - #~ msgid "|[files]|encrypt files" - #~ msgstr "|[ficheros]|cifra ficheros" - - #~ msgid "store only" --#~ msgstr "sólo almacenar" -+#~ msgstr "sólo almacenar" - - #~ msgid "|[files]|decrypt files" - #~ msgstr "|[ficheros]|descifra ficheros" -@@ -9342,7 +9347,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "firma la clave localmente y no revocablemente" - - #~ msgid "list only the sequence of packets" --#~ msgstr "lista sólo la secuencia de paquetes" -+#~ msgstr "lista sólo la secuencia de paquetes" - - #~ msgid "export the ownertrust values" - #~ msgstr "exporta los valores de confianza" -@@ -9351,13 +9356,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "actualiza la base de datos de confianza" - - #~ msgid "fix a corrupted trust database" --#~ msgstr "arregla una base de datos de confianza dañada" -+#~ msgstr "arregla una base de datos de confianza dañada" - - #~ msgid "De-Armor a file or stdin" --#~ msgstr "quita la armadura de un fichero o de la entrada estándar" -+#~ msgstr "quita la armadura de un fichero o de la entrada estándar" - - #~ msgid "En-Armor a file or stdin" --#~ msgstr "crea la armadura a un fichero o a la entrada estándar" -+#~ msgstr "crea la armadura a un fichero o a la entrada estándar" - - #~ msgid "do not force v3 signatures" - #~ msgstr "no fuerza firmas v3" -@@ -9377,10 +9382,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "usa el agente gpg" - - #~ msgid "|[file]|write status info to file" --#~ msgstr "|[fichero]|escribe información de estado en el fichero" -+#~ msgstr "|[fichero]|escribe información de estado en el fichero" - - #~ msgid "|KEYID|ultimately trust this key" --#~ msgstr "|ID-CLAVE|confía plenamente en esta clave" -+#~ msgstr "|ID-CLAVE|confía plenamente en esta clave" - - #~ msgid "emulate the mode described in RFC1991" - #~ msgstr "emula el modo descrito en la RFC1991" -@@ -9393,26 +9398,26 @@ msgstr "" - - #~ msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME for passphrases" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "|NOMBRE|usa algoritmo de resumen de mensaje NOMBRE para las contraseñas" -+#~ "|NOMBRE|usa algoritmo de resumen de mensaje NOMBRE para las contraseñas" - - #~ msgid "throw keyid field of encrypted packets" - #~ msgstr "elimina campo keyid de los paquetes cifrados" - - #~ msgid "Show Photo IDs" --#~ msgstr "Muestra IDs fotográficos" -+#~ msgstr "Muestra IDs fotográficos" - - #~ msgid "Don't show Photo IDs" --#~ msgstr "No muestra IDs fotográficos" -+#~ msgstr "No muestra IDs fotográficos" - - #~ msgid "Set command line to view Photo IDs" --#~ msgstr "Ajusta linea de comandos para ver IDs fotográficos" -+#~ msgstr "Ajusta linea de comandos para ver IDs fotográficos" - - #~ msgid "compress algorithm `%s' is read-only in this release\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "el algoritmo de compresión `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" -+#~ "el algoritmo de compresión `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" - - #~ msgid "compress algorithm must be in range %d..%d\n" --#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión debe estar en el rango %d-%d\n" -+#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión debe estar en el rango %d-%d\n" - - #~ msgid "--nrsign-key user-id" - #~ msgstr "--nrsign-key id-usuario" -@@ -9421,16 +9426,16 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "--nrlsign-key id-usuario" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: key has been revoked!\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta clave ha sido revocada!\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta clave ha sido revocada!\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: subkey has been revoked!\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada!\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada!\n" - - #~ msgid "%08lX: key has expired\n" - #~ msgstr "%08lX: clave caducada\n" - - #~ msgid "%08lX: We do NOT trust this key\n" --#~ msgstr "%08lX: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" -+#~ msgstr "%08lX: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "%08lX: It is not sure that this key really belongs to the owner\n" -@@ -9440,7 +9445,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "proprietario pero se acepta igualmente\n" - - #~ msgid "preference %c%lu is not valid\n" --#~ msgstr "la preferencia %c%lu no es válida\n" -+#~ msgstr "la preferencia %c%lu no es válida\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "About to generate a new %s keypair.\n" -@@ -9449,45 +9454,45 @@ msgstr "" - #~ " highest suggested keysize is 2048 bits\n" - #~ msgstr "" - #~ "Listo para generar un nuevo par de claves %s.\n" --#~ " el tamaño mínimo es 768 bits\n" --#~ " el tamaño por defecto es 1024 bits\n" --#~ " el tamaño máximo recomendado es 2048 bits\n" -+#~ " el tamaño mínimo es 768 bits\n" -+#~ " el tamaño por defecto es 1024 bits\n" -+#~ " el tamaño máximo recomendado es 2048 bits\n" - - #~ msgid "DSA only allows keysizes from 512 to 1024\n" --#~ msgstr "DSA sólo permite tamaños desde 512 a 1024\n" -+#~ msgstr "DSA sólo permite tamaños desde 512 a 1024\n" - - #~ msgid "keysize too small; 1024 is smallest value allowed for RSA.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "tamaño de clave insuficiente; 1024 es el mínimo permitido para RSA.\n" -+#~ "tamaño de clave insuficiente; 1024 es el mínimo permitido para RSA.\n" - - #~ msgid "keysize too small; 768 is smallest value allowed.\n" --#~ msgstr "tamaño insuficiente; 768 es el valor mínimo permitido\n" -+#~ msgstr "tamaño insuficiente; 768 es el valor mínimo permitido\n" - - #~ msgid "keysize too large; %d is largest value allowed.\n" --#~ msgstr "tamaño excesivo; %d es el máximo valor permitido.\n" -+#~ msgstr "tamaño excesivo; %d es el máximo valor permitido.\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Keysizes larger than 2048 are not suggested because\n" - #~ "computations take REALLY long!\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "No se recomiendan claves de más de 2048 bits porque\n" --#~ "¡el tiempo de cálculo es REALMENTE largo!\n" -+#~ "No se recomiendan claves de más de 2048 bits porque\n" -+#~ "¡el tiempo de cálculo es REALMENTE largo!\n" - - #~ msgid "Are you sure that you want this keysize? " --#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " -+#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Okay, but keep in mind that your monitor and keyboard radiation is also " - #~ "very vulnerable to attacks!\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "De acuerdo, ¡pero tenga en cuenta que las radiaciones de su monitor y\n" --#~ "teclado también son vulnerables a un ataque!\n" -+#~ "De acuerdo, ¡pero tenga en cuenta que las radiaciones de su monitor y\n" -+#~ "teclado también son vulnerables a un ataque!\n" - - #~ msgid "%s: can't open: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "%s: no se puede abrir: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "%s: WARNING: empty file\n" --#~ msgstr "%s: ATENCIÓN: fichero vacío\n" -+#~ msgstr "%s: ATENCIÓN: fichero vacío\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: not a rfc2440 key - skipped\n" - #~ msgstr "clave %08lX: no es conforme a rfc2440 - omitida\n" -@@ -9502,7 +9507,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "(por defecto)" - - #~ msgid "Really sign? " --#~ msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? " -+#~ msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? " - - #~ msgid "q" - #~ msgstr "s" -@@ -9559,10 +9564,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "depura" - - #~ msgid "adduid" --#~ msgstr "añaidu" -+#~ msgstr "añaidu" - - #~ msgid "addphoto" --#~ msgstr "añadirfoto" -+#~ msgstr "añadirfoto" - - #~ msgid "deluid" - #~ msgstr "borridu" -@@ -9571,13 +9576,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "borfoto" - - #~ msgid "add a secondary key" --#~ msgstr "añade una clave secundaria" -+#~ msgstr "añade una clave secundaria" - - #~ msgid "delkey" - #~ msgstr "borrcla" - - #~ msgid "addrevoker" --#~ msgstr "añarevoc" -+#~ msgstr "añarevoc" - - #~ msgid "delsig" - #~ msgstr "borrfir" -@@ -9634,10 +9639,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "%s%c %4u%c/%08lX creada: %s expira: %s" - - #~ msgid "rev! subkey has been revoked: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "rev! ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada! %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "rev! ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada! %s\n" - - #~ msgid "rev- faked revocation found\n" --#~ msgstr "rev- se encontró una revocación falsificada\n" -+#~ msgstr "rev- se encontró una revocación falsificada\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "\"\n" -@@ -9653,25 +9658,25 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr " firmada por %08lX el %s%s\n" - - #~ msgid "Policy: " --#~ msgstr "Política: " -+#~ msgstr "Política: " - - #~ msgid "Experimental algorithms should not be used!\n" --#~ msgstr "¡No se deberían usar algoritmos experimentales!\n" -+#~ msgstr "¡No se deberían usar algoritmos experimentales!\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "this cipher algorithm is deprecated; please use a more standard one!\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "ese algoritmo de cifrado está desacreditado;¡por favor use uno más " --#~ "estándar!\n" -+#~ "ese algoritmo de cifrado está desacreditado;¡por favor use uno más " -+#~ "estándar!\n" - - #~ msgid "can't get key from keyserver: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "no puede obtenerse la clave en el servidor: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "success sending to `%s' (status=%u)\n" --#~ msgstr "envió correcto a `%s` (estado=%u)\n" -+#~ msgstr "envió correcto a `%s` (estado=%u)\n" - - #~ msgid "failed sending to `%s': status=%u\n" --#~ msgstr "falló el envio a `%s': status=%u\n" -+#~ msgstr "falló el envio a `%s': status=%u\n" - - #~ msgid "this keyserver does not support --search-keys\n" - #~ msgstr "este servidor de clave no proporciona --search-keys\n" -@@ -9727,7 +9732,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "%d\n" - - #~ msgid "If you want to use this revoked key anyway, answer \"yes\"." --#~ msgstr "Si quiere usar esta clave revocada de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." -+#~ msgstr "Si quiere usar esta clave revocada de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Select the algorithm to use.\n" -@@ -9752,34 +9757,34 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "in\n" - #~ "this menu." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Seleccione el algoritmo que usará.\n" -+#~ "Seleccione el algoritmo que usará.\n" - #~ "\n" --#~ "DSA (también conocido como DSS) es un algoritmo de firma digital que " --#~ "sólo\n" -+#~ "DSA (también conocido como DSS) es un algoritmo de firma digital que " -+#~ "sólo\n" - #~ "puede usarse para firmas. Es el algoritmo sugerido porque la " --#~ "verificación\n" --#~ "de firmas DSA es mucho más rápida que la de firmas ElGamal.\n" -+#~ "verificación\n" -+#~ "de firmas DSA es mucho más rápida que la de firmas ElGamal.\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ "ElGamal es un algoritmo que puede ser usado para firma y cifrado. " - #~ "OpenPGP\n" --#~ "distingue entre dos tipos de estos algoritmos: sólo para cifrado y para\n" -+#~ "distingue entre dos tipos de estos algoritmos: sólo para cifrado y para\n" - #~ "firma y cifrado. En realidad es lo mismo, pero se deben seleccionar " - #~ "ciertos\n" --#~ "parámetros de una forma particular para crear una clave segura para " -+#~ "parámetros de una forma particular para crear una clave segura para " - #~ "firmas:\n" --#~ "este programa lo hace así, pero otras implementaciones de OpenPGP no " -+#~ "este programa lo hace así, pero otras implementaciones de OpenPGP no " - #~ "tienen\n" --#~ "por qué entender el tipo de firma y cifrado.\n" -+#~ "por qué entender el tipo de firma y cifrado.\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ "La clave primaria debe ser una clave capaz de firmar, es por ello que la\n" --#~ "opción de clave ElGamal sólo para cifrado no está disponible en este menú." -+#~ "opción de clave ElGamal sólo para cifrado no está disponible en este menú." - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "Although these keys are defined in RFC2440 they are not suggested\n" - #~ "because they are not supported by all programs and signatures created\n" - #~ "with them are quite large and very slow to verify." - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Aunque estas claves están definidas en RFC2440, no se aconseja su uso,\n" -+#~ "Aunque estas claves están definidas en RFC2440, no se aconseja su uso,\n" - #~ "ya que no todos los programas pueden utilizarlas y las firmas creadas\n" - #~ "con ellas son bastante grandes y lentas de verificar." - -@@ -9814,44 +9819,44 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "also\n" - #~ "very slow, and may not be as secure as the other choices.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "El uso de este algoritmo sólo es posible con GnuPG. No será posible\n" -+#~ "El uso de este algoritmo sólo es posible con GnuPG. No será posible\n" - #~ "comunicarse mediante esta clave con usuarios de PGP. Este algoritmo\n" --#~ "es además muy lento, y podría no ser tan seguro como otros.\n" -+#~ "es además muy lento, y podría no ser tan seguro como otros.\n" - - #~ msgid "Create anyway? " --#~ msgstr "¿Crear de todas formas?" -+#~ msgstr "¿Crear de todas formas?" - - #~ msgid "invalid symkey algorithm detected (%d)\n" --#~ msgstr "detectado algoritmo simétrico inválido (%d)\n" -+#~ msgstr "detectado algoritmo simétrico inválido (%d)\n" - - #~ msgid "this keyserver is not fully HKP compatible\n" - #~ msgstr "este servidor de claves no es totalmente compatible con HKP\n" - - #~ msgid "The use of this algorithm is deprecated - create anyway? " - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "El uso de este algoritmo está desaconsejado - ¿crear de todas formas?" -+#~ "El uso de este algoritmo está desaconsejado - ¿crear de todas formas?" - - #~ msgid "|NAME=VALUE|use this notation data" --#~ msgstr "|NOMBRE=VALOR|usa estos datos de notación" -+#~ msgstr "|NOMBRE=VALOR|usa estos datos de notación" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "the first character of a notation name must be a letter or an underscore\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "El primer carácter de una notación debe ser una letra o un subrayado\n" -+#~ "El primer carácter de una notación debe ser una letra o un subrayado\n" - - #~ msgid "dots in a notation name must be surrounded by other characters\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "los puntos en una notación deben estar rodeados por otros caracteres\n" -+#~ "los puntos en una notación deben estar rodeados por otros caracteres\n" - - #~ msgid "" - #~ "WARNING: This key already has a photo ID.\n" - #~ " Adding another photo ID may confuse some versions of PGP.\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "AVISO: Esta clave ya tiene identificador fotográfico.\n" --#~ " Añadir otro ID puede confundir a algunas versiones de PGP.\n" -+#~ "AVISO: Esta clave ya tiene identificador fotográfico.\n" -+#~ " Añadir otro ID puede confundir a algunas versiones de PGP.\n" - - #~ msgid "You may only have one photo ID on a key.\n" --#~ msgstr "Solo puede tener un ID fotográfico en una clave.\n" -+#~ msgstr "Solo puede tener un ID fotográfico en una clave.\n" - - #~ msgid " Fingerprint:" - #~ msgstr " Huella dactilar:" -@@ -9860,18 +9865,18 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "reinicie GnuPG otra vez para que lea el nuevo fichero de opciones\n" - - #~ msgid "changing permission of `%s' failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "al cambiar permisos de `%s' ocurrió el fallo: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "al cambiar permisos de `%s' ocurrió el fallo: %s\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it?\n" --#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " -+#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid " Are you sure you still want to sign it?\n" --#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " -+#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " - - #~ msgid "too many random bits requested; the limit is %d\n" --#~ msgstr "se solicitan demasiados bits aleatorios; el límite es %d\n" -+#~ msgstr "se solicitan demasiados bits aleatorios; el límite es %d\n" - - #~ msgid "|[NAMES]|check the trust database" - #~ msgstr "|[NOMBRES]|comprueba la base de datos de confianza" -@@ -9886,7 +9891,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "--delete-secret-and-public-key id-usuario" - - #~ msgid "For info see http://www.gnupg.org" --#~ msgstr "Información en http://www.gnupg.org" -+#~ msgstr "Información en http://www.gnupg.org" - - #~ msgid "sSmMqQ" - #~ msgstr "iImMqQ" -@@ -9896,7 +9901,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "can assign some missing owner trust values.\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "No puede encontrarse una ruta de confianza válida para esta clave. " -+#~ "No puede encontrarse una ruta de confianza válida para esta clave. " - #~ "Veamos\n" - #~ "si es posible asignar algunos valores de confianza perdidos.\n" - #~ "\n" -@@ -9912,30 +9917,30 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "No trust values changed.\n" - #~ "\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "No se cambió ningún valor de confianza.\n" -+#~ "No se cambió ningún valor de confianza.\n" - #~ "\n" - - #~ msgid "%08lX: no info to calculate a trust probability\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "%08lX: no hay información para calcular la probabilidad de confianza\n" -+#~ "%08lX: no hay información para calcular la probabilidad de confianza\n" - - #~ msgid "skipped: public key already set with --encrypt-to\n" --#~ msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada con --encrypt-to\n" -+#~ msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada con --encrypt-to\n" - - #~ msgid "%s: error checking key: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "%s: error comprobando la clave: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " --#~ msgstr "¿De verdad quiere crear una clave de firma y cifrado? " -+#~ msgstr "¿De verdad quiere crear una clave de firma y cifrado? " - - #~ msgid "Do you really need such a large keysize? " --#~ msgstr "¿De verdad necesita una clave tan grande? " -+#~ msgstr "¿De verdad necesita una clave tan grande? " - - #~ msgid "too many entries in unk cache - disabled\n" - #~ msgstr "demasiados registros en la cache unk - anulada\n" - - #~ msgid "no default public keyring\n" --#~ msgstr "no hay anillo público por defecto\n" -+#~ msgstr "no hay anillo público por defecto\n" - - #~ msgid "secret key %08lX not imported (use %s to allow for it)\n" - #~ msgstr "clave secreta %08lX no importada (use %s para permitirlo)\n" -@@ -9944,7 +9949,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "clave %08lX: nuestra copia no tiene autofirma\n" - - #~ msgid "assuming bad MDC due to an unknown critical bit\n" --#~ msgstr "asumiendo MDC incorrecto debido a un bit crítico desconocido\n" -+#~ msgstr "asumiendo MDC incorrecto debido a un bit crítico desconocido\n" - - #~ msgid "error reading dir record for LID %lu: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "error leyendo registro de directorio del LID %lu: %s\n" -@@ -9959,47 +9964,47 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "error leyendo clave primaria para el LID %lu: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: query record failed\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: petición de registro fallida\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: petición de registro fallida\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: already in trusted key table\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ya está en la tabla de confianza\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ya está en la tabla de confianza\n" - - #~ msgid "NOTE: secret key %08lX is NOT protected.\n" --#~ msgstr "NOTA: la clave secreta %08lX NO está protegida.\n" -+#~ msgstr "NOTA: la clave secreta %08lX NO está protegida.\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: secret and public key don't match\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: las claves pública y secreta no se corresponden\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: las claves pública y secreta no se corresponden\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Good subkey binding\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave válida\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave válida\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Invalid subkey binding: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave inválida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave inválida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Valid key revocation\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave válida\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave válida\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Invalid key revocation: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave inválida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave inválida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "Good self-signature" --#~ msgstr "Autofirma válida" -+#~ msgstr "Autofirma válida" - - #~ msgid "Invalid self-signature" --#~ msgstr "Autofirma inválida" -+#~ msgstr "Autofirma inválida" - - #~ msgid "Valid user ID revocation skipped due to a newer self signature" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Revocación válida de ID de usuario omitida, existe autofirma más reciente" -+#~ "Revocación válida de ID de usuario omitida, existe autofirma más reciente" - - #~ msgid "Valid user ID revocation" --#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario válida" -+#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario válida" - - #~ msgid "Invalid user ID revocation" --#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario inválida." -+#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario inválida." - - #~ msgid "Invalid certificate revocation" --#~ msgstr "Certificado de revocación incorrecto" -+#~ msgstr "Certificado de revocación incorrecto" - - #~ msgid "sig record %lu[%d] points to wrong record.\n" - #~ msgstr "registro de firma %lu[%d] apunta al registro equivocado.\n" -@@ -10008,10 +10013,10 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "tdbio_search_dir fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "lid ?: insert failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "lid ?: inserción fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "lid ?: inserción fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: insert failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "lid %lu: inserción fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "lid %lu: inserción fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: inserted\n" - #~ msgstr "lid %lu: insertada\n" -@@ -10026,7 +10031,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "lid %lu: registro de directiorio sin clave - omitido\n" - - #~ msgid "\t%lu due to new pubkeys\n" --#~ msgstr "\t%lu debido a las nuevas claves públicas\n" -+#~ msgstr "\t%lu debido a las nuevas claves públicas\n" - - #~ msgid "\t%lu keys updated\n" - #~ msgstr "\t%lu claves actualizadas\n" -@@ -10035,13 +10040,13 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "Oh oh, no hay claves\n" - - #~ msgid "Ooops, no user IDs\n" --#~ msgstr "Oh oh, no hay ningún ID de usuario\n" -+#~ msgstr "Oh oh, no hay ningún ID de usuario\n" - - #~ msgid "check_trust: search dir record failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "check_trust: búsqueda registro directorio fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "check_trust: búsqueda registro directorio fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX: insert trust record failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: inserción del registro de confianza fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: inserción del registro de confianza fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: inserted into trustdb\n" - #~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: incluida en la base de datos de confianza\n" -@@ -10055,20 +10060,20 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: caducada el %s\n" - - #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: trust check failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: comprobación de confianza fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: comprobación de confianza fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "problem finding '%s' in trustdb: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "problema buscando '%s' en la tabla de confianza: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "user '%s' not in trustdb - inserting\n" --#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza - insertando\n" -+#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza - insertando\n" - - #~ msgid "WARNING: can't yet handle long pref records\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "ATENCÍON: todavía no puedo tratar registros de preferencias largos\n" -+#~ "ATENCÃON: todavía no puedo tratar registros de preferencias largos\n" - - #~ msgid "RSA key cannot be used in this version\n" --#~ msgstr "No puede usarse clave RSA en esta versión\n" -+#~ msgstr "No puede usarse clave RSA en esta versión\n" - - #~ msgid "No key for user ID\n" - #~ msgstr "No hay clave para tal usuario\n" -@@ -10080,7 +10085,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "RSA keys are deprecated; please consider creating a new key and use this " - #~ "key in the future\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "Las claves RSA están en desuso, considere la creación de una nueva clave " -+#~ "Las claves RSA están en desuso, considere la creación de una nueva clave " - #~ "para futuros usos\n" - - #~ msgid "do not write comment packets" -@@ -10093,7 +10098,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr " (%d) ElGamal en un paquete v3\n" - - #~ msgid "Key generation can only be used in interactive mode\n" --#~ msgstr "La creación de claves sólo es posible en modo interactivo\n" -+#~ msgstr "La creación de claves sólo es posible en modo interactivo\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "tdbio_search_sdir failed: %s\n" -@@ -10101,17 +10106,17 @@ msgstr "" - - #~ msgid "NOTE: sig rec %lu[%d] in hintlist of %lu but marked as checked\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" --#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero está marcado como comprobado\n" -+#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" -+#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero está marcado como comprobado\n" - - #~ msgid "NOTE: sig rec %lu[%d] in hintlist of %lu but not marked\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" --#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero no está marcado\n" -+#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" -+#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero no está marcado\n" - - #~ msgid "sig rec %lu[%d] in hintlist of %lu does not point to a dir record\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "El registro de firma %lu[%d] en la lista de búsqueda de %lu\n" -+#~ "El registro de firma %lu[%d] en la lista de búsqueda de %lu\n" - #~ "no apunta a un registro de directorio\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: no primary key\n" -@@ -10123,27 +10128,27 @@ msgstr "" - #~ "en el bloque de clave\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: self-signature in hintlist\n" --#~ msgstr "lid %lu: autofirma en lista de búsqueda\n" -+#~ msgstr "lid %lu: autofirma en lista de búsqueda\n" - - #~ msgid "very strange: no public key\n" --#~ msgstr "muy raro: no hay clave pública\n" -+#~ msgstr "muy raro: no hay clave pública\n" - - #~ msgid "hintlist %lu[%d] of %lu does not point to a dir record\n" - #~ msgstr "" --#~ "la lista de búsqueda %lu[%d] de %lu no apunta a\n" -+#~ "la lista de búsqueda %lu[%d] de %lu no apunta a\n" - #~ "un registro de directorio\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: can't get keyblock: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "lid %lu: no puedo obtener el bloque de clave: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "Too many preference items" --#~ msgstr "Demasiados ítems de preferencias" -+#~ msgstr "Demasiados ítems de preferencias" - - #~ msgid "insert_trust_record: keyblock not found: %s\n" - #~ msgstr "insert_trust_record: bloque de clave no encontrado: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: update failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "lid %lu: actualización fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "lid %lu: actualización fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "lid %lu: updated\n" - #~ msgstr "lid %lu: actualizado\n" -@@ -10152,7 +10157,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "lid %lu: bien\n" - - #~ msgid "%s: update failed: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "%s: actualización fallida: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "%s: actualización fallida: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "%s: updated\n" - #~ msgstr "%s: actualizada\n" -@@ -10164,7 +10169,7 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "lid %lu: bloque de clave no encontrado: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "can't lock keyring `%': %s\n" --#~ msgstr "no puede bloquearse el anillo público `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "no puede bloquearse el anillo público `%s': %s\n" - - #~ msgid "writing keyblock\n" - #~ msgstr "escribiendo bloque de claves\n" -@@ -10174,7 +10179,7 @@ msgstr "" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "encrypted message is valid\n" --#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no es válido\n" -+#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no es válido\n" - - #, fuzzy - #~ msgid "Can't check MDC: %s\n" -@@ -10202,25 +10207,25 @@ msgstr "" - #~ msgstr "problema lista usuario '%s': %s\n" - - #~ msgid "user '%s' not in trustdb\n" --#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza\n" -+#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza\n" - - #~ msgid "directory record w/o primary key\n" - #~ msgstr "registro de directorio sin clave primaria\n" - - #~ msgid "key not in trustdb, searching ring.\n" --#~ msgstr "la clave no está en tabla de confianza, buscando en el anillo.\n" -+#~ msgstr "la clave no está en tabla de confianza, buscando en el anillo.\n" - - #~ msgid "key not in ring: %s\n" --#~ msgstr "la clave no está en el anillo: %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "la clave no está en el anillo: %s\n" - - #~ msgid "Oops: key is now in trustdb???\n" --#~ msgstr "Oh oh: la clave ahora está en la tabla de confianza???\n" -+#~ msgstr "Oh oh: la clave ahora está en la tabla de confianza???\n" - - #~ msgid "Hmmm, public key lost?" --#~ msgstr "Oh oh, ¿se ha perdido la clave pública?" -+#~ msgstr "Oh oh, ¿se ha perdido la clave pública?" - - #~ msgid "did not use primary key for insert_trust_record()\n" --#~ msgstr "no se usó clave primaria para insert_trust_record()\n" -+#~ msgstr "no se usó clave primaria para insert_trust_record()\n" - - #~ msgid "second" - #~ msgstr "segundo" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0016-gpg-Make-the-use-of-verify-FILE-for-detached-sigs-ha.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0016-gpg-Make-the-use-of-verify-FILE-for-detached-sigs-ha.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0016-gpg-Make-the-use-of-verify-FILE-for-detached-sigs-ha.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0016-gpg-Make-the-use-of-verify-FILE-for-detached-sigs-ha.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ -From a5ca45e6168e75aa6f3743b764d601ab3df966b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 09:36:19 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 16/31] gpg: Make the use of "--verify FILE" for detached sigs - harder. - -* g10/openfile.c (open_sigfile): Factor some code out to ... -(get_matching_datafile): new function. -* g10/plaintext.c (hash_datafiles): Do not try to find matching file -in batch mode. -* g10/mainproc.c (check_sig_and_print): Print a warning if a possibly -matching data file is not used by a standard signatures. --- - -Allowing to use the abbreviated form for detached signatures is a long -standing bug which has only been noticed by the public with the -release of 2.1.0. :-( - -What we do is to remove the ability to check detached signature in ---batch using the one file abbreviated mode. This should exhibit -problems in scripts which use this insecure practice. We also print a -warning if a matching data file exists but was not considered because -the detached signature was actually a standard signature: - - gpgv: Good signature from "Werner Koch (dist sig)" - gpgv: WARNING: not a detached signature; \ - file 'gnupg-2.1.0.tar.bz2' was NOT verified! - -We can only print a warning because it is possible that a standard -signature is indeed to be verified but by coincidence a file with a -matching name is stored alongside the standard signature. - -Reported-by: Simon Nicolussi (to gnupg-users on Nov 7) -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch - -(backported from commit 69384568f66a48eff3968bb1714aa13925580e9f) -(modified by dkg 2015-01-04 to avoid a needless whitespace change) ---- - g10/main.h | 3 ++- - g10/mainproc.c | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - g10/openfile.c | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- - g10/plaintext.c | 32 +++++++++++++--------- - 4 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/main.h b/g10/main.h -index e97b936..b55a184 100644 ---- a/g10/main.h -+++ b/g10/main.h -@@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ int overwrite_filep( const char *fname ); - char *make_outfile_name( const char *iname ); - char *ask_outfile_name( const char *name, size_t namelen ); - int open_outfile( const char *iname, int mode, iobuf_t *a ); --iobuf_t open_sigfile( const char *iname, progress_filter_context_t *pfx ); -+char *get_matching_datafile (const char *sigfilename); -+iobuf_t open_sigfile (const char *sigfilename, progress_filter_context_t *pfx); - void try_make_homedir( const char *fname ); - - /*-- seskey.c --*/ -diff --git a/g10/mainproc.c b/g10/mainproc.c -index 551ab58..3abcb15 100644 ---- a/g10/mainproc.c -+++ b/g10/mainproc.c -@@ -1959,6 +1959,44 @@ check_sig_and_print( CTX c, KBNODE node ) - sig->sig_class==0x01?_("textmode"):_("unknown"), - gcry_md_algo_name (sig->digest_algo)); - -+ if (!rc && !c->signed_data.used) -+ { -+ /* Signature is basically good but we test whether the -+ deprecated command -+ gpg --verify FILE.sig -+ was used instead of -+ gpg --verify FILE.sig FILE -+ to verify a detached signature. If we figure out that a -+ data file with a matching name exists, we print a warning. -+ -+ The problem is that the first form would also verify a -+ standard signature. This behavior could be used to -+ create a made up .sig file for a tarball by creating a -+ standard signature from a valid detached signature packet -+ (for example from a signed git tag). Then replace the -+ sig file on the FTP server along with a changed tarball. -+ Using the first form the verify command would correctly -+ verify the signature but don't even consider the tarball. */ -+ kbnode_t n; -+ char *dfile; -+ -+ dfile = get_matching_datafile (c->sigfilename); -+ if (dfile) -+ { -+ for (n = c->list; n; n = n->next) -+ if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE) -+ break; -+ if (n) -+ { -+ /* Not only signature packets in the tree thus this -+ is not a detached signature. */ -+ log_info (_("WARNING: not a detached signature; " -+ "file '%s' was NOT verified!\n"), dfile); -+ } -+ xfree (dfile); -+ } -+ } -+ - if( rc ) - g10_errors_seen = 1; - if( opt.batch && rc ) -diff --git a/g10/openfile.c b/g10/openfile.c -index db5cdc2..dc9dfd0 100644 ---- a/g10/openfile.c -+++ b/g10/openfile.c -@@ -287,41 +287,70 @@ open_outfile( const char *iname, int mode, IOBUF *a ) - } - - -+/* Find a matching data file for the signature file SIGFILENAME and -+ return it as a malloced string. If no matching data file is found, -+ return NULL. */ -+char * -+get_matching_datafile (const char *sigfilename) -+{ -+ char *fname = NULL; -+ size_t len; -+ -+ if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (sigfilename)) -+ return NULL; -+ -+ len = strlen (sigfilename); -+ if (len > 4 -+ && (!strcmp (sigfilename + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "sig") -+ || (len > 5 && !strcmp(sigfilename + len - 5, EXTSEP_S "sign")) -+ || !strcmp(sigfilename + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "asc"))) -+ { -+ -+ fname = xstrdup (sigfilename); -+ fname[len-(fname[len-1]=='n'?5:4)] = 0 ; -+ if (access (fname, R_OK )) -+ { -+ /* Not found or other error. */ -+ xfree (fname); -+ fname = NULL; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return fname; -+} -+ -+ - /**************** - * Try to open a file without the extension ".sig" or ".asc" - * Return NULL if such a file is not available. - */ --IOBUF --open_sigfile( const char *iname, progress_filter_context_t *pfx ) -+iobuf_t -+open_sigfile (const char *sigfilename, progress_filter_context_t *pfx) - { -- IOBUF a = NULL; -- size_t len; -- -- if( !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (iname) ) { -- len = strlen(iname); -- if( len > 4 && ( !strcmp(iname + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "sig") -- || ( len > 5 && !strcmp(iname + len - 5, EXTSEP_S "sign") ) -- || !strcmp(iname + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "asc")) ) { -- char *buf; -- buf = xstrdup(iname); -- buf[len-(buf[len-1]=='n'?5:4)] = 0 ; -- a = iobuf_open( buf ); -- if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a))) -- { -- iobuf_close (a); -- a = NULL; -- errno = EPERM; -- } -- if( a && opt.verbose ) -- log_info(_("assuming signed data in `%s'\n"), buf ); -- if (a && pfx) -- handle_progress (pfx, a, buf); -- xfree(buf); -- } -+ iobuf_t a = NULL; -+ char *buf; -+ -+ buf = get_matching_datafile (sigfilename); -+ if (buf) -+ { -+ a = iobuf_open (buf); -+ if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a))) -+ { -+ iobuf_close (a); -+ a = NULL; -+ gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM); -+ } -+ if (a) -+ log_info (_("assuming signed data in '%s'\n"), buf); -+ if (a && pfx) -+ handle_progress (pfx, a, buf); -+ xfree (buf); - } -- return a; -+ -+ return a; - } - -+ - /**************** - * Copy the option file skeleton to the given directory. - */ -diff --git a/g10/plaintext.c b/g10/plaintext.c -index 3777648..d24c640 100644 ---- a/g10/plaintext.c -+++ b/g10/plaintext.c -@@ -546,17 +546,25 @@ hash_datafiles( gcry_md_hd_t md, gcry_md_hd_t md2, strlist_t files, - pfx = new_progress_context (); - - if( !files ) { -- /* check whether we can open the signed material */ -- fp = open_sigfile( sigfilename, pfx ); -- if( fp ) { -- do_hash( md, md2, fp, textmode ); -- iobuf_close(fp); -- release_progress_context (pfx); -- return 0; -- } -- log_error (_("no signed data\n")); -- release_progress_context (pfx); -- return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); -+ /* Check whether we can open the signed material. We avoid -+ trying to open a file if run in batch mode. This assumed -+ data file for a sig file feature is just a convenience thing -+ for the command line and the user needs to read possible -+ warning messages. */ -+ if (!opt.batch) -+ { -+ fp = open_sigfile( sigfilename, pfx ); -+ if( fp ) -+ { -+ do_hash( md, md2, fp, textmode ); -+ iobuf_close(fp); -+ release_progress_context (pfx); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ } -+ log_error (_("no signed data\n")); -+ release_progress_context (pfx); -+ return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); - } - - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0016-New-Dutch-translation.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0016-New-Dutch-translation.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0016-New-Dutch-translation.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0016-New-Dutch-translation.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9455 +0,0 @@ -From: Frans Spiesschaert -Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 15:58:46 -0400 -Subject: New Dutch translation - -Origin: upstream, http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=0f429d553926b49c7851efd4d73ef631e93bdda4 -Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/770981 ---- - po/LINGUAS | 1 + - po/nl.po | 9425 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 2 files changed, 9426 insertions(+) - create mode 100644 po/nl.po - -diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS -index 63f1742..9d22331 100644 ---- a/po/LINGUAS -+++ b/po/LINGUAS -@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ id - it - ja - nb -+nl - pl - pt_BR - pt -diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..a9f1915 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/po/nl.po -@@ -0,0 +1,9425 @@ -+# Dutch translations for gnupg package. -+# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -+# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnupg package. -+# Automatically generated, 2006. -+# -+# All this catalog "translates" are quotation characters. -+# The msgids must be ASCII and therefore cannot contain real quotation -+# characters, only substitutes like grave accent (0x60), apostrophe (0x27) -+# and double quote (0x22). These substitutes look strange; see -+# http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html -+# -+# This catalog translates grave accent (0x60) and apostrophe (0x27) to -+# left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019). -+# It also translates pairs of apostrophe (0x27) to -+# left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019) -+# and pairs of quotation mark (0x22) to -+# left double quotation mark (U+201C) and right double quotation mark (U+201D). -+# -+# When output to an UTF-8 terminal, the quotation characters appear perfectly. -+# When output to an ISO-8859-1 terminal, the single quotation marks are -+# transliterated to apostrophes (by iconv in glibc 2.2 or newer) or to -+# grave/acute accent (by libiconv), and the double quotation marks are -+# transliterated to 0x22. -+# When output to an ASCII terminal, the single quotation marks are -+# transliterated to apostrophes, and the double quotation marks are -+# transliterated to 0x22. -+# Frans Spiesschaert , 2014. -+# -+msgid "" -+msgstr "" -+"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.27\n" -+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-13 19:19-0400\n" -+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-24 21:22+0100\n" -+"Last-Translator: Frans Spiesschaert \n" -+"Language-Team: Dutch \n" -+"Language: nl\n" -+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" -+msgstr "verwerven van de pinentry-vergrendeling is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in -+#. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter -+#. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for -+#. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after -+#. the second vertical bar. -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 -+msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 -+msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Annuleren" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 -+msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" -+msgstr "|pinentry-label|Pincode:" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label -+#. for the quality bar. -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 -+msgid "Quality:" -+msgstr "Kwaliteit:" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: This string is a tooltip, shown by pinentry when -+#. hovering over the quality bar. Please use an appropriate -+#. string to describe what this is about. The length of the -+#. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not -+#. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) -+#. will be used. -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 -+msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" -+msgstr "" -+"De kwaliteit van de hierboven ingevoerde wachtwoordzin.\n" -+"Vraag aan uw systeembeheerder nadere toelichting bij\n" -+"de gehanteerde criteria voor het meten van de kwaliteit." -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 -+msgid "" -+"Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " -+"session" -+msgstr "" -+"Voer uw pincode in, zodat de geheime sleutel voor deze sessie ontgrendeld " -+"kan worden" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 -+msgid "" -+"Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " -+"this session" -+msgstr "" -+"Voer uw wachtwoordzin in, zodat de geheime sleutel voor deze sessie " -+"ontgrendeld kan worden" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in -+#. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the -+#. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 -+#, c-format -+msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" -+msgstr "SETERROR %s (poging %d van %d)" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 -+msgid "PIN too long" -+msgstr "Pincode is te lang" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 -+msgid "Passphrase too long" -+msgstr "Wachtwoordzin is te lang" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 -+msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" -+msgstr "Ongeldige tekens in de pincode" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 -+msgid "PIN too short" -+msgstr "Pincode is te kort" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 -+msgid "Bad PIN" -+msgstr "Slechte pincode" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 -+msgid "Bad Passphrase" -+msgstr "Slechte wachtwoordzin" -+ -+#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 -+msgid "Passphrase" -+msgstr "Wachtwoordzin" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:595 -+#, c-format -+msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" -+msgstr "ssh-sleutels groter dan %d bits worden niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1136 -+#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -+#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -+#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan `%s' niet aanmaken: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 -+#: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -+#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1137 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -+#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 -+#: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 -+#: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -+#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan `%s' niet openen: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2110 agent/command-ssh.c:2128 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting serial number of card: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het opvragen van het serienummer van de kaart: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2114 -+#, c-format -+msgid "detected card with S/N: %s\n" -+msgstr "kaart gevonden met serienummer: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2119 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"fout bij het ophalen van de kaart van de ID van de standaard " -+"authenticatiesleutel: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no suitable card key found: %s\n" -+msgstr "geen bruikbare kaartsleutel gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 -+#, c-format -+msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "verheimelijken van de sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing key: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van de sleutel: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2498 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " -+"allow this?" -+msgstr "" -+"Een ssh-proces vroeg om het gebruik van sleutel%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0AWilt u " -+"dit toestaan?" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 -+msgid "Allow" -+msgstr "Toestaan" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 -+msgid "Deny" -+msgstr "Verbieden" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -+msgstr "Voer de wachtwoordzin in voor de ssh-sleutel%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 -+msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" -+msgstr "Gelieve deze wachtwoordzin nogmaals in te voeren" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " -+"%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" -+msgstr "" -+"Gelieve een wachtwoordzin in te voeren ter beveiliging van de verkregen " -+"geheime sleutel%%0A %s%%0A %s%%0Abinnen de sleutelopslagplaats van de " -+"gpg-agent" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 -+msgid "does not match - try again" -+msgstr "komt niet overeen - probeer opnieuw" -+ -+#: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to create stream from socket: %s\n" -+msgstr "een gegevensstroom vanuit de socket doen ontstaan is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 -+msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" -+msgstr "Plaats de kaart met serienummer" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 -+msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" -+msgstr "Verwijder de huidige kaart en plaats die met serienummer" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:200 -+msgid "Admin PIN" -+msgstr "Pincode van de beheerder" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: A PUK is the Personal Unblocking Code -+#. used to unblock a PIN. -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:205 -+msgid "PUK" -+msgstr "PUK-code" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:212 -+msgid "Reset Code" -+msgstr "Reset-Code" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:238 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." -+msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AGebruik het numeriek pad van de kaartlezer als input." -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:287 -+msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" -+msgstr "Herhaal deze Reset-Code" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:289 -+msgid "Repeat this PUK" -+msgstr "Herhaal deze PUK-code" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:290 -+msgid "Repeat this PIN" -+msgstr "Herhaal deze pincode" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:295 -+msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" -+msgstr "Reset-Code was niet tweemaal hetzelfde; probeer opnieuw" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:297 -+msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" -+msgstr "PUK-code was niet tweemaal hetzelfde; probeer opnieuw" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:298 -+msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" -+msgstr "Pincode was niet tweemaal hetzelfde; probeer opnieuw" -+ -+#: agent/divert-scd.c:310 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card" -+msgstr "Gelieve de pincode%s%s%s in te voeren om de kaart te ontgrendelen" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:108 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:384 sm/export.c:638 sm/export.c:654 -+#: sm/import.c:667 sm/import.c:692 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating temporary file: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het maken van een tijdelijk bestand: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:115 sm/export.c:645 sm/import.c:675 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing to temporary file: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar het tijdelijk bestand: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 -+msgid "Enter new passphrase" -+msgstr "Voer nieuwe wachtwoordzin in" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:167 -+msgid "Take this one anyway" -+msgstr "Die toch gebruiken" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:193 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " -+"at least %u character long." -+msgid_plural "" -+"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " -+"at least %u characters long." -+msgstr[0] "" -+"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " -+"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u teken lang zijn." -+msgstr[1] "" -+"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " -+"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u tekens lang zijn." -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:214 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " -+"contain at least %u digit or%%0Aspecial character." -+msgid_plural "" -+"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " -+"contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." -+msgstr[0] "" -+"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " -+"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u cijfer of%%0A speciaal teken bevatten." -+msgstr[1] "" -+"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " -+"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u cijfers of%%0A speciale tekens bevatten." -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:237 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " -+"a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." -+msgstr "" -+"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " -+"wachtwoordzin mag geen bekende term zijn of overeenkomen met%%0A een bepaald " -+"patroon." -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:253 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." -+msgstr "" -+"U heeft geen wachtwoordzin ingevoerd!!%0AEen lege wachtwoordzin is niet " -+"toegestaan." -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:255 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " -+"confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." -+msgstr "" -+"U heeft geen wachtwoordzin ingevoerd - dit is meestal en slecht idee!" -+"%0AGelieve te bevestigen dat u uw sleutel op geen enkele manier wenst te " -+"beveiligen." -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:264 -+msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" -+msgstr "Ja, een beveiliging is onnodig" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:308 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" -+msgstr "" -+"Gelieve de wachtwoordzin in te voeren ter%0Abeveiliging van uw nieuwe sleutel" -+ -+#: agent/genkey.c:431 -+msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" -+msgstr "Gelieve de nieuwe wachtwoordzin in te voeren" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 -+#: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 -+msgid "" -+"@Options:\n" -+" " -+msgstr "" -+"@Opties:\n" -+" " -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 -+msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" -+msgstr "uitvoeren als achtergronddienst (daemon-modus)" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 -+msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" -+msgstr "uitvoeren in servermodus (voorgronddienst)" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:497 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 -+msgid "verbose" -+msgstr "gedetailleerd" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:282 -+msgid "be somewhat more quiet" -+msgstr "wees wat stiller" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 -+msgid "sh-style command output" -+msgstr "commando-uitvoer in sh-formaat" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 -+msgid "csh-style command output" -+msgstr "commando-uitvoer in csh-formaat" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 -+msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|de opties inlezen vanuit BESTAND" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 -+msgid "do not detach from the console" -+msgstr "niet van de console loskoppelen" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 -+msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" -+msgstr "het toetsenbord en de muis niet kapen" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 -+msgid "use a log file for the server" -+msgstr "gebruik een logboekbestand voor de server" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 -+msgid "use a standard location for the socket" -+msgstr "gebruik een standaardlocatie voor de socket" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 -+msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" -+msgstr "|PROG|PROG gebruiken als programma voor het invoeren van de pincode" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 -+msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" -+msgstr "|PROG|PROG gebruiken als het programma voor de SC-achtergronddienst" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 -+msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" -+msgstr "gebruik de SC-achtergronddienst niet" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 -+msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" -+msgstr "verzoeken om de TTY te wijzigen negeren" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 -+msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" -+msgstr "verzoeken om het grafisch beeldscherm te wijzigen negeren" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 -+msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" -+msgstr "|N|in de cache geladen pincodes laten verlopen na N seconden" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 -+msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" -+msgstr "" -+"maak bij het ondertekenen geen gebruik van het cachegeheugen met de pincodes" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -+msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -+msgstr "clients niet toestaan om sleutels als \"betrouwbaar\" te markeren" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 -+msgid "allow presetting passphrase" -+msgstr "het vooraf instellen van de wachtwoordzin toestaan" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -+msgid "enable ssh support" -+msgstr "ssh-ondersteuning mogelijk maken" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 -+msgid "enable putty support" -+msgstr "putty-ondersteuning mogelijk maken" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 -+msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|schrijf omgevingsinstellingen ook weg naar BESTAND" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug -+#. reporting address. This is so that we can change the -+#. reporting address without breaking the translations. -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -+#: g10/gpg.c:829 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 -+msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -+msgstr "Gelieve fouten te signaleren aan <@EMAIL@>.\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 -+msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-agent [opties] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" -+"Secret key management for GnuPG\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg-agent [opties] [opdracht [parameters]]\n" -+"Beheer van geheime sleutels van GnuPG\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1021 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig debug-niveau `%s' opgegeven\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -+#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -+msgstr "%s is te oud (heb %s nodig, heb %s)\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2129 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: geen bestand `%s' met standaardopties\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2133 -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 -+#, c-format -+msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "optiebestand `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2140 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 -+#, c-format -+msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" -+msgstr "inlezen van opties uit `%s'\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 -+#: g10/plaintext.c:162 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -+#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan map `%s' niet maken: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 -+msgid "name of socket too long\n" -+msgstr "socketnaam is te lang\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" -+msgstr "kan socket niet aanmaken: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 -+#, c-format -+msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" -+msgstr "socketnaam `%s' is te lang\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 -+msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" -+msgstr "" -+"er is al een instantie van gpg-agent actief - er wordt geen nieuwe " -+"opgestart\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 -+msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het verkrijgen van nonce voor de socket\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij de het verbinden van de socket met `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 -+#, c-format -+msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "listen() is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 -+#, c-format -+msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" -+msgstr "er wordt geluisterd op socket `%s'\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 -+#: sm/keydb.c:106 -+#, c-format -+msgid "directory `%s' created\n" -+msgstr "map `%s' aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 -+#, c-format -+msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "opvragen van status van `%s' mislukte: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" -+msgstr "kan map `%s' niet gebruiken als thuismap\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van nonce op bestandsindicator %d: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 -+#, c-format -+msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -+msgstr "verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd gestart\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 -+#, c-format -+msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -+msgstr "verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd beëindigd\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 -+#, c-format -+msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -+msgstr "ssh-verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd gestart\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 -+#, c-format -+msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -+msgstr "ssh-verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd beëindigd\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 -+#, c-format -+msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -+msgstr "pth_select mislukte: %s - er wordt 1s gewacht\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s %s stopped\n" -+msgstr "%s %s gestopt\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 -+msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" -+msgstr "er is geen instantie van gpg-agent actief tijdens deze sessie\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 -+msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig formaat van de omgevingsvariabele GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -+ -+#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 -+#, c-format -+msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" -+msgstr "protocolversie %d van gpg-agent wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 -+msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-preset-passphrase [opties] SLEUTELHENDEL (-h voor hulp)\n" -+ -+#: agent/preset-passphrase.c:104 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" -+"Password cache maintenance\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg-preset-passphrase [opties] SLEUTELHENDEL\n" -+"Onderhoud van de wachtwoordcache\n" -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:382 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:60 -+msgid "" -+"@Commands:\n" -+" " -+msgstr "" -+"@Commando's:\n" -+" " -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:450 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 -+msgid "" -+"@\n" -+"Options:\n" -+" " -+msgstr "" -+"@\n" -+"Opties:\n" -+" " -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:167 -+msgid "Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-protect-tool [opties] (-h voor hulp)\n" -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:169 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpg-protect-tool [options] [args]\n" -+"Secret key maintenance tool\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg-protect-tool [opties] [parameters]\n" -+"Hulpmiddel voor het onderhoud van de geheime sleutels\n" -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 -+msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." -+msgstr "" -+"Voer de wachtwoordzin in om de beveiliging van het PKCS#12-object op te " -+"heffen." -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 -+msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." -+msgstr "Voer de wachtwoordzin in om het nieuwe PKCS#12-object te beveiligen." -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 -+msgid "" -+"Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " -+"system." -+msgstr "" -+"Voer de wachtwoordzin in om het in het GnuPG-systeem geïmporteerde object te " -+"beveiligen." -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 -+msgid "" -+"Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" -+"needed to complete this operation." -+msgstr "" -+"Gelieve de wachtwoordzin of de pincode in te voeren\n" -+"dit is nodig om deze bewerking te voltooien." -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 -+msgid "Passphrase:" -+msgstr "Wachtwoordzin:" -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 -+msgid "cancelled\n" -+msgstr "geannuleerd\n" -+ -+#: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het opvragen van de wachtwoordzin: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error opening `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het openen van `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:151 common/helpfile.c:63 common/helpfile.c:79 -+#, c-format -+msgid "file `%s', line %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "bestand `%s', regel %d: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:171 agent/trustlist.c:179 -+#, c-format -+msgid "statement \"%s\" ignored in `%s', line %d\n" -+msgstr "instructie \"%s\" genegeerd in `%s', regel %d\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:185 -+#, c-format -+msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" -+msgstr "de lijst `%s' over systeembetrouwbaarheid is niet beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:229 -+#, c-format -+msgid "bad fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -+msgstr "slechte vingerafdruk in `%s', regel %d\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige sleutelparameter in `%s', regel %d\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading `%s', line %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van `%s', regel %d: %s\n" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 -+msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van de lijst van vertrouwde stamcertificaten\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry -+#. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by -+#. Pinentry to insert a line break. The double -+#. percent sign is actually needed because it is also -+#. a printf format string. If you need to insert a -+#. plain % sign, you need to encode it as "%%25". The -+#. "%s" gets replaced by the name as stored in the -+#. certificate. -+#: agent/trustlist.c:611 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " -+"certificates?" -+msgstr "" -+"Vertrouwt u er uiterst sterk op dat%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aop een correcte wijze " -+"gebruikerscertificaten certificeert?" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 -+msgid "Yes" -+msgstr "Ja" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:469 -+msgid "No" -+msgstr "Nee" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry and has -+#. one special property: A "%%0A" is used by Pinentry to -+#. insert a line break. The double percent sign is actually -+#. needed because it is also a printf format string. If you -+#. need to insert a plain % sign, you need to encode it as -+#. "%%25". The second "%s" gets replaced by a hexdecimal -+#. fingerprint string whereas the first one receives the name -+#. as stored in the certificate. -+#: agent/trustlist.c:654 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " -+"fingerprint:%%0A %s" -+msgstr "" -+"Gelieve te verifiëren of het certificaat dat geïdentificeerd werd als:%%0A " -+"\"%s\"%%0Avolgende vingerafdruk heeft:%%0A %s" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended -+#. to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The -+#. other button is "the default "Cancel" of the Pinentry. -+#: agent/trustlist.c:668 -+msgid "Correct" -+msgstr "Juist" -+ -+#: agent/trustlist.c:668 -+msgid "Wrong" -+msgstr "Fout" -+ -+#: agent/findkey.c:157 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." -+msgstr "" -+"Noot: Deze wachtwoordzin werd nog nooit gewijzigd.%0AGelieve hem nu te " -+"wijzigen." -+ -+#: agent/findkey.c:173 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " -+"it now." -+msgstr "" -+"Deze wachtwoordzin werd niet meer gewijzigd%%0Asinds %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Gelieve " -+"hem nu te wijzigen." -+ -+#: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 -+msgid "Change passphrase" -+msgstr "Wijzig de wachtwoordzin" -+ -+#: agent/findkey.c:195 -+msgid "I'll change it later" -+msgstr "Ik zal hem later wijzigen" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het maken van een pijp: %s\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" -+msgstr "kan de pijp met fdopen niet openen om eruit te lezen: %s\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error forking process: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het starten van een nieuw proces (fork): %s\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:811 common/exechelp.c:864 -+#, c-format -+msgid "waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "wachten op het einde van proces %d is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:819 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het opvragen van de afsluitcode van proces %d: %s\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:825 common/exechelp.c:877 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error running `%s': exit status %d\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het uitvoeren van `%s': afsluitstatus %d\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:870 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het uitvoeren van `%s': wellicht niet geïnstalleerd\n" -+ -+#: common/exechelp.c:885 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error running `%s': terminated\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het uitvoeren van `%s': gestopt\n" -+ -+#: common/http.c:1682 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating socket: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het maken van een socket: %s\n" -+ -+#: common/http.c:1733 -+msgid "host not found" -+msgstr "computer niet gevonden" -+ -+#: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 -+msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" -+msgstr "gpg-agent is niet beschikbaar tijdens deze sessie\n" -+ -+#: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't connect to `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan geen verbinding maken met `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 -+msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" -+msgstr "probleem in de communicatie met gpg-agent\n" -+ -+#: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 -+msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" -+msgstr "problemen bij het instellen van de opties voor gpg-agent\n" -+ -+#: common/simple-pwquery.c:579 common/simple-pwquery.c:675 -+msgid "canceled by user\n" -+msgstr "afgebroken door de gebruiker\n" -+ -+#: common/simple-pwquery.c:594 common/simple-pwquery.c:681 -+msgid "problem with the agent\n" -+msgstr "probleem met de agent\n" -+ -+#: common/sysutils.c:111 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't disable core dumps: %s\n" -+msgstr "het is niet mogelijk om core-dumps uit te schakelen: %s\n" -+ -+#: common/sysutils.c:206 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Warning: unsafe ownership on %s \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "Waarschuwing: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen op %s \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: common/sysutils.c:238 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Warning: unsafe permissions on %s \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "Waarschuwing: onveilige toegangsrechten op %s \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -+#: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 -+msgid "yes" -+msgstr "yes|ja" -+ -+#: common/yesno.c:36 common/yesno.c:77 -+msgid "yY" -+msgstr "yYjJ" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -+#: common/yesno.c:38 common/yesno.c:74 -+msgid "no" -+msgstr "no|nee" -+ -+#: common/yesno.c:39 common/yesno.c:78 -+msgid "nN" -+msgstr "nN" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -+#: common/yesno.c:76 -+msgid "quit" -+msgstr "quit|stoppen" -+ -+#: common/yesno.c:79 -+msgid "qQ" -+msgstr "qQsS" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -+#: common/yesno.c:113 -+msgid "okay|okay" -+msgstr "okay|oké|ok|OK" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -+#: common/yesno.c:115 -+msgid "cancel|cancel" -+msgstr "cancel|cancelen|annuleren" -+ -+#: common/yesno.c:116 -+msgid "oO" -+msgstr "oO" -+ -+#: common/yesno.c:117 -+msgid "cC" -+msgstr "cCaA" -+ -+#: common/miscellaneous.c:77 -+#, c-format -+msgid "out of core in secure memory while allocating %lu bytes" -+msgstr "" -+"over de limiet van het beveiligde geheugen bij het reserveren van %lu bytes" -+ -+#: common/miscellaneous.c:80 -+#, c-format -+msgid "out of core while allocating %lu bytes" -+msgstr "over de geheugenlimiet bij het reserveren van %lu bytes" -+ -+#: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 -+msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" -+msgstr "er is geen instantie van gpg-agent actief - er wordt een gestart\n" -+ -+#: common/asshelp.c:349 -+#, c-format -+msgid "waiting %d seconds for the agent to come up\n" -+msgstr "er wordt %d seconden gewacht terwijl de agent opstart\n" -+ -+#: common/asshelp.c:426 -+msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" -+msgstr "" -+"kan geen verbinding krijgen met de agent - er wordt een noodoplossing " -+"geprobeerd\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars -+#. verbatim. It will not be printed. -+#: common/audit.c:474 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Good" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Goed" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:477 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Bad" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Slecht" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:479 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Not supported" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Niet ondersteund" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:481 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|No certificate" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Geen certificaat" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:483 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Not enabled" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Niet geactiveerd" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:485 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Error" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Fout" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:487 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Not used" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Niet gebruikt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:489 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Okay" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Oké" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:491 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Skipped" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Overgeslagen" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:493 -+msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" -+msgstr "|audit-log-result|Sommige" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:726 -+msgid "Certificate chain available" -+msgstr "Ketting van certificaten is beschikbaar" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:733 -+msgid "root certificate missing" -+msgstr "stamcertificaat ontbreekt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:759 -+msgid "Data encryption succeeded" -+msgstr "Versleutelen van gegevens is geslaagd" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:764 common/audit.c:830 common/audit.c:906 common/audit.c:997 -+msgid "Data available" -+msgstr "Er zijn gegevens beschikbaar" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:767 -+msgid "Session key created" -+msgstr "Sessiesleutel aangemaakt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:772 common/audit.c:912 common/audit.c:919 -+#, c-format -+msgid "algorithm: %s" -+msgstr "algoritme: %s" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:774 common/audit.c:776 common/audit.c:921 common/audit.c:923 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unsupported algorithm: %s" -+msgstr "niet ondersteund algoritme: %s" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 -+msgid "seems to be not encrypted" -+msgstr "lijkt niet versleuteld te zijn" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 -+msgid "Number of recipients" -+msgstr "Aantal ontvangers" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:792 common/audit.c:956 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Recipient %d" -+msgstr "Ontvanger %d" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:825 -+msgid "Data signing succeeded" -+msgstr "Gegevens ondertekenen is gelukt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:839 common/audit.c:1033 common/audit.c:1060 -+#, c-format -+msgid "data hash algorithm: %s" -+msgstr "algoritme voor het hashen van gegevens: %s" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:862 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signer %d" -+msgstr "Ondertekenaar %d" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:866 common/audit.c:1065 -+#, c-format -+msgid "attr hash algorithm: %s" -+msgstr "algoritme voor het hashen van attributen: %s" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:901 -+msgid "Data decryption succeeded" -+msgstr "Gegevens versleutelen is gelukt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:910 -+msgid "Encryption algorithm supported" -+msgstr "Versleutelingsalgoritme wordt ondersteund" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:993 -+msgid "Data verification succeeded" -+msgstr "Verificatie van gegevens is gelukt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1002 -+msgid "Signature available" -+msgstr "Ondertekening is beschikbaar" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1024 -+msgid "Parsing data succeeded" -+msgstr "Gegevens ontleden is gelukt" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1036 -+#, c-format -+msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" -+msgstr "slecht algoritme voor het hashen van gegevens: %s" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1051 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature %d" -+msgstr "Handtekening %d" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1079 -+msgid "Certificate chain valid" -+msgstr "Ketting van certificaten is geldig" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1090 -+msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" -+msgstr "Stamcertificaat is betrouwbaar" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 -+msgid "no CRL found for certificate" -+msgstr "geen enkele lijst van intrekkingen gevonden voor het certificaat" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 -+msgid "the available CRL is too old" -+msgstr "de beschikbare lijst van intrekkingen is te oud" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1119 -+msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" -+msgstr "" -+"Verificatie van de certificaten met de lijst van intrekkingen en met OCSP" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1139 -+msgid "Included certificates" -+msgstr "Ingesloten certificaten" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1194 -+msgid "No audit log entries." -+msgstr "Geen invoer in het auditlogboek." -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1243 -+msgid "Unknown operation" -+msgstr "Onbekende bewerking" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1261 -+msgid "Gpg-Agent usable" -+msgstr "Gpg-Agent kan gebruikt worden" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1271 -+msgid "Dirmngr usable" -+msgstr "Dirmngr kan gebruikt worden" -+ -+#: common/audit.c:1307 -+#, c-format -+msgid "No help available for `%s'." -+msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar voor `%s'." -+ -+#: common/helpfile.c:80 -+msgid "ignoring garbage line" -+msgstr "regel met rommel wordt genegeerd" -+ -+#: common/gettime.c:503 -+msgid "[none]" -+msgstr "[geen]" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:379 -+#, c-format -+msgid "armor: %s\n" -+msgstr "harnas: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:418 -+msgid "invalid armor header: " -+msgstr "ongeldige harnas-intro: " -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:429 -+msgid "armor header: " -+msgstr "harnas-intro: " -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:442 -+msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige intro van de handtekening in klare tekst\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:455 -+msgid "unknown armor header: " -+msgstr "onbekende harnas-intro: " -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:508 -+msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" -+msgstr "geneste ondertekeningen in klare tekst\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:643 -+msgid "unexpected armor: " -+msgstr "onverwacht harnas: " -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:655 -+msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " -+msgstr "door liggend streepje afgeschermde regel is ongeldig: " -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig radix64-teken %02X overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:853 -+msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" -+msgstr "voortijdig bestandseinde (eof) (geen CRC)\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:887 -+msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" -+msgstr "voortijdig bestandseinde (eof) (in CRC)\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:895 -+msgid "malformed CRC\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige CRC\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 -+#, c-format -+msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" -+msgstr "CRC-fout; %06lX - %06lX\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:919 -+msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" -+msgstr "voortijdig bestandseinde (eof) (in de epiloog)\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:923 -+msgid "error in trailer line\n" -+msgstr "fout in epiloogregel\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:1248 -+msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" -+msgstr "geen geldige OpenPGP-gegevens gevonden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:1253 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig harnas: de regel is langer dan %d tekens\n" -+ -+#: g10/armor.c:1257 -+msgid "" -+"quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" -+msgstr "" -+"harnas bevat een 'quoted printable'-teken - wellicht werd een defecte MTA " -+"(mail-server) gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: g10/build-packet.c:976 -+msgid "" -+"a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " -+"an '='\n" -+msgstr "" -+"een notatiebenaming mag enkel afdrukbare tekens of spaties bevatten, en moet " -+"eindigen met een '='-teken\n" -+ -+#: g10/build-packet.c:988 -+msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" -+msgstr "een notatiebenaming voor een gebruiker moet het teken '@' bevatten\n" -+ -+#: g10/build-packet.c:994 -+msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" -+msgstr "" -+"een notatiebenaming mag niet meer dan een keer het teken '@' bevatten\n" -+ -+#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 -+msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" -+msgstr "een notatiewaarde mag geen enkel controleteken bevatten\n" -+ -+#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 -+msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: ongeldige notatiegegevens gevonden\n" -+ -+#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 -+msgid "not human readable" -+msgstr "niet leesbaar door de gebruiker" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:85 g10/card-util.c:375 -+#, c-format -+msgid "OpenPGP card not available: %s\n" -+msgstr "OpenPGP-kaart is niet beschikbaar: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:90 -+#, c-format -+msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" -+msgstr "OpenPGP-kaartnummer %s gevonden\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -+#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 -+msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" -+msgstr "dit is niet mogelijk in automatische modus\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:106 -+msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" -+msgstr "Dit commando is enkel beschikbaar voor kaarten van versie 2\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 -+msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" -+msgstr "Reset-Code niet of niet langer beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -+#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 -+msgid "Your selection? " -+msgstr "Uw keuze? " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 -+msgid "[not set]" -+msgstr "[niet ingesteld]" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:513 -+msgid "male" -+msgstr "man" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:514 -+msgid "female" -+msgstr "vrouw" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:514 -+msgid "unspecified" -+msgstr "niet gespecificeerd" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:541 -+msgid "not forced" -+msgstr "niet geforceerd" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:541 -+msgid "forced" -+msgstr "geforceerd" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:632 -+msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: Alleen platte ASCII is momenteel toegestaan.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:634 -+msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: U mag het teken \"<\" niet gebruiken.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:636 -+msgid "Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: Dubbele spaties gebruiken is niet toegestaan.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:653 -+msgid "Cardholder's surname: " -+msgstr "Achternaam van de kaarthouder: " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:655 -+msgid "Cardholder's given name: " -+msgstr "Voornaam van de kaarthouder: " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:673 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -+msgstr "Fout: Volledige naam is te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:694 -+msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " -+msgstr "URL voor het ophalen van de publieke sleutel: " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:702 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -+msgstr "Fout: URL is te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het reserveren van voldoende geheugen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:840 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:867 -+msgid "Login data (account name): " -+msgstr "Aanmeldgegevens (accountnaam): " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:877 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -+msgstr "Fout: Aanmeldgegevens zijn te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:913 -+msgid "Private DO data: " -+msgstr "Geheime DO-gegevens: " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:923 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -+msgstr "Fout: Geheime DO is te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1006 -+msgid "Language preferences: " -+msgstr "Taalvoorkeuren: " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1014 -+msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: ongeldige lengte van de voorkeursinformatie.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1023 -+msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: ongeldige tekens in voorkeursinformatie.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1045 -+msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " -+msgstr "Geslacht ((M)Man, (F)Vrouw of spatie): " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1059 -+msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: ongeldig antwoord.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1081 -+msgid "CA fingerprint: " -+msgstr "CA-vingerafdruk: " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1104 -+msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: ongeldig opgemaakte vingerafdruk.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1154 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key operation not possible: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutelbewerking is niet mogelijk: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1155 -+msgid "not an OpenPGP card" -+msgstr "geen OpenPGP-kaart" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1168 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting current key info: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het ophalen van de gegevens van de huidige sleutel: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1255 -+msgid "Replace existing key? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Bestaande sleutel vervangen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1271 -+msgid "" -+"NOTE: There is no guarantee that the card supports the requested size.\n" -+" If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" -+" documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"NOOT: Het kan niet gegarandeerd worden dat de kaart\n" -+" de gevraagde grootte ondersteunt.\n" -+" Indien het aanmaken van de sleutel niet lukt, moet u de documentatie\n" -+" bij uw kaart raadplegen om na te gaan welke groottes toegelaten zijn.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1296 -+#, c-format -+msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " -+msgstr "Welke sleutelgrootte wilt u voor de Ondertekeningssleutel? (%u) " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1298 -+#, c-format -+msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " -+msgstr "Welke sleutelgrootte wilt u voor de Encryptiesleutel? (%u) " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1299 -+#, c-format -+msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " -+msgstr "Welke sleutelgrootte wilt u voor de Authenticatiesleutel? (%u) " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 -+#, c-format -+msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" -+msgstr "afgerond naar %u bits\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" -+msgstr "%s sleutelgrootte moet vallen binnen het bereik %u-%u\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1323 -+#, c-format -+msgid "The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of %u bits\n" -+msgstr "" -+"De kaart zal nu opnieuw ingesteld worden om een sleutel van %u bits aan te " -+"maken\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1343 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"fout bij het veranderen van de grootte van sleutel %d naar %u bits: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1365 -+msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " -+msgstr "Een externe reservekopie maken van de encryptiesleutel? (J/n) " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1379 -+msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: sleutels worden al op de kaart bewaard!\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1382 -+msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Bestaande sleutels vervangen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1394 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Please note that the factory settings of the PINs are\n" -+" PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" -+"You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Gelieve te noteren dat de fabrieksinstellingen voor de pincodes de volgende " -+"zijn:\n" -+" pincode = `%s' Beheerderspincode = `%s'\n" -+"U wordt aangeraden deze te wijzigen met het commando --change-pin\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1450 -+msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" -+msgstr "Selecteer het type sleutel dat aangemaakt moet worden:\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1452 g10/card-util.c:1560 -+msgid " (1) Signature key\n" -+msgstr " (1) Ondertekeningssleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1453 g10/card-util.c:1562 -+msgid " (2) Encryption key\n" -+msgstr " (2) Encryptiesleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1454 g10/card-util.c:1564 -+msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" -+msgstr " (3) Authenticatiesleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -+#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 -+msgid "Invalid selection.\n" -+msgstr "Ongeldige keuze.\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1557 -+msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" -+msgstr "Geef aan waar de sleutel moet opgeslagen worden:\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1601 -+msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" -+msgstr "onbekend sleutelbeveiligingsalgoritme\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1606 -+msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" -+msgstr "geheime delen van de sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1611 -+msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" -+msgstr "geheime sleutel staat reeds op de kaart\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1624 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van de sleutel naar de kaart: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 -+msgid "quit this menu" -+msgstr "dit menu verlaten" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1685 -+msgid "show admin commands" -+msgstr "toon beheerderscommando's" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 -+msgid "show this help" -+msgstr "toon deze hulp" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1688 -+msgid "list all available data" -+msgstr "toon alle beschikbare gegevens" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1691 -+msgid "change card holder's name" -+msgstr "verander de naam van de kaarthouder" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1692 -+msgid "change URL to retrieve key" -+msgstr "verander de URL waarvan de sleutel opgehaald moet worden" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1693 -+msgid "fetch the key specified in the card URL" -+msgstr "haal de sleutel op van de URL die op de kaart vermeld staat" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1694 -+msgid "change the login name" -+msgstr "verander de aanmeldnaam" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1695 -+msgid "change the language preferences" -+msgstr "verander de taalvoorkeuren" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1696 -+msgid "change card holder's sex" -+msgstr "verander het geslacht van de kaarthouder" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1697 -+msgid "change a CA fingerprint" -+msgstr "verander een CA-vingerafdruk" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1698 -+msgid "toggle the signature force PIN flag" -+msgstr "" -+"schakel de parameter die om een pincode vraagt bij het ondertekenen aan/uit" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1699 -+msgid "generate new keys" -+msgstr "maak nieuwe sleutels aan" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1700 -+msgid "menu to change or unblock the PIN" -+msgstr "menu voor het wijzigen of ontgrendelen van de pincode" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1701 -+msgid "verify the PIN and list all data" -+msgstr "controleer de pincode en toon alle gegevens" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1702 -+msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" -+msgstr "ontgrendel de pincode met behulp van een Reset-Code" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1824 -+msgid "gpg/card> " -+msgstr "gpg/kaart> " -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1865 -+msgid "Admin-only command\n" -+msgstr "Enkel de beheerder kan dit commando uitvoeren\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1896 -+msgid "Admin commands are allowed\n" -+msgstr "Beheerderscommando's zijn toegestaan\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1898 -+msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" -+msgstr "Beheerderscommando's zijn niet toegestaan\n" -+ -+#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 -+msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" -+msgstr "Ongeldig commando (probeer \"help\")\n" -+ -+#: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 -+msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" -+msgstr "--output werkt niet voor dit commando\n" -+ -+#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4064 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't open `%s'\n" -+msgstr "kan `%s' niet openen\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel \"%s\" niet gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 -+#: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout tijdens het lezen van sleutelblok: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:127 g10/delkey.c:134 -+msgid "(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n" -+msgstr "(tenzij u de sleutel via de vingerafdruk specificeert)\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:133 -+msgid "can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"dit is onmogelijk in automatische modus zonder de parameter \"--yes\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:145 -+msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Deze sleutel uit de sleutelring verwijderen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:153 -+msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Dit is een geheime sleutel! - echt verwijderen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:163 -+#, c-format -+msgid "deleting keyblock failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "verwijderen van sleutelblok is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:173 -+msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" -+msgstr "de betrouwbaarheidsgegevens werden gewist\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:204 -+#, c-format -+msgid "there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n" -+msgstr "een geheime sleutel fungeert als publieke sleutel \"%s\"!\n" -+ -+#: g10/delkey.c:206 -+msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"gebruik de optie \"--delete-secret-keys\" om hem eerst te verwijderen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het maken van de wachtwoordzin: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:232 -+msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" -+msgstr "kan geen symmetrisch ESK-pakket gebruiken omwille van de S2K-modus\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:246 -+#, c-format -+msgid "using cipher %s\n" -+msgstr "versleutelingsalgoritme %s wordt gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 -+#, c-format -+msgid "`%s' already compressed\n" -+msgstr "`%s' is reeds gecomprimeerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: `%s' is een leeg bestand\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:485 -+msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U kunt enkel versleutelen naar RSA-sleutels van 2048 bits of minder in de " -+"modus --pgp2\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:510 -+#, c-format -+msgid "reading from `%s'\n" -+msgstr "lezen van `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:541 -+msgid "" -+"unable to use the IDEA cipher for all of the keys you are encrypting to.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"het is onmogelijk om het IDEA-versleutelingsalgoritme te gebruiken voor al " -+"de sleutels waarnaar u versleutelt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:559 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: het dwingend opleggen van het symmetrisch " -+"versleutelingsalgoritme %s (%d) gaat in tegen de voorkeuren van de " -+"ontvanger\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " -+"preferences\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: het dwingend opleggen van het compressiealgoritme %s (%d) gaat " -+"in tegen de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:751 -+#, c-format -+msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" -+msgstr "" -+"het dwingend opleggen van het symmetrisch versleutelingsalgoritme %s (%d) " -+"gaat in tegen de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you may not use %s while in %s mode\n" -+msgstr "u mag %s niet gebruiken in de %s-modus\n" -+ -+#: g10/encode.c:848 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s/%s encrypted for: \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "%s/%s versleuteld voor: \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/encr-data.c:93 g10/mainproc.c:297 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s encrypted data\n" -+msgstr "%s versleutelde gegevens\n" -+ -+#: g10/encr-data.c:96 g10/mainproc.c:301 -+#, c-format -+msgid "encrypted with unknown algorithm %d\n" -+msgstr "versleuteld met onbekend algoritme %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/encr-data.c:159 sm/decrypt.c:126 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: message was encrypted with a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: het bericht is versleuteld met een zwakke sleutel in het " -+"symmetrische versleutelingsalgoritme.\n" -+ -+#: g10/encr-data.c:171 -+msgid "problem handling encrypted packet\n" -+msgstr "probleem met het verwerken van het versleutelde pakket\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:60 -+msgid "no remote program execution supported\n" -+msgstr "het uitvoeren van externe programma's wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:311 -+msgid "" -+"external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions\n" -+msgstr "" -+"het aanroepen van externe programma's is uitgeschakeld omdat de " -+"toegangsrechten van het optiebestand onveilig zijn\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:341 -+msgid "this platform requires temporary files when calling external programs\n" -+msgstr "" -+"dit platform heeft tijdelijke bestanden nodig bij het aanroepen van externe " -+"programma's\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:419 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan programma `%s' niet uitvoeren: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:422 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan shell `%s' niet uitvoeren: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:513 -+#, c-format -+msgid "system error while calling external program: %s\n" -+msgstr "systeemfout bij het aanroepen van een extern programma: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:524 g10/exec.c:591 -+msgid "unnatural exit of external program\n" -+msgstr "onnatuurlijk einde van het externe programma\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:539 -+msgid "unable to execute external program\n" -+msgstr "niet in staat om het externe programma uit te voeren\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:556 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to read external program response: %s\n" -+msgstr "niet in staat om het antwoord van het externe programma te lezen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:602 g10/exec.c:609 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: tijdelijk bestand (%s) `%s' kan niet verwijderd worden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/exec.c:614 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unable to remove temp directory `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: tijdelijke map `%s' kan niet verwijderd worden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:61 -+msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" -+msgstr "exporteer handtekeningen die gemarkeerd staan als uitsluitend lokaal" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:63 -+msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" -+msgstr "" -+"exporteer identiteitsattributen van gebruikers (meestal identiteitsfoto's)" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:65 -+msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" -+msgstr "exporteer intrekkingssleutels die als \"gevoelig\" gemarkeerd zijn" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:67 -+msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" -+msgstr "verwijder de wachtwoordzin van de geëxporteerde subsleutels" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:69 -+msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" -+msgstr "verwijder de onbruikbare delen van de sleutel tijdens het exporteren" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:71 -+msgid "remove as much as possible from key during export" -+msgstr "verwijder zo veel mogelijk van de sleutel tijdens het exporteren" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:73 -+msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" -+msgstr "exporteer sleutels in een formaat gebaseerd op een S-expressie" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:338 -+msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" -+msgstr "het exporteren van geheime sleutels is niet toegestaan\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:367 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: not protected - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: niet beveiligd - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:375 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: sleutel van het type PGP 2.x - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:386 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: sleutelmateriaal op kaart - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:537 -+msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" -+msgstr "sta op het punt om een onbeveiligde subsleutel te exporteren\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:560 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to unprotect the subkey: %s\n" -+msgstr "wegnemen van de beveiliging van de subsleutel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:584 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: geheime sleutel %s heeft geen eenvoudige SK-controlesom\n" -+ -+#: g10/export.c:633 -+msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er werd niets geëxporteerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:152 -+msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -+msgstr "te veel regels in de pk-cache - gedeactiveerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:175 -+msgid "[User ID not found]" -+msgstr "[Gebruikers-ID niet gevonden]" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:1113 -+#, c-format -+msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" -+msgstr "`%s' automatisch opgehaald via %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:1118 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het ophalen van `%s' via %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:1120 -+msgid "No fingerprint" -+msgstr "Geen vingerafdruk" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:1936 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Ongeldige sleutel %s is geldig gemaakt met --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -+msgstr "geen geheime subsleutel voor publieke subsleutel %s - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:2765 -+#, c-format -+msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" -+msgstr "subsleutel %s wordt gebruikt in plaats van primaire sleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geheime sleutel zonder publieke sleutel - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:384 sm/gpgsm.c:188 -+msgid "make a signature" -+msgstr "maak een ondertekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:189 -+msgid "make a clear text signature" -+msgstr "maak een ondertekening in klare tekst" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:386 sm/gpgsm.c:190 -+msgid "make a detached signature" -+msgstr "maak een ontkoppelde ondertekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:191 -+msgid "encrypt data" -+msgstr "versleutel gegevens" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:192 -+msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" -+msgstr "enkel versleutelen met het symmetrisch versleutelingsalgoritme" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:193 -+msgid "decrypt data (default)" -+msgstr "ontcijfer gegevens (standaard)" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:393 sm/gpgsm.c:194 -+msgid "verify a signature" -+msgstr "controleer een ondertekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:195 -+msgid "list keys" -+msgstr "toon sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:397 -+msgid "list keys and signatures" -+msgstr "toon sleutels en ondertekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:398 -+msgid "list and check key signatures" -+msgstr "toon en controleer sleutelondertekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:399 sm/gpgsm.c:200 -+msgid "list keys and fingerprints" -+msgstr "toon sleutels en vingerafdrukken" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:198 -+msgid "list secret keys" -+msgstr "toon geheime sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:401 sm/gpgsm.c:201 -+msgid "generate a new key pair" -+msgstr "maak een nieuw sleutelpaar aan" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:402 -+msgid "generate a revocation certificate" -+msgstr "maak een intrekkingscertificaat aan" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:203 -+msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" -+msgstr "verwijder sleutels uit de publieke sleutelring" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:406 -+msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" -+msgstr "verwijder sleutels uit de geheime sleutelring" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:407 -+msgid "sign a key" -+msgstr "onderteken een sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:408 -+msgid "sign a key locally" -+msgstr "onderteken een sleutel lokaal" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:409 -+msgid "sign or edit a key" -+msgstr "onderteken of bewerk een sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:215 -+msgid "change a passphrase" -+msgstr "wijzig een wachtwoordzin" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:413 -+msgid "export keys" -+msgstr "exporteer sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:204 -+msgid "export keys to a key server" -+msgstr "exporteer sleutels naar een sleutelserver" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:415 sm/gpgsm.c:205 -+msgid "import keys from a key server" -+msgstr "importeer sleutels van een sleutelserver" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:417 -+msgid "search for keys on a key server" -+msgstr "zoek naar sleutels op een sleutelserver" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:419 -+msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" -+msgstr "alle sleutels bijwerken vanaf een sleutelserver" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:424 -+msgid "import/merge keys" -+msgstr "sleutels importeren/samenvoegen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:427 -+msgid "print the card status" -+msgstr "toon de kaartstatus" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:428 -+msgid "change data on a card" -+msgstr "wijzig gegevens op een kaart" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:429 -+msgid "change a card's PIN" -+msgstr "wijzig de pincode van een kaart" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:438 -+msgid "update the trust database" -+msgstr "werk de database met betrouwbaarheidsinformatie bij" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:445 -+msgid "print message digests" -+msgstr "toon de hash-waarden van het bericht" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:210 -+msgid "run in server mode" -+msgstr "in servermodus uitvoeren" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:228 -+msgid "create ascii armored output" -+msgstr "creëer uitvoer in ascii-harnas" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:455 sm/gpgsm.c:241 -+msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -+msgstr "|GEBRUIKERS-ID|versleutel voor GEBRUIKERS-ID" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:468 sm/gpgsm.c:278 -+msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" -+msgstr "" -+"|GEBRUIKERS-ID|gebruik deze GEBRUIKERS-ID om te ondertekenen of te " -+"ontcijferen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:471 -+msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -+msgstr "|N|stel compressieniveau N in (0 voor geen)" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:477 -+msgid "use canonical text mode" -+msgstr "gebruik de gebruikelijke tekstmodus" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:494 sm/gpgsm.c:280 -+msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|schrijf uitvoer weg naar BESTAND" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:510 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 -+msgid "do not make any changes" -+msgstr "maak geen wijzigingen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:511 -+msgid "prompt before overwriting" -+msgstr "niet overschrijven zonder te vragen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:559 -+msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" -+msgstr "strikt OpenPGP-gedrag toepassen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 -+msgid "" -+"@\n" -+"(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"@\n" -+"(zie de man-pagina voor een complete lijst van alle commando's en opties)\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 -+msgid "" -+"@\n" -+"Examples:\n" -+"\n" -+" -se -r Bob [file] sign and encrypt for user Bob\n" -+" --clearsign [file] make a clear text signature\n" -+" --detach-sign [file] make a detached signature\n" -+" --list-keys [names] show keys\n" -+" --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" -+msgstr "" -+"@\n" -+"Voorbeelden:\n" -+"\n" -+" -se -r Bob [bestand] onderteken en versleutel voor gebruiker Bob\n" -+" --clearsign [bestand] maak een ondertekening in klare tekst\n" -+" --detach-sign [bestand] maak een ontkoppelde ondertekening\n" -+" --list-keys [namen] toon sleutels\n" -+" --fingerprint [namen] toon vingerafdrukken\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:851 -+msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpg [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:854 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" -+"Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -+"Default operation depends on the input data\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg [opties] [bestanden]\n" -+"Onderteken, controleer, versleutel of ontcijfer\n" -+"Standaardactie is afhankelijk van de gegevensinvoer\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:865 sm/gpgsm.c:543 -+msgid "" -+"\n" -+"Supported algorithms:\n" -+msgstr "" -+"\n" -+"Ondersteunde algoritmes:\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:868 -+msgid "Pubkey: " -+msgstr "Publieke sleutel: " -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:875 g10/keyedit.c:2427 -+msgid "Cipher: " -+msgstr "Versleutelingsalgoritme: " -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:882 -+msgid "Hash: " -+msgstr "Hashalgoritme: " -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:889 g10/keyedit.c:2472 -+msgid "Compression: " -+msgstr "Compressiealgoritme: " -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:958 -+msgid "usage: gpg [options] " -+msgstr "gebruik: gpg [opties] " -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1172 sm/gpgsm.c:716 -+msgid "conflicting commands\n" -+msgstr "conflicterende commando's\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1190 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" -+msgstr "geen '='-teken gevonden in de groepsdefinitie `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1387 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen van thuismap `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1390 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen van configuratiebestand `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1393 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen van uitbreiding ‘%s’\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1399 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: toegangsrechten van thuismap `%s' zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1402 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: toegangsrechten van configuratiebestand `%s' zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1405 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: toegangsrechten van uitbreiding ‘%s’ zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1411 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de eigendomsinstellingen van de map waarin de thuismap `%s' " -+"zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1414 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de eigendomsinstellingen van de map waarin configuratiebestand " -+"`%s' zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1417 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de eigendomsinstellingen van de map waarin uitbreiding `%s' " -+"zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1423 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de toegangsrechten van de map waarin de thuismap `%s' zich " -+"bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1426 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de toegangsrechten van de map waarin configuratiebestand `%s' " -+"zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1429 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de toegangsrechten van de map waarin uitbreiding `%s' zich " -+"bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1609 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" -+msgstr "onbekend configuratie-item `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1713 -+msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" -+msgstr "toon identiteitsfoto's bij de lijst van sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1715 -+msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" -+msgstr "toon richtlijn-URL's bij de lijst van handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1717 -+msgid "show all notations during signature listings" -+msgstr "toon alle notaties bij het weergeven van de lijst van handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1719 -+msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" -+msgstr "" -+"toon IETF-standaardnotaties bij het weergeven van de lijst van handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1723 -+msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" -+msgstr "" -+"toon door de gebruiker gemaakte notaties bij het weergeven van de lijst van " -+"handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1725 -+msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" -+msgstr "" -+"toon de URL van de voorkeurssleutelserver bij de lijst van handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1727 -+msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" -+msgstr "toon de geldigheid van de gebruikers-ID bij de lijst van sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1729 -+msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" -+msgstr "" -+"toon de ingetrokken en verlopen gebruikers-ID's bij de lijst van sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1731 -+msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" -+msgstr "toon de ingetrokken en vervallen subsleutels bij de lijst van sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1733 -+msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" -+msgstr "toon de naam van de sleutelring bij de lijst van sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1735 -+msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" -+msgstr "toon de vervaldata bij de lijst van handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1869 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: oud bestand `%s' met standaardopties werd genegeerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:1962 -+#, c-format -+msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -+msgstr "libgcrypt is te oud (heb %s nodig, heb %s)\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2377 g10/gpg.c:3072 g10/gpg.c:3084 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: %s is niet bedoeld voor normaal gebruik!\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2561 g10/gpg.c:2573 -+#, c-format -+msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" -+msgstr "`%s' is geen geldige vervaldatum voor handtekeningen\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2655 -+#, c-format -+msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" -+msgstr "`%s' is geen geldige tekenset\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2678 g10/gpg.c:2873 g10/keyedit.c:4201 -+msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" -+msgstr "kon de URL van de sleutelserver niet ontleden\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2690 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige sleutelserveropties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2693 -+msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige sleutelserveropties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2700 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige importopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2703 -+msgid "invalid import options\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige importopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2710 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige exportopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2713 -+msgid "invalid export options\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige exportopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2720 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige lijstopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2723 -+msgid "invalid list options\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige lijstopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2731 -+msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" -+msgstr "toon identiteitsfoto's bij het controleren van de handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2733 -+msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" -+msgstr "toon richtlijn-URL's bij het controleren van de handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2735 -+msgid "show all notations during signature verification" -+msgstr "toon alle notaties bij het controleren van de handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2737 -+msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" -+msgstr "toon IETF-standaardnotaties bij het controleren van de handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2741 -+msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" -+msgstr "" -+"toon door de gebruiker gemaakte notaties bij het controleren van de " -+"handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2743 -+msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" -+msgstr "" -+"toon de URL van de voorkeurssleutelserver bij het controleren van de " -+"handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2745 -+msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" -+msgstr "" -+"toon de geldigheid van de gebruikers-ID bij het controleren van de " -+"handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2747 -+msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" -+msgstr "" -+"toon de ingetrokken en vervallen gebruikers-ID's bij het controleren van de " -+"handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2749 -+msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" -+msgstr "" -+"toon enkel de primaire gebruikers-ID bij het controleren van de handtekening" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2751 -+msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" -+msgstr "valideer ondertekeningen met PKA-gegevens" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2753 -+msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" -+msgstr "" -+"verhoog de betrouwbaarheid van ondertekeningen met geldige PKA-gegevens" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2760 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige verificatieopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2763 -+msgid "invalid verify options\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige verificatieopties\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2770 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" -+msgstr "kon het pad naar het programma %s niet instellen\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2956 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: lijst voor het automatisch opzoeken van sleutels is ongeldig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:2959 -+msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -+msgstr "lijst voor het automatisch opzoeken van sleutels is ongeldig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3061 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 -+msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: het programma zou een core-dump-bestand kunnen maken!\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3065 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: %s heeft voorrang op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3074 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" -+msgstr "%s mag niet gebruikt worden met %s!\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3077 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" -+msgstr "%s is zinloos in combinatie met %s!\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3092 -+#, c-format -+msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" -+msgstr "zal met onveilig geheugen niet werken wegens %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3106 -+msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" -+msgstr "" -+"enkel ontkoppelde ondertekeningen of handtekeningen in klare tekst zijn " -+"mogelijk in de modus --pgp2\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3112 -+msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -+msgstr "u kunt miet tegelijk ondertekenen en versleutelen in de modus --pgp2\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3118 -+msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" -+msgstr "u moet bestanden (en geen pipe) gebruiken in de modus --pgp2.\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3131 -+msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" -+msgstr "" -+"om een bericht te versleutelen in de modus --pgp2 is het IDEA-" -+"versleutelingsalgoritme nodig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3199 g10/gpg.c:3223 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 -+msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig versleutelingsalgoritme gekozen\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3205 g10/gpg.c:3229 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 -+msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig hashalgoritme gekozen\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3211 -+msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig compressiealgoritme gekozen\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3217 -+msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" -+msgstr "het gekozen hashalgoritme voor certificatie is ongeldig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3232 -+msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" -+msgstr "completes-needed moet groter zijn dan 0\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3234 -+msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" -+msgstr "marginals-needed moet groter zijn dan 1\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3236 -+msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" -+msgstr "max-cert-depth moet liggen tussen 1 en 255\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3238 -+msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig default-cert-level; moet 0, 1, 2 of 3 zijn\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3240 -+msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig min-cert-level; moet 1, 2 of 3 zijn\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3243 -+msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: eenvoudige S2K-modus (0) wordt sterk afgeraden\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3247 -+msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige S2K-modus; moet 0, 1 of 3 zijn\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3254 -+msgid "invalid default preferences\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige standaardvoorkeuren\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3258 -+msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige voorkeuren in het persoonlijk versleutelingsalgoritme\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3262 -+msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige voorkeuren in het persoonlijk hashalgoritme\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3266 -+msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige voorkeuren in het persoonlijk compressiealgoritme\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3299 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" -+msgstr "%s werkt nog niet met %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3346 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -+msgstr "u mag versleutelingsalgoritme `%s' niet gebruiken in %s-modus\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3351 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -+msgstr "u mag hashalgoritme `%s' niet gebruiken in %s-modus\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3356 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -+msgstr "u mag compressiealgoritme `%s' niet gebruiken in %s-modus\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3451 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"initialiseren van de TrustDB (database van vertrouwen) is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3462 -+msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: er werden ontvangers (-r) opgegeven zonder dat versleuteling " -+"met een publieke sleutel toegepast wordt\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3483 -+msgid "--store [filename]" -+msgstr "--store [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3490 -+msgid "--symmetric [filename]" -+msgstr "--symmetric [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3492 -+#, c-format -+msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "symmetrische versleuteling van `%s' is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3502 -+msgid "--encrypt [filename]" -+msgstr "--encrypt [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3515 -+msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" -+msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3517 -+msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -+msgstr "u kunt --symmetric --encrypt niet gebruiken samen met --s2k-mode 0\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3520 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -+msgstr "u kunt --symmetric --encrypt niet in %s-modus gebruiken\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3538 -+msgid "--sign [filename]" -+msgstr "--sign [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3551 -+msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" -+msgstr "--sign --encrypt [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3566 -+msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" -+msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3568 -+msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -+msgstr "" -+"u kunt --symmetric --sign --encrypt niet gebruiken samen met --s2k-mode 0\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3571 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -+msgstr "u kunt --symmetric --sign --encrypt niet in %s-modus gebruiken\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3591 -+msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" -+msgstr "--sign --symmetric [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3600 -+msgid "--clearsign [filename]" -+msgstr "--clearsign [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3625 -+msgid "--decrypt [filename]" -+msgstr "--decrypt [bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3633 -+msgid "--sign-key user-id" -+msgstr "--sign-key gebruikers-id" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3637 -+msgid "--lsign-key user-id" -+msgstr "--lsign-key gebruikers-id" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3658 -+msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" -+msgstr "--edit-key gebruikers-id [commando's]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3674 -+msgid "--passwd " -+msgstr "--passwd " -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3761 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "verzenden naar sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3763 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "opvragen vanaf sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3765 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key export failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel exporteren is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3776 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "opzoeking op sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3786 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "verversen vanaf sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3837 -+#, c-format -+msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "ontmantelen van harnas is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3845 -+#, c-format -+msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "opbouwen van harnas is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:3935 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig hashalgoritme `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:4050 -+msgid "[filename]" -+msgstr "[bestandsnaam]" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:4054 -+msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" -+msgstr "U kunt uw bericht typen ...\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:4368 -+msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" -+msgstr "de opgegeven URL voor certificeringsrichtlijnen is ongeldig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:4370 -+msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" -+msgstr "de opgegeven URL voor ondertekeningsrichtlijnen is ongeldig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpg.c:4403 -+msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" -+msgstr "de opgegeven URL voor de voorkeurssleutelserver is ongeldig\n" -+ -+#: g10/gpgv.c:74 -+msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|gebruik de sleutels van de sleutelring BESTAND" -+ -+#: g10/gpgv.c:76 -+msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" -+msgstr "maak dateringsconflicten slechts een waarschuwing waard" -+ -+#: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 -+msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" -+msgstr "|FD|schrijf statusinformatie naar deze bestandsindicator (FD)" -+ -+#: g10/gpgv.c:117 -+msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpgv [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: g10/gpgv.c:119 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n" -+"Check signatures against known trusted keys\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg [opties] [bestanden]\n" -+"Controleer ondertekeningen via gekende en vertrouwde sleutels\n" -+ -+#: g10/helptext.c:72 -+msgid "No help available" -+msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar" -+ -+#: g10/helptext.c:82 -+#, c-format -+msgid "No help available for `%s'" -+msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar voor `%s'" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:97 -+msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" -+msgstr "importeer handtekeningen die als uitsluitend lokaal zijn gemarkeerd" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:99 -+msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" -+msgstr "" -+"herstel beschadigingen die ontstaan zijn bij het importeren vanuit de pks-" -+"sleutelserver" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:101 -+msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" -+msgstr "werk de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) niet bij na het importeren" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:103 -+msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" -+msgstr "" -+"maak een publieke sleutel aan bij het importeren van een geheime sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:105 -+msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" -+msgstr "accepteer alleen het bijwerken van bestaande sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:107 -+msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" -+msgstr "verwijder onbruikbare delen van de sleutel na het importeren" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:109 -+msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" -+msgstr "verwijder zo veel mogelijk van de sleutel na het importeren" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:277 -+#, c-format -+msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" -+msgstr "blok van het type %d wordt overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:286 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" -+msgstr "%lu sleutels verwerkt tot dusver\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:303 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" -+msgstr " Totaal aantal verwerkt: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:305 -+#, c-format -+msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" -+msgstr " overgeslagen nieuwe sleutels: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:308 -+#, c-format -+msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" -+msgstr " zonder gebruikers-ID: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 -+#, c-format -+msgid " imported: %lu" -+msgstr " geïmporteerd: %lu" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 -+#, c-format -+msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" -+msgstr " onveranderd: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:318 -+#, c-format -+msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nieuwe gebruikers-ID's: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:320 -+#, c-format -+msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nieuwe subsleutels: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:322 -+#, c-format -+msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" -+msgstr " nieuwe handtekeningen: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:324 -+#, c-format -+msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" -+msgstr "nieuwe intrekkingen van sleutels: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 -+#, c-format -+msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" -+msgstr " gelezen geheime sleutels: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 -+#, c-format -+msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" -+msgstr " geïmporteerde geheime sleutels: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 -+#, c-format -+msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" -+msgstr " ongewijzigde geheime sleutels: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 -+#, c-format -+msgid " not imported: %lu\n" -+msgstr " niet geïmporteerd: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:334 -+#, c-format -+msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" -+msgstr " opgeschoonde handtekeningen: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:336 -+#, c-format -+msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" -+msgstr " opgeschoonde gebruikers-ID's: %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:638 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" -+"algorithms on these user IDs:\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: sleutel %s bevat voorkeuren voor niet-beschikbare\n" -+"algoritmes bij deze gebruikers-ID's:\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:679 -+#, c-format -+msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr " \"%s\": voorkeur voor versleutelingsalgoritme %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:694 -+#, c-format -+msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr " \"%s\": voorkeur voor hashalgoritme %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:706 -+#, c-format -+msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr " \"%s\": voorkeur voor compressiealgoritme %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:719 -+msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" -+msgstr "we raden u sterk aan om uw voorkeuren aan te passen en\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:721 -+msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" -+msgstr "" -+"om deze sleutel opnieuw te distribueren om mogelijke problemen met niet-" -+"overeenstemmende algoritmes te voorkomen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:745 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -+msgstr "u kunt uw voorkeuren bijwerken met: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geen gebruikers-ID\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:804 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 -+msgid "rejected by import filter" -+msgstr "verworpen door de importfilter" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:834 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: beschadigingen in PKS-subsleutel hersteld\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:849 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: niet auto-gesigneerde gebruikers-ID \"%s\" aanvaard\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:855 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geen geldige gebruikers-ID's\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:857 -+msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -+msgstr "" -+"dit kan veroorzaakt worden door het ontbreken van een eigen ondertekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: publieke sleutel niet gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:873 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: nieuwe sleutel - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:882 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" -+msgstr "geen sleutelring gevonden waarnaartoe geschreven kan worden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 -+#, c-format -+msgid "writing to `%s'\n" -+msgstr "aan het schrijven naar `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -+#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar sleutelring `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:910 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: publieke sleutel \"%s\" geïmporteerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:934 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: stemt niet overeen met onze kopie\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: kan het originele sleutelblok niet vinden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: kan het originele sleutelblok niet lezen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1001 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" 1 nieuwe gebruikers-ID\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1004 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d nieuwe gebruikers-ID's\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1007 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" 1 nieuwe ondertekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1010 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d nieuwe ondertekeningen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1013 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" 1 nieuwe subsleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1016 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d nieuwe subsleutels\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1019 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d ondertekening opgeschoond\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1022 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d ondertekeningen opgeschoond\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1025 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d gebruikers-ID opgeschoond\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1028 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d gebruikers-ID's opgeschoond\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1052 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" niet veranderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1205 -+#, c-format -+msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "geheime sleutel %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 -+msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -+msgstr "importeren van geheime sleutels is niet toegestaan\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1237 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: geheime sleutel met ongeldig versleutelingsalgoritme %d - " -+"overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" -+msgstr "geen standaardsleutelring voor geheime sleutels: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1276 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geheime sleutel geïmporteerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1307 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: reeds in sleutelring van geheime sleutels\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1317 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geheime sleutel niet gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1349 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: geen publieke sleutel - kan intrekkingscertificaat niet " -+"toepassen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1392 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldig intrekkingscertificaat: %s - afgewezen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1424 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" intrekkingscertificaat geïmporteerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1500 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geen gebruikers-ID voor ondertekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1517 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: niet ondersteund publieke-sleutelalgoritme voor gebruikers-ID " -+"\"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1519 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige eigen ondertekening bij gebruikers-ID \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: niet ondersteund publieke-sleutelalgoritme\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1537 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige rechtstreekse ondertekening van de sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1551 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor de koppeling met de sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1564 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige koppeling met de subsleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1580 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: meervoudige koppeling met de subsleutel verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1602 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor het intrekken van de sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1615 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige intrekking van subsleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1630 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: meervoudige intrekking van de subsleutel verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1671 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: gebruikers-ID \"%s\" overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1692 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: subsleutel overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1719 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: ondertekening (klasse 0x%02X) kan niet geëxporteerd worden - " -+"overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1729 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: intrekkingscertificaat op verkeerde plek - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1746 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldig intrekkingscertificaat: %s - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1760 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: ondertekening van subsleutel op de verkeerde plek - " -+"overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1768 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: onverwachte ondertekening klasse (0x%02X) - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1897 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: duplicaat van gebruikers-ID gevonden - samengevoegd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1959 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: sleutel %s kan ingetrokken zijn: ophalen intrekkingssleutel " -+"%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:1973 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: sleutel %s kan ingetrokken zijn: intrekkingssleutel %s niet " -+"aanwezig.\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:2032 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" intrekkingscertificaat toegevoegd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:2066 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: directe ondertekening van de sleutel toegevoegd\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:2467 -+msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" -+msgstr "" -+"NOOT: een serienummer van een sleutel stemt niet overeen met die van de " -+"kaart\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:2475 -+msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: primaire sleutel is online en opgeslagen op de kaart\n" -+ -+#: g10/import.c:2477 -+msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: secundaire sleutel is online en opgeslagen op de kaart\n" -+ -+#: g10/keydb.c:182 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating keyring `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van de sleutelring `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keydb.c:188 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" -+msgstr "sleutelring `%s' is aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyblock resource `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "bron van de sleutelblok `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keydb.c:749 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" -+msgstr "de cache van de sleutelring opnieuw bouwen is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:265 -+msgid "[revocation]" -+msgstr "[intrekking]" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:266 -+msgid "[self-signature]" -+msgstr "[eigen ondertekening]" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 -+msgid "1 bad signature\n" -+msgstr "1 slechte ondertekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d bad signatures\n" -+msgstr "%d slechte ondertekeningen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 -+msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" -+msgstr "" -+"1 ondertekening werd niet gecontroleerd wegens een ontbrekende sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%d ondertekeningen werden niet gecontroleerd wegens ontbrekende sleutels\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 -+msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" -+msgstr "1 ondertekening werd niet gecontroleerd wegens een fout\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" -+msgstr "%d ondertekeningen werden niet gecontroleerd wegens fouten\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:356 -+msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" -+msgstr "1 gebruikers-ID gevonden zonder geldige eigen handtekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:358 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" -+msgstr "%d gebruikers-ID's gevonden zonder geldige eigen handtekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 -+msgid "" -+"Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " -+"keys\n" -+"(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " -+"etc.)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Geef aan in welke mate u er op vertrouwt dat deze gebruiker de sleutels van " -+"andere gebruikers op correcte wijze controleert\n" -+"(door het paspoort te bekijken, vingerafdrukken uit verschillende bronnen te " -+"checken, enz.)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 -+#, c-format -+msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" -+msgstr " %d = Ik vertrouw het maar marginaal\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 -+#, c-format -+msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" -+msgstr " %d = Ik vertrouw het volledig\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:438 -+msgid "" -+"Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" -+"A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" -+"trust signatures on your behalf.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Geef aan hoe groot het vertrouwen mag zijn in deze betrouwbare " -+"handtekening.\n" -+"Als de waarde groter dan 1 is, stelt u de sleutel die u ondertekent, in de\n" -+"mogelijkheid om in uw plaats handtekeningen van vertrouwen te plaatsen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:454 -+msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Voer een domein in als u de geldigheid van de handtekening daartoe wilt " -+"beperken, laat leeg voor geen beperking.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:598 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is ingetrokken." -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 -+msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Weet U zeker dat U die nog steeds wilt ondertekenen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 -+msgid " Unable to sign.\n" -+msgstr " Ondertekenen is niet mogelijk.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:626 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is vervallen." -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:654 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is niet auto-gesigneerd." -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:682 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" kan ondertekend worden. " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:684 -+msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Ondertekenen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:706 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" -+"is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"De eigen ondertekening van \"%s\"\n" -+"is een ondertekening van het type PGP 2.x.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:715 -+msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " -+msgstr "" -+"Wilt u ze opwaarderen tot een eigen ondertekening van het type OpenPGP? (j/" -+"N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:729 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" -+"has expired.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Uw huidige ondertekening op \"%s\"\n" -+"is verlopen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:733 -+msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " -+msgstr "" -+"Wilt U een nieuwe ondertekening uitgeven om de vervallen te vervangen ? (j/" -+"N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:754 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" -+"is a local signature.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Uw huidige ondertekening op \"%s\"\n" -+"is een lokale ondertekening.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:758 -+msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " -+msgstr "" -+"Wilt u ze opwaarderen naar een ondertekening die volledig exporteerbaar is? " -+"(j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:779 -+#, c-format -+msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" -+msgstr "\"%s\" was reeds lokaal ondertekend met sleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:782 -+#, c-format -+msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" -+msgstr "\"%s\" was reeds ondertekend met sleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:787 -+msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u die toch opnieuw ondertekenen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:809 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" -+msgstr "Er valt niets te ondertekenen met sleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:824 -+msgid "This key has expired!" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel is verlopen!" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:842 -+#, c-format -+msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel zal vervallen op %s.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:848 -+msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " -+msgstr "Wilt u uw handtekening op hetzelfde moment laten vervallen? (J/n) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:888 -+msgid "" -+"You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " -+"mode.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U mag geen OpenPGP-ondertekening zetten bij een sleutel van het type PGP 2.x " -+"als u de modus --pgp2 gebruikt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:890 -+msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -+msgstr "Dit zou de sleutel onbruikbaar maken met PGP 2.x.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:915 -+msgid "" -+"How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " -+"belongs\n" -+"to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Hoe zorgvuldig heeft u gecontroleerd dat de sleutel die u gaat ondertekenen\n" -+"werkelijk van de hiervoor genoemde persoon is? Indien u niet goed weet wat\n" -+"te antwoorden, geef dan \"0\" op\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:920 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" -+msgstr " (0) Hierop geef ik geen antwoord.%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:922 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" -+msgstr " (1) Ik heb dit helemaal niet gecontroleerd.%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:924 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" -+msgstr " (2) Ik heb een oppervlakkige controle uitgevoerd.%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:926 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" -+msgstr " (3) Ik heb dit zeer zorgvuldig gecontroleerd.%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:932 -+msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " -+msgstr "Uw keuze? (type `?' voor meer informatie): " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:956 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" -+"key \"%s\" (%s)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Weet u zeker dat u deze sleutel wilt ondertekenen met uw\n" -+"sleutel \"%s\" (%s)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:963 -+msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" -+msgstr "Dit zal een eigen ondertekening zijn.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:969 -+msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de ondertekening zal niet als niet-exporteerbaar\n" -+" worden gemarkeerd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:977 -+msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de ondertekening zal niet als niet in te trekken\n" -+" worden gemarkeerd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:987 -+msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" -+msgstr "De ondertekening zal als niet-exporteerbaar gemarkeerd worden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:994 -+msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" -+msgstr "De ondertekening zal als niet in te trekken gemarkeerd worden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 -+msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" -+msgstr "Ik heb deze sleutel helemaal niet gecontroleerd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 -+msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" -+msgstr "Ik heb deze sleutel oppervlakkig gecontroleerd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 -+msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" -+msgstr "Ik heb deze sleutel zeer zorgvuldig gecontroleerd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 -+msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Echt ondertekenen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -+#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 -+#, c-format -+msgid "signing failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "ondertekenen is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 -+msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Deze sleutel bevat slechts partiële of op de kaart opgeslagen elementen - er " -+"is geen wachtwoordzin die veranderd kan worden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 -+msgid "This key is not protected.\n" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel is niet beveiligd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 -+msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" -+msgstr "Geheime delen van de primaire sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 -+msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" -+msgstr "Geheime delen van de primaire sleutel staan opgeslagen op de kaart.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 -+msgid "Key is protected.\n" -+msgstr "Sleutel is beveiligd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel kan niet bewerkt worden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 -+msgid "" -+"Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Voer de nieuwe wachtwoordzin voor deze geheime sleutel in.\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 -+msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" -+msgstr "de wachtwoordzin is niet twee keer dezelfde; probeer opnieuw" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 -+msgid "" -+"You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U wilt geen wachtwoordzin - Dit is wellicht een *slecht* idee!\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 -+msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u dit echt doen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 -+msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de ondertekening van de sleutel wordt naar de juiste plaats verplaatst\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 -+msgid "save and quit" -+msgstr "opslaan en stoppen" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 -+msgid "show key fingerprint" -+msgstr "toon de vingerafdruk van de sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 -+msgid "list key and user IDs" -+msgstr "toon sleutel en gebruikers-ID's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 -+msgid "select user ID N" -+msgstr "selecteer gebruikers-ID N" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 -+msgid "select subkey N" -+msgstr "selecteer subsleutel N" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 -+msgid "check signatures" -+msgstr "controleer handtekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 -+msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" -+msgstr "" -+"onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's [* zie hieronder voor gerelateerde " -+"commando's]" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 -+msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" -+msgstr "onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's lokaal" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 -+msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" -+msgstr "" -+"onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's met een handtekening van vertrouwen" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 -+msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" -+msgstr "" -+"onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's met een handtekening die niet " -+"ingetrokken kan worden" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 -+msgid "add a user ID" -+msgstr "voeg een gebruikers-ID toe" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 -+msgid "add a photo ID" -+msgstr "voeg een identiteitsfoto toe" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 -+msgid "delete selected user IDs" -+msgstr "verwijder geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 -+msgid "add a subkey" -+msgstr "voeg een subsleutel toe" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 -+msgid "add a key to a smartcard" -+msgstr "voeg een sleutel toe op een chipkaart" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 -+msgid "move a key to a smartcard" -+msgstr "verplaats een sleutel naar een chipkaart" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 -+msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" -+msgstr "verplaats een reservesleutel naar een chipkaart" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 -+msgid "delete selected subkeys" -+msgstr "verwijder de geselecteerde subsleutels" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 -+msgid "add a revocation key" -+msgstr "voeg een intrekkingssleutel toe" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 -+msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" -+msgstr "verwijder ondertekeningen van de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 -+msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" -+msgstr "verander de vervaldatum van de sleutel of de geselecteerde subsleutels" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 -+msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" -+msgstr "markeer de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID als primair" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 -+msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" -+msgstr "wissel tussen de lijst met geheime en die met publieke sleutels" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 -+msgid "list preferences (expert)" -+msgstr "toon voorkeuren (expert)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 -+msgid "list preferences (verbose)" -+msgstr "toon voorkeuren (uitvoerig)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 -+msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" -+msgstr "stel de lijst met voorkeuren in voor de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 -+msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" -+msgstr "" -+"stel de URL in van de voorkeurssleutelserver voor de geselecteerde " -+"gebruikers-ID's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 -+msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" -+msgstr "stel een notatie in voor de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 -+msgid "change the passphrase" -+msgstr "wijzig de wachtwoordzin" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 -+msgid "change the ownertrust" -+msgstr "wijzig de betrouwbaarheidsinformatie" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 -+msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" -+msgstr "trek de handtekeningen op de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's in" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 -+msgid "revoke selected user IDs" -+msgstr "trek de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's in" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 -+msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" -+msgstr "trek de sleutel of de geselecteerde subsleutels in" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 -+msgid "enable key" -+msgstr "activeer de sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 -+msgid "disable key" -+msgstr "deactiveer de sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 -+msgid "show selected photo IDs" -+msgstr "toon de geselecteerde identiteitsfoto's" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 -+msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" -+msgstr "" -+"comprimeer onbruikbare gebruikers-ID's en verwijder onbruikbare " -+"handtekeningen van de sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 -+msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" -+msgstr "" -+"comprimeer onbruikbare gebruikers-ID's en verwijder alle handtekeningen van " -+"de sleutel" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van het geheime sleutelblok \"%s\": %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 -+msgid "Secret key is available.\n" -+msgstr "Geheime sleutel is beschikbaar.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 -+msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" -+msgstr "Hiervoor is de geheime sleutel nodig.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 -+msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" -+msgstr "Gebruik eerst het commando \"toggle\" (wisselen).\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 -+msgid "" -+"* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " -+"(lsign),\n" -+" a `t' for trust signatures (tsign), an `nr' for non-revocable signatures\n" -+" (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" -+msgstr "" -+"* Het commando `sign' (ondertekenen) kan worden voorafgegaan door een\n" -+" `l' (lsign) om een lokale ondertekening te maken, een `t' (tsign) om een\n" -+" handtekening van vertrouwen te plaatsen, een `nr' (nrsign) om een\n" -+" niet-intrekbare handtekening te zetten, of om het even welke combinatie\n" -+" hiervan (ltsign, tnrsign, enz.).\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 -+msgid "Key is revoked." -+msgstr "Sleutel werd ingetrokken." -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 -+msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Echt alle gebruikers-ID's ondertekenen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 -+msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" -+msgstr "Hint: Selecteer de gebruikers-ID's die U wilt ondertekenen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Onbekend ondertekeningstype ‘%s’\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 -+#, c-format -+msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" -+msgstr "Dit commando is niet toegestaan in %s-modus.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 -+msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" -+msgstr "U moet minimaal één gebruikers-ID selecteren.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 -+msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" -+msgstr "U kunt de laatste gebruikers-ID niet verwijderen!\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 -+msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Werkelijk alle geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's verwijderen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 -+msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u deze gebruikers-ID echt verwijderen? (j/N) " -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about -+#. moving the key and not about removing it. -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 -+msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u echt de primaire sleutel verplaatsen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 -+msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" -+msgstr "U moet exact één sleutel selecteren.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 -+msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" -+msgstr "Commando verwacht een bestandsnaam als parameter\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "Kan `%s' niet openen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "Fout bij het lezen van reservesleutel van `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 -+msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" -+msgstr "U moet minimaal één sleutel selecteren.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 -+msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u de geselecteerde sleutels echt wissen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 -+msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u deze sleutel echt wissen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 -+msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u alle geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's echt intrekken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 -+msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u deze gebruikers-ID echt intrekken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 -+msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u echt de volledige sleutel intrekken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 -+msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt U de geselecteerde subsleutels echt intrekken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 -+msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt U deze subsleutel echt intrekken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 -+msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Betrouwbaarheidsinformatie kan niet ingesteld worden wanneer gebruik\n" -+"gemaakt wordt van een door een gebruiker zelf verstrekte vertrouwenslijst\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 -+msgid "Set preference list to:\n" -+msgstr "Stel voorkeurenlijst in op:\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 -+msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " -+msgstr "" -+"De voorkeuren voor de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's echt aanpassen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 -+msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " -+msgstr "De voorkeuren echt aanpassen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 -+msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Aanpassingen opslaan? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 -+msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Stoppen zonder opslaan? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 -+#, c-format -+msgid "update failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "aanpassen is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 -+#, c-format -+msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "aanpassen van geheime gedeelte is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 -+msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" -+msgstr "Sleutel is niet veranderd, dus er is geen aanpassing nodig.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 -+msgid "Digest: " -+msgstr "Hashing: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 -+msgid "Features: " -+msgstr "Functies: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 -+msgid "Keyserver no-modify" -+msgstr "Sleutelserver zonder wijziging" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 -+msgid "Preferred keyserver: " -+msgstr "Voorkeurssleutelserver: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 -+msgid "Notations: " -+msgstr "Notaties: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 -+msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" -+msgstr "Een gebruikers-ID in een formaat PGP 2.x kent geen voorkeuren.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 -+#, c-format -+msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" -+msgstr "De volgende sleutel werd ingetrokken op %s door %s sleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 -+#, c-format -+msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel kan ingetrokken zijn door %s sleutel %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 -+msgid "(sensitive)" -+msgstr "(gevoelig)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 -+#: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 -+#, c-format -+msgid "created: %s" -+msgstr "aangemaakt op: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 -+#, c-format -+msgid "revoked: %s" -+msgstr "ingetrokken op: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 -+#, c-format -+msgid "expired: %s" -+msgstr "verlopen op: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 -+#: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -+#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 -+#, c-format -+msgid "expires: %s" -+msgstr "vervaldatum: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 -+#, c-format -+msgid "usage: %s" -+msgstr "gebruik: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trust: %s" -+msgstr "betrouwbaarheid: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 -+#, c-format -+msgid "validity: %s" -+msgstr "geldigheid: %s" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 -+msgid "This key has been disabled" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel werd uitgeschakeld" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 -+msgid "card-no: " -+msgstr "kaartnummer: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 -+msgid "" -+"Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" -+"unless you restart the program.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Houd er rekening mee dat de getoonde geldigheid van de sleutel niet\n" -+"noodzakelijk correct is, tenzij u de applicatie herstart.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 -+msgid "revoked" -+msgstr "ingetrokken" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 -+msgid "expired" -+msgstr "verlopen" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" -+" cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Er werd geen gebruikers-ID als primair gemarkeerd. Door dit\n" -+" programma te gebruiken kan er een andere gebruikers-ID de\n" -+" veronderstelde primaire ID worden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " -+"versions\n" -+" of PGP to reject this key.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Dit is een sleutel in PGP2-formaat. Het toevoegen van een\n" -+" identiteitsfoto kan er voor zorgen dat sommige versies van " -+"PGP\n" -+" deze sleutel zullen verwerpen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 -+msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Weet U zeker dat u die nog steeds wilt toevoegen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 -+msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U kunt geen identiteitsfoto toevoegen aan een sleutel in PGP2-formaat.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 -+msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" -+msgstr "Deze goede handtekening verwijderen? (j/N/s)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 -+msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" -+msgstr "Deze ongeldige handtekening verwijderen? (j/N/s)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 -+msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" -+msgstr "Deze onbekende handtekening verwijderen? (j/N/s)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 -+msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" -+msgstr "Deze eigen handtekening echt verwijderen? (j/N)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" -+msgstr "%d handtekening verwijderd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" -+msgstr "%d handtekeningen verwijderd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 -+msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" -+msgstr "Niets verwijderd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1772 -+msgid "invalid" -+msgstr "ongeldig" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is gecomprimeerd: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": %d handtekening verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": %d handtekeningen verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": reeds geminimaliseerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 -+#, c-format -+msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": reeds opgeschoond\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " -+"cause\n" -+" some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Dit is een sleutel van het type PGP 2.x. Het toevoegen van " -+"een\n" -+" bevoegde intrekker kan er voor zorgen dat sommige PGP-versies\n" -+" deze sleutel zullen verwerpen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 -+msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U mag geen bevoegde intrekker toevoegen aan een sleutel van het type PGP 2." -+"x.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 -+msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " -+msgstr "Geef de gebruikers-ID van de bevoegde intrekker: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 -+msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" -+msgstr "" -+"kan geen sleutel van het type PGP 2.x aanstellen als bevoegde intrekker\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 -+msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" -+msgstr "u kunt een sleutel niet aanstellen als zijn eigen bevoegde intrekker\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 -+msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" -+msgstr "deze sleutel is al aangesteld als bevoegde intrekker\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 -+msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: een sleutel aanstellen als bevoegde intrekker kan niet " -+"ongedaan\n" -+" gemaakt worden!\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 -+msgid "" -+"Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " -+msgstr "" -+"Weet u zeker dat u deze sleutel wilt aanstellen als bevoegde intrekker? (j/" -+"N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 -+msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" -+msgstr "Haal de gekozen onderdelen uit de geheime sleutels.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 -+msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" -+msgstr "Selecteer hoogstens één subsleutel.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 -+msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" -+msgstr "De vervaldatum van een subsleutel wordt veranderd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 -+msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" -+msgstr "De vervaldatum van de primaire sleutel wordt veranderd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 -+msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" -+msgstr "U kunt de vervaldatum van een v3-sleutel niet veranderen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 -+msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" -+msgstr "Er is geen overeenkomstige ondertekening in de geheime sleutelring\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 -+#, c-format -+msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" -+msgstr "" -+"er gebeurde reeds een kruiscertificering van de ondertekening van subsleutel " -+"%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 -+#, c-format -+msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" -+msgstr "" -+"subsleutel %s ondertekent niet en heeft dus geen kruiscertificering nodig\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 -+msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" -+msgstr "Selecteer exact één gebruikers-ID.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 -+#, c-format -+msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de eigen ondertekening in v3-stijl van gebruikers-ID \"%s\" wordt " -+"overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 -+msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " -+msgstr "Geef de URL van de sleutelserver van uw voorkeur: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 -+msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u die wilt vervangen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 -+msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u die wilt verwijderen? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 -+msgid "Enter the notation: " -+msgstr "Voer de notatie in: " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 -+msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Doorgaan? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 -+#, c-format -+msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" -+msgstr "Er is geen gebruikers-ID met index %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 -+#, c-format -+msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" -+msgstr "Er is geen gebruikers-ID met hash %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 -+#, c-format -+msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" -+msgstr "Er is geen subsleutel met index %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 -+#, c-format -+msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "gebruikers-ID: \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 -+#, c-format -+msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" -+msgstr "ondertekend met uw sleutel %s op %s%s%s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 -+msgid " (non-exportable)" -+msgstr " (niet exporteerbaar)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 -+#, c-format -+msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" -+msgstr "Deze ondertekening is verlopen op %s.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 -+msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u die nog altijd wilt intrekken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 -+msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Een intrekkingscertificaat voor deze ondertekening aanmaken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 -+msgid "Not signed by you.\n" -+msgstr "Niet door u ondertekend.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 -+#, c-format -+msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" -+msgstr "U heeft deze gebruikers-ID's op sleutel %s ondertekend:\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 -+msgid " (non-revocable)" -+msgstr " (niet intrekbaar)" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 -+#, c-format -+msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" -+msgstr "ingetrokken door uw sleutel %s op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 -+msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" -+msgstr "U staat op het punt deze ondertekeningen in te trekken:\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 -+msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u deze intrekkingscertificaten echt aanmaken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 -+msgid "no secret key\n" -+msgstr "geen geheime sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 -+#, c-format -+msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" -+msgstr "gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is reeds ingetrokken\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: de ondertekening van een gebruikers-ID\n" -+" is %d seconden in de toekomst gedateerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" -+msgstr "Sleutel %s is reeds ingetrokken.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" -+msgstr "Subsleutel %s is reeds ingetrokken.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%s identiteitsfoto van formaat %ld voor sleutel %s (gebruikers-ID %d) wordt " -+"getoond\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:272 -+#, c-format -+msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" -+msgstr "voorkeur `%s' heeft duplicaat\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:279 -+msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" -+msgstr "te veel voorkeursinstellingen voor versleuteling\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:281 -+msgid "too many digest preferences\n" -+msgstr "te veel voorkeursinstellingen voor hashing\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:283 -+msgid "too many compression preferences\n" -+msgstr "te veel voorkeursinstellingen voor compressie\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:423 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig item `%s' in voorkeursinstellingen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:907 -+msgid "writing direct signature\n" -+msgstr "directe ondertekening wordt weggeschreven\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:949 -+msgid "writing self signature\n" -+msgstr "eigen handtekening wordt weggeschreven\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1006 -+msgid "writing key binding signature\n" -+msgstr "de ondertekening van de koppeling met de sleutel wordt weggeschreven\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -+#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" -+msgstr "sleutelgrootte is ongeldig; %u bit wordt gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -+#: g10/keygen.c:3283 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" -+msgstr "sleutelgrootte afgerond op %u bits\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1337 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: sommige OpenPGP-programma's kunnen niet overweg met een\n" -+" DSA-sleutel van deze hashgrootte\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1565 -+msgid "Sign" -+msgstr "Ondertekenen" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1568 -+msgid "Certify" -+msgstr "Certificeren" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1571 -+msgid "Encrypt" -+msgstr "Versleutelen" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1574 -+msgid "Authenticate" -+msgstr "Authenticeren" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the -+#. translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The -+#. string needs to 8 bytes long. Here is a description of the -+#. functions: -+#. -+#. s = Toggle signing capability -+#. e = Toggle encryption capability -+#. a = Toggle authentication capability -+#. q = Finish -+#. -+#: g10/keygen.c:1592 -+msgid "SsEeAaQq" -+msgstr "OoVvAaSs" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1615 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Possible actions for a %s key: " -+msgstr "Mogelijke acties voor een %s-sleutel: " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1619 -+msgid "Current allowed actions: " -+msgstr "Momenteel toegestane acties: " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1624 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%c) Toggle the sign capability\n" -+msgstr " (%c) De bekwaamheid om te onderteken activeren/deactiveren\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1627 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%c) Toggle the encrypt capability\n" -+msgstr " (%c) De bekwaamheid om te versleutelen activeren/deactiveren\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1630 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n" -+msgstr " (%c) De bekwaamheid om te authenticeren activeren/deactiveren\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1633 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%c) Finished\n" -+msgstr " (%c) Klaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 -+msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" -+msgstr "Selecteer het soort sleutel dat u wilt:\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1696 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA en RSA (standaard)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1698 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" -+msgstr " (%d) DSA en Elgamal\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1700 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) DSA (alleen ondertekenen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1701 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA (alleen ondertekenen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1705 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (alleen versleutelen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1706 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA (alleen versleutelen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1710 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) DSA (eigen bekwaamheden instellen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1711 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA (eigen bekwaamheden instellen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1819 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" -+msgstr "%s-sleutels moeten tussen %u en %u bits lang zijn.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1827 -+#, c-format -+msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " -+msgstr "Welke sleutellengte wilt u voor de subsleutel? (%u) " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 -+#, c-format -+msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " -+msgstr "Welke sleutellengte wilt u? (%u) " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" -+msgstr "Gevraagde sleutellengte is %u bits\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1932 -+msgid "" -+"Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" -+" 0 = key does not expire\n" -+" = key expires in n days\n" -+" w = key expires in n weeks\n" -+" m = key expires in n months\n" -+" y = key expires in n years\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Geef aan hoe lang de sleutel geldig moet zijn.\n" -+" 0 = sleutel verloopt nooit\n" -+" = sleutel verloopt na n dagen\n" -+" w = sleutel verloopt na n weken\n" -+" m = sleutel verloopt na n maanden\n" -+" y = sleutel verloopt na n jaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1943 -+msgid "" -+"Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" -+" 0 = signature does not expire\n" -+" = signature expires in n days\n" -+" w = signature expires in n weeks\n" -+" m = signature expires in n months\n" -+" y = signature expires in n years\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Geef aan hoe lang de ondertekening geldig moet zijn.\n" -+" 0 = ondertekening verloopt nooit\n" -+" = ondertekening verloopt na n dagen\n" -+" w = ondertekening verloopt na n weken\n" -+" m = ondertekening verloopt na n maanden\n" -+" y = ondertekening verloopt na n jaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1966 -+msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " -+msgstr "Hoe lang moet de sleutel geldig zijn? (0) " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1971 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " -+msgstr "Hoe lang moet de ondertekening geldig zijn? (%s) " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 -+msgid "invalid value\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige waarde\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1997 -+msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" -+msgstr "Sleutel verloopt helemaal niet\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:1998 -+msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" -+msgstr "Ondertekening verloopt helemaal niet\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2003 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Key expires at %s\n" -+msgstr "Sleutel vervalt op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2004 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" -+msgstr "Ondertekening vervalt op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2008 -+msgid "" -+"Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" -+"However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Uw systeem kan geen datum weergeven na 2038.\n" -+"Data worden echter wel juist verwerkt tot 2106.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2021 -+msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Is dit correct? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2071 -+msgid "" -+"\n" -+"GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"\n" -+"GnuPG moet een gebruikers-ID bouwen ter identificatie van uw sleutel.\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used -+#. but you should keep your existing translation. In case -+#. the new string is not translated this old string will -+#. be used. -+#: g10/keygen.c:2086 -+msgid "" -+"\n" -+"You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " -+"ID\n" -+"from the Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form:\n" -+" \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"\n" -+"U heeft een gebruikers-ID nodig om uw sleutel te identificeren; de software\n" -+"construeert de gebruikers-ID aan de hand van de werkelijke naam, de\n" -+"toelichting en het e-mailadres in het volgende formaat:\n" -+" \"Heinrich Heine (De dichter) \"\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2105 -+msgid "Real name: " -+msgstr "Werkelijke naam: " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2113 -+msgid "Invalid character in name\n" -+msgstr "Ongeldig teken in de naam\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2115 -+msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" -+msgstr "Een naam mag niet met een cijfer beginnen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2117 -+msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" -+msgstr "Een naam moet minimaal 5 tekens lang zijn\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2125 -+msgid "Email address: " -+msgstr "E-mailadres: " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2131 -+msgid "Not a valid email address\n" -+msgstr "Geen geldig e-mailadres\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2139 -+msgid "Comment: " -+msgstr "Toelichting: " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2145 -+msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" -+msgstr "Ongeldig teken in de toelichting\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2167 -+#, c-format -+msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" -+msgstr "U gebruikt tekenset `%s'.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2173 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"You selected this USER-ID:\n" -+" \"%s\"\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U heeft de volgende GEBRUIKERS-ID gekozen:\n" -+" \"%s\"\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2178 -+msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Plaats het e-mailadres alstublieft niet bij de werkelijke naam of de " -+"toelichting\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2193 -+msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" -+msgstr "Een dergelijke gebruikers-ID bestaat reeds voor deze sleutel!\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in -+#. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching -+#. string which should be translated accordingly and the -+#. letter changed to match the one in the answer string. -+#. -+#. n = Change name -+#. c = Change comment -+#. e = Change email -+#. o = Okay (ready, continue) -+#. q = Quit -+#. -+#: g10/keygen.c:2209 -+msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" -+msgstr "NnTtEeOoSs" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2219 -+msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " -+msgstr "Wijzig (N)aam, (T)oelichting, (E)-mailadres of (S)toppen? " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2220 -+msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " -+msgstr "Wijzig (N)aam, (T)oelichting, (E)-mailadres of (O)ké/(S)toppen? " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2239 -+msgid "Please correct the error first\n" -+msgstr "Verbeter eerst de fout\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2281 -+msgid "" -+"You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U heeft een wachtwoordzin nodig om uw geheime sleutel te beveiligen.\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2284 -+msgid "" -+"Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " -+"encryption key." -+msgstr "" -+"Voer een wachtwoordzin in om de externe veiligheidskopie van de nieuwe " -+"encryptiesleutel te beveiligen." -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2300 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s.\n" -+msgstr "%s.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2306 -+msgid "" -+"You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" -+"I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" -+"using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U wilt geen wachtwoordzin - dit is waarschijnlijk een *slecht* idee!\n" -+"Ik ga het toch doen. U kunt uw wachtwoordzin op elk moment wijzigen\n" -+"met behulp van dit programma en de optie \"--edit-key\".\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:2330 -+msgid "" -+"We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" -+"some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" -+"disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" -+"generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"We moeten een hele hoop willekeurige bytes genereren. U doet er goed aan om\n" -+"een andere activiteit te ondernemen (tikken op het toetsenbord, de muis\n" -+"bewegen, de schijven gebruiken) tijdens het genereren van het priemgetal.\n" -+"Dit geeft het programma dat het willekeurig getal genereert, meer kans om\n" -+"voldoende entropie te verzamelen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 -+msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" -+msgstr "Het aanmaken van de sleutel is geannuleerd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 -+#, c-format -+msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel wordt weggeschreven naar `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 -+#, c-format -+msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" -+msgstr "een stukje van de geheime sleutel wordt weggeschreven naar `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 -+#, c-format -+msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" -+msgstr "geheime sleutel wordt weggeschreven naar `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3606 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"geen publieke sleutelring gevonden waarnaar geschreven kan worden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3613 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" -+msgstr "geen geheime sleutelring gevonden waarnaar geschreven kan worden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3633 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar de publieke sleutelring `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3641 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar de geheime sleutelring `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3669 -+msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" -+msgstr "publieke en geheime sleutel zijn aangemaakt en ondertekend.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3680 -+msgid "" -+"Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" -+"the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Noteer dat deze sleutel niet gebruikt kan worden voor versleuteling. U zou\n" -+"het commando \"--edit-key\" kunnen gebruiken om voor dit doel een " -+"subsleutel\n" -+"aan te maken.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "Sleutel aanmaken is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de sleutel werd %lu seconde in de toekomst aangemaakt (afwijkende tijd of er " -+"is een probleem met de klok)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de sleutel werd %lu seconden in de toekomst aangemaakt (afwijkende tijd of " -+"er is een probleem met de klok)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 -+msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" -+msgstr "" -+"NOOT: subsleutels aanmaken voor v3-sleutels is niet compatibel met OpenPGP\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 -+msgid "Really create? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Werkelijk aanmaken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:4124 -+#, c-format -+msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "sleutel opslaan op kaart is niet gelukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:4173 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan reservebestand `%s' niet aanmaken: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keygen.c:4199 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: reservebestand van de kaartsleutel opgeslagen als `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 -+msgid "never " -+msgstr "nooit " -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:273 -+msgid "Critical signature policy: " -+msgstr "Kritieke ondertekeningsrichtlijnen: " -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:275 -+msgid "Signature policy: " -+msgstr "Ondertekeningsrichtlijnen: " -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:314 -+msgid "Critical preferred keyserver: " -+msgstr "Kritieke voorkeurssleutelserver: " -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:367 -+msgid "Critical signature notation: " -+msgstr "Kritieke notatie van de handtekening: " -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:369 -+msgid "Signature notation: " -+msgstr "Notatie van de handtekening: " -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:479 -+msgid "Keyring" -+msgstr "Sleutelring" -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:1522 -+msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" -+msgstr "Vingerafdruk van de primaire sleutel:" -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:1524 -+msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -+msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de subsleutel:" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes to that the -+#. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID -+#: g10/keylist.c:1531 -+msgid " Primary key fingerprint:" -+msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de primaire sleutel:" -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:1533 -+msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -+msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de subsleutel:" -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:1537 g10/keylist.c:1541 -+msgid " Key fingerprint =" -+msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de sleutel =" -+ -+#: g10/keylist.c:1608 -+msgid " Card serial no. =" -+msgstr " Serienummer van de kaart =" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1297 -+#, c-format -+msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "het hernoemen van `%s' naar `%s' is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1326 -+msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: er bestaan twee bestanden met vertrouwelijke informatie.\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1327 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" -+msgstr "%s is het ongewijzigde\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1328 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s is the new one\n" -+msgstr "%s is het nieuwe\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1329 -+msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" -+msgstr "Los dit mogelijk veiligheidseuvel alstublieft op\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1430 -+#, c-format -+msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" -+msgstr "sleutelring `%s' wordt in de cache geladen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1489 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" -+msgstr "%lu sleutels tot dusver in de cache geladen (%lu ondertekeningen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1501 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" -+msgstr "%lu sleutels in de cache geladen (%lu ondertekeningen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyring.c:1573 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: keyring created\n" -+msgstr "%s: sleutelring aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:74 -+msgid "include revoked keys in search results" -+msgstr "ingetrokken sleutels ook weergeven bij de zoekresultaten" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:75 -+msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" -+msgstr "ook zoeken op subsleutels als gezocht wordt op sleutel-ID" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:77 -+msgid "use temporary files to pass data to keyserver helpers" -+msgstr "" -+"gebruik tijdelijke bestanden om gegevens door te geven aan de " -+"sleutelserverhelpers" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:79 -+msgid "do not delete temporary files after using them" -+msgstr "tijdelijke bestanden na gebruik niet verwijderen" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:83 -+msgid "automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures" -+msgstr "sleutels automatisch ophalen bij het controleren van ondertekeningen" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:85 -+msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" -+msgstr "" -+"honoreer de URL van de voorkeurssleutelserver zoals die in de sleutel " -+"vermeld staat" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:87 -+msgid "honor the PKA record set on a key when retrieving keys" -+msgstr "" -+"honoreer bij het ophalen van de sleutel de PKA-staat die in de sleutel " -+"vervat zit" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:153 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: sleutelserveroptie `%s' wordt niet gebruikt op dit platform\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:551 -+msgid "disabled" -+msgstr "uitgeschakeld" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:754 -+msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " -+msgstr "Voer (een) getal(len) in, V)olgende , of S)toppen > " -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig sleutelserverprotocol (wij %d!=verwerkingsroutine %d)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:939 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key \"%s\" not found on keyserver\n" -+msgstr "sleutel \"%s\" niet gevonden op de sleutelserver\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:941 -+msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" -+msgstr "sleutel niet gevonden op de sleutelserver\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 -+#, c-format -+msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" -+msgstr "opvragen sleutel %s van %s server %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 -+#, c-format -+msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" -+msgstr "opvragen sleutel %s van %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 -+#, c-format -+msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" -+msgstr "namen zoeken van %s server %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 -+#, c-format -+msgid "searching for names from %s\n" -+msgstr "namen zoeken van %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 -+#, c-format -+msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" -+msgstr "versturen van sleutel %s naar %s server %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 -+#, c-format -+msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" -+msgstr "versturen van sleutel %s naar %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 -+#, c-format -+msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" -+msgstr "zoeken naar \"%s\" van %s server %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 -+#, c-format -+msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" -+msgstr "zoeken naar \"%s\" van %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 -+msgid "no keyserver action!\n" -+msgstr "geen sleutelserveractiviteit!\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: verwerkingsroutine van sleutelserver heeft een andere GnuPG-" -+"versie (%s)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 -+msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" -+msgstr "sleutelserver verstuurde geen versie-informatie\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 -+msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" -+msgstr "er is geen sleutelserver bekend (gebruik optie --keyserver)\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 -+msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" -+msgstr "" -+"het aanroepen van externe sleutelservers wordt in deze versie niet " -+"ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" -+msgstr "geen verwerkingsroutine voor sleutelserverstelsel `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 -+#, c-format -+msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" -+msgstr "de actie `%s' wordt niet ondersteund door sleutelserverstelsel `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" -+msgstr "%s ondersteunt verwerkingsroutine met versie %d niet\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 -+msgid "keyserver timed out\n" -+msgstr "sleutelserver reageert te langzaam\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 -+msgid "keyserver internal error\n" -+msgstr "sleutelserver geeft een interne fout\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout in de communicatie met de sleutelserver: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 -+#, c-format -+msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" -+msgstr "\"%s\" is geen sleutel-ID: overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: het is niet mogelijk sleutel %s via %s te verversen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 -+#, c-format -+msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" -+msgstr "verversen van 1 sleutel vanuit %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 -+#, c-format -+msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" -+msgstr "verversen van %d sleutels vanuit %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: het is niet mogelijk om URI %s op te halen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: het is niet mogelijk om URI %s te ontleden\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:242 -+#, c-format -+msgid "weird size for an encrypted session key (%d)\n" -+msgstr "vreemde lengte voor een versleutelde sessiesleutel (%d)\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:295 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s encrypted session key\n" -+msgstr "%s versleutelde sessiesleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:305 -+#, c-format -+msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" -+msgstr "wachtwoordzin is gemaakt met onbekend hashalgoritme %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:371 -+#, c-format -+msgid "public key is %s\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel is %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:434 -+msgid "public key encrypted data: good DEK\n" -+msgstr "met de publieke sleutel versleutelde gegevens: goede DEK\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:467 -+#, c-format -+msgid "encrypted with %u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s\n" -+msgstr "versleuteld met %u bit %s-sleutel, ID %s, gemaakt op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:471 g10/pkclist.c:217 -+#, c-format -+msgid " \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr " \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:475 -+#, c-format -+msgid "encrypted with %s key, ID %s\n" -+msgstr "versleuteld met %s-sleutel, ID %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:490 -+#, c-format -+msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "ontcijferen van publieke sleutel is mislukt : %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:506 -+#, c-format -+msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" -+msgstr "versleuteld met %lu wachtwoordzinnen\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:508 -+msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -+msgstr "versleuteld met 1 wachtwoordzin\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 -+#, c-format -+msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" -+msgstr "gegevens waarschijnlijk versleuteld met %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:548 -+#, c-format -+msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" -+msgstr "" -+"IDEA-versleutelingsalgoritme is niet beschikbaar, maar we gaan in plaats " -+"daarvan met goede moed %s proberen\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:582 -+msgid "decryption okay\n" -+msgstr "ontcijfering oké\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:586 -+msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: de integriteit van het bericht was niet beveiligd\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:589 -+msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: versleuteld bericht werd gemanipuleerd!\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:597 -+#, c-format -+msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -+msgstr "gewiste wachtwoordzin in de cache geplaatst met ID: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:602 -+#, c-format -+msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "ontcijferen mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:623 -+msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"NOOT: afzender heeft het volgende verzocht: \"alleen-voor-u-persoonlijk\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:625 -+#, c-format -+msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" -+msgstr "originele bestandsnaam='%.*s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:713 -+msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er werd meerdere keren een klare tekst gezien\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:866 -+msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" -+msgstr "autonome intrekking - gebruik \"gpg --import\" om ze toe te passen\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 -+msgid "no signature found\n" -+msgstr "geen ondertekening gevonden\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 -+msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" -+msgstr "controle van de ondertekening onderdrukt\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 -+msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" -+msgstr "kan deze ambigue ondertekeningsgegevens niet verwerken\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature made %s\n" -+msgstr "Ondertekening gemaakt op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 -+#, c-format -+msgid " using %s key %s\n" -+msgstr " met %s sleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" -+msgstr "Ondertekening gemaakt op %s met %s sleutel-ID %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 -+msgid "Key available at: " -+msgstr "Sleutel beschikbaar op: " -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 -+#, c-format -+msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" -+msgstr "SLECHTE handtekening van \"%s\"" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" -+msgstr "Vervallen handtekening van \"%s\"" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" -+msgstr "Goede handtekening van \"%s\"" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 -+msgid "[uncertain]" -+msgstr "[onzeker]" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 -+#, c-format -+msgid " aka \"%s\"" -+msgstr " ook bekend als \"%s\"" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature expired %s\n" -+msgstr "Ondertekening vervallen op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Signature expires %s\n" -+msgstr "Ondertekening verloopt op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr "%s handtekening, hashalgoritme %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 -+msgid "binary" -+msgstr "binair" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 -+msgid "textmode" -+msgstr "tekstmodus" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 -+msgid "unknown" -+msgstr "onbekend" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" -+msgstr "Kan ondertekening niet controleren: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 -+msgid "not a detached signature\n" -+msgstr "geen ontkoppelde ondertekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: meerdere ondertekeningen gevonden.\n" -+" Alleen de eerste zal gecontroleerd worden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 -+#, c-format -+msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" -+msgstr "autonome ondertekening van klasse 0x%02x\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 -+msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" -+msgstr "ondertekening in oude stijl (PGP 2.x)\n" -+ -+#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 -+msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig stampakket gevonden in proc_tree()\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 -+#, c-format -+msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "opvragen van status (fstat) van `%s' mislukte in %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:181 -+#, c-format -+msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "opvragen van status (fstat(%d)) mislukte in %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:299 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een experimenteel algoritme %s\n" -+" gebruikt voor de publieke sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:305 -+msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Elgamal-sleutels die ondertekenen + versleutelen zijn " -+"verouderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:318 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een experimenteel versleutelingsalgoritme %s " -+"gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:333 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een experimenteel hashalgoritme %s gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:338 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: hashalgoritme %s is verouderd\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:548 -+msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" -+msgstr "het IDEA versleutelingsalgoritme is niet beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 -+#, c-format -+msgid "please see %s for more information\n" -+msgstr "lees %s voor meer informatie\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:823 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "%s:%d: verouderde optie \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:827 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: \"%s\" is een verouderde optie\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:829 -+#, c-format -+msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" -+msgstr "gelieve in de plaats \"%s%s\" te gebruiken\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:836 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: \"%s\" is een verouderd commando - gebruik het niet\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:846 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: verouderde optie \"%s\" - ze heeft geen enkel effect\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:849 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: \"%s\" is een verouderde optie - ze heeft geen enkel effect\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:859 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is in dit bestand verouderd - ze heeft enkel effect in %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:863 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: \"%s%s\" is een verouderde optie - ze heeft geen effect tenzij " -+"op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:924 -+msgid "Uncompressed" -+msgstr "Niet gecomprimeerd" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -+#: g10/misc.c:949 -+msgid "uncompressed|none" -+msgstr "niet gecomprimeerd|geen" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:1076 -+#, c-format -+msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" -+msgstr "dit bericht kan mogelijk niet gebruikt worden door %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:1251 -+#, c-format -+msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" -+msgstr "dubbelzinnige optie `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/misc.c:1276 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" -+msgstr "onbekende optie `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:89 -+#, c-format -+msgid "File `%s' exists. " -+msgstr "Bestand `%s' bestaat. " -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:93 -+msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Overschrijven? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:126 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: unknown suffix\n" -+msgstr "%s: onbekend achtervoegsel\n" -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:150 -+msgid "Enter new filename" -+msgstr "Voer een nieuwe bestandsnaam in" -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:195 -+msgid "writing to stdout\n" -+msgstr "schrijven naar standaarduitvoer\n" -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:316 -+#, c-format -+msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" -+msgstr "gegevens in `%s' worden verondersteld ondertekend te zijn\n" -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:395 -+#, c-format -+msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" -+msgstr "nieuw configuratiebestand `%s' aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: g10/openfile.c:397 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: opties in `%s' zijn tijdens deze doorloop nog niet actief\n" -+ -+#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" -+msgstr "kan het algoritme %d van de publieke sleutel niet verwerken\n" -+ -+#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 -+msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: mogelijk onveilige symmetrisch versleutelde sessiesleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 -+#, c-format -+msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" -+msgstr "de kritieke bit is gezet voor het subpakket van type %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 -+#, c-format -+msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" -+msgstr "problemen met de agent: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (main key ID %s)" -+msgstr " (hoofdsleutel-ID %s)" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:358 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " -+"certificate:\n" -+"\"%.*s\"\n" -+"%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" -+"created %s%s.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Voer de wachtwoordzin in om de geheime sleutel te ontgrendelen\n" -+"van het volgende OpenPGP-certificaat:\n" -+"\"%.*s\"\n" -+"%u-bit %s-sleutel, ID %s,\n" -+"gemaakt op %s%s.\n" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:384 -+msgid "Enter passphrase\n" -+msgstr "Voer de wachtwoordzin in\n" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:412 -+msgid "cancelled by user\n" -+msgstr "geannuleerd door de gebruiker\n" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:592 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" -+"user: \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U heeft een wachtwoordzin nodig om de geheime sleutel te ontgrendelen\n" -+"van gebruiker: \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:600 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" -+msgstr "%u-bit %s-sleutel, ID %s, aangemaakt op %s" -+ -+#: g10/passphrase.c:609 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" -+msgstr " (subsleutel bij hoofdsleutel-ID %s)" -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:77 -+msgid "" -+"\n" -+"Pick an image to use for your photo ID. The image must be a JPEG file.\n" -+"Remember that the image is stored within your public key. If you use a\n" -+"very large picture, your key will become very large as well!\n" -+"Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"\n" -+"Kies een afbeelding om als uw identiteitsfoto te gebruiken. De afbeelding\n" -+"moet een bestand in JPEG-formaat zijn. Onthoud dat de afbeelding opgeslagen\n" -+"wordt in uw publieke sleutel. Als u een erg grote afbeelding gebruikt, zal\n" -+"uw publieke sleutel ook erg groot worden! Een goed formaat voor de " -+"afbeelding\n" -+"is ongeveer 240x288.\n" -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:99 -+msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " -+msgstr "Geef de naam van het JPEG-bestand voor de identiteitsfoto: " -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:120 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to open JPEG file `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan JPEG-bestand `%s' niet openen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:131 -+#, c-format -+msgid "This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n" -+msgstr "Dit JPEG-bestand is erg groot (%d bytes) !\n" -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:133 -+msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Weet U zeker dat u het wilt gebruiken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:149 -+#, c-format -+msgid "`%s' is not a JPEG file\n" -+msgstr "`%s' is geen JPEG-bestand\n" -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:168 -+msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " -+msgstr "Is deze foto correct (j/N/s)? " -+ -+#: g10/photoid.c:377 -+msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" -+msgstr "het is niet mogelijk de identiteitsfoto te tonen!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 -+msgid "No reason specified" -+msgstr "Geen reden opgegeven" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 -+msgid "Key is superseded" -+msgstr "Sleutel is vervangen" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:64 g10/revoke.c:622 -+msgid "Key has been compromised" -+msgstr "Sleutel is gecompromitteerd" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 -+msgid "Key is no longer used" -+msgstr "Sleutel is niet meer in gebruik" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 -+msgid "User ID is no longer valid" -+msgstr "Gebruikers-ID is niet langer geldig" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:72 -+msgid "reason for revocation: " -+msgstr "reden van de intrekking: " -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:89 -+msgid "revocation comment: " -+msgstr "toelichting bij de intrekking: " -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and -+#. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which -+#. should be translated accordingly and the letter changed to -+#. match the one in the answer string. -+#. -+#. i = please show me more information -+#. m = back to the main menu -+#. s = skip this key -+#. q = quit -+#. -+#: g10/pkclist.c:204 -+msgid "iImMqQsS" -+msgstr "iImMsSoO" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:212 -+msgid "No trust value assigned to:\n" -+msgstr "Er werd geen betrouwbaarheidswaarde toegekend aan:\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:245 -+#, c-format -+msgid " aka \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr " ook bekend als \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:255 -+msgid "" -+"How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" -+msgstr "" -+"In hoeverre vertrouwt U erop dat deze sleutel werkelijk\n" -+"bij de genoemde gebruiker hoort?\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:270 -+#, c-format -+msgid " %d = I don't know or won't say\n" -+msgstr " %d = Weet ik niet of zal ik niet zeggen\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:272 -+#, c-format -+msgid " %d = I do NOT trust\n" -+msgstr " %d = Ik vertrouw het NIET\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:278 -+#, c-format -+msgid " %d = I trust ultimately\n" -+msgstr " %d = Ik heb er het uiterste vertrouwen in\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:284 -+msgid " m = back to the main menu\n" -+msgstr " m = terug naar het hoofdmenu\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:287 -+msgid " s = skip this key\n" -+msgstr " o = sla deze sleutel over\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:288 -+msgid " q = quit\n" -+msgstr " s = stoppen\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:292 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"The minimum trust level for this key is: %s\n" -+"\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Het minimale betrouwbaarheidsniveau van deze sleutel is: %s\n" -+"\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:298 g10/revoke.c:650 -+msgid "Your decision? " -+msgstr "Uw besluit? " -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:319 -+msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Wilt u deze sleutel echt instellen als uiterst betrouwbaar? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:333 -+msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" -+msgstr "Certificaten die leiden naar een uiterst betrouwbare sleutel:\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:418 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" -+msgstr "%s: Er is geen zekerheid dat deze sleutel van de genoemde persoon is\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:423 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" -+msgstr "" -+"%s: Er is een beperkte zekerheid dat deze sleutel van de genoemde persoon " -+"is\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:429 -+msgid "This key probably belongs to the named user\n" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel is waarschijnlijk van de genoemde persoon\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:434 -+msgid "This key belongs to us\n" -+msgstr "Deze sleutel is van ons\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:460 -+msgid "" -+"It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named\n" -+"in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n" -+"you may answer the next question with yes.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Het is NIET zeker dat deze sleutel van de persoon is die genoemd wordt\n" -+"in de gebruikers-ID. Als u echter HEEL zeker weet wat u doet,\n" -+"mag u op de volgende vraag Ja antwoorden.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:479 -+msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Deze sleutel toch gebruiken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:513 -+msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een onbetrouwbare sleutel gebruikt!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:520 -+msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: deze sleutel kan ingetrokken zijn\n" -+" (maar de intrekkingssleutel is niet aanwezig)\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:529 -+msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd ingetrokken door zijn bevoegde intrekker!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:532 -+msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd ingetrokken door de eigenaar!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:533 -+msgid " This could mean that the signature is forged.\n" -+msgstr " Dit kan betekenen dat de ondertekening vervalst is.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:539 -+msgid "WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Deze subsleutel werd ingetrokken door de eigenaar ervan!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:544 -+msgid "Note: This key has been disabled.\n" -+msgstr "Noot: Deze sleutel is uitgeschakeld.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:564 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Noot: Het gecontroleerde adres van de ondertekenaar is `%s'\n" -+ -+# TODO -+#: g10/pkclist.c:571 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Noot: Het adres `%s' van de ondertekenaar komt niet overeen met een DNS-" -+"registratie\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:583 -+msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" -+msgstr "" -+"betrouwbaarheidsniveau bijgesteld naar VOLLEDIG op basis van geldige PKA-" -+"info\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:591 -+msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" -+msgstr "" -+"betrouwbaarheidsniveau bijgesteld naar NOOIT op basis van slechte PKA-info\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:602 -+msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" -+msgstr "Noot: Deze sleutel is vervallen!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:613 -+msgid "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd niet gecertificeerd\n" -+" door een betrouwbare handtekening!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:615 -+msgid "" -+" There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" -+msgstr "" -+" Er is geen aanwijzing dat de handtekening van de eigenaar is.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:623 -+msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: We vertrouwen deze sleutel NIET!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:624 -+msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" -+msgstr " De handtekening is waarschijnlijk een VERVALSING.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:632 -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd niet met voldoende\n" -+" betrouwbare handtekeningen gecertificeerd!\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:634 -+msgid " It is not certain that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" -+msgstr " Het is niet zeker dat de handtekening van de eigenaar is.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:833 g10/pkclist.c:880 g10/pkclist.c:1092 g10/pkclist.c:1167 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: skipped: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: overgeslagen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" -+msgstr "%s: overgeslagen: publieke sleutel is al aanwezig\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:901 -+msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U heeft geen gebruikers-ID gespecificeerd. (u kunt de optie \"-r\" " -+"gebruiken)\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:925 -+msgid "Current recipients:\n" -+msgstr "Huidige ontvangers:\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:951 -+msgid "" -+"\n" -+"Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " -+msgstr "" -+"\n" -+"Voer de gebruikers-ID in. Beëindig met een lege regel: " -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:976 -+msgid "No such user ID.\n" -+msgstr "Een dergelijke gebruikers-ID is er niet.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 -+msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" -+msgstr "" -+"overgeslagen: publieke sleutel was reeds als standaardontvanger ingesteld\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1006 -+msgid "Public key is disabled.\n" -+msgstr "Publieke sleutel werd uitgeschakeld\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1015 -+msgid "skipped: public key already set\n" -+msgstr "overgeslagen: publieke sleutel was reeds ingesteld\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1050 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unknown default recipient \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "onbekende standaardontvanger \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1112 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n" -+msgstr "%s: overgeslagen: publieke sleutel is uitgeschakeld\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1175 -+msgid "no valid addressees\n" -+msgstr "geen geldige geadresseerden\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1513 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Note: key %s has no %s feature\n" -+msgstr "Noot: sleutel %s heeft functionaliteit %s niet\n" -+ -+#: g10/pkclist.c:1538 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Note: key %s has no preference for %s\n" -+msgstr "Noot: sleutel %s bevat geen voorkeur voor %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:95 -+msgid "data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n" -+msgstr "" -+"gegevens niet bewaard; gebruik de optie \"--output\" om ze te bewaren\n" -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:480 -+msgid "Detached signature.\n" -+msgstr "Ontkoppelde handtekening.\n" -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:487 -+msgid "Please enter name of data file: " -+msgstr "Voer de naam in van het gegevensbestand: " -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:519 -+msgid "reading stdin ...\n" -+msgstr "lezen van standaardinvoer (stdin) ...\n" -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:557 -+msgid "no signed data\n" -+msgstr "geen ondertekende gegevens\n" -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:573 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" -+msgstr "kan de ondertekende gegevens `%s' niet openen\n" -+ -+#: g10/plaintext.c:607 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"kan de ondertekende gegevens uit bestandsindicator=%d niet openen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 -+#, c-format -+msgid "anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n" -+msgstr "anonieme ontvanger; geheime sleutel %s wordt geprobeerd ...\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 -+msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" -+msgstr "oké, wij zijn de anonieme ontvanger.\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 -+msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" -+msgstr "de oude codering van de encryptiesleutel DEK wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:246 -+#, c-format -+msgid "cipher algorithm %d%s is unknown or disabled\n" -+msgstr "versleutelingsalgoritme %d%s is onbekend of uitgeschakeld\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:284 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: cipher algorithm %s not found in recipient preferences\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: versleutelingsalgoritme %s niet gevonden\n" -+" in de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: geheime sleutel %s verviel op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 -+msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" -+msgstr "NOOT: sleutel werd ingetrokken" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:102 g10/revoke.c:116 g10/revoke.c:128 g10/revoke.c:174 -+#: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 -+#, c-format -+msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "build_packet is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:145 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s has no user IDs\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s heeft geen gebruikers-ID's\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:306 -+msgid "To be revoked by:\n" -+msgstr "Moet worden ingetrokken door:\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:310 -+msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" -+msgstr "(Dit is een gevoelige intekkingssleutel)\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:314 -+msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Een bevoegd intrekkingscertificaat aanmaken voor deze sleutel? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 -+msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" -+msgstr "gedwongen uitvoer in ASCII-harnas.\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 -+#, c-format -+msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "make_keysig_packet is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:405 -+msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" -+msgstr "Intrekkingscertificaat werd aangemaakt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:411 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "er werden geen intrekkingssleutels gevonden voor \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:470 -+#, c-format -+msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" -+msgstr "geheime sleutel \"%s\" niet gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:497 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" -+msgstr "geen overeenkomstige publieke sleutel: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:508 -+msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel komt niet overeen met de geheime sleutel!\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:515 -+msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Een intrekkingscertificaat voor deze sleutel maken? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:532 -+msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" -+msgstr "onbekend beveiligingsalgoritme\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:540 -+msgid "NOTE: This key is not protected!\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: Deze sleutel is niet beveiligd!\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:591 -+msgid "" -+"Revocation certificate created.\n" -+"\n" -+"Please move it to a medium which you can hide away; if Mallory gets\n" -+"access to this certificate he can use it to make your key unusable.\n" -+"It is smart to print this certificate and store it away, just in case\n" -+"your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n" -+"your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Intrekkingscertificaat aangemaakt.\n" -+"\n" -+"Gelieve het naar een medium te verplaatsen dat u kunt wegstoppen; indien\n" -+"iemand dit certificaat in handen krijgt, kan hij het gebruiken om uw " -+"sleutel\n" -+"onbruikbaar te maken. Het is verstandig om dit certificaat af te drukken en\n" -+"het weg te bergen, voor het geval uw media onleesbaar zouden worden. Maar\n" -+"neem wat voorzichtigheid in acht: het printersysteem van uw computer kan de\n" -+"gegevens opslaan, waardoor ze voor anderen toegankelijk kunnen worden!\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:633 -+msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" -+msgstr "Gelieve een reden te kiezen voor de intrekking:\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:643 -+msgid "Cancel" -+msgstr "Annuleren" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:645 -+#, c-format -+msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" -+msgstr "(Wellicht wilt u hier %d kiezen)\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:686 -+msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" -+msgstr "Voer een facultatieve beschrijving in; beëindig met een lege regel:\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:714 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Reason for revocation: %s\n" -+msgstr "Reden van intrekking: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:716 -+msgid "(No description given)\n" -+msgstr "(Geen beschrijving gegeven)\n" -+ -+#: g10/revoke.c:721 -+msgid "Is this okay? (y/N) " -+msgstr "Is dit oké? (j/N) " -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 -+msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" -+msgstr "onderdelen van de geheime sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 -+#, c-format -+msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" -+msgstr "beveiligingsalgoritme %d%s wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 -+#, c-format -+msgid "protection digest %d is not supported\n" -+msgstr "beveiligingshash %d wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 -+msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" -+msgstr "Ongeldige wachtwoordzin; probeer opnieuw" -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s ...\n" -+msgstr "%s ...\n" -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 -+msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: Een zwakke sleutel gevonden - gelieve de\n" -+" wachtwoordzin opnieuw te wijzigen.\n" -+ -+#: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 -+msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de controlesom ter beveiliging van de geheime sleutel\n" -+"wordt aangemaakt in het verouderde 16-bit-formaat\n" -+ -+#: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 -+msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" -+msgstr "er werd een zwakke sleutel aangemaakt - er wordt nogmaals geprobeerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/seskey.c:65 -+#, c-format -+msgid "cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; tried %d times!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"een zwakke sleutel voor het symmetrisch versleutelingsalgoritme\n" -+"kan niet vermeden worden; er werd %d maal geprobeerd!\n" -+ -+#: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 -+msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" -+msgstr "DSA vereist dat de lengte van de hash een veelvoud van 8 bits is\n" -+ -+#: g10/seskey.c:240 -+#, c-format -+msgid "DSA key %s uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" -+msgstr "DSA-sleutel %s gebruikt een onveilige (%u bit) hash\n" -+ -+#: g10/seskey.c:252 -+#, c-format -+msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" -+msgstr "DSA-sleutel %s vereist een hash van %u bit of meer\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:80 -+msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: conflicterende ondertekeningshash in het bericht\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:105 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: er is geen kruiscertificering gebeurd\n" -+" van de ondertekenende subsleutel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:117 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: ondertekenende subsleutel %s heeft een ongeldige " -+"kruiscertificering\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:211 -+#, c-format -+msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel %s is %lu seconde recenter dan de handtekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:212 -+#, c-format -+msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel %s is %lu seconden recenter dan de handtekening\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:223 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"key %s was created %lu second in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s werd %lu seconde in de toekomst aangemaakt\n" -+"(afwijkende tijd of een probleem met de klok)\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:225 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"key %s was created %lu seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s werd %lu seconden in de toekomst aangemaakt\n" -+"(afwijkende tijd of een probleem met de klok)\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:239 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: signature key %s expired %s\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: ondertekeningssleutel %s verviel op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:252 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: ondertekeningssleutel %s werd ingetrokken\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -+msgstr "Noot: handtekeningen die het %s-algoritme gebruiken worden verworpen\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:341 -+#, c-format -+msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" -+msgstr "" -+"er wordt verondersteld dat de ondertekening van\n" -+"sleutel %s slecht is, omdat de kritieke bit niet gekend is\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:607 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor de ondertekening\n" -+"van de intrekking van de subsleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/sig-check.c:634 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor de ondertekening van de koppeling met de " -+"subsleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:89 -+#, c-format -+msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: kan geen expansie maken op basis van %% van de notatie\n" -+" (te groot). De niet-geëxpandeerde versie wordt gebruikt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:115 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: kan geen expansie maken op basis van %% van de richtlijn-URL\n" -+" (te groot). De niet-geëxpandeerde versie wordt gebruikt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:138 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " -+"unexpanded.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: kan geen expansie maken op basis van %% van de\n" -+" URL van de voorkeurssleutelsserver (te groot).\n" -+" De niet-geëxpandeerde versie wordt gebruikt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:311 -+#, c-format -+msgid "checking created signature failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "controle van de aangemaakte ondertekening is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:320 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s/%s signature from: \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "%s/%s ondertekening van: \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:761 -+msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -+msgstr "" -+"u kunt enkel een ontkoppelde ondertekening maken met een\n" -+"sleutel van het type PGP 2.x als u in modus --pgp2 bent\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:837 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: het hashalgoritme %s (%d) dwingend opleggen is in strijd\n" -+" met de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:964 -+msgid "signing:" -+msgstr "bezig met ondertekenen:" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:1079 -+msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -+msgstr "" -+"u kunt enkel een ondertekening in klare tekst maken met een\n" -+"sleutel van het type PGP 2.x als u in modus --pgp2 bent\n" -+ -+#: g10/sign.c:1263 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" -+msgstr "%s-versleuteling zal gebruikt worden\n" -+ -+#: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 -+msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel staat niet als onveilig gemarkeerd - kan hem niet gebruiken\n" -+"met de gesimuleerde generator van willekeurige getallen (RNG)!\n" -+ -+#: g10/skclist.c:174 -+#, c-format -+msgid "skipped \"%s\": duplicated\n" -+msgstr "\"%s\" overgeslagen: waren duplicaten\n" -+ -+#: g10/skclist.c:182 g10/skclist.c:195 g10/skclist.c:207 -+#, c-format -+msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" -+msgstr "\"%s\" overgeslagen: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/skclist.c:190 -+msgid "skipped: secret key already present\n" -+msgstr "overgeslagen: geheime sleutel is al aanwezig\n" -+ -+#: g10/skclist.c:208 -+msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" -+msgstr "" -+"dit is een Elgamal-sleutel aangemaakt met PGP.\n" -+"Het is niet veilig om er mee te ondertekenen!" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trust record %lu, type %d: write failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "staat van betrouwbaarheid %lu, type %d: registreren mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:106 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"# List of assigned trustvalues, created %s\n" -+"# (Use \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" to restore them)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"# Lijst van toegekende betrouwbaarheidswaarden, aangemaakt op %s\n" -+"# (Gebruik \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" om ze te repareren)\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:161 g10/tdbdump.c:169 g10/tdbdump.c:174 g10/tdbdump.c:179 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error in `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout in `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:161 -+msgid "line too long" -+msgstr "regel is te lang" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:169 -+msgid "colon missing" -+msgstr "ontbrekende dubbele punt" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:175 -+msgid "invalid fingerprint" -+msgstr "ongeldige vingerafdruk" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:180 -+msgid "ownertrust value missing" -+msgstr "ontbrekende waarde voor mate van betrouwbaarheid" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:216 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error finding trust record in `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het zoeken naar de staat van betrouwbaarheid in `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:220 -+#, c-format -+msgid "read error in `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "leesfout in `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): synchronisatie mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): element %lu: lseek is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:135 g10/tdbio.c:1467 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): element %lu: wegschrijven is mislukt (n=" -+"%d): %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:245 -+msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" -+msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): transactie is te groot\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:502 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't access `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "krijg geen toegang tot `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:531 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: directory does not exist!\n" -+msgstr "%s: map bestaat niet!\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:541 g10/tdbio.c:564 g10/tdbio.c:605 sm/keydb.c:344 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't create lock for `%s'\n" -+msgstr "kan geen grendel maken voor `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:543 g10/tdbio.c:608 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't lock `%s'\n" -+msgstr "kan `%s' niet vergrendelen\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:569 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: failed to create version record: %s" -+msgstr "%s: het registreren van de versie is mislukt: %s" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:573 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: invalid trustdb created\n" -+msgstr "%s: ongeldige betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:576 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: trustdb created\n" -+msgstr "%s: betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:619 -+msgid "NOTE: trustdb not writable\n" -+msgstr "" -+"NOOT: er kan niet geschreven worden in de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank " -+"(trustdb)\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:627 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: invalid trustdb\n" -+msgstr "%s: ongeldige betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:659 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: aanmaken van de hashtabel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:667 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: error updating version record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fout bij het bijwerken van versiegegevens: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:684 g10/tdbio.c:705 g10/tdbio.c:721 g10/tdbio.c:735 -+#: g10/tdbio.c:765 g10/tdbio.c:1392 g10/tdbio.c:1419 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: error reading version record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fout bij het lezen van versiegegevens: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:744 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: error writing version record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fout bij het wegschrijven van versiegegevens: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1185 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): lseek is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1194 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" -+msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): lezen is mislukt (n=%d): %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1215 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: not a trustdb file\n" -+msgstr "%s: bestand is geen betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1234 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: version record with recnum %lu\n" -+msgstr "%s: versiegegevens met registratienummer %lu\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1239 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: invalid file version %d\n" -+msgstr "%s: ongeldige bestandsversie %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1425 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: error reading free record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fout bij het lezen van vrije staat: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1433 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: error writing dir record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fout bij het wegschrijven van de staat van de map: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1443 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: failed to zero a record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: fout bij het op nul zetten van een staat: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1473 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" -+msgstr "%s: het toevoegen van een staat is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/tdbio.c:1516 -+msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" -+msgstr "Fout: de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) is beschadigd.\n" -+ -+#: g10/textfilter.c:147 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n" -+msgstr "kan geen tekstregels verwerken die groter zijn dan %d tekens\n" -+ -+#: g10/textfilter.c:247 -+#, c-format -+msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" -+msgstr "invoerregel groter dan %d tekens\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:222 -+#, c-format -+msgid "`%s' is not a valid long keyID\n" -+msgstr "`%s' is geen geldige ID voor een lange sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:253 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: accepted as trusted key\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s: aanvaard als betrouwbare sleutel\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:291 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s komt meer dan eens voor in de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:306 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" -+msgstr "" -+"sleutel %s: geen publieke sleutel voor de vertrouwde sleutel - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:316 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n" -+msgstr "sleutel %s gemarkeerd als uiterst betrouwbaar\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:340 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "staat van betrouwbaarheid %lu, vereist type %d: lezen mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:346 -+#, c-format -+msgid "trust record %lu is not of requested type %d\n" -+msgstr "staat van betrouwbaarheid %lu is niet van het vereiste type %d\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:419 -+msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" -+msgstr "" -+"U kunt proberen om de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" -+"opnieuw aan te maken met behulp van de commando's:\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:428 -+msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" -+msgstr "Indien dit niet lukt, gelieve dan de handleiding te raadplegen\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:463 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - assuming %s trust model\n" -+msgstr "" -+"kan onbekend betrouwbaarheidsmodel (%d) niet\n" -+"gebruiken - betrouwbaarheidsmodel %s wordt verondersteld\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:469 -+#, c-format -+msgid "using %s trust model\n" -+msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsmodel %s wordt gebruikt\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in -+#. trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to -+#. make attractive information listings where columns line up -+#. properly. The value "10" should be the length of the strings you -+#. choose to translate to. This is the length in printable columns. -+#. It gets passed to atoi() so everything after the number is -+#. essentially a comment and need not be translated. Either key and -+#. uid are both NULL, or neither are NULL. -+#: g10/trustdb.c:521 -+msgid "10 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed" -+msgstr "" -+"11 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed: werd gelezen door " -+"vertaler" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:523 -+msgid "[ revoked]" -+msgstr "[ingetrok]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:525 g10/trustdb.c:530 -+msgid "[ expired]" -+msgstr "[vervalln]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:529 -+msgid "[ unknown]" -+msgstr "[onbekend]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:531 -+msgid "[ undef ]" -+msgstr "[ ongedef]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:532 -+msgid "[marginal]" -+msgstr "[marginal]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:533 -+msgid "[ full ]" -+msgstr "[volledig]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:534 -+msgid "[ultimate]" -+msgstr "[ uiterst]" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:549 -+msgid "undefined" -+msgstr "niet gedefinieerd" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:550 -+msgid "never" -+msgstr "nooit" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:551 -+msgid "marginal" -+msgstr "marginaal" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:552 -+msgid "full" -+msgstr "volledig" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:553 -+msgid "ultimate" -+msgstr "uiterst" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:593 -+msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" -+msgstr "een controle van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) is niet nodig\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 -+#, c-format -+msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" -+msgstr "volgende controle van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) is op %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:608 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no need for a trustdb check with `%s' trust model\n" -+msgstr "" -+"een controle van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" -+"is niet nodig bij het vertrouwensmodel `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:623 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" -+msgstr "" -+"een bijwerking van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" -+"is niet nodig bij het vertrouwensmodel `%s'\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 -+#, c-format -+msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel %s niet gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 -+msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" -+msgstr "gelieve het commando --check-trustdb uit te voeren\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 -+msgid "checking the trustdb\n" -+msgstr "de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) wordt gecontroleerd\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" -+msgstr "%d sleutels werden verwerkt (%d geldigheidstellers op nul gezet)\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 -+msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" -+msgstr "geen uiterst betrouwbare sleutels gevonden\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 -+#, c-format -+msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" -+msgstr "publieke sleutel van uiterst betrouwbare sleutel %s niet gevonden\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" -+msgstr "%d marginale nodig, %d volledige nodig, vertrouwensmodel %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -+msgstr "" -+"diepte: %d geldig: %3d ondert.: %3d vertr.: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -+ -+#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"bijwerken van de versiegegevens van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb):\n" -+"wegschrijven is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: g10/verify.c:118 -+msgid "" -+"the signature could not be verified.\n" -+"Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)\n" -+"should be the first file given on the command line.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de ondertekening kon niet geverifieerd worden.\n" -+"Denk eraan dat het bestand met handtekeningen (.sig of .asc)\n" -+"het eerste bestand moet zijn dat aan de commandolijn ingevoerd wordt.\n" -+ -+#: g10/verify.c:205 -+#, c-format -+msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" -+msgstr "invoerregel %u is te lang of LF ontbreekt\n" -+ -+#: g10/verify.c:253 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" -+msgstr "kan bestandsindicator %d niet openen: %s\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 -+msgid "argument not expected" -+msgstr "onverwachte parameter" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 -+msgid "read error" -+msgstr "leesfout" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 -+msgid "keyword too long" -+msgstr "sleutelwoord is te lang" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 -+msgid "missing argument" -+msgstr "ontbrekende parameter" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 -+msgid "invalid command" -+msgstr "ongeldig commando" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 -+msgid "invalid alias definition" -+msgstr "ongeldige definitie van een alias" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 -+msgid "out of core" -+msgstr "geheugenlimiet overschreden" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 -+msgid "invalid option" -+msgstr "ongeldige optie" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 -+#, c-format -+msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "ontbrekende parameter voor optie \"%.50s\"\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 -+#, c-format -+msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" -+msgstr "optie \"%.50s\" verwacht geen parameter\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig commando \"%.50s\"\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 -+#, c-format -+msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" -+msgstr "optie \"%.50s\" is ambigue\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 -+#, c-format -+msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" -+msgstr "commando \"%.50s\" is ambigue\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 -+msgid "out of core\n" -+msgstr "geheugenlimiet overschreden\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige optie \"%.50s\"\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/logging.c:647 -+#, c-format -+msgid "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n" -+msgstr "u vond een bug ... (%s:%d)\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 -+#, c-format -+msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' not available\n" -+msgstr "omzetting van `%s' naar `%s' is niet beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 -+#, c-format -+msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "iconv_open is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 -+#, c-format -+msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "omzetting van `%s' naar `%s' is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kon tijdelijk bestand `%s' niet aanmaken: %s\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 -+#, c-format -+msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" -+msgstr "oud grendelbestand (aangemaakt door %d) wordt verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 -+msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" -+msgstr " - wellicht dood - grendel wordt verwijderd" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 -+#, c-format -+msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" -+msgstr "wachten op de grendel (vastgehouden door %d%s) %s...\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 -+msgid "(deadlock?) " -+msgstr "(dode grendel?) " -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 -+#, c-format -+msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" -+msgstr "grendel `%s' werd niet geplaatst: %s\n" -+ -+#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 -+#, c-format -+msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" -+msgstr "wachten op grendel %s...\n" -+ -+#: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 -+msgid "set debugging flags" -+msgstr "stel debug-opties in" -+ -+#: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 -+msgid "enable full debugging" -+msgstr "maak debuggen ten volle mogelijk" -+ -+#: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 -+msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: kbxutil [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" -+"List, export, import Keybox data\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: kbxutil [opties] [bestanden]\n" -+"Toon, exporteer, importeer Keybox-gegevens (sleutelkistje-data)\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 -+#, c-format -+msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" -+msgstr "RSA-modulus ontbreekt of heeft niet een grootte van %d bits\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 -+#, c-format -+msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" -+msgstr "publieke exponent van RSA ontbreekt of is groter dan %d bits\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 -+#, c-format -+msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" -+msgstr "Herroepen van de pincode gaf een fout: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:834 -+msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" -+msgstr "de nul-pincode werd nog niet gewijzigd\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1092 -+msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." -+msgstr "|N|Gelieve een nieuwe pincode in te voeren voor de standaardsleutels." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1093 -+msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." -+msgstr "||Gelieve de pincode voor de standaardsleutels in te voeren." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1099 -+msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -+msgstr "" -+"|NP|Gelieve een nieuwe PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de " -+"standaardsleutels." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1101 -+msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -+msgstr "" -+"|P|Gelieve de PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de " -+"standaardsleutels." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1109 -+msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." -+msgstr "" -+"|N|Gelieve een nieuwe pincode in te voeren voor de sleutel die bevoegde " -+"handtekeningen kan aanmaken." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1111 -+msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." -+msgstr "" -+"||Gelieve de pincode in te voeren voor de sleutel die bevoegde " -+"handtekeningen kan aanmaken." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1119 -+msgid "" -+"|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " -+"qualified signatures." -+msgstr "" -+"|NP|Gelieve een nieuwe PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de " -+"sleutel die bevoegde handtekeningen kan aanmaken." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1121 -+msgid "" -+"|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " -+"qualified signatures." -+msgstr "" -+"|P|Gelieve de PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de sleutel " -+"die bevoegde handtekeningen kan aanmaken." -+ -+#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het verkrijgen van een nieuwe pincode: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" -+msgstr "opslaan van de vingerafdruk is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" -+msgstr "opslaan van de aanmaakdatum is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 -+#, c-format -+msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "het lezen van de publieke sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 -+msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" -+msgstr "antwoord bevat de gegevens van de publieke sleutel niet\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 -+msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" -+msgstr "antwoord bevat de RSA-modulus niet\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 -+msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" -+msgstr "antwoord bevat de publieke exponent van RSA niet\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 -+#, c-format -+msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" -+msgstr "de standaardpincode wordt gebruikt voor %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" -+msgstr "" -+"de standaardpincode gebruiken voor %s is mislukt: %s - standaard\n" -+"wordt in het vervolg niet meer gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 -+#, c-format -+msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" -+msgstr "||Graag invoer van de pincode%%0A[gemaakte ondertekeningen: %lu]" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 -+msgid "||Please enter the PIN" -+msgstr "||Gelieve de pincode in te voeren" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 -+#, c-format -+msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -+msgstr "pincode voor CHV%d is te kort; die moet minimaal %d lang zijn\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 -+#, c-format -+msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "controle van CHV%d is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 -+msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het ophalen van de CHV-status uit de kaart\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 -+msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" -+msgstr "kaart is permanent vergrendeld!\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" -+msgstr "" -+"beheerder heeft %d resterende pogingen om de pincode in te voeren\n" -+"voordat de kaart permanent vergrendeld wordt\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at -+#. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 -+#, c-format -+msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" -+msgstr "|A|Graag invoer van de beheerderspincode%%0A[resterende pogingen: %d]" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 -+msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" -+msgstr "|A|Gelieve de pincode van de beheerder in te voeren" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 -+msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" -+msgstr "toegang tot beheerderscommando's is niet ingesteld\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 -+msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" -+msgstr "||Gelieve de Reset-Code voor de kaart in te voeren" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -+msgstr "Reset-Code is te kort; die moet minimaal %d lang zijn\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but -+#. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere -+#. to get some infos on the string. -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 -+msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" -+msgstr "|RN|Nieuwe Reset-Code" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 -+msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" -+msgstr "|AN|Nieuwe pincode voor de beheerder" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 -+msgid "|N|New PIN" -+msgstr "|N|Nieuwe pincode" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 -+msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -+msgstr "" -+"||Gelieve de pincode van de beheerder en zijn nieuwe pincode in te voeren" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 -+msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -+msgstr "||Gelieve de pincode en de nieuwe pincode in te voeren" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 -+msgid "error reading application data\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van toepassingsgegevens\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 -+msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van de vingerafdruk DO\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 -+msgid "key already exists\n" -+msgstr "de sleutel bestaat reeds\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 -+msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" -+msgstr "de bestaande sleutel zal vervangen worden\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 -+msgid "generating new key\n" -+msgstr "aanmaken van nieuwe sleutel\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 -+msgid "writing new key\n" -+msgstr "wegschrijven van nieuwe sleutel\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 -+msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" -+msgstr "aanmaaktijdstip ontbreekt\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 -+#, c-format -+msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" -+msgstr "priemgetal %s van RSA ontbreekt of heeft niet de grootte van %d bits\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" -+msgstr "opslaan van de sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 -+msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" -+msgstr "wacht terwijl de sleutel wordt aangemaakt ...\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 -+msgid "generating key failed\n" -+msgstr "aanmaken van de sleutel is mislukt\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 -+#, c-format -+msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" -+msgstr "het aanmaken van de sleutel is voltooid (in %d seconden)\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 -+msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige structuur van de OpenPGP-kaart (DO 0x93)\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 -+msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" -+msgstr "vingerafdruk op de kaart komt niet overeen met de gevraagde\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 -+#, c-format -+msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" -+msgstr "de kaart ondersteunt het hashalgoritme %s niet\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 -+#, c-format -+msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" -+msgstr "tot dusver gegenereerde handtekeningen: %lu\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 -+msgid "" -+"verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" -+msgstr "" -+"controleren van de pincode van de beheerder wordt momenteel verboden met dit " -+"commando\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" -+msgstr "kan geen toegang krijgen tot %s - ongeldige OpenPGP-kaart?\n" -+ -+#: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 -+msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" -+msgstr "" -+"||Gelieve uw pincode in te voeren op het numeriek pad van de kaartlezer" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but -+#. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere -+#. to get some infos on the string. -+#: scd/app-dinsig.c:529 -+msgid "|N|Initial New PIN" -+msgstr "|N|Initiële nieuwe pincode" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:109 -+msgid "run in multi server mode (foreground)" -+msgstr "uitvoeren in multi-servermodus (voorgrond)" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:119 sm/gpgsm.c:316 -+msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" -+msgstr "|NIVEAU|stel het debuggingsniveau in op NIVEAU" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 -+msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|houd een logboek bij in BESTAND" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:128 -+msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" -+msgstr "|N|maak verbinding met de lezer via poort N" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:130 -+msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" -+msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik NAAM als stuurprogramma voor ct-API" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:132 -+msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" -+msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik NAAM als stuurprogramma voor PC/SC" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:135 -+msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" -+msgstr "gebruik het interne stuurprogramma CCID niet" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:141 -+msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" -+msgstr "" -+"|N|verbreek de verbinding met de kaart na een inactiviteit van N seconden" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:144 -+msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" -+msgstr "gebruik het numeriek pad van de kaartlezer niet" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:149 -+msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" -+msgstr "sta het gebruik van commando's voor het beheer van de kaart niet toe" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:152 -+msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -+msgstr "maak bij het numeriek pad gebruik van een invoer van variabele lengte" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:269 -+msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: scdaemon [opties] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:271 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: scdaemon [options] [command [args]]\n" -+"Smartcard daemon for GnuPG\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: scdaemon [opties] [commando [parameters]]\n" -+"Chipkaart-achtergronddienst voor GnuPG\n" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:786 -+msgid "please use the option `--daemon' to run the program in the background\n" -+msgstr "" -+"gelieve de optie `--daemon' te gebruiken om het programma in de achtergrond " -+"uit te voeren\n" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:1140 -+#, c-format -+msgid "handler for fd %d started\n" -+msgstr "verwerker voor bestandsindicator %d gestart\n" -+ -+#: scd/scdaemon.c:1152 -+#, c-format -+msgid "handler for fd %d terminated\n" -+msgstr "verwerker voor bestandsindicator %d beëindigd\n" -+ -+#: sm/base64.c:325 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig radix64-teken %02X overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: sm/call-agent.c:137 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" -+msgstr "doorspelen van aanvraag %s aan de client is mislukt\n" -+ -+#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 -+#, c-format -+msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" -+msgstr "dirmngr wordt nog niet uitgevoerd - `%s' wordt gestart\n" -+ -+#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 -+msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig formaat van de omgevingsvariabele DIRMNGR_INFO\n" -+ -+#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:297 -+#, c-format -+msgid "dirmngr protocol version %d is not supported\n" -+msgstr "protocolversie %d van dirmngr wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 -+msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" -+msgstr "" -+"kan geen verbinding leggen met de dirmngr - er wordt een noodoplossing " -+"geprobeerd\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:196 -+#, c-format -+msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" -+msgstr "door het certificaat gevraagd valideringsmodel: %s" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 -+msgid "chain" -+msgstr "ketting" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:198 sm/certchain.c:1884 -+msgid "shell" -+msgstr "shell" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:258 -+#, c-format -+msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" -+msgstr "kritieke certificaatsuitbreiding %s wordt niet ondersteund" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:297 -+msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" -+msgstr "" -+"het certificaat van de uitgever staat niet als een certificeringsautoriteit " -+"gemarkeerd" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:335 -+msgid "critical marked policy without configured policies" -+msgstr "" -+"gemarkeerd als kritieke richtlijn maar instellingen voor beleidsrichtlijnen " -+"ontbreken" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:345 -+#, c-format -+msgid "failed to open `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan `%s' niet openen: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 -+msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" -+msgstr "noot: niet-kritieke certificaatsrichtlijn niet toegestaan" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:357 sm/certchain.c:386 -+msgid "certificate policy not allowed" -+msgstr "certificaatsrichtlijn niet toegestaan" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:527 -+msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" -+msgstr "uitgever wordt op een externe locatie opgezocht\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:546 -+#, c-format -+msgid "number of issuers matching: %d\n" -+msgstr "aantal overeenstemmende uitgevers: %d\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:590 -+msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" -+msgstr "uitgever wordt opgezocht in de cache van Dirmngr\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:614 -+#, c-format -+msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" -+msgstr "aantal overeenstemmende certificaten: %d\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:616 -+#, c-format -+msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"het enkel in de cache van dirmngr opzoeken van de sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 -+#: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 -+#: sm/sign.c:335 sm/verify.c:113 -+msgid "failed to allocate keyDB handle\n" -+msgstr "het reserveren van het beheer van de sleuteldatabase is mislukt\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:981 -+msgid "certificate has been revoked" -+msgstr "certificaat werd ingetrokken" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:996 -+msgid "the status of the certificate is unknown" -+msgstr "onbekende status van het certificaat" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1003 -+msgid "please make sure that the \"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n" -+msgstr "" -+"gelieve u ervan te vergewissen dat de \"dirmngr\" behoorlijk geïnstalleerd " -+"werd\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1009 -+#, c-format -+msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" -+msgstr "controle van de lijst van ingetrokken certificaten is mislukt: %s" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 -+#, c-format -+msgid "certificate with invalid validity: %s" -+msgstr "certificaat met een ongeldige geldigheid: %s" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 -+msgid "certificate not yet valid" -+msgstr "certificaat is nog niet geldig" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 -+msgid "root certificate not yet valid" -+msgstr "stamcertificaat is nog niet geldig" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 -+msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" -+msgstr "het tussenliggend certificaat is nog niet geldig" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1068 -+msgid "certificate has expired" -+msgstr "het certificaat is verlopen" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1069 -+msgid "root certificate has expired" -+msgstr "het stamcertificaat is vervallen" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1070 -+msgid "intermediate certificate has expired" -+msgstr "het tussenliggend certificaat is vervallen" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1112 -+#, c-format -+msgid "required certificate attributes missing: %s%s%s" -+msgstr "de vereiste certificaatattributen ontbreken: %s%s%s" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1121 -+msgid "certificate with invalid validity" -+msgstr "certificaat met ongeldige geldigheid" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1158 -+msgid "signature not created during lifetime of certificate" -+msgstr "" -+"handtekening werd niet aangemaakt binnen de levensduur van het certificaat" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1160 -+msgid "certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" -+msgstr "certificaat werd niet aangemaakt binnen de levensduur van de uitgever" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1161 -+msgid "intermediate certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" -+msgstr "" -+"het tussenliggend certificaat werd niet aangemaakt binnen de levensduur van " -+"de uitgever" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1165 -+msgid " ( signature created at " -+msgstr " (handtekening aangemaakt op " -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1166 -+msgid " (certificate created at " -+msgstr " ( certificaat aangemaakt op " -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1169 -+msgid " (certificate valid from " -+msgstr " ( certificaat geldig van " -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1170 -+msgid " ( issuer valid from " -+msgstr " ( uitgever geldig van " -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1200 -+#, c-format -+msgid "fingerprint=%s\n" -+msgstr "vingerafdruk=%s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1209 -+msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" -+msgstr "het stamcertificaat werd nu als betrouwbaar gemarkeerd\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1222 -+msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" -+msgstr "" -+"iets interactief als betrouwbaar markeren is niet mogelijk met gpg-agent\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1228 -+msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" -+msgstr "" -+"iets interactief als betrouwbaar markeren is tijdens deze sessie niet " -+"mogelijk\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1285 -+msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" -+msgstr "" -+"WAARSCHUWING: het tijdstip waarop de handtekening aangemaakt werd is niet " -+"bekend - er wordt aangenomen dat het nu was" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1349 -+msgid "no issuer found in certificate" -+msgstr "geen uitgever gevonden in het certificaat" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1422 -+msgid "self-signed certificate has a BAD signature" -+msgstr "auto-gesigneerd certificaat heeft een SLECHTE handtekening" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1491 -+msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" -+msgstr "stamcertificaat staat niet gemarkeerd als betrouwbaar" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1504 -+#, c-format -+msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "controle van de lijst van vertrouwen is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 -+msgid "certificate chain too long\n" -+msgstr "certificaatketting is te lang\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1545 -+msgid "issuer certificate not found" -+msgstr "certificaat van uitgever niet gevonden" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1578 -+msgid "certificate has a BAD signature" -+msgstr "certificaat heeft een SLECHTE ondertekening" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1609 -+msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" -+msgstr "" -+"mogelijk een ander overeenstemmend CA-certificaat gevonden - er wordt " -+"opnieuw geprobeerd" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1660 -+#, c-format -+msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" -+msgstr "" -+"certificaatketting is langer dan toegestaan door de certificatieautoriteit " -+"(%d)" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 -+msgid "certificate is good\n" -+msgstr "certificaat is goed\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1701 -+msgid "intermediate certificate is good\n" -+msgstr "tussenliggend certificaat is goed\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1702 -+msgid "root certificate is good\n" -+msgstr "stamcertificaat is goed\n" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1873 -+msgid "switching to chain model" -+msgstr "er wordt overgeschakeld op het kettingmodel" -+ -+#: sm/certchain.c:1882 -+#, c-format -+msgid "validation model used: %s" -+msgstr "gebruikt valideringsmodel: %s" -+ -+#: sm/certcheck.c:97 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" -+msgstr "%s-sleutel gebruikt een onveilige (%u bit) hash\n" -+ -+#: sm/certcheck.c:107 -+#, c-format -+msgid "a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n" -+msgstr "een hash van %u bit is niet geldig voor een %u bit %s-sleutel\n" -+ -+#: sm/certcheck.c:244 sm/verify.c:201 -+msgid "(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n" -+msgstr "(dit is het MD2-algoritme)\n" -+ -+#: sm/certdump.c:60 sm/certdump.c:143 -+msgid "none" -+msgstr "geen" -+ -+#: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 -+msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" -+msgstr "[Fout - ongeldige codering]" -+ -+#: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 -+msgid "[Error - out of core]" -+msgstr "[Fout - geheugenlimiet overschreden]" -+ -+#: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 -+msgid "[Error - No name]" -+msgstr "[Fout - Geen naam]" -+ -+#: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 -+msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" -+msgstr "[Fout - ongeldige DN]" -+ -+#: sm/certdump.c:948 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the X.509 " -+"certificate:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" -+"created %s, expires %s.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Voer de wachtwoordzin in voor het ontgrendelen van de geheime sleutel van " -+"het X.509-certificaat:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"serienummer %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" -+"aangemaakt op %s, vervalt op %s.\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:122 -+msgid "no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n" -+msgstr "" -+"geen gebruik gespecificeerd voor de sleutel - elk gebruik wordt " -+"verondersteld\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"fout bij het ophalen van de informatie over het gebruik van de sleutel: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:142 -+msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" -+msgstr "het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden om te certificeren\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:154 -+msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" -+msgstr "" -+"het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden voor het ondertekenen van " -+"OCSP-antwoorden\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:165 -+msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" -+msgstr "het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden om te versleutelen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:166 -+msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" -+msgstr "het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden om te ondertekenen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:167 -+msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" -+msgstr "het certificaat kan niet gebruikt worden om te versleutelen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certlist.c:168 -+msgid "certificate is not usable for signing\n" -+msgstr "het certificaat kan niet gebruikt worden om te ondertekenen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:474 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: invalid algorithm\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: ongeldig algoritme\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:487 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: ongeldige sleutellengte %u (geldig is van %d tot %d)\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:505 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: no subject name given\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: geen naam aan het subject gegeven\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:514 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: de naam van het subject heeft het ongeldige label `%.*s'\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:517 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: het subject heeft de ongeldige naam `%s' op positie %d\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:534 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: not a valid email address\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: geen geldig e-mailadres\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:546 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: error reading key `%s' from card: %s\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: fout bij het lezen van sleutel `%s' van de kaart: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:558 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"regel %d: fout bij het ophalen van de sleutel met sleutelhendel `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:574 -+#, c-format -+msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" -+msgstr "regel %d: sleutel aanmaken is mislukt: %s <%s>\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen.c:806 -+msgid "" -+"To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " -+"you just created once more.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Om deze certificaataanvraag te vervolledigen moet u nogmaals de " -+"wachtwoordzin invoeren voor de sleutel die u zonet aanmaakte.\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) RSA\n" -+msgstr " (%d) RSA\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:159 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) Existing key\n" -+msgstr " (%d) Bestaande sleutel\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:160 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) Existing key from card\n" -+msgstr " (%d) Bestaande sleutel op de kaart\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:202 -+msgid "Enter the keygrip: " -+msgstr "Voer de sleutelhendel in: " -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 -+msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Geen geldige sleutelhendel (een reeks van 40 hexadecimale cijfers wordt " -+"verwacht)\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 -+msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" -+msgstr "Deze sleutelhendel heeft geen sleutel bij zich\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:230 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:239 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading the card: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van de kaart: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Serial number of the card: %s\n" -+msgstr "Serienummer van de kaart: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 -+msgid "Available keys:\n" -+msgstr "Beschikbare sleutels:\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:276 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Possible actions for a %s key:\n" -+msgstr "Mogelijke acties voor een %s-sleutel:\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:277 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) sign, encrypt\n" -+msgstr " (%d) ondertekenen, versleutelen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:278 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) sign\n" -+msgstr " (%d) ondertekenen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:279 -+#, c-format -+msgid " (%d) encrypt\n" -+msgstr " (%d) versleutelen\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:303 -+msgid "Enter the X.509 subject name: " -+msgstr "Voer de naam in voor het subject in X.509-formaat: " -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:307 -+msgid "No subject name given\n" -+msgstr "Geen naam voor het subject ingevoerd\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -+msgstr "De naam voor het subject heeft ongeldig label `%.*s'\n" -+ -+#. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the -+#. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please -+#. adjust it do the length of your translation. The -+#. second string is merely passed to atoi so you can -+#. drop everything after the number. -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 -+#, c-format -+msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" -+msgstr "Subject met ongeldige naam `%s'\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 -+msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" -+msgstr "21" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:334 -+msgid "Enter email addresses" -+msgstr "Voer de e-mailadressen in" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:335 -+msgid " (end with an empty line):\n" -+msgstr " (beëindig met een lege regel):\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:339 -+msgid "Enter DNS names" -+msgstr "Voer de DNS-namen in" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:340 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:345 -+msgid " (optional; end with an empty line):\n" -+msgstr " (facultatief; beëindig met een lege regel):\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:344 -+msgid "Enter URIs" -+msgstr "Voer de URI's in" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 -+msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" -+msgstr "Te gebruiken parameters bij het aanvragen van een certificaat:\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 -+msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Er wordt nu een aanvraag voor een certificaat gemaakt. Dit kan even " -+"duren ...\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 -+msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Klaar. U zou die aanvraag nu moeten sturen naar uw certificatieautoriteit.\n" -+ -+#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 -+msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" -+msgstr "een probleem van hulpbronnen: geheugenlimiet overschreden\n" -+ -+#: sm/decrypt.c:330 -+msgid "(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n" -+msgstr "(dit is het RC2-algoritme)\n" -+ -+#: sm/decrypt.c:332 -+msgid "(this does not seem to be an encrypted message)\n" -+msgstr "(dit lijkt geen versleuteld bericht te zijn)\n" -+ -+#: sm/delete.c:51 sm/delete.c:112 -+#, c-format -+msgid "certificate `%s' not found: %s\n" -+msgstr "certificaat `%s' niet gevonden: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/delete.c:122 sm/keydb.c:1574 sm/keydb.c:1676 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error locking keybox: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het vergrendelen van het sleutelkistje: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/delete.c:143 -+#, c-format -+msgid "duplicated certificate `%s' deleted\n" -+msgstr "duplicaat van het certificaat `%s' werd verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: sm/delete.c:145 -+#, c-format -+msgid "certificate `%s' deleted\n" -+msgstr "certificaat `%s' werd verwijderd\n" -+ -+#: sm/delete.c:175 -+#, c-format -+msgid "deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "verwijderen van certificaat \"%s\" is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/encrypt.c:321 -+msgid "no valid recipients given\n" -+msgstr "geen geldige ontvangers opgegeven)\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:197 -+msgid "list external keys" -+msgstr "toon externe sleutels" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:199 -+msgid "list certificate chain" -+msgstr "toon de certificaatketting" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:206 -+msgid "import certificates" -+msgstr "importeer certificaten" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:207 -+msgid "export certificates" -+msgstr "exporteer certificaten" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:209 -+msgid "register a smartcard" -+msgstr "registreer een chipkaart" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:212 -+msgid "pass a command to the dirmngr" -+msgstr "geef een opdracht door aan de dirmngr" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:214 -+msgid "invoke gpg-protect-tool" -+msgstr "Activeer gpg-protect-tool" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:230 -+msgid "create base-64 encoded output" -+msgstr "creëer uitvoer in base-64-formaat" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:235 -+msgid "assume input is in PEM format" -+msgstr "ga er van uit dat de invoer in PEM-formaat is" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:237 -+msgid "assume input is in base-64 format" -+msgstr "ga er van uit dat de invoer in base-64-formaat is" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:239 -+msgid "assume input is in binary format" -+msgstr "ga er van uit dat de invoer in binair formaat is" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:244 -+msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" -+msgstr "gebruik de dirmngr van het systeem als die beschikbaar is" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:247 -+msgid "never consult a CRL" -+msgstr "raadpleeg nooit een CRL (lijst van ingetrokken certificaten)" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:257 -+msgid "check validity using OCSP" -+msgstr "controleer geldigheid met OCSP" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:262 -+msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" -+msgstr "|N|aantal toe te voegen certificaten" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:265 -+msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|haal richtlijninformatie uit BESTAND" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:268 -+msgid "do not check certificate policies" -+msgstr "kijk de certificaatrichtlijnen niet na" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:272 -+msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" -+msgstr "haal ontbrekende uitgeverscertificaten op" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:283 -+msgid "don't use the terminal at all" -+msgstr "maak helemaal geen gebruik van de terminal" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:285 -+msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|houd een logboek bij in server-modus in BESTAND" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:290 -+msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|houd een auditlogboek bij in BESTAND" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:293 -+msgid "batch mode: never ask" -+msgstr "automatische modus: stel nooit vragen" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:294 -+msgid "assume yes on most questions" -+msgstr "ga uit van een ja-antwoord op de meeste vragen" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:295 -+msgid "assume no on most questions" -+msgstr "ga uit van een nee-antwoord op de meeste vragen" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:298 -+msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|voeg de sleutelring toe aan de lijst van sleutelringen" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:301 -+msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -+msgstr "|GEBRUIKERS-ID|gebruik GEBRUIKERS-ID als de standaard geheime sleutel" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 -+msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" -+msgstr "|SPEC|gebruik deze sleutelserver om sleutels op te zoeken" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:329 -+msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" -+msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik versleutelingsalgoritme NAAM" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:331 -+msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" -+msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik hashalgoritme NAAM" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:522 -+msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpgsm [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:525 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" -+"Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -+"Default operation depends on the input data\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpgsm [opties] [bestanden]\n" -+"Onderteken, controleer, versleutel of ontcijfer met het S/MIME-protocol\n" -+"Standaardactie is afhankelijk van de ingevoerde gegevens\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:617 -+msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " -+msgstr "gebruik: gpgsm [opties] " -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:739 -+#, c-format -+msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "NOOT: zal niet in staat zijn om te versleutelen naar `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:750 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" -+msgstr "onbekend valideringsmodel `%s'\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:801 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: no hostname given\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: geen computernaam opgegeven\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:820 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: wachtwoord zonder gebruiker gegeven\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:841 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" -+msgstr "%s:%u: deze regel wordt overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 -+msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" -+msgstr "kon de sleutelserver niet ontleden\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 -+msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " -+msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: wordt uitgevoerd met de gesimuleerde systeemtijd: " -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 -+#, c-format -+msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" -+msgstr "bezig met importeren van gemeenschappelijke certificaten `%s'\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan niet ondertekenen met `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 -+msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig commando (er is geen impliciet commando)\n" -+ -+#: sm/import.c:111 -+#, c-format -+msgid "total number processed: %lu\n" -+msgstr "totaal aantal verwerkt: %lu\n" -+ -+#: sm/import.c:230 -+msgid "error storing certificate\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het opslaan van het certificaat\n" -+ -+#: sm/import.c:238 -+msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" -+msgstr "" -+"basale controle van het certificaat mislukte - wordt niet geïmporteerd\n" -+ -+#: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error getting stored flags: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het inlezen van de opgeslagen opties: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error importing certificate: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het importeren van het certificaat: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/import.c:684 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1346 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading input: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen van invoer: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:216 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error creating keybox `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van sleuteldoosje `%s': %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:223 -+#, c-format -+msgid "keybox `%s' created\n" -+msgstr "sleuteldoosje `%s' is aangemaakt\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:1489 sm/keydb.c:1557 -+msgid "failed to get the fingerprint\n" -+msgstr "opvragen van de vingerafdruk is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:1517 -+#, c-format -+msgid "problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n" -+msgstr "probleem bij het opzoeken van een bestaand certificaat: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:1525 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error finding writable keyDB: %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"fout bij het zoeken naar een sleuteldatabase waarin kan geschreven worden: " -+"%s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:1533 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error storing certificate: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het opslaan van het certificaat: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:1585 -+#, c-format -+msgid "problem re-searching certificate: %s\n" -+msgstr "probleem bij het opnieuw opzoeken van het certificaat: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error storing flags: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het opslaan van de opties: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/keylist.c:642 -+msgid "Error - " -+msgstr "Fout - " -+ -+#: sm/misc.c:55 -+msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" -+msgstr "" -+"GPG_TTY werd niet ingesteld - de standaard, die misschien gebrekkig zal " -+"functioneren, wordt gebruik\n" -+ -+#: sm/qualified.c:105 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -+msgstr "ongeldig opgemaakte vingerafdruk in `%s', regel %d\n" -+ -+#: sm/qualified.c:123 -+#, c-format -+msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" -+msgstr "ongeldige landcode in `%s', regel %d\n" -+ -+#: sm/qualified.c:202 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"You are about to create a signature using your certificate:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"This will create a qualified signature by law equated to a handwritten " -+"signature.\n" -+"\n" -+"%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" -+msgstr "" -+"U staat op het punt om een handtekening aan te maken met uw certificaat:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"Dit zal een bevoegde handtekening aanmaken die volgens de wet evenwaardig is " -+"aan een met de hand geplaatste handtekening.\n" -+"\n" -+"%s%sBent u er echt zeker van dat u dit wilt doen?" -+ -+#: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 -+msgid "" -+"Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " -+"signatures.\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Noteer dat deze programmatuur niet officieel goedgekeurd is om dergelijke " -+"handtekeningen aan te maken of te verifiëren.\n" -+ -+#: sm/qualified.c:278 -+#, c-format -+msgid "" -+"You are about to create a signature using your certificate:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" -+msgstr "" -+"U staat op het punt om een handtekening aan te maken met uw certificaat:\n" -+"\"%s\"\n" -+"Noteer dat dit certificaat GEEN bevoegde handtekening zal aanmaken!" -+ -+#: sm/sign.c:449 -+#, c-format -+msgid "hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported; using %s\n" -+msgstr "" -+"hashalgoritme %d (%s) voor ondertekenaar %d wordt niet ondersteund; %s wordt " -+"gebruikt\n" -+ -+#: sm/sign.c:463 -+#, c-format -+msgid "hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n" -+msgstr "" -+"er wordt gebruik gemaakt van het hashalgoritme voor ondertekenaar %d: %s " -+"(%s)\n" -+ -+#: sm/sign.c:513 -+#, c-format -+msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "nagaan of het een bevoegd certificaat betreft, is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:449 -+msgid "Signature made " -+msgstr "Handtekening geplaatst" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:453 -+msgid "[date not given]" -+msgstr "[datum niet vermeld]" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:454 -+#, c-format -+msgid " using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n" -+msgstr " er wordt gebruik gemaakt van certificaat ID 0x%08lX\n" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:473 -+msgid "" -+"invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" -+msgstr "" -+"ongeldige ondertekening: het hashattribuut van het bericht komt niet overeen " -+"met het berekende\n" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:594 -+msgid "Good signature from" -+msgstr "Goede handtekening van" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:595 -+msgid " aka" -+msgstr " ook bekend als" -+ -+#: sm/verify.c:613 -+msgid "This is a qualified signature\n" -+msgstr "Dit is een bevoegde ondertekening\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:70 tools/gpgconf.c:81 tools/symcryptrun.c:167 -+msgid "quiet" -+msgstr "stil" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:71 -+msgid "print data out hex encoded" -+msgstr "toon de gecodeerde gegevens in hexadecimaal formaat" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:72 -+msgid "decode received data lines" -+msgstr "ontcijfer de ontvangen dataregels" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 -+msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" -+msgstr "|NAAM|maak verbinding met Assuan-socket NAAM" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 -+msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" -+msgstr "start de Assuan-server die aan de commandolijn ingevoerd werd" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 -+msgid "do not use extended connect mode" -+msgstr "maak geen gebruik van de uitvoerige verbindingsmodus" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 -+msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|voer bij het opstarten de opdrachten uit BESTAND uit" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 -+msgid "run /subst on startup" -+msgstr "voer bij het opstarten /subst uit" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:184 -+msgid "Usage: gpg-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-connect-agent [opties] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:187 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpg-connect-agent [options]\n" -+"Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg-connect-agent [opties]\n" -+"Maak een verbinding met een actieve agent en stuur opdrachten\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 -+#, c-format -+msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" -+msgstr "optie \"%s\" vereist een programma en facultatieve parameters\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 -+#, c-format -+msgid "option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n" -+msgstr "optie \"%s\" genegeerd omwille van \"%s\"\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 -+#, c-format -+msgid "receiving line failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "ontvangen van regel is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 -+msgid "line too long - skipped\n" -+msgstr "regel is te lang - overgeslagen\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 -+msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" -+msgstr "regel werd ingekort wegens een ingebed NULL-teken\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 -+#, c-format -+msgid "unknown command `%s'\n" -+msgstr "onbekende opdracht `%s'\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1761 -+#, c-format -+msgid "sending line failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "regel versturen is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error sending %s command: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het versturen van opdracht %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het versturen van standaardopties: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 -+msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" -+msgstr "Opties die de diagnostische uitvoer sturen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 -+msgid "Options controlling the configuration" -+msgstr "Opties die de configuratie-instellingen sturen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 -+msgid "Options useful for debugging" -+msgstr "Nuttige opties voor foutenanalyse (debugging)" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 -+msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|schrijf logboekgegevens in server-modus naar BESTAND" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 -+msgid "Options controlling the security" -+msgstr "Opties die de beveiliging sturen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:522 -+msgid "|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds" -+msgstr "|N|laat SSH-sleutels na N seconden verlopen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 -+msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" -+msgstr "" -+"|N|stel de maximale levensduur van de cache van de pincode in op N seconden" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 -+msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -+msgstr "|N|stel de maximale levensduur van een SSH-sleutel in op N seconden" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 -+msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -+msgstr "" -+"Opties voor het toepassen van richtlijnen in verband met wachtwoordzinnen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 -+msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -+msgstr "sta niet toe om de richtlijnen inzake wachtwoordzinnen te omzeilen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 -+msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -+msgstr "|N|stel de minimale lengte voor nieuwe wachtwoordzinnen in op N" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 -+msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -+msgstr "" -+"|N|stel als vereiste dat een nieuwe wachtwoordzin minstens N niet-alfa " -+"tekens moet bevatten" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 -+msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -+msgstr "|BESTAND|toets nieuwe wachtwoordzinnen af aan het patroon in BESTAND" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 -+msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -+msgstr "|N|laat de wachtwoordzin na N dagen vervallen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 -+msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -+msgstr "laat het opnieuw gebruiken van oude wachtwoordzinnen niet toe" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 -+msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -+msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik NAAM als standaard geheime sleutel" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 -+msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -+msgstr "|NAAM|versleutel ook naar gebruikers-ID NAAM" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 -+msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -+msgstr "|SPEC|stel e-mail aliassen in" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 -+msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" -+msgstr "Instellingen voor Sleutelservers" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 -+msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" -+msgstr "|URL|gebruik de sleutelserver op URL" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 -+msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" -+msgstr "sta PKA-opzoekingen toe (DNS-verzoeken)" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 -+msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" -+msgstr "" -+"|MECHANISME|gebruik MECHANISME om sleutels via e-mailadressen te localiseren" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 -+msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" -+msgstr "deactiveer alle toegang tot de dirmngr" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 -+msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -+msgstr "" -+"|NAAM|gebruik codering NAAM voor wachtwoordzinnen van het formaat PKCS#12" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 -+msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -+msgstr "" -+"voer voor stamcertificaten geen controle uit bij de lijst van ingetrokken " -+"certificaten" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 -+msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" -+msgstr "Opties om het formaat van de uitvoer te sturen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 -+msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" -+msgstr "Opties die een invloed hebben op de interactiviteit en de uitvoering" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 -+msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" -+msgstr "Configuratie van de HTTP-servers" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 -+msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" -+msgstr "gebruik de instellingen van het systeem met betrekking tot HTTP proxy" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 -+msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" -+msgstr "Te gebruiken configuratie voor de LDAP-servers" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 -+msgid "LDAP server list" -+msgstr "Lijst van LDAP-servers" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 -+msgid "Configuration for OCSP" -+msgstr "Configuratie van OCSP" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 -+#, c-format -+msgid "External verification of component %s failed" -+msgstr "Externe verificatie van component %s is mislukt" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 -+msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" -+msgstr "Noteer dat groepsspecificaties genegeerd worden\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:62 -+msgid "list all components" -+msgstr "toon alle componenten" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:63 -+msgid "check all programs" -+msgstr "controleer alle programma's" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:64 -+msgid "|COMPONENT|list options" -+msgstr "|COMPONENT|toon opties" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:65 -+msgid "|COMPONENT|change options" -+msgstr "|COMPONENT|wijzig opties" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:66 -+msgid "|COMPONENT|check options" -+msgstr "|COMPONENT|controleer opties" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:68 -+msgid "apply global default values" -+msgstr "pas de globale standaardwaarden toe" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:70 -+msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" -+msgstr "haal de mappen op met de configuratie-instellingen van gpgconf" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:72 -+msgid "list global configuration file" -+msgstr "toon het bestand met de globale configuratie-instellingen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:74 -+msgid "check global configuration file" -+msgstr "controleer het bestand met de globale configuratie-instellingen" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:79 -+msgid "use as output file" -+msgstr "gebruik als uitvoerbestand" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:83 -+msgid "activate changes at runtime, if possible" -+msgstr "" -+"pas indien mogelijk wijzigingen nog toe tijdens de uitvoering van het " -+"programma" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:105 -+msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpgconf [opties] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:108 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpgconf [options]\n" -+"Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpgconf [opties]\n" -+"Beheer de configuratieopties van de instrumenten van het GnuPG-systeem\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 -+msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " -+msgstr "gebruik: gpgconf [opties] " -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:216 -+msgid "Need one component argument" -+msgstr "Een component als parameter is vereist" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:225 tools/gpgconf.c:258 -+msgid "Component not found" -+msgstr "Component niet gevonden" -+ -+#: tools/gpgconf.c:284 -+msgid "No argument allowed" -+msgstr "Een parameter is niet toegelaten" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:154 -+msgid "" -+"@\n" -+"Commands:\n" -+" " -+msgstr "" -+"@\n" -+"Commando's:\n" -+" " -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:156 -+msgid "decryption modus" -+msgstr "ontcijferingsmodus" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:157 -+msgid "encryption modus" -+msgstr "encryptiemodus" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:161 -+msgid "tool class (confucius)" -+msgstr "klasse van instrumenten (confucius)" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:162 -+msgid "program filename" -+msgstr "bestandsnaam van het programma" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:164 -+msgid "secret key file (required)" -+msgstr "geheime-sleutelbestand (verplicht)" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 -+msgid "input file name (default stdin)" -+msgstr "bestandsnaam voor de invoer (standaard is stdin)" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 -+msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" -+msgstr "Gebruik: symcryptrun [opties] (-h voor hulp)" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:212 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM --keyfile KEYFILE " -+"[options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n" -+"Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: symcryptrun --class KLASSE --program PROGRAMMA --keyfile " -+"SLEUTELBESTAND [opties...] COMMANDO [invoerbestand]\n" -+"Uitvoeren van een eenvoudig hulpmiddel voor symmetrische versleuteling\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s on %s aborted with status %i\n" -+msgstr "%s op %s afgebroken met status %i\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:288 -+#, c-format -+msgid "%s on %s failed with status %i\n" -+msgstr "%s op %s mislukte met status %i\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:314 -+#, c-format -+msgid "can't create temporary directory `%s': %s\n" -+msgstr "kan tijdelijke map `%s' niet maken: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:354 tools/symcryptrun.c:371 -+#, c-format -+msgid "could not open %s for writing: %s\n" -+msgstr "kon %s niet openen om er naar te schrijven: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:382 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error writing to %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:389 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error reading from %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het lezen uit %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:396 tools/symcryptrun.c:403 -+#, c-format -+msgid "error closing %s: %s\n" -+msgstr "fout bij het sluiten van %s: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:488 -+msgid "no --program option provided\n" -+msgstr "geen optie --program meegegeven\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:494 -+msgid "only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n" -+msgstr "enkel --decrypt en --encrypt worden ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:500 -+msgid "no --keyfile option provided\n" -+msgstr "geen optie --keyfile meegegeven\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 -+msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" -+msgstr "kan de parametervector niet reserveren\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 -+#, c-format -+msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" -+msgstr "kon pijp niet aanmaken: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 -+#, c-format -+msgid "could not create pty: %s\n" -+msgstr "kon pty niet aanmaken: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:552 -+#, c-format -+msgid "could not fork: %s\n" -+msgstr "kon geen nieuw programma (fork) starten: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:580 -+#, c-format -+msgid "execv failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "execv is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:609 -+#, c-format -+msgid "select failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "selecteren is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 -+#, c-format -+msgid "read failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "lezen is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 -+#, c-format -+msgid "pty read failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "lezen van pty is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:730 -+#, c-format -+msgid "waitpid failed: %s\n" -+msgstr "waitpid is mislukt: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:744 -+#, c-format -+msgid "child aborted with status %i\n" -+msgstr "kindproces werd afgebroken met status %i\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:799 -+#, c-format -+msgid "cannot allocate infile string: %s\n" -+msgstr "kan de tekenreeks infile niet reserveren: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:812 -+#, c-format -+msgid "cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n" -+msgstr "kan de tekenreeks outfile niet reserveren: %s\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:986 -+#, c-format -+msgid "either %s or %s must be given\n" -+msgstr "ofwel %s of %s moet opgegeven worden\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:1013 -+msgid "no class provided\n" -+msgstr "geen klasse opgegeven\n" -+ -+#: tools/symcryptrun.c:1022 -+#, c-format -+msgid "class %s is not supported\n" -+msgstr "klasse %s wordt niet ondersteund\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:145 -+msgid "Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n" -+msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-check-pattern [opties] patroonbestand (-h voor hulp)\n" -+ -+#: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:148 -+msgid "" -+"Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n" -+"Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" -+msgstr "" -+"Syntaxis: gpg-check-pattern [opties] patroonbestand\n" -+"Toets een wachtwoordzin die op stdin ingevoerd werd, aan een patroonbestand\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "zet de waarden in verband met betrouwbaarheid bij het importeren niet op " -+#~ "nul" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "WAARSCHUWING: geen ontkoppelde handtekening; bestand '%s' werd NIET " -+#~ "geverifieerd!\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't gen prime with pbits=%u qbits=%u\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan geen priemgetal genereren met pbits=%u qbits=%u\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't generate a prime with less than %d bits\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan geen priemgetal genereren van minder dan %d bits\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "no entropy gathering module detected\n" -+#~ msgstr "geen module gevonden om entropie te verzamelen\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't lock `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet vergrendelen: %s\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't stat `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan status van `%s' niet vaststellen: %s\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "`%s' is not a regular file - ignored\n" -+#~ msgstr "`%s' is geen gewoon bestand - wordt genegeerd\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "note: random_seed file is empty\n" -+#~ msgstr "noot: bestand random_seed is leeg\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: invalid size of random_seed file - not used\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "WAARSCHUWING: ongeldige grootte van het bestand random_seed - wordt niet " -+#~ "gebruikt\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't read `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet lezen: %s\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "note: random_seed file not updated\n" -+#~ msgstr "noot: bestand random_seed wordt niet bijgewerkt\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't write `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet wegschrijven: %s\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't close `%s': %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet afsluiten: %s\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure random number generator!!\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een onveilige generator van willekeurige getallen " -+#~ "gebruikt!!\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "The random number generator is only a kludge to let\n" -+#~ "it run - it is in no way a strong RNG!\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "DON'T USE ANY DATA GENERATED BY THIS PROGRAM!!\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "De generator van willekeurige getallen is alleen maar een zootje " -+#~ "ongeregeld\n" -+#~ "om iets te hebben dat werkt - het is niet echt een sterk programma!\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "GEBRUIK DE DOOR DIT PROGRAMMA GEGENEREERDE GEGEVENS NIET!!\n" -+#~ "\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Please wait, entropy is being gathered. Do some work if it would\n" -+#~ "keep you from getting bored, because it will improve the quality\n" -+#~ "of the entropy.\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Ogenblik geduld, entropie wordt verzameld. Werk intussen wat.\n" -+#~ "Het zal er niet enkel voor zorgen dat u zich niet gaat vervelen, het\n" -+#~ "zal tegelijk de kwaliteit van de entropie verbeteren.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Not enough random bytes available. Please do some other work to give\n" -+#~ "the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need %d more bytes)\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Er zijn niet genoeg willekeurige bytes beschikbaar. Doe wat ander werk om " -+#~ "het OS\n" -+#~ "de gelegenheid te geven meer entropie te verzamelen! (heb nog %d bytes " -+#~ "nodig)\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "card reader not available\n" -+#~ msgstr "kaartlezer is niet beschikbaar\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "Please insert the card and hit return or enter 'c' to cancel: " -+#~ msgstr "Plaats de kaart en druk op enter of op 'c' om te cancelen: " -+ -+#~ msgid "Hit return when ready or enter 'c' to cancel: " -+#~ msgstr "Druk op enter als u klaar bent of op 'c' om te cancelen: " -+ -+#~ msgid "Enter New Admin PIN: " -+#~ msgstr "Voer de nieuwe pincode voor de beheerder in: " -+ -+#~ msgid "Enter New PIN: " -+#~ msgstr "Voer nieuwe pincode in: " -+ -+#~ msgid "Enter Admin PIN: " -+#~ msgstr "Voer de pincode voor de beheerder in: " -+ -+#~ msgid "generate PGP 2.x compatible messages" -+#~ msgstr "berichten aanmaken die compatibel zijn met PGP 2.x" -+ -+#~ msgid "NOTE: %s is not available in this version\n" -+#~ msgstr "NOOT: %s is niet beschikbaar in deze versie\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "-k[v][v][v][c] [user-id] [keyring]" -+#~ msgstr "-k[v][v][v][c] [gebruikers-id] [sleutelring]" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported\n" -+#~ "to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has " -+#~ "nothing\n" -+#~ "to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Het is aan u om hier een waarde toe te kennen; deze waarde zal nooit naar " -+#~ "een\n" -+#~ "derde partij geëxporteerd worden. We hebben ze nodig om het netwerk-van-" -+#~ "vertrouwen\n" -+#~ "(web-of-trust) te implementeren. Dit heeft niets te maken met het " -+#~ "(impliciet\n" -+#~ "aangemaakte) netwerk-van-certificaten (web-of-certificates)." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are\n" -+#~ "ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have\n" -+#~ "access to the secret key. Answer \"yes\" to set this key to\n" -+#~ "ultimately trusted\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Om het netwerk-van-vertrouwen op te bouwen, moet GnuPG weten welke " -+#~ "sleutels\n" -+#~ "volledig vertrouwd worden. Dit zijn gewoonlijk de sleutels waarvoor u ook " -+#~ "toegang\n" -+#~ "tot de geheime sleutel heeft. Antwoord \"yes\" om deze sleutel in te\n" -+#~ "stellen als volledig te vertrouwen.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer \"yes\"." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Als u deze niet-vertrouwde sleutel toch wilt gebruiken, antwoord dan \"yes" -+#~ "\"." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message." -+#~ msgstr "Voer het gebruikers-ID in van de ontvanger van dit bericht." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Select the algorithm to use.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used\n" -+#~ "for signatures.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Selecteer het te gebruiken algoritme.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "DSA (ook bekend als DSS) is het algoritme voor digitale handtekeningen\n" -+#~ "(Digital Signature Algorithm) dat enkel voor ondertekeningen kan gebruikt " -+#~ "worden.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Elgamal is een algoritme enkel bedoeld voor versleuteling.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "RSA kan gebruikt worden voor ondertekeningen en versleuteling.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "De eerste (primaire) sleutel moet altijd een sleutel zijn waarmee " -+#~ "ondertekend\n" -+#~ "kan worden." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and\n" -+#~ "encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.\n" -+#~ "Please consult your security expert first." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "In het algemeen is het geen goed idee om dezelfde sleutel te gebruiken " -+#~ "om\n" -+#~ "te ondertekenen en te versleutelen. Dit algoritme zou enkel in bepaalde " -+#~ "domeinen\n" -+#~ "gebruikt mogen worden. Vraag eerst een beveiligingsspecialist om advies." -+ -+#~ msgid "Enter the size of the key" -+#~ msgstr "Voer de lengte van de sleutel in" -+ -+#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" or \"no\"" -+#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" (Ja) of \"no\" (nee)" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.\n" -+#~ "It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't\n" -+#~ "get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret\n" -+#~ "the given value as an interval." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Geef de vereiste waarde op, zoals getoond in de vraag.\n" -+#~ "Het is mogelijk om een datum in ISO-formaat (JJJJ-MM-DD) in te voeren, " -+#~ "maar u\n" -+#~ "zult geen passende foutmelding krijgen - het systeem zal daarentegen " -+#~ "proberen\n" -+#~ "om de ingevoerde waarde te interpreteren als een interval." -+ -+#~ msgid "Enter the name of the key holder" -+#~ msgstr "Geef de naam van de sleutelhouder" -+ -+#~ msgid "please enter an optional but highly suggested email address" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "geef alstublieft een e-mailadres, dit is niet verplicht maar wel sterk " -+#~ "aangeraden" -+ -+#~ msgid "Please enter an optional comment" -+#~ msgstr "Geef eventueel een toelichting. Dit is facultatief" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "N to change the name.\n" -+#~ "C to change the comment.\n" -+#~ "E to change the email address.\n" -+#~ "O to continue with key generation.\n" -+#~ "Q to quit the key generation." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "N om de de naam te veranderen.\n" -+#~ "C om de toelichting te veranderen.\n" -+#~ "E om het e-mailadres te veranderen.\n" -+#~ "O om door te gaan met het aanmaken van de sleutel.\n" -+#~ "Q om het aanmaken van de sleutel af te breken." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Answer \"yes\" (or just \"y\") if it is okay to generate the sub key." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Antwoord \"yes\" (of alleen \"y\") als het oké is om de subsleutel te " -+#~ "maken." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key\n" -+#~ "belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to\n" -+#~ "know how carefully you verified this.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"0\" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified " -+#~ "the\n" -+#~ " key.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"1\" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own " -+#~ "it\n" -+#~ " but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful " -+#~ "for\n" -+#~ " a \"persona\" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous " -+#~ "user.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"2\" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this " -+#~ "could\n" -+#~ " mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on " -+#~ "the\n" -+#~ " key against a photo ID.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"3\" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this " -+#~ "could\n" -+#~ " mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key " -+#~ "in\n" -+#~ " person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document " -+#~ "with a\n" -+#~ " photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches " -+#~ "the\n" -+#~ " name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by " -+#~ "exchange\n" -+#~ " of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key " -+#~ "owner.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* " -+#~ "examples.\n" -+#~ "In the end, it is up to you to decide just what \"casual\" and \"extensive" -+#~ "\"\n" -+#~ "mean to you when you sign other keys.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "If you don't know what the right answer is, answer \"0\"." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Als U een gebruikers-ID koppelt aan een sleutel, moet U eerst nagaan of " -+#~ "de\n" -+#~ "sleutel echt van de persoon is die in het gebruikers-ID genoemd wordt.\n" -+#~ "Voor anderen is het van belang te weten dat U dit grondig gecontroleerd " -+#~ "heeft.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"0\" betekent dat U zich niet uitspreekt over hoe grondig U deze " -+#~ "sleutel\n" -+#~ " heeft gecontroleerd\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"1\" betekent dat U gelooft dat de sleutel eigendom is van de persoon " -+#~ "die beweert\n" -+#~ " er eigenaar van te zijn, maar dat u de sleutel niet controleerde of " -+#~ "dit\n" -+#~ " niet kon doen. Dit is zinvol in geval van een \"persona\"-verificatie " -+#~ "bij\n" -+#~ " het ondertekenen van de sleutel van het pseudoniem van een " -+#~ "gebruiker.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"2\" betekent dat U de sleutel vluchtig gecontroleerd heeft. Dit kan " -+#~ "bijvoorbeeld\n" -+#~ " betekenen dat u de vingerafdruk van de sleutel gecontroleerd heeft en " -+#~ "de\n" -+#~ " gebruikers-ID getoetst heeft aan een identiteitsfoto.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "\"3\" betekent dat u de sleutel uitvoerig heeft gecontroleerd. Dit kan " -+#~ "bijvoorbeeld\n" -+#~ " betekenen dat U de vingerafdruk van de sleutel persoonlijk " -+#~ "gecontroleerd\n" -+#~ " heeft bij de eigenaar van de sleutel, en dat u gecontroleerd heeft " -+#~ "aan de hand\n" -+#~ " van een foto op een moeilijk te vervalsen document (zoals een " -+#~ "paspoort)\n" -+#~ " dat de naam van de eigenaar van de sleutel overeenkomt met de naam in " -+#~ "de\n" -+#~ " gebruikers-ID op de sleutel, en dat u tenslotte gecontroleerd heeft " -+#~ "(via het\n" -+#~ " uitwisselen van e-mail) dat het e-mailadres op de sleutel effectief " -+#~ "van\n" -+#~ " de eigenaar van de sleutel is.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Noteer dat de gegeven voorbeelden voor de niveaus 2 en 3 *slechts* " -+#~ "voorbeelden\n" -+#~ "zijn. Uiteindelijk moet U zelf uitmaken wat voor u de betekenis is van " -+#~ "\"vluchtig\"\n" -+#~ "en \"uitvoerig\" bij het ondertekenen van sleutels van anderen.\n" -+#~ "\n" -+#~ "Indien u twijfelt over wat het correcte antwoord is, antwoord dan \"0\"." -+ -+#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs" -+#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" als U ALLE gebruikers-ID's wilt tekenen." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Answer \"yes\" if you really want to delete this user ID.\n" -+#~ "All certificates are then also lost!" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Antwoord \"yes\" als u werkelijk deze gebruikers-ID wilt wissen.\n" -+#~ "Alle bijbehorende certificaten worden ook gewist!" -+ -+#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to delete the subkey" -+#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" als het oké is om de subsleutel te wissen" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want\n" -+#~ "to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a\n" -+#~ "trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Dit is een geldige ondertekening van de sleutel; normaal gezien wilt U " -+#~ "deze\n" -+#~ "ondertekening niet wissen. omdat ze belangrijk kan zijn voor het opzetten " -+#~ "van een\n" -+#~ "betrouwbare relatie met behulp van deze sleutel of met een andere sleutel " -+#~ "die met\n" -+#~ "deze sleutel gecertificeerd werd." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "This signature can't be checked because you don't have the\n" -+#~ "corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you\n" -+#~ "know which key was used because this signing key might establish\n" -+#~ "a trust connection through another already certified key." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Deze ondertekening kan niet worden gecontroleerd omdat u de bijbehorende\n" -+#~ "sleutel niet heeft. U wordt aangeraden om het verwijderen ervan uit te " -+#~ "stellen\n" -+#~ "totdat u weet welke sleutel gebruikt geweest is, omdat deze " -+#~ "ondertekenende\n" -+#~ "sleutel misschien een betrouwbare relatie tot stand brengt via\n" -+#~ "een andere reeds gecertificeerde sleutel." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from\n" -+#~ "your keyring." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "De ondertekening is niet geldig. Het is een goed idee om ze van uw " -+#~ "sleutelring\n" -+#~ "af te halen." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is\n" -+#~ "usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually\n" -+#~ "GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this\n" -+#~ "only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and\n" -+#~ "a second one is available." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Dit is een ondertekening die de gebruikers-ID aan de sleutel koppelt. " -+#~ "Het\n" -+#~ "is meestal niet goed om een dergelijke handtekening te verwijderen. " -+#~ "Waarschijnlijk\n" -+#~ "zal GnuPG deze sleutel dan niet meer kunnen gebruiken. Doe dit dus alleen " -+#~ "als deze\n" -+#~ "zelf geplaatste handtekening om een of andere reden niet geldig is en er\n" -+#~ "een andere beschikbaar is." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)\n" -+#~ "to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected\n" -+#~ "self-signatures will be advanced by one second.\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Vervang de voorkeuren van alle (of alleen de gekozen) gebruikers-ID's\n" -+#~ "door de huidige lijst van voorkeuren. De tijdsindicatie van alle " -+#~ "betrokken\n" -+#~ "zelf geplaatste handtekeningen zal met een seconde worden verhoogd.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Herhaal de laatste wachtwoordzin, om zeker te zijn dat u die juist " -+#~ "intypte." -+ -+#~ msgid "Give the name of the file to which the signature applies" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Geef de naam van het bestand waarop deze handtekening van toepassing is" -+ -+#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to overwrite the file" -+#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" als het oké is om bestand te overschrijven" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default\n" -+#~ "file (which is shown in brackets) will be used." -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Geef alstublieft een nieuwe bestandsnaam. Als U gewoon op Enter drukt zal " -+#~ "het\n" -+#~ "standaardbestand (u ziet zijn naam tussen de blokhaken) gebruikt worden." -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the\n" -+#~ "context you have the ability to choose from this list:\n" -+#~ " \"Key has been compromised\"\n" -+#~ " Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons\n" -+#~ " got access to your secret key.\n" -+#~ " \"Key is superseded\"\n" -+#~ " Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.\n" -+#~ " \"Key is no longer used\"\n" -+#~ " Use this if you have retired this key.\n" -+#~ " \"User ID is no longer valid\"\n" -+#~ " Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;\n" -+#~ " this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Geef hier een reden voor de certificering. Afhankelijk van de context " -+#~ "kunt U\n" -+#~ "een omschrijving kiezen uit deze lijst:\n" -+#~ " \"Sleutel is gecompromitteerd\"\n" -+#~ " Gebruik dit indien u redenen heeft om aan te nemen dat onbevoegde\n" -+#~ " personen uw geheime sleutel in handen gekregen hebben.\n" -+#~ " \"Sleutel is vervangen\"\n" -+#~ " Gebruik dit als u deze sleutel door een nieuwe vervangen heeft.\n" -+#~ " \"Sleutel wordt niet langer gebruikt\"\n" -+#~ " Gebruik dit indien u deze sleutel ingetrokken heeft.\n" -+#~ " \"Gebruikers-ID is niet langer geldig\"\n" -+#~ " Gebruik dit om te stellen dat deze gebruikers-ID niet langer " -+#~ "gebruikt\n" -+#~ " zou moeten worden. Gewoonlijk gebruikt men dit om een e-mailadres " -+#~ "als\n" -+#~ " niet langer geldig te markeren.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this\n" -+#~ "revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.\n" -+#~ "An empty line ends the text.\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "Als U wilt kunt U een tekst intypen met uitleg waarom u dit\n" -+#~ "certificaat van intrekking maakt. Hou deze tekst beknopt.\n" -+#~ "Beëindig de tekst met een lege regel.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid " algorithms on these user IDs:\n" -+#~ msgstr " algoritmes bij deze gebruikers-ID's:\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "NOTE: This feature is not available in %s\n" -+#~ msgstr "NOOT: Deze functionaliteit is niet beschikbaar in %s\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "Repeat passphrase\n" -+#~ msgstr "Herhaal wachtwoordzin\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't query passphrase in batch mode\n" -+#~ msgstr "kan geen wachtwoordzin vragen in automatische modus\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "Enter passphrase: " -+#~ msgstr "Voer wachtwoordzin in: " -+ -+#~ msgid "Repeat passphrase: " -+#~ msgstr "Herhaal wachtwoordzin: " -+ -+#~ msgid "no photo viewer set\n" -+#~ msgstr "geen programma ingesteld om de foto te bekijken\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "general error" -+#~ msgstr "algemene fout" -+ -+#~ msgid "unknown packet type" -+#~ msgstr "onbekend pakkettype" -+ -+#~ msgid "unknown pubkey algorithm" -+#~ msgstr "onbekend algoritme van de publieke sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "unknown digest algorithm" -+#~ msgstr "onbekend hashalgoritme" -+ -+#~ msgid "bad public key" -+#~ msgstr "slechte publieke sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "bad secret key" -+#~ msgstr "slechte geheime sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "bad signature" -+#~ msgstr "slechte handtekening" -+ -+#~ msgid "checksum error" -+#~ msgstr "fout in de controlesom" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't open the keyring" -+#~ msgstr "kan de sleutelring niet openen" -+ -+#~ msgid "invalid packet" -+#~ msgstr "ongeldig pakket" -+ -+#~ msgid "invalid armor" -+#~ msgstr "ongeldig harnas" -+ -+#~ msgid "no such user id" -+#~ msgstr "een dergelijk gebruikers-id bestaat niet" -+ -+#~ msgid "wrong secret key used" -+#~ msgstr "er werd een verkeerde geheime sleutel gebruikt" -+ -+#~ msgid "bad key" -+#~ msgstr "slechte sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "file write error" -+#~ msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven naar het bestand" -+ -+#~ msgid "unknown compress algorithm" -+#~ msgstr "onbekend compressiealgoritme" -+ -+#~ msgid "file open error" -+#~ msgstr "fout bij het openen van het bestand" -+ -+#~ msgid "file create error" -+#~ msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van het bestand" -+ -+#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -+#~ msgstr "ongeldige wachtwoordzin" -+ -+#~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" -+#~ msgstr "niet geïmplementeerd algoritme voor de publieke sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "unimplemented cipher algorithm" -+#~ msgstr "niet geïmplementeerd versleutelingsalgoritme" -+ -+#~ msgid "unknown signature class" -+#~ msgstr "onbekende handtekeningenklasse" -+ -+#~ msgid "trust database error" -+#~ msgstr "fout in de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)" -+ -+#~ msgid "bad MPI" -+#~ msgstr "slecht MPI (geheel getal van multipele precisie)" -+ -+#~ msgid "resource limit" -+#~ msgstr "bronlimiet" -+ -+#~ msgid "invalid keyring" -+#~ msgstr "ongeldige sleutelring" -+ -+#~ msgid "malformed user id" -+#~ msgstr "ongeldige gebruikers-id" -+ -+#~ msgid "file close error" -+#~ msgstr "fout bij het sluiten van het bestand" -+ -+#~ msgid "file rename error" -+#~ msgstr "fout bij het hernoemen van het bestand" -+ -+#~ msgid "file delete error" -+#~ msgstr "fout bij het verwijderen van het bestand" -+ -+#~ msgid "unexpected data" -+#~ msgstr "onverwachte gegevens" -+ -+#~ msgid "timestamp conflict" -+#~ msgstr "dateringsconflict" -+ -+#~ msgid "unusable pubkey algorithm" -+#~ msgstr "onbruikbaar algoritme van de publieke sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "file exists" -+#~ msgstr "bestand bestaat" -+ -+#~ msgid "weak key" -+#~ msgstr "zwakke sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "bad URI" -+#~ msgstr "slechte URI" -+ -+#~ msgid "unsupported URI" -+#~ msgstr "niet ondersteunde URI" -+ -+#~ msgid "network error" -+#~ msgstr "netwerkfout" -+ -+#~ msgid "not processed" -+#~ msgstr "niet verwerkt" -+ -+#~ msgid "unusable public key" -+#~ msgstr "onbruikbare publieke sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "unusable secret key" -+#~ msgstr "onbruikbare geheime sleutel" -+ -+#~ msgid "keyserver error" -+#~ msgstr "fout van de sleutelserver" -+ -+#~ msgid "no card" -+#~ msgstr "geen kaart" -+ -+#~ msgid "no data" -+#~ msgstr "geen gegevens" -+ -+#~ msgid "ERROR: " -+#~ msgstr "FOUT: " -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: " -+#~ msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: " -+ -+#~ msgid "... this is a bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" -+#~ msgstr "... dit is een bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure memory!\n" -+#~ msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt onveilig geheugen gebruikt!\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "" -+#~ "please see http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/faqs.html for more " -+#~ "information\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "zie http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/faqs.html voor meer informatie\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "operation is not possible without initialized secure memory\n" -+#~ msgstr "bewerking is niet mogelijk zonder geïnitialiseerd veilig geheugen\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "(you may have used the wrong program for this task)\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "(misschien heeft u voor deze taak het verkeerde programma gebruikt)\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "cipher extension `%s' not loaded due to unsafe permissions\n" -+#~ msgstr "" -+#~ "versleutelalgoritme uitbreiding ‘%s’ is niet geladen door onveilige\n" -+#~ "instellingen\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "Command> " -+#~ msgstr "Commando> " -+ -+#~ msgid "DSA keypair will have %u bits.\n" -+#~ msgstr "DSA sleutelpaar krijgt %u bits.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "the trustdb is corrupted; please run \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" -+#~ msgstr "the trustdb is corrupted; please run “gpg --fix-trustdbâ€.\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -+#~ msgstr "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) key signatures\n" -+#~ msgstr "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) key signatures\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -+#~ msgstr "can't put a policy URL into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -+ -+#~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 key (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -+#~ msgstr "can't put a policy URL into v3 key (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0018-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-for-invalid-input-data.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0018-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-for-invalid-input-data.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0018-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-for-invalid-input-data.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0018-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-for-invalid-input-data.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -From 92a7949ae6331b5e188480b76ce29a86ede6e89e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:19:31 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 18/31] gpg: Fix a NULL-deref for invalid input data. - -* g10/mainproc.c (proc_encrypted): Take care of canceled passpharse -entry. --- - -GnuPG-bug-id: 1761 -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch - -(backported from commit 32e85668b82f6fbcb824eea9548970804fb41d9e) ---- - g10/mainproc.c | 12 +++++++++--- - 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/mainproc.c b/g10/mainproc.c -index 3abcb15..6288030 100644 ---- a/g10/mainproc.c -+++ b/g10/mainproc.c -@@ -520,7 +520,9 @@ proc_encrypted( CTX c, PACKET *pkt ) - result = -1; - else if( !c->dek && !c->last_was_session_key ) { - int algo; -- STRING2KEY s2kbuf, *s2k = NULL; -+ STRING2KEY s2kbuf; -+ STRING2KEY *s2k = NULL; -+ int canceled; - - if(opt.override_session_key) - { -@@ -562,9 +564,13 @@ proc_encrypted( CTX c, PACKET *pkt ) - log_info (_("assuming %s encrypted data\n"), "IDEA"); - } - -- c->dek = passphrase_to_dek ( NULL, 0, algo, s2k, 3, NULL, NULL ); -+ c->dek = passphrase_to_dek ( NULL, 0, algo, s2k, 3, NULL,&canceled); - if (c->dek) - c->dek->algo_info_printed = 1; -+ else if (canceled) -+ result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED); -+ else -+ result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE); - } - } - else if( !c->dek ) -@@ -585,7 +591,7 @@ proc_encrypted( CTX c, PACKET *pkt ) - else if(!opt.no_mdc_warn) - log_info (_("WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n")); - } -- else if( result == G10ERR_BAD_SIGN ) { -+ else if( gpg_err_code (result) == G10ERR_BAD_SIGN ) { - log_error(_("WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n")); - write_status( STATUS_BADMDC ); - write_status( STATUS_DECRYPTION_FAILED ); --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0019-gpg-Fix-off-by-one-read-in-the-attribute-subpacket-p.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0019-gpg-Fix-off-by-one-read-in-the-attribute-subpacket-p.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0019-gpg-Fix-off-by-one-read-in-the-attribute-subpacket-p.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0019-gpg-Fix-off-by-one-read-in-the-attribute-subpacket-p.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -From 7a068ac50bc48de26e93cfeadf412b37257f97d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:12:37 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 19/31] gpg: Fix off-by-one read in the attribute subpacket - parser. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* g10/parse-packet.c (parse_attribute_subpkts): Check that the -attribute packet is large enough for the subpacket type. --- - -Reported-by: Hanno Böck -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch - -(backported from commit 0988764397f99db4efef1eabcdb8072d6159af76) ---- - g10/parse-packet.c | 8 ++++++++ - 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c -index f1d7f71..99ff7b7 100644 ---- a/g10/parse-packet.c -+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c -@@ -2102,6 +2102,14 @@ parse_attribute_subpkts(PKT_user_id *uid) - if( buflen < n ) - goto too_short; - -+ if (!n) -+ { -+ /* Too short to encode the subpacket type. */ -+ if (opt.verbose) -+ log_info ("attribute subpacket too short\n"); -+ break; -+ } -+ - attribs=xrealloc(attribs,(count+1)*sizeof(struct user_attribute)); - memset(&attribs[count],0,sizeof(struct user_attribute)); - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0020-gpg-Fix-use-of-uninit.value-in-listing-sig-subpkts.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0020-gpg-Fix-use-of-uninit.value-in-listing-sig-subpkts.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0020-gpg-Fix-use-of-uninit.value-in-listing-sig-subpkts.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0020-gpg-Fix-use-of-uninit.value-in-listing-sig-subpkts.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -From 1f9dfe1fedad215140011257d9b1bb21bc368179 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:24:47 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 20/31] gpg: Fix use of uninit.value in listing sig subpkts. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* g10/parse-packet.c (dump_sig_subpkt): Print regex subpacket -sanitized. --- - -We may not use "%s" to print an arbitrary buffer. At least "%.*s" -should have been used. However, it is in general preferable to escape -control characters while printf user data. - -Reported-by: Hanno Böck -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch - -(backported from commit 596ae9f5433ca3b0e01f7acbe06fd2e424c42ae8) ---- - g10/parse-packet.c | 6 +++++- - 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c -index 99ff7b7..63b97f0 100644 ---- a/g10/parse-packet.c -+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c -@@ -972,7 +972,11 @@ dump_sig_subpkt( int hashed, int type, int critical, - if(!length) - p="[invalid regexp subpacket]"; - else -- fprintf (listfp, "regular expression: \"%s\"",buffer); -+ { -+ fprintf (listfp, "regular expression: \""); -+ print_string (listfp, buffer, length, '\"'); -+ p = "\""; -+ } - break; - case SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE: - if( length ) --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0031-gpg-release-DEK-soon-after-its-use.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0031-gpg-release-DEK-soon-after-its-use.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0031-gpg-release-DEK-soon-after-its-use.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0031-gpg-release-DEK-soon-after-its-use.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -From 4f0d526b7df871318508f8c3d2f57e7069c47e6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: NIIBE Yutaka -Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:41:56 +0900 -Subject: [PATCH 31/31] gpg: release DEK soon after its use. - -* g10/keygen.c (generate_subkeypair): Release DEK soon. - --- - -This fixes the out_of_core error in the test case of adding -RSA-4096 subkey to RSA-4096 primary key with configuration: - - s2k-cipher-algo S10 - -Debian-bug-id: 772780 - -Cherry-picked da66ad5bba4215b9ddd0cb927a89aa75355632aa from -STABLE-BRANCH-1-4 branch. ---- - g10/keygen.c | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/g10/keygen.c b/g10/keygen.c -index 17fde7f..10cca7d 100644 ---- a/g10/keygen.c -+++ b/g10/keygen.c -@@ -3823,6 +3823,7 @@ generate_subkeypair (KBNODE pub_keyblock, KBNODE sec_keyblock) - if (!rc) - rc = do_create (algo, nbits, pub_keyblock, sec_keyblock, - dek, s2k, &sub_sk, cur_time, expire, 1 ); -+ xfree (dek); - if (!rc) - rc = write_keybinding (pub_keyblock, pub_keyblock, pri_sk, sub_sk, - use, cur_time); -@@ -3839,7 +3839,6 @@ generate_subkeypair (KBNODE pub_keyblock, KBNODE sec_keyblock) - if (rc) - log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), g10_errstr(rc) ); - xfree (passphrase); -- xfree (dek); - xfree (s2k); - /* Release the copy of the (now unprotected) secret keys. */ - if (pri_sk) --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0032-scd-Fix-possibly-inhibited-checkpin-of-the-admin-pin.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0032-scd-Fix-possibly-inhibited-checkpin-of-the-admin-pin.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0032-scd-Fix-possibly-inhibited-checkpin-of-the-admin-pin.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0032-scd-Fix-possibly-inhibited-checkpin-of-the-admin-pin.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -From d92fe965f3290a200d0a578decdd0867817b3b7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 20:08:45 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 32/56] scd: Fix possibly inhibited checkpin of the admin pin. - -* scd/app-openpgp.c (do_check_pin): Do not check a byte of a released -buffer. - -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch ---- - scd/app-openpgp.c | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/scd/app-openpgp.c b/scd/app-openpgp.c -index bd96ed0..fc69fdb 100644 ---- a/scd/app-openpgp.c -+++ b/scd/app-openpgp.c -@@ -3711,7 +3711,7 @@ do_check_pin (app_t app, const char *keyidstr, - log_info (_("card is permanently locked!\n")); - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN); - } -- else if (value[6] < 3) -+ else if (count < 3) - { - log_info (_("verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited " - "through this command\n")); --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0033-gpg-Fix-possible-read-of-unallocated-memory.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0033-gpg-Fix-possible-read-of-unallocated-memory.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0033-gpg-Fix-possible-read-of-unallocated-memory.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0033-gpg-Fix-possible-read-of-unallocated-memory.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -From d2b0e613131d52da54c3dbd72f4bfba8f7b71ad3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 10:41:25 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 33/56] gpg: Fix possible read of unallocated memory - -* g10/parse-packet.c (can_handle_critical): Check content length -before calling can_handle_critical_notation. --- - -The problem was found by Jan Bee and gniibe proposed the used fix. -Thanks. - -This bug can't be exploited: Only if the announced length of the -notation is 21 or 32 a memcmp against fixed strings using that length -would be done. The compared data is followed by the actual signature -and thus it is highly likely that not even read of unallocated memory -will happen. Nevertheless such a bug needs to be fixed. - -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch ---- - g10/parse-packet.c | 11 +++++++---- - 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c -index 63b97f0..1048402 100644 ---- a/g10/parse-packet.c -+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c -@@ -1196,10 +1196,13 @@ can_handle_critical( const byte *buffer, size_t n, int type ) - switch( type ) - { - case SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION: -- if(n>=8) -- return can_handle_critical_notation(buffer+8,(buffer[4]<<8)|buffer[5]); -- else -- return 0; -+ if (n >= 8) -+ { -+ size_t notation_len = ((buffer[4] << 8) | buffer[5]); -+ if (n - 8 >= notation_len) -+ return can_handle_critical_notation (buffer + 8, notation_len); -+ } -+ return 0; - case SIGSUBPKT_SIGNATURE: - case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED: - case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE: --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0034-gpgsm-Return-NULL-on-fail.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0034-gpgsm-Return-NULL-on-fail.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0034-gpgsm-Return-NULL-on-fail.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0034-gpgsm-Return-NULL-on-fail.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -From 907a9a1e986b8c8266f4f01e8ed82acfc636a519 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:16:46 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 34/56] gpgsm: Return NULL on fail - -* sm/gpgsm.c (parse_keyserver_line): Set SERVER to NULL. - --- - -Cherry-pick of abd5f6752d693b7f313c19604f0723ecec4d39a6. - -Reported-by: Joshua Rogers - - "If something inside the ldapserver_parse_one function failed, - 'server' would be freed, then returned, leading to a - use-after-free. This code is likely copied from sm/gpgsm.c, which - was also susceptible to this bug." - -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch ---- - sm/gpgsm.c | 1 + - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) - -diff --git a/sm/gpgsm.c b/sm/gpgsm.c -index 97ec4bb..855de83 100644 ---- a/sm/gpgsm.c -+++ b/sm/gpgsm.c -@@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ parse_keyserver_line (char *line, - { - log_info (_("%s:%u: skipping this line\n"), filename, lineno); - keyserver_list_free (server); -+ server = NULL; - } - - return server; --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0035-doc-Fix-memory-leak-in-yat2m.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0035-doc-Fix-memory-leak-in-yat2m.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0035-doc-Fix-memory-leak-in-yat2m.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0035-doc-Fix-memory-leak-in-yat2m.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -From 01b364b6da2fbb8850178674e1534d725cd760c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:44:13 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 35/56] doc: Fix memory leak in yat2m. - -* doc/yat2m.c (write_th): Free NAME. --- - -Reported-by: Joshua Rogers ---- - doc/yat2m.c | 1 + - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) - -diff --git a/doc/yat2m.c b/doc/yat2m.c -index 2ac4390..fc932d9 100644 ---- a/doc/yat2m.c -+++ b/doc/yat2m.c -@@ -609,6 +609,7 @@ write_th (FILE *fp) - *p++ = 0; - fprintf (fp, ".TH %s %s %s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", - name, p, isodatestring (), opt_release, opt_source); -+ free (name); - return 0; - } - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0036-gpgkey2ssh-clean-up-varargs.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0036-gpgkey2ssh-clean-up-varargs.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0036-gpgkey2ssh-clean-up-varargs.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0036-gpgkey2ssh-clean-up-varargs.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -From f542826b04e35f13a30116564daaf6456440b1d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:12:05 -0500 -Subject: [PATCH 36/56] gpgkey2ssh: clean up varargs - -* tools/gpgkey2ssh.c (key_to_blob) : ensure that va_end is called. - --- - -stdarg(3) says: - Each invocation of va_start() must be matched by a - corresponding invocation of va_end() in the same function. - -Observed by Joshua Rogers - -Debian-Bug-Id: 773415 ---- - tools/gpgkey2ssh.c | 2 ++ - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c b/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c -index 903fb5b..d22c5ac 100644 ---- a/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c -+++ b/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c -@@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ key_to_blob (unsigned char **blob, size_t *blob_n, const char *identifier, ...) - assert (ret == 1); - } - -+ va_end (ap); -+ - blob_new_n = ftell (stream); - rewind (stream); - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0037-avoid-future-chance-of-using-uninitialized-memory.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0037-avoid-future-chance-of-using-uninitialized-memory.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0037-avoid-future-chance-of-using-uninitialized-memory.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0037-avoid-future-chance-of-using-uninitialized-memory.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -From 1fc4dc541af7d4bf4dba6ef37d1d7841498a05c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:53:36 -0500 -Subject: [PATCH 37/56] avoid future chance of using uninitialized memory - -* common/iobuf.c: (iobuf_open): initialize len - --- - -In iobuf_open, IOBUFCTRL_DESC and IOBUFCTRL_INIT commands are invoked -(via file_filter()) on fcx, passing in a pointer to an uninitialized -len. - -With these two commands, file_filter doesn't actually do anything with -the value of len, so there's no actual risk of use of uninitialized -memory in the code as it stands. - -However, some static analysis tools might flag this situation with a -warning, and initializing the value doesn't hurt anything, so i think -this trivial cleanup is warranted. - -Debian-Bug-Id: 773469 ---- - common/iobuf.c | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/common/iobuf.c b/common/iobuf.c -index ae9bfa9..4c6d5b5 100644 ---- a/common/iobuf.c -+++ b/common/iobuf.c -@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ iobuf_open (const char *fname) - iobuf_t a; - fp_or_fd_t fp; - file_filter_ctx_t *fcx; -- size_t len; -+ size_t len = 0; - int print_only = 0; - int fd; - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0038-scd-Avoid-double-free-on-error-condition-in-scd.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0038-scd-Avoid-double-free-on-error-condition-in-scd.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0038-scd-Avoid-double-free-on-error-condition-in-scd.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0038-scd-Avoid-double-free-on-error-condition-in-scd.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -From 0fd4cd8503dfe9c3e6a362003bd647b4cd882363 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:07:55 -0500 -Subject: [PATCH 38/56] scd: Avoid double-free on error condition in scd - -* scd/command.c (cmd_readkey): avoid double-free of cert - --- - -When ksba_cert_new() fails, cert will be double-freed. - -Debian-Bug-Id: 773471 - -Original patch changed by wk to do the free only at leave. ---- - scd/command.c | 6 ++---- - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/scd/command.c b/scd/command.c -index fc1f5a2..b26bd68 100644 ---- a/scd/command.c -+++ b/scd/command.c -@@ -777,10 +777,8 @@ cmd_readkey (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) - - rc = ksba_cert_new (&kc); - if (rc) -- { -- xfree (cert); -- goto leave; -- } -+ goto leave; -+ - rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (kc, cert, ncert); - if (rc) - { --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0039-sm-Avoid-double-free-on-iconv-failure.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0039-sm-Avoid-double-free-on-iconv-failure.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0039-sm-Avoid-double-free-on-iconv-failure.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0039-sm-Avoid-double-free-on-iconv-failure.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -From ced689e12a5037c6aeca62e9eaebdc098bd9c14e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:53:34 -0500 -Subject: [PATCH 39/56] sm: Avoid double-free on iconv failure - -* sm/minip12.c: (p12_build) if jnlib_iconv_open fails, avoid -double-free of pwbuf. - --- - -Observed by Joshua Rogers , who proposed a -slightly different fix. - -Debian-Bug-Id: 773472 - -Added fix at a second place - wk. ---- - agent/minip12.c | 2 ++ - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/agent/minip12.c b/agent/minip12.c -index 2471717..0bcab5f 100644 ---- a/agent/minip12.c -+++ b/agent/minip12.c -@@ -2182,6 +2182,7 @@ p12_build (gcry_mpi_t *kparms, unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen, - " requested charset `%s': %s\n", - charset, strerror (errno)); - gcry_free (pwbuf); -+ pwbuf = NULL; - goto failure; - } - -@@ -2196,6 +2197,7 @@ p12_build (gcry_mpi_t *kparms, unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen, - " requested charset `%s': %s\n", - charset, strerror (errno)); - gcry_free (pwbuf); -+ pwbuf = NULL; - jnlib_iconv_close (cd); - goto failure; - } --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0040-tools-Free-variable-before-return.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0040-tools-Free-variable-before-return.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0040-tools-Free-variable-before-return.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0040-tools-Free-variable-before-return.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -From 1298b14f97efebdd88a9390af3848154dbe0d259 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Joshua Rogers -Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:47:50 +1100 -Subject: [PATCH 40/56] tools: Free variable before return - -* tools/gpgconf-comp.c: Free 'dest_filename' before it is returned -upon error. --- - -Signed-off-by: Joshua Rogers ---- - tools/gpgconf-comp.c | 5 ++++- - 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c -index c43e87a..83bc24e 100644 ---- a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c -+++ b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c -@@ -2390,7 +2390,10 @@ change_options_file (gc_component_t component, gc_backend_t backend, - res = link (dest_filename, orig_filename); - #endif - if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT) -- return -1; -+ { -+ xfree (dest_filename); -+ return -1; -+ } - if (res < 0) - { - xfree (orig_filename); --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0041-gpgconf-Fix-validity-check-for-UINT32-values.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0041-gpgconf-Fix-validity-check-for-UINT32-values.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0041-gpgconf-Fix-validity-check-for-UINT32-values.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0041-gpgconf-Fix-validity-check-for-UINT32-values.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -From 068ec6c8ed07268469f33e5b3ba1e094d9bf3394 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 15:37:51 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 41/56] gpgconf: Fix validity check for UINT32 values. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* tools/gpgconf-comp.c (option_check_validity): Enable check for -UINT32. --- - -Reported-by: Günther Noack - -This is actually a bug which inhibited the checking of values of type -UINT32. - -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch -(cherry picked from commit 3f6abb57a7b5e54b593c5775c8f7a07d61119705) ---- - tools/gpgconf-comp.c | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c -index 83bc24e..4993989 100644 ---- a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c -+++ b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c -@@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ option_check_validity (gc_option_t *option, unsigned long flags, - gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s", - option->name); - } -- else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32) -+ else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32) - { - errno = 0; - (void) strtoul (arg, &arg, 0); --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0042-Remove-incorrect-expression-leading-to-errors.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0042-Remove-incorrect-expression-leading-to-errors.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0042-Remove-incorrect-expression-leading-to-errors.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0042-Remove-incorrect-expression-leading-to-errors.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -From 3d9f8bf1dc0c7165a5d2a31568ed425d2dc3b91e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Joshua Rogers -Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 03:03:33 +1100 -Subject: [PATCH 42/56] Remove incorrect expression leading to errors. - -* scd/ccid-driver.c (send_escape_cmd): Fix setting of 'rc'. --- - -Variable 'rc' in send_escape_cmd was overwritten before it was -returned, leading to incorrect computation. - -Signed-off-by: Joshua Rogers - -[Log entry reformatted - wk] ---- - scd/ccid-driver.c | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/scd/ccid-driver.c b/scd/ccid-driver.c -index 6e0bc55..c4c0d9c 100644 ---- a/scd/ccid-driver.c -+++ b/scd/ccid-driver.c -@@ -2266,8 +2266,8 @@ send_escape_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle, - { - memcpy (result, msg, msglen); - *resultlen = msglen; -+ rc = 0; - } -- rc = 0; - } - break; - default: --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0047-gpg-Allow-predefined-names-as-answer-to-the-keygen.a.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0047-gpg-Allow-predefined-names-as-answer-to-the-keygen.a.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0047-gpg-Allow-predefined-names-as-answer-to-the-keygen.a.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0047-gpg-Allow-predefined-names-as-answer-to-the-keygen.a.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -From b2359db21c1eca7441c63b0791f8e3405b42ff83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 09:11:02 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 47/56] gpg: Allow predefined names as answer to the - keygen.algo prompt. - -* g10/keygen.c (ask_algo): Add list of strings. - --- -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch -(backported from commit b1d5ed6ac842469afcb84868d0f6641dc286a6c7) ---- - doc/DETAILS | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - g10/keygen.c | 22 ++++++++++++---------- - 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) - ---- a/doc/DETAILS -+++ b/doc/DETAILS -@@ -1301,3 +1301,31 @@ - However, I think the whole key server stuff has to be re-thought; - I have some ideas and probably create a white paper. - -+ -+Algorithm names for the "keygen.algo" prompt -+============================================ -+ -+ When using a --command-fd controlled key generation or "addkey" -+ there is way to know the number to enter on the "keygen.algo" -+ prompt. The displayed numbers are for human reception and may -+ change with releases. To provide a stable way to enter a desired -+ algorithm choice the prompt also accepts predefined names for the -+ algorithms, which will not change. -+ -+ | Name | No | Description | -+ |---------+----+---------------------------------| -+ | rsa+rsa | 1 | RSA and RSA (default) | -+ | dsa+elg | 2 | DSA and Elgamal | -+ | dsa | 3 | DSA (sign only) | -+ | rsa/s | 4 | RSA (sign only) | -+ | elg | 5 | Elgamal (encrypt only) | -+ | rsa/e | 6 | RSA (encrypt only) | -+ | dsa/* | 7 | DSA (set your own capabilities) | -+ | rsa/* | 8 | RSA (set your own capabilities) | -+ -+ If one of the "foo/*" names are used a "keygen.flags" prompt needs -+ to be answered as well. Instead of toggling the predefined flags, -+ it is also possible to set them direct: Use a "=" character -+ directly followed by a comination of "a" (for authentication), "s" -+ (for signing), or "c" (for certification). -+ ---- a/g10/keygen.c -+++ b/g10/keygen.c -@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ - static int - ask_algo (int addmode, int *r_subkey_algo, unsigned int *r_usage) - { -- char *answer; -+ char *answer = NULL; - int algo; - int dummy_algo; - -@@ -1716,53 +1716,53 @@ - { - *r_usage = 0; - *r_subkey_algo = 0; -+ xfree (answer); - answer = cpr_get ("keygen.algo", _("Your selection? ")); - cpr_kill_prompt (); - algo = *answer? atoi (answer) : 1; -- xfree(answer); -- if (algo == 1 && !addmode) -+ if ((algo == 1 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa+rsa")) && !addmode) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; - *r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; - break; - } -- else if (algo == 2 && !addmode) -+ else if ((algo == 2 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa+elg")) && !addmode) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA; - *r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E; - break; - } -- else if (algo == 3) -+ else if (algo == 3 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa")) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA; - *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG; - break; - } -- else if (algo == 4) -+ else if (algo == 4 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/s")) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; - *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG; - break; - } -- else if (algo == 5 && addmode) -+ else if ((algo == 5 || !strcmp (answer, "elg")) && addmode) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E; - *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC; - break; - } -- else if (algo == 6 && addmode) -+ else if ((algo == 6 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/e")) && addmode) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; - *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC; - break; - } -- else if (algo == 7 && opt.expert) -+ else if ((algo == 7 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa/*")) && opt.expert) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA; - *r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode); - break; - } -- else if (algo == 8 && opt.expert) -+ else if ((algo == 8 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/*")) && opt.expert) - { - algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; - *r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode); -@@ -1770,8 +1770,10 @@ - } - else - tty_printf (_("Invalid selection.\n")); -+ - } - -+ xfree(answer); - return algo; - } - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0048-Avoid-double-close-in-unusual-dotlock-situations.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0048-Avoid-double-close-in-unusual-dotlock-situations.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0048-Avoid-double-close-in-unusual-dotlock-situations.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0048-Avoid-double-close-in-unusual-dotlock-situations.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ -From f256bab03e2f191bc2e97fd2cc579d82c440b996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:26:58 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 48/56] Avoid double-close in unusual dotlock situations. - -* jnlib/dotlock.c (create_dotlock): Avoid double close due to EINTR. --- - -close(2) says: - - close() should not be retried after an EINTR since this may cause a - reused descriptor from another thread to be closed. - -(backported from commit 628b111fa679612e23c0d46505b1ecbbf091897d) - -Debian-Bug-Id: 773423 -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch ---- - jnlib/dotlock.c | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- - 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/jnlib/dotlock.c b/jnlib/dotlock.c -index 260c086..2578658 100644 ---- a/jnlib/dotlock.c -+++ b/jnlib/dotlock.c -@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - /* dotlock.c - dotfile locking -- * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, -+ * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, - * 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - * - * This file is part of JNLIB. -@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ - - - /* The object describing a lock. */ --struct dotlock_handle -+struct dotlock_handle - { - struct dotlock_handle *next; - char *lockname; /* Name of the actual lockfile. */ -@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ disable_dotlock(void) - Calling this function with NULL does only install the atexit - handler and may thus be used to assure that the cleanup is called - after all other atexit handlers. -- -+ - This function creates a lock file in the same directory as - FILE_TO_LOCK using that name and a suffix of ".lock". Note that on - POSIX systems a temporary file ".#lk..pid[.threadid] is -@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ create_dotlock (const char *file_to_lock) - nodename = "unknown"; - else - nodename = utsbuf.nodename; -- -+ - #ifdef __riscos__ - { - char *iter = (char *) nodename; -@@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ create_dotlock (const char *file_to_lock) - "%s/%d", nodename, (int)getpid () ); - #endif /* __riscos__ */ - -- do -+ do - { - errno = 0; - fd = open (h->tname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, - S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWUSR ); -- } -+ } - while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR); - -- if ( fd == -1 ) -+ if ( fd == -1 ) - { - all_lockfiles = h->next; - log_error (_("failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n"), -@@ -244,7 +244,12 @@ create_dotlock (const char *file_to_lock) - if ( write (fd, "\n", 1 ) != 1 ) - goto write_failed; - if ( close (fd) ) -- goto write_failed; -+ { -+ if ( errno == EINTR ) -+ fd = -1; -+ goto write_failed; -+ } -+ fd = -1; - - # ifdef _REENTRANT - /* release mutex */ -@@ -267,7 +272,8 @@ create_dotlock (const char *file_to_lock) - /* fixme: release mutex */ - # endif - log_error ( _("error writing to `%s': %s\n"), h->tname, strerror(errno) ); -- close (fd); -+ if (fd != -1) -+ close (fd); - unlink (h->tname); - jnlib_free (h->tname); - jnlib_free (h); -@@ -300,7 +306,7 @@ create_dotlock (const char *file_to_lock) - reasons why a lock file can't be created and thus the process - would not stop as expected but spin til until Windows crashes. - Our solution is to keep the lock file open; that does not -- harm. */ -+ harm. */ - h->lockhd = CreateFile (h->lockname, - GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, - FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, -@@ -339,7 +345,7 @@ destroy_dotlock ( DOTLOCK h ) - h->next = NULL; - break; - } -- -+ - /* Then destroy the lock. */ - if (!h->disable) - { -@@ -395,7 +401,7 @@ make_dotlock ( DOTLOCK h, long timeout ) - if ( h->disable ) - return 0; /* Locks are completely disabled. Return success. */ - -- if ( h->locked ) -+ if ( h->locked ) - { - #ifndef __riscos__ - log_debug ("Oops, `%s' is already locked\n", h->lockname); -@@ -419,19 +425,19 @@ make_dotlock ( DOTLOCK h, long timeout ) - return -1; - } - # else /* __riscos__ */ -- if ( !renamefile(h->tname, h->lockname) ) -+ if ( !renamefile(h->tname, h->lockname) ) - { - h->locked = 1; - return 0; /* okay */ - } -- if ( errno != EEXIST ) -+ if ( errno != EEXIST ) - { - log_error( "lock not made: rename() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); - return -1; - } - # endif /* __riscos__ */ - -- if ( (pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node)) == -1 ) -+ if ( (pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node)) == -1 ) - { - if ( errno != ENOENT ) - { -@@ -461,11 +467,11 @@ make_dotlock ( DOTLOCK h, long timeout ) - # endif /* __riscos__ */ - } - -- if ( timeout == -1 ) -+ if ( timeout == -1 ) - { - /* Wait until lock has been released. */ - struct timeval tv; -- -+ - log_info (_("waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n"), - pid, maybe_dead, maybe_deadlock(h)? _("(deadlock?) "):""); - -@@ -495,7 +501,7 @@ make_dotlock ( DOTLOCK h, long timeout ) - return -1; - } - -- if ( timeout == -1 ) -+ if ( timeout == -1 ) - { - /* Wait until lock has been released. */ - log_info (_("waiting for lock %s...\n"), h->lockname); -@@ -545,7 +551,7 @@ release_dotlock( DOTLOCK h ) - #else - - pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node); -- if ( pid == -1 ) -+ if ( pid == -1 ) - { - log_error( "release_dotlock: lockfile error\n"); - return -1; -@@ -566,7 +572,7 @@ release_dotlock( DOTLOCK h ) - /* Fixme: As an extra check we could check whether the link count is - now really at 1. */ - #else /* __riscos__ */ -- if ( renamefile (h->lockname, h->tname) ) -+ if ( renamefile (h->lockname, h->tname) ) - { - log_error ("release_dotlock: error renaming lockfile `%s' to `%s'\n", - h->lockname, h->tname); -@@ -594,7 +600,7 @@ read_lockfile (DOTLOCK h, int *same_node ) - char *buffer, *p; - size_t expected_len; - int res, nread; -- -+ - *same_node = 0; - expected_len = 10 + 1 + h->nodename_len + 1; - if ( expected_len >= sizeof buffer_space) -@@ -627,7 +633,7 @@ read_lockfile (DOTLOCK h, int *same_node ) - if (res < 0) - { - log_info ("error reading lockfile `%s'", h->lockname ); -- close (fd); -+ close (fd); - if (buffer != buffer_space) - jnlib_free (buffer); - errno = 0; /* Do not return an inappropriate ERRNO. */ -@@ -651,7 +657,7 @@ read_lockfile (DOTLOCK h, int *same_node ) - if (buffer[10] != '\n' - || (buffer[10] = 0, pid = atoi (buffer)) == -1 - #ifndef __riscos__ -- || !pid -+ || !pid - #else /* __riscos__ */ - || (!pid && riscos_getpid()) - #endif /* __riscos__ */ -@@ -665,7 +671,7 @@ read_lockfile (DOTLOCK h, int *same_node ) - } - - if (nread == expected_len -- && !memcmp (h->tname+h->nodename_off, buffer+11, h->nodename_len) -+ && !memcmp (h->tname+h->nodename_off, buffer+11, h->nodename_len) - && buffer[11+h->nodename_len] == '\n') - *same_node = 1; - -@@ -683,10 +689,10 @@ void - dotlock_remove_lockfiles() - { - DOTLOCK h, h2; -- -+ - h = all_lockfiles; - all_lockfiles = NULL; -- -+ - while ( h ) - { - h2 = h->next; --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0049-gpg-Limit-the-size-of-key-packets-to-a-sensible-valu.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0049-gpg-Limit-the-size-of-key-packets-to-a-sensible-valu.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0049-gpg-Limit-the-size-of-key-packets-to-a-sensible-valu.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0049-gpg-Limit-the-size-of-key-packets-to-a-sensible-valu.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -From 2b2adb85948ce2c7db727ebc0c99e8ad2c29bf5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:45:08 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 49/56] gpg: Limit the size of key packets to a sensible value. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* g10/parse-packet.c (MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH): New. -(MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH): New. -(MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH): New. -(MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH): New. -(parse_key): Limit the size of a key packet to 256k. -(parse_user_id): Use macro for the packet size limit. -(parse_attribute): Ditto. -(parse_comment): Ditto. --- - -Without that it is possible to force gpg to allocate large amounts of -memory by using a bad encoded MPI. This would be an too easy DoS. -Another way to mitigate would be to change the MPI read function to -allocate memory dynamically while reading the MPI. However, that -complicates and possibly slows down the code. A too large key packet -is in any case a sign for broken data and thus gpg should not use it. - -Reported-by: Hanno Böck -GnuPG-bug-id: 1823 -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch - -(back ported from commit 382ba4b137b42d5f25a7e256bb7c053ee5ac7b64) ---- - g10/parse-packet.c | 21 ++++++++++++++++++--- - 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c -index 1048402..c374477 100644 ---- a/g10/parse-packet.c -+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c -@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ - #include "main.h" - #include "i18n.h" - -+ -+/* Maximum length of packets to avoid excessive memory allocation. */ -+#define MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH (256 * 1024) -+#define MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH ( 2 * 1024) -+#define MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH ( 64 * 1024) -+#define MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH ( 16 * 1024*1024) -+ -+ - static int mpi_print_mode; - static int list_mode; - static FILE *listfp; -@@ -1741,6 +1749,13 @@ parse_key (IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, - rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); - goto leave; - } -+ else if (pktlen > MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH) { -+ log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); -+ if (list_mode) -+ fputs (":key packet: [too large]\n", listfp); -+ rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); -+ goto leave; -+ } - - timestamp = read_32(inp); pktlen -= 4; - if( is_v4 ) { -@@ -2158,7 +2173,7 @@ parse_user_id( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET *packet ) - allocatable, and a very large pktlen could actually cause our - allocation to wrap around in xmalloc to a small number. */ - -- if (pktlen > 2048) -+ if (pktlen > MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH) - { - log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); - iobuf_skip_rest(inp, pktlen, 0); -@@ -2232,7 +2247,7 @@ parse_attribute( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET *packet ) - /* We better cap the size of an attribute packet to make DoS not - too easy. 16MB should be more then enough for one attribute - packet (ie. a photo). */ -- if (pktlen > 16*1024*1024) { -+ if (pktlen > MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH) { - log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); - if (list_mode) - fprintf (listfp, ":attribute packet: [too large]\n"); -@@ -2274,7 +2289,7 @@ parse_comment( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET *packet ) - overflow in the malloc below. Comment packets are actually not - anymore define my OpenPGP and we even stopped to use our - private comment packet. */ -- if (pktlen>65536) -+ if (pktlen > MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH) - { - log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); - iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0); --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0050-kbx-Fix-resource-leak.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0050-kbx-Fix-resource-leak.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0050-kbx-Fix-resource-leak.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0050-kbx-Fix-resource-leak.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -From a55c2125380aa2253ff13ea9b39e53d7b7df3db8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Joshua Rogers -Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 11:42:52 +0900 -Subject: [PATCH 50/56] kbx: Fix resource leak. - -* kbx/keybox-update.c (blob_filecopy): Fix resource leak. On error -return, 'fp' and 'newfp' was never closed. - --- - -Signed-off-by: Joshua Rogers - -[Log entry reformatted, and added more fixes - gniibe] - -(cherry picked from commit 7db6c82cec49b7c56c403a8ea98364086baf75f3) ---- - kbx/keybox-update.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- - 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/kbx/keybox-update.c b/kbx/keybox-update.c -index dfa7af3..410986c 100644 ---- a/kbx/keybox-update.c -+++ b/kbx/keybox-update.c -@@ -237,11 +237,17 @@ blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, - - rc = _keybox_write_header_blob (newfp); - if (rc) -- return rc; -+ { -+ fclose (newfp); -+ return rc; -+ } - - rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp); - if (rc) -- return rc; -+ { -+ fclose (newfp); -+ return rc; -+ } - - if ( fclose (newfp) ) - return gpg_error_from_syserror (); -@@ -264,7 +270,8 @@ blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, - rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp); - if (rc) - { -- fclose(fp); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - -@@ -277,12 +284,16 @@ blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, - if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1) - { - rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - } - if (ferror (fp)) - { - rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - } -@@ -306,19 +317,27 @@ blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, - if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1) - { - rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - } - if (ferror (fp)) - { - rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - - /* Skip this blob. */ - rc = _keybox_read_blob (NULL, fp); - if (rc) -- return rc; -+ { -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); -+ return rc; -+ } - } - - /* Do an insert or update. */ -@@ -326,7 +345,11 @@ blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, - { - rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp); - if (rc) -+ { -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - return rc; -+ } - } - - /* Copy the rest of the packet for an delete or update. */ -@@ -337,12 +360,16 @@ blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, - if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1) - { - rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - } - if (ferror (fp)) - { - rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); -+ fclose (fp); -+ fclose (newfp); - goto leave; - } - } -@@ -614,7 +641,7 @@ keybox_compress (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd) - rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp); - if (rc) - { -- fclose(fp); -+ fclose (fp); - return rc;; - } - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0051-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-due-to-empty-ring-trust-packets.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0051-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-due-to-empty-ring-trust-packets.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0051-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-due-to-empty-ring-trust-packets.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0051-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-due-to-empty-ring-trust-packets.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -From 7e12ec4c7d6df29a7d7935399fccd2594ebb4a7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:52:07 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 51/56] gpg: Fix a NULL-deref due to empty ring trust packets. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* g10/parse-packet.c (parse_trust): Always allocate a packet. --- - -Reported-by: Hanno Böck -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch - -(back ported from commit 39978487863066e59bb657f5fe4e8baab510da7e) ---- - g10/parse-packet.c | 8 +++++--- - 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c -index c374477..7b379c1 100644 ---- a/g10/parse-packet.c -+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c -@@ -2324,11 +2324,11 @@ parse_trust( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET *pkt ) - - (void)pkttype; - -+ pkt->pkt.ring_trust = xmalloc( sizeof *pkt->pkt.ring_trust ); - if (pktlen) - { - c = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); - pktlen--; -- pkt->pkt.ring_trust = xmalloc( sizeof *pkt->pkt.ring_trust ); - pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval = c; - pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = 0; - if (!c && pktlen==1) -@@ -2346,8 +2346,10 @@ parse_trust( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, PACKET *pkt ) - } - else - { -- if( list_mode ) -- fprintf (listfp, ":trust packet: empty\n"); -+ pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval = 0; -+ pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = 0; -+ if (list_mode) -+ fprintf (listfp, ":trust packet: empty\n"); - } - iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0); - } --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0052-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-in-export-due-to-invalid-packet.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0052-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-in-export-due-to-invalid-packet.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0052-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-in-export-due-to-invalid-packet.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0052-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-in-export-due-to-invalid-packet.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -From 8da836e76f1349f4587d1bb74864b11dde7b8a39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:54:17 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 52/56] gpg: Fix a NULL-deref in export due to invalid packet - lengths. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* g10/build-packet.c (write_fake_data): Take care of a NULL stored as -opaque MPI. --- - -Reported-by: Hanno Böck - -(back ported from commit 0835d2f44ef62eab51fce6a927908f544e01cf8f) ---- - g10/build-packet.c | 3 ++- - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/g10/build-packet.c b/g10/build-packet.c -index 2e6dfc0..538f2fe 100644 ---- a/g10/build-packet.c -+++ b/g10/build-packet.c -@@ -220,7 +220,8 @@ write_fake_data (IOBUF out, gcry_mpi_t a) - void *p; - - p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque ( a, &n ); -- iobuf_write (out, p, (n+7)/8 ); -+ if (p) -+ iobuf_write (out, p, (n+7)/8 ); - } - } - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0053-gpg-Prevent-an-invalid-memory-read-using-a-garbled-k.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0053-gpg-Prevent-an-invalid-memory-read-using-a-garbled-k.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0053-gpg-Prevent-an-invalid-memory-read-using-a-garbled-k.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0053-gpg-Prevent-an-invalid-memory-read-using-a-garbled-k.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -From 824d88ac51b4d680f06e68f0879a7c1ec03cb2ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:58:36 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 53/56] gpg: Prevent an invalid memory read using a garbled - keyring. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* g10/keyring.c (keyring_get_keyblock): Whitelist allowed packet -types. --- - -The keyring DB code did not reject packets which don't belong into a -keyring. If for example the keyblock contains a literal data packet -it is expected that the processing code stops at the data packet and -reads from the input stream which is referenced from the data packets. -Obviously the keyring processing code does not and cannot do that. -However, when exporting this messes up the IOBUF and leads to an -invalid read of sizeof (int). - -We now skip all packets which are not allowed in a keyring. - -Reported-by: Hanno Böck - -(back ported from commit f0f71a721ccd7ab9e40b8b6b028b59632c0cc648) ---- - g10/keyring.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++--- - 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/keyring.c b/g10/keyring.c -index 837df5e..fec238d 100644 ---- a/g10/keyring.c -+++ b/g10/keyring.c -@@ -412,8 +412,26 @@ keyring_get_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb) - rc = G10ERR_INV_KEYRING; - break; - } -- if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_COMPRESSED) { -- log_error ("skipped compressed packet in keyring\n"); -+ -+ /* Filter allowed packets. */ -+ switch (pkt->pkttype){ -+ case PKT_PUBLIC_KEY: -+ case PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY: -+ case PKT_SECRET_KEY: -+ case PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY: -+ case PKT_USER_ID: -+ case PKT_ATTRIBUTE: -+ case PKT_SIGNATURE: -+ break; /* Allowed per RFC. */ -+ case PKT_RING_TRUST: -+ case PKT_OLD_COMMENT: -+ case PKT_COMMENT: -+ case PKT_GPG_CONTROL: -+ break; /* Allowed by us. */ -+ -+ default: -+ log_error ("skipped packet of type %d in keyring\n", -+ (int)pkt->pkttype); - free_packet(pkt); - init_packet(pkt); - continue; -@@ -491,7 +509,7 @@ keyring_get_keyblock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KBNODE *ret_kb) - if (rc || !ret_kb) - release_kbnode (keyblock); - else { -- /*(duplicated form the loop body)*/ -+ /*(duplicated from the loop body)*/ - if ( pkt && pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST - && lastnode - && lastnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0054-doc-Change-remaining-http-links-to-gnupg.org-to-http.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0054-doc-Change-remaining-http-links-to-gnupg.org-to-http.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0054-doc-Change-remaining-http-links-to-gnupg.org-to-http.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0054-doc-Change-remaining-http-links-to-gnupg.org-to-http.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -From d192ab790c82b55be6bad6012b7751a3e297ace9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 19:32:19 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 54/56] doc: Change remaining http links to gnupg.org to https - --- -GnuPG-bug-id: 1830 ---- - doc/gpg.texi | 2 +- - g10/misc.c | 2 +- - g10/sig-check.c | 2 +- - 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/doc/gpg.texi b/doc/gpg.texi -index 0689cb5..06e772e 100644 ---- a/doc/gpg.texi -+++ b/doc/gpg.texi -@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ useful for debugging. - Present a menu to work with a smartcard. The subcommand "help" provides - an overview on available commands. For a detailed description, please - see the Card HOWTO at --http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html#GnuPG-cardHOWTO . -+https://gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html#GnuPG-cardHOWTO . - - @item --card-status - @opindex card-status -diff --git a/g10/misc.c b/g10/misc.c -index 17494ac..b20ab07 100644 ---- a/g10/misc.c -+++ b/g10/misc.c -@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ idea_cipher_warn(int show) - { - log_info(_("the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n")); - log_info(_("please see %s for more information\n"), -- "http://www.gnupg.org/faq/why-not-idea.html"); -+ "https://gnupg.org/faq/why-not-idea.html"); - warned=1; - } - } -diff --git a/g10/sig-check.c b/g10/sig-check.c -index 2999693..fc5e1fa 100644 ---- a/g10/sig-check.c -+++ b/g10/sig-check.c -@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ signature_check2 (PKT_signature *sig, gcry_md_hd_t digest, u32 *r_expiredate, - log_info(_("WARNING: signing subkey %s is not" - " cross-certified\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk)); - log_info(_("please see %s for more information\n"), -- "http://www.gnupg.org/faq/subkey-cross-certify.html"); -+ "https://gnupg.org/faq/subkey-cross-certify.html"); - /* --require-cross-certification makes this warning an - error. TODO: change the default to require this - after more keys have backsigs. */ --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0056-Use-inline-functions-to-convert-buffer-data-to-scala.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0056-Use-inline-functions-to-convert-buffer-data-to-scala.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0056-Use-inline-functions-to-convert-buffer-data-to-scala.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0056-Use-inline-functions-to-convert-buffer-data-to-scala.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,1019 +0,0 @@ -From 3627123dc8fdc551caca1c7944713fbf01feccf6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Werner Koch -Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 20:34:44 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH] Use inline functions to convert buffer data to scalars. -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -* include/host2net.h (buf16_to_ulong, buf16_to_uint): New. -(buf16_to_ushort, buf16_to_u16): New. -(buf32_to_size_t, buf32_to_ulong, buf32_to_uint, buf32_to_u32): New. --- - -This fixes sign extension on shift problems. Hanno Böck found a case -with an invalid read due to this problem. To fix that almost all uses -of "<< 24" and "<< 8" are changed by this patch to use an inline -function from host2net.h. - -(back ported from commit 2183683bd633818dd031b090b5530951de76f392) - -Signed-off-by: Werner Koch ---- - common/iobuf.c | 3 +- - g10/build-packet.c | 6 ++-- - g10/getkey.c | 17 ++++----- - g10/keygen.c | 14 ++++---- - g10/keyid.c | 32 +++++++---------- - g10/main.h | 1 - - g10/misc.c | 11 ------ - g10/parse-packet.c | 39 ++++++++++---------- - g10/tdbio.c | 20 +++++------ - g10/trustdb.c | 2 +- - include/host2net.h | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- - kbx/keybox-dump.c | 13 ++----- - kbx/keybox-openpgp.c | 7 ++-- - kbx/keybox-search.c | 13 ++----- - kbx/keybox-update.c | 9 +++-- - scd/apdu.c | 39 +++++++++----------- - scd/app-openpgp.c | 3 +- - scd/ccid-driver.c | 3 +- - scd/pcsc-wrapper.c | 5 +-- - tools/ccidmon.c | 2 +- - 20 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/common/iobuf.c b/common/iobuf.c -index 4c6d5b5..ee0775c 100644 ---- a/common/iobuf.c -+++ b/common/iobuf.c -@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ - - #include "util.h" - #include "sysutils.h" -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - #include "iobuf.h" - - /*-- Begin configurable part. --*/ -@@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ block_filter (void *opaque, int control, iobuf_t chain, byte * buffer, - } - else if (c == 255) - { -- a->size = iobuf_get (chain) << 24; -+ a->size = (size_t)iobuf_get (chain) << 24; - a->size |= iobuf_get (chain) << 16; - a->size |= iobuf_get (chain) << 8; - if ((c = iobuf_get (chain)) == -1) -diff --git a/g10/build-packet.c b/g10/build-packet.c -index 538f2fe..e986987 100644 ---- a/g10/build-packet.c -+++ b/g10/build-packet.c -@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ - #include "cipher.h" - #include "i18n.h" - #include "options.h" -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - static int do_user_id( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_user_id *uid ); - static int do_public_key( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_public_key *pk ); -@@ -632,8 +633,7 @@ delete_sig_subpkt (subpktarea_t *area, sigsubpkttype_t reqtype ) - if( n == 255 ) { - if( buflen < 4 ) - break; -- n = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) -- | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; -+ n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer); - buffer += 4; - buflen -= 4; - } -@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ build_sig_subpkt (PKT_signature *sig, sigsubpkttype_t type, - /* This should never happen since we don't currently allow - creating such a subpacket, but just in case... */ - case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE: -- if(buffer_to_u32(buffer)+sig->timestamp<=make_timestamp()) -+ if (buf32_to_u32 (buffer) + sig->timestamp <= make_timestamp()) - sig->flags.expired=1; - else - sig->flags.expired=0; -diff --git a/g10/getkey.c b/g10/getkey.c -index c0184c2..8b3cf2d 100644 ---- a/g10/getkey.c -+++ b/g10/getkey.c -@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ - #include "trustdb.h" - #include "i18n.h" - #include "keyserver-internal.h" -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - #define MAX_PK_CACHE_ENTRIES PK_UID_CACHE_SIZE - #define MAX_UID_CACHE_ENTRIES PK_UID_CACHE_SIZE -@@ -1486,14 +1487,14 @@ merge_keys_and_selfsig( KBNODE keyblock ) - - p = parse_sig_subpkt( sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL ); - if( pk ) { -- ed = p? pk->timestamp + buffer_to_u32(p):0; -+ ed = p? pk->timestamp + buf32_to_u32(p):0; - if( sig->timestamp > sigdate ) { - pk->expiredate = ed; - sigdate = sig->timestamp; - } - } - else { -- ed = p? sk->timestamp + buffer_to_u32(p):0; -+ ed = p? sk->timestamp + buf32_to_u32(p):0; - if( sig->timestamp > sigdate ) { - sk->expiredate = ed; - sigdate = sig->timestamp; -@@ -1618,8 +1619,8 @@ fixup_uidnode ( KBNODE uidnode, KBNODE signode, u32 keycreated ) - - /* ditto for the key expiration */ - p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL); -- if( p && buffer_to_u32(p) ) -- uid->help_key_expire = keycreated + buffer_to_u32(p); -+ if( p && buf32_to_u32 (p) ) -+ uid->help_key_expire = keycreated + buf32_to_u32(p); - else - uid->help_key_expire = 0; - -@@ -1833,9 +1834,9 @@ merge_selfsigs_main(KBNODE keyblock, int *r_revoked, struct revoke_info *rinfo) - key_usage=parse_key_usage(sig); - - p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL); -- if( p && buffer_to_u32(p) ) -+ if( p && buf32_to_u32 (p) ) - { -- key_expire = keytimestamp + buffer_to_u32(p); -+ key_expire = keytimestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p); - key_expire_seen = 1; - } - -@@ -2257,8 +2258,8 @@ merge_selfsigs_subkey( KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE subnode ) - subpk->pubkey_usage = key_usage; - - p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL); -- if ( p && buffer_to_u32(p) ) -- key_expire = keytimestamp + buffer_to_u32(p); -+ if ( p && buf32_to_u32 (p) ) -+ key_expire = keytimestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p); - else - key_expire = 0; - subpk->has_expired = key_expire >= curtime? 0 : key_expire; -diff --git a/g10/keygen.c b/g10/keygen.c -index 33c85b4..560480d 100644 ---- a/g10/keygen.c -+++ b/g10/keygen.c -@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ - #include "i18n.h" - #include "keyserver-internal.h" - #include "call-agent.h" -+#include "host2net.h" - - /* The default algorithms. If you change them remember to change them - also in gpg.c:gpgconf_list. You should also check that the value -@@ -849,10 +850,7 @@ make_backsig (PKT_signature *sig,PKT_public_key *pk, - } - else if(buf[1]==255) - { -- pktlen =buf[2] << 24; -- pktlen|=buf[3] << 16; -- pktlen|=buf[4] << 8; -- pktlen|=buf[5]; -+ pktlen = buf32_to_size_t (buf+2); - buf+=6; - } - else -@@ -869,14 +867,14 @@ make_backsig (PKT_signature *sig,PKT_public_key *pk, - break; - - case 2: -- pktlen =buf[mark++] << 24; -- pktlen|=buf[mark++] << 16; -+ pktlen = (size_t)buf[mark++] << 24; -+ pktlen |= buf[mark++] << 16; - - case 1: -- pktlen|=buf[mark++] << 8; -+ pktlen |= buf[mark++] << 8; - - case 0: -- pktlen|=buf[mark++]; -+ pktlen |= buf[mark++]; - } - - buf+=mark; -diff --git a/g10/keyid.c b/g10/keyid.c -index 10eadef..6af0f48 100644 ---- a/g10/keyid.c -+++ b/g10/keyid.c -@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ - #include "keydb.h" - #include "i18n.h" - #include "rmd160.h" -+#include "host2net.h" - - int - pubkey_letter( int algo ) -@@ -175,9 +176,9 @@ v3_keyid (gcry_mpi_t a, u32 *ki) - else - { - p = buffer + nbytes - 8; -- ki[0] = (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] <<16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]; -+ ki[0] = buf32_to_u32 (p); - p += 4; -- ki[1] = (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] <<16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]; -+ ki[1] = buf32_to_u32 (p); - } - xfree (buffer); - return ki[1]; -@@ -271,15 +272,8 @@ keystr_from_desc(KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc) - { - u32 keyid[2]; - -- keyid[0] = ((unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[12] << 24 -- | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[13] << 16 -- | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[14] << 8 -- | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[15]); -- keyid[1] = ((unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[16] << 24 -- | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[17] << 16 -- | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[18] << 8 -- | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[19]); -- -+ keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (desc->u.fpr+12); -+ keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (desc->u.fpr+16); - return keystr(keyid); - } - -@@ -331,8 +325,8 @@ keyid_from_sk( PKT_secret_key *sk, u32 *keyid ) - if(md) - { - dp = gcry_md_read (md, 0); -- keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; -- keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; -+ keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); -+ keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); - lowbits = keyid[1]; - gcry_md_close (md); - sk->keyid[0] = keyid[0]; -@@ -386,8 +380,8 @@ keyid_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid ) - if(md) - { - dp = gcry_md_read ( md, 0 ); -- keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; -- keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; -+ keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); -+ keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); - lowbits = keyid[1]; - gcry_md_close (md); - pk->keyid[0] = keyid[0]; -@@ -430,8 +424,8 @@ keyid_from_fingerprint( const byte *fprint, size_t fprint_len, u32 *keyid ) - } - else { - const byte *dp = fprint; -- keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; -- keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; -+ keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); -+ keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); - } - - return keyid[1]; -@@ -721,8 +715,8 @@ fingerprint_from_pk( PKT_public_key *pk, byte *array, size_t *ret_len ) - if (!array) - array = xmalloc ( len ); - memcpy (array, dp, len ); -- pk->keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; -- pk->keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; -+ pk->keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); -+ pk->keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); - gcry_md_close( md); - } - -diff --git a/g10/main.h b/g10/main.h -index b55a184..7cd6756 100644 ---- a/g10/main.h -+++ b/g10/main.h -@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ int is_secured_filename (const char *fname); - u16 checksum_u16( unsigned n ); - u16 checksum( byte *p, unsigned n ); - u16 checksum_mpi( gcry_mpi_t a ); --u32 buffer_to_u32( const byte *buffer ); - const byte *get_session_marker( size_t *rlen ); - void print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ); - void print_cipher_algo_note( int algo ); -diff --git a/g10/misc.c b/g10/misc.c -index b20ab07..4df2488 100644 ---- a/g10/misc.c -+++ b/g10/misc.c -@@ -276,17 +276,6 @@ checksum_mpi (gcry_mpi_t a) - return csum; - } - --u32 --buffer_to_u32( const byte *buffer ) --{ -- unsigned long a; -- a = *buffer << 24; -- a |= buffer[1] << 16; -- a |= buffer[2] << 8; -- a |= buffer[3]; -- return a; --} -- - void - print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ) - { -diff --git a/g10/parse-packet.c b/g10/parse-packet.c -index 7b379c1..5a98961 100644 ---- a/g10/parse-packet.c -+++ b/g10/parse-packet.c -@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ - #include "options.h" - #include "main.h" - #include "i18n.h" -+#include "host2net.h" - - - /* Maximum length of packets to avoid excessive memory allocation. */ -@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ static unsigned short - read_16(IOBUF inp) - { - unsigned short a; -- a = iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 8; -+ a = (unsigned short)iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 8; - a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp); - return a; - } -@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ static unsigned long - read_32(IOBUF inp) - { - unsigned long a; -- a = iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 24; -+ a = (unsigned long)iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 24; - a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 16; - a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 8; - a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp); -@@ -457,7 +458,8 @@ parse( IOBUF inp, PACKET *pkt, int onlykeypkts, off_t *retpos, - } - else if( c == 255 ) - { -- pktlen = (hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 24; -+ pktlen = -+ (unsigned long)(hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 24; - pktlen |= (hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 16; - pktlen |= (hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 8; - if( (c = iobuf_get(inp)) == -1 ) -@@ -954,14 +956,15 @@ dump_sig_subpkt( int hashed, int type, int critical, - switch( type ) { - case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED: - if( length >= 4 ) -- fprintf (listfp, "sig created %s", strtimestamp( buffer_to_u32(buffer) ) ); -+ fprintf (listfp, "sig created %s", -+ strtimestamp (buf32_to_u32(buffer)) ); - break; - case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE: - if( length >= 4 ) - { -- if(buffer_to_u32(buffer)) -+ if(buf32_to_u32(buffer)) - fprintf (listfp, "sig expires after %s", -- strtimevalue( buffer_to_u32(buffer) ) ); -+ strtimevalue( buf32_to_u32(buffer) ) ); - else - fprintf (listfp, "sig does not expire"); - } -@@ -993,9 +996,9 @@ dump_sig_subpkt( int hashed, int type, int critical, - case SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE: - if( length >= 4 ) - { -- if(buffer_to_u32(buffer)) -+ if(buf32_to_u32(buffer)) - fprintf (listfp, "key expires after %s", -- strtimevalue( buffer_to_u32(buffer) ) ); -+ strtimevalue( buf32_to_u32(buffer) ) ); - else - fprintf (listfp, "key does not expire"); - } -@@ -1018,8 +1021,8 @@ dump_sig_subpkt( int hashed, int type, int critical, - case SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER: - if( length >= 8 ) - fprintf (listfp, "issuer key ID %08lX%08lX", -- (ulong)buffer_to_u32(buffer), -- (ulong)buffer_to_u32(buffer+4) ); -+ buf32_to_ulong (buffer), -+ buf32_to_ulong (buffer+4)); - break; - case SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION: - { -@@ -1267,8 +1270,7 @@ enum_sig_subpkt( const subpktarea_t *pktbuf, sigsubpkttype_t reqtype, - if( n == 255 ) { /* 4 byte length header */ - if( buflen < 4 ) - goto too_short; -- n = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) -- | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; -+ n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer); - buffer += 4; - buflen -= 4; - } -@@ -1491,7 +1493,7 @@ parse_signature( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, - - p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED, NULL ); - if(p) -- sig->timestamp = buffer_to_u32(p); -+ sig->timestamp = buf32_to_u32 (p); - else if(!(sig->pubkey_algo>=100 && sig->pubkey_algo<=110) - && opt.verbose) - log_info ("signature packet without timestamp\n"); -@@ -1499,16 +1501,16 @@ parse_signature( IOBUF inp, int pkttype, unsigned long pktlen, - p = parse_sig_subpkt2( sig, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER, NULL ); - if(p) - { -- sig->keyid[0] = buffer_to_u32(p); -- sig->keyid[1] = buffer_to_u32(p+4); -+ sig->keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (p); -+ sig->keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (p+4); - } - else if(!(sig->pubkey_algo>=100 && sig->pubkey_algo<=110) - && opt.verbose) - log_info ("signature packet without keyid\n"); - - p=parse_sig_subpkt(sig->hashed,SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE,NULL); -- if(p && buffer_to_u32(p)) -- sig->expiredate=sig->timestamp+buffer_to_u32(p); -+ if(p && buf32_to_u32 (p)) -+ sig->expiredate = sig->timestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p); - if(sig->expiredate && sig->expiredate<=make_timestamp()) - sig->flags.expired=1; - -@@ -2109,8 +2111,7 @@ parse_attribute_subpkts(PKT_user_id *uid) - if( n == 255 ) { /* 4 byte length header */ - if( buflen < 4 ) - goto too_short; -- n = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) -- | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; -+ n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer); - buffer += 4; - buflen -= 4; - } -diff --git a/g10/tdbio.c b/g10/tdbio.c -index c5f662c..6e26108 100644 ---- a/g10/tdbio.c -+++ b/g10/tdbio.c -@@ -1223,13 +1223,13 @@ tdbio_read_record( ulong recnum, TRUSTREC *rec, int expected ) - rec->r.ver.trust_model = *p++; - rec->r.ver.min_cert_level = *p++; - p += 2; -- rec->r.ver.created = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -- rec->r.ver.nextcheck = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.ver.created = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.ver.nextcheck = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - p += 4; - p += 4; -- rec->r.ver.firstfree =buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.ver.firstfree =buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - p += 4; -- rec->r.ver.trusthashtbl =buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.ver.trusthashtbl =buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - if( recnum ) { - log_error( _("%s: version record with recnum %lu\n"), db_name, - (ulong)recnum ); -@@ -1242,17 +1242,17 @@ tdbio_read_record( ulong recnum, TRUSTREC *rec, int expected ) - } - break; - case RECTYPE_FREE: -- rec->r.free.next = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.free.next = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - break; - case RECTYPE_HTBL: - for(i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD; i++ ) { -- rec->r.htbl.item[i] = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.htbl.item[i] = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - } - break; - case RECTYPE_HLST: -- rec->r.hlst.next = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.hlst.next = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - for(i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++ ) { -- rec->r.hlst.rnum[i] = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.hlst.rnum[i] = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - } - break; - case RECTYPE_TRUST: -@@ -1261,12 +1261,12 @@ tdbio_read_record( ulong recnum, TRUSTREC *rec, int expected ) - rec->r.trust.depth = *p++; - rec->r.trust.min_ownertrust = *p++; - p++; -- rec->r.trust.validlist = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.trust.validlist = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - break; - case RECTYPE_VALID: - memcpy( rec->r.valid.namehash, p, 20); p+=20; - rec->r.valid.validity = *p++; -- rec->r.valid.next = buftoulong(p); p += 4; -+ rec->r.valid.next = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; - rec->r.valid.full_count = *p++; - rec->r.valid.marginal_count = *p++; - break; -diff --git a/g10/trustdb.c b/g10/trustdb.c -index 7bfef25..11b6a26 100644 ---- a/g10/trustdb.c -+++ b/g10/trustdb.c -@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ mark_usable_uid_certs (KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE uidnode, - u32 expire; - - p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE, NULL ); -- expire = p? sig->timestamp + buffer_to_u32(p) : 0; -+ expire = p? sig->timestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p) : 0; - - if (expire==0 || expire > curtime ) - { -diff --git a/include/host2net.h b/include/host2net.h -index 50f4815..be5e520 100644 ---- a/include/host2net.h -+++ b/include/host2net.h -@@ -1,14 +1,24 @@ --/* host2net.h - Some macros -- * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -+/* host2net.h - Endian conversion macros -+ * Copyright (C) 1998, 2014, 2015 Werner Koch - * - * This file is part of GnuPG. - * -- * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- * (at your option) any later version. -+ * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -+ * it under the terms of either - * -- * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -+ * - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free -+ * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at -+ * your option) any later version. -+ * -+ * or -+ * -+ * - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -+ * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -+ * your option) any later version. -+ * -+ * or both in parallel, as here. -+ * -+ * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. -@@ -17,14 +27,11 @@ - * along with this program; if not, see . - */ - --#ifndef G10_HOST2NET_H --#define G10_HOST2NET_H -+#ifndef GNUPG_COMMON_HOST2NET_H -+#define GNUPG_COMMON_HOST2NET_H - - #include "types.h" - --#define buftoulong( p ) ((*(byte*)(p) << 24) | (*((byte*)(p)+1)<< 16) | \ -- (*((byte*)(p)+2) << 8) | (*((byte*)(p)+3))) --#define buftoushort( p ) ((*((byte*)(p)) << 8) | (*((byte*)(p)+1))) - #define ulongtobuf( p, a ) do { \ - ((byte*)p)[0] = a >> 24; \ - ((byte*)p)[1] = a >> 16; \ -@@ -35,8 +42,71 @@ - ((byte*)p)[0] = a >> 8; \ - ((byte*)p)[1] = a ; \ - } while(0) --#define buftou32( p) buftoulong( (p) ) --#define u32tobuf( p, a) ulongtobuf( (p), (a) ) - - --#endif /*G10_HOST2NET_H*/ -+static inline unsigned long -+buf16_to_ulong (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((unsigned long)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); -+} -+ -+static inline unsigned int -+buf16_to_uint (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((unsigned int)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); -+} -+ -+static inline unsigned short -+buf16_to_ushort (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((unsigned short)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); -+} -+ -+static inline u16 -+buf16_to_u16 (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((u16)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); -+} -+ -+static inline size_t -+buf32_to_size_t (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((size_t)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); -+} -+ -+static inline unsigned long -+buf32_to_ulong (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((unsigned long)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); -+} -+ -+static inline unsigned int -+buf32_to_uint (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((unsigned int)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); -+} -+ -+static inline u32 -+buf32_to_u32 (const void *buffer) -+{ -+ const unsigned char *p = buffer; -+ -+ return (((u32)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); -+} -+ -+ -+#endif /*GNUPG_COMMON_HOST2NET_H*/ -diff --git a/kbx/keybox-dump.c b/kbx/keybox-dump.c -index b671089..da716f3 100644 ---- a/kbx/keybox-dump.c -+++ b/kbx/keybox-dump.c -@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ - - #include "keybox-defs.h" - #include -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - /* Argg, we can't include ../common/util.h */ - char *bin2hexcolon (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf); -@@ -33,21 +34,13 @@ char *bin2hexcolon (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf); - static ulong - get32 (const byte *buffer) - { -- ulong a; -- a = *buffer << 24; -- a |= buffer[1] << 16; -- a |= buffer[2] << 8; -- a |= buffer[3]; -- return a; -+ return buf32_to_ulong (buffer); - } - - static ulong - get16 (const byte *buffer) - { -- ulong a; -- a = *buffer << 8; -- a |= buffer[1]; -- return a; -+ return buf16_to_ulong (buffer); - } - - void -diff --git a/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c b/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c -index e5f9f33..ebeef51 100644 ---- a/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c -+++ b/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c -@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ - #include "keybox-defs.h" - - #include -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - - enum packet_types -@@ -119,10 +120,8 @@ next_packet (unsigned char const **bufptr, size_t *buflen, - { - if (len <4 ) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* No length bytes. */ -- pktlen = (*buf++) << 24; -- pktlen |= (*buf++) << 16; -- pktlen |= (*buf++) << 8; -- pktlen |= (*buf++); -+ pktlen = buf32_to_ulong (buf); -+ buf += 4; - len -= 4; - } - else /* Partial length encoding is not allowed for key packets. */ -diff --git a/kbx/keybox-search.c b/kbx/keybox-search.c -index 1680dd7..4b013ce 100644 ---- a/kbx/keybox-search.c -+++ b/kbx/keybox-search.c -@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ - #include - - #include "../jnlib/stringhelp.h" /* ascii_xxxx() */ -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - #include "keybox-defs.h" - #include -@@ -45,21 +46,13 @@ struct sn_array_s { - static inline ulong - get32 (const byte *buffer) - { -- ulong a; -- a = *buffer << 24; -- a |= buffer[1] << 16; -- a |= buffer[2] << 8; -- a |= buffer[3]; -- return a; -+ return buf32_to_ulong (buffer); - } - - static inline ulong - get16 (const byte *buffer) - { -- ulong a; -- a = *buffer << 8; -- a |= buffer[1]; -- return a; -+ return buf16_to_ulong (buffer); - } - - -diff --git a/kbx/keybox-update.c b/kbx/keybox-update.c -index 410986c..75464cf 100644 ---- a/kbx/keybox-update.c -+++ b/kbx/keybox-update.c -@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ - #include - - #include "keybox-defs.h" -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - #define EXTSEP_S "." - -@@ -623,8 +624,7 @@ keybox_compress (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd) - buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length); - if (length > 4 && buffer[4] == BLOBTYPE_HEADER) - { -- u32 last_maint = ((buffer[20] << 24) | (buffer[20+1] << 16) -- | (buffer[20+2] << 8) | (buffer[20+3])); -+ u32 last_maint = buf32_to_u32 (buffer+20); - - if ( (last_maint + 3*3600) > time (NULL) ) - { -@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ keybox_compress (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd) - rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG); - break; - } -- blobflags = ((buffer[pos] << 8) | (buffer[pos+1])); -+ blobflags = buf16_to_uint (buffer+pos); - if ((blobflags & KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB_EPHEMERAL)) - { - /* This is an ephemeral blob. */ -@@ -706,8 +706,7 @@ keybox_compress (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd) - || size != 4) - created_at = 0; /* oops. */ - else -- created_at = ((buffer[pos] << 24) | (buffer[pos+1] << 16) -- | (buffer[pos+2] << 8) | (buffer[pos+3])); -+ created_at = buf32_to_u32 (buffer+pos); - - if (created_at && created_at < cut_time) - { -diff --git a/scd/apdu.c b/scd/apdu.c -index 9028120..5ce7f94 100644 ---- a/scd/apdu.c -+++ b/scd/apdu.c -@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ - #include "scdaemon.h" - #include "exechelp.h" - #endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */ -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - #include "iso7816.h" - #include "apdu.h" -@@ -1013,15 +1014,14 @@ pcsc_get_status_wrapped (int slot, unsigned int *status) - i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); - goto command_failed; - } -- len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; -+ len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); - if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) - { - log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); - goto command_failed; - } - len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ -- err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) -- | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); -+ err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); - if (err) - { - log_error ("pcsc_status failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", -@@ -1181,15 +1181,14 @@ pcsc_send_apdu_wrapped (int slot, unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen, - i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); - goto command_failed; - } -- len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; -+ len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); - if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) - { - log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); - goto command_failed; - } - len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ -- err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) -- | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); -+ err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); - if (err) - { - log_error ("pcsc_transmit failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", -@@ -1321,15 +1320,14 @@ control_pcsc_wrapped (int slot, pcsc_dword_t ioctl_code, - i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); - goto command_failed; - } -- len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; -+ len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); - if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) - { - log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); - goto command_failed; - } - len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ -- err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) -- | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); -+ err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); - if (err) - { - log_error ("pcsc_control failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", -@@ -1458,15 +1456,14 @@ close_pcsc_reader_wrapped (int slot) - i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); - goto command_failed; - } -- len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; -+ len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); - if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) - { - log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); - goto command_failed; - } - len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ -- err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) -- | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); -+ err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); - if (err) - log_error ("pcsc_close failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", - pcsc_error_string (err), err); -@@ -1647,7 +1644,7 @@ reset_pcsc_reader_wrapped (int slot) - i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); - goto command_failed; - } -- len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; -+ len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); - if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) - { - log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); -@@ -1661,8 +1658,7 @@ reset_pcsc_reader_wrapped (int slot) - sw = SW_HOST_GENERAL_ERROR; - goto command_failed; - } -- err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) -- | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); -+ err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); - if (err) - { - log_error ("PC/SC RESET failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", -@@ -1753,9 +1749,9 @@ pcsc_vendor_specific_init (int slot) - if (l == 1) - v = p[0]; - else if (l == 2) -- v = ((p[0] << 8) | p[1]); -+ v = buf16_to_uint (p); - else if (l == 4) -- v = ((p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); -+ v = buf32_to_uint (p); - - if (code == FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_DIRECT) - reader_table[slot].pcsc.verify_ioctl = v; -@@ -1814,9 +1810,9 @@ pcsc_vendor_specific_init (int slot) - if (l == 1) - v = p[0]; - else if (l == 2) -- v = ((p[1] << 8) | p[0]); -+ v = (((unsigned int)p[1] << 8) | p[0]); - else if (l == 4) -- v = ((p[3] << 24) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | p[0]); -+ v = (((unsigned int)p[3] << 24) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | p[0]); - - if (tag == PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bMinPINSize) - reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmin = v; -@@ -2112,7 +2108,7 @@ open_pcsc_reader_wrapped (const char *portstr) - i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); - goto command_failed; - } -- len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; -+ len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); - if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) - { - log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); -@@ -2125,8 +2121,7 @@ open_pcsc_reader_wrapped (const char *portstr) - (unsigned long)len); - goto command_failed; - } -- err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) -- | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); -+ err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); - - if (err) - { -diff --git a/scd/app-openpgp.c b/scd/app-openpgp.c -index fc69fdb..2e7a9fc 100644 ---- a/scd/app-openpgp.c -+++ b/scd/app-openpgp.c -@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ - #include "iso7816.h" - #include "app-common.h" - #include "tlv.h" -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - - /* A table describing the DOs of the card. */ -@@ -805,7 +806,7 @@ send_fprtime_if_not_null (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, - char numbuf1[50], numbuf2[50]; - unsigned long value; - -- value = (stamp[0] << 24) | (stamp[1]<<16) | (stamp[2]<<8) | stamp[3]; -+ value = buf32_to_ulong (stamp); - if (!value) - return; - sprintf (numbuf1, "%d", number); -diff --git a/scd/ccid-driver.c b/scd/ccid-driver.c -index c4c0d9c..a179aa8 100644 ---- a/scd/ccid-driver.c -+++ b/scd/ccid-driver.c -@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ - #include "scdaemon.h" - #include "iso7816.h" - #include "ccid-driver.h" -+#include "../include/host2net.h" - - #define DRVNAME "ccid-driver: " - -@@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ static int send_escape_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle, const unsigned char *data, - static unsigned int - convert_le_u32 (const unsigned char *buf) - { -- return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | (buf[3] << 24); -+ return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned int)buf[3] << 24); - } - - -diff --git a/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c b/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c -index 0d572d2..4dc44ee 100644 ---- a/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c -+++ b/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c -@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ read_32 (FILE *fp) - fprintf (stderr, PGM ": premature EOF while parsing request\n"); - exit (1); - } -- return (c1 << 24) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8) | c4; -+ return ((unsigned long)c1 << 24) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8) | c4; - } - - -@@ -760,7 +760,8 @@ handle_control (unsigned char *argbuf, size_t arglen) - if (arglen < 4) - bad_request ("CONTROL"); - -- ioctl_code = (argbuf[0] << 24) | (argbuf[1] << 16) | (argbuf[2] << 8) | argbuf[3]; -+ ioctl_code = (((pcsc_dword_t)argbuf[0] << 24) -+ | (argbuf[1] << 16) | (argbuf[2] << 8) | argbuf[3]); - argbuf += 4; - arglen -= 4; - -diff --git a/tools/ccidmon.c b/tools/ccidmon.c -index b854640..81fd531 100644 ---- a/tools/ccidmon.c -+++ b/tools/ccidmon.c -@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ - static unsigned int - convert_le_u32 (const unsigned char *buf) - { -- return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | (buf[3] << 24); -+ return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned int)buf[3] << 24); - } - - --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0057-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0057-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/0057-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/0057-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -From e3fce4cdba1717542c5e25ad6ab66bc7da0a1f02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:12:22 -0500 -Subject: [PATCH] gpg: Fix segv due to NULL value stored as opaque MPI (BRANCH - 2.0) - -* g10/build-packet.c (do_secret_key): Check for NULL return from -gcry_mpi_get_opaque. -* g10/keyid.c (hash_public_key): Ditto. --- - -This is a backport of 76c8122adfed0f0f443cce7bda702ba2b39661b3 from -master to the STABLE-BRANCH-2-0 - -On the STABLE-BRANCH-2-0, we may also want to patch g10/seckey-cert.c, -but that has not been done in this patch. - -This fix extends commmit 0835d2f44ef62eab51fce6a927908f544e01cf8f. - - gpg2 --export --no-default-keyring --keyring TESTDATA - -With TESTDATA being below after unpacking. - ------BEGIN PGP ARMORED FILE----- - -mBMEhdkMmS8BcX8F//8F5voEhQAQmBMEnAAAZwAAo4D/f/8EhQAAAIAEnP8EhQAQ -iBMEnP8AAAAABf8jIID///8EhQYQmBMEnIUAEIgTBKT/AAAAAAUAACCA/f//BIUA -EJgTBJx/AP8ABPPzBJx/AP8ABPPz -=2yE0 ------END PGP ARMORED FILE----- - -Reported-by: Jodie Cunningham -Signed-off-by: Daniel Kahn Gillmor ---- - g10/build-packet.c | 6 ++++-- - g10/keyid.c | 16 ++++++++++------ - 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/g10/build-packet.c b/g10/build-packet.c -index e986987..5cc03cf 100644 ---- a/g10/build-packet.c -+++ b/g10/build-packet.c -@@ -398,7 +398,8 @@ do_secret_key( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_secret_key *sk ) - - assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[npkey], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)); - p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (sk->skey[npkey], &ndatabits ); -- iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8 ); -+ if (p) -+ iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8 ); - } - else if ( sk->is_protected ) - { -@@ -410,7 +411,8 @@ do_secret_key( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_secret_key *sk ) - - assert (gcry_mpi_get_flag (sk->skey[i], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)); - p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque (sk->skey[i], &ndatabits); -- iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8); -+ if (p) -+ iobuf_write (a, p, (ndatabits+7)/8); - } - write_16(a, sk->csum ); - } -diff --git a/g10/keyid.c b/g10/keyid.c -index 6af0f48..ef6ee1c 100644 ---- a/g10/keyid.c -+++ b/g10/keyid.c -@@ -115,14 +115,18 @@ hash_public_key( gcry_md_hd_t md, PKT_public_key *pk ) - if(npkey==0 && pk->pkey[0] - && gcry_mpi_get_flag (pk->pkey[0], GCRYMPI_FLAG_OPAQUE)) - { -- gcry_md_write (md, pp[0], nn[0]); -+ if (pp[0]) -+ gcry_md_write (md, pp[0], nn[0]); - } - else -- for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ ) -- { -- gcry_md_write ( md, pp[i], nn[i] ); -- xfree(pp[i]); -- } -+ { -+ for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ ) -+ { -+ if (pp[i]) -+ gcry_md_write ( md, pp[i], nn[i] ); -+ xfree(pp[i]); -+ } -+ } - } - - static gcry_md_hd_t --- -2.1.4 - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/01-gnupg2-rename.diff gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/01-gnupg2-rename.diff --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/01-gnupg2-rename.diff 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/01-gnupg2-rename.diff 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -Index: gnupg2/configure.ac -=================================================================== ---- gnupg2.orig/configure.ac 2013-08-21 00:49:03.533545821 -0400 -+++ gnupg2/configure.ac 2013-08-21 00:49:03.525545900 -0400 -@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ - m4_define([mym4_isgit],m4_if(mym4_betastring,[],[no],[yes])) - m4_define([mym4_full_version],[mym4_version[]mym4_betastring]) - --AC_INIT([gnupg],[mym4_full_version], [http://bugs.gnupg.org]) -+AC_INIT([gnupg2],[mym4_full_version], [http://bugs.gnupg.org]) - - NEED_GPG_ERROR_VERSION=1.11 - -@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ - - development_version=mym4_isgit - PACKAGE=$PACKAGE_NAME --PACKAGE_GT=${PACKAGE_NAME}2 -+PACKAGE_GT=${PACKAGE_NAME} - VERSION=$PACKAGE_VERSION - - AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(scripts) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/fix_760273.patch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/fix_760273.patch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/fix_760273.patch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/fix_760273.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -commit 9c999c74389736a5bc0cbdb5a803632d8fb463dd -Author: Daniel Kahn Gillmor -Date: Tue Sep 2 09:42:15 2014 -0400 - - Typo fix for gpg.texi - - Originally reported by Jakub Wilk in https://bugs.debian.org/760273 - ---- a/doc/gpg.texi -+++ b/doc/gpg.texi -@@ -3455,7 +3455,7 @@ - absolute value internally and thus the last year we can represent is - 2105. - --@item Ceation-Date: @var{iso-date} -+@item Creation-Date: @var{iso-date} - Set the creation date of the key as stored in the key information and - which is also part of the fingerprint calculation. Either a date like - "1986-04-26" or a full timestamp like "19860426T042640" may be used. ---- a/doc/gnupg.info-1 -+++ b/doc/gnupg.info-1 -@@ -4042,7 +4042,7 @@ - intervals, GnuPG uses an absolute value internally and thus the - last year we can represent is 2105. - --Ceation-Date: ISO-DATE -+Creation-Date: ISO-DATE - Set the creation date of the key as stored in the key information - and which is also part of the fingerprint calculation. Either a - date like "1986-04-26" or a full timestamp like "19860426T042640" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/series gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/series --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/patches/series 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/patches/series 2015-07-13 12:17:30.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,52 +1,7 @@ -01-gnupg2-rename.diff -fix_760273.patch -0005-Update-POT-file.patch -0006-Update-PO-files.patch -0007-Update-French-translation.patch -0008-Update-Ukrainian-translation.patch -0009-Update-German-translation.patch -0010-Update-Danish-translation.patch -0011-Update-Japanese-translation.patch -0012-Update-Chinese-traditional-translation.patch -0013-Update-Russian-translation.patch -0014-Update-Polish-translation.patch -0015-Update-Spanish-translation.patch -0016-New-Dutch-translation.patch -0002-gpg-Allow-for-positional-parameters-in-the-passphras.patch -0004-gpg-Need-to-init-the-trustdb-for-import.patch -0005-gpg-Warn-about-but-don-t-fail-on-scdaemon-options-in.patch -0007-doc-Update-the-file-OpenPGP.patch -0008-gpg-Default-to-SHA-256-for-all-signature-types-on-RS.patch -0009-gpg-Avoid-duplicate-declaration-of-no-sk-comments-no.patch -0010-gpg-compress-sigs-and-compress-keys-are-not-no-ops-i.patch -0012-gpg-Add-build-and-runtime-support-for-larger-RSA-key.patch -0013-gpg-Avoid-using-cached-MD5-signature-status.patch -0014-gpg-Show-v3-key-fingerprints-as-all-zero.patch -0015-gpg-Add-import-option-keep-ownertrust.patch -0016-gpg-Make-the-use-of-verify-FILE-for-detached-sigs-ha.patch -0018-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-for-invalid-input-data.patch -0019-gpg-Fix-off-by-one-read-in-the-attribute-subpacket-p.patch -0020-gpg-Fix-use-of-uninit.value-in-listing-sig-subpkts.patch -0031-gpg-release-DEK-soon-after-its-use.patch -0032-scd-Fix-possibly-inhibited-checkpin-of-the-admin-pin.patch -0033-gpg-Fix-possible-read-of-unallocated-memory.patch -0034-gpgsm-Return-NULL-on-fail.patch -0035-doc-Fix-memory-leak-in-yat2m.patch -0036-gpgkey2ssh-clean-up-varargs.patch -0037-avoid-future-chance-of-using-uninitialized-memory.patch -0038-scd-Avoid-double-free-on-error-condition-in-scd.patch -0039-sm-Avoid-double-free-on-iconv-failure.patch -0040-tools-Free-variable-before-return.patch -0041-gpgconf-Fix-validity-check-for-UINT32-values.patch -0042-Remove-incorrect-expression-leading-to-errors.patch -0047-gpg-Allow-predefined-names-as-answer-to-the-keygen.a.patch -0048-Avoid-double-close-in-unusual-dotlock-situations.patch -0049-gpg-Limit-the-size-of-key-packets-to-a-sensible-valu.patch -0050-kbx-Fix-resource-leak.patch -0051-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-due-to-empty-ring-trust-packets.patch -0052-gpg-Fix-a-NULL-deref-in-export-due-to-invalid-packet.patch -0053-gpg-Prevent-an-invalid-memory-read-using-a-garbled-k.patch -0054-doc-Change-remaining-http-links-to-gnupg.org-to-http.patch -0056-Use-inline-functions-to-convert-buffer-data-to-scala.patch -0057-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI.patch 90-drop-sh-prefix-in-openpgp-testing +0001-gnupg2-rename.patch +0002-fix_760273.patch +0003-gpg-Fix-segv-due-to-NULL-value-stored-as-opaque-MPI-.patch +0004-add-gnome-keyring-gpg-agent-hijack-warning.patch +0005-gpg-Consider-that-gcry_mpi_get_opaque-may-return-NUL.patch +0006-Pass-DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS-for-gnome3.patch diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/rules gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/rules --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/rules 2015-07-03 11:51:27.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/rules 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(filter mips%,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS += nocheck endif -export AUTOMAKE = automake-1.11 -export ACLOCAL = aclocal-1.11 %: dh $@ --with autoreconf diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/watch gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/watch --- gnupg2-2.0.26/debian/watch 2015-05-05 12:01:05.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/debian/watch 2015-07-10 20:09:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ version=3 opts="pasv,pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.sig/" \ - ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/gnupg-(.*)\.tar\.bz2 + ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/gnupg-(2\.0\..*)\.tar\.bz2 diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/DETAILS gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/DETAILS --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/DETAILS 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/DETAILS 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ NEWSIG - May be issued right before a signature verification starts. This - is useful to define a context for parsing ERROR status - messages. No arguments are currently defined. + Is issued right before a signature verification starts. This is + useful to define a context for parsing ERROR status messages. No + arguments are currently defined. GOODSIG The signature with the keyid is good. For each signature only @@ -1301,3 +1301,31 @@ However, I think the whole key server stuff has to be re-thought; I have some ideas and probably create a white paper. + +Algorithm names for the "keygen.algo" prompt +============================================ + + When using a --command-fd controlled key generation or "addkey" + there is way to know the number to enter on the "keygen.algo" + prompt. The displayed numbers are for human reception and may + change with releases. To provide a stable way to enter a desired + algorithm choice the prompt also accepts predefined names for the + algorithms, which will not change. + + | Name | No | Description | + |---------+----+---------------------------------| + | rsa+rsa | 1 | RSA and RSA (default) | + | dsa+elg | 2 | DSA and Elgamal | + | dsa | 3 | DSA (sign only) | + | rsa/s | 4 | RSA (sign only) | + | elg | 5 | Elgamal (encrypt only) | + | rsa/e | 6 | RSA (encrypt only) | + | dsa/* | 7 | DSA (set your own capabilities) | + | rsa/* | 8 | RSA (set your own capabilities) | + + If one of the "foo/*" names are used a "keygen.flags" prompt needs + to be answered as well. Instead of toggling the predefined flags, + it is also possible to set them direct: Use a "=" character + directly followed by a comination of "a" (for authentication), "s" + (for signing), or "c" (for certification). + diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.eps gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.eps --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.eps 2014-08-12 12:38:36.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.eps 2015-06-02 11:06:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Title: /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.fig -%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 5d -%%CreationDate: Tue Aug 12 14:38:36 2014 +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 5e +%%CreationDate: Tue Jun 2 13:06:21 2015 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 823 458 %Magnification: 1.0000 %%EndComments Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.pdf and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.pdf differ Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.png and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg-card-architecture.png differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg.info gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg.info --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg.info 2014-08-12 18:01:17.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg.info 2015-06-02 12:35:23.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ -This is /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg.info, produced by makeinfo version -4.13 from /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg.texi. +This is gnupg.info, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from gnupg.texi. -This is the `The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.26, -August 2014). +This is the 'The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.28, June 2015). Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -10,9 +8,8 @@ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the - License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the + License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the license can be found in the section entitled "Copying". - INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Utilities START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * gpg2: (gnupg). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool. @@ -22,162 +19,162 @@  Indirect: -gnupg.info-1: 858 -gnupg.info-2: 294574 +gnupg.info-1: 813 +gnupg.info-2: 305580  Tag Table: (Indirect) -Node: Top858 -Node: Installation2477 -Node: Invoking GPG-AGENT5490 -Node: Agent Commands8312 -Node: Agent Options9722 -Ref: option --options9879 -Ref: option --homedir10148 -Ref: option --log-file14128 -Ref: option --allow-mark-trusted14462 -Ref: option --enable-ssh-support19766 -Node: Agent Configuration21831 -Node: Agent Signals27306 -Node: Agent Examples28645 -Node: Agent Protocol29459 -Node: Agent PKDECRYPT31540 -Node: Agent PKSIGN33454 -Node: Agent GENKEY35560 -Node: Agent IMPORT36820 -Node: Agent EXPORT37262 -Node: Agent ISTRUSTED37477 -Node: Agent GET_PASSPHRASE39855 -Node: Agent CLEAR_PASSPHRASE42236 -Node: Agent GET_CONFIRMATION42520 -Node: Agent HAVEKEY43189 -Node: Agent LEARN43821 -Node: Agent PASSWD44116 -Node: Agent UPDATESTARTUPTTY44420 -Node: Agent GETEVENTCOUNTER44898 -Node: Agent GETINFO45706 -Node: Agent OPTION46413 -Node: Invoking GPG47390 -Node: GPG Commands48756 -Node: General GPG Commands49587 -Node: Operational GPG Commands50218 -Ref: option --export-ownertrust63525 -Node: OpenPGP Key Management65324 -Node: GPG Options77386 -Node: GPG Configuration Options78714 -Ref: gpg-option --options89176 -Node: GPG Key related Options109000 -Node: GPG Input and Output112583 -Node: OpenPGP Options118184 -Node: Compliance Options122936 -Node: GPG Esoteric Options126048 -Ref: GPG Esoteric Options-Footnote-1147673 -Node: Deprecated Options147827 -Node: GPG Configuration149293 -Node: GPG Examples152578 -Node: Unattended Usage of GPG156912 -Node: Unattended GPG key generation157351 -Node: Invoking GPGSM166667 -Node: GPGSM Commands167536 -Node: General GPGSM Commands167974 -Node: Operational GPGSM Commands168662 -Node: Certificate Management170695 -Node: GPGSM Options175053 -Node: Configuration Options175627 -Ref: gpgsm-option --options175896 -Node: Certificate Options177912 -Node: Input and Output181805 -Ref: option --p12-charset182387 -Node: CMS Options184634 -Node: Esoteric Options185656 -Node: GPGSM Configuration190028 -Node: GPGSM Examples195729 -Node: Unattended Usage195926 -Node: Automated signature checking196517 -Node: CSR and certificate creation198357 -Node: GPGSM Protocol203458 -Node: GPGSM ENCRYPT204623 -Node: GPGSM DECRYPT207291 -Node: GPGSM SIGN208124 -Node: GPGSM VERIFY209572 -Node: GPGSM GENKEY210087 -Node: GPGSM LISTKEYS211101 -Node: GPGSM EXPORT212026 -Node: GPGSM IMPORT212983 -Node: GPGSM DELETE213723 -Node: GPGSM GETINFO214226 -Node: Invoking SCDAEMON214876 -Node: Scdaemon Commands215550 -Node: Scdaemon Options216671 -Node: Card applications224773 -Node: OpenPGP Card225382 -Node: NKS Card225858 -Node: DINSIG Card226184 -Node: PKCS#15 Card226560 -Node: Geldkarte Card226830 -Node: Undefined Card227222 -Node: Scdaemon Configuration227636 -Node: Scdaemon Examples228673 -Node: Scdaemon Protocol228856 -Node: Scdaemon SERIALNO230352 -Node: Scdaemon LEARN231281 -Node: Scdaemon READCERT232137 -Node: Scdaemon READKEY232538 -Node: Scdaemon PKSIGN232824 -Node: Scdaemon PKDECRYPT233550 -Node: Scdaemon GETATTR234299 -Node: Scdaemon SETATTR234503 -Node: Scdaemon WRITEKEY234710 -Node: Scdaemon GENKEY235414 -Node: Scdaemon RANDOM235619 -Node: Scdaemon PASSWD235842 -Node: Scdaemon CHECKPIN236235 -Node: Scdaemon RESTART237240 -Node: Scdaemon APDU237775 -Node: Specify a User ID238751 -Ref: how-to-specify-a-user-id238909 -Node: Helper Tools243540 -Node: watchgnupg244379 -Ref: option watchgnupg --tcp245107 -Node: gpgv246438 -Node: addgnupghome249605 -Node: gpgconf250303 -Ref: gpgconf-Footnote-1252439 -Node: Invoking gpgconf252737 -Node: Format conventions255356 -Node: Listing components260682 -Node: Checking programs262773 -Node: Listing options265522 -Node: Changing options273012 -Node: Listing global options274713 -Node: Files used by gpgconf276483 -Node: applygnupgdefaults276833 -Node: gpgsm-gencert.sh277573 -Node: gpg-preset-passphrase277941 -Node: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase278901 -Node: gpg-connect-agent280171 -Node: Invoking gpg-connect-agent280884 -Node: Controlling gpg-connect-agent283017 -Node: gpgparsemail289473 -Node: symcryptrun289794 -Node: Invoking symcryptrun290693 -Node: gpg-zip292481 -Node: Howtos294307 -Node: Howto Create a Server Cert294574 -Node: System Notes303830 -Node: W32 Notes306302 -Node: Debugging306723 -Node: Debugging Tools307552 -Node: kbxutil307832 -Ref: kbxutil-Footnote-1309401 -Node: Debugging Hints309497 -Node: Common Problems310099 -Node: Architecture Details315307 -Node: GnuPG-1 and GnuPG-2315558 -Node: Copying315882 -Node: Contributors353418 -Node: Glossary359651 -Node: Option Index362177 -Node: Index421375 +Node: Top813 +Node: Installation2431 +Node: Invoking GPG-AGENT5445 +Node: Agent Commands8266 +Node: Agent Options9676 +Ref: option --options9833 +Ref: option --homedir10102 +Ref: option --log-file14080 +Ref: option --allow-mark-trusted14414 +Ref: option --enable-ssh-support20194 +Node: Agent Configuration22259 +Node: Agent Signals27709 +Node: Agent Examples29075 +Node: Agent Protocol29890 +Node: Agent PKDECRYPT31971 +Node: Agent PKSIGN33885 +Node: Agent GENKEY35987 +Node: Agent IMPORT37246 +Node: Agent EXPORT37688 +Node: Agent ISTRUSTED37903 +Node: Agent GET_PASSPHRASE40277 +Node: Agent CLEAR_PASSPHRASE42658 +Node: Agent GET_CONFIRMATION42942 +Node: Agent HAVEKEY43611 +Node: Agent LEARN44243 +Node: Agent PASSWD44538 +Node: Agent UPDATESTARTUPTTY44842 +Node: Agent GETEVENTCOUNTER45320 +Node: Agent GETINFO46126 +Node: Agent OPTION46830 +Node: Invoking GPG47807 +Node: GPG Commands49174 +Node: General GPG Commands50005 +Node: Operational GPG Commands50636 +Ref: option --export-ownertrust63975 +Node: OpenPGP Key Management65764 +Node: GPG Options77665 +Node: GPG Configuration Options78997 +Ref: gpg-option --options89742 +Node: GPG Key related Options109515 +Node: GPG Input and Output113091 +Node: OpenPGP Options119152 +Node: Compliance Options123891 +Node: GPG Esoteric Options127010 +Ref: GPG Esoteric Options-Footnote-1148648 +Node: Deprecated Options148802 +Node: GPG Configuration150270 +Node: GPG Examples153526 +Node: Unattended Usage of GPG157868 +Node: Unattended GPG key generation158307 +Node: Invoking GPGSM167590 +Node: GPGSM Commands168459 +Node: General GPGSM Commands168897 +Node: Operational GPGSM Commands169585 +Node: Certificate Management171619 +Node: GPGSM Options175979 +Node: Configuration Options176553 +Ref: gpgsm-option --options176822 +Node: Certificate Options178837 +Node: Input and Output182724 +Ref: option --p12-charset183307 +Node: CMS Options185546 +Node: Esoteric Options186568 +Node: GPGSM Configuration190939 +Node: GPGSM Examples196642 +Node: Unattended Usage196839 +Node: Automated signature checking197430 +Node: CSR and certificate creation199261 +Node: GPGSM Protocol204356 +Node: GPGSM ENCRYPT205522 +Node: GPGSM DECRYPT208192 +Node: GPGSM SIGN209028 +Node: GPGSM VERIFY210475 +Node: GPGSM GENKEY210990 +Node: GPGSM LISTKEYS212005 +Node: GPGSM EXPORT212926 +Node: GPGSM IMPORT213884 +Node: GPGSM DELETE214625 +Node: GPGSM GETINFO215128 +Node: Invoking SCDAEMON215775 +Node: Scdaemon Commands216449 +Node: Scdaemon Options217569 +Node: Card applications225672 +Node: OpenPGP Card226281 +Node: NKS Card226757 +Node: DINSIG Card227083 +Node: PKCS#15 Card227459 +Node: Geldkarte Card227729 +Node: Undefined Card228121 +Node: Scdaemon Configuration228535 +Node: Scdaemon Examples229573 +Node: Scdaemon Protocol229756 +Node: Scdaemon SERIALNO231252 +Node: Scdaemon LEARN232182 +Node: Scdaemon READCERT233038 +Node: Scdaemon READKEY233439 +Node: Scdaemon PKSIGN233725 +Node: Scdaemon PKDECRYPT234451 +Node: Scdaemon GETATTR235200 +Node: Scdaemon SETATTR235404 +Node: Scdaemon WRITEKEY235611 +Node: Scdaemon GENKEY236315 +Node: Scdaemon RANDOM236520 +Node: Scdaemon PASSWD236743 +Node: Scdaemon CHECKPIN237136 +Node: Scdaemon RESTART238141 +Node: Scdaemon APDU238676 +Node: Specify a User ID239651 +Ref: how-to-specify-a-user-id239809 +Node: Helper Tools244435 +Node: watchgnupg245274 +Ref: option watchgnupg --tcp246002 +Node: gpgv247332 +Node: addgnupghome250497 +Node: gpgconf251195 +Ref: gpgconf-Footnote-1253331 +Node: Invoking gpgconf253629 +Node: Format conventions256247 +Node: Listing components261578 +Node: Checking programs263669 +Node: Listing options266416 +Node: Changing options273920 +Node: Listing global options275622 +Node: Files used by gpgconf277398 +Node: applygnupgdefaults277744 +Node: gpgsm-gencert.sh278484 +Node: gpg-preset-passphrase278852 +Node: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase279811 +Node: gpg-connect-agent281081 +Node: Invoking gpg-connect-agent281794 +Node: Controlling gpg-connect-agent283924 +Node: gpgparsemail290397 +Node: symcryptrun290718 +Node: Invoking symcryptrun291617 +Node: gpg-zip293399 +Node: Howtos295225 +Node: Howto Create a Server Cert295492 +Node: System Notes305580 +Node: W32 Notes308051 +Node: Debugging308471 +Node: Debugging Tools309300 +Node: kbxutil309580 +Ref: kbxutil-Footnote-1311151 +Node: Debugging Hints311247 +Node: Common Problems311848 +Node: Architecture Details317057 +Node: GnuPG-1 and GnuPG-2317308 +Node: Copying317632 +Node: Contributors355152 +Node: Glossary361393 +Node: Option Index363911 +Node: Index423748  End Tag Table diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg.info-1 gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg.info-1 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg.info-1 2014-08-12 18:01:17.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg.info-1 2015-06-02 12:35:23.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ -This is /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg.info, produced by makeinfo version -4.13 from /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg.texi. +This is gnupg.info, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from gnupg.texi. -This is the `The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.26, -August 2014). +This is the 'The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.28, June 2015). Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -10,9 +8,8 @@ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the - License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the + License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the license can be found in the section entitled "Copying". - INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Utilities START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * gpg2: (gnupg). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool. @@ -26,8 +23,7 @@ Using the GNU Privacy Guard *************************** -This is the `The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.26, -August 2014). +This is the 'The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.28, June 2015). Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -35,11 +31,11 @@ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the - License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the + License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the license can be found in the section entitled "Copying". - This manual documents how to use the GNU Privacy Guard system as -well as the administration and the architecture. + This manual documents how to use the GNU Privacy Guard system as well +as the administration and the architecture. * Menu: @@ -82,19 +78,19 @@ ** Building the software - Building the software is decribed in the file `INSTALL'. Given that + Building the software is decribed in the file 'INSTALL'. Given that you are already reading this documentation we can only give some extra hints To comply with the rules on GNU systems you should have build time -configured `dirmngr' using: +configured 'dirmngr' using: ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var This is to make sure that system wide configuration files are -searched in the directory `/etc/gnupg' and variable data below `/var'; -the default would be to also install them below `/usr/local' where the -binaries get installed. If you selected to use the `--prefix=/' you +searched in the directory '/etc/gnupg' and variable data below '/var'; +the default would be to also install them below '/usr/local' where the +binaries get installed. If you selected to use the '--prefix=/' you obviously don't need those option as they are the default then. ** Explain how to setup a root CA key as trusted @@ -111,22 +107,22 @@ X.509 is based on a hierarchical key infrastructure. At the root of the tree a trusted anchor (root certificate) is required. There are usually no other means of verifying whether this root certificate is -trustworthy than looking it up in a list. GnuPG uses a file -(`trustlist.txt') to keep track of all root certificates it knows -about. There are 3 ways to get certificates into this list: +trustworthy than looking it up in a list. GnuPG uses a file +('trustlist.txt') to keep track of all root certificates it knows about. +There are 3 ways to get certificates into this list: * Use the list which comes with GnuPG. However this list only contains a few root certificates. Most installations will need more. - * Let `gpgsm' ask you whether you want to insert a new root + * Let 'gpgsm' ask you whether you want to insert a new root certificate. To enable this feature you need to set the option - `allow-mark-trusted' into `gpg-agent.conf'. In general it is not - a good idea to do it this way. Checking whether a root - certificate is really trustworthy requires decisions, which casual - users are not up to. Thus, by default this option is not enabled. + 'allow-mark-trusted' into 'gpg-agent.conf'. In general it is not a + good idea to do it this way. Checking whether a root certificate + is really trustworthy requires decisions, which casual users are + not up to. Thus, by default this option is not enabled. - * Manually maintain the list of trusted root certificates. For a + * Manually maintain the list of trusted root certificates. For a multi user installation this can be done once for all users on a machine. Specific changes on a per-user base are also possible. @@ -148,18 +144,18 @@ 2 Invoking GPG-AGENT ******************** -`gpg-agent' is a daemon to manage secret (private) keys independently -from any protocol. It is used as a backend for `gpg' and `gpgsm' as +'gpg-agent' is a daemon to manage secret (private) keys independently +from any protocol. It is used as a backend for 'gpg' and 'gpgsm' as well as for a couple of other utilities. -The usual way to run the agent is from the `~/.xsession' file: +The usual way to run the agent is from the '~/.xsession' file: eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) - If you don't use an X server, you can also put this into your regular -startup file `~/.profile' or `.bash_profile'. It is best not to run -multiple instance of the `gpg-agent', so you should make sure that only -one is running: `gpg-agent' uses an environment variable to inform -clients about the communication parameters. You can write the content +If you don't use an X server, you can also put this into your regular +startup file '~/.profile' or '.bash_profile'. It is best not to run +multiple instance of the 'gpg-agent', so you should make sure that only +one is running: 'gpg-agent' uses an environment variable to inform +clients about the communication parameters. You can write the content of this environment variable to a file so that you can test for a running agent. Here is an example using Bourne shell syntax: @@ -169,10 +165,10 @@ This code should only be run once per user session to initially fire up the agent. In the example the optional support for the included Secure Shell agent is enabled and the information about the agent is -written to a file in the HOME directory. Note that by running -gpg-agent without arguments you may test whether an agent is already -running; however such a test may lead to a race condition, thus it is -not suggested. +written to a file in the HOME directory. Note that by running gpg-agent +without arguments you may test whether an agent is already running; +however such a test may lead to a race condition, thus it is not +suggested. The second script needs to be run for each interactive session: @@ -185,24 +181,24 @@ It reads the data out of the file and exports the variables. If you don't use Secure Shell, you don't need the last two export statements. -You should always add the following lines to your `.bashrc' or whatever +You should always add the following lines to your '.bashrc' or whatever initialization file is used for all shell invocations: GPG_TTY=$(tty) export GPG_TTY It is important that this environment variable always reflects the -output of the `tty' command. For W32 systems this option is not +output of the 'tty' command. For W32 systems this option is not required. Please make sure that a proper pinentry program has been installed -under the default filename (which is system dependant) or use the -option `pinentry-program' to specify the full name of that program. It -is often useful to install a symbolic link from the actual used -pinentry (e.g. `/usr/bin/pinentry-gtk') to the expected one (e.g. -`/usr/bin/pinentry'). +under the default filename (which is system dependant) or use the option +'pinentry-program' to specify the full name of that program. It is +often useful to install a symbolic link from the actual used pinentry +(e.g. '/usr/bin/pinentry-gtk') to the expected one (e.g. +'/usr/bin/pinentry'). -*Note Option Index::,for an index to `GPG-AGENT''s commands and options. +*Note Option Index::,for an index to 'GPG-AGENT''s commands and options. * Menu: @@ -222,31 +218,31 @@ Commands are not distinguished from options except for the fact that only one command is allowed. -`--version' - Print the program version and licensing information. Note that - you cannot abbreviate this command. +'--version' + Print the program version and licensing information. Note that you + cannot abbreviate this command. -`--help' -`-h' +'--help' +'-h' Print a usage message summarizing the most useful command-line options. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. -`--dump-options' +'--dump-options' Print a list of all available options and commands. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. -`--server' - Run in server mode and wait for commands on the `stdin'. The +'--server' + Run in server mode and wait for commands on the 'stdin'. The default mode is to create a socket and listen for commands there. -`--daemon [COMMAND LINE]' +'--daemon [COMMAND LINE]' Start the gpg-agent as a daemon; that is, detach it from the - console and run it in the background. Because `gpg-agent' prints + console and run it in the background. Because 'gpg-agent' prints out important information required for further use, a common way of - invoking gpg-agent is: `eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)' to setup the - environment variables. The option `--write-env-file' is another + invoking gpg-agent is: 'eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)' to setup the + environment variables. The option '--write-env-file' is another way commonly used to do this. Yet another way is creating a new - process as a child of gpg-agent: `gpg-agent --daemon /bin/sh'. + process as a child of gpg-agent: 'gpg-agent --daemon /bin/sh'. This way you get a new shell with the environment setup properly; if you exit from this shell, gpg-agent terminates as well. @@ -256,196 +252,192 @@ 2.2 Option Summary ================== -`--options FILE' +'--options FILE' Reads configuration from FILE instead of from the default per-user configuration file. The default configuration file is named - `gpg-agent.conf' and expected in the `.gnupg' directory directly + 'gpg-agent.conf' and expected in the '.gnupg' directory directly below the home directory of the user. -`--homedir DIR' - Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not - used, the home directory defaults to `~/.gnupg'. It is only +'--homedir DIR' + Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not + used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any - home directory stated through the environment variable `GNUPGHOME' + home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on W32 systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. -`-v' - -`--verbose' - Outputs additional information while running. You can increase - the verbosity by giving several verbose commands to `gpgsm', such - as `-vv'. +'-v' +'--verbose' + Outputs additional information while running. You can increase the + verbosity by giving several verbose commands to 'gpgsm', such as + '-vv'. -`-q' - -`--quiet' +'-q' +'--quiet' Try to be as quiet as possible. -`--batch' +'--batch' Don't invoke a pinentry or do any other thing requiring human interaction. -`--faked-system-time EPOCH' +'--faked-system-time EPOCH' This option is only useful for testing; it sets the system time - back or forth to EPOCH which is the number of seconds elapsed - since the year 1970. + back or forth to EPOCH which is the number of seconds elapsed since + the year 1970. -`--debug-level LEVEL' - Select the debug level for investigating problems. LEVEL may be a +'--debug-level LEVEL' + Select the debug level for investigating problems. LEVEL may be a numeric value or a keyword: - `none' + 'none' No debugging at all. A value of less than 1 may be used instead of the keyword. - - `basic' + 'basic' Some basic debug messages. A value between 1 and 2 may be used instead of the keyword. - - `advanced' + 'advanced' More verbose debug messages. A value between 3 and 5 may be used instead of the keyword. - - `expert' + 'expert' Even more detailed messages. A value between 6 and 8 may be used instead of the keyword. - - `guru' - All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 + 'guru' + All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 may be used instead of the keyword. The creation of hash tracing files is only enabled if the keyword is used. How these messages are mapped to the actual debugging flags is not - specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They + specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They are however carefully selected to best aid in debugging. -`--debug FLAGS' +'--debug FLAGS' This option is only useful for debugging and the behaviour may change at any time without notice. FLAGS are bit encoded and may - be given in usual C-Syntax. The currently defined bits are: + be given in usual C-Syntax. The currently defined bits are: - `0 (1)' + '0 (1)' X.509 or OpenPGP protocol related data - - `1 (2)' + '1 (2)' values of big number integers - - `2 (4)' + '2 (4)' low level crypto operations - - `5 (32)' + '5 (32)' memory allocation - - `6 (64)' + '6 (64)' caching - - `7 (128)' + '7 (128)' show memory statistics. - - `9 (512)' - write hashed data to files named `dbgmd-000*' - - `10 (1024)' + '9 (512)' + write hashed data to files named 'dbgmd-000*' + '10 (1024)' trace Assuan protocol - - `12 (4096)' + '12 (4096)' bypass all certificate validation -`--debug-all' - Same as `--debug=0xffffffff' +'--debug-all' + Same as '--debug=0xffffffff' -`--debug-wait N' +'--debug-wait N' When running in server mode, wait N seconds before entering the actual processing loop and print the pid. This gives time to attach a debugger. -`--no-detach' +'--no-detach' Don't detach the process from the console. This is mainly useful for debugging. -`-s' -`--sh' -`-c' -`--csh' +'-s' +'--sh' +'-c' +'--csh' Format the info output in daemon mode for use with the standard Bourne shell or the C-shell respectively. The default is to guess - it based on the environment variable `SHELL' which is correct in + it based on the environment variable 'SHELL' which is correct in almost all cases. -`--write-env-file FILE' +'--write-env-file FILE' Often it is required to connect to the agent from a process not - being an inferior of `gpg-agent' and thus the environment variable + being an inferior of 'gpg-agent' and thus the environment variable with the socket name is not available. To help setting up those variables in other sessions, this option may be used to write the information into FILE. If FILE is not specified the default name - `${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info' will be used. The format is suitable to + '${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info' will be used. The format is suitable to be evaluated by a Bourne shell like in this simple example: eval $(cat FILE) eval $(cut -d= -f 1 < FILE | xargs echo export) -`--no-grab' +'--no-grab' Tell the pinentry not to grab the keyboard and mouse. This option should in general not be used to avoid X-sniffing attacks. -`--log-file FILE' +'--log-file FILE' Append all logging output to FILE. This is very helpful in seeing what the agent actually does. If neither a log file nor a log file descriptor has been set on a Windows platform, the Registry entry - `HKCU\Software\GNU\GnuPG:DefaultLogFile', if set, is used to + 'HKCU\Software\GNU\GnuPG:DefaultLogFile', if set, is used to specify the logging output. -`--allow-mark-trusted' - Allow clients to mark keys as trusted, i.e. put them into the - `trustlist.txt' file. This is by default not allowed to make it +'--allow-mark-trusted' + Allow clients to mark keys as trusted, i.e. put them into the + 'trustlist.txt' file. This is by default not allowed to make it harder for users to inadvertently accept Root-CA keys. -`--ignore-cache-for-signing' - This option will let `gpg-agent' bypass the passphrase cache for +'--no-allow-external-cache' + Tell Pinentry not to enable features which use an external cache + for passphrases. + + Some desktop environments prefer to unlock all credentials with one + master password and may have installed a Pinentry which employs an + additional external cache to implement such a policy. By using + this option the Pinentry is advised not to make use of such a cache + and instead always ask the user for the requested passphrase. + +'--ignore-cache-for-signing' + This option will let 'gpg-agent' bypass the passphrase cache for all signing operation. Note that there is also a per-session - option to control this behaviour but this command line option - takes precedence. + option to control this behaviour but this command line option takes + precedence. -`--default-cache-ttl N' +'--default-cache-ttl N' Set the time a cache entry is valid to N seconds. The default is 600 seconds. -`--default-cache-ttl-ssh N' - Set the time a cache entry used for SSH keys is valid to N - seconds. The default is 1800 seconds. +'--default-cache-ttl-ssh N' + Set the time a cache entry used for SSH keys is valid to N seconds. + The default is 1800 seconds. -`--max-cache-ttl N' +'--max-cache-ttl N' Set the maximum time a cache entry is valid to N seconds. After this time a cache entry will be expired even if it has been - accessed recently or has been set using `gpg-preset-passphrase'. + accessed recently or has been set using 'gpg-preset-passphrase'. The default is 2 hours (7200 seconds). -`--max-cache-ttl-ssh N' +'--max-cache-ttl-ssh N' Set the maximum time a cache entry used for SSH keys is valid to N seconds. After this time a cache entry will be expired even if it has been accessed recently or has been set using - `gpg-preset-passphrase'. The default is 2 hours (7200 seconds). + 'gpg-preset-passphrase'. The default is 2 hours (7200 seconds). -`--enforce-passphrase-constraints' +'--enforce-passphrase-constraints' Enforce the passphrase constraints by not allowing the user to bypass them using the "Take it anyway" button. -`--min-passphrase-len N' +'--min-passphrase-len N' Set the minimal length of a passphrase. When entering a new passphrase shorter than this value a warning will be displayed. Defaults to 8. -`--min-passphrase-nonalpha N' +'--min-passphrase-nonalpha N' Set the minimal number of digits or special characters required in a passphrase. When entering a new passphrase with less than this - number of digits or special characters a warning will be - displayed. Defaults to 1. + number of digits or special characters a warning will be displayed. + Defaults to 1. -`--check-passphrase-pattern FILE' +'--check-passphrase-pattern FILE' Check the passphrase against the pattern given in FILE. When entering a new passphrase matching one of these pattern a warning - will be displayed. FILE should be an absolute filename. The + will be displayed. FILE should be an absolute filename. The default is not to use any pattern file. Security note: It is known that checking a passphrase against a @@ -453,72 +445,73 @@ effective to enforce good passphrases. Users will soon figure up ways to bypass such a policy. A better policy is to educate users on good security behavior and optionally to run a passphrase - cracker regularly on all users passphrases to catch the very - simple ones. + cracker regularly on all users passphrases to catch the very simple + ones. -`--max-passphrase-days N' +'--max-passphrase-days N' Ask the user to change the passphrase if N days have passed since - the last change. With `--enforce-passphrase-constraints' set the + the last change. With '--enforce-passphrase-constraints' set the user may not bypass this check. -`--enable-passphrase-history' +'--enable-passphrase-history' This option does nothing yet. -`--pinentry-program FILENAME' +'--pinentry-program FILENAME' Use program FILENAME as the PIN entry. The default is installation dependent. -`--pinentry-touch-file FILENAME' +'--pinentry-touch-file FILENAME' By default the filename of the socket gpg-agent is listening for requests is passed to Pinentry, so that it can touch that file before exiting (it does this only in curses mode). This option changes the file passed to Pinentry to FILENAME. The special name - `/dev/null' may be used to completely disable this feature. Note + '/dev/null' may be used to completely disable this feature. Note that Pinentry will not create that file, it will only change the modification and access time. -`--scdaemon-program FILENAME' +'--scdaemon-program FILENAME' Use program FILENAME as the Smartcard daemon. The default is - installation dependent and can be shown with the `gpgconf' command. + installation dependent and can be shown with the 'gpgconf' command. -`--disable-scdaemon' +'--disable-scdaemon' Do not make use of the scdaemon tool. This option has the effect of disabling the ability to do smartcard operations. Note, that enabling this option at runtime does not kill an already forked scdaemon. -`--use-standard-socket' -`--no-use-standard-socket' - By enabling this option `gpg-agent' will listen on the socket - named `S.gpg-agent', located in the home directory, and not create - a random socket below a temporary directory. Tools connecting to - `gpg-agent' should first try to connect to the socket given in +'--use-standard-socket' +'--no-use-standard-socket' + By enabling this option 'gpg-agent' will listen on the socket named + 'S.gpg-agent', located in the home directory, and not create a + random socket below a temporary directory. Tools connecting to + 'gpg-agent' should first try to connect to the socket given in environment variable GPG_AGENT_INFO and then fall back to this socket. This option may not be used if the home directory is mounted on a remote file system which does not support special - files like fifos or sockets. Note, that `--use-standard-socket' - is the default on Windows systems. The default may be changed at + files like fifos or sockets. Note, that '--use-standard-socket' is + the default on Windows systems. The default may be changed at build time. It is possible to test at runtime whether the agent - has been configured for use with the standard socket by issuing - the command `gpg-agent --use-standard-socket-p' which returns - success if the standard socket option has been enabled. - -`--display STRING' -`--ttyname STRING' -`--ttytype STRING' -`--lc-ctype STRING' -`--lc-messages STRING' -`--xauthority STRING' + has been configured for use with the standard socket by issuing the + command 'gpg-agent --use-standard-socket-p' which returns success + if the standard socket option has been enabled. + +'--display STRING' +'--ttyname STRING' +'--ttytype STRING' +'--lc-ctype STRING' +'--lc-messages STRING' +'--xauthority STRING' These options are used with the server mode to pass localization information. -`--keep-tty' -`--keep-display' - Ignore requests to change the current `tty' or X window system's - `DISPLAY' variable respectively. This is useful to lock the - pinentry to pop up at the `tty' or display you started the agent. +'--keep-tty' +'--keep-display' + Ignore requests to change the current 'tty' or X window system's + 'DISPLAY' variable respectively. This is useful to lock the + pinentry to pop up at the 'tty' or display you started the agent. + +'--enable-ssh-support' -`--enable-ssh-support' Enable the OpenSSH Agent protocol. In this mode of operation, the agent does not only implement the @@ -528,12 +521,12 @@ ssh-agent. SSH Keys, which are to be used through the agent, need to be added - to the gpg-agent initially through the ssh-add utility. When a - key is added, ssh-add will ask for the password of the provided - key file and send the unprotected key material to the agent; this + to the gpg-agent initially through the ssh-add utility. When a key + is added, ssh-add will ask for the password of the provided key + file and send the unprotected key material to the agent; this causes the gpg-agent to ask for a passphrase, which is to be used - for encrypting the newly received key and storing it in a - gpg-agent specific directory. + for encrypting the newly received key and storing it in a gpg-agent + specific directory. Once a key has been added to the gpg-agent this way, the gpg-agent will be ready to use the key. @@ -541,24 +534,23 @@ Note: in case the gpg-agent receives a signature request, the user might need to be prompted for a passphrase, which is necessary for decrypting the stored key. Since the ssh-agent protocol does not - contain a mechanism for telling the agent on which - display/terminal it is running, gpg-agent's ssh-support will use - the TTY or X display where gpg-agent has been started. To switch - this display to the current one, the following command may be used: + contain a mechanism for telling the agent on which display/terminal + it is running, gpg-agent's ssh-support will use the TTY or X + display where gpg-agent has been started. To switch this display + to the current one, the following command may be used: gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye - Although all GnuPG components try to start the gpg-agent as - needed, this is not possible for the ssh support because ssh does - not know about it. Thus if no GnuPG tool which accesses the agent - has been run, there is no guarantee that ssh is abale to use - gpg-agent for authentication. To fix this you may start gpg-agent - if needed using this simple command: + Although all GnuPG components try to start the gpg-agent as needed, + this is not possible for the ssh support because ssh does not know + about it. Thus if no GnuPG tool which accesses the agent has been + run, there is no guarantee that ssh is abale to use gpg-agent for + authentication. To fix this you may start gpg-agent if needed + using this simple command: gpg-connect-agent /bye - Adding the `--verbose' shows the progress of starting the agent. - + Adding the '--verbose' shows the progress of starting the agent. All the long options may also be given in the configuration file after stripping off the two leading dashes. @@ -570,31 +562,31 @@ ================= There are a few configuration files needed for the operation of the -agent. By default they may all be found in the current home directory +agent. By default they may all be found in the current home directory (*note option --homedir::). -`gpg-agent.conf' - This is the standard configuration file read by `gpg-agent' on - startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two +'gpg-agent.conf' + This is the standard configuration file read by 'gpg-agent' on + startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashes may not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. - This file is also read after a `SIGHUP' however only a few - options will actually have an effect. This default name may be - changed on the command line (*note option --options::). You - should backup this file. + This file is also read after a 'SIGHUP' however only a few options + will actually have an effect. This default name may be changed on + the command line (*note option --options::). You should backup + this file. -`trustlist.txt' +'trustlist.txt' This is the list of trusted keys. You should backup this file. Comment lines, indicated by a leading hash mark, as well as empty lines are ignored. To mark a key as trusted you need to enter its - fingerprint followed by a space and a capital letter `S'. Colons - may optionally be used to separate the bytes of a fingerprint; - this allows to cut and paste the fingerprint from a key listing - output. If the line is prefixed with a `!' the key is - explicitly marked as not trusted. + fingerprint followed by a space and a capital letter 'S'. Colons + may optionally be used to separate the bytes of a fingerprint; this + allows to cut and paste the fingerprint from a key listing output. + If the line is prefixed with a '!' the key is explicitly marked as + not trusted. Here is an example where two keys are marked as ultimately trusted - and one as not trusted: + and one as not trusted: # CN=Wurzel ZS 3,O=Intevation GmbH,C=DE A6935DD34EF3087973C706FC311AA2CCF733765B S @@ -604,85 +596,82 @@ # CN=Root-CA/O=Schlapphuete/L=Pullach/C=DE !14:56:98:D3:FE:9C:CA:5A:31:6E:BC:81:D3:11:4E:00:90:A3:44:C2 S + Before entering a key into this file, you need to ensure its authenticity. How to do this depends on your organisation; your administrator might have already entered those keys which are - deemed trustworthy enough into this file. Places where to look - for the fingerprint of a root certificate are letters received - from the CA or the website of the CA (after making 100% sure that - this is indeed the website of that CA). You may want to consider - allowing interactive updates of this file by using the *Note - option --allow-mark-trusted::. This is however not as secure as - maintaining this file manually. It is even advisable to change - the permissions to read-only so that this file can't be changed + deemed trustworthy enough into this file. Places where to look for + the fingerprint of a root certificate are letters received from the + CA or the website of the CA (after making 100% sure that this is + indeed the website of that CA). You may want to consider allowing + interactive updates of this file by using the *Note option + --allow-mark-trusted::. This is however not as secure as + maintaining this file manually. It is even advisable to change the + permissions to read-only so that this file can't be changed inadvertently. - As a special feature a line `include-default' will include a global - list of trusted certificates (e.g. `/etc/gnupg/trustlist.txt'). + As a special feature a line 'include-default' will include a global + list of trusted certificates (e.g. '/etc/gnupg/trustlist.txt'). This global list is also used if the local list is not available. - It is possible to add further flags after the `S' for use by the + It is possible to add further flags after the 'S' for use by the caller: - `relax' + 'relax' Relax checking of some root certificate requirements. As of now this flag allows the use of root certificates with a missing basicConstraints attribute (despite that it is a MUST for CA certificates) and disables CRL checking for the root certificate. - `cm' + 'cm' If validation of a certificate finally issued by a CA with this flag set fails, try again using the chain validation model. - -`sshcontrol' +'sshcontrol' This file is used when support for the secure shell agent protocol - has been enabled (*note option --enable-ssh-support::). Only keys + has been enabled (*note option --enable-ssh-support::). Only keys present in this file are used in the SSH protocol. You should backup this file. - The `ssh-add' tool may be used to add new entries to this file; - you may also add them manually. Comment lines, indicated by a - leading hash mark, as well as empty lines are ignored. An entry - starts with optional whitespace, followed by the keygrip of the - key given as 40 hex digits, optionally followed by the caching TTL - in seconds and another optional field for arbitrary flags. A - non-zero TTL overrides the global default as set by - `--default-cache-ttl-ssh'. + The 'ssh-add' tool may be used to add new entries to this file; you + may also add them manually. Comment lines, indicated by a leading + hash mark, as well as empty lines are ignored. An entry starts + with optional whitespace, followed by the keygrip of the key given + as 40 hex digits, optionally followed by the caching TTL in seconds + and another optional field for arbitrary flags. A non-zero TTL + overrides the global default as set by '--default-cache-ttl-ssh'. - The only flag support is `confirm'. If this flag is found for a + The only flag support is 'confirm'. If this flag is found for a key, each use of the key will pop up a pinentry to confirm the use - of that key. The flag is automatically set if a new key was - loaded into `gpg-agent' using the option `-c' of the `ssh-add' - command. + of that key. The flag is automatically set if a new key was loaded + into 'gpg-agent' using the option '-c' of the 'ssh-add' command. - The keygrip may be prefixed with a `!' to disable an entry entry. + The keygrip may be prefixed with a '!' to disable an entry entry. The following example lists exactly one key. Note that keys available through a OpenPGP smartcard in the active smartcard - reader are implicitly added to this list; i.e. there is no need to + reader are implicitly added to this list; i.e. there is no need to list them. # Key added on: 2011-07-20 20:38:46 # Fingerprint: 5e:8d:c4:ad:e7:af:6e:27:8a:d6:13:e4:79:ad:0b:81 34B62F25E277CF13D3C6BCEBFD3F85D08F0A864B 0 confirm + -`private-keys-v1.d/' - This is the directory where gpg-agent stores the private keys. - Each key is stored in a file with the name made up of the - keygrip and the suffix `key'. You should backup all files in - this directory and take great care to keep this backup closed - away. +'private-keys-v1.d/' + This is the directory where gpg-agent stores the private keys. + Each key is stored in a file with the name made up of the keygrip + and the suffix 'key'. You should backup all files in this + directory and take great care to keep this backup closed away. Note that on larger installations, it is useful to put predefined -files into the directory `/etc/skel/.gnupg/' so that newly created -users start up with a working configuration. For existing users the a -small helper script is provided to create these files (*note -addgnupghome::). +files into the directory '/etc/skel/.gnupg/' so that newly created users +start up with a working configuration. For existing users the a small +helper script is provided to create these files (*note addgnupghome::).  File: gnupg.info, Node: Agent Signals, Next: Agent Examples, Prev: Agent Configuration, Up: Invoking GPG-AGENT @@ -690,51 +679,50 @@ 2.4 Use of some signals. ======================== -A running `gpg-agent' may be controlled by signals, i.e. using the -`kill' command to send a signal to the process. +A running 'gpg-agent' may be controlled by signals, i.e. using the +'kill' command to send a signal to the process. Here is a list of supported signals: -`SIGHUP' +'SIGHUP' This signal flushes all cached passphrases and if the program has been started with a configuration file, the configuration file is - read again. Only certain options are honored: `quiet', `verbose', - `debug', `debug-all', `debug-level', `no-grab', - `pinentry-program', `default-cache-ttl', `max-cache-ttl', - `ignore-cache-for-signing', `allow-mark-trusted', - `disable-scdaemon', and `disable-check-own-socket'. - `scdaemon-program' is also supported but due to the current + read again. Only certain options are honored: 'quiet', 'verbose', + 'debug', 'debug-all', 'debug-level', 'no-grab', 'pinentry-program', + 'default-cache-ttl', 'max-cache-ttl', 'ignore-cache-for-signing', + 'no-allow-external-cache', 'allow-mark-trusted', + 'disable-scdaemon', and 'disable-check-own-socket'. + 'scdaemon-program' is also supported but due to the current implementation, which calls the scdaemon only once, it is not of much use unless you manually kill the scdaemon. -`SIGTERM' +'SIGTERM' Shuts down the process but waits until all current requests are fulfilled. If the process has received 3 of these signals and requests are still pending, a shutdown is forced. -`SIGINT' +'SIGINT' Shuts down the process immediately. -`SIGUSR1' +'SIGUSR1' Dump internal information to the log file. -`SIGUSR2' +'SIGUSR2' This signal is used for internal purposes. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Agent Examples, Next: Agent Protocol, Prev: Agent Signals, Up: Invoking GPG-AGENT 2.5 Examples ============ -The usual way to invoke `gpg-agent' is +The usual way to invoke 'gpg-agent' is $ eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) - An alternative way is by replacing `ssh-agent' with `gpg-agent'. If -for example `ssh-agent' is started as part of the Xsession -initialization, you may simply replace `ssh-agent' by a script like: + An alternative way is by replacing 'ssh-agent' with 'gpg-agent'. If +for example 'ssh-agent' is started as part of the Xsession +initialization, you may simply replace 'ssh-agent' by a script like: #!/bin/sh @@ -749,7 +737,7 @@ export SSH_AUTH_SOCK fi -to your shell initialization file (e.g. `~/.bashrc'). +to your shell initialization file (e.g. '~/.bashrc').  File: gnupg.info, Node: Agent Protocol, Prev: Agent Examples, Up: Invoking GPG-AGENT @@ -760,13 +748,13 @@ Note: this section does only document the protocol, which is used by GnuPG components; it does not deal with the ssh-agent protocol. - The `gpg-agent' should be started by the login shell and set an + The 'gpg-agent' should be started by the login shell and set an environment variable to tell clients about the socket to be used. -Clients should deny to access an agent with a socket name which does -not match its own configuration. An application may choose to start an +Clients should deny to access an agent with a socket name which does not +match its own configuration. An application may choose to start an instance of the gpgagent if it does not figure that any has been started; it should not do this if a gpgagent is running but not usable. -Because `gpg-agent' can only be used in background mode, no special +Because 'gpg-agent' can only be used in background mode, no special command line option is required to activate the use of the protocol. To identify a key we use a thing called keygrip which is the SHA-1 @@ -803,14 +791,14 @@ ------------------------------ The client asks the server to decrypt a session key. The encrypted -session key should have all information needed to select the -appropriate secret key or to delegate it to a smartcard. +session key should have all information needed to select the appropriate +secret key or to delegate it to a smartcard. SETKEY Tell the server about the key to be used for decryption. If this is -not used, `gpg-agent' may try to figure out the key by trying to -decrypt the message with each key available. +not used, 'gpg-agent' may try to figure out the key by trying to decrypt +the message with each key available. PKDECRYPT @@ -853,9 +841,9 @@ S: D (value 1234567890ABCDEF0) S: OK descryption successful - The “PADDING†status line is only send if gpg-agent can tell -what kind of padding is used. As of now only the value 0 is used to -indicate that the padding has been removed. + The “PADDING†status line is only send if gpg-agent can tell what +kind of padding is used. As of now only the value 0 is used to indicate +that the padding has been removed.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Agent PKSIGN, Next: Agent GENKEY, Prev: Agent PKDECRYPT, Up: Agent Protocol @@ -863,33 +851,28 @@ 2.6.2 Signing a Hash -------------------- -The client ask the agent to sign a given hash value. A default key -will be chosen if no key has been set. To set a key a client first -uses: +The client ask the agent to sign a given hash value. A default key will +be chosen if no key has been set. To set a key a client first uses: SIGKEY This can be used multiple times to create multiple signature, the -list of keys is reset with the next PKSIGN command or a RESET. The +list of keys is reset with the next PKSIGN command or a RESET. The server test whether the key is a valid key to sign something and responds with okay. SETHASH --hash=| The client can use this command to tell the server about the data - (which usually is a hash) to be signed. is the + (which usually is a hash) to be signed. is the decimal encoded hash algorithm number as used by Libgcrypt. Either or -hash= must be given. Valid names for are: -`sha1' - -`sha256' - -`rmd160' - -`md5' - -`tls-md5sha1' +'sha1' +'sha256' +'rmd160' +'md5' +'tls-md5sha1' The actual signing is done using @@ -910,9 +893,9 @@ OPTION use-cache-for-signing=0|1 - The default of `1' uses the cache. Setting this option to `0' will -lead `gpg-agent' to ignore the passphrase cache. Note, that there is -also a global command line option for `gpg-agent' to globally disable + The default of '1' uses the cache. Setting this option to '0' will +lead 'gpg-agent' to ignore the passphrase cache. Note, that there is +also a global command line option for 'gpg-agent' to globally disable the caching. Here is an example session: @@ -938,7 +921,7 @@ ---------------------- This is used to create a new keypair and store the secret key inside the -active PSE -- which is in most cases a Soft-PSE. An not yet defined +active PSE -- which is in most cases a Soft-PSE. An not yet defined option allows to choose the storage location. To get the secret key out of the PSE, a special export tool has to be used. @@ -1009,7 +992,7 @@ Actually we do not import a Root Cert but provide a way to validate any piece of data by storing its Hash along with a description and an -identifier in the PSE. Here is the interface description: +identifier in the PSE. Here is the interface description: ISTRUSTED @@ -1040,17 +1023,17 @@ S: OK The first item on a line is the hexified fingerprint where MD5 -fingerprints are `00' padded to the left and the second item is a flag +fingerprints are '00' padded to the left and the second item is a flag to indicate the type of key (so that gpg is able to only take care of -PGP keys). P = OpenPGP, S = S/MIME. A client should ignore the rest -of the line, so that we can extend the format in the future. +PGP keys). P = OpenPGP, S = S/MIME. A client should ignore the rest of +the line, so that we can extend the format in the future. Finally a client should be able to mark a key as trusted: MARKTRUSTED FINGERPRINT "P"|"S" The server will then pop up a window to ask the user whether she -really trusts this key. For this it will probably ask for a text to be +really trusts this key. For this it will probably ask for a text to be displayed like this: S: INQUIRE TRUSTDESC @@ -1062,17 +1045,14 @@ Known sequences with the pattern @foo@ are replaced according to this table: -`@FPR16@' +'@FPR16@' Format the fingerprint according to gpg rules for a v3 keys. - -`@FPR20@' +'@FPR20@' Format the fingerprint according to gpg rules for a v4 keys. - -`@FPR@' +'@FPR@' Choose an appropriate format to format the fingerprint. - -`@@' - Replaced by a single `@' +'@@' + Replaced by a single '@'  File: gnupg.info, Node: Agent GET_PASSPHRASE, Next: Agent CLEAR_PASSPHRASE, Prev: Agent ISTRUSTED, Up: Agent Protocol @@ -1088,37 +1068,37 @@ GET_PASSPHRASE [--data] [--check] [--no-ask] [--repeat[=N]] [--qualitybar] CACHE_ID [ERROR_MESSAGE PROMPT DESCRIPTION] CACHE_ID is expected to be a string used to identify a cached -passphrase. Use a `X' to bypass the cache. With no other arguments -the agent returns a cached passphrase or an error. By convention -either the hexified fingerprint of the key shall be used for CACHE_ID -or an arbitrary string prefixed with the name of the calling -application and a colon: Like `gpg:somestring'. - - ERROR_MESSAGE is either a single `X' for no error message or a -string to be shown as an error message like (e.g. "invalid -passphrase"). Blanks must be percent escaped or replaced by `+''. +passphrase. Use a 'X' to bypass the cache. With no other arguments the +agent returns a cached passphrase or an error. By convention either the +hexified fingerprint of the key shall be used for CACHE_ID or an +arbitrary string prefixed with the name of the calling application and a +colon: Like 'gpg:somestring'. + + ERROR_MESSAGE is either a single 'X' for no error message or a string +to be shown as an error message like (e.g. "invalid passphrase"). +Blanks must be percent escaped or replaced by '+''. - PROMPT is either a single `X' for a default prompt or the text to be -shown as the prompt. Blanks must be percent escaped or replaced by `+'. + PROMPT is either a single 'X' for a default prompt or the text to be +shown as the prompt. Blanks must be percent escaped or replaced by '+'. DESCRIPTION is a text shown above the entry field. Blanks must be -percent escaped or replaced by `+'. +percent escaped or replaced by '+'. The agent either returns with an error or with a OK followed by the hex encoded passphrase. Note that the length of the strings is implicitly limited by the maximum length of a command. If the option -`--data' is used, the passphrase is not returned on the OK line but by +'--data' is used, the passphrase is not returned on the OK line but by regular data lines; this is the preferred method. - If the option `--check' is used, the standard passphrase constraints + If the option '--check' is used, the standard passphrase constraints checks are applied. A check is not done if the passphrase has been found in the cache. - If the option `--no-ask' is used and the passphrase is not in the + If the option '--no-ask' is used and the passphrase is not in the cache the user will not be asked to enter a passphrase but the error -code `GPG_ERR_NO_DATA' is returned. +code 'GPG_ERR_NO_DATA' is returned. - If the option `--qualitybar' is used and a minimum passphrase length + If the option '--qualitybar' is used and a minimum passphrase length has been configured, a visual indication of the entered passphrase quality is shown. @@ -1148,11 +1128,11 @@ GET_CONFIRMATION DESCRIPTION - DESCRIPTIONis displayed along with a Okay and Cancel button. Blanks -must be percent escaped or replaced by `+'. A `X' may be used to + DESCRIPTIONis displayed along with a Okay and Cancel button. Blanks +must be percent escaped or replaced by '+'. A 'X' may be used to display confirmation dialog with a default text. - The agent either returns with an error or with a OK. Note, that the + The agent either returns with an error or with a OK. Note, that the length of DESCRIPTION is implicitly limited by the maximum length of a command. @@ -1167,7 +1147,7 @@ HAVEKEY KEYGRIPS - The agent answers either with OK or `No_Secret_Key' (208). The + The agent answers either with OK or 'No_Secret_Key' (208). The caller may want to check for other error codes as well. More than one keygrip may be given. In this case the command returns success if at least one of the keygrips corresponds to an available secret key. @@ -1218,18 +1198,16 @@ This function return one status line with the current values of the event counters. The event counters are useful to avoid polling by delaying a poll until something has changed. The values are decimal -numbers in the range `0' to `UINT_MAX' and wrapping around to 0. The +numbers in the range '0' to 'UINT_MAX' and wrapping around to 0. The actual values should not be relied upon; they shall only be used to detect a change. The currently defined counters are are: -`ANY' +'ANY' Incremented with any change of any of the other counters. - -`KEY' +'KEY' Incremented for added or removed private keys. - -`CARD' +'CARD' Incremented for changes of the card readers stati.  @@ -1243,18 +1221,15 @@ GETINFO WHAT The value of WHAT specifies the kind of information returned: -`version' +'version' Return the version of the program. - -`pid' +'pid' Return the process id of the process. - -`socket_name' +'socket_name' Return the name of the socket used to connect the agent. - -`ssh_socket_name' +'ssh_socket_name' Return the name of the socket used for SSH connections. If SSH - support has not been enabled the error `GPG_ERR_NO_DATA' will be + support has not been enabled the error 'GPG_ERR_NO_DATA' will be returned.  @@ -1263,62 +1238,59 @@ 2.6.16 Set options for the session ---------------------------------- -Here is a list of session options which are not yet described with -other commands. The general syntax for an Assuan option is: +Here is a list of session options which are not yet described with other +commands. The general syntax for an Assuan option is: OPTION KEY=VALUE Supported KEYs are: -`agent-awareness' +'agent-awareness' This may be used to tell gpg-agent of which gpg-agent version the client is aware of. gpg-agent uses this information to enable features which might break older clients. -`putenv' +'putenv' Change the session's environment to be used for the Pinentry. Valid values are: - `NAME' + 'NAME' Delete envvar NAME - - `NAME=' + 'NAME=' Set envvar NAME to the empty string - - `NAME=VALUE' + 'NAME=VALUE' Set envvar NAME to the string VALUE. -`use-cache-for-signing' - See Assuan command `PKSIGN'. +'use-cache-for-signing' + See Assuan command 'PKSIGN'. -`allow-pinentry-notify' +'allow-pinentry-notify' This does not need any value. It is used to enable the PINENTRY_LAUNCHED inquiry. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Invoking GPG, Next: Invoking GPGSM, Prev: Invoking GPG-AGENT, Up: Top 3 Invoking GPG ************** -`gpg2' is the OpenPGP part of the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). It is a +'gpg2' is the OpenPGP part of the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). It is a tool to provide digital encryption and signing services using the -OpenPGP standard. `gpg2' features complete key management and all bells +OpenPGP standard. 'gpg2' features complete key management and all bells and whistles you can expect from a decent OpenPGP implementation. - In contrast to the standalone version `gpg', which is more suited -for server and embedded platforms, this version is commonly installed -under the name `gpg2' and more targeted to the desktop as it requires -several other modules to be installed. The standalone version will be -kept maintained and it is possible to install both versions on the same + In contrast to the standalone version 'gpg', which is more suited for +server and embedded platforms, this version is commonly installed under +the name 'gpg2' and more targeted to the desktop as it requires several +other modules to be installed. The standalone version will be kept +maintained and it is possible to install both versions on the same system. If you need to use different configuration files, you should -make use of something like `gpg.conf-2' instead of just `gpg.conf'. +make use of something like 'gpg.conf-2' instead of just 'gpg.conf'. - Documentation for the old standard `gpg' is available as a man page + Documentation for the old standard 'gpg' is available as a man page and at *note GnuPG 1: (gpg)Top. - *Note Option Index::, for an index to `gpg2''s commands and options. + *Note Option Index::, for an index to 'gpg2''s commands and options. * Menu: @@ -1328,7 +1300,7 @@ * GPG Examples:: Some usage examples. Developer information: -* Unattended Usage of GPG:: Using `gpg' from other programs. +* Unattended Usage of GPG:: Using 'gpg' from other programs.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Commands, Next: GPG Options, Up: Invoking GPG @@ -1339,14 +1311,14 @@ Commands are not distinguished from options except for the fact that only one command is allowed. - `gpg2' may be run with no commands, in which case it will perform a -reasonable action depending on the type of file it is given as input -(an encrypted message is decrypted, a signature is verified, a file + 'gpg2' may be run with no commands, in which case it will perform a +reasonable action depending on the type of file it is given as input (an +encrypted message is decrypted, a signature is verified, a file containing keys is listed). Please remember that option as well as command parsing stops as soon -as a non-option is encountered, you can explicitly stop parsing by -using the special option `--'. +as a non-option is encountered, you can explicitly stop parsing by using +the special option '--'. * Menu: @@ -1360,19 +1332,19 @@ 3.1.1 Commands not specific to the function ------------------------------------------- -`--version' +'--version' Print the program version and licensing information. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. -`--help' -`-h' +'--help' +'-h' Print a usage message summarizing the most useful command line options. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. -`--warranty' +'--warranty' Print warranty information. -`--dump-options' +'--dump-options' Print a list of all available options and commands. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. @@ -1382,337 +1354,335 @@ 3.1.2 Commands to select the type of operation ---------------------------------------------- -`--sign' -`-s' - Make a signature. This command may be combined with `--encrypt' - (for a signed and encrypted message), `--symmetric' (for a signed - and symmetrically encrypted message), or `--encrypt' and - `--symmetric' together (for a signed message that may be decrypted +'--sign' +'-s' + Make a signature. This command may be combined with '--encrypt' + (for a signed and encrypted message), '--symmetric' (for a signed + and symmetrically encrypted message), or '--encrypt' and + '--symmetric' together (for a signed message that may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase). The key to be used for signing - is chosen by default or can be set with the `--local-user' and - `--default-key' options. + is chosen by default or can be set with the '--local-user' and + '--default-key' options. -`--clearsign' - Make a clear text signature. The content in a clear text - signature is readable without any special software. OpenPGP - software is only needed to verify the signature. Clear text - signatures may modify end-of-line whitespace for platform - independence and are not intended to be reversible. The key to be - used for signing is chosen by default or can be set with the - `--local-user' and `--default-key' options. +'--clearsign' + Make a clear text signature. The content in a clear text signature + is readable without any special software. OpenPGP software is only + needed to verify the signature. Clear text signatures may modify + end-of-line whitespace for platform independence and are not + intended to be reversible. The key to be used for signing is + chosen by default or can be set with the '--local-user' and + '--default-key' options. -`--detach-sign' -`-b' +'--detach-sign' +'-b' Make a detached signature. -`--encrypt' -`-e' - Encrypt data. This option may be combined with `--sign' (for a - signed and encrypted message), `--symmetric' (for a message that - may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase), or `--sign' - and `--symmetric' together (for a signed message that may be - decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase). - -`--symmetric' -`-c' - Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase. The default +'--encrypt' +'-e' + Encrypt data. This option may be combined with '--sign' (for a + signed and encrypted message), '--symmetric' (for a message that + may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase), or '--sign' and + '--symmetric' together (for a signed message that may be decrypted + via a secret key or a passphrase). + +'--symmetric' +'-c' + Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase. The default symmetric cipher used is CAST5, but may be chosen with the - `--cipher-algo' option. This option may be combined with `--sign' - (for a signed and symmetrically encrypted message), `--encrypt' + '--cipher-algo' option. This option may be combined with '--sign' + (for a signed and symmetrically encrypted message), '--encrypt' (for a message that may be decrypted via a secret key or a - passphrase), or `--sign' and `--encrypt' together (for a signed + passphrase), or '--sign' and '--encrypt' together (for a signed message that may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase). -`--store' +'--store' Store only (make a simple RFC1991 literal data packet). -`--decrypt' -`-d' +'--decrypt' +'-d' Decrypt the file given on the command line (or STDIN if no file is specified) and write it to STDOUT (or the file specified with - `--output'). If the decrypted file is signed, the signature is also - verified. This command differs from the default operation, as it - never writes to the filename which is included in the file and it - rejects files which don't begin with an encrypted message. + '--output'). If the decrypted file is signed, the signature is + also verified. This command differs from the default operation, as + it never writes to the filename which is included in the file and + it rejects files which don't begin with an encrypted message. -`--verify' +'--verify' Assume that the first argument is a signed file or a detached - signature and verify it without generating any output. With no + signature and verify it without generating any output. With no arguments, the signature packet is read from STDIN. If only a sigfile is given, it may be a complete signature or a detached signature, in which case the signed stuff is expected in a file - without the ".sig" or ".asc" extension. With more than 1 - argument, the first should be a detached signature and the - remaining files are the signed stuff. To read the signed stuff - from STDIN, use `-' as the second filename. For security reasons - a detached signature cannot read the signed material from STDIN - without denoting it in the above way. + without the ".sig" or ".asc" extension. With more than 1 argument, + the first should be a detached signature and the remaining files + are the signed stuff. To read the signed stuff from STDIN, use '-' + as the second filename. For security reasons a detached signature + cannot read the signed material from STDIN without denoting it in + the above way. - Note: When verifying a cleartext signature, `gpg' verifies only + Note: When verifying a cleartext signature, 'gpg' verifies only what makes up the cleartext signed data and not any extra data outside of the cleartext signature or header lines following - directly the dash marker line. The option `--output' may be used + directly the dash marker line. The option '--output' may be used to write out the actual signed data; but there are other pitfalls with this format as well. It is suggested to avoid cleartext signatures in favor of detached signatures. -`--multifile' +'--multifile' This modifies certain other commands to accept multiple files for processing on the command line or read from STDIN with each - filename on a separate line. This allows for many files to be - processed at once. `--multifile' may currently be used along with - `--verify', `--encrypt', and `--decrypt'. Note that `--multifile + filename on a separate line. This allows for many files to be + processed at once. '--multifile' may currently be used along with + '--verify', '--encrypt', and '--decrypt'. Note that '--multifile --verify' may not be used with detached signatures. -`--verify-files' - Identical to `--multifile --verify'. +'--verify-files' + Identical to '--multifile --verify'. -`--encrypt-files' - Identical to `--multifile --encrypt'. +'--encrypt-files' + Identical to '--multifile --encrypt'. -`--decrypt-files' - Identical to `--multifile --decrypt'. +'--decrypt-files' + Identical to '--multifile --decrypt'. -`--list-keys' -`-k' -`--list-public-keys' +'--list-keys' +'-k' +'--list-public-keys' List all keys from the public keyrings, or just the keys given on the command line. - Avoid using the output of this command in scripts or other - programs as it is likely to change as GnuPG changes. See - `--with-colons' for a machine-parseable key listing command that - is appropriate for use in scripts and other programs. + Avoid using the output of this command in scripts or other programs + as it is likely to change as GnuPG changes. See '--with-colons' + for a machine-parseable key listing command that is appropriate for + use in scripts and other programs. -`--list-secret-keys' -`-K' +'--list-secret-keys' +'-K' List all keys from the secret keyrings, or just the ones given on - the command line. A `#' after the letters `sec' means that the + the command line. A '#' after the letters 'sec' means that the secret key is not usable (for example, if it was created via - `--export-secret-subkeys'). + '--export-secret-subkeys'). -`--list-sigs' - Same as `--list-keys', but the signatures are listed too. This - command has the same effect as using `--list-keys' with - `--with-sig-list'. +'--list-sigs' + Same as '--list-keys', but the signatures are listed too. This + command has the same effect as using '--list-keys' with + '--with-sig-list'. For each signature listed, there are several flags in between the - "sig" tag and keyid. These flags give additional information about - each signature. From left to right, they are the numbers 1-3 for - certificate check level (see `--ask-cert-level'), "L" for a local - or non-exportable signature (see `--lsign-key'), "R" for a - nonRevocable signature (see the `--edit-key' command "nrsign"), - "P" for a signature that contains a policy URL (see - `--cert-policy-url'), "N" for a signature that contains a notation - (see `--cert-notation'), "X" for an eXpired signature (see - `--ask-cert-expire'), and the numbers 1-9 or "T" for 10 and above - to indicate trust signature levels (see the `--edit-key' command + "sig" tag and keyid. These flags give additional information about + each signature. From left to right, they are the numbers 1-3 for + certificate check level (see '--ask-cert-level'), "L" for a local + or non-exportable signature (see '--lsign-key'), "R" for a + nonRevocable signature (see the '--edit-key' command "nrsign"), "P" + for a signature that contains a policy URL (see + '--cert-policy-url'), "N" for a signature that contains a notation + (see '--cert-notation'), "X" for an eXpired signature (see + '--ask-cert-expire'), and the numbers 1-9 or "T" for 10 and above + to indicate trust signature levels (see the '--edit-key' command "tsign"). -`--check-sigs' - Same as `--list-sigs', but the signatures are verified. Note that +'--check-sigs' + Same as '--list-sigs', but the signatures are verified. Note that for performance reasons the revocation status of a signing key is - not shown. This command has the same effect as using - `--list-keys' with `--with-sig-check'. + not shown. This command has the same effect as using '--list-keys' + with '--with-sig-check'. The status of the verification is indicated by a flag directly following the "sig" tag (and thus before the flags described above - for `--list-sigs'). A "!" indicates that the signature has been + for '--list-sigs'). A "!" indicates that the signature has been successfully verified, a "-" denotes a bad signature and a "%" is - used if an error occurred while checking the signature (e.g. a non + used if an error occurred while checking the signature (e.g. a non supported algorithm). -`--locate-keys' +'--locate-keys' Locate the keys given as arguments. This command basically uses the same algorithm as used when locating keys for encryption or - signing and may thus be used to see what keys `gpg2' might use. In - particular external methods as defined by `--auto-key-locate' may + signing and may thus be used to see what keys 'gpg2' might use. In + particular external methods as defined by '--auto-key-locate' may be used to locate a key. Only public keys are listed. -`--fingerprint' +'--fingerprint' List all keys (or the specified ones) along with their - fingerprints. This is the same output as `--list-keys' but with - the additional output of a line with the fingerprint. May also be - combined with `--list-sigs' or `--check-sigs'. If this command is + fingerprints. This is the same output as '--list-keys' but with + the additional output of a line with the fingerprint. May also be + combined with '--list-sigs' or '--check-sigs'. If this command is given twice, the fingerprints of all secondary keys are listed too. -`--list-packets' - List only the sequence of packets. This is mainly useful for +'--list-packets' + List only the sequence of packets. This is mainly useful for debugging. -`--card-edit' - Present a menu to work with a smartcard. The subcommand "help" - provides an overview on available commands. For a detailed +'--card-edit' + Present a menu to work with a smartcard. The subcommand "help" + provides an overview on available commands. For a detailed description, please see the Card HOWTO at - http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html#GnuPG-cardHOWTO . + https://gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html#GnuPG-cardHOWTO . -`--card-status' +'--card-status' Show the content of the smart card. -`--change-pin' - Present a menu to allow changing the PIN of a smartcard. This +'--change-pin' + Present a menu to allow changing the PIN of a smartcard. This functionality is also available as the subcommand "passwd" with the - `--card-edit' command. + '--card-edit' command. -`--delete-key `name'' - Remove key from the public keyring. In batch mode either `--yes' is - required or the key must be specified by fingerprint. This is a +'--delete-key name' + Remove key from the public keyring. In batch mode either '--yes' + is required or the key must be specified by fingerprint. This is a safeguard against accidental deletion of multiple keys. -`--delete-secret-key `name'' - Remove key from the secret keyring. In batch mode the key must be +'--delete-secret-key name' + Remove key from the secret keyring. In batch mode the key must be specified by fingerprint. -`--delete-secret-and-public-key `name'' - Same as `--delete-key', but if a secret key exists, it will be - removed first. In batch mode the key must be specified by +'--delete-secret-and-public-key name' + Same as '--delete-key', but if a secret key exists, it will be + removed first. In batch mode the key must be specified by fingerprint. -`--export' +'--export' Either export all keys from all keyrings (default keyrings and - those registered via option `--keyring'), or if at least one name - is given, those of the given name. The exported keys are written - to STDOUT or to the file given with option `--output'. Use - together with `--armor' to mail those keys. - -`--send-keys `key IDs'' - Similar to `--export' but sends the keys to a keyserver. - Fingerprints may be used instead of key IDs. Option `--keyserver' - must be used to give the name of this keyserver. Don't send your - complete keyring to a keyserver -- select only those keys which - are new or changed by you. If no key IDs are given, `gpg' does + those registered via option '--keyring'), or if at least one name + is given, those of the given name. The exported keys are written + to STDOUT or to the file given with option '--output'. Use + together with '--armor' to mail those keys. + +'--send-keys key IDs' + Similar to '--export' but sends the keys to a keyserver. + Fingerprints may be used instead of key IDs. Option '--keyserver' + must be used to give the name of this keyserver. Don't send your + complete keyring to a keyserver -- select only those keys which are + new or changed by you. If no key IDs are given, 'gpg' does nothing. -`--export-secret-keys' -`--export-secret-subkeys' - Same as `--export', but exports the secret keys instead. The +'--export-secret-keys' +'--export-secret-subkeys' + Same as '--export', but exports the secret keys instead. The exported keys are written to STDOUT or to the file given with - option `--output'. This command is often used along with the - option `--armor' to allow easy printing of the key for paper - backup; however the external tool `paperkey' does a better job for - creating backups on paper. Note that exporting a secret key can - be a security risk if the exported keys are send over an insecure + option '--output'. This command is often used along with the + option '--armor' to allow easy printing of the key for paper + backup; however the external tool 'paperkey' does a better job for + creating backups on paper. Note that exporting a secret key can be + a security risk if the exported keys are send over an insecure channel. The second form of the command has the special property to render - the secret part of the primary key useless; this is a GNU - extension to OpenPGP and other implementations can not be expected - to successfully import such a key. Its intended use is to - generated a full key with an additional signing subkey on a - dedicated machine and then using this command to export the key - without the primary key to the main machine. + the secret part of the primary key useless; this is a GNU extension + to OpenPGP and other implementations can not be expected to + successfully import such a key. Its intended use is to generated a + full key with an additional signing subkey on a dedicated machine + and then using this command to export the key without the primary + key to the main machine. - See the option `--simple-sk-checksum' if you want to import an + See the option '--simple-sk-checksum' if you want to import an exported secret key into ancient OpenPGP implementations. -`--import' -`--fast-import' - Import/merge keys. This adds the given keys to the keyring. The +'--import' +'--fast-import' + Import/merge keys. This adds the given keys to the keyring. The fast version is currently just a synonym. There are a few other options which control how this command works. - Most notable here is the `--import-options merge-only' option - which does not insert new keys but does only the merging of new + Most notable here is the '--import-options merge-only' option which + does not insert new keys but does only the merging of new signatures, user-IDs and subkeys. -`--recv-keys `key IDs'' - Import the keys with the given key IDs from a keyserver. Option - `--keyserver' must be used to give the name of this keyserver. +'--recv-keys key IDs' + Import the keys with the given key IDs from a keyserver. Option + '--keyserver' must be used to give the name of this keyserver. -`--refresh-keys' +'--refresh-keys' Request updates from a keyserver for keys that already exist on the - local keyring. This is useful for updating a key with the latest - signatures, user IDs, etc. Calling this with no arguments will - refresh the entire keyring. Option `--keyserver' must be used to + local keyring. This is useful for updating a key with the latest + signatures, user IDs, etc. Calling this with no arguments will + refresh the entire keyring. Option '--keyserver' must be used to give the name of the keyserver for all keys that do not have - preferred keyservers set (see `--keyserver-options + preferred keyservers set (see '--keyserver-options honor-keyserver-url'). -`--search-keys `names'' - Search the keyserver for the given names. Multiple names given +'--search-keys names' + Search the keyserver for the given names. Multiple names given here will be joined together to create the search string for the - keyserver. Option `--keyserver' must be used to give the name of + keyserver. Option '--keyserver' must be used to give the name of this keyserver. Keyservers that support different search methods allow using the syntax specified in "How to specify a user ID" - below. Note that different keyserver types support different - search methods. Currently only LDAP supports them all. + below. Note that different keyserver types support different + search methods. Currently only LDAP supports them all. -`--fetch-keys `URIs'' - Retrieve keys located at the specified URIs. Note that different +'--fetch-keys URIs' + Retrieve keys located at the specified URIs. Note that different installations of GnuPG may support different protocols (HTTP, FTP, LDAP, etc.) -`--update-trustdb' - Do trust database maintenance. This command iterates over all keys - and builds the Web of Trust. This is an interactive command +'--update-trustdb' + Do trust database maintenance. This command iterates over all keys + and builds the Web of Trust. This is an interactive command because it may have to ask for the "ownertrust" values for keys. The user has to give an estimation of how far she trusts the owner - of the displayed key to correctly certify (sign) other keys. GnuPG + of the displayed key to correctly certify (sign) other keys. GnuPG only asks for the ownertrust value if it has not yet been assigned - to a key. Using the `--edit-key' menu, the assigned value can be + to a key. Using the '--edit-key' menu, the assigned value can be changed at any time. -`--check-trustdb' - Do trust database maintenance without user interaction. From time +'--check-trustdb' + Do trust database maintenance without user interaction. From time to time the trust database must be updated so that expired keys or signatures and the resulting changes in the Web of Trust can be - tracked. Normally, GnuPG will calculate when this is required and - do it automatically unless `--no-auto-check-trustdb' is set. This + tracked. Normally, GnuPG will calculate when this is required and + do it automatically unless '--no-auto-check-trustdb' is set. This command can be used to force a trust database check at any time. - The processing is identical to that of `--update-trustdb' but it + The processing is identical to that of '--update-trustdb' but it skips keys with a not yet defined "ownertrust". For use with cron jobs, this command can be used together with - `--batch' in which case the trust database check is done only if a - check is needed. To force a run even in batch mode add the option - `--yes'. + '--batch' in which case the trust database check is done only if a + check is needed. To force a run even in batch mode add the option + '--yes'. -`--export-ownertrust' +'--export-ownertrust' Send the ownertrust values to STDOUT. This is useful for backup purposes as these values are the only ones which can't be re-created from a corrupted trustdb. Example: gpg2 --export-ownertrust > otrust.txt -`--import-ownertrust' - Update the trustdb with the ownertrust values stored in `files' (or +'--import-ownertrust' + Update the trustdb with the ownertrust values stored in 'files' (or STDIN if not given); existing values will be overwritten. In case of a severely damaged trustdb and if you have a recent backup of - the ownertrust values (e.g. in the file `otrust.txt', you may + the ownertrust values (e.g. in the file 'otrust.txt', you may re-create the trustdb using these commands: cd ~/.gnupg rm trustdb.gpg gpg2 --import-ownertrust < otrust.txt -`--rebuild-keydb-caches' +'--rebuild-keydb-caches' When updating from version 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 this command should be - used to create signature caches in the keyring. It might be handy + used to create signature caches in the keyring. It might be handy in other situations too. -`--print-md `algo'' -`--print-mds' +'--print-md algo' +'--print-mds' Print message digest of algorithm ALGO for all given files or - STDIN. With the second form (or a deprecated "*" as algo) digests + STDIN. With the second form (or a deprecated "*" as algo) digests for all available algorithms are printed. -`--gen-random `0|1|2' `count'' - Emit COUNT random bytes of the given quality level 0, 1 or 2. If +'--gen-random 0|1|2 count' + Emit COUNT random bytes of the given quality level 0, 1 or 2. If COUNT is not given or zero, an endless sequence of random bytes - will be emitted. If used with `--armor' the output will be base64 + will be emitted. If used with '--armor' the output will be base64 encoded. PLEASE, don't use this command unless you know what you are doing; it may remove precious entropy from the system! -`--gen-prime `mode' `bits'' - Use the source, Luke :-). The output format is still subject to +'--gen-prime mode bits' + Use the source, Luke :-). The output format is still subject to change. -`--enarmor' - -`--dearmor' +'--enarmor' +'--dearmor' Pack or unpack an arbitrary input into/from an OpenPGP ASCII armor. This is a GnuPG extension to OpenPGP and in general not very useful. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: OpenPGP Key Management, Prev: Operational GPG Commands, Up: GPG Commands @@ -1721,296 +1691,288 @@ This section explains the main commands for key management -`--gen-key' - Generate a new key pair. This command is normally only used +'--gen-key' + Generate a new key pair. This command is normally only used interactively. There is an experimental feature which allows you to create keys in - batch mode. See the file `doc/DETAILS' in the source distribution + batch mode. See the file 'doc/DETAILS' in the source distribution on how to use this. -`--gen-revoke `name'' - Generate a revocation certificate for the complete key. To revoke - a subkey or a signature, use the `--edit' command. +'--gen-revoke name' + Generate a revocation certificate for the complete key. To revoke + a subkey or a signature, use the '--edit' command. -`--desig-revoke `name'' - Generate a designated revocation certificate for a key. This +'--desig-revoke name' + Generate a designated revocation certificate for a key. This allows a user (with the permission of the keyholder) to revoke someone else's key. -`--edit-key' +'--edit-key' Present a menu which enables you to do most of the key management related tasks. It expects the specification of a key on the command line. - uid `n' - Toggle selection of user ID or photographic user ID with - index `n'. Use `*' to select all and `0' to deselect all. - - key `n' - Toggle selection of subkey with index `n'. Use `*' to - select all and `0' to deselect all. + uid 'n' + Toggle selection of user ID or photographic user ID with index + 'n'. Use '*' to select all and '0' to deselect all. + + key 'n' + Toggle selection of subkey with index 'n'. Use '*' to select + all and '0' to deselect all. - sign - Make a signature on key of user `name' If the key is not yet + sign + Make a signature on key of user 'name' If the key is not yet signed by the default user (or the users given with -u), the - program displays the information of the key again, together - with its fingerprint and asks whether it should be signed. - This question is repeated for all users specified with -u. + program displays the information of the key again, together + with its fingerprint and asks whether it should be signed. + This question is repeated for all users specified with -u. - lsign + lsign Same as "sign" but the signature is marked as non-exportable - and will therefore never be used by others. This may be - used to make keys valid only in the local environment. + and will therefore never be used by others. This may be used + to make keys valid only in the local environment. - nrsign + nrsign Same as "sign" but the signature is marked as non-revocable - and can therefore never be revoked. + and can therefore never be revoked. - tsign - Make a trust signature. This is a signature that combines the - notions of certification (like a regular signature), and - trust (like the "trust" command). It is generally only - useful in distinct communities or groups. + tsign + Make a trust signature. This is a signature that combines the + notions of certification (like a regular signature), and trust + (like the "trust" command). It is generally only useful in + distinct communities or groups. Note that "l" (for local / non-exportable), "nr" (for - non-revocable, and "t" (for trust) may be freely mixed and - prefixed to "sign" to create a signature of any type desired. + non-revocable, and "t" (for trust) may be freely mixed and prefixed + to "sign" to create a signature of any type desired. - delsig - Delete a signature. Note that it is not possible to retract a - signature, once it has been send to the public (i.e. to a - keyserver). In that case you better use `revsig'. - - revsig - Revoke a signature. For every signature which has been - generated by one of the secret keys, GnuPG asks whether a - revocation certificate should be generated. + delsig + Delete a signature. Note that it is not possible to retract a + signature, once it has been send to the public (i.e. to a + keyserver). In that case you better use 'revsig'. + + revsig + Revoke a signature. For every signature which has been + generated by one of the secret keys, GnuPG asks whether a + revocation certificate should be generated. - check + check Check the signatures on all selected user IDs. - adduid + adduid Create an additional user ID. - addphoto + addphoto Create a photographic user ID. This will prompt for a JPEG - file that will be embedded into the user ID. Note that a - very large JPEG will make for a very large key. Also note - that some programs will display your JPEG unchanged - (GnuPG), and some programs will scale it to fit in a dialog - box (PGP). + file that will be embedded into the user ID. Note that a very + large JPEG will make for a very large key. Also note that + some programs will display your JPEG unchanged (GnuPG), and + some programs will scale it to fit in a dialog box (PGP). - showphoto + showphoto Display the selected photographic user ID. - deluid - Delete a user ID or photographic user ID. Note that it is not - possible to retract a user id, once it has been send to the - public (i.e. to a keyserver). In that case you better use - `revuid'. + deluid + Delete a user ID or photographic user ID. Note that it is not + possible to retract a user id, once it has been send to the + public (i.e. to a keyserver). In that case you better use + 'revuid'. - revuid + revuid Revoke a user ID or photographic user ID. - primary + primary Flag the current user id as the primary one, removes the - primary user id flag from all other user ids and sets the - timestamp of all affected self-signatures one second ahead. - Note that setting a photo user ID as primary makes it - primary over other photo user IDs, and setting a regular - user ID as primary makes it primary over other regular user - IDs. - - keyserver - Set a preferred keyserver for the specified user ID(s). This - allows other users to know where you prefer they get your - key from. See `--keyserver-options honor-keyserver-url' for - more on how this works. Setting a value of "none" removes - an existing preferred keyserver. - - notation - Set a name=value notation for the specified user ID(s). See - `--cert-notation' for more on how this works. Setting a value - of "none" removes all notations, setting a notation - prefixed with a minus sign (-) removes that notation, and - setting a notation name (without the =value) prefixed with - a minus sign removes all notations with that name. + primary user id flag from all other user ids and sets the + timestamp of all affected self-signatures one second ahead. + Note that setting a photo user ID as primary makes it primary + over other photo user IDs, and setting a regular user ID as + primary makes it primary over other regular user IDs. + + keyserver + Set a preferred keyserver for the specified user ID(s). This + allows other users to know where you prefer they get your key + from. See '--keyserver-options honor-keyserver-url' for more + on how this works. Setting a value of "none" removes an + existing preferred keyserver. + + notation + Set a name=value notation for the specified user ID(s). See + '--cert-notation' for more on how this works. Setting a value + of "none" removes all notations, setting a notation prefixed + with a minus sign (-) removes that notation, and setting a + notation name (without the =value) prefixed with a minus sign + removes all notations with that name. - pref + pref List preferences from the selected user ID. This shows the - actual preferences, without including any implied - preferences. + actual preferences, without including any implied preferences. - showpref + showpref More verbose preferences listing for the selected user ID. - This shows the preferences in effect by including the - implied preferences of 3DES (cipher), SHA-1 (digest), and - Uncompressed (compression) if they are not already included - in the preference list. In addition, the preferred - keyserver and signature notations (if any) are shown. - - setpref `string' - Set the list of user ID preferences to `string' for all (or - just the selected) user IDs. Calling setpref with no - arguments sets the preference list to the default (either - built-in or set via `--default-preference-list'), and - calling setpref with "none" as the argument sets an empty - preference list. Use `gpg2 --version' to get a list of - available algorithms. Note that while you can change the - preferences on an attribute user ID (aka "photo ID"), GnuPG - does not select keys via attribute user IDs so these - preferences will not be used by GnuPG. + This shows the preferences in effect by including the implied + preferences of 3DES (cipher), SHA-1 (digest), and Uncompressed + (compression) if they are not already included in the + preference list. In addition, the preferred keyserver and + signature notations (if any) are shown. + + setpref 'string' + Set the list of user ID preferences to 'string' for all (or + just the selected) user IDs. Calling setpref with no + arguments sets the preference list to the default (either + built-in or set via '--default-preference-list'), and calling + setpref with "none" as the argument sets an empty preference + list. Use 'gpg2 --version' to get a list of available + algorithms. Note that while you can change the preferences on + an attribute user ID (aka "photo ID"), GnuPG does not select + keys via attribute user IDs so these preferences will not be + used by GnuPG. When setting preferences, you should list the algorithms in - the order which you'd like to see them used by someone else - when encrypting a message to your key. If you don't - include 3DES, it will be automatically added at the end. - Note that there are many factors that go into choosing an - algorithm (for example, your key may not be the only - recipient), and so the remote OpenPGP application being used - to send to you may or may not follow your exact chosen - order for a given message. It will, however, only choose - an algorithm that is present on the preference list of - every recipient key. See also the INTEROPERABILITY WITH - OTHER OPENPGP PROGRAMS section below. + the order which you'd like to see them used by someone else + when encrypting a message to your key. If you don't include + 3DES, it will be automatically added at the end. Note that + there are many factors that go into choosing an algorithm (for + example, your key may not be the only recipient), and so the + remote OpenPGP application being used to send to you may or + may not follow your exact chosen order for a given message. + It will, however, only choose an algorithm that is present on + the preference list of every recipient key. See also the + INTEROPERABILITY WITH OTHER OPENPGP PROGRAMS section below. - addkey + addkey Add a subkey to this key. - addcardkey + addcardkey Generate a subkey on a card and add it to this key. - keytocard + keytocard Transfer the selected secret subkey (or the primary key if no - subkey has been selected) to a smartcard. The secret key in - the keyring will be replaced by a stub if the key could be - stored successfully on the card and you use the save - command later. Only certain key types may be transferred to - the card. A sub menu allows you to select on what card to - store the key. Note that it is not possible to get that key - back from the card - if the card gets broken your secret - key will be lost unless you have a backup somewhere. - - bkuptocard `file' - Restore the given file to a card. This command may be used to - restore a backup key (as generated during card - initialization) to a new card. In almost all cases this - will be the encryption key. You should use this command - only with the corresponding public key and make sure that the - file given as argument is indeed the backup to restore. You - should then select 2 to restore as encryption key. You - will first be asked to enter the passphrase of the backup - key and then for the Admin PIN of the card. - - delkey - Remove a subkey (secondart key). Note that it is not possible - to retract a subkey, once it has been send to the public - (i.e. to a keyserver). In that case you better use - `revkey'. + subkey has been selected) to a smartcard. The secret key in + the keyring will be replaced by a stub if the key could be + stored successfully on the card and you use the save command + later. Only certain key types may be transferred to the card. + A sub menu allows you to select on what card to store the key. + Note that it is not possible to get that key back from the + card - if the card gets broken your secret key will be lost + unless you have a backup somewhere. + + bkuptocard 'file' + Restore the given file to a card. This command may be used to + restore a backup key (as generated during card initialization) + to a new card. In almost all cases this will be the + encryption key. You should use this command only with the + corresponding public key and make sure that the file given as + argument is indeed the backup to restore. You should then + select 2 to restore as encryption key. You will first be + asked to enter the passphrase of the backup key and then for + the Admin PIN of the card. + + delkey + Remove a subkey (secondart key). Note that it is not possible + to retract a subkey, once it has been send to the public (i.e. + to a keyserver). In that case you better use 'revkey'. - revkey + revkey Revoke a subkey. - expire - Change the key or subkey expiration time. If a subkey is - selected, the expiration time of this subkey will be - changed. With no selection, the key expiration of the - primary key is changed. - - trust - Change the owner trust value for the key. This updates the - trust-db immediately and no save is required. - - disable - enable - Disable or enable an entire key. A disabled key can not - normally be used for encryption. - - addrevoker - Add a designated revoker to the key. This takes one optional - argument: "sensitive". If a designated revoker is marked as - sensitive, it will not be exported by default (see + expire + Change the key or subkey expiration time. If a subkey is + selected, the expiration time of this subkey will be changed. + With no selection, the key expiration of the primary key is + changed. + + trust + Change the owner trust value for the key. This updates the + trust-db immediately and no save is required. + + disable + enable + Disable or enable an entire key. A disabled key can not + normally be used for encryption. + + addrevoker + Add a designated revoker to the key. This takes one optional + argument: "sensitive". If a designated revoker is marked as + sensitive, it will not be exported by default (see export-options). - passwd + passwd Change the passphrase of the secret key. - toggle + toggle Toggle between public and secret key listing. - clean + clean Compact (by removing all signatures except the selfsig) any - user ID that is no longer usable (e.g. revoked, or - expired). Then, remove any signatures that are not usable - by the trust calculations. Specifically, this removes any - signature that does not validate, any signature that is - superseded by a later signature, revoked signatures, and - signatures issued by keys that are not present on the keyring. - - minimize - Make the key as small as possible. This removes all - signatures from each user ID except for the most recent + user ID that is no longer usable (e.g. revoked, or expired). + Then, remove any signatures that are not usable by the trust + calculations. Specifically, this removes any signature that + does not validate, any signature that is superseded by a later + signature, revoked signatures, and signatures issued by keys + that are not present on the keyring. + + minimize + Make the key as small as possible. This removes all + signatures from each user ID except for the most recent self-signature. - cross-certify - Add cross-certification signatures to signing subkeys that - may not currently have them. Cross-certification signatures - protect against a subtle attack against signing subkeys. See - `--require-cross-certification'. All new keys generated have - this signature by default, so this option is only useful to - bring older keys up to date. + cross-certify + Add cross-certification signatures to signing subkeys that may + not currently have them. Cross-certification signatures + protect against a subtle attack against signing subkeys. See + '--require-cross-certification'. All new keys generated have + this signature by default, so this option is only useful to + bring older keys up to date. - save + save Save all changes to the key rings and quit. - quit - Quit the program without updating the key rings. + quit + Quit the program without updating the key rings. The listing shows you the key with its secondary keys and all user ids. The primary user id is indicated by a dot, and selected keys or user ids are indicated by an asterisk. The trust value is displayed with the primary key: the first is the assigned owner - trust and the second is the calculated trust value. Letters are + trust and the second is the calculated trust value. Letters are used for the values: - - + - No ownertrust assigned / not yet calculated. - e - Trust calculation has failed; probably due to an expired - key. + e + Trust calculation has failed; probably due to an expired key. - q + q Not enough information for calculation. - n + n Never trust this key. - m + m Marginally trusted. - f + f Fully trusted. - u + u Ultimately trusted. +'--sign-key name' + Signs a public key with your secret key. This is a shortcut + version of the subcommand "sign" from '--edit'. -`--sign-key `name'' - Signs a public key with your secret key. This is a shortcut - version of the subcommand "sign" from `--edit'. - -`--lsign-key `name'' +'--lsign-key name' Signs a public key with your secret key but marks it as - non-exportable. This is a shortcut version of the subcommand - "lsign" from `--edit-key'. + non-exportable. This is a shortcut version of the subcommand + "lsign" from '--edit-key'. -`--passwd USER_ID' +'--passwd USER_ID' Change the passphrase of the secret key belonging to the certificate specified as USER_ID. This is a shortcut for the - sub-command `passwd' of the edit key menu. - + sub-command 'passwd' of the edit key menu.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Options, Next: GPG Configuration, Prev: GPG Commands, Up: Invoking GPG @@ -2018,8 +1980,8 @@ 3.2 Option Summary ================== -`gpg2' features a bunch of options to control the exact behaviour and -to change the default configuration. +'gpg2' features a bunch of options to control the exact behaviour and to +change the default configuration. * Menu: @@ -2032,17 +1994,17 @@ * Deprecated Options:: Deprecated options. Long options can be put in an options file (default -"~/.gnupg/gpg.conf"). Short option names will not work - for example, -"armor" is a valid option for the options file, while "a" is not. Do not -write the 2 dashes, but simply the name of the option and any required -arguments. Lines with a hash ('#') as the first non-white-space -character are ignored. Commands may be put in this file too, but that is -not generally useful as the command will execute automatically with -every execution of gpg. +"~/.gnupg/gpg.conf"). Short option names will not work - for example, +"armor" is a valid option for the options file, while "a" is not. Do +not write the 2 dashes, but simply the name of the option and any +required arguments. Lines with a hash ('#') as the first +non-white-space character are ignored. Commands may be put in this file +too, but that is not generally useful as the command will execute +automatically with every execution of gpg. Please remember that option parsing stops as soon as a non-option is encountered, you can explicitly stop parsing by using the special option -`--'. +'--'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Configuration Options, Next: GPG Key related Options, Up: GPG Options @@ -2053,323 +2015,329 @@ These options are used to change the configuration and are usually found in the option file. -`--default-key NAME' - Use NAME as the default key to sign with. If this option is not +'--default-key NAME' + Use NAME as the default key to sign with. If this option is not used, the default key is the first key found in the secret keyring. - Note that `-u' or `--local-user' overrides this option. + Note that '-u' or '--local-user' overrides this option. -`--default-recipient NAME' - Use NAME as default recipient if option `--recipient' is not used - and don't ask if this is a valid one. NAME must be non-empty. - -`--default-recipient-self' - Use the default key as default recipient if option `--recipient' - is not used and don't ask if this is a valid one. The default key - is the first one from the secret keyring or the one set with - `--default-key'. +'--default-recipient NAME' + Use NAME as default recipient if option '--recipient' is not used + and don't ask if this is a valid one. NAME must be non-empty. + +'--default-recipient-self' + Use the default key as default recipient if option '--recipient' is + not used and don't ask if this is a valid one. The default key is + the first one from the secret keyring or the one set with + '--default-key'. -`--no-default-recipient' - Reset `--default-recipient' and `--default-recipient-self'. +'--no-default-recipient' + Reset '--default-recipient' and '--default-recipient-self'. -`-v, --verbose' - Give more information during processing. If used twice, the input +'-v, --verbose' + Give more information during processing. If used twice, the input data is listed in detail. -`--no-verbose' +'--no-verbose' Reset verbose level to 0. -`-q, --quiet' +'-q, --quiet' Try to be as quiet as possible. -`--batch' -`--no-batch' +'--batch' +'--no-batch' Use batch mode. Never ask, do not allow interactive commands. - `--no-batch' disables this option. Note that even with a filename + '--no-batch' disables this option. Note that even with a filename given on the command line, gpg might still need to read from STDIN (in particular if gpg figures that the input is a detached - signature and no data file has been specified). Thus if you do - not want to feed data via STDIN, you should connect STDIN to - `/dev/null'. + signature and no data file has been specified). Thus if you do not + want to feed data via STDIN, you should connect STDIN to + '/dev/null'. -`--no-tty' +'--no-tty' Make sure that the TTY (terminal) is never used for any output. This option is needed in some cases because GnuPG sometimes prints - warnings to the TTY even if `--batch' is used. + warnings to the TTY even if '--batch' is used. -`--yes' +'--yes' Assume "yes" on most questions. -`--no' +'--no' Assume "no" on most questions. -`--list-options `parameters'' +'--list-options parameters' This is a space or comma delimited string that gives options used - when listing keys and signatures (that is, `--list-keys', - `--list-sigs', `--list-public-keys', `--list-secret-keys', and the - `--edit-key' functions). Options can be prepended with a `no-' + when listing keys and signatures (that is, '--list-keys', + '--list-sigs', '--list-public-keys', '--list-secret-keys', and the + '--edit-key' functions). Options can be prepended with a 'no-' (after the two dashes) to give the opposite meaning. The options are: - show-photos - Causes `--list-keys', `--list-sigs', `--list-public-keys', - and `--list-secret-keys' to display any photo IDs attached - to the key. Defaults to no. See also `--photo-viewer'. - Does not work with `--with-colons': see `--attribute-fd' - for the appropriate way to get photo data for scripts and - other frontends. + show-photos + Causes '--list-keys', '--list-sigs', '--list-public-keys', and + '--list-secret-keys' to display any photo IDs attached to the + key. Defaults to no. See also '--photo-viewer'. Does not + work with '--with-colons': see '--attribute-fd' for the + appropriate way to get photo data for scripts and other + frontends. - show-policy-urls - Show policy URLs in the `--list-sigs' or `--check-sigs' + show-policy-urls + Show policy URLs in the '--list-sigs' or '--check-sigs' listings. Defaults to no. - show-notations - show-std-notations - show-user-notations + show-notations + show-std-notations + show-user-notations Show all, IETF standard, or user-defined signature notations - in the `--list-sigs' or `--check-sigs' listings. Defaults - to no. + in the '--list-sigs' or '--check-sigs' listings. Defaults to + no. - show-keyserver-urls - Show any preferred keyserver URL in the `--list-sigs' or - `--check-sigs' listings. Defaults to no. + show-keyserver-urls + Show any preferred keyserver URL in the '--list-sigs' or + '--check-sigs' listings. Defaults to no. - show-uid-validity + show-uid-validity Display the calculated validity of user IDs during key - listings. Defaults to no. + listings. Defaults to no. - show-unusable-uids - Show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings. Defaults + show-unusable-uids + Show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings. Defaults to no. - show-unusable-subkeys - Show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings. Defaults to + show-unusable-subkeys + Show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings. Defaults to no. - show-keyring + show-keyring Display the keyring name at the head of key listings to show - which keyring a given key resides on. Defaults to no. - - show-sig-expire - Show signature expiration dates (if any) during `--list-sigs' - or `--check-sigs' listings. Defaults to no. + which keyring a given key resides on. Defaults to no. - show-sig-subpackets - Include signature subpackets in the key listing. This option - can take an optional argument list of the subpackets to - list. If no argument is passed, list all subpackets. - Defaults to no. This option is only meaningful when using - `--with-colons' along with `--list-sigs' or `--check-sigs'. + show-sig-expire + Show signature expiration dates (if any) during '--list-sigs' + or '--check-sigs' listings. Defaults to no. + + show-sig-subpackets + Include signature subpackets in the key listing. This option + can take an optional argument list of the subpackets to list. + If no argument is passed, list all subpackets. Defaults to + no. This option is only meaningful when using '--with-colons' + along with '--list-sigs' or '--check-sigs'. - -`--verify-options `parameters'' +'--verify-options parameters' This is a space or comma delimited string that gives options used - when verifying signatures. Options can be prepended with a `no-' - to give the opposite meaning. The options are: + when verifying signatures. Options can be prepended with a 'no-' + to give the opposite meaning. The options are: - show-photos + show-photos Display any photo IDs present on the key that issued the - signature. Defaults to no. See also `--photo-viewer'. + signature. Defaults to no. See also '--photo-viewer'. - show-policy-urls - Show policy URLs in the signature being verified. Defaults to + show-policy-urls + Show policy URLs in the signature being verified. Defaults to no. - show-notations - show-std-notations - show-user-notations + show-notations + show-std-notations + show-user-notations Show all, IETF standard, or user-defined signature notations - in the signature being verified. Defaults to IETF standard. + in the signature being verified. Defaults to IETF standard. - show-keyserver-urls + show-keyserver-urls Show any preferred keyserver URL in the signature being - verified. Defaults to no. + verified. Defaults to no. - show-uid-validity + show-uid-validity Display the calculated validity of the user IDs on the key - that issued the signature. Defaults to no. + that issued the signature. Defaults to no. - show-unusable-uids + show-unusable-uids Show revoked and expired user IDs during signature - verification. Defaults to no. + verification. Defaults to no. - show-primary-uid-only + show-primary-uid-only Show only the primary user ID during signature verification. - That is all the AKA lines as well as photo Ids are not - shown with the signature verification status. + That is all the AKA lines as well as photo Ids are not shown + with the signature verification status. - pka-lookups - Enable PKA lookups to verify sender addresses. Note that PKA - is based on DNS, and so enabling this option may disclose - information on when and what signatures are verified or to - whom data is encrypted. This is similar to the "web bug" - described for the auto-key-retrieve feature. - - pka-trust-increase - Raise the trust in a signature to full if the signature - passes PKA validation. This option is only meaningful if - pka-lookups is set. + pka-lookups + Enable PKA lookups to verify sender addresses. Note that PKA + is based on DNS, and so enabling this option may disclose + information on when and what signatures are verified or to + whom data is encrypted. This is similar to the "web bug" + described for the auto-key-retrieve feature. + + pka-trust-increase + Raise the trust in a signature to full if the signature passes + PKA validation. This option is only meaningful if pka-lookups + is set. + +'--enable-large-rsa' +'--disable-large-rsa' + With -gen-key and -batch, enable the creation of larger RSA secret + keys than is generally recommended (up to 8192 bits). These large + keys are more expensive to use, and their signatures and + certifications are also larger. -`--enable-dsa2' -`--disable-dsa2' +'--enable-dsa2' +'--disable-dsa2' Enable hash truncation for all DSA keys even for old DSA Keys up to - 1024 bit. This is also the default with `--openpgp'. Note that + 1024 bit. This is also the default with '--openpgp'. Note that older versions of GnuPG also required this flag to allow the generation of DSA larger than 1024 bit. -`--photo-viewer `string'' +'--photo-viewer string' This is the command line that should be run to view a photo ID. - "%i" will be expanded to a filename containing the photo. "%I" + "%i" will be expanded to a filename containing the photo. "%I" does the same, except the file will not be deleted once the viewer exits. Other flags are "%k" for the key ID, "%K" for the long key ID, "%f" for the key fingerprint, "%t" for the extension of the - image type (e.g. "jpg"), "%T" for the MIME type of the image (e.g. - "image/jpeg"), "%v" for the single-character calculated validity - of the image being viewed (e.g. "f"), "%V" for the calculated - validity as a string (e.g. "full"), "%U" for a base32 encoded - hash of the user ID, and "%%" for an actual percent sign. If - neither %i or %I are present, then the photo will be supplied to - the viewer on standard input. + image type (e.g. "jpg"), "%T" for the MIME type of the image (e.g. + "image/jpeg"), "%v" for the single-character calculated validity of + the image being viewed (e.g. "f"), "%V" for the calculated + validity as a string (e.g. "full"), "%U" for a base32 encoded hash + of the user ID, and "%%" for an actual percent sign. If neither %i + or %I are present, then the photo will be supplied to the viewer on + standard input. The default viewer is "xloadimage -fork -quiet -title 'KeyID 0x%k' STDIN". Note that if your image viewer program is not secure, then executing it from GnuPG does not make it secure. -`--exec-path `string'' +'--exec-path string' Sets a list of directories to search for photo viewers and - keyserver helpers. If not provided, keyserver helpers use the + keyserver helpers. If not provided, keyserver helpers use the compiled-in default directory, and photo viewers use the $PATH environment variable. Note, that on W32 system this value is ignored when searching for keyserver helpers. -`--keyring `file'' - Add `file' to the current list of keyrings. If `file' begins with - a tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOME directory. If +'--keyring file' + Add 'file' to the current list of keyrings. If 'file' begins with + a tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOME directory. If the filename does not contain a slash, it is assumed to be in the - GnuPG home directory ("~/.gnupg" if `--homedir' or $GNUPGHOME is + GnuPG home directory ("~/.gnupg" if '--homedir' or $GNUPGHOME is not used). - Note that this adds a keyring to the current list. If the intent - is to use the specified keyring alone, use `--keyring' along with - `--no-default-keyring'. - -`--secret-keyring `file'' - Same as `--keyring' but for the secret keyrings. - -`--primary-keyring `file'' - Designate `file' as the primary public keyring. This means that - newly imported keys (via `--import' or keyserver `--recv-from') + Note that this adds a keyring to the current list. If the intent + is to use the specified keyring alone, use '--keyring' along with + '--no-default-keyring'. + +'--secret-keyring file' + Same as '--keyring' but for the secret keyrings. + +'--primary-keyring file' + Designate 'file' as the primary public keyring. This means that + newly imported keys (via '--import' or keyserver '--recv-from') will go to this keyring. -`--trustdb-name `file'' - Use `file' instead of the default trustdb. If `file' begins with a - tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOME directory. If +'--trustdb-name file' + Use 'file' instead of the default trustdb. If 'file' begins with a + tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOME directory. If the filename does not contain a slash, it is assumed to be in the - GnuPG home directory (`~/.gnupg' if `--homedir' or $GNUPGHOME is + GnuPG home directory ('~/.gnupg' if '--homedir' or $GNUPGHOME is not used). -`--homedir DIR' - Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not - used, the home directory defaults to `~/.gnupg'. It is only +'--homedir DIR' + Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not + used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any - home directory stated through the environment variable `GNUPGHOME' + home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on W32 systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. -`--display-charset `name'' - Set the name of the native character set. This is used to convert +'--display-charset name' + Set the name of the native character set. This is used to convert some informational strings like user IDs to the proper UTF-8 encoding. Note that this has nothing to do with the character set of data to be encrypted or signed; GnuPG does not recode - user-supplied data. If this option is not used, the default - character set is determined from the current locale. A verbosity - level of 3 shows the chosen set. Valid values for `name' are: + user-supplied data. If this option is not used, the default + character set is determined from the current locale. A verbosity + level of 3 shows the chosen set. Valid values for 'name' are: - iso-8859-1 + iso-8859-1 This is the Latin 1 set. - iso-8859-2 + iso-8859-2 The Latin 2 set. - iso-8859-15 - This is currently an alias for the Latin 1 set. + iso-8859-15 + This is currently an alias for the Latin 1 set. - koi8-r + koi8-r The usual Russian set (rfc1489). - utf-8 - Bypass all translations and assume that the OS uses native + utf-8 + Bypass all translations and assume that the OS uses native UTF-8 encoding. -`--utf8-strings' -`--no-utf8-strings' - Assume that command line arguments are given as UTF8 strings. The - default (`--no-utf8-strings') is to assume that arguments are - encoded in the character set as specified by `--display-charset'. - These options affect all following arguments. Both options may be +'--utf8-strings' +'--no-utf8-strings' + Assume that command line arguments are given as UTF8 strings. The + default ('--no-utf8-strings') is to assume that arguments are + encoded in the character set as specified by '--display-charset'. + These options affect all following arguments. Both options may be used multiple times. -`--options `file'' - Read options from `file' and do not try to read them from the - default options file in the homedir (see `--homedir'). This option +'--options file' + Read options from 'file' and do not try to read them from the + default options file in the homedir (see '--homedir'). This option is ignored if used in an options file. -`--no-options' - Shortcut for `--options /dev/null'. This option is detected before +'--no-options' + Shortcut for '--options /dev/null'. This option is detected before an attempt to open an option file. Using this option will also - prevent the creation of a `~/.gnupg' homedir. + prevent the creation of a '~/.gnupg' homedir. -`-z `n'' -`--compress-level `n'' -`--bzip2-compress-level `n'' - Set compression level to `n' for the ZIP and ZLIB compression - algorithms. The default is to use the default compression level of - zlib (normally 6). `--bzip2-compress-level' sets the compression +'-z n' +'--compress-level n' +'--bzip2-compress-level n' + Set compression level to 'n' for the ZIP and ZLIB compression + algorithms. The default is to use the default compression level of + zlib (normally 6). '--bzip2-compress-level' sets the compression level for the BZIP2 compression algorithm (defaulting to 6 as - well). This is a different option from `--compress-level' since + well). This is a different option from '--compress-level' since BZIP2 uses a significant amount of memory for each additional - compression level. `-z' sets both. A value of 0 for `n' disables + compression level. '-z' sets both. A value of 0 for 'n' disables compression. -`--bzip2-decompress-lowmem' +'--bzip2-decompress-lowmem' Use a different decompression method for BZIP2 compressed files. This alternate method uses a bit more than half the memory, but - also runs at half the speed. This is useful under extreme low + also runs at half the speed. This is useful under extreme low memory circumstances when the file was originally compressed at a - high `--bzip2-compress-level'. + high '--bzip2-compress-level'. -`--mangle-dos-filenames' -`--no-mangle-dos-filenames' +'--mangle-dos-filenames' +'--no-mangle-dos-filenames' Older version of Windows cannot handle filenames with more than one - dot. `--mangle-dos-filenames' causes GnuPG to replace (rather than + dot. '--mangle-dos-filenames' causes GnuPG to replace (rather than add to) the extension of an output filename to avoid this problem. This option is off by default and has no effect on non-Windows platforms. -`--ask-cert-level' -`--no-ask-cert-level' - When making a key signature, prompt for a certification level. If +'--ask-cert-level' +'--no-ask-cert-level' + When making a key signature, prompt for a certification level. If this option is not specified, the certification level used is set - via `--default-cert-level'. See `--default-cert-level' for + via '--default-cert-level'. See '--default-cert-level' for information on the specific levels and how they are used. - `--no-ask-cert-level' disables this option. This option defaults + '--no-ask-cert-level' disables this option. This option defaults to no. -`--default-cert-level `n'' +'--default-cert-level n' The default to use for the check level when signing a key. 0 means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified the key. 1 means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to - own it but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is - useful for a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a + own it but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This + is useful for a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous user. - 2 means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this + 2 means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this could mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on the key against a photo ID. - 3 means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, + 3 means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this could mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key in person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document with a photo ID (such as a passport) that @@ -2378,377 +2346,374 @@ email address on the key belongs to the key owner. Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are just - that: examples. In the end, it is up to you to decide just what + that: examples. In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual" and "extensive" mean to you. This option defaults to 0 (no particular claim). -`--min-cert-level' +'--min-cert-level' When building the trust database, treat any signatures with a - certification level below this as invalid. Defaults to 2, which - disregards level 1 signatures. Note that level 0 "no particular + certification level below this as invalid. Defaults to 2, which + disregards level 1 signatures. Note that level 0 "no particular claim" signatures are always accepted. -`--trusted-key `long key ID'' - Assume that the specified key (which must be given as a full 8 - byte key ID) is as trustworthy as one of your own secret keys. - This option is useful if you don't want to keep your secret keys - (or one of them) online but still want to be able to check the - validity of a given recipient's or signator's key. +'--trusted-key long key ID' + Assume that the specified key (which must be given as a full 8 byte + key ID) is as trustworthy as one of your own secret keys. This + option is useful if you don't want to keep your secret keys (or one + of them) online but still want to be able to check the validity of + a given recipient's or signator's key. -`--trust-model `pgp|classic|direct|always|auto'' - Set what trust model GnuPG should follow. The models are: +'--trust-model pgp|classic|direct|always|auto' + Set what trust model GnuPG should follow. The models are: - pgp + pgp This is the Web of Trust combined with trust signatures as - used in PGP 5.x and later. This is the default trust model - when creating a new trust database. + used in PGP 5.x and later. This is the default trust model + when creating a new trust database. - classic + classic This is the standard Web of Trust as used in PGP 2.x and earlier. - direct + direct Key validity is set directly by the user and not calculated - via the Web of Trust. + via the Web of Trust. - always + always Skip key validation and assume that used keys are always fully - trusted. You generally won't use this unless you are using - some external validation scheme. This option also - suppresses the "[uncertain]" tag printed with signature - checks when there is no evidence that the user ID is bound - to the key. Note that this trust model still does not - allow the use of expired, revoked, or disabled keys. + trusted. You generally won't use this unless you are using + some external validation scheme. This option also suppresses + the "[uncertain]" tag printed with signature checks when there + is no evidence that the user ID is bound to the key. Note + that this trust model still does not allow the use of expired, + revoked, or disabled keys. - auto + auto Select the trust model depending on whatever the internal - trust database says. This is the default model if such a - database already exists. + trust database says. This is the default model if such a + database already exists. -`--auto-key-locate `parameters'' -`--no-auto-key-locate' +'--auto-key-locate parameters' +'--no-auto-key-locate' GnuPG can automatically locate and retrieve keys as needed using - this option. This happens when encrypting to an email address (in + this option. This happens when encrypting to an email address (in the "user@example.com" form), and there are no user@example.com keys on the local keyring. This option takes any number of the following mechanisms, in the order they are to be tried: - cert + cert Locate a key using DNS CERT, as specified in rfc4398. - pka + pka Locate a key using DNS PKA. - ldap + ldap Using DNS Service Discovery, check the domain in question for - any LDAP keyservers to use. If this fails, attempt to - locate the key using the PGP Universal method of checking - `ldap://keys.(thedomain)'. + any LDAP keyservers to use. If this fails, attempt to locate + the key using the PGP Universal method of checking + 'ldap://keys.(thedomain)'. - keyserver + keyserver Locate a key using whatever keyserver is defined using the - `--keyserver' option. + '--keyserver' option. - keyserver-URL - In addition, a keyserver URL as used in the `--keyserver' - option may be used here to query that particular keyserver. + keyserver-URL + In addition, a keyserver URL as used in the '--keyserver' + option may be used here to query that particular keyserver. - local + local Locate the key using the local keyrings. This mechanism - allows to select the order a local key lookup is done. - Thus using `--auto-key-locate local' is identical to - `--no-auto-key-locate'. + allows to select the order a local key lookup is done. Thus + using '--auto-key-locate local' is identical to + '--no-auto-key-locate'. - nodefault + nodefault This flag disables the standard local key lookup, done before - any of the mechanisms defined by the `--auto-key-locate' - are tried. The position of this mechanism in the list does - not matter. It is not required if `local' is also used. + any of the mechanisms defined by the '--auto-key-locate' are + tried. The position of this mechanism in the list does not + matter. It is not required if 'local' is also used. - clear + clear Clear all defined mechanisms. This is useful to override mechanisms given in a config file. - -`--keyid-format `short|0xshort|long|0xlong'' - Select how to display key IDs. "short" is the traditional +'--keyid-format short|0xshort|long|0xlong' + Select how to display key IDs. "short" is the traditional 8-character key ID. "long" is the more accurate (but less convenient) 16-character key ID. Add an "0x" to either to include an "0x" at the beginning of the key ID, as in 0x99242560. Note that this option is ignored if the option -with-colons is used. -`--keyserver `name'' - Use `name' as your keyserver. This is the server that - `--recv-keys', `--send-keys', and `--search-keys' will communicate +'--keyserver name' + Use 'name' as your keyserver. This is the server that + '--recv-keys', '--send-keys', and '--search-keys' will communicate with to receive keys from, send keys to, and search for keys on. - The format of the `name' is a URI: - `scheme:[//]keyservername[:port]' The scheme is the type of + The format of the 'name' is a URI: + 'scheme:[//]keyservername[:port]' The scheme is the type of keyserver: "hkp" for the HTTP (or compatible) keyservers, "ldap" - for the LDAP keyservers, or "mailto" for the Graff email - keyserver. Note that your particular installation of GnuPG may - have other keyserver types available as well. Keyserver schemes - are case-insensitive. After the keyserver name, optional keyserver - configuration options may be provided. These are the same as the - global `--keyserver-options' from below, but apply only to this + for the LDAP keyservers, or "mailto" for the Graff email keyserver. + Note that your particular installation of GnuPG may have other + keyserver types available as well. Keyserver schemes are + case-insensitive. After the keyserver name, optional keyserver + configuration options may be provided. These are the same as the + global '--keyserver-options' from below, but apply only to this particular keyserver. Most keyservers synchronize with each other, so there is generally - no need to send keys to more than one server. The keyserver - `hkp://keys.gnupg.net' uses round robin DNS to give a different + no need to send keys to more than one server. The keyserver + 'hkp://keys.gnupg.net' uses round robin DNS to give a different keyserver each time you use it. -`--keyserver-options `name=value1 '' +'--keyserver-options name=value1 ' This is a space or comma delimited string that gives options for - the keyserver. Options can be prefixed with a `no-' to give the - opposite meaning. Valid import-options or export-options may be - used here as well to apply to importing (`--recv-key') or exporting - (`--send-key') a key from a keyserver. While not all options are + the keyserver. Options can be prefixed with a 'no-' to give the + opposite meaning. Valid import-options or export-options may be + used here as well to apply to importing ('--recv-key') or exporting + ('--send-key') a key from a keyserver. While not all options are available for all keyserver types, some common options are: - include-revoked - When searching for a key with `--search-keys', include keys - that are marked on the keyserver as revoked. Note that not - all keyservers differentiate between revoked and unrevoked - keys, and for such keyservers this option is meaningless. - Note also that most keyservers do not have cryptographic - verification of key revocations, and so turning this option - off may result in skipping keys that are incorrectly marked - as revoked. - - include-disabled - When searching for a key with `--search-keys', include keys - that are marked on the keyserver as disabled. Note that - this option is not used with HKP keyservers. + include-revoked + When searching for a key with '--search-keys', include keys + that are marked on the keyserver as revoked. Note that not + all keyservers differentiate between revoked and unrevoked + keys, and for such keyservers this option is meaningless. + Note also that most keyservers do not have cryptographic + verification of key revocations, and so turning this option + off may result in skipping keys that are incorrectly marked as + revoked. + + include-disabled + When searching for a key with '--search-keys', include keys + that are marked on the keyserver as disabled. Note that this + option is not used with HKP keyservers. - auto-key-retrieve + auto-key-retrieve This option enables the automatic retrieving of keys from a - keyserver when verifying signatures made by keys that are - not on the local keyring. + keyserver when verifying signatures made by keys that are not + on the local keyring. Note that this option makes a "web bug" like behavior - possible. Keyserver operators can see which keys you - request, so by sending you a message signed by a brand new - key (which you naturally will not have on your local - keyring), the operator can tell both your IP address and - the time when you verified the signature. - - honor-keyserver-url - When using `--refresh-keys', if the key in question has a - preferred keyserver URL, then use that preferred keyserver - to refresh the key from. In addition, if auto-key-retrieve - is set, and the signature being verified has a preferred - keyserver URL, then use that preferred keyserver to fetch - the key from. Defaults to yes. + possible. Keyserver operators can see which keys you request, + so by sending you a message signed by a brand new key (which + you naturally will not have on your local keyring), the + operator can tell both your IP address and the time when you + verified the signature. + + honor-keyserver-url + When using '--refresh-keys', if the key in question has a + preferred keyserver URL, then use that preferred keyserver to + refresh the key from. In addition, if auto-key-retrieve is + set, and the signature being verified has a preferred + keyserver URL, then use that preferred keyserver to fetch the + key from. Defaults to yes. - honor-pka-record + honor-pka-record If auto-key-retrieve is set, and the signature being verified - has a PKA record, then use the PKA information to fetch the - key. Defaults to yes. + has a PKA record, then use the PKA information to fetch the + key. Defaults to yes. - include-subkeys + include-subkeys When receiving a key, include subkeys as potential targets. - Note that this option is not used with HKP keyservers, as - they do not support retrieving keys by subkey id. + Note that this option is not used with HKP keyservers, as they + do not support retrieving keys by subkey id. - use-temp-files + use-temp-files On most Unix-like platforms, GnuPG communicates with the - keyserver helper program via pipes, which is the most - efficient method. This option forces GnuPG to use temporary - files to communicate. On some platforms (such as Win32 and + keyserver helper program via pipes, which is the most + efficient method. This option forces GnuPG to use temporary + files to communicate. On some platforms (such as Win32 and RISC OS), this option is always enabled. - keep-temp-files - If using `use-temp-files', do not delete the temp files after - using them. This option is useful to learn the keyserver - communication protocol by reading the temporary files. - - verbose - Tell the keyserver helper program to be more verbose. This - option can be repeated multiple times to increase the + keep-temp-files + If using 'use-temp-files', do not delete the temp files after + using them. This option is useful to learn the keyserver + communication protocol by reading the temporary files. + + verbose + Tell the keyserver helper program to be more verbose. This + option can be repeated multiple times to increase the verbosity level. - timeout - Tell the keyserver helper program how long (in seconds) to - try and perform a keyserver action before giving up. Note - that performing multiple actions at the same time uses this - timeout value per action. For example, when retrieving - multiple keys via `--recv-keys', the timeout applies - separately to each key retrieval, and not to the - `--recv-keys' command as a whole. Defaults to 30 seconds. + timeout + Tell the keyserver helper program how long (in seconds) to try + and perform a keyserver action before giving up. Note that + performing multiple actions at the same time uses this timeout + value per action. For example, when retrieving multiple keys + via '--recv-keys', the timeout applies separately to each key + retrieval, and not to the '--recv-keys' command as a whole. + Defaults to 30 seconds. - http-proxy=`value' + http-proxy='value' Set the proxy to use for HTTP and HKP keyservers. This - overrides the "http_proxy" environment variable, if any. + overrides the "http_proxy" environment variable, if any. - max-cert-size + max-cert-size When retrieving a key via DNS CERT, only accept keys up to - this size. Defaults to 16384 bytes. + this size. Defaults to 16384 bytes. - debug + debug Turn on debug output in the keyserver helper program. Note - that the details of debug output depends on which keyserver - helper program is being used, and in turn, on any libraries - that the keyserver helper program uses internally (libcurl, + that the details of debug output depends on which keyserver + helper program is being used, and in turn, on any libraries + that the keyserver helper program uses internally (libcurl, openldap, etc). - check-cert - Enable certificate checking if the keyserver presents one - (for hkps or ldaps). Defaults to on. + check-cert + Enable certificate checking if the keyserver presents one (for + hkps or ldaps). Defaults to on. - ca-cert-file + ca-cert-file Provide a certificate store to override the system default. - Only necessary if check-cert is enabled, and the keyserver - is using a certificate that is not present in a system - default certificate list. + Only necessary if check-cert is enabled, and the keyserver is + using a certificate that is not present in a system default + certificate list. Note that depending on the SSL library that the keyserver - helper is built with, this may actually be a directory or a + helper is built with, this may actually be a directory or a file. - -`--completes-needed `n'' +'--completes-needed n' Number of completely trusted users to introduce a new key signer (defaults to 1). -`--marginals-needed `n'' +'--marginals-needed n' Number of marginally trusted users to introduce a new key signer (defaults to 3) -`--max-cert-depth `n'' +'--max-cert-depth n' Maximum depth of a certification chain (default is 5). -`--simple-sk-checksum' - Secret keys are integrity protected by using a SHA-1 checksum. This - method is part of the upcoming enhanced OpenPGP specification but - GnuPG already uses it as a countermeasure against certain attacks. - Old applications don't understand this new format, so this option - may be used to switch back to the old behaviour. Using this option - bears a security risk. Note that using this option only takes - effect when the secret key is encrypted - the simplest way to make - this happen is to change the passphrase on the key (even changing - it to the same value is acceptable). +'--simple-sk-checksum' + Secret keys are integrity protected by using a SHA-1 checksum. + This method is part of the upcoming enhanced OpenPGP specification + but GnuPG already uses it as a countermeasure against certain + attacks. Old applications don't understand this new format, so + this option may be used to switch back to the old behaviour. Using + this option bears a security risk. Note that using this option + only takes effect when the secret key is encrypted - the simplest + way to make this happen is to change the passphrase on the key + (even changing it to the same value is acceptable). -`--no-sig-cache' +'--no-sig-cache' Do not cache the verification status of key signatures. Caching - gives a much better performance in key listings. However, if you + gives a much better performance in key listings. However, if you suspect that your public keyring is not save against write - modifications, you can use this option to disable the caching. It + modifications, you can use this option to disable the caching. It probably does not make sense to disable it because all kind of damage can be done if someone else has write access to your public keyring. -`--no-sig-create-check' +'--no-sig-create-check' GnuPG normally verifies each signature right after creation to - protect against bugs and hardware malfunctions which could leak - out bits from the secret key. This extra verification needs some - time (about 115% for DSA keys), and so this option can be used to + protect against bugs and hardware malfunctions which could leak out + bits from the secret key. This extra verification needs some time + (about 115% for DSA keys), and so this option can be used to disable it. However, due to the fact that the signature creation needs manual interaction, this performance penalty does not matter in most settings. -`--auto-check-trustdb' -`--no-auto-check-trustdb' +'--auto-check-trustdb' +'--no-auto-check-trustdb' If GnuPG feels that its information about the Web of Trust has to - be updated, it automatically runs the `--check-trustdb' command + be updated, it automatically runs the '--check-trustdb' command internally. This may be a time consuming process. - `--no-auto-check-trustdb' disables this option. + '--no-auto-check-trustdb' disables this option. -`--use-agent' -`--no-use-agent' - This is dummy option. `gpg2' always requires the agent. +'--use-agent' +'--no-use-agent' + This is dummy option. 'gpg2' always requires the agent. -`--gpg-agent-info' - This is dummy option. It has no effect when used with `gpg2'. +'--gpg-agent-info' + This is dummy option. It has no effect when used with 'gpg2'. -`--agent-program FILE' +'--agent-program FILE' Specify an agent program to be used for secret key operations. The - default value is the `/usr/bin/gpg-agent'. This is only used as a - fallback when the environment variable `GPG_AGENT_INFO' is not set + default value is the '/usr/bin/gpg-agent'. This is only used as a + fallback when the environment variable 'GPG_AGENT_INFO' is not set or a running agent cannot be connected. -`--lock-once' +'--lock-once' Lock the databases the first time a lock is requested and do not release the lock until the process terminates. -`--lock-multiple' - Release the locks every time a lock is no longer needed. Use this - to override a previous `--lock-once' from a config file. +'--lock-multiple' + Release the locks every time a lock is no longer needed. Use this + to override a previous '--lock-once' from a config file. -`--lock-never' - Disable locking entirely. This option should be used only in very +'--lock-never' + Disable locking entirely. This option should be used only in very special environments, where it can be assured that only one process - is accessing those files. A bootable floppy with a stand-alone - encryption system will probably use this. Improper usage of this + is accessing those files. A bootable floppy with a stand-alone + encryption system will probably use this. Improper usage of this option may lead to data and key corruption. -`--exit-on-status-write-error' +'--exit-on-status-write-error' This option will cause write errors on the status FD to immediately - terminate the process. That should in fact be the default but it - never worked this way and thus we need an option to enable this, - so that the change won't break applications which close their end - of a status fd connected pipe too early. Using this option along - with `--enable-progress-filter' may be used to cleanly cancel long + terminate the process. That should in fact be the default but it + never worked this way and thus we need an option to enable this, so + that the change won't break applications which close their end of a + status fd connected pipe too early. Using this option along with + '--enable-progress-filter' may be used to cleanly cancel long running gpg operations. -`--limit-card-insert-tries `n'' - With `n' greater than 0 the number of prompts asking to insert a - smartcard gets limited to N-1. Thus with a value of 1 gpg won't at - all ask to insert a card if none has been inserted at startup. This - option is useful in the configuration file in case an application - does not know about the smartcard support and waits ad infinitum - for an inserted card. +'--limit-card-insert-tries n' + With 'n' greater than 0 the number of prompts asking to insert a + smartcard gets limited to N-1. Thus with a value of 1 gpg won't at + all ask to insert a card if none has been inserted at startup. + This option is useful in the configuration file in case an + application does not know about the smartcard support and waits ad + infinitum for an inserted card. -`--no-random-seed-file' +'--no-random-seed-file' GnuPG uses a file to store its internal random pool over invocations. This makes random generation faster; however - sometimes write operations are not desired. This option can be + sometimes write operations are not desired. This option can be used to achieve that with the cost of slower random generation. -`--no-greeting' +'--no-greeting' Suppress the initial copyright message. -`--no-secmem-warning' +'--no-secmem-warning' Suppress the warning about "using insecure memory". -`--no-permission-warning' +'--no-permission-warning' Suppress the warning about unsafe file and home directory - (`--homedir') permissions. Note that the permission checks that + ('--homedir') permissions. Note that the permission checks that GnuPG performs are not intended to be authoritative, but rather - they simply warn about certain common permission problems. Do not + they simply warn about certain common permission problems. Do not assume that the lack of a warning means that your system is secure. - Note that the warning for unsafe `--homedir' permissions cannot be + Note that the warning for unsafe '--homedir' permissions cannot be suppressed in the gpg.conf file, as this would allow an attacker to place an unsafe gpg.conf file in place, and use this file to - suppress warnings about itself. The `--homedir' permissions + suppress warnings about itself. The '--homedir' permissions warning may only be suppressed on the command line. -`--no-mdc-warning' +'--no-mdc-warning' Suppress the warning about missing MDC integrity protection. -`--require-secmem' -`--no-require-secmem' - Refuse to run if GnuPG cannot get secure memory. Defaults to no - (i.e. run, but give a warning). +'--require-secmem' +'--no-require-secmem' + Refuse to run if GnuPG cannot get secure memory. Defaults to no + (i.e. run, but give a warning). -`--require-cross-certification' -`--no-require-cross-certification' +'--require-cross-certification' +'--no-require-cross-certification' When verifying a signature made from a subkey, ensure that the cross certification "back signature" on the subkey is present and valid. This protects against a subtle attack against subkeys that - can sign. Defaults to `--require-cross-certification' for `gpg2'. + can sign. Defaults to '--require-cross-certification' for 'gpg2'. -`--expert' -`--no-expert' +'--expert' +'--no-expert' Allow the user to do certain nonsensical or "silly" things like signing an expired or revoked key, or certain potentially - incompatible things like generating unusual key types. This also + incompatible things like generating unusual key types. This also disables certain warning messages about potentially incompatible - actions. As the name implies, this option is for experts only. If + actions. As the name implies, this option is for experts only. If you don't fully understand the implications of what it allows you - to do, leave this off. `--no-expert' disables this option. - + to do, leave this off. '--no-expert' disables this option.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Key related Options, Next: GPG Input and Output, Prev: GPG Configuration Options, Up: GPG Options @@ -2756,84 +2721,82 @@ 3.2.2 Key related options ------------------------- -`--recipient NAME' -`-r' - Encrypt for user id NAME. If this option or `--hidden-recipient' +'--recipient NAME' +'-r' + Encrypt for user id NAME. If this option or '--hidden-recipient' is not specified, GnuPG asks for the user-id unless - `--default-recipient' is given. + '--default-recipient' is given. -`--hidden-recipient NAME' -`-R' +'--hidden-recipient NAME' +'-R' Encrypt for user ID NAME, but hide the key ID of this user's key. This option helps to hide the receiver of the message and is a - limited countermeasure against traffic analysis. If this option or - `--recipient' is not specified, GnuPG asks for the user ID unless - `--default-recipient' is given. + limited countermeasure against traffic analysis. If this option or + '--recipient' is not specified, GnuPG asks for the user ID unless + '--default-recipient' is given. -`--encrypt-to `name'' - Same as `--recipient' but this one is intended for use in the +'--encrypt-to name' + Same as '--recipient' but this one is intended for use in the options file and may be used with your own user-id as an - "encrypt-to-self". These keys are only used when there are other - recipients given either by use of `--recipient' or by the asked + "encrypt-to-self". These keys are only used when there are other + recipients given either by use of '--recipient' or by the asked user id. No trust checking is performed for these user ids and even disabled keys can be used. -`--hidden-encrypt-to `name'' - Same as `--hidden-recipient' but this one is intended for use in +'--hidden-encrypt-to name' + Same as '--hidden-recipient' but this one is intended for use in the options file and may be used with your own user-id as a hidden - "encrypt-to-self". These keys are only used when there are other - recipients given either by use of `--recipient' or by the asked + "encrypt-to-self". These keys are only used when there are other + recipients given either by use of '--recipient' or by the asked user id. No trust checking is performed for these user ids and even disabled keys can be used. -`--no-encrypt-to' - Disable the use of all `--encrypt-to' and `--hidden-encrypt-to' +'--no-encrypt-to' + Disable the use of all '--encrypt-to' and '--hidden-encrypt-to' keys. -`--group `name=value1 '' +'--group name=value1 ' Sets up a named group, which is similar to aliases in email - programs. Any time the group name is a recipient (`-r' or - `--recipient'), it will be expanded to the values specified. + programs. Any time the group name is a recipient ('-r' or + '--recipient'), it will be expanded to the values specified. Multiple groups with the same name are automatically merged into a single group. - The values are `key IDs' or fingerprints, but any key description - is accepted. Note that a value with spaces in it will be treated as - two different values. Note also there is only one level of - expansion -- you cannot make an group that points to another - group. When used from the command line, it may be necessary to - quote the argument to this option to prevent the shell from - treating it as multiple arguments. - -`--ungroup `name'' - Remove a given entry from the `--group' list. - -`--no-groups' - Remove all entries from the `--group' list. - -`--local-user NAME' -`-u' - Use NAME as the key to sign with. Note that this option overrides - `--default-key'. + The values are 'key IDs' or fingerprints, but any key description + is accepted. Note that a value with spaces in it will be treated + as two different values. Note also there is only one level of + expansion -- you cannot make an group that points to another group. + When used from the command line, it may be necessary to quote the + argument to this option to prevent the shell from treating it as + multiple arguments. + +'--ungroup name' + Remove a given entry from the '--group' list. + +'--no-groups' + Remove all entries from the '--group' list. + +'--local-user NAME' +'-u' + Use NAME as the key to sign with. Note that this option overrides + '--default-key'. -`--try-all-secrets' +'--try-all-secrets' Don't look at the key ID as stored in the message but try all - secret keys in turn to find the right decryption key. This option + secret keys in turn to find the right decryption key. This option forces the behaviour as used by anonymous recipients (created by - using `--throw-keyids' or `--hidden-recipient') and might come + using '--throw-keyids' or '--hidden-recipient') and might come handy in case where an encrypted message contains a bogus key ID. -`--skip-hidden-recipients' -`--no-skip-hidden-recipients' - During decryption skip all anonymous recipients. This option - helps in the case that people use the hidden recipients feature to - hide there own encrypt-to key from others. If oneself has many - secret keys this may lead to a major annoyance because all keys - are tried in turn to decrypt soemthing which was not really - intended for it. The drawback of this option is that it is - currently not possible to decrypt a message which includes real - anonymous recipients. - +'--skip-hidden-recipients' +'--no-skip-hidden-recipients' + During decryption skip all anonymous recipients. This option helps + in the case that people use the hidden recipients feature to hide + there own encrypt-to key from others. If oneself has many secret + keys this may lead to a major annoyance because all keys are tried + in turn to decrypt soemthing which was not really intended for it. + The drawback of this option is that it is currently not possible to + decrypt a message which includes real anonymous recipients.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Input and Output, Next: OpenPGP Options, Prev: GPG Key related Options, Up: GPG Options @@ -2841,226 +2804,231 @@ 3.2.3 Input and Output ---------------------- -`--armor' -`-a' +'--armor' +'-a' Create ASCII armored output. The default is to create the binary OpenPGP format. -`--no-armor' +'--no-armor' Assume the input data is not in ASCII armored format. -`--output FILE' -`-o FILE' +'--output FILE' +'-o FILE' Write output to FILE. -`--max-output `n'' +'--max-output n' This option sets a limit on the number of bytes that will be - generated when processing a file. Since OpenPGP supports various - levels of compression, it is possible that the plaintext of a - given message may be significantly larger than the original - OpenPGP message. While GnuPG works properly with such messages, - there is often a desire to set a maximum file size that will be - generated before processing is forced to stop by the OS limits. - Defaults to 0, which means "no limit". + generated when processing a file. Since OpenPGP supports various + levels of compression, it is possible that the plaintext of a given + message may be significantly larger than the original OpenPGP + message. While GnuPG works properly with such messages, there is + often a desire to set a maximum file size that will be generated + before processing is forced to stop by the OS limits. Defaults to + 0, which means "no limit". -`--import-options `parameters'' +'--import-options parameters' This is a space or comma delimited string that gives options for - importing keys. Options can be prepended with a `no-' to give the - opposite meaning. The options are: + importing keys. Options can be prepended with a 'no-' to give the + opposite meaning. The options are: - import-local-sigs - Allow importing key signatures marked as "local". This is not - generally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being - used. Defaults to no. + import-local-sigs + Allow importing key signatures marked as "local". This is not + generally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being used. + Defaults to no. + + import-keep-ownertrust + Normally possible still existing ownertrust values of a key + are cleared if a key is imported. This is in general + desirable so that a formerly deleted key does not + automatically gain an ownertrust values merely due to import. + On the other hand it is sometimes necessary to re-import a + trusted set of keys again but keeping already assigned + ownertrust values. This can be achived by using this option. - repair-pks-subkey-bug + repair-pks-subkey-bug During import, attempt to repair the damage caused by the PKS - keyserver bug (pre version 0.9.6) that mangles keys with - multiple subkeys. Note that this cannot completely repair - the damaged key as some crucial data is removed by the - keyserver, but it does at least give you back one subkey. - Defaults to no for regular `--import' and to yes for - keyserver `--recv-keys'. + keyserver bug (pre version 0.9.6) that mangles keys with + multiple subkeys. Note that this cannot completely repair the + damaged key as some crucial data is removed by the keyserver, + but it does at least give you back one subkey. Defaults to no + for regular '--import' and to yes for keyserver '--recv-keys'. - merge-only + merge-only During import, allow key updates to existing keys, but do not - allow any new keys to be imported. Defaults to no. + allow any new keys to be imported. Defaults to no. - import-clean + import-clean After import, compact (remove all signatures except the self-signature) any user IDs from the new key that are not - usable. Then, remove any signatures from the new key that - are not usable. This includes signatures that were issued - by keys that are not present on the keyring. This option is - the same as running the `--edit-key' command "clean" after - import. Defaults to no. - - import-minimal - Import the smallest key possible. This removes all signatures - except the most recent self-signature on each user ID. This - option is the same as running the `--edit-key' command - "minimize" after import. Defaults to no. + usable. Then, remove any signatures from the new key that are + not usable. This includes signatures that were issued by keys + that are not present on the keyring. This option is the same + as running the '--edit-key' command "clean" after import. + Defaults to no. + + import-minimal + Import the smallest key possible. This removes all signatures + except the most recent self-signature on each user ID. This + option is the same as running the '--edit-key' command + "minimize" after import. Defaults to no. -`--export-options `parameters'' +'--export-options parameters' This is a space or comma delimited string that gives options for - exporting keys. Options can be prepended with a `no-' to give the - opposite meaning. The options are: + exporting keys. Options can be prepended with a 'no-' to give the + opposite meaning. The options are: - export-local-sigs - Allow exporting key signatures marked as "local". This is not - generally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being - used. Defaults to no. - - export-attributes - Include attribute user IDs (photo IDs) while exporting. This - is useful to export keys if they are going to be used by an - OpenPGP program that does not accept attribute user IDs. + export-local-sigs + Allow exporting key signatures marked as "local". This is not + generally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being used. + Defaults to no. + + export-attributes + Include attribute user IDs (photo IDs) while exporting. This + is useful to export keys if they are going to be used by an + OpenPGP program that does not accept attribute user IDs. Defaults to yes. - export-sensitive-revkeys + export-sensitive-revkeys Include designated revoker information that was marked as - "sensitive". Defaults to no. + "sensitive". Defaults to no. - export-reset-subkey-passwd - When using the `--export-secret-subkeys' command, this option - resets the passphrases for all exported subkeys to empty. - This is useful when the exported subkey is to be used on an - unattended machine where a passphrase doesn't necessarily - make sense. Defaults to no. + export-reset-subkey-passwd + When using the '--export-secret-subkeys' command, this option + resets the passphrases for all exported subkeys to empty. + This is useful when the exported subkey is to be used on an + unattended machine where a passphrase doesn't necessarily make + sense. Defaults to no. - export-clean + export-clean Compact (remove all signatures from) user IDs on the key being - exported if the user IDs are not usable. Also, do not export - any signatures that are not usable. This includes - signatures that were issued by keys that are not present on - the keyring. This option is the same as running the - `--edit-key' command "clean" before export except that the - local copy of the key is not modified. Defaults to no. - - export-minimal - Export the smallest key possible. This removes all signatures - except the most recent self-signature on each user ID. This - option is the same as running the `--edit-key' command - "minimize" before export except that the local copy of the - key is not modified. Defaults to no. - -`--with-colons' - Print key listings delimited by colons. Note that the output will - be encoded in UTF-8 regardless of any `--display-charset' setting. + exported if the user IDs are not usable. Also, do not export + any signatures that are not usable. This includes signatures + that were issued by keys that are not present on the keyring. + This option is the same as running the '--edit-key' command + "clean" before export except that the local copy of the key is + not modified. Defaults to no. + + export-minimal + Export the smallest key possible. This removes all signatures + except the most recent self-signature on each user ID. This + option is the same as running the '--edit-key' command + "minimize" before export except that the local copy of the key + is not modified. Defaults to no. + +'--with-colons' + Print key listings delimited by colons. Note that the output will + be encoded in UTF-8 regardless of any '--display-charset' setting. This format is useful when GnuPG is called from scripts and other - programs as it is easily machine parsed. The details of this - format are documented in the file `doc/DETAILS', which is included + programs as it is easily machine parsed. The details of this + format are documented in the file 'doc/DETAILS', which is included in the GnuPG source distribution. -`--fixed-list-mode' - Do not merge primary user ID and primary key in `--with-colon' +'--fixed-list-mode' + Do not merge primary user ID and primary key in '--with-colon' listing mode and print all timestamps as seconds since 1970-01-01. Since GnuPG 2.0.10, this mode is always used and thus this option is obsolete; it does not harm to use it though. -`--with-fingerprint' - Same as the command `--fingerprint' but changes only the format of +'--with-fingerprint' + Same as the command '--fingerprint' but changes only the format of the output and may be used together with another command. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: OpenPGP Options, Next: Compliance Options, Prev: GPG Input and Output, Up: GPG Options 3.2.4 OpenPGP protocol specific options. ---------------------------------------- -`-t, --textmode' -`--no-textmode' +'-t, --textmode' +'--no-textmode' Treat input files as text and store them in the OpenPGP canonical - text form with standard "CRLF" line endings. This also sets the + text form with standard "CRLF" line endings. This also sets the necessary flags to inform the recipient that the encrypted or - signed data is text and may need its line endings converted back - to whatever the local system uses. This option is useful when - communicating between two platforms that have different line - ending conventions (UNIX-like to Mac, Mac to Windows, etc). - `--no-textmode' disables this option, and is the default. + signed data is text and may need its line endings converted back to + whatever the local system uses. This option is useful when + communicating between two platforms that have different line ending + conventions (UNIX-like to Mac, Mac to Windows, etc). + '--no-textmode' disables this option, and is the default. -`--force-v3-sigs' -`--no-force-v3-sigs' +'--force-v3-sigs' +'--no-force-v3-sigs' OpenPGP states that an implementation should generate v4 signatures but PGP versions 5 through 7 only recognize v4 signatures on key - material. This option forces v3 signatures for signatures on data. - Note that this option implies `--no-ask-sig-expire', and unsets - `--sig-policy-url', `--sig-notation', and `--sig-keyserver-url', - as these features cannot be used with v3 signatures. - `--no-force-v3-sigs' disables this option. Defaults to no. - -`--force-v4-certs' -`--no-force-v4-certs' - Always use v4 key signatures even on v3 keys. This option also + material. This option forces v3 signatures for signatures on data. + Note that this option implies '--no-ask-sig-expire', and unsets + '--sig-policy-url', '--sig-notation', and '--sig-keyserver-url', as + these features cannot be used with v3 signatures. + '--no-force-v3-sigs' disables this option. Defaults to no. + +'--force-v4-certs' +'--no-force-v4-certs' + Always use v4 key signatures even on v3 keys. This option also changes the default hash algorithm for v3 RSA keys from MD5 to - SHA-1. `--no-force-v4-certs' disables this option. + SHA-1. '--no-force-v4-certs' disables this option. -`--force-mdc' +'--force-mdc' Force the use of encryption with a modification detection code. This is always used with the newer ciphers (those with a blocksize - greater than 64 bits), or if all of the recipient keys indicate - MDC support in their feature flags. + greater than 64 bits), or if all of the recipient keys indicate MDC + support in their feature flags. -`--disable-mdc' - Disable the use of the modification detection code. Note that by +'--disable-mdc' + Disable the use of the modification detection code. Note that by using this option, the encrypted message becomes vulnerable to a message modification attack. -`--personal-cipher-preferences `string'' - Set the list of personal cipher preferences to `string'. Use - `gpg2 --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use - `none' to set no preference at all. This allows the user to - safely override the algorithm chosen by the recipient key - preferences, as GPG will only select an algorithm that is usable by - all recipients. The most highly ranked cipher in this list is also - used for the `--symmetric' encryption command. - -`--personal-digest-preferences `string'' - Set the list of personal digest preferences to `string'. Use - `gpg2 --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use - `none' to set no preference at all. This allows the user to - safely override the algorithm chosen by the recipient key - preferences, as GPG will only select an algorithm that is usable by - all recipients. The most highly ranked digest algorithm in this - list is also used when signing without encryption (e.g. - `--clearsign' or `--sign'). - -`--personal-compress-preferences `string'' - Set the list of personal compression preferences to `string'. Use - `gpg2 --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use - `none' to set no preference at all. This allows the user to - safely override the algorithm chosen by the recipient key - preferences, as GPG will only select an algorithm that is usable - by all recipients. The most highly ranked compression algorithm - in this list is also used when there are no recipient keys to - consider (e.g. `--symmetric'). - -`--s2k-cipher-algo `name'' - Use `name' as the cipher algorithm used to protect secret keys. - The default cipher is CAST5. This cipher is also used for - conventional encryption if `--personal-cipher-preferences' and - `--cipher-algo' is not given. +'--personal-cipher-preferences string' + Set the list of personal cipher preferences to 'string'. Use 'gpg2 + --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use 'none' to + set no preference at all. This allows the user to safely override + the algorithm chosen by the recipient key preferences, as GPG will + only select an algorithm that is usable by all recipients. The + most highly ranked cipher in this list is also used for the + '--symmetric' encryption command. + +'--personal-digest-preferences string' + Set the list of personal digest preferences to 'string'. Use 'gpg2 + --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use 'none' to + set no preference at all. This allows the user to safely override + the algorithm chosen by the recipient key preferences, as GPG will + only select an algorithm that is usable by all recipients. The + most highly ranked digest algorithm in this list is also used when + signing without encryption (e.g. '--clearsign' or '--sign'). + +'--personal-compress-preferences string' + Set the list of personal compression preferences to 'string'. Use + 'gpg2 --version' to get a list of available algorithms, and use + 'none' to set no preference at all. This allows the user to safely + override the algorithm chosen by the recipient key preferences, as + GPG will only select an algorithm that is usable by all recipients. + The most highly ranked compression algorithm in this list is also + used when there are no recipient keys to consider (e.g. + '--symmetric'). + +'--s2k-cipher-algo name' + Use 'name' as the cipher algorithm used to protect secret keys. + The default cipher is CAST5. This cipher is also used for + conventional encryption if '--personal-cipher-preferences' and + '--cipher-algo' is not given. -`--s2k-digest-algo `name'' - Use `name' as the digest algorithm used to mangle the passphrases. +'--s2k-digest-algo name' + Use 'name' as the digest algorithm used to mangle the passphrases. The default algorithm is SHA-1. -`--s2k-mode `n'' - Selects how passphrases are mangled. If `n' is 0 a plain - passphrase (which is not recommended) will be used, a 1 adds a - salt to the passphrase and a 3 (the default) iterates the whole - process a number of times (see -s2k-count). Unless `--rfc1991' is - used, this mode is also used for conventional encryption. +'--s2k-mode n' + Selects how passphrases are mangled. If 'n' is 0 a plain + passphrase (which is not recommended) will be used, a 1 adds a salt + to the passphrase and a 3 (the default) iterates the whole process + a number of times (see -s2k-count). Unless '--rfc1991' is used, + this mode is also used for conventional encryption. -`--s2k-count `n'' +'--s2k-count n' Specify how many times the passphrase mangling is repeated. This value may range between 1024 and 65011712 inclusive. The default is inquired from gpg-agent. Note that not all values in the 1024-65011712 range are legal and if an illegal value is selected, GnuPG will round up to the nearest legal value. This option is - only meaningful if `--s2k-mode' is 3. - + only meaningful if '--s2k-mode' is 3.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Compliance Options, Next: GPG Esoteric Options, Prev: OpenPGP Options, Up: GPG Options @@ -3068,564 +3036,555 @@ 3.2.5 Compliance options ------------------------ -These options control what GnuPG is compliant to. Only one of these -options may be active at a time. Note that the default setting of this -is nearly always the correct one. See the INTEROPERABILITY WITH OTHER +These options control what GnuPG is compliant to. Only one of these +options may be active at a time. Note that the default setting of this +is nearly always the correct one. See the INTEROPERABILITY WITH OTHER OPENPGP PROGRAMS section below before using one of these options. -`--gnupg' - Use standard GnuPG behavior. This is essentially OpenPGP behavior - (see `--openpgp'), but with some additional workarounds for common +'--gnupg' + Use standard GnuPG behavior. This is essentially OpenPGP behavior + (see '--openpgp'), but with some additional workarounds for common compatibility problems in different versions of PGP. This is the - default option, so it is not generally needed, but it may be - useful to override a different compliance option in the gpg.conf - file. + default option, so it is not generally needed, but it may be useful + to override a different compliance option in the gpg.conf file. -`--openpgp' +'--openpgp' Reset all packet, cipher and digest options to strict OpenPGP - behavior. Use this option to reset all previous options like - `--s2k-*', `--cipher-algo', `--digest-algo' and `--compress-algo' - to OpenPGP compliant values. All PGP workarounds are disabled. + behavior. Use this option to reset all previous options like + '--s2k-*', '--cipher-algo', '--digest-algo' and '--compress-algo' + to OpenPGP compliant values. All PGP workarounds are disabled. -`--rfc4880' +'--rfc4880' Reset all packet, cipher and digest options to strict RFC-4880 - behavior. Note that this is currently the same thing as - `--openpgp'. + behavior. Note that this is currently the same thing as + '--openpgp'. -`--rfc2440' +'--rfc2440' Reset all packet, cipher and digest options to strict RFC-2440 behavior. -`--rfc1991' +'--rfc1991' Try to be more RFC-1991 (PGP 2.x) compliant. -`--pgp2' - Set up all options to be as PGP 2.x compliant as possible, and - warn if an action is taken (e.g. encrypting to a non-RSA key) that - will create a message that PGP 2.x will not be able to handle. - Note that `PGP 2.x' here means `MIT PGP 2.6.2'. There are other - versions of PGP 2.x available, but the MIT release is a good - common baseline. +'--pgp2' + Set up all options to be as PGP 2.x compliant as possible, and warn + if an action is taken (e.g. encrypting to a non-RSA key) that will + create a message that PGP 2.x will not be able to handle. Note + that 'PGP 2.x' here means 'MIT PGP 2.6.2'. There are other + versions of PGP 2.x available, but the MIT release is a good common + baseline. - This option implies `--rfc1991 --disable-mdc --no-force-v4-certs + This option implies '--rfc1991 --disable-mdc --no-force-v4-certs --escape-from-lines --force-v3-sigs --allow-weak-digest-algos - --cipher-algo IDEA --digest-algo MD5 --compress-algo ZIP'. It - also disables `--textmode' when encrypting. + --cipher-algo IDEA --digest-algo MD5 --compress-algo ZIP'. It also + disables '--textmode' when encrypting. -`--pgp6' - Set up all options to be as PGP 6 compliant as possible. This +'--pgp6' + Set up all options to be as PGP 6 compliant as possible. This restricts you to the ciphers IDEA (if the IDEA plugin is installed), 3DES, and CAST5, the hashes MD5, SHA1 and RIPEMD160, and the compression algorithms none and ZIP. This also disables -throw-keyids, and making signatures with signing subkeys as PGP 6 does not understand signatures made by signing subkeys. - This option implies `--disable-mdc --escape-from-lines + This option implies '--disable-mdc --escape-from-lines --force-v3-sigs'. -`--pgp7' - Set up all options to be as PGP 7 compliant as possible. This is - identical to `--pgp6' except that MDCs are not disabled, and the +'--pgp7' + Set up all options to be as PGP 7 compliant as possible. This is + identical to '--pgp6' except that MDCs are not disabled, and the list of allowable ciphers is expanded to add AES128, AES192, AES256, and TWOFISH. -`--pgp8' - Set up all options to be as PGP 8 compliant as possible. PGP 8 is - a lot closer to the OpenPGP standard than previous versions of - PGP, so all this does is disable `--throw-keyids' and set - `--escape-from-lines'. All algorithms are allowed except for the +'--pgp8' + Set up all options to be as PGP 8 compliant as possible. PGP 8 is + a lot closer to the OpenPGP standard than previous versions of PGP, + so all this does is disable '--throw-keyids' and set + '--escape-from-lines'. All algorithms are allowed except for the SHA224, SHA384, and SHA512 digests. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Esoteric Options, Next: Deprecated Options, Prev: Compliance Options, Up: GPG Options 3.2.6 Doing things one usually doesn't want to do. -------------------------------------------------- -`-n' -`--dry-run' +'-n' +'--dry-run' Don't make any changes (this is not completely implemented). -`--list-only' - Changes the behaviour of some commands. This is like `--dry-run' - but different in some cases. The semantic of this command may be - extended in the future. Currently it only skips the actual +'--list-only' + Changes the behaviour of some commands. This is like '--dry-run' + but different in some cases. The semantic of this command may be + extended in the future. Currently it only skips the actual decryption pass and therefore enables a fast listing of the encryption keys. -`-i' -`--interactive' +'-i' +'--interactive' Prompt before overwriting any files. -`--debug-level LEVEL' - Select the debug level for investigating problems. LEVEL may be a +'--debug-level LEVEL' + Select the debug level for investigating problems. LEVEL may be a numeric value or by a keyword: - `none' + 'none' No debugging at all. A value of less than 1 may be used - instead of the keyword. - - `basic' + instead of the keyword. + 'basic' Some basic debug messages. A value between 1 and 2 may be - used instead of the keyword. - - `advanced' + used instead of the keyword. + 'advanced' More verbose debug messages. A value between 3 and 5 may be - used instead of the keyword. - - `expert' + used instead of the keyword. + 'expert' Even more detailed messages. A value between 6 and 8 may be - used instead of the keyword. - - `guru' - All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 - may be used instead of the keyword. The creation of hash - tracing files is only enabled if the keyword is used. + used instead of the keyword. + 'guru' + All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 + may be used instead of the keyword. The creation of hash + tracing files is only enabled if the keyword is used. How these messages are mapped to the actual debugging flags is not - specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They + specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They are however carefully selected to best aid in debugging. -`--debug FLAGS' - Set debugging flags. All flags are or-ed and FLAGS may be given in - C syntax (e.g. 0x0042). +'--debug FLAGS' + Set debugging flags. All flags are or-ed and FLAGS may be given in + C syntax (e.g. 0x0042). -`--debug-all' +'--debug-all' Set all useful debugging flags. -`--faked-system-time EPOCH' +'--faked-system-time EPOCH' This option is only useful for testing; it sets the system time - back or forth to EPOCH which is the number of seconds elapsed - since the year 1970. Alternatively EPOCH may be given as a full - ISO time string (e.g. "20070924T154812"). + back or forth to EPOCH which is the number of seconds elapsed since + the year 1970. Alternatively EPOCH may be given as a full ISO time + string (e.g. "20070924T154812"). -`--enable-progress-filter' - Enable certain PROGRESS status outputs. This option allows +'--enable-progress-filter' + Enable certain PROGRESS status outputs. This option allows frontends to display a progress indicator while gpg is processing larger files. There is a slight performance overhead using it. -`--status-fd `n'' - Write special status strings to the file descriptor `n'. See the +'--status-fd n' + Write special status strings to the file descriptor 'n'. See the file DETAILS in the documentation for a listing of them. -`--status-file `file'' - Same as `--status-fd', except the status data is written to file - `file'. - -`--logger-fd `n'' - Write log output to file descriptor `n' and not to STDERR. - -`--log-file `file'' -`--logger-file `file'' - Same as `--logger-fd', except the logger data is written to file - `file'. Note that `--log-file' is only implemented for GnuPG-2. - -`--attribute-fd `n'' - Write attribute subpackets to the file descriptor `n'. This is most - useful for use with `--status-fd', since the status messages are - needed to separate out the various subpackets from the stream +'--status-file file' + Same as '--status-fd', except the status data is written to file + 'file'. + +'--logger-fd n' + Write log output to file descriptor 'n' and not to STDERR. + +'--log-file file' +'--logger-file file' + Same as '--logger-fd', except the logger data is written to file + 'file'. Note that '--log-file' is only implemented for GnuPG-2. + +'--attribute-fd n' + Write attribute subpackets to the file descriptor 'n'. This is + most useful for use with '--status-fd', since the status messages + are needed to separate out the various subpackets from the stream delivered to the file descriptor. -`--attribute-file `file'' - Same as `--attribute-fd', except the attribute data is written to - file `file'. - -`--comment `string'' -`--no-comments' - Use `string' as a comment string in clear text signatures and ASCII - armored messages or keys (see `--armor'). The default behavior is - not to use a comment string. `--comment' may be repeated multiple - times to get multiple comment strings. `--no-comments' removes all +'--attribute-file file' + Same as '--attribute-fd', except the attribute data is written to + file 'file'. + +'--comment string' +'--no-comments' + Use 'string' as a comment string in clear text signatures and ASCII + armored messages or keys (see '--armor'). The default behavior is + not to use a comment string. '--comment' may be repeated multiple + times to get multiple comment strings. '--no-comments' removes all comments. It is a good idea to keep the length of a single comment below 60 characters to avoid problems with mail programs wrapping such lines. Note that comment lines, like all other header lines, are not protected by the signature. -`--emit-version' -`--no-emit-version' +'--emit-version' +'--no-emit-version' Force inclusion of the version string in ASCII armored output. If given once only the name of the program and the major number is emitted (default), given twice the minor is also emitted, given triple the micro is added, and given quad an operating system - identification is also emitted. `--no-emit-version' disables the + identification is also emitted. '--no-emit-version' disables the version line. -`--sig-notation `name=value'' -`--cert-notation `name=value'' -`-N, --set-notation `name=value'' +'--sig-notation name=value' +'--cert-notation name=value' +'-N, --set-notation name=value' Put the name value pair into the signature as notation data. - `name' must consist only of printable characters or spaces, and + 'name' must consist only of printable characters or spaces, and must contain a '@' character in the form keyname@domain.example.com (substituting the appropriate keyname and domain name, of course). This is to help prevent pollution of the IETF reserved notation - namespace. The `--expert' flag overrides the '@' check. `value' + namespace. The '--expert' flag overrides the '@' check. 'value' may be any printable string; it will be encoded in UTF8, so you - should check that your `--display-charset' is set correctly. If - you prefix `name' with an exclamation mark (!), the notation data - will be flagged as critical (rfc4880: `--sig-notation' - sets a notation for data signatures. `--cert-notation' sets a - notation for key signatures (certifications). `--set-notation' + should check that your '--display-charset' is set correctly. If + you prefix 'name' with an exclamation mark (!), the notation data + will be flagged as critical (rfc4880: '--sig-notation' + sets a notation for data signatures. '--cert-notation' sets a + notation for key signatures (certifications). '--set-notation' sets both. - There are special codes that may be used in notation names. "%k" - will be expanded into the key ID of the key being signed, "%K" - into the long key ID of the key being signed, "%f" into the - fingerprint of the key being signed, "%s" into the key ID of the - key making the signature, "%S" into the long key ID of the key - making the signature, "%g" into the fingerprint of the key making - the signature (which might be a subkey), "%p" into the fingerprint - of the primary key of the key making the signature, "%c" into the + There are special codes that may be used in notation names. "%k" + will be expanded into the key ID of the key being signed, "%K" into + the long key ID of the key being signed, "%f" into the fingerprint + of the key being signed, "%s" into the key ID of the key making the + signature, "%S" into the long key ID of the key making the + signature, "%g" into the fingerprint of the key making the + signature (which might be a subkey), "%p" into the fingerprint of + the primary key of the key making the signature, "%c" into the signature count from the OpenPGP smartcard, and "%%" results in a - single "%". %k, %K, and %f are only meaningful when making a key - signature (certification), and %c is only meaningful when using - the OpenPGP smartcard. - -`--sig-policy-url `string'' -`--cert-policy-url `string'' -`--set-policy-url `string'' - Use `string' as a Policy URL for signatures (rfc4880: If + single "%". %k, %K, and %f are only meaningful when making a key + signature (certification), and %c is only meaningful when using the + OpenPGP smartcard. + +'--sig-policy-url string' +'--cert-policy-url string' +'--set-policy-url string' + Use 'string' as a Policy URL for signatures (rfc4880: If you prefix it with an exclamation mark (!), the policy URL packet - will be flagged as critical. `--sig-policy-url' sets a policy url - for data signatures. `--cert-policy-url' sets a policy url for key - signatures (certifications). `--set-policy-url' sets both. + will be flagged as critical. '--sig-policy-url' sets a policy url + for data signatures. '--cert-policy-url' sets a policy url for key + signatures (certifications). '--set-policy-url' sets both. The same %-expandos used for notation data are available here as well. -`--sig-keyserver-url `string'' - Use `string' as a preferred keyserver URL for data signatures. If +'--sig-keyserver-url string' + Use 'string' as a preferred keyserver URL for data signatures. If you prefix it with an exclamation mark (!), the keyserver URL packet will be flagged as critical. The same %-expandos used for notation data are available here as well. -`--set-filename `string'' - Use `string' as the filename which is stored inside messages. - This overrides the default, which is to use the actual filename of - the file being encrypted. - -`--for-your-eyes-only' -`--no-for-your-eyes-only' - Set the `for your eyes only' flag in the message. This causes - GnuPG to refuse to save the file unless the `--output' option is +'--set-filename string' + Use 'string' as the filename which is stored inside messages. This + overrides the default, which is to use the actual filename of the + file being encrypted. + +'--for-your-eyes-only' +'--no-for-your-eyes-only' + Set the 'for your eyes only' flag in the message. This causes + GnuPG to refuse to save the file unless the '--output' option is given, and PGP to use a "secure viewer" with a claimed - Tempest-resistant font to display the message. This option - overrides `--set-filename'. `--no-for-your-eyes-only' disables + Tempest-resistant font to display the message. This option + overrides '--set-filename'. '--no-for-your-eyes-only' disables this option. -`--use-embedded-filename' -`--no-use-embedded-filename' - Try to create a file with a name as embedded in the data. This can - be a dangerous option as it allows to overwrite files. Defaults to +'--use-embedded-filename' +'--no-use-embedded-filename' + Try to create a file with a name as embedded in the data. This can + be a dangerous option as it allows to overwrite files. Defaults to no. -`--cipher-algo `name'' - Use `name' as cipher algorithm. Running the program with the - command `--version' yields a list of supported algorithms. If this +'--cipher-algo name' + Use 'name' as cipher algorithm. Running the program with the + command '--version' yields a list of supported algorithms. If this is not used the cipher algorithm is selected from the preferences - stored with the key. In general, you do not want to use this + stored with the key. In general, you do not want to use this option as it allows you to violate the OpenPGP standard. - `--personal-cipher-preferences' is the safe way to accomplish the - same thing. - -`--digest-algo `name'' - Use `name' as the message digest algorithm. Running the program - with the command `--version' yields a list of supported - algorithms. In general, you do not want to use this option as it - allows you to violate the OpenPGP standard. - `--personal-digest-preferences' is the safe way to accomplish the + '--personal-cipher-preferences' is the safe way to accomplish the same thing. -`--compress-algo `name'' - Use compression algorithm `name'. "zlib" is RFC-1950 ZLIB - compression. "zip" is RFC-1951 ZIP compression which is used by - PGP. "bzip2" is a more modern compression scheme that can - compress some things better than zip or zlib, but at the cost of - more memory used during compression and decompression. - "uncompressed" or "none" disables compression. If this option is - not used, the default behavior is to examine the recipient key - preferences to see which algorithms the recipient supports. If all - else fails, ZIP is used for maximum compatibility. +'--digest-algo name' + Use 'name' as the message digest algorithm. Running the program + with the command '--version' yields a list of supported algorithms. + In general, you do not want to use this option as it allows you to + violate the OpenPGP standard. '--personal-digest-preferences' is + the safe way to accomplish the same thing. + +'--compress-algo name' + Use compression algorithm 'name'. "zlib" is RFC-1950 ZLIB + compression. "zip" is RFC-1951 ZIP compression which is used by + PGP. "bzip2" is a more modern compression scheme that can compress + some things better than zip or zlib, but at the cost of more memory + used during compression and decompression. "uncompressed" or + "none" disables compression. If this option is not used, the + default behavior is to examine the recipient key preferences to see + which algorithms the recipient supports. If all else fails, ZIP is + used for maximum compatibility. ZLIB may give better compression results than ZIP, as the - compression window size is not limited to 8k. BZIP2 may give even + compression window size is not limited to 8k. BZIP2 may give even better compression results than that, but will use a significantly - larger amount of memory while compressing and decompressing. This - may be significant in low memory situations. Note, however, that - PGP (all versions) only supports ZIP compression. Using any - algorithm other than ZIP or "none" will make the message - unreadable with PGP. In general, you do not want to use this - option as it allows you to violate the OpenPGP standard. - `--personal-compress-preferences' is the safe way to accomplish - the same thing. + larger amount of memory while compressing and decompressing. This + may be significant in low memory situations. Note, however, that + PGP (all versions) only supports ZIP compression. Using any + algorithm other than ZIP or "none" will make the message unreadable + with PGP. In general, you do not want to use this option as it + allows you to violate the OpenPGP standard. + '--personal-compress-preferences' is the safe way to accomplish the + same thing. -`--cert-digest-algo `name'' - Use `name' as the message digest algorithm used when signing a - key. Running the program with the command `--version' yields a - list of supported algorithms. Be aware that if you choose an - algorithm that GnuPG supports but other OpenPGP implementations do - not, then some users will not be able to use the key signatures - you make, or quite possibly your entire key. - -`--disable-cipher-algo `name'' - Never allow the use of `name' as cipher algorithm. The given name - will not be checked so that a later loaded algorithm will still - get disabled. +'--cert-digest-algo name' + Use 'name' as the message digest algorithm used when signing a key. + Running the program with the command '--version' yields a list of + supported algorithms. Be aware that if you choose an algorithm + that GnuPG supports but other OpenPGP implementations do not, then + some users will not be able to use the key signatures you make, or + quite possibly your entire key. + +'--disable-cipher-algo name' + Never allow the use of 'name' as cipher algorithm. The given name + will not be checked so that a later loaded algorithm will still get + disabled. -`--disable-pubkey-algo `name'' - Never allow the use of `name' as public key algorithm. The given +'--disable-pubkey-algo name' + Never allow the use of 'name' as public key algorithm. The given name will not be checked so that a later loaded algorithm will still get disabled. -`--throw-keyids' -`--no-throw-keyids' - Do not put the recipient key IDs into encrypted messages. This +'--throw-keyids' +'--no-throw-keyids' + Do not put the recipient key IDs into encrypted messages. This helps to hide the receivers of the message and is a limited - countermeasure against traffic analysis.(1) On the receiving - side, it may slow down the decryption process because all - available secret keys must be tried. `--no-throw-keyids' disables - this option. This option is essentially the same as using - `--hidden-recipient' for all recipients. + countermeasure against traffic analysis.(1) On the receiving side, + it may slow down the decryption process because all available + secret keys must be tried. '--no-throw-keyids' disables this + option. This option is essentially the same as using + '--hidden-recipient' for all recipients. -`--not-dash-escaped' +'--not-dash-escaped' This option changes the behavior of cleartext signatures so that - they can be used for patch files. You should not send such an + they can be used for patch files. You should not send such an armored file via email because all spaces and line endings are - hashed too. You can not use this option for data which has 5 - dashes at the beginning of a line, patch files don't have this. A + hashed too. You can not use this option for data which has 5 + dashes at the beginning of a line, patch files don't have this. A special armor header line tells GnuPG about this cleartext signature option. -`--escape-from-lines' -`--no-escape-from-lines' - Because some mailers change lines starting with "From " to ">From - " it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creating +'--escape-from-lines' +'--no-escape-from-lines' + Because some mailers change lines starting with "From " to ">From " + it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creating cleartext signatures to prevent the mail system from breaking the - signature. Note that all other PGP versions do it this way too. - Enabled by default. `--no-escape-from-lines' disables this option. + signature. Note that all other PGP versions do it this way too. + Enabled by default. '--no-escape-from-lines' disables this option. -`--passphrase-repeat `n'' - Specify how many times `gpg2' will request a new passphrase be +'--passphrase-repeat n' + Specify how many times 'gpg2' will request a new passphrase be repeated. This is useful for helping memorize a passphrase. Defaults to 1 repetition. -`--passphrase-fd `n'' - Read the passphrase from file descriptor `n'. Only the first line - will be read from file descriptor `n'. If you use 0 for `n', the +'--passphrase-fd n' + Read the passphrase from file descriptor 'n'. Only the first line + will be read from file descriptor 'n'. If you use 0 for 'n', the passphrase will be read from STDIN. This can only be used if only - one passphrase is supplied. Note that this passphrase is only - used if the option `--batch' has also been given. This is - different from `gpg'. - -`--passphrase-file `file'' - Read the passphrase from file `file'. Only the first line will be - read from file `file'. This can only be used if only one - passphrase is supplied. Obviously, a passphrase stored in a file is - of questionable security if other users can read this file. Don't - use this option if you can avoid it. Note that this passphrase is - only used if the option `--batch' has also been given. This is - different from `gpg'. - -`--passphrase `string'' - Use `string' as the passphrase. This can only be used if only one - passphrase is supplied. Obviously, this is of very questionable - security on a multi-user system. Don't use this option if you can + one passphrase is supplied. Note that this passphrase is only used + if the option '--batch' has also been given. This is different + from 'gpg'. + +'--passphrase-file file' + Read the passphrase from file 'file'. Only the first line will be + read from file 'file'. This can only be used if only one + passphrase is supplied. Obviously, a passphrase stored in a file + is of questionable security if other users can read this file. + Don't use this option if you can avoid it. Note that this + passphrase is only used if the option '--batch' has also been + given. This is different from 'gpg'. + +'--passphrase string' + Use 'string' as the passphrase. This can only be used if only one + passphrase is supplied. Obviously, this is of very questionable + security on a multi-user system. Don't use this option if you can avoid it. Note that this passphrase is only used if the option - `--batch' has also been given. This is different from `gpg'. + '--batch' has also been given. This is different from 'gpg'. -`--command-fd `n'' +'--command-fd n' This is a replacement for the deprecated shared-memory IPC mode. If this option is enabled, user input on questions is not expected - from the TTY but from the given file descriptor. It should be used - together with `--status-fd'. See the file doc/DETAILS in the source - distribution for details on how to use it. - -`--command-file `file'' - Same as `--command-fd', except the commands are read out of file - `file' + from the TTY but from the given file descriptor. It should be used + together with '--status-fd'. See the file doc/DETAILS in the + source distribution for details on how to use it. + +'--command-file file' + Same as '--command-fd', except the commands are read out of file + 'file' -`--allow-non-selfsigned-uid' -`--no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid' +'--allow-non-selfsigned-uid' +'--no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid' Allow the import and use of keys with user IDs which are not - self-signed. This is not recommended, as a non self-signed user ID - is trivial to forge. `--no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid' disables. + self-signed. This is not recommended, as a non self-signed user ID + is trivial to forge. '--no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid' disables. -`--allow-freeform-uid' +'--allow-freeform-uid' Disable all checks on the form of the user ID while generating a - new one. This option should only be used in very special + new one. This option should only be used in very special environments as it does not ensure the de-facto standard format of user IDs. -`--ignore-time-conflict' +'--ignore-time-conflict' GnuPG normally checks that the timestamps associated with keys and - signatures have plausible values. However, sometimes a signature - seems to be older than the key due to clock problems. This option - makes these checks just a warning. See also `--ignore-valid-from' + signatures have plausible values. However, sometimes a signature + seems to be older than the key due to clock problems. This option + makes these checks just a warning. See also '--ignore-valid-from' for timestamp issues on subkeys. -`--ignore-valid-from' +'--ignore-valid-from' GnuPG normally does not select and use subkeys created in the future. This option allows the use of such keys and thus exhibits - the pre-1.0.7 behaviour. You should not use this option unless - there is some clock problem. See also `--ignore-time-conflict' for + the pre-1.0.7 behaviour. You should not use this option unless + there is some clock problem. See also '--ignore-time-conflict' for timestamp issues with signatures. -`--ignore-crc-error' +'--ignore-crc-error' The ASCII armor used by OpenPGP is protected by a CRC checksum - against transmission errors. Occasionally the CRC gets mangled - somewhere on the transmission channel but the actual content - (which is protected by the OpenPGP protocol anyway) is still okay. - This option allows GnuPG to ignore CRC errors. + against transmission errors. Occasionally the CRC gets mangled + somewhere on the transmission channel but the actual content (which + is protected by the OpenPGP protocol anyway) is still okay. This + option allows GnuPG to ignore CRC errors. -`--ignore-mdc-error' +'--ignore-mdc-error' This option changes a MDC integrity protection failure into a - warning. This can be useful if a message is partially corrupt, - but it is necessary to get as much data as possible out of the - corrupt message. However, be aware that a MDC protection failure - may also mean that the message was tampered with intentionally by - an attacker. + warning. This can be useful if a message is partially corrupt, but + it is necessary to get as much data as possible out of the corrupt + message. However, be aware that a MDC protection failure may also + mean that the message was tampered with intentionally by an + attacker. -`--allow-weak-digest-algos' +'--allow-weak-digest-algos' Signatures made with the broken MD5 algorithm are normally rejected with an "invalid digest algorithm" message. This option allows the verification of signatures made with such weak algorithms. -`--no-default-keyring' - Do not add the default keyrings to the list of keyrings. Note that +'--no-default-keyring' + Do not add the default keyrings to the list of keyrings. Note that GnuPG will not operate without any keyrings, so if you use this - option and do not provide alternate keyrings via `--keyring' or - `--secret-keyring', then GnuPG will still use the default public or + option and do not provide alternate keyrings via '--keyring' or + '--secret-keyring', then GnuPG will still use the default public or secret keyrings. -`--skip-verify' - Skip the signature verification step. This may be used to make the +'--skip-verify' + Skip the signature verification step. This may be used to make the decryption faster if the signature verification is not needed. -`--with-key-data' - Print key listings delimited by colons (like `--with-colons') and +'--with-key-data' + Print key listings delimited by colons (like '--with-colons') and print the public key data. -`--fast-list-mode' +'--fast-list-mode' Changes the output of the list commands to work faster; this is - achieved by leaving some parts empty. Some applications don't need - the user ID and the trust information given in the listings. By - using this options they can get a faster listing. The exact - behaviour of this option may change in future versions. If you - are missing some information, don't use this option. + achieved by leaving some parts empty. Some applications don't need + the user ID and the trust information given in the listings. By + using this options they can get a faster listing. The exact + behaviour of this option may change in future versions. If you are + missing some information, don't use this option. -`--no-literal' - This is not for normal use. Use the source to see for what it +'--no-literal' + This is not for normal use. Use the source to see for what it might be useful. -`--set-filesize' - This is not for normal use. Use the source to see for what it +'--set-filesize' + This is not for normal use. Use the source to see for what it might be useful. -`--show-session-key' - Display the session key used for one message. See - `--override-session-key' for the counterpart of this option. +'--show-session-key' + Display the session key used for one message. See + '--override-session-key' for the counterpart of this option. We think that Key Escrow is a Bad Thing; however the user should - have the freedom to decide whether to go to prison or to reveal - the content of one specific message without compromising all - messages ever encrypted for one secret key. DON'T USE IT UNLESS - YOU ARE REALLY FORCED TO DO SO. + have the freedom to decide whether to go to prison or to reveal the + content of one specific message without compromising all messages + ever encrypted for one secret key. DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOU ARE + REALLY FORCED TO DO SO. -`--override-session-key `string'' - Don't use the public key but the session key `string'. The format +'--override-session-key string' + Don't use the public key but the session key 'string'. The format of this string is the same as the one printed by - `--show-session-key'. This option is normally not used but comes + '--show-session-key'. This option is normally not used but comes handy in case someone forces you to reveal the content of an encrypted message; using this option you can do this without handing out the secret key. -`--ask-sig-expire' -`--no-ask-sig-expire' - When making a data signature, prompt for an expiration time. If +'--ask-sig-expire' +'--no-ask-sig-expire' + When making a data signature, prompt for an expiration time. If this option is not specified, the expiration time set via - `--default-sig-expire' is used. `--no-ask-sig-expire' disables + '--default-sig-expire' is used. '--no-ask-sig-expire' disables this option. -`--default-sig-expire' - The default expiration time to use for signature expiration. Valid +'--default-sig-expire' + The default expiration time to use for signature expiration. Valid values are "0" for no expiration, a number followed by the letter d (for days), w (for weeks), m (for months), or y (for years) (for example "2m" for two months, or "5y" for five years), or an absolute date in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to "0". -`--ask-cert-expire' -`--no-ask-cert-expire' - When making a key signature, prompt for an expiration time. If this - option is not specified, the expiration time set via - `--default-cert-expire' is used. `--no-ask-cert-expire' disables +'--ask-cert-expire' +'--no-ask-cert-expire' + When making a key signature, prompt for an expiration time. If + this option is not specified, the expiration time set via + '--default-cert-expire' is used. '--no-ask-cert-expire' disables this option. -`--default-cert-expire' +'--default-cert-expire' The default expiration time to use for key signature expiration. Valid values are "0" for no expiration, a number followed by the letter d (for days), w (for weeks), m (for months), or y (for years) (for example "2m" for two months, or "5y" for five years), or an absolute date in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to "0". -`--allow-secret-key-import' +'--allow-secret-key-import' This is an obsolete option and is not used anywhere. -`--allow-multiple-messages' - -`--no-allow-multiple-messages' - Allow processing of multiple OpenPGP messages contained in a - single file or stream. Some programs that call GPG are not - prepared to deal with multiple messages being processed together, - so this option defaults to no. Note that versions of GPG prior to - 1.4.7 always allowed multiple messages. +'--allow-multiple-messages' +'--no-allow-multiple-messages' + Allow processing of multiple OpenPGP messages contained in a single + file or stream. Some programs that call GPG are not prepared to + deal with multiple messages being processed together, so this + option defaults to no. Note that versions of GPG prior to 1.4.7 + always allowed multiple messages. Warning: Do not use this option unless you need it as a temporary workaround! -`--enable-special-filenames' - This options enables a mode in which filenames of the form `-&n', +'--enable-special-filenames' + This options enables a mode in which filenames of the form '-&n', where n is a non-negative decimal number, refer to the file descriptor n and not to a file with that name. -`--no-expensive-trust-checks' +'--no-expensive-trust-checks' Experimental use only. -`--preserve-permissions' +'--preserve-permissions' Don't change the permissions of a secret keyring back to user - read/write only. Use this option only if you really know what you + read/write only. Use this option only if you really know what you are doing. -`--default-preference-list `string'' - Set the list of default preferences to `string'. This preference +'--default-preference-list string' + Set the list of default preferences to 'string'. This preference list is used for new keys and becomes the default for "setpref" in the edit menu. -`--default-keyserver-url `name'' - Set the default keyserver URL to `name'. This keyserver will be +'--default-keyserver-url name' + Set the default keyserver URL to 'name'. This keyserver will be used as the keyserver URL when writing a new self-signature on a key, which includes key generation and changing preferences. -`--list-config' +'--list-config' Display various internal configuration parameters of GnuPG. This - option is intended for external programs that call GnuPG to - perform tasks, and is thus not generally useful. See the file - `doc/DETAILS' in the source distribution for the details of which - configuration items may be listed. `--list-config' is only usable - with `--with-colons' set. - -`--gpgconf-list' - This command is similar to `--list-config' but in general only - internally used by the `gpgconf' tool. + option is intended for external programs that call GnuPG to perform + tasks, and is thus not generally useful. See the file + 'doc/DETAILS' in the source distribution for the details of which + configuration items may be listed. '--list-config' is only usable + with '--with-colons' set. + +'--gpgconf-list' + This command is similar to '--list-config' but in general only + internally used by the 'gpgconf' tool. -`--gpgconf-test' +'--gpgconf-test' This is more or less dummy action. However it parses the configuration file and returns with failure if the configuration - file would prevent `gpg' from startup. Thus it may be used to run + file would prevent 'gpg' from startup. Thus it may be used to run a syntax check on the configuration file. - ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) Using a little social engineering anyone who is able to decrypt @@ -3638,39 +3597,37 @@ 3.2.7 Deprecated options ------------------------ -`--show-photos' -`--no-show-photos' - Causes `--list-keys', `--list-sigs', `--list-public-keys', - `--list-secret-keys', and verifying a signature to also display - the photo ID attached to the key, if any. See also - `--photo-viewer'. These options are deprecated. Use - `--list-options [no-]show-photos' and/or `--verify-options - [no-]show-photos' instead. +'--show-photos' +'--no-show-photos' + Causes '--list-keys', '--list-sigs', '--list-public-keys', + '--list-secret-keys', and verifying a signature to also display the + photo ID attached to the key, if any. See also '--photo-viewer'. + These options are deprecated. Use '--list-options + [no-]show-photos' and/or '--verify-options [no-]show-photos' + instead. -`--show-keyring' +'--show-keyring' Display the keyring name at the head of key listings to show which - keyring a given key resides on. This option is deprecated: use - `--list-options [no-]show-keyring' instead. + keyring a given key resides on. This option is deprecated: use + '--list-options [no-]show-keyring' instead. -`--always-trust' - Identical to `--trust-model always'. This option is deprecated. +'--always-trust' + Identical to '--trust-model always'. This option is deprecated. -`--show-notation' -`--no-show-notation' - Show signature notations in the `--list-sigs' or `--check-sigs' +'--show-notation' +'--no-show-notation' + Show signature notations in the '--list-sigs' or '--check-sigs' listings as well as when verifying a signature with a notation in - it. These options are deprecated. Use `--list-options - [no-]show-notation' and/or `--verify-options [no-]show-notation' + it. These options are deprecated. Use '--list-options + [no-]show-notation' and/or '--verify-options [no-]show-notation' instead. -`--show-policy-url' -`--no-show-policy-url' - Show policy URLs in the `--list-sigs' or `--check-sigs' listings - as well as when verifying a signature with a policy URL in it. - These options are deprecated. Use `--list-options - [no-]show-policy-url' and/or `--verify-options - [no-]show-policy-url' instead. - +'--show-policy-url' +'--no-show-policy-url' + Show policy URLs in the '--list-sigs' or '--check-sigs' listings as + well as when verifying a signature with a policy URL in it. These + options are deprecated. Use '--list-options [no-]show-policy-url' + and/or '--verify-options [no-]show-policy-url' instead.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Configuration, Next: GPG Examples, Prev: GPG Options, Up: Invoking GPG @@ -3679,56 +3636,54 @@ ======================= There are a few configuration files to control certain aspects of -`gpg2''s operation. Unless noted, they are expected in the current home +'gpg2''s operation. Unless noted, they are expected in the current home directory (*note option --homedir::). -`gpg.conf' - This is the standard configuration file read by `gpg2' on - startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two - dashes may not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. - This default name may be changed on the command line (*note - gpg-option --options::). You should backup this file. - +'gpg.conf' + This is the standard configuration file read by 'gpg2' on startup. + It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashes may + not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. This default + name may be changed on the command line (*note gpg-option + --options::). You should backup this file. Note that on larger installations, it is useful to put predefined -files into the directory `/etc/skel/.gnupg/' so that newly created users +files into the directory '/etc/skel/.gnupg/' so that newly created users start up with a working configuration. For existing users the a small helper script is provided to create these files (*note addgnupghome::). - For internal purposes `gpg2' creates and maintains a few other -files; They all live in in the current home directory (*note option ---homedir::). Only the `gpg2' may modify these files. + For internal purposes 'gpg2' creates and maintains a few other files; +They all live in in the current home directory (*note option +--homedir::). Only the 'gpg2' may modify these files. -`~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' +'~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' The public keyring. You should backup this file. -`~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg.lock' +'~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg.lock' The lock file for the public keyring. -`~/.gnupg/secring.gpg' +'~/.gnupg/secring.gpg' The secret keyring. You should backup this file. -`~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg' +'~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg' The trust database. There is no need to backup this file; it is - better to backup the ownertrust values (*note option + better to backup the ownertrust values (*note option --export-ownertrust::). -`~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg.lock' +'~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg.lock' The lock file for the trust database. -`~/.gnupg/random_seed' +'~/.gnupg/random_seed' A file used to preserve the state of the internal random pool. -`~/.gnupg/secring.gpg.lock' +'~/.gnupg/secring.gpg.lock' The lock file for the secret keyring. -`/usr[/local]/share/gnupg/options.skel' +'/usr[/local]/share/gnupg/options.skel' The skeleton options file. -`/usr[/local]/lib/gnupg/' +'/usr[/local]/lib/gnupg/' Default location for extensions. - Operation is further controlled by a few environment variables: HOME @@ -3738,16 +3693,16 @@ If set directory used instead of "~/.gnupg". GPG_AGENT_INFO - Used to locate the gpg-agent. The value consists of 3 colon - delimited fields: The first is the path to the Unix Domain - Socket, the second the PID of the gpg-agent and the protocol - version which should be set to 1. When starting the gpg-agent as - described in its documentation, this variable is set to the correct - value. The option `--gpg-agent-info' can be used to override it. + Used to locate the gpg-agent. The value consists of 3 colon + delimited fields: The first is the path to the Unix Domain Socket, + the second the PID of the gpg-agent and the protocol version which + should be set to 1. When starting the gpg-agent as described in + its documentation, this variable is set to the correct value. The + option '--gpg-agent-info' can be used to override it. PINENTRY_USER_DATA This value is passed via gpg-agent to pinentry. It is useful to - convey extra information to a custom pinentry. + convey extra information to a custom pinentry. COLUMNS LINES @@ -3755,15 +3710,14 @@ LANGUAGE Apart from its use by GNU, it is used in the W32 version to - override the language selection done through the Registry. If - used and set to a valid and available language name (LANGID), - the file with the translation is loaded from - - `GPGDIR/gnupg.nls/LANGID.mo'. Here GPGDIR is the directory out - of which the gpg binary has been loaded. If it can't be loaded - the Registry is tried and as last resort the native Windows - locale system is used. - + override the language selection done through the Registry. If used + and set to a valid and available language name (LANGID), the file + with the translation is loaded from + + 'GPGDIR/gnupg.nls/LANGID.mo'. Here GPGDIR is the directory out of + which the gpg binary has been loaded. If it can't be loaded the + Registry is tried and as last resort the native Windows locale + system is used.  File: gnupg.info, Node: GPG Examples, Next: Unattended Usage of GPG, Prev: GPG Configuration, Up: Invoking GPG @@ -3771,33 +3725,32 @@ 3.4 Examples ============ -gpg -se -r `Bob' `file' +gpg -se -r 'Bob' 'file' sign and encrypt for user Bob -gpg -clearsign `file' +gpg -clearsign 'file' make a clear text signature -gpg -sb `file' +gpg -sb 'file' make a detached signature -gpg -u 0x12345678 -sb `file' +gpg -u 0x12345678 -sb 'file' make a detached signature with the key 0x12345678 -gpg -list-keys `user_ID' +gpg -list-keys 'user_ID' show keys -gpg -fingerprint `user_ID' +gpg -fingerprint 'user_ID' show fingerprint -gpg -verify `pgpfile' -gpg -verify `sigfile' - Verify the signature of the file but do not output the data. The - second form is used for detached signatures, where `sigfile' is - the detached signature (either ASCII armored or binary) and are - the signed data; if this is not given, the name of the file - holding the signed data is constructed by cutting off the - extension (".asc" or ".sig") of `sigfile' or by asking the user - for the filename. +gpg -verify 'pgpfile' +gpg -verify 'sigfile' + Verify the signature of the file but do not output the data. The + second form is used for detached signatures, where 'sigfile' is the + detached signature (either ASCII armored or binary) and are the + signed data; if this is not given, the name of the file holding the + signed data is constructed by cutting off the extension (".asc" or + ".sig") of 'sigfile' or by asking the user for the filename. RETURN VALUE ************ @@ -3809,8 +3762,8 @@ ******** Use a *good* password for your user account and a *good* passphrase to -protect your secret key. This passphrase is the weakest part of the -whole system. Programs to do dictionary attacks on your secret keyring +protect your secret key. This passphrase is the weakest part of the +whole system. Programs to do dictionary attacks on your secret keyring are very easy to write and so you should protect your "~/.gnupg/" directory very well. @@ -3819,34 +3772,34 @@ If you are going to verify detached signatures, make sure that the program knows about it; either give both filenames on the command line -or use `-' to specify STDIN. +or use '-' to specify STDIN. INTEROPERABILITY WITH OTHER OPENPGP PROGRAMS ******************************************** GnuPG tries to be a very flexible implementation of the OpenPGP -standard. In particular, GnuPG implements many of the optional parts of +standard. In particular, GnuPG implements many of the optional parts of the standard, such as the SHA-512 hash, and the ZLIB and BZIP2 -compression algorithms. It is important to be aware that not all -OpenPGP programs implement these optional algorithms and that by -forcing their use via the `--cipher-algo', `--digest-algo', -`--cert-digest-algo', or `--compress-algo' options in GnuPG, it is +compression algorithms. It is important to be aware that not all +OpenPGP programs implement these optional algorithms and that by forcing +their use via the '--cipher-algo', '--digest-algo', +'--cert-digest-algo', or '--compress-algo' options in GnuPG, it is possible to create a perfectly valid OpenPGP message, but one that cannot be read by the intended recipient. There are dozens of variations of OpenPGP programs available, and each supports a slightly different subset of these optional algorithms. For example, until recently, no (unhacked) version of PGP supported the -BLOWFISH cipher algorithm. A message using BLOWFISH simply could not be -read by a PGP user. By default, GnuPG uses the standard OpenPGP +BLOWFISH cipher algorithm. A message using BLOWFISH simply could not be +read by a PGP user. By default, GnuPG uses the standard OpenPGP preferences system that will always do the right thing and create messages that are usable by all recipients, regardless of which OpenPGP -program they use. Only override this safe default if you really know +program they use. Only override this safe default if you really know what you are doing. If you absolutely must override the safe default, or if the preferences on a given key are invalid for some reason, you are far -better off using the `--pgp6', `--pgp7', or `--pgp8' options. These +better off using the '--pgp6', '--pgp7', or '--pgp8' options. These options are safe as they do not force any particular algorithms in violation of OpenPGP, but rather reduce the available algorithms to a "PGP-safe" list. @@ -3854,12 +3807,12 @@ BUGS **** -On older systems this program should be installed as setuid(root). This -is necessary to lock memory pages. Locking memory pages prevents the +On older systems this program should be installed as setuid(root). This +is necessary to lock memory pages. Locking memory pages prevents the operating system from writing memory pages (which may contain -passphrases or other sensitive material) to disk. If you get no warning +passphrases or other sensitive material) to disk. If you get no warning message about insecure memory your operating system supports locking -without being root. The program drops root privileges as soon as locked +without being root. The program drops root privileges as soon as locked memory is allocated. Note also that some systems (especially laptops) have the ability to @@ -3879,10 +3832,10 @@ 3.5 Unattended Usage ==================== -`gpg' is often used as a backend engine by other software. To help -with this a machine interface has been defined to have an unambiguous -way to do this. The options `--status-fd' and `--batch' are almost -always required for this. +'gpg' is often used as a backend engine by other software. To help with +this a machine interface has been defined to have an unambiguous way to +do this. The options '--status-fd' and '--batch' are almost always +required for this. * Menu: @@ -3894,40 +3847,31 @@ 3.5.1 Unattended key generation ------------------------------- -The command `--gen-key' may be used along with the option `--batch' for -unattended key generation. The parameters are either read from stdin -or given as a file on the command line. The format of the parameter -file is as follows: +The command '--gen-key' may be used along with the option '--batch' for +unattended key generation. The parameters are either read from stdin or +given as a file on the command line. The format of the parameter file +is as follows: * Text only, line length is limited to about 1000 characters. - * UTF-8 encoding must be used to specify non-ASCII characters. - * Empty lines are ignored. - * Leading and trailing while space is ignored. - - * A hash sign as the first non white space character indicates a + * A hash sign as the first non white space character indicates a comment line. - * Control statements are indicated by a leading percent sign, the arguments are separated by white space from the keyword. - * Parameters are specified by a keyword, followed by a colon. - Arguments are separated by white space. - - * The first parameter must be `Key-Type'; control statements may be - placed anywhere. - - * The order of the parameters does not matter except for `Key-Type' - which must be the first parameter. The parameters are only used - for the generated keyblock (primary and subkeys); parameters - from previous sets are not used. Some syntactically checks may - be performed. - - * Key generation takes place when either the end of the parameter - file is reached, the next `Key-Type' parameter is encountered or - at the control statement `%commit' is encountered. + Arguments are separated by white space. + * The first parameter must be 'Key-Type'; control statements may be + placed anywhere. + * The order of the parameters does not matter except for 'Key-Type' + which must be the first parameter. The parameters are only used + for the generated keyblock (primary and subkeys); parameters from + previous sets are not used. Some syntactically checks may be + performed. + * Key generation takes place when either the end of the parameter + file is reached, the next 'Key-Type' parameter is encountered or at + the control statement '%commit' is encountered. Control statements: @@ -3948,14 +3892,14 @@ take place, duplicate specification of the same filename is ignored, the last filename before a commit is used. The filename is used until a new filename is used (at commit points) and all - keys are written to that file. If a new filename is given, this + keys are written to that file. If a new filename is given, this file is created (and overwrites an existing one). For GnuPG - versions prior to 2.1, both control statements must be given. For - GnuPG 2.1 and later `%secring' is a no-op. + versions prior to 2.1, both control statements must be given. For + GnuPG 2.1 and later '%secring' is a no-op. %ask-passphrase %no-ask-passphrase - Enable (or disable) a mode where the command `passphrase' is + Enable (or disable) a mode where the command 'passphrase' is ignored and instead the usual passphrase dialog is used. This does not make sense for batch key generation; however the unattended key generation feature is also used by GUIs and this feature @@ -3966,7 +3910,7 @@ %no-protection Since GnuPG version 2.1 it is not anymore possible to specify a passphrase for unattended key generation. The passphrase command - is simply ignored and `%ask-passpharse' is thus implicitly enabled. + is simply ignored and '%ask-passpharse' is thus implicitly enabled. Using this option allows the creation of keys without any passphrase protection. This option is mainly intended for regression tests. @@ -3976,23 +3920,22 @@ secure random number generator. This option may be used for keys which are only used for a short time and do not require full cryptographic strength. It takes only effect if used together with - the control statement `%no-protection'. - + the control statement '%no-protection'. General Parameters: Key-Type: ALGO - Starts a new parameter block by giving the type of the primary - key. The algorithm must be capable of signing. This is a required + Starts a new parameter block by giving the type of the primary key. + The algorithm must be capable of signing. This is a required parameter. ALGO may either be an OpenPGP algorithm number or a - string with the algorithm name. The special value `default' may - be used for ALGO to create the default key type; in this case a - `Key-Usage' shall not be given and `default' also be used for - `Subkey-Type'. + string with the algorithm name. The special value 'default' may be + used for ALGO to create the default key type; in this case a + 'Key-Usage' shall not be given and 'default' also be used for + 'Subkey-Type'. Key-Length: NBITS The requested length of the generated key in bits. The default is - returned by running the command `gpg2 --gpgconf-list'. + returned by running the command 'gpg2 --gpgconf-list'. Key-Grip: HEXSTRING This is optional and used to generate a CSR or certificate for an @@ -4000,29 +3943,29 @@ Key-Usage: USAGE-LIST Space or comma delimited list of key usages. Allowed values are - `encrypt', `sign', and `auth'. This is used to generate the key + 'encrypt', 'sign', and 'auth'. This is used to generate the key flags. Please make sure that the algorithm is capable of this usage. Note that OpenPGP requires that all primary keys are capable of certification, so no matter what usage is given here, - the `cert' flag will be on. If no `Key-Usage' is specified and - the `Key-Type' is not `default', all allowed usages for that - particular algorithm are used; if it is not given but `default' is - used the usage will be `sign'. + the 'cert' flag will be on. If no 'Key-Usage' is specified and the + 'Key-Type' is not 'default', all allowed usages for that particular + algorithm are used; if it is not given but 'default' is used the + usage will be 'sign'. Subkey-Type: ALGO This generates a secondary key (subkey). Currently only one subkey - can be handled. See also `Key-Type' above. + can be handled. See also 'Key-Type' above. Subkey-Length: NBITS Length of the secondary key (subkey) in bits. The default is - returned by running the command `gpg2 --gpgconf-list'". + returned by running the command 'gpg2 --gpgconf-list'". Subkey-Usage: USAGE-LIST - Key usage lists for a subkey; similar to `Key-Usage'. + Key usage lists for a subkey; similar to 'Key-Usage'. Passphrase: STRING If you want to specify a passphrase for the secret key, enter it - here. Default is not to use any passphrase. + here. Default is not to use any passphrase. Name-Real: NAME Name-Comment: COMMENT @@ -4032,7 +3975,7 @@ Expire-Date: ISO-DATE|(NUMBER[d|w|m|y]) Set the expiration date for the key (and the subkey). It may - either be entered in ISO date format (e.g. "20000815T145012") or + either be entered in ISO date format (e.g. "20000815T145012") or as number of days, weeks, month or years after the creation date. The special notation "seconds=N" is also allowed to specify a number of seconds since creation. Without a letter days are @@ -4046,21 +3989,21 @@ Set the creation date of the key as stored in the key information and which is also part of the fingerprint calculation. Either a date like "1986-04-26" or a full timestamp like "19860426T042640" - may be used. The time is considered to be UTC. The special + may be used. The time is considered to be UTC. The special notation "seconds=N" may be used to directly specify a the number - of seconds since Epoch (Unix time). If it is not given the - current time is used. + of seconds since Epoch (Unix time). If it is not given the current + time is used. Preferences: STRING Set the cipher, hash, and compression preference values for this key. This expects the same type of string as the sub-command - `setpref' in the `--edit-key' menu. + 'setpref' in the '--edit-key' menu. Revoker: ALGO:FPR [sensitive] Add a designated revoker to the generated key. Algo is the public - key algorithm of the designated revoker (i.e. RSA=1, DSA=17, etc.) + key algorithm of the designated revoker (i.e. RSA=1, DSA=17, etc.) FPR is the fingerprint of the designated revoker. The optional - `sensitive' flag marks the designated revoker as sensitive + 'sensitive' flag marks the designated revoker as sensitive information. Only v4 keys may be designated revokers. Keyserver: STRING @@ -4069,11 +4012,9 @@ Handle: STRING This is an optional parameter only used with the status lines - KEY_CREATED and KEY_NOT_CREATED. STRING may be up to 100 - characters and should not contain spaces. It is useful for batch - key generation to associate a key parameter block with a status - line. - + KEY_CREATED and KEY_NOT_CREATED. STRING may be up to 100 characters + and should not contain spaces. It is useful for batch key + generation to associate a key parameter block with a status line. Here is an example on how to create a key: $ cat >foo < and +.  File: gnupg.info, Node: NKS Card, Next: DINSIG Card, Prev: OpenPGP Card, Up: Card applications @@ -5670,7 +5548,7 @@ This is the main application of the Telesec cards as available in Germany. It is a superset of the German DINSIG card. The card is used -by `gpgsm'. +by 'gpgsm'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: DINSIG Card, Next: PKCS#15 Card, Prev: NKS Card, Up: Card applications @@ -5689,7 +5567,7 @@ ---------------------------------------- This is common framework for smart card applications. It is used by -`gpgsm'. +'gpgsm'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Geldkarte Card, Next: Undefined Card, Prev: PKCS#15 Card, Up: Card applications @@ -5719,26 +5597,25 @@ ======================= There are a few configuration files to control certain aspects of -`scdaemons''s operation. Unless noted, they are expected in the current +'scdaemons''s operation. Unless noted, they are expected in the current home directory (*note option --homedir::). -`scdaemon.conf' - This is the standard configuration file read by `scdaemon' on +'scdaemon.conf' + This is the standard configuration file read by 'scdaemon' on startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashes may not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. This default name may be changed on the command line (*note option --options::). -`scd-event' +'scd-event' If this file is present and executable, it will be called on veyer - card reader's status changed. An example of this script is + card reader's status changed. An example of this script is provided with the distribution -`reader_N.status' - This file is created by `sdaemon' to let other applications now +'reader_N.status' + This file is created by 'sdaemon' to let other applications now about reader status changes. Its use is now deprecated in favor of - `scd-event'. - + 'scd-event'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Scdaemon Examples, Next: Scdaemon Protocol, Prev: Scdaemon Configuration, Up: Invoking SCDAEMON @@ -5760,7 +5637,7 @@ accounts are hosted on the machine. A client connects to the SC-Daemon by connecting to the socket named -`/var/run/scdaemon/socket', configuration information is read from +'/var/run/scdaemon/socket', configuration information is read from /ETC/SCDAEMON.CONF Each connection acts as one session, SC-Daemon takes care of @@ -5796,7 +5673,7 @@ this function is therefore required. Background: We want to keep the client clear of handling card changes -between operations; i.e. the client can assume that all operations are +between operations; i.e. the client can assume that all operations are done on the same card unless he call this function. SERIALNO @@ -5806,8 +5683,8 @@ S SERIALNO D27600000000000000000000 0 The trailing 0 should be ignored for now, it is reserved for a future -extension. The serial number is the hex encoded value identified by -the `0x5A' tag in the GDO file (FIX=0x2F02). +extension. The serial number is the hex encoded value identified by the +'0x5A' tag in the GDO file (FIX=0x2F02).  File: gnupg.info, Node: Scdaemon LEARN, Next: Scdaemon READCERT, Prev: Scdaemon SERIALNO, Up: Scdaemon Protocol @@ -5823,8 +5700,8 @@ INQUIRE KNOWNCARDP - The client should just send an `END' if the processing should go on -or a `CANCEL' to force the function to terminate with a cancel error + The client should just send an 'END' if the processing should go on +or a 'CANCEL' to force the function to terminate with a cancel error message. The response of this command is a list of status lines formatted as this: @@ -5842,8 +5719,8 @@ READCERT HEXIFIED_CERTID|KEYID This function is used to read a certificate identified by -HEXIFIED_CERTID from the card. With OpenPGP cards the keyid -`OpenPGP.3' may be used to rad the certificate of version 2 cards. +HEXIFIED_CERTID from the card. With OpenPGP cards the keyid 'OpenPGP.3' +may be used to rad the certificate of version 2 cards.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Scdaemon READKEY, Next: Scdaemon PKSIGN, Prev: Scdaemon READCERT, Up: Scdaemon Protocol @@ -5866,18 +5743,18 @@ SETDATA HEXSTRING - to tell `scdaemon' about the data to be signed. The data must be + to tell 'scdaemon' about the data to be signed. The data must be given in hex notation. The actual signing is done using the command PKSIGN KEYID - where KEYID is the hexified ID of the key to be used. The key id -may have been retrieved using the command `LEARN'. If another hash + where KEYID is the hexified ID of the key to be used. The key id may +have been retrieved using the command 'LEARN'. If another hash algorithm than SHA-1 is used, that algorithm may be given like: PKSIGN --hash=ALGONAME KEYID - With ALGONAME are one of `sha1', `rmd160' or `md5'. + With ALGONAME are one of 'sha1', 'rmd160' or 'md5'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Scdaemon PKDECRYPT, Next: Scdaemon GETATTR, Prev: Scdaemon PKSIGN, Up: Scdaemon Protocol @@ -5889,7 +5766,7 @@ SETDATA HEXSTRING - to tell `scdaemon' about the data to be decrypted. The data must be + to tell 'scdaemon' about the data to be decrypted. The data must be given in hex notation. The actual decryption is then done using the command @@ -5899,7 +5776,7 @@ If the card is ware of the apdding format a status line with padding information is send before the plaintext data. The key for this status -line is `PADDING' with the only defined value being 0 and meaning +line is 'PADDING' with the only defined value being 0 and meaning padding has been removed.  @@ -5928,8 +5805,8 @@ This command is used to store a secret key on a smartcard. The allowed keyids depend on the currently selected smartcard application. -The actual keydata is requested using the inquiry `KEYDATA' and need to -be provided without any protection. With `--force' set an existing key +The actual keydata is requested using the inquiry 'KEYDATA' and need to +be provided without any protection. With '--force' set an existing key under this KEYID will get overwritten. The key data is expected to be the usual canonical encoded S-expression. @@ -5961,7 +5838,7 @@ PASSWD [--reset] [--nullpin] CHVNO Change the PIN or reset the retry counter of the card holder -verification vector number CHVNO. The option `--nullpin' is used to +verification vector number CHVNO. The option '--nullpin' is used to initialize the PIN of TCOS cards (6 byte NullPIN only).  @@ -5977,6 +5854,7 @@ Its use is highly application dependent: *OpenPGP* + Perform a simple verify operation for CHV1 and CHV2, so that further operations won't ask for CHV2 and it is possible to do a cheap check on the PIN: If there is something wrong with the PIN @@ -5985,10 +5863,9 @@ notation; an optional fingerprint part will get ignored. There is however a special mode if IDSTR is suffixed with the - literal string `[CHV3]': In this case the Admin PIN is checked if + literal string '[CHV3]': In this case the Admin PIN is checked if and only if the retry counter is still at 3. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Scdaemon RESTART, Next: Scdaemon APDU, Prev: Scdaemon CHECKPIN, Up: Scdaemon Protocol @@ -6002,8 +5879,8 @@ the card. This is used by gpg-agent to reuse a primary pipe connection and may -be used by clients to backup from a conflict in the serial command; -i.e. to select another application. +be used by clients to backup from a conflict in the serial command; i.e. +to select another application.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Scdaemon APDU, Prev: Scdaemon RESTART, Up: Scdaemon Protocol @@ -6015,18 +5892,18 @@ Send an APDU to the current reader. This command bypasses the high level functions and sends the data directly to the card. HEXSTRING is -expected to be a proper APDU. If HEXSTRING is not given no commands -are send to the card; However the command will implicitly check whether -the card is ready for use. +expected to be a proper APDU. If HEXSTRING is not given no commands are +send to the card; However the command will implicitly check whether the +card is ready for use. - Using the option `--atr' returns the ATR of the card as a status + Using the option '--atr' returns the ATR of the card as a status message before any data like this: S CARD-ATR 3BFA1300FF813180450031C173C00100009000B1 - Using the option `--more' handles the card status word MORE_DATA + Using the option '--more' handles the card status word MORE_DATA (61xx) and concatenate all responses to one block. - Using the option `--exlen' the returned APDU may use extended length + Using the option '--exlen' the returned APDU may use extended length up to N bytes. If N is not given a default value is used (currently 4096). @@ -6036,23 +5913,23 @@ 6 How to Specify a User Id ************************** -There are different ways to specify a user ID to GnuPG. Some of them -are only valid for `gpg' others are only good for `gpgsm'. Here is the +There are different ways to specify a user ID to GnuPG. Some of them are +only valid for 'gpg' others are only good for 'gpgsm'. Here is the entire list of ways to specify a key: * By key Id. This format is deduced from the length of the string - and its content or `0x' prefix. The key Id of an X.509 certificate + and its content or '0x' prefix. The key Id of an X.509 certificate are the low 64 bits of its SHA-1 fingerprint. The use of key Ids is just a shortcut, for all automated processing the fingerprint should be used. - When using `gpg' an exclamation mark (!) may be appended to force + When using 'gpg' an exclamation mark (!) may be appended to force using the specified primary or secondary key and not to try and calculate which primary or secondary key to use. The last four lines of the example give the key ID in their long - form as internally used by the OpenPGP protocol. You can see the - long key ID using the option `--with-colons'. + form as internally used by the OpenPGP protocol. You can see the + long key ID using the option '--with-colons'. 234567C4 0F34E556E @@ -6065,11 +5942,11 @@ 0x234AABBCC34567C4 * By fingerprint. This format is deduced from the length of the - string and its content or the `0x' prefix. Note, that only the 20 - byte version fingerprint is available with `gpgsm' (i.e. the SHA-1 + string and its content or the '0x' prefix. Note, that only the 20 + byte version fingerprint is available with 'gpgsm' (i.e. the SHA-1 hash of the certificate). - When using `gpg' an exclamation mark (!) may be appended to force + When using 'gpg' an exclamation mark (!) may be appended to force using the specified primary or secondary key and not to try and calculate which primary or secondary key to use. @@ -6081,18 +5958,17 @@ 0E12343434343434343434EAB3484343434343434 0xE12343434343434343434EAB3484343434343434 - (`gpgsm' also accepts colons between each pair of hexadecimal + ('gpgsm' also accepts colons between each pair of hexadecimal digits because this is the de-facto standard on how to present X.509 fingerprints.) - * By exact match on OpenPGP user ID. This is denoted by a leading - equal sign. It does not make sense for X.509 certificates. + * By exact match on OpenPGP user ID. This is denoted by a leading + equal sign. It does not make sense for X.509 certificates. =Heinrich Heine - * By exact match on an email address. This is indicated by - enclosing the email address in the usual way with left and right - angles. + * By exact match on an email address. This is indicated by enclosing + the email address in the usual way with left and right angles. @@ -6103,32 +5979,32 @@ +Heinrich Heine duesseldorf - * By exact match on the subject's DN. This is indicated by a - leading slash, directly followed by the RFC-2253 encoded DN of the - subject. Note that you can't use the string printed by "gpgsm - -list-keys" because that one as been reordered and modified for - better readability; use -with-colons to print the raw (but standard + * By exact match on the subject's DN. This is indicated by a leading + slash, directly followed by the RFC-2253 encoded DN of the subject. + Note that you can't use the string printed by "gpgsm -list-keys" + because that one as been reordered and modified for better + readability; use -with-colons to print the raw (but standard escaped) RFC-2253 string /CN=Heinrich Heine,O=Poets,L=Paris,C=FR - * By exact match on the issuer's DN. This is indicated by a leading + * By exact match on the issuer's DN. This is indicated by a leading hash mark, directly followed by a slash and then directly followed by the rfc2253 encoded DN of the issuer. This should return the Root cert of the issuer. See note above. #/CN=Root Cert,O=Poets,L=Paris,C=FR - * By exact match on serial number and issuer's DN. This is - indicated by a hash mark, followed by the hexadecimal - representation of the serial number, then followed by a slash and - the RFC-2253 encoded DN of the issuer. See note above. + * By exact match on serial number and issuer's DN. This is indicated + by a hash mark, followed by the hexadecimal representation of the + serial number, then followed by a slash and the RFC-2253 encoded DN + of the issuer. See note above. #4F03/CN=Root Cert,O=Poets,L=Paris,C=FR - * By keygrip This is indicated by an ampersand followed by the 40 - hex digits of a keygrip. `gpgsm' prints the keygrip when using - the command `--dump-cert'. It does not yet work for OpenPGP keys. + * By keygrip This is indicated by an ampersand followed by the 40 hex + digits of a keygrip. 'gpgsm' prints the keygrip when using the + command '--dump-cert'. It does not yet work for OpenPGP keys. &D75F22C3F86E355877348498CDC92BD21010A480 @@ -6139,7 +6015,6 @@ Heine *Heine - Please note that we have reused the hash mark identifier which was used in old GnuPG versions to indicate the so called local-id. It is not anymore used and there should be no conflict when used with X.509 @@ -6179,48 +6054,46 @@ =========================== Most of the main utilities are able to write their log files to a Unix -Domain socket if configured that way. `watchgnupg' is a simple -listener for such a socket. It ameliorates the output with a time stamp -and makes sure that long lines are not interspersed with log output from +Domain socket if configured that way. 'watchgnupg' is a simple listener +for such a socket. It ameliorates the output with a time stamp and +makes sure that long lines are not interspersed with log output from other utilities. This tool is not available for Windows. -`watchgnupg' is commonly invoked as +'watchgnupg' is commonly invoked as watchgnupg --force ~/.gnupg/S.log This starts it on the current terminal for listening on the socket -`~/.gnupg/S.log'. +'~/.gnupg/S.log'. -`watchgnupg' understands these options: +'watchgnupg' understands these options: -`--force' +'--force' Delete an already existing socket file. -`--tcp N' +'--tcp N' Instead of reading from a local socket, listen for connects on TCP port N. -`--verbose' +'--verbose' Enable extra informational output. -`--version' +'--version' Print version of the program and exit. -`--help' +'--help' Display a brief help page and exit. - - Examples ******** $ watchgnupg --force /home/foo/.gnupg/S.log This waits for connections on the local socket -`/home/foo/.gnupg/S.log' and shows all log entries. To make this work -the option `log-file' needs to be used with all modules which logs are +'/home/foo/.gnupg/S.log' and shows all log entries. To make this work +the option 'log-file' needs to be used with all modules which logs are to be shown. The value for that option must be given with a special -prefix (e.g. in the conf file): +prefix (e.g. in the conf file): log-file socket:///home/foo/.gnupg/S.log @@ -6232,10 +6105,10 @@ You may use any port and not just 4711 as shown above; only IP addresses are supported (v4 and v6) and no host names. You need to -start `watchgnupg' with the `tcp' option. Note that under Windows the +start 'watchgnupg' with the 'tcp' option. Note that under Windows the registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:DEFAULTLOGFILE can be used to -change the default log output from `stderr' to whatever is given by -that entry. However the only useful entry is a TCP name for remote +change the default log output from 'stderr' to whatever is given by that +entry. However the only useful entry is a TCP name for remote debugging.  @@ -6244,77 +6117,73 @@ 7.2 Verify OpenPGP signatures ============================= - `gpgv2' is an OpenPGP signature verification tool. +'gpgv2' is an OpenPGP signature verification tool. - This program is actually a stripped-down version of `gpg' which is -only able to check signatures. It is somewhat smaller than the -fully-blown `gpg' and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that -the public keys used to make the signature are valid. There are no + This program is actually a stripped-down version of 'gpg' which is +only able to check signatures. It is somewhat smaller than the +fully-blown 'gpg' and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that +the public keys used to make the signature are valid. There are no configuration files and only a few options are implemented. - `gpgv2' assumes that all keys in the keyring are trustworthy. By -default it uses a keyring named `trustedkeys.gpg' which is assumed to -be in the home directory as defined by GnuPG or set by an option or an -environment variable. An option may be used to specify another keyring + 'gpgv2' assumes that all keys in the keyring are trustworthy. By +default it uses a keyring named 'trustedkeys.gpg' which is assumed to be +in the home directory as defined by GnuPG or set by an option or an +environment variable. An option may be used to specify another keyring or even multiple keyrings. + 'gpgv2' recognizes these options: - - `gpgv2' recognizes these options: - -`--verbose' -`-v' - Gives more information during processing. If used twice, the input +'--verbose' +'-v' + Gives more information during processing. If used twice, the input data is listed in detail. -`--quiet' -`-q' +'--quiet' +'-q' Try to be as quiet as possible. -`--keyring FILE' +'--keyring FILE' Add FILE to the list of keyrings. If FILE begins with a tilde and - a slash, these are replaced by the HOME directory. If the filename - does not contain a slash, it is assumed to be in the - home-directory ("~/.gnupg" if -homedir is not used). + a slash, these are replaced by the HOME directory. If the filename + does not contain a slash, it is assumed to be in the home-directory + ("~/.gnupg" if -homedir is not used). -`--status-fd N' +'--status-fd N' Write special status strings to the file descriptor N. See the file DETAILS in the documentation for a listing of them. -`--logger-fd `n'' - Write log output to file descriptor `n' and not to stderr. +'--logger-fd n' + Write log output to file descriptor 'n' and not to stderr. -`--ignore-time-conflict' +'--ignore-time-conflict' GnuPG normally checks that the timestamps associated with keys and - signatures have plausible values. However, sometimes a signature - seems to be older than the key due to clock problems. This option + signatures have plausible values. However, sometimes a signature + seems to be older than the key due to clock problems. This option turns these checks into warnings. -`--homedir DIR' - Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not - used, the home directory defaults to `~/.gnupg'. It is only +'--homedir DIR' + Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not + used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any - home directory stated through the environment variable `GNUPGHOME' + home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on W32 systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. - The program returns 0 if everything is fine, 1 if at least one signature was bad, and other error codes for fatal errors. 7.2.1 Examples -------------- -gpgv2 `pgpfile' -gpgv2 `sigfile' [`datafile'] - Verify the signature of the file. The second form is used for - detached signatures, where `sigfile' is the detached signature - (either ASCII-armored or binary) and `datafile' contains the - signed data; if `datafile' is "-" the signed data is expected on - `stdin'; if `datafile' is not given the name of the file holding - the signed data is constructed by cutting off the extension - (".asc", ".sig" or ".sign") from `sigfile'. - +gpgv2 'pgpfile' +gpgv2 'sigfile' ['datafile'] + Verify the signature of the file. The second form is used for + detached signatures, where 'sigfile' is the detached signature + (either ASCII-armored or binary) and 'datafile' contains the signed + data; if 'datafile' is "-" the signed data is expected on 'stdin'; + if 'datafile' is not given the name of the file holding the signed + data is constructed by cutting off the extension (".asc", ".sig" or + ".sign") from 'sigfile'. 7.2.2 Environment ----------------- @@ -6325,15 +6194,13 @@ GNUPGHOME If set directory used instead of "~/.gnupg". - 7.2.3 FILES ----------- ~/.gnupg/trustedkeys.gpg The default keyring with the allowed keys. - - `gpg2'(1) + 'gpg2'(1)  File: gnupg.info, Node: addgnupghome, Next: gpgconf, Prev: gpgv, Up: Helper Tools @@ -6343,13 +6210,13 @@ If GnuPG is installed on a system with existing user accounts, it is sometimes required to populate the GnuPG home directory with existing -files. Especially a `trustlist.txt' and a keybox with some initial -certificates are often desired. This scripts help to do this by -copying all files from `/etc/skel/.gnupg' to the home directories of -the accounts given on the command line. It takes care not to overwrite +files. Especially a 'trustlist.txt' and a keybox with some initial +certificates are often desired. This scripts help to do this by copying +all files from '/etc/skel/.gnupg' to the home directories of the +accounts given on the command line. It takes care not to overwrite existing GnuPG home directories. -`addgnupghome' is invoked by root as: +'addgnupghome' is invoked by root as: addgnupghome account1 account2 ... accountn @@ -6359,31 +6226,31 @@ 7.4 Modify .gnupg home directories. =================================== -The `gpgconf' is a utility to automatically and reasonable safely query -and modify configuration files in the `.gnupg' home directory. It is +The 'gpgconf' is a utility to automatically and reasonable safely query +and modify configuration files in the '.gnupg' home directory. It is designed not to be invoked manually by the user, but automatically by graphical user interfaces (GUI).(1) - `gpgconf' provides access to the configuration of one or more + 'gpgconf' provides access to the configuration of one or more components of the GnuPG system. These components correspond more or less to the programs that exist in the GnuPG framework, like GnuPG, GPGSM, DirMngr, etc. But this is not a strict one-to-one relationship. -Not all configuration options are available through `gpgconf'. -`gpgconf' provides a generic and abstract method to access the most -important configuration options that can feasibly be controlled via -such a mechanism. +Not all configuration options are available through 'gpgconf'. +'gpgconf' provides a generic and abstract method to access the most +important configuration options that can feasibly be controlled via such +a mechanism. - `gpgconf' can be used to gather and change the options available in -each component, and can also provide their default values. `gpgconf' + 'gpgconf' can be used to gather and change the options available in +each component, and can also provide their default values. 'gpgconf' will give detailed type information that can be used to restrict the user's input without making an attempt to commit the changes. - `gpgconf' provides the backend of a configuration editor. The + 'gpgconf' provides the backend of a configuration editor. The configuration editor would usually be a graphical user interface program, that allows to display the current options, their default values, and allows the user to make changes to the options. These -changes can then be made active with `gpgconf' again. Such a program -that uses `gpgconf' in this way will be called GUI throughout this +changes can then be made active with 'gpgconf' again. Such a program +that uses 'gpgconf' in this way will be called GUI throughout this section. * Menu: @@ -6413,95 +6280,93 @@ One of the following commands must be given: -`--list-components' +'--list-components' List all components. This is the default command used if none is specified. -`--check-programs' +'--check-programs' List all available backend programs and test whether they are runnable. -`--list-options COMPONENT' +'--list-options COMPONENT' List all options of the component COMPONENT. -`--change-options COMPONENT' +'--change-options COMPONENT' Change the options of the component COMPONENT. -`--check-options COMPONENT' +'--check-options COMPONENT' Check the options for the component COMPONENT. -`--apply-defaults' +'--apply-defaults' Update all configuration files with values taken from the global - configuration file (usually `/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf'). + configuration file (usually '/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf'). -`--list-dirs' - Lists the directories used by `gpgconf'. One directory is listed +'--list-dirs' + Lists the directories used by 'gpgconf'. One directory is listed per line, and each line consists of a colon-separated list where - the first field names the directory type (for example `sysconfdir') + the first field names the directory type (for example 'sysconfdir') and the second field contains the percent-escaped directory. Although they are not directories, the socket file names used by - `gpg-agent' and `dirmngr' are printed as well. Note that the - socket file names and the `homedir' lines are the default names - and they may be overridden by command line switches. + 'gpg-agent' and 'dirmngr' are printed as well. Note that the + socket file names and the 'homedir' lines are the default names and + they may be overridden by command line switches. -`--list-config [FILENAME]' +'--list-config [FILENAME]' List the global configuration file in a colon separated format. If FILENAME is given, check that file instead. -`--check-config [FILENAME]' +'--check-config [FILENAME]' Run a syntax check on the global configuration file. If FILENAME is given, check that file instead. -`--reload [COMPONENT]' - Reload all or the given component. This is basically the same as +'--reload [COMPONENT]' + Reload all or the given component. This is basically the same as sending a SIGHUP to the component. Components which don't support reloading are ignored. - The following options may be used: -`-v' -`--verbose' +'-v' +'--verbose' Outputs additional information while running. Specifically, this extends numerical field values by human-readable descriptions. -`-n' -`--dry-run' +'-n' +'--dry-run' Do not actually change anything. This is currently only - implemented for `--change-options' and can be used for testing + implemented for '--change-options' and can be used for testing purposes. -`-r' -`--runtime' - Only used together with `--change-options'. If one of the - modified options can be changed in a running daemon process, signal - the running daemon to ask it to reparse its configuration file - after changing. +'-r' +'--runtime' + Only used together with '--change-options'. If one of the modified + options can be changed in a running daemon process, signal the + running daemon to ask it to reparse its configuration file after + changing. This means that the changes will take effect at run-time, as far as this is possible. Otherwise, they will take effect at the next start of the respective backend programs. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Format conventions, Next: Listing components, Prev: Invoking gpgconf, Up: gpgconf 7.4.2 Format conventions ------------------------ -Some lines in the output of `gpgconf' contain a list of colon-separated +Some lines in the output of 'gpgconf' contain a list of colon-separated fields. The following conventions apply: * The GUI program is required to strip off trailing newline and/or carriage return characters from the output. - * `gpgconf' will never leave out fields. If a certain version + * 'gpgconf' will never leave out fields. If a certain version provides a certain field, this field will always be present in all - `gpgconf' versions from that time on. + 'gpgconf' versions from that time on. - * Future versions of `gpgconf' might append fields to the list. New - fields will always be separated from the previously last field by - a colon separator. The GUI should be prepared to parse the last + * Future versions of 'gpgconf' might append fields to the list. New + fields will always be separated from the previously last field by a + colon separator. The GUI should be prepared to parse the last field it knows about up until a colon or end of line. * Not all fields are defined under all conditions. You are required @@ -6519,11 +6384,11 @@ percent-escaped Some fields contain strings that are described to be - _percent-escaped_. Such strings need to be de-escaped before - their content can be presented to the user. A percent-escaped - string is de-escaped by replacing all occurrences of `%XY' by the - byte that has the hexadecimal value `XY'. `X' and `Y' are from - the set `0-9a-f'. + _percent-escaped_. Such strings need to be de-escaped before their + content can be presented to the user. A percent-escaped string is + de-escaped by replacing all occurrences of '%XY' by the byte that + has the hexadecimal value 'XY'. 'X' and 'Y' are from the set + '0-9a-f'. localised Some fields contain strings that are described to be _localised_. @@ -6538,64 +6403,64 @@ everything in the field that follows the number. signed number - Some fields contain a _signed number_. This number will always - fit into a 32-bit signed integer variable. The number may be - followed by a space, followed by a human readable description of - that value (if the verbose option is used). You should ignore - everything in the field that follows the number. + Some fields contain a _signed number_. This number will always fit + into a 32-bit signed integer variable. The number may be followed + by a space, followed by a human readable description of that value + (if the verbose option is used). You should ignore everything in + the field that follows the number. boolean value Some fields contain a _boolean value_. This is a number with either the value 0 or 1. The number may be followed by a space, followed by a human readable description of that value (if the - verbose option is used). You should ignore everything in the - field that follows the number; checking just the first character - is sufficient in this case. + verbose option is used). You should ignore everything in the field + that follows the number; checking just the first character is + sufficient in this case. option Some fields contain an _option_ argument. The format of an option argument depends on the type of the option and on some flags: - no argument - The simplest case is that the option does not take an - argument at all (TYPE `0'). Then the option argument is an - unsigned number that specifies how often the option occurs. - If the `list' flag is not set, then the only valid number is - `1'. Options that do not take an argument never have the - `default' or `optional arg' flag set. - - number - If the option takes a number argument (ALT-TYPE is `2' or - `3'), and it can only occur once (`list' flag is not set), + no argument + The simplest case is that the option does not take an argument + at all (TYPE '0'). Then the option argument is an unsigned + number that specifies how often the option occurs. If the + 'list' flag is not set, then the only valid number is '1'. + Options that do not take an argument never have the 'default' + or 'optional arg' flag set. + + number + If the option takes a number argument (ALT-TYPE is '2' or + '3'), and it can only occur once ('list' flag is not set), then the option argument is either empty (only allowed if the argument is optional), or it is a number. A number is a string that begins with an optional minus character, followed by one or more digits. The number must fit into an integer variable (unsigned or signed, depending on ALT-TYPE). - number list + number list If the option takes a number argument and it can occur more than once, then the option argument is either empty, or it is a comma-separated list of numbers as described above. - string + string If the option takes a string argument (ALT-TYPE is 1), and it - can only occur once (`list' flag is not set) then the option + can only occur once ('list' flag is not set) then the option argument is either empty (only allowed if the argument is - optional), or it starts with a double quote character (`"') + optional), or it starts with a double quote character ('"') followed by a percent-escaped string that is the argument value. Note that there is only a leading double quote character, no trailing one. The double quote character is only needed to be able to differentiate between no value and the empty string as value. - string list + string list If the option takes a number argument and it can occur more than once, then the option argument is either empty, or it is a comma-separated list of string arguments as described above. The active language and character set are currently determined from -the locale environment of the `gpgconf' program. +the locale environment of the 'gpgconf' program.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Listing components, Next: Checking programs, Prev: Format conventions, Up: gpgconf @@ -6603,10 +6468,10 @@ 7.4.3 Listing components ------------------------ -The command `--list-components' will list all components that can be -configured with `gpgconf'. Usually, one component will correspond to +The command '--list-components' will list all components that can be +configured with 'gpgconf'. Usually, one component will correspond to one GnuPG-related program and contain the options of that programs -configuration file that can be modified using `gpgconf'. However, this +configuration file that can be modified using 'gpgconf'. However, this is not necessarily the case. A component might also be a group of selected options from several programs, or contain entirely virtual options that have a special effect rather than changing exactly one @@ -6618,20 +6483,20 @@ example provide a menu with one entry for each component, or a window with one tabulator sheet per component. - The command argument `--list-components' lists all available + The command argument '--list-components' lists all available components, one per line. The format of each line is: - `NAME:DESCRIPTION:PGMNAME:' + 'NAME:DESCRIPTION:PGMNAME:' NAME This field contains a name tag of the component. The name tag is - used to specify the component in all communication with `gpgconf'. + used to specify the component in all communication with 'gpgconf'. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. It is thus not in any escaped format. DESCRIPTION - The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description - of the component. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for + The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description of + the component. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for informational purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. PGMNAME @@ -6653,26 +6518,26 @@ 7.4.4 Checking programs ----------------------- -The command `--check-programs' is similar to `--list-components' but +The command '--check-programs' is similar to '--list-components' but works on backend programs and not on components. It runs each program to test whether it is installed and runnable. This also includes a syntax check of all config file options of the program. - The command argument `--check-programs' lists all available -programs, one per line. The format of each line is: + The command argument '--check-programs' lists all available programs, +one per line. The format of each line is: - `NAME:DESCRIPTION:PGMNAME:AVAIL:OKAY:CFGFILE:LINE:ERROR:' + 'NAME:DESCRIPTION:PGMNAME:AVAIL:OKAY:CFGFILE:LINE:ERROR:' NAME - This field contains a name tag of the program which is identical - to the name of the component. The name tag is to be used - _verbatim_. It is thus not in any escaped format. This field may - be empty to indicate a continuation of error descriptions for the - last name. The description and pgmname fields are then also empty. + This field contains a name tag of the program which is identical to + the name of the component. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. + It is thus not in any escaped format. This field may be empty to + indicate a continuation of error descriptions for the last name. + The description and pgmname fields are then also empty. DESCRIPTION - The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description - of the component. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for + The _string_ in this field contains a human-readable description of + the component. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for informational purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. PGMNAME @@ -6690,22 +6555,21 @@ CFGFILE If an error occurred in the configuration file (as indicated by a - false value in the field `okay'), this field has the name of the + false value in the field 'okay'), this field has the name of the failing configuration file. It is _percent-escaped_. LINE If an error occurred in the configuration file, this field has the - line number of the failing statement in the configuration file. - It is an _unsigned number_. + line number of the failing statement in the configuration file. It + is an _unsigned number_. ERROR If an error occurred in the configuration file, this field has the error text of the failing statement in the configuration file. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. - -In the following example the `dirmngr' is not runnable and the -configuration file of `scdaemon' is not okay. +In the following example the 'dirmngr' is not runnable and the +configuration file of 'scdaemon' is not okay. $ gpgconf --check-programs gpg:GPG for OpenPGP:/usr/local/bin/gpg2:1:1: @@ -6714,8 +6578,8 @@ gpgsm:GPG for S/MIME:/usr/local/bin/gpgsm:1:1: dirmngr:Directory Manager:/usr/local/bin/dirmngr:0:0: -The command `--check-options COMPONENT' will verify the configuration -file in the same manner as `--check-programs', but only for the +The command '--check-options COMPONENT' will verify the configuration +file in the same manner as '--check-programs', but only for the component COMPONENT.  @@ -6728,10 +6592,10 @@ into option groups to allow the GUI to give visual hints to the user about which options are related. - The command argument `--list-options COMPONENT' lists all options + The command argument '--list-options COMPONENT' lists all options (and the groups they belong to) in the component COMPONENT, one per line. COMPONENT must be the string in the field NAME in the output of -the `--list-components' command. +the '--list-components' command. There is one line for each option and each group. First come all options that are not in any group. Then comes a line describing a @@ -6741,51 +6605,50 @@ The format of each line is: -`NAME:FLAGS:LEVEL:DESCRIPTION:TYPE:ALT-TYPE:ARGNAME:DEFAULT:ARGDEF:VALUE' + 'NAME:FLAGS:LEVEL:DESCRIPTION:TYPE:ALT-TYPE:ARGNAME:DEFAULT:ARGDEF:VALUE' NAME This field contains a name tag for the group or option. The name tag is used to specify the group or option in all communication - with `gpgconf'. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. It is - thus not in any escaped format. + with 'gpgconf'. The name tag is to be used _verbatim_. It is thus + not in any escaped format. FLAGS The flags field contains an _unsigned number_. Its value is the OR-wise combination of the following flag values: - `group (1)' - If this flag is set, this is a line describing a group and - not an option. + 'group (1)' + If this flag is set, this is a line describing a group and not + an option. The following flag values are only defined for options (that is, if - the `group' flag is not used). + the 'group' flag is not used). - `optional arg (2)' + 'optional arg (2)' If this flag is set, the argument is optional. This is never - set for TYPE `0' (none) options. + set for TYPE '0' (none) options. - `list (4)' + 'list (4)' If this flag is set, the option can be given multiple times. - `runtime (8)' + 'runtime (8)' If this flag is set, the option can be changed at runtime. - `default (16)' + 'default (16)' If this flag is set, a default value is available. - `default desc (32)' + 'default desc (32)' If this flag is set, a (runtime) default is available. This - and the `default' flag are mutually exclusive. + and the 'default' flag are mutually exclusive. - `no arg desc (64)' - If this flag is set, and the `optional arg' flag is set, then + 'no arg desc (64)' + If this flag is set, and the 'optional arg' flag is set, then the option has a special meaning if no argument is given. - `no change (128)' + 'no change (128)' If this flag is set, gpgconf ignores requests to change the - value. GUI frontends should grey out this option. Note, - that manual changes of the configuration files are still - possible. + value. GUI frontends should grey out this option. Note, that + manual changes of the configuration files are still possible. LEVEL This field is defined for options and for groups. It contains an @@ -6793,30 +6656,30 @@ group or option should be displayed. The following expert levels are defined for options (they have analogous meaning for groups): - `basic (0)' + 'basic (0)' This option should always be offered to the user. - `advanced (1)' + 'advanced (1)' This option may be offered to advanced users. - `expert (2)' + 'expert (2)' This option should only be offered to expert users. - `invisible (3)' + 'invisible (3)' This option should normally never be displayed, not even to expert users. - `internal (4)' + 'internal (4)' This option is for internal use only. Ignore it. - The level of a group will always be the lowest level of all - options it contains. + The level of a group will always be the lowest level of all options + it contains. DESCRIPTION - This field is defined for options and groups. The _string_ in - this field contains a human-readable description of the option or - group. It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for - informational purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. + This field is defined for options and groups. The _string_ in this + field contains a human-readable description of the option or group. + It can be displayed to the user of the GUI for informational + purposes. It is _percent-escaped_ and _localized_. TYPE This field is only defined for options. It contains an _unsigned @@ -6825,86 +6688,86 @@ Basic types: - `none (0)' + 'none (0)' No argument allowed. - `string (1)' + 'string (1)' An _unformatted string_. - `int32 (2)' + 'int32 (2)' A _signed number_. - `uint32 (3)' + 'uint32 (3)' An _unsigned number_. Complex types: - `pathname (32)' + 'pathname (32)' A _string_ that describes the pathname of a file. The file does not necessarily need to exist. - `ldap server (33)' + 'ldap server (33)' A _string_ that describes an LDAP server in the format: - `HOSTNAME:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD:BASE_DN' + 'HOSTNAME:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD:BASE_DN' - `key fingerprint (34)' + 'key fingerprint (34)' A _string_ with a 40 digit fingerprint specifying a certificate. - `pub key (35)' + 'pub key (35)' A _string_ that describes a certificate by user ID, key ID or fingerprint. - `sec key (36)' + 'sec key (36)' A _string_ that describes a certificate with a key by user ID, key ID or fingerprint. - `alias list (37)' + 'alias list (37)' A _string_ that describes an alias list, like the one used - with gpg's group option. The list consists of a key, an - equal sign and space separated values. + with gpg's group option. The list consists of a key, an equal + sign and space separated values. More types will be added in the future. Please see the ALT-TYPE field for information on how to cope with unknown types. ALT-TYPE - This field is identical to TYPE, except that only the types `0' to - `31' are allowed. The GUI is expected to present the user the + This field is identical to TYPE, except that only the types '0' to + '31' are allowed. The GUI is expected to present the user the option in the format specified by TYPE. But if the argument type TYPE is not supported by the GUI, it can still display the option in the more generic basic type ALT-TYPE. The GUI must support all the defined basic types to be able to display all options. More - basic types may be added in future versions. If the GUI - encounters a basic type it doesn't support, it should report an - error and abort the operation. + basic types may be added in future versions. If the GUI encounters + a basic type it doesn't support, it should report an error and + abort the operation. ARGNAME This field is only defined for options with an argument type TYPE - that is not `0'. In this case it may contain a _percent-escaped_ + that is not '0'. In this case it may contain a _percent-escaped_ and _localised string_ that gives a short name for the argument. The field may also be empty, though, in which case a short name is not known. DEFAULT - This field is defined only for options for which the `default' or - `default desc' flag is set. If the `default' flag is set, its - format is that of an _option argument_ (*Note Format - conventions::, for details). If the default value is empty, then - no default is known. Otherwise, the value specifies the default - value for this option. If the `default desc' flag is set, the - field is either empty or contains a description of the effect if - the option is not given. + This field is defined only for options for which the 'default' or + 'default desc' flag is set. If the 'default' flag is set, its + format is that of an _option argument_ (*Note Format conventions::, + for details). If the default value is empty, then no default is + known. Otherwise, the value specifies the default value for this + option. If the 'default desc' flag is set, the field is either + empty or contains a description of the effect if the option is not + given. ARGDEF - This field is defined only for options for which the `optional - arg' flag is set. If the `no arg desc' flag is not set, its - format is that of an _option argument_ (*Note Format - conventions::, for details). If the default value is empty, then - no default is known. Otherwise, the value specifies the default - argument for this option. If the `no arg desc' flag is set, the - field is either empty or contains a description of the effect of - this option if no argument is given. + This field is defined only for options for which the 'optional arg' + flag is set. If the 'no arg desc' flag is not set, its format is + that of an _option argument_ (*Note Format conventions::, for + details). If the default value is empty, then no default is known. + Otherwise, the value specifies the default argument for this + option. If the 'no arg desc' flag is set, the field is either + empty or contains a description of the effect of this option if no + argument is given. VALUE This field is defined only for options. Its format is that of an @@ -6912,8 +6775,8 @@ explicitly set in the current configuration, and the default applies (if any). Otherwise, it contains the current value of the option. Note that this field is also meaningful if the option - itself does not take a real argument (in this case, it contains - the number of times the option appears). + itself does not take a real argument (in this case, it contains the + number of times the option appears).  File: gnupg.info, Node: Changing options, Next: Listing global options, Prev: Listing options, Up: gpgconf @@ -6921,39 +6784,39 @@ 7.4.6 Changing options ---------------------- -The command `--change-options COMPONENT' will attempt to change the +The command '--change-options COMPONENT' will attempt to change the options of the component COMPONENT to the specified values. COMPONENT must be the string in the field NAME in the output of the -`--list-components' command. You have to provide the options that -shall be changed in the following format on standard input: +'--list-components' command. You have to provide the options that shall +be changed in the following format on standard input: - `NAME:FLAGS:NEW-VALUE' + 'NAME:FLAGS:NEW-VALUE' NAME This is the name of the option to change. NAME must be the string - in the field NAME in the output of the `--list-options' command. + in the field NAME in the output of the '--list-options' command. FLAGS The flags field contains an _unsigned number_. Its value is the OR-wise combination of the following flag values: - `default (16)' + 'default (16)' If this flag is set, the option is deleted and the default value is used instead (if applicable). NEW-VALUE The new value for the option. This field is only defined if the - `default' flag is not set. The format is that of an _option + 'default' flag is not set. The format is that of an _option argument_. If it is empty (or the field is omitted), the default argument is used (only allowed if the argument is optional for this option). Otherwise, the option will be set to the specified value. -The output of the command is the same as that of `--check-options' for +The output of the command is the same as that of '--check-options' for the modified configuration file. Examples: - To set the force option, which is of basic type `none (0)': + To set the force option, which is of basic type 'none (0)': $ echo 'force:0:1' | gpgconf --change-options dirmngr @@ -6961,7 +6824,7 @@ $ echo 'force:16:' | gpgconf --change-options dirmngr - The `--runtime' option can influence when the changes take effect. + The '--runtime' option can influence when the changes take effect.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Listing global options, Next: Files used by gpgconf, Prev: Changing options, Up: gpgconf @@ -6970,50 +6833,49 @@ ---------------------------- Sometimes it is useful for applications to look at the global options -file `gpgconf.conf'. The colon separated listing format is record +file 'gpgconf.conf'. The colon separated listing format is record oriented and uses the first field to identify the record type: -`k' +'k' This describes a key record to start the definition of a new ruleset for a user/group. The format of a key record is: - `k:USER:GROUP:' + 'k:USER:GROUP:' - USER + USER This is the user field of the key. It is percent escaped. See the definition of the gpgconf.conf format for details. - GROUP + GROUP This is the group field of the key. It is percent escaped. -`r' - This describes a rule record. All rule records up to the next key +'r' + This describes a rule record. All rule records up to the next key record make up a rule set for that key. The format of a rule record is: - `r:::COMPONENT:OPTION:FLAGS:VALUE:' + 'r:::COMPONENT:OPTION:FLAGS:VALUE:' - COMPONENT + COMPONENT This is the component part of a rule. It is a plain string. - OPTION + OPTION This is the option part of a rule. It is a plain string. - FLAG + FLAG This is the flags part of a rule. There may be only one flag per rule but by using the same component and option, several flags may be assigned to an option. It is a plain string. - VALUE + VALUE This is the optional value for the option. It is a percent escaped string with a single quotation mark to indicate a string. The quotation mark is only required to distinguish between no value specified and an empty string. - Unknown record types should be ignored. Note that there is intentionally no feature to change the global option file through -`gpgconf'. +'gpgconf'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Files used by gpgconf, Prev: Listing global options, Up: gpgconf @@ -7021,10 +6883,10 @@ 7.4.8 Files used by gpgconf --------------------------- -`/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf' +'/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf' If this file exists, it is processed as a global configuration - file. A commented example can be found in the `examples' - directory of the distribution. + file. A commented example can be found in the 'examples' directory + of the distribution.  File: gnupg.info, Node: applygnupgdefaults, Next: gpgsm-gencert.sh, Prev: gpgconf, Up: Helper Tools @@ -7032,16 +6894,16 @@ 7.5 Run gpgconf for all users. ============================== -This script is a wrapper around `gpgconf' to run it with the command -`--apply-defaults' for all real users with an existing GnuPG home +This script is a wrapper around 'gpgconf' to run it with the command +'--apply-defaults' for all real users with an existing GnuPG home directory. Admins might want to use this script to update he GnuPG -configuration files for all users after `/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf' has +configuration files for all users after '/etc/gnupg/gpgconf.conf' has been changed. This allows to enforce certain policies for all users. Note, that this is not a bulletproof of forcing a user to use certain options. A user may always directly edit the configuration files and bypass gpgconf. -`applygnupgdefaults' is invoked by root as: +'applygnupgdefaults' is invoked by root as: applygnupgdefaults @@ -7054,9 +6916,9 @@ This is a simple tool to interactively generate a certificate request which will be printed to stdout. -`gpgsm-gencert.sh' is invoked as: +'gpgsm-gencert.sh' is invoked as: - `gpgsm-cencert.sh' + 'gpgsm-cencert.sh'  File: gnupg.info, Node: gpg-preset-passphrase, Next: gpg-connect-agent, Prev: gpgsm-gencert.sh, Up: Helper Tools @@ -7064,18 +6926,17 @@ 7.7 Put a passphrase into the cache. ==================================== -The `gpg-preset-passphrase' is a utility to seed the internal cache of -a running `gpg-agent' with passphrases. It is mainly useful for -unattended machines, where the usual `pinentry' tool may not be used -and the passphrases for the to be used keys are given at machine -startup. - - Passphrases set with this utility don't expire unless the `--forget' -option is used to explicitly clear them from the cache -- or -`gpg-agent' is either restarted or reloaded (by sending a SIGHUP to -it). Nite that the maximum cache time as set with `--max-cache-ttl' is -still honored. It is necessary to allow this passphrase presetting by -starting `gpg-agent' with the `--allow-preset-passphrase'. +The 'gpg-preset-passphrase' is a utility to seed the internal cache of a +running 'gpg-agent' with passphrases. It is mainly useful for +unattended machines, where the usual 'pinentry' tool may not be used and +the passphrases for the to be used keys are given at machine startup. + + Passphrases set with this utility don't expire unless the '--forget' +option is used to explicitly clear them from the cache -- or 'gpg-agent' +is either restarted or reloaded (by sending a SIGHUP to it). Nite that +the maximum cache time as set with '--max-cache-ttl' is still honored. +It is necessary to allow this passphrase presetting by starting +'gpg-agent' with the '--allow-preset-passphrase'. * Menu: @@ -7087,36 +6948,35 @@ 7.7.1 List of all commands and options. --------------------------------------- -`gpg-preset-passphrase' is invoked this way: +'gpg-preset-passphrase' is invoked this way: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] [command] CACHEID CACHEID is either a 40 character keygrip of hexadecimal characters identifying the key for which the passphrase should be set or cleared. The keygrip is listed along with the key when running the command: -`gpgsm --dump-secret-keys'. Alternatively an arbitrary string may be +'gpgsm --dump-secret-keys'. Alternatively an arbitrary string may be used to identify a passphrase; it is suggested that such a string is -prefixed with the name of the application (e.g `foo:12346'). +prefixed with the name of the application (e.g 'foo:12346'). One of the following command options must be given: -`--preset' - Preset a passphrase. This is what you usually will use. - `gpg-preset-passphrase' will then read the passphrase from `stdin'. +'--preset' + Preset a passphrase. This is what you usually will use. + 'gpg-preset-passphrase' will then read the passphrase from 'stdin'. -`--forget' +'--forget' Flush the passphrase for the given cache ID from the cache. - The following additional options may be used: -`-v' -`--verbose' +'-v' +'--verbose' Output additional information while running. -`-P STRING' -`--passphrase STRING' - Instead of reading the passphrase from `stdin', use the supplied +'-P STRING' +'--passphrase STRING' + Instead of reading the passphrase from 'stdin', use the supplied STRING as passphrase. Note that this makes the passphrase visible for other users. @@ -7126,14 +6986,14 @@ 7.8 Communicate with a running agent. ===================================== -The `gpg-connect-agent' is a utility to communicate with a running -`gpg-agent'. It is useful to check out the commands gpg-agent provides +The 'gpg-connect-agent' is a utility to communicate with a running +'gpg-agent'. It is useful to check out the commands gpg-agent provides using the Assuan interface. It might also be useful for scripting simple applications. Input is expected at stdin and out put gets printed to stdout. - It is very similar to running `gpg-agent' in server mode; but here -we connect to a running instance. + It is very similar to running 'gpg-agent' in server mode; but here we +connect to a running instance. * Menu: @@ -7146,69 +7006,66 @@ 7.8.1 List of all options. -------------------------- -`gpg-connect-agent' is invoked this way: +'gpg-connect-agent' is invoked this way: gpg-connect-agent [options] [commands] The following options may be used: -`-v' -`--verbose' +'-v' +'--verbose' Output additional information while running. -`-q' - -`--quiet' +'-q' +'--quiet' Try to be as quiet as possible. -`--homedir DIR' - Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not - used, the home directory defaults to `~/.gnupg'. It is only +'--homedir DIR' + Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not + used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any - home directory stated through the environment variable `GNUPGHOME' + home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on W32 systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. -`--agent-program FILE' +'--agent-program FILE' Specify the agent program to be started if none is running. -`-S' -`--raw-socket NAME' - Connect to socket NAME assuming this is an Assuan style server. - Do not run any special initializations or environment checks. - This may be used to directly connect to any Assuan style socket - server. +'-S' +'--raw-socket NAME' + Connect to socket NAME assuming this is an Assuan style server. Do + not run any special initializations or environment checks. This + may be used to directly connect to any Assuan style socket server. -`-E' -`--exec' +'-E' +'--exec' Take the rest of the command line as a program and it's arguments - and execute it as an assuan server. Here is how you would run - `gpgsm': + and execute it as an assuan server. Here is how you would run + 'gpgsm': gpg-connect-agent --exec gpgsm --server Note that you may not use options on the command line in this case. -`--no-ext-connect' - When using `-S' or `--exec', `gpg-connect-agent' connects to the +'--no-ext-connect' + When using '-S' or '--exec', 'gpg-connect-agent' connects to the assuan server in extended mode to allow descriptor passing. This option makes it use the old mode. -`--run FILE' +'--run FILE' Run the commands from FILE at startup and then continue with the regular input method. Note, that commands given on the command line are executed after this file. -`-s' -`--subst' - Run the command `/subst' at startup. +'-s' +'--subst' + Run the command '/subst' at startup. -`--hex' +'--hex' Print data lines in a hex format and the ASCII representation of non-control characters. -`--decode' - Decode data lines. That is to remove percent escapes but make - sure that a new line always starts with a D and a space. - +'--decode' + Decode data lines. That is to remove percent escapes but make sure + that a new line always starts with a D and a space.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Controlling gpg-connect-agent, Prev: Invoking gpg-connect-agent, Up: gpg-connect-agent @@ -7218,19 +7075,19 @@ While reading Assuan commands, gpg-agent also allows a few special commands to control its operation. These control commands all start -with a slash (`/'). +with a slash ('/'). -`/echo ARGS' +'/echo ARGS' Just print ARGS. -`/let NAME VALUE' +'/let NAME VALUE' Set the variable NAME to VALUE. Variables are only substituted on - the input if the `/subst' has been used. Variables are referenced - by prefixing the name with a dollar sign and optionally include - the name in curly braces. The rules for a valid name are - identically to those of the standard bourne shell. This is not yet - enforced but may be in the future. When used with curly braces no - leading or trailing white space is allowed. + the input if the '/subst' has been used. Variables are referenced + by prefixing the name with a dollar sign and optionally include the + name in curly braces. The rules for a valid name are identically + to those of the standard bourne shell. This is not yet enforced + but may be in the future. When used with curly braces no leading + or trailing white space is allowed. If a variable is not found, it is searched in the environment and if found copied to the table of variables. @@ -7239,154 +7096,146 @@ followed by at least one space and the at least one argument. The following functions are available: - `get' - Return a value described by the argument. Available - arguments are: + 'get' + Return a value described by the argument. Available arguments + are: - `cwd' + 'cwd' The current working directory. - - `homedir' + 'homedir' The gnupg homedir. - - `sysconfdir' + 'sysconfdir' GnuPG's system configuration directory. - - `bindir' + 'bindir' GnuPG's binary directory. - - `libdir' + 'libdir' GnuPG's library directory. - - `libexecdir' + 'libexecdir' GnuPG's library directory for executable files. - - `datadir' + 'datadir' GnuPG's data directory. - - `serverpid' - The PID of the current server. Command `/serverpid' must + 'serverpid' + The PID of the current server. Command '/serverpid' must have been given to return a useful value. - `unescape ARGS' - Remove C-style escapes from ARGS. Note that `\0' and `\x00' + 'unescape ARGS' + Remove C-style escapes from ARGS. Note that '\0' and '\x00' terminate the returned string implicitly. The string to be - converted are the entire arguments right behind the - delimiting space of the function name. + converted are the entire arguments right behind the delimiting + space of the function name. - `unpercent ARGS' - `unpercent+ ARGS' - Remove percent style escaping from ARGS. Note that `%00' + 'unpercent ARGS' + 'unpercent+ ARGS' + Remove percent style escaping from ARGS. Note that '%00' terminates the string implicitly. The string to be converted are the entire arguments right behind the delimiting space of - the function name. `unpercent+' also maps plus signs to a + the function name. 'unpercent+' also maps plus signs to a spaces. - `percent ARGS' - `percent+ ARGS' + 'percent ARGS' + 'percent+ ARGS' Escape the ARGS using percent style escaping. Tabs, - formfeeds, linefeeds, carriage returns and colons are - escaped. `percent+' also maps spaces to plus signs. + formfeeds, linefeeds, carriage returns and colons are escaped. + 'percent+' also maps spaces to plus signs. - `errcode ARG' - `errsource ARG' - `errstring ARG' - Assume ARG is an integer and evaluate it using `strtol'. + 'errcode ARG' + 'errsource ARG' + 'errstring ARG' + Assume ARG is an integer and evaluate it using 'strtol'. Return the gpg-error error code, error source or a formatted string with the error code and error source. - `+' - `-' - `*' - `/' - `%' - Evaluate all arguments as long integers using `strtol' and + '+' + '-' + '*' + '/' + '%' + Evaluate all arguments as long integers using 'strtol' and apply this operator. A division by zero yields an empty string. - `!' - `|' - `&' - Evaluate all arguments as long integers using `strtol' and - apply the logical oeprators NOT, OR or AND. The NOT operator + '!' + '|' + '&' + Evaluate all arguments as long integers using 'strtol' and + apply the logical oeprators NOT, OR or AND. The NOT operator works on the last argument only. - -`/definq NAME VAR' +'/definq NAME VAR' Use content of the variable VAR for inquiries with NAME. NAME may - be an asterisk (`*') to match any inquiry. + be an asterisk ('*') to match any inquiry. -`/definqfile NAME FILE' +'/definqfile NAME FILE' Use content of FILE for inquiries with NAME. NAME may be an - asterisk (`*') to match any inquiry. + asterisk ('*') to match any inquiry. -`/definqprog NAME PROG' - Run PROG for inquiries matching NAME and pass the entire line to - it as command line arguments. - -`/datafile NAME' - Write all data lines from the server to the file NAME. The file - is opened for writing and created if it does not exists. An - existing file is first truncated to 0. The data written to the - file fully decoded. Using a single dash for NAME writes to - stdout. The file is kept open until a new file is set using this - command or this command is used without an argument. +'/definqprog NAME PROG' + Run PROG for inquiries matching NAME and pass the entire line to it + as command line arguments. + +'/datafile NAME' + Write all data lines from the server to the file NAME. The file is + opened for writing and created if it does not exists. An existing + file is first truncated to 0. The data written to the file fully + decoded. Using a single dash for NAME writes to stdout. The file + is kept open until a new file is set using this command or this + command is used without an argument. -`/showdef' +'/showdef' Print all definitions -`/cleardef' +'/cleardef' Delete all definitions -`/sendfd FILE MODE' - Open FILE in MODE (which needs to be a valid `fopen' mode string) +'/sendfd FILE MODE' + Open FILE in MODE (which needs to be a valid 'fopen' mode string) and send the file descriptor to the server. This is usually - followed by a command like `INPUT FD' to set the input source for + followed by a command like 'INPUT FD' to set the input source for other commands. -`/recvfd' +'/recvfd' Not yet implemented. -`/open VAR FILE [MODE]' +'/open VAR FILE [MODE]' Open FILE and assign the file descriptor to VAR. Warning: This command is experimental and might change in future versions. -`/close FD' +'/close FD' Close the file descriptor FD. Warning: This command is experimental and might change in future versions. -`/showopen' +'/showopen' Show a list of open files. -`/serverpid' - Send the Assuan command `GETINFO pid' to the server and store the +'/serverpid' + Send the Assuan command 'GETINFO pid' to the server and store the returned PID for internal purposes. -`/sleep' +'/sleep' Sleep for a second. -`/hex' -`/nohex' - Same as the command line option `--hex'. - -`/decode' -`/nodecode' - Same as the command line option `--decode'. +'/hex' +'/nohex' + Same as the command line option '--hex'. + +'/decode' +'/nodecode' + Same as the command line option '--decode'. -`/subst' -`/nosubst' +'/subst' +'/nosubst' Enable and disable variable substitution. It defaults to disabled - unless the command line option `--subst' has been used. If /subst + unless the command line option '--subst' has been used. If /subst as been enabled once, leading whitespace is removed from input lines which makes scripts easier to read. -`/while CONDITION' -`/end' +'/while CONDITION' +'/end' These commands provide a way for executing loops. All lines - between the `while' and the corresponding `end' are executed as + between the 'while' and the corresponding 'end' are executed as long as the evaluation of CONDITION yields a non-zero value or is - the string `true' or `yes'. The evaluation is done by passing - CONDITION to the `strtol' function. Example: + the string 'true' or 'yes'. The evaluation is done by passing + CONDITION to the 'strtol' function. Example: /subst /let i 3 @@ -7395,32 +7244,31 @@ /let i ${- $i 1} /end -`/if CONDITION' -`/end' +'/if CONDITION' +'/end' These commands provide a way for conditional execution. All lines - between the `if' and the corresponding `end' are executed only if + between the 'if' and the corresponding 'end' are executed only if the evaluation of CONDITION yields a non-zero value or is the - string `true' or `yes'. The evaluation is done by passing - CONDITION to the `strtol' function. + string 'true' or 'yes'. The evaluation is done by passing + CONDITION to the 'strtol' function. -`/run FILE' +'/run FILE' Run commands from FILE. -`/bye' +'/bye' Terminate the connection and the program -`/help' +'/help' Print a list of available control commands. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: gpgparsemail, Next: symcryptrun, Prev: gpg-connect-agent, Up: Helper Tools 7.9 Parse a mail message into an annotated format ================================================= -The `gpgparsemail' is a utility currently only useful for debugging. -Run it with `--help' for usage information. +The 'gpgparsemail' is a utility currently only useful for debugging. +Run it with '--help' for usage information.  File: gnupg.info, Node: symcryptrun, Next: gpg-zip, Prev: gpgparsemail, Up: Helper Tools @@ -7432,13 +7280,13 @@ there might be a desire to integrate them into the GnuPG framework. The protocols and encryption methods might be non-standard or not even properly documented, so that a full-fledged encryption tool with an -interface like gpg is not doable. `symcryptrun' provides a solution: -It operates by calling the external encryption/decryption module and -provides a passphrase for a key using the standard `pinentry' based -mechanism through `gpg-agent'. +interface like gpg is not doable. 'symcryptrun' provides a solution: It +operates by calling the external encryption/decryption module and +provides a passphrase for a key using the standard 'pinentry' based +mechanism through 'gpg-agent'. - Note, that `symcryptrun' is only available if GnuPG has been -configured with `--enable-symcryptrun' at build time. + Note, that 'symcryptrun' is only available if GnuPG has been +configured with '--enable-symcryptrun' at build time. * Menu: @@ -7450,142 +7298,134 @@ 7.10.1 List of all commands and options. ---------------------------------------- -`symcryptrun' is invoked this way: +'symcryptrun' is invoked this way: symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM --keyfile KEYFILE [--decrypt | --encrypt] [inputfile] For encryption, the plain text must be provided on STDIN or as the -argument INPUTFILE, and the ciphertext will be output to STDOUT. For +argument INPUTFILE, and the ciphertext will be output to STDOUT. For decryption vice versa. CLASS describes the calling conventions of the external tool. -Currently it must be given as `confucius'. PROGRAM is the full -filename of that external tool. +Currently it must be given as 'confucius'. PROGRAM is the full filename +of that external tool. - For the class `confucius' the option `--keyfile' is required; -KEYFILE is the name of a file containing the secret key, which may be -protected by a passphrase. For detailed calling conventions, see the -source code. + For the class 'confucius' the option '--keyfile' is required; KEYFILE +is the name of a file containing the secret key, which may be protected +by a passphrase. For detailed calling conventions, see the source code. -Note, that `gpg-agent' must be running before starting `symcryptrun'. +Note, that 'gpg-agent' must be running before starting 'symcryptrun'. The following additional options may be used: -`-v' -`--verbose' +'-v' +'--verbose' Output additional information while running. -`-q' - -`--quiet' +'-q' +'--quiet' Try to be as quiet as possible. -`--homedir DIR' - Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not - used, the home directory defaults to `~/.gnupg'. It is only +'--homedir DIR' + Set the name of the home directory to DIR. If this option is not + used, the home directory defaults to '~/.gnupg'. It is only recognized when given on the command line. It also overrides any - home directory stated through the environment variable `GNUPGHOME' + home directory stated through the environment variable 'GNUPGHOME' or (on W32 systems) by means of the Registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\GNUPG:HOMEDIR. -`--log-file FILE' +'--log-file FILE' Append all logging output to FILE. Default is to write logging information to STDERR. +The possible exit status codes of 'symcryptrun' are: -The possible exit status codes of `symcryptrun' are: - -`0' +'0' Success. - -`1' +'1' Some error occured. - -`2' +'2' No valid passphrase was provided. - -`3' +'3' The operation was canceled by the user. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: gpg-zip, Prev: symcryptrun, Up: Helper Tools 7.11 Encrypt or sign files into an archive ========================================== -`gpg-zip' encrypts or signs files into an archive. It is an gpg-ized +'gpg-zip' encrypts or signs files into an archive. It is an gpg-ized tar using the same format as used by PGP's PGP Zip. -`gpg-zip' is invoked this way: +'gpg-zip' is invoked this way: gpg-zip [options] FILENAME1 [FILENAME2, ...] DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY2, ...] -`gpg-zip' understands these options: +'gpg-zip' understands these options: -`--encrypt' -`-e' - Encrypt data. This option may be combined with `--symmetric' (for +'--encrypt' +'-e' + Encrypt data. This option may be combined with '--symmetric' (for output that may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase). -`--decrypt' -`-d' +'--decrypt' +'-d' Decrypt data. -`--symmetric' -`-c' +'--symmetric' +'-c' Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase. The default symmetric cipher used is CAST5, but may be chosen with the - `--cipher-algo' option to `gpg'. + '--cipher-algo' option to 'gpg'. -`--sign' -`-s' - Make a signature. See `gpg'. +'--sign' +'-s' + Make a signature. See 'gpg'. -`--recipient USER' -`-r USER' - Encrypt for user id USER. See `gpg'. +'--recipient USER' +'-r USER' + Encrypt for user id USER. See 'gpg'. -`--local-user USER' -`-u USER' - Use USER as the key to sign with. See `gpg'. +'--local-user USER' +'-u USER' + Use USER as the key to sign with. See 'gpg'. -`--list-archive' +'--list-archive' List the contents of the specified archive. -`--output FILE' -`-o FILE' +'--output FILE' +'-o FILE' Write output to specified file FILE. -`--gpg GPGCMD' - Use the specified command GPGCMD instead of `gpg'. +'--gpg GPGCMD' + Use the specified command GPGCMD instead of 'gpg'. -`--gpg-args ARGS' - Pass the specified options to `gpg'. +'--gpg-args ARGS' + Pass the specified options to 'gpg'. -`--tar TARCMD' - Use the specified command TARCMD instead of `tar'. +'--tar TARCMD' + Use the specified command TARCMD instead of 'tar'. -`--tar-args ARGS' - Pass the specified options to `tar'. +'--tar-args ARGS' + Pass the specified options to 'tar'. -`--version' +'--version' Print version of the program and exit. -`--help' +'--help' Display a brief help page and exit. - The program returns 0 if everything was fine, 1 otherwise. Some examples: -Encrypt the contents of directory `mydocs' for user Bob to file `test1': +Encrypt the contents of directory 'mydocs' for user Bob to file 'test1': gpg-zip --encrypt --output test1 --gpg-args -r Bob mydocs -List the contents of archive `test1': +List the contents of archive 'test1': gpg-zip --list-archive test1 @@ -7601,3 +7441,232 @@ * Howto Create a Server Cert:: Creating a TLS server certificate. + +File: gnupg.info, Node: Howto Create a Server Cert, Up: Howtos + +8.1 Creating a TLS server certificate +===================================== + +Here is a brief run up on how to create a server certificate. It has +actually been done this way to get a certificate from CAcert to be used +on a real server. It has only been tested with this CA, but there +shouldn't be any problem to run this against any other CA. + + Before you start, make sure that gpg-agent is running. As there is +no need for a configuration file, you may simply enter: + + $ gpgsm-gencert.sh >a.p10 + Key type + [1] RSA + [2] Existing key + [3] Direct from card + Your selection: 1 + You selected: RSA + + I opted for creating a new RSA key. The other option is to use an +already existing key, by selecting '2' and entering the so-called +keygrip. Running the command 'gpgsm --dump-secret-key USERID' shows you +this keygrip. Using '3' offers another menu to create a certificate +directly from a smart card based key. + + Let's continue: + + Key length + [1] 1024 + [2] 2048 + Your selection: 1 + You selected: 1024 + + The script offers two common key sizes. With the current setup of +CAcert, it does not make much sense to use a 2k key; their policies need +to be revised anyway (a CA root key valid for 30 years is not really +serious). + + Key usage + [1] sign, encrypt + [2] sign + [3] encrypt + Your selection: 1 + You selected: sign, encrypt + + We want to sign and encrypt using this key. This is just a +suggestion and the CA may actually assign other key capabilities. + + Now for some real data: + + Name (DN) + > CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com + + This is the most important value for a server certificate. Enter +here the canonical name of your server machine. You may add other +virtual server names later. + + E-Mail addresses (end with an empty line) + > + + We don't need email addresses in a server certificate and CAcert +would anyway ignore such a request. Thus just hit enter. + + If you want to create a client certificate for email encryption, this +would be the place to enter your mail address (e.g. ). +You may enter as many addresses as you like, however the CA may not +accept them all or reject the entire request. + + DNS Names (optional; end with an empty line) + > www.g10code.com + DNS Names (optional; end with an empty line) + > ftp.g10code.com + DNS Names (optional; end with an empty line) + > + + Here I entered the names of the servers which actually run on the +machine given in the DN above. The browser will accept a certificate +for any of these names. As usual the CA must approve all of these +names. + + URIs (optional; end with an empty line) + > + + It is possible to insert arbitrary URIs into a certificate; for a +server certificate this does not make sense. + + We have now entered all required information and 'gpgsm' will display +what it has gathered and ask whether to create the certificate request: + + Parameters for certificate request to create: + 1 Key-Type: RSA + 2 Key-Length: 1024 + 3 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt + 4 Name-DN: CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com + 5 Name-DNS: www.g10code.com + 6 Name-DNS: ftp.g10code.com + + Really create such a CSR? + [1] yes + [2] no + Your selection: 1 + You selected: yes + + 'gpgsm' will now start working on creating the request. As this +includes the creation of an RSA key it may take a while. During this +time you will be asked 3 times for a passphrase to protect the created +private key on your system. A pop up window will appear to ask for it. +The first two prompts are for the new passphrase and for re-entering it; +the third one is required to actually create the certificate signing +request. + + When it is ready, you should see the final notice: + + gpgsm: certificate request created + + Now, you may look at the created request: + + $ cat a.p10 + -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- + MIIBnzCCAQgCAQAwITEfMB0GA1UEAxMWa2VyY2tob2Zmcy5nMTBjb2RlLmNvbTCB + nzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA5h+uKRenpvbe+BnMY6siPO50LVyg + HtB7kr+YISlPJ5JAFO12yQFz9Y0sBLHbjR+V+TOawwP1dZhGjlgnEBkMdWKuEBlS + wFTALLX78GAyvAYAmPqSPDEYXkMECyUXVX/bbGI1bY8Y2OGy4w4D+v7e+xD2NBkm + Bj5cNy+YMbGVldECAwEAAaA+MDwGCSqGSIb3DQEJDjEvMC0wKwYDVR0RBCQwIoIP + d3d3LmcxMGNvZGUuY29tgg9mdHAuZzEwY29kZS5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAD + gYEAzBRIi8KTfKyebOlMtDN6oDYBOv+r9A4w3u/Z1ikjffaiN1Bmd2o9Ez9KXKHA + IezLeSEA/rGUPN5Ur5qIJnRNQ8xrS+iLftr8msWQSZppVnA/vnqMrtqBUpitqAr0 + eYBmt1Uem2Y3UFABrKPglv2xzgGkrKX6AqmFoOnJWQ0QcTw= + -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- + $ + + You may now proceed by logging into your account at the CAcert +website, choose 'Server Certificates - New', check 'sign by class 3 root +certificate', paste the above request block into the text field and +click on 'Submit'. + + If everything works out fine, a certificate will be shown. Now run + + $ gpgsm --import + + and paste the certificate from the CAcert page into your terminal +followed by a Ctrl-D + + -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- + MIIEIjCCAgqgAwIBAgIBTDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBUMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtDQWNl + cnQgSW5jLjEeMBwGA1UECxMVaHR0cDovL3d3dy5DQWNlcnQub3JnMRwwGgYDVQQD + ExNDQWNlcnQgQ2xhc3MgMyBSb290MB4XDTA1MTAyODE2MjA1MVoXDTA3MTAyODE2 + MjA1MVowITEfMB0GA1UEAxMWa2VyY2tob2Zmcy5nMTBjb2RlLmNvbTCBnzANBgkq + hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA5h+uKRenpvbe+BnMY6siPO50LVygHtB7kr+Y + ISlPJ5JAFO12yQFz9Y0sBLHbjR+V+TOawwP1dZhGjlgnEBkMdWKuEBlSwFTALLX7 + 8GAyvAYAmPqSPDEYXkMECyUXVX/bbGI1bY8Y2OGy4w4D+v7e+xD2NBkmBj5cNy+Y + MbGVldECAwEAAaOBtTCBsjAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMDQGA1UdJQQtMCsGCCsGAQUF + BwMCBggrBgEFBQcDAQYJYIZIAYb4QgQBBgorBgEEAYI3CgMDMAsGA1UdDwQEAwIF + oDAyBggrBgEFBQcBAQQmMCQwIgYIKwYBBQUHMAGGFmh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmNhY2Vy + dC5vcmcwKwYDVR0RBCQwIoIPd3d3LmcxMGNvZGUuY29tgg9mdHAuZzEwY29kZS5j + b20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADggIBAAj5XAHCtzQR8PV6PkQBgZqUCbcfxGO/ZIp9 + aIT6J2z0Jo1OZI6KmConbqnZG9WyDlV5P7msQXW/Z9nBfoj4KSmNR8G/wtb8ClJn + W8s75+K3ZLq1UgEyxBDrS7GjtbVaj7gsfZsuiQzxmk9lbl1gbkpJ3VEMjwVCTMlM + fpjp8etyPhUZqOZaoKVaq//KTOsjhPMwz7TcfOkHvXketPrWTcefJQU7NKLH16D3 + mZAwnBxp3P51H6E6VG8AoJO8xCBuVwsbXKEf/FW+tmKG9pog6CaZQ9WibROTtnKj + NJjSBsrUk5C+JowO/EyZRGm6R1tlok8iFXj+2aimyeBqDcxozNmFgh9F3S5u0wK0 + 6cfYgkPVMHxgwV3f3Qh+tJkgLExN7KfO9hvpZqAh+CLQtxVmvpxEVEXKR6nwBI5U + BaseulvVy3wUfg2daPkG17kDDBzQlsWC0BRF8anH+FWSrvseC3nS0a9g3sXF1Ic3 + gIqeAMhkant1Ac3RR6YCWtJKr2rcQNdDAxXK35/gUSQNCi9dclEzoOgjziuA1Mha + 94jYcvGKcwThn0iITVS5hOsCfaySBLxTzfIruLbPxXlpWuCW/6I/7YyivppKgEZU + rUTFlNElRXCwIl0YcJkIaYYqWf7+A/aqYJCi8+51usZwMy3Jsq3hJ6MA3h1BgwZs + Rtct3tIX + -----END CERTIFICATE----- + gpgsm: issuer certificate (#/CN=CAcert Class 3 Ro[...]) not found + gpgsm: certificate imported + + gpgsm: total number processed: 1 + gpgsm: imported: 1 + + gpgsm tells you that it has imported the certificate. It is now +associated with the key you used when creating the request. The root +certificate has not been found, so you may want to import it from the +CACert website. + + To see the content of your certificate, you may now enter: + + $ gpgsm -K kerckhoffs.g10code.com + /home/foo/.gnupg/pubring.kbx + --------------------------- + Serial number: 4C + Issuer: /CN=CAcert Class 3 Root/OU=http:\x2f\x2fwww.[...] + Subject: /CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com + aka: (dns-name www.g10code.com) + aka: (dns-name ftp.g10code.com) + validity: 2005-10-28 16:20:51 through 2007-10-28 16:20:51 + key type: 1024 bit RSA + key usage: digitalSignature keyEncipherment + ext key usage: clientAuth (suggested), serverAuth (suggested), [...] + fingerprint: 0F:9C:27:B2:DA:05:5F:CB:33:19:D8:E9:65:B9:BD:4F:B1:98:CC:57 + + I used '-K' above because this will only list certificates for which +a private key is available. To see more details, you may use +'--dump-secret-keys' instead of '-K'. + + To make actual use of the certificate you need to install it on your +server. Server software usually expects a PKCS\#12 file with key and +certificate. To create such a file, run: + + $ gpgsm --export-secret-key-p12 -a >kerckhoffs-cert.pem + + You will be asked for the passphrase as well as for a new passphrase +to be used to protect the PKCS\#12 file. The file now contains the +certificate as well as the private key: + + $ cat kerckhoffs-cert.pem + Issuer ...: /CN=CAcert Class 3 Root/OU=http:\x2f\x2fwww.CA[...] + Serial ...: 4C + Subject ..: /CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com + aka ..: (dns-name www.g10code.com) + aka ..: (dns-name ftp.g10code.com) + + -----BEGIN PKCS12----- + MIIHlwIBAzCCB5AGCSqGSIb37QdHAaCCB4EEggd9MIIHeTk1BJ8GCSqGSIb3DQEu + [...many more lines...] + -----END PKCS12----- + $ + + Copy this file in a secure way to the server, install it there and +delete the file then. You may export the file again at any time as long +as it is available in GnuPG's private key database. + diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg.info-2 gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg.info-2 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gnupg.info-2 2014-08-12 18:01:17.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gnupg.info-2 2015-06-02 12:35:23.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ -This is /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg.info, produced by makeinfo version -4.13 from /home/wk/s/gnupg/doc/gnupg.texi. +This is gnupg.info, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from gnupg.texi. -This is the `The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.26, -August 2014). +This is the 'The GNU Privacy Guard Manual' (version 2.0.28, June 2015). Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -10,9 +8,8 @@ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the - License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the + License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the license can be found in the section entitled "Copying". - INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Utilities START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * gpg2: (gnupg). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool. @@ -21,235 +18,6 @@ END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  -File: gnupg.info, Node: Howto Create a Server Cert, Up: Howtos - -8.1 Creating a TLS server certificate -===================================== - -Here is a brief run up on how to create a server certificate. It has -actually been done this way to get a certificate from CAcert to be used -on a real server. It has only been tested with this CA, but there -shouldn't be any problem to run this against any other CA. - - Before you start, make sure that gpg-agent is running. As there is -no need for a configuration file, you may simply enter: - - $ gpgsm-gencert.sh >a.p10 - Key type - [1] RSA - [2] Existing key - [3] Direct from card - Your selection: 1 - You selected: RSA - - I opted for creating a new RSA key. The other option is to use an -already existing key, by selecting `2' and entering the so-called -keygrip. Running the command `gpgsm --dump-secret-key USERID' shows -you this keygrip. Using `3' offers another menu to create a -certificate directly from a smart card based key. - - Let's continue: - - Key length - [1] 1024 - [2] 2048 - Your selection: 1 - You selected: 1024 - - The script offers two common key sizes. With the current setup of -CAcert, it does not make much sense to use a 2k key; their policies need -to be revised anyway (a CA root key valid for 30 years is not really -serious). - - Key usage - [1] sign, encrypt - [2] sign - [3] encrypt - Your selection: 1 - You selected: sign, encrypt - - We want to sign and encrypt using this key. This is just a suggestion -and the CA may actually assign other key capabilities. - - Now for some real data: - - Name (DN) - > CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com - - This is the most important value for a server certificate. Enter here -the canonical name of your server machine. You may add other virtual -server names later. - - E-Mail addresses (end with an empty line) - > - - We don't need email addresses in a server certificate and CAcert -would anyway ignore such a request. Thus just hit enter. - - If you want to create a client certificate for email encryption, this -would be the place to enter your mail address (e.g. ). -You may enter as many addresses as you like, however the CA may not -accept them all or reject the entire request. - - DNS Names (optional; end with an empty line) - > www.g10code.com - DNS Names (optional; end with an empty line) - > ftp.g10code.com - DNS Names (optional; end with an empty line) - > - - Here I entered the names of the servers which actually run on the -machine given in the DN above. The browser will accept a certificate for -any of these names. As usual the CA must approve all of these names. - - URIs (optional; end with an empty line) - > - - It is possible to insert arbitrary URIs into a certificate; for a -server certificate this does not make sense. - - We have now entered all required information and `gpgsm' will -display what it has gathered and ask whether to create the certificate -request: - - Parameters for certificate request to create: - 1 Key-Type: RSA - 2 Key-Length: 1024 - 3 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt - 4 Name-DN: CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com - 5 Name-DNS: www.g10code.com - 6 Name-DNS: ftp.g10code.com - - Really create such a CSR? - [1] yes - [2] no - Your selection: 1 - You selected: yes - - `gpgsm' will now start working on creating the request. As this -includes the creation of an RSA key it may take a while. During this -time you will be asked 3 times for a passphrase to protect the created -private key on your system. A pop up window will appear to ask for it. -The first two prompts are for the new passphrase and for re-entering it; -the third one is required to actually create the certificate signing -request. - - When it is ready, you should see the final notice: - - gpgsm: certificate request created - - Now, you may look at the created request: - - $ cat a.p10 - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- - MIIBnzCCAQgCAQAwITEfMB0GA1UEAxMWa2VyY2tob2Zmcy5nMTBjb2RlLmNvbTCB - nzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA5h+uKRenpvbe+BnMY6siPO50LVyg - HtB7kr+YISlPJ5JAFO12yQFz9Y0sBLHbjR+V+TOawwP1dZhGjlgnEBkMdWKuEBlS - wFTALLX78GAyvAYAmPqSPDEYXkMECyUXVX/bbGI1bY8Y2OGy4w4D+v7e+xD2NBkm - Bj5cNy+YMbGVldECAwEAAaA+MDwGCSqGSIb3DQEJDjEvMC0wKwYDVR0RBCQwIoIP - d3d3LmcxMGNvZGUuY29tgg9mdHAuZzEwY29kZS5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAD - gYEAzBRIi8KTfKyebOlMtDN6oDYBOv+r9A4w3u/Z1ikjffaiN1Bmd2o9Ez9KXKHA - IezLeSEA/rGUPN5Ur5qIJnRNQ8xrS+iLftr8msWQSZppVnA/vnqMrtqBUpitqAr0 - eYBmt1Uem2Y3UFABrKPglv2xzgGkrKX6AqmFoOnJWQ0QcTw= - -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- - $ - - You may now proceed by logging into your account at the CAcert -website, choose `Server Certificates - New', check `sign by class 3 root -certificate', paste the above request block into the text field and -click on `Submit'. - - If everything works out fine, a certificate will be shown. Now run - - $ gpgsm --import - - and paste the certificate from the CAcert page into your terminal -followed by a Ctrl-D - - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- - MIIEIjCCAgqgAwIBAgIBTDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBUMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtDQWNl - cnQgSW5jLjEeMBwGA1UECxMVaHR0cDovL3d3dy5DQWNlcnQub3JnMRwwGgYDVQQD - ExNDQWNlcnQgQ2xhc3MgMyBSb290MB4XDTA1MTAyODE2MjA1MVoXDTA3MTAyODE2 - MjA1MVowITEfMB0GA1UEAxMWa2VyY2tob2Zmcy5nMTBjb2RlLmNvbTCBnzANBgkq - hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA5h+uKRenpvbe+BnMY6siPO50LVygHtB7kr+Y - ISlPJ5JAFO12yQFz9Y0sBLHbjR+V+TOawwP1dZhGjlgnEBkMdWKuEBlSwFTALLX7 - 8GAyvAYAmPqSPDEYXkMECyUXVX/bbGI1bY8Y2OGy4w4D+v7e+xD2NBkmBj5cNy+Y - MbGVldECAwEAAaOBtTCBsjAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMDQGA1UdJQQtMCsGCCsGAQUF - BwMCBggrBgEFBQcDAQYJYIZIAYb4QgQBBgorBgEEAYI3CgMDMAsGA1UdDwQEAwIF - oDAyBggrBgEFBQcBAQQmMCQwIgYIKwYBBQUHMAGGFmh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmNhY2Vy - dC5vcmcwKwYDVR0RBCQwIoIPd3d3LmcxMGNvZGUuY29tgg9mdHAuZzEwY29kZS5j - b20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADggIBAAj5XAHCtzQR8PV6PkQBgZqUCbcfxGO/ZIp9 - aIT6J2z0Jo1OZI6KmConbqnZG9WyDlV5P7msQXW/Z9nBfoj4KSmNR8G/wtb8ClJn - W8s75+K3ZLq1UgEyxBDrS7GjtbVaj7gsfZsuiQzxmk9lbl1gbkpJ3VEMjwVCTMlM - fpjp8etyPhUZqOZaoKVaq//KTOsjhPMwz7TcfOkHvXketPrWTcefJQU7NKLH16D3 - mZAwnBxp3P51H6E6VG8AoJO8xCBuVwsbXKEf/FW+tmKG9pog6CaZQ9WibROTtnKj - NJjSBsrUk5C+JowO/EyZRGm6R1tlok8iFXj+2aimyeBqDcxozNmFgh9F3S5u0wK0 - 6cfYgkPVMHxgwV3f3Qh+tJkgLExN7KfO9hvpZqAh+CLQtxVmvpxEVEXKR6nwBI5U - BaseulvVy3wUfg2daPkG17kDDBzQlsWC0BRF8anH+FWSrvseC3nS0a9g3sXF1Ic3 - gIqeAMhkant1Ac3RR6YCWtJKr2rcQNdDAxXK35/gUSQNCi9dclEzoOgjziuA1Mha - 94jYcvGKcwThn0iITVS5hOsCfaySBLxTzfIruLbPxXlpWuCW/6I/7YyivppKgEZU - rUTFlNElRXCwIl0YcJkIaYYqWf7+A/aqYJCi8+51usZwMy3Jsq3hJ6MA3h1BgwZs - Rtct3tIX - -----END CERTIFICATE----- - gpgsm: issuer certificate (#/CN=CAcert Class 3 Ro[...]) not found - gpgsm: certificate imported - - gpgsm: total number processed: 1 - gpgsm: imported: 1 - - gpgsm tells you that it has imported the certificate. It is now -associated with the key you used when creating the request. The root -certificate has not been found, so you may want to import it from the -CACert website. - - To see the content of your certificate, you may now enter: - - $ gpgsm -K kerckhoffs.g10code.com - /home/foo/.gnupg/pubring.kbx - --------------------------- - Serial number: 4C - Issuer: /CN=CAcert Class 3 Root/OU=http:\x2f\x2fwww.[...] - Subject: /CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com - aka: (dns-name www.g10code.com) - aka: (dns-name ftp.g10code.com) - validity: 2005-10-28 16:20:51 through 2007-10-28 16:20:51 - key type: 1024 bit RSA - key usage: digitalSignature keyEncipherment - ext key usage: clientAuth (suggested), serverAuth (suggested), [...] - fingerprint: 0F:9C:27:B2:DA:05:5F:CB:33:19:D8:E9:65:B9:BD:4F:B1:98:CC:57 - - I used `-K' above because this will only list certificates for which -a private key is available. To see more details, you may use -`--dump-secret-keys' instead of `-K'. - - To make actual use of the certificate you need to install it on your -server. Server software usually expects a PKCS\#12 file with key and -certificate. To create such a file, run: - - $ gpgsm --export-secret-key-p12 -a >kerckhoffs-cert.pem - - You will be asked for the passphrase as well as for a new passphrase -to be used to protect the PKCS\#12 file. The file now contains the -certificate as well as the private key: - - $ cat kerckhoffs-cert.pem - Issuer ...: /CN=CAcert Class 3 Root/OU=http:\x2f\x2fwww.CA[...] - Serial ...: 4C - Subject ..: /CN=kerckhoffs.g10code.com - aka ..: (dns-name www.g10code.com) - aka ..: (dns-name ftp.g10code.com) - - -----BEGIN PKCS12----- - MIIHlwIBAzCCB5AGCSqGSIb37QdHAaCCB4EEggd9MIIHeTk1BJ8GCSqGSIb3DQEu - [...many more lines...] - -----END PKCS12----- - $ - - Copy this file in a secure way to the server, install it there and -delete the file then. You may export the file again at any time as long -as it is available in GnuPG's private key database. - - File: gnupg.info, Node: System Notes, Next: Debugging, Prev: Howtos, Up: Top 9 Notes pertaining to certain OSes. @@ -261,26 +29,26 @@ to fix first. The major problem areas are: * For logging to sockets and other internal operations the - `fopencookie' function (`funopen' under *BSD) is used. This is a + 'fopencookie' function ('funopen' under *BSD) is used. This is a very convenient function which makes it possible to create outputs - in a structures and easy maintainable way. The drawback however - is that most proprietary OSes don't support this function. At + in a structures and easy maintainable way. The drawback however is + that most proprietary OSes don't support this function. At g10 Code we have looked into several ways on how to overcome this limitation but no sufficiently easy and maintainable way has been found. Porting _glibc_ to a general POSIX system is of course an option and would make writing portable software much easier; this - it has not yet been done and the system administrator would need - to cope with the GNU specific admin things in addition to the - generic ones of his system. + it has not yet been done and the system administrator would need to + cope with the GNU specific admin things in addition to the generic + ones of his system. We have now settled to use explicit stdio wrappers with a functionality similar to funopen. Although the code for this has already been written (_libestream_), we have not yet changed GnuPG to use it. - This means that on systems not supporting either `funopen' or - `fopencookie', logging to a socket won't work, prompts are not - formatted as pretty as they should be and `gpgsm''s `LISTKEYS' + This means that on systems not supporting either 'funopen' or + 'fopencookie', logging to a socket won't work, prompts are not + formatted as pretty as they should be and 'gpgsm''s 'LISTKEYS' Assuan command does not work. * We are planning to use file descriptor passing for interprocess @@ -297,7 +65,6 @@ There is one exception of this rule: Systems based the Microsoft Windows API (called here _W32_) will be supported to some extend. - * Menu: * W32 Notes:: Microsoft Windows Notes @@ -310,15 +77,14 @@ Current limitations are: - * `gpgconf' does not create backup files, so in case of trouble your + * 'gpgconf' does not create backup files, so in case of trouble your configuration file might get lost. - * `watchgnupg' is not available. Logging to sockets is not possible. + * 'watchgnupg' is not available. Logging to sockets is not possible. - * The periodical smartcard status checking done by `scdaemon' is not + * The periodical smartcard status checking done by 'scdaemon' is not yet supported. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Debugging, Next: Copying, Prev: System Notes, Up: Top @@ -362,19 +128,19 @@ A keybox is a file format used to store public keys along with meta information and indices. The commonly used one is the file -`pubring.kbx' in the `.gnupg' directory. It contains all X.509 +'pubring.kbx' in the '.gnupg' directory. It contains all X.509 certificates as well as OpenPGP keys(1) . When called the standard way, e.g.: - `kbxutil ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' + 'kbxutil ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' it lists all records (called blobs) with there meta-information in a human readable format. To see statistics on the keybox in question, run it using - `kbxutil --stats ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' + 'kbxutil --stats ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' and you get an output like: @@ -391,18 +157,18 @@ keys but contains 98 X.509 certificates and a total of 17 keys or certificates are flagged as ephemeral, meaning that they are only temporary stored (cached) in the keybox and won't get listed using the -usual commands provided by `gpgsm' or `gpg'. 81 certificates are stored -in a standard way and directly available from `gpgsm'. +usual commands provided by 'gpgsm' or 'gpg'. 81 certificates are stored +in a standard way and directly available from 'gpgsm'. To find duplicated certificates and keyblocks in a keybox file (this should not occur but sometimes things go wrong), run it using - `kbxutil --find-dups ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' + 'kbxutil --find-dups ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' ---------- Footnotes ---------- - (1) Well, OpenPGP keys are not implemented, `gpg' still used the -keyring file `pubring.gpg' + (1) Well, OpenPGP keys are not implemented, 'gpg' still used the +keyring file 'pubring.gpg'  File: gnupg.info, Node: Debugging Hints, Next: Common Problems, Prev: Debugging Tools, Up: Debugging @@ -421,38 +187,37 @@ is thus often helpful. Note that the actual output depends on the backend and may change from release to release. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Common Problems, Next: Architecture Details, Prev: Debugging Hints, Up: Debugging 10.3 Commonly Seen Problems =========================== - * Error code `Not supported' from Dirmngr + * Error code 'Not supported' from Dirmngr - Most likely the option `enable-ocsp' is active for gpgsm but - Dirmngr's OCSP feature has not been enabled using `allow-ocsp' in - `dirmngr.conf'. + Most likely the option 'enable-ocsp' is active for gpgsm but + Dirmngr's OCSP feature has not been enabled using 'allow-ocsp' in + 'dirmngr.conf'. * The Curses based Pinentry does not work The far most common reason for this is that the environment - variable `GPG_TTY' has not been set correctly. Make sure that it - has been set to a real tty devce and not just to `/dev/tty'; i.e. - `GPG_TTY=tty' is plainly wrong; what you want is `GPG_TTY=`tty`' - -- note the back ticks. Also make sure that this environment - variable gets exported, that is you should follow up the setting - with an `export GPG_TTY' (assuming a Bourne style shell). Even for - GUI based Pinentries; you should have set `GPG_TTY'. See the - section on installing the `gpg-agent' on how to do it. + variable 'GPG_TTY' has not been set correctly. Make sure that it + has been set to a real tty devce and not just to '/dev/tty'; i.e. + 'GPG_TTY=tty' is plainly wrong; what you want is 'GPG_TTY=`tty`' -- + note the back ticks. Also make sure that this environment variable + gets exported, that is you should follow up the setting with an + 'export GPG_TTY' (assuming a Bourne style shell). Even for GUI + based Pinentries; you should have set 'GPG_TTY'. See the section + on installing the 'gpg-agent' on how to do it. * SSH hangs while a popping up pinentry was expected SSH has no way to tell the gpg-agent what terminal or X display it is running on. So when remotely logging into a box where a - gpg-agent with SSH support is running, the pinentry will get - popped up on whatever display the gpg-agent has been started. To - solve this problem you may issue the command + gpg-agent with SSH support is running, the pinentry will get popped + up on whatever display the gpg-agent has been started. To solve + this problem you may issue the command echo UPDATESTARTUPTTY | gpg-connect-agent @@ -465,8 +230,8 @@ * Exporting a secret key without a certificate I may happen that you have created a certificate request using - `gpgsm' but not yet received and imported the certificate from the - CA. However, you want to export the secret key to another machine + 'gpgsm' but not yet received and imported the certificate from the + CA. However, you want to export the secret key to another machine right now to import the certificate over there then. You can do this with a little trick but it requires that you know the approximate time you created the signing request. By running the @@ -474,15 +239,15 @@ ls -ltr ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d - you get a listing of all private keys under control of `gpg-agent'. + you get a listing of all private keys under control of 'gpg-agent'. Pick the key which best matches the creation time and run the command /usr/local/libexec/gpg-protect-tool --p12-export ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/FOO >FOO.p12 - (Please adjust the path to `gpg-protect-tool' to the appropriate - location). FOO is the name of the key file you picked (it should - have the suffix `.key'). A Pinentry box will pop up and ask you + (Please adjust the path to 'gpg-protect-tool' to the appropriate + location). FOO is the name of the key file you picked (it should + have the suffix '.key'). A Pinentry box will pop up and ask you for the current passphrase of the key and a new passphrase to protect it in the pkcs#12 file. @@ -500,46 +265,45 @@ * A root certificate does not verify A common problem is that the root certificate misses the required - basicConstraints attribute and thus `gpgsm' rejects this + basicConstraints attribute and thus 'gpgsm' rejects this certificate. An error message indicating "no value" is a sign for - such a certificate. You may use the `relax' flag in - `trustlist.txt' to accept the certificate anyway. Note that the + such a certificate. You may use the 'relax' flag in + 'trustlist.txt' to accept the certificate anyway. Note that the fingerprint and this flag may only be added manually to - `trustlist.txt'. + 'trustlist.txt'. * Error message: "digest algorithm N has not been enabled" The signature is broken. You may try the option - `--extra-digest-algo SHA256' to workaround the problem. The - number N is the internal algorithm identifier; for example 8 - refers to SHA-256. + '--extra-digest-algo SHA256' to workaround the problem. The number + N is the internal algorithm identifier; for example 8 refers to + SHA-256. * The Windows version does not work under Wine - When running the W32 version of `gpg' under Wine you may get an + When running the W32 version of 'gpg' under Wine you may get an error messages like: gpg: fatal: WriteConsole failed: Access denied - The solution is to use the command `wineconsole'. + The solution is to use the command 'wineconsole'. Some operations like gen-key really want to talk to the console directly for increased security (for example to prevent the passphrase from appearing on the screen). So, you should use - `wineconsole' instead of `wine', which will launch a windows + 'wineconsole' instead of 'wine', which will launch a windows console that implements those additional features. * Why does GPG's -search-key list weird keys? For performance reasons the keyservers do not check the keys the - same way `gpg' does. It may happen that the listing of keys + same way 'gpg' does. It may happen that the listing of keys available on the keyservers shows keys with wrong user IDs or with user Ids from other keys. If you try to import this key, the bad keys or bad user ids won't get imported, though. This is a bit unfortunate but we can't do anything about it without actually downloading the keys. -  File: gnupg.info, Node: Architecture Details, Prev: Common Problems, Up: Debugging @@ -572,7 +336,7 @@ Version 3, 29 June 2007 - Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. `http://fsf.org/' + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. @@ -600,9 +364,9 @@ free programs, and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you -these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you -have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, -or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same @@ -621,16 +385,15 @@ authors of previous versions. Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run -modified versions of the software inside them, although the -manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the -aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The -systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for -individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. -Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the -practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in -other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains -in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of -users. +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of @@ -643,6 +406,7 @@ modification follow. TERMS AND CONDITIONS + 0. Definitions. "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public @@ -665,8 +429,8 @@ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for - infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it - on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes + infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on + a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well. @@ -680,8 +444,8 @@ to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to - the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may - convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this + the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey + the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. @@ -689,8 +453,8 @@ 1. Source Code. The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work - for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any - non-source form of a work. + for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source + form of a work. A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in @@ -701,10 +465,10 @@ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that - Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work - with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface - for which an implementation is available to the public in source - code form. A "Major Component", in this context, means a major + Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with + that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for + which an implementation is available to the public in source code + form. A "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code @@ -712,15 +476,15 @@ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable - work) run the object code and to modify the work, including - scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include - the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally + work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts + to control those activities. However, it does not include the + work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, - Corresponding Source includes interface definition files - associated with source files for the work, and the source code for - shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work - is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data + Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated + with source files for the work, and the source code for shared + libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is + specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work. @@ -737,22 +501,22 @@ copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running - a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, - given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License - acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as - provided by copyright law. + a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given + its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges + your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by + copyright law. You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the - sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for - you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, - provided that you comply with the terms of this License in - conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. - Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so - exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on - terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your - copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, + or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided + that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all + material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making + or running the covered works for you must do so exclusively on your + behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit + them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside + their relationship with you. Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section @@ -769,8 +533,8 @@ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License - with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention - to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of + with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to + limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures. @@ -840,8 +604,8 @@ b. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a - written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for - as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a @@ -851,32 +615,31 @@ to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. - c. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of - the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + c. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection 6b. d. Convey the object code by offering access from a designated - place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access - to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to + the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the - Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated - by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying - facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to - the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. + Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by + you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying + facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the + object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you - remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long - as needed to satisfy these requirements. + remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as + needed to satisfy these requirements. e. Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d. - A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work. @@ -884,8 +647,8 @@ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for - incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product - is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of + incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is + a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the @@ -916,11 +679,11 @@ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, - warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or - installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it - has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied - when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the - operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for + warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed + by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been + modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the + modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation + of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network. Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information @@ -950,8 +713,8 @@ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright - holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License - with terms: + holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with + terms: a. Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or @@ -961,9 +724,8 @@ Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or c. Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, - or requiring that modified versions of such material be - marked in reasonable ways as different from the original - version; or + or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked + in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or d. Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or @@ -982,11 +744,10 @@ you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document - contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or - conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work - material governed by the terms of that license document, provided - that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or - conveying. + contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying + under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed + by the terms of that license document, provided that the further + restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying. If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the @@ -1002,13 +763,13 @@ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights - under this License (including any patent licenses granted under - the third paragraph of section 11). + under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the + third paragraph of section 11). However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) - provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly - and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the + provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and + finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation. @@ -1020,10 +781,10 @@ after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate - the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from - you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and - not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new - licenses for the same material under section 10. + the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you + under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not + permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses + for the same material under section 10. 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. @@ -1037,7 +798,7 @@ by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. - 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and @@ -1051,21 +812,21 @@ covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or - could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to - possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the - predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it - with reasonable efforts. + could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession + of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in + interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable + efforts. You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you - may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for - exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not - initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a - lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, - using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any - portion of it. + may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise + of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate + litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) + alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, + selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any portion + of it. - 11. Patents. + 11. Patents. A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. @@ -1085,15 +846,15 @@ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and - otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its - contributor version. + otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its contributor + version. In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a - patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To - "grant" such a patent license to a party means to make such an - agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party. + patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To "grant" + such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or + commitment not to enforce a patent against the party. If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available @@ -1123,36 +884,35 @@ conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third - party that is in the business of distributing software, under - which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of - your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third - party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered - work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection - with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made - from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with - specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, - unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license - was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + party that is in the business of distributing software, under which + you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your + activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party + grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered work + from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection with + copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from + those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific + products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless you + entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, + prior to 28 March 2007. Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. - 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. - If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, - agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this - License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this - License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy - simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other - pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it - at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to - collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you - convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those - terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying - the Program. + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement + or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they + do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you + cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your + obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, + then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, + if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for + further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the + only way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would + be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. - 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed @@ -1163,22 +923,21 @@ General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the combination as such. - 14. Revised Versions of this License. + 14. Revised Versions of this License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new - versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. - Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present - version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or - concerns. + versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such + new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but + may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of - that numbered version or of any later version published by the - Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a - version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose - any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + that numbered version or of any later version published by the Free + Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version + number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any + version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that @@ -1190,24 +949,24 @@ author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version. - 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY - APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE + APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE + MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - 16. Limitation of Liability. + 16. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES - AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU - FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR + AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR + DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD @@ -1215,7 +974,7 @@ PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, @@ -1224,8 +983,8 @@ connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee. - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs ============================================= @@ -1253,7 +1012,7 @@ General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program. If not, see `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'. + along with this program. If not, see . Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. @@ -1262,11 +1021,11 @@ PROGRAM Copyright (C) YEAR NAME OF AUTHOR This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details - type `show w'. This is free software, and you are + type 'show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; - type `show c' for details. + type 'show c' for details. - The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the + The hypothetical commands 'show w' and 'show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". @@ -1274,14 +1033,14 @@ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow -the GNU GPL, see `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'. +the GNU GPL, see . The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, -please read `http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html'. +please read .  File: gnupg.info, Node: Contributors, Next: Glossary, Prev: Copying, Up: Top @@ -1304,24 +1063,24 @@ Michael Anckaert, Michal Majer, Marco d'Itri, Nilgun Belma Buguner, Pedro Morais, Tedi Heriyanto, Thiago Jung Bauermann, Rafael Caetano dos Santos, Toomas Soome, Urko Lusa, Walter Koch, Yosiaki IIDA did the -official translations. Mike Ashley wrote and maintains the GNU Privacy -Handbook. David Scribner is the current FAQ editor. Lorenzo +official translations. Mike Ashley wrote and maintains the GNU Privacy +Handbook. David Scribner is the current FAQ editor. Lorenzo Cappelletti maintains the web site. The new modularized architecture of gnupg 1.9 as well as the X.509/CMS part has been developed as part of the Ägypten project. Direct contributors to this project are: Bernhard Herzog, who did extensive testing and tracked down a lot of bugs. Bernhard Reiter, who -made sure that we met the specifications and the deadlines. He did -extensive testing and came up with a lot of suggestions. Jan-Oliver +made sure that we met the specifications and the deadlines. He did +extensive testing and came up with a lot of suggestions. Jan-Oliver Wagner made sure that we met the specifications and the deadlines. He also did extensive testing and came up with a lot of suggestions. Karl-Heinz Zimmer and Marc Mutz had to struggle with all the bugs and -misconceptions while working on KDE integration. Marcus Brinkman +misconceptions while working on KDE integration. Marcus Brinkman extended GPGME, cleaned up the Assuan code and fixed bugs all over the -place. Moritz Schulte took over Libgcrypt maintenance and developed it +place. Moritz Schulte took over Libgcrypt maintenance and developed it into a stable an useful library. Steffen Hansen had a hard time to -write the dirmngr due to underspecified interfaces. Thomas Koester did +write the dirmngr due to underspecified interfaces. Thomas Koester did extensive testing and tracked down a lot of bugs. Werner Koch designed the system and wrote most of the code. @@ -1333,56 +1092,55 @@ Moore, Brian Warner, Bryan Fullerton, Caskey L. Dickson, Cees van de Griend, Charles Levert, Chip Salzenberg, Chris Adams, Christian Biere, Christian Kurz, Christian von Roques, Christopher Oliver, Christian -Recktenwald, Dan Winship, Daniel Eisenbud, Daniel Koening, Dave -Dykstra, David C Niemi, David Champion, David Ellement, David Hallinan, -David Hollenberg, David Mathog, David R. Bergstein, Detlef Lannert, -Dimitri, Dirk Lattermann, Dirk Meyer, Disastry, Douglas Calvert, Ed -Boraas, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS, Edwin Woudt, Enzo Michelangeli, Ernst -Molitor, Fabio Coatti, Felix von Leitner, fish stiqz, Florian Weimer, -Francesco Potorti, Frank Donahoe, Frank Heckenbach, Frank Stajano, -Frank Tobin, Gabriel Rosenkoetter, Gaël Quéri, Gene Carter, Geoff -Keating, Georg Schwarz, Giampaolo Tomassoni, Gilbert Fernandes, Greg -Louis, Greg Troxel, Gregory Steuck, Gregery Barton, Harald Denker, -Holger Baust, Hendrik Buschkamp, Holger Schurig, Holger Smolinski, -Holger Trapp, Hugh Daniel, Huy Le, Ian McKellar, Ivo Timmermans, Jan -Krueger, Jan Niehusmann, Janusz A. Urbanowicz, James Troup, Jean-loup -Gailly, Jeff Long, Jeffery Von Ronne, Jens Bachem, Jeroen C. van -Gelderen, J Horacio MG, J. Michael Ashley, Jim Bauer, Jim Small, -Joachim Backes, Joe Rhett, John A. Martin, Johnny Teveßen, Jörg -Schilling, Jos Backus, Joseph Walton, Juan F. Codagnone, Jun Kuriyama, -Kahil D. Jallad, Karl Fogel, Karsten Thygesen, Katsuhiro Kondou, Kazu -Yamamoto, Keith Clayton, Kevin Ryde, Klaus Singvogel, Kurt Garloff, -Lars Kellogg-Stedman, L. Sassaman, M Taylor, Marcel Waldvogel, Marco -d'Itri, Marco Parrone, Marcus Brinkmann, Mark Adler, Mark Elbrecht, -Mark Pettit, Markus Friedl, Martin Kahlert, Martin Hamilton, Martin -Schulte, Matt Kraai, Matthew Skala, Matthew Wilcox, Matthias Urlichs, -Max Valianskiy, Michael Engels, Michael Fischer v. Mollard, Michael -Roth, Michael Sobolev, Michael Tokarev, Nicolas Graner, Mike McEwan, -Neal H Walfield, Nelson H. F. Beebe, NIIBE Yutaka, Niklas Hernaeus, -Nimrod Zimerman, N J Doye, Oliver Haakert, Oskari Jääskeläinen, Pascal -Scheffers, Paul D. Smith, Per Cederqvist, Phil Blundell, Philippe -Laliberte, Peter Fales, Peter Gutmann, Peter Marschall, Peter Valchev, -Piotr Krukowiecki, QingLong, Ralph Gillen, Rat, Reinhard Wobst, Rémi -Guyomarch, Reuben Sumner, Richard Outerbridge, Robert Joop, Roddy -Strachan, Roger Sondermann, Roland Rosenfeld, Roman Pavlik, Ross -Golder, Ryan Malayter, Sam Roberts, Sami Tolvanen, Sean MacLennan, -Sebastian Klemke, Serge Munhoven, SL Baur, Stefan Bellon, -Dr.Stefan.Dalibor, Stefan Karrmann, Stefan Keller, Steffen Ullrich, -Steffen Zahn, Steven Bakker, Steven Murdoch, Susanne Schultz, Ted -Cabeen, Thiago Jung Bauermann, Thijmen Klok, Thomas Roessler, Tim -Mooney, Timo Schulz, Todd Vierling, TOGAWA Satoshi, Tom Spindler, Tom -Zerucha, Tomas Fasth, Tommi Komulainen, Thomas Klausner, Tomasz -Kozlowski, Thomas Mikkelsen, Ulf Möller, Urko Lusa, Vincent P. Broman, -Volker Quetschke, W Lewis, Walter Hofmann, Walter Koch, Wayne +Recktenwald, Dan Winship, Daniel Eisenbud, Daniel Koening, Dave Dykstra, +David C Niemi, David Champion, David Ellement, David Hallinan, David +Hollenberg, David Mathog, David R. Bergstein, Detlef Lannert, Dimitri, +Dirk Lattermann, Dirk Meyer, Disastry, Douglas Calvert, Ed Boraas, +Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS, Edwin Woudt, Enzo Michelangeli, Ernst Molitor, +Fabio Coatti, Felix von Leitner, fish stiqz, Florian Weimer, Francesco +Potorti, Frank Donahoe, Frank Heckenbach, Frank Stajano, Frank Tobin, +Gabriel Rosenkoetter, Gaël Quéri, Gene Carter, Geoff Keating, Georg +Schwarz, Giampaolo Tomassoni, Gilbert Fernandes, Greg Louis, Greg +Troxel, Gregory Steuck, Gregery Barton, Harald Denker, Holger Baust, +Hendrik Buschkamp, Holger Schurig, Holger Smolinski, Holger Trapp, Hugh +Daniel, Huy Le, Ian McKellar, Ivo Timmermans, Jan Krueger, Jan +Niehusmann, Janusz A. Urbanowicz, James Troup, Jean-loup Gailly, Jeff +Long, Jeffery Von Ronne, Jens Bachem, Jeroen C. van Gelderen, J Horacio +MG, J. Michael Ashley, Jim Bauer, Jim Small, Joachim Backes, Joe Rhett, +John A. Martin, Johnny Teveßen, Jörg Schilling, Jos Backus, Joseph +Walton, Juan F. Codagnone, Jun Kuriyama, Kahil D. Jallad, Karl Fogel, +Karsten Thygesen, Katsuhiro Kondou, Kazu Yamamoto, Keith Clayton, Kevin +Ryde, Klaus Singvogel, Kurt Garloff, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, L. Sassaman, +M Taylor, Marcel Waldvogel, Marco d'Itri, Marco Parrone, Marcus +Brinkmann, Mark Adler, Mark Elbrecht, Mark Pettit, Markus Friedl, Martin +Kahlert, Martin Hamilton, Martin Schulte, Matt Kraai, Matthew Skala, +Matthew Wilcox, Matthias Urlichs, Max Valianskiy, Michael Engels, +Michael Fischer v. Mollard, Michael Roth, Michael Sobolev, Michael +Tokarev, Nicolas Graner, Mike McEwan, Neal H Walfield, Nelson H. F. +Beebe, NIIBE Yutaka, Niklas Hernaeus, Nimrod Zimerman, N J Doye, Oliver +Haakert, Oskari Jääskeläinen, Pascal Scheffers, Paul D. Smith, Per +Cederqvist, Phil Blundell, Philippe Laliberte, Peter Fales, Peter +Gutmann, Peter Marschall, Peter Valchev, Piotr Krukowiecki, QingLong, +Ralph Gillen, Rat, Reinhard Wobst, Rémi Guyomarch, Reuben Sumner, +Richard Outerbridge, Robert Joop, Roddy Strachan, Roger Sondermann, +Roland Rosenfeld, Roman Pavlik, Ross Golder, Ryan Malayter, Sam Roberts, +Sami Tolvanen, Sean MacLennan, Sebastian Klemke, Serge Munhoven, SL +Baur, Stefan Bellon, Dr.Stefan.Dalibor, Stefan Karrmann, Stefan Keller, +Steffen Ullrich, Steffen Zahn, Steven Bakker, Steven Murdoch, Susanne +Schultz, Ted Cabeen, Thiago Jung Bauermann, Thijmen Klok, Thomas +Roessler, Tim Mooney, Timo Schulz, Todd Vierling, TOGAWA Satoshi, Tom +Spindler, Tom Zerucha, Tomas Fasth, Tommi Komulainen, Thomas Klausner, +Tomasz Kozlowski, Thomas Mikkelsen, Ulf Möller, Urko Lusa, Vincent P. +Broman, Volker Quetschke, W Lewis, Walter Hofmann, Walter Koch, Wayne Chapeskie, Wim Vandeputte, Winona Brown, Yosiaki IIDA, Yoshihiro Kajiki and Gerlinde Klaes. This software has been made possible by the previous work of Chris -Wedgwood, Jean-loup Gailly, Jon Callas, Mark Adler, Martin Hellmann -Paul Kendall, Philip R. Zimmermann, Peter Gutmann, Philip A. Nelson, -Taher Elgamal, Torbjorn Granlund, Whitfield Diffie, some unknown NSA -mathematicians and all the folks who have worked hard to create -complete and free operating systems. +Wedgwood, Jean-loup Gailly, Jon Callas, Mark Adler, Martin Hellmann Paul +Kendall, Philip R. Zimmermann, Peter Gutmann, Philip A. Nelson, Taher +Elgamal, Torbjorn Granlund, Whitfield Diffie, some unknown NSA +mathematicians and all the folks who have worked hard to create complete +and free operating systems. And finally we'd like to thank everyone who uses these tools, submits bug reports and generally reminds us why we're doing this work in the @@ -1394,66 +1152,64 @@ Glossary ******** -`ARL' - The _Authority Revocation List_ is technical identical to a CRL - but used for CAs and not for end user certificates. +'ARL' + The _Authority Revocation List_ is technical identical to a CRL but + used for CAs and not for end user certificates. -`Chain model' +'Chain model' Verification model for X.509 which uses the creation date of a - signature as the date the validation starts and in turn checks - that each certificate has been issued within the time frame, the - issuing certificate was valid. This allows the verification of - signatures after the CA's certificate expired. The validation - test also required an online check of the certificate status. The - chain model is required by the German signature law. See also - _Shell model_. - -`CMS' - The _Cryptographic Message Standard_ describes a message format - for encryption and digital signing. It is closely related to the - X.509 certificate format. CMS was formerly known under the name - `PKCS#7' and is described by `RFC3369'. - -`CRL' - The _Certificate Revocation List_ is a list containing - certificates revoked by the issuer. + signature as the date the validation starts and in turn checks that + each certificate has been issued within the time frame, the issuing + certificate was valid. This allows the verification of signatures + after the CA's certificate expired. The validation test also + required an online check of the certificate status. The chain + model is required by the German signature law. See also _Shell + model_. + +'CMS' + The _Cryptographic Message Standard_ describes a message format for + encryption and digital signing. It is closely related to the X.509 + certificate format. CMS was formerly known under the name 'PKCS#7' + and is described by 'RFC3369'. + +'CRL' + The _Certificate Revocation List_ is a list containing certificates + revoked by the issuer. -`CSR' +'CSR' The _Certificate Signing Request_ is a message send to a CA to ask them to issue a new certificate. The data format of such a signing request is called PCKS#10. -`OpenPGP' +'OpenPGP' A data format used to build a PKI and to exchange encrypted or signed messages. In contrast to X.509, OpenPGP also includes the message format but does not explicitly demand a specific PKI. However any kind of PKI may be build upon the OpenPGP protocol. -`Keygrip' - This term is used by GnuPG to describe a 20 byte hash value used - to identify a certain key without referencing to a concrete - protocol. It is used internally to access a private key. Usually - it is shown and entered as a 40 character hexadecimal formatted - string. +'Keygrip' + This term is used by GnuPG to describe a 20 byte hash value used to + identify a certain key without referencing to a concrete protocol. + It is used internally to access a private key. Usually it is shown + and entered as a 40 character hexadecimal formatted string. -`OCSP' +'OCSP' The _Online Certificate Status Protocol_ is used as an alternative - to a CRL. It is described in `RFC 2560'. + to a CRL. It is described in 'RFC 2560'. -`PSE' +'PSE' The _Personal Security Environment_ describes a database to store private keys. This is either a smartcard or a collection of files on a disk; the latter is often called a Soft-PSE. -`Shell model' +'Shell model' The standard model for validation of certificates under X.509. At - the time of the verification all certificates must be valid and - not expired. See also _Chain mode_. - -`X.509' - Description of a PKI used with CMS. It is for example defined by - `RFC3280'. + the time of the verification all certificates must be valid and not + expired. See also _Chain mode_. +'X.509' + Description of a PKI used with CMS. It is for example defined by + 'RFC3280'.  File: gnupg.info, Node: Option Index, Next: Index, Prev: Glossary, Up: Top @@ -1464,54 +1220,54 @@ [index] * Menu: -* agent-program <1>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 30) -* agent-program <2>: Configuration Options. - (line 34) * agent-program: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 618) -* allow-admin: Scdaemon Options. (line 192) + (line 622) +* agent-program <1>: Configuration Options. + (line 33) +* agent-program <2>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. + (line 29) +* allow-admin: Scdaemon Options. (line 178) * allow-freeform-uid: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 316) -* allow-mark-trusted: Agent Options. (line 147) + (line 311) +* allow-mark-trusted: Agent Options. (line 133) * allow-multiple-messages: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 438) + (line 432) * allow-non-selfsigned-uid: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 311) + (line 306) * allow-secret-key-import: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 433) + (line 428) * allow-weak-digest-algos: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 351) + (line 346) * always-trust: Deprecated Options. (line 21) -* armor <1>: Input and Output. (line 8) * armor: GPG Input and Output. (line 8) +* armor <1>: Input and Output. (line 8) * ask-cert-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 420) + (line 415) * ask-cert-level: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 303) + (line 309) * ask-sig-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 406) + (line 401) * assume-armor: Input and Output. (line 14) * assume-base64: Input and Output. (line 18) * assume-binary: Input and Output. (line 21) * attribute-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 85) + (line 81) * attribute-file: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 91) + (line 87) * auto-check-trustdb: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 605) -* auto-issuer-key-retrieve: Certificate Options. (line 51) + (line 609) +* auto-issuer-key-retrieve: Certificate Options. (line 50) * auto-key-locate: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 384) + (line 390) * base64: Input and Output. (line 11) +* batch: Agent Options. (line 31) * batch <1>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 39) -* batch: Agent Options. (line 33) * bzip2-compress-level: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 277) + (line 283) * bzip2-decompress-lowmem: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 287) + (line 293) * call-dirmngr: Operational GPGSM Commands. (line 27) * call-protect-tool: Operational GPGSM Commands. @@ -1520,94 +1276,96 @@ (line 165) * card-status: Operational GPG Commands. (line 171) -* card-timeout: Scdaemon Options. (line 168) +* card-timeout: Scdaemon Options. (line 154) * cert-digest-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 225) + (line 220) * cert-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 117) + (line 113) * cert-policy-url: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 147) + (line 143) * change-pin: Operational GPG Commands. (line 174) -* check-passphrase-pattern: Agent Options. (line 193) +* check-passphrase-pattern: Agent Options. (line 189) * check-sigs: Operational GPG Commands. (line 134) * check-trustdb: Operational GPG Commands. (line 277) -* cipher-algo <1>: CMS Options. (line 13) * cipher-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 185) + (line 181) +* cipher-algo <1>: CMS Options. (line 13) * clearsign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 17) * command-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 299) + (line 294) * command-file: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 306) + (line 301) * comment: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 96) + (line 92) * compliant-needed: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 564) + (line 568) * compress-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 202) + (line 197) * compress-level: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 277) -* csh: Agent Options. (line 118) -* ctapi-driver: Scdaemon Options. (line 146) -* daemon <1>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 31) + (line 283) +* csh: Agent Options. (line 104) +* ctapi-driver: Scdaemon Options. (line 132) * daemon: Agent Commands. (line 27) +* daemon <1>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 31) * dearmor: Operational GPG Commands. - (line 332) -* debug <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 61) -* debug <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 58) -* debug <3>: GPG Esoteric Options. + (line 331) +* debug: Agent Options. (line 65) +* debug <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. + (line 47) +* debug <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 54) +* debug <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 56) +* debug-all: Agent Options. (line 89) +* debug-all <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 51) -* debug: Agent Options. (line 71) -* debug-all <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 97) -* debug-all <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 92) -* debug-all <3>: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 55) -* debug-all: Agent Options. (line 103) -* debug-allow-core-dump <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 114) -* debug-allow-core-dump: Esoteric Options. (line 95) -* debug-assuan-log-cats: Scdaemon Options. (line 123) -* debug-disable-ticker: Scdaemon Options. (line 110) -* debug-ignore-expiration: Esoteric Options. (line 106) -* debug-level <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 28) -* debug-level <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 29) -* debug-level <3>: GPG Esoteric Options. +* debug-all <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 81) +* debug-all <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 83) +* debug-allow-core-dump: Esoteric Options. (line 84) +* debug-allow-core-dump <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 100) +* debug-assuan-log-cats: Scdaemon Options. (line 109) +* debug-disable-ticker: Scdaemon Options. (line 96) +* debug-ignore-expiration: Esoteric Options. (line 95) +* debug-level: Agent Options. (line 40) +* debug-level <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 22) -* debug-level: Agent Options. (line 42) -* debug-log-tid: Scdaemon Options. (line 120) -* debug-no-chain-validation: Esoteric Options. (line 102) -* debug-wait <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 100) -* debug-wait: Agent Options. (line 106) +* debug-level <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 29) +* debug-level <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 27) +* debug-log-tid: Scdaemon Options. (line 106) +* debug-no-chain-validation: Esoteric Options. (line 91) +* debug-wait: Agent Options. (line 92) +* debug-wait <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 86) +* debug-wait <2>: Scdaemon Options. (line 91) * decode: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 66) -* decrypt <1>: gpg-zip. (line 22) -* decrypt <2>: Operational GPGSM Commands. - (line 11) + (line 64) * decrypt: Operational GPG Commands. (line 52) +* decrypt <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. + (line 11) +* decrypt <2>: gpg-zip. (line 22) * decrypt-files: Operational GPG Commands. (line 95) -* default-cache-ttl: Agent Options. (line 158) +* default-cache-ttl: Agent Options. (line 154) +* default-cache-ttl <1>: Agent Options. (line 158) * default-cert-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 426) + (line 421) * default-cert-level: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 311) -* default-key <1>: Input and Output. (line 34) + (line 317) * default-key: GPG Configuration Options. (line 10) +* default-key <1>: Input and Output. (line 34) * default-keyserver-url: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 466) + (line 460) * default-preference-list: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 461) + (line 455) * default-recipient: GPG Configuration Options. (line 15) * default-recipient-self: GPG Configuration Options. (line 19) * default-sig-expire: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 412) + (line 407) * delete-key: Operational GPG Commands. (line 179) * delete-keys: Certificate Management. @@ -1616,43 +1374,45 @@ (line 188) * delete-secret-key: Operational GPG Commands. (line 184) -* deny-admin: Scdaemon Options. (line 192) +* deny-admin: Scdaemon Options. (line 178) * desig-revoke: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 21) * detach-sign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 27) * digest-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 194) + (line 190) * dirmngr-program: Configuration Options. - (line 40) -* disable-application: Scdaemon Options. (line 202) -* disable-ccid: Scdaemon Options. (line 151) + (line 39) +* disable-application: Scdaemon Options. (line 188) +* disable-ccid: Scdaemon Options. (line 137) * disable-cipher-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 233) + (line 228) * disable-crl-checks: Certificate Options. (line 13) * disable-dsa2: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 167) + (line 173) +* disable-large-rsa: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 166) * disable-mdc: OpenPGP Options. (line 40) -* disable-ocsp: Certificate Options. (line 42) -* disable-pinpad: Scdaemon Options. (line 189) +* disable-ocsp: Certificate Options. (line 41) +* disable-pinpad: Scdaemon Options. (line 175) * disable-policy-checks: Certificate Options. (line 8) * disable-pubkey-algo: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 238) -* disable-scdaemon: Agent Options. (line 232) + (line 233) +* disable-scdaemon: Agent Options. (line 228) * disable-trusted-cert-crl-check: Certificate Options. (line 19) -* display: Agent Options. (line 259) +* display: Agent Options. (line 255) * display-charset: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 232) + (line 238) * display-charset:iso-8859-1: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 241) -* display-charset:iso-8859-15: GPG Configuration Options. (line 247) +* display-charset:iso-8859-15: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 253) * display-charset:iso-8859-2: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 244) -* display-charset:koi8-r: GPG Configuration Options. (line 250) +* display-charset:koi8-r: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 256) * display-charset:utf-8: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 253) + (line 259) * dry-run: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 8) * dump-cert: Certificate Management. @@ -1663,59 +1423,61 @@ (line 44) * dump-keys: Certificate Management. (line 33) -* dump-options <1>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 18) -* dump-options <2>: General GPGSM Commands. +* dump-options: Agent Commands. (line 19) +* dump-options <1>: General GPG Commands. (line 19) -* dump-options <3>: General GPG Commands. +* dump-options <2>: General GPGSM Commands. (line 19) -* dump-options: Agent Commands. (line 19) +* dump-options <3>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 18) * dump-secret-keys: Certificate Management. (line 40) * edit-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 26) * emit-version: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 107) + (line 103) * enable-crl-checks: Certificate Options. (line 13) * enable-dsa2: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 167) -* enable-ocsp: Certificate Options. (line 42) -* enable-passphrase-history: Agent Options. (line 212) -* enable-pinpad-varlen: Scdaemon Options. (line 181) + (line 173) +* enable-large-rsa: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 166) +* enable-ocsp: Certificate Options. (line 41) +* enable-passphrase-history: Agent Options. (line 208) +* enable-pinpad-varlen: Scdaemon Options. (line 167) * enable-policy-checks: Certificate Options. (line 8) * enable-progress-filter: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 64) + (line 60) * enable-special-filenames: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 448) -* enable-ssh-support: Agent Options. (line 269) + (line 442) +* enable-ssh-support: Agent Options. (line 265) * enable-trusted-cert-crl-check: Certificate Options. (line 19) * enarmor: Operational GPG Commands. - (line 332) -* encrypt <1>: gpg-zip. (line 17) -* encrypt <2>: Operational GPGSM Commands. - (line 7) + (line 331) * encrypt: Operational GPG Commands. (line 31) +* encrypt <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. + (line 7) +* encrypt <2>: gpg-zip. (line 17) * encrypt-files: Operational GPG Commands. (line 92) * encrypt-to: GPG Key related Options. (line 21) -* enforce-passphrase-constraints: Agent Options. (line 178) +* enforce-passphrase-constraints: Agent Options. (line 174) * escape-from-lines: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 263) + (line 258) * exec: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 41) + (line 39) * exec-path: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 191) + (line 197) * exit-on-status-write-error: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 639) + (line 643) * expert: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 697) -* export <1>: Certificate Management. - (line 66) + (line 701) * export: Operational GPG Commands. (line 193) +* export <1>: Certificate Management. + (line 66) * export-options: GPG Input and Output. - (line 67) + (line 75) * export-ownertrust: Operational GPG Commands. (line 292) * export-secret-key-p12: Certificate Management. @@ -1725,32 +1487,32 @@ * export-secret-subkeys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 209) * extra-digest-algo: Esoteric Options. (line 7) -* faked-system-time <1>: Esoteric Options. (line 18) -* faked-system-time <2>: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 58) -* faked-system-time: Agent Options. (line 37) +* faked-system-time: Agent Options. (line 35) +* faked-system-time <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. + (line 54) +* faked-system-time <2>: Esoteric Options. (line 18) * fast-list-mode: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 371) + (line 366) * fetch-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 262) * fingerprint: Operational GPG Commands. (line 154) * fixed-list-mode: GPG Input and Output. - (line 118) -* fixed-passphrase: Esoteric Options. (line 111) + (line 126) +* fixed-passphrase: Esoteric Options. (line 100) * for-your-eyes-only: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 171) + (line 167) * force: watchgnupg. (line 22) -* force-crl-refresh: Certificate Options. (line 31) +* force-crl-refresh: Certificate Options. (line 30) * force-mdc: OpenPGP Options. (line 34) * force-v3-sigs: OpenPGP Options. (line 19) * force-v4-certs: OpenPGP Options. (line 29) * forget: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 24) -* gen-key <1>: Certificate Management. - (line 7) * gen-key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 9) +* gen-key <1>: Certificate Management. + (line 7) * gen-prime: Operational GPG Commands. (line 326) * gen-random: Operational GPG Commands. @@ -1760,54 +1522,54 @@ * gnupg: Compliance Options. (line 12) * gpg: gpg-zip. (line 50) * gpg-agent-info: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 615) + (line 619) * gpg-args: gpg-zip. (line 53) * gpgconf-list: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 479) + (line 473) * gpgconf-test: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 483) + (line 477) * group: GPG Key related Options. (line 41) -* help <1>: gpg-zip. (line 65) -* help <2>: watchgnupg. (line 35) -* help <3>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 14) -* help <4>: General GPGSM Commands. - (line 11) -* help <5>: General GPG Commands. - (line 12) * help: Agent Commands. (line 15) +* help <1>: General GPG Commands. + (line 12) +* help <2>: General GPGSM Commands. + (line 11) +* help <3>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 14) +* help <4>: watchgnupg. (line 35) +* help <5>: gpg-zip. (line 65) * hex: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 62) + (line 60) * hidden-encrypt-to: GPG Key related Options. (line 29) * hidden-recipient: GPG Key related Options. (line 14) -* homedir <1>: Invoking symcryptrun. - (line 38) -* homedir <2>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 22) -* homedir <3>: gpgv. (line 53) -* homedir <4>: Scdaemon Options. (line 13) -* homedir <5>: Configuration Options. - (line 16) -* homedir <6>: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 224) * homedir: Agent Options. (line 13) -* ignore-cache-for-signing: Agent Options. (line 152) -* ignore-cert-extension: Certificate Options. (line 71) +* homedir <1>: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 230) +* homedir <2>: Configuration Options. + (line 16) +* homedir <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 13) +* homedir <4>: gpgv. (line 51) +* homedir <5>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. + (line 21) +* homedir <6>: Invoking symcryptrun. + (line 36) +* ignore-cache-for-signing: Agent Options. (line 148) +* ignore-cert-extension: Certificate Options. (line 70) * ignore-crc-error: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 336) + (line 331) * ignore-mdc-error: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 343) -* ignore-time-conflict <1>: gpgv. (line 47) + (line 338) * ignore-time-conflict: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 322) + (line 317) +* ignore-time-conflict <1>: gpgv. (line 45) * ignore-valid-from: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 329) -* import <1>: Certificate Management. - (line 87) + (line 324) * import: Operational GPG Commands. (line 231) +* import <1>: Certificate Management. + (line 87) * import-options: GPG Input and Output. (line 29) * import-ownertrust: Operational GPG Commands. @@ -1815,110 +1577,112 @@ * include-certs: CMS Options. (line 7) * interactive: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 19) -* keep-display: Agent Options. (line 264) -* keep-tty: Agent Options. (line 264) +* keep-display: Agent Options. (line 260) +* keep-tty: Agent Options. (line 260) * keydb-clear-some-cert-flags: Certificate Management. (line 49) * keyedit:addcardkey: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 166) + (line 162) * keyedit:addkey: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 163) + (line 159) * keyedit:addphoto: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 81) * keyedit:addrevoker: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 215) + (line 210) * keyedit:adduid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 78) * keyedit:bkuptocard: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 180) + (line 176) * keyedit:check: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 75) * keyedit:clean: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 227) + (line 222) * keyedit:cross-certify: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 241) + (line 236) * keyedit:delkey: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 191) + (line 187) * keyedit:delsig: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 65) * keyedit:deluid: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 92) + (line 91) * keyedit:disable: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 211) + (line 206) * keyedit:enable: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 211) + (line 206) * keyedit:expire: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 200) + (line 195) * keyedit:key: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 35) * keyedit:keyserver: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 110) + (line 108) * keyedit:keytocard: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 169) + (line 165) * keyedit:lsign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 46) * keyedit:minimize: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 236) + (line 231) * keyedit:notation: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 117) + (line 115) * keyedit:nrsign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 51) * keyedit:passwd: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 221) + (line 216) * keyedit:pref: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 125) + (line 123) * keyedit:primary: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 101) + (line 100) * keyedit:quit: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 252) + (line 247) * keyedit:revkey: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 197) + (line 192) * keyedit:revsig: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 70) * keyedit:revuid: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 98) + (line 97) * keyedit:save: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 249) + (line 244) * keyedit:setpref: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 138) + (line 135) * keyedit:showphoto: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 89) + (line 88) * keyedit:showpref: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 130) + (line 127) * keyedit:sign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 39) * keyedit:toggle: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 224) + (line 219) * keyedit:trust: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 206) + (line 201) * keyedit:tsign: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 55) * keyedit:uid: OpenPGP Key Management. (line 31) * keyid-format: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 428) -* keyring <1>: gpgv. (line 34) + (line 433) * keyring: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 198) + (line 204) +* keyring <1>: gpgv. (line 32) * keyserver: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 435) + (line 440) * keyserver-options: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 455) -* lc-ctype: Agent Options. (line 259) -* lc-messages: Agent Options. (line 259) + (line 460) +* lc-ctype: Agent Options. (line 255) +* lc-messages: Agent Options. (line 255) * learn-card: Certificate Management. (line 92) * limit-card-insert-tries: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 648) + (line 652) * list-archive: gpg-zip. (line 43) * list-chain: Certificate Management. (line 29) * list-config: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 471) -* list-keys <1>: Certificate Management. - (line 14) + (line 465) * list-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 100) +* list-keys <1>: Certificate Management. + (line 14) +* list-keys <2>: Certificate Management. + (line 25) * list-only: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 11) * list-options: GPG Configuration Options. @@ -1949,361 +1713,362 @@ (line 81) * list-packets: Operational GPG Commands. (line 161) -* list-secret-keys <1>: Certificate Management. - (line 21) * list-secret-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 110) +* list-secret-keys <1>: Certificate Management. + (line 21) * list-sigs: Operational GPG Commands. (line 116) -* local-user <1>: gpg-zip. (line 40) -* local-user <2>: Input and Output. (line 42) * local-user: GPG Key related Options. (line 63) +* local-user <1>: Input and Output. (line 41) +* local-user <2>: gpg-zip. (line 40) * locate-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 147) * lock-multiple: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 628) -* lock-never: GPG Configuration Options. (line 632) +* lock-never: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 636) * lock-once: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 624) -* log-file <1>: Invoking symcryptrun. - (line 46) -* log-file <2>: Scdaemon Options. (line 136) -* log-file <3>: Configuration Options. - (line 59) -* log-file <4>: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 81) -* log-file: Agent Options. (line 140) -* logger-fd <1>: gpgv. (line 44) -* logger-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. + (line 628) +* log-file: Agent Options. (line 126) +* log-file <1>: GPG Esoteric Options. (line 77) +* log-file <2>: Configuration Options. + (line 58) +* log-file <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 122) +* log-file <4>: Invoking symcryptrun. + (line 44) +* logger-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. + (line 73) +* logger-fd <1>: gpgv. (line 42) * lsign-key: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 289) + (line 282) * mangle-dos-filenames: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 295) + (line 301) * marginals-needed: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 568) -* max-cache-ttl: Agent Options. (line 166) -* max-cache-ttl-ssh: Agent Options. (line 172) -* max-cert-depth: GPG Configuration Options. (line 572) +* max-cache-ttl: Agent Options. (line 162) +* max-cache-ttl-ssh: Agent Options. (line 168) +* max-cert-depth: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 576) * max-output: GPG Input and Output. (line 19) -* max-passphrase-days: Agent Options. (line 207) +* max-passphrase-days: Agent Options. (line 203) * min-cert-level: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 340) -* min-passphrase-len: Agent Options. (line 182) -* min-passphrase-nonalpha: Agent Options. (line 187) + (line 346) +* min-passphrase-len: Agent Options. (line 178) +* min-passphrase-nonalpha: Agent Options. (line 183) * multi-server: Scdaemon Commands. (line 26) * multifile: Operational GPG Commands. (line 81) * no: GPG Configuration Options. (line 56) +* no-allow-external-cache: Agent Options. (line 138) * no-armor: GPG Input and Output. (line 12) * no-batch: GPG Configuration Options. (line 39) -* no-common-certs-import: Esoteric Options. (line 116) +* no-common-certs-import: Esoteric Options. (line 105) * no-default-keyring: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 356) + (line 351) * no-default-recipient: GPG Configuration Options. (line 25) -* no-detach <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 132) -* no-detach: Agent Options. (line 111) +* no-detach: Agent Options. (line 97) +* no-detach <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 118) * no-encrypt-to: GPG Key related Options. (line 37) * no-expensive-trust-checks: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 453) + (line 447) * no-ext-connect: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 48) -* no-grab: Agent Options. (line 136) + (line 46) +* no-grab: Agent Options. (line 122) * no-greeting: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 662) + (line 666) * no-groups: GPG Key related Options. (line 59) * no-literal: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 379) + (line 374) * no-mangle-dos-filenames: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 295) + (line 301) * no-mdc-warning: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 681) + (line 685) * no-options: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 270) + (line 276) * no-random-seed-file: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 656) -* no-secmem-warning <1>: Configuration Options. - (line 55) + (line 660) * no-secmem-warning: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 665) + (line 669) +* no-secmem-warning <1>: Configuration Options. + (line 54) * no-sig-cache: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 586) + (line 590) * no-sig-create-check: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 595) + (line 599) * no-skip-hidden-recipients: GPG Key related Options. (line 75) * no-tty: GPG Configuration Options. (line 48) -* no-use-standard-socket: Agent Options. (line 239) +* no-use-standard-socket: Agent Options. (line 235) * no-verbose: GPG Configuration Options. (line 32) * not-dash-escaped: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 253) -* openpgp: Compliance Options. (line 20) -* options <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 7) + (line 248) +* openpgp: Compliance Options. (line 19) +* options: Agent Options. (line 7) +* options <1>: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 271) * options <2>: Configuration Options. (line 10) -* options <3>: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 265) -* options: Agent Options. (line 7) -* output <1>: gpg-zip. (line 47) -* output <2>: Input and Output. (line 52) +* options <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 7) * output: GPG Input and Output. (line 16) +* output <1>: Input and Output. (line 51) +* output <2>: gpg-zip. (line 47) * override-session-key: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 397) + (line 392) * p12-charset: Input and Output. (line 24) -* passphrase <1>: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. - (line 35) * passphrase: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 292) + (line 287) +* passphrase <1>: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. + (line 34) * passphrase-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 275) + (line 270) * passphrase-file: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 283) + (line 278) * passphrase-repeat: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 270) + (line 265) +* passwd: OpenPGP Key Management. + (line 287) * passwd <1>: Certificate Management. (line 97) -* passwd: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 294) -* pcsc-driver: Scdaemon Options. (line 140) +* pcsc-driver: Scdaemon Options. (line 126) * permission-warning: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 668) + (line 672) * personal-cipher-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 45) -* personal-compress-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 64) +* personal-compress-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 63) * personal-digest-preferences: OpenPGP Options. (line 54) -* pgp2: Compliance Options. (line 38) -* pgp6: Compliance Options. (line 51) -* pgp7: Compliance Options. (line 62) -* pgp8: Compliance Options. (line 68) +* pgp2: Compliance Options. (line 37) +* pgp6: Compliance Options. (line 50) +* pgp7: Compliance Options. (line 61) +* pgp8: Compliance Options. (line 67) * photo-viewer: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 173) -* pinentry-program: Agent Options. (line 215) -* pinentry-touch-file: Agent Options. (line 219) + (line 179) +* pinentry-program: Agent Options. (line 211) +* pinentry-touch-file: Agent Options. (line 215) * policy-file: Configuration Options. - (line 31) + (line 30) * prefer-system-dirmngr: Configuration Options. - (line 46) + (line 45) * preserve-permissions: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 456) + (line 450) * preset: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 20) * primary-keyring: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 212) + (line 218) * print-md: Operational GPG Commands. (line 314) -* q <1>: Invoking symcryptrun. - (line 35) * q: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 19) -* quiet <1>: Invoking symcryptrun. - (line 35) -* quiet <2>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 19) -* quiet <3>: gpgv. (line 31) -* quiet <4>: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 18) +* q <1>: Invoking symcryptrun. + (line 33) +* quiet: Agent Options. (line 28) +* quiet <1>: GPG Configuration Options. (line 35) -* quiet: Agent Options. (line 30) +* quiet <2>: gpgv. (line 29) +* quiet <3>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. + (line 18) +* quiet <4>: Invoking symcryptrun. + (line 33) * raw-socket: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 34) -* reader-port: Scdaemon Options. (line 157) + (line 33) +* reader-port: Scdaemon Options. (line 143) * rebuild-keydb-caches: Operational GPG Commands. (line 308) -* recipient <1>: gpg-zip. (line 36) -* recipient <2>: Input and Output. (line 47) * recipient: GPG Key related Options. (line 8) +* recipient <1>: Input and Output. (line 46) +* recipient <2>: gpg-zip. (line 36) * recv-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 240) * refresh-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 244) * reload: Invoking gpgconf. (line 48) * require-cross-certification: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 690) + (line 694) * require-secmem: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 685) -* rfc1991: Compliance Options. (line 35) -* rfc2440: Compliance Options. (line 31) -* rfc4880: Compliance Options. (line 26) + (line 689) +* rfc1991: Compliance Options. (line 34) +* rfc2440: Compliance Options. (line 30) +* rfc4880: Compliance Options. (line 25) * run: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 53) -* s2k-cipher-algo: OpenPGP Options. (line 74) -* s2k-count: OpenPGP Options. (line 91) -* s2k-digest-algo: OpenPGP Options. (line 80) -* s2k-mode: OpenPGP Options. (line 84) -* scdaemon-program: Agent Options. (line 228) + (line 51) +* s2k-cipher-algo: OpenPGP Options. (line 73) +* s2k-count: OpenPGP Options. (line 90) +* s2k-digest-algo: OpenPGP Options. (line 79) +* s2k-mode: OpenPGP Options. (line 83) +* scdaemon-program: Agent Options. (line 224) * search-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 253) * secret-keyring: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 209) + (line 215) * send-keys: Operational GPG Commands. (line 200) -* server <1>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 22) -* server <2>: Operational GPGSM Commands. - (line 24) * server: Agent Commands. (line 23) +* server <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. + (line 24) +* server <2>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 22) * set-filename: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 165) + (line 161) * set-filesize: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 383) + (line 378) * set-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 117) + (line 113) * set-policy-url: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 147) -* sh: Agent Options. (line 118) + (line 143) +* sh: Agent Options. (line 104) * show-keyring: Deprecated Options. (line 16) * show-notation: Deprecated Options. (line 25) * show-photos: Deprecated Options. (line 8) * show-policy-url: Deprecated Options. (line 33) * show-session-key: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 387) + (line 382) * sig-keyserver-url: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 157) + (line 153) * sig-notation: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 117) + (line 113) * sig-policy-url: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 147) -* sign <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. - (line 16) + (line 143) * sign: Operational GPG Commands. (line 8) +* sign <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. + (line 16) * sign-key: OpenPGP Key Management. - (line 285) + (line 278) * simple-sk-checksum: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 575) + (line 579) * skip-hidden-recipients: GPG Key related Options. (line 75) * skip-verify: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 363) -* status-fd <1>: gpgv. (line 40) + (line 358) * status-fd: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 69) + (line 65) +* status-fd <1>: gpgv. (line 38) * status-file: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 73) + (line 69) * store: Operational GPG Commands. (line 48) * subst: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. - (line 59) + (line 57) * symmetric: Operational GPG Commands. (line 39) * tar: gpg-zip. (line 56) * tar-args: gpg-zip. (line 59) * textmode: OpenPGP Options. (line 8) * throw-keyids: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 244) + (line 239) * trust-mode:always: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 369) + (line 375) * trust-mode:auto: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 378) + (line 384) * trust-mode:classic: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 361) + (line 367) * trust-mode:direct: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 365) + (line 371) * trust-mode:pgp: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 356) + (line 362) * trust-model: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 353) + (line 359) * trustdb-name: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 217) + (line 223) * trusted-key: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 346) + (line 352) * try-all-secrets: GPG Key related Options. (line 67) -* ttyname: Agent Options. (line 259) -* ttytype: Agent Options. (line 259) +* ttyname: Agent Options. (line 255) +* ttytype: Agent Options. (line 255) * ungroup: GPG Key related Options. (line 56) * update-trustdb: Operational GPG Commands. (line 267) * use-agent: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 612) + (line 616) * use-embedded-filename: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 180) -* use-standard-socket: Agent Options. (line 239) + (line 176) +* use-standard-socket: Agent Options. (line 235) * utf8-strings: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 258) -* v <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 23) + (line 264) * v: Configuration Options. - (line 26) -* validation-model: Certificate Options. (line 62) -* verbose <1>: Invoking symcryptrun. + (line 25) +* v <1>: Scdaemon Options. (line 22) +* validation-model: Certificate Options. (line 61) +* verbose: Agent Options. (line 22) +* verbose <1>: GPG Configuration Options. + (line 28) +* verbose <2>: Configuration Options. + (line 25) +* verbose <3>: Scdaemon Options. (line 22) +* verbose <4>: watchgnupg. (line 29) +* verbose <5>: gpgv. (line 24) +* verbose <6>: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. (line 30) -* verbose <2>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. +* verbose <7>: Invoking gpg-connect-agent. (line 14) -* verbose <3>: Invoking gpg-preset-passphrase. - (line 31) -* verbose <4>: gpgv. (line 26) -* verbose <5>: watchgnupg. (line 29) -* verbose <6>: Scdaemon Options. (line 23) -* verbose <7>: Configuration Options. - (line 26) -* verbose <8>: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 28) -* verbose: Agent Options. (line 23) -* verify <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. - (line 20) +* verbose <8>: Invoking symcryptrun. + (line 29) * verify: Operational GPG Commands. (line 60) +* verify <1>: Operational GPGSM Commands. + (line 20) * verify-files: Operational GPG Commands. (line 89) * verify-options: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 118) + (line 117) * verify-options:pka-lookups: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 154) + (line 153) * verify-options:pka-trust-increase: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 161) + (line 160) * verify-options:show-keyserver-urls: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 137) + (line 136) * verify-options:show-notations: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 133) + (line 132) * verify-options:show-photos: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 123) + (line 122) * verify-options:show-policy-urls: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 127) + (line 126) * verify-options:show-primary-uid-only: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 149) + (line 148) * verify-options:show-std-notations: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 133) + (line 132) * verify-options:show-uid-validity: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 141) + (line 140) * verify-options:show-unusable-uids: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 145) + (line 144) * verify-options:show-user-notations: GPG Configuration Options. - (line 133) -* version <1>: gpg-zip. (line 62) -* version <2>: watchgnupg. (line 32) -* version <3>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 10) -* version <4>: General GPGSM Commands. + (line 132) +* version: Agent Commands. (line 10) +* version <1>: General GPG Commands. (line 7) -* version <5>: General GPG Commands. +* version <2>: General GPGSM Commands. (line 7) -* version: Agent Commands. (line 10) -* warranty <1>: General GPGSM Commands. - (line 15) +* version <3>: Scdaemon Commands. (line 10) +* version <4>: watchgnupg. (line 32) +* version <5>: gpg-zip. (line 62) * warranty: General GPG Commands. (line 16) +* warranty <1>: General GPGSM Commands. + (line 15) * with-colons: GPG Input and Output. - (line 110) + (line 118) * with-ephemeral-keys: Esoteric Options. (line 24) * with-fingerprint: GPG Input and Output. - (line 124) -* with-key-data <1>: Input and Output. (line 55) + (line 132) * with-key-data: GPG Esoteric Options. - (line 367) -* with-validation: Input and Output. (line 61) -* write-env-file: Agent Options. (line 124) -* xauthority: Agent Options. (line 259) + (line 362) +* with-key-data <1>: Input and Output. (line 54) +* with-validation: Input and Output. (line 60) +* write-env-file: Agent Options. (line 110) +* xauthority: Agent Options. (line 255) * yes: GPG Configuration Options. (line 53) @@ -2317,10 +2082,10 @@ * Menu: * com-certs.pem: GPGSM Configuration. (line 84) -* command options <1>: Invoking SCDAEMON. (line 6) -* command options <2>: Invoking GPGSM. (line 6) -* command options <3>: Invoking GPG. (line 6) * command options: Invoking GPG-AGENT. (line 6) +* command options <1>: Invoking GPG. (line 6) +* command options <2>: Invoking GPGSM. (line 6) +* command options <3>: Invoking SCDAEMON. (line 6) * contributors: Contributors. (line 6) * GPG command options: Invoking GPG. (line 6) * GPG-AGENT command options: Invoking GPG-AGENT. (line 6) @@ -2336,11 +2101,11 @@ * options, GPGSM command: Invoking GPGSM. (line 6) * options, SCDAEMON command: Invoking SCDAEMON. (line 6) * policies.txt: GPGSM Configuration. (line 18) -* pubring.kbx: GPGSM Configuration. (line 101) +* pubring.kbx: GPGSM Configuration. (line 100) * qualified.txt: GPGSM Configuration. (line 33) -* random_seed: GPGSM Configuration. (line 107) -* relax: Agent Configuration. (line 63) -* S.gpg-agent: GPGSM Configuration. (line 112) +* random_seed: GPGSM Configuration. (line 106) +* relax: Agent Configuration. (line 64) +* S.gpg-agent: GPGSM Configuration. (line 111) * scd-event: Scdaemon Configuration. (line 18) * SCDAEMON command options: Invoking SCDAEMON. (line 6) @@ -2353,4 +2118,3 @@ * SIGUSR2: Agent Signals. (line 35) * sshcontrol: Agent Configuration. (line 76) - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gpg-agent.texi gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gpg-agent.texi --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gpg-agent.texi 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gpg-agent.texi 2015-06-02 08:36:34.000000000 +0000 @@ -352,6 +352,17 @@ @option{pinentry-mode} for details. @end ifset +@item --no-allow-external-cache +@opindex no-allow-external-cache +Tell Pinentry not to enable features which use an external cache for +passphrases. + +Some desktop environments prefer to unlock all +credentials with one master password and may have installed a Pinentry +which employs an additional external cache to implement such a policy. +By using this option the Pinentry is advised not to make use of such a +cache and instead always ask the user for the requested passphrase. + @item --ignore-cache-for-signing @opindex ignore-cache-for-signing This option will let @command{gpg-agent} bypass the passphrase cache for all @@ -713,6 +724,7 @@ @code{verbose}, @code{debug}, @code{debug-all}, @code{debug-level}, @code{no-grab}, @code{pinentry-program}, @code{default-cache-ttl}, @code{max-cache-ttl}, @code{ignore-cache-for-signing}, +@code{no-allow-external-cache}, @code{allow-mark-trusted}, @code{disable-scdaemon}, and @code{disable-check-own-socket}. @code{scdaemon-program} is also supported but due to the current implementation, which calls the diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gpgsm.texi gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gpgsm.texi --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gpgsm.texi 2014-08-12 11:01:52.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gpgsm.texi 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ Use the cipher algorithm with the ASN.1 object identifier @var{oid} for encryption. For convenience the strings @code{3DES}, @code{AES} and @code{AES256} may be used instead of their OIDs. The default is -@code{3DES} (1.2.840.113549.3.7). +@code{AES} (2.16.840. @item --digest-algo @code{name} Use @code{name} as the message digest algorithm. Usually this @@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ Use @var{hash-algo} for this CSR or certificate. The supported hash algorithms are: @samp{sha1}, @samp{sha256}, @samp{sha384} and @samp{sha512}; they may also be specified with uppercase letters. The -default is @samp{sha1}. +default is @samp{sha256}. @end table diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gpg.texi gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gpg.texi --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/gpg.texi 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/gpg.texi 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Present a menu to work with a smartcard. The subcommand "help" provides an overview on available commands. For a detailed description, please see the Card HOWTO at -http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html#GnuPG-cardHOWTO . +https://gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html#GnuPG-cardHOWTO . @item --card-status @opindex card-status @@ -1192,6 +1192,15 @@ validation. This option is only meaningful if pka-lookups is set. @end table +@item --enable-large-rsa +@itemx --disable-large-rsa +@opindex enable-large-rsa +@opindex disable-large-rsa +With --gen-key and --batch, enable the creation of larger RSA secret +keys than is generally recommended (up to 8192 bits). These large +keys are more expensive to use, and their signatures and +certifications are also larger. + @item --enable-dsa2 @itemx --disable-dsa2 @opindex enable-dsa2 @@ -2030,6 +2039,15 @@ generally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being used. Defaults to no. + @item import-keep-ownertrust + Normally possible still existing ownertrust values of a key are + cleared if a key is imported. This is in general desirable so that + a formerly deleted key does not automatically gain an ownertrust + values merely due to import. On the other hand it is sometimes + necessary to re-import a trusted set of keys again but keeping + already assigned ownertrust values. This can be achived by using + this option. + @item repair-pks-subkey-bug During import, attempt to repair the damage caused by the PKS keyserver bug (pre version 0.9.6) that mangles keys with multiple subkeys. Note diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/help.txt gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/help.txt --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/help.txt 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/help.txt 2015-04-18 13:56:52.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. -# +# # GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. -# +# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ # /usr/share/gnupg/help.LL_TT.txt # /usr/share/gnupg/help.LL.txt # /usr/share/gnupg/help.txt -# +# # Here LL_TT denotes the full name of the current locale with the # territory (.e.g. "de_DE"), LL denotes just the locale name # (e.g. "de"). The first matching item is returned. To put a dot or @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ # the users about the configured passphrase constraints and save that # to /etc/gnupg/help.txt. The help text should not be longer than # about 800 characters. -This bar indicates the quality of the passphrase entered above. +This bar indicates the quality of the passphrase entered above. As long as the bar is shown in red, GnuPG considers the passphrase too weak to accept. Please ask your administrator for details about the @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ .gnupg.agent-problem # There was a problem accessing or starting the agent. It was either not possible to connect to a running Gpg-Agent or a -communication problem with a running agent occurred. +communication problem with a running agent occurred. The system uses a background process, called Gpg-Agent, for processing private keys and to ask for passphrases. The agent is usually started @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ .gnupg.dirmngr-problem # There was a problen accessing the dirmngr. It was either not possible to connect to a running Dirmngr or a -communication problem with a running Dirmngr occurred. +communication problem with a running Dirmngr occurred. To lookup certificate revocation lists (CRLs), performing OCSP validation and to lookup keys through LDAP servers, the system uses an @@ -134,13 +134,28 @@ . +.gpg.keygen.flags +Toggle the capabilities of the key. + +It is only possible to toggle those capabilities which are possible +for the selected algorithm. + +To quickly set the capabilities all at once it is possible to enter a +'=' as first character followed by a list of letters indicating the +capability to set: 's' for signing, 'e' for encryption, and 'a' for +authentication. Invalid letters and impossible capabilities are +ignored. This submenu is immediately closed after using this +shortcut. +. + + .gpg.keygen.size -Enter the size of the key. +Enter the size of the key. The suggested default is usually a good choice. If you want to use a large key size, for example 4096 bit, please -think again whether it really makes sense for you. You may want +think again whether it really makes sense for you. You may want to view the web page http://www.xkcd.com/538/ . . @@ -167,7 +182,7 @@ .gpg.keygen.name -Enter the name of the key holder. +Enter the name of the key holder. The characters "<" and ">" are not allowed. Example: Heinrich Heine . @@ -321,7 +336,7 @@ . .gpg.ask_revocation_reason.code -# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason) +# revoke.c (ask_revocation_reason) You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the context you have the ability to choose from this list: "Key has been compromised" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -33,23 +32,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -69,10 +96,11 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = doc -DIST_COMMON = $(dist_pkgdata_DATA) $(gnupg_TEXINFOS) \ - $(nobase_dist_doc_DATA) $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ - $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/stamp-vti \ - $(srcdir)/version.texi +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs $(gnupg_TEXINFOS) \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mdate-sh $(srcdir)/version.texi \ + $(srcdir)/stamp-vti $(top_srcdir)/scripts/texinfo.tex \ + $(dist_pkgdata_DATA) $(nobase_dist_doc_DATA) ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -102,8 +130,48 @@ CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = SOURCES = DIST_SOURCES = +AM_V_DVIPS = $(am__v_DVIPS_@AM_V@) +am__v_DVIPS_ = $(am__v_DVIPS_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_DVIPS_0 = @echo " DVIPS " $@; +am__v_DVIPS_1 = +AM_V_MAKEINFO = $(am__v_MAKEINFO_@AM_V@) +am__v_MAKEINFO_ = $(am__v_MAKEINFO_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_MAKEINFO_0 = @echo " MAKEINFO" $@; +am__v_MAKEINFO_1 = +AM_V_INFOHTML = $(am__v_INFOHTML_@AM_V@) +am__v_INFOHTML_ = $(am__v_INFOHTML_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_INFOHTML_0 = @echo " INFOHTML" $@; +am__v_INFOHTML_1 = +AM_V_TEXI2DVI = $(am__v_TEXI2DVI_@AM_V@) +am__v_TEXI2DVI_ = $(am__v_TEXI2DVI_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_TEXI2DVI_0 = @echo " TEXI2DVI" $@; +am__v_TEXI2DVI_1 = +AM_V_TEXI2PDF = $(am__v_TEXI2PDF_@AM_V@) +am__v_TEXI2PDF_ = $(am__v_TEXI2PDF_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_TEXI2PDF_0 = @echo " TEXI2PDF" $@; +am__v_TEXI2PDF_1 = +AM_V_texinfo = $(am__v_texinfo_@AM_V@) +am__v_texinfo_ = $(am__v_texinfo_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_texinfo_0 = -q +am__v_texinfo_1 = +AM_V_texidevnull = $(am__v_texidevnull_@AM_V@) +am__v_texidevnull_ = $(am__v_texidevnull_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_texidevnull_0 = > /dev/null +am__v_texidevnull_1 = INFO_DEPS = $(srcdir)/gnupg.info TEXINFO_TEX = $(top_srcdir)/scripts/texinfo.tex am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR = $(top_srcdir)/scripts @@ -156,6 +224,7 @@ NROFF = nroff MANS = $(man_MANS) DATA = $(dist_pkgdata_DATA) $(nobase_dist_doc_DATA) +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -163,6 +232,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -212,6 +282,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -282,6 +354,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -290,6 +363,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -445,7 +519,7 @@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps): .texi.info: - restore=: && backupdir="$(am__leading_dot)am$$$$" && \ + $(AM_V_MAKEINFO)restore=: && backupdir="$(am__leading_dot)am$$$$" && \ am__cwd=`pwd` && $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && \ rm -rf $$backupdir && mkdir $$backupdir && \ if ($(MAKEINFO) --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ @@ -467,27 +541,25 @@ rm -rf $$backupdir; exit $$rc .texi.dvi: - TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ + $(AM_V_TEXI2DVI)TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ MAKEINFO='$(MAKEINFO) $(AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir)' \ - $(TEXI2DVI) $< + $(TEXI2DVI) $(AM_V_texinfo) --build-dir=$(@:.dvi=.t2d) -o $@ $(AM_V_texidevnull) \ + $< .texi.pdf: - TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ + $(AM_V_TEXI2PDF)TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ MAKEINFO='$(MAKEINFO) $(AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir)' \ - $(TEXI2PDF) $< + $(TEXI2PDF) $(AM_V_texinfo) --build-dir=$(@:.pdf=.t2p) -o $@ $(AM_V_texidevnull) \ + $< .texi.html: - rm -rf $(@:.html=.htp) - if $(MAKEINFOHTML) $(AM_MAKEINFOHTMLFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir) \ + $(AM_V_MAKEINFO)rm -rf $(@:.html=.htp) + $(AM_V_at)if $(MAKEINFOHTML) $(AM_MAKEINFOHTMLFLAGS) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I $(srcdir) \ -o $(@:.html=.htp) $<; \ then \ - rm -rf $@; \ - if test ! -d $(@:.html=.htp) && test -d $(@:.html=); then \ - mv $(@:.html=) $@; else mv $(@:.html=.htp) $@; fi; \ + rm -rf $@ && mv $(@:.html=.htp) $@; \ else \ - if test ! -d $(@:.html=.htp) && test -d $(@:.html=); then \ - rm -rf $(@:.html=); else rm -Rf $(@:.html=.htp) $@; fi; \ - exit 1; \ + rm -rf $(@:.html=.htp); exit 1; \ fi $(srcdir)/gnupg.info: gnupg.texi $(srcdir)/version.texi $(gnupg_TEXINFOS) gnupg.dvi: gnupg.texi $(srcdir)/version.texi $(gnupg_TEXINFOS) @@ -513,8 +585,8 @@ maintainer-clean-vti: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ -rm -f $(srcdir)/stamp-vti $(srcdir)/version.texi .dvi.ps: - TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ - $(DVIPS) -o $@ $< + $(AM_V_DVIPS)TEXINPUTS="$(am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR)$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$TEXINPUTS" \ + $(DVIPS) $(AM_V_texinfo) -o $@ $< uninstall-dvi-am: @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) @@ -593,8 +665,7 @@ done mostlyclean-aminfo: - -rm -rf gnupg.aux gnupg.cp gnupg.cps gnupg.fn gnupg.ky gnupg.log gnupg.op \ - gnupg.ops gnupg.pg gnupg.tmp gnupg.toc gnupg.tp gnupg.vr + -rm -rf gnupg.t2d gnupg.t2p clean-aminfo: -test -z "gnupg.dvi gnupg.pdf gnupg.ps gnupg.html" \ @@ -737,27 +808,14 @@ @list='$(nobase_dist_doc_DATA)'; test -n "$(docdir)" || list=; \ $(am__nobase_strip_setup); files=`$(am__nobase_strip)`; \ dir='$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'; $(am__uninstall_files_from_dir) -tags: TAGS -TAGS: +tags TAGS: -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: +ctags CTAGS: + +cscope cscopelist: distdir: $(DISTFILES) - @list='$(MANS)'; if test -n "$$list"; then \ - list=`for p in $$list; do \ - if test -f $$p; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if test -f "$$d$$p"; then echo "$$d$$p"; else :; fi; done`; \ - if test -n "$$list" && \ - grep 'ab help2man is required to generate this page' $$list >/dev/null; then \ - echo "error: found man pages containing the \`missing help2man' replacement text:" >&2; \ - grep -l 'ab help2man is required to generate this page' $$list | sed 's/^/ /' >&2; \ - echo " to fix them, install help2man, remove and regenerate the man pages;" >&2; \ - echo " typically \`make maintainer-clean' will remove them" >&2; \ - exit 1; \ - else :; fi; \ - else :; fi @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \ @@ -998,20 +1056,21 @@ .MAKE: all check install install-am install-strip .PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-aminfo clean-generic \ - dist-info distclean distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html \ - html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ - install-data-am install-dist_pkgdataDATA install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-man1 install-man8 install-nobase_dist_docDATA \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-aminfo \ - maintainer-clean-generic maintainer-clean-vti mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-aminfo mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-vti pdf \ - pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \ - uninstall-dist_pkgdataDATA uninstall-dvi-am uninstall-html-am \ - uninstall-info-am uninstall-man uninstall-man1 uninstall-man8 \ + cscopelist-am ctags-am dist-info distclean distclean-generic \ + distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ + install-am install-data install-data-am \ + install-dist_pkgdataDATA install-dvi install-dvi-am \ + install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ + install-info install-info-am install-man install-man1 \ + install-man8 install-nobase_dist_docDATA install-pdf \ + install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ + installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-aminfo maintainer-clean-generic \ + maintainer-clean-vti mostlyclean mostlyclean-aminfo \ + mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-vti pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ + tags-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-dist_pkgdataDATA \ + uninstall-dvi-am uninstall-html-am uninstall-info-am \ + uninstall-man uninstall-man1 uninstall-man8 \ uninstall-nobase_dist_docDATA uninstall-pdf-am uninstall-ps-am diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/OpenPGP gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/OpenPGP --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/OpenPGP 2014-06-25 16:17:29.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/OpenPGP 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ GnuPG and OpenPGP ================= - See RFC2440 for a description of OpenPGP. We have an annotated version - of this RFC online: http://www.gnupg.org/rfc2440.html - + See RFC-4880 for a description of OpenPGP. These notes are older + than RFC-4880 and refer to the predecessor of the specs (RFC-2440). Compatibility Notes @@ -12,7 +11,9 @@ * (9.2) states that IDEA SHOULD be implemented. This is not done due to patent problems. - + UPDATE: Since version 1.4.13 (or GnuPG 2.x with Libgcrypt 1.6) + IDEA support has been added to allow decryption of old + PGP-2 encrypted material. All MAY features are implemented with this exception: @@ -28,17 +29,17 @@ A special format of partial packet length exists for v3 packets which can be considered to be in compliance with RFC1991; this format is only created if a special option is active. + UPDATE: This support has been removed with version 1.3.6. GnuPG uses a S2K mode of 101 for GNU extensions to the secret key protection algorithms. This number is not defined in OpenPGP, but - given the fact that this number is in a range which used at many - other places in OpenPGP for private/experimenat algorithm identifiers, - this should be not a so bad choice. The 3 bytes "GNU" are used - to identify this as a GNU extension - see the file DETAILS for a + given that this number is in a range which is used at many other + places in OpenPGP for private/experimental algorithm identifiers, + this should be not a too bad choice. The 3 bytes "GNU" are used to + identify this as a GNU extension - see the file DETAILS for a definition of the used data formats. - Some Notes on OpenPGP / PGP Compatibility: ========================================== @@ -104,5 +105,3 @@ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. - - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/stamp-vti gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/stamp-vti --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/stamp-vti 2014-08-12 18:30:22.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/stamp-vti 2015-06-02 12:35:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -@set UPDATED 12 August 2014 -@set UPDATED-MONTH August 2014 -@set EDITION 2.0.26 -@set VERSION 2.0.26 +@set UPDATED 2 June 2015 +@set UPDATED-MONTH June 2015 +@set EDITION 2.0.28 +@set VERSION 2.0.28 diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/version.texi gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/version.texi --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/version.texi 2014-08-12 18:01:17.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/version.texi 2015-06-02 12:35:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -@set UPDATED 12 August 2014 -@set UPDATED-MONTH August 2014 -@set EDITION 2.0.26 -@set VERSION 2.0.26 +@set UPDATED 2 June 2015 +@set UPDATED-MONTH June 2015 +@set EDITION 2.0.28 +@set VERSION 2.0.28 diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/yat2m.c gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/yat2m.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/doc/yat2m.c 2014-06-25 16:17:29.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/doc/yat2m.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -609,6 +609,7 @@ *p++ = 0; fprintf (fp, ".TH %s %s %s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", name, p, isodatestring (), opt_release, opt_source); + free (name); return 0; } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/armor.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/armor.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/armor.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/armor.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -381,6 +381,32 @@ } +/* Helper to parse a "KEY FAILED " line and return the + error code. LINEPTR points right behind "KEY ". */ +int +parse_key_failed_line (const void *lineptr, unsigned int len) +{ + const byte *line = lineptr; + int code = 0; + + for (; len && !spacep (line); len--, line++) + ; + for (; len && spacep (line); len--, line++) + ; + if (len > 7 && !memcmp (line, "FAILED ", 7)) + { + line += 7; + len -= 7; + for (; len && digitp (line); len--, line++) + { + code *= 10; + code += atoi_1 (line); + } + } + + return code; +} + /**************** * Parse a header lines @@ -501,6 +527,14 @@ /* find the armor header */ while(len) { i = is_armor_header( line, len ); + if (i == -1 && afx->only_keyblocks + && !afx->key_failed_code + && len > 4 && !memcmp (line, "KEY ", 4)) + { + /* This is probably input from a keyserver helper and we + have not yet seen an error line. */ + afx->key_failed_code = parse_key_failed_line (line+4, len-4); + } if( i >= 0 && !(afx->only_keyblocks && i != 1 && i != 5 && i != 6 )) { hdr_line = i; if( hdr_line == BEGIN_SIGNED_MSG_IDX ) { diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/build-packet.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/build-packet.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/build-packet.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/build-packet.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ #include "cipher.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "options.h" +#include "../include/host2net.h" static int do_user_id( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_user_id *uid ); static int do_public_key( IOBUF out, int ctb, PKT_public_key *pk ); @@ -220,7 +221,8 @@ void *p; p = gcry_mpi_get_opaque ( a, &n ); - iobuf_write (out, p, (n+7)/8 ); + if (p) + iobuf_write (out, p, (n+7)/8 ); } } @@ -631,8 +633,7 @@ if( n == 255 ) { if( buflen < 4 ) break; - n = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) - | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; + n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer); buffer += 4; buflen -= 4; } @@ -755,7 +756,7 @@ /* This should never happen since we don't currently allow creating such a subpacket, but just in case... */ case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE: - if(buffer_to_u32(buffer)+sig->timestamp<=make_timestamp()) + if (buf32_to_u32 (buffer) + sig->timestamp <= make_timestamp()) sig->flags.expired=1; else sig->flags.expired=0; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/filter.h gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/filter.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/filter.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/filter.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ /* these fields must be initialized to zero */ int no_openpgp_data; /* output flag: "No valid OpenPGP data found" */ + int key_failed_code; /* Error code from the first gpgkkeys_* + "KEY FAILED " line. */ /* the following fields must be initialized to zero */ int inp_checked; /* set if the input has been checked */ @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ unsigned long last; /* last amount reported */ unsigned long offset; /* current amount */ unsigned long total; /* total amount */ - int refcount; + int refcount; } progress_filter_context_t; /* encrypt_filter_context_t defined in main.h */ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/free-packet.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/free-packet.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/free-packet.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/free-packet.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -452,11 +452,14 @@ return -1; n = pubkey_get_npkey( b->pubkey_algo ); - if( !n ) - return -1; /* can't compare due to unknown algorithm */ - for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) { - if( mpi_cmp( a->pkey[i], b->pkey[i] ) ) - return -1; + if( !n ) { /* unknown algorithm, rest is in opaque MPI */ + if( mpi_cmp( a->pkey[0], b->pkey[0] ) ) + return -1; /* can't compare due to unknown algorithm */ + } else { + for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) { + if( mpi_cmp( a->pkey[i], b->pkey[i] ) ) + return -1; + } } return 0; @@ -479,11 +482,14 @@ return -1; n = pubkey_get_npkey( b->pubkey_algo ); - if( !n ) - return -1; /* can't compare due to unknown algorithm */ - for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) { - if( mpi_cmp( a->skey[i], b->skey[i] ) ) + if( !n ) { /* unknown algorithm, rest is in opaque MPI */ + if( mpi_cmp( a->skey[0], b->skey[0] ) ) return -1; + } else { + for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) { + if( mpi_cmp( a->skey[i], b->skey[i] ) ) + return -1; + } } return 0; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/getkey.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/getkey.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/getkey.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/getkey.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #include "trustdb.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "keyserver-internal.h" +#include "../include/host2net.h" #define MAX_PK_CACHE_ENTRIES PK_UID_CACHE_SIZE #define MAX_UID_CACHE_ENTRIES PK_UID_CACHE_SIZE @@ -499,7 +500,19 @@ ctx.req_usage = sk->req_usage; rc = lookup( &ctx, &kb, 1 ); if ( !rc ) { + u32 skid[2]; + sk_from_block ( &ctx, sk, kb ); + keyid_from_sk ( sk, skid ); + /* + * Make sure it's exact match of keyid. + * If not, it's secret subkey with no public key. + */ + if (!(keyid[0] == skid[0] && keyid[1] == skid[1])) { + log_error (_("key %s: secret key without public key" + " - skipped\n"), keystr(keyid)); + rc = G10ERR_NO_PUBKEY; + } } get_seckey_end( &ctx ); release_kbnode ( kb ); @@ -1486,14 +1499,14 @@ p = parse_sig_subpkt( sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL ); if( pk ) { - ed = p? pk->timestamp + buffer_to_u32(p):0; + ed = p? pk->timestamp + buf32_to_u32(p):0; if( sig->timestamp > sigdate ) { pk->expiredate = ed; sigdate = sig->timestamp; } } else { - ed = p? sk->timestamp + buffer_to_u32(p):0; + ed = p? sk->timestamp + buf32_to_u32(p):0; if( sig->timestamp > sigdate ) { sk->expiredate = ed; sigdate = sig->timestamp; @@ -1618,8 +1631,8 @@ /* ditto for the key expiration */ p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL); - if( p && buffer_to_u32(p) ) - uid->help_key_expire = keycreated + buffer_to_u32(p); + if( p && buf32_to_u32 (p) ) + uid->help_key_expire = keycreated + buf32_to_u32(p); else uid->help_key_expire = 0; @@ -1833,9 +1846,9 @@ key_usage=parse_key_usage(sig); p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL); - if( p && buffer_to_u32(p) ) + if( p && buf32_to_u32 (p) ) { - key_expire = keytimestamp + buffer_to_u32(p); + key_expire = keytimestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p); key_expire_seen = 1; } @@ -2257,8 +2270,8 @@ subpk->pubkey_usage = key_usage; p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE, NULL); - if ( p && buffer_to_u32(p) ) - key_expire = keytimestamp + buffer_to_u32(p); + if ( p && buf32_to_u32 (p) ) + key_expire = keytimestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p); else key_expire = 0; subpk->has_expired = key_expire >= curtime? 0 : key_expire; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/gpg.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/gpg.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/gpg.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/gpg.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ aSignKey, aLSignKey, aListConfig, + aListGcryptConfig, aGPGConfList, aGPGConfTest, aListPackets, @@ -358,11 +359,17 @@ oKeyidFormat, oExitOnStatusWriteError, oLimitCardInsertTries, + oReaderPort, + octapiDriver, + opcscDriver, + oDisableCCID, oRequireCrossCert, oNoRequireCrossCert, oAutoKeyLocate, oNoAutoKeyLocate, oAllowMultisigVerification, + oEnableLargeRSA, + oDisableLargeRSA, oEnableDSA2, oDisableDSA2, oAllowMultipleMessages, @@ -425,6 +432,7 @@ ARGPARSE_c (aChangePIN, "change-pin", N_("change a card's PIN")), #endif ARGPARSE_c (aListConfig, "list-config", "@"), + ARGPARSE_c (aListGcryptConfig, "list-gcrypt-config", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aListPackets, "list-packets","@"), @@ -506,10 +514,6 @@ ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oInteractive, "interactive", N_("prompt before overwriting")), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseAgent, "use-agent", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseAgent, "no-use-agent", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgAgentInfo, "gpg-agent-info", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerYes, "yes", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerNo, "no", "@"), @@ -538,9 +542,6 @@ ARGPARSE_s_i (oAttributeFD, "attribute-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAttributeFile, "attribute-file", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"), - ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompletesNeeded, "completes-needed", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oMarginalsNeeded, "marginals-needed", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oMaxCertDepth, "max-cert-depth", "@" ), @@ -739,6 +740,8 @@ ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMultisigVerification, "allow-multisig-verification", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableLargeRSA, "enable-large-rsa", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableLargeRSA, "disable-large-rsa", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableDSA2, "enable-dsa2", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDSA2, "disable-dsa2", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowMultipleMessages, "allow-multiple-messages", "@"), @@ -761,6 +764,19 @@ ARGPARSE_s_s (oAutoKeyLocate, "auto-key-locate", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyLocate, "no-auto-key-locate", "@"), + /* Dummy options with warnings. */ + ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseAgent, "use-agent", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseAgent, "no-use-agent", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgAgentInfo, "gpg-agent-info", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_s (oReaderPort, "reader-port", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_s (octapiDriver, "ctapi-driver", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_s (opcscDriver, "pcsc-driver", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCCID, "disable-ccid", "@"), + + /* Dummy options. */ + ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"), + ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"), + ARGPARSE_end () }; @@ -2059,7 +2075,7 @@ #endif /* Initialize the secure memory. */ - if (!gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 32768, 0)) + if (!gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE, 0)) got_secmem = 1; #if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID) /* There should be no way to get to this spot while still carrying @@ -2139,6 +2155,7 @@ { case aCheckKeys: case aListConfig: + case aListGcryptConfig: case aGPGConfList: case aGPGConfTest: case aListPackets: @@ -2239,6 +2256,19 @@ obsolete_option (configname, configlineno, "--gpg-agent-info"); break; + case oReaderPort: + obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "reader-port"); + break; + case octapiDriver: + obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "ctapi-driver"); + break; + case opcscDriver: + obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "pcsc-driver"); + break; + case oDisableCCID: + obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, configlineno, "disable-ccid"); + break; + case oAnswerYes: opt.answer_yes = 1; break; case oAnswerNo: opt.answer_no = 1; break; case oKeyring: append_to_strlist( &nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break; @@ -2941,6 +2971,22 @@ release_akl(); break; + case oEnableLargeRSA: +#if SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 + opt.flags.large_rsa=1; +#else + if (configname) + log_info("%s:%d: WARNING: gpg not built with large secure " + "memory buffer. Ignoring enable-large-rsa\n", + configname,configlineno); + else + log_info("WARNING: gpg not built with large secure " + "memory buffer. Ignoring --enable-large-rsa\n"); +#endif /* SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 */ + break; + case oDisableLargeRSA: opt.flags.large_rsa=0; + break; + case oEnableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=1; break; case oDisableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=0; break; @@ -4021,6 +4067,13 @@ } break; + case aListGcryptConfig: + /* Fixme: It would be nice to integrate that with + --list-config but unfortunately there is no way yet to have + libgcrypt print it to an estream for further parsing. */ + gcry_control (GCRYCTL_PRINT_CONFIG, stdout); + break; + case aListPackets: opt.list_packets=2; default: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/import.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/import.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/import.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/import.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ static int import( IOBUF inp, const char* fname,struct stats_s *stats, unsigned char **fpr,size_t *fpr_len,unsigned int options, - import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg ); + import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg, + int *r_gpgkeys_err); static int read_block( IOBUF a, PACKET **pending_pkt, KBNODE *ret_root ); static void revocation_present(KBNODE keyblock); static int import_one(const char *fname, KBNODE keyblock,struct stats_s *stats, @@ -95,18 +96,28 @@ { {"import-local-sigs",IMPORT_LOCAL_SIGS,NULL, N_("import signatures that are marked as local-only")}, + {"repair-pks-subkey-bug",IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG,NULL, N_("repair damage from the pks keyserver during import")}, + + {"keep-ownertrust", IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST, NULL, + N_("do not clear the ownertrust values during import")}, + {"fast-import",IMPORT_FAST,NULL, N_("do not update the trustdb after import")}, + {"convert-sk-to-pk",IMPORT_SK2PK,NULL, N_("create a public key when importing a secret key")}, + {"merge-only",IMPORT_MERGE_ONLY,NULL, N_("only accept updates to existing keys")}, + {"import-clean",IMPORT_CLEAN,NULL, N_("remove unusable parts from key after import")}, + {"import-minimal",IMPORT_MINIMAL|IMPORT_CLEAN,NULL, N_("remove as much as possible from key after import")}, + /* Aliases for backward compatibility */ {"allow-local-sigs",IMPORT_LOCAL_SIGS,NULL,NULL}, {"repair-hkp-subkey-bug",IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG,NULL,NULL}, @@ -167,7 +178,8 @@ import_keys_internal( IOBUF inp, char **fnames, int nnames, void *stats_handle, unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options, - import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg) + import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg, + int *r_gpgkeys_err) { int i, rc = 0; struct stats_s *stats = stats_handle; @@ -177,7 +189,7 @@ if (inp) { rc = import (inp, "[stream]", stats, fpr, fpr_len, options, - filter, filter_arg); + filter, filter_arg, r_gpgkeys_err); } else { int once = (!fnames && !nnames); @@ -198,7 +210,7 @@ else { rc = import (inp2, fname, stats, fpr, fpr_len, options, - NULL, NULL); + NULL, NULL, r_gpgkeys_err); iobuf_close(inp2); /* Must invalidate that ugly cache to actually close it. */ iobuf_ioctl (NULL, 2, 0, (char*)fname); @@ -230,37 +242,41 @@ void *stats_handle, unsigned int options ) { import_keys_internal (NULL, fnames, nnames, stats_handle, NULL, NULL, - options, NULL, NULL); + options, NULL, NULL, NULL); } + +/* Import keys from an open stream. */ int import_keys_stream( IOBUF inp, void *stats_handle, unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len,unsigned int options, - import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg) + import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg, + int *r_gpgkeys_err) { return import_keys_internal (inp, NULL, 0, stats_handle, fpr, fpr_len, - options, filter, filter_arg); + options, filter, filter_arg, r_gpgkeys_err); } +/* Note: If R_GPGKEYS_ERR is not NULL an error code from the keyserver + helpers will be stored there. */ static int import (IOBUF inp, const char* fname,struct stats_s *stats, unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options, - import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg) + import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg, int *r_gpgkeys_err) { PACKET *pending_pkt = NULL; KBNODE keyblock = NULL; int rc = 0; + armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL; getkey_disable_caches(); - if( !opt.no_armor ) { /* armored reading is not disabled */ - armor_filter_context_t *afx; - + if (!opt.no_armor || r_gpgkeys_err) { + /* armored reading is not disabled or enforced. */ afx = new_armor_context (); afx->only_keyblocks = 1; push_armor_filter (afx, inp); - release_armor_context (afx); } while( !(rc = read_block( inp, &pending_pkt, &keyblock) )) { @@ -290,6 +306,11 @@ else if( rc && rc != G10ERR_INV_KEYRING ) log_error( _("error reading `%s': %s\n"), fname, g10_errstr(rc)); + if (afx && r_gpgkeys_err) + *r_gpgkeys_err = afx->key_failed_code; + + release_armor_context (afx); + return rc; } @@ -890,12 +911,13 @@ if (rc) log_error (_("error writing keyring `%s': %s\n"), keydb_get_resource_name (hd), g10_errstr(rc)); - else + else if (!(opt.import_options & IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST)) { /* This should not be possible since we delete the ownertrust when a key is deleted, but it can happen if the keyring and trustdb are out of sync. It can also - be made to happen with the trusted-key command. */ + be made to happen with the trusted-key command and by + importing and locally exported key. */ clear_ownertrusts (pk); if(non_self) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyedit.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyedit.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyedit.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyedit.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* keyedit.c - keyedit stuff * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, - * 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GnuPG. * @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ static void show_key_with_all_names( KBNODE keyblock, int only_marked, int with_revoker, int with_fpr, int with_subkeys, int with_prefs ); static void show_key_and_fingerprint( KBNODE keyblock ); +static void subkey_expire_warning (kbnode_t keyblock); static int menu_adduid( KBNODE keyblock, KBNODE sec_keyblock, int photo, const char *photo_name ); static void menu_deluid( KBNODE pub_keyblock, KBNODE sec_keyblock ); @@ -1541,6 +1542,7 @@ int redisplay = 1; int modified = 0; int sec_modified = 0; + int run_subkey_warnings = 0; int toggle; int have_commands = !!commands; @@ -1639,6 +1641,14 @@ tty_printf("\n"); redisplay = 0; } + + if (run_subkey_warnings) + { + run_subkey_warnings = 0; + if (!count_selected_keys (keyblock)) + subkey_expire_warning (keyblock); + } + do { xfree(answer); if( have_commands ) { @@ -2103,6 +2113,7 @@ { merge_keys_and_selfsig( sec_keyblock ); merge_keys_and_selfsig( keyblock ); + run_subkey_warnings = 1; sec_modified = 1; modified = 1; redisplay = 1; @@ -3078,6 +3089,53 @@ " the assumed primary.\n")); } + +/* Print a warning if the latest encryption subkey expires soon. This + function is called after the expire data of the primary key has + been changed. */ +static void +subkey_expire_warning (kbnode_t keyblock) +{ + u32 curtime = make_timestamp (); + kbnode_t node; + PKT_public_key *pk; + /* u32 mainexpire = 0; */ + u32 subexpire = 0; + u32 latest_date = 0; + + for (node = keyblock; node; node = node->next) + { + if (node->pkt->pkttype != PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY) + continue; + pk = node->pkt->pkt.public_key; + + if (!pk->is_valid) + continue; + if (pk->is_revoked) + continue; + if (pk->timestamp > curtime) + continue; /* Ignore future keys. */ + if (!(pk->pubkey_usage & PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)) + continue; /* Not an encryption key. */ + + if (pk->timestamp > latest_date || (!pk->timestamp && !latest_date)) + { + latest_date = pk->timestamp; + subexpire = pk->expiredate; + } + } + + if (!subexpire) + return; /* No valid subkey with an expiration time. */ + + if (curtime + (10*86400) > subexpire) + { + log_info (_("WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n")); + log_info (_("You may want to change its expiration date too.\n")); + } +} + + /**************** * Ask for a new user id, do the selfsignature and put it into * both keyblocks. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keygen.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keygen.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keygen.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keygen.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ #include "i18n.h" #include "keyserver-internal.h" #include "call-agent.h" +#include "host2net.h" /* The default algorithms. If you change them remember to change them also in gpg.c:gpgconf_list. You should also check that the value @@ -849,10 +850,7 @@ } else if(buf[1]==255) { - pktlen =buf[2] << 24; - pktlen|=buf[3] << 16; - pktlen|=buf[4] << 8; - pktlen|=buf[5]; + pktlen = buf32_to_size_t (buf+2); buf+=6; } else @@ -869,14 +867,14 @@ break; case 2: - pktlen =buf[mark++] << 24; - pktlen|=buf[mark++] << 16; + pktlen = (size_t)buf[mark++] << 24; + pktlen |= buf[mark++] << 16; case 1: - pktlen|=buf[mark++] << 8; + pktlen |= buf[mark++] << 8; case 0: - pktlen|=buf[mark++]; + pktlen |= buf[mark++]; } buf+=mark; @@ -1431,6 +1429,7 @@ PKT_secret_key *sk; PKT_public_key *pk; gcry_sexp_t s_parms, s_key; + const unsigned maxsize = (opt.flags.large_rsa ? 8192 : 4096); assert (is_RSA(algo)); @@ -1442,9 +1441,9 @@ nbits = 2048; log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits ); } - else if (nbits > 4096) + else if (nbits > maxsize) { - nbits = 4096; + nbits = maxsize; log_info (_("keysize invalid; using %u bits\n"), nbits ); } @@ -1591,6 +1590,7 @@ */ const char *togglers=_("SsEeAaQq"); char *answer=NULL; + const char *s; unsigned int current=0; unsigned int possible=openpgp_pk_algo_usage(algo); @@ -1637,7 +1637,22 @@ answer = cpr_get("keygen.flags",_("Your selection? ")); cpr_kill_prompt(); - if(strlen(answer)>1) + if (*answer == '=') + { + /* Hack to allow direct entry of the capabilities. */ + current = 0; + for (s=answer+1; *s; s++) + { + if ((*s == 's' || *s == 'S') && (possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG)) + current |= PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG; + else if ((*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') && (possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC)) + current |= PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC; + else if ((*s == 'a' || *s == 'A') && (possible&PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH)) + current |= PUBKEY_USAGE_AUTH; + } + break; + } + else if (strlen(answer)>1) tty_printf(_("Invalid selection.\n")); else if(*answer=='\0' || *answer==togglers[6] || *answer==togglers[7]) break; @@ -1683,7 +1698,7 @@ static int ask_algo (int addmode, int *r_subkey_algo, unsigned int *r_usage) { - char *answer; + char *answer = NULL; int algo; int dummy_algo; @@ -1715,53 +1730,53 @@ { *r_usage = 0; *r_subkey_algo = 0; + xfree (answer); answer = cpr_get ("keygen.algo", _("Your selection? ")); cpr_kill_prompt (); algo = *answer? atoi (answer) : 1; - xfree(answer); - if (algo == 1 && !addmode) + if ((algo == 1 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa+rsa")) && !addmode) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; *r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; break; } - else if (algo == 2 && !addmode) + else if ((algo == 2 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa+elg")) && !addmode) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA; *r_subkey_algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E; break; } - else if (algo == 3) + else if (algo == 3 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa")) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA; *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG; break; } - else if (algo == 4) + else if (algo == 4 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/s")) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_SIG; break; } - else if (algo == 5 && addmode) + else if ((algo == 5 || !strcmp (answer, "elg")) && addmode) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E; *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC; break; } - else if (algo == 6 && addmode) + else if ((algo == 6 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/e")) && addmode) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; *r_usage = PUBKEY_USAGE_ENC; break; } - else if (algo == 7 && opt.expert) + else if ((algo == 7 || !strcmp (answer, "dsa/*")) && opt.expert) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA; *r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode); break; } - else if (algo == 8 && opt.expert) + else if ((algo == 8 || !strcmp (answer, "rsa/*")) && opt.expert) { algo = PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA; *r_usage = ask_key_flags (algo, addmode); @@ -1769,8 +1784,10 @@ } else tty_printf (_("Invalid selection.\n")); + } + xfree(answer); return algo; } @@ -3822,6 +3839,7 @@ if (!rc) rc = do_create (algo, nbits, pub_keyblock, sec_keyblock, dek, s2k, &sub_sk, cur_time, expire, 1 ); + xfree (dek); if (!rc) rc = write_keybinding (pub_keyblock, pub_keyblock, pri_sk, sub_sk, use, cur_time); @@ -3838,7 +3856,6 @@ if (rc) log_error (_("Key generation failed: %s\n"), g10_errstr(rc) ); xfree (passphrase); - xfree (dek); xfree (s2k); /* Release the copy of the (now unprotected) secret keys. */ if (pri_sk) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyid.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyid.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyid.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyid.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ #include "keydb.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "rmd160.h" +#include "host2net.h" int pubkey_letter( int algo ) @@ -175,9 +176,9 @@ else { p = buffer + nbytes - 8; - ki[0] = (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] <<16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]; + ki[0] = buf32_to_u32 (p); p += 4; - ki[1] = (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] <<16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]; + ki[1] = buf32_to_u32 (p); } xfree (buffer); return ki[1]; @@ -271,15 +272,8 @@ { u32 keyid[2]; - keyid[0] = ((unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[12] << 24 - | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[13] << 16 - | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[14] << 8 - | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[15]); - keyid[1] = ((unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[16] << 24 - | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[17] << 16 - | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[18] << 8 - | (unsigned char)desc->u.fpr[19]); - + keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (desc->u.fpr+12); + keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (desc->u.fpr+16); return keystr(keyid); } @@ -331,8 +325,8 @@ if(md) { dp = gcry_md_read (md, 0); - keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; - keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; + keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); + keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); lowbits = keyid[1]; gcry_md_close (md); sk->keyid[0] = keyid[0]; @@ -386,8 +380,8 @@ if(md) { dp = gcry_md_read ( md, 0 ); - keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; - keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; + keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); + keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); lowbits = keyid[1]; gcry_md_close (md); pk->keyid[0] = keyid[0]; @@ -430,8 +424,8 @@ } else { const byte *dp = fprint; - keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; - keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; + keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); + keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); } return keyid[1]; @@ -672,7 +666,7 @@ if ( pk->version < 4 ) { - if ( is_RSA(pk->pubkey_algo) ) + if ( is_RSA(pk->pubkey_algo) && opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos) { /* RSA in version 3 packets is special. */ gcry_md_hd_t md; @@ -721,8 +715,8 @@ if (!array) array = xmalloc ( len ); memcpy (array, dp, len ); - pk->keyid[0] = dp[12] << 24 | dp[13] << 16 | dp[14] << 8 | dp[15] ; - pk->keyid[1] = dp[16] << 24 | dp[17] << 16 | dp[18] << 8 | dp[19] ; + pk->keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+12); + pk->keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (dp+16); gcry_md_close( md); } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyring.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyring.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyring.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyring.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ #include "util.h" #include "keyring.h" #include "packet.h" -#include "keydb.h" +#include "keydb.h" #include "options.h" #include "main.h" /*for check_key_signature()*/ #include "i18n.h" @@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ /*off_t off;*/ }; -typedef struct off_item **OffsetHashTable; +typedef struct off_item **OffsetHashTable; typedef struct keyring_name *KR_NAME; -struct keyring_name +struct keyring_name { struct keyring_name *next; int secret; @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int error; } current; struct { - CONST_KR_NAME kr; + CONST_KR_NAME kr; off_t offset; size_t pk_no; size_t uid_no; @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ new_offset_item (void) { struct off_item *k; - + k = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *k); return k; } @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ } #endif -static OffsetHashTable +static OffsetHashTable new_offset_hash_table (void) { struct off_item **tbl; @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ for (k = tbl[(kid[1] & 0x07ff)]; k; k = k->next) { - if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1]) + if (k->kid[0] == kid[0] && k->kid[1] == kid[1]) { /*k->off = off;*/ return; @@ -194,14 +194,14 @@ } } -/* +/* * Register a filename for plain keyring files. ptr is set to a * pointer to be used to create a handles etc, or the already-issued * pointer if it has already been registered. The function returns 1 * if a new keyring was registered. */ int -keyring_register_filename (const char *fname, int secret, int readonly, +keyring_register_filename (const char *fname, int secret, int readonly, void **ptr) { KR_NAME kr; @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ if (readonly) kr->readonly = 1; *ptr=kr; - return 0; + return 0; } } @@ -251,12 +251,12 @@ return r? (r->readonly || !access (r->fname, W_OK)) : 0; } - + /* Create a new handle for the resource associated with TOKEN. SECRET is just just as a cross-check. - + The returned handle must be released using keyring_release (). */ KEYRING_HANDLE keyring_new (void *token, int secret) @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ KR_NAME resource = token; assert (resource && !resource->secret == !secret); - + hd = xmalloc_clear (sizeof *hd); hd->resource = resource; hd->secret = !!secret; @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ return hd; } -void +void keyring_release (KEYRING_HANDLE hd) { if (!hd) @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ * Lock the keyring with the given handle, or unlock if YES is false. * We ignore the handle and lock all registered files. */ -int +int keyring_lock (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, int yes) { KR_NAME kr; @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ } if (rc) return rc; - + /* and now set the locks */ for (kr=kr_names; kr; kr = kr->next) { if (!keyring_is_writable(kr)) @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ log_info ("can't lock `%s'\n", kr->fname ); rc = G10ERR_GENERAL; } - else + else kr->is_locked = 1; } } @@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ ; else if (release_dotlock (kr->lockhd)) log_info ("can't unlock `%s'\n", kr->fname ); - else + else kr->is_locked = 0; } - } + } return rc; } @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ /* * Return the last found keyring. Caller must free it. * The returned keyblock has the kbode flag bit 0 set for the node with - * the public key used to locate the keyblock or flag bit 1 set for + * the public key used to locate the keyblock or flag bit 1 set for * the user ID node. */ int @@ -406,14 +406,32 @@ init_packet (pkt); continue; } - if (rc) { + if (rc) { log_error ("keyring_get_keyblock: read error: %s\n", g10_errstr(rc) ); rc = G10ERR_INV_KEYRING; break; } - if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_COMPRESSED) { - log_error ("skipped compressed packet in keyring\n"); + + /* Filter allowed packets. */ + switch (pkt->pkttype){ + case PKT_PUBLIC_KEY: + case PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY: + case PKT_SECRET_KEY: + case PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY: + case PKT_USER_ID: + case PKT_ATTRIBUTE: + case PKT_SIGNATURE: + break; /* Allowed per RFC. */ + case PKT_RING_TRUST: + case PKT_OLD_COMMENT: + case PKT_COMMENT: + case PKT_GPG_CONTROL: + break; /* Allowed by us. */ + + default: + log_error ("skipped packet of type %d in keyring\n", + (int)pkt->pkttype); free_packet(pkt); init_packet(pkt); continue; @@ -426,19 +444,26 @@ } in_cert = 1; - if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST) + if (pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST) { /*(this code is duplicated after the loop)*/ - if ( lastnode + if ( lastnode && lastnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && (pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 1) ) { - /* This is a ring trust packet with a checked signature + /* This is a ring trust packet with a checked signature * status cache following directly a signature paket. - * Set the cache status into that signature packet. */ + * Set the cache status into that signature packet. + * + * We do not use cached signatures made with MD5 to + * avoid using a cached status created with an older + * version of gpg. */ PKT_signature *sig = lastnode->pkt->pkt.signature; - - sig->flags.checked = 1; - sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); + + if (sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) + { + sig->flags.checked = 1; + sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); + } } /* Reset LASTNODE, so that we set the cache status only from * the ring trust packet immediately following a signature. */ @@ -468,7 +493,7 @@ if (++uid_no == hd->found.uid_no) node->flag |= 2; break; - + default: break; } @@ -478,20 +503,23 @@ } set_packet_list_mode(save_mode); - if (rc == -1 && keyblock) + if (rc == -1 && keyblock) rc = 0; /* got the entire keyblock */ if (rc || !ret_kb) release_kbnode (keyblock); else { - /*(duplicated form the loop body)*/ + /*(duplicated from the loop body)*/ if ( pkt && pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST - && lastnode + && lastnode && lastnode->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE && (pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 1) ) { PKT_signature *sig = lastnode->pkt->pkt.signature; - sig->flags.checked = 1; - sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); + if (sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) + { + sig->flags.checked = 1; + sig->flags.valid = !!(pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache & 2); + } } *ret_kb = keyblock; } @@ -500,7 +528,7 @@ iobuf_close(a); /* Make sure that future search operations fail immediately when - * we know that we are working on a invalid keyring + * we know that we are working on a invalid keyring */ if (rc == G10ERR_INV_KEYRING) hd->current.error = rc; @@ -571,11 +599,11 @@ if (hd->current.kr->readonly) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EACCES); } - else + else fname = hd->resource? hd->resource->fname:NULL; if (!fname) - return G10ERR_GENERAL; + return G10ERR_GENERAL; /* Close this one otherwise we will lose the position for * a next search. Fixme: it would be better to adjust the position @@ -590,7 +618,7 @@ { update_offset_hash_table_from_kb (kr_offtbl, kb, 0); } - + return rc; } @@ -639,10 +667,10 @@ -/* +/* * Start the next search on this handle right at the beginning */ -int +int keyring_search_reset (KEYRING_HANDLE hd) { assert (hd); @@ -652,17 +680,17 @@ hd->current.iobuf = NULL; hd->current.eof = 0; hd->current.error = 0; - + hd->found.kr = NULL; hd->found.offset = 0; - return 0; + return 0; } static int prepare_search (KEYRING_HANDLE hd) { - if (hd->current.error) + if (hd->current.error) return hd->current.error; /* still in error state */ if (hd->current.kr && !hd->current.eof) { @@ -671,7 +699,7 @@ return 0; /* okay */ } - if (!hd->current.kr && hd->current.eof) + if (!hd->current.kr && hd->current.eof) return -1; /* still EOF */ if (!hd->current.kr) { /* start search with first keyring */ @@ -683,7 +711,7 @@ assert (!hd->current.iobuf); } else { /* EOF */ - iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf); + iobuf_close (hd->current.iobuf); hd->current.iobuf = NULL; hd->current.kr = NULL; hd->current.eof = 1; @@ -841,7 +869,7 @@ int i; const char *s, *se; - if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT) { + if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT) { for (i=0; name[i] && uidlen; i++, uidlen--) if (uid[i] != name[i]) break; @@ -852,7 +880,7 @@ if (ascii_memistr( uid, uidlen, name )) return 0; } - else if ( mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL + else if ( mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL || mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILSUB || mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILEND) { for (i=0, s= uid; i < uidlen && *s != '<'; s++, i++) @@ -864,7 +892,7 @@ ; if (i < uidlen) { i = se - s; - if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL) { + if (mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL) { if( strlen(name)-2 == i && !ascii_memcasecmp( s, name+1, i) ) return 0; @@ -888,11 +916,11 @@ } -/* +/* * Search through the keyring(s), starting at the current position, * for a keyblock which contains one of the keys described in the DESC array. */ -int +int keyring_search (KEYRING_HANDLE hd, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc, size_t *descindex) { @@ -912,28 +940,28 @@ /* figure out what information we need */ need_uid = need_words = need_keyid = need_fpr = any_skip = 0; - for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) + for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) { - switch (desc[n].mode) + switch (desc[n].mode) { - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SUBSTR: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILSUB: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILEND: need_uid = 1; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: need_uid = 1; need_words = 1; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID: need_keyid = 1; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR16: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20: - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR: need_fpr = 1; break; case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST: @@ -942,7 +970,7 @@ break; default: break; } - if (desc[n].skipfnc) + if (desc[n].skipfnc) { any_skip = 1; need_keyid = 1; @@ -961,7 +989,7 @@ else if (ndesc == 1 && desc[0].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID) { struct off_item *oi; - + oi = lookup_offset_hash_table (kr_offtbl, desc[0].u.kid); if (!oi) { /* We know that we don't have this key */ @@ -970,9 +998,9 @@ return -1; } /* We could now create a positive search status and return. - * However the problem is that another instance of gpg may + * However the problem is that another instance of gpg may * have changed the keyring so that the offsets are not valid - * anymore - therefore we don't do it + * anymore - therefore we don't do it */ } @@ -983,13 +1011,13 @@ log_debug ("word search mode does not yet work\n"); /* FIXME: here is a long standing bug in our function and in addition we just use the first search description */ - for (n=0; n < ndesc && !name; n++) + for (n=0; n < ndesc && !name; n++) { - if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS) + if (desc[n].mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS) name = desc[n].u.name; } assert (name); - if ( !hd->word_match.name || strcmp (hd->word_match.name, name) ) + if ( !hd->word_match.name || strcmp (hd->word_match.name, name) ) { /* name changed */ xfree (hd->word_match.name); @@ -1007,23 +1035,23 @@ main_offset = 0; pk_no = uid_no = 0; initial_skip = 1; /* skip until we see the start of a keyblock */ - while (!(rc=search_packet (hd->current.iobuf, &pkt, &offset, need_uid))) + while (!(rc=search_packet (hd->current.iobuf, &pkt, &offset, need_uid))) { byte afp[MAX_FINGERPRINT_LEN]; size_t an; - if (pkt.pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY) + if (pkt.pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY || pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY) { main_offset = offset; pk_no = uid_no = 0; initial_skip = 0; } - if (initial_skip) + if (initial_skip) { free_packet (&pkt); continue; } - + pk = NULL; sk = NULL; uid = NULL; @@ -1044,13 +1072,13 @@ if (use_offtbl && !kr_offtbl_ready) update_offset_hash_table (kr_offtbl, aki, main_offset); } - else if (pkt.pkttype == PKT_USER_ID) + else if (pkt.pkttype == PKT_USER_ID) { uid = pkt.pkt.user_id; ++uid_no; } else if ( pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_KEY - || pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY) + || pkt.pkttype == PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY) { sk = pkt.pkt.secret_key; ++pk_no; @@ -1062,28 +1090,28 @@ } if (need_keyid) keyid_from_sk (sk, aki); - + } - for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) + for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) { switch (desc[n].mode) { - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NONE: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NONE: BUG (); break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SUBSTR: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAIL: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILSUB: case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILEND: - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: if ( uid && !compare_name (desc[n].mode, desc[n].u.name, - uid->name, uid->len)) + uid->name, uid->len)) goto found; break; - - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID: + + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID: if ((pk||sk) && desc[n].u.kid[1] == aki[1]) goto found; break; @@ -1097,19 +1125,19 @@ goto found; break; case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR20: - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR: if ((pk||sk) && !memcmp (desc[n].u.fpr, afp, 20)) goto found; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST: if (pk||sk) goto found; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT: if (pk||sk) goto found; break; - default: + default: rc = G10ERR_INV_ARG; goto found; } @@ -1121,7 +1149,7 @@ meaningful if this function returns with no errors. */ if(descindex) *descindex=n; - for (n=any_skip?0:ndesc; n < ndesc; n++) + for (n=any_skip?0:ndesc; n < ndesc; n++) { if (desc[n].skipfnc && desc[n].skipfnc (desc[n].skipfncvalue, aki, uid)) @@ -1147,12 +1175,12 @@ if (use_offtbl && !kr_offtbl_ready) { KR_NAME kr; - + /* First set the did_full_scan flag for this keyring (ignore secret keyrings) */ for (kr=kr_names; kr; kr = kr->next) { - if (!kr->secret && hd->resource == kr) + if (!kr->secret && hd->resource == kr) { kr->did_full_scan = 1; break; @@ -1162,14 +1190,14 @@ offtbl ready */ for (kr=kr_names; kr; kr = kr->next) { - if (!kr->secret && !kr->did_full_scan) + if (!kr->secret && !kr->did_full_scan) break; } if (!kr) kr_offtbl_ready = 1; } } - else + else hd->current.error = rc; free_packet(&pkt); @@ -1181,7 +1209,7 @@ static int create_tmp_file (const char *template, char **r_bakfname, char **r_tmpfname, IOBUF *r_fp) -{ +{ char *bakfname, *tmpfname; mode_t oldmask; @@ -1205,7 +1233,7 @@ strcpy (tmpfname,template); strcpy (tmpfname+strlen(template)-4, EXTSEP_S "tmp"); } - else + else { /* file does not end with gpg; hmmm */ bakfname = xmalloc (strlen( template ) + 5); strcpy (stpcpy(bakfname, template), EXTSEP_S "bak"); @@ -1239,7 +1267,7 @@ xfree (bakfname); return rc; } - + *r_bakfname = bakfname; *r_tmpfname = tmpfname; return 0; @@ -1272,7 +1300,7 @@ /* first make a backup file except for secret keyrings */ if (!secret) - { + { #if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__) remove (bakfname); #endif @@ -1284,7 +1312,7 @@ return rc; } } - + /* then rename the file */ #if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__) remove( fname ); @@ -1309,7 +1337,7 @@ statbuf.st_mode=S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR; if (((secret && !opt.preserve_permissions) - || !stat (bakfname,&statbuf)) + || !stat (bakfname,&statbuf)) && !chmod (fname,statbuf.st_mode)) ; else @@ -1337,10 +1365,10 @@ { KBNODE kbctx = NULL, node; int rc; - - while ( (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)) ) + + while ( (node = walk_kbnode (keyblock, &kbctx, 0)) ) { - if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST) + if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_RING_TRUST) continue; /* we write it later on our own */ if ( (rc = build_packet (fp, node->pkt) )) @@ -1349,12 +1377,12 @@ node->pkt->pkttype, g10_errstr(rc) ); return rc; } - if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE) + if (node->pkt->pkttype == PKT_SIGNATURE) { /* always write a signature cache packet */ PKT_signature *sig = node->pkt->pkt.signature; unsigned int cacheval = 0; - - if (sig->flags.checked) + + if (sig->flags.checked && sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) { cacheval |= 1; if (sig->flags.valid) @@ -1363,7 +1391,7 @@ iobuf_put (fp, 0xb0); /* old style packet 12, 1 byte len*/ iobuf_put (fp, 2); /* 2 bytes */ iobuf_put (fp, 0); /* unused */ - if (iobuf_put (fp, cacheval)) + if (iobuf_put (fp, cacheval)) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); log_error ("writing sigcache packet failed\n"); @@ -1374,7 +1402,7 @@ return 0; } -/* +/* * Walk over all public keyrings, check the signatures and replace the * keyring with a new one where the signature cache is then updated. * This is only done for the public keyrings. @@ -1419,7 +1447,7 @@ * the original file is closed */ tmpfp = NULL; } - rc = lastresname? rename_tmp_file (bakfilename, tmpfilename, + rc = lastresname? rename_tmp_file (bakfilename, tmpfilename, lastresname, 0) : 0; xfree (tmpfilename); tmpfilename = NULL; xfree (bakfilename); bakfilename = NULL; @@ -1432,10 +1460,10 @@ if (rc) goto leave; } - + release_kbnode (keyblock); rc = keyring_get_keyblock (hd, &keyblock); - if (rc) + if (rc) { log_error ("keyring_get_keyblock failed: %s\n", g10_errstr(rc)); goto leave; @@ -1479,7 +1507,7 @@ sigcount++; } } - + /* write the keyblock to the temporary file */ rc = write_keyblock (tmpfp, keyblock); if (rc) @@ -1489,10 +1517,10 @@ log_info(_("%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n"), count, sigcount ); - } /* end main loop */ + } /* end main loop */ if (rc == -1) rc = 0; - if (rc) + if (rc) { log_error ("keyring_search failed: %s\n", g10_errstr(rc)); goto leave; @@ -1520,8 +1548,8 @@ leave: if (tmpfp) iobuf_cancel (tmpfp); - xfree (tmpfilename); - xfree (bakfilename); + xfree (tmpfilename); + xfree (bakfilename); release_kbnode (keyblock); keyring_lock (hd, 0); keyring_release (hd); @@ -1544,13 +1572,13 @@ char *bakfname = NULL; char *tmpfname = NULL; - /* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the + /* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the permissions of the file */ if (access (fname, W_OK)) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); fp = iobuf_open (fname); - if (mode == 1 && !fp && errno == ENOENT) { + if (mode == 1 && !fp && errno == ENOENT) { /* insert mode but file does not exist: create a new file */ KBNODE kbctx, node; mode_t oldmask; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyserver.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyserver.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/keyserver.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/keyserver.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1062,6 +1062,30 @@ } +static const char * +keyserver_errstr (int code) +{ + const char *s; + + switch (code) + { + case KEYSERVER_OK: s = "success"; break; + case KEYSERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR:s = "keyserver helper internal error"; break; + case KEYSERVER_NOT_SUPPORTED: s =gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);break; + case KEYSERVER_VERSION_ERROR: s = "keyserver helper version mismatch";break; + case KEYSERVER_GENERAL_ERROR: s = "keyserver helper general error"; break; + case KEYSERVER_NO_MEMORY: s = "keyserver helper is out of core"; break; + case KEYSERVER_KEY_NOT_FOUND: s =gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; + case KEYSERVER_KEY_EXISTS: s = "key exists"; break; + case KEYSERVER_KEY_INCOMPLETE:s = "key incomplete (EOF)"; break; + case KEYSERVER_UNREACHABLE: s =gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST);break; + case KEYSERVER_TIMEOUT: s =gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT); break; + default: s = "?"; break; + } + return s; +} + + static int keyserver_spawn (enum ks_action action, strlist_t list, KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC *desc, int count, int *prog, unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, @@ -1534,8 +1558,11 @@ plen--; plen[ptr]='\0'; - if(*ptr=='\0') - break; + /* Stop at the first empty line but not if we are sending keys. + In the latter case we won't continue reading later and thus + we need to watch out for errors right in this loop. */ + if(*ptr=='\0' && action != KS_SEND) + break; if(ascii_strncasecmp(ptr,"VERSION ",8)==0) { @@ -1556,6 +1583,14 @@ } else if(ascii_strncasecmp(ptr,"OPTION OUTOFBAND",16)==0) outofband=1; /* Currently the only OPTION */ + else if (action == KS_SEND + && ascii_strncasecmp(ptr,"KEY ",4)==0) + { + ret = parse_key_failed_line (ptr+4, strlen (ptr+4)); + break; /* We stop at the first KEY line so that we won't + run into an EOF which would return an unspecified + error message (due to iobuf_read_line). */ + } } if(!gotversion) @@ -1572,6 +1607,7 @@ { void *stats_handle; struct ks_retrieval_filter_arg_s filterarg; + int gpgkeys_err; stats_handle=import_new_stats_handle(); @@ -1586,14 +1622,21 @@ but we better protect against rogue keyservers. */ filterarg.desc = desc; filterarg.ndesc = count; + gpgkeys_err = 0; import_keys_stream (spawn->fromchild, stats_handle, fpr, fpr_len, (opt.keyserver_options.import_options | IMPORT_NO_SECKEY), - keyserver_retrieval_filter, &filterarg); + keyserver_retrieval_filter, &filterarg, + &gpgkeys_err); import_print_stats(stats_handle); import_release_stats_handle(stats_handle); - + if (gpgkeys_err) + { + log_error (_("keyserver communications error: %s\n"), + keyserver_errstr (gpgkeys_err)); + ret = gpgkeys_err; + } break; } @@ -1614,7 +1657,6 @@ xfree(line); xfree(searchstr); - *prog=exec_finish(spawn); return ret; @@ -1641,9 +1683,11 @@ return G10ERR_KEYSERVER; #else - /* Spawn a handler */ - + /* Spawn a handler. The use of RC and RET is a mess. We use a + kludge to return a suitable error message. */ rc=keyserver_spawn(action,list,desc,count,&ret,fpr,fpr_len,keyserver); + if (ret == KEYSERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR && rc) + ret = rc; if(ret) { switch(ret) @@ -1672,6 +1716,9 @@ log_error(_("keyserver timed out\n")); break; + case KEYSERVER_UNREACHABLE: + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST); + case KEYSERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: default: log_error(_("keyserver internal error\n")); @@ -2136,7 +2183,7 @@ rc=import_keys_stream (key, NULL, fpr, fpr_len, (opt.keyserver_options.import_options - | IMPORT_NO_SECKEY), NULL, NULL); + | IMPORT_NO_SECKEY), NULL, NULL, NULL); opt.no_armor=armor_status; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/main.h gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/main.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/main.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/main.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ issues of speed and size come into play here. */ #define DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO CIPHER_ALGO_CAST5 -#define DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1 +#define DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO ((GNUPG)? DIGEST_ALGO_SHA256:DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1) #define DEFAULT_COMPRESS_ALGO COMPRESS_ALGO_ZIP #define DEFAULT_S2K_DIGEST_ALGO DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1 @@ -63,12 +63,10 @@ #else void g10_exit(int rc); #endif -void print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ); -void print_cipher_algo_note( int algo ); -void print_digest_algo_note( int algo ); /*-- armor.c --*/ char *make_radix64_string( const byte *data, size_t len ); +int parse_key_failed_line (const void *lineptr, unsigned int len); /*-- misc.c --*/ void trap_unaligned(void); @@ -80,8 +78,11 @@ u16 checksum_u16( unsigned n ); u16 checksum( byte *p, unsigned n ); u16 checksum_mpi( gcry_mpi_t a ); -u32 buffer_to_u32( const byte *buffer ); const byte *get_session_marker( size_t *rlen ); +void print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ); +void print_cipher_algo_note( int algo ); +void print_digest_algo_note( int algo ); +void print_md5_rejected_note (void); int map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry (int algo); #define openpgp_cipher_open(_a,_b,_c,_d) gcry_cipher_open((_a),map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry((_b)),(_c),(_d)) #define openpgp_cipher_get_algo_keylen(_a) gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen(map_cipher_openpgp_to_gcry((_a))) @@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ void deprecated_command (const char *name); void obsolete_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno, const char *name); +void obsolete_scdaemon_option (const char *configname, + unsigned int configlineno, const char *name); int string_to_cipher_algo (const char *string); int string_to_digest_algo (const char *string); @@ -250,7 +253,8 @@ char *make_outfile_name( const char *iname ); char *ask_outfile_name( const char *name, size_t namelen ); int open_outfile( const char *iname, int mode, iobuf_t *a ); -iobuf_t open_sigfile( const char *iname, progress_filter_context_t *pfx ); +char *get_matching_datafile (const char *sigfilename); +iobuf_t open_sigfile (const char *sigfilename, progress_filter_context_t *pfx); void try_make_homedir( const char *fname ); /*-- seskey.c --*/ @@ -268,7 +272,8 @@ void *stats_hd, unsigned int options ); int import_keys_stream (iobuf_t inp, void *stats_hd, unsigned char **fpr, size_t *fpr_len, unsigned int options, - import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg); + import_filter_t filter, void *filter_arg, + int *r_gpgkeys_err); void *import_new_stats_handle (void); void import_release_stats_handle (void *p); void import_print_stats (void *hd); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/mainproc.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/mainproc.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/mainproc.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/mainproc.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -387,9 +387,9 @@ xfree(c->dek); c->dek = NULL; } } - else if( is_ELGAMAL(enc->pubkey_algo) - || enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA - || is_RSA(enc->pubkey_algo) + else if( enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL_E + || enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA + || enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E || enc->pubkey_algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_ELGAMAL) { /* Note that we also allow type 20 Elgamal keys for decryption. There are still a couple of those keys in active use as a @@ -520,7 +520,9 @@ result = -1; else if( !c->dek && !c->last_was_session_key ) { int algo; - STRING2KEY s2kbuf, *s2k = NULL; + STRING2KEY s2kbuf; + STRING2KEY *s2k = NULL; + int canceled; if(opt.override_session_key) { @@ -562,9 +564,13 @@ log_info (_("assuming %s encrypted data\n"), "IDEA"); } - c->dek = passphrase_to_dek ( NULL, 0, algo, s2k, 3, NULL, NULL ); + c->dek = passphrase_to_dek ( NULL, 0, algo, s2k, 3, NULL,&canceled); if (c->dek) c->dek->algo_info_printed = 1; + else if (canceled) + result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED); + else + result = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PASSPHRASE); } } else if( !c->dek ) @@ -585,7 +591,7 @@ else if(!opt.no_mdc_warn) log_info (_("WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n")); } - else if( result == G10ERR_BAD_SIGN ) { + else if( gpg_err_code (result) == G10ERR_BAD_SIGN ) { log_error(_("WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n")); write_status( STATUS_BADMDC ); write_status( STATUS_DECRYPTION_FAILED ); @@ -1598,6 +1604,8 @@ } + write_status_text (STATUS_NEWSIG, NULL); + /* (Indendation below not yet changed to GNU style.) */ astr = openpgp_pk_algo_name ( sig->pubkey_algo ); @@ -1959,6 +1967,44 @@ sig->sig_class==0x01?_("textmode"):_("unknown"), gcry_md_algo_name (sig->digest_algo)); + if (!rc && !c->signed_data.used) + { + /* Signature is basically good but we test whether the + deprecated command + gpg --verify FILE.sig + was used instead of + gpg --verify FILE.sig FILE + to verify a detached signature. If we figure out that a + data file with a matching name exists, we print a warning. + + The problem is that the first form would also verify a + standard signature. This behavior could be used to + create a made up .sig file for a tarball by creating a + standard signature from a valid detached signature packet + (for example from a signed git tag). Then replace the + sig file on the FTP server along with a changed tarball. + Using the first form the verify command would correctly + verify the signature but don't even consider the tarball. */ + kbnode_t n; + char *dfile; + + dfile = get_matching_datafile (c->sigfilename); + if (dfile) + { + for (n = c->list; n; n = n->next) + if (n->pkt->pkttype != PKT_SIGNATURE) + break; + if (n) + { + /* Not only signature packets in the tree thus this + is not a detached signature. */ + log_info (_("WARNING: not a detached signature; " + "file '%s' was NOT verified!\n"), dfile); + } + xfree (dfile); + } + } + if( rc ) g10_errors_seen = 1; if( opt.batch && rc ) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -52,23 +51,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -87,8 +114,9 @@ POST_UNINSTALL = : build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -196,14 +224,34 @@ am_t_rmd160_OBJECTS = t-rmd160.$(OBJEXT) rmd160.$(OBJEXT) t_rmd160_OBJECTS = $(am_t_rmd160_OBJECTS) t_rmd160_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(gpg2_SOURCES) $(gpgv2_SOURCES) $(t_rmd160_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(am__gpg2_SOURCES_DIST) $(am__gpgv2_SOURCES_DIST) \ $(t_rmd160_SOURCES) @@ -212,10 +260,47 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -223,6 +308,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -272,6 +358,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -342,6 +430,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -350,6 +439,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -564,10 +654,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -588,7 +679,8 @@ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files @@ -598,15 +690,18 @@ clean-noinstPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(noinst_PROGRAMS) + gpg2$(EXEEXT): $(gpg2_OBJECTS) $(gpg2_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg2_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg2$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg2_OBJECTS) $(gpg2_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg2_OBJECTS) $(gpg2_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpgv2$(EXEEXT): $(gpgv2_OBJECTS) $(gpgv2_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgv2_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgv2$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpgv2_OBJECTS) $(gpgv2_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpgv2_OBJECTS) $(gpgv2_LDADD) $(LIBS) + t-rmd160$(EXEEXT): $(t_rmd160_OBJECTS) $(t_rmd160_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_rmd160_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-rmd160$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_rmd160_OBJECTS) $(t_rmd160_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_rmd160_OBJECTS) $(t_rmd160_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -671,39 +766,28 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/verify.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -715,15 +799,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -732,6 +812,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -746,7 +841,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -969,19 +1064,20 @@ .MAKE: check-am install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ - clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic clean-noinstPROGRAMS ctags \ - distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags \ - distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ - install-am install-binPROGRAMS install-data install-data-am \ - install-data-local install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ - install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ - install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ - install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ - installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ - maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ - mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall \ - uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS uninstall-local +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ + clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic clean-noinstPROGRAMS \ + cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean distclean-compile \ + distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-binPROGRAMS \ + install-data install-data-am install-data-local install-dvi \ + install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ + install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ + tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS \ + uninstall-local @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/misc.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/misc.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/misc.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/misc.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -276,17 +276,6 @@ return csum; } -u32 -buffer_to_u32( const byte *buffer ) -{ - unsigned long a; - a = *buffer << 24; - a |= buffer[1] << 16; - a |= buffer[2] << 8; - a |= buffer[3]; - return a; -} - void print_pubkey_algo_note( int algo ) { @@ -340,6 +329,22 @@ } +void +print_md5_rejected_note (void) +{ + static int shown; + + if (!shown) + { + fflush (stdout); + log_info + (_("Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n"), + "MD5"); + shown = 1; + } +} + + /* Map OpenPGP algo numbers to those used by Libgcrypt. We need to do this for algorithms we implemented in Libgcrypt after they become part of OpenPGP. */ @@ -547,7 +552,7 @@ { log_info(_("the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n")); log_info(_("please see %s for more information\n"), - "http://www.gnupg.org/faq/why-not-idea.html"); + "https://gnupg.org/faq/why-not-idea.html"); warned=1; } } @@ -851,6 +856,20 @@ } +void +obsolete_scdaemon_option (const char *configname, unsigned int configlineno, + const char *name) +{ + if (configname) + log_info (_("%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file" + " - it only has effect in %s\n"), + configname, configlineno, name, "--", "scdaemon.conf"); + else + log_info (_("WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option" + " - it has no effect except on %s\n"), "--", name, "scdaemon"); +} + + /* * Wrapper around gcry_cipher_map_name to provide a fallback using the * "Sn" syntax as used by the preference strings. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/openfile.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/openfile.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/openfile.c 2014-08-12 17:48:01.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/openfile.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -287,41 +287,70 @@ } +/* Find a matching data file for the signature file SIGFILENAME and + return it as a malloced string. If no matching data file is found, + return NULL. */ +char * +get_matching_datafile (const char *sigfilename) +{ + char *fname = NULL; + size_t len; + + if (iobuf_is_pipe_filename (sigfilename)) + return NULL; + + len = strlen (sigfilename); + if (len > 4 + && (!strcmp (sigfilename + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "sig") + || (len > 5 && !strcmp(sigfilename + len - 5, EXTSEP_S "sign")) + || !strcmp(sigfilename + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "asc"))) + { + + fname = xstrdup (sigfilename); + fname[len-(fname[len-1]=='n'?5:4)] = 0 ; + if (access (fname, R_OK )) + { + /* Not found or other error. */ + xfree (fname); + fname = NULL; + } + } + + return fname; +} + + /**************** * Try to open a file without the extension ".sig" or ".asc" * Return NULL if such a file is not available. */ -IOBUF -open_sigfile( const char *iname, progress_filter_context_t *pfx ) +iobuf_t +open_sigfile (const char *sigfilename, progress_filter_context_t *pfx) { - IOBUF a = NULL; - size_t len; + iobuf_t a = NULL; + char *buf; - if( !iobuf_is_pipe_filename (iname) ) { - len = strlen(iname); - if( len > 4 && ( !strcmp(iname + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "sig") - || ( len > 5 && !strcmp(iname + len - 5, EXTSEP_S "sign") ) - || !strcmp(iname + len - 4, EXTSEP_S "asc")) ) { - char *buf; - buf = xstrdup(iname); - buf[len-(buf[len-1]=='n'?5:4)] = 0 ; - a = iobuf_open( buf ); - if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a))) - { - iobuf_close (a); - a = NULL; - errno = EPERM; - } - if( a && opt.verbose ) - log_info(_("assuming signed data in `%s'\n"), buf ); - if (a && pfx) - handle_progress (pfx, a, buf); - xfree(buf); - } + buf = get_matching_datafile (sigfilename); + if (buf) + { + a = iobuf_open (buf); + if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a))) + { + iobuf_close (a); + a = NULL; + gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM); + } + if (a) + log_info (_("assuming signed data in '%s'\n"), buf); + if (a && pfx) + handle_progress (pfx, a, buf); + xfree (buf); } - return a; + + return a; } + /**************** * Copy the option file skeleton to the given directory. */ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/options.h gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/options.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/options.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/options.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ unsigned int dsa2:1; unsigned int allow_multiple_messages:1; unsigned int allow_weak_digest_algos:1; + unsigned int large_rsa:1; } flags; /* Linked list of ways to find a key if the key isn't on the local @@ -323,6 +324,7 @@ #define IMPORT_MINIMAL (1<<5) #define IMPORT_CLEAN (1<<6) #define IMPORT_NO_SECKEY (1<<7) +#define IMPORT_KEEP_OWNERTTRUST (1<<8) #define EXPORT_LOCAL_SIGS (1<<0) #define EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES (1<<1) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/parse-packet.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/parse-packet.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/parse-packet.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/parse-packet.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -34,6 +34,15 @@ #include "options.h" #include "main.h" #include "i18n.h" +#include "host2net.h" + + +/* Maximum length of packets to avoid excessive memory allocation. */ +#define MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH (256 * 1024) +#define MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH ( 2 * 1024) +#define MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH ( 64 * 1024) +#define MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH ( 16 * 1024*1024) + static int mpi_print_mode; static int list_mode; @@ -82,7 +91,7 @@ read_16(IOBUF inp) { unsigned short a; - a = iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 8; + a = (unsigned short)iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 8; a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp); return a; } @@ -91,7 +100,7 @@ read_32(IOBUF inp) { unsigned long a; - a = iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 24; + a = (unsigned long)iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 24; a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 16; a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp) << 8; a |= iobuf_get_noeof(inp); @@ -449,7 +458,8 @@ } else if( c == 255 ) { - pktlen = (hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 24; + pktlen = + (unsigned long)(hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 24; pktlen |= (hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 16; pktlen |= (hdr[hdrlen++] = iobuf_get_noeof(inp)) << 8; if( (c = iobuf_get(inp)) == -1 ) @@ -946,14 +956,15 @@ switch( type ) { case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED: if( length >= 4 ) - fprintf (listfp, "sig created %s", strtimestamp( buffer_to_u32(buffer) ) ); + fprintf (listfp, "sig created %s", + strtimestamp (buf32_to_u32(buffer)) ); break; case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE: if( length >= 4 ) { - if(buffer_to_u32(buffer)) + if(buf32_to_u32(buffer)) fprintf (listfp, "sig expires after %s", - strtimevalue( buffer_to_u32(buffer) ) ); + strtimevalue( buf32_to_u32(buffer) ) ); else fprintf (listfp, "sig does not expire"); } @@ -972,7 +983,11 @@ if(!length) p="[invalid regexp subpacket]"; else - fprintf (listfp, "regular expression: \"%s\"",buffer); + { + fprintf (listfp, "regular expression: \""); + print_string (listfp, buffer, length, '\"'); + p = "\""; + } break; case SIGSUBPKT_REVOCABLE: if( length ) @@ -981,9 +996,9 @@ case SIGSUBPKT_KEY_EXPIRE: if( length >= 4 ) { - if(buffer_to_u32(buffer)) + if(buf32_to_u32(buffer)) fprintf (listfp, "key expires after %s", - strtimevalue( buffer_to_u32(buffer) ) ); + strtimevalue( buf32_to_u32(buffer) ) ); else fprintf (listfp, "key does not expire"); } @@ -1006,8 +1021,8 @@ case SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER: if( length >= 8 ) fprintf (listfp, "issuer key ID %08lX%08lX", - (ulong)buffer_to_u32(buffer), - (ulong)buffer_to_u32(buffer+4) ); + buf32_to_ulong (buffer), + buf32_to_ulong (buffer+4)); break; case SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION: { @@ -1192,10 +1207,13 @@ switch( type ) { case SIGSUBPKT_NOTATION: - if(n>=8) - return can_handle_critical_notation(buffer+8,(buffer[4]<<8)|buffer[5]); - else - return 0; + if (n >= 8) + { + size_t notation_len = ((buffer[4] << 8) | buffer[5]); + if (n - 8 >= notation_len) + return can_handle_critical_notation (buffer + 8, notation_len); + } + return 0; case SIGSUBPKT_SIGNATURE: case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED: case SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE: @@ -1252,8 +1270,7 @@ if( n == 255 ) { /* 4 byte length header */ if( buflen < 4 ) goto too_short; - n = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) - | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; + n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer); buffer += 4; buflen -= 4; } @@ -1476,7 +1493,7 @@ p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_CREATED, NULL ); if(p) - sig->timestamp = buffer_to_u32(p); + sig->timestamp = buf32_to_u32 (p); else if(!(sig->pubkey_algo>=100 && sig->pubkey_algo<=110) && opt.verbose) log_info ("signature packet without timestamp\n"); @@ -1484,16 +1501,16 @@ p = parse_sig_subpkt2( sig, SIGSUBPKT_ISSUER, NULL ); if(p) { - sig->keyid[0] = buffer_to_u32(p); - sig->keyid[1] = buffer_to_u32(p+4); + sig->keyid[0] = buf32_to_u32 (p); + sig->keyid[1] = buf32_to_u32 (p+4); } else if(!(sig->pubkey_algo>=100 && sig->pubkey_algo<=110) && opt.verbose) log_info ("signature packet without keyid\n"); p=parse_sig_subpkt(sig->hashed,SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE,NULL); - if(p && buffer_to_u32(p)) - sig->expiredate=sig->timestamp+buffer_to_u32(p); + if(p && buf32_to_u32 (p)) + sig->expiredate = sig->timestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p); if(sig->expiredate && sig->expiredate<=make_timestamp()) sig->flags.expired=1; @@ -1734,6 +1751,13 @@ rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); goto leave; } + else if (pktlen > MAX_KEY_PACKET_LENGTH) { + log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); + if (list_mode) + fputs (":key packet: [too large]\n", listfp); + rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); + goto leave; + } timestamp = read_32(inp); pktlen -= 4; if( is_v4 ) { @@ -1804,6 +1828,12 @@ byte temp[16]; size_t snlen = 0; + if (pktlen < 1) + { + rc = GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET; + goto leave; + } + if( !npkey ) { sk->skey[0] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, read_rest(inp, pktlen, 0), pktlen*8 ); @@ -1812,7 +1842,9 @@ } for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ ) { - n = pktlen; sk->skey[i] = mpi_read(inp, &n, 0 ); pktlen -=n; + n = pktlen; + sk->skey[i] = mpi_read(inp, &n, 0 ); + pktlen -=n; if( list_mode ) { fprintf (listfp, "\tskey[%d]: ", i); mpi_print(listfp, sk->skey[i], mpi_print_mode ); @@ -1823,7 +1855,8 @@ } if (rc) /* one of the MPIs were bad */ goto leave; - sk->protect.algo = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); pktlen--; + sk->protect.algo = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); + pktlen--; sk->protect.sha1chk = 0; if( sk->protect.algo ) { sk->is_protected = 1; @@ -1834,12 +1867,15 @@ goto leave; } sk->protect.sha1chk = (sk->protect.algo == 254); - sk->protect.algo = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); pktlen--; + sk->protect.algo = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); + pktlen--; /* Note that a sk->protect.algo > 110 is illegal, but I'm not erroring on it here as otherwise there would be no way to delete such a key. */ - sk->protect.s2k.mode = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); pktlen--; - sk->protect.s2k.hash_algo = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); pktlen--; + sk->protect.s2k.mode = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); + pktlen--; + sk->protect.s2k.hash_algo = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); + pktlen--; /* check for the special GNU extension */ if( is_v4 && sk->protect.s2k.mode == 101 ) { for(i=0; i < 4 && pktlen; i++, pktlen-- ) @@ -1989,6 +2025,11 @@ /* ugly; the length is encrypted too, so we read all * stuff up to the end of the packet into the first * skey element */ + if (pktlen < 2) /* At least two bytes for the length. */ + { + rc = GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET; + goto leave; + } sk->skey[npkey] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque (NULL, read_rest(inp, pktlen, 0), pktlen*8); @@ -2005,6 +2046,11 @@ fprintf (listfp, "\tskey[%d]: [encrypted]\n", i); } else { + if (pktlen < 2) /* At least two bytes for the length. */ + { + rc = GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET; + goto leave; + } n = pktlen; sk->skey[i] = mpi_read(inp, &n, 0 ); pktlen -=n; @@ -2021,7 +2067,13 @@ if (rc) goto leave; - sk->csum = read_16(inp); pktlen -= 2; + if (pktlen < 2) + { + rc = GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET; + goto leave; + } + sk->csum = read_16(inp); + pktlen -= 2; if( list_mode ) { fprintf (listfp, "\tchecksum: %04hx\n", sk->csum); } @@ -2033,6 +2085,12 @@ else { PKT_public_key *pk = pkt->pkt.public_key; + if (pktlen < 1) + { + rc = GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET; + goto leave; + } + if( !npkey ) { pk->pkey[0] = gcry_mpi_set_opaque ( NULL, read_rest(inp, pktlen, 0), @@ -2042,7 +2100,9 @@ } for(i=0; i < npkey; i++ ) { - n = pktlen; pk->pkey[i] = mpi_read(inp, &n, 0 ); pktlen -=n; + n = pktlen; + pk->pkey[i] = mpi_read(inp, &n, 0 ); + pktlen -=n; if( list_mode ) { fprintf (listfp, "\tpkey[%d]: ", i); mpi_print(listfp, pk->pkey[i], mpi_print_mode ); @@ -2087,9 +2147,8 @@ if( n == 255 ) { /* 4 byte length header */ if( buflen < 4 ) goto too_short; - n = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) - | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; - buffer += 4; + n = buf32_to_size_t (buffer); + buffer += 4; buflen -= 4; } else if( n >= 192 ) { /* 2 byte special encoded length header */ @@ -2102,6 +2161,14 @@ if( buflen < n ) goto too_short; + if (!n) + { + /* Too short to encode the subpacket type. */ + if (opt.verbose) + log_info ("attribute subpacket too short\n"); + break; + } + attribs=xrealloc(attribs,(count+1)*sizeof(struct user_attribute)); memset(&attribs[count],0,sizeof(struct user_attribute)); @@ -2143,7 +2210,7 @@ allocatable, and a very large pktlen could actually cause our allocation to wrap around in xmalloc to a small number. */ - if (pktlen > 2048) + if (pktlen > MAX_UID_PACKET_LENGTH) { log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); iobuf_skip_rest(inp, pktlen, 0); @@ -2217,7 +2284,7 @@ /* We better cap the size of an attribute packet to make DoS not too easy. 16MB should be more then enough for one attribute packet (ie. a photo). */ - if (pktlen > 16*1024*1024) { + if (pktlen > MAX_ATTR_PACKET_LENGTH) { log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); if (list_mode) fprintf (listfp, ":attribute packet: [too large]\n"); @@ -2259,7 +2326,7 @@ overflow in the malloc below. Comment packets are actually not anymore define my OpenPGP and we even stopped to use our private comment packet. */ - if (pktlen>65536) + if (pktlen > MAX_COMMENT_PACKET_LENGTH) { log_error ("packet(%d) too large\n", pkttype); iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0); @@ -2294,11 +2361,11 @@ (void)pkttype; + pkt->pkt.ring_trust = xmalloc( sizeof *pkt->pkt.ring_trust ); if (pktlen) { c = iobuf_get_noeof(inp); pktlen--; - pkt->pkt.ring_trust = xmalloc( sizeof *pkt->pkt.ring_trust ); pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval = c; pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = 0; if (!c && pktlen==1) @@ -2316,8 +2383,10 @@ } else { - if( list_mode ) - fprintf (listfp, ":trust packet: empty\n"); + pkt->pkt.ring_trust->trustval = 0; + pkt->pkt.ring_trust->sigcache = 0; + if (list_mode) + fprintf (listfp, ":trust packet: empty\n"); } iobuf_skip_rest (inp, pktlen, 0); } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/passphrase.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/passphrase.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/passphrase.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/passphrase.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -341,38 +341,27 @@ if ( !algo_name ) algo_name = "?"; -#define KEYIDSTRING _(" (main key ID %s)") - - maink = xmalloc ( strlen (KEYIDSTRING) + keystrlen() + 20 ); - if( keyid[2] && keyid[3] && keyid[0] != keyid[2] + if (keyid[2] && keyid[3] + && keyid[0] != keyid[2] && keyid[1] != keyid[3] ) - sprintf( maink, KEYIDSTRING, keystr(&keyid[2]) ); + maink = xasprintf (_(" (main key ID %s)"), keystr (&keyid[2])); else - *maink = 0; + maink = xstrdup (""); uid = get_user_id ( keyid, &uidlen ); timestr = strtimestamp (pk->timestamp); -#undef KEYIDSTRING - -#define PROMPTSTRING _("Please enter the passphrase to unlock the" \ - " secret key for the OpenPGP certificate:\n" \ - "\"%.*s\"\n" \ - "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" \ - "created %s%s.\n" ) - - atext = xmalloc ( 100 + strlen (PROMPTSTRING) - + uidlen + 15 + strlen(algo_name) + keystrlen() - + strlen (timestr) + strlen (maink) ); - sprintf (atext, PROMPTSTRING, - (int)uidlen, uid, - nbits_from_pk (pk), algo_name, keystr(&keyid[0]), timestr, - maink ); + atext = xasprintf (_("Please enter the passphrase to unlock the" + " secret key for the OpenPGP certificate:\n" + "\"%.*s\"\n" + "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" + "created %s%s.\n"), + (int)uidlen, uid, + nbits_from_pk (pk), algo_name, keystr(&keyid[0]), + timestr, maink); xfree (uid); xfree (maink); -#undef PROMPTSTRING - { size_t dummy; fingerprint_from_pk( pk, fpr, &dummy ); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/plaintext.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/plaintext.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/plaintext.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/plaintext.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -546,17 +546,25 @@ pfx = new_progress_context (); if( !files ) { - /* check whether we can open the signed material */ - fp = open_sigfile( sigfilename, pfx ); - if( fp ) { - do_hash( md, md2, fp, textmode ); - iobuf_close(fp); - release_progress_context (pfx); - return 0; - } - log_error (_("no signed data\n")); - release_progress_context (pfx); - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); + /* Check whether we can open the signed material. We avoid + trying to open a file if run in batch mode. This assumed + data file for a sig file feature is just a convenience thing + for the command line and the user needs to read possible + warning messages. */ + if (!opt.batch) + { + fp = open_sigfile( sigfilename, pfx ); + if( fp ) + { + do_hash( md, md2, fp, textmode ); + iobuf_close(fp); + release_progress_context (pfx); + return 0; + } + } + log_error (_("no signed data\n")); + release_progress_context (pfx); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); } @@ -615,7 +623,7 @@ do_hash ( md, md2, fp, textmode); iobuf_close(fp); - + release_progress_context (pfx); return 0; } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/sig-check.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/sig-check.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/sig-check.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/sig-check.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ log_info(_("WARNING: signing subkey %s is not" " cross-certified\n"),keystr_from_pk(pk)); log_info(_("please see %s for more information\n"), - "http://www.gnupg.org/faq/subkey-cross-certify.html"); + "https://gnupg.org/faq/subkey-cross-certify.html"); /* --require-cross-certification makes this warning an error. TODO: change the default to require this after more keys have backsigs. */ @@ -272,16 +272,7 @@ if (sig->digest_algo == GCRY_MD_MD5 && !opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos) { - static int shown; - - if (!shown) - { - log_info - (_("Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n"), - "MD5"); - shown = 1; - } - + print_md5_rejected_note (); return GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO; } @@ -549,9 +540,11 @@ /* Check whether we have cached the result of a previous signature check. Note that we may no longer have the pubkey or hash needed to verify a sig, but can still use the cached value. A - cache refresh detects and clears these cases. */ + cache refresh detects and clears these cases. + For safety reasons we ignore cache entries from MD5 signatures. */ if ( !opt.no_sig_cache ) { - if (sig->flags.checked) { /*cached status available*/ + if (sig->flags.checked && sig->digest_algo != DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) { + /*cached status available*/ if( is_selfsig ) { u32 keyid[2]; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/sign.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/sign.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/sign.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/sign.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ else if(sk->pubkey_algo==PUBKEY_ALGO_DSA) digest_algo = match_dsa_hash (gcry_mpi_get_nbits (sk->skey[1])/8); else - digest_algo = DIGEST_ALGO_SHA1; + digest_algo = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGO; } if ( gcry_md_open (&md, digest_algo, 0 ) ) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/tdbio.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/tdbio.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/tdbio.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/tdbio.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1223,13 +1223,13 @@ rec->r.ver.trust_model = *p++; rec->r.ver.min_cert_level = *p++; p += 2; - rec->r.ver.created = buftoulong(p); p += 4; - rec->r.ver.nextcheck = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.ver.created = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; + rec->r.ver.nextcheck = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; p += 4; p += 4; - rec->r.ver.firstfree =buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.ver.firstfree =buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; p += 4; - rec->r.ver.trusthashtbl =buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.ver.trusthashtbl =buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; if( recnum ) { log_error( _("%s: version record with recnum %lu\n"), db_name, (ulong)recnum ); @@ -1242,17 +1242,17 @@ } break; case RECTYPE_FREE: - rec->r.free.next = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.free.next = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; break; case RECTYPE_HTBL: for(i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HTBL_RECORD; i++ ) { - rec->r.htbl.item[i] = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.htbl.item[i] = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; } break; case RECTYPE_HLST: - rec->r.hlst.next = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.hlst.next = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; for(i=0; i < ITEMS_PER_HLST_RECORD; i++ ) { - rec->r.hlst.rnum[i] = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.hlst.rnum[i] = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; } break; case RECTYPE_TRUST: @@ -1261,12 +1261,12 @@ rec->r.trust.depth = *p++; rec->r.trust.min_ownertrust = *p++; p++; - rec->r.trust.validlist = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.trust.validlist = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; break; case RECTYPE_VALID: memcpy( rec->r.valid.namehash, p, 20); p+=20; rec->r.valid.validity = *p++; - rec->r.valid.next = buftoulong(p); p += 4; + rec->r.valid.next = buf32_to_ulong (p); p += 4; rec->r.valid.full_count = *p++; rec->r.valid.marginal_count = *p++; break; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/trustdb.c gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/trustdb.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/g10/trustdb.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/g10/trustdb.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -923,6 +923,8 @@ TRUSTREC rec; int rc; + init_trustdb(); + if (trustdb_args.no_trustdb && opt.trust_model == TM_ALWAYS) return 0; @@ -1627,7 +1629,7 @@ u32 expire; p = parse_sig_subpkt (sig->hashed, SIGSUBPKT_SIG_EXPIRE, NULL ); - expire = p? sig->timestamp + buffer_to_u32(p) : 0; + expire = p? sig->timestamp + buf32_to_u32 (p) : 0; if (expire==0 || expire > curtime ) { diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/gl/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/gl/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/gl/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/gl/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -28,23 +27,51 @@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -64,8 +91,10 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = gl -DIST_COMMON = $(noinst_HEADERS) $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ - $(srcdir)/Makefile.in mkdtemp.c setenv.c strpbrk.c unsetenv.c +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs strpbrk.c mkdtemp.c \ + unsetenv.c setenv.c $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp \ + $(noinst_HEADERS) ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -97,18 +126,42 @@ CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = LIBRARIES = $(noinst_LIBRARIES) ARFLAGS = cru +AM_V_AR = $(am__v_AR_@AM_V@) +am__v_AR_ = $(am__v_AR_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_AR_0 = @echo " AR " $@; +am__v_AR_1 = libgnu_a_AR = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libgnu_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(LIBOBJS) am_libgnu_a_OBJECTS = allocsa.$(OBJEXT) libgnu_a_OBJECTS = $(am_libgnu_a_OBJECTS) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(libgnu_a_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(libgnu_a_SOURCES) am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -117,6 +170,23 @@ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac HEADERS = $(noinst_HEADERS) +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -126,6 +196,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -175,6 +246,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -245,6 +318,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -253,6 +327,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -372,10 +447,11 @@ clean-noinstLIBRARIES: -test -z "$(noinst_LIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LIBRARIES) + libgnu.a: $(libgnu_a_OBJECTS) $(libgnu_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libgnu_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libgnu.a - $(libgnu_a_AR) libgnu.a $(libgnu_a_OBJECTS) $(libgnu_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libgnu.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libgnu.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libgnu_a_AR) libgnu.a $(libgnu_a_OBJECTS) $(libgnu_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libgnu.a mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -390,39 +466,28 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/allocsa.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -434,15 +499,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -451,6 +512,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -598,18 +674,18 @@ .MAKE: all check install install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ - clean-noinstLIBRARIES ctags distclean distclean-compile \ - distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ - html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ - install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ - install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ - install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ - install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ - installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-noinstLIBRARIES cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ + dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ + install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ + install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ + install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \ + install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ + installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-local pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags \ - uninstall uninstall-am + tags-am uninstall uninstall-am # We need the following in order to create when the system diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/include/host2net.h gnupg2-2.0.28/include/host2net.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/include/host2net.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/include/host2net.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14 +1,24 @@ -/* host2net.h - Some macros - * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +/* host2net.h - Endian conversion macros + * Copyright (C) 1998, 2014, 2015 Werner Koch * * This file is part of GnuPG. * - * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. + * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of either * - * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free + * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at + * your option) any later version. + * + * or + * + * - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free + * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at + * your option) any later version. + * + * or both in parallel, as here. + * + * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. @@ -17,14 +27,11 @@ * along with this program; if not, see . */ -#ifndef G10_HOST2NET_H -#define G10_HOST2NET_H +#ifndef GNUPG_COMMON_HOST2NET_H +#define GNUPG_COMMON_HOST2NET_H #include "types.h" -#define buftoulong( p ) ((*(byte*)(p) << 24) | (*((byte*)(p)+1)<< 16) | \ - (*((byte*)(p)+2) << 8) | (*((byte*)(p)+3))) -#define buftoushort( p ) ((*((byte*)(p)) << 8) | (*((byte*)(p)+1))) #define ulongtobuf( p, a ) do { \ ((byte*)p)[0] = a >> 24; \ ((byte*)p)[1] = a >> 16; \ @@ -35,8 +42,71 @@ ((byte*)p)[0] = a >> 8; \ ((byte*)p)[1] = a ; \ } while(0) -#define buftou32( p) buftoulong( (p) ) -#define u32tobuf( p, a) ulongtobuf( (p), (a) ) -#endif /*G10_HOST2NET_H*/ +static inline unsigned long +buf16_to_ulong (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((unsigned long)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); +} + +static inline unsigned int +buf16_to_uint (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((unsigned int)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); +} + +static inline unsigned short +buf16_to_ushort (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((unsigned short)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); +} + +static inline u16 +buf16_to_u16 (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((u16)p[0] << 8) | p[1]); +} + +static inline size_t +buf32_to_size_t (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((size_t)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); +} + +static inline unsigned long +buf32_to_ulong (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((unsigned long)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); +} + +static inline unsigned int +buf32_to_uint (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((unsigned int)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); +} + +static inline u32 +buf32_to_u32 (const void *buffer) +{ + const unsigned char *p = buffer; + + return (((u32)p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); +} + + +#endif /*GNUPG_COMMON_HOST2NET_H*/ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/include/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/include/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/include/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/include/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -15,23 +14,51 @@ @SET_MAKE@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -51,7 +78,8 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = include -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -81,6 +109,18 @@ CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = SOURCES = DIST_SOURCES = am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -88,6 +128,7 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -95,6 +136,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -144,6 +186,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -214,6 +258,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -222,6 +267,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -321,11 +367,11 @@ $(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh $(am__aclocal_m4_deps): -tags: TAGS -TAGS: +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: +cscope cscopelist: distdir: $(DISTFILES) @@ -460,15 +506,16 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic distclean \ - distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ - install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am +.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic cscopelist-am \ + ctags-am distclean distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf \ + pdf-am ps ps-am tags-am uninstall uninstall-am # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/argparse.c gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/argparse.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/argparse.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/argparse.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ #include #include #include +#include +#include +#include #include "libjnlib-config.h" #include "mischelp.h" @@ -198,6 +201,8 @@ s = _("keyword too long"); else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG ) s = _("missing argument"); + else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG ) + s = _("invalid argument"); else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_COMMAND ) s = _("invalid command"); else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_ALIAS ) @@ -214,6 +219,8 @@ if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG ) jnlib_log_error (_("missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n"), s); + else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG ) + jnlib_log_error (_("invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n"), s); else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_UNEXPECTED_ARG ) jnlib_log_error (_("option \"%.50s\" does not expect an " "argument\n"), s ); @@ -524,7 +531,7 @@ p[strlen(p)-1] = 0; } if (!set_opt_arg (arg, opts[idx].flags, p)) - jnlib_free(buffer); + jnlib_free(buffer); } } break; @@ -966,23 +973,54 @@ } - +/* Returns: -1 on error, 0 for an integer type and 1 for a non integer + type argument. */ static int -set_opt_arg(ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, unsigned flags, char *s) +set_opt_arg (ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, unsigned flags, char *s) { int base = (flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_PREFIX)? 0 : 10; + long l; switch ( (arg->r_type = (flags & ARGPARSE_TYPE_MASK)) ) { - case ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT: - arg->r.ret_int = (int)strtol(s,NULL,base); - return 0; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG: - arg->r.ret_long= strtol(s,NULL,base); + case ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT: + errno = 0; + l = strtol (s, NULL, base); + if ((l == LONG_MIN || l == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE) + { + arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG; + return -1; + } + if (arg->r_type == ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG) + arg->r.ret_long = l; + else if ( (l < 0 && l < INT_MIN) || l > INT_MAX ) + { + arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG; + return -1; + } + else + arg->r.ret_int = (int)l; return 0; + case ARGPARSE_TYPE_ULONG: - arg->r.ret_ulong= strtoul(s,NULL,base); + while (isascii (*s) && isspace(*s)) + s++; + if (*s == '-') + { + arg->r.ret_ulong = 0; + arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG; + return -1; + } + errno = 0; + arg->r.ret_ulong = strtoul (s, NULL, base); + if (arg->r.ret_ulong == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) + { + arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG; + return -1; + } return 0; + case ARGPARSE_TYPE_STRING: default: arg->r.ret_str = s; @@ -1266,7 +1304,7 @@ break; case 11: p = "foo"; break; case 13: p = "0.0"; break; - case 14: p = "Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc."; break; + case 14: p = "Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc."; break; case 15: p = "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/argparse.h gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/argparse.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/argparse.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/argparse.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ #define ARGPARSE_AMBIGUOUS_COMMAND (-9) #define ARGPARSE_INVALID_ALIAS (-10) #define ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE (-11) +#define ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG (-12) int arg_parse( ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/dotlock.c gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/dotlock.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/dotlock.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/dotlock.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* dotlock.c - dotfile locking - * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, + * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, * 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of JNLIB. @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ /* The object describing a lock. */ -struct dotlock_handle +struct dotlock_handle { struct dotlock_handle *next; char *lockname; /* Name of the actual lockfile. */ @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Calling this function with NULL does only install the atexit handler and may thus be used to assure that the cleanup is called after all other atexit handlers. - + This function creates a lock file in the same directory as FILE_TO_LOCK using that name and a suffix of ".lock". Note that on POSIX systems a temporary file ".#lk..pid[.threadid] is @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ nodename = "unknown"; else nodename = utsbuf.nodename; - + #ifdef __riscos__ { char *iter = (char *) nodename; @@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ "%s/%d", nodename, (int)getpid () ); #endif /* __riscos__ */ - do + do { errno = 0; fd = open (h->tname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWUSR ); - } + } while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR); - if ( fd == -1 ) + if ( fd == -1 ) { all_lockfiles = h->next; log_error (_("failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n"), @@ -244,7 +244,12 @@ if ( write (fd, "\n", 1 ) != 1 ) goto write_failed; if ( close (fd) ) - goto write_failed; + { + if ( errno == EINTR ) + fd = -1; + goto write_failed; + } + fd = -1; # ifdef _REENTRANT /* release mutex */ @@ -267,7 +272,8 @@ /* fixme: release mutex */ # endif log_error ( _("error writing to `%s': %s\n"), h->tname, strerror(errno) ); - close (fd); + if (fd != -1) + close (fd); unlink (h->tname); jnlib_free (h->tname); jnlib_free (h); @@ -300,7 +306,7 @@ reasons why a lock file can't be created and thus the process would not stop as expected but spin til until Windows crashes. Our solution is to keep the lock file open; that does not - harm. */ + harm. */ h->lockhd = CreateFile (h->lockname, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, @@ -339,7 +345,7 @@ h->next = NULL; break; } - + /* Then destroy the lock. */ if (!h->disable) { @@ -395,7 +401,7 @@ if ( h->disable ) return 0; /* Locks are completely disabled. Return success. */ - if ( h->locked ) + if ( h->locked ) { #ifndef __riscos__ log_debug ("Oops, `%s' is already locked\n", h->lockname); @@ -419,19 +425,19 @@ return -1; } # else /* __riscos__ */ - if ( !renamefile(h->tname, h->lockname) ) + if ( !renamefile(h->tname, h->lockname) ) { h->locked = 1; return 0; /* okay */ } - if ( errno != EEXIST ) + if ( errno != EEXIST ) { log_error( "lock not made: rename() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); return -1; } # endif /* __riscos__ */ - if ( (pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node)) == -1 ) + if ( (pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node)) == -1 ) { if ( errno != ENOENT ) { @@ -461,11 +467,11 @@ # endif /* __riscos__ */ } - if ( timeout == -1 ) + if ( timeout == -1 ) { /* Wait until lock has been released. */ struct timeval tv; - + log_info (_("waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n"), pid, maybe_dead, maybe_deadlock(h)? _("(deadlock?) "):""); @@ -495,7 +501,7 @@ return -1; } - if ( timeout == -1 ) + if ( timeout == -1 ) { /* Wait until lock has been released. */ log_info (_("waiting for lock %s...\n"), h->lockname); @@ -545,7 +551,7 @@ #else pid = read_lockfile (h, &same_node); - if ( pid == -1 ) + if ( pid == -1 ) { log_error( "release_dotlock: lockfile error\n"); return -1; @@ -566,7 +572,7 @@ /* Fixme: As an extra check we could check whether the link count is now really at 1. */ #else /* __riscos__ */ - if ( renamefile (h->lockname, h->tname) ) + if ( renamefile (h->lockname, h->tname) ) { log_error ("release_dotlock: error renaming lockfile `%s' to `%s'\n", h->lockname, h->tname); @@ -594,7 +600,7 @@ char *buffer, *p; size_t expected_len; int res, nread; - + *same_node = 0; expected_len = 10 + 1 + h->nodename_len + 1; if ( expected_len >= sizeof buffer_space) @@ -627,7 +633,7 @@ if (res < 0) { log_info ("error reading lockfile `%s'", h->lockname ); - close (fd); + close (fd); if (buffer != buffer_space) jnlib_free (buffer); errno = 0; /* Do not return an inappropriate ERRNO. */ @@ -651,7 +657,7 @@ if (buffer[10] != '\n' || (buffer[10] = 0, pid = atoi (buffer)) == -1 #ifndef __riscos__ - || !pid + || !pid #else /* __riscos__ */ || (!pid && riscos_getpid()) #endif /* __riscos__ */ @@ -665,7 +671,7 @@ } if (nread == expected_len - && !memcmp (h->tname+h->nodename_off, buffer+11, h->nodename_len) + && !memcmp (h->tname+h->nodename_off, buffer+11, h->nodename_len) && buffer[11+h->nodename_len] == '\n') *same_node = 1; @@ -683,10 +689,10 @@ dotlock_remove_lockfiles() { DOTLOCK h, h2; - + h = all_lockfiles; all_lockfiles = NULL; - + while ( h ) { h2 = h->next; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/jnlib/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/jnlib/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -36,23 +35,51 @@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -75,7 +102,9 @@ TESTS = $(am__EXEEXT_1) @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@am__append_1 = w32-reg.c w32-afunix.c w32-afunix.h w32-gettext.c subdir = jnlib -DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp README ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -107,6 +136,10 @@ CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = LIBRARIES = $(noinst_LIBRARIES) ARFLAGS = cru +AM_V_AR = $(am__v_AR_@AM_V@) +am__v_AR_ = $(am__v_AR_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_AR_0 = @echo " AR " $@; +am__v_AR_1 = libjnlib_a_AR = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libjnlib_a_LIBADD = am__libjnlib_a_SOURCES_DIST = libjnlib-config.h stringhelp.c \ @@ -130,14 +163,34 @@ am__DEPENDENCIES_2 = libjnlib.a $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) t_stringhelp_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_2) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(libjnlib_a_SOURCES) $(t_stringhelp_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(am__libjnlib_a_SOURCES_DIST) $(t_stringhelp_SOURCES) am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -145,10 +198,47 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -156,6 +246,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -205,6 +296,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -275,6 +368,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -283,6 +377,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -414,16 +509,18 @@ clean-noinstLIBRARIES: -test -z "$(noinst_LIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LIBRARIES) + libjnlib.a: $(libjnlib_a_OBJECTS) $(libjnlib_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libjnlib_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libjnlib.a - $(libjnlib_a_AR) libjnlib.a $(libjnlib_a_OBJECTS) $(libjnlib_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libjnlib.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libjnlib.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libjnlib_a_AR) libjnlib.a $(libjnlib_a_OBJECTS) $(libjnlib_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libjnlib.a clean-noinstPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(noinst_PROGRAMS) + t-stringhelp$(EXEEXT): $(t_stringhelp_OBJECTS) $(t_stringhelp_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_t_stringhelp_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f t-stringhelp$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(t_stringhelp_OBJECTS) $(t_stringhelp_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(t_stringhelp_OBJECTS) $(t_stringhelp_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -445,39 +542,28 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/w32-reg.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -489,15 +575,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -506,6 +588,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -520,7 +617,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -740,18 +837,19 @@ .MAKE: check-am install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ - clean-generic clean-noinstLIBRARIES clean-noinstPROGRAMS ctags \ - distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags \ - distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ - install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ - tags uninstall uninstall-am +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-TESTS check-am clean \ + clean-generic clean-noinstLIBRARIES clean-noinstPROGRAMS \ + cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean distclean-compile \ + distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ + mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall \ + uninstall-am # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-dump.c gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-dump.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-dump.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-dump.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include "keybox-defs.h" #include +#include "../include/host2net.h" /* Argg, we can't include ../common/util.h */ char *bin2hexcolon (const void *buffer, size_t length, char *stringbuf); @@ -33,21 +34,13 @@ static ulong get32 (const byte *buffer) { - ulong a; - a = *buffer << 24; - a |= buffer[1] << 16; - a |= buffer[2] << 8; - a |= buffer[3]; - return a; + return buf32_to_ulong (buffer); } static ulong get16 (const byte *buffer) { - ulong a; - a = *buffer << 8; - a |= buffer[1]; - return a; + return buf16_to_ulong (buffer); } void @@ -93,9 +86,9 @@ if ( memcmp (buffer+8, "KBXf", 4)) fprintf (fp, "[Error: invalid magic number]\n"); - n = get32 (buffer+16); + n = get32 (buffer+16); fprintf( fp, "created-at: %lu\n", n ); - n = get32 (buffer+20); + n = get32 (buffer+20); fprintf( fp, "last-maint: %lu\n", n ); return 0; @@ -117,7 +110,7 @@ const byte *p; buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length); - + if (length < 32) { fprintf (fp, "[blob too short]\n"); @@ -125,7 +118,7 @@ } n = get32( buffer ); - if (n > length) + if (n > length) fprintf (fp, "[blob larger than length - output truncated]\n"); else length = n; /* ignore the rest */ @@ -159,7 +152,7 @@ fprintf (fp, "[blob too short]\n"); return -1; } - + n = get16 (buffer + 6); fprintf( fp, "Blob-Flags: %04lX", n); if (n) @@ -188,7 +181,7 @@ fprintf( fp, "Data-Offset: %lu\n", rawdata_off ); fprintf( fp, "Data-Length: %lu\n", rawdata_len ); - if (rawdata_off > length || rawdata_len > length + if (rawdata_off > length || rawdata_len > length || rawdata_off+rawdata_off > length) fprintf (fp, "[Error: raw data larger than blob]\n"); @@ -207,7 +200,7 @@ { int i; ulong kidoff, kflags; - + fprintf (fp, "Key-Fpr[%lu]: ", n ); for (i=0; i < 20; i++ ) fprintf (fp, "%02X", p[i]); @@ -220,7 +213,7 @@ kflags = get16 (p + 24 ); fprintf( fp, "\nKey-Flags[%lu]: %04lX\n", n, kflags); } - + /* serial number */ fputs ("Serial-No: ", fp); nserial = get16 (p); @@ -244,7 +237,7 @@ for (n=0; n < nuids; n++, p += uidinfolen) { ulong uidoff, uidlen, uflags; - + uidoff = get32( p ); uidlen = get32( p+4 ); if (type == BLOBTYPE_X509 && !n) @@ -284,7 +277,7 @@ fprintf (fp, "Uid-Validity[%lu]: %d\n", n, p[10] ); } } - + nsigs = get16 (p); fprintf (fp, "Sig-Count: %lu\n", nsigs ); siginfolen = get16 (p + 2); @@ -294,7 +287,7 @@ for (n=0; n < nsigs; n++, p += siginfolen) { ulong sflags; - + sflags = get32 (p); fprintf (fp, "Sig-Expire[%lu]: ", n ); if (!sflags) @@ -341,11 +334,11 @@ ulong rawdata_off, rawdata_len; buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length); - + if (length < 32) return -1; n = get32 (buffer); - if (n < length) + if (n < length) length = n; /* Blob larger than length in header - ignore the rest. */ type = buffer[4]; @@ -364,11 +357,11 @@ if (length < 40) return -1; - + rawdata_off = get32 (buffer + 8); rawdata_len = get32 (buffer + 12); - if (rawdata_off > length || rawdata_len > length + if (rawdata_off > length || rawdata_len > length || rawdata_off+rawdata_off > length) return -1; /* Out of bounds. */ @@ -408,7 +401,7 @@ } n = get32( buffer ); - if (n > length) + if (n > length) s->too_large_blobs++; else length = n; /* ignore the rest */ @@ -439,7 +432,7 @@ s->too_short_blobs++; return -1; } - + n = get16 (buffer + 6); if (n) { @@ -512,13 +505,13 @@ rc = 0; if (rc) fprintf (outfp, "error reading `%s': %s\n", filename, gpg_strerror (rc)); - + if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp); if (stats_only) { - fprintf (outfp, + fprintf (outfp, "Total number of blobs: %8lu\n" " header: %8lu\n" " empty: %8lu\n" @@ -551,9 +544,9 @@ -struct dupitem_s +struct dupitem_s { - unsigned long recno; + unsigned long recno; unsigned char digest[20]; }; @@ -563,7 +556,7 @@ { struct dupitem_s *a = (struct dupitem_s *)arg_a; struct dupitem_s *b = (struct dupitem_s *)arg_b; - + return memcmp (a->digest, b->digest, 20); } @@ -581,7 +574,7 @@ char fprbuf[3*20+1]; (void)print_them; - + memset (zerodigest, 0, sizeof zerodigest); if (!(fp = open_file (&filename, outfp))) @@ -601,7 +594,7 @@ while ( !(rc = _keybox_read_blob (&blob, fp)) ) { unsigned char digest[20]; - + if (hash_blob_rawdata (blob, digest)) fprintf (outfp, "error in blob %ld of `%s'\n", recno, filename); else if (memcmp (digest, zerodigest, 20)) @@ -668,7 +661,7 @@ KEYBOXBLOB blob; int rc; unsigned long recno = 0; - + if (!(fp = open_file (&filename, stderr))) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-openpgp.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ #include "keybox-defs.h" #include +#include "../include/host2net.h" enum packet_types @@ -119,10 +120,8 @@ { if (len <4 ) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_PACKET); /* No length bytes. */ - pktlen = (*buf++) << 24; - pktlen |= (*buf++) << 16; - pktlen |= (*buf++) << 8; - pktlen |= (*buf++); + pktlen = buf32_to_ulong (buf); + buf += 4; len -= 4; } else /* Partial length encoding is not allowed for key packets. */ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-search.c gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-search.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-search.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-search.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include #include "../jnlib/stringhelp.h" /* ascii_xxxx() */ +#include "../include/host2net.h" #include "keybox-defs.h" #include @@ -45,21 +46,13 @@ static inline ulong get32 (const byte *buffer) { - ulong a; - a = *buffer << 24; - a |= buffer[1] << 16; - a |= buffer[2] << 8; - a |= buffer[3]; - return a; + return buf32_to_ulong (buffer); } static inline ulong get16 (const byte *buffer) { - ulong a; - a = *buffer << 8; - a |= buffer[1]; - return a; + return buf16_to_ulong (buffer); } @@ -112,7 +105,7 @@ *flag_off = 6; *flag_size = 2; break; - + case KEYBOX_FLAG_OWNERTRUST: case KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY: case KEYBOX_FLAG_CREATED_AT: @@ -127,7 +120,7 @@ if (pos+2 > length) return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; /* Out of bounds. */ /* Serial number. */ - nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); + nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); pos += 2 + nserial; if (pos+4 > length) return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; /* Out of bounds. */ @@ -135,7 +128,7 @@ nuids = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2; uidinfolen = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2; if (uidinfolen < 12 ) - return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; + return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; pos += uidinfolen*nuids; if (pos+4 > length) return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ ; /* Out of bounds. */ @@ -143,7 +136,7 @@ nsigs = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2; siginfolen = get16 (buffer + pos); pos += 2; if (siginfolen < 4 ) - return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; + return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ; pos += siginfolen*nsigs; if (pos+1+1+2+4+4+4+4 > length) return GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ ; /* Out of bounds. */ @@ -190,7 +183,7 @@ case 4: *value = get32 (buffer + pos); break; default: ec = GPG_ERR_BUG; break; } - + return ec; } @@ -218,7 +211,7 @@ return 0; /* out of bounds */ /*serial*/ - nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); + nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); off = pos + 2; if (off+nserial > length) return 0; /* out of bounds */ @@ -316,7 +309,7 @@ return 0; /* out of bounds */ /*serial*/ - nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); + nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); pos += 2 + nserial; if (pos+4 > length) return 0; /* out of bounds */ @@ -332,7 +325,7 @@ if (idx < 0) { /* compare all names starting with that (negated) index */ idx = -idx; - + for ( ;idx < nuids; idx++) { size_t mypos = pos; @@ -409,7 +402,7 @@ return 0; /* out of bounds */ /*serial*/ - nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); + nserial = get16 (buffer+pos); pos += 2 + nserial; if (pos+4 > length) return 0; /* out of bounds */ @@ -428,7 +421,7 @@ for (idx=1 ;idx < nuids; idx++) { size_t mypos = pos; - + mypos += idx*uidinfolen; off = get32 (buffer+mypos); len = get32 (buffer+mypos+4); @@ -439,7 +432,7 @@ len--; /* one back */ if ( len < 3 || buffer[off+len] != '>') continue; /* not a proper email address */ - len--; + len--; if (substr) { if (ascii_memcasemem (buffer+off+1, len, name, namelen)) @@ -474,7 +467,7 @@ unsigned char array[20]; unsigned char *rcp; size_t n; - + buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length); if (length < 40) return 0; /* Too short. */ @@ -527,7 +520,7 @@ /* - The has_foo functions are used as helpers for search + The has_foo functions are used as helpers for search */ static inline int has_short_kid (KEYBOXBLOB blob, const unsigned char *kid) @@ -585,7 +578,7 @@ return 0; namelen = strlen (name); - + return (blob_cmp_sn (blob, sn, snlen) && blob_cmp_name (blob, 0 /* issuer */, name, namelen, 0)); } @@ -664,7 +657,7 @@ */ -int +int keybox_search_reset (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd) { if (!hd) @@ -683,13 +676,13 @@ } hd->error = 0; hd->eof = 0; - return 0; + return 0; } /* Note: When in ephemeral mode the search function does visit all blobs but in standard mode, blobs flagged as ephemeral are ignored. */ -int +int keybox_search (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, KEYBOX_SEARCH_DESC *desc, size_t ndesc) { int rc; @@ -708,18 +701,18 @@ hd->found.blob = NULL; } - if (hd->error) + if (hd->error) return hd->error; /* still in error state */ - if (hd->eof) + if (hd->eof) return -1; /* still EOF */ /* figure out what information we need */ need_words = any_skip = 0; - for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) + for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) { - switch (desc[n].mode) + switch (desc[n].mode) { - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: need_words = 1; break; case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST: @@ -729,7 +722,7 @@ default: break; } - if (desc[n].skipfnc) + if (desc[n].skipfnc) any_skip = 1; if (desc[n].snlen == -1 && !sn_array) { @@ -762,7 +755,7 @@ int i, odd; size_t snlen; - for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) + for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) { if (!desc[n].sn) ; @@ -830,14 +823,14 @@ if (!hd->ephemeral && (blobflags & 2)) continue; /* Not in ephemeral mode but blob is flagged ephemeral. */ - for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) + for (n=0; n < ndesc; n++) { switch (desc[n].mode) { - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NONE: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NONE: never_reached (); break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_EXACT: if (has_subject_or_alt (blob, desc[n].u.name, 0)) goto found; break; @@ -854,7 +847,7 @@ goto found; break; case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_MAILEND: - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_WORDS: never_reached (); /* not yet implemented */ break; case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_ISSUER: @@ -876,7 +869,7 @@ if (has_subject (blob, desc[n].u.name)) goto found; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID: if (has_short_kid (blob, desc[n].u.kid)) goto found; break; @@ -893,20 +886,20 @@ if (has_keygrip (blob, desc[n].u.grip)) goto found; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FIRST: goto found; break; - case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT: + case KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_NEXT: goto found; break; - default: + default: rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); goto found; } } continue; - found: - for (n=any_skip?0:ndesc; n < ndesc; n++) + found: + for (n=any_skip?0:ndesc; n < ndesc; n++) { /* if (desc[n].skipfnc */ /* && desc[n].skipfnc (desc[n].skipfncvalue, aki)) */ @@ -915,7 +908,7 @@ if (n == ndesc) break; /* got it */ } - + if (!rc) { hd->found.blob = blob; @@ -925,7 +918,7 @@ _keybox_release_blob (blob); hd->eof = 1; } - else + else { _keybox_release_blob (blob); hd->error = rc; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-update.c gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-update.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/keybox-update.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/keybox-update.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ #include #include "keybox-defs.h" +#include "../include/host2net.h" #define EXTSEP_S "." @@ -65,12 +66,12 @@ static int create_tmp_file (const char *template, char **r_bakfname, char **r_tmpfname, FILE **r_fp) -{ +{ char *bakfname, *tmpfname; - + *r_bakfname = NULL; *r_tmpfname = NULL; - + # ifdef USE_ONLY_8DOT3 /* Here is another Windoze bug?: * you cant rename("pubring.kbx.tmp", "pubring.kbx"); @@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ return gpg_error_from_syserror (); strcpy (bakfname, template); strcpy (bakfname+strlen(template)-4, EXTSEP_S "kb_"); - + tmpfname = xtrymalloc (strlen (template) + 1); if (!tmpfname) { @@ -98,14 +99,14 @@ strcpy (tmpfname,template); strcpy (tmpfname + strlen (template)-4, EXTSEP_S "k__"); } - else + else { /* File does not end with kbx, thus we hope we are working on a modern file system and appending a suffix works. */ bakfname = xtrymalloc ( strlen (template) + 5); if (!bakfname) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); strcpy (stpcpy (bakfname, template), EXTSEP_S "kb_"); - + tmpfname = xtrymalloc ( strlen (template) + 5); if (!tmpfname) { @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ if (!bakfname) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); strcpy (stpcpy (bakfname,template),"~"); - + tmpfname = xtrymalloc ( strlen (template) + 5); if (!tmpfname) { @@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ /* First make a backup file except for secret keyboxes. */ if (!secret) - { + { #if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__) remove (bakfname); #endif @@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ return gpg_error_from_syserror (); } } - + /* Then rename the file. */ #if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__riscos__) remove (fname); @@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ } return rc; } - + return 0; } @@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ 3 = update */ static int -blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, +blob_filecopy (int mode, const char *fname, KEYBOXBLOB blob, int secret, off_t start_offset) { FILE *fp, *newfp; @@ -221,14 +222,14 @@ char buffer[4096]; int nread, nbytes; - /* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the + /* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the permissions of the file */ if (access (fname, W_OK)) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); fp = fopen (fname, "rb"); if (mode == 1 && !fp && errno == ENOENT) - { + { /* Insert mode but file does not exist: Create a new keybox file. */ newfp = fopen (fname, "wb"); @@ -237,11 +238,17 @@ rc = _keybox_write_header_blob (newfp); if (rc) - return rc; + { + fclose (newfp); + return rc; + } rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp); if (rc) - return rc; + { + fclose (newfp); + return rc; + } if ( fclose (newfp) ) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); @@ -264,34 +271,39 @@ rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp); if (rc) { - fclose(fp); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } - + /* prepare for insert */ if (mode == 1) - { + { /* Copy everything to the new file. */ while ( (nread = fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp)) > 0 ) { if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } } if (ferror (fp)) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } } - + /* Prepare for delete or update. */ - if ( mode == 2 || mode == 3 ) - { + if ( mode == 2 || mode == 3 ) + { off_t current = 0; - + /* Copy first part to the new file. */ while ( current < start_offset ) { @@ -302,51 +314,67 @@ if (!nread) break; current += nread; - + if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } } if (ferror (fp)) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } - + /* Skip this blob. */ rc = _keybox_read_blob (NULL, fp); if (rc) - return rc; + { + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); + return rc; + } } - + /* Do an insert or update. */ if ( mode == 1 || mode == 3 ) - { + { rc = _keybox_write_blob (blob, newfp); if (rc) + { + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); return rc; + } } - + /* Copy the rest of the packet for an delete or update. */ if (mode == 2 || mode == 3) - { + { while ( (nread = fread (buffer, 1, DIM(buffer), fp)) > 0 ) { if (fwrite (buffer, nread, 1, newfp) != 1) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } } if (ferror (fp)) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); + fclose (fp); + fclose (newfp); goto leave; } } - + /* Close both files. */ if (fclose(fp)) { @@ -370,7 +398,7 @@ -#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509 +#ifdef KEYBOX_WITH_X509 int keybox_insert_cert (KEYBOX_HANDLE hd, ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *sha1_digest) @@ -380,12 +408,12 @@ KEYBOXBLOB blob; if (!hd) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); if (!hd->kb) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); fname = hd->kb->fname; if (!fname) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); /* Close this one otherwise we will mess up the position for a next search. Fixme: it would be better to adjust the position after @@ -439,12 +467,12 @@ if (!hd->found.blob) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND); if (!hd->kb) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); if (!hd->found.blob) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND); fname = hd->kb->fname; if (!fname) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); off = _keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (hd->found.blob); if (off == (off_t)-1) @@ -454,7 +482,7 @@ ec = _keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, what, &flag_pos, &flag_size); if (ec) return gpg_error (ec); - + off += flag_pos; _keybox_close_file (hd); @@ -476,7 +504,7 @@ switch (flag_size) { - case 1: + case 1: case 2: case 4: if (fwrite (tmp+4-flag_size, flag_size, 1, fp) != 1) @@ -512,10 +540,10 @@ if (!hd->found.blob) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND); if (!hd->kb) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); fname = hd->kb->fname; if (!fname) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); off = _keybox_get_blob_fileoffset (hd->found.blob); if (off == (off_t)-1) @@ -561,18 +589,18 @@ int skipped_deleted; if (!hd) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); if (!hd->kb) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); if (hd->secret) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); fname = hd->kb->fname; if (!fname) - return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); + return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_HANDLE); _keybox_close_file (hd); - /* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the + /* Open the source file. Because we do a rename, we have to check the permissions of the file */ if (access (fname, W_OK)) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); @@ -596,9 +624,8 @@ buffer = _keybox_get_blob_image (blob, &length); if (length > 4 && buffer[4] == BLOBTYPE_HEADER) { - u32 last_maint = ((buffer[20] << 24) | (buffer[20+1] << 16) - | (buffer[20+2] << 8) | (buffer[20+3])); - + u32 last_maint = buf32_to_u32 (buffer+20); + if ( (last_maint + 3*3600) > time (NULL) ) { fclose (fp); @@ -614,11 +641,11 @@ rc = create_tmp_file (fname, &bakfname, &tmpfname, &newfp); if (rc) { - fclose(fp); + fclose (fp); return rc;; } - + /* Processing loop. By reading using _keybox_read_blob we automagically skip any blobs flagged as deleted. Thus what we only have to do is to check all ephemeral flagged blocks whether @@ -663,24 +690,23 @@ continue; } - if (_keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, + if (_keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, &pos, &size) || size != 2) { rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG); break; } - blobflags = ((buffer[pos] << 8) | (buffer[pos+1])); + blobflags = buf16_to_uint (buffer+pos); if ((blobflags & KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB_EPHEMERAL)) { /* This is an ephemeral blob. */ - if (_keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, + if (_keybox_get_flag_location (buffer, length, KEYBOX_FLAG_CREATED_AT, &pos, &size) || size != 4) created_at = 0; /* oops. */ else - created_at = ((buffer[pos] << 24) | (buffer[pos+1] << 16) - | (buffer[pos+2] << 8) | (buffer[pos+3])); + created_at = buf32_to_u32 (buffer+pos); if (created_at && created_at < cut_time) { diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/Makefile.am gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/Makefile.am --- gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/Makefile.am 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/Makefile.am 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in -localedir = $(datadir)/locale -INCLUDES = -I../intl -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" EXTRA_DIST = mkerrors ChangeLog-2011 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/gl -I$(top_srcdir)/common -I$(top_srcdir)/intl \ $(LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS) $(KSBA_CFLAGS) +include $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am noinst_LIBRARIES = libkeybox.a bin_PROGRAMS = kbxutil diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/kbx/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/kbx/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -33,25 +32,71 @@ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . +# cmacros.am - C macro definitions +# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is part of GnuPG. +# +# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, see . + VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -70,9 +115,26 @@ POST_UNINSTALL = : build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp +@HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ +@HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ +@HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ +@HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_DATADIR="\"$(datadir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ +@HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_SYSCONFDIR="\"$(sysconfdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" + + +# If a specific protect tool program has been defined, pass its name +# to cc. Note that these macros should not be used directly but via +# the gnupg_module_name function. +@GNUPG_AGENT_PGM_TRUE@am__append_2 = -DGNUPG_DEFAULT_AGENT="\"@GNUPG_AGENT_PGM@\"" +@GNUPG_PINENTRY_PGM_TRUE@am__append_3 = -DGNUPG_DEFAULT_PINENTRY="\"@GNUPG_PINENTRY_PGM@\"" +@GNUPG_SCDAEMON_PGM_TRUE@am__append_4 = -DGNUPG_DEFAULT_SCDAEMON="\"@GNUPG_SCDAEMON_PGM@\"" +@GNUPG_DIRMNGR_PGM_TRUE@am__append_5 = -DGNUPG_DEFAULT_DIRMNGR="\"@GNUPG_DIRMNGR_PGM@\"" +@GNUPG_PROTECT_TOOL_PGM_TRUE@am__append_6 = -DGNUPG_DEFAULT_PROTECT_TOOL="\"@GNUPG_PROTECT_TOOL_PGM@\"" bin_PROGRAMS = kbxutil$(EXEEXT) subdir = kbx -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -104,6 +166,10 @@ CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = LIBRARIES = $(noinst_LIBRARIES) ARFLAGS = cru +AM_V_AR = $(am__v_AR_@AM_V@) +am__v_AR_ = $(am__v_AR_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_AR_0 = @echo " AR " $@; +am__v_AR_1 = libkeybox_a_AR = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libkeybox_a_LIBADD = am__objects_1 = keybox-util.$(OBJEXT) keybox-init.$(OBJEXT) \ @@ -121,14 +187,34 @@ ../gl/libgnu.a $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(libkeybox_a_SOURCES) $(kbxutil_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(libkeybox_a_SOURCES) $(kbxutil_SOURCES) am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -136,6 +222,23 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -145,6 +248,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -194,6 +298,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -264,6 +370,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -272,6 +379,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -337,11 +445,17 @@ top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@ top_builddir = @top_builddir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ -INCLUDES = -I../intl -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" EXTRA_DIST = mkerrors ChangeLog-2011 -AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/gl -I$(top_srcdir)/common -I$(top_srcdir)/intl \ - $(LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS) $(KSBA_CFLAGS) - +AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/gl -I$(top_srcdir)/common \ + -I$(top_srcdir)/intl $(LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS) $(KSBA_CFLAGS) \ + -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" $(am__append_1) $(am__append_2) \ + $(am__append_3) $(am__append_4) $(am__append_5) \ + $(am__append_6) +resource_objs = + +# Convenience macros +libcommon = ../common/libcommon.a +libcommonpth = ../common/libcommonpth.a noinst_LIBRARIES = libkeybox.a common_sources = \ keybox.h keybox-defs.h keybox-search-desc.h \ @@ -367,8 +481,8 @@ all: all-am .SUFFIXES: -.SUFFIXES: .c .o .obj -$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) +.SUFFIXES: .c .o .obj .rc +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(am__configure_deps) @for dep in $?; do \ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ *$$dep*) \ @@ -389,6 +503,7 @@ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ esac; +$(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am: $(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh @@ -401,10 +516,11 @@ clean-noinstLIBRARIES: -test -z "$(noinst_LIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LIBRARIES) + libkeybox.a: $(libkeybox_a_OBJECTS) $(libkeybox_a_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_libkeybox_a_DEPENDENCIES) - -rm -f libkeybox.a - $(libkeybox_a_AR) libkeybox.a $(libkeybox_a_OBJECTS) $(libkeybox_a_LIBADD) - $(RANLIB) libkeybox.a + $(AM_V_at)-rm -f libkeybox.a + $(AM_V_AR)$(libkeybox_a_AR) libkeybox.a $(libkeybox_a_OBJECTS) $(libkeybox_a_LIBADD) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) libkeybox.a install-binPROGRAMS: $(bin_PROGRAMS) @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ @@ -414,10 +530,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -438,16 +555,18 @@ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files clean-binPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(bin_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(bin_PROGRAMS) + kbxutil$(EXEEXT): $(kbxutil_OBJECTS) $(kbxutil_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_kbxutil_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f kbxutil$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(kbxutil_OBJECTS) $(kbxutil_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(kbxutil_OBJECTS) $(kbxutil_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -466,39 +585,28 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/keybox-util.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -510,15 +618,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -527,6 +631,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -670,19 +789,23 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-binPROGRAMS \ - clean-generic clean-noinstLIBRARIES ctags distclean \ - distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ - dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ - install-binPROGRAMS install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ - tags uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-am clean \ + clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic clean-noinstLIBRARIES \ + cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean distclean-compile \ + distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-binPROGRAMS \ + install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ + install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ + install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \ + install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ + installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ + mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall \ + uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS + +@HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: +@HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@ $(WINDRES) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) "$<" "$@" $(PROGRAMS) : ../common/libcommon.a ../jnlib/libjnlib.a ../gl/libgnu.a diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/keyserver/curl-shim.c gnupg2-2.0.28/keyserver/curl-shim.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/keyserver/curl-shim.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/keyserver/curl-shim.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ break; } + va_end(ap); + return handle_error(curl,CURLE_OK,NULL); } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/keyserver/ksutil.c gnupg2-2.0.28/keyserver/ksutil.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/keyserver/ksutil.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/keyserver/ksutil.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -112,6 +112,12 @@ { struct ks_options *opt; +#ifndef HAVE_LIBCURL + /* Without cURL we use our own HTTP module which uses our logging + subsystem. Thus we need to init that. */ + log_set_prefix ("gpgkeys", JNLIB_LOG_WITH_PREFIX); +#endif /*!HAVE_LIBCURL*/ + opt=calloc(1,sizeof(struct ks_options)); if(opt) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/keyserver/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/keyserver/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/keyserver/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/keyserver/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -54,23 +53,51 @@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -92,9 +119,10 @@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = gpg2keys_ldap$(EXEEXT) gpg2keys_hkp$(EXEEXT) \ gpg2keys_finger$(EXEEXT) gpg2keys_curl$(EXEEXT) \ gpg2keys_kdns$(EXEEXT) -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ $(srcdir)/gpg2keys_mailto.in $(srcdir)/gpg2keys_test.in \ - $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -222,14 +250,38 @@ $(am__cd) "$$dir" && rm -f $$files; }; \ } SCRIPTS = $(libexec_SCRIPTS) $(noinst_SCRIPTS) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f +AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_@AM_V@) +am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_lt_0 = --silent +am__v_lt_1 = COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(gpg2keys_curl_SOURCES) $(gpg2keys_finger_SOURCES) \ $(gpg2keys_hkp_SOURCES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_SOURCES) \ $(gpg2keys_ldap_SOURCES) @@ -241,6 +293,23 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -250,6 +319,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -299,6 +369,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -369,6 +441,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -377,6 +450,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -547,10 +621,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -571,28 +646,34 @@ @list='$(libexec_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)" && rm -f $$files clean-libexecPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(libexec_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(libexec_PROGRAMS) + gpg2keys_curl$(EXEEXT): $(gpg2keys_curl_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_curl_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg2keys_curl_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg2keys_curl$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg2keys_curl_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_curl_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg2keys_curl_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_curl_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg2keys_finger$(EXEEXT): $(gpg2keys_finger_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_finger_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg2keys_finger_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg2keys_finger$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg2keys_finger_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_finger_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg2keys_finger_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_finger_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg2keys_hkp$(EXEEXT): $(gpg2keys_hkp_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_hkp_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg2keys_hkp_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg2keys_hkp$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg2keys_hkp_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_hkp_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg2keys_hkp_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_hkp_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg2keys_kdns$(EXEEXT): $(gpg2keys_kdns_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_kdns_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg2keys_kdns_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg2keys_kdns$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg2keys_kdns_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_kdns_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg2keys_kdns_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_kdns_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg2keys_ldap$(EXEEXT): $(gpg2keys_ldap_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_ldap_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg2keys_ldap_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg2keys_ldap$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg2keys_ldap_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_ldap_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg2keys_ldap_OBJECTS) $(gpg2keys_ldap_LDADD) $(LIBS) install-libexecSCRIPTS: $(libexec_SCRIPTS) @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) @list='$(libexec_SCRIPTS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || list=; \ @@ -654,277 +735,266 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o: gpgkeys_curl.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_curl.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_curl.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_curl.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_curl.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_curl.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_curl.c gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj: gpgkeys_curl.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_curl.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_curl.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_curl.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_curl.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_curl.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-gpgkeys_curl.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_curl.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_curl.c'; fi` gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o: curl-shim.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj: curl-shim.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_curl_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_curl-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o: gpgkeys_finger.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_finger.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_finger.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_finger.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_finger.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_finger.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_finger.c gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj: gpgkeys_finger.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_finger.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_finger.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_finger.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_finger.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_finger.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-gpgkeys_finger.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_finger.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_finger.c'; fi` gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_finger_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_finger-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o: gpgkeys_hkp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_hkp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_hkp.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_hkp.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_hkp.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_hkp.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_hkp.c gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj: gpgkeys_hkp.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_hkp.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_hkp.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_hkp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_hkp.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_hkp.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-gpgkeys_hkp.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_hkp.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_hkp.c'; fi` gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o: curl-shim.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.o `test -f 'curl-shim.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`curl-shim.c gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj: curl-shim.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='curl-shim.c' object='gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_hkp_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_hkp-curl-shim.obj `if test -f 'curl-shim.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'curl-shim.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/curl-shim.c'; fi` gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o: gpgkeys_kdns.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_kdns.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_kdns.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_kdns.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_kdns.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_kdns.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_kdns.c gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj: gpgkeys_kdns.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_kdns.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_kdns.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_kdns.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_kdns.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_kdns.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-gpgkeys_kdns.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_kdns.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_kdns.c'; fi` gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_kdns_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_kdns-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o: gpgkeys_ldap.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_ldap.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_ldap.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_ldap.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_ldap.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_ldap.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o `test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkeys_ldap.c gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj: gpgkeys_ldap.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_ldap.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkeys_ldap.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_ldap.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkeys_ldap.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_ldap.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.obj `if test -f 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkeys_ldap.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkeys_ldap.c'; fi` gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.o `test -f 'ksutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`ksutil.c gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj: ksutil.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='ksutil.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-ksutil.obj `if test -f 'ksutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'ksutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/ksutil.c'; fi` gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` - -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(gpg2keys_ldap_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg2keys_ldap-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` + +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -936,15 +1006,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -953,6 +1019,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -1095,18 +1176,19 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ - clean-libexecPROGRAMS ctags distclean distclean-compile \ - distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ - html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ - install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ - install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ - install-info-am install-libexecPROGRAMS install-libexecSCRIPTS \ - install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps \ - install-ps-am install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \ - installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ - mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am \ - ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS \ +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libexecPROGRAMS cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ + dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ + install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ + install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ + install-info install-info-am install-libexecPROGRAMS \ + install-libexecSCRIPTS install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ + mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall \ + uninstall-am uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS \ uninstall-libexecSCRIPTS diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/gettext.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/gettext.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/gettext.m4 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/gettext.m4 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# gettext.m4 serial 60 (gettext-0.17) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# gettext.m4 serial 66 (gettext-0.18.2) +dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ dnl Authors: dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. -dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2006. +dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2006, 2008-2010. dnl Macro to add for using GNU gettext. @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ dnl 'need-formatstring-macros', then GNU gettext implementations that don't dnl support the ISO C 99 formatstring macros will be ignored. dnl INTLDIR is used to find the intl libraries. If empty, -dnl the value `$(top_builddir)/intl/' is used. +dnl the value '$(top_builddir)/intl/' is used. dnl dnl The result of the configuration is one of three cases: dnl 1) GNU gettext, as included in the intl subdirectory, will be compiled @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ ifelse([$1], [], , [ifelse([$1], [external], , [ifelse([$1], [no-libtool], , [ifelse([$1], [use-libtool], , [errprint([ERROR: invalid first argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT ])])])])]) + ifelse(ifelse([$1], [], [old])[]ifelse([$1], [no-libtool], [old]), [old], + [AC_DIAGNOSE([obsolete], [Use of AM_GNU_GETTEXT without [external] argument is deprecated.])]) ifelse([$2], [], , [ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], , [ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], , [errprint([ERROR: invalid second argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT ])])])]) @@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ AC_REQUIRE([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY]) ]) - dnl Sometimes, on MacOS X, libintl requires linking with CoreFoundation. + dnl Sometimes, on Mac OS X, libintl requires linking with CoreFoundation. gt_INTL_MACOSX dnl Set USE_NLS. @@ -123,11 +125,11 @@ gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=no ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether included gettext is requested]) - AC_ARG_WITH(included-gettext, + AC_ARG_WITH([included-gettext], [ --with-included-gettext use the GNU gettext library included here], nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext=$withval, nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext=no) - AC_MSG_RESULT($nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext]) nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext="$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext" if test "$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext" != "yes"; then @@ -155,12 +157,18 @@ fi AC_CACHE_CHECK([for GNU gettext in libc], [$gt_func_gnugettext_libc], - [AC_TRY_LINK([#include + [AC_LINK_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[ +#include $gt_revision_test_code extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern int *_nl_domain_bindings;], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings], +extern int *_nl_domain_bindings; + ]], + [[ +bindtextdomain ("", ""); +return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings + ]])], [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=yes"], [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=no"])]) @@ -181,35 +189,47 @@ gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" dnl Now see whether libintl exists and does not depend on libiconv. - AC_TRY_LINK([#include + AC_LINK_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[ +#include $gt_revision_test_code extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *);], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("")], +const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); + ]], + [[ +bindtextdomain ("", ""); +return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("") + ]])], [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes"], [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=no"]) dnl Now see whether libintl exists and depends on libiconv. if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" != yes; } && test -n "$LIBICONV"; then LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include + AC_LINK_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[ +#include $gt_revision_test_code extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *);], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("")], - [LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" - ]) +const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); + ]], + [[ +bindtextdomain ("", ""); +return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("") + ]])], + [LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" + LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" + ]) fi CPPFLAGS="$gt_save_CPPFLAGS" LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) @@ -267,7 +287,7 @@ if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_NLS, 1, + AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_NLS], [1], [Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native language is requested.]) else @@ -301,9 +321,9 @@ fi dnl For backward compatibility. Some packages may be using this. - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTEXT, 1, + AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GETTEXT], [1], [Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled.]) - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DCGETTEXT, 1, + AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DCGETTEXT], [1], [Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled.]) fi @@ -319,9 +339,9 @@ fi dnl Make all variables we use known to autoconf. - AC_SUBST(BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(CATOBJEXT) + AC_SUBST([BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL]) + AC_SUBST([USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL]) + AC_SUBST([CATOBJEXT]) dnl For backward compatibility. Some configure.ins may be using this. nls_cv_header_intl= @@ -329,36 +349,36 @@ dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. DATADIRNAME=share - AC_SUBST(DATADIRNAME) + AC_SUBST([DATADIRNAME]) dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. INSTOBJEXT=.mo - AC_SUBST(INSTOBJEXT) + AC_SUBST([INSTOBJEXT]) dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. GENCAT=gencat - AC_SUBST(GENCAT) + AC_SUBST([GENCAT]) dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. INTLOBJS= if test "$USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL" = yes; then INTLOBJS="\$(GETTOBJS)" fi - AC_SUBST(INTLOBJS) + AC_SUBST([INTLOBJS]) dnl Enable libtool support if the surrounding package wishes it. INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX=gt_libtool_suffix_prefix - AC_SUBST(INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX) + AC_SUBST([INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX]) ]) dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. INTLLIBS="$LIBINTL" - AC_SUBST(INTLLIBS) + AC_SUBST([INTLLIBS]) dnl Make all documented variables known to autoconf. - AC_SUBST(LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(LTLIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(POSUB) + AC_SUBST([LIBINTL]) + AC_SUBST([LTLIBINTL]) + AC_SUBST([POSUB]) ]) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/gpg-error.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/gpg-error.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/gpg-error.m4 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/gpg-error.m4 2015-04-18 13:56:54.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # gpg-error.m4 - autoconf macro to detect libgpg-error. -# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2011 g10 Code GmbH +# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2011, 2014 g10 Code GmbH # # This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives # unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without @@ -8,10 +8,21 @@ # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +# +# Last-changed: 2014-10-02 + dnl AM_PATH_GPG_ERROR([MINIMUM-VERSION, dnl [ACTION-IF-FOUND [, ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND ]]]) -dnl Test for libgpg-error and define GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS and GPG_ERROR_LIBS +dnl +dnl Test for libgpg-error and define GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS, GPG_ERROR_LIBS, +dnl GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS, and GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS. The _MT_ variants are +dnl used for programs requireing real multi thread support. +dnl +dnl If a prefix option is not used, the config script is first +dnl searched in $SYSROOT/bin and then along $PATH. If the used +dnl config script does not match the host specification the script +dnl is added to the gpg_config_script_warn variable. dnl AC_DEFUN([AM_PATH_GPG_ERROR], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) @@ -30,13 +41,26 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(gpg-error-prefix,, [gpg_error_config_prefix="$withval"]) - if test x$gpg_error_config_prefix != x ; then - if test x${GPG_ERROR_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then - GPG_ERROR_CONFIG=$gpg_error_config_prefix/bin/gpg-error-config + if test x"${GPG_ERROR_CONFIG}" = x ; then + if test x"${gpg_error_config_prefix}" != x ; then + GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="${gpg_error_config_prefix}/bin/gpg-error-config" + else + case "${SYSROOT}" in + /*) + if test -x "${SYSROOT}/bin/gpg-error-config" ; then + GPG_ERROR_CONFIG="${SYSROOT}/bin/gpg-error-config" + fi + ;; + '') + ;; + *) + AC_MSG_WARN([Ignoring \$SYSROOT as it is not an absolute path.]) + ;; + esac fi fi - AC_PATH_TOOL(GPG_ERROR_CONFIG, gpg-error-config, no) + AC_PATH_PROG(GPG_ERROR_CONFIG, gpg-error-config, no) min_gpg_error_version=ifelse([$1], ,0.0,$1) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for GPG Error - version >= $min_gpg_error_version) ok=no @@ -64,6 +88,8 @@ if test $ok = yes; then GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --cflags` GPG_ERROR_LIBS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --libs` + GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --mt --cflags 2>/dev/null` + GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --mt --libs 2>/dev/null` AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($gpg_error_config_version)]) ifelse([$2], , :, [$2]) gpg_error_config_host=`$GPG_ERROR_CONFIG $gpg_error_config_args --host 2>/dev/null || echo none` @@ -75,16 +101,21 @@ *** built for $gpg_error_config_host and thus may not match the *** used host $host. *** You may want to use the configure option --with-gpg-error-prefix -*** to specify a matching config script. +*** to specify a matching config script or use \$SYSROOT. ***]]) + gpg_config_script_warn="$gpg_config_script_warn libgpg-error" fi fi else GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS="" GPG_ERROR_LIBS="" + GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS="" + GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS="" AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ifelse([$3], , :, [$3]) fi AC_SUBST(GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GPG_ERROR_LIBS) + AC_SUBST(GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS) ]) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/iconv.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/iconv.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/iconv.m4 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/iconv.m4 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# iconv.m4 serial 17 (gettext-0.18.2) -dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# iconv.m4 serial 18 (gettext-0.18.2) +dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif -#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) +#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__cplusplus) size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); #else size_t iconv(); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/libgcrypt.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/libgcrypt.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/libgcrypt.m4 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/libgcrypt.m4 2015-04-18 13:56:54.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ -dnl Autoconf macros for libgcrypt -dnl Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl -dnl This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives -dnl unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without -dnl modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -dnl -dnl This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -dnl WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the -dnl implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +# libgcrypt.m4 - Autoconf macros to detect libgcrypt +# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2011, 2014 g10 Code GmbH +# +# This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives +# unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without +# modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. +# +# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the +# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +# +# Last-changed: 2014-10-02 dnl AM_PATH_LIBGCRYPT([MINIMUM-VERSION, @@ -20,19 +22,37 @@ dnl this features allows to prevent build against newer versions of libgcrypt dnl with a changed API. dnl +dnl If a prefix option is not used, the config script is first +dnl searched in $SYSROOT/bin and then along $PATH. If the used +dnl config script does not match the host specification the script +dnl is added to the gpg_config_script_warn variable. +dnl AC_DEFUN([AM_PATH_LIBGCRYPT], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) AC_ARG_WITH(libgcrypt-prefix, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libgcrypt-prefix=PFX], [prefix where LIBGCRYPT is installed (optional)]), libgcrypt_config_prefix="$withval", libgcrypt_config_prefix="") - if test x$libgcrypt_config_prefix != x ; then - if test x${LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then - LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=$libgcrypt_config_prefix/bin/libgcrypt-config + if test x"${LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG}" = x ; then + if test x"${libgcrypt_config_prefix}" != x ; then + LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="${libgcrypt_config_prefix}/bin/libgcrypt-config" + else + case "${SYSROOT}" in + /*) + if test -x "${SYSROOT}/bin/libgcrypt-config" ; then + LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG="${SYSROOT}/bin/libgcrypt-config" + fi + ;; + '') + ;; + *) + AC_MSG_WARN([Ignoring \$SYSROOT as it is not an absolute path.]) + ;; + esac fi fi - AC_PATH_TOOL(LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG, libgcrypt-config, no) + AC_PATH_PROG(LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG, libgcrypt-config, no) tmp=ifelse([$1], ,1:1.2.0,$1) if echo "$tmp" | grep ':' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then req_libgcrypt_api=`echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\1/'` @@ -108,8 +128,9 @@ *** built for $libgcrypt_config_host and thus may not match the *** used host $host. *** You may want to use the configure option --with-libgcrypt-prefix -*** to specify a matching config script. +*** to specify a matching config script or use \$SYSROOT. ***]]) + gpg_config_script_warn="$gpg_config_script_warn libgcrypt" fi fi else diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/lib-ld.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/lib-ld.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/lib-ld.m4 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/lib-ld.m4 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,50 +1,56 @@ -# lib-ld.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.13) -dnl Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# lib-ld.m4 serial 6 +dnl Copyright (C) 1996-2003, 2009-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. dnl Subroutines of libtool.m4, -dnl with replacements s/AC_/AC_LIB/ and s/lt_cv/acl_cv/ to avoid collision -dnl with libtool.m4. +dnl with replacements s/_*LT_PATH/AC_LIB_PROG/ and s/lt_/acl_/ to avoid +dnl collision with libtool.m4. -dnl From libtool-1.4. Sets the variable with_gnu_ld to yes or no. +dnl From libtool-2.4. Sets the variable with_gnu_ld to yes or no. AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PROG_LD_GNU], -[AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld], acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld, -[# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld], [acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld], +[# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU lds only accept -v. case `$LD -v 2>&1 conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } fi + ac_prog=ld if test "$GCC" = yes; then # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by GCC]) + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by $CC]) case $host in *-*-mingw*) # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw @@ -54,12 +60,12 @@ esac case $ac_prog in # Accept absolute paths. - [[\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*)] - [re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./'] - # Canonicalize the path of ld - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` - while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + [[\\/]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) + re_direlt='/[[^/]][[^/]]*/\.\./' + # Canonicalize the pathname of ld + ac_prog=`echo "$ac_prog"| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while echo "$ac_prog" | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` done test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" ;; @@ -77,33 +83,36 @@ else AC_MSG_CHECKING([for non-GNU ld]) fi -AC_CACHE_VAL(acl_cv_path_LD, +AC_CACHE_VAL([acl_cv_path_LD], [if test -z "$LD"; then - IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" + acl_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$acl_save_ifs" test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then acl_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, - # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. + # but apparently some variants of GNU ld only accept -v. # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. - case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null` in + case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 conftest.sh . ./conftest.sh @@ -131,11 +147,32 @@ acl_hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" acl_hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" dnl Determine whether the user wants rpath handling at all. - AC_ARG_ENABLE(rpath, + AC_ARG_ENABLE([rpath], [ --disable-rpath do not hardcode runtime library paths], :, enable_rpath=yes) ]) +dnl AC_LIB_FROMPACKAGE(name, package) +dnl declares that libname comes from the given package. The configure file +dnl will then not have a --with-libname-prefix option but a +dnl --with-package-prefix option. Several libraries can come from the same +dnl package. This declaration must occur before an AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS or similar +dnl macro call that searches for libname. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_FROMPACKAGE], +[ + pushdef([NAME],[m4_translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-], + [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____])]) + define([acl_frompackage_]NAME, [$2]) + popdef([NAME]) + pushdef([PACK],[$2]) + pushdef([PACKUP],[m4_translit(PACK,[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-], + [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____])]) + define([acl_libsinpackage_]PACKUP, + m4_ifdef([acl_libsinpackage_]PACKUP, [m4_defn([acl_libsinpackage_]PACKUP)[, ]],)[lib$1]) + popdef([PACKUP]) + popdef([PACK]) +]) + dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. dnl Sets the LIB${NAME}, LTLIB${NAME} and INC${NAME} variables. @@ -144,19 +181,23 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB]) - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) + pushdef([NAME],[m4_translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-], + [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____])]) + pushdef([PACK],[m4_ifdef([acl_frompackage_]NAME, [acl_frompackage_]NAME, lib[$1])]) + pushdef([PACKUP],[m4_translit(PACK,[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-], + [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____])]) + pushdef([PACKLIBS],[m4_ifdef([acl_frompackage_]NAME, [acl_libsinpackage_]PACKUP, lib[$1])]) dnl Autoconf >= 2.61 supports dots in --with options. - define([N_A_M_E],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.61]),[-1],[translit([$1],[.],[_])],[$1])]) + pushdef([P_A_C_K],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.61]),[-1],[m4_translit(PACK,[.],[_])],PACK)]) dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir. use_additional=yes AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" ]) - AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix], -[ --with-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix[=DIR] search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir], + AC_ARG_WITH(P_A_C_K[-prefix], +[[ --with-]]P_A_C_K[[-prefix[=DIR] search for ]PACKLIBS[ in DIR/include and DIR/lib + --without-]]P_A_C_K[[-prefix don't search for ]PACKLIBS[ in includedir and libdir]], [ if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then use_additional=no @@ -169,6 +210,10 @@ else additional_includedir="$withval/include" additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" + if test "$acl_libdirstem2" != "$acl_libdirstem" \ + && ! test -d "$withval/$acl_libdirstem"; then + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem2" + fi fi fi ]) @@ -178,6 +223,9 @@ LTLIB[]NAME= INC[]NAME= LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX= + dnl HAVE_LIB${NAME} is an indicator that LIB${NAME}, LTLIB${NAME} have been + dnl computed. So it has to be reset here. + HAVE_LIB[]NAME= rpathdirs= ltrpathdirs= names_already_handled= @@ -197,7 +245,7 @@ names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" dnl See if it was already located by an earlier AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS dnl or AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS call. - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` + uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____|'` eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" if test -n "$value"; then if test "$value" = yes; then @@ -327,7 +375,9 @@ dnl Linking with a shared library. We attempt to hardcode its dnl directory into the executable's runpath, unless it's the dnl standard /usr/lib. - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "$enable_rpath" = no \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then dnl No hardcoding is needed. LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" else @@ -415,7 +465,16 @@ case "$found_dir" in */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` - LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$basedir" + if test "$name" = '$1'; then + LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + */$acl_libdirstem2 | */$acl_libdirstem2/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem2/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = '$1'; then + LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi additional_includedir="$basedir/include" ;; esac @@ -476,9 +535,11 @@ dnl 3. if it's already present in $LDFLAGS or the already dnl constructed $LIBNAME, dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem2"; then if test -n "$GCC"; then case $host_os in linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; @@ -609,6 +670,11 @@ LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-R$found_dir" done fi + popdef([P_A_C_K]) + popdef([PACKLIBS]) + popdef([PACKUP]) + popdef([PACK]) + popdef([NAME]) ]) dnl AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR(VAR, CONTENTS) appends the elements of CONTENTS to VAR, @@ -654,7 +720,8 @@ if test -n "$next"; then dir="$next" dnl No need to hardcode the standard /usr/lib. - if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" fi next= @@ -663,7 +730,8 @@ -L) next=yes ;; -L*) dir=`echo "X$opt" | sed -e 's,^X-L,,'` dnl No need to hardcode the standard /usr/lib. - if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then + if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" fi next= ;; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/lib-prefix.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/lib-prefix.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/lib-prefix.m4 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/lib-prefix.m4 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# lib-prefix.m4 serial 5 (gettext-0.15) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# lib-prefix.m4 serial 7 (gettext-0.18) +dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2005, 2008-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -153,33 +153,72 @@ prefix="$acl_save_prefix" ]) -dnl AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB creates a variable acl_libdirstem, containing -dnl the basename of the libdir, either "lib" or "lib64". +dnl AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB creates +dnl - a variable acl_libdirstem, containing the basename of the libdir, either +dnl "lib" or "lib64" or "lib/64", +dnl - a variable acl_libdirstem2, as a secondary possible value for +dnl acl_libdirstem, either the same as acl_libdirstem or "lib/sparcv9" or +dnl "lib/amd64". AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB], [ - dnl There is no formal standard regarding lib and lib64. The current - dnl practice is that on a system supporting 32-bit and 64-bit instruction - dnl sets or ABIs, 64-bit libraries go under $prefix/lib64 and 32-bit - dnl libraries go under $prefix/lib. We determine the compiler's default - dnl mode by looking at the compiler's library search path. If at least - dnl of its elements ends in /lib64 or points to a directory whose absolute - dnl pathname ends in /lib64, we assume a 64-bit ABI. Otherwise we use the - dnl default, namely "lib". + dnl There is no formal standard regarding lib and lib64. + dnl On glibc systems, the current practice is that on a system supporting + dnl 32-bit and 64-bit instruction sets or ABIs, 64-bit libraries go under + dnl $prefix/lib64 and 32-bit libraries go under $prefix/lib. We determine + dnl the compiler's default mode by looking at the compiler's library search + dnl path. If at least one of its elements ends in /lib64 or points to a + dnl directory whose absolute pathname ends in /lib64, we assume a 64-bit ABI. + dnl Otherwise we use the default, namely "lib". + dnl On Solaris systems, the current practice is that on a system supporting + dnl 32-bit and 64-bit instruction sets or ABIs, 64-bit libraries go under + dnl $prefix/lib/64 (which is a symlink to either $prefix/lib/sparcv9 or + dnl $prefix/lib/amd64) and 32-bit libraries go under $prefix/lib. + AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) acl_libdirstem=lib - searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` - if test -n "$searchpath"; then - acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" - for searchdir in $searchpath; do - if test -d "$searchdir"; then - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - esac ;; + acl_libdirstem2= + case "$host_os" in + solaris*) + dnl See Solaris 10 Software Developer Collection > Solaris 64-bit Developer's Guide > The Development Environment + dnl . + dnl "Portable Makefiles should refer to any library directories using the 64 symbolic link." + dnl But we want to recognize the sparcv9 or amd64 subdirectory also if the + dnl symlink is missing, so we set acl_libdirstem2 too. + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for 64-bit host], [gl_cv_solaris_64bit], + [AC_EGREP_CPP([sixtyfour bits], [ +#ifdef _LP64 +sixtyfour bits +#endif + ], [gl_cv_solaris_64bit=yes], [gl_cv_solaris_64bit=no]) + ]) + if test $gl_cv_solaris_64bit = yes; then + acl_libdirstem=lib/64 + case "$host_cpu" in + sparc*) acl_libdirstem2=lib/sparcv9 ;; + i*86 | x86_64) acl_libdirstem2=lib/amd64 ;; esac fi - done - IFS="$acl_save_IFS" - fi + ;; + *) + searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` + if test -n "$searchpath"; then + acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" + for searchdir in $searchpath; do + if test -d "$searchdir"; then + case "$searchdir" in + */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; + */../ | */.. ) + # Better ignore directories of this form. They are misleading. + ;; + *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` + case "$searchdir" in + */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; + esac ;; + esac + fi + done + IFS="$acl_save_IFS" + fi + ;; + esac + test -n "$acl_libdirstem2" || acl_libdirstem2="$acl_libdirstem" ]) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -15,23 +14,51 @@ @SET_MAKE@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -51,7 +78,8 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = m4 -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -81,6 +109,18 @@ CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = SOURCES = DIST_SOURCES = am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -88,6 +128,7 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -95,6 +136,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -144,6 +186,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -214,6 +258,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -222,6 +267,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -329,11 +375,11 @@ $(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh $(am__aclocal_m4_deps): -tags: TAGS -TAGS: +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: +cscope cscopelist: distdir: $(DISTFILES) @@ -468,15 +514,16 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic distclean \ - distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ - install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am +.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic cscopelist-am \ + ctags-am distclean distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf \ + pdf-am ps ps-am tags-am uninstall uninstall-am # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/nls.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/nls.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/nls.m4 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/nls.m4 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -# nls.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.15) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# nls.m4 serial 5 (gettext-0.18) +dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2014 Free Software Foundation, +dnl Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -17,15 +18,15 @@ dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. -AC_PREREQ(2.50) +AC_PREREQ([2.50]) AC_DEFUN([AM_NLS], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether NLS is requested]) dnl Default is enabled NLS - AC_ARG_ENABLE(nls, + AC_ARG_ENABLE([nls], [ --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support], USE_NLS=$enableval, USE_NLS=yes) - AC_MSG_RESULT($USE_NLS) - AC_SUBST(USE_NLS) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$USE_NLS]) + AC_SUBST([USE_NLS]) ]) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/po.m4 gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/po.m4 --- gnupg2-2.0.26/m4/po.m4 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/m4/po.m4 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# po.m4 serial 15 (gettext-0.17) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# po.m4 serial 22 (gettext-0.19) +dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -17,19 +17,20 @@ dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. -AC_PREREQ(2.50) +AC_PREREQ([2.60]) dnl Checks for all prerequisites of the po subdirectory. AC_DEFUN([AM_PO_SUBDIRS], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl defined by automake + AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_SED])dnl AC_REQUIRE([AM_NLS])dnl dnl Release version of the gettext macros. This is used to ensure that dnl the gettext macros and po/Makefile.in.in are in sync. - AC_SUBST([GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION], [0.17]) + AC_SUBST([GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION], [0.19]) dnl Perform the following tests also if --disable-nls has been given, dnl because they are needed for "make dist" to work. @@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ [$ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null >&]AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD[ 2>&1 && (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi)], :) - AC_PATH_PROG(GMSGFMT, gmsgfmt, $MSGFMT) + AC_PATH_PROG([GMSGFMT], [gmsgfmt], [$MSGFMT]) dnl Test whether it is GNU msgfmt >= 0.15. changequote(,)dnl @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ case "$ac_file" in */Makefile.in) # Adjust a relative srcdir. ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" + ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'` ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. @@ -118,7 +119,8 @@ if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in"; then rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" - cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" + gt_tab=`printf '\t'` + cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ${gt_tab}]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" POMAKEFILEDEPS="POTFILES.in" # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration @@ -129,12 +131,12 @@ test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" fi ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" else # The set of available languages was given in configure.in. - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' fi # Compute POFILES @@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ changequote(,)dnl # Adjust a relative srcdir. ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" + ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'` ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. @@ -254,6 +256,7 @@ fi # A sed script that extracts the value of VARIABLE from a Makefile. + tab=`printf '\t'` sed_x_variable=' # Test if the hold space is empty. x @@ -261,9 +264,9 @@ x ta # Yes it was empty. Look if we have the expected variable definition. -/^[ ]*VARIABLE[ ]*=/{ +/^['"${tab}"' ]*VARIABLE['"${tab}"' ]*=/{ # Seen the first line of the variable definition. - s/^[ ]*VARIABLE[ ]*=// + s/^['"${tab}"' ]*VARIABLE['"${tab}"' ]*=// ba } bd @@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ sed_x_LINGUAS=`$gt_echo "$sed_x_variable" | sed -e '/^ *#/d' -e 's/VARIABLE/LINGUAS/g'` ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -n -e "$sed_x_LINGUAS" < "$ac_file"` fi - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' # Compute POFILES # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).po) @@ -405,14 +408,15 @@ fi sed -e "s|@POTFILES_DEPS@|$POTFILES_DEPS|g" -e "s|@POFILES@|$POFILES|g" -e "s|@UPDATEPOFILES@|$UPDATEPOFILES|g" -e "s|@DUMMYPOFILES@|$DUMMYPOFILES|g" -e "s|@GMOFILES@|$GMOFILES|g" -e "s|@PROPERTIESFILES@|$PROPERTIESFILES|g" -e "s|@CLASSFILES@|$CLASSFILES|g" -e "s|@QMFILES@|$QMFILES|g" -e "s|@MSGFILES@|$MSGFILES|g" -e "s|@RESOURCESDLLFILES@|$RESOURCESDLLFILES|g" -e "s|@CATALOGS@|$CATALOGS|g" -e "s|@JAVACATALOGS@|$JAVACATALOGS|g" -e "s|@QTCATALOGS@|$QTCATALOGS|g" -e "s|@TCLCATALOGS@|$TCLCATALOGS|g" -e "s|@CSHARPCATALOGS@|$CSHARPCATALOGS|g" -e 's,^#distdir:,distdir:,' < "$ac_file" > "$ac_file.tmp" + tab=`printf '\t'` if grep -l '@TCLCATALOGS@' "$ac_file" > /dev/null; then # Add dependencies that cannot be formulated as a simple suffix rule. for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do frobbedlang=`echo $lang | sed -e 's/\..*$//' -e 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'` cat >> "$ac_file.tmp" <> "$ac_file.tmp" <, 1996. -AC_PREREQ(2.50) +AC_PREREQ([2.50]) # Search path for a program which passes the given test. @@ -27,15 +27,14 @@ # Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. # The user is always right. if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } fi # Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, @@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ # Extract the first word of "$2", so it can be a program name with args. set dummy $2; ac_word=[$]2 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $ac_word]) -AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_$1, +AC_CACHE_VAL([ac_cv_path_$1], [case "[$]$1" in [[\\/]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) ac_cv_path_$1="[$]$1" # Let the user override the test with a path. @@ -84,9 +83,9 @@ esac])dnl $1="$ac_cv_path_$1" if test ifelse([$4], , [-n "[$]$1"], ["[$]$1" != "$4"]); then - AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$][$1]) else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi -AC_SUBST($1)dnl +AC_SUBST([$1])dnl ]) diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/Makefile.am gnupg2-2.0.28/Makefile.am --- gnupg2-2.0.26/Makefile.am 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/Makefile.am 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -19,12 +19,11 @@ ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 -I gl/m4 -AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-symcryptrun --enable-mailto --enable-gpgtar GITLOG_TO_CHANGELOG=gitlog-to-changelog -EXTRA_DIST = scripts/config.rpath autogen.sh README.SVN \ +EXTRA_DIST = scripts/config.rpath autogen.sh README.GIT \ ChangeLog-2011 po/ChangeLog-2011 scripts/ChangeLog-2011 DISTCLEANFILES = g10defs.h diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:27.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -34,23 +33,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -70,14 +97,19 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = . -DIST_COMMON = README $(am__configure_deps) $(dist_doc_DATA) \ - $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(srcdir)/config.h.in $(top_srcdir)/configure ABOUT-NLS \ - AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LIB ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS THANKS TODO \ +DIST_COMMON = INSTALL NEWS README AUTHORS ChangeLog \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/configure $(am__configure_deps) \ + $(srcdir)/config.h.in $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + ABOUT-NLS $(dist_doc_DATA) COPYING COPYING.LIB THANKS TODO \ scripts/compile scripts/config.guess scripts/config.rpath \ scripts/config.sub scripts/depcomp scripts/install-sh \ scripts/mdate-sh scripts/missing scripts/mkinstalldirs \ - scripts/texinfo.tex + scripts/texinfo.tex $(top_srcdir)/scripts/compile \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/config.guess \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/config.rpath \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/config.sub \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/install-sh $(top_srcdir)/scripts/missing ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -109,15 +141,28 @@ CONFIG_HEADER = config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = SOURCES = DIST_SOURCES = -RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \ - html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \ - install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \ - install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \ - install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \ - installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \ - ps-recursive uninstall-recursive +RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive cscopelist-recursive \ + ctags-recursive dvi-recursive html-recursive info-recursive \ + install-data-recursive install-dvi-recursive \ + install-exec-recursive install-html-recursive \ + install-info-recursive install-pdf-recursive \ + install-ps-recursive install-recursive installcheck-recursive \ + installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive ps-recursive \ + tags-recursive uninstall-recursive am__can_run_installinfo = \ case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ n|no|NO) false;; \ @@ -154,11 +199,33 @@ DATA = $(dist_doc_DATA) RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive -AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS:-recursive=) \ - $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \ - distdir dist dist-all distcheck +am__recursive_targets = \ + $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) \ + $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) \ + $(am__extra_recursive_targets) +AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(am__recursive_targets:-recursive=) TAGS CTAGS \ + cscope distdir dist dist-all distcheck +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) \ + $(LISP)config.h.in +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags +CSCOPE = cscope DIST_SUBDIRS = m4 gl include jnlib common kbx g10 keyserver sm agent \ scd tools po doc tests DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -170,6 +237,7 @@ && rm -rf "$(distdir)" \ || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "$(distdir)"; }; \ else :; fi +am__post_remove_distdir = $(am__remove_distdir) am__relativize = \ dir0=`pwd`; \ sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \ @@ -197,6 +265,7 @@ reldir="$$dir2" GZIP_ENV = --best DIST_ARCHIVES = $(distdir).tar.bz2 +DIST_TARGETS = dist-bzip2 distuninstallcheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles = $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) \ | sed 's|^\./|$(prefix)/|' | grep -v '$(infodir)/dir$$' @@ -207,6 +276,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -256,6 +326,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -326,6 +398,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -334,6 +407,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -400,10 +474,9 @@ top_builddir = @top_builddir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 -I gl/m4 -AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-symcryptrun --enable-mailto --enable-gpgtar GITLOG_TO_CHANGELOG = gitlog-to-changelog -EXTRA_DIST = scripts/config.rpath autogen.sh README.SVN \ +EXTRA_DIST = scripts/config.rpath autogen.sh README.GIT \ ChangeLog-2011 po/ChangeLog-2011 scripts/ChangeLog-2011 DISTCLEANFILES = g10defs.h @@ -470,8 +543,8 @@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps): config.h: stamp-h1 - @if test ! -f $@; then rm -f stamp-h1; else :; fi - @if test ! -f $@; then $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) stamp-h1; else :; fi + @test -f $@ || rm -f stamp-h1 + @test -f $@ || $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) stamp-h1 stamp-h1: $(srcdir)/config.h.in $(top_builddir)/config.status @rm -f stamp-h1 @@ -506,22 +579,25 @@ dir='$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)'; $(am__uninstall_files_from_dir) # This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd -# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile. -# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, -# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status' -# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make'); -# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line. -$(RECURSIVE_TARGETS): - @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \ - for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$f in \ - *=* | --[!k]*);; \ - *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \ - esac; \ - done; \ +# into them and run 'make' without going through this Makefile. +# To change the values of 'make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, +# (1) if the variable is set in 'config.status', edit 'config.status' +# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run 'make'); +# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the 'make' command line. +$(am__recursive_targets): + @fail=; \ + if $(am__make_keepgoing); then \ + failcom='fail=yes'; \ + else \ + failcom='exit 1'; \ + fi; \ dot_seen=no; \ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ - list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + case "$@" in \ + distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + esac; \ + for subdir in $$list; do \ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ dot_seen=yes; \ @@ -536,57 +612,12 @@ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \ fi; test -z "$$fail" -$(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS): - @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \ - for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$f in \ - *=* | --[!k]*);; \ - *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \ - esac; \ - done; \ - dot_seen=no; \ - case "$@" in \ - distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ - *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ - esac; \ - rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \ - if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \ - rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \ - fi; \ - done; \ - rev="$$rev ."; \ - target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ - for subdir in $$rev; do \ - echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ - if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ - local_target="$$target-am"; \ - else \ - local_target="$$target"; \ - fi; \ - ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \ - || eval $$failcom; \ - done && test -z "$$fail" -tags-recursive: - list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ - test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \ - done -ctags-recursive: - list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ - test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \ - done - -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-recursive +TAGS: tags -TAGS: tags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) config.h.in $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ @@ -602,12 +633,7 @@ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \ fi; \ done; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) config.h.in $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -619,15 +645,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: ctags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) config.h.in $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) config.h.in $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-recursive + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -636,9 +658,31 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscope: cscope.files + test ! -s cscope.files \ + || $(CSCOPE) -b -q $(AM_CSCOPEFLAGS) $(CSCOPEFLAGS) -i cscope.files $(CSCOPE_ARGS) +clean-cscope: + -rm -f cscope.files +cscope.files: clean-cscope cscopelist +cscopelist: cscopelist-recursive + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + -rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files distdir: $(DISTFILES) $(am__remove_distdir) @@ -709,39 +753,41 @@ || chmod -R a+r "$(distdir)" dist-gzip: distdir tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).tar.gz - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) dist-bzip2: distdir tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | BZIP2=$${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >$(distdir).tar.bz2 - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) dist-lzip: distdir tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | lzip -c $${LZIP_OPT--9} >$(distdir).tar.lz - $(am__remove_distdir) - -dist-lzma: distdir - tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | lzma -9 -c >$(distdir).tar.lzma - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) dist-xz: distdir tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | XZ_OPT=$${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >$(distdir).tar.xz - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) dist-tarZ: distdir + @echo WARNING: "Support for shar distribution archives is" \ + "deprecated." >&2 + @echo WARNING: "It will be removed altogether in Automake 2.0" >&2 tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | compress -c >$(distdir).tar.Z - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) dist-shar: distdir + @echo WARNING: "Support for distribution archives compressed with" \ + "legacy program 'compress' is deprecated." >&2 + @echo WARNING: "It will be removed altogether in Automake 2.0" >&2 shar $(distdir) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).shar.gz - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) dist-zip: distdir -rm -f $(distdir).zip zip -rq $(distdir).zip $(distdir) - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) -dist dist-all: distdir - tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | BZIP2=$${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >$(distdir).tar.bz2 - $(am__remove_distdir) +dist dist-all: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $(DIST_TARGETS) am__post_remove_distdir='@:' + $(am__post_remove_distdir) # This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration. Then # it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another @@ -752,8 +798,6 @@ GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -dc $(distdir).tar.gz | $(am__untar) ;;\ *.tar.bz2*) \ bzip2 -dc $(distdir).tar.bz2 | $(am__untar) ;;\ - *.tar.lzma*) \ - lzma -dc $(distdir).tar.lzma | $(am__untar) ;;\ *.tar.lz*) \ lzip -dc $(distdir).tar.lz | $(am__untar) ;;\ *.tar.xz*) \ @@ -765,18 +809,19 @@ *.zip*) \ unzip $(distdir).zip ;;\ esac - chmod -R a-w $(distdir); chmod u+w $(distdir) - mkdir $(distdir)/_build - mkdir $(distdir)/_inst + chmod -R a-w $(distdir) + chmod u+w $(distdir) + mkdir $(distdir)/_build $(distdir)/_inst chmod a-w $(distdir) test -d $(distdir)/_build || exit 0; \ dc_install_base=`$(am__cd) $(distdir)/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \ && dc_destdir="$${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$$$/" \ && am__cwd=`pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(distdir)/_build \ - && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \ + && ../configure \ $(AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ $(DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --srcdir=.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \ && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dvi \ && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check \ @@ -799,7 +844,7 @@ && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distcleancheck \ && cd "$$am__cwd" \ || exit 1 - $(am__remove_distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) @(echo "$(distdir) archives ready for distribution: "; \ list='$(DIST_ARCHIVES)'; for i in $$list; do echo $$i; done) | \ sed -e 1h -e 1s/./=/g -e 1p -e 1x -e '$$p' -e '$$x' @@ -937,13 +982,12 @@ uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_docDATA -.MAKE: $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) all \ - ctags-recursive install-am install-strip tags-recursive +.MAKE: $(am__recursive_targets) all install-am install-strip -.PHONY: $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) CTAGS GTAGS \ - all all-am am--refresh check check-am clean clean-generic \ - ctags ctags-recursive dist dist-all dist-bzip2 dist-gzip \ - dist-hook dist-lzip dist-lzma dist-shar dist-tarZ dist-xz \ +.PHONY: $(am__recursive_targets) CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am \ + am--refresh check check-am clean clean-cscope clean-generic \ + cscope cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am dist dist-all dist-bzip2 \ + dist-gzip dist-hook dist-lzip dist-shar dist-tarZ dist-xz \ dist-zip distcheck distclean distclean-generic distclean-hdr \ distclean-tags distcleancheck distdir distuninstallcheck dvi \ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ @@ -954,7 +998,7 @@ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ installdirs-am maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags \ - tags-recursive uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-dist_docDATA + tags-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-dist_docDATA dist-hook: gen-ChangeLog diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/NEWS gnupg2-2.0.28/NEWS --- gnupg2-2.0.26/NEWS 2014-08-12 18:26:32.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/NEWS 2015-06-02 12:29:56.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,47 @@ +Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.28 (2015-06-02) +------------------------------------------------- + + * agent: Added support for an external password manager. + + * gpg: New command --list-gcrypt-config. + + * gpg: Issue NEWSIG status lines during signature verification. + + * gpgsm: The default hash algo for a CSR is now SHA-256 and the + default encryption algo is AES-128. + + * scdaemon: Allow PC/SC reader selection by partial name match. + + * gpgtar: Fix extracting files with a size of a multiple of 512. + + * Fixed several other bugs. + + * Libgcrypt 1.5 is now required. + + +Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.27 (2015-02-18) +------------------------------------------------- + + * gpg: Detect faulty use of --verify on detached signatures. + + * gpg: New import option "keep-ownertrust". + + * gpg: Uses SHA-256 for all signature types also on RSA keys. + + * gpg: Added support for algo names when generating keys using the + --command-fd method. + + * gpg: Unless --allow-weak-digest-algos is used the insecure MD5 + based fingerprints are shown as all zeroe + + * gpg: Fixed DoS based on bogus and overlong key packets. + + * gpg: Better error reporting for keyserver problems. + + * Fixed several bugs related to bogus keyrings and improved some + other code. + + Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.26 (2014-08-12) ------------------------------------------------- Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/be.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/be.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/be.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/be.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/be.po 2014-08-12 18:30:18.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/be.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-30 16:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Ales Nyakhaychyk \n" "Language-Team: Belarusian \n" @@ -26,21 +26,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны пароль" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -50,17 +77,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -69,40 +96,40 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "пароль занадта доўгі\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "пароль занадта доўгі\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "дрÑнны MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "дрÑнны пароль" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "дрÑнны пароль" @@ -112,22 +139,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -345,7 +372,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -356,266 +383,271 @@ "Выбары:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "шматÑлоўнаÑьць" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "працаваць менш шматÑлоўна" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Калі лаÑка, паведамлÑйце пра памылкі на .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "ВыкарыÑтаньне: gpg [выбары] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐºÑ–)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñƒ stdout\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: Ñ‚Ñчка Ñтворана\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -632,7 +664,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -641,7 +673,7 @@ "@Загады:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -809,8 +841,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" @@ -1184,102 +1216,102 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "Ð½ÐµÑ‡Ð°ÐºÐ°Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ–" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "памылка CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "" @@ -1293,8 +1325,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "" @@ -1302,13 +1334,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "" @@ -1377,7 +1409,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -1479,13 +1511,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1538,8 +1570,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "" @@ -1567,7 +1599,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "" @@ -1576,7 +1608,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "неÑумÑÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ñ‹\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "паказаць гÑтую даведку" @@ -1655,7 +1687,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "ÑакрÑтны ключ недаÑтупны" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "ÐерÑчаіÑны загад (паÑпрабуйце \"help\")\n" @@ -1663,18 +1695,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1920,219 +1952,219 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "паказаць ключы й адбіткі пальцаў" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "зрабіць адчÑплены подпіÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[файл]|зрабіць чыÑÑ‚Ñ‹ Ñ‚ÑкÑтавы подпіÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "зрабіць адчÑплены подпіÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "зашыфраваць даньні" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "шыфраваньне толькі ÑымÑтрычнымі шыфрамі" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "разшыфраваць даньні (дапомна)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "праверыць подпіÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "праверыць подпіÑÑ‹ ключа" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "паказаць ключы й адбіткі пальцаў" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "паказаць ÑакрÑÑ‚Ð½Ñ‹Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "Ñтварыць новую пару ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку грамадÑкіх ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ толькі мÑÑцова" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "падпіÑаць ці Ñ€Ñдагаваць ключ" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "дрÑнны пароль" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "ÑкÑпарт ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "ÑкÑпартаваць ключы на паÑлужнік ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "імпартаваць ключы з паÑлужніка ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "абнавіць уÑе ключы з паÑлужніка ключоў" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "імпартаваць/аб'Ñднаць ключы" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|ІМЯ| зашыфраваць Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð°Ð¹ аÑобы" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "не рабіць ніÑкіх зьменаў" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "пытацца перад перазапіÑам" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2140,7 +2172,7 @@ "@\n" "(ГлÑдзіце man Ñтаронку, Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆ поўнага апіÑÐ°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ ÑžÑÑ–Ñ… загадаў Ñ– выбараў)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2160,11 +2192,11 @@ " --list-keys [назвы] паказаць ключы\n" " --fingerprint [назвы] паказаць адбіткі пальцаў\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "ВыкарыÑтаньне: gpg [выбары] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐºÑ–)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2179,7 +2211,7 @@ "sign, check, encrypt ці decrypt\n" "Дапомнае дзеÑньне залежыць ад уваходных даньнÑÑž\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2187,552 +2219,552 @@ "\n" "Ðльгарытмы, ÑÐºÑ–Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð´Ñ‚Ñ€Ñ‹Ð¼Ð»Ñ–Ð²Ð°ÑŽÑ†Ñ†Ð°:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "ВыкарыÑтаньне: gpg [выбары] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "неÑумÑÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ñ‹\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "невÑÐ´Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑÑ€ÑÑ‹Ñ" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s - гÑта недапушчальнае мноÑтва знакаў\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s не дазвалÑецца разам з %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ðµ ÑÑнÑу разам з %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñƒ stdout\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð³Ñ–\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ðµ ÑÑнÑу разам з %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [загады]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[назва_файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "" @@ -2769,462 +2801,466 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ \"%s\" даведка адÑутнічае" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr "ÐŸÐ¾Ð´Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñтвораны Ñž %.*s з выкарыÑтаньнем %s ID ключа %08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "ÑакрÑтны ключ недаÑтупны" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "%s: Ñ‚Ñчка Ñтворана\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "Ключ абаронены.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "%s: Ñ‚Ñчка Ñтворана\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "" @@ -3248,51 +3284,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3300,244 +3336,244 @@ "etc.)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "ПеразапіÑаць (y/N)?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "has expired.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a local signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "ГÑÑ‚Ñ‹ ключ згубіў ÑаÑтарÑÑž!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "ÑакрÑтны ключ недаÑтупны" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Ключ абаронены.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3545,204 +3581,204 @@ "УвÑдзіце новы пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð³Ñтага ÑакрÑтнага ключа.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "паказаць ключы й адбіткі пальцаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "праверыць подпіÑÑ‹ ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ толькі мÑÑцова" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "дрÑнны ключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "паказаць ÑакрÑÑ‚Ð½Ñ‹Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "ДаÑтупны ÑакрÑтны ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3750,161 +3786,161 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 #, fuzzy msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "падпіÑаць ключ толькі мÑÑцова" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "невÑÐ´Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑÑ€ÑÑ‹Ñ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– ID карыÑтальнікаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Захаваць зьмены? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "ВыйÑьці не захаваўшы зьмены? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "" @@ -3912,432 +3948,440 @@ "Выбары:\n" " " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "памылка Ñ‡Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "памылка Ñ‡Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "памылка Ñ‡Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Калі лаÑка, абÑрыце від ключа, Ñкі Вам патрÑбны:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "ПеразапіÑаць (y/N)?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "памылка Ñ‡Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "за шмат пераваг Ð´Ð»Ñ \"%c\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "за шмат пераваг Ð´Ð»Ñ \"%c\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "за шмат пераваг Ð´Ð»Ñ \"%c\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð³Ñ–\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "зашыфраваць даньні" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4351,7 +4395,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4384,71 +4428,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Калі лаÑка, абÑрыце від ключа, Ñкі Вам патрÑбны:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4458,7 +4502,7 @@ " y = key expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4468,48 +4512,48 @@ " y = signature expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "ÐŸÐ¾Ð´Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñтвораны Ñž %.*s з выкарыÑтаньнем %s ID ключа %08lX\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÐ¾Ð´Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñтвораны Ñž %.*s з выкарыÑтаньнем %s ID ключа %08lX\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4520,7 +4564,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4530,44 +4574,44 @@ "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4575,11 +4619,11 @@ "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4594,29 +4638,29 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " @@ -4625,12 +4669,12 @@ "УвÑдзіце новы пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð³Ñтага ÑакрÑтнага ключа.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4638,7 +4682,7 @@ "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4646,96 +4690,96 @@ "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñƒ stdout\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "" @@ -4790,45 +4834,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "паказаць ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ñž Ñ– подпіÑаў" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: Ñтвораны зьвÑзак ключоў\n" @@ -4874,7 +4918,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" @@ -4889,124 +4933,124 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "ÑкÑпартаваць ключы на паÑлужнік ключоў" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "імпартаваць ключы з паÑлужніка ключоў" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "імпартаваць ключы з паÑлужніка ключоў" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ ÑкÑпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼Ñ‹Ð»ÐºÐ°" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -5065,164 +5109,169 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÐ¾Ð´Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñтвораны Ñž %.*s з выкарыÑтаньнем %s ID ключа %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÐ¾Ð´Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñтвораны Ñž %.*s з выкарыÑтаньнем %s ID ключа %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 #, fuzzy msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Даведка адÑутнічае" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown" msgstr "невÑÐ´Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑÑ€ÑÑ‹Ñ" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "" @@ -5236,90 +5285,106 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "" "па больш падрабÑÐ·Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð·ÑŒÐ²ÐµÑткі шукайце на http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "невÑÐ´Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑÑ€ÑÑ‹Ñ" @@ -5347,46 +5412,46 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñƒ stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" -msgstr "" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" +msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5399,15 +5464,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-бітавы %s ключ, ID %08lX, Ñтвораны %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "УвÑдзіце пароль\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "ÑкаÑавана карыÑтальнікам\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5417,12 +5482,12 @@ "Вам неабходна ўвеÑьці пароль, каб адчыніць ÑакрÑтны ключ длÑ\n" "карыÑтальніка: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-бітавы %s ключ, ID %08lX, Ñтвораны %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -5755,16 +5820,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "чытаецца stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" @@ -6012,22 +6077,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "" @@ -6413,7 +6473,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6428,45 +6488,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6488,76 +6548,86 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "ÑакрÑтны ключ недаÑтупны" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "памылка Ñ‡Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ð½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "пароль занадта доўгі\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "паказаць ключы й адбіткі пальцаў" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "неÑумÑÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ñ‹\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "непадтрымліваецца" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ÐерÑчаіÑны загад (паÑпрабуйце \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "непадтрымліваецца" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑˆÑ‡Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ñ‹ імпартаваньнÑ\n" @@ -6587,35 +6657,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ–Ñ Ñƒ stdout\n" @@ -6640,19 +6710,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "ВыкарыÑтаньне: gpg [выбары] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐºÑ–)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6701,104 +6771,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ…Ñш-табліцу: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "грамадÑкі ключ Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð¹Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½Ñ‹" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "збой падпіÑаньнÑ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Калі лаÑка, абÑрыце від ключа, Ñкі Вам патрÑбны:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -6806,108 +6876,108 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "паказаць ключы й адбіткі пальцаў" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "выдаліць ключы Ñа зьвÑзку ÑакрÑтных ключоў" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "Ñтварыць новую пару ключоў" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "Ñтварыць новую пару ключоў" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ…Ñш-табліцу: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "Ñтварыць новую пару ключоў" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны Ñ…Ñш-альгарытм \"%s\"\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "" @@ -6932,7 +7002,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "" @@ -7678,7 +7748,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|ÐÐЗВÐ| задаць назву дапомнага ÑакрÑтнага ключа" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|ВУЗЕЛ| выкарыÑтоўваць гÑÑ‚Ñ‹ паÑлужнік Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐºÑƒ ключоў" @@ -7739,26 +7809,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "%s: немагчыма Ñтварыць Ñ‚Ñчку: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "немагчыма адкрыць %s: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8009,27 +8079,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ \"%s\": %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8045,113 +8115,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "" "УвÑдзіце новы пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð³Ñтага ÑакрÑтнага ключа.\n" "\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "Паўтарыце пароль\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|ÐÐЗВÐ| задаць назву дапомнага ÑакрÑтнага ключа" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|ІМЯ| зашыфраваць Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð°Ð¹ аÑобы" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -8525,9 +8595,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "памылка ÑтварÑÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "нерÑчаіÑны пароль" - #~ msgid "file close error" #~ msgstr "памылка Ð·Ð°Ñ‡Ñ‹Ð½ÐµÐ½ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ca.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ca.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ca.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ca.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ca.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ca.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-04 02:04+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Jordi Mallach \n" "Language-Team: Catalan \n" @@ -46,21 +46,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Segur que voleu crear una clau de signatura i xifratge? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "la contrasenya és invàlida" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -70,17 +98,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -90,41 +118,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "la línia és massa llarga\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "la contrasenya és massa llarga\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Hi ha un caràcter invàlid en el camp *nom*\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "l'MPI és erroni" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "la contrasenya és errònia" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "la contrasenya és errònia" @@ -134,22 +162,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "l'algoritme de protecció %d%s no està suportat\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear «%s»: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»: %s\n" @@ -370,7 +398,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -381,93 +409,93 @@ "Opcions:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" # Un dels dos és en la llista d'opcions amb --help. Urgh. jm -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "detall" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "una mica més silenciós" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FITXER|carrega el mòdul d'extensió especificat" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "cerca claus en un servidor de claus" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "" "Voleu actualitzar les preferències per a les ID d'usuaris seleccionades?" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "actualitza la base de dades de confiança" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "error en la creació de la contrasenya: %s\n" @@ -475,7 +503,7 @@ # Gènere? Nombre? ivb # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" @@ -484,180 +512,185 @@ # Gènere? Nombre? ivb # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "no és suportat" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "error en la creació de la contrasenya: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Si us plau, informeu sobre els errors a .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Forma d'ús: gpg [opcions] [fitxers] (-h per a veure l'ajuda)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: no existeix el fitxer d'opcions predeterminades «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fitxer d'opcions «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "s'estan llegint opcions de «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error en crear «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no es pot crear el directori «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "Certificat de revocació vàlid" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent no està disponible en aquesta sessió\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "error en crear «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error mentre s'enviava a «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat l'actualització: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: s'ha creat el directori\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "base de dades de confiança: ha fallat la lectura (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: no s'ha pogut crear el directori: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "error en la lectura de «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "ha fallat l'actualització de la clau secreta: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "\t%lu claus es descarta\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent no està disponible en aquesta sessió\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "la variable d'entorn GPG_AGENT_INFO és malformada\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -674,7 +707,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -683,7 +716,7 @@ "@Ordres:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -855,8 +888,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "error en la creació de la contrasenya: %s\n" @@ -1253,87 +1286,87 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "la capçalera d'armadura és invàlida: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "capçalera d'armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "la capçalera de signatura clara és invàlida\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "capçalera d'armadura: " # És un missatge d'error? ivb # «Anidada» és un castellanisme. Niuades? Imbricades (SC)?? ivb -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "signatures en text pla imbricades\n" # FIXME: un-indiar. jm -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armadura inesperada:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "la línia escapada amb guió és invàlida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "el caràcter radix64 %02x invàlid s'ha omés\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "fi de fitxer prematur (no CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "fi de fitxer prematur (en CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC malformat\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "error de CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "fí de fitxer prematur (al final)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "error en l'última línia\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "no s'han trobat dades OpenPGP vàlides.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "l'armadura és invàlida: la línia és més llarga que %d caràcters\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "hi ha un caràcter «quoted printable» en l'armadura - probablement s'ha " "utilitzat un MTA amb errors\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1341,24 +1374,24 @@ "un nom de notació només pot tenir caràcters imprimibles o espais i acabar " "amb el signe «=»\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "un nom de notació d'usuari no pot contenir el caràcter «@»\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "un nom de notació d'usuari no pot contenir el caràcter «@»\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "un valor de notació no pot utilitzar cap caràcter de control\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "AVÃS: s'hi han trobat dades de notació invàlides\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "no llegible per humans" @@ -1374,8 +1407,8 @@ # Destès? ivb # Desatès, sí. jm -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "no es pot fet això en mode desatès\n" @@ -1386,14 +1419,14 @@ msgstr "Aquesta ordre no està permesa mentre s'està en mode %s.\n" # Parts? Peces? ivb -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "parts de la clau secreta no estan disponbles\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "La vostra selecció? " @@ -1466,7 +1499,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "error en crear l'anell «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error en la lectura de «%s»: %s\n" @@ -1569,13 +1602,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Quina grandària voleu? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "arrodonida fins a %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1629,8 +1662,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "La selecció és invàlida.\n" @@ -1659,7 +1692,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "error mentre s'escrivia l'anell «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ix del menú" @@ -1670,7 +1703,7 @@ # «pantalla» o «ajuda»? ivb # «ajuda», evidentment. jm -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "mostra aquesta ajuda" @@ -1748,7 +1781,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "L'ordre no és vàlida (proveu «help»)\n" @@ -1756,18 +1789,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output no funciona per a aquesta ordre\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat la clau «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -2039,229 +2072,229 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "AVÃS: no s'ha exportat res\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "" "hi ha massa entrades en la memòria cau de claus públiques - desactivada\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[No s'ha trobat l'id d'usuari]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "clau %08lX: clau secreta sense clau pública - es descarta\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "error en crear «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Empremta digital:" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "La clau invàlida %08lX s'ha fet vàlida amb --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" "no hi ha una clau secreta per a la subclau pública %08lX - es descarta\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "s'usarà la clau secundària %08lX en lloc de la primària %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clau %08lX: clau secreta sense clau pública - es descarta\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "|[fitxer]|crea una signatura" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[fitxer]|crea una signatura en text clar" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "crea una signatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "xifra dades" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "xifra només amb xifratge simètric" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "desxifra dades (predeterminat)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verifica una signatura" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "llista claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "llista claus i signatures" # «de les claus» o «de la clau»? ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "comprova les signatures de la claus" # «dactilars» o «digitals»? ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "llista claus i empremtes digitals" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "llista claus secretes" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "genera un nou parell de claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "genera un certificat de revocació" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "elimina claus de l'anell públic" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "elimina claus de l'anell secret" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "signa una clau" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "signa una clau localment" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "signa o edita una clau" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exporta claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exporta claus a un servidor de claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importa claus d'un servidor de claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "cerca claus en un servidor de claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "actualitza totes les claus des d'un servidor de claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importa/fon claus" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "actualitza la base de dades de confiança" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [fitxers]|imprimeix resums de missatges" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "crea eixida amb armadura ascii" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NOM|xifra per a NOM" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "usa aquest id per a signar o desxifrar" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|nivell de compressió N (0 no comprimeix)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "usa el mode de text canònic" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FITXER|carrega el mòdul d'extensió especificat" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "no fa cap canvi" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "pregunta abans de sobreescriure" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2272,7 +2305,7 @@ # Crec q (A)lice (orig.), (B)ob (dest.), etc. són noms usats pel Zimmerman # en el manual original de PGP. A, B, C... ivb # En efecte. Idem per a Mallory més endavant. Els deixe com a l'original. jm -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2292,11 +2325,11 @@ " --list-keys [noms] mostra claus\n" " --fingerprint [noms] mostra empremtes digitals\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Forma d'ús: gpg [opcions] [fitxers] (-h per a veure l'ajuda)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2316,7 +2349,7 @@ # Precissament acabem de parlar d'«implementat a la llista del GNOME # i s'ha dit que és erroni, igual que «suportat» :) Les alternatives # encara no m'agraden massa... jm -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2324,571 +2357,571 @@ "\n" "Algoritmes suportats:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Clau pública: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Xifratge: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Dispersió: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compressió: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "forma d'ús: gpg [opcions] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "les ordres entren en conflicte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat cap signe = a la definició de grup «%s»\n" # Indi. ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari és insegur en %s «%s»\n" # Indi. ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari és insegur en %s «%s»\n" # Indi. ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari és insegur en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari del directori envoltant és insegur en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari del directori envoltant és insegur en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el propietari del directori envoltant és insegur en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos del directori envoltant són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos del directori envoltant són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVÃS: els permissos del directori envoltant són insegurs en %s «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "s'ha creat el nou fitxer d'opcions «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "No hi ha cap signatura corresponent en l'anell secret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "mostra en quin anell de claus està una clau llistada" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "No hi ha cap signatura corresponent en l'anell secret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTA: es descarta el fitxer d'opcions predeterminades antic «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTA: %s no és per a ús normal!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament la URI del servidor de claus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcions d'importanció no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcions d'importanció no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s no és un joc de caràcters vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut fixar l'exec-path a %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d opcions d'exportació no vàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el programa podria crear un fitxer core!\n" # FIXME: preferència? jm # Ho discutírem en la llista, segur. Deu ser als arxius. ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "AVÃS: %s té preferència sobre %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s no és permés amb %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s no té sentit amb %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" # clares -> en clar? ivb -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "només podeu fer signatures separades o en clar en el mode --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "no podeu signar i xifrar al mateix temps en el mode --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "heu d'utilitzar fitxers (i no un conducte) mentre treballeu amb --pgp2 " "habilitat.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "xifrar un missatge en mode --pgp2 requereix el xifratge IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algorisme de xifratge triat no és vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algorisme de resum seleccionat no és vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algorisme de xifratge triat no és vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algorisme de resum de certificació seleccionat no és vàlid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed ha de ser major que 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed ha de ser major que 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth ha d'estar en el rang 1 a 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "default-check-level és invàlid; ha de ser 0, 1, 2 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "default-check-level és invàlid; ha de ser 0, 1, 2 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTA: el mode S2K simple (0) no és gens recomanable\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "el mode S2K és invàlid; ha de ser 0, 1 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "les preferències per defecte són invàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "les preferències personals de xifrat són invàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "les preferències personals de digest són invàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "les preferències personals de compressió són invàlides\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s encara no funciona amb %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no podeu usar l'algorisme de xifratge «%s» mentre esteu en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no podeu usar l'algorisme de resum %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no podeu usar l'algorisme de compressió %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut inicialitzar la base de dades de confiança: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: s'han donat destinataris (-r) sense usar xifratge de clau pública\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat el desxifratge: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no podeu usar %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no podeu usar %s mentre esteu en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [ordres]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "l'enviament al servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "la recepció des del servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "l'exportació de la clau ha fallat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat la cerca al servidor de claus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat el refresc des del servidor de claus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut llevar l'armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear l'armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "l'algoritme de dispersió és invàlid «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nom_del_fitxer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Endavant, escriviu el missatge...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "la URL de política de certificació donada no és vàlida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "la URL de política de signatura donada no és vàlida\n" @@ -2929,327 +2962,332 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "No hi ha ajuda disponible per a `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "actualitza la base de dades de confiança" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "actualitza la base de dades de confiança" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "la clau pública no coincideix amb la clau secreta!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "la clau secreta és inusable" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "es descarta un bloc de tipus %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "fins ara s'han processat %lu claus\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Nombre total processat: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " claus noves descartades: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sense ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importades: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " no modificades: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " ID d'usuaris nous: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " subclaus noves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " signatures noves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " noves revocacions: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " claus privades llegides: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr "claus privades importades: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "claus privades no canviades: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importades: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " signatures noves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " claus privades llegides: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: sense ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "es descarta «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: corrupció de la subclau HKP reparada\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha acceptat la ID d'usuari no autosignada «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: l'ID no és vàlid\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "açò pot ser causat per l'absència d'autosignatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no s'ha trobat la clau pública: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: clau nova - es descarta \n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat cap anell escrivible: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint en «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error mentre s'escrivia l'anell «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha importat la clau pública «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no correspon a la nostra còpia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no s'ha trobat el bloc de claus original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no s'ha pogut llegir el bloc de claus original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» 1 ID d'usuari nou\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d ID d'usuari nous\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» 1 signatura nova\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d signatures noves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» 1 subclau nova\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d subclaus noves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d signatures noves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d signatures noves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d ID d'usuari nous\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» %d ID d'usuari nous\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: «%s» no ha estat modificada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat la clau secreta «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: clau secreta amb xifrat %d no vàlid - es descarta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "no hi ha anell secret predeterminat: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha importat la clau secreta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: ja es troba en l'anell privat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no s'ha trobat la clau secreta: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" @@ -3259,22 +3297,22 @@ # O «rebutjara»? ivb # Per tots els canvis d'anglicisme «ignorat» -> «es descarta», # «es rebutja» està bé. jm -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: el certificat de revocació és invàlid: %s: es rebutja\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha importat el certificat de revocació «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no hi ha ID per a la signatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" @@ -3282,131 +3320,131 @@ "«%s»\n" "\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: l'autosignatura no és vàlida en l'id d'usuari «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: l'algoritme de clau pública no és suportat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha afegit la signatura de clau directa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no hi ha una subclau per a l'enllaç de la clau\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: l'enllaç de subclau és invàlid\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha eliminat un enllaç de subclau múltiple\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: no hi ha una subclau per a la clau de revocació\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: Subclau de revocació no vàlida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'han eliminat subclaus de revocació múltiples\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: es descarta l'ID d'usuari '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: es descarta la subclau\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: la signatura és inexportable (classe %02x) - es descarta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" "clau %08lX: el certificat de revocació és en el lloc equivocat - es " "descarta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: el certificat de revocació és invàlid: %s - es descarta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" "clau %08lX: la signatura de la subclau és en el lloc equivocat - es " "descarta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" "clau %08lX: la classe de signatura és inesperada (0x%02x) - es descarta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha detectat un ID d'usuari duplicat - es fusiona\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: la clau %08lX pot estar revocada: s'adquireix la clau de revocació " "%08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: la clau %08lX pot estar revocada: la clau de revocació %08lX no està " "present.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'hi ha afegit el certificat de revocació «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "clau %08lX: s'ha afegit la signatura de clau directa\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "la clau pública no coincideix amb la clau secreta!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "es descarta: la clau secreta ja és present\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "es descarta: la clau secreta ja és present\n" @@ -3431,51 +3469,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut reconstruir la memòria cau de l'anell: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revocació]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[autosignatura]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 signatura errònia\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d signatures errònies\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signatura no comprovada per falta de clau\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signatures no comprovades per falta de clau\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signatura no comprovada a causa d'un error\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signatures no comprovades a causa d'errors\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "Ha estat detectat 1 ID sense autosignatura vàlida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "Han estat detectats %d IDs sense autosignatura vàlida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3487,65 +3525,65 @@ "verificar les claus d'altres usuaris (mirant passaports,\n" "comprovant empremtes de diferents fonts...)?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Hi confie marginalment\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Hi confie plenament\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» està revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Segur que encara voleu signarla? (s/N) " # O no s'ha pogut? ivb # FIXME: comprovar context. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " No es pot signar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» ha caducat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» no està autosignat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» no està autosignat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Signar realment? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3554,11 +3592,11 @@ "La vostra signatura en «%s»\n" "és una signatura d'estil PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu ascendir-la a una autosignatura OpenPGP? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3567,11 +3605,11 @@ "La vostra signatura actual en «%s»\n" "ha caducat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu crear una nova signatura per a reemplaçar la caducada? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3580,54 +3618,54 @@ "La vostra signatura en «%s»\n" "és una signatura local.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu ascendir-la a una signatura completament exportable? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "«%s» ja estava signada localment amb la clau %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "«%s» ja estava signada amb la clau %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu signarla un altre cop, de tota manera? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "No hi ha res que signar amb la clau %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "La clau ha caducat!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Aquesta clau caducarà el %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Voleu que la vostra signatura caduque alhora? (S/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "No podeu fer una signatura OpenPGP en una clau PGP 2.x en el mode --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Açò inutilitzaria la clau en PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3637,32 +3675,32 @@ "pertany realment a la persona esmentada anteriorment? Si no sabeu què \n" "contestar, entreu «0».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) No vaig a contestar.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) No ho he comprovat en absolut.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) He fet algunes comprovacions.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) He fet comprovacions molt acurades.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Seleccioneu una opció (introduïu «?» per obtindre més informació):" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3671,100 +3709,100 @@ "Esteu segur que voleu signar aquesta clau\n" "amb la vostra clau: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Açò serà una autosignatura.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AVÃS: la signatura no es marcarà com a inexportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AVÃS: la signatura no es marcarà com a irrevocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La signatura es marcarà com a inexportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La signatura es marcarà com a irrevocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "No he comprovat aquesta clau en absolut.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "He fet algunes comprovacions a aquesta clau.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "He comprovat aquesta clau amb molta cura.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Signar realment? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ha fallat el procés de signatura: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Aquesta clau no està protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Les parts secretes de la clau primària no estan disponibles.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Les parts secretes de la clau primària no estan disponibles.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "La clau està protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "No es pot editar aquesta clau: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3772,11 +3810,11 @@ "Introduïu la nova contrasenya per a la clau secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "la contrasenya no s'ha repetit correctament; torneu a intentar-ho" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3785,65 +3823,65 @@ "\n" # No abusis dels pronoms! (Rowan Atkinson @ Llei i Desordre) ivb -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Esteu segur de voler fer açò? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "s'està posant la signatura al lloc correcte\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "desa i ix" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "mostra empremta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "llista claus i ID" # Per aquesta zona (keyedit) hi ha un cacau d'infinitius i presents... ivb # Yeah, els vaig corregir abans de que enviares la teua correcció. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "tria l'ID d'usuari N" # Per aquesta zona (keyedit) hi ha un cacau d'infinitius i presents... ivb # Yeah, els vaig corregir abans de que enviares la teua correcció. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "tria l'ID d'usuari N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revoca signatures" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "signa la clau localment" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Pista: Trieu els ID d'usuari que voleu signar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "afegeix un ID d'usuari" @@ -3851,153 +3889,153 @@ # Si et refereixes a Photo vs. photo, ho deixe en minúscules, que en tot # el menú està tot en minúscules. Tb hi ha molts ID vs. id en els msgids # i no hem unificat en català. Potser li ho diré a Werner. jm. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "afegeix un photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "esborra un ID d'usuari" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "esborra una clau secundària" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "afegeix una clau de revocació" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Voleu actualitzar les preferències per a les ID d'usuaris seleccionades?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "No podeu canviar la data de caducitat de les claus v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marca l'ID d'usuari com a primari" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "canvia entre el llistat de claus secretes i públiques" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "llista les preferències (expert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "llista les preferències (detallat)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Voleu actualitzar les preferències per a les ID d'usuaris seleccionades?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament la URI del servidor de claus\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Voleu actualitzar les preferències per a les ID d'usuaris seleccionades?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "canvia la confiança" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realment voleu revocar tots els ID d'usuari seleccionats? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revoca un ID d'usuari" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoca una clau secundària" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "activa una clau" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "desactiva una clau" # Igual que dalt. ivb # Idem :) jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "mostra el photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "error en llegir el bloc de claus secretes «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "La clau secreta està disponible.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Cal la clau secreta per a fer açò.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Useu l'ordre «toggle» abans.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -4005,247 +4043,247 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "La clau està revocada." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu signar tots els ID d'usuari? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Pista: Trieu els ID d'usuari que voleu signar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "la classe de signatura és desconeguda" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Aquesta ordre no està permesa mentre s'està en mode %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Heu de seleccionar al menys un ID d'usuari.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "No podeu esborrar l'últim ID d'usuari!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu eliminar tots els ID d'usuari seleccionats? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu eliminar aquest ID d'usuari? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu esborrar aquesta autosignatura? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Heu de seleccionar, si més no, una clau.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error en crear l'anell «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Heu de seleccionar, si més no, una clau.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu eliminar les claus seleccionades? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu eliminar aquesta clau? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu revocar tots els ID d'usuari seleccionats? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu eliminar aquest ID d'usuari? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu revocar aquesta clau? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu revocar les claus seleccionades? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu revocar aquesta clau? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "estableix la llista de preferències" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Voleu actualitzar les preferències per a les ID d'usuaris seleccionades?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu actualitzar les preferències? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu eixir sense desar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat l'actualització: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat l'actualització de la clau secreta: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "La clau no ha canviat, per tant no cal actualització.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Resum: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Funcionalitats: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notació: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "No hi ha preferències en un ID d'usuari d'estil PGP 2.x.\n" # Potser %s haja d'anar darrere de «clau». ivb # És cert. Nova funcionalitat de 1.2.0, IIRC. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Aquesta clau pot ser revocada per la clau %s " # Potser %s haja d'anar darrere de «clau». ivb # És cert. Nova funcionalitat de 1.2.0, IIRC. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Aquesta clau pot ser revocada per la clau %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (sensible)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "no s'ha pogut creat %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[revocada]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [caduca: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [caduca: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " confiança: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Aquesta clau ha estat desactivada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4253,19 +4291,19 @@ "Teniu en compte que la validesa de la clau mostrada no és necessàriament\n" "correcta a no ser que torneu a executar el programa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[revocada]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4274,8 +4312,18 @@ " causar que una ID d'usuari diferent esdevinga en la primària " "assumida.\n" +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "No podeu canviar la data de caducitat de les claus v3\n" + # Photo ID com abans. ivb -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4284,78 +4332,78 @@ "AVÃS: Aquesta és una clau d'estil PGP2. Afegir un photo ID pot fer que " "algunes versions de PGP rebutgen aquesta clau.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Esteu segur que encara voleu afegir-lo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "No podeu afegir un photo ID a una clau d'estil PGP2.\n" # Aquesta i les següents no haurien de portar (s/N/q) i no (y/N/q)? ivb # Hmm. Sí... (s/N/x) jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Voleu esborrar aquesta signatura correcta? (s/N/x)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Voleu esborrar aquesta signatura invàlida? (s/N/x)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Voleu esborrar aquesta signatura desconeguda? (s/N/x)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Realment voleu esborrar aquesta autosignatura? (s/N)" # Werner FIXME: use ngettext. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "S'ha esborrat %d signatura.\n" # Werner FIXME: use ngettext. jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "S'han esborrat %d signatures.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "No s'hi ha eliminat res.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "invàlida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» està revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» està revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "L'ID d'usuari «%s» està revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "l'ID d'usuari «%s» ja està revocat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "l'ID d'usuari «%s» ja està revocat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4364,283 +4412,283 @@ "AVÃS: Aquesta és una clau d'estil PGP 2.x. Afegir un revocador designat pot\n" "fer que algunes versions de PGP rebutjen aquesta clau.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "No podeu afegir un revocador designat a una clau d'estil PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Introduïu l'ID d'usuari del revocador designat: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "no es pot nominar a una clau d'estil PGP 2.x com a revocador designat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "no podeu nominar una clau com el seu propi revocador designat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "no podeu nominar una clau com el seu propi revocador designat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: no es pot desfer la nominació d'una clau com a revocador designat!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Esteu segur que voleu nominar aquesta clau com a revocador designat? (s/N): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Per favor, elimineu les seleccions de les claus secretes.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Per favor, seleccioneu com a molt una clau secundària.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "S'està canviant la data de caducitat per a una clau secundària.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "S'està canviant la data de caducitat per a una clau primària.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "No podeu canviar la data de caducitat de les claus v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "No hi ha cap signatura corresponent en l'anell secret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: no es pot desfer la nominació d'una clau com a revocador designat!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Heu de seleccionar exactament un ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "es descarta l'autosignatura v3 en l'id d'usuari «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Esteu segur que encara voleu utilitzarla (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Esteu segur que encara voleu utilitzarla (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Notació de signatura: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu sobreescriure? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "No hi ha cap ID amb l'índex %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "No hi ha cap ID amb l'índex %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "No hi ha cap ID amb l'índex %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID d'usuari: «" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "" "»\n" "signat amb la vostra clau %08lX el %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (no-exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Aquesta signatura va caducar el %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Esteu segur de que encara voleu revocarla? (s/N) " # (s/N) ivb # S! jm -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Voleu crear un certificat de revocació per a aquesta signatura? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Heu signat els següents ID d'usuari:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (no-exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revocat per %08lX el %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Esteu a punt de revocar aquestes signatures:\n" # (s/N)? ivb -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Realment voleu crear els certificats de revocació? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "ho hi ha clau secreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "l'ID d'usuari «%s» ja està revocat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "AVÃS: una signatura d'ID d'usuari està datada %d segons en el futur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "l'ID d'usuari «%s» ja està revocat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "l'ID d'usuari «%s» ja està revocat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "S'està mostrant el photo ID %s de mida %ld per a la clau 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "la preferència %c%lu és duplicada\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "hi ha massa preferències «%c»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "hi ha massa preferències «%c»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "hi ha massa preferències «%c»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "hi ha un caràcter invàlid en la cadena de preferència\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint una signatura directa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint l'autosignatura\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la signatura de comprovació de la clau\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "la mida de la clau és invàlida; s'hi usaran %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "la mida de la clau ha estat arrodonida fins a %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "xifra dades" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4654,7 +4702,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4687,71 +4735,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Seleccioneu quin tipus de clau voleu:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA i ElGamal (predeterminat)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA i ElGamal (predeterminat)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (només signar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (només signar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (només xifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (només xifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (només signar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (només xifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Quina grandària voleu? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Quina grandària voleu? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "La grandària sol·licitada és %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4767,7 +4815,7 @@ " m = la clau caduca als n mesos\n" " y = la clau caduca als n anys\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4783,42 +4831,42 @@ " m = la signatura caduca als n mesos\n" " y = la signatura caduca als n anys\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Indiqueu la validesa de la clau (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Indiqueu la validesa de la signatura (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "el valor no és vàlid\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s no caduca en absolut\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s no caduca en absolut\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s caduca el %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Aquesta signatura caduca el %s\n" # Amb «it» es refereix a les dates? ivb # Això vaig entendre jo. jm -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4826,12 +4874,12 @@ "El vostre sistema no pot representar dates posteriors a l'any 2038.\n" "Tanmateix, les tractarà bé fins l'any 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "És correcte? (s/n)" -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4842,7 +4890,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4859,44 +4907,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nom i cognoms: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Hi ha un caràcter invàlid en el camp *nom*\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "El nom no pot començar amb un dígit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "El nom ha de tenir, si més no, 5 caràcters\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Adreça electrònica: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "No és una adreça vàlida\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comentari: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Hi ha un caràcter invàlid en el camp *comentari*\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Esteu usant el joc de caràcters `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4907,11 +4955,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "No inclogueu l'adreça ni en el camp *nom* ni en el camp *comentari*\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4928,23 +4976,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoXx" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Canvia (N)om, (C)omentari, (E)mail o (X) ix " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Canvia (N)om, (C)omentari, (E)mail o (O) d'acord / (X) ix" -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Corregiu l'error primer\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4952,19 +5000,19 @@ "Cal una contrasenya per a protegir la clau secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya; aquesta ha de ser una frase secreta \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4976,7 +5024,7 @@ "useu aquest programa amb l'opció \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4988,53 +5036,53 @@ "nombres primers; açò dóna oportunitat al generador de nombres aleatoris\n" "d'aconseguir prou entropia.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "La generació de claus ha estat cancel·lada.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau pública a «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" # Potser no hi haja cap anell! ivb -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat cap anell públic escrivible: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" "no s'ha trobat cap anell secret de escrivible: %s\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "s'ha produït un error mentre s'escrivia l'anell públic «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "s'ha produït un error mentre s'escrivia l'anell secret «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "s'han creat i signat les claus pública i secreta.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -5043,13 +5091,13 @@ "Noteu que aquesta clau no serveix per a xifrar. Potser vulgueu usar l'ordre\n" "\"--edit-key\" per a generar una clau secundària per a tal propòsit.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "La generació de claus ha fallat: %s\n" # Werner FIXME: Use ngettext. jm -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -5058,7 +5106,7 @@ "amb el rellotge)\n" # Werner FIXME: use ngettext. jm -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -5066,31 +5114,31 @@ "la clau s'ha creat %lu segons en el futur (salt en el temps o problemes\n" "amb el rellotge)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTA: crear subclaus per a claus v3 no és conforme amb OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Crear realment? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut eliminar el bloc de claus: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "mai " @@ -5145,47 +5193,47 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear l'armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "AVÃS: hi ha 2 fitxers amb informació confidencial.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s és el que no ha canviat\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s és el nou\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Per favor, solucioneu aquest possible problema de seguretat\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "s'està comprovant l'anell «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "s'han comprovat %lu claus (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "s'han comprovat %lu claus (%lu signatures)\n" # Fitxer indi fins final. Hau! ivb # Grrr. Com em tracten els esclaus ja... jm -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: s'ha creat l'anell\n" @@ -5234,7 +5282,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "" @@ -5249,127 +5297,127 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat la clau «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "s'està sol·licitant la clau %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "s'està sol·licitant la clau %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "s'està cercant «%s» al servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "s'està cercant «%s» al servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "s'està cercant «%s» al servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "s'està sol·licitant la clau %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "s'està cercant «%s» al servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "s'està cercant «%s» al servidor HKP %s\n" # «del servidor», «en el servidor»? ivb -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "error de servidor de claus" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "la recepció des del servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "no es coneix cap servidor de claus (useu l'opció \"--keyserver\")\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" # «del servidor», «en el servidor»? ivb -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "error de servidor de claus" # «del servidor», «en el servidor»? ivb -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "error de servidor de claus" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "la recepció des del servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "%s: no és un ID vàlid\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVÃS: no s'ha pogut eliminar el fitxer temporal (%s) «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "s'està sol·licitant la clau %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "s'està sol·licitant la clau %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVÃS: no s'ha pogut eliminar el fitxer temporal (%s) «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "AVÃS: no s'ha pogut eliminar el fitxer temporal (%s) «%s»: %s\n" @@ -5430,168 +5478,173 @@ # I no serà «dades xifrades amb %s»? ivb # Sembla que sí, ho marque per a mirar-ho més endavant. jm -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "s'assumeixen dades xifrades amb %s\n" # L'optimístic és aquell que té una Fe Cega en que Tot Anirà Bé! ivb -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "El xifratge IDEA no està disponible, s'intentarà utilitzar optimistament %s " "en el seu lloc\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "desxifratge correcte\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el missatge no tenia protecció d'integritat\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "AVÃS: el missatge xifrat ha estat manipulat!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "ha fallat el desxifratge: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTA: el remitent ha sol·licitat \"alt secret\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nom del fitxer original='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "revocació autònoma: useu \"gpg --import\" per a aplicar-la\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Signatura correcta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "s'ha eliminat la verificació de signatura\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "no es poden tractar aquestes signatures múltiples\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Aquesta signatura va caducar el %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " alias \"" # «%.*s» no serà una data? Caldrà «el» al davant. ivb -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signatura creada el %.*s usant una clau %s ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "La clau és disponible en: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Signatura INCORRECTA de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Signatura caducada de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Signatura correcta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[incert]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Aquesta signatura va caducar el %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Aquesta signatura caduca el %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binari" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "mode text" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconeguda" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "No s'ha pogut comprovar la signatura: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "no és una signatura separada\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: s'han detectat múltiples signatures. Només es comprovarà la primera.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "signatura autònoma de classe 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "signatura de l'estil antic (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "s'ha detectat un paquet arrel invàlid en proc_tree()\n" @@ -5605,74 +5658,91 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "base de dades de confiança: ha fallat la lectura (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "no es pot treballar amb l'algoritme de clau pública %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "l'algoritme de xifratge no és implementat" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "el mòdul de xifratge IDEA no està present\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = mostra més informació\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: l'opció «%s» està desaconsellada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "si us plau, utilitzeu «%s%s» en el seu lloc\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "AVÃS: %s és una opció desaconsellada.\n" + # Gènere? Nombre? Passat, futur? ivb # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "No comprimit" @@ -5680,22 +5750,22 @@ # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "No comprimit" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "aquest missatge pot no ser usable per %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "s'estan llegint opcions de «%s»\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "el destinatari predeterminat és desconegut «%s»\n" @@ -5724,43 +5794,44 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint en stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "s'asumeix que hi ha dades signades en «%s»\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "s'ha creat el nou fitxer d'opcions «%s»\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: les opcions en «%s» encara no estan actives durant aquesta execució\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "no es pot treballar amb l'algoritme de clau pública %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "AVÃS: la clau de sessió pot estar xifrada simètricament de forma insegura\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "el subpaquet de tipus %d té el bit crític activat\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "hi ha un problema amb l'agent: l'agent ha tornat 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ID de la clau principal %08lX)" @@ -5776,7 +5847,7 @@ # Se't passava l'argument «*». printf(3), hieroglyph(7). ivb # Ah! Prova-ho, no casque alguna cosa :P ivb # Ah, ja veig! Moltes gràcies! Aquest msgstr ha quedat curiós :) jm -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5789,15 +5860,15 @@ "«%2$.*1$s»\n" "clau %4$s de %3$u bits, ID %5$08lX, creada en %6$s%7$s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "s'ha cancel·lat per l'usuari\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5807,12 +5878,12 @@ "Necessiteu la contrasenya per desblocar la clau secreta de\n" "l'usuari: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "clau %2$s de %1$u bits, ID %3$08lX, creada en %4$s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6179,16 +6250,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "s'està llegint d'stdin...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "no hi ha dades signades\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "no s'han pogut obrir les dades signades `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "no s'han pogut obrir les dades signades `%s'\n" @@ -6460,26 +6531,20 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTA: aquesta clau ha estat revocada!" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "es supossa una signatura incorrecta de la clau %08lX a causa d'un bit crític " "desconegut\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "clau %08lX: no hi ha una subclau per al paquet de la subclau de revocació\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "" @@ -6894,7 +6959,7 @@ "no és necessària una comprovació de la base de dades de confiança\n" "\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "la pròxima comprovació de la base de dades de confiança serà el %s\n" @@ -6913,46 +6978,46 @@ "no és necessària una comprovació de la base de dades de confiança\n" "\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat la clau pública %08lX: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "si us plau, feu un --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "s'està comprovant la base de dades de confiança\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "s'han processat %d claus (s'han netejat %d comptes de validesa)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "no s'han trobat claus amb confiança absoluta\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" "no s'ha trobat la clau pública de la clau amb confiança absoluta %08lX\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "registre de confiança %lu, tipus %d: no s'ha pogut escriure: %s\n" @@ -6978,31 +7043,37 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "error de lectura" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "la línia és massa llarga\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "l'argument és invàlid" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "l'armadura és invàlida" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "les ordres entren en conflicte\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" @@ -7011,37 +7082,42 @@ # Probablement és una clau, femení. jm # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "no forçat" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "L'ordre no és vàlida (proveu «help»)\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" @@ -7050,12 +7126,12 @@ # Probablement és una clau, femení. jm # Werner FIXME: please add translator comment saying *what* is # uncompressed so we know the gender. jm -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "no forçat" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "opcions d'importació no vàlides\n" @@ -7085,35 +7161,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no es pot crear el directori «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error mentre s'escrivia l'anell «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha trobat la clau pública %08lX: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "s'està escrivint la clau secreta a «%s»\n" @@ -7138,19 +7214,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Forma d'ús: gpg [opcions] [fitxers] (-h per a veure l'ajuda)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7199,104 +7275,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "error en crear «%s»: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut emmagatzemar l'empremta digital: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut reconstruir la memòria cau de l'anell: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut eliminar el bloc de claus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "l'enviament al servidor de claus ha fallat: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Seleccioneu la raó de la revocació:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7304,109 +7380,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "canvia la contrasenya" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir el bloc de claus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "error: l'empremta digital és invàlida\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "«%s» ja està comprimida\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "genera un nou parell de claus" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "genera un nou parell de claus" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut inicialitzar la base de dades de confiança: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "La generació de claus ha fallat: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "La generació de claus ha fallat: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "signatura %s, algorisme de resum %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "" @@ -7432,7 +7508,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FITXER|carrega el mòdul d'extensió especificat" @@ -8219,7 +8295,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NOM|usa NOM com a clau secreta predeterminada" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|HOST|usa aquest servidor per a cercar claus" @@ -8278,27 +8354,27 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " o = omet aquesta clau\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament la URI del servidor de claus\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "" # No em passe! ;) ivb -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no s'ha pogut tancar «%s»: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8554,27 +8630,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "error mentre s'enviava a «%s»: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8590,113 +8666,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|usa el mode de contrasenya especificat" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "error en la creació de la contrasenya: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOM|usa NOM com a clau secreta predeterminada" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOM|xifra per a NOM" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament la URI del servidor de claus\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NOM|usa l'algoritme de xifratge NOM per a les contrasenyes" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9510,9 +9586,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "el paquet és invàlid" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "l'armadura és invàlida" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "no s'ha trobat l'id de l'usuari" @@ -9537,9 +9610,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "error en la creació del fitxer" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "la contrasenya és invàlida" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "l'algoritme de clau pública no és implementat" @@ -10304,9 +10374,6 @@ #~ msgid "%s: error checking key: %s\n" #~ msgstr "%s: error en la comprovació de la clau: %s\n" -#~ msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " -#~ msgstr "Segur que voleu crear una clau de signatura i xifratge? " - #~ msgid "Do you really need such a large keysize? " #~ msgstr "Realment necessiteu una clau tan llarga? " Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/cs.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/cs.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/cs.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/cs.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/cs.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/cs.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg2 2.0.21\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-01 11:14+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Petr Pisar \n" "Language-Team: Czech \n" @@ -48,21 +48,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_ZruÅ¡it" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_ZruÅ¡it" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Opravdu chcete revokovat vybrané podklíÄe? (a/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "nesprávné heslo" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Kvalita:" @@ -72,20 +106,20 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "Kvalita textu zde zadaného.\n" "Na podrobnosti ohlednÄ› kritérií se zeptejte svého správce." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" "Prosím, zadejte váš PIN, aby pro tuto relaci mohl být odemknut tajný klíÄ" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -95,36 +129,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (pokus %d z %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN je příliÅ¡ dlouhý" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Heslo je příliÅ¡ dlouhé" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Neplatný znak v PINu" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN je příliÅ¡ krátký" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Å patný PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Å patné heslo" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Heslo" @@ -133,22 +167,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "SSH klíÄe delší než %d bitů nejsou podporovány\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemohu vytvoÅ™it „%s“: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemohu otevřít „%s“: %s\n" @@ -378,7 +412,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Prosím, zadejte nové heslo" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -387,107 +421,113 @@ "@Volby:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "běžet v režimu démona (na pozadí)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "běžet v režimu serveru (na popÅ™edí)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "s dodateÄnými informacemi" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "být o trochu víc tichý" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "vypisovat příkazy ve stylu sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "vypisovat příkazy ve stylu csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|SOUBOR|naÄíst volby ze SOUBORU" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "neodpojovat se od konzole" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "neuzurpovat si klávesnici a myÅ¡" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "použít pro server soubor s protokolem" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "použít standardní umístÄ›ní socketu" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PROGRAM|použít PROGRAM jako PIN-Entry program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PROGRAM|použít PROGRAM jako SCdaemon program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "nepoužívat SCdémona" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignorovat požadavky na zmÄ›nu TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignorovat požadavky na zmÄ›nu X displeje" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|zahodit zapamatované PINy po N sekundách" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "nepoužívat paměť PINů na podepisování" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "nedovolit klientům oznaÄovat klíÄe za „důvÄ›ryhodné“" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "umožnit pÅ™ednastavení hesla" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "zapnout podporu pro OpenSSH" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "zapnout podporu pro PuTTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "nedovolit opakovat stará hesla" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|SOUBOR|zapsat nastavení prostÅ™edí též do SOUBORU" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" @@ -495,11 +535,11 @@ "Chyby v programu, prosím, oznamujte (anglicky) na <@EMAIL@>,\n" "pÅ™ipomínky k pÅ™ekladu hlaste (Äesky) na .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Použití: gpg-agent [VOLBY] (-h pro nápovÄ›du)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -507,145 +547,145 @@ "Syntaxe: gpg-agent [VOLBY] [PŘÃKAZ [ARGUMENTY]]\n" "Správa tajných klíÄů pro GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "zadána neplatná úroveň ladÄ›ní „%s“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s je příliÅ¡ stará (potÅ™ebuji %s, mám %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: neexistuje implicitní soubor s možnostmi „%s“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "soubor s možnostmi „%s“: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "Ätu možnosti z „%s“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i vytváření „%s“: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemohu vytvoÅ™it adresář „%s“: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "název socketu je příliÅ¡ dlouhý\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "nemohu vytvoÅ™it socket: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "název socketu „%s“ je příliÅ¡ dlouhý\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent již běží – nový nebude spuÅ¡tÄ›n\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i získání náhodného Å™etÄ›zce pro socket\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i pÅ™ilepování socketu na „%s“: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "služba listen() selhala: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "naslouchám na socketu „%s“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "adresář „%s“ vytvoÅ™en\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat() na „%s“ selhal: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "„%s“ nelze použít jako domovský adresář\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i Ätení náhodného Å™etÄ›zce z fd %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "obsluha 0x%lx pro fd %d spuÅ¡tÄ›na\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "obsluha 0x%lx pro fd %d ukonÄena\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "SSH obsluha 0x%lx pro fd %d spuÅ¡tÄ›na\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "SSH obsluha 0x%lx pro fd %d ukonÄena\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select selhala: %s – Äekám 1 s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s pozastaveno\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "v této relaci neběží žádný gpg-agent\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "Å¡patný formát promÄ›nné prostÅ™edí GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -663,7 +703,7 @@ "Syntaxe: gpg-preset-passphrase [VOLBY] KEYGRIP\n" "Správa doÄasné pamÄ›ti pro hesla\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -672,7 +712,7 @@ "@Příkazy:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -844,8 +884,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "ZmÄ›ním jej pozdÄ›ji" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i vytváření roury: %s\n" @@ -1197,81 +1237,81 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "ASCII kódování: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "neplatná hlaviÄka ASCII kódování: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "ASCII hlaviÄka: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "neplatná hlaviÄka podpisu v Äitelném formátu\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "neznámá ASCII hlaviÄka: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "vnoÅ™ené podpisy v Äitelném formátu\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "neoÄekávaný ASCII armor: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "nesprávné oznaÄení řádku mínusy: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "neplatný radix64 znak %02X byl pÅ™eskoÄen\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "pÅ™edÄasný konec souboru (žádné CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "pÅ™edÄasný konec souboru (žádné CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "Å¡patný formát CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "Chyba CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "pÅ™edÄasný konec souboru (v patiÄce)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "chyba v patiÄce\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "nenalezena žádná platná data ve formátu OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "neplatné kódování ASCII: řádek je delší než %d znaků\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "neplatný znak (quoted-printable) v ASCII kódování – pravdÄ›podobnÄ› byl použit " "Å¡patný MTA\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1279,23 +1319,23 @@ "symbolické jméno smí obsahovat pouze písmena, Äíslice, teÄky nebo podtržítka " "a musí konÄit znakem „=“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "zápis jména uživatele musí obsahovat znak „@“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "jméno uživatele nesmí obsahovat více než jeden znak „@“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "hodnota nemůže obsahovat žádné kontrolní znaky\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: nalezen neplatný formát zápisu data\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "není v přímo Äitelném formátu" @@ -1309,8 +1349,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "Nalezena OpenPGP karta Äíslo %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "nelze provést v dávkovém módu\n" @@ -1318,13 +1358,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Tento příkaz je dostupný pouze pro karty verze 2\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "ResetaÄní kód není nebo už není dostupný\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Váš výbÄ›r? " @@ -1392,7 +1432,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i alokování pamÄ›ti: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i Ätení „%s“: %s\n" @@ -1492,13 +1532,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Jakou délku klíÄe pro autentizaci si pÅ™ejete? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "zaokrouhleno na %u bitů\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "velikost klíÄe %s musí být v intervalu %u-%u\n" @@ -1552,8 +1592,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) AutentizaÄní klíÄ\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Neplatný výbÄ›r.\n" @@ -1578,7 +1618,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i zápisu klíÄe na kartu: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ukonÄit toto menu" @@ -1586,7 +1626,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "zobraz administrátorské příkazy" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "ukázat tuto pomoc" @@ -1658,7 +1698,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "administrátorské příkazy nejsou povoleny\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Neplatný příkaz (zkuste „help“)\n" @@ -1666,18 +1706,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output pro tento příkaz není platný\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "nelze otevřít „%s“\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä â€ž%s“ nenalezen: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1927,214 +1967,214 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: nebylo nic vyexportováno\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "příliÅ¡ mnoho položek v bufferu veÅ™ejných klíÄů – vypnuto\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[ID uživatele nenalezeno]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: tajný klÃ­Ä bez klíÄe veÅ™ejného – pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "„%s“ automaticky získáno pÅ™es %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i získávání „%s“ pÅ™es %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Chybí otisk" # c-format -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Neplatný klÃ­Ä %s zmÄ›nÄ›n na platný pomocí --always-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "neexistuje tajný podklÃ­Ä pro veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä %s – ignorováno\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "používám podklÃ­Ä %s místo primárního klíÄe %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: tajný klÃ­Ä bez klíÄe veÅ™ejného – pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "vytvoÅ™it podpis" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "vytvoÅ™it podpis v Äitelném dokumentu" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "vytvoÅ™it podpis oddÄ›lený od dokumentu" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "Å¡ifrovat data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "Å¡ifrování pouze se symetrickou Å¡ifrou" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "deÅ¡ifrovat data (implicitnÄ›)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verifikovat podpis" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů a podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "vypsat a zkontrolovat podpisy klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů a otisků" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "vypsat seznam tajných klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "vytvoÅ™it nový pár klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "vytvoÅ™it revokaÄní certifikát" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "odstranit klÃ­Ä ze souboru veÅ™ejných klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "odstranit klÃ­Ä ze souboru tajných klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "podepsat klíÄ" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "podepsat klÃ­Ä lokálnÄ›" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "podepsat nebo modifikovat klíÄ" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "zmÄ›nit heslo" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportovat klíÄe" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportovat klíÄe na server klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importovat klíÄe ze serveru klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "vyhledat klíÄe na serveru klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "aktualizovat vÅ¡echny klíÄe ze serveru klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importovat/slouÄit klíÄe" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "vytisknout stav karty" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "zmÄ›nit data na kartÄ›" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "zmÄ›nit PIN karty" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "aktualizovat databázi důvÄ›ry" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "vypsat hash zprávy" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "pracovat v režimu serveru" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "vytvoÅ™ výstup zakódovaný pomocí ASCII" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|ID_UŽIVATELE|Å¡ifrovat pro ID_UŽIVATELE" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|ID_UŽIVATELE|použít toto ID_UŽIVATELE pro podepsání nebo deÅ¡ifrování" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|nastavit úroveň komprese na N (0 – žádná)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "použít kanonický textový mód" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|SOUBOR|zapsat výstup do SOUBORU" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "neprovádÄ›t žádné zmÄ›ny" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "vyžádat potvrzení pÅ™ed pÅ™epsáním" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "použít chování striktnÄ› podle OpenPGP" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2142,7 +2182,7 @@ "@\n" "(Pro kompletní seznam vÅ¡ech příkazů a možností použijte manuálové stránky.)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2160,11 +2200,11 @@ " --list-keys [jména] vypsat klíÄe\n" " --fingerprint [jména] vypsat otisky\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Použití: gpg [možnosti] [soubory] (-h pro pomoc)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2174,7 +2214,7 @@ "Podepisuje, ověřuje, Å¡ifruje nebo deÅ¡ifruje.\n" "Výchozí operace závisí na vstupních datech.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2182,78 +2222,78 @@ "\n" "Podporované algoritmy:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "VeÅ™ejný klíÄ: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Å ifra: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Komprese: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "užití: gpg [možnosti]" -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "konfliktní příkazy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "no = podpis nalezen v definici skupiny „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví domovského adresáře není nastaveno bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví konfiguraÄního souboru není nastaveno bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví rozÅ¡iÅ™ujícího modulu není nastaveno bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva pro domovský adresáře nejsou bezpeÄná „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva pro konfiguraÄní soubor nejsou bezpeÄná „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva rozÅ¡iÅ™ujícímu modulu nejsou bezpeÄná „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví adresáře s domovským adresářem není nastaveno " "nebezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2261,21 +2301,21 @@ "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví adresáře s konfiguraÄním souborem není nastaveno " "nebezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: vlastnictví adresáře s rozÅ¡iÅ™ujícím modulem není nastaveno " "nebezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva k adresáři s domovským adresářem nejsou nastavena " "bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2283,7 +2323,7 @@ "VAROVÃNÃ: přístupová práva k adresáři s konfiguraÄním souborem nejsou " "nastavena bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" @@ -2291,459 +2331,459 @@ "nastavena bezpeÄnÄ› „%s“\n" # c-format -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "neznámá konfiguraÄní položka „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "zobrazovat ID fotografií bÄ›hem výpisu klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "ukazovat URL politik bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "ukazovat vÅ¡echny poznámky bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "ukazovat poznámky IETF standardu bÄ›hem vypisování podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "ukazovat uživatelské poznámky bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "ukazovat URL upÅ™ednostňovaného serveru klíÄů pÅ™i výpisu podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "ukazovat platnost ID uživatelů pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "ukazovat odvolané a proÅ¡lé ID uživatelů pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "ukazovat odvolané a proÅ¡lé podklíÄe pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "ukazovat název souboru s klíÄi pÅ™i výpisu klíÄů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "ukazovat data expirace bÄ›hem výpisu podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: starý implicitní soubor s možnostmi „%s“ ignorován\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt je příliÅ¡ stará (potÅ™ebuji %s, mám %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: %s není pro normální použití!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "„%s“ není platná doba expirace podpisu\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "„%s“ není platná znaková sada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "nelze zpracovat URL serveru klíÄů\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro server klíÄů\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "neplatný parametr pro server klíÄů\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro import\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "neplatný parametr pro import\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "neplatný parametr pro export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro výpis\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "neplatný parametr pro výpis\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "zobrazovat ID fotografií pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat URL politik pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat vÅ¡echny poznámky pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat poznámky IETF standardu pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat uživatelské poznámky pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat URL upÅ™ednostňovaného serveru klíÄů pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat platnost ID uživatele pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat odvolané a proÅ¡lé ID uživatelů pÅ™i ověřování podpisů" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "ukazovat jen primární ID uživatele pÅ™i ověřování podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "ověřovat podpisy s daty PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "vyzvednout důvÄ›ru podpisů s platnými daty PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parametr pro ověření\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "neplatný parametr pro ověření\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "nelze nastavit exec-path na %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný seznam auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "neplatný seznam auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: program může vytvoÅ™it soubor core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: %s pÅ™epíše %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "Není dovoleno používat %s s %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s nedává s %s smysl!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "nelze spustit s nebezpeÄnou pamÄ›tí vzhledem k %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "v módu --pgp2 můžete vytvářet pouze oddÄ›lené podpisy nebo podpisy Äitelné " "jako text\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "v módu --pgp2 nelze souÄasnÄ› Å¡ifrovat a podepisovat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "v módu --pgp2 musíte použít soubor (ne rouru).\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "Å¡ifrování zpráv v módu --pgp2 vyžaduje algoritmus IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný Å¡ifrovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný kompresní algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "položka completes-needed musí být vÄ›tší než 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "položka marginals-needed musí být vÄ›tší než 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "položka max-cert-depth musí být v rozmezí od 1 do 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" "neplatná implicitní úroveň certifikace (default-cert-level); musí být 0, 1, " "2 nebo 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" "neplatná minimální úroveň certifikace (min-cert-level); musí být 0, 1, 2 " "nebo 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: jednoduchý mód S2K (0) je důraznÄ› nedoporuÄován\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "neplatný mód S2K; musí být 0, 1 nebo 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné implicitní pÅ™edvolby\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné uživatelské pÅ™edvolby pro Å¡ifrování\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné uživatelské pÅ™edvolby pro hashování\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné uživatelské pÅ™edvolby pro komprimaci\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s dosud není funkÄní s %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "použití Å¡ifrovacího algoritmu „%s“ v módu %s dovoleno\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "použití hashovacího algoritmu „%s“ v módu %s dovoleno\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "použití komprimaÄního algoritmu „%s“ v módu %s dovoleno\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "nemohu inicializovat databázi důvÄ›ry: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: specifikován adresát (-r) bez použití Å¡ifrování s veÅ™ejným klíÄem\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "symetrické Å¡ifrování „%s“ se nepovedlo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --encrypt s příkazem --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --encrypt v módu %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --sign --encrypt s příkazem --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nelze použít --symmetric --sign --encrypt v módu %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id uživatele" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id uživatele" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id uživatele [příkazy]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "odeslání na keyserver se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "získání dat z serveru klíÄů se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "export klíÄe se nepodaÅ™il: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "hledání na serveru klíÄů se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "obnovení dat na serveru klíÄů se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "dekódování z ASCII formátu selhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "kódování do ASCII formátu selhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "neplatný hashovací algoritmus „%s“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[jméno souboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "ZaÄnÄ›te psát svou zprávu ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "zadané URL pro certifikaÄní politiku je neplatné\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "zadané URL pro podepisovací politiku je neplatné\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "zadané URL preferovaného serveru klíÄů je neplatné\n" @@ -2780,120 +2820,126 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Pro „%s“ není dostupná žádná nápovÄ›da" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "importovat podpisy, které jsou oznaÄeny jen jako místní" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "opravit poÅ¡kození vzniklá pÅ™i importu z PKS serveru" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "neaktualizovat databázi důvÄ›ry po importu" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "neaktualizovat databázi důvÄ›ry po importu" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "vytvoÅ™it veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä pÅ™i importu tajného klíÄe" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "pÅ™ijímat aktualizace pouze u existujících klíÄů" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "odstranit z klíÄe po importu nepoužitelné Äásti" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "odstranit po importu z klíÄe vÅ¡e, co lze" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "blok typu %d byl pÅ™eskoÄen\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu klíÄe byly doposud zpracovány\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Celkový poÄet zpracovaných klíÄů: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " pÅ™eskoÄeny nové klíÄe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " bez ID uživatele: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importováno: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " beze zmÄ›n: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nové ID uživatelů: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nové podklíÄe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nové podpisy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " nové revokace klíÄů: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " pÅ™eÄtené tajné klíÄe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importované tajné klíÄe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " tajné klíÄe nezmÄ›nÄ›ny: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " neimportováno: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " odstranÄ›né podpisy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " odstranÄ›né uživatelské ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2902,348 +2948,348 @@ "VAROVÃNÃ: klÃ­Ä %s obsahuje pÅ™edvolby pro nedostupné\n" "algoritmy na tÄ›chto ID uživatelů:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": pÅ™edvolby pro Å¡ifrovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": pÅ™edvolby pro podepisovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": pÅ™edvolby pro komprimaÄní algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "velmi doporuÄujeme aktualizaci nastavení vaÅ¡ich preferencí a\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "distribuci tohoto klíÄe aby jste pÅ™edeÅ¡el problémům s neshodou algoritmů\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "nelze aktualizovat pÅ™edvolby s: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: chybí identifikátor uživatele\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "pÅ™eskoÄen „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: PKS poÅ¡kození podklíÄe opraveno\n" # c-format -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: pÅ™ijat id uživatele \"%s\",který není podepsán jím samým\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: chybí platný identifikátor uživatele\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "může to být způsobeno chybÄ›jícím podpisem klíÄe jím samým\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä nenalezen: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: nový klÃ­Ä - pÅ™eskoÄen\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenalezen zapisovatelný soubor klíÄů (keyring): %s\n" # g10/import.c:766 g10/openfile.c:261#, c-format -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisuji do „%s“\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i zápisu souboru klíÄů (keyring) „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä â€ž%s“ importován\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neodpovídá naší kopii\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: nemohu najít originální blok klíÄe: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: nemohu Äíst originální blok klíÄe: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ 1 nový identifikátor uživatele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d nových identifikátorů uživatele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ 1 nový podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d nových podpisů\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ 1 nový podklíÄ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d nových podklíÄů\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d podpisů odstranÄ›no\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d podpisů odstranÄ›no\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d ID uživatele odstranÄ›no\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ %d ID uživatele odstranÄ›no\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ beze zmÄ›n\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "tajný klÃ­Ä â€ž%s“ nenalezen: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "import tajných klíÄů není povolen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: tajný klÃ­Ä s neplatnou Å¡ifrou %d – pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "není nastaven implicitní soubor tajných klíÄů %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: tajný klÃ­Ä importován\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: je již v souboru tajných klíÄů\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: nenalezen tajný klíÄ: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: chybí veÅ™ejný klíÄ – nemohu aplikovat revokaÄní certifikát\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neplatný revokaÄní certifikát: %s – zamítnuto\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ revokaÄní certifikát importován\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neexistuje id uživatele pro podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "klÃ­Ä %s: nepodporovaný algoritmus veÅ™ejného klíÄe u uživatelského ID „%s“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s neplatný podpis klíÄe jím samým u uživatelského ID „%s“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: nepodporovaný algoritmus veÅ™ejného klíÄe\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neplatný podpis klíÄe jím samým (direct key signature)\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neexistuje podklÃ­Ä pro vázání klíÄů\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neplatná vazba podklíÄe\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: smazána vícenásobná vazba podklíÄe\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neexistuje podklÃ­Ä pro revokaci klíÄe\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neplatný revokaÄní podklíÄ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: smazána vícenásobná revokace podklíÄe\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: pÅ™eskoÄen identifikátor uživatele „%s“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: podklÃ­Ä pÅ™eskoÄen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: podpis není exportovatelný (třída %02X) - pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: revokaÄní certifikát na Å¡patném místÄ› - pÅ™eskoÄeno \n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neplatný revokaÄní certifikát: %s - pÅ™eskoÄen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: podpis podklíÄe na Å¡patném místÄ› - pÅ™eskoÄeno \n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neoÄekávaná podpisová třída (0x%02X) - pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: objeven duplikovaný identifikátor uživatele - slouÄen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: klÃ­Ä %s může být revokován: zkouším získat revokaÄní klÃ­Ä %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: klÃ­Ä %s může být revokován: revokaÄní klÃ­Ä %s nenalezen.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: „%s“ pÅ™idán revokaÄní certifikát\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: podpis klíÄe jím samým (direct key signature) pÅ™idán\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: sériové Äíslo klíÄe neodpovídá Äíslu karty\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: primární klÃ­Ä je online a je uložen na kartÄ›\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: sekundární klÃ­Ä je online a je uložen na kartÄ›\n" @@ -3267,51 +3313,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "selhalo obnovení vyrovnávací pamÄ›ti klíÄů: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revokace]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[podpis klíÄe jím samým]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 Å¡patný podpis\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d Å¡patných podpisů\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 podpis neověřen, protože chybí klíÄ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d podpisů neověřených, protože chybí klíÄ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 podpis neověřen, protože vznikla chyba\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d podpisů neověřených, protože vznikly chyby\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "objeven 1 identifikátor uživatele bez platného podpisu jím samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "objeveno %d identifikátorů uživatele bez platného podpisu jím samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3323,17 +3369,17 @@ "kontrolou otisků z různých zdrojů...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Důvěřuji ÄásteÄnÄ›\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Důvěřuji úplnÄ›\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3343,47 +3389,47 @@ "Hloubka vÄ›tší než 1 umožňuje klíÄům, které jste podepsal\n" "podepsat jiný klíÄ, který bude pro Vás důvÄ›ryhodný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Prosím vložte doménu, pro kterou je podpis omezen nebo stisknÄ›te enter pro " "podpis bez omezení na doménu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Uživatelské ID „%s“ je revokováno." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Jste si jistý(á), že stále chcete podepsat tento klíÄ? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Nelze podepsat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "VyprÅ¡ela platnost uživatelského ID „%s“." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "ID uživatele „%s“ není podepsáno jím samým." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "ID uživatele „%s“ je pÅ™ipraveno k podpisu." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Podepsat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3392,11 +3438,11 @@ "Podpis klíÄe „%s“ jím samým je\n" "podpis formátu PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "PÅ™ejete si jej zmÄ›nit na formát OpenPGP? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3405,13 +3451,13 @@ "Platnost vaÅ¡eho podpisu na „%s“\n" "vyprÅ¡ela.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Chcete vytvoÅ™it nový podpis a nahradit jím ten, jehož platnost vyprÅ¡ela? (a/" "N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3420,54 +3466,54 @@ "Váš souÄasný podpis na „%s“\n" "je pouze lokální.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "PÅ™ejete si jej zmÄ›nit na plnÄ› exportovatelný podpise? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "„%s“ je již lokálnÄ› podepsán klíÄem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "„%s“ je již podepsán klíÄem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Chcete klÃ­Ä pÅ™esto znova podepsat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nic k podepsání klíÄem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Platnost klíÄe vyprÅ¡ela!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Platnost klíÄe vyprší %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Chcete, aby platnost VaÅ¡eho podpisu vyprÅ¡ela ve stejnou dobu? (A/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Nemůžete udÄ›lat OpenPGP podpis klíÄe typu PGP 2.x, když jste v --pgp2 módu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "To by způsobilo nepoužitelnost klíÄe v PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3477,31 +3523,31 @@ "patří výše uvedené osobÄ›.\n" "Pokud neznáte odpovÄ›Ä, zadejte „0“.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Neodpovím.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Nijak jsem to nekontroloval(a).%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) ČásteÄnÄ› jsem to ověřil(a).%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Velmi peÄlivÄ› jsem to ověřil(a).%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Váš výbÄ›r? (pro více informací vložte „?“): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3510,76 +3556,76 @@ "Jste si jistý(á), že chcete podepsat tento klíÄ\n" "svým klíÄem „%s“ (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Jedná se o podpis klíÄe jím samým.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: podpis nebude oznaÄen jako neexportovatelný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: podpis nebude oznaÄen jako neodvolatelný (non-revocable).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Podpis bude oznaÄen jako neexportovatelný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Podpis bude oznaÄen jako neodvolatelný (non-revocable).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Nijak jsem tento klÃ­Ä neověřil.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "ČásteÄnÄ› jsem ověřil tento klíÄ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Velmi peÄlivÄ› jsem ověřil tento klíÄ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "SkuteÄnÄ› podepsat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "podepsání selhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "K dispozici je jen kontrolní souÄet klíÄe nebo je klÃ­Ä na kartÄ› - passphrase " "nelze zmÄ›nit.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Tento klÃ­Ä není chránÄ›ný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Tajné Äásti primárního klíÄe nejsou dostupné.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Tajná Äást primárního klíÄe jsou uloženy na kartÄ›.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "KlÃ­Ä je chránÄ›ný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Není možné editovat tento klíÄ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3587,11 +3633,11 @@ "Vložte nové heslo (passphrase) pro tento tajný klíÄ.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "heslo není zopakováno správnÄ›; zkuste to znovu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3599,185 +3645,185 @@ "Nechcete heslo - to *není* dobrý nápad!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu to chcete udÄ›lat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "pÅ™esunuji podpis klíÄe na správné místo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "uložit a ukonÄit" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "vypsat otisk klíÄe" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "vypsat seznam klíÄů a id uživatelů" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "vyberte identifikátor uživatele N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "vyberte podklÃ­Ä N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "kontrolovat podpisy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "podepsat vybrané ID uživatele [* níže jsou uvedeny relevantní příkazy]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "podepsat vybrané uživatelské ID lokálnÄ›" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "podepsat vybrané uživatelské ID důvÄ›ryhodným podpisem" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "podepsat vybraná uživatelská ID neodvolatelným podpisem" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "pÅ™idat identifikátor uživatele" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "pÅ™idat fotografický ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "smazat vybrané ID uživatele" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "pÅ™idat podklíÄ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "pÅ™idat klÃ­Ä na kartu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "pÅ™esunout klÃ­Ä na kartu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "pÅ™esunout záložní klÃ­Ä na kartu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "smazat vybrané podklíÄe" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "pÅ™idat revokaÄní klíÄ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "smazat podpisy z vybraných uživatelských ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "zmÄ›nit datum expirace pro klÃ­Ä nebo vybrané podklíÄe" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "oznaÄit vybrané uživatelské ID jako primární" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "pÅ™epnout mezi výpisem seznamu tajných a veÅ™ejných klíÄů" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "vypsat seznam pÅ™edvoleb (pro experty)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "vypsat seznam pÅ™edvoleb (podrobnÄ›)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "nastavit sadu preferencí pro vybrané uživatelské ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "nastavit URL preferovaného serveru klíÄů pro vybraná uživatelská ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "zadat poznámku pro vybraná uživatelská ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "zmÄ›nit heslo" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "zmÄ›nit důvÄ›ryhodnost vlastníka klíÄe" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "revokovat podpisu na vybraných uživatelských ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revokovat vybrané uživatelské ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revokovat klÃ­Ä nebo vybrané podklíÄe" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "nastavit klÃ­Ä jako platný (enable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "nastavit klÃ­Ä jako neplatný (disable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "ukázat vybrané fotografické ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "smÄ›stnat nepoužitelná ID uživatelů a odstranit z klíÄe nepoužitelné podpisy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "smÄ›stnat nepoužitelná ID uživatelů a odstranit z klíÄe vÅ¡echny podpisy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i Ätení bloku tajného klíÄe „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Tajný klÃ­Ä je dostupný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Pro provedení této operace je potÅ™eba tajný klíÄ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Prosím, nejdříve použijte příkaz „toggle“ (pÅ™epnout).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3788,225 +3834,225 @@ " s prefixem „t“ pro důvÄ›ryhodný podpis (tsign) nebo „nr“ pro neodvolatelný\n" " podpis (nrsign) nebo libovolnou jejich kombinací (ltsign, tnrsign, atd.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "KlÃ­Ä revokován." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu podepsat vÅ¡echny id uživatele? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "NápovÄ›da: Vyberte id uživatele k podepsání\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Neznámý typ podpisu „%s“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Tento příkaz není v módů %s dovolený.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Musíte vybrat alespoň jeden id uživatele.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Nemůžete smazat poslední id uživatele!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu odstranit vÅ¡echny vybrané id uživatele? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu odstranit tento id uživatele? (a/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu pÅ™esunout primární klíÄ? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Musíte vybrat právÄ› jeden klíÄ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Příkaz oÄekává jméno souboru jako argument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nemohu otevřít „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Chyba pÅ™i Ätení záložního klíÄe z „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Musíte vybrat alespoň jeden klíÄ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat vybrané klíÄe? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat tento klíÄ? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu revokovat vÅ¡echny vybrané id uživatele? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu revokovat tento id uživatele? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu chcete revokovat celý klíÄ? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu chcete revokovat vybrané podklíÄe? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu chcete revokovat tento podklíÄ? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "DůvÄ›ryhodnost vlastníka nelze mÄ›nit je-li používána databáze důvÄ›ry " "poskytnutá uživatelem\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Nastavit seznam pÅ™edvoleb:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu aktualizovat pÅ™edvolby pro vybraný id uživatele? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu aktualizovat pÅ™edvolby? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Uložit zmÄ›ny? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "UkonÄit bez uložení? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualizace selhala: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualizace tajného klíÄe selhala: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "KlÃ­Ä nebyl zmÄ›nÄ›n, takže není potÅ™eba jej aktualizovat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Vlastnosti: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Keyserver bez modifikace" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Preferovaný keyserver: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Poznámky: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Uživatelský ID formátu PGP 2.x nemá žádné pÅ™edvolby\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "V %s byl následující klÃ­Ä revokován %s klíÄem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Tento klÃ­Ä může být revokován %s klíÄem %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(citlivá informace)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "vytvoÅ™en: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revokován: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "platnost skonÄila: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "platnost skonÄí: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "použití: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "důvÄ›ra: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "platnost: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Tento klÃ­Ä byl oznaÄen za neplatný (disabled)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "Äíslo karty: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4014,17 +4060,17 @@ "Prosím nezapomeňte, že zobrazované údaje o platnosti klíÄů nemusí\n" "být nutnÄ› správné, dokud znova nespustíte program.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "revokován" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "platnost skonÄila" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4032,7 +4078,17 @@ "VAROVÃNÃ: žádné uživatelské ID nebylo oznaÄeno jako primární. Tento příkaz\n" " může způsobit, že za primární bude považováno jiné user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Nemůžete zmÄ›nit dobu platnosti klíÄe verze 3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4041,74 +4097,74 @@ "VAROVÃNÃ: Toto je PGP2 klíÄ. PÅ™idání fotografického ID může v nÄ›kterých\n" " verzích PGP vést k odmítnutí tohoto klíÄe.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Jste si jistý, že jej chcete stále pÅ™idat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "NemÄ›li by jste pÅ™idávat fotografický ID k PGP2 klíÄi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Smazat tento dobrý podpis? (a/N/u)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Smazat tento neplatný podpis? (a/N/u)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Smazat tento neznámý podpis? (a/N/u)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Opravdu smazat tento podpis podepsaný sebou samým? (a/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Smazán %d podpis.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Smazáno %d podpisů.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nic nebylo smazáno.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "neplatný" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Uživatelské ID „%s“ smÄ›stnáno: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Uživatelské ID „%s“: %d podpisů odstranÄ›no\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Uživatelské ID „%s“: %d podpisů odstranÄ›no\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "Uživatelské ID „%s“: je již minimalizované\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "Uživatelské ID „%s“: je již odstranÄ›né\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4117,262 +4173,262 @@ "VAROVÃNÃ: Toto je PGP2 klíÄ. PÅ™idání 'pověření revokace' může v nÄ›kterých\n" " verzích PGP vést k odmítnutí tohoto klíÄe.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "NemÄ›li by jste pÅ™idávat 'pověření revokace' k PGP2 klíÄi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Vložte identifikátor uživatele pověřeného revokací: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä formátu PGP 2.x nelze pověřit revokací\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä nelze pověřit revokací jím samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "tento klÃ­Ä již byl pověřen revokací\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: ustanovení klíÄe „pověřeným odvolatelem“ je nevratná operace!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "Jste si jistí, že tento klÃ­Ä chcete pověřit revokací? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Prosím, odstraňte výbÄ›r z tajných klíÄů.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Prosím, vyberte nejvýše jeden podklíÄ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "MÄ›ním dobu expirace podklíÄe.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "MÄ›ním dobu expirace primárního klíÄe.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Nemůžete zmÄ›nit dobu platnosti klíÄe verze 3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "V souboru tajných klíÄů chybí odpovídající podpis\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "podepisovací podklÃ­Ä %s je již křížovÄ› certifikován\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "podklÃ­Ä %s nepodepisuje, a tak není tÅ™eba jej křížovÄ› certifikovat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Prosím, vyberte právÄ› jeden id uživatele .\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "pÅ™eskoÄen v3 podpis klíÄe jím samým u uživatelského id „%s“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Vložte URL preferovaného serveru klíÄů: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Jste si jistý(á), že jej chcete pÅ™epsat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Jste si jistý(á), že jej chcete smazat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Vložte poznámku: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "PokraÄovat (a/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Neexistuje identifikátor uživatele s indexem %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Neexistuje uživatelské ID s hashem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Neexistuje podklÃ­Ä s indexem %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID uživatele: „%s“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "podepsáno vaším klíÄem %s v %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (neexportovatelné)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Platnost podpisu vyprší %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Jste si jistý, že jej chcete stále revokovat? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "VytvoÅ™it pro tento podpis revokaÄní certifikát? (a/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Nepodepsáno vámi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Podepsal(a) jste následující identifikátory uživatele: %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (neodvolatelné)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "revokováno vaším klíÄem %s v %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Chystáte se revokovat tyto podpisy:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu vytvoÅ™it revokaÄní certifikáty? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "neexistuje tajný klíÄ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "uživatelské ID „%s“ je již revokováno\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: podpis ID uživatele je datován %d sekund v budoucnosti\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "KlÃ­Ä %s je již revokován.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "PodklÃ­Ä %s je již revokován.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Zobrazuji %s fotografický ID o velikosti %ld pro klÃ­Ä %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "duplicita pÅ™edvolby „%s“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "příliÅ¡ mnoho pÅ™edvoleb pro Å¡ifrování\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "příliÅ¡ mnoho pÅ™edvoleb pro vzorkování\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "příliÅ¡ mnoho pÅ™edvoleb pro komprimaci\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "neplatná položka „%s“ v Å™etÄ›zci s pÅ™edvolbami\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "zapisuji podpis klíÄe jím samým (direct signature)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "zapisuji podpis klíÄe sebou samým\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "zapisuji „key-binding“ podpis\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "neplatná délka klíÄe; použiji %u bitů\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "délka klíÄe zaokrouhlena na %u bitů\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "VAROVÃNÃ: nÄ›které OpenPGP programy nedokáží zacházet s DSA klíÄem s takto " "dlouhým hashem\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Podepisování" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certifikování" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Å ifrování" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Autentizace" @@ -4386,7 +4442,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4419,71 +4475,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Konec\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Prosím, vyberte druh klíÄe, který chcete:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA a RSA (implicitní)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA a Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (pouze pro podpis)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (pouze pro podpis)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (pouze pro Å¡ifrování)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (pouze pro Å¡ifrování)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (nastavit si vlastní použití)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nastavit si vlastní použití)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s může mít délku v intervalu %u až %u bitů.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Jakou délku podklíÄe si pÅ™ejete? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Jakou délku klíÄe si pÅ™ejete? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Požadovaná délka klíÄe je %u bitů.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4499,7 +4555,7 @@ " m = doba platnosti klíÄe skonÄí za n mÄ›síců\n" " y = doba platnosti klíÄe skonÄí za n let\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4515,38 +4571,38 @@ " m = doba platnosti podpisu skonÄí za n mÄ›síců\n" " y = doba platnosti podpisu skonÄí za n let\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "KlÃ­Ä je platný pro? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Podpis je platný pro? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "neplatná hodnota\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Platnost klíÄe nikdy neskonÄí\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Platnost podpisu nikdy neskonÄí\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Platnost klíÄe skonÄí v %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Platnost podpisu skonÄí v %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4554,11 +4610,11 @@ "Váš systém neumí zobrazit data po roce 2038.\n" "V každém případÄ› budou data korektnÄ› zpracovávána do roku 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Je to správnÄ› (a/N)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4573,7 +4629,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4589,44 +4645,44 @@ " „Magda Prochazkova (student) “\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Jméno a příjmení: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Neplatný znak ve jménÄ›\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Jméno nemůže zaÄínat Äíslicí\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Jméno musí být dlouhé alespoň 5 znaků\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-mailová adresa: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Neplatná e-mailová adresa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Komentář: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Neplatný znak v komentáři\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Používáte znakovou sadu „%s“.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4637,11 +4693,11 @@ " „%s“\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Do pole jméno nebo komentář nepiÅ¡te, prosím, e-mailovou adresu.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "Takový identifikátor uživatele již u tohoto klíÄe existuje!\n" @@ -4656,25 +4712,25 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "jJkKeEPpUu" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "ZmÄ›nit (J)méno, (K)omentář, (E)-mail nebo (U)konÄit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" "ZmÄ›nit (J)méno, (K)omentář, (E)-mail, (P)okraÄovat dál nebo (U)konÄit " "program? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Nejdřív, prosím, opravte chybu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4682,7 +4738,7 @@ "Pro ochranu VaÅ¡eho tajného klíÄe musíte zadat heslo.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4690,12 +4746,12 @@ "Prosím, zadejte heslo, kterým ochráníte zálohu mimo kartu nového Å¡ifrovacího " "klíÄe." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4707,7 +4763,7 @@ "tohoto programu s parametrem „--edit-key“.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4720,50 +4776,50 @@ "používat disky); díky tomu má generátor lepší Å¡anci získat dostatek " "entropie.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Vytváření klíÄe bylo zruÅ¡eno.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisuji veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä do „%s“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisuji tajný klÃ­Ä do „%s“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisuji tajný klÃ­Ä do „%s“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenalezen zapisovatelný soubor veÅ™ejných klíÄů (pubring): %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenalezen zapisovatelný soubor tajných klíÄů (secring): %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i zápisu do souboru veÅ™ejných klíÄů „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i zápisu do souboru tajných klíÄů „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "veÅ™ejný a tajný klÃ­Ä byly vytvoÅ™eny a podepsány.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4771,12 +4827,12 @@ "Tento klÃ­Ä nemůže být použitý pro Å¡ifrování. K vytvoÅ™ení\n" "sekundárního klíÄe pro tento úÄel můžete použít příkaz „--edit-key“.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "VytvoÅ™ení klíÄe se nepodaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4784,7 +4840,7 @@ "klÃ­Ä byl vytvoÅ™en %lu sekund v budoucnosti (doÅ¡lo ke zmÄ›nÄ› Äasu nebo\n" "je problém se systémovým Äasem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4792,30 +4848,30 @@ "klÃ­Ä byl vytvoÅ™en %lu sekund v budoucnosti (doÅ¡lo ke zmÄ›nÄ› Äasu nebo\n" "je problém se systémovým Äasem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: vytvoÅ™ení podklíÄe pro klíÄe v3 není v souladu s OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Opravdu vytvoÅ™it? (a/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "uložení klíÄe na kartu se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemohu vytvoÅ™it zálohu souboru „%s“: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: záloha klíÄe z karty uložena do „%s“\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "nikdy " @@ -4869,45 +4925,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Sériové Äíslo karty =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "pÅ™ejmenování „%s“ na „%s“ se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: Existují dva soubory s tajnými informacemi.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s je beze zmÄ›ny\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s je nový\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Prosím, opravte tento možný bezpeÄnostní problém\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "cache souboru klíÄů „%s“\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu klíÄů již uloženo v cache (%lu podpisů)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu klíÄů uloženo v cache (%lu podpisů)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: soubor klíÄů (keyring) vytvoÅ™en\n" @@ -4953,7 +5009,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Vložte Äíslo (Äísla), „N“ pro další, nebo „Q“ pro konec > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "neplatný protokol serveru klíÄů (naÅ¡e %d!=obsluha %d)\n" @@ -4967,121 +5023,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä nebyl na serveru klíÄů nalezen\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "požaduji klÃ­Ä %s ze %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "požaduji klÃ­Ä %s z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "vyhledávám jména na %s serveru %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "vyhledávám jména na serveru %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "posílám klÃ­Ä %s na %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "posílám klÃ­Ä %s na %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "vyhledávám „%s“ na %s serveru %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "vyhledávám „%s“ na serveru %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "žádná operace se serverem klíÄů!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: obsluha serveru klíÄů z jiné verze GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "server klíÄů neposlal VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "chyba komunikace se serverem klíÄů: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "žádný server klíÄů není znám (použijte volbu --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "volání externího keyserver není v této verzi podporováno\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "protokol serveru klíÄů „%s“ není podporován\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "akce „%s“ není podporována v protokolu „%s“ serveru klíÄů\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s nepodporuje protokol verze %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "Äasový limit pro server klíÄů vyprÅ¡el\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "interní chyba serveru klíÄů\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "chyba komunikace se serverem klíÄů: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "„%s“ není ID klíÄe: pÅ™eskoÄeno\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: nelze aktualizovat klÃ­Ä %s prostÅ™ednictvím %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "aktualizuji 1 klÃ­Ä z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "aktualizuji %d klíÄů z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: URI %s nelze získat: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: URI %s nelze rozebrat\n" @@ -5141,166 +5197,171 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "zaÅ¡ifrováno jedním heslem\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "pÅ™edpokládám %s Å¡ifrovaných dat\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "algoritmus IDEA není dostupný; optimisticky se jej pokusíme nahradit " "algoritmem %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "deÅ¡ifrování o.k.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: zpráva nebyla chránÄ›na proti poruÅ¡ení její integrity\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: se zaÅ¡ifrovanou zprávou bylo manipulováno!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "vymazané heslo zapamatované pro ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "deÅ¡ifrování selhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: odesílatel požadoval („for-your-eyes-only“)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "původní jméno souboru='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: zachyceno více prostých textů\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "samostatný revokaÄní certifikát – použijte „gpg --import“, chcete-li jej " "užít\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "nenalezen žádná podpis\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verifikace podpisu potlaÄena\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "neumím pracovat s tÄ›mito nejednoznaÄnými daty\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Podpis vytvoÅ™en %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " použití %s klíÄe %s\n" # Scripte scannen lt. dl1bke auf "ID (0-9A-F)+" deswegen muß "ID" rein :-( -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Podpis vytvoÅ™en %s pomocí klíÄe %s s ID uživatele %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "KlÃ­Ä k dispozici na: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Å PATNà podpis od „%s“" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Podpis s vyprÅ¡enou platností od „%s“" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Dobrý podpis od „%s“" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[nejistý]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias „%s“" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Platnost podpisu skonÄila %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Platnost podpisu skonÄí %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "podpis %s, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binární formát" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "textový formát" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznámý formát" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Nemohu ověřit podpis: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "toto není podpis oddÄ›lený od dokumentu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: detekováno více podpisů. Kontrolován bude pouze první.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "samostatný podpis třídy 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "podpis starého typu (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "nalezen neplatný koÅ™enový paket v proc_tree()\n" @@ -5314,89 +5375,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) selhal v %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: používám experimentální algoritmus veÅ™ejného klíÄe %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: Podepisovací a Å¡ifrovací klíÄe Elgamal se nedoporuÄují\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: používám experimentální Å¡ifrovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: používám experimentální hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: vyžádaný algoritmus %s není doporuÄen\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "podpis %s, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA modul pro GnuPG nenalezen\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "více informací naleznete na adrese %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: použití parametru „%s“ se nedoporuÄuje\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: používání parametru „%s“ se nedoporuÄuje\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "použijte místo nÄ›j „%s%s“ \n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: používání příkaz „%s“ se nedoporuÄuje - nepoužívejte jej\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: zastaralý parametr „%s“ – neúÄinkuje\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: „%s“ je zastaralý parametr – neúÄinkuje\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: zastaralý parametr „%s“ – neúÄinkuje\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: „%s“ je zastaralý parametr – neúÄinkuje\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Nezkomprimováno" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "nezkomprimováno|nic" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "tato zpráva nemusí být s %s použitelná\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "nejednoznaÄné volby „%s“\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "neznámá volba „%s“\n" @@ -5423,46 +5503,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "zapisuji do standardního výstupu\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "pÅ™edpokládám podepsaná data v „%s“\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "vytvoÅ™en nový konfiguraÄní soubor „%s“\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: nastavení z „%s“ nejsou pÅ™i tomto spuÅ¡tÄ›ní zatím aktivní\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "nemohu pracovat s algoritmem veÅ™ejného klíÄe %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: potencionálnÄ› nebezpeÄnÄ› symetricky zaÅ¡ifrován klÃ­Ä sezení\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "podpacket typu %d má nastavený kritický bit\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problém s agentem: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (hlavní ID klíÄe %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5477,15 +5558,15 @@ "KlÃ­Ä o délce %u bitů, typ %s, ID %s\n" "vytvoÅ™ený %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Vložit heslo\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "zruÅ¡eno uživatelem\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5494,12 +5575,12 @@ "Musíte znát heslo, abyste odemkl(a) tajný klÃ­Ä pro\n" "uživatele: „%s“\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "délka %u bitů, typ %s, klÃ­Ä %s, vytvoÅ™ený %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (podklÃ­Ä na hlavním klíÄi ID %s)" @@ -5848,16 +5929,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "Ätu standardní vstup…\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "chybí podepsaná data\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "nemohu otevřít podepsaná data „%s“\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "nemohu otevřít podepsaná data na fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -6118,25 +6199,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "POZNÃMKA: podpisový klÃ­Ä %s byl odvolán\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "podpis %s, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "pÅ™edpokládám Å¡patný podpis klíÄem %s, protože je nastaven neznámý kritický " "bit\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: neexistuje podklÃ­Ä pro revokaci podklíÄe\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä %s: podklÃ­Ä který je svázán s podpisem neexistuje\n" @@ -6537,7 +6612,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "není nutné kontrolovat databázi důvÄ›ry\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "další kontrola databáze důvÄ›ry v %s\n" @@ -6552,39 +6627,39 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "není nutné aktualizovat databázi důvÄ›ry s modelem „%s“\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä %s nebyl nalezen: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "prosím proveÄte --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "kontroluji databázi důvÄ›ry\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "zpracováno %d klíÄů (%d validit vymazáno)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "žádný absolutnÄ› důvÄ›ryhodný klÃ­Ä nebyl nalezen\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "veÅ™ejný klÃ­Ä k absolutnÄ› důvÄ›ryhodnému klíÄi %s nebyl nalezen\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "požadováno %d ÄásteÄné důvÄ›ry a %d úplné důvÄ›ry, model %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6592,7 +6667,7 @@ "hloubka: %d platných: %3d podepsaných: %3d důvÄ›ra: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " "%df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "nelze aktualizovat záznam v databázi důvÄ›ry: chyba pÅ™i zápisu: %s\n" @@ -6617,68 +6692,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "nemohu otevřít deskriptor %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "argument nebyl oÄekáván" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i Ätení" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "klíÄové slovo je příliÅ¡ dlouhé" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "postrádám argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "neplatný způsob reprezentace v ASCII" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "neplatný příkaz" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "neplatný definice aliasu" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "nedostatek pamÄ›ti" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "neplatný parametr" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "postrádám argument u volby „%.50s“\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "postrádám argument u volby „%.50s“\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "volba „%.50s“ neÄeká argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "neplatný příkaz „%.50s“\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "volba „%.50s“ není jednoznaÄná\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "příkaz „%.50s“ není jednoznaÄný\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "nedostatek pamÄ›ti\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "neplatný parametr „%.50s“\n" @@ -6708,35 +6795,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemohu vytvoÅ™it doÄasný soubor „%s“: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i zápisu do „%s“: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "odstraňuji starý zamykací soubor (vytvoÅ™il %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " – asi mrtvý – odstraňuji zámek" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "Äekám na zámek (drží ho %d%s) %s…\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(uváznutí?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "zámek „%s“ nebyl vytvoÅ™en: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "Äekám na zámek %s…\n" @@ -6761,19 +6848,19 @@ "Syntaxe: kbxutil [VOLBY] [SOUBORY]\n" "Vypisuje, exportuje, importuje schránku na klíÄe (keybox).\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "schází RSA modulus nebo nemá velikost %d bitů\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "schází veÅ™ejný RSA exponent nebo je delší než %d bitů\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "funkce PIN callback skonÄila chybou: %s\n" @@ -6826,79 +6913,79 @@ "|NP|Prosím, zadejte kód pro odblokování (PUK) klíÄe urÄeného na tvorbu " "kvalifikovaných podpisů." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i získání nového PINu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "uložení otisku se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "uložení data vytvoÅ™ení se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ätení veÅ™ejného klíÄe se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "odpovÄ›Ä neobsahuje veÅ™ejný klíÄ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "odpovÄ›Ä neobsahuje RSA modulus\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "odpovÄ›Ä neobsahuje veÅ™ejný RSA exponent\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "používám implicitní PIN jako %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "použití implicitního PINu jako %s selhalo: %s – vypínám jeho budoucí " "použití\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Prosím vložte PIN%%0A[podpis hotov: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Prosím vložte PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN pro CHV%d je příliÅ¡ krátký; minimální délka je %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "ověření CHV%d se nezdaÅ™ilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i získání CHV z karty\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "karta je trvale uzamÄena!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" @@ -6906,24 +6993,24 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Prosím, zadejte PIN správce%%0A[zbývá pokusů: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Prosím, zadejte PIN správce" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "přístup k administrátorským příkazům není nakonfigurován\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Prosím, zadejte resetaÄní kód karty" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "ResetaÄní kód je příliÅ¡ krátký; minimální délka je %d\n" @@ -6931,101 +7018,101 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|Nový resetaÄní kód" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Nový PIN správce" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Nový PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Prosím, zadejte PIN správce a nový PIN správce" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Prosím, zadejte PIN a nový PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i Ätení aplikaÄních dat\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i Ätení otisku DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "klÃ­Ä již existuje\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "existující klÃ­Ä bude pÅ™epsán\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generování nového klíÄe\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "nový klÃ­Ä se zapisuje\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "chybí Äasové razítko vytvoÅ™ení\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "schází RSA prime %s nebo nemá velikost %d bitů\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "nelze uložit klíÄ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "prosím poÄkejte než bude klÃ­Ä vygenerován…\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "generování klíÄe se nezdaÅ™ilo\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "generování klíÄe dokonÄeno (%d sekund)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "neplatná struktura OpenPGP karty (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "otisk na kartÄ› se neshoduje s požadovaným\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "karta nepodporuje hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "dosud vytvoÅ™ené podpisy: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "ověření PIN správce je nyní prostÅ™ednictvím tohoto příkazu zakázáno\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "přístup na %s se nezdaÅ™il – vadná OpenPGP karta?\n" @@ -7049,7 +7136,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|ÚROVEŇ|nastavit úroveň ladÄ›ní na ÚROVEŇ" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|SOUBOR|zapisovat protokol do SOUBORU" @@ -7771,7 +7858,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|ID_UŽIVATELE|použít ID_UŽIVATELE jako implicitní tajný klíÄ" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|použít tento server pro dohledávání klíÄů" @@ -7826,25 +7913,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: pÅ™eskakuji tento řádek\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "nelze rozebrat serveru klíÄů\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "VAROVÃNÃ: pracuji s podvrženým systémovým Äasem: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importuji běžné certifikáty „%s“\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemohu podepsat pomocí „%s“: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "neplatný příkaz (neexistuje žádný implicitní příkaz)\n" @@ -8103,27 +8190,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pÅ™i odesílání standardního parametru: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Volby ovlivňující diagnostický výstup" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Volby ovlivňující nastavení" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Volby užiteÄné pÅ™i ladÄ›ní" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|SOUBOR|zapisuje protokol serverového režimu do SOUBORU" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Volby ovlivňující bezpeÄnost" @@ -8139,108 +8226,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N| nastavit maximální životnost klíÄů SSH na N sekund" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Volby vynucující politiku hesel" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "nedovolit obejít politiku hesel" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|nastavit minimální vyžadovanou délku nových hesel na N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|vyžaduje alespoň N nepísmenných znaků v novém hesle" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|SOUBOR|prověřovat nová hesla proti vzorům v SOUBORU" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|omezit platnost hesla na N dnů" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "nedovolit opakovat stará hesla" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NÃZEV|použít NÃZEV jako implicitní tajný klíÄ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|JMÉNO|Å¡ifrovat rovněž pro uživatele s ID JMÉNO" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|nastavit e-mailový alias" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Nastavení serverů klíÄů" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|používat server klíÄů na URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "povolit dohledávání PKA (dotazy na DNS)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|METODA|používat METODU pro dohledávání klíÄů podle e-mailové adresy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "zakázat veÅ¡kerý přístup k dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NÃZEV|používat kódování NÃZEV pro PKCS#12 hesla" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "neprověřovat koÅ™enové certifikáty proti CRL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Volby ovlivňující podobu výstupu" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Volby ovlivňující interaktivitu a vymáhání" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Nastavení HTTP serverů" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "používat systémové nastavení HTTP proxy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Nastavení používaných LDAP serverů" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "Seznam LDAP serverů" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Nastavení OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "Selhalo externí ověření komponenty %s" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "VezmÄ›te na vÄ›domí, že urÄení skupiny se ignoruje\n" @@ -10141,9 +10228,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "neplatný paket" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "neplatný způsob reprezentace v ASCII" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "neexistuje uživatel s tímto id" @@ -10165,9 +10249,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "chyba pÅ™i vytváření souboru" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "nesprávné heslo" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmus veÅ™ejného klíÄe není implementován" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/da.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/da.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/da.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/da.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/da.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/da.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ # Dansk oversættelse af: / Danish translation of: GnuPG -# Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Birger Langkjer, , 2000. # Kenneth Christiansen, kenneth@ripen.dk, 2000. -# Joe Hansen, , 2012. +# Joe Hansen, , 2012, 2014. # # deadlock -> baglÃ¥s # ownertrust -> ejertroværdighed (pÃ¥lidelighed, tillid) +# pinpad -> numerisk tastatur # record -> post # trust -> troværdig (pÃ¥lidelig, tillid) # trustlist -> troværdig liste (betroet liste) -# 2012-06-05 +# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-01 20:27+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-16 20:27+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Joe Hansen \n" "Language-Team: Danish \n" "Language: da\n" @@ -34,21 +35,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "_O.k." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "_Afbryd" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "_O.k." + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "_O.k." + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "_Afbryd" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Vil du virkelig tilbagekalde de valgte undernøgler? (j/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Indtast ny adgangsfrase" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Kvalitet:" @@ -58,7 +93,7 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "Denne række indikerer kvaliteten for ovenstÃ¥ende angivne adgangskode.\n" @@ -67,7 +102,7 @@ "specialtegn. Spørg din administrator om mere præcis information om\n" "hvordan man anvender sikre adgangskoder." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -75,7 +110,7 @@ "Indtast venligst din PIN, sÃ¥ at den hemmelige nøgle kan lÃ¥ses op for denne " "session" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -86,36 +121,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (forsøg %d af %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN er for lang" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Adgangsfrase er for lang" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Ugyldige tegn i PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN er for kort" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Ugyldig PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Ugyldig adgangsfrase" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Adgangsfrase" @@ -124,22 +159,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "ssh-nøgler større end %d bit er ikke understøttet\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke oprette »%s«: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke Ã¥bne »%s«: %s\n" @@ -181,7 +216,7 @@ "allow this?" msgstr "" "En ssh-proces anmodte om brugen af nøgle%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0AØnsker du at " -"tillade dette" +"tillade dette?" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 msgid "Allow" @@ -362,7 +397,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Indtast venligst den nye adgangsfrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -371,121 +406,123 @@ "@Indstillinger:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "kør i dæmontilstand (baggrunden)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "kør i servertilstand (forgrunden)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "uddybende" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "vær mindre uddybende" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "kommandoresultat i sh-stil" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "kommandoresultat i csh-stil" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FIL|læs tilvalg fra FIL" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "frakobl ikke fra konsollen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "fang ikke tastatur og mus" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "brug en logfil for serveren" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "brug en standardplacering for soklen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|brug PGM som PIN-Entry-program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|brug PGM som SCdaemon-program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "brug ikke SCdaemon'en" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignorer forespørgsler om at ændre TTY'en" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignorer forespørgsler om at ændre X-skærmen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|udløb mellemlagrede PIN'er efter N sekunder" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "brug ikke PIN-mellemlageret nÃ¥r der underskrives" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -msgstr "tillad klienter at markere nøgler som »trusted« (troværdige)" +msgstr "tillad ikke at klienter markerer nøgler som »trusted« (troværdige)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "tillad forhÃ¥ndsindstilling af adgangsfrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "aktiver ssh-agent-emulering" +msgstr "aktiver ssh-understøttelse" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aktiver putty-understøttelse" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "tillad ikke genbrug af gamle adgangsfraser" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|FIL|skriv ogsÃ¥ miljøindstillinger til FIL" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Rapporter venligst fejl til <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Brug: gpg-agent [tilvalg] (-h for hjælp)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -493,145 +530,145 @@ "Syntaks: gpg-agent [tilvalg] [kommando [parametre]]\n" "Hemmelig nøglehÃ¥ndtering for GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "ugyldigt fejlsøgningsniveau »%s« angivet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s er for gammel (kræver %s, har %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: Ingen standardfil for tilvalg »%s«\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tilvalgsfil »%s«: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "læser tilvalg fra »%s«\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved oprettelse af »%s«: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke oprette mappe »%s«: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "sokkelnavnet er for langt\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke oprette sokkel: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "sokkelnavnet »%s« er for langt\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "en gpg-agent kører allerede - starter ikke en ny\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "fejl ved indhentelse af nonce for soklen\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved binding af sokkel til »%s«: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "listen() mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "lytter pÃ¥ sokkel »%s«\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "mappe »%s« oprettet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat() mislykkedes for »%s«: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "kan ikke bruge »%s« som hjemmemappe\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved læsning af nonce pÃ¥ fd %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "hÃ¥ndtering 0x%lx for fd %d startet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "hÃ¥ndtering 0x%lx for fd %d termineret\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh-hÃ¥ndtering 0x%lx for fd %d startet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh-hÃ¥ndtering 0x%lx for %d termineret\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select mislykkeds: %s - venter 1s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s stoppet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "ingen gpg-agent kører i denne session\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "forkert udformet GPG_AGENT_INFO-miljøvariabel\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -649,7 +686,7 @@ "Syntaks: gpg-preset-passphrase [tilvalg] KEYGRIP\n" "Adgangskode for mellemlagervedligeholdelse\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -658,7 +695,7 @@ "@Kommandoer:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -835,8 +872,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Jeg ændrer den senere" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved oprettelse af datakanal: %s\n" @@ -1185,80 +1222,80 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "panser: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "ugyldigt panserhoved: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "panserhoved: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "ugyldigt clearsig-hoved\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "ukendt panserhoved: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "indlejrede underskrifter i klartekst\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "uventet panser: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "ugyldig striplet undvegen linje: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "ugyldigt radix64-tegn %02x udeladt\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "for tidlig eof (ingen CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "for tidlig eof (i CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "ugyldig udformet CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC-fejl; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "for tidlig eof (i trailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "fejl i trailerlinje\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "ingen gyldige OpenPGP-data fundet.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "ugyldigt panser: linje længere end %d tegn\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "citeret udskrivingstegn i panser - mÃ¥ske pÃ¥ grund af en fejlbehæftet MTA\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1266,23 +1303,23 @@ "et notationsnavn mÃ¥ kun have udskrivningstegn eller mellemrum og skal " "sluttes med et »=«\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "et brugernotationsnavn skal indeholde tegnet »@«\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "et notationsnavn mÃ¥ ikke indeholde mere end et »@«-tegn\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "en notationsværdi mÃ¥ ikke bruge nogen kontroltegn\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Ingen notationsdata fundet\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "kan ikke læses af mennesker" @@ -1296,8 +1333,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGP-kortnr. %s detekteret\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "kan ikke udføre dette i jobtilstand\n" @@ -1305,13 +1342,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Denne kommando er kun tilgængelig for version 2-kort\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Nulstillingskode er ikke eller ikke mere tilgængelig\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Dit valg? " @@ -1379,7 +1416,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved allokering af nok hukommelse: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved læsning af »%s«: %s\n" @@ -1479,13 +1516,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Hvilken nøglestørrelse ønsker du for godkendelsesnøglen? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "afrundet op til %u bit\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s nøglestørrelser skal være i intervallet %u-%u\n" @@ -1540,8 +1577,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Godkendelsesnøgle\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ugyldigt valg.\n" @@ -1566,7 +1603,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved skrivning af nøgle til kort: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "afslut denne menu" @@ -1574,7 +1611,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "vis administratorkommandoer" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "vis denne hjælpetekst" @@ -1646,7 +1683,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Administratorkommandoer er ikke tilladt\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Ugyldig kommando (prøv »help«)\n" @@ -1654,18 +1691,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output virker ikke for denne kommando\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "kan ikke Ã¥bne »%s«\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "nøglen »%s« blev ikke fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1918,213 +1955,213 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: intet blev eksporteret\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "for mange punkter i pk-mellemlager - deaktiveret\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Bruger-id blev ikke fundet]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "nøgle %s: hemmelig nøgle uden offentlig nøgle - udeladt\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "hentede automatisk »%s« via %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved indhentelse af »%s« via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Ingen fingeraftryk" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Ugyldig nøgle %s gjort gyldig med --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "ingen hemmelig undernøgle for offentlig undernøgle %s - ignorerer\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "bruger undernøgle %s i stedet for primær nøgle %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "nøgle %s: hemmelig nøgle uden offentlig nøgle - udeladt\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "opret en underskrift" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "opret en underskrift i klartekst" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "opret en separat underskrift" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "krypter data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "krypter kun med symmetrisk chiffer" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "afkrypter data (standard)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "godkend en underskrift" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "vis nøgler" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "vis nøgler og underskrifter" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "vis og kontroller nøgleunderskrifter" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "vis nøgler og fingeraftryk" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "vis hemmelige nøgler" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "opret et nyt nøglepar" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "opret et tilbagekaldscertifikat" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "fjern nøgler fra den offentlige nøglering" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "fjern nøgler fra den hemmelige nøglering" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "underskriv en nøgle" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "underskriv en nøgle lokalt" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "underskriv eller rediger en nøgle" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "ændr en adgangsfrase" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "eksporter nøgler" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "eksporter nøgler til en nøgletjener" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importer nøgler fra en nøgleserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "søg efter nøgler pÃ¥ en nøgleserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "opdater alle nøgler fra en nøgleserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importer/sammenføj nøgler" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "udskriv kortstatus" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "ændr data pÃ¥ et kort" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "ændr et korts PIN" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "opdater troværdighedsdatabasen" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "vis beskedsammendrag" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "kør i servertilstand" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "opret ascii-pansrede uddata" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|USER-ID|krypter for BRUGER-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|USER-ID|brug BRUGER-ID til at underskrive eller afkryptere" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|sæt komprimeringsniveauet til N (0 deaktiverer)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "brug kanonisk teksttilstand" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|skriv resultat til FIL" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "lav ingen ændringer" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "spørg før overskrivning" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "brug streng OpenPGP-opførsel" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2132,7 +2169,7 @@ "@\n" "(Se manualsiden for en fuldstændig liste over alle kommandoer og tilvalg)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2152,12 +2189,12 @@ " --list-keys [navne] vis nøgler\n" " --fingerprint [navne] vis fingeraftryk\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Brug: gpg [flag] [filer] (-h for hjælp)" # Skal alt dette oversættes eller er det tilvalgene? -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2167,7 +2204,7 @@ "Sign, check, encrypt eller decrypt\n" "standardhandling afhænger af inddata\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2175,549 +2212,549 @@ "\n" "Understøttede algoritmer:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Pubkey: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Chiffer: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Komprimering: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "brug: gpg [tilvalg] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "kommandoer er i konflikt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "ingen = tegn fundet i gruppedefinition »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikker ejerskab af hjemmemappe »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikker ejerskab pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikker ejerskab pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre rettigheder pÃ¥ hjemmemappe »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre rettigheder pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre rettigheder pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mappeejerskab pÃ¥ hjemmemappe »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mappeejerskab pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mappeejerskab pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikre indelukkede mapperettigheder pÃ¥ hjemmemappe »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: Usikre indelukkede mapperettigheder pÃ¥ konfigurationsfil »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Usikkert indelukket mapperettigheder pÃ¥ udvidelse »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "ukendt konfigurationspunkt »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "vis billed-id'er under nøglevisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "vil politikadresser under underskriftvisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "vis alle notationer under underskriftvisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "vis IETF-standardnotationer under underskriftvisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "vis brugerangivne notationer under underskriftvisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "vis foretrukne nøgleserveradresser under underskriftvisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "vis bruger-id-validitet under nøglevisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "vis tilbagekaldte og udløbne bruger-id'er i nøglevisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "vis tilbagekaldte og udløbne undernøgler i nøglevisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "vis nøgleringsnavnet i nøglevisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "vis udløbsdatoer under underskriftvisninger" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: Gammel standardfil for tilvalg »%s« blev ignoreret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt er for gammel (kræver %s, har %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: %s er ikke til normal brug!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "»%s« er ikke et gyldigt underskriftudløb\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "»%s« er ikke et gyldigt tegnsæt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "kunne ikke fortolke nøgleserveradresse\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige indstillinger for nøgleserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "ugyldige indstillinger for nøgleserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige importindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "ugyldige importindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige eksportindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "ugyldige eksportindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige listeindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "ugyldige listeindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "vis billed-id'er under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "vis politikadresser under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "vis alle notationer under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "vis IETF-standardnotationer under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "vis brugerangivne notationer under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "vis foretrukne nøgleserveradresser under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "vis bruger-id-validitet under underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "vis tilbagekaldte og udløbne bruger-id'er i underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "vis kun den primære bruger-id i underskriftverificering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "valider underskrifter med PKA-data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "hæv troværdigheden for underskrifter med gyldige PKA-data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige verificeringsindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "ugyldige verificeringsindstillinger\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke angive kørselssti til %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldig liste for auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "ugyldig liste for auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: program kan oprette en kernefil!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: %s overskriver %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ikke tilladt med %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s er meningsløs sammen med %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "vil ikke køre med usikker hukommelse pÃ¥ grund af %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "du kan kun lave frakoblede eller rydde underskrifter i tilstanden --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke underskrive og kryptere pÃ¥ samme tid i tilstanden --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "du skal bruge filer (og ikke en datakanal) nÃ¥r du arbejder med --pgp2 " "aktiveret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "kryptering af en besked i tilstanden --pgp2 kræver IDEA-chifret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt chifferalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt sammendragsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt komprimeringsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt algoritme for certifikationssammendrag er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed skal være større end 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed skal være større end 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth skal være i intervallet fra 1 til 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ugyldigt default-cert-level; skal være 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ugyldigt min-cert-level; skal være 1, 2 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: simpel S2K-tilstand (0) frarÃ¥des pÃ¥ det skarpeste\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "ugyldig S2K-tilstand; skal være 0, 1 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldige standardpræferencer\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldige præferencer for personlig chiffer\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldige præferencer for personlig sammendrag\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldige præferencer for personlig komprimering\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s virker endnu ikke med %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du mÃ¥ ikke bruge chifferalgoritmen »%s« i tilstanden %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du mÃ¥ ikke bruge sammendragsalgoritmen »%s« i tilstanden %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du mÃ¥ ikke bruge komprimeringsalgoritmen »%s« i tilstanden %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke initialisere TrustDB: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: modtagere (-r) angivet uden brug af offentlig nøglekryptering\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "symmetrisk kryptering af »%s« mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --encrypt i tilstanden %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --sign --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruge --symmetric --sign --encrypt i tilstanden %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key bruger-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key bruger-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key bruger-id [kommandoer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "nøgleserver send mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "nøgleserver modtag mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "nøgleeksport mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "nøgleserver søg mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "nøgleserver opdater mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "fjernelse af panser mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "pÃ¥klædning af panser mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "ugyldig hash-algoritme »%s«\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "GÃ¥ til sagen og skriv meddelelsen ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angivne adresse for certifikatpolitik er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angivne adresse for underskriftpolitik er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angivne adresse for foretrukken nøgleserver er ugyldig\n" @@ -2754,120 +2791,124 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Ingen hjælp tilgængelig for »%s«" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "importer underskrifter som er markeret som local-only" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "reparer skade fra pks-nøgleserveren under import" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "ryd ikke ejerskabsværdierne under import" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "opdater ikke trustdb efter import" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "opret en offentlig nøgle under import af en hemmelig nøgle" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "accepter kun opdateringer til eksisterende nøgler" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "fjern ubrugelige dele fra nøgle efter import" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "fjern sÃ¥ meget som muligt fra nøgle efter import" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr " udelader bloktype %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr " %lu-nøgler behandlet\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr " Totalt antal behandl.: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " udeladte nye nøgler: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " w/o bruger-id'er: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importerede: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " uændrede: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nye bruger-id'er: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nye undernøgler: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nye underskrifter: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " nye nøgletilbagekald: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " hemmelige nøgler læst: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " hemmel. nøgler import: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "hemmel. nøgler uændret: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " ikke importerede: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " underskrifter ryddet: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " bruger-id'er ryddet: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2876,350 +2917,348 @@ "ADVARSEL: nøgle %s indeholder præferencer for utilgængelige\n" "algoritmer pÃ¥ disse bruger-id'er:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " »%s«: præference for chifferalgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " »%s«: præference for sammendragsalgortime %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " »%s«: præference for komprimeringsalgortime %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "det anbefales pÃ¥ det stærkeste, at du opdaterer dine præferencer og\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "gendistribuerer denne nøgle for at undgÃ¥ potentielle problemer med rod i\n" "algoritmen\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "du kan opdatere dine præferencer med: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen bruger-id\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "udelod »%s«: %s\n" +msgstr "nøgle %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "afvist af importfilter" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: korruption af PKS-undernøgle er repareret!\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: accepteret ikke egenunderskrevet bruger-id »%s«\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen gyldige bruger-id'er\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "dette kan skyldes en manglende egenunderskrift\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: offentlig nøgle blev ikke fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ny nøgle - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbar nøglering fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver til »%s«\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved skrivning af nøglering »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: offentlig nøgle »%s« importeret\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: stemmer ikke med vores kopi\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: kan ikke lokalisere original nøgleblok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: kan ikke læse original nøgleblok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« 1 ny bruger-id\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d nye bruger-id'er\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« 1 ny underskrift\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d nye underskrifter\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« 1 ny undernøgle\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d nye undernøgler\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d underskrift renset\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d underskrifter renset\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d bruger-id renset\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« %d bruger-id'er renset\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« ikke ændret\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "hemmelig nøgle »%s« blev ikke fundet: %s\n" +msgstr "hemmelig nøgle %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "import af hemmelige nøgler er ikke tilladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: hemmelig nøgle med ugyldig chiffer %d - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "ingen hemmelig standardnøglering: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: hemmelig nøgle importeret\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: allerede i hemmelig nøglering\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: hemmelig nøgle blev ikke fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "nøgle %s: ingen offentlig nøgle - kan ikke anvende tilbagekaldscertifikat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ugyldigt tilbagekaldscertifikat: %s - afvist\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« tilbagekaldscertifikat importeret\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen bruger-id for underskrift\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "nøgle %s: ikke understøttet offentlig nøglealgoritme pÃ¥ bruger-id »%s«\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ugyldig egenunderskrift pÃ¥ bruger-id »%s«\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ikke understøttet offentlig nøglealgoritme\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ugyldig direkte nøgleunderskrift\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen undernøgle for nøglebinding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ugyldig undernøglebinding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: fjernet flerundernøglebinding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen undernøgle for nøgletilbagekald\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ugyldig undernøgletilbagekald\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: fjernet flerundernøgletilbagekald\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: udeladt bruger-id »%s«\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: udeladt undernøgle\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" "nøgle %s: underskrift der ikke kan eksporteres (klasse 0x%02X) - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: tilbagekaldscertifikat pÃ¥ forkert sted - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ugyldigt tilbagekaldscertifikat: %s - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: undernøgleunderskrift pÃ¥ forkert sted - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: uventet underskriftklasse (0x%02X) - udeladt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: duplikeret bruger-id detekteret - sammenføjet\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: nøgle %s kan tilbagekaldes: henter tilbagekaldsnøgle %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: nøgle %s kan tilbagekaldes: tilbagekaldsnøgle %s er ikke til " "stede.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: »%s« tilbagekaldscertifikat tilføjet\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: direkte nøgleunderskrift tilføjet\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: en nøgles S/N matcher ikke kortets\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: primær nøgle er pÃ¥ nettet og lagret pÃ¥ kort\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: sekundær nøgle er pÃ¥ nettet og lagret pÃ¥ kort\n" @@ -3243,51 +3282,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke genbygge nøgleringsmellemlager: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[tilbagekald]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[egenunderskrift]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 ugyldig underskrift\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d ugyldige underskrifter\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 underskrift er ikke kontrolleret pÃ¥ grund af en manglende nøgle\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d underskrifter er ikke kontrolleret pÃ¥ grund af manglende nøgler\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 underskrift er ikke kontrolleret pÃ¥ grund af en fejl\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d underskrifter er ikke kontrolleret pÃ¥ grund af fejl\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 bruger-id uden gyldig egenunderskrift detekteret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d bruger-id'er uden gyldige egenunderskrifter detekteret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3298,17 +3337,17 @@ "andre brugers nøgler\n" "(ved at kigge pÃ¥ pas, kontrollere fingeraftryk fra andre kilder etc.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Marginal troværdighed\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Fuld troværdighed\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3318,47 +3357,47 @@ "En dybde større end 1 giver nøglen du underskriver mulighed for\n" "at lavet troværdighedsunderskrifter pÃ¥ dine vegne.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Indtast venligst et domæne for at begrænse denne underskrift, eller retur " "for ingen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Bruger-id »%s« er tilbagekaldt." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du stadig vil underskrive (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Kunne ikke underskrive.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Bruger-id »%s« er udløbet." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Bruger-id »%s« er ikke egenunderskrevet." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Bruger-id »%s« kan underskrives. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Underskriv? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3367,11 +3406,11 @@ "Egenunderskriften pÃ¥ »%s«\n" "er en underskrift i PGP 2.x-stil.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Ønsker du at forfremme den til en OpenPGP-egenunderskrift? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3380,12 +3419,12 @@ "Din aktuelle underskrift pÃ¥ »%s«\n" "er udløbet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Ønsker du at udstede en ny underskrift for at erstatte den udløbne? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3394,45 +3433,45 @@ "Din aktuelle underskrift pÃ¥ »%s«\n" "er en lokal underskrift.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Ønsker du at forfremme den til en fuld underskrift, der kan eksporteres (j/" "N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "»%s« var allerede underskrevet lokalt af nøgle %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "»%s« var allerede underskrevet af nøgle %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Ønsker du at underskrive den igen alligevel? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Intet at underskrive med nøgle %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Denne nøgle er udløbet!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Denne nøgle er ved at udløbe pÃ¥ %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Ønsker du at dine underskrifter skal udløbe pÃ¥ samme tidspunkt? (J/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3440,11 +3479,11 @@ "Du kan ikke lave en OpenPGP-underskrift pÃ¥ en PGP 2.x-nøgle i tilstanden --" "pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Dette vil gøre nøglen ubrugelig i PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3455,31 +3494,31 @@ "faktisk tilhører personen navngivet ovenfor? Hvis du ikke kender svaret, sÃ¥ " "indtast »0«.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Jeg vil ikke svare.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Jeg har ingen kontrol udført.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Jeg har udført en overfladisk kontrol.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Jeg har foretaget en meget omhyggelig kontrol.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Dit valg? (indtast »?« for yderligere information): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3488,90 +3527,90 @@ "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du ønsker at underskrive denne nøgle\n" "med din nøgle »%s« (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Dette vil være en egenunderskrift.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: Underskriften vil ikke blive markeret som ikke at kunne " "eksporteres.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: Underskriften vil ikke blive markereret som ikke at kunne " "tilbagekaldes.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Underskriften vil blive markeret som ikke at kunne eksporteres.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Underskriften vil blive markeret som ikke at kunne tilbagekaldes.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Jeg har overhovedet ikke kontrolleret denne nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Jeg har overfladisk kontrolleret denne nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Jeg har omhyggeligt kontrolleret denne nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Underskriv? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "underskrift mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "Nøgle har kun stump eller ikkekort nøgleposter - ingen adgangsfrase at " "ændre.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Denne nøgle er ikke beskyttet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Hemmelige dele for primær nøgle er ikke tilgængelige.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Hemmelige dele for primær nøgle gemmes pÃ¥ kortet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Nøglen er beskyttet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Kan ikke redigere denne nøgle: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "Indtast den nye adgangsfrase for denne hemmelige nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "adgangsfrasen er ikke korrekt gentaget; prøv igen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3579,187 +3618,187 @@ "Du ønsker ikke en adgangsfrase - dette er en *dÃ¥rlig* ide!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig gerne gøre dette? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "flytter en nøgleunderskrift til det korrekte sted\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "gem og afslut" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "vis nøglefingeraftryk" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "vis nøgle og bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "vælg bruger-id N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "vælg undernøgle N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "kontroller underskrifter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" "underskriv valgte bruger-id'er [* se nedenfor for relaterede kommandoer]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "underskriv valgte bruger-id'er lokalt" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "underskriv valgte bruger-id'er med en troværdighedsunderskrift" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "underskriv bruger-id'er md en underskrift der ikke kan kaldes tilbage" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "tilføj bruger-id" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "tilføj billed-id" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "slet valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "tilføj en undernøgle" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "tilføj en nøgle til et smartkort" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "flyt en nøgle til et smartkort" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "flyt en sikkerhedskopinøgle til et smartkort" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "slet valgte undernøgler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "tilføj en tilbagekaldsnøgle" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "slet underskrifter fra de valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "ændr udløbsdatoen for nøglen eller valgte undernøgler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marker den valgte bruger-id som primær" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "skift mellem hemmelig og offentlig nøglevisning" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "vis præferencer (ekspert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "vis præferencer (uddybende)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "angiv præferenceliste for de valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "angiv den foretrukne nøgleserveradresse for de valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "angiv en notation for de valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "ændr adgangsfrasen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "ændr ejertroværdigheden" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "tilbagekald underskrifter pÃ¥ de valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "tilbagekald valgte bruger-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "tilbagekald nøgle eller valgte undernøgler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "aktiver nøgle" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "deaktiver nøgle" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "vis valgte billed-id'er" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "komprimer ubrugelige bruger-id'er og fjern ubrugelige underskrifter fra nøgle" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" "komprimer ubrugelige bruger-id'er og fjern alle underskrifter fra nøgle" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved læsning af hemmelig nøgleblok »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Hemmelig nøgle er tilgængelig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Har brug for den hemmelige nøgle for dette.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Brug venligst kommandoen »toggle« først.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3773,225 +3812,225 @@ "tnrsign\n" " etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Nøglen er tilbagekaldt." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du gerne underskrive alle bruger-id'er (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Fif: Vælg bruger-id'erne at underskrive\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Ukendt underskrifttype »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Denne kommando er ikke tilladt i tilstanden %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Du skal vælge mindst en bruger-id.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Du kan ikke slette den sidste bruger-id!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig fjerne alle valgte bruger-id'er? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig fjerne denne bruger-id? (j/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig flytte den primære nøgle? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Du skal vælge præcis en nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Kommando forventer en filnavnsparameter\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Kan ikke Ã¥bne »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fejl ved læsning af sikkerhedskopinøgle fra »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Du skal vælge mindst en nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig slette de valgte nøgler? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig slette denne nøgle? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig tilbagekalde alle valgte bruger-id'er? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig tilbagekalde dette bruger-id? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig tilbagekalde hele nøglen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig tilbagekalde de valgte undernøgler? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig tilbagekalde denne undernøgle? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Ejertroværdighed kan ikke indstilles, nÃ¥r der bruges en brugerleveret " "troværdighedsdatabase\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Angiv præferenceliste til:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Opdater præferencerne for de valgte bruger-id'er (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Opdater præferencerne? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Gem ændringer? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Afslut uden at gemme? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "opdatering mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "opdatering af hemmelighed mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Nøgle ikke ændret sÃ¥ ingen opdatering krævet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Sammendrag: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Funktioner: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Nøgleserver no-modify" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Fortrukken nøgleserver: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notationer: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Der er ingen præferencer pÃ¥ en bruger-id i PGP 2.x-stil.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Den følgende nøgle blev tilbagekaldt den %s af %s nøgle %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Denne nøgle er tilbagekaldt af %s nøgle %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(sensitiv)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "oprettet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "tilbagekaldt: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "udløbet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "udløber: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "brug: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "troværdighed: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "validitet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Denne nøgle er blevet deaktiveret" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "kortnr.: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -3999,17 +4038,17 @@ "Bemærk venligst at den viste nøglevaliditet ikke nødvendigvis er\n" "korrekt med mindre du genstarter programmet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "tilbagekaldt" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "udløbet" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4017,7 +4056,17 @@ "ADVARSEL: Intet bruger-id er blevet markeret som primær. Denne kommando\n" " kan medføre at et anden bruger-id bliver den formodede primære.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Du kan ikke ændre udløbsdatoen for en v3-nøgle\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4027,74 +4076,74 @@ "medføre at\n" " nogle version af PGP afviser denne nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du stadig ønsker at tilføje den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Du mÃ¥ ikke tilføje et billed-id til en nøgle i PGP2-stil.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Slet denne gode underskrift? (j/N/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Slet denne ugyldige underskrift? (j/N/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Slet denne ukendte underskrift? (j/n/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Virkelig slette denne egenunderskrift? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Slettede %d underskrift.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Slettede %d underskrifter.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Intet slettet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "ugyldig" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Bruger-id »%s« komprimeret: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Bruger-id »%s«: %d underskrift fjernet\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Bruger-id »%s«: %d underskrifter fjernet\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "Bruger-id »%s«: allerede minimeret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "Bruger-id »%s«: allerede ryddet\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4104,268 +4153,268 @@ "tilbagekalder\n" " kan medføre at nogle versioner af PGP afviser denne nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Du mÃ¥ ikke tilføje en dedikeret tilbagekalder til en nøgle i PGP 2.x-stil.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Indtast bruger'id for den dedikerede tilbagekalder: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "kan ikke udpege en nøgle i PGP 2.x-stil som dedikeret tilbagekalder\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "du kan ikke udpege en nøgle som dets egen dedikerede tilbagekalder\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "denne nøgle er allerede blevet dedikeret som en tilbagekalder\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: Udpegning af en nøgle som en dedikeret tilbagekalder kan ikke " "fortrydes!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du ønsker at udpege denne nøgle som en dedikeret " "tilbagekalder? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Fjern venligst markeringer fra de hemmelige nøgler.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Vælg venligst højst en undernøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Ændrer udløbstidspunkt for en undernøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Ændrer udløbstidspunkt for den primære nøgle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Du kan ikke ændre udløbsdatoen for en v3-nøgle\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Ingen tilsvarende underskrift i hemmelig ring\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "underskriftsundernøgle %s er allerede krydscertificeret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "undernøgle %s underskriver ikke og skal derfor ikke være krydscertificeret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Vælg venligst præcis en bruger-id.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "udelader v3 egenunderskrift pÃ¥ bruger-id »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Indtast din foretrukne nøglerserveradresse: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du ønsker at erstatte den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du ønsker at slette den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Indtast notationen: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Fortsæt? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Ingen bruger-id med indeks %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Ingen bruger-id med hash %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Ingen undernøgle med indeks %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "bruger-id: »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "underskrevet af din nøgle %s den %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (kan ikke eksporteres)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Denne underskrift udløb den %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker pÃ¥, at du ønsker at tilbagekalde den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Opret et tilbagekaldscertifikat for denne underskrift? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Ikke underskrevet af dig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Du har underskrevet disse bruger-id'er pÃ¥ nøgle %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (kan ikke tilbagekaldes)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "tilbagekaldt af din nøgle %s pÃ¥ %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Du er i gang med at tilbagekalde disse underskrifter:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Opret tilbagekaldscertifikaterne? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "ingen hemmelig nøgle\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "bruger-id »%s« er allerede tilbagekaldt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: En bruger-id-underskrift er dateret %d sekunder inde i fremtiden\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Nøgle %s er allerede tilbagekaldt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Undernøgle %s er allerede tilbagekaldt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Viser %s billed'id med størrelse %ld for nøgle %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "præference »%s« duplikeret\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "for mange chifferpræferencer\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "for mange sammendragpræferencer\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "for mange komprimeringspræferencer\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "ugyldigt punkt »%s« i præferencestreng\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "skriver direkte underskrift\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "skriver egenunderskrift\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "skriver underskrift for nøglebinding\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "nøglestørrelse er ugyldig; bruger %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "nøglestørrelse afrundet op til %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: Nogle OpenPGP-programmer kan ikke hÃ¥ndtere en DS-nøgle med denne\n" "sammendragsstørrelse\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Underskriv" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certificer" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Krypter" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Godkend" @@ -4379,7 +4428,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "UuKkGfAa" @@ -4412,71 +4461,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Afsluttet\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Vælg venligst hvilken slags nøgle du vil have:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA og RSA (standard)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA og Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (kun underskriv)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (kun underskriv)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (kun krypter)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (kun krypter)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (angiv dine egne evner)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (angiv dine egne evner)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s nøgler kan være mellem %u og %u bit lange.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Hvilken nøglestørrelse ønsker du for undernøglen? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Hvilken nøglestørrelse ønsker du? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Ønsket nøglestørrelse er %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4492,7 +4541,7 @@ " m = nøgle udløber om n mÃ¥neder\n" " y = nøgle udløber om n Ã¥r\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4508,38 +4557,38 @@ " m = underskriften udløber om n mÃ¥neder\n" " y = underskriften udløber om n Ã¥r\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Nøgle er gyldig for? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Underskrift er gyldig for? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "ugyldig værdi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Nøglen udløber aldrig\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Underskriften udløber aldrig\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Nøglen udløber den %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Underskriften udløber den %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4547,11 +4596,11 @@ "Dit system kan ikke vise datoer efter 2038.\n" "Det vil dog blive korrekt hÃ¥ndteret op til 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Er dette korrekt? (j/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4565,7 +4614,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4581,44 +4630,44 @@ " »Heinrich Heine (digteren) «\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Fødselsnavn: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ugyldige bogstaver i navn\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Navn mÃ¥ ikke starte med et tal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Navn skal være mindst 5 bogstaver langt\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-post-adresse: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Ikke en gyldig e-post-adresse\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Kommentar: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Ugyldigt tegn i kommentar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Du bruger tegnsættet »%s«.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4629,11 +4678,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Placer ikke e-post-adressen i fødselsnavnet eller kommentaren\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "SÃ¥dant et bruger-id findes allerede pÃ¥ denne nøgle!\n" @@ -4648,23 +4697,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Ændr (N)avn, (K)ommentar, (E)-post eller afslut(Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Ændr (N)avn, (K)ommentar, (E)post eller (O)kay/afslut(Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Ret venligst fejlen først\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4672,7 +4721,7 @@ "Du skal bruge en adgangsfrase til at beskytte din hemmelige nøgle.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4680,12 +4729,12 @@ "Indtast venligst en adgangsfrase til at beskytte sikkerhedskopien fortaget " "uden for kortet af den nye krypteringsnøgle." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4697,7 +4746,7 @@ "ethvert tidspunkt ved at bruge dette program med tilvalget\n" "»--edit-key«.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4709,50 +4758,50 @@ "under oprettelse af primtallet; dette giver det vilkÃ¥rlig\n" "taloprettelsesprogram en bedre mulighed for at opnÃ¥ nok entropi.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Nøgleoprettelse annulleret.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver offentlig nøgle til »%s«\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver hemmelig nøglestump til »%s«\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver hemmelig nøgle til »%s«\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbar offentlig nøglering fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbar hemmelig nøglering fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved skrivning af offentlig nøglering »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved skrivning af hemmelig nøglering »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "offentlig og hemmelig nøgle oprettet og underskrevet.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4760,12 +4809,12 @@ "Bemærk at denne nøgle ikke kan bruges til kryptering. Du kan bruge\n" "kommandoen »--edit-key« til at oprette en undernøgle til dette formÃ¥l.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Nøgleoprettelse mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4773,7 +4822,7 @@ "nøgle er blevet oprettet %lu sekund i fremtiden (tidsforskydning eller " "urproblem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4781,31 +4830,31 @@ "nøgle er blevet oprettet %lu sekunder i fremtiden (tidsforskydning eller " "urproblem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "BEMÆRK: Oprettelse af undernøgler for v3-nøgler overholder ikke OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig oprette? (j/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "lagring af nøgle pÃ¥ kort mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke oprette sikkerhedskopifil »%s«: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: sikkerhedskopi af kortnøgle gemt pÃ¥ »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "aldrig " @@ -4859,45 +4908,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Serielnr. for kort =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "omdøbelse af »%s« til »%s« mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: 2 filer med fortrolig information findes.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s er den uændrede\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s er den nye\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Ret venligst denne mulige sikkerhedsrisiko\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "mellemlagrer nøglering »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu nøgler mellemlagret indtil nu (%lu underskrifter)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu nøgler mellemlagret (%lu underskrifter)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: nøglering oprettet\n" @@ -4943,7 +4992,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Indtal tal, N)æste eller Q) for Afslut > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "ugyldig nøgleserverprotokol (os %d!=hÃ¥ndtag %d)\n" @@ -4957,121 +5006,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "nøgle blev ikke fundet pÃ¥ nøgleserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "anmoder om nøgle %s fra %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "anmoder om nøgle %s fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "søger efter navne fra %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "søger efter navne fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "sender nøgle %s til %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "sender nøgle %s til %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "søger efter »%s« fra %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "søger efter »%s« fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "ingen nøgleserverhandling!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: nøgleserverhÃ¥ndtering fra en anden version af GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "nøgleserver sendte ikke VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "kommunikationsfejl for nøgleserver: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "ingen kendt nøgleserver (brug tilvalget --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "eksterne nøgleserverkald er ikke understøttet i denne bygning\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "ingen hÃ¥ndtering for nøgleserverskema »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "handling »%s« er ikke understøttet med nøgleserverskema »%s«\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s understøtter ikke hÃ¥ndteringsversion %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "nøgleserver fik tidsudløb\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "nøgleserver fik intern fejl\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "kommunikationsfejl for nøgleserver: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "»%s« er ikke et nøgle-id: udelader\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Kan ikke opdatere nøgle %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "opdaterer 1 nøgle fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "opdaterer %d nøgler fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: kan ikke hente URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: kan ikke fortolke URI %s\n" @@ -5129,164 +5178,170 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "krypteret med 1 adgangsfrase\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "antager %s krypterede data\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "IDEA-chiffer utilgængelig, forsøger optimistisk at bruge %s i stedet for\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "afkryptering okay\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: besked var ikke integritetsbeskyttet\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: krypteret besked er blevet manipuleret!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "ryddet adgangsfrase mellemlagret med id: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "afkryptering mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: afsender anmodte om »for-your-eyes-only«\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "oprindeligt filnavn=»%.*s«\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: flere klartekster set\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "uafhængig tilbagekald - brug »gpg --import« for at anvende\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "ingen underskrift fundet\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "underskriftverificering undertrykt\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "kan ikke hÃ¥ndtere disse tvetydige underskriftdata\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Underskrift lavet %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " bruger %s nøgle %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Underskrift lavet %s med %s nøgle-id %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Nøgle tilgængelig pÃ¥: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "UGYLDIG underskrift fra »%s«" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Udløbet underskrift fra »%s«" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "God underskrift fra »%s«" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[usikker]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " ogsÃ¥ kendt som »%s«" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Underskrift udløbet %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Underskrift udløber %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s underskrift, sammendragsalgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binær" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "tekstilstand" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ukendt" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" +"ADVARSEL: Ikke en frakoblet underskrift; filen »%s« blev IKKE verificeret!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Kan ikke kontrollere underskrift: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "ikke en frakoblet underskrift\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: flere underskrifter detekteret. Kun den første vil blive " "kontrolleret.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "uafhængig underskrift for klasse 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "gammeldags (PGP 2.x) underskrift\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "ugyldig rodpakke detekteret i proc_tree()\n" @@ -5300,89 +5355,106 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) mislykkedes i %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: bruger eksperimentel offentlig nøglealgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: Elgamalnøgler for underskriv+krypter er forældede\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: bruger eksperimentel chifferalgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: bruger eksperimentel sammendragsalgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: sammendragsalgoritme %s er forældet\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Bemærk: underskrifter der bruger %s-algoritmen videresendes\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "udvidelsesmodulet for IDEA-chifret er ikke til stede\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "se venligst %s for yderligere information\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: forældet indstilling »%s«\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet indstilling\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "brug venligst »%s%s« i stedet for\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet kommando - brug den ikke\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: forældet indstilling »%s« - den har ingen effekt\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: »%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: »%s%s« er forældet i denne fil - den har kun effekt i %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"ADVARSEL: »%s%s« er en forældet indstilling - den har ingen effekt pÃ¥ %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Ukomprimeret" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "ukomprimeret|ingen" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "denne besked kan nok ikke bruges af %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "tvetydigt tilvalg »%s«\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "ukendt tilvalg »%s«\n" @@ -5409,47 +5481,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "skriver til stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "antager underskrevne data i »%s«\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "ny konfigurationsfil »%s« oprettet\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: indstillinger i »%s« er endnu ikke aktive under denne kørsel\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "kan ikke hÃ¥ndtere offentlig nøglealgoritme %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: potentiel usikker symmetrisk krypteret sessionsnøgle\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "underpakke af typen %d har kritiske bitsæt\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problem med agenten: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (hovednøgle-id %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5464,15 +5536,15 @@ "%u-bit %s nøgle, id %s,\n" "oprettet %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Indtast adgangsfrase\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "afbrudt af bruger\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5481,12 +5553,12 @@ "Du skal bruge en adgangsfrase til at Ã¥bne den hemmelige\n" "nøgle for bruger: »%s«\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bit %s nøgle, id %s, oprettet %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (undernøgle pÃ¥ hovednøgle-id %s)" @@ -5845,16 +5917,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "læser stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "ingen underskrevne data\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "kan ikke Ã¥bne underskrevne data »%s«\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke Ã¥bne underskrevne data fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -6113,25 +6185,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "BEMÆRK: underskriftnøgle %s er blevet tilbagekaldt\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s underskrift, sammendragsalgoritme %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "antager ugyldig underskrift fra nøgle %s pÃ¥ grund af en ukendt kritisk del\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "nøgle %s: ingen undernøgle til tilbagekaldsunderskrift for undernøgle\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "nøgle %s: ingen undernøgle til bindingsunderskrift for undernøgle\n" @@ -6529,7 +6595,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "intet behov for kontrol af trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "næste kontrol af trustdb sker den %s\n" @@ -6545,39 +6611,39 @@ msgstr "" "intet behov for en opdatering af trustdb med troværdighedsmodellen »%s«\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "offentlig nøgle %s blev ikke fundet: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "udfør venligst en --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "kontrollerer trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d nøgler behandlet (%d validiteter ryddet)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "ingen ultimativ troværdige nøgler fundet\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "offentlig nøgle for ultimativ troværdig nøgle %s blev ikke fundet\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d marginaler krævet, %d færdiggjorte krævet, %s troværdighedsmodel\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6585,7 +6651,7 @@ "dybde: %d gyldig: %3d underskrevet: %3d troværdighed: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " "%df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke opdatere trustdb-versionspost: skrivning mislykkedes: %s\n" @@ -6610,68 +6676,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke Ã¥bne fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "parameter var ikke forventet" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "læsefejl" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "nøgleord er for langt" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "manglende parameter" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "ugyldig værdi\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "ugyldig kommando" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "ugyldig aliasdefinition" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "ikke nok kerne" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "ugyldig indstilling" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "manglende parameter for indstilling »%.50s«\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "manglende parameter for indstilling »%.50s«\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "tilvalg »%.50s« forventer ikke et argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ugyldig kommando »%.50s«\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "tilvalg »%.50s« er tvetydigt\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "kommando »%.50s« er tvetydig\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "uden for kerne\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ugyldigt tilvalg »%.50s«\n" @@ -6701,35 +6779,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke oprette midlertidig fil »%s«: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved skrivning til »%s«: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "fjerner stale-lÃ¥sfil (oprettet af %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - sikkert død - fjerner lÃ¥s" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "venter pÃ¥ lÃ¥s (holdt af %d%s) %s ...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(baglÃ¥s?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "lÃ¥s »%s« er ikke udført: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "venter pÃ¥ lÃ¥s %s ...\n" @@ -6754,19 +6832,19 @@ "Syntaks: kbxutil [tilvalg] [filer]\n" "Vis, eksporter, importer Keybox-data\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA-modulus mangler eller har ikke størrelsen %d bit\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA offentlig eksponent mangler eller større end %d bit\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN-tilbagekald returnerede fejl: %s\n" @@ -6820,103 +6898,103 @@ "|P|Indtast venligst PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for nøglen til at oprette " "kvalificerede underskrifter." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "fejl ved indhentelse af ny PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke gemme fingeraftrykket: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke gemme oprettelsesdatoen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "læsning af offentlig nøgle mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "svar indeholder ikke data for offentlig nøgle\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "svar indeholder ikke RSA modulus'erne\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "svar indeholder ikke den RSA-offentlige eksponent\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "bruger standard-PIN som %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "kunne ikke bruge standard-PIN som %s: %s - deaktiverer yderligere " "standardbrug\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Indtast venligst PIN%%0A[sigs færdig: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Indtast venligst PIN'en" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN for CHV%d er for kort; minimumlængde er %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "verificering af CHV%d mislykkedes: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "fejl ved indhentelse af CHV-status fra kort\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "kort er permanent lÃ¥st!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d PIN-forsøg for administrator før kort permanent lÃ¥ses\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Ændr venligst administrator-PIN%%0A[tilbageværende forsøg: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Indtast venligst administrator-PIN'en" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "adgang til administratorkommandoer er ikke konfigureret\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Indtast venligst nulstillingskoden for kortet" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Nulstillingskode er for kort; minimumlængde er %d\n" @@ -6924,103 +7002,103 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|Ny nulstillingskode" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Ny administrator-PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Ny PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Indtast venligst administrator-PIN'en og ny administrator-PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Indtast venligst PIN'en og ny PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "fejl ved læsning af programdata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "fejl ved læsning af fingeraftryk DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "nøgle findes allerede\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "eksisterende nøgle vil blive erstattet\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "opretter ny nøgle\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "skriver ny nøgle\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "oprettelsestidsstempel mangler\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA-primtal %s mangler eller har ikke størrelsen %d bit\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke gemme nøglen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "vent venligst mens nøglen bliver oprettet ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "oprettelse af nøgle mislykkedes\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "nøgleoprettelse færdig (%d sekunder)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "ugyldig struktur for OpenPGP-kort (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "fingeraftryk pÃ¥ kort matcher ikke den anmodte\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "kort understøtter ikke sammendragsalgoritme %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "underskrifter oprettet indtil videre: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "verifikation af administrator-PIN er i øjeblikket forbudt via denne " "kommando\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "kan ikke tilgÃ¥ %s - ugyldig OpenPGP-kort?\n" @@ -7044,7 +7122,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|LEVEL|angiv fejlsøgningsniveau til NIVEAU" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|skriv en log til FIL" @@ -7078,7 +7156,7 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "brug variabellængdeinddata for numerisk tastatur" #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" @@ -7772,7 +7850,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|USER-ID|brug BRUGER-ID som hemmelig standardnøgle" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|brug denne nøgleserver til at slÃ¥ nøgler op" @@ -7827,25 +7905,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: udelader denne linje\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "kunne ikke fortolke nøgleserver\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "ADVARSEL: kører med forfalsket systemtid: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importerer gængse certifikater »%s«\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke underskrive med »%s«: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "ugyldig kommando (der er ingen implict kommando)\n" @@ -8105,27 +8183,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "fejl under afsendelse af standardtilvalg: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Tilvalg der kontrollerer det diagnostiske resultat" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Tilvalg der kontrollerer konfigurationen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Tilvalg nyttige for fejlsøgning" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|skriv servertilstandslogge til FIL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Tilvalg der kontrollerer sikkerheden" @@ -8141,108 +8219,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|angive maksimal livsforløb for SSH-nøgle til N sekunder" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Tilvalg der fremtvinger en adgangsfrasepolitik" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "tillad ikke omgÃ¥else af adgangsfrasepolitikken" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|angiv minimal krævet længde for nye adgangsfraser til N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|kræv mindst N ikkealfanumeriske tegn for en ny adgangsfrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FILE|kontroller nye adgangsfraser mod mønstre i FIL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|giv adgangsfrasen udløb efter N dage" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "tillad ikke genbrug af gamle adgangsfraser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAME|brug NAVN som hemmelig standardnøgle" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAME|krypter ogsÃ¥ til bruger-id-NAVN" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|opsæt e-post-aliasser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Konfiguration for nøgleservere" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|brug nøgleserver pÃ¥ adressen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "tillad PKA-opslag (DNS-forespørgsler)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MECHANISMS|brug MEKANISMER til at finde nøgler efter postadresser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "deaktiver al adgang til dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAME|brug kodnings-NAVN for PKCS#12-adgangsfraser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "kontroller ikke CRL'er for rodcertifikater" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Tilvalg der kontrollerer formatet for resultatet" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Tilvalg der kontrollerer interaktiviteten og tvang" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Konfiguration for HTTP-servere" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "brug systemets HTTP-proxyopsætning" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Konfiguraiton af LDAP-servere der skal bruges" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAP-serverliste" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Konfiguration for OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "Ekstern verifikation af komponent %s mislykkedes" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Bemærk at gruppespecifikationer ignoreres\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/de.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/de.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/de.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/de.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/de.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/de.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.18\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-24 11:13+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-02 13:13+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Werner Koch \n" "Language-Team: German \n" "Language: de\n" @@ -29,21 +29,47 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "_Abbrechen" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "_Ja" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "_Nein" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "Im Passwordmanager _speichern" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "" +"Möchten Sie die eingegebene Passphrase wirklich auf dem Bildschirm sichtbar " +"machen?" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "Die Passphrase sichtbar machen" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Passphrase unsichtbar machen" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Qualität:" @@ -53,14 +79,14 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "Die Qualität der Passphrase, die Sie oben eingegeben haben.\n" "Bitte fragen sie Ihren Systembeauftragten nach den\n" "Kriterien für die Messung der Qualität." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -68,7 +94,7 @@ "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN ein, so daß der geheime Schlüssel benutzt werden " "kann" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -79,36 +105,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (Versuch %d von %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "Die PIN ist zu lang" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Das Mantra (Passphrase) ist zu lang!" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Ungültige Zeichen in der PIN!" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "Die PIN ist zu kurz!" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Falsche PIN!" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Falsche Passphrase!" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Passphrase" @@ -117,22 +143,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "SSH Schlüssel von mehr als %d Bits werden nicht unterstützt\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "'%s' kann nicht erzeugt werden: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "'%s' kann nicht geöffnet werden: %s\n" @@ -363,7 +389,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die Passphrase ein:" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -372,107 +398,111 @@ "@Optionen:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "Im Daemon Modus ausführen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "Im Server Modus ausführen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "Detaillierte Informationen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "Reduzierte Informationen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "Ausgabe für /bin/sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "Ausgabe für /bin/csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|DATEI|Konfigurationsoptionen aus DATEI lesen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "Im Vordergrund laufen lassen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "Tastatur und Maus nicht \"grabben\"" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "Logausgaben in eine Datei umlenken" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Benutze einen Standardnamen für den Socket" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|benutze PGM as PIN-Entry" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|benutze PGM als SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "Den Scdaemon-basierten Kartenzugriff nicht nutzen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "Ignoriere Anfragen, das TTY zu wechseln" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "Ignoriere Anfragen, das X-Display zu wechseln" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|lasse PINs im Cache nach N Sekunden verfallen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "benutze PINs im Cache nicht beim Signieren" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "verbite Aufrufern Schlüssel als \"vertrauenswürdig\" zu markieren" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "erlaube ein \"preset\" von Passphrases" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "Die ssh-agent Komponente anschalten" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "Die Pageant Komponente anschalten" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "Verbiete die Verwendung eines externen Passwordmanagers" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|DATEI|Schreibe die Umgebungsvariablen auf DATEI" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" @@ -480,11 +510,11 @@ "Berichte über Programmfehler bitte in englisch an <@EMAIL@>.\n" "Sinn- oder Schreibfehler in den deutschen Texten bitte an .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Aufruf: gpg-agent [Optionen] (-h für Hilfe)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -492,145 +522,145 @@ "Syntax: gpg-agent [Optionen] [Befehl [Argumente]]\n" "Verwaltung von geheimen Schlüsseln für GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "ungültige Debugebene `%s' angegeben\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "Die Bibliothek %s ist nicht aktuell (benötige %s, habe %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Keine voreingestellte Optionendatei '%s' vorhanden\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Optionendatei '%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "Optionen werden aus '%s' gelesen\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen von `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Verzeichnis `%s' kann nicht erzeugt werden: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "Der Name des Sockets ist zu lang\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "Socket kann nicht erzeugt werden: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "Der Name des Sockets `%s' ist zu lang\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "Ein gpg-agent läuft bereits - ein weiterer wird nicht gestartet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Ermitteln der \"Nonce\" dieses Sockets\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Der Socket kann nicht an `%s' gebunden werden: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "Der listen()-Aufruf ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "Es wird auf Socket `%s' gehört\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "Verzeichnis `%s' erzeugt\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat()-Aufruf für `%s' fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "Die Datei `%s' kann nicht als Home-Verzeichnis benutzt werden\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der \"Nonce\" von FD %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "Handhabungsroutine 0x%lx für fd %d gestartet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "Handhabungsroutine 0x%lx für den fd %d beendet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "SSH-Handhabungsroutine 0x%lx für fd %d gestartet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "SSH-Handhabungsroutine 0x%lx für fd %d beendet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select()-Aufruf fehlgeschlagen: %s - warte 1s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s angehalten\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "Der gpg-agent läuft nicht für diese Session\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "fehlerhaft aufgebaute GPG_AGENT_INFO - Umgebungsvariable\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -648,7 +678,7 @@ "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [Optionen] KEYGRIP\n" "Kennwortpuffer-Pflege\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -657,7 +687,7 @@ "@Befehle:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -839,8 +869,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Ich werde sie später ändern" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen einer \"Pipe\": %s\n" @@ -1190,81 +1220,81 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "ASCII-Hülle: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "Ungültige ASCII-Hülle" -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "ASCII-Hülle: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "Ungültige Klartextsignatur-Einleitung\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "Unbekannter Header in der ASCII-Hülle: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "verschachtelte Klartextsignatur\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "Unerwartete ASCII-Hülle: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "Ungültige mit Bindestrich \"escapte\" Zeile: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "Ungültiges \"radix64\" Zeichen %02x übersprungen\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "vorzeitiges Dateiende (keine Prüfsumme)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "vorzeitiges Dateiende (innerhalb der Prüfsumme)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "Falsch aufgebaute Prüfsumme\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "Prüfsummenfehler; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "vorzeitiges Dateiende (im Nachsatz)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "Fehler in der Nachsatzzeile\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "Keine gültigen OpenPGP-Daten gefunden.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "ungültige ASCII-Hülle: Zeile ist länger als %d Zeichen\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "\"quoted printable\" Zeichen in der ASCII-Hülle gefunden - möglicherweise\n" " war ein fehlerhafter Email-Transporter(\"MTA\") die Ursache\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1272,23 +1302,23 @@ "Ein \"notation\"-Name darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Punkte oder Unterstriche " "enthalten und muß mit einem '=' enden\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "Ein \"notation\"-Wert darf das '@'-Zeichen nicht verwenden\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "Ein \"notation\"-Wert darf das '@'-Zeichen maximal einmal verwenden\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "Ein \"notation\"-Wert darf keine Kontrollzeichen verwenden\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Ungültige \"Notation\"-Daten gefunden\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "nicht als Klartext darstellbar" @@ -1302,8 +1332,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGP Karte Nr. %s erkannt\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "Dies kann im Batchmodus nicht durchgeführt werden.\n" @@ -1311,13 +1341,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Dieser Befehl ist nur für Karten ab Version 2 möglich.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Der Rückstellcode ist nicht vorhanden\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Ihre Auswahl? " @@ -1386,7 +1416,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Zuteilen genügenden Speichers: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen von `%s': %s\n" @@ -1489,13 +1519,13 @@ msgstr "" "Welche Schlüssellänge wünschen Sie für den Authentisierungs-Schlüssel? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "aufgerundet auf %u Bit\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s-Schlüssellängen müssen im Bereich %u-%u sein\n" @@ -1551,8 +1581,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Authentisierungs-Schlüssel\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ungültige Auswahl.\n" @@ -1577,7 +1607,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben des Schlüssels auf die Karte: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "Menü verlassen" @@ -1585,7 +1615,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "Zeige Admin-Befehle" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "Diese Hilfe zeigen" @@ -1657,7 +1687,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Admin-Befehle sind nicht erlaubt\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Ungültiger Befehl (versuchen Sie's mal mit \"help\")\n" @@ -1665,18 +1695,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output funktioniert nicht bei diesem Befehl\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "'%s' kann nicht geöffnet werden\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüssel \"%s\" nicht gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1939,216 +1969,216 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Nichts exportiert\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "zu viele Einträge im pk-Cache - abgeschaltet\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User-ID nicht gefunden]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "" +"Schlüssel %s: geheimer Schlüssel ohne öffentlichen Schlüssel - übersprungen\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "`%s' automatisch via %s geholt\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim automatischen holen von `%s' über `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Kein Fingerabdruck vorhanden" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Ungültiger Schlüssel %s, gültig gemacht per --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" "Kein privater Unterschlüssel zum öffentlichen Unterschlüssel %s - ignoriert\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "der Unterschlüssel %s wird anstelle des Hauptschlüssels %s verwendet\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "" -"Schlüssel %s: geheimer Schlüssel ohne öffentlichen Schlüssel - übersprungen\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "Eine Signatur erzeugen" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "Eine Klartextsignatur erzeugen" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "Eine abgetrennte Signatur erzeugen" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "Daten verschlüsseln" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "Daten symmetrisch verschlüsseln" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "Daten entschlüsseln (Voreinstellung)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "Signatur prüfen" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "Liste der Schlüssel" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "Liste der Schlüssel und ihrer Signaturen" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "Signaturen der Schlüssel auflisten und prüfen" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "Liste der Schlüssel und ihrer \"Fingerabdrücke\"" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "Liste der geheimen Schlüssel" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "Ein neues Schlüsselpaar erzeugen" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "Ein Schlüsselwiderruf-Zertifikat erzeugen" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "Schlüssel aus dem öff. Schlüsselbund entfernen" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "Schlüssel aus dem geh. Schlüsselbund entfernen" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "Schlüssel signieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "Schlüssel nur für diesen Rechner signieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "Signieren oder bearbeiten eines Schlüssels" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "Die Passphrase ändern" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "Schlüssel exportieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "Schlüssel zu einem Schlü.server exportieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "Schlüssel von einem Schlü.server importieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "Schlüssel auf einem Schlü.server suchen" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "alle Schlüssel per Schlü.server aktualisieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "Schlüssel importieren/kombinieren" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "den Karten-Status ausgeben" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "Daten auf einer Karte ändern" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "PIN einer Karte ändern" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "Ändern der \"Trust\"-Datenbank" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "Hashwerte für die Dateien ausgeben" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "Im Server Modus ausführen" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "Ausgabe mit ASCII-Hülle versehen" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|USER-ID|Verschlüsseln für USER-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|USER-ID|Mit USER-ID signieren bzw. entschlüsseln" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|Kompressionsstufe auf N setzen (0=keine)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "Textmodus benutzen" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|DATEI|Ausgabe auf DATEI schreiben" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "Keine wirklichen Änderungen durchführen" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "vor Ãœberschreiben nachfragen" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "OpenPGP-Verhalten strikt beachten" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2157,7 +2187,7 @@ "(Auf der \"man\"-Seite ist eine vollständige Liste aller Befehle und " "Optionen)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2177,11 +2207,11 @@ " --list-keys [Namen] Schlüssel anzeigen\n" " --fingerprint [Namen] \"Fingerabdrücke\" anzeigen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Aufruf: gpg [Optionen] [Dateien] (-h für Hilfe)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2191,7 +2221,7 @@ "Signieren, prüfen, verschlüsseln, entschlüsseln.\n" "Die voreingestellte Operation ist abhängig von den Eingabedaten\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2199,73 +2229,73 @@ "\n" "Unterstützte Verfahren:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Öff. Schlüssel: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Verschlü.: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Komprimierung: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "Aufruf: gpg [Optionen] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "Widersprüchliche Befehle\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "Kein '='-Zeichen in der Gruppendefinition gefunden `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des Home-Verzeichnis `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis der Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis auf die Erweiterung `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des Home-Verzeichnis `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte der Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte auf die Erweiterung `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des umgebenden Verzeichnisses für Home-" "Verzeichnis `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2273,20 +2303,20 @@ "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des umgebenden Verzeichnisses der " "Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Unsicheres Besitzverhältnis des umgebenden Verzeichnisses `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des umgebenden Verzeichnisses des Home-" "Verzeichnisses `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2294,477 +2324,477 @@ "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des umgebenden Verzeichnisses der " "Konfigurationsdatei `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des umgebenden Verzeichnisses auf " "Erweiterung `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "Unbekanntes Konfigurationselement `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "Anzeigen der Foto-ID in den Schlüssellisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "Zeige Richtlinien-URL während des listens der Signaturen" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Alle Notationen mit den Signaturen anlisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "Zeige IETF-Standard" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "Zeige Benutzer-Notationen während des listens der Signaturen" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "Der bevorzugten Schlüsselserver mit den Signaturen anlisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "Zeige Gültigkeit der User-ID in den Schlüssellisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "Zeige widerrufene und verfallene User-ID in den Schlüssellisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "Zeige widerrufene und verfallene Unterschlüssel in den Schlüssellisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "Anzeigen des Schlüsselbundes, in dem ein Schlüssel drin ist" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Das Ablaufdatum mit den Signaturen anlisten" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Alte voreingestellte Optionendatei '%s' wurde ignoriert\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" "Die Bibliothek \"libgcrypt\" ist zu alt (benötigt wird %s, vorhanden ist " "%s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "Hinweis: %s ist nicht für den üblichen Gebrauch gedacht!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "`%s' ist kein gültiges Signaturablaufdatum\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "`%s' ist kein gültiger Zeichensatz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "Schlüsselserver-URL konnte nicht analysiert werden\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Schlüsselserver-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "Ungültige Schlüsselserver-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Import-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "Ungültige Import-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Export-Option.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "Ungültige Export-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Listen-Option.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "Ungültige Listen-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "Foto-ID während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "Richtlinien-URLs während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "Alle Notationen während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "Standard-Notationen während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "Benutzer-Notationen während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" "Die URL für den bevorzugten Schlüsselserver während der Signaturprüfung " "anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "Die Gültigkeit der User-ID während der Signaturprüfung anzeigen" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "Zeige widerrufene und verfallene User-IDs während der Signaturprüfung" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "Zeige nur die Haupt-User-ID während der Signaturprüfung" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "Prüfe Signaturgültigkeit mittels PKA-Daten" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "Werte das Vertrauen zu Signaturen durch gültige PKA-Daten auf" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige Ãœberprüfungs-Option.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "Ungültige Ãœberprüfungs-Option\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "Der Ausführungspfad konnte nicht auf %s gesetzt werden.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ungültige \"auto-key-locate\"-Liste\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "ungültige \"auto-key-locate\"-Liste\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Programm könnte eine core-dump-Datei schreiben!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: %s ersetzt %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s kann nicht zusammen mit %s verwendet werden!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s zusammen mit %s ist nicht sinnvoll!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "Startet nicht mit unsicherem Speicher, wegen Option %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "Im --pgp2-Modus können Sie nur abgetrennte oder Klartextsignaturen machen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "Im --pgp2-Modus können Sie nicht gleichzeitig signieren und verschlüsseln\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "Im --pgp2-Modus müssen Sie Dateien benutzen und können keine Pipes " "verwenden.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" "Verschlüsseln einer Botschaft benötigt im --pgp2-Modus die IDEA-" "Verschlüsselung\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "Das ausgewählte Verschlüsselungsverfahren ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "Das ausgewählte Hashverfahren ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "Das ausgewählte Komprimierungsverfahren ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "Das ausgewählte Hashverfahren ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed müssen größer als 0 sein\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed müssen größer als 1 sein\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth muß im Bereich 1 bis 255 liegen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ungültiger \"default-cert-level\"; Wert muß 0, 1, 2 oder 3 sein\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ungültiger \"min-cert-level\"; Wert muß 0, 1, 2 oder 3 sein\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Vom \"simple S2K\"-Modus (0) ist strikt abzuraten\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "ungültiger \"simple S2K\"-Modus; Wert muß 0, 1 oder 3 sein\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "ungültige Standard-Voreinstellungen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ungültige private Verschlüsselungsvoreinstellungen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "ungültige private Hashvoreinstellungen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "ungültige private Komprimierungsvoreinstellungen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s arbeitet noch nicht mit %s zusammen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "Die Benutzung des Verschlüsselungsverfahren %s ist im %s-Modus nicht " "erlaubt.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Die Benutzung der Hashmethode %s ist im %s-Modus nicht erlaubt.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "Die Benutzung des Komprimierverfahren %s ist im %s-Modus nicht erlaubt.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "Die Trust-DB kann nicht initialisiert werden: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Empfänger (-r) angegeben ohne Verwendung von Public-Key-Verfahren\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "Symmetrische Entschlüsselung von `%s' fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" "--symmetric --encrypt kann nicht zusammen mit --s2k-mode 0 verwendet werden\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Im %s-Modus kann --symmetric --encrypt nicht verwendet werden.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" "--symmetric --sign --encrypt kann nicht zusammen mit --s2k-mode 0 verwendet " "werden\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "Im %s-Modus kann --symmetric --sign --encrypt nicht verwendet werden.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key User-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key User-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key User-ID [Befehle]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd User-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "Senden an Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "Empfangen vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüsselexport fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "Suche auf dem Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "Refresh vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "Entfernen der ASCII-Hülle ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "Anbringen der ASCII-Hülle ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "Ungültiges Hashverfahren '%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[Dateiname]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Auf geht's - Botschaft eintippen ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "Die angegebene Zertifikat-Richtlinien-URL ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "Die angegebene Signatur-Richtlinien-URL ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "Die angegebene URL des bevorzugten Schlüsselserver ist ungültig\n" @@ -2801,121 +2831,125 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Keine Hilfe für '%s' vorhanden." -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "Importiere Signaturen, die als nicht exportfähig markiert sind" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "Beseitige Beschädigung durch den Schlüsselserver während des Imports" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "die \"ownertrust\" Werte bei einem Import nicht zurücksetzen" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "ändern Sie die \"Trust\"-Datenbank nach dem Import nicht" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "" "beim Import eines geheimen Schlüssels einen öffentliche Schlüssel erzeugen" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "Nur Änderungen bereits existierender Schlüssel vornehmen" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "entferne nach dem Import unbrauchbare Teile des Schlüssels" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "nach dem Import soviel wie möglich aus dem Schlüssel entfernen" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "überspringe den Block vom Typ %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu Schlüssel bislang bearbeitet\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " ignorierte neue Schlüssel: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " ohne User-ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importiert: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " unverändert: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " neue User-IDs: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " neue Unterschlüssel: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " neue Signaturen: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " neue Schlüsselwiderrufe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " gelesene geheime Schlüssel: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " geheime Schlüssel importiert: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " unveränderte geh. Schl.: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " nicht importiert: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " Signaturen bereinigt: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " User-IDs bereinigt: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2924,357 +2958,357 @@ "WARNUNG: Schlüssel %s hat Einstellungen zu nicht verfügbaren\n" "Verfahren für folgende User-ID:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": Einstellungen des Verschlüsselungsverfahren %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": Einstellungen der Hashmethode %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": Einstellungen der Komprimierungsverfahren %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "es ist extrem empfehlenswert Ihre Einstellungen zu ändern und\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "diesen Schlüssel wieder zu verteilen, um mögliche Probleme durch unpassende " "Verfahrenskombinationen zu vermeiden\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" "Sie können Ihren Einstellungen mittels \"gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\" " "ändern\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Keine User-ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "vom Importfilter zurückgewiesen" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: PKS Unterschlüsseldefekt repariert\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Nicht eigenbeglaubigte User-ID `%s' übernommen\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Keine gültigen User-IDs\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "dies könnte durch fehlende Eigenbeglaubigung verursacht worden sein\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: neuer Schlüssel - übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kein schreibbarer Schlüsselbund gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "Schreiben nach '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben des Schlüsselbundes `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Öffentlicher Schlüssel \"%s\" importiert\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Stimmt nicht mit unserer Kopie überein\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: der originale Schlüsselblock wurde nicht gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Lesefehler im originalen Schlüsselblock: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" 1 neue User-ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d neue User-IDs\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" 1 neue Signatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d neue Signaturen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" 1 neuer Unterschlüssel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d neue Unterschlüssel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d Signaturen bereinigt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d Signaturen bereinigt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d User-ID bereinigt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" %d User-IDs bereinigt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" nicht geändert\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "Geheimer Schlüssel %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "Importieren geheimer Schlüssel ist nicht erlaubt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "" "Schlüssel %s: geheimer Schlüssel mit ungültiger Verschlüsselung %d - " "übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "Kein voreingestellter geheimer Schlüsselbund: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: geheimer Schlüssel importiert\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ist bereits im geheimen Schlüsselbund\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: geheimer Schlüssel nicht gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "Schlüssel %s: Kein öffentlicher Schlüssel - der Schlüsselwiderruf kann nicht " "angebracht werden\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ungültiges Widerrufzertifikat: %s - zurückgewiesen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" Widerrufzertifikat importiert\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Keine User-ID für Signatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "Schlüssel %s: Nicht unterstütztes Public-Key-Verfahren für User-ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ungültige Eigenbeglaubigung für User-ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Nicht unterstütztes Public-Key-Verfahren\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ungültige \"direct-key\"-Signatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Kein Unterschlüssel für die Unterschlüsselanbindung\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ungültige Unterschlüssel-Anbindung\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Mehrfache Unterschlüssel-Anbindung entfernt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Kein Unterschlüssel für Schlüsselwiderruf\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ungültiger Unterschlüsselwiderruf\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Mehrfacher Unterschlüsselwiderruf entfernt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: User-ID übersprungen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Unterschlüssel übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" "Schlüssel %s: Nicht exportfähige Signatur (Klasse %02x) - übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Widerrufzertifikat an falschem Platz - übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Ungültiges Widerrufzertifikat: %s - übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" "Schlüssel %s: Unterschlüssel-Widerrufzertifikat an falschem Platz - " "übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: unerwartete Signaturklasse (0x%02x) - übersprungen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: Doppelte User-ID entdeckt - zusammengeführt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Schlüssel %s ist u.U. widerrufen: hole Widerrufschlüssel %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Schlüssel %s ist u.U. widerrufen: Widerrufschlüssel %s ist nicht " "vorhanden\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"%s\" Widerrufzertifikat hinzugefügt\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s: \"direct-key\"-Signaturen hinzugefügt\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" "Hinweis: Eine Schlüsselseriennr stimmt nicht mit derjenigen der Karte " "überein\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Hauptschlüssel ist online und auf der Karte gespeichert\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Zweitschlüssel ist online und auf der Karte gespeichert\n" @@ -3298,51 +3332,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüsselbund-Cache konnte nicht neu erzeugt werden: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[Widerruf]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[Eigenbeglaubigung]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 falsche Beglaubigung\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d falsche Beglaubigungen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 Beglaubigung wegen fehlendem Schlüssel nicht geprüft\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d Beglaubigungen wegen fehlenden Schlüsseln nicht geprüft\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 Beglaubigung aufgrund von Fehler nicht geprüft\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d Beglaubigungen aufgrund von Fehlern nicht geprüft\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "Eine User-ID ohne gültige Eigenbeglaubigung entdeckt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d User-IDs ohne gültige Eigenbeglaubigung entdeckt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3355,17 +3389,17 @@ "unterschiedlichen Quellen ...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Ich vertraue ihm marginal\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Ich vertraue ihm vollständig\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3375,47 +3409,47 @@ "Eine Tiefe größer 1 erlaubt dem zu signierenden Schlüssel\n" "Trust-Signatures für Sie zu machen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Geben Sie bitte eine Domain ein, um die Signatur einzuschränken\n" "oder nur die Eingabetaste für keine Domain\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "User-ID \"%s\" ist widerrufen." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Wollen Sie ihn immer noch beglaubigen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Beglaubigen ist nicht möglich.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "User-ID \"%s\" ist abgelaufen." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "User-ID \"%s\" ist nicht eigenbeglaubigt." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "User-ID \"%s\" ist signierbar." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Wirklich signieren? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3424,11 +3458,11 @@ "Die Eigenbeglaubigung von \"%s\"\n" "ist eine PGP 2.x artige Signatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Soll sie zu einer OpenPGP Eigenbeglaubigung geändert werden? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3437,13 +3471,13 @@ "Ihre derzeitige Beglaubigung von \"%s\"\n" "ist abgelaufen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Soll eine neue Beglaubigung als Ersatz für die abgelaufene erstellt werden? " "(J/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3452,55 +3486,55 @@ "Die derzeitige Beglaubigung von \"%s\"\n" "ist nur für diesen Rechner gültig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Soll sie zu einer voll exportierbaren Beglaubigung erhoben werden? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" wurde bereits durch Schlüssel %s lokal beglaubigt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" wurde bereits durch Schlüssel %s beglaubigt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Wollen Sie ihn immer noch wieder beglaubigen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nichts zu beglaubigen für Schlüssel %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel ist verfallen!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel wird %s verfallen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Soll Ihre Beglaubigung zur selben Zeit verfallen? (J/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Im --pgp2-Modus kann nur mit PGP-2.x-artigen Schlüsseln signiert werden\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Dies würde den Schlüssel für PGP 2.x unbrauchbar machen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3510,32 +3544,32 @@ "wollen, wirklich der o.g. Person gehört?\n" "Wenn Sie darauf keine Antwort wissen, geben Sie \"0\" ein.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Ich antworte nicht.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Ich habe es überhaupt nicht überprüft.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Ich habe es flüchtig überprüft.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Ich habe es sehr sorgfältig überprüft.%s\n" # translated by wk -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Ihre Auswahl? ('?' für weitere Informationen): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3544,77 +3578,77 @@ "Sind Sie wirklich sicher, daß Sie vorstehenden Schlüssel mit Ihrem\n" "Schlüssel \"%s\" (%s) beglaubigen wollen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Dies wird eine Eigenbeglaubigung sein.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Die Signatur wird nicht als nicht-exportierbar markiert werden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Die Signatur wird nicht als unwiderrufbar markiert werden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Die Signatur wird als nicht-exportfähig markiert werden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Die Signatur wird als unwiderrufbar markiert werden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Ich habe diesen Schlüssel überhaupt nicht überprüft.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Ich habe diesen Schlüssel flüchtig überprüft.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Ich habe diesen Schlüssel sehr sorgfältig überprüft.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Wirklich signieren? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "Beglaubigung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "Der Schlüssel enthält nur \"stub\"- oder \"on-card\"-Schlüsselelemente- " "keine Passphrase ist zu ändern.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel ist nicht geschützt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Geheime Teile des Hauptschlüssels sind nicht vorhanden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Geheime Teile des Hauptschlüssels sind auf der Karte gespeichert.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Schlüssel ist geschützt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel kann nicht editiert werden: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3622,11 +3656,11 @@ "Geben Sie die neue Passphrase für diesen geheimen Schlüssel ein.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "Passphrase wurde nicht richtig wiederholt; noch einmal versuchen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3634,190 +3668,190 @@ "Sie wollen keine Passphrase - dies ist *nicht* zu empfehlen!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie dies wirklich tun? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "schiebe eine Beglaubigung an die richtige Stelle\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "speichern und Menü verlassen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "Fingerabdruck des Schlüssels anzeigen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "Schlüssel und User-IDs auflisten" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "User-ID N auswählen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "Unterschlüssel N auswählen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "Signaturen prüfen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "die ausgewählten User-IDs beglaubigen [* für verwandte Befehle s.u.]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "Die ausgewählte User-ID nur für diesen Rechner beglaubigen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Die ausgewählte User-ID mit einer \"Trust\"-Signatur beglaubigen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "die ausgewählten User-IDs unwiderrufbar beglaubigen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "Eine User-ID hinzufügen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "Eine Foto-ID hinzufügen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "ausgewählte User-IDs entfernen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "einen Unterschlüssel hinzufügen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "der Smartcard einen Schlüssel hinzufügen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "einen Schlüssel auf die Smartcard schieben" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "eine Sicherungskopie des Schlüssels auf die Smartcard schieben" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "ausgewählte Unterschlüssel entfernen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "Einen Widerrufschlüssel hinzufügen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Beglaubigungen der ausgewählten User-IDs entfernen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" "das Verfallsdatum des Schlüssel oder ausgewählter Unterschlüssels ändern" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "User-ID als Haupt-User-ID kennzeichnen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "Umschalten zwischen dem Auflisten geheimer und öffentlicher Schlüssel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "Liste der Voreinstellungen (für Experten)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "Liste der Voreinstellungen (ausführlich)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "ändern der Voreinstellungsliste der ausgewählten User-IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Setze die URL des bevorzugten Schlüsselservers für die ausgewählten User-IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Eine Notation für die ausgewählten User-IDs setzen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "Die Passphrase ändern" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "Den \"Owner trust\" ändern" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Beglaubigungen der ausgewählten User-IDs widerrufen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "Ausgewählte User-ID widerrufen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Schlüssel oder ausgewählten Unterschlüssel widerrufen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "Schlüssel anschalten" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "Schlüssel abschalten" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "ausgewählte Foto-IDs anzeigen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "unbrauchbare User-IDs verkleinern und unbrauchbare Signaturen aus dem " "Schlüssel entfernen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" "unbrauchbare User-IDs verkleinern und alle Signaturen aus dem Schlüssel " "entfernen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen des geheimen Schlüsselblocks \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Geheimer Schlüssel ist vorhanden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Hierzu wird der geheime Schlüssel benötigt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Bitte verwenden sie zunächst den Befehl \"toggle\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3830,229 +3864,229 @@ "Signaturen\n" " (\"nrsign\"), oder jede Kombination davon (\"ltsign\", \"tnrsign\", etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Schlüssel wurde widerrufen." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Wirklich alle User-IDs beglaubigen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Tip: Wählen Sie die User-IDs, die beglaubigt werden sollen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Unbekannter Signaturtyp `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Dieser Befehl ist im %s-Modus nicht erlaubt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Zumindestens eine User-ID muß ausgewählt werden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Die letzte User-ID kann nicht gelöscht werden!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie alle ausgewählten User-IDs wirklich entfernen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Diese User-ID wirklich entfernen? (j/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Den Hauptschlüssel wirklich verschieben? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Sie müssen genau einen Schlüssel auswählen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Befehl benötigt einen Dateinamen als Argument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "'%s' kann nicht geöffnet werden: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der Sicherungskopie des Schlüssels von `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Zumindestens ein Schlüssel muß ausgewählt werden.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie die ausgewählten Schlüssel wirklich entfernen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie diesen Schlüssel wirklich entfernen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie wirklich alle ausgewählten User-IDs widerrufen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Diese User-ID wirklich widerrufen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie diesen Schlüssel wirklich vollständig widerrufen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Möchten Sie die ausgewählten Unterschlüssel wirklich widerrufen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Möchten Sie diesen Schlüssel wirklich widerrufen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "\"Owner trust\" kann nicht gesetzt werden, wenn eine anwendereigene 'Trust'-" "Datenbank benutzt wird\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Setze die Liste der Voreinstellungen auf:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Möchten Sie die Voreinstellungen der ausgewählten User-IDs wirklich ändern? " "(j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Die Voreinstellungen wirklich ändern? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Änderungen speichern? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Beenden ohne zu speichern? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "Änderung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "Änderung des Geheimnisses fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Schlüssel ist nicht geändert worden, also ist kein Speichern nötig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Eigenschaften: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Keyserver no-modify" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Bevorzugter Schlüsselserver:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "\"Notationen\": " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x-artige Schlüssel haben keine Voreinstellungen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Der folgende Schlüssel wurde am %s von %s Schlüssel %s widerrufen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "" "Dieser Schlüssel könnte durch %s mit Schlüssel %s widerrufen worden sein" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(empfindlich)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "erzeugt: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "widerrufen: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "verfallen: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "verfällt: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "Aufruf: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "Vertrauen: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "Gültigkeit: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Hinweis: Dieser Schlüssel ist abgeschaltet" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "Kartennummer:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4060,18 +4094,18 @@ "Bitte beachten Sie, daß ohne einen Programmneustart die angezeigte\n" "Schlüsselgültigkeit nicht notwendigerweise korrekt ist.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "widerrufen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "verfallen" # translated by wk -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4079,7 +4113,15 @@ "WARNUNG: Keine User-ID ist als primär markiert. Dieser Befehl kann\n" "dazu führen, daß eine andere User-ID als primär angesehen wird.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "WARNUNG: Ihr Verschlüsselungsunterschlüssel wird bald verfallen.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Vermutlich möchten Sie auch dessen Verfallsdatum ändern.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4089,74 +4131,74 @@ "könnte\n" " bei einigen PGP-Versionen zur Zurückweisung des Schlüssels führen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Wollen Sie ihn immer noch hinzufügen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Sie können einem PGP2-artigen Schlüssel keine Foto-ID hinzufügen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Diese korrekte Beglaubigung entfernen? (j/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Diese ungültige Beglaubigung entfernen= (j/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Diese unbekannte Beglaubigung entfernen? (j/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Eigenbeglaubigung wirklich entfernen? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d Beglaubigungen entfernt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d Beglaubigungen entfernt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nichts entfernt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "ungültig" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "User-ID \"%s\" bereits verkleinert: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "User-ID \"%s\": %d Signatur entfernt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "User-ID \"%s\": %d Signaturen entfernt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "User-ID \"%s\": bereits minimiert\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "User-ID \"%s\": bereits sauber\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4166,272 +4208,272 @@ " Widerrufers könnte bei einigen PGP-Versionen zur Zurückweisung\n" " des Schlüssels führen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Sie können einem PGP2-artigen Schlüssel keine vorgesehenen Widerrufer " "hinzufügen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Geben sie die User-ID des designierten Widerrufers ein: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "Ein PGP 2.x-artiger Schlüssel kann nicht als vorgesehener Widerrufer " "eingetragen werden\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "Ein Schlüssel kann nicht sein eigener vorgesehener Widerrufer werden\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel wurde bereits als ein Widerrufer vorgesehen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Einen Schlüssel als vorgesehenen Widerrufer zu deklarieren, kann " "nicht rückgangig gemacht werden!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Möchten Sie diesen Schlüssel wirklich als vorgesehenen Widerrufer festlegen? " "(j/N): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Bitte entfernen Sie die Auswahl von den geheimen Schlüsseln.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie höchstens einen Unterschlüssel aus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Ändern des Verfallsdatums des Unterschlüssels.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Ändern des Verfallsdatums des Hauptschlüssels.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Sie können das Verfallsdatum eines v3-Schlüssels nicht ändern\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Keine entsprechende Signatur im geheimen Schlüsselbund\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "Signaturunterschlüssel %s ist bereits rücksigniert\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "Unterschlüssel %s ist des Signieren nicht mächtig und braucht deshalb keine " "Rücksignatur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Bitte genau eine User-ID auswählen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Ãœberspringen der v3 Eigenbeglaubigung von User-ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Geben Sie die URL Ihres bevorzugten Schlüsselservers ein: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Wollen Sie ihn wirklich ersetzen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Wollen Sie ihn wirklich löschen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Geben Sie die \"Notation\" ein: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Fortfahren (j/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Keine User-ID mit Index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Keine User-ID mit Hash %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Kein Unterschlüssel mit Index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "User-ID: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " beglaubigt durch Ihren Schlüssel %s am %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (nicht-exportierbar)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Diese Signatur ist seit %s verfallen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Wollen Sie ihn immer noch widerrufen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Ein Widerrufszertifikat für diese Signatur erzeugen (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Nicht von Ihnen signiert.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Sie haben folgende User-IDs des Schlüssels %s beglaubigt:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (unwiderrufbar)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "widerrufen durch Ihren Schlüssel %s um %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Es werden nun folgende Beglaubigungen entfernt:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Wirklich ein Signatur-Widerrufszertifikat erzeugen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "Kein geheimer Schlüssel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "User-ID \"%s\" ist bereits widerrufen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Eine User-ID-Signatur datiert mit %d Sekunden aus der Zukunft\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Schlüssel %s ist bereits widerrufen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Unterschlüssel %s ist bereits widerrufen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Anzeigen einer %s Foto-ID (Größe %ld) für Schlüssel %s (User-ID %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "Voreinstellung `%s' ist doppelt\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "zu viele Verschlüsselungeinstellungen\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "zu viele Hashvoreinstellungen\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "zu viele Komprimierungsvoreinstellungen\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "Ungültiges Feld `%s' in der Voreinstellungszeichenkette\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "Die \"Direct Key Signature\" wird geschrieben\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "Die Eigenbeglaubigung wird geschrieben\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "Schreiben der \"key-binding\" Signatur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "Ungültige Schlüssellänge; %u Bit werden verwendet\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "Schlüssellänge auf %u Bit aufgerundet\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Einige OpenPGP-Programme können einen DSA-Schlüssel dieser " "Digestlänge nicht verwenden\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Signieren" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Zertif." -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Verschl." -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Authentisierung" @@ -4445,7 +4487,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "UuVvAaQq" @@ -4478,71 +4520,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Beenden\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie, welche Art von Schlüssel Sie möchten:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA und RSA (voreingestellt)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA und Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (nur signieren/beglaubigen)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nur signieren/beglaubigen)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (nur verschlüsseln)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nur verschlüsseln)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (Leistungsfähigkeit selber einstellbar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (Leistungsfähigkeit selber einstellbar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s-Schlüssel können zwischen %u und %u Bit lang sein.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Welche Schlüssellänge wünschen Sie für den Unterschlüssel? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Welche Schlüssellänge wünschen Sie? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Die verlangte Schlüssellänge beträgt %u Bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4558,7 +4600,7 @@ " m = Schlüssel verfällt nach n Monaten\n" " y = Schlüssel verfällt nach n Jahren\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4574,38 +4616,38 @@ " m = Schlüssel verfällt nach n Monaten\n" " y = Schlüssel verfällt nach n Jahren\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Wie lange bleibt der Schlüssel gültig? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Wie lange bleibt die Beglaubigung gültig? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "Ungültiger Wert.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Schlüssel verfällt nie\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Signature verfällt nie\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Key verfällt am %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Signatur verfällt am %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4613,11 +4655,11 @@ "Ihr Rechner kann Daten jenseits des Jahres 2038 nicht anzeigen.\n" "Trotzdem werden Daten bis 2106 korrekt verarbeitet.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Ist dies richtig? (j/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4631,7 +4673,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4647,44 +4689,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Ihr Name (\"Vorname Nachname\"): " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ungültiges Zeichen im Namen\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Der Name darf nicht mit einer Ziffer beginnen.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Der Name muß min. 5 Zeichen lang sein.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Email-Adresse: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Diese Email-Adresse ist ungültig\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Kommentar: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Ungültiges Zeichen im Kommentar.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Sie benutzen den Zeichensatz `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4695,11 +4737,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Bitte keine Emailadressen als Namen oder Kommentar verwenden\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "Solch eine User-ID ist bereits für den Schlüssel vorhanden!\n" @@ -4714,23 +4756,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnKkEeFfAa" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Ändern: (N)ame, (K)ommentar, (E)-Mail oder (A)bbrechen? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Ändern: (N)ame, (K)ommentar, (E)-Mail oder (F)ertig/(A)bbrechen? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Bitte beseitigen Sie zuerst den Fehler\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4738,7 +4780,7 @@ "Sie benötigen eine Passphrase, um den geheimen Schlüssel zu schützen.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4746,12 +4788,12 @@ "Bitte geben Sie die Passphrase ein, um die Sicherheitskopie des neuen " "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel der Karte zu schützen." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4764,7 +4806,7 @@ "aufrufen.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4775,50 +4817,50 @@ "unterstützen, indem Sie z.B. in einem anderen Fenster/Konsole irgendetwas\n" "tippen, die Maus verwenden oder irgendwelche anderen Programme benutzen.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Schlüsselerzeugung abgebrochen.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "schreiben des öffentlichen Schlüssels nach '%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "schreiben des geheimen Schlüssel-\"stub\"s nach `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "schreiben des geheimen Schlüssels nach '%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kein schreibbarer öffentlicher Schlüsselbund gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kein schreibbarer geheimer Schlüsselbund gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben des öff. Schlüsselbundes `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben des geheimen Schlüsselbundes `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "Öffentlichen und geheimen Schlüssel erzeugt und signiert.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4827,12 +4869,12 @@ "werden kann. Sie können aber mit dem Befehl \"--edit-key\" einen\n" "Unterschlüssel für diesem Zweck erzeugen.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Schlüsselerzeugung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4840,7 +4882,7 @@ "Der Schlüssel wurde %lu Sekunde in der Zukunft erzeugt (Zeitreise oder Uhren " "stimmen nicht überein)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4848,30 +4890,30 @@ "Der Schlüssel wurde %lu Sekunden in der Zukunft erzeugt (Zeitreise oder " "Uhren stimmen nicht überein)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "HINWEIS: Unterschlüssel für v3-Schlüssel sind nicht OpenPGP-konform\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Wirklich erzeugen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "Speicher des Schlüssels auf der Karte schlug fehl: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Sicherungsdatei '%s' kann nicht erzeugt werden: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Sicherung des Kartenschlüssels wurde auf `%s' gespeichert\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "niemals " @@ -4925,45 +4967,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Kartenseriennr. =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "umbenennen von `%s' nach `%s' schlug fehl: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "Warnung: Zwei Dateien mit vertraulichem Inhalt vorhanden.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s ist der Unveränderte\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s ist der Neue\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Bitte diesen potentiellen Sicherheitsmangel beseitigen\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "Puffern des Schlüsselbundes `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu Schlüssel bislang gepuffert (%lu Beglaubigungen)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu Schlüssel gepuffert (%lu Beglaubigungen)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: Schlüsselbund erstellt\n" @@ -5014,7 +5056,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Eingabe von Nummern, Nächste (N) oder Abbrechen (Q) > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "Ungültiges Schlüsselserverprotokoll (wir %d!=Handhabungsroutine %d)\n" @@ -5028,124 +5070,124 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "Schlüssel wurde auf dem Schlüsselserver nicht gefunden\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "fordere Schlüssel %s von %s-Server %s an\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "fordere Schlüssel %s von %s an\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "suche Namen auf %s-Server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "suche Namen auf %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "sende Schlüssel %s auf den %s-Server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "sende Schlüssel %s auf %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "suche nach \"%s\" auf %s-Server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "suche nach \"%s\" auf %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "Kein Schlüsselserver-Vorgang\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Die Schlüsselserver-Handhabungsroutine stammt von einer anderen " "GnuPG-Version (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "Schlüsselserver sendete VERSION nicht\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "Schlüsselserver-Datenübertragunsfehler: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "Kein Schlüsselserver bekannt (Option --keyserver verwenden)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" "Externe Schlüsselserveraufrufe werden in diesem \"Build\" nicht unterstützt\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "Keine Handhabungsroutine für Schlüsselserverschema `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "Vorgang `%s' wird vom Schlüsselserverschema `%s' nicht unterstützt\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s unterstützt Hilfsroutinenversion %d nicht\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "Schlüsselserver-Zeitüberschreitung\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "interner Fehler Schlüsselserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "Schlüsselserver-Datenübertragunsfehler: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\" ist keine Schlüssel-ID: überspringe\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Schlüssel %s kann per %s nicht aktualisiert werden: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "ein Schlüssel wird per %s aktualisiert\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "%d Schlüssel werden per %s aktualisiert\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: die URI %s kann nicht geholt werden: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: die URI %s kann nicht analysiert werden\n" @@ -5205,166 +5247,173 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "Verschlüsselt mit einer Passphrase\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "vermutlich %s-verschlüsselte Daten\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEA-Verschlüsselung nicht verfügbar; versucht wird stattdessen %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "Entschlüsselung erfolgreich\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Botschaft wurde nicht integritätsgeschützt (integrity protected)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "Warnung: Verschlüsselte Botschaft ist manipuliert worden!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "Passphrase aus dem Cache gelöscht. Cache ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "Entschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "" "Hinweis: Der Absender verlangte Vertraulichkeit(\"for-your-eyes-only\")\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "Ursprünglicher Dateiname='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Mehr als ein Klartext erkannt\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "Einzelner Widerruf - verwenden Sie \"gpg --import\", um ihn anzuwenden\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Keine Signatur gefunden\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "Signaturüberprüfung unterdrückt\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "diese mehrdeutige Signaturdaten können nicht bearbeitet werden\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signatur vom %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " mittels %s-Schlüssel %s\n" # Scripte scannen lt. dl1bke auf "ID (0-9A-F)+" deswegen muß "ID" rein :-( -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signatur vom %s mittels %s-Schlüssel ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Schlüssel erhältlich bei: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "FALSCHE Signatur von \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Verfallene Signatur von \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Korrekte Signatur von \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[ungewiß] " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Diese Signatur ist seit %s verfallen.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Diese Signatur verfällt am %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s Signatur, Hashmethode \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "Binäre" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "Textmodus" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "unbekannt" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" +"WARNING: Dies ist keine abgetrennte Signatur; die Datei '%s' wurde NICHT " +"geprüft!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Signatur kann nicht geprüft werden: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "keine abgetrennte Signatur\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Mehrfache Signaturen erkannt. Es wird nur die erste geprüft.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "Einzelne Signatur der Klasse 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "Signatur nach alter (PGP 2.x) Art\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "ungültiges root-Paket in proc_tree() entdeckt\n" @@ -5378,92 +5427,112 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) schlug fehl in %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Verwendung des experimentellen Public-Key-Verfahrens %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Die Verwendung von Elgamal sign+encrypt Schlüsseln ist nicht " "ratsam\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: Verwendung des experimentellen Verschlüsselungsverfahren %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Verwendung des experimentellen Hashverfahrens %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: Die Verwendung des Hashverfahrens %s ist nicht ratsam\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Hinweis: Signaturen mit dem %s Hashverfahren werden zurückgewiesen.\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "das IDEA-Verschlüsselungs-Plugin ist nicht vorhanden\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "Siehe %s für weitere Infos\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: mißbilligte Option \"%s\".\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist eine mißbilligte Option.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "Bitte benutzen Sie stattdessen \"%s%s\".\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist ein nicht ratsamer Befehl - verwenden Sie ihn nicht.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: Die Option \"%s\" is veraltet - sie hat keine Wirkung\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "WARNUNG: \"%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat keine Wirkung.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" +"%s:%u: Die Option \"%s%s\" ist in dieser Datei sinnlos - sie hat lediglich " +"Wirkung in %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WARNUNG: \"%s%s\" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat eine Wirkung lediglich " +"in %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "nicht komprimiert" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "unkomprimiert|kein|keine" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "Diese Botschaft könnte für %s unbrauchbar sein\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "Mehrdeutige Option '%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "Unbekannte Option '%s'\n" @@ -5490,49 +5559,49 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "Schreiben auf die Standardausgabe\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "die unterzeichneten Daten sind wohl in '%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "Neue Konfigurationsdatei `%s' erstellt\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Optionen in `%s' sind während dieses Laufes noch nicht wirksam\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "dieses Public-Key Verfahren %d kann nicht benutzt werden\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "WARNUNG: Möglicherweise unsicherer symmetrisch verschlüsselter " "Sitzungsschlüssel\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "Im Unterpaket des Typs %d ist das \"critical bit\" gesetzt\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "Problem mit dem Agenten: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (Hauptschlüssel-ID %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5546,15 +5615,15 @@ "Benutzer: \"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bit %s Schlüssel, ID %s, erzeugt %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Geben Sie die Passphrase ein\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "Abbruch durch Benutzer\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5563,12 +5632,12 @@ "Sie benötigen eine Passphrase, um den geheimen Schlüssel zu entsperren.\n" "Benutzer: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-Bit %s Schlüssel, ID %s, erzeugt %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (Unterschlüssel aus Hauptschlüssel-ID %s)" @@ -5933,16 +6002,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "lese stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "keine signierten Daten\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "kann signierte Datei '%s' nicht öffnen.\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "kann signierte Daten auf fd=%d nicht öffnen: %s\n" @@ -6211,26 +6280,21 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "Hinweis: Signaturschlüssel %s wurde widerrufen\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "Hinweis: Signaturen mit dem %s Hashverfahren werden zurückgewiesen.\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "Vermutlich eine FALSCHE Signatur von Schlüssel %s, wegen unbekanntem " "\"critical bit\"\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "Schlüssel %s: Kein Unterschlüssel für die Unterschlüsselwiderruf-" "Beglaubigung\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "" @@ -6637,7 +6701,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "\"Trust-DB\"-Ãœberprüfung nicht nötig\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "nächste \"Trust-DB\"-Pflichtüberprüfung am %s\n" @@ -6652,41 +6716,41 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "\"Trust-DB\"-Änderung ist beim `%s'-Vertrauensmodell nicht nötig\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "Öffentlicher Schlüssel %s nicht gefunden: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "Bitte ein --check-trustdb durchführen\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "\"Trust-DB\" wird überprüft\n" # translated by wk -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d Schlüssel verarbeitet (%d Validity Zähler gelöscht)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "keine uneingeschränkt vertrauenswürdigen Schlüssel gefunden\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" "öff. Schlüssel des uneingeschränkt vertrautem Schlüssel %s nicht gefunden\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d marginal-needed, %d complete-needed, %s Vertrauensmodell\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6694,7 +6758,7 @@ "Tiefe: %d gültig: %3d signiert: %3d Vertrauen: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, " "%du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6721,68 +6785,77 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fd=%d kann nicht geöffnet werden: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "Argument nicht erwartet" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "Lesefehler" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "Schlüsselwort ist zu lang" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "Fehlendes Argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "Ungültiges Argument" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "Ungültiger Befehl" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "Ungültige Alias-Definition" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "Ungültige Option" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Fehlendes Argument für Option \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "Ungültiges Argument für Option \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "Option \"%.50s\" erwartet kein Argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Ungültiger Befehl \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "Option \"%.50s\" ist mehrdeutig\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "Befehl \"%.50s\" ist mehrdeutig\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Ungültige Option \"%.50s\"\n" @@ -6812,35 +6885,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Die temporäre Datei `%s' kann nicht erstellt werden: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben von %s: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "eine übriggebliebene Sperrdatei wird entfernt (erzeugt von %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - existiert wahrscheinlich nicht mehr - entferne Sperre" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "warte auf die Freigabe der Sperre (gehalten von %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(Deadlock?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "Dateisperre %s konnte nicht eingerichtet werden: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "Warten auf die Freigabe der Dateisperre `%s' ...\n" @@ -6865,19 +6938,19 @@ "Syntax: kbxutil [Optionen] [Dateien]\n" "Anlisten exportieren und Importieren von KeyBox Dateien\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "Der RSA Modulus fehlt oder ist nicht %d Bits lang\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "Der öffentliche Exponent fehlt oder ist zu groß (mehr als %d Bit)\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN-Callback meldete Fehler: %s\n" @@ -6933,103 +7006,103 @@ "|N|Bitte geben Sie den PIN Entsperrcode (PUK) für den Schlüssel zur " "Erstellung qualifizierter Signaturen ein." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Abfragen einer neuen PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "Der Fingerabdruck kann nicht gespeichert werden: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "Das Erzeugungsdatum konnte nicht gespeichert werden: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "Lesen des öffentlichen Schlüssels fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "Die Antwort enthält keine öffentliche Schlüssel-Daten\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "Die Antwort enthält das RSA-Modulus nicht\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "Antwort enthält den öffentlichen RSA-Exponenten nicht\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "Die Standard PIN wird für %s benutzt\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "Die Standard PIN für %s konnte nicht benutzt werden: %s - Die Standard PIN " "wird nicht weiter benutzt\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Bitte die PIN eingeben%%0A[Sigs erzeugt: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Bitte die PIN eingeben" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN für CHV%d ist zu kurz; die Mindestlänge beträgt %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "Prüfung des CHV%d fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Holen des CHV-Status' von der Karte\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "Karte ist dauerhaft gesperrt!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "Noch %d Admin-PIN-Versuche, bis die Karte dauerhaft gesperrt ist\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Bitte die Admin-PIN eingeben.%%0A[Verbliebene Versuche: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Bitte die Admin-PIN eingeben." -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "Zugriff auf Admin-Befehle ist nicht eingerichtet\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Rückstellcode für diese Karte ein" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Der Rückstellcode ist zu kurz; die Mindestlänge beträgt %d\n" @@ -7037,103 +7110,103 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|Neuer Rückstellcode" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Neue Admin-PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Neue PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Bitte die Admin-PIN und dann die neue Admin PIN eingeben." -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Bitte die PIN und dann die neue PIN eingeben" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der Anwendungsdaten\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen des Fingerabdrucks DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "Schlüssel existiert bereits\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "Existierender Schlüssel wird ersetzt werden\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "neue Schlüssel werden erzeugt\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "der neue Schlüssel wird geschrieben\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "Erzeugungsdatum fehlt\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "Die RSA Primzahl %s fehlt oder ist nicht %d Bits lang\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "Speichern des Schlüssels fehlgeschlagen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "Bitte warten, der Schlüssel wird erzeugt ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "Schlüsselerzeugung fehlgeschlagen\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Schlüsselerzeugung abgeschlossen (%d Sekunden)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "Ungültige Struktur der OpenPGP-Karte (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "Der Fingerabdruck auf der Karte entspricht nicht dem angeforderten.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Die Hashmethode %s wird von der Karte nicht unterstützt\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "Anzahl bereits erzeugter Signaturen: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "Die Ãœberprüfung der Admin PIN ist momentan durch einen Befehl verboten " "worden\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "Kann auf %s nicht zugreifen - ungültige OpenPGP-Karte?\n" @@ -7157,7 +7230,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|NAME|Die Debugstufe auf NAME setzen" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|DATEI|Schreibe Logs auf DATEI" @@ -7899,7 +7972,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|USER-ID|USER-ID als voreingestellten Schlüssel benutzen" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|Schlüssel bei diesem Server nachschlagen" @@ -7953,25 +8026,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: Zeile wird übersprungen\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "Schlüsselserver-URL konnte nicht analysiert werden\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "WARNUNG: Ausführung mit gefälschter Systemzeit: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "Importiere allgemeine Zertifikate: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Signieren mit `%s' nicht möglich: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "Ungültiger Befehl (Es gibt keinen implizierten Befehl)\n" @@ -8235,27 +8308,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "Fehler beim Senden der Standardoptionen: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Optionen zur Einstellung der Diagnoseausgaben" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Optionen zur Einstellung der Konfiguration" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Nützliche Optionen zur Fehlersuche" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|DATEI|Schreibe im Servermodus Logs auf DATEI" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Optionen zur Einstellung der Sicherheit" @@ -8271,110 +8344,110 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|setze die maximale Lebenszeit von SSH Schlüsseln auf N Sekunden" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Optionen für eine Passphrase-Policy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "Einhaltung der Passphrase-Policy erzwingen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|setze die kleinste erlaubte Länge von Passphrasen auf N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|Verlange mindestens N Nicht-Buchstaben für eine neue Passphrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|DATEI|Prüfe neue Passphrases gegen die Regelen in DATEI" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|Lasse die Passphrase nach N Tagen verfallen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "Verbiete die Wiedernutzung alter Passphrases." -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAME|NAME als voreingestellten Schlüssel benutzen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAME|Auch an NAME verschlüsseln" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|Email Alias festlegen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Konfiguration der Schlüsselserver" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "Benutze Schlüsselserver unter der URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "Erlaube PKA Zugriffe (DNS Anfragen)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" "|MECHANISMEN|Benutze MECHANISMEN um Schlüssel über die Mailadresse " "aufzufinden." -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "Jeglichen Zugriff auf den Dirmngr verhindern" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAME|Benutze die Kodierung NAME für PKCS#12 Passphrasen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "CRL bei Wurzelzertifikaten nicht überprüfen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Optionen zum Einstellen der Ausgabeformate" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Optionen zur Einstellung der Interaktivität und Geltendmachung" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Konfiguration für HTTP Server" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "Benutze die HTTP Proxy Einstellung des Systems" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Konfiguration der zu nutzenden LDAP-Server" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "Liste der LDAP Server" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Konfiguration zu OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "Die externe Ãœberprüfung der Komponente %s war nicht erfolgreich" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Beachten Sie, daß Gruppenspezifiaktionen ignoriert werden\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/el.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/el.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/el.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/el.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/el.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/el.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-1.1.92\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-27 12:00+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Dokianakis Theofanis \n" "Language-Team: Greek \n" @@ -27,21 +27,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèïýí ôá åðéëåãìÝíá êëåéäéÜ; " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç öñÜóç êëåéäß" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -51,17 +78,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -71,41 +98,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "ç ãñáììÞ åßíáé ðïëý ìåãÜëç\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "ç öñÜóç êëåéäß åßíáé ðïëý ìåãÜëç\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñïò ÷áñáêôÞñáò óôï üíïìá\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "êáêü MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "êáêÞ öñÜóç êëåéäß" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "êáêÞ öñÜóç êëåéäß" @@ -115,22 +142,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "äåí õðïóôçñßæåôáé ï áëãüñéèìïò ðñïóôáóßáò %d%s\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò ôïõ `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò óôï `%s': %s\n" @@ -348,7 +375,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -359,276 +386,281 @@ "ÅðéëïãÝò:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "áíáëõôéêÜ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "Þóõ÷ç Ýîïäïò" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ|öüñôùìá ôïõ áñèñþìáôïò åðÝêôáóçò ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç êëåéäéþí óå Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "" "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáíåùèïýí ïé ðñïåðéëïãÝò ãéá ôï åðéëåãìÝíï user ID; " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "áíáíÝùóç ôçò âÜóçò äåäïìÝíùí åìðéóôïóýíçò" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "äåí õðïóôçñßæåôáé" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "äåí õðïóôçñßæåôáé" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "ÁíáöÝñåôå ôá ðñïâëÞìáôá óôï \n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "×ñÞóç: gpg [åðéëïãÝò] [áñ÷åßá] (-h ãéá âïÞèåéá)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ìç ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï áñ÷åßï åðéëïãþí `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áñ÷åßï åðéëïãþí `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "áíÜãíùóç åðéëïãþí áðü `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá êáôÜ ôç äçìéïõñãßá ôïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò êáôáëüãïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò ôïõ %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "ï gpg-agent äåí åßíáé äéáèÝóéìïò óå áõôÞ ôç óõíåäñßá\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç áðïóôïëÞ ðñïò ôï `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "ç åíçìÝñùóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: êáôÜëïãïò äçìéïõñãÞèçêå\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: read áðÝôõ÷å (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò êáôáëüãïõ: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá êáôÜ ôçí áíÜãíùóç ôïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "ç åíçìÝñùóç ìõóôéêïý áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: ðáñáëåßöèçêå: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "ï gpg-agent äåí åßíáé äéáèÝóéìïò óå áõôÞ ôç óõíåäñßá\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "êáêïäéáôõðïìÝíç ìåôáâëçôÞ ðåñéâÜëëïíôïò GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -645,7 +677,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -654,7 +686,7 @@ "@ÅíôïëÝò:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -825,8 +857,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß: %s\n" @@ -1206,84 +1238,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "èùñÜêéóç: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç åðéêåöáëßäá èùñÜêéóçò: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "åðéêåöáëßäá èùñÜêéóçò: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç åðéêåöáëßäá clearsig\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "åðéêåöáëßäá èùñÜêéóçò: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "öùëéáóìÝíåò ìç êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíåò õðïãñáöÝò\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "ìç áíáìåíüìåíç èùñÜêéóç:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç dash escaped ãñáììÞ: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñïò radix64 ÷áñáêôÞñáò %02x ðáñÜâëåøç\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "ðñüùñï ôÝëïò áñ÷åßïõ (áðïõóßá CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "ðñüùñï ôÝëïò áñ÷åßïõ (åíôüò CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "ëÜèïò ìïñöÞ CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá CRC: %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "ðñüùñï ôÝëïò áñ÷åßïõ (óôï Ôrailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç ãñáììÞ trailer\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "äå âñÝèçêáí Ýãêõñá OpenPGP äåäïìÝíá.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç èùñÜêéóç: ç ãñáììÞ åßíáé ðÜíù áðü %d ÷áñáêôÞñåò\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "åêôõðþóéìïò, óå åéóáãùãéêÜ, ÷áñáêôÞñáò óôç èùñÜêéóç - ßóùò Ýãéíå ÷ñÞóç " "ðñïâëçìáôéêïý MTA\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1291,24 +1323,24 @@ "Ýíá üíïìá óçìåßùóçò ìðïñåß íá ðåñéÝ÷åé ìüíï åêôõðþóéìïõò ÷áñáêôÞñåò êáé êåíÜ " "êáé íá ëÞãåé ìå Ýíá '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "ôï üíïìá óçìåßùóçò ÷ñÞóôç ðñÝðåé íá ðåñéÝ÷åé ôï '@' ÷áñáêôÞñá\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "ôï üíïìá óçìåßùóçò ÷ñÞóôç ðñÝðåé íá ðåñéÝ÷åé ôï '@' ÷áñáêôÞñá\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "ç ôéìÞ óçìåßùóçò ðñÝðåé íá ìç ÷ñçóéìïðïéåß ÷áñáêôÞñåò control\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: âñÝèçêáí ìç Ýãêõñá äåäïìÝíá óçìåßùóçò\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "ìç áíáãíþóéìï" @@ -1322,8 +1354,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "äåí ìðïñåß íá ãßíåé áõôü óå êáôÜóôáóç äÝóìçò (batchmode)\n" @@ -1333,14 +1365,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "ÁõôÞ ç åíôïëÞ áðáãïñåýåôå óå áõôÞ ôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "ôìÞìáôá ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý äåí åßíáé äéáèÝóéìá\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Ç åðéëïãÞ óáò; " @@ -1413,7 +1445,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá êáôÜ ôçí áíÜãíùóç ôïõ `%s': %s\n" @@ -1516,13 +1548,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Ôé ìÝãåèïò êëåéäéïý èá èÝëáôå; (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "óôñïããõëïðïéÞèçêå Ýùò ôá %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1577,8 +1609,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñç åðéëïãÞ.\n" @@ -1607,7 +1639,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åããñáöÞò ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ôåñìáôéóìüò áõôïý ôïõ ìåíïý" @@ -1616,7 +1648,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "óõãêñïõüìåíåò åíôïëÝò\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç áõôÞò ôçò âïÞèåéáò" @@ -1696,7 +1728,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñç åíôïëÞ (äïêéìÜóôå \"help\")\n" @@ -1704,18 +1736,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output äåí ëåéôïõñãåß ãéá áõôÞ ôçí åíôïëÞ\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò ôïõ `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "ôï êëåéäß '%s' äå âñÝèçêå: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1985,225 +2017,225 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: äåí Ýãéíå êáììßá åîáãùãÞ\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "ðÜñá ðïëëÝò êáôá÷ùñÞóåéò óôç pk cache - áðåíåñãïðïéÞèçêå\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User id äåí âñÝèçêå]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß ÷ùñßò äçìüóéï - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá êáôÜ ôç äçìéïõñãßá ôïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôïõ fingerprint" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Ìç Ýãêõñï êëåéäß %08lX Ýãéíå Ýãêõñï áðü ôï --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "êáíÝíá ìõóôéêü õðïêëåéäß ãéá ôï äçìüóéï õðïêëåéäß %08lX - áãíüçóç\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "÷ñÞóç ôïõ äåõôåñåýïíôïò êëåéäéïý %08lX áíôß ôïõ ðñùôåýïíôïò %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß ÷ùñßò äçìüóéï - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá ìéáò ìç ðñïóáñôçìÝíçò õðïãñáöÞò" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[áñ÷åßï]|äçìéïõñãßá ìéáò ìç êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíçò õðïãñáöÞò" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá ìéáò ìç ðñïóáñôçìÝíçò õðïãñáöÞò" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "êñõðôïãñÜöçóç äåäïìÝíùí" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìå ÷ñÞóç ìüíï óõììåôñéêþí áëãïñßèìùí" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç äåäïìÝíùí (ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "åðáëÞèåõóç ìéáò õðïãñáöÞò" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò êëåéäéþí êáé õðïãñáöþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "Ýëåã÷ïò õðïãñáöÞò êëåéäéïý" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò êëåéäéþí êáé áðïôõðùìÜôùí (fingerprints)" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò ëßóôáò ìõóôéêþí êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá åíüò íÝïõ æåýãïõò êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá åíüò ðéóôïðïéçôéêïý áíÜêëçóçò" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "áöáßñåóç ôùí êëåéäéþí áðü ôç äçìüóéá êëåéäïèÞêç" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "áöáßñåóç ôùí êëåéäéþí áðü ôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ åíüò êëåéäéïý" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ åíüò êëåéäéïý ôïðéêÜ" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ Þ åðåîåñãáóßá åíüò êëåéäéïý" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "åîáãùãÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "åîáãùãÞ êëåéäéþí óå Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "åéóáãùãÞ êëåéäéþí áðü Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç êëåéäéþí óå Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "áíáíÝùóç üëùí ôùí êëåéäéþí áðü Ýíá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "åéóáãùãÞ/óõã÷þíåõóç êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "áíáíÝùóç ôçò âÜóçò äåäïìÝíùí åìðéóôïóýíçò" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|áëãüñ [áñ÷åßá]| áðåéêüíéóç ðåñéëÞøåùí ôùí ìçíõìÜôùí" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá ascii èùñáêéóìÝíçò åîüäïõ" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|ÏÍÏÌÁ|êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ãéá ÏÍÏÌÁ" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "÷ñÞóç áõôÞò ôçò ôáõôüôçôáò (user id) ãéá õðïãñáöÞ Þ áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|êáèïñéóìüò åðéðÝäïõ óõìðßåóçò N (0 áðåíåñãïðïéåß)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "÷ñÞóç êáíïíéêÞò êáôÜóôáóçò êåéìÝíïõ" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ|öüñôùìá ôïõ áñèñþìáôïò åðÝêôáóçò ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "íá ìç ãßíåé êáììßá áëëáãÞ" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "åñþôçóç ðñéí ôçí åðéêÜëõøç" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2211,7 +2243,7 @@ "@\n" "(äåßôå ôç óåëßäá man ãéá ìéá ðëÞñç ëßóôá åíôïëþí êáé åðéëïãþí)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2231,11 +2263,11 @@ " --list-keys [ïíüìáôá] áðåéêüíéóç êëåéäéþí\n" " --fingerprint [ïíüìáôá] áðåéêüíéóç áðïôõðùìÜôùí (fingerprints)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "×ñÞóç: gpg [åðéëïãÝò] [áñ÷åßá] (-h ãéá âïÞèåéá)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2250,7 +2282,7 @@ "õðïãñáöÞ, Ýëåã÷ïò, êñõðôïãñÜöçóç Þ áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç\n" "ç ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíç ëåéôïõñãßá åîáñôÜôáé áðü ôá äåäïìÝíá åéóüäïõ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2258,573 +2290,573 @@ "\n" "Õðïóôçñéæüìåíïé áëãüñéèìïé:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "ÄçìïóÊëåéäß:" -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Êñõðôáëãüñéèìïò: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Óõìðßåóç: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "÷ñÞóç: gpg [åðéëïãÝò] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "óõãêñïõüìåíåò åíôïëÝò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "äåí âñÝèçêå ôï óýìâïëï = óôïí ïñéóìü ôçò ïìÜäáò \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßá óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßá óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßá óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßáåóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßáåóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëÞò éäéïêôçóßáåóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò åóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò åóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìç áóöáëåßò Üäåéåò åóþêëåéóôïõ öáêÝëïõ óôï %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "Üãíùóôï áíôéêåßìåíï ñõèìßóåùò \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Äåí âñÝèçêå áíôßóôïé÷ç õðïãñáöÞ óôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò óôçí ïðïßá áíáöÝñåôå ôï êëåéäß" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Äåí âñÝèçêå áíôßóôïé÷ç õðïãñáöÞ óôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: áãíïÞèçêå ôï ðáëéü áñ÷åßï ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíùí åðéëïãþí `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ôï %s äåí åßíáé ãéá êáíïíéêÞ ÷ñÞóç!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åðåîåñãáóßáò ôïõ URI ôïõ äéáêïìéóç êëåéäéþí\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "ôï %s äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ïñéóìïý ôïõ exec-path óå %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï ðñüãñáììá ßóùò äçìéïõñãÞóåé áñ÷åßï core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï %s ðáñáêÜìðôåé ôï %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "ôï %s äåí åðéôñÝðåôáé ìå ôï %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "ôï %s äåí Ý÷åé êáììßá Ýííïéá ìáæß ìå ôï %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "ìðïñåßôå íá êÜíåôå áðïêïììÝíåò Þ êáèáñÝò õðïãñáöÝò ìüíï óå --pgp2 êáôÜóôáóç\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "äåí ìðïñåßôå íá õðïãñÜöåôå êáé íá êñõðôïãñáöåßôå ôáõôü÷ñïíá óå --pgp2 " "êáôÜóôáóç\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "ìüíï áñ÷åßá åðéôñÝðïíôáé (êáé ü÷é pipes) êáôá ôçí êáôáóôáóç --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" "ç êñõðôïãñÜöçóç åíüò ìçíýìáôïò óå --pgp2 êáôÜóôáóç áðáéôåß ôïí áëãïñ. IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" "ï åðéëåãìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò ãéá ðéóôïðïßçóç\n" "äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñïò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ìåãáëýôåñá áðü 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ìåãáëýôåñá áðü 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ìåôáîý 1 êáé 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï default-cert-level· ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé 0, 1, 2, Þ 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï min-cert-level· ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé 0, 1, 2, Þ 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ç áðëÞ S2K êáôÜóôáóç (0) ðñÝðåé íá áðïöåýãåôáé\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç êáôÜóôáóç S2K; ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé 0, 1 Þ 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò ðñïóùðéêïý êñõðôáëãüñéèìïõ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò ðñïóùðéêïý áëãüñéèìïõ ðåñßëçøçò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò ðñïåðéëïãÝò ðñïóùðéêïý áëãüñéèìïõ óõìðßåóçò\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "ôï %s áêüìá äå ëåéôïõñãåß ìáæß ìå ôï %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ êñõðôáëãüñéèìïõ \"%s\" óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ ðåñßëçøçò \"%s\" óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ óõìðßåóçò \"%s\" óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "áðïôõ÷ßá áñ÷éêïðïßçóçò ôçò TrustDB: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: äþèçêáí ðáñáëÞðôåò (-r) ÷þñéò ÷ñÞóç êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò\n" "äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ %s óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "áðáãïñåýåôå ç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ %s óôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [åíôïëÝò]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver áðïóôïëÞ áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver ëÞøç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "åîáãùãÞ êëåéäéïý áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver áíáæÞôçóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver áíáíÝùóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "áðïèùñÜêéóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "èùñÜêéóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñïò áëãüñéèìïò hash `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Ìðïñåßôå ôþñá íá åéóáãÜãåôå ôï ìÞíõìá óáò ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò ðéóôïðïéçôéêïý ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "ôï URL ðïëéôéêÞò õðïãñáöÞò ðïõ äüèçêå äåí åßíáé Ýãêõñï\n" @@ -2864,477 +2896,482 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Äåí õðÜñ÷åé äéáèÝóéìç âïÞèåéá ãéá `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "áíáíÝùóç ôçò âÜóçò äåäïìÝíùí åìðéóôïóýíçò" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "áíáíÝùóç ôçò âÜóçò äåäïìÝíùí åìðéóôïóýíçò" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "ôï äçìïóßï êëåéäß äåí ôáéñéÜæåé ìå ôï ìõóôéêü!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "ìç ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóéìï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "ðáñÜëåéøç ôìÞìáôïò ôïõ ôýðïõ %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu êëåéäéÜ Ý÷ïõí ìÝ÷ñé ôþñá åðåîåñãáóôåß\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Óõíïëéêüò áñéèìüò ðïõ åðåîåñãÜóôçêáí: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " íÝá êëåéäéÜ ðïõ ðáñáëåßöèçêáí: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " ÷ùñßò user ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " åéóá÷èÝíôá: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " áìåôÜâëçôá: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " íÝá user ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " íÝá õðïêëåéäéÜ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " íÝåò õðïãñáöÝò: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " íÝåò áíáêëÞóåéò êëåéäéþí: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " áíáãíùóìÝíá ìõóôéêÜ êëåéäéÜ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " åéóá÷èÝíôá ìõóôéêÜ êëåéäéÜ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " áìåôÜâëçôá ìõóôéêÜ êëåéäéÜ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " ìç åéóá÷èÝíôá: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " íÝåò õðïãñáöÝò: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " áíáãíùóìÝíá ìõóôéêÜ êëåéäéÜ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí õðÜñ÷åé áõôü ôï user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ðáñáëåßöèçêå `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: åðéäéüñèùóç öèáñìÝíïõ õðïêëåéäéïý HKP\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåêôü ìç éäéï-õðïãåãñáììÝíï user ID '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí Ý÷åé Ýãêõñá user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "áõôü ìðïñåß íá óõíÝâåé áðü ìéá áðïýóá éäéïûðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß ðïõ äå âñÝèçêå: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: íÝï êëåéäß - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "äåí âñåèçêå åããñÜøéìç êëåéäïèÞêç: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åããñáöÞò ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ôï äçìüóéï êëåéäß \"%s\" Ý÷åé åéóá÷èåß\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí ôáéñéÜæåé ìå ôï áíôßãñáöï ìáò\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: áäõíáìßá åíôïðéóìïý ôïõ áñ÷éêïý ôìÞìáôïò êëåéäéïý: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: áäõíáìßá áíÜãíùóçò ôïõ áñ÷éêïý ôìÞìáôïò êëåéäéïý: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" 1 íÝï user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝá user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" 1 íÝá õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝåò õðïãñáöÝò\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" 1 íÝï õðïêëåéäß\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝá õðïêëåéäéÜ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝåò õðïãñáöÝò\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝåò õðïãñáöÝò\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝá user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" %d íÝá user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" áìåôÜâëçôï\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß `%s' äå âñÝèçêå: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß ìå Üêõñï êñõðôáëã. %d - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "äåí õðÜñ÷åé ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíç êëåéäïèÞêç: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß åéóÞ÷èçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: Þäç óôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äå âñÝèçêå ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "êëåéäß %08lX: ü÷é äçìüóéï êëåéäß - áäõíáìßá åöáñìïãÞò ðéóôïðïéçôéêïý " "áíÜêëçóçò\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç Ýãêõñï ðéóôïðïéçôéêü áíÜêëçóçò: %s - áðüññéøç\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" ðéóôïðïéçôéêü áíÜêëçóçò åéóÞ÷èçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí õðÜñ÷åé user ID ãéá ôçí õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç õðïóôçñéæüìåíïò áëãüñéèìïò äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý óôï user id " "\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç Ýãêõñç éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ óôï user id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç õðïóôçñéæüìåíïò áëãüñéèìïò äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: Üìåóç õðïãñáöÞ êëåéäéïý ðñïóôÝèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí õðÜñ÷åé õðïêëåéäß ãéá ôç äÝóìåõóç êëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç Ýãêõñç äÝóìåõóç õðïêëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: áöáéñÝèçêå ç äÝóìåõóç ðïëëáðëïý õðïêëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí õðÜñ÷åé õðïêëåéäß ãéá ôçí áíÜêëçóç êëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç Ýãêõñç áíÜêëçóç õðïêëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: áöáéñÝèçêå ç áíÜêëçóç ðïëëáðëïý õðïêëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ðáñáëåßöèçêå user ID '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ðáñáëåßöèçêå õðïêëåéäß\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç åîáãüìåíç õðïãñáöÞ (êëÜóç %02x) - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" "êëåéäß %08lX: ôï ðéóôïðïéçôéêü áíÜêëçóçò óå ëÜèïò óçìåßï - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç Ýãêõñï ðéóôïðïéçôéêü áíÜêëçóçò: %s - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" "êëåéäß %08lX: ç õðïãñáöÞ ôïõ õðïêëåéäéïý óå ëÜèïò óçìåßï - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: ìç áíáìåíþìåíç êëÜóç õðïãñáöÞò (0x%02x) - ðáñáëåßöèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: åíôïðßóôçêå äéðëü user ID - åíþèçêáí\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: êëåéäß %08lX ìðïñåß íá áíáêëçèåß: ëÞøç êëåéäéïý áíÜêëçóçò " "%08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: êëåéäß %08lX ìðïñåß íá áíáêëçèåß: ôï êëåéäß áíÜêëçóçò %08lX\n" "äåí åßíáé ðáñþí.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: \"%s\" ðéóôïðïéçôéêü áíÜêëçóçò ðñïóôÝèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: Üìåóç õðïãñáöÞ êëåéäéïý ðñïóôÝèçêå\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "ôï äçìïóßï êëåéäß äåí ôáéñéÜæåé ìå ôï ìõóôéêü!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ðáñáëåßöèçêå: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß Þäç ðáñþí\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ðáñáëåßöèçêå: ìõóôéêü êëåéäß Þäç ðáñþí\n" @@ -3359,51 +3396,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "áðïôõ÷ßá åðáíáäüìçóçò ôçò cache êëåéäïèÞêçò: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[áíÜêëçóç]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 êáêÞ õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d êáêÝò õðïãñáöÝò\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 õðïãñáöÞ äåí åëÝã÷èçêå ëüãù ÷áìÝíïõ êëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d õðïãñáöÝò äåí åëÝã÷èçêáí ëüãù ÷áìÝíùí êëåéäéþí\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 õðïãñáöÞ äåí åëÝã÷èçêå ëüãï åíüò óöÜëìáôïò\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d õðïãñáöÝò äåí åëÝã÷èçêáí ëüãù óöáëìÜôùí\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 user ID áíé÷íåýôçêå ÷ùñßò Ýãêõñç éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d user ID áíé÷íåýèçêáí ÷ùñßò Ýãêõñåò éäéï-õðïãñáöÝò\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3416,63 +3453,63 @@ "íá êïéôÜæåé passports êáé fingerprints áðü äéÜöïñåò ðçãÝò...);\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = ¸÷ù ìåñéêÞ åìðéóôïóýíç\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = ¸÷ù ðëÞñç åìðéóôïóýíç\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Ôï user ID \"%s\" áíáêáëåßôå." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå áêüìá íá ôï õðïãñÜøåôå; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Áäõíáìßá õðïãñáöÞò.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Ôï user ID \"%s\" Ý÷åé Ýëçîå." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï user ID \"%s\" äåí Ý÷åé éäéï-õðïãñáöåß." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï user ID \"%s\" äåí Ý÷åé éäéï-õðïãñáöåß." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá õðïãñáöåß; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3481,11 +3518,11 @@ "Ç éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ óôï \"%s\"\n" "åßíáé ìéá õðïãñáöÞ ôýðïõ PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "ÈÝëåôå íá ôç ðñïÜãåôå óå ìéá OpenPGP éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3494,12 +3531,12 @@ "Ç ðñïõðÜñ÷ïõóá õðïãñáöÞ óáò óôï \"%s\"\n" "Ý÷åé ëÞîåé.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "ÈÝëåôå íá ïñßóåôå ìéá íÝá õðïãñáöÞ ðñïò áíôéêáôÜóôáóç ôçò ëçãìÝíçò; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3508,43 +3545,43 @@ "Ç ðñïõðÜñ÷ïõóá õðïãñáöÞ óáò óôï \"%s\"\n" "åßíáé ìéá ôïðéêÞ õðïãñáöÞ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "ÈÝëåôå íá ôç ðñïÜãåôå óå ìéá ðëÞñç åîáãþãéìç õðïãñáöÞ; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" Þäç õðïãñÜöèçêå áðü ôï êëåéäß %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" Þäç õðïãñÜöèçêå áðü ôï êëåéäß %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå áêüìá íá ôï îáíáõðïãñÜøåôå; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Ôßðïôá ãéá íá õðïãñáöåß ìå ôï êëåéäß %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Áõôü ôï êëåéäß Ý÷åé ëÞîåé!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Áõôü ôï êëåéäß ðñüêåéôå íá ëÞîåé óôéò %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "ÈÝëåôå ç õðïãáöÞóáò íá ëÞîåé ôáõôü÷ñïíá; (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3552,11 +3589,11 @@ "Ìðïñåßôå íá ÷ñçóéìüðïéÞóåôå ìéá OpenPGP õðïãñáöÞ óå Ýíá PGP 2.x ìüíï óå " "êáôÜóôáóç --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Áõôü èá êÜíåé ôï êëåéäß Ü÷ñçóôï ìå ôï PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3566,32 +3603,32 @@ "áíÞêåé ðñÜãìáôé óôï ðñïáíöåñèÝí Üôïìï; ÅÜí äåí îÝñåôå ôé íá áðáíôÞóåôå " "ðáôÞóôå\"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Äåí áðáíôþ.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Äåí Ý÷ù åëÝãîåé êáèüëïõ.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) ¸÷ù êÜíåé ôïí óõíÞèç Ýëåã÷ï.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) ¸÷ù êÜíåé åêôåôáìÝíï Ýëåã÷ï.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Ç åðéëïãÞ óáò; (ðëçêôñïëïãÞóôå ? ãéá ðëçñïöïñßåò): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3600,21 +3637,21 @@ "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá õðïãñÜøåôå áõôü ôï êëåéäß\n" "ìå ôï êëåéäß óáò: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "ÁõôÞ èá åßíáé ìéá éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ç õðïãñáöÞ äå èá óçìåéùèåß óáí ìç-åîáãþãéìç.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" @@ -3622,14 +3659,14 @@ "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: Ç õðïãñáöÞ äå èá óçìåéùèåß óáí ìç-áíáêáëÝóéìç.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ç õðïãñáöÞ èá óçìåéùèåß óáí ìç-åîáãþãéìç.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" @@ -3637,65 +3674,65 @@ "Ç õðïãñáöÞ èá óçìåéùèåß óáí ìç-áíáêáëÝóéìç.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Äåí Ý÷ù åëÝãîåé êáèüëïõ áõôü ôï êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "¸÷ù êÜíåé óõíçèéóìÝíï Ýëåã÷ï óå áõôü ôï êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "¸÷ù åëÝãîåé ðïëý ðñïóåêôéêÜ áõôü ôï êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá õðïãñáöåß; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "ç õðïãñáöÞ áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Áõôü ôï êëåéäß äåí ðñïóôáôåýåôáé.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "ÌõóôéêÜ ôìÞìáôá ôïõ êýñéïõ êëåéäéïý äåí åßíáé äéáèÝóéìá.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "ÌõóôéêÜ ôìÞìáôá ôïõ êýñéïõ êëåéäéïý äåí åßíáé äéáèÝóéìá.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Ôï êëåéäß ðñïóôáôåýåôáé.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Áäýíáôç ç åðåîåñãáóßá áõôïý ôïõ êëåéäéïý:%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3703,219 +3740,219 @@ "ÐëçêôñïëïãÞóôå ôçí íÝá öñÜóç êëåéäß ãéá áõôü ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "ç öñÜóç êëåéäß äåí åðáíáëÞöèçêå óùóôÜ. ÄïêéìÜóôå îáíÜ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "Äåí èÝëåôå öñÜóç êëåéäß - áõôü åßíáé ìÜëëïí *êáêÞ* éäÝá!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá êÜíåôå áõôü; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "ìåôáêßíçóç õðïãñáöÞò êëåéäéïý óôç óùóôÞ èÝóç\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "áðïèÞêåõóç êáé Ýîïäïò" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôïõ fingerprint" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ôùí êëåéäéþí êáé ôùí user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "åðéëïãÞ user ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "åðéëïãÞ user ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "áíÜêëçóç õðïãñáöþí" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ ôïõ êëåéäéïý ôïðéêÜ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "ÓõìâïõëÞ: ÅðéëÝîôå ôï user ID ãéá õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "ðñïóèÞêç åíüò user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "ðñïóèÞêç åíüò photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "äéáãñáöÞ åíüò user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "äéáãñáöÞ åíüò äåõôåñåýïíôïò êëåéäéïý" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "ðñïóèÞêç åíüò êëåéäéïý áíÜêëçóçò" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáíåùèïýí ïé ðñïåðéëïãÝò ãéá ôï åðéëåãìÝíï user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Äåí ìðïñåßôå íá áëëÜîåôå ôçí çìåñïìçíßá ëÞîçò óå Ýíá v3 êëåéäß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "óçìåßùóç ôïõ user ID óáí ðñùôåýùí" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ìåôáîý ôçò áðåéêüíéóçò ìõóôéêïý êáé äçìüóéïõ êëåéäéïý" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç ðñïåðéëïãþí (åéäéêÝò)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç åðéëïãþí (áíáëõôéêÜ)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáíåùèïýí ïé ðñïåðéëïãÝò ãéá ôï åðéëåãìÝíï user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åðåîåñãáóßáò ôïõ URI ôïõ äéáêïìéóç êëåéäéþí\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáíåùèïýí ïé ðñïåðéëïãÝò ãéá ôï åðéëåãìÝíï user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò åìðéóôïóýíçò éäéïêôÞôç" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèïýí üëá ôá åðéëåãìÝíá user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "áíÜêëçóç åíüò user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "áíÜêëçóç åíüò äåõôåñåýïíôïò êëåéäéïý" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "åíåñãïðïéåß Ýíá êëåéäß" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "áðåíåñãïðïéåß Ýíá êëåéäß" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "áðåéêüíéóç photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá êáôÜ ôçí áíÜãíùóç ìõóôéêïý ìðëïê êëåéäéïý `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß åßíáé äéáèÝóéìï.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Áðáéôåßôáé ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß ãéá íá ãßíåé áõôü.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ ÷ñçóéìïðïéåßóôå ôçí åíôïëÞ \"toggle\" ðñþôá.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3923,243 +3960,243 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Ôï êëåéäß áíáêëÞèçêå." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá õðïãñáöïýí üëá ôá user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "ÓõìâïõëÞ: ÅðéëÝîôå ôï user ID ãéá õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Üãíùóôç êëÜóç õðïãñáöÞò" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "ÁõôÞ ç åíôïëÞ áðáãïñåýåôå óå áõôÞ ôçí êáôÜóôáóç %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "ÐñÝðåé íá åðéëÝîåôå ôï ëéãüôåñï Ýíá user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Äåí ìðïñåßôå íá äéáãñÜøåôå ôï ôåëåõôáßï user ID!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá äéáãñáöïýí üëá ôá åðéëåãìÝíá user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá äéáãñáöåß áõôü ôï user ID; " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá äéáãñáöåß áõôü ôï user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "ÐñÝðåé íá åðéëÝîåôå ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí Ýíá êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò óôï `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "ÐñÝðåé íá åðéëÝîåôå ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí Ýíá êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá äéáãñáöïýí ôá åðéëåãìÝíá êëåéäéÜ; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá äéáãñáöåß áõôü ôï êëåéäß; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèïýí üëá ôá åðéëåãìÝíá user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèåß áõôü ôï user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèåß áõôü ôï êëåéäß; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèïýí ôá åðéëåãìÝíá êëåéäéÜ; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèåß áõôü ôï êëåéäß; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "ïñéóìüò áðåéêüíéóçò åðéëïãþí" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáíåùèïýí ïé ðñïåðéëïãÝò ãéá ôï åðéëåãìÝíï user ID; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá áíáíåùèïýí ïé ðñïåðéëïãÝò;" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "ÁðïèÞêåõóç ôùí áëëáãþí; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Ôåñìáôéóìüò ÷ùñßò áðïèÞêåõóç; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "ç åíçìÝñùóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "ç åíçìÝñùóç ìõóôéêïý áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Ôï êëåéäß äåí Üëëáîå ïðüôå äåí ÷ñåéÜæåôáé åíçìÝñùóç.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Ðåñßëçøç: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Äõíáôüôçôå: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Óçìåßùóç: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Äåí õðÜñ÷ïõí ðñïåðéëïãÝò óå Ýíá user ID ôýðïõ PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Áõôü ôï êëåéäß ìðïñåß íá áíáêëçèåß áðü %s êëåéäß " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Áõôü ôï êëåéäß ìðïñåß íá áíáêëçèåß áðü %s êëåéäß " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (åõáßóèçôï)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò ôïõ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[áíáêëçìÝíï]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [ëÞãåé: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [ëÞãåé: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " åìðéóôïóýíç: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " åìðéóôïóýíç: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Áõôü ôï êëåéäß Ý÷åé áðåíåñãïðïéçèåß" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4167,19 +4204,19 @@ "Ç åããõñüôçôá ôïõ áðåéêïíéæüìåíïõ êëåéäéïý äåí åßíáé áðáñáßôçôá óùóôÞ\n" "åêôüò êáé åÜí åðáíáêêéíÞóåôå ôï ðñüãñáììá.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[áíáêëçìÝíï]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4187,7 +4224,17 @@ "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: äåí Ý÷åé óçìåéùèåß ID ÷ñÞóôç óáí ðñùôåýùí. ÁõôÞ ç åíôïëÞ\n" " ìðïñåß íá êÜíåé Ýíá Üëëï ID ÷ñÞóôç íá ãßíåé ôï ðñùôåýùí.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Äåí ìðïñåßôå íá áëëÜîåôå ôçí çìåñïìçíßá ëÞîçò óå Ýíá v3 êëåéäß\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4196,75 +4243,75 @@ "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: Áõôü Ýéíáé Ýíá êëåéäß ôýðïõ PGP2. Ç ðñïóèÞêç åíüò photo ID\n" " ìðïñåß íá êÜíåé ìåñéêÝò åêäüóåéò PGP íá ôï áðïññßøïõí.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá áêüìá èÝëåôå íá ôï ðñïóèÝóåôå; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Äåí ìðïñåßôå íá ðñïóèÝóåôå ìéá photo ID óå Ýíá êëåéäß ôýðïõ PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ÄéáãñáöÞ áõôÞò ôçò êáëÞò õðïãñáöÞò; (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ÄéáãñáöÞ áõôÞò ôçò ìç Ýãêõñçò õðïãñáöÞò; (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ÄéáãñáöÞ áõôÞò ôçò Üãíùóôçò õðïãñáöÞò; (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá äéáãñáöåß áõôÞ ç éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ; (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "ÄéáãñÜöôçêå %d õðïãñáöÞ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "ÄéáãñÜöçêáí %d õðïãñáöÝò.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Ôßðïôá äåí äéáãñÜöôçêå.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç èùñÜêéóç" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Ôï user ID \"%s\" áíáêáëåßôå." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Ôï user ID \"%s\" áíáêáëåßôå." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Ôï user ID \"%s\" áíáêáëåßôå." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "ôï user ID \"%s\" Ý÷åé Þäç áíáêëçèåß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "ôï user ID \"%s\" Ý÷åé Þäç áíáêëçèåß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4274,38 +4321,38 @@ " êáèïñéóìÝíïõ áíáêëçôÞ ìðïñåß íá êÜíåé ìåñéêÝò åêäüóåéò PGP\n" " íá ôï áðïññßøïõí.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Äåí ìðïñåßôå íá ðñïóèÝóåôå Ýíá êáèïñéóìÝíï áíáêëçôÞ óå êëåéäß ôýðïõ PGP2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "ÐëçêôñïëïãÞóôå ôï user ID ôïõ äéïñéóìÝíïõ áíáêëçôÞ: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "áäõíáìßá ïñéóìïý åíüò êëåéäéïý ôýðïõ PGP 2.x, óáí äéïñéóìÝíïõ áíáêëçôÞ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "äå ìðïñåßôå íá ïñßóåôå Ýíá êëåéäß óáí ôï äéïñéóìÝíï áíáêëçôÞ ôïõ åáõôïý ôïõ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: Áõôü ôï êëåéäß Ý÷åé áíáêëçèåß áðü ôïí ïñéóìÝíï áíáêëçôÞ!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: åÜí ïñßóåôå Ýíá êëåéäß óáí äéïñéóìÝíï áíáêëçôÞ äåí ìðïñåß íá " "åðáíÝëèåé!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " @@ -4313,246 +4360,246 @@ "Åßóôå óßãïõñïé üôé èÝëåôå íá ïñßóåôå Ýíá êëåéäß óáí äéïñéóìÝíï áíáêëçôÞ; (y/" "N): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ áöáéñÝóôå ôéò åðéëïãÝò áðü ôá ìõóôéêÜ êëåéäéÜ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ åðéëÝîôå ôï ðïëý Ýíá äåõôåñåýïí êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "ÁëëáãÞ çìåñïìçíßáò ëÞîçò ãéá Ýíá äåõôåñåýïí êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "ÁëëáãÞ çìåñïìçíßáò ëÞîçò ãéá Ýíá ðñùôåýïí êëåéäß.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Äåí ìðïñåßôå íá áëëÜîåôå ôçí çìåñïìçíßá ëÞîçò óå Ýíá v3 êëåéäß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Äåí âñÝèçêå áíôßóôïé÷ç õðïãñáöÞ óôç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï õðïãñÜöùí õðïêëåéäß %08lX äåí Ý÷åé êáô' áíôéðáñÜóôáóç " "ðéóôïðïéçèåß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "ÐñÝðåé íá åðéëÝîåôå áêñéâþò Ýíá user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ðáñáëåßöèçêå ç v3 éäéï-õðïãñáöÞ óôï user id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå áêüìá íá ôï ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå áêüìá íá ôï ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå; (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Óçìåßùóç õðïãñáöÞò: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "ÅðéêÜëõøç (y/N); " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Äåí õðÜñ÷åé user ID ìå äåßêôç %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Äåí õðÜñ÷åé user ID ìå äåßêôç %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Äåí õðÜñ÷åé user ID ìå äåßêôç %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "user ID: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " õðïãñÜöèçêå áðü %08lX óôéò %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (ìç-åîáãþãéìï)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "ÁõôÞ ç õðïãñáöÞ Ýëçîå óôéò %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá èÝëåôå íá áíáêëçèåß áõôü ôï êëåéäß; " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Äçìéïõñãßá åíüò ðéóôïðïéçôéêïý áíÜêëçóçò ãéá áõôÞ ôçí õðïãñáöÞ; (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " õðïãñÜöèçêå áðü %08lX óôéò %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "¸÷åôå õðïãñÜøåé áõôÜ ôá user ID:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (ìç-åîáãþãéìï)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " áíáêëÞèçêå áðü %08lX óôéò %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Óêïðåýåôå íá áíáêáëÝóåôå áõôÝò ôéò õðïãñáöÝò:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá äçìéïõñãçèïýí ôá ðéóôïðïéçôéêÜ áíÜêëçóçò; (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "êáíÝíá ìõóôéêü êëåéäß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "ôï user ID \"%s\" Ý÷åé Þäç áíáêëçèåß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ìéá õðïãñáöÞ user ID Ý÷åé çìåñïìçíßá %d äåýôåñá óôï ìÝëëïí\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "ôï user ID \"%s\" Ý÷åé Þäç áíáêëçèåß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "ôï user ID \"%s\" Ý÷åé Þäç áíáêëçèåß\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Áðåéêüíéóç %s photo ID ìåãÝèïõò %ld ãéá ôï êëåéäß 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "ç ðñïåðéëïãÞ %c%lu áíôéãñÜöôçêå\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ðÜñá ðïëëÝò `%c' ðñïåðéëïãÝò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "ðÜñá ðïëëÝò `%c' ðñïåðéëïãÝò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "ðÜñá ðïëëÝò `%c' ðñïåðéëïãÝò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñïò ÷áñáêôÞñáò óôï \"êïñäüíé\" ôçò åðéëïãÞò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ Üìåóçò õðïãñáöÞò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ éäéï-õðïãñáöÞò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ õðïãñáöÞò \"äÝóéìïõ\" êëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï ìÝãåèïò êëåéäéïý, ÷ñÞóç %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "óôñïããõëïðïßçóç ôïõ ìÝãåèïò êëåéäéïý Ýùò %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "êñõðôïãñÜöçóç äåäïìÝíùí" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4566,7 +4613,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4599,71 +4646,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ åðéëÝîôå ôïí ôýðï ôïõ êëåéäéïý ðïõ èÝëåôå:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA êáé ElGamal (ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA êáé ElGamal (ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (ãéá õðïãñáöÞ ìüíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ãéá õðïãñáöÞ ìüíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (ãéá êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìüíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ãéá êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìüíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ãéá êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìüíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ãéá êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìüíï)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Ôé ìÝãåèïò êëåéäéïý èá èÝëáôå; (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Ôé ìÝãåèïò êëåéäéïý èá èÝëáôå; (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Ôï ìÝãåèïò êëåéäéïý ðïõ æçôÞèçêå åßíáé %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4679,7 +4726,7 @@ " m = ôï êëåéäß ëÞãåé óå n ìÞíåò\n" " y = ôï êëåéäß ëÞãåé óå n Ýôç\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4695,40 +4742,40 @@ " m = ôï êëåéäß ëÞãåé óå n ìÞíåò\n" " y = ôï êëåéäß ëÞãåé óå n Ýôç\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Ôï êëåéäß åßíáé Ýãêõñï ãéá; (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Ç õðïãñáöÞ Ýéíáé Ýãêõñç ãéá; (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç ôéìÞ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "ôï %s äåí ëÞãåé ðïôÝ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "ôï %s äåí ëÞãåé ðïôÝ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "ôï %s ëÞãåé óôéò %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "ÕðïãñáöÞ ëÞãåé óôéò %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4736,12 +4783,12 @@ "Ôï óýóôçìá óáò äåí ìðïñåß íá áðåéêïíßóåé çìåñïìçíßåò ðÝñá ôïõ 2038.\n" "¼ìùò, èá ÷åéñßæïíôáé óùóôÜ Ýùò ôï 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Åßíáé áõôü óùóôü (y/n); " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4752,7 +4799,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4769,44 +4816,44 @@ " \"Nikolaoy Nikos (toy Ioanni) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Áëçèéíü ¼íïìá: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñïò ÷áñáêôÞñáò óôï üíïìá\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Ôï üíïìá äåí åðéôñÝðåôáé íá îåêéíÜ ìå áñéèìçôéêü øçößï\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Ôï üíïìá ðñÝðåé íá Ý÷åé ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí 5 ÷áñáêôÞñåò\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Äéåýèõíóç Email: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñç äéåýèõíóç Email\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Ó÷üëéï: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñïò ÷áñáêôÞñáò óôï ó÷üëéï\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ôï `%s' óåô ÷áñáêôÞñùí.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4817,11 +4864,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ ìçí ôïðïèåôåßôå ôçí äéåýèõíóç email óôï üíïìá Þ óôï ó÷üëéï\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4836,23 +4883,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "ÁëëáãÞ (N)üíïìá, (C)ó÷üëéï, (E)mail Þ (Q)ôåñìáôéóìüò; " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "ÁëëáãÞ (N)üíïìá, (C)ó÷üëéï, (E)mail Þ (O)åíôÜîåé/(Q)ôåñìáôéóìüò; " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ, äéïñèþóôå ðñþôá ôï óöÜëìá\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4860,19 +4907,19 @@ "×ñåéÜæåóôå ìéá ÖñÜóç êëåéäß ãéá íá ðñïóôáôåýóåôå ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "ÐëçêôñïëïãÞóôå ôç öñÜóç êëåéäß· áõôÞ åßíáé ìéá ìõóôéêÞ ðñüôáóç \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4884,7 +4931,7 @@ "üðïôå èÝëåôå, ìå ôçí åðéëïãÞ \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4896,50 +4943,50 @@ "ôïõò äßóêïõò) êáôá ôç äéÜñêåéá õðïëïãéóìïý ðñþôùí áñéèìþí. Áõôü äßíåé\n" "óôç ãåííÞôñéá ôõ÷áßùí áñéèìþí ìéá åõêáéñßá íá ìáæÝøåé áñêåôÞ åíôñïðßá.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Ç äçìéïõñãßá êëåéäéïý áíáâëÞèçêå.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "äå âñÝèçêå åããñÜøéìç äçìüóéá êëåéäïèÞêç: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "äå âñÝèçêå åããñÜøéìç ìõóôéêÞ êëåéäïèÞêç: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åããñáöÞò äçìüóéáò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åããñáöÞò ìõóôéêÞò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "ôï äçìüóéï êáé ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß äçìéïõñãÞèçêáí êáé õðïãñÜöçêáí.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4950,12 +4997,12 @@ "Ìðïñåßôå íá ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå ôçí åíôïëÞ \"--edit-key\" ãéá íá äçìéïõñãçèåß\n" "Ýíá äåõôåñåýïí êëåéäß ãéá áõôü ôï ëüãï.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ç äçìéïõñãßá êëåéäéïý áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4963,7 +5010,7 @@ "ôï êëåéäß äçìéïõñãÞèçêå %lu äåõôåñüëåðôï óôï ìÝëëïí (÷ñïíïäßíç Þ\n" "áðëþò ðñüâëçìá óôï ñïëüé)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4971,33 +5018,33 @@ "ôï êëåéäß äçìéïõñãÞèçêå %lu äåõôåñüëåðôá óôï ìÝëëïí (÷ñïíïäßíç Þ\n" "áðëþò ðñüâëçìá óôï ñïëüé)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ç äçìéïõñãßá õðïêëåéäéþí ãéá êëåéäéÜ v3 äåí åßíáé óýìöùíï\n" "ìå ôï OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Óßãïõñá íá äçìéïõñãçèåß; " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "äéáãñáöÞ block êëåéäéþí áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò ôïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß %08lX Ýëçîå óôéò %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "ðïôÝ " @@ -5052,45 +5099,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "èùñÜêéóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: 2 áñ÷åßá ìå åìðéóôåõôéêÝò ðëçñïöïñßåò õðÜñ÷ïõí.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s åßíáé ôï áìåôÜâëçôï\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s åßíáé ôï íÝï\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ äéïñèþóôå áõôÞ ôçí ðéèáíÞ \"ôñýðá\" áóöáëåßáò\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "Ýëåã÷ïò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu êëåéäéÜ Ý÷ïõí åëåã÷èåß (%lu õðïãñáöÝò)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu êëåéäéÜ Ý÷ïõí åëåã÷èåß (%lu õðïãñáöÝò)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: êëåéäïèÞêç äçìéïõñãÞèçêå\n" @@ -5139,7 +5186,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" @@ -5154,126 +5201,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "ôï êëåéäß '%s' äå âñÝèçêå: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "áßôçóç êëåéäéïý %08lX áðü ôï %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "áßôçóç êëåéäéïý %08lX áðü ôï %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç ôïõ \"%s\" áðü ôï HKP äéáêïìéóôÞ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç ôïõ \"%s\" áðü ôï HKP äéáêïìéóôÞ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç ôïõ \"%s\" áðü ôï HKP äéáêïìéóôÞ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "õðïãñÜöèçêå ìå ôï êëåéäß óáò %08lX óôéò %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç ôïõ \"%s\" áðü ôï HKP äéáêïìéóôÞ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "áíáæÞôçóç ôïõ \"%s\" áðü ôï HKP äéáêïìéóôÞ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åîáãùãÞò\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "keyserver ëÞøç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "keyserver ëÞøç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: áäõíáìßá äéáãñáöÞò tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "áßôçóç êëåéäéïý %08lX áðü ôï %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "áßôçóç êëåéäéïý %08lX áðü ôï %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: áäõíáìßá äéáãñáöÞò tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: áäõíáìßá äéáãñáöÞò tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" @@ -5331,166 +5378,171 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíï ìå 1 öñÜóç êëåéäß\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "õðüèåóç %s êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíùí äåäïìÝíùí\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "Êñõðôáëãüñéèìïò IDEA ìç äéáèÝóéìïò, áéóéüäïîç ðñïóðÜèåéá ÷ñÞóçò ôïõ\n" "%s áíôßèåôá\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç OK\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: äåí ðñïóôáôåýôçêå ç áêåñáéüôçôá ôïõ ìçýìáôïò\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ôï êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíï ìÞíõìá Ý÷åé ðåéñá÷èåß!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "áðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóç áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ï áðïóôïëÝáò æÞôçóå \"ãéá-ôá-ìÜôéá-óáò-ìüíï\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "áñ÷éêü üíïìá áñ÷åßïõ='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "áíåîÜñôçôç áíÜêëçóç - ÷ñçóéìïðïéåßóôå \"gpg --import\" ãéá åöáñìïãÞ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "ÊáëÞ õðïãñáöÞ áðü \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "êáôáóôïëÞ áíÜêëçóçò õðïãñáöÞò\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ÷åéñéóìïý áõôþí ôùí ðïëëáðëþí õðïãñáöþí\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "ÕðïãñáöÞ Ýëçîå óôéò %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " ãíùóôü óáí \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "ÕðïãñáöÞ Ýãéíå óôï %.*s ìå ÷ñÞóç ôïõ êëåéäéïý%s ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Êëåéäß äéáèÝóéìï óôï: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ÊÁÊÇ õðïãñáöÞ áðü \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ËçãìÝíç õðïãñáöÞ áðü \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ÊáëÞ õðïãñáöÞ áðü \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[áâÝâáéï]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " ãíùóôü óáí \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "ÕðïãñáöÞ Ýëçîå óôéò %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "ÕðïãñáöÞ ëÞãåé óôéò %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "äõáäéêü" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "êáôÜóôáóç-êåéìÝíïõ" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "Üãíùóôï" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Áäõíáìßá åëÝã÷ïõ ôçò õðïãñáöÞò: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "äåí åßíáé áðïêïììÝíç õðïãñáöÞ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: åíôïðéóìüò ðïëëáðëþí õðïãñáöþí. Ìüíï ç ðñþôç èá åëåã÷èåß.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "áíåîÜñôçôç õðïãñáöÞ êëÜóçò 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "õðïãñáöÞ ðáëéïý óôõë (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï ñéæéêü(root) ðáêÝôï áíé÷íåýôçêå óôï proc_tree()\n" @@ -5504,95 +5556,112 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: read áðÝôõ÷å (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ÷åéñéóìïý ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "ï åîáíáãêáóìüò ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ ðåñßëçøçò %s (%d) ðáñáâéÜæåé ôéò\n" "ðñïåðéëïãÝò ôïõ ðáñáëÞðôç\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ìç õëïðïéçìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "ï åîáíáãêáóìüò ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ ðåñßëçøçò %s (%d) ðáñáâéÜæåé ôéò\n" "ðñïåðéëïãÝò ôïõ ðáñáëÞðôç\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "ôï âýóìá ôïõ êñõðôáëãüñéèìïõ IDEA äåí õðÜñ÷åé\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = áðåéêüíéóç ðåñéóóüôåñùí ðëçñïöïñéþí\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "ðáñáêáëþ ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóôå ôï \"%s%s\" êáëýôåñá\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: \"%s\" åßíáé ìéá ìç óõíåéóôþìåíç åðéëïãÞ\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Áóõìðßåóôï" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Áóõìðßåóôï" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "áõôü ôï ìÞíõìá ßóùò äåí ìðïñåß íá ÷ñçóéìïðïéçèåß áðü %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "áíÜãíùóç åðéëïãþí áðü `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "Üãíùóôïò ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíïò ðáñáëÞðôçò `%s'\n" @@ -5620,47 +5689,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ óôçí stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "õðüèåóç õðïãåãñáììÝíùí äåäïìÝíùí óôï `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "äçìéïõñãÞèçêå íÝï áñ÷åßï åðéëïãþí `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ïé åðéëïãåò óôï `%s' äåí åßíáé åíåñãÝò óå áõôÞ ôçí åêôÝëåóç\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ÷åéñéóìïý ôïõ áëãüñéèìïõ äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "ÐÑÏÅÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ: ðéèáíüí ìç áóöáëÝò êñõðôïãñáöçìÝíï óõììåôñéêÜ êëåéäß\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "õðïðáêÝôï ôýðïõ %d Ý÷åé ïñéóìÝíï ôï êñéôéêü bit\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "ðñüâëçìá ìå ôïí agent: agent åðéóôñÝöåé 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (êýñéï êëåéäß, ID %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5674,15 +5744,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bit %s êëåéäß, ID %08lX, äçìéïõñãßá %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "ÐëçêôñïëïãÞóôå ôç öñÜóç êëåéäß\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "áêõñþèçêå áðü ôï ÷ñÞóôç\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5692,12 +5762,12 @@ "×ñåéÜæåóôå ìéá öñÜóç êëåéäß ãéá íá îåêëåéäþóåôå ôï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß\n" "ãéá ôï ÷ñÞóôç: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bit %s êëåéäß, ID %08lX, äçìéïõñãßá %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6064,16 +6134,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "áíÜãíùóç ôçò stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "äåí õðÜñ÷ïõí õðïãåãñáììÝíá äåäïìÝíá\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò õðïãåãñáììÝíùí äåäïìÝíùí `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò õðïãåãñáììÝíùí äåäïìÝíùí `%s'\n" @@ -6343,23 +6413,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "ÓÇÌÅÉÙÓÇ: ôï êëåéäß Ý÷åé áíáêëçèåß" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "õðüèåóç êáêÞò õðïãñáöÞò áðü êëåéäß %08lX ëüãù Üãíùóôïõ êñßóéìïõ bit\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: êáíÝíá õðïêëåéäß ãéá ôï ðáêÝôï áíÜêëçóçò õðïêëåéäéïý\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "êëåéäß %08lX: äåí õðÜñ÷åé õðïêëåéäß ãéá ôç äÝóìåõóç õðïêëåéäéïý\n" @@ -6768,7 +6832,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "äåí õðÜñ÷åé áíÜãêç ãéá Ýëåã÷ï ôçò trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "åðüìåíïò Ýëåã÷ïò ôçò trustdb èá ãßíåé óôéò %s\n" @@ -6783,46 +6847,46 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "äåí õðÜñ÷åé áíÜãêç ãéá Ýëåã÷ï ôçò trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "ôï äçìüóéï êëåéäß %08lX äåí âñÝèçêå: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "ðáñáêáëþ êÜíôå Ýíá --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "Ýëåã÷ïò ôçò trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d êëåéäéÜ åðåîåñãÜóôçêáí (%d ìåôñÞóåéò åããõñüôçôáò ðÝñáóáí)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "äå âñÝèçêáí áðüëõôá åìðéóôåýóéìá êëåéäéÜ\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" "äå âñÝèçêå ôï äçìüóéï êëåéäß ôïõ áðüëõôá åìðéóôåýóéìïõ êëåéäéïý %08lX\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ trust %lu, ôýðïò %d: write áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" @@ -6847,77 +6911,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá ðñüóâáóçò óôï `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "óöÜëìá áíÜãíùóçò áñ÷åßïõ" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "ç ãñáììÞ åßíáé ðïëý ìåãÜëç\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï üñéóìá" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç èùñÜêéóç" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "óõãêñïõüìåíåò åíôïëÝò\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "ìç åðåîåñãáóìÝíï" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Ìç Ýãêõñç åíôïëÞ (äïêéìÜóôå \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "ìç åðåîåñãáóìÝíï" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñåò åðéëïãÝò åéãáãùãÞò\n" @@ -6947,35 +7022,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá äçìéïõñãßáò êáôáëüãïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åããñáöÞò ôçò êëåéäïèÞêçò `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "ôï äçìüóéï êëåéäß %08lX äåí âñÝèçêå: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ ôïõ ìõóôéêïý êëåéäéïý óôï `%s'\n" @@ -7000,19 +7075,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "×ñÞóç: gpg [åðéëïãÝò] [áñ÷åßá] (-h ãéá âïÞèåéá)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7061,104 +7136,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "áðïôõ÷ßá áñ÷éêïðïßçóçò ôçò TrustDB: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "áðïôõ÷ßá åðáíáäüìçóçò ôçò cache êëåéäïèÞêçò: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "äéáãñáöÞ block êëåéäéþí áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver áðïóôïëÞ áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Ðáñáêáëþ åðéëÝîôå ôçí áéôßá ãéá ôçí áíÜêëçóç:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7166,109 +7241,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "áëëáãÞ ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá êáôÜ ôçí áíÜãíùóç ôïõ ìðëïê êëåéäéþí: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: óöÜëìá óôçí áíÜãíùóç ôçò åããñáöÞò free : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "`%s' Þäç óõìðéÝóôçêå\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá åíüò íÝïõ æåýãïõò êëåéäéþí" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "äçìéïõñãßá åíüò íÝïõ æåýãïõò êëåéäéþí" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "áðïôõ÷ßá áñ÷éêïðïßçóçò ôçò TrustDB: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "äéáãñáöÞ block êëåéäéþí áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Ç äçìéïõñãßá êëåéäéïý áðÝôõ÷å: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s õðïãñáöÞ, áëãüñéèìïò ðåñßëçøçò %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "äå âñÝèçêáí Ýãêõñá OpenPGP äåäïìÝíá.\n" @@ -7293,7 +7368,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ|öüñôùìá ôïõ áñèñþìáôïò åðÝêôáóçò ÁÑ×ÅÉÏ" @@ -8055,7 +8130,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|ÏÍÏÌÁ|÷ñÞóç ÏÍÏÌÁôïò óáí ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|ÄÉÁÊÏÌÉÓÔÇÓ|÷ñÞóç áõôïý ôïõ äéáêïìéóôÞ êëåéäéþí ãéá áíáæÞôçóç" @@ -8114,26 +8189,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = ðáñÜëåéøç áõôïý ôïõ êëåéäéïý\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åðåîåñãáóßáò ôïõ URI ôïõ äéáêïìéóç êëåéäéþí\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "åããñáöÞ óôï `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "áäõíáìßá êëåéóßìáôïò ôïõ `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8389,27 +8464,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç áðïóôïëÞ ðñïò ôï `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8425,113 +8500,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|÷ñÞóç ôçò êáôÜóôáóçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "óöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ôçò öñÜóçò êëåéäß: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|ÏÍÏÌÁ|÷ñÞóç ÏÍÏÌÁôïò óáí ðñïêáèïñéóìÝíï ìõóôéêü êëåéäß" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|ÏÍÏÌÁ|êñõðôïãñÜöçóç ãéá ÏÍÏÌÁ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "áäõíáìßá åðåîåñãáóßáò ôïõ URI ôïõ äéáêïìéóç êëåéäéþí\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|ÏÍÏÌÁ|÷ñÞóç áëãüñéèìïõ êñõðôïãñÜöçóçò ÏÍÏÌÁ ãéá öñÜóåéò êëåéäéÜ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9338,9 +9413,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñï ðáêÝôï" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç èùñÜêéóç" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "Üãíùóôç ôáõôüôçôá ÷ñÞóôç (user id)" @@ -9365,9 +9437,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "óöÜëìá äçìéïõñãßáò áñ÷åßïõ" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "ìç Ýãêõñç öñÜóç êëåéäß" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "ìç õëïðïéçìÝíïò áëãüñéèìïò äçìïóßïõ êëåéäéïý" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/en@boldquot.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/en@boldquot.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/en@boldquot.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/en@boldquot.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/en@boldquot.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/en@boldquot.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# English translations for GNU gnupg package. -# Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# This file is distributed under the same license as the GNU gnupg package. -# Automatically generated, 2014. +# English translations for gnupg package. +# Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnupg package. +# Automatically generated, 2015. # # All this catalog "translates" are quotation characters. # The msgids must be ASCII and therefore cannot contain real quotation @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ # msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" +"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.28\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" "Language-Team: none\n" -"Language: en\n" +"Language: en@boldquot\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -52,21 +52,45 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Yes" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_No" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Quality:" @@ -76,11 +100,11 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -88,7 +112,7 @@ "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -99,36 +123,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN too long" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Passphrase too long" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Invalid characters in PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN too short" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Bad PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Bad Passphrase" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Passphrase" @@ -137,22 +161,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't create ‘%s’: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't open ‘%s’: %s\n" @@ -375,7 +399,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Please enter the new passphrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -384,117 +408,121 @@ "@Options:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "run in daemon mode (background)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "run in server mode (foreground)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "verbose" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "be somewhat more quiet" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sh-style command output" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "csh-style command output" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FILE|read options from FILE" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "do not detach from the console" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "do not grab keyboard and mouse" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "use a log file for the server" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "use a standard location for the socket" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "do not use the SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignore requests to change the TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignore requests to change the X display" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "do not use the PIN cache when signing" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "disallow clients to mark keys as “trustedâ€" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "allow presetting passphrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "enable ssh support" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "enable putty support" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "disallow the use of an external password cache" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -502,145 +530,145 @@ "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "invalid debug-level ‘%s’ given\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTE: no default option file ‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "option file ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "reading options from ‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error creating ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't create directory ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "name of socket too long\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "can't create socket: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "socket name ‘%s’ is too long\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "error getting nonce for the socket\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error binding socket to ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "listen() failed: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "listening on socket ‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "directory ‘%s’ created\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat() failed for ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "can't use ‘%s’ as home directory\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s stopped\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -658,7 +686,7 @@ "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" "Password cache maintenance\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -667,7 +695,7 @@ "@Commands:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -842,8 +870,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "I'll change it later" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "error creating a pipe: %s\n" @@ -1192,80 +1220,80 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armor: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "invalid armor header: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "armor header: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "invalid clearsig header\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "unknown armor header: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "nested clear text signatures\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "unexpected armor: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "invalid dash escaped line: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "premature eof (no CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "premature eof (in CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "malformed CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "premature eof (in trailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "error in trailer line\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1273,23 +1301,23 @@ "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an ‘=’\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "a user notation name must contain the ‘@’ character\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "a notation name must not contain more than one ‘@’ character\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "not human readable" @@ -1303,8 +1331,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "can't do this in batch mode\n" @@ -1312,13 +1340,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Your selection? " @@ -1386,7 +1414,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error reading ‘%s’: %s\n" @@ -1485,13 +1513,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "rounded up to %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" @@ -1545,8 +1573,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Authentication key\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Invalid selection.\n" @@ -1571,7 +1599,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "error writing key to card: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "quit this menu" @@ -1579,7 +1607,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "show admin commands" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "show this help" @@ -1651,7 +1679,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Admin commands are not allowed\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Invalid command (try “helpâ€)\n" @@ -1659,18 +1687,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output doesn't work for this command\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "can't open ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "key “%s†not found: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1918,213 +1946,213 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "WARNING: nothing exported\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User ID not found]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "automatically retrieved ‘%s’ via %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "error retrieving ‘%s’ via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "No fingerprint" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "make a signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "make a clear text signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "make a detached signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "encrypt data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "encryption only with symmetric cipher" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "decrypt data (default)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verify a signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "list keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "list keys and signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "list and check key signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "list keys and fingerprints" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "list secret keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "generate a new key pair" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "generate a revocation certificate" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "remove keys from the public keyring" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "remove keys from the secret keyring" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "sign a key" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "sign a key locally" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "sign or edit a key" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "change a passphrase" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "export keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "export keys to a key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "import keys from a key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "search for keys on a key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "update all keys from a keyserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "import/merge keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "print the card status" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "change data on a card" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "change a card's PIN" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "update the trust database" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "print message digests" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "run in server mode" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "create ascii armored output" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "use canonical text mode" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write output to FILE" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "do not make any changes" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "prompt before overwriting" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "use strict OpenPGP behavior" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2132,7 +2160,7 @@ "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2152,11 +2180,11 @@ " --list-keys [names] show keys\n" " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2166,7 +2194,7 @@ "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2174,551 +2202,551 @@ "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Pubkey: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cipher: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compression: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "usage: gpg [options] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "conflicting commands\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "no = sign found in group definition ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file ‘%s" -"[0m’\n" +"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file ‘" +"%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file ‘%s" -"[0m’\n" +"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file ‘" +"%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "unknown configuration item ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "display photo IDs during key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "show policy URLs during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "show all notations during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "show user ID validity during key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "show the keyring name in key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "show expiration dates during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTE: old default options file ‘%s’ ignored\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid signature expiration\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid character set\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "could not parse keyserver URL\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "invalid keyserver options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "invalid import options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "invalid export options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "invalid list options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "display photo IDs during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "show policy URLs during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "show all notations during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "show user ID validity during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "validate signatures with PKA data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "invalid verify options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s not allowed with %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "invalid default preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "invalid personal digest preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "invalid personal compress preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s does not yet work with %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you may not use cipher algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you may not use digest algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you may not use compression algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "symmetric encryption of ‘%s’ failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [commands]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver send failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "key export failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver search failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "invalid hash algorithm ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" @@ -2755,120 +2783,124 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "No help available for ‘%s’" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "import signatures that are marked as local-only" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "do not update the trustdb after import" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "create a public key when importing a secret key" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "only accept updates to existing keys" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "remove unusable parts from key after import" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "remove as much as possible from key after import" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "skipping block of type %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu keys processed so far\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Total number processed: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " skipped new keys: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " imported: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " unchanged: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " new user IDs: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " new subkeys: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " new signatures: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " new key revocations: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " secret keys read: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " secret keys imported: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " not imported: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2877,342 +2909,342 @@ "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€: preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€: preference for digest algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€: preference for compression algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "key %s: no user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "rejected by import filter" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: new key - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no writable keyring found: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing keyring ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "key %s: public key “%s†imported\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†1 new user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d new user IDs\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†1 new signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d new signatures\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†1 new subkey\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d new subkeys\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d signature cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d signatures cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d user ID cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d user IDs cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†not changed\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "secret key %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "no default secret keyring: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "key %s: secret key imported\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†revocation certificate imported\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: skipped user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "key %s: skipped subkey\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†revocation certificate added\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "key %s: direct key signature added\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" @@ -3236,51 +3268,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revocation]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[self-signature]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 bad signature\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d bad signatures\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3292,17 +3324,17 @@ "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " "etc.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = I trust marginally\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = I trust fully\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3312,45 +3344,45 @@ "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "User ID “%s†is revoked." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Unable to sign.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "User ID “%s†is expired." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "User ID “%s†is not self-signed." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "User ID “%s†is signable. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sign it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3359,11 +3391,11 @@ "The self-signature on “%sâ€\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3372,12 +3404,12 @@ "Your current signature on “%sâ€\n" "has expired.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3386,43 +3418,43 @@ "Your current signature on “%sâ€\n" "is a local signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "“%s†was already locally signed by key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "“%s†was already signed by key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "This key has expired!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3430,11 +3462,11 @@ "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3442,34 +3474,34 @@ msgstr "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" -"to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter “0" -"[0mâ€.\n" +"to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter " +"“0â€.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Your selection? (enter ‘?’ for more information): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3478,74 +3510,74 @@ "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key “%s†(%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "This will be a self-signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "I have not checked this key at all.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "I have checked this key casually.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Really sign? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "signing failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "This key is not protected.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Key is protected.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Can't edit this key: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3553,11 +3585,11 @@ "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3565,184 +3597,184 @@ "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "save and quit" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "show key fingerprint" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "list key and user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "select user ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "select subkey N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "check signatures" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "sign selected user IDs locally" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "add a user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "add a photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "delete selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "add a subkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "add a key to a smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "move a key to a smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "move a backup key to a smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "delete selected subkeys" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "add a revocation key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "flag the selected user ID as primary" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "toggle between the secret and public key listings" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "list preferences (expert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "list preferences (verbose)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "set preference list for the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "set a notation for the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "change the passphrase" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "change the ownertrust" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revoke selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoke key or selected subkeys" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "enable key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "disable key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "show selected photo IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "error reading secret keyblock “%sâ€: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Secret key is available.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Need the secret key to do this.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Please use the command “toggle†first.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3755,224 +3787,224 @@ "signatures\n" " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Key is revoked." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Unknown signature type ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "You must select at least one user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "You must select exactly one key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Command expects a filename argument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Can't open ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Error reading backup key from ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "You must select at least one key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Set preference list to:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Save changes? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Quit without saving? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "update failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "update secret failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Features: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Keyserver no-modify" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Preferred keyserver: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notations: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(sensitive)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "created: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revoked: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "expired: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "expires: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "usage: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "trust: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "validity: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "This key has been disabled" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "card-no: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -3980,17 +4012,17 @@ "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "revoked" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "expired" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -3998,7 +4030,15 @@ "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4008,74 +4048,74 @@ "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Deleted %d signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Deleted %d signatures.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nothing deleted.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "invalid" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "User ID “%s†compacted: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: %d signature removed\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: %d signatures removed\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: already minimized\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: already clean\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4085,261 +4125,261 @@ "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Please select at most one subkey.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Enter the notation: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Proceed? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "No user ID with index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "No user ID with hash %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "No subkey with index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "user ID: “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (non-exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "This signature expired on %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Not signed by you.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (non-revocable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "no secret key\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "user ID “%s†is already revoked\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Key %s is already revoked.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preference ‘%s’ duplicated\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "too many cipher preferences\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "too many digest preferences\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "too many compression preferences\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "invalid item ‘%s’ in preference string\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "writing direct signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "writing self signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "writing key binding signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certify" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Encrypt" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Authenticate" @@ -4353,7 +4393,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4386,71 +4426,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Finished\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "What keysize do you want? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4466,7 +4506,7 @@ " m = key expires in n months\n" " y = key expires in n years\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4482,38 +4522,38 @@ " m = signature expires in n months\n" " y = signature expires in n years\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Key is valid for? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Signature is valid for? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "invalid value\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Key does not expire at all\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Signature does not expire at all\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Key expires at %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Signature expires at %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4521,11 +4561,11 @@ "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Is this correct? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4539,7 +4579,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4555,44 +4595,44 @@ " “Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) â€\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Real name: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Invalid character in name\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Name may not start with a digit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Email address: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Not a valid email address\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comment: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Invalid character in comment\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "You are using the ‘%s’ character set.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4603,11 +4643,11 @@ " “%sâ€\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" @@ -4622,23 +4662,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Please correct the error first\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4646,7 +4686,7 @@ "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4654,12 +4694,12 @@ "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4671,7 +4711,7 @@ "using this program with the option “--edit-keyâ€.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4683,50 +4723,50 @@ "disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Key generation canceled.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing public key to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing secret key stub to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing secret key to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing public keyring ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing secret keyring ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "public and secret key created and signed.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4734,49 +4774,49 @@ "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command “--edit-key†to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Key generation failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Really create? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't create backup file ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTE: backup of card key saved to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "never " @@ -4830,45 +4870,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Card serial no. =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "renaming ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s is the unchanged one\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s is the new one\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "caching keyring ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: keyring created\n" @@ -4914,7 +4954,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" @@ -4928,121 +4968,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "key not found on keyserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "requesting key %s from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "searching for names from %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "searching for names from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "sending key %s to %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "searching for “%s†from %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "searching for “%s†from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "no keyserver action!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "keyserver communications error: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "no handler for keyserver scheme ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "action ‘%s’ not supported with keyserver scheme ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s does not support handler version %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "keyserver timed out\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "keyserver internal error\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "keyserver communications error: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "“%s†not a key ID: skipping\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" @@ -5100,162 +5140,167 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "assuming %s encrypted data\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "decryption okay\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "decryption failed: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTE: sender requested “for-your-eyes-onlyâ€\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "original file name='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "standalone revocation - use “gpg --import†to apply\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "no signature found\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "signature verification suppressed\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signature made %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " using %s key %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Key available at: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "BAD signature from “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Expired signature from “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Good signature from “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[uncertain]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " aka “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Signature expired %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Signature expires %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binary" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "textmode" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "unknown" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "WARNING: not a detached signature; file ‘%s’ was NOT verified!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Can't check signature: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "not a detached signature\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" @@ -5269,89 +5314,107 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "please see %s for more information\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: deprecated option “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is a deprecated option\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "please use “%s%s†instead\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: obsolete option “%s†- it has no effect\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" +"%s:%u: “%s%s†is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WARNING: “%s%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Uncompressed" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "uncompressed|none" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "this message may not be usable by %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "ambiguous option ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "unknown option ‘%s’\n" @@ -5378,46 +5441,46 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "writing to stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "assuming signed data in ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "new configuration file ‘%s’ created\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "WARNING: options in ‘%s’ are not yet active during this run\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problem with the agent: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (main key ID %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5432,15 +5495,15 @@ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" "created %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Enter passphrase\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "cancelled by user\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5449,12 +5512,12 @@ "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (subkey on main key ID %s)" @@ -5801,16 +5864,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "reading stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "no signed data\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "can't open signed data ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -6064,22 +6127,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" @@ -6469,7 +6527,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "no need for a trustdb check\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "next trustdb check due at %s\n" @@ -6484,46 +6542,46 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "no need for a trustdb update with ‘%s’ trust model\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "public key %s not found: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "please do a --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "checking the trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" @@ -6548,68 +6606,77 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "can't open fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "argument not expected" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "read error" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "keyword too long" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "missing argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "invalid argument" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "invalid command" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "invalid alias definition" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "out of core" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "invalid option" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "missing argument for option “%.50sâ€\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "invalid argument for option “%.50sâ€\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "option “%.50s†does not expect an argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "invalid command “%.50sâ€\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "option “%.50s†is ambiguous\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "command “%.50s†is ambiguous\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "out of core\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "invalid option “%.50sâ€\n" @@ -6639,35 +6706,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "failed to create temporary file ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing to ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - probably dead - removing lock" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(deadlock?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "lock ‘%s’ not made: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "waiting for lock %s...\n" @@ -6692,19 +6759,19 @@ "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" @@ -6754,101 +6821,101 @@ "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "error getting new PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "reading public key failed: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "response does not contain the public key data\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "using default PIN as %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Please enter the PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "card is permanently locked!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "access to admin commands is not configured\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" @@ -6856,102 +6923,102 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|New Reset Code" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|New Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|New PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "error reading application data\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "error reading fingerprint DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "key already exists\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "existing key will be replaced\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generating new key\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "writing new key\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "creation timestamp missing\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "failed to store the key: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "generating key failed\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "signatures created so far: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" @@ -6975,7 +7042,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write a log to FILE" @@ -7697,7 +7764,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" @@ -7752,25 +7819,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "could not parse keyserver\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "WARNING: running with faked system time: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importing common certificates ‘%s’\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't sign using ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" @@ -8028,27 +8095,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "error sending standard options: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Options controlling the diagnostic output" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Options controlling the configuration" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Options useful for debugging" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Options controlling the security" @@ -8064,108 +8131,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Configuration for Keyservers" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|use keyserver at URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "disable all access to the dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Options controlling the format of the output" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Configuration for HTTP servers" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "use system's HTTP proxy setting" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAP server list" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Configuration for OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "External verification of component %s failed" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/en@quot.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/en@quot.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/en@quot.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/en@quot.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/en@quot.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/en@quot.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# English translations for GNU gnupg package. -# Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# This file is distributed under the same license as the GNU gnupg package. -# Automatically generated, 2014. +# English translations for gnupg package. +# Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnupg package. +# Automatically generated, 2015. # # All this catalog "translates" are quotation characters. # The msgids must be ASCII and therefore cannot contain real quotation @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ # msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" +"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.28\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" "Language-Team: none\n" -"Language: en\n" +"Language: en@quot\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -49,21 +49,45 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Yes" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_No" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Quality:" @@ -73,11 +97,11 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -85,7 +109,7 @@ "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -96,36 +120,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN too long" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Passphrase too long" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Invalid characters in PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN too short" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Bad PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Bad Passphrase" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Passphrase" @@ -134,22 +158,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't create ‘%s’: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't open ‘%s’: %s\n" @@ -372,7 +396,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Please enter the new passphrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -381,117 +405,121 @@ "@Options:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "run in daemon mode (background)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "run in server mode (foreground)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "verbose" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "be somewhat more quiet" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sh-style command output" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "csh-style command output" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FILE|read options from FILE" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "do not detach from the console" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "do not grab keyboard and mouse" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "use a log file for the server" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "use a standard location for the socket" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "do not use the SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignore requests to change the TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignore requests to change the X display" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "do not use the PIN cache when signing" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "disallow clients to mark keys as “trustedâ€" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "allow presetting passphrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "enable ssh support" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "enable putty support" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "disallow the use of an external password cache" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -499,145 +527,145 @@ "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "invalid debug-level ‘%s’ given\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTE: no default option file ‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "option file ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "reading options from ‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error creating ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't create directory ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "name of socket too long\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "can't create socket: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "socket name ‘%s’ is too long\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "error getting nonce for the socket\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error binding socket to ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "listen() failed: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "listening on socket ‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "directory ‘%s’ created\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat() failed for ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "can't use ‘%s’ as home directory\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s stopped\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -655,7 +683,7 @@ "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" "Password cache maintenance\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -664,7 +692,7 @@ "@Commands:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -838,8 +866,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "I'll change it later" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "error creating a pipe: %s\n" @@ -1188,80 +1216,80 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armor: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "invalid armor header: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "armor header: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "invalid clearsig header\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "unknown armor header: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "nested clear text signatures\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "unexpected armor: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "invalid dash escaped line: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "premature eof (no CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "premature eof (in CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "malformed CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "premature eof (in trailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "error in trailer line\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1269,23 +1297,23 @@ "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an ‘=’\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "a user notation name must contain the ‘@’ character\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "a notation name must not contain more than one ‘@’ character\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "not human readable" @@ -1299,8 +1327,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "can't do this in batch mode\n" @@ -1308,13 +1336,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Your selection? " @@ -1382,7 +1410,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error reading ‘%s’: %s\n" @@ -1481,13 +1509,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "rounded up to %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" @@ -1541,8 +1569,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Authentication key\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Invalid selection.\n" @@ -1567,7 +1595,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "error writing key to card: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "quit this menu" @@ -1575,7 +1603,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "show admin commands" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "show this help" @@ -1647,7 +1675,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Admin commands are not allowed\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Invalid command (try “helpâ€)\n" @@ -1655,18 +1683,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output doesn't work for this command\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "can't open ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "key “%s†not found: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1914,213 +1942,213 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "WARNING: nothing exported\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User ID not found]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "automatically retrieved ‘%s’ via %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "error retrieving ‘%s’ via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "No fingerprint" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "make a signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "make a clear text signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "make a detached signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "encrypt data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "encryption only with symmetric cipher" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "decrypt data (default)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verify a signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "list keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "list keys and signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "list and check key signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "list keys and fingerprints" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "list secret keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "generate a new key pair" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "generate a revocation certificate" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "remove keys from the public keyring" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "remove keys from the secret keyring" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "sign a key" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "sign a key locally" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "sign or edit a key" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "change a passphrase" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "export keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "export keys to a key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "import keys from a key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "search for keys on a key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "update all keys from a keyserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "import/merge keys" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "print the card status" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "change data on a card" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "change a card's PIN" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "update the trust database" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "print message digests" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "run in server mode" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "create ascii armored output" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "use canonical text mode" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write output to FILE" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "do not make any changes" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "prompt before overwriting" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "use strict OpenPGP behavior" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2128,7 +2156,7 @@ "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2148,11 +2176,11 @@ " --list-keys [names] show keys\n" " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2162,7 +2190,7 @@ "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2170,546 +2198,546 @@ "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Pubkey: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cipher: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compression: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "usage: gpg [options] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "conflicting commands\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "no = sign found in group definition ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "unknown configuration item ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "display photo IDs during key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "show policy URLs during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "show all notations during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "show user ID validity during key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "show the keyring name in key listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "show expiration dates during signature listings" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTE: old default options file ‘%s’ ignored\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid signature expiration\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "‘%s’ is not a valid character set\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "could not parse keyserver URL\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "invalid keyserver options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "invalid import options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "invalid export options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "invalid list options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "display photo IDs during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "show policy URLs during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "show all notations during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "show user ID validity during signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "validate signatures with PKA data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "invalid verify options\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s not allowed with %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "invalid default preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "invalid personal digest preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "invalid personal compress preferences\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s does not yet work with %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you may not use cipher algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you may not use digest algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you may not use compression algorithm ‘%s’ while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "symmetric encryption of ‘%s’ failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [commands]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver send failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "key export failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver search failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "invalid hash algorithm ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[filename]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" @@ -2746,120 +2774,124 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "No help available for ‘%s’" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "import signatures that are marked as local-only" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "do not update the trustdb after import" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "create a public key when importing a secret key" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "only accept updates to existing keys" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "remove unusable parts from key after import" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "remove as much as possible from key after import" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "skipping block of type %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu keys processed so far\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Total number processed: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " skipped new keys: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " imported: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " unchanged: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " new user IDs: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " new subkeys: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " new signatures: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " new key revocations: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " secret keys read: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " secret keys imported: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " not imported: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2868,342 +2900,342 @@ "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€: preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€: preference for digest algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€: preference for compression algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "key %s: no user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "rejected by import filter" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: new key - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no writable keyring found: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing keyring ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "key %s: public key “%s†imported\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†1 new user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d new user IDs\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†1 new signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d new signatures\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†1 new subkey\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d new subkeys\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d signature cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d signatures cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d user ID cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†%d user IDs cleaned\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†not changed\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "secret key %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "no default secret keyring: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "key %s: secret key imported\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†revocation certificate imported\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "key %s: skipped user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "key %s: skipped subkey\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "key %s: “%s†revocation certificate added\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "key %s: direct key signature added\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" @@ -3227,51 +3259,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revocation]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[self-signature]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 bad signature\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d bad signatures\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3283,17 +3315,17 @@ "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " "etc.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = I trust marginally\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = I trust fully\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3303,45 +3335,45 @@ "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "User ID “%s†is revoked." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Unable to sign.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "User ID “%s†is expired." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "User ID “%s†is not self-signed." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "User ID “%s†is signable. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sign it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3350,11 +3382,11 @@ "The self-signature on “%sâ€\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3363,12 +3395,12 @@ "Your current signature on “%sâ€\n" "has expired.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3377,43 +3409,43 @@ "Your current signature on “%sâ€\n" "is a local signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "“%s†was already locally signed by key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "“%s†was already signed by key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "This key has expired!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3421,11 +3453,11 @@ "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3435,31 +3467,31 @@ "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter “0â€.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Your selection? (enter ‘?’ for more information): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3468,74 +3500,74 @@ "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key “%s†(%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "This will be a self-signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "I have not checked this key at all.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "I have checked this key casually.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Really sign? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "signing failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "This key is not protected.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Key is protected.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Can't edit this key: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3543,11 +3575,11 @@ "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3555,184 +3587,184 @@ "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "save and quit" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "show key fingerprint" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "list key and user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "select user ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "select subkey N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "check signatures" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "sign selected user IDs locally" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "add a user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "add a photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "delete selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "add a subkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "add a key to a smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "move a key to a smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "move a backup key to a smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "delete selected subkeys" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "add a revocation key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "flag the selected user ID as primary" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "toggle between the secret and public key listings" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "list preferences (expert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "list preferences (verbose)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "set preference list for the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "set a notation for the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "change the passphrase" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "change the ownertrust" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revoke selected user IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoke key or selected subkeys" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "enable key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "disable key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "show selected photo IDs" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "error reading secret keyblock “%sâ€: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Secret key is available.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Need the secret key to do this.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Please use the command “toggle†first.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3744,224 +3776,224 @@ " a ‘t’ for trust signatures (tsign), an ‘nr’ for non-revocable signatures\n" " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Key is revoked." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Unknown signature type ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "You must select at least one user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "You must select exactly one key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Command expects a filename argument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Can't open ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Error reading backup key from ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "You must select at least one key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Set preference list to:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Save changes? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Quit without saving? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "update failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "update secret failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Features: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Keyserver no-modify" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Preferred keyserver: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notations: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(sensitive)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "created: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revoked: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "expired: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "expires: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "usage: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "trust: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "validity: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "This key has been disabled" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "card-no: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -3969,17 +4001,17 @@ "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "revoked" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "expired" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -3987,7 +4019,15 @@ "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -3997,74 +4037,74 @@ "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Deleted %d signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Deleted %d signatures.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nothing deleted.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "invalid" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "User ID “%s†compacted: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: %d signature removed\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: %d signatures removed\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: already minimized\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "User ID “%sâ€: already clean\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4074,261 +4114,261 @@ "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Please select at most one subkey.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Enter the notation: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Proceed? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "No user ID with index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "No user ID with hash %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "No subkey with index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "user ID: “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (non-exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "This signature expired on %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Not signed by you.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (non-revocable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "no secret key\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "user ID “%s†is already revoked\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Key %s is already revoked.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preference ‘%s’ duplicated\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "too many cipher preferences\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "too many digest preferences\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "too many compression preferences\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "invalid item ‘%s’ in preference string\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "writing direct signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "writing self signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "writing key binding signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certify" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Encrypt" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Authenticate" @@ -4342,7 +4382,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4375,71 +4415,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Finished\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "What keysize do you want? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4455,7 +4495,7 @@ " m = key expires in n months\n" " y = key expires in n years\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4471,38 +4511,38 @@ " m = signature expires in n months\n" " y = signature expires in n years\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Key is valid for? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Signature is valid for? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "invalid value\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Key does not expire at all\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Signature does not expire at all\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Key expires at %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Signature expires at %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4510,11 +4550,11 @@ "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Is this correct? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4528,7 +4568,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4544,44 +4584,44 @@ " “Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) â€\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Real name: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Invalid character in name\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Name may not start with a digit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Email address: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Not a valid email address\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comment: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Invalid character in comment\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "You are using the ‘%s’ character set.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4592,11 +4632,11 @@ " “%sâ€\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" @@ -4611,23 +4651,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Please correct the error first\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4635,7 +4675,7 @@ "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4643,12 +4683,12 @@ "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4660,7 +4700,7 @@ "using this program with the option “--edit-keyâ€.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4672,50 +4712,50 @@ "disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Key generation canceled.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing public key to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing secret key stub to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "writing secret key to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing public keyring ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing secret keyring ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "public and secret key created and signed.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4723,49 +4763,49 @@ "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command “--edit-key†to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Key generation failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Really create? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't create backup file ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTE: backup of card key saved to ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "never " @@ -4819,45 +4859,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Card serial no. =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "renaming ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ failed: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s is the unchanged one\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s is the new one\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "caching keyring ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: keyring created\n" @@ -4903,7 +4943,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" @@ -4917,121 +4957,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "key not found on keyserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "requesting key %s from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "searching for names from %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "searching for names from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "sending key %s to %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "searching for “%s†from %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "searching for “%s†from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "no keyserver action!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "keyserver communications error: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "no handler for keyserver scheme ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "action ‘%s’ not supported with keyserver scheme ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s does not support handler version %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "keyserver timed out\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "keyserver internal error\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "keyserver communications error: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "“%s†not a key ID: skipping\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" @@ -5089,162 +5129,167 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "assuming %s encrypted data\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "decryption okay\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "decryption failed: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTE: sender requested “for-your-eyes-onlyâ€\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "original file name='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "standalone revocation - use “gpg --import†to apply\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "no signature found\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "signature verification suppressed\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signature made %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " using %s key %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Key available at: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "BAD signature from “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Expired signature from “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Good signature from “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[uncertain]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " aka “%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Signature expired %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Signature expires %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binary" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "textmode" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "unknown" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "WARNING: not a detached signature; file ‘%s’ was NOT verified!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Can't check signature: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "not a detached signature\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" @@ -5258,89 +5303,106 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "please see %s for more information\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: deprecated option “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is a deprecated option\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "please use “%s%s†instead\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: obsolete option “%s†- it has no effect\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "WARNING: “%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: “%s%s†is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WARNING: “%s%s†is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Uncompressed" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "uncompressed|none" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "this message may not be usable by %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "ambiguous option ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "unknown option ‘%s’\n" @@ -5367,46 +5429,46 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "writing to stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "assuming signed data in ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "new configuration file ‘%s’ created\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "WARNING: options in ‘%s’ are not yet active during this run\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problem with the agent: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (main key ID %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5421,15 +5483,15 @@ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" "created %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Enter passphrase\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "cancelled by user\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5438,12 +5500,12 @@ "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: “%sâ€\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (subkey on main key ID %s)" @@ -5790,16 +5852,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "reading stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "no signed data\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "can't open signed data ‘%s’\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -6053,22 +6115,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" @@ -6458,7 +6515,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "no need for a trustdb check\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "next trustdb check due at %s\n" @@ -6473,46 +6530,46 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "no need for a trustdb update with ‘%s’ trust model\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "public key %s not found: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "please do a --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "checking the trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" @@ -6537,68 +6594,77 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "can't open fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "argument not expected" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "read error" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "keyword too long" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "missing argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "invalid argument" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "invalid command" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "invalid alias definition" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "out of core" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "invalid option" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "missing argument for option “%.50sâ€\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "invalid argument for option “%.50sâ€\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "option “%.50s†does not expect an argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "invalid command “%.50sâ€\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "option “%.50s†is ambiguous\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "command “%.50s†is ambiguous\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "out of core\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "invalid option “%.50sâ€\n" @@ -6628,35 +6694,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "failed to create temporary file ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error writing to ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - probably dead - removing lock" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(deadlock?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "lock ‘%s’ not made: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "waiting for lock %s...\n" @@ -6681,19 +6747,19 @@ "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" "List, export, import Keybox data\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" @@ -6743,101 +6809,101 @@ "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "error getting new PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "reading public key failed: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "response does not contain the public key data\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "using default PIN as %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Please enter the PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "card is permanently locked!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "access to admin commands is not configured\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" @@ -6845,102 +6911,102 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|New Reset Code" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|New Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|New PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "error reading application data\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "error reading fingerprint DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "key already exists\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "existing key will be replaced\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generating new key\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "writing new key\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "creation timestamp missing\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "failed to store the key: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "generating key failed\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "signatures created so far: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" @@ -6964,7 +7030,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write a log to FILE" @@ -7686,7 +7752,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" @@ -7741,25 +7807,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "could not parse keyserver\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "WARNING: running with faked system time: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importing common certificates ‘%s’\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "can't sign using ‘%s’: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" @@ -8017,27 +8083,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "error sending standard options: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Options controlling the diagnostic output" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Options controlling the configuration" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Options useful for debugging" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Options controlling the security" @@ -8053,108 +8119,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Configuration for Keyservers" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|use keyserver at URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "disable all access to the dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Options controlling the format of the output" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Configuration for HTTP servers" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "use system's HTTP proxy setting" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAP server list" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Configuration for OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "External verification of component %s failed" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/eo.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/eo.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/eo.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/eo.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/eo.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/eo.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.0.6d\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-04-14 14:33+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS \n" "Language-Team: Esperanto \n" @@ -27,21 +27,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Æu vi vere volas krei subskriban kaj æifran þlosilon? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "nevalida pasfrazo" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -51,17 +79,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -71,41 +99,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "pasfrazo estas tro longa\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "pasfrazo estas tro longa\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Nevalida signo en nomo\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "malbona MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "malbona pasfrazo" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "malbona pasfrazo" @@ -115,22 +143,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "protekto-metodo %d%s ne estas realigita\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ne povas krei '%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ne povas malfermi '%s': %s\n" @@ -349,7 +377,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -360,275 +388,280 @@ "Opcioj:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "detala eligo" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "iom malpli da informoj" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|DOSIERO|legi aldonan bibliotekon DOSIERO" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "seræi þlosilojn æe þlosilservilo" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Æu vere aktualigi la preferojn por la elektitaj uzantidentigiloj? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "aktualigi la fido-datenaron" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "ne realigita" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "ne realigita" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Bonvolu raporti cimojn al .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uzado: gpg [opcioj] [dosieroj] (-h por helpo)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTO: mankas implicita opcio-dosiero '%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "opcio-dosiero '%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "legas opciojn el '%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de '%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: ne povas krei dosierujon: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "ne povas krei %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "Valida atestilrevoko" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent ne estas disponata en æi tiu sesio\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum sendo al '%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualigo malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: dosierujo kreita\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fido-datenaro: lego malsukcesis (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: ne povas krei dosierujon: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum legado de '%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "aktualigo de sekreto malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "\t%lu þlosiloj ignoritaj\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent ne estas disponata en æi tiu sesio\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "malbona valoro de la media variablo GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -645,7 +678,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -654,7 +687,7 @@ "@Komandoj:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -825,8 +858,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" @@ -1211,84 +1244,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "kiraso: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "nevalida kirasoæapo: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "kirasoæapo: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "nevalida æapo de klarteksta subskribo\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "kirasoæapo: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "ingitaj klartekstaj subskriboj\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "neatendita kiraso:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "nevalida strek-eskapita linio: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "nevalida signo %02x en bazo 64 ignorita\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "tro frua dosierfino (nenia CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "tro frua dosierfino (en CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "misformita CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC-eraro; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "tro frua dosierfino (en vosto)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "eraro en vostolinio\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "validaj OpenPGP-datenoj ne trovitaj.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "nevalida kiraso: linio pli longa ol %d signojn\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "quoted-printable-signo en kiraso - verþajne cima poþtotransendilo estis " "uzata\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 #, fuzzy msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " @@ -1297,25 +1330,25 @@ "notacia nomo devas enhavi nur literojn, ciferojn, punktojn aý substrekojn " "kaj fini per '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 #, fuzzy msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "notacia valoro ne povas enhavi stirsignojn\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "notacia valoro ne povas enhavi stirsignojn\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "notacia valoro ne povas enhavi stirsignojn\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "AVERTO: nevalida notacia dateno trovita\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "ne homlegebla" @@ -1329,8 +1362,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "ne povas fari tion en neinteraga reøimo\n" @@ -1340,14 +1373,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "sekretaj þlosilpartoj ne estas disponataj\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Via elekto? " @@ -1420,7 +1453,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum legado de '%s': %s\n" @@ -1523,13 +1556,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Kiun þlosilgrandon vi deziras? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "rondigita øis %u bitoj\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1584,8 +1617,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Nevalida elekto.\n" @@ -1614,7 +1647,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum skribado de þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "forlasi æi tiun menuon" @@ -1623,7 +1656,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "malkongruaj komandoj\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "montri æi tiun helpon" @@ -1703,7 +1736,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Nevalida komando (provu per \"helpo\")\n" @@ -1711,18 +1744,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output ne funkcias por æi tiu komando\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "ne povas malfermi '%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "þlosilo '%s' ne trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1974,224 +2007,224 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "AVERTO: nenio estis eksportita\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "tro da registroj en pk-staplo - malþaltas\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Uzantidentigilo ne trovita]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: sekreta þlosilo sen publika þlosilo - ignorita\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Fingrospuro:" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Nevalida þlosilo %08lX validigita per --always-trust\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "estas sekreta þlosilo por la publika þlosilo \"%s\"!\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "uzas flankan þlosilon %08lX anstataý la æefa þlosilo %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: sekreta þlosilo sen publika þlosilo - ignorita\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "fari apartan subskribon" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[dosiero]|fari klartekstan subskribon" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "fari apartan subskribon" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "æifri datenojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "æifri nur kun simetria æifro" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "malæifri datenojn (implicita elekto)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "kontroli subskribon" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "listigi þlosilojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "listigi þlosilojn kaj subskribojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "kontroli þlosilsubskribojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "listigi þlosilojn kaj fingroþpurojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "listigi sekretajn þlosilojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "krei novan þlosilparon" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "krei revokatestilon" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "forigi þlosilojn de la publika þlosilaro" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "forigi þlosilojn de la sekreta þlosilaro" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "subskribi þlosilon" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "subskribi þlosilon loke" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "subskribi aý redakti þlosilon" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "eksporti þlosilojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "eksporti þlosilojn al þlosilservilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importi þlosilojn de þlosilservilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "seræi þlosilojn æe þlosilservilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "aktualigi æiujn þlosilojn de þlosilservilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importi/kunfandi þlosilojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "aktualigi la fido-datenaron" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|metodo [dosieroj]|presi mesaøo-kompendiojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "krei eligon en askia kiraso" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NOMO|æifri por NOMO" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "uzi æi tiun uzantidentigilon por subskribi aý malæifri" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|difini densig-nivelon N (0=nenia)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "uzi tekstan reøimon" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|DOSIERO|legi aldonan bibliotekon DOSIERO" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "fari neniajn þanøojn" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2199,7 +2232,7 @@ "@\n" "(Vidu la manpaøon por kompleta listo de æiuj komandoj kaj opcioj)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2219,11 +2252,11 @@ " --list-keys [nomoj] montri þlosilojn\n" " --fingerprint [nomoj] montri fingroþpurojn\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uzado: gpg [opcioj] [dosieroj] (-h por helpo)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2238,7 +2271,7 @@ "subskribi, kontroli, æifri aý malæifri\n" "implicita operacio dependas de la enigataj datenoj\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2246,570 +2279,570 @@ "\n" "Realigitaj metodoj:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 #, fuzzy msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Komento: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "uzado: gpg [opcioj] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "malkongruaj komandoj\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekuraj permesoj sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: nova opcio-dosiero kreita\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Mankas responda subskribo en sekreta þlosilaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "montri, en kiu þlosilaro estas listigita þlosilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Mankas responda subskribo en sekreta þlosilaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTO: mankas implicita opcio-dosiero '%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTO: %s ne estas por normala uzado!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "ne povis analizi URI de þlosilservilo\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "nevalida kiraso" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "nevalida kiraso" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s ne estas valida signaro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "AVERTO: programo povas krei core-dosieron!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "AVERTO: %s nuligas %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ne eblas kun %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ne havas sencon kun %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "eblas fari nur apartajn kaj klartekstajn subskribojn kun --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "ne eblas samtempe subskribi kaj æifri kun --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "necesas uzi dosierojn (kaj ne tubon) kun --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "æifri mesaøon kun --pgp2 postulas la æifron IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "elektita æifrad-metodo ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "elektita kompendi-metodo ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "elektita æifrad-metodo ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 #, fuzzy msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "elektita kompendi-metodo ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed devas esti pli granda ol 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed devas esti pli granda ol 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth devas esti inter 1 kaj 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "nevalida default-check-level; devas esti 0, 1, 2 aý 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "nevalida default-check-level; devas esti 0, 1, 2 aý 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTO: simpla S2K-reøimo (0) estas forte malrekomendata\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "nevalida S2K-reøimo; devas esti 0, 1 aý 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "nevalidaj preferoj\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s ne havas sencon kun %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "malsukcesis doni komencajn valorojn al fido-datenaro: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "malæifrado malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key uzantidentigilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key uzantidentigilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key uzantidentigilo [komandoj]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key uzantidentigilo" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "listigo de sekretaj þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "get_dir_record: search_record malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "listigo de sekretaj þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "elkirasigo malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "enkirasigo malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "nevalida kompendi-metodo '%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[dosiero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Ektajpu vian mesaøon ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por atestado ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "la donita gvidlinia URL por subskriboj ne validas\n" @@ -2848,466 +2881,471 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Nenia helpo disponata por '%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "aktualigi la fido-datenaron" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "aktualigi la fido-datenaron" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "neuzebla sekreta þlosilo" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "ignoras blokon de speco %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu þlosiloj jam traktitaj\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr " Nombro traktita entute: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " ignoritaj novaj þlosiloj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sen uzantidentigilo: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importitaj: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " neþanøitaj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " novaj uzantidentigiloj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " novaj subþlosiloj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " novaj subskriboj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " novaj þlosilrevokoj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " sekretaj þlosiloj legitaj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr "sekretaj þlosiloj importitaj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "sekretaj þlosiloj neþanøitaj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importitaj: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " novaj subskriboj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " sekretaj þlosiloj legitaj: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s-subskribo de: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas uzantidentigilo\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ignoris '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas subþlosilo por þlosilbindado\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: akceptis ne-mem-subskribitan uzantidentigilon '" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas valida uzantidentigilo\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "tio povas esti kaýzata de mankanta mem-subskribo\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: publika þlosilo ne trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nova þlosilo - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "neniu skribebla þlosilaro trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "skribas al '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum skribado de þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: publika þlosilo importita\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: diferencas de nia kopio\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: ne povas trovi originalan þlosilblokon: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: ne povas legi originalan þlosilblokon: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: 1 nova uzantidentigilo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj uzantidentigiloj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: 1 nova subskribo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj subskriboj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: 1 nova subþlosilo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj subþlosiloj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj subskriboj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj subskriboj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj uzantidentigiloj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: %d novaj uzantidentigiloj\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: ne þanøita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "þlosilo '%s' ne trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: sekreta þlosilo sen publika þlosilo - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "mankas implicita sekreta þlosilaro: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: sekreta þlosilo importita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: jam en sekreta þlosilaro\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: sekreta þlosilo ne trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "þlosilo %08lX: publika þlosilo mankas - ne povas apliki revokatestilon\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida revokatestilo: %s - malakceptita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: revokatestilo importita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas uzantidentigilo por subskribo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nerealigita publikþlosila metodo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida mem-subskribo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nerealigita publikþlosila metodo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: rekta þlosilsubskribo aldonita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas subþlosilo por þlosilbindado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida subþlosila bindado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida subþlosila bindado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas subþlosilo por þlosilbindado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX.%lu: Valida subþlosilrevoko\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida subþlosila bindado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: ignoris uzantidentigilon '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: ignoris subþlosilon\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: neeksportebla subskribo (klaso %02x) - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: revokatestilo en maløusta loko - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida revokatestilo: %s - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: revokatestilo en maløusta loko - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: neeksportebla subskribo (klaso %02x) - ignorita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: trovis ripetitan uzantidentigilon - kunfandita\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "AVERTO: Æi tiu þlosilo estas revokita de sia posedanto!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "AVERTO: Æi tiu þlosilo estas revokita de sia posedanto!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: revokatestilo aldonita\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: rekta þlosilsubskribo aldonita\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ignorita: sekreta þlosilo jam æeestas\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ignorita: sekreta þlosilo jam æeestas\n" @@ -3332,51 +3370,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "malsukcesis rekonstrui þlosilaran staplon: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revoko]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[mem-subskribo]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 malbona subskribo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d malbonaj subskriboj\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 subskribo ne kontrolita pro manko de þlosilo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d subskriboj ne kontrolitaj pro manko de þlosiloj\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 subskribo ne kontrolita pro eraro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d subskriboj ne kontrolitaj pro eraroj\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 uzantidentigilo sen valida mem-subskribo estis trovita\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d uzantidentigiloj sen valida mem-subskribo estis trovitaj\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3389,64 +3427,64 @@ "kontrolante fingrospurojn el diversaj fontoj ...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Mi fidas iomete\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Mi plene fidas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas subskribi øin?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere subskribi? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3457,7 +3495,7 @@ "\n" "Æu vi volas igi øin plena eksportebla subskribo?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" @@ -3466,7 +3504,7 @@ "\n" "Æu vi volas igi øin plena eksportebla subskribo?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3477,12 +3515,12 @@ "\n" "Æu vi volas igi øin plena eksportebla subskribo?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi volas, ke via subskribo eksvalidiøu je la sama tempo? (j/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3493,7 +3531,7 @@ "\n" "Æu vi volas igi øin plena eksportebla subskribo?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" @@ -3502,53 +3540,53 @@ "\n" "Æu vi volas igi øin plena eksportebla subskribo?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" jam estis %ssubskribita per þlosilo %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" jam estis %ssubskribita per þlosilo %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas subskribi øin?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nenio por subskribi per þlosilo %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøis!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøos je %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Æu vi volas, ke via subskribo eksvalidiøu je la sama tempo? (j/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "eblas subskribi nur per PGP-2.x-stilaj þlosiloj kun --pgp2\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 #, fuzzy msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "æi tiu mesaøo povas ne esti uzebla de PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3557,31 +3595,31 @@ "Kiom zorge vi kontrolis, ke la þlosilo, kiun vi subskribos, vere apartenas\n" "al la supre nomita persono? Se vi ne scias la respondon, donu \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Mi ne respondas.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Mi tute ne kontrolis.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Mi malzorge kontrolis.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Mi tre zorge kontrolis.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3590,98 +3628,98 @@ "Æu vi estas tute certa, ke vi volas subskribi æi tiun þlosilon\n" "per via þlosilo: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "tio povas esti kaýzata de mankanta mem-subskribo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La subskribo estos markita kiel neeksportebla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La subskribo estos markita kiel nerevokebla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La subskribo estos markita kiel neeksportebla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La subskribo estos markita kiel nerevokebla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Mi tute ne kontrolis æi tiun þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Mi malzorge kontrolis æi tiun þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Mi tre zorge kontrolis æi tiun þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere subskribi? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "subskribado malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo ne estas protektita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Sekretaj partoj de æefa þlosilo ne estas disponataj.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Sekretaj partoj de æefa þlosilo ne estas disponataj.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Þlosilo estas protektita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Ne povas redakti æi tiun þlosilon: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3689,11 +3727,11 @@ "Donu la novan pasfrazon por æi tiu sekreta þlosilo.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "la pasfrazo ne estis øuste ripetita; provu denove" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3701,207 +3739,207 @@ "Vi ne deziras pasfrazon - tio verþajne estas *malbona* ideo!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi vere volas fari tion? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "movas þlosilsubskribon al la øusta loko\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "skribi kaj fini" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "montri fingrospuron" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "listigi þlosilojn kaj uzantidentigilojn" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "elekti uzantidentigilon N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "elekti uzantidentigilon N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revoki subskribojn" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "subskribi la þlosilon loke" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Sugesto: Elekti la uzantidentigilojn por subskribi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "aldoni uzantidentigilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "aldoni foto-identigilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "forviþi uzantidentigilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "al" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "forviþi flankan þlosilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 #, fuzzy msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "aldoni flankan þlosilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Æu vere aktualigi la preferojn por la elektitaj uzantidentigiloj? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Vi ne povas þanøi la daton de eksvalidiøo de v3-þlosilo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marku uzantidentigilon kiel æefan" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "de sekreta aý publika listo iri al la alia" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "listigi preferojn (spertula)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "listigi preferojn (detale)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Æu vere aktualigi la preferojn por la elektitaj uzantidentigiloj? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "ne povis analizi URI de þlosilservilo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Æu vere aktualigi la preferojn por la elektitaj uzantidentigiloj? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "þanøi la posedantofidon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Æu vere forigi æiujn elektitajn uzantidentigilojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "aldoni uzantidentigilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoki flankan þlosilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "þalti þlosilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "malþalti þlosilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "montri foto-identigilon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum legado de sekreta þlosilbloko '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Sekreta þlosilo estas havebla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Bezonas la sekretan þlosilon por fari tion.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Bonvolu uzi la komandon \"toggle\" unue.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3909,267 +3947,277 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 #, fuzzy msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Þlosilo estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere subskribi æiujn uzantidentigilojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Sugesto: Elekti la uzantidentigilojn por subskribi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "nekonata klaso de subskribo" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Tiu komando ne eblas en la reøimo %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Vi devas elekti almenaý unu uzantidentigilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Vi ne povas forviþi la lastan uzantidentigilon!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere forigi æiujn elektitajn uzantidentigilojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere forigi æi tiun uzantidentigilon? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere forigi æi tiun uzantidentigilon? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Vi devas elekti almenaý unu þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ne povas malfermi '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Vi devas elekti almenaý unu þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi vere volas forviþi la elektitajn þlosilojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi vere volas forviþi æi tiun þlosilon? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere forigi æiujn elektitajn uzantidentigilojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere forigi æi tiun uzantidentigilon? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi vere volas revoki æi tiun þlosilon? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi vere volas revoki la elektitajn þlosilojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi vere volas revoki æi tiun þlosilon? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "agordi liston de preferoj" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere aktualigi la preferojn por la elektitaj uzantidentigiloj? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere aktualigi la preferojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu skribi þanøojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu fini sen skribi þanøojn? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualigo malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualigo de sekreto malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Þlosilo ne þanøita, do aktualigo ne necesas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notacio: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo estas revokebla per %s þlosilo %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo estas revokebla per %s þlosilo %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (sentema)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "ne povas krei %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "rev" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [eksvalidiøos: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [eksvalidiøos: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " fido: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " fido: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo estas malþaltita" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "rev" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "eksval" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Vi ne povas þanøi la daton de eksvalidiøo de v3-þlosilo\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4178,75 +4226,75 @@ "AVERTO: Æi tiu estas PGP2-stila þlosilo. Aldono de foto-identigilo eble\n" " kaýzos, ke iuj versioj de PGP malakceptos la þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas aldoni øin? (j/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Ne eblas aldoni foto-identigilon al PGP2-stila þlosilo.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Æu forviþi æi tiun bonan subskribon? (j/N/f)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Æu forviþi æi tiun nevalidan subskribon? (j/N/f)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Æu forviþi æi tiun nekonatan subskribon? (j/N/f)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Æu vere forviþi æi tiun mem-subskribon? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Forviþis %d subskribon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Forviþis %d subskribojn.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nenio estis forviþita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "nevalida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 #, fuzzy msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " @@ -4256,280 +4304,280 @@ "AVERTO: Æi tiu estas PGP2-stila þlosilo. Aldono de foto-identigilo eble\n" " kaýzos, ke iuj versioj de PGP malakceptos la þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 #, fuzzy msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Ne eblas aldoni foto-identigilon al PGP2-stila þlosilo.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Donu la þlosilgrandon" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "AVERTO: Æi tiu þlosilo estas revokita de sia posedanto!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas subskribi øin?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Bonvolu malelekti la sekretajn þlosilojn.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Bonvolu elekti maksimume unu flankan þlosilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Þanøas la daton de eksvalidiøo de flanka þlosilo.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Þanøas la daton de eksvalidiøo de la æefa þlosilo.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Vi ne povas þanøi la daton de eksvalidiøo de v3-þlosilo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Mankas responda subskribo en sekreta þlosilaro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Bonvolu elekti precize unu uzantidentigilon.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: nevalida mem-subskribo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas subskribi øin?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas subskribi øin?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Subskribo-notacio: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu surskribi (j/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Mankas uzantidentigilo kun indekso %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Mankas uzantidentigilo kun indekso %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Mankas uzantidentigilo kun indekso %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "uzantidentigilo: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " subskribita per %08lX je %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøos je %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vi estas certa, ke vi ankoraý volas aldoni øin? (j/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 #, fuzzy msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu krei revokatestilon por æi tiu subskribo? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " subskribita per %08lX je %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Vi subskribis la sekvajn uzantidentigilojn:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr "subskribi þlosilon nerevokeble" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revokita de %08lX je %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Vi revokos la sekvajn subskribojn:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere krei la revokatestilojn? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "mankas sekreta þlosilo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Uzantidentigilo \"%s\" estas revokita.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "prefero %c%lu ripetita\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "tro da '%c'-preferoj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "tro da '%c'-preferoj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "tro da '%c'-preferoj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "nevalida signo en signoæeno\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 #, fuzzy msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "skribas mem-subskribon\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "skribas mem-subskribon\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "skribas þlosilbindan subskribon\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "þlosilgrando nevalida; uzas %u bitojn\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "þlosilgrando rondigita øis %u bitoj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "subskribi" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "æifri datenojn" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4543,7 +4591,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4576,71 +4624,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Bonvolu elekti, kian þlosilon vi deziras:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA kaj ElGamal (implicita elekto)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA kaj ElGamal (implicita elekto)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (nur subskribi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nur subskribi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (nur æifri)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nur æifri)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nur æifri)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (nur æifri)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Kiun þlosilgrandon vi deziras? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Kiun þlosilgrandon vi deziras? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Petita þlosilgrando estas %u bitoj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4656,7 +4704,7 @@ " m = þlosilo eksvalidiøos post n monatoj\n" " y = þlosilo eksvalidiøos post n jaroj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4672,40 +4720,40 @@ " m = þlosilo eksvalidiøos post n monatoj\n" " y = þlosilo eksvalidiøos post n jaroj\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Þlosilo validu ...? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Þlosilo validu por ...? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "nevalida valoro\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s neniam eksvalidiøos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s neniam eksvalidiøos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s eksvalidiøos je %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøos je %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4713,12 +4761,12 @@ "Via sistemo ne povas montri datojn post 2038.\n" "Tamen, øi estos øuste traktata øis 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu tio estas øusta (j/n)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4729,7 +4777,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4745,44 +4793,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (la poeto) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Vera nomo: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Nevalida signo en nomo\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Nomo ne povas komenciøi per cifero\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Nomo devas havi almenaý 5 signojn\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Retadreso: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Nevalida retadreso\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Komento: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Nevalida signo en komento\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Vi uzas la signaron '%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4793,11 +4841,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Bonvolu ne meti la retadreson en la veran nomon aý la komenton\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4812,23 +4860,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnKkAaBbFf" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Þanøu (N)omon, (K)omenton, (A)adreson, aý (F)ini? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Þanøu (N)omon, (K)omenton, (A)adreson, aý (B)one/(F)ini? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Bonvolu korekti la eraron unue\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4836,19 +4884,19 @@ "Vi bezonas pasfrazon por protekti vian sekretan þlosilon.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Bonvolu doni la pasfrazon; tio estas sekreta frazo \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4860,7 +4908,7 @@ "uzante æi tiun programon kun la opcio \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4872,50 +4920,50 @@ "kreado de la primoj; tio donas al la stokastilo pli bonan þancon\n" "akiri sufiæe da entropio.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj nuligita.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skribas publikan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "neniu skribebla publika þlosilaro trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "neniu skribebla sekreta þlosilaro trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum skribado de publika þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum skribado de sekreta þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "publika kaj sekreta þlosiloj kreitaj kaj subskribitaj.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4924,12 +4972,12 @@ "Notu, ke æi tiu þlosilo ne estas uzebla por æifrado. Vi eble volos\n" "uzi la komandon \"--edit-key\" por krei flankan þlosilon por tiu celo.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4937,7 +4985,7 @@ "þlosilo estis kreita %lu sekundon en la estonteco (tempotordo aý " "horloøeraro)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4945,31 +4993,31 @@ "þlosilo estis kreita %lu sekundojn en la estonteco (tempotordo aý " "horloøeraro)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTO: krei subþlosilojn por v3-þlosiloj ne estas OpenPGP-kongrue\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Æu vere krei? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "forviþo de þlosilbloko malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ne povas krei '%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTO: sekreta þlosilo %08lX eksvalidiøis je %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "" @@ -5030,45 +5078,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "enkirasigo malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "AVERTO: ekzistas 2 dosieroj kun sekretaj informoj.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s estas la neþanøita\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s estas la nova\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Bonvolu ripari æi tiun eblan sekurecproblemon\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "kontrolas þlosilaron '%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu þlosiloj kontrolitaj (%lu subskriboj)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu þlosiloj kontrolitaj (%lu subskriboj)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: þlosilaro kreita\n" @@ -5116,7 +5164,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" @@ -5131,126 +5179,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "þlosilo '%s' ne trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "petas la þlosilon %08lX de HKP-þlosilservilo %s ...\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "petas la þlosilon %08lX de HKP-þlosilservilo %s ...\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "seræas pri \"%s\" æe HKP-servilo %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "seræas pri \"%s\" æe HKP-servilo %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "seræas pri \"%s\" æe HKP-servilo %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "subskribita per via þlosilo %08lX je %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "seræas pri \"%s\" æe HKP-servilo %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "seræas pri \"%s\" æe HKP-servilo %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "nevalida þlosilaro" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "listigo de sekretaj þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "neniu þlosilservilo konata (uzu la opcion --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "þlosilservila eraro" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "þlosilservila eraro" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "listigo de sekretaj þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "%s: ne valida þlosilidentigilo\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "petas la þlosilon %08lX de HKP-þlosilservilo %s ...\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "petas la þlosilon %08lX de HKP-þlosilservilo %s ...\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "Averto: malsekura posedeco sur %s \"%s\"\n" @@ -5309,167 +5357,172 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "Ripetu pasfrazon\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "supozas %s æifritajn datenojn\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "Æifro IDEA ne disponata, optimisme provas uzi %s anstataýe\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "malæifrado sukcesis\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "AVERTO: nenio estis eksportita\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "AVERTO: æifrita mesaøo estis manipulita!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "malæifrado malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTO: sendinto petis konfidencon (\"for-your-eyes-only\")\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "originala dosiernomo='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "memstara revoko - uzu \"gpg --import\" por apliki øin\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Bona subskribo de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "kontrolo de subskribo estas malþaltita\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "ne povas trakti æi tiujn pluroblajn subskribojn\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøos je %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " alinome \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Subskribo farita je %.*s per %s, þlosilo %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 #, fuzzy msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Nenia helpo disponata" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "MALBONA subskribo de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Eksvalidiøinta subskribo de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Bona subskribo de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[malcerta]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alinome \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøos je %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Æi tiu þlosilo eksvalidiøos je %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s-subskribo de: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 #, fuzzy msgid "binary" msgstr "æefa" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown" msgstr "nekonata versio" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Ne povas kontroli subskribon: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "ne aparta subskribo\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "memstara subskribo de klaso 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "malnovstila subskribo (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "nevalida radikpaketo trovita en proc_tree()\n" @@ -5483,92 +5536,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fido-datenaro: lego malsukcesis (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ne povas trakti publikþlosilan metodon %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "NOTO: æifrad-metodo %d ne trovita en preferoj\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "nerealigita æifrad-metodo" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s-subskribo de: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "NOTO: æifrad-metodo %d ne trovita en preferoj\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s-subskribo de: %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "la aldona¼o por la æifro IDEA en æeestas\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = bonvolu montri pli da informoj\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "AVERTO: '%s' estas malplena dosiero\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 #, fuzzy msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "ne traktita" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "ne traktita" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "æi tiu mesaøo povas ne esti uzebla de PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "legas opciojn el '%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "nekonata implicita ricevonto '%s'\n" @@ -5596,46 +5665,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "skribas al la normala eligo\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "supozas subskribitajn datenojn en '%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: nova opcio-dosiero kreita\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "ne povas trakti publikþlosilan metodon %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpaketo de speco %d havas þaltitan \"critical bit\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problemo kun agento: agento redonas 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (æefþlosilo %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5648,15 +5718,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bita %s þlosilo, ID %08lX, kreita je %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Donu pasfrazon\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "nuligita de uzanto\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5666,12 +5736,12 @@ "Vi bezonas pasfrazon por malþlosi la sekretan þlosilon\n" "por la uzanto: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bita %s-þlosilo, %08lX, kreita je %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6032,16 +6102,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "legas la normalan enigon ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "mankas subskribitaj datenoj\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "ne povas malfermi subskribitan dosieron '%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "ne povas malfermi subskribitan dosieron '%s'\n" @@ -6303,22 +6373,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: þlosilo estas revokita!\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s-subskribo de: %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "supozas malbonan subskribon pro nekonata \"critical bit\"\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas subþlosilo por þlosilbindado\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "þlosilo %08lX: mankas subþlosilo por þlosilbindado\n" @@ -6719,7 +6784,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "kontrolo de fido-datenaro ne estas bezonata\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "sekva kontrolo de fido-datenaro je %s\n" @@ -6734,46 +6799,46 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "kontrolo de fido-datenaro ne estas bezonata\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "publika þlosilo %08lX ne trovita: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "kontrolas la fido-datenaron\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 #, fuzzy msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "publika þlosilo de absolute fidata þlosilo %08lX ne trovita\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "publika þlosilo de absolute fidata þlosilo %08lX ne trovita\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "fido-datenaro %lu, speco %d: skribo malsukcesis: %s\n" @@ -6798,77 +6863,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "ne povas malfermi '%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "legeraro æe dosiero" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "pasfrazo estas tro longa\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "nevalida argumento" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "nevalida kiraso" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "malkongruaj komandoj\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "nevalida kiraso" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "ne traktita" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "nevalida kiraso" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "nevalida kiraso" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Nevalida komando (provu per \"helpo\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "ne traktita" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "nevalida kiraso" @@ -6898,35 +6974,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: ne povas krei dosierujon: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum skribado de þlosilaro '%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "publika þlosilo %08lX ne trovita: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "skribas sekretan þlosilon al '%s'\n" @@ -6951,19 +7027,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Uzado: gpg [opcioj] [dosieroj] (-h por helpo)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7012,104 +7088,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "malsukcesis doni komencajn valorojn al fido-datenaro: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "malsukcesis rekonstrui þlosilaran staplon: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "forviþo de þlosilbloko malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Kialo por revoko: " -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7117,109 +7193,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "þanøi la pasfrazon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "eraro dum legado de þlosilbloko: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: eraro dum legado de libera registro: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "'%s' jam densigita\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "krei novan þlosilparon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "krei novan þlosilparon" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "malsukcesis doni komencajn valorojn al fido-datenaro: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "forviþo de þlosilbloko malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Kreado de þlosiloj malsukcesis: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s-subskribo de: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "validaj OpenPGP-datenoj ne trovitaj.\n" @@ -7245,7 +7321,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|DOSIERO|legi aldonan bibliotekon DOSIERO" @@ -8020,7 +8096,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NOMO|uzi NOMOn kiel la implicitan sekretan þlosilon" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SERVILO|uzi æi tiun þlosilservilon por seræi þlosilojn" @@ -8079,26 +8155,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = supersalti æi tiun þlosilon\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "ne povis analizi URI de þlosilservilo\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "skribas al '%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ne povas fermi '%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8352,27 +8428,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "eraro dum sendo al '%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8388,113 +8464,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|uzi pasfraz-reøimon N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "eraro dum kreado de pasfrazo: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOMO|uzi NOMOn kiel la implicitan sekretan þlosilon" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOMO|æifri por NOMO" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "ne povis analizi URI de þlosilservilo\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NOMO|uzi æifrad-metodon NOMO por pasfrazoj" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9232,9 +9308,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "nevalida paketo" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "nevalida kiraso" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "uzantidentigilo ne ekzistas" @@ -9259,9 +9332,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "eraro æe kreo de dosiero" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "nevalida pasfrazo" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "nerealigita publikþlosila metodo" @@ -10179,9 +10249,6 @@ #~ msgid "For info see http://www.gnupg.org" #~ msgstr "Por informoj vidu http://www.gnupg.org" -#~ msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " -#~ msgstr "Æu vi vere volas krei subskriban kaj æifran þlosilon? " - #~ msgid "can't lock keyring `%s': %s\n" #~ msgstr "ne povas þlosi la þlosilaron '%s': %s\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/es.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/es.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/es.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/es.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/es.po 2014-08-12 18:30:19.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/es.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,49 +1,87 @@ -# Mensajes en español para GnuPG. +# Mensajes en español para GnuPG. # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Urko Lusa , 1998, 1999. # I've tried to mantain the terminology used by Armando Ramos # in his PGP 2.3.6i translation. # I also got inspiration from it.po by Marco d'Itri +# Manuel "Venturi" Porras Peralta , 2014. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.9\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 09:47+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Jaime Suárez \n" -"Language-Team: Spanish \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-20 11:43+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Manuel \"Venturi\" Porras Peralta \n" +"Language-Team: Español; Castellano \n" "Language: es\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "plural: Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n" #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 #, c-format msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" -msgstr "no pude conseguir el bloqueo de entrada de pin: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo al conseguir el bloqueo de entrada de pin: %s\n" #. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in #. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" -msgstr "|entrada de pin-etiqueta|_OK" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" -msgstr "|entrada de pin-etiqueta|_Cancelar" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Cancelar" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" -msgstr "|entrada de pin-etiqueta|PIN:" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Cancelar" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere crear una clave de firma y cifrado? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "frase contraseña incorrecta" #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Calidad:" @@ -53,100 +91,100 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" -msgstr "barra de calidad, entrada de pin" +msgstr "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -"Por favor introduzca su PIN para desbloquear la clave secreta de esta sesión" +"Introduzca su PIN para desbloquear la clave secreta durante esta sesión" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" msgstr "" -"Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta " -"de esta sesión" +"Introduzca la contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta durante esta " +"sesión" #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (intento %d de %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN demasiado largo" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" -msgstr "Frase contraseña demasiado larga" +msgstr "Contraseña demasiado larga" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" -msgstr "Caracteres inválidos en el PIN" +msgstr "Caracteres inválidos en el PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN demasiado corto" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "PIN incorrecto" -# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? -# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña +# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? +# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña # y una "frase de paso" no. Soy consciente de que se # traduce igual password y passphrase pero el contexto -# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. -# No sé, no sé. -# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? -# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) +# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. +# No sé, no sé. +# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? +# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) # -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" -msgstr "Frase contraseña errónea" +msgstr "Contraseña errónea" -# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? -# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña +# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? +# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña # y una "frase de paso" no. Soy consciente de que se # traduce igual password y passphrase pero el contexto -# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. -# No sé, no sé. -# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? -# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) +# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. +# No sé, no sé. +# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? +# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) # -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" -msgstr "Frase contraseña" +msgstr "Contraseña" #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 #, c-format msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" -msgstr "no pueden usarse claves ssh de más de %d bits\n" +msgstr "no pueden usarse claves ssh de más de %d bits\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "no se puede crear %s: %s\n" +msgstr "no se puede crear `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no se puede abrir `%s': %s\n" @@ -154,7 +192,7 @@ #: agent/command-ssh.c:2110 agent/command-ssh.c:2128 #, c-format msgid "error getting serial number of card: %s\n" -msgstr "error obteniendo el número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" +msgstr "error obteniendo el número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2114 #, c-format @@ -165,8 +203,8 @@ #, c-format msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" msgstr "" -"error obteniendo ID de la clave por defecto para autenticaren la tarjeta: " -"%s\n" +"error obteniendo identificador de la clave de autenticación predeterminado " +"de la tarjeta: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 #, c-format @@ -176,7 +214,7 @@ #: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 #, c-format msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" -msgstr "el sombreado de la clave falló: %s\n" +msgstr "el cifrado de la clave falló: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 #, c-format @@ -189,41 +227,39 @@ "An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " "allow this?" msgstr "" +"Un proceso ssh solicitó utilizar la clave%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0A¿Desea " +"permitirlo?" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 msgid "Allow" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Permitir" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 msgid "Deny" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No permitir" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%0A %c" +#, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -msgstr "Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña para la clave ssh%0A %c" +msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para la clave ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" -msgstr "Por favor vuelva a introducir frase contraseña" +msgstr "Vuelva a introducir contraseña" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s" -#| "%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" +#, c-format msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" msgstr "" -"Por favor introduzca una frase contraseña para proteger la clave " -"secretarecibida%%0A %s%%0Aen el almacen de claves del agente gpg" +"Introduzca una contraseña para proteger la clave secreta recibida%%0A %s" +"%%0A %s%%0Aen el almacén de claves del agente gpg" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 msgid "does not match - try again" -msgstr "no coincide - reinténtelo" +msgstr "no coincide - inténtelo de nuevo" #: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 #, c-format @@ -232,11 +268,11 @@ #: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" -msgstr "Por favor inserte la tarjeta con número de serie" +msgstr "Inserte la tarjeta con número de serie" #: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" -msgstr "Por favor retire tarjeta actual e inserte la que tiene número de serie" +msgstr "Retire tarjeta actual e inserte la que tiene número de serie" #: agent/divert-scd.c:200 msgid "Admin PIN" @@ -250,17 +286,16 @@ #: agent/divert-scd.c:212 msgid "Reset Code" -msgstr "Código de Reinicio" +msgstr "Código de Reinicio" #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's keypad for input." +#, c-format msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AUse el teclado del lector como entrada." #: agent/divert-scd.c:287 msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" -msgstr "Repita este Código de Reinicio" +msgstr "Repita este Código de Reinicio" #: agent/divert-scd.c:289 msgid "Repeat this PUK" @@ -272,20 +307,20 @@ #: agent/divert-scd.c:295 msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "Código de Reinicio repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" +msgstr "Código de Reinicio repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" #: agent/divert-scd.c:297 msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "PUK repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" +msgstr "PUK repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" #: agent/divert-scd.c:298 msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "PIN repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" +msgstr "PIN repetido incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" #: agent/divert-scd.c:310 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card" -msgstr "Por favor introduzca el PIN%s%s%s para desbloquear la tarjeta" +msgstr "Introduzca el PIN%s%s%s para desbloquear la tarjeta" #: agent/genkey.c:108 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:384 sm/export.c:638 sm/export.c:654 #: sm/import.c:667 sm/import.c:692 @@ -300,7 +335,7 @@ #: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 msgid "Enter new passphrase" -msgstr "Introduzca nueva frase contraseña" +msgstr "Introduzca nueva contraseña" #: agent/genkey.c:167 msgid "Take this one anyway" @@ -315,11 +350,11 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " "at least %u characters long." msgstr[0] "" -"Aviso: ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frase contraseña " -"debe tener al menos %u carácter." +"Aviso: ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna contraseña debe tener " +"al menos %u carácter." msgstr[1] "" -"Aviso: ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frase contraseña " -"debe tener al menos %u caracteres." +"Aviso: ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna contraseña debe tener " +"al menos %u caracteres." #: agent/genkey.c:214 #, c-format @@ -330,11 +365,11 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." msgstr[0] "" -"Aviso: Ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña " -"debe tener al menos %u digito o%%0Acarácter especial." +"Aviso: Ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña debe " +"tener al menos %u digito o%%0Acarácter especial." msgstr[1] "" -"Aviso: Ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña " -"debe tener al menos %u digitos o%%0Acaracteres especiales." +"Aviso: Ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frasecontraseña debe " +"tener al menos %u digitos o%%0Acaracteres especiales." #: agent/genkey.c:237 #, c-format @@ -342,16 +377,16 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " "a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." msgstr "" -"Aviso: ha introducido una frase contraseña insegura.%%0AUna frase contraseña " -"no puede ser un término conocido%%0Ao ajustarse a cierto patrón." +"Aviso: ha introducido una contraseña insegura.%%0AUna contraseña no puede " +"ser un término conocido%%0Ao ajustarse a cierto patrón." #: agent/genkey.c:253 #, c-format msgid "" "You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." msgstr "" -"¡No ha introducido una frase contraseña!%0AnNo se permiten frases contraseña " -"en blanco." +"¡No ha introducido una contraseña!%0AnNo se permiten frases contraseña en " +"blanco." #: agent/genkey.c:255 #, c-format @@ -359,24 +394,23 @@ "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." msgstr "" -"No ha introducido una frase contraseña -¡esto es en general una mala idea!" -"%0Apor favor confirme que no quiere ninguna protección para su clave." +"No ha introducido una contraseña -¡esto suele ser una mala idea!%0AConfirme " +"que no desea ninguna protección para su clave." #: agent/genkey.c:264 msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" -msgstr "Sí, no se necesita protección" +msgstr "Sí, no se necesita protección" #: agent/genkey.c:308 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Ato protect your new key" +#, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" -msgstr "Por favor introduzca frase contraseña para%0Aproteger su nueva clave" +msgstr "Introduzca contraseña para%0Aproteger su nueva clave" #: agent/genkey.c:431 msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" -msgstr "Por favor escriba la nueva frase contraseña" +msgstr "Escriba la nueva contraseña" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -385,123 +419,123 @@ "@Opciones:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "ejecutar en modo demonio (segundo plano)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "ejecutar en modo servidor (primer plano)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" -msgstr "prolijo" +msgstr "detallado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" -msgstr "algo más discreto" +msgstr "algo más discreto" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "salida de datos estilo sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "salida de datos estilo csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FICHERO|lee opciones desde FICHERO" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "no independizarse de la consola" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" -msgstr "no acaparar teclado y ratón" +msgstr "no acaparar teclado y ratón" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "usar un fichero log para el servidor" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" -msgstr "usar una localización estándar para el socket" +msgstr "usar una localización estándar para el socket" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|usar PGM como el programa para entrada de PIN" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|usar PCM como programa SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "no usar SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignorar peticiones de cambiar el TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignorar peticiones de cambiar el display X" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" -msgstr "|N|los PINs en la caché expiran en N segundos" +msgstr "|N|los PINs en la caché expiran en N segundos" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" -msgstr "no usar el caché de PINs al firmar" +msgstr "no usar el caché de PINs al firmar" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "permitir que los clientes marquen claves como \"fiables\"" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" -msgstr "permitir preestablecer frase contraseña" +msgstr "permitir preestablecer contraseña" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "permitir emulación de ssh-agent" +msgstr "permitir emulación de ssh-agent" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "not supported" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "no disponible" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "no permite reusar antiguas frases contraseña" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir variables de entorno también en FICHERO" +msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir variables de entorno también en FICHERO" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -msgstr "Por favor, informe de posibles \"bugs\" a <@EMAIL@>.\n" +msgstr "Informe de posibles fallos del programa a <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg-agent [opciones] (-h para ayuda)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -509,150 +543,150 @@ "Sintaxis: gpg-agent [opciones] [orden [argumentos]]\n" "Manejo de claves privadas por GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" -msgstr "el nivel de depuración `%s` no es válido\n" +msgstr "el nivel de depuración `%s` no es válido\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s es demasiado antiguo (necesita %s, tiene %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: no existe el fichero de opciones predefinido `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fichero de opciones `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "leyendo opciones desde `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error creando `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no se puede crear el directorio `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "nombre de socket demasiado largo\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "no se puede crear el socket: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "el nombre de socket `%s' es demasiado largo\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" -msgstr "ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro\n" +msgstr "ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" -msgstr "error obteniendo valor único para el socket\n" +msgstr "error obteniendo valor único para el socket\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error enlazando el socket con `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" -msgstr "listen() falló: %s\n" +msgstr "listen() falló: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "escuchando el socket `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "directorio `%s' creado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "stat() falló para `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "stat() falló para `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "no puede usar `%s' como directorio personal\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" -msgstr "error leyendo valor único en el descriptor %d: %s\n" +msgstr "error leyendo valor único en el descriptor %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "manejador 0x%lx para descriptor %d iniciado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "manejador 0x%lx pada descriptor %d finalizado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "manejador ssh 0x%lx para el descriptor %d iniciado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "manejador ssh 0x%lx para el descriptor %d finalizado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -msgstr "pth_select falló: %s - espero 1s\n" +msgstr "pth_select falló: %s - espero 1s\n" # msgstr "clave %08lX: %d nuevas subclaves\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s detenido\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" -msgstr "no hay un agente gpg ejecutándose en esta sesión\n" +msgstr "no hay un agente gpg ejecutándose en esta sesión\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "variable de entorno GPG_AGENT_INFO malformada\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "el programa no permite usar el protocolo agente gpg versión %d\n" +msgstr "el programa no permite usar el protocolo agente gpg versión %d\n" #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" @@ -664,22 +698,22 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" "Sintaxis: gpg-preset-passphrase [opciones] KEYGRIP\n" -"Mantenimiento de la caché de contraseñas\n" +"Mantenimiento de la caché de contraseñas\n" -# Órdenes, please... -# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se -# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? -# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +# Órdenes, please... +# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se +# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? +# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" " " msgstr "" -"@Órdenes:\n" +"@Órdenes:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -705,39 +739,38 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña para desproteger el objeto PKCS#12." +msgstr "Introduzca contraseña para desproteger el objeto PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña para proteger el nuevo objeto PKCS#12." +msgstr "Introduzca contraseña para proteger el nuevo objeto PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " "system." -msgstr "" -"Introduzca la frase contraseña para proteger el objeto importado en GnuPG" +msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para proteger el objeto importado en GnuPG" #: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" "needed to complete this operation." msgstr "" -"Por favor introduzca la frase contraseña o PIN\n" -"necesarios para completar esta operación." +"Introduzca la contraseña o PIN\n" +"necesarios para completar esta operación." -# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? -# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña +# ¿Por qué no frase de paso? +# Porque todo el mundo sabe lo que es una contraseña # y una "frase de paso" no. Soy consciente de que se # traduce igual password y passphrase pero el contexto -# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. -# No sé, no sé. -# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? -# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) +# permite saber de lo que se está hablando. +# No sé, no sé. +# ¿Por qué los ingleses entonces sí que saben lo que es un "passphrase"? +# ¿Es que son más listos? :-) # #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 msgid "Passphrase:" -msgstr "Frase contraseña:" +msgstr "contraseña:" #: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 msgid "cancelled\n" @@ -746,7 +779,7 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 #, c-format msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "error pidiendo la frase contraseña: %s\n" +msgstr "error pidiendo la contraseña: %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 #, c-format @@ -756,36 +789,36 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:151 common/helpfile.c:63 common/helpfile.c:79 #, c-format msgid "file `%s', line %d: %s\n" -msgstr "fichero `%s', línea %d: %s\n" +msgstr "fichero `%s', línea %d: %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:171 agent/trustlist.c:179 #, c-format msgid "statement \"%s\" ignored in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "declaración \"%s\" ignorada en `%s', línea %d\n" +msgstr "declaración \"%s\" ignorada en `%s', línea %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:185 #, c-format msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" -msgstr "la lista de confianza `%s' del sistema no está disponible\n" +msgstr "la lista de confianza `%s' del sistema no está disponible\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:229 #, c-format msgid "bad fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "huella digital incorrecta en `%s', línea %d\n" +msgstr "huella digital incorrecta en `%s', línea %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "opción de clave inválida en `%s', línea %d\n" +msgstr "opción de clave inválida en `%s', línea %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s', line %d: %s\n" -msgstr "error leyendo `%s', línea %d: %s\n" +msgstr "error leyendo `%s', línea %d: %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" -msgstr "error leyendo la lista de certificados raíz fiables\n" +msgstr "error leyendo la lista de certificados raíz fiables\n" #. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry #. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by @@ -801,12 +834,12 @@ "Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " "certificates?" msgstr "" -"¿Confía absolutamente en%%0A \"%s\"%%0A para certificar correctamentelos " +"¿Confía absolutamente en%%0A \"%s\"%%0A para certificar correctamentelos " "certificados de otros usuarios?" #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Sí" +msgstr "Sí" #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:469 msgid "No" @@ -826,8 +859,8 @@ "Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " "fingerprint:%%0A %s" msgstr "" -"Por favor verifique que el certificado identificado como:%%0A \"%s" -"\"%%0Atiene la huella digital:%%0A %s" +"Verifique que el certificado identificado como:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Atiene la " +"huella digital:%%0A %s" #. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended #. to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The @@ -843,8 +876,7 @@ #: agent/findkey.c:157 #, c-format msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." -msgstr "" -"Nota: Esta frase contraseña nunca ha sido cambiada.%0APor favor hágalo ahora." +msgstr "Nota: Esta contraseña nunca ha sido cambiada.%0AHágalo ahora." #: agent/findkey.c:173 #, c-format @@ -852,27 +884,26 @@ "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " "it now." msgstr "" -"Esta frase contraseña no se ha cambiado%%0Adesde %.4s-%.2s-%.2s.Por favor " -"cámbiela ahora." +"Esta contraseña no se ha cambiado%%0Adesde %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Cámbiela ahora." #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 msgid "Change passphrase" -msgstr "Cambia la frase contraseña" +msgstr "Cambia la contraseña" #: agent/findkey.c:195 msgid "I'll change it later" -msgstr "La cambiaré más tarde" +msgstr "La cambiaré más tarde" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" -msgstr "error creando tubería: %s\n" +msgstr "error creando tubería: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 #, c-format msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" -msgstr "no puede abrirse tubería para leer: %s\n" +msgstr "no puede abrirse tubería para leer: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 #, c-format @@ -887,17 +918,17 @@ #: common/exechelp.c:819 #, c-format msgid "error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n" -msgstr "error obteniendo código de finalización del proceso: %d %s\n" +msgstr "error obteniendo código de finalización del proceso: %d %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:825 common/exechelp.c:877 #, c-format msgid "error running `%s': exit status %d\n" -msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': código de finalización %d\n" +msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': código de finalización %d\n" #: common/exechelp.c:870 #, c-format msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" -msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': probablemente no está instalado\n" +msgstr "error ejecutando `%s': probablemente no está instalado\n" #: common/exechelp.c:885 #, c-format @@ -915,7 +946,7 @@ #: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" -msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" +msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 #, c-format @@ -924,7 +955,7 @@ #: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" -msgstr "problema de comunicación con el agente gpg\n" +msgstr "problema de comunicación con el agente gpg\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" @@ -956,7 +987,7 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 msgid "yes" -msgstr "sí|si" +msgstr "sí|si" #: common/yesno.c:36 common/yesno.c:77 msgid "yY" @@ -1010,7 +1041,7 @@ #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" -msgstr "no hay gpg-agent en ejecución - inicando uno\n" +msgstr "no hay gpg-agent en ejecución - inicando uno\n" #: common/asshelp.c:349 #, c-format @@ -1061,7 +1092,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:493 msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Algún" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Algún" #: common/audit.c:726 msgid "Certificate chain available" @@ -1069,7 +1100,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:733 msgid "root certificate missing" -msgstr "falta el certificado raíz" +msgstr "falta el certificado raíz" #: common/audit.c:759 msgid "Data encryption succeeded" @@ -1081,7 +1112,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:767 msgid "Session key created" -msgstr "Creada clave de sesión" +msgstr "Creada clave de sesión" #: common/audit.c:772 common/audit.c:912 common/audit.c:919 #, c-format @@ -1095,11 +1126,11 @@ #: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 msgid "seems to be not encrypted" -msgstr "no parece que esté cifrado" +msgstr "no parece que esté cifrado" #: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 msgid "Number of recipients" -msgstr "Número de destinatarios" +msgstr "Número de destinatarios" #: common/audit.c:792 common/audit.c:956 #, c-format @@ -1143,12 +1174,12 @@ #: common/audit.c:1024 msgid "Parsing data succeeded" -msgstr "Interpretación de datos correcta" +msgstr "Interpretación de datos correcta" #: common/audit.c:1036 #, c-format msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "algoritmo de resumen de datos erróneo: %s" +msgstr "algoritmo de resumen de datos erróneo: %s" #: common/audit.c:1051 #, c-format @@ -1157,11 +1188,11 @@ #: common/audit.c:1079 msgid "Certificate chain valid" -msgstr "Cadena de certificados válida" +msgstr "Cadena de certificados válida" #: common/audit.c:1090 msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" -msgstr "Certificado raíz fiable" +msgstr "Certificado raíz fiable" #: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 msgid "no CRL found for certificate" @@ -1173,7 +1204,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:1119 msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" -msgstr "Comprobación CRL/OCSP de certificados" +msgstr "Comprobación CRL/OCSP de certificados" #: common/audit.c:1139 msgid "Included certificates" @@ -1185,7 +1216,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:1243 msgid "Unknown operation" -msgstr "Operación desconocida" +msgstr "Operación desconocida" #: common/audit.c:1261 msgid "Gpg-Agent usable" @@ -1202,7 +1233,7 @@ #: common/helpfile.c:80 msgid "ignoring garbage line" -msgstr "ignorando línea con basura" +msgstr "ignorando línea con basura" #: common/gettime.c:503 msgid "[none]" @@ -1213,105 +1244,105 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " -msgstr "cabecera de armadura inválida: " +msgstr "cabecera de armadura inválida: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "cabecera de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" -msgstr "cabecera de firma clara inválida\n" +msgstr "cabecera de firma clara inválida\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "cabecera de armadura desconocida: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "firmas en texto claro anidadas\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armadura inesperada: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " -msgstr "Línea con guiones inválida: " +msgstr "Línea con guiones inválida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" -msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02X omitido\n" +msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02X omitido\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" -msgstr "Fin de fichero prematuro (falta suma de comprobación)\n" +msgstr "Fin de fichero prematuro (falta suma de comprobación)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" -msgstr "Fin de suma de comprobación prematuro\n" +msgstr "Fin de suma de comprobación prematuro\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" -msgstr "Suma de comprobación mal creada\n" +msgstr "Suma de comprobación mal creada\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" -msgstr "Error en suma de comprobación: %06lX - %06lX\n" +msgstr "Error en suma de comprobación: %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "fin de fichero prematuro (en el cierre)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" -msgstr "error en la línea de cierre\n" +msgstr "error en la línea de cierre\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" -msgstr "no se han encontrados datos OpenPGP válidos\n" +msgstr "no se han encontrados datos OpenPGP válidos\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "armadura incorrecta: línea más larga de %d caracteres\n" +msgstr "armadura incorrecta: línea más larga de %d caracteres\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" -"caracter \"quoted printable\" en la armadura - probablemente se usó\n" +"caracter \"quoted printable\" en la armadura - probablemente se usó\n" "un MTA defectuoso\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -"un nombre de notación debe tener sólo caracteres imprimibles o espacios, y " +"un nombre de notación debe tener sólo caracteres imprimibles o espacios, y " "acabar con un '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" -msgstr "un nombre de notación de usuario debe contener el caracter '@'\n" +msgstr "un nombre de notación de usuario debe contener el caracter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" -msgstr "un nombre de notación no debe contener más de un caracter '@'\n" +msgstr "un nombre de notación no debe contener más de un caracter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" -msgstr "un valor de notación no debe usar ningún caracter de control\n" +msgstr "un valor de notación no debe usar ningún caracter de control\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: encontrados datos de notación inválidos\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: encontrados datos de notación inválidos\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "ilegible" @@ -1325,25 +1356,25 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "tarjeta OpenPGP num. %s detectada\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "imposible hacer esto en modo de proceso por lotes\n" #: g10/card-util.c:106 msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" -msgstr "Esta orden solo está disponible en tarjetas versión 2\n" +msgstr "Esta orden solo está disponible en tarjetas versión 2\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" -msgstr "No hay Código de Reinicio o ya no está disponible\n" +msgstr "No hay Código de Reinicio o ya no está disponible\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " -msgstr "Su elección: " +msgstr "Su elección: " #: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 msgid "[not set]" @@ -1371,7 +1402,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:632 msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" -msgstr "Error: sólo se permite ASCII sin formato actualmente.\n" +msgstr "Error: sólo se permite ASCII sin formato actualmente.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:634 msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" @@ -1392,23 +1423,23 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:673 #, c-format msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Error: nombre combinado demasiado largo (máximo %d caracteres).\n" +msgstr "Error: nombre combinado demasiado largo (máximo %d caracteres).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:694 msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " -msgstr "URL de donde recuperar la clave pública: " +msgstr "URL de donde recuperar la clave pública: " #: g10/card-util.c:702 #, c-format msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Error: URL demasiado larga (el máximo son %d caracteres).\n" +msgstr "Error: URL demasiado larga (el máximo son %d caracteres).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 #, c-format msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "error reservando memoria: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error leyendo `%s': %s\n" @@ -1425,7 +1456,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:877 #, c-format msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Error: el login es demasiado largo (límite de %d caracteres).\n" +msgstr "Error: el login es demasiado largo (límite de %d caracteres).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:913 msgid "Private DO data: " @@ -1435,7 +1466,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" msgstr "" -"Error: los datos privados son demasiado largos (límite de %d caracteres).\n" +"Error: los datos privados son demasiado largos (límite de %d caracteres).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1006 msgid "Language preferences: " @@ -1443,11 +1474,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1014 msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" -msgstr "Error: longitud de la cadena de preferencias inválida.\n" +msgstr "Error: longitud de la cadena de preferencias inválida.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1023 msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" -msgstr "Error: caracteres inválidos en cadena de preferencias.\n" +msgstr "Error: caracteres inválidos en cadena de preferencias.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1045 msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " @@ -1455,7 +1486,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1059 msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" -msgstr "Error: respuesta no válida.\n" +msgstr "Error: respuesta no válida.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1081 msgid "CA fingerprint: " @@ -1463,12 +1494,12 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1104 msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" -msgstr "Error: formato inválido de huella dactilar.\n" +msgstr "Error: formato inválido de huella dactilar.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1154 #, c-format msgid "key operation not possible: %s\n" -msgstr "la operación con la clave no es posible: %s\n" +msgstr "la operación con la clave no es posible: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1155 msgid "not an OpenPGP card" @@ -1477,11 +1508,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1168 #, c-format msgid "error getting current key info: %s\n" -msgstr "error obteniendo la información actual de la clave: %s\n" +msgstr "error obteniendo la información actual de la clave: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1255 msgid "Replace existing key? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Reemplazar la clave existente? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Reemplazar la clave existente? (s/N) " #: g10/card-util.c:1271 msgid "" @@ -1489,58 +1520,58 @@ " If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" " documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" msgstr "" -"NOTA: No hay garantía de que la tarjeta permita el uso del tamaño\n" -" requerido. Si la generación de clave fracasa, por favor compruebe\n" -" la documentación de su tarjeta para ver los tamaños posibles.\n" +"NOTA: No hay garantía de que la tarjeta permita el uso del tamaño\n" +" requerido. Si la generación de clave fracasa, compruebe\n" +" la documentación de su tarjeta para ver los tamaños posibles.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1296 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " -msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Firmado? (%u) " +msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Firmado? (%u) " #: g10/card-util.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " -msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Cifrado? (%u) " +msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Cifrado? (%u) " #: g10/card-util.c:1299 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " -msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Autenticación? (%u) " +msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave de Autenticación? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "redondeados a %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" -msgstr "los tamaños de claves %s deben estar en el rango %u-%u\n" +msgstr "los tamaños de claves %s deben estar en el rango %u-%u\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1323 #, c-format msgid "The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of %u bits\n" -msgstr "Ahora la tarjeta se reconfigurará para generar una clave de %u bits\n" +msgstr "Ahora la tarjeta se reconfigurará para generar una clave de %u bits\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1343 #, c-format msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" -msgstr "error cambiando el tamaño de la clave %d a %u bits: %s\n" +msgstr "error cambiando el tamaño de la clave %d a %u bits: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1365 msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " msgstr "" -"¿Hacer copia de seguridad externa a la tarjeta de clave de cifrado? (S/n)" +"¿Hacer copia de seguridad externa a la tarjeta de clave de cifrado? (S/n)" #: g10/card-util.c:1379 msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" -msgstr "NOTA: ¡claves ya almacenadas en la tarjeta!\n" +msgstr "NOTA: ¡claves ya almacenadas en la tarjeta!\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1382 msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Reemplazar las claves existentes? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Reemplazar las claves existentes? (s/N) " #: g10/card-util.c:1394 #, c-format @@ -1549,13 +1580,13 @@ " PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" "You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor observe que los valores de fábrica del PIN son\n" +"Observe que los valores de fábrica del PIN son\n" " PIN = `%s' PIN Administrador = `%s'\n" -"Debería cambiarlos usando la orden --change-pin\n" +"Debería cambiarlos usando la orden --change-pin\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1450 msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" -msgstr "Por favor seleccione tipo de clave que generar:\n" +msgstr "Seleccione tipo de clave que generar:\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1452 g10/card-util.c:1560 msgid " (1) Signature key\n" @@ -1567,24 +1598,24 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1454 g10/card-util.c:1564 msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" -msgstr " (3) Clave de autentificación\n" +msgstr " (3) Clave de autentificación\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" -msgstr "Elección inválida.\n" +msgstr "Elección inválida.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1557 msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" -msgstr "Por favor elija donde guardar la clave:\n" +msgstr "Elija donde guardar la clave:\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1601 msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" -msgstr "algoritmo de protección de clave desconocido\n" +msgstr "algoritmo de protección de clave desconocido\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1606 msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" -msgstr "las partes secretas de la clave no están disponibles\n" +msgstr "las partes secretas de la clave no están disponibles\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1611 msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" @@ -1595,15 +1626,15 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "error escribiendo clave en la tarjeta: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" -msgstr "sale de este menú" +msgstr "sale de este menú" #: g10/card-util.c:1685 msgid "show admin commands" -msgstr "ver órdenes de administrador" +msgstr "ver órdenes de administrador" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "muestra esta ayuda" @@ -1641,7 +1672,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1698 msgid "toggle the signature force PIN flag" -msgstr "cambiar estado de la opción forzar firma del PIN" +msgstr "cambiar estado de la opción forzar firma del PIN" #: g10/card-util.c:1699 msgid "generate new keys" @@ -1649,7 +1680,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1700 msgid "menu to change or unblock the PIN" -msgstr "menú para cambiar o desbloquear el PIN" +msgstr "menú para cambiar o desbloquear el PIN" #: g10/card-util.c:1701 msgid "verify the PIN and list all data" @@ -1657,7 +1688,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1702 msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" -msgstr "desbloquear PIN usando Código de Reinicio" +msgstr "desbloquear PIN usando Código de Reinicio" #: g10/card-util.c:1824 msgid "gpg/card> " @@ -1665,36 +1696,36 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1865 msgid "Admin-only command\n" -msgstr "Órdenes sólo de administrador\n" +msgstr "Órdenes sólo de administrador\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1896 msgid "Admin commands are allowed\n" -msgstr "Se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" +msgstr "Se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1898 msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" -msgstr "No se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" +msgstr "No se permiten órdenes de administrador\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" -msgstr "Orden inválida (pruebe \"help\")\n" +msgstr "Orden inválida (pruebe \"help\")\n" #: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output no funciona con esta orden\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "no se puede abrir `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "clave \"%s\" no encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1710,38 +1741,38 @@ #: g10/delkey.c:145 msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Eliminar esta clave del anillo? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Desea eliminar esta clave del almacén? (s/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:153 msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " -msgstr "¡Es una clave secreta! ¿Eliminar realmente? (s/N) " +msgstr "¡Es una clave secreta! ¿Eliminar realmente? (s/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:163 #, c-format msgid "deleting keyblock failed: %s\n" -msgstr "borrado de bloque de anillo de claves fallido: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo al eliminar el bloque de almacén de claves: %s\n" #: g10/delkey.c:173 msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" -msgstr "borrada información de propietarios\n" +msgstr "borrada información de propietarios\n" #: g10/delkey.c:204 #, c-format msgid "there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n" -msgstr "¡hay una clave secreta para esta clave pública! \"%s\"!\n" +msgstr "¡hay una clave secreta para esta clave pública! \"%s\"!\n" #: g10/delkey.c:206 msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" -msgstr "use antes la opción \"--delete-secret-key\" para borrarla.\n" +msgstr "use antes la opción \"--delete-secret-key\" para borrarla.\n" #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 #, c-format msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "error creando frase contraseña: %s\n" +msgstr "error creando contraseña: %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:232 msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" -msgstr "no puede usar un paquete simétrico ESK debido al modo S2K\n" +msgstr "no puede usar un paquete simétrico ESK debido al modo S2K\n" #: g10/encode.c:246 #, c-format @@ -1751,12 +1782,12 @@ #: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 #, c-format msgid "`%s' already compressed\n" -msgstr "`%s' ya está comprimido\n" +msgstr "`%s' ya está comprimido\n" #: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN `%s' es un fichero vacío\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN `%s' es un fichero vacío\n" #: g10/encode.c:485 msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" @@ -1778,7 +1809,7 @@ msgid "" "WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" +"ATENCIÓN: forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" "del destinatario\n" #: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 @@ -1787,14 +1818,14 @@ "WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " "preferences\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: forzar el algoritmo de compresión %s (%d) va en contra\n" +"ATENCIÓN: forzar el algoritmo de compresión %s (%d) va en contra\n" "de las preferencias del receptor\n" #: g10/encode.c:751 #, c-format msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" msgstr "" -"forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" +"forzar el cifrado simétrico %s (%d) viola las preferencias\n" "del destinatario\n" #: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 @@ -1821,7 +1852,7 @@ msgid "" "WARNING: message was encrypted with a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n" msgstr "" -"ATENCIÓN: mensaje cifrado con una clave débil en el cifrado simétrico.\n" +"ATENCIÓN: mensaje cifrado con una clave débil en el cifrado simétrico.\n" #: g10/encr-data.c:171 msgid "problem handling encrypted packet\n" @@ -1852,7 +1883,7 @@ #: g10/exec.c:422 #, c-format msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "no se puede ejecutar el intérprete de órdenes `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "no se puede ejecutar el intérprete de órdenes `%s': %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:513 #, c-format @@ -1861,7 +1892,7 @@ #: g10/exec.c:524 g10/exec.c:591 msgid "unnatural exit of external program\n" -msgstr "el programa externo finalizó anormalmente\n" +msgstr "el programa externo finalizó anormalmente\n" #: g10/exec.c:539 msgid "unable to execute external program\n" @@ -1875,28 +1906,28 @@ #: g10/exec.c:602 g10/exec.c:609 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: no se puede borrar fichero temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se puede borrar fichero temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:614 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to remove temp directory `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: no se puede borrar el fichero temporal `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se puede borrar el fichero temporal `%s': %s\n" #: g10/export.c:61 msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" -msgstr "exportar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" +msgstr "exportar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" #: g10/export.c:63 msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" -msgstr "exportar el atributo ID de usuario (generalmente fotográfico)" +msgstr "exportar el atributo ID de usuario (generalmente fotográfico)" #: g10/export.c:65 msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" -msgstr "exportar claves de revocación marcadas como \"confidenciales\"" +msgstr "exportar claves de revocación marcadas como \"confidenciales\"" #: g10/export.c:67 msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" -msgstr "borrar frase contraseña de las subclaves exportadas" +msgstr "borrar contraseña de las subclaves exportadas" #: g10/export.c:69 msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" @@ -1908,7 +1939,7 @@ #: g10/export.c:73 msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" -msgstr "exportar claves en formato basado en una expresión S" +msgstr "exportar claves en formato basado en una expresión S" #: g10/export.c:338 msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" @@ -1941,231 +1972,232 @@ #: g10/export.c:584 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" -msgstr "AVISO: la clave secreta %s no tiene suma de comprobación simple SK\n" +msgstr "" +"ATENCIÓN: la clave secreta %s no tiene suma de comprobación simple SK\n" #: g10/export.c:633 msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se ha exportado nada\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se ha exportado nada\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "demasiados registros en la cache pk - anulada\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[ID de usuario no encontrado]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta sin clave pública - omitida\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" -msgstr "recuperado automáticamente `%s' vía %s\n" +msgstr "recuperado automáticamente `%s' vía %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" -msgstr "error recuperando `%s' vía %s: %s\n" +msgstr "error recuperando `%s' vía %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "No hay huella dactilar" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -msgstr "Clave %s inválida hecha válida mediante --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" +msgstr "Clave %s inválida hecha válida mediante --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -msgstr "no hay subclave secreta para la subclave pública %s - ignorada\n" +msgstr "no hay subclave secreta para la subclave pública %s - ignorada\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "usando subclave %s en vez de clave primaria %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta sin clave pública - omitida\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "crea una firma" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "crea una firma en texto claro" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "crea una firma separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "cifra datos" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" -msgstr "cifra sólo con un cifrado simétrico" +msgstr "cifra sólo con un cifrado simétrico" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "descifra datos (predefinido)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verifica una firma" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "lista claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "lista claves y firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "lista y comprueba firmas de las claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "lista claves y huellas dactilares" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "lista claves secretas" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "genera un nuevo par de claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" -msgstr "genera un certificado de revocación" +msgstr "genera un certificado de revocación" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" -msgstr "elimina claves del anillo público" +msgstr "elimina claves del almacén público" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" -msgstr "elimina claves del anillo privado" +msgstr "elimina claves del almacén privado" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "firma la clave" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "firma la clave localmente" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "firma o modifica una clave" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" -msgstr "cambia una frase contraseña" +msgstr "cambia una contraseña" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exporta claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exporta claves a un servidor de claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importa claves desde un servidor de claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "busca claves en un servidor de claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "actualiza todas las claves desde un servidor de claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importa/fusiona claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "escribir estado de la tarjeta" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "cambiar datos en la tarjeta" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "cambiar el PIN de la tarjeta" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "actualiza la base de datos de confianza" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" -msgstr "imprime resúmenes de mensaje" +msgstr "imprime resúmenes de mensaje" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "ejecutar en modo servidor" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "crea una salida ascii con armadura" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|cifra para ID-USUARIO" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|usa este identificador para firmar o descifrar" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -msgstr "|N|nivel de compresión N (0 desactiva)" +msgstr "|N|nivel de compresión N (0 desactiva)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" -msgstr "usa modo de texto canónico" +msgstr "usa modo de texto canónico" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FICHERO|volcar salida en FICHERO" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" -msgstr "no hace ningún cambio" +msgstr "no hacer ningún cambio" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "preguntar antes de sobreescribir" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "usar estilo OpenPGP estricto" -# ordenes -> órdenes -# página man -> página de manual -# Vale. ¿del manual mejor? -# Hmm, no sé, en man-db se usa "de". La verdad es que no lo he pensado. -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +# ordenes -> órdenes +# página man -> página de manual +# Vale. ¿del manual mejor? +# Hmm, no sé, en man-db se usa "de". La verdad es que no lo he pensado. +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" msgstr "" "@\n" -"(Véase en la página del manual la lista completo de órdenes y opciones)\n" +"(Revise la lista completa de órdenes y opciones en las páginas de manual)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2185,26 +2217,21 @@ " --list-keys [nombres] muestra las claves\n" " --fingerprint [nombres] muestra las huellas dactilares\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" -#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" msgstr "" "Sintaxis: gpg [opciones] [ficheros]\n" -"firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra\n" -"la operación por defecto depende de los datos de entrada\n" +"Firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra\n" +"La operación predeterminada depende de los datos de entrada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2212,567 +2239,567 @@ "\n" "Algoritmos disponibles:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " -msgstr "Clave pública: " +msgstr "Clave pública: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cifrado: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Resumen: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " -msgstr "Compresión: " +msgstr "Compresión: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "uso: gpg [opciones] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" -msgstr "órdenes incompatibles\n" +msgstr "órdenes incompatibles\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" -msgstr "no se encontró el signo = en la definición de grupo `%s'\n" +msgstr "no se encontró el signo = en la definición de grupo `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio personal `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio personal `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura de la extensión `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura de la extensión `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio personal `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio personal `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del fichero de configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros de la extensión `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros de la extensión `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" -"configuración `%s'\n" +"ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" +"configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" +"ATENCIÓN: propiedad insegura del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" -msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" -"configuración `%s'\n" +"ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor del fichero de\n" +"configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" +"ATENCIÓN: permisos inseguros del directorio contenedor de la extensión `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" -msgstr "artículo de configuración desconocido `%s'\n" +msgstr "artículo de configuración desconocido `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "mostrar foto IDs al listar claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" -msgstr "mostrar URLS de política al listar firmas" +msgstr "mostrar URLS de política al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "mostrar todas las notaciones al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" -msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al listar firmas" +msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "mostrar notaciones personalizadas al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "mostrar URL del servidor de claves preferido al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "mostrar validez de la ID de usuario al listar claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "mostar IDs de usuario revocados y caducados al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "mostrar subclaves revocadas y expiradas al listar claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" -msgstr "mostrar nombre de los anillos de claves al listar claves" +msgstr "mostrar nombre de los almacenes de claves al listar claves" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "mostrar fechas de caducidad al listar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTA: se ignora el antiguo fichero de opciones predefinidas `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt demasiado antigua (necesito %s, tengo %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" -msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s no es para uso normal!\n" +msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s no es para uso normal!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" -msgstr "`%s' no es una fecha de caducidad válida\n" +msgstr "`%s' no es una fecha de caducidad válida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" -msgstr "`%s' no es un juego de caracteres válido\n" +msgstr "`%s' no es un juego de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "no se puede interpretar la URL del servidor de claves\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" -msgstr "opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" +msgstr "opciones del servidor de claves inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de importación inválidas\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de importación inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" -msgstr "opciones de importación inválidas\n" +msgstr "opciones de importación inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de exportación inválidas\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de exportación inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" -msgstr "opciones de exportación inválidas\n" +msgstr "opciones de exportación inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: lista de opciones inválida\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: lista de opciones inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" -msgstr "lista de opciones inválida\n" +msgstr "lista de opciones inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "mostrar foto IDs al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" -msgstr "mostrar URLs de política al verificar firmas" +msgstr "mostrar URLs de política al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "mostrar todas las notaciones al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" -msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al verificar firmas" +msgstr "mostrar notaciones estándar IETF al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "mostrar notaciones personalizadas al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "mostrar URLs del servidor de claves preferido al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "mostrar validez del ID de usuario al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "mostrar IDs de usuario revocados y caducados al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "mostrar solo ID primario de usuario al verificar firmas" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "validar firmas con datos PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" -msgstr "aumentar confianza en las firmas con datos válidos PKA" +msgstr "aumentar confianza en las firmas con datos válidos PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de verificación inválidas\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: opciones de verificación inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" -msgstr "opciones de verificación inválidas\n" +msgstr "opciones de verificación inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "imposible establecer camino de ejecutables %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" -msgstr "lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" +msgstr "lista de auto-localización de claves inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el programa podría volcar un fichero core!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el programa podría volcar un fichero core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: %s sustituye a %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: %s sustituye a %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" -msgstr "¡%s no permitido con %s!\n" +msgstr "¡%s no permitido con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" -msgstr "¡%s no tiene sentido con %s!\n" +msgstr "¡%s no tiene sentido con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" -msgstr "no se ejecutará en memoria insegura por %s\n" +msgstr "no se ejecutará en memoria insegura por %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "sólo puede hacer firmas separadas o en claro en modo --pgp2\n" +msgstr "sólo puede hacer firmas separadas o en claro en modo --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "no puede firmar y cifrar a la vez en modo --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" -msgstr "debe usar ficheros (no tuberías) si trabaja con --pgp2 activo.\n" +msgstr "debe usar ficheros (no tuberías) si trabaja con --pgp2 activo.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "cifrar un mensaje en modo --pgp2 requiere el algoritmo IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "el algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado es inválido\n" +msgstr "el algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado es inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no inválido\n" +msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión seleccionado es inválido\n" +msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión seleccionado es inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "el algoritmo de certificación por resumen elegido es inválido\n" +msgstr "el algoritmo de certificación por resumen elegido es inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed debe ser mayor que 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed debe ser mayor que 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth debe estar en el rango de 1 a 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" -msgstr "default-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" +msgstr "default-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" -msgstr "min-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" +msgstr "min-cert-level inválido; debe ser 0, 1, 2, ó 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTA: el modo S2K simple (0) no es nada recomendable\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K incorrecto; debe ser 0, 1 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" -msgstr "preferencias por defecto inválidas\n" +msgstr "preferencias predeterminadas inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" -msgstr "preferencias personales de cifrado inválidas\n" +msgstr "preferencias personales de cifrado inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" -msgstr "preferencias personales de algoritmo de resumen inválidas\n" +msgstr "preferencias personales de algoritmo de resumen inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" -msgstr "preferencias personales de compresión inválidas\n" +msgstr "preferencias personales de compresión inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" -msgstr "%s aún no funciona con %s\n" +msgstr "%s aún no funciona con %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no puede usar el cifrado `%s' en modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no puede usar el resumen `%s' en modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "no puede usar la compresión `%s' en modo %s\n" +msgstr "no puede usar la compresión `%s' en modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" -msgstr "inicialización de la base de datos de confianza fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "inicialización de la base de datos de confianza fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" -msgstr "AVISO: se indicaron receptores (-r) sin clave pública de cifrado\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: se indicaron receptores (-r) sin clave pública de cifrado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "el cifrado simétrico de `%s' falló: %s\n" +msgstr "el cifrado simétrico de `%s' falló: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "no puede usar --symetric --encrypt con --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no puede usar --symetric --encrypt en modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "no puede usar --symetric --sign --encrypt con --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "no puede usar --symmetric --sign --encrypt en modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [nombre_fichero]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id-usuario" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id-usuario" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" -msgstr "--edit-key id-usuario [órdenes]" +msgstr "--edit-key id-usuario [órdenes]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" -msgstr "envío al servidor de claves fallido: %s\n" +msgstr "envío al servidor de claves fallido: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" -msgstr "recepción del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "recepción del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" -msgstr "exportación de clave fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "exportación de clave fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" -msgstr "búsqueda del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "búsqueda del servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" -msgstr "renovación al servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "renovación al servidor de claves fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -msgstr "eliminación de armadura fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "eliminación de armadura fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -msgstr "creación de armadura fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "creación de armadura fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" -msgstr "algoritmo de distribución inválido `%s'\n" +msgstr "algoritmo de distribución inválido `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nombre_fichero]" # Falta un espacio. -# En español no se deja espacio antes de los puntos suspensivos +# En español no se deja espacio antes de los puntos suspensivos # (Real Academia dixit) :) -# Tomo nota :-). Este comentario déjalo siempre. -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +# Tomo nota :-). Este comentario déjalo siempre. +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Adelante, teclee su mensaje...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "URL de política de certificado inválida\n" +msgstr "URL de política de certificado inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "URL de política inválida\n" +msgstr "URL de política inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "la URL del servidor de claves preferido no es válida\n" +msgstr "la URL del servidor de claves preferido no es válida\n" #: g10/gpgv.c:74 msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" -msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar las claves del anillo FILE" +msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar las claves del almacén FILE" #: g10/gpgv.c:76 msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" -msgstr "hacer que los conflictos de fecha-hora sean sólo un aviso" +msgstr "hacer que los conflictos de fecha-hora sean sólo un aviso" #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" -msgstr "|DF|escribe información de estado en este descriptor de fichero" +msgstr "|DF|escribe información de estado en este descriptor de fichero" #: g10/gpgv.c:117 msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" @@ -2795,484 +2822,487 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "No hay ayuda disponible para `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" -msgstr "importar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" +msgstr "importar firmas marcadas como sólo locales" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" -msgstr "reparar daño del servidor de claves públicas al importar" +msgstr "reparar daño del servidor de claves públicas al importar" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "no actualiza la base de datos de confianza después de importar" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" -msgstr "no actualiza la base de datos de confianza después de importar" +msgstr "no actualiza la base de datos de confianza después de importar" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" -msgstr "crear una clave pública al importar una clave secreta" +msgstr "crear una clave pública al importar una clave secreta" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" -msgstr "sólo aceptar actualizaciones de claves ya existentes" +msgstr "sólo aceptar actualizaciones de claves ya existentes" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" -msgstr "borrar partes inútiles de la clave después de importar" +msgstr "borrar partes inútiles de la clave después de importar" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "borrar tanto como sea posible de la clave tras importar" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "omitiendo bloque de tipo %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu claves procesadas hasta ahora\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Cantidad total procesada: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " omitidas nuevas claves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sin identificador: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importadas: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " sin cambios: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nuevos identificativos: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nuevas subclaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nuevas firmas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " nuevas revocaciones de claves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" -msgstr " claves secretas leídas: %lu\n" +msgstr " claves secretas leídas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " claves secretas importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "claves secretas sin cambios: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " no importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " firmas limpiadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " IDs de usuario limpiados: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: la clave %s contiene preferencias para algoritmos\n" +"ATENCIÓN: la clave %s contiene preferencias para algoritmos\n" "no disponibles en estos IDs de usuario:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de cifrado preferido %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de resumen preferido %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" -msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de compresión preferido %s\n" +msgstr " \"%s\": algoritmo de compresión preferido %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "se recomienda encarecidamente que actualice sus preferencias y\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "re-dustribuya esta clave para evitar potenciales problemas de\n" "diferencias en los algoritmos.\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" "puede actualizar sus preferencias con: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "clave %s: sin identificador de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "omitido \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rechazado por el filtro de importación" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" -msgstr "clave %s: reparada la subclave PKS corrompida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: se ha reparado la corrupción en la subclave PKS\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clave %s: aceptado ID de usuario sin autofirma \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" -msgstr "clave %s: sin identificadores de usuario válidos\n" +msgstr "clave %s: sin identificadores de usuario válidos\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "esto puede ser debido a la ausencia de autofirma\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" -msgstr "clave %s: clave pública no encontrada: %s\n" +msgstr "clave %s: clave pública no encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "clave %s: clave nueva - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" -msgstr "anillo de claves no escribible encontrado: %s\n" +msgstr "almacén de claves no modificable encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "escribiendo en `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "error escribiendo anillo `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "error escribiendo almacén `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" -msgstr "clave %s: clave pública \"%s\" importada\n" +msgstr "clave %s: clave pública \"%s\" importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "clave %s: no coincide con nuestra copia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "clave %s: no puede localizarse el bloque de claves original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "clave %s: no puede leerse el bloque de claves original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" 1 ID de usuario nuevo\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d nuevos identificadores de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" 1 firma nueva\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d firmas nuevas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" 1 subclave nueva\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d subclaves nuevas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d firmas limpiadas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d firmas limpiadas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d identificador de usuario limpiado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" %d identificadores de usuario limpiados\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" sin cambios\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "clave secreta \"%s\" no encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "no se permite importar claves secretas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta con cifrado inválido %d - omitida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta con cifrado inválido %d - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" -msgstr "no hay anillo secreto de claves por defecto: %s\n" +msgstr "no hay almacén secreto de claves predeterminado: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" -msgstr "clave %s: ya estaba en el anillo secreto\n" +msgstr "clave %s: ya estaba en el almacén secreto\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "clave %s: clave secreta no encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" -"clave %s: falta la clave pública - imposible emplear el\n" -"certificado de revocación\n" +"clave %s: falta la clave pública - imposible emplear el\n" +"certificado de revocación\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" -msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación inválido: %s - rechazado\n" +msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación inválido: %s - rechazado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" -msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación importado\n" +msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación importado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "clave %s: no hay identificador de usuario para la firma\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible para ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible para ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "clave %s: autofirma inválida para el id \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "clave %s: autofirma inválida para el id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" -msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible\n" +msgstr "clave %s: algoritmo de clave pública no disponible\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" -msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave inválida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave que unir a la clave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" -msgstr "clave %s: unión de subclave inválida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: unión de subclave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" -msgstr "clave %s: borrado enlace de subclaves múltiples\n" +msgstr "clave %s: borrado enlace de subclaves múltiples\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" -msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la revocación de clave\n" +msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la revocación de clave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" -msgstr "clave %s: revocación de subclave inválida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: revocación de subclave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" -msgstr "clave %s: borrada revocación de subclave múltiple\n" +msgstr "clave %s: borrada revocación de subclave múltiple\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clave %s: omitido ID de usuario \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "clave %s: subclave omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "clave %s: firma no exportable (clase 0x%02x) - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" -msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación en lugar equivocado - omitido\n" +msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación en lugar equivocado - omitido\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" -msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación no valido: %s - omitido\n" +msgstr "clave %s: certificado de revocación no valido: %s - omitido\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "clave %s: firma de subclave en lugar equivocado - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "clave %s: firma de clase (0x%02x) inesperada - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "clave %s: detectado usuario duplicado - fusionada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: la clave %s puede estar revocada: recuperando clave de revocación %s\n" +"ATENCIÓN: la clave %s puede estar revocada: recuperando clave de revocación " +"%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: la clave %s puede estar revocada: falta clave de revocación %s.\n" +"ATENCIÓN: la clave %s puede estar revocada: falta clave de revocación %s.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" -msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación añadido\n" +msgstr "clave %s: \"%s\" certificado de revocación añadido\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" -msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave añadida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: firma directa de clave añadida\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "NOTA: un S/N de la clave no coincide con la de la tarjeta\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" -msgstr "NOTA: clave primaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" +msgstr "NOTA: clave primaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" -msgstr "NOTA: clave secundaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" +msgstr "NOTA: clave secundaria en línea y almacenada en la tarjeta\n" #: g10/keydb.c:182 #, c-format msgid "error creating keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "error escribiendo anillo `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "error escribiendo almacén `%s': %s\n" #: g10/keydb.c:188 #, c-format msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" -msgstr "anillo `%s' creado\n" +msgstr "almacén `%s' creado\n" #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 #, c-format @@ -3282,123 +3312,123 @@ #: g10/keydb.c:749 #, c-format msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" -msgstr "fallo reconstruyendo caché del anillo de claves: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo reconstruyendo caché del almacén de claves: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" -msgstr "[revocación]" +msgstr "[revocación]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[autofirma]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 firma incorrecta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d firmas incorrectas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 firma no comprobada por falta de clave\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d firmas no comprobadas por falta de clave\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 firma no comprobada por causa de un error\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d firmas no comprobadas por errores\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" -msgstr "Detectado 1 identificador de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" +msgstr "Detectado 1 identificador de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" -msgstr "Detectados %d identificadores de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" +msgstr "Detectados %d identificadores de usuario sin autofirma válida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " "etc.)\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor, decida su nivel de confianza en que este usuario\n" +"Decida su nivel de confianza en que este usuario\n" "verifique correctamente las claves de otros usuarios (mirando\n" "pasaportes, comprobando huellas dactilares en diferentes fuentes...)\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" -msgstr " %d = Confío un poco\n" +msgstr " %d = Confío un poco\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" -msgstr " %d = Confío totalmente\n" +msgstr " %d = Confío totalmente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor, introduzca el nivel de esta firma de confianza.\n" -"Un nivel mayor que 1 permite que la clave que está firmando pueda\n" +"Introduzca el nivel de esta firma de confianza.\n" +"Un nivel mayor que 1 permite que la clave que está firmando pueda\n" "hacer firmas de confianza en su nombre.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "Introduzca un dominio para restringir esta firma, o intro para nada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Seguro que todavía quiere firmarlo? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Seguro que todavía quiere firmarlo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Imposible firmar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" expirado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" no tiene autofirma." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" puede firmarse." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Firmarlo? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Firmarlo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3407,11 +3437,11 @@ "La autofirma en \"%s\"\n" "es una firma de tipo PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Quiere convertirla en una autofirma OpenPGP? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3420,11 +3450,11 @@ "Su firma actual en \"%s\"\n" "ha expirado.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Quiere producir una nueva firma que reemplace a la expirada? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Quiere producir una nueva firma que reemplace a la expirada? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3433,43 +3463,43 @@ "Su firma actual en \"%s\"\n" "es una firma local.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Quiere convertirla en una clave totalmente exportable? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" ya estaba firmada localmente por la clave %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" ya estaba firmada por la clave %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Quiere firmarlo aún así? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Quiere firmarlo aún así? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nada que firmar con la clave %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" -msgstr "¡Esta clave ha caducado!" +msgstr "¡Esta clave ha caducado!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" -msgstr "Esta clave expirará el %s.\n" +msgstr "Esta clave expirará el %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " -msgstr "¿Quiere que su firma caduque al mismo tiempo? (S/n) " +msgstr "¿Quiere que su firma caduque al mismo tiempo? (S/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3477,320 +3507,320 @@ "No puede hacer una firma OpenPGP de una clave PGP 2.x estando en modo --" "pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -msgstr "Esto inutilizaría la clave en PGP 2.x.\n" +msgstr "Esto inutilizaría la clave en PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" msgstr "" -"¿Cómo de cuidadosamente ha verificado que la clave que está a punto de\n" +"¿Cómo de cuidadosamente ha verificado que la clave que está a punto de\n" "firmar pertenece realmente a la persona arriba nombrada? Si no sabe que\n" "contestar, introduzca \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) No contesto.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) No lo he comprobado en absoluto.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" -msgstr " (2) He hecho una comprobación informal.%s\n" +msgstr " (2) He hecho una comprobación informal.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Lo he comprobado meticulosamente.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " -msgstr "¿Su elección? (escriba '?' si desea más información): " +msgstr "¿Su elección? (escriba '?' si desea más información): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" msgstr "" -"¿Está realmente seguro de querer firmar esta clave\n" +"¿Está realmente seguro de querer firmar esta clave\n" "con su clave: \"%s\" (%s)?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" -msgstr "Esto será una autofirma.\n" +msgstr "Esto será una autofirma.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" -msgstr "ATENCION: la firma no se marcará como no exportable.\n" +msgstr "ATENCION: la firma no se marcará como no exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" -msgstr "AVISO: la firma no se marcará como no revocable.\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la firma no se marcará como no revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" -msgstr "La firma se marcará como no exportable.\n" +msgstr "La firma se marcará como no exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" -msgstr "La firma se marcará como no revocable.\n" +msgstr "La firma se marcará como no revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "No he comprobado esta clave en absoluto.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "He comprobado esta clave informalmente.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "He comprobado esta clave meticulosamente.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "firma fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -"La clave tiene sólo un apuntador u objetos de clave en la propia tarjeta\n" -"- no hay frase contraseña que cambiar.\n" +"La clave tiene sólo un apuntador u objetos de clave en la propia tarjeta\n" +"- no hay contraseña que cambiar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" -msgstr "Esta clave no está protegida.\n" +msgstr "Esta clave no está protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" -msgstr "Las partes secretas de la clave primaria no están disponibles.\n" +msgstr "Las partes secretas de la clave primaria no están disponibles.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Las partes secretas de la clave primaria se guardan en la tarjeta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" -msgstr "La clave está protegida.\n" +msgstr "La clave está protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "No puede editarse esta clave: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Introduzca la nueva frase contraseña para esta clave secreta.\n" +"Introduzca la nueva contraseña para esta clave secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "frase contraseña repetida incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" +msgstr "contraseña repetida incorrectamente; inténtelo de nuevo" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"No ha especificado frase contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" +"No ha especificado contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Realmente quiere hacer esto? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Realmente quiere hacer esto? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "moviendo la firma de la clave al lugar correcto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "graba y sale" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "muestra huella dactilar de la clave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "lista clave e identificadores de usuario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "selecciona identificador de usuario N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "selecciona subclave N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "comprueba firmas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" -msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionadas [* ver debajo órdenes relacionadas]" +msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionadas [* ver debajo órdenes relacionadas]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "firma localmente los IDs de usuarios elegidos" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionados con firma de confianza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "firmar IDs seleccionados con firma no revocable" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" -msgstr "añadir un identificador de usuario" +msgstr "añadir un identificador de usuario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" -msgstr "añadir un ID fotográfico" +msgstr "añadir un ID fotográfico" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "borrar identificadores de usuario seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" -msgstr "añadir una subclave" +msgstr "añadir una subclave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" -msgstr "añadir clave a tarjeta" +msgstr "añadir clave a tarjeta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "mover una clave a la tarjeta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "mover una clave de respaldo a la tarjeta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "borrar clave secundaria" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" -msgstr "añadir una clave de revocación" +msgstr "añadir una clave de revocación" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "borrar firmas de los ID seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "cambiar la fecha de caducidad para la clave o subclaves seleccionadas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marcar ID de usuario seleccionado como primario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" -msgstr "cambiar entre lista de claves secretas y públicas" +msgstr "cambiar entre lista de claves secretas y públicas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "mostrar preferencias (experto)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "mostrar preferencias (prolijo)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "establecer preferencias para todos los ID seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "establecer URL del servidor de claves preferido por los IDs elegidos" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" -msgstr "establecer notación para los IDs de usuario seleccionados" +msgstr "establecer notación para los IDs de usuario seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" -msgstr "cambia la frase contraseña" +msgstr "cambia la contraseña" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "cambia valores de confianza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "revocar firmas de los identificadores seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revocar los identificadores seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoca clave o subclaves seleccionadas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "habilita clave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "deshabilita clave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "mostrar fotos de los ID seleccionados" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "compactar IDs inutilizables y borrar firmas inutilizables de la clave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "compactar IDs inutilizables y borrar todas las firmas de la clave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "error leyendo bloque de clave secreta \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Clave secreta disponible.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Se necesita la clave secreta para hacer esto.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" -msgstr "Por favor use la orden \"cambia\" primero.\n" +msgstr "Utilice primero la orden \"cambia\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3799,597 +3829,609 @@ msgstr "" "* La orden `sign' (firmar) puede estar precedida por una 'l' para firmas\n" "locales (lsign), una 't' para firmas fiables (tsign), `nr' para firmas no\n" -"revocables (nrsign) o cualquier combinación de ellas (ltsign, tnrsign, etc)\n" +"revocables (nrsign) o cualquier combinación de ellas (ltsign, tnrsign, etc)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." -msgstr "La clave está revocada." +msgstr "La clave está revocada." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Firmar realmente todos los IDs de usuario? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Firmar realmente todos los IDs de usuario? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Sugerencia: seleccione los identificadores de usuario que firmar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Clase de firma desconocida `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Esta orden no se permite en modo %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Debe seleccionar por lo menos un identificador de usuario.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" -msgstr "¡No puede borrar el último identificador de usuario!\n" +msgstr "¡No puede borrar el último identificador de usuario!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Borrar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Borrar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Borrar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Borrar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Realmente cambiar de sitio la clave primaria? (s/N)" +msgstr "¿Realmente cambiar de sitio la clave primaria? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Debe seleccionar exactamente una clave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "La orden espera un nombre de fichero como argumento\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "No se puede abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Error leyendo clave de respaldo desde `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Debe seleccionar por lo menos una clave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar las claves seleccionadas? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar las claves seleccionadas? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar esta clave? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere borrar esta clave? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Revocar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Revocar realmente todos los identificadores seleccionados? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Revocar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Revocar realmente este identificador de usuario? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar la clave completa? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar la clave completa? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar las subclaves seleccionadas? (s/N)" +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar las subclaves seleccionadas? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar esta subclave? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocar esta subclave? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -"La confianza del propietario no puede establecerse si se está usando\n" +"La confianza del propietario no puede establecerse si se está usando\n" "una base de datos de confianza propocionada por el usuario\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Establecer lista de preferencias a:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -"¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias para los ID seleccionados? (s/N) " +"¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias para los ID seleccionados? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Actualizar realmente las preferencias? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Grabar cambios? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Grabar cambios? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Salir sin grabar? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Salir sin grabar? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" -msgstr "actualización fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "actualización fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" -msgstr "actualización de la clave secreta fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "actualización de la clave secreta fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" -msgstr "Clave sin cambios, no se necesita actualización.\n" +msgstr "Clave sin cambios, no se necesita actualización.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Resumen: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " -msgstr "Características: " +msgstr "Características: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Sevidor de claves no-modificar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Servidor de claves preferido: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notaciones: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "No hay preferencias en un identificador de usuario estilo PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "La siguiente clave fue revocada en %s por %s clave %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Esta clave puede ser revocada por %s clave %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(confidencial)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "creado: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revocada: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" -msgstr "caducó: %s" +msgstr "caducó: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "caduca: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "uso: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "confianza: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "validez: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" -msgstr "Esta clave está deshabilitada" +msgstr "Esta clave está deshabilitada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "num. tarjeta: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor, advierta que la validez de clave mostrada no es necesariamente\n" +"Advierta que la validez de clave mostrada no es necesariamente\n" "correcta a menos de que reinicie el programa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "revocada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "caducada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: ningún ID de usuario está marcado como principal. Esta orden puede\n" -" causar que se tome como principal por defecto otro ID de usuario.\n" +"ATENCIÓN: ningún ID de usuario está marcado como principal. Esta orden " +"puede\n" +" causar que se tome como identificador principal otro identificador de " +"usuario distinto.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "No puede cambiar la fecha de caducidad de una clave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: esta es una clave de tipo PGP2. Añadir un ID fotográfico puede\n" +"ATENCIÓN: esta es una clave de tipo PGP2. Añadir un ID fotográfico puede\n" "hacer que algunas versiones de PGP rechacen esta clave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Está seguro de querer añadirla? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Está seguro de querer añadirla? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" -msgstr "No puede añadir un ID fotográfico a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" +msgstr "No puede añadir un ID fotográfico a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" -msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma correcta? (s/N/q)" +msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma correcta? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" -msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma inválida? (s/N/q)" +msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma inválida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" -msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma desconocida? (s/N/q)" +msgstr "¿Borrar esta firma desconocida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" -msgstr "¿Borrar realmente esta autofirma? (s/N)" +msgstr "¿Borrar realmente esta autofirma? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d firmas borradas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d firmas borradas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" -msgstr "No se borró nada\n" +msgstr "No se borró nada\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" -msgstr "inválida" +msgstr "inválida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" compactado: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\": %d firma borrada\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\": %d firmas borradas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\": ya minimizado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" ya limpiado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: esta es una clave tipo PGP2. Añadir un revocador designado puede\n" +"ATENCIÓN: esta es una clave tipo PGP2. Añadir un revocador designado puede\n" " hacer que algunas versiones de PGP rechacen esta clave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" -msgstr "No puede añadir un revocador designado a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" +msgstr "No puede añadir un revocador designado a una clave tipo PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Introduzca el ID de usuario del revocador designado: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "no se puede elegir una clave tipo PGP 2.x como revocador designado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "no puede elegir una clave como su propio revocador designado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "esta clave ya ha sido designada como revocadora\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -"¡AVISO: no podrá deshacer la elección de clave como revocador designado!\n" +"¡ATENCIÓN: no podrá deshacer la elección de clave como revocador designado!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" -"¿Está seguro de querer elegir esta clave como revocador designado? (s/N) " +"¿Está seguro de querer elegir esta clave como revocador designado? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" -msgstr "Por favor, quite las selecciones de las claves secretas.\n" +msgstr "Quite las selecciones de las claves secretas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" -msgstr "Por favor, seleccione como máximo una clave secundaria.\n" +msgstr "Seleccione como máximo una clave secundaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Cambiando fecha de caducidad de subclave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Cambiando caducidad de clave primaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "No puede cambiar la fecha de caducidad de una clave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" -msgstr "No existe la firma correspondiente en el anillo secreto\n" +msgstr "No existe la firma correspondiente en el almacén secreto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" -msgstr "la subclave de firmado %s ya está certificada en cruz\n" +msgstr "la subclave de firmado %s ya está certificada en cruz\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" -msgstr "la subclave %s no firma y así no necesita ser certificada en cruz\n" +msgstr "la subclave %s no firma y así no necesita ser certificada en cruz\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" -msgstr "Por favor seleccione exactamente un identificador de usuario.\n" +msgstr "Seleccione exactamente un identificador de usuario.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "omitiendo autofirma V3 para el id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Introduzca la URL de su servidor de claves preferido: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere reemplazarlo? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere reemplazarlo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere borrarlo? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere borrarlo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " -msgstr "Introduzca la notación: " +msgstr "Introduzca la notación: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Continuar? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Continuar? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" -msgstr "No hay ningún identificador de usuario con el índice %d\n" +msgstr "No hay ningún identificador de usuario con el índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "No hay ID de usuario con hash %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" -msgstr "No existe una subclave con índice %d\n" +msgstr "No existe una subclave con índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID de usuario: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "firmada con su clave %s el %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (no exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" -msgstr "Esta firma caducó el %s.\n" +msgstr "Esta firma caducó el %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocarla? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere revocarla? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" +msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" -msgstr "No está firmado por usted.\n" +msgstr "No está firmado por usted.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Ha firmado estos IDs de usuario con la clave %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (no revocable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "revocada por la clave %s el %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Va a revocar las siguientes firmas:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Crear los certificados de revocación realmente? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Crear los certificados de revocación realmente? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "no hay clave secreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "ID de usuario \"%s\" ya ha sido revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" -msgstr "AVISO: un ID de usuario tiene fecha %d segundos en el futuro\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: un ID de usuario tiene fecha %d segundos en el futuro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "La clave %s ya ha sido revocada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "La subclave %s ya ha sido revocada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" -msgstr "Mostrando ID fotográfico %s de tamaño %ld para la clave %s (uid %d)\n" +msgstr "Mostrando ID fotográfico %s de tamaño %ld para la clave %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preferencia `%s' duplicada\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de cifrado\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de resumen\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" -msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de compresión\n" +msgstr "demasiadas preferencias de compresión\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" -msgstr "caracter inválido `%s' en cadena de preferencias\n" +msgstr "caracter inválido `%s' en cadena de preferencias\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "escribiendo firma directa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "escribiendo autofirma\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" -msgstr "escribiendo la firma de comprobación de clave\n" +msgstr "escribiendo la firma de comprobación de clave\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" -msgstr "tamaño de clave incorrecto; se usarán %u bits\n" +msgstr "tamaño de clave incorrecto; se usarán %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" -msgstr "tamaño de clave redondeado a %u bits\n" +msgstr "tamaño de clave redondeado a %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: ciertos programas OpenPGP no usan claves DSAcon resúmenes de este " -"tamaño\n" +"ATENCIÓN: ciertos programas OpenPGP no usan claves DSAcon resúmenes de este " +"tamaño\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Firma" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certificar" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Cifrado" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" -msgstr "Autentificación" +msgstr "Autentificación" #. TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the #. translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The @@ -4401,7 +4443,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "FfCcAaSs" @@ -4427,78 +4469,78 @@ #: g10/keygen.c:1630 #, c-format msgid " (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n" -msgstr " (%c) Conmutar la capacidad de autenticación\n" +msgstr " (%c) Conmutar la capacidad de autenticación\n" #: g10/keygen.c:1633 #, c-format msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Acabado\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" -msgstr "Por favor seleccione tipo de clave deseado:\n" +msgstr "Seleccione tipo de clave deseado:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" -msgstr " (%d) RSA y RSA (por defecto)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA y RSA (predeterminada)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA y ElGamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" -msgstr " (%d) DSA (sólo firmar)\n" +msgstr " (%d) DSA (sólo firmar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" -msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo firmar)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo firmar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" -msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (sólo cifrar)\n" +msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (sólo cifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" -msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo cifrar)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA (sólo cifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (permite elegir capacidades)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (permite elegir capacidades)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "las claves %s pueden tener entre %u y %u bits de longitud.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " -msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la subclave? (%u) " +msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la subclave? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " -msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave? (%u) " +msgstr "¿De qué tamaño quiere la clave? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" -msgstr "El tamaño requerido es de %u bits\n" +msgstr "El tamaño requerido es de %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4507,14 +4549,14 @@ " m = key expires in n months\n" " y = key expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor, especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" +"Especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" " 0 = la clave nunca caduca\n" -" = la clave caduca en n días\n" +" = la clave caduca en n días\n" " w = la clave caduca en n semanas\n" " m = la clave caduca en n meses\n" -" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" +" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4523,57 +4565,57 @@ " m = signature expires in n months\n" " y = signature expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor, especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" +"Especifique el período de validez de la clave.\n" " 0 = la clave nunca caduca\n" -" = la clave caduca en n días\n" +" = la clave caduca en n días\n" " w = la clave caduca en n semanas\n" " m = la clave caduca en n meses\n" -" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" +" y = la clave caduca en n años\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " -msgstr "¿Validez de la clave (0)? " +msgstr "¿Validez de la clave (0)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " -msgstr "Clave válida ¿durante? (%s) " +msgstr "Clave válida ¿durante? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" -msgstr "valor inválido\n" +msgstr "valor inválido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "La clave nunca caduca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "La firma nunca caduca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "La clave caduca %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "La firma caduca el %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" msgstr "" -"Su sistema no puede mostrar fechas más allá del 2038.\n" -"Sin embargo funcionará correctamente hasta el 2106.\n" +"Su sistema no puede mostrar fechas más allá del 2038.\n" +"Sin embargo funcionará correctamente hasta el 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/n) " +msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/n) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4587,7 +4629,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4598,49 +4640,49 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Necesita un identificador de usuario para identificar su clave. El programa\n" -"construye el identificador a partir del Nombre Real, Comentario y Dirección\n" -"de Correo Electrónico de esta forma:\n" +"construye el identificador a partir del Nombre Real, Comentario y Dirección\n" +"de Correo Electrónico de esta forma:\n" " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nombre y apellidos: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" -msgstr "Caracter inválido en el nombre\n" +msgstr "Caracter inválido en el nombre\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" -msgstr "El nombre no puede empezar con un número\n" +msgstr "El nombre no puede empezar con un número\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "El nombre debe tener al menos 5 caracteres\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " -msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " +msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" -msgstr "Dirección inválida\n" +msgstr "Dirección inválida\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comentario: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" -msgstr "Caracter inválido en el comentario\n" +msgstr "Caracter inválido en el comentario\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" -msgstr "Está usando el juego de caracteres `%s'.\n" +msgstr "Está usando el juego de caracteres `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4651,15 +4693,15 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor no ponga la dirección de correo-e en el nombre real o en el " +"No ponga la dirección de correo electrónico en el nombre real o en el " "comentario\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" -msgstr "¡Ese ID de usuario ya existe en esta clave!\n" +msgstr "¡Ese ID de usuario ya existe en esta clave!\n" #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in #. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching @@ -4672,56 +4714,56 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcDdVvSs" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " -msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (S)alir? " +msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (S)alir? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " -msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (V)ale/(S)alir? " +msgstr "¿Cambia (N)ombre, (C)omentario, (D)irección o (V)ale/(S)alir? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" -msgstr "Por favor corrija primero el error.\n" +msgstr "Corrija primero el error.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Necesita una frase contraseña para proteger su clave secreta.\n" +"Necesita una contraseña para proteger su clave secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "" -"Introduzca la frase contraseña para proteger la copia de seguridadde la " -"clave externamente a la tarjeta." +"Introduzca la contraseña para proteger la copia de seguridadde la clave " +"externamente a la tarjeta." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"No ha especificado contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" -"Si más tarde quiere añadir una, puede hacerlo usando este programa con\n" -"la opción \"--edit-key\".\n" +"No ha especificado contraseña. Esto es probablemente una *mala* idea.\n" +"Si más tarde quiere añadir una, puede hacerlo usando este programa con\n" +"la opción \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4729,133 +4771,133 @@ "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" msgstr "" "Es necesario generar muchos bytes aleatorios. Es una buena idea realizar\n" -"alguna otra tarea (trabajar en otra ventana/consola, mover el ratón, usar\n" -"la red y los discos) durante la generación de números primos. Esto da al\n" -"generador de números aleatorios mayor oportunidad de recoger suficiente\n" -"entropía.\n" +"alguna otra tarea (trabajar en otra ventana/consola, mover el ratón, usar\n" +"la red y los discos) durante la generación de números primos. Esto da al\n" +"generador de números aleatorios mayor oportunidad de recoger suficiente\n" +"entropía.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" -msgstr "Creación de claves cancelada.\n" +msgstr "Creación de claves cancelada.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" -msgstr "escribiendo clave pública en `%s'\n" +msgstr "escribiendo clave pública en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "escribiendo apuntador de la clave privada en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "escribiendo clave privada en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" -msgstr "anillo público de claves no escribible encontrado: %s\n" +msgstr "almacén público de claves no modificable encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" -msgstr "anillo privado de claves no escribible encontrado: %s\n" +msgstr "almacén privado de claves no modificable encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "error escribiendo anillo público `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "error escribiendo almacén público `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "error escribiendo anillo privado `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "error escribiendo almacén privado `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" -msgstr "claves pública y secreta creadas y firmadas.\n" +msgstr "claves pública y secreta creadas y firmadas.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" msgstr "" "Tenga en cuenta que esta clave no puede ser usada para cifrar. Puede usar\n" -"la orden \"--edit-key\" para crear una subclave con este propósito.\n" +"la orden \"--edit-key\" para crear una subclave con este propósito.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Creación de la clave fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "Creación de la clave fallida: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" +"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" "problemas con el reloj)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" +"clave pública creada %lu segundos en el futuro (salto en el tiempo o\n" "problemas con el reloj)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" -msgstr "NOTA: crear subclaves para claves V3 no sigue el estándar OpenPGP\n" +msgstr "NOTA: crear subclaves para claves V3 no sigue el estándar OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Crear de verdad? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Crear de verdad? (s/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "almacenado de clave en la tarjeta fallido: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no se puede crear fichero de respaldo `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: copia de seguridad de la clave guardada en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "nunca " #: g10/keylist.c:273 msgid "Critical signature policy: " -msgstr "Política de firmas críticas: " +msgstr "Política de firmas críticas: " #: g10/keylist.c:275 msgid "Signature policy: " -msgstr "Política de firmas: " +msgstr "Política de firmas: " #: g10/keylist.c:314 msgid "Critical preferred keyserver: " -msgstr "Servidor de claves crítico preferido: " +msgstr "Servidor de claves crítico preferido: " #: g10/keylist.c:367 msgid "Critical signature notation: " -msgstr "Notación de firmas críticas: " +msgstr "Notación de firmas críticas: " #: g10/keylist.c:369 msgid "Signature notation: " -msgstr "Notación de firma: " +msgstr "Notación de firma: " #: g10/keylist.c:479 msgid "Keyring" -msgstr "Anillo de claves" +msgstr "Almacén de claves" #: g10/keylist.c:1522 msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" @@ -4881,54 +4923,54 @@ #: g10/keylist.c:1608 msgid " Card serial no. =" -msgstr " Número de serie de la tarjeta =" +msgstr " Número de serie de la tarjeta =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "renombrando `%s' en `%s' fallo: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: existen 2 ficheros con información confidencial.\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: existen 2 ficheros con información confidencial.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s es el que no se ha modificado\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s es el nuevo\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" -msgstr "Por favor arregle este posible fallo de seguridad\n" +msgstr "Arregle este posible fallo de seguridad\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" -msgstr "memorizando anillo `%s'\n" +msgstr "memorizando almacén `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu claves memorizadas hasta ahora (%lu firmas)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu claves memorizadas (%lu firmas)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" -msgstr "%s: anillo creado\n" +msgstr "%s: almacén creado\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:74 msgid "include revoked keys in search results" -msgstr "incluir claves revocadas en resultados de la búsqueda" +msgstr "incluir claves revocadas en resultados de la búsqueda" #: g10/keyserver.c:75 msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" @@ -4946,7 +4988,7 @@ #: g10/keyserver.c:83 msgid "automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures" -msgstr "recuperar automáticamente claves al verificar firmas" +msgstr "recuperar automáticamente claves al verificar firmas" #: g10/keyserver.c:85 msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" @@ -4960,7 +5002,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: las opciones de servidor de claves `%s' no se usan en esta " +"ATENCIÓN: las opciones de servidor de claves `%s' no se usan en esta " "plataforma\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:551 @@ -4969,12 +5011,12 @@ #: g10/keyserver.c:754 msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " -msgstr "Introduzca número(s), O)tro, o F)in >" +msgstr "Introduzca número(s), O)tro, o F)in >" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" -msgstr "protocolo del servidor de claves inválido (us %d!=handler %d)\n" +msgstr "protocolo del servidor de claves inválido (us %d!=handler %d)\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:939 #, c-format @@ -4985,152 +5027,153 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "clave no encontrada en el servidor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "solicitando clave %s de %s servidor %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "solicitando clave %s de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "buscando nombres desde %s servidor %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "buscando nombres de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "enviando clave %s a %s servidor %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "enviando clave %s a %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" de %s servidor %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" -msgstr "¡no se solicita ninguna acción al servidor de claves!\n" +msgstr "¡no se solicita ninguna acción al servidor de claves!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: el manejo de claves procede de una versión diferente de GnuPG (%s)\n" +"ATENCIÓN: el manejo de claves procede de una versión diferente de GnuPG " +"(%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" -msgstr "el servidor de claves no envió VERSION\n" +msgstr "el servidor de claves no envió VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "error de comunicación con el servidor de claves: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" -msgstr "no hay servidores de claves conocidos (use opción --keyserver)\n" +msgstr "no hay servidores de claves conocidos (use opción --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" "no se pueden realizar llamadas a un servidor externo de claves tal y\n" -"como está compilado el programa\n" +"como está compilado el programa\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "no hay un manejador para ese esquema de servidor de claves `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"la acción `%s' no es posible con este esquema de servidor de claves `%s'\n" +"la acción `%s' no es posible con este esquema de servidor de claves `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" -msgstr "%s no permite usar la versión %d del manejador\n" +msgstr "%s no permite usar la versión %d del manejador\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "agotado el tiempo de espera para el servidor de claves\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "error interno del servidor de claves\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "error de comunicación con el servidor de claves: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" -msgstr "\"%s\" no es un identificador de clave válido: omitido\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" no es un identificador de clave válido: omitido\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: no se puede renovar la clave %s a traves de %s: %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: no se puede renovar la clave %s a traves de %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "renovando 1 clave de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "renovando %d claves desde %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: imposible recuperar URI %s: %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: imposible recuperar URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: imposible interpretar URI %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: imposible interpretar URI %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:242 #, c-format msgid "weird size for an encrypted session key (%d)\n" -msgstr "tamaño anormal para una clave de sesión cifrada (%d)\n" +msgstr "tamaño anormal para una clave de sesión cifrada (%d)\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:295 #, c-format msgid "%s encrypted session key\n" -msgstr "%s clave de sesión cifrada\n" +msgstr "%s clave de sesión cifrada\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:305 #, c-format msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" -msgstr "frase contraseña generada con algoritmo de resumen desconocido %d\n" +msgstr "contraseña generada con algoritmo de resumen desconocido %d\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:371 #, c-format msgid "public key is %s\n" -msgstr "la clave pública es %s\n" +msgstr "la clave pública es %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:434 msgid "public key encrypted data: good DEK\n" -msgstr "datos cifrados con la clave pública: DEK correcta\n" +msgstr "datos cifrados con la clave pública: DEK correcta\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:467 #, c-format @@ -5150,272 +5193,294 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:490 #, c-format msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" -msgstr "descifrado de la clave pública fallido: %s\n" +msgstr "descifrado de la clave pública fallido: %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:506 #, c-format msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" -msgstr "cifrado con %lu frases contraseña\n" +msgstr "cifrado con %lu frases contraseña\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:508 msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -msgstr "cifrado con 1 frase contraseña\n" +msgstr "cifrado con 1 contraseña\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "suponiendo %s datos cifrados\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "cifrado IDEA no disponible, confiadamente intentamos usar %s en su lugar\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "descifrado correcto\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la intgridad del mensaje no está protegida\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la intgridad del mensaje no está protegida\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el mensaje cifrado ha sido manipulado!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡el mensaje cifrado ha sido manipulado!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -msgstr "borrada frase de paso en caché con ID: %s\n" +msgstr "borrada frase de paso en caché con ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "descifrado fallido: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" -msgstr "NOTA: el remitente solicitó \"sólo-para-tus-ojos\"\n" +msgstr "NOTA: el remitente solicitó \"sólo-para-tus-ojos\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nombre fichero original='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" -msgstr "AVISO: se observan varios textos en claro\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: se observan varios textos en claro\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" -msgstr "revocación independiente - use \"gpg --import\" para aplicarla\n" +msgstr "revocación independiente - use \"gpg --import\" para aplicarla\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" -msgstr "no se encontró firma\n" +msgstr "no se encontró firma\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" -msgstr "suprimida la verificación de la firma\n" +msgstr "suprimida la verificación de la firma\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "no puedo manejar estos datos ambiguos en la firma\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Firmado el %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " usando %s clave %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Firmado el %s usando clave %s ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Clave disponible en: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Firma INCORRECTA de \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Firma caducada de \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Firma correcta de \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[incierto]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Firma caducada en %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "La firma caduca el %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "firma %s, algoritmo de resumen %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binaria" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "modotexto" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconocido" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡no es una firma separada, no se verificó el fichero «%s»!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Imposible comprobar la firma: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "no es una firma separada\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" -msgstr "AVISO: detectadas múltiples firmas. Sólo la primera se comprueba.\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: detectadas múltiples firmas. Sólo la primera se comprueba.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "firma independiente de clase 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "firma al viejo estilo (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" -msgstr "paquete raíz inválido detectado en proc_tree()\n" +msgstr "paquete raíz inválido detectado en proc_tree()\n" #: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 #, c-format msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" -msgstr "fstat de `%s' falló en %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fstat de `%s' falló en %s: %s\n" #: g10/misc.c:181 #, c-format msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" -msgstr "fstat(%d) falló en %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fstat(%d) falló en %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: usando un algoritmo de clave pública experimental %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: usando un algoritmo de clave pública experimental %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" -msgstr "AVISO: las firmas Elgamal para firmar y cifrar están obsoletas\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: las firmas Elgamal para firmar y cifrar están obsoletas\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: usando algoritmo de cifrado experimental %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: usando algoritmo de cifrado experimental %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "AVISO: usando algoritmo de resumen experimental %s\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: usando algoritmo de resumen experimental %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" -msgstr "AVISO: el algoritmo de resumen %s está obsoleto\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: el algoritmo de resumen %s está obsoleto\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Nota: se rechazarán las firmas que usen el algoritmo %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" -msgstr "el plugin para el cifrado IDEA no está presente\n" +msgstr "el plugin para el cifrado IDEA no está presente\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" -msgstr "por favor vea %s para más información\n" +msgstr "vea %s para más información\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: opción obsoleta \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: opción obsoleta \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" -msgstr "por favor use \"%s%s\" en su lugar\n" +msgstr "use \"%s%s\" en su lugar\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una orden obsoleta - no la use\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una orden obsoleta - no la use\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: opción obsoleta \"%s\" - no tiene efecto\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: opción obsoleta \"%s\" - no tiene efecto\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: \"%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" está obsoleta en este fichero - solo afecta en %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"ATENCIÓN: \"%s%s\" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene efecto excepto en %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Sin comprimir" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "sin_comprimir|ninguno" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" -msgstr "este mensaje podría no ser utilizable por %s\n" +msgstr "este mensaje podría no ser utilizable por %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" -msgstr "opción ambigua `%s'\n" +msgstr "opción ambigua `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" -msgstr "opción desconocida `%s'\n" +msgstr "opción desconocida `%s'\n" #: g10/openfile.c:89 #, c-format @@ -5424,7 +5489,7 @@ #: g10/openfile.c:93 msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Sobreescribir? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Sobreescribir? (s/N) " #: g10/openfile.c:126 #, c-format @@ -5439,47 +5504,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "escribiendo en stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "asumiendo que hay datos firmados en `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" -msgstr "creado un nuevo fichero de configuración `%s'\n" +msgstr "creado un nuevo fichero de configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" -msgstr "AVISO: las opciones en `%s' no están aún activas en esta ejecución\n" +msgstr "" +"ATENCIÓN: las opciones en `%s' no están aún activas en esta ejecución\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" -msgstr "no puedo manejar el algoritmo de clave pública %d\n" +msgstr "no puedo manejar el algoritmo de clave pública %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: clave de sesión cifrada simétricamente potencialmente insegura\n" +"ATENCIÓN: clave de sesión cifrada simétricamente potencialmente insegura\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" -msgstr "el subpaquete de tipo %d tiene el bit crítico activado\n" +msgstr "el subpaquete de tipo %d tiene el bit crítico activado\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problema con el agente: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr "(ID de clave primaria %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5488,35 +5554,35 @@ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" "created %s%s.\n" msgstr "" -"Introduzca frase contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta del " -"certificado OpenPGP:\n" +"Introduzca contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta del certificado " +"OpenPGP:\n" "\"%.*s\"\n" "con %u bits clave %s, ID %s,\n" "creada el %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" -msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña\n" +msgstr "Introduzca contraseña\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "cancelado por el usuario\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -"Necesita una frase contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta\n" +"Necesita una contraseña para desbloquear la clave secreta\n" "del usuario: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "clave %2$s de %1$u bits, ID %3$s, creada el %4$s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (subclave en clave principal ID %s)" @@ -5530,14 +5596,14 @@ "Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"Escoja una imagen para usar en su ID fotográfico. La imagen debe ser un\n" -"fichero JPEG. Recuerde que la imágen se almacena en su clave pública.\n" -"Si usa una foto muy grande, ¡su clave será también muy grande!\n" -"Una imagen cercana a 240x288 tiene un tamaño adecuado.\n" +"Escoja una imagen para usar en su ID fotográfico. La imagen debe ser un\n" +"fichero JPEG. Recuerde que la imágen se almacena en su clave pública.\n" +"Si usa una foto muy grande, ¡su clave será también muy grande!\n" +"Una imagen cercana a 240x288 tiene un tamaño adecuado.\n" #: g10/photoid.c:99 msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " -msgstr "Introduzca nombre del fichero JPEG para ID fotográfico: " +msgstr "Introduzca nombre del fichero JPEG para ID fotográfico: " #: g10/photoid.c:120 #, c-format @@ -5547,11 +5613,11 @@ #: g10/photoid.c:131 #, c-format msgid "This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n" -msgstr "¡Este JPEG es realmente grande (%d bytes)!\n" +msgstr "¡Este JPEG es realmente grande (%d bytes)!\n" #: g10/photoid.c:133 msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere usarlo? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere usarlo? (s/N) " #: g10/photoid.c:149 #, c-format @@ -5560,15 +5626,15 @@ #: g10/photoid.c:168 msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " -msgstr "¿Es correcta la foto? (s/n) " +msgstr "¿Es correcta la foto? (s/n) " #: g10/photoid.c:377 msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" -msgstr "¡no puedo mostrar ID fotográfico!\n" +msgstr "¡no puedo mostrar ID fotográfico!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 msgid "No reason specified" -msgstr "No se dio ninguna razón" +msgstr "No se dio ninguna razón" #: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 msgid "Key is superseded" @@ -5580,19 +5646,19 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 msgid "Key is no longer used" -msgstr "La clave ya no está en uso" +msgstr "La clave ya no está en uso" #: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 msgid "User ID is no longer valid" -msgstr "El identificador de usuario ya no es válido" +msgstr "El identificador de usuario ya no es válido" #: g10/pkclist.c:72 msgid "reason for revocation: " -msgstr "razón para la revocación: " +msgstr "razón para la revocación: " #: g10/pkclist.c:89 msgid "revocation comment: " -msgstr "comentario a la revocación: " +msgstr "comentario a la revocación: " #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and #. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which @@ -5621,13 +5687,13 @@ msgid "" "How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" msgstr "" -"¿Qué seguridad tiene de que esta clave pertenece realmente al usuario\n" +"¿Qué seguridad tiene de que esta clave pertenece realmente al usuario\n" "que se nombra?\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:270 #, c-format msgid " %d = I don't know or won't say\n" -msgstr " %d = No lo sé o prefiero no decirlo\n" +msgstr " %d = No lo sé o prefiero no decirlo\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:272 #, c-format @@ -5637,11 +5703,11 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:278 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust ultimately\n" -msgstr " %d = confío absolutamente\n" +msgstr " %d = confío absolutamente\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:284 msgid " m = back to the main menu\n" -msgstr " m = volver al menú principal\n" +msgstr " m = volver al menú principal\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:287 msgid " s = skip this key\n" @@ -5657,16 +5723,16 @@ "The minimum trust level for this key is: %s\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"El mínimo nivel de confianza para esta clave es: %s\n" +"El mínimo nivel de confianza para esta clave es: %s\n" "\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:298 g10/revoke.c:650 msgid "Your decision? " -msgstr "¿Su decisión? " +msgstr "¿Su decisión? " #: g10/pkclist.c:319 msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿De verdad quiere asignar absoluta confianza a esta clave? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿De verdad quiere asignar absoluta confianza a esta clave? (s/N) " #: g10/pkclist.c:333 msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" @@ -5701,69 +5767,69 @@ "you may answer the next question with yes.\n" msgstr "" "No es seguro que la clave pertenezca a la persona que se nombra en el\n" -"identificador de usuario. Si *realmente* sabe lo que está haciendo,\n" -"puede contestar sí a la siguiente pregunta.\n" +"identificador de usuario. Si *realmente* sabe lo que está haciendo,\n" +"puede contestar sí a la siguiente pregunta.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:479 msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Usar esta clave de todas formas? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Usar esta clave de todas formas? (s/N) " #: g10/pkclist.c:513 msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Usando una clave no fiable!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Usando una clave no fiable!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:520 msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" -msgstr "AVISO: la clave puede estar revocada (falta clave de revocación)\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la clave puede estar revocada (falta clave de revocación)\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:529 msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" msgstr "" -"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por la persona designada\n" +"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por la persona designada\n" "como revocador!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:532 msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:533 msgid " This could mean that the signature is forged.\n" -msgstr " Esto puede significar que la firma está falsificada.\n" +msgstr " Esto puede significar que la firma está falsificada.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:539 msgid "WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave ha sido revocada por su propietario!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:544 msgid "Note: This key has been disabled.\n" -msgstr "Nota: Esta clave está deshabilitada.\n" +msgstr "Nota: Esta clave está deshabilitada.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:564 #, c-format msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" -msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante verificado es `%s'\n" +msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante verificado es `%s'\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:571 #, c-format msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" -msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante `%s' no coincide con la entrada DNS\n" +msgstr "Nota: la dirección del firmante `%s' no coincide con la entrada DNS\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:583 msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" -msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a TOTAL (información PKA válida)\n" +msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a TOTAL (información PKA válida)\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:591 msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" -msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a NUNCA (información PKA inválida)\n" +msgstr "nivel de confianza puesto a NUNCA (información PKA inválida)\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:602 msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" -msgstr "Nota: ¡Esta clave ha caducado!\n" +msgstr "Nota: ¡Esta clave ha caducado!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:613 msgid "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n" msgstr "" -"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada por una firma de confianza!\n" +"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada por una firma de confianza!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:615 msgid "" @@ -5772,17 +5838,17 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:623 msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" -msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:624 msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" -msgstr " La firma es probablemente una FALSIFICACIÓN.\n" +msgstr " La firma es probablemente una FALSIFICACIÓN.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:632 msgid "" "WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" msgstr "" -"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada con firmas de suficiente " +"ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada con firmas de suficiente " "confianza!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:634 @@ -5797,7 +5863,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 #, c-format msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" -msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública ya presente\n" +msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública ya presente\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:901 msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" @@ -5813,7 +5879,7 @@ "Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " msgstr "" "\n" -"Introduzca ID de usuario. Acabe con una línea vacía: " +"Introduzca ID de usuario. Acabe con una línea vacía: " #: g10/pkclist.c:976 msgid "No such user ID.\n" @@ -5821,15 +5887,15 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" -msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada como destinataria por defecto\n" +msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada como destinataria predeterminada\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1006 msgid "Public key is disabled.\n" -msgstr "Clave pública deshabilitada.\n" +msgstr "Clave pública deshabilitada.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1015 msgid "skipped: public key already set\n" -msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya establecida\n" +msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya establecida\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1050 #, c-format @@ -5839,11 +5905,11 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:1112 #, c-format msgid "%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n" -msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública deshabilitada\n" +msgstr "%s: omitida: clave pública deshabilitada\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1175 msgid "no valid addressees\n" -msgstr "no hay direcciones válidas\n" +msgstr "no hay direcciones válidas\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1513 #, c-format @@ -5857,7 +5923,7 @@ #: g10/plaintext.c:95 msgid "data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n" -msgstr "datos no grabados; use la opción \"--output\" para grabarlos\n" +msgstr "datos no grabados; use la opción \"--output\" para grabarlos\n" #: g10/plaintext.c:480 msgid "Detached signature.\n" @@ -5871,16 +5937,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "leyendo stdin...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "no hay datos firmados\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "imposible abrir datos firmados `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "imposible abrir datos firmados fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -5888,15 +5954,15 @@ #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 #, c-format msgid "anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n" -msgstr "destinatario anónimo; probando clave secreta %s ...\n" +msgstr "destinatario anónimo; probando clave secreta %s ...\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" -msgstr "de acuerdo, somos el destinatario anónimo.\n" +msgstr "de acuerdo, somos el destinatario anónimo.\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" -msgstr "la antigua codificación de la DEK no puede usarse\n" +msgstr "la antigua codificación de la DEK no puede usarse\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:246 #, c-format @@ -5911,7 +5977,7 @@ #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" -msgstr "NOTA: clave secreta %s caducó el %s\n" +msgstr "NOTA: clave secreta %s caducó el %s\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" @@ -5921,7 +5987,7 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 #, c-format msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" -msgstr "construcción del paquete fallida: %s\n" +msgstr "construcción del paquete fallida: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:145 #, c-format @@ -5930,15 +5996,15 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:306 msgid "To be revoked by:\n" -msgstr "Será revocado por:\n" +msgstr "Será revocado por:\n" #: g10/revoke.c:310 msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" -msgstr "(Este es una clave de revocación confidencial)\n" +msgstr "(Este es una clave de revocación confidencial)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:314 msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" +msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N)" #: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" @@ -5947,16 +6013,16 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 #, c-format msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" -msgstr "make_keysig_packet falló: %s\n" +msgstr "make_keysig_packet falló: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:405 msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" -msgstr "Certificado de revocación creado.\n" +msgstr "Certificado de revocación creado.\n" #: g10/revoke.c:411 #, c-format msgid "no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "no se encuetran claves de revocación para \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "no se encuetran claves de revocación para \"%s\"\n" #: g10/revoke.c:470 #, c-format @@ -5966,23 +6032,23 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:497 #, c-format msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" -msgstr "no existe la clave pública correspondiente: %s\n" +msgstr "no existe la clave pública correspondiente: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:508 msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" -msgstr "¡la clave pública y la privada no se corresponden!\n" +msgstr "¡la clave pública y la privada no se corresponden!\n" #: g10/revoke.c:515 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta clave? (s/N) " #: g10/revoke.c:532 msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" -msgstr "algoritmo de protección desconocido\n" +msgstr "algoritmo de protección desconocido\n" #: g10/revoke.c:540 msgid "NOTE: This key is not protected!\n" -msgstr "NOTA: ¡Esta clave no está protegida!\n" +msgstr "NOTA: ¡Esta clave no está protegida!\n" #: g10/revoke.c:591 msgid "" @@ -5994,18 +6060,18 @@ "your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n" "your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n" msgstr "" -"Certificado de revocación creado.\n" +"Certificado de revocación creado.\n" "\n" -"Por favor consérvelo en un medio que pueda esconder; si alguien consigue\n" +"Consérvelo en un medio que pueda esconder; si alguien consigue\n" "acceso a este certificado puede usarlo para inutilizar su clave.\n" "Es inteligente imprimir este certificado y guardarlo en otro lugar, por\n" -"si acaso su medio resulta imposible de leer. Pero precaución: ¡el sistema\n" -"de impresión de su máquina podría almacenar los datos y hacerlos accesibles\n" +"si acaso su medio resulta imposible de leer. Pero precaución: ¡el sistema\n" +"de impresión de su máquina podría almacenar los datos y hacerlos accesibles\n" "a otras personas!\n" #: g10/revoke.c:633 msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" -msgstr "Por favor elija una razón para la revocación:\n" +msgstr "Elija una razón para la revocación:\n" #: g10/revoke.c:643 msgid "Cancel" @@ -6014,33 +6080,33 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:645 #, c-format msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" -msgstr "(Probablemente quería seleccionar %d aquí)\n" +msgstr "(Probablemente quería seleccionar %d aquí)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:686 msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" -msgstr "Introduzca una descripción opcional; acábela con una línea vacía:\n" +msgstr "Introduzca una descripción opcional; acábela con una línea vacía:\n" #: g10/revoke.c:714 #, c-format msgid "Reason for revocation: %s\n" -msgstr "Razón para la revocación: %s\n" +msgstr "Razón para la revocación: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:716 msgid "(No description given)\n" -msgstr "(No se dió descripción)\n" +msgstr "(No se dió descripción)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:721 msgid "Is this okay? (y/N) " -msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/N) " +msgstr "¿Es correcto? (s/N) " #: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" -msgstr "las partes de la clave privada no están disponibles\n" +msgstr "las partes de la clave privada no están disponibles\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 #, c-format msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" -msgstr "el algoritmo de protección %d%s no puede ser utilizado\n" +msgstr "el algoritmo de protección %d%s no puede ser utilizado\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 #, c-format @@ -6049,7 +6115,7 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" -msgstr "Frase contraseña incorrecta; inténtelo de nuevo." +msgstr "contraseña incorrecta; inténtelo de nuevo." #: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 #, c-format @@ -6058,29 +6124,28 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" -msgstr "" -"ATENCIÓN: detectada clave débil - por favor cambie la frase contraseña.\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: detectada clave débil - cambie la contraseña.\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" msgstr "" -"generando la suma de comprobación de 16 bits (obsoleta) para \n" +"generando la suma de comprobación de 16 bits (obsoleta) para \n" "proteger la clave secreta.\n" #: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" -msgstr "creada clave débil - reintentando\n" +msgstr "creada clave débil - reintentando\n" #: g10/seskey.c:65 #, c-format msgid "cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; tried %d times!\n" msgstr "" -"¡imposible evitar clave débil para cifrado simétrico después de %d " +"¡imposible evitar clave débil para cifrado simétrico después de %d " "intentos!\n" #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" -msgstr "DSA necesita un resumen cuya longitud sea múltiplo de 8 bits\n" +msgstr "DSA necesita un resumen cuya longitud sea múltiplo de 8 bits\n" #: g10/seskey.c:240 #, c-format @@ -6094,28 +6159,28 @@ #: g10/sig-check.c:80 msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" -msgstr "AVISO: conflicto con el resumen de la firma del mensaje\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: conflicto con el resumen de la firma del mensaje\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:105 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" -msgstr "AVISO: la subclave de firmado %s no tiene certificado cruzado\n" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: la subclave de firmado %s no tiene certificado cruzado\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:117 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: la subclave de cifrado %s tiene un certificado cruzado inválido\n" +"ATENCIÓN: la subclave de cifrado %s tiene un certificado cruzado inválido\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:211 #, c-format msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" -msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" +msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:212 #, c-format msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" -msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" +msgstr "la clave pública %s es %lu segundos más nueva que la firma\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:223 #, c-format @@ -6143,24 +6208,18 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTA: la clave de firmado %s ha sido revocada\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "firma %s, algoritmo de resumen %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" -"asumiendo firma incorrecta de la clave %s por un bit crítico desconocido\n" +"asumiendo firma incorrecta de la clave %s por un bit crítico desconocido\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" -msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la firma de revocación de subclave\n" +msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para la firma de revocación de subclave\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "clave %s: no hay subclave para firma de subclave de enlace\n" @@ -6169,14 +6228,15 @@ #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política . Se usa sin expandir.\n" +"ATENCIÓN: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política . Se usa sin " +"expandir.\n" #: g10/sign.c:115 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política (demasiado larga).\n" +"ATENCIÓN: no puedo expandir el %% de la url de política (demasiado larga).\n" "Se usa sin expandir.\n" #: g10/sign.c:138 @@ -6185,13 +6245,13 @@ "WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " "unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: no puedo expandir el %% de la URL del servidor de claves\n" +"ATENCIÓN: no puedo expandir el %% de la URL del servidor de claves\n" "preferido. Se usa sin expandir.\n" #: g10/sign.c:311 #, c-format msgid "checking created signature failed: %s\n" -msgstr "la comprobación de la firma creada falló: %s\n" +msgstr "la comprobación de la firma creada falló: %s\n" #: g10/sign.c:320 #, c-format @@ -6201,7 +6261,7 @@ #: g10/sign.c:761 msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -"sólo puede hacer firmas separadas con claves tipo PGP 2.x estando enmodo --" +"sólo puede hacer firmas separadas con claves tipo PGP 2.x estando enmodo --" "pgp2\n" #: g10/sign.c:837 @@ -6209,7 +6269,7 @@ msgid "" "WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" msgstr "" -"AVISO: forzar el algoritmo de resumen %s (%d) va en contra de las\n" +"ATENCIÓN: forzar el algoritmo de resumen %s (%d) va en contra de las\n" "preferencias del destinatario\n" #: g10/sign.c:964 @@ -6218,12 +6278,12 @@ #: g10/sign.c:1079 msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "sólo puede firmar en claro con claves PGP 2.x estando en modo --pgp2\n" +msgstr "sólo puede firmar en claro con claves PGP 2.x estando en modo --pgp2\n" #: g10/sign.c:1263 #, c-format msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" -msgstr "se usará un cifrado %s\n" +msgstr "se usará un cifrado %s\n" #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" @@ -6246,7 +6306,7 @@ #: g10/skclist.c:208 msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" msgstr "" -"¡esta es una clave ElGamal generada por PGP que NO es segura para firmar!" +"¡esta es una clave ElGamal generada por PGP que NO es segura para firmar!" #: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 #, c-format @@ -6269,7 +6329,7 @@ #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 msgid "line too long" -msgstr "línea demasiado larga" +msgstr "línea demasiado larga" #: g10/tdbdump.c:169 msgid "colon missing" @@ -6277,7 +6337,7 @@ #: g10/tdbdump.c:175 msgid "invalid fingerprint" -msgstr "huella dactilar no válida" +msgstr "huella dactilar no válida" #: g10/tdbdump.c:180 msgid "ownertrust value missing" @@ -6296,7 +6356,7 @@ #: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" -msgstr "base de datos de confianza: fallo sincronización: %s\n" +msgstr "base de datos de confianza: fallo sincronización: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 #, c-format @@ -6311,7 +6371,7 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:245 msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" -msgstr "transacción en la base de datos de confianza demasiado grande\n" +msgstr "transacción en la base de datos de confianza demasiado grande\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:502 #, c-format @@ -6321,7 +6381,7 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:531 #, c-format msgid "%s: directory does not exist!\n" -msgstr "%s: ¡el directorio no existe!\n" +msgstr "%s: ¡el directorio no existe!\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:541 g10/tdbio.c:564 g10/tdbio.c:605 sm/keydb.c:344 #, c-format @@ -6336,12 +6396,12 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:569 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to create version record: %s" -msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación del registro de versión: %s" +msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación del registro de versión: %s" #: g10/tdbio.c:573 #, c-format msgid "%s: invalid trustdb created\n" -msgstr "%s: se ha creado base de datos de confianza inválida\n" +msgstr "%s: se ha creado base de datos de confianza inválida\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:576 #, c-format @@ -6355,28 +6415,28 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:627 #, c-format msgid "%s: invalid trustdb\n" -msgstr "%s: base de datos de confianza inválida\n" +msgstr "%s: base de datos de confianza inválida\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:659 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación de la tabla hash: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fallo en la creación de la tabla hash: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:667 #, c-format msgid "%s: error updating version record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: error actualizando el registro de versión: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: error actualizando el registro de versión: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:684 g10/tdbio.c:705 g10/tdbio.c:721 g10/tdbio.c:735 #: g10/tdbio.c:765 g10/tdbio.c:1392 g10/tdbio.c:1419 #, c-format msgid "%s: error reading version record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: error leyendo registro de versión: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: error leyendo registro de versión: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:744 #, c-format msgid "%s: error writing version record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: error escribiendo registro de versión: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: error escribiendo registro de versión: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1185 #, c-format @@ -6396,12 +6456,12 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:1234 #, c-format msgid "%s: version record with recnum %lu\n" -msgstr "%s: registro de versión con número de registro %lu\n" +msgstr "%s: registro de versión con número de registro %lu\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1239 #, c-format msgid "%s: invalid file version %d\n" -msgstr "%s: versión del fichero %d inválida\n" +msgstr "%s: versión del fichero %d inválida\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1425 #, c-format @@ -6421,7 +6481,7 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: fallo al añadir un registro: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fallo al añadir un registro: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1516 msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" @@ -6430,17 +6490,17 @@ #: g10/textfilter.c:147 #, c-format msgid "can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "no se pueden manejar líneas de texto de más de %d caracteres\n" +msgstr "no se pueden manejar líneas de texto de más de %d caracteres\n" #: g10/textfilter.c:247 #, c-format msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "línea de longitud superior a %d caracteres\n" +msgstr "línea de longitud superior a %d caracteres\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:222 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid long keyID\n" -msgstr "'%s' no es un identificador largo de clave válido\n" +msgstr "'%s' no es un identificador largo de clave válido\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:253 #, c-format @@ -6450,12 +6510,12 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:291 #, c-format msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" -msgstr "la clave %s aparece más de una vez en la base de datos de confianza\n" +msgstr "la clave %s aparece más de una vez en la base de datos de confianza\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:306 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clave %s: clave fiable sin clave pública - omitida\n" +msgstr "clave %s: clave fiable sin clave pública - omitida\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:316 #, c-format @@ -6465,7 +6525,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:340 #, c-format msgid "trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "registro de confianza %lu, petición tipo %d: fallo lectura: %s\n" +msgstr "registro de confianza %lu, petición tipo %d: fallo lectura: %s\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:346 #, c-format @@ -6475,11 +6535,11 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:419 msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" msgstr "" -"Puede intentar recrear la base de datos de confianza usando las órdenes:\n" +"Puede intentar recrear la base de datos de confianza usando las órdenes:\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:428 msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" -msgstr "Si eso no funciona, por favor consulte el manual\n" +msgstr "Si eso no funciona, consulte el manual\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:463 #, c-format @@ -6553,18 +6613,18 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:593 msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" -msgstr "no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" +msgstr "no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" -msgstr "siguiente comprobación de base de datos de confianza el: %s\n" +msgstr "siguiente comprobación de base de datos de confianza el: %s\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:608 #, c-format msgid "no need for a trustdb check with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "" -"no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" +"no es necesaria una comprobación de la base de datos de confianza\n" "con el modelo de confianza `%s'\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:623 @@ -6574,41 +6634,41 @@ "no es necesario comprobar la base de datos de confianza\n" "con el modelo `%s'\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" -msgstr "clave pública %s no encontrada: %s\n" +msgstr "clave pública %s no encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" -msgstr "por favor haga un --check-trustdb\n" +msgstr "haga un --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "comprobando base de datos de confianza\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d claves procesadas (%d validaciones superadas)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "no se encuentran claves absolutamente fiables\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" -msgstr "clave pública de la clave absolutamente fiable %s no encontrada\n" +msgstr "clave pública de la clave absolutamente fiable %s no encontrada\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" "%d dudosa(s) necesarias, %d completa(s) necesarias,\n" "modelo de confianza %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6616,11 +6676,11 @@ "nivel: %d validez: %3d firmada: %3d confianza: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, " "%du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -"no se puede actualizar el registro de la versión de la base de datos\n" +"no se puede actualizar el registro de la versión de la base de datos\n" "de confianza: fallo de escritura: %s\n" #: g10/verify.c:118 @@ -6630,84 +6690,96 @@ "should be the first file given on the command line.\n" msgstr "" "la firma no se pudo verificar.\n" -"Por favor recuerde que el fichero de firma (.sig o .asc)\n" -"debería ser el primero que se da en la línea de órdenes.\n" +"Recuerde que el fichero de firma (.sig o .asc)\n" +"debería ser el primero que se da en la línea de órdenes.\n" #: g10/verify.c:205 #, c-format msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" -msgstr "la línea %u es demasiado larga o no tiene avance de línea (LF)\n" +msgstr "la línea %u es demasiado larga o no tiene avance de línea (LF)\n" #: g10/verify.c:253 #, c-format msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "no se puede abrir fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" -msgstr "parámetro inesperado" +msgstr "parámetro inesperado" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "error de lectura" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "palabra clave demasiado larga" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" -msgstr "falta el parámetro" +msgstr "falta el parámetro" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" -msgstr "orden inválida" +msgstr "orden inválida" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" -msgstr "definición de alias inválida" +msgstr "definición de alias inválida" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "memoria desbordada" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" -msgstr "opción inválida" +msgstr "opción inválida" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "falta parámetro para la opción \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "falta parámetro para la opción \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "falta parámetro para la opción \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" -msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" no necesita parámetros\n" +msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" no necesita parámetros\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "orden inválida \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "orden inválida \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" -msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" es ambigua\n" +msgstr "la opción \"%.50s\" es ambigua\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "la orden \"%.50s\" es ambigua\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "memoria desbordada\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "opción inválida \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opción inválida \"%.50s\"\n" #: jnlib/logging.c:647 #, c-format @@ -6717,73 +6789,69 @@ #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 #, c-format msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' not available\n" -msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' no está disponible\n" +msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' no está disponible\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 #, c-format msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" -msgstr "iconv_open falló: %s\n" +msgstr "iconv_open falló: %s\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 #, c-format msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' falló: %s\n" +msgstr "la conversión de `%s' en `%s' falló: %s\n" #: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 #, c-format msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no se puede crear el fichero temporal `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "error escribiendo en `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "borrando fichero de bloqueo residual (creado por %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - probablemente muerto - suprimiendo el bloqueo" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "esperando al bloqueo (que mantiene %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " -msgstr "(¿bloqueo mutuo?)" +msgstr "(¿bloqueo mutuo?)" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "bloqueo `%s' no hecho: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "esperando al bloqueo %s...\n" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 msgid "set debugging flags" -msgstr "establece los parámetros de depuración" +msgstr "establece los parámetros de depuración" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 msgid "enable full debugging" -msgstr "habilita depuración completa" +msgstr "habilita depuración completa" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: kbxutil [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" -#| "list, export, import Keybox data\n" msgid "" "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" "List, export, import Keybox data\n" @@ -6791,22 +6859,22 @@ "Sintaxis: kbxutil [opciones] [ficheros]\n" "listar, exportar, importar datos Keybox\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" -msgstr "falta el módulo RSA o no es de %d bits\n" +msgstr "falta el módulo RSA o no es de %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" -msgstr "falta el exponente público RSA o es mayor de %d bits\n" +msgstr "falta el exponente público RSA o es mayor de %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" -msgstr "la función de manejo del PIN devolvió un error: %s\n" +msgstr "la función de manejo del PIN devolvió un error: %s\n" #: scd/app-nks.c:834 msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" @@ -6814,20 +6882,19 @@ #: scd/app-nks.c:1092 msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." -msgstr "|N|Por favor introduzca un nuevo PIN para las claves estándar." +msgstr "|N|Introduzca un nuevo PIN para las claves estándar." #: scd/app-nks.c:1093 msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." -msgstr "||Por favor, introduzca PIN para claves estándar." +msgstr "||Introduzca PIN para claves estándar." #: scd/app-nks.c:1099 msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -msgstr "|NP|Introduzca nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." +msgstr "|NP|Introduzca nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." #: scd/app-nks.c:1101 msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -msgstr "" -"|P|Por favor introduzca PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." +msgstr "|P|Introduzca PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para claves estándar." #: scd/app-nks.c:1109 msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." @@ -6842,88 +6909,89 @@ "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -"|NP|Por favor introduzca un nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave " -"que crea firmas cualificadas." +"|NP|Introduzca un nuevo PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave que crea " +"firmas cualificadas." #: scd/app-nks.c:1121 msgid "" "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -"|NP|Por favor introduzca el PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave que crea " -"firmas cualificadas." +"|NP|Introduzca el PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) para la clave que crea firmas " +"cualificadas." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "error obteniendo nuevo PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "fallo al almacenar la huella digital: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" -msgstr "fallo guardando la fecha de creación: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo guardando la fecha de creación: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" -msgstr "fallo leyendo clave pública: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo leyendo clave pública: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" -msgstr "la respuesta no incluye la clave pública\n" +msgstr "la respuesta no incluye la clave pública\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" -msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el módulo RSA\n" +msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el módulo RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" -msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el exponente público RSA\n" +msgstr "la respuesta no incluye el exponente público RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" -msgstr "usando PIN por defecto %s\n" +msgstr "usando %s como PIN predeterminado\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" -msgstr "fallo al usar el PIN por defecto %s: %s - en adelante deshabilitado\n" +msgstr "" +"fallo al usar %s como PIN predeterminado: %s - en adelante desactivado\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" -msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN%%0A[firmas hechas: %lu]" +msgstr "||Introduzca PIN%%0A[firmas hechas: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" -msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN" +msgstr "||Introduzca PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -msgstr "El PIN para CHV%d es demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" +msgstr "El PIN para CHV%d es demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" -msgstr "la verificación CHV%d falló: %s\n" +msgstr "la verificación CHV%d falló: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "error recuperando el estatus CHV de la tarjeta\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" -msgstr "¡la tarjeta está bloqueada permanentemente!\n" +msgstr "¡la tarjeta está bloqueada permanentemente!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" @@ -6932,140 +7000,134 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Introduzca PIN de Administrador%%0A[intentos restantes: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" -msgstr "|A|Por favor introduzca PIN de Administrador" +msgstr "|A|Introduzca PIN de Administrador" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" -msgstr "el acceso a órdenes de administrador no está configurado\n" +msgstr "el acceso a órdenes de administrador no está configurado\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" -msgstr "||Por favor introduzca Código de Reinicio de la tarjeta" +msgstr "||Introduzca Código de Reinicio de la tarjeta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -msgstr "Código de Reinicio demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" +msgstr "Código de Reinicio demasiado corto; longitud mínima %d\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" -msgstr "|CR|Nuevo Código de Reinicio" +msgstr "|CR|Nuevo Código de Reinicio" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Nuevo PIN Administrador" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Nuevo PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -msgstr "|A|Por favor introduzca PIN de Administrador" +msgstr "|A|Introduzca PIN de Administrador" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -msgstr "||Por favor introduzca PIN" +msgstr "||Introduzca PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" -msgstr "error leyendo datos de la aplicación\n" +msgstr "error leyendo datos de la aplicación\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "error leyendo huella digital DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "la clave ya existe\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" -msgstr "la clave existente será reemplazada\n" +msgstr "la clave existente será reemplazada\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generando nueva clave\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "escribiendo clave nueva\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" -msgstr "falta fecha de creación\n" +msgstr "falta fecha de creación\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "el primo RSA %s falta o no es de %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "fallo al almacenar la clave: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" -msgstr "por favor, espere mientras se genera la clave ...\n" +msgstr "espere mientras se genera la clave ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" -msgstr "la generación de la clave falló\n" +msgstr "la generación de la clave falló\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" -msgstr "generación de clave completada (%d segundos)\n" +msgstr "generación de clave completada (%d segundos)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" -msgstr "estructura de la tarjeta OpenPGP inválida (DO 0x93)\n" +msgstr "estructura de la tarjeta OpenPGP inválida (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "la huella digital en la tarjeta no coincide con la solicitada\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "la tarjeta no permite usar el algoritmo de resumen %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "firmas creadas hasta ahora: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "actualmente se prohibe verificar el PIN del Administrador con esta orden\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" -msgstr "no se puede acceder a %s - ¿tarjeta OpenPGP inválida?\n" +msgstr "no se puede acceder a %s - ¿tarjeta OpenPGP inválida?\n" #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad" msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" -msgstr "||Por favor inntroduzca su PIN en el teclado del lector" +msgstr "||Inntroduzca su PIN en el teclado del lector" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere @@ -7082,7 +7144,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|NIVEL|poner el nivel de depurado a NIVEL" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir log en FICHERO" @@ -7104,21 +7166,19 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:141 msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" -msgstr "|N|desconectar la tarjeta después de N segundos de inactividad" +msgstr "|N|desconectar la tarjeta después de N segundos de inactividad" #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "do not use a reader's keypad" msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" -msgstr "no usa el teclado del lector" +msgstr "no usar el teclado del lector" #: scd/scdaemon.c:149 msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" -msgstr "denegar órdenes de administración de la tarjeta" +msgstr "rechazar el uso de órdenes de administración de la tarjeta" #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "usar longitud variable para la entrada del teclado" #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" @@ -7134,7 +7194,7 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:786 msgid "please use the option `--daemon' to run the program in the background\n" -msgstr "use la opción `--daemon' para ejectuar el programa en segundo plano\n" +msgstr "use la opción `--daemon' para ejectuar el programa en segundo plano\n" #: scd/scdaemon.c:1140 #, c-format @@ -7149,17 +7209,17 @@ #: sm/base64.c:325 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n" -msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02x omitido\n" +msgstr "caracter inválido radix64 %02x omitido\n" #: sm/call-agent.c:137 #, c-format msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" -msgstr "fallo al hacer la petición proxy %s al cliente\n" +msgstr "fallo al hacer la petición proxy %s al cliente\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 #, c-format msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" -msgstr "no hay dirmngr en ejecución - iniciando `%s'\n" +msgstr "no hay dirmngr en ejecución - iniciando `%s'\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" @@ -7168,7 +7228,7 @@ #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:297 #, c-format msgid "dirmngr protocol version %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "la versión del protocolo dirmngr %d no puede usarse\n" +msgstr "la versión del protocolo dirmngr %d no puede usarse\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" @@ -7177,7 +7237,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:196 #, c-format msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" -msgstr "el certificado: %s requiere un modelo de validación" +msgstr "el certificado: %s requiere un modelo de validación" #: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 msgid "chain" @@ -7190,15 +7250,15 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:258 #, c-format msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" -msgstr "la extensión crítica de certificado %s no puede usarse" +msgstr "la extensión crítica de certificado %s no puede usarse" #: sm/certchain.c:297 msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" -msgstr "el certificado del emisor no está marcado como CA" +msgstr "el certificado del emisor no está marcado como CA" #: sm/certchain.c:335 msgid "critical marked policy without configured policies" -msgstr "política marcada como crítica sin políticas configuradas" +msgstr "política marcada como crítica sin políticas configuradas" #: sm/certchain.c:345 #, c-format @@ -7207,15 +7267,15 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" -msgstr "nota: no se permiten políticas no críticas de certificados" +msgstr "nota: no se permiten políticas no críticas de certificados" #: sm/certchain.c:357 sm/certchain.c:386 msgid "certificate policy not allowed" -msgstr "no se permite política de certificado" +msgstr "no se permite política de certificado" #: sm/certchain.c:527 msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" -msgstr "buscando al emisor en una localización externa\n" +msgstr "buscando al emisor en una localización externa\n" #: sm/certchain.c:546 #, c-format @@ -7224,17 +7284,17 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:590 msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" -msgstr "buscando emisor en el caché de Dirmngr\n" +msgstr "buscando emisor en el caché de Dirmngr\n" #: sm/certchain.c:614 #, c-format msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" -msgstr "número de certificados coincidentes: %d\n" +msgstr "número de certificados coincidentes: %d\n" #: sm/certchain.c:616 #, c-format msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" -msgstr "fallo buscando la clave sólo caché de dirmngr: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo buscando la clave sólo caché de dirmngr: %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 #: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 @@ -7252,12 +7312,12 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1003 msgid "please make sure that the \"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n" -msgstr "por favor asegúrese de que \"dirmngr\" está bien instalado\n" +msgstr "asegúrese de que \"dirmngr\" está bien instalado\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1009 #, c-format msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" -msgstr "la comprobación de CRL falló: %s" +msgstr "la comprobación de CRL falló: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 #, c-format @@ -7266,15 +7326,15 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 msgid "certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "el certificado aún no es válido" +msgstr "el certificado aún no es válido" #: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 msgid "root certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "el certificado raíz no es válido aún" +msgstr "el certificado raíz no es válido aún" #: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "el certificado intermedio aún no es válido" +msgstr "el certificado intermedio aún no es válido" #: sm/certchain.c:1068 msgid "certificate has expired" @@ -7282,7 +7342,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1069 msgid "root certificate has expired" -msgstr "el certificado raíz ha caducado" +msgstr "el certificado raíz ha caducado" #: sm/certchain.c:1070 msgid "intermediate certificate has expired" @@ -7320,11 +7380,11 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1169 msgid " (certificate valid from " -msgstr " (certificado válido desde " +msgstr " (certificado válido desde " #: sm/certchain.c:1170 msgid " ( issuer valid from " -msgstr " ( emisor válido desde " +msgstr " ( emisor válido desde " #: sm/certchain.c:1200 #, c-format @@ -7333,19 +7393,20 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1209 msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" -msgstr "certificado raíz marcado ahora como fiable\n" +msgstr "certificado raíz marcado ahora como fiable\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1222 msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" -msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fiable no está activado en gpg-agent\n" +msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fiable no está activado en gpg-agent\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1228 msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" -msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fíable desactivado en esta sesión\n" +msgstr "marcar interactivamente como fíable desactivado en esta sesión\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1285 msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" -msgstr "AVISO: fecha de creación de firma desconocida - asumo momento actual" +msgstr "" +"ATENCIÓN: fecha de creación de firma desconocida - asumo momento actual" #: sm/certchain.c:1349 msgid "no issuer found in certificate" @@ -7357,12 +7418,12 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1491 msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" -msgstr "el certificado raíz no está marcado como fiable" +msgstr "el certificado raíz no está marcado como fiable" #: sm/certchain.c:1504 #, c-format msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" -msgstr "la comprobación de la lista de confianza falló: %s\n" +msgstr "la comprobación de la lista de confianza falló: %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 msgid "certificate chain too long\n" @@ -7383,7 +7444,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1660 #, c-format msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" -msgstr "cadena de certificados más larga de lo que permite la CA (%d)" +msgstr "cadena de certificados más larga de lo que permite la CA (%d)" #: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 msgid "certificate is good\n" @@ -7395,7 +7456,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1702 msgid "root certificate is good\n" -msgstr "certificado raíz correcto\n" +msgstr "certificado raíz correcto\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1873 msgid "switching to chain model" @@ -7404,7 +7465,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1882 #, c-format msgid "validation model used: %s" -msgstr "modelo de validación usado: %s" +msgstr "modelo de validación usado: %s" #: sm/certcheck.c:97 #, c-format @@ -7426,7 +7487,7 @@ #: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" -msgstr "[Error - codificación inválida]" +msgstr "[Error - codificación inválida]" #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 msgid "[Error - out of core]" @@ -7438,7 +7499,7 @@ #: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" -msgstr "[Error - DN inválido]" +msgstr "[Error - DN inválido]" #: sm/certdump.c:948 #, c-format @@ -7449,8 +7510,8 @@ "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "created %s, expires %s.\n" msgstr "" -"Por favor introduzca la frase de paso para desbloquear la clave secretadel " -"certificado X.509\n" +"Introduzca la frase de paso para desbloquear la clave secretadel certificado " +"X.509\n" "\"%s\"\n" "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "created %s, expires %s.\n" @@ -7462,31 +7523,23 @@ #: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 #, c-format msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" -msgstr "error obteniendo información sobre uso de la clave: %s\n" +msgstr "error obteniendo información sobre uso de la clave: %s\n" #: sm/certlist.c:142 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for certification\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" -msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para certificar\n" +msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para certificar\n" #: sm/certlist.c:154 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for OCSP response signing\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" -msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firma en respuesta OCSP\n" +msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firma en respuesta OCSP\n" #: sm/certlist.c:165 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for encryption\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" -msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para cifrar\n" +msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para cifrar\n" #: sm/certlist.c:166 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" -msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firmar\n" +msgstr "el certificado no debería haberse usado para firmar\n" #: sm/certlist.c:167 msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" @@ -7499,55 +7552,55 @@ #: sm/certreqgen.c:474 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid algorithm\n" -msgstr "línea %d: algoritmo inválido\n" +msgstr "línea %d: algoritmo inválido\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:487 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" -msgstr "línea %d: longitud de clave inválida %u (válidas de %d a %d)\n" +msgstr "línea %d: longitud de clave inválida %u (válidas de %d a %d)\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 #, c-format msgid "line %d: no subject name given\n" -msgstr "línea %d: falta nombre de entidad\n" +msgstr "línea %d: falta nombre de entidad\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:514 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -msgstr "línea %d: etiqueta con nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" +msgstr "línea %d: etiqueta con nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:517 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" -msgstr "línea %d: nombre de entidad inválida `%s' posición %d\n" +msgstr "línea %d: nombre de entidad inválida `%s' posición %d\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:534 #, c-format msgid "line %d: not a valid email address\n" -msgstr "línea %d: no es una dirección de email válida\n" +msgstr "línea %d: no es una dirección de email válida\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:546 #, c-format msgid "line %d: error reading key `%s' from card: %s\n" -msgstr "línea %d: error leyendo clave `%s' de la tarjeta: %s\n" +msgstr "línea %d: error leyendo clave `%s' de la tarjeta: %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:558 #, c-format msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "línea %d: error obteniendo clave con keygrip `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "línea %d: error obteniendo clave con keygrip `%s': %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:574 #, c-format msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" -msgstr "línea %d: generación de clave fallida: %s <%s>\n" +msgstr "línea %d: generación de clave fallida: %s <%s>\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:806 msgid "" "To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " "you just created once more.\n" msgstr "" -"Para completar este certificado introduzca por favor la frase contraseñapara " -"la clave que acaba de crear una vez más.\n" +"Para completar este certificado introduzca la contraseñapara la clave que " +"acaba de crear una vez más.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 #, c-format @@ -7570,7 +7623,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" -msgstr "No es un keygrip válido (se esperaban 40 dígitos hex)\n" +msgstr "No es un keygrip válido (se esperaban 40 dígitos hex)\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" @@ -7584,7 +7637,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 #, c-format msgid "Serial number of the card: %s\n" -msgstr "Número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" +msgstr "Número de serie de la tarjeta: %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 msgid "Available keys:\n" @@ -7616,12 +7669,12 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:307 msgid "No subject name given\n" -msgstr "No se dió nombre de entidad\n" +msgstr "No se dió nombre de entidad\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 #, c-format msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -msgstr "Etiqueta de nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" +msgstr "Etiqueta de nombre de entidad inválida `%.*s'\n" #. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the #. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please @@ -7631,7 +7684,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 #, c-format msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" -msgstr "Nombre de entidad inválido `%s'\n" +msgstr "Nombre de entidad inválido `%s'\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" @@ -7639,11 +7692,11 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:334 msgid "Enter email addresses" -msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " +msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:335 msgid " (end with an empty line):\n" -msgstr " (termine con una línea en blanco):\n" +msgstr " (termine con una línea en blanco):\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:339 msgid "Enter DNS names" @@ -7651,7 +7704,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:340 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:345 msgid " (optional; end with an empty line):\n" -msgstr " (opcional; acabe con una línea en blanco):\n" +msgstr " (opcional; acabe con una línea en blanco):\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:344 msgid "Enter URIs" @@ -7659,15 +7712,15 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" -msgstr "Parámetros que se usarán para pedir certificados:\n" +msgstr "Parámetros que se usarán para pedir certificados:\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" -msgstr "Creando una petición de certificado. Puede llevar un rato ...\n" +msgstr "Creando una petición de certificado. Puede llevar un rato ...\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" -msgstr "Acabado. Debería mandar esta petición a su CA.\n" +msgstr "Acabado. Debería mandar esta petición a su CA.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" @@ -7708,7 +7761,7 @@ #: sm/encrypt.c:321 msgid "no valid recipients given\n" -msgstr "no se dieron receptores válidos\n" +msgstr "no se dieron receptores válidos\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:197 msgid "list external keys" @@ -7756,7 +7809,7 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:244 msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" -msgstr "usar el dirmngr del sistema si está disponible" +msgstr "usar el dirmngr del sistema si está disponible" #: sm/gpgsm.c:247 msgid "never consult a CRL" @@ -7768,15 +7821,15 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:262 msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" -msgstr "|N|número de certificados que incluir" +msgstr "|N|número de certificados que incluir" #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" -msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar política de información de FICHERO" +msgstr "|FICHERO|tomar política de información de FICHERO" #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 msgid "do not check certificate policies" -msgstr "no comprobar políticas de certificados" +msgstr "no comprobar políticas de certificados" #: sm/gpgsm.c:272 msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" @@ -7792,21 +7845,21 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" -msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir inform de auditoría a FICHERO" +msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir inform de auditoría a FICHERO" #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 msgid "batch mode: never ask" msgstr "proceso por lotes: nunca preguntar" # assume -> suponer, no asumir -# No estoy seguro. El diccionario Collins en la acepción b) de asumir +# No estoy seguro. El diccionario Collins en la acepción b) de asumir # dice "b) (suponer) to assume, suppose..." -# Además una de las acepciones de asumir es "aceptar algo" y suponer -# viene a ser asumir una idea como propia. Suponer "sí" en casi todas las +# Además una de las acepciones de asumir es "aceptar algo" y suponer +# viene a ser asumir una idea como propia. Suponer "sí" en casi todas las # preguntas no me acaba de gustar. #: sm/gpgsm.c:294 msgid "assume yes on most questions" -msgstr "asume \"sí\" en casi todas las preguntas" +msgstr "asume \"sí\" en casi todas las preguntas" #: sm/gpgsm.c:295 msgid "assume no on most questions" @@ -7814,13 +7867,13 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" -msgstr "|FICHERO|añade este anillo a la lista de anillos" +msgstr "|FICHERO|añade este almacén a la lista de almacenes" #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|usa ID-USUARIO como clave secreta por defecto" +msgstr "|ID-USUARIO|utiliza ID-USUARIO como clave secreta predeterminada" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|ESPEC|usa este servidor para buscar claves" @@ -7837,11 +7890,6 @@ msgstr "Uso: gpgsm [opciones] [ficheros] (-h para ayuda)" #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" -#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" msgid "" "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" @@ -7849,7 +7897,7 @@ msgstr "" "Sintaxis: gpgsm [opciones] [ficheros]\n" "firma, comprueba, cifra o descifra usando protocolo S/MIME\n" -"la operación por defecto depende de los datos de entrada\n" +"la operación predeterminada depende de los datos de entrada\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:617 msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " @@ -7858,12 +7906,12 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:739 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "NOTA: no se podrá cifrar a `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "NOTA: no se podrá cifrar a `%s': %s\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:750 #, c-format msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" -msgstr "modelo de validación desconocido `%s'\n" +msgstr "modelo de validación desconocido `%s'\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:801 #, c-format @@ -7873,34 +7921,34 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:820 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: se dio contraseña sin usuario\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: se dio contraseña sin usuario\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:841 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: omitir esta línea\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: omitir esta línea\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "no se puede interpretar el servidor de claves\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " -msgstr "AVISO: ejecutándose con hora del sistema falsificada" +msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ejecutándose con hora del sistema falsificada" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importando certificados comunes `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "no puedo firmar usando `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" -msgstr "orden inválida (no hay orden implícita)\n" +msgstr "orden inválida (no hay orden implícita)\n" #: sm/import.c:111 #, c-format @@ -7913,12 +7961,12 @@ #: sm/import.c:238 msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" -msgstr "fallaron comprobaciones básicas sobre el certificado - no importado\n" +msgstr "fallaron comprobaciones básicas sobre el certificado - no importado\n" #: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 #, c-format msgid "error getting stored flags: %s\n" -msgstr "error obteniendo parámetros almacenados: %s\n" +msgstr "error obteniendo parámetros almacenados: %s\n" #: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 #, c-format @@ -7967,7 +8015,7 @@ #: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 #, c-format msgid "error storing flags: %s\n" -msgstr "error almacenando parámetros: %s\n" +msgstr "error almacenando parámetros: %s\n" #: sm/keylist.c:642 msgid "Error - " @@ -7975,17 +8023,19 @@ #: sm/misc.c:55 msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" -msgstr "GPG_TTY no tiene valor - usando valor por defecto quizá absurdo\n" +msgstr "" +"«GPG_TTY» no tiene valor - utilizar el valor predeterminado puede ser " +"absurdo\n" #: sm/qualified.c:105 #, c-format msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "formato inválido de huella dactilar en `%s', línea %d\n" +msgstr "formato inválido de huella dactilar en `%s', línea %d\n" #: sm/qualified.c:123 #, c-format msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "código de país inválido en `%s', línea %d\n" +msgstr "código de país inválido en `%s', línea %d\n" #: sm/qualified.c:202 #, c-format @@ -7997,18 +8047,18 @@ "\n" "%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" msgstr "" -"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" +"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" "\"%s\"\n" -"Esto creará una firma válida ante la ley e igual a una firma manuscrita\n" +"Esto creará una firma válida ante la ley e igual a una firma manuscrita\n" "\n" -"%s%sEstá realmente seguro de querer hacer esto?" +"%s%sEstá realmente seguro de querer hacer esto?" #: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 msgid "" "Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " "signatures.\n" msgstr "" -"Observe que este programa no está oficialmente aprobado para crear " +"Observe que este programa no está oficialmente aprobado para crear " "overificar tales firmas.\n" #: sm/qualified.c:278 @@ -8018,9 +8068,9 @@ "\"%s\"\n" "Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" msgstr "" -"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" +"Está a punto de crear una firma usando su certificado:\n" "\"%s\"\n" -"¡Observe que este certificado NO creará una firma cualificada!" +"¡Observe que este certificado NO creará una firma cualificada!" #: sm/sign.c:449 #, c-format @@ -8035,7 +8085,7 @@ #: sm/sign.c:513 #, c-format msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" -msgstr "la comprobación de la firma cualificada falló: %s\n" +msgstr "la comprobación de la firma cualificada falló: %s\n" #: sm/verify.c:449 msgid "Signature made " @@ -8053,7 +8103,7 @@ #: sm/verify.c:473 msgid "" "invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" -msgstr "firma inválida: el resumen del mensaje no coincide con el calculado\n" +msgstr "firma inválida: el resumen del mensaje no coincide con el calculado\n" #: sm/verify.c:594 msgid "Good signature from" @@ -8077,7 +8127,7 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:72 msgid "decode received data lines" -msgstr "decodificar líneas de datos recibidos" +msgstr "decodificar líneas de datos recibidos" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" @@ -8085,15 +8135,15 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" -msgstr "ejecutar el servidor Assuan indicando en línea de órdenes" +msgstr "ejecutar el servidor Assuan indicando en línea de órdenes" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 msgid "do not use extended connect mode" -msgstr "no usar el modo de conexión extendido" +msgstr "no usar el modo de conexión extendido" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" -msgstr "|FICHERO|ejecuta órdenes de FICHERO al empezar" +msgstr "|FICHERO|ejecuta órdenes de FICHERO al empezar" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 msgid "run /subst on startup" @@ -8109,30 +8159,30 @@ "Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" msgstr "" "Sintaxis: gpg-connect-agent [opciones]\n" -"Conectar a un agente que se está ejecutando y mandar órdenes\n" +"Conectar a un agente que se está ejecutando y mandar órdenes\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 #, c-format msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" -msgstr "la opción \"%s\" necesita un programa y parámetros opcionales\n" +msgstr "la opción \"%s\" necesita un programa y parámetros opcionales\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 #, c-format msgid "option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "la opción \"%s\" se ignora por \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "la opción \"%s\" se ignora por \"%s\"\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 #, c-format msgid "receiving line failed: %s\n" -msgstr "fallo recibiendo la línea: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo recibiendo la línea: %s\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 msgid "line too long - skipped\n" -msgstr "línea demasiado larga -omitida\n" +msgstr "línea demasiado larga -omitida\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" -msgstr "línea acortada por culpa del caracter Nul incluído\n" +msgstr "línea acortada por culpa del caracter Nul incluído\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 #, c-format @@ -8142,7 +8192,7 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1761 #, c-format msgid "sending line failed: %s\n" -msgstr "fallo mandando la línea: %s\n" +msgstr "fallo mandando la línea: %s\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 #, c-format @@ -8152,29 +8202,29 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 #, c-format msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" -msgstr "error enviando opciones estándar: %s\n" +msgstr "error enviando opciones estándar: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" -msgstr "Opciones que controlan la salida de diagnósticos" +msgstr "Opciones que controlan la salida de diagnósticos" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" -msgstr "Opciones que controlan la configuración" +msgstr "Opciones que controlan la configuración" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" -msgstr "Opciones útiles para el depurado" +msgstr "Opciones útiles para el depurado" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FICHERO|escribir logs en modo servidor en FICHERO" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Opciones que controlan la seguridad" @@ -8184,116 +8234,116 @@ #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima del caché de PIN en N segundos" +msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima del caché de PIN en N segundos" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima de la clave SSH en N segundos" +msgstr "|N|establecer vida máxima de la clave SSH en N segundos" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -msgstr "Opciones que fuerzan una política de frases contraseña" +msgstr "Opciones que fuerzan una política de frases contraseña" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -msgstr "no permitir evitar la política de frases contraseña" +msgstr "no permitir evitar la política de frases contraseña" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -msgstr "|N|establecer longitud mínima para nuevas frases contraseña en N" +msgstr "|N|establecer longitud mínima para nuevas frases contraseña en N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -msgstr "|N|pedir al menos N caracteres no alfabéticos para nuevas contraseñas" +msgstr "|N|pedir al menos N caracteres no alfabéticos para nuevas contraseñas" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -msgstr "|FICHERO|comprobar nuevas frases contraseña con el patrón en FICHERO" +msgstr "|FICHERO|comprobar nuevas frases contraseña con el patrón en FICHERO" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -msgstr "|N|frase contraseña caduca tras N días" +msgstr "|N|contraseña caduca tras N días" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -msgstr "no permite reusar antiguas frases contraseña" +msgstr "no permite reusar antiguas frases contraseña" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa NOMBRE como clave secreta por defecto" +msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa NOMBRE como clave secreta predeterminada" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -msgstr "|NOMBRE|cifra para el ususario NOMBRE también" +msgstr "|NOMBRE|cifra para el ususario NOMBRE también" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|ESPEC|establecer alias de email" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" -msgstr "Configuración para servidores de claves" +msgstr "Configuración para servidores de claves" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|usar servidor de claves en URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" -msgstr "permitir búsquedas PKA (peticiones DNS)" +msgstr "permitir búsquedas PKA (peticiones DNS)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MECANISMOS|usa MECANISMOS para encontrar claves por emails" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "prohibir todo acceso al dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa la codificación NOMBRE para frases contraseña PKCS#12" +msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa la codificación NOMBRE para frases contraseña PKCS#12" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -msgstr "no comprobar CRLs para certificados raíz" +msgstr "no comprobar CRLs para certificados raíz" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Opciones que controlan el formato de la salida" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" -msgstr "Opciones que controlan la interactividad y obligación" +msgstr "Opciones que controlan la interactividad y obligación" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" -msgstr "Configuración de servidores HTTP" +msgstr "Configuración de servidores HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" -msgstr "usar configuración del proxy HTTP del sistema" +msgstr "usar configuración del proxy HTTP del sistema" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" -msgstr "Configuración de servidores LDAP que se usará" +msgstr "Configuración de servidores LDAP que se usará" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "lista de servidores LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" -msgstr "Configuración de OCSP" +msgstr "Configuración de OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" -msgstr "Verificación externa del componente %s fallida" +msgstr "Verificación externa del componente %s fallida" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" -msgstr "Note que las especificación de grupo se ignoran\n" +msgstr "Note que las especificación de grupo se ignoran\n" #: tools/gpgconf.c:62 msgid "list all components" @@ -8317,19 +8367,19 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:68 msgid "apply global default values" -msgstr "aplicar valores globales por defecto" +msgstr "aplicar valores globales predeterminados" #: tools/gpgconf.c:70 msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" -msgstr "obtener directorios de configuración para gpgconf" +msgstr "obtener directorios de configuración para gpgconf" #: tools/gpgconf.c:72 msgid "list global configuration file" -msgstr "listar fichero de configuración global" +msgstr "listar fichero de configuración global" #: tools/gpgconf.c:74 msgid "check global configuration file" -msgstr "comprobar fichero global de configuración" +msgstr "comprobar fichero global de configuración" #: tools/gpgconf.c:79 msgid "use as output file" @@ -8337,7 +8387,7 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:83 msgid "activate changes at runtime, if possible" -msgstr "activar cambios en tiempo de ejecución, si es posible" +msgstr "activar cambios en tiempo de ejecución, si es posible" #: tools/gpgconf.c:105 msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" @@ -8349,7 +8399,7 @@ "Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" msgstr "" "Sintaxis: gpgconf [opciones]\n" -"Administrar opciones de configuración de las herramientas GnuPG\n" +"Administrar opciones de configuración de las herramientas GnuPG\n" #: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " @@ -8365,12 +8415,12 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:284 msgid "No argument allowed" -msgstr "No se permiten parámetros" +msgstr "No se permiten parámetros" -# Órdenes, please... -# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se -# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? -# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) +# Órdenes, please... +# Sí, este no he podido ser yo :-) Por cierto, ¿por qué la O no se +# puede acentuar? ¿demasiado alta? +# ¿Quién dice que no se puede? :-) #: tools/symcryptrun.c:154 msgid "" "@\n" @@ -8378,7 +8428,7 @@ " " msgstr "" "@\n" -"Órdenes:\n" +"Órdenes:\n" " " #: tools/symcryptrun.c:156 @@ -8403,7 +8453,7 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 msgid "input file name (default stdin)" -msgstr "nombre del fichero de entrada (por defecto stdin)" +msgstr "nombre del fichero de entrada (predeterminado stdin)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" @@ -8417,17 +8467,17 @@ msgstr "" "Sintaxis: symcryptrun --class CLASE --program PROGRAMA --keyfile FICHERO " "[opciones...] ORDEN [fichero entrada]\n" -"Invocar una herramienta simple de cifrado simétrico\n" +"Invocar una herramienta simple de cifrado simétrico\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 #, c-format msgid "%s on %s aborted with status %i\n" -msgstr "%s en %s abortó con estado %i\n" +msgstr "%s en %s abortó con estado %i\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:288 #, c-format msgid "%s on %s failed with status %i\n" -msgstr "%s en %s falló con estado %i\n" +msgstr "%s en %s falló con estado %i\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:314 #, c-format @@ -8456,24 +8506,24 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:488 msgid "no --program option provided\n" -msgstr "falta la opción --program\n" +msgstr "falta la opción --program\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:494 msgid "only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n" -msgstr "sólo pueden usarse --decrypt y --encrypt\n" +msgstr "sólo pueden usarse --decrypt y --encrypt\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:500 msgid "no --keyfile option provided\n" -msgstr "falta la opción --keyfile\n" +msgstr "falta la opción --keyfile\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" -msgstr "no puedo reservar espacio para el vector de parámetros\n" +msgstr "no puedo reservar espacio para el vector de parámetros\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 #, c-format msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" -msgstr "no se pudo crear la tubería: %s\n" +msgstr "no se pudo crear la tubería: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 #, c-format @@ -8550,8 +8600,7 @@ "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" msgstr "" "Sintaxis: gpg-check-pattern [opciones] fichero_de_patrones\n" -"Compara frase contraseña dada en entrada estándar con un fichero de " -"patrones\n" +"Compara contraseña dada en entrada estándar con un fichero de patrones\n" #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" #~ msgstr "puede que quiera ejecutar gpg-agent antes\n" @@ -8567,7 +8616,7 @@ #~ msgid "the trustdb is corrupted; please run \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "La base de datos de confianza está dañada. Por favor, ejecute\n" +#~ "La base de datos de confianza está dañada. Por favor, ejecute\n" #~ "\"gpg --fix-trust-db\".\n" #~ msgid "Please report bugs to .\n" @@ -8577,13 +8626,13 @@ #~ msgstr "Por favor, informe de \"bugs\" a " #~ msgid "DSA keypair will have %u bits.\n" -#~ msgstr "El par de claves DSA tendrá %u bits.\n" +#~ msgstr "El par de claves DSA tendrá %u bits.\n" #~ msgid "this command has not yet been implemented\n" -#~ msgstr "esta orden no está aún implementada\n" +#~ msgstr "esta orden no está aún implementada\n" #~ msgid "Repeat passphrase\n" -#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña\n" +#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña\n" #~ msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" #~ msgstr "" @@ -8599,7 +8648,7 @@ #~ msgstr "Bibliotecas utilizadas:" #~ msgid "|algo [files]|print message digests" -#~ msgstr "|algo [ficheros]|imprime resúmenes de mensaje" +#~ msgstr "|algo [ficheros]|imprime resúmenes de mensaje" #~ msgid "generate PGP 2.x compatible messages" #~ msgstr "generar mensajes compatibles con PGP 2.x" @@ -8623,19 +8672,19 @@ #~ msgstr "siempre usa un MDC para cifrar" #~ msgid "add this secret keyring to the list" -#~ msgstr "añade este anillo secreto a la lista" +#~ msgstr "añade este anillo secreto a la lista" #~ msgid "|NAME|set terminal charset to NAME" #~ msgstr "|NOMBRE|usa el juego de caracteres NOMBRE" #~ msgid "|FILE|load extension module FILE" -#~ msgstr "|FICHERO|carga módulo de extensiones FICHERO" +#~ msgstr "|FICHERO|carga módulo de extensiones FICHERO" #~ msgid "|N|use compress algorithm N" -#~ msgstr "|N|usa el algoritmo de compresión N" +#~ msgstr "|N|usa el algoritmo de compresión N" #~ msgid "remove key from the public keyring" -#~ msgstr "elimina clave del anillo público" +#~ msgstr "elimina clave del anillo público" #~ msgid "" #~ "It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported\n" @@ -8643,11 +8692,11 @@ #~ "nothing\n" #~ "to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Está en su mano asignar un valor aquí. Dicho valor nunca será exportado " +#~ "Está en su mano asignar un valor aquí. Dicho valor nunca será exportado " #~ "a\n" #~ "terceros. Es necesario para implementar la red de confianza, no tiene " #~ "nada\n" -#~ "que ver con la red de certificados (implícitamente creada)." +#~ "que ver con la red de certificados (implícitamente creada)." #~ msgid "" #~ "To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are\n" @@ -8655,15 +8704,15 @@ #~ "access to the secret key. Answer \"yes\" to set this key to\n" #~ "ultimately trusted\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Para construir la Red-de-Confianza, GnuPG necesita saber qué claves\n" +#~ "Para construir la Red-de-Confianza, GnuPG necesita saber qué claves\n" #~ "tienen confianza absoluta - normalmente son las claves para las que " #~ "usted\n" -#~ "puede acceder a la clave secreta. Conteste \"sí\" para hacer que esta\n" +#~ "puede acceder a la clave secreta. Conteste \"sí\" para hacer que esta\n" #~ "clave se considere como de total confianza\n" #~ msgid "If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer \"yes\"." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Si quiere usar esta clave no fiable de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." +#~ "Si quiere usar esta clave no fiable de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message." @@ -8683,10 +8732,10 @@ #~ msgstr "" #~ "Seleccione el algoritmo que usar.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "DSA (alias DSS) es el Algoritmo de Firma Digital y sólo se usa para " +#~ "DSA (alias DSS) es el Algoritmo de Firma Digital y sólo se usa para " #~ "firmas.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "Elgamal es un algoritmo sólo para cifrar.\n" +#~ "Elgamal es un algoritmo sólo para cifrar.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "RSA sirve tanto para firmar como para cifrar.\n" #~ "\n" @@ -8699,14 +8748,14 @@ #~ "Please consult your security expert first." #~ msgstr "" #~ "En general no es una buena idea usar la misma clave para firmar y\n" -#~ "cifrar. Este algoritmo debéria usarse solo en ciertos contextos.\n" +#~ "cifrar. Este algoritmo debéria usarse solo en ciertos contextos.\n" #~ "Por favor consulte primero a un experto en seguridad." #~ msgid "Enter the size of the key" #~ msgstr "Introduzca la longitud de la clave" #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" or \"no\"" -#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" o \"no\"" +#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" o \"no\"" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.\n" @@ -8715,17 +8764,17 @@ #~ "the given value as an interval." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Introduzca el valor requerido conforme se muestra.\n" -#~ "Es posible introducir una fecha ISO (AAAA-MM-DD), pero no se obtendrá " +#~ "Es posible introducir una fecha ISO (AAAA-MM-DD), pero no se obtendrá " #~ "una\n" -#~ "buena respuesta a los errores; el sistema intentará interpretar el valor\n" +#~ "buena respuesta a los errores; el sistema intentará interpretar el valor\n" #~ "introducido como un intervalo." #~ msgid "Enter the name of the key holder" -#~ msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del dueño de la clave" +#~ msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del dueño de la clave" #~ msgid "please enter an optional but highly suggested email address" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico (opcional pero muy\n" +#~ "Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico (opcional pero muy\n" #~ "recomendable)" #~ msgid "Please enter an optional comment" @@ -8740,13 +8789,13 @@ #~ msgstr "" #~ "N para cambiar el nombre.\n" #~ "C para cambiar el comentario.\n" -#~ "E para cambiar la dirección.\n" -#~ "O para continuar con la generación de clave.\n" -#~ "S para interrumpir la generación de clave." +#~ "E para cambiar la dirección.\n" +#~ "O para continuar con la generación de clave.\n" +#~ "S para interrumpir la generación de clave." #~ msgid "" #~ "Answer \"yes\" (or just \"y\") if it is okay to generate the sub key." -#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" (o sólo \"s\") para generar la subclave." +#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" (o sólo \"s\") para generar la subclave." #~ msgid "" #~ "When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key\n" @@ -8791,36 +8840,36 @@ #~ "\n" #~ "If you don't know what the right answer is, answer \"0\"." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Cuando firme un ID de usuario en una clave, debería verificar que la " +#~ "Cuando firme un ID de usuario en una clave, debería verificar que la " #~ "clave\n" -#~ "pertenece a la persona que se nombra en el ID de usuario. Es útil para\n" -#~ "otros saber cómo de cuidadosamente lo ha verificado.\n" +#~ "pertenece a la persona que se nombra en el ID de usuario. Es útil para\n" +#~ "otros saber cómo de cuidadosamente lo ha verificado.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "\"0\" significa que no hace ninguna declaración concreta sobre como ha\n" +#~ "\"0\" significa que no hace ninguna declaración concreta sobre como ha\n" #~ " comprobado la validez de la clave.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "\"1\" significa que cree que la clave pertenece a la persona que declara\n" -#~ " poseerla pero no pudo o no verificó la clave en absoluto. Esto es " -#~ "útil\n" -#~ " para una verificación en persona cuando firmas la clave de un " +#~ " poseerla pero no pudo o no verificó la clave en absoluto. Esto es " +#~ "útil\n" +#~ " para una verificación en persona cuando firmas la clave de un " #~ "usuario\n" -#~ " pseudoanónimo.\n" +#~ " pseudoanónimo.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "\"2\" significa que hizo una comprobación informal de la clave. Por " +#~ "\"2\" significa que hizo una comprobación informal de la clave. Por " #~ "ejemplo\n" -#~ " podría querer decir que comprobó la huella dactilar de la clave y\n" -#~ " comprobó el ID de usuario en la clave con un ID fotográfico.\n" +#~ " podría querer decir que comprobó la huella dactilar de la clave y\n" +#~ " comprobó el ID de usuario en la clave con un ID fotográfico.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "\"3\" significa que hizo una comprobación exhaustiva de la clave. Por\n" +#~ "\"3\" significa que hizo una comprobación exhaustiva de la clave. Por\n" #~ " ejemplo verificando la huella dactilar de la clave con el " #~ "propietario\n" -#~ " de la clave, y que comprobó, mediante un documento difícil de " +#~ " de la clave, y que comprobó, mediante un documento difícil de " #~ "falsificar\n" -#~ " con ID fotográfico (como un pasaporte) que el nombre del poseedor " +#~ " con ID fotográfico (como un pasaporte) que el nombre del poseedor " #~ "de la\n" #~ " clave coincide con el ID de usuario en la clave y finalmente que " -#~ "verificó\n" -#~ " (intercambiando email) que la dirección de email de la clave " +#~ "verificó\n" +#~ " (intercambiando email) que la dirección de email de la clave " #~ "pertenece\n" #~ " al poseedor de la clave.\n" #~ "\n" @@ -8829,30 +8878,30 @@ #~ "\"\n" #~ "para usted cuando firma las claves de otros.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "Si no sabe qué contestar, conteste \"0\"." +#~ "Si no sabe qué contestar, conteste \"0\"." #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs" -#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere firmar TODOS los IDs de usuario" +#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere firmar TODOS los IDs de usuario" #~ msgid "" #~ "Answer \"yes\" if you really want to delete this user ID.\n" #~ "All certificates are then also lost!" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Responda \"sí\" si realmente quiere borrar este ID de usuario.\n" -#~ "¡También se perderán todos los certificados!" +#~ "Responda \"sí\" si realmente quiere borrar este ID de usuario.\n" +#~ "¡También se perderán todos los certificados!" #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to delete the subkey" -#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere borrar esta subclave" +#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" si quiere borrar esta subclave" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want\n" #~ "to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a\n" #~ "trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Esta es una firma válida de esta clave. Normalmente no será deseable\n" +#~ "Esta es una firma válida de esta clave. Normalmente no será deseable\n" #~ "borrar esta firma ya que puede ser importante para establecer una " -#~ "conexión\n" -#~ "de confianza con la clave o con otra clave certificada por ésta." +#~ "conexión\n" +#~ "de confianza con la clave o con otra clave certificada por ésta." #~ msgid "" #~ "This signature can't be checked because you don't have the\n" @@ -8861,14 +8910,14 @@ #~ "a trust connection through another already certified key." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Esta firma no puede ser comprobada porque no tiene Vd. la clave\n" -#~ "correspondiente. Debería posponer su borrado hasta conocer qué clave\n" -#~ "se usó, ya que dicha clave podría establecer una conexión de confianza\n" -#~ "a través de otra clave certificada." +#~ "correspondiente. Debería posponer su borrado hasta conocer qué clave\n" +#~ "se usó, ya que dicha clave podría establecer una conexión de confianza\n" +#~ "a través de otra clave certificada." #~ msgid "" #~ "The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from\n" #~ "your keyring." -#~ msgstr "Esta firma no es válida. Tiene sentido borrarla de su anillo." +#~ msgstr "Esta firma no es válida. Tiene sentido borrarla de su anillo." #~ msgid "" #~ "This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is\n" @@ -8878,31 +8927,31 @@ #~ "a second one is available." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Esta es una firma que une el ID de usuario a la clave. No suele ser una\n" -#~ "buena idea borrar dichas firmas. De hecho, GnuPG podría no ser capaz de\n" -#~ "volver a usar esta clave. Así que bórrela tan sólo si esta autofirma no\n" -#~ "es válida por alguna razón y hay otra disponible." +#~ "buena idea borrar dichas firmas. De hecho, GnuPG podría no ser capaz de\n" +#~ "volver a usar esta clave. Así que bórrela tan sólo si esta autofirma no\n" +#~ "es válida por alguna razón y hay otra disponible." #~ msgid "" #~ "Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)\n" #~ "to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected\n" #~ "self-signatures will be advanced by one second.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Cambiar las preferencias de todos los IDs de usuario (o sólo los \n" +#~ "Cambiar las preferencias de todos los IDs de usuario (o sólo los \n" #~ "seleccionados) a la lista actual de preferencias. El sello de tiempo\n" -#~ "de todas las autofirmas afectadas se avanzará en un segundo.\n" +#~ "de todas las autofirmas afectadas se avanzará en un segundo.\n" #~ msgid "Please enter the passhrase; this is a secret sentence \n" -#~ msgstr "Por favor introduzca la contraseña: una frase secreta \n" +#~ msgstr "Por favor introduzca la contraseña: una frase secreta \n" #~ msgid "" #~ "Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in." -#~ msgstr "Repita la última frase contraseña para asegurarse de lo que tecleó." +#~ msgstr "Repita la última frase contraseña para asegurarse de lo que tecleó." #~ msgid "Give the name of the file to which the signature applies" #~ msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del fichero al que corresponde la firma" #~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to overwrite the file" -#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" para sobreescribir el fichero" +#~ msgstr "Responda \"sí\" para sobreescribir el fichero" # Sugerencia: ENTER -> INTRO. # Aceptada. @@ -8910,9 +8959,9 @@ #~ "Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default\n" #~ "file (which is shown in brackets) will be used." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Introduzca un nuevo nombre de fichero. Si pulsa INTRO se usará el " +#~ "Introduzca un nuevo nombre de fichero. Si pulsa INTRO se usará el " #~ "fichero\n" -#~ "por omisión (mostrado entre corchetes)." +#~ "por omisión (mostrado entre corchetes)." #~ msgid "" #~ "You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the\n" @@ -8928,42 +8977,42 @@ #~ " Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;\n" #~ " this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Debería especificar un motivo para la certificación. Dependiendo del\n" -#~ "contexto puede elegir una opción de esta lista:\n" +#~ "Debería especificar un motivo para la certificación. Dependiendo del\n" +#~ "contexto puede elegir una opción de esta lista:\n" #~ " \"La clave ha sido comprometida\"\n" #~ " Use esto si tiene razones para pensar que personas no autorizadas\n" #~ " tuvieron acceso a su clave secreta.\n" #~ " \"La clave ha sido sustituida\"\n" -#~ " Use esto si ha reemplazado la clave por otra más nueva.\n" -#~ " \"La clave ya no está en uso\"\n" +#~ " Use esto si ha reemplazado la clave por otra más nueva.\n" +#~ " \"La clave ya no está en uso\"\n" #~ " Use esto si ha dejado de usar esta clave.\n" -#~ " \"La identificación de usuario ya no es válida\"\n" -#~ " Use esto para señalar que la identificación de usuario no debería\n" +#~ " \"La identificación de usuario ya no es válida\"\n" +#~ " Use esto para señalar que la identificación de usuario no debería\n" #~ " seguir siendo usada; esto se utiliza normalmente para marcar una\n" -#~ " dirección de correo-e como inválida.\n" +#~ " dirección de correo-e como inválida.\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this\n" #~ "revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.\n" #~ "An empty line ends the text.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Si lo desea puede introducir un texto explicando por qué emite\n" -#~ "este certificado de revocación. Por favor, que el texto sea breve.\n" -#~ "Una línea vacía pone fin al texto.\n" +#~ "Si lo desea puede introducir un texto explicando por qué emite\n" +#~ "este certificado de revocación. Por favor, que el texto sea breve.\n" +#~ "Una línea vacía pone fin al texto.\n" #~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -#~ msgstr "no uede poner datos de notación en claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" +#~ msgstr "no uede poner datos de notación en claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" #~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) key signatures\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "no se puede elegir una clave tipo PGP 2.x como revocador designado\n" #~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" -#~ msgstr "no puede poner URL de política en firmas v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" +#~ msgstr "no puede poner URL de política en firmas v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" #~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 key (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "no puede poner URL de política en firmas de claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" +#~ "no puede poner URL de política en firmas de claves v3 (estilo PGP 2.x)\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "shelll" @@ -8972,18 +9021,18 @@ #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "please see http://www.gnupg.org/download/iconv.html for more information\n" -#~ msgstr "por favor, vea http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html para más información\n" +#~ msgstr "por favor, vea http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html para más información\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "key generation is not available from the commandline\n" -#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" +#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "please use the script \"%s\" to generate a new key\n" #~ msgstr "Por favor seleccione tipo de clave que generar:\n" #~ msgid "cipher extension `%s' not loaded due to unsafe permissions\n" -#~ msgstr "no se carga el cifrado de ampliación `%s' por permisos inseguros\n" +#~ msgstr "no se carga el cifrado de ampliación `%s' por permisos inseguros\n" #~ msgid "DSA requires the use of a 160 bit hash algorithm\n" #~ msgstr "DSA necesita un algoritmo de hash de 160 bits.\n" @@ -8996,13 +9045,13 @@ #~ msgstr "problema con el agente - inhabilitando el uso del agente\n" #~ msgid "can't query passphrase in batch mode\n" -#~ msgstr "imposible pedir frase contraseña en modo de proceso por lotes\n" +#~ msgstr "imposible pedir frase contraseña en modo de proceso por lotes\n" #~ msgid "Enter passphrase: " -#~ msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña: " +#~ msgstr "Introduzca frase contraseña: " #~ msgid "Repeat passphrase: " -#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña: " +#~ msgstr "Repita frase contraseña: " #~ msgid "-k[v][v][v][c] [user-id] [keyring]" #~ msgstr "-k[v][v][v][c] [id-usuario] [anillo]" @@ -9014,29 +9063,29 @@ #~ msgstr "no se puede generar un primo con menos de %d bits\n" #~ msgid "no entropy gathering module detected\n" -#~ msgstr "no se ha detectado módulo acumulador de entropía\n" +#~ msgstr "no se ha detectado módulo acumulador de entropía\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "can't lock `%s': %s\n" #~ msgstr "no se puede bloquear `%s'\n" #~ msgid "can't stat `%s': %s\n" -#~ msgstr "no se puede obtener información de `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "no se puede obtener información de `%s': %s\n" # ignore no es ignorar, es no tener en cuenta, ignorar es not to know. # Sugerencia: descartar. -# Sugerencia a la sugerencia: ¿qué tal omitido? (pasar en silencio una +# Sugerencia a la sugerencia: ¿qué tal omitido? (pasar en silencio una # cosa; excluirla de lo que se habla o escribe) dice el diccionario. -# Bien. También se puede poner "descartado". +# Bien. También se puede poner "descartado". #~ msgid "`%s' is not a regular file - ignored\n" #~ msgstr "`%s` no es un fichero regular - descartado\n" #~ msgid "note: random_seed file is empty\n" -#~ msgstr "nota: el fichero de semillas aleatorias está vacío\n" +#~ msgstr "nota: el fichero de semillas aleatorias está vacío\n" #~ msgid "WARNING: invalid size of random_seed file - not used\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "ATENCIÓN: tamaño incorrecto del fichero de semillas aleatorias - no se " +#~ "ATENCIÓN: tamaño incorrecto del fichero de semillas aleatorias - no se " #~ "usa\n" #~ msgid "can't read `%s': %s\n" @@ -9052,7 +9101,7 @@ #~ msgstr "no se puede cerrar `%s': %s\n" #~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure random number generator!!\n" -#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡usando un generador de números aleatorios inseguro!\n" +#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡usando un generador de números aleatorios inseguro!\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "The random number generator is only a kludge to let\n" @@ -9061,10 +9110,10 @@ #~ "DON'T USE ANY DATA GENERATED BY THIS PROGRAM!!\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "El generador de números aleatorios es sólo un apaño\n" -#~ "para poder compilar. ¡No es en absoluto un generador seguro!\n" +#~ "El generador de números aleatorios es sólo un apaño\n" +#~ "para poder compilar. ¡No es en absoluto un generador seguro!\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "¡NO USE DATOS GENERADOS POR ESTE PROGRAMA!\n" +#~ "¡NO USE DATOS GENERADOS POR ESTE PROGRAMA!\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" @@ -9072,9 +9121,9 @@ #~ "keep you from getting bored, because it will improve the quality\n" #~ "of the entropy.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Por favor espere, se está reuniendo entropía. Haga alguna otra cosa con\n" +#~ "Por favor espere, se está reuniendo entropía. Haga alguna otra cosa con\n" #~ "el ordenador mientras tanto si eso hace que no se aburra, porque eso\n" -#~ "mejorará la calidad de la entropía.\n" +#~ "mejorará la calidad de la entropía.\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" @@ -9082,9 +9131,9 @@ #~ "the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need %d more bytes)\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" -#~ "No hay suficientes bytes aleatorios disponibles. Por favor, haga algún\n" -#~ "otro trabajo para que el sistema pueda recolectar más entropía\n" -#~ "(se necesitan %d bytes más).\n" +#~ "No hay suficientes bytes aleatorios disponibles. Por favor, haga algún\n" +#~ "otro trabajo para que el sistema pueda recolectar más entropía\n" +#~ "(se necesitan %d bytes más).\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "card reader not available\n" @@ -9094,7 +9143,7 @@ #~ msgstr "Inserte la tarjeta y pulse Intro o escriba 'c' para cancelar: " #~ msgid "Hit return when ready or enter 'c' to cancel: " -#~ msgstr "Pulse Intro cuando esté listo" +#~ msgstr "Pulse Intro cuando esté listo" #~ msgid "Enter New Admin PIN: " #~ msgstr "Introduzca nuevo PIN de administrador: " @@ -9107,7 +9156,7 @@ #, fuzzy #~ msgid "NOTE: %s is not available in this version\n" -#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" +#~ msgstr "el agente gpg no esta disponible en esta sesión\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " algorithms on these user IDs:\n" @@ -9120,13 +9169,13 @@ #~ msgstr "Formato desconocido" #~ msgid "unknown pubkey algorithm" -#~ msgstr "Algoritmo de clave pública desconocido" +#~ msgstr "Algoritmo de clave pública desconocido" #~ msgid "unknown digest algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmo desconocido de resumen de mensaje" #~ msgid "bad public key" -#~ msgstr "Clave pública incorrecta" +#~ msgstr "Clave pública incorrecta" #~ msgid "bad secret key" #~ msgstr "Clave secreta incorrecta" @@ -9135,29 +9184,26 @@ #~ msgstr "Firma incorrecta" #~ msgid "checksum error" -#~ msgstr "Error en la suma de comprobación" +#~ msgstr "Error en la suma de comprobación" #~ msgid "unknown cipher algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmo de cifrado desconocido" -# ¿y llavero? +# ¿y llavero? # Hombre... las claves son parecidas a las llaves pero no lo mismo # toda la literatura en castellano usa "anillos de claves" si un -# programa nos habla del llavero ¿no puedo abrir el llavero? nos +# programa nos habla del llavero ¿no puedo abrir el llavero? nos # miraremos en el bolsillo bastante desconcertados. No creo que se # trate de establecer una nomenclatura propia. -# A lo mejor toda esa literatura está producida por gente que no sabía -# cómo se dice llavero en inglés... -# Si los ingleses dicen llavero en su idioma ¿por qué no vamos a poder +# A lo mejor toda esa literatura está producida por gente que no sabía +# cómo se dice llavero en inglés... +# Si los ingleses dicen llavero en su idioma ¿por qué no vamos a poder # nosotros decir lo mismo en el nuestro? #~ msgid "can't open the keyring" #~ msgstr "No se puede abrir el anillo de claves" #~ msgid "invalid packet" -#~ msgstr "paquete inválido" - -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armadura inválida" +#~ msgstr "paquete inválido" #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "no existe el ID de usuario" @@ -9175,7 +9221,7 @@ #~ msgstr "error de escritura" #~ msgid "unknown compress algorithm" -#~ msgstr "algoritmo de compresión desconocido" +#~ msgstr "algoritmo de compresión desconocido" #~ msgid "file open error" #~ msgstr "error al abrir fichero" @@ -9183,11 +9229,8 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "error al crear fichero" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "frase contraseña incorrecta" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" -#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no implementado" +#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no implementado" #~ msgid "unimplemented cipher algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmo de cifrado no implementado" @@ -9199,10 +9242,10 @@ #~ msgstr "error en la base de datos de confianza" #~ msgid "resource limit" -#~ msgstr "límite de recurso" +#~ msgstr "límite de recurso" #~ msgid "invalid keyring" -#~ msgstr "anillo inválido" +#~ msgstr "anillo inválido" #~ msgid "bad certificate" #~ msgstr "certificado incorrecto" @@ -9224,19 +9267,19 @@ # o tal vez "en el sello..." # Creo que es mejor "con el sello de fecha", no es un conflicto -# del sello en si mismo sino en relación con el mensaje. +# del sello en si mismo sino en relación con el mensaje. # Ok. #~ msgid "timestamp conflict" #~ msgstr "conflicto con el sello de fecha" #~ msgid "unusable pubkey algorithm" -#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no utilizable" +#~ msgstr "algoritmo de clave pública no utilizable" #~ msgid "file exists" #~ msgstr "el fichero existe" #~ msgid "weak key" -#~ msgstr "clave débil" +#~ msgstr "clave débil" #~ msgid "bad URI" #~ msgstr "URI incorrecto" @@ -9251,7 +9294,7 @@ #~ msgstr "no procesado" #~ msgid "unusable public key" -#~ msgstr "clave pública inutilizable" +#~ msgstr "clave pública inutilizable" #~ msgid "unusable secret key" #~ msgstr "clave secreta inutilizable" @@ -9273,16 +9316,16 @@ #~ msgstr "ATENCION: " # bicho :-) -# ¿Error simplemente? -# Uf, preferiría bug, si leo "error" voy a pensar en otra cosa distinta... +# ¿Error simplemente? +# Uf, preferiría bug, si leo "error" voy a pensar en otra cosa distinta... #~ msgid "... this is a bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" #~ msgstr "... esto es un bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" #~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure memory!\n" -#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡se está usando memoria insegura!\n" +#~ msgstr "ATENCIÓN: ¡se está usando memoria insegura!\n" #~ msgid "operation is not possible without initialized secure memory\n" -#~ msgstr "operación imposible sin memoria segura inicializada\n" +#~ msgstr "operación imposible sin memoria segura inicializada\n" #~ msgid "(you may have used the wrong program for this task)\n" #~ msgstr "" @@ -9291,8 +9334,8 @@ #~ msgid "" #~ "please see http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html for more information\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "por favor vea http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html para más " -#~ "información\n" +#~ "por favor vea http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html para más " +#~ "información\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "all export-clean-* options from above" @@ -9303,7 +9346,7 @@ #~ msgstr "lee opciones del fichero" #~ msgid "expired: %s)" -#~ msgstr "caducó: %s)" +#~ msgstr "caducó: %s)" #~ msgid "key %s: expired signature from key %s - skipped\n" #~ msgstr "clave %s: firma caducada con la clave %s - omitida\n" @@ -9317,7 +9360,7 @@ #~ msgstr "No hay clave secreta para tal usuario\n" #~ msgid "length of RSA modulus is not %d\n" -#~ msgstr "la longitud del módulo RSA no es %d\n" +#~ msgstr "la longitud del módulo RSA no es %d\n" #~ msgid "length of an RSA prime is not %d\n" #~ msgstr "la longitud del primo RSA no es %d\n" @@ -9335,22 +9378,22 @@ #~ msgstr "no puedo conseguir el FD de escritura para el agente\n" #~ msgid "invalid response from agent\n" -#~ msgstr "respuesta del agente inválida\n" +#~ msgstr "respuesta del agente inválida\n" #~ msgid "digest algorithm `%s' is read-only in this release\n" -#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" +#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "WARNING: digest `%s' is not part of OpenPGP. Use at your own risk!\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "AVISO: el resumen `%s' no es parte de OpenPGP. ¡Úselo bajo su " +#~ "AVISO: el resumen `%s' no es parte de OpenPGP. ¡Úselo bajo su " #~ "responsabilidad!\n" #~ msgid "|[files]|encrypt files" #~ msgstr "|[ficheros]|cifra ficheros" #~ msgid "store only" -#~ msgstr "sólo almacenar" +#~ msgstr "sólo almacenar" #~ msgid "|[files]|decrypt files" #~ msgstr "|[ficheros]|descifra ficheros" @@ -9362,7 +9405,7 @@ #~ msgstr "firma la clave localmente y no revocablemente" #~ msgid "list only the sequence of packets" -#~ msgstr "lista sólo la secuencia de paquetes" +#~ msgstr "lista sólo la secuencia de paquetes" #~ msgid "export the ownertrust values" #~ msgstr "exporta los valores de confianza" @@ -9371,13 +9414,13 @@ #~ msgstr "actualiza la base de datos de confianza" #~ msgid "fix a corrupted trust database" -#~ msgstr "arregla una base de datos de confianza dañada" +#~ msgstr "arregla una base de datos de confianza dañada" #~ msgid "De-Armor a file or stdin" -#~ msgstr "quita la armadura de un fichero o de la entrada estándar" +#~ msgstr "quita la armadura de un fichero o de la entrada estándar" #~ msgid "En-Armor a file or stdin" -#~ msgstr "crea la armadura a un fichero o a la entrada estándar" +#~ msgstr "crea la armadura a un fichero o a la entrada estándar" #~ msgid "do not force v3 signatures" #~ msgstr "no fuerza firmas v3" @@ -9397,10 +9440,10 @@ #~ msgstr "usa el agente gpg" #~ msgid "|[file]|write status info to file" -#~ msgstr "|[fichero]|escribe información de estado en el fichero" +#~ msgstr "|[fichero]|escribe información de estado en el fichero" #~ msgid "|KEYID|ultimately trust this key" -#~ msgstr "|ID-CLAVE|confía plenamente en esta clave" +#~ msgstr "|ID-CLAVE|confía plenamente en esta clave" #~ msgid "emulate the mode described in RFC1991" #~ msgstr "emula el modo descrito en la RFC1991" @@ -9413,26 +9456,26 @@ #~ msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME for passphrases" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "|NOMBRE|usa algoritmo de resumen de mensaje NOMBRE para las contraseñas" +#~ "|NOMBRE|usa algoritmo de resumen de mensaje NOMBRE para las contraseñas" #~ msgid "throw keyid field of encrypted packets" #~ msgstr "elimina campo keyid de los paquetes cifrados" #~ msgid "Show Photo IDs" -#~ msgstr "Muestra IDs fotográficos" +#~ msgstr "Muestra IDs fotográficos" #~ msgid "Don't show Photo IDs" -#~ msgstr "No muestra IDs fotográficos" +#~ msgstr "No muestra IDs fotográficos" #~ msgid "Set command line to view Photo IDs" -#~ msgstr "Ajusta linea de comandos para ver IDs fotográficos" +#~ msgstr "Ajusta linea de comandos para ver IDs fotográficos" #~ msgid "compress algorithm `%s' is read-only in this release\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "el algoritmo de compresión `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" +#~ "el algoritmo de compresión `%s' es de sólo lectura en esta versión\n" #~ msgid "compress algorithm must be in range %d..%d\n" -#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión debe estar en el rango %d-%d\n" +#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de compresión debe estar en el rango %d-%d\n" #~ msgid "--nrsign-key user-id" #~ msgstr "--nrsign-key id-usuario" @@ -9441,16 +9484,16 @@ #~ msgstr "--nrlsign-key id-usuario" #~ msgid "key %08lX: key has been revoked!\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta clave ha sido revocada!\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta clave ha sido revocada!\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX: subkey has been revoked!\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada!\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada!\n" #~ msgid "%08lX: key has expired\n" #~ msgstr "%08lX: clave caducada\n" #~ msgid "%08lX: We do NOT trust this key\n" -#~ msgstr "%08lX: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" +#~ msgstr "%08lX: ¡Esta clave NO es de confianza!\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "%08lX: It is not sure that this key really belongs to the owner\n" @@ -9460,7 +9503,7 @@ #~ "proprietario pero se acepta igualmente\n" #~ msgid "preference %c%lu is not valid\n" -#~ msgstr "la preferencia %c%lu no es válida\n" +#~ msgstr "la preferencia %c%lu no es válida\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "About to generate a new %s keypair.\n" @@ -9469,45 +9512,45 @@ #~ " highest suggested keysize is 2048 bits\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Listo para generar un nuevo par de claves %s.\n" -#~ " el tamaño mínimo es 768 bits\n" -#~ " el tamaño por defecto es 1024 bits\n" -#~ " el tamaño máximo recomendado es 2048 bits\n" +#~ " el tamaño mínimo es 768 bits\n" +#~ " el tamaño por defecto es 1024 bits\n" +#~ " el tamaño máximo recomendado es 2048 bits\n" #~ msgid "DSA only allows keysizes from 512 to 1024\n" -#~ msgstr "DSA sólo permite tamaños desde 512 a 1024\n" +#~ msgstr "DSA sólo permite tamaños desde 512 a 1024\n" #~ msgid "keysize too small; 1024 is smallest value allowed for RSA.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "tamaño de clave insuficiente; 1024 es el mínimo permitido para RSA.\n" +#~ "tamaño de clave insuficiente; 1024 es el mínimo permitido para RSA.\n" #~ msgid "keysize too small; 768 is smallest value allowed.\n" -#~ msgstr "tamaño insuficiente; 768 es el valor mínimo permitido\n" +#~ msgstr "tamaño insuficiente; 768 es el valor mínimo permitido\n" #~ msgid "keysize too large; %d is largest value allowed.\n" -#~ msgstr "tamaño excesivo; %d es el máximo valor permitido.\n" +#~ msgstr "tamaño excesivo; %d es el máximo valor permitido.\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "Keysizes larger than 2048 are not suggested because\n" #~ "computations take REALLY long!\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "No se recomiendan claves de más de 2048 bits porque\n" -#~ "¡el tiempo de cálculo es REALMENTE largo!\n" +#~ "No se recomiendan claves de más de 2048 bits porque\n" +#~ "¡el tiempo de cálculo es REALMENTE largo!\n" #~ msgid "Are you sure that you want this keysize? " -#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " +#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " #~ msgid "" #~ "Okay, but keep in mind that your monitor and keyboard radiation is also " #~ "very vulnerable to attacks!\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "De acuerdo, ¡pero tenga en cuenta que las radiaciones de su monitor y\n" -#~ "teclado también son vulnerables a un ataque!\n" +#~ "De acuerdo, ¡pero tenga en cuenta que las radiaciones de su monitor y\n" +#~ "teclado también son vulnerables a un ataque!\n" #~ msgid "%s: can't open: %s\n" #~ msgstr "%s: no se puede abrir: %s\n" #~ msgid "%s: WARNING: empty file\n" -#~ msgstr "%s: ATENCIÓN: fichero vacío\n" +#~ msgstr "%s: ATENCIÓN: fichero vacío\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX: not a rfc2440 key - skipped\n" #~ msgstr "clave %08lX: no es conforme a rfc2440 - omitida\n" @@ -9522,7 +9565,7 @@ #~ msgstr "(por defecto)" #~ msgid "Really sign? " -#~ msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? " +#~ msgstr "¿Firmar de verdad? " #~ msgid "q" #~ msgstr "s" @@ -9579,10 +9622,10 @@ #~ msgstr "depura" #~ msgid "adduid" -#~ msgstr "añaidu" +#~ msgstr "añaidu" #~ msgid "addphoto" -#~ msgstr "añadirfoto" +#~ msgstr "añadirfoto" #~ msgid "deluid" #~ msgstr "borridu" @@ -9591,13 +9634,13 @@ #~ msgstr "borfoto" #~ msgid "add a secondary key" -#~ msgstr "añade una clave secundaria" +#~ msgstr "añade una clave secundaria" #~ msgid "delkey" #~ msgstr "borrcla" #~ msgid "addrevoker" -#~ msgstr "añarevoc" +#~ msgstr "añarevoc" #~ msgid "delsig" #~ msgstr "borrfir" @@ -9654,10 +9697,10 @@ #~ msgstr "%s%c %4u%c/%08lX creada: %s expira: %s" #~ msgid "rev! subkey has been revoked: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "rev! ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada! %s\n" +#~ msgstr "rev! ¡esta subclave ha sido revocada! %s\n" #~ msgid "rev- faked revocation found\n" -#~ msgstr "rev- se encontró una revocación falsificada\n" +#~ msgstr "rev- se encontró una revocación falsificada\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\"\n" @@ -9673,25 +9716,25 @@ #~ msgstr " firmada por %08lX el %s%s\n" #~ msgid "Policy: " -#~ msgstr "Política: " +#~ msgstr "Política: " #~ msgid "Experimental algorithms should not be used!\n" -#~ msgstr "¡No se deberían usar algoritmos experimentales!\n" +#~ msgstr "¡No se deberían usar algoritmos experimentales!\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "this cipher algorithm is deprecated; please use a more standard one!\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "ese algoritmo de cifrado está desacreditado;¡por favor use uno más " -#~ "estándar!\n" +#~ "ese algoritmo de cifrado está desacreditado;¡por favor use uno más " +#~ "estándar!\n" #~ msgid "can't get key from keyserver: %s\n" #~ msgstr "no puede obtenerse la clave en el servidor: %s\n" #~ msgid "success sending to `%s' (status=%u)\n" -#~ msgstr "envió correcto a `%s` (estado=%u)\n" +#~ msgstr "envió correcto a `%s` (estado=%u)\n" #~ msgid "failed sending to `%s': status=%u\n" -#~ msgstr "falló el envio a `%s': status=%u\n" +#~ msgstr "falló el envio a `%s': status=%u\n" #~ msgid "this keyserver does not support --search-keys\n" #~ msgstr "este servidor de clave no proporciona --search-keys\n" @@ -9747,7 +9790,7 @@ #~ "%d\n" #~ msgid "If you want to use this revoked key anyway, answer \"yes\"." -#~ msgstr "Si quiere usar esta clave revocada de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." +#~ msgstr "Si quiere usar esta clave revocada de todos modos, conteste \"sí\"." #~ msgid "" #~ "Select the algorithm to use.\n" @@ -9772,34 +9815,34 @@ #~ "in\n" #~ "this menu." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Seleccione el algoritmo que usará.\n" +#~ "Seleccione el algoritmo que usará.\n" #~ "\n" -#~ "DSA (también conocido como DSS) es un algoritmo de firma digital que " -#~ "sólo\n" +#~ "DSA (también conocido como DSS) es un algoritmo de firma digital que " +#~ "sólo\n" #~ "puede usarse para firmas. Es el algoritmo sugerido porque la " -#~ "verificación\n" -#~ "de firmas DSA es mucho más rápida que la de firmas ElGamal.\n" +#~ "verificación\n" +#~ "de firmas DSA es mucho más rápida que la de firmas ElGamal.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "ElGamal es un algoritmo que puede ser usado para firma y cifrado. " #~ "OpenPGP\n" -#~ "distingue entre dos tipos de estos algoritmos: sólo para cifrado y para\n" +#~ "distingue entre dos tipos de estos algoritmos: sólo para cifrado y para\n" #~ "firma y cifrado. En realidad es lo mismo, pero se deben seleccionar " #~ "ciertos\n" -#~ "parámetros de una forma particular para crear una clave segura para " +#~ "parámetros de una forma particular para crear una clave segura para " #~ "firmas:\n" -#~ "este programa lo hace así, pero otras implementaciones de OpenPGP no " +#~ "este programa lo hace así, pero otras implementaciones de OpenPGP no " #~ "tienen\n" -#~ "por qué entender el tipo de firma y cifrado.\n" +#~ "por qué entender el tipo de firma y cifrado.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "La clave primaria debe ser una clave capaz de firmar, es por ello que la\n" -#~ "opción de clave ElGamal sólo para cifrado no está disponible en este menú." +#~ "opción de clave ElGamal sólo para cifrado no está disponible en este menú." #~ msgid "" #~ "Although these keys are defined in RFC2440 they are not suggested\n" #~ "because they are not supported by all programs and signatures created\n" #~ "with them are quite large and very slow to verify." #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Aunque estas claves están definidas en RFC2440, no se aconseja su uso,\n" +#~ "Aunque estas claves están definidas en RFC2440, no se aconseja su uso,\n" #~ "ya que no todos los programas pueden utilizarlas y las firmas creadas\n" #~ "con ellas son bastante grandes y lentas de verificar." @@ -9834,44 +9877,44 @@ #~ "also\n" #~ "very slow, and may not be as secure as the other choices.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "El uso de este algoritmo sólo es posible con GnuPG. No será posible\n" +#~ "El uso de este algoritmo sólo es posible con GnuPG. No será posible\n" #~ "comunicarse mediante esta clave con usuarios de PGP. Este algoritmo\n" -#~ "es además muy lento, y podría no ser tan seguro como otros.\n" +#~ "es además muy lento, y podría no ser tan seguro como otros.\n" #~ msgid "Create anyway? " -#~ msgstr "¿Crear de todas formas?" +#~ msgstr "¿Crear de todas formas?" #~ msgid "invalid symkey algorithm detected (%d)\n" -#~ msgstr "detectado algoritmo simétrico inválido (%d)\n" +#~ msgstr "detectado algoritmo simétrico inválido (%d)\n" #~ msgid "this keyserver is not fully HKP compatible\n" #~ msgstr "este servidor de claves no es totalmente compatible con HKP\n" #~ msgid "The use of this algorithm is deprecated - create anyway? " #~ msgstr "" -#~ "El uso de este algoritmo está desaconsejado - ¿crear de todas formas?" +#~ "El uso de este algoritmo está desaconsejado - ¿crear de todas formas?" #~ msgid "|NAME=VALUE|use this notation data" -#~ msgstr "|NOMBRE=VALOR|usa estos datos de notación" +#~ msgstr "|NOMBRE=VALOR|usa estos datos de notación" #~ msgid "" #~ "the first character of a notation name must be a letter or an underscore\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "El primer carácter de una notación debe ser una letra o un subrayado\n" +#~ "El primer carácter de una notación debe ser una letra o un subrayado\n" #~ msgid "dots in a notation name must be surrounded by other characters\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "los puntos en una notación deben estar rodeados por otros caracteres\n" +#~ "los puntos en una notación deben estar rodeados por otros caracteres\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "WARNING: This key already has a photo ID.\n" #~ " Adding another photo ID may confuse some versions of PGP.\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "AVISO: Esta clave ya tiene identificador fotográfico.\n" -#~ " Añadir otro ID puede confundir a algunas versiones de PGP.\n" +#~ "AVISO: Esta clave ya tiene identificador fotográfico.\n" +#~ " Añadir otro ID puede confundir a algunas versiones de PGP.\n" #~ msgid "You may only have one photo ID on a key.\n" -#~ msgstr "Solo puede tener un ID fotográfico en una clave.\n" +#~ msgstr "Solo puede tener un ID fotográfico en una clave.\n" #~ msgid " Fingerprint:" #~ msgstr " Huella dactilar:" @@ -9880,18 +9923,18 @@ #~ msgstr "reinicie GnuPG otra vez para que lea el nuevo fichero de opciones\n" #~ msgid "changing permission of `%s' failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "al cambiar permisos de `%s' ocurrió el fallo: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "al cambiar permisos de `%s' ocurrió el fallo: %s\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it?\n" -#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " +#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " #, fuzzy #~ msgid " Are you sure you still want to sign it?\n" -#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " +#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere una clave de este tamaño? " #~ msgid "too many random bits requested; the limit is %d\n" -#~ msgstr "se solicitan demasiados bits aleatorios; el límite es %d\n" +#~ msgstr "se solicitan demasiados bits aleatorios; el límite es %d\n" #~ msgid "|[NAMES]|check the trust database" #~ msgstr "|[NOMBRES]|comprueba la base de datos de confianza" @@ -9906,7 +9949,7 @@ #~ msgstr "--delete-secret-and-public-key id-usuario" #~ msgid "For info see http://www.gnupg.org" -#~ msgstr "Información en http://www.gnupg.org" +#~ msgstr "Información en http://www.gnupg.org" #~ msgid "sSmMqQ" #~ msgstr "iImMqQ" @@ -9916,7 +9959,7 @@ #~ "can assign some missing owner trust values.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "No puede encontrarse una ruta de confianza válida para esta clave. " +#~ "No puede encontrarse una ruta de confianza válida para esta clave. " #~ "Veamos\n" #~ "si es posible asignar algunos valores de confianza perdidos.\n" #~ "\n" @@ -9932,30 +9975,27 @@ #~ "No trust values changed.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "No se cambió ningún valor de confianza.\n" +#~ "No se cambió ningún valor de confianza.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "%08lX: no info to calculate a trust probability\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "%08lX: no hay información para calcular la probabilidad de confianza\n" +#~ "%08lX: no hay información para calcular la probabilidad de confianza\n" #~ msgid "skipped: public key already set with --encrypt-to\n" -#~ msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada con --encrypt-to\n" +#~ msgstr "omitida: clave pública ya designada con --encrypt-to\n" #~ msgid "%s: error checking key: %s\n" #~ msgstr "%s: error comprobando la clave: %s\n" -#~ msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " -#~ msgstr "¿De verdad quiere crear una clave de firma y cifrado? " - #~ msgid "Do you really need such a large keysize? " -#~ msgstr "¿De verdad necesita una clave tan grande? " +#~ msgstr "¿De verdad necesita una clave tan grande? " #~ msgid "too many entries in unk cache - disabled\n" #~ msgstr "demasiados registros en la cache unk - anulada\n" #~ msgid "no default public keyring\n" -#~ msgstr "no hay anillo público por defecto\n" +#~ msgstr "no hay anillo público por defecto\n" #~ msgid "secret key %08lX not imported (use %s to allow for it)\n" #~ msgstr "clave secreta %08lX no importada (use %s para permitirlo)\n" @@ -9964,7 +10004,7 @@ #~ msgstr "clave %08lX: nuestra copia no tiene autofirma\n" #~ msgid "assuming bad MDC due to an unknown critical bit\n" -#~ msgstr "asumiendo MDC incorrecto debido a un bit crítico desconocido\n" +#~ msgstr "asumiendo MDC incorrecto debido a un bit crítico desconocido\n" #~ msgid "error reading dir record for LID %lu: %s\n" #~ msgstr "error leyendo registro de directorio del LID %lu: %s\n" @@ -9979,47 +10019,47 @@ #~ msgstr "error leyendo clave primaria para el LID %lu: %s\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX: query record failed\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: petición de registro fallida\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: petición de registro fallida\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX: already in trusted key table\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ya está en la tabla de confianza\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: ya está en la tabla de confianza\n" #~ msgid "NOTE: secret key %08lX is NOT protected.\n" -#~ msgstr "NOTA: la clave secreta %08lX NO está protegida.\n" +#~ msgstr "NOTA: la clave secreta %08lX NO está protegida.\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX: secret and public key don't match\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: las claves pública y secreta no se corresponden\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: las claves pública y secreta no se corresponden\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Good subkey binding\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave válida\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave válida\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Invalid subkey binding: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave inválida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: unión de subclave inválida: %s\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Valid key revocation\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave válida\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave válida\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: Invalid key revocation: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave inválida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: revocación de clave inválida: %s\n" #~ msgid "Good self-signature" -#~ msgstr "Autofirma válida" +#~ msgstr "Autofirma válida" #~ msgid "Invalid self-signature" -#~ msgstr "Autofirma inválida" +#~ msgstr "Autofirma inválida" #~ msgid "Valid user ID revocation skipped due to a newer self signature" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Revocación válida de ID de usuario omitida, existe autofirma más reciente" +#~ "Revocación válida de ID de usuario omitida, existe autofirma más reciente" #~ msgid "Valid user ID revocation" -#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario válida" +#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario válida" #~ msgid "Invalid user ID revocation" -#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario inválida." +#~ msgstr "Revocación de ID de usuario inválida." #~ msgid "Invalid certificate revocation" -#~ msgstr "Certificado de revocación incorrecto" +#~ msgstr "Certificado de revocación incorrecto" #~ msgid "sig record %lu[%d] points to wrong record.\n" #~ msgstr "registro de firma %lu[%d] apunta al registro equivocado.\n" @@ -10028,10 +10068,10 @@ #~ msgstr "tdbio_search_dir fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "lid ?: insert failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "lid ?: inserción fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "lid ?: inserción fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: insert failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "lid %lu: inserción fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "lid %lu: inserción fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: inserted\n" #~ msgstr "lid %lu: insertada\n" @@ -10046,7 +10086,7 @@ #~ msgstr "lid %lu: registro de directiorio sin clave - omitido\n" #~ msgid "\t%lu due to new pubkeys\n" -#~ msgstr "\t%lu debido a las nuevas claves públicas\n" +#~ msgstr "\t%lu debido a las nuevas claves públicas\n" #~ msgid "\t%lu keys updated\n" #~ msgstr "\t%lu claves actualizadas\n" @@ -10055,13 +10095,13 @@ #~ msgstr "Oh oh, no hay claves\n" #~ msgid "Ooops, no user IDs\n" -#~ msgstr "Oh oh, no hay ningún ID de usuario\n" +#~ msgstr "Oh oh, no hay ningún ID de usuario\n" #~ msgid "check_trust: search dir record failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "check_trust: búsqueda registro directorio fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "check_trust: búsqueda registro directorio fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX: insert trust record failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: inserción del registro de confianza fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX: inserción del registro de confianza fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: inserted into trustdb\n" #~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: incluida en la base de datos de confianza\n" @@ -10075,20 +10115,20 @@ #~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: caducada el %s\n" #~ msgid "key %08lX.%lu: trust check failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: comprobación de confianza fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "clave %08lX.%lu: comprobación de confianza fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "problem finding '%s' in trustdb: %s\n" #~ msgstr "problema buscando '%s' en la tabla de confianza: %s\n" #~ msgid "user '%s' not in trustdb - inserting\n" -#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza - insertando\n" +#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza - insertando\n" #~ msgid "WARNING: can't yet handle long pref records\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "ATENCÍON: todavía no puedo tratar registros de preferencias largos\n" +#~ "ATENCÃON: todavía no puedo tratar registros de preferencias largos\n" #~ msgid "RSA key cannot be used in this version\n" -#~ msgstr "No puede usarse clave RSA en esta versión\n" +#~ msgstr "No puede usarse clave RSA en esta versión\n" #~ msgid "No key for user ID\n" #~ msgstr "No hay clave para tal usuario\n" @@ -10100,7 +10140,7 @@ #~ "RSA keys are deprecated; please consider creating a new key and use this " #~ "key in the future\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "Las claves RSA están en desuso, considere la creación de una nueva clave " +#~ "Las claves RSA están en desuso, considere la creación de una nueva clave " #~ "para futuros usos\n" #~ msgid "do not write comment packets" @@ -10113,7 +10153,7 @@ #~ msgstr " (%d) ElGamal en un paquete v3\n" #~ msgid "Key generation can only be used in interactive mode\n" -#~ msgstr "La creación de claves sólo es posible en modo interactivo\n" +#~ msgstr "La creación de claves sólo es posible en modo interactivo\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "tdbio_search_sdir failed: %s\n" @@ -10121,17 +10161,17 @@ #~ msgid "NOTE: sig rec %lu[%d] in hintlist of %lu but marked as checked\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" -#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero está marcado como comprobado\n" +#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" +#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero está marcado como comprobado\n" #~ msgid "NOTE: sig rec %lu[%d] in hintlist of %lu but not marked\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" -#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero no está marcado\n" +#~ "NOTA: el registro de firma %lu[%d] está en la lista\n" +#~ "de búsqueda de %lu pero no está marcado\n" #~ msgid "sig rec %lu[%d] in hintlist of %lu does not point to a dir record\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "El registro de firma %lu[%d] en la lista de búsqueda de %lu\n" +#~ "El registro de firma %lu[%d] en la lista de búsqueda de %lu\n" #~ "no apunta a un registro de directorio\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: no primary key\n" @@ -10143,27 +10183,27 @@ #~ "en el bloque de clave\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: self-signature in hintlist\n" -#~ msgstr "lid %lu: autofirma en lista de búsqueda\n" +#~ msgstr "lid %lu: autofirma en lista de búsqueda\n" #~ msgid "very strange: no public key\n" -#~ msgstr "muy raro: no hay clave pública\n" +#~ msgstr "muy raro: no hay clave pública\n" #~ msgid "hintlist %lu[%d] of %lu does not point to a dir record\n" #~ msgstr "" -#~ "la lista de búsqueda %lu[%d] de %lu no apunta a\n" +#~ "la lista de búsqueda %lu[%d] de %lu no apunta a\n" #~ "un registro de directorio\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: can't get keyblock: %s\n" #~ msgstr "lid %lu: no puedo obtener el bloque de clave: %s\n" #~ msgid "Too many preference items" -#~ msgstr "Demasiados ítems de preferencias" +#~ msgstr "Demasiados ítems de preferencias" #~ msgid "insert_trust_record: keyblock not found: %s\n" #~ msgstr "insert_trust_record: bloque de clave no encontrado: %s\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: update failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "lid %lu: actualización fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "lid %lu: actualización fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "lid %lu: updated\n" #~ msgstr "lid %lu: actualizado\n" @@ -10172,7 +10212,7 @@ #~ msgstr "lid %lu: bien\n" #~ msgid "%s: update failed: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "%s: actualización fallida: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "%s: actualización fallida: %s\n" #~ msgid "%s: updated\n" #~ msgstr "%s: actualizada\n" @@ -10184,7 +10224,7 @@ #~ msgstr "lid %lu: bloque de clave no encontrado: %s\n" #~ msgid "can't lock keyring `%': %s\n" -#~ msgstr "no puede bloquearse el anillo público `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "no puede bloquearse el anillo público `%s': %s\n" #~ msgid "writing keyblock\n" #~ msgstr "escribiendo bloque de claves\n" @@ -10194,7 +10234,7 @@ #, fuzzy #~ msgid "encrypted message is valid\n" -#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no es válido\n" +#~ msgstr "el algoritmo de resumen seleccionado no es válido\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Can't check MDC: %s\n" @@ -10222,25 +10262,25 @@ #~ msgstr "problema lista usuario '%s': %s\n" #~ msgid "user '%s' not in trustdb\n" -#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza\n" +#~ msgstr "usuario '%s' no está en la tabla de confianza\n" #~ msgid "directory record w/o primary key\n" #~ msgstr "registro de directorio sin clave primaria\n" #~ msgid "key not in trustdb, searching ring.\n" -#~ msgstr "la clave no está en tabla de confianza, buscando en el anillo.\n" +#~ msgstr "la clave no está en tabla de confianza, buscando en el anillo.\n" #~ msgid "key not in ring: %s\n" -#~ msgstr "la clave no está en el anillo: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "la clave no está en el anillo: %s\n" #~ msgid "Oops: key is now in trustdb???\n" -#~ msgstr "Oh oh: la clave ahora está en la tabla de confianza???\n" +#~ msgstr "Oh oh: la clave ahora está en la tabla de confianza???\n" #~ msgid "Hmmm, public key lost?" -#~ msgstr "Oh oh, ¿se ha perdido la clave pública?" +#~ msgstr "Oh oh, ¿se ha perdido la clave pública?" #~ msgid "did not use primary key for insert_trust_record()\n" -#~ msgstr "no se usó clave primaria para insert_trust_record()\n" +#~ msgstr "no se usó clave primaria para insert_trust_record()\n" #~ msgid "second" #~ msgstr "segundo" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/et.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/et.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/et.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/et.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/et.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/et.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-17 11:04+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Toomas Soome \n" "Language-Team: Estonian \n" @@ -25,21 +25,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite valitud võtmeid tühistada? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "vigane parool" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -49,17 +76,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -69,41 +96,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "rida on liiga pikk\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "liiga pikk parool\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Lubamatu sümbol nimes\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "halb MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "halb parool" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "halb parool" @@ -113,22 +140,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "kaitse algoritm %d%s ei ole toetatud\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu avada: %s\n" @@ -346,7 +373,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -357,275 +384,280 @@ "Võtmed:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "ole jutukas" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "ole mõnevõrra vaiksem" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FAIL|lae laiendusmoodul FAIL" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "otsi võtmeid võtmeserverist" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Kas uuendan tõesti kõik kasutaja ID-de seaded? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "uuenda usalduse andmebaasi" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "ei ole toetatud" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "ei ole toetatud" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Palun saatke veateated aadressil .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Kasuta: gpg [võtmed] [failid] (-h näitab abiinfot)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: vaikimisi võtmete fail `%s' puudub\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "võtmete fail `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "loen võtmeid failist `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga `%s' loomisel: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kataloogi `%s' ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "%s ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent ei ole sesses sessioonis kasutatav\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga teate saatmisel serverile `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "uuendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: kataloog on loodud\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: lugemine ebaõnnestus (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: kataloogi ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "viga `%s' lugemisel: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "salajase võtme uuendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: jätsin vahele: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent ei ole sesses sessioonis kasutatav\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "vigane GPG_AGENT_INFO keskkonnamuutuja\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -642,7 +674,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -651,7 +683,7 @@ "@Käsud:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -822,8 +854,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" @@ -1203,83 +1235,83 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "pakend: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "vigane pakendi päis: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "pakendi päis: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "vigane avateksti allkirja päis\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "pakendi päis: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "avateksti allkirjad üksteise sees\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "ootamatu pakend:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "vigane kriipsudega märgitud rida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "vigane radix64 sümbol %02x vahele jäetud\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "enneaegne faililõpp (puudub CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "enneaegne faililõpp (poolik CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "vigane CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC viga; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "enneaegne faililõpp (lõpetaval real)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "viga lõpetaval real\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "ei leia OpenPGP andmeid.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "vigane pakend: rida on pikem, kui %d sümbolit\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "kvooditud sümbol pakendis - tõenäoliselt on kasutatud vigast MTA programmi\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1287,24 +1319,24 @@ "noteerimise nimes võivad olla ainult trükitavad sümbolid või tühikud\n" "ning lõpus peab olema '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "kasutaja noteerimise nimi peab sisaldama '@' märki\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "kasutaja noteerimise nimi peab sisaldama '@' märki\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "noteerimise väärtus ei või sisaldada kontroll sümboleid\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: leidsin vigased noteerimise andmed\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "pole inimese poolt loetav" @@ -1318,8 +1350,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "seda ei saa teha pakettmoodis\n" @@ -1329,14 +1361,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "See käsklus ei ole %s moodis lubatud.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "salajase võtme komponendid ei ole kättesaadavad\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Teie valik? " @@ -1409,7 +1441,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "viga võtmehoidla `%s' loomisel: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga `%s' lugemisel: %s\n" @@ -1512,13 +1544,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Millist võtmepikkust te soovite? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "ümardatud üles %u bitini\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1573,8 +1605,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Vigane valik.\n" @@ -1603,7 +1635,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "viga võtmehoidlasse `%s' kirjutamisel: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "välju sellest menüüst" @@ -1612,7 +1644,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "vastuolulised käsud\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "näita seda abiinfot" @@ -1692,7 +1724,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Vigane käsklus (proovige \"help\")\n" @@ -1700,18 +1732,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "võti --output ei tööta selle käsuga\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu avada\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "võtit '%s' ei leitud: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1973,226 +2005,226 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: midagi ei eksporditud\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "avalike võtmete puhvris on liiga palju võtmeid - blokeerin\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Kasutaja id puudub]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "võti %08lX: salajane võti avaliku võtmeta - jätsin vahele\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "viga `%s' loomisel: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "näita sõrmejälge" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Vigane võti %08lX muudeti kehtivaks võtme --allow-non-selfsigned-uid " "kasutamisega\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "avalikul alamvõtmel %08lX puudub salajane alamvõti - ignoreerin\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "kasutan sekundaarset võtit %08lX primaarse võtme %08lX asemel\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "võti %08lX: salajane võti avaliku võtmeta - jätsin vahele\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "loo eraldiseisev allkiri" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[fail]|loo avateksti allkiri" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "loo eraldiseisev allkiri" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "krüpteeri andmed" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "krüpteerimine kasutades ainult sümmeetrilist ¨ifrit" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "dekrüpteeri andmed (vaikimisi)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "kontrolli allkirja" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "näita võtmeid" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "näita võtmeid ja allkirju" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "kontrolli võtmete allkirju" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "näita võtmeid ja sõrmejälgi" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "näita salajasi võtmeid" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "genereeri uus võtmepaar" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "genereeri tühistamise sertifikaat" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "eemalda võtmed avalike võtmete hoidlast" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "eemalda võtmed salajaste võtmete hoidlast" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "allkirjasta võti" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "allkirjasta võti lokaalselt" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "allkirjasta või toimeta võtit" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "ekspordi võtmed" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "ekspordi võtmed võtmeserverisse" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "impordi võtmed võtmeserverist" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "otsi võtmeid võtmeserverist" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "uuenda võtmeid võtmeserverist" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "impordi/mesti võtmed" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "uuenda usalduse andmebaasi" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [failid]|trüki teatelühendid" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "loo ascii pakendis väljund" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NIMI|krüpti NIMEle" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "kasuta seda kasutaja IDd" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|määra pakkimise tase N (0 blokeerib)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "kasuta kanoonilist tekstimoodi" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FAIL|lae laiendusmoodul FAIL" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "ära tee mingeid muutusi" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "küsi enne ülekirjutamist" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2200,7 +2232,7 @@ "@\n" "(Kõikide käskude ja võtmete täieliku kirjelduse leiate manualist)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2220,11 +2252,11 @@ " --list-keys [nimed] näita võtmeid\n" " --fingerprint [nimed] näita sõrmejälgi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Kasuta: gpg [võtmed] [failid] (-h näitab abiinfot)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2239,7 +2271,7 @@ "allkirjasta, kontrolli, krüpti ja dekrüpti\n" "vaikimisi operatsioon sõltub sisendandmetest\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2247,562 +2279,562 @@ "\n" "Toetatud algoritmid:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Avalik võti: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "¦iffer: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Räsi: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Pakkimine: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "kasuta: gpg [võtmed] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "vastuolulised käsud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "grupi definitsioonis \"%s\" puudub sümbol =\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline omanik %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline omanik %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline omanik %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvalised õigused %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvalised õigused %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvalised õigused %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline kataloogi omanik %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline kataloogi omanik %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ebaturvaline kataloogi omanik %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Hoiatus: ebaturvalised kataloogi õigused %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Hoiatus: ebaturvalised kataloogi õigused %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Hoiatus: ebaturvalised kataloogi õigused %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "tundmatu seade \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Vastavat allkirja salajaste võtmete hoidlas pole\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "näita millisesse võtmehoidlasse näidatud võti kuulub" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Vastavat allkirja salajaste võtmete hoidlas pole\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: ignoreerin vana vaikimisi võtmete faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: %s ei ole tavapäraseks kasutamiseks!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "ei saa parsida võtmeserveri URI\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: vigased impordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: vigased impordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s ei ole lubatud kooditabel\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "exec-path väärtuseks ei õnnestu seada %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: programm võib salvestada oma mälupildi!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: %s määrab üle %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ja %s ei ole koos lubatud!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ja %s ei oma koos mõtet!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "--pgp2 moodis saate luua ainult eraldiseisvaid või avateksti allkirju\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "--pgp2 moodis ei saa korraga allkirjastada ja krüpteerida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "--pgp2 moodis peate kasutama faile (ja mitte toru).\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "teate krüpteerimine --pgp2 moodis nõuab IDEA ¨iffrit\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valitud ¨ifri algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valitud lühendi algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valitud ¨ifri algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valitud sertifikaadi lühendi algoritm ei ole lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed peab olema suurem, kui 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed peab olema suurem, kui 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth peab olema vahemikus 1 kuni 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "vigane vaikimisi-sert-tase; peab olema 0, 1, 2 või 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "vigane min-sert-tase; peab olema 1, 2 või 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: lihtne S2K mood (0) ei soovitata kasutada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "vigane S2K mood; peab olema 0, 1 või 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "vigased vaikimisi eelistused\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "vigased isikliku ¨ifri eelistused\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "vigased isikliku lühendi eelistused\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "vigased isikliku pakkimise eelistused\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s ei tööta veel koos %s-ga\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "¨ifri algoritm \"%s\" ei ole moodis %s lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "sõnumilühendi algoritm \"%s\" ei ole moodis %s lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "pakkimise algoritm \"%s\" ei ole moodis %s lubatud\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "TrustDB initsialiseerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "HOIATUS: määrati saajad (-r) aga ei kasutata avaliku võtme krüptograafiat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "lahtikrüpteerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%s ei ole moodis %s lubatud.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%s ei ole moodis %s lubatud.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key kasutaja-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key kasutaja-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key kasutaja-id [käsud]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key kasutaja-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmeserverile saatmine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmeserverilt lugemine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtme eksport ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmeserveri otsing ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmeserveri uuendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "lahtipakendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "pakendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "vigane räsialgoritm `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[failinimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Kirjutage nüüd oma teade ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "antud sertifikaadi poliisi URL on vigane\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "antud allkirja poliisi URL on vigane\n" @@ -2842,471 +2874,476 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "`%s' kohta abiinfo puudub" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "uuenda usalduse andmebaasi" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "uuenda usalduse andmebaasi" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "avalik võti ei sobi salajase võtmega!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "mittekasutatav salajane võti" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "jätan bloki tüübiga %d vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu võtit on seni töödeldud\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Töödeldud kokku: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " vahele jäetud uusi võtmeid: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " puudub kasutaja ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " imporditud: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " muutmata: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " uusi kasutajaid: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " uusi alamvõtmeid: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " uusi allkirju: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " uusi tühistamisi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " loetud salajasi võtmeid: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " salajasi võtmeid imporditud: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " muutmata salajasi võtmeid: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " pole imporditud: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " uusi allkirju: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " loetud salajasi võtmeid: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: kasutaja ID puudub\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "`%s' jätsin vahele: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: HKP alamvõtme rike parandatud\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "võti %08lX: aktsepteerisin iseenda poolt allakirjutamata kasutaja ID '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: puudub kehtiv kasutaja ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "see võib olla põhjustatud puuduvast iseenda allkirjast\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: avalikku võtit ei leitud: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: uus võti - jätsin vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ei leia kirjutatavat võtmehoidlat: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjutan faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga võtmehoidlasse `%s' kirjutamisel: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: avalik võti \"%s\" on imporditud\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: ei sobi meie koopiaga\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: ei leia algset võtmeblokki: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: ei õnnestu lugeda algset võtmeblokki: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" 1 uus kasutaja ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut kasutaja IDd\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" 1 uus allkiri\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut allkirja\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" 1 uus alamvõti\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut alamvõtit\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut allkirja\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut allkirja\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut kasutaja IDd\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" %d uut kasutaja IDd\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" ei muudetud\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "salajast võtit `%s' ei leitud: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: salajane võti vigase ¨ifriga %d - jätsin vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "puudub salajaste võtmete vaikimisi võtmehoidla: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: salajane võti on imporditud\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: on juba salajaste võtmete hoidlas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: salajast võtit ei leitud: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "võti %08lX: avalik võti puudub - tühistamise sertifikaati ei saa rakendada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: vigane tühistamise sertifikaat: %s - lükkasin tagasi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" tühistamise sertifikaat imporditud\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: allkirjal puudub kasutaja ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: mittetoetatud avaliku võtme algoritm kasutajaga \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: kasutajal \"%s\" on vigane iseenda allkiri\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: mittetoetatud avaliku võtme algoritm\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: lisatud vahetu võtme allkiri\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: võtmeseosel puudub alamvõti\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: vigane alamvõtme seos\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: vigane mitme alamvõtme seos\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: võtme tühistamiseks puudub alamvõti\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: vigane alamvõtme tühistamine\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: eemaldasin mitme alamvõtme tühistamise\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: jätsin vahele kasutaja ID '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: jätsin alamvõtme vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: mitte eksporditav allkiri (klass %02x) - jätan vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: tühistamise sertifikaat on vales kohas - jätan vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: vigane tühistamise sertifikaat: %s - jätan vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: alamvõtme allkiri on vales kohas - jätan vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: ootamatu allkirja klass (0x%02x) - jätan vahele\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: tuvastasin dubleeritud kasutaja ID - mestisin\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "HOIATUS: võti %08lX võib olla tühistatud: laen tühistamise võtit %08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "HOIATUS: võti %08lX võib olla tühistatud: tühistamise võtit %08lX pole.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: \"%s\" tühistamise sertifikaat lisatud\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: lisatud vahetu võtme allkiri\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "avalik võti ei sobi salajase võtmega!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "jätsin vahele: avalik võti on juba olemas\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "jätsin vahele: avalik võti on juba olemas\n" @@ -3331,51 +3368,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "võtmehoidla vahemälu uuesti loomine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[tühistamine]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[iseenda allkiri]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 halb allkiri\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d halba allkirja\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 allkiri jäi testimata, kuna võti puudub\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d allkirja jäi testimata, kuna võtmed puuduvad\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 allkiri jäi vea tõttu kontrollimata\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d allkirja jäi vigade tõttu kontrollimata\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "tuvastasin ühe kehtiva iseenda allkirjata kasutaja ID\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "tuvastasin %d kehtiva iseenda allkirjata kasutaja IDd\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3388,63 +3425,63 @@ "passe, kontrollige erinevatest allikatest näpujälgi...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Usaldan vähesel määral\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Usaldan täiesti\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" on tühistatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Olete kindel, et soovite seda ikka allkirjastada? (j/e) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Ei saa allkirjastada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" on aegunud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" ei ole ise allkirjastatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" ei ole ise allkirjastatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Allkirjastan tõesti? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3453,11 +3490,11 @@ "Iseenda allkiri \"%s\"\n" "on PGP 2.x stiilis allkiri.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te soovite seda edutada OpenPGP iseenda allkirjaks? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3466,11 +3503,11 @@ "Teie praegune allkiri \"%s\"\n" "on aegunud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas soovite luua uut allkirja et asendada vana aegunud? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3479,54 +3516,54 @@ "Teie praegune allkiri \"%s\"\n" "on lokaalne allkiri.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Kas te soovite seda edutada täielikuks eksporditavaks allkirjaks? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" on juba lokaalselt allkirjastatud võtmega %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" on juba allkirjastatud võtmega %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Olete kindel, et soovite seda ikka allkirjastada? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Võtmega %08lX pole midagi allkirjastada\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "See võti on aegunud!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "See võti aegub %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Soovite, et teie allkiri aeguks samal ajal? (J/e) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "--pgp2 moodis ei saa PGP 2.x võtmele OpenPGP allkirja anda.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "See muudab võtme PGP 2.x programmidega mitte-kasutatavaks.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3536,32 +3573,32 @@ "kuulub ka tegelikult ülal mainitud isikule? Kui te ei tea, mida vastata,\n" "sisestage \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Ma ei vasta.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Ma ei ole üldse kontrollinud.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Ma olen teinud pealiskaudset kontrolli.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Ma olen kontrollinud väga hoolikalt.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Teie valik? (lisainfo saamiseks vajutage '?'): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3570,100 +3607,100 @@ "Olete tõesti kindel, et soovite seda võtit oma\n" "võtmega allkirjastada: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "See saab olema iseenda allkiri.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "HOIATUS: allkirja ei märgita mitte-eksporditavaks.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "HOIATUS: allkirja ei märgita kehtetuks mitte-tunnistatavaks.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Allkiri märgitakse mitte-eksporditavaks.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Allkiri märgitakse kehtetuks mitte-tunnistatavaks.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ma ei ole seda võtit üldse kontrollinud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ma olen seda võtit kontrollinud ainult pealiskaudselt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ma olen kontrollinud seda võtit väga hoolikalt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Allkirjastan tõesti? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "allkirjastamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "See võti ei ole kaitstud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Primaarse võtme salajased komponendid ei ole kättesaadavad.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Primaarse võtme salajased komponendid ei ole kättesaadavad.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Võti on kaitstud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Seda võtit ei õnnestu toimetada: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3671,11 +3708,11 @@ "Sisestage sellele salajasele võtmele uus parool.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "parooli ei korratud õieti; proovige uuesti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3683,206 +3720,206 @@ "Te ei soovi parooli - see on tõenäoliselt *halb* idee!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite seda teha? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "tõstan võtme allkirja õigesse kohta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "salvesta ja välju" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "näita sõrmejälge" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "näita võtit ja kasutaja IDd" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "vali kasutaja ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "vali kasutaja ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "tühista allkirjad" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "allkirjasta võti lokaalselt" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Vihje: Valige allkirjastamiseks kasutaja\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "lisa kasutaja ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "lisa foto ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "kustuta kasutaja ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "kustuta sekundaarne võti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "lisa tühistamise võti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Kas uuendan tõesti kõik kasutaja ID-de seaded? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "v3 võtme aegumise aega ei saa muuta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "märgi kasutaja ID primaarseks" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "lülita salajaste või avalike võtmete loendi vahel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "näita eelistusi (ekspert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "näita eelistusi (detailsena)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Kas uuendan tõesti kõik kasutaja ID-de seaded? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "ei saa parsida võtmeserveri URI\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Kas uuendan tõesti kõik kasutaja ID-de seaded? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "muuda omaniku usaldust" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Kas tühistan tõesti kõik valitud kasutaja IDd? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "tühista kasutaja ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "tühista sekundaarne võti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "luba võti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "blokeeri võti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "näita foto ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "viga salajase võtmebloki `%s' lugemisel: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Salajane võti on kasutatav.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Selle tegamiseks on vaja salajast võtit.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Palun kasutage kõigepealt käsku \"toggle\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3890,242 +3927,242 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Võti on tühistatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas allkirjastan tõesti kõik kasutaja IDd? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Vihje: Valige allkirjastamiseks kasutaja\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "tundmatu allkirja klass" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "See käsklus ei ole %s moodis lubatud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Te peate valima vähemalt ühe kasutaja ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Viimast kasutaja ID ei saa kustutada!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas kustutan tõesti kõik kasutaja IDd? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas eemaldan tõesti selle kasutaja ID? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas eemaldan tõesti selle kasutaja ID? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Te peata valima vähemalt ühe võtme.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu avada: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga võtmehoidla `%s' loomisel: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Te peata valima vähemalt ühe võtme.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite valitud võtmeid kustutada? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite seda võtit kustutada? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas tühistan tõesti kõik valitud kasutaja IDd? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas tühistan tõesti selle kasutaja ID? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite seda võtit tühistada? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite valitud võtmeid tühistada? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas te tõesti soovite seda võtit tühistada? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "sea eelistuste nimekiri" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas uuendan tõesti kõik kasutaja ID-de seaded? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas tõesti uuendan seaded? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Salvestan muutused? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Väljun salvestamata? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "uuendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "salajase võtme uuendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Võtit ei muudetud, seega pole uuendamist vaja.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Teatelühend: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Omadused: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Noteering: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x stiilis kasutaja ID ei oma seadeid.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Selle võtme võib olla tühistanud %s võti " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Selle võtme võib olla tühistanud %s võti " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (tundlik)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "%s ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[tühistatud] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [aegub: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [aegub: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " usaldus: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " usaldus: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "See võti on blokeeritud" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4133,19 +4170,19 @@ "Tuleb tähele panna et kuni te pole programmi uuesti käivitanud, ei pruugi\n" "näidatud võtme kehtivus olla tingimata korrektne.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[tühistatud] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4153,7 +4190,17 @@ "HOIATUS: ühtegi kasutaja ID pole märgitud primaarseks. See käsklus võib\n" " põhjustada muu kasutaja ID primaarseks määramist.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "v3 võtme aegumise aega ei saa muuta.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4162,75 +4209,75 @@ "HOIATUS: See on PGP2-stiilis võti. Foto ID lisamine võib sundida mõningaid\n" " PGP versioone seda võtit tagasi lükkama.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Olete kindel, et soovite seda ikka lisada? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Foto IDd ei saa PGP2 võtmele lisada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Kustutan selle korrektse allkirja? (j/E/v)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Kustutan selle vigase allkirja? (j/E/v)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Kustutan selle tundmatu allkirja? (j/E/v)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Kas tõesti kustutan selle iseenda allkirja? (j/E)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Kustutatud %d allkiri.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Kustutatud %d allkirja.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Midagi ei kustutatud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "vigane pakend" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" on tühistatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" on tühistatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Kasutaja ID \"%s\" on tühistatud." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "kasutaja ID \"%s\" on juba tühistatud\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "kasutaja ID \"%s\" on juba tühistatud\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4239,275 +4286,275 @@ "HOIATUS: See on PGP2-stiilis võti. Määratud tühistaja lisamine võib\n" " põhjustada mõningaid PGP versioone seda võtit tagasi lükkama.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x-stiili võtmele ei saa määratud tühistajat lisada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Sisestage määratud tühistaja kasutaja ID: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x stiilis võtit ei saa nimetada määratud tühistajaks\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "te ei saa nimetada võtit iseenda määratud tühistajaks\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: See võti on määratud tühistaja poolt tühistatud!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: võtme seadmist määratud tühistajaks ei saa tagasi võtta!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Olete kindel, et soovite seda võtit seada määratud tühistajaks? (j/E): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Palun eemaldage salajastelt võtmetelt valikud.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "palun valige ülimalt üks sekundaarne võti.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Muudan sekundaarse võtme aegumise aega.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Muudan primaarse võtme aegumise aega.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "v3 võtme aegumise aega ei saa muuta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Vastavat allkirja salajaste võtmete hoidlas pole\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: allkirjastamise alamvõti %08lX ei ole rist-sertifitseeritud\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Palun valige täpselt üks kasutaja ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "jätan kasutaja \"%s\" v3 iseenda allkirja vahele\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Olete kindel, et soovite seda kasutada (j/E)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Olete kindel, et soovite seda kasutada (j/E)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Allkirja noteerimine: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Kirjutan üle (j/E)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Kasutaja ID numbriga %d puudub\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Kasutaja ID numbriga %d puudub\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Kasutaja ID numbriga %d puudub\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kasutaja ID: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " allkirjastanud %08lX %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (mitte-eksporditav)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "See allkiri aegub %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Olete kindel, et soovite seda ikka tühistada? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Loon sellele allkirjale tühistamise sertifikaadi? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " allkirjastanud %08lX %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Te olete allkirjastanud järgnevad kasutaja IDd:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (mitte-eksporditav)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " tühistanud %08lX %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Te asute tühistama järgmisi allkirju:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Kas tõesti loon tühistamise sertifikaadid? (j/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "salajast võtit pole\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "kasutaja ID \"%s\" on juba tühistatud\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: kasutaja ID allkirja ajatempel on %d sekundit tulevikus\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "kasutaja ID \"%s\" on juba tühistatud\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "kasutaja ID \"%s\" on juba tühistatud\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Näitan %s foto IDd suurusega %ld, võti 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "eelistus %c%lu on duplikaat\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "liiga palju `%c' eelistusi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "liiga palju `%c' eelistusi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "liiga palju `%c' eelistusi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "lubamatu sümbol eelistuste sõnes\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "kirjutan otsese allkirja\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "kirjutan iseenda allkirja\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "kirjutan võtit siduva allkirja\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "vigane võtme suurus; kasutan %u bitti\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "võtme suurus ümardatud üles %u bitini\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "krüpteeri andmed" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4521,7 +4568,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4554,71 +4601,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Palun valige, millist võtmetüüpi te soovite:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ja ElGamal (vaikimisi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ja ElGamal (vaikimisi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (ainult allkirjastamiseks)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ainult allkirjastamiseks)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (ainult krüptimiseks)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ainult krüpteerimiseks)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ainult krüpteerimiseks)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ainult krüpteerimiseks)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Millist võtmepikkust te soovite? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Millist võtmepikkust te soovite? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Soovitud võtmepikkus on %u bitti\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4634,7 +4681,7 @@ " m = võti aegub n kuuga\n" " y = võti aegub n aastaga\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4650,40 +4697,40 @@ " m = allkiri aegub n kuuga\n" " y = allkiri aegub n aastaga\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Võti on kehtiv kuni? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Allkiri on kehtiv kuni? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "vigane väärtus\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s ei aegu kunagi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s ei aegu kunagi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s aegub %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Allkiri aegub %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4691,12 +4738,12 @@ "Teie süsteem ei saa esitada kuupäevi peale aastat 2038.\n" "Siiski käsitletakse neid korrektselt aastani 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "On see õige (j/e)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4707,7 +4754,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4723,44 +4770,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Pärisnimi: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Lubamatu sümbol nimes\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Nimi ei või alata numbriga\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Nimes peab olema vähemalt 5 sümbolit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-posti aadress: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Selline e-posti aadress ei ole lubatud\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Kommentaar: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Lubamatu sümbol kommentaaris\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Te kasutate kooditabelit `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4771,11 +4818,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Ärge palun kirjutage e-posti aadressi pärisnimesse ega kommentaari\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4790,23 +4837,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnKkEeOoVv" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Muuda (N)ime, (K)ommentaari, (E)posti või (V)älju? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Muuda (N)ime, (K)ommentaari, (E)posti või (O)k/(V)älju? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Palun parandage kõigepealt viga\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4814,19 +4861,19 @@ "Te vajate oma salajase võtme kaitsmiseks parooli.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Palun sisestage parool; see on salajane tekst \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4838,7 +4885,7 @@ "kasutades seda programmi võtmega \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4850,50 +4897,50 @@ "kasutada kettaid jne), see annaks juhuarvude generaatorile võimaluse\n" "koguda paremat entroopiat.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Võtme genereerimine katkestati.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjutan avaliku võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kirjutatavat avalike võtmete hoidlat pole: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kirjutatavat salajaste võtmete hoidlat pole: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga avaliku võtme võtmehoidlasse `%s' kirjutamisel: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga salajase võtme võtmehoidlasse `%s' kirjutamisel: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "avalik ja salajane võti on loodud ja allkirjastatud.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4903,48 +4950,48 @@ "Krüptimiseks tuleb genereerida teine võti, seda saate teha\n" "kasutades võtit \"--edit-key\".\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Võtme genereerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "võti loodi %lu sekund tulevikus (ajahüpe või kella probleem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "võti loodi %lu sekundit tulevikus (ajahüpe või kella probleem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: v3 võtmetele alamvõtmete loomine ei ole OpenPGP ühilduv\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Loon tõesti? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmebloki kustutamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: salajane võti %08lX aegus %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "mitte kunagi" @@ -4999,45 +5046,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "pakendamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: on olemas 2 faili konfidentsiaalse infoga.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s ei ole muudetud\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s on uus\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Palun parandage see võimalik turvaprobleem\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "kontrollin võtmehoidlat `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "kontrollitud %lu võtit (%lu allkirja)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "kontrollitud %lu võtit (%lu allkirja)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: võtmehoidla on loodud\n" @@ -5085,7 +5132,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" @@ -5100,126 +5147,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "võtit '%s' ei leitud: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "küsin võtit %08lX võtmeserverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "küsin võtit %08lX võtmeserverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "otsin \"%s\" HKP serverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "otsin \"%s\" HKP serverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "otsin \"%s\" HKP serverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "allkirjastatud teie võtmega %08lX %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "otsin \"%s\" HKP serverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "otsin \"%s\" HKP serverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "vigased ekspordi võtmed\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "võtmeserverilt lugemine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "võtmeserveri viga" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "võtmeserveri viga" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "võtmeserverilt lugemine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ei saa kustutada ajutist faili (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "küsin võtit %08lX võtmeserverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "küsin võtit %08lX võtmeserverist %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ei saa kustutada ajutist faili (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: ei saa kustutada ajutist faili (%s) `%s': %s\n" @@ -5277,163 +5324,168 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "krüpteeritud ühe parooliga\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "eeldan %s krüpteeritud andmeid\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEA ¨iffer pole saadaval, loodan kasutada selle asemel %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "lahtikrüpteerimine õnnestus\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: teate kooskõlalisus ei ole tagatud\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: krüpteeritud teadet on muudetud!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "lahtikrüpteerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: saatja nõudis \"ainult-teie-silmadele\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "algne failinimi on='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "eraldiseisev tühistus - realiseerimiseks kasutage \"gpg --import\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Korrektne allkiri kasutajalt \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "allkirja kontroll jäeti ära\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "neid allkirju ei õnnestu töödelda\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Allkiri aegus %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " ka \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Allkirja lõi %.*s kasutades %s võtit ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Võtme leiate: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "HALB allkiri kasutajalt \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Aegunud allkiri kasutajalt \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Korrektne allkiri kasutajalt \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[ebakindel]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " ka \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Allkiri aegus %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Allkiri aegub %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binaarne" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "tekstimood" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "tundmatu" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Allkirja ei saa kontrollida: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "ei ole eraldiseisev allkiri\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: leidsin mitu allkirja. Kontrollitakse ainult esimest.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "eraldiseisev allkiri klassiga 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "vana stiili (PGP 2.x) allkiri\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "proc_tree() tuvastas vigase juurmise paketi\n" @@ -5447,93 +5499,110 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: lugemine ebaõnnestus (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ei oska käsitleda avaliku võtme algoritmi %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "sõnumilühendi algoritmi %s (%d) kasutamine on vastuolus saaja eelistustega\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "realiseerimata ¨ifri algoritm" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "sõnumilühendi algoritmi %s (%d) kasutamine on vastuolus saaja eelistustega\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA ¨ifri lisandprogrammi pole\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = esita palun täiendavat infot\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ebasoovitav võti \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "palun kasutage selle asemel \"%s%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "HOIATUS: võtit \"%s\" ei soovitata kasutada.\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Pakkimata" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Pakkimata" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "see teade ei pruugi olla programmiga %s kasutatav\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "loen võtmeid failist `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "tundmatu vaikimisi saaja `%s'\n" @@ -5561,48 +5630,49 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "kirjutan standardväljundisse\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "eeldan allkirjastatud andmeid failis `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "uus omaduste fail `%s' on loodud\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "HOIATUS: seaded failis `%s' pole seekord veel aktiivsed\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "ei oska käsitleda avaliku võtme algoritmi %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "HOIATUS: tõenäoliselt ebaturvaline sümmeetriliselt krüpteeritud sessiooni " "võti\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "alampaketil tüübiga %d on kriitiline bitt seatud\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "probleem agendiga: agent tagastas 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (peamise võtme ID %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5615,15 +5685,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bitti %s võti, ID %08lX, loodud %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Sisestage parool\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "katkestatud kasutaja poolt\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5633,12 +5703,12 @@ "Te vajate kasutaja salajase võtme lahtilukustamiseks\n" "parooli: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bitine %s võti, ID %08lX, loodud %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -5996,16 +6066,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "loen standardsisendit ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "allkirjastatud andmeid pole\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "allkirjastatud andmete avamine ebaõnnestus `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "allkirjastatud andmete avamine ebaõnnestus `%s'\n" @@ -6268,23 +6338,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "MÄRKUS: võti on tühistatud" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "eeldan tundmatu kriitilise biti tõttu võtmel %08lX vigast allkirja\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: alamvõtme tühistamise paketile puudub alamvõti\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "võti %08lX: alamvõtme allkirjaga sidumiseks puudub alamvõti\n" @@ -6688,7 +6752,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "trustdb kontrolliks puudub vajadus\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "trustdb järgmine kontroll %s\n" @@ -6703,45 +6767,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "trustdb kontrolliks puudub vajadus\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "ei leia avalikku võtit %08lX: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "palun tehke --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "kontrollin trustdb faili\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d võtit töödeldud (%d kehtivust puhastatud)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "absoluutselt usaldatavaid võtmeid pole\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "puudub absoluutselt usaldatava võtme %08lX avalik võti\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "usalduse kirje %lu, tüüp %d: kirjutamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" @@ -6766,77 +6830,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu avada: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "viga faili lugemisel" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "rida on liiga pikk\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "vigane argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "vigane pakend" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "vastuolulised käsud\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "ei töödeldud" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Vigane käsklus (proovige \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "ei töödeldud" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "vigased impordi võtmed\n" @@ -6866,35 +6941,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kataloogi `%s' ei õnnestu luua: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "viga võtmehoidlasse `%s' kirjutamisel: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "ei leia avalikku võtit %08lX: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "kirjutan salajase võtme faili `%s'\n" @@ -6919,19 +6994,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Kasuta: gpg [võtmed] [failid] (-h näitab abiinfot)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6980,104 +7055,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "TrustDB initsialiseerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "võtmehoidla vahemälu uuesti loomine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmebloki kustutamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "võtmeserverile saatmine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Palun valige tühistamise põhjus:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7085,109 +7160,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "muuda parooli" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "viga võtmebloki lugemisel: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: viga vaba kirje lugemisel: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "`%s' on juba pakitud\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "genereeri uus võtmepaar" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "genereeri uus võtmepaar" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "TrustDB initsialiseerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "võtmebloki kustutamine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Võtme genereerimine ebaõnnestus: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s allkiri, sõnumilühendi algoritm %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "ei leia OpenPGP andmeid.\n" @@ -7212,7 +7287,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FAIL|lae laiendusmoodul FAIL" @@ -7973,7 +8048,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NIMI|kasuta NIME vaikimisi salajase võtmena" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|HOST|kasuta seda võtmeserverit" @@ -8032,26 +8107,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " j = jäta see võti vahele\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "ei saa parsida võtmeserveri URI\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjutan faili `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' ei õnnestu sulgeda: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8307,27 +8382,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "viga teate saatmisel serverile `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8343,113 +8418,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|kasuta parooli moodi N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "viga parooli loomisel: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NIMI|kasuta NIME vaikimisi salajase võtmena" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NIMI|krüpti NIMEle" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "ei saa parsida võtmeserveri URI\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NIMI|kasuta paroolidega ¨ifri algoritmi NIMI" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9235,9 +9310,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "vigane pakett" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "vigane pakend" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "sellist kasutaja id pole" @@ -9262,9 +9334,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "viga faili loomisel" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "vigane parool" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "realiseerimata avaliku võtme algoritm" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/fi.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/fi.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/fi.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/fi.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/fi.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/fi.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-16 22:40+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen \n" "Language-Team: Finnish \n" @@ -41,21 +41,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Haluatko varmasti mitätöidä valitut avaimet? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "väärä salasana" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -65,17 +92,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -85,41 +112,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "rivi on liian pitkä\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "salasana on liian pitkä\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Nimessä on epäkelpo merkki\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI ei kelpaa" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "väärä salasana" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "väärä salasana" @@ -129,22 +156,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "suojausalgoritmi %d%s ei ole käytettävissä\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi luoda: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi avata: %s\n" @@ -362,7 +389,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -373,116 +400,121 @@ "Valitsimet:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "monisanainen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "ole jonkinverran hiljaisempi" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|TIEDOSTO|lataa laajennusmoduuli TIEDOSTO" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "etsi avaimia avainpalvelimelta" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Varmastiko päivitä valinnat näille käyttäjätunnuksille? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "päivitä luottamustietokanta" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "ei tuettu" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "ei tuettu" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy @@ -490,159 +522,159 @@ msgstr "" "Ilmoita ohjelmistovioista (englanniksi) osoitteeseen .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Käyttö: gpg [valitsimet] [tiedostot] (-h näyttää ohjeen)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "HUOM: Ei oletusasetustiedostoa \"%s\"\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "asetustiedosto \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "luetaan asetukset tiedostosta \"%s\"\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "hakemiston \"%s\" luominen ei onnistu: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "ei voida luoda kohdetta %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent ei ole käytettävissä tässä istunnossa\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe lähettäessä kohteeseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "päivitys epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: hakemisto luotu\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: luku epäonnistui (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: hakemistoa ei voi luoda: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "virhe luettaessa tiedostoa \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "salaisen päivitys epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: ohitettu: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent ei ole käytettävissä tässä istunnossa\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "GPG_AGENT_INFO-ympäristömuuttuja on väärin muotoiltu\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -659,7 +691,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -668,7 +700,7 @@ "@Komennot:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -839,8 +871,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" @@ -1220,77 +1252,77 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "ascii-koodaus: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "epäkelpo ascii-koodausotsake: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "ascii-koodausotsake: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "epäkelpo selkotekstisen allekirjoituksen otsikko\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "ascii-koodausotsake: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "sisäkkäisiä tekstimuotoisia allekirjoituksia\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "odottamaton ascii-koodaus:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "epäkelpo viiva rivin lopussa: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "epäkelpo radix64-merkki %02x ohitettu\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "ennenaikainen tiedoston loppu (ei CRC:tä)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "ennenaikainen tiedoston loppu (CRC:ssä)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "väärinmuotoiltu CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC-virhe; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "Ennenaikainen tiedoston loppu (Trailerissa)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "virhe trailer-rivissä\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "kelvollista OpenPGP-dataa ei löytynyt.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "epäkelpo ascii-koodaus: yli %d merkkiä pitkä rivi\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" @@ -1298,7 +1330,7 @@ "viallista\n" "MTA:ta on käytetty\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1306,24 +1338,24 @@ "notaation nimen täytyy sisältää vain tulostettavia merkkejä tai " "välilyöntejä, ja sen täytyy loppua merkkiin \"=\"\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "käyttäjänotaatin täytyy sisältää \"@\"-merkki\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "käyttäjänotaatin täytyy sisältää \"@\"-merkki\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "notaatiosssa ei saa olla erikoismerkkejä\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: löydettiin väärin muotoiltua notaatiodataa\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "ei ihmisten luettavissa" @@ -1337,8 +1369,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "tätä ei voi tehdä eräajossa\n" @@ -1348,14 +1380,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Tätä komentoa ei sallita %s-tilassa.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "salaisen avaimen osat eivät ole käytettävissä\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Valintasi? " @@ -1428,7 +1460,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa avainrengasta \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe luettaessa tiedostoa \"%s\": %s\n" @@ -1531,13 +1563,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Minkä kokoisen avaimen haluat? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "pyöristetty %u bittiin\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1592,8 +1624,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Valinta ei kelpaa.\n" @@ -1622,7 +1654,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "virhe kirjoitettaessa avainrenkaaseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ulos tästä valikosta" @@ -1631,7 +1663,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "ristiriitainen komento\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "näytä tämä ohje" @@ -1711,7 +1743,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Komento ei kelpaa (kirjoita \"help\")\n" @@ -1719,18 +1751,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output ei toimi yhdessä tämän komennon kanssa\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi avata\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "avainta \"%s\" ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1990,228 +2022,228 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: mitään ei viety\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "pk-välimuistissa on liian monta kohdetta - poistettu käytöstä\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Käyttäjätunnusta ei löytynyt]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "" +"avain %08lX: salaisella avaimella ei ole vastaavaa \n" +"julkista avainta - ohitetaan\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "näytä sormenjälki" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Epäkelpo avain %08lX hyväksytty valitsimella --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "ei salaista aliavainta julkiselle aliavaimelle %08lX - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "" "käytetään toissijaista avainta %08lX ensisijaisen avaimen %08lX sijasta\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "" -"avain %08lX: salaisella avaimella ei ole vastaavaa \n" -"julkista avainta - ohitetaan\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "tee erillinen allekirjoitus" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[tiedosto]|tee selkokielinen allekirjoitus" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "tee erillinen allekirjoitus" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "salaa tiedot" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "salaa vain symmetrisellä salaimella" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "avaa tiedot (oletus)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "tarkista allekirjoitus" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "näytä avaimet" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "näytä avaimet allekirjoituksineen" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "tarkista avainten allekirjoitukset" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "näytä avaimet sormenjälkineen" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "näytä salaiset avaimet" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "luo uusi avainpari" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "luo mitätöintivarmenne" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "poista avaimet julkisten avainten renkaasta" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "poista avaimet salaisten avainten renkaasta" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "allekirjoita avain" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "allekirjoita avain paikallisesti" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "allekirjoita tai muokkaa avainta" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "vie avaimia" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "vie avaimia palvelimelle" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "nouda avaimia avainpalvelimelta" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "etsi avaimia avainpalvelimelta" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "päivitä kaikki avaimet avainpalvelimelta" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "nouda/liitä avaimia" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "päivitä luottamustietokanta" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [tiedostot]|tulosta viestien tiivisteet" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "tuota ascii-koodattu tuloste" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NIMI|salaa vastaanottajalle NIMI" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "käytä tätä käyttäjätunnusta allekirjoittamiseen ja avaamiseen" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|aseta pakkausaste N (0 poistaa käytöstä)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "käytä tekstimuotoa" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|TIEDOSTO|lataa laajennusmoduuli TIEDOSTO" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "älä tee muutoksia" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "kysy ennen ylikirjoittamista" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2220,7 +2252,7 @@ "(Katso täydellinen luettelo kaikista komennoista ja valitsimista man-" "sivuilta)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2239,11 +2271,11 @@ " --list-keys [nimet] näytä avaimet\n" " --fingerprint [nimet] näytä sormenjäljet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Käyttö: gpg [valitsimet] [tiedostot] (-h näyttää ohjeen)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2258,7 +2290,7 @@ "allekirjoita, tarkista, salaa tai avaa\n" "oletustoiminto riippuu syötteestä\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2266,563 +2298,563 @@ "\n" "Tuetut algoritmit:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "JulkAvain: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Salaus: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Tiiviste: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Pakkaus: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "käyttö: gpg [valitsimet] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "ristiriitainen komento\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "=-merkkiä ei löytynyt ryhmämäärityksessä \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: omistussuhde kohteessa %s \"%s\" ei ole turvallinen\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: omistussuhde kohteessa %s \"%s\" ei ole turvallinen\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: omistussuhde kohteessa %s \"%s\" ei ole turvallinen\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: oikeudet kohteessa %s \"%s\" eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: oikeudet kohteessa %s \"%s\" eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: oikeudet kohteessa %s \"%s\" eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: %s \"%s\" hakemiston oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: %s \"%s\" hakemiston oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: %s \"%s\" hakemiston oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: Hakemiston %s \"%s\" oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: Hakemiston %s \"%s\" oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: Hakemiston %s \"%s\" oikeudet eivät ole turvallisia\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "tuntematon asetus \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Salaisesta avainrenkaasta ei löydy vastaavaa allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "näytä mihin avainrenkaaseen tulostettu avain kuuluu" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Salaisesta avainrenkaasta ei löydy vastaavaa allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "HUOM: Vanhat oletusarvoiset asetukset löytyvät tiedostosta \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "HUOM: %s ei ole normaaliin käyttöön!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimen URI:iä ei voi jäsentää\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s ei kelpaa merkistöksi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "exec-polkua kohteeseen %s ei voi asettaa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: ohjelma voi luoda core-tiedoston!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: %s korvaa %s:n\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ja %s eivät ole sallittuja yhdessä!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ja %s yhdessä on järjetöntä!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "erillisen allekirjoituksen voi luoda vain --pgp2-tilassa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "--pgp2-tilassa ei voi allekirjoittaa ja salata samanaikaisesti\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "sinun tulee käyttää tiedostoja (eikä putkitusta) kun --pgp2 on käytössä.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "viestin salaaaminen --pgp2-tilassa vaatii IDEA-salaimen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valittu salausalgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valittu tiivistealgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valittu salausalgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valittu varmenteen tiivistealgoritmi ei kelpaa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed täytyy olla suurempi kuin 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed täytyy olla suurempi kuin 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth tulee olla välillä 1-255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "default-cert-level ei kelpaa; täytyy olla 0, 1, 2 tai 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "min-cert-level ei kelpaa; täytyy olla 1, 2 tai 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "" "HUOM: yksinkertaista S2K-tilaa (0) ei todellakaan suositella käytettäväksi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "virheellinen S2K-tila; täytyy olla 0, 1 tai 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "virheelliset oletusarvoiset valinnat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "virheelliset henkilökohtaisen salaimen valinnat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "virheelliset henkilökohtaiset tiivisteen valinnat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "virheelliset henkilökohtaiset pakkausvalinnat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s ja %s eivät vielä toimi yhdessä\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "salausalgoritmia \"%s\" ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "tiivistealgoritmia \"%s\" ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "pakkausalgoritmia \"%s\" ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "TrustDB:n alustaminen ei onnistu: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: vastaanottajia (-r) annettu käyttämättä julkisen avaimen salausta\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "avaus epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "valitsinta %s ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--allekirjoita [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "valitsinta %s ei voi käyttää %s-tilassa\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key käyttäjätunnus" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key käyttäjätunnus" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key käyttäjätunnus [komennot]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key käyttäjätunnus" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimelle lähettäminen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimelta vastaanotto epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "avaimen vienti epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimelta etsiminen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimen päivitys epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "ascii-koodauksen purku epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "ascii-koodaaminen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "virheellinen tiivistealgoritmi \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[tiedostonimi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Kirjoita viestisi...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "annettu varmennekäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "annettu allekirjoituskäytännön URL on virheellinen\n" @@ -2862,474 +2894,479 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Ei ohjetta aiheesta \"%s\"" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "päivitä luottamustietokanta" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "päivitä luottamustietokanta" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "julkinen avain ei täsmää salaiseen avaimeen!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "salaista avainta ei voi käyttää" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "ohitetaan tyypin %d lohko\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "tähän mennessä käsitelty %lu avainta\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Kaikkiaan käsitelty: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " ohitetaan uudet avaimet: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " ilman käyttäjätunnuksia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " tuotu: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " muuttamatonta: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " uusia käyttäjätunnuksia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " uusia aliavaimia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " uusia allekirjoituksia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " uusia avainten mitätöintejä: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " luettuja salaisia avaimia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " tuotuja salaisia avaimia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " muuttamattomia salaisia avaimia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " ei tuotu: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " uusia allekirjoituksia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " luettuja salaisia avaimia: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" # Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ohitetaan \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: HKP-aliavainvirhe korjattu\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "avain %08lX: käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" hyväksytty ilman omaa allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei voimassaolevia käyttäjätunnuksia\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "tämän voi aiheuttaa puuttuva oma-allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: julkista avainta ei löydetty: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: uusi avain - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kirjoitettavissa olevaa avainrengasta ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjoitetaan kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe kirjoitettaessa avainrenkaaseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: julkinen avain \"%s\" tuotu\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei vastaa omaa kopiotamme\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: alkuperäistä avainlohkoa ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "avain %08lX. alkuperäisen avainlohko lukeminen ei onnistu: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" 1 uusi käyttäjätunnus\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" 1 uusi allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" 1 uusi aliavain\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta aliavainta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" %d uutta käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\" ei muutoksia\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "salaista avainta \"%s\" ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: avaimella on epäkelpo salain %d - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "salaiselle avainrenkaalle ei ole asetettu oletusarvoa: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: salainen avain tuotu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: avain on jo avainrenkaassa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: salaista avainta ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "avain %08lX: ei julkista avainta - mitätöintivarmennetta ei voida käyttää\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: pätemätön mitätöintivarmenne: %s - hylätty\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: mitätöintivarmenne \"%s\" tuotu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: allekirjoitukselle ei ole käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: julkisen avaimen algoritmia \"%s\" ei tueta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: epäkelpo oma-allekirjoitus käyttäjätunnuksella \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: julkisen avaimen algoritmia ei tueta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: lisättiin suora avainallekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei aliavainta avainten riippuvuuksiin\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: pätemätön aliavainriippuvuus\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: moninkertainen aliavainriippuvuus poistettu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei aliavainta avainten mitätöintiä varten\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: epäkelpo aliavaimen mitätöinti\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: useiden aliavainten mitätöinti poistettu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: käyttäjätunnus ohitettu '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: aliavain ohitettu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" "avain %08lX: allekirjoitusta ei voida viedä (luokka %02x) - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: mitätöintivarmenne väärässä paikassa - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: epäkelpo mitätöintivarmenne: %s - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: aliavaimen allekirjoitus väärässä paikassa - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: odottamaton allekirjoitusluokka (0x%02X) - ohitetaan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: käyttäjätunnuksen kaksoiskappale havaittu - liitetty\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: avain %08lX saattaa olla mitätöity: haetaan mitätöintiavain %08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: avain %08lX saattaa olla mitätöity: mitätöintiavainta %08lX \n" "ei saatavilla.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: \"%s\"-mitätöintivarmenne lisätty\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: lisättiin suora avainallekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "julkinen avain ei täsmää salaiseen avaimeen!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ohitetaan: salainen avain on jo paikalla\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ohitetaan: salainen avain on jo paikalla\n" @@ -3354,52 +3391,52 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "avainrenkaan välimuistin uudelleenluominen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[mitätöinti]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[oma-allekirjoitus]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 väärä allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d väärää allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 allekirjoitus jätetty tarkistamatta puuttuvan avaimen vuoksi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d allekirjoitusta jätetty tarkistamatta puuttuvien avainten vuoksi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 allekirjoitus jätetty tarkistamatta virheen vuoksi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d allekirjoitusta jätetty tarkistamatta virheiden vuoksi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "havaittiin 1 käyttäjätunnus ilman voimassaolevaa oma-allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "" "havaittiin %d käyttäjätunnusta ilman voimassaolevaa oma-allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3412,63 +3449,63 @@ "lähteistä...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Luotan osittain\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Luotan täysin\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on mitätöity." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti edelleen allekirjoittaa? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Allekirjoittaminen ei onnistu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on vanhentunut." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Käyttäjätunnuksella \"%s\" ei ole oma-allekirjoitusta." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Käyttäjätunnuksella \"%s\" ei ole oma-allekirjoitusta." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko allekirjoita? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3477,13 +3514,13 @@ "Oma-allekirjoitus kohteessa \"%s\"\n" "on PGP 2.x -muodon allekirjoitus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Haluatko vahventaa sen täysin vientikelpoiseksi OpenPGP-allekirjoitukseksi? " "(k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3492,11 +3529,11 @@ "Nykyinen allekirjoituksesi kohteessa \"%s\"\n" "on vanhentunut.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko tehdä uuden allekirjoituksen korvaamaan vanhentuneen? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3505,55 +3542,55 @@ "Nykyinen allekirjoituksesi kohteessa \"%s\"\n" "on paikallinen allekirjoitus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Haluatko vahventaa sen täysin vientikelpoiseksi allekirjoitukseksi? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" on jo allekirjoitettu paikallisesti avaimella %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" on jo allekirjoitettu avaimella %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko allekirjoittaa uudelleen joka tapauksessa? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Avaimelle %08lX ei löydy mitään mitä allekirjoittaa\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Tämä avain on vanhentunut!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Avain vanhenee %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Haluatko allekirjoituksesi vanhenevan samaan aikaan? (K/e) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Et voi luoda OpenPGP-allekirjoitusta PGP 2.x -avaimella --pgp2-tilassa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Tämä tekisi avaimesta käyttökelvottoman PGP 2.x:lle.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3562,32 +3599,32 @@ "Kuinka huolellisesti olet vahvistanut avaimen haltijan henkilöllisyyden?\n" "Jos et tiedä vastausta, syötä \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) En vastaa.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) En ole tarkistanut lainkaan.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Olen suorittanut arkisen tarkistuksen.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Olen suorittanut huolellisen tarkistuksen.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Valintasi? (syöttämällä \"?\" saat lisätietoja): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3596,100 +3633,100 @@ "Haluatko varmasti allekirjoittaa tämän avaimen\n" "omalla avaimellasi: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tämä tulee olemaan oma-allekirjoitus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "VAROITUS: Tätä allekirjoitusta ei määritellä vientikelvottomaksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "VAROITUS: Tätä allekirjoitusta ei määritellä mitätöimättömäksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tämä allekirjoitus määritellään vientikelvottomaksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tämä allekirjoitus määritellään mitätöimättömäksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "En ole tarkistanut tätä avainta lainkaan.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Olen tarkistanut avaimen arkisesti.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Olen tarkistanut avaimen erittäin huolellisesti.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko allekirjoita? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "allekirjoitus epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Avainta ei ole suojattu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Ensisijaisen avaimen salaiset osat eivät ole saatavilla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Ensisijaisen avaimen salaiset osat eivät ole saatavilla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Avain on suojattu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Ei voi muokata avainta: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3697,11 +3734,11 @@ "Syötä uusi salasana salaiselle avaimelle.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "salasanaa ei toistettu oikein, yritä uudestaan." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3709,206 +3746,206 @@ "Et halua salasanaa - tämä on todennäköisesti *huono* ajatus!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti tehdä tämän? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "siirretään avaimen allekirjoitus oikealle paikalle\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "tallenna ja lopeta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "näytä sormenjälki" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "näytä avaimet ja käyttäjätunnukset" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "valitse käyttäjätunnus N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "valitse käyttäjätunnus N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "mitätöi allekirjoitus" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "allekirjoita avain paikallisesti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Vihje: Valitse allekirjoitettavat käyttäjätunnukset\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "lisää käyttäjätunnus" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "lisää valokuva" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "poista käyttäjätunnus" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "poista toissijainen avain" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "lisää mitätöintiavain" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Varmastiko päivitä valinnat näille käyttäjätunnuksille? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Et voi muuttaa v3-avainten vanhentumispäivää\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "merkitse käyttäjätunnus ensisijaiseksi" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "vaihda salaisten ja julkisten avainten luettelon välillä" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "näytä valinnat (asiantuntija)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "näytä valinnat (monisanaisesti)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Varmastiko päivitä valinnat näille käyttäjätunnuksille? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "avainpalvelimen URI:iä ei voi jäsentää\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Varmastiko päivitä valinnat näille käyttäjätunnuksille? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "muuta luottamusastetta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Varmastiko mitätöi kaikki valitut käyttäjätunnukset? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "mitätöi käyttäjätunnus" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "mitätöi toissijainen avain" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "ota avain käyttöön" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "poista avain käytöstä" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "näytä valokuvatunniste" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "virhe luettaessa salaista avainlohkoa \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Salainen avain on saatavilla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Tähän tarvitaan salainen avain.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Käytä ensin komentoa \"toggle\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3916,242 +3953,242 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Avain on mitätöity." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko allekirjoita kaikki käyttäjätunnukset?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Vihje: Valitse allekirjoitettavat käyttäjätunnukset\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "tuntematon allekirjoitusluokka" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Tätä komentoa ei sallita %s-tilassa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Sinun täytyy valita ainakin yksi käyttäjätunnus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Et voi poistaa viimeistä käyttäjätunnusta!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko poista kaikki valitut käyttäjätunnukset? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko poista tämä käyttäjätunnus? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko poista tämä käyttäjätunnus? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Sinun täytyy valita ainakin yksi avain.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi avata: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa avainrengasta \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Sinun täytyy valita ainakin yksi avain.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa valitut avaimet? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän avaimen? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko mitätöi kaikki valitut käyttäjätunnukset? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko mitätöi tämä käyttäjätunnus? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti mitätöidä tämän avaimen? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti mitätöidä valitut avaimet? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti mitätöidä tämän avaimen? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "näytä valinnat" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko päivitä valinnat näille käyttäjätunnuksille? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko päivitä valinnat? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Tallenna muutokset? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Lopeta tallentamatta muutoksia?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "päivitys epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "salaisen päivitys epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Päivitystä ei tarvita, koska avain ei ole muuttunut.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Tiiviste: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Ominaisuudet: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notaatio: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x -muodon käyttäjätunnukselle ei ole valintoja.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Tämä avain voidaan mitätöidä %s-avaimella " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Tämä avain voidaan mitätöidä %s-avaimella " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (luottamuksellinen)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "ei voida luoda kohdetta %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[mitätöity] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [vanhenee: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [vanhenee: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " luottamus: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " luottamus: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Tämä avain on poistettu käytöstä" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4159,19 +4196,19 @@ "Huomioi, että tässä näytetty voimassaolo ei ole välttämättä\n" "ajan tasalla jollet käynnistä ohjelmaa uudelleen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[mitätöity] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4179,7 +4216,17 @@ "VAROITUS: mitään käyttäjätunnusta ei ole merkitty ensisijaiseksi. Tämän \n" "komennon johdosta eri käyttäjätunnus voi tulla oletetuksi ensisijaiseksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Et voi muuttaa v3-avainten vanhentumispäivää\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4188,75 +4235,75 @@ "VAROITUS: Tämä on PGP2-muodon avain. Valokuvan lisääminen voi\n" " saada jotkin PGP:n versiot hylkäämään avaimen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko edelleen varmasti lisätä sen? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Et voi lisätä valokuvaa PGP2-muodon avaimeen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Poistetaanko tämä kelvollinen allekirjoitus? (k/E/l)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Poistetaanko tämä epäkelpo allekirjoitus? (k/E/l)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Poistetaanko tämä tuntematon allekirjoitus? (k/E/l)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Varmastiko poista oma-allekirjoitus? (k/E)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d allekirjoitus poistettu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d allekirjoitusta poistettu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Mitään ei poistettu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "virheellinen ascii-koodaus" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on mitätöity." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on mitätöity." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on mitätöity." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on jo mitätöity\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on jo mitätöity\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4266,279 +4313,279 @@ "voi\n" " saada jotkin PGP:n versiot hylkäämään avaimen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Et voi lisätä määrättyä mitätöijää PGP 2.x -muodon avaimeen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Syötä määrätyn mitätöijän käyttäjätunnus: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x -avainta ei voi nimetä määrätyksi mitätöijäksi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "et voi nimittää avainta sen omaksi määrätyksi mitätöijäksi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: Tämän avaimen nimetty mitätöijä on mitätöinyt avaimen!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: avaimen nimittämistä määrätyksi mitätöijäksi ei voi perua!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Haluatko varmasti nimittää tämän avaimen määrätyksi mitätöijäksi? (k/E): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Poista salaisten avainten valinnat, kiitos.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Valitse korkeintaan yksi toissijainen avain, kiitos.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Muutetaan toissijaisen avaimen vanhentumisaikaa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Muutetaan ensisijaisen avaimen vanhentumisaikaa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Et voi muuttaa v3-avainten vanhentumispäivää\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Salaisesta avainrenkaasta ei löydy vastaavaa allekirjoitusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: allekirjoitusaliavain %08lX ei ole ristiinvarmennettu\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Valitse tasan yksi käyttäjätunnus!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ohitetaan v3-muodon oma-allekirjoitus käyttäjätunnukselle \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti käyttää sitä (k/E)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti käyttää sitä (k/E)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Allekirjoitusnotaatio: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Ylikirjoita (k/E)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Indeksillä %d ei löydy käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Indeksillä %d ei löydy käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Indeksillä %d ei löydy käyttäjätunnusta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "käyttäjätunnus: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " %08lX allekirjoitti tämän %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (vientiin kelpaamaton)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Tämä allekirjoitus vanheni %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti mitätöidä sen? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Luodaanko tälle alekirjoitukselle mitätöintivarmenne? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " %08lX allekirjoitti tämän %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Olet allekirjoittanut seuraavat käyttäjätunnukset:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (vientiin kelpaamaton)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " %08lX mitätöi tämän %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Olet mitätöimässä seuraavat allekirjoitukset:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Varmastiko luo mitätöintivarmenteet? (k/E) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "salainen avain ei ole saatavilla\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on jo mitätöity\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: käyttäjätunnuksen allekirjoitus on päivätty %d sekuntin päähän " "tulevaisuuteen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on jo mitätöity\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "käyttäjätunnus \"%s\" on jo mitätöity\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "Näytetään valokuva %s, kokoa %ld avaimelle 0x%08lX\n" "(käyttäjätunnus %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "valinta %c%lu on kopio\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "liian monta \"%c\" valintaa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "liian monta \"%c\" valintaa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "liian monta \"%c\" valintaa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "Valinnassa on luvaton merkki\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "kirjoitetaan suora allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "kirjoitetaan oma-allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "kirjoitetaan avaimen varmentava allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "avaimen koko on virheellinen, käytetään %u bittiä\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "avaimen koko on pyöristetty %u bittiin\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "salaa tiedot" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4552,7 +4599,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4585,71 +4632,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Valitse millaisen avaimen haluat:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ja ElGamal (oletus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ja ElGamal (oletus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (vain allekirjoitus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (vain allekirjoitus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (vain salaus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (vain salaus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (vain salaus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (vain salaus)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Minkä kokoisen avaimen haluat? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Minkä kokoisen avaimen haluat? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Halutun avaimen koko on %u bittiä\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4665,7 +4712,7 @@ " m = Avain vanhenee n kuukauden kuluttua\n" " y = Avain vanhenee n vuoden kuluttua\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4681,40 +4728,40 @@ " m = Allekirjoitus vanhenee n kuukauden kuluttua\n" " y = Allekirjoitus vanhenee n vuoden kuluttua\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Avain on voimassa? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Allekirjoitus on voimassa? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "arvo ei kelpaa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s ei vanhene koskaan\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s ei vanhene koskaan\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s vanhenee %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Allekirjoitus vanhenee %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4722,12 +4769,12 @@ "Järjestelmäsi ei osaa näyttää päiväyksiä kuin vuoteen 2038.\n" "Se kuitenkin käsittelee päiväykset oikein vuoteen 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Onko tämä oikein (k/e) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4738,7 +4785,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4756,44 +4803,44 @@ " \"Matti Meikäläinen (nuorempi) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Oikea nimi: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Nimessä on epäkelpo merkki\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Nimi ei voi alkaa numerolla\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Nimen täytyy olla vähintään 5 merkkiä pitkä\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite ei kelpaa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Huomautus: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Huomautuksessa on epäkelpo merkki\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Käytät merkistöä \"%s\".\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4804,11 +4851,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Älä syötä sähköpostiosoitetta nimen tai huomautuksen paikalle\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4823,23 +4870,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnHhSsOoLl" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Muuta (N)imi, (H)uomautus, (S)ähköposti vai (L)opeta?" -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Muuta (N)imi, (H)uomautus, (S)ähköposti vai (O)k/(L)opeta?" -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Ole hyvä ja korjaa ensin virhe\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4847,19 +4894,19 @@ "Tarvitset salasanan suojaamaan salaista avaintasi.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Ole hyvä ja syötä salasana, tämän on salainen lause \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4871,7 +4918,7 @@ "tämän ohjelman valitsimella \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4883,50 +4930,50 @@ "alkulukujen luomisen aikana, tämä antaa satunnaislukugeneraattorille\n" "paremmat mahdollisuudet kerätä riittävästi entropiaa.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Avaimen luonti keskeytetty.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjoitan julkisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kirjoitettavissa olevaa julkista avainrengasta ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "kirjoitettavissa olevaa salaista avainrengasta ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe kirjoitettaessa julkiseen avainrenkaaseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe kirjoitettaessa salaiseen avainrenkaaseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "julkinen ja salainen avain on luotu ja allekirjoitettu.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4935,12 +4982,12 @@ "Huomaa, että tätä avainta ei voida käyttää salaamiseen. Käytä komentoa\n" "\"--edit-key\" luodaksesi toissijaisen avaimen salaustarkoitukseen.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Avaimen luonti epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4948,7 +4995,7 @@ "avain on luotu %lu sekunti tulevaisuudessa (on tapahtunut aikahyppy tai\n" "kellon kanssa on ongelmia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4956,31 +5003,31 @@ "avain on luotu %lu sekuntia tulevaisuudessa (on tapahtunut aikahyppy tai\n" "kellon kanssa on ongelmia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "HUOM: v3-aliavainten luonti ei ole OpenPGP:n mukaista\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Haluatko varmasti luoda? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainlohkojen poisto epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi luoda: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "HUOM: salainen avain %08lX vanheni %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "ei koskaan" @@ -5035,45 +5082,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "ascii-koodaaminen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: löytyi 2 tiedostoa, joissa on luottamuksellisia tietoja.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s säilyi muuttumattomana\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s on uusi\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Ole hyvä ja korjaa tämä mahdollinen tietoturvareikä\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "tarkistetaan avainrengasta \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "käsiteltiin %lu avainta (%lu allekirjoitusta)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "käsiteltiin %lu avainta (%lu allekirjoitusta)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: avainrengas luotu\n" @@ -5123,7 +5170,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" @@ -5138,126 +5185,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "avainta \"%s\" ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "pyydetään avainta %08lX kohteesta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "pyydetään avainta %08lX kohteesta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "etsitään \"%s\" HKP-palvelimelta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "etsitään \"%s\" HKP-palvelimelta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "etsitään \"%s\" HKP-palvelimelta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "allekirjoitettu avaimellasi %08lX %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "etsitään \"%s\" HKP-palvelimelta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "etsitään \"%s\" HKP-palvelimelta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "virheelliset vientivalitsimet\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "avainpalvelimelta vastaanotto epäonnistui: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "avainpalvelinvirhe" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "avainpalvelinvirhe" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "avainpalvelimelta vastaanotto epäonnistui: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: tilapäistiedostoa (%s) \"%s\" ei voi poistaa: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "pyydetään avainta %08lX kohteesta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "pyydetään avainta %08lX kohteesta %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: tilapäistiedostoa (%s) \"%s\" ei voi poistaa: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: tilapäistiedostoa (%s) \"%s\" ei voi poistaa: %s\n" @@ -5315,169 +5362,174 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "salattu yhdellä salasanalla\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "oletettavasti %s-salattua dataa\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "IDEA-salain ei käytettävissä, yritetään optimistisesti \n" "käyttää sen sijaan salainta %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "avaus onnistui\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: viestin eheyttä ei oltu suojattu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: salattua viestiä on muokattu!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "avaus epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "HUOM: lähettäjä määrittää \"vain-sinun-silmillesi\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "alkuperäisen tiedoston nimi=\"%.*s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "itsenäinen mitätöinti - käytä \"gpg --import\" ottaaksesi käyttöön\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Allekirjoitus täsmää lähettäjään \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "allekirjoituksen varmistus vaiennetaan\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "näitä allekirjoituksia ei voi käsitellä\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Allekirjoitus vanheni %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " aka \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "" "Allekirjoitus tehty %.*s käyttämällä %s-algoritmia avaintunnuksella %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Avain saatavilla kohteessa: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "VÄÄRÄ allekirjoitus lähettäjältä \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Vanhentunut allekirjoitus lähettäjältä \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Allekirjoitus täsmää lähettäjään \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[ei tiedossa]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " aka \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Allekirjoitus vanheni %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Allekirjoitus vanhenee %s\n" # Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binääri" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "teksti" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "tuntematon " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Allekirjoitusta ei voi tarkistaa: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "allekirjoitus ei ole erillinen\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: useita allekirjoituksia havaittu. Vain ensimmäisen voi " "tarkistaa.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "itsenäinen allekirjoitus luokkaa 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "vanhan tyylin (PGP 2.x) allekirjoitus\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "epäkelpo juuripaketti havaittu proc_tree():ssä\n" @@ -5491,94 +5543,112 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: luku epäonnistui (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "julkisen avaimen algorimin %d käsittely ei onnistu\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "valittua tiivistesalgoritmia %s (%d) ei löydy vastaanottajan valinnoista\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "salausalgoritmi ei ole käytössä" # Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "valittua tiivistesalgoritmia %s (%d) ei löydy vastaanottajan valinnoista\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +# Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA-salaimen liitännäinen ei käytettävissä\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = näytä lisätietoja\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: paheksuttava valitsin \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "käytä valitsinta \"%s%s\" sen sijaan\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "VAROITUS: \"%s\" on paheksuttu valitsin\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "pakkaamaton" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "pakkaamaton" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "%s ei kenties voi käsitellä tätä viestiä\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "luetaan asetukset tiedostosta \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "tuntematon oletusvastaanottaja \"%s\"\n" @@ -5606,48 +5676,49 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "kirjoitetaan vakiotulosteeseen\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "data kohteessa \"%s\" oletetaan allekirjoitetuksi\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "uusi asetustiedosto \"%s\" luotu\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: asetukset tiedostossa \"%s\" eivät ole käytössä vielä tässä " "ajossa\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "julkisen avaimen algorimin %d käsittely ei onnistu\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "VAROITUS: mahdollisesti turvaton symmetrisesti salattu istuntoavain\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "tyypin %d alipaketilla on kriittinen bitti asetettuna\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "agentin käytössä on ongelmia: agentti vastaa 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (pääavaimen tunnus %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5660,15 +5731,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bittinen %s-avain, tunnus %08lX, luotu %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Syötä salasana\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "käyttäjän peruma\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5677,12 +5748,12 @@ "\n" "Tarvitset salasanan avataksesi salaisen avaimen käyttäjälle: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bittinen %s-avain, tunnus %08lX, luotu %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6051,16 +6122,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "luetaan vakiosyötettä ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "ei allekirjoitettua dataa\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "allekirjoitetun datan \"%s\" avaaminen ei onnistu\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "allekirjoitetun datan \"%s\" avaaminen ei onnistu\n" @@ -6325,26 +6396,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "HUOM: avain on mitätöity!" -# Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "Epäkelpo allekirjoitus avaimelta %08lX oletettavasti johtuen tuntemattomasta " "\"critical bit\":istä\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei vastaavaa aliavainta aliavaimen mitätöintipaketille\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "avain %08lX: ei aliavainta aliavaimen liitosallekirjoitukselle\n" @@ -6752,7 +6816,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "trustdb:n tarkistusta ei tarvita\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "seuraava trustdb tarkistus %s\n" @@ -6767,45 +6831,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "trustdb:n tarkistusta ei tarvita\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "julkista avainta %08lX ei löydy: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "tee --check-trustdb, kiitos\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "tarkistetaan trustdb:tä\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d avainta käsitelty (%d kelpoisuuslaskuria tyhjätty)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "ehdottomasti luotettavia avaimia ei löytynyt\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "ehdottomasti luotettu julkinen avain %08lX ei löytynyt\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "luottamustietue %lu, tyyppi %d: kirjoittaminen epäonnistui: %s\n" @@ -6830,77 +6894,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi avata: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "virhe tiedostoa luettaessa" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "rivi on liian pitkä\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "virheellinen argumentti" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "virheellinen ascii-koodaus" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "ristiriitainen komento\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "ei käsitelty" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Komento ei kelpaa (kirjoita \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "ei käsitelty" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "virheelliset tuontivalitsimet\n" @@ -6930,35 +7005,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "hakemiston \"%s\" luominen ei onnistu: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "virhe kirjoitettaessa avainrenkaaseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "julkista avainta %08lX ei löydy: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "kirjoitan salaisen avaimen kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" @@ -6983,19 +7058,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Käyttö: gpg [valitsimet] [tiedostot] (-h näyttää ohjeen)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7044,104 +7119,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "TrustDB:n alustaminen ei onnistu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "avainrenkaan välimuistin uudelleenluominen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainlohkojen poisto epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimelle lähettäminen epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Valitse mitätöinnin syy:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7149,110 +7224,110 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "muuta salasanaa" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "virhe luettaessa avainlohkoa: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: virhe luettaessa vapaata tietuetta: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "\"%s\" on jo pakattu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "luo uusi avainpari" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "luo uusi avainpari" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "TrustDB:n alustaminen ei onnistu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "avainlohkojen poisto epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Avaimen luonti epäonnistui: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" # Ensimmäinen %s on binary, textmode tai unknown, ks. alla -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%sallekirjoitus, tiivistealgoritmi %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "kelvollista OpenPGP-dataa ei löytynyt.\n" @@ -7277,7 +7352,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|TIEDOSTO|lataa laajennusmoduuli TIEDOSTO" @@ -8038,7 +8113,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NIMI|käytä oletusarvoisesti salaista avainta NIMI" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|PALVELIN|käytä tätä palvelinta avainten etsimiseen" @@ -8097,26 +8172,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " o = ohita tämä avain\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "avainpalvelimen URI:iä ei voi jäsentää\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "kirjoitetaan kohteeseen \"%s\"\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tiedostoa \"%s\" ei voi sulkea: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8372,27 +8447,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "virhe lähettäessä kohteeseen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8408,113 +8483,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|käytä salasanoissa toimintatapaa N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "virhe luotaessa salasanaa: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NIMI|käytä oletusarvoisesti salaista avainta NIMI" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NIMI|salaa vastaanottajalle NIMI" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "avainpalvelimen URI:iä ei voi jäsentää\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NIMI|käytä salasanoihin salausalgoritmia NIMI" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9321,9 +9396,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "virheellinen paketti" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "virheellinen ascii-koodaus" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "käyttäjätunnusta ei löydy" @@ -9348,9 +9420,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "virhe tiedostoa luotaessa" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "väärä salasana" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "julkisen avaimen algoritmi ei ole käytössä" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/fr.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/fr.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/fr.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/fr.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/fr.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/fr.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ # GnuPG French translation -# Copyright (C) 1998-2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1998-2009, 2012, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # Gaël Quéri , 1998-2009. -# David Prévot , 2012. +# David Prévot , 2012, 2014. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.19\n" +"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.26\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 09:34+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-01 19:43-0400\n" "Last-Translator: David Prévot \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language: fr\n" @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 #, c-format @@ -28,21 +28,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Annuler" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|Code personnel :" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Annuler" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer les sous-clefs sélectionnées ? (o/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "phrase de passe incorrecte" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Qualité :" @@ -52,85 +86,85 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "La qualité du texte entré ci-dessus.\n" "Veuillez demander à votre administrateur des précisions sur les critères." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer votre code personnel, pour pouvoir débloquer la clef secrète " +"Veuillez entrer votre code personnel, afin de débloquer la clef secrète " "pendant cette session" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer votre phrase de passe, pour pouvoir débloquer la clef " -"secrète pendant cette session" +"Veuillez entrer votre phrase secrète, afin de débloquer la clef secrète " +"pendant cette session" #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (essai %d sur %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "Code personnel trop long" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" -msgstr "Phrase de passe trop longue" +msgstr "Phrase secrète trop longue" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Caractères incorrects dans le code personnel" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "Code personnel trop court" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Mauvais code personnel" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" -msgstr "Mauvaise phrase de passe" +msgstr "Mauvaise phrase secrète" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" -msgstr "Phrase de passe" +msgstr "Phrase secrète" #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 #, c-format msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "les clefs SSH plus grandes que %d bits ne sont pas prises en charge\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossible de créer « %s » : %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir « %s » : %s\n" @@ -187,11 +221,11 @@ #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour la clef SSH%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" +msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour la clef SSH%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" -msgstr "Veuillez répéter cette phrase de passe" +msgstr "Veuillez répéter cette phrase secrète" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 #, c-format @@ -199,13 +233,13 @@ "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer une phrase de passe pour protéger la clef secrète%%0A %s" +"Veuillez entrer une phrase secrète pour protéger la clef secrète%%0A %s" "%%0A %s%%0Areçue dans l'espace de stockage de clefs de gpg-agent" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 msgid "does not match - try again" -msgstr "ne correspond pas — veuillez réessayer" +msgstr "ne correspond pas — veuillez réessayer" #: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 #, c-format @@ -283,7 +317,7 @@ #: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 msgid "Enter new passphrase" -msgstr "Entrez la nouvelle phrase de passe" +msgstr "Entrez la nouvelle phrase secrète" #: agent/genkey.c:167 msgid "Take this one anyway" @@ -298,11 +332,11 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " "at least %u characters long." msgstr[0] "" -"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " -"phrase de passe devrait être longue d'au moins %u caractère." +"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " +"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u caractère." msgstr[1] "" -"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " -"phrase de passe devrait être longue d'au moins %u caractères." +"Avertissement : une phrase secrète sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " +"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u caractères." #: agent/genkey.c:214 #, c-format @@ -313,12 +347,11 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." msgstr[0] "" -"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " -"phrase de passe devrait contenir au moins%%0A%u chiffre ou caractère spécial." +"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " +"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u chiffre%%0Aou caractère spécial." msgstr[1] "" -"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " -"phrase de passe devrait contenir au moins%%0A%u chiffres ou caractères " -"spéciaux." +"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " +"secrète devrait contenir au moins %u chiffres%%0Aou caractères spéciaux." #: agent/genkey.c:237 #, c-format @@ -326,16 +359,16 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " "a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." msgstr "" -"Avertissement : une phrase de passe non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne " -"phrase de passe ne devrait ni être un mot commun,%%0Ani correspondre à un " -"certain schéma." +"Avertissement : une phrase secrète non sécurisée a été entrée.%%0AUne phrase " +"secrète ne devrait ni être un mot commun,%%0Ani correspondre à un certain " +"schéma." #: agent/genkey.c:253 #, c-format msgid "" "You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." msgstr "" -"Aucune phrase de passe n'a été entrée.%0AUne phrase de passe vide n'est pas " +"Aucune phrase secrète n'a été entrée.%0AUne phrase secrète vide n'est pas " "autorisée." #: agent/genkey.c:255 @@ -344,7 +377,7 @@ "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." msgstr "" -"Aucune phrase de passe n'a été entrée — c'est souvent une mauvaise idée." +"Aucune phrase secrète n'a été entrée — c'est souvent une mauvaise idée." "%0AVeuillez confirmer que vous ne voulez aucune protection pour la clef." #: agent/genkey.c:264 @@ -354,13 +387,13 @@ #: agent/genkey.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" -msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe%0Apour protéger la nouvelle clef" +msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète%0Apour protéger la nouvelle clef" #: agent/genkey.c:431 msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" -msgstr "Veuillez entrer la nouvelle phrase de passe" +msgstr "Veuillez entrer la nouvelle phrase secrète" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -369,105 +402,105 @@ "@Options :\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "exécuter en mode démon (arrière-plan)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "exécuter en mode serveur (premier plan)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "bavard" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "devenir beaucoup plus silencieux" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sortie de commandes à la sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "sortie de commandes à la csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FICHIER|lire les options depuis le FICHIER" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "ne pas détacher de la console" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "ne pas capturer le clavier et la souris" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "utiliser un fichier journal pour le serveur" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "utiliser un emplacement de socket standard" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PROG|utiliser PROG pour entrer le code personnel" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PROG|utiliser PROG comme SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "ne pas utiliser le SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignorer les demandes de modification du TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignorer les demandes de modification d'aff. X" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|oublier les codes personnels après N secondes" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "ne pas utiliser le cache de code pour signer" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -msgstr "permettre de marquer la confiance des clefs" +msgstr "ne pas marquer les clefs comme de confiance" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" -msgstr "permettre de préconfigurer la phrase de passe" +msgstr "permettre de préconfigurer la phrase secrète" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "activer l'émulation de ssh-agent" +msgstr "activer la prise en charge de SSH" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "not supported" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" -msgstr "non pris en charge" +msgstr "activer la prise en charge de putty" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "ne pas autoriser la réutilisation d'anciennes phrases secrètes" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|FICHIER|écrire aussi les réglages d'env. dans FICHIER" @@ -475,8 +508,8 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" @@ -484,11 +517,11 @@ "Veuillez signaler toutes anomalies sur <@EMAIL@> (en anglais)\n" "et tout problème de traduction à .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Utilisation : gpg-agent [options] (-h pour l'aide)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -496,148 +529,148 @@ "Syntaxe : gpg-agent [options] [commande [arguments]]\n" "Gestionnaire de clefs secrètes pour GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "niveau de débogage « %s » incorrect\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s est trop ancien (nécessaire : %s, utilisé : %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "Remarque : pas de fichier d'options par défaut « %s »\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fichier d'options « %s » : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "lecture des options de « %s »\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur de création de « %s » : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire « %s » : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "nom de socket trop long\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "impossible de créer la socket : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "le nom de la socket « %s » est trop long\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "" "une instance de gpg-agent fonctionne déjà —\n" "pas de démarrage d'une nouvelle instance\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture du « nonce » de la socket\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur de lien de la socket à « %s » : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de listen() : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "écoute sur la socket « %s »\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "répertoire « %s » créé\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "échec de stat() pour « %s » : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser « %s » comme répertoire personnel\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture du « nonce » sur le descripteur %d : %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "gestionnaire 0x%lx pour le descripteur %d démarré\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "gestionnaire 0x%lx pour le descripteur %d terminé\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "gestionnaire SSH 0x%lx pour le descripteur %d démarré\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "gestionnaire SSH 0x%lx pour le descripteur %d terminé\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -msgstr "échec de pth_select : %s — attente 1 s\n" +msgstr "échec de pth_select : %s — attente 1 s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s arrêté\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "" "aucune instance de gpg-agent n'est en cours d'exécution dans cette session\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "la variable d'environnement GPG_AGENT_INFO est mal définie\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -656,7 +689,7 @@ "Syntaxe : gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" "Maintenance du cache des mots de passe\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -665,7 +698,7 @@ "@Commandes :\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -691,19 +724,19 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour déprotéger l'objet PKCS#12." +msgstr "Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour déprotéger l'objet PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour protéger le nouvel objet PKCS#12." +"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour protéger le nouvel objet PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " "system." msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour protéger l'objet importé dans le " +"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour protéger l'objet importé dans le " "système GnuPG." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 @@ -711,12 +744,12 @@ "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" "needed to complete this operation." msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe ou le code personnel\n" +"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète ou le code personnel\n" "nécessaires pour terminer cette opération." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 msgid "Passphrase:" -msgstr "Phrase de passe :" +msgstr "Phrase secrète :" #: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 msgid "cancelled\n" @@ -725,7 +758,7 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 #, c-format msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "erreur de demande de la phrase de passe : %s\n" +msgstr "erreur de demande de la phrase secrète : %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 #, c-format @@ -823,7 +856,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." msgstr "" -"Remarque : cette phrase de passe n'a jamais été modifiée.%0AVeuillez la " +"Remarque : cette phrase secrète n'a jamais été modifiée.%0AVeuillez la " "modifier maintenant." #: agent/findkey.c:173 @@ -832,19 +865,19 @@ "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " "it now." msgstr "" -"Cette phrase de passe n'a pas été modifiée%%0Adepuis le %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. " +"Cette phrase secrète n'a pas été modifiée%%0Adepuis le %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. " "Veuillez la modifier maintenant." #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 msgid "Change passphrase" -msgstr "Modifier la phrase de passe" +msgstr "Modifier la phrase secrète" #: agent/findkey.c:195 msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Je la modifierai plus tard" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "erreur de création d'un tube : %s\n" @@ -1002,7 +1035,7 @@ #: common/asshelp.c:426 msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" msgstr "" -"impossible de se connecter à l'agent — essai avec la solution de repli\n" +"impossible de se connecter à l'agent — essai avec la solution de repli\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars #. verbatim. It will not be printed. @@ -1152,7 +1185,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 msgid "the available CRL is too old" -msgstr "la liste de révocations de certificats est trop vieille" +msgstr "la liste de révocations de certificat est trop vieille" #: common/audit.c:1119 msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" @@ -1196,81 +1229,81 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armure : %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "en-tête d'armure incorrect : " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "en-tête d'armure : " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "en-tête de signature en texte clair incorrect\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "en-tête d'armure inconnu : " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "signatures en texte clair imbriquées\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armure inattendue : " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "ligne protégée par « - » incorrecte : " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "caractère %02X incorrect en radix64, ignoré\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "fin de fichier prématurée (pas de CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "fin de fichier prématurée (dans le CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC mal défini\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "erreur de CRC ; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "fin de fichier prématurée (dans le pied)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "erreur dans la ligne de pied\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "aucune donnée OpenPGP valable n'a été trouvée.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armure incorrecte : ligne plus longue que %d caractères\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "caractère Quoted-Printable dans l'armure provenant sans\n" "doute d'un serveur de courriers électroniques défectueux\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1278,23 +1311,23 @@ "un nom de notation ne doit contenir que des caractères imprimables ou des " "espaces, et se terminer avec « = »\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "un nom de notation d'utilisateur doit contenir un caractère « @ »\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "un nom de notation ne doit pas contenir plus d'un caractère « @ »\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "une valeur de notation ne doit utiliser aucun caractère de contrôle\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "Attention : des données de notation incorrectes ont été trouvées.\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "non lisible par l'utilisateur" @@ -1308,8 +1341,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "carte OpenPGP nº %s détectée\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "impossible de faire cela en mode automatique\n" @@ -1317,13 +1350,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Cette commande n'est disponible que pour les cartes en version 2\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "le code de réinitialisation n'est plus disponible\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Quel est votre choix ? " @@ -1391,7 +1424,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'allocation de suffisamment de mémoire : %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture de « %s » : %s\n" @@ -1427,7 +1460,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1014 msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" -msgstr "Erreur : longueur incorrecte de la chaîne de préférences.\n" +msgstr "Erreur : taille incorrecte de la chaîne de préférences.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1023 msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" @@ -1495,13 +1528,13 @@ msgstr "" "Quelle taille de clef désirez-vous pour la clef d'authentification ? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "arrondie à %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "les tailles de clefs %s doivent être dans l'intervalle %u-%u\n" @@ -1557,8 +1590,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Clef d'authentification\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Choix incorrect.\n" @@ -1583,7 +1616,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'écriture la clef sur la carte : %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "quitter ce menu" @@ -1591,7 +1624,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "afficher les commandes d'administration" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "afficher cette aide" @@ -1665,7 +1698,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Les commandes d'administration ne sont pas permises\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Commande incorrecte (essayez « help »)\n" @@ -1673,18 +1706,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output n'est pas compatible avec cette commande\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir « %s »\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "clef « %s » introuvable : %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1704,7 +1737,7 @@ #: g10/delkey.c:153 msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " -msgstr "C'est une clef secrète — faut-il vraiment la supprimer ? (o/N) " +msgstr "C'est une clef secrète — faut-il vraiment la supprimer ? (o/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:163 #, c-format @@ -1728,7 +1761,7 @@ #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 #, c-format msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "erreur de création de la phrase de passe : %s\n" +msgstr "erreur de création de la phrase secrète : %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:232 msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" @@ -1895,7 +1928,7 @@ #: g10/export.c:67 msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" -msgstr "supprimer la phrase de passe des sous-clefs exportées" +msgstr "supprimer la phrase secrète des sous-clefs exportées" #: g10/export.c:69 msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" @@ -1916,17 +1949,17 @@ #: g10/export.c:367 #, c-format msgid "key %s: not protected - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : non protégée — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : non protégée — ignorée\n" #: g10/export.c:375 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : clef de type PGP 2.x — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : clef de type PGP 2.x — ignorée\n" #: g10/export.c:386 #, c-format msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : matériel de clef sur la carte — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : matériel de clef sur la carte — ignorée\n" #: g10/export.c:537 msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" @@ -1947,217 +1980,217 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "Attention : rien n'a été exporté\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -msgstr "trop d'entrées dans le cache de clefs publiques — désactivé\n" +msgstr "trop d'entrées dans le cache de clefs publiques — désactivé\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[identité introuvable]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète sans clef publique — ignorée\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "« %s » automatiquement récupéré par %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "erreur de récupération de « %s » avec %s : %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Aucune empreinte" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "La clef incorrecte %s a été rendue valable par\n" "--allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -msgstr "pas de sous-clef secrète pour la sous-clef publique %s — ignorée\n" +msgstr "pas de sous-clef secrète pour la sous-clef publique %s — ignorée\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "" "utilisation de la sous-clef %s à la place de la clef\n" "principale %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète sans clef publique — ignorée\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "faire une signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "faire une signature en texte clair" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "faire une signature détachée" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "chiffrer les données" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "chiffrement symétrique seulement" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "déchiffrer les données (défaut)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "vérifier une signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "afficher les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "afficher les clefs et les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "afficher et vérifier les signatures de clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "afficher les clefs et les empreintes" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "afficher les clefs secrètes" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "générer une nouvelle paire de clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "générer un certificat de révocation" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "supprimer les clefs du porte-clefs public" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "supprimer les clefs du porte-clefs secret" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "signer une clef" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "signer une clef localement" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "signer ou éditer une clef" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" -msgstr "modifier une phrase de passe" +msgstr "modifier une phrase secrète" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exporter les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exporter les clefs vers un serveur de clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importer les clefs d'un serveur de clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "chercher les clefs avec un serveur de clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "mettre à jour les clefs depuis un serveur" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importer ou fusionner les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "afficher l'état de la carte" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "modifier les données d'une carte" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "modifier le code personnel d'une carte" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "mettre la base de confiance à jour" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "indiquer les fonctions de hachage" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "exécuter en mode serveur" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "créer une sortie ASCII avec armure" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|chiffrer pour l'IDENTITÉ" +msgstr "|IDENTITÉ| chiffrer pour l'IDENTITÉ" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" -msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|utiliser l'IDENTITÉ pour signer ou déchiffrer" +msgstr "|IDENTITÉ| utiliser l'IDENTITÉ pour signer ou déchiffrer" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|niveau de compression N (0 désactive)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "utiliser le mode texte canonique" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" -msgstr "|FICHIER|Écrire la sortie dans le FICHIER" +msgstr "|FICHIER|écrire la sortie dans le FICHIER" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "ne rien modifier" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "demander avant d'écraser un fichier" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "utiliser le comportement strict d'OpenPGP" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2166,7 +2199,7 @@ "(Consultez la page de manuel pour obtenir une liste complète des commandes\n" "et options)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2186,11 +2219,11 @@ " --list-keys [noms] montrer les clefs\n" " --fingerprint [noms] montrer les empreintes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Utilisation : gpg [options] [fichiers] (-h pour l'aide)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2200,7 +2233,7 @@ "Signer, vérifier, chiffrer ou déchiffrer\n" "L'opération par défaut dépend des données entrées\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2208,85 +2241,85 @@ "\n" "Algorithmes pris en charge :\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Clef publique : " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Chiffrement : " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hachage : " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compression : " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "utilisation : gpg [options] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "commandes en conflit\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "aucun signe = trouvé dans la définition du groupe « %s »\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire personnel « %s »\n" " n'est pas sûr\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : le propriétaire du fichier de configuration « %s »\n" " n'est pas sûr\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : le propriétaire de l'extension « %s »\n" " n'est pas sûr\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les droits du répertoire personnel « %s »\n" " ne sont pas sûrs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les droits du fichier de configuration « %s »\n" " ne sont pas sûrs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les droits de l'extension « %s »\n" " ne sont pas sûrs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire contenant le répertoire personnel\n" " « %s » n'est pas sûr\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2294,21 +2327,21 @@ "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire contenant le fichier de\n" " configuration « %s » n'est pas sûr\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : le propriétaire du répertoire contenant l'extension\n" " « %s » n'est pas sûr\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les droits du répertoire contenant le répertoire personnel\n" " « %s » ne sont pas sûrs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2316,471 +2349,471 @@ "Attention : les droits du répertoire contenant le fichier de configuration\n" " « %s » ne sont pas sûrs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les droits du répertoire contenant l'extension\n" " « %s » ne sont pas sûrs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "élément de configuration « %s » inconnu\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "montrer les photos d'identité en affichant les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "montrer les URL de politique en affichant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "montrer toutes les notations en affichant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "utiliser les notations aux normes IETF en affichant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" "utiliser les notations fournies par l'utilisateur en affichant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" "montrer les URL des serveurs de clefs favoris en affichant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "indiquer la validité de l'identité en affichant les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "montrer les identités révoquées et expirées en affichant les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "indiquer les sous-clefs révoquées et expirées en affichant les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "montrer le nom du porte-clefs en affichant les clefs" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "montrer les dates d'expiration en affichant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "Remarque : l'ancien fichier d'options par défaut « %s » a été ignoré\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt est trop ancienne (nécessaire : %s, utilisé : %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "Remarque : %s n'est pas pour une utilisation normale.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une date d'expiration de signature valable\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un jeu de caractères valable\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'URL du serveur de clefs\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s : %d : les options du serveur de clefs sont incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "les options du serveur de clefs sont incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s : %d : options d'importation incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "options d'importation incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s : %d : options d'exportation incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "options d'exportation incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s : %d : options de liste incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "options de liste incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "montrer les photos d'identité en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "montrer les URL de politique en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "montrer toutes les notations en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "utiliser les notations aux normes IETF en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" "utiliser les notations fournies par l'utilisateur en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" "montrer les URL des serveurs de clefs favoris en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "indiquer la validité de l'identité en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" "montrer les identités révoquées et expirées en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "ne montrer que l'identité principale en vérifiant les signatures" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "valider les signatures avec les données PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "augmenter la confiance des signatures avec des données PKA valables" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s : %d : options de vérification incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "options de vérification incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "impossible de configurer le chemin d'exécution à %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s : %d : liste de recherche automatique de clef incorrecte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "liste de recherche automatique de clef incorrecte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "Attention : le programme pourrait créer un fichier « core ».\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "Attention : %s remplace %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s n'est pas permis avec %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s n'a aucun sens avec %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "ne sera pas exécuté avec une mémoire non sécurisée à cause de %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "une signature détachée ou en texte clair n'est possible qu'en mode --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "signer et chiffrer en même temps n'est possible qu'en mode --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "des fichiers (et pas un tube) doivent être utilisés lorsque --pgp2\n" "est activé.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" "chiffrer un message en mode --pgp2 nécessite l'algorithme de chiffrement " "IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algorithme de chiffrement sélectionné est incorrect\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "la fonction de hachage sélectionnée est incorrecte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algorithme de compression sélectionné est incorrect\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "la fonction de hachage de certification sélectionnée est incorrecte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "« completes-needed » doit être supérieur à 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "« marginals-needed » doit être supérieur à 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "« max-cert-depth » doit être compris entre 1 et 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "« default-cert-level » incorrect ; doit être 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "« min-cert-level » incorrect ; doit être , 1, 2 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "Remarque : le mode S2K simple (0) est fortement déconseillé\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "mode S2K incorrect ; doit être 0, 1 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "préférences par défaut incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "préférences personnelles de chiffrement incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "préférences personnelles de hachage incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "préférences personnelles de compression incorrectes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s ne fonctionne pas encore avec %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser l'algorithme de chiffrement « %s » en mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser l'algorithme de hachage « %s » en mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser l'algorithme de compression « %s » en mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "impossible d'initialiser la base de confiance : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les destinataires (-r) indiqués n'utilisent pas\n" " de clef publique pour le chiffrement\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec du chiffrement symétrique de « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --encrypt avec --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --encrypt en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --sign --encrypt avec --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --symmetric --sign --encrypt en mode %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key identité" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key identité" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key identité [commandes]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec d'envoi vers le serveur de clefs : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de réception depuis le serveur de clefs : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec d'exportation de la clef : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de recherche au sein du serveur de clefs : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de rafraîchissement par le serveur de clefs : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de déconstruction d'une armure : %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de construction d'une armure : %s \n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algorithme de hachage « %s » incorrect\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[fichier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Vous pouvez taper votre message…\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "l'URL de politique de certification donnée est incorrecte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "l'URL de politique de signature donnée est incorrecte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "l'URL du serveur de clefs favori qui a été donnée est incorrecte\n" @@ -2817,120 +2850,126 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Pas d'aide disponible pour « %s »" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "importer des signatures marquées comme locales seulement" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "réparer les données endommagées du serveur pks pendant l'importation" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "ne pas mettre à jour la base de confiance après l'importation" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "ne pas mettre à jour la base de confiance après l'importation" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "créer une clef publique en important une clef secrète" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "n'accepter que les mises à jour des clefs existantes" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "nettoyer les parties inutilisables de la clef après l'importation" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "supprimer autant que possible de la clef après l'importation" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "un bloc de type %d a été ignoré\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu clefs traitées jusqu'à présent\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr " Quantité totale traitée : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " nouvelles clefs ignorées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sans identité : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importées : %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " non modifiées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nouvelles identités : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nouvelles sous-clefs : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nouvelles signatures : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr "nouvelles révocations de clef : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " clefs secrètes lues : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " clefs secrètes importées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " clefs secrètes non modifiées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " non importées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " signatures nettoyées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " identités nettoyées : %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2939,353 +2978,351 @@ "Attention : la clef %s contient des préférences pour des\n" " algorithmes indisponibles pour ces identités :\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " « %s » : préférence pour l'algorithme de chiffrement %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " « %s » : préférence pour l'algorithme de hachage %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " « %s » : préférence pour l'algorithme de compression %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "vous devriez mettre à jour vos préférences et redistribuer cette\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "clef pour éviter d'éventuels problèmes d'algorithmes non appropriés\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" "vous pouvez mettre à jour vos préférences avec :\n" "gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "clef %s : pas d'identité\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "« %s » a été ignorée : %s\n" +msgstr "clef %s : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rejetée par le filtre d’importation" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "clef %s : corruption de sous-clef PKS réparée\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clef %s : identité « %s » non autosignée acceptée\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "clef %s : pas d'identité valable\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "cela pourrait provenir d'une autosignature manquante\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "clef %s : clef publique introuvable : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : nouvelle clef — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : nouvelle clef — ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "aucun porte-clefs accessible en écriture n'a été trouvé : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "écriture de « %s »\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'écriture du porte-clefs « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "clef %s : clef publique « %s » importée\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "clef %s : ne correspond pas à notre copie\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "clef %s : impossible de trouver le bloc de clef d'origine : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "clef %s : impossible de lire le bloc de clef d'origine : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » 1 nouvelle identité\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d nouvelles identités\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » 1 nouvelle signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d nouvelles signatures\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » 1 nouvelle sous-clef\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d nouvelles sous-clefs\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d signature nettoyée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d signatures nettoyées\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d identité nettoyée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » %d identités nettoyées\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » n'est pas modifiée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "clef secrète « %s » introuvable : %s\n" +msgstr "clef secrète %s : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "impossible d'importer des clefs secrètes\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète avec chiffrement %d incorrect — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète avec chiffrement %d incorrect — ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "pas de porte-clefs par défaut : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète importée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "clef %s : déjà dans le porte-clefs secret\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "clef %s : clef secrète introuvable : %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" -"clef %s : pas de clef publique — impossible d'appliquer le certificat\n" +"clef %s : pas de clef publique — impossible d'appliquer le certificat\n" " de révocation\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" -msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — rejeté\n" +msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — rejeté\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "clef %s : « %s » certificat de révocation importé\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "clef %s : pas d'identité pour la signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clef %s : algorithme à clef publique non géré avec l'identité « %s »\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clef %s : autosignature de l'identité « %s » incorrecte\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "clef %s : algorithme à clef publique non pris en charge\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "clef %s : signature directe de clef incorrecte\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "clef %s : pas de sous-clef pour relier la clef\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "clef %s : lien à la sous-clef incorrect\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "clef %s : suppression de lien multiple aux sous-clefs\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "clef %s : pas de sous-clef pour révoquer la clef\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "clef %s : révocation de sous-clef incorrecte\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "clef %s : suppression de la révocation de sous-clefs multiples\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "clef %s : identité « %s » ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "clef %s : sous-clef ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : signature non exportable (classe 0x%02X) — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : signature non exportable (classe 0x%02X) — ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation au mauvais endroit — ignoré\n" +msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation au mauvais endroit — ignoré\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — ignoré\n" +msgstr "clef %s : certificat de révocation incorrect : %s — ignoré\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : signature de sous-clef au mauvais endroit — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : signature de sous-clef au mauvais endroit — ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : classe de signature inattendue (0x%02X) — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : classe de signature inattendue (0x%02X) — ignorée\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" -msgstr "clef %s : identités en double détectées — fusionnées\n" +msgstr "clef %s : identités en double détectées — fusionnées\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "Attention : la clef %s est peut-être révoquée :\n" " récupération de la clef de révocation %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "Attention : la clef %s est peut-être révoquée :\n" " la clef de révocation %s est absente.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "clef %s : ajout du certificat de révocation « %s »\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "clef %s : ajout de la signature directe de clef\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" "Remarque : le numéro de série d'une clef ne correspond pas à celui de la " "carte\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "Remarque : la clef principale est en ligne et stockée sur la carte\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "Remarque : la clef secondaire est en ligne et stockée sur la carte\n" @@ -3309,51 +3346,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "échec de reconstruction du cache de porte-clefs : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[révocation]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[autosignature]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 mauvaise signature\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d mauvaises signatures\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signature non vérifiée à cause d'une clef manquante\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signatures non vérifiées à cause de clefs manquantes\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signature non vérifiée à cause d'une erreur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signatures non vérifiées à cause d'erreurs\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 identité sans autosignature valable détecté\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d identités sans autosignature valable détecté\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3364,17 +3401,17 @@ "vérifier les clefs des autres utilisateurs (en regardant les passeports, en\n" "vérifiant les empreintes depuis diverses sources, etc.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = je fais très légèrement confiance\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = je fais entièrement confiance\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3384,47 +3421,47 @@ "Une profondeur supérieure à 1 permet à la clef que vous signez de faire\n" "des signatures de confiance de votre part.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Veuillez entrer un domaine pour restreindre cette signature, ou appuyer\n" "sur la touche entrée pour aucun domaine.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "L'identité « %s » est révoquée." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment toujours la signer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Impossible de signer.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "L'identité « %s » est expiré." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "L'identité « %s » n'est pas autosignée." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "L'identité « %s » peut être signée. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il la signer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3433,11 +3470,11 @@ "L'autosignature de « %s »\n" "est une signature de type PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous la modifier en autosignature OpenPGP ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3446,13 +3483,13 @@ "Votre signature actuelle de « %s »\n" "a expiré.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Voulez-vous créer une nouvelle signature pour remplacer celle qui a\n" "expiré ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3461,43 +3498,43 @@ "Votre signature actuelle de « %s »\n" "est locale.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous la rendre complètement exportable ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "« %s » a déjà été signée localement par la clef %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "« %s » a déjà été signée par la clef %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous quand même encore la signer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Rien à signer avec la clef %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Cette clef a expiré." -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Cette clef va expirer le %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Voulez-vous que votre signature expire en même temps ? (O/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3505,11 +3542,11 @@ "Impossible de faire une signature OpenPGP d'une clef PGP 2.x en mode --" "pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Cela rendrait la clef inutilisable par PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3518,31 +3555,31 @@ "Avec quel soin avez-vous vérifié que la clef à signer appartient bien à\n" "la personne sus-nommée ? Si vous ne savez quoi répondre, entrez « 0 ».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Je ne répondrai pas.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Je n'ai pas vérifié du tout.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) J'ai partiellement vérifié.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) J'ai complètement vérifié.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Quel est votre choix ? (Entrez « ? » pour plus de renseignements) : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3551,284 +3588,284 @@ "Voulez-vous vraiment signer cette clef avec votre\n" "clef « %s » (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Ce sera une autosignature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Attention : la signature ne sera pas marquée comme non exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Attention : La signature ne sera pas marquée comme non révocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "La signature sera marquée comme non exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "La signature sera marquée comme non révocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Je n'ai pas du tout vérifié cette clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "J'ai partiellement vérifié cette clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "J'ai complètement vérifié cette clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment signer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de la signature : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -"La clef ne possède que des éléments partiels ou stockés sur carte —\n" -"pas de phrase de passe à modifier.\n" +"La clef ne possède que des éléments partiels ou stockés sur carte\n" +"— pas de phrase secrète à modifier.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Cette clef n'est pas protégée.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Les parties secrètes de la clef principale ne sont pas disponibles.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "" "Les parties secrètes de la clef principale sont stockées sur la carte.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "La clef est protégée.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Impossible d'éditer cette clef : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Entrez la nouvelle phrase de passe pour cette clef secrète.\n" +"Entrez la nouvelle phrase secrète pour cette clef secrète.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "" -"la phrase de passe n'a pas été correctement répétée ; veuillez réessayer" +"la phrase secrète n'a pas été correctement répétée ; veuillez réessayer" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase de passe — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise* " +"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase secrète — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise* " "idée.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment faire cela ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "déplacement d'une signature de clef au bon endroit\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "enregistrer et quitter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "afficher l'empreinte de la clef" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "afficher la clef et les identités" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "sélectionner l'identité N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "sélectionner la sous-clef N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "vérifier les signatures" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" "signer les identités sélectionnées [* voir ci-dessous les commandes " "similaires]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "signer les identités sélectionnées localement" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "signer les identités sélectionnées avec une signature de confiance" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "signer les identités sélectionnées avec une signature non révocable" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "ajouter une identité" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "ajouter une photo d'identité" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "supprimer les identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "ajouter une sous-clef" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "ajouter une clef à une carte à puce" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "déplacer une clef vers une carte à puce" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "déplacer une clef de sauvegarde vers une carte à puce" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "supprimer les sous-clefs sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "ajouter une clef de révocation" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "supprimer les signatures des identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" "modifier la date d'expiration de la clef ou des sous-clefs sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marquer l'identité sélectionnée comme principale" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "" "passer de la liste de clefs secrètes à celle de clefs privées ou vice versa" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "afficher les préférences (expert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "afficher les préférences (bavard)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "définir la liste de préférences pour les identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "définir le serveur de clefs favori pour les identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "définir une notation pour les identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" -msgstr "modifier la phrase de passe" +msgstr "modifier la phrase secrète" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "modifier la confiance du propriétaire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "révoquer les signatures des identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "révoquer les identités sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "révoquer la clef ou des sous-clefs sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "activer la clef" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "désactiver la clef" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "montrer les photos d'identité sélectionnées" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "compacter les identités inutilisables et supprimer les\n" " signatures inutilisables de la clef" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" "compacter les identités inutilisables et supprimer toutes\n" " les signatures de la clef" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture du bloc de clef secrète « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "La clef secrète est disponible.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "La clef secrète est nécessaire pour faire cela.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Veuillez d'abord utiliser la commande « toggle ».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3840,228 +3877,228 @@ " confiance (tsign), « nr » pour les signatures non révocables\n" " (nrsign), ou toute combinaison possible (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "La clef est révoquée." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment signer toutes les identités ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Conseil : sélectionner les identités à signer\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Type de signature « %s » inconnu\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Cette commande n'est pas permise en mode %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner au moins une identité.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer la dernière identité.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il vraiment supprimer toutes les identités sélectionnées ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il vraiment supprimer cette identité ? (o/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il vraiment déplacer la clef principale ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner exactement une clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "La commande attend un nom de fichier comme argument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Erreur de lecture de la clef de sauvegarde sur « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner au moins une clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les clefs sélectionnées ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette clef ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer toutes les identités sélectionnées ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer cette identité ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer toute la clef ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer les sous-clefs sélectionnées ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer cette sous-clef ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "La confiance du propriétaire pourrait ne pas être définie à partir de\n" "la base de confiance d'un tiers\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Définir la liste de préférences en :\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Faut-il vraiment mettre à jour les préférences pour les\n" "identités sélectionnées ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il vraiment mettre à jour les préférences ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il enregistrer les modifications ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il quitter sans enregistrer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de la mise à jour : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de la mise à jour de la clef secrète : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "La clef n'a pas été modifiée donc la mise à jour est inutile.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Hachage : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Fonctionnalités : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Serveur de clefs sans modification" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Serveur de clefs favori : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notations : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Il n'y a pas de préférences dans une identité de type PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "La clef suivante a été révoquée le %s par la clef %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Cette clef peut être révoquée par la clef %s %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(sensible)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "créé : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "révoquée : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "expirée : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "expire : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "utilisation : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "confiance : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "validité : %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Cette clef a été désactivée" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "nº de carte : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4069,17 +4106,17 @@ "Veuillez remarquer que la validité affichée pour la clef n'est pas\n" "forcément correcte avant d'avoir relancé le programme.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "révoquée" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "expirée" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4088,7 +4125,17 @@ "commande\n" " risque de rendre une autre identité principale par défaut.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier la date d'expiration d'une clef v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4097,75 +4144,75 @@ "Attention : c'est une clef de type PGP 2. Ajouter une photo d'identité\n" " peut forcer certaines versions de PGP à rejeter cette clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment toujours l'ajouter ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Vous ne devriez pas ajouter de photo d'identité à une clef de type PGP 2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Faut-il supprimer cette bonne signature ? (o/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Faut-il supprimer cette signature incorrecte ? (o/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Faut-il supprimer cette signature inconnue ? (o/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Faut-il vraiment supprimer cette autosignature ? (o/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d signature supprimée.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d signatures supprimées\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Rien n'a été supprimé.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "incorrecte" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Identité « %s » compactée : %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Identité « %s » : %d signature supprimée\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Identité « %s » : %d signatures supprimées\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "Identité « %s » : déjà minimisée\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "Identité « %s » : déjà nettoyée\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4174,277 +4221,277 @@ "Attention : c'est une clef de type PGP 2.x. Ajouter un révocateur désigné\n" " peut forcer certaines versions de PGP à rejeter cette clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de révocateur désigné à une clef de type PGP 2." "x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Entrez l'identité du révocateur désigné : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "impossible d'utiliser une clef de type PGP 2.x comme révocateur désigné.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une clef comme son propre révocateur désigné\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "cette clef à déjà été désignée comme un révocateur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "Attention : l'établissement d'une clef comme révocateur désigné\n" " est irréversible.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Voulez-vous vraiment rendre cette clef comme révocateur désigné ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Veuillez supprimer les sélections des clefs secrètes.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner au plus une sous-clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Modification de la date d'expiration d'une sous-clef.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Modification de la date d'expiration de la clef principale.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier la date d'expiration d'une clef v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Pas de signature correspondante dans le porte-clefs secret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "la sous-clef de signature %s a déjà une certification croisée\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "la sous-clef %s ne signe pas et n'a donc pas besoin de certification " "croisée\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner exactement une identité.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "l'autosignature v3 de l'identité « %s » a été ignorée\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Entrez l'URL de votre serveur de clefs favori : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment le remplacer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment le supprimer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Entrez la notation : " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il continuer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Pas d'identité d'indice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Pas d'identité avec le hachage %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Pas de sous-clef d'indice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "identité : « %s »\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "signée par votre clef %s le %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (non exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Cette signature a expiré le %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment toujours la révoquer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Faut-il créer un certificat de révocation pour cette signature ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Non signée par vous.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Vous avez signé ces identités sur la clef %s :\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (non révocable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "révoquée par votre clef %s le %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de révoquer ces signatures :\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il vraiment créer les certificats de révocation ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "pas de clef secrète\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "l'identité « %s »\" est déjà révoquée.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "Attention : une signature d'identité date de %d secondes dans le futur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "La clef %s est déjà révoqué.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "La sous-clef %s est déjà révoquée.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "Affichage de la photo d'identité %s de taille %ld pour la clef\n" "%s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "préférence « %s » en double\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "trop de préférences de chiffrement\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "trop de préférences de hachage\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "trop de préférences de compression\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "élément « %s » incorrect dans la chaîne de préférences\n" # g10/keygen.c:123 ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "écriture de la signature directe\n" # g10/keygen.c:123 ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "écriture de l'autosignature\n" # g10/keygen.c:161 ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "écriture de la signature de lien à la clef\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "taille incorrecte ; utilisation de %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "taille arrondie à %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "Attention : certains programmes OpenPGP ne peuvent pas gérer\n" " de clef DSA avec cette taille de hachage\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Signer" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certifier" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Chiffrer" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Authentifier" @@ -4458,7 +4505,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsCcAaQq" @@ -4491,71 +4538,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Terminé\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Sélectionnez le type de clef désiré :\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA et RSA (par défaut)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA et Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (signature seule)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (signature seule)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (chiffrement seul)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (chiffrement seul)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (indiquez vous-même les capacités)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (indiquez vous-même les capacités)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" -msgstr "les clefs %s peuvent faire entre %u et %u bits de longueur.\n" +msgstr "les clefs %s peuvent faire une taille comprise entre %u et %u bits.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Quelle taille de clef désirez-vous pour la sous-clef ? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Quelle taille de clef désirez-vous ? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "La taille demandée est %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4571,7 +4618,7 @@ " m = la clef expire dans n mois\n" " y = la clef expire dans n ans\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4588,38 +4635,38 @@ " m = la signature expire dans n mois\n" " y = la signature expire dans n ans\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Pendant combien de temps la clef est-elle valable ? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Pendant combien de temps la signature est-elle valable ? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "valeur incorrecte\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "La clef n'expire pas du tout\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "La signature n'expire pas du tout\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "La clef expire le %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "La signature expire le %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4627,11 +4674,11 @@ "Le système ne peut pas afficher les dates au-delà de 2038.\n" "Cependant, la gestion des dates sera correcte jusqu'en 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Est-ce correct ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4645,7 +4692,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4661,44 +4708,44 @@ " « Heinrich Heine (le poète)  »\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nom réel : " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Caractère incorrect dans le nom\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Le nom ne doit pas commencer par un chiffre\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Le nom doit contenir au moins cinq caractères\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Adresse électronique : " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Ce n'est pas une adresse électronique valable\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Commentaire : " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Caractère incorrect dans le commentaire\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Vous utilisez le jeu de caractères « %s ».\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4709,13 +4756,13 @@ " « %s »\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" "Ne mettez pas d'adresse électronique dans le nom réel ou dans le " "commentaire\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "Cette identité existe déjà pour cette clef.\n" @@ -4730,60 +4777,60 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcAaOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "" "Faut-il modifier le (N)om, le (C)ommentaire, l'(A)dresse électronique\n" "ou (Q)uitter ? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" "Faut-il modifier le (N)om, le (C)ommentaire, l'(A)dresse électronique\n" "ou (O)ui/(Q)uitter ? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Veuillez d'abord corriger l'erreur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Une phrase de passe est nécessaire pour protéger votre clef secrète.\n" +"Une phrase secrète est nécessaire pour protéger votre clef secrète.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer une phrase de passe pour protéger la sauvegarde hors carte " -"de la nouvelle clef de chiffrement." +"Veuillez entrer une phrase secrète pour protéger la sauvegarde hors carte de " +"la nouvelle clef de chiffrement." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase de passe — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise*\n" -"idée. C'est possible quand même. Vous pouvez modifier la phrase de passe\n" +"Vous ne voulez pas de phrase secrète — c'est sans doute une *mauvaise*\n" +"idée. C'est possible quand même. Vous pouvez modifier la phrase secrète\n" "à tout moment en utilisant ce programme avec l'option « --edit-key ».\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4795,50 +4842,50 @@ "pendant la génération de nombres premiers ; cela donne au générateur de\n" "nombres aléatoires une meilleure chance d'obtenir suffisamment d'entropie.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "La génération de clef a été annulée.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "écriture de la clef publique dans « %s »\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "écriture de la clef secrète partielle dans « %s »\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "écriture de la clef secrète dans « %s »\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "aucun porte-clefs public accessible en écriture n'a été trouvé : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "aucun porte-clefs secret accessible en écriture n'a été trouvé : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'écriture du porte-clefs public « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'écriture du porte-clefs secret « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "les clefs publique et secrète ont été créées et signées.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4847,12 +4894,12 @@ "pouvez\n" "utiliser la commande « --edit-key » pour générer une sous-clef à cette fin.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Échec de génération de la clef : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4860,7 +4907,7 @@ "la clef a été créée %lu seconde dans le futur (faille temporelle ou\n" "problème d'horloge)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4868,32 +4915,32 @@ "la clef a été créée %lu secondes dans le futur (faille temporelle ou\n" "problème d'horloge)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "Remarque : la création de sous-clefs pour des clefs v3 n'est pas compatible\n" " avec OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Faut-il vraiment la créer ? (o/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "impossible de stocker la clef sur la carte : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossible de créer le fichier de sauvegarde « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "Remarque : sauvegarde de la clef de la carte dans « %s »\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "jamais " @@ -4947,46 +4994,46 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Nº de série de carte =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "impossible de renommer « %s » en « %s » : %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "" "Attention : deux fichiers existent avec des informations confidentielles.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s est le fichier d'origine\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s est le nouveau\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Veuillez corriger cet éventuel problème de sécurité\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "mise en cache du porte-clefs « %s »\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu clefs mises en cache pour l'instant (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu clefs mises en cache (%lu signatures)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s : porte-clefs créé\n" @@ -5038,7 +5085,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Entrez le ou les nombres, (S)uivant, ou (Q)uitter > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "protocole de serveur de clefs incorrect (nous %d!=gestionnaire %d)\n" @@ -5052,129 +5099,129 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "clef introuvable sur le serveur de clefs\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "demande de la clef %s sur le serveur %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "requête de la clef %s sur %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "recherche de noms sur le serveur %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "recherche de noms sur %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "envoi de la clef %s au serveur %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "envoi de la clef %s à %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "recherche de « %s » sur le serveur %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "recherche de « %s » sur %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "pas d'action pour le serveur de clefs.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" "Attention : le gestionnaire de serveurs de clefs provient d'une\n" " version différente de GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "le serveurs de clefs n'a pas envoyé sa VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "erreur de communication avec le serveur de clefs : %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "pas de serveur de clefs connu (utilisez l'option --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" "les appels externes à un serveur de clef ne sont pas pris en charge dans\n" "cette compilation\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "pas de gestionnaire pour le type de serveurs de clefs « %s »\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" "l'action « %s » n'est pas prise en charge avec le type de serveurs\n" "de clefs « %s »\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s ne prend pas en charge pas le gestionnaire de version %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "le délai d'attente du serveur de clefs a expiré\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "erreur interne du serveur de clefs\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "erreur de communication avec le serveur de clefs : %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un identifiant de clef : ignoré\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "" "Attention : impossible de rafraîchir la clef %s\n" " avec %s : %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "rafraîchissement d'une clef à partir de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "rafraîchissement de %d clefs à partir de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "Attention : impossible de récupérer l'URI %s : %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "Attention : impossible d'analyser l'URI %s\n" @@ -5192,7 +5239,7 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:305 #, c-format msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" -msgstr "phrase de passe générée avec l'algorithme de hachage %d inconnu\n" +msgstr "phrase secrète générée avec l'algorithme de hachage %d inconnu\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:371 #, c-format @@ -5228,171 +5275,176 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:506 #, c-format msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" -msgstr "chiffré avec %lu phrases de passe\n" +msgstr "chiffré avec %lu phrases secrètes\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:508 msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -msgstr "chiffré avec 1 phrase de passe\n" +msgstr "chiffré avec 1 phrase secrète\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "les données sont supposées chiffrées avec %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "L'algorithme IDEA n'est pas disponible, essai avec %s\n" "qui fonctionnera peut-être avec un peu de chance\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "le déchiffrement a réussi\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "Attention : l'intégrité du message n'était pas protégée\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "Attention : le message chiffré a été manipulé.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -msgstr "phrase de passe effacée mise en cache avec l'identifiant : %s\n" +msgstr "phrase secrète effacée mise en cache avec l'identifiant : %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec du déchiffrement : %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "Remarque : l'expéditeur a demandé « à votre seule attention »\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nom de fichier original : « %.*s »\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "Attention : plusieurs textes en clair ont été vus\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" -msgstr "révocation autonome — utilisez « gpg --import » pour l'appliquer\n" +msgstr "révocation autonome — utilisez « gpg --import » pour l'appliquer\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "aucune signature trouvée\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "vérification de signature supprimée\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "impossible de traiter ces données ambiguës de signature\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signature faite le %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " avec la clef %s %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signature faite le %s avec la clef %s d'identifiant %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Clef disponible sur : " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "MAUVAISE signature de « %s »" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Signature expirée de « %s »" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Bonne signature de « %s »" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[doute]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias « %s »" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "La signature a expiré le %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "La signature expire le %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "signature %s, algorithme de hachage %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binaire" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "mode texte" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "inconnu" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier la signature : %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "la signature n'est pas détachée\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "Attention : plusieurs signatures ont été détectées.\n" " Seule la première sera vérifiée.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "signature autonome de classe 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "signature d'un ancien type (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "paquet racine incorrect détecté dans proc_tree()\n" @@ -5406,93 +5458,113 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "échec de fstat(%d) dans %s : %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" "Attention : utilisation de l'algorithme expérimental à clef publique %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "Attention : Les clefs de signature et chiffrement Elgamal sont " "déconseillées\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" "Attention : utilisation de l'algorithme expérimental de chiffrement %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Attention : utilisation de l'algorithme expérimental de hachage %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "Attention : l'algorithme de hachage %s est déconseillé\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Remarque : les signatures utilisant l’algorithme %s sont rejetées\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "le module de chiffrement IDEA n'est pas présent\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "veuillez consulter %s pour plus de renseignements\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s : %d : option « %s » déconseillée\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option déconseillée\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "veuillez plutôt utiliser « %s%s »\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" -msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une commande déconseillée — ne l'utilisez pas\n" +msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une commande déconseillée — ne l'utilisez pas\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" +msgstr "%s : %u : option « %s » obsolète — non prise en compte\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" +msgstr "Attention : « %s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" +"%s : %u : « %s%s » est obsolète dans ce fichier — n’est prise en compte que " +"dans %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"Attention : « %s%s » est une option obsolète — non prise en compte à part " +"dans %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Non compressé" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "non compressé|non|sans" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "ce message ne sera pas utilisable par %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "option « %s » ambiguë\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "option « %s » inconnue\n" @@ -5519,49 +5591,50 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "écriture vers la sortie standard\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "les données signées sont supposées être dans « %s »\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "nouveau fichier de configuration « %s » créé\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "Attention : les options de « %s » ne sont pas encore actives cette fois\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "impossible de gérer l'algorithme à clef publique %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "Attention : la clef de session chiffrée de manière symétrique risque\n" " de ne pas être sécurisée\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "un sous-paquet de type %d possède un bit critique\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problème avec l'agent : %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (identifiant de clef principale %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5570,36 +5643,36 @@ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" "created %s%s.\n" msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " +"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " "le\n" "certificat OpenPGP :\n" "« %2$.*1$s »\n" "clef %4$s de %3$u bits, identifiant %5$s,\n" "créée le %6$s%7$s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" -msgstr "Entrez la phrase de passe\n" +msgstr "Entrez la phrase secrète\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "annulé par l'utilisateur\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -"Une phrase de passe est nécessaire pour déverrouiller la clef secrète de\n" +"Une phrase secrète est nécessaire pour déverrouiller la clef secrète de\n" "l'utilisateur : « %s »\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "clef %2$s de %1$u bits, identifiant %3$s, créée le %4$s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (sous-clef de la clef principale d'identifiant %s)" @@ -5962,16 +6035,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "lecture de l'entrée standard…\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "pas de données signées\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir les données signées « %s »\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir les données signées fd=%d : %s\n" @@ -6146,7 +6219,7 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" -msgstr "Phrase de passe incorrecte ; veuillez réessayer" +msgstr "Phrase secrète incorrecte ; veuillez réessayer" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 #, c-format @@ -6156,7 +6229,7 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" msgstr "" -"Attention : clef faible détectée — modifiez encore la phrase de passe.\n" +"Attention : clef faible détectée — modifiez encore la phrase secrète.\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" @@ -6166,7 +6239,7 @@ #: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" -msgstr "clef faible générée — nouvel essai\n" +msgstr "clef faible générée — nouvel essai\n" #: g10/seskey.c:65 #, c-format @@ -6177,7 +6250,7 @@ #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" -msgstr "DSA nécessite que la longueur du hachage soit un multiple de 8 bits\n" +msgstr "DSA nécessite que la taille du hachage soit un multiple de 8 bits\n" #: g10/seskey.c:240 #, c-format @@ -6242,26 +6315,20 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "Remarque : la clef de signature %s a été révoquée\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "signature %s, algorithme de hachage %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "la signature de la clef %s est supposée être fausse car un bit\n" "critique est inconnu\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "clef %s : pas de sous-clef pour la signature de révocation de sous-clef\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "clef %s : pas de sous-clef pour la signature de lien à la sous-clef\n" @@ -6335,7 +6402,7 @@ #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" msgstr "" -"la clef n'est pas marquée comme non sécurisée — elle ne peut pas être\n" +"la clef n'est pas marquée comme non sécurisée — elle ne peut pas être\n" "utilisée avec le soi-disant générateur de nombres aléatoires.\n" #: g10/skclist.c:174 @@ -6565,7 +6632,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:306 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" -msgstr "clef %s : pas de clef publique pour la clef de confiance — ignorée\n" +msgstr "clef %s : pas de clef publique pour la clef de confiance — ignorée\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:316 #, c-format @@ -6668,7 +6735,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "inutile de vérifier la base de confiance\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "la prochaine vérification de la base de confiance aura lieu le %s\n" @@ -6687,41 +6754,41 @@ "inutile de mettre à jour la base de confiance avec le modèle de\n" " confiance « %s »\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "clef publique %s introuvable : %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "veuillez faire un --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "vérification de la base de confiance\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d clefs traitées (%d comptes de validité réinitialisés)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "aucune clef de confiance ultime n'a été trouvée\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "la clef publique de la clef de confiance ultime %s est introuvable\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" "%d marginale(s) nécessaire(s), %d complète(s) nécessaire(s),\n" " modèle de confiance %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6729,7 +6796,7 @@ "profondeur : %d valables : %3d signées : %3d\n" " confiance : %d i., %d n.d., %d j., %d m., %d t., %d u.\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6758,68 +6825,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le descripteur %d : %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "argument inattendu" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "erreur de lecture" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "mot-clef trop long" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argument manquant" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armure incorrecte" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "commande incorrecte" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "définition d'alias incorrecte" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "hors limite" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "option incorrecte" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "argument manquant pour l'option « %.50s »\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "argument manquant pour l'option « %.50s »\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "l'option « %.50s » n'attend pas d'argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "commande « %.50s » incorrecte\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "l'option « %.50s » est ambiguë\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "la commande « %.50s » est ambiguë\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "hors limite\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "option « %.50s » incorrecte\n" @@ -6849,35 +6928,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossible de créer le fichier temporaire « %s » : %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'écriture sur « %s » : %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "suppression du vieux fichier verrou (créé par %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " — sans doute mort — suppression du verrou" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "attente du verrou (appartenant à %d%s) %s…\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(peut-être un verrou mort) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "verrou « %s » non effectif : %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "attente du verrou %s…\n" @@ -6902,19 +6981,19 @@ "Syntaxe : kbxutil [options] [fichiers]\n" "Afficher, exporter, importer les données de trousseau local\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "le module RSA est manquant ou sa taille n'est pas de %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "l'exposant public RSA est manquant ou plus grand que %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "le rappel du code personnel a renvoyé une erreur : %s\n" @@ -6971,81 +7050,81 @@ "|P|Veuillez entrer le code de déblocage personnel (CDP) pour permettre à la " "clef de créer des signatures qualifiées." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture du nouveau code personnel : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "impossible de stocker l'empreinte : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "impossible de stocker la date de création : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de lecture de clef publique : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "la réponse ne contient pas les données de clef publique\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "la réponse ne contient pas le module RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "la réponse ne contient pas l'exposant public RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "utilisation du code personnel par défaut en tant que %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "impossible d'utiliser le code personnel par défaut en tant que %s :\n" -"%s — désactivation de la prochaine utilisation par défaut\n" +"%s — désactivation de la prochaine utilisation par défaut\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Veuillez entrer le code personnel%%0A[signatures faites : %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Veuillez entrer le code personnel" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -"le code personnel pour CHV%d est trop court ; la longueur minimale\n" +"le code personnel pour CHV%d est trop court ; la taille minimale\n" "est %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "échec de vérification CHV%d : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "erreur de récupération de l'état CHV de la carte\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "la carte est irrémédiablement bloquée.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" @@ -7054,140 +7133,140 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "" "|A|Veuillez entrer le code personnel d'administration%%0A[tentatives " "restantes : %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Veuillez entrer le code personnel d'administration" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "l'accès aux commandes d'administration n'est pas configuré\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Veuillez entrer le code de réinitialisation pour la carte" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -"Le code de réinitialisation est trop court ; la longueur minimale\n" +"Le code de réinitialisation est trop court ; la taille minimale\n" "est %d\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|Nouveau code de réinitialisation" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Nouveau code personnel d'administration" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Nouveau code personnel" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "" "||Veuillez entrer le code personnel d'administration et le nouveau code " "personnel d'administration" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Veuillez entrer le code personnel et le nouveau code personnel" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture des données d'application\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "erreur de lecture de l'empreinte DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "la clef existe déjà\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "la clef existante sera remplacée\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "génération d'une nouvelle clef\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "écriture d'une nouvelle clef\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "la date de création est manquant\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" "le nombre premier RSA %s est manquant ou sa taille n'est pas de\n" "%d bits\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "impossible de stocker la clef : %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "veuillez patienter pendant la génération de la clef…\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "échec de génération de la clef\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "la génération de clef est terminé (%d secondes)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "structure de carte OpenPGP incorrecte (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "l'empreinte de la carte ne correspond pas à celle demandée\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "la carte ne gère pas l'algorithme de hachage %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "signatures créées jusqu'à présent : %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "la vérification du code personnel d'administration est actuellement\n" "interdite avec cette commande\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "" -"impossible d'accéder à %s — la carte OpenPGP n'est peut-être pas valable\n" +"impossible d'accéder à %s — la carte OpenPGP n'est peut-être pas valable\n" #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" @@ -7209,7 +7288,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|NIVEAU|définir le niveau de débogage à NIVEAU" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FICHIER|écrire un journal dans le FICHIER" @@ -7243,7 +7322,7 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "utiliser une entrée de taille variable pour le pavé numérique" #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" @@ -7286,7 +7365,7 @@ #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 #, c-format msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" -msgstr "pas d'instance de dirmngr en cours d'exécution — démarrage de « %s »\n" +msgstr "pas d'instance de dirmngr en cours d'exécution — démarrage de « %s »\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" @@ -7300,7 +7379,7 @@ #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" msgstr "" -"impossible de se connecter au dirmngr — essai avec la solution de repli\n" +"impossible de se connecter au dirmngr — essai avec la solution de repli\n" #: sm/certchain.c:196 #, c-format @@ -7386,7 +7465,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1009 #, c-format msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" -msgstr "échec de vérification de la liste de révocations de certificats : %s" +msgstr "échec de vérification de la liste de révocations de certificat : %s" #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 #, c-format @@ -7475,7 +7554,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1285 msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" msgstr "" -"Attention : date de création de la signature inconnue — date supposée " +"Attention : date de création de la signature inconnue — date supposée " "actuelle" #: sm/certchain.c:1349 @@ -7511,7 +7590,7 @@ msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" msgstr "" "un autre certificat d'autorité de certification pouvant correspondre a été " -"trouvé — nouvel essai" +"trouvé — nouvel essai" #: sm/certchain.c:1660 #, c-format @@ -7562,19 +7641,19 @@ #: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" -msgstr "[Erreur — encodage incorrecte]" +msgstr "[Erreur — encodage incorrecte]" #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 msgid "[Error - out of core]" -msgstr "[Erreur — hors limite]" +msgstr "[Erreur — hors limite]" #: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 msgid "[Error - No name]" -msgstr "[Erreur — pas de nom]" +msgstr "[Erreur — pas de nom]" #: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" -msgstr "[Erreur — DN incorrect]" +msgstr "[Erreur — DN incorrect]" #: sm/certdump.c:948 #, c-format @@ -7585,7 +7664,7 @@ "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "created %s, expires %s.\n" msgstr "" -"Veuillez entrer la phrase de passe pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " +"Veuillez entrer la phrase secrète pour déverrouiller la clef secrète pour " "le\n" "certificat X.509 :\n" "« %s »\n" @@ -7595,7 +7674,7 @@ #: sm/certlist.c:122 msgid "no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n" msgstr "" -"aucune utilisation de clef indiquée — toutes les utilisations sont " +"aucune utilisation de clef indiquée — toutes les utilisations sont " "supposées\n" #: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 @@ -7637,7 +7716,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen.c:487 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" -msgstr "ligne %d : longueur %u de clef incorrecte (%d à %d possible)\n" +msgstr "ligne %d : taille %u de clef incorrecte (%d à %d possible)\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 #, c-format @@ -7680,7 +7759,7 @@ "you just created once more.\n" msgstr "" "Pour terminer cette demande de certificat, veuillez entrer encore une fois " -"la phrase de passe pour la clef que vous venez de créer.\n" +"la phrase secrète pour la clef que vous venez de créer.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 #, c-format @@ -7949,9 +8028,9 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -msgstr "|IDENTITÉ|utiliser IDENTITÉ comme clef secr. par défaut" +msgstr "|IDENTITÉ| utiliser IDENTITÉ comme clef secr. par défaut" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|utiliser ce serveur pour rechercher les clefs" @@ -8006,25 +8085,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s : %u : ignorer cette ligne\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "impossible d'analyser le serveur de clefs\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "Attention : exécution avec un système de temps contrefait : " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importation des certificats commun « %s »\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossible de signer en utilisant « %s » : %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "commande incorrecte (il n'y a pas de commande implicite)\n" @@ -8039,7 +8118,7 @@ #: sm/import.c:238 msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" -msgstr "échec des vérifications de base du certificat — non importé\n" +msgstr "échec des vérifications de base du certificat — non importé\n" #: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 #, c-format @@ -8097,12 +8176,12 @@ #: sm/keylist.c:642 msgid "Error - " -msgstr "Erreur — " +msgstr "Erreur — " #: sm/misc.c:55 msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" msgstr "" -"GPG_TTY n'a pas été définie — utilisation de défauts peut-être défectueux\n" +"GPG_TTY n'a pas été définie — utilisation de défauts peut-être défectueux\n" #: sm/qualified.c:105 #, c-format @@ -8262,7 +8341,7 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 msgid "line too long - skipped\n" -msgstr "ligne trop longue — ignorée\n" +msgstr "ligne trop longue — ignorée\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" @@ -8288,27 +8367,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "erreur d'envoi d'options standards : %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Options contrôlant la sortie de diagnostique" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Options contrôlant la configuration" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Options pratiques pour le débogage" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FICHIER|écrire les journaux serveur dans le FICHIER" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Options contrôlant la sécurité" @@ -8318,114 +8397,118 @@ #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|durée max. cache de code pers. : N secondes" +msgstr "|N|définir la durée maximale du cache de code personnel à N secondes" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|durée max. du cache de clef SSH : N secondes" +msgstr "|N|définir la durée maximale du cache de clef SSH à N secondes" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -msgstr "Options d'application d'une politique de phrase de passe" +msgstr "Options d'application d'une politique de phrase secrète" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -msgstr "pas de contournement de politique de phrase de passe" +msgstr "pas de contournement de politique de phrase secrète" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -msgstr "|N|définir longueur minimale des nouvelles phrases de passe à N" +msgstr "|N|définir la taille minimale des nouvelles phrases secrètes à N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -msgstr "|N|au moins N caractères non alphab. pour nouv. phrase de passe" +msgstr "" +"|N|nécessiter au moins N caractères non alphabétiques pour les nouvelles " +"phrases secrètes" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -msgstr "|FICHIER|vérifier nouv. phrase de passe par rapport motifs du FICHIER" +msgstr "" +"|FICHIER|vérifier la nouvelle phrase secrète par rapport aux motifs du " +"FICHIER" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -msgstr "|N|la phrase de passe expire après N jours" +msgstr "|N|la phrase secrète expire après N jours" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -msgstr "ne pas autoriser réutilisation d'anciennes phrase de passe" +msgstr "ne pas autoriser la réutilisation d'anciennes phrases secrètes" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOM|utiliser le NOM comme clef secrète par défaut" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOM|chiffrer aussi pour l'identité NOM" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|configurer les alias d'adresse" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Configuration pour les serveurs de clefs" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|utiliser le serveur de clefs à l'URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "permettre les recherches PKA (requêtes DNS)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" -msgstr "|MÉCANISMES|utiliser MÉCANISMES pour localiser les clefs" +msgstr "|MÉCANISMES|utiliser les MÉCANISMES pour localiser les clefs" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "désactiver tous les accès au dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -msgstr "|NOM|utiliser encodage NOM pour phr. passe PKCS#12" +msgstr "|NOM|utiliser l’encodage NOM pour les phrases secrète PKCS#12" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -msgstr "ne pas vérifier listes révoc. de cert. racines" +msgstr "ne pas vérifier les listes de révocations de certificat racine" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Options contrôlant le format de sortie" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Options contrôlant l'interactivité et la mise en application" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Configuration pour les serveurs HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "utiliser la configuration de serveur mandataire (proxy) du système" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Configuration des serveurs LDAP à utiliser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "liste de serveurs LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Configuration pour OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "Échec de vérification externe du composant %s" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Remarquez que les spécifications de groupe sont ignorées\n" @@ -8628,7 +8711,7 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 #, c-format msgid "read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "échec de read : %s\n" +msgstr "échec de lecture : %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 #, c-format @@ -8679,7 +8762,7 @@ "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" msgstr "" "Syntaxe : gpg-check-pattern [options] ficmotif\n" -"Vérifier une phrase de passe donnée sur l'entrée standard par rapport à " +"Vérifier une phrase secrète donnée sur l'entrée standard par rapport à " "ficmotif\n" #~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" @@ -9166,9 +9249,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "paquet incorrect" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armure incorrecte" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "cette identité n'existe pas" @@ -9190,9 +9270,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "erreur de création de fichier" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "phrase de passe incorrecte" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algorithme de clef publique non implémenté" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/gl.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/gl.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/gl.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/gl.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/gl.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/gl.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-12-04 11:39+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio \n" "Language-Team: Galician \n" @@ -25,21 +25,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "¿Seguro que quere crear unha chave para asinar e cifrar? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "contrasinal incorrecto" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -49,17 +77,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -69,41 +97,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "liña longa de máis\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "contrasinal demasiado longo\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Caracter non válido no nome\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI erróneo" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "contrasinal erróneo" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "contrasinal erróneo" @@ -113,22 +141,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de protección %d%s non está soportado\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se pode crear `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se puido abrir `%s': %s\n" @@ -347,7 +375,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -358,118 +386,123 @@ "Opcións:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "lareto" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "ser un pouquiño máis calado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carga-lo módulo de extensión FICHEIRO" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "buscar chaves nun servidor de chaves" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "" "¿Seguro que quere actualiza-las preferencias dos IDs de usuario " "seleccionados? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "actualiza-la base de datos de confianza" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "non está soportado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "non está soportado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy @@ -478,159 +511,159 @@ "Por favor, informe dos erros no programa a ,\n" "e dos erros na traducción a .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opcións] [ficheiros] (-h para ve-la axuda)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: non existe o ficheiro de opcións por defecto `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ficheiro de opcións `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "lendo as opcións de `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao crear `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se pode crea-lo directorio `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "non foi posible crear %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "Revocación de certificado válida" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent non está dispoñible nesta sesión\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao enviar a `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "a actualización fallou: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: directorio creado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "base de datos de confianza: fallou a lectura (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: non foi posible crear un directorio: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "erro lendo `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "o segredo da actualización fallou: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "\t%lu chaves omitidas\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent non está dispoñible nesta sesión\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "variable de ambiente GPG_AGENT_INFO mal formada\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -647,7 +680,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -656,7 +689,7 @@ "@Comandos:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -827,8 +860,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" @@ -1212,84 +1245,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "cabeceira de armadura non válida: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "cabeceira de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "cabeceira de sinatura en claro non válida\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "cabeceira de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "sinaturas en texto claro aniñadas\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armadura inesperada:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "liña escapada cunha barra non válida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "carácter radix64 non válido %02x omitido\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "fin de ficheiro prematura (non hai CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "fin de ficheiro prematura (no CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC mal formado\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "Erro de CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "fin de ficheiro prematura (nas liñas adicionais)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "error nunha liña adicional\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "non se atoparon datos OpenPGP válidos.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armadura incorrecta: liña máis longa ca %d caracteres\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "carácter quoted-printable na armadura - seguramente empregouse un MTA con " "erros\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1297,24 +1330,24 @@ "un nome de notación só debe ter caracteres imprimibles ou espacios, e debe " "rematar en '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "un nome de notación de usuario debe conte-lo carácter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "un nome de notación de usuario debe conte-lo carácter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "un valor de notación non pode empregar ningún carácter de control\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "AVISO: atopáronse datos de notación non válidos\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "non lexible por humanos" @@ -1328,8 +1361,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "non se pode facer iso no modo por lotes\n" @@ -1339,14 +1372,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Non se admite este comando no modo %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "hai partes da chave secreta non dispoñibles\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "¿A súa selección? " @@ -1419,7 +1452,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro lendo `%s': %s\n" @@ -1522,13 +1555,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "¿Qué tamaño de chave quere? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "redondeado a %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1583,8 +1616,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Selección non válida.\n" @@ -1613,7 +1646,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "erro escribindo no chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "saír deste menú" @@ -1622,7 +1655,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "comandos conflictivos\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "amosar esta axuda" @@ -1702,7 +1735,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Comando incorrecto (tente \"help\")\n" @@ -1710,18 +1743,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output non traballa con este comando\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "non se puido abrir `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou a chave `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1985,226 +2018,226 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "AVISO: non se exportou nada\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "demasiadas entradas na caché de chaves públicas - desactivada\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Non se atopou o id de usuario]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sen chave pública - omitida\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao crear `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Pegada dactilar:" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Chave %08lX non válida convertida en válida por --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" "non hai unha sub-chave secreta para a sub-chave pública %08lX - ignórase\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "emprégase a chave secundaria %08lX no canto da primaria %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sen chave pública - omitida\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "facer unha sinatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[ficheiro]|facer unha sinatura en texto claro" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "facer unha sinatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "cifrar datos" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "cifrar só con cifrado simétrico" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "descifrar datos (por defecto)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verificar unha sinatura" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves e sinaturas" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "verifica-las sinaturas das chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves e pegadas dactilares" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "ve-la lista de chaves secretas" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "xerar un novo par de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "xerar un certificado de revocación" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "borrar chaves do chaveiro público" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "borrar chaves do chaveiro secreto" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "asinar unha chave" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "asinar unha chave localmente" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "asinar ou editar unha chave" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportar chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportar chaves a un servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importar chaves dun servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "buscar chaves nun servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "actualizar tódalas chaves dun servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importar/mesturar chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "actualiza-la base de datos de confianza" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [ficheiros]|visualizar resumos de mensaxes" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "crear saída con armadura en ascii" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NOME|cifrar para NOME" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "empregar este id de usuario para asinar ou descifrar" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|axusta-lo nivel de compresión a N (0 desactiva)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "usar modo de texto canónico" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carga-lo módulo de extensión FICHEIRO" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "non facer ningún cambio" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "avisar antes de sobrescribir" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2212,7 +2245,7 @@ "@\n" "(Vexa a páxina man para un listado completo de comandos e opcións)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2232,11 +2265,11 @@ " --list-keys [nomes] amosa-las chaves\n" " --fingerprint [nomes] amosa-las pegadas dactilares\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opcións] [ficheiros] (-h para ve-la axuda)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2251,7 +2284,7 @@ "asinar, verificar, cifrar ou descifrar\n" "a operación por defecto depende dos datos de entrada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2259,565 +2292,565 @@ "\n" "Algoritmos soportados:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Pública: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cifra: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compresión: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "uso: gpg [opcións] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "comandos conflictivos\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "non se atopou un signo = na definición do grupo \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: propiedade insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: propiedade insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: propiedade insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permisos inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: propiedade do directorio contedor insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: propiedade do directorio contedor insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: propiedade do directorio contedor insegura en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permisos do directorio contedor inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permisos do directorio contedor inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permisos do directorio contedor inseguros en %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr " creouse un novo ficheiro de configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Non hai unha sinatura correspondiente no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "amosar en que chaveiro está unha chave listada" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Non hai unha sinatura correspondiente no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTA: ignórase o antigo ficheiro de opcións por defecto `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTA: ¡%s non é para uso normal!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "non se puido analisa-lo URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de importación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de importación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s non é un xogo de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "non se puido estabrecer exec-path a %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "AVISO: ¡o programa pode crear un ficheiro 'core'!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: %s fai que se ignore %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "¡%s non se admite con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "¡%s non ten sentido empregándoo con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "só pode crear sinaturas separadas ou en claro no modo --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "non pode asinar e cifrar ao mesmo tempo no modo --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "debe empregar ficheiros (e non canalizacións) ao traballar con --pgp2 " "activado.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "para cifrar unha mensaxe en modo --pgp2 precísase da cifra IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de resumo seleccionado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de cifrado seleccionado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de resumo de certificación seleccionado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed debe ser superior a 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed debe ser superior a 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth debe valer entre 1 e 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "nivel de comprobación por defecto non válido; debe ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "nivel de comprobación por defecto non válido; debe ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTA: desaconséllase encarecidamente o modo S2K simple (0)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K non válido; debe ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "preferencias por defecto non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "preferencias de cifrado personais non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "preferencias de resumo personais non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "preferencias de compresión personais non válidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "¡%s aínda non traballa con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non se pode empregar o algoritmo de cifrado \"%s\" no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non se pode empregar o algoritmo de resumo \"%s\" no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non se pode empregar o algoritmo de compresión \"%s\" no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido inicializa-la base de datos de confianzas: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: deronse destinatarios (-r) sen empregar cifrado de chave pública\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "o descifrado fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non se pode empregar %s no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non se pode empregar %s no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id-de-usuario" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id-de-usuario" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id-de-usuario [comandos]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key id-de-usuario" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "o envío ao servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "a recepción do servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "a exportación da chave fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "a busca no servidor de chaves fallou fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "a actualización no servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido quita-la armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido poñe-la armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algoritmo de hash non válido `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Escriba a súa mensaxe ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "o URL de normativa de certificación dado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "o URL de normativa de sinaturas dado non é válido\n" @@ -2857,482 +2890,487 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Non hai axuda dispoñible para `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "actualiza-la base de datos de confianza" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "actualiza-la base de datos de confianza" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "¡a chave pública con coincide coa chave secreta!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "chave secreta non utilizable" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "pasando por alto un bloque de tipo %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu chaves procesadas hasta polo momento\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Número total procesado: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr "novas chaves omitidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sin IDs de usuario: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importadas: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " sin cambios: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " novos IDs de usuario: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " novas sub-chaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " novas sinaturas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " novas revocacións de chaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr "chaves secretas lidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr "chaves secretas importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "chaves secretas sin cambios: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " non importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " novas sinaturas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr "chaves secretas lidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non hai ID de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "omítese `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: arranxouse a corrupción da sub-chave HKP\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: aceptouse o ID de usuario '%s' sen auto-sinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non hai IDs de usuario válidos\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "isto pode ser causado por unha auto-sinatura que falta\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública non atopada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: nova chave - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou un chaveiro no que se poida escribir: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "escribindo a `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro escribindo no chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública \"%s\" importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non coincide coa nosa copia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: non foi posible localiza-lo bloque de chaves original:\n" "%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: non foi posible le-lo bloque de chaves original:\n" "%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" 1 novo ID de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novos IDs de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nova sinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas sinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nova sub-chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas sub-chaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas sinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas sinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novos IDs de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novos IDs de usuario\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" sen cambios\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou a chave secreta `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta cunha cifra %d non válida - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "non hai un chaveiro privado por defecto: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: xa estaba no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta non atopada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: non hai chave pública - non se pode aplica-lo\n" "certificado de revocación\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: certificado de revocación incorrecto:\n" "%s - rechazado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" certificado de revocación importado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non hai ID de usuario para a sinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: algoritmo de chave pública non soportado no ID de usuario \"%s" "\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: auto-sinatura non válida no identificadr de usuario \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: algoritmo de chave pública non soportado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: engadiuse unha sinatura de chave directa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non hai sub-chave para a ligazón da chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ligazón de sub-chave incorrecta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: eliminouse unha ligazón de sub-chave múltiple\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non hai unha sub-chave para a revocación da chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: revocación de sub-chave non válida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: eliminouse a revocación de sub-chaves múltiples\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: omitido o ID de usuario '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: omitida a sub-chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sinatura non exportable (clase %02x) - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revocación no lugar erróneo - omitido\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revocación incorrecto: %s - omitido\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sinatura da sub-chave nun lugar incorrecto - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: clase de sinatura non esperada (0x%02X) - omitida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ID de usuario duplicado detectado - mesturado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: a chave %08lX pode estar revocada: obtendo a chave de revocación " "%08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: a chave %08lX pode estar revocada: chave de revocación %08lX " "ausente.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" certificado de revocación engadido\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: engadiuse unha sinatura de chave directa\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "¡a chave pública con coincide coa chave secreta!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "omítese: a chave secreta xa está presente\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "omítese: a chave secreta xa está presente\n" @@ -3357,51 +3395,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "fallo ao reconstruí-la caché de chaveiros: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revocación]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[auto-sinatura]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 sinatura errónea\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d sinaturas erróneas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 sinatura non verificada debido a unha chave que falta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d sinaturas non verificadas debido a chaves que faltan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 sinatura non verificada debido a un erro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d sinaturas non verificadas debido a erros\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "detectado 1 ID de usuario sin auto-sinatura válida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "detectados %d IDs de usuario sin auto-sinatura válida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3413,63 +3451,63 @@ "correctamente as chaves de outros usuarios (mirando nos pasaportes,\n" "comprobando pegadas dactilares de varias fontes...).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Confío marxinalmente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Confío totalmente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quere asinalo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Non se puido asinar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" está caducado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" non está asinado por el mesmo." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" non está asinado por el mesmo." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Asinar de verdade? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3478,11 +3516,11 @@ "A auto-sinatura de \"%s\"\n" "é unha sinatura tipo PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Quere promovela a unha auto-sinatura OpenPGP? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3491,11 +3529,11 @@ "A súa sinatura actual en \"%s\"\n" "caducou.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Quere emitir unha nova sinatura que substitúa á caducada? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3504,54 +3542,54 @@ "A súa sinatura actual en \"%s\"\n" "é unha sinatura local.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Quere promovela a sinatura totalmente exportable? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" xa estaba asinado localmente coa chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" xa estaba asinado coa chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Quere asinalo outra vez de tódolos xeitos? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nada que asinar coa chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "¡Esta chave caducou!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Esta chave ha caducar o %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "¿Quere que a súa sinatura caduque ao mesmo tempo? (S/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Non pode facer unha sinatura OpenPGP nunha chave PGP 2.x no modo --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Isto podería face-la chave non utilizable en PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3560,32 +3598,32 @@ "¿Con canto tino comprobou que a chave que vai asinar realmente pertence á\n" "persoa de enriba? Se non sabe que respostar, introduza \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Non hei respostar.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Non o comprobei en absoluto.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Fixen algunhas comprobacións.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Fixen comprobacións moi exhaustivas.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "¿A súa elección? (introduza '?' para ter máis información): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3594,100 +3632,100 @@ "¿Esta seguro de que quere asinar esta chave\n" "coa súa chave: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Esta ha ser unha auto-sinatura.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AVISO: a sinatura non se ha marcar coma non exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AVISO: A sinatura non se ha marcar coma non revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "A sinatura hase marcar coma non exportable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "A sinatura hase marcar coma non revocable.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Non se comprobou esta chave en absoluto.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Comprobouse esta chave de xeito informal.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Comprobouse esta chave con moito tino.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Asinar de verdade? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "fallou a sinatura: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Esta chave non está protexida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "as partes secretas da chave primaria non están dispoñibles.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "as partes secretas da chave primaria non están dispoñibles.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "A chave está protexida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Non se pode editar esta chave: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3695,11 +3733,11 @@ "Introduza o novo contrasinal para esta chave secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "o contrasinal non se repetiu correctamente; ténteo de novo" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3707,212 +3745,212 @@ "Non desexa un contrainal - ¡o que é unha *mala* idea!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro que quere facer esto? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "movendo a sinatura dunha chave ó seu sitio\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "gardar e saír" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "amosar fingerprint" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "listar chave e IDs de usuario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "selecciona-lo ID de usuario N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "selecciona-lo ID de usuario N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revocar sinaturas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "asina-la chave localmente" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Pista: seleccione os IDs de usuario que desexa asinar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "engadir un ID de usuario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "engadir unha identificación fotográfica" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "borrar un ID de usuario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "borrar unha chave secundaria" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "engadir unha chave de revocación" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "¿Seguro que quere actualiza-las preferencias dos IDs de usuario " "seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Non pode cambia-la data de expiración dunha chave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marcar un ID de usuario coma primario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "cambiar entre o listado de chaves públicas e secretas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "lista-las preferencias (expertos)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "lista-las preferencias (moitos datos)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "¿Seguro que quere actualiza-las preferencias dos IDs de usuario " "seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "non se puido analisa-lo URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "¿Seguro que quere actualiza-las preferencias dos IDs de usuario " "seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "cambia-la confianza sobre o dono" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere revocar tódolos IDs de usuario seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revocar un ID de usuario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revocar unha chave secundaria" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "habilitar unha chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "deshabilitar unha chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "amosa-la identificación fotográfica" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "erro ao le-lo bloque de chave secreta `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "A chave secreta está disponible.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Cómpre a chave secreta para facer isto.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Por favor, empregue o comando \"toggle\" antes.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3920,244 +3958,244 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "A chave está revocada." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere asinar tódolos IDs de usuario? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Pista: seleccione os IDs de usuario que desexa asinar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "clase de sinatura descoñecida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Non se admite este comando no modo %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Debe seleccionar alomenos un ID de usuario.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "¡Non pode borra-lo último ID de usuario!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere borrar tódolos IDs de usuario seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere borrar este ID de usuario? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere borrar este ID de usuario? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Debe seleccionar alomenos unha chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se puido abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Debe seleccionar alomenos unha chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere borra-las chaves seleccionadas? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere borrar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere revocar tódolos IDs de usuario seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Seguro de que quere revocar este ID de usuario? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Realmente quere revocar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Realmente quere revoca-las chaves seleccionadas? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Realmente quere revocar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "estabrece-la lista de preferencias" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "¿Seguro que quere actualiza-las preferencias dos IDs de usuario " "seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Realmente desexa actualiza-las preferencias? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Garda-los cambios? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Saír sin gardar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "a actualización fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "o segredo da actualización fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "A chave non cambiou, polo que non fai falla actualizar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Resumo: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Características: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notación: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Non hai preferencias nun ID de usuario estilo PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Esta chave pode estar revocada por %s chave " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Esta chave pode estar revocada por %s chave " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (sensible)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "non foi posible crear %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[revocada] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [caduca: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [caduca: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " confianza: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " confianza: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Esta chave está desactivada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4165,19 +4203,19 @@ "Teña en conta que a validez da chave amosada non é necesariamente\n" "correcta a menos que reinicie o programa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[revocada] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4185,7 +4223,17 @@ "AVISO: non se marcou ningún ID de usuario coma primario. Esta orde pode\n" " facer que un ID de usuario diferente se converta no primario.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Non pode cambia-la data de expiración dunha chave v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4194,77 +4242,77 @@ "AVISO: Esta é unha chave de estilo PGP2. Se engade unha identificación\n" " fotográfica algunhas versións de PGP han rexeitar esta chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quere engadila? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Non pode engadir unha identificación fotográfica a unha chave de estilo " "PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "¿Borrar esta sinatura correcta? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "¿Borrar esta sinatura incorrecta? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "¿Borrar esta sinatura descoñecida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "¿Realmente quere borrar esta auto-sinatura? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Borrada %d sinatura.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Borradas %d sinaturas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Non se borrou nada.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "armadura non válida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "O ID de usuario \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "o ID de usuario \"%s\" xa está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "o ID de usuario \"%s\" xa está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4274,283 +4322,283 @@ "designado\n" " pode facer que algunhas versións de PGP rexeiten esta chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Non pode engadir un revocador designado a unha chave de estilo PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Introduza o ID de usuario do revocador designado: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "non se pode nomear unha chave estilo PGP 2.x coma revocador designado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "non se pode nomear unha chave coma o seu propio revocador designado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "AVISO: ¡Esta chave está revocada polo propietario!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: ¡o nomeamento dunha chave coma o seu propio revocador designado non " "se pode desfacer!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "¿Está seguro de que quere nomear esta chave coma revocador designado? (s/N): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Por favor, quite as seleccións das chaves secretas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Por favor, seleccione como máximo unha chave secundaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Cambiando a data de expiración para a chave secundaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Cambiando a data de expiración da chave primaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Non pode cambia-la data de expiración dunha chave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Non hai unha sinatura correspondiente no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: ¡o nomeamento dunha chave coma o seu propio revocador designado non " "se pode desfacer!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Escolla exactamente un ID de usuario.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "omitindo a auto-sinatura v3 do id de usuario \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quere empregala (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quere empregala (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Notación de sinaturas: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Sobrescribir? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Non hai ID de usuario con índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Non hai ID de usuario con índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Non hai ID de usuario con índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID de usuario: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " asinada por %08lX no %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (non exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Esta sinatura caducou o %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quere revocala? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Crear un certificado de revocación para esta sinatura? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " asinada por %08lX no %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Asinou estes IDs de usuario: \n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (non exportable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revocada por %08lX no %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Está a punto de revocar estas sinaturas:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Realmente desexa crea-los certificados de revocación? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "non hai chave secreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "o ID de usuario \"%s\" xa está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: unha sinatura de ID de usuario ten unha data %d segundos no futuro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "o ID de usuario \"%s\" xa está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "o ID de usuario \"%s\" xa está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "Amosando a id. fotográfica %s de tamaño %ld da chave 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preferencia %c%lu duplicada\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferencias `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferencias `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferencias `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "caracter non válido na cadea de preferencias\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "escribindo unha sinatura directa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "escribindo a propia sinatura\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "escribindo unha sinatura que liga a chave\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "tamaño de chave non válido; empregando %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "tamaño de chave redondeado a %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "cifrar datos" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4564,7 +4612,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4597,71 +4645,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Por favor, seleccione o tipo de chave que quere:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (por defecto)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (por defecto)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (só asinar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (só asinar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (só cifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (só cifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (só cifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (só cifrar)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "¿Qué tamaño de chave quere? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "¿Qué tamaño de chave quere? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "O tamaño de chave requerido son %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4677,7 +4725,7 @@ " m = a chave caduca en n meses\n" " y = a chave caduca en n anos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4693,40 +4741,40 @@ " m = a sinatura caduca en n meses\n" " y = a sinatura caduca en n anos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "¿Por canto tempo é válida a chave? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "¿Por canto tempo é válida a sinatura? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "valor non válido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s non caduca nunca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s non caduca nunca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s caduca o %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "A sinatura caduca o %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4734,12 +4782,12 @@ "O seu sistema non pode amosar datas máis aló do 2038.\n" "Aínda así, hase tratar correctamente ata o 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Isto é correcto? (s/n) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4750,7 +4798,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4767,44 +4815,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heime (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nome: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Caracter non válido no nome\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "O nome non pode comezar cun díxito\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "O nome debe ter alomenos 5 caracteres\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Enderezo de E-mail: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Non é un enderezo de e-mail válido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comentario: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Carácter non válido no comentario\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Está a usa-lo xogo de caracteres `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4815,12 +4863,12 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" "Por favor, non poña o enderezo de correo no nome real ou no comentario\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4835,23 +4883,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeAaSs" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "¿Cambia-lo (N)ome, (C)omentario, (E)-mail ou (S)aír? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "¿Cambiar (N)ome, (C)omentario, (E)-mail ou (A)ceptar/(S)aír? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Por favor, corrixa antes o erro\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4859,19 +4907,19 @@ "Necesita un contrasinal para protexe-la súa chave secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Por favor, introduza o contrasinal; esta é unha frase secreta \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4883,7 +4931,7 @@ "momento, empregando este programa coa opción \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4895,50 +4943,50 @@ "mentres se xeran os números primos; isto proporciónalle ao xerador de\n" "números aleatorios unha opoertunidade de acumular entropía de abondo.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Cancelouse a xeración de chaves.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "gravando a chave pública en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou un chaveiro público no que se poida escribir: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou un chaveiro privado no que se poida escribir: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro escribindo no chaveiro público `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro escribindo no chaveiro secreto `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "creáronse e asináronse as chaves pública e secreta.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4948,12 +4996,12 @@ "queira emprega-lo comando \"--edit-key\" para xerar unha chave secundaria\n" "con esa finalidade.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "A xeración da chave fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4961,7 +5009,7 @@ "creouse a chave %lu segundo no futuro (salto no tempo ou problemas co " "reloxo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4969,31 +5017,31 @@ "creouse a chave %lu segundos no futuro (salto no tempo ou problemas co " "reloxo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTA: a creación de subchaves para chaves v3 non cumpre OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "¿Crear realmente? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "fallou o borrado do bloque de chaves: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se pode crear `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: a chave secreta %08lX caducou o %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "nunca " @@ -5048,45 +5096,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido poñe-la armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "AVISO: existen dous ficheiros con información confidencial.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s é o que non cambiou\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s é o novo\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Por favor, amañe este posible fallo de seguridade\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "comprobando o chaveiro `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu chaves comprobadas (%lu sinaturas)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu chaves comprobadas (%lu sinaturas)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: chaveiro creado\n" @@ -5134,7 +5182,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" @@ -5149,127 +5197,127 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "non se atopou a chave `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "solicitando a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "solicitando a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "asinado coa súa chave %08lX no %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "buscando \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "opcións de exportación non válidas\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "a recepción do servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" "non hai un servidor de chaves coñecido (empregue a opción --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "erro do servidor de chaves" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "erro do servidor de chaves" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "a recepción do servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "%s: non é un ID de chave válido\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: non se puido borra-lo ficheiro temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "solicitando a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "solicitando a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: non se puido borra-lo ficheiro temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: non se puido borra-lo ficheiro temporal (%s) `%s': %s\n" @@ -5327,164 +5375,169 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "cifrado con 1 contrasinal\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "supoñendo datos cifrados con %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "A cifra IDEA non está dispoñible, téntase empregar %s no seu canto\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "descifrado correcto\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "AVISO: a mensaxe non tiña protección de integridade\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "AVISO: ¡a mensaxe cifrada foi manipulada!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "o descifrado fallou: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTA: o remitente pediu \"confidencial\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nome do ficheiro orixinal='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "revocación independente - empregue \"gpg --import\" para aplicar\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Sinatura correcta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verificación de sinatura suprimida\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "non se poden manexar estas sinaturas múltiples\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "A sinatura caducou o %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Sinatura feita o %.*s usando %s coa chave de ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Chave dispoñible en: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Sinatura INCORRECTA de\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Sinatura caducada de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Sinatura correcta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[incerto]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "A sinatura caducou o %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "A sinatura caduca o %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binario" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "modo texto" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "descoñecido" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Non foi posible verifica-la sinatura: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "non é unha sinatura separada\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: detectáronse sinaturas múltiples. Só se ha comproba-la primeira.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "sinatura independiente de clase 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "Sinatura ó vello estilo (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "paquete raíz incorrecto detectado en proc_tree()\n" @@ -5500,93 +5553,110 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "base de datos de confianza: fallou a lectura (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "non é posible manexa-lo algoritmo de chave pública %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "forza-lo algoritmo de resumo %s (%d) viola as preferencias do destinatario\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "algoritmo de cifrado non implementado" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "forza-lo algoritmo de resumo %s (%d) viola as preferencias do destinatario\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "o plugin de cifra IDEA non está presente\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = amosar máis información\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opción a extinguir \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "empregue \"%s%s\" no seu canto\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é unha opción a extinguir\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Sen comprimir" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Sen comprimir" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "esta mensaxe pode non ser utilizable por %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "lendo as opcións de `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "destinatario por defecto `%s' descoñecido\n" @@ -5614,47 +5684,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "escribindo na saída estándar\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "suponse que hai datos asinados en `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr " creouse un novo ficheiro de configuración `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "AVISO: as opcións de `%s' aínda non están activas nesta execución\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "non é posible manexa-lo algoritmo de chave pública %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: chave de sesión cifrada simetricamente potencialmente insegura\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "un subpaquete de tipo %d ten o bit crítico posto\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problema co axente: o axente voltou coa resposta 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ID principal da chave %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5667,15 +5738,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "Chave de %u bits, %s, ID %08lX, creada o %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Introduza o contrasinal\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "cancelado polo usuario\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5685,12 +5756,12 @@ "Necesita un contrasinal para desbloquea-la chave secreta para\n" "o usuario \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bits, chave %s, ID %08lX, creada %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6056,16 +6127,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "lendo de stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "non hai datos asinados\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "non foi posible abri-los datos asinados `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "non foi posible abri-los datos asinados `%s'\n" @@ -6332,27 +6403,21 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTA: a chave está revocada" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "asumindo unha sinatura incorrecta da chave %08lX debido a un bit crítico " "descoñecido\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: non hai unha sub-chave para o paquete de a revocación de " "subchave\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: non hai sub-chave para a sinatura da ligazón da chave\n" @@ -6755,7 +6820,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "non se precisa comproba-la base de datos de confianza\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "hase comproba-la base de datos de confianza o %s\n" @@ -6770,45 +6835,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "non se precisa comproba-la base de datos de confianza\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou a chave pública %08lX: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "por favor, execute con --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "comprobando a base de datos de confianza\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "procesáronse %d chaves (marcáronse %d contas de validez)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "non se atoparon chaves de confianza absoluta\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "non se atopou a chave pública da clave de confianza absoluta %08lX\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "rexistro de confianza %lu, tipo %d: fallou a escritura: %s\n" @@ -6834,77 +6899,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "erro de lectura de ficheiro" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "liña longa de máis\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argumento non válido" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armadura non válida" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "comandos conflictivos\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "non procesado" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Comando incorrecto (tente \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "non procesado" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "opcións de importación non válidas\n" @@ -6934,35 +7010,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se pode crea-lo directorio `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro escribindo no chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "non se atopou a chave pública %08lX: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "gravando a chave secreta en `%s'\n" @@ -6987,19 +7063,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opcións] [ficheiros] (-h para ve-la axuda)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7048,104 +7124,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido inicializa-la base de datos de confianzas: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "fallo ao reconstruí-la caché de chaveiros: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "fallou o borrado do bloque de chaves: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "o envío ao servidor de chaves fallou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Por favor, escolla o motivo da revocación:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7153,109 +7229,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "cambia-lo contrasinal" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "erro ao le-lo bloque de chaves: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: erro ao ler un rexistro libre: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "`%s' xa está comprimido\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "xerar un novo par de chaves" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "xerar un novo par de chaves" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "non se puido inicializa-la base de datos de confianzas: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "fallou o borrado do bloque de chaves: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "A xeración da chave fallou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Sinatura %s, algoritmo de resumo %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "non se atoparon datos OpenPGP válidos.\n" @@ -7281,7 +7357,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carga-lo módulo de extensión FICHEIRO" @@ -8055,7 +8131,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|empregar NOME coma chave secreta por defecto" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|HOST|empregar este servidor de chaves para buscar chaves" @@ -8114,26 +8190,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " o = omitir esta chave\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "non se puido analisa-lo URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "escribindo a `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "non se pode pechar `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8389,28 +8465,28 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao enviar a `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 #, fuzzy msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "habilitar depuración total" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8426,113 +8502,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|emprega-lo modo de contrasinal N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "erro ao crea-lo contrasinal: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|empregar NOME coma chave secreta por defecto" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOME|cifrar para NOME" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "non se puido analisa-lo URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NOME|emprega-lo algoritmo de cifrado NOME para os contrasinais" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9344,9 +9420,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "paquete non válido" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armadura non válida" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "non hai tal id de usuario" @@ -9371,9 +9444,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "erro de creación de ficheiro" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "contrasinal incorrecto" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmo de chave pública non implementado" @@ -10216,9 +10286,6 @@ #~ msgid "%s: error checking key: %s\n" #~ msgstr "%s: erro ao verifica-la chave: %s\n" -#~ msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " -#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que quere crear unha chave para asinar e cifrar? " - #~ msgid "Do you really need such a large keysize? " #~ msgstr "¿Está seguro de precisar un tamaño de chave tan grande? " diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/gnupg2.pot gnupg2-2.0.28/po/gnupg2.pot --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/gnupg2.pot 2014-08-12 18:30:18.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/gnupg2.pot 2015-06-02 12:35:17.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.26\n" +"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.28\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -28,21 +28,45 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -52,17 +76,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -71,36 +95,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "" @@ -109,22 +133,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -330,268 +354,272 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" " " msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -607,14 +635,14 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" " " msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -774,8 +802,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -1124,101 +1152,101 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "" @@ -1232,8 +1260,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "" @@ -1241,13 +1269,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "" @@ -1315,7 +1343,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -1411,13 +1439,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1468,8 +1496,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "" @@ -1494,7 +1522,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "" @@ -1502,7 +1530,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "" @@ -1574,7 +1602,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "" @@ -1582,18 +1610,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1834,219 +1862,219 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2058,560 +2086,560 @@ " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "" @@ -2646,461 +2674,465 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "" @@ -3124,51 +3156,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3176,435 +3208,435 @@ "etc.)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "has expired.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a local signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3612,578 +3644,586 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4197,7 +4237,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4230,71 +4270,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4304,7 +4344,7 @@ " y = key expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4314,48 +4354,48 @@ " y = signature expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4366,7 +4406,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4376,44 +4416,44 @@ "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4421,11 +4461,11 @@ "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4440,40 +4480,40 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4481,7 +4521,7 @@ "\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4489,96 +4529,96 @@ "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "" @@ -4632,45 +4672,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "" @@ -4716,7 +4756,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "" @@ -4730,121 +4770,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -4902,161 +4942,166 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "" @@ -5070,89 +5115,105 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "" @@ -5179,46 +5240,46 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5228,27 +5289,27 @@ "created %s%s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -5580,16 +5641,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -5834,22 +5895,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "" @@ -6230,7 +6286,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6245,45 +6301,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6305,68 +6361,77 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" @@ -6396,35 +6461,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "" @@ -6447,19 +6512,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6504,101 +6569,101 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -6606,101 +6671,101 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "" @@ -6724,7 +6789,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "" @@ -7436,7 +7501,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "" @@ -7488,25 +7553,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -7750,27 +7815,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -7786,108 +7851,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/hu.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/hu.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/hu.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/hu.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/hu.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/hu.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.5\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-19 21:53+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Nagy Ferenc László \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian \n" @@ -25,21 +25,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Valóban visszavonja a kijelölt kulcsokat? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "érvénytelen jelszó" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -49,17 +76,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -69,41 +96,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "A sor túl hosszú!\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "A jelszó túl hosszú!\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Érvénytelen karakter a névben!\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "hibás MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "rossz jelszó" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "rossz jelszó" @@ -113,22 +140,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "%d%s védõ algoritmus nem támogatott.\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom létrehozni a(z) \"%s\" állományt: %s.\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni a(z) \"%s\" állományt: %s.\n" @@ -346,7 +373,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -357,275 +384,280 @@ "Opciók:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "bõbeszédû mód" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "még szûkszavúbb mód" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|fájl|bõvítõ modul betöltése" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "kulcsok keresése kulcsszerveren" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Valóban frissíti a kijelölt felhasználóazonosítók preferenciáit? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "bizalmi adatbázis frissítése" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "Hiba a jelszó létrehozásakor: %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "nem támogatott" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "nem támogatott" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "Hiba a jelszó létrehozásakor: %s.\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "A hibákat (angolul) a címre írja meg!\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Használat: gpg [opciók] [fájlok] (-h a súgóhoz)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: Nincs alapértelmezett opciós fájl (%s).\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" opciós fájl: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "Az opciókat a \"%s\" állományból olvasom.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba \"%s\" létrehozásakor: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom a \"%s\" könyvtárat létrehozni: %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "%s nem hozható létre: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "GPG ügynök nem elérhetõ ebben a munkafolyamatban.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "Hiba a jelszó létrehozásakor: %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba %s-ra/-re küldéskor: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "Frissítés sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: Könyvtárat létrehoztam.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Bizalmi adatbázis: olvasás sikertelen (n=%d): %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: Nem tudom a könyvtárat létrehozni: %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba \"%s\" olvasásakor: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "Titkoskulcs-blokk frissítése sikertelen: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: kihagyva: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "GPG ügynök nem elérhetõ ebben a munkafolyamatban.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "Nem megfelelõ formájú GPG_AGENT_INFO környezeti változó!\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -642,7 +674,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -651,7 +683,7 @@ "@Parancsok:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -822,8 +854,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a jelszó létrehozásakor: %s.\n" @@ -1203,83 +1235,83 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "Páncél: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "Érvénytelen páncélfejléc: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "Páncélfejléc: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen aláírásfejléc!\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "Páncélfejléc: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "Egymásba ágyazott olvashatószöveg-aláírások!\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "Váratlan páncél:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "Érvénytelen kötõjeles sor: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "Kihagytam a %02x kódú érvénytelen radix64 karaktert.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "Korai állományvég (nincs CRC).\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "Korai állományvég (a CRC-ben).\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "Hibás formájú CRC.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC hiba; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "Korai állományvég (a lezárásban).\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "Hiba a záró sorban!\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "Nem találtam érvényes OpenPGP adatot.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen páncél: %d karakternél hosszabb sor.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "quoted printable karakter a páncélban - valószínûleg egy bugos MTA bûne.\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1287,24 +1319,24 @@ "Egy jelölés neve csak nyomtatható karaktereket és szóközt tartalmazhat, és = " "jellel kell befejezõdjön.\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "Egy felhasználójelölésnek tartalmaznia kell a \"@\" karaktert!\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "Egy felhasználójelölésnek tartalmaznia kell a \"@\" karaktert!\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "Egy jelölés értékében nem szerepelhet vezérlõkarakter!\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Érvénytelen jelölõ adatot találtam.\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "nem olvasható forma" @@ -1318,8 +1350,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "Nem tudom ezt megcsinálni kötegelt módban!\n" @@ -1329,14 +1361,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Ez a parancs %s módban nem engedélyezett.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Titkos kulcsrészek nem állnak rendelkezésre.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Mit választ? " @@ -1409,7 +1441,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" kulcskarika létrehozásakor: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba \"%s\" olvasásakor: %s\n" @@ -1512,13 +1544,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Milyen kulcsméretet szeretne? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "Felkerekítve %u bitre.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1573,8 +1605,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen választás.\n" @@ -1603,7 +1635,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a \"%s\" kulcskarika írásakor: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "kilépés ebbõl a menübõl" @@ -1612,7 +1644,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "Egymásnak ellentmondó parancsok!\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "megmutatja ezt a súgót" @@ -1692,7 +1724,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen parancs! (Próbálja a súgót: \"help\".)\n" @@ -1700,18 +1732,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "Az --output opció nem mûködik ehhez a parancshoz.\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni %s-t!\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" kulcs nem található: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1969,227 +2001,227 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Semmit sem exportáltam.\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "Túl sok bejegyzés van a nyilvánoskulcs-gyorsítótárban - letiltom.\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[ismeretlen kulcs]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "%08lX kulcs: titkos kulcs nyilvános kulcs nélkül - kihagytam.\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba \"%s\" létrehozásakor: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "megmutatja az ujjlenyomatot" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "%08lX érvénytelen kulcsot érvényesítettük az\n" "--allow-non-selfsigned-uid opcióval.\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" "Nincs titkos alkulcs a %08lX nyilvános alkulcshoz - figyelmen kívül hagyom.\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "A %08lX másodlagos kulcsot használjuk a %08lX elsõdleges helyett.\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "%08lX kulcs: titkos kulcs nyilvános kulcs nélkül - kihagytam.\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "különálló aláírás készítése" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[fájl]|olvasható szöveg aláírása" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "különálló aláírás készítése" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "adat titkosítása" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "titkosítás csak szimmetrikus rejtjelezõvel" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "adat visszafejtése (alapértelmezés)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "aláírás ellenõrzése" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "kulcsok listázása" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "kulcsok és aláírások listázása" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "kulcsaláírások ellenõrzése" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "kulcsok és ujjlenyomatok listázása" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "titkos kulcsok listázása" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "új kulcspár létrehozása" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "visszavonási igazolás készítése" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "kulcsok eltávolítása a nyilvánoskulcs-karikáról" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "kulcsok eltávolítása a titkoskulcs-karikáról" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "kulcs aláírása" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "kulcs aláírása helyileg" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "kulcs aláírása vagy szerkesztése" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "kulcsok exportálása" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "kulcsok exportálása kulcsszerverre" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "kulcsok importálása kulcsszerverrõl" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "kulcsok keresése kulcsszerveren" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "minden kulcs frissítése kulcsszerverrõl" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "kulcsok importálása/összefûzése" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "bizalmi adatbázis frissítése" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [fájlok]|üzenet kivonatának kiírása" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "ascii páncélozott kimenet létrehozása" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NÉV|titkosítás NÉV részére" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "felh. azonosító aláíráshoz és visszafejtéshez" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|tömörítési szint beállítása N-re (0: tiltás)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "kanonikus szöveges mód használata" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|fájl|bõvítõ modul betöltése" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "ne csináljon semmi változtatást" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "felülírás elõtt rákérdezés" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2197,7 +2229,7 @@ "@\n" "(A parancsok és opciók teljes listáját a man oldalon tekintheti meg.)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2217,11 +2249,11 @@ " --list-keys [nevek] kulcsok kiíratása\n" " --fingerprint [nevek] ujjlenyomatok kiíratása\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Használat: gpg [opciók] [fájlok] (-h a súgóhoz)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2236,7 +2268,7 @@ "Aláírás, ellenõrzés, titkosítás vagy visszafejtés.\n" "Az alapértelmezett mûvelet a bemeneti adattól függ.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2244,563 +2276,563 @@ "\n" "Támogatott algoritmusok:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Nyilvános kulcsú (pubkey): " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Rejtjelezõ (cipher): " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Kivonatoló (hash): " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Tömörítõ (compression): " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "Használat: gpg [opciók] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "Egymásnak ellentmondó parancsok!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "Nem találtam = jelet a \"%s\" csoportdefinícióban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Nem biztonságos tulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Nem biztonságos tulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Nem biztonságos tulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos engedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos engedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos engedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtártulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtártulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtártulajdonos: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtárengedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtárengedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: nem biztonságos könyvtárengedélyek: %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "\"%s\": ismeretlen konfigurációs elem.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Nincs megfelelõ aláírás a titkoskulcs-karikán.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "mutatja a kilistázott kulcs kulcskarikáját is" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Nincs megfelelõ aláírás a titkoskulcs-karikán.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: Figyelmen kívül hagytam a régi opciókat (%s).\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: %s nem normál használatra van!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a kulcsszerver URI-ja!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s nem érvényes karakterkiosztás!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom a végrehajtási elérési utat %s értékre állítani!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: A program core állományt hozhat létre!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: %s hatástalanítja %s-t!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s és %s nem használható együtt!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s értelmetlen %s mellett!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "Csak különálló és olvashatószöveg-aláírást készíthet --pgp2 módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "Nem írhat alá és titkosíthat egyszerre --pgp2 módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "Csak állományokat (pipe-ot nem) használhat --pgp2 módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "Üzenet titkosítása --pgp2 módban IDEA rejtjelezõt igényel!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "A kiválasztott rejtjelezõ algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "A kiválasztott kivonatoló algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "A kiválasztott rejtjelezõ algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "Az igazoláshoz kiválasztott kivonatoló algoritmus érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed nagyobb kell legyen 0-nál!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed nagyobb kell legyen 1-nél!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth 1 és 255 közé kell essen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen default-cert-level; 0, 1, 2 vagy 3 lehet.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen min-cert-level; 0, 1, 2 vagy 3 lehet.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: Egyszerû S2K mód (0) erõsen ellenjavallt!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen S2K mód; 0, 1 vagy 3 lehet.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen alapértelmezett preferenciák!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen személyes rejtjelezõ-preferenciák!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen személyes kivonatolópreferenciák!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen személyes tömörítõpreferenciák!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s és %s egyelõre nem használható együtt!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja \"%s\" rejtjelezõ algoritmust %s módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja \"%s\" kivonatoló algoritmust %s módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja \"%s\" tömörítõ algoritmust %s módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "Bizalmi adatbázis (%s) inicializálása sikertelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: Címzett megadva (-r), de nincs nyilvános kulcsú titkosítás!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "Visszafejtés sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja %s-t %s módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem használhatja %s-t %s módban!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key felh-azonosító" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key felh-azonosító" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key felh-azonosító [parancsok]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key felh-azonosító" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "Küldés a kulcsszerverre sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "Vétel a kulcsszerverrõl sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "Kulcsexportálás sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "Keresés a kulcsszerveren sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "Frissítés a kulcsszerverrõl sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "Páncél eltávolítása nem sikerült: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "Páncélozás nem sikerült: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen kivonatoló algoritmus: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[fájlnév]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Kezdheti gépelni az üzenetet...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "A megadott igazolási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "A megadott aláírási eljárásmód URL-je érvénytelen!\n" @@ -2840,474 +2872,479 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Nem áll rendelkezésre segítség \"%s\" témához." -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "bizalmi adatbázis frissítése" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "bizalmi adatbázis frissítése" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "A nyilvános kulcs nem passzol a titkos kulcshoz!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "használhatatlan titkos kulcs" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "%d típusú blokkot kihagyom.\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "Eddig %lu kulcsot dolgoztam fel.\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr " Összesen feldolgoztam: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " új kulcsok kihagyva: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " felh. azonosító nélkül: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importálva: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " változatlan: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " új felh. azonosítók: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " új alkulcsok: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " új aláírások: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " új kulcsvisszavonások: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " olvasott titkos kulcsok: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importált titkos kulcsok: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "változatlan titkos kulcsok: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " nem importált: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " új aláírások: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " olvasott titkos kulcsok: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs felhasználói azonosító.\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "Kihagytam \"%s\"-t: %s.\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: HKP alkulcssérülés kijavítva.\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nem önaláírt felh. azonosító (\"%s\") elfogadva.\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs érvényes felhasználói azonosító.\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "Ezt okozhatja egy hiányzó önaláírás.\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nyilvános kulcs nem található: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: új kulcs - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "Nem írható kulcskarikát találtam: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "Írok a \"%s\" állományba.\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a \"%s\" kulcskarika írásakor: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" nyilvános kulcs importálva.\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nem egyezik a mi másolatunkkal!\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nem találom az eredeti kulcsblokkot: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nem tudom beolvasni az eredeti kulcsblokkot: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" 1 új felhasználói azonosító.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új felhasználói azonosító.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" 1 új aláírás.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új aláírás.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" 1 új alkulcs.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új alkulcs.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új aláírás.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új aláírás.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új felhasználói azonosító.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" %d új felhasználói azonosító.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" nem változott.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" titkos kulcs nem található: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "" "%08lX kulcs: Titkos kulcs érvénytelen (%d) rejtjelezõvel - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "Nincs alapértelmezett titkoskulcs-karika: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Titkos kulcs importálva.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Már szerepel a titkoskulcs-karikán.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Titkos kulcs nem található: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs nyilvános kulcs - nem tudok visszavonni.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Érvénytelen visszavonó igazolás: %s - visszautasítva.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" visszavonó igazolást importáltam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs felhasználói azonosító ehhez az aláíráshoz!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "%08lX kulcs: Nem támogatott nyilvános kulcsú alg. a \"%s\" felh. " "azonosítón!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Érvénytelen önaláírás a \"%s\" felh. azonosítón!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nem támogatott nyilvános kulcsú algoritmus!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Kulcsaláírást hozzáadtam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs alkulcs a kulcskötéshez!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Érvénytelen alkulcskötés!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Eltávolítottam a többszörös alkulcskötést.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs alkulcs a kulcsvisszavonáshoz.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Érvénytelen alkulcsvisszavonás.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Eltávolítottam a többszörös alkulcsvisszavonást.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Kihagytam a felh. azonosítót: '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Alkulcsot kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nem exportálható aláírás (%02x. osztály) - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Visszavonó igazolás rossz helyen - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Érvénytelen visszavonó igazolás: %s - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Alkulcsaláírás rossz helyen - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Váratlan aláírásosztály (0x%02X) - kihagytam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Duplázott felh. azonosítót találtam - összefûztem.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: %08lX kulcsot visszavonhatták:\n" "lehívom a %08lX visszavonó kulcsot.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: %08lX kulcsot visszavonhatták:\n" "visszavonó kulcs (%08lX) nincs jelen.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: \"%s\" visszavonó igazolást hozzáadtam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Kulcsaláírást hozzáadtam.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "A nyilvános kulcs nem passzol a titkos kulcshoz!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "Kihagytam: titkos kulcs már jelen van.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "Kihagytam: titkos kulcs már jelen van.\n" @@ -3332,51 +3369,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudtam újraépíteni a kulcskarika cache-ét: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[visszavonás]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[önaláírás]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 rossz aláírás.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d rossz aláírás.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 aláírást nem ellenõriztem hiányzó kulcs miatt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d aláírást nem ellenõriztem hiányzó kulcs miatt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 aláírást nem ellenõriztem hiba miatt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d aláírást nem ellenõriztem hiba miatt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 felhasználóazonosítót találtam érvényes önaláírás nélkül.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d felhasználóazonosítót találtam érvényes önaláírás nélkül.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3389,63 +3426,63 @@ "különbözõ forrásból származó digitális ujjlenyomatokkal...)!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = részlegesen megbízom benne\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = teljesen megbízom benne\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót visszavonták." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Biztos abban, hogy továbbra is alá akarja írni? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Nem tudom aláírni.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosító lejárt." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználóazonosítón nincs önaláírás." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználóazonosítón nincs önaláírás." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban aláírja? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3454,11 +3491,11 @@ "\"%s\" önaláírása\n" "PGP 2.x stílusú.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Szeretné átalakítani OpenPGP önaláírássá? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3467,11 +3504,11 @@ "Az Ön jelenlegi aláírása a(z) \"%s\"\n" "kulcson lejárt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Szeretne kiadni egy új aláírást, amellyel lecseréli a lejártat? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3480,54 +3517,54 @@ "Az Ön jelenlegi aláírása a(z) \"%s\"\n" "kulcson helyi aláírás.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Szeretné átalakítani teljes, exportálható aláírássá? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" már alá lett írva helyileg a %08lX kulccsal!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" már alá lett írva a %08lX kulccsal!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Még egyszer alá akarja írni? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nincs mit aláírni a %08lX kulccsal!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Ez a kulcs lejárt!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Ez a kulcs lejár: %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Szeretné, ha az aláírása ugyanekkor járna le? (I/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Lehet, hogy nem rakhat OpenPGP aláírást egy PGP 2.x kulcsra --pgp2 módban.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Ez használhatatlanná tenné a kulcsot PGP 2.x-ben.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3536,32 +3573,32 @@ "Mennyire gondosan ellenõrizte, hogy a kulcs, melyet aláírni készül, valóban\n" "a fent nevezett személyhez tartozik? Ha nem tudja a választ, írjon \"0\"-t!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Nem válaszolok.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Egyáltalán nem ellenõriztem.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) A szokásos ellenõrzéseket végeztem.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Nagyon alaposan ellenõriztem.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Mi a válasza? (Adjon meg \"?\"-et magyarázathoz!): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3570,100 +3607,100 @@ "Teljesen biztos abban, hogy alá akarja írni ezt a kulcsot\n" "az Ön kulcsával: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ez egy önaláírás lesz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "FIGYELEM: Az aláírás nem lesz \"nem exportálhatóként\" megjelölve.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "FIGYELEM: Az aláírás nem lesz \"nem visszavonhatóként\" megjelölve.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Az aláírást \"nem exportálhatónak\" jelöljük.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Az aláírást \"nem visszavonhatónak\" jelöljük.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Egyáltalán nem ellenõriztem ezt a kulcsot.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "A szokásos módon ellenõriztem ezt a kulcsot.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Nagyon gondosan ellenõriztem ezt a kulcsot.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban aláírja? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "Aláírás sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Ez a kulcs nem védett.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Az elsõdleges kulcs titkos részei nem elérhetõk.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Az elsõdleges kulcs titkos részei nem elérhetõk.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "A kulcs védett.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom szerkeszteni ezt a kulcsot: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3671,11 +3708,11 @@ "Írja be az új jelszót ehhez a titkos kulcshoz!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "Nem ismételte meg helyesen a jelszót! Próbálja újra!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3683,206 +3720,206 @@ "Ön nem akar jelszót. Ez valószínûleg *rossz* ötlet!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban ezt akarja? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "Átrakom a kulcsaláírást a megfelelõ helyre.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "mentés és kilépés" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "megmutatja az ujjlenyomatot" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "kilistázza a kulcs- és felhasználóazonosítókat" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "N. felhasználói azonosító kiválasztása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "N. felhasználói azonosító kiválasztása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "aláírások visszavonása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "kulcs helyi aláírása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Javaslat: Válassza ki az aláírni kívánt felhasználóazonosítókat!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "felhasználói azonosító hozzáadása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "fotóazonosító hozzáadása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "felhasználói azonosító törlése" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "másodlagos kulcs törlése" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "visszavonó kulcs hozzáadása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Valóban frissíti a kijelölt felhasználóazonosítók preferenciáit? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Nem változtathatja meg egy v3 kulcs lejárati dátumát!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "felhasználóazonosító megjelölése elsõdlegesként" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "váltás a titkos és a nyilvános kulcs listázása között" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "preferenciák listázása (szakértõ)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "preferenciák listázása (részletes)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Valóban frissíti a kijelölt felhasználóazonosítók preferenciáit? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a kulcsszerver URI-ja!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Valóban frissíti a kijelölt felhasználóazonosítók preferenciáit? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "kulcstulajdonos megbízhatóságának beállítása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Valóban visszavonja az összes kijelölt felhasználóazonosítót? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "felhasználói azonosító visszavonása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "másodlagos kulcs visszavonása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "kulcs engedélyezése" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "kulcs tiltása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "fotóazonosító megmutatása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "Hiba \"%s\" titkoskulcs-blokk olvasásakor: %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Titkos kulcs rendelkezésre áll.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Ehhez szükség van a titkos kulcsra.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Kérem, használja elõbb a \"toggle\" parancsot!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3890,242 +3927,242 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "A kulcsot visszavonták." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban aláírja az összes felhasználóazonosítót? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Javaslat: Válassza ki az aláírni kívánt felhasználóazonosítókat!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "ismeretlen aláírásosztály" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Ez a parancs %s módban nem engedélyezett.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Legalább egy felhasználóazonosítót ki kell választania!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Nem törölheti az utolsó felhasználóazonosítót!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban eltávolítja az összes kijelölt felhasználóazonosítót? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban eltávolítja ezt a felhasználóazonosítót? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban eltávolítja ezt a felhasználóazonosítót? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Legalább egy kulcsot ki kell választania!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni a(z) \"%s\" állományt: %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" kulcskarika létrehozásakor: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Legalább egy kulcsot ki kell választania!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban törli a kiválasztott kulcsokat? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban törli ezt a kulcsot? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban visszavonja az összes kijelölt felhasználóazonosítót? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban visszavonja ezt a felhasználóazonosítót? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban visszavonja ezt a kulcsot? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban visszavonja a kijelölt kulcsokat? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban visszavonja ezt a kulcsot? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "preferencialista beállítása" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban frissíti a kijelölt felhasználóazonosítók preferenciáit? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban frissítsem a preferenciákat? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Mentsem a változtatásokat? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Kilépjek mentés nélkül? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "Frissítés sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "Titkoskulcs-blokk frissítése sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "A kulcs nem változott, nincs szükség frissítésre.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Kivonat: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Jellemzõk: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Jelölés: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Nincsenek preferenciák egy PGP 2.x felhasználóazonosítón!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Ezt a kulcsot a következõ %s kulcs visszavonhatja: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Ezt a kulcsot a következõ %s kulcs visszavonhatja: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (érzékeny)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "%s nem hozható létre: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[visszavont] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [lejár: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [lejár: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " bizalom: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " bizalom: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Ez a kulcs tiltott." -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4133,19 +4170,19 @@ "Kérem, vegye figyelembe, hogy az itt látható kulcs érvényessége nem\n" "feltétlenül helyes, amíg újra nem indítja a programot!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[visszavont] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4153,7 +4190,17 @@ "FIGYELEM: Nincs kijelölt elsõdleges felhasználóazonosító. Ez a parancs\n" " azt okozhatja, hogy egy másik azonosító lesz elsõdlegesként használva.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Nem változtathatja meg egy v3 kulcs lejárati dátumát!\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4163,75 +4210,75 @@ "okozhatja,\n" " hogy a PGP egyes verziói visszautasítják ezt a kulcsot.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Továbbra is hozzá akarja adni? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Lehet, hogy nem adhat fotóazonosítót egy PGP2 stílusú kulcshoz!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Törli ezt a jó aláírást? (i/N/k)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Törli ezt az érvénytelen aláírást? (i/N/k)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Törli ezt az ismeretlen aláírást? (i/N/k)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Valóban törli ezt az önaláírást? (i/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Töröltem %d aláírást.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Töröltem %d aláírást.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nem töröltem semmit.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "érvénytelen páncél" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót visszavonták." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót visszavonták." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót visszavonták." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót már visszavonták.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót már visszavonták.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4241,277 +4288,277 @@ " azt okozhatja, hogy egyes PGP verziók visszautasítják ezt a " "kulcsot!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Lehet, hogy nem adhat kijelölt visszavonót egy PGP 2.x-stílusú kulcshoz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Írja be a kijelölt visszavonó felhasználóazonosítóját: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "Nem adhat meg PGP 2.x stílusú kulcsot kijelölt visszavonónak!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "Nem adhat meg egy kulcsot saját kijelölt visszavonójának!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Ezt a kulcsot a kijelölt visszavonó visszavonta!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: A kijelölt visszavonó kulcs megadása nem csinálható vissza!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "Biztosan ez a kulcs legyen a kijelölt visszavonó? (i/N): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Kérem, távolítsa el a kijelöléseket a titkos kulcsokról!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Maximum egy másodlagos kulcsot jelöljön ki, kérem!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Másodlagos kulcs lejárati idejének változtatása.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Elsõdleges kulcs lejárati idejének változtatása.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Nem változtathatja meg egy v3 kulcs lejárati dátumát!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Nincs megfelelõ aláírás a titkoskulcs-karikán.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: %08lX aláíró alkulcs nem kereszthitelesített.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Kérem, válasszon ki pontosan egy felhasználóazonosítót!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Kihagyom a v3 önaláírást a \"%s\" felhasználóazonosítón.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Biztos abban, hogy használni akarja (i/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Biztos abban, hogy használni akarja (i/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Aláírás-jelölés: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Felülírjam (i/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Nincs %d indexû felhasználóazonosító!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Nincs %d indexû felhasználóazonosító!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Nincs %d indexû felhasználóazonosító!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Felhasználóazonosító: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " aláírva %08lX által %s%s%s idõpontban.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (nem exportálható)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Ez az aláírás lejárt %s idõpontban.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy mégis visszavonja? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Csináljunk egy visszavonó igazolást ehhez az aláíráshoz? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " aláírva %08lX által %s%s idõpontban.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Ön aláírta a következõ felhasználóazonosítókat:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (nem exportálható)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " visszavonva %08lX által %s idõpontban.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "A következõ aláírásokat fogja visszavonni:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban létrehozzam a visszavonó igazolást? (i/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "Nincs titkos kulcs.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót már visszavonták.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: A felhasználóazonosítót %d másodperccel a jövõben írták alá.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót már visszavonták.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "\"%s\" felhasználói azonosítót már visszavonták.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "%s fotóazonosító (méret: %ld, kulcs: 0x%08lX, felh: %d) mutatása.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "%c%lu preferencia kétszer szerepel!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "Túl sok \"%c\" preferencia.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "Túl sok \"%c\" preferencia.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "Túl sok \"%c\" preferencia.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen karakter a preferenciák között!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "Sima aláírást írok.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "Önaláírást írok.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "Összefûzõ aláírást írok.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "Kulcsméret érvénytelen; %u bitet használok.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "Kulcsméretet felkerekítettem %u bitre.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "adat titkosítása" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4525,7 +4572,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4558,71 +4605,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Kérem, adja meg, milyen kulcsot kíván:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA és ElGamal (alapértelmezés)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA és ElGamal (alapértelmezés)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (csak aláírás)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (csak aláírás)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (csak titkosítás)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (csak titkosítás)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (csak titkosítás)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (csak titkosítás)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Milyen kulcsméretet szeretne? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Milyen kulcsméretet szeretne? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "A kívánt kulcsméret %u bit.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4638,7 +4685,7 @@ " m = a kulcs n hónapig érvényes\n" " y = a kulcs n évig érvényes\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4654,40 +4701,40 @@ " m = az aláírás n hónapig érvényes\n" " y = az aláírás n évig érvényes\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Meddig érvényes a kulcs? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Meddig érvényes az aláírás? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen érték!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s soha nem jár le.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s soha nem jár le.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s lejár: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Az aláírás lejár: %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4695,12 +4742,12 @@ "Az Ön rendszere nem tud megjeleníteni 2038 utáni dátumokat.\n" "Azonban kezelni helyesen tudja õket egészen 2106-ig.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Ez így helyes (i/n)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4711,7 +4758,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4728,44 +4775,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (a költõ) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Teljes név: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen karakter a névben!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "A név lehet, hogy nem kezdõdhet számmal!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "A név legalább 5 karakter kell legyen!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-mail cím: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Ez nem érvényes e-mail cím.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Megjegyzés: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen karakter a megjegyzésben!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Ön a(z) %s karakterkódolást használja.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4776,11 +4823,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Kérem, ne rakja az e-mail címet a teljes névbe vagy a megjegyzésbe!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4795,24 +4842,24 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnMmEeRrKk" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "(N)év, (M)egjegyzés, (E)-mail megváltoztatása vagy (K)ilépés? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" "(N)év, (M)egjegyzés, (E)-mail megváltoztatása vagy (R)endben/(K)ilépés? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Kérem, elõbb javítsa ki a hibát!\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4820,19 +4867,19 @@ "Most szükség van egy jelszóra (vagy mondatra), amely a titkos kulcsát védi.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Kérem, adja meg a jelszót! Ezt egy titkos mondat. \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4844,7 +4891,7 @@ "az \"--edit-key\" opcióval.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4856,50 +4903,50 @@ "a lemezeket) a prímszám generálása alatt. Ez segíti a véletlenszám-\n" "generátort, hogy entrópiát tudjon gyûjteni.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Kulcs létrehozása megszakítva.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "Írom a kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "Nem írható nyilvánoskulcs-karikát találtam: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "Nem írható titkoskulcs-karikát találtam: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" nyilvánoskulcs-karika írásakor: %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" titkoskulcs-karika írásakor: %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "A nyilvános és titkos kulcsokat létrehoztam és aláírtam.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4909,51 +4956,51 @@ "kíván ilyen célra létrehozni, azt az \"--edit-key\" parancs segítségével\n" "teheti meg.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Kulcsgenerálás sikertelen: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "A kulcs %lu másodperccel a jövõben készült. (Idõugrás vagy óraprobléma.)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "A kulcs %lu másodperccel a jövõben készült. (Idõugrás vagy óraprobléma.)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "MEGJEGYZÉS: Alkulcsok létrehozása v3 kulcsokhoz nem OpenPGP-megfelelõ.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Valóban létrehozzam? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "A kulcsblokk törlése sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom létrehozni a(z) \"%s\" állományt: %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: %08lX titkos kulcs %s-kor lejárt.\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "soha " @@ -5008,45 +5055,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "Páncélozás nem sikerült: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: 2 bizalmas információkat tartalmazó állomány van!\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s az eredeti példány.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s az új példány.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Kérem, oldja meg ezt a lehetséges biztonsági problémát!\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "Ellenõrzöm a(z) \"%s\" kulcskarikát.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu kulcsot ellenõriztem (%lu aláírással).\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu kulcsot ellenõriztem (%lu aláírással).\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: Kulcskarikát létrehoztam.\n" @@ -5095,7 +5142,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" @@ -5110,128 +5157,128 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "\"%s\" kulcs nem található: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "Lekérem a %08lX kulcsot a %s kulcsszerverrõl.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "Lekérem a %08lX kulcsot a %s kulcsszerverrõl.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "Keresem \"%s\"-t a %s HKP szerveren.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "Keresem \"%s\"-t a %s HKP szerveren.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "Keresem \"%s\"-t a %s HKP szerveren.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "Aláírva az Ön %08lX kulcsával %s idõpontban.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "Keresem \"%s\"-t a %s HKP szerveren.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "Keresem \"%s\"-t a %s HKP szerveren.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen export opciók!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "Vétel a kulcsszerverrõl sikertelen: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "kulcsszerverhiba" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "kulcsszerverhiba" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "Vétel a kulcsszerverrõl sikertelen: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: Nem tudom törölni az (\"%s\") átmeneti állományt: \"%s\": %s.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "Lekérem a %08lX kulcsot a %s kulcsszerverrõl.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "Lekérem a %08lX kulcsot a %s kulcsszerverrõl.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: Nem tudom törölni az (\"%s\") átmeneti állományt: \"%s\": %s.\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -5290,166 +5337,171 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "1 jelszóval rejtjelezve\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "%s titkosított adatot feltételezek.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "IDEA rejtjelezõ nem áll rendelkezésre, optimista módon megpróbálok\n" "%s-t használni helyette.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "Visszafejtés rendben.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Az üzenetet nem látták el integritásvédelemmel.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: A titkosított üzenetet manipulálták!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "Visszafejtés sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: A feladó kérése: \"csak az Ön szemeinek\".\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "Eredeti fájlnév: '%.*s'.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "Különálló visszavonás. Használja a \"gpg --import\"-ot az alkalmazásához!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Jó aláírás a következõtõl: \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "Aláírás-ellenõrzés elnyomva.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "Nem tudom kezelni ezeket a többszörös aláírásokat!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Az aláírás lejárt: %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " azaz \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Aláírva: %.*s; kulcs: %s, %08lX.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Kulcs található: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ROSSZ aláírás a következõtõl: \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Lejárt aláírás a következõtõl: \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Jó aláírás a következõtõl: \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[bizonytalan]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " azaz \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Az aláírás lejárt: %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Az aláírás lejár: %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "Bináris" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "Szövegmódú" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "Ismeretlen módú" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom ellenõrizni az aláírást: %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "Nem különálló aláírás.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: Többszörös aláírást érzékeltem. Csak az elsõt ellenõrzöm.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "0x%02x osztályú különálló aláírás.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "Régi stílusú (PGP 2.x) aláírás.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen gyökércsomagot találtam a proc_tree() függvényben!\n" @@ -5463,95 +5515,112 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "Bizalmi adatbázis: olvasás sikertelen (n=%d): %s.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom kezelni a(z) %d. számú nyilvános kulcsú algoritmust!\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "%s (%d) kivonatoló algoritmus használatának erõltetése ellentétes\n" "a címzett preferenciáival.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "nem megvalósított rejtjelezõ algoritmus" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "%s (%d) kivonatoló algoritmus használatának erõltetése ellentétes\n" "a címzett preferenciáival.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "Az IDEA rejtjelezõ bõvítés nincs jelen!\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = további információkat kérek\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: Elavult opció: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "Kérem, ezt használja helyette: \"%s%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" elavult opció!\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "tömörítetlen" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "tömörítetlen" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "Lehet, hogy ez az üzenet használhatatlan a %s számára!\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "Az opciókat a \"%s\" állományból olvasom.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "Ismeretlen alapértelmezett címzett: \"%s\"\n" @@ -5579,50 +5648,51 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "Írok a szabványos kimenetre.\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "Azt feltételezem, hogy az aláírt adat a %s állományban van.\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "\"%s\" új konfigurációs állományt létrehoztam.\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: \"%s\" opciói csak a következõ futáskor lesznek érvényesek!\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "Nem tudom kezelni a(z) %d. számú nyilvános kulcsú algoritmust!\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "FIGYELEM: A rejtjelezett munkafolyamat-kulcs lehet, hogy nem biztonságos!\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "A %d típusú alcsomag kritikus bitje beállított.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "Probléma az ügynökkel: ügynök válasza: 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr "" " \n" " (fõ kulcsazonosító: %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5636,15 +5706,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u bites %s key, azonosító: %08lX, létrehozva: %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Írja be a jelszót!\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "A felhasználó megszakította a mûveletet.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5655,12 +5725,12 @@ "használatához:\n" "\"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u bites %s kulcs, azonosító: %08lX, létrehozva: %s." -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6023,16 +6093,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "Olvasom a szabványos bemenetet...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "Nincs aláírt adat.\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni a(z) \"%s\" aláírt adatot!\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni a(z) \"%s\" aláírt adatot!\n" @@ -6293,25 +6363,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "MEGJEGYZÉS: A kulcsot visszavonták." -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "Rossz aláírást feltételezek a %08lX kulcstól egy ismeretlen\n" "kritikus bit miatt.\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs alkulcs az alkulcsvisszavonó csomaghoz.\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "%08lX kulcs: Nincs alkulcs az alkulcskötõ aláíráshoz!\n" @@ -6720,7 +6784,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "Nincs szükség a bizalmi adatbázis ellenõrzésére.\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "A bizalmi adatbázis következõ ellenõrzése: %s.\n" @@ -6735,45 +6799,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "Nincs szükség a bizalmi adatbázis ellenõrzésére.\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "A(z) %08lX nyilvános kulcsot nem találom: %s.\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "Kérem, hajtson végre egy --check-trustdb parancsot!\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "Ellenõrzöm a bizalmi adatbázist.\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d kulcsot feldolgoztam (%d érvényességszámlálót töröltem)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "Nem találtam alapvetõen megbízható kulcsot.\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "Nem találom az alapvetõen megbízható %08lX kulcs nyilvános kulcsát!\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "%lu bizalmi rekord, %d típus: írás sikertelen: %s.\n" @@ -6798,77 +6862,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom megnyitni a(z) \"%s\" állományt: %s.\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "állományolvasási hiba" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "A sor túl hosszú!\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "érvénytelen argumentum" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "érvénytelen páncél" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "Egymásnak ellentmondó parancsok!\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "nem feldolgozott" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen parancs! (Próbálja a súgót: \"help\".)\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "nem feldolgozott" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Érvénytelen import opciók!\n" @@ -6898,35 +6973,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom a \"%s\" könyvtárat létrehozni: %s.\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a \"%s\" kulcskarika írásakor: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "A(z) %08lX nyilvános kulcsot nem találom: %s.\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "Írom a titkos kulcsot a %s állományba.\n" @@ -6951,19 +7026,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Használat: gpg [opciók] [fájlok] (-h a súgóhoz)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7012,104 +7087,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba a jelszó létrehozásakor: %s.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "Bizalmi adatbázis (%s) inicializálása sikertelen!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudtam újraépíteni a kulcskarika cache-ét: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "A kulcsblokk törlése sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "Küldés a kulcsszerverre sikertelen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Kérem, válassza ki a visszavonás okát:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7117,109 +7192,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "jelszóváltoztatás" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "Hiba a kulcsblokk olvasásakor: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: Hiba szabad rekord olvasásakor: %s.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "\"%s\" már tömörített.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "új kulcspár létrehozása" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "új kulcspár létrehozása" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "Bizalmi adatbázis (%s) inicializálása sikertelen!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "A kulcsblokk törlése sikertelen: %s.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Kulcsgenerálás sikertelen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s aláírás, %s kivonatoló algoritmus.\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "Nem találtam érvényes OpenPGP adatot.\n" @@ -7244,7 +7319,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|fájl|bõvítõ modul betöltése" @@ -8006,7 +8081,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NÉV|NÉV használata alapértelmezett titkos kulcsként" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|GÉPNÉV|kulcsszerver beállítása kulcsok kereséséhez" @@ -8065,26 +8140,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " h = kulcs kihagyása\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a kulcsszerver URI-ja!\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "Írok a \"%s\" állományba.\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nem tudom bezárni a(z) \"%s\" állományt: %s.\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8340,27 +8415,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "Hiba %s-ra/-re küldéskor: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8376,113 +8451,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|N. sorszámú jelszómód használata" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "Hiba a jelszó létrehozásakor: %s.\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NÉV|NÉV használata alapértelmezett titkos kulcsként" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NÉV|titkosítás NÉV részére" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "Értelmezhetetlen a kulcsszerver URI-ja!\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NÉV|NÉV rejtjelezõ algoritmus haszn. jelszavakhoz" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9281,9 +9356,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "érvénytelen csomag" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "érvénytelen páncél" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "nincs ilyen felhasználói azonosító" @@ -9308,9 +9380,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "állománylétrehozási hiba" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "érvénytelen jelszó" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "nem megvalósított nyilvános kulcsú algoritmus" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/id.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/id.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/id.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/id.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/id.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/id.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg-id\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-17 16:32+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Tedi Heriyanto \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" @@ -30,21 +30,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Anda ingin membatalkan kunci terpilih ini? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "passphrase tidak valid" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -54,17 +81,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -74,41 +101,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "baris terlalu panjang\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "passphrase terlalu panjang\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Karakter tidak valid dalam nama\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI yang buruk" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "passphrase yang buruk" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "passphrase yang buruk" @@ -118,22 +145,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "algoritma proteksi %d%s tidak didukung\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuat %s: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuka `%s': %s\n" @@ -351,7 +378,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -362,275 +389,280 @@ "Pilihan:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "detil" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "lebih diam" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FILE|muat modul ekstensi FILE" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "cari kunci di key server" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Perbarui preferensi untuk user ID terpilih?" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "perbarui database trust" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "tidak didukung" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "tidak didukung" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Laporkan bug ke .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Pemakaian: gpg [pilihan] [file] (-h untuk bantuan)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "CATATAN: tidak ada file pilihan baku `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "file pilihan `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "membaca pilihan dari `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan : `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuat direktori `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuat %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent tidak tersedia untuk sesi ini\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan mengirim ke `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal memperbarui: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: direktori tercipta\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: tidak dapat membuat direktori: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan membaca `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "gagal perbarui rahasia: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: dilewati: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent tidak tersedia untuk sesi ini\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "variabel lingkungan GPG_AGENT_INFO salah bentuk\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -647,7 +679,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -656,7 +688,7 @@ "@Perintah:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -827,8 +859,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" @@ -1208,84 +1240,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armor: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "header armor tidak valid: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "header armor: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "header clearsig tidak valid\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "header armor: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "signature teks bersarang\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armor tidak terduga:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "dash escaped line tidak valid: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "karakter radix64 tidak valid %02x dilewati\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "eof prematur (tanpa CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "eof prematur (dalam CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC tidak tepat\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "kesalahan CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "eof prematur (dalam Trailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "kesalahan dalam garis trailer\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "tidak ditemukan data OpenPGP yang valid.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armor tidak valid: baris melebihi %d karakter\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "karakter yang dapat dicetak dalam armor - mungkin telah digunakan MTA yang " "mengandung bug\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1293,24 +1325,24 @@ "nama notasi harus hanya terdiri dari karakter yang dapat dicetak atau spasi, " "dan diakhiri dengan sebuah '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "nama notasi pengguna tidak boleh mengandung karakter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "nama notasi pengguna tidak boleh mengandung karakter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "nilai notasi tidak boleh menggunakan karakter kendali\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: ditemukan notasi data tidak valid\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "tidak dapat dibaca manusia" @@ -1324,8 +1356,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "tidak dapat melakukan hal itu dalam mode batch\n" @@ -1335,14 +1367,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Perintah ini tidak dibolehkan saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "bagian kunci rahasia tidak tersedia\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Pilihan anda? " @@ -1415,7 +1447,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan membaca `%s': %s\n" @@ -1518,13 +1550,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Keysize yang anda inginkan? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "dibulatkan hingga %u bit\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1579,8 +1611,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Pilihan tidak valid.\n" @@ -1609,7 +1641,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "berhenti dari menu ini" @@ -1618,7 +1650,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "perintah saling konflik\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "tampilkan bantuan" @@ -1698,7 +1730,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Perintah tidak valid (coba \"help\")\n" @@ -1706,18 +1738,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output tidak berfungsi untuk perintah ini\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuka `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "kunci '%s' tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1977,224 +2009,224 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: tidak ada yang diekspor\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "terlalu banyak masukan dalam pk cache - ditiadakan\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User id tidak ditemukan]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci rahasia tanpa kunci publik - dilewati\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan : `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "tampilkan fingerprint" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "kunci tidak valid %08lX dibuat valid oleh --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "tidak ada subkey rahasia untuk subkey publik %08lX. diabaikan\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "menggunakan kunci sekunder %08lX bukannya kunci primer %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci rahasia tanpa kunci publik - dilewati\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "buat detached signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[file]|buat signature teks" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "buat detached signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "enkripsi data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "enkripsi hanya dengan symmetric cipher" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "dekripsi data (default)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verifikasi signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "tampilkan kunci" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "tampilkan kunci dan signature" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "periksa signature kunci" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "tampilkan kunci dan fingerprint" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "tampilkan kunci rahasia" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "buat sepasang kunci baru" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "buat sertifikat revokasi" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "hapus kunci dari keyring publik" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "hapus kunci dari keyring pribadi" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "tandai kunci" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "tandai kunci secara lokal" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "tandai atau edit kunci" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "ekspor kunci" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "ekspor kunci ke key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "impor kunci dari key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "cari kunci di key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "update semua kunci dari keyserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "impor/gabung kunci" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "perbarui database trust" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [file]|cetak digest pesan" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "ciptakan output ascii" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NAMA|enkripsi untuk NAMA" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "gunakan id-user ini untuk menandai/dekripsi" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|set tingkat kompresi N (0 tidak ada)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "gunakan mode teks kanonikal" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|muat modul ekstensi FILE" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "jangan buat perubahan" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "tanya sebelum menimpa" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2202,7 +2234,7 @@ "@\n" "(Lihat man page untuk daftar lengkap semua perintah dan option)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2222,11 +2254,11 @@ " --list-keys [nama] tampilkan kunci\n" " --fingerprint [nama] tampilkan fingerprint\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Pemakaian: gpg [pilihan] [file] (-h untuk bantuan)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2241,7 +2273,7 @@ "tandai, cek, enkripsi atau dekripsi\n" "operasi baku tergantung pada data input\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2249,571 +2281,571 @@ "\n" "Algoritma yang didukung:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Pubkey: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cipher: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Kompresi: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "pemakaian: gpg [pilihan] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "perintah saling konflik\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "tanda = tidak ditemukan dalam definisi grup \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: permisi tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: permisi tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: permisi tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: kepemilikan direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: permisi direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: permisi direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Peringatan: permisi direktori tidak aman pada %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "Item Konfigurasi tidak dikenal \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Tidak ada signature koresponden di ring rahasia\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "tampilkan keyring tempat kunci yang dipilih berada" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Tidak ada signature koresponden di ring rahasia\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "CATATAN: file pilihan baku lama `%s' diabaikan\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "CATATAN: %s tidak untuk pemakaian normal!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "tidak dapat memparsing URI keyserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi impor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi impor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s bukanlah set karakter yang valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat menset path exec ke %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: program mungkin membuat file core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: %s menimpa %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s tidak dibolehkan dengan %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s tidak masuk akal dengan %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "anda hanya dapat membuat signature detached atau clear saat dalam mode --" "pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "anda tidak dapat menandai dan mengenkripsi pada saat bersamaan dalam mode --" "pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "anda harus menggunakan file (dan bukan pipe) saat bekerja dengan opsi --" "pgpg2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "mengenkripsi pesan dalam mode --pgp2 membutuhkan cipher IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritma cipher yang dipilih tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritma digest yang dipilih tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritma cipher yang dipilih tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritma sertifikasi digest yang dipilih tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed harus lebih dari 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed harus lebih dari 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth harus di antara 1 hingga 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "level cert default tidak valid; harus 0, 1, 2, atau 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "level cert min tidak valid; harus 0, 1, 2, atau 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "CATATAN: mode S2K sederhana (0) tidak dianjurkan\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "mode S2K yang tidak valid; harus 0, 1 atau 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "preferensi baku tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "preferensi cipher personal tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "preferensi digest personal tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "preferensi kompresi personal tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s belum dapat dipakai dengan %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "anda tidak boleh menggunakan algoritma cipher \"%s\" saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "anda tidak boleh menggunakan algoritma digest \"%s\" saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "anda tidak boleh menggunakan algoritma kompresi \"%s\" saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "gagal inisialisasi TrustDB: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "Peringatan: penerima yang disebutkan (-r) tanpa menggunakan enkripsi public " "key \n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "dekripsi gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "anda tidak boleh menggunakan %s saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "anda tidak boleh menggunakan %s saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id-user" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id-user" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id-user [perintah]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key id-user" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "Pengiriman keyserver gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "Penerimaan keyserver gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ekspor kunci gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "Pencarian keyserver gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "Refresh keyserver gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal dearmoring: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal enarmoring: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algoritma hash tidak valid `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[namafile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Teruskan dan ketikkan pesan anda ....\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "URL sertifikasi kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "URL signature kebijakan yang diberikan tidak valid\n" @@ -2853,471 +2885,476 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Tidak tersedia bantuan untuk `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "perbarui database trust" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "perbarui database trust" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "kunci publik tidak cocok dengan kunci rahasia!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "kunci rahasia tidak dapat dipakai" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "melewati blok tipe %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu kunci telah diproses\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Jumlah yang telah diproses: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " lewati kunci baru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " tanpa ID user: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " diimpor: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " tidak berubah: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " ID user baru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " subkey baru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " signature baru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " pembatalan kunci baru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " kunci rahasia dibaca: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " kunci rahasia diimpor: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " kunci rahasia tidak berubah: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " tidak diimpor: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " signature baru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " kunci rahasia dibaca: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada ID user\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "melewati `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: subkey HKP yang rusak diperbaiki\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: menerima ID user '%s' yang tidak self-signed\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada ID user yang valid\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "mungkin disebabkan oleh self-signature yang tidak ada\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci publik tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci baru - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "tidak ditemukan keyring yang dapat ditulisi: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "menulis ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci publik \"%s\" diimpor\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak cocok dengan duplikat kami\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak dapat menemukan keyblock orisinal: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak dapat membaca keyblok orisinal: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: 1 user ID baru \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d user ID baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" 1 signature baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d signature baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" 1 subkey baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d subkey baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d signature baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d signature baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d user ID baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" %d user ID baru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" tidak berubah\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "kunci rahasia `%s' tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci rahasia dengan cipher tidak valid %d - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "tidak ada keyring rahasia baku: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci rahasia diimpor\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: sudah ada di keyring rahasia\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: kunci rahasia tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "kunci %08lX: tdk ada kunci publik-tdk dpt mengaplikasikan sertifikat " "pembatalan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: sertifikat pembatalan tidak valid: %s - ditolak\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" sertifikat pembatalan diimpor\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada ID user untuk signature\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: algoritma publik key tidak didukung pada user id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: self-signature tidak valid pada user id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: algoritma publik key tidak didukung\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: signature kunci langsung ditambahkan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada subkey untuk key binding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: subkey binding tidak valid\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: hapus subkey binding ganda\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada subkey untuk pembatalan kunci\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: pembatalan subkey tidak valid\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: hapus pembatalan subkey ganda\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: melewati ID user " -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: melewati subkey\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: signature tidak dapat diekpor (kelas %02x) - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: sertifikat pembatalan di tempat yang salah - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: sertifikat pembatalan tidak valid: %s - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: signature subkey di tempat yang salah - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: klas signature tidak diharapkan (0x%02x) - dilewati\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: terdeteksi ID user duplikat - digabungkan\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "Peringatan: kunci %08lX dapat dibatalkan: mengambil kunci pembatalan %08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "Peringatan: kunci %08lX dapat dibatalkan: kunci pembatalan %08lX tidak ada\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: \"%s\" penambahan sertifikat pembatalan\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: signature kunci langsung ditambahkan\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "kunci publik tidak cocok dengan kunci rahasia!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "dilewati: kunci pribadi telah ada\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "dilewati: kunci pribadi telah ada\n" @@ -3342,51 +3379,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "gagal membuat kembali cache keyring: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[pembatalan]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[self-signature]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 signature yang buruk\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d signature yang buruk\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signature tidak diperiksa karena tidak ada kunci\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signature tidak diperiksa karena tidak ada kunci\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signature tidak diperiksa karena kesalahan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signature tidak diperiksa karena ada kesalahan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "terdeteksi 1 ID user tanpa self-signature yang valid\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "terdeteksi ID %d user tanpa self-signature yang valid\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3399,63 +3436,63 @@ "memeriksa fingerprint dari berbagai sumber...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Saya cukup percaya\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Saya sangat percaya\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "User ID \"%s\" dibatalkan." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Apakah anda yakin masih ingin menandainya? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr "..Tidak dapat menandai.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "User ID \"%s\" kadaluwarsa." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "User ID \"%s\" bukan self-signed." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "User ID \"%s\" bukan self-signed." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ditandai? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3464,11 +3501,11 @@ "Self-signature pada \"%s\"\n" "adalah signature bergaya PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda ingin mempromosikannya ke self-signature OpenPGP ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3477,13 +3514,13 @@ "Signature anda saat ini pada \"%s\"\n" "telah habis berlaku.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Anda ingin mengeluarkan signature baru untuk menggantikan yang telah habis " "berlaku? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3492,43 +3529,43 @@ "Signature anda saat ini pada \"%s\"\n" "adalah signature.lokal \n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Apakah anda ingin menjadikannya signature yang full exportable? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" Sudah ditandai secara lokal dengan kunci %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" Sudah ditandai dengan kunci %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Apakah anda ingin menandainya lagi? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Tidak ada yang ditandai dengan kunci %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Kunci ini telah berakhir!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Kunci ini akan kadaluarsa pada %s \n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Anda ingin signature anda kadaluarsa pada waktu yang sama? (y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3536,11 +3573,11 @@ "Anda tidak boleh membuat signature OpenPGP pada sebuah kunci PGP 2.x saat " "dalam mode --pgp2\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Hal ini akan membuat kunci tidak dapat digunakan dalam PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3550,32 +3587,32 @@ "menandai benar benar milik\n" "orang tersebut? Jika anda tidak tahu jawabannya. masukkan \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Saya tidak akan menjawab.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Saya belum memeriksanya.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Saya telah melakukan pemeriksaan biasa.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Saya telah melakukan pemeriksaan hati-hati.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (berikan '?' untuk informasi lebih lanjut):" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3584,100 +3621,100 @@ "Apakah anda yakin untuk menandai kunci ini \n" "dengan kunci anda: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ini akan jadi self-signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Peringatan: Signature akan ditandai sebagai tidak dapat diekspor.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Peringatan: Signature akan ditandai sebagai tidak dapat dibatalkan.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Signature akan ditandai sebagai tidak dapat diekspor.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Signature akan ditandai sebagai tidak dapat dibatalkan.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Saya belum memeriksa kunci ini sama sekali.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Saya telah memeriksa kunci ini.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Saya telah memeriksa kunci ini dengan sangat hati-hati.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Ditandai? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal menandai: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Kunci ini tidak diproteksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Bagian rahasia kunci primer tidak tersedia.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Bagian rahasia kunci primer tidak tersedia.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Kunci diproteksi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengedit kunci ini: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3685,11 +3722,11 @@ "Masukkan passphrase baru untuk kunci rahasia ini.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "passphrase tidak diulang dengan benar; coba lagi" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3697,206 +3734,206 @@ "Anda tidak ingin passphrase - bukan ide yang baik!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Apakah anda ingin melakukan hal ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "memindahkan signature kunci ke tempat yang tepat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "simpan dan berhenti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "tampilkan fingerprint" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "tampilkan kunci dan ID user" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "pilih ID user N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "pilih ID user N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "batalkan signature" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "tandai kunci secara lokal" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Petunjuk: Pilih ID user untuk ditandai\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "tambah sebuah ID user" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "tambah sebuah photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "hapus ID user" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "hapus kunci sekunder" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "tambah kunci pembatalan" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Perbarui preferensi untuk user ID terpilih?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat merubah batas waktu kunci v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "tandai ID user sebagai primer" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "ubah tampilan kunci rahasia dan publik" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "tampilkan preferensi (ahli)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "tampilkan preferensi (verbose)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Perbarui preferensi untuk user ID terpilih?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "tidak dapat memparsing URI keyserver\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Perbarui preferensi untuk user ID terpilih?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "ubah ownertrust" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Benar-benar hapus seluruh ID user terpilih? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "batalkan sebuah ID user" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "batalkan kunci sekunder" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "aktifkan kunci" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "tiadakan kunci" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "tampilkan photo ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan membaca keyblock rahasia `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Kunci rahasia tersedia.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Perlu kunci rahasia untuk melakukan hal ini.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Silakan gunakan dulu perintah \"toogle\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3904,242 +3941,242 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Kunci dibatalkan" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Tandai ID seluruh user? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Petunjuk: Pilih ID user untuk ditandai\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "kelas signature tidak dikenal" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Perintah ini tidak dibolehkan saat dalam mode %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Anda harus memilih minimum satu ID user.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus ID user terakhir!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Hapus seluruh ID user terpilih? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Hapus ID user ini? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Hapus ID user ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Anda harus memilih minimum satu kunci.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuka `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Anda harus memilih minimum satu kunci.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda ingin menghapus kunci terpilih ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda ingin menghapus kunci ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Benar-benar hapus seluruh ID user terpilih? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Benar-benar hapus ID user ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda ingin membatalkan kunci ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda ingin membatalkan kunci terpilih ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda ingin membatalkan kunci ini? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "set daftar preferensi" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Perbarui preferensi untuk user ID terpilih?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Update preferensi?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Simpan perubahan? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Berhenti tanpa menyimpan? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal memperbarui: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal perbarui rahasia: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Kunci tidak berubah sehingga tidak perlu pembaharuan.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Fitur: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notasi: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Tidak ada preferensi pada user ID bergaya PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Kunci ini dapat dibatalkan oleh kunci %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Kunci ini dapat dibatalkan oleh kunci %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (sensitive)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "tidak dapat membuat %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[revoked] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [berakhir: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [berakhir: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " trust: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " trust: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Kunci ini telah ditiadakan" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4147,19 +4184,19 @@ "Perhatikan bahwa validitas kunci yang ditampilkan belum tentu benar\n" "kecuali anda memulai kembali program.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[revoked] " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4167,7 +4204,17 @@ "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Anda tidak dapat merubah batas waktu kunci v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4177,75 +4224,75 @@ "dapat menyebabkan beberapa versi\n" " PGP menolak kunci ini.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda tetap ingin menambahkannya? (y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Anda tidak boleh menambahkan sebuah photo ID ke kunci bergaya PGP2 \n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Hapus signature baik ini? (y/T/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Hapus signature tidak valid ini? (y/T/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Hapus signature tidak dikenal ini? (y/T/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Yakin ingin menghapus self-signature ini? (y/T)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Menghapus %d signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Menghapus %d signature.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Tidak ada yang dihapus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "armor tidak valid" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" dibatalkan." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" dibatalkan." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" dibatalkan." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" telah dibatalkan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" telah dibatalkan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4255,280 +4302,280 @@ "designated dapat\n" "............menyebabkan beberapa versi PGP menolak kunci ini.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Anda tidak boleh revoker designated ke kunci bergaya PGP2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Masukkan user ID pihak yang ingin dibatalkan: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "tidak dapat menunjuk kunci bergaya PGP 2.x sebagai pihak yang dibatalkan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "anda tidak dapat menunjuk sebuah kunci sebagai pihak yang dibatalkan " "sendiri\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: Kunci ini telah dibatalkan oleh pihak yang berwenang\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "PERINGATAN: menunjuk sebuah kunci sebagai pihak yang dibatalkan tidak dapat " "dilakukan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin menunjuk kunci inin sebagai pihak yang dibatalkan? (y/N):" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Silakan hapus pilihan dari kunci rahasia.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Silakan pilih maksimum satu kunci sekunder.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Merubah batas waktu untuk kunci sekunder.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Merubah batas waktu untuk kunci primer.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat merubah batas waktu kunci v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Tidak ada signature koresponden di ring rahasia\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: subkey penandatangan %08lX tidak tersertifikasi silang\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Anda harus memilih minimum satu ID user.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "melewati self-signature v3 pada user id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Apakah anda yakin ingin menggunakannya? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Apakah anda yakin ingin menggunakannya? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Notasi signature: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Ditimpa (y/T)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Tidak ada ID user dengan index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Tidak ada ID user dengan index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Tidak ada ID user dengan index %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID user: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " ditandai oleh %08lX pada %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (tidak dapat diekspor)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Kunci ini akan kadaluarsa pada %s \n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Anda tetap ingin membatalkannya? (y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Membuat sertifikat pembatalan untuk signature ini? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " ditandai oleh %08lX pada %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Anda telah menandai ID user ini:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (tidak dapat diekspor)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " dibatalkan oleh %08lX pada %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Anda akan membatalkan signature ini:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Ingin membuat sertifikat pembatalan? (y/T)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "tidak ada kunci rahasia\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" telah dibatalkan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: signature user ID bertanggal %d detik di masa depan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" telah dibatalkan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "User ID \"%s\" telah dibatalkan\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Menampilkan photo ID %s berukuran %ld untuk kunci 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preferensi %c%lu ganda \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "terlalu banyak preferensi `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "terlalu banyak preferensi `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "terlalu banyak preferensi `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "Karakter tidak valid dalam string preferensi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "menulis signature direct\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "menulis self signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "menulis key binding signature\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "keysize tidak valid; menggunakan %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "keysize dibulatkan hingga %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "tandai" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "enkripsi data" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4542,7 +4589,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4575,71 +4622,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Silakan pilih kunci yang anda inginkan:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA dan ElGamal (baku)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA dan ElGamal (baku)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (hanya menandai)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (hanya menandai)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (hanya enkripsi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (hanya enkripsi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (hanya enkripsi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (hanya enkripsi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Keysize yang anda inginkan? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Keysize yang anda inginkan? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Keysize yang diminta adalah %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4655,7 +4702,7 @@ " m = kunci berakhir dalam n bulan\n" " y = kunci berakhir dalam n tahun\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4671,40 +4718,40 @@ " m = signature berakhir dalam n bulan\n" " y = signature berakhir dalam n tahun\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Kunci valid untuk? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Signature valid untuk? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "nilai yang tidak valid\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s tidak pernah berakhir\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s tidak pernah berakhir\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s berakhir pada %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Signature kadaluarsa pada %s \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4712,12 +4759,12 @@ "Sistem anda tidak dapat menampilkan tanggal melebihi 2038.\n" "Namun, ia dapat menanganinya secara benar hingga 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Benar (y/t)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4728,7 +4775,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4744,44 +4791,44 @@ "user-id dari Nama sebenarnya, Komentar dan Alamat email dalam bentuk:\n" " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nama sebenarnya: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Karakter tidak valid dalam nama\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Nama tidak boleh dimulai dengan digit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Nama harus berukuran minimum 5 karakter\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Alamat email: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Bukan alamat email yang valid\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Komentar: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Karakter tidak valid dalam komentar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Anda menggunakan set karakter `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4791,11 +4838,11 @@ "Anda memilih USER-ID ini:\n" " \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Jangan menaruh alamat email ke dalam nama sebenarnya atau komentar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4810,23 +4857,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnKkEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Ganti (N)ama, (K)omentar, (E)mail atau (Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Ganti (N)ama, (K)omentar, (E)mail atau (O)ke/(Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Silakan perbaiki kesalahan ini dulu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4834,19 +4881,19 @@ "Anda perlu sebuah passphrase untuk melindungi kunci rahasia anda.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Silakan masukkan passphrase; ini kalimat rahasia\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4859,7 +4906,7 @@ "menggunakan program ini dengan pilihan \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4871,50 +4918,50 @@ "selama pembuatan prima; ini akan memberi random number generator kesempatan\n" "yang baik untuk memperoleh entropi.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Pembuatan kunci dibatalkan.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "menulis kunci publik ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "tidak ditemukan keyring publik yang dapat ditulisi: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "tidak ditemukan keyring rahasia yang dapat ditulisi: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring publik `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring rahasia `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "kunci publik dan rahasia dibuat dan ditandai.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4924,50 +4971,50 @@ "mungkin ingin menggunakan perintah \"--edit-key\" untuk membuat kunci kedua " "untuk tujuan ini.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Pembuatan kunci gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "kunci telah diciptakan dalam %lu detik mendatang (masalah waktu atau jam)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "kunci telah diciptakan dalam %lu detik mendatang (masalah waktu atau jam)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "CATATAN: membuat subkey bagi kunci-kunci v3 tidak OpenPGP compliant\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Ingin diciptakan? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal menghapus keyblok: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuat %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "CATATAN: kunci pribadi %08lX berakhir pada %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "tidak pernah..." @@ -5022,45 +5069,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal enarmoring: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: terdapat 2 file dengan informasi penting.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s adalah yang tidak berubah\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s adalah yang baru\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Silakan perbaiki kemungkinan lubang keamanan ini\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "memeriksa keyring `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu kunci telah diperiksa (%lu signature)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu kunci telah diperiksa (%lu signature)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: keyring tercipta\n" @@ -5108,7 +5155,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" @@ -5123,126 +5170,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "kunci '%s' tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "meminta kunci %08lX dari %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "meminta kunci %08lX dari %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "mencari \"%s\" dari server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "mencari \"%s\" dari server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "mencari \"%s\" dari server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "ditandai dengan kunci anda %08lX pada %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "mencari \"%s\" dari server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "mencari \"%s\" dari server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "opsi ekspor tidak valid\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "Penerimaan keyserver gagal: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "kesalahan keyserver" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "kesalahan keyserver" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "Penerimaan keyserver gagal: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: tidak dapat menghapus file temp (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "meminta kunci %08lX dari %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "meminta kunci %08lX dari %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: tidak dapat menghapus file temp (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: tidak dapat menghapus file temp (%s) `%s': %s\n" @@ -5300,164 +5347,169 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "dienkripsi dengan 1 passphrase\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "asumsikan %s data terenkripsi\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "Cipher IDEA tidak tersedia, secara optimis berusaha menggunakan %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "dekripsi lancar\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: integritas pesan tidak terlindungi\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: pesan terenkripsi telah dimanipulasi!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "dekripsi gagal: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "CATATAN: pengirim meminta \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "original file name='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "pembatalan mandiri - gunakan \"gpg --import\" untuk mengaplikasikan\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Signature baik dari \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verifikasi signature tidak diabaikan\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "tidak dapat menangani banyak signature ini\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signature kadaluwarsa %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signature membuat %.*s menggunakan kunci %s ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Kunci tersedia di:" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "signature BURUK dari \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Signature kadaluarsa dari \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Signature baik dari \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[uncertain]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Signature kadaluwarsa %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Signature kadaluarsa pada %s \n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "biner" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "modeteks" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "tidak dikenal" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Tidak dapat memeriksa signature: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "bukan detached signature\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "PERINGATAN: multi signature terdeteksi. Hanya yang pertama akan diperiksa.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "kelas signature mandiri 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "signature model lama (PGP 2.X)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "terdeteksi root paket tidak valid dalam proc_tree()\n" @@ -5471,91 +5523,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat menangani algoritma kunci publik %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "memaksa algoritma digest %s (%d) melanggar preferensi penerima\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "algoritma cipher belum diimplementasikan" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "memaksa algoritma digest %s (%d) melanggar preferensi penerima\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "plugin cipher IDEA tidak tersedia\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = beri saya informasi lebih banyak lagi\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opsi tidak digunakan lagi \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "silakan gunakan \"%s%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "WARNING: \"%s\" adalah opsi terdepresiasi\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Tidak dikompresi" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Tidak dikompresi" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "pesan ini mungkin tidak dapat digunakan oleh %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "membaca pilihan dari `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "penerima baku tidak dikenal `%s'\n" @@ -5583,46 +5652,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "menulis ke stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "mengasumsikan data bertanda dalam `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "file konfigurasi baru `%s' tercipta\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: opsi dalam `%s' belum aktif selama pelaksanaan ini\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "tidak dapat menangani algoritma kunci publik %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "PERINGATAN: kunci sesi mungkin dienkripsi simetris secara tidak aman\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpaket tipe %d memiliki bit kritis terset\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "masalah dengan agen: agen mengembalikan 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ID kunci utama %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5635,15 +5705,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bit %s key, ID %08lX, tercipta %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Masukkan passphrase\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "dibatalkan oleh user\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5653,12 +5723,12 @@ "Anda perlu passphrase untuk membuka kunci rahasia untuk\n" "pemakai: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bit kunci %s, ID %08lX, tercipta %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6021,16 +6091,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "membaca stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "tidak ada data tertandai\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuka data tertandai `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuka data tertandai `%s'\n" @@ -6293,25 +6363,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "CATATAN: kunci telah dibatalkan" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "mengasumsikan signature buruk dari kunci %08lX karena ada bit kritik tidak " "dikenal\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada subkey untuk pembatalan paket\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "kunci %08lX: tidak ada subkey untuk key binding signature\n" @@ -6717,7 +6781,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "tidak perlu memeriksa trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "pemeriksaan trustdb berikutnya pada %s\n" @@ -6732,45 +6796,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "tidak perlu memeriksa trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "kunci publik %08lX tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "lakukanlah --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "memeriksa trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d kunci diproses (%d hitungan validitas dihapus)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "tidak ditemukan kunci yang benar-benar terpercaya\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "kunci publik yang sangat terpercaya %08lX tidak ditemukan\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "trust record %lu, tipe %d: gagal menulis: %s\n" @@ -6795,77 +6859,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuka `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "kesalahan baca file" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "baris terlalu panjang\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argumen tidak valid" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armor tidak valid" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "perintah saling konflik\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "tidak diproses" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Perintah tidak valid (coba \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "tidak diproses" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "opsi impor tidak valid\n" @@ -6895,35 +6970,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat membuat direktori `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan menulis keyring `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "kunci publik %08lX tidak ditemukan: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "menulis kunci rahasia ke `%s'\n" @@ -6948,19 +7023,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Pemakaian: gpg [pilihan] [file] (-h untuk bantuan)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7009,104 +7084,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "gagal inisialisasi TrustDB: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "gagal membuat kembali cache keyring: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "gagal menghapus keyblok: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "Pengiriman keyserver gagal: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Silakan pilih alasan untuk pembatalan:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7114,109 +7189,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "ubah passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "gagal membaca keyblock: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: kesalahan membaca record bebas: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "`%s' sudah dikompresi\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "buat sepasang kunci baru" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "buat sepasang kunci baru" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "gagal inisialisasi TrustDB: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "gagal menghapus keyblok: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Pembuatan kunci gagal: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signature, algoritma digest %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "tidak ditemukan data OpenPGP yang valid.\n" @@ -7241,7 +7316,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|muat modul ekstensi FILE" @@ -8003,7 +8078,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NAMA|gunakan NAMA sebagai kunci rahasia baku" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|HOST|gunakan keyserver ini utk lihat kunci" @@ -8062,26 +8137,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = lewati kunci ini\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "tidak dapat memparsing URI keyserver\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "menulis ke `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "tidak dapat menutup `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8337,27 +8412,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "kesalahan mengirim ke `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8373,113 +8448,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|gunakan passphrase mode N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "kesalahan penciptaan passphrase: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAMA|gunakan NAMA sebagai kunci rahasia baku" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAMA|enkripsi untuk NAMA" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "tidak dapat memparsing URI keyserver\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAMA|gunakan algoritma cipher NAMA untuk passphrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9282,9 +9357,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "paket tidak valid" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armor tidak valid" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "tidak ada user id tsb" @@ -9309,9 +9381,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "kesalahan buat file" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "passphrase tidak valid" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritma pubkey belum diimplementasikan" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/it.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/it.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/it.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/it.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/it.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/it.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.1.92\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-26 12:02+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Marco d'Itri \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" @@ -25,21 +25,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Vuoi davvero revocare le chiavi selezionate? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "passphrase non valida" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -49,17 +76,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -69,41 +96,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "riga troppo lunga\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "passphrase troppo lunga\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Carattere non valido nel nome\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI danneggiato" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "passphrase errata" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "passphrase errata" @@ -113,22 +140,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "l'algoritmo di protezione %d%s non è gestito\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile creare `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile aprire `%s': %s\n" @@ -346,7 +373,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -357,275 +384,280 @@ "Opzioni:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "prolisso" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "meno prolisso" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FILE|carica il modulo di estensione FILE" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "cerca delle chiavi su un key server" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Aggiorno davvero le preferenze per gli user ID selezionati? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "aggiorna il database della fiducia" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "non gestito" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "non gestito" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Per favore segnala i bug a .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opzioni] [files] (-h per l'aiuto)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: manca il file `%s' con le opzioni predefinite\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "file con le opzioni `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "lettura delle opzioni da `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore creando `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile creare la directory `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "impossibile creare %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent non è disponibile in questa sessione\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore leggendo `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "aggiornamento fallito: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: directory creata\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: read fallita (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: impossibile creare la directory: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "errore leggendo `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "aggiornamento della chiave segreta fallito: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: saltata: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent non è disponibile in questa sessione\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "variabile di ambiente GPG_AGENT_INFO malformata\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -642,7 +674,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -651,7 +683,7 @@ "@Comandi:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -822,8 +854,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" @@ -1203,84 +1235,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armatura: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "header dell'armatura non valido: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "header dell'armatura: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "header della firma in chiaro non valido\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "header dell'armatura: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "firme in chiaro annidate\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armatura inaspettata:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "riga protetta con il trattino non valida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "Carattere radix64 non valido %02x saltato\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "eof prematura (nessun CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "eof prematura (nel CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC malformato\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "errore nel CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "eof prematura (nella coda)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "errore nella riga della coda\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "Non sono stati trovati dati OpenPGP validi.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armatura non valida: linea più lunga di %d caratteri\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "carattere quoted printable nell'armatura - probabilmente è stato usato\n" "un MTA buggato\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1288,24 +1320,24 @@ "il nome di una nota deve essere formato solo da caratteri stampabili o\n" "spazi e terminare con un '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "il valore di una nota dell'utente deve contenere il carattere '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "il valore di una nota dell'utente deve contenere il carattere '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "il valore di una nota non deve usare caratteri di controllo\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: trovati dati di una nota non validi\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "non leggibile" @@ -1319,8 +1351,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "impossibile fare questo in modo batch\n" @@ -1330,14 +1362,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Questo comando non è permesso in modalità %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "parti della chiave segreta non sono disponibili\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Cosa scegli? " @@ -1411,7 +1443,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "errore creando il portachiavi `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore leggendo `%s': %s\n" @@ -1514,13 +1546,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Di che dimensioni vuoi la chiave? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "arrotondate a %u bit\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1575,8 +1607,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Scelta non valida.\n" @@ -1605,7 +1637,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "errore scrivendo il portachiavi `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "abbandona questo menù" @@ -1614,7 +1646,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "comandi in conflitto\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "mostra questo aiuto" @@ -1694,7 +1726,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Comando non valido (prova \"help\")\n" @@ -1702,18 +1734,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output non funziona con questo comando\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "impossibile aprire `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "chiave `%s' non trovata: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1982,225 +2014,225 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: non è stato esportato nulla\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "troppe voci nella pk cache - disabilitata\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User ID non trovato]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave segreta senza chiave pubblica - saltata\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "errore creando `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "mostra le impronte digitali" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Chiave %08lX non valida resa valida da --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" "manca una subchiave segreta per la subchiave pubblica %08lX - ignorata\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "uso la chiave secondaria %08lX invece della chiave primaria %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave segreta senza chiave pubblica - saltata\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "fai una firma separata" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[file]|fai una firma mantenendo il testo in chiaro" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "fai una firma separata" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "cifra dati" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "cifra solo con un cifrario simmetrico" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "decifra dati (predefinito)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verifica una firma" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "elenca le chiavi" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "elenca le chiavi e le firme" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "controlla le firme delle chiavi" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "elenca le chiavi e le impronte digitali" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "elenca le chiavi segrete" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "genera una nuova coppia di chiavi" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "genera un certificato di revoca" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "rimuove le chiavi dal portachiavi pubblico" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "rimuove le chiavi dal portachiavi privato" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "firma una chiave" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "firma una chiave localmente" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "firma o modifica una chiave" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "esporta delle chiavi" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "esporta le chiavi a un key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importa le chiavi da un key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "cerca delle chiavi su un key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "aggiorna tutte le chiavi da un key server" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importa/aggiungi delle chiavi" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "aggiorna il database della fiducia" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [files]|stampa tutti i message digests" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "crea un output ascii con armatura" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NOME|cifra per NOME" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "usa questo user-id per firmare o decifrare" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|imposta il livello di compressione (0 disab.)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "usa il modo testo canonico" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|carica il modulo di estensione FILE" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "non fa cambiamenti" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "chiede prima di sovrascrivere" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2208,7 +2240,7 @@ "@\n" "(Vedi la man page per una lista completa di tutti i comandi e opzioni)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2228,11 +2260,11 @@ " --list-keys [nomi] mostra le chiavi\n" " --fingerprint [nomi] mostra le impronte digitali\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opzioni] [files] (-h per l'aiuto)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2247,7 +2279,7 @@ "firma, controlla, cifra o decifra\n" "l'operazione predefinita dipende dai dati di input\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2255,566 +2287,566 @@ "\n" "Algoritmi gestiti:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "A chiave pubblica: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cifrari: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compressione: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "uso: gpg [opzioni] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "comandi in conflitto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "non è stato trovato il segno = nella definizione del gruppo \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il proprietario \"%s\" di %s è insicuro\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: i permessi \"%s\" di %s sono insicuri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "elemento della configurazione sconosciuto \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Manca la firma corrispondente nel portachiavi segreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "mostra in quali portachiavi sono contenute le chiavi elencate" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Manca la firma corrispondente nel portachiavi segreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "" "NOTA: il vecchio file `%s' con le opzioni predefinite è stato ignorato\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTA: %s normalmente non deve essere usato!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "impossibile fare il parsing dell'URI del keyserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di importazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di importazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s non è un set di caratteri valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "impossibile impostare exec-path a %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il programma potrebbe creare un file core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: %s ha la precedenza su %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "Non è permesso usare %s con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "Non ha senso usare %s con %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "nella modalità --pgp2 puoi fare solo firme in chiaro o separate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "nella modalità --pgp2 non puoi firmare e cifrare contemporaneamente\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "devi usare dei file (e non una pipe) quando lavori con --pgp2 attivo.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" "nella modalità --pgp2 è richiesto il cifrario IDEA per cifrare un messaggio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algoritmo di cifratura selezionato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algoritmo di digest selezionato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algoritmo di cifratura selezionato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "l'algoritmo di digest selezionato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed deve essere maggiore di 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed deve essere maggiore di 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth deve essere tra 1 e 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "default-cert-level non valido; deve essere 0, 1, 2 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "min-cert-level non valido; deve essere 1, 2 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTA: l'uso del modo S2K semplice (0) è fortemente scoraggiato\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K non valido; deve essere 0, 1 o 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "preferenze predefinite non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "preferenze personali del cifrario non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "preferenze personali del digest non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "preferenze personali di compressione non valide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s non funziona ancora con %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non è possibile usare l'algoritmo di cifratura \"%s\" in modalità %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non è possibile usare l'algoritmo di digest \"%s\" in modalità %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "non è possibile usare l'algoritmo di compressione \"%s\" in modalità %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "inizializzazione del trustdb fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: sono stati indicati dei destinatari (-r) senza usare la\n" "crittografia a chiave pubblica\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "decifratura fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non è possibile usare %s in modalità %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "non è possibile usare %s in modalità %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [comandi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "invio al keyserver fallito: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "ricezione dal keyserver fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "esportazione della chiave fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "ricerca nel keyserver fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "aggiornamento del keyserver fallito: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "rimozione dell'armatura fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "creazione dell'armatura fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algoritmo di hash non valido `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nomefile]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Vai avanti e scrivi il messaggio...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "l'URL della politica di certificazione indicato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "l'URL della politica di firma indicato non è valido\n" @@ -2854,474 +2886,479 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Non è disponibile un aiuto per `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "aggiorna il database della fiducia" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "aggiorna il database della fiducia" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "la chiave pubblica non corrisponde alla chiave segreta!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "chiave segreta inutilizzabile" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "salto un blocco di tipo %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "Per ora sono state esaminate %lu chiavi\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Numero totale esaminato: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " nuove chiavi saltate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " senza user ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importate: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " non modificate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nuovi user ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nuove subchiavi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nuove firme: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr "nuove revoche di chiavi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " chiavi segrete lette: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr "chiavi segrete importate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "chiavi segrete non cambiate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " nuove firme: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " chiavi segrete lette: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: nessun user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "saltata `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: riparati i danni di HKP alla subchiave\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: accettato l'user ID non autofirmato '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: nessun user ID valido\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "questo può essere causato da una autofirma mancante\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave pubblica non trovata: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: nuova chiave - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "non è stato trovato un portachiavi scrivibile: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "scrittura in `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore scrivendo il portachiavi `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: importata la chiave pubblica \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: non corrisponde alla nostra copia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: impossibile individuare il keyblock originale: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: impossibile leggere il keyblock originale: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nuovo user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuovi user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" una nuova firma\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuove firme\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" una nuova subchiave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuove subchiavi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuove firme\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuove firme\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuovi user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" %d nuovi user ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" non cambiata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "chiave segreta `%s' non trovata: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave segreta con cifrario %d non valido - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "nessun portachiavi segreto predefinito: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave segreta importata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: già nel portachiavi segreto\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: chiave segreta non trovata: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "chiave %08lX: manca la chiave pubblica - impossibile applicare il\n" "certificato di revoca\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: certificato di revoca non valido: %s - rifiutato\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: \"%s\" certificato di revoca importato\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: nessun user ID per la firma\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "chiave %08lX: algoritmo a chiave pubblica non gestito sull'user ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: autofirma non valida sull'user ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: algoritmo a chiave pubblica non gestito\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: aggiunta una firma alla chiave diretta\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: non ci sono subchiavi per il legame con la chiave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: legame con la subchiave non valido:\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: rimossi i legami con subochiavi multiple\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: non ci sono subchiavi per la revoca della chiave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: revoca della subchiave non valida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: rimosse le revoche di subchiavi multiple\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: saltato l'user ID '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: saltata la subchiave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: firma non esportabile (classe %02x) - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: certificato di revoca nel posto sbagliato - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: certificato di revoca non valido: %s - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: firma della subchiave nel posto sbagliato - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: classe della firma inaspettata (0x%02x) - saltata\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: trovato un user ID duplicato - unito\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: la chiave %08lX può essere stata revocata: scarico la chiave\n" "di revoca %08lX.\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: la chiave %08lX può essere stata revocata: la chiave di\n" "revoca %08lX non è presente.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: certificato di revoca \"%s\" aggiunto\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "chiave %08lX: aggiunta una firma alla chiave diretta\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "la chiave pubblica non corrisponde alla chiave segreta!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "saltata: chiave pubblica già presente\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "saltata: chiave pubblica già presente\n" @@ -3346,51 +3383,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "rebuild della cache del portachiavi fallito: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revoca]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[autofirma]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "una firma non corretta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d firme non corrette\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "una firma non controllata per mancanza della chiave\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d firme non controllate per mancanza delle chiavi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "una firma non controllata a causa di un errore\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d firme non controllate a causa di errori\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "Trovato un user ID senza autofirma valida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "Trovati %d user ID senza autofirme valide\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3403,63 +3440,63 @@ "impronte digitali da diverse fonti...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Mi fido marginalmente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Mi fido completamente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" è stato revocato." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sei ancora sicuro di volerla firmare? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Impossibile firmarla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" è scaduto." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" non è autofirmato." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" non è autofirmato." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Firmo davvero? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3468,11 +3505,11 @@ "L'autofirma su \"%s\"\n" "è una firma in stile PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi promuoverla in una autofirma di OpenPGP? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3481,11 +3518,11 @@ "La tua firma attuale su \"%s\"\n" "è scaduta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi fare una nuova firma per sostituire quella scaduta? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3494,43 +3531,43 @@ "La tua firma attuale su \"%s\"\n" "è una firma locale.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi trasformarla in una firma completa esportabile? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" era già stato firmato localmente dalla chiave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" era già stato firmato dalla chiave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Sei ancora sicuro di volerla firmare di nuovo? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Niente da firmare con la chiave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Questa chiave è scaduta!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Questa chiave scadrà il %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Vuoi che la tua firma scada nello stesso momento? (S/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3538,11 +3575,11 @@ "In modalità -pgp2 non è possibile fare firme OpenPGP su chiavi in stile PGP " "2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Questo renderebbe la chiave non utilizzabile da PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3552,32 +3589,32 @@ "appartiene veramente alla persona indicata sopra?\n" "Se non sai cosa rispondere digita \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Preferisco non rispondere.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Non l'ho controllata per niente.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) L'ho controllata superficialmente.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) L'ho controllata molto attentamente.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Cosa scegli? (inserisci '?' per ulteriori informazioni): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3586,100 +3623,100 @@ "Sei davvero sicuro di volere firmare questa chiave\n" "con la tua chiave: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Questa sarà una autofirma.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "ATTENZIONE: la firma non sarà marcata come non esportabile.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "ATTENZIONE: la firma sarà marcata come irrevocabile.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La firma sarà marcata come non esportabile.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "La firma sarà marcata come irrevocabile.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Non ho controllato per niente questa chiave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ho controllato questa chiave superficialmente.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ho controllato questa chiave molto attentamente.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Firmo davvero? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "firma fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Questa chiave non è protetta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Parti della chiave segreta non sono disponibili.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Parti della chiave segreta non sono disponibili.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "La chiave è protetta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Impossibile modificare questa chiave: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3687,11 +3724,11 @@ "Inserisci la nuova passphrase per questa chiave segreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "passphrase non ripetuta correttamente; prova ancora" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3699,206 +3736,206 @@ "Non vuoi una passphrase - questa è probabilmente una *cattiva* idea!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi veramente farlo?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "spostamento della firma di una chiave nel posto corretto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "salva ed esci" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "mostra le impronte digitali" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "elenca le chiavi e gli user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "scegli l'user ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "scegli l'user ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revoca firme" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "firma la chiave localmente" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Suggerimento: seleziona gli user ID da firmare\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "aggiungi un user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "aggiungi un ID fotografico" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "cancella un user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "cancella una chiave secondaria" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "aggiungi una chiave di revoca" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Aggiorno davvero le preferenze per gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Non è possibile cambiare la data di scadenza di una chiave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "imposta l'user ID come primario" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "cambia tra visualizzare la chiave segreta e la chiave pubblica" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "elenca le preferenze (per esperti)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "elenca le preferenze (prolisso)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Aggiorno davvero le preferenze per gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "impossibile fare il parsing dell'URI del keyserver\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Aggiorno davvero le preferenze per gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "cambia il valore di fiducia" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Revoco davvero tutti gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revoca un user ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoca una chiave secondaria" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "abilita una chiave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "disabilita una chiave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "mostra l'ID fotografico" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "errore leggendo il keyblock segreto `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "È disponibile una chiave segreta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Per fare questo serve la chiave segreta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Per favore usa prima il comando \"toggle\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3906,242 +3943,242 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "La chiave è stata revocata." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Firmo davvero tutti gli user ID? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Suggerimento: seleziona gli user ID da firmare\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "classe della firma sconosciuta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Questo comando non è permesso in modalità %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Devi selezionare almeno un user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Non puoi cancellare l'ultimo user ID!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Tolgo davvero tutti gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Tolgo davvero questo user ID? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Tolgo davvero questo user ID? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Devi selezionare almeno una chiave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile aprire `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore creando il portachiavi `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Devi selezionare almeno una chiave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi davvero cancellare le chiavi selezionate? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi davvero cancellare questa chiave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Revoco davvero tutti gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Revoco davvero questo user ID? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi davvero revocare questa chiave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi davvero revocare le chiavi selezionate? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Vuoi davvero revocare questa chiave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "imposta la lista di preferenze" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Aggiorno davvero le preferenze per gli user ID selezionati? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Aggiorno davvero le preferenze? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Salvo i cambiamenti? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Esco senza salvare? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "aggiornamento fallito: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "aggiornamento della chiave segreta fallito: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "La chiave non è cambiata quindi non sono necessari aggiornamenti.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Caratteristiche: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Nota: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Non esistono preferense su un user ID in stile PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Questa chiave può essere revocata dalla chiave %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Questa chiave può essere revocata dalla chiave %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (sensibile)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "impossibile creare %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[revocata]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "[scadenza: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "[scadenza: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " fiducia: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " fiducia: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Questa chiave è stata disabilitata" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4150,19 +4187,19 @@ "corretta\n" "finchè non eseguirai di nuovo il programma.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[revocata]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4171,7 +4208,17 @@ " potrebbe fare diventare un altro user ID il primario " "predefinito.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Non è possibile cambiare la data di scadenza di una chiave v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4180,76 +4227,76 @@ "ATTENZIONE: Questa è una chiave in stile PGP2. Aggiungere un ID fotografico\n" " può causarne il rifiuto da parte di alcune versioni di PGP.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sei ancora sicuro di volerlo aggiungere? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Non è possibile aggiungere un ID fotografico a una chiave in stile PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Cancellare questa firma corretta? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Cancellare questa firma non valida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Cancellare questa firma sconosciuta? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Cancellare davvero questa autofirma? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Cancellata %d firma.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Cancellate %d firme.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Non è stato cancellato nulla.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "armatura non valida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" è stato revocato." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" è stato revocato." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "L'user ID \"%s\" è stato revocato." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "l'user ID \"%s\" è già stato revocato\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "l'user ID \"%s\" è già stato revocato\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4259,286 +4306,286 @@ " designato può causarne il rifiuto da parte di alcune versioni\n" " di PGP.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Non è possibile aggiungere un revocatore designato a una chiave in stile\n" "PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Inserisci l'user ID del revocatore designato: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "impossibile nominare come revocatore designato una chiave in stile PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "impossibile nominare una chiave come revocatore designato di sè stessa\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: questa chiave è stata revocata dal suo revocatore designato!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: la nomina di una chiave a revocatrice designata non può essere\n" "annullata.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Sei sicuro di volere nominare questa chiave revocatrice designata? (s/N):" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Togli le selezioni dalle chiavi segrete.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Seleziona al massimo una chiave secondaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Cambio la data di scadenza per una chiave secondaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Cambio la data di scadenza per la chiave primaria.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Non è possibile cambiare la data di scadenza di una chiave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Manca la firma corrispondente nel portachiavi segreto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: la sottochiave per firme %08lX non ha una certificature " "incrociata\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Devi selezionare esattamente un user ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "salto una autofirma v3 sull'user ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sei sicuro di volerla usare? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sei sicuro di volerla usare? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Annotazione della firma: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Sovrascrivo (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Nessun user ID con l'indice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Nessun user ID con l'indice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Nessun user ID con l'indice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "user ID: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " firmata da %08lX il %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (non esportabile)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Questa chiave è scaduta il %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sei ancora sicuro di volerlo aggiungere? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Creare un certificato di revoca per questa firma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " firmata da %08lX il %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Non puoi cancellare l'ultimo user ID!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (non esportabile)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revocata da %08lX il %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Stai per revocare queste firme:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Creare davvero i certificati di revoca? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "manca la chiave segreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "l'user ID \"%s\" è già stato revocato\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: una firma dell'user ID ha la data di %d secondi nel futuro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "l'user ID \"%s\" è già stato revocato\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "l'user ID \"%s\" è già stato revocato\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "Mostro %s ID fotografici di dimensioni %ld per la chaive 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "la preferenza %c%lu è doppia\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ci sono troppe preferenze `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "ci sono troppe preferenze `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "ci sono troppe preferenze `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "carattere non valido nella stringa delle preferenze\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "scrittura della firma diretta\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "scrittura della autofirma\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "scrittura della firma di collegamento alla chiave\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "dimensione della chiave non valida; uso %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "dimensioni della chiave arrotondate a %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "cifra dati" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4552,7 +4599,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4585,71 +4632,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Per favore scegli che tipo di chiave vuoi:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (default)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (default)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (firma solo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (firma solo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (cifra solo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (cifra solo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (cifra solo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (cifra solo)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Di che dimensioni vuoi la chiave? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Di che dimensioni vuoi la chiave? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "La dimensione richiesta della chiave è %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4665,7 +4712,7 @@ " m = la chiave scadrà dopo n mesi\n" " y = la chiave scadrà dopo n anni\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4681,40 +4728,40 @@ " m = la chiave scadrà dopo n mesi\n" " y = la chiave scadrà dopo n anni\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Chiave valida per? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Firma valida per? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "valore non valido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s non ha scadenza\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%s non ha scadenza\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s scadrà il %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Questa firma scadrà il %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4722,12 +4769,12 @@ "Il tuo sistema non può mostrare date oltre il 2038.\n" "Comunque, sarà gestita correttamente fino al 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "È giusto (s/n)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4738,7 +4785,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4755,44 +4802,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nome e Cognome: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Carattere non valido nel nome\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Il nome non può iniziare con una cifra\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Il nome deve essere lungo almeno 5 caratteri\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Indirizzo di Email: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "L'indirizzo di email non è valido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Commento: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Carattere non valido nel commento\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Stai usando il set di caratteri `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4803,11 +4850,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Per favore non mettere l'indirizzo di email nel nome o nel commento\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4822,23 +4869,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Modifica (N)ome, (C)ommento, (E)mail oppure (Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Modifica (N)ome, (C)ommento, (E)mail oppure (O)kay/(Q)uit? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Per favore correggi prima l'errore\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4846,19 +4893,19 @@ "Ti serve una passphrase per proteggere la tua chiave segreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Inserisci la passphrase, cioè una frase segreta \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4870,7 +4917,7 @@ "programma con l'opzione \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4882,50 +4929,50 @@ "dischi) durante la generazione dei numeri primi; questo da al generatore di\n" "numeri casuali migliori possibilità di raccogliere abbastanza entropia.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Generazione della chiave annullata.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave pubblica in `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "non è stato trovato un portachiavi pubblico scrivibile: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "non è stato trovato un portachiavi segreto scrivibile: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore scrivendo il portachiavi pubblico `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore scrivendo il portachiavi segreto `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "chiavi pubbliche e segrete create e firmate.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4935,12 +4982,12 @@ "il comando \"--edit-key\" per generare una chiave secondaria per questo " "scopo.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Generazione della chiave fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4948,7 +4995,7 @@ "la chiave è stata creata %lu secondo nel futuro (salto nel tempo o problema\n" "con l'orologio)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4956,31 +5003,31 @@ "la chiave è stata creata %lu secondi nel futuro (salto nel tempo o problema\n" "con l'orologio)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NB: la creazione di subchiavi per chiavi v3 non rispetta OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Crea davvero? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "cancellazione del keyblock fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile creare `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: chiave %08lX scaduta il %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "mai " @@ -5035,45 +5082,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "creazione dell'armatura fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: esistono due file con informazioni confidenziali.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s è quello non modificato\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s è quello nuovo\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Per favore risolvete questo possibile problema di sicurezza\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "controllo il portachiavi `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "Sono state controllate %lu chiavi (%lu firme)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "Sono state controllate %lu chiavi (%lu firme)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: portachiavi creato\n" @@ -5123,7 +5170,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" @@ -5138,32 +5185,32 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "chiave `%s' non trovata: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "richiedo la chiave %08lX a %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "richiedo la chiave %08lX a %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "cerco \"%s\" sul server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "cerco \"%s\" sul server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "cerco \"%s\" sul server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -5171,94 +5218,94 @@ "firmata con la tua chiave %08lX il %s\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "cerco \"%s\" sul server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "cerco \"%s\" sul server HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "opzioni di esportazione non valide\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "ricezione dal keyserver fallita: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "errore del keyserver" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "errore del keyserver" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "ricezione dal keyserver fallita: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: impossibile cancellare il file temporaneo (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "richiedo la chiave %08lX a %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "richiedo la chiave %08lX a %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: impossibile cancellare il file temporaneo (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: impossibile cancellare il file temporaneo (%s) `%s': %s\n" @@ -5316,163 +5363,168 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "cifratto con 1 passphrase\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "suppongo che i dati siano cifrati con %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "Cifrario IDEA non disponibile, ottimisticamente cerco di usare %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "decifratura corretta\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: l'integrità del messaggio non era protetta\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: il messaggio cifrato è stato manipolato!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "decifratura fallita: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTA: il mittente ha richiesto \"solo-per-i-tuoi-occhi\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nome del file originale='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "revoca solitaria - usa \"gpg --import\" per applicarla\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Firma valida da \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verifica della firma soppressa\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "impossibile gestire queste firme multiple\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Firma scaduta il %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Firma fatta %.*s usando %s con ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Chiave disponibile presso: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Firma NON corretta da \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Firma scaduta da \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Firma valida da \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[incerta]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Firma scaduta il %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Questa firma scadrà il %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binario" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "modo testo" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "sconosciuto" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Impossibile controllare la firma: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "non è una firma separata\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: trovate firme multiple. Sarà controllata solo la prima.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "firma solitaria di classe 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "firma vecchio stile (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "individuato un pacchetto radice non valido in proc_tree()\n" @@ -5486,93 +5538,110 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "trustdb: read fallita (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "impossibile gestire l'algoritmo a chiave pubblica %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "forzare l'algoritmo di digest %s (%d) viola le preferenze del destinatario\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "algoritmo di cifratura non implementato" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "forzare l'algoritmo di digest %s (%d) viola le preferenze del destinatario\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "il plugin per il cifrario IDEA non è presente\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = mostrami ulteriori informazioni\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "usa al suo posto \"%s%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "ATTENZIONE: \"%s\" è una opzione deprecata\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Non compresso" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Non compresso" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "questo messaggio può non essere utilizzabile da %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "lettura delle opzioni da `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "destinatario predefinito `%s' sconosciuto\n" @@ -5600,50 +5669,51 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "scrivo su stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "suppongo che i dati firmati siano in `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "creato un nuovo file di configurazione `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: le opzioni in `%s' non sono ancora attive durante questa\n" "esecuzione del programma\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "impossibile gestire l'algoritmo a chiave pubblica %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "ATTENZIONE: la chiave di sessione cifrata simmetricamente è potenzialmente\n" "non sicura\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "il sottopacchetto di tipo %d ha un bit critico impostato\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problema con l'agent: ha restituito 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (key ID principale %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5656,15 +5726,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bit %s key, ID %08lX, created %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Inserisci la passphrase\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "interrotto dall'utente\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5674,12 +5744,12 @@ "Ti serve una passphrase per sbloccare la chiave segreta\n" "dell'utente: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "chiave %2$s di %1$u bit, ID %3$08lX, creata il %4$s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6046,16 +6116,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "viene letto stdin...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "non ci sono dati firmati\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "impossibile aprire i dati firmati `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "impossibile aprire i dati firmati `%s'\n" @@ -6327,27 +6397,21 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTA: la chiave è stata revocata" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "si suppone una firma non valida della chiave %08lX a causa di un\n" "bit critico sconosciuto\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "chiave %08lX: non c'è una subchiave per il pacchetto di revoca della " "subchiave\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "" @@ -6758,7 +6822,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "non è necessario un controllo del trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "il prossimo controllo del trustdb sarà fatto il %s\n" @@ -6773,45 +6837,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "non è necessario un controllo del trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "chiave pubblica %08lX non trovata: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "per favore usa --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "controllo il trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d chiavi processate (%d conteggi di validità azzerati)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "non è stata trovata alcuna chiave definitivamente affidabile\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "chiave pubblica definitivamente affidabile %08lX non trovata\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "trust record %lu, req type %d: write fallita: %s\n" @@ -6836,79 +6900,90 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "impossibile aprire `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "errore durante la lettura del file" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "riga troppo lunga\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argomento non valido" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armatura non valida" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "comandi in conflitto\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" # ??? (Md) -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "non esaminato" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Comando non valido (prova \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" # ??? (Md) -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "non esaminato" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "opzioni di importazione non valide\n" @@ -6938,35 +7013,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile creare la directory `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "errore scrivendo il portachiavi `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "chiave pubblica %08lX non trovata: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "scrittura della chiave segreta in `%s'\n" @@ -6991,19 +7066,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opzioni] [files] (-h per l'aiuto)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7052,104 +7127,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "inizializzazione del trustdb fallita: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "rebuild della cache del portachiavi fallito: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "cancellazione del keyblock fallita: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "invio al keyserver fallito: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Per favore scegli il motivo della revoca:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7157,109 +7232,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "cambia la passphrase" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "errore leggendo il keyblock: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: errore durante la lettura del record libero: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "`%s' è già compresso\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "genera una nuova coppia di chiavi" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "genera una nuova coppia di chiavi" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "inizializzazione del trustdb fallita: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "cancellazione del keyblock fallita: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Generazione della chiave fallita: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "Firma %s, algoritmo di digest %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "Non sono stati trovati dati OpenPGP validi.\n" @@ -7284,7 +7359,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|carica il modulo di estensione FILE" @@ -8045,7 +8120,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|usa NOME come chiave segreta predefinita" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|HOST|cerca le chiavi in questo keyserver" @@ -8104,26 +8179,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = salta questa chiave\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "impossibile fare il parsing dell'URI del keyserver\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "scrittura in `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossibile chiudere `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8379,27 +8454,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "errore leggendo `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8415,113 +8490,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|usa il modo N per la passphrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "errore nella creazione della passhprase: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|usa NOME come chiave segreta predefinita" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOME|cifra per NOME" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "impossibile fare il parsing dell'URI del keyserver\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NOME|usa l'alg. di cifratura NOME per le passphrase" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9339,9 +9414,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "pacchetto non valido" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armatura non valida" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "l'user id non esiste" @@ -9366,9 +9438,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "errore durante la creazione del file" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "passphrase non valida" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmo della chiave pubblica non implementato" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ja.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ja.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ja.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ja.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ja.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ja.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ # msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.25\n" +"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.27\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-08 10:06+0900\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-02 13:05+0200\n" "Last-Translator: NIIBE Yutaka \n" "Language-Team: Japanese \n" "Language: ja\n" @@ -29,21 +29,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_キャンセル" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_キャンセル" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸå‰¯éµã‚’本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„パスフレーズを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "å“質: %s" @@ -53,11 +87,11 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -65,7 +99,7 @@ "ã‚ãªãŸã®PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„(ã“ã®ã‚»ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³ã§ç§˜å¯†éµã®ãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’解除ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«" "使ã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -76,36 +110,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (ç¾åœ¨ %d / 最大 %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PINãŒé•·ã™ãŽã¾ã™" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "パスフレーズãŒé•·ã™ãŽã¾ã™" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "PINã«ç„¡åŠ¹ãªæ–‡å­—ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PINãŒçŸ­ã™ãŽã¾ã™" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "ä¸æ­£ãªPINã§ã™" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "パスフレーズãŒä¸æ­£ã§ã™" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "パスフレーズ" @@ -114,22 +148,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "sshéµã§%dビットより大ãã„ã‚‚ã®ã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" @@ -346,7 +380,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„パスフレーズを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -355,117 +389,123 @@ "@オプション:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "デーモン・モードã§å®Ÿè¡Œ (ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚°ãƒ©ã‚¦ãƒ³ãƒ‰)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "サーãƒãƒ»ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§å®Ÿè¡Œ (フォアグラウンド)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "冗長" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "ã„ãらã‹ãŠã¨ãªã—ã" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sh-å½¢å¼ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰å‡ºåŠ›" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "csh-å½¢å¼ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰å‡ºåŠ›" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FILE|FILEã‹ã‚‰ã‚ªãƒ—ションを読ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "コンソールã‹ã‚‰ãƒ‡ã‚¿ãƒƒãƒã—ãªã„" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "キーボードã¨ãƒžã‚¦ã‚¹ã‚’å æœ‰ã—ãªã„" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "サーãƒã®ãƒ­ã‚°ãƒ»ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’使ã†" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "ソケットã«æ¨™æº–ã®å ´æ‰€ã‚’使ã†" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|PGMã‚’PIN入力プログラムã¨ã—ã¦ä½¿ã†" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|PGMã‚’SCdaemonプログラムã¨ã—ã¦ä½¿ã†" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "SCdaemonを使ã‚ãªã„" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "TTYã®å¤‰æ›´è¦æ±‚を無視ã™ã‚‹" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "Xディスプレイã®å¤‰æ›´è¦æ±‚を無視ã™ã‚‹" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|N秒後ã«ä¿æŒã—ãŸPINを無効ã¨ã™ã‚‹" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "ç½²åã«å¯¾ã—ã¦PINã®ä¿æŒã‚’使ã‚ãªã„" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "クライアントãŒéµã«\"trusted\"マークをã¤ã‘ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’èªã‚ãªã„" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "パスフレーズã®äº‹å‰è¨­å®šã‚’èªã‚ã‚‹" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "sshサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’有効ã«ã™ã‚‹" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "puttyサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’有効ã«ã™ã‚‹" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "å¤ã„パスフレーズをå†ä½¿ç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’èªã‚ãªã„" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|FILEã«ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã®è¨­å®šã‚‚書ã出ã™" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "ãƒã‚°ã¯ <@EMAIL@> ã¾ã§ã”報告ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "使ã„æ–¹: gpg-agent [オプション] (ヘルプ㯠-h)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -473,145 +513,145 @@ "å½¢å¼: gpg-agent [オプション] [コマンド [引数]]\n" "GnuPGã®ç§˜å¯†éµã®ç®¡ç†\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "無効ãªdebug-level「%sã€ãŒä¸Žãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s ãŒå¤ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (%s ãŒå¿…è¦ã€ç¾åœ¨ %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: デフォルトã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション・ファイル「%sã€ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "オプション・ファイル「%sã€: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã‚ªãƒ—ションを読ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã®ä½œæˆã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ディレクトリ「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "ソケットåãŒé•·ã™ãŽã¾ã™\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "ソケットãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "ソケットå「%sã€ã¯é•·ã™ãŽã¾ã™\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agentã¯æ—¢ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ - æ–°ã—ã„ã‚‚ã®ã‚’スタートã•ã›ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "ソケットã®ãƒŠãƒ³ã‚¹å–得エラー\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "「%sã€ã§ã‚½ã‚±ãƒƒãƒˆã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" +msgstr "ソケットã®ã€Œ%sã€ã¸ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "listen() ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "ソケット「%sã€ã§listen\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "ディレクトリ「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã§stat()ãŒå¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã‚’ホーム・ディレクトリã«ä½¿ãˆã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fd %dã§ãƒŠãƒ³ã‚¹ã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©0x%lx (fd %d ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹)ãŒé–‹å§‹\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©0x%lx (fd %d ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹)ãŒçµ‚了\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©0x%lx (fd %d ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹)ãŒé–‹å§‹\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©0x%lx (fd %d ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹)ãŒçµ‚了\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_selectã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s - 一秒待ã¡ã¾ã™\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s åœæ­¢ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚»ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³ã§gpg-agentã¯å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "GPG_AGENT_INFO環境変数ãŒå£Šã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -629,7 +669,7 @@ "å½¢å¼: gpg-preset-passphrase [オプション] KEYGRIP\n" "パスワードキャッシュã®ç®¡ç†\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -638,7 +678,7 @@ "@コマンド:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -728,7 +768,7 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "「%sã€ã®ç„¡åŠ¹ãªãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°(è¡Œ %d)\n" +msgstr "「%sã€ã®ç„¡åŠ¹ãªéµãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°(è¡Œ %d)\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 #, c-format @@ -812,8 +852,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "後ã§å¤‰æ›´ã™ã‚‹" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "パイプã®ä½œæˆã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" @@ -959,7 +999,7 @@ #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" -msgstr "gpg-agentãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 実行を開始ã—ã¾ã™\n" +msgstr "gpg-agentãŒå‹•ã„ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 開始ã—ã¾ã™\n" #: common/asshelp.c:349 #, c-format @@ -1162,104 +1202,104 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "外装: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "無効ãªå¤–装ヘッダー: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "外装ヘッダー: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²åヘッダー\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®å¤–装ヘッダー: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "入れå­ã®ã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²å\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "予期ã›ã¬å¤–装: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "無効ãªãƒ€ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã§ã‚¨ã‚¹ã‚±ãƒ¼ãƒ—ã•ã‚ŒãŸè¡Œ: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "無効ãª64進文字%02Xをスキップã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "ファイル末尾ãŒæ—©ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (CRCãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "ファイル末尾ãŒæ—©ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (CRCã®é€”中)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRCã®æ›¸å¼ãŒæ­£ã—ãã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRCエラー。%06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "ファイル末尾ãŒæ—©ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (後尾部ã®ä¸­ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "後尾ã®è¡Œã«ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "有効ãªOpenPGPデータãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "無効ãªå¤–装: è¡Œã®é•·ã•ãŒ%d文字を超ãˆã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "外装ã®ä¸­ã«quoted printable文字ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ãŠãらããƒã‚°ã®ã‚ã‚‹MTAãŒä½¿ã‚ã‚ŒãŸã®ã§" "ã—ょã†\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" "注釈åã«ã¯å°å­—å¯èƒ½ãªæ–‡å­—ã‹ç©ºç™½ã®ã¿ã‚’使ã„ã€'='ã§çµ‚ã‚らãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "ユーザ注釈åã¯ã€'@'文字をå«ã¾ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "ユーザ注釈åã¯ã€ä¸€ã¤ã‚ˆã‚Šå¤§ãã„'@'文字をå«ã‚“ã§ã¯ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "注釈åã®å€¤ã«åˆ¶å¾¡æ–‡å­—を使ã£ã¦ã¯ã„ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "*警告*: 無効ãªæ³¨é‡ˆãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’発見\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "人ã«ã¯èª­ã‚ã¾ã›ã‚“" @@ -1273,8 +1313,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGPカードno. %sを検出\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "ãã‚Œã¯ãƒãƒƒãƒãƒ»ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" @@ -1282,13 +1322,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒä½¿ãˆã‚‹ã®ã¯ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³2ã®ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã ã‘ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Reset CodeãŒ(ã‚‚ã¯ã‚„)利用å¯èƒ½ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "ã‚ãªãŸã®é¸æŠžã¯? " @@ -1356,7 +1396,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "å分ãªãƒ¡ãƒ¢ãƒªã®ç¢ºä¿ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" @@ -1455,13 +1495,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "èªè¨¼éµã®éµé•·ã¯? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "%uビットã«åˆ‡ã‚Šä¸Šã’ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s éµé•·ã¯ %u-%u ã®ç¯„囲ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" @@ -1515,8 +1555,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) èªè¨¼éµ\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "無効ãªé¸æŠžã§ã™ã€‚\n" @@ -1541,7 +1581,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "éµã®ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ‹ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚’終了" @@ -1549,7 +1589,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "管ç†ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚’表示" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ˜ãƒ«ãƒ—を表示" @@ -1621,7 +1661,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "管ç†ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ç¦æ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ (\"help\"ã‚’å‚ç…§)\n" @@ -1629,18 +1669,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã§--outputã¯æ©Ÿèƒ½ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "「%sã€ãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "éµ\"%s\"ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1786,7 +1826,7 @@ #: g10/exec.c:419 #, c-format msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "「%sã€ã‚’実行ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" +msgstr "プログラム「%sã€ã‚’実行ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:422 #, c-format @@ -1886,213 +1926,213 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "*警告*: 何もエクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "pkキャッシュã®ã‚¨ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒªãƒ¼ãŒå¤šã™ãŽã¾ã™ - 使用ç¦æ­¢\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[ユーザIDãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "éµ%s: 公開éµã®ãªã„秘密éµã§ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã‚’ %s ã‹ã‚‰è‡ªå‹•å–å¾—\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã‚’ %s ã‹ã‚‰å–å¾—ã™ã‚‹éš›ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "フィンガー・プリントãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "--allow-non-selfsigned-uidã§æœ‰åŠ¹ã«ã•ã‚ŒãŸç„¡åŠ¹ãªéµ%sã§ã™\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "公開副éµ%sã«ãŸã„ã™ã‚‹ç§˜å¯†å‰¯éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ - 無視\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "副éµ%s(主éµ%sã§ã¯ãªã)を用ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "éµ%s: 公開éµã®ãªã„秘密éµã§ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "ç½²åを作æˆ" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "クリア・テクスト署åを作æˆ" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" -msgstr "分離署åを作æˆ" +msgstr "分é£ç½²åを作æˆ" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "データを暗å·åŒ–" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "æš—å·åŒ–ã«ã¯å…±é€šéµæš—å·æ–¹å¼ã®ã¿ã‚’使用" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’å¾©å· (デフォルト)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "ç½²åを検証" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "éµã¨ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "éµç½²åã®æ¤œæŸ»ã¨ä¸€è¦§" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "éµã¨ãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ¼ãƒ»ãƒ—リントã®ä¸€è¦§" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "秘密éµã®ä¸€è¦§" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„éµå¯¾ã‚’生æˆ" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "失効証明書を生æˆ" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "公開éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’削除" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "秘密éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’削除" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "éµã«ç½²å" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "éµã¸å†…部的ã«ç½²å" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "éµã¸ã®ç½²åや編集" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "パスフレーズã®å¤‰æ›´" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "éµã‚’エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã«éµã‚’エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®éµã‚’検索ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‹ã‚‰éµã‚’全部更新ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "éµã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ/マージ" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "カード・ステイタスを表示" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "カードã®ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’変更" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "カードã®PINを変更" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "信用データベースを更新" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "メッセージ・ダイジェストを表示" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "サーãƒãƒ»ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§å®Ÿè¡Œ" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "ASCIIå½¢å¼ã®å¤–装を作æˆ" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|USER-ID|USER-ID用ã«æš—å·åŒ–" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|USER-ID|ç½²åや復å·ã«ã“ã®USER-IDを使用" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|圧縮レベルをNã«è¨­å®š (0ã¯éžåœ§ç¸®)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "正準テキスト・モードを使用" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|出力をFILEã«æ›¸ã出ã™" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "無変更" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "上書ãå‰ã«ç¢ºèª" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "厳密ãªOpenPGPã®æŒ¯èˆžã‚’採用" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2100,7 +2140,7 @@ "@\n" "(コマンドã¨ã‚ªãƒ—ション全部ã®ä¸€è¦§ã¯ã€ãƒžãƒ‹ãƒ¥ã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒ»ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚’ã”覧ãã ã•ã„)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2116,15 +2156,15 @@ "\n" " -se -r Bob [ファイル] ユーザBobã¸ç½²åã¨æš—å·åŒ–\n" " --clearsign [ファイル] クリア・テクスト署åを作æˆ\n" -" --detach-sign [ファイル] 分離署åを作æˆ\n" +" --detach-sign [ファイル] 分é£ç½²åを作æˆ\n" " --list-keys [åå‰] éµã‚’表示\n" " --fingerprint [åå‰] フィンガー・プリントを表示\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "使ã„æ–¹: gpg [オプション] [ファイル] (ヘルプ㯠-h)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2134,7 +2174,7 @@ "ç½²åã€æ¤œæŸ»ã€æš—å·åŒ–や復å·\n" "デフォルトã®æ“作ã¯ã€å…¥åŠ›ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã«ä¾å­˜\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2142,71 +2182,71 @@ "\n" "サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„るアルゴリズム:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "公開éµ: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "æš—å·æ–¹å¼: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "圧縮: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "使ã„æ–¹: gpg [オプション] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "対立ã™ã‚‹ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "=記å·ãŒã€ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ—定義「%sã€å†…ã«è¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„所有者\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„所有者\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„所有者\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„許å¯\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„許å¯\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„許å¯\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæ‰€æœ‰è€…\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2214,17 +2254,17 @@ "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæ‰€æœ‰" "者\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæ‰€æœ‰è€…\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: homedir 「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªè¨±å¯\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2232,458 +2272,458 @@ "*警告*: コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªè¨±" "å¯\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "*警告*: 拡張「%sã€ã®å®‰å…¨ã§ãªã„上ä½ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªè¨±å¯\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚£ã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³é …目「%sã€\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒãƒªã‚·URLを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ã™ã¹ã¦ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«IETF標準注釈を表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«å„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã£ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸå‰¯éµã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã£ãŸå‰¯éµã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã«éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã®åå‰ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "ç½²åã®ä¸€è¦§ã«æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé™ã®æ—¥ä»˜ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "" "*注æ„*: 以å‰ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã ã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ション・ファイル「%sã€ã¯ã€ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt ã¯å¤ã™ãŽã¾ã™ (å¿…è¦ %s, ç¾åœ¨ %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: 普通%sã¯ä½¿ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" -msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªç½²å表ç¾ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" +msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªç½²å期é™ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã¯ã€æœ‰åŠ¹ãªæ–‡å­—集åˆã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®URLを解æžä¸èƒ½\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "無効ãªéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªä¸€è¦§ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "無効ãªä¸€è¦§ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒãƒªã‚·URLを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ã™ã¹ã¦ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«IETF標準注釈を表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«å„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã£ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼æ™‚ã«ä¸»ãªãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã ã‘をを表示ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "PKAデータã§ç½²åを検証ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "有効ãªPKAデータã§ç½²åã®ä¿¡ç”¨åº¦ã‚’上昇ã•ã›ã‚‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無効ãªæ¤œè¨¼ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "無効ãªæ¤œè¨¼ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "exec-pathã‚’%sã«è¨­å®šä¸èƒ½\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無効㪠auto-key-locate リストã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "無効㪠auto-key-locate リストã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "*警告*: プログラムã®ã‚³ã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒã§ãã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: %sã¯%sより優先\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%sã¯%sã¨ã¨ã‚‚ã«ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%sã¯%sã¨ã¨ã‚‚ã«ä½¿ã£ã¦ã‚‚ç„¡æ„味ã§ã™!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "%s ã®ãŸã‚ã€ã‚»ã‚­ãƒ¥ã‚¢ã§ãªã„メモリã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯åˆ†é›¢ç½²åã‹ã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²åã ã‘ã—ã‹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" +msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯åˆ†é£ç½²åã‹ã‚¯ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ»ãƒ†ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒˆç½²åã ã‘ã—ã‹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯ç½²åã¨æš—å·åŒ–ã‚’åŒæ™‚ã«ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "--pgp2を指定ã—ãŸã‚‰ã€(パイプã§ãªã) ファイルを指定ã›ã­ã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "--pgp2モードã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸æš—å·åŒ–ã§ã¯ã€IDEAæš—å·æ–¹å¼ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸæš—å·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸåœ§ç¸®ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸè¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã¯ã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-neededã¯æ­£ã®å€¤ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-neededã¯1より大ããªå€¤ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depthã¯1ã‹ã‚‰255ã®ç¯„囲ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "無効ãªdefault-cert-level。0ã‹1ã‹2ã‹3ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "無効ãªmin-cert-level。0ã‹1ã‹2ã‹3ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: å˜ç´”ãªS2Kモード(0)ã®ä½¿ç”¨ã«ã¯å¼·ãå対ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "無効ãªS2Kモード。0ã‹1ã‹3ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "無効ãªãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "無効ãªå€‹äººç”¨æš—å·æ–¹å¼ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "無効ãªå€‹äººç”¨ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "無効ãªå€‹äººç”¨åœ§ç¸®ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%sã¯%sã§ã¯ã¾ã æ©Ÿèƒ½ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "æš—å·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã€Œ%sã€ã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "ダイジェスト・アルゴリズム「%sã€ã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "圧縮アルゴリズム「%sã€ã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "信用データベースã®åˆæœŸåŒ–ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "*警告*: 公開éµæš—å·ã‚’使ã‚ãšã«ã€å—å–人 (-r) を指定ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã®å…±é€šéµæš—å·ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "--symmetric --encryptã‚’--s2k-mode 0ã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "--symmetric --encryptã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encryptã‚’--s2k-mode 0ã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encryptã‚’%sモードã§ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key ユーザid" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key ユーザid" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key ユーザid [コマンド]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd <ユーザid>" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã¸ã®é€ä¿¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‹ã‚‰ã®å—ä¿¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "éµã®ã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®æ¤œç´¢ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®å›žå¾©ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "外装除去ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "外装ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "無効ãªãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã€Œ%sã€ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[ファイルå]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "開始ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚メッセージを打ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "ã‚ãŸãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸè¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸ãƒãƒªã‚·URLã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "ã‚ãŸãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸç½²åãƒãƒªã‚·URLã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "指定ã•ã‚ŒãŸå„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" @@ -2720,120 +2760,124 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "「%sã€ã®ãƒ˜ãƒ«ãƒ—ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "ローカルã ã‘ã¨ãƒžãƒ¼ã‚¯ã•ã‚ŒãŸç½²åをインãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã™" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆæ™‚ã«pksキーサーãƒã‹ã‚‰ã®ãƒ€ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚’修正ã—ã¾ã™" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã®éš›ã€æ‰€æœ‰è€…信用ã®å€¤ã‚’クリアã—ãªã„" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã®éš›ã€ä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã‚’æ›´æ–°ã—ãªã„" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "秘密éµã‚’インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ãŸã¨ãã«å…¬é–‹éµã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã™" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "既存ã®éµã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹æ›´æ–°ã®ã¿èªã‚ã¾ã™" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆå¾Œã€åˆ©ç”¨ã§ããªã„部分をéµã‹ã‚‰é™¤åŽ»ã—ã¾ã™" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã®å¾Œã€ã§ãã‚‹ã ã‘除去ã—ã¾ã™" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "åž‹%dã®ãƒ–ロックをスキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%luéµã¾ã§å‡¦ç†\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr " 処ç†æ•°ã®åˆè¨ˆ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr "スキップã—ãŸæ–°ã—ã„éµ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " ユーザIDãªã—: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " 変更ãªã—: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°ã—ã„ユーザID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°ã—ã„副éµ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°ã—ã„ç½²å: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°ã—ã„éµã®å¤±åŠ¹: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " 秘密éµã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " 秘密éµã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " 無変更ã®ç§˜å¯†éµ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " 未インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " 掃除ã•ã‚ŒãŸç½²å: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " 掃除ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2842,341 +2886,341 @@ "*警告*: éµ%sã«ã¯ã€ã“れらã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ä½¿ç”¨ä¸å¯ã®ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šãŒ" "ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": æš—å·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": ダイジェスト・アルゴリズムã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": 圧縮アルゴリズムã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®š %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "ã‚ãªãŸã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šã‚’æ›´æ–°ã—ã€ã“ã®éµã‚’å†é…布ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒå¼·ã推奨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "ãã‚Œã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã€æ½œåœ¨çš„ãªã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ä¸ä¸€è‡´ã®å•é¡Œã‚’é¿ã‘られã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "以下ã§ã€å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šã‚’æ›´æ–°ã§ãã¾ã™: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "éµ%s: ユーザIDãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "éµ%s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ«ã‚¿ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šæ‹’å¦ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "éµ%s: PKSã®å‰¯éµå¤‰é€ ã‚’修復\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "éµ%s: å—ç†ã—ãŸæœªè‡ªå·±ç½²åã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ID\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 有効ãªãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã¯ãŠãらã自己署åã®ãªã„ã›ã„ã§ã—ょã†\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 公開éµãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: æ–°ã—ã„éµã§ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "書ãè¾¼ã¿å¯èƒ½ãªéµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã¸ã®æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã®æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 公開éµ\"%s\"をインãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "éµ%s: ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã®è¤‡è£½ã¨åˆã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "éµ%s: å…ƒã®éµãƒ–ロックã«ä½ç½®ã¥ã‘ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "éµ%s: å…ƒã®éµãƒ–ロックを読ã¿è¾¼ã‚ã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" æ–°ã—ã„ユーザIDã‚’1個\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" æ–°ã—ã„ユーザIDã‚’%d個\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" æ–°ã—ã„ç½²åã‚’1個\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" æ–°ã—ã„ç½²åã‚’%d個\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" æ–°ã—ã„副éµã‚’1個\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" æ–°ã—ã„副éµã‚’%d個\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" %d個ã®ç½²åã‚’ãã‚Œã„ã«ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" %d個ã®ç½²åã‚’ãã‚Œã„ã«ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" %d個ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã‚’ãã‚Œã„ã«ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "éµ%s: \"%s\" %d個ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã‚’ãã‚Œã„ã«ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "éµ%s:\"%s\"変更ãªã—\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ç§˜å¯†éµ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "秘密éµã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã¯ç¦æ­¢ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªæš—å·æ–¹å¼%dã®ç§˜å¯†éµã§ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "デフォルトã®ç§˜å¯†éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 秘密éµã‚’インãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "éµ%s: æ—¢ã«ç§˜å¯†éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 秘密éµãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 公開éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ - 失効証明書をé©ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªå¤±åŠ¹è¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸: %s - æ‹’å¦\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "éµ%s:\"%s\"失効証明書をインãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "éµ%s: ç½²åã«å¯¾å¿œã™ã‚‹ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "éµ%s: ユーザID\"%s\"ã®ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ãªã„公開éµã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "éµ%s: ユーザID\"%s\"ã®è‡ªå·±ç½²åãŒã€ç„¡åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "éµ%s: サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ãªã„公開éµã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªç›´æŽ¥éµç½²å\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "éµ%s: éµã«å¯¾å¿œã™ã‚‹å‰¯éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªå‰¯éµã®å¯¾å¿œã§ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 多é‡å‰¯éµã®å¯¾å¿œã‚’削除ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "éµ%s: éµå¤±åŠ¹ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹å‰¯éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªå‰¯éµå¤±åŠ¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªå‰¯éµã®å¤šé‡å¤±åŠ¹ã‚’削除ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "éµ%s: スキップã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ID\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "éµ%s: スキップã—ãŸå‰¯éµ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆä¸å¯ãªç½²å (クラス0x%02X) - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 失効証明書ãŒèª¤ã£ã¦è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 無効ãªå¤±åŠ¹è¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸: %s - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 副éµç½²åã®å ´æ‰€ãŒã€èª¤ã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 予期ã›ã¬ç½²åクラス (0x%02X) - スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "éµ%s: é‡è¤‡ã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®æ¤œå‡º - マージ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: éµ%sã¯å¤±åŠ¹å¯èƒ½ã§ã™: 失効éµ%sã‚’å–ã£ã¦ãã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "*警告*: éµ%sã¯å¤±åŠ¹å¯èƒ½ã§ã™: 失効éµ%sãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "éµ%s:\"%s\"失効証明書ã®è¿½åŠ \n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 直接éµç½²åを追加\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: éµã®ã‚·ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ«ç•ªå·ãŒã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã®ã‚‚ã®ã¨ä¸€è‡´ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: 主éµã¯ã‚‚ã†ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã«ä¿ç®¡ã—ã¦ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: 二次éµã¯ã‚‚ã†ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã«ä¿ç®¡ã—ã¦ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" @@ -3188,7 +3232,7 @@ #: g10/keydb.c:188 #, c-format msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" -msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ãŒã§ãã¾ã—ãŸ\n" +msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 #, c-format @@ -3200,51 +3244,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ãƒ»ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã®å†æ§‹ç¯‰ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[失効]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[自己署å]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "ä¸æ­£ãªç½²å1個\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "ä¸æ­£ãªç½²å%d個\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "éµãŒãªã„ãŸã‚1個ã®ç½²åを検査ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "éµãŒãªã„ãŸã‚%d個ã®ç½²åを検査ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "エラーã®ãŸã‚1個ã®ç½²åを検査ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "エラーã®ãŸã‚%d個ã®ç½²åを検査ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "有効ãªè‡ªå·±ç½²åã®ãªã„ユーザIDã‚’1個検出\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "有効ãªè‡ªå·±ç½²åã®ãªã„ユーザIDã‚’%d個検出\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3255,17 +3299,17 @@ "(パスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’見ã›ã¦ã‚‚らã£ãŸã‚Šã€ä»–ã‹ã‚‰å¾—ãŸãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ¼ãƒ»ãƒ—リントを検査ã—ãŸã‚Šã€ãª" "ã©ãªã©)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = ã¾ãã¾ã信用ã™ã‚‹\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = 充分ã«ä¿¡ç”¨ã™ã‚‹\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3274,45 +3318,45 @@ "信用署åã®æ·±ã•ã‚’入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" "æ·±ã•ãŒ1より大ãã„ã¨ã€ç½²åã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹éµã§ä¿¡ç”¨ç½²åを作れã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "ç½²åを制é™ã™ã‚‹ãƒ‰ãƒ¡ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚’入力ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã€ç©ºè¡Œã‚’入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "ユーザID\"%s\"ã¯ã€å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚ã“ã®éµã«ç½²åã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " ç½²åä¸èƒ½ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\"ã¯ã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã§ã™ã€‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\"ã¯ã€è‡ªå·±ç½²åã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\"ã¯ç½²åå¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚ " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "ç½²åã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3321,11 +3365,11 @@ "\"%s\"ã«ãŸã„ã™ã‚‹è‡ªå·±ç½²åã¯ã€\n" "PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®ç½²åã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "OpenPGPã®è‡ªå·±ç½²åã«æ ¼ä¸Šã’ã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3334,11 +3378,11 @@ "\"%s\"ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹ã‚ãªãŸã®ä»Šã®ç½²å\n" "ã¯æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„ç½²åを発行ã—ã€æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œç½²åã¨ç½®ãæ›ãˆãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3347,53 +3391,53 @@ "\"%s\"ã«ãŸã„ã™ã‚‹ã‚ãªãŸã®ä»Šã®ç½²å\n" "ã¯å†…部署åã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆå¯èƒ½ãªç½²åã«æ ¼ä¸Šã’ã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\"ã¯éµ%sã§ã‚‚ã†å†…部署åã—ã¦ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\"ã¯éµ%sã§ã‚‚ã†ç½²åã—ã¦ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚å†ç½²åã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "éµ%sã§ç½²åã™ã¹ãã‚‚ã®ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã§ã™!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯%sã§æœŸé™ãŒåˆ‡ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "åŒæ™‚ã«ç½²åも期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯PGP 2.xéµã§OpenPGPç½²åãŒã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯PGP 2.xã§ä½¿ç”¨ã§ããªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3402,31 +3446,31 @@ "ç½²åã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹éµãŒå®Ÿéš›ã«ä¸Šè¨˜ã®åå‰ã®äººã®ã‚‚ã®ã‹ã©ã†ã‹ã€ã©ã®ç¨‹åº¦\n" "注æ„ã—ã¦æ¤œè¨¼ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã‹? ç­”ãŒã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ã€\"0\"を入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) ç­”ãˆã¾ã›ã‚“。%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) 全然ã€æ¤œæŸ»ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) 一応ã€æ¤œæŸ»ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) ã‹ãªã‚Šæ³¨æ„ã—ã¦æ¤œæŸ»ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "é¸æŠžã¯? (詳細㯠'?' ã§): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3435,76 +3479,76 @@ "本当ã«ã“ã®éµã«ã‚ãªãŸã®éµ\"%s\"ã§ç½²åã—ã¦ã‚ˆã„ã§ã™ã‹\n" "(%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "自己署åã«ãªã‚‹ã§ã—ょã†ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "*警告*: ç½²åã¯ã€ã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆä¸å¯ã«è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "*警告*: ç½²åã¯ã€å¤±åŠ¹ä¸å¯ã«è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "ç½²åã¯ã€ã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆä¸å¯ã«è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "ç½²åã¯ã€å¤±åŠ¹ä¸å¯ã«è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯å…¨ç„¶ã€æ¤œæŸ»ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯ä¸€å¿œã€æ¤œæŸ»ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯ã€ã‹ãªã‚Šæ³¨æ„ã—ã¦æ¤œæŸ»ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«ç½²åã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "ç½²åã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "éµã«ã¯ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ–ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ä¸Šã®é …ç›®ã—ã‹ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ - パスフレーズã¯å¤‰æ›´ã•ã‚Œã¾ã›" "ん。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯ä¿è­·ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "主éµã®ç§˜å¯†éƒ¨åˆ†ãŒå¾—られã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "主éµã®ç§˜å¯†éƒ¨åˆ†ã¯ç§‘è­°å ´ã«ä¿å­˜ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "éµã¯ä¿è­·ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯ç·¨é›†ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3512,11 +3556,11 @@ "ã“ã®ç§˜å¯†éµã®æ–°ã—ã„パスフレーズを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "パスフレーズをã¡ã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ç¹°ã‚Šè¿”ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。å†å…¥åŠ›ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3525,184 +3569,184 @@ "ãŠãらããã‚Œã¯è‰¯ããªã„考ãˆã§ã™!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "éµã®ç½²åã‚’æ­£ã—ã„場所ã«ç§»å‹•ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "ä¿å­˜ã—ã¦çµ‚了" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "éµã®ãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ¼ãƒ»ãƒ—リントを表示" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "éµã¨ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®ä¸€è¦§" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "ユーザID Nã®é¸æŠž" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "subkey Nã®é¸æŠž" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "ç½²åã®ç¢ºèª" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«ç½²åã™ã‚‹ [* 以下ã®é–¢é€£ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚’å‚ç…§ ]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«ãƒ­ãƒ¼ã‚«ãƒ«ã«ç½²å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«ä¿¡ç”¨ç½²åã‚’ç½²åã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«å¤±åŠ¹ä¸å¯ã®ç½²åã‚’ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "ユーザIDã®è¿½åŠ " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "フォトIDã®è¿½åŠ " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®å‰Šé™¤" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "副éµã‚’追加" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "ICカードã¸éµã®è¿½åŠ " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "éµã‚’ICカードã¸ç§»å‹•" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—éµã‚’ICカードã¸ç§»å‹•" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸå‰¯éµã®å‰Šé™¤" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "失効éµã®è¿½åŠ " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã‹ã‚‰ç½²åを削除ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "éµã¾ãŸã¯é¸æŠžã—ãŸå‰¯éµã®æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé™ã‚’変更ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを主ã«ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "秘密éµã¨å…¬é–‹éµã®ä¸€è¦§ã®å転" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "優先指定ã®ä¸€è¦§ (エキスパート)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "優先指定ã®ä¸€è¦§ (冗長)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šãƒªã‚¹ãƒˆã‚’設定" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«å„ªå…ˆéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®URIを設定" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«æ³¨é‡ˆã‚’設定ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "パスフレーズã®å¤‰æ›´" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "所有者信用ã®å¤‰æ›´" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®ç½²åを失効" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "ユーザIDã®å¤±åŠ¹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "éµã®å¤±åŠ¹ã¾ãŸã¯é¸æŠžã—ãŸå‰¯éµã®å¤±åŠ¹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "éµã‚’有効ã«ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "éµã‚’無効ã«ã™ã‚‹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDを表示" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "使ãˆãªã„ユーザIDをコンパクトã«ã—ã€ä½¿ãˆãªã„ç½²åã‚’éµã‹ã‚‰é™¤åŽ»" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "使ãˆãªã„ユーザIDをコンパクトã«ã—ã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ç½²åã‚’éµã‹ã‚‰é™¤åŽ»" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "秘密éµãƒ–ロック\"%s\"ã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "秘密éµãŒä½¿ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®å®Ÿè¡Œã«ã¯ç§˜å¯†éµãŒã„ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "ã¾ãš\"toggle\"コマンドを使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3713,224 +3757,224 @@ " `t' ã§å§‹ã¾ã‚‹ã¨ä¿¡ç”¨ç½²å (tsign)ã€`nr' ã§å§‹ã¾ã‚‹ã¨å¤±åŠ¹ä¸å¯ç½²å\n" " (nrsign)ã€ã‚‚ã—ãã¯ã“れらã®çµ„ã¿åˆã‚ã› (ltsign, tnrsign, ãªã©)ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "éµã¯ã€å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«å…¨ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«ç½²åã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "ヒント: ã¾ãšç½²åã™ã‚‹ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã‚’é¸æŠžã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ç½²åタイプ「%sã€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "%sモードã§ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ç¦æ­¢ã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "ユーザIDã‚’å°‘ãªãã¨ã‚‚ã²ã¨ã¤é¸æŠžã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "最後ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã¯å‰Šé™¤ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸå…¨ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを本当ã«å‰Šé™¤ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを本当ã«å‰Šé™¤ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã®ä¸»éµã‚’本当ã«ç§»å‹•ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "éµã‚’ãã£ã‹ã‚Š1ã¤é¸æŠžã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "コマンドã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã®å¼•æ•°ã‚’期待ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—éµã‚’「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã™ã‚‹éš›ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "éµã‚’å°‘ãªãã¨ã‚‚1本é¸æŠžã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸéµã‚’本当ã«å‰Šé™¤ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã®éµã‚’本当ã«å‰Šé™¤ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸå…¨ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "éµå…¨ä½“を本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸå‰¯éµã‚’本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã®å‰¯éµã‚’本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "ユーザãŒæŒ‡å®šã—ãŸä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã‚’利用中ã€æ‰€æœ‰è€…信用ã¯è¨­å®šã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "優先指定ã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’設定:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "é¸æŠžã—ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šã‚’本当ã«æ›´æ–°ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "優先指定を本当ã«æ›´æ–°ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "変更をä¿å­˜ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "ä¿å­˜ã›ãšã«çµ‚了ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "æ›´æ–°ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "秘密ã®æ›´æ–°ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "éµã¯ç„¡å¤‰æ›´ãªã®ã§æ›´æ–°ã¯ä¸è¦ã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "ダイジェスト: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "機能: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒ 修正ã—ãªã„" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "優先éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒ: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "注釈: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šãŒã€ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "%s 㧠%s éµã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã“ã®éµã¯ã€å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯ã€%séµ%sã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦å¤±åŠ¹å¯èƒ½ã§ã™" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(機密指定)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "作æˆ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "失効: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "有効期é™: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "利用法: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "信用: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "有効性: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯ä½¿ç”¨ç¦æ­¢ã«è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "カード番å·: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -3938,17 +3982,17 @@ "プログラムをå†èµ·å‹•ã™ã‚‹ã¾ã§ã€è¡¨ç¤ºã•ã‚ŒãŸéµã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§ã¯æ­£ã—ããªã„ã‹ã‚‚ã—ã‚Œãªã„ã€\n" "ã¨ã„ã†ã“ã¨ã‚’念頭ã«ãŠã„ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "失効" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -3956,7 +4000,15 @@ "*警告*: 主ãŸã‚‹ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€åˆ¥ãª\n" " ユーザIDãŒä¸»ã«ãªã‚‹ã¨ä»®å®šã™ã‚‹å ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "*警告*: æš—å·å‰¯éµãŒã‚‚ã†ã™ã期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "有効期é™ã®å¤‰æ›´ã‚‚検討ãã ã•ã„。\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -3964,76 +4016,76 @@ msgstr "" "*警告*: ã“ã‚Œã¯PGP2å½¢å¼ã®éµã§ã™ã€‚フォトIDã®è¿½åŠ ã§ã€ä¸€éƒ¨ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã®PGPã§" "ã¯ã€\n" -" ã“ã®éµã‚’æ‹’å¦ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚ã—ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" +" ã“ã®éµã‚’æ‹’å¦ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚ã—ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚追加ã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "PGP2å½¢å¼ã®éµã«ã¯ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDを追加ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ã“ã®æ­£ã—ã„ç½²åを削除ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ã“ã®ç„¡åŠ¹ãªç½²åを削除ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ã“ã®ä¸æ˜Žã®ç½²åを削除ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "ã“ã®è‡ªå·±ç½²åを本当ã«å‰Šé™¤ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d個ã®ç½²åを削除ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d個ã®ç½²åを削除ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "何も削除ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "無効" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\" ã¯ã€ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ‘クトã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\": %d ã®ç½²åãŒé™¤åŽ»ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\": %d ã®ç½²åãŒé™¤åŽ»ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\": æ—¢ã«æœ€å°åŒ–ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "ユーザID \"%s\": æ—¢ã«ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ¼ãƒ³ã¨ãªã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4043,261 +4095,261 @@ "ã§ã¯ã€\n" " ã“ã®éµã‚’æ‹’å¦ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚ã—ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®éµã«ã¯æŒ‡å失効者を追加ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "指å失効者ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®éµã¯ã€æŒ‡å失効者ã«ä»»å‘½ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "指å失効者ã«ã¯ã€ãã®éµè‡ªä½“を任命ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "ã“ã®éµã¯å¤±åŠ¹è€…ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚‚ã†æŒ‡åã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "*警告*: ã‚ã‚‹éµã‚’指å失効者ã«è¨­å®šã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€å…ƒã«æˆ»ã›ã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«ã“ã®éµã‚’指å失効者ã«ä»»å‘½ã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "秘密éµã®é¸æŠžã‚’ã¨ã„ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "高々1個ã®å‰¯éµã‚’é¸æŠžã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "副éµã®æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé™ã‚’変更ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "主éµã®æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé™ã‚’変更ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "v3éµã®æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé™ã¯å¤‰æ›´ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "秘密éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã«å¯¾å¿œã™ã‚‹ç½²åãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "ç½²åã™ã‚‹å‰¯éµ%sã¯ã™ã§ã«ç›¸äº’証明ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "å‰¯éµ %s ã¯ç½²åã‚’ã—ãªã„ã®ã§ã€ç›¸äº’証明ã®å¿…è¦ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "ユーザIDã‚’ãã£ã‹ã‚Šã²ã¨ã¤é¸æŠžã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ユーザID\"%s\"ã®v3自己署åをスキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "優先éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒURLを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«ç½®ãæ›ãˆãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«å‰Šé™¤ã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "注釈を入力: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "進ã¿ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "%d番ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥%sã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "%d番ã®å‰¯éµã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ユーザID:\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "%sã§%s%s%sã«ç½²åã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (エクスãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆä¸å¯)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ç½²åã¯%sã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚本当ã«å¤±åŠ¹ã—ãŸã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã®ç½²åã«ãŸã„ã™ã‚‹å¤±åŠ¹è¨¼æ˜Žæ›¸ã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "ã‚ãªãŸã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ç½²åã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "ã“れらã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã«éµ%sã§ç½²åã—ã¾ã—ãŸ:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (失効ä¸å¯)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "ã‚ãªãŸã®éµ%sã§%sã«å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "ã“れらã®ç½²åを失効ã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "失効証明書を本当ã«ä½œæˆã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "秘密éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "ユーザID\"%s\"ã¯ã€ã‚‚ã†å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "*警告*: ユーザIDç½²åãŒã€%d秒未æ¥ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "éµ %s ã¯ã€ã‚‚ã†å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "å‰¯éµ %s ã¯ã€ã‚‚ã†å¤±åŠ¹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "%s (大ãã•%ld) ã®éµ%s (uid %d) ã®ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒˆIDã¨ã—ã¦è¡¨ç¤º\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "優先指定「%sã€ã®é‡è¤‡\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "æš—å·æ–¹å¼ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šãŒå¤šã™ãŽã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "ダイジェストã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šãŒå¤šã™ãŽã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "圧縮ã®å„ªå…ˆæŒ‡å®šãŒå¤šã™ãŽã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "優先指定ã®æ–‡å­—列ã«ç„¡åŠ¹ãªé …目「%sã€ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "直接署åを書ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "自己署åを書ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "éµå¯¾å¿œã¸ã®ç½²åを書ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "無効ãªéµé•·ã€‚%uビットã«ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "éµé•·ã‚’%uビットã«ä¸¸ã‚ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "*警告*: ã„ãã¤ã‹ã®OpenPGPプログラムã¯ã“ã®ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆé•·ã®DSAéµã‚’扱ã†ã“ã¨ãŒã§" "ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certify" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Encrypt" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Authenticate" @@ -4311,7 +4363,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4344,71 +4396,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) 完了\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "ã”希望ã®éµã®ç¨®é¡žã‚’é¸æŠžã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA 㨠RSA (デフォルト)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA 㨠Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (ç½²åã®ã¿)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ç½²åã®ã¿)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (æš—å·åŒ–ã®ã¿)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (æš—å·åŒ–ã®ã¿)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (特性をã‚ãªãŸè‡ªèº«ã§è¨­å®š)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (特性をã‚ãªãŸè‡ªèº«ã§è¨­å®š)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s éµã¯ %u ã‹ã‚‰ %u ビットã®é•·ã•ã§å¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "副éµã®éµé•·ã¯? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "éµé•·ã¯? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "è¦æ±‚ã•ã‚ŒãŸéµé•·ã¯%uビット\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4424,7 +4476,7 @@ " m = éµã¯ n ã‹æœˆé–“ã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œ\n" " y = éµã¯ n å¹´é–“ã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4440,38 +4492,38 @@ " m = ç½²å㯠n ã‹æœˆé–“ã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œ\n" " y = ç½²å㯠n å¹´é–“ã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "éµã®æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé–“ã¯? (0)" -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "ç½²åã®æœ‰åŠ¹æœŸé–“ã¯? (%s)" -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "無効ãªå€¤\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%sã¯ç„¡æœŸé™ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "%ç½²åã¯ç„¡æœŸé™ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "éµã¯%sã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "ç½²åã¯%sã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4479,11 +4531,11 @@ "ã“ã®ã‚·ã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒ ã§ã¯ã€2038年以é™ã®æ—¥ä»˜ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“ãŒã€\n" "2106å¹´ã¾ã§æ­£ã—ã処ç†ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã§æ­£ã—ã„ã§ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4497,7 +4549,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4513,44 +4565,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "本å: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "åå‰ã«ç„¡åŠ¹ãªæ–‡å­—ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "åå‰ã‚’æ•°å­—ã§å§‹ã‚ã¦ã¯ã„ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "åå‰ã¯5文字以上ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "é›»å­ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "有効ãªé›»å­ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "コメント: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "コメントã«ç„¡åŠ¹ãªæ–‡å­—ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "ã‚ãªãŸã¯æ–‡å­—集åˆã€Œ%sã€ã‚’使ã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4561,11 +4613,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "é›»å­ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’本åやコメントã«å…¥ã‚Œãªã„よã†ã«\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "ãã†ã„ã£ãŸãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶IDã¯ã™ã§ã«ã“ã®éµã«å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™!\n" @@ -4580,23 +4632,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "åå‰(N)ã€ã‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆ(C)ã€é›»å­ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«(E)ã®å¤‰æ›´ã€ã¾ãŸã¯çµ‚了(Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "åå‰(N)ã€ã‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆ(C)ã€é›»å­ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«(E)ã®å¤‰æ›´ã€ã¾ãŸã¯OK(O)ã‹çµ‚了(Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "ã¾ãšã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ã‚’修正ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4604,7 +4656,7 @@ "秘密éµã‚’ä¿è­·ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ãƒ‘スフレーズãŒã„ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4612,12 +4664,12 @@ "パスフレーズを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã“ã‚Œã¯æ–°ã—ã作られる暗å·éµã®ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰å¤–ã®ãƒãƒƒã‚¯" "アップをä¿è­·ã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ã€‚" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4629,7 +4681,7 @@ "ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã®\"--edit-key\"オプションã§ã„ã¤ã§ã‚‚変更ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4642,50 +4694,50 @@ "ã«\n" "å分ãªã‚¨ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ”ーを供給ã™ã‚‹æ©Ÿä¼šã‚’与ãˆã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "éµã®ç”ŸæˆãŒå–り消ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã¸å…¬é–‹éµã‚’書ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã¸ç§˜å¯†éµã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ–を書ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã¸ç§˜å¯†éµã‚’書ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "書ãè¾¼ã¿å¯èƒ½ãªå…¬é–‹éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "書ãè¾¼ã¿å¯èƒ½ãªç§˜å¯†éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "公開éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã®æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "秘密éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã®æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "公開éµã¨ç§˜å¯†éµã‚’作æˆã—ã€ç½²åã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4693,47 +4745,47 @@ "ã“ã®éµã¯æš—å·åŒ–ã«ã¯ä½¿ç”¨ã§ããªã„ã“ã¨ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。暗å·åŒ–ã‚’è¡Œã†ã«ã¯ã€\n" "\"--edit-key\"コマンドを使ã£ã¦å‰¯éµã‚’生æˆã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "éµã®ç”Ÿæˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "éµã¯%lu秒未æ¥ã«ã§ãã¾ã—㟠(時間歪曲ã‹æ™‚計ã®éšœå®³ã§ã—ょã†)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "éµã¯%lu秒未æ¥ã«ã§ãã¾ã—㟠(時間歪曲ã‹æ™‚計ã®éšœå®³ã§ã—ょã†)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: v3éµã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹å‰¯éµã®ä½œæˆã¯ã€OpenPGPã«é©åˆã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "本当ã«ä½œæˆã—ã¾ã™ã‹? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "カードã¸ã®éµã®ä¿ç®¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—・ファイル「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: カードéµã®ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—ãŒã€Œ%sã€ã¸ä¿å­˜ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "ç„¡æœŸé™ " @@ -4787,45 +4839,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ãƒ»ã‚·ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ«ç•ªå· =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã€Œ%sã€ã¸åå‰å¤‰æ›´ã«å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "*警告*: 機密情報をもã£ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒ2ã¤å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%sã¯å¤‰æ›´ã®ãªã„æ–¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%sã¯æ–°ã—ã„æ–¹ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "ã“ã®å®‰å…¨ä¸Šã®æ¬ é™¥ã®å¯èƒ½æ€§ã‚’ç›´ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ã€Œ%sã€ã‚’キャッシュã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu個ã®éµã¾ã§ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥æ¸ˆ (%lu個ã®ç½²å)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu個ã®éµã‚’キャッシュ済 (%lu個ã®ç½²å)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: éµãƒªãƒ³ã‚°ãŒã§ãã¾ã—ãŸ\n" @@ -4872,7 +4924,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "番å·(s)ã€N)次ã€ã¾ãŸã¯Q)中止を入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„ >" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "無効ãªéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ãƒ—ロトコルã§ã™ (us %d!=handler %d)\n" @@ -4886,121 +4938,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "éµãŒéµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã«è¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "éµ%sã‚’%sã‹ã‚‰ã‚µãƒ¼ãƒ%sã«è¦æ±‚\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "éµ%sã‚’%sã«è¦æ±‚\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "%sã‹ã‚‰ã‚µãƒ¼ãƒ%sã§åå‰ã‚’検索\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\"ã‹ã‚‰åå‰ã‚’検索\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "éµ%sã‚’%sサーãƒ%sã¸é€ä¿¡\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "éµ%sã‚’%sã¸é€ä¿¡\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\"ã‚’%sサーãƒ%sã‹ã‚‰æ¤œç´¢\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\"をサーãƒ%sã‹ã‚‰æ¤œç´¢\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚¢ã‚¯ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "*警告*: 別ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã®GnuPGã®éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ© (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã¯VERSIONã‚’é€ä¿¡ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“ã§ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒé€šä¿¡ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "既知ã®éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ (オプション--keyserverを使ã„ã¾ã—ょã†)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ“ルドã§ã¯ã€å¤–部éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®å‘¼å‡ºã—ã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚¹ã‚­ãƒ¼ãƒ ã€Œ%sã€ç”¨ã®ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "æ“作「%sã€ã¯ã€éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ã‚¹ã‚­ãƒ¼ãƒ ã€Œ%sã€ã§ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%sã¯ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©ãƒ»ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³%dをサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒ ã‚¢ã‚¦ãƒˆ\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®å†…部エラー\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒé€šä¿¡ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\"éµIDã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: スキップã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: éµ%sã‚’%s経由ã§å›žå¾©ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "1本ã®éµã‚’%sã‹ã‚‰å›žå¾©\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "%d本ã®éµã‚’%sã‹ã‚‰å›žå¾©\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: URI %s ã‹ã‚‰ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’å–ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: URI %s を解æžã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" @@ -5058,161 +5110,167 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "1 個ã®ãƒ‘スフレーズã§æš—å·åŒ–\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "%sæš—å·åŒ–済ã¿ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’仮定\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEAæš—å·æ–¹å¼ã¯åˆ©ç”¨ä¸èƒ½ãªã®ã§ã€æ¥½å¤©çš„ã§ã™ãŒ%sã§ä»£ç”¨ã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "復å·ã«æˆåŠŸ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "*警告*: メッセージã®å®Œå…¨æ€§ã¯ä¿è­·ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "*警告*: æš—å·åŒ–ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯æ”¹ç«„ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "ä¿æŒã—ãŸãƒ‘スフレーズをクリアã—ã¾ã—㟠ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "復å·ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: é€ä¿¡è€…ã¯\"極秘ã¨ã™ã‚‹\"よã†ã«æ±‚ã‚ã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "å…ƒã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«å='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "*警告*: 複数ã®ãƒ—レインテクストãŒè¦‹ã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "スタンドアロン失効 - \"gpg --import\"を使ã£ã¦é©ç”¨ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "ç½²åãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "ç½²åã®æ¤œè¨¼ã‚’çœç•¥\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚ã„ã¾ã„ãªç½²åデータã¯å–り扱ãˆã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "%sã«æ–½ã•ã‚ŒãŸç½²å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " %séµ%sを使用\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "%sã«%séµID %sã§æ–½ã•ã‚ŒãŸç½²å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "以下ã«éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\"ã‹ã‚‰ã®*ä¸æ­£ãª*ç½²å" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\"ã‹ã‚‰ã®æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã®ç½²å" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\"ã‹ã‚‰ã®æ­£ã—ã„ç½²å" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[ä¸ç¢ºå®š]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " 別å\"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œã®ç½²å %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ç½²åã¯%sã§æœŸé™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%sç½²åã€ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ  %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒª" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "テキストモード" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" +"*警告*: 分é£ç½²åã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ファイル「%sã€ã¯æ¤œè¨¼ã•ã‚Œã¦*ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ã§ã—ãŸ*!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "ç½²åを検査ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" -msgstr "分離署åã§ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" +msgstr "分é£ç½²åã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "*警告*: 多é‡ç½²åã®æ¤œå‡ºã€‚最åˆã®ã‚‚ã®ã ã‘検査ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "クラス0x%02xã®ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¢ãƒ­ãƒ³ç½²å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "å¤ã„å½¢å¼ (PGP 2.x) ã®ç½²å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "proc_tree() ã®ä¸­ã«ç„¡åŠ¹ãªãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ãƒ‘ケットを検出ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" @@ -5226,91 +5284,111 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d)ãŒ%sã§å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: 実験的公開éµã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ %sを使用ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "*警告*: Elgamalç½²å+æš—å·åŒ–éµã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: 実験的暗å·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ  %s を使用ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "*警告*: 実験的ダイジェスト・アルゴリズム %sを使用\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "*警告*: ダイジェスト・アルゴリズム %s ã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "注æ„: %s ã®ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã‚’使ã£ãŸç½²åã¯æ‹’å¦ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEAæš—å·æ–¹å¼ã®ãƒ—ラグインãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "詳細ã¯%sã‚’ã”覧ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 廃止ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚ªãƒ—ション\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "*警告*: \"%s\"ã¯ã€å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "\"%s%s\"を代ã‚ã‚Šã«ä½¿ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "*警告*: \"%s\" ã¯ã€å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るコマンドã§ã™ - 使ã‚ãªã„ã§ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" "%s:%u: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" "*警告*: \"%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" +"%s:%u: \"%s%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - %sã«ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›" +"ã‚“\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"*警告*: \"%s%s\"ã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã™ - %s以外ã«ãªã‚“ã®åŠ¹æžœã‚‚ã‚ã‚Š" +"ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "無圧縮" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "無圧縮|ãªã—" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯ã€%sã§ã¯ä½¿ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "ã‚ã„ã¾ã„ãªã‚ªãƒ—ション「%sã€\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション「%sã€\n" @@ -5318,7 +5396,7 @@ #: g10/openfile.c:89 #, c-format msgid "File `%s' exists. " -msgstr "ファイル「%sã€ã¯æ—¢ã«å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" +msgstr "ファイル「%sã€ã¯å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" #: g10/openfile.c:93 msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " @@ -5337,46 +5415,46 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "標準出力ã«æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "ç½²åã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãŒã€Œ%sã€ã«ã‚ã‚‹ã¨æƒ³å®šã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" -msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ãŒã§ãã¾ã—ãŸ\n" +msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„コンフィグレーション・ファイル「%sã€ã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "*警告*: 「%sã€ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã“ã®å®Ÿè¡Œã§ã¯ã€ã¾ã æœ‰åŠ¹ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "公開éµã®ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ %dã¯ã€å–り扱ãˆã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "*警告*: 潜在的ã«ã‚»ã‚­ãƒ¥ã‚¢ã§ãªã„共通éµæš—å·åŒ–セッションéµã§ã™\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "åž‹%dã®ä¸‹ä½ãƒ‘ケットã«ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ†ã‚£ã‚«ãƒ«ãƒ»ãƒ“ットを発見\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "エージェントã«å•é¡Œ: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (主éµID %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5391,15 +5469,15 @@ "%uビット %s éµ, ID %s,\n" "作æˆæ—¥ä»˜ %s%s。\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "パスフレーズを入力\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "ユーザã«ã‚ˆã‚‹å–消ã—\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5408,12 +5486,12 @@ "次ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ã®ç§˜å¯†éµã®ãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’解除ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯\n" "パスフレーズãŒã„ã‚Šã¾ã™:\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%uビット%séµ, ID %s作æˆæ—¥ä»˜ã¯%s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (主éµID %s ã®å‰¯éµ)" @@ -5747,7 +5825,7 @@ #: g10/plaintext.c:480 msgid "Detached signature.\n" -msgstr "分離署å。\n" +msgstr "分é£ç½²å。\n" #: g10/plaintext.c:487 msgid "Please enter name of data file: " @@ -5757,16 +5835,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "標準入力より読ã¿è¾¼ã¿ä¸­ ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "ç½²åã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "ç½²åã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã€Œ%sã€ãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "ç½²åã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ fd=%d ãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" @@ -5928,7 +6006,7 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 #, c-format msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" -msgstr "ä¿è­·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ %d%sã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" +msgstr "ä¿è­·ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ %d%sã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 #, c-format @@ -5973,7 +6051,7 @@ #: g10/seskey.c:252 #, c-format msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" -msgstr "DSAéµ %s ã¯%u ビットã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã‚ˆã‚Šå¤§ãã„ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’å¿…è¦ã¨ã—ã¾ã™\n" +msgstr "DSAéµ %s ã¯%u ビット以上ã®ãƒãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’å¿…è¦ã¨ã—ã¾ã™\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:80 msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" @@ -6021,22 +6099,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "*注æ„*: éµ %s ã¯å¤±åŠ¹æ¸ˆã¿ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "注æ„: %s ã®ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ ã‚’使ã£ãŸç½²åã¯æ‹’å¦ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žã®ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ†ã‚£ã‚«ãƒ«ãƒ»ãƒ“ットã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€éµ%sã®ç½²åã‚’ä¸æ­£ã¨ã¿ãªã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 副éµå¤±åŠ¹ç½²åã«ãŸã„ã™ã‚‹å‰¯éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "éµ%s: 副éµå¯¾å¿œã¸ã®ç½²åã«ãŸã„ã™ã‚‹å‰¯éµãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" @@ -6071,7 +6144,7 @@ #: g10/sign.c:761 msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯ã€PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®éµã§åˆ†é›¢ç½²åã§ãã‚‹ã ã‘ã§ã™\n" +msgstr "--pgp2モードã§ã¯ã€PGP 2.xå½¢å¼ã®éµã§åˆ†é£ç½²åã§ãã‚‹ã ã‘ã§ã™\n" #: g10/sign.c:837 #, c-format @@ -6423,7 +6496,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "信用データベースã®æ¤œæŸ»ã¯ã€ä¸è¦ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "次回ã®ä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹æ¤œæŸ»ã¯ã€%sã§ã™\n" @@ -6438,45 +6511,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "信用モデル「%sã€ã§ä¿¡ç”¨ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã®æ›´æ–°ã¯ã€ä¸è¦ã§ã™\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "公開éµ%sãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "--check-trustdbを実行ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "信用データベースã®æ¤œæŸ»\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d本ã®éµã‚’å‡¦ç† (ã†ã¡%d本ã®æœ‰åŠ¹æ€§æ•°ã‚’クリア)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "絶対的ã«ä¿¡ç”¨ã™ã‚‹éµãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "絶対的ã«ä¿¡ç”¨ã™ã‚‹éµ%sã®å…¬é–‹éµãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "「ã¾ãã¾ãã®ä¿¡ç”¨ã€%dã€ã€Œå…¨é¢çš„信用ã€%dã€%s信用モデル\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "æ·±ã•: %d 有効性: %3d ç½²å: %3d 信用: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6503,68 +6576,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fd %dãŒé–‹ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "引数ã¯æœŸå¾…ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "読ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "キーワードãŒé•·ã™ãŽã¾ã™" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "引数ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "無効ãªå€¤\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "無効ãªã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "無効ãªã‚¨ã‚¤ãƒªã‚¢ã‚¹å®šç¾©ã§ã™" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "メモリãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "無効ãªã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "オプション\"%.50s\"ã«å¼•æ•°ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "オプション\"%.50s\"ã«å¼•æ•°ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "オプション\"%.50s\"ã¯å¼•æ•°ã‚’ã¨ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "オプション\"%.50s\"ã¯ã‚ã„ã¾ã„ã§ã™\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "コマンド\"%.50s\"ã¯ã‚ã„ã¾ã„ã§ã™\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "メモリãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚ªãƒ—ション \"%.50s\"\n" @@ -6587,42 +6672,42 @@ #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 #, c-format msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã€Œ%sã€ã¸ã®å¤‰æ›ã«å¤±æ•—: %s\n" +msgstr "「%sã€ã‹ã‚‰ã€Œ%sã€ã¸ã®å¤‰æ›ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" #: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 #, c-format msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "一時ファイル「%sã€ãŒä½œæˆã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" +msgstr "一時ファイル「%sã€ã®ä½œæˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã®æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "å¤ã„ lockfile (%d ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šä½œæˆ)を除去ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - ãŠãらã死んã§ã¾ã™ - ロックを除去" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "lockã‚’å¾…ã¡ã¾ã™ (%d%s ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šä¿æŒ) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(デッドロック?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" -msgstr "lock 「%s〠ã¯ä½œæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" +msgstr "lock 「%s〠ã¯ä½œæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“ã§ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "lock %s ã‚’å¾…ã¡ã¾ã™...\n" @@ -6647,19 +6732,19 @@ "å½¢å¼: kbxutil [オプション] [ファイル]\n" "Keyboxデータを一覧ã€ã‚¨ã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSAã®æ³•(modulus)ãŒãªã„ã‹ã€%dビットã®ã‚‚ã®ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA公開指数ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã„ã‹ %d ビットより大ãã™ãŽã¾ã™\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PINコールãƒãƒƒã‚¯ãŒã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ã‚’戻ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" @@ -6706,103 +6791,103 @@ msgstr "" "|P|èªå®šç½²åã®éµã®ãŸã‚ã«æ–°ã—ã„PINブロック解除コード(PUK)を入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„PINã®å–得エラー: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "指紋ã®ä¿ç®¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "生æˆæ—¥ã®ä¿ç®¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "公開éµã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "応答ã«å…¬é–‹éµãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "応答ã«RSAã®æ³•(modulus)ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "応答ã«RSA公開指数ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "デフォルトPINã‚’%sã¨ã—ã¦ä½¿ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "デフォルトã®PIN %s を使ã†ã®ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s - ã“れ以上デフォルトã¨ã—ã¦ã®ä½¿" "用を無効ã¨ã—ã¾ã™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„%%0A[ç½²åæ•°: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "CHV%dã®PINãŒçŸ­ã™ãŽã¾ã™ã€‚最短ã§%dã§ã™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "CHV%dã®èªè¨¼ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "カードã‹ã‚‰ã®CHVステイタスå–å¾—ã§ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "カードãŒæ°¸ä¹…ã«ãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "カードã®æ°¸ä¹…ロックå‰ã«%dã®Admin PINãŒè©¦ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|管ç†è€…PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„%%0A[残り回数: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|管ç†è€…PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "管ç†ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¸ã®ã‚¢ã‚¯ã‚»ã‚¹ãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||カードã®Reset Codeを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Reset CodeãŒçŸ­ã™ãŽã¾ã™ã€‚最短ã®é•·ã•ã¯%dã§ã™ã€‚\n" @@ -6810,101 +6895,101 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|æ–°ã—ã„Reset Code" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|æ–°ã—ã„管ç†è€…PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|æ–°ã—ã„PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||管ç†è€…PINã¨æ–°ã—ã„管ç†è€…PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||PINã¨æ–°ã—ã„PINを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "アプリケーション・データã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "フィンガー・プリントã®ãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ»ã‚ªãƒ–ジェクトã®èª­ã¿è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "éµã¯ã‚‚ã†ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "既存ã®éµã¯ç½®ãæ›ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„éµã‚’生æˆ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„éµã‚’書ãè¾¼ã¿\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "作æˆæ™‚刻スタンプãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSAç´ æ•° %s ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ã€ã¾ãŸã¯%dビットã®ã‚‚ã®ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "éµã®ä¿ç®¡ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "éµç”Ÿæˆã®é–“ã€ãŠå¾…ã¡ãã ã•ã„ ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "éµã®ç”Ÿæˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "éµã®ç”ŸæˆãŒå®Œäº†ã—ã¾ã—㟠(%d秒)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "OpenPGPカードã«ç„¡åŠ¹ãªæ§‹é€  (データ・オブジェクト 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "カードã®ãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ¼ãƒ»ãƒ—リントãŒè¦æ±‚ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚‚ã®ã¨ä¸€è‡´ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "カードã¯ãƒ€ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚´ãƒªã‚ºãƒ  %s をサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã¾ã§ã«ä½œæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸç½²å: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "管ç†è€…PINã®ç¢ºèªã¯ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã§ã¯ä»Šã®ã¨ã“ã‚ç¦æ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "%sã«ã‚¢ã‚¯ã‚»ã‚¹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“ - 無効ãªOpenPGPカード?\n" @@ -6928,7 +7013,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|LEVEL|デãƒãƒƒã‚°ãƒ»ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’LEVELã¨ã—ã¾ã™" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|FILEã«ãƒ­ã‚°ã‚’書ã出ã—ã¾ã™" @@ -7005,7 +7090,7 @@ #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 #, c-format msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" -msgstr "dirmngrãŒå‹•ã„ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 開始ã—ã¾ã™ã€Œ%sã€\n" +msgstr "DirmngrãŒå‹•ã„ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ - 開始ã—ã¾ã™ã€Œ%sã€\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" @@ -7654,7 +7739,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|USER-ID|USER-IDをデフォルトã®ç§˜å¯†éµã¨ã—ã¦ä½¿ã†" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|ã“ã®ã‚­ãƒ¼ã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã‚’éµã®æ¤œç´¢ã«ä½¿ã†" @@ -7709,25 +7794,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: ã“ã®è¡Œã¯ã‚¹ã‚­ãƒƒãƒ—\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã®URLを解æžä¸èƒ½\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "*警告*: ニセモノã®ã‚·ã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒ æ™‚刻ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "共通証明書ã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ»ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "「%sã€ã‚’用ã„ã¦ç½²åã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "無効ãªã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ (æš—é»™ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“)\n" @@ -7987,27 +8072,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "標準オプションをé€ä¿¡ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "診断出力を制御ã™ã‚‹ã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "コンフィグレーションを制御ã™ã‚‹ã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "デãƒãƒƒã‚°ã®ãŸã‚ã«æœ‰ç”¨ãªã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|FILEã«ã‚µãƒ¼ãƒãƒ»ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã®ãƒ­ã‚°ã‚’書ã出ã™" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "セキュリティを制御ã™ã‚‹ã‚ªãƒ—ション" @@ -8023,109 +8108,109 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|最大SSHéµå­˜ç¶šæ™‚é–“ã‚’N秒ã¨ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "パスワード・ãƒãƒªã‚·ã®å¼·åˆ¶ã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "パスワード・ãƒãƒªã‚·ã‚’迂回ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’èªã‚ãªã„" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|æ–°ã—ã„パスフレーズã®å¿…è¦ã¨ã™ã‚‹æœ€ä½Žé•·ã‚’Nã¨ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" "|N|æ–°ã—ã„パスフレーズã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ™ãƒƒãƒˆã§ãªã„キャラクタを最低Nå¿…è¦ã¨ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FILE|æ–°ã—ã„パスフレーズをFILEã®ãƒ‘ターンã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ãƒã‚§ãƒƒã‚¯ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|N日後ã«ãƒ‘スフレーズを期é™åˆ‡ã‚Œã¨ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "å¤ã„パスフレーズをå†ä½¿ç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’èªã‚ãªã„" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAME|デフォルトã®ç§˜å¯†éµã¨ã—ã¦NAMEを用ã„ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAME|ユーザID NAMEã«ã‚‚æš—å·åŒ–ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|é›»å­ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¨ã‚¤ãƒªã‚¢ã‚¹ã‚’設定ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "キーサーãƒã®ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚£ã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|éµã‚µãƒ¼ãƒã¨ã—ã¦URLを使用" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "PKA検索(DNSè¦æ±‚)ã‚’èªã‚ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MECHANISMS|メールアドレスã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦éµã‚’特定ã™ã‚‹éš›ã€MECHANISMSを使用ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "dirmngrã¸ã®ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ã‚¢ã‚¯ã‚»ã‚¹ã‚’無効ã¨ã™ã‚‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAME|PKCS#12ã®ãƒ‘スフレーズã«NAMEã®ã‚¨ãƒ³ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚°ã‚’使ã†" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "ルート証明書ã®CRLã‚’ãƒã‚§ãƒƒã‚¯ã—ãªã„" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "出力フォーマットを制御ã™ã‚‹ã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "インタラクティビティã¨å¼·åˆ¶ã‚’制御ã™ã‚‹ã‚ªãƒ—ション" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "HTTPサーãƒã®ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚£ã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "システムã®HTTPプロキシ設定を用ã„ã¾ã™" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "使用ã™ã‚‹LDAPサーãƒã®ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚£ã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAPサーãƒãƒ»ãƒªã‚¹ãƒˆ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "OCSPã®ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚£ã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "コンãƒãƒ¼ãƒãƒ³ãƒˆ%sã®å¤–部ã®æ¤œè¨¼ãŒå¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "グループ仕様ã¯ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„\n" @@ -8380,9 +8465,3 @@ msgstr "" "å½¢å¼: gpg-check-pattern [オプション] パターンファイル\n" "パターンファイルã«å¯¾ã—ã¦æ¨™æº–入力ã®ãƒ‘スフレーズを確èªã™ã‚‹\n" - -#~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" -#~ msgstr "ã¾ãš gpg-agent を開始ã—ãŸã„ã§ã—ょã†\n" - -#~ msgid "error loading `%s': %s\n" -#~ msgstr "「%sã€ã®èª­è¾¼ã¿ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼: %s\n" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/LINGUAS gnupg2-2.0.28/po/LINGUAS --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/LINGUAS 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/LINGUAS 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ it ja nb +nl pl pt_BR pt diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/Makefile.in.in gnupg2-2.0.28/po/Makefile.in.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/Makefile.in.in 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/Makefile.in.in 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # Makefile for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext. -# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007 by Ulrich Drepper +# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007, 2009-2010 by Ulrich Drepper # # This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions. It can # be used in projects which are not available under the GNU General Public @@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ # Please note that the actual code of GNU gettext is covered by the GNU # General Public License and is *not* in the public domain. # -# Origin: gettext-0.17 -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = 0.17 +# Origin: gettext-0.19 +GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = 0.19 PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ VERSION = @VERSION@ PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +SED = @SED@ SHELL = /bin/sh @SET_MAKE@ @@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ XGETTEXT_no = @XGETTEXT@ XGETTEXT_yes = @XGETTEXT_015@ XGETTEXT = $(XGETTEXT_$(USE_MSGCTXT)) -MSGMERGE = msgmerge --previous -MSGMERGE_UPDATE = @MSGMERGE@ --previous --update +MSGMERGE = msgmerge +MSGMERGE_UPDATE = @MSGMERGE@ --update MSGINIT = msginit MSGCONV = msgconv MSGFILTER = msgfilter @@ -76,6 +77,16 @@ CATALOGS = @CATALOGS@ +POFILESDEPS_ = $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot +POFILESDEPS_yes = $(POFILESDEPS_) +POFILESDEPS_no = +POFILESDEPS = $(POFILESDEPS_$(PO_DEPENDS_ON_POT)) + +DISTFILESDEPS_ = update-po +DISTFILESDEPS_yes = $(DISTFILESDEPS_) +DISTFILESDEPS_no = +DISTFILESDEPS = $(DISTFILESDEPS_$(DIST_DEPENDS_ON_UPDATE_PO)) + # Makevars gets inserted here. (Don't remove this line!) .SUFFIXES: @@ -88,22 +99,22 @@ .po.gmo: @lang=`echo $* | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ - echo "$${cdcmd}rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics -o $${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po"; \ - cd $(srcdir) && rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics -o t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po && mv t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.gmo + echo "$${cdcmd}rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o $${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po"; \ + cd $(srcdir) && rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po && mv t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.gmo .sin.sed: sed -e '/^#/d' $< > t-$@ mv t-$@ $@ -all: check-macro-version all-@USE_NLS@ +all: all-@USE_NLS@ all-yes: stamp-po all-no: # Ensure that the gettext macros and this Makefile.in.in are in sync. -check-macro-version: - @test "$(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION)" = "@GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" \ +CHECK_MACRO_VERSION = \ + test "$(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION)" = "@GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" \ || { echo "*** error: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version $(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION) but the autoconf macros are from gettext version @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" 1>&2; \ exit 1; \ } @@ -123,6 +134,7 @@ # $(POFILES) has been designed to not touch files that don't need to be # changed. stamp-po: $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot + @$(CHECK_MACRO_VERSION) test ! -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || \ test -z "$(GMOFILES)" || $(MAKE) $(GMOFILES) @test ! -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || { \ @@ -137,11 +149,29 @@ # This target rebuilds $(DOMAIN).pot; it is an expensive operation. # Note that $(DOMAIN).pot is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed. +# The determination of whether the package xyz is a GNU one is based on the +# heuristic whether some file in the top level directory mentions "GNU xyz". +# If GNU 'find' is available, we avoid grepping through monster files. $(DOMAIN).pot-update: $(POTFILES) $(srcdir)/POTFILES.in remove-potcdate.sed - if LC_ALL=C grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' $(top_srcdir)/* 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'libtool:' >/dev/null; then \ - package_gnu='GNU '; \ + package_gnu="$(PACKAGE_GNU)"; \ + test -n "$$package_gnu" || { \ + if { if (LC_ALL=C find --version) 2>/dev/null | grep GNU >/dev/null; then \ + LC_ALL=C find -L $(top_srcdir) -maxdepth 1 -type f \ + -size -10000000c -exec grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' \ + /dev/null '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null; \ + else \ + LC_ALL=C grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' $(top_srcdir)/* 2>/dev/null; \ + fi; \ + } | grep -v 'libtool:' >/dev/null; then \ + package_gnu=yes; \ + else \ + package_gnu=no; \ + fi; \ + }; \ + if test "$$package_gnu" = "yes"; then \ + package_prefix='GNU '; \ else \ - package_gnu=''; \ + package_prefix=''; \ fi; \ if test -n '$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)' || test '$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)' = '@'PACKAGE_BUGREPORT'@'; then \ msgid_bugs_address='$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)'; \ @@ -161,7 +191,7 @@ --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ \ --files-from=$(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \ --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \ - --package-name="$${package_gnu}@PACKAGE@" \ + --package-name="$${package_prefix}@PACKAGE@" \ --package-version='@VERSION@' \ --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \ ;; \ @@ -189,12 +219,20 @@ # This target rebuilds a PO file if $(DOMAIN).pot has changed. # Note that a PO file is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed. -$(POFILES): $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot +$(POFILES): $(POFILESDEPS) @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's,.*/,,' -e 's/\.po$$//'`; \ if test -f "$(srcdir)/$${lang}.po"; then \ + test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || $(MAKE) $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ - echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ - cd $(srcdir) && $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot; \ + echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ + cd $(srcdir) \ + && { case `$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \ + $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + *) \ + $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + esac; \ + }; \ else \ $(MAKE) $${lang}.po-create; \ fi @@ -217,7 +255,6 @@ fi install-data-no: all install-data-yes: all - $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir) @catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ @@ -269,7 +306,6 @@ fi installdirs-data-no: installdirs-data-yes: - $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir) @catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ @@ -347,7 +383,7 @@ distdir = $(top_builddir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir) dist distdir: - $(MAKE) update-po + test -z "$(DISTFILESDEPS)" || $(MAKE) $(DISTFILESDEPS) @$(MAKE) dist2 # This is a separate target because 'update-po' must be executed before. dist2: stamp-po $(DISTFILES) @@ -395,9 +431,15 @@ tmpdir=`pwd`; \ echo "$$lang:"; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ - echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE) $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$lang.new.po"; \ + echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$lang.new.po"; \ cd $(srcdir); \ - if $(MSGMERGE) $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; then \ + if { case `$(MSGMERGE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \ + $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + *) \ + $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + esac; \ + }; then \ if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \ else \ @@ -418,9 +460,13 @@ update-gmo: Makefile $(GMOFILES) @: +# Recreate Makefile by invoking config.status. Explicitly invoke the shell, +# because execution permission bits may not work on the current file system. +# Use @SHELL@, which is the shell determined by autoconf for the use by its +# scripts, not $(SHELL) which is hardwired to /bin/sh and may be deficient. Makefile: Makefile.in.in Makevars $(top_builddir)/config.status @POMAKEFILEDEPS@ cd $(top_builddir) \ - && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@.in po-directories + && @SHELL@ ./config.status $(subdir)/$@.in po-directories force: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/Makevars gnupg2-2.0.28/po/Makevars --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/Makevars 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/Makevars 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ # their copyright. COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This tells whether or not to prepend "GNU " prefix to the package +# name that gets inserted into the header of the $(DOMAIN).pot file. +# Possible values are "yes", "no", or empty. If it is empty, try to +# detect it automatically by scanning the files in $(top_srcdir) for +# "GNU packagename" string. +PACKAGE_GNU = no + + # This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report # bugs in the untranslated strings: # - Strings which are not entire sentences, see the maintainer guidelines @@ -39,3 +47,33 @@ # This is the list of locale categories, beyond LC_MESSAGES, for which the # message catalogs shall be used. It is usually empty. EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES = + +# This tells whether the $(DOMAIN).pot file contains messages with an 'msgctxt' +# context. Possible values are "yes" and "no". Set this to yes if the +# package uses functions taking also a message context, like pgettext(), or +# if in $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) you define keywords with a context argument. +USE_MSGCTXT = no + +# These options get passed to msgmerge. +# Useful options are in particular: +# --previous to keep previous msgids of translated messages, +# --quiet to reduce the verbosity. +MSGMERGE_OPTIONS = --previous + +# These options get passed to msginit. +# If you want to disable line wrapping when writing PO files, add +# --no-wrap to MSGMERGE_OPTIONS, XGETTEXT_OPTIONS, and +# MSGINIT_OPTIONS. +MSGINIT_OPTIONS = + +# This tells whether or not to regenerate a PO file when $(DOMAIN).pot +# has changed. Possible values are "yes" and "no". Set this to no if +# the POT file is checked in the repository and the version control +# program ignores timestamps. +PO_DEPENDS_ON_POT = yes + +# This tells whether or not to forcibly update $(DOMAIN).pot and +# regenerate PO files on "make dist". Possible values are "yes" and +# "no". Set this to no if the POT file and PO files are maintained +# externally. +DIST_DEPENDS_ON_UPDATE_PO = yes Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/nb.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/nb.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/nb.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/nb.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/nb.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/nb.po 2015-06-02 12:35:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.3\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-13 20:31+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Trond Endrestøl \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål \n" -"Language: \n" +"Language: nb\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -29,21 +29,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Vil du virkelig oppheve de valgte undernøklene? (j/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "ugyldig passfrase" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 #, fuzzy msgid "Quality:" msgstr "gyldighet: %s" @@ -54,17 +82,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -73,41 +101,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "for lang linje" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "for lang linje" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Ugyldig tegn i navn\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "ugyldig MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "ugyldig passfrase" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "ugyldig passfrase" @@ -117,22 +145,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke opprette «%s»: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke åpne «%s»: %s\n" @@ -358,7 +386,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "endre passfrasen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -369,269 +397,274 @@ "Valg:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "fyldig output" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "være noenlunde stille" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "leser valg fra «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "søke etter nøkler på en nøkkelserver" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "sette en notasjon for de valgte brukeridene" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "ikke oppdatér tillitsdatabasen etter import" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "feil ved opprettelse av passfrase: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "feil ved opprettelse av passfrase: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Vennligst rapporter feil til .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Bruksmåte: gpg [valg] [filer] (-h for hjelp)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "MERK: ingen standard valgfil «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "valgfil «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "leser valg fra «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke opprette katalogen «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke opprette «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "feil ved henting av ny PIN: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "feil ved søking etter tillitspost i «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "oppdatering mislyktes: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver hemmelig nøkkel til «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "katalogen «%s» ble opprettet\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) mislyktes in %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "kan ikke opprette katalogen «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved lesing av «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "oppdatering av hemmelig mislyktes: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: hoppet over: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -648,7 +681,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -657,7 +690,7 @@ "@Kommandoer:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -825,8 +858,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved opprettelse av passfrase: %s\n" @@ -1201,104 +1234,104 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armor: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "ugyldig armorheader: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "armorheader: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "ugyldig clearsigheader\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "armorheader: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "nøstede klartekstsignaturer\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "uforventet armering:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "ugyldig bindestrekbeskyttet linje: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "hoppet over ugyldig radix64-tegn %02x\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "for tidlig eof (ingen CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "for tidlig eof (i CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "misdannet CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC-feil; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "for tidlig eof (i trailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "feil i trailerlinje\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "ingen gyldig OpenPGP-data funnet.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "ugyldig armor: linje lengre enn %d tegn\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "quoted printable-tegn i armor - antakelig har en MTA med feil blitt brukt\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "ingen gyldig OpenPGP-data funnet.\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "" @@ -1312,8 +1345,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGP-kortnummer %s oppdaget\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "kan ikke gjøre dette i batchmodus\n" @@ -1322,13 +1355,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Denne kommandoen er ikke tillatt i %s-modus.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Ditt valg? " @@ -1396,7 +1429,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved opprettelse av nøkkelknippet «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "feil ved lesing av «%s»: %s\n" @@ -1492,13 +1525,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Hvilken nøkkelstørrelse vil du ha? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "rundet opp til %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1553,8 +1586,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Autentiseringsnøkkel\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ugyldig valg.\n" @@ -1579,7 +1612,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved skriving av nøkkelknippet «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "avslutte denne menyen" @@ -1587,7 +1620,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "vise admin-kommandoer" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "vise denne hjelpen" @@ -1659,7 +1692,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Admin-kommandoer er ikke tillatt\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Ugyldig kommando (prøv «help»)\n" @@ -1667,18 +1700,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output virker ikke for denne kommandoen\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "kan ikke åpne «%s»\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "nøkkelen «%s» ble ikke funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1932,222 +1965,222 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: ingenting eksportert\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "for mange innslag i pk-cachen - utkoblet\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Brukerid ikke funnet]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "nøkkel %s: hemmelig nøkkel uten offentlig nøkkel - hoppet over\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved lesing av «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "CA-fingeravtrykk: " -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Ugyldig nøkkel %s gjort gyldig av --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "ingen hemmelig undernøkkel for offentlig undernøkkel %s - ignorerer\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "bruker undernøkkel %s i stedet for primærnøkkel %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "nøkkel %s: hemmelig nøkkel uten offentlig nøkkel - hoppet over\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "|[fil]|lage en signatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[fil]|lage en klartekstsignatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "lage en adskilt signatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "kryptere data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "kryptering med bare symmetrisk cipher" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "dekryptere data (standard)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "bekrefte en signatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "liste nøkler" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "liste nøkler og signaturer" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "vise og sjekke nøkkelsignaturer" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "liste nøkler og fingeravtrykk" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "liste hemmelige nøkler" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "generere et nytt nøkkelpar" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "generere et opphevingssertifikat" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "fjerne nøkler fra det offentlige nøkkelknippet" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "fjerne nøkler fra det hemmelige nøkkelknippet" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "signere en nøkkel" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "signere en nøkkel lokalt" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "signere eller redigere en nøkkel" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "endre passfrasen" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "eksportere nøkler" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "eksportere nøkler til en nøkkelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importere nøkler fra en nøkkelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "søke etter nøkler på en nøkkelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "oppdatere alle nøklene fra en nøkkelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importere/flette nøkler" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "vis kortets status" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "endre data på et kort" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "endre PIN på et kort" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "oppdatere tillitsdatabasen" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [filer]|skrive meldingsdigester" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "lage ASCII-beskyttet output" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NAVN|kryptere for NAVN" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "bruke denne brukeriden for signering eller dekryptering" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|sette kompresjonsnivå til N (0 slår av kompresjon)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "bruk kanonisk tekstmodus" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "leser valg fra «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "ikke gjør noen endringer" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "spør før overskriving" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "bruk streng OpenPGP-oppførsel" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2155,7 +2188,7 @@ "@\n" "(Se mansiden for en komplett liste over alle kommandoene og valgene)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2175,11 +2208,11 @@ " --list-keys [navn] vise nøkler\n" " --fingerprint [navn] vise fingeravtrykk\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Bruksmåte: gpg [valg] [filer] (-h for hjelp)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2194,7 +2227,7 @@ "signere, sjekke, kryptere eller dekryptere\n" "standard operasjon avhenger av inputdata\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2202,73 +2235,73 @@ "\n" "Støttede algoritmer:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Offentlig nøkkel: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cipher: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Kompresjon: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "bruksmåte: gpg [valg] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "motstridende kommandoer\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "fant ingen «=»-tegn i gruppedefinisjonen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på hjemmekatalogen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på konfigurasjonsfilen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på utvidelsen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på hjemmekatalogen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på konfigurasjonsfilen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på utvidelsen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på katalogene på nivåene over hjemmekatalogen " "«%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2276,20 +2309,20 @@ "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på katalogene på nivåene over konfigurasjonsfilen " "«%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: utrygt eierskap på katalogene på nivåene over utvidelsen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på katalogene på nivåene over hjemmekatalogen " "«%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2297,461 +2330,461 @@ "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på katalogene på nivåene over " "konfigurasjonsfilen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: utrygge rettigheter på katalogene på nivåene over utvidelsen «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "ukjent konfigurasjonspunkt «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "vise navnet til nøkkelknippene i nøkkellister" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "MERK: den gamle valgfila «%s» ble ignorert\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "MERK: %s er ikke for vanlig bruk!\n" # Tenk litt på denne du, Trond. -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "«%s» er ikke en gyldig signaturutgåelse\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "«%s» er ikke et gyldig tegnsett\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "kunne ikke parse nøkkelserverens URL\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige valg for nøkkelserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "ugyldige valg for nøkkelserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige importvalg\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "ugyldige importvalg\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige eksportvalg\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "ugyldige eksportvalg\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige listevalg\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "ugyldige listevalg\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldige valg for bekreftelse\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "ugyldige valg for bekreftelse\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "kunne ikke sette exec-path til %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ugyldig auto-key-locate-liste\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: programmet kan opprette en corefil!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: %s overstyrere %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s er ikke tillatt sammen med %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s er ikke fornuftig med %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "du kan bare lage adskilte eller klare signaturer i --pgp2-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke signere og kryptere samtidig i --pgp2-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "du må bruke filer (og ikke en pipe) når --pgp2 er påslått\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "kryptering en melding i --pgp2-modus krever IDEA-algoritmen\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt krypteringsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valg digestalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt kompresjonsalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "valgt sertifikasjondigestalgoritme er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed må være større enn 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-neede må være større enn 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth må være i intervallet fra 1 til 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ugyldig default-cert-level; må være 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ugyldig min-cert-level; må være 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "MERK: enkel S2K-modus (0) er sterkt frarådet\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "ugyldig S2K-modus; må være 0, 1 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldig standard preferanser\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldig personlig cipherpreferanser\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldig personlig digestpreferanser\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "ugyldig personlig kompresjonspreferanser\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s virker ikke ennå med %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruke cipheralgoritmen «%s» i %s-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruke digestalgoritmen «%s» i %s-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruke kompresjonsalgoritmen «%s» i %s-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "klarte ikke å initialisere tillitsdatabasen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: mottakere (-r) angitt uten å bruke offentlig nøkkelkryptering\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "symmetrisk kryptering av «%s» mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruke --symmtric --encrypt i %s-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan ikke bruke --symmetric --sign --encrypt i %s-modus\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key brukerid" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key brukerid" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key brukerid [kommandoer]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key brukerid" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "sending til nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "mottak fra nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "nøkkeleksport mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "søk på nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "refresh på nøkkelserver mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "ugyldig hashalgoritme «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[filnavn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Sett i gang og tast inn meldingen din ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angitte URLen for sertifikasjonspolicyen er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angitte URLen for signaturpolicy er ugyldig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angitte URLen for den foretrukkede nøkkelserveren er ugyldig\n" @@ -2790,465 +2823,471 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "ikke oppdatér tillitsdatabasen etter import" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "ikke oppdatér tillitsdatabasen etter import" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "hopper over blokk av typen %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu nøkler behandlet hittil\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Totalt antall behandlet: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr "nye nøkler som ble hoppet over: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " uten brukerider: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importert: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " uendret: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nye brukerider: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nye undernøkler: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nye signaturer: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " nye nøkkelopphevinger: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " leste hemmelige nøkler: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importerte hemmelige nøkler: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " uforandrede hemmelige nøkler: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " ikke importert: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " oppryddete signaturer: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " oppryddete brukerider: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " «%s» preferanse for digestalgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen brukerid\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "hoppet over «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: PKS-undernøkkel reparert\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: akseptert ikke-selvsignert brukerid «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen gyldig brukerid\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "dette kan skyldes en manglende selvsignatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: offentlig nøkkel ikke funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ny nøkkel - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbart nøkkelknippe funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver til «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "feil ved skriving av nøkkelknippet «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: offentlig nøkkel «%s» importert\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: stemmer ikke med vår kopi\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: kan ikke finne original nøkkelblokk: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: kan ikke lese original nøkkelblokk: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» 1 ny brukerid\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» %d nye brukerider\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» 1 ny signatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "nøkkel: %s: «%s» %d nye signaturer\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» 1 ny undernøkkel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» %d nye undernøkler\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "nøkkel: %s: «%s» %d nye signaturer\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "nøkkel: %s: «%s» %d nye signaturer\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» %d nye brukerider\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» %d nye brukerider\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» ikke endret\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "hemmelig nøkkel «%s» ble ikke funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "import av hemmelig nøkkel er ikke tillatt\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: hemmelig nøkkel med ugyldig cipher %d - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "ingen standard hemmelig nøkkelknippe: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: hemmelig nøkkel importert\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: finnes allerede i hemmelig nøkkelknippe\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: hemmelig nøkkel ikke funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "nøkkel %s: ingen offentlig nøkkel - kan ikke anvende opphevingssertifikat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ugyldig opphevingssertifikat: %s - avvist\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» opphevingssertifikat importert\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen brukerid for signatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ustøttet offentlig nøkkelalgoritme for brukerid «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ugyldig selvsignatur for brukerid «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ustøttet offentlig nøkkelalgoritme\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: direkte nøkkelsignatur lagt til\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen undernøkkel for nøkkelbinding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ugyldig undernøkkelbinding\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: fjernet flere undernøkkelbindinger\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen undernøkkel for nøkkeloppheving\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ugyldig undernøkkeloppheving\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: fjernet flere undernøkkelopphevinger\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: hoppet over brukerid «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: hoppet over undernøkkel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ikke-eksporterbar signatur (klasse 0x%02X) - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: opphevingssertifikat på feil plass - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ugyldig opphevingssertifikat: %s - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: undernøkkelsignatur på feil plass - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: uforventet signaturklasse (0x%02X) - hoppet over\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: duplikert brukerid oppdaget - flettet sammen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: nøkkel %s kan være opphevet: henter opphevingsnøkkel %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "ADVARSEL: nøkkel %s kan være opphevet: opphevingsnøkkel %s ikke tilstede.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: «%s» opphevingssertifikat lagt til\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: direkte nøkkelsignatur lagt til\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "" @@ -3272,51 +3311,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[oppheving]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[selvsignatur]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 ubrukelig signatur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d ubrukelige signaturer\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signatur ble ikke sjekket på grunn av en manglende nøkkel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signaturer ble ikke sjekket på grunn av manglende nøkler\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signatur ble ikke sjekket på grunn av en feil\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signaturer ble ikke sjekket på grunn av feil\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 brukerid uten gyldig selvsignatur ble oppdaget\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d brukerider uten gyldige selvsignaturer ble oppdaget\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3327,62 +3366,62 @@ "andre brukeres nøkler (ved å se på pass, sjekke fingeravtrykk fra\n" "forskjellige kilder, osv.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Jeg stoler marginalt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Jeg stoler fullt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Brukerid «%s» er opphevet." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du fortsatt sikker på at du vil signerere den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Kunne ikke signere.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Brukerid «%s» er utgått." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Brukeriden «%s» er ikke selvsignert." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Brukeriden «%s» er signerbar." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Signere den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3391,11 +3430,11 @@ "Selvsignaturen på «%s»\n" "er en PGP 2.x-aktig signatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du forfremme den til en OpenPGP-selvsignatur? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3404,11 +3443,11 @@ "Din nåværende signatur på «%s»\n" "er utgått.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du utstede en ny signatur for å erstatte den som er utgått? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3417,54 +3456,54 @@ "Din nåværede signatur på «%s»\n" "er en lokal signatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du forfremme den til en fullt eksporterbar signatur? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "«%s» var allerede lokalt signert av nøkkelen %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "«%s» var allerede signert av nøkkelen %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du likevel signere den igjen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Ingenting å signere med nøkkelen %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Denne nøkkelen er utgått!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Denne nøkkelen utgår den %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Vil du at signaturen skal utgå på samme tidspunkt? (J/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Du kan ikke lage en OpenPGP-signatur på en PGP-2.x-nøkkel i --pgp2-modus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Dette ville gjøre nøkkelen ubrukelig i PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3474,31 +3513,31 @@ "tilhører den overnevnte personen? Tast inn «0» dersom du ikke vet\n" "svaret.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Jeg vil ikke svare.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Jeg har ikke sjekket i det hele tatt.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Jeg har gjort en vanlig sjekk.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Jeg har sjekket veldig nøye.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Ditt valg? (angi «?» for mer informasjon): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3507,267 +3546,267 @@ "Er du virkelig sikker på at du vil signerere denne nøkkelen med din\n" "nøkkel «%s» (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Dette vil være en selvsignatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: signaturen vil ikke bli markert som ikke-eksporterbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: signaturen vil ikke bli markert som ikke-opphevbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Signaturen vil bli markert som ikke-eksporterbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Signaturen vil bli markert som ikke-opphevbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Jeg har ikke sjekket denne nøkkelen i det hele tatt.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Jeg har sjekket denne nøkkelen på vanlig måte.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Jeg har sjekket denne nøkkelen veldig nøye.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig signere? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "signering mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Denne nøkkelen er ikke beskyttet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Hemmelige deler av primærnøkkelen er ikke tilgjengelig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Hemmelige deler av primærnøkkelen er lagret på kort.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Nøkkelen er beskyttet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Kan ikke redigere denne nøkkelen: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "Tast inn den nye passfrasen for denne hemmelige nøkklen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "passfrasen ble ikke gjentatt korrekt; prøv igjen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "Du ønsker ikke en passfrase - dette er sannsynligvis en *dum* idé!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig gjøre dette? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "flytter en nøkkelsignatur til den rette plassen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "lagre og avslutte" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "vise nøkkelens fingeravtrykk" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "liste nøkler og brukerider" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "velger brukerid N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "velger brukerid N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "sjekke signaturer" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "signerere utvalgte brukerider lokalt" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "signere utvalgte brukerider med en tillitssignatur" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "legge til en brukerid" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "legge til en fotoid" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "slette utvalgte brukerider" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "legge til en undernøkkel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "slette utvalgte undernøkler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "legge til en opphevingsnøkkel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "slette signaturene fra de utvalgte brukeridene" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "markere den valgte brukeriden som den primære" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "veksle mellom hemmelig og offentlig nøkkellisting" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "liste preferanser (ekspert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "liste preferanser (fyldig)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "sette preferanseliste for de valgte brukeridene" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "sette URL for foretrukket nøkkelserver for de valgte brukeridene" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "sette en notasjon for de valgte brukeridene" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "endre passfrasen" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "endre eiertilliten" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "oppheve signaturene på de valgte brukeridene" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "oppheve utvalgte brukerider" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "oppheve nøkkel eller utvalgte undernøkler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "innkoble en nøkkel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "utkoble en nøkkel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "vise utvalgte fotoider" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "feil ved lesing av hemmelig nøkkelblokk «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Hemmelig nøkkel er tilgjengelig\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Trenger den hemmelige nøkkelen for å gjøre dette.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Vennligst bruk kommandoen «toggle» først.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3775,580 +3814,588 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Nøkkelen er opphevet." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig signerere alle brukerider? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Tips: Velg brukeriden som skal signeres\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Ukjent signaturtype «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Denne kommandoen er ikke tillatt i %s-modus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Du må velge minst en brukerid.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Du kan ikke slette den siste brukeriden!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig fjerne alle valgte brukerider? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig fjerne denne brukeriden? (j/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig flytte primærnøkkelen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Du må velge minst en nøkkel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Kan ikke åpne «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Feil ved lesing av sikkerhetskopiert nøkkel «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Du må velge minst en nøkkel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig slette den valgte nøkkelen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig slette denne nøkkelen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig oppheve alle de valgte brukeridene? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig oppheve denne brukeriden? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig oppheve hele nøkkelen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig oppheve de valgte undernøklene? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Vil du virkelig oppheve denne undernøkkelen? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "sette preferanseliste til:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig oppdatere preferansene for de valgte brukeridene? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig oppdatere preferansene? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Lagre endringene? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Avslutte uten å lagre? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "oppdatering mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "oppdatering av hemmelig mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Nøkkelen ble ikke endret, så ingen oppdatering er nødvendig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Særtrekk: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notasjoner: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Det er ingen preferanser for en PGP 2.x-aktig brukerid.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Denne nøkkelen ble opphevet den %s av %s med nøkkelen %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Denne nøkkelen kan bli opphevet av %s med nøkkelen %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(sensitiv)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "opprettet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "opphevet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "utgikk: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "utgår: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "bruksmåte: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "tillit: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "gyldighet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Denne nøkkelen har blitt utkoblet" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "opphevet" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "utgått" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil legge den til? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Slette denne gode signaturen? (j/N/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Slettet %d signatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Slettet %d signaturer.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Ingen ble slettet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "ugyldig" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "brukerid «%s»: allerede renset\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "nøkkel: %s: «%s» %d nye signaturer\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "nøkkel: %s: «%s» %d nye signaturer\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "brukerid «%s»: allerede renset\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "brukerid «%s»: allerede renset\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Er du fortsatt sikker på at du vil gjøre denne nøkkelen til en opphever? (j/" "N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Vennligst velg minst en undernøkkel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "Undernøkkel %s er allerede opphevet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "hopper over v3 selvsignatur for brukerid «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil erstatte den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil slette den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (ikke-eksporterbar)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Denne signaturen utgikk den %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (ikke-opphevbar)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "ingen hemmelig nøkkel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "brukerid «%s» er allerede opphevet\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: en brukeridsignatur er datert %d sekunder i fremtiden\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Nøkkelen %s er allerede opphevet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Undernøkkel %s er allerede opphevet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preferansen %s er duplisert\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "for mange cipher-preferanser\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "for mange digest-preferanser\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "for mange kompresjons-preferanser\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "ugyldig oppføring «%s» i preferansestreng\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "skriver direkte signatur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "skriver selvsignatur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "skriver nøkkelbindende signatur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "nøkkelstørrelsen er ugyldig; bruker %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "nøkkelstørrelsen ble rundet opp til %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Signere" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Bekrefte" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Kryptere data" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Autentisere" @@ -4366,7 +4413,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsKkAaQq" @@ -4399,71 +4446,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Vennligst velg hvilken type nøkkel du vil ha:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA og ElGamal (standard)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA og ElGamal (standard)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (bare signering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (bare signering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (bare kryptering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (bare kryptering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (sette dine egne muligheter)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (sette dine egne muligheter)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Hvilken nøkkelstørrelse vil du ha? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Hvilken nøkkelstørrelse vil du ha? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Ønsket nøkkelstørrelse er %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4479,7 +4526,7 @@ " m = nøkkelen utgår om n months\n" " y = nøkkelen utgår om n years\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4495,38 +4542,38 @@ " m = signaturen utgår om n months\n" " y = signaturen utgår om n years\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Nøkkelen er gyldig for? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Signaturen er gyldig for? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "ugyldig verdi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Nøkkel utgår ikke i det hele tatt\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Signaturen utgår ikke i det hele tatt\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Nøkkel utgår den %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Signaturen utgår den %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4534,11 +4581,11 @@ "Systemet ditt kan ikke vise datoer etter 2038.\n" "Likevel vil det bli håndtert korrekt opp til 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Er dette korrekt (j/N)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4549,7 +4596,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4565,44 +4612,44 @@ " «Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) »\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Fullt navn: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ugyldig tegn i navn\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Navnet kan ikke starte med et siffer\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Navnet må være minst 5 tegn langt\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Epostadresse: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Ikke en gyldig epostadresse\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Kommentar: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Ugyldig tegn i kommentar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Du bruker tegnsettet «%s».\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4613,12 +4660,12 @@ " «%s»\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" "Vennligst ikke putt epostadressen inn i fullt navn eller i kommentaren\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4633,23 +4680,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnKeEeRrAa" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Endre (N)avn, (K)ommentar, (E)postadresse eller (A)vslutt? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Endre (N)avn, (K)ommentar, (E)postadresse eller (R)iktig/(A)vslutt? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Vennligst korriger feilen først\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4657,7 +4704,7 @@ "Du trenger en passfrase for å beskytte din hemmelige nøkkel.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " @@ -4666,12 +4713,12 @@ "Du trenger en passfrase for å beskytte din hemmelige nøkkel.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4683,7 +4730,7 @@ "hjelp av dette programmet og valget «--edit-key».\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4695,50 +4742,50 @@ "diskene jobbe) under primtallgenereringen; dette gir\n" "tilfeldig-tall-generatoren en bedre sjanse til å samle nok entropy.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Nøkkelgenereringen ble avbrutt.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver offentlig nøkkel til «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver foreløpig hemmelig nøkkel til «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver hemmelig nøkkel til «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbart offentlig nøkkelknippe ble funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbart hemmelig nøkkelknippe ble funnet: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "feil ved skriving av offentlig nøkkelknippe «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "feil ved skriving av hemmelig nøkkelknippe «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "offentlig og hemmelig nøkkel opprettet og signert.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4747,13 +4794,13 @@ "kanskje å bruke kommandoen «--edit-key» for å generere en\n" "sekundærnøkkel for dette formålet.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Nøkkelgenerering mislyktes: %s\n" # Er dette entallsformen av denne strengen? -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4762,7 +4809,7 @@ "klokkeproblem)\n" # Er dette flertallsformen av denne og den forrige strengen? -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4770,32 +4817,32 @@ "nøkkel har blitt opprettet %lu sekunder i fremtiden (time warp eller " "klokkeproblem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "MERK: opprettelse av undernøkler for v3-nøkler er ikke i samsvar med " "OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Virkelig opprette? (j/N)" -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "lagring av nøkkel på kort mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke opprette sikkerhetskopifil «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "" @@ -4849,45 +4896,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Serienummer for kort =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "omdøping fra «%s» til «%s» mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: 2 filer med konfidensiell informasjon finnes.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "cacher nøkkelknippet «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu nøkler cachet så langt (%lu signaturer)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu nøkler cachet (%lu signaturer)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "" @@ -4934,7 +4981,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "" @@ -4948,121 +4995,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "nøkkelen ble ikke funnet på nøkkelserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "ber om nøkkelen %s fra %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "ber om nøkkel %s fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "søke etter navn fra %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "søker etter navn fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "søke etter «%s» fra %s server %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "søker etter «%s» fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "ingen handling for nøkkelserver!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "nøkkelserver sendte ikke VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "kommunikasjonsfeil med nøkkelserver: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "nøkkelserver svarte ikke tidsnok\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "intern feil ved nøkkelserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "kommunikasjonsfeil med nøkkelserver: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: klarte ikke å oppfriske nøkkel %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "oppfrisker 1 nøkkel fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "oppfrisker %d nøkler fra %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: klarte ikke å fange URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: klarte ikke å parse URI %s\n" @@ -5122,161 +5169,166 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "dekryptering mislyktes: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "opprinnelig filnavn=«%.*s»\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "ingen signatur ble funnet\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signatur opprettet %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " bruker %s nøkkel %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signatur laget %s ved hjelp av %s-nøkkel ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Nøkkel tilgjengelig ved: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "DÅRLIG signatur fra «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Utgått signatur fra «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "God signatur fra «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[usikker]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " aka «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Signatur utgått %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Signatur utgår %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signatur, digestalgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binær" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "tekstmodus" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ukjent" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "" @@ -5290,90 +5342,107 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) mislyktes in %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: bruker eksperimentell offentlig nøkkel-algoritme %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: digestalgoritmen «%s» er avlegs\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: bruker eksperimentell cipheralgoritme %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: bruker eksperimentell digest-algoritme %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: digestalgoritmen «%s» er avlegs\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s signatur, digestalgoritme %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "vennligst se %s for mer informasjon\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "flertydig valg «%s»\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "ukjent valg «%s»\n" @@ -5400,46 +5469,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "skriver til stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "antar at signert data er i «%s»\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "ny konfigurasjonsfil «%s» ble opprettet\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "ADVARSEL: valgene i «%s» er ikke aktive under denne kjøringen\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (hovednøkkelid %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5452,15 +5522,15 @@ "«%.*s»\n" "%u-bit %s nøkkel, ID %s, opprettet %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Tast inn passfrase\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5469,12 +5539,12 @@ "Du trenger en passfrase for å låse opp den hemmelige nøkkelen for\n" "brukeren: «%s»\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bit %s-nøkkel, ID %s, opprettet %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -5822,16 +5892,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke åpne «%s»: %s\n" @@ -6085,23 +6155,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTIS: signaturnøkkelen %s utgikk %s\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s signatur, digestalgoritme %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen undernøkkel for undernøkkelopphevingssignatur\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "nøkkel %s: ingen undernøkkel for undernøkkelbindingssignatur\n" @@ -6484,7 +6548,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6499,45 +6563,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "fant ikke offentlig nøkkel %s: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6559,77 +6623,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke åpne «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "Admin-kommandoer er ikke tillatt\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "feil ved lesing av fil" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "for lang linje" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "ugydig argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "ugyldig beskyttelse" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "Admin-reservert kommando\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "ugyldige listevalg\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "ikke tvunget" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "ugyldige listevalg\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "ugyldige listevalg\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Ugyldig kommando (prøv «help»)\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "ikke tvunget" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ugyldige listevalg\n" @@ -6659,35 +6734,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke opprette katalogen «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "feil ved skriving av nøkkelknippet «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "venter på låsing av «%s» ...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "fant ikke offentlig nøkkel %s: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "venter på låsing av «%s» ...\n" @@ -6712,19 +6787,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Bruksmåte: gpg [valg] [filer] (-h for hjelp)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA-modulus mangler eller har ikke en størrelse på %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "offentlig RSA-eksponent mangler eller er større enn %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN-callback returnerte en feil: %s\n" @@ -6773,104 +6848,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved henting av ny PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "klarte ikke å lagre fingeravtrykket: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "klarte ikke å lagre opprettelsesdatoen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "lesing av offentlig nøkkel mislyktes: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "respons inneholder ikke data om offentlig nøkkel\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "respons inneholder ikke RSA-modulus\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "respons inneholder ikke den offentlige RSA-eksponenten\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN for CHV%d er for kort; minum lengde er %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "bekreftelse av CHV%d mislyktes: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "feil ved henting av CHV-status fra kort\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "kort er permanent låst!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d Admin PIN-forsøk før kortet blir låst permanent\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "tilgang til admin-kommandoer er ikke konfigurert\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN for CHV%d er for kort; minum lengde er %d\n" @@ -6878,104 +6953,104 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Ny Admin PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Ny PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Vennligst tast inn PIN%%0A[signaturer utført: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "feil ved lesing av applikasjonsdata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "feil ved lesing av fingeravtrykk DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "nøkkel finnes allerede\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "eksisterende nøkkel vil bli erstattet\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generere en ny nøkkel\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "generere en ny nøkkel\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "tidsstempel for opprettelse mangler\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA-primtall %s mangler eller har ikke en størrelse på %d bits\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "klarte ikke å lagre nøkkelen: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "vennligst vent mens nøkkel blir generert ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "nøkkelgenerering mislyktes\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "nøkkelgenerering fullført (%d sekunder)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "ugyldig struktur i OpenPGP-kort (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "kortet støtter ikke digestalgoritme %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "signaturer opprettet så langt: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "bekrefting av Admin PIN er foreløpig nektet gjennom denne kommandoen\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "kan ikke aksere %s - ugyldig OpenPGP-kort?\n" @@ -7001,7 +7076,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "leser valg fra «%s»\n" @@ -7756,7 +7831,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "" @@ -7816,26 +7891,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = hopp over denne nøkkelen\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "kunne ikke parse nøkkelserverens URL\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan ikke aksere «%s»: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8089,27 +8164,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "feil ved søking etter tillitspost i «%s»: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8125,111 +8200,111 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "feil ved opprettelse av passfrase: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAVN|kryptere for NAVN" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "kunne ikke parse nøkkelserverens URL\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -8783,9 +8858,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "ugyldig pakke" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "ugyldig beskyttelse" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "det finnes ingen slik brukerid" @@ -8804,9 +8876,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "feil ved opprettelse av fil" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "ugyldig passfrase" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "uimplementert pubkey-algoritme" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/nl.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/nl.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/nl.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/nl.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/nl.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/nl.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,9483 @@ +# Dutch translations for gnupg package. +# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnupg package. +# Automatically generated, 2006. +# +# All this catalog "translates" are quotation characters. +# The msgids must be ASCII and therefore cannot contain real quotation +# characters, only substitutes like grave accent (0x60), apostrophe (0x27) +# and double quote (0x22). These substitutes look strange; see +# http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html +# +# This catalog translates grave accent (0x60) and apostrophe (0x27) to +# left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019). +# It also translates pairs of apostrophe (0x27) to +# left single quotation mark (U+2018) and right single quotation mark (U+2019) +# and pairs of quotation mark (0x22) to +# left double quotation mark (U+201C) and right double quotation mark (U+201D). +# +# When output to an UTF-8 terminal, the quotation characters appear perfectly. +# When output to an ISO-8859-1 terminal, the single quotation marks are +# transliterated to apostrophes (by iconv in glibc 2.2 or newer) or to +# grave/acute accent (by libiconv), and the double quotation marks are +# transliterated to 0x22. +# When output to an ASCII terminal, the single quotation marks are +# transliterated to apostrophes, and the double quotation marks are +# transliterated to 0x22. +# Frans Spiesschaert , 2014. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.27\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-24 21:22+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Frans Spiesschaert \n" +"Language-Team: Dutch \n" +"Language: nl\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" +msgstr "verwerven van de pinentry-vergrendeling is mislukt: %s\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in +#. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter +#. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for +#. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after +#. the second vertical bar. +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Annuleren" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 +msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|Pincode:" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Annuleren" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Wilt U de geselecteerde subsleutels echt intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "ongeldige wachtwoordzin" + +#. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label +#. for the quality bar. +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 +msgid "Quality:" +msgstr "Kwaliteit:" + +#. TRANSLATORS: This string is a tooltip, shown by pinentry when +#. hovering over the quality bar. Please use an appropriate +#. string to describe what this is about. The length of the +#. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not +#. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) +#. will be used. +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 +msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" +msgstr "" +"De kwaliteit van de hierboven ingevoerde wachtwoordzin.\n" +"Vraag aan uw systeembeheerder nadere toelichting bij\n" +"de gehanteerde criteria voor het meten van de kwaliteit." + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 +msgid "" +"Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " +"session" +msgstr "" +"Voer uw pincode in, zodat de geheime sleutel voor deze sessie ontgrendeld " +"kan worden" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 +msgid "" +"Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " +"this session" +msgstr "" +"Voer uw wachtwoordzin in, zodat de geheime sleutel voor deze sessie " +"ontgrendeld kan worden" + +#. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in +#. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the +#. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 +#, c-format +msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" +msgstr "SETERROR %s (poging %d van %d)" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 +msgid "PIN too long" +msgstr "Pincode is te lang" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 +msgid "Passphrase too long" +msgstr "Wachtwoordzin is te lang" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 +msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" +msgstr "Ongeldige tekens in de pincode" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 +msgid "PIN too short" +msgstr "Pincode is te kort" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 +msgid "Bad PIN" +msgstr "Slechte pincode" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 +msgid "Bad Passphrase" +msgstr "Slechte wachtwoordzin" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 +msgid "Passphrase" +msgstr "Wachtwoordzin" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:595 +#, c-format +msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" +msgstr "ssh-sleutels groter dan %d bits worden niet ondersteund\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 +#, c-format +msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan `%s' niet aanmaken: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 +#: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 +#: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 +#: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 +#, c-format +msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan `%s' niet openen: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2110 agent/command-ssh.c:2128 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting serial number of card: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het opvragen van het serienummer van de kaart: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2114 +#, c-format +msgid "detected card with S/N: %s\n" +msgstr "kaart gevonden met serienummer: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2119 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"fout bij het ophalen van de kaart van de ID van de standaard " +"authenticatiesleutel: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 +#, c-format +msgid "no suitable card key found: %s\n" +msgstr "geen bruikbare kaartsleutel gevonden: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 +#, c-format +msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" +msgstr "verheimelijken van de sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing key: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van de sleutel: %s\n" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2498 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " +"allow this?" +msgstr "" +"Een ssh-proces vroeg om het gebruik van sleutel%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0AWilt u " +"dit toestaan?" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Toestaan" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 +msgid "Deny" +msgstr "Verbieden" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" +msgstr "Voer de wachtwoordzin in voor de ssh-sleutel%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 +msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" +msgstr "Gelieve deze wachtwoordzin nogmaals in te voeren" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " +"%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" +msgstr "" +"Gelieve een wachtwoordzin in te voeren ter beveiliging van de verkregen " +"geheime sleutel%%0A %s%%0A %s%%0Abinnen de sleutelopslagplaats van de " +"gpg-agent" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 +msgid "does not match - try again" +msgstr "komt niet overeen - probeer opnieuw" + +#: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to create stream from socket: %s\n" +msgstr "een gegevensstroom vanuit de socket doen ontstaan is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 +msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" +msgstr "Plaats de kaart met serienummer" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 +msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" +msgstr "Verwijder de huidige kaart en plaats die met serienummer" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:200 +msgid "Admin PIN" +msgstr "Pincode van de beheerder" + +#. TRANSLATORS: A PUK is the Personal Unblocking Code +#. used to unblock a PIN. +#: agent/divert-scd.c:205 +msgid "PUK" +msgstr "PUK-code" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:212 +msgid "Reset Code" +msgstr "Reset-Code" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:238 +#, c-format +msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." +msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AGebruik het numeriek pad van de kaartlezer als input." + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:287 +msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" +msgstr "Herhaal deze Reset-Code" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:289 +msgid "Repeat this PUK" +msgstr "Herhaal deze PUK-code" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:290 +msgid "Repeat this PIN" +msgstr "Herhaal deze pincode" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:295 +msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" +msgstr "Reset-Code was niet tweemaal hetzelfde; probeer opnieuw" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:297 +msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" +msgstr "PUK-code was niet tweemaal hetzelfde; probeer opnieuw" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:298 +msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" +msgstr "Pincode was niet tweemaal hetzelfde; probeer opnieuw" + +#: agent/divert-scd.c:310 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card" +msgstr "Gelieve de pincode%s%s%s in te voeren om de kaart te ontgrendelen" + +#: agent/genkey.c:108 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:384 sm/export.c:638 sm/export.c:654 +#: sm/import.c:667 sm/import.c:692 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating temporary file: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het maken van een tijdelijk bestand: %s\n" + +#: agent/genkey.c:115 sm/export.c:645 sm/import.c:675 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing to temporary file: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar het tijdelijk bestand: %s\n" + +#: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 +msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgstr "Voer nieuwe wachtwoordzin in" + +#: agent/genkey.c:167 +msgid "Take this one anyway" +msgstr "Die toch gebruiken" + +#: agent/genkey.c:193 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " +"at least %u character long." +msgid_plural "" +"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " +"at least %u characters long." +msgstr[0] "" +"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " +"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u teken lang zijn." +msgstr[1] "" +"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " +"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u tekens lang zijn." + +#: agent/genkey.c:214 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " +"contain at least %u digit or%%0Aspecial character." +msgid_plural "" +"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " +"contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." +msgstr[0] "" +"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " +"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u cijfer of%%0A speciaal teken bevatten." +msgstr[1] "" +"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " +"wachtwoordzin moet minstens %u cijfers of%%0A speciale tekens bevatten." + +#: agent/genkey.c:237 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " +"a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." +msgstr "" +"Waarschuwing: u heeft een onveilige wachtwoordzin ingevoerd.%%0AEen " +"wachtwoordzin mag geen bekende term zijn of overeenkomen met%%0A een bepaald " +"patroon." + +#: agent/genkey.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." +msgstr "" +"U heeft geen wachtwoordzin ingevoerd!!%0AEen lege wachtwoordzin is niet " +"toegestaan." + +#: agent/genkey.c:255 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " +"confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." +msgstr "" +"U heeft geen wachtwoordzin ingevoerd - dit is meestal en slecht idee!" +"%0AGelieve te bevestigen dat u uw sleutel op geen enkele manier wenst te " +"beveiligen." + +#: agent/genkey.c:264 +msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" +msgstr "Ja, een beveiliging is onnodig" + +#: agent/genkey.c:308 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" +msgstr "" +"Gelieve de wachtwoordzin in te voeren ter%0Abeveiliging van uw nieuwe sleutel" + +#: agent/genkey.c:431 +msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" +msgstr "Gelieve de nieuwe wachtwoordzin in te voeren" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 +msgid "" +"@Options:\n" +" " +msgstr "" +"@Opties:\n" +" " + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" +msgstr "uitvoeren als achtergronddienst (daemon-modus)" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" +msgstr "uitvoeren in servermodus (voorgronddienst)" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 +#: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 +msgid "verbose" +msgstr "gedetailleerd" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:282 +msgid "be somewhat more quiet" +msgstr "wees wat stiller" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +msgid "sh-style command output" +msgstr "commando-uitvoer in sh-formaat" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +msgid "csh-style command output" +msgstr "commando-uitvoer in csh-formaat" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 +msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|de opties inlezen vanuit BESTAND" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +msgid "do not detach from the console" +msgstr "niet van de console loskoppelen" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 +msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" +msgstr "het toetsenbord en de muis niet kapen" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +msgid "use a log file for the server" +msgstr "gebruik een logboekbestand voor de server" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 +msgid "use a standard location for the socket" +msgstr "gebruik een standaardlocatie voor de socket" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 +msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" +msgstr "|PROG|PROG gebruiken als programma voor het invoeren van de pincode" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" +msgstr "|PROG|PROG gebruiken als het programma voor de SC-achtergronddienst" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 +msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" +msgstr "gebruik de SC-achtergronddienst niet" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 +msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" +msgstr "verzoeken om de TTY te wijzigen negeren" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 +msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" +msgstr "verzoeken om het grafisch beeldscherm te wijzigen negeren" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 +msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" +msgstr "|N|in de cache geladen pincodes laten verlopen na N seconden" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 +msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" +msgstr "" +"maak bij het ondertekenen geen gebruik van het cachegeheugen met de pincodes" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 +msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +msgstr "clients niet toestaan om sleutels als \"betrouwbaar\" te markeren" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +msgid "allow presetting passphrase" +msgstr "het vooraf instellen van de wachtwoordzin toestaan" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 +msgid "enable ssh support" +msgstr "ssh-ondersteuning mogelijk maken" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 +msgid "enable putty support" +msgstr "putty-ondersteuning mogelijk maken" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "laat het opnieuw gebruiken van oude wachtwoordzinnen niet toe" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 +msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|schrijf omgevingsinstellingen ook weg naar BESTAND" + +#. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug +#. reporting address. This is so that we can change the +#. reporting address without breaking the translations. +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 +msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" +msgstr "Gelieve fouten te signaleren aan <@EMAIL@>.\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 +msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-agent [opties] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" +"Secret key management for GnuPG\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg-agent [opties] [opdracht [parameters]]\n" +"Beheer van geheime sleutels van GnuPG\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" +msgstr "ongeldig debug-niveau `%s' opgegeven\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" +msgstr "%s is te oud (heb %s nodig, heb %s)\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" +msgstr "NOOT: geen bestand `%s' met standaardopties\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#, c-format +msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "optiebestand `%s': %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 +#, c-format +msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" +msgstr "inlezen van opties uit `%s'\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: g10/plaintext.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van `%s': %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#, c-format +msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan map `%s' niet maken: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +msgid "name of socket too long\n" +msgstr "socketnaam is te lang\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#, c-format +msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" +msgstr "kan socket niet aanmaken: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 +#, c-format +msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" +msgstr "socketnaam `%s' is te lang\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 +msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" +msgstr "" +"er is al een instantie van gpg-agent actief - er wordt geen nieuwe " +"opgestart\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" +msgstr "fout bij het verkrijgen van nonce voor de socket\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#, c-format +msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij de het verbinden van de socket met `%s': %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#, c-format +msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" +msgstr "listen() is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#, c-format +msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" +msgstr "er wordt geluisterd op socket `%s'\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 +#: sm/keydb.c:106 +#, c-format +msgid "directory `%s' created\n" +msgstr "map `%s' aangemaakt\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 +#, c-format +msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "opvragen van status van `%s' mislukte: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 +#, c-format +msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" +msgstr "kan map `%s' niet gebruiken als thuismap\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van nonce op bestandsindicator %d: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 +#, c-format +msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" +msgstr "verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd gestart\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 +#, c-format +msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" +msgstr "verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd beëindigd\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 +#, c-format +msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" +msgstr "ssh-verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd gestart\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 +#, c-format +msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" +msgstr "ssh-verwerker 0x%lx voor bestandsindicator %d werd beëindigd\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#, c-format +msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" +msgstr "pth_select mislukte: %s - er wordt 1s gewacht\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s stopped\n" +msgstr "%s %s gestopt\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 +msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" +msgstr "er is geen instantie van gpg-agent actief tijdens deze sessie\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 +msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" +msgstr "ongeldig formaat van de omgevingsvariabele GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 +#, c-format +msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" +msgstr "protocolversie %d van gpg-agent wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 +msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-preset-passphrase [opties] SLEUTELHENDEL (-h voor hulp)\n" + +#: agent/preset-passphrase.c:104 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" +"Password cache maintenance\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg-preset-passphrase [opties] SLEUTELHENDEL\n" +"Onderhoud van de wachtwoordcache\n" + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: tools/gpgconf.c:60 +msgid "" +"@Commands:\n" +" " +msgstr "" +"@Commando's:\n" +" " + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 +msgid "" +"@\n" +"Options:\n" +" " +msgstr "" +"@\n" +"Opties:\n" +" " + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:167 +msgid "Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-protect-tool [opties] (-h voor hulp)\n" + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:169 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpg-protect-tool [options] [args]\n" +"Secret key maintenance tool\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg-protect-tool [opties] [parameters]\n" +"Hulpmiddel voor het onderhoud van de geheime sleutels\n" + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 +msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." +msgstr "" +"Voer de wachtwoordzin in om de beveiliging van het PKCS#12-object op te " +"heffen." + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 +msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." +msgstr "Voer de wachtwoordzin in om het nieuwe PKCS#12-object te beveiligen." + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 +msgid "" +"Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " +"system." +msgstr "" +"Voer de wachtwoordzin in om het in het GnuPG-systeem geïmporteerde object te " +"beveiligen." + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 +msgid "" +"Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" +"needed to complete this operation." +msgstr "" +"Gelieve de wachtwoordzin of de pincode in te voeren\n" +"dit is nodig om deze bewerking te voltooien." + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 +msgid "Passphrase:" +msgstr "Wachtwoordzin:" + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 +msgid "cancelled\n" +msgstr "geannuleerd\n" + +#: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 +#, c-format +msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het opvragen van de wachtwoordzin: %s\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 +#, c-format +msgid "error opening `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het openen van `%s': %s\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:151 common/helpfile.c:63 common/helpfile.c:79 +#, c-format +msgid "file `%s', line %d: %s\n" +msgstr "bestand `%s', regel %d: %s\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:171 agent/trustlist.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "statement \"%s\" ignored in `%s', line %d\n" +msgstr "instructie \"%s\" genegeerd in `%s', regel %d\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:185 +#, c-format +msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" +msgstr "de lijst `%s' over systeembetrouwbaarheid is niet beschikbaar\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:229 +#, c-format +msgid "bad fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" +msgstr "slechte vingerafdruk in `%s', regel %d\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" +msgstr "ongeldige sleutelparameter in `%s', regel %d\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading `%s', line %d: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van `%s', regel %d: %s\n" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 +msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van de lijst van vertrouwde stamcertificaten\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry +#. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by +#. Pinentry to insert a line break. The double +#. percent sign is actually needed because it is also +#. a printf format string. If you need to insert a +#. plain % sign, you need to encode it as "%%25". The +#. "%s" gets replaced by the name as stored in the +#. certificate. +#: agent/trustlist.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " +"certificates?" +msgstr "" +"Vertrouwt u er uiterst sterk op dat%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aop een correcte wijze " +"gebruikerscertificaten certificeert?" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:469 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nee" + +#. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry and has +#. one special property: A "%%0A" is used by Pinentry to +#. insert a line break. The double percent sign is actually +#. needed because it is also a printf format string. If you +#. need to insert a plain % sign, you need to encode it as +#. "%%25". The second "%s" gets replaced by a hexdecimal +#. fingerprint string whereas the first one receives the name +#. as stored in the certificate. +#: agent/trustlist.c:654 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " +"fingerprint:%%0A %s" +msgstr "" +"Gelieve te verifiëren of het certificaat dat geïdentificeerd werd als:%%0A " +"\"%s\"%%0Avolgende vingerafdruk heeft:%%0A %s" + +#. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended +#. to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The +#. other button is "the default "Cancel" of the Pinentry. +#: agent/trustlist.c:668 +msgid "Correct" +msgstr "Juist" + +#: agent/trustlist.c:668 +msgid "Wrong" +msgstr "Fout" + +#: agent/findkey.c:157 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." +msgstr "" +"Noot: Deze wachtwoordzin werd nog nooit gewijzigd.%0AGelieve hem nu te " +"wijzigen." + +#: agent/findkey.c:173 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " +"it now." +msgstr "" +"Deze wachtwoordzin werd niet meer gewijzigd%%0Asinds %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Gelieve " +"hem nu te wijzigen." + +#: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 +msgid "Change passphrase" +msgstr "Wijzig de wachtwoordzin" + +#: agent/findkey.c:195 +msgid "I'll change it later" +msgstr "Ik zal hem later wijzigen" + +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het maken van een pijp: %s\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 +#, c-format +msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" +msgstr "kan de pijp met fdopen niet openen om eruit te lezen: %s\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 +#, c-format +msgid "error forking process: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het starten van een nieuw proces (fork): %s\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:811 common/exechelp.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n" +msgstr "wachten op het einde van proces %d is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:819 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het opvragen van de afsluitcode van proces %d: %s\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:825 common/exechelp.c:877 +#, c-format +msgid "error running `%s': exit status %d\n" +msgstr "fout bij het uitvoeren van `%s': afsluitstatus %d\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:870 +#, c-format +msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" +msgstr "fout bij het uitvoeren van `%s': wellicht niet geïnstalleerd\n" + +#: common/exechelp.c:885 +#, c-format +msgid "error running `%s': terminated\n" +msgstr "fout bij het uitvoeren van `%s': gestopt\n" + +#: common/http.c:1682 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating socket: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het maken van een socket: %s\n" + +#: common/http.c:1733 +msgid "host not found" +msgstr "computer niet gevonden" + +#: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 +msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" +msgstr "gpg-agent is niet beschikbaar tijdens deze sessie\n" + +#: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 +#, c-format +msgid "can't connect to `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan geen verbinding maken met `%s': %s\n" + +#: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 +msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" +msgstr "probleem in de communicatie met gpg-agent\n" + +#: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 +msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" +msgstr "problemen bij het instellen van de opties voor gpg-agent\n" + +#: common/simple-pwquery.c:579 common/simple-pwquery.c:675 +msgid "canceled by user\n" +msgstr "afgebroken door de gebruiker\n" + +#: common/simple-pwquery.c:594 common/simple-pwquery.c:681 +msgid "problem with the agent\n" +msgstr "probleem met de agent\n" + +#: common/sysutils.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "can't disable core dumps: %s\n" +msgstr "het is niet mogelijk om core-dumps uit te schakelen: %s\n" + +#: common/sysutils.c:206 +#, c-format +msgid "Warning: unsafe ownership on %s \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "Waarschuwing: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen op %s \"%s\"\n" + +#: common/sysutils.c:238 +#, c-format +msgid "Warning: unsafe permissions on %s \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "Waarschuwing: onveilige toegangsrechten op %s \"%s\"\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. +#: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 +msgid "yes" +msgstr "yes|ja" + +#: common/yesno.c:36 common/yesno.c:77 +msgid "yY" +msgstr "yYjJ" + +#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. +#: common/yesno.c:38 common/yesno.c:74 +msgid "no" +msgstr "no|nee" + +#: common/yesno.c:39 common/yesno.c:78 +msgid "nN" +msgstr "nN" + +#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. +#: common/yesno.c:76 +msgid "quit" +msgstr "quit|stoppen" + +#: common/yesno.c:79 +msgid "qQ" +msgstr "qQsS" + +#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. +#: common/yesno.c:113 +msgid "okay|okay" +msgstr "okay|oké|ok|OK" + +#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. +#: common/yesno.c:115 +msgid "cancel|cancel" +msgstr "cancel|cancelen|annuleren" + +#: common/yesno.c:116 +msgid "oO" +msgstr "oO" + +#: common/yesno.c:117 +msgid "cC" +msgstr "cCaA" + +#: common/miscellaneous.c:77 +#, c-format +msgid "out of core in secure memory while allocating %lu bytes" +msgstr "" +"over de limiet van het beveiligde geheugen bij het reserveren van %lu bytes" + +#: common/miscellaneous.c:80 +#, c-format +msgid "out of core while allocating %lu bytes" +msgstr "over de geheugenlimiet bij het reserveren van %lu bytes" + +#: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 +msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" +msgstr "er is geen instantie van gpg-agent actief - er wordt een gestart\n" + +#: common/asshelp.c:349 +#, c-format +msgid "waiting %d seconds for the agent to come up\n" +msgstr "er wordt %d seconden gewacht terwijl de agent opstart\n" + +#: common/asshelp.c:426 +msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" +msgstr "" +"kan geen verbinding krijgen met de agent - er wordt een noodoplossing " +"geprobeerd\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars +#. verbatim. It will not be printed. +#: common/audit.c:474 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Good" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Goed" + +#: common/audit.c:477 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Bad" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Slecht" + +#: common/audit.c:479 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Not supported" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Niet ondersteund" + +#: common/audit.c:481 +msgid "|audit-log-result|No certificate" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Geen certificaat" + +#: common/audit.c:483 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Not enabled" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Niet geactiveerd" + +#: common/audit.c:485 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Error" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Fout" + +#: common/audit.c:487 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Not used" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Niet gebruikt" + +#: common/audit.c:489 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Okay" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Oké" + +#: common/audit.c:491 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Skipped" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Overgeslagen" + +#: common/audit.c:493 +msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Sommige" + +#: common/audit.c:726 +msgid "Certificate chain available" +msgstr "Ketting van certificaten is beschikbaar" + +#: common/audit.c:733 +msgid "root certificate missing" +msgstr "stamcertificaat ontbreekt" + +#: common/audit.c:759 +msgid "Data encryption succeeded" +msgstr "Versleutelen van gegevens is geslaagd" + +#: common/audit.c:764 common/audit.c:830 common/audit.c:906 common/audit.c:997 +msgid "Data available" +msgstr "Er zijn gegevens beschikbaar" + +#: common/audit.c:767 +msgid "Session key created" +msgstr "Sessiesleutel aangemaakt" + +#: common/audit.c:772 common/audit.c:912 common/audit.c:919 +#, c-format +msgid "algorithm: %s" +msgstr "algoritme: %s" + +#: common/audit.c:774 common/audit.c:776 common/audit.c:921 common/audit.c:923 +#, c-format +msgid "unsupported algorithm: %s" +msgstr "niet ondersteund algoritme: %s" + +#: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 +msgid "seems to be not encrypted" +msgstr "lijkt niet versleuteld te zijn" + +#: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 +msgid "Number of recipients" +msgstr "Aantal ontvangers" + +#: common/audit.c:792 common/audit.c:956 +#, c-format +msgid "Recipient %d" +msgstr "Ontvanger %d" + +#: common/audit.c:825 +msgid "Data signing succeeded" +msgstr "Gegevens ondertekenen is gelukt" + +#: common/audit.c:839 common/audit.c:1033 common/audit.c:1060 +#, c-format +msgid "data hash algorithm: %s" +msgstr "algoritme voor het hashen van gegevens: %s" + +#: common/audit.c:862 +#, c-format +msgid "Signer %d" +msgstr "Ondertekenaar %d" + +#: common/audit.c:866 common/audit.c:1065 +#, c-format +msgid "attr hash algorithm: %s" +msgstr "algoritme voor het hashen van attributen: %s" + +#: common/audit.c:901 +msgid "Data decryption succeeded" +msgstr "Gegevens versleutelen is gelukt" + +#: common/audit.c:910 +msgid "Encryption algorithm supported" +msgstr "Versleutelingsalgoritme wordt ondersteund" + +#: common/audit.c:993 +msgid "Data verification succeeded" +msgstr "Verificatie van gegevens is gelukt" + +#: common/audit.c:1002 +msgid "Signature available" +msgstr "Ondertekening is beschikbaar" + +#: common/audit.c:1024 +msgid "Parsing data succeeded" +msgstr "Gegevens ontleden is gelukt" + +#: common/audit.c:1036 +#, c-format +msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" +msgstr "slecht algoritme voor het hashen van gegevens: %s" + +#: common/audit.c:1051 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature %d" +msgstr "Handtekening %d" + +#: common/audit.c:1079 +msgid "Certificate chain valid" +msgstr "Ketting van certificaten is geldig" + +#: common/audit.c:1090 +msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" +msgstr "Stamcertificaat is betrouwbaar" + +#: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 +msgid "no CRL found for certificate" +msgstr "geen enkele lijst van intrekkingen gevonden voor het certificaat" + +#: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 +msgid "the available CRL is too old" +msgstr "de beschikbare lijst van intrekkingen is te oud" + +#: common/audit.c:1119 +msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" +msgstr "" +"Verificatie van de certificaten met de lijst van intrekkingen en met OCSP" + +#: common/audit.c:1139 +msgid "Included certificates" +msgstr "Ingesloten certificaten" + +#: common/audit.c:1194 +msgid "No audit log entries." +msgstr "Geen invoer in het auditlogboek." + +#: common/audit.c:1243 +msgid "Unknown operation" +msgstr "Onbekende bewerking" + +#: common/audit.c:1261 +msgid "Gpg-Agent usable" +msgstr "Gpg-Agent kan gebruikt worden" + +#: common/audit.c:1271 +msgid "Dirmngr usable" +msgstr "Dirmngr kan gebruikt worden" + +#: common/audit.c:1307 +#, c-format +msgid "No help available for `%s'." +msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar voor `%s'." + +#: common/helpfile.c:80 +msgid "ignoring garbage line" +msgstr "regel met rommel wordt genegeerd" + +#: common/gettime.c:503 +msgid "[none]" +msgstr "[geen]" + +#: g10/armor.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "armor: %s\n" +msgstr "harnas: %s\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:444 +msgid "invalid armor header: " +msgstr "ongeldige harnas-intro: " + +#: g10/armor.c:455 +msgid "armor header: " +msgstr "harnas-intro: " + +#: g10/armor.c:468 +msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" +msgstr "ongeldige intro van de handtekening in klare tekst\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:481 +msgid "unknown armor header: " +msgstr "onbekende harnas-intro: " + +#: g10/armor.c:542 +msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" +msgstr "geneste ondertekeningen in klare tekst\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:677 +msgid "unexpected armor: " +msgstr "onverwacht harnas: " + +#: g10/armor.c:689 +msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " +msgstr "door liggend streepje afgeschermde regel is ongeldig: " + +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" +msgstr "ongeldig radix64-teken %02X overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:887 +msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" +msgstr "voortijdig bestandseinde (eof) (geen CRC)\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:921 +msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" +msgstr "voortijdig bestandseinde (eof) (in CRC)\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:929 +msgid "malformed CRC\n" +msgstr "ongeldige CRC\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 +#, c-format +msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" +msgstr "CRC-fout; %06lX - %06lX\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:953 +msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" +msgstr "voortijdig bestandseinde (eof) (in de epiloog)\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:957 +msgid "error in trailer line\n" +msgstr "fout in epiloogregel\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:1282 +msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" +msgstr "geen geldige OpenPGP-gegevens gevonden.\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:1287 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" +msgstr "ongeldig harnas: de regel is langer dan %d tekens\n" + +#: g10/armor.c:1291 +msgid "" +"quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" +msgstr "" +"harnas bevat een 'quoted printable'-teken - wellicht werd een defecte MTA " +"(mail-server) gebruikt\n" + +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 +msgid "" +"a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " +"an '='\n" +msgstr "" +"een notatiebenaming mag enkel afdrukbare tekens of spaties bevatten, en moet " +"eindigen met een '='-teken\n" + +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 +msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" +msgstr "een notatiebenaming voor een gebruiker moet het teken '@' bevatten\n" + +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 +msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" +msgstr "" +"een notatiebenaming mag niet meer dan een keer het teken '@' bevatten\n" + +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 +msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" +msgstr "een notatiewaarde mag geen enkel controleteken bevatten\n" + +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 +msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: ongeldige notatiegegevens gevonden\n" + +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 +msgid "not human readable" +msgstr "niet leesbaar door de gebruiker" + +#: g10/card-util.c:85 g10/card-util.c:375 +#, c-format +msgid "OpenPGP card not available: %s\n" +msgstr "OpenPGP-kaart is niet beschikbaar: %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:90 +#, c-format +msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" +msgstr "OpenPGP-kaartnummer %s gevonden\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" +msgstr "dit is niet mogelijk in automatische modus\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:106 +msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" +msgstr "Dit commando is enkel beschikbaar voor kaarten van versie 2\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 +msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" +msgstr "Reset-Code niet of niet langer beschikbaar\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 +msgid "Your selection? " +msgstr "Uw keuze? " + +#: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 +msgid "[not set]" +msgstr "[niet ingesteld]" + +#: g10/card-util.c:513 +msgid "male" +msgstr "man" + +#: g10/card-util.c:514 +msgid "female" +msgstr "vrouw" + +#: g10/card-util.c:514 +msgid "unspecified" +msgstr "niet gespecificeerd" + +#: g10/card-util.c:541 +msgid "not forced" +msgstr "niet geforceerd" + +#: g10/card-util.c:541 +msgid "forced" +msgstr "geforceerd" + +#: g10/card-util.c:632 +msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" +msgstr "Fout: Alleen platte ASCII is momenteel toegestaan.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:634 +msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" +msgstr "Fout: U mag het teken \"<\" niet gebruiken.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:636 +msgid "Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n" +msgstr "Fout: Dubbele spaties gebruiken is niet toegestaan.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:653 +msgid "Cardholder's surname: " +msgstr "Achternaam van de kaarthouder: " + +#: g10/card-util.c:655 +msgid "Cardholder's given name: " +msgstr "Voornaam van de kaarthouder: " + +#: g10/card-util.c:673 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" +msgstr "Fout: Volledige naam is te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:694 +msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " +msgstr "URL voor het ophalen van de publieke sleutel: " + +#: g10/card-util.c:702 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" +msgstr "Fout: URL is te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 +#, c-format +msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het reserveren van voldoende geheugen: %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:840 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:867 +msgid "Login data (account name): " +msgstr "Aanmeldgegevens (accountnaam): " + +#: g10/card-util.c:877 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" +msgstr "Fout: Aanmeldgegevens zijn te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:913 +msgid "Private DO data: " +msgstr "Geheime DO-gegevens: " + +#: g10/card-util.c:923 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" +msgstr "Fout: Geheime DO is te lang (de limiet is %d tekens).\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1006 +msgid "Language preferences: " +msgstr "Taalvoorkeuren: " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1014 +msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" +msgstr "Fout: ongeldige lengte van de voorkeursinformatie.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1023 +msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" +msgstr "Fout: ongeldige tekens in voorkeursinformatie.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1045 +msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " +msgstr "Geslacht ((M)Man, (F)Vrouw of spatie): " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1059 +msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" +msgstr "Fout: ongeldig antwoord.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1081 +msgid "CA fingerprint: " +msgstr "CA-vingerafdruk: " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1104 +msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" +msgstr "Fout: ongeldig opgemaakte vingerafdruk.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1154 +#, c-format +msgid "key operation not possible: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutelbewerking is niet mogelijk: %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1155 +msgid "not an OpenPGP card" +msgstr "geen OpenPGP-kaart" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1168 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting current key info: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het ophalen van de gegevens van de huidige sleutel: %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1255 +msgid "Replace existing key? (y/N) " +msgstr "Bestaande sleutel vervangen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1271 +msgid "" +"NOTE: There is no guarantee that the card supports the requested size.\n" +" If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" +" documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" +msgstr "" +"NOOT: Het kan niet gegarandeerd worden dat de kaart\n" +" de gevraagde grootte ondersteunt.\n" +" Indien het aanmaken van de sleutel niet lukt, moet u de documentatie\n" +" bij uw kaart raadplegen om na te gaan welke groottes toegelaten zijn.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1296 +#, c-format +msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " +msgstr "Welke sleutelgrootte wilt u voor de Ondertekeningssleutel? (%u) " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1298 +#, c-format +msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " +msgstr "Welke sleutelgrootte wilt u voor de Encryptiesleutel? (%u) " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1299 +#, c-format +msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " +msgstr "Welke sleutelgrootte wilt u voor de Authenticatiesleutel? (%u) " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 +#, c-format +msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" +msgstr "afgerond naar %u bits\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#, c-format +msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" +msgstr "%s sleutelgrootte moet vallen binnen het bereik %u-%u\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1323 +#, c-format +msgid "The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of %u bits\n" +msgstr "" +"De kaart zal nu opnieuw ingesteld worden om een sleutel van %u bits aan te " +"maken\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1343 +#, c-format +msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"fout bij het veranderen van de grootte van sleutel %d naar %u bits: %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1365 +msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " +msgstr "Een externe reservekopie maken van de encryptiesleutel? (J/n) " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1379 +msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" +msgstr "NOOT: sleutels worden al op de kaart bewaard!\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1382 +msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " +msgstr "Bestaande sleutels vervangen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1394 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please note that the factory settings of the PINs are\n" +" PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" +"You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" +msgstr "" +"Gelieve te noteren dat de fabrieksinstellingen voor de pincodes de volgende " +"zijn:\n" +" pincode = `%s' Beheerderspincode = `%s'\n" +"U wordt aangeraden deze te wijzigen met het commando --change-pin\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1450 +msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" +msgstr "Selecteer het type sleutel dat aangemaakt moet worden:\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1452 g10/card-util.c:1560 +msgid " (1) Signature key\n" +msgstr " (1) Ondertekeningssleutel\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1453 g10/card-util.c:1562 +msgid " (2) Encryption key\n" +msgstr " (2) Encryptiesleutel\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1454 g10/card-util.c:1564 +msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" +msgstr " (3) Authenticatiesleutel\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 +msgid "Invalid selection.\n" +msgstr "Ongeldige keuze.\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1557 +msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" +msgstr "Geef aan waar de sleutel moet opgeslagen worden:\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1601 +msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" +msgstr "onbekend sleutelbeveiligingsalgoritme\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1606 +msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" +msgstr "geheime delen van de sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1611 +msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" +msgstr "geheime sleutel staat reeds op de kaart\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1624 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van de sleutel naar de kaart: %s\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 +msgid "quit this menu" +msgstr "dit menu verlaten" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1685 +msgid "show admin commands" +msgstr "toon beheerderscommando's" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 +msgid "show this help" +msgstr "toon deze hulp" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1688 +msgid "list all available data" +msgstr "toon alle beschikbare gegevens" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1691 +msgid "change card holder's name" +msgstr "verander de naam van de kaarthouder" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1692 +msgid "change URL to retrieve key" +msgstr "verander de URL waarvan de sleutel opgehaald moet worden" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1693 +msgid "fetch the key specified in the card URL" +msgstr "haal de sleutel op van de URL die op de kaart vermeld staat" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1694 +msgid "change the login name" +msgstr "verander de aanmeldnaam" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1695 +msgid "change the language preferences" +msgstr "verander de taalvoorkeuren" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1696 +msgid "change card holder's sex" +msgstr "verander het geslacht van de kaarthouder" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1697 +msgid "change a CA fingerprint" +msgstr "verander een CA-vingerafdruk" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1698 +msgid "toggle the signature force PIN flag" +msgstr "" +"schakel de parameter die om een pincode vraagt bij het ondertekenen aan/uit" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1699 +msgid "generate new keys" +msgstr "maak nieuwe sleutels aan" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1700 +msgid "menu to change or unblock the PIN" +msgstr "menu voor het wijzigen of ontgrendelen van de pincode" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1701 +msgid "verify the PIN and list all data" +msgstr "controleer de pincode en toon alle gegevens" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1702 +msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" +msgstr "ontgrendel de pincode met behulp van een Reset-Code" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1824 +msgid "gpg/card> " +msgstr "gpg/kaart> " + +#: g10/card-util.c:1865 +msgid "Admin-only command\n" +msgstr "Enkel de beheerder kan dit commando uitvoeren\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1896 +msgid "Admin commands are allowed\n" +msgstr "Beheerderscommando's zijn toegestaan\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1898 +msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" +msgstr "Beheerderscommando's zijn niet toegestaan\n" + +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 +msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" +msgstr "Ongeldig commando (probeer \"help\")\n" + +#: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 +msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" +msgstr "--output werkt niet voor dit commando\n" + +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 +#, c-format +msgid "can't open `%s'\n" +msgstr "kan `%s' niet openen\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 +#, c-format +msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel \"%s\" niet gevonden: %s\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 +#: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" +msgstr "fout tijdens het lezen van sleutelblok: %s\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:127 g10/delkey.c:134 +msgid "(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n" +msgstr "(tenzij u de sleutel via de vingerafdruk specificeert)\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:133 +msgid "can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n" +msgstr "" +"dit is onmogelijk in automatische modus zonder de parameter \"--yes\"\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:145 +msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " +msgstr "Deze sleutel uit de sleutelring verwijderen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/delkey.c:153 +msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " +msgstr "Dit is een geheime sleutel! - echt verwijderen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/delkey.c:163 +#, c-format +msgid "deleting keyblock failed: %s\n" +msgstr "verwijderen van sleutelblok is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:173 +msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" +msgstr "de betrouwbaarheidsgegevens werden gewist\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:204 +#, c-format +msgid "there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n" +msgstr "een geheime sleutel fungeert als publieke sleutel \"%s\"!\n" + +#: g10/delkey.c:206 +msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" +msgstr "" +"gebruik de optie \"--delete-secret-keys\" om hem eerst te verwijderen.\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het maken van de wachtwoordzin: %s\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:232 +msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" +msgstr "kan geen symmetrisch ESK-pakket gebruiken omwille van de S2K-modus\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:246 +#, c-format +msgid "using cipher %s\n" +msgstr "versleutelingsalgoritme %s wordt gebruikt\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "`%s' already compressed\n" +msgstr "`%s' is reeds gecomprimeerd\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: `%s' is een leeg bestand\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:485 +msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" +msgstr "" +"U kunt enkel versleutelen naar RSA-sleutels van 2048 bits of minder in de " +"modus --pgp2\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:510 +#, c-format +msgid "reading from `%s'\n" +msgstr "lezen van `%s'\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:541 +msgid "" +"unable to use the IDEA cipher for all of the keys you are encrypting to.\n" +msgstr "" +"het is onmogelijk om het IDEA-versleutelingsalgoritme te gebruiken voor al " +"de sleutels waarnaar u versleutelt.\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:559 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: het dwingend opleggen van het symmetrisch " +"versleutelingsalgoritme %s (%d) gaat in tegen de voorkeuren van de " +"ontvanger\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " +"preferences\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: het dwingend opleggen van het compressiealgoritme %s (%d) gaat " +"in tegen de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:751 +#, c-format +msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" +msgstr "" +"het dwingend opleggen van het symmetrisch versleutelingsalgoritme %s (%d) " +"gaat in tegen de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 +#, c-format +msgid "you may not use %s while in %s mode\n" +msgstr "u mag %s niet gebruiken in de %s-modus\n" + +#: g10/encode.c:848 +#, c-format +msgid "%s/%s encrypted for: \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "%s/%s versleuteld voor: \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/encr-data.c:93 g10/mainproc.c:297 +#, c-format +msgid "%s encrypted data\n" +msgstr "%s versleutelde gegevens\n" + +#: g10/encr-data.c:96 g10/mainproc.c:301 +#, c-format +msgid "encrypted with unknown algorithm %d\n" +msgstr "versleuteld met onbekend algoritme %d\n" + +#: g10/encr-data.c:159 sm/decrypt.c:126 +msgid "" +"WARNING: message was encrypted with a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: het bericht is versleuteld met een zwakke sleutel in het " +"symmetrische versleutelingsalgoritme.\n" + +#: g10/encr-data.c:171 +msgid "problem handling encrypted packet\n" +msgstr "probleem met het verwerken van het versleutelde pakket\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:60 +msgid "no remote program execution supported\n" +msgstr "het uitvoeren van externe programma's wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:311 +msgid "" +"external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions\n" +msgstr "" +"het aanroepen van externe programma's is uitgeschakeld omdat de " +"toegangsrechten van het optiebestand onveilig zijn\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:341 +msgid "this platform requires temporary files when calling external programs\n" +msgstr "" +"dit platform heeft tijdelijke bestanden nodig bij het aanroepen van externe " +"programma's\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:419 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan programma `%s' niet uitvoeren: %s\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:422 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan shell `%s' niet uitvoeren: %s\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:513 +#, c-format +msgid "system error while calling external program: %s\n" +msgstr "systeemfout bij het aanroepen van een extern programma: %s\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:524 g10/exec.c:591 +msgid "unnatural exit of external program\n" +msgstr "onnatuurlijk einde van het externe programma\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:539 +msgid "unable to execute external program\n" +msgstr "niet in staat om het externe programma uit te voeren\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:556 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to read external program response: %s\n" +msgstr "niet in staat om het antwoord van het externe programma te lezen: %s\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:602 g10/exec.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: tijdelijk bestand (%s) `%s' kan niet verwijderd worden: %s\n" + +#: g10/exec.c:614 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unable to remove temp directory `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: tijdelijke map `%s' kan niet verwijderd worden: %s\n" + +#: g10/export.c:61 +msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" +msgstr "exporteer handtekeningen die gemarkeerd staan als uitsluitend lokaal" + +#: g10/export.c:63 +msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" +msgstr "" +"exporteer identiteitsattributen van gebruikers (meestal identiteitsfoto's)" + +#: g10/export.c:65 +msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" +msgstr "exporteer intrekkingssleutels die als \"gevoelig\" gemarkeerd zijn" + +#: g10/export.c:67 +msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" +msgstr "verwijder de wachtwoordzin van de geëxporteerde subsleutels" + +#: g10/export.c:69 +msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" +msgstr "verwijder de onbruikbare delen van de sleutel tijdens het exporteren" + +#: g10/export.c:71 +msgid "remove as much as possible from key during export" +msgstr "verwijder zo veel mogelijk van de sleutel tijdens het exporteren" + +#: g10/export.c:73 +msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" +msgstr "exporteer sleutels in een formaat gebaseerd op een S-expressie" + +#: g10/export.c:338 +msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" +msgstr "het exporteren van geheime sleutels is niet toegestaan\n" + +#: g10/export.c:367 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: not protected - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: niet beveiligd - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/export.c:375 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: sleutel van het type PGP 2.x - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/export.c:386 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: sleutelmateriaal op kaart - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/export.c:537 +msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" +msgstr "sta op het punt om een onbeveiligde subsleutel te exporteren\n" + +#: g10/export.c:560 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to unprotect the subkey: %s\n" +msgstr "wegnemen van de beveiliging van de subsleutel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/export.c:584 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: geheime sleutel %s heeft geen eenvoudige SK-controlesom\n" + +#: g10/export.c:633 +msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er werd niets geëxporteerd\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:153 +msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" +msgstr "te veel regels in de pk-cache - gedeactiveerd\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:176 +msgid "[User ID not found]" +msgstr "[Gebruikers-ID niet gevonden]" + +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geheime sleutel zonder publieke sleutel - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 +#, c-format +msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" +msgstr "`%s' automatisch opgehaald via %s\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 +#, c-format +msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het ophalen van `%s' via %s: %s\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 +msgid "No fingerprint" +msgstr "Geen vingerafdruk" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 +#, c-format +msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" +msgstr "" +"Ongeldige sleutel %s is geldig gemaakt met --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 +#, c-format +msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" +msgstr "geen geheime subsleutel voor publieke subsleutel %s - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 +#, c-format +msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" +msgstr "subsleutel %s wordt gebruikt in plaats van primaire sleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +msgid "make a signature" +msgstr "maak een ondertekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +msgid "make a clear text signature" +msgstr "maak een ondertekening in klare tekst" + +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +msgid "make a detached signature" +msgstr "maak een ontkoppelde ondertekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +msgid "encrypt data" +msgstr "versleutel gegevens" + +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" +msgstr "enkel versleutelen met het symmetrisch versleutelingsalgoritme" + +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +msgid "decrypt data (default)" +msgstr "ontcijfer gegevens (standaard)" + +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +msgid "verify a signature" +msgstr "controleer een ondertekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +msgid "list keys" +msgstr "toon sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:400 +msgid "list keys and signatures" +msgstr "toon sleutels en ondertekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:401 +msgid "list and check key signatures" +msgstr "toon en controleer sleutelondertekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +msgid "list keys and fingerprints" +msgstr "toon sleutels en vingerafdrukken" + +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +msgid "list secret keys" +msgstr "toon geheime sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +msgid "generate a new key pair" +msgstr "maak een nieuw sleutelpaar aan" + +#: g10/gpg.c:405 +msgid "generate a revocation certificate" +msgstr "maak een intrekkingscertificaat aan" + +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" +msgstr "verwijder sleutels uit de publieke sleutelring" + +#: g10/gpg.c:409 +msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" +msgstr "verwijder sleutels uit de geheime sleutelring" + +#: g10/gpg.c:410 +msgid "sign a key" +msgstr "onderteken een sleutel" + +#: g10/gpg.c:411 +msgid "sign a key locally" +msgstr "onderteken een sleutel lokaal" + +#: g10/gpg.c:412 +msgid "sign or edit a key" +msgstr "onderteken of bewerk een sleutel" + +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +msgid "change a passphrase" +msgstr "wijzig een wachtwoordzin" + +#: g10/gpg.c:416 +msgid "export keys" +msgstr "exporteer sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +msgid "export keys to a key server" +msgstr "exporteer sleutels naar een sleutelserver" + +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +msgid "import keys from a key server" +msgstr "importeer sleutels van een sleutelserver" + +#: g10/gpg.c:420 +msgid "search for keys on a key server" +msgstr "zoek naar sleutels op een sleutelserver" + +#: g10/gpg.c:422 +msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" +msgstr "alle sleutels bijwerken vanaf een sleutelserver" + +#: g10/gpg.c:427 +msgid "import/merge keys" +msgstr "sleutels importeren/samenvoegen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:430 +msgid "print the card status" +msgstr "toon de kaartstatus" + +#: g10/gpg.c:431 +msgid "change data on a card" +msgstr "wijzig gegevens op een kaart" + +#: g10/gpg.c:432 +msgid "change a card's PIN" +msgstr "wijzig de pincode van een kaart" + +#: g10/gpg.c:442 +msgid "update the trust database" +msgstr "werk de database met betrouwbaarheidsinformatie bij" + +#: g10/gpg.c:449 +msgid "print message digests" +msgstr "toon de hash-waarden van het bericht" + +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +msgid "run in server mode" +msgstr "in servermodus uitvoeren" + +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +msgid "create ascii armored output" +msgstr "creëer uitvoer in ascii-harnas" + +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" +msgstr "|GEBRUIKERS-ID|versleutel voor GEBRUIKERS-ID" + +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" +msgstr "" +"|GEBRUIKERS-ID|gebruik deze GEBRUIKERS-ID om te ondertekenen of te " +"ontcijferen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:475 +msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" +msgstr "|N|stel compressieniveau N in (0 voor geen)" + +#: g10/gpg.c:481 +msgid "use canonical text mode" +msgstr "gebruik de gebruikelijke tekstmodus" + +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|schrijf uitvoer weg naar BESTAND" + +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +msgid "do not make any changes" +msgstr "maak geen wijzigingen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:515 +msgid "prompt before overwriting" +msgstr "niet overschrijven zonder te vragen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:560 +msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" +msgstr "strikt OpenPGP-gedrag toepassen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +msgid "" +"@\n" +"(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" +msgstr "" +"@\n" +"(zie de man-pagina voor een complete lijst van alle commando's en opties)\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +msgid "" +"@\n" +"Examples:\n" +"\n" +" -se -r Bob [file] sign and encrypt for user Bob\n" +" --clearsign [file] make a clear text signature\n" +" --detach-sign [file] make a detached signature\n" +" --list-keys [names] show keys\n" +" --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" +msgstr "" +"@\n" +"Voorbeelden:\n" +"\n" +" -se -r Bob [bestand] onderteken en versleutel voor gebruiker Bob\n" +" --clearsign [bestand] maak een ondertekening in klare tekst\n" +" --detach-sign [bestand] maak een ontkoppelde ondertekening\n" +" --list-keys [namen] toon sleutels\n" +" --fingerprint [namen] toon vingerafdrukken\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:858 +msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpg [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: g10/gpg.c:861 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" +"Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" +"Default operation depends on the input data\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg [opties] [bestanden]\n" +"Onderteken, controleer, versleutel of ontcijfer\n" +"Standaardactie is afhankelijk van de gegevensinvoer\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Supported algorithms:\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Ondersteunde algoritmes:\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:875 +msgid "Pubkey: " +msgstr "Publieke sleutel: " + +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 +msgid "Cipher: " +msgstr "Versleutelingsalgoritme: " + +#: g10/gpg.c:889 +msgid "Hash: " +msgstr "Hashalgoritme: " + +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 +msgid "Compression: " +msgstr "Compressiealgoritme: " + +#: g10/gpg.c:965 +msgid "usage: gpg [options] " +msgstr "gebruik: gpg [opties] " + +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +msgid "conflicting commands\n" +msgstr "conflicterende commando's\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 +#, c-format +msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" +msgstr "geen '='-teken gevonden in de groepsdefinitie `%s'\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen van thuismap `%s'\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen van configuratiebestand `%s'\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: onveilige eigendomsinstellingen van uitbreiding ‘%s’\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: toegangsrechten van thuismap `%s' zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: toegangsrechten van configuratiebestand `%s' zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: toegangsrechten van uitbreiding ‘%s’ zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de eigendomsinstellingen van de map waarin de thuismap `%s' " +"zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de eigendomsinstellingen van de map waarin configuratiebestand " +"`%s' zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de eigendomsinstellingen van de map waarin uitbreiding `%s' " +"zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de toegangsrechten van de map waarin de thuismap `%s' zich " +"bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de toegangsrechten van de map waarin configuratiebestand `%s' " +"zich bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de toegangsrechten van de map waarin uitbreiding `%s' zich " +"bevindt, zijn onveilig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 +#, c-format +msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" +msgstr "onbekend configuratie-item `%s'\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" +msgstr "toon identiteitsfoto's bij de lijst van sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" +msgstr "toon richtlijn-URL's bij de lijst van handtekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +msgid "show all notations during signature listings" +msgstr "toon alle notaties bij het weergeven van de lijst van handtekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" +msgstr "" +"toon IETF-standaardnotaties bij het weergeven van de lijst van handtekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 +msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" +msgstr "" +"toon door de gebruiker gemaakte notaties bij het weergeven van de lijst van " +"handtekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 +msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" +msgstr "" +"toon de URL van de voorkeurssleutelserver bij de lijst van handtekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 +msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" +msgstr "toon de geldigheid van de gebruikers-ID bij de lijst van sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 +msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" +msgstr "" +"toon de ingetrokken en verlopen gebruikers-ID's bij de lijst van sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 +msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" +msgstr "toon de ingetrokken en vervallen subsleutels bij de lijst van sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 +msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" +msgstr "toon de naam van de sleutelring bij de lijst van sleutels" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 +msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" +msgstr "toon de vervaldata bij de lijst van handtekeningen" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" +msgstr "NOOT: oud bestand `%s' met standaardopties werd genegeerd\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 +#, c-format +msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" +msgstr "libgcrypt is te oud (heb %s nodig, heb %s)\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" +msgstr "NOOT: %s is niet bedoeld voor normaal gebruik!\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 +#, c-format +msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" +msgstr "`%s' is geen geldige vervaldatum voor handtekeningen\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 +#, c-format +msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" +msgstr "`%s' is geen geldige tekenset\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 +msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" +msgstr "kon de URL van de sleutelserver niet ontleden\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige sleutelserveropties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" +msgstr "ongeldige sleutelserveropties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige importopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +msgid "invalid import options\n" +msgstr "ongeldige importopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige exportopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +msgid "invalid export options\n" +msgstr "ongeldige exportopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige lijstopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +msgid "invalid list options\n" +msgstr "ongeldige lijstopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 +msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" +msgstr "toon identiteitsfoto's bij het controleren van de handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" +msgstr "toon richtlijn-URL's bij het controleren van de handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 +msgid "show all notations during signature verification" +msgstr "toon alle notaties bij het controleren van de handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 +msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" +msgstr "toon IETF-standaardnotaties bij het controleren van de handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 +msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" +msgstr "" +"toon door de gebruiker gemaakte notaties bij het controleren van de " +"handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 +msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" +msgstr "" +"toon de URL van de voorkeurssleutelserver bij het controleren van de " +"handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 +msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" +msgstr "" +"toon de geldigheid van de gebruikers-ID bij het controleren van de " +"handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 +msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" +msgstr "" +"toon de ingetrokken en vervallen gebruikers-ID's bij het controleren van de " +"handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 +msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" +msgstr "" +"toon enkel de primaire gebruikers-ID bij het controleren van de handtekening" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 +msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" +msgstr "valideer ondertekeningen met PKA-gegevens" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 +msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" +msgstr "" +"verhoog de betrouwbaarheid van ondertekeningen met geldige PKA-gegevens" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: ongeldige verificatieopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 +msgid "invalid verify options\n" +msgstr "ongeldige verificatieopties\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" +msgstr "kon het pad naar het programma %s niet instellen\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: lijst voor het automatisch opzoeken van sleutels is ongeldig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 +msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" +msgstr "lijst voor het automatisch opzoeken van sleutels is ongeldig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 +msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: het programma zou een core-dump-bestand kunnen maken!\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: %s heeft voorrang op %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 +#, c-format +msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" +msgstr "%s mag niet gebruikt worden met %s!\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 +#, c-format +msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" +msgstr "%s is zinloos in combinatie met %s!\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 +#, c-format +msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" +msgstr "zal met onveilig geheugen niet werken wegens %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 +msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" +msgstr "" +"enkel ontkoppelde ondertekeningen of handtekeningen in klare tekst zijn " +"mogelijk in de modus --pgp2\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 +msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" +msgstr "u kunt miet tegelijk ondertekenen en versleutelen in de modus --pgp2\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 +msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" +msgstr "u moet bestanden (en geen pipe) gebruiken in de modus --pgp2.\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 +msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" +msgstr "" +"om een bericht te versleutelen in de modus --pgp2 is het IDEA-" +"versleutelingsalgoritme nodig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 +msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" +msgstr "ongeldig versleutelingsalgoritme gekozen\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 +msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" +msgstr "ongeldig hashalgoritme gekozen\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 +msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" +msgstr "ongeldig compressiealgoritme gekozen\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 +msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" +msgstr "het gekozen hashalgoritme voor certificatie is ongeldig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 +msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" +msgstr "completes-needed moet groter zijn dan 0\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 +msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" +msgstr "marginals-needed moet groter zijn dan 1\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 +msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" +msgstr "max-cert-depth moet liggen tussen 1 en 255\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 +msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" +msgstr "ongeldig default-cert-level; moet 0, 1, 2 of 3 zijn\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 +msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" +msgstr "ongeldig min-cert-level; moet 1, 2 of 3 zijn\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 +msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" +msgstr "NOOT: eenvoudige S2K-modus (0) wordt sterk afgeraden\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 +msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" +msgstr "ongeldige S2K-modus; moet 0, 1 of 3 zijn\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 +msgid "invalid default preferences\n" +msgstr "ongeldige standaardvoorkeuren\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 +msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" +msgstr "ongeldige voorkeuren in het persoonlijk versleutelingsalgoritme\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 +msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" +msgstr "ongeldige voorkeuren in het persoonlijk hashalgoritme\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 +msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" +msgstr "ongeldige voorkeuren in het persoonlijk compressiealgoritme\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 +#, c-format +msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" +msgstr "%s werkt nog niet met %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 +#, c-format +msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" +msgstr "u mag versleutelingsalgoritme `%s' niet gebruiken in %s-modus\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 +#, c-format +msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" +msgstr "u mag hashalgoritme `%s' niet gebruiken in %s-modus\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 +#, c-format +msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" +msgstr "u mag compressiealgoritme `%s' niet gebruiken in %s-modus\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"initialiseren van de TrustDB (database van vertrouwen) is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 +msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: er werden ontvangers (-r) opgegeven zonder dat versleuteling " +"met een publieke sleutel toegepast wordt\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 +msgid "--store [filename]" +msgstr "--store [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 +msgid "--symmetric [filename]" +msgstr "--symmetric [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#, c-format +msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" +msgstr "symmetrische versleuteling van `%s' is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 +msgid "--encrypt [filename]" +msgstr "--encrypt [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 +msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" +msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 +msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" +msgstr "u kunt --symmetric --encrypt niet gebruiken samen met --s2k-mode 0\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#, c-format +msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" +msgstr "u kunt --symmetric --encrypt niet in %s-modus gebruiken\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 +msgid "--sign [filename]" +msgstr "--sign [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 +msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" +msgstr "--sign --encrypt [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 +msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" +msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 +msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" +msgstr "" +"u kunt --symmetric --sign --encrypt niet gebruiken samen met --s2k-mode 0\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 +#, c-format +msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" +msgstr "u kunt --symmetric --sign --encrypt niet in %s-modus gebruiken\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" +msgstr "--sign --symmetric [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 +msgid "--clearsign [filename]" +msgstr "--clearsign [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 +msgid "--decrypt [filename]" +msgstr "--decrypt [bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 +msgid "--sign-key user-id" +msgstr "--sign-key gebruikers-id" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 +msgid "--lsign-key user-id" +msgstr "--lsign-key gebruikers-id" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 +msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" +msgstr "--edit-key gebruikers-id [commando's]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 +msgid "--passwd " +msgstr "--passwd " + +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" +msgstr "verzenden naar sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" +msgstr "opvragen vanaf sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 +#, c-format +msgid "key export failed: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel exporteren is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" +msgstr "opzoeking op sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" +msgstr "verversen vanaf sleutelserver is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 +#, c-format +msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" +msgstr "ontmantelen van harnas is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 +#, c-format +msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" +msgstr "opbouwen van harnas is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" +msgstr "ongeldig hashalgoritme `%s'\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 +msgid "[filename]" +msgstr "[bestandsnaam]" + +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 +msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" +msgstr "U kunt uw bericht typen ...\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 +msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" +msgstr "de opgegeven URL voor certificeringsrichtlijnen is ongeldig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 +msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" +msgstr "de opgegeven URL voor ondertekeningsrichtlijnen is ongeldig\n" + +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 +msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" +msgstr "de opgegeven URL voor de voorkeurssleutelserver is ongeldig\n" + +#: g10/gpgv.c:74 +msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|gebruik de sleutels van de sleutelring BESTAND" + +#: g10/gpgv.c:76 +msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" +msgstr "maak dateringsconflicten slechts een waarschuwing waard" + +#: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 +msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" +msgstr "|FD|schrijf statusinformatie naar deze bestandsindicator (FD)" + +#: g10/gpgv.c:117 +msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpgv [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: g10/gpgv.c:119 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n" +"Check signatures against known trusted keys\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg [opties] [bestanden]\n" +"Controleer ondertekeningen via gekende en vertrouwde sleutels\n" + +#: g10/helptext.c:72 +msgid "No help available" +msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar" + +#: g10/helptext.c:82 +#, c-format +msgid "No help available for `%s'" +msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar voor `%s'" + +#: g10/import.c:98 +msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" +msgstr "importeer handtekeningen die als uitsluitend lokaal zijn gemarkeerd" + +#: g10/import.c:101 +msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" +msgstr "" +"herstel beschadigingen die ontstaan zijn bij het importeren vanuit de pks-" +"sleutelserver" + +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "" +"zet de waarden in verband met betrouwbaarheid bij het importeren niet op nul" + +#: g10/import.c:107 +msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgstr "werk de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) niet bij na het importeren" + +#: g10/import.c:110 +msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" +msgstr "" +"maak een publieke sleutel aan bij het importeren van een geheime sleutel" + +#: g10/import.c:113 +msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" +msgstr "accepteer alleen het bijwerken van bestaande sleutels" + +#: g10/import.c:116 +msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" +msgstr "verwijder onbruikbare delen van de sleutel na het importeren" + +#: g10/import.c:119 +msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" +msgstr "verwijder zo veel mogelijk van de sleutel na het importeren" + +#: g10/import.c:293 +#, c-format +msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" +msgstr "blok van het type %d wordt overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:302 +#, c-format +msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" +msgstr "%lu sleutels verwerkt tot dusver\n" + +#: g10/import.c:324 +#, c-format +msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" +msgstr " Totaal aantal verwerkt: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" +msgstr " overgeslagen nieuwe sleutels: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:329 +#, c-format +msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" +msgstr " zonder gebruikers-ID: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 +#, c-format +msgid " imported: %lu" +msgstr " geïmporteerd: %lu" + +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 +#, c-format +msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" +msgstr " onveranderd: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" +msgstr " nieuwe gebruikers-ID's: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" +msgstr " nieuwe subsleutels: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:343 +#, c-format +msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" +msgstr " nieuwe handtekeningen: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:345 +#, c-format +msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" +msgstr "nieuwe intrekkingen van sleutels: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 +#, c-format +msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" +msgstr " gelezen geheime sleutels: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 +#, c-format +msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" +msgstr " geïmporteerde geheime sleutels: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 +#, c-format +msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" +msgstr " ongewijzigde geheime sleutels: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid " not imported: %lu\n" +msgstr " niet geïmporteerd: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" +msgstr " opgeschoonde handtekeningen: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" +msgstr " opgeschoonde gebruikers-ID's: %lu\n" + +#: g10/import.c:659 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" +"algorithms on these user IDs:\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: sleutel %s bevat voorkeuren voor niet-beschikbare\n" +"algoritmes bij deze gebruikers-ID's:\n" + +#: g10/import.c:700 +#, c-format +msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" +msgstr " \"%s\": voorkeur voor versleutelingsalgoritme %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:715 +#, c-format +msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" +msgstr " \"%s\": voorkeur voor hashalgoritme %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:727 +#, c-format +msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" +msgstr " \"%s\": voorkeur voor compressiealgoritme %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:740 +msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" +msgstr "we raden u sterk aan om uw voorkeuren aan te passen en\n" + +#: g10/import.c:742 +msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" +msgstr "" +"om deze sleutel opnieuw te distribueren om mogelijke problemen met niet-" +"overeenstemmende algoritmes te voorkomen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:766 +#, c-format +msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" +msgstr "u kunt uw voorkeuren bijwerken met: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" + +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geen gebruikers-ID\n" + +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 +msgid "rejected by import filter" +msgstr "verworpen door de importfilter" + +#: g10/import.c:855 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: beschadigingen in PKS-subsleutel hersteld\n" + +#: g10/import.c:870 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: niet auto-gesigneerde gebruikers-ID \"%s\" aanvaard\n" + +#: g10/import.c:876 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geen geldige gebruikers-ID's\n" + +#: g10/import.c:878 +msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" +msgstr "" +"dit kan veroorzaakt worden door het ontbreken van een eigen ondertekening\n" + +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: publieke sleutel niet gevonden: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:894 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: nieuwe sleutel - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:903 +#, c-format +msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" +msgstr "geen sleutelring gevonden waarnaartoe geschreven kan worden: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#, c-format +msgid "writing to `%s'\n" +msgstr "aan het schrijven naar `%s'\n" + +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar sleutelring `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:932 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: publieke sleutel \"%s\" geïmporteerd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:956 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: stemt niet overeen met onze kopie\n" + +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: kan het originele sleutelblok niet vinden: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: kan het originele sleutelblok niet lezen: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1023 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" 1 nieuwe gebruikers-ID\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1026 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d nieuwe gebruikers-ID's\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1029 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" 1 nieuwe ondertekening\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1032 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d nieuwe ondertekeningen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1035 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" 1 nieuwe subsleutel\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1038 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d nieuwe subsleutels\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1041 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d ondertekening opgeschoond\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1044 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d ondertekeningen opgeschoond\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1047 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d gebruikers-ID opgeschoond\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1050 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" %d gebruikers-ID's opgeschoond\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1074 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" niet veranderd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format +msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" +msgstr "geheime sleutel %s: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 +msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" +msgstr "importeren van geheime sleutels is niet toegestaan\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1259 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: geheime sleutel met ongeldig versleutelingsalgoritme %d - " +"overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 +#, c-format +msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" +msgstr "geen standaardsleutelring voor geheime sleutels: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1298 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geheime sleutel geïmporteerd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1329 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: reeds in sleutelring van geheime sleutels\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1339 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geheime sleutel niet gevonden: %s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1371 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: geen publieke sleutel - kan intrekkingscertificaat niet " +"toepassen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1414 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldig intrekkingscertificaat: %s - afgewezen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1446 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" intrekkingscertificaat geïmporteerd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1522 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geen gebruikers-ID voor ondertekening\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1539 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: niet ondersteund publieke-sleutelalgoritme voor gebruikers-ID " +"\"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1541 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige eigen ondertekening bij gebruikers-ID \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: niet ondersteund publieke-sleutelalgoritme\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1559 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige rechtstreekse ondertekening van de sleutel\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1573 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor de koppeling met de sleutel\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1586 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige koppeling met de subsleutel\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1602 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: meervoudige koppeling met de subsleutel verwijderd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1624 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor het intrekken van de sleutel\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1637 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldige intrekking van subsleutel\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1652 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: meervoudige intrekking van de subsleutel verwijderd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1693 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: gebruikers-ID \"%s\" overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1714 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: subsleutel overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1741 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: ondertekening (klasse 0x%02X) kan niet geëxporteerd worden - " +"overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1751 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: intrekkingscertificaat op verkeerde plek - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1768 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: ongeldig intrekkingscertificaat: %s - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1782 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: ondertekening van subsleutel op de verkeerde plek - " +"overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1790 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: onverwachte ondertekening klasse (0x%02X) - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1919 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: duplicaat van gebruikers-ID gevonden - samengevoegd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1981 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: sleutel %s kan ingetrokken zijn: ophalen intrekkingssleutel " +"%s\n" + +#: g10/import.c:1995 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: sleutel %s kan ingetrokken zijn: intrekkingssleutel %s niet " +"aanwezig.\n" + +#: g10/import.c:2054 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: \"%s\" intrekkingscertificaat toegevoegd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:2088 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: directe ondertekening van de sleutel toegevoegd\n" + +#: g10/import.c:2489 +msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" +msgstr "" +"NOOT: een serienummer van een sleutel stemt niet overeen met die van de " +"kaart\n" + +#: g10/import.c:2497 +msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" +msgstr "NOOT: primaire sleutel is online en opgeslagen op de kaart\n" + +#: g10/import.c:2499 +msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" +msgstr "NOOT: secundaire sleutel is online en opgeslagen op de kaart\n" + +#: g10/keydb.c:182 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating keyring `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van de sleutelring `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/keydb.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" +msgstr "sleutelring `%s' is aangemaakt\n" + +#: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 +#, c-format +msgid "keyblock resource `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "bron van de sleutelblok `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/keydb.c:749 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" +msgstr "de cache van de sleutelring opnieuw bouwen is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +msgid "[revocation]" +msgstr "[intrekking]" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 +msgid "[self-signature]" +msgstr "[eigen ondertekening]" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 +msgid "1 bad signature\n" +msgstr "1 slechte ondertekening\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 +#, c-format +msgid "%d bad signatures\n" +msgstr "%d slechte ondertekeningen\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 +msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" +msgstr "" +"1 ondertekening werd niet gecontroleerd wegens een ontbrekende sleutel\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 +#, c-format +msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" +msgstr "" +"%d ondertekeningen werden niet gecontroleerd wegens ontbrekende sleutels\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 +msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" +msgstr "1 ondertekening werd niet gecontroleerd wegens een fout\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 +#, c-format +msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" +msgstr "%d ondertekeningen werden niet gecontroleerd wegens fouten\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 +msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" +msgstr "1 gebruikers-ID gevonden zonder geldige eigen handtekening\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 +#, c-format +msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" +msgstr "%d gebruikers-ID's gevonden zonder geldige eigen handtekening\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 +msgid "" +"Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " +"keys\n" +"(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " +"etc.)\n" +msgstr "" +"Geef aan in welke mate u er op vertrouwt dat deze gebruiker de sleutels van " +"andere gebruikers op correcte wijze controleert\n" +"(door het paspoort te bekijken, vingerafdrukken uit verschillende bronnen te " +"checken, enz.)\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#, c-format +msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" +msgstr " %d = Ik vertrouw het maar marginaal\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#, c-format +msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" +msgstr " %d = Ik vertrouw het volledig\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 +msgid "" +"Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" +"A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" +"trust signatures on your behalf.\n" +msgstr "" +"Geef aan hoe groot het vertrouwen mag zijn in deze betrouwbare " +"handtekening.\n" +"Als de waarde groter dan 1 is, stelt u de sleutel die u ondertekent, in de\n" +"mogelijkheid om in uw plaats handtekeningen van vertrouwen te plaatsen.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 +msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" +msgstr "" +"Voer een domein in als u de geldigheid van de handtekening daartoe wilt " +"beperken, laat leeg voor geen beperking.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is ingetrokken." + +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 +msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Weet U zeker dat U die nog steeds wilt ondertekenen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 +msgid " Unable to sign.\n" +msgstr " Ondertekenen is niet mogelijk.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is vervallen." + +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is niet auto-gesigneerd." + +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" kan ondertekend worden. " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 +msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Ondertekenen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" +"is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" +msgstr "" +"De eigen ondertekening van \"%s\"\n" +"is een ondertekening van het type PGP 2.x.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 +msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " +msgstr "" +"Wilt u ze opwaarderen tot een eigen ondertekening van het type OpenPGP? (j/" +"N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" +"has expired.\n" +msgstr "" +"Uw huidige ondertekening op \"%s\"\n" +"is verlopen.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 +msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " +msgstr "" +"Wilt U een nieuwe ondertekening uitgeven om de vervallen te vervangen ? (j/" +"N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" +"is a local signature.\n" +msgstr "" +"Uw huidige ondertekening op \"%s\"\n" +"is een lokale ondertekening.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 +msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " +msgstr "" +"Wilt u ze opwaarderen naar een ondertekening die volledig exporteerbaar is? " +"(j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 +#, c-format +msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" was reeds lokaal ondertekend met sleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" was reeds ondertekend met sleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 +msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u die toch opnieuw ondertekenen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 +#, c-format +msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" +msgstr "Er valt niets te ondertekenen met sleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 +msgid "This key has expired!" +msgstr "Deze sleutel is verlopen!" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 +#, c-format +msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" +msgstr "Deze sleutel zal vervallen op %s.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 +msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " +msgstr "Wilt u uw handtekening op hetzelfde moment laten vervallen? (J/n) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 +msgid "" +"You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " +"mode.\n" +msgstr "" +"U mag geen OpenPGP-ondertekening zetten bij een sleutel van het type PGP 2.x " +"als u de modus --pgp2 gebruikt.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 +msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" +msgstr "Dit zou de sleutel onbruikbaar maken met PGP 2.x.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 +msgid "" +"How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " +"belongs\n" +"to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" +msgstr "" +"Hoe zorgvuldig heeft u gecontroleerd dat de sleutel die u gaat ondertekenen\n" +"werkelijk van de hiervoor genoemde persoon is? Indien u niet goed weet wat\n" +"te antwoorden, geef dan \"0\" op\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 +#, c-format +msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" +msgstr " (0) Hierop geef ik geen antwoord.%s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 +#, c-format +msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" +msgstr " (1) Ik heb dit helemaal niet gecontroleerd.%s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 +#, c-format +msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" +msgstr " (2) Ik heb een oppervlakkige controle uitgevoerd.%s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 +#, c-format +msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" +msgstr " (3) Ik heb dit zeer zorgvuldig gecontroleerd.%s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 +msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " +msgstr "Uw keuze? (type `?' voor meer informatie): " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" +"key \"%s\" (%s)\n" +msgstr "" +"Weet u zeker dat u deze sleutel wilt ondertekenen met uw\n" +"sleutel \"%s\" (%s)\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 +msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" +msgstr "Dit zal een eigen ondertekening zijn.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 +msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de ondertekening zal niet als niet-exporteerbaar\n" +" worden gemarkeerd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 +msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de ondertekening zal niet als niet in te trekken\n" +" worden gemarkeerd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 +msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" +msgstr "De ondertekening zal als niet-exporteerbaar gemarkeerd worden.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 +msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" +msgstr "De ondertekening zal als niet in te trekken gemarkeerd worden.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 +msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" +msgstr "Ik heb deze sleutel helemaal niet gecontroleerd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 +msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" +msgstr "Ik heb deze sleutel oppervlakkig gecontroleerd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 +msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" +msgstr "Ik heb deze sleutel zeer zorgvuldig gecontroleerd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 +msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " +msgstr "Echt ondertekenen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 +#, c-format +msgid "signing failed: %s\n" +msgstr "ondertekenen is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 +msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" +msgstr "" +"Deze sleutel bevat slechts partiële of op de kaart opgeslagen elementen - er " +"is geen wachtwoordzin die veranderd kan worden.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 +msgid "This key is not protected.\n" +msgstr "Deze sleutel is niet beveiligd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 +msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" +msgstr "Geheime delen van de primaire sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 +msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" +msgstr "Geheime delen van de primaire sleutel staan opgeslagen op de kaart.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 +msgid "Key is protected.\n" +msgstr "Sleutel is beveiligd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" +msgstr "Deze sleutel kan niet bewerkt worden: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 +msgid "" +"Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Voer de nieuwe wachtwoordzin voor deze geheime sleutel in.\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 +msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" +msgstr "de wachtwoordzin is niet twee keer dezelfde; probeer opnieuw" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 +msgid "" +"You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"U wilt geen wachtwoordzin - Dit is wellicht een *slecht* idee!\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 +msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u dit echt doen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 +msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" +msgstr "" +"de ondertekening van de sleutel wordt naar de juiste plaats verplaatst\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 +msgid "save and quit" +msgstr "opslaan en stoppen" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +msgid "show key fingerprint" +msgstr "toon de vingerafdruk van de sleutel" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 +msgid "list key and user IDs" +msgstr "toon sleutel en gebruikers-ID's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +msgid "select user ID N" +msgstr "selecteer gebruikers-ID N" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +msgid "select subkey N" +msgstr "selecteer subsleutel N" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 +msgid "check signatures" +msgstr "controleer handtekeningen" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 +msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" +msgstr "" +"onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's [* zie hieronder voor gerelateerde " +"commando's]" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 +msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" +msgstr "onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's lokaal" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 +msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" +msgstr "" +"onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's met een handtekening van vertrouwen" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 +msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" +msgstr "" +"onderteken geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's met een handtekening die niet " +"ingetrokken kan worden" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 +msgid "add a user ID" +msgstr "voeg een gebruikers-ID toe" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 +msgid "add a photo ID" +msgstr "voeg een identiteitsfoto toe" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 +msgid "delete selected user IDs" +msgstr "verwijder geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 +msgid "add a subkey" +msgstr "voeg een subsleutel toe" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 +msgid "add a key to a smartcard" +msgstr "voeg een sleutel toe op een chipkaart" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 +msgid "move a key to a smartcard" +msgstr "verplaats een sleutel naar een chipkaart" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 +msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" +msgstr "verplaats een reservesleutel naar een chipkaart" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 +msgid "delete selected subkeys" +msgstr "verwijder de geselecteerde subsleutels" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 +msgid "add a revocation key" +msgstr "voeg een intrekkingssleutel toe" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 +msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" +msgstr "verwijder ondertekeningen van de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 +msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" +msgstr "verander de vervaldatum van de sleutel of de geselecteerde subsleutels" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 +msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" +msgstr "markeer de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID als primair" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 +msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" +msgstr "wissel tussen de lijst met geheime en die met publieke sleutels" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 +msgid "list preferences (expert)" +msgstr "toon voorkeuren (expert)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 +msgid "list preferences (verbose)" +msgstr "toon voorkeuren (uitvoerig)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 +msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" +msgstr "stel de lijst met voorkeuren in voor de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 +msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" +msgstr "" +"stel de URL in van de voorkeurssleutelserver voor de geselecteerde " +"gebruikers-ID's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 +msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" +msgstr "stel een notatie in voor de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 +msgid "change the passphrase" +msgstr "wijzig de wachtwoordzin" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 +msgid "change the ownertrust" +msgstr "wijzig de betrouwbaarheidsinformatie" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 +msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" +msgstr "trek de handtekeningen op de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's in" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 +msgid "revoke selected user IDs" +msgstr "trek de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's in" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" +msgstr "trek de sleutel of de geselecteerde subsleutels in" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +msgid "enable key" +msgstr "activeer de sleutel" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +msgid "disable key" +msgstr "deactiveer de sleutel" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 +msgid "show selected photo IDs" +msgstr "toon de geselecteerde identiteitsfoto's" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 +msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" +msgstr "" +"comprimeer onbruikbare gebruikers-ID's en verwijder onbruikbare " +"handtekeningen van de sleutel" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 +msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" +msgstr "" +"comprimeer onbruikbare gebruikers-ID's en verwijder alle handtekeningen van " +"de sleutel" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van het geheime sleutelblok \"%s\": %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 +msgid "Secret key is available.\n" +msgstr "Geheime sleutel is beschikbaar.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 +msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" +msgstr "Hiervoor is de geheime sleutel nodig.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 +msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" +msgstr "Gebruik eerst het commando \"toggle\" (wisselen).\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 +msgid "" +"* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " +"(lsign),\n" +" a `t' for trust signatures (tsign), an `nr' for non-revocable signatures\n" +" (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" +msgstr "" +"* Het commando `sign' (ondertekenen) kan worden voorafgegaan door een\n" +" `l' (lsign) om een lokale ondertekening te maken, een `t' (tsign) om een\n" +" handtekening van vertrouwen te plaatsen, een `nr' (nrsign) om een\n" +" niet-intrekbare handtekening te zetten, of om het even welke combinatie\n" +" hiervan (ltsign, tnrsign, enz.).\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 +msgid "Key is revoked." +msgstr "Sleutel werd ingetrokken." + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 +msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " +msgstr "Echt alle gebruikers-ID's ondertekenen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 +msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" +msgstr "Hint: Selecteer de gebruikers-ID's die U wilt ondertekenen\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" +msgstr "Onbekend ondertekeningstype ‘%s’\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 +#, c-format +msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" +msgstr "Dit commando is niet toegestaan in %s-modus.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 +msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" +msgstr "U moet minimaal één gebruikers-ID selecteren.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 +msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" +msgstr "U kunt de laatste gebruikers-ID niet verwijderen!\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 +msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " +msgstr "Werkelijk alle geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's verwijderen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 +msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u deze gebruikers-ID echt verwijderen? (j/N) " + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about +#. moving the key and not about removing it. +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 +msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u echt de primaire sleutel verplaatsen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 +msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" +msgstr "U moet exact één sleutel selecteren.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 +msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" +msgstr "Commando verwacht een bestandsnaam als parameter\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "Kan `%s' niet openen: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 +#, c-format +msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "Fout bij het lezen van reservesleutel van `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 +msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" +msgstr "U moet minimaal één sleutel selecteren.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u de geselecteerde sleutels echt wissen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u deze sleutel echt wissen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 +msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u alle geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's echt intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 +msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u deze gebruikers-ID echt intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 +msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u echt de volledige sleutel intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 +msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt U de geselecteerde subsleutels echt intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 +msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt U deze subsleutel echt intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 +msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" +msgstr "" +"Betrouwbaarheidsinformatie kan niet ingesteld worden wanneer gebruik\n" +"gemaakt wordt van een door een gebruiker zelf verstrekte vertrouwenslijst\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 +msgid "Set preference list to:\n" +msgstr "Stel voorkeurenlijst in op:\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 +msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " +msgstr "" +"De voorkeuren voor de geselecteerde gebruikers-ID's echt aanpassen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 +msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " +msgstr "De voorkeuren echt aanpassen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 +msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " +msgstr "Aanpassingen opslaan? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 +msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " +msgstr "Stoppen zonder opslaan? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 +#, c-format +msgid "update failed: %s\n" +msgstr "aanpassen is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 +#, c-format +msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" +msgstr "aanpassen van geheime gedeelte is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 +msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" +msgstr "Sleutel is niet veranderd, dus er is geen aanpassing nodig.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 +msgid "Digest: " +msgstr "Hashing: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +msgid "Features: " +msgstr "Functies: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 +msgid "Keyserver no-modify" +msgstr "Sleutelserver zonder wijziging" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 +msgid "Preferred keyserver: " +msgstr "Voorkeurssleutelserver: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 +msgid "Notations: " +msgstr "Notaties: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 +msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" +msgstr "Een gebruikers-ID in een formaat PGP 2.x kent geen voorkeuren.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" +msgstr "De volgende sleutel werd ingetrokken op %s door %s sleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 +#, c-format +msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" +msgstr "Deze sleutel kan ingetrokken zijn door %s sleutel %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 +msgid "(sensitive)" +msgstr "(gevoelig)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 +#: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 +#, c-format +msgid "created: %s" +msgstr "aangemaakt op: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#, c-format +msgid "revoked: %s" +msgstr "ingetrokken op: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#, c-format +msgid "expired: %s" +msgstr "verlopen op: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 +#: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 +#, c-format +msgid "expires: %s" +msgstr "vervaldatum: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 +#, c-format +msgid "usage: %s" +msgstr "gebruik: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#, c-format +msgid "trust: %s" +msgstr "betrouwbaarheid: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 +#, c-format +msgid "validity: %s" +msgstr "geldigheid: %s" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 +msgid "This key has been disabled" +msgstr "Deze sleutel werd uitgeschakeld" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 +msgid "card-no: " +msgstr "kaartnummer: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 +msgid "" +"Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" +"unless you restart the program.\n" +msgstr "" +"Houd er rekening mee dat de getoonde geldigheid van de sleutel niet\n" +"noodzakelijk correct is, tenzij u de applicatie herstart.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +msgid "revoked" +msgstr "ingetrokken" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +msgid "expired" +msgstr "verlopen" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 +msgid "" +"WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" +" cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Er werd geen gebruikers-ID als primair gemarkeerd. Door dit\n" +" programma te gebruiken kan er een andere gebruikers-ID de\n" +" veronderstelde primaire ID worden.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "U kunt de vervaldatum van een v3-sleutel niet veranderen\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 +msgid "" +"WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " +"versions\n" +" of PGP to reject this key.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Dit is een sleutel in PGP2-formaat. Het toevoegen van een\n" +" identiteitsfoto kan er voor zorgen dat sommige versies van " +"PGP\n" +" deze sleutel zullen verwerpen.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 +msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Weet U zeker dat u die nog steeds wilt toevoegen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 +msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" +msgstr "" +"U kunt geen identiteitsfoto toevoegen aan een sleutel in PGP2-formaat.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 +msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" +msgstr "Deze goede handtekening verwijderen? (j/N/s)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 +msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" +msgstr "Deze ongeldige handtekening verwijderen? (j/N/s)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 +msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" +msgstr "Deze onbekende handtekening verwijderen? (j/N/s)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 +msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" +msgstr "Deze eigen handtekening echt verwijderen? (j/N)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 +#, c-format +msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" +msgstr "%d handtekening verwijderd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 +#, c-format +msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" +msgstr "%d handtekeningen verwijderd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 +msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" +msgstr "Niets verwijderd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 +msgid "invalid" +msgstr "ongeldig" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is gecomprimeerd: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": %d handtekening verwijderd\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": %d handtekeningen verwijderd\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": reeds geminimaliseerd\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 +#, c-format +msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID \"%s\": reeds opgeschoond\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 +msgid "" +"WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " +"cause\n" +" some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Dit is een sleutel van het type PGP 2.x. Het toevoegen van " +"een\n" +" bevoegde intrekker kan er voor zorgen dat sommige PGP-versies\n" +" deze sleutel zullen verwerpen.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 +msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" +msgstr "" +"U mag geen bevoegde intrekker toevoegen aan een sleutel van het type PGP 2." +"x.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 +msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " +msgstr "Geef de gebruikers-ID van de bevoegde intrekker: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 +msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" +msgstr "" +"kan geen sleutel van het type PGP 2.x aanstellen als bevoegde intrekker\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 +msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" +msgstr "u kunt een sleutel niet aanstellen als zijn eigen bevoegde intrekker\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 +msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" +msgstr "deze sleutel is al aangesteld als bevoegde intrekker\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 +msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: een sleutel aanstellen als bevoegde intrekker kan niet " +"ongedaan\n" +" gemaakt worden!\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " +msgstr "" +"Weet u zeker dat u deze sleutel wilt aanstellen als bevoegde intrekker? (j/" +"N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 +msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" +msgstr "Haal de gekozen onderdelen uit de geheime sleutels.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 +msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" +msgstr "Selecteer hoogstens één subsleutel.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 +msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" +msgstr "De vervaldatum van een subsleutel wordt veranderd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 +msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" +msgstr "De vervaldatum van de primaire sleutel wordt veranderd.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 +msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgstr "U kunt de vervaldatum van een v3-sleutel niet veranderen\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 +msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" +msgstr "Er is geen overeenkomstige ondertekening in de geheime sleutelring\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 +#, c-format +msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" +msgstr "" +"er gebeurde reeds een kruiscertificering van de ondertekening van subsleutel " +"%s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 +#, c-format +msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" +msgstr "" +"subsleutel %s ondertekent niet en heeft dus geen kruiscertificering nodig\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 +msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" +msgstr "Selecteer exact één gebruikers-ID.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 +#, c-format +msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "" +"de eigen ondertekening in v3-stijl van gebruikers-ID \"%s\" wordt " +"overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 +msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " +msgstr "Geef de URL van de sleutelserver van uw voorkeur: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 +msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u die wilt vervangen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u die wilt verwijderen? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 +msgid "Enter the notation: " +msgstr "Voer de notatie in: " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 +msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " +msgstr "Doorgaan? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 +#, c-format +msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" +msgstr "Er is geen gebruikers-ID met index %d\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 +#, c-format +msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" +msgstr "Er is geen gebruikers-ID met hash %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 +#, c-format +msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" +msgstr "Er is geen subsleutel met index %d\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 +#, c-format +msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "gebruikers-ID: \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 +#, c-format +msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" +msgstr "ondertekend met uw sleutel %s op %s%s%s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 +msgid " (non-exportable)" +msgstr " (niet exporteerbaar)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 +#, c-format +msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" +msgstr "Deze ondertekening is verlopen op %s.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 +msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u die nog altijd wilt intrekken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 +msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " +msgstr "Een intrekkingscertificaat voor deze ondertekening aanmaken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 +msgid "Not signed by you.\n" +msgstr "Niet door u ondertekend.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 +#, c-format +msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" +msgstr "U heeft deze gebruikers-ID's op sleutel %s ondertekend:\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 +msgid " (non-revocable)" +msgstr " (niet intrekbaar)" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 +#, c-format +msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" +msgstr "ingetrokken door uw sleutel %s op %s\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 +msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" +msgstr "U staat op het punt deze ondertekeningen in te trekken:\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 +msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u deze intrekkingscertificaten echt aanmaken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 +msgid "no secret key\n" +msgstr "geen geheime sleutel\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 +#, c-format +msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" +msgstr "gebruikers-ID \"%s\" is reeds ingetrokken\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: de ondertekening van een gebruikers-ID\n" +" is %d seconden in de toekomst gedateerd\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 +#, c-format +msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" +msgstr "Sleutel %s is reeds ingetrokken.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 +#, c-format +msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" +msgstr "Subsleutel %s is reeds ingetrokken.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 +#, c-format +msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" +msgstr "" +"%s identiteitsfoto van formaat %ld voor sleutel %s (gebruikers-ID %d) wordt " +"getoond\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:273 +#, c-format +msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" +msgstr "voorkeur `%s' heeft duplicaat\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:280 +msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" +msgstr "te veel voorkeursinstellingen voor versleuteling\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:282 +msgid "too many digest preferences\n" +msgstr "te veel voorkeursinstellingen voor hashing\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:284 +msgid "too many compression preferences\n" +msgstr "te veel voorkeursinstellingen voor compressie\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:424 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" +msgstr "ongeldig item `%s' in voorkeursinstellingen\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:905 +msgid "writing direct signature\n" +msgstr "directe ondertekening wordt weggeschreven\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:947 +msgid "writing self signature\n" +msgstr "eigen handtekening wordt weggeschreven\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 +msgid "writing key binding signature\n" +msgstr "de ondertekening van de koppeling met de sleutel wordt weggeschreven\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 +#, c-format +msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" +msgstr "sleutelgrootte is ongeldig; %u bit wordt gebruikt\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 +#, c-format +msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" +msgstr "sleutelgrootte afgerond op %u bits\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 +msgid "" +"WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: sommige OpenPGP-programma's kunnen niet overweg met een\n" +" DSA-sleutel van deze hashgrootte\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 +msgid "Sign" +msgstr "Ondertekenen" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 +msgid "Certify" +msgstr "Certificeren" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 +msgid "Encrypt" +msgstr "Versleutelen" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 +msgid "Authenticate" +msgstr "Authenticeren" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the +#. translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The +#. string needs to 8 bytes long. Here is a description of the +#. functions: +#. +#. s = Toggle signing capability +#. e = Toggle encryption capability +#. a = Toggle authentication capability +#. q = Finish +#. +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 +msgid "SsEeAaQq" +msgstr "OoVvAaSs" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1615 +#, c-format +msgid "Possible actions for a %s key: " +msgstr "Mogelijke acties voor een %s-sleutel: " + +#: g10/keygen.c:1619 +msgid "Current allowed actions: " +msgstr "Momenteel toegestane acties: " + +#: g10/keygen.c:1624 +#, c-format +msgid " (%c) Toggle the sign capability\n" +msgstr " (%c) De bekwaamheid om te onderteken activeren/deactiveren\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1627 +#, c-format +msgid " (%c) Toggle the encrypt capability\n" +msgstr " (%c) De bekwaamheid om te versleutelen activeren/deactiveren\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1630 +#, c-format +msgid " (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n" +msgstr " (%c) De bekwaamheid om te authenticeren activeren/deactiveren\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1633 +#, c-format +msgid " (%c) Finished\n" +msgstr " (%c) Klaar\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" +msgstr "Selecteer het soort sleutel dat u wilt:\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA en RSA (standaard)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" +msgstr " (%d) DSA en Elgamal\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" +msgstr " (%d) DSA (alleen ondertekenen)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA (alleen ondertekenen)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" +msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (alleen versleutelen)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA (alleen versleutelen)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" +msgstr " (%d) DSA (eigen bekwaamheden instellen)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA (eigen bekwaamheden instellen)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 +#, c-format +msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" +msgstr "%s-sleutels moeten tussen %u en %u bits lang zijn.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 +#, c-format +msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " +msgstr "Welke sleutellengte wilt u voor de subsleutel? (%u) " + +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " +msgstr "Welke sleutellengte wilt u? (%u) " + +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#, c-format +msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" +msgstr "Gevraagde sleutellengte is %u bits\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 +msgid "" +"Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" +" 0 = key does not expire\n" +" = key expires in n days\n" +" w = key expires in n weeks\n" +" m = key expires in n months\n" +" y = key expires in n years\n" +msgstr "" +"Geef aan hoe lang de sleutel geldig moet zijn.\n" +" 0 = sleutel verloopt nooit\n" +" = sleutel verloopt na n dagen\n" +" w = sleutel verloopt na n weken\n" +" m = sleutel verloopt na n maanden\n" +" y = sleutel verloopt na n jaar\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 +msgid "" +"Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" +" 0 = signature does not expire\n" +" = signature expires in n days\n" +" w = signature expires in n weeks\n" +" m = signature expires in n months\n" +" y = signature expires in n years\n" +msgstr "" +"Geef aan hoe lang de ondertekening geldig moet zijn.\n" +" 0 = ondertekening verloopt nooit\n" +" = ondertekening verloopt na n dagen\n" +" w = ondertekening verloopt na n weken\n" +" m = ondertekening verloopt na n maanden\n" +" y = ondertekening verloopt na n jaar\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 +msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " +msgstr "Hoe lang moet de sleutel geldig zijn? (0) " + +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " +msgstr "Hoe lang moet de ondertekening geldig zijn? (%s) " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 +msgid "invalid value\n" +msgstr "ongeldige waarde\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 +msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" +msgstr "Sleutel verloopt helemaal niet\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 +msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" +msgstr "Ondertekening verloopt helemaal niet\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 +#, c-format +msgid "Key expires at %s\n" +msgstr "Sleutel vervalt op %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" +msgstr "Ondertekening vervalt op %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 +msgid "" +"Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" +"However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" +msgstr "" +"Uw systeem kan geen datum weergeven na 2038.\n" +"Data worden echter wel juist verwerkt tot 2106.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 +msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " +msgstr "Is dit correct? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 +msgid "" +"\n" +"GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"GnuPG moet een gebruikers-ID bouwen ter identificatie van uw sleutel.\n" +"\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used +#. but you should keep your existing translation. In case +#. the new string is not translated this old string will +#. be used. +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 +msgid "" +"\n" +"You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " +"ID\n" +"from the Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form:\n" +" \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"U heeft een gebruikers-ID nodig om uw sleutel te identificeren; de software\n" +"construeert de gebruikers-ID aan de hand van de werkelijke naam, de\n" +"toelichting en het e-mailadres in het volgende formaat:\n" +" \"Heinrich Heine (De dichter) \"\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 +msgid "Real name: " +msgstr "Werkelijke naam: " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 +msgid "Invalid character in name\n" +msgstr "Ongeldig teken in de naam\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 +msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" +msgstr "Een naam mag niet met een cijfer beginnen\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 +msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" +msgstr "Een naam moet minimaal 5 tekens lang zijn\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 +msgid "Email address: " +msgstr "E-mailadres: " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 +msgid "Not a valid email address\n" +msgstr "Geen geldig e-mailadres\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 +msgid "Comment: " +msgstr "Toelichting: " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 +msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" +msgstr "Ongeldig teken in de toelichting\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 +#, c-format +msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" +msgstr "U gebruikt tekenset `%s'.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You selected this USER-ID:\n" +" \"%s\"\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"U heeft de volgende GEBRUIKERS-ID gekozen:\n" +" \"%s\"\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 +msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" +msgstr "" +"Plaats het e-mailadres alstublieft niet bij de werkelijke naam of de " +"toelichting\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 +msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" +msgstr "Een dergelijke gebruikers-ID bestaat reeds voor deze sleutel!\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in +#. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching +#. string which should be translated accordingly and the +#. letter changed to match the one in the answer string. +#. +#. n = Change name +#. c = Change comment +#. e = Change email +#. o = Okay (ready, continue) +#. q = Quit +#. +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 +msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" +msgstr "NnTtEeOoSs" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 +msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " +msgstr "Wijzig (N)aam, (T)oelichting, (E)-mailadres of (S)toppen? " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 +msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " +msgstr "Wijzig (N)aam, (T)oelichting, (E)-mailadres of (O)ké/(S)toppen? " + +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 +msgid "Please correct the error first\n" +msgstr "Verbeter eerst de fout\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 +msgid "" +"You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"U heeft een wachtwoordzin nodig om uw geheime sleutel te beveiligen.\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 +msgid "" +"Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " +"encryption key." +msgstr "" +"Voer een wachtwoordzin in om de externe veiligheidskopie van de nieuwe " +"encryptiesleutel te beveiligen." + +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 +#, c-format +msgid "%s.\n" +msgstr "%s.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 +msgid "" +"You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" +"I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" +"using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"U wilt geen wachtwoordzin - dit is waarschijnlijk een *slecht* idee!\n" +"Ik ga het toch doen. U kunt uw wachtwoordzin op elk moment wijzigen\n" +"met behulp van dit programma en de optie \"--edit-key\".\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 +msgid "" +"We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" +"some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" +"disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" +"generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" +msgstr "" +"We moeten een hele hoop willekeurige bytes genereren. U doet er goed aan om\n" +"een andere activiteit te ondernemen (tikken op het toetsenbord, de muis\n" +"bewegen, de schijven gebruiken) tijdens het genereren van het priemgetal.\n" +"Dit geeft het programma dat het willekeurig getal genereert, meer kans om\n" +"voldoende entropie te verzamelen.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 +msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" +msgstr "Het aanmaken van de sleutel is geannuleerd.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 +#, c-format +msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel wordt weggeschreven naar `%s'\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 +#, c-format +msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" +msgstr "een stukje van de geheime sleutel wordt weggeschreven naar `%s'\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 +#, c-format +msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" +msgstr "geheime sleutel wordt weggeschreven naar `%s'\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 +#, c-format +msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"geen publieke sleutelring gevonden waarnaar geschreven kan worden: %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 +#, c-format +msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" +msgstr "geen geheime sleutelring gevonden waarnaar geschreven kan worden: %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar de publieke sleutelring `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar de geheime sleutelring `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 +msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" +msgstr "publieke en geheime sleutel zijn aangemaakt en ondertekend.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 +msgid "" +"Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" +"the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" +msgstr "" +"Noteer dat deze sleutel niet gebruikt kan worden voor versleuteling. U zou\n" +"het commando \"--edit-key\" kunnen gebruiken om voor dit doel een " +"subsleutel\n" +"aan te maken.\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 +#, c-format +msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" +msgstr "Sleutel aanmaken is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" +msgstr "" +"de sleutel werd %lu seconde in de toekomst aangemaakt (afwijkende tijd of er " +"is een probleem met de klok)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" +msgstr "" +"de sleutel werd %lu seconden in de toekomst aangemaakt (afwijkende tijd of " +"er is een probleem met de klok)\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 +msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" +msgstr "" +"NOOT: subsleutels aanmaken voor v3-sleutels is niet compatibel met OpenPGP\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 +msgid "Really create? (y/N) " +msgstr "Werkelijk aanmaken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 +#, c-format +msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" +msgstr "sleutel opslaan op kaart is niet gelukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 +#, c-format +msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan reservebestand `%s' niet aanmaken: %s\n" + +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" +msgstr "NOOT: reservebestand van de kaartsleutel opgeslagen als `%s'\n" + +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 +msgid "never " +msgstr "nooit " + +#: g10/keylist.c:273 +msgid "Critical signature policy: " +msgstr "Kritieke ondertekeningsrichtlijnen: " + +#: g10/keylist.c:275 +msgid "Signature policy: " +msgstr "Ondertekeningsrichtlijnen: " + +#: g10/keylist.c:314 +msgid "Critical preferred keyserver: " +msgstr "Kritieke voorkeurssleutelserver: " + +#: g10/keylist.c:367 +msgid "Critical signature notation: " +msgstr "Kritieke notatie van de handtekening: " + +#: g10/keylist.c:369 +msgid "Signature notation: " +msgstr "Notatie van de handtekening: " + +#: g10/keylist.c:479 +msgid "Keyring" +msgstr "Sleutelring" + +#: g10/keylist.c:1522 +msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" +msgstr "Vingerafdruk van de primaire sleutel:" + +#: g10/keylist.c:1524 +msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" +msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de subsleutel:" + +#. TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes to that the +#. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID +#: g10/keylist.c:1531 +msgid " Primary key fingerprint:" +msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de primaire sleutel:" + +#: g10/keylist.c:1533 +msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" +msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de subsleutel:" + +#: g10/keylist.c:1537 g10/keylist.c:1541 +msgid " Key fingerprint =" +msgstr " Vingerafdruk van de sleutel =" + +#: g10/keylist.c:1608 +msgid " Card serial no. =" +msgstr " Serienummer van de kaart =" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 +#, c-format +msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" +msgstr "het hernoemen van `%s' naar `%s' is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 +msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: er bestaan twee bestanden met vertrouwelijke informatie.\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 +#, c-format +msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" +msgstr "%s is het ongewijzigde\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 +#, c-format +msgid "%s is the new one\n" +msgstr "%s is het nieuwe\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 +msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" +msgstr "Los dit mogelijk veiligheidseuvel alstublieft op\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 +#, c-format +msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" +msgstr "sleutelring `%s' wordt in de cache geladen\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 +#, c-format +msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" +msgstr "%lu sleutels tot dusver in de cache geladen (%lu ondertekeningen)\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 +#, c-format +msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" +msgstr "%lu sleutels in de cache geladen (%lu ondertekeningen)\n" + +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: keyring created\n" +msgstr "%s: sleutelring aangemaakt\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:74 +msgid "include revoked keys in search results" +msgstr "ingetrokken sleutels ook weergeven bij de zoekresultaten" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:75 +msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" +msgstr "ook zoeken op subsleutels als gezocht wordt op sleutel-ID" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:77 +msgid "use temporary files to pass data to keyserver helpers" +msgstr "" +"gebruik tijdelijke bestanden om gegevens door te geven aan de " +"sleutelserverhelpers" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:79 +msgid "do not delete temporary files after using them" +msgstr "tijdelijke bestanden na gebruik niet verwijderen" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:83 +msgid "automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures" +msgstr "sleutels automatisch ophalen bij het controleren van ondertekeningen" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:85 +msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" +msgstr "" +"honoreer de URL van de voorkeurssleutelserver zoals die in de sleutel " +"vermeld staat" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:87 +msgid "honor the PKA record set on a key when retrieving keys" +msgstr "" +"honoreer bij het ophalen van de sleutel de PKA-staat die in de sleutel " +"vervat zit" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:153 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: sleutelserveroptie `%s' wordt niet gebruikt op dit platform\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:551 +msgid "disabled" +msgstr "uitgeschakeld" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:754 +msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " +msgstr "Voer (een) getal(len) in, V)olgende , of S)toppen > " + +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" +msgstr "ongeldig sleutelserverprotocol (wij %d!=verwerkingsroutine %d)\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:939 +#, c-format +msgid "key \"%s\" not found on keyserver\n" +msgstr "sleutel \"%s\" niet gevonden op de sleutelserver\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:941 +msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" +msgstr "sleutel niet gevonden op de sleutelserver\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 +#, c-format +msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" +msgstr "opvragen sleutel %s van %s server %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#, c-format +msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" +msgstr "opvragen sleutel %s van %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 +#, c-format +msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" +msgstr "namen zoeken van %s server %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 +#, c-format +msgid "searching for names from %s\n" +msgstr "namen zoeken van %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 +#, c-format +msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" +msgstr "versturen van sleutel %s naar %s server %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 +#, c-format +msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" +msgstr "versturen van sleutel %s naar %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 +#, c-format +msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" +msgstr "zoeken naar \"%s\" van %s server %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 +#, c-format +msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" +msgstr "zoeken naar \"%s\" van %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 +msgid "no keyserver action!\n" +msgstr "geen sleutelserveractiviteit!\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: verwerkingsroutine van sleutelserver heeft een andere GnuPG-" +"versie (%s)\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 +msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" +msgstr "sleutelserver verstuurde geen versie-informatie\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "fout in de communicatie met de sleutelserver: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 +msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" +msgstr "er is geen sleutelserver bekend (gebruik optie --keyserver)\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 +msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" +msgstr "" +"het aanroepen van externe sleutelservers wordt in deze versie niet " +"ondersteund\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 +#, c-format +msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" +msgstr "geen verwerkingsroutine voor sleutelserverstelsel `%s'\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 +#, c-format +msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" +msgstr "de actie `%s' wordt niet ondersteund door sleutelserverstelsel `%s'\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 +#, c-format +msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" +msgstr "%s ondersteunt verwerkingsroutine met versie %d niet\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 +msgid "keyserver timed out\n" +msgstr "sleutelserver reageert te langzaam\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 +msgid "keyserver internal error\n" +msgstr "sleutelserver geeft een interne fout\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 +#, c-format +msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" is geen sleutel-ID: overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: het is niet mogelijk sleutel %s via %s te verversen: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 +#, c-format +msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" +msgstr "verversen van 1 sleutel vanuit %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 +#, c-format +msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" +msgstr "verversen van %d sleutels vanuit %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: het is niet mogelijk om URI %s op te halen: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: het is niet mogelijk om URI %s te ontleden\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:242 +#, c-format +msgid "weird size for an encrypted session key (%d)\n" +msgstr "vreemde lengte voor een versleutelde sessiesleutel (%d)\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:295 +#, c-format +msgid "%s encrypted session key\n" +msgstr "%s versleutelde sessiesleutel\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" +msgstr "wachtwoordzin is gemaakt met onbekend hashalgoritme %d\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:371 +#, c-format +msgid "public key is %s\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel is %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:434 +msgid "public key encrypted data: good DEK\n" +msgstr "met de publieke sleutel versleutelde gegevens: goede DEK\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:467 +#, c-format +msgid "encrypted with %u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s\n" +msgstr "versleuteld met %u bit %s-sleutel, ID %s, gemaakt op %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:471 g10/pkclist.c:217 +#, c-format +msgid " \"%s\"\n" +msgstr " \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:475 +#, c-format +msgid "encrypted with %s key, ID %s\n" +msgstr "versleuteld met %s-sleutel, ID %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:490 +#, c-format +msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" +msgstr "ontcijferen van publieke sleutel is mislukt : %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:506 +#, c-format +msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" +msgstr "versleuteld met %lu wachtwoordzinnen\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:508 +msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" +msgstr "versleuteld met 1 wachtwoordzin\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 +#, c-format +msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" +msgstr "gegevens waarschijnlijk versleuteld met %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 +#, c-format +msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" +msgstr "" +"IDEA-versleutelingsalgoritme is niet beschikbaar, maar we gaan in plaats " +"daarvan met goede moed %s proberen\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 +msgid "decryption okay\n" +msgstr "ontcijfering oké\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 +msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: de integriteit van het bericht was niet beveiligd\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 +msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: versleuteld bericht werd gemanipuleerd!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 +#, c-format +msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" +msgstr "gewiste wachtwoordzin in de cache geplaatst met ID: %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" +msgstr "ontcijferen mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 +msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" +msgstr "" +"NOOT: afzender heeft het volgende verzocht: \"alleen-voor-u-persoonlijk\"\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" +msgstr "originele bestandsnaam='%.*s'\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 +msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er werd meerdere keren een klare tekst gezien\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 +msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" +msgstr "autonome intrekking - gebruik \"gpg --import\" om ze toe te passen\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 +msgid "no signature found\n" +msgstr "geen ondertekening gevonden\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 +msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" +msgstr "controle van de ondertekening onderdrukt\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 +msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" +msgstr "kan deze ambigue ondertekeningsgegevens niet verwerken\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature made %s\n" +msgstr "Ondertekening gemaakt op %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 +#, c-format +msgid " using %s key %s\n" +msgstr " met %s sleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" +msgstr "Ondertekening gemaakt op %s met %s sleutel-ID %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 +msgid "Key available at: " +msgstr "Sleutel beschikbaar op: " + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 +#, c-format +msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" +msgstr "SLECHTE handtekening van \"%s\"" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 +#, c-format +msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" +msgstr "Vervallen handtekening van \"%s\"" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 +#, c-format +msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" +msgstr "Goede handtekening van \"%s\"" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 +msgid "[uncertain]" +msgstr "[onzeker]" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 +#, c-format +msgid " aka \"%s\"" +msgstr " ook bekend als \"%s\"" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature expired %s\n" +msgstr "Ondertekening vervallen op %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 +#, c-format +msgid "Signature expires %s\n" +msgstr "Ondertekening verloopt op %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 +#, c-format +msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgstr "%s handtekening, hashalgoritme %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 +msgid "binary" +msgstr "binair" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 +msgid "textmode" +msgstr "tekstmodus" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 +msgid "unknown" +msgstr "onbekend" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: geen ontkoppelde handtekening; bestand '%s' werd NIET " +"geverifieerd!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" +msgstr "Kan ondertekening niet controleren: %s\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 +msgid "not a detached signature\n" +msgstr "geen ontkoppelde ondertekening\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 +msgid "" +"WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: meerdere ondertekeningen gevonden.\n" +" Alleen de eerste zal gecontroleerd worden.\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 +#, c-format +msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" +msgstr "autonome ondertekening van klasse 0x%02x\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 +msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" +msgstr "ondertekening in oude stijl (PGP 2.x)\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 +msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" +msgstr "ongeldig stampakket gevonden in proc_tree()\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" +msgstr "opvragen van status (fstat) van `%s' mislukte in %s: %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:181 +#, c-format +msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" +msgstr "opvragen van status (fstat(%d)) mislukte in %s: %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:288 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een experimenteel algoritme %s\n" +" gebruikt voor de publieke sleutel\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:294 +msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Elgamal-sleutels die ondertekenen + versleutelen zijn " +"verouderd\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:307 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een experimenteel versleutelingsalgoritme %s " +"gebruikt\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:322 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een experimenteel hashalgoritme %s gebruikt\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:327 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: hashalgoritme %s is verouderd\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Noot: handtekeningen die het %s-algoritme gebruiken worden verworpen\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 +msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" +msgstr "het IDEA versleutelingsalgoritme is niet beschikbaar\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#, c-format +msgid "please see %s for more information\n" +msgstr "lees %s voor meer informatie\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:828 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: verouderde optie \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:832 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: \"%s\" is een verouderde optie\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:834 +#, c-format +msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" +msgstr "gelieve in de plaats \"%s%s\" te gebruiken\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:841 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: \"%s\" is een verouderd commando - gebruik het niet\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:851 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: verouderde optie \"%s\" - ze heeft geen enkel effect\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:854 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: \"%s\" is een verouderde optie - ze heeft geen enkel effect\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "" +"%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is in dit bestand verouderd - ze heeft enkel effect in %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: \"%s%s\" is een verouderde optie - ze heeft geen effect tenzij " +"op %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 +msgid "Uncompressed" +msgstr "Niet gecomprimeerd" + +#. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. +#: g10/misc.c:954 +msgid "uncompressed|none" +msgstr "niet gecomprimeerd|geen" + +#: g10/misc.c:1081 +#, c-format +msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" +msgstr "dit bericht kan mogelijk niet gebruikt worden door %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:1256 +#, c-format +msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" +msgstr "dubbelzinnige optie `%s'\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:1281 +#, c-format +msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" +msgstr "onbekende optie `%s'\n" + +#: g10/openfile.c:89 +#, c-format +msgid "File `%s' exists. " +msgstr "Bestand `%s' bestaat. " + +#: g10/openfile.c:93 +msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " +msgstr "Overschrijven? (j/N) " + +#: g10/openfile.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: unknown suffix\n" +msgstr "%s: onbekend achtervoegsel\n" + +#: g10/openfile.c:150 +msgid "Enter new filename" +msgstr "Voer een nieuwe bestandsnaam in" + +#: g10/openfile.c:195 +msgid "writing to stdout\n" +msgstr "schrijven naar standaarduitvoer\n" + +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, c-format +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" +msgstr "gegevens in `%s' worden verondersteld ondertekend te zijn\n" + +#: g10/openfile.c:424 +#, c-format +msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" +msgstr "nieuw configuratiebestand `%s' aangemaakt\n" + +#: g10/openfile.c:426 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: opties in `%s' zijn tijdens deze doorloop nog niet actief\n" + +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 +#, c-format +msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" +msgstr "kan het algoritme %d van de publieke sleutel niet verwerken\n" + +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 +msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: mogelijk onveilige symmetrisch versleutelde sessiesleutel\n" + +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 +#, c-format +msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" +msgstr "de kritieke bit is gezet voor het subpakket van type %d\n" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 +#, c-format +msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" +msgstr "problemen met de agent: %s\n" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 +#, c-format +msgid " (main key ID %s)" +msgstr " (hoofdsleutel-ID %s)" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " +"certificate:\n" +"\"%.*s\"\n" +"%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" +"created %s%s.\n" +msgstr "" +"Voer de wachtwoordzin in om de geheime sleutel te ontgrendelen\n" +"van het volgende OpenPGP-certificaat:\n" +"\"%.*s\"\n" +"%u-bit %s-sleutel, ID %s,\n" +"gemaakt op %s%s.\n" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 +msgid "Enter passphrase\n" +msgstr "Voer de wachtwoordzin in\n" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 +msgid "cancelled by user\n" +msgstr "geannuleerd door de gebruiker\n" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" +"user: \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "" +"U heeft een wachtwoordzin nodig om de geheime sleutel te ontgrendelen\n" +"van gebruiker: \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 +#, c-format +msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" +msgstr "%u-bit %s-sleutel, ID %s, aangemaakt op %s" + +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 +#, c-format +msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" +msgstr " (subsleutel bij hoofdsleutel-ID %s)" + +#: g10/photoid.c:77 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Pick an image to use for your photo ID. The image must be a JPEG file.\n" +"Remember that the image is stored within your public key. If you use a\n" +"very large picture, your key will become very large as well!\n" +"Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Kies een afbeelding om als uw identiteitsfoto te gebruiken. De afbeelding\n" +"moet een bestand in JPEG-formaat zijn. Onthoud dat de afbeelding opgeslagen\n" +"wordt in uw publieke sleutel. Als u een erg grote afbeelding gebruikt, zal\n" +"uw publieke sleutel ook erg groot worden! Een goed formaat voor de " +"afbeelding\n" +"is ongeveer 240x288.\n" + +#: g10/photoid.c:99 +msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " +msgstr "Geef de naam van het JPEG-bestand voor de identiteitsfoto: " + +#: g10/photoid.c:120 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to open JPEG file `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan JPEG-bestand `%s' niet openen: %s\n" + +#: g10/photoid.c:131 +#, c-format +msgid "This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n" +msgstr "Dit JPEG-bestand is erg groot (%d bytes) !\n" + +#: g10/photoid.c:133 +msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " +msgstr "Weet U zeker dat u het wilt gebruiken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/photoid.c:149 +#, c-format +msgid "`%s' is not a JPEG file\n" +msgstr "`%s' is geen JPEG-bestand\n" + +#: g10/photoid.c:168 +msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " +msgstr "Is deze foto correct (j/N/s)? " + +#: g10/photoid.c:377 +msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" +msgstr "het is niet mogelijk de identiteitsfoto te tonen!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 +msgid "No reason specified" +msgstr "Geen reden opgegeven" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 +msgid "Key is superseded" +msgstr "Sleutel is vervangen" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:64 g10/revoke.c:622 +msgid "Key has been compromised" +msgstr "Sleutel is gecompromitteerd" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 +msgid "Key is no longer used" +msgstr "Sleutel is niet meer in gebruik" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 +msgid "User ID is no longer valid" +msgstr "Gebruikers-ID is niet langer geldig" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:72 +msgid "reason for revocation: " +msgstr "reden van de intrekking: " + +#: g10/pkclist.c:89 +msgid "revocation comment: " +msgstr "toelichting bij de intrekking: " + +#. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and +#. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which +#. should be translated accordingly and the letter changed to +#. match the one in the answer string. +#. +#. i = please show me more information +#. m = back to the main menu +#. s = skip this key +#. q = quit +#. +#: g10/pkclist.c:204 +msgid "iImMqQsS" +msgstr "iImMsSoO" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:212 +msgid "No trust value assigned to:\n" +msgstr "Er werd geen betrouwbaarheidswaarde toegekend aan:\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:245 +#, c-format +msgid " aka \"%s\"\n" +msgstr " ook bekend als \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:255 +msgid "" +"How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" +msgstr "" +"In hoeverre vertrouwt U erop dat deze sleutel werkelijk\n" +"bij de genoemde gebruiker hoort?\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:270 +#, c-format +msgid " %d = I don't know or won't say\n" +msgstr " %d = Weet ik niet of zal ik niet zeggen\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid " %d = I do NOT trust\n" +msgstr " %d = Ik vertrouw het NIET\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:278 +#, c-format +msgid " %d = I trust ultimately\n" +msgstr " %d = Ik heb er het uiterste vertrouwen in\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:284 +msgid " m = back to the main menu\n" +msgstr " m = terug naar het hoofdmenu\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:287 +msgid " s = skip this key\n" +msgstr " o = sla deze sleutel over\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:288 +msgid " q = quit\n" +msgstr " s = stoppen\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:292 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The minimum trust level for this key is: %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Het minimale betrouwbaarheidsniveau van deze sleutel is: %s\n" +"\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:298 g10/revoke.c:650 +msgid "Your decision? " +msgstr "Uw besluit? " + +#: g10/pkclist.c:319 +msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " +msgstr "Wilt u deze sleutel echt instellen als uiterst betrouwbaar? (j/N) " + +#: g10/pkclist.c:333 +msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" +msgstr "Certificaten die leiden naar een uiterst betrouwbare sleutel:\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:418 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" +msgstr "%s: Er is geen zekerheid dat deze sleutel van de genoemde persoon is\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:423 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" +msgstr "" +"%s: Er is een beperkte zekerheid dat deze sleutel van de genoemde persoon " +"is\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:429 +msgid "This key probably belongs to the named user\n" +msgstr "Deze sleutel is waarschijnlijk van de genoemde persoon\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:434 +msgid "This key belongs to us\n" +msgstr "Deze sleutel is van ons\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:460 +msgid "" +"It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named\n" +"in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n" +"you may answer the next question with yes.\n" +msgstr "" +"Het is NIET zeker dat deze sleutel van de persoon is die genoemd wordt\n" +"in de gebruikers-ID. Als u echter HEEL zeker weet wat u doet,\n" +"mag u op de volgende vraag Ja antwoorden.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:479 +msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " +msgstr "Deze sleutel toch gebruiken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/pkclist.c:513 +msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een onbetrouwbare sleutel gebruikt!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:520 +msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: deze sleutel kan ingetrokken zijn\n" +" (maar de intrekkingssleutel is niet aanwezig)\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:529 +msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd ingetrokken door zijn bevoegde intrekker!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:532 +msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd ingetrokken door de eigenaar!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:533 +msgid " This could mean that the signature is forged.\n" +msgstr " Dit kan betekenen dat de ondertekening vervalst is.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:539 +msgid "WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Deze subsleutel werd ingetrokken door de eigenaar ervan!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:544 +msgid "Note: This key has been disabled.\n" +msgstr "Noot: Deze sleutel is uitgeschakeld.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:564 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" +msgstr "Noot: Het gecontroleerde adres van de ondertekenaar is `%s'\n" + +# TODO +#: g10/pkclist.c:571 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" +msgstr "" +"Noot: Het adres `%s' van de ondertekenaar komt niet overeen met een DNS-" +"registratie\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:583 +msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" +msgstr "" +"betrouwbaarheidsniveau bijgesteld naar VOLLEDIG op basis van geldige PKA-" +"info\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:591 +msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" +msgstr "" +"betrouwbaarheidsniveau bijgesteld naar NOOIT op basis van slechte PKA-info\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:602 +msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" +msgstr "Noot: Deze sleutel is vervallen!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:613 +msgid "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd niet gecertificeerd\n" +" door een betrouwbare handtekening!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:615 +msgid "" +" There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" +msgstr "" +" Er is geen aanwijzing dat de handtekening van de eigenaar is.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:623 +msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: We vertrouwen deze sleutel NIET!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:624 +msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" +msgstr " De handtekening is waarschijnlijk een VERVALSING.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:632 +msgid "" +"WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Deze sleutel werd niet met voldoende\n" +" betrouwbare handtekeningen gecertificeerd!\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:634 +msgid " It is not certain that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" +msgstr " Het is niet zeker dat de handtekening van de eigenaar is.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:833 g10/pkclist.c:880 g10/pkclist.c:1092 g10/pkclist.c:1167 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: skipped: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: overgeslagen: %s\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" +msgstr "%s: overgeslagen: publieke sleutel is al aanwezig\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:901 +msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" +msgstr "" +"U heeft geen gebruikers-ID gespecificeerd. (u kunt de optie \"-r\" " +"gebruiken)\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:925 +msgid "Current recipients:\n" +msgstr "Huidige ontvangers:\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:951 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Voer de gebruikers-ID in. Beëindig met een lege regel: " + +#: g10/pkclist.c:976 +msgid "No such user ID.\n" +msgstr "Een dergelijke gebruikers-ID is er niet.\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 +msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" +msgstr "" +"overgeslagen: publieke sleutel was reeds als standaardontvanger ingesteld\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1006 +msgid "Public key is disabled.\n" +msgstr "Publieke sleutel werd uitgeschakeld\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1015 +msgid "skipped: public key already set\n" +msgstr "overgeslagen: publieke sleutel was reeds ingesteld\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1050 +#, c-format +msgid "unknown default recipient \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "onbekende standaardontvanger \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1112 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n" +msgstr "%s: overgeslagen: publieke sleutel is uitgeschakeld\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1175 +msgid "no valid addressees\n" +msgstr "geen geldige geadresseerden\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1513 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: key %s has no %s feature\n" +msgstr "Noot: sleutel %s heeft functionaliteit %s niet\n" + +#: g10/pkclist.c:1538 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: key %s has no preference for %s\n" +msgstr "Noot: sleutel %s bevat geen voorkeur voor %s\n" + +#: g10/plaintext.c:95 +msgid "data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n" +msgstr "" +"gegevens niet bewaard; gebruik de optie \"--output\" om ze te bewaren\n" + +#: g10/plaintext.c:480 +msgid "Detached signature.\n" +msgstr "Ontkoppelde handtekening.\n" + +#: g10/plaintext.c:487 +msgid "Please enter name of data file: " +msgstr "Voer de naam in van het gegevensbestand: " + +#: g10/plaintext.c:519 +msgid "reading stdin ...\n" +msgstr "lezen van standaardinvoer (stdin) ...\n" + +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 +msgid "no signed data\n" +msgstr "geen ondertekende gegevens\n" + +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 +#, c-format +msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" +msgstr "kan de ondertekende gegevens `%s' niet openen\n" + +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 +#, c-format +msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"kan de ondertekende gegevens uit bestandsindicator=%d niet openen: %s\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n" +msgstr "anonieme ontvanger; geheime sleutel %s wordt geprobeerd ...\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 +msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" +msgstr "oké, wij zijn de anonieme ontvanger.\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 +msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" +msgstr "de oude codering van de encryptiesleutel DEK wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:246 +#, c-format +msgid "cipher algorithm %d%s is unknown or disabled\n" +msgstr "versleutelingsalgoritme %d%s is onbekend of uitgeschakeld\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:284 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: cipher algorithm %s not found in recipient preferences\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: versleutelingsalgoritme %s niet gevonden\n" +" in de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" +msgstr "NOOT: geheime sleutel %s verviel op %s\n" + +#: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 +msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" +msgstr "NOOT: sleutel werd ingetrokken" + +#: g10/revoke.c:102 g10/revoke.c:116 g10/revoke.c:128 g10/revoke.c:174 +#: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 +#, c-format +msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" +msgstr "build_packet is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s has no user IDs\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s heeft geen gebruikers-ID's\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:306 +msgid "To be revoked by:\n" +msgstr "Moet worden ingetrokken door:\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:310 +msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" +msgstr "(Dit is een gevoelige intekkingssleutel)\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:314 +msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " +msgstr "Een bevoegd intrekkingscertificaat aanmaken voor deze sleutel? (j/N) " + +#: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 +msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" +msgstr "gedwongen uitvoer in ASCII-harnas.\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 +#, c-format +msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" +msgstr "make_keysig_packet is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:405 +msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" +msgstr "Intrekkingscertificaat werd aangemaakt.\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:411 +#, c-format +msgid "no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "er werden geen intrekkingssleutels gevonden voor \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:470 +#, c-format +msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +msgstr "geheime sleutel \"%s\" niet gevonden: %s\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:497 +#, c-format +msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" +msgstr "geen overeenkomstige publieke sleutel: %s\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:508 +msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel komt niet overeen met de geheime sleutel!\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:515 +msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " +msgstr "Een intrekkingscertificaat voor deze sleutel maken? (j/N) " + +#: g10/revoke.c:532 +msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" +msgstr "onbekend beveiligingsalgoritme\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:540 +msgid "NOTE: This key is not protected!\n" +msgstr "NOOT: Deze sleutel is niet beveiligd!\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:591 +msgid "" +"Revocation certificate created.\n" +"\n" +"Please move it to a medium which you can hide away; if Mallory gets\n" +"access to this certificate he can use it to make your key unusable.\n" +"It is smart to print this certificate and store it away, just in case\n" +"your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n" +"your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n" +msgstr "" +"Intrekkingscertificaat aangemaakt.\n" +"\n" +"Gelieve het naar een medium te verplaatsen dat u kunt wegstoppen; indien\n" +"iemand dit certificaat in handen krijgt, kan hij het gebruiken om uw " +"sleutel\n" +"onbruikbaar te maken. Het is verstandig om dit certificaat af te drukken en\n" +"het weg te bergen, voor het geval uw media onleesbaar zouden worden. Maar\n" +"neem wat voorzichtigheid in acht: het printersysteem van uw computer kan de\n" +"gegevens opslaan, waardoor ze voor anderen toegankelijk kunnen worden!\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:633 +msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" +msgstr "Gelieve een reden te kiezen voor de intrekking:\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:643 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuleren" + +#: g10/revoke.c:645 +#, c-format +msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" +msgstr "(Wellicht wilt u hier %d kiezen)\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:686 +msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" +msgstr "Voer een facultatieve beschrijving in; beëindig met een lege regel:\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:714 +#, c-format +msgid "Reason for revocation: %s\n" +msgstr "Reden van intrekking: %s\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:716 +msgid "(No description given)\n" +msgstr "(Geen beschrijving gegeven)\n" + +#: g10/revoke.c:721 +msgid "Is this okay? (y/N) " +msgstr "Is dit oké? (j/N) " + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 +msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" +msgstr "onderdelen van de geheime sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar\n" + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 +#, c-format +msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" +msgstr "beveiligingsalgoritme %d%s wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 +#, c-format +msgid "protection digest %d is not supported\n" +msgstr "beveiligingshash %d wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 +msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" +msgstr "Ongeldige wachtwoordzin; probeer opnieuw" + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 +#, c-format +msgid "%s ...\n" +msgstr "%s ...\n" + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 +msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: Een zwakke sleutel gevonden - gelieve de\n" +" wachtwoordzin opnieuw te wijzigen.\n" + +#: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 +msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" +msgstr "" +"de controlesom ter beveiliging van de geheime sleutel\n" +"wordt aangemaakt in het verouderde 16-bit-formaat\n" + +#: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 +msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" +msgstr "er werd een zwakke sleutel aangemaakt - er wordt nogmaals geprobeerd\n" + +#: g10/seskey.c:65 +#, c-format +msgid "cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; tried %d times!\n" +msgstr "" +"een zwakke sleutel voor het symmetrisch versleutelingsalgoritme\n" +"kan niet vermeden worden; er werd %d maal geprobeerd!\n" + +#: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 +msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" +msgstr "DSA vereist dat de lengte van de hash een veelvoud van 8 bits is\n" + +#: g10/seskey.c:240 +#, c-format +msgid "DSA key %s uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" +msgstr "DSA-sleutel %s gebruikt een onveilige (%u bit) hash\n" + +#: g10/seskey.c:252 +#, c-format +msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" +msgstr "DSA-sleutel %s vereist een hash van %u bit of meer\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:80 +msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: conflicterende ondertekeningshash in het bericht\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: er is geen kruiscertificering gebeurd\n" +" van de ondertekenende subsleutel %s\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: ondertekenende subsleutel %s heeft een ongeldige " +"kruiscertificering\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:211 +#, c-format +msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel %s is %lu seconde recenter dan de handtekening\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:212 +#, c-format +msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel %s is %lu seconden recenter dan de handtekening\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:223 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"key %s was created %lu second in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s werd %lu seconde in de toekomst aangemaakt\n" +"(afwijkende tijd of een probleem met de klok)\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:225 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"key %s was created %lu seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s werd %lu seconden in de toekomst aangemaakt\n" +"(afwijkende tijd of een probleem met de klok)\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:239 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: signature key %s expired %s\n" +msgstr "NOOT: ondertekeningssleutel %s verviel op %s\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:252 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" +msgstr "NOOT: ondertekeningssleutel %s werd ingetrokken\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 +#, c-format +msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" +msgstr "" +"er wordt verondersteld dat de ondertekening van\n" +"sleutel %s slecht is, omdat de kritieke bit niet gekend is\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor de ondertekening\n" +"van de intrekking van de subsleutel\n" + +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: geen subsleutel voor de ondertekening van de koppeling met de " +"subsleutel\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:89 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: kan geen expansie maken op basis van %% van de notatie\n" +" (te groot). De niet-geëxpandeerde versie wordt gebruikt.\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: kan geen expansie maken op basis van %% van de richtlijn-URL\n" +" (te groot). De niet-geëxpandeerde versie wordt gebruikt.\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:138 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " +"unexpanded.\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: kan geen expansie maken op basis van %% van de\n" +" URL van de voorkeurssleutelsserver (te groot).\n" +" De niet-geëxpandeerde versie wordt gebruikt.\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:311 +#, c-format +msgid "checking created signature failed: %s\n" +msgstr "controle van de aangemaakte ondertekening is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:320 +#, c-format +msgid "%s/%s signature from: \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "%s/%s ondertekening van: \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:761 +msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" +msgstr "" +"u kunt enkel een ontkoppelde ondertekening maken met een\n" +"sleutel van het type PGP 2.x als u in modus --pgp2 bent\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:837 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: het hashalgoritme %s (%d) dwingend opleggen is in strijd\n" +" met de voorkeuren van de ontvanger\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:964 +msgid "signing:" +msgstr "bezig met ondertekenen:" + +#: g10/sign.c:1079 +msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" +msgstr "" +"u kunt enkel een ondertekening in klare tekst maken met een\n" +"sleutel van het type PGP 2.x als u in modus --pgp2 bent\n" + +#: g10/sign.c:1263 +#, c-format +msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" +msgstr "%s-versleuteling zal gebruikt worden\n" + +#: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 +msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel staat niet als onveilig gemarkeerd - kan hem niet gebruiken\n" +"met de gesimuleerde generator van willekeurige getallen (RNG)!\n" + +#: g10/skclist.c:174 +#, c-format +msgid "skipped \"%s\": duplicated\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" overgeslagen: waren duplicaten\n" + +#: g10/skclist.c:182 g10/skclist.c:195 g10/skclist.c:207 +#, c-format +msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" overgeslagen: %s\n" + +#: g10/skclist.c:190 +msgid "skipped: secret key already present\n" +msgstr "overgeslagen: geheime sleutel is al aanwezig\n" + +#: g10/skclist.c:208 +msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" +msgstr "" +"dit is een Elgamal-sleutel aangemaakt met PGP.\n" +"Het is niet veilig om er mee te ondertekenen!" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 +#, c-format +msgid "trust record %lu, type %d: write failed: %s\n" +msgstr "staat van betrouwbaarheid %lu, type %d: registreren mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:106 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"# List of assigned trustvalues, created %s\n" +"# (Use \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" to restore them)\n" +msgstr "" +"# Lijst van toegekende betrouwbaarheidswaarden, aangemaakt op %s\n" +"# (Gebruik \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" om ze te repareren)\n" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:161 g10/tdbdump.c:169 g10/tdbdump.c:174 g10/tdbdump.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "error in `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout in `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:161 +msgid "line too long" +msgstr "regel is te lang" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:169 +msgid "colon missing" +msgstr "ontbrekende dubbele punt" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:175 +msgid "invalid fingerprint" +msgstr "ongeldige vingerafdruk" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:180 +msgid "ownertrust value missing" +msgstr "ontbrekende waarde voor mate van betrouwbaarheid" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:216 +#, c-format +msgid "error finding trust record in `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het zoeken naar de staat van betrouwbaarheid in `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:220 +#, c-format +msgid "read error in `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "leesfout in `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 +#, c-format +msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" +msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): synchronisatie mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 +#, c-format +msgid "trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): element %lu: lseek is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:135 g10/tdbio.c:1467 +#, c-format +msgid "trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n" +msgstr "" +"betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): element %lu: wegschrijven is mislukt (n=" +"%d): %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:245 +msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" +msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): transactie is te groot\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:502 +#, c-format +msgid "can't access `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "krijg geen toegang tot `%s': %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:531 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: directory does not exist!\n" +msgstr "%s: map bestaat niet!\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:541 g10/tdbio.c:564 g10/tdbio.c:605 sm/keydb.c:344 +#, c-format +msgid "can't create lock for `%s'\n" +msgstr "kan geen grendel maken voor `%s'\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:543 g10/tdbio.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "can't lock `%s'\n" +msgstr "kan `%s' niet vergrendelen\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:569 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: failed to create version record: %s" +msgstr "%s: het registreren van de versie is mislukt: %s" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: invalid trustdb created\n" +msgstr "%s: ongeldige betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) aangemaakt\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:576 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: trustdb created\n" +msgstr "%s: betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) aangemaakt\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:619 +msgid "NOTE: trustdb not writable\n" +msgstr "" +"NOOT: er kan niet geschreven worden in de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank " +"(trustdb)\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:627 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: invalid trustdb\n" +msgstr "%s: ongeldige betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:659 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: aanmaken van de hashtabel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:667 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: error updating version record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fout bij het bijwerken van versiegegevens: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:684 g10/tdbio.c:705 g10/tdbio.c:721 g10/tdbio.c:735 +#: g10/tdbio.c:765 g10/tdbio.c:1392 g10/tdbio.c:1419 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: error reading version record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fout bij het lezen van versiegegevens: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:744 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: error writing version record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fout bij het wegschrijven van versiegegevens: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1185 +#, c-format +msgid "trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n" +msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): lseek is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1194 +#, c-format +msgid "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" +msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb): lezen is mislukt (n=%d): %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1215 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: not a trustdb file\n" +msgstr "%s: bestand is geen betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1234 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: version record with recnum %lu\n" +msgstr "%s: versiegegevens met registratienummer %lu\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1239 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: invalid file version %d\n" +msgstr "%s: ongeldige bestandsversie %d\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1425 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: error reading free record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fout bij het lezen van vrije staat: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1433 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: error writing dir record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fout bij het wegschrijven van de staat van de map: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1443 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: failed to zero a record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: fout bij het op nul zetten van een staat: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1473 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: het toevoegen van een staat is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/tdbio.c:1516 +msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" +msgstr "Fout: de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) is beschadigd.\n" + +#: g10/textfilter.c:147 +#, c-format +msgid "can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n" +msgstr "kan geen tekstregels verwerken die groter zijn dan %d tekens\n" + +#: g10/textfilter.c:247 +#, c-format +msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" +msgstr "invoerregel groter dan %d tekens\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:222 +#, c-format +msgid "`%s' is not a valid long keyID\n" +msgstr "`%s' is geen geldige ID voor een lange sleutel\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: accepted as trusted key\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s: aanvaard als betrouwbare sleutel\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:291 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s komt meer dan eens voor in de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:306 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" +msgstr "" +"sleutel %s: geen publieke sleutel voor de vertrouwde sleutel - overgeslagen\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:316 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n" +msgstr "sleutel %s gemarkeerd als uiterst betrouwbaar\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:340 +#, c-format +msgid "trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n" +msgstr "staat van betrouwbaarheid %lu, vereist type %d: lezen mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:346 +#, c-format +msgid "trust record %lu is not of requested type %d\n" +msgstr "staat van betrouwbaarheid %lu is niet van het vereiste type %d\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:419 +msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" +msgstr "" +"U kunt proberen om de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" +"opnieuw aan te maken met behulp van de commando's:\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:428 +msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" +msgstr "Indien dit niet lukt, gelieve dan de handleiding te raadplegen\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:463 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - assuming %s trust model\n" +msgstr "" +"kan onbekend betrouwbaarheidsmodel (%d) niet\n" +"gebruiken - betrouwbaarheidsmodel %s wordt verondersteld\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:469 +#, c-format +msgid "using %s trust model\n" +msgstr "betrouwbaarheidsmodel %s wordt gebruikt\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in +#. trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to +#. make attractive information listings where columns line up +#. properly. The value "10" should be the length of the strings you +#. choose to translate to. This is the length in printable columns. +#. It gets passed to atoi() so everything after the number is +#. essentially a comment and need not be translated. Either key and +#. uid are both NULL, or neither are NULL. +#: g10/trustdb.c:521 +msgid "10 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed" +msgstr "" +"11 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed: werd gelezen door " +"vertaler" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:523 +msgid "[ revoked]" +msgstr "[ingetrok]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:525 g10/trustdb.c:530 +msgid "[ expired]" +msgstr "[vervalln]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:529 +msgid "[ unknown]" +msgstr "[onbekend]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:531 +msgid "[ undef ]" +msgstr "[ ongedef]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:532 +msgid "[marginal]" +msgstr "[marginal]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:533 +msgid "[ full ]" +msgstr "[volledig]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:534 +msgid "[ultimate]" +msgstr "[ uiterst]" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:549 +msgid "undefined" +msgstr "niet gedefinieerd" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:550 +msgid "never" +msgstr "nooit" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:551 +msgid "marginal" +msgstr "marginaal" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:552 +msgid "full" +msgstr "volledig" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:553 +msgid "ultimate" +msgstr "uiterst" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:593 +msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" +msgstr "een controle van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) is niet nodig\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 +#, c-format +msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" +msgstr "volgende controle van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) is op %s\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "no need for a trustdb check with `%s' trust model\n" +msgstr "" +"een controle van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" +"is niet nodig bij het vertrouwensmodel `%s'\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:623 +#, c-format +msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" +msgstr "" +"een bijwerking van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)\n" +"is niet nodig bij het vertrouwensmodel `%s'\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 +#, c-format +msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel %s niet gevonden: %s\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 +msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" +msgstr "gelieve het commando --check-trustdb uit te voeren\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 +msgid "checking the trustdb\n" +msgstr "de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb) wordt gecontroleerd\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 +#, c-format +msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" +msgstr "%d sleutels werden verwerkt (%d geldigheidstellers op nul gezet)\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 +msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" +msgstr "geen uiterst betrouwbare sleutels gevonden\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 +#, c-format +msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" +msgstr "publieke sleutel van uiterst betrouwbare sleutel %s niet gevonden\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 +#, c-format +msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" +msgstr "%d marginale nodig, %d volledige nodig, vertrouwensmodel %s\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" +msgstr "" +"diepte: %d geldig: %3d ondert.: %3d vertr.: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" + +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 +#, c-format +msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"bijwerken van de versiegegevens van de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb):\n" +"wegschrijven is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: g10/verify.c:118 +msgid "" +"the signature could not be verified.\n" +"Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)\n" +"should be the first file given on the command line.\n" +msgstr "" +"de ondertekening kon niet geverifieerd worden.\n" +"Denk eraan dat het bestand met handtekeningen (.sig of .asc)\n" +"het eerste bestand moet zijn dat aan de commandolijn ingevoerd wordt.\n" + +#: g10/verify.c:205 +#, c-format +msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" +msgstr "invoerregel %u is te lang of LF ontbreekt\n" + +#: g10/verify.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" +msgstr "kan bestandsindicator %d niet openen: %s\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 +msgid "argument not expected" +msgstr "onverwachte parameter" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 +msgid "read error" +msgstr "leesfout" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 +msgid "keyword too long" +msgstr "sleutelwoord is te lang" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 +msgid "missing argument" +msgstr "ontbrekende parameter" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "ongeldig harnas" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 +msgid "invalid command" +msgstr "ongeldig commando" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 +msgid "invalid alias definition" +msgstr "ongeldige definitie van een alias" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 +msgid "out of core" +msgstr "geheugenlimiet overschreden" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 +msgid "invalid option" +msgstr "ongeldige optie" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#, c-format +msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "ontbrekende parameter voor optie \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "ontbrekende parameter voor optie \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#, c-format +msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" +msgstr "optie \"%.50s\" verwacht geen parameter\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "ongeldig commando \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 +#, c-format +msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" +msgstr "optie \"%.50s\" is ambigue\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 +#, c-format +msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" +msgstr "commando \"%.50s\" is ambigue\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 +msgid "out of core\n" +msgstr "geheugenlimiet overschreden\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "ongeldige optie \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/logging.c:647 +#, c-format +msgid "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n" +msgstr "u vond een bug ... (%s:%d)\n" + +#: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 +#, c-format +msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' not available\n" +msgstr "omzetting van `%s' naar `%s' is niet beschikbaar\n" + +#: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 +#, c-format +msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" +msgstr "iconv_open is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 +#, c-format +msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" +msgstr "omzetting van `%s' naar `%s' is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kon tijdelijk bestand `%s' niet aanmaken: %s\n" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven van `%s': %s\n" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#, c-format +msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" +msgstr "oud grendelbestand (aangemaakt door %d) wordt verwijderd\n" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 +msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" +msgstr " - wellicht dood - grendel wordt verwijderd" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 +#, c-format +msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" +msgstr "wachten op de grendel (vastgehouden door %d%s) %s...\n" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 +msgid "(deadlock?) " +msgstr "(dode grendel?) " + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 +#, c-format +msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" +msgstr "grendel `%s' werd niet geplaatst: %s\n" + +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 +#, c-format +msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" +msgstr "wachten op grendel %s...\n" + +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 +msgid "set debugging flags" +msgstr "stel debug-opties in" + +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 +msgid "enable full debugging" +msgstr "maak debuggen ten volle mogelijk" + +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 +msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: kbxutil [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 +msgid "" +"Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" +"List, export, import Keybox data\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: kbxutil [opties] [bestanden]\n" +"Toon, exporteer, importeer Keybox-gegevens (sleutelkistje-data)\n" + +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 +#, c-format +msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" +msgstr "RSA-modulus ontbreekt of heeft niet een grootte van %d bits\n" + +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 +#, c-format +msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" +msgstr "publieke exponent van RSA ontbreekt of is groter dan %d bits\n" + +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#, c-format +msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" +msgstr "Herroepen van de pincode gaf een fout: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-nks.c:834 +msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" +msgstr "de nul-pincode werd nog niet gewijzigd\n" + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1092 +msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." +msgstr "|N|Gelieve een nieuwe pincode in te voeren voor de standaardsleutels." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1093 +msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." +msgstr "||Gelieve de pincode voor de standaardsleutels in te voeren." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1099 +msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." +msgstr "" +"|NP|Gelieve een nieuwe PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de " +"standaardsleutels." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1101 +msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." +msgstr "" +"|P|Gelieve de PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de " +"standaardsleutels." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1109 +msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." +msgstr "" +"|N|Gelieve een nieuwe pincode in te voeren voor de sleutel die bevoegde " +"handtekeningen kan aanmaken." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1111 +msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." +msgstr "" +"||Gelieve de pincode in te voeren voor de sleutel die bevoegde " +"handtekeningen kan aanmaken." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1119 +msgid "" +"|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " +"qualified signatures." +msgstr "" +"|NP|Gelieve een nieuwe PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de " +"sleutel die bevoegde handtekeningen kan aanmaken." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1121 +msgid "" +"|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " +"qualified signatures." +msgstr "" +"|P|Gelieve de PUK-code (PIN Unblocking Code) in te voeren voor de sleutel " +"die bevoegde handtekeningen kan aanmaken." + +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het verkrijgen van een nieuwe pincode: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" +msgstr "opslaan van de vingerafdruk is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" +msgstr "opslaan van de aanmaakdatum is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 +#, c-format +msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" +msgstr "het lezen van de publieke sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 +msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" +msgstr "antwoord bevat de gegevens van de publieke sleutel niet\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 +msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" +msgstr "antwoord bevat de RSA-modulus niet\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 +msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" +msgstr "antwoord bevat de publieke exponent van RSA niet\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 +#, c-format +msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" +msgstr "de standaardpincode wordt gebruikt voor %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" +msgstr "" +"de standaardpincode gebruiken voor %s is mislukt: %s - standaard\n" +"wordt in het vervolg niet meer gebruikt\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 +#, c-format +msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" +msgstr "||Graag invoer van de pincode%%0A[gemaakte ondertekeningen: %lu]" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 +msgid "||Please enter the PIN" +msgstr "||Gelieve de pincode in te voeren" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 +#, c-format +msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" +msgstr "pincode voor CHV%d is te kort; die moet minimaal %d lang zijn\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 +#, c-format +msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" +msgstr "controle van CHV%d is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 +msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" +msgstr "fout bij het ophalen van de CHV-status uit de kaart\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 +msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" +msgstr "kaart is permanent vergrendeld!\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 +#, c-format +msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" +msgstr "" +"beheerder heeft %d resterende pogingen om de pincode in te voeren\n" +"voordat de kaart permanent vergrendeld wordt\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at +#. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 +#, c-format +msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" +msgstr "|A|Graag invoer van de beheerderspincode%%0A[resterende pogingen: %d]" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 +msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" +msgstr "|A|Gelieve de pincode van de beheerder in te voeren" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 +msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" +msgstr "toegang tot beheerderscommando's is niet ingesteld\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 +msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" +msgstr "||Gelieve de Reset-Code voor de kaart in te voeren" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 +#, c-format +msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" +msgstr "Reset-Code is te kort; die moet minimaal %d lang zijn\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but +#. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere +#. to get some infos on the string. +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" +msgstr "|RN|Nieuwe Reset-Code" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 +msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" +msgstr "|AN|Nieuwe pincode voor de beheerder" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 +msgid "|N|New PIN" +msgstr "|N|Nieuwe pincode" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" +msgstr "" +"||Gelieve de pincode van de beheerder en zijn nieuwe pincode in te voeren" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 +msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" +msgstr "||Gelieve de pincode en de nieuwe pincode in te voeren" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 +msgid "error reading application data\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van toepassingsgegevens\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 +msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van de vingerafdruk DO\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 +msgid "key already exists\n" +msgstr "de sleutel bestaat reeds\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 +msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" +msgstr "de bestaande sleutel zal vervangen worden\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 +msgid "generating new key\n" +msgstr "aanmaken van nieuwe sleutel\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 +msgid "writing new key\n" +msgstr "wegschrijven van nieuwe sleutel\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 +msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" +msgstr "aanmaaktijdstip ontbreekt\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 +#, c-format +msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" +msgstr "priemgetal %s van RSA ontbreekt of heeft niet de grootte van %d bits\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" +msgstr "opslaan van de sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 +msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" +msgstr "wacht terwijl de sleutel wordt aangemaakt ...\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 +msgid "generating key failed\n" +msgstr "aanmaken van de sleutel is mislukt\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 +#, c-format +msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" +msgstr "het aanmaken van de sleutel is voltooid (in %d seconden)\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 +msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" +msgstr "ongeldige structuur van de OpenPGP-kaart (DO 0x93)\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 +msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" +msgstr "vingerafdruk op de kaart komt niet overeen met de gevraagde\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 +#, c-format +msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" +msgstr "de kaart ondersteunt het hashalgoritme %s niet\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 +#, c-format +msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" +msgstr "tot dusver gegenereerde handtekeningen: %lu\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 +msgid "" +"verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" +msgstr "" +"controleren van de pincode van de beheerder wordt momenteel verboden met dit " +"commando\n" + +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 +#, c-format +msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" +msgstr "kan geen toegang krijgen tot %s - ongeldige OpenPGP-kaart?\n" + +#: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 +msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" +msgstr "" +"||Gelieve uw pincode in te voeren op het numeriek pad van de kaartlezer" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but +#. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere +#. to get some infos on the string. +#: scd/app-dinsig.c:529 +msgid "|N|Initial New PIN" +msgstr "|N|Initiële nieuwe pincode" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:109 +msgid "run in multi server mode (foreground)" +msgstr "uitvoeren in multi-servermodus (voorgrond)" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:119 sm/gpgsm.c:316 +msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" +msgstr "|NIVEAU|stel het debuggingsniveau in op NIVEAU" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 +msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|houd een logboek bij in BESTAND" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:128 +msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" +msgstr "|N|maak verbinding met de lezer via poort N" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:130 +msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" +msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik NAAM als stuurprogramma voor ct-API" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:132 +msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" +msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik NAAM als stuurprogramma voor PC/SC" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:135 +msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" +msgstr "gebruik het interne stuurprogramma CCID niet" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:141 +msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" +msgstr "" +"|N|verbreek de verbinding met de kaart na een inactiviteit van N seconden" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:144 +msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" +msgstr "gebruik het numeriek pad van de kaartlezer niet" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:149 +msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" +msgstr "sta het gebruik van commando's voor het beheer van de kaart niet toe" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:152 +msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" +msgstr "maak bij het numeriek pad gebruik van een invoer van variabele lengte" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:269 +msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: scdaemon [opties] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:271 +msgid "" +"Syntax: scdaemon [options] [command [args]]\n" +"Smartcard daemon for GnuPG\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: scdaemon [opties] [commando [parameters]]\n" +"Chipkaart-achtergronddienst voor GnuPG\n" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:786 +msgid "please use the option `--daemon' to run the program in the background\n" +msgstr "" +"gelieve de optie `--daemon' te gebruiken om het programma in de achtergrond " +"uit te voeren\n" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:1140 +#, c-format +msgid "handler for fd %d started\n" +msgstr "verwerker voor bestandsindicator %d gestart\n" + +#: scd/scdaemon.c:1152 +#, c-format +msgid "handler for fd %d terminated\n" +msgstr "verwerker voor bestandsindicator %d beëindigd\n" + +#: sm/base64.c:325 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n" +msgstr "ongeldig radix64-teken %02X overgeslagen\n" + +#: sm/call-agent.c:137 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" +msgstr "doorspelen van aanvraag %s aan de client is mislukt\n" + +#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 +#, c-format +msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" +msgstr "dirmngr wordt nog niet uitgevoerd - `%s' wordt gestart\n" + +#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 +msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" +msgstr "ongeldig formaat van de omgevingsvariabele DIRMNGR_INFO\n" + +#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:297 +#, c-format +msgid "dirmngr protocol version %d is not supported\n" +msgstr "protocolversie %d van dirmngr wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 +msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" +msgstr "" +"kan geen verbinding leggen met de dirmngr - er wordt een noodoplossing " +"geprobeerd\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:196 +#, c-format +msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" +msgstr "door het certificaat gevraagd valideringsmodel: %s" + +#: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 +msgid "chain" +msgstr "ketting" + +#: sm/certchain.c:198 sm/certchain.c:1884 +msgid "shell" +msgstr "shell" + +#: sm/certchain.c:258 +#, c-format +msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" +msgstr "kritieke certificaatsuitbreiding %s wordt niet ondersteund" + +#: sm/certchain.c:297 +msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" +msgstr "" +"het certificaat van de uitgever staat niet als een certificeringsautoriteit " +"gemarkeerd" + +#: sm/certchain.c:335 +msgid "critical marked policy without configured policies" +msgstr "" +"gemarkeerd als kritieke richtlijn maar instellingen voor beleidsrichtlijnen " +"ontbreken" + +#: sm/certchain.c:345 +#, c-format +msgid "failed to open `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan `%s' niet openen: %s\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 +msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" +msgstr "noot: niet-kritieke certificaatsrichtlijn niet toegestaan" + +#: sm/certchain.c:357 sm/certchain.c:386 +msgid "certificate policy not allowed" +msgstr "certificaatsrichtlijn niet toegestaan" + +#: sm/certchain.c:527 +msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" +msgstr "uitgever wordt op een externe locatie opgezocht\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:546 +#, c-format +msgid "number of issuers matching: %d\n" +msgstr "aantal overeenstemmende uitgevers: %d\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:590 +msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" +msgstr "uitgever wordt opgezocht in de cache van Dirmngr\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:614 +#, c-format +msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" +msgstr "aantal overeenstemmende certificaten: %d\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:616 +#, c-format +msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"het enkel in de cache van dirmngr opzoeken van de sleutel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 +#: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 +#: sm/sign.c:335 sm/verify.c:113 +msgid "failed to allocate keyDB handle\n" +msgstr "het reserveren van het beheer van de sleuteldatabase is mislukt\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:981 +msgid "certificate has been revoked" +msgstr "certificaat werd ingetrokken" + +#: sm/certchain.c:996 +msgid "the status of the certificate is unknown" +msgstr "onbekende status van het certificaat" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1003 +msgid "please make sure that the \"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n" +msgstr "" +"gelieve u ervan te vergewissen dat de \"dirmngr\" behoorlijk geïnstalleerd " +"werd\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1009 +#, c-format +msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" +msgstr "controle van de lijst van ingetrokken certificaten is mislukt: %s" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 +#, c-format +msgid "certificate with invalid validity: %s" +msgstr "certificaat met een ongeldige geldigheid: %s" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 +msgid "certificate not yet valid" +msgstr "certificaat is nog niet geldig" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 +msgid "root certificate not yet valid" +msgstr "stamcertificaat is nog niet geldig" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 +msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" +msgstr "het tussenliggend certificaat is nog niet geldig" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1068 +msgid "certificate has expired" +msgstr "het certificaat is verlopen" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1069 +msgid "root certificate has expired" +msgstr "het stamcertificaat is vervallen" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1070 +msgid "intermediate certificate has expired" +msgstr "het tussenliggend certificaat is vervallen" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1112 +#, c-format +msgid "required certificate attributes missing: %s%s%s" +msgstr "de vereiste certificaatattributen ontbreken: %s%s%s" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1121 +msgid "certificate with invalid validity" +msgstr "certificaat met ongeldige geldigheid" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1158 +msgid "signature not created during lifetime of certificate" +msgstr "" +"handtekening werd niet aangemaakt binnen de levensduur van het certificaat" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1160 +msgid "certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" +msgstr "certificaat werd niet aangemaakt binnen de levensduur van de uitgever" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1161 +msgid "intermediate certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" +msgstr "" +"het tussenliggend certificaat werd niet aangemaakt binnen de levensduur van " +"de uitgever" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1165 +msgid " ( signature created at " +msgstr " (handtekening aangemaakt op " + +#: sm/certchain.c:1166 +msgid " (certificate created at " +msgstr " ( certificaat aangemaakt op " + +#: sm/certchain.c:1169 +msgid " (certificate valid from " +msgstr " ( certificaat geldig van " + +#: sm/certchain.c:1170 +msgid " ( issuer valid from " +msgstr " ( uitgever geldig van " + +#: sm/certchain.c:1200 +#, c-format +msgid "fingerprint=%s\n" +msgstr "vingerafdruk=%s\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1209 +msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" +msgstr "het stamcertificaat werd nu als betrouwbaar gemarkeerd\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1222 +msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" +msgstr "" +"iets interactief als betrouwbaar markeren is niet mogelijk met gpg-agent\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1228 +msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" +msgstr "" +"iets interactief als betrouwbaar markeren is tijdens deze sessie niet " +"mogelijk\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1285 +msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" +msgstr "" +"WAARSCHUWING: het tijdstip waarop de handtekening aangemaakt werd is niet " +"bekend - er wordt aangenomen dat het nu was" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1349 +msgid "no issuer found in certificate" +msgstr "geen uitgever gevonden in het certificaat" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1422 +msgid "self-signed certificate has a BAD signature" +msgstr "auto-gesigneerd certificaat heeft een SLECHTE handtekening" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1491 +msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" +msgstr "stamcertificaat staat niet gemarkeerd als betrouwbaar" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1504 +#, c-format +msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" +msgstr "controle van de lijst van vertrouwen is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 +msgid "certificate chain too long\n" +msgstr "certificaatketting is te lang\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1545 +msgid "issuer certificate not found" +msgstr "certificaat van uitgever niet gevonden" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1578 +msgid "certificate has a BAD signature" +msgstr "certificaat heeft een SLECHTE ondertekening" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1609 +msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" +msgstr "" +"mogelijk een ander overeenstemmend CA-certificaat gevonden - er wordt " +"opnieuw geprobeerd" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1660 +#, c-format +msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" +msgstr "" +"certificaatketting is langer dan toegestaan door de certificatieautoriteit " +"(%d)" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 +msgid "certificate is good\n" +msgstr "certificaat is goed\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1701 +msgid "intermediate certificate is good\n" +msgstr "tussenliggend certificaat is goed\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1702 +msgid "root certificate is good\n" +msgstr "stamcertificaat is goed\n" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1873 +msgid "switching to chain model" +msgstr "er wordt overgeschakeld op het kettingmodel" + +#: sm/certchain.c:1882 +#, c-format +msgid "validation model used: %s" +msgstr "gebruikt valideringsmodel: %s" + +#: sm/certcheck.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" +msgstr "%s-sleutel gebruikt een onveilige (%u bit) hash\n" + +#: sm/certcheck.c:107 +#, c-format +msgid "a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n" +msgstr "een hash van %u bit is niet geldig voor een %u bit %s-sleutel\n" + +#: sm/certcheck.c:244 sm/verify.c:201 +msgid "(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n" +msgstr "(dit is het MD2-algoritme)\n" + +#: sm/certdump.c:60 sm/certdump.c:143 +msgid "none" +msgstr "geen" + +#: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 +msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" +msgstr "[Fout - ongeldige codering]" + +#: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 +msgid "[Error - out of core]" +msgstr "[Fout - geheugenlimiet overschreden]" + +#: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 +msgid "[Error - No name]" +msgstr "[Fout - Geen naam]" + +#: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 +msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" +msgstr "[Fout - ongeldige DN]" + +#: sm/certdump.c:948 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the X.509 " +"certificate:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" +"created %s, expires %s.\n" +msgstr "" +"Voer de wachtwoordzin in voor het ontgrendelen van de geheime sleutel van " +"het X.509-certificaat:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"serienummer %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" +"aangemaakt op %s, vervalt op %s.\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:122 +msgid "no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n" +msgstr "" +"geen gebruik gespecificeerd voor de sleutel - elk gebruik wordt " +"verondersteld\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"fout bij het ophalen van de informatie over het gebruik van de sleutel: %s\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:142 +msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" +msgstr "het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden om te certificeren\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:154 +msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" +msgstr "" +"het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden voor het ondertekenen van " +"OCSP-antwoorden\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:165 +msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" +msgstr "het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden om te versleutelen\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:166 +msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" +msgstr "het certificaat had niet gebruikt mogen worden om te ondertekenen\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:167 +msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" +msgstr "het certificaat kan niet gebruikt worden om te versleutelen\n" + +#: sm/certlist.c:168 +msgid "certificate is not usable for signing\n" +msgstr "het certificaat kan niet gebruikt worden om te ondertekenen\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:474 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: invalid algorithm\n" +msgstr "regel %d: ongeldig algoritme\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:487 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" +msgstr "regel %d: ongeldige sleutellengte %u (geldig is van %d tot %d)\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: no subject name given\n" +msgstr "regel %d: geen naam aan het subject gegeven\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:514 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" +msgstr "regel %d: de naam van het subject heeft het ongeldige label `%.*s'\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:517 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" +msgstr "regel %d: het subject heeft de ongeldige naam `%s' op positie %d\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:534 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: not a valid email address\n" +msgstr "regel %d: geen geldig e-mailadres\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:546 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: error reading key `%s' from card: %s\n" +msgstr "regel %d: fout bij het lezen van sleutel `%s' van de kaart: %s\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:558 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "" +"regel %d: fout bij het ophalen van de sleutel met sleutelhendel `%s': %s\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:574 +#, c-format +msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" +msgstr "regel %d: sleutel aanmaken is mislukt: %s <%s>\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen.c:806 +msgid "" +"To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " +"you just created once more.\n" +msgstr "" +"Om deze certificaataanvraag te vervolledigen moet u nogmaals de " +"wachtwoordzin invoeren voor de sleutel die u zonet aanmaakte.\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) RSA\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:159 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) Existing key\n" +msgstr " (%d) Bestaande sleutel\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:160 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) Existing key from card\n" +msgstr " (%d) Bestaande sleutel op de kaart\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:202 +msgid "Enter the keygrip: " +msgstr "Voer de sleutelhendel in: " + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 +msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" +msgstr "" +"Geen geldige sleutelhendel (een reeks van 40 hexadecimale cijfers wordt " +"verwacht)\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 +msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" +msgstr "Deze sleutelhendel heeft geen sleutel bij zich\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:230 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:239 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading the card: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van de kaart: %s\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Serial number of the card: %s\n" +msgstr "Serienummer van de kaart: %s\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 +msgid "Available keys:\n" +msgstr "Beschikbare sleutels:\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:276 +#, c-format +msgid "Possible actions for a %s key:\n" +msgstr "Mogelijke acties voor een %s-sleutel:\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:277 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) sign, encrypt\n" +msgstr " (%d) ondertekenen, versleutelen\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:278 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) sign\n" +msgstr " (%d) ondertekenen\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:279 +#, c-format +msgid " (%d) encrypt\n" +msgstr " (%d) versleutelen\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:303 +msgid "Enter the X.509 subject name: " +msgstr "Voer de naam in voor het subject in X.509-formaat: " + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:307 +msgid "No subject name given\n" +msgstr "Geen naam voor het subject ingevoerd\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 +#, c-format +msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" +msgstr "De naam voor het subject heeft ongeldig label `%.*s'\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the +#. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please +#. adjust it do the length of your translation. The +#. second string is merely passed to atoi so you can +#. drop everything after the number. +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 +#, c-format +msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" +msgstr "Subject met ongeldige naam `%s'\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 +msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" +msgstr "21" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:334 +msgid "Enter email addresses" +msgstr "Voer de e-mailadressen in" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:335 +msgid " (end with an empty line):\n" +msgstr " (beëindig met een lege regel):\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:339 +msgid "Enter DNS names" +msgstr "Voer de DNS-namen in" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:340 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:345 +msgid " (optional; end with an empty line):\n" +msgstr " (facultatief; beëindig met een lege regel):\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:344 +msgid "Enter URIs" +msgstr "Voer de URI's in" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 +msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" +msgstr "Te gebruiken parameters bij het aanvragen van een certificaat:\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 +msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" +msgstr "" +"Er wordt nu een aanvraag voor een certificaat gemaakt. Dit kan even " +"duren ...\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 +msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" +msgstr "" +"Klaar. U zou die aanvraag nu moeten sturen naar uw certificatieautoriteit.\n" + +#: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 +msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" +msgstr "een probleem van hulpbronnen: geheugenlimiet overschreden\n" + +#: sm/decrypt.c:330 +msgid "(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n" +msgstr "(dit is het RC2-algoritme)\n" + +#: sm/decrypt.c:332 +msgid "(this does not seem to be an encrypted message)\n" +msgstr "(dit lijkt geen versleuteld bericht te zijn)\n" + +#: sm/delete.c:51 sm/delete.c:112 +#, c-format +msgid "certificate `%s' not found: %s\n" +msgstr "certificaat `%s' niet gevonden: %s\n" + +#: sm/delete.c:122 sm/keydb.c:1574 sm/keydb.c:1676 +#, c-format +msgid "error locking keybox: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het vergrendelen van het sleutelkistje: %s\n" + +#: sm/delete.c:143 +#, c-format +msgid "duplicated certificate `%s' deleted\n" +msgstr "duplicaat van het certificaat `%s' werd verwijderd\n" + +#: sm/delete.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "certificate `%s' deleted\n" +msgstr "certificaat `%s' werd verwijderd\n" + +#: sm/delete.c:175 +#, c-format +msgid "deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n" +msgstr "verwijderen van certificaat \"%s\" is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: sm/encrypt.c:321 +msgid "no valid recipients given\n" +msgstr "geen geldige ontvangers opgegeven)\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:197 +msgid "list external keys" +msgstr "toon externe sleutels" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:199 +msgid "list certificate chain" +msgstr "toon de certificaatketting" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:206 +msgid "import certificates" +msgstr "importeer certificaten" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:207 +msgid "export certificates" +msgstr "exporteer certificaten" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:209 +msgid "register a smartcard" +msgstr "registreer een chipkaart" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:212 +msgid "pass a command to the dirmngr" +msgstr "geef een opdracht door aan de dirmngr" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:214 +msgid "invoke gpg-protect-tool" +msgstr "Activeer gpg-protect-tool" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:230 +msgid "create base-64 encoded output" +msgstr "creëer uitvoer in base-64-formaat" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:235 +msgid "assume input is in PEM format" +msgstr "ga er van uit dat de invoer in PEM-formaat is" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:237 +msgid "assume input is in base-64 format" +msgstr "ga er van uit dat de invoer in base-64-formaat is" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:239 +msgid "assume input is in binary format" +msgstr "ga er van uit dat de invoer in binair formaat is" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:244 +msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" +msgstr "gebruik de dirmngr van het systeem als die beschikbaar is" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:247 +msgid "never consult a CRL" +msgstr "raadpleeg nooit een CRL (lijst van ingetrokken certificaten)" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:257 +msgid "check validity using OCSP" +msgstr "controleer geldigheid met OCSP" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:262 +msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" +msgstr "|N|aantal toe te voegen certificaten" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:265 +msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|haal richtlijninformatie uit BESTAND" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:268 +msgid "do not check certificate policies" +msgstr "kijk de certificaatrichtlijnen niet na" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:272 +msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" +msgstr "haal ontbrekende uitgeverscertificaten op" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:283 +msgid "don't use the terminal at all" +msgstr "maak helemaal geen gebruik van de terminal" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:285 +msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|houd een logboek bij in server-modus in BESTAND" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:290 +msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|houd een auditlogboek bij in BESTAND" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:293 +msgid "batch mode: never ask" +msgstr "automatische modus: stel nooit vragen" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:294 +msgid "assume yes on most questions" +msgstr "ga uit van een ja-antwoord op de meeste vragen" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:295 +msgid "assume no on most questions" +msgstr "ga uit van een nee-antwoord op de meeste vragen" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:298 +msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" +msgstr "|BESTAND|voeg de sleutelring toe aan de lijst van sleutelringen" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:301 +msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" +msgstr "|GEBRUIKERS-ID|gebruik GEBRUIKERS-ID als de standaard geheime sleutel" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 +msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" +msgstr "|SPEC|gebruik deze sleutelserver om sleutels op te zoeken" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:329 +msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" +msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik versleutelingsalgoritme NAAM" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:331 +msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" +msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik hashalgoritme NAAM" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:522 +msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpgsm [opties] [bestanden] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:525 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" +"Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" +"Default operation depends on the input data\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpgsm [opties] [bestanden]\n" +"Onderteken, controleer, versleutel of ontcijfer met het S/MIME-protocol\n" +"Standaardactie is afhankelijk van de ingevoerde gegevens\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:617 +msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " +msgstr "gebruik: gpgsm [opties] " + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:739 +#, c-format +msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "NOOT: zal niet in staat zijn om te versleutelen naar `%s': %s\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" +msgstr "onbekend valideringsmodel `%s'\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:801 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: no hostname given\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: geen computernaam opgegeven\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:820 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: wachtwoord zonder gebruiker gegeven\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:841 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: deze regel wordt overgeslagen\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 +msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" +msgstr "kon de sleutelserver niet ontleden\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 +msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " +msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: wordt uitgevoerd met de gesimuleerde systeemtijd: " + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 +#, c-format +msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" +msgstr "bezig met importeren van gemeenschappelijke certificaten `%s'\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 +#, c-format +msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan niet ondertekenen met `%s': %s\n" + +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 +msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" +msgstr "ongeldig commando (er is geen impliciet commando)\n" + +#: sm/import.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "total number processed: %lu\n" +msgstr "totaal aantal verwerkt: %lu\n" + +#: sm/import.c:230 +msgid "error storing certificate\n" +msgstr "fout bij het opslaan van het certificaat\n" + +#: sm/import.c:238 +msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" +msgstr "" +"basale controle van het certificaat mislukte - wordt niet geïmporteerd\n" + +#: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 +#, c-format +msgid "error getting stored flags: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het inlezen van de opgeslagen opties: %s\n" + +#: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 +#, c-format +msgid "error importing certificate: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het importeren van het certificaat: %s\n" + +#: sm/import.c:684 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1346 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading input: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen van invoer: %s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:216 +#, c-format +msgid "error creating keybox `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van sleuteldoosje `%s': %s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:223 +#, c-format +msgid "keybox `%s' created\n" +msgstr "sleuteldoosje `%s' is aangemaakt\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:1489 sm/keydb.c:1557 +msgid "failed to get the fingerprint\n" +msgstr "opvragen van de vingerafdruk is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:1517 +#, c-format +msgid "problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n" +msgstr "probleem bij het opzoeken van een bestaand certificaat: %s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:1525 +#, c-format +msgid "error finding writable keyDB: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"fout bij het zoeken naar een sleuteldatabase waarin kan geschreven worden: " +"%s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:1533 +#, c-format +msgid "error storing certificate: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het opslaan van het certificaat: %s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:1585 +#, c-format +msgid "problem re-searching certificate: %s\n" +msgstr "probleem bij het opnieuw opzoeken van het certificaat: %s\n" + +#: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 +#, c-format +msgid "error storing flags: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het opslaan van de opties: %s\n" + +#: sm/keylist.c:642 +msgid "Error - " +msgstr "Fout - " + +#: sm/misc.c:55 +msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" +msgstr "" +"GPG_TTY werd niet ingesteld - de standaard, die misschien gebrekkig zal " +"functioneren, wordt gebruik\n" + +#: sm/qualified.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" +msgstr "ongeldig opgemaakte vingerafdruk in `%s', regel %d\n" + +#: sm/qualified.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" +msgstr "ongeldige landcode in `%s', regel %d\n" + +#: sm/qualified.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to create a signature using your certificate:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"This will create a qualified signature by law equated to a handwritten " +"signature.\n" +"\n" +"%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" +msgstr "" +"U staat op het punt om een handtekening aan te maken met uw certificaat:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"Dit zal een bevoegde handtekening aanmaken die volgens de wet evenwaardig is " +"aan een met de hand geplaatste handtekening.\n" +"\n" +"%s%sBent u er echt zeker van dat u dit wilt doen?" + +#: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 +msgid "" +"Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " +"signatures.\n" +msgstr "" +"Noteer dat deze programmatuur niet officieel goedgekeurd is om dergelijke " +"handtekeningen aan te maken of te verifiëren.\n" + +#: sm/qualified.c:278 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to create a signature using your certificate:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" +msgstr "" +"U staat op het punt om een handtekening aan te maken met uw certificaat:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"Noteer dat dit certificaat GEEN bevoegde handtekening zal aanmaken!" + +#: sm/sign.c:449 +#, c-format +msgid "hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported; using %s\n" +msgstr "" +"hashalgoritme %d (%s) voor ondertekenaar %d wordt niet ondersteund; %s wordt " +"gebruikt\n" + +#: sm/sign.c:463 +#, c-format +msgid "hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n" +msgstr "" +"er wordt gebruik gemaakt van het hashalgoritme voor ondertekenaar %d: %s " +"(%s)\n" + +#: sm/sign.c:513 +#, c-format +msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" +msgstr "nagaan of het een bevoegd certificaat betreft, is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: sm/verify.c:449 +msgid "Signature made " +msgstr "Handtekening geplaatst" + +#: sm/verify.c:453 +msgid "[date not given]" +msgstr "[datum niet vermeld]" + +#: sm/verify.c:454 +#, c-format +msgid " using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n" +msgstr " er wordt gebruik gemaakt van certificaat ID 0x%08lX\n" + +#: sm/verify.c:473 +msgid "" +"invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" +msgstr "" +"ongeldige ondertekening: het hashattribuut van het bericht komt niet overeen " +"met het berekende\n" + +#: sm/verify.c:594 +msgid "Good signature from" +msgstr "Goede handtekening van" + +#: sm/verify.c:595 +msgid " aka" +msgstr " ook bekend als" + +#: sm/verify.c:613 +msgid "This is a qualified signature\n" +msgstr "Dit is een bevoegde ondertekening\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:70 tools/gpgconf.c:81 tools/symcryptrun.c:167 +msgid "quiet" +msgstr "stil" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:71 +msgid "print data out hex encoded" +msgstr "toon de gecodeerde gegevens in hexadecimaal formaat" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:72 +msgid "decode received data lines" +msgstr "ontcijfer de ontvangen dataregels" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 +msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" +msgstr "|NAAM|maak verbinding met Assuan-socket NAAM" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 +msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" +msgstr "start de Assuan-server die aan de commandolijn ingevoerd werd" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 +msgid "do not use extended connect mode" +msgstr "maak geen gebruik van de uitvoerige verbindingsmodus" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 +msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" +msgstr "|BESTAND|voer bij het opstarten de opdrachten uit BESTAND uit" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 +msgid "run /subst on startup" +msgstr "voer bij het opstarten /subst uit" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:184 +msgid "Usage: gpg-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-connect-agent [opties] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:187 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpg-connect-agent [options]\n" +"Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg-connect-agent [opties]\n" +"Maak een verbinding met een actieve agent en stuur opdrachten\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 +#, c-format +msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" +msgstr "optie \"%s\" vereist een programma en facultatieve parameters\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 +#, c-format +msgid "option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "optie \"%s\" genegeerd omwille van \"%s\"\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 +#, c-format +msgid "receiving line failed: %s\n" +msgstr "ontvangen van regel is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 +msgid "line too long - skipped\n" +msgstr "regel is te lang - overgeslagen\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 +msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" +msgstr "regel werd ingekort wegens een ingebed NULL-teken\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 +#, c-format +msgid "unknown command `%s'\n" +msgstr "onbekende opdracht `%s'\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1761 +#, c-format +msgid "sending line failed: %s\n" +msgstr "regel versturen is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 +#, c-format +msgid "error sending %s command: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het versturen van opdracht %s: %s\n" + +#: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 +#, c-format +msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het versturen van standaardopties: %s\n" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 +msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" +msgstr "Opties die de diagnostische uitvoer sturen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 +msgid "Options controlling the configuration" +msgstr "Opties die de configuratie-instellingen sturen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 +msgid "Options useful for debugging" +msgstr "Nuttige opties voor foutenanalyse (debugging)" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 +msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|schrijf logboekgegevens in server-modus naar BESTAND" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 +msgid "Options controlling the security" +msgstr "Opties die de beveiliging sturen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:522 +msgid "|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds" +msgstr "|N|laat SSH-sleutels na N seconden verlopen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 +msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" +msgstr "" +"|N|stel de maximale levensduur van de cache van de pincode in op N seconden" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 +msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" +msgstr "|N|stel de maximale levensduur van een SSH-sleutel in op N seconden" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" +msgstr "" +"Opties voor het toepassen van richtlijnen in verband met wachtwoordzinnen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 +msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" +msgstr "sta niet toe om de richtlijnen inzake wachtwoordzinnen te omzeilen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 +msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" +msgstr "|N|stel de minimale lengte voor nieuwe wachtwoordzinnen in op N" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 +msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" +msgstr "" +"|N|stel als vereiste dat een nieuwe wachtwoordzin minstens N niet-alfa " +"tekens moet bevatten" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 +msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" +msgstr "|BESTAND|toets nieuwe wachtwoordzinnen af aan het patroon in BESTAND" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 +msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" +msgstr "|N|laat de wachtwoordzin na N dagen vervallen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 +msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgstr "laat het opnieuw gebruiken van oude wachtwoordzinnen niet toe" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" +msgstr "|NAAM|gebruik NAAM als standaard geheime sleutel" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 +msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" +msgstr "|NAAM|versleutel ook naar gebruikers-ID NAAM" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 +msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" +msgstr "|SPEC|stel e-mail aliassen in" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 +msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" +msgstr "Instellingen voor Sleutelservers" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" +msgstr "|URL|gebruik de sleutelserver op URL" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" +msgstr "sta PKA-opzoekingen toe (DNS-verzoeken)" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 +msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" +msgstr "" +"|MECHANISME|gebruik MECHANISME om sleutels via e-mailadressen te localiseren" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" +msgstr "deactiveer alle toegang tot de dirmngr" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" +msgstr "" +"|NAAM|gebruik codering NAAM voor wachtwoordzinnen van het formaat PKCS#12" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 +msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" +msgstr "" +"voer voor stamcertificaten geen controle uit bij de lijst van ingetrokken " +"certificaten" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 +msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" +msgstr "Opties om het formaat van de uitvoer te sturen" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 +msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" +msgstr "Opties die een invloed hebben op de interactiviteit en de uitvoering" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 +msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" +msgstr "Configuratie van de HTTP-servers" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 +msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" +msgstr "gebruik de instellingen van het systeem met betrekking tot HTTP proxy" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 +msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" +msgstr "Te gebruiken configuratie voor de LDAP-servers" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 +msgid "LDAP server list" +msgstr "Lijst van LDAP-servers" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 +msgid "Configuration for OCSP" +msgstr "Configuratie van OCSP" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 +#, c-format +msgid "External verification of component %s failed" +msgstr "Externe verificatie van component %s is mislukt" + +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 +msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" +msgstr "Noteer dat groepsspecificaties genegeerd worden\n" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:62 +msgid "list all components" +msgstr "toon alle componenten" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:63 +msgid "check all programs" +msgstr "controleer alle programma's" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:64 +msgid "|COMPONENT|list options" +msgstr "|COMPONENT|toon opties" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:65 +msgid "|COMPONENT|change options" +msgstr "|COMPONENT|wijzig opties" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:66 +msgid "|COMPONENT|check options" +msgstr "|COMPONENT|controleer opties" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:68 +msgid "apply global default values" +msgstr "pas de globale standaardwaarden toe" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:70 +msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" +msgstr "haal de mappen op met de configuratie-instellingen van gpgconf" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:72 +msgid "list global configuration file" +msgstr "toon het bestand met de globale configuratie-instellingen" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:74 +msgid "check global configuration file" +msgstr "controleer het bestand met de globale configuratie-instellingen" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:79 +msgid "use as output file" +msgstr "gebruik als uitvoerbestand" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:83 +msgid "activate changes at runtime, if possible" +msgstr "" +"pas indien mogelijk wijzigingen nog toe tijdens de uitvoering van het " +"programma" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:105 +msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpgconf [opties] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:108 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpgconf [options]\n" +"Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpgconf [opties]\n" +"Beheer de configuratieopties van de instrumenten van het GnuPG-systeem\n" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 +msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " +msgstr "gebruik: gpgconf [opties] " + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:216 +msgid "Need one component argument" +msgstr "Een component als parameter is vereist" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:225 tools/gpgconf.c:258 +msgid "Component not found" +msgstr "Component niet gevonden" + +#: tools/gpgconf.c:284 +msgid "No argument allowed" +msgstr "Een parameter is niet toegelaten" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:154 +msgid "" +"@\n" +"Commands:\n" +" " +msgstr "" +"@\n" +"Commando's:\n" +" " + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:156 +msgid "decryption modus" +msgstr "ontcijferingsmodus" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:157 +msgid "encryption modus" +msgstr "encryptiemodus" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:161 +msgid "tool class (confucius)" +msgstr "klasse van instrumenten (confucius)" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:162 +msgid "program filename" +msgstr "bestandsnaam van het programma" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:164 +msgid "secret key file (required)" +msgstr "geheime-sleutelbestand (verplicht)" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 +msgid "input file name (default stdin)" +msgstr "bestandsnaam voor de invoer (standaard is stdin)" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 +msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" +msgstr "Gebruik: symcryptrun [opties] (-h voor hulp)" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:212 +msgid "" +"Syntax: symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM --keyfile KEYFILE " +"[options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n" +"Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: symcryptrun --class KLASSE --program PROGRAMMA --keyfile " +"SLEUTELBESTAND [opties...] COMMANDO [invoerbestand]\n" +"Uitvoeren van een eenvoudig hulpmiddel voor symmetrische versleuteling\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 +#, c-format +msgid "%s on %s aborted with status %i\n" +msgstr "%s op %s afgebroken met status %i\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:288 +#, c-format +msgid "%s on %s failed with status %i\n" +msgstr "%s op %s mislukte met status %i\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "can't create temporary directory `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "kan tijdelijke map `%s' niet maken: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:354 tools/symcryptrun.c:371 +#, c-format +msgid "could not open %s for writing: %s\n" +msgstr "kon %s niet openen om er naar te schrijven: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:382 +#, c-format +msgid "error writing to %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het schrijven naar %s: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "error reading from %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het lezen uit %s: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:396 tools/symcryptrun.c:403 +#, c-format +msgid "error closing %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fout bij het sluiten van %s: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:488 +msgid "no --program option provided\n" +msgstr "geen optie --program meegegeven\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:494 +msgid "only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n" +msgstr "enkel --decrypt en --encrypt worden ondersteund\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:500 +msgid "no --keyfile option provided\n" +msgstr "geen optie --keyfile meegegeven\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 +msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" +msgstr "kan de parametervector niet reserveren\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 +#, c-format +msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" +msgstr "kon pijp niet aanmaken: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 +#, c-format +msgid "could not create pty: %s\n" +msgstr "kon pty niet aanmaken: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:552 +#, c-format +msgid "could not fork: %s\n" +msgstr "kon geen nieuw programma (fork) starten: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:580 +#, c-format +msgid "execv failed: %s\n" +msgstr "execv is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "select failed: %s\n" +msgstr "selecteren is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 +#, c-format +msgid "read failed: %s\n" +msgstr "lezen is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 +#, c-format +msgid "pty read failed: %s\n" +msgstr "lezen van pty is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:730 +#, c-format +msgid "waitpid failed: %s\n" +msgstr "waitpid is mislukt: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:744 +#, c-format +msgid "child aborted with status %i\n" +msgstr "kindproces werd afgebroken met status %i\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:799 +#, c-format +msgid "cannot allocate infile string: %s\n" +msgstr "kan de tekenreeks infile niet reserveren: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:812 +#, c-format +msgid "cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n" +msgstr "kan de tekenreeks outfile niet reserveren: %s\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:986 +#, c-format +msgid "either %s or %s must be given\n" +msgstr "ofwel %s of %s moet opgegeven worden\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:1013 +msgid "no class provided\n" +msgstr "geen klasse opgegeven\n" + +#: tools/symcryptrun.c:1022 +#, c-format +msgid "class %s is not supported\n" +msgstr "klasse %s wordt niet ondersteund\n" + +#: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:145 +msgid "Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n" +msgstr "Gebruik: gpg-check-pattern [opties] patroonbestand (-h voor hulp)\n" + +#: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:148 +msgid "" +"Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n" +"Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" +msgstr "" +"Syntaxis: gpg-check-pattern [opties] patroonbestand\n" +"Toets een wachtwoordzin die op stdin ingevoerd werd, aan een patroonbestand\n" + +#~ msgid "can't gen prime with pbits=%u qbits=%u\n" +#~ msgstr "kan geen priemgetal genereren met pbits=%u qbits=%u\n" + +#~ msgid "can't generate a prime with less than %d bits\n" +#~ msgstr "kan geen priemgetal genereren van minder dan %d bits\n" + +#~ msgid "no entropy gathering module detected\n" +#~ msgstr "geen module gevonden om entropie te verzamelen\n" + +#~ msgid "can't lock `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet vergrendelen: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "can't stat `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "kan status van `%s' niet vaststellen: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "`%s' is not a regular file - ignored\n" +#~ msgstr "`%s' is geen gewoon bestand - wordt genegeerd\n" + +#~ msgid "note: random_seed file is empty\n" +#~ msgstr "noot: bestand random_seed is leeg\n" + +#~ msgid "WARNING: invalid size of random_seed file - not used\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "WAARSCHUWING: ongeldige grootte van het bestand random_seed - wordt niet " +#~ "gebruikt\n" + +#~ msgid "can't read `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet lezen: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "note: random_seed file not updated\n" +#~ msgstr "noot: bestand random_seed wordt niet bijgewerkt\n" + +#~ msgid "can't write `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet wegschrijven: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "can't close `%s': %s\n" +#~ msgstr "kan `%s' niet afsluiten: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure random number generator!!\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt een onveilige generator van willekeurige getallen " +#~ "gebruikt!!\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The random number generator is only a kludge to let\n" +#~ "it run - it is in no way a strong RNG!\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "DON'T USE ANY DATA GENERATED BY THIS PROGRAM!!\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "De generator van willekeurige getallen is alleen maar een zootje " +#~ "ongeregeld\n" +#~ "om iets te hebben dat werkt - het is niet echt een sterk programma!\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "GEBRUIK DE DOOR DIT PROGRAMMA GEGENEREERDE GEGEVENS NIET!!\n" +#~ "\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please wait, entropy is being gathered. Do some work if it would\n" +#~ "keep you from getting bored, because it will improve the quality\n" +#~ "of the entropy.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ogenblik geduld, entropie wordt verzameld. Werk intussen wat.\n" +#~ "Het zal er niet enkel voor zorgen dat u zich niet gaat vervelen, het\n" +#~ "zal tegelijk de kwaliteit van de entropie verbeteren.\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Not enough random bytes available. Please do some other work to give\n" +#~ "the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need %d more bytes)\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Er zijn niet genoeg willekeurige bytes beschikbaar. Doe wat ander werk om " +#~ "het OS\n" +#~ "de gelegenheid te geven meer entropie te verzamelen! (heb nog %d bytes " +#~ "nodig)\n" + +#~ msgid "card reader not available\n" +#~ msgstr "kaartlezer is niet beschikbaar\n" + +#~ msgid "Please insert the card and hit return or enter 'c' to cancel: " +#~ msgstr "Plaats de kaart en druk op enter of op 'c' om te cancelen: " + +#~ msgid "Hit return when ready or enter 'c' to cancel: " +#~ msgstr "Druk op enter als u klaar bent of op 'c' om te cancelen: " + +#~ msgid "Enter New Admin PIN: " +#~ msgstr "Voer de nieuwe pincode voor de beheerder in: " + +#~ msgid "Enter New PIN: " +#~ msgstr "Voer nieuwe pincode in: " + +#~ msgid "Enter Admin PIN: " +#~ msgstr "Voer de pincode voor de beheerder in: " + +#~ msgid "generate PGP 2.x compatible messages" +#~ msgstr "berichten aanmaken die compatibel zijn met PGP 2.x" + +#~ msgid "NOTE: %s is not available in this version\n" +#~ msgstr "NOOT: %s is niet beschikbaar in deze versie\n" + +#~ msgid "-k[v][v][v][c] [user-id] [keyring]" +#~ msgstr "-k[v][v][v][c] [gebruikers-id] [sleutelring]" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "It's up to you to assign a value here; this value will never be exported\n" +#~ "to any 3rd party. We need it to implement the web-of-trust; it has " +#~ "nothing\n" +#~ "to do with the (implicitly created) web-of-certificates." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Het is aan u om hier een waarde toe te kennen; deze waarde zal nooit naar " +#~ "een\n" +#~ "derde partij geëxporteerd worden. We hebben ze nodig om het netwerk-van-" +#~ "vertrouwen\n" +#~ "(web-of-trust) te implementeren. Dit heeft niets te maken met het " +#~ "(impliciet\n" +#~ "aangemaakte) netwerk-van-certificaten (web-of-certificates)." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "To build the Web-of-Trust, GnuPG needs to know which keys are\n" +#~ "ultimately trusted - those are usually the keys for which you have\n" +#~ "access to the secret key. Answer \"yes\" to set this key to\n" +#~ "ultimately trusted\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Om het netwerk-van-vertrouwen op te bouwen, moet GnuPG weten welke " +#~ "sleutels\n" +#~ "volledig vertrouwd worden. Dit zijn gewoonlijk de sleutels waarvoor u ook " +#~ "toegang\n" +#~ "tot de geheime sleutel heeft. Antwoord \"yes\" om deze sleutel in te\n" +#~ "stellen als volledig te vertrouwen.\n" + +#~ msgid "If you want to use this untrusted key anyway, answer \"yes\"." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Als u deze niet-vertrouwde sleutel toch wilt gebruiken, antwoord dan \"yes" +#~ "\"." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Enter the user ID of the addressee to whom you want to send the message." +#~ msgstr "Voer het gebruikers-ID in van de ontvanger van dit bericht." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Select the algorithm to use.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "DSA (aka DSS) is the Digital Signature Algorithm and can only be used\n" +#~ "for signatures.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Elgamal is an encrypt-only algorithm.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "RSA may be used for signatures or encryption.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "The first (primary) key must always be a key which is capable of signing." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Selecteer het te gebruiken algoritme.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "DSA (ook bekend als DSS) is het algoritme voor digitale handtekeningen\n" +#~ "(Digital Signature Algorithm) dat enkel voor ondertekeningen kan gebruikt " +#~ "worden.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Elgamal is een algoritme enkel bedoeld voor versleuteling.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "RSA kan gebruikt worden voor ondertekeningen en versleuteling.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "De eerste (primaire) sleutel moet altijd een sleutel zijn waarmee " +#~ "ondertekend\n" +#~ "kan worden." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "In general it is not a good idea to use the same key for signing and\n" +#~ "encryption. This algorithm should only be used in certain domains.\n" +#~ "Please consult your security expert first." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "In het algemeen is het geen goed idee om dezelfde sleutel te gebruiken " +#~ "om\n" +#~ "te ondertekenen en te versleutelen. Dit algoritme zou enkel in bepaalde " +#~ "domeinen\n" +#~ "gebruikt mogen worden. Vraag eerst een beveiligingsspecialist om advies." + +#~ msgid "Enter the size of the key" +#~ msgstr "Voer de lengte van de sleutel in" + +#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" or \"no\"" +#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" (Ja) of \"no\" (nee)" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Enter the required value as shown in the prompt.\n" +#~ "It is possible to enter a ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) but you won't\n" +#~ "get a good error response - instead the system tries to interpret\n" +#~ "the given value as an interval." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Geef de vereiste waarde op, zoals getoond in de vraag.\n" +#~ "Het is mogelijk om een datum in ISO-formaat (JJJJ-MM-DD) in te voeren, " +#~ "maar u\n" +#~ "zult geen passende foutmelding krijgen - het systeem zal daarentegen " +#~ "proberen\n" +#~ "om de ingevoerde waarde te interpreteren als een interval." + +#~ msgid "Enter the name of the key holder" +#~ msgstr "Geef de naam van de sleutelhouder" + +#~ msgid "please enter an optional but highly suggested email address" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "geef alstublieft een e-mailadres, dit is niet verplicht maar wel sterk " +#~ "aangeraden" + +#~ msgid "Please enter an optional comment" +#~ msgstr "Geef eventueel een toelichting. Dit is facultatief" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "N to change the name.\n" +#~ "C to change the comment.\n" +#~ "E to change the email address.\n" +#~ "O to continue with key generation.\n" +#~ "Q to quit the key generation." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "N om de de naam te veranderen.\n" +#~ "C om de toelichting te veranderen.\n" +#~ "E om het e-mailadres te veranderen.\n" +#~ "O om door te gaan met het aanmaken van de sleutel.\n" +#~ "Q om het aanmaken van de sleutel af te breken." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Answer \"yes\" (or just \"y\") if it is okay to generate the sub key." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Antwoord \"yes\" (of alleen \"y\") als het oké is om de subsleutel te " +#~ "maken." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "When you sign a user ID on a key, you should first verify that the key\n" +#~ "belongs to the person named in the user ID. It is useful for others to\n" +#~ "know how carefully you verified this.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"0\" means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verified " +#~ "the\n" +#~ " key.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"1\" means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to own " +#~ "it\n" +#~ " but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This is useful " +#~ "for\n" +#~ " a \"persona\" verification, where you sign the key of a pseudonymous " +#~ "user.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"2\" means you did casual verification of the key. For example, this " +#~ "could\n" +#~ " mean that you verified the key fingerprint and checked the user ID on " +#~ "the\n" +#~ " key against a photo ID.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"3\" means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, this " +#~ "could\n" +#~ " mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of the key " +#~ "in\n" +#~ " person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forge document " +#~ "with a\n" +#~ " photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the key owner matches " +#~ "the\n" +#~ " name in the user ID on the key, and finally that you verified (by " +#~ "exchange\n" +#~ " of email) that the email address on the key belongs to the key " +#~ "owner.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are *only* " +#~ "examples.\n" +#~ "In the end, it is up to you to decide just what \"casual\" and \"extensive" +#~ "\"\n" +#~ "mean to you when you sign other keys.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "If you don't know what the right answer is, answer \"0\"." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Als U een gebruikers-ID koppelt aan een sleutel, moet U eerst nagaan of " +#~ "de\n" +#~ "sleutel echt van de persoon is die in het gebruikers-ID genoemd wordt.\n" +#~ "Voor anderen is het van belang te weten dat U dit grondig gecontroleerd " +#~ "heeft.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"0\" betekent dat U zich niet uitspreekt over hoe grondig U deze " +#~ "sleutel\n" +#~ " heeft gecontroleerd\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"1\" betekent dat U gelooft dat de sleutel eigendom is van de persoon " +#~ "die beweert\n" +#~ " er eigenaar van te zijn, maar dat u de sleutel niet controleerde of " +#~ "dit\n" +#~ " niet kon doen. Dit is zinvol in geval van een \"persona\"-verificatie " +#~ "bij\n" +#~ " het ondertekenen van de sleutel van het pseudoniem van een " +#~ "gebruiker.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"2\" betekent dat U de sleutel vluchtig gecontroleerd heeft. Dit kan " +#~ "bijvoorbeeld\n" +#~ " betekenen dat u de vingerafdruk van de sleutel gecontroleerd heeft en " +#~ "de\n" +#~ " gebruikers-ID getoetst heeft aan een identiteitsfoto.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "\"3\" betekent dat u de sleutel uitvoerig heeft gecontroleerd. Dit kan " +#~ "bijvoorbeeld\n" +#~ " betekenen dat U de vingerafdruk van de sleutel persoonlijk " +#~ "gecontroleerd\n" +#~ " heeft bij de eigenaar van de sleutel, en dat u gecontroleerd heeft " +#~ "aan de hand\n" +#~ " van een foto op een moeilijk te vervalsen document (zoals een " +#~ "paspoort)\n" +#~ " dat de naam van de eigenaar van de sleutel overeenkomt met de naam in " +#~ "de\n" +#~ " gebruikers-ID op de sleutel, en dat u tenslotte gecontroleerd heeft " +#~ "(via het\n" +#~ " uitwisselen van e-mail) dat het e-mailadres op de sleutel effectief " +#~ "van\n" +#~ " de eigenaar van de sleutel is.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Noteer dat de gegeven voorbeelden voor de niveaus 2 en 3 *slechts* " +#~ "voorbeelden\n" +#~ "zijn. Uiteindelijk moet U zelf uitmaken wat voor u de betekenis is van " +#~ "\"vluchtig\"\n" +#~ "en \"uitvoerig\" bij het ondertekenen van sleutels van anderen.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Indien u twijfelt over wat het correcte antwoord is, antwoord dan \"0\"." + +#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if you want to sign ALL the user IDs" +#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" als U ALLE gebruikers-ID's wilt tekenen." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Answer \"yes\" if you really want to delete this user ID.\n" +#~ "All certificates are then also lost!" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Antwoord \"yes\" als u werkelijk deze gebruikers-ID wilt wissen.\n" +#~ "Alle bijbehorende certificaten worden ook gewist!" + +#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to delete the subkey" +#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" als het oké is om de subsleutel te wissen" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "This is a valid signature on the key; you normally don't want\n" +#~ "to delete this signature because it may be important to establish a\n" +#~ "trust connection to the key or another key certified by this key." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Dit is een geldige ondertekening van de sleutel; normaal gezien wilt U " +#~ "deze\n" +#~ "ondertekening niet wissen. omdat ze belangrijk kan zijn voor het opzetten " +#~ "van een\n" +#~ "betrouwbare relatie met behulp van deze sleutel of met een andere sleutel " +#~ "die met\n" +#~ "deze sleutel gecertificeerd werd." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "This signature can't be checked because you don't have the\n" +#~ "corresponding key. You should postpone its deletion until you\n" +#~ "know which key was used because this signing key might establish\n" +#~ "a trust connection through another already certified key." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Deze ondertekening kan niet worden gecontroleerd omdat u de bijbehorende\n" +#~ "sleutel niet heeft. U wordt aangeraden om het verwijderen ervan uit te " +#~ "stellen\n" +#~ "totdat u weet welke sleutel gebruikt geweest is, omdat deze " +#~ "ondertekenende\n" +#~ "sleutel misschien een betrouwbare relatie tot stand brengt via\n" +#~ "een andere reeds gecertificeerde sleutel." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The signature is not valid. It does make sense to remove it from\n" +#~ "your keyring." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "De ondertekening is niet geldig. Het is een goed idee om ze van uw " +#~ "sleutelring\n" +#~ "af te halen." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "This is a signature which binds the user ID to the key. It is\n" +#~ "usually not a good idea to remove such a signature. Actually\n" +#~ "GnuPG might not be able to use this key anymore. So do this\n" +#~ "only if this self-signature is for some reason not valid and\n" +#~ "a second one is available." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Dit is een ondertekening die de gebruikers-ID aan de sleutel koppelt. " +#~ "Het\n" +#~ "is meestal niet goed om een dergelijke handtekening te verwijderen. " +#~ "Waarschijnlijk\n" +#~ "zal GnuPG deze sleutel dan niet meer kunnen gebruiken. Doe dit dus alleen " +#~ "als deze\n" +#~ "zelf geplaatste handtekening om een of andere reden niet geldig is en er\n" +#~ "een andere beschikbaar is." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Change the preferences of all user IDs (or just of the selected ones)\n" +#~ "to the current list of preferences. The timestamp of all affected\n" +#~ "self-signatures will be advanced by one second.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Vervang de voorkeuren van alle (of alleen de gekozen) gebruikers-ID's\n" +#~ "door de huidige lijst van voorkeuren. De tijdsindicatie van alle " +#~ "betrokken\n" +#~ "zelf geplaatste handtekeningen zal met een seconde worden verhoogd.\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please repeat the last passphrase, so you are sure what you typed in." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Herhaal de laatste wachtwoordzin, om zeker te zijn dat u die juist " +#~ "intypte." + +#~ msgid "Give the name of the file to which the signature applies" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Geef de naam van het bestand waarop deze handtekening van toepassing is" + +#~ msgid "Answer \"yes\" if it is okay to overwrite the file" +#~ msgstr "Antwoord \"yes\" als het oké is om bestand te overschrijven" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please enter a new filename. If you just hit RETURN the default\n" +#~ "file (which is shown in brackets) will be used." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Geef alstublieft een nieuwe bestandsnaam. Als U gewoon op Enter drukt zal " +#~ "het\n" +#~ "standaardbestand (u ziet zijn naam tussen de blokhaken) gebruikt worden." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You should specify a reason for the certification. Depending on the\n" +#~ "context you have the ability to choose from this list:\n" +#~ " \"Key has been compromised\"\n" +#~ " Use this if you have a reason to believe that unauthorized persons\n" +#~ " got access to your secret key.\n" +#~ " \"Key is superseded\"\n" +#~ " Use this if you have replaced this key with a newer one.\n" +#~ " \"Key is no longer used\"\n" +#~ " Use this if you have retired this key.\n" +#~ " \"User ID is no longer valid\"\n" +#~ " Use this to state that the user ID should not longer be used;\n" +#~ " this is normally used to mark an email address invalid.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Geef hier een reden voor de certificering. Afhankelijk van de context " +#~ "kunt U\n" +#~ "een omschrijving kiezen uit deze lijst:\n" +#~ " \"Sleutel is gecompromitteerd\"\n" +#~ " Gebruik dit indien u redenen heeft om aan te nemen dat onbevoegde\n" +#~ " personen uw geheime sleutel in handen gekregen hebben.\n" +#~ " \"Sleutel is vervangen\"\n" +#~ " Gebruik dit als u deze sleutel door een nieuwe vervangen heeft.\n" +#~ " \"Sleutel wordt niet langer gebruikt\"\n" +#~ " Gebruik dit indien u deze sleutel ingetrokken heeft.\n" +#~ " \"Gebruikers-ID is niet langer geldig\"\n" +#~ " Gebruik dit om te stellen dat deze gebruikers-ID niet langer " +#~ "gebruikt\n" +#~ " zou moeten worden. Gewoonlijk gebruikt men dit om een e-mailadres " +#~ "als\n" +#~ " niet langer geldig te markeren.\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you like, you can enter a text describing why you issue this\n" +#~ "revocation certificate. Please keep this text concise.\n" +#~ "An empty line ends the text.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Als U wilt kunt U een tekst intypen met uitleg waarom u dit\n" +#~ "certificaat van intrekking maakt. Hou deze tekst beknopt.\n" +#~ "Beëindig de tekst met een lege regel.\n" + +#~ msgid " algorithms on these user IDs:\n" +#~ msgstr " algoritmes bij deze gebruikers-ID's:\n" + +#~ msgid "NOTE: This feature is not available in %s\n" +#~ msgstr "NOOT: Deze functionaliteit is niet beschikbaar in %s\n" + +#~ msgid "Repeat passphrase\n" +#~ msgstr "Herhaal wachtwoordzin\n" + +#~ msgid "can't query passphrase in batch mode\n" +#~ msgstr "kan geen wachtwoordzin vragen in automatische modus\n" + +#~ msgid "Enter passphrase: " +#~ msgstr "Voer wachtwoordzin in: " + +#~ msgid "Repeat passphrase: " +#~ msgstr "Herhaal wachtwoordzin: " + +#~ msgid "no photo viewer set\n" +#~ msgstr "geen programma ingesteld om de foto te bekijken\n" + +#~ msgid "general error" +#~ msgstr "algemene fout" + +#~ msgid "unknown packet type" +#~ msgstr "onbekend pakkettype" + +#~ msgid "unknown pubkey algorithm" +#~ msgstr "onbekend algoritme van de publieke sleutel" + +#~ msgid "unknown digest algorithm" +#~ msgstr "onbekend hashalgoritme" + +#~ msgid "bad public key" +#~ msgstr "slechte publieke sleutel" + +#~ msgid "bad secret key" +#~ msgstr "slechte geheime sleutel" + +#~ msgid "bad signature" +#~ msgstr "slechte handtekening" + +#~ msgid "checksum error" +#~ msgstr "fout in de controlesom" + +#~ msgid "can't open the keyring" +#~ msgstr "kan de sleutelring niet openen" + +#~ msgid "invalid packet" +#~ msgstr "ongeldig pakket" + +#~ msgid "no such user id" +#~ msgstr "een dergelijk gebruikers-id bestaat niet" + +#~ msgid "wrong secret key used" +#~ msgstr "er werd een verkeerde geheime sleutel gebruikt" + +#~ msgid "bad key" +#~ msgstr "slechte sleutel" + +#~ msgid "file write error" +#~ msgstr "fout bij het wegschrijven naar het bestand" + +#~ msgid "unknown compress algorithm" +#~ msgstr "onbekend compressiealgoritme" + +#~ msgid "file open error" +#~ msgstr "fout bij het openen van het bestand" + +#~ msgid "file create error" +#~ msgstr "fout bij het aanmaken van het bestand" + +#~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" +#~ msgstr "niet geïmplementeerd algoritme voor de publieke sleutel" + +#~ msgid "unimplemented cipher algorithm" +#~ msgstr "niet geïmplementeerd versleutelingsalgoritme" + +#~ msgid "unknown signature class" +#~ msgstr "onbekende handtekeningenklasse" + +#~ msgid "trust database error" +#~ msgstr "fout in de betrouwbaarheidsdatabank (trustdb)" + +#~ msgid "bad MPI" +#~ msgstr "slecht MPI (geheel getal van multipele precisie)" + +#~ msgid "resource limit" +#~ msgstr "bronlimiet" + +#~ msgid "invalid keyring" +#~ msgstr "ongeldige sleutelring" + +#~ msgid "malformed user id" +#~ msgstr "ongeldige gebruikers-id" + +#~ msgid "file close error" +#~ msgstr "fout bij het sluiten van het bestand" + +#~ msgid "file rename error" +#~ msgstr "fout bij het hernoemen van het bestand" + +#~ msgid "file delete error" +#~ msgstr "fout bij het verwijderen van het bestand" + +#~ msgid "unexpected data" +#~ msgstr "onverwachte gegevens" + +#~ msgid "timestamp conflict" +#~ msgstr "dateringsconflict" + +#~ msgid "unusable pubkey algorithm" +#~ msgstr "onbruikbaar algoritme van de publieke sleutel" + +#~ msgid "file exists" +#~ msgstr "bestand bestaat" + +#~ msgid "weak key" +#~ msgstr "zwakke sleutel" + +#~ msgid "bad URI" +#~ msgstr "slechte URI" + +#~ msgid "unsupported URI" +#~ msgstr "niet ondersteunde URI" + +#~ msgid "network error" +#~ msgstr "netwerkfout" + +#~ msgid "not processed" +#~ msgstr "niet verwerkt" + +#~ msgid "unusable public key" +#~ msgstr "onbruikbare publieke sleutel" + +#~ msgid "unusable secret key" +#~ msgstr "onbruikbare geheime sleutel" + +#~ msgid "keyserver error" +#~ msgstr "fout van de sleutelserver" + +#~ msgid "no card" +#~ msgstr "geen kaart" + +#~ msgid "no data" +#~ msgstr "geen gegevens" + +#~ msgid "ERROR: " +#~ msgstr "FOUT: " + +#~ msgid "WARNING: " +#~ msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: " + +#~ msgid "... this is a bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" +#~ msgstr "... dit is een bug (%s:%d:%s)\n" + +#~ msgid "WARNING: using insecure memory!\n" +#~ msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: er wordt onveilig geheugen gebruikt!\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "please see http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/faqs.html for more " +#~ "information\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "zie http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/faqs.html voor meer informatie\n" + +#~ msgid "operation is not possible without initialized secure memory\n" +#~ msgstr "bewerking is niet mogelijk zonder geïnitialiseerd veilig geheugen\n" + +#~ msgid "(you may have used the wrong program for this task)\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "(misschien heeft u voor deze taak het verkeerde programma gebruikt)\n" + +#~ msgid "cipher extension `%s' not loaded due to unsafe permissions\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "versleutelalgoritme uitbreiding ‘%s’ is niet geladen door onveilige\n" +#~ "instellingen\n" + +#~ msgid "Command> " +#~ msgstr "Commando> " + +#~ msgid "DSA keypair will have %u bits.\n" +#~ msgstr "DSA sleutelpaar krijgt %u bits.\n" + +#~ msgid "the trustdb is corrupted; please run \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" +#~ msgstr "the trustdb is corrupted; please run “gpg --fix-trustdbâ€.\n" + +#~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" +#~ msgstr "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" + +#~ msgid "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) key signatures\n" +#~ msgstr "can't put notation data into v3 (PGP 2.x style) key signatures\n" + +#~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" +#~ msgstr "can't put a policy URL into v3 (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" + +#~ msgid "can't put a policy URL into v3 key (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" +#~ msgstr "can't put a policy URL into v3 key (PGP 2.x style) signatures\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pl.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pl.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pl.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pl.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pl.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pl.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # Gnu Privacy Guard. -# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, # 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Janusz A. Urbanowicz , 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003-2004 -# Jakub Bogusz , 2003-2013. +# Jakub Bogusz , 2003-2014. # msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.20\n" +"Project-Id-Version: gnupg-2.0.24\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-12 17:25+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-21 20:42+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Jakub Bogusz \n" "Language-Team: Polish \n" "Language: pl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" @@ -22,30 +22,64 @@ #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 #, c-format msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê uzyskaæ blokady pinentry: %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ uzyskać blokady pinentry: %s\n" #. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in #. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Anuluj" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_Anuluj" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić wybrane podklucze? (t/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Wprowadź nowe hasÅ‚o" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" -msgstr "Jako¶æ:" +msgstr "Jakość:" #. TRANSLATORS: This string is a tooltip, shown by pinentry when #. hovering over the quality bar. Please use an appropriate @@ -53,115 +87,115 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -"Jako¶æ wpisanego wy¿ej tekstu.\n" -"Kryteria jako¶ci mo¿na uzyskaæ od administratora." +"Jakość wpisanego wyżej tekstu.\n" +"Kryteria jakoÅ›ci można uzyskać od administratora." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ swój PIN, ¿eby odblokowaæ klucz tajny dla tej sesji" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić swój PIN, żeby odblokować klucz tajny dla tej sesji" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" msgstr "" -"Proszê wprowadziæ swoje has³o, ¿eby odblokowaæ klucz tajny dla tej sesji" +"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić swoje hasÅ‚o, żeby odblokować klucz tajny dla tej sesji" #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" -msgstr "SETERROR %s (próba %d z %d)" +msgstr "SETERROR %s (próba %d z %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" -msgstr "PIN zbyt d³ugi" +msgstr "PIN zbyt dÅ‚ugi" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" -msgstr "Has³o zbyt d³ugie" +msgstr "HasÅ‚o zbyt dÅ‚ugie" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" -msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy znak w PIN-ie" +msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak w PIN-ie" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" -msgstr "PIN zbyt krótki" +msgstr "PIN zbyt krótki" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Niepoprawny PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" -msgstr "Niepoprawne has³o" +msgstr "Niepoprawne hasÅ‚o" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" -msgstr "Has³o" +msgstr "HasÅ‚o" #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 #, c-format msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" -msgstr "klucze ssh wiêksze ni¿ %d bitów nie s± obs³ugiwane\n" +msgstr "klucze ssh wiÄ™ksze niż %d bitów nie sÄ… obsÅ‚ugiwane\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można utworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można otworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2110 agent/command-ssh.c:2128 #, c-format msgid "error getting serial number of card: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d pobierania numeru seryjnego karty: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania numeru seryjnego karty: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2114 #, c-format msgid "detected card with S/N: %s\n" -msgstr "wykryto kartê o numerze seryjnym: %s\n" +msgstr "wykryto kartÄ™ o numerze seryjnym: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2119 #, c-format msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d pobierania domy¶lnego keyID uwierzytelnienia karty: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania domyÅ›lnego keyID uwierzytelnienia karty: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 #, c-format msgid "no suitable card key found: %s\n" -msgstr "nie znaleziono pasuj±cego klucza karty: %s\n" +msgstr "nie znaleziono pasujÄ…cego klucza karty: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 #, c-format msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" -msgstr "zaciemnienie klucza nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zaciemnienie klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 #, c-format msgid "error writing key: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu klucza: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu klucza: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2498 #, c-format @@ -169,7 +203,7 @@ "An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " "allow this?" msgstr "" -"Proces ssh zarz±da³ u¿ycia klucza%%0a %s%%0A (%s)%%0ACzy zezwoliæ na to?" +"Proces ssh zarzÄ…daÅ‚ użycia klucza%%0a %s%%0A (%s)%%0ACzy zezwolić na to?" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 msgid "Allow" @@ -182,11 +216,11 @@ #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o dla klucza ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o dla klucza ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" -msgstr "Proszê ponownie wprowadziæ to has³o" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ ponownie wprowadzić to hasÅ‚o" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 #, c-format @@ -194,26 +228,26 @@ "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" msgstr "" -"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia odebranego klucza tajnego%%0A %s" +"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia odebranego klucza tajnego%%0A %s" "%%0A %s%%0Aw miejscu przechowywania kluczy gpg-agenta" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 msgid "does not match - try again" -msgstr "nie pasuj± - proszê spróbowaæ jeszcze raz" +msgstr "nie pasujÄ… - proszÄ™ spróbować jeszcze raz" #: agent/command-ssh.c:3408 #, c-format msgid "failed to create stream from socket: %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ strumienia z gniazda: %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć strumienia z gniazda: %s\n" #: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" -msgstr "Proszê w³o¿yæ kartê z numerem seryjnym" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wÅ‚ożyć kartÄ™ z numerem seryjnym" #: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" -msgstr "Proszê wyj±æ obecn± kartê i w³o¿yæ kartê z numerem seryjnym" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wyjąć obecnÄ… kartÄ™ i wÅ‚ożyć kartÄ™ z numerem seryjnym" #: agent/divert-scd.c:200 msgid "Admin PIN" @@ -227,56 +261,56 @@ #: agent/divert-scd.c:212 msgid "Reset Code" -msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy" +msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy" #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 #, c-format msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." -msgstr "%s%%0A%%0ADo wpisywania nale¿y u¿yæ klawiatury czytnika." +msgstr "%s%%0A%%0ADo wpisywania należy użyć klawiatury czytnika." #: agent/divert-scd.c:287 msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" -msgstr "Powtórz ten kod resetuj±cy" +msgstr "Powtórz ten kod resetujÄ…cy" #: agent/divert-scd.c:289 msgid "Repeat this PUK" -msgstr "Powtórz ten PUK" +msgstr "Powtórz ten PUK" #: agent/divert-scd.c:290 msgid "Repeat this PIN" -msgstr "Powtórz ten PIN" +msgstr "Powtórz ten PIN" #: agent/divert-scd.c:295 msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" +msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" #: agent/divert-scd.c:297 msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "PUK nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" +msgstr "PUK nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" #: agent/divert-scd.c:298 msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "PIN nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" +msgstr "PIN nie powtórzony poprawnie; spróbuj jeszcze raz" #: agent/divert-scd.c:310 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the PIN%s%s%s to unlock the card" -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ PIN%s%s%s aby odblokowaæ kartê" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN%s%s%s aby odblokować kartÄ™" #: agent/genkey.c:108 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:384 sm/export.c:638 sm/export.c:654 #: sm/import.c:667 sm/import.c:692 #, c-format msgid "error creating temporary file: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d tworzenia pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" #: agent/genkey.c:115 sm/export.c:645 sm/import.c:675 #, c-format msgid "error writing to temporary file: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu do pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu do pliku tymczasowego: %s\n" #: agent/genkey.c:153 agent/genkey.c:159 msgid "Enter new passphrase" -msgstr "Wprowad¼ nowe has³o" +msgstr "Wprowadź nowe hasÅ‚o" #: agent/genkey.c:167 msgid "Take this one anyway" @@ -291,14 +325,14 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " "at least %u characters long." msgstr[0] "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " -"przynajmniej %u znak d³ugo¶ci." +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " +"przynajmniej %u znak dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci." msgstr[1] "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " -"przynajmniej %u znaki d³ugo¶ci." +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " +"przynajmniej %u znaki dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci." msgstr[2] "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " -"przynajmniej %u znaków d³ugo¶ci." +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " +"przynajmniej %u znaków dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci." #: agent/genkey.c:214 #, c-format @@ -309,14 +343,14 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should " "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." msgstr[0] "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " -"przynajmniej %u cyfrê lub%%0Aznak specjalny." +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " +"przynajmniej %u cyfrÄ™ lub%%0Aznak specjalny." msgstr[1] "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " "przynajmniej %u cyfry lub%%0Aznaki specjalne." msgstr[2] "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o powinno mieæ " -"przynajmniej %u cyfr lub%%0Aznaków specjalnych." +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o powinno mieć " +"przynajmniej %u cyfr lub%%0Aznaków specjalnych." #: agent/genkey.c:237 #, c-format @@ -324,14 +358,14 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase may not be " "a known term or match%%0Acertain pattern." msgstr "" -"Uwaga: Wprowadzono has³o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHas³o nie mo¿e byæ " -"znanym s³owem ani pasowaæ%%0Ado okre¶lonego wzorca." +"Uwaga: Wprowadzono hasÅ‚o, które nie jest bezpieczne.%%0AHasÅ‚o nie może być " +"znanym sÅ‚owem ani pasować%%0Ado okreÅ›lonego wzorca." #: agent/genkey.c:253 #, c-format msgid "" "You have not entered a passphrase!%0AAn empty passphrase is not allowed." -msgstr "Nie wprowadzono has³a!%0APuste has³o nie jest dozwolone." +msgstr "Nie wprowadzono hasÅ‚a!%0APuste hasÅ‚o nie jest dozwolone." #: agent/genkey.c:255 #, c-format @@ -339,8 +373,8 @@ "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." msgstr "" -"Nie wprowadzono has³a - to jest ogólnie z³y pomys³!%0AProszê potwierdziæ, ¿e " -"naprawdê ma nie byæ ¿adnej ochrony tego klucza." +"Nie wprowadzono hasÅ‚a - to jest ogólnie zÅ‚y pomysÅ‚!%0AProszÄ™ potwierdzić, że " +"naprawdÄ™ ma nie być żadnej ochrony tego klucza." #: agent/genkey.c:264 msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" @@ -349,13 +383,13 @@ #: agent/genkey.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do%0Azabezpieczenia swojego nowego klucza" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do%0Azabezpieczenia swojego nowego klucza" #: agent/genkey.c:431 msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ nowe has³o" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowe hasÅ‚o" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -364,284 +398,288 @@ "@Opcje:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "uruchomienie w trybie demona (w tle)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "uruchomienie w trybie serwera (pierwszoplanowo)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "z dodatkowymi informacjami" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" -msgstr "mniej komunikatów" +msgstr "mniej komunikatów" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" -msgstr "wyj¶cie poleceñ w stylu sh" +msgstr "wyjÅ›cie poleceÅ„ w stylu sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" -msgstr "wyj¶cie poleceñ w stylu csh" +msgstr "wyjÅ›cie poleceÅ„ w stylu csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|PLIK|odczyt opcji z PLIKU" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "nie odczepianie od konsoli" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "nie przechwytywanie klawiatury i myszy" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" -msgstr "u¿ycie pliku loga dla serwera" +msgstr "użycie pliku loga dla serwera" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" -msgstr "u¿ycie standardowego po³o¿enia gniazda" +msgstr "użycie standardowego poÅ‚ożenia gniazda" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" -msgstr "|PGM|u¿ycie PGM jako programu do wprowadzania PIN-u" +msgstr "|PGM|użycie PGM jako programu do wprowadzania PIN-u" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" -msgstr "|PGM|u¿ycie PGM jako programu SCdaemon" +msgstr "|PGM|użycie PGM jako programu SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" -msgstr "nie u¿ywanie SCdaemona" +msgstr "nie używanie SCdaemona" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" -msgstr "ignorowanie ¿±dañ zmiany TTY" +msgstr "ignorowanie żądaÅ„ zmiany TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" -msgstr "ignorowanie ¿±dañ zmiany ekranu X" +msgstr "ignorowanie żądaÅ„ zmiany ekranu X" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" -msgstr "|N|przedawnienie pamiêtanych PIN-ów po N sekundach" +msgstr "|N|przedawnienie pamiÄ™tanych PIN-ów po N sekundach" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" -msgstr "nie u¿ywanie pamiêci PIN-ów przy podpisywaniu" +msgstr "nie używanie pamiÄ™ci PIN-ów przy podpisywaniu" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -msgstr "zezwolenie klientom na oznaczanie kluczy jako \"zaufanych\"" +msgstr "brak zezwolenia dla klientów na oznaczanie kluczy jako ,,zaufanych''" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" -msgstr "zezwolenie na predefiniowane has³o" +msgstr "zezwolenie na predefiniowane hasÅ‚o" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie obsÅ‚ugi ssh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie obsÅ‚ugi putty" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "nie zezwalanie na ponowne użycie starych haseÅ‚" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|zapis ustawieñ ¶rodowiska tak¿e do PLIKU" +msgstr "|PLIK|zapis ustawieÅ„ Å›rodowiska także do PLIKU" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -msgstr "B³êdy prosimy zg³aszaæ na adres <@EMAIL@>.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä™dy prosimy zgÅ‚aszać na adres <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpg-agent [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" -"Zarz±dzanie kluczem tajnym dla GnuPG\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-agent [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" +"ZarzÄ…dzanie kluczem tajnym dla GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" -msgstr "podano b³êdny poziom diagnostyki ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "podano bÅ‚Ä™dny poziom diagnostyki ,,%s''\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "biblioteka %s jest zbyt stara (potrzebna %s, zainstalowana %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: brak domy¶lnego pliku opcji ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: brak domyÅ›lnego pliku opcji ,,%s''\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "plik opcji ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "odczyt opcji z ,,%s''\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d tworzenia ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ katalogu ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można utworzyć katalogu ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" -msgstr "nazwa gniazda zbyt d³uga\n" +msgstr "nazwa gniazda zbyt dÅ‚uga\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ gniazda: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można utworzyć gniazda: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" -msgstr "nazwa gniazda `%s' zbyt d³uga\n" +msgstr "nazwa gniazda `%s' zbyt dÅ‚uga\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" -msgstr "gpg-agent ju¿ dzia³a - nie uruchamianie nowego\n" +msgstr "gpg-agent już dziaÅ‚a - nie uruchamianie nowego\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas pobierania nonce z gniazda\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas pobierania nonce z gniazda\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas przypisywania gniazda do ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas przypisywania gniazda do ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" -msgstr "listen() nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "listen() nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" -msgstr "nas³uchiwanie na gnie¼dzie ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nasÅ‚uchiwanie na gnieździe ,,%s''\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "katalog ,,%s'' utworzony\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "stat() nie powiod³o siê dla ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "stat() nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ dla ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ ,,%s'' jako katalogu domowego\n" +msgstr "nie można użyć ,,%s'' jako katalogu domowego\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu nonce z fd %d: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu nonce z fd %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -msgstr "obs³uga 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚uga 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -msgstr "obs³uga 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoñczona\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚uga 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoÅ„czona\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -msgstr "obs³uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d uruchomiona\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -msgstr "obs³uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoñczona\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚uga ssh 0x%lx dla fd %d zakoÅ„czona\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -msgstr "pth_select nie powiod³o siê: %s - czekanie 1s\n" +msgstr "pth_select nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s - czekanie 1s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s zatrzymany\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" -msgstr "brak dzia³aj±cego gpg-agenta w tej sesji\n" +msgstr "brak dziaÅ‚ajÄ…cego gpg-agenta w tej sesji\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" -msgstr "z³y format zmiennej ¶rodowiskowej GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" +msgstr "zÅ‚y format zmiennej Å›rodowiskowej GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "wersja %d protoko³u agenta nie jest obs³ugiwana\n" +msgstr "wersja %d protokoÅ‚u agenta nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana\n" #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" msgstr "" -"Wywo³anie: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA (-h podaje pomoc)\n" +"WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA (-h podaje pomoc)\n" #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:104 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA\n" -"Utrzymuwanie pamiêci hase³\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-preset-passphrase [opcje] UCHWYT_KLUCZA\n" +"Utrzymuwanie pamiÄ™ci haseÅ‚\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -650,7 +688,7 @@ "@Polecenia:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -664,42 +702,42 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:167 msgid "Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)\n" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)\n" #: agent/protect-tool.c:169 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-protect-tool [options] [args]\n" "Secret key maintenance tool\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] [argumenty]\n" -"Narzêdzie do utrzymywania kluczy tajnych\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-protect-tool [opcje] [argumenty]\n" +"NarzÄ™dzie do utrzymywania kluczy tajnych\n" #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do odbezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do odbezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia obiektu PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to protect the imported object within the GnuPG " "system." msgstr "" -"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia wa¿nego obiektu w systemie GnuPG." +"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia ważnego obiektu w systemie GnuPG." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1182 msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" "needed to complete this operation." msgstr "" -"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o lub PIN\n" -"Potrzebny do zakoñczenia tej operacji." +"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o lub PIN\n" +"Potrzebny do zakoÅ„czenia tej operacji." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 msgid "Passphrase:" -msgstr "Has³o:" +msgstr "HasÅ‚o:" #: agent/protect-tool.c:1192 tools/symcryptrun.c:448 msgid "cancelled\n" @@ -708,12 +746,12 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:1194 tools/symcryptrun.c:444 #, c-format msgid "error while asking for the passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas pytania o has³o: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas pytania o hasÅ‚o: %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:136 agent/trustlist.c:334 #, c-format msgid "error opening `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas otwierania ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas otwierania ,,%s'': %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:151 common/helpfile.c:63 common/helpfile.c:79 #, c-format @@ -728,26 +766,26 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:185 #, c-format msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" -msgstr "systemowa lista zaufania ,,%s'' niedostêpna\n" +msgstr "systemowa lista zaufania ,,%s'' niedostÄ™pna\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:229 #, c-format msgid "bad fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "b³êdny odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dny odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "nieprawid³owa flaga klucza w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" +msgstr "nieprawidÅ‚owa flaga klucza w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s', line %d: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu ,,%s'', w linii %d: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu ,,%s'', w linii %d: %s\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu listy zaufanych certyfikatów g³ównych\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu listy zaufanych certyfikatów głównych\n" #. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry #. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by @@ -763,8 +801,8 @@ "Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " "certificates?" msgstr "" -"Czy absolutnie ufasz, ¿e%%0A ,,%s''%%0Apoprawnie po¶wiadcza certyfikaty " -"u¿ytkowników?" +"Czy absolutnie ufasz, że%%0A ,,%s''%%0Apoprawnie poÅ›wiadcza certyfikaty " +"użytkowników?" #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 msgid "Yes" @@ -788,7 +826,7 @@ "Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " "fingerprint:%%0A %s" msgstr "" -"Proszê sprawdziæ, ¿e certyfikat zidentyfikowany jako:%%0a ,,%s''%%0Ama " +"ProszÄ™ sprawdzić, że certyfikat zidentyfikowany jako:%%0a ,,%s''%%0Ama " "odcisk:%%0A %s" #. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended @@ -800,12 +838,12 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:668 msgid "Wrong" -msgstr "Odrzuæ" +msgstr "Odrzuć" #: agent/findkey.c:157 #, c-format msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." -msgstr "Uwaga: To has³o nie by³o nigdy zmieniane.%0AProszê zmieniæ je teraz." +msgstr "Uwaga: To hasÅ‚o nie byÅ‚o nigdy zmieniane.%0AProszÄ™ zmienić je teraz." #: agent/findkey.c:173 #, c-format @@ -813,61 +851,61 @@ "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " "it now." msgstr "" -"To has³o nie zosta³o zmienione%%0Aod %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Proszê zmieniæ je teraz." +"To hasÅ‚o nie zostaÅ‚o zmienione%%0Aod %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. ProszÄ™ zmienić je teraz." #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 msgid "Change passphrase" -msgstr "Zmiana has³a" +msgstr "Zmiana hasÅ‚a" #: agent/findkey.c:195 msgid "I'll change it later" -msgstr "Zmieniê je pó¼niej" +msgstr "ZmieniÄ™ je później" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d tworzenia potoku: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia potoku: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 #, c-format msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na wykonaæ fdopen do odczytu na potoku: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można wykonać fdopen do odczytu na potoku: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 #, c-format msgid "error forking process: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas tworzenia procesu: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas tworzenia procesu: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:811 common/exechelp.c:864 #, c-format msgid "waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n" -msgstr "oczekiwanie na zakoñczenie procesu %d nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "oczekiwanie na zakoÅ„czenie procesu %d nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:819 #, c-format msgid "error getting exit code of process %d: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu kodu zakoñczenia procesu %d: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu kodu zakoÅ„czenia procesu %d: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:825 common/exechelp.c:877 #, c-format msgid "error running `%s': exit status %d\n" -msgstr "b³±d uruchamiania ,,%s'': kod wyj¶cia %d\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d uruchamiania ,,%s'': kod wyjÅ›cia %d\n" #: common/exechelp.c:870 #, c-format msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" -msgstr "b³±d uruchamiania ,,%s'': prawdopodobnie nie zainstalowany\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d uruchamiania ,,%s'': prawdopodobnie nie zainstalowany\n" #: common/exechelp.c:885 #, c-format msgid "error running `%s': terminated\n" -msgstr "b³±d uruchamiania ,,%s'': zakoñczono\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d uruchamiania ,,%s'': zakoÅ„czono\n" #: common/http.c:1682 #, c-format msgid "error creating socket: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d tworzenia gniazda: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia gniazda: %s\n" #: common/http.c:1733 msgid "host not found" @@ -875,16 +913,16 @@ #: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" -msgstr "gpg-agent nie jest dostêpny w tej sesji\n" +msgstr "gpg-agent nie jest dostÄ™pny w tej sesji\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 #, c-format msgid "can't connect to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na siê po³±czyæ z ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można siÄ™ poÅ‚Ä…czyć z ,,%s'': %s\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" -msgstr "problem z komunikacj± z gpg-agentem\n" +msgstr "problem z komunikacjÄ… z gpg-agentem\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" @@ -892,7 +930,7 @@ #: common/simple-pwquery.c:579 common/simple-pwquery.c:675 msgid "canceled by user\n" -msgstr "anulowano przez u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "anulowano przez użytkownika\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:594 common/simple-pwquery.c:681 msgid "problem with the agent\n" @@ -901,17 +939,17 @@ #: common/sysutils.c:111 #, c-format msgid "can't disable core dumps: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na wy³±czyæ zrzutów pamiêci: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można wyÅ‚Ä…czyć zrzutów pamiÄ™ci: %s\n" #: common/sysutils.c:206 #, c-format msgid "Warning: unsafe ownership on %s \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do %s ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do %s ,,%s''\n" #: common/sysutils.c:238 #, c-format msgid "Warning: unsafe permissions on %s \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do %s ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do %s ,,%s''\n" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 @@ -934,7 +972,7 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:76 msgid "quit" -msgstr "wyj¶cie" +msgstr "wyjÅ›cie" #: common/yesno.c:79 msgid "qQ" @@ -961,16 +999,16 @@ #: common/miscellaneous.c:77 #, c-format msgid "out of core in secure memory while allocating %lu bytes" -msgstr "brak miejsca w bezpiecznej pamiêci podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" +msgstr "brak miejsca w bezpiecznej pamiÄ™ci podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" #: common/miscellaneous.c:80 #, c-format msgid "out of core while allocating %lu bytes" -msgstr "brak miejsca podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" +msgstr "brak miejsca podczas przydzielania %lu bajtów" #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" -msgstr "gpg-agent nie dzia³a - uruchamianie\n" +msgstr "gpg-agent nie dziaÅ‚a - uruchamianie\n" #: common/asshelp.c:349 #, c-format @@ -979,7 +1017,7 @@ #: common/asshelp.c:426 msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na po³±czyæ siê z agentem - próba fallbacku\n" +msgstr "nie można poÅ‚Ä…czyć siÄ™ z agentem - próba fallbacku\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars #. verbatim. It will not be printed. @@ -989,11 +1027,11 @@ #: common/audit.c:477 msgid "|audit-log-result|Bad" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Z³y" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|ZÅ‚y" #: common/audit.c:479 msgid "|audit-log-result|Not supported" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nieobs³ugiwany" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|NieobsÅ‚ugiwany" #: common/audit.c:481 msgid "|audit-log-result|No certificate" @@ -1001,15 +1039,15 @@ #: common/audit.c:483 msgid "|audit-log-result|Not enabled" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie w³±czony" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie wÅ‚Ä…czony" #: common/audit.c:485 msgid "|audit-log-result|Error" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|B³±d" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|BÅ‚Ä…d" #: common/audit.c:487 msgid "|audit-log-result|Not used" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie u¿ywany" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Nie używany" #: common/audit.c:489 msgid "|audit-log-result|Okay" @@ -1017,27 +1055,27 @@ #: common/audit.c:491 msgid "|audit-log-result|Skipped" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Pominiêto" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|PominiÄ™to" #: common/audit.c:493 msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" -msgstr "|audit-log-result|Czê¶ciowo" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Częściowo" #: common/audit.c:726 msgid "Certificate chain available" -msgstr "£añcuch certyfikatów dostêpny" +msgstr "ÅaÅ„cuch certyfikatów dostÄ™pny" #: common/audit.c:733 msgid "root certificate missing" -msgstr "brak certyfikatu g³ównego" +msgstr "brak certyfikatu głównego" #: common/audit.c:759 msgid "Data encryption succeeded" -msgstr "Szyfrowanie danych zakoñczone" +msgstr "Szyfrowanie danych zakoÅ„czone" #: common/audit.c:764 common/audit.c:830 common/audit.c:906 common/audit.c:997 msgid "Data available" -msgstr "Dane dostêpne" +msgstr "Dane dostÄ™pne" #: common/audit.c:767 msgid "Session key created" @@ -1051,15 +1089,15 @@ #: common/audit.c:774 common/audit.c:776 common/audit.c:921 common/audit.c:923 #, c-format msgid "unsupported algorithm: %s" -msgstr "nieobs³ugiwany algorytm: %s" +msgstr "nieobsÅ‚ugiwany algorytm: %s" #: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 msgid "seems to be not encrypted" -msgstr "nie wygl±da na zaszyfrowan± wiadomo¶æ" +msgstr "nie wyglÄ…da na zaszyfrowanÄ… wiadomość" #: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 msgid "Number of recipients" -msgstr "Liczba odbiorców" +msgstr "Liczba odbiorców" #: common/audit.c:792 common/audit.c:956 #, c-format @@ -1068,47 +1106,47 @@ #: common/audit.c:825 msgid "Data signing succeeded" -msgstr "Podpisywanie danych zakoñczone" +msgstr "Podpisywanie danych zakoÅ„czone" #: common/audit.c:839 common/audit.c:1033 common/audit.c:1060 #, c-format msgid "data hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "algorytm skrótu danych: %s" +msgstr "algorytm skrótu danych: %s" #: common/audit.c:862 #, c-format msgid "Signer %d" -msgstr "Podpisuj±cy %d" +msgstr "PodpisujÄ…cy %d" #: common/audit.c:866 common/audit.c:1065 #, c-format msgid "attr hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "algorytm skrótu atrybutów: %s" +msgstr "algorytm skrótu atrybutów: %s" #: common/audit.c:901 msgid "Data decryption succeeded" -msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie danych zakoñczone" +msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie danych zakoÅ„czone" #: common/audit.c:910 msgid "Encryption algorithm supported" -msgstr "Algorytm szyfrowania obs³ugiwany" +msgstr "Algorytm szyfrowania obsÅ‚ugiwany" #: common/audit.c:993 msgid "Data verification succeeded" -msgstr "Weryfikacja danych zakoñczona" +msgstr "Weryfikacja danych zakoÅ„czona" #: common/audit.c:1002 msgid "Signature available" -msgstr "Podpis dostêpny" +msgstr "Podpis dostÄ™pny" #: common/audit.c:1024 msgid "Parsing data succeeded" -msgstr "Analiza danych zakoñczona" +msgstr "Analiza danych zakoÅ„czona" #: common/audit.c:1036 #, c-format msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy algorytm skrótu danych: %s" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy algorytm skrótu danych: %s" #: common/audit.c:1051 #, c-format @@ -1117,11 +1155,11 @@ #: common/audit.c:1079 msgid "Certificate chain valid" -msgstr "£añcuch certyfikatów poprawny" +msgstr "ÅaÅ„cuch certyfikatów poprawny" #: common/audit.c:1090 msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" -msgstr "Certyfikat g³ówny jest zaufany" +msgstr "Certyfikat główny jest zaufany" #: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 msgid "no CRL found for certificate" @@ -1129,19 +1167,19 @@ #: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 msgid "the available CRL is too old" -msgstr "dostêpny CRL jest zbyt stary" +msgstr "dostÄ™pny CRL jest zbyt stary" #: common/audit.c:1119 msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" -msgstr "weryfikacja CRL/OCSP certyfikatów" +msgstr "weryfikacja CRL/OCSP certyfikatów" #: common/audit.c:1139 msgid "Included certificates" -msgstr "Do³±czone certyfikaty" +msgstr "DoÅ‚Ä…czone certyfikaty" #: common/audit.c:1194 msgid "No audit log entries." -msgstr "Brak wpisów w logu." +msgstr "Brak wpisów w logu." #: common/audit.c:1243 msgid "Unknown operation" @@ -1162,7 +1200,7 @@ #: common/helpfile.c:80 msgid "ignoring garbage line" -msgstr "zignorowano b³êdn± liniê" +msgstr "zignorowano bÅ‚Ä™dnÄ… liniÄ™" #: common/gettime.c:503 msgid "[none]" @@ -1173,137 +1211,137 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "opakowanie: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " -msgstr "niepoprawny nag³ówek opakowania: " +msgstr "niepoprawny nagłówek opakowania: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " -msgstr "nag³ówek opakowania: " +msgstr "nagłówek opakowania: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy nag³ówek dokumentu z podpisem na koñcu\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy nagłówek dokumentu z podpisem na koÅ„cu\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " -msgstr "nieznany nag³ówek opakowania: " +msgstr "nieznany nagłówek opakowania: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" -msgstr "zagnie¿d¿one podpisy na koñcu dokumentu\n" +msgstr "zagnieżdżone podpisy na koÅ„cu dokumentu\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "nieoczekiwane opakowanie: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "niepoprawne oznaczenie linii minusami: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy znak formatu radix64 ,,%02X'' zosta³ pominiêty\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak formatu radix64 ,,%02X'' zostaÅ‚ pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (brak CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (w CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" -msgstr "b³±d formatu CRC\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d formatu CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" -msgstr "B³±d sumy CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d sumy CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" -msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (w linii koñcz±cej)\n" +msgstr "przedwczesny koniec pliku (w linii koÅ„czÄ…cej)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" -msgstr "b³±d w linii koñcz±cej\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d w linii koÅ„czÄ…cej\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "nie odnaleziono poprawnych danych w formacie OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "b³±d opakowania: linia d³u¿sza ni¿ %d znaków\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d opakowania: linia dÅ‚uższa niż %d znaków\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "znak kodowania quoted-printable w opakowaniu ASCII - prawdopodobnie\n" -"przek³amanie wprowadzone przez serwer pocztowy\n" +"przekÅ‚amanie wprowadzone przez serwer pocztowy\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -"nazwa adnotacji musi zawieraæ tylko znaki drukowalne lub spacje i koñczyæ " -"siê znakiem ,,=''\n" +"nazwa adnotacji musi zawierać tylko znaki drukowalne lub spacje i koÅ„czyć " +"siÄ™ znakiem ,,=''\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" -msgstr "nazwa adnotacji u¿ytkownika musi zawieraæ znak ,,@''\n" +msgstr "nazwa adnotacji użytkownika musi zawierać znak ,,@''\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" -msgstr "nazwa adnotacjinie mo¿e zawieraæ wiêcej ni¿ jednego znaku ,,@''\n" +msgstr "nazwa adnotacjinie może zawierać wiÄ™cej niż jednego znaku ,,@''\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" -msgstr "warto¶æ adnotacji nie mo¿e zawieraæ ¿adnych znaków steruj±cych\n" +msgstr "wartość adnotacji nie może zawierać żadnych znaków sterujÄ…cych\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: napotkano b³êdne dane adnotacji\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: napotkano bÅ‚Ä™dne dane adnotacji\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" -msgstr "nieczytelne dla cz³owieka" +msgstr "nieczytelne dla czÅ‚owieka" #: g10/card-util.c:85 g10/card-util.c:375 #, c-format msgid "OpenPGP card not available: %s\n" -msgstr "Karta OpenPGP niedostêpna: %s\n" +msgstr "Karta OpenPGP niedostÄ™pna: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:90 #, c-format msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" -msgstr "Wykryto kartê OpenPGP nr %s\n" +msgstr "Wykryto kartÄ™ OpenPGP nr %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" -msgstr "nie dzia³a w trybie wsadowym\n" +msgstr "nie dziaÅ‚a w trybie wsadowym\n" #: g10/card-util.c:106 msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" -msgstr "To polecenie jest dostêpne tylko dla kart w wersji 2\n" +msgstr "To polecenie jest dostÄ™pne tylko dla kart w wersji 2\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" -msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy nie jest (ju¿ lub w ogóle) dostêpny\n" +msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy nie jest (już lub w ogóle) dostÄ™pny\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " -msgstr "Twój wybór? " +msgstr "Twój wybór? " #: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 msgid "[not set]" @@ -1311,7 +1349,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:513 msgid "male" -msgstr "mê¿czyzna" +msgstr "mężczyzna" #: g10/card-util.c:514 msgid "female" @@ -1331,15 +1369,15 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:632 msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: aktualnie dopuszczalne jest tylko czyste ASCII.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: aktualnie dopuszczalne jest tylko czyste ASCII.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:634 msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: znak ,,<'' nie mo¿e byæ u¿yty.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: znak ,,<'' nie może być użyty.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:636 msgid "Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: podwójne spacje nie s± dopuszczalne.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: podwójne spacje nie sÄ… dopuszczalne.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:653 msgid "Cardholder's surname: " @@ -1347,12 +1385,12 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:655 msgid "Cardholder's given name: " -msgstr "Imiê posiadacza karty: " +msgstr "ImiÄ™ posiadacza karty: " #: g10/card-util.c:673 #, c-format msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "B³±d: pe³ne personalia zbyt d³ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: peÅ‚ne personalia zbyt dÅ‚ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:694 msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " @@ -1361,22 +1399,22 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:702 #, c-format msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "B³±d: URL zbyt d³ugi (limit to %d znaków).\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: URL zbyt dÅ‚ugi (limit to %d znaków).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 #, c-format msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d przydzielania wystarczaj±cej ilo¶ci pamiêci: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d przydzielania wystarczajÄ…cej iloÅ›ci pamiÄ™ci: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:840 #, c-format msgid "error writing `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:867 msgid "Login data (account name): " @@ -1385,7 +1423,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:877 #, c-format msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "B³±d: dane logowania zbyt d³ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: dane logowania zbyt dÅ‚ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:913 msgid "Private DO data: " @@ -1394,27 +1432,27 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:923 #, c-format msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "B³±d: prywatne DO zbyt d³ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: prywatne DO zbyt dÅ‚ugie (limit to %d znaków).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1006 msgid "Language preferences: " -msgstr "Preferowane jêzyki: " +msgstr "Preferowane jÄ™zyki: " #: g10/card-util.c:1014 msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwa d³ugo¶æ tekstu preferencji.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa dÅ‚ugość tekstu preferencji.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1023 msgid "Error: invalid characters in preference string.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwe znaki w tek¶cie preferencji.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe znaki w tekÅ›cie preferencji.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1045 msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " -msgstr "P³eæ (M - mê¿czyzna, F - kobieta lub spacja): " +msgstr "PÅ‚eć (M - mężczyzna, F - kobieta lub spacja): " #: g10/card-util.c:1059 msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwa odpowied¼.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa odpowiedź.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1081 msgid "CA fingerprint: " @@ -1422,7 +1460,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1104 msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: niew³a¶ciwie sformatowany odcisk.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwie sformatowany odcisk.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1154 #, c-format @@ -1436,11 +1474,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1168 #, c-format msgid "error getting current key info: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu aktualnych informacji o kluczu: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu aktualnych informacji o kluczu: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1255 msgid "Replace existing key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Zast±piæ istniej±cy klucz? (t/N) " +msgstr "ZastÄ…pić istniejÄ…cy klucz? (t/N) " #: g10/card-util.c:1271 msgid "" @@ -1448,35 +1486,35 @@ " If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" " documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" msgstr "" -"UWAGA: Nie ma gwarancji, ¿e karta obs³uguje ¿±dany rozmiar.\n" -" Je¶li tworzenie klucza nie powiedzie siê, proszê sprawdziæ\n" -" dokumentacjê karty, aby poznaæ dozwolone rozmiary.\n" +"UWAGA: Nie ma gwarancji, że karta obsÅ‚uguje żądany rozmiar.\n" +" JeÅ›li tworzenie klucza nie powiedzie siÄ™, proszÄ™ sprawdzić\n" +" dokumentacjÄ™ karty, aby poznać dozwolone rozmiary.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1296 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " -msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz do podpisywania wygenerowaæ? (%u) " +msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz do podpisywania wygenerować? (%u) " #: g10/card-util.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " -msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz do szyfrowania wygenerowaæ? (%u) " +msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz do szyfrowania wygenerować? (%u) " #: g10/card-util.c:1299 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " -msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz do uwierzytelniania wygenerowaæ? (%u) " +msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz do uwierzytelniania wygenerować? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" -msgstr "zaokr±glono do %u bitów\n" +msgstr "zaokrÄ…glono do %u bitów\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" -msgstr "Rozmiary kluczy %s musz± byæ z przedzia³u %u-%u\n" +msgstr "Rozmiary kluczy %s muszÄ… być z przedziaÅ‚u %u-%u\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1323 #, c-format @@ -1486,19 +1524,19 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1343 #, c-format msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas zmiany rozmiaru klucza %d na %u bitów: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas zmiany rozmiaru klucza %d na %u bitów: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1365 msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " -msgstr "Stworzyæ poza kart± kopiê zapasow± klucza szyfruj±cego? (T/n) " +msgstr "Stworzyć poza kartÄ… kopiÄ™ zapasowÄ… klucza szyfrujÄ…cego? (T/n) " #: g10/card-util.c:1379 msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: klucze s± ju¿ zapisane na karcie!\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: klucze sÄ… już zapisane na karcie!\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1382 msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " -msgstr "Zast±piæ istniej±ce klucze? (t/N) " +msgstr "ZastÄ…pić istniejÄ…ce klucze? (t/N) " #: g10/card-util.c:1394 #, c-format @@ -1507,17 +1545,17 @@ " PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" "You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" msgstr "" -"Fabryczne ustawienia PIN-ów to\n" +"Fabryczne ustawienia PIN-ów to\n" " PIN = ,,%s'' PIN administracyjny = ,,%s''\n" -"Nale¿y je zmieniæ przy u¿yciu polecenia --change-pin\n" +"Należy je zmienić przy użyciu polecenia --change-pin\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1450 msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" -msgstr "Proszê wybraæ rodzaj klucza do wygenerowania:\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać rodzaj klucza do wygenerowania:\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1452 g10/card-util.c:1560 msgid " (1) Signature key\n" -msgstr " (1) Klucz do podpisów\n" +msgstr " (1) Klucz do podpisów\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1453 g10/card-util.c:1562 msgid " (2) Encryption key\n" @@ -1527,14 +1565,14 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Klucz do uwierzytelniania\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" -msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy wybór.\n" +msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy wybór.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1557 msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" -msgstr "Proszê wybraæ gdzie zapisaæ klucz:\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać gdzie zapisać klucz:\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1601 msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" @@ -1542,32 +1580,32 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1606 msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" -msgstr "czê¶ci tajne klucza s± niedostêpne\n" +msgstr "części tajne klucza sÄ… niedostÄ™pne\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1611 msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" -msgstr "klucz prywatny jest ju¿ zapisany na karcie\n" +msgstr "klucz prywatny jest już zapisany na karcie\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu klucza na karcie: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu klucza na karcie: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" -msgstr "wyj¶cie z tego menu" +msgstr "wyjÅ›cie z tego menu" #: g10/card-util.c:1685 msgid "show admin commands" -msgstr "pokazanie poleceñ administratora" +msgstr "pokazanie poleceÅ„ administratora" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "ten tekst pomocy" #: g10/card-util.c:1688 msgid "list all available data" -msgstr "wypisanie wszystkich dostêpnych danych" +msgstr "wypisanie wszystkich dostÄ™pnych danych" #: g10/card-util.c:1691 msgid "change card holder's name" @@ -1579,7 +1617,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1693 msgid "fetch the key specified in the card URL" -msgstr "pobranie klucza okre¶lonego w URL-u karty" +msgstr "pobranie klucza okreÅ›lonego w URL-u karty" #: g10/card-util.c:1694 msgid "change the login name" @@ -1587,11 +1625,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1695 msgid "change the language preferences" -msgstr "zmiana preferowanych jêzyków" +msgstr "zmiana preferowanych jÄ™zyków" #: g10/card-util.c:1696 msgid "change card holder's sex" -msgstr "zmiana p³ci posiadacza karty" +msgstr "zmiana pÅ‚ci posiadacza karty" #: g10/card-util.c:1697 msgid "change a CA fingerprint" @@ -1615,7 +1653,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1702 msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" -msgstr "odblokowanie PIN-u przy u¿yciu kodu resetuj±cego" +msgstr "odblokowanie PIN-u przy użyciu kodu resetujÄ…cego" #: g10/card-util.c:1824 msgid "gpg/card> " @@ -1627,61 +1665,61 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1896 msgid "Admin commands are allowed\n" -msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora s± dozwolone\n" +msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora sÄ… dozwolone\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1898 msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" -msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora nie s± dozwolone\n" +msgstr "Polecenia dla administratora nie sÄ… dozwolone\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" -msgstr "Niepoprawne polecenie (spróbuj ,,help'')\n" +msgstr "Niepoprawne polecenie (spróbuj ,,help'')\n" #: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" -msgstr "opcja --output nie dzia³a z tym poleceniem\n" +msgstr "opcja --output nie dziaÅ‚a z tym poleceniem\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nie można otworzyć ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" -msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" +msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu bloku kluczy: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu bloku kluczy: %s\n" #: g10/delkey.c:127 g10/delkey.c:134 msgid "(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n" -msgstr "(chyba, ¿e klucz zostaje wybrany przez podanie odcisku)\n" +msgstr "(chyba, że klucz zostaje wybrany przez podanie odcisku)\n" #: g10/delkey.c:133 msgid "can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n" -msgstr "bez opcji ,,--yes'' nie dzia³a w trybie wsadowym\n" +msgstr "bez opcji ,,--yes'' nie dziaÅ‚a w trybie wsadowym\n" #: g10/delkey.c:145 msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " -msgstr "Usun±æ ten klucz ze zbioru? (t/N) " +msgstr "Usunąć ten klucz ze zbioru? (t/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:153 msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " -msgstr "To jest klucz tajny! - czy na pewno go usun±æ? (t/N) " +msgstr "To jest klucz tajny! - czy na pewno go usunąć? (t/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:163 #, c-format msgid "deleting keyblock failed: %s\n" -msgstr "usuniêcie bloku klucza nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie bloku klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/delkey.c:173 msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" -msgstr "informacja o zaufaniu dla w³a¶ciciela klucza zosta³a wymazana\n" +msgstr "informacja o zaufaniu dla wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela klucza zostaÅ‚a wymazana\n" #: g10/delkey.c:204 #, c-format @@ -1690,17 +1728,17 @@ #: g10/delkey.c:206 msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" -msgstr "aby go usun±æ nale¿y najpierw u¿yæ opcji \"--delete-secret-key\".\n" +msgstr "aby go usunąć należy najpierw użyć opcji \"--delete-secret-key\".\n" #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 #, c-format msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas tworzenia has³a: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas tworzenia hasÅ‚a: %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:232 msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" msgstr "" -"ustawiony tryb S2K nie pozwala u¿yæ pakietu ESK dla szyfru symetrycznego\n" +"ustawiony tryb S2K nie pozwala użyć pakietu ESK dla szyfru symetrycznego\n" #: g10/encode.c:246 #, c-format @@ -1710,17 +1748,17 @@ #: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 #, c-format msgid "`%s' already compressed\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' ju¿ jest skompresowany\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' już jest skompresowany\n" #: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: plik ,,%s'' jest pusty\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: plik ,,%s'' jest pusty\n" #: g10/encode.c:485 msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -"w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na szyfrowaæ dla kluczy RSA krótszych od 2048 bitów\n" +"w trybie --pgp2 można szyfrować dla kluczy RSA krótszych od 2048 bitów\n" #: g10/encode.c:510 #, c-format @@ -1731,14 +1769,14 @@ msgid "" "unable to use the IDEA cipher for all of the keys you are encrypting to.\n" msgstr "" -"nie mo¿na u¿yæ szyfru IDEA z wszystkimi kluczami dla których szyfrujesz.\n" +"nie można użyć szyfru IDEA z wszystkimi kluczami dla których szyfrujesz.\n" #: g10/encode.c:559 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wymuszone u¿ycie szyfru %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wymuszone użycie szyfru %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami " "adresata\n" #: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 @@ -1747,18 +1785,18 @@ "WARNING: forcing compression algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient " "preferences\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wymuszone u¿ycie kompresji %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wymuszone użycie kompresji %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami " "adresata\n" #: g10/encode.c:751 #, c-format msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" -msgstr "wymuszone u¿ycie szyfru %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami adresata\n" +msgstr "wymuszone użycie szyfru %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami adresata\n" #: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 #, c-format msgid "you may not use %s while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "%s nie jest dostêpne w trybie %s\n" +msgstr "%s nie jest dostÄ™pne w trybie %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:848 #, c-format @@ -1768,7 +1806,7 @@ #: g10/encr-data.c:93 g10/mainproc.c:297 #, c-format msgid "%s encrypted data\n" -msgstr "dane zaszyfrowano za pomoc± %s\n" +msgstr "dane zaszyfrowano za pomocÄ… %s\n" #: g10/encr-data.c:96 g10/mainproc.c:301 #, c-format @@ -1779,93 +1817,93 @@ msgid "" "WARNING: message was encrypted with a weak key in the symmetric cipher.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wiadomo¶æ by³a szyfrowana kluczem s³abym szyfru symetrycznego.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wiadomość byÅ‚a szyfrowana kluczem sÅ‚abym szyfru symetrycznego.\n" #: g10/encr-data.c:171 msgid "problem handling encrypted packet\n" -msgstr "problem podczas obróbki pakietu szyfrowego\n" +msgstr "problem podczas obróbki pakietu szyfrowego\n" #: g10/exec.c:60 msgid "no remote program execution supported\n" -msgstr "odwo³ania do zewnêtrznych programów s± wy³±czone\n" +msgstr "odwoÅ‚ania do zewnÄ™trznych programów sÄ… wyÅ‚Ä…czone\n" #: g10/exec.c:311 msgid "" "external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions\n" msgstr "" -"nieszczelne uprawnienia ustawieñ - wo³anie zewnêtrznych programów wy³±czone\n" +"nieszczelne uprawnienia ustawieÅ„ - woÅ‚anie zewnÄ™trznych programów wyÅ‚Ä…czone\n" #: g10/exec.c:341 msgid "this platform requires temporary files when calling external programs\n" msgstr "" -"platforma wymaga u¿ycia plików tymczasowych do wo³ania zewnêtrznych " -"programów\n" +"platforma wymaga użycia plików tymczasowych do woÅ‚ania zewnÄ™trznych " +"programów\n" #: g10/exec.c:419 #, c-format msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na uruchomiæ programu ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można uruchomić programu ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:422 #, c-format msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na uruchomiæ pow³oki ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można uruchomić powÅ‚oki ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:513 #, c-format msgid "system error while calling external program: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d systemu podczas wo³ania programu zewnêtrznego: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d systemu podczas woÅ‚ania programu zewnÄ™trznego: %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:524 g10/exec.c:591 msgid "unnatural exit of external program\n" -msgstr "nienaturalne zakoñczenie pracy zewnêtrznego programu\n" +msgstr "nienaturalne zakoÅ„czenie pracy zewnÄ™trznego programu\n" #: g10/exec.c:539 msgid "unable to execute external program\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na uruchomiæ zewnêtrznego programu\n" +msgstr "nie można uruchomić zewnÄ™trznego programu\n" #: g10/exec.c:556 #, c-format msgid "unable to read external program response: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na odczytaæ odpowiedzi programu zewnêtrznego: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można odczytać odpowiedzi programu zewnÄ™trznego: %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:602 g10/exec.c:609 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to remove tempfile (%s) `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na skasowaæ pliku tymczasowego (%s) ,,%s'': %s.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można skasować pliku tymczasowego (%s) ,,%s'': %s.\n" #: g10/exec.c:614 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to remove temp directory `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na skasowaæ tymczasowego katalogu ,,%s'': %s.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można skasować tymczasowego katalogu ,,%s'': %s.\n" #: g10/export.c:61 msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" -msgstr "eksport podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" +msgstr "eksport podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" #: g10/export.c:63 msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" -msgstr "eksport atrybutów ID u¿ytkownika (ogólnie ID zdjêæ)" +msgstr "eksport atrybutów ID użytkownika (ogólnie ID zdjęć)" #: g10/export.c:65 msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" -msgstr "eksport kluczy uniewa¿niaj±cych oznaczonych jako ,,poufne''" +msgstr "eksport kluczy unieważniajÄ…cych oznaczonych jako ,,poufne''" #: g10/export.c:67 msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" -msgstr "usuniêcie has³a z wyeksportowanych podkluczy" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie hasÅ‚a z wyeksportowanych podkluczy" #: g10/export.c:69 msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" -msgstr "usuniêcie bezu¿ytecznych czê¶ci z klucza przy eksporcie" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie bezużytecznych części z klucza przy eksporcie" #: g10/export.c:71 msgid "remove as much as possible from key during export" -msgstr "usuniêcie jak najwiêkszej czê¶ci klucza przy eksporcie" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie jak najwiÄ™kszej części klucza przy eksporcie" #: g10/export.c:73 msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" -msgstr "eksport kluczy w formacie opartym na S-wyra¿eniach" +msgstr "eksport kluczy w formacie opartym na S-wyrażeniach" #: g10/export.c:338 msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" @@ -1874,254 +1912,254 @@ #: g10/export.c:367 #, c-format msgid "key %s: not protected - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: nie jest chroniony - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: nie jest chroniony - pominiÄ™ty\n" #: g10/export.c:375 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: klucz PGP 2.x - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: klucz PGP 2.x - pominiÄ™ty\n" #: g10/export.c:386 #, c-format msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: zawarto¶æ klucza na karcie - pominiêto\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: zawartość klucza na karcie - pominiÄ™to\n" #: g10/export.c:537 msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" -msgstr "ma byæ wyeksportowany niezabezpieczony podklucz\n" +msgstr "ma być wyeksportowany niezabezpieczony podklucz\n" #: g10/export.c:560 #, c-format msgid "failed to unprotect the subkey: %s\n" -msgstr "nie powiod³o siê odbezpieczanie podklucza: %s\n" +msgstr "nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ odbezpieczanie podklucza: %s\n" #: g10/export.c:584 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz prywatny %s nie ma prostej sumy kontrolnej SK.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz prywatny %s nie ma prostej sumy kontrolnej SK.\n" #: g10/export.c:633 msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nic nie zosta³o wyeksportowane!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nic nie zostaÅ‚o wyeksportowane!\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -msgstr "zbyt wiele wpisów w buforze kluczy publicznych - wy³±czony\n" +msgstr "zbyt wiele wpisów w buforze kluczy publicznych - wyÅ‚Ä…czony\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" -msgstr "[brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika]" +msgstr "[brak identyfikatora użytkownika]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny bez klucza jawnego - pominiÄ™ty\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "automatycznie pobrano `%s' poprzez %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odtwarzania ,,%s'' poprzez %s: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odtwarzania ,,%s'' poprzez %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Brak odcisku" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" -"Opcja --allow-non-selfsigned-uid wymusi³a uznanie za poprawny klucza %s.\n" +"Opcja --allow-non-selfsigned-uid wymusiÅ‚a uznanie za poprawny klucza %s.\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -msgstr "brak prywatnego odpowiednika podklucza publicznego %s - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "brak prywatnego odpowiednika podklucza publicznego %s - pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" -msgstr "u¿ywany jest podklucz %s zamiast klucza g³ównego %s\n" +msgstr "używany jest podklucz %s zamiast klucza głównego %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny bez klucza jawnego - pominiêty\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" -msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu" +msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" -msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu pod dokumentem" +msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu pod dokumentem" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" -msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu oddzielonego od dokumentu" +msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu oddzielonego od dokumentu" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "szyfrowanie danych" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "szyfrowanie tylko szyfrem symetrycznym" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" -msgstr "odszyfrowywanie danych (domy¶lne)" +msgstr "odszyfrowywanie danych (domyÅ›lne)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "sprawdzenie podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "lista kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" -msgstr "lista kluczy i podpisów" +msgstr "lista kluczy i podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" -msgstr "wypisanie i sprawdzenie podpisów kluczy" +msgstr "wypisanie i sprawdzenie podpisów kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" -msgstr "lista kluczy i ich odcisków" +msgstr "lista kluczy i ich odcisków" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "lista kluczy prywatnych" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "generacja nowej pary kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" -msgstr "tworzenie certyfikatu uniewa¿nienia klucza" +msgstr "tworzenie certyfikatu unieważnienia klucza" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" -msgstr "usuniêcie klucza ze zbioru kluczy publicznych" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie klucza ze zbioru kluczy publicznych" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" -msgstr "usuniêcie klucza ze zbioru kluczy prywatnych" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie klucza ze zbioru kluczy prywatnych" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" -msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu na kluczu" +msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu na kluczu" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" -msgstr "z³o¿enie prywatnego podpisu na kluczu" +msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie prywatnego podpisu na kluczu" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "podpisanie lub modyfikacja klucza" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" -msgstr "zmiana has³a" +msgstr "zmiana hasÅ‚a" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "eksport kluczy do pliku" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "eksport kluczy do serwera kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "import kluczy z serwera kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "szukanie kluczy na serwerze" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" -msgstr "od¶wie¿enie wszystkich kluczy z serwera" +msgstr "odÅ›wieżenie wszystkich kluczy z serwera" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" -msgstr "import/do³±czenie kluczy" +msgstr "import/doÅ‚Ä…czenie kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" -msgstr "wy¶wietlenie stanu karty" +msgstr "wyÅ›wietlenie stanu karty" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "zmiana danych na karcie" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "zmiana PIN-u karty" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "uaktualnienie bazy zaufania" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" -msgstr "wypisanie skrótów wiadomo¶ci" +msgstr "wypisanie skrótów wiadomoÅ›ci" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "uruchomienie w trybie serwera" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "opakowanie ASCII pliku wynikowego" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -msgstr "|U¯YTKOWNIK|szyfrowanie dla odbiorcy o tym identyfikatorze" +msgstr "|UÅ»YTKOWNIK|szyfrowanie dla odbiorcy o tym identyfikatorze" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" -"|U¯YTKOWNIK|u¿ycie tego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do podpisania lub " +"|UÅ»YTKOWNIK|użycie tego identyfikatora użytkownika do podpisania lub " "odszyfrowania" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|ustawienie poziomu kompresji N (0 - bez)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "kanoniczny format tekstowy" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|zapis wyj¶cia do PLIKU" +msgstr "|PLIK|zapis wyjÅ›cia do PLIKU" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "pozostawienie bez zmian" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" -msgstr "pytanie przed nadpisaniem plików" +msgstr "pytanie przed nadpisaniem plików" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" -msgstr "¶cis³e zachowanie OpenPGP" +msgstr "Å›cisÅ‚e zachowanie OpenPGP" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" msgstr "" "@\n" -"(Pe³n± listê poleceñ i opcji mo¿na znale¼æ w podrêczniku systemowym.)\n" +"(PeÅ‚nÄ… listÄ™ poleceÅ„ i opcji można znaleźć w podrÄ™czniku systemowym.)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2133,600 +2171,600 @@ " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n" msgstr "" "@\n" -"Przyk³ady:\n" +"PrzykÅ‚ady:\n" "\n" " -se -r Bob [plik] podpisanie i zaszyfrowanie kluczem Boba\n" -" --clearsign [plik] podpisanie z pozostawieniem czytelno¶ci " +" --clearsign [plik] podpisanie z pozostawieniem czytelnoÅ›ci " "dokumentu\n" " --detach-sign [plik] podpisanie z umieszczeniem podpisu w osobnym " "pliku\n" " --list-keys [nazwy] pokazanie klucze\n" -" --fingerprint [nazwy] pokazanie odcisków kluczy\n" +" --fingerprint [nazwy] pokazanie odcisków kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpg [opcje] [pliki]\n" -"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie\n" -"Domy¶lnie wykonywana operacja zale¿y od danych wej¶ciowych\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg [opcje] [pliki]\n" +"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie\n" +"DomyÅ›lnie wykonywana operacja zależy od danych wejÅ›ciowych\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"Obs³ugiwane algorytmy:\n" +"ObsÅ‚ugiwane algorytmy:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Asymetryczne: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Symetryczne: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " -msgstr "Skrótów: " +msgstr "Skrótów: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Kompresji: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " -msgstr "wywo³anie: gpg [opcje]" +msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie: gpg [opcje]" -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "sprzeczne polecenia\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "w definicji grupy ,,%s'' brak znaku ,,=''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu domowego ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do pliku konfiguracyjnego ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do rozszerzenia ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego katalog " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego katalog " "domowy ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego plik " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego plik " "konfiguracyjny ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa w³asno¶ci do katalogu zawieraj±cego " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego " "rozszerzenie ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego katalog " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego katalog " "domowy ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego plik " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego plik " "konfiguracyjny ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostêpu do katalogu zawieraj±cego " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niebezpieczne prawa dostÄ™pu do katalogu zawierajÄ…cego " "rozszerzenie ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "nieznana opcja konfiguracyjna ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" -msgstr "wy¶wietlenie ID zdjêæ przy wypisywaniu kluczy" +msgstr "wyÅ›wietlenie ID zdjęć przy wypisywaniu kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy wypisywaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy wypisywaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy wypisywaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji u¿ytkownika przy wypisywaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji użytkownika przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy wypisywaniu podpisów" +"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie poprawno¶ci ID u¿ytkownika przy wypisywaniu kluczy" +msgstr "pokazywanie poprawnoÅ›ci ID użytkownika przy wypisywaniu kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -"pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych ID u¿ytkownika na listach kluczy" +"pokazywanie unieważnionych i wygasÅ‚ych ID użytkownika na listach kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych podkluczy na listach kluczy" +msgstr "pokazywanie unieważnionych i wygasÅ‚ych podkluczy na listach kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "pokazywanie nazwy zbioru kluczy na listach kluczy" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" -msgstr "pokazywanie dat wyga¶niêcia przy wypisywaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie dat wygaÅ›niÄ™cia przy wypisywaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: stary domy¶lny plik opcji ,,%s'' zosta³ zignorowany\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: stary domyÅ›lny plik opcji ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ zignorowany\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" "biblioteka libgcrypt jest zbyt stara (potrzebna %s, zainstalowana %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: %s nie jest do normalnego u¿ytku!\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: %s nie jest do normalnego użytku!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym czasem wyga¶niêcia podpisu\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym czasem wygaÅ›niÄ™cia podpisu\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawn± nazw± zestawu znaków\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnÄ… nazwÄ… zestawu znaków\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" -msgstr "niezrozumia³y URL serwera kluczy\n" +msgstr "niezrozumiaÅ‚y URL serwera kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje serwera kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "niepoprawne opcje serwera kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje wczytania kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "niepoprawne opcje wczytania kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d niepoprawne opcje eksportu kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "niepoprawne opcje eksportu kluczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje wypisywania\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "niepoprawne opcje wypisywania\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" -msgstr "wy¶wietlanie ID zdjêæ przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "wyÅ›wietlanie ID zdjęć przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" -msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie URL-i polityk przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" -msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie wszystkich adnotacji przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" -msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie standardowych adnotacji IETF przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" -msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie adnotacji użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +"pokazywanie URL-i preferowanych serwerów kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" -msgstr "pokazywanie poprawno¶ci ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "pokazywanie poprawnoÅ›ci ID użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -"pokazywanie uniewa¿nionych i wygas³ych ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu " -"podpisów" +"pokazywanie unieważnionych i wygasÅ‚ych ID użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu " +"podpisów" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" -msgstr "pokazywanie tylko g³ównego ID u¿ytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisu" +msgstr "pokazywanie tylko głównego ID użytkownika przy sprawdzaniu podpisu" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" -msgstr "sprawdzanie podpisów z danymi PKA" +msgstr "sprawdzanie podpisów z danymi PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" -msgstr "zwiêkszenie zaufania podpisów z poprawnymi danymi PKA" +msgstr "zwiÄ™kszenie zaufania podpisów z poprawnymi danymi PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawne opcje sprawdzania\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "niepoprawne opcje sprawdzania\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na ustawiæ ¶cie¿ki programów wykonywalnych na %s\n" +msgstr "nie można ustawić Å›cieżki programów wykonywalnych na %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: niepoprawna lista auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "Niepoprawna lista auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: program mo¿e stworzyæ plik zrzutu pamiêci!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: program może stworzyć plik zrzutu pamiÄ™ci!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: %s powoduje obej¶cie %s\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: %s powoduje obejÅ›cie %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" -msgstr "Nie wolno u¿ywaæ %s z %s!\n" +msgstr "Nie wolno używać %s z %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" -msgstr "%s nie ma sensu w po³±czeniu z %s!\n" +msgstr "%s nie ma sensu w poÅ‚Ä…czeniu z %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" -msgstr "nie zadzia³a z niebezpieczn± pamiêci± z powodu %s\n" +msgstr "nie zadziaÅ‚a z niebezpiecznÄ… pamiÄ™ciÄ… z powodu %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -"w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na sk³adaæ tylko podpisy oddzielne lub do³±czone do " +"w trybie --pgp2 można skÅ‚adać tylko podpisy oddzielne lub doÅ‚Ä…czone do " "tekstu\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 nie mo¿na jednocze¶nie szyfrowaæ i podpisywaæ\n" +msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 nie można jednoczeÅ›nie szyfrować i podpisywać\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" -msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 trzeba u¿ywaæ plików a nie potoków.\n" +msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 trzeba używać plików a nie potoków.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" -msgstr "szyfrowanie wiadomo¶ci w trybie --pgp2 wymaga modu³u szyfru IDEA\n" +msgstr "szyfrowanie wiadomoÅ›ci w trybie --pgp2 wymaga moduÅ‚u szyfru IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "wybrany algorytm szyfruj±cy jest niepoprawny\n" +msgstr "wybrany algorytm szyfrujÄ…cy jest niepoprawny\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów wiadomo¶ci jest niepoprawny\n" +msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów wiadomoÅ›ci jest niepoprawny\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "wybrany algorytm kompresji jest niepoprawny\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów po¶wiadczeñ jest niepoprawny\n" +msgstr "wybrany algorytm skrótów poÅ›wiadczeÅ„ jest niepoprawny\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" -msgstr "warto¶æ completes-needed musi byæ wiêksza od 0\n" +msgstr "wartość completes-needed musi być wiÄ™ksza od 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" -msgstr "warto¶æ marginals-needed musi byæ wiêksza od 1\n" +msgstr "wartość marginals-needed musi być wiÄ™ksza od 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" -msgstr "warto¶æ max-cert-depth musi mie¶ciæ siê w zakresie od 1 do 255\n" +msgstr "wartość max-cert-depth musi mieÅ›cić siÄ™ w zakresie od 1 do 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" -"niew³a¶ciwy domy¶lny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" +"niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy domyÅ›lny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieć wartość 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" -"niew³a¶ciwy minimalny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" +"niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy minimalny poziom sprawdzania; musi mieć wartość 0, 1, 2 lub 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "UWAGA: prosty tryb S2K (0) jest stanowczo odradzany\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" -msgstr "niepoprawny tryb S2K; musi mieæ warto¶æ 0, 1 lub 3\n" +msgstr "niepoprawny tryb S2K; musi mieć wartość 0, 1 lub 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe domy¶lne ustawienia\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe domyÅ›lne ustawienia\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia szyfrów\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe ustawienia szyfrów\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia skrótów\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe ustawienia skrótów\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwe ustawienia algorytmów kompresji\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe ustawienia algorytmów kompresji\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" -msgstr "%s jeszcze nie dzia³a z %s!\n" +msgstr "%s jeszcze nie dziaÅ‚a z %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "szyfr ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpny w trybie %s\n" +msgstr "szyfr ,,%s'' nie jest dostÄ™pny w trybie %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "skrót ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpny w trybie %s\n" +msgstr "skrót ,,%s'' nie jest dostÄ™pny w trybie %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "kompresja ,,%s'' nie jest dostêpna w trybie %s\n" +msgstr "kompresja ,,%s'' nie jest dostÄ™pna w trybie %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" -msgstr "inicjowanie Bazy Zaufania nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "inicjowanie Bazy Zaufania nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: podano adresatów (-r) w dzia³aniu które ich nie dotyczy\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podano adresatów (-r) w dziaÅ‚aniu które ich nie dotyczy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "szyfrowanie symetryczne ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "szyfrowanie symetryczne ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" +msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --encrypt w trybie %s\n" +msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --encrypt w trybie %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --sign --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" +msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --sign --encrypt wraz z --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na u¿yæ --symmetric --sign --encrypt w trybie %s\n" +msgstr "nie można użyć --symmetric --sign --encrypt w trybie %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [plik]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" -msgstr "--sign-key nazwa u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "--sign-key nazwa użytkownika" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" -msgstr "--lsign-key nazwa u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "--lsign-key nazwa użytkownika" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" -msgstr "--edit-key nazwa u¿ytkownika [polecenia]" +msgstr "--edit-key nazwa użytkownika [polecenia]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " -msgstr "--passwd " +msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" -msgstr "wysy³ka do serwera kluczy nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" +msgstr "wysyÅ‚ka do serwera kluczy nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" -msgstr "odbiór z serwera kluczy nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "odbiór z serwera kluczy nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" -msgstr "eksport kluczy nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "eksport kluczy nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" -msgstr "szukanie w serwerze kluczy nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "szukanie w serwerze kluczy nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" -msgstr "od¶wie¿enie kluczy z serwera nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "odÅ›wieżenie kluczy z serwera nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -msgstr "zdjêcie opakowania ASCII nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zdjÄ™cie opakowania ASCII nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -msgstr "opakowywanie ASCII nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "opakowywanie ASCII nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy algorytm skrótu ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy algorytm skrótu ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nazwa pliku]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" -msgstr "Wpisz tutaj swoj± wiadomo¶æ ...\n" +msgstr "Wpisz tutaj swojÄ… wiadomość ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "podany URL regulaminu po¶wiadczania jest niepoprawny\n" +msgstr "podany URL regulaminu poÅ›wiadczania jest niepoprawny\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "podany URL regulaminu podpisów jest niepoprawny\n" +msgstr "podany URL regulaminu podpisów jest niepoprawny\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "podany preferowany URL serwera kluczy jest niepoprawny\n" @@ -2736,7 +2774,7 @@ #: g10/gpgv.c:76 msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" -msgstr "nie traktowaæ konfliktu datowników jako b³êdu" +msgstr "nie traktować konfliktu datowników jako bÅ‚Ä™du" #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" @@ -2744,1645 +2782,1657 @@ #: g10/gpgv.c:117 msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpgv [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpgv [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: g10/gpgv.c:119 msgid "" "Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n" "Check signatures against known trusted keys\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpgv [opcje] [pliki]\n" -"Sprawdzanie podpisów ze znanych zaufanych kluczy\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpgv [opcje] [pliki]\n" +"Sprawdzanie podpisów ze znanych zaufanych kluczy\n" #: g10/helptext.c:72 msgid "No help available" -msgstr "Pomoc niedostêpna" +msgstr "Pomoc niedostÄ™pna" #: g10/helptext.c:82 #, c-format msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Brak pomocy o ,,%s''" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" -msgstr "import podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" +msgstr "import podpisów oznaczonych jako tylko lokalne" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" -msgstr "naprawienie uszkodzeñ z serwera pks przy imporcie" +msgstr "naprawienie uszkodzeÅ„ z serwera pks przy imporcie" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "bez czyszczenia wartoÅ›ci zaufania wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela przy imporcie" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "nie uaktualnianie bazy zaufania po imporcie" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "tworzenie kluczy publicznych przy imporcie kluczy tajnych" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" -msgstr "przyjmowanie tylko uaktualnieñ istniej±cych kluczy" +msgstr "przyjmowanie tylko uaktualnieÅ„ istniejÄ…cych kluczy" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" -msgstr "usuwanie bezu¿ytecznych czê¶ci kluczy po imporcie" +msgstr "usuwanie bezużytecznych części kluczy po imporcie" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" -msgstr "usuwanie jak najwiêkszej czê¶ci kluczy po imporcie" +msgstr "usuwanie jak najwiÄ™kszej części kluczy po imporcie" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" -msgstr "blok typu %d zostaje pominiêty\n" +msgstr "blok typu %d zostaje pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu kluczy przetworzonych do tej chwili\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" -msgstr "Ogó³em przetworzonych kluczy: %lu\n" +msgstr "Ogółem przetworzonych kluczy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" -msgstr " pominiêtych nowych kluczy: %lu\n" +msgstr " pominiÄ™tych nowych kluczy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " bez identyfikatora: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" -msgstr " do³±czono do zbioru: %lu" +msgstr " doÅ‚Ä…czono do zbioru: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " bez zmian: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" -msgstr " nowych identyfikatorów: %lu\n" +msgstr " nowych identyfikatorów: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nowych podkluczy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" -msgstr " nowych podpisów: %lu\n" +msgstr " nowych podpisów: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" -msgstr " nowych uniewa¿nieñ kluczy: %lu\n" +msgstr " nowych unieważnieÅ„ kluczy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " tajnych kluczy wczytanych: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " tajnych kluczy dodanych: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " tajnych kluczy bez zmian: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" -msgstr " nie w³±czono do zbioru: %lu\n" +msgstr " nie wÅ‚Ä…czono do zbioru: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" -msgstr " podpisów wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" +msgstr " podpisów wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" -msgstr "ID u¿ytkownika wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" +msgstr "ID użytkownika wyczyszczonych: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz %s zawiera preferencje dla niedostêpnych\n" -"algorytmów dla tych ID u¿ytkownika:\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz %s zawiera preferencje dla niedostÄ™pnych\n" +"algorytmów dla tych ID użytkownika:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany szyfr %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany algorytm skrótu %s\n" +msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany algorytm skrótu %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " ,,%s'': preferowany algorytm kompresji %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" -msgstr "zdecydowanie sugerowane jest uaktualnienie ustawieñ i ponowne\n" +msgstr "zdecydowanie sugerowane jest uaktualnienie ustawieÅ„ i ponowne\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" -msgstr "rozes³anie tego klucza w celu unikniêcia niezgodno¶ci algorytmów\n" +msgstr "rozesÅ‚anie tego klucza w celu unikniÄ™cia niezgodnoÅ›ci algorytmów\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -"mo¿na uaktualniæ swoje ustawienia poprzez: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" +"można uaktualnić swoje ustawienia poprzez: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora użytkownika\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "odrzucony przez filtr importu" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz uszkodzony przez serwer zosta³ naprawiony\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz uszkodzony przez serwer zostaÅ‚ naprawiony\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: przyjêto identyfikator nie podpisany nim samym ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: przyjÄ™to identyfikator nie podpisany nim samym ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak poprawnych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak poprawnych identyfikatorów użytkownika\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -msgstr "to mo¿e byæ spowodowane brakiem podpisu klucza nim samym\n" +msgstr "to może być spowodowane brakiem podpisu klucza nim samym\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: nowy klucz - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: nowy klucz - pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "brak zapisywalnego zbioru kluczy: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapis do ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu zbioru kluczy ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu zbioru kluczy ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "klucz %s: klucz publiczny ,,%s'' wczytano do zbioru\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: nie zgadza siê z lokaln± kopi±\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: nie zgadza siÄ™ z lokalnÄ… kopiÄ…\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "klucz %s: brak oryginalnego bloku klucza; %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: nie mo¿na odczytaæ oryginalnego bloku klucza: %s\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: nie można odczytać oryginalnego bloku klucza: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy identyfikator u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy identyfikator użytkownika\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych identyfikatorów użytkownika\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych podpisów\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych podpisów\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' 1 nowy podklucz\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d nowych podkluczy\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d podpis wyczyszczony\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikator u¿ytkownika wyczyszczony\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikator użytkownika wyczyszczony\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika wyczyszczonych\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' %d identyfikatorów użytkownika wyczyszczonych\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' bez zmian\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" +msgstr "klucz prywatny %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "wczytywanie kluczy tajnych nie jest dozwolone\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny z b³êdnym szyfrem %d - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny z bÅ‚Ä™dnym szyfrem %d - pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" -msgstr "brak domy¶lnego zbioru kluczy tajnych: %s\n" +msgstr "brak domyÅ›lnego zbioru kluczy tajnych: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "klucz %s: klucz tajny wczytany do zbioru\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ten klucz tajny ju¿ znajduje siê w zbiorze\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ten klucz tajny już znajduje siÄ™ w zbiorze\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza tajnego: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" -"klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego którego dotyczy wczytany certyfikat\n" -" uniewa¿nienia\n" +"klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego którego dotyczy wczytany certyfikat\n" +" unieważnienia\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawny certyfikat uniewa¿nienia: %s - odrzucony\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawny certyfikat unieważnienia: %s - odrzucony\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' certyfikat uniewa¿nienia zosta³ ju¿ wczytany\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' certyfikat unieważnienia zostaÅ‚ już wczytany\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do podpisu\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak identyfikatora użytkownika do podpisu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: algorytm asymetryczny dla id ,,%s'' nie jest obs³ugiwany\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: algorytm asymetryczny dla id ,,%s'' nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawny podpis na identyfikatorze ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: nieobs³ugiwany algorytm asymetryczny\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: nieobsÅ‚ugiwany algorytm asymetryczny\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: nieprawid³owy bezpo¶redni podpis\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: nieprawidÅ‚owy bezpoÅ›redni podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza do dowi±zania\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza do dowiÄ…zania\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne dowi±zanie podklucza\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne dowiÄ…zanie podklucza\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: usuniêto wielokrotne dowi±zanie podklucza\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: usuniÄ™to wielokrotne dowiÄ…zanie podklucza\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza, którego dotyczy uniewa¿nienie\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza, którego dotyczy unieważnienie\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne uniewa¿nienie podklucza\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: niepoprawne unieważnienie podklucza\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: usuniêto wielokrotne uniewa¿nienie podklucza\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: usuniÄ™to wielokrotne unieważnienie podklucza\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: podklucz pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: podpis nieeksportowalny (klasy 0x%02X) - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: podpis nieeksportowalny (klasy 0x%02X) - pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "" -"klucz %s: pominiêto certyfikat uniewa¿nienia umieszczony\n" -" w niew³a¶ciwym miejscu\n" +"klucz %s: pominiÄ™to certyfikat unieważnienia umieszczony\n" +" w niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwym miejscu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto - niepoprawny certyfikat uniewa¿nienia: %s\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to - niepoprawny certyfikat unieważnienia: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto - podpis na podkluczu w niew³a¶ciwym miejscu\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to - podpis na podkluczu w niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwym miejscu\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: pominiêto - nieoczekiwana klasa podpisu (0x%02X)\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: pominiÄ™to - nieoczekiwana klasa podpisu (0x%02X)\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" -msgstr "key %s: do³±czono powtórzony identyfikator u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "key %s: doÅ‚Ä…czono powtórzony identyfikator użytkownika\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz %s móg³ zostaæ uniewa¿niony:\n" -" zapytanie o uniewa¿niaj±cy klucz %s w serwerze kluczy\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz %s mógÅ‚ zostać unieważniony:\n" +" zapytanie o unieważniajÄ…cy klucz %s w serwerze kluczy\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucz %s móg³ zostaæ uniewa¿niony:\n" -" brak uniewa¿niaj±cego klucza %s.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucz %s mógÅ‚ zostać unieważniony:\n" +" brak unieważniajÄ…cego klucza %s.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' dodany certyfikat uniewa¿nienia\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: ,,%s'' dodany certyfikat unieważnienia\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: dodano bezpo¶redni podpis\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: dodano bezpoÅ›redni podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: numer seryjny klucza nie zgadza siê z numerem karty\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: numer seryjny klucza nie zgadza siÄ™ z numerem karty\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: klucz g³ówny jest aktywny i zapisany na karcie\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: klucz główny jest aktywny i zapisany na karcie\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "UWAGA: klucz dodatkowy jest aktywny i zapisany na karcie\n" #: g10/keydb.c:182 #, c-format msgid "error creating keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d tworzenia zbioru kluczy `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia zbioru kluczy `%s': %s\n" #: g10/keydb.c:188 #, c-format msgid "keyring `%s' created\n" -msgstr "zbiór kluczy ,,%s'' zosta³ utworzony\n" +msgstr "zbiór kluczy ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ utworzony\n" #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 #, c-format msgid "keyblock resource `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "zasób bloku klucza `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "zasób bloku klucza `%s': %s\n" #: g10/keydb.c:749 #, c-format msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" -msgstr "nie powiod³a siê odbudowa bufora bazy: %s\n" +msgstr "nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™ odbudowa bufora bazy: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" -msgstr "[uniewa¿nienie]" +msgstr "[unieważnienie]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[podpis klucza nim samym]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 niepoprawny podpis\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" -msgstr "%d niepoprawnych podpisów\n" +msgstr "%d niepoprawnych podpisów\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" -msgstr "1 podpis nie zosta³ sprawdzony z powodu braku klucza\n" +msgstr "1 podpis nie zostaÅ‚ sprawdzony z powodu braku klucza\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" -msgstr "%d podpisów nie zosta³o sprawdzonych z powodu braku kluczy\n" +msgstr "%d podpisów nie zostaÅ‚o sprawdzonych z powodu braku kluczy\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" -msgstr "1 podpis nie zosta³ sprawdzony z powodu b³êdu\n" +msgstr "1 podpis nie zostaÅ‚ sprawdzony z powodu bÅ‚Ä™du\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" -msgstr "%d podpisów nie sprawdzonych z powodu b³êdów\n" +msgstr "%d podpisów nie sprawdzonych z powodu bÅ‚Ä™dów\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" -msgstr "wykryto 1 identyfikator u¿ytkownika niepodpisany tym samym kluczem\n" +msgstr "wykryto 1 identyfikator użytkownika niepodpisany tym samym kluczem\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "" -"wykryto %d identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika niepodpisanych tym samym kluczem\n" +"wykryto %d identyfikatorów użytkownika niepodpisanych tym samym kluczem\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " "etc.)\n" msgstr "" -"Zastanów siê jak bardzo ufasz temu u¿ytkownikowi w kwestii sprawdzania\n" -"to¿samo¶ci innych u¿ytkowników (czy sprawdzi on odciski kluczy pobrane\n" -"z ró¿nych ¼róde³, dokumenty potwierdzaj±ce to¿samo¶æ, itd.).\n" +"Zastanów siÄ™ jak bardzo ufasz temu użytkownikowi w kwestii sprawdzania\n" +"tożsamoÅ›ci innych użytkowników (czy sprawdzi on odciski kluczy pobrane\n" +"z różnych źródeÅ‚, dokumenty potwierdzajÄ…ce tożsamość, itd.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = mam ograniczone zaufanie\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" -msgstr " %d = mam pe³ne zaufanie\n" +msgstr " %d = mam peÅ‚ne zaufanie\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -"Proszê wpisaæ poziom tego podpisu zaufania.\n" -"Poziom wy¿szy ni¿ 1 umo¿liwia u¿ywanie podpisywanego w³a¶nie klucza\n" -"do wykonywania zaufanych podpisów w twoim imieniu.\n" +"ProszÄ™ wpisać poziom tego podpisu zaufania.\n" +"Poziom wyższy niż 1 umożliwia używanie podpisywanego wÅ‚aÅ›nie klucza\n" +"do wykonywania zaufanych podpisów w twoim imieniu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" -msgstr "Proszê wpisaæ domenê ograniczaj±c± ten podpis lub Enter dla ¿adnej.\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wpisać domenÄ™ ograniczajÄ…cÄ… ten podpis lub Enter dla żadnej.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' zosta³ uniewa¿niony." +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ unieważniony." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz podpisaæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz podpisać? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" -msgstr " Nie da siê z³o¿yæ podpisu.\n" +msgstr " Nie da siÄ™ zÅ‚ożyć podpisu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' przekroczy³ swój termin wa¿no¶ci." +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' przekroczyÅ‚ swój termin ważnoÅ›ci." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Identyfikator ,,%s'' nie jest podpisany swoim kluczem." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' jest podpisywalny. " +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' jest podpisywalny. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Podpisaæ go? (t/N) " +msgstr "Podpisać go? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" msgstr "" "Podpis klucza nim samym na ,,%s''\n" -"jest podpisem z³o¿onym przez PGP 2.x.\n" +"jest podpisem zÅ‚ożonym przez PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy chcesz zamieniæ go na podpis OpenPGP? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy chcesz zamienić go na podpis OpenPGP? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "has expired.\n" msgstr "" -"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" -"przekroczy³ datê wa¿no¶ci.\n" +"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" +"przekroczyÅ‚ datÄ™ ważnoÅ›ci.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy chcesz zast±piæ przeterminowany podpis nowym? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy chcesz zastÄ…pić przeterminowany podpis nowym? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a local signature.\n" msgstr "" -"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" +"Twój podpis na ,,%s''\n" "jest podpisem prywatnym (lokalnym).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -"Czy chcesz zamieniæ go na pe³ny, publiczny, eksportowalny podpis? (t/N) " +"Czy chcesz zamienić go na peÅ‚ny, publiczny, eksportowalny podpis? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' jest ju¿ lokalnie podpisany kluczem %s\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' jest już lokalnie podpisany kluczem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' jest ju¿ podpisany kluczem %s\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' jest już podpisany kluczem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to podpisaæ jeszcze raz? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to podpisać jeszcze raz? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nie ma nic do podpisania kluczem %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" -msgstr "Data wa¿no¶ci tego klucza up³ynê³a!" +msgstr "Data ważnoÅ›ci tego klucza upÅ‚ynęła!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" -msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ tego klucza wygasa %s.\n" +msgstr "Ważność tego klucza wygasa %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "" -"Czy chcesz ¿eby wa¿no¶æ Twojego podpisu wygasa³a w tej samej chwili? (T/n) " +"Czy chcesz żeby ważność Twojego podpisu wygasaÅ‚a w tej samej chwili? (T/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" -"W trybie --pgp2 nie mo¿na podpisywaæ kluczy PGP 2.x podpisami OpenPGP.\n" +"W trybie --pgp2 nie można podpisywać kluczy PGP 2.x podpisami OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -msgstr "To uczyni ten klucz nieu¿ytecznym dla PGP 2.x.\n" +msgstr "To uczyni ten klucz nieużytecznym dla PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" msgstr "" -"Jak dok³adnie zosta³a przez Ciebie sprawdzona to¿samo¶æ tej osoby?\n" -"Je¶li nie wiesz co odpowiedzieæ, podaj ,,0''.\n" +"Jak dokÅ‚adnie zostaÅ‚a przez Ciebie sprawdzona tożsamość tej osoby?\n" +"JeÅ›li nie wiesz co odpowiedzieć, podaj ,,0''.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Nie odpowiem na to pytanie. %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" -msgstr " (1) W ogóle nie.%s\n" +msgstr " (1) W ogóle nie.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" -msgstr " (2) Pobie¿nie.%s\n" +msgstr " (2) Pobieżnie.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" -msgstr " (3) Bardzo dok³adnie.%s\n" +msgstr " (3) Bardzo dokÅ‚adnie.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " -msgstr "Twój wybór (,,?'' podaje wiêcej informacji): " +msgstr "Twój wybór (,,?'' podaje wiÄ™cej informacji): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" msgstr "" -"Czy jeste¶ naprawdê pewien, ¿e chcesz podpisaæ ten klucz\n" +"Czy jesteÅ› naprawdÄ™ pewien, że chcesz podpisać ten klucz\n" "swoim kluczem ,,%s'' (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" -msgstr "To bêdzie podpis klucza nim samym.\n" +msgstr "To bÄ™dzie podpis klucza nim samym.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako prywatny " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako prywatny " "(nieeksportowalny).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegaj±cy " -"uniewa¿nieniu.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podpis nie zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegajÄ…cy " +"unieważnieniu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Podpis zostanie oznaczony jako prywatny (nieeksportowalny).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" -msgstr "Podpis zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegaj±cy uniewa¿nieniu.\n" +msgstr "Podpis zostanie oznaczony jako nie podlegajÄ…cy unieważnieniu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" -msgstr "To¿samo¶æ u¿ytkownika nie zosta³a w ogóle sprawdzona.\n" +msgstr "Tożsamość użytkownika nie zostaÅ‚a w ogóle sprawdzona.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" -msgstr "To¿samo¶æ u¿ytkownika zosta³a sprawdzona pobie¿nie.\n" +msgstr "Tożsamość użytkownika zostaÅ‚a sprawdzona pobieżnie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" -msgstr "To¿samo¶æ u¿ytkownika zosta³a dok³adnie sprawdzona.\n" +msgstr "Tożsamość użytkownika zostaÅ‚a dokÅ‚adnie sprawdzona.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisaæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisać? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" -msgstr "z³o¿enie podpisu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zÅ‚ożenie podpisu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -"Klucz ma tylko za¶lepkê albo elementy na karcie - nie ma has³a do zmiany.\n" +"Klucz ma tylko zaÅ›lepkÄ™ albo elementy na karcie - nie ma hasÅ‚a do zmiany.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Ten klucz nie jest chroniony.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" -msgstr "Czê¶æ tajna g³ównego klucza jest niedostêpna.\n" +msgstr "Część tajna głównego klucza jest niedostÄ™pna.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" -msgstr "Czê¶æ tajna g³ównego klucza jest zapisana na karcie.\n" +msgstr "Część tajna głównego klucza jest zapisana na karcie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Klucz jest chroniony.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" -msgstr "Tego klucza nie mo¿na modyfikowaæ: %s.\n" +msgstr "Tego klucza nie można modyfikować: %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Wprowad¼ nowe d³ugie, skomplikowane has³o dla tego klucza tajnego.\n" +"Wprowadź nowe dÅ‚ugie, skomplikowane hasÅ‚o dla tego klucza tajnego.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "has³o nie zosta³o poprawnie powtórzone; jeszcze jedna próba" +msgstr "hasÅ‚o nie zostaÅ‚o poprawnie powtórzone; jeszcze jedna próba" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Nie chcesz has³a - to *z³y* pomys³!\n" +"Nie chcesz hasÅ‚a - to *zÅ‚y* pomysÅ‚!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to zrobiæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz to zrobić? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" -msgstr "przenoszê podpis klucza na w³a¶ciwe miejsce\n" +msgstr "przenoszÄ™ podpis klucza na wÅ‚aÅ›ciwe miejsce\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" -msgstr "zapis zmian i wyj¶cie" +msgstr "zapis zmian i wyjÅ›cie" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "okazanie odcisku klucza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" -msgstr "lista kluczy i identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "lista kluczy i identyfikatorów użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" -msgstr "wybór identyfikatora u¿ytkownika N" +msgstr "wybór identyfikatora użytkownika N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" -msgstr "wybór podklucza N" +msgstr "wybór podklucza N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" -msgstr "sprawdzenie podpisów" +msgstr "sprawdzenie podpisów" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -"z³o¿enie podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach u¿ytkownika [* poni¿ej " -"powi±zane polecenia]" +"zÅ‚ożenie podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach użytkownika [* poniżej " +"powiÄ…zane polecenia]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "" -"z³o¿enie prywatnego (lokalnego) podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach " -"u¿ytkownika" +"zÅ‚ożenie prywatnego (lokalnego) podpisu na wybranych identyfikatorach " +"użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" -msgstr "podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika sygnatur± zaufania" +msgstr "podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika sygnaturÄ… zaufania" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -"podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika sygnatur± nie podlegaj±c± " -"uniewa¿nieniu" +"podpisanie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika sygnaturÄ… nie podlegajÄ…cÄ… " +"unieważnieniu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" -msgstr "dodanie nowego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika do klucza" +msgstr "dodanie nowego identyfikatora użytkownika do klucza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" -msgstr "dodanie zdjêcia u¿ytkownika do klucza" +msgstr "dodanie zdjÄ™cia użytkownika do klucza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" -msgstr "usuniêcie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika z klucza" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika z klucza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "dodanie podklucza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "dodanie klucza do karty procesorowej" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" -msgstr "przeniesienie klucza na kartê procesorow±" +msgstr "przeniesienie klucza na kartÄ™ procesorowÄ…" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" -msgstr "przeniesienie klucza zapasowego na kartê procesorow±" +msgstr "przeniesienie klucza zapasowego na kartÄ™ procesorowÄ…" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" -msgstr "usuniêcie wybranych podkluczy" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie wybranych podkluczy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" -msgstr "dodanie klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego" +msgstr "dodanie klucza unieważniajÄ…cego" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" -msgstr "usuniêcie podpisów z wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie podpisów z wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" -msgstr "zmiana daty wyga¶niêcia dla klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" +msgstr "zmiana daty wygaÅ›niÄ™cia dla klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" -msgstr "oznaczenie wybranego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika jako g³ównego" +msgstr "oznaczenie wybranego identyfikatora użytkownika jako głównego" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" -msgstr "prze³±czenie pomiêdzy listami kluczy tajnych i publicznych" +msgstr "przeÅ‚Ä…czenie pomiÄ™dzy listami kluczy tajnych i publicznych" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "ustawienia (zaawansowane)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" -msgstr "rozbudowana lista ustawieñ" +msgstr "rozbudowana lista ustawieÅ„" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" -msgstr "ustawienie listy preferencji dla wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "ustawienie listy preferencji dla wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" -"ustawienie URL-a preferowanego serwera kluczy dla wybranych identyfikatorów " -"u¿ytkownika" +"ustawienie URL-a preferowanego serwera kluczy dla wybranych identyfikatorów " +"użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" -msgstr "ustawienie adnotacji dla wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "ustawienie adnotacji dla wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" -msgstr "zmiana has³a klucza" +msgstr "zmiana hasÅ‚a klucza" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" -msgstr "zmiana zaufania w³a¶ciciela" +msgstr "zmiana zaufania wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" -msgstr "uniewa¿nienie podpisów na wybranych identyfikatorach u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "unieważnienie podpisów na wybranych identyfikatorach użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" -msgstr "uniewa¿nienie wybranych identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika" +msgstr "unieważnienie wybranych identyfikatorów użytkownika" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" -msgstr "uniewa¿nienie klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" +msgstr "unieważnienie klucza lub wybranych podkluczy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" -msgstr "w³±czenie klucza do u¿ycia" +msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie klucza do użycia" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" -msgstr "wy³±czenie klucza z u¿ycia" +msgstr "wyÅ‚Ä…czenie klucza z użycia" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" -msgstr "okazanie wybranych identyfikatorów - zdjêæ" +msgstr "okazanie wybranych identyfikatorów - zdjęć" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -"zagêszczanie bezu¿ytecznych ID u¿ytkowników i usuwanie bezu¿ytecznych " -"podpisów z kluczy" +"zagÄ™szczanie bezużytecznych ID użytkowników i usuwanie bezużytecznych " +"podpisów z kluczy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -"zagêszczanie bezu¿ytecznych ID u¿ytkowników i usuwanie wszystkich podpisów z " +"zagÄ™szczanie bezużytecznych ID użytkowników i usuwanie wszystkich podpisów z " "kluczy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu bloku klucza tajnego ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu bloku klucza tajnego ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" -msgstr "Dostêpny jest klucz tajny.\n" +msgstr "DostÄ™pny jest klucz tajny.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Do wykonania tej operacji potrzebny jest klucz tajny.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" -msgstr "Najpierw trzeba u¿yæ polecenia \"prze³\".\n" +msgstr "Najpierw trzeba użyć polecenia \"przeÅ‚\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" " a `t' for trust signatures (tsign), an `nr' for non-revocable signatures\n" " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -"* Polecenie `sign' mo¿na poprzedziæ ,,l'' dla lokalnych sygnatur (lsign),\n" +"* Polecenie `sign' można poprzedzić ,,l'' dla lokalnych sygnatur (lsign),\n" " ,,t'' dla sygnatur zaufania (tsign) albo ,,nr'' dla sygnatur nie\n" -" podlegaj±cych uniewa¿nieniu (nrsign), albo dowoln± ich kombinacj± " +" podlegajÄ…cych unieważnieniu (nrsign), albo dowolnÄ… ich kombinacjÄ… " "(ltsign,\n" " tnrsign itd.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." -msgstr "Klucz uniewa¿niony." +msgstr "Klucz unieważniony." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisaæ wszystkie identyfikatory u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno podpisać wszystkie identyfikatory użytkownika? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" -msgstr "Podpowied¼: wybierz identyfikatory u¿ytkownika do podpisania.\n" +msgstr "Podpowiedź: wybierz identyfikatory użytkownika do podpisania.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Nieznany rodzaj podpisu ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" -msgstr "To polecenie nie jest dostêpne w trybie %s.\n" +msgstr "To polecenie nie jest dostÄ™pne w trybie %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" -msgstr "Musisz wybraæ co najmniej jeden identyfikator u¿ytkownika.\n" +msgstr "Musisz wybrać co najmniej jeden identyfikator użytkownika.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" -msgstr "Nie mo¿esz usun±æ ostatniego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika!\n" +msgstr "Nie możesz usunąć ostatniego identyfikatora użytkownika!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -"Czy na pewno usun±æ wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " +"Czy na pewno usunąć wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory użytkownika? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno usun±æ ten identyfikator u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno usunąć ten identyfikator użytkownika? (t/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno przenie¶æ g³ówny klucz (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno przenieść główny klucz (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" -msgstr "Musisz wybraæ dok³adnie jeden klucz.\n" +msgstr "Musisz wybrać dokÅ‚adnie jeden klucz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" -msgstr "Polecenie oczekuje argumentu bêd±cego nazw± pliku\n" +msgstr "Polecenie oczekuje argumentu bÄ™dÄ…cego nazwÄ… pliku\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "Nie można otworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "B³±d podczas odczytu klucza zapasowego z `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu klucza zapasowego z `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" -msgstr "Musisz wybraæ co najmniej jeden klucz.\n" +msgstr "Musisz wybrać co najmniej jeden klucz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usun±æ wybrane klucze? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane klucze? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usun±æ ten klucz? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten klucz? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -"Czy na pewno uniewa¿niæ wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " +"Czy na pewno unieważnić wszystkie wybrane identyfikatory użytkownika? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno uniewa¿niæ ten identyfikator u¿ytkownika? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno unieważnić ten identyfikator użytkownika? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ ca³y klucz? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić caÅ‚y klucz? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ wybrane podklucze? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić wybrane podklucze? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ ten podklucz? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić ten podklucz? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -"Zaufanie u¿ytkownika nie mo¿e byæ ustawione podczas u¿ywania bazy zaufania\n" -"dostarczonej przez u¿ytkownika\n" +"Zaufanie użytkownika nie może być ustawione podczas używania bazy zaufania\n" +"dostarczonej przez użytkownika\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" -msgstr "Ustawienie listy ustawieñ na:\n" +msgstr "Ustawienie listy ustawieÅ„ na:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" -"Czy na pewno uaktualniæ ustawienia dla wybranych identyfikatorów? (t/N) " +"Czy na pewno uaktualnić ustawienia dla wybranych identyfikatorów? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno uaktualniæ ustawienia? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno uaktualnić ustawienia? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " -msgstr "Zapisaæ zmiany? (t/N) " +msgstr "Zapisać zmiany? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " -msgstr "Wyj¶æ bez zapisania zmian? (t/N) " +msgstr "Wyjść bez zapisania zmian? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" -msgstr "zapis zmian nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zapis zmian nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" -msgstr "zapis zmian na kluczu prywatnym nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zapis zmian na kluczu prywatnym nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" -msgstr "Klucz nie zosta³ zmieniony wiêc zapis zmian nie jest konieczny.\n" +msgstr "Klucz nie zostaÅ‚ zmieniony wiÄ™c zapis zmian nie jest konieczny.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " -msgstr "Skrót: " +msgstr "Skrót: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Ustawienia: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "no-modify dla serwera kluczy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Preferowany serwer kluczy: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Adnotacje: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" -msgstr "Klucze PGP 2.x nie zawieraj± opisu ustawieñ.\n" +msgstr "Klucze PGP 2.x nie zawierajÄ… opisu ustawieÅ„.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" -msgstr "Ten klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony %s przez klucz u¿ytkownika %s %s\n" +msgstr "Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony %s przez klucz użytkownika %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" -msgstr "Klucz mo¿e zostaæ uniewa¿niony przez klucz %s u¿ytkownika %s" +msgstr "Klucz może zostać unieważniony przez klucz %s użytkownika %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(poufne)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "utworzono: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" -msgstr "uniewa¿niono: %s" +msgstr "unieważniono: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" -msgstr "wygas³: %s" +msgstr "wygasÅ‚: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "wygasa: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" -msgstr "u¿ycie: %s" +msgstr "użycie: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "zaufanie: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" -msgstr "poprawno¶æ: %s" +msgstr "poprawność: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" -msgstr "Ten klucz zosta³ wy³±czony z u¿ytku" +msgstr "Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użytku" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "nr-karty: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -"Pokazana warto¶æ wiarygodno¶ci klucza mo¿e byæ niepoprawna,\n" -"dopóki program nie zostanie uruchomiony ponownie.\n" +"Pokazana wartość wiarygodnoÅ›ci klucza może być niepoprawna,\n" +"dopóki program nie zostanie uruchomiony ponownie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" -msgstr "uniewa¿niony" +msgstr "unieważniony" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" -msgstr "wygas³" +msgstr "wygasÅ‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: ¿aden identyfikator u¿ytkownika nie zosta³ oznaczony explicite\n" -" jako g³ówny. Wykonanie tego polecenie mo¿e wiêc spowodowaæ\n" -" wy¶wietlanie innego identyfikatora jako domy¶lnego g³ównego.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: żaden identyfikator użytkownika nie zostaÅ‚ oznaczony explicite\n" +" jako główny. Wykonanie tego polecenie może wiÄ™c spowodować\n" +" wyÅ›wietlanie innego identyfikatora jako domyÅ›lnego głównego.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Nie można zmienić daty ważnoÅ›ci klucza w wersji 3.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2. Dodanie zdjêcia spowoduje, ¿e\n" -" niektóre wersje przestan± go rozumieæ.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2. Dodanie zdjÄ™cia spowoduje, że\n" +" niektóre wersje przestanÄ… go rozumieć.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz je dodaæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz je dodać? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" -msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie mo¿na dodaæ zdjêcia.\n" +msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie można dodać zdjÄ™cia.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" -msgstr "Usun±æ ten poprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " +msgstr "Usunąć ten poprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" -msgstr "Usun±æ ten niepoprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " +msgstr "Usunąć ten niepoprawny podpis? (t/N/w) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" -msgstr "Usun±æ ten nieznany podpis? (t/N/w) " +msgstr "Usunąć ten nieznany podpis? (t/N/w) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" -msgstr "Na pewno usun±æ ten podpis klucza nim samym? (t/N) " +msgstr "Na pewno usunąć ten podpis klucza nim samym? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" -msgstr "%d podpis usuniêty.\n" +msgstr "%d podpis usuniÄ™ty.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" -msgstr "%d podpisów usuniêtych.\n" +msgstr "%d podpisów usuniÄ™tych.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" -msgstr "Nic nie zosta³o usuniête.\n" +msgstr "Nic nie zostaÅ‚o usuniÄ™te.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "niepoprawny" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' upakowany: %s\n" +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' upakowany: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpis wyczyszczony\n" +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpis wyczyszczony\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': %d podpisów wyczyszczonych\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': ju¿ zmniejszony.\n" +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': już zmniejszony.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" -msgstr "Identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'': ju¿ czysty.\n" +msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'': już czysty.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2.x. Wyznaczenie mu klucza\n" -" uniewa¿niaj±cego spowoduje, ¿e niektóre wersje PGP przestan±\n" -" go rozumieæ.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: To jest klucz PGP wersji 2.x. Wyznaczenie mu klucza\n" +" unieważniajÄ…cego spowoduje, że niektóre wersje PGP przestanÄ…\n" +" go rozumieć.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" -msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie mo¿na wyznaczyæ klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego.\n" +msgstr "Do klucza dla PGP 2.x nie można wyznaczyć klucza unieważniajÄ…cego.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " -msgstr "Podaj identyfikator klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego: " +msgstr "Podaj identyfikator klucza unieważniajÄ…cego: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" -msgstr "klucza PGP 2.x nie mo¿na wyznaczyæ jako uniewa¿niaj±cego\n" +msgstr "klucza PGP 2.x nie można wyznaczyć jako unieważniajÄ…cego\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na wyznaczyæ klucza do uniewa¿niania jego samego\n" +msgstr "nie można wyznaczyć klucza do unieważniania jego samego\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" -msgstr "ten klucz zosta³ ju¿ uznany kluczem uniewa¿niaj±cym\n" +msgstr "ten klucz zostaÅ‚ już uznany kluczem unieważniajÄ…cym\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na cofn±æ wyznaczenia klucza jako uniewa¿niaj±cego!\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można cofnąć wyznaczenia klucza jako unieważniajÄ…cego!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz wyznaczyæ ten klucz jako uniewa¿niaj±cy? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz wyznaczyć ten klucz jako unieważniajÄ…cy? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" -msgstr "Proszê usun±æ znacznik wyboru z kluczy prywatnych.\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ usunąć znacznik wyboru z kluczy prywatnych.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" -msgstr "Proszê wybraæ najwy¿ej jeden podklucz.\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać najwyżej jeden podklucz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" -msgstr "Zmiana daty wa¿no¶ci podklucza.\n" +msgstr "Zmiana daty ważnoÅ›ci podklucza.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" -msgstr "Zmiana daty wa¿no¶ci g³ównego klucza.\n" +msgstr "Zmiana daty ważnoÅ›ci głównego klucza.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" -msgstr "Nie mo¿na zmieniæ daty wa¿no¶ci klucza w wersji 3.\n" +msgstr "Nie można zmienić daty ważnoÅ›ci klucza w wersji 3.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" -msgstr "Brak odpowiadaj±cego podpisu w zbiorze kluczy prywatnych\n" +msgstr "Brak odpowiadajÄ…cego podpisu w zbiorze kluczy prywatnych\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" -msgstr "podklucz podpisuj±cy %s jest ju¿ skro¶nie podpisany\n" +msgstr "podklucz podpisujÄ…cy %s jest już skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -"podklucz %s nie jest podpisuj±cy, wiêc nie musi byæ skro¶nie podpisany\n" +"podklucz %s nie jest podpisujÄ…cy, wiÄ™c nie musi być skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" -msgstr "Proszê wybraæ dok³adnie jeden identyfikator u¿ytkownika.\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać dokÅ‚adnie jeden identyfikator użytkownika.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "podpis w wersji 3 na identyfikatorze ,,%s'' zostaje pominiêty\n" +msgstr "podpis w wersji 3 na identyfikatorze ,,%s'' zostaje pominiÄ™ty\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Podaj preferowany URL serwera kluczy: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go zast±piæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go zastÄ…pić? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go usun±æ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go usunąć? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Adnotacje: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " -msgstr "Kontynuowaæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Kontynuować? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" -msgstr "Brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika o numerze %d.\n" +msgstr "Brak identyfikatora użytkownika o numerze %d.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" -msgstr "Brak identyfikatora u¿ytkownika o skrócie %s\n" +msgstr "Brak identyfikatora użytkownika o skrócie %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Brak podklucza o numerze %d.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "identyfikator u¿ytkownika: ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "identyfikator użytkownika: ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "podpisany twoim kluczem %s w %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (podpis nieeksportowalny) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" -msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ tego klucza wygas³a %s.\n" +msgstr "Ważność tego klucza wygasÅ‚a %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz go uniewa¿niæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy dalej chcesz go unieważnić? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " -msgstr "Stworzyæ certyfikat uniewa¿nienia tego podpisu? (t/N) " +msgstr "Stworzyć certyfikat unieważnienia tego podpisu? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Nie podpisane przez ciebie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" -msgstr "Te identyfikatory na kluczu %s s± podpisane przez Ciebie:\n" +msgstr "Te identyfikatory na kluczu %s sÄ… podpisane przez Ciebie:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" -msgstr " (podpis nieuniewa¿nialny) " +msgstr " (podpis nieunieważnialny) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" -msgstr "uniewa¿niony przez twój klucz %s w %s\n" +msgstr "unieważniony przez twój klucz %s w %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz uniewa¿niæ te podpisy:\n" +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz unieważnić te podpisy:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " -msgstr "Na pewno utworzyæ certyfikaty uniewa¿nienia ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Na pewno utworzyć certyfikaty unieważnienia ? (t/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "brak klucza tajnego\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" -msgstr "identyfikator u¿ytkownika ,,%s'' zosta³ ju¿ uniewa¿niony\n" +msgstr "identyfikator użytkownika ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ już unieważniony\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: identyfikator u¿ytkownika podpisany za %d sekund (w " -"przysz³o¶ci)\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: identyfikator użytkownika podpisany za %d sekund (w " +"przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" -msgstr "Klucz %s jest ju¿ uniewa¿niony.\n" +msgstr "Klucz %s jest już unieważniony.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" -msgstr "Podklucz %s jest ju¿ uniewa¿niony.\n" +msgstr "Podklucz %s jest już unieważniony.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" -"Wy¶wietlanie zdjêcia w formacie %s o rozmiarze %ld bajtów dla klucza %s (id " +"WyÅ›wietlanie zdjÄ™cia w formacie %s o rozmiarze %ld bajtów dla klucza %s (id " "%d).\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" -msgstr "ustawienie ,,%s'' powtarza siê\n" +msgstr "ustawienie ,,%s'' powtarza siÄ™\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" -msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieñ szyfru\n" +msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieÅ„ szyfru\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" -msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieñ funkcji skrótu\n" +msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieÅ„ funkcji skrótu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" -msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieñ kompresji\n" +msgstr "zbyt wiele ustawieÅ„ kompresji\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy element `%s' w tek¶cie ustawieñ\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy element `%s' w tekÅ›cie ustawieÅ„\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" -msgstr "zapis podpisu bezpo¶redniego\n" +msgstr "zapis podpisu bezpoÅ›redniego\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "zapis podpisu klucza nim samym\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" -msgstr "zapis podpisu wi±¿±cego klucz\n" +msgstr "zapis podpisu wiążącego klucz\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwa d³ugo¶æ klucza; wykorzystano %u bitów\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa dÅ‚ugość klucza; wykorzystano %u bitów\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" -msgstr "rozmiar klucza zaokr±glony w górê do %u bitów\n" +msgstr "rozmiar klucza zaokrÄ…glony w górÄ™ do %u bitów\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: niektóre programy OpenPGP nie potrafi± obs³u¿yæ klucza RSA o " -"tej d³ugo¶ci skrótu\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: niektóre programy OpenPGP nie potrafiÄ… obsÅ‚użyć klucza RSA o " +"tej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci skrótu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Podpisywanie" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certyfikowanie" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Szyfrowanie" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Uwierzytelnianie" @@ -4396,14 +4446,14 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "PpSsUuZz" #: g10/keygen.c:1615 #, c-format msgid "Possible actions for a %s key: " -msgstr "Mo¿liwe akcje dla klucza %s: " +msgstr "Możliwe akcje dla klucza %s: " #: g10/keygen.c:1619 msgid "Current allowed actions: " @@ -4412,88 +4462,88 @@ #: g10/keygen.c:1624 #, c-format msgid " (%c) Toggle the sign capability\n" -msgstr " (%c) Prze³±czenie mo¿liwo¶ci podpisywania\n" +msgstr " (%c) PrzeÅ‚Ä…czenie możliwoÅ›ci podpisywania\n" #: g10/keygen.c:1627 #, c-format msgid " (%c) Toggle the encrypt capability\n" -msgstr " (%c) Prze³±czenie mo¿liwo¶ci szyfrowania\n" +msgstr " (%c) PrzeÅ‚Ä…czenie możliwoÅ›ci szyfrowania\n" #: g10/keygen.c:1630 #, c-format msgid " (%c) Toggle the authenticate capability\n" -msgstr " (%c) Prze³±czenie mo¿liwo¶ci uwierzytelniania\n" +msgstr " (%c) PrzeÅ‚Ä…czenie możliwoÅ›ci uwierzytelniania\n" #: g10/keygen.c:1633 #, c-format msgid " (%c) Finished\n" -msgstr " (%c) Zakoñczenie\n" +msgstr " (%c) ZakoÅ„czenie\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" -msgstr "Proszê wybraæ rodzaj klucza:\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać rodzaj klucza:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" -msgstr " (%d) RSA i RSA (domy¶lne)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA i RSA (domyÅ›lne)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA i Elgamala\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (tylko do podpisywania)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (tylko do podpisywania)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamala (tylko do szyfrowania)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (tylko do szyfrowania)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -msgstr " (%d) DSA (mo¿liwo¶ci do ustawienia)\n" +msgstr " (%d) DSA (możliwoÅ›ci do ustawienia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" -msgstr " (%d) RSA (mo¿liwo¶ci do ustawienia)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA (możliwoÅ›ci do ustawienia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" -msgstr "Klucze %s bêd± mia³y od %u do %u bitów d³ugo¶ci.\n" +msgstr "Klucze %s bÄ™dÄ… miaÅ‚y od %u do %u bitów dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " -msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci podklucz wygenerowaæ? (%u) " +msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci podklucz wygenerować? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " -msgstr "Jakiej d³ugo¶ci klucz wygenerowaæ? (%u) " +msgstr "Jakiej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci klucz wygenerować? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" -msgstr "¯±dana d³ugo¶æ klucza to %u bitów.\n" +msgstr "Żądana dÅ‚ugość klucza to %u bitów.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4502,14 +4552,14 @@ " m = key expires in n months\n" " y = key expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -"Okres wa¿no¶ci klucza.\n" -" 0 = klucz nie ma okre¶lonego terminu wa¿no¶ci\n" -" = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n dni\n" -" w = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n tygodni\n" -" m = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n miesiêcy\n" -" y = termin wa¿no¶ci klucza up³ywa za n lat\n" +"Okres ważnoÅ›ci klucza.\n" +" 0 = klucz nie ma okreÅ›lonego terminu ważnoÅ›ci\n" +" = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n dni\n" +" w = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n tygodni\n" +" m = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n miesiÄ™cy\n" +" y = termin ważnoÅ›ci klucza upÅ‚ywa za n lat\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4518,71 +4568,71 @@ " m = signature expires in n months\n" " y = signature expires in n years\n" msgstr "" -"Okres wa¿no¶ci podpisu.\n" -" 0 = klucz nie ma okre¶lonego terminu wa¿no¶ci\n" -" = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n dni\n" -" w = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n tygodni\n" -" m = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n miesiêcy\n" -" y = termin wa¿no¶ci podpisu up³ywa za n lat\n" +"Okres ważnoÅ›ci podpisu.\n" +" 0 = klucz nie ma okreÅ›lonego terminu ważnoÅ›ci\n" +" = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n dni\n" +" w = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n tygodni\n" +" m = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n miesiÄ™cy\n" +" y = termin ważnoÅ›ci podpisu upÅ‚ywa za n lat\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " -msgstr "Okres wa¿no¶ci klucza? (0) " +msgstr "Okres ważnoÅ›ci klucza? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " -msgstr "Okres wa¿no¶ci podpisu? (%s) " +msgstr "Okres ważnoÅ›ci podpisu? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" -msgstr "niepoprawna warto¶æ\n" +msgstr "niepoprawna wartość\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" -msgstr "Klucz nie wyga¶nie w ogóle\n" +msgstr "Klucz nie wygaÅ›nie w ogóle\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" -msgstr "Podpis nie wyga¶nie w ogóle\n" +msgstr "Podpis nie wygaÅ›nie w ogóle\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" -msgstr "Klucz traci wa¿no¶æ %s\n" +msgstr "Klucz traci ważność %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" -msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ podpisu wygasa %s\n" +msgstr "Ważność podpisu wygasa %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" msgstr "" -"Twój system nie potrafi pokazaæ daty po roku 2038.\n" -"Niemniej daty do roku 2106 bêd± poprawnie obs³ugiwane.\n" +"Twój system nie potrafi pokazać daty po roku 2038.\n" +"Niemniej daty do roku 2106 bÄ™dÄ… poprawnie obsÅ‚ugiwane.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy wszystko siê zgadza (t/N)? " +msgstr "Czy wszystko siÄ™ zgadza (t/N)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"GnuPG musi utworzyæ identyfikator u¿ytkownika do identyfikacji klucza.\n" +"GnuPG musi utworzyć identyfikator użytkownika do identyfikacji klucza.\n" "\n" #. TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4592,69 +4642,69 @@ "\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"Musisz podaæ identyfikator u¿ytkownika aby mo¿na by³o rozpoznaæ twój klucz;\n" -"program z³o¿y go z twojego imienia i nazwiska, komentarza i adresu poczty\n" -"elektronicznej. Bêdzie on mia³, na przyk³ad, tak± postaæ:\n" -" \"Tadeusz ¯eleñski (Boy) \"\n" +"Musisz podać identyfikator użytkownika aby można byÅ‚o rozpoznać twój klucz;\n" +"program zÅ‚oży go z twojego imienia i nazwiska, komentarza i adresu poczty\n" +"elektronicznej. BÄ™dzie on miaÅ‚, na przykÅ‚ad, takÄ… postać:\n" +" \"Tadeusz Å»eleÅ„ski (Boy) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " -msgstr "Imiê i nazwisko: " +msgstr "ImiÄ™ i nazwisko: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" -msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy znak w imieniu lub nazwisku\n" +msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak w imieniu lub nazwisku\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" -msgstr "Imiê lub nazwisko nie mo¿e zaczynaæ siê od cyfry\n" +msgstr "ImiÄ™ lub nazwisko nie może zaczynać siÄ™ od cyfry\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" -msgstr "Imiê i nazwisko musz± mieæ co najmniej 5 znaków d³ugo¶ci.\n" +msgstr "ImiÄ™ i nazwisko muszÄ… mieć co najmniej 5 znaków dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Adres poczty elektronicznej: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "To nie jest poprawny adres poczty elektronicznej\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Komentarz: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" -msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwy znak w komentarzu\n" +msgstr "NiewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak w komentarzu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" -msgstr "U¿ywasz zestawu znaków %s.\n" +msgstr "Używasz zestawu znaków %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" " \"%s\"\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Twój identyfikator u¿ytkownika bêdzie wygl±da³ tak:\n" +"Twój identyfikator użytkownika bÄ™dzie wyglÄ…daÅ‚ tak:\n" " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" -"Nie nale¿y umieszczaæ adresu poczty elektronicznej w polu nazwiska czy\n" +"Nie należy umieszczać adresu poczty elektronicznej w polu nazwiska czy\n" "komentarza.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" -msgstr "Taki identyfikator u¿ytkownika ju¿ istnieje na tym kluczu!\n" +msgstr "Taki identyfikator użytkownika już istnieje na tym kluczu!\n" #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in #. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching @@ -4667,170 +4717,170 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "IiKkEeDdWw" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " -msgstr "Zmieniæ (I)miê/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, czy (W)yj¶æ? " +msgstr "Zmienić (I)miÄ™/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, czy (W)yjść? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" -"Zmieniæ (I)miê/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, przej¶æ (D)alej,\n" -"czy (W)yj¶æ z programu? " +"Zmienić (I)miÄ™/nazwisko, (K)omentarz, adres (E)mail, przejść (D)alej,\n" +"czy (W)yjść z programu? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" -msgstr "Najpierw trzeba poprawiæ ten b³±d\n" +msgstr "Najpierw trzeba poprawić ten bÅ‚Ä…d\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Musisz podaæ d³ugie, skomplikowane has³o aby ochroniæ swój klucz tajny.\n" +"Musisz podać dÅ‚ugie, skomplikowane hasÅ‚o aby ochronić swój klucz tajny.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "" -"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o do zabezpieczenia kopii zapasowej poza kart± nowego " -"klucza szyfruj±cego." +"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o do zabezpieczenia kopii zapasowej poza kartÄ… nowego " +"klucza szyfrujÄ…cego." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Nie chcesz podaæ has³a - to *z³y* pomys³!\n" -"W ka¿dej chwili mo¿esz ustawiæ has³o u¿ywaj±c tego programu i opcji\n" +"Nie chcesz podać hasÅ‚a - to *zÅ‚y* pomysÅ‚!\n" +"W każdej chwili możesz ustawić hasÅ‚o używajÄ…c tego programu i opcji\n" "\"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" "disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" msgstr "" -"Musimy wygenerowaæ du¿o losowych bajtów. Dobrym pomys³em aby pomóc " +"Musimy wygenerować dużo losowych bajtów. Dobrym pomysÅ‚em aby pomóc " "komputerowi\n" "podczas generowania liczb pierwszych jest wykonywanie w tym czasie innych\n" -"dzia³añ (pisanie na klawiaturze, poruszanie myszk±, odwo³anie siê do " -"dysków);\n" -"dziêki temu generator liczb losowych ma mo¿liwo¶æ zebrania odpowiedniej " -"ilo¶ci\n" +"dziaÅ‚aÅ„ (pisanie na klawiaturze, poruszanie myszkÄ…, odwoÅ‚anie siÄ™ do " +"dysków);\n" +"dziÄ™ki temu generator liczb losowych ma możliwość zebrania odpowiedniej " +"iloÅ›ci\n" "entropii.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" -msgstr "Procedura generacji klucza zosta³a anulowana.\n" +msgstr "Procedura generacji klucza zostaÅ‚a anulowana.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" -msgstr "zapisujê klucz publiczny w ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "zapisujÄ™ klucz publiczny w ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" -msgstr "zapisujê za¶lepkê klucza tajnego w ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "zapisujÄ™ zaÅ›lepkÄ™ klucza tajnego w ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" -msgstr "zapisujê klucz tajny w ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "zapisujÄ™ klucz tajny w ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "brak zapisywalnego zbioru kluczy publicznych: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "brak zapisywalnego zbioru kluczy tajnych: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy publicznych ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy publicznych ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy tajnych ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas zapisu zbioru kluczy tajnych ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" -msgstr "klucz publiczny i prywatny (tajny) zosta³y utworzone i podpisane.\n" +msgstr "klucz publiczny i prywatny (tajny) zostaÅ‚y utworzone i podpisane.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" msgstr "" -"Ten klucz nie mo¿e byæ wykorzystany do szyfrowania. Komend± \"--edit-key\"\n" -"mo¿na dodaæ do niego podklucz szyfruj±cy.\n" +"Ten klucz nie może być wykorzystany do szyfrowania. KomendÄ… \"--edit-key\"\n" +"można dodać do niego podklucz szyfrujÄ…cy.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Generacja klucza nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" +msgstr "Generacja klucza nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"klucz zosta³ stworzony %lu sekundê w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" -"czasoprzestrzeni, lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" +"klucz zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekundÄ™ w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" +"czasoprzestrzeni, lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"klucz zosta³ stworzony %lu sekund w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" -"czasoprzestrzeni, lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" +"klucz zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekund w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" +"czasoprzestrzeni, lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "UWAGA: tworzenie podkluczy dla kluczy wersji 3 jest niezgodne z OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno utworzyæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno utworzyć? (t/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" -msgstr "zapis klucza na karcie nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zapis klucza na karcie nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ pliku kopii zapasowej ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można utworzyć pliku kopii zapasowej ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "UWAGA: kopia zapasowa klucza karty zapisana do ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "nigdy " @@ -4856,11 +4906,11 @@ #: g10/keylist.c:479 msgid "Keyring" -msgstr "Zbiór kluczy" +msgstr "Zbiór kluczy" #: g10/keylist.c:1522 msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" -msgstr "Odcisk klucza g³ównego:" +msgstr "Odcisk klucza głównego:" #: g10/keylist.c:1524 msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" @@ -4870,7 +4920,7 @@ #. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID #: g10/keylist.c:1531 msgid " Primary key fingerprint:" -msgstr " Odcisk klucza g³ównego:" +msgstr " Odcisk klucza głównego:" #: g10/keylist.c:1533 msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" @@ -4884,70 +4934,70 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Nr seryjny karty =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "zmiana nazwy ,,%s'' na ,,%s'' nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" +msgstr "zmiana nazwy ,,%s'' na ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Istniej± dwa pliki z poufnymi informacjami.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: IstniejÄ… dwa pliki z poufnymi informacjami.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" -msgstr "%s pozosta³ bez zmian\n" +msgstr "%s pozostaÅ‚ bez zmian\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" -msgstr "%s zosta³ utworzony\n" +msgstr "%s zostaÅ‚ utworzony\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" -msgstr "Proszê usun±æ to naruszenie zasad bezpieczeñstwa\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ usunąć to naruszenie zasad bezpieczeÅ„stwa\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "buforowanie zbioru kluczy ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" -msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano do tej pory (%lu podpisów)\n" +msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano do tej pory (%lu podpisów)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" -msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano (%lu podpisów)\n" +msgstr "%lu kluczy zbuforowano (%lu podpisów)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" -msgstr "%s: zbiór kluczy utworzony\n" +msgstr "%s: zbiór kluczy utworzony\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:74 msgid "include revoked keys in search results" -msgstr "w³±czenie uniewa¿nionych kluczy do wyników wyszukiwania" +msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie unieważnionych kluczy do wyników wyszukiwania" #: g10/keyserver.c:75 msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" -msgstr "w³±czenie podkluczy przy poszukiwaniu po ID klucza" +msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie podkluczy przy poszukiwaniu po ID klucza" #: g10/keyserver.c:77 msgid "use temporary files to pass data to keyserver helpers" msgstr "" -"u¿ycie plików tymczasowych do przekazywania danych do modu³ów obs³ugi " +"użycie plików tymczasowych do przekazywania danych do modułów obsÅ‚ugi " "serwera kluczy" #: g10/keyserver.c:79 msgid "do not delete temporary files after using them" -msgstr "nie usuwanie plików tymczasowych po u¿yciu ich" +msgstr "nie usuwanie plików tymczasowych po użyciu ich" #: g10/keyserver.c:83 msgid "automatically retrieve keys when verifying signatures" -msgstr "automatyczne pobieranie kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" +msgstr "automatyczne pobieranie kluczy przy sprawdzaniu podpisów" #: g10/keyserver.c:85 msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" @@ -4961,151 +5011,151 @@ #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: opcja serwera kluczy ,,%s'' nie jest u¿ywana na tej " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: opcja serwera kluczy ,,%s'' nie jest używana na tej " "platformie.\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:551 msgid "disabled" -msgstr "wy³±czony" +msgstr "wyÅ‚Ä…czony" #: g10/keyserver.c:754 msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " -msgstr "Wprowad¼ numer(y), N)astêpny lub Q)uit > " +msgstr "Wprowadź numer(y), N)astÄ™pny lub Q)uit > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" -msgstr "niepoprawny protokó³ serwera kluczy (nasz %d != modu³ obs³ugi %d)\n" +msgstr "niepoprawny protokół serwera kluczy (nasz %d != moduÅ‚ obsÅ‚ugi %d)\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:939 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found on keyserver\n" -msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" +msgstr "klucz ,,%s'' nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:941 msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" -msgstr "klucz nie zosta³ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" +msgstr "klucz nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony na serwerze kluczy\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "zapytanie o klucz %s z serwera %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "zapytanie o klucz %s z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "poszukiwanie nazw z serwera %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "poszukiwanie nazw z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" -msgstr "wysy³anie klucza %s na serwer %s %s\n" +msgstr "wysyÅ‚anie klucza %s na serwer %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" -msgstr "wysy³anie klucza %s na %s\n" +msgstr "wysyÅ‚anie klucza %s na %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "poszukiwanie ,,%s'' z serwera %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "poszukiwanie ,,%s'' z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "brak akcji serwera kluczy!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: modu³ obs³ugi serwera kluczy z innej wersji GnuPG (%s)\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: moduÅ‚ obsÅ‚ugi serwera kluczy z innej wersji GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" -msgstr "serwer kluczy nie wys³a³ VERSION\n" +msgstr "serwer kluczy nie wysÅ‚aÅ‚ VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d komunikacji z serwerem kluczy: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" -msgstr "brak znanyk serwerów kluczy (u¿yj opcji --keyserver)\n" +msgstr "brak znanyk serwerów kluczy (użyj opcji --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -"zewnêtrzne wywo³ania serwera kluczy nie s± obs³ugiwane w tej kompilacji\n" +"zewnÄ™trzne wywoÅ‚ania serwera kluczy nie sÄ… obsÅ‚ugiwane w tej kompilacji\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" -msgstr "brak modu³u obs³ugi dla schematu serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "brak moduÅ‚u obsÅ‚ugi dla schematu serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"akcja ,,%s'' nie jest obs³ugiwana przez schemat serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" +"akcja ,,%s'' nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana przez schemat serwera kluczy ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" -msgstr "%s nie obs³uguje modu³u obs³ugi w wersji %d\n" +msgstr "%s nie obsÅ‚uguje moduÅ‚u obsÅ‚ugi w wersji %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" -msgstr "zbyt d³ugi czas oczekiwania na serwer kluczy\n" +msgstr "zbyt dÅ‚ugi czas oczekiwania na serwer kluczy\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" -msgstr "b³±d wewnêtrzny serwera kluczy\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d wewnÄ™trzny serwera kluczy\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d komunikacji z serwerem kluczy: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest identyfikatorem klucza - pominiêto\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest identyfikatorem klucza - pominiÄ™to\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na od¶wie¿yæ klucza %s przez %s: %s\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można odÅ›wieżyć klucza %s przez %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" -msgstr "od¶wie¿anie 1 klucza z %s\n" +msgstr "odÅ›wieżanie 1 klucza z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" -msgstr "od¶wie¿anie %d kluczy z %s\n" +msgstr "odÅ›wieżanie %d kluczy z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na pobraæ URI %s: %s\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można pobrać URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na przeanalizowaæ URI %s\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można przeanalizować URI %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:242 #, c-format @@ -5120,7 +5170,7 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:305 #, c-format msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" -msgstr "has³o wygenerowane nieznanym algorytmem skrótu %d\n" +msgstr "hasÅ‚o wygenerowane nieznanym algorytmem skrótu %d\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:371 #, c-format @@ -5150,273 +5200,297 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:490 #, c-format msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odszyfrowywania kluczem publicznym: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odszyfrowywania kluczem publicznym: %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:506 #, c-format msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" -msgstr "zaszyfrowane za pomoc± %lu hase³\n" +msgstr "zaszyfrowane za pomocÄ… %lu haseÅ‚\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:508 msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -msgstr "zaszyfrowane jednym has³em\n" +msgstr "zaszyfrowane jednym hasÅ‚em\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" -msgstr "przyjmuj±c ¿e dane zosta³y zaszyfrowane za pomoc± %s\n" +msgstr "przyjmujÄ…c że dane zostaÅ‚y zaszyfrowane za pomocÄ… %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" -msgstr "szyfr IDEA nie jest dostêpny, próba u¿ycia %s zamiast niego\n" +msgstr "szyfr IDEA nie jest dostÄ™pny, próba użycia %s zamiast niego\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "odszyfrowanie poprawne\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: wiadomo¶æ nie by³a zabezpieczona przed manipulacj±\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wiadomość nie byÅ‚a zabezpieczona przed manipulacjÄ…\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: zaszyfrowana wiadomo¶æ by³a manipulowana!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: zaszyfrowana wiadomość byÅ‚a manipulowana!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -msgstr "wyczyszczono has³o zapamiêtane z ID: %s\n" +msgstr "wyczyszczono hasÅ‚o zapamiÄ™tane z ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odszyfrowywania: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odszyfrowywania: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: nadawca zaznaczy³ ¿e wiadomo¶æ nie powinna byæ zapisywana\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: nadawca zaznaczyÅ‚ że wiadomość nie powinna być zapisywana\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "pierwotna nazwa pliku='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: widziano wiele czystych tekstów\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: widziano wiele czystych tekstów\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" -"osobny certyfikat uniewa¿nienia - u¿yj ,,gpg --import'' aby go wczytaæ\n" +"osobny certyfikat unieważnienia - użyj ,,gpg --import'' aby go wczytać\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "nie znaleziono podpisu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" -msgstr "wymuszono pominiêcie sprawdzenia podpisu\n" +msgstr "wymuszono pominiÄ™cie sprawdzenia podpisu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na obs³u¿yæ tych wieloznacznych danych podpisu\n" +msgstr "nie można obsÅ‚użyć tych wieloznacznych danych podpisu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Podpisano w %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" -msgstr " przy u¿yciu klucza %s %s\n" +msgstr " przy użyciu klucza %s %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Podpisano w %s kluczem %s o numerze %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " -msgstr "Klucz dostêpny w: " +msgstr "Klucz dostÄ™pny w: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" -msgstr "NIEPOPRAWNY podpis z³o¿ony przez ,,%s''" +msgstr "NIEPOPRAWNY podpis zÅ‚ożony przez ,,%s''" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" -msgstr "Przeterminowany podpis z³o¿ony przez ,,%s''" +msgstr "Przeterminowany podpis zÅ‚ożony przez ,,%s''" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" -msgstr "Poprawny podpis z³o¿ony przez ,,%s''" +msgstr "Poprawny podpis zÅ‚ożony przez ,,%s''" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[niepewne]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias ,,%s''" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" -msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ podpisu wygas³a %s.\n" +msgstr "Ważność podpisu wygasÅ‚a %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" -msgstr "Wa¿no¶æ podpisu wygasa %s.\n" +msgstr "Ważność podpisu wygasa %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" +msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binarny" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "tekstowy" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nieznany" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" +"UWAGA: to nie jest podpis oddzielony; plik ,,%s'' NIE zostaÅ‚ sprawdzony!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" -msgstr "Nie mo¿na sprawdziæ podpisu: %s\n" +msgstr "Nie można sprawdzić podpisu: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "nie jest oddzielonym podpisem.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wielokrotne podpisy. Tylko pierwszy zostanie sprawdzony.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wielokrotne podpisy. Tylko pierwszy zostanie sprawdzony.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "oddzielony podpis klasy 0x%02x.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "podpis starego typu (PGP 2.x).\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "wykryto niepoprawny pakiet pierwotny w proc_tree()\n" #: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 #, c-format msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" -msgstr "fstat na ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê w %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fstat na ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ w %s: %s\n" #: g10/misc.c:181 #, c-format msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" -msgstr "fstat(%d) nie powiod³o siê w %s: %s\n" +msgstr "fstat(%d) nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™ w %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu klucza publicznego %s\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: użycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu klucza publicznego %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: klucze do podpisywania i szyfrowania Elgamala s± odradzane\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: klucze do podpisywania i szyfrowania Elgamala sÄ… odradzane\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ycie eksperymentalnego szyfru %s\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: użycie eksperymentalnego szyfru %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu skrótu %s\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: użycie eksperymentalnego algorytmu skrótu %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: algorytm skrótu %s jest odradzany\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: algorytm skrótu %s jest odradzany\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Uwaga: podpisy wykonane algorytmem %s sÄ… odrzucane\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" -msgstr "modu³ szyfru IDEA nie jest dostêpny\n" +msgstr "moduÅ‚ szyfru IDEA nie jest dostÄ™pny\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" -msgstr "obja¶nienie mo¿na przeczytaæ tutaj: %s\n" +msgstr "objaÅ›nienie można przeczytać tutaj: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "%s:%d jest przestarza³± opcj± ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "%s:%d jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ… ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj±.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ….\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" -msgstr "w jej miejsce nale¿y u¿yæ ,,%s%s''\n" +msgstr "w jej miejsce należy użyć ,,%s%s''\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³ym poleceniem - nie nale¿y go u¿ywaæ\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚ym poleceniem - nie należy go używać\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: przestarza³a opcja ,,%s'' - nie ma efektu\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: przestarzaÅ‚a opcja ,,%s'' - nie ma efektu\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarza³± opcj± - nie ma efektu\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ… - nie ma efektu\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: ,,%s%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚e w tym pliku - efektywne tylko w %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ,,%s%s'' jest przestarzaÅ‚Ä… opcjÄ… - nie ma efektu z wyjÄ…tkiem " +"%s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Nieskompresowany" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "nieskompresowany|brak" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" -msgstr "ta wiadomo¶æ mo¿e nie daæ siê odczytaæ za pomoc± %s\n" +msgstr "ta wiadomość może nie dać siÄ™ odczytać za pomocÄ… %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "niejednoznaczna opcja ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "nieznana opcja ,,%s''\n" @@ -5424,16 +5498,16 @@ #: g10/openfile.c:89 #, c-format msgid "File `%s' exists. " -msgstr "Plik ,,%s'' ju¿ istnieje. " +msgstr "Plik ,,%s'' już istnieje. " #: g10/openfile.c:93 msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " -msgstr "Nadpisaæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Nadpisać? (t/N) " #: g10/openfile.c:126 #, c-format msgid "%s: unknown suffix\n" -msgstr "%s: nieznana koñcówka nazwy\n" +msgstr "%s: nieznana koÅ„cówka nazwy\n" #: g10/openfile.c:150 msgid "Enter new filename" @@ -5441,50 +5515,50 @@ #: g10/openfile.c:195 msgid "writing to stdout\n" -msgstr "zapisywanie na wyj¶cie standardowe\n" +msgstr "zapisywanie na wyjÅ›cie standardowe\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" -msgstr "przyjêto obecno¶æ podpisanych danych w '%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" +msgstr "przyjÄ™to obecność podpisanych danych w ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" -msgstr "nowy plik ustawieñ ,,%s'' zosta³ utworzony\n" +msgstr "nowy plik ustawieÅ„ ,,%s'' zostaÅ‚ utworzony\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: opcje w ,,%s'' nie s± jeszcze uwzglêdnione.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: opcje w ,,%s'' nie sÄ… jeszcze uwzglÄ™dnione.\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na obs³u¿yæ tego algorytmu klucza publicznego: %d\n" +msgstr "nie można obsÅ‚użyć tego algorytmu klucza publicznego: %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: symetrycznie zaszyfrowany klucz sesyjny mo¿e nie byæ " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: symetrycznie zaszyfrowany klucz sesyjny może nie być " "bezpieczny\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "podpakiet typu %d ma ustawiony krytyczny bit\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problem z agentem: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" -msgstr " (ID g³ównego klucza %s)" +msgstr " (ID głównego klucza %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5493,37 +5567,37 @@ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" "created %s%s.\n" msgstr "" -"Musisz podaæ has³o, aby odbezpieczyæ klucz tajny certyfikatu OpenPGP:\n" +"Musisz podać hasÅ‚o, aby odbezpieczyć klucz tajny certyfikatu OpenPGP:\n" ",,%.*s''.\n" -"Klucz o d³ugo¶ci %u bitów, typ %s, ID %s,\n" +"Klucz o dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci %u bitów, typ %s, ID %s,\n" "stworzony %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" -msgstr "Has³o\n" +msgstr "HasÅ‚o\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" -msgstr "anulowano przez u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "anulowano przez użytkownika\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -"Musisz podaæ has³o aby odbezpieczyæ klucz prywatny u¿ytkownika:\n" +"Musisz podać hasÅ‚o aby odbezpieczyć klucz prywatny użytkownika:\n" ",,%s''\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" -msgstr "d³ugo¶æ %u bitów, typ %s, numer %s, stworzony %s" +msgstr "dÅ‚ugość %u bitów, typ %s, numer %s, stworzony %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" -msgstr " (podklucz dla g³ównego klucza o ID %s)" +msgstr " (podklucz dla głównego klucza o ID %s)" #: g10/photoid.c:77 msgid "" @@ -5534,28 +5608,28 @@ "Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"Wybierz zdjêcie które chcesz do³±czyæ do swojego klucza jako identyfikator.\n" -"Musi to byæ plik w formacie JPEG. Zostanie on zapisany w Twoim kluczu\n" -"publicznym. Je¶li bêdzie du¿y, powiêkszy to tak¿e rozmiar Twojego klucza!\n" -"Dobry rozmiar to oko³o 240 na 288 pikseli.\n" +"Wybierz zdjÄ™cie które chcesz doÅ‚Ä…czyć do swojego klucza jako identyfikator.\n" +"Musi to być plik w formacie JPEG. Zostanie on zapisany w Twoim kluczu\n" +"publicznym. JeÅ›li bÄ™dzie duży, powiÄ™kszy to także rozmiar Twojego klucza!\n" +"Dobry rozmiar to okoÅ‚o 240 na 288 pikseli.\n" #: g10/photoid.c:99 msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " -msgstr "Nazwa pliku ze zdjêciem w formacie JPEG: " +msgstr "Nazwa pliku ze zdjÄ™ciem w formacie JPEG: " #: g10/photoid.c:120 #, c-format msgid "unable to open JPEG file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ pliku JPEG ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku JPEG ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/photoid.c:131 #, c-format msgid "This JPEG is really large (%d bytes) !\n" -msgstr "Ten JPEG jest naprawdê du¿y (%d bajtów)!\n" +msgstr "Ten JPEG jest naprawdÄ™ duży (%d bajtów)!\n" #: g10/photoid.c:133 msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go u¿yæ? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz go użyć? (t/N) " #: g10/photoid.c:149 #, c-format @@ -5564,11 +5638,11 @@ #: g10/photoid.c:168 msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " -msgstr "Czy zdjêcie jest w porz±dku? (t/N/w) " +msgstr "Czy zdjÄ™cie jest w porzÄ…dku? (t/N/w) " #: g10/photoid.c:377 msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na wy¶wietliæ zdjêcia!\n" +msgstr "nie można wyÅ›wietlić zdjÄ™cia!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 msgid "No reason specified" @@ -5576,27 +5650,27 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 msgid "Key is superseded" -msgstr "klucz zosta³ zast±piony" +msgstr "klucz zostaÅ‚ zastÄ…piony" #: g10/pkclist.c:64 g10/revoke.c:622 msgid "Key has been compromised" -msgstr "klucz zosta³ skompromitowany" +msgstr "klucz zostaÅ‚ skompromitowany" #: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 msgid "Key is no longer used" -msgstr "klucz nie jest ju¿ u¿ywany" +msgstr "klucz nie jest już używany" #: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 msgid "User ID is no longer valid" -msgstr "identyfikator u¿ytkownika przesta³ byæ poprawny" +msgstr "identyfikator użytkownika przestaÅ‚ być poprawny" #: g10/pkclist.c:72 msgid "reason for revocation: " -msgstr "powód uniewa¿nienia: " +msgstr "powód unieważnienia: " #: g10/pkclist.c:89 msgid "revocation comment: " -msgstr "komentarz do uniewa¿nienia: " +msgstr "komentarz do unieważnienia: " #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and #. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which @@ -5614,7 +5688,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:212 msgid "No trust value assigned to:\n" -msgstr "Brak warto¶ci zaufania dla:\n" +msgstr "Brak wartoÅ›ci zaufania dla:\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:245 #, c-format @@ -5624,7 +5698,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:255 msgid "" "How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" -msgstr "Jak bardzo ufasz, ¿e ten klucz naprawdê nale¿y do tej osoby?\n" +msgstr "Jak bardzo ufasz, że ten klucz naprawdÄ™ należy do tej osoby?\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:270 #, c-format @@ -5643,15 +5717,15 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:284 msgid " m = back to the main menu\n" -msgstr " m = powrót do g³ównego menu\n" +msgstr " m = powrót do głównego menu\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:287 msgid " s = skip this key\n" -msgstr " p = pominiêcie tego klucza\n" +msgstr " p = pominiÄ™cie tego klucza\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:288 msgid " q = quit\n" -msgstr " w = wyj¶cie\n" +msgstr " w = wyjÅ›cie\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:292 #, c-format @@ -5668,29 +5742,29 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:319 msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz przypisaæ absolutne zaufanie temu kluczowi? (t/N) " +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz przypisać absolutne zaufanie temu kluczowi? (t/N) " #: g10/pkclist.c:333 msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" -msgstr "Certyfikaty prowadz±ce do ostatecznie zaufanego klucza:\n" +msgstr "Certyfikaty prowadzÄ…ce do ostatecznie zaufanego klucza:\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:418 #, c-format msgid "%s: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" -msgstr "%s: Nie ma ¿adnej pewno¶ci, czy ten klucz nale¿y do tej osoby\n" +msgstr "%s: Nie ma żadnej pewnoÅ›ci, czy ten klucz należy do tej osoby\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:423 #, c-format msgid "%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" -msgstr "%s: Nie ma ca³kowitej pewno¶ci, czy ten klucz nale¿y do tej osoby\n" +msgstr "%s: Nie ma caÅ‚kowitej pewnoÅ›ci, czy ten klucz należy do tej osoby\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:429 msgid "This key probably belongs to the named user\n" -msgstr "Ten klucz prawdopodobnie nale¿y do tej osoby\n" +msgstr "Ten klucz prawdopodobnie należy do tej osoby\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:434 msgid "This key belongs to us\n" -msgstr "Ten klucz nale¿y do nas\n" +msgstr "Ten klucz należy do nas\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:460 msgid "" @@ -5698,111 +5772,111 @@ "in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n" "you may answer the next question with yes.\n" msgstr "" -"NIE MA pewno¶ci, czy klucz nale¿y do osoby wymienionej w identyfikatorze.\n" -"Je¶li nie masz co do tego ¿adnych w±tpliwo¶ci i *naprawdê* wiesz co robisz,\n" -"mo¿esz odpowiedzieæ ,,tak'' na nastêpne pytanie.\n" +"NIE MA pewnoÅ›ci, czy klucz należy do osoby wymienionej w identyfikatorze.\n" +"JeÅ›li nie masz co do tego żadnych wÄ…tpliwoÅ›ci i *naprawdÄ™* wiesz co robisz,\n" +"możesz odpowiedzieć ,,tak'' na nastÄ™pne pytanie.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:479 msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " -msgstr "U¿yæ tego klucza pomimo to? (t/N) " +msgstr "Użyć tego klucza pomimo to? (t/N) " #: g10/pkclist.c:513 msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: u¿ywany jest klucz nie obdarzony zaufaniem!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: używany jest klucz nie obdarzony zaufaniem!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:520 msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: ten klucz móg³ zostaæ uniewa¿niony\n" -" (brak klucza uniewa¿niaj±cego aby to sprawdziæ)\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: ten klucz mógÅ‚ zostać unieważniony\n" +" (brak klucza unieważniajÄ…cego aby to sprawdzić)\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:529 msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony kluczem uniewa¿niaj±cym!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony kluczem unieważniajÄ…cym!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:532 msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony przez w³a¶ciciela!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony przez wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:533 msgid " This could mean that the signature is forged.\n" -msgstr " To mo¿e oznaczaæ, ¿e podpis jest fa³szerstwem.\n" +msgstr " To może oznaczać, że podpis jest faÅ‚szerstwem.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:539 msgid "WARNING: This subkey has been revoked by its owner!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten podklucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony przez w³a¶ciciela!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten podklucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony przez wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:544 msgid "Note: This key has been disabled.\n" -msgstr "Uwaga: Ten klucz zosta³ wy³±czony z u¿ytku.\n" +msgstr "Uwaga: Ten klucz zostaÅ‚ wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użytku.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:564 #, c-format msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" -msgstr "Uwaga: Sprawdzony adres pospisuj±cego to `%s'\n" +msgstr "Uwaga: Sprawdzony adres pospisujÄ…cego to `%s'\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:571 #, c-format msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" -msgstr "Uwaga: Adres podpisuj±cego `%s' nie pasuje do wpisu DNS\n" +msgstr "Uwaga: Adres podpisujÄ…cego `%s' nie pasuje do wpisu DNS\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:583 msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" msgstr "" -"poziom zaufania poprawiony na PE£NY ze wzglêdu na poprawne informacje PKA\n" +"poziom zaufania poprawiony na PEÅNY ze wzglÄ™du na poprawne informacje PKA\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:591 msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" msgstr "" -"poziom zaufania poprawiony na ¯ADEN ze wzglêdu na b³êdne informacje PKA\n" +"poziom zaufania poprawiony na Å»ADEN ze wzglÄ™du na bÅ‚Ä™dne informacje PKA\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:602 msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" -msgstr "Uwaga: Data wa¿no¶ci tego klucza up³ynê³a!\n" +msgstr "Uwaga: Data ważnoÅ›ci tego klucza upÅ‚ynęła!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:613 msgid "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Ten klucz nie jest po¶wiadczony zaufanym podpisem!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Ten klucz nie jest poÅ›wiadczony zaufanym podpisem!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:615 msgid "" " There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" msgstr "" -" Nie ma pewno¶ci co do to¿samo¶ci osoby która z³o¿y³a podpis.\n" +" Nie ma pewnoÅ›ci co do tożsamoÅ›ci osoby która zÅ‚ożyÅ‚a podpis.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:623 msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: NIE UFAMY temu kluczowi!\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: NIE UFAMY temu kluczowi!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:624 msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" -msgstr " Ten podpis prawdopodobnie jest FA£SZYWY.\n" +msgstr " Ten podpis prawdopodobnie jest FAÅSZYWY.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:632 msgid "" "WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: Tego klucza nie po¶wiadczaj± wystarczaj±co zaufane podpisy!\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Tego klucza nie poÅ›wiadczajÄ… wystarczajÄ…co zaufane podpisy!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:634 msgid " It is not certain that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" msgstr "" -" Nie ma pewno¶ci co do to¿samo¶ci osoby która z³o¿y³a ten " +" Nie ma pewnoÅ›ci co do tożsamoÅ›ci osoby która zÅ‚ożyÅ‚a ten " "podpis.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:833 g10/pkclist.c:880 g10/pkclist.c:1092 g10/pkclist.c:1167 #, c-format msgid "%s: skipped: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: pominiêty: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: pominiÄ™ty: %s\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 #, c-format msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" -msgstr "%s: pominiêty: zosta³ ju¿ wybrany w innej opcji\n" +msgstr "%s: pominiÄ™ty: zostaÅ‚ już wybrany w innej opcji\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:901 msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" -msgstr "Nie zosta³ podany identyfikator u¿ytkownika (np. za pomoc± ,,-r'')\n" +msgstr "Nie zostaÅ‚ podany identyfikator użytkownika (np. za pomocÄ… ,,-r'')\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:925 msgid "Current recipients:\n" @@ -5814,37 +5888,37 @@ "Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " msgstr "" "\n" -"Identyfikator u¿ytkownika (pusta linia oznacza koniec): " +"Identyfikator użytkownika (pusta linia oznacza koniec): " #: g10/pkclist.c:976 msgid "No such user ID.\n" -msgstr "Brak takiego identyfikatora u¿ytkownika.\n" +msgstr "Brak takiego identyfikatora użytkownika.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" -msgstr "pominiêty: klucz publiczny ju¿ jest domy¶lnym adresatem\n" +msgstr "pominiÄ™ty: klucz publiczny już jest domyÅ›lnym adresatem\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1006 msgid "Public key is disabled.\n" -msgstr "Klucz publiczny wy³±czony z u¿ycia.\n" +msgstr "Klucz publiczny wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użycia.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1015 msgid "skipped: public key already set\n" -msgstr "pominiêty: zosta³ ju¿ wybrany w innej opcji\n" +msgstr "pominiÄ™ty: zostaÅ‚ już wybrany w innej opcji\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "unknown default recipient \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "nieznany domy¶lny adresat ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nieznany domyÅ›lny adresat ,,%s''\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1112 #, c-format msgid "%s: skipped: public key is disabled\n" -msgstr "%s: pominiêty: klucz publiczny wy³±czony z u¿ytku\n" +msgstr "%s: pominiÄ™ty: klucz publiczny wyÅ‚Ä…czony z użytku\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1175 msgid "no valid addressees\n" -msgstr "brak poprawnych adresatów\n" +msgstr "brak poprawnych adresatów\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1513 #, c-format @@ -5859,7 +5933,7 @@ #: g10/plaintext.c:95 msgid "data not saved; use option \"--output\" to save it\n" msgstr "" -"dane nie zosta³y zapisane; aby to zrobiæ, nale¿y u¿yæ opcji \"--output\"\n" +"dane nie zostaÅ‚y zapisane; aby to zrobić, należy użyć opcji \"--output\"\n" #: g10/plaintext.c:480 msgid "Detached signature.\n" @@ -5871,21 +5945,21 @@ #: g10/plaintext.c:519 msgid "reading stdin ...\n" -msgstr "czytam strumieñ standardowego wej¶cia\n" +msgstr "czytam strumieÅ„ standardowego wejÅ›cia\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "brak podpisanych danych\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ podpisanego pliku ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nie można otworzyć podpisanego pliku ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ podpisanych danych z fd=%d: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można otworzyć podpisanych danych z fd=%d: %s\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 #, c-format @@ -5894,53 +5968,53 @@ #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" -msgstr "OK, to my jeste¶my adresatem anonimowym.\n" +msgstr "OK, to my jesteÅ›my adresatem anonimowym.\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" -msgstr "stary, nieobs³ugiwany algorytm szyfrowania klucza sesyjnego\n" +msgstr "stary, nieobsÅ‚ugiwany algorytm szyfrowania klucza sesyjnego\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:246 #, c-format msgid "cipher algorithm %d%s is unknown or disabled\n" -msgstr "algorytm szyfruj±cy %d%s jest nieznany lub zosta³ wy³±czony\n" +msgstr "algorytm szyfrujÄ…cy %d%s jest nieznany lub zostaÅ‚ wyÅ‚Ä…czony\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:284 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: cipher algorithm %s not found in recipient preferences\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: brak algorytmu szyfruj±cego %s w ustawieniach odbiorcy\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: brak algorytmu szyfrujÄ…cego %s w ustawieniach odbiorcy\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: wa¿no¶æ klucza tajnego %s wygas³a %s\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: ważność klucza tajnego %s wygasÅ‚a %s\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" -msgstr "UWAGA: klucz zosta³ uniewa¿niony" +msgstr "UWAGA: klucz zostaÅ‚ unieważniony" #: g10/revoke.c:102 g10/revoke.c:116 g10/revoke.c:128 g10/revoke.c:174 #: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 #, c-format msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" -msgstr "wywo³anie funkcji build_packet nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie funkcji build_packet nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:145 #, c-format msgid "key %s has no user IDs\n" -msgstr "klucz %s nie ma identyfikatorów u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "klucz %s nie ma identyfikatorów użytkownika\n" #: g10/revoke.c:306 msgid "To be revoked by:\n" -msgstr "Zostanie uniewa¿niony przez:\n" +msgstr "Zostanie unieważniony przez:\n" #: g10/revoke.c:310 msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" -msgstr "(to jest czu³y klucz uniewa¿niaj±cy)\n" +msgstr "(to jest czuÅ‚y klucz unieważniajÄ…cy)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:314 msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Stworzyæ certyfikat uniewa¿nienia tego klucza? (t/N) " +msgstr "Stworzyć certyfikat unieważnienia tego klucza? (t/N) " #: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" @@ -5949,26 +6023,26 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 #, c-format msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" -msgstr "wywo³anie funkcji make_keysig_packet nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie funkcji make_keysig_packet nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:405 msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" -msgstr "Certyfikat uniewa¿nienia zosta³ utworzony.\n" +msgstr "Certyfikat unieważnienia zostaÅ‚ utworzony.\n" #: g10/revoke.c:411 #, c-format msgid "no revocation keys found for \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "brak kluczy uniewa¿niaj±cych dla ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "brak kluczy unieważniajÄ…cych dla ,,%s''\n" #: g10/revoke.c:470 #, c-format msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" -msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zosta³ odnaleziony: %s\n" +msgstr "klucz prywatny ,,%s'' nie zostaÅ‚ odnaleziony: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:497 #, c-format msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" -msgstr "brak odpowiadaj±cego klucza publicznego: %s\n" +msgstr "brak odpowiadajÄ…cego klucza publicznego: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:508 msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" @@ -5976,7 +6050,7 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:515 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Stworzyæ certyfikat uniewa¿nienia tego klucza? (t/N) " +msgstr "Stworzyć certyfikat unieważnienia tego klucza? (t/N) " #: g10/revoke.c:532 msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" @@ -5996,23 +6070,23 @@ "your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of\n" "your machine might store the data and make it available to others!\n" msgstr "" -"Certyfikat uniewa¿nienia zosta³ utworzony.\n" +"Certyfikat unieważnienia zostaÅ‚ utworzony.\n" "\n" -"Nale¿y przenie¶æ go na no¶nik który mo¿na bezpiecznie ukryæ; je¶li ¼li " +"Należy przenieść go na noÅ›nik który można bezpiecznie ukryć; jeÅ›li źli " "ludzie\n" -"dostan± ten certyfikat w swoje rêce, mog± u¿yæ go do uczynienia klucza\n" -"nieu¿ytecznym.\n" +"dostanÄ… ten certyfikat w swoje rÄ™ce, mogÄ… użyć go do uczynienia klucza\n" +"nieużytecznym.\n" "\n" -"Niez³ym pomys³em jest wydrukowanie certyfikatu uniewa¿nienia i schowanie\n" -"wydruku w bezpiecznym miejscu, na wypadek gdyby no¶nik z certyfikatem sta³ " -"siê\n" -"nieczytelny. Ale nale¿y zachowaæ ostro¿no¶æ, systemy drukowania ró¿nych\n" -"komputerów mog± zachowaæ tre¶æ wydruku i udostêpniæ j± osobom " -"nieupowa¿nionym.\n" +"NiezÅ‚ym pomysÅ‚em jest wydrukowanie certyfikatu unieważnienia i schowanie\n" +"wydruku w bezpiecznym miejscu, na wypadek gdyby noÅ›nik z certyfikatem staÅ‚ " +"siÄ™\n" +"nieczytelny. Ale należy zachować ostrożność, systemy drukowania różnych\n" +"komputerów mogÄ… zachować treść wydruku i udostÄ™pnić jÄ… osobom " +"nieupoważnionym.\n" #: g10/revoke.c:633 msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" -msgstr "Proszê wybraæ powód uniewa¿nienia:\n" +msgstr "ProszÄ™ wybrać powód unieważnienia:\n" #: g10/revoke.c:643 msgid "Cancel" @@ -6021,16 +6095,16 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:645 #, c-format msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" -msgstr "(Prawdopodobnie chcesz tu wybraæ %d)\n" +msgstr "(Prawdopodobnie chcesz tu wybrać %d)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:686 msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" -msgstr "Wprowad¼ opis (nieobowi±zkowy) i zakoñcz go pust± lini±:\n" +msgstr "Wprowadź opis (nieobowiÄ…zkowy) i zakoÅ„cz go pustÄ… liniÄ…:\n" #: g10/revoke.c:714 #, c-format msgid "Reason for revocation: %s\n" -msgstr "Powód uniewa¿nienia: %s\n" +msgstr "Powód unieważnienia: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:716 msgid "(No description given)\n" @@ -6042,21 +6116,21 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" -msgstr "tajne czê¶ci klucza s± niedostêpne\n" +msgstr "tajne części klucza sÄ… niedostÄ™pne\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 #, c-format msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" -msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d%s nie jest obs³ugiwany\n" +msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d%s nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 #, c-format msgid "protection digest %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d nie jest obs³ugiwany\n" +msgstr "algorytm ochrony %d nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" -msgstr "Niepoprawne has³o; proszê spróbowaæ ponownie" +msgstr "Niepoprawne hasÅ‚o; proszÄ™ spróbować ponownie" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:292 #, c-format @@ -6065,126 +6139,120 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: Wykryto s³aby klucz - nale¿y ponownie zmieniæ has³o.\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: Wykryto sÅ‚aby klucz - należy ponownie zmienić hasÅ‚o.\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" msgstr "" -"tworzenie przestarza³ej 16-bitowej sumy kontrolnej dla ochrony klucza\n" +"tworzenie przestarzaÅ‚ej 16-bitowej sumy kontrolnej dla ochrony klucza\n" #: g10/seskey.c:61 sm/encrypt.c:119 msgid "weak key created - retrying\n" -msgstr "wygenerowano s³aby klucz - operacja zostaje powtórzona\n" +msgstr "wygenerowano sÅ‚aby klucz - operacja zostaje powtórzona\n" #: g10/seskey.c:65 #, c-format msgid "cannot avoid weak key for symmetric cipher; tried %d times!\n" msgstr "" -"brak mo¿liwo¶ci generacji dobrego klucza dla szyfru symetrycznego;\n" -"operacja by³a powtarzana %d razy!\n" +"brak możliwoÅ›ci generacji dobrego klucza dla szyfru symetrycznego;\n" +"operacja byÅ‚a powtarzana %d razy!\n" #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" -msgstr "DSA wymaga d³ugo¶ci skrótu bêd±cego wielokrotno¶ci± 8 bitów\n" +msgstr "DSA wymaga dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci skrótu bÄ™dÄ…cego wielokrotnoÅ›ciÄ… 8 bitów\n" #: g10/seskey.c:240 #, c-format msgid "DSA key %s uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" -msgstr "Klucz DSA %s u¿ywa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" +msgstr "Klucz DSA %s używa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" #: g10/seskey.c:252 #, c-format msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" -msgstr "Klucz DSA %s wymaga %u-bitowego lub wiêkszego skrótu\n" +msgstr "Klucz DSA %s wymaga %u-bitowego lub wiÄ™kszego skrótu\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:80 msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: konflikt skrótów podpisów w wiadomo¶ci\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: konflikt skrótów podpisów w wiadomoÅ›ci\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:105 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: podklucz podpisuj±cy %s nie jest skro¶nie podpisany\n" +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podklucz podpisujÄ…cy %s nie jest skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:117 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: podklucz podpisuj±cy %s jest niepoprawnie skro¶nie podpisany\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: podklucz podpisujÄ…cy %s jest niepoprawnie skroÅ›nie podpisany\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:211 #, c-format msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" -msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekundê m³odszy od podpisu\n" +msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekundÄ™ mÅ‚odszy od podpisu\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:212 #, c-format msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" -msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekund(y) m³odszy od podpisu\n" +msgstr "klucz publiczny %s jest o %lu sekund(y) mÅ‚odszy od podpisu\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:223 #, c-format msgid "" "key %s was created %lu second in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"klucz %s zosta³ stworzony %lu sekundê w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" -"czasoprzestrzeni lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" +"klucz %s zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekundÄ™ w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" +"czasoprzestrzeni lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:225 #, c-format msgid "" "key %s was created %lu seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"klucz %s zosta³ stworzony %lu sekund w przysz³o¶ci (zaburzenia\n" -"czasoprzestrzeni lub ¼le ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" +"klucz %s zostaÅ‚ stworzony %lu sekund w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci (zaburzenia\n" +"czasoprzestrzeni lub źle ustawiony zegar systemowy)\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:239 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: signature key %s expired %s\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisuj±cy %s przekroczy³ datê wa¿no¶ci %s\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisujÄ…cy %s przekroczyÅ‚ datÄ™ ważnoÅ›ci %s\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:252 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisuj±cy %s zosta³ uniewa¿niony\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: klucz podpisujÄ…cy %s zostaÅ‚ unieważniony\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "podpis %s, skrót %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" -"uznano za z³y podpis utworzony kluczem %s z powodu nieznanego bitu " +"uznano za zÅ‚y podpis utworzony kluczem %s z powodu nieznanego bitu " "krytycznego\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dla podpisu uniewa¿nienia podklucza\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dla podpisu unieważnienia podklucza\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dowi±zywanego podpisem\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak podklucza dowiÄ…zywanego podpisem\n" #: g10/sign.c:89 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na rozwin±æ %% w URL adnotacji (jest zbyt d³ugi).\n" -" U¿yty zostanie nie rozwiniêty.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można rozwinąć %% w URL adnotacji (jest zbyt dÅ‚ugi).\n" +" Użyty zostanie nie rozwiniÄ™ty.\n" #: g10/sign.c:115 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na rozwin±æ znaczników %% w URL regulaminu\n" -" (jest zbyt d³ugi). U¿yty zostanie nie rozwiniêty.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można rozwinąć znaczników %% w URL regulaminu\n" +" (jest zbyt dÅ‚ugi). Użyty zostanie nie rozwiniÄ™ty.\n" #: g10/sign.c:138 #, c-format @@ -6192,31 +6260,31 @@ "WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " "unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: nie mo¿na rozwin±æ znaczników %% w URL-u preferowanego\n" -" serwera kluczy (jest zbyt d³ugi). U¿yty zostanie nie rozwiniêty.\n" +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: nie można rozwinąć znaczników %% w URL-u preferowanego\n" +" serwera kluczy (jest zbyt dÅ‚ugi). Użyty zostanie nie rozwiniÄ™ty.\n" #: g10/sign.c:311 #, c-format msgid "checking created signature failed: %s\n" -msgstr "sprawdzenie z³o¿onego podpisu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "sprawdzenie zÅ‚ożonego podpisu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/sign.c:320 #, c-format msgid "%s/%s signature from: \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "podpis %s/%s z³o¿ony przez: ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "podpis %s/%s zÅ‚ożony przez: ,,%s''\n" #: g10/sign.c:761 msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -"kluczami PGP 2 w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na podpisywaæ tylko do oddzielonych " -"podpisów\n" +"kluczami PGP 2 w trybie --pgp2 można podpisywać tylko do oddzielonych " +"podpisów\n" #: g10/sign.c:837 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: forcing digest algorithm %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" msgstr "" -"OSTRZE¯ENIE: wymuszone u¿ycie skrótu %s (%d) k³óci siê z ustawieniami " +"OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: wymuszone użycie skrótu %s (%d) kłóci siÄ™ z ustawieniami " "adresata\n" #: g10/sign.c:964 @@ -6225,43 +6293,43 @@ #: g10/sign.c:1079 msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 mo¿na podpisywaæ tylko za pomoc± kluczy z wersji 2.x\n" +msgstr "w trybie --pgp2 można podpisywać tylko za pomocÄ… kluczy z wersji 2.x\n" #: g10/sign.c:1263 #, c-format msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" -msgstr "zostanie u¿yty szyfr %s\n" +msgstr "zostanie użyty szyfr %s\n" #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" msgstr "" -"klucz nie jest oznaczony jako niepewny - nie mo¿na go u¿yæ z atrap±\n" +"klucz nie jest oznaczony jako niepewny - nie można go użyć z atrapÄ…\n" "generatora liczb losowych!\n" #: g10/skclist.c:174 #, c-format msgid "skipped \"%s\": duplicated\n" -msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': duplikat\n" +msgstr "pominiÄ™ty ,,%s'': duplikat\n" #: g10/skclist.c:182 g10/skclist.c:195 g10/skclist.c:207 #, c-format msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" -msgstr "pominiêty ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "pominiÄ™ty ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/skclist.c:190 msgid "skipped: secret key already present\n" -msgstr "pominiêty: klucz prywatny jest ju¿ wpisany\n" +msgstr "pominiÄ™ty: klucz prywatny jest już wpisany\n" #: g10/skclist.c:208 msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" msgstr "" -"klucz algorytmu Elgamala wygenerowany przez PGP nie zapewniaj±cy " -"bezpiecznych podpisów!" +"klucz algorytmu Elgamala wygenerowany przez PGP nie zapewniajÄ…cy " +"bezpiecznych podpisów!" #: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 #, c-format msgid "trust record %lu, type %d: write failed: %s\n" -msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: zapis nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: zapis nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/tdbdump.c:106 #, c-format @@ -6269,17 +6337,17 @@ "# List of assigned trustvalues, created %s\n" "# (Use \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" to restore them)\n" msgstr "" -"# Lista przypisanych warto¶ci zaufania, stworzona %s\n" -"# (u¿yj \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" aby j± przywróciæ)\n" +"# Lista przypisanych wartoÅ›ci zaufania, stworzona %s\n" +"# (użyj \"gpg --import-ownertrust\" aby jÄ… przywrócić)\n" #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 g10/tdbdump.c:169 g10/tdbdump.c:174 g10/tdbdump.c:179 #, c-format msgid "error in `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d w ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d w ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 msgid "line too long" -msgstr "linia zbyt d³uga" +msgstr "linia zbyt dÅ‚uga" #: g10/tdbdump.c:169 msgid "colon missing" @@ -6287,45 +6355,45 @@ #: g10/tdbdump.c:175 msgid "invalid fingerprint" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy odcisk" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy odcisk" #: g10/tdbdump.c:180 msgid "ownertrust value missing" -msgstr "brak warto¶ci zaufania w³a¶ciciela" +msgstr "brak wartoÅ›ci zaufania wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela" #: g10/tdbdump.c:216 #, c-format msgid "error finding trust record in `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas szukania zapisu warto¶ci zaufania w ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas szukania zapisu wartoÅ›ci zaufania w ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/tdbdump.c:220 #, c-format msgid "read error in `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu w ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu w ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" -msgstr "baza zaufania: synchronizacja nie powiod³a siê %s\n" +msgstr "baza zaufania: synchronizacja nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™ %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 #, c-format msgid "trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n" -msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: funkcja lseek() nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" +msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: funkcja lseek() nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:135 g10/tdbio.c:1467 #, c-format msgid "trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n" -msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: zapis nie powiód³ siê (n=%d): %s\n" +msgstr "baza zaufania, wpis %lu: zapis nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ (n=%d): %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:245 msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" -msgstr "zbyt du¿e zlecenie dla bazy zaufania\n" +msgstr "zbyt duże zlecenie dla bazy zaufania\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:502 #, c-format msgid "can't access `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na dostaæ siê do ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można dostać siÄ™ do ,,%s'': %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:531 #, c-format @@ -6335,17 +6403,17 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:541 g10/tdbio.c:564 g10/tdbio.c:605 sm/keydb.c:344 #, c-format msgid "can't create lock for `%s'\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ blokady dla ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nie można utworzyć blokady dla ,,%s''\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:543 g10/tdbio.c:608 #, c-format msgid "can't lock `%s'\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na zablokowaæ ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nie można zablokować ,,%s''\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:569 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to create version record: %s" -msgstr "%s: stworzenie zapisu o wersji nie powiod³o siê: %s" +msgstr "%s: stworzenie zapisu o wersji nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s" #: g10/tdbio.c:573 #, c-format @@ -6359,7 +6427,7 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:619 msgid "NOTE: trustdb not writable\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: nie mo¿na zapisywaæ bazy zaufania\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: nie można zapisywać bazy zaufania\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:627 #, c-format @@ -6369,33 +6437,33 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:659 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to create hashtable: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: tworzenie tablicy skrótów nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: tworzenie tablicy skrótów nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:667 #, c-format msgid "%s: error updating version record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: b³±d przy uaktualnianiu numeru wersji: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d przy uaktualnianiu numeru wersji: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:684 g10/tdbio.c:705 g10/tdbio.c:721 g10/tdbio.c:735 #: g10/tdbio.c:765 g10/tdbio.c:1392 g10/tdbio.c:1419 #, c-format msgid "%s: error reading version record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: b³±d odczytu numeru wersji: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu numeru wersji: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:744 #, c-format msgid "%s: error writing version record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: b³±d zapisu numeru wersji: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu numeru wersji: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1185 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n" -msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja lseek() zawiod³a: %s\n" +msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja lseek() zawiodÅ‚a: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1194 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" -msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja read() (n=%d) zawiod³a: %s\n" +msgstr "baza zaufania: funkcja read() (n=%d) zawiodÅ‚a: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1215 #, c-format @@ -6410,46 +6478,46 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:1239 #, c-format msgid "%s: invalid file version %d\n" -msgstr "%s: niew³a¶ciwa wersja pliku %d\n" +msgstr "%s: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa wersja pliku %d\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1425 #, c-format msgid "%s: error reading free record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: b³±d odczytu pustego wpisu: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu pustego wpisu: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "%s: error writing dir record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: b³±d zapisu wpisu katalogowego: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu wpisu katalogowego: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1443 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to zero a record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: zerowanie rekordu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: zerowanie rekordu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "%s: failed to append a record: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: dopisanie rekordu nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "%s: dopisanie rekordu nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1516 msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" -msgstr "B³±d: uszkodzona baza zaufania.\n" +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d: uszkodzona baza zaufania.\n" #: g10/textfilter.c:147 #, c-format msgid "can't handle text lines longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na obs³u¿yæ linii tekstu d³u¿szej ni¿ %d znaków\n" +msgstr "nie można obsÅ‚użyć linii tekstu dÅ‚uższej niż %d znaków\n" #: g10/textfilter.c:247 #, c-format msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "linia d³u¿sza ni¿ %d znaków\n" +msgstr "linia dÅ‚uższa niż %d znaków\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:222 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid long keyID\n" -msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym d³ugim numerem klucza\n" +msgstr ",,%s'' nie jest poprawnym dÅ‚ugim numerem klucza\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:253 #, c-format @@ -6459,46 +6527,46 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:291 #, c-format msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" -msgstr "klucz %s jest wpisany wiêcej ni¿ raz w bazie zaufania\n" +msgstr "klucz %s jest wpisany wiÄ™cej niż raz w bazie zaufania\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:306 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" -msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego dla zaufanego klucza - pominiêty\n" +msgstr "klucz %s: brak klucza publicznego dla zaufanego klucza - pominiÄ™ty\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:316 #, c-format msgid "key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n" -msgstr "klucz %s zosta³ oznaczony jako obdarzony absolutnym zaufaniem.\n" +msgstr "klucz %s zostaÅ‚ oznaczony jako obdarzony absolutnym zaufaniem.\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:340 #, c-format msgid "trust record %lu, req type %d: read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: odczyt nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu, typ zapytania %d: odczyt nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:346 #, c-format msgid "trust record %lu is not of requested type %d\n" -msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu jest typu innego ni¿ poszukiwany %d\n" +msgstr "wpis zaufania %lu jest typu innego niż poszukiwany %d\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:419 msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" -msgstr "Mo¿na próbowaæ odtworzyæ bazê zaufania przy u¿yciu poleceñ:\n" +msgstr "Można próbować odtworzyć bazÄ™ zaufania przy użyciu poleceÅ„:\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:428 msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" -msgstr "Je¶li to nie dzia³a, nale¿y poradziæ siê instrukcji\n" +msgstr "JeÅ›li to nie dziaÅ‚a, należy poradzić siÄ™ instrukcji\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:463 #, c-format msgid "unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - assuming %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -"nie mo¿na u¿yæ nieznanego modelu zaufania (%d) - przyjêto model zaufania %s\n" +"nie można użyć nieznanego modelu zaufania (%d) - przyjÄ™to model zaufania %s\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:469 #, c-format msgid "using %s trust model\n" -msgstr "u¿ycie modelu zaufania %s\n" +msgstr "użycie modelu zaufania %s\n" #. TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in #. trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to @@ -6514,7 +6582,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:523 msgid "[ revoked]" -msgstr "[ uniewa¿niony ]" +msgstr "[ unieważniony ]" #: g10/trustdb.c:525 g10/trustdb.c:530 msgid "[ expired]" @@ -6526,7 +6594,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:531 msgid "[ undef ]" -msgstr "[ nieokre¶lone ]" +msgstr "[ nieokreÅ›lone ]" #: g10/trustdb.c:532 msgid "[marginal]" @@ -6534,7 +6602,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:533 msgid "[ full ]" -msgstr "[ pe³ne ]" +msgstr "[ peÅ‚ne ]" #: g10/trustdb.c:534 msgid "[ultimate]" @@ -6542,7 +6610,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:549 msgid "undefined" -msgstr "nieokre¶lone" +msgstr "nieokreÅ›lone" #: g10/trustdb.c:550 msgid "never" @@ -6554,7 +6622,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:552 msgid "full" -msgstr "pe³ne" +msgstr "peÅ‚ne" #: g10/trustdb.c:553 msgid "ultimate" @@ -6564,10 +6632,10 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy jest niepotrzebne\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" -msgstr "nastêpne sprawdzanie bazy odbêdzie siê %s\n" +msgstr "nastÄ™pne sprawdzanie bazy odbÄ™dzie siÄ™ %s\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:608 #, c-format @@ -6579,39 +6647,39 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "aktualizacja bazy jest niepotrzebna przy modelu zaufania ,,%s''\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "klucz publiczny %s nie odnaleziony: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" -msgstr "nale¿y uruchomiæ gpg z opcj± ,,--check-trustdb''\n" +msgstr "należy uruchomić gpg z opcjÄ… ,,--check-trustdb''\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "sprawdzanie bazy zaufania\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" -msgstr "przetworzono %d kluczy (rozwi±zano %d przeliczeñ zaufania)\n" +msgstr "przetworzono %d kluczy (rozwiÄ…zano %d przeliczeÅ„ zaufania)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "brak absolutnie zaufanych kluczy\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "klucz publiczny absolutnie zaufanego klucza %s nie odnaleziony\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" -msgstr "potrzeba %d marginalnych, %d pe³nych, model zaufania %s\n" +msgstr "potrzeba %d marginalnych, %d peÅ‚nych, model zaufania %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6619,11 +6687,11 @@ "poziom: %d poprawnych: %3d podpisanych: %3d zaufanie: %d-,%dq,%dn,%dm,%df," "%du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -"nie mo¿na uaktualniæ rekordu wersji bazy zaufania: zapis nie powiód³ siê: " +"nie można uaktualnić rekordu wersji bazy zaufania: zapis nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: " "%s\n" #: g10/verify.c:118 @@ -6632,143 +6700,155 @@ "Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)\n" "should be the first file given on the command line.\n" msgstr "" -"nie mo¿na sprawdziæ podpisu.\n" -"Nale¿y pamiêtaæ o podawaniu pliku podpisu (.sig lub .asc) jako pierwszego\n" -"argumentu linii poleceñ.\n" +"nie można sprawdzić podpisu.\n" +"Należy pamiÄ™tać o podawaniu pliku podpisu (.sig lub .asc) jako pierwszego\n" +"argumentu linii poleceÅ„.\n" #: g10/verify.c:205 #, c-format msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" -msgstr "linia wej¶cia %u zbyt d³uga lub brak znaku LF\n" +msgstr "linia wejÅ›cia %u zbyt dÅ‚uga lub brak znaku LF\n" #: g10/verify.c:253 #, c-format msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na otworzyæ fd %d: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można otworzyć fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "nieoczekiwany argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" -msgstr "s³owo kluczowe zbyt d³ugie" +msgstr "sÅ‚owo kluczowe zbyt dÅ‚ugie" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "brak argumentu" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "niepoprawna wartość\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" -msgstr "b³êdne polecenie" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dne polecenie" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" -msgstr "b³êdna definicja aliasu" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dna definicja aliasu" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" -msgstr "brak pamiêci" +msgstr "brak pamiÄ™ci" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" -msgstr "b³êdna opcja" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dna opcja" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "brak argumentu dla opcji ,,%.50s''\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "brak argumentu dla opcji ,,%.50s''\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" -msgstr "opcja ,,%.50s'' nie mo¿e mieæ argumentów\n" +msgstr "opcja ,,%.50s'' nie może mieć argumentów\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "b³êdne polecenie ,,%.50s''\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dne polecenie ,,%.50s''\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "opcja ,,%.50s'' jest niejednoznaczna\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "polecenie ,,%.50s'' jest niejednoznaczne\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" -msgstr "brak pamiêci\n" +msgstr "brak pamiÄ™ci\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "b³êdna opcja ,,%.50s''\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dna opcja ,,%.50s''\n" #: jnlib/logging.c:647 #, c-format msgid "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n" -msgstr "znalaz³e¶(a¶) b³±d w programie ... (%s:%d)\n" +msgstr "znalazÅ‚eÅ›(aÅ›) bÅ‚Ä…d w programie ... (%s:%d)\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 #, c-format msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' not available\n" -msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' niedostêpna\n" +msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' niedostÄ™pna\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 #, c-format msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" -msgstr "iconv_open nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "iconv_open nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 #, c-format msgid "conversion from `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" +msgstr "konwersja z ,,%s'' do ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" #: jnlib/dotlock.c:234 #, c-format msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ pliku tymczasowego ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć pliku tymczasowego ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu do ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu do ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "usuwanie nieaktualnego pliku blokady (utworzonego przez %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - prawdopodobnie martwy - usuwanie blokady" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" -msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadê (trzyman± przez %d%s) %s...\n" +msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadÄ™ (trzymanÄ… przez %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(zakleszczenie?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" -msgstr "blokada ,,%s'' nie za³o¿ona: %s\n" +msgstr "blokada ,,%s'' nie zaÅ‚ożona: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" -msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadê %s...\n" +msgstr "oczekiwanie na blokadÄ™ %s...\n" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 msgid "set debugging flags" @@ -6776,301 +6856,301 @@ #: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 msgid "enable full debugging" -msgstr "w³±czenie pe³nej diagnostyki" +msgstr "wÅ‚Ä…czenie peÅ‚nej diagnostyki" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 msgid "" "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki]\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: kbxutil [opcje] [pliki]\n" "Wypisywanie, eksport, import danych Keybox\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" -msgstr "reszta RSA brakuj±ca lub o rozmiarze innym ni¿ %d bity\n" +msgstr "reszta RSA brakujÄ…ca lub o rozmiarze innym niż %d bity\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" -msgstr "publiczny wyk³adnik RSA brakuj±cy lub wiêkszy ni¿ %d bity\n" +msgstr "publiczny wykÅ‚adnik RSA brakujÄ…cy lub wiÄ™kszy niż %d bity\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" -msgstr "Zapytanie zwrotne o PIN zwróci³o b³±d: %s\n" +msgstr "Zapytanie zwrotne o PIN zwróciÅ‚o bÅ‚Ä…d: %s\n" #: scd/app-nks.c:834 msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" -msgstr "NullPIN nie zosta³ jeszcze zmieniony\n" +msgstr "NullPIN nie zostaÅ‚ jeszcze zmieniony\n" #: scd/app-nks.c:1092 msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." -msgstr "|N|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy PIN dla zwyk³ych kluczy." +msgstr "|N|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy PIN dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." #: scd/app-nks.c:1093 msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." -msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN dla zwyk³ych kluczy." +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." #: scd/app-nks.c:1099 msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." msgstr "" -"|NP|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy kod oblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla zwyk³ych kluczy." +"|NP|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy kod oblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." #: scd/app-nks.c:1101 msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -msgstr "|P|Proszê wprowadziæ kod odblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla zwyk³ych kluczy." +msgstr "|P|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić kod odblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla zwykÅ‚ych kluczy." #: scd/app-nks.c:1109 msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." msgstr "" -"|N|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów " +"|N|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów " "kwalifikowanych." #: scd/app-nks.c:1111 msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." msgstr "" -"||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." +"||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN PIN dla klucza do tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." #: scd/app-nks.c:1119 msgid "" "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -"|NP|Proszê wprowadziæ nowy kod odblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do " -"tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." +"|NP|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić nowy kod odblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do " +"tworzenia podpisów kwalifikowanych." #: scd/app-nks.c:1121 msgid "" "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -"|P|Proszê wprowadziæ kod odblokowuj±cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do tworzenia " -"podpisów kwalifikowanych." +"|P|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić kod odblokowujÄ…cy PIN (PUK) dla klucza do tworzenia " +"podpisów kwalifikowanych." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu nowego PIN-u: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu nowego PIN-u: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" -msgstr "nie powiód³ siê zapis odcisku: %s\n" +msgstr "nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ zapis odcisku: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" -msgstr "nie powiód³ siê zapis daty utworzenia: %s\n" +msgstr "nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ zapis daty utworzenia: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" -msgstr "odczyt klucza publicznego nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "odczyt klucza publicznego nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" -msgstr "odpowied¼ nie zawiera danych klucza publicznego\n" +msgstr "odpowiedź nie zawiera danych klucza publicznego\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" -msgstr "odpowied¼ nie zawiera wspó³czynnika RSA\n" +msgstr "odpowiedź nie zawiera współczynnika RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" -msgstr "odpowied¼ nie zawiera publicznego wyk³adnika RSA\n" +msgstr "odpowiedź nie zawiera publicznego wykÅ‚adnika RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" -msgstr "u¿ycie domy¶lnego PIN-u jako %s\n" +msgstr "użycie domyÅ›lnego PIN-u jako %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -"nie uda³o siê u¿yæ domy¶lnego PIN-u jako %s: %s - wy³±czenie dalszego " -"domy¶lnego u¿ycia\n" +"nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ użyć domyÅ›lnego PIN-u jako %s: %s - wyÅ‚Ä…czenie dalszego " +"domyÅ›lnego użycia\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" -msgstr "||Proszê wpisaæ PIN%%0A[podpisów wykonanych: %lu]" +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wpisać PIN%%0A[podpisów wykonanych: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" -msgstr "||Proszê wpisaæ PIN" +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wpisać PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -msgstr "PIN dla CHV%d jest zbyt krótki; minimalna d³ugo¶æ to %d\n" +msgstr "PIN dla CHV%d jest zbyt krótki; minimalna dÅ‚ugość to %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" -msgstr "weryfikacja CHV%d nie powiod³a siê: %s\n" +msgstr "weryfikacja CHV%d nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu stanu CHV z karty\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu stanu CHV z karty\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" -msgstr "karta zosta³a trwale zablokowana!\n" +msgstr "karta zostaÅ‚a trwale zablokowana!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" -"Zosta³o %d prób PIN-u administracyjnego do trwa³ego zablokowania karty\n" +"ZostaÅ‚o %d prób PIN-u administracyjnego do trwaÅ‚ego zablokowania karty\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" -msgstr "|A|Proszê wprowadziæ PIN administracyjny%%0A[pozosta³o prób: %d]" +msgstr "|A|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN administracyjny%%0A[pozostaÅ‚o prób: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" -msgstr "|A|Proszê wprowadziæ PIN administracyjny" +msgstr "|A|ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN administracyjny" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" -msgstr "dostêp do poleceñ administratora nie zosta³ skonfigurowany\n" +msgstr "dostÄ™p do poleceÅ„ administratora nie zostaÅ‚ skonfigurowany\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" -msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ kod resetuj±cy dla karty" +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić kod resetujÄ…cy dla karty" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -msgstr "Kod resetuj±cy zbyt krótki; minimalna d³ugo¶æ to %d\n" +msgstr "Kod resetujÄ…cy zbyt krótki; minimalna dÅ‚ugość to %d\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" -msgstr "|RN|Nowy kod resetuj±cy" +msgstr "|RN|Nowy kod resetujÄ…cy" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Nowy PIN administracyjny" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Nowy PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN administracyjny i nowy PIN administracyjny" +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN administracyjny i nowy PIN administracyjny" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN i nowy PIN" +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN i nowy PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu danych aplikacji\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu danych aplikacji\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas odczytu odcisku DO\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas odczytu odcisku DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" -msgstr "klucz ju¿ istnieje\n" +msgstr "klucz już istnieje\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" -msgstr "istniej±cy klucz zostanie zast±piony\n" +msgstr "istniejÄ…cy klucz zostanie zastÄ…piony\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generowanie nowego klucza\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "zapisywanie nowego klucza\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "brak datownika utworzenia\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" -msgstr "liczba pierwsza %s RSA brakuj±ca lub o rozmiarze innym ni¿ %d bitów\n" +msgstr "liczba pierwsza %s RSA brakujÄ…ca lub o rozmiarze innym niż %d bitów\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" -msgstr "nie powiód³ siê zapis klucza: %s\n" +msgstr "nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ zapis klucza: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" -msgstr "proszê czekaæ na wygenerowanie klucza...\n" +msgstr "proszÄ™ czekać na wygenerowanie klucza...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" -msgstr "generowanie klucza nie powiod³o siê\n" +msgstr "generowanie klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" -msgstr "generowanie klucza zakoñczone (%d sekund)\n" +msgstr "generowanie klucza zakoÅ„czone (%d sekund)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "niepoprawna struktura karty OpenPGP (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" -msgstr "odcisk na karcie nie zgadza siê z ¿±danym\n" +msgstr "odcisk na karcie nie zgadza siÄ™ z żądanym\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "karta nie obs³uguje algorytmu skrótu %s\n" +msgstr "karta nie obsÅ‚uguje algorytmu skrótu %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" -msgstr "dotychczas stworzono podpisów: %lu\n" +msgstr "dotychczas stworzono podpisów: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "weryfikacja PIN-u administracyjnego tym poleceniem jest aktualnie " "zabroniona\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na dostaæ siê do %s - niepoprawna karta OpenPGP?\n" +msgstr "nie można dostać siÄ™ do %s - niepoprawna karta OpenPGP?\n" #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" -msgstr "||Proszê wprowadziæ PIN na klawiaturze czytnika" +msgstr "||ProszÄ™ wprowadzić PIN na klawiaturze czytnika" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. #: scd/app-dinsig.c:529 msgid "|N|Initial New PIN" -msgstr "|N|Pocz±tkowy nowy PIN" +msgstr "|N|PoczÄ…tkowy nowy PIN" #: scd/scdaemon.c:109 msgid "run in multi server mode (foreground)" @@ -7080,113 +7160,113 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|POZIOM|ustawienie POZIOMU diagnostyki" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów do PLIKu" +msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów do PLIKu" #: scd/scdaemon.c:128 msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" -msgstr "|N|po³±czenie z czytnikiem na porcie N" +msgstr "|N|poÅ‚Ä…czenie z czytnikiem na porcie N" #: scd/scdaemon.c:130 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" -msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie NAZWY jako sterownika ct-API" +msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie NAZWY jako sterownika ct-API" #: scd/scdaemon.c:132 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" -msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie NAZWY jako sterownika PC/SC" +msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie NAZWY jako sterownika PC/SC" #: scd/scdaemon.c:135 msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" -msgstr "nie u¿ywanie wewnêtrznego sterownika CCID" +msgstr "nie używanie wewnÄ™trznego sterownika CCID" #: scd/scdaemon.c:141 msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" -msgstr "|N|od³±czenie karty po N sekundach nieaktywno¶ci" +msgstr "|N|odÅ‚Ä…czenie karty po N sekundach nieaktywnoÅ›ci" #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" -msgstr "nie u¿ywanie klawiatury czytnika" +msgstr "nie używanie klawiatury czytnika" #: scd/scdaemon.c:149 msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" -msgstr "zabronienie u¿ywania poleceñ karty administratora" +msgstr "zabronienie używania poleceÅ„ karty administratora" #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -msgstr "u¿ycie wej¶cia z klawiatury czytnika o zmiennej d³ugo¶ci" +msgstr "użycie wejÅ›cia z klawiatury czytnika o zmiennej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci" #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: scdaemon [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: scdaemon [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: scd/scdaemon.c:271 msgid "" "Syntax: scdaemon [options] [command [args]]\n" "Smartcard daemon for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: scdaemon [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: scdaemon [opcje] [polecenie [argumenty]]\n" "Demon kart procesorowych dla GnuPG\n" #: scd/scdaemon.c:786 msgid "please use the option `--daemon' to run the program in the background\n" -msgstr "proszê u¿yæ opcji ,,--daemon'' do uruchomienia programu w tle\n" +msgstr "proszÄ™ użyć opcji ,,--daemon'' do uruchomienia programu w tle\n" #: scd/scdaemon.c:1140 #, c-format msgid "handler for fd %d started\n" -msgstr "obs³uga fd %d uruchomiona\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚uga fd %d uruchomiona\n" #: scd/scdaemon.c:1152 #, c-format msgid "handler for fd %d terminated\n" -msgstr "obs³uga fd %d zakoñczona\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚uga fd %d zakoÅ„czona\n" #: sm/base64.c:325 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02x skipped\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy znak formatu radix64 %02x zosta³ pominiêty\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy znak formatu radix64 %02x zostaÅ‚ pominiÄ™ty\n" #: sm/call-agent.c:137 #, c-format msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê przekazaæ zapytania %s do klienta\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ przekazać zapytania %s do klienta\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 #, c-format msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" -msgstr "dirmngr nie dzia³a - uruchamianie ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "dirmngr nie dziaÅ‚a - uruchamianie ,,%s''\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" -msgstr "z³y format zmiennej ¶rodowiskowej DIRMNGR_INFO\n" +msgstr "zÅ‚y format zmiennej Å›rodowiskowej DIRMNGR_INFO\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:297 #, c-format msgid "dirmngr protocol version %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "wersja %d protoko³u dirmngr nie jest obs³ugiwana\n" +msgstr "wersja %d protokoÅ‚u dirmngr nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na po³±czyæ siê z dirmngr - próba fallbacku\n" +msgstr "nie można poÅ‚Ä…czyć siÄ™ z dirmngr - próba fallbacku\n" #: sm/certchain.c:196 #, c-format msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" -msgstr "model poprawno¶ci ¿±dany przez certyfikat: %s" +msgstr "model poprawnoÅ›ci żądany przez certyfikat: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 msgid "chain" -msgstr "³añcuchowy" +msgstr "Å‚aÅ„cuchowy" #: sm/certchain.c:198 sm/certchain.c:1884 msgid "shell" -msgstr "pow³okowy" +msgstr "powÅ‚okowy" #: sm/certchain.c:258 #, c-format msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" -msgstr "krytyczne rozszerzenie certyfikatu %s nie jest obs³ugiwane" +msgstr "krytyczne rozszerzenie certyfikatu %s nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwane" #: sm/certchain.c:297 msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" @@ -7199,7 +7279,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:345 #, c-format msgid "failed to open `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê otworzyæ ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ otworzyć ,,%s'': %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" @@ -7211,37 +7291,37 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:527 msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" -msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy na zewn±trz\n" +msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy na zewnÄ…trz\n" #: sm/certchain.c:546 #, c-format msgid "number of issuers matching: %d\n" -msgstr "liczba pasuj±cych wystawców: %d\n" +msgstr "liczba pasujÄ…cych wystawców: %d\n" #: sm/certchain.c:590 msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" -msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy w pamiêci podrêcznej Dirmngr\n" +msgstr "poszukiwanie wystawcy w pamiÄ™ci podrÄ™cznej Dirmngr\n" #: sm/certchain.c:614 #, c-format msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" -msgstr "liczba pasuj±cych certyfikatów: %d\n" +msgstr "liczba pasujÄ…cych certyfikatów: %d\n" #: sm/certchain.c:616 #, c-format msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -"wyszukiwanie klucza tylko w pamiêci podrêcznej dirmngr nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +"wyszukiwanie klucza tylko w pamiÄ™ci podrÄ™cznej dirmngr nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 #: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 #: sm/sign.c:335 sm/verify.c:113 msgid "failed to allocate keyDB handle\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê przydzieliæ uchwytu keyDB\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ przydzielić uchwytu keyDB\n" #: sm/certchain.c:981 msgid "certificate has been revoked" -msgstr "certyfikat zosta³ uniewa¿niony" +msgstr "certyfikat zostaÅ‚ unieważniony" #: sm/certchain.c:996 msgid "the status of the certificate is unknown" @@ -7249,62 +7329,62 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1003 msgid "please make sure that the \"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n" -msgstr "proszê upewniæ siê, ¿e ,,dirmngr'' jest poprawnie zainstalowany\n" +msgstr "proszÄ™ upewnić siÄ™, że ,,dirmngr'' jest poprawnie zainstalowany\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1009 #, c-format msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" -msgstr "sprawdzenie CRL nie powiod³o siê: %s" +msgstr "sprawdzenie CRL nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 #, c-format msgid "certificate with invalid validity: %s" -msgstr "certyfikat o niewa¿nej wa¿no¶ci: %s" +msgstr "certyfikat o nieważnej ważnoÅ›ci: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 msgid "certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "certyfikat jeszcze nie jest wa¿ny" +msgstr "certyfikat jeszcze nie jest ważny" #: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 msgid "root certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "certyfikat g³ówny jeszcze nie jest wa¿ny" +msgstr "certyfikat główny jeszcze nie jest ważny" #: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "certyfikat po¶redni jeszcze nie jest wa¿ny" +msgstr "certyfikat poÅ›redni jeszcze nie jest ważny" #: sm/certchain.c:1068 msgid "certificate has expired" -msgstr "certyfikat wygas³" +msgstr "certyfikat wygasÅ‚" #: sm/certchain.c:1069 msgid "root certificate has expired" -msgstr "certyfikat g³ówny wygas³" +msgstr "certyfikat główny wygasÅ‚" #: sm/certchain.c:1070 msgid "intermediate certificate has expired" -msgstr "certyfikat po¶redni wygas³" +msgstr "certyfikat poÅ›redni wygasÅ‚" #: sm/certchain.c:1112 #, c-format msgid "required certificate attributes missing: %s%s%s" -msgstr "brak wymaganych atrybutów certyfikatu: %s%s%s" +msgstr "brak wymaganych atrybutów certyfikatu: %s%s%s" #: sm/certchain.c:1121 msgid "certificate with invalid validity" -msgstr "certyfikat o niewa¿nej wa¿no¶ci" +msgstr "certyfikat o nieważnej ważnoÅ›ci" #: sm/certchain.c:1158 msgid "signature not created during lifetime of certificate" -msgstr "podpis nie utworzony w czasie ¿ycia certyfikatu" +msgstr "podpis nie utworzony w czasie życia certyfikatu" #: sm/certchain.c:1160 msgid "certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" -msgstr "certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie ¿ycia wystawcy" +msgstr "certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie życia wystawcy" #: sm/certchain.c:1161 msgid "intermediate certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" -msgstr "po¶redni certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie ¿ycia wystawcy" +msgstr "poÅ›redni certyfikat nie utworzony w czasie życia wystawcy" #: sm/certchain.c:1165 msgid " ( signature created at " @@ -7316,11 +7396,11 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1169 msgid " (certificate valid from " -msgstr " (certyfikat wa¿ny od " +msgstr " (certyfikat ważny od " #: sm/certchain.c:1170 msgid " ( issuer valid from " -msgstr " ( wystawca wa¿ny od " +msgstr " ( wystawca ważny od " #: sm/certchain.c:1200 #, c-format @@ -7329,19 +7409,19 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1209 msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" -msgstr "g³ówny certyfikat nie zosta³ oznaczony jako zaufany\n" +msgstr "główny certyfikat nie zostaÅ‚ oznaczony jako zaufany\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1222 msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" -msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania nie w³±czone w gpg-agencie\n" +msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania nie wÅ‚Ä…czone w gpg-agencie\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1228 msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" -msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania wy³±czone dla tej sesji\n" +msgstr "interaktywne oznaczanie zaufania wyÅ‚Ä…czone dla tej sesji\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1285 msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" -msgstr "UWAGA: czas utworzenia podpisu nie jest znany - przyjêto czas bie¿±cy" +msgstr "UWAGA: czas utworzenia podpisu nie jest znany - przyjÄ™to czas bieżący" #: sm/certchain.c:1349 msgid "no issuer found in certificate" @@ -7349,20 +7429,20 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1422 msgid "self-signed certificate has a BAD signature" -msgstr "w³asnorêcznie podpisany certyfikat ma Z£Y podpis" +msgstr "wÅ‚asnorÄ™cznie podpisany certyfikat ma ZÅY podpis" #: sm/certchain.c:1491 msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" -msgstr "g³ówny certyfikat nie jest oznaczony jako zaufany" +msgstr "główny certyfikat nie jest oznaczony jako zaufany" #: sm/certchain.c:1504 #, c-format msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" -msgstr "sprawdzenie listy zaufania nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "sprawdzenie listy zaufania nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 msgid "certificate chain too long\n" -msgstr "³añcuch certyfikatów zbyt d³ugi\n" +msgstr "Å‚aÅ„cuch certyfikatów zbyt dÅ‚ugi\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1545 msgid "issuer certificate not found" @@ -7370,16 +7450,16 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1578 msgid "certificate has a BAD signature" -msgstr "certyfikat ma Z£Y podpis" +msgstr "certyfikat ma ZÅY podpis" #: sm/certchain.c:1609 msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" -msgstr "znaleziono inny byæ mo¿e pasuj±cy certyfikat CA - ponawianie próby" +msgstr "znaleziono inny być może pasujÄ…cy certyfikat CA - ponawianie próby" #: sm/certchain.c:1660 #, c-format msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" -msgstr "³añcuch certyfikatów d³u¿szy ni¿ zezwala CA (%d)" +msgstr "Å‚aÅ„cuch certyfikatów dÅ‚uższy niż zezwala CA (%d)" #: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 msgid "certificate is good\n" @@ -7387,30 +7467,30 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1701 msgid "intermediate certificate is good\n" -msgstr "certyfikat po¶redni jest dobry\n" +msgstr "certyfikat poÅ›redni jest dobry\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1702 msgid "root certificate is good\n" -msgstr "certyfikat g³ówny jest dobry\n" +msgstr "certyfikat główny jest dobry\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1873 msgid "switching to chain model" -msgstr "prze³±czanie do modelu ³añcuchowego" +msgstr "przeÅ‚Ä…czanie do modelu Å‚aÅ„cuchowego" #: sm/certchain.c:1882 #, c-format msgid "validation model used: %s" -msgstr "u¿yty model poprawno¶ci: %s" +msgstr "użyty model poprawnoÅ›ci: %s" #: sm/certcheck.c:97 #, c-format msgid "%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" -msgstr "Klucz %s u¿ywa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" +msgstr "Klucz %s używa niebezpiecznego (%u-bitowego) skrótu\n" #: sm/certcheck.c:107 #, c-format msgid "a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n" -msgstr "skrót %u-bitowy nie jest poprawny dla %u-bitowego klucza %s\n" +msgstr "skrót %u-bitowy nie jest poprawny dla %u-bitowego klucza %s\n" #: sm/certcheck.c:244 sm/verify.c:201 msgid "(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n" @@ -7422,19 +7502,19 @@ #: sm/certdump.c:564 sm/certdump.c:609 sm/certdump.c:674 sm/certdump.c:732 msgid "[Error - invalid encoding]" -msgstr "[B³±d - niew³a¶ciwe kodowanie]" +msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe kodowanie]" #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 msgid "[Error - out of core]" -msgstr "[B³±d - brak pamiêci]" +msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - brak pamiÄ™ci]" #: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 msgid "[Error - No name]" -msgstr "[B³±d - Brak nazwy]" +msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - Brak nazwy]" #: sm/certdump.c:679 sm/certdump.c:738 msgid "[Error - invalid DN]" -msgstr "[B³±d - niew³a¶ciwe DN]" +msgstr "[BÅ‚Ä…d - niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwe DN]" #: sm/certdump.c:948 #, c-format @@ -7445,7 +7525,7 @@ "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "created %s, expires %s.\n" msgstr "" -"Proszê wprowadziæ has³o aby odbezpieczyæ klucz tajny certyfikatu X.509:\n" +"ProszÄ™ wprowadzić hasÅ‚o aby odbezpieczyć klucz tajny certyfikatu X.509:\n" ",,%s''\n" "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "stworzony %s, wygasa %s.\n" @@ -7453,46 +7533,46 @@ #: sm/certlist.c:122 msgid "no key usage specified - assuming all usages\n" msgstr "" -"nie okre¶lono sposobu wykorzystania klucza - przyjêto wszystkie sposoby\n" +"nie okreÅ›lono sposobu wykorzystania klucza - przyjÄ™to wszystkie sposoby\n" #: sm/certlist.c:132 sm/keylist.c:272 #, c-format msgid "error getting key usage information: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas pobierania informacji o wykorzystaniu klucza: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas pobierania informacji o wykorzystaniu klucza: %s\n" #: sm/certlist.c:142 msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" -msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do po¶wiadczania\n" +msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do poÅ›wiadczania\n" #: sm/certlist.c:154 msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" -msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do podpisywania odpowiedzi OCSP\n" +msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do podpisywania odpowiedzi OCSP\n" #: sm/certlist.c:165 msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" -msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do szyfrowania\n" +msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do szyfrowania\n" #: sm/certlist.c:166 msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" -msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien byæ u¿ywany do podpisywania\n" +msgstr "certyfikat nie powinien być używany do podpisywania\n" #: sm/certlist.c:167 msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" -msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siê do szyfrowania\n" +msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siÄ™ do szyfrowania\n" #: sm/certlist.c:168 msgid "certificate is not usable for signing\n" -msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siê do podpisywania\n" +msgstr "certyfikat nie nadaje siÄ™ do podpisywania\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:474 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid algorithm\n" -msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwy algorytm\n" +msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy algorytm\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:487 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid key length %u (valid are %d to %d)\n" -msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwa d³ugo¶æ klucza %u (poprawne s± od %d do %d)\n" +msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa dÅ‚ugość klucza %u (poprawne sÄ… od %d do %d)\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 #, c-format @@ -7502,12 +7582,12 @@ #: sm/certreqgen.c:514 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" +msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:517 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" -msgstr "linia %d: niew³a¶ciwa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s'' na pozycji %d\n" +msgstr "linia %d: niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s'' na pozycji %d\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:534 #, c-format @@ -7517,24 +7597,24 @@ #: sm/certreqgen.c:546 #, c-format msgid "line %d: error reading key `%s' from card: %s\n" -msgstr "linia %d: b³±d odczytu klucza ,,%s'' z karty: %s\n" +msgstr "linia %d: bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu klucza ,,%s'' z karty: %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:558 #, c-format msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "linia %d: b³±d pobierania klucza z uchwytu ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "linia %d: bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania klucza z uchwytu ,,%s'': %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:574 #, c-format msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" -msgstr "linia %d: generowanie klucza nie powiod³o siê: %s <%s>\n" +msgstr "linia %d: generowanie klucza nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s <%s>\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:806 msgid "" "To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " "you just created once more.\n" msgstr "" -"Aby zakoñczyæ to ¿±danie certyfikatu proszê wprowadziæ jeszcze raz has³o dla " +"Aby zakoÅ„czyć to żądanie certyfikatu proszÄ™ wprowadzić jeszcze raz hasÅ‚o dla " "utworzonego klucza.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 @@ -7545,12 +7625,12 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:159 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Existing key\n" -msgstr " (%d) Istniej±cy klucz\n" +msgstr " (%d) IstniejÄ…cy klucz\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:160 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Existing key from card\n" -msgstr " (%d) Istniej±cy klucz z karty\n" +msgstr " (%d) IstniejÄ…cy klucz z karty\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:202 msgid "Enter the keygrip: " @@ -7558,7 +7638,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" -msgstr "Nieprawid³owy uchwyt klucza (oczekiwano 40 cyfr szesnastkowych)\n" +msgstr "NieprawidÅ‚owy uchwyt klucza (oczekiwano 40 cyfr szesnastkowych)\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" @@ -7567,7 +7647,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:230 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:239 #, c-format msgid "error reading the card: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu karty: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu karty: %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 #, c-format @@ -7576,12 +7656,12 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 msgid "Available keys:\n" -msgstr "Dostêpne klucze:\n" +msgstr "DostÄ™pne klucze:\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:276 #, c-format msgid "Possible actions for a %s key:\n" -msgstr "Mo¿liwe akcje dla klucza %s:\n" +msgstr "Możliwe akcje dla klucza %s:\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:277 #, c-format @@ -7609,7 +7689,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 #, c-format msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -msgstr "Nieprawid³owa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" +msgstr "NieprawidÅ‚owa etykieta nazwy przedmiotu ,,%.*s''\n" #. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the #. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please @@ -7619,7 +7699,7 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 #, c-format msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" -msgstr "Nieprawid³owa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "NieprawidÅ‚owa nazwa przedmiotu ,,%s''\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" @@ -7647,20 +7727,20 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" -msgstr "Parametry, które bêd± u¿yte przy ¿±daniu certyfikatu:\n" +msgstr "Parametry, które bÄ™dÄ… użyte przy żądaniu certyfikatu:\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" -msgstr "Tworzenie ¿±dania certyfikatu. Mo¿e to chwilê potrwaæ...\n" +msgstr "Tworzenie żądania certyfikatu. Może to chwilÄ™ potrwać...\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" msgstr "" -"Gotowe. Teraz nale¿y wys³aæ to ¿±danie do w³asnego centrum certyfikacji.\n" +"Gotowe. Teraz należy wysÅ‚ać to żądanie do wÅ‚asnego centrum certyfikacji.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" -msgstr "problem z zasobami: brak pamiêci\n" +msgstr "problem z zasobami: brak pamiÄ™ci\n" #: sm/decrypt.c:330 msgid "(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n" @@ -7668,7 +7748,7 @@ #: sm/decrypt.c:332 msgid "(this does not seem to be an encrypted message)\n" -msgstr "(to nie wygl±da na zaszyfrowan± wiadomo¶æ)\n" +msgstr "(to nie wyglÄ…da na zaszyfrowanÄ… wiadomość)\n" #: sm/delete.c:51 sm/delete.c:112 #, c-format @@ -7678,42 +7758,42 @@ #: sm/delete.c:122 sm/keydb.c:1574 sm/keydb.c:1676 #, c-format msgid "error locking keybox: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d blokowania keyboksa: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d blokowania keyboksa: %s\n" #: sm/delete.c:143 #, c-format msgid "duplicated certificate `%s' deleted\n" -msgstr "powtórzony certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniêty\n" +msgstr "powtórzony certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniÄ™ty\n" #: sm/delete.c:145 #, c-format msgid "certificate `%s' deleted\n" -msgstr "certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniêty\n" +msgstr "certyfikat ,,%s'' usuniÄ™ty\n" #: sm/delete.c:175 #, c-format msgid "deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n" -msgstr "usuniêcie certyfikatu ,,%s'' nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "usuniÄ™cie certyfikatu ,,%s'' nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: sm/encrypt.c:321 msgid "no valid recipients given\n" -msgstr "nie podano poprawnych adresatów\n" +msgstr "nie podano poprawnych adresatów\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:197 msgid "list external keys" -msgstr "wypisanie kluczy zewnêtrznych" +msgstr "wypisanie kluczy zewnÄ™trznych" #: sm/gpgsm.c:199 msgid "list certificate chain" -msgstr "wypisanie ³añcucha certyfikatów" +msgstr "wypisanie Å‚aÅ„cucha certyfikatów" #: sm/gpgsm.c:206 msgid "import certificates" -msgstr "import certyfikatów" +msgstr "import certyfikatów" #: sm/gpgsm.c:207 msgid "export certificates" -msgstr "eksport certyfikatów" +msgstr "eksport certyfikatów" #: sm/gpgsm.c:209 msgid "register a smartcard" @@ -7725,39 +7805,39 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:214 msgid "invoke gpg-protect-tool" -msgstr "wywo³anie gpg-protect-tool" +msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie gpg-protect-tool" #: sm/gpgsm.c:230 msgid "create base-64 encoded output" -msgstr "tworzenie wyj¶cia zakodowanego base-64" +msgstr "tworzenie wyjÅ›cia zakodowanego base-64" #: sm/gpgsm.c:235 msgid "assume input is in PEM format" -msgstr "przyjêcie wej¶cia w formacie PEM" +msgstr "przyjÄ™cie wejÅ›cia w formacie PEM" #: sm/gpgsm.c:237 msgid "assume input is in base-64 format" -msgstr "przyjêcie wej¶cia w formacie base-64" +msgstr "przyjÄ™cie wejÅ›cia w formacie base-64" #: sm/gpgsm.c:239 msgid "assume input is in binary format" -msgstr "przyjêcie wej¶cia w formacie binarnym" +msgstr "przyjÄ™cie wejÅ›cia w formacie binarnym" #: sm/gpgsm.c:244 msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" -msgstr "u¿ycie systemowego dirmngr je¶li jest dostêpny" +msgstr "użycie systemowego dirmngr jeÅ›li jest dostÄ™pny" #: sm/gpgsm.c:247 msgid "never consult a CRL" -msgstr "pominiêcie CRL" +msgstr "pominiÄ™cie CRL" #: sm/gpgsm.c:257 msgid "check validity using OCSP" -msgstr "sprawdzenie poprawno¶ci przy u¿yciu OCSP" +msgstr "sprawdzenie poprawnoÅ›ci przy użyciu OCSP" #: sm/gpgsm.c:262 msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" -msgstr "|N|liczba certyfikatów do do³±czenia" +msgstr "|N|liczba certyfikatów do doÅ‚Ä…czenia" #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" @@ -7765,59 +7845,59 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 msgid "do not check certificate policies" -msgstr "nie sprawdzanie polityk certyfikatów" +msgstr "nie sprawdzanie polityk certyfikatów" #: sm/gpgsm.c:272 msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" -msgstr "pobranie brakuj±cych certyfikatów wystawców" +msgstr "pobranie brakujÄ…cych certyfikatów wystawców" #: sm/gpgsm.c:283 msgid "don't use the terminal at all" -msgstr "nie u¿ywanie w ogóle terminala" +msgstr "nie używanie w ogóle terminala" #: sm/gpgsm.c:285 msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKU" +msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKU" #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów audytowych do PLIKU" +msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów audytowych do PLIKU" #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 msgid "batch mode: never ask" -msgstr "tryb wsadowy: bez ¿adnych pytañ" +msgstr "tryb wsadowy: bez żadnych pytaÅ„" #: sm/gpgsm.c:294 msgid "assume yes on most questions" -msgstr "przyjêcie odpowiedzi ,,tak'' na wiêkszo¶æ pytañ" +msgstr "przyjÄ™cie odpowiedzi ,,tak'' na wiÄ™kszość pytaÅ„" #: sm/gpgsm.c:295 msgid "assume no on most questions" -msgstr "przyjêcie odpowiedzi ,,nie'' na wiêkszo¶æ pytañ" +msgstr "przyjÄ™cie odpowiedzi ,,nie'' na wiÄ™kszość pytaÅ„" #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" -msgstr "|PLIK|dodanie tego zbioru kluczy do listy zbiorów kluczy" +msgstr "|PLIK|dodanie tego zbioru kluczy do listy zbiorów kluczy" #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -msgstr "|U¯YTKOWNIK|u¿ycie tego identyfikatora jako domy¶lnego klucza tajnego" +msgstr "|UÅ»YTKOWNIK|użycie tego identyfikatora jako domyÅ›lnego klucza tajnego" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" -msgstr "|SPEC|u¿ycie tego serwera do wyszukiwania kluczy" +msgstr "|SPEC|użycie tego serwera do wyszukiwania kluczy" #: sm/gpgsm.c:329 msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" -msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie tego algorytmu szyfrowania NAZWA" +msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie tego algorytmu szyfrowania NAZWA" #: sm/gpgsm.c:331 msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" -msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie tego algorytmu skrótu wiadomo¶ci" +msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie tego algorytmu skrótu wiadomoÅ›ci" #: sm/gpgsm.c:522 msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 msgid "" @@ -7825,24 +7905,24 @@ "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki]\n" -"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie z u¿yciem " +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpgsm [opcje] [pliki]\n" +"Podpisywanie, sprawdzanie podpisów, szyfrowanie, rozszyfrowywanie z użyciem " "S/MIME\n" -"Domy¶lnie wykonywana operacja zale¿y od danych wej¶ciowych\n" +"DomyÅ›lnie wykonywana operacja zależy od danych wejÅ›ciowych\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:617 msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " -msgstr "wywo³anie: gpgsm [opcje]" +msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie: gpgsm [opcje]" #: sm/gpgsm.c:739 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "UWAGA: nie mo¿na zaszyfrowaæ do ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "UWAGA: nie można zaszyfrować do ,,%s'': %s\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:750 #, c-format msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" -msgstr "nieznany model poprawno¶ci ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "nieznany model poprawnoÅ›ci ,,%s''\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:801 #, c-format @@ -7852,68 +7932,68 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:820 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: podano has³o bez u¿ytkownika\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: podano hasÅ‚o bez użytkownika\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:841 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: linia pominiêta\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: linia pominiÄ™ta\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" -msgstr "niezrozumia³y adres serwera kluczy\n" +msgstr "niezrozumiaÅ‚y adres serwera kluczy\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " -msgstr "OSTRZE¯ENIE: dzia³anie z fa³szywym czasem systemowym: " +msgstr "OSTRZEÅ»ENIE: dziaÅ‚anie z faÅ‚szywym czasem systemowym: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" -msgstr "import wspólnych certyfikatów ,,%s''\n" +msgstr "import wspólnych certyfikatów ,,%s''\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na podpisaæ z u¿yciem ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można podpisać z użyciem ,,%s'': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" -msgstr "b³êdne polecenie (nie ma polecenia domy¶lnego)\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dne polecenie (nie ma polecenia domyÅ›lnego)\n" #: sm/import.c:111 #, c-format msgid "total number processed: %lu\n" -msgstr "ca³kowita liczba przetworzonych: %lu\n" +msgstr "caÅ‚kowita liczba przetworzonych: %lu\n" #: sm/import.c:230 msgid "error storing certificate\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisywania certyfikatu\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisywania certyfikatu\n" #: sm/import.c:238 msgid "basic certificate checks failed - not imported\n" msgstr "" -"podstawowe sprawdzenia certyikatu nie powiod³y siê - nie zaimportowany\n" +"podstawowe sprawdzenia certyikatu nie powiodÅ‚y siÄ™ - nie zaimportowany\n" #: sm/import.c:492 sm/keydb.c:1594 sm/keydb.c:1688 #, c-format msgid "error getting stored flags: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d pobierania zapisanych flag: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d pobierania zapisanych flag: %s\n" #: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 #, c-format msgid "error importing certificate: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d importu certyfikatu: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d importu certyfikatu: %s\n" #: sm/import.c:684 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "error reading input: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu wej¶cia: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu wejÅ›cia: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:216 #, c-format msgid "error creating keybox `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d tworzenia keyboksa ,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d tworzenia keyboksa ,,%s'': %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:223 #, c-format @@ -7922,22 +8002,22 @@ #: sm/keydb.c:1489 sm/keydb.c:1557 msgid "failed to get the fingerprint\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê pobraæ odcisku\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ pobrać odcisku\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n" -msgstr "problem odszukaniem istniej±cego certyfikatu: %s\n" +msgstr "problem odszukaniem istniejÄ…cego certyfikatu: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "error finding writable keyDB: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d podczas szukania zapisywalnego keyDB: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d podczas szukania zapisywalnego keyDB: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1533 #, c-format msgid "error storing certificate: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisywania certyfikatu: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisywania certyfikatu: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1585 #, c-format @@ -7947,26 +8027,26 @@ #: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 #, c-format msgid "error storing flags: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisywania flag: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisywania flag: %s\n" #: sm/keylist.c:642 msgid "Error - " -msgstr "B³±d - " +msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d - " #: sm/misc.c:55 msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" msgstr "" -"GPG_TTY nie zosta³o ustawione - u¿ycie byæ mo¿e nieprawid³owego domy¶lnego\n" +"GPG_TTY nie zostaÅ‚o ustawione - użycie być może nieprawidÅ‚owego domyÅ›lnego\n" #: sm/qualified.c:105 #, c-format msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwie sformatowany odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwie sformatowany odcisk w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" #: sm/qualified.c:123 #, c-format msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "niew³a¶ciwy kod kraju w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" +msgstr "niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwy kod kraju w ,,%s'', w linii %d\n" #: sm/qualified.c:202 #, c-format @@ -7978,19 +8058,19 @@ "\n" "%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" msgstr "" -"Ta operacja z³o¿y podpis przy u¿yciu certyfikatu:\n" +"Ta operacja zÅ‚oży podpis przy użyciu certyfikatu:\n" ",,%s''\n" -"Utworzy to kwalifikowany podpis równowa¿ny prawnie podpisowi odrêcznemu.\n" +"Utworzy to kwalifikowany podpis równoważny prawnie podpisowi odrÄ™cznemu.\n" "\n" -"%s%sNa pewno chcesz to zrobiæ?" +"%s%sNa pewno chcesz to zrobić?" #: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 msgid "" "Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " "signatures.\n" msgstr "" -"Nale¿y zauwa¿yæ, ¿e to oprogramowaie nie jest oficjalnie zatwierdzone do " -"tworzenia i sprawdzania takich podpisów.\n" +"Należy zauważyć, że to oprogramowaie nie jest oficjalnie zatwierdzone do " +"tworzenia i sprawdzania takich podpisów.\n" #: sm/qualified.c:278 #, c-format @@ -7999,26 +8079,26 @@ "\"%s\"\n" "Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" msgstr "" -"Ta operacja z³o¿y podpis przy u¿yciu certyfikatu:\n" +"Ta operacja zÅ‚oży podpis przy użyciu certyfikatu:\n" ",,%s''\n" -"Nale¿y zauwa¿yæ, ¿e ten certyfikat NIE utworzy kwalifikowanego podpisu!" +"Należy zauważyć, że ten certyfikat NIE utworzy kwalifikowanego podpisu!" #: sm/sign.c:449 #, c-format msgid "hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported; using %s\n" msgstr "" -"algorytm skrótu %d (%s) dla podpisuj±cego %d nie jest obs³ugiwany; u¿ycie " +"algorytm skrótu %d (%s) dla podpisujÄ…cego %d nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwany; użycie " "%s\n" #: sm/sign.c:463 #, c-format msgid "hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n" -msgstr "algorytm skrótu u¿yty dla podpisuj±cego %d: %s (%s)\n" +msgstr "algorytm skrótu użyty dla podpisujÄ…cego %d: %s (%s)\n" #: sm/sign.c:513 #, c-format msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" -msgstr "sprawdzenie certyfikatu kwalifikowanego nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "sprawdzenie certyfikatu kwalifikowanego nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: sm/verify.c:449 msgid "Signature made " @@ -8031,16 +8111,16 @@ #: sm/verify.c:454 #, c-format msgid " using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n" -msgstr " przy u¿yciu certyfikatu o ID 0x%08lX\n" +msgstr " przy użyciu certyfikatu o ID 0x%08lX\n" #: sm/verify.c:473 msgid "" "invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" -msgstr "b³êdny podpis: atrybut skrótu wiadomo¶ci nie zgadza siê z obliczonym\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä™dny podpis: atrybut skrótu wiadomoÅ›ci nie zgadza siÄ™ z obliczonym\n" #: sm/verify.c:594 msgid "Good signature from" -msgstr "Poprawny podpis z³o¿ony przez" +msgstr "Poprawny podpis zÅ‚ożony przez" #: sm/verify.c:595 msgid " aka" @@ -8064,19 +8144,19 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" -msgstr "|NAZWA|po³±czenie z gniazdem Assuan o tej nazwie" +msgstr "|NAZWA|poÅ‚Ä…czenie z gniazdem Assuan o tej nazwie" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" -msgstr "uruchomienie serwera Assuan podanego z linii poleceñ" +msgstr "uruchomienie serwera Assuan podanego z linii poleceÅ„" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 msgid "do not use extended connect mode" -msgstr "nie u¿ywanie rozszerzonego trybu po³±czenia" +msgstr "nie używanie rozszerzonego trybu poÅ‚Ä…czenia" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" -msgstr "|PLIK|uruchomienie poleceñ z PLIKU przy starcie" +msgstr "|PLIK|uruchomienie poleceÅ„ z PLIKU przy starcie" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 msgid "run /subst on startup" @@ -8084,20 +8164,20 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:184 msgid "Usage: gpg-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-connect-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-connect-agent [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:187 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-connect-agent [options]\n" "Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpg-connect-agent [opcje]\n" -"Po³±czenie z dzia³aj±cym agentem i wysy³anie poleceñ\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-connect-agent [opcje]\n" +"PoÅ‚Ä…czenie z dziaÅ‚ajÄ…cym agentem i wysyÅ‚anie poleceÅ„\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 #, c-format msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" -msgstr "opcja ,,%s'' wymaga programu i opcjonalnych argumentów\n" +msgstr "opcja ,,%s'' wymaga programu i opcjonalnych argumentów\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 #, c-format @@ -8107,15 +8187,15 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 #, c-format msgid "receiving line failed: %s\n" -msgstr "odbieranie linii nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "odbieranie linii nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 msgid "line too long - skipped\n" -msgstr "linia zbyt d³uga - pominiêta\n" +msgstr "linia zbyt dÅ‚uga - pominiÄ™ta\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" -msgstr "linia skrócona z powodu osadzonego znaku Nul\n" +msgstr "linia skrócona z powodu osadzonego znaku Nul\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 #, c-format @@ -8125,41 +8205,41 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1761 #, c-format msgid "sending line failed: %s\n" -msgstr "wysy³anie linii nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "wysyÅ‚anie linii nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 #, c-format msgid "error sending %s command: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d wysy³ania polecenia %s: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d wysyÅ‚ania polecenia %s: %s\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 #, c-format msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d wysy³ania standardowych opcji: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d wysyÅ‚ania standardowych opcji: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" -msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce wyj¶ciem diagnostycznym" +msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce wyjÅ›ciem diagnostycznym" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" -msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce konfiguracj±" +msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce konfiguracjÄ…" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Opcje przydatne do diagnostyki" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKu" +msgstr "|PLIK|zapisanie logów trybu serwerowego do PLIKu" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" -msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce bezpieczeñstwem" +msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce bezpieczeÅ„stwem" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:522 msgid "|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds" @@ -8168,126 +8248,126 @@ #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -"|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu ¿ycia pamiêci podrêcznej PIN-ów na N sekund" +"|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu życia pamiÄ™ci podrÄ™cznej PIN-ów na N sekund" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu ¿ycia kluczy SSH na N sekund" +msgstr "|N|ustawienie maksymalnego czasu życia kluczy SSH na N sekund" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -msgstr "Opcje wymuszaj±ce politykê hase³" +msgstr "Opcje wymuszajÄ…ce politykÄ™ haseÅ‚" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -msgstr "nie zezwalanie na pominiêcie polityki hase³" +msgstr "nie zezwalanie na pominiÄ™cie polityki haseÅ‚" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" -msgstr "|N|ustawienie minimalnej d³ugo¶ci nowych hase³ na N" +msgstr "|N|ustawienie minimalnej dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci nowych haseÅ‚ na N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -msgstr "|N|wymaganie przynajmniej N znaków niealfanumerycznych w nowym ha¶le" +msgstr "|N|wymaganie przynajmniej N znaków niealfanumerycznych w nowym haÅ›le" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -msgstr "|PLIK|sprawdzanie nowych hase³ pod k±tem wzorców z PLIKU" +msgstr "|PLIK|sprawdzanie nowych haseÅ‚ pod kÄ…tem wzorców z PLIKU" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -msgstr "|N|przedawnianie hase³ po N dniach" +msgstr "|N|przedawnianie haseÅ‚ po N dniach" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" -msgstr "nie zezwalanie na ponowne u¿ycie starych hase³" +msgstr "nie zezwalanie na ponowne użycie starych haseÅ‚" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie NAZWY jako domy¶lnego klucza tajnego" +msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie NAZWY jako domyÅ›lnego klucza tajnego" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -msgstr "|NAZWA|szyfrowanie tak¿e dla odbiorcy NAZWA" +msgstr "|NAZWA|szyfrowanie także dla odbiorcy NAZWA" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -msgstr "|SPEC|okre¶l adres email" +msgstr "|SPEC|okreÅ›l adres email" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" -msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów kluczy" +msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów kluczy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" -msgstr "|URL|u¿ywaj serwera kluczy URL" +msgstr "|URL|używaj serwera kluczy URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" -msgstr "zezwolenie na wyszukiwania PKA (¿±dania DNS)" +msgstr "zezwolenie na wyszukiwania PKA (żądania DNS)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" "|MECHANIZMY|wykorzystaj MECHANIZMY do wyszukiwania kluczy na podstawie " -"adresów e-mail" +"adresów e-mail" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" -msgstr "zablokuj dostêp do dirmngr" +msgstr "zablokuj dostÄ™p do dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -msgstr "|NAZWA|u¿ycie kodowania NAZWA dla hase³ PKCS#12" +msgstr "|NAZWA|użycie kodowania NAZWA dla haseÅ‚ PKCS#12" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -msgstr "nie sprawdzanie CRL dla g³ównych certyfikatów" +msgstr "nie sprawdzanie CRL dla głównych certyfikatów" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" -msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce formatem wyj¶cia" +msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce formatem wyjÅ›cia" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" -msgstr "Opcje steruj±ce interaktywno¶ci± i wymuszaniem" +msgstr "Opcje sterujÄ…ce interaktywnoÅ›ciÄ… i wymuszaniem" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" -msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów HTTP" +msgstr "Konfiguracja dla serwerów HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" -msgstr "u¿ycie systemowego ustawienia proxy HTTP" +msgstr "użycie systemowego ustawienia proxy HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" -msgstr "Konfiguracja u¿ywanych serwerów LDAP" +msgstr "Konfiguracja używanych serwerów LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" -msgstr "lista serwerów LDAP" +msgstr "lista serwerów LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Konfiguracja dla OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" -msgstr "Zewnêtrzna weryfikacja komponentu %s nie powiod³a siê" +msgstr "ZewnÄ™trzna weryfikacja komponentu %s nie powiodÅ‚a siÄ™" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" -msgstr "Uwaga, okre¶lenia grup s± ignorowane\n" +msgstr "Uwaga, okreÅ›lenia grup sÄ… ignorowane\n" #: tools/gpgconf.c:62 msgid "list all components" -msgstr "lista wszystkich komponentów" +msgstr "lista wszystkich komponentów" #: tools/gpgconf.c:63 msgid "check all programs" -msgstr "sprawdzenie wszystkich programów" +msgstr "sprawdzenie wszystkich programów" #: tools/gpgconf.c:64 msgid "|COMPONENT|list options" @@ -8303,7 +8383,7 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:68 msgid "apply global default values" -msgstr "zastosowanie globalnych warto¶ci domy¶lnych" +msgstr "zastosowanie globalnych wartoÅ›ci domyÅ›lnych" #: tools/gpgconf.c:70 msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" @@ -8311,7 +8391,7 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:72 msgid "list global configuration file" -msgstr "wy¶wietl globalny plik konfiguracyjny" +msgstr "wyÅ›wietl globalny plik konfiguracyjny" #: tools/gpgconf.c:74 msgid "check global configuration file" @@ -8319,27 +8399,27 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:79 msgid "use as output file" -msgstr "plik wyj¶ciowy" +msgstr "plik wyjÅ›ciowy" #: tools/gpgconf.c:83 msgid "activate changes at runtime, if possible" -msgstr "uaktywnienie zmian w czasie dzia³ania o ile to mo¿liwe" +msgstr "uaktywnienie zmian w czasie dziaÅ‚ania o ile to możliwe" #: tools/gpgconf.c:105 msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpgconf [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpgconf [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: tools/gpgconf.c:108 msgid "" "Syntax: gpgconf [options]\n" "Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpgconf [opcje]\n" -"Zarz±dzanie opcjami konfiguracji dla narzêdzi z systemu GnuPG\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpgconf [opcje]\n" +"ZarzÄ…dzanie opcjami konfiguracji dla narzÄ™dzi z systemu GnuPG\n" #: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " -msgstr "wywo³anie: gpgconf [opcje]" +msgstr "wywoÅ‚anie: gpgconf [opcje]" #: tools/gpgconf.c:216 msgid "Need one component argument" @@ -8373,7 +8453,7 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:161 msgid "tool class (confucius)" -msgstr "klasa narzêdzia (confucius)" +msgstr "klasa narzÄ™dzia (confucius)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:162 msgid "program filename" @@ -8385,11 +8465,11 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 msgid "input file name (default stdin)" -msgstr "nazwa pliku wej¶ciowego (domy¶lnie standardowe wej¶cie)" +msgstr "nazwa pliku wejÅ›ciowego (domyÅ›lnie standardowe wejÅ›cie)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: symcryptrun [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: symcryptrun [opcje] (-h podaje pomoc)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:212 msgid "" @@ -8397,9 +8477,9 @@ "[options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n" "Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: symcryptrun --class KLASA --program PROGRAM --keyfile PLIK_KLUCZA " -"[opcje...] POLECENIE [plik-we¶ciowy]\n" -"Wywo³anie prostego narzêdzia do szyfrowania symetrycznego\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: symcryptrun --class KLASA --program PROGRAM --keyfile PLIK_KLUCZA " +"[opcje...] POLECENIE [plik-weÅ›ciowy]\n" +"WywoÅ‚anie prostego narzÄ™dzia do szyfrowania symetrycznego\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 #, c-format @@ -8409,32 +8489,32 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:288 #, c-format msgid "%s on %s failed with status %i\n" -msgstr "%s na %s nie powiód³ siê ze stanem %i\n" +msgstr "%s na %s nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™ ze stanem %i\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:314 #, c-format msgid "can't create temporary directory `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na utworzyæ katalogu tymczasowego,,%s'': %s\n" +msgstr "nie można utworzyć katalogu tymczasowego,,%s'': %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:354 tools/symcryptrun.c:371 #, c-format msgid "could not open %s for writing: %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê otworzyæ %s do zapisu: %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ otworzyć %s do zapisu: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:382 #, c-format msgid "error writing to %s: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zapisu do %s: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zapisu do %s: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:389 #, c-format msgid "error reading from %s: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d odczytu z %s: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d odczytu z %s: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:396 tools/symcryptrun.c:403 #, c-format msgid "error closing %s: %s\n" -msgstr "b³±d zamykania %s: %s\n" +msgstr "bÅ‚Ä…d zamykania %s: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:488 msgid "no --program option provided\n" @@ -8442,7 +8522,7 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:494 msgid "only --decrypt and --encrypt are supported\n" -msgstr "obs³ugiwane s± tylko --decrypt i --encrypt\n" +msgstr "obsÅ‚ugiwane sÄ… tylko --decrypt i --encrypt\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:500 msgid "no --keyfile option provided\n" @@ -8450,67 +8530,67 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na przydzieliæ wektora args\n" +msgstr "nie można przydzielić wektora args\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 #, c-format msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ potoku: %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć potoku: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 #, c-format msgid "could not create pty: %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê utworzyæ pty: %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ utworzyć pty: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:552 #, c-format msgid "could not fork: %s\n" -msgstr "nie uda³o siê wykonaæ fork: %s\n" +msgstr "nie udaÅ‚o siÄ™ wykonać fork: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:580 #, c-format msgid "execv failed: %s\n" -msgstr "execv nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "execv nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:609 #, c-format msgid "select failed: %s\n" -msgstr "select nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "select nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 #, c-format msgid "read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "odczyt nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "odczyt nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 #, c-format msgid "pty read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "odczyt pty nie powiód³ siê: %s\n" +msgstr "odczyt pty nie powiódÅ‚ siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:730 #, c-format msgid "waitpid failed: %s\n" -msgstr "waitpid nie powiod³o siê: %s\n" +msgstr "waitpid nie powiodÅ‚o siÄ™: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:744 #, c-format msgid "child aborted with status %i\n" -msgstr "potomek zosta³ przerwany ze stanem %i\n" +msgstr "potomek zostaÅ‚ przerwany ze stanem %i\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:799 #, c-format msgid "cannot allocate infile string: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na przydzieliæ ³añcucha pliku wej¶ciowego: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można przydzielić Å‚aÅ„cucha pliku wejÅ›ciowego: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:812 #, c-format msgid "cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n" -msgstr "nie mo¿na przydzieliæ ³añcucha pliku wyj¶ciowego: %s\n" +msgstr "nie można przydzielić Å‚aÅ„cucha pliku wyjÅ›ciowego: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:986 #, c-format msgid "either %s or %s must be given\n" -msgstr "musi byæ podane %s lub %s\n" +msgstr "musi być podane %s lub %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:1013 msgid "no class provided\n" @@ -8519,25 +8599,16 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:1022 #, c-format msgid "class %s is not supported\n" -msgstr "klasa %s nie jest obs³ugiwana\n" +msgstr "klasa %s nie jest obsÅ‚ugiwana\n" #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:145 msgid "Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n" -msgstr "Wywo³anie: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców (-h podaje pomoc)\n" +msgstr "WywoÅ‚anie: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców (-h podaje pomoc)\n" #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:148 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n" "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" msgstr "" -"Sk³adnia: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców\n" -"Sprawdzanie has³a ze standardowego wej¶cia wzglêdem pliku wzorców\n" - -#~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" -#~ msgstr "mo¿na najpierw uruchomiæ najpierw gpg-agenta\n" - -#~ msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" -#~ msgstr "w³±czenie emulacji ssh-agenta" - -#~ msgid "error loading `%s': %s\n" -#~ msgstr "b³±d odczytu ,,%s'': %s\n" +"SkÅ‚adnia: gpg-check-pattern [opcje] plik-wzorców\n" +"Sprawdzanie hasÅ‚a ze standardowego wejÅ›cia wzglÄ™dem pliku wzorców\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pt_BR.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pt_BR.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pt_BR.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pt_BR.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pt_BR.po 2014-08-12 18:30:20.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pt_BR.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-16 11:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator:\n" "Language-Team: ?\n" -"Language: \n" +"Language: pt_BR\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -32,21 +32,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Você realmente quer criar uma chave para assinatura e criptografia? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "frase secreta inválida" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -56,17 +84,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -76,41 +104,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "linha muito longa\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "linha muito longa\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Caractere inválido no nome\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI incorreto" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "frase secreta incorreta" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "frase secreta incorreta" @@ -120,22 +148,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "algoritmo de proteção %d não é suportado\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível criar %s: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" @@ -354,7 +382,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -365,275 +393,280 @@ "Opções:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "detalhado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "ser mais silencioso" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|ARQUIVO|carregar módulo de extensão ARQUIVO" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "atualizar o banco de dados de confiabilidade" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" # suportado ??? -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "não suportado" # suportado ??? -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "não suportado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Por favor comunique bugs para .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [arquivos] (-h para ajuda)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: arquivo de opções padrão `%s' inexistente\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "arquivo de opções `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "lendo opções de `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: impossível criar diretório: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "impossível criar %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "Certificado de revogação válido" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "atualização falhou: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: diretório criado\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "banco de dados de confiabilidade: leitura falhou (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: impossível criar diretório: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "atualização da chave secreta falhou: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "\t%lu chaves ignoradas\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -650,7 +683,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -659,7 +692,7 @@ "@Comandos:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -829,8 +862,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" @@ -1216,84 +1249,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "cabeçalho de armadura inválido: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "cabeçalho de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "cabeçalho de assinatura em texto puro inválido\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "cabeçalho de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "assinaturas em texto puro aninhadas\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armadura inesperada:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "linha com hífen inválida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "caractere radix64 inválido %02x ignorado\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "fim de arquivo prematuro (sem CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "fim de arquivo prematuro (no CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC malformado\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "erro de CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "fim de arquivo prematuro (no \"Trailer\")\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "erro na linha \"trailer\"\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "nenhum dado OpenPGP válido encontrado.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armadura inválida: linha maior que %d caracteres\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "caractere \"quoted printable\" na armadura - provavelmente um MTA com bugs " "foi usado\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 #, fuzzy msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " @@ -1302,25 +1335,25 @@ "um nome de notação deve ter apenas letras, dígitos, pontos ou sublinhados e " "terminar com '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 #, fuzzy msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "um valor de notação não deve usar caracteres de controle\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "um valor de notação não deve usar caracteres de controle\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "um valor de notação não deve usar caracteres de controle\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "AVISO: dados de notação inválidos encontrados\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "" @@ -1334,8 +1367,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "impossível fazer isso em modo não-interativo\n" @@ -1344,14 +1377,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "a chave pública não está mais disponível" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Sua opção? " @@ -1423,7 +1456,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" @@ -1527,13 +1560,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Que tamanho de chave você quer? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "arredondado para %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1589,8 +1622,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Opção inválida.\n" @@ -1619,7 +1652,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "sair deste menu" @@ -1628,7 +1661,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "comandos conflitantes\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "mostra esta ajuda" @@ -1709,7 +1742,7 @@ msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" # help ou ajuda ??? -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Comando inválido (tente \"help\")\n" @@ -1717,18 +1750,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "usuário `%s' não encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1983,240 +2016,240 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "AVISO: nada exportado\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "entradas demais no cache pk - desativado\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[usuário não encontrado]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Impressão digital:" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "há uma chave secreta para esta chave pública!\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "usando chave secundária %08lX ao invés de chave primária %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[arquivo]|fazer uma assinatura em texto puro" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "criptografar dados" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "" "criptografar apenas com criptografia\n" "simétrica" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "descriptografar dados (padrão)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verificar uma assinatura" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "listar as chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "listar as chaves e as assinaturas" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "verificar as assinaturas das chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "listar as chaves e as impressões digitais" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "listar as chaves secretas" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "gerar um certificado de revogação" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "remover a chave do chaveiro público" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 #, fuzzy msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "remover a chave do chaveiro secreto" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "assinar uma chave" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "assinar uma chave localmente" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "assinar ou editar uma chave" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportar chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importar chaves de um servidor" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 #, fuzzy msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 #, fuzzy msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "importar chaves de um servidor" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importar/fundir chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "atualizar o banco de dados de confiabilidade" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "imprime todos os \"digests\" de mensagens" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "criar saída com armadura ascii" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NOME|criptografar para NOME" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" "usar este identificador de usuário para\n" "assinar ou descriptografar" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "" "|N|estabelecer nível de compressão N\n" "(0 desabilita)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "usar modo de texto canônico" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|ARQUIVO|carregar módulo de extensão ARQUIVO" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "não fazer alterações" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2236,11 +2269,11 @@ " --list-keys [nomes] mostrar chaves\n" " --fingerprint [nomes] mostrar impressões digitais\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [arquivos] (-h para ajuda)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2255,7 +2288,7 @@ "assina, verifica, criptografa ou descriptografa\n" "a operação padrão depende dos dados de entrada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2263,574 +2296,574 @@ "\n" "Algoritmos suportados:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 #, fuzzy msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Comentário: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "uso: gpg [opções] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "comandos conflitantes\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "alterna entre listagem de chave secreta e pública" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTA: arquivo de opções padrão `%s' inexistente\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTA: %s não é para uso normal!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "chaveiro inválido" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "chaveiro inválido" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "chaveiro inválido" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "AVISO: O programa pode criar um arquivo core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s não é permitido com %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de criptografia selecionado não é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" selecionado não é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de criptografia selecionado não é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 #, fuzzy msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" selecionado não é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed deve ser maior que 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed deve ser maior que 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth deve estar na entre 1 e 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTA: o modo S2K simples (0) não é recomendável\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de criptografia selecionado não é válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao inicializar o banco de dados de confiabilidade: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "descriptografia falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 #, fuzzy msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id-usuário" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id-usuário" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id-usuário [comandos]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key id-usuário" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "enumeração de chaves secretas falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "get_dir_record: search_record falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "enumeração de chaves secretas falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "retirada de armadura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "criação de armadura falhou: %s\n" # "hash" poderia ser "espalhamento", mas não fica claro -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algoritmo de hash inválido `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nome_do_arquivo]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Vá em frente e digite sua mensagem ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 #, fuzzy msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 #, fuzzy msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "a URL de política dada é inválida\n" @@ -2874,469 +2907,474 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Nenhuma ajuda disponível para `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "atualizar o banco de dados de confiabilidade" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "atualizar o banco de dados de confiabilidade" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "lid %lu não tem chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "chave secreta incorreta" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "ignorando bloco do tipo %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu chaves processadas até agora\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Número total processado: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " novas subchaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sem IDs de usuários: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importados: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " não modificados: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " novos IDs de usuários: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " novas subchaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " novas assinaturas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " novas revogações de chaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas lidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas não modificadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importados: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " novas assinaturas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas lidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem ID de usuário\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ignorado `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: aceito ID de usuário sem auto-assinatura '" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem IDs de usuários válidos\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "isto pode ser causado por falta de auto-assinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: não é uma chave rfc2440 - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "impossível escrever chaveiro: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "escrevendo para `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: não corresponde à nossa cópia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: impossível localizar bloco de chaves original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: impossível ler bloco de chaves original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "chave %8lX: 1 novo ID de usuário\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novos IDs de usuários\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: 1 nova assinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: 1 nova subchave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novas subchaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novos IDs de usuários\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novos IDs de usuários\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: não modificada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "usuário `%s' não encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "impossível bloquear chaveiro secreto: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: já está no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: sem chave pública - impossível aplicar certificado\n" "de revogação\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação inválido: %s - rejeitado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação importado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: nenhum ID de usuário para assinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: algoritmo de chave pública não suportado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: auto-assinatura inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: algoritmo de chave pública não suportado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ligação de subchave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ligação de subchave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX.%lu: Revogação de subchave válida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ligação de subchave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ignorado ID de usuário '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: subchave ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: assinatura não exportável (classe %02x) - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação no local errado - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação inválido: %s - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação no local errado - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: assinatura não exportável (classe %02x) - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: detectado ID de usuário duplicado - unido\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: Esta chave foi revogada pelo seu dono!\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "AVISO: Esta chave foi revogada pelo seu dono!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação adicionado\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "lid %lu não tem chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ignorado: a chave secreta já está presente\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ignorado: a chave secreta já está presente\n" @@ -3361,51 +3399,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "%s: falha ao criar tabela de \"hash\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revogação]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[auto-assinatura]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 assinatura incorreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas incorretas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 assinatura não verificada por falta de chave\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas não verificadas por falta de chaves\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 assinatura não verificada devido a um erro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas não verificadas devido a erros\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 ID de usuário sem auto-assinatura válida detectado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d IDs de usuários sem auto-assinaturas válidas detectados\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3424,172 +3462,172 @@ " 4 = Eu confio completamente\n" " s = Mostrar mais informações\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr "%s: não é um banco de dados de confiabilidade\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr "%s: não é um banco de dados de confiabilidade\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente assinar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "has expired.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a local signature.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "Já assinado pela chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "Já assinado pela chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nada para assinar com a chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 #, fuzzy msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Nota: Esta chave expirou!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3598,90 +3636,90 @@ "Você tem certeza de que quer assinar esta chave com\n" "sua chave: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "isto pode ser causado por falta de auto-assinatura\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "A assinatura será marcada como não-exportável.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "A assinatura será marcada como não-exportável.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "A assinatura será marcada como não-exportável.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "A assinatura será marcada como não-exportável.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente assinar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "assinatura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "chave secreta não disponível" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "chave secreta não disponível" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Impossível editar esta chave: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3689,12 +3727,12 @@ "Digite a nova frase para esta chave secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 #, fuzzy msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "A frase secreta não foi repetida corretamente; tente outra vez.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3702,208 +3740,208 @@ "Você não quer uma frase secreta - provavelmente isto é uma *má* idéia!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Você realmente quer fazer isso? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "movendo a assinatura da chave para o local correto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "gravar e sair" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "mostra impressão digital" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "lista chave e identificadores de usuários" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "seleciona ID de usuário N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "seleciona ID de usuário N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revoga assinaturas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "assina a chave localmente" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "lid %lu: id de usuário sem assinatura\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "adiciona um novo ID de usuário" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 #, fuzzy msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "adiciona um novo ID de usuário" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "remove ID de usuário" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "remove uma chave secundária" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 #, fuzzy msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "adiciona nova chave secundária" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Você não pode modificar a data de validade de uma chave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "alterna entre listagem de chave secreta e pública" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 #, fuzzy msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 #, fuzzy msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "muda os valores de confiança" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "adiciona um novo ID de usuário" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoga uma chave secundária" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "ativa uma chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "desativa uma chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Chave secreta disponível.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "A chave secreta é necessária para fazer isto.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3911,626 +3949,636 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 #, fuzzy msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente assinar todos os IDs de usuário? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Sugestão: Selecione os IDs de usuário para assinar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "classe de assinatura desconhecida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Você precisa selecionar pelo menos um ID de usuário.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Você não pode remover o último ID de usuário!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover este ID de usuário? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover este ID de usuário? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Você deve selecionar pelo menos uma chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Você deve selecionar pelo menos uma chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Você realmente quer remover as chaves selecionadas? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Você realmente quer remover esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover este ID de usuário? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Você realmente quer revogar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Você realmente quer revogar as chaves selecionadas? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Você realmente quer revogar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "lista preferências" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de usuário selecionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente gerar os certificados de revogação? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Salvar alterações? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Sair sem salvar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "atualização falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "atualização da chave secreta falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Chave não alterada, nenhuma atualização é necessária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notação: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: Esta chave foi revogada pelo seu dono!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "AVISO: Esta chave foi revogada pelo seu dono!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "impossível criar %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "A chave expira em %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "A chave expira em %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "trust" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "trust" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Esta chave foi desativada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "revkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Você não pode modificar a data de validade de uma chave v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Deletar esta assinatura válida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Deletar esta assinatura inválida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Deletar esta assinatura desconhecida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Realmente remover esta auto-assinatura? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d assinatura removida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas removidas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nada removido.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Digite o tamanho da chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "AVISO: Esta chave foi revogada pelo seu dono!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Por favor remova as seleções das chaves secretas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Por favor selecione no máximo uma chave secundária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Modificando a data de validade para uma chave secundária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Modificando a data de validade para uma chave primária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Você não pode modificar a data de validade de uma chave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no chaveiro secreto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Você precisa selecionar pelo menos um ID de usuário.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: auto-assinatura inválida\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Notação: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Sobrescrever (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Nenhum ID de usuário com índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Nenhum ID de usuário com índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Nenhum ID de usuário com índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID de usuário: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " assinado por %08lX em %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer este tamanho de chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 #, fuzzy msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Gerar um certificado de revogação para esta assinatura? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " assinado por %08lX em %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Você assinou estes IDs de usuário:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr "assinar uma chave localmente" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revogado por %08lX em %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Você está prestes a revogar estas assinaturas:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente gerar os certificados de revogação? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "nenhuma chave secreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "ignorado `%s': duplicado\n" # muitas ou demais ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "Preferências demais" # muitas ou demais ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "Preferências demais" # muitas ou demais ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "Preferências demais" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "Caractere inválido no nome\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 #, fuzzy msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "escrevendo auto-assinatura\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "escrevendo auto-assinatura\n" # key binding ??? -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "escrevendo assinatura ligada a uma chave\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "O tamanho de chave pedido é %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "arredondado para %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "criptografar dados" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4544,7 +4592,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4577,71 +4625,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Por favor selecione o tipo de chave desejado:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (padrão)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (padrão)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (apenas assinatura)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (apenas assinatura)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (apenas criptografia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (apenas criptografia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (apenas criptografia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (apenas criptografia)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Que tamanho de chave você quer? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Que tamanho de chave você quer? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "O tamanho de chave pedido é %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4657,7 +4705,7 @@ " m = chave expira em n meses\n" " y = chave expira em n anos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" @@ -4674,40 +4722,40 @@ " m = chave expira em n meses\n" " y = chave expira em n anos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "A chave é valida por? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "A chave é valida por? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "valor inválido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "A chave não expira nunca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "A chave não expira nunca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "A chave expira em %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4715,12 +4763,12 @@ "Seu sistema não consegue mostrar datas além de 2038.\n" "Apesar disso, elas serão corretamente manipuladas até 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Está correto (s/n)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4731,7 +4779,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4748,44 +4796,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nome completo: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Caractere inválido no nome\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "O nome não pode começar com um dígito\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "O nome deve ter pelo menos 5 caracteres\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Endereço de correio eletrônico: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Endereço eletrônico inválido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comentário: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Caractere inválido no comentário\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Você está usando o conjunto de caracteres `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4796,11 +4844,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4815,24 +4863,24 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoSs" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 #, fuzzy msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Muda (N)ome, (C)omentário, (E)ndereço ou (O)k/(S)air? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Muda (N)ome, (C)omentário, (E)ndereço ou (O)k/(S)air? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4840,19 +4888,19 @@ "Você precisa de uma frase secreta para proteger sua chave.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Por favor digite a frase secreta" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4864,7 +4912,7 @@ "qualquer hora, usando este programa com a opção \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4876,50 +4924,50 @@ "geração dos números primos; isso dá ao gerador de números aleatórios\n" "uma chance melhor de conseguir entropia suficiente.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Geração de chave cancelada.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado público para `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "impossível bloquear chaveiro secreto: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "chaves pública e privada criadas e assinadas.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4928,12 +4976,12 @@ "Note que esta chave não pode ser usada para criptografia. Você pode usar\n" "o comando \"--edit-key\" para gerar uma chave secundária para esse fim.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4941,7 +4989,7 @@ "a chave foi criada %lu segundo no futuro\n" "(viagem no tempo ou problema no relógio)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4949,31 +4997,31 @@ "a chave foi criada %lu segundos no futuro\n" "(viagem no tempo ou problema no relógio)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente criar? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "enumeração de blocos de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível criar %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: chave secreta %08lX expirou %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "" @@ -5036,45 +5084,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "criação de armadura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "AVISO: existem 2 arquivos com informações confidenciais.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s é o não modificado\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s é o novo\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Por favor conserte este possível furo de segurança\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "listar as chaves e as assinaturas" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "listar as chaves e as assinaturas" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: chaveiro criado\n" @@ -5122,7 +5170,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "chaveiro inválido" @@ -5137,126 +5185,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "usuário `%s' não encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "lendo opções de `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "assinado com sua chave %08lX em %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "lendo opções de `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "chaveiro inválido" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "enumeração de chaves secretas falhou: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "erro geral" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "erro geral" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "enumeração de chaves secretas falhou: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "%s não é um mapa de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" @@ -5315,167 +5363,172 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "Repita a frase secreta: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "dados criptografados com %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "descriptografia correta\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "AVISO: nada exportado\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "CUIDADO: a mensagem criptografada foi manipulada!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "descriptografia falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTA: o remetente solicitou \"apenas-para-seus-olhos\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nome de arquivo original='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "revogação isolada - use \"gpg --import\" para aplicá-la\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Assinatura correta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verificação de assinatura suprimida\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " ou \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Assinatura feita em %.*s usando %s, ID da chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 #, fuzzy msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Nenhuma ajuda disponível" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Assinatura INCORRETA de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Assinatura correta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Assinatura correta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " ou \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown" msgstr "versão desconhecida" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Impossível verificar assinatura: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 #, fuzzy msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "assinatura isolada da classe 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "formato de assinatura antigo (PGP2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "pacote raiz inválido detectado em proc_tree()\n" @@ -5489,92 +5542,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "banco de dados de confiabilidade: leitura falhou (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "impossível manipular algoritmo de chave pública %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "NOTA: algoritmo de criptografia %d não encontrado nas preferências\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "algoritmo de criptografia não implementado" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "NOTA: algoritmo de criptografia %d não encontrado nas preferências\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "assinatura %s de: %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "rev- revogações de chaves incorreta\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "AVISO: `%s' é um arquivo vazio\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 #, fuzzy msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "não processado(s)" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "não processado(s)" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "lendo opções de `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "destinatário padrão desconhecido `%s'\n" @@ -5602,46 +5671,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "escrevendo em \"stdout\"\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "assumindo dados assinados em `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: novo arquivo de opções criado\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "impossível manipular algoritmo de chave pública %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpacote do tipo %d tem bit crítico ligado\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ID principal da chave %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5655,16 +5725,16 @@ "usuário: \"%.*s\"\n" "%u-bit %s chave, ID %08lX, criada %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Digite a frase secreta: " -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5674,12 +5744,12 @@ "Você precisa de uma frase secreta para desbloquear a chave secreta do\n" "usuário: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "chave de %u-bit/%s, ID %08lX, criada em %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6043,17 +6113,17 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "lendo de \"stdin\" ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 #, fuzzy msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "no dados assinados\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "impossível abrir dados assinados `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir dados assinados `%s'\n" @@ -6316,22 +6386,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: a chave foi revogada!\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "assinatura %s de: %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "assumindo assinatura incorreta devido a um bit crítico desconhecido\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" @@ -6729,7 +6794,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "%s: não é um banco de dados de confiabilidade\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "inserção de registro de confiança falhou: %s\n" @@ -6744,47 +6809,47 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "%s: não é um banco de dados de confiabilidade\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave pública não encontrada" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 #, fuzzy msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "muda os valores de confiança" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 #, fuzzy msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "Certificados que levam a uma chave confiada plenamente:\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "Certificados que levam a uma chave confiada plenamente:\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "registro de confiança %lu, tipo %d: escrita falhou: %s\n" @@ -6809,78 +6874,89 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "erro de leitura" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "linha muito longa\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argumento inválido" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armadura inválida" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "comandos conflitantes\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "não processado(s)" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "armadura inválida" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" # help ou ajuda ??? -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Comando inválido (tente \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "não processado(s)" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "armadura inválida" @@ -6910,35 +6986,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: impossível criar diretório: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do chaveiro `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "chave pública não encontrada" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "escrevendo certificado privado para `%s'\n" @@ -6963,19 +7039,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [arquivos] (-h para ajuda)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7024,104 +7100,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao inicializar o banco de dados de confiabilidade: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "%s: falha ao criar tabela de \"hash\": %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "enumeração de blocos de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "rev- revogações de chaves incorreta\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7129,109 +7205,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: erro lendo registro livre: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "%lu chaves processadas\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao inicializar o banco de dados de confiabilidade: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "enumeração de blocos de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "nenhum dado OpenPGP válido encontrado.\n" @@ -7257,7 +7333,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|ARQUIVO|carregar módulo de extensão ARQUIVO" @@ -8028,7 +8104,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|usar NOME como chave secreta padrão" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|ENDEREÇO|usar este servidor para buscar chaves" @@ -8087,26 +8163,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: subchave ignorada\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "escrevendo para `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8361,28 +8437,28 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 #, fuzzy msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "habilitar depuração completa" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8398,115 +8474,115 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|usar frase secreta modo N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|usar NOME como chave secreta padrão" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOME|criptografar para NOME" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "impossível escrever para o chaveiro: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "" "|NOME|usar algoritmo de criptografia NOME para\n" "frases secretas" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9108,9 +9184,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "pacote inválido" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armadura inválida" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "identificador de usuário inexistente" @@ -9135,9 +9208,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "erro na criação de arquivo" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "frase secreta inválida" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmo de chave pública não implementado" @@ -10053,10 +10123,6 @@ #~ "usuário `%s' não encontrado no banco de dados de confiabilidade - " #~ "inserindo\n" -#~ msgid "Do you really want to create a sign and encrypt key? " -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Você realmente quer criar uma chave para assinatura e criptografia? " - #~ msgid "no default public keyring\n" #~ msgstr "sem chaveiro público padrão\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pt.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pt.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pt.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pt.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/pt.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/pt.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-09-13 18:26+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Pedro Morais \n" "Language-Team: pt \n" -"Language: \n" +"Language: pt\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -28,21 +28,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Você quer realmente revogar as chaves selecionadas? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "frase-secreta inválida" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -52,17 +79,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -72,41 +99,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "frase secreta demasiado longa\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "frase secreta demasiado longa\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Caracter inválido no nome\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI incorreto" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "frase secreta incorrecta" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "frase secreta incorrecta" @@ -116,22 +143,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "algoritmo de protecção %d%s não é suportado\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível criar `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" @@ -349,7 +376,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -360,276 +387,281 @@ "Opções:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "detalhado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "ser mais silencioso" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carregar módulo de extensão FICHEIRO" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "procurar chaves num servidor de chaves" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "" "Realmente actualizar as preferências para os utilizadores seleccionados?" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "actualizar a base de dados de confiança" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "não suportado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "não suportado" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Por favor comunique bugs para .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [ficheiros] (-h para ajuda)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: ficheiro de opções por omissão `%s' inexistente\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ficheiro de opções `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "a ler opções de `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao criar `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: impossível criar directoria: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "impossível criar %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "o gpg-agent não está disponível nesta sessão\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao enviar para `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualização falhou: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: directoria criada\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "base de dados de confiança: leitura falhou (n=%d): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: impossível criar directoria: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "actualização da chave secreta falhou: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: ignorado: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "o gpg-agent não está disponível nesta sessão\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "variável de ambiente GPG_AGENT_INFO inválida\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -646,7 +678,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -655,7 +687,7 @@ "@Comandos:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -826,8 +858,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" @@ -1208,84 +1240,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armadura: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "cabeçalho de armadura inválido: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "cabeçalho de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "cabeçalho de assinatura em texto puro inválido\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "cabeçalho de armadura: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "assinaturas em texto puro aninhadas\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armadura inesperada:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "linha com hífen inválida: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "caracter radix64 inválido %02x ignorado\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "fim de ficheiro prematuro (sem CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "fim de ficheiro prematuro (no CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC malformado\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "erro de CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "fim de ficheiro prematuro (no \"Trailer\")\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "erro na última linha\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "nenhum dado OpenPGP válido encontrado.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armadura inválida: linha maior que %d caracteres\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "caracter \"quoted printable\" na armadura - provavelmente um MTA com bugs " "foi usado\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1293,24 +1325,24 @@ "um nome de notação deve ter apenas caracteres imprimíveis ou espaços, e " "terminar com um '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "um valor de notação de utilizador não deve conter o caracter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "um valor de notação de utilizador não deve conter o caracter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "um valor de notação não deve usar caracteres de controle\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "AVISO: dados de notação inválidos encontrados\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "não legível por humanos" @@ -1324,8 +1356,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "impossível fazer isso em modo não-interativo\n" @@ -1335,14 +1367,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Este comando não é permitido no modo %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "partes da chave secreta não disponíveis\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Opção? " @@ -1415,7 +1447,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao criar porta-chaves `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura de `%s': %s\n" @@ -1518,13 +1550,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Qual o tamanho de chave desejado? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "arredondado para %u bits\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1579,8 +1611,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Opção inválida.\n" @@ -1609,7 +1641,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do porta-chaves `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "sair deste menu" @@ -1618,7 +1650,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "comandos em conflito\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "mostra esta ajuda" @@ -1698,7 +1730,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Comando inválido (tente \"help\")\n" @@ -1706,18 +1738,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output não funciona para este comando\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave `%s' não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1976,228 +2008,228 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "AVISO: nada exportado\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "entradas demais no cache pk - desactivado\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Utilizador não encontrado]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao criar `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "mostra impressão digital" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Chave inválida %08lX tornada válida por --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "há uma chave secreta para a chave pública \"%s\"!\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "usando chave secundária %08lX ao invés de chave primária %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta sem chave pública - ignorada\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[ficheiro]|fazer uma assinatura em texto puro" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "fazer uma assinatura separada" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "cifrar dados" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "cifrar apenas com cifra simétrica" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "decifrar dados (acção por omissão)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verificar uma assinatura" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "listar as chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "listar as chaves e as assinaturas" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "verificar as assinaturas das chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "listar as chaves e as impressões digitais" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "listar as chaves secretas" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "gerar um certificado de revogação" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "remover chaves do porta-chaves público" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "remover chaves do porta-chaves secreto" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "assinar uma chave" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "assinar uma chave localmente" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "assinar ou editar uma chave" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportar chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportar chaves para um servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importar chaves de um servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "procurar chaves num servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "actualizar todas as chaves a partir de um servidor de chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importar/fundir chaves" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "actualizar a base de dados de confiança" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [ficheiros]|imprimir \"digests\" de mensagens" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "criar saída com armadura ascii" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NOME|cifrar para NOME" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" "usar este identificador de utilizador para\n" "assinar ou decifrar" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "" "|N|estabelecer nível de compressão N\n" "(0 desactiva)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "usar modo de texto canônico" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carregar módulo de extensão FICHEIRO" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "não fazer alterações" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "perguntar antes de sobrepôr" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2205,7 +2237,7 @@ "@\n" "(Veja a página man para uma lista completa de comandos e opções)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2225,11 +2257,11 @@ " --list-keys [nomes] mostrar chaves\n" " --fingerprint [nomes] mostrar impressões digitais\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [ficheiros] (-h para ajuda)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2244,7 +2276,7 @@ "assina, verifica, cifra ou decifra\n" "a operação por omissão depende dos dados de entrada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2252,564 +2284,564 @@ "\n" "Algoritmos suportados:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Chave pública: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cifra: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Dispersão: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compressão: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "uso: gpg [opções] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "comandos em conflito\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "nenhum sinal = encontrada na definição de grupo \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVISO: permissões pouco seguras em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "criado um novo ficheiro de configuração `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no porta-chaves secreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "mostrar em que porta-chave a chave está" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no porta-chaves secreto\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTA: o ficheiro antigo de opções por omissão `%s' foi ignorado\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTA: %s não é para uso normal!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "não consegui processar a URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opções de importação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opções de importação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s não é um conjunto de caracteres válido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "não foi possível alterar o exec-path para %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "AVISO: O programa pode criar um ficheiro core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: %s sobrepõe %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s não é permitido com %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "só pode fazer assinaturas separadas ou em texto puro no modo --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "não pode assinar e cifrar ao mesmo tempo no modo --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "deve utilizar ficheiros (e não um 'pipe') quando trabalho no modo --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "cifrar uma mensagem no modo --pgp2 necessita da cifra IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de cifragem selecionado é inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" selecionado é inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de cifragem selecionado é inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "o algoritmo de \"digest\" de certificação selecionado é inválido\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed deve ser maior que 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed deve ser maior que 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth deve estar na entre 1 e 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "nível de verificação por omissão inválido: deve ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "nível de verificação por omissão inválido: deve ser 0, 1, 2 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTA: o modo S2K simples (0) não é recomendável\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "modo S2K inválido: deve ser 0, 1 ou 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "preferências por omissão inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "preferências pessoais de cifra inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "preferências pessoais de 'digest' inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "preferências pessoais de compressão inválidas\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s não faz sentido com %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao inicializar a base de dados de confiança: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: destinatários (-r) dados sem utilizar uma cifra de chave pública\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "decifragem falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "não pode utilizar %s enquanto estiver no modo %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizador" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id-utilizador" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id-utilizador [comandos]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizador" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualização da chave secreta falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "retirada de armadura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "criação de armadura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algoritmo de dispersão inválido `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nome_do_ficheiro]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Digite a sua mensagem ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "a URL de política de certificação dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "a URL de política de assinatura dada é inválida\n" @@ -2850,472 +2882,477 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Nenhuma ajuda disponível para `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "actualizar a base de dados de confiança" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "actualizar a base de dados de confiança" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "chave secreta não utilizável" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "ignorando bloco do tipo %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu chaves processadas até agora\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Número total processado: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " ignorei novas chaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " sem IDs de utilizadores: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importados: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " não modificados: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " novos IDs de utilizadores: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " novas subchaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " novas assinaturas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " novas revogações de chaves: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas lidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas não modificadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " não importadas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " novas assinaturas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " chaves secretas lidas: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem ID de utilizador\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "ignorado `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: subchave HKP corrompida foi reparada\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: aceite ID de utilizador sem auto-assinatura '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem IDs de utilizadores válidos\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "isto pode ser causado por falta de auto-assinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave nova - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "não foi encontrada nenhum porta-chaves onde escrever: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "a escrever para `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do porta-chaves `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave pública \"%s\" importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: não corresponde à nossa cópia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: impossível localizar bloco de chaves original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: impossível ler bloco de chaves original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "chave %8lX: \"%s\" 1 novo ID de utilizador\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novos IDs de utilizadores\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nova assinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nova subchave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas subchaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novas assinaturas\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novos IDs de utilizadores\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" %d novos IDs de utilizadores\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" não modificada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "chave `%s' não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta com cifra inválida %d - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "sem porta-chaves público por omissão: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta importada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: já está no porta-chaves secreto\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: chave secreta não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: sem chave pública - impossível aplicar certificado\n" "de revogação\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação inválido: %s - rejeitado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: \"%s\" certificado de revogação importado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: nenhum ID de utilizador para assinatura\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "chave %08lX: algoritmo de chave pública não suportado no utilizador \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: auto-assinatura inválida do utilizador \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: algoritmo de chave pública não suportado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: assinatura directa de chave adicionada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ligação de subchave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: apagada ligação múltipla de subchave \n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para revocação de chave\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: revocação de subchave inválida\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: removida revogação múltiplace de subchaves\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: ignorado ID de utilizador '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: subchave ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: assinatura não exportável (classe %02x) - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação no local errado - ignorado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação inválido: %s - ignorado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: assintura da subchave no local errado - ignorado\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: classe de assinatura inesperada (%02x) - ignorada\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: detectado ID de utilizador duplicado - fundido\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: a chave %08lX pode estar revocada: a transferir a chave de revocação " "%08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: a chave %08lX pode estar revocada: chave de revocação %08lX não " "presente.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: certificado de revogação \"%s\" adicionado\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: assinatura directa de chave adicionada\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ignorado: a chave secreta já está presente\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ignorado: a chave secreta já está presente\n" @@ -3340,51 +3377,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao criar 'cache' do porta-chaves: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revogação]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[auto-assinatura]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 assinatura incorrecta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas incorrectas\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 assinatura não verificada por falta de chave\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas não verificadas por falta de chaves\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 assinatura não verificada devido a um erro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas não verificadas devido a erros\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 ID de utilizador sem auto-assinatura válida detectado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d IDs de utilizadores sem auto-assinaturas válidas detectados\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3397,63 +3434,63 @@ "(vendo passaportes, verificando impressões digitais...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Confio moderadamente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Confio plenamente\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Utilizador \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer adicioná-la de qualquer forma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Não foi possível assinar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Utilizador \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "AVISO: o ID do utilizador \"%s\" não é auto-assinado.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "AVISO: o ID do utilizador \"%s\" não é auto-assinado.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente assinar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3462,11 +3499,11 @@ "A sua auto-assinatura em \"%s\"\n" "é uma assinatura do tipo PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Quer promovê-la a uma auto-assinatura OpenPGP? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3475,12 +3512,12 @@ "A sua assinatura actual em \"%s\"\n" "é uma assinatura local.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Quer que a sua assinatura expire na mesma altura? (S/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3489,55 +3526,55 @@ "A sua assinatura actual em \"%s\"\n" "é uma assinatura local.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Quer promovê-la a uma assinatura exportável? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" já foi assinado localmente pela chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" já foi assinado pela chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer adicioná-la de qualquer forma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nada para assinar com a chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Esta chave expirou!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Esta chave vai expirar em %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Quer que a sua assinatura expire na mesma altura? (S/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Não pode criar uma assinatura OpenPGP numa chave PGP 2.x no modo --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Isto tornaria a chave inutilizável no PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3547,31 +3584,31 @@ "pertence\n" "à pessoa correcta? Se não sabe o que responder, escolha \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Não vou responder.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Não verifiquei.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Verifiquei por alto.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Verifiquei com bastante cuidado.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3580,100 +3617,100 @@ "Você tem certeza de que quer assinar esta chave com\n" "a sua chave: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Isto será uma auto-assinatura.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AVISO: a assinatura não será marcada como não-exportável.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "AVISO: a assinatura não será marcada como não-revocável.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "A assinatura será marcada como não-exportável.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "A assinatura será marcada como não-revocável.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Não verifiquei esta chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Verifiquei por alto esta chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Verifiquei esta chave com muito cuidado.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente assinar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "assinatura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Esta chave não é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Componentes secretas da chave primária não disponíveis.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Componentes secretas da chave primária não disponíveis.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "A chave é protegida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Impossível editar esta chave: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3681,11 +3718,11 @@ "Digite a nova frase para esta chave secreta.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "a frase secreta não foi repetida corretamente; tente outra vez" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3693,209 +3730,209 @@ "Você não quer uma frase secreta - provavelmente isto é uma *má* idéia!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Você quer realmente fazer isso? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "a mover a assinatura da chave para o local correcto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "gravar e sair" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "mostra impressão digital" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "lista chave e identificadores de utilizadores" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "seleciona ID de utilizador N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "seleciona ID de utilizador N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revoga assinaturas" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "assina a chave localmente" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Sugestão: Selecione os IDs de utilizador para assinar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "adiciona um novo ID de utilizador" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "adiciona um identificador fotográfico" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "remove ID de utilizador" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "remove uma chave secundária" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "adiciona uma chave de revocação" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Realmente actualizar as preferências para os utilizadores seleccionados?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Você não pode modificar a data de validade de uma chave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "seleccionar o identificador do utilizador como primário" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "alterna entre listagem de chave secreta e pública" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "lista preferências (perito)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "lista preferências (detalhadamente)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Realmente actualizar as preferências para os utilizadores seleccionados?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "não consegui processar a URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "Realmente actualizar as preferências para os utilizadores seleccionados?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "muda os valores de confiança" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Realmente revocar todos os IDs de utilizador seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revocar um ID de utilizador" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revoga uma chave secundária" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "activa uma chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "desactiva uma chave" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "mostrar identificador fotográfico" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "erro na leitura do bloco de chave secreto `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Chave secreta disponível.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "A chave secreta é necessária para fazer isto.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Por favor utilize o comando \"toggle\" primeiro.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3903,243 +3940,243 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "A chave está revogada." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente assinar todos os IDs de utilizador? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Sugestão: Selecione os IDs de utilizador para assinar\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "classe de assinatura desconhecida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Este comando não é permitido no modo %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Você precisa selecionar pelo menos um ID de utilizador.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Você não pode remover o último ID de utilizador!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover todos os IDs de utilizador seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover este ID de utilizador? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente remover este ID de utilizador? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Você deve selecionar pelo menos uma chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao criar porta-chaves `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Você deve selecionar pelo menos uma chave.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Você quer realmente remover as chaves selecionadas? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Você quer realmente remover esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente revocar todos os IDs de utilizador seleccionados? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente revocar este ID de utilizador? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Você quer realmente revogar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Você quer realmente revogar as chaves selecionadas? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Você quer realmente revogar esta chave? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "configurar lista de preferências" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Realmente actualizar as preferências para os utilizadores seleccionados?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente actualizar as preferências?" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Gravar alterações? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Sair sem gravar? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualização falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualização da chave secreta falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Chave não alterada, nenhuma actualização é necessária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "'Digest': " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Características: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notação: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Não há preferências no ID de utilizador tipo PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Esta chave pode ser revogada pela chave %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Esta chave pode ser revogada pela chave %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (sensível)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "impossível criar %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "[expira: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "[expira: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " confiança: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " confiança: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Esta chave foi desactivada" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4147,25 +4184,35 @@ "Não se esqueça que a validade de chave mostrada não é necessáriamente a\n" "correcta a não ser que reinicie o programa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "revkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Você não pode modificar a data de validade de uma chave v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4174,76 +4221,76 @@ "AVISO: Esta chave é do tipo PGP2. Se adicionar um identificador fotográfico\n" " algumas versão do PGP podem rejeitá-la.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Tem a certeza de que quer adicioná-la de qualquer forma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "" "Não pode adicionar um identificador fotográfico a uma chave tipo PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Apagar esta assinatura válida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Apagar esta assinatura inválida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Apagar esta assinatura desconhecida? (s/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Realmente remover esta auto-assinatura? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d assinatura removida.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d assinaturas removidas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nada removido.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "armadura inválida" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Utilizador \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Utilizador \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Utilizador \"%s\" está revocado." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "o utilizador com o id \"%s\" já está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "o utilizador com o id \"%s\" já está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4252,277 +4299,277 @@ "AVISO: Esta chave é do tipo PGP 2.x. Se adicionar um revogador designado\n" " algumas versão do PGP podem rejeitá-la.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Não pode adicionar um revogador designado a uma chave tipo PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Insira o ID de utilizador do revogador escolhido: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "não pode escolher uma chave do tipo PGP 2.x como revogadora\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "não pode escolher uma chave como revogadora de si mesmo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "AVISO: Esta chave foi revogada pelo seu dono!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "não pode escolher uma chave como revogadora de si mesmo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "não pode escolher uma chave como revogadora de si mesmo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Por favor remova as selecções das chaves secretas.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Por favor seleccione no máximo uma chave secundária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "A modificar a data de validade para uma chave secundária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Modificar a data de validade para uma chave primária.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Você não pode modificar a data de validade de uma chave v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Nenhuma assinatura correspondente no porta-chaves secreto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "não pode escolher uma chave como revogadora de si mesmo\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Seleccione exactamente um identificador de utilizador.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "a ignorar auto-assinatura v3 no utilizar com o id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer adicioná-la de qualquer forma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Você tem certeza de que quer adicioná-la de qualquer forma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Notação de assinatura: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Escrever por cima (s/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Nenhum ID de utilizador com índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Nenhum ID de utilizador com índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Nenhum ID de utilizador com índice %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID de utilizador: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " assinado por %08lX em %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (não-exportável)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Esta assinatura expirou em %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Tem a certeza de que quer revogá-la de qualquer forma? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Gerar um certificado de revogação para esta assinatura? (s/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " assinado por %08lX em %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Assinou estes identificadores de utilizadores:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (não-exportável)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revogado por %08lX em %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Está prestes a revogar estas assinaturas:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente criar os certificados de revogação? (s/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "nenhuma chave secreta\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "o utilizador com o id \"%s\" já está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: a assintura do ID do utilizador tem data %d segundos no futuro\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "o utilizador com o id \"%s\" já está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "o utilizador com o id \"%s\" já está revocado\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "A mostrar a fotografia %s com o tamanho %ld da chave 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preferência %c%lu duplicada\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferências `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferências `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "demasiadas preferências `%c'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "caracter inválido na cadeia de caractéres da preferência\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "a escrever a assinatura directa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "a escrever a auto-assinatura\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "a escrever a assinatura ligada a uma chave\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "tamanho de chave inválido; a utilizar %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "tamanho da chave arredondado para %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "cifrar dados" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4536,7 +4583,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4569,71 +4616,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Por favor selecione o tipo de chave desejado:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (por omissão)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA e ElGamal (por omissão)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (apenas assinatura)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (apenas assinatura)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (apenas cifragem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (apenas cifragem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (apenas cifragem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (apenas cifragem)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Qual o tamanho de chave desejado? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Qual o tamanho de chave desejado? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "O tamanho de chave pedido é %u bits\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4649,7 +4696,7 @@ " m = chave expira em n meses\n" " y = chave expira em n anos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4665,40 +4712,40 @@ " m = assinatura expira em n meses\n" " y = assinatura expira em n anos\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "A chave é valida por? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "A assinatura é valida por? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "valor inválido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "A %s não expira nunca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "A %s não expira nunca\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "%s expira em %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Esta assinatura expirou em %s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4706,12 +4753,12 @@ "O seu sistema não consegue mostrar datas para além de 2038.\n" "No entanto, estas vão ser tratadas correctamente até 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Está correto (s/n)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4722,7 +4769,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4740,44 +4787,44 @@ " \"Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nome completo: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Caracter inválido no nome\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "O nome não pode começar com um dígito\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "O nome deve ter pelo menos 5 caracteres\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Endereço de correio eletrónico: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Endereço eletrónico inválido\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comentário: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Caracter inválido no comentário\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Você está usando o conjunto de caracteres `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4788,13 +4835,13 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" "Por favor não coloque o endereço de email no nome verdadeiro ou no " "comentário\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4809,23 +4856,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoSs" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Mudar (N)ome, (C)omentário, (E)mail ou (S)air? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Mudar (N)ome, (C)omentário, (E)ndereço ou (O)k/(S)air? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Por favor corrija primeiro o erro\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4833,19 +4880,19 @@ "Você precisa de uma frase secreta para proteger a sua chave.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Por favor digite a frase secreta \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4857,7 +4904,7 @@ "qualquer hora, usando este programa com a opção \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4869,50 +4916,50 @@ "geração dos números primos; isso dá ao gerador de números aleatórios\n" "uma hipótese maior de ganhar entropia suficiente.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Geração de chave cancelada.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "a escrever chave pública para `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenhum porta-chaves público com permissões de escrita encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenhum porta-chaves secreto com permissões de escrita encontrado: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao escrever no porta-chaves público `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro ao escrever no porta-chaves secreto `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "chaves pública e privada criadas e assinadas.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4921,12 +4968,12 @@ "Note que esta chave não pode ser usada para cifragem. Você pode usar\n" "o comando \"--edit-key\" para gerar uma chave secundária para esse fim.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4934,7 +4981,7 @@ "a chave foi criada %lu segundo no futuro\n" "(viagem no tempo ou problema no relógio)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4942,31 +4989,31 @@ "a chave foi criada %lu segundos no futuro\n" "(viagem no tempo ou problema no relógio)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTA: a criação de sub-chave para chaves v3 não respeito o OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Realmente criar? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "remoção do bloco de chave falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível criar `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTA: chave secreta %08lX expirou em %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "" @@ -5021,45 +5068,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "criação de armadura falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "AVISO: existem 2 ficheiros com informações confidenciais.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s é o não modificado\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s é o novo\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Por favor conserte esta possível falha de segurança\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "a verificar o porta chaves `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu chave verificadas (%lu assinaturas)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu chave verificadas (%lu assinaturas)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: porta-chaves criado\n" @@ -5107,7 +5154,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" @@ -5122,126 +5169,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "chave `%s' não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "a pedir a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "a pedir a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "a procurar por \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "a procurar por \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "a procurar por \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "assinado com a sua chave %08lX em %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "a procurar por \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "a procurar por \"%s\" no servidor HKP %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "opções de exportação inválidas\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "erro do servidor de chaves" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "erro do servidor de chaves" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "a pedir a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "a pedir a chave %08lX de %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "AVISO: dono pouco seguro em %s \"%s\"\n" @@ -5300,167 +5347,172 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "Repita a frase secreta\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "a assumir dados cifrados %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "Cifra IDEO não disponível, a tentar utilizar %s em substituição\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "decifragem correcta\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "AVISO: a mensagem não tinha a sua integridade protegida\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "CUIDADO: a mensagem cifrada foi manipulada!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "decifragem falhou: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTA: o remetente solicitou \"apenas-para-seus-olhos\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nome do ficheiro original='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "revocação solitária - utilize \"gpg --import\" para aplicar\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Assinatura correcta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verificação de assinatura suprimida\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "não consigo tratar estas assinaturas múltiplas\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Esta assinatura expirou em %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " ou \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Assinatura feita em %.*s usando %s, ID da chave %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 #, fuzzy msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Nenhuma ajuda disponível" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Assinatura INCORRECTA de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Assinatura expirada de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Assinatura correcta de \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[incerto]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " ou \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Esta assinatura expirou em %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Esta assinatura expirou em %s.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 #, fuzzy msgid "binary" msgstr "primary" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown" msgstr "versão desconhecida" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Impossível verificar assinatura: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "não é uma assinatura separada\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "AVISO: várias assinaturas detectadas. Apenas a primeira será verificada.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "assinatura de classe 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "formato de assinatura antigo (PGP2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "pacote raiz inválido detectado em proc_tree()\n" @@ -5474,96 +5526,112 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "base de dados de confiança: leitura falhou (n=%d): %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "impossível manipular algoritmo de chave pública %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "forçar o algoritmo de 'digest' %s (%d) viola as preferências do " "destinatário\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "algoritmo de criptografia não implementado" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "forçar o algoritmo de 'digest' %s (%d) viola as preferências do " "destinatário\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "assinatura %s de: \"%s\"\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "o 'plugin' com a cifra IDEA não está presente\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = mostrar mais informações\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opção depreciada \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "por favor utilize \"%s%s\" em vez dela\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "AVISO: \"%s\" é uma opção depreciada\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 #, fuzzy msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "não processado" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "não processado" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "esta mensagem poderá não ser utilizável pelo %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "a ler opções de `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "destinatário por omissão desconhecido `%s'\n" @@ -5591,46 +5659,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "a escrever em \"stdout\"\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "a assumir dados assinados em `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "criado um novo ficheiro de configuração `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "AVISO: opções em `%s' ainda não estão activas nesta execução\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "impossível manipular algoritmo de chave pública %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpacote do tipo %d tem bit crítico ligado\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problema com o agente: o agente returnou 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ID principal da chave %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5645,15 +5714,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "chave %u bits %s, ID %08lx, criada %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Insira a frase secreta\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "cancelado pelo utilizador\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5663,12 +5732,12 @@ "Você precisa de uma frase secreta para desbloquear a chave secreta do\n" "utilizador: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "chave de %u-bit/%s, ID %08lX, criada em %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6029,16 +6098,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "lendo do \"stdin\" ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "não há dados assinados\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "impossível abrir dados assinados `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir dados assinados `%s'\n" @@ -6301,24 +6370,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTA: a chave foi revogada" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "assinatura %s de: \"%s\"\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "assumindo assinatura incorrecta na chave %08lX devido a um bit crítico " "desconhecido\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para o pacote revocação de subchave\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "chave %08lX: sem subchave para ligação de chaves\n" @@ -6720,7 +6784,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "não é necessária uma verificação da base de dados de confiança\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "proxima verificação da base de dados de confiança a %s\n" @@ -6735,48 +6799,48 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "não é necessária uma verificação da base de dados de confiança\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "chave pública %08lX não encontrada: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "a verificar a base de dados de confiança\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 #, fuzzy msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "" "chave pública da chave absolutamente de confiança %08lX não encontrada\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "" "chave pública da chave absolutamente de confiança %08lX não encontrada\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "registo de confiança %lu, tipo %d: escrita falhou: %s\n" @@ -6801,77 +6865,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "impossível abrir `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "erro de leitura" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "frase secreta demasiado longa\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argumento inválido" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armadura inválida" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "comandos em conflito\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "não processado" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Comando inválido (tente \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "não processado" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "opções de importação inválidas\n" @@ -6901,35 +6976,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: impossível criar directoria: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "erro na escrita do porta-chaves `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "chave pública %08lX não encontrada: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "a escrever chave privada para `%s'\n" @@ -6954,19 +7029,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Uso: gpg [opções] [ficheiros] (-h para ajuda)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7015,104 +7090,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao inicializar a base de dados de confiança: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao criar 'cache' do porta-chaves: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "remoção do bloco de chave falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "motivo da revocação: " -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7120,109 +7195,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "muda a frase secreta" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "erro na leitura do bloco de chave: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: erro ao ler registo livre: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "%s' já comprimido\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "gerar um novo par de chaves" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "falha ao inicializar a base de dados de confiança: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "remoção do bloco de chave falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "A geração de chaves falhou: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "assinatura %s de: \"%s\"\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "nenhum dado OpenPGP válido encontrado.\n" @@ -7247,7 +7322,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FICHEIRO|carregar módulo de extensão FICHEIRO" @@ -8013,7 +8088,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|usar NOME como chave secreta por omissão" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|ENDEREÇO|usar este servidor para buscar chaves" @@ -8072,26 +8147,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = saltar esta chave\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "não consegui processar a URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "a escrever para `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "impossível fechar `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8347,27 +8422,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "erro ao enviar para `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8383,115 +8458,115 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|usar mode de frase secreta N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "erro na criação da frase secreta: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NOME|usar NOME como chave secreta por omissão" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NOME|cifrar para NOME" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "não consegui processar a URI do servidor de chaves\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "" "|NOME|usar algoritmo de criptografia NOME para\n" "frases secretas" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9276,9 +9351,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "pacote inválido" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armadura inválida" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "identificador de utilizador inexistente" @@ -9303,9 +9375,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "erro na criação do ficheiro" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "frase-secreta inválida" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmo de chave pública não implementado" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ro.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ro.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ro.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ro.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ro.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ro.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.2rc1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-31 22:00-0500\n" "Last-Translator: Laurentiu Buzdugan \n" "Language-Team: Romanian \n" @@ -29,21 +29,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã revocaþi subcheile selectate? (d/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "frazã-parolã invalidã" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 #, fuzzy msgid "Quality:" msgstr "validitate: %s" @@ -54,17 +82,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -75,41 +103,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "linie prea lungã" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "frazã-parolã prea lungã\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Caracter invalid în nume\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "MPI incorect" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "frazã-parolã incorectã" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "frazã-parolã incorectã" @@ -119,22 +147,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "algoritm rezumat %d nu este suportat\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nu pot crea `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nu pot deschide `%s': %s\n" @@ -360,7 +388,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "schimbã fraza-parolã" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -371,275 +399,280 @@ "Opþiuni:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "locvace" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "fii oarecum mai tãcut" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FIªIER|încarcã modulul extensie FIªIER" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "cautã pentru chei pe un server de chei" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "seteazã lista de preferinþe pentru ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "actualizeazã baza de date de încredere" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "eroare la crearea frazei-parolã: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "nu este suportat(ã)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "nu este suportat(ã)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "eroare la crearea frazei-parolã: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Raportaþi bug-uri la .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Folosire: gpg [opþiuni] [fiºiere] (-h pentru ajutor)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: nici un fiºier opþiuni implicit `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fiºier opþiuni `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "citesc opþiuni din `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare la creearea `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nu pot crea directorul `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "nu pot crea `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent nu este disponibil în aceastã sesiune\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "eroare la obþinere noului PIN: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare trimitere la `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualizarea a eºuat: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "scriu cheia secretã în `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "director `%s' creat\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) a eºuat în %s: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: nu pot crea director: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "eroare la citire `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "actualizarea secretului a eºuat: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: sãritã: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent nu este disponibil în aceastã sesiune\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "variabila de mediu GPG_AGENT_INFO anormalã\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -656,7 +689,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -665,7 +698,7 @@ "@Comenzi:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -839,8 +872,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "eroare la crearea frazei-parolã: %s\n" @@ -1220,82 +1253,82 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "armurã: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "header armurã invalid: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "header armurã: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "header clearsig invalid\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "header armurã: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "semnãturi text în clar încuibãrite\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "armurã neaºteptatã: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "linie cu liniuþã escape invalidã: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "caracter radix64 invalid %02X sãrit\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "eof prematur (nici un CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "eof prematur (în CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC anormal\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "eroare CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "eof prematur (în trailer)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "eroare linia de trailer\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "nici o datã OpenPGP validã gãsitã.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "armurã invalidã: linie mai lungã de %d caractere\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "caracter printabil în ghilimele în armurã - probabil a fost folosit un MTA " "cu bug-uri\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1303,24 +1336,24 @@ "un nume de notaþie trebuie sã conþinã numai caractere imprimabile sau spaþii " "ºi sã se termine cu un '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "un nume de notaþie utilizator trebuie sã conþinã caracterul '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "un nume de notaþie trebuie sã nu conþinã mai mult de un caracter '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "" "o valoare de notaþie trebuie sã nu foloseascã nici un caracter de control\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: am gãsit date de notare invalide\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "ilizibil" @@ -1334,8 +1367,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "cardul OpenPGP nr. %s detectat\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "nu pot face acest lucru în modul batch\n" @@ -1344,14 +1377,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Aceastã comandã nu este permisã în modul %s.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "pãrþi ale cheii secrete nu sunt disponibile\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Selecþia d-voastrã? " @@ -1419,7 +1452,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "eroare la crearea inelului de chei `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare la citire `%s': %s\n" @@ -1515,13 +1548,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Ce lungime de cheie doriþi? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "rotunjitã prin adaos la %u biþi\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "dimensiunile cheii %s trebuie sã fie în intervalul %u-%u\n" @@ -1576,8 +1609,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Cheie de autentificare\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Selecþie invalidã.\n" @@ -1602,7 +1635,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "eroare la scrierea inelului de chei `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ieºi din acest meniu" @@ -1610,7 +1643,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "aratã comenzi administrare" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "afiºeazã acest mesaj" @@ -1682,7 +1715,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Nu sunt permise comenzi administrare\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Comandã invalidã (încercaþi \"ajutor\")\n" @@ -1690,18 +1723,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output nu merge pentru aceastã comandã\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "nu pot deschide `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "cheia \"%s\" nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1959,222 +1992,222 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: nimic exportat\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "prea multe intrãri în cache-ul pk - deactivat\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[ID utilizator nu a fost gãsit]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "cheia %s: cheie secretã fãrã cheie publicã - sãritã\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "eroare la creearea `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Amprenta CA: " -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "Cheia invalidã %s fãcutã validã de --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "nici o subcheie secretã pentru subcheia publicã %s - ignoratã\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "folosim subcheia %s în loc de cheia primarã %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "cheia %s: cheie secretã fãrã cheie publicã - sãritã\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "|[fiºier]|creazã o semnãturã" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[fiºier]|creazã o semnãturã text în clar" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "creazã o semnãturã detaºatã" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "cifreazã datele" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "cifreazã numai cu cifru simetric" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "decripteazã datele (implicit)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verificã o semnãturã" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "enumerã chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "enumerã chei ºi semnãturi" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "enumerã ºi verificã semnãturile cheii" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "enumerã chei ºi amprente" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "enumerã chei secrete" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "genereazã o nouã perechi de chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "genereazã un certificat de revocare" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "ºterge chei de pe inelul de chei public" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "ºterge chei de pe inelul de chei secret" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "semneazã o cheie" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "semneazã o cheie local" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "semneazã sau editeazã o cheie" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "schimbã fraza-parolã" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportã chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportã chei pentru un server de chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importã chei de la un server de chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "cautã pentru chei pe un server de chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "actualizeazã toate cheile de la un server de chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importã/combinã chei" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "afiºeazã starea cardului" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "schimbã data de pe card" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "schimbã PIN-ul unui card" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "actualizeazã baza de date de încredere" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [fiºiere]|afiºeazã rezumate mesaje" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "creazã ieºire în armurã ascii" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|NUME|cifrare pentru NUME" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "foloseºte acest id-utilizator pentru a semna sau decripta" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|seteazã nivel de compresie N (0 deactiveazã)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "foloseºte modul text canonic" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FIªIER|încarcã modulul extensie FIªIER" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "nu face nici o schimbare" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "întreabã înainte de a suprascrie" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "foloseºte comportament strict OpenPGP" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2182,7 +2215,7 @@ "@\n" "(Aratã pagina man pentru o listã completã a comenzilor ºi opþiunilor)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2202,11 +2235,11 @@ " --list-keys [nume] aratã chei\n" " --fingerprint [nume] aratã amprente\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Folosire: gpg [opþiuni] [fiºiere] (-h pentru ajutor)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2221,7 +2254,7 @@ "sign, check, encrypt sau decrypt\n" "operaþiunea implicitã depinde de datele de intrare\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2229,77 +2262,77 @@ "\n" "Algoritmuri suportate:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Pubkey: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Cifru: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Compresie: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "folosire: gpg [opþiuni] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "comenzi în conflict\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "nu am gãsit nici un semn = în definiþia grupului `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: proprietate nesigurã (unsafe) pentru directorul home `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: proprietate nesigurã (unsafe) pentru fiºier configurare `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: proprietate nesigurã (unsafe) pentru extensia `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru directorul home `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru fiºier configurare `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru extensia `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: proprietate director incluziuni nesigur (unsafe) pentru " "directorul home `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2307,21 +2340,21 @@ "AVERTISMENT: proprietate director incluziuni nesigur (unsafe) pentru fiºier " "configurare `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: proprietate director incluziuni nesigur (unsafe) pentru " "extensia `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni director incluziuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru " "directorul home `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2329,476 +2362,476 @@ "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni director incluziuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru fiºier " "configurare `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: permisiuni director incluziuni nesigure (unsafe) pentru " "extensia `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "articol configurare necunoscut `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "Nici o semnãturã corespunzãtoare în inelul secret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "URL-ul serverului de chei preferat furnizat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "aratã cãruia dintre inelele de chei îi aparþine o cheie enumeratã" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "Nici o semnãturã corespunzãtoare în inelul secret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: fisier opþiuni implicite vechi `%s' ignorat\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: %s nu este pentru o folosire normalã!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "`%s' nu este un set de carectere valid\n" # -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "nu am putut interpreta URL-ul serverului de chei\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni server de chei invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "opþiuni server de chei invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni import invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "opþiuni import invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni export invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "opþiuni export invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "URL-ul serverului de chei preferat furnizat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "`%s' nu este expirare de semnãturã validã\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni verificare invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "opþiuni verificare invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "nu pot seta cale-execuþie ca %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiuni verificare invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: programul ar putea crea un fiºier core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: %s înlocuieºte %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s nu este permis cu %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s nu are sens cu %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "nu va rula cu memorie neprotejatã (insecure) pentru cã %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "puteþi crea doar semnãturi detaºate sau în clar câtã vreme sunteþi în modul " "--pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "nu puteþi semna ºi cifra în acelaºi timp câtã vreme sunteþi în modul --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "trebuie sã folosiþi fiºiere (ºi nu un pipe) când lucraþi cu modul --pgp2 " "activat.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "cifrarea unui mesaj în modul --pgp2 necesitã un cifru IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritm cifrare selectat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritm rezumat selectat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritm compresie selectat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "algoritm rezumat certificare selectat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed trebuie sã fie mai mare decât 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed trebuie sã fie mai mare decât 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth trebuie sã fie în intervalul de la 1 la 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "default-cert-level invalid; trebuie sã fie 0, 1, 2 sau 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "min-cert-level invalid; trebuie sã fie 0, 1, 2 sau 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: modul S2K simplu (0) este contraindicat cu insistenþã\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "mod S2K invalid; trebuie sã fie 0, 1 sau 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "preferinþe implicite invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "preferinþe cifrare personale invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "preferinþe rezumat personale invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "preferinþe compresie personale invalide\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s nu merge încã cu %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi algoritmul de cifrare `%s' câtã vreme în modul %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi algorimul de rezumat `%s' câtã vreme în modul %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi algoritmul de compresie `%s' câtã vreme în modul %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "am eºuat sã iniþializez TrustDB:%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: destinatari (-r) furnizaþi fãrã a folosi cifrare cu cheie " "publicã\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "cifrarea simetricã a lui `%s' a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --encrypt cu --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --encrypt câtã vreme în modul %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --sign --encrypt cu --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nu puteþi folosi --symmetric --sign --encrypt câtã vreme în modul %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizator" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id-utilizator" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id-utilizator [comenzi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key id-utilizator" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "trimitere server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "recepþie server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "export cheie eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "cãutare server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualizare server de chei eºuatã: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "eliminarea armurii a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "punerea armurii a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "algoritm hash invalid `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[nume_fiºier]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Daþi-i drumul ºi scrieþi mesajul ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "URL-ul politicii de certificare furnizat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "URL-ul politicii de semnãturi furnizat este invalid\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "URL-ul serverului de chei preferat furnizat este invalid\n" @@ -2837,474 +2870,479 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Nici un disponibil disponibil pentru `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "actualizeazã baza de date de încredere" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "actualizeazã baza de date de încredere" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "cheia publicã nu se potriveºte cu cheia secretã!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "cheie secretã de nefolosit" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "bloc de tip %d sãrit\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu chei procesate pânã acum\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Numãr total procesate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " chei noi sãrite: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " fãrã ID-uri utilizator: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importate: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " neschimbate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " noi ID-uri utilizator: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " noi subchei: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " noi semnãturi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " noi revocãri de chei: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " chei secrete citite: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " chei secrete importate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr "chei secrete neschimbate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " ne importate: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr "semnãturi create pânã acum: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " chei secrete citite: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: cheia %s conþine preferinþe pentru indisponibil\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": preferinþã pentru algoritm de cifrare %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": preferinþã pentru algoritm rezumat %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": preferinþã pentru algoritm compresie %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" "este puternic sugerat sã vã actualizaþi preferinþele ºi re-distribuiþi\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "aceastã cheie pentru a avita probleme potenþiale de ne-potrivire de " "algoritm\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "vã puteþi actualiza preferinþele cu: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici un ID utilizator\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "sãritã \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "cheia %s: subcheia HPK coruptã a fost reparatã\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am acceptat ID-ul utilizator ce nu e auto-semnat \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici un ID utilizator valid\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "aceasta poate fi cauzatã de o auto-semnãturã ce lipseºte\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "cheia %s: cheia publicã nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: cheie nouã - sãritã\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "n-am gãsit nici un inel de chei ce poate fi scris: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "scriu în `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare la scrierea inelului de chei `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "cheia %s: cheia publicã \"%s\" importatã\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nu se potriveºte cu copia noastrã\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nu pot gãsi keyblock-ul original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nu pot citi keyblock-ul original: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" 1 nou ID utilizator\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi ID-uri utilizator\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" 1 nouã semnãturã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi semnãturi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" 1 nouã subcheie\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi subchei\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi semnãturi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi semnãturi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi ID-uri utilizator\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" %d noi ID-uri utilizator\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "cheia %s: \"%s\" nu a fost schimbatã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "cheia secretã \"%s\" nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "importul de chei secrete nu este permis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: cheie secretã cu cifru invalid %d - sãritã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "nici un inel de chei secrete implicit: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "cheia %s: cheie secretã importatã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "cheia %s: deja în inelul de chei secrete\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "cheia %s: cheia secretã nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "cheia %s: nici o cheie publicã - nu pot aplica certificatul de revocare\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "cheia %s: certificat de revocare invalid: %s - respins\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "cheia %s: certificatul de revocare \"%s\" importat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici un ID utilizator pentru semnãturã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "cheia %s: algoritm cu cheie publicã nesuportat pentru ID-ul utilizator \"%s" "\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "cheia %s: auto-semnãturã invalidã pentru ID-ul utilizator \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "cheia %s: algoritm cu cheie publicã nesuportat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am adãugat semnãtura de cheie directã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici o subcheie pentru legarea cheii\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "cheia %s: legare subcheie invalidã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am ºters multiple legãturi de subchei\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici o subcheie pentru revocare de cheie\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "cheia %s: revocare de subcheie invalidã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am ºters multiple revocãri de subcheie\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am sãrit ID-ul utilizator \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am sãrit subcheia\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: semnãtura nu poate fi exportatã (clasa 0x%02X) - sãritã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: certificat de revocare într-un loc greºit - sãrit\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: certificat de revocare invalid: %s - sãrit\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: semnãturã subcheie într-un loc greºit - sãritã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "cheia %s: clasã de semnãturã neaºteptatã (0x%02X) - sãritã\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am detectat un ID utilizator duplicat - combinate\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: cheia %s poate fi revocatã: aduc revocarea cheii %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: cheia %s poate fi revocatã: cheia de revocare %s nu este " "prezentã.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am adãugat certificatul de revocare \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "cheia %s: am adãugat semnãtura de cheie directã\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: S/N-ul unei chei nu se potriveºte cu cel al cardului\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: cheia primarã este online ºi stocatã pe card\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: cheia secundarã este online ºi stocatã pe card\n" @@ -3328,51 +3366,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "am eºuat sã reconstruiesc cache-ul inelului de chei: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revocare]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[auto-semnãturã]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 semnãturã incorectã\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d semnãturi incorecte\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 semnãturã nu a fost verificatã din cauza unei chei lipsã\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d semnãturi nu au fost verificate din cauza unor chei lipsã\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 semnãturã nu a fost verificatã din cauza unei erori\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d semnãturi nu au fost verificate din cauza unor erori\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "am gãsit 1 ID utilizator fãrã auto-semnãturã validã\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "am gãsit %d ID-uri utilizator fãrã auto-semnãturi valide\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3383,17 +3421,17 @@ "pentru a verifica cheile altor utilizatori (folosind paºapoarte,\n" "verificând amprentele din diferite surse, etc.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Am o încredere marginalã\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Am toatã încrederea\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3403,47 +3441,47 @@ "O adâncime mai mare de 1 permite ca cheia pe care o semnaþi sã facã\n" "semnãturi de încredere în numele d-voastrã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Vã rugãm sã introduceþi domeniul de restricþionare al acestei semnãturi, sau " "apãsaþi enter pentru niciunul.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "ID utilizator \"%s\" a fost revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sunteþi sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã ºtergeþi permanent \"%s\"? (d/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Nu pot semna.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "ID utilizator \"%s\" este expirat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "ID-ul utilizator \"%s\" nu este auto-semnat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "ID-ul utilizator \"%s\" poate fi semnat. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi sã-l semnaþi? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3452,11 +3490,11 @@ "Auto-semnãtura pe \"%s\"\n" "este o semnãturã stil PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi sã o promovaþi la o auto-semnãturã OpenPGP? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3465,12 +3503,12 @@ "Semnãtura d-voastrã curentã pe \"%s\"\n" "a expirat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Doriþi sã creaþi o nouã semnãturã pentru a o înlocui pe cea expiratã? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3479,43 +3517,43 @@ "Semnãtura d-voastrã curentã pe \"%s\"\n" "semnãturã localã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi sã o promovaþi la o semnãturã total exportabilã? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" a fost deja semnatã local de cheia %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" a fost deja semnatã de cheia %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi sã o semnaþi oricum din nou? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Nimic de semnat cu cheia %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Aceastã cheie a expirat!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Aceastã cheie va expira pe %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Doriþi ca semnãtura d-voastrã sã expire în acelaºi timp? (D/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3523,11 +3561,11 @@ "Nu puteþi crea o semnãturã OpenPGP pe o cheie PGP 2.x câtã vreme sunteþi în " "modul --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Aceasta va face cheia de nefolosit în PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3538,31 +3576,31 @@ "într-adevãr persoanei numite deasupra? Dacã nu ºtiþi ce sã rãspundeþi,\n" "introduceþi \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Nu voi rãspunde.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Nu am verificat deloc.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Am fãcut ceva verificãri superficiale.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Am fãcut verificãri foarte atente.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Selecþia dvs.? (introduceþi `?' pentru informaþii suplimentare): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3571,76 +3609,76 @@ "Sunteþi într-adevãr sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã semnaþi\n" "aceastã cheie cu cheia d-voastrã \"%s\" (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Aceasta va fi o auto-semnãturã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: semnãtura nu va fi marcatã ca non-exportabilã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: semnãtura nu va fi marcatã ca non-revocabilã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Semnãtura va fi marcatã ca non-exportabilã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Semnãtura va fi marcatã ca non-revocabilã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Nu am verificat aceastã cheie deloc.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Am verificat aceastã cheie superficial.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Am verificat aceastã cheie foarte atent.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi cu adevãrat sã semnaþi? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "semnarea a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "Cheia are numai articole de cheie sau talon (stub) pe card - nici o frazã " "parolã de schimbat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Aceastã cheie nu este protejatã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Pãrþile secrete ale cheii primare nu sunt disponibile.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Pãrþi secrete ale cheii primare sunt stacate pe card.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Cheia este protejatã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Nu pot edita aceastã cheie: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3648,11 +3686,11 @@ "Introduceþi noua frazã-parolã pentru acestã cheie secretã.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "fraza-parolã nu a fost repetatã corect; mai încercaþi o datã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3660,190 +3698,190 @@ "Nu doriþi o frazã-parolã - aceasta este probabil o idee *proastã*!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã faceþi acest lucru? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "mut o semnãturã de cheie în locul corect\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "salveazã ºi terminã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "afiºeazã amprenta cheii" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "enumerã chei ºi ID-uri utilizator" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "selecteazã ID utilizator N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "selecteazã subcheia N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "verificã semnãturi" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" "semneazã ID-urile utilizator selectate [* vezi mai jos pentru comenzi " "relevante]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "semneazã ID-urile utilizatorilor selectaþi local" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "semneazã ID-urile utilizatorilor selectaþi cu o semnãturã de încredere" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "semneazã ID-urile utilizatorilor selectaþi cu o semnãturã irevocabilã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "adaugã un ID utilizator" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "adaugã o pozã ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "ºterge ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "adaugã o subcheie" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "adaugã o cheie la un smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "mutã o cheie pe un smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "mutã o cheie de rezervã pe un smartcard" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "ºterge subcheile selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "adaugã o cheie de revocare" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "ºterge semnãturile de pe ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "schimbã data de expirare pentru cheia sau subcheile selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "marcheazã ID-ul utilizator selectat ca primar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "comutã între listele de chei secrete ºi publice" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "enumerã preferinþele (expert)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "afiºeazã preferinþele (detaliat)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "seteazã lista de preferinþe pentru ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "seteazã URL-ul serverului de chei preferat pentru ID-urile utilizator " "selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "seteazã lista de preferinþe pentru ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "schimbã fraza-parolã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "schimbã încrederea pentru proprietar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "revocã semnãturile pentru ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revocã ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revocã cheia sau subcheile selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "activeazã cheia" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "deactiveazã cheia" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "aratã pozele pentru ID-urile utilizator selectate" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "eroare la citire keyblock secret \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Cheia secretã este disponibilã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Aveþi nevoie de cheia secretã pentru a face aceasta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm folosiþi mai întâi comanda \"toggle\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3855,229 +3893,229 @@ " pentru semnãturi irevocabile (nrsign), sau orice combinaþie a acestora\n" " (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Cheia este revocatã." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Semnaþi într-adevãr toate ID-urile utilizator? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Sugestie: Selectaþi ID-ul utilizator de semnat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Tip de semnãturã necunoscut `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Aceastã comandã nu este permisã în modul %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Trebuie mai întâi sã selectaþi cel puþin un ID utilizator.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Nu puteþi ºterge ultimul ID utilizator!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "ªtergeþi într-adevãr toate ID-urile utilizator selectate? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "ªtergeþi într-adevãr acest ID utilizator? (d/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Mutaþi într-adevãr cheia primarã? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Trebuie sã selectaþi exact o cheie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Comanda aºteaptã un nume de fiºier ca argument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Nu pot deschide `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Eroare citind cheia de rezervã de pe `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Trebuie sã selectaþi cel puþin o cheie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã ºtergeþi cheile selectate? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã ºtergeþi aceastã cheie? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Doriþi într-adevãr sã revocaþi toate ID-urile utilizator selectate? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã revocaþi acest ID utilizator? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã revocaþi toatã cheia? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã revocaþi subcheile selectate? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã revocaþi aceastã subcheie? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Încrederea proprietar nu poate fi setatã când este folositã o bazã de date " "de încredere furnizatã de utilizator\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Seteazã lista de preferinþe ca:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Doriþi într-adevãr sã actualizaþi preferinþele pentru ID-urile utilizator " "selectate? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã actualizaþi preferinþele? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Salvaþi schimbãrile? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Terminaþi fãrã a salva? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualizarea a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "actualizarea secretului a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Cheia nu a fost schimbatã aºa cã nici o actualizare a fost necesarã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Rezumat: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Capabilitãþi: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Server de chei no-modify" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Server de chei preferat: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notaþie:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Nu existã nici o preferinþã pentru un ID utilizator stil PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Aceastã cheie a fost revocatã pe %s de %s cheia %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Aceastã cheie poate fi revocatã de %s cheia %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (senzitiv)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "creatã: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "revocatã: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "expiratã: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "expirã: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "folosire: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "încredere: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "validitate: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Aceastã cheie a fost deactivatã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "nr-card: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4086,17 +4124,17 @@ "corectã dacã nu reporniþi programul.\n" # -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "revocatã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "expiratã" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4105,7 +4143,17 @@ " Aceastã comandã poate cauza ca un alt ID utilizator\n" " sã devinã ID-ul utilizator primar presupus.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Nu puteþi schimba data de expirare a unei chei v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4114,74 +4162,74 @@ "AVERTISMENT: Aceasta este o cheie stil PGP2. Adãugarea unei poze ID poate\n" " cauza unele versiuni de PGP sã respingã aceastã cheie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sunteþi încã sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã o adãugaþi? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Nu puteþi adãuga o pozã ID la o cheie stil PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ªtergeþi aceastã semnãturã bunã? (d/N/t)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ªtergeþi aceastã semnãturã invalidã? (d/N/t)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "ªtergeþi aceastã semnãturã necunoscutã? (d/N/t)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "ªtergeþi într-adevãr aceastã auto-semnãturã? (d/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Am ºters %d semnãturi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Am ºters %d semnãturi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Nu am ºters nimic.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "invalid(ã)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "ID utilizator \"%s\" a fost revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "ID utilizator \"%s\" a fost revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "ID utilizator \"%s\" a fost revocat." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "ID-ul utilizator \"%s\": este deja curat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "ID-ul utilizator \"%s\": este deja curat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4191,268 +4239,268 @@ " desemnat poate face ca unele versiuni de PGP sã respingã " "cheia.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Nu puteþi adãuga un revocator desemnat la o cheie stil PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Introduceþi ID-ul utilizator al revocatorului desemnat: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "nu pot desemna o cheie stil PGP 2.x ca un revocator desemnat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "nu puteþi desemna o cheie ca propriul sãu revocator desemnat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "aceastã cheie a fost deja desemnatã ca un revocator\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: desemnarea unei chei ca un revocator desemnat nu poate fi " "anulatã!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Sunteþi sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã desemnaþi aceastã cheie ca ºi un revocator " "desemnat? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm ºtergeþi selecþiile din cheile secrete.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm selectaþi cel mult o subcheie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Schimb timpul de expirare pentru o subcheie.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Schimb timpul de expirare pentru cheia primarã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Nu puteþi schimba data de expirare a unei chei v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Nici o semnãturã corespunzãtoare în inelul secret\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: subcheia de semnare %s nu este certificatã reciproc (cross-" "certified)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm selectaþi exact un ID utilizator.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "auto-semnãturã v3 sãritã pentru ID-ul utilizator \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Introduceþi URL-ul serverului de chei preferat: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sunteþi sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã o folosiþi? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sunteþi sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã o folosiþi? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Notare semnãturã: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Suprascriu? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Nici un ID utilizator cu indicele %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Nici un ID utilizator cu hash-ul %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Nici o subcheie cu indicele %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ID utilizator: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "semnatã de cheia d-voastrã %s la %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (non-exportabilã)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Aceastã semnãturã a expirat pe %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Sunteþi încã sigur(ã) cã doriþi sã o revocaþi? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Creaþi un certificat de revocare pentru aceastã semnãturã? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Aþi semnat aceste ID-uri utilizator pe cheia %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (non-revocabilã)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "revocatã de cheia d-voastrã %s pe %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Sunteþi pe cale sã revocaþi aceste semnãturi:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Doriþi într-adevãr sã creaþi certificatele de revocare? (d/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "nici o cheie secretã\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "ID-ul utilizator \"%s\" este deja revocat\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: o semnãturã ID utilizator este datatã %d secunde în viitor\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Cheia %s este deja revocatã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Subcheia %s este deja revocatã.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Afiºez poza ID %s de dimensiune %ld pentru cheia %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "preferinþa `%s' duplicatã\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "prea multe preferinþe de cifrare\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "prea multe preferinþe de rezumat\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "prea multe preferinþe de compresie\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "articol invalid `%s' în ºirul de preferinþe\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "scriu semnãturã directã\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "scriu auto semnãturã\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "scriu semnãturã legatã de cheie\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "lungime cheie invalidã; folosesc %u biþi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "lungime cheie rotunjitã la %u biþi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Semneazã" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Cifreazã" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Autentificã" @@ -4466,7 +4514,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsCcAaTt" @@ -4499,71 +4547,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Terminat\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Selectaþi ce fel de cheie doriþi:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ºi Elgamal (implicit)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ºi Elgamal (implicit)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (numai semnare)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (numai semnare)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (numai cifrare)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (numai cifrare)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (seteazã singur capabilitãþile)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (seteazã singur capabilitãþile)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "cheile %s pot avea lungimea între %u ºi %u biþi.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Ce lungime de cheie doriþi? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Ce lungime de cheie doriþi? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Lungimea cheii necesarã este %u biþi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4579,7 +4627,7 @@ " m = cheia expirã în n luni\n" " y = cheia expirã în n ani\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4595,38 +4643,38 @@ " m = semnãtura expirã în n luni\n" " y = semnãtura expirã în n ani\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Cheia este validã pentru? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Semnãtura este validã pentru? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "valoare invalidã\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Cheia nu expirã deloc\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Semnãtura nu expirã deloc\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Cheia expirã pe %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Semnãtura expirã pe %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4634,11 +4682,11 @@ "Sistemul d-voastrã nu poate afiºa date dupã 2038.\n" "Totuºi, acestea vor fi corect mânuite pânã în 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Este aceasta corect? (d/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4649,7 +4697,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4666,44 +4714,44 @@ " \"Popa Ioan (popicã) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Nume real: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Caracter invalid în nume\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Numele nu poate începe cu o cifrã\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Numele trebuie sã fie de cel puþin 5 caractere\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "Adresã de email: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Nu este o adresã de email validã\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Comentariu: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Caracter invalid în comentariu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Folosiþi setul de caractere `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4714,11 +4762,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm nu puneþi adresa de email în numele real sau comentariu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4733,23 +4781,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoTt" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Schimbã (N)ume, (C)omentariu, (E)mail sau (T)Terminã? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Schimbã (N)ume, (C)omentariu, (E)mail sau (O)K/(T)Terminã? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm corectaþi mai întâi eroarea\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4757,7 +4805,7 @@ "Aveþi nevoie de o frazã-parolã pentru a vã proteja cheia secretã.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " @@ -4765,12 +4813,12 @@ msgstr "" "Vã rugãm introduceþi fraza-parolã; aceasta este o propoziþie secretã \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4781,7 +4829,7 @@ "O sã o fac oricum. Puteþi schimba fraza-parolã oricând, folosind acest\n" "program cu opþiunea \"--edit-key\".\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4793,50 +4841,50 @@ "în timpul generãrii numerelor prime; aceasta dã o ºansã generatorului de\n" "numere aleatoare o ºansã mai bunã de a aduna destulã entropie.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Generarea cheii a fost anulatã.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "scriu cheia publicã în `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "scriu talonul (stub) cheii secrete în `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "scriu cheia secretã în `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nu am gãsit nici un inel de chei public de scris: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nu am gãsit nici un inel de chei secret de scris: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare la scrierea inelului de chei public `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare la scrierea inelului de chei secret `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "cheile secretã ºi publicã au fost create ºi semnate.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4846,12 +4894,12 @@ "sã folosiþi comanda \"--edit-key\" pentru a genera o subcheie secundarã\n" "pentru acest scop.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Generarea cheii a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4859,7 +4907,7 @@ "cheia a fost creatã %lu secundã în viitor (warp în timp sau probleme cu " "ceasul)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4867,30 +4915,30 @@ "cheia a fost creatã %lu secunde în viitor (warp în timp sau probleme cu " "ceasul)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: crearea de subchei pentru chei v3 nu este conform OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Creaþi într-adevãr? (d/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "stocarea cheii pe card a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nu pot crea fiºier de rezervã `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: copia de siguranþa a cheii cardului salvatã la `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "niciodatã " @@ -4944,45 +4992,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Card nr. serie =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "redenumirea `%s' ca `%s' a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: existã 2 fiºiere cu informaþii confidenþiale.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s este cel neschimbat\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s este cel nou\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Vã rugãm reparaþi aceastã deficienþã posibilã de securitate\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "pun în cache inelul de chei `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu chei puse în cache pânã acum (%lu semnãturi)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu chei puse în cache (%lu semnãturi)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: inelul de chei creat\n" @@ -5031,7 +5079,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Introduceþi numãr/numere, N)ext (urmãtor), sau Q)uit (terminã) > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "protocol server de chei invalid (us %d!=handler %d)\n" @@ -5045,124 +5093,124 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "cheia nu a fost gãsitã pe serverul de chei\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "cer cheia %s de la serverul %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "cer cheia %s de la %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "caut \"%s\" de pe serverul %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "caut \"%s\" de pe %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "trimit cheia %s serverului %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "trimit cheia %s lui %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "caut \"%s\" de pe serverul %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "caut \"%s\" de pe %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "nici o acþiune pentru serverul de chei!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: manipulator server de chei dintr-o versiune diferitã de GnuPG " "(%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "serverul de chei nu a trimis VERSION (versiune)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "eroare de comunicare server de chei: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "nici un server de chei cunoscut (folosiþi opþiunea --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" "apeluri cãtre server de chei extern nu este suportat de acest program\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "nici un manipulator (handler) pentru schema serverului de chei `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "acþiunea `%s' nu este suportatã cu schema serverului de chei `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s nu suportã versiunea de manipulator (handler) %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "serverul de chei a epuizat timpul de aºteptare (timed out)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "eroare internã server de chei\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "eroare de comunicare server de chei: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\" nu este un ID de cheie: sãrit\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: nu pot reactualiza cheia %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "reactualizez 1 cheie de la %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "reactualizez %d chei de la %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: nu pot reactualiza cheia %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: nu pot reactualiza cheia %s via %s: %s\n" @@ -5220,164 +5268,169 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "cifratã cu 1 frazã-parolã\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "presupunem date cifrate %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "cifru IDEA indisponibil, vom încerca sã folosim %s în loc\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "decriptare OK\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: mesajul nu a avut integritatea protejatã\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: mesajul cifrat a fost manipulat!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "decriptarea a eºuat: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: expeditorul a cerut \"doar-pentru-ochii-d-voastrã\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "nume fiºier original='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "revocare standalone - folosiþi \"gpg --import\" pentru a aplica\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Semnãturã bunã din \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verificare semnãturã eliminatã\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "nu pot mânui aceste semnãturi multiple\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Semnãturã fãcutã %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " folosind cheia %s %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Semnãturã fãcutã %s folosind cheia %s cu ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Cheie disponibilã la: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Semnãturã INCORECTà din \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Semnãturã expiratã din \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Semnãturã bunã din \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[nesigur]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " aka \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Semnãturã expiratã %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Semnãtura expirã %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "semnãturã %s, algoritm rezumat %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binar" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "modtext" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "necunoscut" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Nu pot verifica semnãtura: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "nu o semnãturã detaºatã\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: am detectat multiple semnãturi. Numai prima va fi verificatã.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "semnãturã de sine stãtãtoare (standalone) de clasã 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "semnãturã de stil vechi (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "pachet root invalid detectat în proc_tree()\n" @@ -5391,91 +5444,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) a eºuat în %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: folosesc algoritmul cu cheie publicã experimental %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: algoritmul rezumat %s este prea vechi (deprecated)\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: folosesc algoritmul de cifrare experimental %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: folosesc algoritmul rezumat experimental %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: algoritmul rezumat %s este prea vechi (deprecated)\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "semnãturã %s, algoritm rezumat %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "plugin-ul pentru cifrare IDEA nu este prezent\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = aratã-mi mai multe informaþii\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: opþiune învechitã \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "vã rugãm folosiþi \"%s%s\" în loc\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o comandã învechitã - nu o folosiþi\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "AVERTISMENT: \"%s\" este o opþiune învechitã\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Necompresat" # #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "necompresat|niciunul" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "acest mesaj s-ar putea sã nu poatã fi folosit de %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "opþiune ambiguã `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "opþiune necunoscutã `%s'\n" @@ -5502,49 +5572,50 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "scriu la stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "presupun date semnate în `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "fiºier de configurare nou `%s' creat\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: opþiunile din %s nu sunt încã active în timpul acestei rulãri\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "nu pot mânui algoritmul cu cheie publicã %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "AVERTISMENT: cheie de sesiune cifratã simetric potenþial nesigurã " "(insecure)\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "subpachetul de tip %d are bitul critic setat\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problemã cu agentul: agentul returneazã 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ID cheie principalã %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5558,15 +5629,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "cheia %u-bit %s, ID %s, creatã %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Introduceþi fraza-parolã\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "anulatã de utilizator\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5575,12 +5646,12 @@ "Aveþi nevoie de o frazã-parolã pentru a descuia cheia secretã pentru\n" "utilizator: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "cheia %u-bit %s, ID %s, creatã %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (subcheie pe cheia principalã ID %s)" @@ -5940,16 +6011,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "citesc stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "nici o datã semnatã\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "nu pot deschide date semnate `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "nu pot deschide date semnate `%s'\n" @@ -6213,25 +6284,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "NOTÃ: cheia a fost revocatã" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "semnãturã %s, algoritm rezumat %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "presupun semnãturã incorectã din cheia %s datoritã unui bit critic " "necunoscut\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici o subcheie pentru semnãtura de revocare a subcheii\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "cheia %s: nici o subcheie pentru semnãtura legatã de subcheie\n" @@ -6625,7 +6690,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "nu e nevoie de o verificare trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "urmãtoarea verificare trustdb programatã pe %s\n" @@ -6640,47 +6705,47 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "nu e nevoie de o actualizare trustdb cu modelul de încredere `%s'\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "cheia publicã %s nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "vã rugãm faceþi un --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "verific trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d chei procesate (%d numãrãtori valide anulate)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "nu am gãsit nici o cheie cu încredere supremã\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "cheia publicã a cheii cu încredere supremã %s nu a fost gãsitã\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" "%d marginal(e) necesare, %d complet(e) necesare, model de încredere %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" "adânc: %d valid: %3d semnat: %3d încredere: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6706,77 +6771,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "nu pot deschide `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "Nu sunt permise comenzi administrare\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "eroare citire fiºier" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "linie prea lungã" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argument invalid" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "armurã invalidã" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "Comandã numai-administrare\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "neforþat(ã)" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Comandã invalidã (încercaþi \"ajutor\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "neforþat(ã)" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "opþiuni enumerare invalide\n" @@ -6806,35 +6882,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nu pot crea directorul `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "eroare la scrierea inelului de chei `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "scriu cheia secretã în `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "cheia publicã %s nu a fost gãsitã: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "scriu cheia secretã în `%s'\n" @@ -6859,19 +6935,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Folosire: gpg [opþiuni] [fiºiere] (-h pentru ajutor)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "modulus-ul RSA lipseºte sau nu are %d biþi\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "exponentul public RSA lipseºte sau are mai mult de %d biþi\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "apelul PIN a returnat eroare: %s\n" @@ -6920,104 +6996,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "eroare la obþinere noului PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "am eºuat sã stochez amprenta: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "am eºuat sã stochez data creãrii: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "citirea cheii publice a eºuat: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "rãspunsul nu conþine datele cheii publice\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "rãspunsul nu conþine modulul RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "rãspunsul nu conþine exponentul public RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN-ul pentru CHV%d este prea scurt; lungimea minimã este %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "verificarea CHV%d a eºuat: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "eroare la recuperarea stãrii CHV de pe card\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "cardul este încuiat permanent!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d încercãri PIN Admin rãmase înainte de a încuia cardul permanent\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "accesul la comenzile de administrare nu este configuratã\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN-ul pentru CHV%d este prea scurt; lungimea minimã este %d\n" @@ -7025,105 +7101,105 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|PIN Admin Nou" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|PIN Nou" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Vã rugãm introduceþi PIN%%0A[semnãturi fãcute: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "eroare la citirea datelor aplicaþiei\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "eroare la citirea amprentei DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "cheia existã deja\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "cheia existentã va fi înlocuitã\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "generez o nouã cheie\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "generez o nouã cheie\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "timestamp-ul de creare lipseºte\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "prime-ul RSA %s lipseºte sau nu are %d biþi\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "am eºuat sã stochez cheia: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "vã rugãm aºteptaþi câtã vreme este creatã noua cheie ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "generarea cheii a eºuat\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "generarea cheii este completã (%d secunde)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "structurã invalidã a cardului OpenPGP (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "semnãturã %s, algoritm rezumat %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "semnãturi create pânã acum: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "verificarea PIN-ului Admin este deocamdatã interzisã prin aceastã comandã\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "nu pot accesa %s - card OpenPGP invalid?\n" @@ -7149,7 +7225,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FIªIER|încarcã modulul extensie FIªIER" @@ -7914,7 +7990,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|NUME|foloseºte NUME ca cheie secretã implicitã" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|HOST|foloseºte acest server de chei pentru a cãuta chei" @@ -7974,26 +8050,26 @@ msgstr " s = sãri peste cheia asta\n" # -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "nu am putut interpreta URL-ul serverului de chei\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nu pot accesa `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8247,27 +8323,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "eroare trimitere la `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8283,114 +8359,114 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|foloseºte modul frazã-parolã N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "eroare la crearea frazei-parolã: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NUME|foloseºte NUME ca cheie secretã implicitã" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NUME|cifrare pentru NUME" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" # -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "nu am putut interpreta URL-ul serverului de chei\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NUME|foloseºte algoritm cifrare NUME pentru fraza-parolã" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9233,9 +9309,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "pachet invalid" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "armurã invalidã" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "nu existã acest id utilizator" @@ -9260,9 +9333,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "eroare creare fiºier" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "frazã-parolã invalidã" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritm pubkey neimplementat" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ru.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ru.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/Rules-quot gnupg2-2.0.28/po/Rules-quot --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/Rules-quot 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/Rules-quot 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# This file, Rules-quot, can be copied and used freely without restrictions. # Special Makefile rules for English message catalogs with quotation marks. DISTFILES.common.extra1 = quot.sed boldquot.sed en@quot.header en@boldquot.header insert-header.sin Rules-quot @@ -14,13 +15,23 @@ .insert-header.po-update-en: @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-update-en$$//'`; \ - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext"; then PATH=`pwd`/../src:$$PATH; GETTEXTLIBDIR=`cd $(top_srcdir)/src && pwd`; export GETTEXTLIBDIR; fi; \ + if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then PATH=`pwd`/../src:$$PATH; GETTEXTLIBDIR=`cd $(top_srcdir)/src && pwd`; export GETTEXTLIBDIR; fi; \ tmpdir=`pwd`; \ echo "$$lang:"; \ ll=`echo $$lang | sed -e 's/@.*//'`; \ LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; \ cd $(srcdir); \ - if $(MSGINIT) -i $(DOMAIN).pot --no-translator -l $$ll -o - 2>/dev/null | sed -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.insert-header | $(MSGCONV) -t UTF-8 | $(MSGFILTER) sed -f `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'`.sed 2>/dev/null > $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; then \ + if $(MSGINIT) $(MSGINIT_OPTIONS) -i $(DOMAIN).pot --no-translator -l $$lang -o - 2>/dev/null \ + | $(SED) -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.insert-header | $(MSGCONV) -t UTF-8 | \ + { case `$(MSGFILTER) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-8] | 0.1[0-8].*) \ + $(MSGFILTER) $(SED) -f `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'`.sed \ + ;; \ + *) \ + $(MSGFILTER) `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'` \ + ;; \ + esac } 2>/dev/null > $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po \ + ; then \ if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \ else \ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ru.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ru.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/ru.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/ru.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ # !-- no such user (2011-01-11) # Thanks Pawel I. Shajdo . # Thanks Cmecb for the inspiration. +# Ineiev , 2014, 2015 # # Designated-Translator: none -# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: GnuPG 2.0.10\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-21 00:40+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Maxim Britov \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-14 17:16+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Ineiev \n" "Language-Team: Russian \n" "Language: ru\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -25,28 +25,62 @@ #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 #, c-format msgid "failed to acquire the pinentry lock: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при блокировке Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° PIN: %s\n" #. TRANSLATORS: These are labels for buttons etc used in #. Pinentries. An underscore indicates that the next letter #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|Отмена (_C)" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|PIN:" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|Отмена (_C)" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать выбранные подключи? (y/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Введите новую фразу-пароль" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "СтойкоÑÑ‚ÑŒ:" @@ -56,81 +90,84 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -"СтойкоÑÑ‚ÑŒ введенного выше текÑта. Можете прокоÑультироватьÑÑ Ñƒ Вашего " -"админиÑтратора о критериÑÑ… оценки ÑтойкоÑти." +"СтойкоÑÑ‚ÑŒ введенного выше текÑта. ПроконÑультируйтеÑÑŒ у админиÑтратора о " +"критериÑÑ… оценки ÑтойкоÑти." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" -msgstr "Введите PIN-код Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу" +msgstr "" +"Введите PIN, чтобы Ñделать закрытый ключ доÑтупным на протÑжении Ñтого ÑеанÑа" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" -msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу" +msgstr "" +"Введите фразу-пароль, чтобы Ñделать закрытый ключ доÑтупным на протÑжении " +"Ñтого ÑеанÑа" #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (попытка %d из %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" -msgstr "PIN Ñлишком длинен" +msgstr "Слишком длинный PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" -msgstr "фраза-пароль Ñлишком длиннаÑ" +msgstr "Слишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð°-пароль" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в PIN-коде" +msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" -msgstr "PIN-код Ñлишком короткий" +msgstr "Слишком короткий PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" -msgstr "плохой PIN" +msgstr "Ðеверный PIN" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "ÐÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð°-пароль" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Фраза-пароль" #: agent/command-ssh.c:595 #, c-format msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" -msgstr "не поддерживаютÑÑ ssh ключи превышающие %d бит\n" +msgstr "ключи ssh длиннее %d бит не поддерживаютÑÑ\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не могу Ñоздать `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не могу открыть `%s': %s\n" @@ -148,17 +185,17 @@ #: agent/command-ssh.c:2119 #, c-format msgid "error getting default authentication keyID of card: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°ÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ keyID по умолчанию карты: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñновного аутентификационного ID ключа карты: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2139 #, c-format msgid "no suitable card key found: %s\n" -msgstr "в карте не обнаружен пригодный ключ: %s\n" +msgstr "на карте не найдено подходÑщего ключа: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2189 #, c-format msgid "shadowing the key failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при затенении ключа: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2204 #, c-format @@ -171,32 +208,34 @@ "An ssh process requested the use of key%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0ADo you want to " "allow this?" msgstr "" +"ПроцеÑÑ ssh запроÑил доÑтуп к ключу%%0A %s%%0A (%s)%%0AÐ’Ñ‹ хотите Ñто " +"позволить?" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 msgid "Allow" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Позволить" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2505 msgid "Deny" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Отказать" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2514 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" -msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ ssh ключа%0A %c" +msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° ssh%%0A %F%%0A (%c)" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2833 agent/genkey.c:310 agent/genkey.c:432 msgid "Please re-enter this passphrase" msgstr "Повторно введите фразу-пароль:" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2858 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the received secret key%%0A %s%%0A " "%s%%0Awithin gpg-agent's key storage" msgstr "" -"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ принÑтого закрытого ключа%%0A %s%%0Aвнутри " -"хранилища ключей gpg-agent" +"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ полученного закрытого ключа%%0A %s%%0A %s" +"%%0Aвнутри хранилища ключей агента gpg" #: agent/command-ssh.c:2896 agent/genkey.c:340 agent/genkey.c:463 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:436 @@ -210,39 +249,38 @@ #: agent/divert-scd.c:92 g10/call-agent.c:991 msgid "Please insert the card with serial number" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ð’Ñтавьте карту Ñ Ñерийным номером" #: agent/divert-scd.c:93 g10/call-agent.c:992 msgid "Please remove the current card and insert the one with serial number" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Удалите текущую карту и вÑтавьте карту Ñ Ñерийным номером" #: agent/divert-scd.c:200 msgid "Admin PIN" -msgstr "ÐдминиÑтративный PID" +msgstr "ÐдминиÑтративный PIN" #. TRANSLATORS: A PUK is the Personal Unblocking Code #. used to unblock a PIN. #: agent/divert-scd.c:205 msgid "PUK" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Код разблокировки PIN (PUK)" #: agent/divert-scd.c:212 msgid "Reset Code" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Код ÑброÑа" #: agent/divert-scd.c:238 #, c-format msgid "%s%%0A%%0AUse the reader's pinpad for input." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s%%0A%%0AВводите на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ." #: agent/divert-scd.c:287 msgid "Repeat this Reset Code" -msgstr "Повторить Reset Code" +msgstr "Повторите код ÑброÑа" #: agent/divert-scd.c:289 -#, fuzzy msgid "Repeat this PUK" -msgstr "Повторите ввод PIN" +msgstr "Повторите ввод PUK" #: agent/divert-scd.c:290 msgid "Repeat this PIN" @@ -250,16 +288,15 @@ #: agent/divert-scd.c:295 msgid "Reset Code not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "Reset Code не повторен корректно; попробуйте еще раз" +msgstr "Код ÑброÑа повторен неверно; попробуйте еще раз" #: agent/divert-scd.c:297 -#, fuzzy msgid "PUK not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "повторный PIN не Ñовпал; попробуйте еще раз" +msgstr "PUK повторен неверно; попробуйте еще раз" #: agent/divert-scd.c:298 msgid "PIN not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "повторный PIN не Ñовпал; попробуйте еще раз" +msgstr "PIN повторен неверно; попробуйте еще раз" #: agent/divert-scd.c:310 #, c-format @@ -283,7 +320,7 @@ #: agent/genkey.c:167 msgid "Take this one anyway" -msgstr "ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ как еÑÑ‚ÑŒ" +msgstr "Ð’Ñе равно принÑÑ‚ÑŒ" #: agent/genkey.c:193 #, c-format @@ -294,13 +331,13 @@ "Warning: You have entered an insecure passphrase.%%0AA passphrase should be " "at least %u characters long." msgstr[0] "" -"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AДлина фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° " +"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " "Ñодержать не менее %u знака." msgstr[1] "" -"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AДлина фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° " +"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " "Ñодержать не менее %u знаков." msgstr[2] "" -"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AДлина фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° " +"Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " "Ñодержать не менее %u знаков." #: agent/genkey.c:214 @@ -313,13 +350,13 @@ "contain at least %u digits or%%0Aspecial characters." msgstr[0] "" "Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " -"Ñодержать не менее %u Ñимвола, либо %%0AÑпециальный Ñимвол." +"Ñодержать по меньшей мере %u цифру или %%0AÑпециальный Ñимвол." msgstr[1] "" "Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " -"Ñодержать не менее %u Ñимвола, либо %%0AÑпециальных Ñимвола." +"Ñодержать не менее %u цифр или%%0AÑпециальных Ñимволов." msgstr[2] "" "Внимание: Ð’Ñ‹ ввели небезопаÑную фразу-пароль.%%0AФраза-пароль должна " -"Ñодержать не менее %u Ñимволов, либо %%0AÑпециальный Ñимволов." +"Ñодержать не менее %u цифр или%%0AÑпециальных Ñимволов." #: agent/genkey.c:237 #, c-format @@ -342,16 +379,15 @@ "You have not entered a passphrase - this is in general a bad idea!%0APlease " "confirm that you do not want to have any protection on your key." msgstr "" -"Ð’Ñ‹ не ввели фразу-пароль - Ñто веÑьма неудачное решение!%0A Подтвердите, что " -"Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно не хотите защитить Ваш ключ." +"Ð’Ñ‹ не ввели фразу-пароль - Ñто, как правило, Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹Ñль!%0A Подтвердите, " +"что Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно не хотите защитить Ñвой ключ." #: agent/genkey.c:264 msgid "Yes, protection is not needed" -msgstr "Да, защита мне не нужна" +msgstr "Да, защита не нужна" #: agent/genkey.c:308 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Ato protect your new key" +#, c-format msgid "Please enter the passphrase to%0Aprotect your new key" msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль%0AÐ´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового ключа" @@ -359,7 +395,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Введите новую фразу-пароль" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -368,121 +404,123 @@ "@Параметры:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" -msgstr "запуÑк в режиме демона (background)" +msgstr "запуÑк в режиме демона (фоновый режим)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" -msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера (foreground)" +msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера (нефоновый режим)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "подробно" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" -msgstr "уменьшить количеÑтво выводимой информации" +msgstr "Ñократить подробноÑти" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" -msgstr "вывод результатов в sh-Ñтиле" +msgstr "вывод команды в Ñтиле sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" -msgstr "вывод результатов в csh-Ñтиле" +msgstr "вывод команды в Ñтиле csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из файла FILE" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "не отÑоединÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚ конÑоли" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" -msgstr "не перехватывать ÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹ÑˆÐ¸ и клавиатуры" +msgstr "не захватывать клавиатуру и мышь" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "иÑпользовать файл журнала Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Ñтандартное раÑположение Ñокета" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" -msgstr "|PGM|иÑпользовать PGM как PIN-Entry" +msgstr "|PGM|иÑпользовать программу PGM Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° паролей" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" -msgstr "|PGM| иÑпользовать PGM как SCdaemon" +msgstr "|PGM| иÑпользовать программу PGM как SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "не иÑпользовать SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" -msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены TTY" +msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены терминала" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" -msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены X диÑплеÑ" +msgstr "игнорировать запроÑÑ‹ Ñмены диÑÐ¿Ð»ÐµÑ XWindow" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" -msgstr "|N|кеш PIN проÑрочен поÑле N Ñекунд" +msgstr "|N|ÑбраÑывать запомненный PIN через N Ñекунд" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" -msgstr "не иÑпользовать кеш PIN при подпиÑывании" +msgstr "не иÑпользовать запомненный PIN при подпиÑывании" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -msgstr "позволить клиентам помечать ключи как \"доверÑемые\"" +msgstr "не позволÑÑ‚ÑŒ клиентам помечать ключи как \"доверенные\"" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" -msgstr "разрешить предуÑтановленную фразу-пароль" +msgstr "разрешить предуÑтанавливать фразу-пароль" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "разрешить ÑмулÑцию ssh-агента" +msgstr "включить поддержку ssh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" -msgstr "" +msgstr "включить поддержку putty" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "не разрешать повторное иÑпользование Ñтарых фраз-паролей" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|Ñохранить ÑоÑтоÑние Ð¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ в файл" +msgstr "|FILE|Ñохранить ÑоÑтоÑние Ñреды также в файл FILE" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" -msgstr "О найденных ошибка Ñообщайте <@EMAIL@>.\n" +msgstr "О найденных ошибках Ñообщайте по адреÑу <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: gpg-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -490,164 +528,164 @@ "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-agent [параметры] [команда [аргументы]]\n" "Управление закрытыми ключами Ð´Ð»Ñ GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" -msgstr "запрошен недупуÑтимый уровень отладки `%s'\n" +msgstr "запрошен недопуÑтимый уровень отладки `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -msgstr "%s Ñлишком уÑтарело (требуетÑÑ %s, имеетÑÑ %s)\n" +msgstr "Слишком ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑÐ¸Ñ %s (нужно %s, еÑÑ‚ÑŒ %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: файл конфигурации `%s' не обнаружен\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: оÑновной файл параметров `%s' не обнаружен\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "файл конфигурации `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "файл параметров `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" -msgstr "параметры конфигурации из файла `%s'\n" +msgstr "чтение параметров из `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не могу Ñоздать каталог `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñокета Ñлишком длинное\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "не могу Ñоздать Ñокет: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" -msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñокета `%s' Ñлишком длинное\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком дленное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñокета `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" -msgstr "gpg-agent уже запущен - еще один, новый, запущен не будет\n" +msgstr "агент gpg уже запущен - еще один, новый, запущен не будет\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ кода Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñокета\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñокета Ñ `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñокета Ñ `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой listen(): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "Ñлушаем Ñокет `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "Ñоздан каталог `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой stat() Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать `%s' как домашний каталог\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ кода из файлового деÑкриптора %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "обработчик 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d запущен\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "обработчик 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d завершилÑÑ\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "обработчик ssh 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d запущен\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "обработчик ssh 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d завершилÑÑ\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой pth_select: %s - жду 1 Ñекунду\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s: оÑтановлен\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" -msgstr "нет gpg-agent доÑтупого Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ ÑеÑÑии\n" +msgstr "в Ñтом ÑеанÑе агент gpg не работает\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¾ÐºÑ€ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "протокол gpg-agent верÑии %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "протокол агента gpg верÑии %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:101 msgid "Usage: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP (-h for help)\n" msgstr "" -"ИÑпользование: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] KEYGRIP (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" +"Вызов: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] КОД_КЛЮЧР(-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" #: agent/preset-passphrase.c:104 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] KEYGRIP\n" "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] KEYGRIP\n" -"Кеширование паролей\n" +"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметры] КОД_КЛЮЧÐ\n" +"Работа Ñ Ð±ÑƒÑ„ÐµÑ€Ð¾Ð¼ паролей\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -656,7 +694,7 @@ "@Команды:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -670,7 +708,7 @@ #: agent/protect-tool.c:167 msgid "Usage: gpg-protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg-protect-tool [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" +msgstr "Вызов: gpg-protect-tool [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" #: agent/protect-tool.c:169 msgid "" @@ -678,15 +716,15 @@ "Secret key maintenance tool\n" msgstr "" "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-protect-tool [параметры] [аргументы]\n" -"ИнÑтрумент Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ ключами\n" +"СредÑтво работы Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ ключами\n" #: agent/protect-tool.c:1166 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к PKCS#12 объекту." +msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñ Ð¾Ð±ÑŠÐµÐºÑ‚Ð° PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1171 msgid "Please enter the passphrase to protect the new PKCS#12 object." -msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового PKCS#12 объекта." +msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ нового объекта PKCS#12." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1177 msgid "" @@ -699,8 +737,8 @@ "Please enter the passphrase or the PIN\n" "needed to complete this operation." msgstr "" -"Введите фразу-пароль или PIN\n" -"необходимые Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ операции." +"Введите фразу-пароль или PIN,\n" +"необходимые Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ операции." #: agent/protect-tool.c:1187 tools/symcryptrun.c:437 msgid "Passphrase:" @@ -728,12 +766,12 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:171 agent/trustlist.c:179 #, c-format msgid "statement \"%s\" ignored in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "выражение \"%s\" в `%s' игнорируетÑÑ, Ñтрока %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:185 #, c-format msgid "system trustlist `%s' not available\n" -msgstr "ÑиÑтемный ÑпиÑок доверий `%s' не доÑтупен\n" +msgstr "ÑиÑтемный ÑпиÑок Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ `%s' не доÑтупен\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:229 #, c-format @@ -743,7 +781,7 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:254 agent/trustlist.c:261 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyflag in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый признак ключа в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" #: agent/trustlist.c:295 common/helpfile.c:126 #, c-format @@ -752,7 +790,7 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:400 agent/trustlist.c:450 msgid "error reading list of trusted root certificates\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑка доверÑемых корневых Ñертификатов\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑка доверенных корневых Ñертификатов\n" #. TRANSLATORS: This prompt is shown by the Pinentry #. and has one special property: A "%%0A" is used by @@ -768,8 +806,8 @@ "Do you ultimately trust%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ato correctly certify user " "certificates?" msgstr "" -"ДейÑтвительно абÑолютно доверÑÑ‚ÑŒ%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aкорректно подпиÑанным " -"Ñертификатам пользователÑ?" +"ДейÑтвительно абÑолютно верить, что%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aправильно Ñертифицирует " +"Ñертификаты пользователÑ?" #: agent/trustlist.c:620 common/audit.c:467 msgid "Yes" @@ -793,8 +831,7 @@ "Please verify that the certificate identified as:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Ahas the " "fingerprint:%%0A %s" msgstr "" -"Проверьте, что Ñертификат идентифицированный как:%%0A \"%s\"%%0Aимеет " -"отпечаток:%%0A %s" +"Проверьте, что отпечаток Ñертификата%%0A \"%s\"%%0AÑовпадает Ñ%%0A %s" #. TRANSLATORS: "Correct" is the label of a button and intended #. to be hit if the fingerprint matches the one of the CA. The @@ -805,13 +842,13 @@ #: agent/trustlist.c:668 msgid "Wrong" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ðеверно" #: agent/findkey.c:157 #, c-format msgid "Note: This passphrase has never been changed.%0APlease change it now." msgstr "" -"Замечание: Фразу-пароль ни разу не ÑменÑли.%0AПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее ÑейчаÑ." +"Замечание: Фразу-пароль никогда не менÑли.%0AПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее ÑейчаÑ." #: agent/findkey.c:173 #, c-format @@ -819,37 +856,36 @@ "This passphrase has not been changed%%0Asince %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. Please change " "it now." msgstr "" -"Фраза пароль не ÑменÑлаÑÑŒ%%0AÑ %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. ПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее " -"ÑейчаÑ." +"Фраза-пароль не менÑлаÑÑŒ%%0AÑ %.4s-%.2s-%.2s. ПожалуйÑта, Ñмените ее ÑейчаÑ." #: agent/findkey.c:187 agent/findkey.c:194 msgid "Change passphrase" -msgstr "Cменить фразу-пароль" +msgstr "Сменить фразу-пароль" #: agent/findkey.c:195 msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Сменю позже" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ошибка при Ñоздании канала конвейера: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:599 common/exechelp.c:658 #, c-format msgid "can't fdopen pipe for reading: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "отказ при вызове fdopen на чтение: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:637 common/exechelp.c:765 common/exechelp.c:1002 #, c-format msgid "error forking process: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ошибка при дублировании процеÑÑа: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:811 common/exechelp.c:864 #, c-format msgid "waiting for process %d to terminate failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при ожидании Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ†ÐµÑÑа %d: %s\n" #: common/exechelp.c:819 #, c-format @@ -864,7 +900,7 @@ #: common/exechelp.c:870 #, c-format msgid "error running `%s': probably not installed\n" -msgstr "ошибка запуÑка `%s': позможно не уÑтановлен\n" +msgstr "ошибка запуÑка `%s': возможно, не уÑтановлен\n" #: common/exechelp.c:885 #, c-format @@ -874,7 +910,7 @@ #: common/http.c:1682 #, c-format msgid "error creating socket: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ошибка при Ñоздании Ñокета: %s\n" #: common/http.c:1733 msgid "host not found" @@ -882,7 +918,7 @@ #: common/simple-pwquery.c:338 msgid "gpg-agent is not available in this session\n" -msgstr "gpg-agent недоÑтупен в данной ÑеÑÑии\n" +msgstr "в данном ÑеанÑе агент gpg недоÑтупен\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:395 #, c-format @@ -891,11 +927,11 @@ #: common/simple-pwquery.c:406 msgid "communication problem with gpg-agent\n" -msgstr "проблема ÑвÑзи Ñ gpg-agent\n" +msgstr "проблема ÑвÑзи Ñ Ð°Ð³ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼ gpg\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:416 msgid "problem setting the gpg-agent options\n" -msgstr "проблема Ð·Ð°Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð² gpg-agent\n" +msgstr "проблема Ð·Ð°Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð² агента gpg\n" #: common/simple-pwquery.c:579 common/simple-pwquery.c:675 msgid "canceled by user\n" @@ -908,7 +944,7 @@ #: common/sysutils.c:111 #, c-format msgid "can't disable core dumps: %s\n" -msgstr "не могу отключить Ñоздание файла дампа образа памÑти: %s\n" +msgstr "не могу отключить Ñоздание файла копии образа памÑти: %s\n" #: common/sysutils.c:206 #, c-format @@ -923,7 +959,7 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:35 common/yesno.c:72 msgid "yes" -msgstr "да|Да|yes|Yes" +msgstr "да|yes" #: common/yesno.c:36 common/yesno.c:77 msgid "yY" @@ -932,7 +968,7 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:38 common/yesno.c:74 msgid "no" -msgstr "нет|Ðет|no|No" +msgstr "нет|no" #: common/yesno.c:39 common/yesno.c:78 msgid "nN" @@ -941,34 +977,34 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:76 msgid "quit" -msgstr "quit" +msgstr "выход|quit" #: common/yesno.c:79 msgid "qQ" -msgstr "" +msgstr "qQ" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:113 msgid "okay|okay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "готово|okay" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. #: common/yesno.c:115 msgid "cancel|cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "отбой|cancel" #: common/yesno.c:116 msgid "oO" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oO" #: common/yesno.c:117 msgid "cC" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cC" #: common/miscellaneous.c:77 #, c-format msgid "out of core in secure memory while allocating %lu bytes" -msgstr "выход за безопаÑный предел памÑти при раÑпределении %lu байтов" +msgstr "выход за предел безопаÑной памÑти при раÑпределении %lu байтов" #: common/miscellaneous.c:80 #, c-format @@ -977,64 +1013,58 @@ #: common/asshelp.c:293 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2129 msgid "no running gpg-agent - starting one\n" -msgstr "нет работающих gpg-agent - запуÑкаем\n" +msgstr "агент gpg не работает - запуÑкаем\n" #: common/asshelp.c:349 #, c-format msgid "waiting %d seconds for the agent to come up\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "даю агенту %d Ñекунд на подключение\n" #: common/asshelp.c:426 msgid "can't connect to the agent - trying fall back\n" -msgstr "невозможно подключитьÑÑ Ðº агенту - пробуем откатитьÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´\n" +msgstr "невозможно подключитьÑÑ Ðº агенту - пробую более надежный вариант\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Copy the prefix between the vertical bars #. verbatim. It will not be printed. #: common/audit.c:474 msgid "|audit-log-result|Good" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ð’Ñе хорошие" #: common/audit.c:477 msgid "|audit-log-result|Bad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ð’Ñе плохие" #: common/audit.c:479 msgid "|audit-log-result|Not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðе поддерживаютÑÑ" #: common/audit.c:481 -#, fuzzy msgid "|audit-log-result|No certificate" -msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðет Ñертификата" #: common/audit.c:483 -#, fuzzy msgid "|audit-log-result|Not enabled" -msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Отключены" #: common/audit.c:485 msgid "|audit-log-result|Error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ошибка" #: common/audit.c:487 -#, fuzzy msgid "|audit-log-result|Not used" -msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðе иÑпользуютÑÑ" #: common/audit.c:489 -#, fuzzy msgid "|audit-log-result|Okay" -msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ð’ порÑдке" #: common/audit.c:491 -#, fuzzy msgid "|audit-log-result|Skipped" -msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|ИгнорируетÑÑ" #: common/audit.c:493 -#, fuzzy msgid "|audit-log-result|Some" -msgstr "импорт Ñертификатов" +msgstr "|audit-log-result|Ðекоторые" #: common/audit.c:726 msgid "Certificate chain available" @@ -1046,7 +1076,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:759 msgid "Data encryption succeeded" -msgstr "Данные зашифрованы" +msgstr "Данные уÑпешно зашифрованы" #: common/audit.c:764 common/audit.c:830 common/audit.c:906 common/audit.c:997 msgid "Data available" @@ -1054,7 +1084,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:767 msgid "Session key created" -msgstr "СеÑÑионный ключ Ñоздан" +msgstr "СеанÑовый ключ Ñоздан" #: common/audit.c:772 common/audit.c:912 common/audit.c:919 #, c-format @@ -1064,11 +1094,11 @@ #: common/audit.c:774 common/audit.c:776 common/audit.c:921 common/audit.c:923 #, c-format msgid "unsupported algorithm: %s" -msgstr "неподдерживаемый алгоритм: %s" +msgstr "алгоритм (не поддерживаетÑÑ): %s" #: common/audit.c:778 common/audit.c:925 msgid "seems to be not encrypted" -msgstr "похоже на не зашифрованное" +msgstr "кажетÑÑ, не зашифровано" #: common/audit.c:784 common/audit.c:933 msgid "Number of recipients" @@ -1081,31 +1111,30 @@ #: common/audit.c:825 msgid "Data signing succeeded" -msgstr "Данные подпиÑаны" +msgstr "Данные уÑпешно подпиÑаны" #: common/audit.c:839 common/audit.c:1033 common/audit.c:1060 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "data hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ: %s" +msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ…: %s" #: common/audit.c:862 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "Signer %d" msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ %d" #: common/audit.c:866 common/audit.c:1065 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "attr hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ: %s" +msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð±ÑƒÑ‚Ð¾Ð²: %s" #: common/audit.c:901 msgid "Data decryption succeeded" -msgstr "Данные раÑшифрованы" +msgstr "Данные уÑпешно раÑшифрованы" #: common/audit.c:910 -#, fuzzy msgid "Encryption algorithm supported" -msgstr "метод защиты %d%s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "Ðлгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÑ‚ÑÑ" #: common/audit.c:993 msgid "Data verification succeeded" @@ -1116,14 +1145,13 @@ msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ доÑтупна" #: common/audit.c:1024 -#, fuzzy msgid "Parsing data succeeded" -msgstr "Разбор подпиÑи завершен" +msgstr "Разбор данных завершен" #: common/audit.c:1036 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "bad data hash algorithm: %s" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ: %s" +msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ…: %s" #: common/audit.c:1051 #, c-format @@ -1132,7 +1160,7 @@ #: common/audit.c:1079 msgid "Certificate chain valid" -msgstr "Цепочка ÑÐµÑ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительна" +msgstr "Цепочка Ñертификатов дейÑтвительна" #: common/audit.c:1090 msgid "Root certificate trustworthy" @@ -1140,15 +1168,15 @@ #: common/audit.c:1111 sm/certchain.c:991 msgid "no CRL found for certificate" -msgstr "не найдена CRL Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификата" +msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификата не найден ÑпиÑок отозванных Ñертификатов" #: common/audit.c:1114 sm/certchain.c:1001 msgid "the available CRL is too old" -msgstr "доÑÑ‚Ð¿ÑƒÐ½Ð°Ñ CRL Ñлишком Ñтара" +msgstr "доÑтупный ÑпиÑок отозванных Ñертификатов Ñлишком Ñтар" #: common/audit.c:1119 msgid "CRL/OCSP check of certificates" -msgstr "проверка CRL/OCSP Ñертификата" +msgstr "проверка ÑпиÑка отозванных Ñертификатов/OCSP Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификата" #: common/audit.c:1139 msgid "Included certificates" @@ -1164,11 +1192,11 @@ #: common/audit.c:1261 msgid "Gpg-Agent usable" -msgstr "Gpg-Agent доÑтупен" +msgstr "Ðгент Gpg годен" #: common/audit.c:1271 msgid "Dirmngr usable" -msgstr "Dirmgr доÑтупен" +msgstr "Dirmgr годен" #: common/audit.c:1307 #, c-format @@ -1181,114 +1209,115 @@ #: common/gettime.c:503 msgid "[none]" -msgstr "[нет]" +msgstr "[отÑутÑтвует]" #: g10/armor.c:379 #, c-format msgid "armor: %s\n" -msgstr "формат ASCII: %s\n" +msgstr "текÑтовый формат: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " -msgstr "неправильный заголовок ASCII: " +msgstr "недопуÑтимый текÑтовый заголовок: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " -msgstr "заголовок ASCII: " +msgstr "текÑтовый заголовок: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" -msgstr "неправильный заголовок прозрачной подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый заголовок текÑтовой подпиÑи\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " -msgstr "недопуÑтимый заголовок ASCII: " +msgstr "неизвеÑтный текÑтовый заголовок: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" -msgstr "вложенные прозрачные подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "вложенные текÑтовые подпиÑи\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " -msgstr "неожидаемый формат ASCII:" +msgstr "неожиданный текÑтовый формат: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " -msgstr "неправильный отÑтуп из минуÑов: " +msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñтрока, Ð²Ñ‹Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÑ„Ð¸Ñами: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" -msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñимвол radix64 %02X пропущен\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñимвол radix64 %02X (игнорируетÑÑ)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" -msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (нет CRC)\n" +msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (нет контрольной Ñуммы)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" -msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (в CRC)\n" +msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (в контрольной Ñумме)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" -msgstr "поврежденный CRC\n" +msgstr "Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñумма\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" -msgstr "ошибка CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" +msgstr "ошибка контрольной Ñуммы; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "преждевременный конец файла (в дополнении)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "ошибка в Ñтроке дополнениÑ\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "не найдено данных формата OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "неправильный ASCII формат: Ñтрока длиннее %d Ñимволов\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый текÑтовый формат: Ñтрока длиннее %d Ñимволов\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" -"Ñимволы quoted printable в кодировке ASCII - вероÑтно иÑпользовалÑÑ Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð¾Ð¹ " -"MTA\n" +"Ñимвол quoted printable в текÑтовом формате - иÑпорчено почтовой " +"программой?\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -"Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодеражать только печатные Ñимволы и пробелы, и '=' на " -"конце\n" +"Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать только печатные Ñимволы или пробелы и " +"заканчиватьÑÑ Ð·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼ '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" -msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑкого Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать Ñимвол '@'\n" +msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать Ñимвол '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" -msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ Ñодержать не более одного Ñимвола '@'\n" +msgstr "" +"Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно Ñодержать более одного Ñимвола '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" -msgstr "значение Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно Ñодержать управлÑющих Ñимволов\n" +msgstr "в значении Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно быть управлÑющих Ñимволов\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружено недопуÑтимое примечание\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: найдена недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð° запиÑи примечаниÑ\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" -msgstr "не читаемое человеком" +msgstr "не Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ‡ÐµÐ»Ð¾Ð²ÐµÐºÐ¾Ð¼" #: g10/card-util.c:85 g10/card-util.c:375 #, c-format @@ -1298,27 +1327,27 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:90 #, c-format msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" -msgstr "Обнаружена карта OpenPGP номер %s \n" +msgstr "Обнаружена карта OpenPGP номер %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" -msgstr "невозможно Ñделать Ñто в пакетном режиме\n" +msgstr "в пакетном режиме Ñто дейÑтвие невозможно\n" #: g10/card-util.c:106 msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" -msgstr "Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° допуÑтима только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚ верÑии 2\n" +msgstr "Эта команда доÑтупна только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚ верÑии 2.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" -msgstr "Reset Code не задан или недоÑтупен\n" +msgstr "Код ÑброÑа (больше) не доÑтупен\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " -msgstr "Ваш выбор (?-подробнее)? " +msgstr "Ваш выбор? " #: g10/card-util.c:273 g10/card-util.c:323 msgid "[not set]" @@ -1334,23 +1363,23 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:514 msgid "unspecified" -msgstr "не задан" +msgstr "не указан" #: g10/card-util.c:541 msgid "not forced" -msgstr "отключен" +msgstr "не принудительный" #: g10/card-util.c:541 msgid "forced" -msgstr "включен" +msgstr "принудительный" #: g10/card-util.c:632 msgid "Error: Only plain ASCII is currently allowed.\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: ДопуÑтим только чиÑтый ASCII.\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: ДопуÑтим только проÑтой текÑÑ‚ ASCII.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:634 msgid "Error: The \"<\" character may not be used.\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñимвол \"<\".\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñимвол \"<\"\n" #: g10/card-util.c:636 msgid "Error: Double spaces are not allowed.\n" @@ -1358,16 +1387,16 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:653 msgid "Cardholder's surname: " -msgstr "Ð¤Ð°Ð¼Ð¸Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты:" +msgstr "Ð¤Ð°Ð¼Ð¸Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты: " #: g10/card-util.c:655 msgid "Cardholder's given name: " -msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты:" +msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð° карты: " #: g10/card-util.c:673 #, c-format msgid "Error: Combined name too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: Скомбинированное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñлишком длинное (предел %d Ñимволов).\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: Слишком длинное полное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:694 msgid "URL to retrieve public key: " @@ -1376,44 +1405,45 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:702 #, c-format msgid "Error: URL too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: URL Ñлишком длинный (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: Ñлишком длинный URL (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:795 tools/no-libgcrypt.c:30 #, c-format msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка раÑÐ¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼Ñти: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ð²Ñ‹Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтаточной памÑти: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s': %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:840 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "error writing `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка запиÑи в `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка запиÑи `%s': %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:867 msgid "Login data (account name): " -msgstr "Ð£Ñ‡ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (имÑ):" +msgstr "Ð£Ñ‡ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (имÑ): " #: g10/card-util.c:877 #, c-format msgid "Error: Login data too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: Данные учетной запиÑи Ñлишком длинные (предел %d Ñимволов).\n" +msgstr "" +"Ошибка: Слишком длинные данные учетной запиÑи (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:913 msgid "Private DO data: " -msgstr "Секретные DO данные:" +msgstr "Секретные данные DO:" #: g10/card-util.c:923 #, c-format msgid "Error: Private DO too long (limit is %d characters).\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: Секретные DO данные Ñлишком длинные (предел %d Ñимволов).\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: Слишком много Ñекретных данных DO (предел - %d Ñимволов).\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1006 msgid "Language preferences: " -msgstr "Предпочитаемый Ñзык: " +msgstr "Предпочтительный Ñзык: " #: g10/card-util.c:1014 msgid "Error: invalid length of preference string.\n" @@ -1425,7 +1455,7 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1045 msgid "Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): " -msgstr "Пол ((M)МужÑкой, (F)ЖенÑкий или пробел): " +msgstr "Пол ((M) мужÑкой, (F) женÑкий или пробел): " #: g10/card-util.c:1059 msgid "Error: invalid response.\n" @@ -1433,11 +1463,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1081 msgid "CA fingerprint: " -msgstr "отпечаток CA: " +msgstr "отпечаток центра Ñертификации: " #: g10/card-util.c:1104 msgid "Error: invalid formatted fingerprint.\n" -msgstr "Ошибка: неправильный формат отпечатка.\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: недопуÑтимый формат отпечатка.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1154 #, c-format @@ -1463,29 +1493,32 @@ " If the key generation does not succeed, please check the\n" " documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.\n" msgstr "" +"ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ðет никакой гарантии, что карта поддерживает запрошенный размер.\n" +" ЕÑли Ñоздать ключ не удаÑÑ‚ÑÑ, ÑверьтеÑÑŒ Ñ Ð´Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ†Ð¸ÐµÐ¹\n" +" на карту и выÑÑните, какие размеры допуÑтимы.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1296 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (%u) " -msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " +msgstr "Какой Вам нужен размер ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей? (%u) " #: g10/card-util.c:1298 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Encryption key? (%u) " -msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " +msgstr "Какой Вам нужен размер ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ? (%u) " #: g10/card-util.c:1299 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " -msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " +msgstr "Какой Вам нужен размер ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°ÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "округлен до %u бит\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "размер ключей %s должен быть в пределах %u-%u\n" @@ -1493,21 +1526,20 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1323 #, c-format msgid "The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of %u bits\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Теперь карта будет перенаÑтроена на генерацию ключа длиной %u бит\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1343 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "error changing size of key %d to %u bits: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñокета Ñ `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ€Ð° ключа %d до %u бит: %s\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1365 msgid "Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) " -msgstr "Сделать резервную копию ключа ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð½Ðµ карты? (Y/n)" +msgstr "Сделать архивную копию ключа ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð½Ðµ карты? (Y/n) " #: g10/card-util.c:1379 -#, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: keys are already stored on the card!\n" -msgstr "Ñекретный ключ уже Ñохранен в карте\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключи уже хранÑÑ‚ÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте!\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1382 msgid "Replace existing keys? (y/N) " @@ -1520,9 +1552,9 @@ " PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" "You should change them using the command --change-pin\n" msgstr "" -"Учтите, что заводÑкие уÑтановки PIN кодов\n" -" PIN = `%s' Admin PIN = `%s'\n" -"Следует изменить их иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñƒ --change-pin\n" +"Обратите внимание: заводÑкие уÑтановки PIN\n" +" PIN = `%s' Ðдмин. PIN = `%s'\n" +"Вам Ñледует изменить их командой --change-pin\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1450 msgid "Please select the type of key to generate:\n" @@ -1540,14 +1572,14 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Ключ аутентификации\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ðеправильный выбор.\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1557 msgid "Please select where to store the key:\n" -msgstr "Выберите, где Ñохранить ключ:\n" +msgstr "Выберите, где хранить ключ:\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1601 msgid "unknown key protection algorithm\n" @@ -1555,26 +1587,26 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1606 msgid "secret parts of key are not available\n" -msgstr "Ñекретные чаÑти ключа недоÑтупны\n" +msgstr "закрытые чаÑти ключа недоÑтупны\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1611 msgid "secret key already stored on a card\n" -msgstr "Ñекретный ключ уже Ñохранен в карте\n" +msgstr "закрытый ключ уже хранитÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте\n" #: g10/card-util.c:1624 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой запиÑи ключа: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка запиÑи ключа на карту: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "выйти из Ñтого меню" #: g10/card-util.c:1685 msgid "show admin commands" -msgstr "показать управлÑющие команды" +msgstr "показать админиÑтративные команды" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "показать данную Ñправку" @@ -1592,11 +1624,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1693 msgid "fetch the key specified in the card URL" -msgstr "запроÑить ключ, указанный по заданному картой URL" +msgstr "запроÑить ключ по заданному картой URL" #: g10/card-util.c:1694 msgid "change the login name" -msgstr "изменить учетное имÑ" +msgstr "изменить Ð¸Ð¼Ñ ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ запиÑи" #: g10/card-util.c:1695 msgid "change the language preferences" @@ -1604,19 +1636,19 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1696 msgid "change card holder's sex" -msgstr "изменение пола владельца карты" +msgstr "изменить пол владельца карты" #: g10/card-util.c:1697 msgid "change a CA fingerprint" -msgstr "Ñменить отпечаток CA" +msgstr "Ñменить отпечаток центра Ñертификации" #: g10/card-util.c:1698 msgid "toggle the signature force PIN flag" -msgstr "" +msgstr "переключить флаг `подпиÑÑŒ требует PIN'" #: g10/card-util.c:1699 msgid "generate new keys" -msgstr "Ñгенерировать новые ключи" +msgstr "Ñоздать новые ключи" #: g10/card-util.c:1700 msgid "menu to change or unblock the PIN" @@ -1628,11 +1660,11 @@ #: g10/card-util.c:1702 msgid "unblock the PIN using a Reset Code" -msgstr "разблокировать PIN иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ Reset Code" +msgstr "разблокировать PIN Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ кода ÑброÑа" #: g10/card-util.c:1824 msgid "gpg/card> " -msgstr "" +msgstr "gpg/card> " #: g10/card-util.c:1865 msgid "Admin-only command\n" @@ -1646,26 +1678,26 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Команды админиÑÑ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ разрешены\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (ÑпиÑок команд: \"help\")\n" +msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (ÑпиÑок команд: \"help\")\n" #: g10/decrypt.c:110 g10/encode.c:876 msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" -msgstr "--output не работает Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ команды\n" +msgstr "--output Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ команды не работает\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "не могу открыть `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1673,7 +1705,7 @@ #: g10/delkey.c:127 g10/delkey.c:134 msgid "(unless you specify the key by fingerprint)\n" -msgstr "(еÑли только ключ не задан отпечатком)\n" +msgstr "(еÑли только Ð’Ñ‹ не задали ключ отпечатком)\n" #: g10/delkey.c:133 msgid "can't do this in batch mode without \"--yes\"\n" @@ -1681,11 +1713,11 @@ #: g10/delkey.c:145 msgid "Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) " -msgstr "Удалить данный ключ из таблицы ключей? (y/N)" +msgstr "Удалить данный ключ из таблицы? (y/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:153 msgid "This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) " -msgstr "Это Ñекретный ключ! - дейÑтвительно удалить? (y/N)" +msgstr "Это закрытый ключ! - вÑе равно удалить? (y/N) " #: g10/delkey.c:163 #, c-format @@ -1694,32 +1726,30 @@ #: g10/delkey.c:173 msgid "ownertrust information cleared\n" -msgstr "Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ доверии владельцу очищена\n" +msgstr "ÑÐ²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ доверии владельцу Ñброшены\n" #: g10/delkey.c:204 #, c-format msgid "there is a secret key for public key \"%s\"!\n" -msgstr "имеетÑÑ Ñекретный ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа \"%s\"!\n" +msgstr "имеетÑÑ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¹ ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа \"%s\"!\n" #: g10/delkey.c:206 msgid "use option \"--delete-secret-keys\" to delete it first.\n" -msgstr "" -"Ñначала воÑпользуйтеÑÑŒ \"--delete-secret-keys\" Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ " -"ключа.\n" +msgstr "Ñначала удалите его командой \"--delete-secret-keys\".\n" #: g10/encode.c:226 g10/sign.c:1269 #, c-format msgid "error creating passphrase: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ñ‹-паролÑ: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка при Ñоздании паролÑ: %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:232 msgid "can't use a symmetric ESK packet due to the S2K mode\n" -msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать Ñимметричный пакет ESK в S2K режиме\n" +msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать Ñимметричный пакет ESK в режиме S2K\n" #: g10/encode.c:246 #, c-format msgid "using cipher %s\n" -msgstr "иÑпользутÑÑ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "иÑпользуетÑÑ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:256 g10/encode.c:577 #, c-format @@ -1729,28 +1759,31 @@ #: g10/encode.c:311 g10/encode.c:611 g10/sign.c:564 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: `%s' is an empty file\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: `%s' пуÑтой файл\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: файл `%s' пуÑÑ‚\n" #: g10/encode.c:485 msgid "you can only encrypt to RSA keys of 2048 bits or less in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "в режиме --pgp2 ключ RSA Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶ÐµÐ½ быть не более 2048 бит\n" +msgstr "" +"в режиме --pgp2 ключ RSA Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶ÐµÐ½ быть не более 2048 бит\n" #: g10/encode.c:510 #, c-format msgid "reading from `%s'\n" -msgstr "читаю из `%s'\n" +msgstr "чтение из `%s'\n" #: g10/encode.c:541 msgid "" "unable to use the IDEA cipher for all of the keys you are encrypting to.\n" -msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать шифр IDEA Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñех ключей.\n" +msgstr "" +"не могу иÑпользовать шифр IDEA Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñех ключей, которыми Ð’Ñ‹ шифруете.\n" #: g10/encode.c:559 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользование шифра %s (%d) противоречит предпочтениÑм получателÑ\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользование Ñимметричного шифра %s (%d) нарушает\n" +" Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ\n" #: g10/encode.c:655 g10/sign.c:939 #, c-format @@ -1762,12 +1795,13 @@ #: g10/encode.c:751 #, c-format msgid "forcing symmetric cipher %s (%d) violates recipient preferences\n" -msgstr "иÑпользование шифра %s (%d) противоречит предпочтениÑм получателÑ\n" +msgstr "" +"иÑпользование Ñимметричного шифра %s (%d) нарушает Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ\n" #: g10/encode.c:821 g10/pkclist.c:813 g10/pkclist.c:867 #, c-format msgid "you may not use %s while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать %s в режиме %s\n" +msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать %s в режиме %s\n" #: g10/encode.c:848 #, c-format @@ -1777,7 +1811,7 @@ #: g10/encr-data.c:93 g10/mainproc.c:297 #, c-format msgid "%s encrypted data\n" -msgstr "Данные зашифрованы алгоритмом %s\n" +msgstr "данные зашифрованы алгоритмом %s\n" #: g10/encr-data.c:96 g10/mainproc.c:301 #, c-format @@ -1801,23 +1835,24 @@ #: g10/exec.c:311 msgid "" "external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions\n" -msgstr "вызов внешних программ отключен из-за небезопаÑных прав доÑтупа\n" +msgstr "" +"вызов внешних программ отключен из-за небезопаÑных прав доÑтупа к файлу " +"наÑтроек\n" #: g10/exec.c:341 msgid "this platform requires temporary files when calling external programs\n" msgstr "" -"на данной платформе требуетÑÑ Ð¸Ñпользование временных файлов при вызове " -"внешних программ\n" +"на данной платформе при вызове внешних программ требуютÑÑ Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ файлы\n" #: g10/exec.c:419 #, c-format msgid "unable to execute program `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "не могу запуÑтить программу `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "не могу выполнить программу `%s': %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:422 #, c-format msgid "unable to execute shell `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "не могу запуÑтить оболочку `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "не могу выполнить оболочку `%s': %s\n" #: g10/exec.c:513 #, c-format @@ -1830,7 +1865,7 @@ #: g10/exec.c:539 msgid "unable to execute external program\n" -msgstr "не могу запуÑтить внешнюю программу\n" +msgstr "не могу выполнить внешнюю программу\n" #: g10/exec.c:556 #, c-format @@ -1849,35 +1884,35 @@ #: g10/export.c:61 msgid "export signatures that are marked as local-only" -msgstr "ÑкÑпорт подпиÑей, помеченных как локальные" +msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать подпиÑи, помеченные как `только локальные'" #: g10/export.c:63 msgid "export attribute user IDs (generally photo IDs)" -msgstr "ÑкÑпорт атрибутов UserID (обычно PhotoID)" +msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать атрибутные ID (обычно фотоидентификаторы)" #: g10/export.c:65 msgid "export revocation keys marked as \"sensitive\"" -msgstr "ÑкÑпорт отзывающих ключей помеченных \"sensitive\"" +msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи отзыва, помеченные как `оÑобо важные'" #: g10/export.c:67 msgid "remove the passphrase from exported subkeys" -msgstr "удаление фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð· ÑкÑпортируемых подключей" +msgstr "удалить фразу-пароль из выбранных подключей" #: g10/export.c:69 msgid "remove unusable parts from key during export" -msgstr "удаление неиÑпользуемых чаÑтей из ключа при ÑкÑпорте" +msgstr "удалить при ÑкÑпорте непригодные чаÑти ключа" #: g10/export.c:71 msgid "remove as much as possible from key during export" -msgstr "удалить макÑимум возможного из ключа при ÑкÑпортировании" +msgstr "удалить как можно больше из ключа при ÑкÑпорте" #: g10/export.c:73 msgid "export keys in an S-expression based format" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи в формате на оÑнове S-выражений" #: g10/export.c:338 msgid "exporting secret keys not allowed\n" -msgstr "ÑкÑпорт Ñекретных ключей не разрешен\n" +msgstr "ÑкÑпорт закрытых ключей не разрешен\n" #: g10/export.c:367 #, c-format @@ -1887,16 +1922,16 @@ #: g10/export.c:375 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PGP 2.x style key - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: ÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð»Ñ PGP 2.x - пропущен\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: ключ типа PGP 2.x - пропущен\n" #: g10/export.c:386 #, c-format msgid "key %s: key material on-card - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: ключ находитÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте - пропущен\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: материал ключа на карте - пропущен\n" #: g10/export.c:537 msgid "about to export an unprotected subkey\n" -msgstr "ÑкÑпорт незащищенного подключа\n" +msgstr "перехожу к ÑкÑпорту незащищенного подключа\n" #: g10/export.c:560 #, c-format @@ -1906,229 +1941,228 @@ #: g10/export.c:584 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: secret key %s does not have a simple SK checksum\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ñекретный ключ %s не имеет проÑтой контрольной Ñуммы SK\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: у закрытого ключа %s нет проÑтой контрольной Ñуммы SK\n" #: g10/export.c:633 msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: нечего ÑкÑпортировать\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" -msgstr "Ñлишком много входов в pk кÑше - отключено\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком много Ñлементов в буфере pk - отключено\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" -msgstr "[User ID не найден]" +msgstr "[ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ðµ найден]" + +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: закрытый ключ без открытого ключа - пропущен\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" -msgstr "автоматичеÑки полученный `%s' via %s\n" +msgstr "автоматичеÑки получили `%s' через %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s' через %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Ðет отпечатка" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" -"Дефектный ключ %s признан пригодным ÑоглаÑно параметра --allow-non-" -"selfsigned-uid\n" +"Параметр --allow-non-selfsigned-uid Ñделал дефектный ключ %s пригодным\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" -msgstr "нет Ñекретного подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ подключа %s - игнорируем\n" +msgstr "нет закрытого подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ подключа %s - игнорирую\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" -msgstr "иÑпользую подклключ %s вмеÑто главного ключа %s\n" +msgstr "иÑпользую подключ %s вмеÑто главного ключа %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ без открытого ключа - пропущен\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "Ñоздать подпиÑÑŒ" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" -msgstr "Ñоздать прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ" +msgstr "Ñоздать текÑтовую подпиÑÑŒ" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "Ñоздать отделенную подпиÑÑŒ" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "зашифровать данные" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "зашифровать только Ñимметричным шифром" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "раÑшифровать данные (по умолчанию)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "проверить подпиÑÑŒ" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" -msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и подпиÑи" +msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и подпиÑей" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" -msgstr "вывеÑти и проверить подпиÑи" +msgstr "вывеÑти и проверить подпиÑи ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" -msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей c отпечатками" +msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и их отпечатков" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" -msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок Ñекретных ключей" +msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок закрытых ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "Ñоздать новую пару ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "Ñоздать Ñертификат отзыва" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "удалить ключи из таблицы открытых ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "удалить ключи из таблицы закрытых ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "подпиÑать ключ" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "подпиÑать ключ локально" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "подпиÑать или редактировать ключ" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "Ñменить фразу-пароль" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "ÑкÑпортировать ключи на Ñервер ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "импортировать ключи Ñ Ñервера ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "иÑкать ключи на Ñервере ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "обновить вÑе ключи Ñ Ñервера ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "импортировать/объединить ключи" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "показать ÑоÑтоÑние карты" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "изменить данные на карте" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "Ñменить PIN карты" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" -msgstr "обновить таблицу доверий" +msgstr "обновить таблицу довериÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "вывеÑти Ñ…Ñши файлов" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "запуÑк в режиме Ñервера" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" -msgstr "вывод в ASCII формате" +msgstr "вывод в текÑтовом формате ASCII" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ USER-ID" +msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ USER-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" -msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ раÑшифрованиÑ" +msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать ключ USER-ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи и раÑшифровки" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" -msgstr "|N|уÑтановить уровень ÑÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ N (0 без ÑжатиÑ)" +msgstr "|N|уÑтановить уровень ÑÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ N (0 - без ÑжатиÑ)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "иÑпользовать каноничеÑкий текÑтовый режим" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ параметры из FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|выводить данные в файл FILE" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "не делать никаких изменений" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "ÑпроÑить перед перезапиÑью" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "Ñтрого Ñледовать Ñтандарту OpenPGP" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" msgstr "" "@\n" -"(См. документацию Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ полного Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ и параметрами)\n" +"(Полный ÑпиÑок команд и параметров Ñм. в документации)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2143,31 +2177,26 @@ "Примеры:\n" "\n" " -se -r Bob [файл] подпиÑать и зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Bob\n" -" --clearsign [файл] Ñоздать прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ\n" +" --clearsign [файл] Ñоздать текÑтовую подпиÑÑŒ\n" " --detach-sign [файл] Ñоздать отделенную подпиÑÑŒ\n" " --list-keys [имена] показать ключи\n" " --fingerprint [имена] показать отпечатки\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: gpg [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" -#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" -#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" msgstr "" "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg [параметры] [файлы]\n" -"ПодпиÑи и их проверка, зашифрование и раÑшифрование.\n" -"ДейÑтвие по умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных.\n" +"ПодпиÑи и их проверка, шифрование и дешифровка\n" +"ДейÑтвие по умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2175,1062 +2204,1068 @@ "\n" "ПоддерживаютÑÑ Ñледующие алгоритмы:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " -msgstr " Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: " +msgstr "С открытым ключом: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " -msgstr " Ñимметричные шифры: " +msgstr "Симметричные шифры: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " -msgstr " Ñ…Ñш-функции: " +msgstr "Ð¥Ñш-функции: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " -msgstr " алгоритмы ÑжатиÑ: " +msgstr "Ðлгоритмы ÑжатиÑ: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " -msgstr "иÑпользование: gpg [параметры] " +msgstr "вызов: gpg [параметры] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "неÑовмеÑтимые команды\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "отÑутÑтвует знак = в определении группы `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец домашнего каталога `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла конфигурации `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла наÑтроек `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец файла Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у домашнего каталога `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к домашнему каталогу `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у файла конфигурации `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к файлу наÑтроек `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у файла Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к файлу Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ Ñ€Ð°ÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего домашний каталог `%s'\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога, Ñодержащего домашний каталог `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего файл конфигурации `%s'\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога, Ñодержащего файл наÑтроек `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑный владелец каталога Ñодержащего модуль раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталога Ñодержащего домашний каталог " -"`%s'\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к каталогу,\n" +" Ñодержащему домашний каталог `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталога Ñодержащего файл " -"конфигурации `%s'\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к каталогу,\n" +" Ñодержащему файл наÑтроек `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа у каталогу Ñодержащего файл Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ " +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: небезопаÑные права доÑтупа к каталогу Ñодержащему файл Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑƒÐ»Ñ " "раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" -msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр в файле конфигурации `%s'\n" +msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр в файле наÑтроек `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" -msgstr "отображать Фото ID при раÑпечатке ключей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей фотоидентификаторы" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" -msgstr "показывать ÑÑылку на политики при раÑпечатке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей URL правил" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" -msgstr "показывать вÑе Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей вÑе примечаниÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" -msgstr "показывать Ñтандартные IETF Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñтандарта IETF" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" -msgstr "" -"показывать добавленные пользователем Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей пользовательÑкие примечаниÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" -msgstr "показывать предпочитаемый Ñервер ключей при раÑпечатке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей URL предпочтительных Ñерверов ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" -msgstr "показывать дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ Used ID при раÑпечатке ключей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" -msgstr "показывать отозванные и проÑроченные User ID при раÑпечатке ключей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей отозванные и проÑроченные ID пользователей" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" -msgstr "показывать отозванные и проÑроченные ключи при раÑпечатке ключей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей отозванные и проÑроченные подключи" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" -msgstr "печатать Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ† ключей при раÑпечатке ключей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке ключей название таблицы ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" -msgstr "печатать даты иÑÑ‚ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ раÑпечатке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать в ÑпиÑке подпиÑей Ñроки дейÑтвиÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñтарый файл конфигурации по умолчанию `%s' проигнорирован\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñтарый оÑновной файл параметров `%s' проигнорирован\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" -msgstr "libcrypt Ñлишком Ñтарой верÑии (требуетÑÑ %s, обнаружено %s)\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑÐ¸Ñ libcrypt (нужно %s, еÑÑ‚ÑŒ %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: %s не предназначен Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ‹Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ применениÑ!\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: %s не предназначен Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ применениÑ!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" -msgstr "`%s' недопуÑтимый Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" +msgstr "`%s' - не допуÑтимый Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" -msgstr "`%s' недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов\n" +msgstr "`%s' - не допуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" -msgstr "не могу проанализировать URL Ñервера ключей\n" +msgstr "не могу интерпретировать URL Ñервера ключей\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +# test it +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +# test it +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры импорта\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры импорта\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры ÑкÑпорта\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры ÑкÑпорта\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок параметров\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры ÑпиÑка\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" -msgstr "недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок параметров\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры ÑпиÑка\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" -msgstr "отображать Фото ID при проверке подпиÑи" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑи фотоидентификаторы" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" -msgstr "печатать ÑÑылку на политики при проверке подпиÑи" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑи URL правил" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" -msgstr "печатать вÑе Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² процеÑÑе проверки подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей вÑе примечаниÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" -msgstr "печатать Ñтандартные IETF Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² процеÑÑе проверки подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñтандарта IETF" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" -msgstr "печатать добавленные пользователем Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ проверке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей пользовательÑкие примечаниÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" -msgstr "печатать предпочитаемые Ñерверы ключей при проверке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей URL предпочтительных Ñерверов ключей" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" -msgstr "печатать дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ UserID при проверке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей дейÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" -msgstr "печатать отозванные и проÑроченные User ID при проверке подпиÑей" +msgstr "" +"показать при проверке подпиÑей отозванные и проÑроченные ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" -msgstr "печатать только главный User ID при проверке подпиÑей" +msgstr "показать при проверке подпиÑей только главный ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "проверить подпиÑи по данным PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "поднÑÑ‚ÑŒ доверие подпиÑей Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительными данными PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +# test it +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры проверки \n" +msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимые параметры проверки\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +# test it +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые параметры проверки\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "не могу определить путь запуÑка Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +# test it +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимый ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно Ñоздание файла дампа памÑти программы!\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно Ñоздание файла образа памÑти!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: %s замеÑтит %s\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: %s отменÑет %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" -msgstr "%s не допуÑкаетÑÑ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñ %s!\n" +msgstr "%s Ñ %s недопуÑтимо!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" -msgstr "%s не имеет ÑмыÑла ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s!\n" +msgstr "%s Ñ %s не имеет ÑмыÑла!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "не будет работать Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ±ÐµÐ·Ð¾Ð¿Ð°Ñной памÑтью из-за %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" -"можно Ñделать только отделенную или прозрачную подпиÑÑŒ в режиме --pgp2\n" +"в режиме --pgp2 можно Ñделать только отделенную или текÑтовую подпиÑÑŒ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾ подпиÑать и зашифровать в режиме --pgp2\n" +msgstr "в режиме --pgp2 Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾ подпиÑать и зашифровать\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" -msgstr "Следует иÑпользовать файлы (а не каналы (pipe)) в режиме --pgp2.\n" +msgstr "" +"в режиме --pgp2 нужно иÑпользовать файлы (а не конвейер командной Ñтроки).\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" -msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² режиме --pgp2 требуетÑÑ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ IDEA\n" +msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² режиме --pgp2 требуетÑÑ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "выбран неверный алгоритм шифрованиÑ\n" +msgstr "выбран недопуÑтимый алгоритм шифрованиÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "выбрана Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ\n" +msgstr "выбрана недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функциÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "выбран неверный алгоритм ÑжатиÑ\n" +msgstr "выбран недопуÑтимый алгоритм ÑжатиÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" -msgstr "выбрана Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" +msgstr "выбрана недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed должен быть больше 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed должен быть больше 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth должен быть в диапазоне от 1 до 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимый default-cert-level; должен быть 0, 1, 2 или 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимый min-cert-level; должен быть 0, 1, 2 или 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: проÑтой режим S2K (0) Ñтрого не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: проÑтой режим S2K (0) Ñтрого противопоказан\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимый режим S2K; должно быть 0, 1 или 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð°\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функции\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимые перÑональные Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼Ð¾Ð² ÑжатиÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" -msgstr "%s пока не работает ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "%s пока не работает ÑовмеÑтно Ñ %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать шифрование `%s' в режиме %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñ…Ñш-функцию `%s' в режиме %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать Ñжатие `%s' в режиме %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой инициализации таблицы доверий: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой инициализации таблицы довериÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: получатели (-r) заданы без иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ " "ключом\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñимметричное шифрование `%s' не удалоÑÑŒ: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой Ñимметричного ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --encrypt ÑовмеÑтно Ñ --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать --symmetric --encrypt в режиме %s\n" +msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --encrypt в режиме %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt ÑовмеÑтно Ñ --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" -msgstr "невозможно иÑпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt в режиме %s\n" +msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ñпользовать --symmetric --sign --encrypt в режиме %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" -msgstr "--sign-key user-id" +msgstr "--sign-key " -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" -msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" +msgstr "--lsign-key " -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" -msgstr "--edit-key user-id [команды]" +msgstr "--edit-key [команды]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 -#, fuzzy +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " -msgstr "--sign-key user-id" +msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой при отправке на Ñервер ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой при получении Ñ Ñервера ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой при ÑкÑпорте ключа: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой при поиÑке на Ñервере ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении Ñ Ñервера ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· ASCII формата: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· текÑтового формата: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² ASCII формат: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² текÑтовый формат: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" -msgstr "[имÑфайла]" +msgstr "[файл]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" -msgstr "Ðабирайте Ваше Ñообщение ...\n" +msgstr "Пишите Ñообщение ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "заданный URL политики Ñертификации неверен\n" +msgstr "заданный URL правил Ñертификации неверен\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "заданный URL политики подпиÑи неверен\n" +msgstr "заданный URL правил подпиÑи неверен\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" -msgstr "заданный URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей неправилен\n" +msgstr "заданный URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей неверен\n" #: g10/gpgv.c:74 msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключи из FILE ÑвÑзок ключей" +msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключи из файла ÑвÑзок ключей FILE" #: g10/gpgv.c:76 msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" -msgstr "при неÑоответÑтвии отметки времени - только предупреждением" +msgstr "при неÑоответÑтвии метки времени - только предупреждение" #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" -msgstr "|FD|выводить инфромацию в файл Ñ Ð´ÐµÑкриптором FD" +msgstr "|FD|выводить информацию в файл Ñ Ð´ÐµÑкриптором FD" #: g10/gpgv.c:117 msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользовать: gpgv [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: gpgv [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: g10/gpgv.c:119 -#, fuzzy msgid "" "Syntax: gpgv [options] [files]\n" "Check signatures against known trusted keys\n" msgstr "" -"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg [параметры] [файлы]\n" -"Проверка подпиÑей Ñделанных доверÑемыми ключами\n" +"СинтакÑиÑ: gpgv [параметры] [файлы]\n" +"Проверка подпиÑей по доверенным ключам\n" #: g10/helptext.c:72 msgid "No help available" -msgstr "Ðет доÑтупной Ñправки" +msgstr "Справки нет" #: g10/helptext.c:82 #, c-format msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Ðет Ñправки Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" -msgstr "импорт подпиÑи помеченной как локальнаÑ" +msgstr "импортировать подпиÑи, обозначенные как `только локальные'" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" -msgstr "" +msgstr "уÑтранить при импорте Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ Ñервера ключей pks" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "не ÑбраÑывать уровни Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ð°Ð¼ поÑле импорта" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" -msgstr "не обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий поÑле импорта" +msgstr "не обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñле импорта" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" -msgstr "Ñоздать открытый ключ при импорте Ñекретного ключа" +msgstr "Ñоздать открытый ключ при импорте закрытого ключа" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" -msgstr "принимать только Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑŽÑ‰Ð¸Ñ…ÑÑ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹" +msgstr "обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ только ÑущеÑтвующие ключи" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" -msgstr "удалÑÑ‚ÑŒ неиÑпользуемые чаÑти из ключа поÑле импорта" +msgstr "удалить поÑле импорта непригодные чаÑти ключа" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" -msgstr "удалÑÑ‚ÑŒ вÑÑ‘ что возможно из ключа поÑле импорта" +msgstr "удалить поÑле импорта из ключа как можно больше" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "пропущен блок типа %d\n" -# test it -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" -msgstr "%lu ключей обработано\n" +msgstr "обработано %lu ключей\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Ð’Ñего обработано: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " пропущено новых ключей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" -msgstr " без User ID: %lu\n" +msgstr " без ID пользователÑ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " импортировано: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " неизмененных: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" -msgstr " новых User ID: %lu\n" +msgstr " новых ID пользователÑ: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " новых подключей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " новых подпиÑей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " новых отзывов ключей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" -msgstr " прочитано Ñекретных ключей: %lu\n" +msgstr " прочитано закрытых ключей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" -msgstr "импортировано Ñекретных ключей: %lu\n" +msgstr "импортировано закрытых ключей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" -msgstr " неизмененных Ñекретных ключей: %lu\n" +msgstr " неизмененных закрытых ключей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" -msgstr " не импортировано: %lu\n" +msgstr " не импортировано: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" -msgstr " подпиÑей очищено: %lu\n" +msgstr " очищено подпиÑей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" -msgstr " очищено User ID: %lu\n" +msgstr " очищено ID пользователей: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s Ñодержит Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ñтупных\n" -"алгоритмов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User IDs:\n" +"алгоритмов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñледующих ID пользователей:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает шифр %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает хеш-функцию %s\n" +msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает Ñ…Ñш-функцию %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": предпочитает Ñжатие %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" -msgstr "крайне желательно, чтобы Ð’Ñ‹ обновили Ваши Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸\n" +msgstr "крайне желательно, чтобы Ð’Ñ‹ обновили Ñвои Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -"раÑпроÑтраните данный ключ, чтобы избежать потенциальных проблем " -"неÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼Ð¾Ð²\n" +"раÑпроÑтранили Ñтот ключ во избежание возможных неÑтыковок алгоритмов\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -"можете обновить ÑпиÑок предпочтений иÑпользуÑ: gpg --edit-key %s updpref " -"save\n" +"Ñвои Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ обновить командой gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: не имеет User ID\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: нет ID пользователÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "пропущено \"%s\": %s\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "иÑключен фильтром импорта" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: PKS повреждение подключа иÑправлено\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: повреждение подключа PKS иÑправлено\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ неÑамоподпиÑанный User ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ без Ñамозаверенного ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: нет дейÑтвительных User ID\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: нет дейÑтвительных ID пользователÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" -msgstr "причиной Ñтого может быть отÑутÑтвие ÑамоподпиÑи\n" +msgstr "может быть, из-за отÑутÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÑамоподпиÑи\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "ключ %s: не найден открытый ключ: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: новый ключ - пропущен\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "нет доÑтупной Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи таблицы ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "ÑохранÑÑŽ в `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы ключей `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: открытый ключ \"%s\" импортирован\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: импортирован открытый ключ \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: не Ñовпадает Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸ÐµÐ¹ хранимой у наÑ\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: не Ñовпадает Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑˆÐµÐ¹ копией\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: не нахожу оригинальный блок ключей: %s\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: оригинальный блок ключей не найден: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: не могу прочитать оригинальный блок ключей: %s\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: оригинальный блок ключей не читаетÑÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" 1 новый User ID\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" 1 новый ID пользователÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d новых User ID\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d новых ID пользователÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" 1 Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d новых подпиÑей\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" 1 новый подключ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d новых подключей\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d подпиÑÑŒ очищена\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d очищеных подпиÑей\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d подпиÑей очищено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d User ID очищен\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‰ÐµÐ½\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d очищенных User ID\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" %d ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¾\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" не изменен\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñекретный ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" +msgstr "закрытый ключ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" -msgstr "импортирование Ñекретного ключа не позволено\n" +msgstr "импорт закрытого ключа не допуÑкаетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑтимым шифром %d - пропущен\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: закрытый ключ Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑтимым шифром %d - пропущен\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" -msgstr "нет оÑновной таблицы Ñекретных ключей: %s\n" +msgstr "нет оÑновной таблицы закрытых ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: Ñекретный ключ импортирован\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: импортирован закрытый ключ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: уже еÑÑ‚ÑŒ в таблице Ñекретных ключей\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: уже еÑÑ‚ÑŒ в таблице закрытых ключей\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: не найден Ñекретный ключ: %s\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: закрытый ключ не найден: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "ключ %s: нет открытого ключа - не могу применить Ñертификат отзыва\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "ключ %s: неправильный Ñертификат отзыва: %s - отвергнут\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" Ñертификат отзыва импортирован\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: Ñертификат отзыва \"%s\" импортирован\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: нет User ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: нет ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -"ключ %s: неподдерживаемый алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом у User ID \"%s\"\n" +"ключ %s: алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом у ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" не " +"поддерживаетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ на User ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ на ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: неподдерживаемый алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: g10/import.c:1559 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: direct key signature добавлена\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑвÑÐ·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÑвÑзь подключей\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÑвÑзь подключей\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "ключ %s: удалено многократное ÑвÑзывание подключей\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°ÑŽÑ‰ÐµÐ³Ð¾ ключа\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: неправильный отзыв подключа\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: неверный отзыв подключа\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +# test it +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: удалена многожеÑтвенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ подключей отзыва\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: удален многократный отзыв подключей\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: пропущен User ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: пропущен ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "ключ %s: пропущен подключ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: не ÑкÑÐ¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (клаÑÑ 0x%02X) - пропущена\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: неÑкÑÐ¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ (клаÑÑ 0x%02X) - пропущена\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: Ñертификат отзыва в неправильном меÑте - пропущен\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: неправильный Ñертификат отзыва: %s - пропущен\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: подпиÑÑŒ подключа в неправильном меÑте - пропущена\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: неизвеÑтный клаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи (0x%02X) - пропущена\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: неожиданный клаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи (0x%02X) - пропущена\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: обнаружено дублирование User ID - объединены\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: обнаружено дублирование ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ - объединены\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s возможно отозван: запрашиваю ключ отзыва %s\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s, возможно, отозван: запрашиваю ключ отзыва %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s возможно отозван: ключ отзыва %s не получен.\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ключ %s, возможно, отозван: ключ отзыва %s не получен.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: \"%s\" добавлен Ñертификат отзыва\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: добавлен Ñертификат отзыва \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: direct key signature добавлена\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: добавлена прÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" -msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДÐЮ: S/N ключа не ÑоответÑтвует S/N ключа на карте\n" +msgstr "" +"ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñерийный номер ключа не ÑоответÑтвует номеру ключа на карте\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" -msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДÐЮ: главный ключ готов и Ñохранен в карте\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: главный ключ готов и Ñохранен на карте\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" -msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДÐЮ: вторичный ключ готов и Ñохранен в карте\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: вторичный ключ готов и Ñохранен на карте\n" #: g10/keydb.c:182 #, c-format @@ -3245,143 +3280,143 @@ #: g10/keydb.c:348 g10/keydb.c:351 #, c-format msgid "keyblock resource `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "иÑточник блока ключей `%s': %s\n" #: g10/keydb.c:749 #, c-format msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой переÑтройки кÑша таблицы ключей: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой переÑтройки буфера таблицы ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[отозван]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d плохих подпиÑей\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 подпиÑÑŒ не проверена за отÑутÑтвием ключа\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d подпиÑей не проверено за отÑутÑтвием ключей\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 подпиÑÑŒ не проверена из-за ошибки\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d подпиÑей не проверено из-за ошибок\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" -msgstr "обнаружен 1 User ID без дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" +msgstr "обнаружен 1 ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" -msgstr "обнаружено %d User ID без дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" +msgstr "обнаружено %d ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· дейÑтвительной ÑамоподпиÑи\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" "(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, " "etc.)\n" msgstr "" -"Укажите наÑколько Ð’Ñ‹ доверÑете данному пользователю в\n" -"вопроÑах проверки доÑтоверноÑти ключей других пользователей.\n" -"ПроверÑет паÑпорт, ÑверÑет отпечатки ключей и Ñ‚.п.?\n" -"\n" +"Укажите, наÑколько Ð’Ñ‹ доверÑете данному пользователю в вопроÑах проверки\n" +"доÑтоверноÑти ключей других пользователей (проверÑет паÑпорт,\n" +"ÑверÑет отпечатки ключей из разных иÑточников и Ñ‚.п.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = ДоверÑÑŽ ограниченно\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = ПолноÑтью доверÑÑŽ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -"Введите глубину доверий Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ подпиÑи.\n" -"Глубина Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ²Ñ‹ÑˆÐ°ÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ 1 позволит подпиÑываемому ключу делать\n" -"доверенные подпиÑи от Вашего лица.\n" +"Введите глубину Ñтой подпиÑи довериÑ. Глубина, Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ°Ñ 1,\n" +"позволÑет ключу, который Ð’Ñ‹ подпиÑываете, делать подпиÑи довериÑ\n" +"от Вашего имени.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +# check it +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Введите домен, ограничивающий иÑпользование данной подпиÑи, или пуÑтую " "Ñтроку, еÑли нет ограничений.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." -msgstr "User ID \"%s\" отозван." +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" отозван." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " -msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите подпиÑать? (y/N) " +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ вÑе равно хотите его подпиÑать? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Ðе могу подпиÑать.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." -msgstr "User ID \"%s\" проÑрочен." +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" иÑтек." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." -msgstr "User ID \"%s\" без ÑамоподпиÑи." +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" не Ñамозаверен." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " -msgstr "User ID \"%s\" подпиÑываем." +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" можно подпиÑать." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно подпиÑать? (y/N)" +msgstr "ПодпиÑать его? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a PGP 2.x-style signature.\n" msgstr "" -"СамоподпиÑÑŒ у \"%s\"\n" -"Ñто подпиÑÑŒ PGP 2.x -ÑтилÑ.\n" +"СамоподпиÑÑŒ у \"%s\" -\n" +"Ñто подпиÑÑŒ типа PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " -msgstr "Хотите Ñделать Ñто ÑамоподпиÑью OpenPGP? (y/N) " +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ хотите преобразовать ее в ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ OpenPGP? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3390,11 +3425,11 @@ "Ваша Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ на \"%s\"\n" "проÑрочена.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " -msgstr "Хотите Ñделать новую подпиÑÑŒ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‹ проÑроченной? (y/N) " +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ хотите Ñделать новую подпиÑÑŒ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‹ проÑроченной? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3403,957 +3438,972 @@ "Ваша Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ на \"%s\"\n" "ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð¹.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " -msgstr "Хотите Ñделать Ñто полноÑтью ÑкÑпортируемой подпиÑью? (y/N) " +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ хотите преобразовать ее в полноÑтью ÑкÑпортируемую подпиÑÑŒ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" уже локально подпиÑан ключом %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" уже подпиÑан ключом %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите Ñнова подпиÑать Ñто? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ вÑе равно хотите Ñнова подпиÑать его? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Ðечего подпиÑывать ключом %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Данный ключ проÑрочен!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" -msgstr "Срок дейÑтвительноÑти данного ключа иÑтекает %s.\n" +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа иÑтекает %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " -msgstr "Хотите чтобы Ваша подпиÑÑŒ была дейÑтвительна до того же времени?(Y/n) " +msgstr "" +"Ð’Ñ‹ хотите, чтобы Ваша подпиÑÑŒ была дейÑтвительна до того же времени? (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ñделать OpenPGP подпиÑÑŒ на PGP 2.x ключе в режиме --pgp2.\n" +msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ OpenPGP на ключе PGP 2.x в режиме --pgp2 делать нельзÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" -msgstr "Это Ñделает ключ неÑовмеÑтимым Ñ PGP 2.x.\n" +msgstr "Ключ Ñтал бы неÑовмеÑтим Ñ PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" "to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter \"0\".\n" msgstr "" -"Как хорошо проверено то, что ключ дейÑтвительно принадлежит человеку,\n" -"чье Ð¸Ð¼Ñ ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¾ в User ID ключа?\n" -" ЕÑли не уверены как ответить, введите \"0\".\n" +"ÐаÑколько хорошо Ð’Ñ‹ проверили, что ключ дейÑтвительно принадлежит\n" +"указанному выше человеку? ЕÑли не знаете, что ответить, введите \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Ðе буду отвечать.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" -msgstr " (1) Я не проверÑл ÑовÑем.%s\n" +msgstr " (1) Ðикакой проверки не было.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" -msgstr " (2) Я проверил чаÑтично.%s\n" +msgstr " (2) Была чаÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐºÐ°.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" -msgstr " (3) Я проверил очень тщательно.%s\n" +msgstr " (3) Проверка была очень тщательной.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " -msgstr "Ваше решение? (введите '?' Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸)" +msgstr "Ваш выбор? (введите '?' Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" msgstr "" -"Уверены в том, что хотите подпиÑать Ñтот ключ\n" -"Ñвоим ключом: \"%s\" (%s)\n" +"Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите подпиÑать Ñтот ключ\n" +"Ñвоим ключом \"%s\" (%s)?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Это будет ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как не ÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как неÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как не отзываемаÑ.\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ не будет помечена как неотзываемаÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" -msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как не ÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" +msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как неÑкÑпортируемаÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" -msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как не отзываемаÑ.\n" +msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ будет помечена как неотзываемаÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" -msgstr "Я ÑовÑем не проверÑл Ñтот ключ.\n" +msgstr "Этот ключ мной никак не проверÑлÑÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" -msgstr "Я проверил Ñтот ключ только чаÑтично.\n" +msgstr "Мной проведена поверхноÑÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐºÐ° Ñтого ключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" -msgstr "Я очень тщательно проверил Ñтот ключ.\n" +msgstr "Этот ключ проверен мной очень тщательно.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно подпиÑать? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно подпиÑать? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" -msgstr "не удалоÑÑŒ подпиÑать: %s\n" +msgstr "подпиÑать не удалоÑÑŒ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" +"Ð’ ключе только заготовка или Ñлементы Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹ - Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÐµÑ‚.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Данный ключ не защищен.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" -msgstr "Ð¡ÐµÐºÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ главного ключа отÑутÑтвует.\n" +msgstr "Закрытые чаÑти главного ключа отÑутÑтвуют.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" -msgstr "Ð¡ÐµÐºÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ главного ключа Ñохранена на карте.\n" +msgstr "Закрытые чаÑти главного ключа Ñохранены на карте.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Ключ защищен.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" -msgstr "Ðе могу редактировать данный ключ: %s\n" +msgstr "Данный ключ не редактируетÑÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Введите новую фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñекретного ключа.\n" +"Введите новую фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ закрытого ключа.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" -msgstr "повторный ввод фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð½ÐµÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ñ€ÐµÐºÑ‚ÐµÐ½; попробуйте еще раз" +msgstr "фраза-пароль повторена неверно; попробуйте еще раз" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Ðе хотите задать фразу-пароль? Это очень *ПЛОХÐЯ* идеÑ!\n" +"Хотите обойтиÑÑŒ без фразы-паролÑ? Скорее вÑего, Ñто ПЛОХÐЯ мыÑль!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите Ñделать Ñто? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ вÑе равно хотите Ñтого? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" -msgstr "перемещение подпиÑи ключа в правильное меÑто\n" +msgstr "перемещение подпиÑи ключа в нужное меÑто\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "Ñохранить и выйти" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "показать отпечаток ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" -msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и User ID" +msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок ключей и ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" -msgstr "выбрать User ID N" +msgstr "выбрать ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "выбрать подключ N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "проверка подпиÑей" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" -msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные User ID [* опиÑание Ñоотв. команд Ñм. ниже]" +msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ [* опиÑание команд Ñм. ниже]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" -msgstr "локально подпиÑать выбранные User ID" +msgstr "локально подпиÑать выбранные ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" -msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные User ID - trust подпиÑью" +msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñью довериÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" -msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные User ID без возможноÑти отзыва" +msgstr "подпиÑать выбранные ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· возможноÑти отзыва" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" -msgstr "добавить User ID" +msgstr "добавить ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" -msgstr "добавить фото ID" +msgstr "добавить фотоидентификатор" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" -msgstr "удалить выбранные User ID" +msgstr "удалить выбранные ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "добавить подключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "добавить ключ на карту" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "перемеÑтить ключ на карту" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" -msgstr "перемеÑтить резервную копию на Ñмарткарту" +msgstr "перемеÑтить архивный ключ на карту" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "удалить выбранные подключи" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "добавить ключ отзыва" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" -msgstr "удалить подпиÑи у выбранных User ID" +msgstr "удалить подпиÑи у выбранных ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" -msgstr "Ñменить Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти ключа или выбранных подключей" +msgstr "Ñменить Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° или выбранных подключей" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" -msgstr "пометить выбранный User ID как главный" +msgstr "пометить выбранный ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ðº главный" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "переключение между проÑмотром открытых и закрытых ключей" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "ÑпиÑок предпочтений (ÑкÑпертам)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "ÑпиÑок предпочтений (подробный)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" -msgstr "уÑтановить ÑпиÑок предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID" +msgstr "уÑтановить ÑпиÑок предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" -msgstr "уÑтановить URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID" +msgstr "" +"уÑтановить URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" -msgstr "уÑтановить примечание Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID" +msgstr "уÑтановить примечание Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "Ñменить фразу-пароль" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "изменить уровень Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑ†Ñƒ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" -msgstr "отозвать подпиÑи у выбранных User ID" +msgstr "отозвать подпиÑи у выбранных ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" -msgstr "отзыв выбранных User ID" +msgstr "отозвать выбранные ID пользователÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" -msgstr "отзыв ключа или выбранных подключей" +msgstr "отозвать ключ или выбранные подключи" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" -msgstr "включить ключ" +msgstr "подключить ключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "отключить ключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" -msgstr "показать выбранные фото ID" +msgstr "показать выбранные фотоидентификаторы" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" -msgstr "Ñжать неиÑпользуемые User ID и удалить неиÑпользуемые подпиÑи Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°" +msgstr "" +"Ñжать непригодные ID пользователей и удалить непригодные подпиÑи из ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" -msgstr "Ñжать неиÑпользуемые User ID и удалить вÑе подпиÑи Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°" +msgstr "Ñжать непригодные ID пользователей и удалить вÑе подпиÑи из ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñекретного блока ключа \"%s\": %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ блока ключа \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" -msgstr "Секретный ключ доÑтупен.\n" +msgstr "Закрытый ключ доÑтупен.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" -msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½ Ñекретный ключ.\n" +msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÑƒÐ¶ÐµÐ½ закрытый ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Сначала воÑпользуйтеÑÑŒ командой \"toggle\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" " a `t' for trust signatures (tsign), an `nr' for non-revocable signatures\n" " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -"* Команда `sign' может быть дополнена префикÑом: `l' - локально подпиÑать " -"lsign),\n" -" `t' - trust подпиÑÑŒ (tsign), `nr' - без возможноÑти отзыва\n" -" (nrsign) или любым их Ñочетанием (ltsign, tnrsign и Ñ‚.д.).\n" +"* У команды `sign' может быть приÑтавка `l' (локальные подпиÑи, lsign),\n" +" `t' (подпиÑи довериÑ, tsign), `nr' (неотзываемые, \n" +" nrsign) или любое их Ñочетание (ltsign, tnrsign и Ñ‚.д.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Ключ отозван." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите подпиÑать ВСЕ User ID? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно подпиÑать вÑе ID пользователÑ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" -msgstr "Совет: Выберите User ID Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑаниÑ\n" +msgstr "ПодÑказка: Выберите ID пользователей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐеизвеÑтный тип подпиÑи `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" -msgstr "Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° не допуÑтима в режиме %s.\n" +msgstr "Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° недопуÑтима в режиме %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" -msgstr "Следует выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один User ID.\n" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ должны выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ID пользователÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ поÑледний User ID!\n" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ не можете удалить поÑледний ID пользователÑ!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить ВСЕ выбранные User IDs? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить вÑе выбранные ID пользователей? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить данный User ID? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить Ñтот ID пользователÑ? (y/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить главный ключ? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить главный ключ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" -msgstr "Следует выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ должны выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" -msgstr "Команда ожидает аргумент: Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°\n" +msgstr "Команде нужен аргумент-Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Ðе могу открыть `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "Ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ·ÐµÑ€Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа Ñ `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "Ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа из `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" -msgstr "Следует выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ должны выбрать Ñ…Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ один ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить выбранные ключи? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите удалить выбранные ключи? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить данный ключ? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите удалить данный ключ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать ВСЕ выбранные User ID? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать вÑе выбранные ID пользователей? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать данный User ID? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно отозвать данный ID пользователÑ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите отозвать ключ целиком? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать ключ целиком? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите отозвать выбранные подключи? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать выбранные подключи? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите отозвать данный подключ? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите отозвать данный подключ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -"Доверие владельцу не может быть наÑтроено Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ñтавленной пользователем " -"таблицы доверий\n" +"ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ñваивать Ñтепень довериÑ, когда таблица Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð° " +"пользователем\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "УÑтановить Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно обновить Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… User ID? (y/N)" +msgstr "" +"ДейÑтвительно обновить Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… ID пользователей? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно обновить предпочтениÑ? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно обновить предпочтениÑ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " -msgstr "Сохранить изменениÑ? (y/N)" +msgstr "Сохранить изменениÑ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " -msgstr "Выйти без ÑохранениÑ? (y/N)" +msgstr "Выйти без ÑохранениÑ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой при обновлений Ñекретного ключа: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при обновлении закрытого ключа: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Ключ не изменÑлÑÑ - обновление не нужно.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Ð¥Ñш-функции: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " -msgstr "Опции: " +msgstr "ХарактериÑтики: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +# check it +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ðе изменÑÑ‚ÑŒ на Ñервере" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " -msgstr "Предпочитаемый Ñервер ключей: " +msgstr "Предпочтительный Ñервер ключей: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "ПримечаниÑ: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" -msgstr "Ðе может быть предпочтений в PGP 2.x-Ñтиле User ID.\n" +msgstr "Ð’ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¿Ð° PGP 2.x не может быть предпочтений.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 +#, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" -msgstr "Данный ключ был отозван %s - %s ключом %s\n" +msgstr "Следующий ключ был отозван %s пользователем %s ключом %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" -msgstr "Данный ключ может быть отозван %s ключом %s " +msgstr "Данный ключ может быть отозван пользователем %s ключом %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(оÑобо важный)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" -msgstr "Ñоздан: %s" +msgstr " Ñоздан: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" -msgstr "отозван: %s" +msgstr " отозван: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" -msgstr "проÑрочен Ñ: %s" +msgstr " проÑрочен Ñ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" -msgstr "годен до: %s" +msgstr " годен до: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" -msgstr "применÑемоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" +msgstr "применимоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "доверие: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "доÑтоверноÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Данный ключ отключен" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "номер карты: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "" -"Учтите, что показанные Ñтепени доÑтоверноÑти могут быть неверными,\n" -"пока программа не будет перезапущена.\n" +"Учтите, что Ð¿Ð¾ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´ÐµÐ¹ÑтвительноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключа может быть неверной,\n" +"пока Ð’Ñ‹ не перезапуÑтите программу.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "отозван" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" -msgstr "проÑрочен Ñ" +msgstr "проÑрочен" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +# check it +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: нет User ID помеченного как главный. Ð”Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° может\n" -" воÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ð¼ user ID, иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ ÐµÐ³Ð¾ как главный.\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: нет ID пользователÑ, помеченного как главный. Эта команда может\n" +" привеÑти к тому, что главным Ñтанет ÑчитатьÑÑ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¾Ð¹ ID " +"пользователÑ.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Срок годноÑти Вашего подключа Ñкоро иÑтечет.\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Возможно, надо изменить и его Ñрок дейÑтвиÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" " of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ PGP2. Добавление фото ID может в некоторых верÑиÑÑ…\n" -" PGP вызвать выбраковку ключа.\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ PGP2. Добавление фотоидентификатора может в некоторых\n" +" верÑиÑÑ… PGP вызвать отбраковку ключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите добавить Ñто? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÑÑ‚ÑŒ фото ID в ключ PGP2-типа.\n" +msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ фотоидентификатор в ключ типа PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Удалить данную дейÑтвительную подпиÑÑŒ? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Удалить данную недейÑтвительную подпиÑÑŒ? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Удалить данную неизвеÑтную подпиÑÑŒ? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "ДейÑтвительно удалить данную ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Удалена %d подпиÑÑŒ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" -msgstr "Удалено %d подпиÑи.\n" +msgstr "Удалено %d подпиÑей.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Ðичего не удалено.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "недопуÑтимый" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" -msgstr "User ID \"%s\": Ñжат: %s\n" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" Ñжат: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" -msgstr "User ID \"%s\": %d подпиÑÑŒ удалена\n" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\": %d подпиÑÑŒ удалена\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" -msgstr "User ID \"%s\": %d удалено подпиÑей\n" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\": %d подпиÑей удалено\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" -msgstr "User ID \"%s\": уже минимизирован\n" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" уже минимизирован\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" -msgstr "User ID \"%s\": уже очищен\n" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" уже очищен\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" " some versions of PGP to reject this key.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ PGP 2.x. Добавление назначенного отзывающим ключа\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Это ключ типа PGP 2.x. Добавление оÑобого отзывающего ключа\n" " может в некоторых верÑиÑÑ… PGP вызвать выбраковку ключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÑÑ‚ÑŒ назначенный отзывающим ключ в PGP 2.x ключ.\n" +msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ оÑобый отзывающий ключ в ключ типа PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " -msgstr "Укажите User ID ключа, назначенного отзывающим: " +msgstr "Укажите ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°, назначенного отзывающим: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" -msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ ключ PGP 2.x отзывающим\n" +msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ отзывающим ключ типа PGP 2.x\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" -msgstr "ключ не может быть назначен отзывающим Ñам ÑебÑ\n" +msgstr "ключ не может быть назначен отзывающим Ñамого ÑебÑ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "Ñтот ключ уже назначен отзывающим\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: назначение ключа отзывающим невозможно будет отменить!\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: назначение ключа отзывающим невозможно отменить!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " -msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите назначить данный ключ отзывающим? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите назначить данный ключ отзывающим? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" -msgstr "Снимите выделение Ñ Ñекретного ключа.\n" +msgstr "Снимите выделение Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ñ… ключей.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" -msgstr "Выделите не менее одного подключа.\n" +msgstr "Выделите не более одного подключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" -msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти подключа.\n" +msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" -msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" +msgstr "Смена Ñрока дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð³Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" -msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ v3 ключа\n" +msgstr "ÐÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" -msgstr "Ðет ÑоответÑтвующей подпиÑи в ÑвÑзке Ñекретных\n" +msgstr "Ðет ÑоответÑтвующей подпиÑи в таблице закрытых ключей\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" -msgstr "подпиÑываемый подключ %s уже имеет перекреÑтную Ñертификацию\n" +msgstr "подпиÑывающий подключ %s уже перекреÑтно заверен\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" -msgstr "подключ %s не подпиÑывающий и не нуждаетÑÑ Ð² перекреÑтной подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "подключ %s не Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей, он не нуждаетÑÑ Ð² перекреÑтном заверении\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" -msgstr "Выберите только один User ID.\n" +msgstr "Выберите ровно один ID пользователÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "пропуÑк v3 ÑамоподпиÑи на User ID \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "пропуÑк ÑамоподпиÑи v3 на ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " -msgstr "Введите URL предпочтаемого Ñервера ключей: " +msgstr "Введите URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите заменить его? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите заменить его? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите удалить его? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите удалить его? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " -msgstr "Введите примечание:" +msgstr "Введите примечание: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " -msgstr "Обработать? (y/N) " +msgstr "Продолжить? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" -msgstr "Ðет User ID Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" +msgstr "Ðет ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" -msgstr "Ðет User ID Ñ Ñ…ÐµÑˆÐµÐ¼ %s\n" +msgstr "Ðет ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ Ñ…Ñшем %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +# c-format +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Ðет подключа Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "User ID: \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "ID пользователÑ: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" -msgstr "подпиÑано Вашим ключом %s от %s%s%s\n" +msgstr "подпиÑано Вашим ключом %s %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" -msgstr " (не ÑкÑпортируемаÑ)" +msgstr " (неÑкÑпортируемаÑ)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" -msgstr "Срок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи закончилÑÑ %s.\n" +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи иÑтек %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите отозвать? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ подпиÑи? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вами не подпиÑано.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" -msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ подпиÑали данные User ID на ключе %s:\n" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ подпиÑали Ñти ID пользователей на ключе %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" -msgstr " (не отзываемаÑ)" +msgstr " (неотзываемаÑ)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" -msgstr "отзыв Вашим ключом %s от %s\n" +msgstr "отозвано Вашим ключом %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ отзываете Ñледующие подпиÑи:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "ДейÑтвительно Ñоздать Ñертификат отзыва? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" -msgstr "нет Ñекретного ключа\n" +msgstr "нет закрытого ключа\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" -msgstr "User ID \"%s\" уже отозван\n" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ \"%s\" уже отозван\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: User ID подпиÑÑŒ датирована %d Ñекундами в будущем\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑÑŒ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð° %d Ñекундами в будущем\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" -msgstr "Ключ %s уже отозван\n" +msgstr "Ключ %s уже отозван.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" -msgstr "Подключ %s уже отозван\n" +msgstr "Подключ %s уже отозван.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" -msgstr "Показ %s фото ID размера %ld Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s (uid %d)\n" +msgstr "Показ фотоидентификатора %s размера %ld Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "предпочтение `%s' дублируетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" -msgstr "Ñлишком много предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð°\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком много шифровых предпочтений\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "Ñлишком много предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функций\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "Ñлишком много предпочтений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ð¾Ð´Ð¾Ð² ÑжатиÑ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" -msgstr "недопуÑтимое вхождение `%s' в Ñтроке предпочтений\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый Ñлемент `%s' в Ñтроке предпочтений\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "запиÑÑŒ прÑмой подпиÑи\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" -msgstr "ÑохранÑем ÑамоподпиÑÑŒ\n" +msgstr "запиÑÑŒ ÑамоподпиÑи\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" -msgstr "ÑохранÑем объединÑющую подпиÑÑŒ\n" +msgstr "запиÑÑŒ объединÑющей подпиÑи\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "неверный размер ключа; иÑпользуетÑÑ %u бит\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" -msgstr "размер ключа приведен к %u битам\n" +msgstr "размер ключа округлен вверх до %u бит\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: некоторые реализации OpenPGP не Ñмогут обработать DSA ключи Ñ " -"такой длиной хеш-функции\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: некоторые реализации OpenPGP не Ñмогут обработать ключи DSA Ñ " +"такой длиной Ñ…Ñш-функции\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "ПодпиÑать" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Сертифицировать" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Зашифровать" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" -msgstr "Ðтентифицировать" +msgstr "Ðутентифицировать" #. TRANSLATORS: Please use only plain ASCII characters for the #. translation. If this is not possible use single digits. The @@ -4365,18 +4415,18 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" -msgstr "" +msgstr "11223300" #: g10/keygen.c:1615 #, c-format msgid "Possible actions for a %s key: " -msgstr "Возможные дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s:" +msgstr "Возможные дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s: " #: g10/keygen.c:1619 msgid "Current allowed actions: " -msgstr "ДопуÑтимы дейÑтвиÑ:" +msgstr "ДопуÑтимы дейÑтвиÑ: " #: g10/keygen.c:1624 #, c-format @@ -4398,71 +4448,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Завершено\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" -msgstr "Выберите требуемый тип ключа:\n" +msgstr "Выберите тип ключа:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" -msgstr " (%d) DSA и ElGamal (по умолчанию)\n" +msgstr " (%d) RSA и RSA (по умолчанию)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 +#, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" -msgstr " (%d) DSA и ElGamal (по умолчанию)\n" +msgstr " (%d) DSA и Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" -msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ)\n" +msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (только Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ возможноÑÑ‚Ñми)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ возможноÑÑ‚Ñми)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" -msgstr "ключи %s могут иметь длину от %u до %u бит.\n" +msgstr "длина ключей %s может быть от %u до %u бит.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 +#, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " -msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " +msgstr "Какой размер подключа необходим? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " -msgstr "Какой размер ключа необходим? (%u) " +msgstr "Какой размер ключа Вам необходим? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" -msgstr "Запрашиваемый размер ключа %u бит\n" +msgstr "Запрошенный размер ключа - %u бит\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4472,13 +4522,13 @@ " y = key expires in n years\n" msgstr "" "Выберите Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°.\n" -" 0 = без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" -" = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n дней\n" -" w = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n недель\n" -" m = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n меÑÑцев\n" -" y = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти n лет\n" +" 0 = без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвиÑ\n" +" = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° - n дней\n" +" w = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° - n недель\n" +" m = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° - n меÑÑцев\n" +" y = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° - n лет\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4488,70 +4538,70 @@ " y = signature expires in n years\n" msgstr "" "Выберите Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи.\n" -" 0 = подпиÑÑŒ без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" -" = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n дней\n" -" w = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n недель\n" -" m = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n меÑÑцев\n" -" y = Ñрок дейÑтвительноÑти подпиÑи n лет\n" +" 0 = подпиÑÑŒ без Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвиÑ\n" +" = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n дней\n" +" w = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n недель\n" +" m = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n меÑÑцев\n" +" y = Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи - n лет\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " -msgstr "Ключ дейÑтвителен до? (0) " +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " -msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до? (%s) " +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимое значение\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" -msgstr "Ключ не имеет Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° не ограничен\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" -msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ не имеет Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñрока дейÑтвительноÑти\n" +msgstr "Срок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи не ограничен\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" -msgstr "Ключ дейÑтвителен до: %s\n" +msgstr "Ключ дейÑтвителен до %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" -msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до: %s\n" +msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" msgstr "" -"Ваша ÑиÑтема не может корректно отображать даты поÑле 2038.\n" -"Однако, даты не превышающие 2106 будут обработаны корректно.\n" +"Ваша ÑиÑтема не может отображать даты поÑле 2038 года.\n" +"Однако даты до 2106 года будут обрабатываютÑÑ Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð¾.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Ð’Ñе верно? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"GnuPG необходимо ÑоÑтавить UserID в качеÑтве идентификатора ключа.\n" +"GnuPG необходимо ÑоÑтавить ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² качеÑтве идентификатора ключа.\n" "\n" #. TRANSLATORS: This string is in general not anymore used #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4561,66 +4611,68 @@ "\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ Вашего ключа необходим User ID\n" -"Программа ÑоздаÑÑ‚ его из Вашего имени, ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ адреÑа e-mail в виде:\n" +"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ Вашего ключа необходим ID пользователÑ. Программа ÑоздаÑÑ‚ " +"его\n" +"из Вашего имени, ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ адреÑа Ñлектронной почты в виде:\n" " \"Baba Yaga (pensioner) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Ваше наÑтоÑщее имÑ: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в Имени\n" +msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в имени\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно начинатьÑÑ Ñ Ñ†Ð¸Ñ„Ñ€Ñ‹\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð½Ðµ должно быть короче 5 Ñимволов\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " -msgstr "Email-адреÑ: " +msgstr "ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" -msgstr "Ðеправильный e-mail адреÑ\n" +msgstr "Ðеправильный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Комментарий: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый Ñимвол в комментарии\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" -msgstr "ИÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов: `%s'.\n" +msgstr "ИÑпользуетÑÑ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° Ñимволов: `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" " \"%s\"\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’Ñ‹ выбрали Ñледующий User ID:\n" +"Ð’Ñ‹ выбрали Ñледующий ID пользователÑ:\n" " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" -msgstr "Ðе вÑтавлÑйте email-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð² Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ комментарий\n" +msgstr "" +"Ðе вÑтавлÑйте Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты в Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ комментарий\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Такой ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñтом ключе уже еÑÑ‚ÑŒ!\n" #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in #. lower and uppercase. Below you will find the matching @@ -4633,184 +4685,186 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " -msgstr "Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)email-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (Q)Выход? " +msgstr "Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (Q)Выход? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " -msgstr "" -"Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)email-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (O)ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ/(Q)Выход? " +msgstr "Сменить (N)ИмÑ, (C)Комментарий, (E)ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ (O)ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ/(Q)Выход? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Сначала иÑправьте ошибку\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ Ñекретного ключа необходима фраза-пароль.\n" +"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ закрытого ключа необходима фраза-пароль.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 -#, fuzzy +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." -msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ импортированных в GnuPG объектов." +msgstr "" +"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ñ‹ архивной копии нового ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" "using this program with the option \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" msgstr "" -"Вам не нужна фраза-пароль? Это ОЧЕÐЬ ПЛОХÐЯ мыÑль!\n" -"Работа будет продолжена. Фразу-пароль можно Ñменит в любое времÑ,\n" -"запуÑтив данную программу Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¾Ð¼ \"--edit-key\".\n" +"Хотите обойтиÑÑŒ без фразы-паролÑ? Скорее вÑего, Ñто ПЛОХÐЯ мыÑль!\n" +"Работа будет продолжена. Ð’Ñ‹ можете Ñменить фразу-пароль в любое времÑ,\n" +"запуÑтив данную программу Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð¼ \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" "disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number\n" "generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.\n" msgstr "" -"Ðеобходимо Ñгенерировать много Ñлучайных чиÑел. Желательно, что бы Ð’Ñ‹\n" -"выполнÑли некоторые другие активные дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ (печать на клавиатуре, Ð´Ð²Ð¸Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ " -"мышью,\n" -"Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ðº диÑкам) в процеÑÑе генерации; Ñто даÑÑ‚ генератору\n" -"Ñлучайных чиÑел возможноÑÑ‚ÑŒ получить лучшую Ñнтропию.\n" +"Ðеобходимо получить много Ñлучайных чиÑел. Желательно, чтобы Ð’Ñ‹\n" +"в процеÑÑе генерации выполнÑли какие-то другие дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ (печать\n" +"на клавиатуре, Ð´Ð²Ð¸Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹ÑˆÐ¸, Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ðº диÑкам); Ñто даÑÑ‚ генератору\n" +"Ñлучайных чиÑел больше возможноÑтей получить доÑтаточное количеÑтво " +"Ñнтропии.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Создание ключа прервано.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "Ñохранение открытого ключа в `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" -msgstr "Ñохранение заглушки Ñекретного ключа в `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ñохранение заготовки закрытого ключа в `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" -msgstr "Ñохранение Ñекретного ключа в `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ñохранение закрытого ключа в `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "нет доÑтупной Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи таблицы открытых ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "нет доÑтупной Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи таблицы закрытых ключей: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы открытых ключей `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы Ñекретных ключей `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка запиÑи таблицы закрытых ключей `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "открытый и закрытый ключи Ñозданы и подпиÑаны.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" msgstr "" -"Учтите, данный ключ не может иÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ. Можно\n" +"Учтите, что данный ключ не может иÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ. Ð’Ñ‹ можете\n" "воÑпользоватьÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾Ð¹ \"--edit-key\" и Ñоздать подключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтих целей.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Сбой при Ñоздании ключа: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"ключ был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñами)\n" +"ключ Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунду в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " +"чаÑами)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"ключ был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñами)\n" +"ключ Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " +"чаÑами)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñоздание подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹ v3 не ÑовмеÑтимо Ñ OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно Ñоздать? (y/N)" +msgstr "ДейÑтвительно Ñоздать? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° на карту: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "не могу Ñоздать резервную копию, файл `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "не могу Ñоздать архивную копию, файл `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° карты Ñохранена в `%s'\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° на карте Ñохранена в `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "никогда " #: g10/keylist.c:273 msgid "Critical signature policy: " -msgstr "Критичные правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи: " +msgstr "КритичеÑкие правила подпиÑи: " #: g10/keylist.c:275 msgid "Signature policy: " -msgstr "Политика подпиÑи: " +msgstr "Правила подпиÑи: " +# check it #: g10/keylist.c:314 msgid "Critical preferred keyserver: " -msgstr "Критично предпочитаемые Ñерверы ключей:" +msgstr "КритичеÑкий предпочтительный Ñервер ключей: " #: g10/keylist.c:367 msgid "Critical signature notation: " -msgstr "Критичное примечание к подпиÑи: " +msgstr "КритичеÑкое примечание к подпиÑи: " #: g10/keylist.c:369 msgid "Signature notation: " -msgstr "Примечание к подпиÑи" +msgstr "Примечание к подпиÑи: " #: g10/keylist.c:479 msgid "Keyring" @@ -4818,11 +4872,11 @@ #: g10/keylist.c:1522 msgid "Primary key fingerprint:" -msgstr " Отпечаток главного ключа:" +msgstr "Отпечаток главного ключа:" #: g10/keylist.c:1524 msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" +msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" #. TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes to that the #. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID @@ -4832,70 +4886,70 @@ #: g10/keylist.c:1533 msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" +msgstr " Отпечаток подключа:" #: g10/keylist.c:1537 g10/keylist.c:1541 msgid " Key fingerprint =" -msgstr "Отпечаток ключа =" +msgstr " Отпечаток ключа =" #: g10/keylist.c:1608 msgid " Card serial no. =" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Ñерийный номер карты =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" -msgstr "при переименовании `%s' в `%s' произошел Ñбой: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при переименовании `%s' в `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: СущеÑтвуют 2 файла Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ„Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð¹ информацией.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" -msgstr "%s оÑталоÑÑŒ без изменений\n" +msgstr "%s - без изменений\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" -msgstr "%s новых\n" +msgstr "%s - новый\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" -msgstr "ИÑправьте Ñту прореху безопаÑноÑти\n" +msgstr "ИÑправьте Ñту возможную прореху безопаÑноÑти\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" -msgstr "кеширую ÑвÑзки ключей `%s'\n" +msgstr "буферирование таблицы ключей `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" -msgstr "%lu ключей закешировано за Ñто Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ (%lu подпиÑей)\n" +msgstr "пока в буфер помещено %lu ключей (%lu подпиÑей)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" -msgstr "%lu ключей закешированно (%lu подпиÑей)\n" +msgstr "%lu ключей помещено в буфер (%lu подпиÑей)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: таблица ключей Ñоздана\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:74 msgid "include revoked keys in search results" -msgstr "включать отозванные ключи в резутатах поиÑка" +msgstr "включить в результаты поиÑка отозванные ключи" #: g10/keyserver.c:75 msgid "include subkeys when searching by key ID" -msgstr "Ð²ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¸ при поиÑке по Key ID" +msgstr "иÑкать по ID ключа, Ð²ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð¸" #: g10/keyserver.c:77 msgid "use temporary files to pass data to keyserver helpers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "передавать данные в Ñервер Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ временных файлов" #: g10/keyserver.c:79 msgid "do not delete temporary files after using them" @@ -4907,30 +4961,31 @@ #: g10/keyserver.c:85 msgid "honor the preferred keyserver URL set on the key" -msgstr "введите URL предпочтаемого Ñервера ключей: " +msgstr "учитывать набор URL предпочтительных Ñерверов ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтого ключа" #: g10/keyserver.c:87 msgid "honor the PKA record set on a key when retrieving keys" -msgstr "" +msgstr "учитывать набор запиÑей PKA при получении ключей" #: g10/keyserver.c:153 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver option `%s' is not used on this platform\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр Ñервера ключей `%s' не иÑпользуетÑÑ Ð½Ð° данной платформе\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр Ñервера ключей `%s' на данной платформе не иÑпользуетÑÑ\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:551 msgid "disabled" -msgstr "disable" +msgstr "отключен" #: g10/keyserver.c:754 msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " -msgstr "Введите чиÑло(а), N) Следующий или Q) Выход> " +msgstr "Введите чиÑла, N) Следующее или Q) Выход> " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +# test it +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" -msgstr "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый протокол Ñервера ключей (ожидаетÑÑ %d, получено %d)\n" #: g10/keyserver.c:939 #, c-format @@ -4941,124 +4996,125 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "ключ не найден на Ñервере ключей\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" -msgstr "запрашиваю ключ %s Ñ %s Ñервера %s\n" +msgstr "запрашиваю ключ %s Ñ Ñервера %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "получение ключа %s Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" -msgstr "поиÑк по именам %s на Ñервере %s\n" +msgstr "поиÑк имен на Ñервере %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" -msgstr "поиÑк по именам на %s\n" +msgstr "поиÑк имен на %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" -msgstr "отправлÑÑŽ ключ %s на %s Ñервер %s\n" +msgstr "отправка ключа %s на Ñервер %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "отправка ключа %s на %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" -msgstr "поиÑк \"%s\" на %s Ñервере %s\n" +msgstr "поиÑк \"%s\" на Ñервере %s %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "поиÑк \"%s\" на %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +# test it +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "неизвеÑтное дейÑтвие Ñервера!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обработчик Ñервера ключей от другой верÑии GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "Ñервер ключей не приÑлал VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑзи Ñ Ñервером ключей: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "не заданы Ñерверы ключей (иÑпользуйте --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" -msgstr "Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñборка не поддерживает внешние вызовы Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей.\n" +msgstr "Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñборка не поддерживает внешние вызовы Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "нет обработчика Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñхемы Ñервера ключей `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "дейÑтвие `%s' не поддерживаетÑÑ Ñхемой Ñервера ключей `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s не поддерживает верÑию обработчика %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "превышено Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñервера ключей\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ñервера ключей\n" +msgstr "внутреннÑÑ Ð¾ÑˆÐ¸Ð±ÐºÐ° Ñервера ключей\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка ÑвÑзи Ñ Ñервером ключей: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\" не идентификатор ключа: пропущен\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно обновить ключ %s Ñ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "обновление 1 ключа из %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "обновление %d ключей из %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно загрузить ÑÑылку %s: %s\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно получить URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно проанализировать ÑÑылку %s\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно интерпретировать URI %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:242 #, c-format @@ -5068,12 +5124,12 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:295 #, c-format msgid "%s encrypted session key\n" -msgstr "ÑеанÑовый ключ зашифрован %s\n" +msgstr "ÑеанÑовый ключ зашифрован по %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:305 #, c-format msgid "passphrase generated with unknown digest algorithm %d\n" -msgstr "фраза-пароль Ñоздана Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ хеш-фкнкцией %d\n" +msgstr "фраза-пароль Ñоздана Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ·Ð½Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ Ñ…Ñш-функцией %d\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:371 #, c-format @@ -5082,12 +5138,12 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:434 msgid "public key encrypted data: good DEK\n" -msgstr "данные зашифрованы открытым ключом: правильный DEK\n" +msgstr "данные зашифрованы открытым ключом: хороший DEK\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:467 #, c-format msgid "encrypted with %u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s\n" -msgstr "зашифровано %u-битным ключом %s, Ñ ID %s, Ñозданным %s\n" +msgstr "зашифровано %u-битным ключом %s Ñ ID %s, Ñозданным %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:471 g10/pkclist.c:217 #, c-format @@ -5102,275 +5158,295 @@ #: g10/mainproc.c:490 #, c-format msgid "public key decryption failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой раÑÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой раÑшифровки Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом: %s\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:506 #, c-format msgid "encrypted with %lu passphrases\n" -msgstr "зашифровано Ñ %lu фразами-паролÑми\n" +msgstr "зашифровано %lu фразами-паролÑми\n" #: g10/mainproc.c:508 msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" -msgstr "зашифровано Ñ 1 фразой-паролем\n" +msgstr "зашифровано одной фразой-паролем\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" -msgstr "принÑтие %s зашифрованных данных\n" +msgstr "предполагаютÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ, зашифрованные по %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" -msgstr "шифр IDEA недоÑтупен, попробуйте иÑпользовать взамен %s\n" +msgstr "шифр IDEA недоÑтупен, попробую вмеÑто него %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "раÑшифровано\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: целоÑтноÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ защищена\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: зашифрованное Ñообщение было изменено!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "в буфере Ñброшена фраза-пароль Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой раÑшифрованиÑ: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой раÑшифровки: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: отправитель требует \"только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñмотра Вами\"\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: отправитель запроÑил \"только между нами\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" -msgstr "оригинальное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°='%.*s'\n" +msgstr "первоначальное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: наблюдаетÑÑ Ð½ÐµÑколько текÑтов\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" -msgstr "ÑамоÑтоÑтельный Ñертификат отзыва: \"gpg --import\" Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ\n" +msgstr "отдельный Ñертификат отзыва: задейÑтвуетÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾Ð¹ \"gpg --import\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ не найдена\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "проверка подпиÑи подавлена\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" -msgstr "не могу обработать Ñти множеÑтвенные подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "не могу обработать Ñти неоднозначные данные подпиÑи\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñделана %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " ключом %s Ñ ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана %s ключом %s Ñ ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " -msgstr "Ключ доÑтупен на:" +msgstr "Ключ доÑтупен на: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" -msgstr "ПЛОХÐЯ подпиÑÑŒ от \"%s\"" +msgstr "ПЛОХÐЯ подпиÑÑŒ от \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ПроÑÑ€Ð¾Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ от \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ДейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ от \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[Ñомнительно]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" -msgstr " aka \"%s\"" +msgstr " или \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ проÑрочена %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ дейÑтвительна до %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "%s подпиÑÑŒ, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ в %s форме, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" -msgstr "двоичный" +msgstr "двоичной" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" -msgstr "текÑтовый" +msgstr "текÑтовой" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" -msgstr "неизвеÑтно" +msgstr "неизвеÑтной" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ; файл `%s' ÐЕ был проверен!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Ðе могу проверить подпиÑÑŒ: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "не Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружено множеÑтво подпиÑей. Только Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´ÐµÑ‚ проверена.\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружено неÑколько подпиÑей. Проверена будет только перваÑ.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" -msgstr "ÑамоÑтоÑÑ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ клаÑÑа 0x%02x\n" +msgstr "Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ клаÑÑа 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" -msgstr "Ñтарый (PGP 2.x) Ñтиль подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ Ñтарого типа (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "обнаружен недопуÑтимый корневой пакет в proc_tree()\n" #: g10/misc.c:112 g10/misc.c:142 g10/misc.c:218 #, c-format msgid "fstat of `%s' failed in %s: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой fstat `%s' в функции %s: %s\n" #: g10/misc.c:181 #, c-format msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой fstat(%d) в функции %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑпериментальный алгоритм %s ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ " -"ключом\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑпериментальный алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ " +"ключом %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" -msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ключи Elgamal Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ+Ñжатие более не поддерживаютÑÑ\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ключи Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи+ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Elgamal не рекомендуютÑÑ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑпериментальный алгоритм Ñимметричного ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ " "%s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑÐ¿ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ…ÐµÑˆ-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: иÑпользуетÑÑ ÑкÑÐ¿ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: хеш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s ÑчитаетÑÑ ÑƒÑтаревшей\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "Замечание: подпиÑи Ñ Ñ…Ñш-функцией %s игнорируютÑÑ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "модуль поддержки шифра IDEA не обнаружен\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" -msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð¹ информации Ñм. %s\n" +msgstr "за подробноÑÑ‚Ñми обращайтеÑÑŒ к %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "%s:%d: не Ñ€ÐµÐºÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ñ†Ð¸Ñ \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "%s:%d: параметр \"%s\" не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" не Ñ€ÐµÐºÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð´ÑƒÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ñ†Ð¸Ñ\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр \"%s\" не рекомендуетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" -msgstr "иÑпользуйте \"%s%s\" взамен\n" +msgstr "иÑпользуйте вмеÑто Ñтого \"%s%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: команда \"%s\" ÑвлÑетÑÑ ÑƒÑтаревшей - не Ñледует применÑÑ‚ÑŒ ее\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: команда \"%s\" не рекомендуетÑÑ Ðº употреблению - не применÑйте ее\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s:%u: уÑтаревший параметр \"%s\" - игнорируетÑÑ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: \"%s\" уÑтаревший параметр - он не задейÑтвован\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр \"%s\" уÑтарел - он игнорируетÑÑ\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" в Ñтом файле уÑтарело - оно дейÑтвует только в %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметр \"%s%s\" уÑтарел - он дейÑтвует только Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" -msgstr "без ÑжатиÑ" +msgstr "Без ÑжатиÑ" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" -msgstr "" +msgstr "без ÑжатиÑ|без|none" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" -msgstr "данное Ñообщение может быть не пригодно Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "данное Ñообщение может быть непригодно Ð´Ð»Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" -msgstr "двуÑмыÑленный параметр `%s'\n" +msgstr "неоднозначный параметр `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "неизвеÑтный параметр `%s'\n" @@ -5382,7 +5458,7 @@ #: g10/openfile.c:93 msgid "Overwrite? (y/N) " -msgstr "ПерезапиÑать (y/N)? " +msgstr "ЗапиÑать поверх? (y/N) " #: g10/openfile.c:126 #, c-format @@ -5395,50 +5471,50 @@ #: g10/openfile.c:195 msgid "writing to stdout\n" -msgstr "Вывод в stdout\n" +msgstr "вывод в stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" -msgstr "принÑтие подпиÑанных данных в `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" +msgstr "предполагаетÑÑ, что подпиÑанные данные находÑÑ‚ÑÑ Ð² `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "Ñоздан новый файл наÑтроек `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметры в `%s' еще не активны при Ñтом запуÑке\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: параметры в `%s' при Ñтом запуÑке еще не дейÑтвуют\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "не могу иÑпользовать алгоритм Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ñ‹Ð¼ ключом %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: потенциально небезопаÑный ÑеанÑовый ключ, зашифрованный " -"Ñимметричным шифром\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: потенциально небезопаÑный ÑеанÑовый ключ,\n" +" зашифрованный Ñимметричным шифром\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" -msgstr "подпакет типа %d имеет выÑтавленный критичеÑкий бит\n" +msgstr "в подпакете типа %d уÑтановлен критичеÑкий бит\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "проблема Ñ Ð°Ð³ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" -msgstr " (главный ключ ID %s)" +msgstr " (ID главного ключа %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5447,33 +5523,33 @@ "%u-bit %s key, ID %s,\n" "created %s%s.\n" msgstr "" -"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к Ñекретному ключу OpenPGP Ñертификата:\n" +"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу OpenPGP Ñертификата:\n" "\"%.*s\"\n" "%u-бит %s ключ, ID %s,\n" "Ñоздан %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Введите фразу-пароль\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "прервано пользователем\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" -"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к Ñекретному ключу пользователÑ: \"%s\"\n" +"Ðеобходима фраза-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу пользователÑ: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" -msgstr "%u-бит %s ключ, ID %s, Ñоздан %s" +msgstr "%u-битный ключ %s, ID %s, Ñоздан %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (подключ на главном ключе %s)" @@ -5487,19 +5563,19 @@ "Keeping the image close to 240x288 is a good size to use.\n" msgstr "" "\n" -"Выберите изображение Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¸ÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² качеÑтве Вашего Фото ID.\n" -"Изображение должно быть в формате JPEG. Помните, что оно будет хранитьÑÑ\n" -"Ñ Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ð¼ открытым ключом и увеличит его размер, Ñ‚.е. не Ñледует брать очень\n" -"большое изображение. Рекомендуемый размер около 240x288.\n" +"Выберите изображение Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐµÐ³Ð¾ фотоидентификатора. Это должен быть файл " +"JPEG.\n" +"Помните, что изображение будет хранитьÑÑ Ð² Вашем открытом ключе и увеличит\n" +"его размер! РекомендуетÑÑ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ€ около 240x288.\n" #: g10/photoid.c:99 msgid "Enter JPEG filename for photo ID: " -msgstr "Введите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ JPEG файла Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¤Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾ ID: " +msgstr "Введите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð° JPEG Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð°: " #: g10/photoid.c:120 #, c-format msgid "unable to open JPEG file `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "Ðе могу открыть JPEG файл `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "не могу открыть файл JPEG `%s': %s\n" #: g10/photoid.c:131 #, c-format @@ -5508,32 +5584,32 @@ #: g10/photoid.c:133 msgid "Are you sure you want to use it? (y/N) " -msgstr "ДейÑтвительно хотите иÑпользовать его? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите иÑпользовать его? (y/N) " #: g10/photoid.c:149 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a JPEG file\n" -msgstr "`%s' - не JPEG файл\n" +msgstr "`%s' - не файл JPEG\n" #: g10/photoid.c:168 msgid "Is this photo correct (y/N/q)? " -msgstr "Данное фото правильное (y/N/q)? " +msgstr "Это Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ñ„Ð¸Ñ? (y/N/q) " #: g10/photoid.c:377 msgid "unable to display photo ID!\n" -msgstr "не могу отобразить Фото ID!\n" +msgstr "не могу отобразить фотоидентификатор!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:60 g10/revoke.c:621 msgid "No reason specified" -msgstr "Без ÑƒÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‡Ð¸Ð½Ñ‹" +msgstr "Причина не указана" #: g10/pkclist.c:62 g10/revoke.c:623 msgid "Key is superseded" -msgstr "Ключ заменён другим" +msgstr "Ключ заменен другим" #: g10/pkclist.c:64 g10/revoke.c:622 msgid "Key has been compromised" -msgstr "Ключ был Ñкомпрометирован" +msgstr "Ключ был раÑкрыт" #: g10/pkclist.c:66 g10/revoke.c:624 msgid "Key is no longer used" @@ -5541,7 +5617,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:68 g10/revoke.c:625 msgid "User ID is no longer valid" -msgstr "User ID больше не дейÑтвителен" +msgstr "ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐµ не дейÑтвителен" #: g10/pkclist.c:72 msgid "reason for revocation: " @@ -5549,7 +5625,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:89 msgid "revocation comment: " -msgstr "прокомментируйте отзыв: " +msgstr "поÑÑнение к отзыву: " #. TRANSLATORS: These are the allowed answers in lower and #. uppercase. Below you will find the matching strings which @@ -5563,7 +5639,7 @@ #. #: g10/pkclist.c:204 msgid "iImMqQsS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "iImMqQsS" #: g10/pkclist.c:212 msgid "No trust value assigned to:\n" @@ -5572,14 +5648,14 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:245 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"\n" -msgstr " aka \"%s\"\n" +msgstr " или \"%s\"\n" +# test it #: g10/pkclist.c:255 msgid "" "How much do you trust that this key actually belongs to the named user?\n" msgstr "" -"Какова уверенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ в принадлежноÑти данного ключа лицу указанному в User ID " -"ключа?\n" +"ÐаÑколько Ð’Ñ‹ уверены, что данный ключ принадлежит названному пользователю?\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:270 #, c-format @@ -5589,7 +5665,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:272 #, c-format msgid " %d = I do NOT trust\n" -msgstr " %d = Ðе доверÑÑŽ\n" +msgstr " %d = ÐЕ доверÑÑŽ\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:278 #, c-format @@ -5619,35 +5695,36 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:298 g10/revoke.c:650 msgid "Your decision? " -msgstr "Ваше решение (?-подробнее)? " +msgstr "Ваше решение? " #: g10/pkclist.c:319 msgid "Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) " -msgstr "" -"ДейÑтвительно хотите уÑтановить ÐБСОЛЮТÐОЕ доверие к владельцу данного " -"ключа? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ дейÑтвительно хотите Ñделать Ñтот ключ абÑолютно доверенным? (y/N) " #: g10/pkclist.c:333 msgid "Certificates leading to an ultimately trusted key:\n" -msgstr "Сертификаты, приводÑщие к абÑолютно доверÑемому ключу:\n" +msgstr "Сертификаты, ведущие к абÑолютно доверенному ключу:\n" +# test it #: g10/pkclist.c:418 #, c-format msgid "%s: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" msgstr "" -"%s: Ðет ÑвидетельÑтв принадлежноÑти данного ключа лицу указанному в User ID " -"ключа\n" +"%s: Ðет ÑвидетельÑтв того, что данный ключ принадлежит названному " +"пользователю\n" +# test it #: g10/pkclist.c:423 #, c-format msgid "%s: There is limited assurance this key belongs to the named user\n" msgstr "" -"%s: Мало ÑвидетельÑтв принадлежноÑти данного ключа лицу указанному в User ID " -"ключа\n" +"%s: Мало ÑвидетельÑтв того, что данный ключ принадлежит названному " +"пользователю\n" +# test it #: g10/pkclist.c:429 msgid "This key probably belongs to the named user\n" -msgstr "Этот ключ вероÑтно принадлежит названному владельцу\n" +msgstr "Этот ключ, вероÑтно, принадлежит названному владельцу\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:434 msgid "This key belongs to us\n" @@ -5659,25 +5736,25 @@ "in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,\n" "you may answer the next question with yes.\n" msgstr "" -"Ðет уверенноÑти принадлежноÑти ключа человеку указанному\n" -"в User ID ключа. ЕÑли ТОЧÐО знаете, что делаете,\n" +"Ðет уверенноÑти в том, что ключ принадлежит человеку, указанному\n" +"в ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°. ЕÑли Ð’Ñ‹ ТОЧÐО знаете, что делаете,\n" "можете ответить на Ñледующий Ð²Ð¾Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ ÑƒÑ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð´Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:479 msgid "Use this key anyway? (y/N) " -msgstr "Ð’ÑÑ‘ равно иÑпользовать данный ключ? (y/N)" +msgstr "Ð’Ñе равно иÑпользовать данный ключ? (y/N) " #: g10/pkclist.c:513 msgid "WARNING: Using untrusted key!\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ИÑпользование недоверÑемого ключа!\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: ИÑпользование недоверенного ключа!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:520 msgid "WARNING: this key might be revoked (revocation key not present)\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно данный ключ отозван (ключ отзыва отÑутÑтвует)\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: возможно, данный ключ отозван (ключ отзыва отÑутÑтвует)\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:529 msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its designated revoker!\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Данный ключ отозван ключом назначенным отзывающим!\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Данный ключ отозван ключом, назначенным отзывающим!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:532 msgid "WARNING: This key has been revoked by its owner!\n" @@ -5698,20 +5775,20 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:564 #, c-format msgid "Note: Verified signer's address is `%s'\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Проверенный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего `%s'\n" +msgstr "Замечание: Проверенный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего - `%s'\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:571 #, c-format msgid "Note: Signer's address `%s' does not match DNS entry\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего `%s' не ÑоответÑтвует формату DNS\n" +msgstr "Замечание: ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего `%s' не ÑоответÑтвует данным DNS\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:583 msgid "trustlevel adjusted to FULL due to valid PKA info\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "уровень Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÑƒÑтановлен в ПОЛÐЫЙ по дейÑтвительным данным PKA\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:591 msgid "trustlevel adjusted to NEVER due to bad PKA info\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "уровень Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÑƒÑтановлен в ÐИКОГДРиз-за непригодных данных PKA\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:602 msgid "Note: This key has expired!\n" @@ -5724,7 +5801,7 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:615 msgid "" " There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" -msgstr " Ðет указаний на то, что подпиÑÑŒ принадлежит владельцу.\n" +msgstr " Ðет указаний на то, что подпиÑÑŒ принадлежит владельцу.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:623 msgid "WARNING: We do NOT trust this key!\n" @@ -5732,13 +5809,13 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:624 msgid " The signature is probably a FORGERY.\n" -msgstr " Возможно, что подпиÑÑŒ ПОДДЕЛÐÐÐ.\n" +msgstr " Возможно, что подпиÑÑŒ ПОДДЕЛÐÐÐ.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:632 msgid "" "WARNING: This key is not certified with sufficiently trusted signatures!\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Этот ключ не заверен доÑтаточным количеÑтвом доверÑемых подпиÑей!\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Этот ключ не заверен доÑтаточным количеÑтвом доверенных подпиÑей!\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:634 msgid " It is not certain that the signature belongs to the owner.\n" @@ -5752,11 +5829,11 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:850 g10/pkclist.c:1135 #, c-format msgid "%s: skipped: public key already present\n" -msgstr "%s: пропущено: открытый ключ уже имеетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "%s: пропущено: открытый ключ уже ÑущеÑтвует\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:901 msgid "You did not specify a user ID. (you may use \"-r\")\n" -msgstr "Ðе задан User ID. (можете иÑпользовать \"-r\")\n" +msgstr "Ðе задан ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ (можно иÑпользовать \"-r\").\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:925 msgid "Current recipients:\n" @@ -5768,11 +5845,11 @@ "Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: " msgstr "" "\n" -"Введите User ID. ПуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ: " +"Введите ID пользователÑ. ПуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ: " #: g10/pkclist.c:976 msgid "No such user ID.\n" -msgstr "Ðет такого User ID.\n" +msgstr "Ðет такого ID пользователÑ.\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:985 g10/pkclist.c:1059 msgid "skipped: public key already set as default recipient\n" @@ -5798,12 +5875,12 @@ #: g10/pkclist.c:1175 msgid "no valid addressees\n" -msgstr "нет дейÑтвительных адреÑов\n" +msgstr "нет пригодных адреÑов\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1513 #, c-format msgid "Note: key %s has no %s feature\n" -msgstr "Замечание: ключ %s не умеет %s\n" +msgstr "Замечание: у ключа %s нет функции %s\n" #: g10/pkclist.c:1538 #, c-format @@ -5826,16 +5903,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "читаю stdin ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" -msgstr "не подпиÑанные данные\n" +msgstr "нет подпиÑанных данных\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "не могу открыть подпиÑанные данные `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "не могу открыть подпиÑанные данные fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -5843,11 +5920,11 @@ #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:105 #, c-format msgid "anonymous recipient; trying secret key %s ...\n" -msgstr "анонимный получатель; пробую Ñекретный ключ %s ...\n" +msgstr "анонимный получатель; пробую закрытый ключ %s ...\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:136 msgid "okay, we are the anonymous recipient.\n" -msgstr "отлично, мы анонимный получатель.\n" +msgstr "отлично, мы - анонимный получатель.\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:225 msgid "old encoding of the DEK is not supported\n" @@ -5867,7 +5944,7 @@ #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:304 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: secret key %s expired at %s\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñекретный ключ %s проÑрочен Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: закрытый ключ %s проÑрочен Ñ %s\n" #: g10/pubkey-enc.c:310 msgid "NOTE: key has been revoked" @@ -5877,33 +5954,34 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:186 g10/revoke.c:585 #, c-format msgid "build_packet failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой build_packet: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:145 #, c-format msgid "key %s has no user IDs\n" -msgstr "ключ %s не имеет User ID\n" +msgstr "у ключа %s нет ID пользователÑ\n" #: g10/revoke.c:306 msgid "To be revoked by:\n" msgstr "Будет отозван:\n" +# check it #: g10/revoke.c:310 msgid "(This is a sensitive revocation key)\n" -msgstr "(Это - sensitive ключ отзыва)\n" +msgstr "(Это оÑобо важный ключ отзыва)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:314 msgid "Create a designated revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N)" +msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N) " #: g10/revoke.c:327 g10/revoke.c:551 msgid "ASCII armored output forced.\n" -msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° иÑпользован ASCII формат.\n" +msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° иÑпользован текÑтовый формат ASCII.\n" #: g10/revoke.c:342 g10/revoke.c:565 #, c-format msgid "make_keysig_packet failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой make_keysig_packet: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:405 msgid "Revocation certificate created.\n" @@ -5917,20 +5995,20 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:470 #, c-format msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñекретный ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" +msgstr "закрытый ключ \"%s\" не найден: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:497 #, c-format msgid "no corresponding public key: %s\n" -msgstr "нет ÑоотвеÑтвующего открытого ключа: %s\n" +msgstr "нет ÑоответÑтвующего открытого ключа: %s\n" #: g10/revoke.c:508 msgid "public key does not match secret key!\n" -msgstr "открытый ключ не ÑоотвеÑтвует Ñекретному!\n" +msgstr "открытый ключ не ÑоответÑтвует закрытому!\n" #: g10/revoke.c:515 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) " -msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N)" +msgstr "Создать Ñертификат отзыва данного ключа? (y/N) " #: g10/revoke.c:532 msgid "unknown protection algorithm\n" @@ -5952,12 +6030,12 @@ msgstr "" "Сертификат отзыва Ñоздан.\n" "\n" -"ПомеÑтите его в Ñкрытое меÑто; еÑли поÑторонний получит доÑтуп\n" +"ПомеÑтите его в надежное меÑто; еÑли поÑторонний получит доÑтуп\n" "к данному Ñертификату, он может иÑпользовать его, чтобы Ñделать\n" "Ваш ключ непригодным к иÑпользованию. Можно раÑпечатать данный\n" -"Ñертификат и ÑпрÑтать подальше, на Ñлучай еÑли Ваш оÑновной\n" +"Ñертификат и ÑпрÑтать подальше на Ñлучай, еÑли Ваш оÑновной\n" "ноÑитель будет поврежден, но будьте оÑторожны: ÑиÑтема печати\n" -"может Ñохранить данные и Ñделать их доÑтупными Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ñ…!\n" +"Вашей машины может Ñохранить данные и Ñделать их доÑтупными Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ñ…!\n" #: g10/revoke.c:633 msgid "Please select the reason for the revocation:\n" @@ -5970,7 +6048,7 @@ #: g10/revoke.c:645 #, c-format msgid "(Probably you want to select %d here)\n" -msgstr "(Возможно Ð’Ñ‹ хотите выбрать здеÑÑŒ %d)\n" +msgstr "(Скорее вÑего, Ð’Ñ‹ здеÑÑŒ выберете %d)\n" #: g10/revoke.c:686 msgid "Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:\n" @@ -5991,17 +6069,17 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:55 msgid "secret key parts are not available\n" -msgstr "ÑÐµÐºÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключ не доÑтупна\n" +msgstr "Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ ключа недоÑтупна\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:61 #, c-format msgid "protection algorithm %d%s is not supported\n" -msgstr "метод защиты %d%s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "алгоритм защиты %d%s не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:72 #, c-format msgid "protection digest %d is not supported\n" -msgstr "метод защиты %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "Ñ…Ñш защиты %d не поддерживаетÑÑ\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:291 msgid "Invalid passphrase; please try again" @@ -6014,7 +6092,7 @@ #: g10/seckey-cert.c:361 msgid "WARNING: Weak key detected - please change passphrase again.\n" -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: обнаружен Ñлабый ключ - Ñмените фразу-пароль еще раз.\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Обнаружен Ñлабый ключ - Ñмените фразу-пароль еще раз.\n" #: g10/seckey-cert.c:404 msgid "generating the deprecated 16-bit checksum for secret key protection\n" @@ -6033,17 +6111,17 @@ #: g10/seskey.c:227 sm/certcheck.c:85 msgid "DSA requires the hash length to be a multiple of 8 bits\n" -msgstr "DSA тебует размер хеша кратного 8 битам\n" +msgstr "DSA требует длины Ñ…Ñша, кратной 8 битам\n" #: g10/seskey.c:240 #, c-format msgid "DSA key %s uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" -msgstr "ключ DSA %s иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u бит) хеш\n" +msgstr "Ключ DSA %s иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u-битный) Ñ…Ñш\n" #: g10/seskey.c:252 #, c-format msgid "DSA key %s requires a %u bit or larger hash\n" -msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° DSA %s требуетÑÑ Ñ…ÐµÑˆ не менее %u бит\n" +msgstr "Ключ DSA %s требует %u-битного или более длинного Ñ…Ñша\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:80 msgid "WARNING: signature digest conflict in message\n" @@ -6052,32 +6130,29 @@ #: g10/sig-check.c:105 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s is not cross-certified\n" -msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑываемый подключ %s не имеет перекреÑтной Ñертификации\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑывающий подключ %s не был перекреÑтно заверен\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:117 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: signing subkey %s has an invalid cross-certification\n" -msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑываемый подключ %s имеет недоÑтоверную перекреÑтную " -"Ñертификацию\n" +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: подпиÑывающий подключ %s неправильно перекреÑтно заверен\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:211 #, c-format msgid "public key %s is %lu second newer than the signature\n" -msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд моложе подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд новее подпиÑи\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:212 #, c-format msgid "public key %s is %lu seconds newer than the signature\n" -msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд моложе подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "открытый ключ %s на %lu Ñекунд новее подпиÑи\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:223 #, c-format msgid "" "key %s was created %lu second in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"ключ %s был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ " +"ключ %s Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунду в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " "чаÑами)\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:225 @@ -6085,36 +6160,31 @@ msgid "" "key %s was created %lu seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" -"ключ %s был Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (time warp или проблемы Ñ " +"ключ %s Ñоздан на %lu Ñекунд в будущем (Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¾ времени или проблемы Ñ " "чаÑами)\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:239 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: signature key %s expired %s\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: подпиÑавший ключ %s - проÑрочен %s\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñавшего ключа %s иÑтек %s\n" #: g10/sig-check.c:252 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключ %s подпиÑи - отозван\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей %s отозван\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s подпиÑÑŒ, Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" -msgstr "принÑта Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ ключа %s Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ¸Ð·Ð²ÐµÑтным критичеÑким битом\n" +msgstr "" +"подпиÑÑŒ ключа %s ÑчитаетÑÑ Ð¿Ð»Ð¾Ñ…Ð¾Ð¹ из-за неизвеÑтного критичеÑкого бита\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° отзывающей подпиÑи\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð·Ñ‹Ð²Ð°ÑŽÑ‰ÐµÐ¹ подпиÑи подключа\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: нет подключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи ÑвÑзи подключей\n" @@ -6123,14 +6193,15 @@ #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to %%-expand notation (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% запиÑÑŒ (длинный). ИÑпользую неразвернутым.\n" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% в примечании (Ñлишком длинное).\n" +" ИÑпользую неразвернутым.\n" #: g10/sign.c:115 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unable to %%-expand policy URL (too large). Using unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% url правил (длинный). ИÑпользую " +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: не могу развернуть %% в URL правил (Ñлишком длинный). ИÑпользую " "неразвернутым.\n" #: g10/sign.c:138 @@ -6139,7 +6210,7 @@ "WARNING: unable to %%-expand preferred keyserver URL (too large). Using " "unexpanded.\n" msgstr "" -"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно развернуть %% URL предпочитаемого Ñервера ключей " +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: невозможно развернуть %% в URL предпочтительного Ñервера ключей " "(Ñлишком длинно). ИÑпользую неразвернутым.\n" #: g10/sign.c:311 @@ -6154,7 +6225,8 @@ #: g10/sign.c:761 msgid "you can only detach-sign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "только Ð¾Ñ‚Ð´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ доÑтупна Ñ PGP 2.x ключом в режиме --pgp2\n" +msgstr "" +"ключом типа PGP 2.x в режиме --pgp2 можно делать только отделенные подпиÑи\n" #: g10/sign.c:837 #, c-format @@ -6170,17 +6242,19 @@ #: g10/sign.c:1079 msgid "you can only clearsign with PGP 2.x style keys while in --pgp2 mode\n" -msgstr "только Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ñ€Ð°Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ доÑтупна Ñ PGP 2.x ключом в режиме --pgp2\n" +msgstr "" +"ключом типа PGP 2.x в режиме --pgp2 можно делать только текÑтовые подпиÑи\n" #: g10/sign.c:1263 #, c-format msgid "%s encryption will be used\n" -msgstr "будет иÑпользовано %s шифрование\n" +msgstr "будет иÑпользовано шифрование по %s\n" #: g10/skclist.c:140 g10/skclist.c:217 msgid "key is not flagged as insecure - can't use it with the faked RNG!\n" msgstr "" -"ключ не помечен как ненадежный - не могу иÑпользовать его Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ¶Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ RNG!\n" +"ключ не помечен как небезопаÑный - не могу иÑпользовать его Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ¸Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ " +"генератором Ñлучайных чиÑел!\n" #: g10/skclist.c:174 #, c-format @@ -6194,12 +6268,12 @@ #: g10/skclist.c:190 msgid "skipped: secret key already present\n" -msgstr "пропущено: Ñекретный ключ уже имеетÑÑ\n" +msgstr "пропущено: закрытый ключ уже имеетÑÑ\n" #: g10/skclist.c:208 msgid "this is a PGP generated Elgamal key which is not secure for signatures!" msgstr "" -"Ñто Ñозданный PGP ElGamal ключ, не обеÑпечивающий безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ подпиÑи!" +"Ñто ключ Elgamal, Ñозданный PGP, он не обеÑпечивает безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ подпиÑи!" #: g10/tdbdump.c:58 g10/trustdb.c:361 #, c-format @@ -6222,7 +6296,7 @@ #: g10/tdbdump.c:161 msgid "line too long" -msgstr "Ñтрока Ñлишком длиннаÑ" +msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока" #: g10/tdbdump.c:169 msgid "colon missing" @@ -6249,21 +6323,21 @@ #: g10/tdbdump.c:229 g10/trustdb.c:376 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: sync failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "таблица довериÑ: Ñбой Ñинхронизации: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:128 g10/tdbio.c:1460 #, c-format msgid "trustdb rec %lu: lseek failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "таблица довериÑ, запиÑÑŒ %lu: Ñбой lseek: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:135 g10/tdbio.c:1467 #, c-format msgid "trustdb rec %lu: write failed (n=%d): %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "таблица довериÑ, запиÑÑŒ %lu: Ñбой запиÑи (n=%d): %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:245 msgid "trustdb transaction too large\n" -msgstr "trustdb Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ñлишком длиннаÑ\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ°Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ñ‹ довериÑ\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:502 #, c-format @@ -6293,21 +6367,21 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:573 #, c-format msgid "%s: invalid trustdb created\n" -msgstr "%s: Ñоздана недейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° доверий\n" +msgstr "%s: Ñоздана Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° довериÑ\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:576 #, c-format msgid "%s: trustdb created\n" -msgstr "%s: Ñоздана таблица доверий\n" +msgstr "%s: Ñоздана таблица довериÑ\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:619 msgid "NOTE: trustdb not writable\n" -msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: таблица доверий доÑтупна только Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: таблица Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ñтупна Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:627 #, c-format msgid "%s: invalid trustdb\n" -msgstr "%s: недейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° доверий\n" +msgstr "%s: Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ð° довериÑ\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:659 #, c-format @@ -6333,17 +6407,17 @@ #: g10/tdbio.c:1185 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: lseek failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "таблица довериÑ: Ñбой lseek: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1194 #, c-format msgid "trustdb: read failed (n=%d): %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "таблица довериÑ: Ñбой Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ (n=%d): %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1215 #, c-format msgid "%s: not a trustdb file\n" -msgstr "%s: не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð¼ таблицы доверий\n" +msgstr "%s: не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð¼ таблицы довериÑ\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1234 #, c-format @@ -6376,9 +6450,8 @@ msgstr "%s: Ñбой Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи: %s\n" #: g10/tdbio.c:1516 -#, fuzzy msgid "Error: The trustdb is corrupted.\n" -msgstr "%s: Ñоздана таблица доверий\n" +msgstr "Ошибка: таблица Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð°\n" #: g10/textfilter.c:147 #, c-format @@ -6388,7 +6461,7 @@ #: g10/textfilter.c:247 #, c-format msgid "input line longer than %d characters\n" -msgstr "Ð²Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока превышает %d Ñимволов\n" +msgstr "Ñтрока ввода длиннее %d Ñимволов\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:222 #, c-format @@ -6398,22 +6471,22 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted as trusted key\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ как доверÑемый ключ\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: принÑÑ‚ как доверенный ключ\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:291 #, c-format msgid "key %s occurs more than once in the trustdb\n" -msgstr "ключ %s вÑтречаетÑÑ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ одного раза в таблице доверий\n" +msgstr "ключ %s вÑтречаетÑÑ Ð² таблице Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ одного раза\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:306 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key for trusted key - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: нет открытого ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ñемого ключа - пропущен\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: нет открытого ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа - пропущен\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:316 #, c-format msgid "key %s marked as ultimately trusted\n" -msgstr "ключ %s помечен как абÑолютно доверÑемый.\n" +msgstr "ключ %s помечен как абÑолютно доверенный.\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:340 #, c-format @@ -6427,22 +6500,24 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:419 msgid "You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Можно попытатьÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÑоздать таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°Ð¼Ð¸:\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:428 msgid "If that does not work, please consult the manual\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ЕÑли Ñто не выйдет, обратитеÑÑŒ к руководÑтву пользователÑ\n" +# check it #: g10/trustdb.c:463 #, c-format msgid "unable to use unknown trust model (%d) - assuming %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -"не могу иÑпользовать неизвеÑтную модель (%d) - иÑпользую %s модель доверий\n" +"не могу иÑпользовать неизвеÑтную модель (%d) - иÑпользую модель Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" +# check it #: g10/trustdb.c:469 #, c-format msgid "using %s trust model\n" -msgstr "иÑпользую %s модель доверий\n" +msgstr "иÑпользую модель Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" #. TRANSLATORS: these strings are similar to those in #. trust_value_to_string(), but are a fixed length. This is needed to @@ -6454,39 +6529,39 @@ #. uid are both NULL, or neither are NULL. #: g10/trustdb.c:521 msgid "10 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "12 translator see trustdb.c:uid_trust_string_fixed" #: g10/trustdb.c:523 msgid "[ revoked]" -msgstr "[ отозван]" +msgstr "[ отозвано]" #: g10/trustdb.c:525 g10/trustdb.c:530 msgid "[ expired]" -msgstr "[проÑрочн]" +msgstr "[проÑрочено]" #: g10/trustdb.c:529 msgid "[ unknown]" -msgstr "[неизвÑтн]" +msgstr "[неизвеÑтно]" #: g10/trustdb.c:531 msgid "[ undef ]" -msgstr "[неопредл]" +msgstr "[ неопредел]" #: g10/trustdb.c:532 msgid "[marginal]" -msgstr "[ограничн]" +msgstr "[ ограничен]" #: g10/trustdb.c:533 msgid "[ full ]" -msgstr "[ полное ]" +msgstr "[ полное ]" #: g10/trustdb.c:534 msgid "[ultimate]" -msgstr "[абÑолютн]" +msgstr "[абÑолютное]" #: g10/trustdb.c:549 msgid "undefined" -msgstr "неопределено" +msgstr "неопределенное" #: g10/trustdb.c:550 msgid "never" @@ -6494,7 +6569,7 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:551 msgid "marginal" -msgstr "ограниченно" +msgstr "ограниченное" #: g10/trustdb.c:552 msgid "full" @@ -6502,73 +6577,73 @@ #: g10/trustdb.c:553 msgid "ultimate" -msgstr "абÑолютно" +msgstr "абÑолютное" #: g10/trustdb.c:593 msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" -msgstr "нет необходимоÑти в проверке таблицы доверий\n" +msgstr "проверка таблицы Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ нужна\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" -msgstr "Ñрок Ñледующей проверки таблицы доверий %s\n" +msgstr "Ñрок Ñледующей проверки таблицы Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:608 #, c-format msgid "no need for a trustdb check with `%s' trust model\n" -msgstr "нет необходимоÑти проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий при `%s' модели доверий\n" +msgstr "проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ модели Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ `%s' не нужно\n" #: g10/trustdb.c:623 #, c-format msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" -msgstr "нет необходимоÑти обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу доверий при '%s' модели доверий\n" +msgstr "обновлÑÑ‚ÑŒ таблицу Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ модели Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ `%s' не нужно\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "открытый ключ %s не найден: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "выполните --check-trustdb, пожалуйÑта\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" -msgstr "проверка таблицы доверий\n" +msgstr "проверка таблицы довериÑ\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" -msgstr "%d ключей обработано (%d дейÑтвующих запиÑей очищено)\n" +msgstr "%d ключей обработано (%d Ñчетчиков пригодноÑти очищено)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" -msgstr "не найдено абÑолютно доверÑемых ключей\n" +msgstr "не найдено абÑолютно доверенных ключей\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" -msgstr "открытый ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð±Ñолютно доверÑемого ключа %s не найден\n" +msgstr "открытый ключ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð±Ñолютно доверенного ключа %s не найден\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +# check it +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" -msgstr "" -"%d ограниченных необходимо, %d выполненных необходимо, %s модель довериÑ\n" +msgstr "требуетÑÑ %d Ñ Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ доверием, %d Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼, модель Ð´Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¸Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -"глубина: %d корректных: %3d подпиÑанных: %3d довериÑ: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " +"глубина: %d верных: %3d подпиÑанных: %3d доверие: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " "%df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" -"невозможно обновить запиÑÑŒ о верÑии таблицы доверий: ошибка запиÑи: %s\n" +"невозможно обновить запиÑÑŒ о верÑии таблицы довериÑ: ошибка запиÑи: %s\n" #: g10/verify.c:118 msgid "" @@ -6578,80 +6653,92 @@ msgstr "" "Ðе могу проверить подпиÑÑŒ.\n" "Файл подпиÑи (.sig или .asc) должен быть\n" -"первым из файлов в командной Ñтроке.\n" +"указан в командной Ñтроке первым.\n" #: g10/verify.c:205 #, c-format msgid "input line %u too long or missing LF\n" -msgstr "Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока %u Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ пропущен LF\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока %u или пропущен перевод Ñтроки\n" #: g10/verify.c:253 #, c-format msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "не могу открыть fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "неожиданный параметр" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "ошибка чтениÑ" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "ключевое Ñлово Ñлишком длинное" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "пропущен аргумент" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "недопуÑтимое значение\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "недопуÑтимое определение Ñинонима" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" -msgstr "" +msgstr "нехватка выделенной памÑти" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "недопуÑтимый параметр" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "не хватает аргумента Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "не хватает аргумента Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" -msgstr "параметр \"%.50s\" не ожидает аргумента\n" +msgstr "у параметра \"%.50s\" не должно быть аргумента\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" -msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" -msgstr "параметр \"%.50s\" не понÑÑ‚\n" +msgstr "параметр \"%.50s\" неоднозначен\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" -msgstr "команда \"%.50s\" не понÑта\n" +msgstr "команда \"%.50s\" неоднозначна\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "нехватка выделенной памÑти\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "недопуÑтимый параметр \"%.50s\"\n" @@ -6659,7 +6746,7 @@ #: jnlib/logging.c:647 #, c-format msgid "you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n" -msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ нашли ошибку ... (%s:%d)\n" +msgstr "Ð’Ñ‹ нашли ошибку в программе ... (%s:%d)\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:68 #, c-format @@ -6669,7 +6756,7 @@ #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:76 #, c-format msgid "iconv_open failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой в iconv_open: %s\n" #: jnlib/utf8conv.c:328 jnlib/utf8conv.c:594 #, c-format @@ -6681,395 +6768,383 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "невозможно Ñоздание временного файла `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ошибка запиÑи в `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "удалÑÑŽ залипшую блокировку (Ñозданную %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" -msgstr "" +msgstr " - вероÑтно, процеÑÑ Ð¼ÐµÑ€Ñ‚Ð² - Ñнимаю блокировку" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "жду ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ¸ (заблокировано %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " -msgstr "" +msgstr "(Ð¼ÐµÑ€Ñ‚Ð²Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ‡ÐºÐ°?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "блокировка `%s' не Ñоздана: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ожидаю ÑнÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ¸ %s...\n" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:92 msgid "set debugging flags" -msgstr "" +msgstr "уÑтановить отладочные флаги" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:93 msgid "enable full debugging" -msgstr "" +msgstr "полноÑтью включить отладку" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:117 msgid "Usage: kbxutil [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: kbx/kbxutil.c:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" -#| "list, export, import Keybox data\n" msgid "" "Syntax: kbxutil [options] [files]\n" "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "" "СинтакÑиÑ: kbxutil [параметры] [файлы]\n" -"проÑморт, ÑкÑпорт, импорт данных Keybox\n" +"ПроÑмотр, ÑкÑпорт, импорт данных щита Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" -msgstr "Модули RSA пропущены или не имеют размер %d бит\n" +msgstr "Модули RSA пропущены, или их размер не равен %d бит\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "отÑутÑтвует Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ñ ÑкÑпонента RSA или превышает %d бит\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ð¤ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÐ¸ PIN возвратила ошибку: %s\n" #: scd/app-nks.c:834 msgid "the NullPIN has not yet been changed\n" -msgstr "NullPIN вÑÑ‘ еще не изменен\n" +msgstr "пуÑтой PIN до Ñих пор не изменен\n" #: scd/app-nks.c:1092 -#, fuzzy msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the standard keys." -msgstr "|A|Введите Admin PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ" +msgstr "|A|Введите новый PIN Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1093 -#, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the standard keys." -msgstr "|A|Введите Admin PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ" +msgstr "|A|Введите PIN Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1099 -#, fuzzy msgid "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -msgstr "||Введите Reset Code к карте" +msgstr "|NP|Введите новый код разблокировки PIN (PUK) Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1101 -#, fuzzy msgid "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the standard keys." -msgstr "||Введите Reset Code к карте" +msgstr "|P|Введите код разблокировки PIN (PUK) Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтандартных ключей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1109 msgid "|N|Please enter a new PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." -msgstr "" +msgstr "|N|Введите новый PIN ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… подпиÑей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1111 msgid "||Please enter the PIN for the key to create qualified signatures." -msgstr "" +msgstr "||Введите PIN ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… подпиÑей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1119 msgid "" "|NP|Please enter a new PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." msgstr "" +"|NP|Введите новый код разблокировки PIN (PUK) ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ " +"квалифицированных подпиÑей." #: scd/app-nks.c:1121 msgid "" "|P|Please enter the PIN Unblocking Code (PUK) for the key to create " "qualified signatures." msgstr "" +"|P|Введите код разблокировки PIN (PUK) ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… " +"подпиÑей." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "ошибка при получении нового PIN: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¿ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐºÐ°: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при Ñохранении отпечатка: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ñ‚Ñ‹ ÑозданиÑ: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при Ñохранении даты ÑозданиÑ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при чтении ключа: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "ответ не Ñодержит данных открытого ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "в ответе отÑутÑтвует модуль RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "в ответе отÑутÑтвует Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ñ‚Ð°Ñ ÑкÑпонента RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "оÑновной PIN применÑетÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ðº %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" +"не удалоÑÑŒ применить оÑновной PIN как %s: %s - далее применÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ\n" +"как оÑновной не будет\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Введите PIN%%0A[подпиÑей: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Введите PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN Ð´Ð»Ñ CHV%d Ñлишком короток, Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð° %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" -msgstr "при проверке CHV%d Ñбой: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при проверке CHV%d: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑтатуÑа CHV Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "карта заблокирована!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" -msgstr "оÑталоÑÑŒ %d попыток ввода админиÑтративного PIN до блокировки карты\n" +msgstr "" +"оÑталоÑÑŒ %d попыток ввода админиÑтративного PIN перед блокировкой карты\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 +#, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" -msgstr "" -"|A|Введите Admin PID на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ%%0A[оÑталоÑÑŒ попыток: %d]" +msgstr "|A|Введите админиÑтративный PIN%%0A[оÑталоÑÑŒ попыток: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 -#, fuzzy +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" -msgstr "||Введите PIN" +msgstr "|A|Введите админиÑтративный PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "доÑтуп к командам ÑƒÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ наÑтроен\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" -msgstr "||Введите Reset Code к карте" +msgstr "||Введите код ÑброÑа Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" -msgstr "Reset Code Ñлишком короток, Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð° %d\n" +msgstr "Код ÑброÑа Ñлишком короток; Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð° %d\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" -msgstr "|RN| Ðовый Reset Code" +msgstr "|RN|Ðовый код ÑброÑа" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Ðовый админиÑтративный PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Ðовый PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 -#, fuzzy +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -msgstr "||Введите PIN" +msgstr "|A|Введите админиÑтративный PIN и новый админиÑтративный PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -msgstr "||Введите PIN" +msgstr "||Введите PIN и новый PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… приложениÑ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¿ÐµÑ‡Ð°Ñ‚ÐºÐ° DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "ключ уже ÑущеÑтвует\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "ÑущеÑтвующий ключ будет заменен\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "Ð³ÐµÐ½ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 -#, fuzzy +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" -msgstr "Ð³ÐµÐ½ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" +msgstr "запиÑÑŒ нового ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" -msgstr "пропущен штамп ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑозданиÑ\n" +msgstr "пропущена метка времени ÑозданиÑ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" -msgstr "ПроÑтое чиÑло RSA %s пропущено или не имеет размер %d бит\n" +msgstr "ПроÑтое чиÑло RSA %s пропущено или его размер не равен %d бит\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ñ…Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "пожалуйÑта, подождите, пока будет генерироватьÑÑ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "Ñбой при генерации ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" -msgstr "ключ Ñгенерирован (%d Ñекунд)\n" +msgstr "Ñоздание ключа завершено (%d Ñекунд)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" -msgstr "Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑƒÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñтруктура OpenPGP карты (DO 0x93)\n" +msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ñтруктура карты OpenPGP (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "отпечаток на карте не Ñовпадает Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" -msgstr "карта не поддерживает функцию Ñ…ÐµÑˆÐ¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ %s\n" +msgstr "карта не поддерживает Ñ…Ñш-функцию %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" -msgstr "подпиÑей Ñоздано: %lu\n" +msgstr "Ñоздано подпиÑей: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "проверка админиÑтративного PIN в данный момент запрещена Ñтой командой\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" -msgstr "нет доÑтупа %s - неработоÑпоÑÐ¾Ð±Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ð° OpenPGP?\n" +msgstr "нет доÑтупа %s - Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ð° OpenPGP?\n" #: scd/app-dinsig.c:299 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's keypad%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgid "||Please enter your PIN at the reader's pinpad" -msgstr "||Введите PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ%%0A[подпиÑей: %lu]" +msgstr "||Введите PIN на клавиатуре ÑчитывателÑ" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. #: scd/app-dinsig.c:529 msgid "|N|Initial New PIN" -msgstr "|N|Ðовый PIN" +msgstr "|N|Первоначальный новый PIN" #: scd/scdaemon.c:109 msgid "run in multi server mode (foreground)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "работать в многоÑерверном режиме (нефоновый режим)" #: scd/scdaemon.c:119 sm/gpgsm.c:316 msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" -msgstr "|LEVEL|уÑтановить уровень отладки в LEVEL" +msgstr "|LEVEL|уÑтановить уровень отладки, равный LEVEL" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал в FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал в файл FILE" #: scd/scdaemon.c:128 msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" -msgstr "|N|подключатьÑÑ Ðº Ñчитывателю на порт N" +msgstr "|N|подключатьÑÑ Ðº Ñчитывателю на порту N" #: scd/scdaemon.c:130 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как драйвер ct-API" #: scd/scdaemon.c:132 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как драйвер PC/SC" #: scd/scdaemon.c:135 msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" -msgstr "не иÑпользовать вÑтроенный CCID драйвер" +msgstr "не иÑпользовать внутренний драйвер CCID" #: scd/scdaemon.c:141 msgid "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity" -msgstr "|N|отÑоединить карту по иÑтечении N Ñекунд неактивноÑти" +msgstr "|N|отключить карту поÑле N Ñекунд неактивноÑти" #: scd/scdaemon.c:144 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "do not use a reader's keypad" msgid "do not use a reader's pinpad" msgstr "не иÑпользовать клавиатуру ÑчитывателÑ" #: scd/scdaemon.c:149 -#, fuzzy msgid "deny the use of admin card commands" -msgstr "позволить иÑпользовать управлÑющие команды" +msgstr "не позволÑÑ‚ÑŒ иÑпользовать админиÑтративные команды карты" #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "иÑпользовать входные данные переменой длины Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ€Ñ‹ ÑчитывателÑ" #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: scdaemon [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: scdaemon [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: scd/scdaemon.c:271 msgid "" @@ -7102,12 +7177,12 @@ #: sm/call-agent.c:137 #, c-format msgid "failed to proxy %s inquiry to client\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при транÑлÑции запроÑа %s клиенту\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:252 #, c-format msgid "no running dirmngr - starting `%s'\n" -msgstr "нет запущеного dirmngr - запуÑк `%s'\n" +msgstr "dirmngr не выполнÑетÑÑ - запуÑк `%s'\n" #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:285 msgid "malformed DIRMNGR_INFO environment variable\n" @@ -7120,33 +7195,33 @@ #: sm/call-dirmngr.c:317 msgid "can't connect to the dirmngr - trying fall back\n" -msgstr "не могу подÑоединитьÑÑ Ðº dirmngr - пытаемÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´\n" +msgstr "не могу подключитьÑÑ Ðº dirmngr - пробую более надежный вариант\n" #: sm/certchain.c:196 #, c-format msgid "validation model requested by certificate: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñхема проверки, Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñертификатом: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:197 sm/certchain.c:1884 msgid "chain" -msgstr "" +msgstr "цепь" #: sm/certchain.c:198 sm/certchain.c:1884 msgid "shell" -msgstr "" +msgstr "оболочка" #: sm/certchain.c:258 #, c-format msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" -msgstr "критичное дополнение Ñертификата %s не поддерживаетÑÑ" +msgstr "критичное раÑширение Ñертификата %s не поддерживаетÑÑ" #: sm/certchain.c:297 msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" -msgstr "издатель Ñертификата не помечен как CA" +msgstr "издатель Ñертификата не помечен как центр Ñертификации" #: sm/certchain.c:335 msgid "critical marked policy without configured policies" -msgstr "Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ политика без наÑтроенных политик" +msgstr "незаданные правила помечены как критичные" #: sm/certchain.c:345 #, c-format @@ -7155,40 +7230,40 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:353 sm/certchain.c:382 msgid "note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed" -msgstr "замечание: не критичные политики Ñертификана не позволÑÑŽÑ‚ÑÑ" +msgstr "замечание: некритичные правила Ñертификата недопуÑтимы" #: sm/certchain.c:357 sm/certchain.c:386 msgid "certificate policy not allowed" -msgstr "политика Ñертификата не дозволена" +msgstr "правила Ñертификата недопуÑтимы" #: sm/certchain.c:527 msgid "looking up issuer at external location\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "внешний поиÑк издателÑ\n" #: sm/certchain.c:546 #, c-format msgid "number of issuers matching: %d\n" -msgstr "чиÑло Ñовпавших издателей: %d\n" +msgstr "чиÑло ÑоответÑтвующих издателей: %d\n" #: sm/certchain.c:590 msgid "looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "поиÑк Ð¸Ð·Ð´Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² буфере Dirmngr\n" #: sm/certchain.c:614 #, c-format msgid "number of matching certificates: %d\n" -msgstr "чиÑло ÑоотвеÑтвий Ñертификатов: %d\n" +msgstr "чиÑло ÑоответÑтвующих Ñертификатов: %d\n" #: sm/certchain.c:616 #, c-format msgid "dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ключ не найден в буфере dirmngr: %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:815 sm/certchain.c:1308 sm/certchain.c:1912 sm/decrypt.c:261 #: sm/encrypt.c:335 sm/import.c:435 sm/keydb.c:1496 sm/keydb.c:1564 #: sm/sign.c:335 sm/verify.c:113 msgid "failed to allocate keyDB handle\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при выделении памÑти под указатель на базу данных\n" #: sm/certchain.c:981 msgid "certificate has been revoked" @@ -7205,24 +7280,24 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1009 #, c-format msgid "checking the CRL failed: %s" -msgstr "Ñбой проверки CRL: %s" +msgstr "Ñбой проверки ÑпиÑка отозванных Ñертификатов: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:1038 sm/certchain.c:1106 #, c-format msgid "certificate with invalid validity: %s" -msgstr "Ñертификат недоÑтоверный: %s" +msgstr "Ñертификат Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительной дейÑтвительноÑтью: %s" #: sm/certchain.c:1053 sm/certchain.c:1138 msgid "certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "Ñертификат еще не доÑтоверен" +msgstr "Ñертификат еще не дейÑтвителен" #: sm/certchain.c:1054 sm/certchain.c:1139 msgid "root certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "корневой Ñертификат еще не доÑтоверен" +msgstr "корневой Ñертификат еще не дейÑтвителен" #: sm/certchain.c:1055 sm/certchain.c:1140 msgid "intermediate certificate not yet valid" -msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат еще не доÑтоверен" +msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат еще не дейÑтвителен" #: sm/certchain.c:1068 msgid "certificate has expired" @@ -7243,35 +7318,35 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1121 msgid "certificate with invalid validity" -msgstr "Ñертификат недоÑтоверен" +msgstr "Ñертификат Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ¹Ñтвительной дейÑтвительноÑтью" #: sm/certchain.c:1158 msgid "signature not created during lifetime of certificate" -msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана вне времени дейÑтвительноÑти Ñертификата" +msgstr "подпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана вне времени дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ñертификата" #: sm/certchain.c:1160 msgid "certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" -msgstr "Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑтвительноÑти издателÑ" +msgstr "Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð´Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ" #: sm/certchain.c:1161 msgid "intermediate certificate not created during lifetime of issuer" -msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑтвительноÑти издателÑ" +msgstr "промежуточный Ñертификат Ñоздан вне времени дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð´Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ" #: sm/certchain.c:1165 msgid " ( signature created at " -msgstr " ( подпиÑей Ñоздано " +msgstr " ( подпиÑÑŒ Ñоздана " #: sm/certchain.c:1166 msgid " (certificate created at " -msgstr " (Ñертификатов Ñоздано " +msgstr " ( Ñертификат Ñоздан " #: sm/certchain.c:1169 msgid " (certificate valid from " -msgstr " (Ñертификат доÑтоверен Ñ " +msgstr " (Ñертификат дейÑтвителен Ñ " #: sm/certchain.c:1170 msgid " ( issuer valid from " -msgstr " ( издатель доÑтоверен Ñ " +msgstr " ( издатель дейÑтвителен Ñ " #: sm/certchain.c:1200 #, c-format @@ -7280,41 +7355,42 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1209 msgid "root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n" -msgstr "корневой Ñертификат теперь помечен доверÑемым\n" +msgstr "корневой Ñертификат теперь помечен как доверенный\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1222 msgid "interactive marking as trusted not enabled in gpg-agent\n" -msgstr "в gpg-agent Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ñделать Ñертификат доверÑемым интерактивно\n" +msgstr "в агенте gpg Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ‚ÐµÑ€Ð°ÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð¾ Ñделать Ñертификат доверенным\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1228 msgid "interactive marking as trusted disabled for this session\n" msgstr "" -"Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ ÑеÑÑии запрещено делать Ñертификат доверÑемым интерактивно\n" +"Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑеанÑа запрещено интерактивно делать Ñертификат доверенным\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1285 msgid "WARNING: creation time of signature not known - assuming current time" msgstr "" +"Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи неизвеÑтно - предполагаетÑÑ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑƒÑ‰Ð¸Ð¹ момент" #: sm/certchain.c:1349 msgid "no issuer found in certificate" -msgstr "не найден издатель в Ñертификате" +msgstr "в Ñертификате не найден издатель" #: sm/certchain.c:1422 msgid "self-signed certificate has a BAD signature" -msgstr "ÑамоподпиÑанный\tÑертификат имеет ПЛОХУЮ подпиÑÑŒ" +msgstr "у Ñамозаверенного Ñертификата ПЛОХÐЯ подпиÑÑŒ" #: sm/certchain.c:1491 msgid "root certificate is not marked trusted" -msgstr "корневой Ñертификат не помечен доверÑемым" +msgstr "корневой Ñертификат не помечен как доверенный" #: sm/certchain.c:1504 #, c-format msgid "checking the trust list failed: %s\n" -msgstr "Ñбой проверки ÑпиÑка доверий: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой проверки ÑпиÑка довериÑ: %s\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1533 sm/import.c:160 msgid "certificate chain too long\n" -msgstr "цепочка Ñертификации Ñлишком длиннаÑ\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ†ÐµÐ¿Ð¾Ñ‡ÐºÐ° Ñертификатов\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1545 msgid "issuer certificate not found" @@ -7326,47 +7402,48 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:1609 msgid "found another possible matching CA certificate - trying again" -msgstr "найдено еще одно ÑоответÑтвие CA Ñертификата - Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿Ñ‹Ñ‚ÐºÐ¸" +msgstr "" +"найден еще один возможный Ñертификат центра Ñертификации - Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿Ñ‹Ñ‚ÐºÐ°" #: sm/certchain.c:1660 #, c-format msgid "certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)" -msgstr "цепочка Ñертификации длиннее дозволенной CA (%d)" +msgstr "цепочка Ñертификатов длиннее допуÑкаемой центром Ñертификации (%d)" #: sm/certchain.c:1700 sm/certchain.c:1983 msgid "certificate is good\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "хороший Ñертификат\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1701 msgid "intermediate certificate is good\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "хороший промежуточный Ñертификат\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1702 msgid "root certificate is good\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "хороший корневой Ñертификат\n" #: sm/certchain.c:1873 msgid "switching to chain model" -msgstr "" +msgstr "переключение на цепную Ñхему" #: sm/certchain.c:1882 #, c-format msgid "validation model used: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "иÑпользуетÑÑ Ñхема проверки: %s" #: sm/certcheck.c:97 #, c-format msgid "%s key uses an unsafe (%u bit) hash\n" -msgstr "%s ключ иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u бит) хеш\n" +msgstr "%s ключ иÑпользует небезопаÑный (%u бит) Ñ…Ñш\n" #: sm/certcheck.c:107 #, c-format msgid "a %u bit hash is not valid for a %u bit %s key\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%u-битный Ñ…Ñш недопуÑтим Ð´Ð»Ñ %u-битного ключа %s\n" #: sm/certcheck.c:244 sm/verify.c:201 msgid "(this is the MD2 algorithm)\n" -msgstr "(Ñто MD2 алгоритм)\n" +msgstr "(Ñто алгоритм MD2)\n" #: sm/certdump.c:60 sm/certdump.c:143 msgid "none" @@ -7378,7 +7455,7 @@ #: sm/certdump.c:572 sm/certdump.c:617 msgid "[Error - out of core]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[Ошибка - нехватка выделенной памÑти]" #: sm/certdump.c:654 sm/certdump.c:710 msgid "[Error - No name]" @@ -7397,8 +7474,8 @@ "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "created %s, expires %s.\n" msgstr "" -"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к Ñекретному ключу к X.509 Ñертификату:\"%s" -"\"\n" +"Введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтупа к закрытому ключу Ñертификата X.509:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" "S/N %s, ID 0x%08lX,\n" "Ñоздан %s, иÑтекает %s.\n" @@ -7412,36 +7489,28 @@ msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¸ применимоÑти ключа: %s\n" #: sm/certlist.c:142 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for certification\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for certification\n" -msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" +msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертификации\n" #: sm/certlist.c:154 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for OCSP response signing\n" -msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑываниÑ\n" +msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ‚Ð° OCSP\n" #: sm/certlist.c:165 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for encryption\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for encryption\n" -msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" +msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" #: sm/certlist.c:166 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "certificate should have not been used for signing\n" msgid "certificate should not have been used for signing\n" -msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледует иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑываниÑ\n" +msgstr "Ñертификат не Ñледовало иÑпользовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñей\n" #: sm/certlist.c:167 msgid "certificate is not usable for encryption\n" -msgstr "Ñертификат не применим Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" +msgstr "Ñертификат не пригоден Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ\n" #: sm/certlist.c:168 msgid "certificate is not usable for signing\n" -msgstr "Ñертификат не применим Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" +msgstr "Ñертификат не пригоден Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:474 #, c-format @@ -7456,22 +7525,22 @@ #: sm/certreqgen.c:505 #, c-format msgid "line %d: no subject name given\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñтрока %d: не задано Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:514 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñтрока %d: недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑ‚ÐºÐ° имени Ñубъекта `%.*s'\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:517 #, c-format msgid "line %d: invalid subject name `%s' at pos %d\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñтрока %d: недопуÑтимое Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта `%s' в позиции %d\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:534 #, c-format msgid "line %d: not a valid email address\n" -msgstr "Ñтрока %d: нет допуÑтимого e-mail адреÑа\n" +msgstr "Ñтрока %d: нет допуÑтимого адреÑа Ñлектронной почты\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:546 #, c-format @@ -7481,18 +7550,20 @@ #: sm/certreqgen.c:558 #, c-format msgid "line %d: error getting key by keygrip `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "Ñтрока %d: ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ keygrip ключа `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "Ñтрока %d: ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð° ключа `%s': %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:574 #, c-format msgid "line %d: key generation failed: %s <%s>\n" -msgstr "Ñтрока %d: cбой ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s <%s>\n" +msgstr "Ñтрока %d: Ñбой ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s <%s>\n" #: sm/certreqgen.c:806 msgid "" "To complete this certificate request please enter the passphrase for the key " "you just created once more.\n" msgstr "" +"Чтобы завершить Ñоздание Ñтого запроÑа Ñертификата, введите фразу-пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ " +"ключа, который вы только что Ñоздали, еще раз.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:158 #, c-format @@ -7510,33 +7581,30 @@ msgstr " (%d) ИмеющийÑÑ Ð½Ð° карте ключ\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:202 -#, fuzzy msgid "Enter the keygrip: " -msgstr "Введите примечание:" +msgstr "Введите код ключа:" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:210 msgid "Not a valid keygrip (expecting 40 hex digits)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимый код ключа (ожидаетÑÑ 40 шеÑтнадцатеричных цифр)\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:212 -#, fuzzy msgid "No key with this keygrip\n" -msgstr "Ðет подключа Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑом %d\n" +msgstr "Ðет ключа Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¸Ð¼ кодом\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:230 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:239 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "error reading the card: %s\n" -msgstr "%s: ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñвободной запиÑи: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ñ‹: %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:233 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#, c-format msgid "Serial number of the card: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñерийного номера карты: %s\n" +msgstr "Серийный номер карты: %s\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:245 -#, fuzzy msgid "Available keys:\n" -msgstr "отключить ключ" +msgstr "ДоÑтупные ключи:\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:276 #, c-format @@ -7560,16 +7628,16 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:303 msgid "Enter the X.509 subject name: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Введите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта X.509: " #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:307 msgid "No subject name given\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ðе задано Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:311 #, c-format msgid "Invalid subject name label `%.*s'\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ÐедопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑ‚ÐºÐ° имени Ñубъекта `%.*s'\n" #. TRANSLATORS: The 22 in the second string is the #. length of the first string up to the "%s". Please @@ -7579,56 +7647,55 @@ #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:320 #, c-format msgid "Invalid subject name `%s'\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ÐедопуÑтимое Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñубъекта `%s'\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:322 msgid "22 translator: see certreg-ui.c:gpgsm_gencertreq_tty" -msgstr "" +msgstr "33" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:334 msgid "Enter email addresses" -msgstr "Введите Email-адреÑ: " +msgstr "Введите адреÑа Ñлектронной почты" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:335 msgid " (end with an empty line):\n" -msgstr "(пуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ):\n" +msgstr "(завершите пуÑтой Ñтрокой):\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:339 msgid "Enter DNS names" -msgstr "Введите DNS имÑ" +msgstr "Введите имена DNS" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:340 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:345 msgid " (optional; end with an empty line):\n" -msgstr " (опционаьно; пуÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ Ñтрока Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ):\n" +msgstr " (необÑзательно; завершите пуÑтой Ñтрокой):\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:344 msgid "Enter URIs" -msgstr "Введите URIs" +msgstr "Введите URI" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:371 msgid "Parameters to be used for the certificate request:\n" -msgstr "Параметры необходимые Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñа на Ñертификацию:\n" +msgstr "Параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñа Ñертификата:\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:389 msgid "Now creating certificate request. This may take a while ...\n" -msgstr "" -"СоздаетÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñертификацию. Это может занÑÑ‚ÑŒ немного времени...\n" +msgstr "СоздаетÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñертификата. Это может занÑÑ‚ÑŒ немного времени...\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:398 msgid "Ready. You should now send this request to your CA.\n" -msgstr "Готово. Данный Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¿ÐµÑ€ÑŒ Ñледует передать на подпиÑÑŒ в CA.\n" +msgstr "Готово. Данный Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¿ÐµÑ€ÑŒ Ñледует передать в центр Ñертификации.\n" #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:403 msgid "resource problem: out of core\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "проблема реÑурÑов: нехватка выделенной памÑти\n" #: sm/decrypt.c:330 msgid "(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n" -msgstr "(Ñто RC2 алгоритм)\n" +msgstr "(Ñто алгоритм RC2)\n" #: sm/decrypt.c:332 msgid "(this does not seem to be an encrypted message)\n" -msgstr "(Ñто не похоже не зашифрованное Ñообщение)\n" +msgstr "(Ñто не похоже на зашифрованное Ñообщение)\n" #: sm/delete.c:51 sm/delete.c:112 #, c-format @@ -7638,12 +7705,12 @@ #: sm/delete.c:122 sm/keydb.c:1574 sm/keydb.c:1676 #, c-format msgid "error locking keybox: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка блокировки keybox: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка блокировки щита Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸: %s\n" #: sm/delete.c:143 #, c-format msgid "duplicated certificate `%s' deleted\n" -msgstr "дупликат Ñертификата `%s' удален\n" +msgstr "продублированный Ñертификат `%s' удален\n" #: sm/delete.c:145 #, c-format @@ -7653,7 +7720,7 @@ #: sm/delete.c:175 #, c-format msgid "deleting certificate \"%s\" failed: %s\n" -msgstr "удаление Ñертификата \"%s\" неудачно: %s\n" +msgstr "Ñбой при удалении Ñертификата \"%s\": %s\n" #: sm/encrypt.c:321 msgid "no valid recipients given\n" @@ -7665,7 +7732,7 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:199 msgid "list certificate chain" -msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок правил Ñертификатов" +msgstr "вывеÑти ÑпиÑок цепочек Ñертификатов" #: sm/gpgsm.c:206 msgid "import certificates" @@ -7689,19 +7756,19 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:230 msgid "create base-64 encoded output" -msgstr "вывод в BASE64" +msgstr "вывод в base-64" #: sm/gpgsm.c:235 msgid "assume input is in PEM format" -msgstr "предполагаем получение в формате PEM" +msgstr "предполагаю, что входные данные в формате PEM" #: sm/gpgsm.c:237 msgid "assume input is in base-64 format" -msgstr "предполагаем получение в формате BASE64" +msgstr "предполагаю, что входные данные в формате base-64" #: sm/gpgsm.c:239 msgid "assume input is in binary format" -msgstr "предполагаем получение в двоичном формате" +msgstr "предполагаю, что входные данные в двоичном формате" #: sm/gpgsm.c:244 msgid "use system's dirmngr if available" @@ -7709,11 +7776,11 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:247 msgid "never consult a CRL" -msgstr "не ÑверÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñ CRL" +msgstr "не ÑверÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñо ÑпиÑком отозванных Ñертификатов" #: sm/gpgsm.c:257 msgid "check validity using OCSP" -msgstr "проверка дейÑтвительноÑти иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ OCSP" +msgstr "проверка дейÑтвительноÑти Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ OCSP" #: sm/gpgsm.c:262 msgid "|N|number of certificates to include" @@ -7721,15 +7788,15 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ информацию о политиках из FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|взÑÑ‚ÑŒ информацию о правилах из файла FILE" #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 msgid "do not check certificate policies" -msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ политики Ñертификата" +msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ правила Ñертификата" #: sm/gpgsm.c:272 msgid "fetch missing issuer certificates" -msgstr "запроÑить пропущенных издаталей Ñертификатов" +msgstr "запроÑить недоÑтающих издателей Ñертификатов" #: sm/gpgsm.c:283 msgid "don't use the terminal at all" @@ -7737,23 +7804,23 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:285 msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в файле FILE" #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал аудита в FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал аудита в файле FILE" #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 msgid "batch mode: never ask" -msgstr "пакетный режим: ничего не запрашивать" +msgstr "пакетный режим: ничего не Ñпрашивать" #: sm/gpgsm.c:294 msgid "assume yes on most questions" -msgstr "предполагать Да на большинÑтво вопроÑов" +msgstr "принÑÑ‚ÑŒ `да' как ответ на большинÑтво вопроÑов" #: sm/gpgsm.c:295 msgid "assume no on most questions" -msgstr "предполагать Ðет на большинÑтво вопроÑов" +msgstr "принÑÑ‚ÑŒ `нет' как ответ на большинÑтво вопроÑов" #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" @@ -7761,11 +7828,11 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID как Ñекретный ключ по умолчанию" +msgstr "|USER-ID|иÑпользовать USER-ID как оÑновной закрытый ключ" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" -msgstr "|SPEC|иÑпользовать данный Ñервер ключей Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñка ключей" +msgstr "|SPEC|иÑкать ключи на данном Ñервере ключей" #: sm/gpgsm.c:329 msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" @@ -7773,78 +7840,73 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:331 msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" -msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать хеш-функцию NAME" +msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать Ñ…Ñш-функцию NAME" #: sm/gpgsm.c:522 msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: sm/gpgsm.c:525 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" -#| "sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" -#| "default operation depends on the input data\n" msgid "" "Syntax: gpgsm [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n" msgstr "" "СинтакÑиÑ: gpgsm [параметры] [файлы]\n" -"подпиÑать и проверить, зашифровать или раÑшифровать иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ S/MIME " -"протокол\n" -"Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных\n" +"ПодпиÑать, проверить, зашифровать или раÑшифровать, иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾ÐºÐ¾Ð» S/" +"MIME\n" +"ÐžÐ¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию завиÑит от входных данных\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:617 msgid "usage: gpgsm [options] " -msgstr "иÑпользование: gpgsm [параметры] " +msgstr "вызов: gpgsm [параметры] " #: sm/gpgsm.c:739 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: won't be able to encrypt to `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "Замечание: не могу зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ЗÐМЕЧÐÐИЕ: не могу зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ `%s': %s\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:750 #, c-format msgid "unknown validation model `%s'\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "неизвеÑÑ‚Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñхема проверки `%s'\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:801 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: no hostname given\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s:%u: не задан хоÑÑ‚\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:820 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: password given without user\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s:%u: задан пароль, но не задан пользователь\n" #: sm/gpgsm.c:841 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" -msgstr "%s:%u: не обрабатываем Ñту Ñтроку\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: пропуÑкаю Ñту Ñтроку\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "не удалоÑÑŒ определить Ñервер ключей\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " -msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: выполнÑемÑÑ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÐ»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ ÑиÑтемным временем: " +msgstr "Ð’ÐИМÐÐИЕ: работаем Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐ¸Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ ÑиÑтемным временем: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "импорт общих Ñертификатов `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "невозможно подпиÑать иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "невозможно подпиÑать Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð° (неÑвной команды нет)\n" #: sm/import.c:111 #, c-format @@ -7867,7 +7929,7 @@ #: sm/import.c:551 sm/import.c:583 #, c-format msgid "error importing certificate: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка Ð¸Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñертификата: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка импорта Ñертификата: %s\n" #: sm/import.c:684 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1346 #, c-format @@ -7877,12 +7939,12 @@ #: sm/keydb.c:216 #, c-format msgid "error creating keybox `%s': %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ keybox `%s': %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ð° Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ `%s': %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:223 #, c-format msgid "keybox `%s' created\n" -msgstr "Ñоздан keybox `%s'\n" +msgstr "Ñоздан щит Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ `%s'\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1489 sm/keydb.c:1557 msgid "failed to get the fingerprint\n" @@ -7891,12 +7953,12 @@ #: sm/keydb.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "problem looking for existing certificate: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "проблема поиÑка ÑущеÑтвующего Ñертификата: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "error finding writable keyDB: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ошибка при поиÑке базы данных ключей: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1533 #, c-format @@ -7906,7 +7968,7 @@ #: sm/keydb.c:1585 #, c-format msgid "problem re-searching certificate: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "проблема повторного поиÑка Ñертификата: %s\n" #: sm/keydb.c:1606 sm/keydb.c:1699 #, c-format @@ -7920,17 +7982,18 @@ #: sm/misc.c:55 msgid "GPG_TTY has not been set - using maybe bogus default\n" msgstr "" -"GPG_TTY не уÑтановлено - возможно иÑпользование подделанного умолчаниÑ\n" +"GPG_TTY не задан - пользуюÑÑŒ уÑтановками по умолчанию (возможно, " +"неÑуразными)\n" #: sm/qualified.c:105 #, c-format msgid "invalid formatted fingerprint in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "неверное Ñформатированный отпечаток в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый формат отпечатка в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" #: sm/qualified.c:123 #, c-format msgid "invalid country code in `%s', line %d\n" -msgstr "недопуÑтиÑый код Ñтраны в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" +msgstr "недопуÑтимый код Ñтраны в `%s', Ñтрока %d\n" #: sm/qualified.c:202 #, c-format @@ -7942,14 +8005,20 @@ "\n" "%s%sAre you really sure that you want to do this?" msgstr "" +"Ð’Ñ‹ делаете подпиÑÑŒ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ Ñвоего Ñертификата:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"Будет Ñоздана ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ, по закону Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ " +"ÑобÑтвенноручной подпиÑи.\n" +"\n" +"%s%sÐ’Ñ‹ уверены, что хотите Ñтого?" #: sm/qualified.c:211 sm/verify.c:616 msgid "" "Note, that this software is not officially approved to create or verify such " "signatures.\n" msgstr "" -"Учтите, что Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ программы официально не одобрено Ñоздание и проверка " -"подобных подпиÑей.\n" +"Учтите, что Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ программы Ñоздание и проверка подобных подпиÑей " +"официально не одобрены.\n" #: sm/qualified.c:278 #, c-format @@ -7958,25 +8027,28 @@ "\"%s\"\n" "Note, that this certificate will NOT create a qualified signature!" msgstr "" +"Ð’Ñ‹ делаете подпиÑÑŒ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ Ñвоего Ñертификата:\n" +"\"%s\"\n" +"Обратите внимание, что Ñтот Ñертификат ÐЕ Ñоздает квалифицированных подпиÑей!" #: sm/sign.c:449 #, c-format msgid "hash algorithm %d (%s) for signer %d not supported; using %s\n" -msgstr "хеш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %d (%s) Ð´Ð»Ñ %d не поддерживаетÑÑ; иÑпользую %s\n" +msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ %d (%s) Ð´Ð»Ñ %d не поддерживаетÑÑ; иÑпользую %s\n" #: sm/sign.c:463 #, c-format msgid "hash algorithm used for signer %d: %s (%s)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñ…Ñш-Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñи %d: %s (%s)\n" #: sm/sign.c:513 #, c-format msgid "checking for qualified certificate failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при проверке квалифицированной подпиÑи: %s\n" #: sm/verify.c:449 msgid "Signature made " -msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñделана" +msgstr "ПодпиÑÑŒ Ñделана " #: sm/verify.c:453 msgid "[date not given]" @@ -7985,62 +8057,62 @@ #: sm/verify.c:454 #, c-format msgid " using certificate ID 0x%08lX\n" -msgstr "Ñ Ð¸Ñпользованием Ñертификата ID 0x%08lX\n" +msgstr "Ñ Ð¸Ñпользованием Ñертификата Ñ ID 0x%08lX\n" #: sm/verify.c:473 msgid "" "invalid signature: message digest attribute does not match computed one\n" msgstr "" -"недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ: атрибут дайджеÑта ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑоответÑтвует " +"недопуÑÑ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ: атрибут Ñ…Ñш-функции ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑоответÑтвует " "вычиÑленному\n" #: sm/verify.c:594 msgid "Good signature from" -msgstr "ДейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ от" +msgstr "Ð¥Ð¾Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐ°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ от" #: sm/verify.c:595 msgid " aka" -msgstr " aka" +msgstr " или" #: sm/verify.c:613 msgid "This is a qualified signature\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Это ÐºÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑŒ\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:70 tools/gpgconf.c:81 tools/symcryptrun.c:167 msgid "quiet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "менее подробно" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:71 msgid "print data out hex encoded" -msgstr "" +msgstr "выводить данные в шеÑтнадцатеричном виде" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:72 msgid "decode received data lines" -msgstr "" +msgstr "декодировать полученные Ñтроки данных" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|NAME|подключитьÑÑ Ðº Ñокету Assuan NAME" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" -msgstr "" +msgstr "запуÑтить Ñервер Assuan, заданный в командной Ñтроке" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:78 msgid "do not use extended connect mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "не пользоватьÑÑ Ñ€Ð°Ñширенным режимом подключениÑ" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" -msgstr "|FILE|выполнить команды из FILE при запуÑке" +msgstr "|FILE|выполнить при запуÑке команды из файла FILE" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 msgid "run /subst on startup" -msgstr "выполнить /substr при запуÑке" +msgstr "выполнить при запуÑке подÑтановку subst" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:184 msgid "Usage: gpg-connect-agent [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpg-connect-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: gpg-connect-agent [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:187 msgid "" @@ -8048,17 +8120,17 @@ "Connect to a running agent and send commands\n" msgstr "" "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-connect-agent: [параметры]\n" -"СвÑзываетÑÑ Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ агентом и отcылает команды\n" +"СвÑзываетÑÑ Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ агентом и поÑылает команды\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1201 #, c-format msgid "option \"%s\" requires a program and optional arguments\n" -msgstr "параметр \"%s\" требует программы и опциональных аргументов\n" +msgstr "параметр \"%s\" требует программы и необÑзательных аргументов\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1210 #, c-format msgid "option \"%s\" ignored due to \"%s\"\n" -msgstr "параметр \"%s\" игнорирован по причине \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "параметр \"%s\" игнорируетÑÑ; причина - \"%s\"\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1771 #, c-format @@ -8067,11 +8139,11 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1371 msgid "line too long - skipped\n" -msgstr "Ñтрока Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ - пропущено\n" +msgstr "Ñлишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтрока - пропущена\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1375 msgid "line shortened due to embedded Nul character\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñтрока Ñокращена из-за ÑодержащегоÑÑ Ð½ÑƒÐ»ÐµÐ²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñимвола\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:1743 #, c-format @@ -8086,153 +8158,155 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2208 #, c-format msgid "error sending %s command: %s\n" -msgstr "ошибка отправки %s команды: %s\n" +msgstr "ошибка отправки команды %s: %s\n" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2223 #, c-format msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "ошибка отправки Ñтандартных параметров: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" -msgstr "Параметры контролирующие вывод диагноÑтики" +msgstr "Параметры, контролирующие вывод диагноÑтики" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" -msgstr "Параметры контролирующие конфигурацию" +msgstr "Параметры, контролирующие наÑтройки" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" -msgstr "Параметры полезные Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐºÐ¸" +msgstr "Параметры, полезные Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐºÐ¸" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" -msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в FILE" +msgstr "|FILE|ÑохранÑÑ‚ÑŒ журнал режима Ñервера в файле FILE" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" -msgstr "Параметры контролирующие безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ" +msgstr "Параметры, контролирующие безопаÑноÑÑ‚ÑŒ" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:522 msgid "|N|expire SSH keys after N seconds" -msgstr "|N|Ñчитать ключ SSH иÑтекшим по иÑтечении N Ñекунд" +msgstr "|N|забывать ключи SSH по иÑтечении N Ñекунд" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:526 msgid "|N|set maximum PIN cache lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок кешированного PIN N Ñекунд" +msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ PIN N Ñекунд" #: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:530 msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" -msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ SSH ключа N Ñекунд" +msgstr "|N|уÑтановить макÑимальный Ñрок дейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° SSH N Ñекунд" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Параметры, обеÑпечивающие правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·-паролей" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "не позволÑÑ‚ÑŒ обходить правила Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·-паролей" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|уÑтановить минимальную длину фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" -msgstr "|n|требовать не менее N не алфавитных Ñимволов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð¹ фразы-паролÑ" +msgstr "|n|требовать Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð¹ фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð½Ðµ менее N неалфавитных Ñимволов" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FILE|проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ новую фразу-пароль по файлу образцов FILE" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" -msgstr "|N|Ñрок жизни фразы-Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ N дней" +msgstr "|N|Ñчитать фразу-пароль уÑтаревшей через N дней" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "не разрешать повторное иÑпользование Ñтарых фраз-паролей" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как Ñекретный ключ по умолчанию" +msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать NAME как оÑновной закрытый ключ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -msgstr "|NAME|зашифровать Ð´Ð»Ñ User ID: NAME" +msgstr "|NAME|зашифровывать также Ð´Ð»Ñ ID Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ NAME" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" -msgstr "" +msgstr "|SPEC|уÑтановить Ñинонимы Ñлектронной почты" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" -msgstr "ÐšÐ¾Ð½Ñ„Ð¸Ð³ÑƒÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ñерверов ключей" +msgstr "ÐаÑтройки Ñерверов ключей" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|иÑпользовать Ñевер ключей по URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "разрешить поиÑк по PKA (запроÑÑ‹ DNS)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" +"|MECHANISMS|иÑпользовать механизмы MECHANISMS Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñка ключей по адреÑу " +"Ñлектронной почты" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "полноÑтью запретить доÑтуп к dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать кодировку NAME Ð´Ð»Ñ PKCS#12 фраз-паролей" +msgstr "|NAME|иÑпользовать кодировку NAME Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ñ€Ð°Ð·-паролей PKCS#12" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" -msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ CRLd Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð½ÐµÐ²Ñ‹Ñ… Ñертификатов" +msgstr "не проверÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑпиÑки отозванных Ñертификатов Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð½ÐµÐ²Ñ‹Ñ… Ñертификатов" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" -msgstr "Параметры контрролирующие формат вывода" +msgstr "Параметры, управлÑющие форматом вывода" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Параметры, управлÑющие интерактивноÑтью и принудительными дейÑтвиÑми" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" -msgstr "ÐаÑтройки HTTP Ñерверов" +msgstr "ÐаÑтройки Ñерверов HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" -msgstr "иÑпользовать ÑиÑтемные наÑтройки HTTP проки" +msgstr "иÑпользовать ÑиÑтемные наÑтройки промежуточного Ñервера HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" -msgstr "ÐаÑтройки LDAP Ñерверов" +msgstr "ÐаÑтройки Ñерверов LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "СпиÑок Ñерверов LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "ÐаÑтройки OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ВнешнÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ€ÐºÐ° компонента %s не прошла" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Обратите внимание, что Ñпецификации групп игнорируютÑÑ\n" #: tools/gpgconf.c:62 msgid "list all components" @@ -8240,7 +8314,7 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:63 msgid "check all programs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "проверить вÑе программы" #: tools/gpgconf.c:64 msgid "|COMPONENT|list options" @@ -8256,19 +8330,19 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:68 msgid "apply global default values" -msgstr "" +msgstr "применить глобальные Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ умолчанию" #: tools/gpgconf.c:70 msgid "get the configuration directories for gpgconf" -msgstr "" +msgstr "получить каталоги наÑтроек Ð´Ð»Ñ gpgconf" #: tools/gpgconf.c:72 msgid "list global configuration file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "указать глобальный файл наÑтроек" #: tools/gpgconf.c:74 msgid "check global configuration file" -msgstr "проверить глобальный файл конфигурации" +msgstr "проверить глобальный файл наÑтроек" #: tools/gpgconf.c:79 msgid "use as output file" @@ -8280,7 +8354,7 @@ #: tools/gpgconf.c:105 msgid "Usage: gpgconf [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: gpgconf [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: gpgconf [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: tools/gpgconf.c:108 msgid "" @@ -8288,11 +8362,11 @@ "Manage configuration options for tools of the GnuPG system\n" msgstr "" "СинтакÑиÑ: gpgconf [параметры]\n" -"УправлÑет параметрами конфигурации инÑÑ‚Ñ€ÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ GnuPG\n" +"УправлÑет параметрами наÑтроек инÑÑ‚Ñ€ÑƒÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ€Ð¸Ñ GnuPG\n" #: tools/gpgconf.c:214 tools/gpgconf.c:282 msgid "usage: gpgconf [options] " -msgstr "иÑпользование: gpgconf [параметры] " +msgstr "вызов: gpgconf [параметры] " #: tools/gpgconf.c:216 msgid "Need one component argument" @@ -8318,7 +8392,7 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:156 msgid "decryption modus" -msgstr "режим раÑшифрованиÑ" +msgstr "режим раÑшифровываниÑ" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:157 msgid "encryption modus" @@ -8326,23 +8400,23 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:161 msgid "tool class (confucius)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "клаÑÑ ÑредÑтва (confucius)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:162 msgid "program filename" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð° программы" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:164 msgid "secret key file (required)" -msgstr "файл Ñекретного ключа (требуетÑÑ)" +msgstr "файл закрытого ключа (обÑзателен)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:165 msgid "input file name (default stdin)" -msgstr "ввод имени файла (stdin по умолчанию)" +msgstr "Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ файла (по умолчанию stdin)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:209 msgid "Usage: symcryptrun [options] (-h for help)" -msgstr "ИÑпользование: symcryptrun [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" +msgstr "Вызов: symcryptrun [параметры] (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:212 msgid "" @@ -8350,9 +8424,9 @@ "[options...] COMMAND [inputfile]\n" "Call a simple symmetric encryption tool\n" msgstr "" -"СинтакÑиÑ: symcryptrun --class CLASS --program PROGRAM --keyfile KEYFILE " -"[параметры...] COMMAND [файл-иÑточник]\n" -"Вызывает проÑтой инÑтрумент шифрованиÑ\n" +"СинтакÑиÑ: symcryptrun --class КЛÐСС --program ПРОГРÐММР--keyfile " +"ФÐЙЛ_КЛЮЧР[параметры...] КОМÐÐДР[входной файл]\n" +"Вызывает проÑтое ÑредÑтво шифрованиÑ\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:281 #, c-format @@ -8372,7 +8446,7 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:354 tools/symcryptrun.c:371 #, c-format msgid "could not open %s for writing: %s\n" -msgstr "невозможно открытие %s на запиÑÑŒ: %s\n" +msgstr "невозможно открыть %s на запиÑÑŒ: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:382 #, c-format @@ -8403,47 +8477,47 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:511 msgid "cannot allocate args vector\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "невозможно выделить памÑÑ‚ÑŒ под вектор аргументов\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:529 #, c-format msgid "could not create pipe: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при Ñоздании канала конвейера: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:536 #, c-format msgid "could not create pty: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при Ñоздании пÑевдотерминала: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:552 #, c-format msgid "could not fork: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при дублировании процеÑÑа: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:580 #, c-format msgid "execv failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой execv: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:609 #, c-format msgid "select failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой select: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:626 #, c-format msgid "read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой чтениÑ: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:678 #, c-format msgid "pty read failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· пÑевдотерминала: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:730 #, c-format msgid "waitpid failed: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой waitpid: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:744 #, c-format @@ -8453,12 +8527,12 @@ #: tools/symcryptrun.c:799 #, c-format msgid "cannot allocate infile string: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при выделении памÑти под Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ файла: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:812 #, c-format msgid "cannot allocate outfile string: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ñбой при выделении памÑти под Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ файла: %s\n" #: tools/symcryptrun.c:986 #, c-format @@ -8477,40 +8551,12 @@ #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:145 msgid "Usage: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile (-h for help)\n" msgstr "" -"ИÑпользование: gpg-check-pattern [параметры] patternfile (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" +"Вызов: gpg-check-pattern [параметры] файл_образцов (-h Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñказки)\n" #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:148 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-check-pattern [options] patternfile\n" "Check a passphrase given on stdin against the patternfile\n" msgstr "" - -#~ msgid "you may want to start the gpg-agent first\n" -#~ msgstr "возможно Ñледует запуÑтить gpg-agent Ñперва\n" - -#~ msgid "error loading `%s': %s\n" -#~ msgstr "ошибка загрузки `%s': %s\n" - -#~ msgid "Command> " -#~ msgstr "Команда> " - -#~ msgid "the trustdb is corrupted; please run \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" -#~ msgstr "таблица доверий повреждена; запуÑтите \"gpg --fix-trustdb\".\n" - -#~ msgid "Please report bugs to <" -#~ msgstr "О найденных ошибках Ñообщайте <" - -#~ msgid "Please report bugs to " -#~ msgstr "О найденных ошибка Ñообщайте " - -#~ msgid "DSA keypair will have %u bits.\n" -#~ msgstr "Пара ключей DSA будет иметь длину %u бит.\n" - -#~ msgid "this command has not yet been implemented\n" -#~ msgstr "Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñ‹ вÑÑ‘ еще не реализована\n" - -#~ msgid "Repeat passphrase\n" -#~ msgstr "Повторите ввод фразы-паролÑ\n" - -#~ msgid "|A|Admin PIN" -#~ msgstr "|A|ÐдминиÑтративный PID" +"СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-check-pattern [параметры] файл_образцов\n" +"Проверить фразу-пароль, поÑтупающую из stdin, по файлу образцов\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/sk.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/sk.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/sk.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/sk.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/sk.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/sk.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.2.5\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-20 15:52+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Michal Majer \n" "Language-Team: Slovak \n" @@ -28,21 +28,48 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Skutoène chcete revokova» vybrané kµúèe? " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "nesprávne heslo" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "" @@ -52,17 +79,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -72,41 +99,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "riadok je príli¹ dlhý\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "heslo je príli¹ dlhé\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Neplatný znak ve mene\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "nesprávne MPI" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "nesprávne heslo" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "nesprávne heslo" @@ -116,22 +143,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "ochranný algoritmus %d%s nie je podporováný\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em vytvori» `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em otvori» `%s': %s\n" @@ -349,7 +376,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -360,116 +387,121 @@ "Mo¾nosti:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "s dodatoènými informáciami" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "by» o trochu tich¹í" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|SÚBOR|nahra» roz¹irujúci modul SÚBOR" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "vyhµada» kµúèe na serveri kµúèov" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "Skutoène aktualizova» predvoµby pre vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "aktualizova» databázu dôvery" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní hesla: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "nepodporované" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "nepodporované" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní hesla: %s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy @@ -478,159 +510,159 @@ "Chyby oznámte, prosím, na adresu .\n" "Pripomienky k prekladu .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Pou¾itie: gpg [mo¾nosti] [súbory] (-h pre pomoc)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: neexistuje implicitný súbor s mo¾nos»ami `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "súbor s mo¾nos»ami `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "èítam mo¾nosti z `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em vytvori» adresár `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "%s: nemô¾em vytvori»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent nie je v tomto sedení dostupný\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní hesla: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri posielaní na `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualizácia zlyhala: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "%s: adresár vytvorený\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "databáza dôvery: procedúra read() (n=%d) zlyhala: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "%s: nemô¾em vytvori» adresár: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri èítaní `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "aktualizácia tajného kµúèa zlyhala: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s: preskoèené: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent nie je v tomto sedení dostupný\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "zlý formát premennej prostredia GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -647,7 +679,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -656,7 +688,7 @@ "@Príkazy:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -827,8 +859,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní hesla: %s\n" @@ -1208,84 +1240,84 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "ASCII kódovanie: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "neplatná hlavièka ASCII kódovania: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "ASCII hlavièka: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "neplatná hlavièka podpisu v èitateµnom formáte\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "ASCII hlavièka: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "vnorené podpisy v èitateµnom formátu\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 #, fuzzy msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "neoèakávané kódovanie ASCII:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "nesprávne oznaèenie riadku mínusmi: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "neplatný znak vo formáte radix64 %02x bol preskoèený\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "predèasný koniec súboru (¾iadne CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "predèasný koniec súboru (v CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "nesprávny formát CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "Chyba CRC; %06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 #, fuzzy msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "predèasný koniec súboru (v pätièke)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "chyba v pätièke\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "nenájdené ¾iadne platné dáta vo formáte OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "neplatné kódovanie ASCII: riadok je dlh¹í ako %d znakov\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "neplatný znak (quoted-printable) v ASCII kódovaní - pravdepodobne bol " "pou¾itý nesprávny MTA\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1293,24 +1325,24 @@ "meno mô¾e obsahova» len písmená, èíslice, bodky, podèiarníky alebo medzery a " "konèi» s '='\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "hodnota musí obsahova» znak '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "hodnota musí obsahova» znak '@'\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "hodnota nesmie obsahova» ¾iadne kontrolné znaky\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: nájdený neplatný formát zápisu dátumu\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "nie je v priamo èitateµnom formáte" @@ -1324,8 +1356,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 #, fuzzy msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "nemo¾no previes» v dávkovom móde\n" @@ -1335,14 +1367,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Tento príkaz nie je v módoch %s dovolený.\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "tajné èasti kµúèa nie sú dostupné\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Vá¹ výber? " @@ -1415,7 +1447,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní súboru kµúèov (keyring)`%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri èítaní `%s': %s\n" @@ -1518,13 +1550,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Akú veµkos» kµúèa si prajete? (1024) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "zaokrúhlené na %u bitov\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "" @@ -1579,8 +1611,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Neplatný výber.\n" @@ -1609,7 +1641,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri zápise súboru kµúèov (keyring) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "ukonèi» toto menu" @@ -1618,7 +1650,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "konfliktné príkazy\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "ukáza» túto pomoc" @@ -1698,7 +1730,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Neplatný príkaz (skúste \"help\")\n" @@ -1706,18 +1738,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output pre tento príkaz nefunguje\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "nemo¾no otvori» `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "kµúè `%s' nebol nájdený: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1977,230 +2009,230 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: niè nebolo vyexportované\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "príli¹ veµa polo¾iek v bufferi verejných kµúèov - vypnuté\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 #, fuzzy msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[User id not found]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "kµúè %08lX: tajný kµúè bez verejného kµúèa - preskoèené\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "vypísa» fingerprint" # c-format -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Neplatný kµúè %08lX zmenený na platný pomocou --always-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "existuje tajný kµúè pre tento verejný kµúè %08lX!\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "pou¾ívam sekundárny kµúè %08lX namiesto primárneho kµúèa %08lX\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "kµúè %08lX: tajný kµúè bez verejného kµúèa - preskoèené\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "vytvori» podpis oddelený od dokumentu" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[súbor]|vytvori» podpis v èitateµnom dokumente" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "vytvori» podpis oddelený od dokumentu" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "¹ifrova» dáta" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "¹ifrovanie len so symetrickou ¹ifrou" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "de¹ifrova» dáta (implicitne)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "verifikova» podpis" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov a podpisov" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 #, fuzzy msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "skontrolova» podpisy kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov a fingerprintov" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam tajných kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "vytvori» nový pár kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "vytvori» revokaèný certifikát" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "odstráni» kµúè zo súboru verejných kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "odstráni» kµúè zo súboru tajných kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "podpísa» kµúè" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "podpísa» kµúè lokálne" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "podpísa» alebo modifikova» kµúè" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportova» kµúèe" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportova» kµúèe na server kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importova» kµúèe zo servera kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "vyhµada» kµúèe na serveri kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "aktualizova» v¹etky kµúèe zo servera kµúèov" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importova»/zlúèi» kµúèe" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "aktualizova» databázu dôvery" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|algo [súbory]|vypí¹ hash" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "vytvor výstup zakódovaný pomocou ASCII" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|MENO|¹ifrova» pre MENO" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" "pou¾i» toto id u¾ívateµa na podpísanie\n" " alebo de¹ifrovanie" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "" "|N|nastavi» úroveò komprimácie N (0 - ¾iadna\n" " komprimácia)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "pou¾i» kánonický textový mód" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|SÚBOR|nahra» roz¹irujúci modul SÚBOR" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "nevykona» ¾iadne zmeny" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "vy¾iada» potvrdenie pred prepísaním" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2209,7 +2241,7 @@ "(Pou¾ite manuálové stránky pre kompletný zoznam v¹etkých príkazov a " "mo¾ností)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2229,11 +2261,11 @@ " --list-keys [mená] vypísa» kµúèe\n" " --fingerprint [mená] vypísa» fingerprinty\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Pou¾itie: gpg [mo¾nosti] [súbory] (-h pre pomoc)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2248,7 +2280,7 @@ "podpísa», overi», ¹ifrova» alebo de¹ifrova»\n" "implicitné operácie závisia od vstupných dát\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2256,570 +2288,570 @@ "\n" "Podporované algoritmy:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Verejné kµúèe: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "©ifry: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Kompresia: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "pou¾itie: gpg [mo¾nosti] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "konfliktné príkazy\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "no = podpis nájdený v definícii skupiny \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo pre %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo pre %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo pre %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva pre %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva pre %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva pre %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo adresára %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo adresára %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: vlastníctvo adresára %s nastavené nebezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva adresára %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva adresára %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: prístupové práva adresára %s nie sú nastavené bezpeène \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "neznáma polo¾ka konfigurácie \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "V súbore tajných kµúèov chýba zodpovedajúci podpis\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 #, fuzzy msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "uká¾ v ktorom súbore kµúèov je vypísaný kµúè" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "V súbore tajných kµúèov chýba zodpovedajúci podpis\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: starý implicitný súbor s mo¾nos»ami `%s ignorovaný'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: %s nie je pre normálne pou¾itie!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "nemo¾no pou¾i» URI servera kµúèov - chyba analýzy URI\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre import\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre import\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 #, fuzzy msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 #, fuzzy msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 #, fuzzy msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "%s nie je platná znaková sada\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "nemo¾no nastavi» exec-path na %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: program mô¾e vytvori» súbor core!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: %s prepí¹e %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "Nie je dovolené pou¾íva» %s s %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s nedáva s %s zmysel!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "v móde --pgp2 mô¾ete vytvára» len oddelené podpisy alebo podpisy èitateµné " "ako text\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "v móde --pgp2 nemo¾no súèasne ¹ifrova» a podpisova»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "v móde --pgp2 musíte pou¾i» súbor (nie rúru).\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "¹ifrovanie správ v móde --pgp2 vy¾aduje algoritmus IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný ¹ifrovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 #, fuzzy msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný ¹ifrovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vybraný hashovací algoritmus je neplatný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "polo¾ka completes-needed musí by» väè¹ia ako 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "polo¾ka marginals-needed musí by» väè¹ia ako 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 #, fuzzy msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "polo¾ka max-cert-depth musí by» v rozmedzí od 1 do 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "neplatná implicitná úroveò certifikácie; musí by» 0, 1, 2 alebo 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "neplatná minimálna úroveò certifikácie; musí by» 0, 1, 2 alebo 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: jednoduchý mód S2K (0) je dôrazne nedoporuèovaný\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "neplatný mód S2K; musí by» 0, 1 alebo 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné defaultné predvoµby\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné u¾ívateµské predvoµby pre ¹ifrovanie\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné u¾ívateµské predvoµby pre hashovanie\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "neplatné u¾ívateµské predvoµby pre kompresiu\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s e¹te nepracuje s %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nemô¾ete pou¾i» ¹ifrovací algoritmus \"%s\" v móde %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nemô¾ete pou¾i» hashovací algoritmus \"%s\" v móde %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "nemô¾ete pou¾i» kompresný algoritmus \"%s\" v móde %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em inicializova» databázu dôvery: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: daný adresát (-r) bez pou¾itia ¹ifrovania s verejným kµúèom\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "de¹ifrovanie zlyhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "pou¾itie %s nie je v móde %s dovolené\n" "\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 #, fuzzy msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "pou¾itie %s nie je v móde %s dovolené\n" "\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key id u¾ívateµa" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key id u¾ívateµa" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key id u¾ívateµa [príkazy]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key id u¾ívateµa" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "nepodarilo posla» kµúè na server: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "nepodarilo sa prija» kµúè zo servera: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "nepodaril sa export kµúèa: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "nepodarilo sa nájs» server: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualizácia servera zlyhala: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "dekódovanie z ASCII formátu zlyhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "kódovanie do ASCII formátu zlyhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "neplatný hashovací algoritmus `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[meno súboru]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Zaènite písa» svoju správu ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "zadané URL pre certifikaènú politiku je neplatné\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 #, fuzzy msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "zadané URL pre podpisovú politiku je neplatné\n" @@ -2859,476 +2891,481 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Pomoc nie je dostupná pre '%s'" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "aktualizova» databázu dôvery" + +#: g10/import.c:107 #, fuzzy msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "aktualizova» databázu dôvery" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 #, fuzzy msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "verejný kµúè nesúhlasí s tajným!\n" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 #, fuzzy msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "nepou¾iteµný tajný kµúè" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "blok typu %d bol preskoèený\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu kµúèe boli doteraz spracované\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Celkovo spracovaných kµúèov: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " preskoèené nové kµúèe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " bez identifikátorov: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importované: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " bez zmien: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nové id u¾ívateµov: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nové podkµúèe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nové podpisy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " nové revokácie kµúèov: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " preèítané tajné kµúèe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importované tajné kµúèe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " tajné kµúèe nezmenené: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " neimportované: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " nové podpisy: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " preèítané tajné kµúèe: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: chyba identifikátor u¾ívateµa\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "preskoèený `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: HKP po¹kodenie podkµúèa opravené\n" # c-format -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "kµúè %08lX: prijaté id u¾ívateµa '%s', ktorý nie je podpísaný ním samým\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: chýba platný identifikátor u¾ívateµa\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "mô¾e to by» spôsobené chýbajúcim podpisom kµúèa ním samým\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: verejný kµúè nenájdený: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: nový kµúè - preskoèený\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenájdený zapisovateµný súbor kµúèov (keyring): %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisujem do '%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri zápise súboru kµúèov (keyring) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: verejný kµúè \"%s\" importovaný\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: nezodpovedá na¹ej kópii\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: nemô¾em nájs» originálny blok kµúèa: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: nemô¾em èíta» originálny blok kµúèa: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nový identifikátor u¾ívateµa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových identifikátorov u¾ívateµa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nový podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových podpisov\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" 1 nový podkµúè\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových podkµúèov\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových podpisov\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových podpisov\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových identifikátorov u¾ívateµa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" %d nových identifikátorov u¾ívateµa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" bez zmeny\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "tajný kµúè `%s' nebol nájdený: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 #, fuzzy msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: tajný kµúè bez verejného kµúèa %d - preskoèené\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "nie je nastavený implicitný súbor tajných kµúèov %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: tajný kµúè importovaný\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: je u¾ v súbore tajných kµúèov\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: nebol nájdený tajný kµúè: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "kµúè %08lX: chýba verejný kµúè - nemô¾em aplikova» revokaèný certifikát\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neplatný revokaèný certifikát: %s - zamietnuté\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: \"%s\" revokaèný certifikát importovaný\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neexistuje id u¾ívateµa pre podpis\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "kµúè %08lX: nepodporovaný algoritmus verejného kµúèa u u¾ívateµského id \"%s" "\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "kµúè %08lX: neplatný podpis kµúèa ním samým u u¾ívateµského id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: nepodporovaný algoritmus verejného kµúèa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: podpis kµúèa ním samým (direct key signature)\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neexistuje podkµúè pre viazanie kµúèov\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neplatná väzba podkµúèa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: zmazaná viacnásobná väzba podkµúèa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neexistuje podkµúè na revokáciu kµúèa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neplatný revokaèný podkµúè\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: zmazaná viacnásobná revokácia podkµúèa\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: identifikátor u¾ívateµa preskoèený '" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: podkµúè preskoèený\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: podpis nie je exportovateµný (trieda %02x) - preskoèené\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: revokaèný certifikát na zlom mieste - preskoèené \n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neplatný revokaèný certifikát: %s - preskoèené\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: podpis subkµúèa na zlom mieste - preskoèené \n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neoèakávaná podpisová trieda (0x%02X) - preskoèené\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: zistený duplikovaný identifikátor u¾ívateµa - zlúèený\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: kµúè %08lX mô¾e by» revokovaný: skú¹am získa» revokaèný kµúè " "%08lX\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: kµúè %08lX mô¾e by» revokovaný: revokaèný kµúè %08lX nenájdený.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: pridaný revokaèný certifikát \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: podpis kµúèa ním samým (direct key signature)\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "verejný kµúè nesúhlasí s tajným!\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "preskoèené: tajný kµúè je u¾ v databáze\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 #, fuzzy msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "preskoèené: tajný kµúè je u¾ v databáze\n" @@ -3353,52 +3390,52 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "zlyhalo obnovenie vyrovnávacej pamäti kµúèov: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[revokácia]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[podpis kµúèa ním samým]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 zlý podpis\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d zlých podpisov\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 podpis neoverený, preto¾e chýba kµúè\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d podpisov neoverených, preto¾e chýba kµúè\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 podpis neoverený, preto¾e vznikla chyba\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d podpisov neoverených, preto¾e vznikli chyby\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "zistený 1 identifikátor u¾ívateµa bez platného podpisu ním samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "" "zistených %d identifikátorov u¾ívateµa bez platného podpisu ním samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " @@ -3411,63 +3448,63 @@ "kontrolou fingerprintov z rôznych zdrojov...)?\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Dôverujem èiastoène\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Dôverujem úplne\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" "trust signatures on your behalf.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "U¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je revokované." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e stále chcete podpísa» tento kµúè? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Nemo¾no podpísa».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "U¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je revokované." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "ID u¾ívateµa \"%s\" nie je podpísané ním samým." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "ID u¾ívateµa \"%s\" nie je podpísané ním samým." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène podpísa»? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3476,11 +3513,11 @@ "Podpis kµúèa \"%s\" ním samým je\n" "podpis vo formáte PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Prajete si ho zmeni» na formát OpenPGP? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3490,11 +3527,11 @@ "je len lokálny.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Chcete, aby platnos» Vá¹ho podpisu vypr¹ala v rovnakom èase? (A/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3504,54 +3541,54 @@ "je len lokálny.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Prajete si ho zmeni» na plne exportovateµný podpis? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" je u¾ lokálne podpísaný kµúèom %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" je u¾ podpísaný kµúèom %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e stále chcete podpísa» tento kµúè? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Niè na podpísanie kµúèom %08lX\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Platnos» kµúèa vypr¹ala!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Platnos» kµúèa vypr¹í %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Chcete, aby platnos» Vá¹ho podpisu vypr¹ala v rovnakom èase? (A/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "" "Nemô¾ete vytvori» OpenPGP podpis kµúèa typu PGP 2.x, keï ste v --pgp2 móde.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "To by spôsobilo nepou¾itelnos» kµúèa v PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3561,32 +3598,32 @@ "patrí vy¹¹ie uvedenej osobe?\n" "Pokiaµ nepoznáte odpoveï, zadajte \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Neodpoviem.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Vôbec som to nekontroloval(a).%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Èiastoène som to overil(a).%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Veµmi dôkladne som to overil(a).%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Vá¹ výber? ('?' - viac informácií): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3595,28 +3632,28 @@ "Ste si istý, ¾e chcete podpísa» tento kµúè\n" "svojím kµúèom: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 #, fuzzy msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ide o podpis kµúèa ním samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "VAROVANIE: podpis nebude oznaèený ako neexportovateµný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "VAROVANIE: podpis nebude oznaèený ako neodvolateµný (non-revocable).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "" @@ -3624,72 +3661,72 @@ "Podpis bude oznaèený ako neexportovateµný.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 #, fuzzy msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Podpis bude oznaèený ako neodvolateµný (non-revocable).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Vôbec som tento kµúè neoveril.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Èiastoène som overil tento kµúè.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 #, fuzzy msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Velmi dôkladne som overil tento kµúè.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène podpísa»? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "podpisovanie zlyhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Tento kµúè nie je chránený.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Tajné èasti primárneho kµúèa nie sú dostupné.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 #, fuzzy msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Tajné èasti primárneho kµúèa nie sú dostupné.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "kµúè je chránený.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Nie je mo¾né editova» tento kµúè: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3697,11 +3734,11 @@ "Vlo¾te nové heslo (passphrase) pre tento tajný kµúè.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "heslo nie je zopakované správne; skúste to znovu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3709,206 +3746,206 @@ "Nechcete heslo - to je *zlý* nápad!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène to chcete urobi»? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "presúvam podpis kµúèa na správne miesto\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "ulo¾i» a ukonèi»" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "vypísa» fingerprint" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam kµúèov a id u¾ívateµov" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "vyberte identifikátor u¾ívateµa N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 #, fuzzy msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "vyberte identifikátor u¾ívateµa N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 #, fuzzy msgid "check signatures" msgstr "revokova» podpisy" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "podpísa» kµúè lokálne" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 #, fuzzy msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "Nápoveda: Vyberte id u¾ívateµa na podpísanie\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "prida» identifikátor u¾ívateµa" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "prida» fotografické ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "zmaza» identifikátor u¾ívateµa" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 #, fuzzy msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "addkey" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 #, fuzzy msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "zmaza» sekundárny kµúè" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "prida» revokaèný kµúè" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "Skutoène aktualizova» predvoµby pre vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 #, fuzzy msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "Nemô¾ete zmeni» dobu platnosti kµúèa verzie 3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 #, fuzzy msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "oznaèi» u¾ívateµské ID ako primárne" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 #, fuzzy msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "prepnú» medzi vypísaním zoznamu tajných a verejných kµúèov" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam predvolieb (pre expertov)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "vypísa» zoznam predvolieb (podrobne)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 #, fuzzy msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Skutoène aktualizova» predvoµby pre vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 #, fuzzy msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "nemo¾no pou¾i» URI servera kµúèov - chyba analýzy URI\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 #, fuzzy msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Skutoène aktualizova» predvoµby pre vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "zmeni» dôveryhodnos» vlastníka kµúèa" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Skutoène revokova» v¹etky vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "revokova» identifikátor u¾ívateµa" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 #, fuzzy msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "revokova» sekundárny kµúè" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 #, fuzzy msgid "enable key" msgstr "nastavi» kµúè ako platný (enable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 #, fuzzy msgid "disable key" msgstr "nastavi» kµúè ako neplatný (disable)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 #, fuzzy msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "ukáza» fotografické ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri èítaní bloku tajného kµúèa `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Tajný kµúè je dostupný.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Na vykonanie tejto operácie je potrebný tajný kµúè.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Prosím, najskôr pou¾ite príkaz \"toggle\" (prepnú»).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3916,242 +3953,242 @@ " (nrsign), or any combination thereof (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Kµúè revokovaný." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène podpísa» v¹etky id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Nápoveda: Vyberte id u¾ívateµa na podpísanie\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "neznáma trieda podpisu" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Tento príkaz nie je v módoch %s dovolený.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Musíte vybra» aspoò jedno id u¾ívateµa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Nemô¾ete zmaza» posledné id u¾ívateµa!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène odstráni» v¹etky vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène odstráni» toto id u¾ívateµa? " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène odstráni» toto id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 #, fuzzy msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Musíte vybra» aspoò jeden kµúè.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em otvori» `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní súboru kµúèov (keyring)`%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Musíte vybra» aspoò jeden kµúè.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène chcete zmaza» vybrané kµúèe? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène chcete zmaza» tento kµúè? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène revokova» v¹etky vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène revokova» toto id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène chcete revokova» tento kµúè? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène chcete revokova» vybrané kµúèe? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 #, fuzzy msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène chcete revokova» tento kµúè? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "nastavi» zoznam predvolieb" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène aktualizova» predvoµby pre vybrané id u¾ívateµa? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 #, fuzzy msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène aktualizova» predvoµby? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Ulo¾i» zmeny? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 #, fuzzy msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Ukonèi» bez ulo¾enia? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualizácia zlyhala: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "aktualizácia tajného kµúèa zlyhala: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "kµúè nebol zmenený, tak¾e nie je potrebné ho aktualizova».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Digest: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Charakteristiky: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 #, fuzzy msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notácie: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "U¾ívateµské ID vo formáte PGP 2.x nemá ¾iadne predvoµby\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Tento kµúè mô¾e by» revokovaný kµúèom %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Tento kµúè mô¾e by» revokovaný kµúèom %s " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 #, fuzzy msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(citlivá informácia)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "%s: nemô¾em vytvori»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "[revokované]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr " [platnos» skonèí: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr " [platnos» skonèí: %s]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr " dôvera: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr " dôvera: %c/%c" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Tento kµúè bol oznaèený za neplatný (disabled)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4159,19 +4196,19 @@ "Prosím nezabúdajte, ¾e zobrazované údaje o platnosti kµúèov nemusia\n" "by» správne, pokiaµ znovu nespustíte program.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 #, fuzzy msgid "revoked" msgstr "[revokované]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "expired" msgstr "expire" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4179,7 +4216,17 @@ "VAROVANIE: ¾iadne ID u¾ívateµa nebolo oznaèené ako primárne. Tento príkaz\n" "spôsobí, ¾e iné ID u¾ívateµa sa bude pova¾ova» primárne.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Nemô¾ete zmeni» dobu platnosti kµúèa verzie 3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4188,75 +4235,75 @@ "VAROVANIE: Toto je PGP2 kµúè. Pridanie fotografického ID mô¾e v niektorých\n" " verziách PGP vies» k odmietnutiu tohto kµúèa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e ho chcete stále prida»? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Nemali by ste pridáva» fotografické ID k PGP2 kµúèu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Zmaza» tento dobrý podpis? (a/N/u)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Zmaza» tento neplatný podpis? (a/N/u)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Zmaza» tento neznámy podpis? (a/N/u)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Skutoène zmaza» tento podpis podpísaný sebou samým? (a/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Zmazaný %d podpis.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Zmazaných %d podpisov.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Niè nebolo zmaznané.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid" msgstr "neplatný spôsob reprezentácie v ASCII" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "U¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je revokované." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "U¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je revokované." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "U¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je revokované." -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "u¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je u¾ revokované\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "u¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je u¾ revokované\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4265,275 +4312,275 @@ "VAROVANIE: Toto je PGP2 kµúè. Pridanie fotografického ID mô¾e v niektorých\n" " verziách PGP vies» k odmietnutiu tohoto kµúèa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Nemali by ste pridáva» fotografické ID k PGP2 kµúèu.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Vlo¾te identifikátor u¾ívateµa povereného revokáciou: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "kµúè vo formáte PGP 2.x nemo¾no poveri» revokáciou\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "kµúè nemo¾no poveri» revokáciou ním samým\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 #, fuzzy msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: Tento kµúè bol revokovaný jeho urèeným revokátorom/!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: oznaèenie kµúèa ako revokovací u¾ nemô¾e by» zru¹ené!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e chcete oznaèi» tento kµúè ako revokovací? (a/N): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Prosím, odstráòte výber z tajných kµúèov.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Prosím, vyberte najviac jeden sekundárny kµúè.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 #, fuzzy msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Mením dobu platnosti sekundárneho kµúèa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Mením dobu platnosti primárneho kµúèa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Nemô¾ete zmeni» dobu platnosti kµúèa verzie 3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "V súbore tajných kµúèov chýba zodpovedajúci podpis\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: podpisovací podkµúè %08lX nie je krí¾ovo certifikovaný\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Prosím, vyberte práve jedno id u¾ívateµa.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "preskoèený v3 podpis kµúèa ním samým u u¾ívateµského id \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e ho chcete pou¾i»? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e ho chcete pou¾i»? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Podpisová notácia: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 #, fuzzy msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Prepísa» (a/N)? " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Neexistuje identifikátor u¾ívateµa s indexom %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Neexistuje identifikátor u¾ívateµa s indexom %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Neexistuje identifikátor u¾ívateµa s indexom %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "id u¾ívateµa: \"" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr " podpísané %08lX v %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (nexeportovateµné)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Platnos» podpisu vypr¹í %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ste si istý, ¾e ho chcete stále revokova»? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vytvori» pre tento podpis revokaèný certifikát? (a/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 #, fuzzy msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr " podpísané %08lX v %s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Podpísali ste nasledujúce identifikátory u¾ívateµa:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 #, fuzzy msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (nexeportovateµné)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr " revokované %08lX v %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Chystáte sa revokova» tieto podpisy:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène vytvori» revokaèné certifikáty? (a/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "neexistuje tajný kµúè\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "u¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je u¾ revokované\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: podpis pou¾ivateµkého ID vznikol %d sekund v budúcnosti\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "u¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je u¾ revokované\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "u¾ívateµské ID \"%s\" je u¾ revokované\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "Zobrazujem %s fotografické ID s veµkos»ou %ld pre kµúè 0x%08lX (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "duplicita predvoµby %c%lu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "príli¹ veµa `%c' predvolieb\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 #, fuzzy msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "príli¹ veµa `%c' predvolieb\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 #, fuzzy msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "príli¹ veµa `%c' predvolieb\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "neplatný znak v re»azci s predvoµbami\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "zapisujem podpis kµúèa ním samým (direct signature)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "zapisujem podpis kµúèa sebou samým\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "zapisujem \"key-binding\" podpis\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "neplatná då¾ka kµúèa; pou¾ijem %u bitov\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "då¾ka kµúèa zaokrúhlená na %u bitov\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 #, fuzzy msgid "Sign" msgstr "sign" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 #, fuzzy msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "¹ifrova» dáta" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "" @@ -4547,7 +4594,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "" @@ -4580,71 +4627,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Prosím, vyberte druh kµúèa, ktorý chcete:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA a ElGamal (implicitný)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA a ElGamal (implicitný)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (len na podpis)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (len na podpis)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (len na ¹ifrovanie)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (len na ¹ifrovanie)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (len na ¹ifrovanie)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (len na ¹ifrovanie)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Akú veµkos» kµúèa si prajete? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Akú veµkos» kµúèa si prajete? (1024) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Po¾adovaná då¾ka kµúèa je %u bitov.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4660,7 +4707,7 @@ " m = doba platnosti kµúèa skonèí za n mesiacov\n" " y = doba platnosti kµúèa skonèí za n rokov\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4676,40 +4723,40 @@ " m = doba platnosti podpisu skonèí za n mesiacov\n" " y = doba platnosti podpisu skonèí za n rokov\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Kµúè je platný na? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Podpis je platný na? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "neplatná hodnota\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 #, fuzzy msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "platnos» %s neskonèí\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 #, fuzzy msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "platnos» %s neskonèí\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "platnos» %s skonèí %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Platnos» podpisu vypr¹í %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4717,12 +4764,12 @@ "Vá¹ systém nevie zobrazi» dátumy po roku 2038.\n" "V ka¾dom prípade budú dátumy korektne spracovávané do roku 2106.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 #, fuzzy msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Je to správne (a/n)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4733,7 +4780,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" @@ -4750,44 +4797,44 @@ " \"Jozko Mrkvicka (student) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Meno a priezvisko: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Neplatný znak ve mene\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Meno nemô¾e zaèína» èíslicou\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Meno musí by» dlhé aspoò 5 znakov\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-mailová adresa: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Neplatná e-mailová adresa\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Komentár: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Neplatný znak v komentári\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Pou¾ívate znakovú sadu `%s'.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4798,11 +4845,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Do poµa meno alebo komentár nepí¹te, prosím, e-mailovú adresu.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4817,23 +4864,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "mMkKeEPpUu" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Zmeni» (M)eno, (K)omentár, (E)-mail alebo (U)konèi»? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Zmeni» (M)eno, (K)omentár, (E)-mail alebo (P)okraèova»/(U)konèi»? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Najskôr, prosím, opravte chybu\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4841,19 +4888,19 @@ "Na ochranu Vá¹ho tajného kµúèa musíte zada» heslo.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "Prosím, vlo¾te heslo; toto je tajná veta \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4865,7 +4912,7 @@ "tohto programu s parametrom \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4877,50 +4924,50 @@ "pou¾íva» disky); vïaka tomu má generátor lep¹iu ¹ancu získa» dostatok " "entropie.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Vytváranie kµúèa bolo zru¹ené.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisujem verejný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenájdený zapisovateµný súbor verejných kµúèov (pubring): %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "nenájdený zapisovateµný súbor tajných kµúèov (secring): %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri zápise do súboru verejných kµúèov `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri zápise do súboru tajných kµúèov `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "verejný a tajný kµúè boli vytvorené a podpísané.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" @@ -4929,12 +4976,12 @@ "Tento kµúè nemô¾e by» pou¾itý na ¹ifrovanie. Pre vytvorenie\n" "sekundárneho kµúèa na tento úèel mô¾ete pou¾i» príkaz \"--edit-key\".\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Vytvorenie kµúèa sa nepodarilo: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4942,7 +4989,7 @@ "kµúè bol vytvorený %lu sekund v budúcnosti (do¹lo k zmene èasu alebo\n" "je problém so systémovým èasom)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4950,31 +4997,31 @@ "kµúè bol vytvorený %lu sekund v budúcnosti (do¹lo k zmene èasu alebo\n" "je problém so systémovým èasom)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: vytvorenie podkµúèa pre kµúèe v3 nie je v súlade s OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 #, fuzzy msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Skutoène vytvori»? " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "zmazanie bloku kµúèa sa nepodarilo: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em vytvori» `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: platnos» tajného kµúèa %08lX skonèila %s\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "nikdy " @@ -5029,45 +5076,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "kódovanie do ASCII formátu zlyhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: Existujú dva súbory s tajnými informáciami.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s je bez zmeny\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s je nový\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Prosím, opravte tento mo¾ný bezpeènostný problém\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "kontrolujem súbor kµúèov (keyring) `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu kµúèov skontrolovaných (%lu podpisov)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu kµúèov skontrolovaných (%lu podpisov)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: súbor kµúèov (keyring) vytvorený\n" @@ -5115,7 +5162,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" @@ -5130,126 +5177,126 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "kµúè `%s' nebol nájdený: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "po¾adujem kµúè %08lX z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "po¾adujem kµúè %08lX z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "vyhµadávam \"%s\" na HKP serveri %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "vyhµadávam \"%s\" na HKP serveri %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "vyhµadávam \"%s\" na HKP serveri %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "" "\"\n" "podpísané Va¹ím kµúèom %08lX v %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "vyhµadávam \"%s\" na HKP serveri %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "vyhµadávam \"%s\" na HKP serveri %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 #, fuzzy msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre export\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "nepodarilo sa prija» kµúè zo servera: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "chyba servera kµúèov" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 #, fuzzy msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "chyba servera kµúèov" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "nepodarilo sa prija» kµúè zo servera: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: nemô¾em vymaza» doèasný súbor (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "po¾adujem kµúè %08lX z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "po¾adujem kµúè %08lX z %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: nemô¾em vymaza» doèasný súbor (%s) `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: nemô¾em vymaza» doèasný súbor (%s) `%s': %s\n" @@ -5309,168 +5356,173 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "za¹ifrované jedným heslom\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "predpokladám %s ¹ifrovaných dát\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "algoritmus IDEA nie je dostupný; optimisticky sa ho pokúsime nahradi» " "algoritmom %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "de¹ifrovanie o.k.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: správa nemá ochranu integrity\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: so za¹ifrovanou správou bolo manipulované!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "de¹ifrovanie zlyhalo: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: odosielateµ po¾adoval (\"for-your-eyes-only\")\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "pôvodné meno súboru='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "samostatný revokaèný certifikát - pou¾ite \"gpg --import\", ak ho chcete " "vyu¾i»\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 #, fuzzy msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "Dobrý podpis od \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "verifikácia podpisu potlaèená\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 #, fuzzy msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "neviem pracova» s týmito násobnými podpismi\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Platnos» podpisu vypr¹ala %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " alias \"" # Scripte scannen lt. dl1bke auf "ID (0-9A-F)+" deswegen muß "ID" rein :-( -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Podpis vytvorený %.*s pomocou %s kµúèa ID %08lX\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Kµúè k dispozícii na: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ZLÝ podpis od \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Podpis s vypr¹anou platnos»ou od \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Dobrý podpis od \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[neistý] " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " alias \"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Platnos» podpisu vypr¹ala %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Platnos» podpisu vypr¹í %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binárne" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "textový mód" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznáme" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Nemô¾em overi» podpis: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "toto nie je podpis oddelený od dokumentu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: Nájdené viacnásobne podpisy. Skontrolovaný bude len prvý.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "samostatný podpis triedy 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "podpis starého typu (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "nájdený neplatný koreòový paket v proc_tree()\n" @@ -5484,93 +5536,110 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "databáza dôvery: procedúra read() (n=%d) zlyhala: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em pracova» s algoritmom verejného kµúèa %d\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "vy¾iadaný hashovací algoritmus %s (%d) nevyhovuje predvoµbám príjemcu\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "¹ifrovací algoritmus nie je implementovaný" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "" "vy¾iadaný hashovací algoritmus %s (%d) nevyhovuje predvoµbám príjemcu\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA modul pre GnuPG nenájdený\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr " i = prosím o viac informácíi\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "pou¾ite namiesto neho \"%s%s\" \n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: pou¾itie parametra \"%s\" sa neodporúèa\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Nekomprimované" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 #, fuzzy msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Nekomprimované" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "táto správa nemusí pou¾iteµná s %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "èítam mo¾nosti z `%s'\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "neznámy implicitný adresát `%s'\n" @@ -5598,47 +5667,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "zapisujem na ¹tandardný výstup (stdout)\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "predpokladám podpísané dáta v `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "vytvorený nový konfiguraèný súbor `%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "VAROVANIE: nastavenie v `%s' e¹te nie je aktívne\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "nemô¾em pracova» s algoritmom verejného kµúèa %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: pravdepodobne nebezpeèný symetricky ¹ifrovaný kµúè sedenia\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "podpaket typu %d má nastavený kritický bit\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problém s agentom: agent vracia 0x%lx\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (hlavné ID kµúèa %08lX)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5651,15 +5721,15 @@ "\"%.*s\"\n" "kµúè s då¾kou %u bitov, typ %s, ID %08lX, vytvorený %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Vlo¾i» heslo\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "zru¹ené u¾ívateµom\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5669,12 +5739,12 @@ "Musíte pozna» heslo, aby ste odomkli tajný kµúè pre\n" "u¾ívateµa: \"" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "då¾ka %u bitov, typ %s, ID %08lX, vytvorený %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr "" @@ -6037,16 +6107,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "èítam ¹tandardný vstup (stdin) ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "chýbajú podpísané dáta\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "nemô¾em otvori» podpísané dáta '%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em otvori» podpísané dáta '%s'\n" @@ -6309,25 +6379,19 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "POZNÁMKA: kµúè bol revokovaný" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "predpokladám neplatný podpis kµúèom %08lX, preto¾e je nastavený neznámy " "kritický bit\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neexistuje podkµúè pre revokáciu kµúèa\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "kµúè %08lX: neexistuje podkµúè pre viazanie podkµúèov\n" @@ -6736,7 +6800,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "nie je nutné kontrolova» databázu dôvery\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "dal¹ia kontrola databázy dôvery %s\n" @@ -6751,45 +6815,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "nie je nutné kontrolova» databázu dôvery\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "verejný kµúè %08lX nebol nájdený: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "prosím vykonajte --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "kontrolujem databázu dôvery\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d kµúèov spracovaných (%d poètov platnosti vymazaných)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "neboli nájdené ¾iadne absolútne dôveryhodné kµúèe\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "verejný kµúè k absolútne dôveryhodnému kµúèu %08lX nebol nájdený\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "záznam dôvery %lu, typ %d: zápis zlyhal: %s\n" @@ -6814,77 +6878,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em otvori» `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "chyba pri èítaní súboru" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "riadok je príli¹ dlhý\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "neplatný argument" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "neplatný spôsob reprezentácie v ASCII" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "konfliktné príkazy\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "nespracované" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "Neplatný príkaz (skúste \"help\")\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "nespracované" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "neplatný parameter pre import\n" @@ -6914,35 +6989,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em vytvori» adresár `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri zápise súboru kµúèov (keyring) `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "verejný kµúè %08lX nebol nájdený: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "zapisujem tajný kµúè do `%s'\n" @@ -6967,19 +7042,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "Pou¾itie: gpg [mo¾nosti] [súbory] (-h pre pomoc)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -7028,104 +7103,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní hesla: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em inicializova» databázu dôvery: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "zlyhalo obnovenie vyrovnávacej pamäti kµúèov: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "zmazanie bloku kµúèa sa nepodarilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "nepodarilo posla» kµúè na server: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "Prosím výberte dôvod na revokáciu:\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "" @@ -7133,109 +7208,109 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "zmeni» heslo" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "chyba pri èítaní bloku kµúèa: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 #, fuzzy msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "%s: chyba pri èítaní voµného záznamu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 #, fuzzy msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "`%s' je u¾ skomprimovaný\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 #, fuzzy msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "vytvori» nový pár kµúèov" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "vytvori» nový pár kµúèov" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em inicializova» databázu dôvery: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 #, fuzzy msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "zmazanie bloku kµúèa sa nepodarilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "Vytvorenie kµúèa sa nepodarilo: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s podpis, hashovací algoritmus %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "nenájdené ¾iadne platné dáta vo formáte OpenPGP.\n" @@ -7260,7 +7335,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|SÚBOR|nahra» roz¹irujúci modul SÚBOR" @@ -8023,7 +8098,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|MENO|pou¾i MENO ako implicitný tajný kµúè" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 #, fuzzy msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "" @@ -8084,26 +8159,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = preskoèi» tento kµúè\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "nemo¾no pou¾i» URI servera kµúèov - chyba analýzy URI\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "zapisujem do '%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "nemô¾em zavrie» `%s': %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8359,27 +8434,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "chyba pri posielaní na `%s': %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8395,113 +8470,113 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|pou¾i» mód hesla N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní hesla: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|MENO|pou¾i MENO ako implicitný tajný kµúè" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|MENO|¹ifrova» pre MENO" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "nemo¾no pou¾i» URI servera kµúèov - chyba analýzy URI\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|ALG|pou¾i» ¹ifrovací algoritmus ALG pre heslá" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9300,9 +9375,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "neplatný paket" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "neplatný spôsob reprezentácie v ASCII" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "u¾ívateµ s týmto id neexistuje" @@ -9327,9 +9399,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "chyba pri vytváraní súboru" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "nesprávne heslo" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "algoritmus verejného kµúèa nie je implementovaný" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/sv.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/sv.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/sv.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/sv.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/sv.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/sv.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg trunk\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-12 14:53+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander \n" "Language-Team: Swedish \n" @@ -44,21 +44,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "_Avbryt" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "PIN-kod:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "_Avbryt" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Vill du verkligen spärra de valda undernycklarna? (j/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Ange ny lösenfras" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Kvalitet:" @@ -68,7 +102,7 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "Denna rad indikerar kvaliteten för ovan angiven lösenfras.\n" @@ -77,7 +111,7 @@ "och specialtecken. FrÃ¥ga din administratör om mer exakt information hur\n" "man anger säkra lösenfraser." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -85,7 +119,7 @@ "Ange din PIN-kod sÃ¥ att den hemliga nyckeln kan lÃ¥sas upp för den här " "sessionen" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -95,37 +129,37 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (försök %d av %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN-koden är för lÃ¥ng" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Lösenfrasen är för lÃ¥ng" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Ogiltiga tecken i PIN-kod" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN-kod för kort" # MPI stÃ¥r för Multiple Precision Integer (tror jag) -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Felaktig PIN-kod" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Felaktig lösenfras" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Lösenfras" @@ -136,22 +170,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "ssh-nycklar större än %d bitar stöds inte\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan inte skapa \"%s\": %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan inte öppna \"%s\": %s\n" @@ -375,7 +409,7 @@ msgstr "Ange den nya lösenfrasen" # Här bruksanvisning för kommandoraden. Resultatet har jag översatt med "inställningar", eftersom flaggorna även kan förekomma i en inställningsfil. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -384,112 +418,118 @@ "@Flaggor:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "kör i demonläge (bakgrund)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "kör i serverläge (förgrund)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "utförlig" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "var nÃ¥got tystare" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sh-liknande kommandoutdata" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "csh-liknande kommandoutdata" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|FIL|läs inställningar frÃ¥n FIL" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "frigör inte frÃ¥n konsollen" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "fÃ¥nga inte tangentbord och mus" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "använd en loggfil för servern" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "använd en standardplats för uttaget" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PRG|använd PRG som PIN-inmatningsprogrammet" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PRG|använd PRG som SCdaemon-programmet" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "använd inte SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ignorera begäran om att ändra TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ignorera begäran om att ändra X-display" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|lÃ¥t mellanlagrade PIN-koder gÃ¥ ut efter N sekunder" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "använd inte mellanlagring av PIN-kod vid signering" # Antar att värdet inte ska översättas. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 #, fuzzy #| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "tillÃ¥t klienter att markera nycklar som \"trusted\"" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "tillÃ¥t förinställning av lösenfras" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "aktivera ssh-agent-emulering" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "tillÃ¥t inte Ã¥teranvändning av gamla lösenfraser" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|FIL|skriv även miljöinställningar till FIL" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" @@ -497,11 +537,11 @@ "Rapportera fel till <@EMAIL@>.\n" "Skicka synpunkter pÃ¥ översättningen till .\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Användning: gpg-agent [flaggor] (-h för hjälp)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -509,146 +549,146 @@ "Syntax: gpg-agent [flaggor] [kommando [argument]]\n" "Hantering av hemliga nycklar för GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "ogiltig debug-level \"%s\" angiven\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s är för gammal (behöver %s, har %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "OBS: inställningsfilen \"%s\" saknas\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "inställningsfil \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "läser inställningar frÃ¥n \"%s\"\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fel när \"%s\" skapades: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s: kan inte skapa katalog: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "namnet pÃ¥ uttaget är för lÃ¥ngt\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "kan inte skapa uttag: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "namnet pÃ¥ uttaget \"%s\" är för lÃ¥ngt\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "en gpg-agent är redan igÃ¥ng - startar inte en till\n" # Jag har valt att inte översätta nonce. Nonce är data eller information som endast används en gÃ¥ng -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "fel vid hämtning av nonce för uttaget\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fel när \"%s\" bands till uttag: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "listen() misslyckades: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "lyssnar pÃ¥ uttaget \"%s\"\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "katalogen \"%s\" skapades\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat() misslyckades för \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "kan inte använda \"%s\" som hemkatalog\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fel vid läsning av nonce pÃ¥ fd %d: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "hanteraren 0x%lx för fd %d startad\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "hanteraren 0x%lx för fd %d avslutad\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh-hanteraren 0x%lx för fd %d startad\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh-hanteraren 0x%lx för fd %d avslutad\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select misslyckades: %s - väntar 1 s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s stoppad\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "ingen gpg-agent kör i den här sessionen\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "miljövariabeln GPG_AGENT_INFO är felformaterad\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -668,7 +708,7 @@ "Syntax: gpg-preset-passphrase [flaggor] NYCKELHASH\n" "UnderhÃ¥ll av lösenordscache\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -678,7 +718,7 @@ " " # Här bruksanvisning för kommandoraden. Resultatet har jag översatt med "inställningar", eftersom flaggorna även kan förekomma i en inställningsfil. -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -854,8 +894,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Jag ändrar den senare" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "fel när ett rör skapades: %s\n" @@ -1206,77 +1246,77 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "ASCII-skal: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "ogiltig rubrikrad i ASCII-skalet: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "ASCII-skal: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "ogiltig rubrikrad i klartextsignatur\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "okänt ASCII-skalhuvud: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "flera klartextsignaturer gÃ¥r in i varandra\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "oväntat skal: " # rader i klartexten som inleds med bindestreck fÃ¥r ett extra bindestreck vid klartextsignatur (för att lättare hitta "---- Begin ..." -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "ogiltig rad som börjar med bindestreck: " # överhoppad eller hoppades över? -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "ogiltigt radix64-tecken %02X hoppades över\n" # CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum används för att upptäcka fel i ascii-skalet. Används allmänt, trots att det inte höjer säkerheten. -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "för tidigt filslut (ingen CRC-summa)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "för tidigt filslut (i CRC-summan)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "felformaterad CRC-summa\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC-fel; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "för tidigt filslut (i den avslutande raden)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "fel i avslutande rad\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "hittade ingen giltig OpenPGP-data.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "ogiltigt ASCII-skal: raden är längre än %d tecken\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" @@ -1285,7 +1325,7 @@ "beror sannolikt pÃ¥ att en felaktig e-postserver eller e-postklient har " "använts\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1293,23 +1333,23 @@ "ett notationsnamn fÃ¥r endast innehÃ¥lla skrivbara tecken eller blanksteg, och " "sluta med ett \"'=\"\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "en användares notationsnamn mÃ¥ste innehÃ¥ller tecknet \"@\"\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "ett notationsnamn fÃ¥r inte innehÃ¥lla fler än ett \"@\"-tecken\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "ett notationsvärde fÃ¥r inte använda nÃ¥gra styrtecken\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "VARNING: ogiltig notationsdata hittades\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "inte läsbart" @@ -1323,8 +1363,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "OpenPGP-kort nr. %s identifierades\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "kan inte göra detta i satsläge\n" @@ -1332,13 +1372,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Detta kommando är endast tillgängligt för kort av version 2\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Ã…terställningskoden är inte tillgänglig längre\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Vad väljer du? " @@ -1406,7 +1446,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "fel vid allokering av tillräckligt mycket minne: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fel vid läsning av \"%s\": %s\n" @@ -1506,13 +1546,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Vilken nyckelstorlek vill du använda för autentiseringsnyckeln? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "avrundade uppÃ¥t till %u bitar\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s nyckelstorlekar mÃ¥ste vara inom intervallet %u-%u\n" @@ -1568,8 +1608,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Autentiseringsnyckel\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ogiltigt val.\n" @@ -1594,7 +1634,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "fel vid skrivning av nyckel till kort: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "avsluta denna meny" @@ -1602,7 +1642,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "visa administratörskommandon" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "visa denna hjälp" @@ -1676,7 +1716,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Administrationskommandon tillÃ¥ts inte\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Ogiltigt kommando (prova med \"help\")\n" @@ -1685,18 +1725,18 @@ msgstr "--output kan inte användas för detta kommando\n" # se förra kommentaren -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "kan inte öppna \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "nyckeln \"%s\" hittades inte: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1950,217 +1990,217 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "VARNING: ingenting exporterat\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "för mÃ¥nga poster i pk-cachen - inaktiverad\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Användaridentiteten hittades inte]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "nyckel %s: hemlig nyckel utan publik nyckel - hoppades över\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "hämtade \"%s\" automatiskt via %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "fel vid hämtning av \"%s\" via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Inget fingeravtryck" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Ogiltiga nyckeln %s tvingades till giltig med --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "ingen hemlig undernyckel för publika undernyckeln %s - hoppar över\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "använder undernyckeln %s istället för primära nyckeln %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "nyckel %s: hemlig nyckel utan publik nyckel - hoppades över\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "skapa en signatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "skapa en klartextsignatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "skapa signatur i en separat fil" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "kryptera data" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "kryptering endast med symmetriskt chiffer" # gnupg dekrypterar data om inget kommando anges dvs. kommandot "decrypt" behöver inte användas. -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "dekryptera data (standard)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "validera en signatur" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "lista nycklar" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "lista nycklar och signaturer" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "lista och kontrollera nyckelsignaturer" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "lista nycklar och fingeravtryck" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "lista hemliga nycklar" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "generera ett nytt nyckelpar" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "generera ett spärrcertifikat" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "ta bort nycklar frÃ¥n den publika nyckelringen" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "ta bort nycklar frÃ¥n den hemliga nyckelringen" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "signera en nyckel" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "signera en nyckel lokalt" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "signera eller redigera en nyckel" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "ändra en lösenfras" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "exportera nycklar" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "exportera nycklar till en nyckelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "importera nycklar frÃ¥n en nyckelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "sök efter nycklar hos en nyckelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "uppdatera alla nycklar nycklar frÃ¥n en nyckelserver" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "importera/slÃ¥ samman nycklar" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "skriv ut kortstatus" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "ändra data pÃ¥ ett kort" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "ändra PIN-kod för ett kort" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "uppdatera tillitsdatabasen" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "skriv ut kontrollsummor" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "kör i serverläge" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "skapa utdata med ett ascii-skal" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|ANVÄNDAR-ID|kryptera för ANVÄNDAR-ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "|ANVÄNDAR-ID|använd ANVÄNDAR-ID för att signera eller dekryptera" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|ställ in komprimeringsnivÃ¥n till N (0 för att inaktivera)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "använd \"ursprunglig text\"-läget" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FIL|skriv utdata till FIL" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "gör inga ändringar" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "frÃ¥ga innan överskrivning" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "använd strikt OpenPGP-beteende" # inställningar istället för flaggor? # Nej, här är det bruksanvisningen för kommandoraden. -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2168,7 +2208,7 @@ "@\n" "(Se manualsidan för en fullständig lista över alla kommandon och flaggor)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2188,12 +2228,12 @@ "--list-keys [namn] visa nycklar\n" "--fingerprint [namn] visa fingeravtryck\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Användning: gpg [flaggor] [filer] (-h för hjälp)" # Om inget kommando anges (decrypt/encrypt etc) väljs Ã¥tgärd efter indata. -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2208,7 +2248,7 @@ "signera, kontrollera, kryptera eller dekryptera\n" "standardÃ¥tgärden beror pÃ¥ inmatningsdata\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2216,74 +2256,74 @@ "\n" "Algoritmer som stöds:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Publik nyckel: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Chiffer: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Kontrollsumma: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Komprimering: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "användning: gpg [flaggor] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "motstridiga kommandon\n" # Vad betyder detta? -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "no = signatur hittad i gruppdefinitionen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ konfigurationsfilen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ tillägget \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ konfigurationsfilen \"%s\"\n" # Extension är vad? FIXME -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ tillägget \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2291,19 +2331,19 @@ "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för konfigurationsfilen " "\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: osäkert ägarskap pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för tillägget \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för hemkatalogen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2311,474 +2351,474 @@ "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för konfigurationsfilen " "\"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: osäkra rättigheter pÃ¥ inneslutande katalog för tillägget \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "okänd konfigurationspost \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "visa foto-id under nyckellistning" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "visa policy-url:er under signaturlistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "visa alla notationer under signaturlistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "visa IETF-standardnotationer under signaturlistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "visa användarangivna notationer under signaturlistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "visa url:er till föredragna nyckelservrar under signaturlistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "visa giltighet för användaridentitet vid nyckellistningar " -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "visa spärrade och utgÃ¥ngna användaridentiteter i nyckellistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "visa spärrade och utgÃ¥ngna undernycklar i nyckellistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "visa nyckelringens namn i nyckellistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "visa utgÃ¥ngsdatum under signaturlistningar" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "OBS: den gamla inställningsfilen \"%s\" används inte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt är för gammalt (behöver %s, har %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "OBS: %s är inte för normal användning!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "\"%s\" är inte ett giltigt utgÃ¥ngsdatum för en signatur\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "\"%s\" är ingen giltig teckentabell\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "kunde inte tolka url till nyckelserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga flaggor för nyckelserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "ogiltiga flaggor för nyckelserver\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga importeringsflaggor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "ogiltiga importflaggor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga exportflaggor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "ogiltiga exportinställningar\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga listflaggor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "ogiltiga listflaggor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "visa foto-id under signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "visa policy-url:er under signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "visa alla notationer under signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "visa IETF-standardnotationer under signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "visa användarangivna notationer under signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "visa url:er till föredragna nyckelserver under signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "visa giltighet för användaridentitet vid signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "visa spärrade och utgÃ¥ngna användaridentiteter i signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "visa endast primär användaridentitet i signaturvalidering" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "validera signaturer med PKA-data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "öka tillit pÃ¥ signaturer med giltigt PKA-data" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltiga flaggor för validering\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "ogiltiga flaggor för validering\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "kunde inte ställa in exec-path till %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ogiltig auto-key-locate-lista\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "ogiltig auto-key-locate-lista\n" # Programmet skapar en avbildning (image) av minnet för att lättare kunna spÃ¥ra fel. -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "VARNING: programmet kan komma att skapa en minnesavbild!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: %s gäller istället för %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s är inte tillÃ¥ten tillsammans med %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "det är ingen poäng att använda %s tillsammans med %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "kommer inte att köra med osäkert minne pÃ¥ grund av %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "" "du kan bara göra signaturer i en separat fil eller klartextsignaturer\n" "i --pgp2-läge\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "du kan inte signera och kryptera samtidigt i --pgp2-läge\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "du mÃ¥ste använda filer (och inte rör) i --pgp2-läge\n" # IDEA-algoritmen är patenterat i flera länder och finns därför inte med i GnuPG som standard. -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "kryptering av meddelanden i --pgp2-läge kräver IDEA-chiffret\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "den valda chifferalgoritmen är ogiltig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vald sammandragsalgoritm är ogiltig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vald komprimeringsalgoritm är ogiltig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "vald algoritm för certifieringssammandrag är felaktig\n" # antalet betrodda signaturer som behövs (1-3) för att du ska lita pÃ¥ en nyckel du inte själv verifierat. -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "variabeln \"completes-needed\" mÃ¥ste ha ett värde som är större än 0\n" # antalet delvis betrodda signaturer som behövs (1-3) för att du ska lita pÃ¥ en nyckel du inte själv verifierat. -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "variabeln \"marginals-needed\" mÃ¥ste vara större än 1\n" # Hur djupt GnuPG ska leta i Web-of-trust. -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth mÃ¥ste vara inom intervallet frÃ¥n 1 till 255\n" # Det är nivÃ¥n för hurväl du har kontrollerat att nyckeln tillhör innehavaren. -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "" "ogiltigt standardvärde för certifieringsnivÃ¥n; mÃ¥ste vara 0, 1, 2 eller 3\n" # Det är nivÃ¥n för hurväl du har kontrollerat att nyckeln tillhör innehavaren. -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "ogiltigt minimivärde för certifieringsnivÃ¥n; mÃ¥ste vara 1, 2 eller 3\n" # S2K har med krypteringen av hemliga nyckeln att göra -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "OBS: enkelt S2K-läge (0) rekommenderas inte\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "ogiltigt S2K-läge; mÃ¥ste vara 0, 1 eller 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "ogiltiga standardinställningar\n" # Du kan ange de algoritmer du föredrar i prioritetsordning. DÃ¥ avgör inte enbart standard (symmetrisk kryptering) eller mottagarens preferenser (kryptering till öppen nyckel). -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "ogiltig inställning av personligt chiffer\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "ogiltig inställning av föredragna kontrollsummealgoritmer\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "ogiltig inställning av föredragna kompressionsalgoritmer\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s fungerar ännu inte med %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du fÃ¥r inte använda chifferalgoritmen \"%s\" när du är i %s-läget\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "du fÃ¥r inte använda sammandragsalgoritmen \"%s\" när du är i %s-läget\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "du fÃ¥r inte använda komprimeringsalgoritmen \"%s\" när du är i %s-läget\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att initialisera tillitsdatabasen: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: mottagare (-r) angivna utan att använda publik nyckel-kryptering\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "symmetrisk kryptering av \"%s\" misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "du kan inte använda --symmetric --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "du kan inte använda --symmetric --encrypt i %s-läget\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "du kan inte använda --symmetric --sign --encrypt med --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "du kan inte använda --symmetric --sign --encrypt när du är i %s-läget\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key användaridentitet" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key användaridentitet" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key användaridentitet [kommandon]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd " -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "sändning till nyckelservern misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "hämtning frÃ¥n nyckelservern misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "export av nyckeln misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "sökning pÃ¥ nyckelservern misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "uppdatering av nyckeln frÃ¥n en nyckelserver misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att ta bort ASCII-skalet: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att skapa ASCII-skal: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "ogiltig kontrollsummealgoritm \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[filnamn]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Skriv ditt meddelande här ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angivna URL som beskriver certifieringsspolicy är ogiltig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angivna URL som beskriver signaturpolicy är ogiltig\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "den angivna föredragna nyckelserver-url:n är ogiltig\n" @@ -2818,120 +2858,126 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Det finns ingen hjälp tillgänglig för \"%s\"" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "importera signaturer som är markerade som endast lokala" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "reparera skada frÃ¥n pks-nyckelservern under importering" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "uppdatera inte tillitsdatabasen efter importering" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "uppdatera inte tillitsdatabasen efter importering" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "skapa en publik nyckel när en hemlig nyckel importeras" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "acceptera endast uppdateringar till befintliga nycklar" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "ta bort oanvändbara delar frÃ¥n nyckeln efter importering" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "ta bort sÃ¥ mycket som möjligt frÃ¥n nyckeln efter importering" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "hoppar över block av typen %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "%lu nycklar behandlade än sÃ¥ länge\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Totalt antal behandlade enheter: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " överhoppade nya nycklar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " utan användaridentiteter: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " importerade: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " oförändrade: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " nya användaridentiteter: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " nya undernycklar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " nya signaturer: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " nya nyckelspärrningar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " antal lästa hemliga nycklar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " importerade hemliga nycklar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " oförändrade hemliga nycklar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " inte importerade: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " signaturer rensade: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " användaridentiteter rensade: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2940,356 +2986,356 @@ "VARNING: nyckeln %s innehÃ¥ller inställningar för otillgängliga\n" "algoritmer för dessa användaridentiteter:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": inställning för chifferalgoritmen %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": inställning för sammandragsalgoritmen %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": inställning för komprimeringsalgoritmen %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "det rekommenderas starkt att du uppdaterar dina inställningar\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "och distribuerar denna nyckel igen för att undvika tänkbara problem\n" "med att algoritmerna inte stämmer\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" "du kan uppdatera dina inställningar med: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen användaridentitet\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "hoppade över \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" # Undernyckeln är skadad pÃ¥ HKP-servern. Vanligt fel vid mÃ¥nga undernycklar. -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "nyckeln %s: PKS-skadad undernyckel reparerades\n" # vad innebär fnutten i slutet? -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: accepterade icke-självsignerad användaridentitet \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: inga giltiga användaridentiteter\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "detta kan bero pÃ¥ att det saknas en självsignatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: hittade ingen publik nyckel: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ny nyckel - hoppade över\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "hittade ingen nyckelring som gick att skriva till: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver till \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fel vid skrivning av nyckelringen \"%s\": %s\n" # fixme: I appended the %s -wk -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: publika nyckeln \"%s\" importerades\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: stämmer inte mot vÃ¥r lokala kopia\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: kan inte hitta det ursprungliga nyckelblocket: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: kan inte läsa det ursprungliga nyckelblocket %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" 1 ny användaridentitet\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d nya användaridentiteter\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" 1 ny signatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d nya signaturer\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" 1 ny undernyckel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d nya undernycklar\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d signatur rensad\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d signaturer rensade\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d användaridentitet rensad\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" %d användaridentiteter rensade\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" inte ändrad\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "hemliga nyckeln \"%s\" hittades inte: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "import av hemliga nycklar tillÃ¥ts inte\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: hemlig nyckel med ogiltigt chiffer %d - hoppade över\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "ingen hemlig nyckelring angiven som standard: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: hemlig nyckel importerades\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: finns redan i hemliga nyckelringen\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: hittade inte hemlig nyckel: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen publik nyckel - kan inte verkställa spärrcertifikat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ogiltigt spärrcertifikat: %s - avvisat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" spärrcertifikat importerat\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen användaridentitet för signaturen\n" # fixme: I appended the %s -wk -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "nyckel %s: algoritmen för publika nycklar stöds inte för " "användaridentiteten \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ogiltig självsignatur pÃ¥ användaridentiteten \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: algoritmen för publika nycklar stöds inte\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ogiltig direkt nyckelsignatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen undernyckel för nyckelbindning\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ogiltig undernyckelbindning\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: tog bort flera undernyckelbindningar\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen undernyckel för nyckelspärrning\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ogiltig spärr av undernyckel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: tog bort flera spärrar av undernyckel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: hoppade över användaridentiteten \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: hoppade över undernyckel\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: icke-exporterbar signatur (klass 0x%02X) - hoppade över\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: spärrcertifikat pÃ¥ fel plats - hoppade över\n" # nyckeln eller certifikatet?? -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ogiltigt spärrcertifikat: %s - hoppade över\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: signatur pÃ¥ undernyckel pÃ¥ fel plats - hoppade över\n" # nyckeln eller klassen? -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: oväntad signaturklass (0x%02X) - hoppade över\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "" "nyckel %s: dubblett av användaridentiteten hittades - slog samman dem\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: nyckeln %s kan ha spärrats: hämtar spärrnyckeln %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "VARNING: nyckeln %s kan ha spärrats: spärrnyckeln %s saknas.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: \"%s\" spärrcertifikat lades till\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: lade till direkt nyckelsignatur\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" "OBSERVERA: serienumret för en nyckel stämmer inte med kortets serienummer\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "OBSERVERA: primärnyckeln är ansluten och lagrad pÃ¥ kort\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "OBSERVERA: sekundärnyckeln är ansluten och lagrad pÃ¥ kort\n" @@ -3313,51 +3359,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att Ã¥terskapa nyckelringscache: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[spärr]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[självsignatur]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 felaktig signatur\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d felaktiga signaturer\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 signatur validerades inte eftersom nyckeln saknades\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d signaturer validerades inte eftersom nycklar saknades\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 signatur validerades inte eftersom ett fel uppstod\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d signaturer validerades inte eftersom fel uppstod\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 användaridentitet utan giltig självsignatur hittades\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d användaridentiteter utan giltiga självsignaturer hittades\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3368,17 +3414,17 @@ "korrekt validera andra användares nycklar (genom att undersöka pass,\n" "undersöka fingeravtryck frÃ¥n olika källor, etc.)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Jag litar marginellt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Jag litar fullständigt\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3388,46 +3434,46 @@ "Ett djup större än 1 tillÃ¥ter att nyckeln som du signerar kan\n" "skapa tillitssignaturer Ã¥t dig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Ange en domän för att begränsa denna signatur. eller Enter för ingen.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Användaridentiteten \"%s\" är spärrad." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen fortfarande signera den? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Kan inte signera.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Giltighetstiden för användaridentiteten \"%s\" har gÃ¥tt ut." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Användaridentiteten \"%s\" är inte självsignerad." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Användaridentiteten \"%s\" är signerbar. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Signera den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3436,11 +3482,11 @@ "Självsignaturen pÃ¥ \"%s\"\n" "är en signatur av PGP 2.x-typ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du göra om den till en självsignatur av OpenPGP-typ? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3449,13 +3495,13 @@ "Giltighetstiden för din nuvarande signatur pÃ¥ \"%s\"\n" "har gÃ¥tt ut.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Vill du skapa en ny signatur som ersätter den vars giltighetstid gÃ¥tt ut? (J/" "n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3464,44 +3510,44 @@ "Din nuvarande signatur pÃ¥ \"%s\"\n" "är en lokal signatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du ändra den till en fullständig exporterbar signatur? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" var redan lokalt signerad med nyckeln %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" var redan signerad av nyckeln %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen signera den igen ändÃ¥?(j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Det finns inget att signera med nyckeln %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Giltighetstiden för denna nyckel har gÃ¥tt ut!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Denna nyckels giltighetstid gÃ¥r ut vid %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "" "Vill du att giltighetstiden för signaturen ska upphöra vid samma tid? (J/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3509,11 +3555,11 @@ "Du kan inte göra en OpenPGP-signatur pÃ¥ en PGP 2.x-nyckel när du är i --pgp2-" "läge\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Detta skulle göra nyckeln oanvändbar i PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3522,31 +3568,31 @@ "Hur noga har du kontrollerat att nyckeln du ska signera verkligen tillhör\n" "personen som nämns ovan? Om du inte vet vad du ska svara, svara \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Jag vill inte svara.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Jag har inte kontrollerat alls.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Jag har gjort viss kontroll.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Jag har gjort en noggrann kontroll.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Ditt val? (skriv \"?\" för mer information): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3555,76 +3601,76 @@ "Är du verkligen säker pÃ¥ att du vill signera denna nyckel\n" "med din nyckel \"%s\" (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Detta kommer att bli en självsignatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "VARNING: signaturen kommer inte att markeras som icke-exporterbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "VARNING: signaturen kommer att markeras som icke-spärrbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Signaturen kommer att markeras som icke-exporterbar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Signaturen kommer att märkas som icke möjlig att spärra.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Jag har inte kontrollerat denna nyckel alls.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Jag har gjort viss kontroll av denna nyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Jag har gjort en noggrann kontroll av denna nyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen signera? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "signeringen misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "Nyckeln har endast en stump eller nyckelobjekt pÃ¥ kortet - ingen lösenfras " "att ändra.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Denna nyckel är inte skyddad.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "De hemliga delarna av den primära nyckeln är inte tillgängliga.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Hemliga delar av den primära nyckeln är lagrade pÃ¥ kortet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Nyckeln är skyddad.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Kan inte redigera denna nyckel: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3632,11 +3678,11 @@ "Skriv in den nya lösenfrasen för den hemliga nyckeln.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "lösenfrasen repeterades inte korrekt; försök igen." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3644,191 +3690,191 @@ "Du vill inte ha nÃ¥gon lösenfras - detta är möjligen en *dÃ¥lig* idé!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen göra detta? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "flyttar en nyckelsignatur till den rätta platsen\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "spara och avsluta" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "visa nyckelns fingeravtryck" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "lista nycklar och användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "välj användaridentiteten N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "välj undernyckel N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "kontrollera signaturer" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" "signera valda användaridentiteter [* se nedan för relaterade kommandon]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "signera valda användaridentiteter lokalt" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "signera valda användaridentiteter med en tillitssignatur" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "signera valda användaridentiteter med en icke-spärrbar signatur" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "lägg till en användaridentitet" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "lägg till ett foto-id" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "ta bort valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "lägg till en undernyckel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "lägg till en nyckel till ett smartkort" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "flytta en nyckel till ett smartkort" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "flytta en nyckelkopia till ett smartkort" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "ta bort valda undernycklar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "lägg till en spärrnyckel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "ta bort signaturer frÃ¥n valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "ändra utgÃ¥ngsdatumet för nyckeln eller valda undernycklar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "flagga vald användaridentitet som primär" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "växla mellan att lista hemliga och publika nycklar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "lista inställningar (expertläge)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "lista inställningar (utförligt)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "ställ in inställningslista för valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "ställ in url till föredragen nyckelserver för valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "ställ in en notation för valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "ändra lösenfrasen" # originalet borde ha ett value -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "ändra ägartillitsvärdet" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "spärra signaturer pÃ¥ valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "spärra valda användaridentiteter" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "spärra nyckel eller valda undernycklar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "aktivera nyckel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "inaktivera nyckel" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "visa valda foto-id:n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "komprimera oanvändbara användaridentiteter och ta bort oanvändbara " "signaturer frÃ¥n nyckeln" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" "komprimera oanvändbara användaridentiteter och ta bort alla signaturer frÃ¥n " "nyckeln" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "fel vid läsning av hemligt nyckelblock \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Den hemliga nyckeln finns tillgänglig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Den hemliga nyckeln behövs för att göra detta.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "Använd kommandot \"toggle\" först.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3841,229 +3887,229 @@ "signaturer\n" " (nrsign), eller en kombination av dessa (ltsign, tnrsign, etc.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Nyckeln är spärrad." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen signera alla användaridentiteter? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Tips: Välj de användaridentiteter som du vill signera\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Okänd signaturtyp \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Detta kommando är inte tillÃ¥tet när du är i %s-läge.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Du mÃ¥ste välja Ã¥tminstone en användaridentitet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Du kan inte ta bort den sista användaridentiteten!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen ta bort alla valda användaridentiteter? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen ta bort denna användaridentitet? (j/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen flytta den primära nyckeln? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Du mÃ¥ste välja exakt en nyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Kommandot förväntar ett filnamnsargument\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Kan inte öppna \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Fel vid läsning av säkerhetskopierad nyckel frÃ¥n \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Du mÃ¥ste välja Ã¥tminstone en nyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen ta bort de valda nycklarna? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna nyckel? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen spärra alla valda användaridentiteter? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen spärra denna användaridentitet? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen spärra hela nyckeln? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen spärra de valda undernycklarna? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen spärra denna undernyckel? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Ägartillit fÃ¥r inte ställas in när en tillitsdatabas används som användaren " "tillhandahÃ¥ller\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Ställ in inställningslista till:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Vill du verkligen uppdatera inställningarna för valda användaridentiteter? " "(j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen uppdatera inställningarna? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Spara ändringar? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Avsluta utan att spara? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "uppdateringen misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att uppdatera hemligheten: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Nyckeln är oförändrad sÃ¥ det behövs ingen uppdatering.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Sammandrag: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Funktioner: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Nyckelserver no-modify" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Föredragen nyckelserver: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Notationer: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "" "Du kan inte ange nÃ¥gra inställningar för en användaridentitet av PGP 2.x-" "typ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Följande nyckel blev spärrad den %s av %s nyckel %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Den här nyckeln kan vara spärrad av %s nyckel %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(känsligt)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "skapat: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "spärrad: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "utgÃ¥nget: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "gÃ¥r ut: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "användning: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "tillit: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "giltighet: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Denna nyckel har stängts av" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "kortnummer: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4071,17 +4117,17 @@ "Observera! Den visade nyckelgiltigheten kan vara felaktig\n" "sÃ¥vida inte du startar om programmet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "spärrad" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "utgÃ¥nget" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4090,7 +4136,17 @@ "Detta kommando kan göra att en annan användaridentitet antas\n" "vara den primära identiteten.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Du kan inte ändra giltighetsdatum för en v3-nyckel\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4099,75 +4155,75 @@ "VARNING: Detta är en nyckel av PGP2-typ. Om du lägger till ett foto-id kan\n" " vissa versioner av PGP avvisa denna nyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen fortfarande lägga till den? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Du kan inte lägga till ett foto-id till en nyckel av PGP 2-typ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Vill du radera denna korrekta signatur? (j/N/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Vill du radera denna ogiltiga signatur? (j/N/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Vill du radera denna okända signatur? (j/N/a)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Verkligen ta bort denna självsignatur? (j/N)" # skulle lika gärna kunna heta 1 signatur va? -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Raderade %d signatur.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Raderade %d signaturer.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Ingenting raderat.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "ogiltigt" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Användaridentiteten \"%s\" komprimerad: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Användaridentitet \"%s\": %d signaturer borttagna\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Användaridentitet \"%s\": %d signaturer borttagna\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "Användaridentitet \"%s\": redan minimerad\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "Användaridentitet \"%s\": redan rensad\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4177,269 +4233,269 @@ "denna\n" " nyckel inte användas i vissa versioner av PGP.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Du fÃ¥r inte lägga till en spärrnyckel för en PGP 2.x-nyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Ange användaridentiteten för spärrnyckeln: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "det gÃ¥r inte att använda en PGP 2.x-nyckel som spärrnyckel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "du kan inte ange en nyckel som sin egen spärrnyckel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "den här nyckeln har redan markerats som en spärrnyckel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "VARNING: det gÃ¥r aldrig att Ã¥ngra om du utser en spärrnyckel!\n" # designated = angiven (utnämnd, utpekad, bestämd, utsedd, avsedd, angiven, designerad) -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Är du säker pÃ¥ att du vill använda den här nyckeln för spärrning? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Tag bort markeringar frÃ¥n de hemliga nycklarna.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Välj som mest en undernyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Ändrar utgÃ¥ngstid för en undernyckel.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Ändrar giltighetstid för den primära nyckeln.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Du kan inte ändra giltighetsdatum för en v3-nyckel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Det finns ingen motsvarande signatur i den hemliga nyckelringen\n" # Vad betyder det? -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "signeringsundernyckeln %s är redan korscertifierad\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "undernyckeln %s signerar inte och behöver inte korscertifieras\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Välj endast en användaridentitet.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "hoppar över v3-självsignatur pÃ¥ användaridentiteten \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Ange din föredragna nyckelserver-url: " # Obs! Syftar pÃ¥ bildfilen med ditt foto. Meddelandet visas om du valt en mycket stor fil. -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Är du säker pÃ¥ att du vill ersätta det? (j/N) " # Obs! Syftar pÃ¥ bildfilen med ditt foto. Meddelandet visas om du valt en mycket stor fil. -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Är du säker pÃ¥ att du vill ta bort det? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Ange notationen: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Fortsätt? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Ingen användaridentitet med indexet %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Ingen användaridentitet med hashen %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Ingen undernyckel med indexet %d\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "användaridentitet: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "signerat av din nyckel %s den %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (icke exporterbar)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Denna signatur gick ut den %s.\n" # nyckel? signatur? -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Är du säker pÃ¥ att du fortfarande vill spärra den? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du skapa ett spärrcertifikat för denna signatur? (j/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Inte signerad av dig.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Du har signerat följande användaridentiteter med nyckeln %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (inte spärrbar)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "spärrad av din nyckel %s den %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Du är pÃ¥ väg att spärra dessa signaturer:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Vill du verkligen skapa spärrcertifikatet? (j/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "ingen hemlig nyckel\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "användaridentiteten \"%s\" är redan spärrad\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: en signatur pÃ¥ en användaridentitet är daterad %d sekunder in i " "framtiden\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Nyckeln %s är redan spärrad.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Undernyckeln %s är redan spärrad.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Visar %s foto-id med storleken %ld för nyckeln %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "inställningen \"%s\" förekommer flera gÃ¥nger\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "för mÃ¥nga chifferinställningar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "för mÃ¥nga sammandragsinställningar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "för mÃ¥nga komprimeringsinställningar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "ogiltig post \"%s\" i inställningssträngen\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "skriver direkt signatur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "skriver självsignatur\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "skriver signatur knuten till nyckeln\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "ogiltig nyckelstorlek; använder %u bitar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "nyckelstorleken avrundad uppÃ¥t till %u bitar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: vissa OpenPGP-program kan inte hantera en DSA-nyckel med den här " "sammandragsstorleken\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Signera" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Certifiera" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Kryptera" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Autentisera" @@ -4457,7 +4513,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsKkAaQq" @@ -4490,72 +4546,72 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Färdig\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Välj vilken typ av nyckel du vill ha:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA och RSA (standard)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA och Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (endast signering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (endast signering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (endast kryptering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (endast kryptering)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (ställ in dina egna förmÃ¥gor)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (ställ in dina egna förmÃ¥gor)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s-nycklar kan vara mellan %u och %u bitar lÃ¥nga.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Vilken nyckelstorlek vill du använda för undernyckeln? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Vilken nyckelstorlek vill du ha? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Den efterfrÃ¥gade nyckelstorleken är %u bitar\n" # borde kolla upp möjligheterna i källkoden att använda v m Ã¥ istället för wmy -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4572,7 +4628,7 @@ " y = nyckeln blir ogiltig efter n Ã¥r\n" # borde kolla upp möjligheterna i källkoden att använda v m Ã¥ istället för wmy -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4588,38 +4644,38 @@ " m = signaturen blir ogiltig efter n mÃ¥nader\n" " y = signaturen blir ogiltig efter n Ã¥r\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "För hur lÃ¥ng tid ska nyckeln vara giltig? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Signaturen är giltig hur länge? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "ogiltigt värde\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Nyckeln gÃ¥r aldrig ut\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Signaturen gÃ¥r aldrig ut\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Nyckeln gÃ¥r ut %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Signaturen gÃ¥r ut %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4627,11 +4683,11 @@ "Ditt system kan inte visa datum senare än Ã¥r 2038.\n" "Datum fram till Ã¥r 2106 kommer dock att hanteras korrekt.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Stämmer detta? (j/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4646,7 +4702,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4664,44 +4720,44 @@ " \"Gustav Vasa (Brutal kung) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Namn: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ogiltigt tecken i namnet\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Namnet fÃ¥r inte börja med en siffra\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Namnet mÃ¥ste vara Ã¥tminstone 5 tecken lÃ¥ngt\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-postadress: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "E-postadressen är ogiltig\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Kommentar: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Ogiltigt tecken i kommentaren\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Du använder teckentabellen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4712,11 +4768,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "Ange inte e-postadressen som namn eller kommentar\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "En sÃ¥dan användaridentitet finns redan pÃ¥ denna nyckel!\n" @@ -4732,24 +4788,24 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnKkEeOoAa" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Ändra (N)amn, (K)ommentar, (E)post eller (A)vsluta? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "Ändra (N)amn, (K)ommentar, (E)post eller (O)k/(A)vsluta? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Rätta först felet\n" # fel kapitalisering i originalet? -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4757,7 +4813,7 @@ "Du behöver en lösenfras för att skydda din hemliga nyckel\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4765,12 +4821,12 @@ "Ange en lösenfras för att skydda säkerhetskopian av den nya " "krypteringsnyckeln." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4782,7 +4838,7 @@ "om du använder detta program med flaggan \"--edit-key\".\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4794,51 +4850,51 @@ "hÃ¥rddisken) under primtalsgenereringen; detta ger slumptalsgeneratorn\n" "en större chans att samla ihop en tillräcklig mängd slumpmässig data.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Skapandet av nycklar avbröts.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver den publika nyckeln till \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver hemliga nyckelstumpen till \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "skriver hemlig nyckel till \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbar publik nyckelring hittades: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "ingen skrivbar hemlig nyckelring hittades: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fel vid skrivning av publika nyckelringen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fel vid skrivning av hemliga nyckelringen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "den publika och den hemliga nyckeln är skapade och signerade.\n" # Flagga.. inte kommando -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4847,13 +4903,13 @@ "vill använda flaggan \"--edit-key\" för att skapa en undernyckel för detta " "syfte.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Nyckelgenereringen misslyckades: %s\n" # c-format behövs inte i singularis -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4861,7 +4917,7 @@ "nyckeln är skapad %lu sekund in i framtiden (problemet är\n" "relaterat till tidsresande eller en felställd klocka)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4869,30 +4925,30 @@ "nyckeln är skapad %lu sekunder in i framtiden (problemet är\n" "relaterat till tidsresande eller en felställd klocka)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "OBS: att skapa undernycklar till v3-nycklar bryter mot OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Verkligen skapa? (j/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att lagra nyckeln pÃ¥ kortet: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan inte skapa säkerhetskopian \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "OBSERVERA: säkerhetskopia av kortnyckeln sparades i \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "aldrig" @@ -4946,46 +5002,46 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Kortets serienr =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "namnbyte frÃ¥n \"%s\" till \"%s\" misslyckades: %s\n" # Enligt Werner uppstÃ¥r detta om nÃ¥got gÃ¥r snett när den hemliga nyckeln uppdateras. -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "VARNING: det finns 2 filer med konfidentiell information.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s är den oförändrade\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s är den nya\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Lös detta potentiella säkerhetsproblem\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "mellanlagrar nyckelringen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu nycklar mellanlagrade än sÃ¥ länge (%lu signaturer)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu nycklar mellanlagrade (%lu signaturer)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: nyckelring skapad\n" @@ -5033,7 +5089,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Ange nummer, N)ästa, eller Q) för Avsluta > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "ogiltigt nyckelserverprotokoll (vi %d!=hanterare %d)\n" @@ -5047,121 +5103,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "nyckeln hittades inte pÃ¥ nyckelservern\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "begär nyckeln %s frÃ¥n %s-servern %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "begär nyckeln %s frÃ¥n %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "söker efter namn frÃ¥n %s-servern %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "söker efter namn frÃ¥n %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "skickar nyckeln %s till %s-servern %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "skickar nyckeln %s till %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "söker efter \"%s\" frÃ¥n %s-servern %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "söker efter \"%s\" frÃ¥n %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "ingen nyckelserverÃ¥tgärd!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "VARNING: nyckelserverhanteraren frÃ¥n en annan version av GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "nyckelserver skickade inte VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "kommunikationsfel mot nyckelserver: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "ingen nyckelserver är känd (använd flaggan --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "externa anrop till nyckelserver stöds inte i detta bygge\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "ingen hanterare för nyckelserverschemat \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "Ã¥tgärden \"%s\" stöds inte med nyckelserverschemat \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s har inte stöd för hanterarversionen %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "tidsgräns överstigen för nyckelserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "internt fel i nyckelserver\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "kommunikationsfel mot nyckelserver: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\" inte ett nyckel-id: hoppar över\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: kunde inte uppdatera nyckeln %s via %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "uppdaterar 1 nyckel frÃ¥n %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "uppdaterar %d nycklar frÃ¥n %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: kunde inte hämta uri:n %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: kunde inte tolka uri:n %s\n" @@ -5221,171 +5277,176 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "krypterad med with 1 lösenfras\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "antar att %s krypterade data\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "IDEA-chiffer är inte tillgängligt. Försöker optimistiskt att använda %s " "istället\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "dekrypteringen lyckades\n" # Äldre krypteringalgoritmer skapar ingen mdc dvs. "minisignatur" som skyddar mot att delar av den krypterade texten byts ut/tas bort. Alla nya 128-bitars algoritmer använder mdc: AES, AES192, AES256, BLOWFISH. -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "VARNING: detta meddelande var inte integritetsskyddat\n" # Meddelandet innebär alltsÃ¥ att kontrollen av mdc visade att meddelandet förändrats/manipulerats sedan det krypterades. Block kan ha tagits bort eller bytts ut. -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "VARNING: det krypterade meddelandet har ändrats!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "tömde mellanlagrad lösenfras med ID: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "dekrypteringen misslyckades: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "OBS: avsändaren begärde \"endast-för-dina-ögon\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "ursprungligt filnamn=\"%.*s\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "VARNING: multipla klartexter har pÃ¥träffats\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "fristÃ¥ende spärrcertifikat - använd \"gpg --import\" för\n" "att verkställa\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "ingen signatur hittades\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "signaturvalidering utlämnad\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "kan inte hantera detta tvetydliga signaturdata\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Signatur gjord %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " med %s-nyckeln %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "Signatur gjordes %s med %s nyckel-id %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Nyckeln tillgänglig hos: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "FELAKTIG signatur frÃ¥n \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "UtgÃ¥ngen signatur frÃ¥n \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Korrekt signatur frÃ¥n \"%s\"" # Visas vid ogiltig signatur: # Eftersom signaturen är ogiltig kan man inte vara säker pÃ¥ att angivet namn och nyckel-id är riktigt. -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[osäkert]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " även känd som \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Giltighetstiden för signaturen har upphört %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Giltighetstiden för signaturen gÃ¥r ut %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s signatur, sammandragsalgoritm %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "binär" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "textläge" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "okänd" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Kan inte kontrollera signaturen: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "detta är inte nÃ¥gon signatur i en separat fil\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: multipla signaturer upptäckta. Endast den första kommer att " "kontrolleras.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "fristÃ¥ende signatur av klassen 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "signatur av den gamla (PGP 2.x) typen\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "ogiltigt rotpaket hittades i proc_tree()\n" @@ -5399,89 +5460,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) misslyckades i %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: använder experimentella algoritmen %s för publik nyckel\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "VARNING: Elgamal-nycklar för kryptering/signering är förÃ¥ldrade\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: använder experimentella chifferalgoritmen %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "VARNING: använder experimentella sammandragsalgoritmen %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "VARNING: sammandragsalgoritmen %s är förÃ¥ldrad\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s signatur, sammandragsalgoritm %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "insticksmodul för IDEA-chiffer är inte installerat\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "se %s för mer information\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: flaggan är förÃ¥ldrad \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "VARNING: inställningen \"%s\" är förÃ¥ldrad\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "Använd \"%s%s\" istället\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "VARNING: \"%s\" är ett förÃ¥ldrat kommando - använd det inte\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: förÃ¥ldrad flagga \"%s\" - den har ingen effekt\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "VARNING: \"%s\" är en förÃ¥ldrad flagga - den har ingen effekt\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: förÃ¥ldrad flagga \"%s\" - den har ingen effekt\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "VARNING: \"%s\" är en förÃ¥ldrad flagga - den har ingen effekt\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Okomprimerad" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "okomprimerad|ingen" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "detta meddelande kanske inte kan användas av %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "tvetydlig flagga \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "okänd flagga \"%s\"\n" @@ -5508,47 +5588,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "skriver till standard ut\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "antar att signerad data finns i filen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "ny konfigurationsfil \"%s\" skapad\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "VARNING: inställningar i \"%s\" är ännu inte aktiva under denna körning\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "kan inte hantera algoritmen %d för publika nycklar\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "VARNING: potentiellt osäker symmetriskt krypterad sessionsnyckel\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "underpaket av typen %d har den bit satt som markerar den som kritisk\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "problem med agenten: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (primära nyckelns id %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5563,15 +5644,15 @@ "%u-bitars %s-nyckel, ID %s,\n" "skapad %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Ange lösenfrasen\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "avbruten av användaren\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5580,12 +5661,12 @@ "Du behöver en lösenfras för att lÃ¥sa upp den hemliga\n" "nyckeln för användaren: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-bitars %s-nyckel, id %s, skapad %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (undernyckel pÃ¥ primärt nyckel-id %s)" @@ -5945,18 +6026,18 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "läser frÃ¥n standard in ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "ingen signerad data\n" # se förra kommentaren -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "kan inte öppna signerat data \"%s\"\n" # se förra kommentaren -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "kan inte öppna signerad data fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -6231,24 +6312,18 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "OBSERVERA: signaturnyckeln %s har spärrats\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s signatur, sammandragsalgoritm %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "antar felaktig signatur frÃ¥n nyckeln %s pÃ¥ grund av en okänd kritisk bit\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "nyckel %s: ingen undernyckel med spärrsignatur för undernyckel\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "nyckeln %s: ingen undernyckel för signaturbindning av undernyckel\n" @@ -6662,7 +6737,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "det behövs ingen kontroll av tillitsdatabasen\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "nästa kontroll av tillitsdatabasen kommer att äga rum %s\n" @@ -6679,48 +6754,48 @@ msgstr "" "det behövs ingen uppdatering av tillitsdatabasen med tillitsmodellen \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "publika nyckeln %s hittades inte: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "gör en kontroll av tillitsdatabasen --check-trustdb\n" # originalet borde ha ett value -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "kontrollerar tillitsdatabasen\n" # Vad är detta!? -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d nycklar behandlade (%d validity counts rensade)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "hittade inga nycklar med förbehÃ¥llslöst förtroende\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "publik nyckel för förbehÃ¥llslöst betrodda nyckeln %s hittades inte\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d marginal(er) behövs, %d fullständig(a) behövs, tillitsmodell %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" "djup: %d giltig: %3d signerad: %3d tillit: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6747,68 +6822,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "kan inte öppna fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "argument förväntades inte" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "läsfel" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "nyckelordet är för lÃ¥ngt" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "argument saknas" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "ogiltigt värde\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "ogiltigt kommando" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "ogiltig aliasdefinition" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "slut pÃ¥ minne" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "ogiltig flagga" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "argument för flaggan \"%.50s\" saknas\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "argument för flaggan \"%.50s\" saknas\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "flaggan \"%.50s\" förväntar sig inte ett argument\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ogiltigt kommando \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "flagga \"%.50s\" är tvetydig\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "kommandot \"%.50s\" är tvetydigt\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "slut pÃ¥ minne\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "ogiltig flagga \"%.50s\"\n" @@ -6838,35 +6925,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att skapa temporärfilen \"%s\": %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fel vid skrivning till \"%s\": %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "tar bort gammal lÃ¥sfil (skapad av %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - antagligen död - tar bort lÃ¥s" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "väntar pÃ¥ lÃ¥s (hÃ¥lls av %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(dödläge?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "lÃ¥set \"%s\" gjordes inte: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "väntar pÃ¥ lÃ¥set %s...\n" @@ -6895,19 +6982,19 @@ "Syntax: kbxutil [flaggor] [filer]\n" "lista, exportera, importera nyckelskÃ¥psdata\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA modulus saknas eller är inte %d bitar stor\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "Publik RSA-exponent saknas eller större än %d bitar\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN-Ã¥teranrop returnerade fel: %s\n" @@ -6957,103 +7044,103 @@ "|P|Ange upplÃ¥sningskoden (PUK-koden) för nyckeln att skapa kvalificerade " "signaturer med." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "fel vid hämtning av ny PIN-kod: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att lagra fingeravtrycket: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att lagra datum för skapandet: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "läsning av publik nyckel misslyckades: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "svaret innehÃ¥ller inte publikt nyckeldata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "svaret innehÃ¥ller inte en RSA-modulus\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "svaret innehÃ¥ller inte den publika RSA-exponenten\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "använder standard-PIN som %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "misslyckades med att använda standard-PIN som %s: %s - inaktiverar " "ytterligare standardanvändning\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Ange PIN-koden%%0A[signaturer kvar: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Ange PIN-koden" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "PIN-kod för CHV%d är för kort; minimumlängd är %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "validering av CHV%d misslyckades: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "fel vid hämtning av CHV-status frÃ¥n kort\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "kortet är lÃ¥st permanent!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d försök för Admin PIN-koden Ã¥terstÃ¥r innan kortet lÃ¥ses permanent\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|Ange administratörens PIN-kod%%0A[Ã¥terstÃ¥ende försök: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Ange administratörens PIN-kod" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "Ã¥tkomst till administrationskommandon är inte konfigurerat\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Ange nollställningskoden för kortet" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Nollställningskoden är för kort; minimumlängd är %d\n" @@ -7061,107 +7148,107 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|Ny nollställningskod" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Ny Admin PIN-kod" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Ny PIN-kod" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy #| msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Ange administratörens PIN-kod" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy #| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Ange PIN-koden" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "fel vid läsning av programdata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "fel vid läsning av fingeravtryckets DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "nyckeln finns redan\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "befintlig nyckel kommer att ersättas\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "genererar ny nyckel\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "skriver ny nyckel\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "tidsstämpel för skapandet saknas\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA-primtal %s saknas eller inte %d bitar stor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "misslyckades med att lagra nyckeln: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "var god vänta under tiden nyckeln genereras ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "nyckelgenereringen misslyckades\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "nyckelgenereringen är färdig (%d sekunder)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "ogiltig struktur för OpenPGP-kort (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "avtrycket pÃ¥ kortet stämmer inte med den begärda\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "kortet har inte stöd för sammandragsalgoritmen %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "signaturer skapade hittills: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "" "validering av Admin PIN-kod är för närvarande förbjudet genom detta " "kommando\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "kan inte komma Ã¥t %s - ogiltigt OpenPGP-kort?\n" @@ -7187,7 +7274,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|NIVÃ…|ställ in felsökningsnivÃ¥n till NIVÃ…" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FIL|skriv en logg till FIL" @@ -7923,7 +8010,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "|ANVÄNDAR-ID|använd ANVÄNDAR-ID som förvald hemlig nyckel" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|använd denna nyckelserver för att slÃ¥ upp nycklar" @@ -7984,25 +8071,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: hoppar över denna rad\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "kunde inte tolka nyckelserver\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "VARNING: kör med falsk systemtid: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "importerar vanliga certifikat \"%s\"\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "kan inte signera med \"%s\": %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "ogiltigt kommando (det finns inget implicit kommando)\n" @@ -8262,27 +8349,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "fel vid sändning av standardflaggor: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Flaggor som kontrollerar diagnosutdata" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Flaggor som kontrollerar konfigurationen" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Flaggor användbara för felsökning" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FIL|skriv serverlägesloggar till FIL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Flaggor som kontrollerar säkerheten" @@ -8298,108 +8385,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|ställ in maximal livstid för SSH-nyckel till N sekunder" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Flaggor som tvingar igenom en lösenfraspolicy" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "tillÃ¥t inte att gÃ¥ förbi lösenfraspolicyn" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|ställ in minimal nödvändig längd för nya lösenfraser till N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|kräv minst N icke-alfabetiska tecken för en ny lösenfras" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FIL|kontrollera nya lösenfraser mot mönster i FIL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|lÃ¥t mellanlagrad lösenfras gÃ¥ ut efter N dagar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "tillÃ¥t inte Ã¥teranvändning av gamla lösenfraser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAMN|använd NAMN som förvald hemlig nyckel" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAMN|kryptera även till användaridentiteten NAMN" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|ange e-postalias (ett eller flera)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Konfiguration för nyckelservrar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL| använd nyckelservern pÃ¥ URL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "tillÃ¥t PKA-uppslag (DNS-förfrÃ¥gningar)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MEKANISMER|använd MEKANISMER för att hitta nycklar efter e-postadress" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "inaktivera all Ã¥tkomst till dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|NAMN|använd kodningen NAMN för PKCS#12-lösenfraser" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "kontrollera inte spärrlistor för rotcertifikat" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Flaggor som kontrollerar formatet pÃ¥ utdata" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Flaggor som kontrollerar interaktivitet och framtvingande" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "Konfiguration för HTTP-servrar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "använd systemets HTTP-proxyinställningar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Konfiguration av LDAP-servrar som ska användas" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAP-serverlista" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "Konfiguration för OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "Extern validering av komponenten %s misslyckades" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Observera att gruppspecifikationer ignoreras\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/tr.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/tr.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/tr.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/tr.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/tr.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/tr.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 2.0.10rc1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-14 23:25+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner \n" "Language-Team: Turkish\n" -"Language: \n" +"Language: tr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -28,21 +28,51 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "" +"Seçili yardımcı anahtarları gerçekten yürürlükten kaldırmak istiyor musunuz? " +"(e/H ya da y/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Yeni anahtar parolasını giriniz" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "Kalite:" @@ -52,11 +82,11 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -64,7 +94,7 @@ "Lütfen PIN'inizi giriniz, böylelikle bu oturumda bu gizli anahtar kilitsiz " "olabilecek" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -75,36 +105,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (%d/%d dene)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "PIN çok uzun" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Anahtar Parolası çok uzun" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "PIN içinde geçersiz karakterler var" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "PIN çok kısa" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "PIN hatalı" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Anahtar Parolası hatalı" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Anahtar Parolası" @@ -113,22 +143,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "%d bitlikten daha büyük SSH anahtarları desteklenmiyor\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" oluÅŸturulamıyor: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' açılamıyor: %s\n" @@ -351,7 +381,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Lütfen yeni anahtar parolasını girin" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -360,122 +390,128 @@ "@Seçenekler:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "artalan süreci olarak çalışır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "sunucu olarak (önalanda) çalışır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "ayrıntılı" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "biraz daha sessiz olur" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sh tarzı komut çıktısı" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "csh tarzı komut çıktısı" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "|DOSYA|seçenekler DOSYAdan okunur" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "konsoldan kopulmaz" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "klavye ve fare gaspedilmez" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "sunucu için bir günlük dosyası kullanılır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "soket için standart bir yer kullanılır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|UYG|PIN girme uygulaması olarak UYG kullanılır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "[UYG|Akıllı kart uygulaması olarak UYG kullanılır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "Akıllı kart süreci kullanılmaz" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "TTY deÄŸiÅŸtirme istekleri yoksayılır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "X birimi deÄŸiÅŸtirme istekleri yoksayılır" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|arabellekteki PINler N saniyede zamanaşımına uÄŸrar" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "imzalarken PIN arabelleÄŸi kullanılmaz" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 #, fuzzy #| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "istemcilerin anahtarları \"güvenilir\" olarak imlemesine izin verilir" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "anahtar parolasının önceden atanmasına izin verilir" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "ssh-agent öykünümü etkinleÅŸir" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "eski anahtar parolalarının yeniden kullanılmasına izin vermez" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "|DOSYA|ortam ayarlarını ayrıca DOSYAya da yazar" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Yazılım hatalarını lütfen <" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "Kullanımı: gpg [seçenekler] (yardım için -h)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -483,145 +519,145 @@ "Sözdizimi: gpg-agent [seçenekler] [komut [arg ...]]\n" "GnuPG için gizli anahtar yönetimi\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "belirtilen hata seviyesi `%s' geçersiz\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s çok eski (gereken %s, sizinki %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: \"%s\" öntanımlı seçenek dosyası yok\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "seçenek dosyası \"%s\": %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "\"%s\"den seçenekler okunuyor\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' oluÅŸturulurken hata: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' dizini oluÅŸturulamıyor: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "soketin ismi çok uzun\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "soket oluÅŸturulamıyor: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "soketin ismi `%s' çok uzun\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "çalışan bir gpg-agent zaten var - bir yenisi baÅŸlatılmayacak\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "soket için tuz alınırken hata\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "soket `%s'e baÄŸlanırken hata: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "soket dinleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' soketi dinlemede\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "dizin `%s' oluÅŸturuldu\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "%s için stat() baÅŸarısız oldu: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "`%s' ev dizini olarak kullanılamıyor\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fd %d üzerinde tuz okunurken hata: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "tutamak 0x%lx, fd %d için baÅŸlatıldı\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "tutamak 0x%lx, fd %d için sonlandırıldı\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh tutamağı 0x%lx, fd %d için baÅŸlatıldı\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh tutamağı 0x%lx, fd %d için sonlandırıldı\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select baÅŸarısız: %s - 1s bekliyor\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s durdu\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "bu oturumda çalışan gpg-agent yok\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "GPG_AGENT_INFO çevre deÄŸiÅŸkeni hatalı\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -640,7 +676,7 @@ "Sözdizimi: gpg-preset-passphrase [seçenekler] ANHMAÅžASI\n" "Parola arabelleÄŸi bakımcısı\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -649,7 +685,7 @@ "@Komutlar:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -826,8 +862,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Sonra deÄŸiÅŸtireceÄŸim" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "boru oluÅŸturulurken hata: %s\n" @@ -1184,81 +1220,81 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "zırh: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "zırh baÅŸlığı geçersiz: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "zırh baÅŸlığı: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "açıkça okunabilen imza baÅŸlığı geçersiz\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "bilinmeyen zırh baÅŸlığı: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "açıkça okunabilen imzalar dahil edildi\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "beklenmeyen zırh: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "araçizgisi escape'lı satır geçersiz: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "geçersiz radix64 karakteri %02X atlandı\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "dosya sonu belirsiz (CRC yok)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "dosya sonu belirsiz (CRC içinde)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "CRC bozulmuÅŸ\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC hatası; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "dosya sonu belirsiz (kuyruk içinde)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "kuyruk satırında hata\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "geçerli OpenPGP verisi yok\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "geçersiz zırh: satır %d karakterden uzun\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "zırh içinde uluslararası karakterler - büyük olasılıkla hatalı bir e-posta " "sunucusu kullanılmış\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1266,23 +1302,23 @@ "bir simgelem ismi sadece harfler, rakamlar ve altçizgiler içerebilir ve " "sonuna bir '=' gelir.\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "bir kullanıcı simgelem ismi '@' karakteri içermeli\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "bir simgelem isminin birden fazla '@' karakteri içermemesi gerekir\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "bir simgelem deÄŸerinde kontrol karakterleri kullanılamaz\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "UYARI: geçersiz simgelem verisi bulundu\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "insan okuyabilir deÄŸil" @@ -1296,8 +1332,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "%s numaralı OpenPGP kartı saptandı\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "bu önceden betik kipinde yapılamaz\n" @@ -1305,13 +1341,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Bu komut sadece 2. sürüm kartlar için kullanılabilir\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Sıfırlama kodu ya yok ya da kullanım dışı\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Seçiminiz? " @@ -1379,7 +1415,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "yeterli bellek ayrılırken hata: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" okunurken hata: %s\n" @@ -1475,13 +1511,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Ä°stediÄŸiniz anahtar uzunluÄŸu nedir? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "%u bite yuvarlandı\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s anahtar uzunlukları %u-%u aralığında olmalı\n" @@ -1536,8 +1572,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Kimlik kanıtlama anahtarı\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Seçim geçersiz.\n" @@ -1562,7 +1598,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "anahtarı yazarken hata: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "bu menüden çık" @@ -1570,7 +1606,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "yönetici komutlarını gösterir" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "bunu gösterir" @@ -1642,7 +1678,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Yönetici komutlarına izin verilmez\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Komut geçersiz (\"help\" komutunu deneyin)\n" @@ -1650,18 +1686,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output seçeneÄŸi bu komutla çalışmaz\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' açılamadı\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar \"%s\" yok: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1913,217 +1949,217 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "UYARI: hiçbir ÅŸey dışarı aktarılmadı\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "pk belleÄŸinde çok fazla girdi - iptal edildi\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "anahtar %s: genel anahtarsız gizli anahtar - atlandı\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "`%s' %s üzerinden özdevinimli olarak alındı\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "`%s' %s üzerinden alınırken hata: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Parmak izi yok" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Geçersiz %s anahtarı --allow-non-selfsigned-uid kullanılarak geçerli oldu\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "" "yardımcı genel anahtar %s için gizli yardımcı anahtar yok - yoksayılıyor\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "yardımcı anahtar %s, asıl anahtar %s yerine kullanılıyor\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "anahtar %s: genel anahtarsız gizli anahtar - atlandı\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "bir imza yapar" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "açıkça okunabilen bir imza yapar" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "bağımsız bir imza yapar" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "veriyi ÅŸifreler" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "sadece simetrik ÅŸifre ile ÅŸifreler" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "veri ÅŸifresini açar (öntanımlı)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "bir imzayı doÄŸrular" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "anahtarları listeler" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "anahtarları ve imzaları listeler" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "anahtar imzalarını listeler ve sınar" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "anahtarları ve parmak izlerini listeler" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "gizli anahtarları listeler" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "yeni bir anahtar çifti üretir" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "bir yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası üretir" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "anahtarları genel anahtar zincirinden siler" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "anahtarları gizli anahtar zincirinden siler" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "bir anahtarı imzalar" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "bir anahtarı yerel olarak imzalar" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "bir anahtarı düzenler ve imzalar" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "anahtar parolası deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "anahtarları gönderir" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "anahtarları bir anahtar sunucusuna gönderir" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "anahtarları bir anahtar sunucusundan indirir" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "bir anahtar sunucusunda anahtarları arar" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "anahtarları bir anahtar sunucusundan günceller" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "anahtarları indirir/katıştırır" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "kart durumunu basar" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "kart üzerindeki veriyi deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "bir kartın PIN'ini deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "güvence veritabanını günceller" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "ileti özetlerini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "sunucu kipinde çalışır" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "ascii zırhlı çıktı oluÅŸturur" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ için ÅŸifreleme yapar" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" "|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ|imzalamak ya da ÅŸifre çözmek için KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ " "kullanılır" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|sıkıştırma seviyesi N olarak ayarlanır (0 iptal eder)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "kurallı metin kipini kullanır" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|DOSYA|çıktı DOSYAya yazılır" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "hiçbir deÄŸiÅŸiklik yapmaz" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "üzerine yazmadan önce sorar" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "kesin OpenPGP davranışı etkin olur" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2131,7 +2167,7 @@ "@\n" "(Tüm komut ve seçeneklerin komple listesi için man sayfalarına bakın)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2151,11 +2187,11 @@ " --list-keys [isimler] anahtarları listeler\n" " --fingerprint [isimler] parmak izlerini gösterir\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "Kullanımı: gpg [seçenekler] [dosyalar] (yardım için -h)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2170,7 +2206,7 @@ "imzalama, kontrol, ÅŸifreleme veya çözme\n" "öntanımlı iÅŸlem girilen veriye bağımlıdır\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2178,554 +2214,554 @@ "\n" "Desteklenen algoritmalar:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "GenAnah: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Åžifre: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Hash: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "Sıkıştırma: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "kullanımı: gpg [seçenekler] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "çeliÅŸen komutlar\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "grup tanımı '%s' içinde = iÅŸareti yok\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' evdizininde güvensiz iyelik\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasında güvensiz iyelik\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisinde güvensiz iyelik\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: UYARI: '%s' evdizininde güvensiz izinler\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasında güvensiz izinler\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisinde güvensiz izinler\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' evdizinindeki ilgili dizinin iyeliÄŸi güvensiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasını içeren dizinin iyeliÄŸi güvensiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisini içeren dizinin iyeliÄŸi güvensiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' evdizinindeki ilgili dizinin izinleri güvensiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' yapılandırma dosyasını içeren dizinin izinleri güvensiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "UYARI: '%s' eklentisini içeren dizinin izinleri güvensiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "yapılandırma öğesi '%s' bilinmiyor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "anahtarların listelenmesi sırasında foto kimliklerini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında poliçe URLleri gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında tüm simgelemi gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında IETF standart simgelemlerini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında kullanıcı kanaklı simgelemleri gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "" "imza listelemesi sırasında tercih edilen anahtar sunucusu adresi gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "anahtar listelemesi sırasında kullanıcı kimliÄŸi geçerliliÄŸini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" "anahtar listelerinde yürürlükten kaldırılmış ve zamanaşımına uÄŸramış " "kullanıcı kimlikleri gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "" "anahtar listelerinde yürürlükten kaldırılmış ve zamanaşımına uÄŸramış " "yardımcı anahtarlar gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "anahtar zinciri ismini anahtar listelerinde gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "imza listelemesi sırasında zamanaşımı tarihleri gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: eski öntanımlı seçenekler dosyası `%s' yoksayıldı\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt çok eski (%s lazım, sizinki %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: %s normal kullanım için deÄŸil!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir imza zamanaşımı deÄŸil\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir karakter kümesi deÄŸil\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusunun adresi çözümlenemedi\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: anahtar sunucusu seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusu seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: geçersiz içselleÅŸtirme seçenekleri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "içselleÅŸtirme seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d geçersiz dışsallaÅŸtırma seçenekleri\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "dışsallaÅŸtırma seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: liste seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "liste seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında foto kimliklerini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında poliçe adreslerini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında tüm simgelemi gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında IETF standart simgelemlerini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında kullanıcı kaynaklı simgelemleri gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında tercih edilen anahtar sunucusu adresleri " "gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulaması sırasında kullanıcı kimliÄŸi geçerliliÄŸini gösterir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" "imza doÄŸrulamasında yürürlükten kaldırılan ve zamanaşımına uÄŸrayan kullanıcı " "kimlikleri gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulamasında sadece birincil kullanıcı kimlik gösterilir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "imzaları PKA verisi ile doÄŸrular" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "imzaların güvenilirliÄŸini geçerli PKA verisi ile yükseltir" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d doÄŸrulama seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "doÄŸrulama seçenekleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "çalıştırılabilirlerin patikası %s yapılamıyor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: özdevinimli anahtar konumlama listesi geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "özdevinimli anahtar konumlama listesi geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "UYARI: program bir \"core\" dosyası oluÅŸturabilir!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: %s %s'i aşıyor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ile %s birlikte kullanılmaz!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s, %s ile etkisiz olur!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "%s olmasından dolayı güvensiz bellekle çalıştırılmayacak\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "--pgp2 kipindeyken sadece ayrık veya sade imzalar yapabilirsiniz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "--pgp2 kipinde aynı anda hem imzalama hem de ÅŸifreleme yapamazsınız\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "--pgp2 ile çalışırken veri yolu yerine dosyaları kullanmalısınız.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "--pgp2 kipinde ileti ÅŸifrelemesi IDEA ÅŸifresi gerektirir\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "seçilen ÅŸifre algoritması geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "seçilen özet algoritması geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "seçilen ÅŸifre algoritması geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "seçilen sertifikalama özet algoritması geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "\"completes-needed\" 0 dan büyük olmalı\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "\"marginals-needed\" 1 den büyük olmalı\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "\"max-cert-depth\" 1 ile 255 arasında olmalı\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "öntanımlı sertifika seviyesi geçersiz; 0, 1, 2, ya da 3 olabilir\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "asgari sertifika seviyesi geçersiz; 1, 2, ya da 3 olabilir\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: basit S2K kipi (0) kesinlikle tavsiye edilmez\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "S2K kipi geçersiz; 0, 1 veya 3 olmalı\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "öntanımlı tercihler geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "kiÅŸisel ÅŸifre tercihleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "kiÅŸisel özet tercihleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "kiÅŸisel sıkıştırma tercihleri geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s, %s ile henüz çalışmıyor\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%2$s kipindeyken '%1$s' ÅŸifreleme algoritması kullanılamaz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%2$s kipindeyken '%1$s' özet algoritması kullanılamaz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%2$s kipindeyken '%1$s' sıkıştırma algoritması kullanılamaz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "\"TrustDB\" güvence veritabanı baÅŸlangıç aÅŸamasında baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "UYARI: alıcılar (-r) genel anahtar ÅŸifrelemesi kullanılmadan belirtilmiÅŸ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "`%s' için simetrik ÅŸifreleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "--s2k-mode 0 ile --symmetric --encrypt kullanamazsınız\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%s kipindeyken --symmetric --encrypt kullanamazsınız\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "--s2k-mode 0 ile --symmetric --sign --encrypt kullanamazsınız\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "%s kipindeyken --symmetric --sign --encrypt kullanamazsınız.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [DOSYA]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi [komutlar]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key kullanıcı-kimliÄŸi" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusuna gönderim baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusundan alım baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar ihracı baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusunda arama baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusunda tazeleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "zırhın kaldırılması baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "zırhlama baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' çittirim algoritması geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[dosyaismi]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Ä°letinizi yazın ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "belirtilen sertifika güvence adresi geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "belirtilen imza güvence adresi geçersiz\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "belirtilen anahtar sunucusu adresi geçersiz\n" @@ -2763,120 +2799,126 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "\"%s\" için yardım mevcut deÄŸil" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "salt-yerel olarak imlenmiÅŸ imzaları ithal eder" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "ithalat sırasında pks anahtar sunucusundaki bozukluÄŸu giderir" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "ithalat sonrası güvence veritabanını güncellemez" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "ithalat sonrası güvence veritabanını güncellemez" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "bir gizli anahtar ithal ederken bir genel anahtar oluÅŸturur" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "güncellemeleri sadece mevcut anahtarlar için kabul eder" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "ithalat sonrası anahtardan kullanışsız parçaları kaldırır" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "ithalat sonrası anahtardan mümkün olduÄŸunca çok ÅŸey kaldırır" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "%d türündeki blok atlanıyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "ÅŸu ana kadar %lu anahtar iÅŸlendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Ä°ÅŸlenmiÅŸ toplam miktar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " yeni anahtarlar atlandı: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " kullanıcı kimliksiz: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " alınan: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " deÄŸiÅŸmedi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " yeni kullanıcı kimliÄŸi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " yeni yardımcı anahtarlar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " yeni imzalar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " yeni anahtar iptalleri: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " gizli anahtarlar okundu: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " gizli anahtarlar indirildi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " gizli anahtarlar deÄŸiÅŸmedi: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " alınamadı: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " temizlenen imzalar: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " temizlenen kullanıcı kimlikleri: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2885,358 +2927,358 @@ "UYARI: anahtar %s bu kullanıcı kimliklerde kullanışsız algoritmalar için " "tercihler içeriyor:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": ÅŸifreleme algoritması %s için tercih edilir\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": özet algoritması %s için tercih edilir\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" " \"%s\": sıkıştırma algoritması %s için tercih edilir\n" "\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "tercihlerinizi güncellemenizi ve\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "olası algoritma uyuÅŸmazlığı sorunlarından kaçınmak için bu anahtarı\n" "tekrar dağıtmanızı ÅŸiddetle öneririz.\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" "tercihlerinizi böyle güncelleyemezsiniz: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" atlandı: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: PKS yardımcı anahtar bozulması giderildi\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: öz-imzalı olmayan kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" kabul edildi\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: geçerli kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "bu kayıp bir öz-imza yüzünden meydana gelebilir\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: genel anahtar yok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yeni anahtar - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "yazılabilir bir anahtar zinciri yok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "\"%s\"e yazıyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" anahtarlığına yazarken hata oluÅŸtu: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: genel anahtar \"%s\" alındı\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: bizim kopyamızla eÅŸleÅŸmiyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: özgün anahtar bloku bulunamadı: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: özgün anahtar bloku okunamadı: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" 1 yeni kullanıcı kimliÄŸi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d yeni kullanıcı kimliÄŸi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" 1 yeni imza\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d yeni imza\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: %s 1 yeni yardımcı anahtar\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d yeni yardımcı anahtar\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d imza temizlendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d imza temizlendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d kullanıcı kimliÄŸi temizlendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" %d kullanıcı kimliÄŸi temizlendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" deÄŸiÅŸmedi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "gizli anahtar \"%s\" yok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "gizli anahtarı alımına izin verilmez\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: geçersiz ÅŸifreli (%d) gizli anahtar - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "öntanımlı gizli anahtar zinciri yok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: gizli anahtar alındı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: zaten gizli anahtar zincirinde\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: gizli anahtar yok: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "anahtar %s: genel anahtar deÄŸil - yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası " "uygulanamaz\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "" "anahtar %s: yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası geçersiz: %s - reddedildi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası alındı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: imza için kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "anahtar %s: genel anahtar algoritması, kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" için " "desteklenmiyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" için öz-imza geçersiz\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: genel anahtar algoritması desteklenmiyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: doÄŸrudan anahtar imzası eklendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: anahtarı garantilemek için yardımcı anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yardımcı anahtar garantileme geçersiz\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: çok sayıda yardımcı anahtar baÄŸlantısı silindi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: anahtarı yürürlükten kaldırılacak yardımcı anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yardımcı anahtar yürürlükten kaldırması geçersiz\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "" "anahtar %s: çok sayıda yardımcı anahtar yürürlükten kaldırması silindi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yardımcı anahtar atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: imza gönderilebilir deÄŸil (0x%02X sınıfı) - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası yanlış yerde - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası geçersiz: %s - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: yardımcı anahtar imzası yanlış yerde - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: umulmayan imza sınıfı (0x%02X) - atlandı\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: çift kullanıcı kimliÄŸi saptandı - birleÅŸtirildi\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "" "UYARI: anahtar %s yürürlükten kaldırılmış olmalı: yürürlükten kaldırma " "anahtarı %s alınıyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "" "UYARI: anahtar %s yürürlükten kaldırılmış olabilir: yürürlükten kaldırma " "anahtarı %s mevcut deÄŸil.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: \"%s\" yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası eklendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "anahtar %s: doÄŸrudan anahtar imzası eklendi\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: bir anahtarın seri numarası kartlardan biriyle uyuÅŸmuyor\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: asıl anahtar kart üzerinde saklı ve kullanılabilir\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: ikincil anahtar kart üzerinde saklı ve kullanılabilir\n" @@ -3260,51 +3302,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "anahtar zinciri önbelleÄŸi yeniden oluÅŸturulurken hata: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[yürürlükten kaldırma]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[öz-imza]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 kötü imza\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d kötü imza\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 imza kayıp bir anahtar yüzünden kontrol edilmedi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d imza kayıp bir anahtar yüzünden kontrol edilmedi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 imza bir hata yüzünden kontrol edilmedi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d imza hatalardan dolayı kontrol edilmedi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "1 öz-imzası geçersiz kullanıcı kimliÄŸi saptandı\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "%d öz-imzası geçersiz kullanıcı kimliÄŸi saptandı\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3315,17 +3357,17 @@ "derecesine lütfen karar verin. (pasportuna mı bakarsınız yoksa farklı\n" "kaynaklardan parmakizlerini mi kontrol edersiniz...) kararınızı verin\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Şöyle böyle güveniyorum\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Tamamen güveniyorum\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3335,45 +3377,45 @@ "1'den büyük bir derinlik, imzaladığınız anhatarın kendi yararınıza\n" "güvence imzaları yapmayı mümkün kılar.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "Bu imzayı kısıtlayacak bir etki alanı girin, yoksa tuÅŸlayın.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" yürürlükten kaldırıldı." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Onu yine de imzalamak istiyor musunuz? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Ä°mzalanamıyor.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" zamanaşımına uÄŸradı." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" öz-imzalı deÄŸil." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" imzalanabilir. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ä°mzalayacak mısınız? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3382,12 +3424,12 @@ "\"%s\" üzerindeki öz-imza\n" "bir PGP 2.x tarzı imza.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bir OpenPGP öz-imzası haline getirilmesini istiyor musunuz? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3396,13 +3438,13 @@ "\"%s\" üzerindeki imzanızın\n" "kullanım süresi dolmuÅŸ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Yeni imzanızın süresi dolmuÅŸ biriyle deÄŸiÅŸtirilmesini ister misiniz? (e/H " "veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3411,46 +3453,46 @@ "\"%s\" üzerindeki imzanız\n" "dahili bir imza.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bu imzanın dışarda da geçerli hale getirilmesini istiyor musunuz? (e/H veya " "y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" zaten %s anahtarıyla yerel olarak imzalanmış\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" zaten %s anahtarıyla imzalanmış\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Onu yine de imzalamak istiyor musunuz? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "%s anahtarı ile imzalanacak hiçbir ÅŸey yok\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Bu anahtarın kullanım süresi dolmuÅŸ!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Bu anahtarın geçerliliÄŸi %s de bitiyor.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "" "Ä°mzanızın da aynı süreyle geçerli olmasını ister misiniz? (E/h veya Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" @@ -3458,11 +3500,11 @@ "--pgp2 kipinde bir PGP 2.x anahtarlara bir OpenPGP imzası " "uygulanamayabilir.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Bu, anahtarı PGP 2.x için kullanışsız yapacak.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3471,31 +3513,31 @@ "Bu anahtarın ismi yukarda yazılı kiÅŸiye ait olduÄŸunu ne kadar dikkatli\n" "doÄŸruladınız? Bu sorunun cevabını bilmiyorsanız \"0\" yazın.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Cevabı bilmiyorum. %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Tamamen kontrol edildi.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Ä°liÅŸkisel denetim yaptım.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Çok dikkatli bir denetim yaptım.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Seçiminiz? (daha fazla bilgi için: '?'): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3505,76 +3547,76 @@ "gerçekten\n" "emin misiniz?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Bu bir öz-imza olacak.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "UYARI: imza dışarı gönderilemez olarak imlenmeyecek.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "UYARI: imza yürürlükten kaldırılamaz olarak imlenmeyecek.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "Ä°mza dışarı gönderilemez olarak imlenecek.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "Ä°mza yürürlükten kaldırılamaz olarak imlenecek.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Her ÅŸeyiyle bu anahtarı sınayamadım.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Bu anahtarı karşılaÅŸtırmalı olarak sınadım.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Bu anahtarı çok dikkatle sınadım.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "Gerçekten imzalayacak mısınız? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "imzalama baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "Anahtar sadece kısa veya karta özel öğeler içeriyor,\n" "deÄŸiÅŸtirilecek bir anahtar parolası yok.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Bu anahtar korunmamış.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Asıl anahtarın gizli parçaları kullanılamaz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Asıl anahtarın gizli parçaları kart üzerinde saklı.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Anahtar korunmuÅŸ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Bu anahtar üzerinde düzenleme yapılamaz: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3582,13 +3624,13 @@ "Bu gizli anahtar için yeni anahtar parolasını giriniz.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "" "ikinci kez yazdığınız anahtar parolası ilkiyle aynı deÄŸil; iÅŸlem " "tekrarlanacak" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3596,194 +3638,194 @@ "Bir anahtar parolası vermediniz - bu çok *kötü* bir fikir!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Gerçekten bunu yapmak istiyor musunuz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "bir anahtar imzası doÄŸru yere taşınıyor\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "kaydet ve çık" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "parmakizini gösterir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "anahtarı ve kullanıcı kimliÄŸini gösterir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "N kullanıcı kimliÄŸini seçer" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "N yardımcı anahtarını" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "imzaları sınar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" "seçilen kullanıcı kimliÄŸi imzalar [* ilgili komutlar için aÅŸağıya bakın]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "kullanıcı kimlikleri yerel olarak imzalar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "seçili kullanıcı kimlikleri bir güvence imzasıyla imzalar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" "seçili kullanıcı kimlikleri yürürlükten kaldırılamayan bir imzayla imzalar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "bir kullanıcı kimliÄŸi ekler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "bir foto kimliÄŸi ekler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "seçili kullanıcı kimlikleri siler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "bir yardımcı anahtar ekler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "bir akıllı karta bir anahtar ekler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "bir akıllı karttan bir anahtarı taşır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "bir akıllı karttan bir yedekleme anahtarını taşır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "seçili yardımcı anahtarları siler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "bir yürürlükten kaldırma anahtarı ekler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "seçili kullanıcı kimliklerden imzaları siler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "" "anahtar için ya da seçili yardımcı anahtarlar için zamanaşımı tarihini " "deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "seçili kullanıcı kimliÄŸini asıl olarak imler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "genel ve gizli anahtar listeleri arasında yer deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "tercihleri listeler (uzman)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "tercihleri listeler (ayrıntılı)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "Seçili kullanıcı kimlikler için tercih listesini belirler " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "seçili kullanıcı kimlikler için tercih edilen anahtar sunucu adresini " "belirler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "seçili kullanıcı kimlikleri için bir simgelem belirler" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "anahtar parolasını deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "sahibiningüvencesini deÄŸiÅŸtirir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "Seçili tüm kullanıcı kimliklerdeki imzaları yürürlükten kaldırır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "Seçili tüm kullanıcı kimlikleri yürürlükten kaldırır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "anahtarı ya da seçili yardımcı anahtarları yürürlükten kaldırır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "anahtarı kullanıma sokar" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "anahtarı iptal eder" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "seçili foto kimlikleri gösterir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "kullanışsız kullanıcı kimlikleri sıkıştırır ve kullanışsız imzaları " "anahtardan kaldırır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" "kullanışsız kullanıcı kimlikleri sıkıştırır ve tüm imzaları anahtardan " "kaldırır" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "gizli anahtar bloÄŸu \"%s\" okunurken hata oluÅŸtu: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "Gizli anahtar mevcut.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Bunu yapmak için gizli anahtar gerekli.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "lütfen önce \"seçmece\" komutunu kullanın.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3795,240 +3837,240 @@ " için 'nr', yerel imzalar için 'l' (lsign) veya buların karışımı olarak " "(ltsign, tnrsign gibi).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Anahtar yürürlükten kaldırıldı." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Tüm kullanıcı kimlikler gerçekten imzalanacak mı? (e/H ya da y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Ä°pucu: Ä°mzalamak için bir kullanıcı kimliÄŸi seçiniz\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "imza türü `%s' bilinmiyor\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "%s kipindeyken bu komut kullanılamaz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "En az bir kullanıcı kimliÄŸi seçmelisiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Son kullanıcı kimliÄŸini silemezsiniz!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Seçilen tüm kullanıcı kimlikler gerçekten silinecek mi? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Bu kullanıcı kimliÄŸi gerçekten silinecek mi? (e/H ya da y/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Bu öz-imza gerçekten taşınacak mı? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Sadece ve sadece bir anahtar seçmelisiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Komut deÄŸiÅŸtirge olarak bir dosya ismi gerektiriyor\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' açılamıyor: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "yedekleme anahtarı `%s' den okunurken hata oluÅŸtu: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "En az bir anahtar seçmelisiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Seçili anahtarları gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Bu anahtarı gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Seçilen tüm kullanıcı kimlikleri gerçekten yürülükten kaldırılacak mı? (e/H " "ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bu kullanıcı kimliÄŸi gerçekten yürürlükten kaldırılacak mı? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Anahtarın tamamını yürürlükten kaldırmayı gerçekten istiyor musunuz? (e/H ya " "da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Seçili yardımcı anahtarları gerçekten yürürlükten kaldırmak istiyor musunuz? " "(e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bu yardımcı anahtarı gerçekten yürürlükten kaldırmak istiyor musunuz? (e/H " "ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Kullanıcı taraından saÄŸlanmış bir güvence veritabanı kullanılarak " "sahibiningüvencesi belirlenemez\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Belirlenecek tercih listesi:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Seçili kullanıcı kimlikler için tercihleri gerçekten güncellemek istiyor " "musunuz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Tercihleri gerçekten güncellemek istiyor musunuz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "DeÄŸiÅŸiklikler kaydedilecek mi? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Kaydetmeden çıkılsın mı? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "güncelleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "gizliyi güncelleme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Güncelleme gereÄŸi olmadığından anahtar deÄŸiÅŸmedi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Özet: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "Özellikler: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Anahtar sunucusu deÄŸiÅŸmez" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "Tercih edilen anahtar sunucusu: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Simgelemler: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "Bir PGP 2.x tarzı kullanıcı kimliÄŸine uygun tercih yok.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "" "Bu anahtar %2$s tarafından %3$s anahtarıyla %1$s üzerinde yürürlükten " "kaldırılmış\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "" "Bu anahtar %s tarafından %s anahtarıyla yürürlükten kaldırılmış olabilir" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(duyarlı)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "oluÅŸturuldu: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "yürürlükten kaldırıldı: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "son kullanma tarihi: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "son kullanma tarihi: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "kullanımı: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "güvencesi: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "geçerliliÄŸi: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Bu anahtar iptal edilmiÅŸti" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "kart-no: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4036,17 +4078,17 @@ "Gösterilen anahtarın, uygulamayı yeniden baÅŸlatıncaya kadar, gerekli\n" "doÄŸrulukta olmayacağını lütfen gözönüne alınız.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "yürürlükten kaldırıldı" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "zamanaşımına uÄŸradı" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4055,7 +4097,17 @@ " farklı bir kullanıcı kimliÄŸin birincil kullanıcı kimlik olarak\n" " kabul edilmesini saÄŸlayabilirsiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Bir v3 anahtarının son kullanma tarihini deÄŸiÅŸtiremezsiniz\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4064,74 +4116,74 @@ "UYARI: Bu PGP-2 tarzı bir anahtar. Bir foto kimliÄŸi eklenmesi bu anahtarın\n" " bazı PGP sürümleri tarafından reddedilmesi ile sonuçlanabilir.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Onu yine de eklemek istiyor musunuz? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "PGP2 tarzı bir anahtara bir foto kimliÄŸi ekleyemeyebilirsiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Bu doÄŸru imza silinsin mi? (e/H/k veya y/N/k)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Bu geçersiz imza silinsin mi? (e/H/k veya y/N/k)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Bu bilinmeyen imza silinsin mi? (e/H/k veya y/N/k)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Bu öz-imza gerçekten silinecek mi? (e/H veya y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "%d imza silindi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "%d imza silindi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Hiçbir ÅŸey silinmedi.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "geçersiz" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" yoÄŸun: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\": %d imza temizlendi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\": %d imza temizlendi\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\": zaten küçük\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\": zaten temiz\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4141,280 +4193,280 @@ " eklenmesi bu anahtarın bazı PGP sürümleri tarafından reddedilmesi\n" " ile sonuçlanabilir.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "" "PGP2 tarzı bir anahtara tasarlanmış bir yürürlükten kaldırıcı " "ekleyemeyebilirsiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "" "Tasarlanmış yürürlükten kaldırma anahtarının kullanıcı kimliÄŸini giriniz: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "bir PGP 2.x tarzı anahtar bir tasarlanmış yürürlükten kaldırma anahtarı " "olarak atanamaz\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "" "bir anahtarı kendisini yürürlükten kaldıracak anahtar olarak " "kullanamazsınız\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "bu anahtar zaten onu üreten tarafından yürürlükten kaldırılmıştı\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "UYARI: yürürlükten kaldıran olarak tasarlanmış bir anahtar baÅŸka amaçla\n" " kullanılamaz!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bu anahtarın, yürürlükten kaldıran anahtar olmasını istediÄŸinizden emin " "misiniz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Lütfen gizli anahtarlardan seçilenleri silin.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Lütfen en fazla bir yardımcı anahtar seçin.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Bir yardımcı anahtar için son kullanma tarihi deÄŸiÅŸtiriliyor.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Asıl anahtar için son kullanma tarihi deÄŸiÅŸtiriliyor.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Bir v3 anahtarının son kullanma tarihini deÄŸiÅŸtiremezsiniz\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Gizli anahtar demetinde uygun/benzer imza yok\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "yardımcı imzalama anahtarı %s zaten çapraz sertifikalı\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "yardımcı anahtar %s imzalamıyor, dolayısıyla çapraz sertifikalı olması " "gerekmiyor\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Lütfen sadece ve sadece bir kullanıcı kimlik seçiniz.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" için v3 öz-imzası atlanıyor\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Tercih ettiÄŸiniz sunucunun adresini girin: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Onu deÄŸiÅŸtirmek istediÄŸinizden emin misiniz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Onu silmek istediÄŸinizden emin misiniz? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Simgelemi giriniz: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Devam? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "%d endeksine sahip kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "%s çittirmeli kullanıcı kimliÄŸi yok\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "%d indisli bir yardımcı anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Kullanıcı kimliÄŸi: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "%s anahtarınızla %s%s%s de imzalandı\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (dışarda geçersiz)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Bu anahtarın geçerliliÄŸi %s de bitti.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Onu yine de yürürlükten kaldırmak istiyor musunuz? (e/H veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bu imza için bir yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikası oluÅŸturulsun mu? (e/H veya " "y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Bu kullanıcı kimliklerini %s anahtarı üzerinde imzalamışsınız:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (yürülükten kaldırılmaz)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "%s tarafından %s de yürürlükten kaldırılmış\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Bu imzaları yürürlükten kaldırmak üzeresiniz:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Bu yürürlükten kaldırma sertifikalarını gerçekten oluÅŸturacak mısınız? (e/H " "veya y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "gizli anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "kullanıcı kimliÄŸi \"%s\" zaten iptal edilmiÅŸti\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "UYARI: bir kullanıcı kimliÄŸi imzası %d saniye gelecekte oluÅŸturuldu\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Anahtar %s zaten yürürlükten kaldırılmış.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Yardımcı anahtar %s zaten yürürlükten kaldırılmış.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "" "Anahtar 0x%3$s (kull-kiml %4$d) için %2$ld uzunluktaki %1$s foto kimliÄŸi " "gösteriliyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "'%s' tercihi yinelendi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "çok fazla ÅŸifreleme tercihi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "çok fazla özet tercihi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "çok fazla sıkıştırma tercihi\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "tercih dizgesindeki '%s' öğesi geçersiz\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "doÄŸrudan imza yazılıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "öz-imza yazılıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "anahtarı garantileyen imzayı yazıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "anahtar uzunluÄŸu geçersiz; %u bit kullanılıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "anahtar uzunluÄŸu %u bite yuvarlandı\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "UYARI: bazı OpenPGP uygulamaları bu özet boyutlu bir DSA anahtarıyla " "çalışamayabilir\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "Ä°mzalama" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Onayla" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Åžifrele" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Kimlik kanıtla" @@ -4428,7 +4480,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "OoŞşKkçÇ" @@ -4461,71 +4513,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) Bitti\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Lütfen istediÄŸiniz anahtarı seçiniz:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ve ElGamal (öntanımlı)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA ve ElGamal (öntanımlı)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (yalnız imzalamak için)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (sadece imzalamak için)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (yalnız ÅŸifrelemek için)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (sadece ÅŸifrelemek için)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (yeteneklerini belirtin)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (yeteneklerini belirtin)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s anahtarları %u bit ile %u bit arasında olmalı.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Ä°stediÄŸiniz anahtar uzunluÄŸu nedir? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Ä°stediÄŸiniz anahtar uzunluÄŸu nedir? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Ä°stenen anahtar uzunluÄŸu: %u bit\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4541,7 +4593,7 @@ " m = anahtar n ay geçerli\n" " y = anahtar n yıl geçerli\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4557,38 +4609,38 @@ " m = imza n ay geçerli\n" " y = imza n yıl geçerli\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Anahtar ne kadar geçerli olacak? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Ä°mza ne kadar geçerli olacak? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "deÄŸer hatalı\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Anahtar hep geçerli olacak\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Ä°mza hep geçerli olacak\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Anahtarın geçerliliÄŸi %s de bitecek.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "Ä°mzanın geçerliliÄŸi %s de bitecek.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4596,11 +4648,11 @@ "Sisteminiz 2038 yılından sonraki tarihleri gösteremiyor.\n" "Ama emin olun ki 2106 yılına kadar elde edilebilecek.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Bu doÄŸru mu? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4615,7 +4667,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4631,44 +4683,44 @@ "\t\"Fatih Sultan Mehmed (Padisah) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Adınız ve Soyadınız: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ad ve soyadınızda geçersiz karakter var\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Ad ve soyadınız bir rakamla baÅŸlamamalı\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Ad ve soyadınız en az 5 harfli olmalı\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "E-posta adresiniz: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "geçerli bir E-posta adresi deÄŸil\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Önbilgi: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Önbilgi alanında geçersiz karakter var\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "`%s' karakter kümesini kullanıyorsunuz.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4679,12 +4731,12 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" "Lütfen E-posta adresinizi Adı ve Soyadı veya Açıklama alanı içine koymayın\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4699,24 +4751,24 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "AaYyEeTtKk" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "(A)dı ve Soyadı, (Y)orum, (E)posta alanlarını deÄŸiÅŸtir ya da Çı(k)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" "(A)dı ve Soyadı, (Y)orum, (E)posta alanlarını deÄŸiÅŸtir ya da (T)amam/Çı(k)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Lütfen önce hatayı düzeltin\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4724,7 +4776,7 @@ "Gizli anahtarınızı korumak için bir Anahtar Parolanız olmalı.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " @@ -4733,12 +4785,12 @@ "Lütfen GnuPG sistemine ithal edilen nesneyi koruyacak anahtar parolasını " "giriniz." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4750,7 +4802,7 @@ "seçeneÄŸi ile kullanarak her zaman deÄŸiÅŸtirebilirsiniz.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4763,50 +4815,50 @@ "iyi olacaktır; bu yeterli rasgele bayt kazanmak için rasgele sayı\n" "üretecine yardımcı olur. \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Anahtar üretimi durduruldu.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "genel anahtarı `%s'e yazıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "gizli anahtar koçanı `%s'e yazılıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "gizli anahtarı `%s'e yazıyor\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "yazılabilir bir genel anahtar zinciri yok: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "yazılabilir bir gizli anahtar zinciri yok: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' genel anahtarlığa yazılırken hata oluÅŸtu: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' gizli anahtarlığa yazılırken hata oluÅŸtu: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "genel ve gizli anahtar üretildi ve imzalandı.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4814,19 +4866,19 @@ "Bu anahtar ÅŸifreleme için kullanılamaz. Åžifreleme için yardımcı anahtarı\n" "\"--edit-key\" seçeneÄŸini kullanarak üretebilirsiniz.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Anahtar üretimi baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "" "anahtar %lu saniye sonra üretilmiÅŸ (zaman sapması veya saat problemi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4834,31 +4886,31 @@ "anahtar bundan %lu saniye sonra üretilmiÅŸ (zaman sapması veya saat " "problemi)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "" "BÄ°LGÄ°: v3 anahtarları için yardımcı anahtar üretimi OpenPGP uyumlu deÄŸildir\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Gerçekten oluÅŸturulsun mu? (e/H ya da y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "anahtarın kart üzerinde saklanması baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "'%s' yedek dosyası oluÅŸturulamıyor: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: kart anahtarının yedeklemesi '%s' e kaydedildi\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "asla " @@ -4912,45 +4964,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " Kart seri no. =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "`%s' > `%s' isim deÄŸiÅŸikliÄŸi baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "UYARI: gizli bilgi içeren 2 dosya mevcut.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s deÄŸiÅŸmeyenlerden\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s yenilerden\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Lütfen bu güvenlik çatlağını giderin\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' anahtar zinciri önbellekleniyor\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "ÅŸimdiye kadar %lu anahtar arabelleklendi (%lu imza)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "%lu anahtar arabelleklendi (%lu imza)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: anahtar zinciri oluÅŸturuldu\n" @@ -4998,7 +5050,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Sayıyı/sayıları girin veya S)onraki ya da Ç)ık >" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucu protokolü geçersiz (bizimki %d!=eylemci %d)\n" @@ -5012,121 +5064,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "anahtar, anahtar sunucusunda yok\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "%1$s anahtarı %3$s sunucusunun %2$s adresinden isteniyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "%s anahtarı %s adresinden isteniyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "%2$s sunucusunda %1$s içindeki isimler aranıyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "%s içindeki isimler aranıyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "anahtar %1$s, %3$s sunucusunun %2$s adresine gönderiliyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "%s anahtarı %s adresine gönderiliyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "%3$s sunucusunun %2$s adresinde \"%1$s\" aranıyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "%2$s adresinde \"%1$s\" aranıyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "bir anahtar sunucusu eylemi yok!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "UYARI: GnuPG'nin baÅŸka bir sürümünün anahtar sunucusu eylemcisi (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusu VERSION göndermiyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "anahtar sunucusuyla iletiÅŸim hatası: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "bilinen bir anahtar sunucusu yok (--keyserver seçeneÄŸini kullanın)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "harici anahtar sunucusu çaÄŸrıları bu kurulumda desteklenmiyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' anahtar sunucusu ÅŸeması için eylemci yok\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' eylemi `%s' anahtar sunucusu ÅŸeması ile desteklenmiyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s %d sürümü eylemciyi desteklemiyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusu zamanaşımına uÄŸradı\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusu iç hatası\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "anahtar sunucusuyla iletiÅŸim hatası: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\" bir anahtar kimliÄŸi deÄŸil: atlanıyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: %s anahtarı %s üzerinden tazelenemiyor: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "1 anahtar %s adresinden tazeleniyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "%d anahtar %s adresinden tazeleniyor\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: Betimleyici %s alınamıyor: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: Betimleyici %s çözümlenemiyor\n" @@ -5186,163 +5238,168 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "1 anahtar parolası ile ÅŸifrelenmiÅŸ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "%s ÅŸifreli veri varsayılıyor\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "" "IDEA ÅŸifre kullanışsız, iyimserlikle yerine %s kullanılmaya çalışılıyor\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "Åžifre çözme tamam\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "UYARI: ileti bütünlük korumalı deÄŸildi\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "UYARI: ÅŸifreli ileti tahrip edilmiÅŸ!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "ÅŸifre çözme baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: gönderen \"yalnız-gözleriniz-için\" ricasında bulundu\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "özgün dosya adı = '%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "UYAR: çok sayıda salt metin görüldü\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "tek başına yürürlükten kaldırma - uygulamak için \"gpg --import\" kullanın\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "hiç imza yok\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "imza doÄŸrulama engellendi\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "bu belirsiz imza verisi elde edilemiyor\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "Ä°mza %s de\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " %s kullanılarak anahtar %s ile yapılmış\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "%s imzası, %s anahtarı ve %s kullanıcı kimliÄŸi ile yapılmış\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Anahtar burada:" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" deki imza KÖTÃœ" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" deki imza zamanaşımına uÄŸramış" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" deki imza iyi" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[şüpheli]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " nam-ı diÄŸer \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Bu imzanın geçerliliÄŸi %s de bitti.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "Bu imzanın geçerliliÄŸi %s de bitecek.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s imzası, %s özet algoritması\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "ikili" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "metinkipi" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "bilinmeyen" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Ä°mza kontrol edilemedi: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "bir bağımsız imza deÄŸil\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "UYARI: çoklu imzalar saptandı. Sadece ilki denetlenecek.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "0x%02x sınıfı tek başına imza\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "eski stil (PGP 2.x) imza\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "proc_tree() içinde geçersiz kök paket saptandı\n" @@ -5356,89 +5413,108 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) %s de baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: deneysel %s genel anahtar algoritması kullanılıyor\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "UYARI: Elgamal imza+ÅŸifre anahtarları artık önerilmiyor\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: deneysel %s ÅŸifreleme algoritması kullanılıyor\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "UYARI: deneysel %s özet algoritması kullanılıyor\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "UYARI: %s özet algoritması artık önerilmiyor.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s imzası, %s özet algoritması\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA ÅŸifre eklentisi yok\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "daha fazla bilgi için lütfen %s adresine bakınız\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: \"%s\" seçeneÄŸi kullanımdan kaldırılmak üzere.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "UYARI: %s seçeneÄŸi kullanımdan kaldırılmak üzere.\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "lütfen yerine \"%s%s\" kullanınız\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "UYARI: \"%s\" komutu artık önerilmiyor - kullanmayın onu\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: eskimiÅŸ seçenek \"%s\" - artık etkisiz\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "UYARI: \"%s\" seçeneÄŸi eskidi - artık etkisiz\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: eskimiÅŸ seçenek \"%s\" - artık etkisiz\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "UYARI: \"%s\" seçeneÄŸi eskidi - artık etkisiz\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "Sıkıştırılmamış" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "Sıkıştırılmamış|yok" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "bu ileti %s tarafından kullanılamayabilir\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' seçeneÄŸi belirsiz\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' seçeneÄŸi bilinmiyor\n" @@ -5465,47 +5541,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "standart çıktıya yazıyor\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "\"%s\" içindeki veri imzalı kabul ediliyor\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "yeni yapılandırma dosyası `%s' oluÅŸturuldu\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "" "UYARI: `%s' deki seçenekler bu çalıştırma sırasında henüz etkin deÄŸil\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "%d genel anahtar algoritması kullanılamadı\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "UYARI: simetrik ÅŸifreli oturum anahtarı potansiyel olarak güvensiz\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "%d tipi alt paket kritik bit kümesine sahip\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "aracı ile sorun var: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (asıl anahtar kimliÄŸi %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5519,15 +5596,15 @@ "%u bitlik %s anahtarı, kimlik %s,\n" "oluÅŸturma tarihi %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Anahtar parolasını giriniz\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "kullanıcı tarafından durduruldu\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5536,12 +5613,12 @@ "Gizli anahtarın kilidini açmak için bir anahtar parolasına ihtiyacınız var.\n" "Anahtarın sahibi: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u bitlik %s anahtarı, %s kimliÄŸi ile %s tarihinde üretilmiÅŸ" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (asıl anahtar kimliÄŸi %s üzerinde yardımcı anahtar)" @@ -5897,16 +5974,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "standart girdiden okuyor ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "imzalı veri yok\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "imzalı veri '%s' açılamadı\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "imzalı veri fd=%d açılamadı: %s\n" @@ -6173,26 +6250,20 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "BÄ°LGÄ°: imza anahtarı %s yürürlükten kaldırılmıştı\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s imzası, %s özet algoritması\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "hatalı imzanın bilinmeyen bir kritik bitten dolayı %s anahtarından " "kaynaklandığı sanılıyor\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "" "anahtar %s: anahtarı yürürlükten kaldırma imzası için yardımcı anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "" @@ -6590,7 +6661,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "bir güvence veritabanı denetimi gereksiz\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "sonraki güvence veritabanı denetimi %s de\n" @@ -6605,39 +6676,39 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "`%s' güvence modelli güvence veritabanı güncellemesi için gereksiz\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "genel anahtar %s yok: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "lütfen bir --check-trustdb yapın\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "güvence veritabanı denetleniyor\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "%d anahtar iÅŸlendi (%d doÄŸrulama temizlendi)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "son derece güvenli bir anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "son derece güvenli %s için genel anahtar yok\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d şöyle böyle gerekli, %d tamamen gerekli, %s güvence modeli\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6645,7 +6716,7 @@ "derinlik: %d geçerli: %3d imzalı: %3d güvenilir: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, " "%du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "" @@ -6671,68 +6742,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "fd %d açılamıyor: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "deÄŸiÅŸtirge beklenmiyordu" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "okuma hatası" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "anahtar sözcük çok uzun" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "eksik deÄŸiÅŸtirge" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "deÄŸer hatalı\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "geçersiz komut" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "geçersiz rumuz tanımı" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "nüve dışı" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "geçersiz seçenek" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" seçeneÄŸi için deÄŸiÅŸtirge eksik\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "\"%.50s\" seçeneÄŸi için deÄŸiÅŸtirge eksik\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" seçeneÄŸinin deÄŸiÅŸtirge ihtiyacı yok\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "geçersiz komut \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" seçeneÄŸi belirsiz\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" komutu belirsiz\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "nüve dışında\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "geçersiz seçenekler \"%.50s\"\n" @@ -6762,35 +6845,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' geçici dosyası oluÅŸturulamıyor: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' yazılırken hata: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "bayat kilit dosyası siliniyor (%d tarafından oluÅŸturulmuÅŸ)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - muhtemelen ölü - kilit siliniyor" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "kilit için bekleniyor (%d%s tarafından tutulmuÅŸ) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(ölükilit?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "kilit `%s' yapılmadı: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "%s kilidi için bekleniyor...\n" @@ -6819,19 +6902,19 @@ "Sözdizimi: kbxutil [seçenekler] [dosyalar]\n" "Anahtar kutusu verisini listeler, ithal ve ihraç eder\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA modülü ya eksik ya da %d bitlik deÄŸil\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA genel üstel sayısı ya eksik ya da %d bitten büyük\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN eylemcisi hata döndürdü: %s\n" @@ -6880,79 +6963,79 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "yeni PIN alınırken hata: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "parmakizinin saklanması baÅŸarısız oldu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "oluÅŸturma tarihinin saklanması baÅŸarısız oldu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "genel anahtar okuması baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "yanıt genel anahtar verisi içermiyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "yanıt RSA modülü içermiyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "yanıt RSA genel bileÅŸenini içermiyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "%s olarak öntanımlı PIN kullanılıyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "%s olarak öntanımlı PIN kullanılamadı: %s - öntanımlı kullanımı iptal " "ediliyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz%%0A[yapılan imza: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "CHV%d için PIN çok kısa; asgari uzunluk: %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "CHV%d doÄŸrulaması baÅŸarısız oldu: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "karttan CHV durumu alınırken hata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "kart kalıcı olarak kilitli!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" @@ -6960,27 +7043,27 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "" "|A|Lütfen Yönetici PIN'ini okuyucu tuÅŸtakımından giriniz%%0A[kalan deneme: " "%d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "yönetici komutlarına eriÅŸim yapılandırılmamış\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Lütfen kart için Sıfırlama Kodunu giriniz" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Sıfırlama Kodu çok kısa; asgari uzunluk: %d\n" @@ -6988,105 +7071,105 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|YSK|Yeni Sıfırlama Kodu" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|YYP|Yeni Yönetici PIN'i" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Yeni PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy #| msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||Lütfen PIN'i giriniz" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "uygulama verisi okunurken hata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "parmakizi DO okunurken hata\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "anahtar zaten mevcut\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "mevcut anahtar konulacak\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "yeni anahtar üretiliyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "yeni anahtar üretiliyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "oluÅŸturum zaman damgası kayıp\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA asal sayısı %s ya eksik la da %d bitlik deÄŸil\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "anahtarın saklanması baÅŸarısız: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "anahtar üretilene kadar lütfen bekleyiniz ....\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "anahtar üretimi baÅŸarısızlığa uÄŸradı\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "anahtar üretimi tamamlandı (%d saniye)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "OpenPGP kartının yapısı geçersiz (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "karttaki parmak izi istenenle eÅŸleÅŸmiyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "kart %s özet algoritmasını desteklemiyor\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "ÅŸu ana kadar oluÅŸturulan imzalar: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "Yönetici PIN'inin doÄŸrulanması bu komut yüzünden ÅŸimdilik yasaktır\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "%s eriÅŸilebilir deÄŸil - OpenPGP kartı geçersiz olabilir mi?\n" @@ -7112,7 +7195,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|LDÃœZEY|hata ayıklama düzeyini DÃœZEY yapar" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|DOSYA|DOSYAya bir günce yazar" @@ -7852,7 +7935,7 @@ "|KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ|öntanımlı gizli anahtar olarak KULLANICI-KÄ°MLİĞİ " "kullanılır" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|BELÄ°RTÄ°M|anahtarları aramak için bu anahtar sunucusu kullanılır" @@ -7912,25 +7995,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: bu satır atlanıyor\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "anahtar sunucusu çözümlenemedi\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "UYARI: sahte sistem zamanıyla çalışıyor: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "ortak sertifikalar `%s' ithal ediliyor\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "`%s' kullanarak imzalanamıyor: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "geçersiz komut (hiç dolaylı komut yok)\n" @@ -8187,27 +8270,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "standart seçenekler gönderilirken hata: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Tanı çıktısını denetleyen seçenekler" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Yapılandırmayı denetleyen seçenekler" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Hata ayıklamaya elveriÅŸli seçenekler" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|DOSYA|sunucu kipi günlükleri DOSYAya yazar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "GüvenliÄŸi denetleyen seçenekler" @@ -8223,111 +8306,111 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|azami SSH anahtarı ömrü N saniyeye ayarlanır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Bir anahtar parolası kuralını zorlayan seçenekler" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "anahtar parolası kuralının atlanmasına izin verilmez" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|yeni anahtar parolası için gereken en küçük uzunluk N'ye ayarlanır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" "|N|yeni bir anahtar parolası için en azından harf olmayan N karakter gerekir" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|DOSYA|yeni anahtar parolası DOSYAdaki kalıba göre sınanır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|anahtar parolası N gün sonra zaman aşımına uÄŸrar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "eski anahtar parolalarının yeniden kullanılmasına izin vermez" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|Ä°SÄ°M|öntanımlı gizli anahtar olarak Ä°SÄ°M kullanılır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|Ä°SÄ°M|Ä°SÄ°M kullanıcısı için de ÅŸifreleme yapar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|BELÄ°RTÄ°M|eposta rumuzlarını ayarlar" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "Anahtar sunucular için yapılandırma" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL| URL'si veriler anahtar sunucusu kullanılır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "PKA aramalarına izin verilir (DNS istekleri)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" "|MEKANÄ°ZMALAR|anahtarları eposta adreslerine göre konumlamak için " "MEKANÄ°ZMALAR kullanılır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "dirmngr'a tüm eriÅŸim iptal edilir" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "|Ä°SÄ°M|PKCS#12 anahtar parolaları için kodlama olarak Ä°SÄ°M kullanılır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "kök sertifikalar için CRLler sınanmaz" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Çıktı biçimini denetleyen seçenekler" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "EtkileÅŸimliliÄŸi ve zorlamayı denetleyen seçenekler" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "HTTP sunucuları için yapılandırma" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "sistemin HTTP vekil ayarları kullanılır" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "Kullanılacak LDAP sunucularının yapılandırması" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAP sunucu listesi" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "OCSP için yapılandırma" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "%s bileÅŸeninin harici doÄŸrulaması baÅŸarısız oldu" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Grup belirtimlerinin yoksayıldığına dikkat edin\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/uk.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/uk.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/uk.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/uk.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/uk.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/uk.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ # Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the GnuPG package. # -# Yuri Chornoivan , 2011, 2013. +# Yuri Chornoivan , 2011, 2013, 2014. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-27 14:41+0300\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-15 19:07+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan \n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" "Language: uk\n" @@ -29,21 +29,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "_Гаразд" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "_СкаÑувати" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "_Гаразд" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "_Гаразд" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "Пінкод:" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "_СкаÑувати" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте відкликати позначені підключі? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Enter new passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "Вкажіть новий пароль" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "ЯкіÑÑ‚ÑŒ:" @@ -53,13 +87,13 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "ЯкіÑÑ‚ÑŒ введеного вище текÑту.\n" "Дані щодо критеріїв ÑкоÑÑ‚Ñ– можна отримати у вашого адмініÑтратора." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" @@ -67,7 +101,7 @@ "Будь лаÑка, вкажіть ваш пінкод, щоб ключ можна було розблокувати Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ " "ÑеанÑу" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -78,36 +112,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "SETERROR %s (Ñпроба %d з %d)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "Занадто довгий пінкод" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "Занадто довгий пароль" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "Ðекоректні Ñимволи у пінкоді" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "Занадто короткий пінкод" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "Помилковий пінкод" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "Помилковий пароль" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Пароль" @@ -117,22 +151,22 @@ msgstr "" "підтримки ключів ssh, що ÑкладаютьÑÑ Ð· понад %d бітів, не передбачено\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñтворити «%s»: %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ «%s»: %s\n" @@ -361,7 +395,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "Вкажіть новий пароль" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -370,121 +404,123 @@ "@Параметри:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "запуÑтити у режимі фонової Ñлужби (фоновий)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "запуÑтити у режимі Ñервера (оÑновному)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "докладний режим" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "дещо зменшити кількіÑÑ‚ÑŒ повідомлень" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "Ð²Ð¸Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´ у форматі sh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "Ð²Ð¸Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´ у форматі csh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "прочитати параметри з вказаного файла" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "не від’єднувати від конÑолі" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "не захоплювати ÐºÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»Ð°Ð²Ñ–Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ€Ð¾ÑŽ Ñ– мишею" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "викориÑтовувати файл журналу Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñервера" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "викориÑтовувати Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñокета Ñтандартне розташуваннÑ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "викориÑтовувати вказану програму пінзапиÑів" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "викориÑтовувати вказану програму SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "не викориÑтовувати SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "ігнорувати запити щодо зміни TTY" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "ігнорувати запити щодо зміни графічного диÑплеÑ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "вважати кешовані пінкоди за вказану кількіÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñекунд" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "не викориÑтовувати кеш пін-кодів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑуваннÑ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -msgstr "дозволити клієнтам позначати ключі Ñк надійні" +msgstr "заборонити клієнтам позначати ключі Ñк надійні" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "дозволити попереднє вÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "увімкнути емулÑцію ssh-агента" +msgstr "увімкнути підтримку ssh" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" -msgstr "" +msgstr "увімкнути підтримку putty" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "не дозволÑти повторне викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñтарих паролів" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "запиÑати параметри Ñередовища Ñ– до файла" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "Будь лаÑка, надÑилайте Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ помилки на <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "ВикориÑтаннÑ: gpg-agent [параметри] (-h — довідка)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -492,147 +528,147 @@ "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-agent [параметри] [команда [аргументи]]\n" "ÐšÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸ ключами у GnuPG\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "вказано некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ€Ñ–Ð²Ð½Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð°Ð³Ð½Ð¾Ñтики «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s Ñ” занадто заÑтарілою (потрібно %s, маємо %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: не виÑвлено файла типових параметрів «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "файл параметрів «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "прочитати параметри з «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»: %s.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñтворити каталог «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "назва Ñокета Ñ” надто довгою\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñтворити Ñокет: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "назва Ñокета «%s» Ñ” надто довгою\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent вже запущено, потреби у запуÑку нової копії немає\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñтану Ñокета\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби прив’ÑÐ·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñокета до «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка listen(): %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ–ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… на Ñокеті «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "Ñтворено каталог «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка stat() щодо «%s»: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "не можна викориÑтовувати Ñк домашній каталог «%s»\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "" "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñтану на файловому деÑкрипторі %d: " "%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "запущено обробки 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ деÑкриптора %d\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "обробник 0x%lx деÑкриптора файла %d завершив роботу\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "запущено обробник ssh 0x%lx Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´ÐµÑкриптора файла %d\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "обробник ssh 0x%lx деÑкриптора файла %d завершив роботу\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "помилка pth_select: %s — Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ–ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñƒ 1 Ñ\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s зупинено\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "у цьому ÑеанÑÑ– не запущено gpg-agent\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "помилкове Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ñ— Ñередовища GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -651,7 +687,7 @@ "СинтакÑиÑ: gpg-preset-passphrase [параметри] KEYGRIP\n" "ÐšÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐµÑˆÐµÐ¼ паролів\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -660,7 +696,7 @@ "@Команди:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -835,8 +871,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "Я зміню його пізніше" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð°Ð»Ñƒ: %s\n" @@ -1188,81 +1224,81 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "формат ASCII: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "некоректний заголовок ASCII: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "заголовок ASCII: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "некоректний заголовок прозорого підпиÑу\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "некоректний заголовок ASCII: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "вкладені підпиÑи нешифрованим текÑтом\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "неочікуваний формат ASCII: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "некоректний екранований дефіÑами Ñ€Ñдок: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "пропущено некоректний Ñимвол radix64 %02X\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "завчаÑний кінець файла (немає CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "завчаÑний кінець файла (у CRC)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "помилкове Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "помилка CRC; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "завчаÑний кінець файла (у додатку)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "помилка у Ñ€Ñдку доповненнÑ\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "не виÑвлено коректних даних OpenPGP.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "некоректний формат ASCII: Ñ€Ñдок Ñ” довшим за %d Ñимволів\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "" "Ñимволи quoted printable у кодуванні ASCII — ймовірно, викориÑтано " "помилковий MTA\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" @@ -1270,23 +1306,23 @@ "назва примітки має ÑкладатиÑÑ Ð· друкованих Ñимволів або пробілів Ñ– " "завершуватиÑÑ Ñимволом «=»\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "назва примітки кориÑтувача має міÑтити Ñимвол «@»\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "назва примітки не повинна міÑтити більше за один Ñимвол «@»\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "у значенні примітки не повинно міÑтитиÑÑ ÐºÐµÑ€Ñ–Ð²Ð½Ð¸Ñ… Ñимволів\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: виÑвлено некоректні дані примітки\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "незручне Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" @@ -1300,8 +1336,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "ВиÑвлено картку OpenPGP з номером %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "це не можна робити у пакетному режимі\n" @@ -1309,13 +1345,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "Цією командою можна кориÑтуватиÑÑ Ð»Ð¸ÑˆÐµ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¾Ðº верÑÑ–Ñ— 2\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "Ðемає коду ÑÐºÐ¸Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð°Ð±Ð¾ код ÑÐºÐ¸Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð¶Ðµ недоÑтупний\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "Ваш вибір? " @@ -1384,7 +1420,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби розподілу пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ–: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»: %s\n" @@ -1486,13 +1522,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "Якому розміру ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ð¿Ñ–Ð·Ð½Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð¸ надаєте перевагу? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "округлено до %u бітів\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "Розміри ключів %s мають перебувати у діапазоні %u—%u\n" @@ -1547,8 +1583,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) Ключ розпізнаваннÑ\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "Ðекоректний вибір.\n" @@ -1573,7 +1609,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби запиÑу ключа на картку: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "вийти з цього меню" @@ -1581,7 +1617,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "показати керівні команди" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "показати цю довідкову інформацію" @@ -1653,7 +1689,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "Команди адмініÑÑ‚Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ€Ð¾Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¾\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "Ðекоректна команда (ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾ÑŽ «help»)\n" @@ -1661,18 +1697,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output не працює з цією командою\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ «%s»\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "ключ «%s» не знайдено: %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1932,217 +1968,217 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: нічого не екÑпортовано\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "занадто багато запиÑів у кеші pk — вимкнено\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[Ідентифікатор не знайдено]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: закритий ключ без відкритого ключа — пропущено\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "автоматично отримано «%s» за допомогою %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» за допомогою %s: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "Без відбитка" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "" "Ðекоректний ключ %s визнано чинним через параметр --allow-non-selfsigned-" "uid\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "немає закритого підключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ підключа %s — пропуÑкаємо\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "викориÑтовуємо підключ %s заміÑÑ‚ÑŒ оÑновного ключа %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "ключ %s: закритий ключ без відкритого ключа — пропущено\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "Ñтворити підпиÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "Ñтворити текÑтовий підпиÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "Ñтворити від’єднаний підпиÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "зашифрувати дані" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "шифрувати лише за допомогою Ñиметричного шифру" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "розшифрувати дані (типова діÑ)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "перевірити підпиÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів Ñ– підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок Ñ– перевірити підпиÑи ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів Ñ– відбитків" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок закритих ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "Ñтворити пару ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "Ñтворити Ñертифікат відкликаннÑ" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "вилучити ключі з відкритого Ñховища ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "вилучити ключів з закритого Ñховища ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "підпиÑати ключ" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "підпиÑати ключ локально" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "підпиÑати або редагувати ключ" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "змінити пароль" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "екÑпортувати ключі" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "екÑпортувати ключі на Ñервер ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "імпортувати ключі з Ñервера ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "шукати ключі на Ñервері ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "оновити вÑÑ– ключів з Ñервера ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "імпортувати/об’єднати ключі" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "показати дані про Ñтан картки" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "змінити дані на картці" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "змінити пінкод картки" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "оновити базу даних довіри" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "показати контрольні Ñуми повідомлень" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "запуÑтити у режимі Ñервера" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "Ñтворити дані у форматі ASCII" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|USER-ID|зашифрувати Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ідентифікатора" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "" "|USER-ID|викориÑтовувати Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñів або Ñ€Ð¾Ð·ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð¹ " "ідентифікатор" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|вÑтановити рівень ÑтиÑÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ (0 — вимкнути)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "викориÑтовувати канонічний текÑтовий режим" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|запиÑати дані до вказаного файла" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "не вноÑити змін" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "запитувати перед перезапиÑом" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "Ñтрого викориÑтовувати Ñтандарт OpenPGP" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2151,7 +2187,7 @@ "(Щоб ознайомитиÑÑ Ð·Ñ– ÑпиÑком команд Ñ– параметрів, ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ Ñторінкою " "довідника (man))\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2172,11 +2208,11 @@ " --list-keys [назви] показати ключі\n" " --fingerprint [назви] показати відбитки\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "ВикориÑтаннÑ: gpg [параметри] [файли] (-h — довідка)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2186,7 +2222,7 @@ "ПідпиÑуваннÑ, перевірка підпиÑів, ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð°Ð±Ð¾ розшифруваннÑ\n" "Типова Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¼Ðµ від вхідних даних\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2194,75 +2230,75 @@ "\n" "Підтримувані алгоритми:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "Відкритий ключ: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "Шифр: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "Хеш: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "СтиÑненнÑ: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "викориÑтаннÑ: gpg [параметри] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "неÑуміÑні команди\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "у визначенні групи «%s» немає знаку «=»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника домашнього каталогу «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника у файлі налаштувань «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника додатка «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до домашнього каталогу «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до файла налаштувань «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до додатка «%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника підлеглого каталогу домашнього каталогу «%s» не Ñ” " "безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2270,21 +2306,21 @@ "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника у підлеглому каталозі, визначеному файлом " "налаштувань «%s», не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ñника підлеглого каталогу у додатку «%s» не Ñ” " "безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до підлеглого каталогу домашнього каталогу " "«%s» не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" @@ -2292,483 +2328,483 @@ "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до підлеглого каталогу, визначеного файлом " "налаштувань «%s», не Ñ” безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð² доÑтупу до підлеглого каталогу у додатку «%s» не Ñ” " "безпечним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "невідомий пункт налаштувань «%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "показувати фотоідентифікатори у ÑпиÑках ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "показувати адреÑи правил у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "показувати вÑÑ– примітки у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "показувати Ñтандартні примітки IETF у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "показувати примітки кориÑтувача у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "показувати адреÑи оÑновних Ñерверів ключів у ÑпиÑках підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "показувати чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів у ÑпиÑках ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "" "показувати відкликані та заÑтарілі ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів у ÑпиÑках " "ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "показувати відкликані та заÑтарілі підключі у ÑпиÑках ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "показувати назву Ñховища ключів у ÑпиÑках ключів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "показувати дати Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроків дії у ÑпиÑку підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: заÑтарілий файл типових параметрів «%s» проігноровано\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt занадто Ñтара (потрібна — %s, маємо %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: %s не призначено Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‡Ð°Ð¹Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ викориÑтаннÑ!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "«%s» не Ñ” коректним запиÑом Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії підпиÑу\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "«%s» не Ñ” коректним набором Ñимволів\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ адреÑу Ñервера ключів\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри Ñервера ключів\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "некоректні параметри Ñервера ключів\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри імпортуваннÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "некоректні параметри імпортуваннÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри екÑпортуваннÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "некоректні параметри екÑпортуваннÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри побудови ÑпиÑку\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "некоректні параметри побудови ÑпиÑку\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "показувати фотоідентифікатори під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "показувати адреÑи правил під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "показувати вÑÑ– примітки під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "показувати Ñтандартні примітки IETF під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "показувати вказані кориÑтувачем примітки під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "" "показувати адреÑи оÑновних Ñерверів ключів у ÑпиÑках перевірки підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "" "показувати чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ ідентифікаторів кориÑтувача під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "" "показувати відкликані та заÑтарілі ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів у ÑпиÑках " "перевірки підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "" "показувати лише оÑновний ідентифікатор кориÑтувача під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€ÐºÐ¸ підпиÑів" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "перевірити підпиÑи за допомогою даних PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "піднÑти рівень довіри до підпиÑів з коректними даними PKA" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: некоректні параметри перевірки\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "некоректні параметри перевірки\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñтановити шлÑÑ… Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑку у Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: некоректний ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "некоректний ÑпиÑок auto-key-locate\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: можливе ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð¼Ð¿Ñƒ пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ– програми!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: %s перевизначає %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s не можна викориÑтовувати разом з %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s Ñ” зайвим, Ñкщо викориÑтано %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "не буде запущено з помилками у захиÑÑ‚Ñ– пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ– через %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "від’єднані та текÑтові підпиÑи можна Ñтворювати лише у режимі --pgp2\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "у режимі --pgp2 не можна одночаÑно підпиÑувати Ñ– зашифровувати дані\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "" "вам Ñлід викориÑтовувати файли (не канали даних) під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¸ з увімкненим " "--pgp2.\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "" "ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½ÑŒ у режимі --pgp2 потребує викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€Ñƒ IDEA\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "вибраний алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ” некоректним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "вибраний алгоритм побудови контрольних Ñум Ñ” некоректним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "вибраний алгоритм ÑтиÑÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ” некоректним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "" "вибраний алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¸Ñ… Ñум Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñертифікації Ñ” некоректним\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ completes-needed має бути більшим за 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ marginals-needed має перевищувати 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ max-cert-depth має перебувати у діапазоні від 1 до 255\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ default-cert-level; має бути 0, 1, 2 або 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "некоректне Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ min-cert-level; має бути 1, 2 або 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "" "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: наполегливо не рекомендуємо вам кориÑтуватиÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñтим режимом " "S2K (0)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "некоректний режим S2K; мало бути вказано 0, 1 або 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "некоректні типові параметри\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "некоректні оÑобиÑÑ‚Ñ– параметри шифруваннÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "некоректні оÑобиÑÑ‚Ñ– параметри контрольної Ñуми\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "некоректні оÑобиÑÑ‚Ñ– параметри ÑтиÑканнÑ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s ще не може працювати разом з %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "не можна викориÑтовувати алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» у режимі %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "не можна викориÑтовувати алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¸Ñ… Ñум «%s» у режимі " "%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "не можна викориÑтовувати алгоритм ÑтиÑÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» у режимі %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñ–Ð½Ñ–Ñ†Ñ–Ð°Ð»Ñ–Ð·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸ базу даних надійноÑÑ‚Ñ– (TrustDB): %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: отримувачів (-r) вказано без викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ð¼ " "ключем\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ñиметричного ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --encrypt у режимі --s2k-" "mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --encrypt у режимі %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "" "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --sign --encrypt у режимі --" "s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "" "не можна викориÑтовувати комбінацію --symmetric --sign --encrypt у режимі " "%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key user-id" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key user-id [команди]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd <ідентифікатор-кориÑтувача>" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð´ÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… на Ñервер ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… з Ñервера ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби екÑÐ¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка пошуку на Ñервері ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· Ñервера ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð· формату ASCII: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñƒ формат ASCII: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "некоректний алгоритм Ñ…ÐµÑˆÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[назва файла]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "Почніть вводити ваше повідомленнÑ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "вказана адреÑа правил Ñертифікації Ñ” некоректною\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "вказана адреÑа правил підпиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ” некоректною\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "вказана адреÑа оÑновного Ñервера ключів Ñ” некоректною\n" @@ -2805,120 +2841,124 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "Довідки щодо %s не виÑвлено" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "імпортувати підпиÑи, позначені Ñк лише локальні" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "відновлювати Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñервером ключів pks під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "не ÑпорожнÑти дані щодо довіри влаÑнику під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "не оновлювати базу даних довіри піÑÐ»Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "Ñтворити відкритий ключ під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "приймати Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑˆÐµ вже Ñтворених ключів" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "вилучити невикориÑтані чаÑтини ключа піÑÐ»Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "вилучити макÑимум чаÑтин з ключа піÑÐ»Ñ Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "пропуÑкаємо блок типу %d\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "оброблено %lu ключів\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "Загалом оброблено: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" -msgstr " пропущено нових ключів: %lu\n" +msgstr "пропущено нових ключів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" -msgstr " без ід. кориÑтувача: %lu\n" +msgstr " без ід. кориÑтувача: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" -msgstr " імпортовано: %lu" +msgstr " імпортовано: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" -msgstr " без змін: %lu\n" +msgstr " без змін: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" -msgstr " нових ід. кориÑтувачів: %lu\n" +msgstr "нових ід. кориÑтувачів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" -msgstr " нових підключів: %lu\n" +msgstr " нових підключів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " нових підпиÑів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" -msgstr " відкликань нових ключів: %lu\n" +msgstr "відкликань нових ключів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" -msgstr " прочитано закритих ключів: %lu\n" +msgstr "прочитано закритих ключів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" -msgstr " імпортовано закр. ключів: %lu\n" +msgstr "імпортовано закр. ключів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " закр. ключів без змін: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" -msgstr " не імпортовано: %lu\n" +msgstr " не імпортовано: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " вилучених підпиÑів: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" -msgstr " вилучених ід. кориÑÑ‚.: %lu\n" +msgstr " вилучених ід. кориÑÑ‚.: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" @@ -2927,352 +2967,350 @@ "УВÐГÐ: у ключі %s міÑÑ‚ÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñи Ð½Ð°Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ð°Ð³Ð¸\n" "недоÑтупним алгоритмам Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¸Ñ… ід. кориÑтувачів:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " «%s»: перевага алгоритму ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " «%s»: перевага алгоритму контрольних Ñум %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " «%s»: перевага алгоритму ÑтиÑÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "наполегливо рекомендуємо вам оновити запиÑи переваг Ñ–\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "" "повторно поширити цей ключ, щоб уникнути потенційних проблем з алгоритмами\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "" "оновити запиÑи перевад можна за допомогою команди: gpg --edit-key %s updpref " "save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає ідентифікатор кориÑтувача\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "пропущено «%s»: %s\n" +msgstr "ключ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "відкинуто фільтром імпортуваннÑ" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "ключ %s: відновлено пошкоджений підключ PKS\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ключ %s: прийнÑто неÑамопідпиÑаний ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає чинних ідентифікаторів кориÑтувача\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "причиною цього може бути те, що немає ÑамопідпиÑу\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "ключ %s: не знайдено відкритий ключ: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: новий ключ — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "не виÑвлено придатного до запиÑу Ñховища ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "запиÑуємо до «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби запиÑу Ñховища ключів «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "ключ %s: імпортовано відкритий ключ «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "ключ %s: не відповідає нашій копії\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "ключ %s: не вдалоÑÑ Ð·Ð½Ð°Ð¹Ñ‚Ð¸ початковий блок ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "ключ %s: не вдалоÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸ початковий блок ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» 1 новий ідентифікатор кориÑтувача\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» %d нових ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» 1 новий підпиÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» %d нових підпиÑів\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» 1 новий підключ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» %d нових підключів\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» вилучено %d підпиÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» вилучено %d підпиÑів\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» Ñпорожнено %d ідентифікатор кориÑтувача\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» Ñпорожнено %d ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "ключ %s: «%s» не змінено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "закритий ключ «%s» не знайдено: %s\n" +msgstr "закритий ключ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ… ключів заборонено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: закритий ключ з некоректним шифром %d — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "немає типового Ñховища закритих ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "ключ %s: імпортовано закритий ключ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "ключ %s: вже у Ñховищі закритих ключів\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "ключ %s: закритий ключ не знайдено: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "" "ключ %s: немає відкритого ключа — не можна заÑтоÑовувати Ñертифікат " "відкликаннÑ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "ключ %s: некоректний Ñертифікат відкликаннÑ: %s — відкинуто\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "ключ %s: імпортовано Ñертифікат Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає ідентифікатор кориÑтувача Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñу\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "" "ключ %s: непідтримуваний алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа Ð´Ð»Ñ " "ідентифікатора кориÑтувача «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ключ %s: некоректний ÑÐ°Ð¼Ð¾Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð° кориÑтувача «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "ключ %s: непідтримуваний алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: некоректний безпоÑередній Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає підключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²â€™ÑÐ·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ–Ð²\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "ключ %s: некоректне зв’ÑÐ·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ–Ð²\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "ключ %s: вилучено кратне зв’ÑÐ·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ–Ð²\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає підключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "ключ %s: некоректне Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "ключ %s: вилучено кратне Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "ключ %s: пропущено ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "ключ %s: пропущено підключ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: непридатний до екÑпорту Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ (ÐºÐ»Ð°Ñ 0x%02X) — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: Ñертифікат Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñƒ помилковому міÑці — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: некоректний Ñертифікат відкликаннÑ: %s — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° у помилковому міÑці — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "ключ %s: неочікуваний ÐºÐ»Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñу (0x%02X) — пропущено\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "ключ %s: виÑвлено Ð´ÑƒÐ±Ð»ÑŽÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ñ–Ð² кориÑтувача — об’єднано\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: ключ %s могло бути відкликано: отримуємо ключ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: ключ %s могло бути відкликано: ключа Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ %s немає.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "ключ %s: додано Ñертифікат Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s»\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "ключ %s: додано безпоÑередній Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "" "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: Ñерійний номер ключа не збігаєтьÑÑ Ð· Ñерійним номером ключа на " "картці\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: оÑновний ключ викориÑтано Ñ– збережено на картці\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: вторинний ключ викориÑтано Ñ– збережено на картці\n" @@ -3296,51 +3334,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ±ÑƒÐ´ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸ кеш Ñховища ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[відкликаннÑ]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[ÑамопідпиÑ]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 помилковий підпиÑ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d помилкових підпиÑів\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "1 Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ перевірено через те, що немає ключа\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "%d підпиÑів не перевірено через те, що немає ключів\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "1 Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ перевірено через помилку\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "%d підпиÑів не перевірено через помилки\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "виÑвлено 1 ідентифікатор кориÑтувача без коректного ÑамопідпиÑу\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "виÑвлено %d ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів без коректних ÑамопідпиÑів\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3351,17 +3389,17 @@ "ключів інших\n" "кориÑтувачів (за паÑпортами, відбитками з інших джерел тощо)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = Я довірÑÑŽ не повніÑÑ‚ÑŽ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = Я довірÑÑŽ повніÑÑ‚ÑŽ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3371,47 +3409,47 @@ "Глибина, більша за 1, дозволÑÑ” ключу, Ñкий ви підпиÑуєте, Ñтворювати\n" "надійні підпиÑи від вашого імені.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "" "Будь лаÑка, вкажіть домен Ð¾Ð±Ð¼ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ підпиÑу або натиÑніть Enter, Ñкщо " "такого домену немає.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s» відкликано." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви певні, що вÑе ще бажаєте підпиÑати його? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " Ðеможливо підпиÑати.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "Строк дії ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s» Ñплив." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s» не Ñ” ÑамопідпиÑаним." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s» можна підпиÑувати. " -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "ПідпиÑати його? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3420,12 +3458,12 @@ "Ð¡Ð°Ð¼Ð¾Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Â«%s»\n" "Ñ” підпиÑом у форматі PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Бажаєте розширити Ñферу викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð¾ ÑамопідпиÑу OpenPGP? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3434,11 +3472,11 @@ "Строк дії вашого поточного підпиÑу «%s»\n" "завершено.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "Бажаєте видати новий Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ð¸ заÑтарілого? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3447,55 +3485,55 @@ "Ваш поточний Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Â«%s»\n" "Ñ” локальним підпиÑом.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Бажаєте розширити Ñферу викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð¾ повніÑÑ‚ÑŽ екÑпортованого підпиÑу? (y/" "N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "«%s» вже було локально підпиÑано ключем %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "«%s» вже було підпиÑано ключем %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "Бажаєте підпиÑати його попри вÑе? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "Ðічого підпиÑувати ключем %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "Строк дії цього ключа вичерпано!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "Строк дії цього ключа завершитьÑÑ %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "Бажаєте, щоб Ñтрок дії вашого підпиÑу був таким Ñамим? (Y/n або Т/н) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "Ðе можна Ñтворювати Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ OpenPGP ключа PGP 2.x у режимі --pgp2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "Це може зробити ключ непридатним до викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñƒ PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3506,107 +3544,107 @@ "Ñправді належить оÑобі, Ñ–Ð¼â€™Ñ Ñкої вказано вище? Якщо ви не знаєте відповіді, " "введіть «0».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) Ðе буду відповідати.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) Мною не виконувалоÑÑ Ð½Ñ–Ñких перевірок.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) Мною виконано чаÑткову перевірку.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) Мною виконано ретельну перевірку.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "Ваш вибір? (введіть «?», щоб дізнатиÑÑ Ð±Ñ–Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐµ): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" "key \"%s\" (%s)\n" msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте підпиÑати цей ключ вашим ключем «%s» (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "Це буде ÑамопідпиÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ буде позначено Ñк непридатний до екÑпортуваннÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ буде позначено Ñк непридатний до відкликаннÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´Ðµ позначено Ñк непридатний до екÑпортуваннÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´Ðµ позначено Ñк непридатний до відкликаннÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "Цей ключ не перевірÑвÑÑ Ð¼Ð½Ð¾ÑŽ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "Цей ключ перевірено мною чаÑтково.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "Цей ключ ретельно перевірено мною.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "ПідпиÑати? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби підпиÑуваннÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "" "До ключа включено лише типовий заповнювач або запиÑи ключа з картки — ніÑких " "паролів не потрібно змінювати.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "Цей ключ не захищено.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "Закриті чаÑтини оÑновного ключа недоÑтупні.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "Закриті чаÑтини оÑновного ключа зберігаютьÑÑ Ð½Ð° картці.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "Ключ захищено.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "Ð ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа неможливе: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3614,11 +3652,11 @@ "Вкажіть новий пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ закритого ключа.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ð²Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ, повторіть Ñпробу" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3626,194 +3664,194 @@ "Ви не викориÑтовуєте Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ â€” дуже погана робота!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді цього бажаєте? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "переÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñу ключа у належне міÑце\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "зберегти Ñ– вийти" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "показати відбиток ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "показати ÑпиÑок ключів та ідентифікаторів кориÑтувача" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "вибрати вказаний ідентифікатор кориÑтувача" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "вибрати вказаний підключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "перевірити підпиÑи" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "" "підпиÑати вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів [* нижче наведено відповідні " "команди]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "підпиÑати вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувача локально" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "підпиÑати вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувача підпиÑом надійноÑÑ‚Ñ–" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "" "підпиÑати вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувача підпиÑом, Ñкий не можна " "відкликати" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "додати ідентифікатор кориÑтувача" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "додати фотоідентифікатор" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "вилучити вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувача" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "додати підключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "додати ключ на картку пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ–" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "переÑунути ключ на картку пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ–" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "переÑунути резервний ключ на картку пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ–" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "вилучити вибрані підключі" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "додати ключ відкликаннÑ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "вилучити підпиÑи з вибраних ідентифікаторів кориÑтувача" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "змінити дату Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії ключа або вибраних ключів" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "позначити вибраний ідентифікатор кориÑтувача Ñк оÑновний" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "перемкнутиÑÑ Ð¼Ñ–Ð¶ ÑпиÑками закритих Ñ– відкритих ключів" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "ÑпиÑок переваг (екÑпертний)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "ÑпиÑок переваг (докладний)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "вÑтановити ÑпиÑок параметрів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "" "вÑтановити адреÑу оÑновного Ñервера ключів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… ідентифікаторів " "кориÑтувачів" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "вÑтановити примітку Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ідентифікатора кориÑтувача" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "змінити пароль" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "змінити рівень довіри до влаÑника" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "відкликати підпиÑи Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "відкликати вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "відкликати ключ або вибрані підключі" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "увімкнути ключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "вимкнути ключ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "показати вибрані фотоідентифікатори" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "" "ущільнити непридатні до викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸ кориÑтувачів Ñ– вилучити " "невикориÑтані підпиÑи з ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "" "ущільнити непридатні до викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸ кориÑтувачів Ñ– вилучити " "вÑÑ– підпиÑи з ключа" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒ ключів «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "ДоÑтупний закритий ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ потрібен закритий ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "СкориÑтайтеÑÑ Ñпочатку командою «toggle».\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3824,227 +3862,227 @@ " «t» Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð´Ñ–Ð¹Ð½Ð¸Ñ… підпиÑів (tsign), «nr» Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñів без відкликаннÑ\n" " (nrsign) або будь-Ñку комбінацію (ltsign, tnrsign тощо).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "Ключ відкликано." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "ПідпиÑати вÑÑ– ідентифікатори кориÑтувача? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "Підказка: виберіть ідентифікатори кориÑтувача Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑуваннÑ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "Ðевідомий тип підпиÑу «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "Цією командою не можна кориÑтуватиÑÑ Ñƒ режимі %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "Вам Ñлід вибрати принаймні один ідентифікатор кориÑтувача.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "Ðе можна вилучати оÑтанній ідентифікатор кориÑтувача!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Вилучити вÑÑ– вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Вилучити цей ідентифікатор кориÑтувача? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "Вилучити оÑновний ключ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "Вам Ñлід вибрати лише один ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "Ð”Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¸ Ñлід вказати аргумент з назвою файла\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Ðе вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "Помилка Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ·ÐµÑ€Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа з «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "Вам Ñлід вибрати принаймні один ключ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "Справді бажаєте вилучити вибрані ключі? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "Справді бажаєте вилучити цей ключ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "Відкликати вÑÑ– вибрані ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "Відкликати цей ідентифікатор кориÑтувача? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте відкликати веÑÑŒ ключ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте відкликати позначені підключі? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте відкликати цей підключ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "" "Ðе можна вÑтановлювати довіру до влаÑника, Ñкщо викориÑтовуєтьÑÑ Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð° " "кориÑтувачем база даних довіри\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "Ð’Ñтановити ÑпиÑок переваг:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Оновити переваги Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… ідентифікаторів кориÑтувачів? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "Оновити параметри? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "Зберегти зміни? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "Вийти без збереженнÑ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка оновленнÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñпроба Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð·Ð½Ð°Ð»Ð° невдачі: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "Ключ не змінено, отже Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ñ–Ð±Ð½Ðµ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "Контрольна Ñума: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "МожливоÑÑ‚Ñ–: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "Сервер ключів без можливоÑÑ‚Ñ– зміни" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "ОÑновний Ñервер ключів: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "Примітки: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "" "Переваг Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ñ–Ð² кориÑтувачів у форматі PGP 2.x не передбачено.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "Вказаний нижче ключ було відкликано %s %s ключем %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "Цей ключ може бути відкликано %s ключем %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(важливий)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "Ñтворено: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "відкликано: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "не діє з: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "діє до: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "викориÑтаннÑ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "надійніÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "Цей ключ було вимкнено" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "номер картки: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -4052,17 +4090,17 @@ "Зауважте, що показані дані щодо чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– ключів не обов’Ñзково Ñ” коректними\n" "до перезапуÑку програми.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "відкликано" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "збіг Ñтрок дії" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -4072,7 +4110,17 @@ " цієї команди можна зробити оÑновним інший ідентифікатор " "кориÑтувача.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "Ðе можна змінювати дату Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії ключа v3\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4082,74 +4130,74 @@ "до відмови\n" " у викориÑтанні цього ключа деÑкими верÑÑ–Ñми PGP.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте додати його? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "Ðе можна додавати фотоідентифікатор до ключа у форматі PGP2.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Вилучити цей дійÑний підпиÑ? (y/N/q або Ñ‚/Ð/в)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Вилучити цей некоректний підпиÑ? (y/N/q або Ñ‚/Ð/в)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "Вилучити цей невідомий підпиÑ? (y/N/q або Ñ‚/Ð/в)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "Вилучити цей ÑамопідпиÑ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "Вилучено %d підпиÑ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "Вилучено %d підпиÑів.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "Ðічого не вилучено.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "некоректний" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s» ущільнено: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s»: вилучено %d підпиÑ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s»: вилучено %d підпиÑів\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s»: вже мінімізовано\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s»: вже очищено\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4159,268 +4207,268 @@ "призвеÑти до відмови\n" " у викориÑтанні цього ключа деÑкими верÑÑ–Ñми PGP.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "Ðе можна додавати підпиÑане Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð¾ ключа у форматі PGP 2.x.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "Вкажіть ідентифікатор кориÑтувача підпиÑаного відкликаннÑ: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "не можна призначати ключ у форматі PGP 2.x підпиÑаним відкликаннÑм\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "не можна призначати ключ влаÑним підпиÑаним відкликаннÑм\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "цей ключ вже було позначено Ñк призначений Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° Ñк підпиÑаного Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ðµ можна ÑкаÑовувати!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "" "Ви Ñправді бажаєте призначити цей ключ Ñк підпиÑане відкликаннÑ? (y/N або Ñ‚/" "Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "Будь лаÑка, вилучіть вказане з закритих ключів.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "Будь лаÑка, виберіть не більше одного ключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "Зміна чаÑу Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "Зміна чаÑу Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾Ñновного ключа.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "Ðе можна змінювати дату Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії ключа v3\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "Ðемає відповідного підпиÑу у Ñховищі закритих ключів\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "підпиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s вже перехреÑно Ñертифіковано\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "" "підключ %s не призначено Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑуваннÑ, отже його не потрібно перехреÑно " "Ñертифікувати\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "Будь лаÑка, виберіть лише один ідентифікатор кориÑтувача.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "пропуÑкаємо ÑÐ°Ð¼Ð¾Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ v3 Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð° кориÑтувача «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "Вкажіть адреÑу вашого оÑновного Ñервера ключів: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте замінити його? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте вилучити його? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "Вкажіть примітку: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "Продовжувати? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатора кориÑтувача з індекÑом %d не Ñ–Ñнує\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатора кориÑтувача з хешем %s не Ñ–Ñнує\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "Підключа з індекÑом %d не Ñ–Ñнує\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "Ідентифікатор кориÑтувача: «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "підпиÑано вашим ключем %s %s%s%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (неекÑпортовний)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "Строк дії цього підпиÑу завершуєтьÑÑ %s.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "Ви Ñправді бажаєте відкликати його? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "Створити Ñертифікат Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ підпиÑу? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "Ðе підпиÑано вами.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "Вами підпиÑано ці ідентифікатори кориÑтувачів у ключі %s:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (невідкликуваний)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "відкликано вашим ключем %s у %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "Ви маєте намір відкликати ці підпиÑи:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "Справді Ñтворити Ñертифікати відкликаннÑ? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "немає закритого ключа\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "ідентифікатор кориÑтувача «%s» вже відкликано\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ñ–Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ñ–ÐºÐ°Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð° кориÑтувача позначено датою на %d Ñекунд у " "майбутньому\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Ключ %s вже відкликано.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "Підключ %s вже відкликано.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "Показ фотоідентифікатора %s розміру %ld Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° %s (uid %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ð°Ð³Ð¸ «%s» продубльовано\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "занадто багато запиÑів переваг шифрів\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "занадто багато запиÑів переваг контрольних Ñум\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "занадто багато запиÑів переваг ÑтиÑканнÑ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "некоректний Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Â«%s» у Ñ€Ñдку переваг\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "запиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ·Ð¿Ð¾Ñереднього підпиÑу\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "запиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÑамопідпиÑу\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "запиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñу прив’ÑÐ·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "некоректний розмір ключа; викориÑтовуємо %u-бітовий\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "розмір ключа округлено до %u-бітового\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: деÑкі з програм OpenPGP не можуть працювати з ключем DSA з таким " "розміром контрольної Ñуми\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "ПідпиÑати" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "Сертифікувати" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "Зашифрувати" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Пройти розпізнаваннÑ" @@ -4434,7 +4482,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4468,71 +4516,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) вийти\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "Вкажіть потрібний вам тип ключа:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA Ñ– RSA (типовий)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA Ñ– Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (лише підпиÑуваннÑ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (лише підпиÑуваннÑ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (лише шифруваннÑ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (лише шифруваннÑ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (із визначеннÑм можливоÑтей влаÑноруч)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (із визначеннÑм можливоÑтей влаÑноруч)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "ключі %s можуть мати довжину від %u до %u бітів.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "Якою має бути довжина підключа? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "Якою має бути довжина ключа? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "Запитана довжина ключа — %u бітів\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4548,7 +4596,7 @@ " m = Ñтрок чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– у n міÑÑців\n" " y = Ñтрок чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– у n років\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4564,38 +4612,38 @@ " m = Ñтрок чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– підпиÑу у n міÑÑців\n" " y = Ñтрок чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– підпиÑу у n років\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "Яким Ñ” Ñтрок чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– ключа? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "Яким Ñ” Ñтрок чинноÑÑ‚Ñ– підпиÑу? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "некоректне значеннÑ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "Ключ не має Ð¾Ð±Ð¼ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ має Ð¾Ð±Ð¼ÐµÐ¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñтроку дії\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "Ключ діє до %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ñ” до %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4603,11 +4651,11 @@ "У вашій ÑиÑтемі неможливий показ дат піÑÐ»Ñ 2038 року.\n" "Ðле програма коректно оброблÑтиме ці дати до 2106 року.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "Ð’Ñе правильно? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4622,7 +4670,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4639,44 +4687,44 @@ " \"Ivan Ivanenko (farmer) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "Справжнє ім’Ñ: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "Ðекоректний Ñимвол у імені\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "Ð†Ð¼â€™Ñ Ð½Ðµ може починатиÑÑ Ð· цифри\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "Ð†Ð¼â€™Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ñ” бути не коротшим за 5 літер\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "ÐдреÑа ел. пошти: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "Ðекоректна адреÑа електронної пошти\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Коментар: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "Ðекоректний Ñимвол у коментарі\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "Вами викориÑтано таблицю Ñимволів «%s».\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4687,13 +4735,13 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "" "Будь лаÑка, не викориÑтовуйте адреÑу електронної пошти у полÑÑ… Ñправжнього " "імені або коментарÑ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "У цьому ключі вже Ñ–Ñнує такий ідентифікатор кориÑтувача!\n" @@ -4708,24 +4756,24 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "Змінити назву (N), коментар (C), ел. пошту (E) або вийти (Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "" "Змінити назву (N), коментар (C), ел. пошту (E) або гаразд (O) чи вийти (Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "Спочатку виправте помилку\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4733,7 +4781,7 @@ "Вам потрібен пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ…Ð¸Ñту вашого закритого ключа.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." @@ -4741,12 +4789,12 @@ "Будь лаÑка, вкажіть пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ…Ð¸Ñту позакарткової резервної копії нового " "ключа шифруваннÑ." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4758,7 +4806,7 @@ "за допомогою цієї програми з параметром «--edit-key».\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4770,50 +4818,50 @@ "під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñтого чиÑла. Це надаÑÑ‚ÑŒ змогу генератору\n" "пÑевдовипадкових чиÑел Ñтворити краще випадкове чиÑло.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "Ð¡Ñ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° ÑкаÑовано.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "запиÑуємо відкритий ключ до «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "Ñпроба запиÑу заглушки закритого ключа до «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "Ñпроба запиÑу закритого ключа до «%s»\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "не знайдено придатного до запиÑу Ñховища відкритих ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "не виÑвлено придатного до запиÑу Ñховища закритих ключів: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби запиÑу до Ñховища відкритих ключів «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби запиÑу до Ñховища закритих ключів «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "відкритий Ñ– закритий ключі Ñтворено Ñ– підпиÑано.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4821,12 +4869,12 @@ "Зауважте, що цей ключ не може бути викориÑтано Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ. Ви можете\n" "ÑкориÑтатиÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾ÑŽ «--edit-key» Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° з цією метою.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "Помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4834,7 +4882,7 @@ "ключ було Ñтворено з позначкою на %lu Ñекунд у майбутньому (чаÑова Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð±Ð¾ " "проблема з годинником)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" @@ -4842,32 +4890,32 @@ "ключ було Ñтворено з позначкою на %lu Ñекунду у майбутньому (чаÑова Ð¿ÐµÑ‚Ð»Ñ " "або проблема з годинником)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ–Ð² Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ñ–Ð² v3 неÑуміÑне з OpenPGP\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "Створити? (y/N або Ñ‚/Ð) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñпроба Ð·Ð±ÐµÑ€Ñ–Ð³Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° на картці зазнала невдачі: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñтворити файл резервної копії «%s»: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: резервну копію ключа на картці збережено до «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " -msgstr "ніколи " +msgstr "ніколи " #: g10/keylist.c:273 msgid "Critical signature policy: " @@ -4899,17 +4947,17 @@ #: g10/keylist.c:1524 msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" +msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" #. TRANSLATORS: this should fit into 24 bytes to that the #. * fingerprint data is properly aligned with the user ID #: g10/keylist.c:1531 msgid " Primary key fingerprint:" -msgstr " Відбиток оÑновного ключа:" +msgstr "Відбиток оÑновного ключа:" #: g10/keylist.c:1533 msgid " Subkey fingerprint:" -msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" +msgstr " Відбиток підключа:" #: g10/keylist.c:1537 g10/keylist.c:1541 msgid " Key fingerprint =" @@ -4917,47 +4965,47 @@ #: g10/keylist.c:1608 msgid " Card serial no. =" -msgstr " Серійний номер картки =" +msgstr "Серійний номер картки =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "Ñпроба Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¹Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» на «%s» зазнала невдачі: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ñ–Ñнує 2 файли з конфіденційними даними.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s Ñ” незмінним\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s Ñ” новим\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "Будь лаÑка, виправте цю можливу ваду захиÑту\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "ÐºÐµÑˆÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñховища ключів «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "зараз кешовано %lu ключів (%lu підпиÑів)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "кешовано %lu ключів (%lu підпиÑів)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: Ñтворено Ñховище ключів\n" @@ -5007,7 +5055,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "Вкажіть номер, далі (N) чи вийти (Q) > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "некоректний протокол Ñервера ключів (наш %d!=%d обробника)\n" @@ -5021,123 +5069,123 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "ключ не знайдено на Ñервері ключів\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "надÑилаємо запит щодо ключа %s до %s Ñервера %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "надÑилаємо запит щодо ключа %s з %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "шукаємо назви з %s Ñервера %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "шукаємо назви на %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "надÑилаємо ключ %s до %s Ñервера %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "надÑилаємо ключ %s на %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "шукаємо «%s» на %s Ñервера %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "шукаємо «%s» з %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "немає дії щодо Ñервера ключів!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: заÑіб обробки даних Ñервера ключів взÑто з іншої верÑÑ–Ñ— GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "Ñервер ключів не надіÑлав Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ñƒ даними з Ñервером ключів: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "" "не вказано жодного Ñервера ключів (ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð¼ --keyserver)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "викликів зовнішнього Ñервера ключів у цій збірці не передбачено\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "немає обробника Ñхеми Ñервера ключів «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "дії «%s» не передбачено Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñхеми Ñервера ключів «%s»\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "у %s не передбачено підтримки обробника верÑÑ–Ñ— %d\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ð¸Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñу Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ–ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… від Ñервера ключів\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "Ð²Ð½ÑƒÑ‚Ñ€Ñ–ÑˆÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ð»ÐºÐ° Ñервера ключів\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ñƒ даними з Ñервером ключів: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "«%s» не Ñ” ідентифікатором ключа: пропуÑкаємо\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ ключ %s за допомогою %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "оновлюємо 1 ключ з %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "оновлюємо %d ключів з %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸ адреÑу %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ адреÑу %s\n" @@ -5199,162 +5247,167 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "зашифровано за допомогою 1 паролÑ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "припуÑкаємо, що дані зашифровано %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "Шифр IDEA недоÑтупний, Ñпробуємо ÑкориÑтатиÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¼Ñ–ÑÑ‚ÑŒ нього %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "розшифровано\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: ціліÑніÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ðµ захищено\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: зашифроване Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ»Ð¾ змінено!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "текÑтовий пароль кешовано з ідентифікатором: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "невдала Ñпроба розшифруваннÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: вимога відправника: «лише Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð’Ð°Ñ»\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "початкова назва файла=«%.*s»\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: виÑвлено декілька фрагментів нешифрованого текÑту\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "" "окреме Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ â€” ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð¾ÑŽ «gpg --import» Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°ÑтоÑуваннÑ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "підпиÑу не знайдено\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "перевірку підпиÑів придушено\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ ці дані з неоднозначним підпиÑом\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ñтворено %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " за допомогою %s ключа %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ñтворено %s ключем %s з ідентифікатором %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "Ключ доÑтупний на: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ПОМИЛКОВИЙ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "ПроÑтрочений Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "Ðалежний Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[непевний]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " або «%s»" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "Строк дії підпиÑу вичерпано %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ñ” до %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s підпиÑ, алгоритм контрольної Ñуми %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "двійковий" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "текÑтовий" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "невідомо" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "УВÐГÐ: Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ñ” від’єднаним; перевірку файла «%s» не виконано!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "Ðе вдалоÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ²Ñ–Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ підпиÑ: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "не Ñ” від’єднаним підпиÑом\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: виÑвлено кратні підпиÑи. Буде перевірено лише перший.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "окремий Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»Ð°Ñу 0x%02x\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ñƒ заÑтарілому форматі (PGP 2.x)\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "виÑвлено некоректний кореневий пакет у proc_tree()\n" @@ -5368,94 +5421,111 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "помилка fstat(%d) у %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: викориÑтовуємо екÑпериментальний алгоритм ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа " "%s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: ключі підпиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ– ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Elgamal вважаютьÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ñтарілими\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: викориÑтовуємо екÑпериментальний алгоритм ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: викориÑтовуємо екÑпериментальний алгоритм обчиÑÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¸Ñ… Ñум " "%s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: алгоритм обчиÑÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¸Ñ… Ñум %s вважаєтьÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ñтарілим\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "ЗауваженнÑ: підпиÑи за допомогою алгоритму %s відкинуто\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "не виÑвлено додатка ÑˆÐ¸Ñ„Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ IDEA\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "будь лаÑка, ознайомтеÑÑ Ð· %s, щоб дізнатиÑÑ Ð±Ñ–Ð»ÑŒÑˆÐµ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: заÑтарілий параметр «%s»\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» вважаєтьÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ñтарілим параметром\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "будь лаÑка, ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ Â«%s%s»\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» вважаєтьÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ñтарілою командою — не кориÑтуйтеÑÑ Ð½ÐµÑŽ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: заÑтарілий параметр «%s» — він не працюватиме\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: «%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: «%s%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим у цьому файлі — він працює лише у %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "" +"УВÐГÐ: «%s%s» Ñ” заÑтарілим параметром — він не працюватиме, окрім Ñк на %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "ÐеÑтиÑнений" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "uncompressed|немає" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ‰Ð¾Ð´Ð¾ %s може бути неможливим\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "неоднозначний параметр «%s»\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "невідомий параметр «%s»\n" @@ -5482,48 +5552,48 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "запиÑуємо до stdout\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "припуÑкаємо підпиÑані дані у «%s»\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "Ñтворено новий файл налаштувань «%s»\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "УВÐГÐ: параметри у «%s» ще не Ñ” активними під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñ†ÑŒÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ запуÑку\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "робота з алгоритмом ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа %d неможлива\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "" "УВÐГÐ: потенційно небезпечний зашифрований Ñиметричним алгоритмом ключ " "ÑеанÑу\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "підпакет типу %d міÑтить критичний набір бітів\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "проблема з агентом: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ідентифікатор оÑновного ключа %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5537,15 +5607,15 @@ "%u-бітовий ключ %s, ідентифікатор %s,\n" "Ñтворено %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "Вкажіть пароль\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "ÑкаÑовано кориÑтувачем\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5554,12 +5624,12 @@ "Вам потрібен пароль Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" "Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача: «%s»\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u-бітовий ключ %s, ідентифікатор %s, Ñтворено %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (підключ у ідентифікаторі оÑновного ключа %s)" @@ -5915,16 +5985,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "читаємо дані з stdin...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "немає підпиÑаних даних\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ підпиÑані дані «%s»\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ підпиÑані дані fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -6187,24 +6257,18 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "ЗÐУВÐЖЕÐÐЯ: ключ підпиÑу %s було відкликано\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s підпиÑ, алгоритм контрольної Ñуми %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "" "припуÑкаємо помилковий підпиÑу від ключа %s через невідомий критичний біт\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає підключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñу Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "ключ %s: немає підключа Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¸Ñу прив’ÑÐ·ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" @@ -6607,7 +6671,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "потреби у перевірці trustdb немає\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "наÑтупну перевірку trustdb призначено на %s\n" @@ -6622,39 +6686,39 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "потреби у оновленні trustdb на оÑнові моделі довіри «%s» немає\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "відкритий ключ %s не знайдено: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "будь лаÑка, ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð¼ --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "перевірка trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "Оброблено %d ключів (очищено %d значень чинноÑÑ‚Ñ–)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "не знайдено ключів з необмеженою довірою\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "не знайдено відкритий ключ ключа з необмеженою довірою %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "потрібно %d обмежених, потрібно %d повних, модель довіри %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" @@ -6662,7 +6726,7 @@ "глибина: %d чинніÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %3d підпиÑано: %3d надійніÑÑ‚ÑŒ: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, " "%df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑÑ–Ñ— trustdb: помилка запиÑу: %s\n" @@ -6687,68 +6751,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "неочікуваний аргумент" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "помилка читаннÑ" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "занадто довге ключове Ñлово" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "не виÑтачає аргументу" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid value\n" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "некоректне значеннÑ\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "некоректна команда" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "некоректне Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼Ñ–Ð½Ð½Ð¸ÐºÐ°" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "вихід за межі облаÑÑ‚Ñ– пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ–" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "некоректний параметр" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "не вказано аргументу до параметра «%.50s»\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "не вказано аргументу до параметра «%.50s»\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð° «%.50s» аргументи не потрібно вказувати\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "некоректна команда «%.50s»\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "параметр «%.50s» Ñ” неоднозначним\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "команда «%.50s» Ñ” неоднозначною\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "вихід за межі облаÑÑ‚Ñ– пам’ÑÑ‚Ñ–\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "некоректний параметр «%.50s»\n" @@ -6778,35 +6854,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ñтворити тимчаÑовий файл «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби запиÑу до «%s»: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñтарілого файла Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ (Ñтворено %d)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " — ймовірно, не викориÑтовуєтьÑÑ â€” знімаємо блокуваннÑ" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ–ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ (зайнÑто %d%s) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(заÑтаріле блокуваннÑ?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Â«%s» не виконано: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ–ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ %s…\n" @@ -6831,23 +6907,23 @@ "СинтакÑиÑ: kbxutil [параметри] [файли]\n" "ПереглÑд, екÑпортуваннÑ, Ñ–Ð¼Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… Keybox\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" "Ðе знайдено оÑнови чиÑÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ RSA або оÑнова чиÑÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ðµ належить до %d-" "бітових\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "" "Ðе виÑтачає відкритого показника RSA або розмірніÑÑ‚ÑŒ показника перевищує %d " "бітів\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "Зворотний виклик пінкоду повернув Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ помилку: %s\n" @@ -6904,79 +6980,79 @@ "|P|Будь лаÑка, вкажіть код Ñ€Ð¾Ð·Ð±Ð»Ð¾ÐºÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð½ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ñƒ (PUK) Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÑкіÑних " "підпиÑів." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ пінкоду: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð·Ð±ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ³Ñ‚Ð¸ відбиток: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð·Ð±ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ³Ñ‚Ð¸ дату ÑтвореннÑ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "відповідь не міÑтить даних відкритого ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "відповідь не міÑтить оÑнови чиÑÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "відповідь не міÑтить відкритого показника RSA\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "викориÑтовуємо типовий пінкод Ñк %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" "не вдалоÑÑ Ð²Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтати типовий пінкод Ñк %s: %s — вимикаємо подальше типове " "викориÑтаннÑ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||Будь лаÑка, вкажіть пінкод%%0A[підпиÑів: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||Вкажіть пінкод" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Пінкод Ð´Ð»Ñ CHV%d занадто короткий; мінімальна довжина — %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "помилка перевірки CHV%d: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "помилка Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñтану CHV з картки\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "картку заблоковано!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "" @@ -6985,25 +7061,25 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "" "|A|Будь лаÑка, вкажіть адмініÑтративний пінкод%%0A[залишилоÑÑ Ñпроб: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|Вкажіть адмініÑтративний пінкод" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "доÑтуп до адмініÑтративних команд не налаштовано\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||Вкажіть код ÑÐºÐ¸Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ñƒ картки" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "Занадто короткий код ÑкиданнÑ; мінімальна довжина — %d\n" @@ -7011,102 +7087,102 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|Ðовий код ÑкиданнÑ" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|Ðовий адмініÑтративний пінкод" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|Ðовий пінкод" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" -msgstr "|A|Вкажіть новий адмініÑтративний пінкод" +msgstr "||Вкажіть адмініÑтративний пінкод та новий адмініÑтративний пінкод" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" -msgstr "||Вкажіть новий пінкод" +msgstr "||Вкажіть пінкод та новий пінкод" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "помилка Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ… програми\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "помилка Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚ÐºÐ° DO\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "ключ вже Ñ–Ñнує\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "вже Ñтворений ключ буде замінено\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "запиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ключа\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "не вказано чаÑової позначки ÑтвореннÑ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "" "Ðе знайдено проÑтого чиÑла RSA %s або чиÑло не належить до %d-бітових\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð·Ð±ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ³Ñ‚Ð¸ ключ: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "зачекайте на Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð°\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡Ð° завершено (за %d Ñекунд)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "некоректна Ñтруктура картки OpenPGP (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "відбиток на картці не відповідає запитаному\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "карткою не підтримуєтьÑÑ Ð°Ð»Ð³Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¼ контрольних Ñум %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "вже Ñтворено підпиÑів: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "перевірку адмініÑтративного пінкоду заборонено цією командою\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸ доÑтуп до %s — некоректна картка OpenPGP?\n" @@ -7130,7 +7206,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "|LEVEL|вÑтановити вказаний рівень діагноÑтики" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|запиÑувати журнал до файла" @@ -7164,7 +7240,7 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:152 msgid "use variable length input for pinpad" -msgstr "викориÑтовувати Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ»Ð°Ð²Ñ–Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ€Ð½Ð¾Ñ— панелі змінну довжину введених даних" +msgstr "викориÑтовувати змінну довжину вхідних даних Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ñ‡Ð°" #: scd/scdaemon.c:269 msgid "Usage: scdaemon [options] (-h for help)" @@ -7863,7 +7939,7 @@ msgstr "" "|USER-ID|викориÑтовувати ідентифікатор кориÑтувача Ñк типовий закритий ключ" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "викориÑтовувати цей Ñервер ключів Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐºÑƒ" @@ -7921,25 +7997,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: пропуÑкаємо цей Ñ€Ñдок\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "не вдалоÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ Ñервер ключів\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "УВÐГÐ: запущено з фіктивним ÑиÑтемним чаÑом: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "імпортуємо загальні Ñертифікати «%s»\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "підпиÑÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð° допомогою «%s» неможливе: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "некоректна команда (немає неÑвної команди)\n" @@ -8202,27 +8278,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "помилка під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби надÑÐ¸Ð»Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñтандартних параметрів: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "Параметри ÐºÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ð°Ð³Ð½Ð¾Ñтичним виводом" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "Параметри ÐºÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð»Ð°ÑˆÑ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñми" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "Параметри діагноÑтики" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "|FILE|запиÑувати журнал режиму Ñервера до файла" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "Параметри ÐºÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ…Ð¸Ñтом" @@ -8238,109 +8314,109 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|вÑтановити макÑимальний Ñтрок дії ключа SSH у Ñекундах" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "Параметри примуÑового викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð» паролів" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "не дозволÑти обхід правил паролів" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|вÑтановити вказану мінімальну довжину нових паролів" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|вимагати у нових паролÑÑ… не менше вказаної кількоÑÑ‚Ñ– нелітер" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "|FILE|перевірÑти нові паролі за зразком з вказаного файла" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|завершувати Ñтрок дії паролів за вказану кількіÑÑ‚ÑŒ днів" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "не дозволÑти повторне викориÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñтарих паролів" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "|NAME|викориÑтовувати вказаний типовий закритий ключ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|NAME|шифрувати також до вказаного ідентифікатора кориÑтувача" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|вÑтановити замінники адреÑи електронної пошти" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "ÐÐ°Ð»Ð°ÑˆÑ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñерверів ключів" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|викориÑтовувати Ñервер ключів за адреÑою" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "дозволити пошук PKA (запити до DNS)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" "|MECHANISMS|викориÑтовувати вказаний механізм Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑˆÑƒÐºÑƒ ключів за адреÑою" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "заборонити доÑтуп до dirmngr" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "викориÑтовувати вказане ÐºÐ¾Ð´ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ–Ð² PKCS#12" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "не шукати у ÑпиÑках відкликаних Ñертифікатів кореневі Ñертифікати" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "Параметри ÐºÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼ виведеннÑ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "Параметри ÐºÐµÑ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ–Ð½Ñ‚ÐµÑ€Ð°ÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ñ–ÑÑ‚ÑŽ та примуÑом" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "ÐÐ°Ð»Ð°ÑˆÑ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñерверів HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "викориÑтовувати загальноÑиÑтемний прокÑÑ–-Ñервер HTTP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "ÐÐ°Ð»Ð°ÑˆÑ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð¸ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸ÑÑ‚Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñерверів LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "ÑпиÑок Ñерверів LDAP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "ÐÐ°Ð»Ð°ÑˆÑ‚ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ OCSP" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "Помилка зовнішньої перевірки компонента %s" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "Зауважте, що Ñпецифікації груп буде проігноровано\n" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/zh_CN.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/zh_CN.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/zh_CN.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/zh_CN.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/zh_CN.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/zh_CN.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gnupg 1.4.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-09 10:03+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Meng Jie \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) \n" @@ -30,21 +30,49 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "您真的è¦åŠé”€é€‰å®šçš„å­é’¥å—?(y/N)" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "无效的密ç " + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 #, fuzzy msgid "Quality:" msgstr "有效性:%s" @@ -55,17 +83,17 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " @@ -75,41 +103,41 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 #, fuzzy msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "列太长" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "列太长" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "姓åå«æœ‰æ— æ•ˆçš„字符\n" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "æŸå的多精度整数(MPI)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "错误的密ç " -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "错误的密ç " @@ -119,22 +147,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "ä¸æ”¯æŒä¿æŠ¤æ•£åˆ— %d\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "无法建立‘%s’:%s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "无法打开‘%s’: %s\n" @@ -358,7 +386,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "更改密ç " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" @@ -369,116 +397,121 @@ "选项:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "详细模å¼" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "å°½é‡å‡å°‘æ示信æ¯" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" msgstr "从‘%s’读å–选项\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 #, fuzzy msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "在公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šæœå¯»å¯†é’¥" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 #, fuzzy msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "为所选用户标识的设定注记" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 #, fuzzy msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "导入åŽä¸æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 #, fuzzy msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "生æˆå¯†ç çš„时候å‘生错误:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable ssh support" msgstr "未被支æŒ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "not supported" msgid "enable putty support" msgstr "未被支æŒ" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "生æˆå¯†ç çš„时候å‘生错误:%s\n" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" @@ -486,159 +519,159 @@ "è¯·å‘ <@EMAIL@> 报告程åºç¼ºé™·ã€‚\n" "è¯·å‘ å映简体中文翻译的问题。\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "用法: gpg [选项] [文件] (用 -h 求助)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "注æ„:没有默认é…置文件‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "é…置文件‘%s’:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "从‘%s’读å–选项\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "建立‘%s’时å‘生错误:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "无法建立目录‘%s’:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "无法建立‘%s’:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "gpg-agent 在此次èˆè¯ä¸­æ— æ³•ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "获å–æ–° PIN 时出错:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "在‘%s’中寻找信任度记录时出错:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "更新失败:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "正在将ç§é’¥å†™è‡³`%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "已创建目录‘%s’\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) 在 %s 中出错:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "无法建立目录‘%s’:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "读å–‘%s’时出错:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "æ›´æ–°ç§é’¥å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s:已跳过:%s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 #, fuzzy msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "gpg-agent 在此次èˆè¯ä¸­æ— æ³•ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "GPG_AGENT_INFO 环境å˜é‡æ ¼å¼é”™è¯¯\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -655,7 +688,7 @@ "Password cache maintenance\n" msgstr "" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -664,7 +697,7 @@ "@指令:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -835,8 +868,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "生æˆå¯†ç çš„时候å‘生错误:%s\n" @@ -1215,103 +1248,103 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "ASCII å°è£…:%s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "无效的 ASCII å°è£…头:" -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "ASCII å°è£…头:" -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "无效的明文签å头\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "ASCII å°è£…头:" -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "多层明文签å\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "与预期ä¸ç¬¦çš„ ASCII å°è£…:" -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "以连字符开头的行格å¼é”™è¯¯ï¼š" -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "跳过无效的 64 进制字符 %02x\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "文件先于预期结æŸ(没有 CRC 部分)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "文件先于预期结æŸ(CRC 部分未结æŸ)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "异常的 CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC 错误:%06lx - %06lx\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "文件先于预期结æŸ(于结尾处)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "结尾行有问题\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°æœ‰æ•ˆçš„ OpenPGP æ•°æ®ã€‚\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "无效的 ASCII å°è£…:一行超过 %d 字符\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "å°è£…里出现括上的å¯æ‰“å°å­—符――å¯èƒ½æ˜¯æœ‰ç¼ºé™·çš„信件传输程åºé€ æˆçš„\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°æœ‰æ•ˆçš„ OpenPGP æ•°æ®ã€‚\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "" @@ -1325,8 +1358,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "检测到 OpenPGP å¡å· %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "在批处ç†æ¨¡å¼ä¸­æ— æ³•å®Œæˆæ­¤æ“作\n" @@ -1335,14 +1368,14 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "在 %s 模å¼ä¸­ä¸å…许使用这个指令。\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "ç§é’¥éƒ¨åˆ†ä¸å¯ç”¨\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "您的选择? " @@ -1410,7 +1443,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "建立钥匙环‘%s’时å‘生错误:%s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "读å–‘%s’时出错:%s\n" @@ -1506,13 +1539,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "您想è¦ç”¨å¤šå¤§çš„密钥尺寸?(%u)" -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "èˆå…¥åˆ° %u ä½\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s 密钥尺寸必须在 %u 与 %u é—´\n" @@ -1567,8 +1600,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) 认è¯å¯†é’¥\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "无效的选择。\n" @@ -1593,7 +1626,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "写入钥匙环‘%s’时出错: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "离开这个èœå•" @@ -1601,7 +1634,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "显示管ç†å‘˜å‘½ä»¤" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "显示这份在线说明" @@ -1673,7 +1706,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "ä¸å…许使用管ç†å‘˜å‘½ä»¤\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "无效的指令(å°è¯•â€œhelpâ€)\n" @@ -1681,18 +1714,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output 在这个命令中ä¸èµ·ä½œç”¨\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "无法打开‘%s’\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "密钥‘%s’找ä¸åˆ°ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1934,222 +1967,222 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "警告:没有导出任何东西\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "pk 缓存里项目太多――已ç¦ç”¨\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[找ä¸åˆ°ç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "密钥 %s:无相应公钥的ç§é’¥â€•â€•å·²è·³è¿‡\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "自动获å–‘%s’,通过 %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "建立‘%s’时å‘生错误:%s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "CA 指纹:" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "--allow-non-selfsigned-uid 使无效密钥 %s 生效\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "公钥 %s 没有相对应的ç§é’¥â€•â€•å¿½ç•¥\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "使用å­é’¥ %s 而éžä¸»é’¥ %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "密钥 %s:无相应公钥的ç§é’¥â€•â€•å·²è·³è¿‡\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 #, fuzzy msgid "make a signature" msgstr "|[文件å]|生æˆä¸€ä»½ç­¾å" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 #, fuzzy msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "|[文件å]|生æˆä¸€ä»½æ˜Žæ–‡ç­¾å" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "生æˆä¸€ä»½åˆ†ç¦»çš„ç­¾å" -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "加密数æ®" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "仅使用对称加密" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "解密数æ®(默认)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "列出密钥" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "列出密钥和签å" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "列出并检查密钥签å" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "列出密钥和指纹" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "列出ç§é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "生æˆä¸€å‰¯æ–°çš„密钥对" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "生æˆä¸€ä»½åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "从公钥钥匙环里删除密钥" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "从ç§é’¥é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯é‡Œåˆ é™¤å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "为æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æ·»åŠ ç­¾å" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "为æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æ·»åŠ æœ¬åœ°ç­¾å" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "编辑æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æˆ–为其添加签å" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 #, fuzzy msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "更改密ç " -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "导出密钥" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "把密钥导出到æŸä¸ªå…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Š" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šå¯¼å…¥å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "在公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šæœå¯»å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æ›´æ–°æ‰€æœ‰çš„本地密钥" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "导入/åˆå¹¶å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "打å°å¡çŠ¶æ€" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "更改å¡ä¸Šçš„æ•°æ®" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "更改å¡çš„ PIN" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "更新信任度数æ®åº“" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 #, fuzzy msgid "print message digests" msgstr "|算法 [文件]|使用指定的散列算法打å°æŠ¥æ–‡æ•£åˆ—值" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "è¾“å‡ºç» ASCII å°è£…" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" msgstr "|æŸç”²|为收件者“æŸç”²â€åŠ å¯†" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 #, fuzzy msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" msgstr "使用这个用户标识æ¥ç­¾å或解密" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|设定压缩等级为 N (0 表示ä¸åŽ‹ç¼©)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "使用标准的文本模å¼" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" msgstr "从‘%s’读å–选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "ä¸åšä»»ä½•æ”¹å˜" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "覆盖å‰å…ˆè¯¢é—®" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "行为严格éµå¾ª OpenPGP 定义" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2157,7 +2190,7 @@ "@\n" "(请å‚考在线说明以获得所有命令和选项的完整清å•)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2177,11 +2210,11 @@ " --list-keys [æŸç”²] 显示密钥\n" " --fingerprint [æŸç”²] 显示指纹\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "用法: gpg [选项] [文件] (用 -h 求助)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" @@ -2196,7 +2229,7 @@ "ç­¾åã€æ£€æŸ¥ã€åŠ å¯†æˆ–解密\n" "默认的æ“作ä¾è¾“入数æ®è€Œå®š\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2204,545 +2237,545 @@ "\n" "支æŒçš„算法:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "公钥:" -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "对称加密:" -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "散列:" -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "压缩:" -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "用法:gpg [选项] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "冲çªçš„指令\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "在‘%s’组定义里找ä¸åˆ°ç­‰å·(=)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’的关闭目录所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’的关闭目录所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’的关闭目录所有æƒä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:用户目录‘%s’的关闭目录æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:é…置文件‘%s’的关闭目录æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告:扩展模å—‘%s’的关闭目录æƒé™ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "未知的é…置项‘%s’\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "列出密钥时显示用户标识" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "列出签å时显示策略 URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "列出签å时显示 IETF 标准注记" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "列出签å时显示 IETF 标准注记" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "列出签å时显示用户æ供的注记" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "列出密钥时显示首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "列出密钥时显示用户标识的有效性" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "列出密钥时显示已åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的用户标识" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "列出密钥时显示已åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的å­é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "列出密钥时显示钥匙环的å称" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "列出签å时显示过期日期" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "注æ„:旧å¼çš„默认é…置文件‘%s’已被忽略\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "注æ„:一般情况下ä¸ä¼šç”¨åˆ° %sï¼\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "‘%s’ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæœ‰æ•ˆçš„ç­¾å过期日期\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "‘%s’ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæœ‰æ•ˆçš„字符集\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "无法解æžå…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d:无效的公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨é€‰é¡¹\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "无效的公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨é€‰é¡¹\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d:无效的导入选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "无效的导入选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d:无效的导出选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "无效的导出选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d:无效的列表选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "无效的列表选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示照片标识" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示策略 URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示所有注记" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示 IETF 标准注记" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示用户æ供的注记" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "验è¯ç­¾å时显示用户标识的有效性" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "验è¯å¯†é’¥æ—¶æ˜¾ç¤ºå·²åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的å­é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 #, fuzzy msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "验è¯å¯†é’¥æ—¶æ˜¾ç¤ºå·²åŠé”€æˆ–已过期的å­é’¥" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "使用 PKA æ•°æ®éªŒè¯ç­¾å的有效性" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "æå‡å¸¦æœ‰æœ‰æ•ˆ PKA æ•°æ®çš„ç­¾å的信任度" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d:无效的校验选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "无效的校验选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "无法把è¿è¡Œè·¯å¾„è®¾æˆ %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d:无效的 auto-key-locate 清å•\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "无效的 auto-key-locate 清å•\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "警告:程åºå¯èƒ½ä¼šåˆ›å»ºæ ¸å¿ƒå†…存转储ï¼\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "警告:%s 会使得 %s 失效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ä¸å¯ä¸Ž %s 并用\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s 与 %s 并用无æ„义ï¼\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "ä¸ä¼šåœ¨å†…å­˜ä¸å®‰å…¨çš„情况下è¿è¡Œï¼ŒåŽŸå› æ˜¯ %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "您åªæœ‰åœ¨ --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹æ‰èƒ½åšåˆ†ç¦»å¼æˆ–明文签å\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "您在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹æ—¶ï¼Œä¸èƒ½åŒæ—¶ç­¾å和加密\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "å¯ç”¨ --pgp2 时您应该åªä½¿ç”¨æ–‡ä»¶ï¼Œè€Œéžç®¡é“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹åŠ å¯†æŠ¥æ–‡éœ€è¦ IDEA 算法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所选的对称加密算法无效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所选的散列算法无效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所选的压缩算法无效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所选的è¯ä¹¦æ•£åˆ—算法无效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "需è¦çš„完全å¯ä¿¡ç­¾å数一定è¦å¤§äºŽ 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "需è¦çš„勉强å¯ä¿¡ç­¾å数一定è¦å¤§äºŽ 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "最大验è¯æ·±åº¦ä¸€å®šè¦ä»‹äºŽ 1 å’Œ 255 之间\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "无效的默认验è¯çº§åˆ«ï¼›ä¸€å®šè¦æ˜¯ 0,1,2 或 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "无效的最å°éªŒè¯çº§åˆ«ï¼›ä¸€å®šè¦æ˜¯ 1,2 或 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "注æ„:强烈ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨ç®€å•çš„ S2K 模å¼(0)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "无效的 S2K 模å¼ï¼›å¿…须是 0,1 或 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "无效的默认首选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "无效的个人对称加密算法首选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "无效的个人散列算法首选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "无效的个人压缩算法首选项\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s å°šä¸èƒ½å’Œ %s 并用\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨â€˜%s’对称加密算法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨â€˜%s’散列算法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨â€˜%s’压缩算法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "åˆå§‹åŒ–信任度数æ®åº“失败:%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "警告:给定了收件人(-r)但并未使用公钥加密\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "对称加密‘%s’失败:%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "使用 --symmetric --encrypt æ—¶ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric -encrypt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "使用 --symmetric --sign --encrypt æ—¶ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ --s2k-mode 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸‹ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric --sign -encrypt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key 用户标识" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key 用户标识" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key 用户标识 [指令]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 #, fuzzy msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--sign-key 用户标识" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "上传至公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æŽ¥æ”¶å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "导出密钥失败:%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "æœå¯»å…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "从公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æ›´æ–°å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "解开 ASCII å°è£…失败:%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "进行 ASCII å°è£…失败:%s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "无效的‘%s’散列算法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[文件å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "请开始键入您的报文……\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "给定的的验è¯ç­–ç•¥ URL 无效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "给定的签åç­–ç•¥ URL 无效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "给定的首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL 无效\n" @@ -2781,400 +2814,406 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "‘%s’没有å¯ç”¨çš„帮助" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "导入被标记为局部的签å" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "å¯¼å…¥æ—¶ä¿®å¤ PKS 公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨å¯¼è‡´çš„æŸå" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "导入åŽä¸æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "导入åŽä¸æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "导入ç§é’¥æ—¶åˆ›å»ºå¯¹åº”的公钥" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "åªæŽ¥å—对已有密钥的更新" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "导入åŽæ¸…除密钥中无用的部分" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "导入åŽå°½å¯èƒ½æ¸…除密钥中的å¯é€‰éƒ¨åˆ†" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "跳过 %d æ ·å¼çš„区å—\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰å·²å¤„ç† %lu 把密钥\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "åˆè®¡è¢«å¤„ç†çš„æ•°é‡ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " 已跳过的新密钥:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " é—失用户标识:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " 已导入:%lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " 未改å˜ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " 新用户标识:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°çš„å­é’¥ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°çš„ç­¾å:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " 新的密钥åŠé”€ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " 读å–çš„ç§é’¥ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " 导入的ç§é’¥ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " 未改å˜çš„ç§é’¥ï¼š%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " 未被导入:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " 清除的签å:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " 清除的用户标识:%lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "警告:密钥 %s 下列用户标识的首选项中包å«ä¸å¯ç”¨çš„算法:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€ï¼šå¯¹ç§°åŠ å¯†ç®—法 %s 对应首选项\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€ï¼šæ•£åˆ—算法 %s 对应首选项\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " “%sâ€ï¼šåŽ‹ç¼©ç®—法 %s 对应首选项\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "强烈建议您更新您的首选项并é‡æ–°åˆ†å‘这把密钥,\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "以é¿å…å¯èƒ½çš„算法ä¸åŒ¹é…问题\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "您å¯ä»¥è¿™æ ·æ›´æ–°æ‚¨çš„首选项:gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有用户标识\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 +#: g10/import.c:825 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" msgid "key %s: %s\n" msgstr "“%sâ€å·²è·³è¿‡ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" msgstr "" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:PKS å­é’¥ç ´æŸå·²ä¿®å¤\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已接å—ä¸å«è‡ªèº«ç­¾å的用户标识“%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有有效的用户标识\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "è¿™å¯èƒ½ç”±äºŽé—失自身签å所致\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é’¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:新密钥――已跳过\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¯å†™çš„钥匙环:%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "正在写入‘%s’\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "写入钥匙环‘%s’时出错: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:公钥“%sâ€å·²å¯¼å…¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:与我们的副本ä¸å»åˆ\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:无法定ä½åŽŸå§‹çš„密钥区å—:%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:无法读å–原始的密钥区å—: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€ä¸€ä¸ªæ–°çš„用户标识\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个新的用户标识\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€1 个新的签å\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个新的签å\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€1 个新的å­é’¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个新的å­é’¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个签å被清除\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个签å被清除\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个用户标识被清除\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个用户标识被清除\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€æœªæ”¹å˜\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 +#: g10/import.c:1227 #, fuzzy, c-format #| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°ç§é’¥â€œ%sâ€ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "ä¸å…许导入ç§é’¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:ç§é’¥ä½¿ç”¨äº†æ— æ•ˆçš„加密算法 %d――已跳过\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "没有默认的ç§é’¥é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯ï¼š %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:ç§é’¥å·²å¯¼å…¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已在ç§é’¥é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯ä¸­\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:找ä¸åˆ°ç§é’¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有公钥――无法应用åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:无效的åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦ï¼š%s――已拒ç»\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦å·²è¢«å¯¼å…¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:签å没有用户标识\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:用户标识“%sâ€ä½¿ç”¨äº†ä¸æ”¯æŒçš„公钥算法\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:用户标识“%sâ€è‡ªèº«ç­¾å无效\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:ä¸æ”¯æŒçš„公钥算法\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已新增直接密钥签å\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有å¯ä¾›ç»‘定的å­é’¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:无效的å­é’¥ç»‘定\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已删除多é‡å­é’¥ç»‘定\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有用于密钥åŠé”€çš„å­é’¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:无效的å­é’¥åŠé”€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已删除多é‡å­é’¥åŠé”€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已跳过用户标识“%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已跳过å­é’¥\n" @@ -3183,65 +3222,65 @@ # * to import non-exportable signature when we have the # * the secret key used to create this signature - it # * seems that this makes sense -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:ä¸å¯å¯¼å‡ºçš„ç­¾å(验è¯çº§åˆ« 0x%02X)――已跳过\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦ä½ç½®é”™è¯¯â€•â€•å·²è·³è¿‡\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:无效的åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦ï¼š%s――已跳过\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:å­é’¥ç­¾åä½ç½®é”™è¯¯â€•â€•å·²è·³è¿‡\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:与预期ä¸ç¬¦çš„ç­¾å验è¯çº§åˆ«(0x%02X)――已跳过\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:检测到é‡å¤çš„用户标识――已åˆå¹¶\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "警告:密钥 %s å¯èƒ½å·²è¢«åŠé”€ï¼šæ­£åœ¨å–回åŠé”€å¯†é’¥ %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "警告:密钥 %s å¯èƒ½å·²è¢«åŠé”€ï¼šåŠé”€å¯†é’¥ %s ä¸å­˜åœ¨ã€‚\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已新增åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦â€œ%sâ€\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:已新增直接密钥签å\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "注æ„:密钥的åºåˆ—å·ä¸Žå¡çš„ä¸ç¬¦\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "注æ„:主钥在线,存储在å¡ä¸Š\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "注æ„:å­é’¥åœ¨çº¿ï¼Œå­˜å‚¨åœ¨å¡ä¸Š\n" @@ -3265,51 +3304,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "é‡æ–°å»ºç«‹é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯ç¼“存失败: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[åŠé”€]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[自身签å]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 个æŸåçš„ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d 个æŸåçš„ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "有 1 份签å因为é—失密钥而未被检查\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "有 %d 份签å因为é—失密钥而未被检查\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "有 1 份签å因为æŸä¸ªé”™è¯¯è€Œæœªè¢«æ£€æŸ¥\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "有 %d 份签å因为æŸäº›é”™è¯¯è€Œæœªè¢«æ£€æŸ¥\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "检测到 1 个没有有效自身签å的用户标识\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "检测到 %d 个没有有效自身签å的用户标识\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3320,17 +3359,17 @@ "查\n" "指纹等)?\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = 我勉强相信\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = 我完全相信\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3339,45 +3378,45 @@ "请输入这份信任签å的深度。\n" "深度若大于 1 则您将签å的这把密钥将å¯ä»¥ä»¥æ‚¨çš„å义åšå‡ºä¿¡ä»»ç­¾å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "请输入这份签åçš„é™åˆ¶åŸŸï¼Œå¦‚果没有请按回车。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "用户标识“%sâ€å·²è¢«åŠé”€ã€‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "您ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦ä¸ºå®ƒç­¾åå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " 无法添加签å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "用户标识“%sâ€å·²è¿‡æœŸã€‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "警告:用户标识“%sâ€ä¸å«è‡ªèº«ç­¾å。" -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "å¯ä»¥ä¸ºç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†â€œ%sâ€æ·»åŠ ç­¾å。" -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "为其添加签åå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3386,75 +3425,75 @@ "“%sâ€çš„自身签å是 PGP 2.x æ ·\n" "å¼çš„ç­¾å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "您是å¦æƒ³è¦å°†å®ƒå‡çº§æˆ OpenPGP 的自身签å?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "has expired.\n" msgstr "您目å‰ä¸ºâ€œ%sâ€çš„ç­¾åå·²ç»è¿‡æœŸäº†ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "您想è¦å‘布一份新的签åæ¥å–代已过期的那一个å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" "is a local signature.\n" msgstr "您目å‰ä¸ºâ€œ%sâ€çš„ç­¾å是一份本地签å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "您是å¦æƒ³è¦æŠŠå®ƒå‡çº§æˆå¯ä»¥å®Œå…¨å¯¼å‡ºçš„ç­¾å?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "“%sâ€å·²ç”±å¯†é’¥ %s 在本地签å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "“%sâ€å·²ç”±å¯†é’¥ %s ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "您ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦ä¸ºå®ƒå†æ¬¡ç­¾åå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "没有东西å¯ä»¥è®©å¯†é’¥ %s ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "这把密钥已ç»è¿‡æœŸï¼" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "这把密钥将在 %s 过期。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "您想è¦è®©æ‚¨çš„ç­¾å也åŒæ—¶è¿‡æœŸå—? (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹ï¼Œç”¨ PGP 2.x å¯†é’¥ç”Ÿæˆ OpenPGP ç­¾å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "这会让这把密钥在 PGP 2.x 模å¼ä¸‹ä¸å¯ä½¿ç”¨ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3463,31 +3502,31 @@ "您是å¦è°¨æ…Žåœ°æ£€æŸ¥è¿‡ï¼Œç¡®è®¤æ­£è¦ç­¾å的密钥的确属于以上它所声称的所有者呢?\n" "如果您ä¸çŸ¥é“这个问题的答案,请输入“0â€ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) 我ä¸ä½œç­”。 %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) 我根本没有检查过。 %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) 我éšæ„检查过。 %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) 我éžå¸¸å°å¿ƒåœ°æ£€æŸ¥è¿‡ã€‚ %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "您的选择?(输入‘?’以获得更多的信æ¯):" -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3496,74 +3535,74 @@ "您真的确定è¦ç­¾å这把密钥,使用您的密钥\n" "“%sâ€(%s)\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "这将是一个自身签å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "警告:这份签åä¸ä¼šè¢«æ ‡è®°ä¸ºä¸å¯å¯¼å‡ºã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "警告:这份签åä¸ä¼šè¢«æ ‡è®°æˆä¸å¯åŠé”€ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "这份签å会被标记æˆä¸å¯å¯¼å‡ºã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "这份签å会被标记æˆä¸å¯åŠé”€ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "我根本没有检查过这把密钥。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "我éšæ„检查过这把密钥。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "我éžå¸¸å°å¿ƒåœ°æ£€æŸ¥è¿‡è¿™æŠŠå¯†é’¥ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç­¾åå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "ç­¾å时失败: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "åªæœ‰å ä½å¯†é’¥ï¼Œæˆ–者密钥存储在å¡ä¸Šâ€”—没有密ç å¯ä»¥æ›´æ”¹ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "这把密钥没有被ä¿æŠ¤ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "主钥的ç§é’¥éƒ¨åˆ†æ— æ³•å–用。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "主钥的ç§é’¥éƒ¨åˆ†å­˜å‚¨åœ¨å¡ä¸Šã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "密钥å—ä¿æŠ¤ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "无法编辑这把密钥: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3571,11 +3610,11 @@ "输入è¦ç»™è¿™æŠŠç§é’¥ç”¨çš„新密ç ã€‚\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "密ç å†æ¬¡è¾“入时与首次输入ä¸ç¬¦ï¼›è¯·å†è¯•ä¸€æ¬¡" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3583,184 +3622,184 @@ "您ä¸æƒ³è¦ç”¨å¯†ç â€•â€•è¿™å¤§æ¦‚是个å主æ„ï¼\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "您真的想è¦è¿™ä¹ˆåšå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "正在把密钥的签å移动到正确的ä½ç½®åŽ»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "ä¿å­˜å¹¶ç¦»å¼€" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "显示密钥指纹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "列出密钥和用户标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "选择用户标识 N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "选择å­é’¥ N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "检查签å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "为所选用户标识添加签å[* å‚è§ä¸‹é¢çš„相关命令]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "为所选用户标识添加本地签å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "为所选用户标识添加信任签å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "为所选用户标识添加ä¸å¯åŠé”€ç­¾å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "增加一个用户标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "增加一个照片标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "删除选定的用户标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "添加一个å­é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "在智能å¡ä¸Šæ·»åŠ ä¸€æŠŠå¯†é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "将一把密钥移动到智能å¡ä¸Š" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "将备份密钥转移到å¡ä¸Š" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "删除选定的å­é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "增加一把åŠé”€å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "删除所选用户标识上的签å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "å˜æ›´å¯†é’¥æˆ–所选å­é’¥çš„使用期é™" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "将所选的用户标识设为首选用户标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "在ç§é’¥å’Œå…¬é’¥æ¸…å•é—´åˆ‡æ¢" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "列出首选项(专家模å¼)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "列出首选项(详细模å¼)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "设定所选用户标识的首选项" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "设定所选用户标识的首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨çš„ URL" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "为所选用户标识的设定注记" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "更改密ç " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "更改信任度" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "åŠé”€æ‰€é€‰ç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†ä¸Šçš„ç­¾å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "åŠé”€é€‰å®šçš„用户标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "åŠé”€å¯†é’¥æˆ–选定的å­é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "å¯ç”¨å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "ç¦ç”¨å¯†é’¥" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "显示选定的照片标识" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "压缩ä¸å¯ç”¨çš„用户标识并删除ä¸å¯ç”¨çš„ç­¾å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "压缩ä¸å¯ç”¨çš„用户标识并删除所有签å" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "读å–ç§é’¥åŒºå—“%sâ€æ—¶å‡ºé”™ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "ç§é’¥å¯ç”¨ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "è¦æœ‰ç§é’¥æ‰èƒ½è¿™ä¹ˆåšã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "请先使用“toggleâ€æŒ‡ä»¤ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3771,247 +3810,257 @@ " 信任签å,或‘nr’å‰ç¼€(nrsign)以添加ä¸å¯åŠé”€ç­¾å,或者以上三ç§å‰ç¼€çš„任何组\n" " åˆ(ltsignã€tnrsign ç­‰)。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "密钥已被åŠé”€ã€‚" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的为所有的用户标识签åå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "æ示:选择è¦æ·»åŠ ç­¾å的用户标识\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "未知的签å类型‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "在 %s 模å¼ä¸­ä¸å…许使用这个指令。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "您至少得选择一个用户标识。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½åˆ é™¤æœ€åŽä¸€ä¸ªç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†ï¼\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦åˆ é™¤æ‰€æœ‰é€‰å®šçš„用户标识å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦åˆ é™¤è¿™ä¸ªç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†å—?(y/N)" #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦åˆ é™¤ä¸»é’¥å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "您必须指定一把密钥。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "命令需è¦ä¸€ä¸ªæ–‡ä»¶å作为å‚æ•°\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "无法打开‘%s’:%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "从‘%s’读å–备份密钥时出错:%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "您必须选择至少一把密钥。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "您真的想è¦åˆ é™¤é€‰å®šçš„密钥å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "您真的è¦åˆ é™¤è¿™æŠŠå¯†é’¥å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦åŠé”€æ‰€æœ‰é€‰å®šçš„用户标识å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦åŠé”€è¿™ä¸ªç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "您真的è¦åŠé”€æ•´æŠŠå¯†é’¥å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "您真的è¦åŠé”€é€‰å®šçš„å­é’¥å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "您真的è¦åŠé”€è¿™æŠŠå­é’¥å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "使用用户æ供的信任度数æ®åº“时信任度å¯èƒ½å¹¶æœªè¢«è®¾å®š\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "设为首选项列表为:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦æ›´æ–°æ‰€é€‰ç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†çš„首选项å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦æ›´æ–°é¦–选项å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "è¦ä¿å­˜å˜åŠ¨å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "è¦ä¸ä¿å­˜è€Œç¦»å¼€å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "更新失败:%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "æ›´æ–°ç§é’¥å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "密钥没有å˜åŠ¨æ‰€ä»¥ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ–°ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "散列:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "特点:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸å¯å˜é€ " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "首选公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ï¼š" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "注记:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x æ ·å¼çš„用户标识没有首选项。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "此密钥已于 %s 被 %s 密钥 %s 所åŠé”€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "这把密钥å¯è¢« %s 密钥 %s åŠé”€" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr " (æ•æ„Ÿçš„)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "创建于:%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "å·²åŠé”€ï¼š%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "已过期:%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "有效至:%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "å¯ç”¨äºŽï¼š%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "信任度:%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "有效性:%s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "这把密钥已ç»è¢«ç¦ç”¨" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "å¡å·ï¼š" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" msgstr "请注æ„,在您é‡å¯ç¨‹åºä¹‹å‰ï¼Œæ˜¾ç¤ºçš„密钥有效性未必正确,\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "å·²åŠé”€" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "已过期" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" msgstr "" "警告:没有首选用户标识。此指令å¯èƒ½å‡å®šä¸€ä¸ªä¸åŒçš„用户标识为首选用户标识。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½å˜æ›´ v3 密钥的使用期é™\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -4020,74 +4069,74 @@ "警告:这是一把 PGP2 æ ·å¼çš„密钥。\n" " 增加照片标识å¯èƒ½ä¼šå¯¼è‡´æŸäº›ç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ PGP ä¸èƒ½è¯†åˆ«è¿™æŠŠå¯†é’¥ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "您确定ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦å¢žåŠ å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "您ä¸å¯ä»¥æŠŠç…§ç‰‡æ ‡è¯†å¢žåŠ åˆ° PGP2 æ ·å¼çš„密钥里。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "删除这个完好的签åå—?(y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "删除这个无效的签åå—?(y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "删除这个未知的签åå—?(y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "真的è¦åˆ é™¤è¿™ä¸ªè‡ªèº«ç­¾åå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "å·²ç»åˆ é™¤äº† %d 个签å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "å·²ç»åˆ é™¤äº† %d 个签å。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "没有东西被删除。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "无效" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "用户标识“%sâ€ï¼šæ— ç”¨éƒ¨åˆ†å·²æ¸…除\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个签å被清除\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:“%sâ€%d 个签å被清除\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "用户标识“%sâ€ï¼šæ— ç”¨éƒ¨åˆ†å·²æ¸…除\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "用户标识“%sâ€ï¼šæ— ç”¨éƒ¨åˆ†å·²æ¸…除\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4096,265 +4145,265 @@ "警告:这是一把 PGP2 æ ·å¼çš„密钥。\n" " 增加指定åŠé”€è€…å¯èƒ½ä¼šå¯¼è‡´æŸäº›ç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ PGP 无法识别这把密钥。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "您ä¸å¯ä»¥ä¸º PGP 2.x æ ·å¼çš„密钥添加指定åŠé”€è€…。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "输入指定åŠé”€è€…的用户标识:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "无法将 PGP 2.x æ ·å¼çš„密钥设为指定åŠé”€è€…\n" # This actually causes no harm (after all, a key that # designates itself as a revoker is the same as a # regular key), but it's easy enough to check. -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½å°†æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥è®¾ä¸ºå®ƒè‡ªå·±çš„指定åŠé”€è€…\n" # This actually causes no harm (after all, a key that # designates itself as a revoker is the same as a # regular key), but it's easy enough to check. -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "这把密钥已被指定为一个åŠé”€è€…\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "警告:将æŸæŠŠå¯†é’¥æŒ‡æ´¾ä¸ºæŒ‡å®šåŠé”€è€…çš„æ“作无法撤销ï¼\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "您确定è¦å°†è¿™æŠŠå¯†é’¥è®¾ä¸ºæŒ‡å®šåŠé”€è€…å—?(y/N):" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "请从ç§é’¥ä¸­åˆ é™¤é€‰æ‹©ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "请至多选择一个å­é’¥ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "å°†è¦å˜æ›´å­é’¥çš„使用期é™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "å°†è¦å˜æ›´ä¸»é’¥çš„使用期é™ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "您ä¸èƒ½å˜æ›´ v3 密钥的使用期é™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "在ç§é’¥çŽ¯é‡Œæ²¡æœ‰ç›¸åº”çš„ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "ç­¾åçš„å­é’¥ %s å·²ç»äº¤å‰éªŒè¯\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "å­é’¥ %s ä¸ç­¾å,因此ä¸éœ€è¦äº¤å‰éªŒè¯\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "请精确地选择一个用户标识。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "跳过用户标识“%sâ€çš„ v3 自身签å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "输入您首选的公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨çš„ URL:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "您确定è¦æ›¿æ¢å®ƒå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "您确定è¦åˆ é™¤å®ƒå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "输入注记:" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "继续?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "没有索引为 %d 的用户标识\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "没有散列值为 %s 的用户标识\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "没有索引为 %d çš„å­é’¥\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "用户标识:“%sâ€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "由您的密钥 %s 于 %s%s%s ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (ä¸å¯å¯¼å‡º)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "这份签å已在 %s 过期。\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "您确定您ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦åŠé”€å®ƒå—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "è¦ä¸ºè¿™ä»½ç­¾å生æˆä¸€ä»½åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "您已ç»ä¸ºè¿™äº›å¯†é’¥ %s 上的这些用户标识添加签å:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (ä¸å¯åŠé”€)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "由您的密钥 %s 于 %s åŠé”€\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "您正在åŠé”€è¿™äº›ç­¾å:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç”ŸæˆåŠé”€è¯ä¹¦å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "没有ç§é’¥\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "用户标识“%sâ€å·²ç»è¢«åŠé”€ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "警告:有一份用户标识签å的日期标记为 %d 秒åŽçš„未æ¥\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "密钥 %s 已被åŠé”€ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "å­é’¥ %s 已被åŠé”€ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "正在显示 %s 照片标识(大å°ä¸º %ld,属于密钥 %s,用户标识 %d)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "首选项‘%s’é‡å¤\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "太多对称加密算法首选项\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "太多散列算法首选项\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "太多首选压缩算法\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "首选项字符串里有无效项‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "正在写入直接签å\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "正在写入自身签å\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "正在写入密钥绑定签å\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "密钥尺寸无效:改用 %u ä½\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "密钥尺寸èˆå…¥åˆ° %u ä½\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "ç­¾å" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "验è¯" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "加密" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "认è¯" @@ -4368,7 +4417,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4401,71 +4450,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) 已完æˆ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "请选择您è¦ä½¿ç”¨çš„密钥ç§ç±»ï¼š\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA å’Œ ElGamal (默认)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA å’Œ ElGamal (默认)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (仅用于签å)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (仅用于签å)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) ElGamal (仅用于加密)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (仅用于加密)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (自定义用途)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (自定义用途)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s 密钥长度应在 %u ä½ä¸Ž %u ä½ä¹‹é—´ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "您想è¦ç”¨å¤šå¤§çš„密钥尺寸?(%u)" -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "您想è¦ç”¨å¤šå¤§çš„密钥尺寸?(%u)" -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "您所è¦æ±‚的密钥尺寸是 %u ä½\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4481,7 +4530,7 @@ " m = 密钥在 n 月åŽè¿‡æœŸ\n" " y = 密钥在 n å¹´åŽè¿‡æœŸ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4497,38 +4546,38 @@ " m = ç­¾å在 n 月åŽè¿‡æœŸ\n" " y = ç­¾å在 n å¹´åŽè¿‡æœŸ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "密钥的有效期é™æ˜¯ï¼Ÿ(0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "ç­¾å的有效期é™æ˜¯å¤šä¹…?(%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "无效的数值\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "密钥永远ä¸ä¼šè¿‡æœŸ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "ç­¾å永远ä¸ä¼šè¿‡æœŸ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "密钥于 %s 过期\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "ç­¾å于 %s 过期\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4536,11 +4585,11 @@ "您的系统无法显示 2038 年以åŽçš„日期。\n" "ä¸è¿‡ï¼Œå®ƒå¯ä»¥æ­£ç¡®å¤„ç† 2106 年之å‰çš„年份。\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "以上正确å—?(y/n)" -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4551,7 +4600,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4567,44 +4616,44 @@ " “Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) â€\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "真实姓å:" -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "姓åå«æœ‰æ— æ•ˆçš„字符\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "姓åä¸å¯ä»¥ç”¨æ•°å­—开头\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "姓å至少è¦æœ‰äº”个字符长\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "电å­é‚®ä»¶åœ°å€ï¼š" -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "电å­é‚®ä»¶åœ°å€æ— æ•ˆ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "注释:" -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "注释å«æœ‰æ— æ•ˆçš„字符\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "您正在使用‘%s’字符集。\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4615,11 +4664,11 @@ " “%sâ€\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "请ä¸è¦æŠŠç”µå­é‚®ä»¶åœ°å€æ”¾è¿›æ‚¨çš„真实姓å或注释里\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "" @@ -4634,23 +4683,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "更改姓å(N)ã€æ³¨é‡Š(C)ã€ç”µå­é‚®ä»¶åœ°å€(E)或退出(Q)?" -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "更改姓å(N)ã€æ³¨é‡Š(C)ã€ç”µå­é‚®ä»¶åœ°å€(E)或确定(O)/退出(Q)?" -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "请先改正错误\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4658,19 +4707,19 @@ "您需è¦ä¸€ä¸ªå¯†ç æ¥ä¿æŠ¤æ‚¨çš„ç§é’¥ã€‚\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "请输入密ç ï¼šè¿™æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªç§˜å¯†çš„å¥å­ \n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4682,7 +4731,7 @@ "å†æ¬¡æ‰§è¡Œè¿™ä¸ªç¨‹åºï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”使用“--edit-keyâ€é€‰é¡¹å³å¯ã€‚\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4692,50 +4741,50 @@ "我们需è¦ç”Ÿæˆå¤§é‡çš„éšæœºå­—节。这个时候您å¯ä»¥å¤šåšäº›ç事(åƒæ˜¯æ•²æ‰“键盘ã€ç§»åŠ¨\n" "é¼ æ ‡ã€è¯»å†™ç¡¬ç›˜ä¹‹ç±»çš„),这会让éšæœºæ•°å­—å‘生器有更好的机会获得足够的熵数。\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "密钥生æˆå·²å–消。\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "正在将公钥写至`%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "å‘‘%s’写入ç§é’¥å ä½ç¬¦\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "正在将ç§é’¥å†™è‡³`%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¯å†™çš„公钥钥匙环:%s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¯å†™çš„ç§é’¥é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "写入公钥钥匙环‘%s’时å‘生错误: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "写入ç§é’¥é’¥åŒ™çŽ¯â€˜%s’时å‘生错误: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "公钥和ç§é’¥å·²ç»ç”Ÿæˆå¹¶ç»ç­¾å。\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4743,47 +4792,47 @@ "请注æ„这把密钥还ä¸èƒ½ç”¨æ¥åŠ å¯†ï¼Œæ‚¨å¿…须先用“--edit-keyâ€æŒ‡ä»¤\n" "生æˆç”¨äºŽåŠ å¯†çš„å­é’¥ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "生æˆå¯†é’¥å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "密钥是在 %lu 秒åŽçš„未æ¥ç”Ÿæˆçš„(å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å› ä¸ºæ—¶ç©ºæ‰­æ›²æˆ–时钟的问题)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "密钥是在 %lu 秒åŽçš„未æ¥ç”Ÿæˆçš„(å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å› ä¸ºæ—¶ç©ºæ‰­æ›²æˆ–时钟的问题)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "注æ„:为 v3 密钥生æˆå­é’¥ä¼šå¤±åŽ» OpenPGP 兼容性\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦å»ºç«‹å—?(y/N)" -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "å‘å¡ä¸Šå­˜å‚¨å¯†é’¥æ—¶å¤±è´¥ï¼š%s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ä¸èƒ½åˆ›å»ºå¤‡ä»½æ–‡ä»¶â€˜%s’:%s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "注æ„:å¡å¯†é’¥çš„备份已ä¿å­˜åˆ°â€˜%s’\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "æ°¸ä¸è¿‡æœŸ" @@ -4838,45 +4887,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr "å¡åºåˆ—å· =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "将‘%s’é‡å‘½å为‘%s’时失败:%s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "警告:两个文件存在有互相矛盾的信æ¯ã€‚\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s 是没有改å˜çš„那一个\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s 是新的那一个\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "请修补这个å¯èƒ½çš„安全性æ¼æ´ž\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "缓存钥匙环‘%s’\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰å·²ç¼“å­˜ %lu 把密钥(%lu 份签å)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "缓存了 %lu 把密钥(%lu 份签å)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s:钥匙环已建立\n" @@ -4922,7 +4971,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "输入数字以选择,输入 N 翻页,输入 Q 退出 >" -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "无效的公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨åè®®(us %d!=handler %d)\n" @@ -4936,121 +4985,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "在公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šæ‰¾ä¸åˆ°å¯†é’¥\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "下载密钥‘%s’,从 %s æœåŠ¡å™¨ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "下载密钥 %s,从 %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "在 %s æœåŠ¡å™¨ %s 上æœç´¢åå­—\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "在 %s 上æœç´¢åå­—\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "将密钥‘%s’上传到 %s æœåŠ¡å™¨ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "将密钥‘%s’上传到 %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "æœç´¢â€œ%sâ€ï¼Œåœ¨ %s æœåŠ¡å™¨ %s 上\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "æœç´¢â€œ%sâ€ï¼Œåœ¨ %s 上\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æ— åŠ¨ä½œï¼\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "警告:处ç†å…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨çš„程åºæ¥è‡ªä¸åŒç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æœªå‘é€ VERSION\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨é€šè®¯é”™è¯¯ï¼š%s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "未给出公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨(使用 --keyserver 选项)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "这一编译版本ä¸æ”¯æŒå¤–部调用公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "没有处ç†â€˜%s’公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨çš„程åº\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "‘%s’æ“作ä¸ä¸ºâ€˜%s’公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨æ‰€æ”¯æŒ\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s ä¸æ”¯æŒå¯¹ç‰ˆæœ¬ %d 的处ç†\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨è¶…æ—¶\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨å†…部错误\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "公钥æœåŠ¡å™¨é€šè®¯é”™è¯¯ï¼š%s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "“%sâ€ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªç”¨æˆ·æ ‡è¯†ï¼šè·³è¿‡\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "警告:无法更新密钥 %s,通过 %s:%s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "1 个密钥正从 %s 得到更新\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "%d 个密钥正从 %s 得到更新\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "è­¦å‘Šï¼šæ— æ³•èŽ·å– URI %s:%s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "ä¸èƒ½è§£æž URI %s\n" @@ -5108,161 +5157,166 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "以 1 个密ç åŠ å¯†\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "å‡å®š %s 为加密过的数æ®\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEA 算法ä¸å¯ç”¨ï¼Œè¯•ä»¥ %s 代替\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "解密æˆåŠŸ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "警告:报文未å—到完整的ä¿æŠ¤\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "警告:加密过的报文已ç»å˜é€ ï¼\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "解密失败:%s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "注æ„:å‘件者è¦æ±‚您“åªé˜…读ä¸å­˜ç›˜â€\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "原始文件å =‘%.*s’\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "独立的åŠé”€è¯ä¹¦â€•â€•è¯·ç”¨â€œgpg --importâ€æ¥åº”用\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "未找到签å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "ç­¾å验è¯å·²è¢«æŠ‘制\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "无法处ç†è¿™äº›æœ‰æ­§ä¹‰çš„ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "ç­¾å建立于 %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " 使用 %s 密钥 %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "于 %s 创建的签å,使用 %sï¼Œé’¥åŒ™å· %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "å¯ç”¨çš„密钥在:" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "å·²æŸåçš„ç­¾å,æ¥è‡ªäºŽâ€œ%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "过期的签å,æ¥è‡ªäºŽâ€œ%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "完好的签å,æ¥è‡ªäºŽâ€œ%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[ä¸ç¡®å®š]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " 亦å³â€œ%sâ€" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "这份签å已于 %s 过期。\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "这份签å在 %s 过期。\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s ç­¾å,散列算法 %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "二进制" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "文本模å¼" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "未知" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "无法检查签å:%s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä»½åˆ†ç¦»çš„ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "警告:检测到多é‡ç­¾å。åªæ£€æŸ¥ç¬¬ä¸€ä¸ªç­¾å。\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "等级 0x%02x 的独立签å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "æ—§å¼(PGP 2.x)ç­¾å\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "在 proc_tree() 中检测到无效的根包\n" @@ -5276,90 +5330,107 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) 在 %s 中出错:%s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "警告: 使用试验性质的公钥算法 %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "警告:ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨æ•£åˆ—算法 %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "警告:使用试验性质的对称加密算法 %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "警告:使用试验性质的散列算法 %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "警告:ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨æ•£åˆ—算法 %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "%s ç­¾å,散列算法 %s\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA 算法æ’件ä¸å­˜åœ¨\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "请å‚è§ %s 以得到更多信æ¯ã€‚\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d:ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨è¯¥é€‰é¡¹â€œ%sâ€\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "请以“%s%sâ€ä»£æ›¿\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "警告:“%sâ€å‘½ä»¤å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨â€”—ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨å®ƒ\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "警告:“%sâ€é€‰é¡¹å·²ä¸å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "ä¸åŽ‹ç¼©" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "未压缩|æ— " -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "%s 也许ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨è¿™ä¸ªæŠ¥æ–‡\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "有歧义的选项‘%s’\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "未知的选项 '%s'\n" @@ -5386,46 +5457,47 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "正在写入到标准输出\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 -#, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +#: g10/openfile.c:344 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" msgstr "å‡å®šè¢«ç­¾åçš„æ•°æ®æ˜¯â€˜%s’\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "æ–°çš„é…置文件‘%s’已建立\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "警告:在‘%s’里的选项于此次è¿è¡ŒæœŸé—´æœªè¢«ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "无法æ“作公钥算法 %d\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "警告:潜在ä¸å®‰å…¨çš„对称加密会è¯å¯†é’¥\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "%d 类别的å­åŒ…设定了关键ä½\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "代ç†ç¨‹åºæœ‰é—®é¢˜â€•â€•æ­£åœ¨åœç”¨ä»£ç†ç¨‹åº\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (ä¸»é’¥åŒ™å· %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5438,27 +5510,27 @@ "“%.*sâ€\n" "%u ä½çš„ %s å¯†é’¥ï¼Œé’¥åŒ™å· %s,建立于 %s%s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "请输入密ç \n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "用户å–消\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" "user: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "您需è¦è¾“入密ç ï¼Œæ‰èƒ½è§£å¼€è¿™ä¸ªç”¨æˆ·çš„ç§é’¥ï¼šâ€œ%sâ€\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u ä½çš„ %s å¯†é’¥ï¼Œé’¥åŒ™å· %s,建立于 %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (主钥 %s çš„å­é’¥)" @@ -5801,16 +5873,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "æ­£åœ¨ä»Žæ ‡å‡†è¾“å…¥è¯»å– ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "ä¸å«ç­¾åçš„æ•°æ®\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "无法打开有签åçš„æ•°æ®â€˜%s’\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "无法打开有签åçš„æ•°æ®â€˜%s’\n" @@ -6062,23 +6134,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "注æ„:密钥已被åŠé”€" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s ç­¾å,散列算法 %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "å‡å®šå¯†é’¥ %s çš„ç­¾å由于æŸä¸ªæœªçŸ¥çš„关键ä½å‡ºé”™è€ŒæŸå\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有å­é’¥åŠé”€ç­¾å所需的å­é’¥\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "密钥 %s:没有å­é’¥ç»‘定签å所需的å­é’¥\n" @@ -6462,7 +6528,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "ä¸éœ€è¦æ£€æŸ¥ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "下次信任度数æ®åº“检查将于 %s 进行\n" @@ -6477,46 +6543,46 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "使用‘%s’信任模型时ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»åº¦æ•°æ®åº“\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é’¥ %s:%s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "请执行一次 --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "正在检查信任度数æ®åº“\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "å·²ç»å¤„ç†äº† %d 把密钥(共计已解决了 %d 份的有效性)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "没有找到任何ç»å¯¹ä¿¡ä»»çš„密钥\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "ç»å¯¹ä¿¡ä»»çš„密钥 %s 的公钥未被找到\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "éœ€è¦ %d 份勉强信任和 %d 份完全信任,%s 信任模型\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "" "深度:%d 有效性:%3d 已签å:%3d 信任度:%d-,%dq,%dn,%dm,%df,%du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "无法更新信任度数æ®åº“版本记录:写入失败:%s\n" @@ -6541,77 +6607,88 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "无法打开‘%s’: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 #, fuzzy msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "ä¸å…许使用管ç†å‘˜å‘½ä»¤\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 #, fuzzy msgid "read error" msgstr "文件读å–错误" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 #, fuzzy msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "列太长" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 #, fuzzy msgid "missing argument" msgstr "无效的å‚æ•°" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "无效的 ASCII å°è£…æ ¼å¼" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid command" msgstr "仅供管ç†å‘˜ä½¿ç”¨çš„命令\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "无效的列表选项\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core" msgstr "å¯é€‰" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid option" msgstr "无效的列表选项\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "无效的列表选项\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "无效的指令(å°è¯•â€œhelpâ€)\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 #, fuzzy msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "å¯é€‰" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "无效的列表选项\n" @@ -6641,35 +6718,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "无法建立目录‘%s’:%s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "写入钥匙环‘%s’时出错: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "等待‘%s’上的é”\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é’¥ %s:%s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "等待‘%s’上的é”\n" @@ -6694,19 +6771,19 @@ "List, export, import Keybox data\n" msgstr "用法: gpg [选项] [文件] (用 -h 求助)" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA 余数缺失或者ä¸æ˜¯ %d ä½é•¿\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA 公钥指数缺失或长于 %d ä½\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "PIN 回调返回错误:%s\n" @@ -6755,104 +6832,104 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "" -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "获å–æ–° PIN 时出错:%s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "无法存储指纹:%s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "无法存储创建日期:%s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "无法读出公钥:%s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "å“应未包å«å…¬é’¥æ•°æ®\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "å“åº”æœªåŒ…å« RSA 余数\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "å“åº”æœªåŒ…å« RSA 公钥指数\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "CHV%d çš„ PIN 太短;最å°é•¿åº¦ä¸º %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "éªŒè¯ CHV%d 失败:%s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "从å¡ä¸­èŽ·å– CHV 状æ€æ—¶å‡ºé”™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "å¡è¢«æ°¸ä¹…é”定ï¼\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "å°è¯•ç®¡ç†å‘˜ PIN %d 次åŽï¼Œå¡å°†è¢«æ°¸ä¹…é”定ï¼\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 #, fuzzy msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "尚未é…置管ç†å‘˜å‘½ä»¤çš„æƒé™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "CHV%d çš„ PIN 太短;最å°é•¿åº¦ä¸º %d\n" @@ -6860,104 +6937,104 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|新的管ç†å‘˜ PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "æ–°çš„ PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 #, fuzzy msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||请输入 PIN%%0A[完æˆçš„签字:%lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "读å–应用程åºæ•°æ®æ—¶å‡ºé”™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "读å–指纹 D0 出错\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "密钥已存在\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "现有的密钥将被替æ¢\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "生æˆæ–°å¯†é’¥\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 #, fuzzy msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "生æˆæ–°å¯†é’¥\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "缺少创建时间戳\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA 质数 %s 缺失或者ä¸æ˜¯ %d ä½é•¿\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "无法存储密钥:%s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "请ç¨å€™ï¼Œæ­£åœ¨ç”Ÿæˆå¯†é’¥â€¦â€¦\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "生æˆå¯†é’¥å¤±è´¥\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "密钥已生æˆ(耗时 %d 秒)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "无效的 OpenPGP å¡ç»“æž„(D0 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "å¡ä¸æ”¯æŒæ•£åˆ—算法 %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰å·²åˆ›å»ºçš„ç­¾å:%lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰ç¦æ­¢é€šè¿‡æ­¤å‘½ä»¤éªŒè¯ç®¡ç†å‘˜ PIN\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "ä¸èƒ½å­˜å– %s――无效的 OpenPGP å¡ï¼Ÿ\n" @@ -6983,7 +7060,7 @@ msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" msgstr "" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 #, fuzzy msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" msgstr "从‘%s’读å–选项\n" @@ -7742,7 +7819,7 @@ msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "" @@ -7802,26 +7879,26 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr " s = 跳过这把密钥\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 #, fuzzy msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "无法解æžå…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "无法存å–‘%s’:%s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "" @@ -8075,27 +8152,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "在‘%s’中寻找信任度记录时出错:%s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "" @@ -8111,112 +8188,112 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 #, fuzzy msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "从导出的å­é’¥ä¸­åˆ é™¤æ‰€æœ‰å¯†ç " -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 #, fuzzy msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "生æˆå¯†ç çš„时候å‘生错误:%s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 #, fuzzy msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" msgstr "|æŸç”²|为收件者“æŸç”²â€åŠ å¯†" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 #, fuzzy msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "无法解æžå…¬é’¥æœåŠ¡å™¨ URL\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "" @@ -9003,9 +9080,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "无效包" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "无效的 ASCII å°è£…æ ¼å¼" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "没有这个用户标识" @@ -9027,9 +9101,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "文件建立错误" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "无效的密ç " - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "未实现的公钥算法" Binary files /tmp/Cs_LFJc6F1/gnupg2-2.0.26/po/zh_TW.gmo and /tmp/SfBe9ow_Ad/gnupg2-2.0.28/po/zh_TW.gmo differ diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/po/zh_TW.po gnupg2-2.0.28/po/zh_TW.po --- gnupg2-2.0.26/po/zh_TW.po 2014-08-12 18:30:21.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/po/zh_TW.po 2015-06-02 12:35:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ # msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.17-git56b2bc2\n" +"Project-Id-Version: GNU gnupg 2.0.27\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@gnupg.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-12 20:30+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-24 19:34+0800\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-02 14:35+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-21 23:15+0800\n" "Last-Translator: Jedi Lin \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) \n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Poedit-Basepath: gnupg-2.0.17-git56b2bc2/\n" +"X-Poedit-Basepath: gnupg-2.0.27/\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n" #: agent/call-pinentry.c:254 #, c-format @@ -31,21 +31,55 @@ #. should be used as an accelerator. Double the underscore for #. a literal one. The actual to be translated text starts after #. the second vertical bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:411 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:428 msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:412 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:429 msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" msgstr "|pinentry-label|å–消 (_C)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:413 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:430 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Yes" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:431 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_OK" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_No" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|_OK" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:432 msgid "|pinentry-label|PIN:" msgstr "|pinentry-label|個人識別碼 (PIN):" +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:433 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "|pinentry-label|_Cancel" +msgid "|pinentry-label|_Save in password manager" +msgstr "|pinentry-label|å–消 (_C)" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:434 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " +msgid "Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?" +msgstr "你真的想è¦æ’¤éŠ·æ‰€é¸çš„å­é‘°å—Ž? (y/N) " + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:436 +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Make passphrase visible" +msgstr "" + +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:437 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid passphrase" +msgid "|pinentry-tt|Hide passphrase" +msgstr "無效的密語" + #. TRANSLATORS: This string is displayed by Pinentry as the label #. for the quality bar. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:659 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:683 msgid "Quality:" msgstr "å“質: %s" @@ -55,19 +89,19 @@ #. tooltip is limited to about 900 characters. If you do not #. translate this entry, a default english text (see source) #. will be used. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:681 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:705 msgid "pinentry.qualitybar.tooltip" msgstr "" "輸入在上é¢çš„文字的å“質.\n" "關於此è¦ç¯„的細節, 請洽你的系統管ç†è€…." -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:726 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:772 msgid "" "Please enter your PIN, so that the secret key can be unlocked for this " "session" msgstr "請輸入你的個人識別碼 (PIN) 以便在此階段作業中解開密鑰" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:729 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:775 msgid "" "Please enter your passphrase, so that the secret key can be unlocked for " "this session" @@ -76,36 +110,36 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: The string is appended to an error message in #. the pinentry. The %s is the actual error message, the #. two %d give the current and maximum number of tries. -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:786 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:851 #, c-format msgid "SETERROR %s (try %d of %d)" msgstr "設定錯誤 %s (第 %d 次嘗試, 最多 %d 次)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:809 agent/call-pinentry.c:821 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:876 agent/call-pinentry.c:888 msgid "PIN too long" msgstr "個人識別碼 (PIN) 太長" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:810 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:877 msgid "Passphrase too long" msgstr "密語太長" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:818 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:885 msgid "Invalid characters in PIN" msgstr "個人識別碼 (PIN) å«æœ‰ç„¡æ•ˆçš„字符" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:823 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:890 msgid "PIN too short" msgstr "個人識別碼 (PIN) 太短" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:835 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:902 msgid "Bad PIN" msgstr "ä¸è‰¯çš„個人識別碼 (PIN)" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:836 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:903 msgid "Bad Passphrase" msgstr "ä¸è‰¯çš„密語" -#: agent/call-pinentry.c:873 +#: agent/call-pinentry.c:946 msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "密語" @@ -114,22 +148,22 @@ msgid "ssh keys greater than %d bits are not supported\n" msgstr "未支æ´å¤§æ–¼ %d ä½å…ƒçš„ ssh 金鑰\n" -#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1127 -#: g10/keygen.c:3402 g10/keygen.c:3435 g10/keyring.c:1237 g10/keyring.c:1569 -#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:368 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 -#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:310 +#: agent/command-ssh.c:763 g10/card-util.c:834 g10/exec.c:476 g10/gpg.c:1143 +#: g10/keygen.c:3419 g10/keygen.c:3452 g10/keyring.c:1265 g10/keyring.c:1597 +#: g10/openfile.c:275 g10/openfile.c:397 g10/sign.c:801 g10/sign.c:1110 +#: g10/tdbio.c:554 jnlib/dotlock.c:316 #, c-format msgid "can't create `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法建立 `%s': %s\n" #: agent/command-ssh.c:775 common/helpfile.c:47 g10/card-util.c:788 #: g10/dearmor.c:60 g10/dearmor.c:107 g10/decrypt.c:70 g10/encode.c:194 -#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1128 g10/import.c:197 g10/keygen.c:2885 -#: g10/keyring.c:1595 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:353 +#: g10/encode.c:504 g10/gpg.c:1144 g10/import.c:209 g10/keygen.c:2902 +#: g10/keyring.c:1623 g10/openfile.c:192 g10/openfile.c:382 #: g10/plaintext.c:511 g10/sign.c:783 g10/sign.c:978 g10/sign.c:1094 #: g10/sign.c:1250 g10/tdbdump.c:142 g10/tdbdump.c:150 g10/tdbio.c:558 -#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2047 -#: sm/gpgsm.c:2077 sm/gpgsm.c:2115 sm/gpgsm.c:2153 sm/qualified.c:66 +#: g10/tdbio.c:622 g10/verify.c:99 g10/verify.c:162 sm/gpgsm.c:2048 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:2078 sm/gpgsm.c:2116 sm/gpgsm.c:2154 sm/qualified.c:66 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法開啟 `%s': %s\n" @@ -340,7 +374,7 @@ msgid "Please enter the new passphrase" msgstr "請輸入新的密語" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:133 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:134 agent/preset-passphrase.c:75 scd/scdaemon.c:105 #: tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:70 msgid "" "@Options:\n" @@ -349,123 +383,123 @@ "@é¸é …:\n" " " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:135 scd/scdaemon.c:110 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:110 msgid "run in daemon mode (background)" msgstr "以æœå‹™æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ (背景)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:136 scd/scdaemon.c:107 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 scd/scdaemon.c:107 msgid "run in server mode (foreground)" msgstr "以伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ (å‰æ™¯)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:137 g10/gpg.c:493 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpg.c:501 g10/gpgv.c:71 kbx/kbxutil.c:88 #: scd/scdaemon.c:111 sm/gpgsm.c:281 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:69 #: tools/gpgconf.c:80 tools/symcryptrun.c:166 msgid "verbose" msgstr "囉唆模å¼" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:138 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 g10/gpgv.c:72 kbx/kbxutil.c:89 scd/scdaemon.c:112 #: sm/gpgsm.c:282 msgid "be somewhat more quiet" msgstr "盡é‡å®‰éœäº›" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:139 scd/scdaemon.c:113 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:113 msgid "sh-style command output" msgstr "sh 樣å¼çš„指令輸出" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:140 scd/scdaemon.c:114 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:114 msgid "csh-style command output" msgstr "csh 樣å¼çš„指令輸出" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:141 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:142 scd/scdaemon.c:115 sm/gpgsm.c:312 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:169 msgid "|FILE|read options from FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|從「檔案ã€ä¸­è®€å–é¸é …" +msgstr "|檔案|從指定檔案中讀å–é¸é …" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:146 scd/scdaemon.c:125 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 scd/scdaemon.c:125 msgid "do not detach from the console" msgstr "ä¸è¦å¾ž console 分離" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:147 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 msgid "do not grab keyboard and mouse" msgstr "ä¸è¦å¥ªå–éµç›¤åŠæ»‘é¼ " -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:148 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:149 tools/symcryptrun.c:168 msgid "use a log file for the server" msgstr "為伺æœå™¨ä½¿ç”¨æ—¥èªŒæª”" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:150 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:151 msgid "use a standard location for the socket" msgstr "為 socket 使用標準的ä½ç½®" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:153 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:154 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the PIN-Entry program" msgstr "|PGM|使用 PGM åšç‚º PIN-Entry 程å¼" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:156 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 msgid "|PGM|use PGM as the SCdaemon program" msgstr "|PGM|使用 PGM åšç‚º SCdaemon 程å¼" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:157 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:158 msgid "do not use the SCdaemon" msgstr "ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨ SCdaemon" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:169 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:170 msgid "ignore requests to change the TTY" msgstr "忽略變更 TTY çš„è¦æ±‚" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:171 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:172 msgid "ignore requests to change the X display" msgstr "忽略變更 X display çš„è¦æ±‚" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:174 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:175 msgid "|N|expire cached PINs after N seconds" msgstr "|N|讓快å–ä½çš„個人識別碼 (PIN) 在 N 秒後到期" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:187 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:188 msgid "do not use the PIN cache when signing" msgstr "簽署時ä¸è¦ä½¿ç”¨å€‹äººè­˜åˆ¥ç¢¼ (PIN) å¿«å–" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "allow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:190 msgid "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"" -msgstr "å…許用戶端將金鑰標記為 \"已信任\"" +msgstr "ä¸å…許用戶端將金鑰標記為 \"已信任\"" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:192 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 msgid "allow presetting passphrase" msgstr "å…許é å…ˆè¨­å®šå¯†èªž" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:193 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "enable ssh-agent emulation" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:194 msgid "enable ssh support" -msgstr "啟用 ssh-agent 模擬" +msgstr "啟用 ssh 支æ´" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:196 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "not supported" +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:197 msgid "enable putty support" -msgstr "未支æ´" +msgstr "啟用 putty 支æ´" + +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:203 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" +msgid "disallow the use of an external password cache" +msgstr "ä¸å…許é‡è¤‡ä½¿ç”¨èˆŠå¯†èªž" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:202 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:205 msgid "|FILE|write environment settings also to FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|將環境設定也寫至「檔案ã€" +msgstr "|檔案|將環境設定也寫至指定檔案" #. TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug #. reporting address. This is so that we can change the #. reporting address without breaking the translations. -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:367 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 -#: g10/gpg.c:820 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:370 agent/preset-passphrase.c:97 agent/protect-tool.c:164 +#: g10/gpg.c:836 g10/gpgv.c:114 kbx/kbxutil.c:113 scd/scdaemon.c:256 #: sm/gpgsm.c:519 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:181 tools/gpgconf.c:102 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:206 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:141 msgid "Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n" msgstr "翻譯瑕疵請回報給 , 程å¼ç‘•ç–µå‰‡è«‹å›žå ±çµ¦ <@EMAIL@>.\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:376 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:379 msgid "Usage: gpg-agent [options] (-h for help)" msgstr "用法: gpg-agent [é¸é …] (或用 -h 求助)" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:378 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:381 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg-agent [options] [command [args]]\n" "Secret key management for GnuPG\n" @@ -473,145 +507,145 @@ "語法: gpg-agent [é¸é …] [指令 [引數]]\n" "GnuPG ç§é‘°ç®¡ç†\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:424 g10/gpg.c:1012 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:427 g10/gpg.c:1028 scd/scdaemon.c:328 sm/gpgsm.c:669 #, c-format msgid "invalid debug-level `%s' given\n" msgstr "給定的除錯等級 `%s' 無效\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:649 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 -#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:911 sm/gpgsm.c:914 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:656 agent/protect-tool.c:1034 g10/gpgv.c:155 +#: kbx/kbxutil.c:428 scd/scdaemon.c:441 sm/gpgsm.c:912 sm/gpgsm.c:915 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:998 tools/gpg-check-pattern.c:177 #, c-format msgid "%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "%s 太舊了 (éœ€è¦ %s, 但是祇有 %s)\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:764 g10/gpg.c:2120 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1013 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:771 g10/gpg.c:2136 scd/scdaemon.c:527 sm/gpgsm.c:1014 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: no default option file `%s'\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 沒有é è¨­é¸é …檔 `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:775 agent/gpg-agent.c:1400 g10/gpg.c:2124 -#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1017 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:782 agent/gpg-agent.c:1409 g10/gpg.c:2140 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:532 sm/gpgsm.c:1018 tools/symcryptrun.c:931 #, c-format msgid "option file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "é¸é …檔 `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:783 g10/gpg.c:2131 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1024 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:790 g10/gpg.c:2147 scd/scdaemon.c:540 sm/gpgsm.c:1025 #, c-format msgid "reading options from `%s'\n" msgstr "從 `%s' 讀å–é¸é …中\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1168 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1177 g10/plaintext.c:140 g10/plaintext.c:145 #: g10/plaintext.c:162 #, c-format msgid "error creating `%s': %s\n" msgstr "建立 `%s' 時出錯: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1513 agent/gpg-agent.c:1631 agent/gpg-agent.c:1635 -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1676 agent/gpg-agent.c:1680 g10/exec.c:191 -#: g10/openfile.c:429 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1522 agent/gpg-agent.c:1640 agent/gpg-agent.c:1644 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1685 agent/gpg-agent.c:1689 g10/exec.c:191 +#: g10/openfile.c:458 scd/scdaemon.c:1040 sm/keydb.c:103 #, c-format msgid "can't create directory `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法建立目錄 `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1527 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1536 scd/scdaemon.c:1054 msgid "name of socket too long\n" msgstr "socket å稱太長\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1550 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 scd/scdaemon.c:1077 #, c-format msgid "can't create socket: %s\n" msgstr "無法建立 socket: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1559 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1568 #, c-format msgid "socket name `%s' is too long\n" msgstr "socket å稱 `%s' 太長\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1577 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1586 msgid "a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one\n" msgstr "已經有一份 gpg-agent 在執行了 - ä¸æœƒå†å•Ÿå‹•ä¸€ä»½æ–°çš„\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1588 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1597 scd/scdaemon.c:1096 msgid "error getting nonce for the socket\n" msgstr "為 socket å–å¾— nonce 時出錯\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1593 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1602 scd/scdaemon.c:1099 #, c-format msgid "error binding socket to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "ç¶å®š socket 至 `%s' 時出錯: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1605 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1614 scd/scdaemon.c:1108 #, c-format msgid "listen() failed: %s\n" msgstr "listen() 失敗: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1611 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1620 scd/scdaemon.c:1115 #, c-format msgid "listening on socket `%s'\n" msgstr "æ­£åœ¨å€™è½ socket `%s'\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1639 agent/gpg-agent.c:1686 g10/openfile.c:432 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1648 agent/gpg-agent.c:1695 g10/openfile.c:461 #: sm/keydb.c:106 #, c-format msgid "directory `%s' created\n" msgstr "`%s' 目錄已建立\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1692 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "stat() failed for `%s': %s\n" msgstr "stat() 失敗於 `%s': %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1696 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "can't use `%s' as home directory\n" msgstr "無法使用 `%s' åšç‚ºå®¶ç›®éŒ„\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1829 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:1838 scd/scdaemon.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "æ–¼ fd %d è®€å– nonce 時出錯: %s\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2044 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2053 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ç¶“æ‰‹ç¨‹å¼ 0x%lx (用於 fd %d) 已啟動\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2049 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2058 #, c-format msgid "handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ç¶“æ‰‹ç¨‹å¼ 0x%lx (用於 fd %d) 已終止\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2069 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d started\n" msgstr "ssh ç¶“æ‰‹ç¨‹å¼ 0x%lx (用於 fd %d) 已啟動\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2074 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2083 #, c-format msgid "ssh handler 0x%lx for fd %d terminated\n" msgstr "ssh ç¶“æ‰‹ç¨‹å¼ 0x%lx (用於 fd %d) 已終止\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2233 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2242 scd/scdaemon.c:1268 #, c-format msgid "pth_select failed: %s - waiting 1s\n" msgstr "pth_select 失敗: %s - ç­‰ 1 秒é˜\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2356 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2365 scd/scdaemon.c:1335 #, c-format msgid "%s %s stopped\n" msgstr "%s %s å·²åœæ­¢\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2492 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2501 msgid "no gpg-agent running in this session\n" msgstr "在此階段中沒有執行中的 gpg-agent\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2503 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2512 common/simple-pwquery.c:352 common/asshelp.c:403 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2168 msgid "malformed GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable\n" msgstr "æ ¼å¼ä¸å°çš„ GPG_AGENT_INFO 環境變數\n" -#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2516 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 +#: agent/gpg-agent.c:2525 common/simple-pwquery.c:364 common/asshelp.c:415 #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:2179 #, c-format msgid "gpg-agent protocol version %d is not supported\n" @@ -629,7 +663,7 @@ "語法: gpg-preset-passphrase [é¸é …] 金鑰鑰柄\n" "密碼快å–維護\n" -#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:378 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:114 g10/gpg.c:385 kbx/kbxutil.c:71 sm/gpgsm.c:186 #: tools/gpgconf.c:60 msgid "" "@Commands:\n" @@ -638,7 +672,7 @@ "@指令:\n" " " -#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:446 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 +#: agent/protect-tool.c:128 g10/gpg.c:454 g10/gpgv.c:69 kbx/kbxutil.c:81 #: sm/gpgsm.c:226 tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:67 tools/gpgconf.c:77 #: tools/symcryptrun.c:159 msgid "" @@ -805,8 +839,8 @@ msgid "I'll change it later" msgstr "我ç¨å¾Œå†è®Šæ›´" -#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1485 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1824 +#: common/exechelp.c:528 common/exechelp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1488 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:1827 #, c-format msgid "error creating a pipe: %s\n" msgstr "建立管é“時出錯: %s\n" @@ -1155,101 +1189,101 @@ msgid "armor: %s\n" msgstr "å°è£: %s\n" -#: g10/armor.c:418 +#: g10/armor.c:444 msgid "invalid armor header: " msgstr "無效的å°è£æª”é ­: " -#: g10/armor.c:429 +#: g10/armor.c:455 msgid "armor header: " msgstr "å°è£æª”é ­: " -#: g10/armor.c:442 +#: g10/armor.c:468 msgid "invalid clearsig header\n" msgstr "無效的明文簽章檔頭\n" -#: g10/armor.c:455 +#: g10/armor.c:481 msgid "unknown armor header: " msgstr "未知的å°è£æª”é ­: " -#: g10/armor.c:508 +#: g10/armor.c:542 msgid "nested clear text signatures\n" msgstr "多層明文簽章\n" -#: g10/armor.c:643 +#: g10/armor.c:677 msgid "unexpected armor: " msgstr "未é æœŸçš„å°è£: " -#: g10/armor.c:655 +#: g10/armor.c:689 msgid "invalid dash escaped line: " msgstr "無效的破折號逸出列: " -#: g10/armor.c:810 g10/armor.c:1434 +#: g10/armor.c:844 g10/armor.c:1468 #, c-format msgid "invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n" msgstr "無效的 64 進ä½å­—符 %02x 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/armor.c:853 +#: g10/armor.c:887 msgid "premature eof (no CRC)\n" msgstr "檔案未é æœŸçš„çµæŸ (沒有 CRC 的部分)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:887 +#: g10/armor.c:921 msgid "premature eof (in CRC)\n" msgstr "檔案未é æœŸçš„çµæŸ (CRC 的部分未çµæŸ)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:895 +#: g10/armor.c:929 msgid "malformed CRC\n" msgstr "æ ¼å¼ä¸å°çš„ CRC\n" -#: g10/armor.c:899 g10/armor.c:1471 +#: g10/armor.c:933 g10/armor.c:1505 #, c-format msgid "CRC error; %06lX - %06lX\n" msgstr "CRC 錯誤; %06lX - %06lX\n" -#: g10/armor.c:919 +#: g10/armor.c:953 msgid "premature eof (in trailer)\n" msgstr "檔案未é æœŸçš„çµæŸ (æ–¼çµå°¾è™•)\n" -#: g10/armor.c:923 +#: g10/armor.c:957 msgid "error in trailer line\n" msgstr "çµå°¾åˆ—有å•é¡Œ\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1248 +#: g10/armor.c:1282 msgid "no valid OpenPGP data found.\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°æœ‰æ•ˆçš„ OpenPGP 資料.\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1253 +#: g10/armor.c:1287 #, c-format msgid "invalid armor: line longer than %d characters\n" msgstr "無效的å°è£: 列長超出 %d 字符\n" -#: g10/armor.c:1257 +#: g10/armor.c:1291 msgid "" "quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used\n" msgstr "å°è£è£¡å‡ºç¾è¢«å¼•è™Ÿæ‹¬ä½çš„å¯åˆ—å°å­—符 - å¯èƒ½æ˜¯æœ‰ç‘•ç–µçš„é€ä¿¡ç¨‹å¼é€ æˆçš„\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:976 +#: g10/build-packet.c:977 msgid "" "a notation name must have only printable characters or spaces, and end with " "an '='\n" msgstr "標記å稱一定è¦æŽ¡ç”¨å¯å°å‡ºçš„字符或空白, 並以一個 '=' 來çµå°¾\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:988 +#: g10/build-packet.c:989 msgid "a user notation name must contain the '@' character\n" msgstr "使用者標記å稱一定è¦å«æœ‰ '@' 字符\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:994 +#: g10/build-packet.c:995 msgid "a notation name must not contain more than one '@' character\n" msgstr "使用者標記å稱ä¸å¾—å«æœ‰å…©å€‹æˆ–更多的 '@' 字符\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1012 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1013 msgid "a notation value must not use any control characters\n" msgstr "標記值一定ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ä»»ä½•çš„控制字符\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1046 g10/build-packet.c:1055 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1047 g10/build-packet.c:1056 msgid "WARNING: invalid notation data found\n" msgstr "警告: 找到無效的標記資料\n" -#: g10/build-packet.c:1077 g10/build-packet.c:1079 +#: g10/build-packet.c:1078 g10/build-packet.c:1080 msgid "not human readable" msgstr "ä¸æ˜¯äººé¡žèƒ½è®€å¾—懂的" @@ -1263,8 +1297,8 @@ msgid "OpenPGP card no. %s detected\n" msgstr "åµæ¸¬åˆ° OpenPGP å¡ç‰‡ç·¨è™Ÿ %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1551 -#: g10/keygen.c:3076 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 +#: g10/card-util.c:98 g10/card-util.c:1774 g10/delkey.c:126 g10/keyedit.c:1553 +#: g10/keygen.c:3093 g10/revoke.c:216 g10/revoke.c:455 msgid "can't do this in batch mode\n" msgstr "無法在批次模å¼ä¸­é€™æ¨£åš\n" @@ -1272,13 +1306,13 @@ msgid "This command is only available for version 2 cards\n" msgstr "祇有第二版å¡ç‰‡çº”能用這個指令\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2146 +#: g10/card-util.c:108 scd/app-openpgp.c:2147 msgid "Reset Code not or not anymore available\n" msgstr "(å†ä¹Ÿ) 沒有é‡è¨­ç¢¼\n" #: g10/card-util.c:141 g10/card-util.c:1459 g10/card-util.c:1569 -#: g10/keyedit.c:424 g10/keyedit.c:445 g10/keyedit.c:459 g10/keygen.c:1637 -#: g10/keygen.c:1718 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 +#: g10/keyedit.c:425 g10/keyedit.c:446 g10/keyedit.c:460 g10/keygen.c:1637 +#: g10/keygen.c:1734 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:165 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:249 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:283 msgid "Your selection? " msgstr "ä½ è¦é¸å“ªä¸€å€‹? " @@ -1346,7 +1380,7 @@ msgid "error allocating enough memory: %s\n" msgstr "é…置足夠的記憶體時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:291 +#: g10/card-util.c:807 g10/import.c:307 #, c-format msgid "error reading `%s': %s\n" msgstr "è®€å– `%s' 時出錯: %s\n" @@ -1445,13 +1479,13 @@ msgid "What keysize do you want for the Authentication key? (%u) " msgstr "ä½ çš„èªè­‰é‡‘鑰想è¦ç”¨å¤šå¤§çš„金鑰尺寸? (%u) " -#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1851 g10/keygen.c:1857 +#: g10/card-util.c:1310 g10/keygen.c:1868 g10/keygen.c:1874 #: sm/certreqgen-ui.c:194 #, c-format msgid "rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "加大到 %u ä½å…ƒ\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1838 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 +#: g10/card-util.c:1318 g10/keygen.c:1855 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:184 #, c-format msgid "%s keysizes must be in the range %u-%u\n" msgstr "%s 金鑰尺寸一定è¦ä»‹æ–¼ %u 到 %u 之間\n" @@ -1505,8 +1539,8 @@ msgid " (3) Authentication key\n" msgstr " (3) 憑證用金鑰\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:945 -#: g10/keygen.c:1641 g10/keygen.c:1669 g10/keygen.c:1771 g10/revoke.c:683 +#: g10/card-util.c:1470 g10/card-util.c:1589 g10/keyedit.c:946 +#: g10/keygen.c:1656 g10/keygen.c:1684 g10/keygen.c:1786 g10/revoke.c:683 msgid "Invalid selection.\n" msgstr "無效的é¸æ“‡.\n" @@ -1531,7 +1565,7 @@ msgid "error writing key to card: %s\n" msgstr "金鑰寫入å¡ç‰‡æ™‚出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1382 +#: g10/card-util.c:1683 g10/keyedit.c:1383 msgid "quit this menu" msgstr "離開這個é¸å–®" @@ -1539,7 +1573,7 @@ msgid "show admin commands" msgstr "顯示管ç†è€…指令" -#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1385 +#: g10/card-util.c:1686 g10/keyedit.c:1386 msgid "show this help" msgstr "顯示這份線上說明" @@ -1611,7 +1645,7 @@ msgid "Admin commands are not allowed\n" msgstr "未å…許使用管ç†è€…指令\n" -#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2296 +#: g10/card-util.c:1989 g10/keyedit.c:2307 msgid "Invalid command (try \"help\")\n" msgstr "無效的指令 (試試看 \"help\")\n" @@ -1619,18 +1653,18 @@ msgid "--output doesn't work for this command\n" msgstr "--output 在這個指令中沒有作用\n" -#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4042 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:698 +#: g10/decrypt.c:166 g10/gpg.c:4095 g10/keyring.c:387 g10/keyring.c:726 #, c-format msgid "can't open `%s'\n" msgstr "無法開啟 `%s'\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1572 g10/keyedit.c:3518 -#: g10/keyserver.c:1839 g10/revoke.c:226 +#: g10/delkey.c:73 g10/export.c:324 g10/keyedit.c:1574 g10/keyedit.c:3576 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1886 g10/revoke.c:226 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°é‡‘é‘° \"%s\": %s\n" -#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2533 g10/keyserver.c:1853 +#: g10/delkey.c:81 g10/export.c:354 g10/import.c:2555 g10/keyserver.c:1900 #: g10/revoke.c:232 g10/revoke.c:477 #, c-format msgid "error reading keyblock: %s\n" @@ -1872,213 +1906,213 @@ msgid "WARNING: nothing exported\n" msgstr "警告: 沒有匯出任何æ±è¥¿\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:152 +#: g10/getkey.c:153 msgid "too many entries in pk cache - disabled\n" msgstr "pk å¿«å–裡有太多項目 - å·²ç¦ç”¨\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:175 +#: g10/getkey.c:176 msgid "[User ID not found]" msgstr "[找ä¸åˆ°ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID]" -#: g10/getkey.c:1113 +#: g10/getkey.c:512 g10/getkey.c:2825 +#, c-format +msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" +msgstr "金鑰 %s: 祇有ç§é‘°è€Œæ²’有公鑰 - 已跳éŽ\n" + +#: g10/getkey.c:1126 #, c-format msgid "automatically retrieved `%s' via %s\n" msgstr "已自動å–回 `%s' (經由 %s )\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1118 +#: g10/getkey.c:1131 #, c-format msgid "error retrieving `%s' via %s: %s\n" msgstr "å–å¾— `%s' æ–¼ %s 時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:1120 +#: g10/getkey.c:1133 msgid "No fingerprint" msgstr "沒有指紋" -#: g10/getkey.c:1936 +#: g10/getkey.c:1949 #, c-format msgid "Invalid key %s made valid by --allow-non-selfsigned-uid\n" msgstr "無效的金鑰 %s å¯ä»¥è—‰ç”± --allow-non-selfsigned-uid 而生效\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2539 g10/keyedit.c:3843 +#: g10/getkey.c:2552 g10/keyedit.c:3901 #, c-format msgid "no secret subkey for public subkey %s - ignoring\n" msgstr "公鑰 %s 沒有相å°æ‡‰çš„ç§é‘° - 正在忽略\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2765 +#: g10/getkey.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "using subkey %s instead of primary key %s\n" msgstr "使用å­é‘° %s 來替æ›ä¸»é‘° %s\n" -#: g10/getkey.c:2812 -#, c-format -msgid "key %s: secret key without public key - skipped\n" -msgstr "金鑰 %s: 祇有ç§é‘°è€Œæ²’有公鑰 - 已跳éŽ\n" - -#: g10/gpg.c:380 sm/gpgsm.c:188 +#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:188 msgid "make a signature" msgstr "建立簽章" -#: g10/gpg.c:381 sm/gpgsm.c:189 +#: g10/gpg.c:388 sm/gpgsm.c:189 msgid "make a clear text signature" msgstr "建立明文簽章" -#: g10/gpg.c:382 sm/gpgsm.c:190 +#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:190 msgid "make a detached signature" msgstr "建立分離å¼ç°½ç« " -#: g10/gpg.c:383 sm/gpgsm.c:191 +#: g10/gpg.c:390 sm/gpgsm.c:191 msgid "encrypt data" msgstr "加密資料" -#: g10/gpg.c:385 sm/gpgsm.c:192 +#: g10/gpg.c:392 sm/gpgsm.c:192 msgid "encryption only with symmetric cipher" msgstr "僅使用å°ç¨±å¼ç·¨å¯†æ³•ä¾†åŠ å¯†" -#: g10/gpg.c:387 sm/gpgsm.c:193 +#: g10/gpg.c:394 sm/gpgsm.c:193 msgid "decrypt data (default)" msgstr "資料解密 (é è¨­)" -#: g10/gpg.c:389 sm/gpgsm.c:194 +#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:194 msgid "verify a signature" msgstr "驗證簽章" -#: g10/gpg.c:391 sm/gpgsm.c:195 +#: g10/gpg.c:398 sm/gpgsm.c:195 msgid "list keys" msgstr "列出金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:393 +#: g10/gpg.c:400 msgid "list keys and signatures" msgstr "列出金鑰和簽章" -#: g10/gpg.c:394 +#: g10/gpg.c:401 msgid "list and check key signatures" msgstr "列出並檢查金鑰簽章" -#: g10/gpg.c:395 sm/gpgsm.c:200 +#: g10/gpg.c:402 sm/gpgsm.c:200 msgid "list keys and fingerprints" msgstr "列出金鑰和指紋" -#: g10/gpg.c:396 sm/gpgsm.c:198 +#: g10/gpg.c:403 sm/gpgsm.c:198 msgid "list secret keys" msgstr "列出ç§é‘°" -#: g10/gpg.c:397 sm/gpgsm.c:201 +#: g10/gpg.c:404 sm/gpgsm.c:201 msgid "generate a new key pair" msgstr "產生新的金鑰å°" -#: g10/gpg.c:398 +#: g10/gpg.c:405 msgid "generate a revocation certificate" msgstr "產生撤銷憑證" -#: g10/gpg.c:400 sm/gpgsm.c:203 +#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:203 msgid "remove keys from the public keyring" msgstr "從公鑰鑰匙圈裡移除金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:402 +#: g10/gpg.c:409 msgid "remove keys from the secret keyring" msgstr "從ç§é‘°é‘°åŒ™åœˆè£¡ç§»é™¤é‡‘é‘°" -#: g10/gpg.c:403 +#: g10/gpg.c:410 msgid "sign a key" msgstr "簽署金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:404 +#: g10/gpg.c:411 msgid "sign a key locally" msgstr "僅在本機簽署金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:405 +#: g10/gpg.c:412 msgid "sign or edit a key" msgstr "簽署或編輯金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:407 sm/gpgsm.c:215 +#: g10/gpg.c:414 sm/gpgsm.c:215 msgid "change a passphrase" msgstr "更改密語" -#: g10/gpg.c:409 +#: g10/gpg.c:416 msgid "export keys" msgstr "匯出金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:410 sm/gpgsm.c:204 +#: g10/gpg.c:417 sm/gpgsm.c:204 msgid "export keys to a key server" msgstr "把金鑰匯出至金鑰伺æœå™¨" -#: g10/gpg.c:411 sm/gpgsm.c:205 +#: g10/gpg.c:418 sm/gpgsm.c:205 msgid "import keys from a key server" msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨åŒ¯å…¥é‡‘é‘°" -#: g10/gpg.c:413 +#: g10/gpg.c:420 msgid "search for keys on a key server" msgstr "在金鑰伺æœå™¨ä¸Šæœå°‹é‡‘é‘°" -#: g10/gpg.c:415 +#: g10/gpg.c:422 msgid "update all keys from a keyserver" msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨æ›´æ–°æ‰€æœ‰çš„金鑰" -#: g10/gpg.c:420 +#: g10/gpg.c:427 msgid "import/merge keys" msgstr "匯入/åˆä½µé‡‘é‘°" -#: g10/gpg.c:423 +#: g10/gpg.c:430 msgid "print the card status" msgstr "列å°å¡ç‰‡ç‹€æ…‹" -#: g10/gpg.c:424 +#: g10/gpg.c:431 msgid "change data on a card" msgstr "變更å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šçš„資料" -#: g10/gpg.c:425 +#: g10/gpg.c:432 msgid "change a card's PIN" msgstr "變更å¡ç‰‡çš„個人識別碼 (PIN)" -#: g10/gpg.c:434 +#: g10/gpg.c:442 msgid "update the trust database" msgstr "更新信任資料庫" -#: g10/gpg.c:441 +#: g10/gpg.c:449 msgid "print message digests" msgstr "å°å‡ºè¨Šæ¯æ‘˜è¦" -#: g10/gpg.c:444 sm/gpgsm.c:210 +#: g10/gpg.c:452 sm/gpgsm.c:210 msgid "run in server mode" msgstr "以伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼åŸ·è¡Œ" -#: g10/gpg.c:448 sm/gpgsm.c:228 +#: g10/gpg.c:456 sm/gpgsm.c:228 msgid "create ascii armored output" msgstr "建立以 ASCII å°è£éŽçš„輸出" -#: g10/gpg.c:451 sm/gpgsm.c:241 +#: g10/gpg.c:459 sm/gpgsm.c:241 msgid "|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID" -msgstr "|使用者-ID|以「使用者-IDã€ä½œç‚ºåŠ å¯†å°è±¡" +msgstr "|使用者-ID|以指定使用者 ID 作為加密å°è±¡" -#: g10/gpg.c:464 sm/gpgsm.c:278 +#: g10/gpg.c:472 sm/gpgsm.c:278 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt" -msgstr "|使用者-ID|拿「使用者-IDã€ä¾†ç°½ç½²æˆ–解密" +msgstr "|使用者-ID|拿指定使用者 ID 來簽署或解密" -#: g10/gpg.c:467 +#: g10/gpg.c:475 msgid "|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)" msgstr "|N|設定壓縮等級為 N (0 表示ä¸å£“縮)" -#: g10/gpg.c:473 +#: g10/gpg.c:481 msgid "use canonical text mode" msgstr "使用標準的文字模å¼" -#: g10/gpg.c:490 sm/gpgsm.c:280 +#: g10/gpg.c:498 sm/gpgsm.c:280 msgid "|FILE|write output to FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|將輸出寫入至「檔案ã€" +msgstr "|檔案|將輸出寫入至指定檔案" -#: g10/gpg.c:506 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 +#: g10/gpg.c:514 kbx/kbxutil.c:90 sm/gpgsm.c:292 tools/gpgconf.c:82 msgid "do not make any changes" msgstr "ä¸è¦åšä»»ä½•æ”¹è®Š" -#: g10/gpg.c:507 +#: g10/gpg.c:515 msgid "prompt before overwriting" msgstr "覆寫å‰å…ˆè©¢å•" -#: g10/gpg.c:559 +#: g10/gpg.c:560 msgid "use strict OpenPGP behavior" msgstr "使用嚴謹的 OpenPGP 行為" -#: g10/gpg.c:590 sm/gpgsm.c:336 +#: g10/gpg.c:591 sm/gpgsm.c:336 msgid "" "@\n" "(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" @@ -2086,7 +2120,7 @@ "@\n" "(è«‹åƒç…§ç·šä¸Šèªªæ˜Žé é¢ä¾†å–得所有命令和é¸é …的完整清單)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:593 sm/gpgsm.c:339 +#: g10/gpg.c:594 sm/gpgsm.c:339 msgid "" "@\n" "Examples:\n" @@ -2106,11 +2140,11 @@ " --list-keys [åå­—] 顯示金鑰\n" " --fingerprint [åå­—] 顯示指紋\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:842 +#: g10/gpg.c:858 msgid "Usage: gpg [options] [files] (-h for help)" msgstr "用法: gpg [é¸é …] [檔案] (或用 -h 求助)" -#: g10/gpg.c:845 +#: g10/gpg.c:861 msgid "" "Syntax: gpg [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" @@ -2120,7 +2154,7 @@ "簽署, 檢查, 加密或解密\n" "é è¨­çš„æ“作會ä¾è¼¸å…¥è³‡æ–™è€Œå®š\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:856 sm/gpgsm.c:543 +#: g10/gpg.c:872 sm/gpgsm.c:543 msgid "" "\n" "Supported algorithms:\n" @@ -2128,549 +2162,549 @@ "\n" "已支æ´çš„演算法:\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:859 +#: g10/gpg.c:875 msgid "Pubkey: " msgstr "公鑰: " -#: g10/gpg.c:866 g10/keyedit.c:2427 +#: g10/gpg.c:882 g10/keyedit.c:2438 msgid "Cipher: " msgstr "編密法: " -#: g10/gpg.c:873 +#: g10/gpg.c:889 msgid "Hash: " msgstr "雜湊: " -#: g10/gpg.c:880 g10/keyedit.c:2472 +#: g10/gpg.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:2483 msgid "Compression: " msgstr "壓縮: " -#: g10/gpg.c:949 +#: g10/gpg.c:965 msgid "usage: gpg [options] " msgstr "用法: gpg [é¸é …] " -#: g10/gpg.c:1163 sm/gpgsm.c:716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1179 sm/gpgsm.c:716 msgid "conflicting commands\n" msgstr "指令彼此矛盾\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1181 +#: g10/gpg.c:1197 #, c-format msgid "no = sign found in group definition `%s'\n" msgstr "在群組定義 `%s' 裡找ä¸åˆ° = 記號\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1378 +#: g10/gpg.c:1394 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' 的所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1381 +#: g10/gpg.c:1397 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' 的所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1384 +#: g10/gpg.c:1400 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' 的所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1390 +#: g10/gpg.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' 的權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1393 +#: g10/gpg.c:1409 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' 的權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1396 +#: g10/gpg.c:1412 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' 的權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1402 +#: g10/gpg.c:1418 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1405 +#: g10/gpg.c:1421 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1408 +#: g10/gpg.c:1424 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„所有權並ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1414 +#: g10/gpg.c:1430 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on homedir `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 家目錄 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1417 +#: g10/gpg.c:1433 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 組態檔案 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1420 +#: g10/gpg.c:1436 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on extension `%s'\n" msgstr "警告: 延伸模組 `%s' çš„å°å…¥ç›®éŒ„權é™ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1600 +#: g10/gpg.c:1616 #, c-format msgid "unknown configuration item `%s'\n" msgstr "未知的組態項目 `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1704 +#: g10/gpg.c:1720 msgid "display photo IDs during key listings" msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示照片 ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:1706 +#: g10/gpg.c:1722 msgid "show policy URLs during signature listings" msgstr "列出簽章時顯示原則 URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:1708 +#: g10/gpg.c:1724 msgid "show all notations during signature listings" msgstr "列出簽章時顯示所有的註記" -#: g10/gpg.c:1710 +#: g10/gpg.c:1726 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature listings" msgstr "列出簽章時顯示 IETF 標準註記" -#: g10/gpg.c:1714 +#: g10/gpg.c:1730 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature listings" msgstr "列出簽章時顯示使用者æ供的註記" -#: g10/gpg.c:1716 +#: g10/gpg.c:1732 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings" msgstr "列出簽章時顯示å好的金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:1718 +#: g10/gpg.c:1734 msgid "show user ID validity during key listings" msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示使用者 ID 有效性" -#: g10/gpg.c:1720 +#: g10/gpg.c:1736 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings" msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示已撤銷或éŽæœŸçš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:1722 +#: g10/gpg.c:1738 msgid "show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings" msgstr "列出金鑰時顯示已撤銷或éŽæœŸçš„å­é‘°" -#: g10/gpg.c:1724 +#: g10/gpg.c:1740 msgid "show the keyring name in key listings" msgstr "在金鑰清單中顯示鑰匙圈å稱" -#: g10/gpg.c:1726 +#: g10/gpg.c:1742 msgid "show expiration dates during signature listings" msgstr "列出簽章時顯示有效期é™" -#: g10/gpg.c:1860 +#: g10/gpg.c:1876 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: old default options file `%s' ignored\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 已忽略舊有的é è¨­é¸é …檔 `%s'\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:1953 +#: g10/gpg.c:1969 #, c-format msgid "libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n" msgstr "libgcrypt 太舊了 (éœ€è¦ %s, 但是祇有 %s)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2355 g10/gpg.c:3050 g10/gpg.c:3062 +#: g10/gpg.c:2385 g10/gpg.c:3096 g10/gpg.c:3108 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: %s is not for normal use!\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 一般情æ³ä¸‹ä¸æœƒç”¨åˆ° %s!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2539 g10/gpg.c:2551 +#: g10/gpg.c:2569 g10/gpg.c:2581 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n" msgstr "`%s' ä¸æ˜¯å€‹æœ‰æ•ˆçš„簽章使用期é™\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2633 +#: g10/gpg.c:2663 #, c-format msgid "`%s' is not a valid character set\n" msgstr "`%s' ä¸æ˜¯å€‹æœ‰æ•ˆçš„字元集\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2656 g10/gpg.c:2851 g10/keyedit.c:4201 +#: g10/gpg.c:2686 g10/gpg.c:2881 g10/keyedit.c:4259 msgid "could not parse keyserver URL\n" msgstr "無法剖æžé‡‘鑰伺æœå™¨ URL\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2668 +#: g10/gpg.c:2698 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的金鑰伺æœå™¨é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2671 +#: g10/gpg.c:2701 msgid "invalid keyserver options\n" msgstr "無效的金鑰伺æœå™¨é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2678 +#: g10/gpg.c:2708 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid import options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的匯入é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2681 +#: g10/gpg.c:2711 msgid "invalid import options\n" msgstr "無效的匯入é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2688 +#: g10/gpg.c:2718 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid export options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的匯出é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2691 +#: g10/gpg.c:2721 msgid "invalid export options\n" msgstr "無效的匯出é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2698 +#: g10/gpg.c:2728 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid list options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的清單é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2701 +#: g10/gpg.c:2731 msgid "invalid list options\n" msgstr "無效的清單é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2709 +#: g10/gpg.c:2739 msgid "display photo IDs during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示照片 ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:2711 +#: g10/gpg.c:2741 msgid "show policy URLs during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示原則 URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:2713 +#: g10/gpg.c:2743 msgid "show all notations during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示所有的註記" -#: g10/gpg.c:2715 +#: g10/gpg.c:2745 msgid "show IETF standard notations during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示 IETF 標準註記" -#: g10/gpg.c:2719 +#: g10/gpg.c:2749 msgid "show user-supplied notations during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示使用者æ供的註記" -#: g10/gpg.c:2721 +#: g10/gpg.c:2751 msgid "show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示å好的金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL" -#: g10/gpg.c:2723 +#: g10/gpg.c:2753 msgid "show user ID validity during signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示使用者 ID 有效性" -#: g10/gpg.c:2725 +#: g10/gpg.c:2755 msgid "show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時顯示已撤銷或éŽæœŸçš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:2727 +#: g10/gpg.c:2757 msgid "show only the primary user ID in signature verification" msgstr "驗證簽章時祇顯示主è¦çš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:2729 +#: g10/gpg.c:2759 msgid "validate signatures with PKA data" msgstr "以 PKA 資料驗證簽章" -#: g10/gpg.c:2731 +#: g10/gpg.c:2761 msgid "elevate the trust of signatures with valid PKA data" msgstr "æ高å°æŒæœ‰æœ‰æ•ˆ PKA 資料之簽章的信任" -#: g10/gpg.c:2738 +#: g10/gpg.c:2768 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid verify options\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的驗證é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2741 +#: g10/gpg.c:2771 msgid "invalid verify options\n" msgstr "無效的驗證é¸é …\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2748 +#: g10/gpg.c:2778 #, c-format msgid "unable to set exec-path to %s\n" msgstr "ç„¡æ³•æŠŠåŸ·è¡Œæª”è·¯å¾‘è¨­æˆ %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2934 +#: g10/gpg.c:2964 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "%s:%d: 無效的自動金鑰定å€æ¸…å–®\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:2937 +#: g10/gpg.c:2967 msgid "invalid auto-key-locate list\n" msgstr "無效的自動金鑰定å€æ¸…å–®\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3039 sm/gpgsm.c:1442 +#: g10/gpg.c:3085 sm/gpgsm.c:1443 msgid "WARNING: program may create a core file!\n" msgstr "警告: 程å¼å¯èƒ½æœƒå‚¾å°å‡ºæ ¸å¿ƒæª”!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3043 +#: g10/gpg.c:3089 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: %s overrides %s\n" msgstr "警告: %s 會推翻 %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3052 +#: g10/gpg.c:3098 #, c-format msgid "%s not allowed with %s!\n" msgstr "%s ä¸å…許跟 %s 併用!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3055 +#: g10/gpg.c:3101 #, c-format msgid "%s makes no sense with %s!\n" msgstr "%s è·Ÿ %s 放在一起沒有æ„義!\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3070 +#: g10/gpg.c:3116 #, c-format msgid "will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n" msgstr "因為 %s 而ä¸æœƒåœ¨ä¸å®‰å…¨çš„記憶體中執行\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3084 +#: g10/gpg.c:3130 msgid "you can only make detached or clear signatures while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "你祇有在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹çº”能åšå‡ºåˆ†é›¢å¼æˆ–明文簽章\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3090 +#: g10/gpg.c:3136 msgid "you can't sign and encrypt at the same time while in --pgp2 mode\n" msgstr "你在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹æ™‚, ä¸èƒ½åŒæ™‚簽署和加密\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3096 +#: g10/gpg.c:3142 msgid "you must use files (and not a pipe) when working with --pgp2 enabled.\n" msgstr "啟用 --pgp2 時你祇應該使用檔案, 而éžç®¡é“\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3109 +#: g10/gpg.c:3155 msgid "encrypting a message in --pgp2 mode requires the IDEA cipher\n" msgstr "在 --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹åŠ å¯†è¨Šæ¯éœ€è¦ IDEA 編密法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3177 g10/gpg.c:3201 sm/gpgsm.c:1514 +#: g10/gpg.c:3223 g10/gpg.c:3247 sm/gpgsm.c:1515 msgid "selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所é¸çš„編密演算法無效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3183 g10/gpg.c:3207 sm/gpgsm.c:1520 sm/gpgsm.c:1526 +#: g10/gpg.c:3229 g10/gpg.c:3253 sm/gpgsm.c:1521 sm/gpgsm.c:1527 msgid "selected digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所é¸çš„摘è¦æ¼”算法無效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3189 +#: g10/gpg.c:3235 msgid "selected compression algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所é¸çš„壓縮演算法無效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3195 +#: g10/gpg.c:3241 msgid "selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n" msgstr "所é¸çš„憑證摘è¦æ¼”算法無效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3210 +#: g10/gpg.c:3256 msgid "completes-needed must be greater than 0\n" msgstr "completes-needed 一定è¦å¤§æ–¼ 0\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3212 +#: g10/gpg.c:3258 msgid "marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n" msgstr "marginals-needed 一定è¦å¤§æ–¼ 1\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3214 +#: g10/gpg.c:3260 msgid "max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n" msgstr "max-cert-depth 一定è¦ä»‹æ–¼ 1 å’Œ 255 之間\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3216 +#: g10/gpg.c:3262 msgid "invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "無效的 default-cert-level; 一定è¦æ˜¯ 0, 1, 2 或 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3218 +#: g10/gpg.c:3264 msgid "invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n" msgstr "無效的 min-cert-level; 一定è¦æ˜¯ 1, 2 或 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3221 +#: g10/gpg.c:3267 msgid "NOTE: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 強烈ä¸å»ºè­°ä½¿ç”¨å–®ç´”çš„ S2K æ¨¡å¼ (0)\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3225 +#: g10/gpg.c:3271 msgid "invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n" msgstr "無效的 S2K 模å¼; 一定è¦æ˜¯ 0, 1 或 3\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3232 +#: g10/gpg.c:3278 msgid "invalid default preferences\n" msgstr "無效的é è¨­å好\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3236 +#: g10/gpg.c:3282 msgid "invalid personal cipher preferences\n" msgstr "無效的個人編密法å好\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3240 +#: g10/gpg.c:3286 msgid "invalid personal digest preferences\n" msgstr "無效的個人摘è¦å好\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3244 +#: g10/gpg.c:3290 msgid "invalid personal compress preferences\n" msgstr "無效的個人壓縮å好\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3277 +#: g10/gpg.c:3323 #, c-format msgid "%s does not yet work with %s\n" msgstr "%s 還沒辦法跟 %s 一起é‹ä½œ\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3324 +#: g10/gpg.c:3370 #, c-format msgid "you may not use cipher algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸è©²å°‡ `%s' 編密演算法用於 %s 模å¼ä¸­\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3329 +#: g10/gpg.c:3375 #, c-format msgid "you may not use digest algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸è©²å°‡ `%s' 摘è¦æ¼”算法用於 %s 模å¼ä¸­\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3334 +#: g10/gpg.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "you may not use compression algorithm `%s' while in %s mode\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸è©²å°‡ `%s' 壓縮演算法用於 %s 模å¼ä¸­\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3429 +#: g10/gpg.c:3475 #, c-format msgid "failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n" msgstr "信任資料庫啟始失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3440 +#: g10/gpg.c:3486 msgid "WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption\n" msgstr "警告: 給定的收件者 (-r) 未使用公鑰加密\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3461 +#: g10/gpg.c:3507 msgid "--store [filename]" msgstr "--store [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3468 +#: g10/gpg.c:3514 msgid "--symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3470 +#: g10/gpg.c:3516 #, c-format msgid "symmetric encryption of `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "`%s' å°ç¨±å¼åŠ å¯†å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3480 +#: g10/gpg.c:3526 msgid "--encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--encrypt [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3493 +#: g10/gpg.c:3539 msgid "--symmetric --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --encrypt [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3495 +#: g10/gpg.c:3541 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ --s2k-mode 0 中使用 --symmetric --encrypt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3498 +#: g10/gpg.c:3544 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸­ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric --encrypt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3516 +#: g10/gpg.c:3562 msgid "--sign [filename]" msgstr "--sign [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3529 +#: g10/gpg.c:3575 msgid "--sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--sign --encrypt [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3544 +#: g10/gpg.c:3590 msgid "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]" msgstr "--symmetric --sign --encrypt [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3546 +#: g10/gpg.c:3592 msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt with --s2k-mode 0\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ --s2k-mode 0 中使用 --symmetric --sign --encrypt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3549 +#: g10/gpg.c:3595 #, c-format msgid "you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt while in %s mode\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ %s 模å¼ä¸­ä½¿ç”¨ --symmetric --sign --encrypt\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3569 +#: g10/gpg.c:3615 msgid "--sign --symmetric [filename]" msgstr "--sign --symmetric [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3578 +#: g10/gpg.c:3624 msgid "--clearsign [filename]" msgstr "--clearsign [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3603 +#: g10/gpg.c:3649 msgid "--decrypt [filename]" msgstr "--decrypt [檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3611 +#: g10/gpg.c:3657 msgid "--sign-key user-id" msgstr "--sign-key 使用者ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:3615 +#: g10/gpg.c:3661 msgid "--lsign-key user-id" msgstr "--lsign-key 使用者ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:3636 +#: g10/gpg.c:3682 msgid "--edit-key user-id [commands]" msgstr "--edit-key 使用者ID [指令]" -#: g10/gpg.c:3652 +#: g10/gpg.c:3698 msgid "--passwd " msgstr "--passwd 使用者ID" -#: g10/gpg.c:3739 +#: g10/gpg.c:3785 #, c-format msgid "keyserver send failed: %s\n" msgstr "é€è‡³é‡‘鑰伺æœå™¨å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3741 +#: g10/gpg.c:3787 #, c-format msgid "keyserver receive failed: %s\n" msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨æŽ¥æ”¶å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3743 +#: g10/gpg.c:3789 #, c-format msgid "key export failed: %s\n" msgstr "金鑰匯出失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3754 +#: g10/gpg.c:3800 #, c-format msgid "keyserver search failed: %s\n" msgstr "用金鑰伺æœå™¨æœå°‹å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3764 +#: g10/gpg.c:3810 #, c-format msgid "keyserver refresh failed: %s\n" msgstr "從金鑰伺æœå™¨æ›´æ–°å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3815 +#: g10/gpg.c:3861 #, c-format msgid "dearmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "解開å°è£å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3823 +#: g10/gpg.c:3869 #, c-format msgid "enarmoring failed: %s\n" msgstr "進行å°è£å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:3913 +#: g10/gpg.c:3959 #, c-format msgid "invalid hash algorithm `%s'\n" msgstr "無效的 `%s' 雜湊演算法\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4028 +#: g10/gpg.c:4081 msgid "[filename]" msgstr "[檔å]" -#: g10/gpg.c:4032 +#: g10/gpg.c:4085 msgid "Go ahead and type your message ...\n" msgstr "è«‹é–‹å§‹è¼¸å…¥ä½ çš„è¨Šæ¯ ...\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4346 +#: g10/gpg.c:4399 msgid "the given certification policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "給定的的憑證原則 URL 無效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4348 +#: g10/gpg.c:4401 msgid "the given signature policy URL is invalid\n" msgstr "給定的簽章原則 URL 無效\n" -#: g10/gpg.c:4381 +#: g10/gpg.c:4434 msgid "the given preferred keyserver URL is invalid\n" msgstr "給定的å好金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL 無效\n" #: g10/gpgv.c:74 msgid "|FILE|take the keys from the keyring FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|從鑰匙圈「檔案ã€è£¡å–用金鑰" +msgstr "|檔案|從指定鑰匙圈檔案裡å–用金鑰" #: g10/gpgv.c:76 msgid "make timestamp conflicts only a warning" @@ -2678,7 +2712,7 @@ #: g10/gpgv.c:78 sm/gpgsm.c:326 msgid "|FD|write status info to this FD" -msgstr "|檔案æè¿°|把狀態資訊寫入此「檔案æè¿°ã€" +msgstr "|檔案æè¿°|把狀態資訊寫入此指定檔案æè¿°" #: g10/gpgv.c:117 msgid "Usage: gpgv [options] [files] (-h for help)" @@ -2701,400 +2735,402 @@ msgid "No help available for `%s'" msgstr "`%s' 沒有å¯ç”¨çš„說明" -#: g10/import.c:97 +#: g10/import.c:98 msgid "import signatures that are marked as local-only" msgstr "匯入標記為僅é™æœ¬æ©Ÿä½¿ç”¨çš„簽章" -#: g10/import.c:99 +#: g10/import.c:101 msgid "repair damage from the pks keyserver during import" msgstr "匯入時修復來自 pks 金鑰伺æœå™¨çš„æ壞" -#: g10/import.c:101 +#: g10/import.c:104 +msgid "do not clear the ownertrust values during import" +msgstr "匯入éŽç¨‹ä¸­ä¸è¦æ¸…除主觀信任值" + +#: g10/import.c:107 msgid "do not update the trustdb after import" msgstr "匯入後ä¸è¦æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»è³‡æ–™åº«" -#: g10/import.c:103 +#: g10/import.c:110 msgid "create a public key when importing a secret key" msgstr "匯入ç§é‘°æ™‚亦建立公鑰" -#: g10/import.c:105 +#: g10/import.c:113 msgid "only accept updates to existing keys" msgstr "祇接å—既有金鑰的更新" -#: g10/import.c:107 +#: g10/import.c:116 msgid "remove unusable parts from key after import" msgstr "匯入後從金鑰中移除無法使用的部分" -#: g10/import.c:109 +#: g10/import.c:119 msgid "remove as much as possible from key after import" msgstr "匯入後盡å¯èƒ½åœ°å¾žé‡‘鑰中移除" -#: g10/import.c:277 +#: g10/import.c:293 #, c-format msgid "skipping block of type %d\n" msgstr "æ­£åœ¨è·³éŽ %d åž‹æ…‹çš„å€å¡Š\n" -#: g10/import.c:286 +#: g10/import.c:302 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys processed so far\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰å·²è™•ç† %lu 把金鑰\n" -#: g10/import.c:303 +#: g10/import.c:324 #, c-format msgid "Total number processed: %lu\n" msgstr "處ç†ç¸½é‡: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:305 +#: g10/import.c:326 #, c-format msgid " skipped new keys: %lu\n" msgstr " 已跳éŽçš„新金鑰: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:308 +#: g10/import.c:329 #, c-format msgid " w/o user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " 沒有使用者的 ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:310 sm/import.c:114 +#: g10/import.c:331 sm/import.c:114 #, c-format msgid " imported: %lu" msgstr " 已匯入: %lu" -#: g10/import.c:316 sm/import.c:118 +#: g10/import.c:337 sm/import.c:118 #, c-format msgid " unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " 未改變的: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:318 +#: g10/import.c:339 #, c-format msgid " new user IDs: %lu\n" msgstr " 新的使用者 ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:320 +#: g10/import.c:341 #, c-format msgid " new subkeys: %lu\n" msgstr " æ–°çš„å­é‘°: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:322 +#: g10/import.c:343 #, c-format msgid " new signatures: %lu\n" msgstr " 新的簽章: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:324 +#: g10/import.c:345 #, c-format msgid " new key revocations: %lu\n" msgstr " 新的金鑰撤銷: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:326 sm/import.c:120 +#: g10/import.c:347 sm/import.c:120 #, c-format msgid " secret keys read: %lu\n" msgstr " 已讀å–çš„ç§é‘°: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:328 sm/import.c:122 +#: g10/import.c:349 sm/import.c:122 #, c-format msgid " secret keys imported: %lu\n" msgstr " 已匯入的ç§é‘°: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:330 sm/import.c:124 +#: g10/import.c:351 sm/import.c:124 #, c-format msgid " secret keys unchanged: %lu\n" msgstr " 未改變的ç§é‘°: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:332 sm/import.c:126 +#: g10/import.c:353 sm/import.c:126 #, c-format msgid " not imported: %lu\n" msgstr " 未被匯入: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:334 +#: g10/import.c:355 #, c-format msgid " signatures cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " 已清除的簽章: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:336 +#: g10/import.c:357 #, c-format msgid " user IDs cleaned: %lu\n" msgstr " 已清除的使用者 ID: %lu\n" -#: g10/import.c:638 +#: g10/import.c:659 #, c-format msgid "" "WARNING: key %s contains preferences for unavailable\n" "algorithms on these user IDs:\n" msgstr "警告: 金鑰 %s çš„å好設定å«æœ‰é€™äº›ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID 無法使用的演算法:\n" -#: g10/import.c:679 +#: g10/import.c:700 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": 編密演算法 %s çš„å好設定\n" -#: g10/import.c:694 +#: g10/import.c:715 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": 摘è¦æ¼”算法 %s çš„å好設定\n" -#: g10/import.c:706 +#: g10/import.c:727 #, c-format msgid " \"%s\": preference for compression algorithm %s\n" msgstr " \"%s\": 壓縮演算法 %s çš„å好設定\n" -#: g10/import.c:719 +#: g10/import.c:740 msgid "it is strongly suggested that you update your preferences and\n" msgstr "我們強烈建議你更新å好設定, 並é‡æ–°\n" -#: g10/import.c:721 +#: g10/import.c:742 msgid "re-distribute this key to avoid potential algorithm mismatch problems\n" msgstr "散佈此金鑰, 以é¿å…潛在的演算法ä¸ä¸€è‡´å•é¡Œ.\n" -#: g10/import.c:745 +#: g10/import.c:766 #, c-format msgid "you can update your preferences with: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" msgstr "ä½ å¯ä»¥åƒé€™æ¨£ä¾†æ›´æ–°å好設定: gpg --edit-key %s updpref save\n" -#: g10/import.c:798 g10/import.c:1231 +#: g10/import.c:819 g10/import.c:1253 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:804 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "skipped \"%s\": %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:825 +#, c-format msgid "key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "å·²è·³éŽ \"%s\": %s\n" +msgstr "金鑰 %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:805 g10/import.c:1206 +#: g10/import.c:826 g10/import.c:1228 msgid "rejected by import filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "已由匯入éŽæ¿¾å™¨é§å›ž" -#: g10/import.c:834 +#: g10/import.c:855 #, c-format msgid "key %s: PKS subkey corruption repaired\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: PKS å­é‘°çš„訛誤已被修復\n" -#: g10/import.c:849 +#: g10/import.c:870 #, c-format msgid "key %s: accepted non self-signed user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 已接å—éžè‡ªæˆ‘簽署的使用者 ID \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/import.c:855 +#: g10/import.c:876 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no valid user IDs\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有有效的使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:857 +#: g10/import.c:878 msgid "this may be caused by a missing self-signature\n" msgstr "這å¯èƒ½è‚‡å› æ–¼éºå¤±è‡ªæˆ‘簽章所致\n" -#: g10/import.c:867 g10/import.c:1356 +#: g10/import.c:888 g10/import.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key not found: %s\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é‘°: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:873 +#: g10/import.c:894 #, c-format msgid "key %s: new key - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 新的金鑰 - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:882 +#: g10/import.c:903 #, c-format msgid "no writable keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¯å¯«å…¥çš„鑰匙圈: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:887 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 +#: g10/import.c:908 g10/openfile.c:278 g10/sign.c:805 g10/sign.c:1114 #, c-format msgid "writing to `%s'\n" msgstr "寫入 `%s' 中\n" -#: g10/import.c:891 g10/import.c:991 g10/import.c:1271 g10/import.c:1417 -#: g10/import.c:2547 g10/import.c:2569 +#: g10/import.c:912 g10/import.c:1013 g10/import.c:1293 g10/import.c:1439 +#: g10/import.c:2569 g10/import.c:2591 #, c-format msgid "error writing keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "寫入鑰匙圈 `%s' 時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:910 +#: g10/import.c:932 #, c-format msgid "key %s: public key \"%s\" imported\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 公鑰 \"%s\" 已匯入\n" -#: g10/import.c:934 +#: g10/import.c:956 #, c-format msgid "key %s: doesn't match our copy\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 跟我們的副本ä¸å»åˆ\n" -#: g10/import.c:951 g10/import.c:1374 +#: g10/import.c:973 g10/import.c:1396 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't locate original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無法定å€åŽŸå§‹çš„金鑰å€å¡Š: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:959 g10/import.c:1381 +#: g10/import.c:981 g10/import.c:1403 #, c-format msgid "key %s: can't read original keyblock: %s\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無法讀å–原始的金鑰å€å¡Š: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1001 +#: g10/import.c:1023 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new user ID\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 1 個新的使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1004 +#: g10/import.c:1026 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new user IDs\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" %d 個新的使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1007 +#: g10/import.c:1029 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new signature\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 1 份新的簽章\n" -#: g10/import.c:1010 +#: g10/import.c:1032 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new signatures\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" %d 份新的簽章\n" -#: g10/import.c:1013 +#: g10/import.c:1035 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" 1 new subkey\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 1 把新的å­é‘°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1016 +#: g10/import.c:1038 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d new subkeys\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" %d 把新的å­é‘°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1019 +#: g10/import.c:1041 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signature cleaned\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 已清除 %d 份簽章\n" -#: g10/import.c:1022 +#: g10/import.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d signatures cleaned\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 已清除 %d 份簽章\n" -#: g10/import.c:1025 +#: g10/import.c:1047 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user ID cleaned\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 已清除 %d 個使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1028 +#: g10/import.c:1050 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" %d user IDs cleaned\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 已清除 %d 個使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1052 +#: g10/import.c:1074 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" not changed\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 未改變\n" -#: g10/import.c:1205 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "secret key \"%s\" not found: %s\n" +#: g10/import.c:1227 +#, c-format msgid "secret key %s: %s\n" -msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°ç§é‘° \"%s\": %s\n" +msgstr "ç§é‘° %s: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1225 g10/import.c:1248 +#: g10/import.c:1247 g10/import.c:1270 msgid "importing secret keys not allowed\n" msgstr "未å…許匯入ç§é‘°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1237 +#: g10/import.c:1259 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key with invalid cipher %d - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: ç§é‘°ä½¿ç”¨äº†ç„¡æ•ˆçš„ %d 編密法 - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1265 g10/import.c:2562 +#: g10/import.c:1287 g10/import.c:2584 #, c-format msgid "no default secret keyring: %s\n" msgstr "沒有é è¨­çš„ç§é‘°é‘°åŒ™åœˆ: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1276 +#: g10/import.c:1298 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key imported\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: ç§é‘°å·²åŒ¯å…¥\n" -#: g10/import.c:1307 +#: g10/import.c:1329 #, c-format msgid "key %s: already in secret keyring\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 已在ç§é‘°é‘°åŒ™åœˆä¹‹ä¸­äº†\n" -#: g10/import.c:1317 +#: g10/import.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "key %s: secret key not found: %s\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 找ä¸åˆ°ç§é‘°: %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1349 +#: g10/import.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有公鑰 - 無法套用撤銷憑證\n" -#: g10/import.c:1392 +#: g10/import.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - rejected\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無效的撤銷憑證: %s - å·²é§å›ž\n" -#: g10/import.c:1424 +#: g10/import.c:1446 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate imported\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: \"%s\" 撤銷憑證已匯入\n" -#: g10/import.c:1500 +#: g10/import.c:1522 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no user ID for signature\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 簽章沒有使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/import.c:1517 +#: g10/import.c:1539 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 使用者 ID \"%s\" 用了未支æ´çš„公鑰演算法\n" -#: g10/import.c:1519 +#: g10/import.c:1541 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 使用者 ID \"%s\" 的自我簽章無效\n" -#: g10/import.c:1536 g10/import.c:1562 g10/import.c:1613 +#: g10/import.c:1558 g10/import.c:1584 g10/import.c:1635 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unsupported public key algorithm\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 未支æ´çš„公鑰演算法\n" -#: g10/import.c:1537 +#: g10/import.c:1559 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid direct key signature\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無效的直接金鑰簽章\n" -#: g10/import.c:1551 +#: g10/import.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key binding\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有å¯ä¾›é™„帶的å­é‘°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1564 +#: g10/import.c:1586 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey binding\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無效的附帶å­é‘°\n" -#: g10/import.c:1580 +#: g10/import.c:1602 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey binding\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 多é‡é™„帶å­é‘°å·²ç§»é™¤\n" -#: g10/import.c:1602 +#: g10/import.c:1624 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for key revocation\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有å­é‘°å¯ä¾›é‡‘鑰撤銷\n" -#: g10/import.c:1615 +#: g10/import.c:1637 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid subkey revocation\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無效的å­é‘°æ’¤éŠ·\n" -#: g10/import.c:1630 +#: g10/import.c:1652 #, c-format msgid "key %s: removed multiple subkey revocation\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 多é‡å­é‘°æ’¤éŠ·å·²ç§»é™¤\n" -#: g10/import.c:1671 +#: g10/import.c:1693 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 使用者 ID \"%s\" 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1692 +#: g10/import.c:1714 #, c-format msgid "key %s: skipped subkey\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: å­é‘°å·²è·³éŽ\n" @@ -3103,65 +3139,65 @@ # * to import non-exportable signature when we have the # * the secret key used to create this signature - it # * seems that this makes sense -#: g10/import.c:1719 +#: g10/import.c:1741 #, c-format msgid "key %s: non exportable signature (class 0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: ä¸å¯åŒ¯å‡ºçš„簽章 (等級 0x%02X) - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1729 +#: g10/import.c:1751 #, c-format msgid "key %s: revocation certificate at wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 撤銷憑證在錯誤的地方 - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1746 +#: g10/import.c:1768 #, c-format msgid "key %s: invalid revocation certificate: %s - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 無效的撤銷憑證: %s - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1760 +#: g10/import.c:1782 #, c-format msgid "key %s: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: å­é‘°ç°½ç« åœ¨éŒ¯èª¤çš„地方 - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1768 +#: g10/import.c:1790 #, c-format msgid "key %s: unexpected signature class (0x%02X) - skipped\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: éžé æœŸçš„簽章等級 (0x%02X) - 已跳éŽ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1897 +#: g10/import.c:1919 #, c-format msgid "key %s: duplicated user ID detected - merged\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: åµæ¸¬åˆ°é‡è¤‡çš„使用者 ID - å·²åˆä½µ\n" -#: g10/import.c:1959 +#: g10/import.c:1981 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: fetching revocation key %s\n" msgstr "警告: 金鑰 %s å¯èƒ½è¢«æ’¤éŠ·äº†: 正在å–回撤銷金鑰 %s\n" -#: g10/import.c:1973 +#: g10/import.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: key %s may be revoked: revocation key %s not present.\n" msgstr "警告: 金鑰 %s å¯èƒ½è¢«æ’¤éŠ·äº†: 撤銷金鑰 %s 未出ç¾.\n" -#: g10/import.c:2032 +#: g10/import.c:2054 #, c-format msgid "key %s: \"%s\" revocation certificate added\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 已新增 \"%s\" 撤銷憑證\n" -#: g10/import.c:2066 +#: g10/import.c:2088 #, c-format msgid "key %s: direct key signature added\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 已新增直接金鑰簽章\n" -#: g10/import.c:2467 +#: g10/import.c:2489 msgid "NOTE: a key's S/N does not match the card's one\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 金鑰的åºè™Ÿ (S/N) 與å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šçš„並ä¸ä¸€è‡´\n" -#: g10/import.c:2475 +#: g10/import.c:2497 msgid "NOTE: primary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 主鑰在線上且已存放於å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šäº†\n" -#: g10/import.c:2477 +#: g10/import.c:2499 msgid "NOTE: secondary key is online and stored on card\n" msgstr "請注æ„: å­é‘°åœ¨ç·šä¸Šä¸”已存放於å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šäº†\n" @@ -3185,51 +3221,51 @@ msgid "failed to rebuild keyring cache: %s\n" msgstr "é‡æ–°å»ºç«‹é‘°åŒ™åœˆå¿«å–失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:266 msgid "[revocation]" msgstr "[撤銷]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:266 +#: g10/keyedit.c:267 msgid "[self-signature]" msgstr "[自我簽章]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:344 g10/keylist.c:398 +#: g10/keyedit.c:345 g10/keylist.c:398 msgid "1 bad signature\n" msgstr "1 份æ壞的簽章\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:346 g10/keylist.c:400 +#: g10/keyedit.c:347 g10/keylist.c:400 #, c-format msgid "%d bad signatures\n" msgstr "%d 份æ壞的簽章\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:348 g10/keylist.c:402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:349 g10/keylist.c:402 msgid "1 signature not checked due to a missing key\n" msgstr "有 1 份簽章因為éºå¤±é‡‘鑰而未被檢查\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:350 g10/keylist.c:404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:351 g10/keylist.c:404 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to missing keys\n" msgstr "有 %d 份簽章因為éºå¤±é‡‘鑰而未被檢查\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:352 g10/keylist.c:406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:353 g10/keylist.c:406 msgid "1 signature not checked due to an error\n" msgstr "有 1 份簽章因錯誤而未被檢查\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:354 g10/keylist.c:408 +#: g10/keyedit.c:355 g10/keylist.c:408 #, c-format msgid "%d signatures not checked due to errors\n" msgstr "有 %d 份簽章因錯誤而未被檢查\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:356 +#: g10/keyedit.c:357 msgid "1 user ID without valid self-signature detected\n" msgstr "åµæ¸¬åˆ° 1 個沒有有效自我簽章的使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:358 +#: g10/keyedit.c:359 #, c-format msgid "%d user IDs without valid self-signatures detected\n" msgstr "åµæ¸¬åˆ° %d 個沒有有效自我簽章的使用者 ID\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:414 g10/pkclist.c:262 +#: g10/keyedit.c:415 g10/pkclist.c:262 msgid "" "Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' " "keys\n" @@ -3239,17 +3275,17 @@ "請判斷你有多信任這ä½ä½¿ç”¨è€…確實驗證其他使用者的金鑰\n" "(åƒæ˜¯æŸ¥å°èº«ä»½è­‰, 或從ä¸åŒçš„來æºæª¢æŸ¥æŒ‡ç´‹ç­‰...)的能力\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:418 g10/pkclist.c:274 +#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:274 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust marginally\n" msgstr " %d = 我勉強信任\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:419 g10/pkclist.c:276 +#: g10/keyedit.c:420 g10/pkclist.c:276 #, c-format msgid " %d = I trust fully\n" msgstr " %d = 我完全信任\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:438 +#: g10/keyedit.c:439 msgid "" "Please enter the depth of this trust signature.\n" "A depth greater than 1 allows the key you are signing to make\n" @@ -3259,45 +3295,45 @@ "深度大於 1 的話就表示你信任這把正被簽署的金鑰,\n" "åŒæ™‚也信任這把金鑰所簽署的信任簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:454 +#: g10/keyedit.c:455 msgid "Please enter a domain to restrict this signature, or enter for none.\n" msgstr "請輸入約æŸæ­¤ç°½ç« çš„網域, 若無請直接按下 [Enter].\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:598 +#: g10/keyedit.c:599 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is revoked." msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\" 已撤銷." -#: g10/keyedit.c:607 g10/keyedit.c:635 g10/keyedit.c:662 g10/keyedit.c:830 -#: g10/keyedit.c:895 g10/keyedit.c:1789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:608 g10/keyedit.c:636 g10/keyedit.c:663 g10/keyedit.c:831 +#: g10/keyedit.c:896 g10/keyedit.c:1799 msgid "Are you sure you still want to sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "ä½ ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦ç°½ç½²å®ƒå—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:621 g10/keyedit.c:649 g10/keyedit.c:676 g10/keyedit.c:836 -#: g10/keyedit.c:1795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:622 g10/keyedit.c:650 g10/keyedit.c:677 g10/keyedit.c:837 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1805 msgid " Unable to sign.\n" msgstr " 無法簽署.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:626 +#: g10/keyedit.c:627 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is expired." msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\" å·²éŽæœŸ." -#: g10/keyedit.c:654 +#: g10/keyedit.c:655 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is not self-signed." msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\" 未經自我簽署." -#: g10/keyedit.c:682 +#: g10/keyedit.c:683 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" is signable. " msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\" å¯è¢«ç°½ç½²." -#: g10/keyedit.c:684 +#: g10/keyedit.c:685 msgid "Sign it? (y/N) " msgstr "是å¦è¦ç°½ç½²? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:707 #, c-format msgid "" "The self-signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3306,11 +3342,11 @@ "\"%s\" 裡的自我簽章\n" "是 PGP 2.x 型態的簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:715 +#: g10/keyedit.c:716 msgid "Do you want to promote it to an OpenPGP self-signature? (y/N) " msgstr "你是å¦æƒ³è¦å°‡å®ƒå‡ç´šæˆ OpenPGP 自我簽章? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:729 +#: g10/keyedit.c:730 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3319,11 +3355,11 @@ "ä½ ç›®å‰åœ¨ \"%s\" 的簽章\n" "已經éŽæœŸäº†.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:734 msgid "Do you want to issue a new signature to replace the expired one? (y/N) " msgstr "你想è¦ç™¼ä½ˆä¸€ä»½æ–°çš„簽章來å–代已éŽæœŸçš„那個嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:754 +#: g10/keyedit.c:755 #, c-format msgid "" "Your current signature on \"%s\"\n" @@ -3332,53 +3368,53 @@ "ä½ ç›®å‰åœ¨ \"%s\" 的簽章\n" "是一份本機簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:758 +#: g10/keyedit.c:759 msgid "Do you want to promote it to a full exportable signature? (y/N) " msgstr "你是å¦æƒ³è¦æŠŠä»–å‡ç´šæˆå¯ä»¥å®Œå…¨åŒ¯å‡ºçš„簽章? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:779 +#: g10/keyedit.c:780 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already locally signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" 已經被金鑰 %s 在本機簽署了\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:783 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" was already signed by key %s\n" msgstr "\"%s\" 已經被金鑰 %s 簽署了\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:788 msgid "Do you want to sign it again anyway? (y/N) " msgstr "ä½ ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦å†æ¬¡ç°½ç½²å®ƒå—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:810 #, c-format msgid "Nothing to sign with key %s\n" msgstr "沒有æ±è¥¿å¯ä»¥è®“金鑰 %s 簽署\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:824 +#: g10/keyedit.c:825 msgid "This key has expired!" msgstr "這把金鑰已經éŽæœŸäº†!" -#: g10/keyedit.c:842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:843 #, c-format msgid "This key is due to expire on %s.\n" msgstr "這把金鑰將在 %s éŽæœŸ.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:848 +#: g10/keyedit.c:849 msgid "Do you want your signature to expire at the same time? (Y/n) " msgstr "你想è¦è®“你的簽章也在åŒä¸€å€‹æ™‚候éŽæœŸå—Ž? (Y/n) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:888 +#: g10/keyedit.c:889 msgid "" "You may not make an OpenPGP signature on a PGP 2.x key while in --pgp2 " "mode.\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åœ¨ --pgp2 模å¼ä¸‹, æ‹¿ PGP 2.x 金鑰åšå‡º OpenPGP 簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:890 +#: g10/keyedit.c:891 msgid "This would make the key unusable in PGP 2.x.\n" msgstr "這會讓這把金鑰在 PGP 2.x 模å¼ä¸‹ç„¡æ³•ä½¿ç”¨.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:915 +#: g10/keyedit.c:916 msgid "" "How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually " "belongs\n" @@ -3387,31 +3423,31 @@ "你有多謹慎檢查正è¦ç°½ç½²çš„金鑰確實屬於上é¢é‚£å€‹äººçš„åå­—å‘¢?\n" "如果你ä¸çŸ¥é“這個å•é¡Œçš„答案, 請輸入 \"0\".\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:921 #, c-format msgid " (0) I will not answer.%s\n" msgstr " (0) 我ä¸ä½œç­”.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:922 +#: g10/keyedit.c:923 #, c-format msgid " (1) I have not checked at all.%s\n" msgstr " (1) 我根本沒有檢查éŽ.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:924 +#: g10/keyedit.c:925 #, c-format msgid " (2) I have done casual checking.%s\n" msgstr " (2) 我隨æ„檢查éŽäº†.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:926 +#: g10/keyedit.c:927 #, c-format msgid " (3) I have done very careful checking.%s\n" msgstr " (3) 我éžå¸¸å°å¿ƒåœ°æª¢æŸ¥éŽäº†.%s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:932 +#: g10/keyedit.c:933 msgid "Your selection? (enter `?' for more information): " msgstr "ä½ çš„é¸æ“‡æ˜¯? (輸入 `?' 以å–得更多資訊): " -#: g10/keyedit.c:956 +#: g10/keyedit.c:957 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your\n" @@ -3420,74 +3456,74 @@ "你真的確定è¦ç”¨ä½ çš„金鑰 \"%s\" (%s)\n" "來簽署這把金鑰嗎\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:963 +#: g10/keyedit.c:964 msgid "This will be a self-signature.\n" msgstr "這將會是一份自我簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:969 +#: g10/keyedit.c:970 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "警告: 這份簽章ä¸æœƒè¢«æ¨™è¨˜ç‚ºä¸å¯åŒ¯å‡º.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:977 +#: g10/keyedit.c:978 msgid "WARNING: the signature will not be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "警告: 這份簽章ä¸æœƒè¢«æ¨™è¨˜æˆä¸å¯æ’¤éŠ·.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:987 +#: g10/keyedit.c:988 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-exportable.\n" msgstr "這份簽章會被標記æˆä¸å¯åŒ¯å‡º.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:994 +#: g10/keyedit.c:995 msgid "The signature will be marked as non-revocable.\n" msgstr "這份簽章會被標記æˆä¸å¯æ’¤éŠ·.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1001 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1002 msgid "I have not checked this key at all.\n" msgstr "我根本沒有檢查éŽé€™æŠŠé‡‘é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1006 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1007 msgid "I have checked this key casually.\n" msgstr "我隨æ„檢查éŽé€™æŠŠé‡‘鑰了.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1011 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1012 msgid "I have checked this key very carefully.\n" msgstr "我éžå¸¸å°å¿ƒåœ°æª¢æŸ¥éŽé€™æŠŠé‡‘鑰了.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1021 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1022 msgid "Really sign? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç°½ç½²å—Ž? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1066 g10/keyedit.c:4969 g10/keyedit.c:5060 g10/keyedit.c:5124 -#: g10/keyedit.c:5185 g10/sign.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1067 g10/keyedit.c:5027 g10/keyedit.c:5118 g10/keyedit.c:5182 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5243 g10/sign.c:316 #, c-format msgid "signing failed: %s\n" msgstr "簽署時失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1131 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1132 msgid "Key has only stub or on-card key items - no passphrase to change.\n" msgstr "金鑰祇剩下殘骸或者祇å«æœ‰å¡ä¸Šé‡‘é‘°é …ç›® - 沒有å¯è®Šæ›´çš„密語.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1142 g10/keygen.c:3782 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1143 g10/keygen.c:3799 msgid "This key is not protected.\n" msgstr "這把金鑰未被ä¿è­·.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1146 g10/keygen.c:3769 g10/revoke.c:536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1147 g10/keygen.c:3786 g10/revoke.c:536 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are not available.\n" msgstr "主鑰的ç§é‘°éƒ¨åˆ†ç„¡æ³•å–用.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1150 g10/keygen.c:3785 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1151 g10/keygen.c:3802 msgid "Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.\n" msgstr "主鑰的ç§é‘°éƒ¨åˆ†å­˜æ”¾æ–¼å¡ä¸Š.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1156 g10/keygen.c:3789 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1157 g10/keygen.c:3806 msgid "Key is protected.\n" msgstr "金鑰已ä¿è­·.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1186 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1187 #, c-format msgid "Can't edit this key: %s\n" msgstr "無法編輯這把金鑰: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1192 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1193 msgid "" "Enter the new passphrase for this secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -3495,11 +3531,11 @@ "請輸入è¦çµ¦é€™æŠŠç§é‘°ç”¨çš„新密語.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1207 g10/keygen.c:2299 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1208 g10/keygen.c:2316 msgid "passphrase not correctly repeated; try again" msgstr "å‰å¾Œå…©æ¬¡è¼¸å…¥çš„密語ä¸ä¸€è‡´; è«‹å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1212 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1213 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "\n" @@ -3507,184 +3543,184 @@ "ä½ ä¸æƒ³è¦ç”¨å¯†èªž - 這大概是個 *糟* 點å­!\n" "\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1215 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1216 msgid "Do you really want to do this? (y/N) " msgstr "你真的想è¦é€™éº¼åšå—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1299 msgid "moving a key signature to the correct place\n" msgstr "正在把金鑰的簽章æ¬ç§»åˆ°æ­£ç¢ºçš„ä½ç½®åŽ»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1384 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1385 msgid "save and quit" msgstr "儲存並離開" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1387 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 msgid "show key fingerprint" msgstr "顯示金鑰指紋" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1388 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1389 msgid "list key and user IDs" msgstr "列出金鑰和使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1390 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 msgid "select user ID N" msgstr "é¸æ“‡ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1391 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 msgid "select subkey N" msgstr "é¸æ“‡å­é‘° N" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1392 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1393 msgid "check signatures" msgstr "檢查簽章" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1397 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1398 msgid "sign selected user IDs [* see below for related commands]" msgstr "簽署所é¸çš„使用者 ID [* è«‹åƒè¦‹åº•ä¸‹ç›¸é—œçš„註解]" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1402 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1403 msgid "sign selected user IDs locally" msgstr "僅在本機簽署所é¸çš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1404 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1405 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a trust signature" msgstr "用信任簽章來簽署所é¸çš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1406 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1407 msgid "sign selected user IDs with a non-revocable signature" msgstr "用ä¸å¯æ’¤éŠ·çš„簽章來簽署所é¸çš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1410 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1411 msgid "add a user ID" msgstr "增加使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1412 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1413 msgid "add a photo ID" msgstr "增加照片 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1414 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1415 msgid "delete selected user IDs" msgstr "刪除所é¸çš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1419 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1420 msgid "add a subkey" msgstr "增加å­é‘°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1423 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1424 msgid "add a key to a smartcard" msgstr "將金鑰加到智慧å¡" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1425 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1426 msgid "move a key to a smartcard" msgstr "將金鑰移動到智慧å¡" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1427 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1428 msgid "move a backup key to a smartcard" msgstr "將備份金鑰移動到智慧å¡" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1431 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1432 msgid "delete selected subkeys" msgstr "刪除所é¸çš„å­é‘°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1433 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1434 msgid "add a revocation key" msgstr "增加撤銷金鑰" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1435 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1436 msgid "delete signatures from the selected user IDs" msgstr "從所é¸çš„使用者 ID 中刪除簽章" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1437 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1438 msgid "change the expiration date for the key or selected subkeys" msgstr "變更金鑰或所é¸å­é‘°çš„使用期é™" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1439 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1440 msgid "flag the selected user ID as primary" msgstr "把所é¸çš„使用者 ID 標為主è¦" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1441 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1442 msgid "toggle between the secret and public key listings" msgstr "在ç§é‘°æ¸…單和公鑰清單間切æ›" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1444 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1445 msgid "list preferences (expert)" msgstr "列出å好 (專家模å¼)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1446 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1447 msgid "list preferences (verbose)" msgstr "列出å好 (囉唆模å¼)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1448 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1449 msgid "set preference list for the selected user IDs" msgstr "設定所é¸ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID çš„å好清單" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1453 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1454 msgid "set the preferred keyserver URL for the selected user IDs" msgstr "為所é¸çš„使用者 ID 設定å好的金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1455 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1456 msgid "set a notation for the selected user IDs" msgstr "為所é¸çš„使用者 ID 設定註記" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1457 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1458 msgid "change the passphrase" msgstr "更改密語" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1461 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1462 msgid "change the ownertrust" msgstr "更改主觀信任" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1463 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1464 msgid "revoke signatures on the selected user IDs" msgstr "撤銷所é¸ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID 的簽章" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1465 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1466 msgid "revoke selected user IDs" msgstr "撤銷所é¸çš„使用者 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1470 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 msgid "revoke key or selected subkeys" msgstr "撤銷金鑰或所é¸çš„å­é‘°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1471 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 msgid "enable key" msgstr "啟用金鑰" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 msgid "disable key" msgstr "åœç”¨é‡‘é‘°" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1473 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1474 msgid "show selected photo IDs" msgstr "顯示所é¸çš„照片 ID" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1476 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove unusable signatures from key" msgstr "從金鑰中精簡無法使用的使用者 ID 並移除無法使用的簽章" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1478 msgid "compact unusable user IDs and remove all signatures from key" msgstr "從金鑰中精簡無法使用的使用者 ID 並移除所有的簽章" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1605 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "error reading secret keyblock \"%s\": %s\n" msgstr "讀å–ç§é‘°å€å¡Š \"%s\" 時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1623 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1625 msgid "Secret key is available.\n" msgstr "ç§é‘°å¯ç”¨.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1706 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1716 msgid "Need the secret key to do this.\n" msgstr "è¦æœ‰ç§é‘°çº”能這麼åš.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1714 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1724 msgid "Please use the command \"toggle\" first.\n" msgstr "請先使用 \"toggle\" 指令.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1733 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1743 msgid "" "* The `sign' command may be prefixed with an `l' for local signatures " "(lsign),\n" @@ -3695,225 +3731,225 @@ " 加上 `t' 的話就是信任簽章 (tsign), 加上 `nr' 的話就是ä¸å¯æ’¤éŠ·ç°½ç« \n" " (nrsign), 當然也å¯ä»¥ä»»æ„組åˆé€™äº›é¸é … (åƒæ˜¯ ltsign, tnrsign 等等.).\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1783 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1793 msgid "Key is revoked." msgstr "金鑰已撤銷." -#: g10/keyedit.c:1802 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1812 msgid "Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç°½ç½²æ‰€æœ‰çš„使用者 ID å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1809 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1819 msgid "Hint: Select the user IDs to sign\n" msgstr "æ示: é¸æ“‡ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID 來加以簽署\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1818 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1828 #, c-format msgid "Unknown signature type `%s'\n" msgstr "未知的 `%s' 簽章種類\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1841 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1851 #, c-format msgid "This command is not allowed while in %s mode.\n" msgstr "在 %s 模å¼ä¸­ä¸å…許使用這個指令.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1863 g10/keyedit.c:1883 g10/keyedit.c:2052 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1873 g10/keyedit.c:1893 g10/keyedit.c:2062 msgid "You must select at least one user ID.\n" msgstr "你至少得é¸æ“‡ä¸€å€‹ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1865 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1875 msgid "You can't delete the last user ID!\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½åˆªé™¤æœ€å¾Œä¸€å€‹ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1877 msgid "Really remove all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç§»é™¤æ‰€æœ‰è¢«é¸æ“‡çš„使用者 ID å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1868 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1878 msgid "Really remove this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç§»é™¤é€™å€‹ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID å—Ž? (y/N) " #. TRANSLATORS: Please take care: This is about #. moving the key and not about removing it. -#: g10/keyedit.c:1921 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1931 msgid "Really move the primary key? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦ç§»å‹•ä¸»é‘°å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:1933 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1943 msgid "You must select exactly one key.\n" msgstr "你一定祇得é¸æ“‡ä¸€æŠŠé‡‘é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1961 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1971 msgid "Command expects a filename argument\n" msgstr "這項指令è¦æ‹¿ä¸€å€‹æª”å來當作引數\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1975 +#: g10/keyedit.c:1985 #, c-format msgid "Can't open `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法開啟 `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:1992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2002 #, c-format msgid "Error reading backup key from `%s': %s\n" msgstr "從 `%s' 讀å–備份金鑰時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2016 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2026 msgid "You must select at least one key.\n" msgstr "你至少得é¸æ“‡ä¸€æŠŠé‡‘é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2019 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2029 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected keys? (y/N) " msgstr "你真的想è¦åˆªé™¤æ‰€é¸çš„金鑰嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2020 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2030 msgid "Do you really want to delete this key? (y/N) " msgstr "你真的想è¦åˆªé™¤é€™æŠŠé‡‘é‘°å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2055 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2065 msgid "Really revoke all selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦æ’¤éŠ·æ‰€æœ‰æ‰€é¸çš„使用者 ID å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2056 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2066 msgid "Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦æ’¤éŠ·é€™å€‹ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2074 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2084 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the entire key? (y/N) " msgstr "你真的想è¦æ’¤éŠ·é€™æ•´æŠŠé‡‘é‘°å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2085 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2095 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected subkeys? (y/N) " msgstr "你真的想è¦æ’¤éŠ·æ‰€é¸çš„å­é‘°å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2087 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2097 msgid "Do you really want to revoke this subkey? (y/N) " msgstr "你真的想è¦æ’¤éŠ·é€™æŠŠå­é‘°å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2148 msgid "Owner trust may not be set while using a user provided trust database\n" msgstr "使用使用者所æ供的信任資料庫時å¯èƒ½ç„¡æ³•è¨­å®šä¸»è§€ä¿¡ä»»\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2179 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2190 msgid "Set preference list to:\n" msgstr "設定å好清單至:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2185 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2196 msgid "Really update the preferences for the selected user IDs? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦æ›´æ–°æ‰€é¸ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID çš„å好設定嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2187 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2198 msgid "Really update the preferences? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦æ›´æ–°å好設定嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2257 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2268 msgid "Save changes? (y/N) " msgstr "è¦å„²å­˜è®Šæ›´å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2260 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2271 msgid "Quit without saving? (y/N) " msgstr "è¦ä¸å„²å­˜å°±é›¢é–‹å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2270 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2281 #, c-format msgid "update failed: %s\n" msgstr "更新失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2277 g10/keyedit.c:2355 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2288 g10/keyedit.c:2366 #, c-format msgid "update secret failed: %s\n" msgstr "æ›´æ–°ç§é‘°å¤±æ•—: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2284 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2295 msgid "Key not changed so no update needed.\n" msgstr "金鑰沒有變更所以ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ–°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2450 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2461 msgid "Digest: " msgstr "摘è¦: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2501 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 msgid "Features: " msgstr "特點: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2512 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2523 msgid "Keyserver no-modify" msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨ç„¡ä¿®æ”¹" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2527 g10/keylist.c:316 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2538 g10/keylist.c:316 msgid "Preferred keyserver: " msgstr "å好的金鑰伺æœå™¨: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2535 g10/keyedit.c:2536 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2546 g10/keyedit.c:2547 msgid "Notations: " msgstr "註記: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2757 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2768 msgid "There are no preferences on a PGP 2.x-style user ID.\n" msgstr "PGP 2.x 型態的使用者 ID 沒有å好設定.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2814 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2825 #, c-format msgid "The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n" msgstr "下列金鑰已經在 %s 時被 %s 金鑰 %s 所撤銷\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2836 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2847 #, c-format msgid "This key may be revoked by %s key %s" msgstr "這把金鑰å¯èƒ½è¢« %s 金鑰 %s 所撤銷" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2842 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2853 msgid "(sensitive)" msgstr "(機密)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2858 g10/keyedit.c:2914 g10/keyedit.c:2975 g10/keyedit.c:2990 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2869 g10/keyedit.c:2925 g10/keyedit.c:2986 g10/keyedit.c:3001 #: g10/keylist.c:202 g10/keyserver.c:539 #, c-format msgid "created: %s" msgstr "建立: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2861 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:959 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2872 g10/keylist.c:834 g10/keylist.c:928 g10/mainproc.c:965 #, c-format msgid "revoked: %s" msgstr "撤銷: %s" # of subkey -#: g10/keyedit.c:2863 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2874 g10/keylist.c:805 g10/keylist.c:840 g10/keylist.c:934 #, c-format msgid "expired: %s" msgstr "éŽæœŸ: %s" # of subkey -#: g10/keyedit.c:2865 g10/keyedit.c:2916 g10/keyedit.c:2977 g10/keyedit.c:2992 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2876 g10/keyedit.c:2927 g10/keyedit.c:2988 g10/keyedit.c:3003 #: g10/keylist.c:204 g10/keylist.c:811 g10/keylist.c:846 g10/keylist.c:940 -#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:965 +#: g10/keylist.c:961 g10/keyserver.c:545 g10/mainproc.c:971 #, c-format msgid "expires: %s" msgstr "到期: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2867 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2878 #, c-format msgid "usage: %s" msgstr "用途: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2882 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 #, c-format msgid "trust: %s" msgstr "ä¿¡ä»»: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2886 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2897 #, c-format msgid "validity: %s" msgstr "有效性: %s" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2893 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2904 msgid "This key has been disabled" msgstr "這把金鑰已經åœç”¨äº†" -#: g10/keyedit.c:2921 g10/keylist.c:208 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2932 g10/keylist.c:208 msgid "card-no: " msgstr "å¡ç‰‡ç·¨è™Ÿ: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:2945 +#: g10/keyedit.c:2956 msgid "" "Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct\n" "unless you restart the program.\n" @@ -3921,17 +3957,17 @@ "請注æ„顯示出來的金鑰有效性ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ­£,\n" "除éžä½ é‡æ–°åŸ·è¡Œç¨‹å¼.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3009 g10/keyedit.c:3355 g10/keyserver.c:549 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1858 g10/trustdb.c:1238 g10/trustdb.c:1766 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3020 g10/keyedit.c:3413 g10/keyserver.c:549 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1866 g10/trustdb.c:1240 g10/trustdb.c:1768 msgid "revoked" msgstr "已撤銷" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3011 g10/keyedit.c:3357 g10/keyserver.c:553 -#: g10/mainproc.c:1860 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1768 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3022 g10/keyedit.c:3415 g10/keyserver.c:553 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1868 g10/trustdb.c:548 g10/trustdb.c:1770 msgid "expired" msgstr "å·²éŽæœŸ" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3076 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3087 msgid "" "WARNING: no user ID has been marked as primary. This command may\n" " cause a different user ID to become the assumed primary.\n" @@ -3939,7 +3975,17 @@ "警告: 沒有任何使用者 ID è¢«æ¨™ç¤ºç‚ºä¸»è¦ ID. 這項指令å¯èƒ½æœƒ\n" " 導致ä¸åŒçš„使用者 ID 被當æˆä¸»è¦ ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3137 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3133 +msgid "WARNING: Your encryption subkey expires soon.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3134 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" +msgid "You may want to change its expiration date too.\n" +msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½è®Šæ›´ v3 金鑰的使用期é™\n" + +#: g10/keyedit.c:3195 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP2-style key. Adding a photo ID may cause some " "versions\n" @@ -3948,74 +3994,74 @@ "警告: 這是一把 PGP2 型態的金鑰.\n" " 增加照片 ID å¯èƒ½æœƒå°Žè‡´æŸäº›ç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ PGP é§å›žé€™æŠŠé‡‘é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3142 g10/keyedit.c:3477 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3200 g10/keyedit.c:3535 msgid "Are you sure you still want to add it? (y/N) " msgstr "你確定ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦å¢žåŠ å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3148 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3206 msgid "You may not add a photo ID to a PGP2-style key.\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸å¯ä»¥æŠŠç…§ç‰‡ ID 增加到 PGP2 型態的金鑰裡.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3288 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3346 msgid "Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "刪除這份完好的簽章嗎? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3298 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3356 msgid "Delete this invalid signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "刪除這份無效的簽章嗎? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3302 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3360 msgid "Delete this unknown signature? (y/N/q)" msgstr "刪除這份未知的簽章嗎? (y/N/q)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3308 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3366 msgid "Really delete this self-signature? (y/N)" msgstr "真的è¦åˆªé™¤é€™ä»½è‡ªæˆ‘簽章嗎? (y/N)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3322 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3380 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signature.\n" msgstr "已經刪除了 %d 份簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3323 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3381 #, c-format msgid "Deleted %d signatures.\n" msgstr "已經刪除了 %d 份簽章.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3384 msgid "Nothing deleted.\n" msgstr "沒有刪除任何æ±è¥¿.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3359 g10/trustdb.c:1770 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3417 g10/trustdb.c:1772 msgid "invalid" msgstr "無效" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3361 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3419 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\" compacted: %s\n" msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\" 已精簡: %s\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3368 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3426 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signature removed\n" msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\": 已移除 %d 份簽章\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3369 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3427 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": %d signatures removed\n" msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\": 已移除 %d 份簽章\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3377 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3435 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already minimized\n" msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\": 已經最å°åŒ–了\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3378 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3436 #, c-format msgid "User ID \"%s\": already clean\n" msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\": 已經是乾淨的了\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3472 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3530 msgid "" "WARNING: This is a PGP 2.x-style key. Adding a designated revoker may " "cause\n" @@ -4024,262 +4070,262 @@ "警告: 這是一把 PGP2 型態的金鑰.\n" " 增加指定撤銷者å¯èƒ½æœƒå°Žè‡´æŸäº›ç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ PGP é§å›žé€™æŠŠé‡‘é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3483 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3541 msgid "You may not add a designated revoker to a PGP 2.x-style key.\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸å¯ä»¥æŠŠæŒ‡å®šæ’¤éŠ·è€…增加到 PGP2 型態的金鑰裡.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3503 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3561 msgid "Enter the user ID of the designated revoker: " msgstr "輸入指定撤銷者的使用者 ID: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3528 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3586 msgid "cannot appoint a PGP 2.x style key as a designated revoker\n" msgstr "無法將 PGP 2.x 型態的金鑰指派為指定撤銷者\n" # This actually causes no harm (after all, a key that # designates itself as a revoker is the same as a # regular key), but it's easy enough to check. -#: g10/keyedit.c:3543 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3601 msgid "you cannot appoint a key as its own designated revoker\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½æŒ‡æ´¾æŸæŠŠé‡‘鑰為它自己的指定撤銷者\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3565 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3623 msgid "this key has already been designated as a revoker\n" msgstr "已指定這把金鑰為撤銷者了\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3584 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3642 msgid "WARNING: appointing a key as a designated revoker cannot be undone!\n" msgstr "警告: 一旦把æŸæŠŠé‡‘鑰指派為指定撤銷者後, 就無法å悔了!\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3590 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3648 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to appoint this key as a designated revoker? (y/N) " msgstr "你確定è¦æŒ‡æ´¾é€™æŠŠé‡‘鑰為指定撤銷者嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:3651 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3709 msgid "Please remove selections from the secret keys.\n" msgstr "請從ç§é‘°ä¸­ç§»é™¤é¸æ“‡.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3657 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3715 msgid "Please select at most one subkey.\n" msgstr "請至多é¸æ“‡ä¸€æŠŠå­é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3661 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3719 msgid "Changing expiration time for a subkey.\n" msgstr "正在變更å­é‘°çš„使用期é™.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3664 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3722 msgid "Changing expiration time for the primary key.\n" msgstr "正在變更主鑰的使用期é™.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3710 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3768 msgid "You can't change the expiration date of a v3 key\n" msgstr "ä½ ä¸èƒ½è®Šæ›´ v3 金鑰的使用期é™\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3726 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3784 msgid "No corresponding signature in secret ring\n" msgstr "在ç§é‘°åœˆè£¡æ²’有一致的簽章\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3804 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3862 #, c-format msgid "signing subkey %s is already cross-certified\n" msgstr "簽署å­é‘° %s 已經交å‰èªè­‰éŽäº†\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3810 +#: g10/keyedit.c:3868 #, c-format msgid "subkey %s does not sign and so does not need to be cross-certified\n" msgstr "å­é‘° %s ä¸åšç°½ç½²ä¹‹ç”¨, 因此無須交å‰é©—è­‰\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:3973 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4031 msgid "Please select exactly one user ID.\n" msgstr "請祇é¸æ“‡ä¸€å€‹ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4012 g10/keyedit.c:4122 g10/keyedit.c:4242 g10/keyedit.c:4383 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4070 g10/keyedit.c:4180 g10/keyedit.c:4300 g10/keyedit.c:4441 #, c-format msgid "skipping v3 self-signature on user ID \"%s\"\n" msgstr "正在跳éŽä½¿ç”¨è€… ID \"%s\" çš„ v3 自我簽章\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4183 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4241 msgid "Enter your preferred keyserver URL: " msgstr "請輸入你的å好金鑰伺æœå™¨ URL: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4263 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4321 msgid "Are you sure you want to replace it? (y/N) " msgstr "你確定è¦å–代它嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4264 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4322 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete it? (y/N) " msgstr "你確定è¦åˆªé™¤å®ƒå—Žï¼Ÿ (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4326 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4384 msgid "Enter the notation: " msgstr "請輸入註記: " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4475 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4533 msgid "Proceed? (y/N) " msgstr "是å¦ç¹¼çºŒ? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4547 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4605 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with index %d\n" msgstr "索引 %d 沒有å°æ‡‰åˆ°ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4608 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4666 #, c-format msgid "No user ID with hash %s\n" msgstr "雜湊 %s 沒有å°æ‡‰åˆ°ä½¿ç”¨è€… ID\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4643 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4701 #, c-format msgid "No subkey with index %d\n" msgstr "索引 %d 沒有å°æ‡‰åˆ°å­é‘°\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4778 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4836 #, c-format msgid "user ID: \"%s\"\n" msgstr "使用者 ID: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4781 g10/keyedit.c:4875 g10/keyedit.c:4918 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4839 g10/keyedit.c:4933 g10/keyedit.c:4976 #, c-format msgid "signed by your key %s on %s%s%s\n" msgstr "已被你的金鑰 %s æ–¼ %s%s%s 所簽署\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4783 g10/keyedit.c:4877 g10/keyedit.c:4920 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4841 g10/keyedit.c:4935 g10/keyedit.c:4978 msgid " (non-exportable)" msgstr " (ä¸å¯åŒ¯å‡º)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4787 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4845 #, c-format msgid "This signature expired on %s.\n" msgstr "這份簽章已經在 %s éŽæœŸäº†.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4791 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4849 msgid "Are you sure you still want to revoke it? (y/N) " msgstr "你確定ä»ç„¶æƒ³è¦æ’¤éŠ·å®ƒå—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4795 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4853 msgid "Create a revocation certificate for this signature? (y/N) " msgstr "è¦ç‚ºé€™ä»½ç°½ç« å»ºç«‹ä¸€ä»½æ’¤éŠ·æ†‘證嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4846 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4904 msgid "Not signed by you.\n" msgstr "並éžç”±ä½ æ‰€ç°½ç½².\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4852 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4910 #, c-format msgid "You have signed these user IDs on key %s:\n" msgstr "你已經簽署了金鑰 %s 上的這些使用者 ID:\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4878 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4936 msgid " (non-revocable)" msgstr " (ä¸å¯æ’¤éŠ·)" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4885 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4943 #, c-format msgid "revoked by your key %s on %s\n" msgstr "被你的金鑰 %s æ–¼ %s 所撤銷了\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4907 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4965 msgid "You are about to revoke these signatures:\n" msgstr "ä½ æ­£è¦æ’¤éŠ·é€™äº›ç°½ç« :\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:4927 +#: g10/keyedit.c:4985 msgid "Really create the revocation certificates? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦å»ºç«‹æ’¤éŠ·æ†‘證嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keyedit.c:4957 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5015 msgid "no secret key\n" msgstr "沒有ç§é‘°\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5027 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5085 #, c-format msgid "user ID \"%s\" is already revoked\n" msgstr "使用者 ID \"%s\" 已撤銷\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5044 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5102 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: a user ID signature is dated %d seconds in the future\n" msgstr "警告: 有一份使用者 ID 的簽章日期為 %d 秒後的未來\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5108 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5166 #, c-format msgid "Key %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s 已撤銷.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5170 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5228 #, c-format msgid "Subkey %s is already revoked.\n" msgstr "å­é‘° %s 已撤銷.\n" -#: g10/keyedit.c:5265 +#: g10/keyedit.c:5323 #, c-format msgid "Displaying %s photo ID of size %ld for key %s (uid %d)\n" msgstr "正在顯示 %s 照片 ID, 其尺寸為 %ld, 屬於金鑰 %s (uid %d) 的照片\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:272 +#: g10/keygen.c:273 #, c-format msgid "preference `%s' duplicated\n" msgstr "å好設定 `%s' é‡è¤‡äº†\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:279 +#: g10/keygen.c:280 msgid "too many cipher preferences\n" msgstr "編密å好éŽå¤š\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:281 +#: g10/keygen.c:282 msgid "too many digest preferences\n" msgstr "摘è¦å好éŽå¤š\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:283 +#: g10/keygen.c:284 msgid "too many compression preferences\n" msgstr "壓縮å好éŽå¤š\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:423 +#: g10/keygen.c:424 #, c-format msgid "invalid item `%s' in preference string\n" msgstr "å好字串中å«æœ‰ç„¡æ•ˆçš„ `%s' é …ç›®\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:907 +#: g10/keygen.c:905 msgid "writing direct signature\n" msgstr "寫入直接簽章中\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:949 +#: g10/keygen.c:947 msgid "writing self signature\n" msgstr "寫入自我簽章中\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1006 +#: g10/keygen.c:1004 msgid "writing key binding signature\n" msgstr "寫入附鑰簽章中\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1176 g10/keygen.c:1181 g10/keygen.c:1292 g10/keygen.c:1297 -#: g10/keygen.c:1443 g10/keygen.c:1448 g10/keygen.c:3277 +#: g10/keygen.c:1174 g10/keygen.c:1179 g10/keygen.c:1290 g10/keygen.c:1295 +#: g10/keygen.c:1442 g10/keygen.c:1447 g10/keygen.c:3294 #, c-format msgid "keysize invalid; using %u bits\n" msgstr "金鑰尺寸無效; 改用 %u ä½å…ƒ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1187 g10/keygen.c:1303 g10/keygen.c:1311 g10/keygen.c:1454 -#: g10/keygen.c:3283 +#: g10/keygen.c:1185 g10/keygen.c:1301 g10/keygen.c:1309 g10/keygen.c:1453 +#: g10/keygen.c:3300 #, c-format msgid "keysize rounded up to %u bits\n" msgstr "金鑰尺寸增大到 %u ä½å…ƒ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1337 +#: g10/keygen.c:1335 msgid "" "WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with this digest size\n" msgstr "警告: æŸäº› OpenPGP 程å¼ç„¡æ³•è™•ç†å…·æœ‰æ­¤æ‘˜è¦å°ºå¯¸çš„ DSA 金鑰\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1565 +#: g10/keygen.c:1564 msgid "Sign" msgstr "簽署" -#: g10/keygen.c:1568 +#: g10/keygen.c:1567 msgid "Certify" msgstr "ä¿è­‰" -#: g10/keygen.c:1571 +#: g10/keygen.c:1570 msgid "Encrypt" msgstr "加密" -#: g10/keygen.c:1574 +#: g10/keygen.c:1573 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "鑑定" @@ -4293,7 +4339,7 @@ #. a = Toggle authentication capability #. q = Finish #. -#: g10/keygen.c:1592 +#: g10/keygen.c:1591 msgid "SsEeAaQq" msgstr "SsEeAaQq" @@ -4326,71 +4372,71 @@ msgid " (%c) Finished\n" msgstr " (%c) 已完æˆ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1693 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 +#: g10/keygen.c:1708 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:157 msgid "Please select what kind of key you want:\n" msgstr "è«‹é¸æ“‡ä½ è¦ä½¿ç”¨çš„金鑰種類:\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1696 +#: g10/keygen.c:1711 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA and RSA (default)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA å’Œ RSA (é è¨­)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1698 +#: g10/keygen.c:1713 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA and Elgamal\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA å’Œ Elgamal\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1700 +#: g10/keygen.c:1715 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (僅能用於簽署)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1701 +#: g10/keygen.c:1716 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (sign only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (僅能用於簽署)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1705 +#: g10/keygen.c:1720 #, c-format msgid " (%d) Elgamal (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) Elgamal (僅能用於加密)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1706 +#: g10/keygen.c:1721 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (encrypt only)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (僅能用於加密)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1710 +#: g10/keygen.c:1725 #, c-format msgid " (%d) DSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) DSA (你能自己設定性能)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1711 +#: g10/keygen.c:1726 #, c-format msgid " (%d) RSA (set your own capabilities)\n" msgstr " (%d) RSA (你能自己設定性能)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1819 +#: g10/keygen.c:1836 #, c-format msgid "%s keys may be between %u and %u bits long.\n" msgstr "%s 金鑰的長度å¯èƒ½ä»‹æ–¼ %u ä½å…ƒå’Œ %u ä½å…ƒä¹‹é–“.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1827 +#: g10/keygen.c:1844 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want for the subkey? (%u) " msgstr "ä½ çš„å­é‘°æƒ³è¦ç”¨å¤šå¤§çš„金鑰尺寸? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1830 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 +#: g10/keygen.c:1847 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:179 #, c-format msgid "What keysize do you want? (%u) " msgstr "你想è¦ç”¨å¤šå¤§çš„金鑰尺寸? (%u) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1844 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 +#: g10/keygen.c:1861 sm/certreqgen-ui.c:189 #, c-format msgid "Requested keysize is %u bits\n" msgstr "你所è¦æ±‚的金鑰尺寸是 %u ä½å…ƒ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1932 +#: g10/keygen.c:1949 msgid "" "Please specify how long the key should be valid.\n" " 0 = key does not expire\n" @@ -4406,7 +4452,7 @@ " m = 金鑰在 n 月後會到期\n" " y = 金鑰在 n 年後會到期\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1943 +#: g10/keygen.c:1960 msgid "" "Please specify how long the signature should be valid.\n" " 0 = signature does not expire\n" @@ -4422,38 +4468,38 @@ " m = 簽章在 n 月後會到期\n" " y = 簽章在 n 年後會到期\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1966 +#: g10/keygen.c:1983 msgid "Key is valid for? (0) " msgstr "金鑰的有效期é™æ˜¯å¤šä¹…? (0) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1971 +#: g10/keygen.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "Signature is valid for? (%s) " msgstr "簽章的有效期é™æ˜¯å¤šä¹…? (%s) " -#: g10/keygen.c:1990 g10/keygen.c:2015 +#: g10/keygen.c:2007 g10/keygen.c:2032 msgid "invalid value\n" msgstr "無效的數值\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1997 +#: g10/keygen.c:2014 msgid "Key does not expire at all\n" msgstr "金鑰完全ä¸æœƒéŽæœŸ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:1998 +#: g10/keygen.c:2015 msgid "Signature does not expire at all\n" msgstr "簽章完全ä¸æœƒéŽæœŸ\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2003 +#: g10/keygen.c:2020 #, c-format msgid "Key expires at %s\n" msgstr "金鑰將會在 %s 到期\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2004 +#: g10/keygen.c:2021 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires at %s\n" msgstr "簽章將會在 %s 到期.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2008 +#: g10/keygen.c:2025 msgid "" "Your system can't display dates beyond 2038.\n" "However, it will be correctly handled up to 2106.\n" @@ -4461,11 +4507,11 @@ "你的系統無法顯示 2038 年以後的日期.\n" "ä¸éŽ, 它å¯ä»¥æ­£ç¢ºè™•ç†ç›´åˆ° 2106 年之å‰çš„年份.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2021 +#: g10/keygen.c:2038 msgid "Is this correct? (y/N) " msgstr "以上正確嗎? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:2071 +#: g10/keygen.c:2088 msgid "" "\n" "GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.\n" @@ -4479,7 +4525,7 @@ #. but you should keep your existing translation. In case #. the new string is not translated this old string will #. be used. -#: g10/keygen.c:2086 +#: g10/keygen.c:2103 msgid "" "\n" "You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user " @@ -4494,44 +4540,44 @@ " \"Ke-Huan Lin (Jedi) \"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2105 +#: g10/keygen.c:2122 msgid "Real name: " msgstr "真實姓å: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2113 +#: g10/keygen.c:2130 msgid "Invalid character in name\n" msgstr "姓åå«æœ‰ç„¡æ•ˆçš„字符\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2115 +#: g10/keygen.c:2132 msgid "Name may not start with a digit\n" msgstr "姓åä¸å¯ä»¥ç”¨æ•¸å­—é–‹é ­\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2117 +#: g10/keygen.c:2134 msgid "Name must be at least 5 characters long\n" msgstr "姓å至少è¦æœ‰äº”個字符長\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2125 +#: g10/keygen.c:2142 msgid "Email address: " msgstr "é›»å­éƒµä»¶åœ°å€: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2131 +#: g10/keygen.c:2148 msgid "Not a valid email address\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜¯æœ‰æ•ˆçš„é›»å­éƒµä»¶åœ°å€\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2139 +#: g10/keygen.c:2156 msgid "Comment: " msgstr "註釋: " -#: g10/keygen.c:2145 +#: g10/keygen.c:2162 msgid "Invalid character in comment\n" msgstr "註釋å«æœ‰ç„¡æ•ˆçš„字符\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2167 +#: g10/keygen.c:2184 #, c-format msgid "You are using the `%s' character set.\n" msgstr "你正在使用 `%s' 字元集.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2173 +#: g10/keygen.c:2190 #, c-format msgid "" "You selected this USER-ID:\n" @@ -4542,11 +4588,11 @@ " \"%s\"\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2178 +#: g10/keygen.c:2195 msgid "Please don't put the email address into the real name or the comment\n" msgstr "è«‹ä¸è¦æŠŠé›»å­éƒµä»¶åœ°å€æ”¾é€²ä½ çš„真實姓å或註釋裡\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2193 +#: g10/keygen.c:2210 msgid "Such a user ID already exists on this key!\n" msgstr "這把金鑰上已經有這樣å­çš„使用者 ID 了!\n" @@ -4561,23 +4607,23 @@ #. o = Okay (ready, continue) #. q = Quit #. -#: g10/keygen.c:2209 +#: g10/keygen.c:2226 msgid "NnCcEeOoQq" msgstr "NnCcEeOoQq" -#: g10/keygen.c:2219 +#: g10/keygen.c:2236 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (Q)uit? " msgstr "變更姓å(N), 註釋(C), é›»å­éƒµä»¶åœ°å€(E)或退出(Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2220 +#: g10/keygen.c:2237 msgid "Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? " msgstr "變更姓å(N), 註釋(C), é›»å­éƒµä»¶åœ°å€(E)或確定(O)/退出(Q)? " -#: g10/keygen.c:2239 +#: g10/keygen.c:2256 msgid "Please correct the error first\n" msgstr "請先訂正錯誤\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2281 +#: g10/keygen.c:2298 msgid "" "You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.\n" "\n" @@ -4585,18 +4631,18 @@ "你需è¦ä¸€å€‹å¯†èªžä¾†ä¿è­·ä½ çš„ç§é‘°.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2284 +#: g10/keygen.c:2301 msgid "" "Please enter a passphrase to protect the off-card backup of the new " "encryption key." msgstr "請輸入密語以ä¿è­·æ–°åŠ å¯†é‡‘é‘°çš„å¡ç‰‡å¤–備份." -#: g10/keygen.c:2300 +#: g10/keygen.c:2317 #, c-format msgid "%s.\n" msgstr "%s.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2306 +#: g10/keygen.c:2323 msgid "" "You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!\n" "I will do it anyway. You can change your passphrase at any time,\n" @@ -4608,7 +4654,7 @@ "僅需è¦å†æ¬¡åŸ·è¡Œé€™å€‹ç¨‹å¼, 並且使用 \"--edit-key\" é¸é …å³å¯.\n" "\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:2330 +#: g10/keygen.c:2347 msgid "" "We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform\n" "some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the\n" @@ -4619,50 +4665,50 @@ "(åƒæ˜¯æ•²æ‰“éµç›¤, 移動滑鼠, 讀寫硬碟之類的)\n" "這會讓隨機數字產生器有更多的機會ç²å¾—夠多的亂數.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3217 g10/keygen.c:3244 +#: g10/keygen.c:3234 g10/keygen.c:3261 msgid "Key generation canceled.\n" msgstr "金鑰產生已å–消.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3449 g10/keygen.c:3619 +#: g10/keygen.c:3466 g10/keygen.c:3636 #, c-format msgid "writing public key to `%s'\n" msgstr "正在寫入公鑰至 `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3451 g10/keygen.c:3622 +#: g10/keygen.c:3468 g10/keygen.c:3639 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key stub to `%s'\n" msgstr "正在寫入ç§é‘° stub 至 `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3454 g10/keygen.c:3625 +#: g10/keygen.c:3471 g10/keygen.c:3642 #, c-format msgid "writing secret key to `%s'\n" msgstr "正在寫入ç§é‘°è‡³ `%s'\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3606 +#: g10/keygen.c:3623 #, c-format msgid "no writable public keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¯å¯«å…¥çš„公鑰鑰匙圈: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3613 +#: g10/keygen.c:3630 #, c-format msgid "no writable secret keyring found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¯å¯«å…¥çš„ç§é‘°é‘°åŒ™åœˆ: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3633 +#: g10/keygen.c:3650 #, c-format msgid "error writing public keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "寫入公鑰鑰匙圈 `%s' 時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3641 +#: g10/keygen.c:3658 #, c-format msgid "error writing secret keyring `%s': %s\n" msgstr "寫入ç§é‘°é‘°åŒ™åœˆ `%s' 時出錯: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3669 +#: g10/keygen.c:3686 msgid "public and secret key created and signed.\n" msgstr "公鑰和ç§é‘°å·²å»ºç«‹åŠç°½ç½².\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3680 +#: g10/keygen.c:3697 msgid "" "Note that this key cannot be used for encryption. You may want to use\n" "the command \"--edit-key\" to generate a subkey for this purpose.\n" @@ -4670,47 +4716,47 @@ "請注æ„這把金鑰ä¸èƒ½ç”¨æ–¼åŠ å¯†. 也許你會想藉由 \"--edit-key\" 指令\n" "來產生加密用的å­é‘°.\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3693 g10/keygen.c:3839 g10/keygen.c:3960 +#: g10/keygen.c:3710 g10/keygen.c:3857 g10/keygen.c:3977 #, c-format msgid "Key generation failed: %s\n" msgstr "產生金鑰失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3749 g10/keygen.c:3890 g10/sign.c:241 +#: g10/keygen.c:3766 g10/keygen.c:3907 g10/sign.c:241 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu second in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "金鑰已經在 %lu 秒後的未來製妥 (å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å› ç‚ºæ™‚光旅行或時é˜çš„å•é¡Œ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3751 g10/keygen.c:3892 g10/sign.c:243 +#: g10/keygen.c:3768 g10/keygen.c:3909 g10/sign.c:243 #, c-format msgid "" "key has been created %lu seconds in future (time warp or clock problem)\n" msgstr "金鑰已經在 %lu 秒後的未來製妥 (å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å› ç‚ºæ™‚光旅行或時é˜çš„å•é¡Œ)\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3762 g10/keygen.c:3903 +#: g10/keygen.c:3779 g10/keygen.c:3920 msgid "NOTE: creating subkeys for v3 keys is not OpenPGP compliant\n" msgstr "請注æ„: å° v3 金鑰製造å­é‘°æœƒå¤±åŽ» OpenPGP 相容性\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:3803 g10/keygen.c:3936 +#: g10/keygen.c:3820 g10/keygen.c:3953 msgid "Really create? (y/N) " msgstr "真的è¦å»ºç«‹å—Ž? (y/N) " -#: g10/keygen.c:4124 +#: g10/keygen.c:4141 #, c-format msgid "storing key onto card failed: %s\n" msgstr "儲存金鑰到å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šæ™‚失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4173 +#: g10/keygen.c:4190 #, c-format msgid "can't create backup file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法建立備份檔案 `%s': %s\n" -#: g10/keygen.c:4199 +#: g10/keygen.c:4216 #, c-format msgid "NOTE: backup of card key saved to `%s'\n" msgstr "請注æ„: å¡ç‰‡é‡‘鑰的備份已儲存至 `%s'\n" -#: g10/keyid.c:539 g10/keyid.c:551 g10/keyid.c:563 g10/keyid.c:575 +#: g10/keyid.c:533 g10/keyid.c:545 g10/keyid.c:557 g10/keyid.c:569 msgid "never " msgstr "æ°¸é ä¸éŽæœŸ" @@ -4765,45 +4811,45 @@ msgid " Card serial no. =" msgstr " å¡ç‰‡åºè™Ÿ =" -#: g10/keyring.c:1297 +#: g10/keyring.c:1325 #, c-format msgid "renaming `%s' to `%s' failed: %s\n" msgstr "把 `%s' é‡æ–°æ–°å‘½æˆ `%s' 時失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1326 +#: g10/keyring.c:1354 msgid "WARNING: 2 files with confidential information exists.\n" msgstr "警告: 2 個檔案存在有互相矛盾的資訊.\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1327 +#: g10/keyring.c:1355 #, c-format msgid "%s is the unchanged one\n" msgstr "%s 是沒有改變的那一個\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1328 +#: g10/keyring.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "%s is the new one\n" msgstr "%s 是新的那一個\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1329 +#: g10/keyring.c:1357 msgid "Please fix this possible security flaw\n" msgstr "請修補這個å¯èƒ½çš„安全æ¼æ´ž\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1430 +#: g10/keyring.c:1458 #, c-format msgid "caching keyring `%s'\n" msgstr "å¿«å–鑰匙圈 `%s' 中\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1489 +#: g10/keyring.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached so far (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰å·²æª¢æŸ¥ %lu 把金鑰 (å…± %lu 份簽章)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1501 +#: g10/keyring.c:1529 #, c-format msgid "%lu keys cached (%lu signatures)\n" msgstr "已檢查 %lu 把金鑰 (å…± %lu 份簽章)\n" -#: g10/keyring.c:1573 +#: g10/keyring.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "%s: keyring created\n" msgstr "%s: 鑰匙圈已建立\n" @@ -4849,7 +4895,7 @@ msgid "Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > " msgstr "請輸入數字, N)下一é , 或 Q)離開 > " -#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1546 +#: g10/keyserver.c:838 g10/keyserver.c:1573 #, c-format msgid "invalid keyserver protocol (us %d!=handler %d)\n" msgstr "無效的金鑰伺æœå™¨å”定 (我們用 %d!=ç¶“æ‰‹ç¨‹å¼ %d)\n" @@ -4863,121 +4909,121 @@ msgid "key not found on keyserver\n" msgstr "在金鑰伺æœå™¨ä¸Šæ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é‡‘é‘°\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1265 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s server %s\n" msgstr "正在請求金鑰 %s 自 %s 伺æœå™¨ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1269 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 #, c-format msgid "requesting key %s from %s\n" msgstr "正在請求金鑰 %s 自 %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1293 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1317 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s server %s\n" msgstr "正在從 %s 伺æœå™¨ %s æœå°‹åå­—\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1296 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1320 #, c-format msgid "searching for names from %s\n" msgstr "正在從 %s æœå°‹åå­—\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1449 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1473 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s server %s\n" msgstr "éžé€é‡‘é‘° %s 至 %s 伺æœå™¨ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1453 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1477 #, c-format msgid "sending key %s to %s\n" msgstr "éžé€é‡‘é‘° %s 至 %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1496 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1520 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s server %s\n" msgstr "正在æœå°‹ \"%s\" æ–¼ %s 伺æœå™¨ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1499 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1523 #, c-format msgid "searching for \"%s\" from %s\n" msgstr "正在æœå°‹ \"%s\" æ–¼ %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1506 g10/keyserver.c:1609 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1530 g10/keyserver.c:1652 msgid "no keyserver action!\n" msgstr "沒有金鑰伺æœå™¨å‹•ä½œ!\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1554 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1581 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: keyserver handler from a different version of GnuPG (%s)\n" msgstr "警告: 金鑰伺æœå™¨ç¶“手程å¼ä¿‚來自ä¸åŒç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ GnuPG (%s)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1563 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1598 msgid "keyserver did not send VERSION\n" msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨ä¸¦æœªé€å‡ºç‰ˆæœ¬ (VERSION)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1634 g10/keyserver.c:2169 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1636 g10/keyserver.c:1733 +#, c-format +msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" +msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨é€šè¨ŠéŒ¯èª¤: %s\n" + +#: g10/keyserver.c:1676 g10/keyserver.c:2216 msgid "no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)\n" msgstr "沒有已知的金鑰伺æœå™¨ (使用 --keyserver é¸é …)\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1640 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1682 msgid "external keyserver calls are not supported in this build\n" msgstr "本版並ä¸æ”¯æ´å¤–部金鑰伺æœå™¨å«ç”¨\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1652 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1696 #, c-format msgid "no handler for keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "沒有 `%s' 金鑰伺æœå™¨æž¶æ§‹çš„經手程å¼\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1657 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1701 #, c-format msgid "action `%s' not supported with keyserver scheme `%s'\n" msgstr "`%s' 動作在 `%s' 金鑰伺æœå™¨æž¶æ§‹ä¸­æœªæ”¯æ´\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1665 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1709 #, c-format msgid "%s does not support handler version %d\n" msgstr "%s 並ä¸æ”¯æ´ç¬¬ %d 版經手程å¼\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1672 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1716 msgid "keyserver timed out\n" msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨é€¾æ™‚\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1677 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1724 msgid "keyserver internal error\n" msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨å…§éƒ¨éŒ¯èª¤\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:1686 -#, c-format -msgid "keyserver communications error: %s\n" -msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨é€šè¨ŠéŒ¯èª¤: %s\n" - -#: g10/keyserver.c:1712 g10/keyserver.c:1747 +#: g10/keyserver.c:1759 g10/keyserver.c:1794 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" not a key ID: skipping\n" msgstr "\"%s\" 並éžé‡‘é‘° ID: è·³éŽä¸­\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2009 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2056 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to refresh key %s via %s: %s\n" msgstr "警告: 無法更新金鑰 %s æ–¼ %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2031 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2078 #, c-format msgid "refreshing 1 key from %s\n" msgstr "æ›´æ–° 1 份金鑰中 (從 %s )\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2033 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2080 #, c-format msgid "refreshing %d keys from %s\n" msgstr "æ›´æ–° %d 份金鑰中 (從 %s )\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2089 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to fetch URI %s: %s\n" msgstr "警告: ç„¡æ³•æŠ“å– URI %s: %s\n" -#: g10/keyserver.c:2095 +#: g10/keyserver.c:2142 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: unable to parse URI %s\n" msgstr "警告: ç„¡æ³•å‰–æž URI %s\n" @@ -5035,161 +5081,166 @@ msgid "encrypted with 1 passphrase\n" msgstr "已用 1 個密語加密了\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:540 g10/mainproc.c:562 +#: g10/mainproc.c:542 g10/mainproc.c:564 #, c-format msgid "assuming %s encrypted data\n" msgstr "å‡å®š %s 為加密éŽçš„資料\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:548 +#: g10/mainproc.c:550 #, c-format msgid "IDEA cipher unavailable, optimistically attempting to use %s instead\n" msgstr "IDEA 編密法ä¸å¯ç”¨, 我們樂觀地試著改以 %s 代替\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:582 +#: g10/mainproc.c:588 msgid "decryption okay\n" msgstr "解密æˆåŠŸ\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:586 +#: g10/mainproc.c:592 msgid "WARNING: message was not integrity protected\n" msgstr "警告: 訊æ¯æœªå—到完整的ä¿è­·\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:589 +#: g10/mainproc.c:595 msgid "WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!\n" msgstr "警告: 加密éŽçš„訊æ¯å·²ç¶“被變造了!\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:597 +#: g10/mainproc.c:603 #, c-format msgid "cleared passphrase cached with ID: %s\n" msgstr "清除此 ID 被快å–ä½çš„密語: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:602 +#: g10/mainproc.c:608 #, c-format msgid "decryption failed: %s\n" msgstr "解密失敗: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:623 +#: g10/mainproc.c:629 msgid "NOTE: sender requested \"for-your-eyes-only\"\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 寄件者è¦æ±‚了 \"你應該祇用眼ç›çœ‹\"\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:625 +#: g10/mainproc.c:631 #, c-format msgid "original file name='%.*s'\n" msgstr "原始的檔å ='%.*s'\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:713 +#: g10/mainproc.c:719 msgid "WARNING: multiple plaintexts seen\n" msgstr "警告: 看到了多份明文\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:866 +#: g10/mainproc.c:872 msgid "standalone revocation - use \"gpg --import\" to apply\n" msgstr "ç¨ç«‹æ’¤éŠ· - 請用 \"gpg --import\" 來套用\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1184 g10/mainproc.c:1221 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1190 g10/mainproc.c:1227 msgid "no signature found\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°ç°½ç« \n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1486 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1492 msgid "signature verification suppressed\n" msgstr "簽章驗證已抑制\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1595 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1601 msgid "can't handle this ambiguous signature data\n" msgstr "無法處ç†é€™å€‹ä¸æ˜Žç¢ºçš„簽章資料\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1606 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1614 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s\n" msgstr "ç”± %s 建立的簽章\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1607 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1615 #, c-format msgid " using %s key %s\n" msgstr " 使用 %s 金鑰 %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1611 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1619 #, c-format msgid "Signature made %s using %s key ID %s\n" msgstr "ç”± %s 建立的簽章, 使用 %s 金鑰 ID %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1631 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1639 msgid "Key available at: " msgstr "å¯ç”¨çš„金鑰於: " -#: g10/mainproc.c:1764 g10/mainproc.c:1812 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1772 g10/mainproc.c:1820 #, c-format msgid "BAD signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "*æ壞* 的簽章來自於 \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1766 g10/mainproc.c:1814 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1774 g10/mainproc.c:1822 #, c-format msgid "Expired signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "éŽæœŸçš„簽章來自於 \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1768 g10/mainproc.c:1816 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1776 g10/mainproc.c:1824 #, c-format msgid "Good signature from \"%s\"" msgstr "完好的簽章來自於 \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1818 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1826 msgid "[uncertain]" msgstr "[ ä¸ç¢ºå®š ]" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1851 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1859 #, c-format msgid " aka \"%s\"" msgstr " äº¦å³ \"%s\"" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1949 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 #, c-format msgid "Signature expired %s\n" msgstr "這份簽署已經在 %s éŽæœŸäº†\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1954 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1962 #, c-format msgid "Signature expires %s\n" msgstr "這份簽署將在 %s 到期\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1957 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1965 #, c-format msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "%s 簽章, 摘è¦æ¼”算法 %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1958 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1966 msgid "binary" msgstr "二進制" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 msgid "textmode" msgstr "文字模å¼" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1959 g10/trustdb.c:547 +#: g10/mainproc.c:1967 g10/trustdb.c:547 msgid "unknown" msgstr "未知" -#: g10/mainproc.c:1979 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2001 +#, c-format +msgid "WARNING: not a detached signature; file '%s' was NOT verified!\n" +msgstr "警告: 並éžåˆ†é›¢ç°½ç« ; '%s' 檔案 *沒有* 通éŽé©—è­‰!\n" + +#: g10/mainproc.c:2025 #, c-format msgid "Can't check signature: %s\n" msgstr "無法檢查簽章: %s\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2063 g10/mainproc.c:2079 g10/mainproc.c:2175 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2109 g10/mainproc.c:2125 g10/mainproc.c:2221 msgid "not a detached signature\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜¯ä¸€ä»½åˆ†é›¢çš„簽章\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2106 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2152 msgid "" "WARNING: multiple signatures detected. Only the first will be checked.\n" msgstr "警告: åµæ¸¬åˆ°å¤šé‡ç°½ç« . 祇有第一個簽章纔會被核é¸.\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2114 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2160 #, c-format msgid "standalone signature of class 0x%02x\n" msgstr "等級 0x%02x çš„ç¨ç«‹ç°½ç« \n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2179 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2225 msgid "old style (PGP 2.x) signature\n" msgstr "舊型 (PGP 2.x) 簽章\n" -#: g10/mainproc.c:2189 +#: g10/mainproc.c:2235 msgid "invalid root packet detected in proc_tree()\n" msgstr "在 proc_tree() 中åµæ¸¬åˆ°ç„¡æ•ˆçš„ root å°åŒ…\n" @@ -5203,89 +5254,105 @@ msgid "fstat(%d) failed in %s: %s\n" msgstr "fstat(%d) 失敗於 %s: %s\n" -#: g10/misc.c:299 +#: g10/misc.c:288 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental public key algorithm %s\n" msgstr "警告: 正在使用實驗性的 %s 公鑰演算法\n" -#: g10/misc.c:305 +#: g10/misc.c:294 msgid "WARNING: Elgamal sign+encrypt keys are deprecated\n" msgstr "警告: å·²ä¸å»ºè­°ä½¿ç”¨ Elgamal 簽署暨加密金鑰\n" -#: g10/misc.c:318 +#: g10/misc.c:307 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental cipher algorithm %s\n" msgstr "警告: 正在使用實驗性的 %s 編密演算法\n" -#: g10/misc.c:333 +#: g10/misc.c:322 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: using experimental digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "警告: 正在使用實驗性的 %s 摘è¦æ¼”算法\n" -#: g10/misc.c:338 +#: g10/misc.c:327 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: digest algorithm %s is deprecated\n" msgstr "警告: å·²ä¸å»ºè­°ä½¿ç”¨ %s 摘è¦æ¼”算法\n" -#: g10/misc.c:548 +#: g10/misc.c:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" +msgstr "注æ„: 採用 %s 演算法的簽章已é§å›ž\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:553 msgid "the IDEA cipher plugin is not present\n" msgstr "IDEA 編密法外掛模組ä¸å­˜åœ¨\n" -#: g10/misc.c:549 g10/sig-check.c:107 +#: g10/misc.c:554 g10/sig-check.c:107 #, c-format msgid "please see %s for more information\n" msgstr "è«‹åƒè€ƒ %s 上進一步的資訊\n" -#: g10/misc.c:823 +#: g10/misc.c:828 #, c-format msgid "%s:%d: deprecated option \"%s\"\n" msgstr "%s:%d: ä¸å»ºè­°ä½¿ç”¨çš„é¸é … \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/misc.c:827 +#: g10/misc.c:832 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n" msgstr "警告: å·²ä¸å»ºè­°ä½¿ç”¨ \"%s\" é¸é …\n" -#: g10/misc.c:829 +#: g10/misc.c:834 #, c-format msgid "please use \"%s%s\" instead\n" msgstr "請改以 \"%s%s\" 代替\n" -#: g10/misc.c:836 +#: g10/misc.c:841 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated command - do not use it\n" msgstr "警告: \"%s\" 是個棄而ä¸é¡§çš„指令 - 別å†ç”¨äº†\n" -#: g10/misc.c:846 +#: g10/misc.c:851 #, c-format msgid "%s:%u: obsolete option \"%s\" - it has no effect\n" msgstr "%s:%u: 廢棄的 \"%s\" é¸é … - 沒有任何影響\n" -#: g10/misc.c:849 +#: g10/misc.c:854 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: \"%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect\n" msgstr "警告: \"%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - 沒有效果\n" -#: g10/misc.c:910 +#: g10/misc.c:864 +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" is obsolete in this file - it only has effect in %s\n" +msgstr "%s:%u: \"%s%s\" 在此檔案中已廢棄 - åƒ…å° %s 造æˆå½±éŸ¿\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:868 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"WARNING: \"%s%s\" is an obsolete option - it has no effect except on %s\n" +msgstr "警告: \"%s%s\" 是已廢棄的é¸é … - é™¤äº†å° %s 之外沒有效果\n" + +#: g10/misc.c:929 msgid "Uncompressed" msgstr "未壓縮" #. TRANSLATORS: See doc/TRANSLATE about this string. -#: g10/misc.c:935 +#: g10/misc.c:954 msgid "uncompressed|none" msgstr "uncompressed|none|未壓縮|ç„¡" -#: g10/misc.c:1062 +#: g10/misc.c:1081 #, c-format msgid "this message may not be usable by %s\n" msgstr "這個訊æ¯å° %s 來說無法使用\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1237 +#: g10/misc.c:1256 #, c-format msgid "ambiguous option `%s'\n" msgstr "ä¸æ˜Žç¢ºçš„ `%s' é¸é …\n" -#: g10/misc.c:1262 +#: g10/misc.c:1281 #, c-format msgid "unknown option `%s'\n" msgstr "未知的 `%s' é¸é …\n" @@ -5312,46 +5379,46 @@ msgid "writing to stdout\n" msgstr "寫到標準輸出中\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:316 +#: g10/openfile.c:344 #, c-format -msgid "assuming signed data in `%s'\n" -msgstr "å‡è¨­è¢«ç°½ç½²çš„資料在 `%s'\n" +msgid "assuming signed data in '%s'\n" +msgstr "å‡è¨­è¢«ç°½ç½²çš„資料在 '%s'\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:395 +#: g10/openfile.c:424 #, c-format msgid "new configuration file `%s' created\n" msgstr "新的設定檔 `%s' 被建立了\n" -#: g10/openfile.c:397 +#: g10/openfile.c:426 #, c-format msgid "WARNING: options in `%s' are not yet active during this run\n" msgstr "警告: 在 `%s' 裡的é¸é …於這次執行期間並沒有被啟用\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:213 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:222 #, c-format msgid "can't handle public key algorithm %d\n" msgstr "無法æ“作 %d 公開金鑰演算法\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:834 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:844 msgid "WARNING: potentially insecure symmetrically encrypted session key\n" msgstr "警告: å¯èƒ½ä¸¦ä¸å®‰å…¨çš„å°ç¨±å¼åŠ å¯†éšŽæ®µé‡‘é‘°\n" -#: g10/parse-packet.c:1285 +#: g10/parse-packet.c:1302 #, c-format msgid "subpacket of type %d has critical bit set\n" msgstr "%d 類別的å­å°åŒ…設定了關éµä½å…ƒ\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:418 g10/passphrase.c:481 +#: g10/passphrase.c:75 g10/passphrase.c:407 g10/passphrase.c:470 #, c-format msgid "problem with the agent: %s\n" msgstr "代ç†ç¨‹å¼çš„å•é¡Œ: %s\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:344 g10/passphrase.c:613 +#: g10/passphrase.c:347 g10/passphrase.c:602 #, c-format msgid " (main key ID %s)" msgstr " (主è¦é‡‘é‘° ID %s)" -#: g10/passphrase.c:358 +#: g10/passphrase.c:354 #, c-format msgid "" "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the secret key for the OpenPGP " @@ -5365,15 +5432,15 @@ "%u ä½å…ƒé•·çš„ %s 金鑰, ID %s,\n" "建立於 %s%s.\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:384 +#: g10/passphrase.c:373 msgid "Enter passphrase\n" msgstr "請輸入密語\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:412 +#: g10/passphrase.c:401 msgid "cancelled by user\n" msgstr "由使用者所å–消\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:592 +#: g10/passphrase.c:581 #, c-format msgid "" "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\n" @@ -5382,12 +5449,12 @@ "你需è¦ç”¨å¯†èªžä¾†è§£é–‹ä¸‹åˆ—使用者的\n" "ç§é‘°: \"%s\"\n" -#: g10/passphrase.c:600 +#: g10/passphrase.c:589 #, c-format msgid "%u-bit %s key, ID %s, created %s" msgstr "%u ä½å…ƒé•·çš„ %s 金鑰, ID %s, 建立於 %s" -#: g10/passphrase.c:609 +#: g10/passphrase.c:598 #, c-format msgid " (subkey on main key ID %s)" msgstr " (在主鑰 ID %s 上的å­é‘°)" @@ -5732,16 +5799,16 @@ msgid "reading stdin ...\n" msgstr "正在讀å–標準輸入中 ...\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:557 +#: g10/plaintext.c:565 msgid "no signed data\n" msgstr "沒有被簽署éŽçš„資料\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:573 +#: g10/plaintext.c:581 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data `%s'\n" msgstr "無法開啟被簽署éŽçš„資料 `%s'\n" -#: g10/plaintext.c:607 +#: g10/plaintext.c:615 #, c-format msgid "can't open signed data fd=%d: %s\n" msgstr "無法開啟被簽署éŽçš„資料 fd=%d: %s\n" @@ -5994,23 +6061,17 @@ msgid "NOTE: signature key %s has been revoked\n" msgstr "請注æ„: 簽署金鑰 %s 已撤銷\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:280 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "%s signature, digest algorithm %s\n" -msgid "Note: signatures using the %s algorithm are rejected\n" -msgstr "%s 簽章, 摘è¦æ¼”算法 %s\n" - -#: g10/sig-check.c:341 +#: g10/sig-check.c:332 #, c-format msgid "assuming bad signature from key %s due to an unknown critical bit\n" msgstr "å‡è¨­é‡‘é‘° %s çš„æ壞簽章導因於æŸå€‹æœªçŸ¥çš„é—œéµä½å…ƒ\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:607 +#: g10/sig-check.c:600 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey revocation signature\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有å­é‘°å¯ä¾›å­é‘°æ’¤éŠ·ç°½ç« ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: g10/sig-check.c:634 +#: g10/sig-check.c:627 #, c-format msgid "key %s: no subkey for subkey binding signature\n" msgstr "金鑰 %s: 沒有å­é‘°å¯ä¾›é™„å­é‘°ç°½ç« ä¹‹ç”¨\n" @@ -6393,7 +6454,7 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb check\n" msgstr "ä¸éœ€è¦æª¢æŸ¥ä¿¡ä»»è³‡æ–™åº«\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2521 +#: g10/trustdb.c:599 g10/trustdb.c:2523 #, c-format msgid "next trustdb check due at %s\n" msgstr "下次信任資料庫檢查將於 %s 進行\n" @@ -6408,45 +6469,45 @@ msgid "no need for a trustdb update with `%s' trust model\n" msgstr "在 `%s' 信任模型中並ä¸éœ€è¦æ›´æ–°ä¿¡ä»»è³‡æ–™åº«\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1344 +#: g10/trustdb.c:875 g10/trustdb.c:1346 #, c-format msgid "public key %s not found: %s\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å…¬é‘° %s: %s\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1079 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1081 msgid "please do a --check-trustdb\n" msgstr "è«‹åšä¸€æ¬¡ --check-trustdb\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:1083 +#: g10/trustdb.c:1085 msgid "checking the trustdb\n" msgstr "正在檢查信任資料庫\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2264 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2266 #, c-format msgid "%d keys processed (%d validity counts cleared)\n" msgstr "已經處ç†äº† %d 把金鑰 (共計已解決了 %d 份有效性)\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2329 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2331 msgid "no ultimately trusted keys found\n" msgstr "沒有找到任何徹底信任的金鑰\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2343 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2345 #, c-format msgid "public key of ultimately trusted key %s not found\n" msgstr "找ä¸åˆ°å¾¹åº•ä¿¡ä»»é‡‘é‘° %s 的公鑰\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2366 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2368 #, c-format msgid "%d marginal(s) needed, %d complete(s) needed, %s trust model\n" msgstr "%d å€‹å‹‰å¼·ä¿¡ä»»ä»¥åŠ %d 個完全信任是 %s 信任模型的最å°éœ€æ±‚\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2452 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2454 #, c-format msgid "" "depth: %d valid: %3d signed: %3d trust: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" msgstr "深度: %d 有效: %3d 已簽署: %3d ä¿¡ä»»: %d-, %dq, %dn, %dm, %df, %du\n" -#: g10/trustdb.c:2527 +#: g10/trustdb.c:2529 #, c-format msgid "unable to update trustdb version record: write failed: %s\n" msgstr "無法更新信任資料庫版本記錄: 寫入失敗: %s\n" @@ -6471,68 +6532,80 @@ msgid "can't open fd %d: %s\n" msgstr "無法開啟 fd %d: %s\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:194 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:197 msgid "argument not expected" msgstr "沒料到有引數" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:196 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:199 msgid "read error" msgstr "讀å–錯誤" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:198 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:201 msgid "keyword too long" msgstr "é—œéµå­—太長" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:200 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:203 msgid "missing argument" msgstr "無效的引數" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:202 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:205 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "invalid armor" +msgid "invalid argument" +msgstr "無效的å°è£" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:207 msgid "invalid command" msgstr "無效的指令" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:204 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:209 msgid "invalid alias definition" msgstr "無效的別å定義" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:206 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:211 msgid "out of core" msgstr "超出核心" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:208 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:213 msgid "invalid option" msgstr "無效的é¸é …" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:216 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 #, c-format msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" é¸é …éºå¤±äº†å¼•æ•¸\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:218 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgid "invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n" +msgstr "\"%.50s\" é¸é …éºå¤±äº†å¼•æ•¸\n" + +#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" does not expect an argument\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" é¸é …沒料到會有引數\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:221 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:228 #, c-format msgid "invalid command \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "無效的指令 \"%.50s\"\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:223 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:230 #, c-format msgid "option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" é¸é …ä¸æ˜Žç¢º\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:225 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:232 #, c-format msgid "command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n" msgstr "\"%.50s\" 指令ä¸æ˜Žç¢º\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:227 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:234 msgid "out of core\n" msgstr "超出核心\n" -#: jnlib/argparse.c:229 +#: jnlib/argparse.c:236 #, c-format msgid "invalid option \"%.50s\"\n" msgstr "無效的é¸é … \"%.50s\"\n" @@ -6562,35 +6635,35 @@ msgid "failed to create temporary file `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法建立暫存檔 `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:269 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:274 #, c-format msgid "error writing to `%s': %s\n" msgstr "寫入 %s 時出錯: %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:453 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 #, c-format msgid "removing stale lockfile (created by %d)\n" msgstr "正在移除陳è…的鎖定檔 (ç”± %d 所建立)\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:459 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:465 msgid " - probably dead - removing lock" msgstr " - å¯èƒ½å·²ç¶“掛掉了 - 正在移除鎖定" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:469 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:475 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock (held by %d%s) %s...\n" msgstr "正在等候鎖定 (被 %d%s æŒæœ‰) %s...\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:470 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:476 msgid "(deadlock?) " msgstr "(æ­»çµå—Ž?) " -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:493 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:499 #, c-format msgid "lock `%s' not made: %s\n" msgstr "未鎖定 `%s': %s\n" -#: jnlib/dotlock.c:501 +#: jnlib/dotlock.c:507 #, c-format msgid "waiting for lock %s...\n" msgstr "正在等候 `%s' 鎖定...\n" @@ -6615,19 +6688,19 @@ "語法: kbxutil [é¸é …] [檔案]\n" "列出, 匯出, 匯入金鑰鑰匙盒資料\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2808 +#: scd/app-nks.c:713 scd/app-openpgp.c:2809 #, c-format msgid "RSA modulus missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA 模組缺æ¼æˆ–è€…ä¸¦éž %d ä½å…ƒå¤§\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2820 +#: scd/app-nks.c:721 scd/app-openpgp.c:2821 #, c-format msgid "RSA public exponent missing or larger than %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA 公用指數缺æ¼æˆ–者大於 %d ä½å…ƒ\n" -#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1648 scd/app-openpgp.c:1667 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1829 scd/app-openpgp.c:1846 scd/app-openpgp.c:2109 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2156 scd/app-openpgp.c:2261 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 +#: scd/app-nks.c:801 scd/app-openpgp.c:1649 scd/app-openpgp.c:1668 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1830 scd/app-openpgp.c:1847 scd/app-openpgp.c:2110 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2157 scd/app-openpgp.c:2262 scd/app-dinsig.c:303 #, c-format msgid "PIN callback returned error: %s\n" msgstr "收回個人識別碼 (PIN) 時傳回錯誤: %s\n" @@ -6672,101 +6745,101 @@ "qualified signatures." msgstr "|P|請輸入金鑰的 PIN é‡è¨­ç¢¼ (PUK) 以建立完善的簽章." -#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2190 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 +#: scd/app-nks.c:1222 scd/app-openpgp.c:2191 scd/app-dinsig.c:532 #, c-format msgid "error getting new PIN: %s\n" msgstr "å–得新的個人識別碼 (PIN) 時出錯: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:758 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:759 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the fingerprint: %s\n" msgstr "存放指紋失敗: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:771 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:772 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the creation date: %s\n" msgstr "存放創生日期失敗: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1219 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1220 #, c-format msgid "reading public key failed: %s\n" msgstr "讀å–公鑰時失敗: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1227 scd/app-openpgp.c:3080 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1228 scd/app-openpgp.c:3081 msgid "response does not contain the public key data\n" msgstr "回應中未包å«å…¬é‘°è³‡æ–™\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1235 scd/app-openpgp.c:3088 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1236 scd/app-openpgp.c:3089 msgid "response does not contain the RSA modulus\n" msgstr "å›žæ‡‰ä¸­æœªåŒ…å« RSA 系數\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1244 scd/app-openpgp.c:3098 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1245 scd/app-openpgp.c:3099 msgid "response does not contain the RSA public exponent\n" msgstr "å›žæ‡‰ä¸­æœªåŒ…å« RSA 公用指數\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1599 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1600 #, c-format msgid "using default PIN as %s\n" msgstr "以 %s åšç‚ºé è¨­ PIN\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1606 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1607 #, c-format msgid "failed to use default PIN as %s: %s - disabling further default use\n" msgstr "使用 %s åšç‚ºé è¨­å€‹äººè­˜åˆ¥ç¢¼ (PIN) 失敗: %s - 正在åœç”¨ä¹‹å¾Œçš„é è¨­ä½¿ç”¨\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1621 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1622 #, c-format msgid "||Please enter the PIN%%0A[sigs done: %lu]" msgstr "||請輸入 PIN%%0A[簽署完æˆ: %lu]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1632 scd/app-openpgp.c:2103 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1633 scd/app-openpgp.c:2104 msgid "||Please enter the PIN" msgstr "||請輸入個人識別碼 (PIN)" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1674 scd/app-openpgp.c:1853 scd/app-openpgp.c:2116 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1675 scd/app-openpgp.c:1854 scd/app-openpgp.c:2117 #, c-format msgid "PIN for CHV%d is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "用於 CHV%d 的個人識別碼 (PIN) 太短; 長度最少è¦æœ‰ %d\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1687 scd/app-openpgp.c:1726 scd/app-openpgp.c:1865 -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3398 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1688 scd/app-openpgp.c:1727 scd/app-openpgp.c:1866 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3399 #, c-format msgid "verify CHV%d failed: %s\n" msgstr "é©—è­‰ CHV%d 失敗: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1755 scd/app-openpgp.c:2137 scd/app-openpgp.c:3702 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1756 scd/app-openpgp.c:2138 scd/app-openpgp.c:3703 msgid "error retrieving CHV status from card\n" msgstr "從å¡ç‰‡å–回 CHV 狀態時出錯\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1761 scd/app-openpgp.c:3711 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1762 scd/app-openpgp.c:3712 msgid "card is permanently locked!\n" msgstr "å¡ç‰‡æ°¸ä¹…鎖定了!!\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1768 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1769 #, c-format msgid "%d Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked\n" msgstr "%d 管ç†è€…個人識別碼 (PIN) 試圖在å¡ç‰‡æ°¸ä¹…鎖定å‰éºç•™ä¸‹ä¾†\n" #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|A|" prefix but keep it at #. the start of the string. Use %%0A to force a linefeed. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1775 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1776 #, c-format msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN%%0A[remaining attempts: %d]" msgstr "|A|請在上輸入管ç†è€… PIN%%0A[剩餘嘗試次數: %d]" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1779 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1780 msgid "|A|Please enter the Admin PIN" msgstr "|A|請輸入管ç†è€… PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1800 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:1801 msgid "access to admin commands is not configured\n" msgstr "管ç†è€…指令存å–權é™å°šæœªçµ„æ…‹\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2152 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2153 msgid "||Please enter the Reset Code for the card" msgstr "||請輸入å¡ç‰‡çš„é‡è¨­ç¢¼" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2162 scd/app-openpgp.c:2216 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2163 scd/app-openpgp.c:2217 #, c-format msgid "Reset Code is too short; minimum length is %d\n" msgstr "é‡è¨­ç¢¼å¤ªçŸ­; 長度最少è¦æœ‰ %d\n" @@ -6774,101 +6847,101 @@ #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the "|*|" prefixes but #. keep it at the start of the string. We need this elsewhere #. to get some infos on the string. -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2185 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 msgid "|RN|New Reset Code" msgstr "|RN|新增é‡è¨­ç¢¼" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|AN|New Admin PIN" msgstr "|AN|新增管ç†è€…個人識別碼 (PIN)" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2186 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2187 msgid "|N|New PIN" msgstr "|N|新增個人識別碼 (PIN)" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2257 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 msgid "||Please enter the Admin PIN and New Admin PIN" msgstr "||請輸入管ç†è€… PIN åŠæ–°çš„管ç†è€… PIN" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2258 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2259 msgid "||Please enter the PIN and New PIN" msgstr "||請輸入個人識別碼åŠæ–°çš„個人識別碼 (PIN)" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2315 scd/app-openpgp.c:3166 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2316 scd/app-openpgp.c:3167 msgid "error reading application data\n" msgstr "讀å–應用程å¼è³‡æ–™æ™‚出錯\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2321 scd/app-openpgp.c:3173 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2322 scd/app-openpgp.c:3174 msgid "error reading fingerprint DO\n" msgstr "讀å–指紋 DO 時出錯\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2331 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2332 msgid "key already exists\n" msgstr "金鑰已存在\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2335 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2336 msgid "existing key will be replaced\n" msgstr "既有的金鑰將被å–代\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2337 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2338 msgid "generating new key\n" msgstr "正在產生新的金鑰\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2339 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2340 msgid "writing new key\n" msgstr "正在寫入新的金鑰\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2788 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2789 msgid "creation timestamp missing\n" msgstr "缺æ¼å‰µç”Ÿæ™‚間戳å°\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2830 scd/app-openpgp.c:2838 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2831 scd/app-openpgp.c:2839 #, c-format msgid "RSA prime %s missing or not of size %d bits\n" msgstr "RSA 質數 %s 缺æ¼æˆ–è€…ä¸¦éž %d ä½å…ƒå¤§\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2971 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:2972 #, c-format msgid "failed to store the key: %s\n" msgstr "存放金鑰失敗: %s\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3057 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3058 msgid "please wait while key is being generated ...\n" msgstr "正在產生金鑰中, è«‹ç¨å€™ ...\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3070 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3071 msgid "generating key failed\n" msgstr "產生金鑰時失敗\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3073 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3074 #, c-format msgid "key generation completed (%d seconds)\n" msgstr "金鑰產生完畢 (%d 秒)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3131 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3132 msgid "invalid structure of OpenPGP card (DO 0x93)\n" msgstr "無效的 OpenPGP å¡ç‰‡çµæ§‹ (DO 0x93)\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3181 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3182 msgid "fingerprint on card does not match requested one\n" msgstr "å¡ç‰‡ä¸Šçš„指紋與所è¦æ±‚的那個並ä¸å»åˆ\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3297 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3298 #, c-format msgid "card does not support digest algorithm %s\n" msgstr "å¡ç‰‡ä¸æ”¯æ´ %s 摘è¦æ¼”算法\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3373 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3374 #, c-format msgid "signatures created so far: %lu\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰å»ºç«‹çš„簽章: %lu\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3716 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3717 msgid "" "verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited through this command\n" msgstr "ç›®å‰åœ¨æ­¤æŒ‡ä»¤ä¸­çš„管ç†è€… PIN 驗證被ç¦æ­¢äº†\n" -#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3943 scd/app-openpgp.c:3954 +#: scd/app-openpgp.c:3944 scd/app-openpgp.c:3955 #, c-format msgid "can't access %s - invalid OpenPGP card?\n" msgstr "ç„¡æ³•å­˜å– %s - 無效的 OpenPGP å¡ç‰‡?\n" @@ -6890,11 +6963,11 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:119 sm/gpgsm.c:316 msgid "|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL" -msgstr "|等級|設定除錯等級為「等級ã€" +msgstr "|等級|設定除錯等級為指定等級" -#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:630 +#: scd/scdaemon.c:126 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:633 msgid "|FILE|write a log to FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|將日誌寫入至「檔案ã€" +msgstr "|檔案|將日誌寫入至指定檔案" #: scd/scdaemon.c:128 msgid "|N|connect to reader at port N" @@ -6902,11 +6975,11 @@ #: scd/scdaemon.c:130 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as ct-API driver" -msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€åšç‚º ct-API 驅動程å¼" +msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱åšç‚º ct-API 驅動程å¼" #: scd/scdaemon.c:132 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as PC/SC driver" -msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€åšç‚º PC/SC 驅動程å¼" +msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱åšç‚º PC/SC 驅動程å¼" #: scd/scdaemon.c:135 msgid "do not use the internal CCID driver" @@ -6998,7 +7071,7 @@ #: sm/certchain.c:258 #, c-format msgid "critical certificate extension %s is not supported" -msgstr "未支æ´é—œéµæ†‘證延伸 %s" +msgstr "未支æ´é—œéµæ†‘è­‰æ“´å……æ¬„ä½ %s" #: sm/certchain.c:297 msgid "issuer certificate is not marked as a CA" @@ -7568,7 +7641,7 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:265 msgid "|FILE|take policy information from FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|從「檔案ã€ä¸­å–得原則資訊" +msgstr "|檔案|從指定檔案中å–得原則資訊" #: sm/gpgsm.c:268 msgid "do not check certificate policies" @@ -7584,11 +7657,11 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:285 msgid "|FILE|write a server mode log to FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³ã€Œæª”案ã€" +msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³æŒ‡å®šæª”案" #: sm/gpgsm.c:290 msgid "|FILE|write an audit log to FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|將稽核日誌寫入至「檔案ã€" +msgstr "|檔案|將稽核日誌寫入至指定檔案" #: sm/gpgsm.c:293 msgid "batch mode: never ask" @@ -7604,23 +7677,23 @@ #: sm/gpgsm.c:298 msgid "|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings" -msgstr "|檔案|將此金鑰鑰匙圈加到金鑰鑰匙圈清單「檔案ã€ä¸­" +msgstr "|檔案|將此金鑰鑰匙圈加到金鑰鑰匙圈清單指定檔案中" #: sm/gpgsm.c:301 msgid "|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key" -msgstr "|使用者-ID|使用「使用者-IDã€åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" +msgstr "|使用者-ID|使用指定使用者 ID åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:311 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:758 msgid "|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys" msgstr "|SPEC|使用此金鑰伺æœå™¨ä¾†æŸ¥æ‰¾é‡‘é‘°" #: sm/gpgsm.c:329 msgid "|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME" -msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€ç·¨å¯†æ¼”算法" +msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱的編密演算法" #: sm/gpgsm.c:331 msgid "|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME" -msgstr "|å稱|使用「å稱ã€è¨Šæ¯æ‘˜è¦æ¼”算法" +msgstr "|å稱|使用指定å稱的訊æ¯æ‘˜è¦æ¼”算法" #: sm/gpgsm.c:522 msgid "Usage: gpgsm [options] [files] (-h for help)" @@ -7665,25 +7738,25 @@ msgid "%s:%u: skipping this line\n" msgstr "%s:%u: 正在跳éŽé€™ä¸€åˆ—\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1379 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1380 msgid "could not parse keyserver\n" msgstr "無法剖æžé‡‘鑰伺æœå™¨\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1459 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1460 msgid "WARNING: running with faked system time: " msgstr "警告: 正在å½é€ çš„系統時間中執行: " -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1559 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1560 #, c-format msgid "importing common certificates `%s'\n" msgstr "正在匯入通用憑證 `%s'\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1600 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1601 #, c-format msgid "can't sign using `%s': %s\n" msgstr "無法用 `%s' 來簽署: %s\n" -#: sm/gpgsm.c:1934 +#: sm/gpgsm.c:1935 msgid "invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n" msgstr "無效的指令 (沒有這樣的指令)\n" @@ -7864,7 +7937,7 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:74 msgid "|NAME|connect to Assuan socket NAME" -msgstr "|å稱|連線至 Assuan socket「å稱ã€" +msgstr "|å稱|連線至指定å稱的 Assuan socket" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:76 msgid "run the Assuan server given on the command line" @@ -7876,7 +7949,7 @@ #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:80 msgid "|FILE|run commands from FILE on startup" -msgstr "|檔案|啟動時執行「檔案ã€ä¸­çš„指令" +msgstr "|檔案|啟動時執行指定檔案中的指令" #: tools/gpg-connect-agent.c:81 msgid "run /subst on startup" @@ -7937,27 +8010,27 @@ msgid "error sending standard options: %s\n" msgstr "é€å‡ºæ¨™æº–é¸é …時出錯: %s\n" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:583 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:654 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:722 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:809 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:473 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:586 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:657 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:725 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:812 msgid "Options controlling the diagnostic output" msgstr "控制著診斷性輸出的é¸é …" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:596 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:667 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:735 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:832 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:486 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:599 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:670 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:738 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:835 msgid "Options controlling the configuration" msgstr "控制著組態的é¸é …" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:625 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:683 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:760 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:839 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:502 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:628 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:686 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:763 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:842 msgid "Options useful for debugging" msgstr "å°é™¤éŒ¯æœ‰å¹«åŠ©çš„é¸é …" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:688 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:765 -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:847 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:507 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:691 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:768 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:850 msgid "|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³ã€Œæª”案ã€" +msgstr "|檔案|將伺æœå™¨æ¨¡å¼æ—¥èªŒå¯«å…¥è‡³æŒ‡å®šæª”案" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:635 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:773 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:515 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:638 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:776 msgid "Options controlling the security" msgstr "控制著安全性的é¸é …" @@ -7973,108 +8046,108 @@ msgid "|N|set maximum SSH key lifetime to N seconds" msgstr "|N|把 SSH é‡‘é‘°æœ€å¤§ç”Ÿå­˜æ™‚é–“è¨­æˆ N 秒" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:544 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 msgid "Options enforcing a passphrase policy" msgstr "強制執行密語原則的é¸é …" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:547 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:550 msgid "do not allow to bypass the passphrase policy" msgstr "ä¸å…許略éŽå¯†èªžåŽŸå‰‡" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:551 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:554 msgid "|N|set minimal required length for new passphrases to N" msgstr "|N|æŠŠæ–°å¯†èªžæ‰€éœ€çš„æœ€çŸ­é•·åº¦è¨­æˆ N" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:555 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:558 msgid "|N|require at least N non-alpha characters for a new passphrase" msgstr "|N|新密語至少è¦æœ‰ N 個éžå­—æ¯çš„字符" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:559 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:562 msgid "|FILE|check new passphrases against pattern in FILE" -msgstr "|檔案|用「檔案ã€ä¸­çš„樣å¼ä¾†æª¢æŸ¥æ–°å¯†èªž" +msgstr "|檔案|用指定檔案中的樣å¼ä¾†æª¢æŸ¥æ–°å¯†èªž" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:563 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:566 msgid "|N|expire the passphrase after N days" msgstr "|N|在 N 天之後讓密語éŽæœŸ" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:567 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:570 msgid "do not allow the reuse of old passphrases" msgstr "ä¸å…許é‡è¤‡ä½¿ç”¨èˆŠå¯†èªž" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:669 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:737 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 msgid "|NAME|use NAME as default secret key" -msgstr "|åå­—|使用「åå­—ã€åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" +msgstr "|åå­—|使用指定åå­—åšç‚ºé è¨­ç§é‘°" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:672 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:740 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 tools/gpgconf-comp.c:743 msgid "|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well" -msgstr "|åå­—|也加密給使用者 ID「åå­—ã€" +msgstr "|åå­—|也加密給指定å字的使用者 ID" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:675 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:678 msgid "|SPEC|set up email aliases" msgstr "|SPEC|設定電å­éƒµä»¶åˆ¥å" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:696 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:699 msgid "Configuration for Keyservers" msgstr "金鑰伺æœå™¨çµ„æ…‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:698 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 msgid "|URL|use keyserver at URL" msgstr "|URL|使用ä½æ–¼ URL 的金鑰伺æœå™¨" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:701 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 msgid "allow PKA lookups (DNS requests)" msgstr "å…許 PKA 查找 (DNS 請求)" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:704 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:707 msgid "|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address" msgstr "|MECHANISMS|使用 MECHANISMS 機制來從郵件地å€æ‰¾å‡ºé‡‘é‘°" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:749 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 msgid "disable all access to the dirmngr" msgstr "åœç”¨æ‰€æœ‰çš„ dirmngr å­˜å–" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:752 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:755 msgid "|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases" -msgstr "|å稱|將「å稱ã€ç·¨ç¢¼ç”¨æ–¼ PKCS#12 密語" +msgstr "|å稱|將指定å稱編碼用於 PKCS#12 密語" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:778 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:781 msgid "do not check CRLs for root certificates" msgstr "ä¸è¦ç‚ºæ ¹æ†‘證檢查 CRL" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:822 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:825 msgid "Options controlling the format of the output" msgstr "控制著輸出格å¼çš„é¸é …" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:858 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:861 msgid "Options controlling the interactivity and enforcement" msgstr "控制著互動åŠå¼·åˆ¶åŸ·è¡Œçš„é¸é …" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:868 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:871 msgid "Configuration for HTTP servers" msgstr "HTTP 伺æœå™¨çµ„æ…‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:879 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:882 msgid "use system's HTTP proxy setting" msgstr "使用系統的 HTTP 代ç†ä¼ºæœå™¨è¨­å®š" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:884 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:887 msgid "Configuration of LDAP servers to use" msgstr "è¦ç”¨çš„ LDAP 伺æœå™¨çµ„æ…‹" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:913 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:916 msgid "LDAP server list" msgstr "LDAP 伺æœå™¨æ¸…å–®" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:921 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:924 msgid "Configuration for OCSP" msgstr "OCSP 組態" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3087 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3093 #, c-format msgid "External verification of component %s failed" msgstr "元件 %s 的外部驗證失敗" -#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3237 +#: tools/gpgconf-comp.c:3243 msgid "Note that group specifications are ignored\n" msgstr "請注æ„群組è¦æ ¼å·²å¿½ç•¥\n" @@ -8833,9 +8906,6 @@ #~ msgid "invalid packet" #~ msgstr "無效的å°åŒ…" -#~ msgid "invalid armor" -#~ msgstr "無效的å°è£" - #~ msgid "no such user id" #~ msgstr "沒有這個使用者 ID" @@ -8854,9 +8924,6 @@ #~ msgid "file create error" #~ msgstr "檔案建立錯誤" -#~ msgid "invalid passphrase" -#~ msgstr "無效的密語" - #~ msgid "unimplemented pubkey algorithm" #~ msgstr "尚未實åšçš„公鑰演算法" diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/README gnupg2-2.0.28/README --- gnupg2-2.0.26/README 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/README 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ ======================= Version 2.0 - Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, - 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Copyright 1997, 1998, 2013, 2014 Werner Koch + Copyright 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright 1997-1998, 2013-2015 Werner Koch INTRODUCTION @@ -88,9 +86,9 @@ For a HTML version enter "make html" and point your browser to gnupg.html/index.html. Standard man pages for all components are provided as well. An online version of the manual is available at -http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/ . A version of the +https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/ . A version of the manual pertaining to the current development snapshot is at -http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg-devel/ . +https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg-devel/ . GNUPG 1.4 AND GNUPG 2.0 @@ -109,13 +107,13 @@ HOW TO GET MORE INFORMATION =========================== -The primary WWW page is "https://www.gnupg.org" +The primary WWW page is "https://gnupg.org" or using TOR "http://ic6au7wa3f6naxjq.onion" The primary FTP site is "ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/" -See http://www.gnupg.org/download/mirrors.html for a list of mirrors -and use them if possible. You may also find GnuPG mirrored on some of -the regular GNU mirrors. +See https://gnupg.org/download/mirrors.html for a list of mirrors and +use them if possible. You may also find GnuPG mirrored on some of the +regular GNU mirrors. We have some mailing lists dedicated to GnuPG: @@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ You subscribe to one of the list by sending mail with a subject of "subscribe" to x-request@gnupg.org, where x is the name of the mailing list (gnupg-announce, gnupg-users, etc.). An archive of the mailing -lists is available at . +lists is available at . Please direct bug reports to http://bugs.gnupg.org or post them direct to the mailing list . @@ -150,7 +148,7 @@ try to answer questions when time allows us to do so. Commercial grade support for GnuPG is available; for a listing of -offers see https://www.gnupg.org/service.html . Maintaining and +offers see https://gnupg.org/service.html . Maintaining and improving GnuPG is costly. For more than a decade, g10 Code GmbH, a German company owned and headed by GnuPG's principal author Werner Koch, is bearing the majority of these costs. To help them carry on diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/README.GIT gnupg2-2.0.28/README.GIT --- gnupg2-2.0.26/README.GIT 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/README.GIT 2015-03-10 07:25:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +If you are building from GIT, run the script + +./autogen.sh + +first, to make sure that you have all the necessary maintainer tools +are installed and to build the actual configuration files. If you +have just checked out from GIT, you should add the option "--force" to +autogen.sh so that meta data is noticed by autom4te.cache. Then run + +./configure --enable-maintainer-mode + +followed by the usual make. + +If autogen.sh complains about insufficient versions of the required +tools, or the tools are not installed, you may use environment +variables to override the default tool names: + + AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX is used as a suffix for all tools from the automake + package. For example + AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX="-1.14" ./autogen.sh + uses "automake-1.14" and "aclocal-1.14. + AUTOMAKE_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all tools from the automake + page and may be combined with AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX. e.g.: + AUTOMAKE_PREFIX=/usr/foo/bin ./autogen.sh + uses "automake" and "aclocal" in the /usr/foo/bin + directory. + AUTOCONF_SUFFIX is used as a suffix for all tools from the automake + package + AUTOCONF_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all tools from the automake + package + GETTEXT_SUFFIX is used as a suffix for all tools from the gettext + package + GETTEXT_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all tools from the gettext + package + +It is also possible to use the variable name AUTOMAKE, AUTOCONF, +ACLOCAL, AUTOHEADER, GETTEXT and MSGMERGE to directly specify the name +of the programs to run. It is however better to use the suffix and +prefix forms as described above because that does not require +knowledge about the actual tools used by autogen.sh. + + +Please don't use autopoint, libtoolize or autoreconf unless you are +the current maintainer and want to update the standard configuration +files. All those files should be in GIT and only updated manually +if the maintainer decides that newer versions are required. The +maintainer should also make sure that the required version of automake +et al. are properly indicated at the top of configure.ac and take care +to copy the files and not merely use symlinks. diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/README.SVN gnupg2-2.0.28/README.SVN --- gnupg2-2.0.26/README.SVN 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/README.SVN 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -If you are building from Subversion, run the script - -./autogen.sh - -first, to make sure that you have all the necessary maintainer tools -are installed and to build the actual configuration files. If you -have just updated from SVN, you should add the option "--force" to -autogen.sh so that meta data from SVN is noticed. Then run - -./configure --enable-maintainer-mode - -followed by the usual make. - -If autogen.sh complains about insufficient versions of the required -tools, or the tools are not installed, you may use environment -variables to override the default tool names: - - AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX is used as a suffix for all tools from the automake - package. For example - AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX="-1.7" ./autogen.sh - uses "automake-1.7" and "aclocal-1.7. - AUTOMAKE_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all tools from the automake - page and may be combined with AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX. e.g.: - AUTOMAKE_PREFIX=/usr/foo/bin ./autogen.sh - uses "automake" and "aclocal" in the /usr/foo/bin - directory. - AUTOCONF_SUFFIX is used as a suffix for all tools from the automake - package - AUTOCONF_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all tools from the automake - package - GETTEXT_SUFFIX is used as a suffix for all tools from the gettext - package - GETTEXT_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all tools from the gettext - package - -It is also possible to use the variable name AUTOMAKE, AUTOCONF, -ACLOCAL, AUTOHEADER, GETTEXT and MSGMERGE to directly specify the name -of the programs to run. It is however better to use the suffix and -prefix forms as described above because that does not require -knowledge about the actual tools used by autgen.sh. - - -Please don't use autopoint, libtoolize or autoreconf unless you are -the current maintainer and want to update the standard configuration -files. All those files should be in the SVN and only updated manually -if the maintainer decides that newer versions are required. The -maintainer should also make sure that the required version of automake -et al. are properly indicated at the top of configure.ac and take care -to copy the files and not merely use symlinks. - - diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/apdu.c gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/apdu.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/apdu.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/apdu.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ #include "scdaemon.h" #include "exechelp.h" #endif /* GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION != 1 */ +#include "../include/host2net.h" #include "iso7816.h" #include "apdu.h" @@ -1013,15 +1014,14 @@ i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; + len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) { log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); goto command_failed; } len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ - err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) - | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); + err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); if (err) { log_error ("pcsc_status failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", @@ -1181,15 +1181,14 @@ i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; + len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) { log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); goto command_failed; } len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ - err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) - | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); + err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); if (err) { log_error ("pcsc_transmit failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", @@ -1270,7 +1269,7 @@ long err; err = pcsc_control (reader_table[slot].pcsc.card, ioctl_code, - cntlbuf, len, buffer, *buflen, buflen); + cntlbuf, len, buffer, buflen? *buflen:0, buflen); if (err) { log_error ("pcsc_control failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", @@ -1321,15 +1320,14 @@ i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; + len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) { log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); goto command_failed; } len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ - err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) - | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); + err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); if (err) { log_error ("pcsc_control failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", @@ -1339,14 +1337,18 @@ full_len = len; - n = *buflen < len ? *buflen : len; + if (buflen) + n = *buflen < len ? *buflen : len; + else + n = 0; if ((i=readn (slotp->pcsc.rsp_fd, buffer, n, &len)) || len != n) { log_error ("error receiving PC/SC CONTROL response: %s\n", i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - *buflen = n; + if (buflen) + *buflen = n; full_len -= len; if (full_len) @@ -1458,15 +1460,14 @@ i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; + len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) { log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); goto command_failed; } len -= 4; /* Already read the error code. */ - err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) - | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); + err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); if (err) log_error ("pcsc_close failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", pcsc_error_string (err), err); @@ -1647,7 +1648,7 @@ i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; + len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) { log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); @@ -1661,8 +1662,7 @@ sw = SW_HOST_GENERAL_ERROR; goto command_failed; } - err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) - | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); + err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); if (err) { log_error ("PC/SC RESET failed: %s (0x%lx)\n", @@ -1753,9 +1753,9 @@ if (l == 1) v = p[0]; else if (l == 2) - v = ((p[0] << 8) | p[1]); + v = buf16_to_uint (p); else if (l == 4) - v = ((p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); + v = buf32_to_uint (p); if (code == FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_DIRECT) reader_table[slot].pcsc.verify_ioctl = v; @@ -1814,9 +1814,9 @@ if (l == 1) v = p[0]; else if (l == 2) - v = ((p[1] << 8) | p[0]); + v = (((unsigned int)p[1] << 8) | p[0]); else if (l == 4) - v = ((p[3] << 24) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | p[0]); + v = (((unsigned int)p[3] << 24) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | p[0]); if (tag == PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_bMinPINSize) reader_table[slot].pcsc.pinmin = v; @@ -1870,7 +1870,8 @@ long err; int slot; char *list = NULL; - pcsc_dword_t nreader, listlen; + char *rdrname = NULL; + pcsc_dword_t nreader; char *p; slot = new_reader_slot (); @@ -1917,24 +1918,27 @@ return -1; } - listlen = nreader; p = list; while (nreader) { if (!*p && !p[1]) break; - if (*p) - log_info ("detected reader `%s'\n", p); + log_info ("detected reader `%s'\n", p); if (nreader < (strlen (p)+1)) { log_error ("invalid response from pcsc_list_readers\n"); break; } + if (!rdrname && portstr && !strncmp (p, portstr, strlen (portstr))) + rdrname = p; nreader -= strlen (p)+1; p += strlen (p) + 1; } - reader_table[slot].rdrname = xtrymalloc (strlen (portstr? portstr : list)+1); + if (!rdrname) + rdrname = list; + + reader_table[slot].rdrname = xtrystrdup (rdrname); if (!reader_table[slot].rdrname) { log_error ("error allocating memory for reader name\n"); @@ -1943,7 +1947,6 @@ unlock_slot (slot); return -1; } - strcpy (reader_table[slot].rdrname, portstr? portstr : list); xfree (list); list = NULL; @@ -2112,7 +2115,7 @@ i? strerror (errno) : "premature EOF"); goto command_failed; } - len = (msgbuf[1] << 24) | (msgbuf[2] << 16) | (msgbuf[3] << 8 ) | msgbuf[4]; + len = buf32_to_size_t (msgbuf+1); if (msgbuf[0] != 0x81 || len < 4) { log_error ("invalid response header from PC/SC received\n"); @@ -2125,8 +2128,7 @@ (unsigned long)len); goto command_failed; } - err = PCSC_ERR_MASK ((msgbuf[5] << 24) | (msgbuf[6] << 16) - | (msgbuf[7] << 8 ) | msgbuf[8]); + err = PCSC_ERR_MASK (buf32_to_ulong (msgbuf+5)); if (err) { @@ -3679,9 +3681,9 @@ apdu[apdulen++] = ins; apdu[apdulen++] = p0; apdu[apdulen++] = p1; - apdu[apdulen++] = 0; /* Z byte: Extended length marker. */ - if (lc >= 0) + if (lc > 0) { + apdu[apdulen++] = 0; /* Z byte: Extended length marker. */ apdu[apdulen++] = ((lc >> 8) & 0xff); apdu[apdulen++] = (lc & 0xff); memcpy (apdu+apdulen, data, lc); @@ -3690,6 +3692,8 @@ } if (le != -1) { + if (lc <= 0) + apdu[apdulen++] = 0; /* Z byte: Extended length marker. */ apdu[apdulen++] = ((le >> 8) & 0xff); apdu[apdulen++] = (le & 0xff); } diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/app-common.h gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/app-common.h --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/app-common.h 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/app-common.h 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ size_t serialnolen; /* Length in octets of serialnumber. */ const char *apptype; unsigned int card_version; - int did_chv1; - int force_chv1; /* True if the card does not cache CHV1. */ - int did_chv2; - int did_chv3; + unsigned int did_chv1:1; + unsigned int force_chv1:1; /* True if the card does not cache CHV1. */ + unsigned int did_chv2:1; + unsigned int did_chv3:1; struct app_local_s *app_local; /* Local to the application. */ struct { void (*deinit) (app_t app); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/app-openpgp.c gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/app-openpgp.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/app-openpgp.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/app-openpgp.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ #include "iso7816.h" #include "app-common.h" #include "tlv.h" +#include "../include/host2net.h" /* A table describing the DOs of the card. */ @@ -805,7 +806,7 @@ char numbuf1[50], numbuf2[50]; unsigned long value; - value = (stamp[0] << 24) | (stamp[1]<<16) | (stamp[2]<<8) | stamp[3]; + value = buf32_to_ulong (stamp); if (!value) return; sprintf (numbuf1, "%d", number); @@ -1320,7 +1321,7 @@ } err = retrieve_key_material (fp, hexkeyid, &m, &mlen, &e, &elen); - fclose (fp); + pclose (fp); if (err) { log_error ("error while retrieving key material through pipe: %s\n", @@ -3711,7 +3712,7 @@ log_info (_("card is permanently locked!\n")); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_PIN); } - else if (value[6] < 3) + else if (count < 3) { log_info (_("verification of Admin PIN is currently prohibited " "through this command\n")); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/ccid-driver.c gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/ccid-driver.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/ccid-driver.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/ccid-driver.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -94,9 +94,20 @@ #include "scdaemon.h" #include "iso7816.h" #include "ccid-driver.h" +#include "../include/host2net.h" #define DRVNAME "ccid-driver: " +/* Max length of buffer with out CCID message header of 10-byte + Sending: 547 for RSA-4096 key import + APDU size = 540 (24+4+256+256) + commnd + lc + le = 4 + 3 + 0 + Sending: write data object of cardholder certificate + APDU size = 2048 + commnd + lc + le = 4 + 3 + 0 + Receiving: 2048 for cardholder certificate +*/ +#define CCID_MAX_BUF (2048+7+10) /* Depending on how this source is used we either define our error output to go to stderr or to the jnlib based logging functions. We @@ -269,7 +280,7 @@ unsigned char t1_nr; unsigned char nonnull_nad; int max_ifsd; - int ifsd; + int max_ccid_msglen; int ifsc; unsigned char apdu_level:2; /* Reader supports short APDU level exchange. With a value of 2 short @@ -317,7 +328,7 @@ static unsigned int convert_le_u32 (const unsigned char *buf) { - return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | (buf[3] << 24); + return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned int)buf[3] << 24); } @@ -748,7 +759,7 @@ handle->nonnull_nad = 0; handle->auto_ifsd = 0; handle->max_ifsd = 32; - handle->ifsd = 0; + handle->max_ccid_msglen = CCID_MAX_BUF; handle->has_pinpad = 0; handle->apdu_level = 0; switch (handle->id_product) @@ -780,7 +791,6 @@ handle->nonnull_nad = 0; handle->auto_ifsd = 0; handle->max_ifsd = 32; - handle->ifsd = 0; handle->has_pinpad = 0; handle->apdu_level = 0; handle->auto_voltage = 0; @@ -921,6 +931,7 @@ us = convert_le_u32(buf+44); DEBUGOUT_1 (" dwMaxCCIDMsgLen %5u\n", us); + handle->max_ccid_msglen = us; DEBUGOUT ( " bClassGetResponse "); if (buf[48] == 0xff) @@ -2266,8 +2277,8 @@ { memcpy (result, msg, msglen); *resultlen = msglen; + rc = 0; } - rc = 0; } break; default: @@ -2830,109 +2841,101 @@ /* Helper for ccid_transceive used for APDU level exchanges. */ static int ccid_transceive_apdu_level (ccid_driver_t handle, - const unsigned char *apdu_buf, size_t apdu_buflen, + const unsigned char *apdu_buf, size_t apdu_len, unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp) { int rc; - unsigned char send_buffer[10+261+300], recv_buffer[10+261+300]; - const unsigned char *apdu; - size_t apdulen; - unsigned char *msg; + unsigned char msg[CCID_MAX_BUF]; + const unsigned char *apdu_p; + size_t apdu_part_len; size_t msglen; unsigned char seqno; int bwi = 4; + unsigned char chain = 0; - msg = send_buffer; - - apdu = apdu_buf; - apdulen = apdu_buflen; - assert (apdulen); - - /* The maximum length for a short APDU T=1 block is 261. For an - extended APDU T=1 block the maximum length 65544; however - extended APDU exchange level is not fully supported yet. */ - if (apdulen > sizeof (send_buffer) - 10) + if (apdu_len == 0 || apdu_len > sizeof (msg) - 10) return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; /* Invalid length. */ - msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock; - msg[5] = 0; /* slot */ - msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++; - msg[7] = bwi; /* bBWI */ - msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */ - msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */ - memcpy (msg+10, apdu, apdulen); - set_msg_len (msg, apdulen); - msglen = 10 + apdulen; - - rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0); - if (rc) - return rc; - - msg = recv_buffer; - rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof recv_buffer, &msglen, - RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, 5000, 0); - if (rc) - return rc; - - if (msg[9] == 1) + apdu_p = apdu_buf; + while (1) { - size_t total_msglen = msglen; - - while (1) + apdu_part_len = apdu_len; + if (apdu_part_len > handle->max_ccid_msglen - 10) { - unsigned char status; + apdu_part_len = handle->max_ccid_msglen - 10; + chain |= 0x01; + } - msg = recv_buffer + total_msglen; + msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock; + msg[5] = 0; /* slot */ + msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++; + msg[7] = bwi; + msg[8] = chain; + msg[9] = 0; + memcpy (msg+10, apdu_p, apdu_part_len); + set_msg_len (msg, apdu_part_len); + msglen = 10 + apdu_part_len; - msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock; - msg[5] = 0; /* slot */ - msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++; - msg[7] = bwi; /* bBWI */ - msg[8] = 0x10; /* Request next data block */ - msg[9] = 0; - set_msg_len (msg, 0); - msglen = 10; + rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0); + if (rc) + return rc; - rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0); - if (rc) - return rc; + apdu_p += apdu_part_len; + apdu_len -= apdu_part_len; - rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof recv_buffer - total_msglen, &msglen, - RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, 5000, 0); - if (rc) - return rc; - status = msg[9]; - memmove (msg, msg+10, msglen - 10); - total_msglen += msglen - 10; - if (total_msglen >= sizeof recv_buffer) - return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_OUT_OF_CORE; + rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, + RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, 5000, 0); + if (rc) + return rc; - if (status == 0x02) - break; - } + if (!(chain & 0x01)) + break; - apdu = recv_buffer + 10; - apdulen = total_msglen - 10; + chain = 0x02; } - else + + apdu_len = 0; + while (1) { - apdu = msg + 10; - apdulen = msglen - 10; + apdu_part_len = msglen - 10; + if (resp && apdu_len + apdu_part_len <= maxresplen) + memcpy (resp + apdu_len, msg+10, apdu_part_len); + apdu_len += apdu_part_len; + + if (!(msg[9] & 0x01)) + break; + + msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock; + msg[5] = 0; /* slot */ + msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++; + msg[7] = bwi; + msg[8] = 0x10; /* Request next data block */ + msg[9] = 0; + set_msg_len (msg, 0); + msglen = 10; + + rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen, 0); + if (rc) + return rc; + + rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, + RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno, 5000, 0); + if (rc) + return rc; } if (resp) { - if (apdulen > maxresplen) + if (apdu_len > maxresplen) { DEBUGOUT_2 ("provided buffer too short for received data " "(%u/%u)\n", - (unsigned int)apdulen, (unsigned int)maxresplen); + (unsigned int)apdu_len, (unsigned int)maxresplen); return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; } - memcpy (resp, apdu, apdulen); - *nresp = apdulen; + *nresp = apdu_len; } return 0; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/command.c gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/command.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/command.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/command.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -777,10 +777,8 @@ rc = ksba_cert_new (&kc); if (rc) - { - xfree (cert); - goto leave; - } + goto leave; + rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (kc, cert, ncert); if (rc) { diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -51,23 +50,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -89,8 +116,9 @@ @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_FALSE@libexec_PROGRAMS = scdaemon$(EXEEXT) \ @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_FALSE@ gnupg-pcsc-wrapper$(EXEEXT) @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@libexec_PROGRAMS = scdaemon$(EXEEXT) -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -158,14 +186,38 @@ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(resource_objs) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f +AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_@AM_V@) +am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_lt_0 = --silent +am__v_lt_1 = COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_SOURCES) $(scdaemon_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_SOURCES) $(scdaemon_SOURCES) am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -173,6 +225,23 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -182,6 +251,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -231,6 +301,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -301,6 +373,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -309,6 +382,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -467,10 +541,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -491,19 +566,22 @@ @list='$(libexec_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)" && rm -f $$files clean-libexecPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(libexec_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(libexec_PROGRAMS) + gnupg-pcsc-wrapper$(EXEEXT): $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_OBJECTS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gnupg-pcsc-wrapper$(EXEEXT) - $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_LINK) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_OBJECTS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_LINK) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_OBJECTS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_LDADD) $(LIBS) + scdaemon$(EXEEXT): $(scdaemon_OBJECTS) $(scdaemon_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_scdaemon_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f scdaemon$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(scdaemon_OBJECTS) $(scdaemon_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(scdaemon_OBJECTS) $(scdaemon_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -526,53 +604,42 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/scdaemon.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o: pcsc-wrapper.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o `test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pcsc-wrapper.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pcsc-wrapper.c' object='gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o `test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pcsc-wrapper.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pcsc-wrapper.c' object='gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o `test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pcsc-wrapper.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.o `test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`pcsc-wrapper.c gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj: pcsc-wrapper.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj `if test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pcsc-wrapper.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='pcsc-wrapper.c' object='gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj `if test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pcsc-wrapper.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='pcsc-wrapper.c' object='gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj `if test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pcsc-wrapper.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gnupg_pcsc_wrapper_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gnupg_pcsc_wrapper-pcsc-wrapper.obj `if test -f 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'pcsc-wrapper.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/pcsc-wrapper.c'; fi` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -584,15 +651,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -601,6 +664,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -743,18 +821,19 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ - clean-libexecPROGRAMS ctags distclean distclean-compile \ - distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ - html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ - install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ - install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ - install-info-am install-libexecPROGRAMS install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ - tags uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libexecPROGRAMS cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ + dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ + install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ + install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ + install-info install-info-am install-libexecPROGRAMS \ + install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps \ + install-ps-am install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \ + installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ + mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am \ + ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scd/pcsc-wrapper.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ fprintf (stderr, PGM ": premature EOF while parsing request\n"); exit (1); } - return (c1 << 24) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8) | c4; + return ((unsigned long)c1 << 24) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8) | c4; } @@ -406,8 +406,9 @@ handle_open (unsigned char *argbuf, size_t arglen) { long err; - const char * portstr; + const char *portstr; char *list = NULL; + char *rdrname = NULL; pcsc_dword_t nreader, atrlen; char *p; pcsc_dword_t card_state, card_protocol; @@ -416,7 +417,10 @@ /* Make sure there is only the port string */ if (arglen != strlen ((char*)argbuf)) bad_request ("OPEN"); - portstr = (char*)argbuf; + if (arglen == 0) + portstr = NULL; + else + portstr = (char*)argbuf; if (driver_is_open) { @@ -466,17 +470,21 @@ fprintf (stderr, PGM": invalid response from pcsc_list_readers\n"); break; } + if (!rdrname && portstr && !strncmp (p, portstr, strlen (portstr))) + rdrname = p; nreader -= strlen (p)+1; p += strlen (p) + 1; } - current_rdrname = malloc (strlen (portstr && *portstr? portstr:list)+1); + if (!rdrname) + rdrname = list; + + current_rdrname = strdup (rdrname); if (!current_rdrname) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error allocating memory for reader name\n"); exit (1); } - strcpy (current_rdrname, portstr && *portstr? portstr:list); free (list); err = pcsc_connect (pcsc_context, @@ -760,7 +768,8 @@ if (arglen < 4) bad_request ("CONTROL"); - ioctl_code = (argbuf[0] << 24) | (argbuf[1] << 16) | (argbuf[2] << 8) | argbuf[3]; + ioctl_code = (((pcsc_dword_t)argbuf[0] << 24) + | (argbuf[1] << 16) | (argbuf[2] << 8) | argbuf[3]); argbuf += 4; arglen -= 4; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/config.guess gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/config.guess --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/config.guess 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/config.guess 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ #! /bin/sh # Attempt to guess a canonical system name. -# Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -timestamp='2013-02-12' +timestamp='2015-01-01' # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ # program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7 # of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3"). # -# Originally written by Per Bothner. +# Originally written by Per Bothner; maintained since 2000 by Ben Elliston. # # You can get the latest version of this script from: # http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD # -# Please send patches with a ChangeLog entry to config-patches@gnu.org. +# Please send patches to . me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'` @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ GNU config.guess ($timestamp) Originally written by Per Bothner. -Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Copyright 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." @@ -132,6 +132,27 @@ UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown +case "${UNAME_SYSTEM}" in +Linux|GNU|GNU/*) + # If the system lacks a compiler, then just pick glibc. + # We could probably try harder. + LIBC=gnu + + eval $set_cc_for_build + cat <<-EOF > $dummy.c + #include + #if defined(__UCLIBC__) + LIBC=uclibc + #elif defined(__dietlibc__) + LIBC=dietlibc + #else + LIBC=gnu + #endif + EOF + eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^LIBC' | sed 's, ,,g'` + ;; +esac + # Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive. case "${UNAME_MACHINE}:${UNAME_SYSTEM}:${UNAME_RELEASE}:${UNAME_VERSION}" in @@ -558,8 +579,9 @@ else IBM_ARCH=powerpc fi - if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then - IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel` + if [ -x /usr/bin/lslpp ] ; then + IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/lslpp -Lqc bos.rte.libc | + awk -F: '{ print $3 }' | sed s/[0-9]*$/0/` else IBM_REV=${UNAME_VERSION}.${UNAME_RELEASE} fi @@ -805,7 +827,7 @@ *:MINGW*:*) echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32 exit ;; - i*:MSYS*:*) + *:MSYS*:*) echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msys exit ;; i*:windows32*:*) @@ -853,21 +875,21 @@ exit ;; *:GNU:*:*) # the GNU system - echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-gnu`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'` + echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-${LIBC}`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'` exit ;; *:GNU/*:*:*) # other systems with GNU libc and userland - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-${LIBC} exit ;; i*86:Minix:*:*) echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix exit ;; aarch64:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; aarch64_be:Linux:*:*) UNAME_MACHINE=aarch64_be - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; alpha:Linux:*:*) case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in @@ -880,59 +902,54 @@ EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;; esac objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep -q ld.so.1 - if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="libc1" ; else LIBC="" ; fi - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC} + if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="gnulibc1" ; fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + arc:Linux:*:* | arceb:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; arm*:Linux:*:*) eval $set_cc_for_build if echo __ARM_EABI__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ | grep -q __ARM_EABI__ then - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} else if echo __ARM_PCS_VFP | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ | grep -q __ARM_PCS_VFP then - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnueabi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}eabi else - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnueabihf + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}eabihf fi fi exit ;; avr32*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; cris:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; crisv32:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; frv:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; hexagon:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; i*86:Linux:*:*) - LIBC=gnu - eval $set_cc_for_build - sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c - #ifdef __dietlibc__ - LIBC=dietlibc - #endif -EOF - eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^LIBC'` - echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC}" + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; ia64:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; m32r*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; m68*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; mips:Linux:*:* | mips64:Linux:*:*) eval $set_cc_for_build @@ -951,57 +968,63 @@ #endif EOF eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU'` - test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; } + test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}"; exit; } ;; - or1k:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + openrisc*:Linux:*:*) + echo or1k-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; - or32:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + or32:Linux:*:* | or1k*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; padre:Linux:*:*) - echo sparc-unknown-linux-gnu + echo sparc-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*) - echo hppa64-unknown-linux-gnu + echo hppa64-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*) # Look for CPU level case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in - PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-gnu ;; - PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu ;; - *) echo hppa-unknown-linux-gnu ;; + PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + *) echo hppa-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; esac exit ;; ppc64:Linux:*:*) - echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu + echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; ppc:Linux:*:*) - echo powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu + echo powerpc-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppc64le:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc64le-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppcle:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; sh64*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; sh*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; tile*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; vax:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; x86_64:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; xtensa*:Linux:*:*) - echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} exit ;; i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*) # ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there. @@ -1234,19 +1257,31 @@ exit ;; *:Darwin:*:*) UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p` || UNAME_PROCESSOR=unknown - case $UNAME_PROCESSOR in - i386) - eval $set_cc_for_build - if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != 'no_compiler_found' ]; then - if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \ - (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \ - grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null - then - UNAME_PROCESSOR="x86_64" - fi - fi ;; - unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;; - esac + eval $set_cc_for_build + if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = unknown ; then + UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc + fi + if test `echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\..*//'` -le 10 ; then + if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != 'no_compiler_found' ]; then + if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \ + (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \ + grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null + then + case $UNAME_PROCESSOR in + i386) UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 ;; + powerpc) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc64 ;; + esac + fi + fi + elif test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = i386 ; then + # Avoid executing cc on OS X 10.9, as it ships with a stub + # that puts up a graphical alert prompting to install + # developer tools. Any system running Mac OS X 10.7 or + # later (Darwin 11 and later) is required to have a 64-bit + # processor. This is not true of the ARM version of Darwin + # that Apple uses in portable devices. + UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 + fi echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE} exit ;; *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*) @@ -1337,154 +1372,6 @@ exit ;; esac -eval $set_cc_for_build -cat >$dummy.c < -# include -#endif -main () -{ -#if defined (sony) -#if defined (MIPSEB) - /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos". Perhaps BFD should be changed, - I don't know.... */ - printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0); -#else -#include - printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n", -#ifdef NEWSOS4 - "4" -#else - "" -#endif - ); exit (0); -#endif -#endif - -#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix) - printf ("arm-acorn-riscix\n"); exit (0); -#endif - -#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux) - printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0); -#endif - -#if defined (NeXT) -#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__) -#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k" -#endif - int version; - version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`; - if (version < 4) - printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version); - else - printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version); - exit (0); -#endif - -#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16) -#if defined (UMAXV) - printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0); -#else -#if defined (CMU) - printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0); -#else - printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0); -#endif -#endif -#endif - -#if defined (__386BSD__) - printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0); -#endif - -#if defined (sequent) -#if defined (i386) - printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0); -#endif -#if defined (ns32000) - printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0); -#endif -#endif - -#if defined (_SEQUENT_) - struct utsname un; - - uname(&un); - - if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) { - printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0); - } - if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */ - printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0); - } - printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0); - -#endif - -#if defined (vax) -# if !defined (ultrix) -# include -# if defined (BSD) -# if BSD == 43 - printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0); -# else -# if BSD == 199006 - printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0); -# else - printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0); -# endif -# endif -# else - printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0); -# endif -# else - printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0); -# endif -#endif - -#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860) - printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0); -#endif - - exit (1); -} -EOF - -$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` && - { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; } - -# Apollos put the system type in the environment. - -test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit; } - -# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1) - -if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ] -then - case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in - c1*) - echo c1-convex-bsd - exit ;; - c2*) - if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc - then echo c32-convex-bsd - else echo c2-convex-bsd - fi - exit ;; - c34*) - echo c34-convex-bsd - exit ;; - c38*) - echo c38-convex-bsd - exit ;; - c4*) - echo c4-convex-bsd - exit ;; - esac -fi - cat >&2 <, 1996 # @@ -367,11 +367,7 @@ dgux*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' ;; - freebsd2.2*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - hardcode_direct=yes - ;; - freebsd2*) + freebsd2.[01]*) hardcode_direct=yes hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; @@ -548,13 +544,11 @@ dgux*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; + freebsd[23].*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' + ;; freebsd* | dragonfly*) - case "$host_os" in - freebsd[123]*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; - *) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; - esac + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; gnu*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/config.sub gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/config.sub --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/config.sub 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/config.sub 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ #! /bin/sh # Configuration validation subroutine script. -# Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -timestamp='2013-02-12' +timestamp='2015-01-01' # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ # of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3"). -# Please send patches with a ChangeLog entry to config-patches@gnu.org. +# Please send patches to . # # Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type. # Supply the specified configuration type as an argument. @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ version="\ GNU config.sub ($timestamp) -Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Copyright 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." @@ -252,19 +252,20 @@ | alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \ | alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \ | am33_2.0 \ - | arc \ + | arc | arceb \ | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2-8] | armv[3-8][lb] | armv7[arm] \ | avr | avr32 \ | be32 | be64 \ | bfin \ - | c4x | clipper \ + | c4x | c8051 | clipper \ | d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \ | epiphany \ - | fido | fr30 | frv \ + | fido | fr30 | frv | ft32 \ | h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \ | hexagon \ | i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \ | ip2k | iq2000 \ + | k1om \ | le32 | le64 \ | lm32 \ | m32c | m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k \ @@ -282,8 +283,10 @@ | mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \ | mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \ | mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \ + | mipsisa32r6 | mipsisa32r6el \ | mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \ | mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \ + | mipsisa64r6 | mipsisa64r6el \ | mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \ | mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \ | mipsr5900 | mipsr5900el \ @@ -295,11 +298,11 @@ | nds32 | nds32le | nds32be \ | nios | nios2 | nios2eb | nios2el \ | ns16k | ns32k \ - | open8 \ - | or1k | or32 \ + | open8 | or1k | or1knd | or32 \ | pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \ | powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle \ | pyramid \ + | riscv32 | riscv64 \ | rl78 | rx \ | score \ | sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]aeb | sh[23]e | sh[34]eb | sheb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \ @@ -310,6 +313,7 @@ | tahoe | tic4x | tic54x | tic55x | tic6x | tic80 | tron \ | ubicom32 \ | v850 | v850e | v850e1 | v850e2 | v850es | v850e2v3 \ + | visium \ | we32k \ | x86 | xc16x | xstormy16 | xtensa \ | z8k | z80) @@ -324,7 +328,10 @@ c6x) basic_machine=tic6x-unknown ;; - m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12 | m68hcs12x | picochip) + leon|leon[3-9]) + basic_machine=sparc-$basic_machine + ;; + m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12 | m68hcs12x | nvptx | picochip) basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown os=-none ;; @@ -366,13 +373,13 @@ | aarch64-* | aarch64_be-* \ | alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \ | alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \ - | alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* \ + | alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* | arceb-* \ | arm-* | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \ | avr-* | avr32-* \ | be32-* | be64-* \ | bfin-* | bs2000-* \ | c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* \ - | clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \ + | c8051-* | clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \ | d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \ | elxsi-* \ | f30[01]-* | f700-* | fido-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \ @@ -381,6 +388,7 @@ | hexagon-* \ | i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \ | ip2k-* | iq2000-* \ + | k1om-* \ | le32-* | le64-* \ | lm32-* \ | m32c-* | m32r-* | m32rle-* \ @@ -400,8 +408,10 @@ | mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \ | mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \ | mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \ + | mipsisa32r6-* | mipsisa32r6el-* \ | mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \ | mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \ + | mipsisa64r6-* | mipsisa64r6el-* \ | mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \ | mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \ | mipsr5900-* | mipsr5900el-* \ @@ -413,6 +423,7 @@ | nios-* | nios2-* | nios2eb-* | nios2el-* \ | none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \ | open8-* \ + | or1k*-* \ | orion-* \ | pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \ | powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* \ @@ -430,6 +441,7 @@ | ubicom32-* \ | v850-* | v850e-* | v850e1-* | v850es-* | v850e2-* | v850e2v3-* \ | vax-* \ + | visium-* \ | we32k-* \ | x86-* | x86_64-* | xc16x-* | xps100-* \ | xstormy16-* | xtensa*-* \ @@ -767,6 +779,9 @@ basic_machine=m68k-isi os=-sysv ;; + leon-*|leon[3-9]-*) + basic_machine=sparc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/-.*//'` + ;; m68knommu) basic_machine=m68k-unknown os=-linux @@ -794,7 +809,7 @@ os=-mingw64 ;; mingw32) - basic_machine=i386-pc + basic_machine=i686-pc os=-mingw32 ;; mingw32ce) @@ -822,6 +837,10 @@ basic_machine=powerpc-unknown os=-morphos ;; + moxiebox) + basic_machine=moxie-unknown + os=-moxiebox + ;; msdos) basic_machine=i386-pc os=-msdos @@ -830,7 +849,7 @@ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/ms1-/mt-/'` ;; msys) - basic_machine=i386-pc + basic_machine=i686-pc os=-msys ;; mvs) @@ -1367,14 +1386,14 @@ | -cygwin* | -msys* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \ | -mingw32* | -mingw64* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-android* \ | -linux-newlib* | -linux-musl* | -linux-uclibc* \ - | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \ + | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* | -moxiebox* \ | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \ | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \ | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \ | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \ | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \ | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \ - | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers* | -drops* | -es*) + | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers* | -drops* | -es* | -tirtos*) # Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number. ;; -qnx*) @@ -1546,6 +1565,9 @@ c4x-* | tic4x-*) os=-coff ;; + c8051-*) + os=-elf + ;; hexagon-*) os=-elf ;; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/depcomp gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/depcomp --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/depcomp 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/depcomp 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #! /bin/sh # depcomp - compile a program generating dependencies as side-effects -scriptversion=2012-10-18.11; # UTC +scriptversion=2013-05-30.07; # UTC # Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -251,6 +251,41 @@ exit 1 ;; +sgi) + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + "$@" "-Wp,-MDupdate,$tmpdepfile" + else + "$@" -MDupdate "$tmpdepfile" + fi + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + + if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then # yes, the sourcefile depend on other files + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + # Clip off the initial element (the dependent). Don't try to be + # clever and replace this with sed code, as IRIX sed won't handle + # lines with more than a fixed number of characters (4096 in + # IRIX 6.2 sed, 8192 in IRIX 6.5). We also remove comment lines; + # the IRIX cc adds comments like '#:fec' to the end of the + # dependency line. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' \ + | tr "$nl" ' ' >> "$depfile" + echo >> "$depfile" + # The second pass generates a dummy entry for each header file. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \ + >> "$depfile" + else + make_dummy_depfile + fi + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + xlc) # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, @@ -517,6 +552,7 @@ G p }' >> "$depfile" + echo >> "$depfile" # make sure the fragment doesn't end with a backslash rm -f "$tmpdepfile" ;; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/missing gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/missing --- gnupg2-2.0.26/scripts/missing 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/scripts/missing 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ #! /bin/sh -# Common stub for a few missing GNU programs while installing. +# Common wrapper for a few potentially missing GNU programs. -scriptversion=2006-05-10.23 +scriptversion=2013-10-28.13; # UTC -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# Originally by Fran,cois Pinard , 1996. +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Originally written by Fran,cois Pinard , 1996. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, @@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program; if not, see . +# along with this program. If not, see . # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a @@ -26,66 +25,40 @@ # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. if test $# -eq 0; then - echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information" exit 1 fi -run=: -sed_output='s/.* --output[ =]\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' -sed_minuso='s/.* -o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' - -# In the cases where this matters, `missing' is being run in the -# srcdir already. -if test -f configure.ac; then - configure_ac=configure.ac -else - configure_ac=configure.in -fi +case $1 in -msg="missing on your system" + --is-lightweight) + # Used by our autoconf macros to check whether the available missing + # script is modern enough. + exit 0 + ;; -case $1 in ---run) - # Try to run requested program, and just exit if it succeeds. - run= - shift - "$@" && exit 0 - # Exit code 63 means version mismatch. This often happens - # when the user try to use an ancient version of a tool on - # a file that requires a minimum version. In this case we - # we should proceed has if the program had been absent, or - # if --run hadn't been passed. - if test $? = 63; then - run=: - msg="probably too old" - fi - ;; + --run) + # Back-compat with the calling convention used by older automake. + shift + ;; -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) echo "\ $0 [OPTION]... PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]... -Handle \`PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...' for when PROGRAM is missing, or return an -error status if there is no known handling for PROGRAM. +Run 'PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...', returning a proper advice when this fails due +to PROGRAM being missing or too old. Options: -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit - --run try to run the given command, and emulate it if it fails Supported PROGRAM values: - aclocal touch file \`aclocal.m4' - autoconf touch file \`configure' - autoheader touch file \`config.h.in' - autom4te touch the output file, or create a stub one - automake touch all \`Makefile.in' files - bison create \`y.tab.[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch] - flex create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c - help2man touch the output file - lex create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c - makeinfo touch the output file - tar try tar, gnutar, gtar, then tar without non-portable flags - yacc create \`y.tab.[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch] + aclocal autoconf autoheader autom4te automake makeinfo + bison yacc flex lex help2man + +Version suffixes to PROGRAM as well as the prefixes 'gnu-', 'gnu', and +'g' are ignored when checking the name. Send bug reports to ." exit $? @@ -97,269 +70,146 @@ ;; -*) - echo 1>&2 "$0: Unknown \`$1' option" - echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + echo 1>&2 "$0: unknown '$1' option" + echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information" exit 1 ;; esac -# Now exit if we have it, but it failed. Also exit now if we -# don't have it and --version was passed (most likely to detect -# the program). -case $1 in - lex|yacc) - # Not GNU programs, they don't have --version. - ;; - - tar) - if test -n "$run"; then - echo 1>&2 "ERROR: \`tar' requires --run" - exit 1 - elif test "x$2" = "x--version" || test "x$2" = "x--help"; then - exit 1 - fi - ;; - - *) - if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then - # We have it, but it failed. - exit 1 - elif test "x$2" = "x--version" || test "x$2" = "x--help"; then - # Could not run --version or --help. This is probably someone - # running `$TOOL --version' or `$TOOL --help' to check whether - # $TOOL exists and not knowing $TOOL uses missing. - exit 1 - fi - ;; -esac - -# If it does not exist, or fails to run (possibly an outdated version), -# try to emulate it. -case $1 in - aclocal*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'. You might want - to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages. Grab them from - any GNU archive site." - touch aclocal.m4 - ;; +# Run the given program, remember its exit status. +"$@"; st=$? - autoconf) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`${configure_ac}'. You might want to install the - \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages. Grab them from any GNU - archive site." - touch configure - ;; +# If it succeeded, we are done. +test $st -eq 0 && exit 0 - autoheader) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`acconfig.h' or \`${configure_ac}'. You might want - to install the \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages. Grab them - from any GNU archive site." - files=`sed -n 's/^[ ]*A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/p' ${configure_ac}` - test -z "$files" && files="config.h" - touch_files= - for f in $files; do - case $f in - *:*) touch_files="$touch_files "`echo "$f" | - sed -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//'`;; - *) touch_files="$touch_files $f.in";; - esac - done - touch $touch_files - ;; - - automake*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`Makefile.am', \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'. - You might want to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages. - Grab them from any GNU archive site." - find . -type f -name Makefile.am -print | - sed 's/\.am$/.in/' | - while read f; do touch "$f"; done - ;; - - autom4te) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is needed, but is $msg. - You might have modified some files without having the - proper tools for further handling them. - You can get \`$1' as part of \`Autoconf' from any GNU - archive site." - - file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"` - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"` - if test -f "$file"; then - touch $file - else - test -z "$file" || exec >$file - echo "#! /bin/sh" - echo "# Created by GNU Automake missing as a replacement of" - echo "# $ $@" - echo "exit 0" - chmod +x $file - exit 1 - fi - ;; - - bison|yacc) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a \`.y' file. You may need the \`Bison' package - in order for those modifications to take effect. You can get - \`Bison' from any GNU archive site." - rm -f y.tab.c y.tab.h - if test $# -ne 1; then - eval LASTARG="\${$#}" - case $LASTARG in - *.y) - SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/c/'` - if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then - cp "$SRCFILE" y.tab.c - fi - SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/h/'` - if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then - cp "$SRCFILE" y.tab.h - fi - ;; - esac - fi - if test ! -f y.tab.h; then - echo >y.tab.h - fi - if test ! -f y.tab.c; then - echo 'main() { return 0; }' >y.tab.c - fi - ;; - - lex|flex) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a \`.l' file. You may need the \`Flex' package - in order for those modifications to take effect. You can get - \`Flex' from any GNU archive site." - rm -f lex.yy.c - if test $# -ne 1; then - eval LASTARG="\${$#}" - case $LASTARG in - *.l) - SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/l$/c/'` - if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then - cp "$SRCFILE" lex.yy.c - fi - ;; - esac - fi - if test ! -f lex.yy.c; then - echo 'main() { return 0; }' >lex.yy.c - fi - ;; - - help2man) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a dependency of a manual page. You may need the - \`Help2man' package in order for those modifications to take - effect. You can get \`Help2man' from any GNU archive site." - - file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"` - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"` - if test -f "$file"; then - touch $file - else - test -z "$file" || exec >$file - echo ".ab help2man is required to generate this page" - exit 1 - fi - ;; - - makeinfo) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a \`.texi' or \`.texinfo' file, or any other file - indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual. The spurious - call might also be the consequence of using a buggy \`make' (AIX, - DU, IRIX). You might want to install the \`Texinfo' package or - the \`GNU make' package. Grab either from any GNU archive site." - # The file to touch is that specified with -o ... - file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"` - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"` - if test -z "$file"; then - # ... or it is the one specified with @setfilename ... - infile=`echo "$*" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/'` - file=`sed -n ' - /^@setfilename/{ - s/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/ - p - q - }' $infile` - # ... or it is derived from the source name (dir/f.texi becomes f.info) - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$infile" | sed 's,.*/,,;s,.[^.]*$,,'`.info - fi - # If the file does not exist, the user really needs makeinfo; - # let's fail without touching anything. - test -f $file || exit 1 - touch $file - ;; - - tar) - shift - - # We have already tried tar in the generic part. - # Look for gnutar/gtar before invocation to avoid ugly error - # messages. - if (gnutar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then - gnutar "$@" && exit 0 - fi - if (gtar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then - gtar "$@" && exit 0 - fi - firstarg="$1" - if shift; then - case $firstarg in - *o*) - firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/o//` - tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0 - ;; - esac - case $firstarg in - *h*) - firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/h//` - tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0 - ;; - esac - fi - - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: I can't seem to be able to run \`tar' with the given arguments. - You may want to install GNU tar or Free paxutils, or check the - command line arguments." - exit 1 - ;; - - *) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is needed, and is $msg. - You might have modified some files without having the - proper tools for further handling them. Check the \`README' file, - it often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing - this package. You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in case - some other package would contain this missing \`$1' program." - exit 1 - ;; -esac +# Also exit now if we it failed (or wasn't found), and '--version' was +# passed; such an option is passed most likely to detect whether the +# program is present and works. +case $2 in --version|--help) exit $st;; esac + +# Exit code 63 means version mismatch. This often happens when the user +# tries to use an ancient version of a tool on a file that requires a +# minimum version. +if test $st -eq 63; then + msg="probably too old" +elif test $st -eq 127; then + # Program was missing. + msg="missing on your system" +else + # Program was found and executed, but failed. Give up. + exit $st +fi -exit 0 +perl_URL=http://www.perl.org/ +flex_URL=http://flex.sourceforge.net/ +gnu_software_URL=http://www.gnu.org/software + +program_details () +{ + case $1 in + aclocal|automake) + echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Automake package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/automake>" + echo "It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf>" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>" + echo "<$perl_URL>" + ;; + autoconf|autom4te|autoheader) + echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Autoconf package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf/>" + echo "It also requires GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>" + echo "<$perl_URL>" + ;; + esac +} + +give_advice () +{ + # Normalize program name to check for. + normalized_program=`echo "$1" | sed ' + s/^gnu-//; t + s/^gnu//; t + s/^g//; t'` + + printf '%s\n' "'$1' is $msg." + + configure_deps="'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'" + case $normalized_program in + autoconf*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'configure.ac'," + echo "or m4 files included by it." + program_details 'autoconf' + ;; + autoheader*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acconfig.h' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'autoheader' + ;; + automake*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'Makefile.am' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'automake' + ;; + aclocal*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'aclocal' + ;; + autom4te*) + echo "You might have modified some maintainer files that require" + echo "the 'autom4te' program to be rebuilt." + program_details 'autom4te' + ;; + bison*|yacc*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.y' file." + echo "You may want to install the GNU Bison package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/bison/>" + ;; + lex*|flex*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.l' file." + echo "You may want to install the Fast Lexical Analyzer package:" + echo "<$flex_URL>" + ;; + help2man*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a dependency" \ + "of a man page." + echo "You may want to install the GNU Help2man package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/help2man/>" + ;; + makeinfo*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.texi' file, or" + echo "any other file indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual." + echo "You might want to install the Texinfo package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/texinfo/>" + echo "The spurious makeinfo call might also be the consequence of" + echo "using a buggy 'make' (AIX, DU, IRIX), in which case you might" + echo "want to install GNU make:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/make/>" + ;; + *) + echo "You might have modified some files without having the proper" + echo "tools for further handling them. Check the 'README' file, it" + echo "often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing" + echo "this package. You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in" + echo "case some other package contains this missing '$1' program." + ;; + esac +} + +give_advice "$1" | sed -e '1s/^/WARNING: /' \ + -e '2,$s/^/ /' >&2 + +# Propagate the correct exit status (expected to be 127 for a program +# not found, 63 for a program that failed due to version mismatch). +exit $st # Local variables: # eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) # time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" # time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" -# time-stamp-end: "$" +# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC" +# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC" # End: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/sm/certreqgen.c gnupg2-2.0.28/sm/certreqgen.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/sm/certreqgen.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/sm/certreqgen.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ if (err) return err; - rc = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0); + rc = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, 0); if (rc) { log_error ("md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/sm/gpgsm.c gnupg2-2.0.28/sm/gpgsm.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/sm/gpgsm.c 2014-08-12 17:48:01.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/sm/gpgsm.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ { log_info (_("%s:%u: skipping this line\n"), filename, lineno); keyserver_list_free (server); + server = NULL; } return server; @@ -930,7 +931,7 @@ /* Note: If you change this default cipher algorithm , please remember to update the Gpgconflist entry as well. */ - opt.def_cipher_algoid = "3DES"; /*des-EDE3-CBC*/ + opt.def_cipher_algoid = "AES"; opt.homedir = default_homedir (); @@ -1651,7 +1652,7 @@ #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM printf ("prefer-system-dirmngr:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE); #endif - printf ("cipher-algo:%lu:\"3DES:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); + printf ("cipher-algo:%lu:\"AES:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); printf ("p12-charset:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); printf ("default-key:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); printf ("encrypt-to:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/sm/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/sm/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/sm/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/sm/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -51,23 +50,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -87,8 +114,9 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ bin_PROGRAMS = gpgsm$(EXEEXT) -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -153,14 +181,34 @@ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(resource_objs) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(gpgsm_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(gpgsm_SOURCES) am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -168,6 +216,23 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -177,6 +242,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -226,6 +292,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -296,6 +364,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -304,6 +373,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -459,10 +529,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -483,16 +554,18 @@ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files clean-binPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(bin_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(bin_PROGRAMS) + gpgsm$(EXEEXT): $(gpgsm_OBJECTS) $(gpgsm_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgsm_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgsm$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpgsm_OBJECTS) $(gpgsm_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpgsm_OBJECTS) $(gpgsm_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -525,39 +598,28 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/verify.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -569,15 +631,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -586,6 +644,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -728,18 +801,19 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-binPROGRAMS \ - clean-generic ctags distclean distclean-compile \ - distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ - html-am info info-am install install-am install-binPROGRAMS \ - install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ - install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ - install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \ - install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ - installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ - maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \ - mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall \ - uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-am clean \ + clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am \ + distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags \ + distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ + install-am install-binPROGRAMS install-data install-data-am \ + install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am \ + install-html install-html-am install-info install-info-am \ + install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps \ + install-ps-am install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \ + installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ + mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am \ + ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-binPROGRAMS @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tests/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/tests/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tests/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tests/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -34,23 +33,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -72,7 +99,9 @@ TESTS = noinst_PROGRAMS = asschk$(EXEEXT) subdir = tests -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -106,23 +135,44 @@ am_asschk_OBJECTS = asschk.$(OBJEXT) asschk_OBJECTS = $(am_asschk_OBJECTS) asschk_LDADD = $(LDADD) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = $(asschk_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(asschk_SOURCES) -RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \ - html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \ - install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \ - install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \ - install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \ - installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \ - ps-recursive uninstall-recursive +RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive cscopelist-recursive \ + ctags-recursive dvi-recursive html-recursive info-recursive \ + install-data-recursive install-dvi-recursive \ + install-exec-recursive install-html-recursive \ + install-info-recursive install-pdf-recursive \ + install-ps-recursive install-recursive installcheck-recursive \ + installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive ps-recursive \ + tags-recursive uninstall-recursive am__can_run_installinfo = \ case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ n|no|NO) false;; \ @@ -130,13 +180,53 @@ esac RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive -AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS:-recursive=) \ - $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \ +am__recursive_targets = \ + $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) \ + $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) \ + $(am__extra_recursive_targets) +AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(am__recursive_targets:-recursive=) TAGS CTAGS \ distdir +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DIST_SUBDIRS = openpgp . pkits DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) am__relativize = \ @@ -170,6 +260,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -219,6 +310,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -289,6 +382,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -297,6 +391,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -425,9 +520,10 @@ clean-noinstPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(noinst_PROGRAMS) + asschk$(EXEEXT): $(asschk_OBJECTS) $(asschk_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_asschk_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f asschk$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(asschk_OBJECTS) $(asschk_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(asschk_OBJECTS) $(asschk_LDADD) $(LIBS) mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) @@ -438,36 +534,39 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/asschk.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` # This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd -# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile. -# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, -# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status' -# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make'); -# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line. -$(RECURSIVE_TARGETS): - @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \ - for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$f in \ - *=* | --[!k]*);; \ - *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \ - esac; \ - done; \ +# into them and run 'make' without going through this Makefile. +# To change the values of 'make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, +# (1) if the variable is set in 'config.status', edit 'config.status' +# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run 'make'); +# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the 'make' command line. +$(am__recursive_targets): + @fail=; \ + if $(am__make_keepgoing); then \ + failcom='fail=yes'; \ + else \ + failcom='exit 1'; \ + fi; \ dot_seen=no; \ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ - list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + case "$@" in \ + distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + esac; \ + for subdir in $$list; do \ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ dot_seen=yes; \ @@ -482,57 +581,12 @@ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \ fi; test -z "$$fail" -$(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS): - @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \ - for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$f in \ - *=* | --[!k]*);; \ - *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \ - esac; \ - done; \ - dot_seen=no; \ - case "$@" in \ - distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ - *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ - esac; \ - rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \ - if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \ - rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \ - fi; \ - done; \ - rev="$$rev ."; \ - target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ - for subdir in $$rev; do \ - echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ - if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ - local_target="$$target-am"; \ - else \ - local_target="$$target"; \ - fi; \ - ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \ - || eval $$failcom; \ - done && test -z "$$fail" -tags-recursive: - list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ - test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \ - done -ctags-recursive: - list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ - test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \ - done - -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-recursive +TAGS: tags -TAGS: tags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ @@ -548,12 +602,7 @@ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \ fi; \ done; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -565,15 +614,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: ctags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-recursive + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -582,6 +627,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-recursive + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -596,7 +656,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -842,22 +902,21 @@ uninstall-am: -.MAKE: $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) check-am \ - ctags-recursive install-am install-strip tags-recursive +.MAKE: $(am__recursive_targets) check-am install-am install-strip -.PHONY: $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) CTAGS GTAGS \ - all all-am all-local check check-TESTS check-am clean \ - clean-generic clean-local clean-noinstPROGRAMS ctags \ - ctags-recursive distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic \ - distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ - install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - installdirs-am maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ - mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am \ - ps ps-am tags tags-recursive uninstall uninstall-am +.PHONY: $(am__recursive_targets) CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am all-local \ + check check-TESTS check-am clean clean-generic clean-local \ + clean-noinstPROGRAMS cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ + dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ + install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ + install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ + install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \ + install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ + installcheck installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ + tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am all-local: inittests.stamp diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tests/openpgp/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/tests/openpgp/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tests/openpgp/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tests/openpgp/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -33,23 +32,51 @@ # along with this program; if not, see . # Process this file with automake to create Makefile.in VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -69,7 +96,8 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = tests/openpgp -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -99,6 +127,18 @@ CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = SOURCES = DIST_SOURCES = am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -106,8 +146,29 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -115,6 +176,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -164,6 +226,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -234,6 +298,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -242,6 +307,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -383,11 +449,11 @@ $(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh $(am__aclocal_m4_deps): -tags: TAGS -TAGS: +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: +cscope cscopelist: check-TESTS: $(TESTS) @@ -400,7 +466,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -619,15 +685,16 @@ .MAKE: check-am install-am install-strip .PHONY: all all-am all-local check check-TESTS check-am clean \ - clean-generic distclean distclean-generic distclean-local \ - distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ - install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am + clean-generic cscopelist-am ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-generic distclean-local distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf \ + pdf-am ps ps-am tags-am uninstall uninstall-am all-local: prepared.stamp diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tests/pkits/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/tests/pkits/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tests/pkits/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tests/pkits/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -33,23 +32,51 @@ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -69,7 +96,8 @@ build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ subdir = tests/pkits -DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs README ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/allocsa.m4 \ @@ -99,6 +127,18 @@ CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = SOURCES = DIST_SOURCES = am__can_run_installinfo = \ @@ -106,8 +146,29 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac -am__tty_colors = \ -red=; grn=; lgn=; blu=; std= +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +am__tty_colors_dummy = \ + mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \ + am__color_tests=no +am__tty_colors = { \ + $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \ + if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \ + am__color_tests=no; \ + elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \ + am__color_tests=yes; \ + fi; \ + if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \ + red=''; \ + grn=''; \ + lgn=''; \ + blu=''; \ + mgn=''; \ + brg=''; \ + std=''; \ + fi; \ +} DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H = @ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H@ ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ @@ -115,6 +176,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -164,6 +226,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -234,6 +298,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -242,6 +307,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -368,11 +434,11 @@ $(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh $(am__aclocal_m4_deps): -tags: TAGS -TAGS: +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: +cscope cscopelist: check-TESTS: $(TESTS) @@ -385,7 +451,7 @@ if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \ elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \ else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ - if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst; then \ + if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \ all=`expr $$all + 1`; \ case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \ *[\ \ ]$$tst[\ \ ]*) \ @@ -604,15 +670,16 @@ .MAKE: check-am install-am install-strip .PHONY: all all-am all-local check check-TESTS check-am clean \ - clean-generic clean-local distclean distclean-generic distdir \ - dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ - install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \ - install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \ - install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \ - install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ - installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ - maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf \ - pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am + clean-generic clean-local cscopelist-am ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ + install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ + install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags-am uninstall \ + uninstall-am all-local: inittests.stamp diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/ccidmon.c gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/ccidmon.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/ccidmon.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/ccidmon.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static int skip_escape; static int usb_bus, usb_dev; static int sniffusb; - + /* Error counter. */ static int any_error; @@ -142,19 +142,19 @@ /* Convert a little endian stored 4 byte value into an unsigned integer. */ -static unsigned int +static unsigned int convert_le_u32 (const unsigned char *buf) { - return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | (buf[3] << 24); + return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2] << 16) | ((unsigned int)buf[3] << 24); } /* Convert a little endian stored 2 byte value into an unsigned integer. */ -static unsigned int +static unsigned int convert_le_u16 (const unsigned char *buf) { - return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8); + return buf[0] | (buf[1] << 8); } @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ putchar ('\n'); } - + static void print_p2r_header (const char *name, const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen) { @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ { char buf[100]; - snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown PC_to_RDR command 0x%02X", + snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown PC_to_RDR command 0x%02X", msglen? msg[0]:0); print_p2r_header (buf, msg, msglen); if (msglen < 10) @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ msg[9] == 3? " (stopped)":""); print_pr_data (msg, msglen, 10); } - + static void print_r2p_parameters (const unsigned char *msg, size_t msglen) @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ { char buf[100]; - snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown RDR_to_PC command 0x%02X", + snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown RDR_to_PC command 0x%02X", msglen? msg[0]:0); print_r2p_header (buf, msg, msglen); if (msglen < 10) @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ { if (!databuffer.count) return; - + if (verbose) printf ("Address: %s\n", databuffer.address); if (databuffer.is_bi) @@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ p = strtok (NULL, " "); if (!p) return; /* No data length. */ - + datatag = strtok (NULL, " "); if (datatag && *datatag == '=') { @@ -707,10 +707,10 @@ return; p = strtok (NULL, " \t"); if (!p) - return; + return; p = strtok (NULL, " \t"); if (!p) - return; + return; if (hexdigitp (p[0]) && hexdigitp (p[1]) && hexdigitp (p[2]) && hexdigitp (p[3]) @@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ { size_t length; unsigned int value; - + length = databuffer.count; while ((p=strtok (NULL, " \t"))) { @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ } -int +int main (int argc, char **argv) { int last_argc = -1; @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ sniffusb = 1; argc--; argv++; } - } + } if (argc && sniffusb) die ("no arguments expected when using --sniffusb\n"); @@ -855,14 +855,14 @@ if (argc == 1) { const char *s = strchr (argv[0], ':'); - + usb_bus = atoi (argv[0]); if (s) usb_dev = atoi (s+1); if (usb_bus < 1 || usb_bus > 999 || usb_dev < 1 || usb_dev > 999) die ("invalid bus:dev specified"); } - + signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpgconf-comp.c gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpgconf-comp.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpgconf-comp.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpgconf-comp.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -532,6 +532,9 @@ { "ignore-cache-for-signing", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC, "gnupg", "do not use the PIN cache when signing", GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE, GC_BACKEND_GPG_AGENT }, + { "no-allow-external-cache", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, + GC_LEVEL_BASIC, "gnupg", "disallow the use of an external password cache", + GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE, GC_BACKEND_GPG_AGENT }, { "no-allow-mark-trusted", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, "gnupg", "disallow clients to mark keys as \"trusted\"", GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE, GC_BACKEND_GPG_AGENT }, @@ -2249,7 +2252,7 @@ gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s", option->name); } - else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32) + else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32) { errno = 0; (void) strtoul (arg, &arg, 0); @@ -2390,7 +2393,10 @@ res = link (dest_filename, orig_filename); #endif if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT) - return -1; + { + xfree (dest_filename); + return -1; + } if (res < 0) { xfree (orig_filename); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpg-connect-agent.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -499,8 +499,8 @@ percent ARGS percent+ ARGS Escape the args using the percent style. Tabs, formfeeds, - linefeeds and carriage returns are also escaped. - "percent+" also maps spaces to plus characters. + linefeeds, carriage return, and the plus sign are also + escaped. "percent+" also maps spaces to plus characters. errcode ARG Assuming ARG is an integer, return the gpg-error code. @@ -592,12 +592,12 @@ else if ( (s - name) == 7 && !strncmp (name, "percent", 7)) { s++; - result = percent_escape (s, "\t\r\n\f\v"); + result = percent_escape (s, "+\t\r\n\f\v"); } else if ( (s - name) == 8 && !strncmp (name, "percent+", 8)) { s++; - result = percent_escape (s, "\t\r\n\f\v"); + result = percent_escape (s, "+\t\r\n\f\v"); for (p=result; *p; p++) if (*p == ' ') *p = '+'; diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c 2014-08-11 21:43:41.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpgkey2ssh.c 2015-04-18 13:56:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ assert (ret == 1); } + va_end (ap); + blob_new_n = ftell (stream); rewind (stream); diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpgtar-extract.c gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpgtar-extract.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/gpgtar-extract.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/gpgtar-extract.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ if (err) goto leave; n++; - nbytes = (n < hdr->nrecords)? RECORDSIZE : (hdr->size % RECORDSIZE); + if (n < hdr->nrecords || (hdr->size && !(hdr->size % RECORDSIZE))) + nbytes = RECORDSIZE; + else + nbytes = (hdr->size % RECORDSIZE); + nwritten = es_fwrite (record, 1, nbytes, outfp); if (nwritten != nbytes) { diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/Makefile.in gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/Makefile.in --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/Makefile.in 2014-08-12 18:29:33.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/Makefile.in 2015-06-02 12:34:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ -# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.6 from Makefile.am. +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. # @configure_input@ -# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, -# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -53,23 +52,51 @@ VPATH = @srcdir@ -am__make_dryrun = \ - { \ - am__dry=no; \ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ *\\[\ \ ]*) \ - echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM" OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \ - | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \ - *) \ - for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \ - case $$am__flg in \ - *=*|--*) ;; \ - *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \ - esac; \ - done;; \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ esac; \ - test $$am__dry = yes; \ - } + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ @@ -88,8 +115,9 @@ POST_UNINSTALL = : build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ - $(srcdir)/gpg-zip.in $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am +DIST_COMMON = $(top_srcdir)/am/cmacros.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mkinstalldirs \ + $(srcdir)/gpg-zip.in $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@am__append_1 = -DGNUPG_BINDIR="\"$(bindir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBEXECDIR="\"$(libexecdir)\"" \ @HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM_FALSE@ -DGNUPG_LIBDIR="\"$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@\"" \ @@ -246,14 +274,38 @@ $(am__cd) "$$dir" && rm -f $$files; }; \ } SCRIPTS = $(bin_SCRIPTS) $(noinst_SCRIPTS) $(sbin_SCRIPTS) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/depcomp am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles am__mv = mv -f +AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_@AM_V@) +am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_lt_0 = --silent +am__v_lt_1 = COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_@AM_V@) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +am__v_CC_1 = CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_V@) +am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@; +am__v_CCLD_1 = SOURCES = clean-sat.c $(gpg_check_pattern_SOURCES) \ $(gpg_connect_agent_SOURCES) $(gpgconf_SOURCES) \ $(gpgkey2ssh_SOURCES) $(gpgparsemail_SOURCES) gpgsplit.c \ @@ -269,6 +321,23 @@ n|no|NO) false;; \ *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` ETAGS = etags CTAGS = ctags DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) @@ -278,6 +347,7 @@ ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ AR = @AR@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ @@ -327,6 +397,8 @@ GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS@ GPG_ERROR_CONFIG = @GPG_ERROR_CONFIG@ GPG_ERROR_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_LIBS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_CFLAGS@ +GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS = @GPG_ERROR_MT_LIBS@ GREP = @GREP@ HAVE_INTTYPES_H = @HAVE_INTTYPES_H@ HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT = @HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT@ @@ -397,6 +469,7 @@ PTH_LIBS = @PTH_LIBS@ PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX = @PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SED = @SED@ SENDMAIL = @SENDMAIL@ SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ SHELL = @SHELL@ @@ -405,6 +478,7 @@ SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSROOT = @SYSROOT@ SYS_SOCKET_H = @SYS_SOCKET_H@ TAR = @TAR@ UNISTD_H = @UNISTD_H@ @@ -592,10 +666,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -616,7 +691,8 @@ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files @@ -632,10 +708,11 @@ fi; \ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \ - while read p p1; do if test -f $$p; \ - then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + while read p p1; do if test -f $$p \ + ; then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ done | \ - sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' \ + -e 's|.*|.|' \ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \ @@ -656,7 +733,8 @@ @list='$(libexec_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || list=; \ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \ - -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \ + -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' \ + `; \ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)" && rm -f $$files @@ -666,42 +744,54 @@ clean-noinstPROGRAMS: -test -z "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" || rm -f $(noinst_PROGRAMS) + clean-sat$(EXEEXT): $(clean_sat_OBJECTS) $(clean_sat_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_clean_sat_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f clean-sat$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(clean_sat_OBJECTS) $(clean_sat_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(clean_sat_OBJECTS) $(clean_sat_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg-check-pattern$(EXEEXT): $(gpg_check_pattern_OBJECTS) $(gpg_check_pattern_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg_check_pattern_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg-check-pattern$(EXEEXT) - $(gpg_check_pattern_LINK) $(gpg_check_pattern_OBJECTS) $(gpg_check_pattern_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(gpg_check_pattern_LINK) $(gpg_check_pattern_OBJECTS) $(gpg_check_pattern_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpg-connect-agent$(EXEEXT): $(gpg_connect_agent_OBJECTS) $(gpg_connect_agent_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpg_connect_agent_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpg-connect-agent$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpg_connect_agent_OBJECTS) $(gpg_connect_agent_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpg_connect_agent_OBJECTS) $(gpg_connect_agent_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpgconf$(EXEEXT): $(gpgconf_OBJECTS) $(gpgconf_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgconf_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgconf$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpgconf_OBJECTS) $(gpgconf_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpgconf_OBJECTS) $(gpgconf_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpgkey2ssh$(EXEEXT): $(gpgkey2ssh_OBJECTS) $(gpgkey2ssh_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgkey2ssh_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgkey2ssh$(EXEEXT) - $(gpgkey2ssh_LINK) $(gpgkey2ssh_OBJECTS) $(gpgkey2ssh_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(gpgkey2ssh_LINK) $(gpgkey2ssh_OBJECTS) $(gpgkey2ssh_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpgparsemail$(EXEEXT): $(gpgparsemail_OBJECTS) $(gpgparsemail_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgparsemail_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgparsemail$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpgparsemail_OBJECTS) $(gpgparsemail_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpgparsemail_OBJECTS) $(gpgparsemail_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpgsplit$(EXEEXT): $(gpgsplit_OBJECTS) $(gpgsplit_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgsplit_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgsplit$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(gpgsplit_OBJECTS) $(gpgsplit_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(gpgsplit_OBJECTS) $(gpgsplit_LDADD) $(LIBS) + gpgtar$(EXEEXT): $(gpgtar_OBJECTS) $(gpgtar_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_gpgtar_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f gpgtar$(EXEEXT) - $(gpgtar_LINK) $(gpgtar_OBJECTS) $(gpgtar_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(gpgtar_LINK) $(gpgtar_OBJECTS) $(gpgtar_LDADD) $(LIBS) + make-dns-cert$(EXEEXT): $(make_dns_cert_OBJECTS) $(make_dns_cert_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_make_dns_cert_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f make-dns-cert$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(make_dns_cert_OBJECTS) $(make_dns_cert_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(make_dns_cert_OBJECTS) $(make_dns_cert_LDADD) $(LIBS) + mk-tdata$(EXEEXT): $(mk_tdata_OBJECTS) $(mk_tdata_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_mk_tdata_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f mk-tdata$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(mk_tdata_OBJECTS) $(mk_tdata_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(mk_tdata_OBJECTS) $(mk_tdata_LDADD) $(LIBS) + symcryptrun$(EXEEXT): $(symcryptrun_OBJECTS) $(symcryptrun_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_symcryptrun_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f symcryptrun$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(symcryptrun_OBJECTS) $(symcryptrun_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(symcryptrun_OBJECTS) $(symcryptrun_LDADD) $(LIBS) + watchgnupg$(EXEEXT): $(watchgnupg_OBJECTS) $(watchgnupg_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_watchgnupg_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f watchgnupg$(EXEEXT) - $(LINK) $(watchgnupg_OBJECTS) $(watchgnupg_LDADD) $(LIBS) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(watchgnupg_OBJECTS) $(watchgnupg_LDADD) $(LIBS) install-binSCRIPTS: $(bin_SCRIPTS) @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) @list='$(bin_SCRIPTS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \ @@ -800,137 +890,126 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/watchgnupg.Po@am__quote@ .c.o: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $< +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $< .c.obj: -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o: gpg-check-pattern.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o `test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-check-pattern.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpg-check-pattern.c' object='gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o `test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-check-pattern.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpg-check-pattern.c' object='gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o `test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-check-pattern.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.o `test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpg-check-pattern.c gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj: gpg-check-pattern.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj `if test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-check-pattern.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpg-check-pattern.c' object='gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj `if test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-check-pattern.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpg-check-pattern.c' object='gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj `if test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-check-pattern.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpg_check_pattern_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpg_check_pattern-gpg-check-pattern.obj `if test -f 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpg-check-pattern.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpg-check-pattern.c'; fi` gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o: gpgkey2ssh.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o `test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkey2ssh.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkey2ssh.c' object='gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o `test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkey2ssh.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkey2ssh.c' object='gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o `test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkey2ssh.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.o `test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgkey2ssh.c gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj: gpgkey2ssh.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj `if test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkey2ssh.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgkey2ssh.c' object='gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj `if test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkey2ssh.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgkey2ssh.c' object='gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj `if test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkey2ssh.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgkey2ssh_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgkey2ssh-gpgkey2ssh.obj `if test -f 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgkey2ssh.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgkey2ssh.c'; fi` gpgtar-gpgtar.o: gpgtar.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.o `test -f 'gpgtar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.o `test -f 'gpgtar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.o `test -f 'gpgtar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.o `test -f 'gpgtar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar.c gpgtar-gpgtar.obj: gpgtar.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar.c'; fi` gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o: gpgtar-create.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o `test -f 'gpgtar-create.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-create.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar-create.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o `test -f 'gpgtar-create.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-create.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar-create.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o `test -f 'gpgtar-create.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-create.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.o `test -f 'gpgtar-create.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-create.c gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj: gpgtar-create.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-create.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-create.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-create.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar-create.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-create.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-create.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-create.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-create.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar-create.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-create.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-create.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-create.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-create.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-create.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-create.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-create.c'; fi` gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o: gpgtar-extract.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o `test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-extract.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar-extract.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o `test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-extract.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar-extract.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o `test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-extract.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.o `test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-extract.c gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj: gpgtar-extract.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-extract.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-extract.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar-extract.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-extract.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-extract.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar-extract.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-extract.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-extract.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-extract.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-extract.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-extract.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-extract.c'; fi` gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o: gpgtar-list.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o `test -f 'gpgtar-list.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-list.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar-list.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o `test -f 'gpgtar-list.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-list.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar-list.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o `test -f 'gpgtar-list.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-list.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.o `test -f 'gpgtar-list.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`gpgtar-list.c gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj: gpgtar-list.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-list.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-list.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-list.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='gpgtar-list.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-list.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-list.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-list.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-gpgtar-list.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='gpgtar-list.c' object='gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-list.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-list.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-list.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-gpgtar-list.obj `if test -f 'gpgtar-list.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'gpgtar-list.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/gpgtar-list.c'; fi` gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.o `test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`no-libgcrypt.c gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj: no-libgcrypt.c -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Po -@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.Po +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC)source='no-libgcrypt.c' object='gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ -@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(gpgtar_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o gpgtar-no-libgcrypt.obj `if test -f 'no-libgcrypt.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'no-libgcrypt.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/no-libgcrypt.c'; fi` -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ - mkid -fID $$unique -tags: TAGS +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-am +TAGS: tags -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) set x; \ here=`pwd`; \ - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ shift; \ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ @@ -942,15 +1021,11 @@ $$unique; \ fi; \ fi -ctags: CTAGS -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ - $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) - list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ - unique=`for i in $$list; do \ - if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ - done | \ - $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ - END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \ +ctags: ctags-am + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ $$unique @@ -959,6 +1034,21 @@ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscopelist: cscopelist-am + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags @@ -1104,11 +1194,12 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip -.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-binPROGRAMS \ - clean-generic clean-libexecPROGRAMS clean-noinstPROGRAMS ctags \ - distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags \ - distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ - install-am install-binPROGRAMS install-binSCRIPTS install-data \ +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am check check-am clean \ + clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic clean-libexecPROGRAMS \ + clean-noinstPROGRAMS cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-tags distdir dvi \ + dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ + install-binPROGRAMS install-binSCRIPTS install-data \ install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ install-info-am install-libexecPROGRAMS install-man \ @@ -1116,9 +1207,9 @@ install-sbinSCRIPTS install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \ installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic pdf pdf-am \ - ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS \ - uninstall-binSCRIPTS uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS \ - uninstall-sbinSCRIPTS + ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-binPROGRAMS uninstall-binSCRIPTS \ + uninstall-libexecPROGRAMS uninstall-sbinSCRIPTS @HAVE_W32_SYSTEM_TRUE@.rc.o: diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/rfc822parse.c gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/rfc822parse.c --- gnupg2-2.0.26/tools/rfc822parse.c 2014-08-12 17:47:37.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/tools/rfc822parse.c 2015-06-02 08:13:55.000000000 +0000 @@ -808,10 +808,12 @@ s++; /* Move over the colon. */ for (;;) { - if (!*s) + while (!*s) { if (!hdr->next || !hdr->next->cont) - break; + return tok; /* Ready. */ + + /* Next item is a header continuation line. */ hdr = hdr->next; s = hdr->line; } @@ -824,10 +826,11 @@ invalid = 0; for (s++;; s++) { - if (!*s) + while (!*s) { if (!hdr->next || !hdr->next->cont) - break; + goto oparen_out; + /* Next item is a header continuation line. */ hdr = hdr->next; s = hdr->line; } @@ -849,6 +852,7 @@ else if (*s == '\"') in_quote = 1; } + oparen_out: if (!*s) ; /* Actually this is an error, but we don't care about it. */ else @@ -880,6 +884,7 @@ if (*s2 || !hdr->next || !hdr->next->cont) break; + /* Next item is a header continuation line. */ hdr = hdr->next; s = hdr->line; } @@ -931,8 +936,7 @@ s++; } } - - return tok; + /*NOTREACHED*/ failure: { diff -Nru gnupg2-2.0.26/VERSION gnupg2-2.0.28/VERSION --- gnupg2-2.0.26/VERSION 2014-08-12 18:30:23.000000000 +0000 +++ gnupg2-2.0.28/VERSION 2015-06-02 12:35:24.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +1 @@ -2.0.26 +2.0.28